#and you will encounter less individuals of these types
a lot of people overtype the 479 tritype because they have never done psychedelics or been in psychedelic culture where the actual 479s reside. its so obvious how many of yall in typology havent lived and that especially includes doing psychedelics which will open your eyes to so much.
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keypaa · 6 months
Astrology Observations No.4
<3 TW
I use the whole sign system
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Mars-Saturn hard aspects struggle with sexual encounters at first and have a poor relationship with intimicy.They may loose their virginity later than others and that‘s good yk never loose sahahah
Mars in leo/degrees can be known for their drive (that one girl in my class is super intelligent and everyone knows that) Since leo rules fame it makes more than sence✮⋆˙
Moon in cancer (if developed) can talk about that they just cried over an quite little duck running around without being ashamed of pointing out their own vulnerability (ma sweethearts) That is because cancers ruler is moon
Venus in aquarius always have something to do with animes and they live for video games and their friends. Nevertheless you can be their partner but sometimes they put their friends first 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Mercury in taurus thinkkkk before they talk, might talk slow and come of as seriøs
Wait jupiter in 3rd house just get a lot of money from family members $♡
Venus in 11th house post their favorite things online ( your pets, your playlists…) 💋
4th house in aries: your home environment is wild, full of chaos and passion at the same time ✮⋆˙
Saturn-Pluto: The relationship to your father changed or transformed you. Some people with this placement are not in contact with their father anymore or just see him once in a while
Moon-Jupiter individuals get lucky if they show their emotions (others try to emphasize with them or they get help) also depends on other aspects ☼
Trust me libra mercury knows how to charm others or themselfes out of uncomfy situations with their words
Mercury in aries try to help you through telling you the solution to your problem (you might get mad but they just wanna help) lovely cookies of mine
Lilith-Mc no one believes that you are innocent. Oh you are a virgin,they will assume you have stds because apperently they assume that you fucked around the town and bānged your friend friends their exes and boyfriends/girlfirends plus their grandfather-mothers
Uranus-Venus positive =tip try to work if problems in relationships accure
How Uranus-Venus hard aspects behave= They may jump to the next person and think that working on relationships are not worth it if you have serious problems or if they don‘t see growth quickly. But that doesn't mean that they will leave you just that they do not have time for bullshit
Venus in pisces need a lot of time to recover if they get hurt but they will die for you
Sag moon have the opinion that getting distracted is good (especially with friends,loved ones). These folks don't believe in telling you their feelings that much
Specific but scorpio pluto in leo degree are known for their dark deep feelings and pain
Jupiter in libra generation loves money, some more others less ˗ˏˋ✩ˎˊ˗
Please listen Mercury-Asc people in combinition with Venus tense aspect with Mars, you are not ugly people always talked about your appearence and that makes you always think about how you look. Mercury=thoughts,Asc=Appearence. TW! Body dismorphia can be the case, if so I hug you and advice you to get help¡
Why do aries individuals often have some type of allergy it isn't normal anymore hahaha
TW! Most borderliners have intense aspected moons or gemini, leo or aries moons. Gemini moons have a maze of mind and will overthink everything and then turn into an empty minded person in one split second (typical for BPD), leo moons suffer from people pleasing and having a high opinion of themselfes turn into low low self esteem issues, and them aries moons show their emotions impulsifly or act on them impulsifly. I am not a professional but I am here to make you aware, I observed it in soo many charts, you know best if you show signs! It is more than important to get help :)
Neptune-Asc everyone seems to guess your age differently
Let me know if you would like to have a more dark astro observation next time
Luuuuuv muah
03:02 PM
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lightwing-s · 4 months
𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐒 ― ♡ 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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pairing: jason todd x fem! reader
summary: jason todd was the exact type of guy you've been warned about your whole life, one that would stain you forever, lead you in the world of perdition... or that's what he seemed at least. you hated him, he hated you back, and nothing could ever make this hatred disappear. unless it was bite sized, weighted less than ten pounds and was a perfect mixture of you two.
status: ongoing
genre: romance, enemies to lovers, slow burn, unwanted pregnancy, with a bit of smut here and there
rating: 18+ (MDNI). Although most chapters are safe for all ages, many will contain 18+ content. Each chapter will be tagged individually, reader discretion is advised.
word count: 45,7k
warnings: contains themes of family abuse, sex, mentions of abortion, drug use, and others that I will be updating along the way.
links: general masterlist ; playlist
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱
♡ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ; 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 (1,2k)
sometimes you couldn't help yourself from hating everything, sometimes you couldn't help bumping into people, sometimes certain stains were hard to remove
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢 ; 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 (6,6k)
when you least expect, you're hurt somehow. at the hospital with someone you did not expect to ever be with, you night takes an unexpected turn and you're hurt more than you wanted to.
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐢 ; 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 (6,4k) 18+ (MDNI)
a helping hand turns an enemy into a friend for one single night of truce. one single night that ends up redefining their entire relationship, the start of where everything is about to change.
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐢𝐢 ; 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 (7,6k) 18+ (MDNI)
since your last encounter, jason has been living rent free in your head. you didn't want to, you needed more, and more found you in an unexpected way.
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐯 ; 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 (5,6k)
you're pregnant. somehow, your baby daddy has to find out about it.
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯 ; 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 (10,3k)
when everything seems go, at least start, to go right, you're getting to actually enjoy the thoughts of your pregnancy, things take a turn. no, not a turn, a fucking spin, a descent in a downward spiral. basically, you're fucked.
♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢 ; 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 (8k) 18+ (MDNI)
It was a normal night, till he had to look for you. And then, the storm began.
♡ character introductions
♡ instagrams
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hayatheauthor · 7 months
Everything You Need To Know About Writing Stab Wounds 
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Stab wounds are a daily occurrence for a writer. They're a common factor we constantly encounter when writing fight scenes, thrilling action sequences, and moments of intense conflict. However, let's be honest, most authors don't have personal experience with such wounds which can make their descriptions fall short without adequate research.
I'm sure you could find a variety of blogs with advice on how to write stab wounds, but here is my take on everything you need to know about writing stab wounds. 
Types Of Stab Wounds 
Each type of stab wound possesses unique characteristics that can significantly influence your narrative. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for crafting an authentic and engaging portrayal.
Puncture Wounds
Puncture wounds, often inflicted by sharp, pointed objects like knives or ice picks, hold a hidden danger within their seemingly modest appearance. These wounds are narrow, deep, and frequently feature a small entry point. Writers may use puncture wounds to create an element of surprise, as they can be challenging to detect, both for the victim and the reader.
Puncture wounds typically draw less blood externally due to their small entry point. However, they can cause significant internal bleeding if vital organs or major blood vessels are affected. While puncture wounds may seem less severe, their danger lies in the potential for internal damage. They can be life-threatening if a vital structure is compromised.
Puncture wounds can be challenging to identify and treat promptly. Their severity depends on the depth, location, and organs involved.
Incised Wounds
Incised wounds, often caused by slashing or cutting actions, create longer and shallower injuries compared to puncture wounds. Writers use incised wounds when they want to emphasize the emotional intensity of a scene. These wounds tend to bleed more profusely, creating a dramatic visual.
Incised wounds can result in significant external bleeding due to their larger size. The bleeding can be life-threatening if a major artery is severed. While incised wounds are often considered less dangerous than puncture wounds, the extent of damage depends on the depth and location. A deep incised wound can be severe.
Stopping the bleeding from incised wounds can be challenging, especially if a major blood vessel is affected. Immediate medical attention is crucial.
Penetrating Wounds
Penetrating wounds involve an entry and exit point, making them particularly potent in storytelling. The weapon or object not only enters but also exits the body, potentially causing severe damage as it passes through. Writers often use penetrating wounds to add a sense of urgency and criticality to a scene.
Penetrating wounds can cause substantial external bleeding due to the two entry and exit points. Internal damage can also be extensive. Penetrating wounds can vary in severity depending on the organs or structures affected. They are often considered serious due to the potential for significant internal damage.
Treating penetrating wounds can be challenging, especially if the wound involves a complex body area. Surgery is often required to address internal damage.
Sensory Description and Variations
Incorporating sensory details is essential when depicting stab wounds in your writing. Readers engage more deeply with your narrative when they can vividly imagine the sensations and emotions experienced by the characters. To add depth to your descriptions, it's essential to consider the sensory aspects and how they might vary based on the type of stab wound, weapon used, and individual factors.
Puncture Wounds
Puncture wounds often strike with an element of stealth, making them the silent intruders of the injury world. While these wounds may not result in dramatic external bleeding, they carry an inherent sense of surprise and discomfort. Writers can convey this surprise through their characters' experiences.
Puncture wounds can create sensations of initial pressure or discomfort as the weapon breaches the skin and underlying tissues. There's often a delayed realization of the injury. Characters who experience puncture wounds may feel shock, disbelief, or confusion. The absence of immediate, visible bleeding can lead to a sense of unease.
Incised Wounds
Incised wounds, with their propensity for profuse external bleeding, bring a dramatic and painful element to your storytelling. These wounds can evoke intense sensations and emotions.
Incised wounds may produce sharp, burning pain as the weapon slices through skin, muscle, and blood vessels. The character may also feel the warmth of their own blood. Characters with incised wounds often experience immediate pain, fear, and a heightened sense of vulnerability. The visible bleeding can be a source of distress.
Penetrating Wounds
Penetrating wounds, due to their dual entry and exit points, introduce shock and complexity into your narrative. Characters who endure these wounds face a range of sensory experiences.
Penetrating wounds can cause a combination of sharp, entry-point pain and a feeling of hollowness as the weapon passes through. The character might feel blood flow from both ends of the wound. Individuals with penetrating wounds often confront shock, disbelief, and a sense of their injuries being beyond their control. The complexity of treating such wounds adds to the tension.
Anatomy of a Stab Wound
To authentically portray stab wounds in your writing, understanding the anatomy of these injuries is essential. This knowledge helps you describe the injuries accurately, enabling your readers to visualize the impact on your characters. Let's delve into the key components of a stab wound.
Epidermis and Dermis: The outermost layers of the skin are the epidermis and dermis. When a weapon pierces these layers, it often results in bleeding and, depending on the depth and type of wound, visible trauma.
Subcutaneous Tissue: Below the skin lies subcutaneous tissue, which includes fat and connective tissue. Stab wounds that reach this layer may cause more significant bleeding and potentially affect underlying structures.
Muscles: Beneath the subcutaneous tissue, muscles come into play. Stab wounds that penetrate muscles can be painful and may impair the character's movement, depending on the location and severity of the injury.
Blood Vessels: Blood vessels, including arteries and veins, run throughout the body. Stab wounds that damage these vessels can result in severe bleeding, making them life-threatening.
Organs and Vital Structures: Deeper in the body, you'll find organs and vital structures. Stab wounds that reach this level can cause severe internal injuries, often requiring surgical intervention.
Understanding the anatomy of a stab wound allows you to craft more realistic and compelling scenes. 
Medical Assessment and Treatment
In your writing, it's crucial to accurately portray how stab wounds are assessed and treated in a medical context. This not only adds realism to your narrative but also guides your characters' actions and reactions. Here's what you should know about the medical aspects of stab wounds:
Medical professionals follow a systematic approach when assessing stab wounds:
Primary Survey: This initial assessment focuses on vital signs like airway, breathing, and circulation. It helps determine the character's overall condition and whether the wound is life-threatening.
Secondary Survey: In this more detailed examination, medical personnel assess the wound itself, checking for the depth, entry, and exit points, and any potential damage to internal structures.
The treatment of a stab wound depends on various factors, including the wound's type, location, and severity. Common steps include:
Hemorrhage Control: Stopping bleeding is a priority. This might involve applying pressure, using dressings, or even tourniquets in extreme cases.
Wound Cleaning: Thoroughly cleaning the wound is essential to prevent infection. This is often done in a medical setting.
Surgical Intervention: Some stab wounds require surgical exploration to assess and repair internal damage. This could include repairing damaged blood vessels or organs.
Antibiotics: Infections are a concern, especially with deep wounds. Antibiotics might be administered to prevent or treat infections.
Pain Management: Stab wounds can be painful. Pain relief measures, from local anaesthetics to strong pain medications, are considered.
Psychological Support: Characters who have endured a stab wound may experience psychological trauma. Medical professionals might provide initial psychological support, but long-term counselling could be necessary.
Understanding the medical assessment and treatment process allows you to depict your characters' experiences more authentically. It also provides insight into the potential challenges and emotional responses your characters might face.
Psychological Impact
Stab wounds not only inflict physical harm but also leave lasting psychological scars. In your writing, it's essential to delve into the emotional and mental repercussions of such traumatic experiences. Here's what you should consider:
Immediate Responses:
Shock: Characters who sustain a stab wound might initially experience shock, characterized by disorientation, numbness, and a sense of unreality.
Fear and Anxiety: The threat of death or severe injury can trigger intense fear and anxiety. Characters may relive the traumatic event in their minds.
Pain: Physical pain, especially in the immediate aftermath, can be overwhelming and dominate a character's thoughts.
Long-term Effects:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Some characters may develop PTSD, characterized by flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety triggered by reminders of the event.
Depression: The experience of a stab wound can lead to depressive symptoms, including sadness, loss of interest, and changes in sleep and appetite.
Anxiety Disorders: Characters might develop generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or specific phobias related to knives or violence.
Survivor's Guilt: If other characters were injured or killed during the same incident, survivors might experience profound guilt and emotional turmoil.
Change in Personality: A character's personality and behaviours can change after experiencing a traumatic event. They might become more withdrawn, irritable, or hypervigilant.
I hope this blog on Everything You Need To Know About Writing Stab Wounds will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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hot-astrology · 4 months
Souls on Fire
(Soul Ties)
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As we traverse the pages of life, we cross paths with a multitude of souls. Yet, some among them ignite a flame within us, a primal force that beckons us towards them. At a deeper level, our essence recognizes them and whispers that there is more to our story together - a contract to fulfill or unfinished tales to unravel. In this physical realm, it can be hard to remember this due to the barriers that are placed on us. We weren't even given a chance to understand what our soul is, let alone soul ties.
These particular souls we meet bring with them an energy of karma, passion, or pure love. There are numerous types of karmic ties that fall under these titles, but we are focusing on the 3 most prominent ones to further give you an understanding of how you may encounter them throughout our life. There are karmic, twin flames, and soulmates. There’s a saying that you have 3 loves in a lifetime.
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The 1st is usually when you're younger or in a stage of immaturity. This is where you guys may idealize each other, and most time's it may start off as friends or having no title to the relationship. This one teaches you boundaries. This karmic relationship will be very interesting, intense, emotionally draining & passionate. You will crave this person sexually. They will be co-dependent for each other's energy as well presence knowing that they are kryptonite. These relationships can bring alcoholism, abuse in all forms, narcissism, and jealousy. They will have you on an emotional roller-coaster, mind lost, soul gone, and reaching out for help consciously but subconsciously yearning for more pain, not even knowing why. The way you meet can be a fated meet like no other and will seem like you would never meet anyone with their deep sexual energy intense hold on your soul. Yet, at the same time, you would never want to run into someone like that person again. They remind you of all the hurt & lessons, and mind fuck games they had you in, you had to learn these lessons, even through all the difficult, murky, lustful waters of sexuality and deceit. I like to say this one is the karmic relationship. This karmic debt is to help change you, and mold you into a more conscious individual who can know when lust and sexual craves can put you in a bad situation that can destroy you mentally, physicall, as well as soulfully. You may look back at this one later on, like, "What was i thinking & why did i stay so long?" Karmic relationships can happen at any time in your life but are more prone to happen when you're younger, and soul is less evolved. As you get older, these relationships tend to be very sexual and harder to get away from. It seems like each karmic relationship gets more and more intense when your soul is still yearning for the old karmic thrills. You can encounter numerous karmic partners in one lifetime, depending on how many karmic lessons you need for your soul to evolve and ascend to the next journey.
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The 2nd can be very skeptical and alluring at the same time, which brings a sense of familiarity & similarity between the two partners. These two can be so alike that they trigger each other without knowing it. The meeting; one can be more attracted to the other. This brings your class dynamic of the twin flame. The runner & the chaser dynamic is what usually results in this duo, which can look crazy to others while you both are playing tag in your relationship. It can feel like an obsessive connection, and the more you talk to each other, the more your souls intertwine without consent. The more you get to know each other you feel like you don't want to leave, yet something keeps exploding between you two, causing separation. The twin flame is a mirror showing you flaws within yourself. Many times, the karmic energy is confused with this because they hold similar traits. Both can end up obsessive, but you'll realize that with the karmic partner, you'll stay in the same place for years with no progression. With a karmic, you two could make plans together that usually won't come true. With a twin flame, there is a chance for it to last but with great challenge and change. This energy is similar to Uranus with a touch of Neptune & Pluto, giving you shocking changes and turning you into a new person. Even through separation, you still feel a psychic connection with the other. It's hard to let go because, inevitably, you're leaving a piece of yourself behind for the better. They show you your flaws that you didn't know you had. This is probably one of the hardest to break. Even if one does try to break it off, the other is likely to keep coming back and be filled with regret. Usually when they both part ways on agreement or one tends to escape then both take time apart and let their soul mature, heal, process and overstand the lesson. Only then, may they reunite and can be a more prolific couple or just be best friends. People tend to have numerous twinflames throughout their lives, and they can be family, friends, neighbors, etc. Today, we are mostly focusing on sexual companionship.
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Lastly, the 3rd.... I was going to say that this is a partner you find you truly mesh with and have a lot in common with. Which is true but not entirely. This is the one that comes very unexpectedly, and possibly even when you’ve given up on love or when your soul knows you have evolved and deserve more. When you first lay eyes on them, you can feel that they will cause a huge shift in your life for the better. It's the feeling you get when you've known you met the one. You two complement one another, and think of opposition in astrology. Cancer/Capricorn, Aries/Libra, Pisces/Virgo. It's the merging of the divinity inside each person, masculine & feminine. You can lose all standards and traditional mindsets you have been conditioned with and conformed by when it comes to this partner. You suddenly just flow like the water down a creek, and everything else falls into line as it's supposed to. You two may find many similarities yet differences, but nothing is ever perfect. You teach each other for a higher calling and purpose usually this is the time when your soul is ready and has been through so much turmoil and pain or yet you could be a blessed soul that went straight for the goal and gained this emaculate relationship without the the other intense relationships. The soulmate is the one your soul has been yearning for. This is someone you may have known last lifetime or multiple past lifetimes. You feel at home with them because they are from your soul family. People usually only meet 1 soulmate, or they never get a chance to meet them due to so much time and lessons dealing with the lustful and chaotic side of the less fortunate relationships. The world can distance or distract you away from one another, but it's only so long that this pull and connection can be restricted and restrained.
In some cases, we may try to avoid these karmic debts, but it's important to recognize that evolved souls deal with them in a positive approach. In fact, these experiences can be seen as a spiritual mindset for growth and transformation. By facing these challenges head-on, we can develop a stronger sense of resilience and inner strength that can help us navigate future obstacles with greater ease. By taking this information in, we want you to dive deep. Deeper than you have ever gone to your souls core. Listen to its stir of echoes that ripple against your soft internal essence that talks to you from within and guides you through the dark shadow nights and unfamiliar relationships with other entities. They are also here to experience the unexpected and unfamiliar mentally and, also, familiar spiritually. Every experience is not to be great and cherished. Many are to wake you, shake you, and break you into your new souls enlightened path. This creates a new perspective on life, people, relationships, boundaries, accountability, acceptance, desires, self-love, self-worth, and knowing you deserve your soulmate.
If anyone has these type of experiences, and would like to share your experiences, we would love to hear about them in our Ask Box! If you want to know if you're currently dealing with these energies or if you were previously involved with these energies. We are open for readings. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] for a composite, synastry, or natal chart reading!
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 || 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬...
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Fire Divider By graphics-cafe
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httpswritings · 3 months
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I see only the good, selective memory — Alexia Putellas x Jenni Hermoso
Warnings: nsfw. a few spanks. don't read if you don't like open chapter endings.
Word count: more than 1007
Summary: Alexia can't stand it anymore. Top!Alexia, Sub!Jenni.
A/N: Second part of Can't Remember To Forget You
As the days went by, Alexia and Jenni started to be more relaxed in each other's presence. Letting their guard down gave them some intimate moments as they had deep conversations about their careers, their families, and themselves individually, although shower time had been hell for them. Seeing the other one getting out of the bathroom with their wet, messy hair falling down their shoulders made them go mad. Quick looks, appreciating each other's bodies and their shampoo and body lotion's scent filling up the room. 
Eventually, the first one that had showered would quickly get dressed and get out of the room to go anywhere but to stay in the same place as her ex-girlfriend. 
Alexia blamed herself for not being in control of her own feelings and thoughts, while Jenni felt defeated, as she had already accepted how weak Alexia made her feel. A type of weakness that Alexia used to take care of, protecting and loving Jenni so well to make her feel secure in their relationship. 
The two of them had their own time in the shower, remembering their sexual encounters with each other. Both of them tried not to fall into the trap, but eventually failed tremendously. 
One night, Alexia woke up to soft whimpers and sighs coming from Jenni's bed.
She suddenly realized that her roommate was having a very good time dreaming. 
She felt a warmth sensation below her core, and as she was about to get out of the room to distract herself, she heard Jenni whispering her name.
When Alexia got no response and realized Jenni had moaned her name in her sleep, she headed to Jenni's bed.
The pink-haired woman brushed Jenni's hair, noticing how sweaty it was from the sexually explicit dream.
“Ale...Rig— Right there”
After hearing Jenni bumble those words, Alexia lost the little self-control she had left and proceeded to wake her ex-girlfriend, who jolted up, breathing heavily.
“Sh, sh, sh. It was just a dream.”
At first, Jenni was disappointed, but then, as she regained consciousness, she realized she might just have fucked up.
“I'm sorry, I—”
Alexia covered Jenni's mouth and whispered in her ear, “Don't you dare to apologize. You don't know how much I'd missed hearing you moan my name”
The older woman could barely speak, being paralyzed by the embarrassment she was feeling.
“Don't be shy, Jenni. Well, actually, be. It's turning me on. But if you want me to continue, you have to tell me.”
“Switch on the lights.”
Jenni sighed. She wasn't used to this version of Alexia, but she couldn't deny she felt some curiosity about it.
“Has it been that long that you now like to be in control in bed?”
“I've been like this with you before.”
Alexia had taken control in bed before with her, but still, Jenni was eager to see what she could expect from her ex-girlfriend, 
“Let me show you what I've learned.” Jenni couldn't denied Alexia's request, so she simply relaxed on the bed until Alexia began kissing her around both sides of her hips, making her squirm under her. “Be patient, Jenni.” Alexia rolled Jenni over to get her face onto the mattress. She moved Jenni's hair to the side and began kissing her neck to whisper in her ear, “You've been driving me crazy since we got here. Probably even before that.” Jenni may have been letting Alexia be on charge but still refused to be that docile to her, so she answered back, “That's what I wanted. It took you less than I expected to do something about it.” 
“Oh, did you? Well, if this is what you wanted, then you're going to get it.” Jenni gripped the sheets under the pillow while Alexia was entertained by kissing the tattoos on her back, leaving small bites. The darkness of the room didn't let her see them, but she still remembered the exact place where they were marked on Jenni's skin.
“You've always loved to bite, don't you?” 
Alexia agreed. Her hands scratched all over Jenni's back. “If you remember me that well, you should also remember how much I used to scratch my nails on your back as I tried to hold onto you, right?” With that being said, she spanked Jenni's ass, gaining a moan from her. 
That sound always made Alexia lose it all. “You don't know all the things I'd love do to you on this bed right now, but you have to be quiet unless you want to be called out by the staff. It's probably like three in the morning.” Jenni nodded with her left cheek resting on the mattress. 
“Can I take your clothes off?” 
Jenni nodded again, afraid to say anything just in case a moan would interrupt it. 
Alexia got rid of Jenni's pants, exposing her ass, only covered by a black thong. “I don't even need to see your body; I remember perfectly every single part of it.” Another spank. “Ale—Alexia, they are going to hear us...” Jenni felt Alexia's body on top of her ass, leaning until her chest touched her back. “So you want me to stop spanking you?”
“No—Joder, no. But I don't want the staff to hear it.” 
“Yeah, you're right. I'm the only one who's going to hear you tonight. I'm not sharing that privilege. Have you been with other women since we broke up? I want to know if someone has heard what belongs to me.”
“Why would you want to know that?”
“Answer me, Jennifer.”
Another spank.
“Joder— Sí, I've been with other women.”
Alexia couldn't deny that hearing that made her feel uncomfortable, but she still wanted to hear more. It made no sense, but even if it made her feel uneasy, she felt pleasure in knowing Jenni was now under her at her command and not with any other women. She was hers, at least for tonight.
“Be more detailed.”
“I've been with four women since we broke up. Only one of them got to be my girlfriend, but we fell apart. The other three were random hook-ups.”
“In what aspects did they remind you of me?”
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Playbook: How To Thrive And Enjoy Casually Dating
Some tips on how to casually date and navigate casual relationships (friends with benefits, flings, nighttime companions, and less traditional/transitory relationships) from a place of self-respect and the pursuit of pleasure that keeps your confidence high (and without losing your mind). Hope this helps xx
Consider Dating To Be An Addition – Not A Focal Point – To Your (Already Full) Life
Set Your Standards Ahead of Time
Reframe Dating As a Networking Opportunity
Consider Different Suitable Arrangements
Communicate Directly
Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
Embrace Living In The Moment
Allow Yourself To Be Selfish
Manage Your Expectations
Never Forget That You’re Single
Practice Self-Care In All Forms
Check In With Yourself Regularly; Modify Your Approach When Necessary
How To Thrive And Enjoy Casually Dating Guide
Consider Dating To Be An Addition – Not A Focal Point – To Your (Already Full) Life: Casual dating should not be used as a "stepping stone" to finding a committed partner. While friends-with-benefits situations can transform into lifelong partnerships, approaching casual dating with a commitment-oriented mindset is setting you up for unnecessary stress and potential heartbreak. You should enjoy and feel respected by the person you're with, but expecting a commitment from a casual relationship is like expecting an orange to grow from an apple seed. There is an incongruence between your actions and your intentions. The main mistake many people make with casual dating is they use it to fill a void – for self-validation, a partner, spouse, body confidence – you name it. However, the only way you can casually date/embrace casual sex is to learn to love yourself first, know what you want, and feel generally fulfilled as a person. Enjoy the casual dating experience for what it is – an indulgence, not a supplement to having platonic relationships, career aspirations, hobbies, health goals, self-care activities, etc. Use casual dating and similar arrangements to embrace hedonic desires – whether that's a shared meal, drinks, or activities that remain behind closed doors.
Set Your Standards Ahead of Time: Check in with yourself, and dive into the casual dating pool with a game plan. Know what you're looking for, establish your boundaries around the sex part of the relationship, remain firm on your non-negotiables, and always be prepared to walk away if you ever feel disrespected or unsafe with a hookup or a date. Knowing what you're looking for can range from a purely sexual relationship to a friends-with-benefits to a nighttime/weekend companion (sex and dinner/drinks type of vibe) or a more casual and less sex-focused dating experience (meeting new people who you might make out or sleep with on occasion). Sexual boundaries include factors like exclusivity, scheduling concerns, preferences regarding intimate activities or sexting, etc. Anyone who tries to coerce you into a situation that makes you uncomfortable is not worth one more second of your time – let alone the privilege to be intimate with you.
Reframe Dating As A Networking Opportunity: Ultimately, dates are a great way to get to know other people as individuals. They don't need to be the loves of your life, ideal partners, or people you end up having a romantic/intimate relationship with. Consider dating as a networking opportunity – to meet people with all different experiences, interests, social circles, career paths, etc. You never know whether these platonic or potentially professional connections can lead outside of any romantic intentions. If you do sense a spark but do not see partnership-level compatibility with the person, consider your fling or series of encounters as an opportunity to build an informal connection with someone and a pleasurable growth opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you want – in life, sexually, or from a future romantic partner.
Consider Different Suitable Arrangements: Once you've acknowledged and accepted your own desires, boundaries, and expectations, it's time to open your mind to consider the different types of arrangements that would satisfy your needs without compromising your standards. Reflect upon the level of intimacy you need outside of the bedroom to feel fulfilled in a casual relationship, the times of the week or day you want to be available to this person, how much you want to socialize with the person (or not at all or somewhere in between).
Communicate Directly: The best part of a casual relationship, friends with benefits, or fling is the opportunity to truly explore your sexuality without having to worry about the performative aspect of a relationship that influences you to feel overly desire to please – regardless of what you do (or don't) receive in return. Be tactful yet direct with your partner about what you want. This experience is designed purely for pleasure. Don't be shy about your desires. Too often, women don't speak up in fear of not being chosen – but this approach backfires because you're ultimately denying yourself from a fulfilling experience, which only breeds resentment down the line and can spill over into your future flings or more serious relationships.
Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously: Allow yourself to let loose, laugh, and enjoy the hours you get to spend with the other person. Don't worry too much about how you're perceived (especially in the bedroom) and whether you're having a "proper" casual dating experience. Let go of societal/purity culture expectations that expect us to date for commitment or experiment with full-fledged hookup culture (both lifestyles attach women's worth to who they're sleeping with and why, rather than acknowledging your sexuality as simply a part of your being).
Embrace Living In The Moment: Consider the purpose of this experience or relationship in this season of your life. Release the notion that you have to anticipate the next stage of the relationship. Enjoy your encounter(s) for what they are: A moment in time where you can share pleasure and a connection with another person you find attractive in some way. There doesn't need to be an underlying meaning to these situations. Whether you know this person for a few weeks, months, or even one night, allow yourself to live in the moment with no regrets about a fun and consensual bonding experience.
Allow Yourself To Be Selfish: With your time, body, priorities, and self-care practices. Don't make your schedule more flexible for a romantic/sexual partner than you would for an acquaintance at the beginning and no more than a friend once/if you two start to hang out regularly or feel very comfortable with each other. Remember: This experience is purely for fun and serves as an addition to your life. Who you are or aren't dating and sleeping with does not determine your worth in any way.
Manage Your Expectations: Embracing casual relationships is not a way to seek out compatibility for a committed relationship. Expecting someone to move mountains for a casual relationship is honestly a red flag (and shows signs of love bombing). While trust and respect are essential between both parties, the level of emotional intimacy will likely never resemble more than a friendship if you're planning to keep things casual. Consideration and thoughtfulness – not romantic gestures – are the biggest green flags here. When people show you who they are and their intentions, through their actions, believe them. Don't overidealize or place grandiose expectations on a lover purely because they are not a platonic interest.
Never Forget That You’re Single: Hyperfixating on one person can only lead to a situationship or the over-idealization of a future with someone who you're not with in pursuit of a serious relationship. While you can choose to be sexually exclusive with someone (condoms are still a must – as your partner is free to do as they please on their own time), it is important to remain open-minded and take time to meet other people. Casual dating is about fun and self-discovery. Date for commitment or a serious relationship if you're seeking emotional and sexual exclusivity.
Practice Self-Care In All Forms: Prioritizing yourself is always essential, especially if you plan on sharing your body and heart with someone in a no-strings-attached fashion. Make sure to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep schedule. Keep yourself healthy to feel confident, strong, and secure in your body and mind. Stay focused on your career and self-development goals. Dress in a way that makes you feel your best. Establish beauty and self-care routines that make you feel pampered and well taken care of on a daily basis. Make time for your friends, family, and hobbies that you enjoy. Read books, listen to music, take walks, journal, and go to therapy if you can. Intertwine casual relationships into the "pleasure" category of your self-care routine(s). Think of these relationships as indulging in a glass of your favorite wine, a bowl of ice cream, or taking time at night to watch an episode of a reality TV show. It is a fun indulgence that you could live without but make life infinitely more enjoyable and exciting. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions and bonding chemicals that result from an intimate encounter. Embrace those feelings and the joy of having a human experience. Allow these emotions to be self-referential. Enjoy these encounters as an act of self-love, vulnerability, self-reflection, and personal growth.
Check In With Yourself Regularly; Modify Your Approach When Necessary: Give yourself permission to reflect and change your mind regarding your expectations surrounding casual dating or connections. Remember that you always have the freedom to change your mind and adjust your boundaries to suit your level of comfort within yourself or any interpersonal dynamic. Ensure you communicate these standards to any existing your future partners. Remain unapologetic about finding yourself, standing your ground, and going after what you want.
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skogjeger · 11 months
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Beginners Can Work With Deities ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━
‧₊˚.  : · •.  * • ˚   . · * ✶   : · •  *   ˚ ✵
As an individual who tries to actively engage with deities and seeks to maintain an ongoing connection in every feasible manner, one concept that has consistently bothered me is: "Beginners can't work with deities." While I understand the importance of guidance and experience in any spiritual journey, the complexity that comes along with the idea of working with deities and more—I firmly believe that beginners should not be discouraged from exploring and developing relationships with deities if they feel called to do so and or being pushed to do so.
A common problem I frequently observe is the spreading of fear within communities regarding certain deities. People are often told that these deities are intimidating, demanding, "horrifying," and can exhibit possessiveness, jealousy, control, or aggression. They are made to believe that skipping a day of worship or neglecting their craft will lead to negative consequences. This narrative is both harmful and completely untrue. It is filled with misinformation and promotes fear-mongering. Moreover, it wrongly restricts a deity's behaviour and portrays higher beings as something to be afraid of, rather than respecting their power and the impact that they do make. Additionally, it perpetuates the notion that the deity is flawless and incapable of making mistakes, despite numerous stories suggesting otherwise. A lot of this can be the fault of our beliefs being heavily Christianized with the "Lord and Servant" dynamic.
Working with deities is a deeply personal and individual journey. Each person's path is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It is essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to connecting with the deities. By imposing a blanket statement that beginners should not work with deities, we are effectively restricting their spiritual growth and potential. We all started somewhere. We were all beginners.
I understand the concern about someone's journey and the potential involvement of a "trickster spirit." However, it's important to note that these spirits are easily recognizable, and not everyone believes in them. In fact, such encounters are quite rare! If you've been engaging with deities, symbols, or any associations connected to them, the chances of encountering a "trickster spirit" are highly unlikely. So don't believe everything you hear on TikTok or YouTube and follow your intuition. Also, keep in mind that this belief doesn't just restrict itself to deities, but it could even be with guides.
If you've done a lot of research on a deity that you feel drawn towards then go forward working with them, especially if you feel that there is a connection.
It's worth noting that working with deities is not a requirement. There are witches and pagans who choose not to incorporate deities into their practice or much rather, they may be working with something else or nothing at all. It doesn't make them less of a pagan or a witch or whatever they choose to identify as.
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Deity Relationships ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
Practitioners can develop various relationships with deities, such as parent/child, teacher/student, familial, friends, or lovers (although that topic can be discussed separately). The possibilities for a person's connection with a deity are diverse and not limited to a single type of relationship.
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𖤣𖥧˚ A healthy relationship with a deity can look like
Mutual Respect: A healthy deity relationship is built upon a foundation of respect. Both the individual and the deity should honour and acknowledge each other's boundaries, beliefs, and values. Respect entails treating the deity as a revered entity while also recognizing one's own worth and agency as an individual.
Clear Communication: Open and consistent communication is vital in a healthy deity relationship. This can involve prayers, rituals, meditation, or any other form of spiritual practice that allows for a genuine connection. Regularly engaging with the deity helps foster a deeper understanding and strengthens the bond between both parties.
Reciprocity and Offerings: Healthy deity relationships often involve an element of reciprocity. Devotees offer their devotion, time, energy, and resources as acts of love and reverence. These offerings can take various forms, such as prayers, rituals, sacrifices, donations, or acts of service. In return, devotees may receive blessings, guidance, and support from the deity.
Boundaries and Consent: Just as in any relationship, it is crucial to respect boundaries and seek consent. Devotees should be mindful of the deity's boundaries and follow established protocols or traditions. It is also important to remember that a deity has agency and can choose to engage or withdraw from the relationship at any time. Just like the devotee. Consent and boundaries foster a healthy and respectful dynamic.
Flexibility and Adaptability: A healthy deity relationship is adaptable to change and growth. As individuals evolve on their spiritual journey, their understanding, needs, and perspectives may shift. Similarly, deities may reveal different aspects of themselves or guide individuals in new directions. Flexibility and openness to these changes contribute to the health and longevity of the relationship.
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𖤣𖥧˚ An unhealthy relationship with a deity can look like
Codependency: If the practitioner becomes overly dependent on the deity for every aspect of their life, it can indicate an unhealthy dynamic. Relying solely on the deity for decision-making, guidance, and validation without exercising personal agency and autonomy can lead to an imbalanced relationship.
Lack of Boundaries: Boundaries are essential in any relationship, including deity relationships. If the practitioner disregards their own boundaries or if the deity consistently crosses them, it can result in an unhealthy and potentially harmful connection. Boundaries should be respected and honoured by both parties involved.
Coercion or Manipulation: If the practitioner feels compelled or pressured by the deity to engage in actions or rituals against their will or moral compass, it can indicate an unhealthy dynamic. Deities should not manipulate or force practitioners into obedience or compliance.
Fear or Punitive Beliefs: If the practitioner constantly lives in fear of retribution, punishment, or wrath from the deity, it suggests an unhealthy dynamic. Deities should not be perceived as solely punitive figures, but rather as sources of guidance, support, and compassion.
Loss of Critical Thinking: When a deity relationship discourages critical thinking, questioning, or individual discernment, it can lead to a loss of personal agency and autonomy. An unhealthy dynamic may involve blind obedience or a strict adherence to dogma without room for personal growth or exploration.
Please note that the actions described may not necessarily be attributed to a deity. It could involve the practitioner or other factors at play. This example aims to illustrate an unhealthy relationship between a deity and the practitioner, rather than stating that it will definitely occur.
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𖤣𖥧˚ What if a Deity Doesn't Want to Work with You?
If a deity chooses not to work with you, it's important to acknowledge their prerogative. It doesn't mean you are "bad" or "evil." Similar to human relationships, not everyone can be friends, and the same applies to interactions with deities. It's acceptable for deities to decline, just as it is for you to decline to work with them. They won't punish you for your efforts, and they certainly won't punish you for saying no to working with them.
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novasdarling · 1 year
Ok this will probably sound like a weird request, but maybe Mahito as some type of dark fey/fairy that likes to deceive and hurt humans, and he ends up capturing a very naive reader? Sorry if it's too much specific, either way I just love how you write him
It doesn't sound weird at all! I sorta dialled it down(I kept rewriting this ask and idky), so I just kinda leaned in more with forest monster being able to handle this one human(reader) and hating others.
Though I will say your request now makes me wanna write for other characters and him as fairy/elves creatures... Hmmm
Forest Creature
TW: Monster. Kidnapping, Drugging(with a plant), Female Reader.
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The woods could get dark and dangerous when you ventured too far. Predators, unclear paths, the threats you were cautioned about growing up. The warning words of your parents vanished as you embarked further. It would be fine, it always was. You always tended to make your way back home, no matter how far you went. Coming back with a full basket of berries, roots, and herbs. After the first few times, people would question your ability less and less when they saw you emerge from the woods with a full basket. Many assumed you just had an innate skill for foraging and navigating the woods. It was best to let them think that, rather than revealing the truth. That it wasn't you, that you had no real skills in the woods. Rather it was all thanks to Mahito. A strange man-creature who seemed to take pity on you the day when you were lost in the woods all those weeks ago.
Mahito was a tall slender man. Taller than any man you had ever met. Most of the time you found him leaning towards you when you spoke. Bending down so his face was now aligned with yours. He made you feel so small, yet by the looks of him. It appeared you had more weight to yourself than him. So tall yet so slim. One of the features that captured your attention during the first encounter. There was no helping the stares when you first spotted him. He seemed so terrifying, yet at the same time. You couldn't peel your eyes away. You watched him move around the trees. Picking plants and mushrooms. Stuffing his pockets filled with various plants and twigs.
Mahito's clothes were another peculiar part of him. They were none you had seen. Or at least, none that were styled properly. Sometimes his clothes appeared more human-like, but the first time you met him. His clothes looked made out of natural material. Moss detailed his pants and shirt. Climbing into his hair. You were sure if he stood still enough, he would blend in with some of the plants and trees around him.
He seemed so awkward that day, bending under branches. Letting his arms reach further than they should have. It was marvelling and uneasy watching him. Especially when the sun had peaked through the treetops. Shining down on the grass and him. That was when you noticed his skin. It wasn't any colour you had seen on a living being before. Rather it reminded you of the bodies of those who died from the great sickness years ago. You were just a child, but those images were burnt into your mind. The way the bodies lay in the mass grave. Too many dying to hold individual funerals. Their bodies lay cold and pale in the grave. Some in makeshift coffins, others loose in the ground. Some had died so long ago their skin had turned a cold pale grey and began peeling. While others had only been dead a few hours. Still appearing to have some life to them. Mahito looked like a cross between the two. Skin pale with a hint of grey, but still flushed and holding life. It appeared like he was toying with the line between life and death.
That day, he had caught you staring behind a tree. Lurking towards you before you figured out he knew you were there. Fear had coursed through your veins when he stared at you, hastily moving towards you. Your feet wouldn't run, but then what use would that be. He was so fast and his limbs were longer than yours. He would have no problem with retrieving you. However, when he did. He didn't harm you, he didn't curse you. No, he was kind and sweet in such an unnatural way, but it was still welcomed. Since then, you had met him almost every day to gather alongside him. He was your trick for foraging. Your walking, talking being of knowledge.
Today was like the others. Making your way through the dark woods. Trying to get to your usual meeting spot. It was the same location you had met him all that time ago. A nice area with plenty of plants to search through. Following the path, Mahito had shown you, avoiding every raised root or rock. It was a miracle that the first few times you went this way, you hadn't gotten seriously hurt. Though as you made your way through, you couldn't help, but get what you had heard earlier out of your head. Your neighbours had warned you today before you left. Not the usual warning of being careful in the woods. No, this was more. They had warned you about the missing people from other villages who shared the same woods. It would seem there had been a few people who had gone missing in the last few months. News only reaching your home now. You would need to warn Mahito about it. Fearing some bear or wolf had gone hungry and was now hunting anything it could find.
It wasn't long until you arrived, only to already see Mahito already there, sitting on a rock. Gazing at something in his hand. He always had some odd trinkets to show and give you. Some had been hair pins, and bracelets, while others you had never seen before. Beautiful little novelties Mahito would show and tell you about. Though always vague about how he had gotten it. Unclear on how he had come to collect some human items.
"Mahito" You waved as you walked towards him.
Mahito looked up, giving you a toothy smile as he watched you walk toward him. Had his teeth always been so, pointed? Sometimes you felt like no matter how many times you looked at him, there would always be something new.
"You're back?" He had stood up, pocketing what was in his hands and making his way to you. "Good, it's been too long."
Mahito had wrapped his arms around you. Bending himself over you in order to pull you close. Wrapping you completely in his embrace. He had to bend over almost completely in order to embrace. Though, he always did more than needed. Always engulfed you more than what was required for a hug from friends. It oddly felt more intimate than you cared for, but then again. He clearly wasn't fully human, chalking it up to him not knowing better.
"I missed you, my dear." He was pushing his face into your hair. Inhaling your scent.
"Hmmm, yeah? I missed you too." You let out an awkward laugh, trying to push him off of you to no avail. "Can we sit? I need to tell you something?"
Mahito let go reluctantly. Though his hand never left your body as he brought you to a log nearby. Taking a seat, only for him to pull you close down beside him. The way Mahito looked at you always made you anxious in some bizarre way. It was filled with an intensity like he was trying to see every thought you had with just a look. Yet, there was also another side to it. Curiosity, such intrigue with every word you said. With every move you made. It seemed like he wanted nothing more than to watch it all. You wouldn't admit it, but it was nice to be admired. Even if it was from him.
"Mahito, my family and friends are becoming nervous about me entering the woods now." Mahito narrowed his eyes at you, already knowing he wouldn't like where this was going. "You see, umm, there have been some people going missing in neighbouring villages."
You missed the change in Mahito's expression as you rambled on. Trying to explain your and other's concern. How you would need to limit your trips to him, or if there were more reports in the next few weeks. Perhaps you would need to stop completely for a while.
"There is nothing to fear." Mahito sounded so confident. "No one from your village has been hurt or has gone, right?" You nodded. "Then there's no worry. You are safe with me."
Staring at Mahito, knowing there was no arguing with him. He was always set in his ways. Hopefully, he would understand the severity of the reports. Understand that you aren't like him. You are at the mercy of the woods and every being living within it. A reality you never thought he would understand, but he did. He truly grasped your vulnerability, but would never let you know.
Mahito dropped the topic. Instead, leading you through the day's actions, showing you new plants he had found, and telling you their uses. Helping you fill your bag with food and herbs for medication. You marvelled at his ability. Looking at him like he was a god among men. A look he loved and would do anything to gain and keep.
Hours had passed. The sky was beginning to get darker. Indicating you would need to get home before you couldn't see your way anymore. Parting with Mahito was a difficult process. He would drag out the goodbye, insisting there was still more to collect and look for. It was better to start before you actually needed to go.
"Mahito, it's getting dark."
"Oh," Mahito looked at the sky. "You're right."
This was strange. Any other time when you mentioned the sky or the nearing of darkness. He would always insist you were wrong, that there was more. More time or more things to do, yet here he was. Agreeing with you for the first time.
"Before you go. Here."
Mahito opened your palm, placing something in it before closing your hand. Wrapping both of his around yours. Opening your hand, taking a look at what he had given you. It was a plant of some sort. A green stem connected to a small pale blue flower. The shapes of the petals were different. You'd never seen a flower like this before. They appeared pointed at the end before twirling in on themselves. It was extremely beautiful. Before you could ask anything about it, Mahito spoke.
"Eat it."
"Eat it. Eat it."
Mahito lifted your hand with the flower to your mouth for you. There was no real-time or a chance to not do as he wanted. The flower was shoved in your mouth. For a moment you stood like that. His hand wrapped around your wrist. Flower in your mouth, simply sitting on your tongue. Unsure of what to do. Did he really want you to eat it?
"Chew and swallow."
It looked like he really did.
For a moment you just stared. The longer Mahito looked at you, the more you were convinced to follow his orders. You knew it would be best to just do as he says. It was most likely one of his herbs that would help you stay healthy during illness season. He tended to know when an illness would strike before anyone in your village did. Taking in your assumption, you chewed and swallowed the flower.
"Good girl." Mahito brushed his knuckles against your cheek.
You questioned what it was. Wondering if you were right. However, you weren't met with an answer. Not a real one, not one you wanted. Rather, he just gazed at you. Smiling down at you while his touch didn't leave. Finally, words left his lips.
"It's something from where I'm from. Something that makes you belong."
Before you could question him, your head felt heavy. It felt like you weren't able to hold it up anymore. It was quick and sudden. You weren't prepared for it.
"Ma-Mahito, I-I"
"What is it? You don't look so well."
You were so concentrated on staying upright that you missed the look on his face. The way he smiled, it wasn't filled with softness like it usually was with you. No, it was loaded with malice and delight now. Like he was the happiest he had ever been with you. Delighted by your willingness, by the way you trusted him so. How you simply did what he said with little hesitation. It was a breath of fresh air. Humans could be so stubborn and cruel, but you weren't. You were something else, something different. Not like those other humans who had crossed his path. They had been cruel, taking from the earth without caring, without giving back. They deserved what occurred to them. It was a shame his work was posing a threat of keeping you away from him, but not anymore. No, you were his.
As you began to give into the plant, falling into his arms. Shutting your eyes, it was easier than trying to stay awake, than staying upright. Your trust in this strange creature would be your end. It would be how you become the first in your village to go missing. To fall victim to the woods. However, unlike the rest. You would survive. After all, if he thought you were like the rest, you would have been dead long before you saw him that day. He had shown and given you so much. This would your way of saying thank you. Of giving back and he knows you'd agree with it when you wake later. After all, he had taught you the importance of giving. Of making sure you replace what you take. You had taken him, made him love you. Now, he was taking you. His dear little human.
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prof-peach · 5 months
Have you encountered any rabid pokemon also since the virus spreads through fluids are rabbid water types more dangerous or the same?
Yeah its a thing, we see it a bit but its not prevalent where we are, certainly not something we get on the island much, theres shots to prevent that spreading too, all registered pokemon require it by law, it'll be part of the nurses job local to you. All staff here however are required to be immunised against it, myself included, we all have to be wary of it, some send infected individuals in, and so we have to be cautious.
Ironically you'd think water pokemon have it worse than all, but the hydrophobia or more accurately fear of swallowing anything that the virus causes means most water pokemon will avoid the water itself, which is often a great tell, and kind of a blessing in disguises, in water ways it can spread well, but diluted down tends to dissipate and die off quickly, it cant actually survive long in water at all. Theres a chance of course that it is transmitted but the odds are far less than if the pokemon wanders away and starts biting things.
while water types COULD in theory be highly problematic, the process of using water attacks involves the bodies automatic response to swallow after firing off a move, say a water gun. its just a bodily function, much like how a growlithe cannot bark and smell at the same time. Weird autonomy means water types infected will refuse to use water attacks, knowing their response to the attack would be to swallow, causing huge fear and distress. Even pokemon like blastoise who often fire water from their cannons will experience this phenomenon and have to swallow. It's just a weird body tick, and thankfully, it stops the spread of rabies well.
Some pokemon are naturally immune as the virus can only survive in warm-blooded species. Bird and bug pokemon can be infected but the symptoms don’t usually kill the host, and cannot be transmitted.
cases are few and far between thankfully, we as a society have done well to reduce its spread and protect against it!
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buckrecs · 1 year
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec Wrap Up 2
part 1 | masterlist
favorite fics from 2022 series fic recs
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Fatal Attraction by @gayouijaboard
Bucky x Assassin!Reader
Bucky’s quite the flirt, even when you’re in the middle of trying to murder him
2. Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight
Mob!Dad!Bucky x Reader
Soft Mob Bucky Series
3. should’ve been you by @classylo
Bucky x Reader, past Steve x Reader
a Stark gala, a cheating boyfriend, an upset reader, and her boyfriend’s best friend...let’s begin shall we?
4. kisses, cookies and such | candlelight & cuddles by @stevebabey
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
Something had... shifted. Yet somehow, nothing had changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but sometime between then and now, there’s a difference. Well, that much was obvious — a lot of things had changed since Bucky and you became friends.
5. Something More by @tellmealovestory
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
After a bad breakup you ask your best friend to take your virginity. It’s just friends with benefits. What could possibly go wrong?
6. The Contingency Plan by @dilemmaontwolegs
Bucky x WOC!Reader
Bucky had promised he would find you after the war ended but you were planning on keeping your own promises to him, for better or for worse, so you were heading to Italy and to the front lines. Life in the war was fast, it was living moment to moment because you didn’t know how much time you had together. Then Bucky went missing and for a moment you had him back, all thanks to Steve, and despite your pleas Bucky went straight back into the fray of the war never to be seen again. When Bucky got his mind and body back in the 21st century he finds your name on a memorial for women who lost their lives or were missing in action during the war. He never had any idea you were still waiting for him.
7. Something Domestic by @fandoms-writings
Ex-military amputee!Bucky x Reader
Needing an escape from the loud and busy city life, Bucky comes to stay with you on your little farm. He didn’t expect you, a hardworking and beautiful woman with struggles of your own, to take his breath away and make life a little less dreary.
8. we’re fools. by @achillieus
Bucky x Reader College AU
for all bucky barnes knows, he hates clichés. and this thing between you two, happens to be the biggest one.
9. The Bienville by @indyluckycharlie
CEO!Bucky x Reader
Bucky is the young CEO of his family’s publishing house. A year into the role and working his ass off, he’s finally taking a much needed vacation (upon the advice of his well-meaning family and friends).
10. Greatest Hits by @lunarbuck
Bucky x Reader
You work at your family's record store, and Bucky lives next door. He comes into your store and asks you for some music recommendations. You soon realize that he has a lot to learn and make it your personal mission to show him the world he missed out on through music.
11. Obey by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky x Hydra!Reader
An assassin is brought in by Fury because he thinks she has a connection to HYDRA. Bucky recognizes her and knows how to handle the programming installed in her mind (much like his Winter Soldier programming). Things become challenging now that he is her new Commander and has the responsibility to look after and protect her from HYDRA.
12. Playing With Fire by @beccaanne814
Fireman!Bucky x Reader
What happens when two people who have nothing in common suddenly have to pretend to be in a relationship? Will the sparks between them ignite into something more, or is this romance doomed to crash and burn?
13. Strange Times by @/beccaanne814
Bucky x Reader
You have a certain type - smart, charming, and handsome as sin. For years you’ve been in love with the only man you thought possessed all of those traits, but a chance encounter with a Strange individual sends you and a certain ex-assassin on a journey of self-discovery. As you try to find a way back home, will you also be able to uncover the perfect man hidden beneath layers of guilt and self-loathing.
14. Invisible String by @oitommothetease
Mob!Bucky x Reader
James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
15. A Weapon No More by @empyreanwritings
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
You made a promise to retire from the life of being used as a weapon after you escaped the Facility, but what’s one more mission? You wanted revenge on the doctor that created and tortured you for all those years, and S.H.I.E.L.D was giving you the opportunity to do so. Would it be worth breaking that promise?
16. Scars by @tokoyamisstuff
Bucky x Reader
Based on the Soulmate Prompt where whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your Soulmate’s.
17. Stepping Up by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader
When Steve can’t go with you to your cousin’s wedding, he sends Bucky in his place. What happens when more than one person assume you’re dating?
18. Bucky’s Bistro Dates by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
A Bistro owner is witness to Bucky Barnes bad dates.
19. Better by @captainscanadian
Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader
Dr. James Barnes has it all: a loving family, caring best friends, and a successful career as one of the best heart surgeons in New York. He has everything he ever wanted his whole life… well, almost everything. One thing he never thought he could ever have was Y/N Y/L/N. She may have been a lot of things, but he loved her because she made him better.
20. Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan
Writer!Bucky x Artist!Reader
Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate... but she smiles so sweetly and she's endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
21. Save Me by @espinosaurusrexex
Bucky x Reader College AU
Bucky Barnes has never had it easy, which ultimately turned him into a caveman-like introvert with no desire to see the positive side of life. But what happens when the clumsily charming art student, Y/N, stumbles to his rescue, determined to show Bucky how truly wonderful the world is?
22. Summer Plans by @notimetoblog
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Planning a trip with Bucky takes a turn when someone new comes into his life. Will it all change or can you still manage to have the perfect summer you planned?
23. i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
24. Hello and Goodbye, by @sweetascanbee
Bucky x Adopted Wilson!Reader
You are Sam's adopted little sister, and he brings home a mysterious friend.
25. Dreaming of Better Days by @wizardofrozz
40s!Bucky x Reader
Steve always manages to find a fight no matter where he goes and Bucky is always ready to defend his best friend, until one day someone beats him to it. Bucky isn’t prepared to find you standing up for his best friend and he definitely wasn’t prepared to be so swept up by you. But most of all, he didn’t expect you to have such an important place in his future. 
26. Grease Lightning by @language-rxgers
Bucky x Reader
You’re on the hair & makeup team for your school’s production of Grease, and Nat has signed you up to do the makeup for the lead role of Danny Zuko- played by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
27. Snow by @delaber
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
28. How to Make Small Talk in Five Simple Steps | How to Make the Right Decision in Five Simple Steps by @certifiedskywalker
Bucky x Reader
When people meet, they often use small talk as a means to negotiate and define the start of a new relationship. When you and Bucky meet, you both struggle to find the right words.
29. Next to Me by @sgtjbuccky
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
After an attempt on you and your identical twin’s life, your father calls in the Avengers for protection. Bucky soon realizes your father’s goal is solely to keep you sister safe, and decides that the times of doing the bidding of others are long gone, and takes your protection into his own hands.
30. Money, Power, Glory by @sergeantxrogers
Criminal!Bucky x Informant!Reader
James “Bucky” Barnes, New York state’s most infamous organized crime leader since the 1980s. With Bucky weaving through the fingers of local police and the federal government for far too long, they decide to go with plan B: you. Your job? Simple. Relay inside information back to the FBI, slipping through the cracks of Bucky’s fortress of a crime ring as an unknown imposter. The Bureau, however, has no idea you and Bucky are much more acquainted than you let on.
31. Blue by @softlybarnes
Bucky x Reader
James and Y/N take a road tip across the country to help Bucky’s recovery process. A question Y/N asks at the beginning of the trip sets Bucky searching his memories for an answer, one he finds he needs if he can move forward.
32. It’s All Fun and Games by @yikeswtfmate
Bucky x Reader MCU AU
A glimpse into Bucky and Y/N’s relationship, where they’re not together, but every single one of their friends would beg to differ.
33. A love that never leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us.
34. Heart to a Gunfight by @lailannajacobs
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
35. Café Crema by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
The first time was an accident. The second time was coincidence. The third time is just unlucky. The fourth time is getting out of hand and the fifth may or may not be with intent. Otherwise known as The One Where He Spills Her Coffee.
36. If Only You Were Mine… by @bbgem329
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You’ve been in love with Bucky Barnes since the moment you laid eyes on him. That was five years ago, when your older sister brought him home for a Sunday lunch and introduced him as her boyfriend.
37. желание by @sebbytrash
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Steve had drafted Bucky in to help with your training, not knowing you had feelings for him. Feelings? Ok, you were attracted to the man. Insanely so. And he hated you. Or at least that’s what you think, but is there more going on than you realise?
38. Awake My Soul by @foreverindreamlandd
Bucky x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU
It's been five years since zombies first started walking the Earth, destroying anything and everything in their wake. Now, in this apocalyptic world, fighting for survival comes as naturally as breathing. The one thing you've learned ever since they arrived, though, is that the living can be so much more dangerous than the undead. When you stumble across two young, scared boys lost in the woods and being chased by walkers, you go against your better judgment and help them to safety. Little did you know that helping them would lead you to Bucky - an angry, grumpy, distrusting member of the camp Shield. Bucky has zero interest in having you enter his life. He's been hurt before and lost too many people to risk experiencing that kind of pain again, and he knows that there are secrets you aren't telling the group. Yet, when push comes to shove, and you're put at risk, he'll stop at nothing to keep you safe.
39. Fatality by @moonlight-prose
Bucky x Reader
After being dusted for five years he was back, except so were the memories he never had a hold of before. No longer did they sit dormant in his mind, but instead they attacked him day in and day out. Moments in time he didn’t believe were him. Until one returns to him and brings with it a piece of himself he thought he’d lost for good.
40. pretty woman, this is me trying by @captainsimagines
Bucky x Sex Worker!Reader
Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
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enbycrip · 1 year
I’m seeing the “people don’t expect physically disabled people to be less disabled for their comfort so why do they expect mentally ill/neurodivergent people to do so?” memes making the rounds again, and I am here to remind you, as an autistic and ADHD, mentally ill, chronically ill person with multiple physical impairments that this is just not the case.
If you are both and that is your personal experience, I obviously do not expect you to deny that, but please be aware that this is very much *not* universal.
I am a full time mobility aid user and part-time wheelchair user. Both my personal experience and thousands of accounts from the wheelchair user community reflect the fact that most wheelchair users and other mobility aid users *continually* have our boundaries pushed around our use of mobility aids for the ease and comfort of others.
“I know we said step-free access but it’s just a couple of small steps so that counts, right? Our staff can lift you if you *really* can’t manage.”
“Oh we can’t really fit your chair or rollator in the car so you’ll just have to manage without them. You walked that far last week with the rollator so doing a few days around a city with a stick should be fine, right?”
“Your cousin really doesn’t want a stick in her wedding photos so you’ll just have to manage, but there will be lots of seats and it’s not like you have to stand up really.”
“You’re much too young to be using a stick anyway. Wait til you get older and you *really* know what pain is.”
“I know that restaurant is on the second floor and there’s no lift but the rest of the team really like the food there so I’m sure you’ll manage, won’t you?”
“We really don’t like you using that wheelchair - surely it will make you more disabled?”
“I know our accessible toilet is down a flight of stairs but people don’t really need to use a bathroom in a restaurant do they?”
“Oh, we booked this restaurant for x celebration (bonus points if it’s for *your* birthday/graduation etc) because it’s so nice and it just *didn’t* occur to us to check if it was accessible!”
These are just picked off the top of my head as a number of things I have encountered over my years as a mobility aid and wheelchair user.
I picked this out of my various impairments because wheelchair users are so frequently regarded as the sort of “iconic” disabled person, but my boundaries on pain and mobility aid - including wheelchair - use are genuinely pushed at least as much as those of my neurodivergences and mental illnesses. I have been accused of “bad behaviour”, “doing it for attention”, “faking it”, “making a scene” and “not really disabled” multiple times when the issues causing the problem were physical - including when my legs have physically given out on me in public places, causing me to fall.
None of this is peculiar to my experience. I have encountered hundreds of thousands of similar accounts and experiences from other disabled people all over the world.
I will absolutely allow that it sometimes feels easier, more “valid”, to ask for reasonable adjustments/accommodations for physical impairments than for neurodivergence or mental illness, but I would also contend that that is an issue of internalised disableism at least as much as anything else.
I believe at least part of the issue is that the image of disability the majority of the abled population has is that it is an unchanging, monolithic thing. “Can’t see”. “Can’t hear”. “Can’t walk.” “Can’t speak.” Whereas the majority of disability is *considerably* more nuanced than that. This is *very* much the case with neurodivergences and mental illnesses, but it is also very much the case with physical impairments.
Basically - being disabled is often pretty awful. The world is extremely inaccessible. It is often tempting to view other types of disabled people as “having it easier” or “encountering more understanding” etc etc. While this may absolutely be true on an individual level, particularly intersectionally (money, race, gender, queerness etc *absolutely* affect life as a disabled person) on a systemic level, it is equally absolutely *not* the case.
And various institutions *massively* benefit from internal envy and infighting in any marginalised community. Perpetuating the idea that “those people have it waaay easier/are stealing your resources etc etc” lets institutions off the hook. The only way we can practically improve the situation - accessibility, services etc etc - for *all* of us is by solidarity with each other as oppressed, marginalised disabled people.
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majorarenarde · 6 months
🔥 Mars 🔥
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Mars - known for aggression, motivation, conquest, acting on desire, sex, and stamina
One's mars sign can drastically influence the way they carry themselves, are seen, and impact personal relations and diplomacy. Mars is Energy.
❤️‍🔥 Mars aspecting Chiron can lead to wounds being healed through physical activity- such as martial arts. It should also be noted that it may also indicate particularly violent wounds, or wounds involving domineering men.
❤️‍🔥Mars in pisces need to learn to act on instinct. Decisions are made intuitively and felt through. Because pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter- luck tends to be on their side in accidents or conflict. The type to be in a serious car wreck without a scratch.
❤️‍🔥Mars in cancer are very moody individuals. They can be very shy in private, but project confidence in group settings. They claim to be loners, but I usually see them socializing and going with the mood of the crowd they’re in. Super sweet, but more on the guarded side of cancer placements.
❤️‍🔥Virgo mars have ANGER issues. The type to journal their darker feelings graphically. Think of constant bickering and debates as stimulating and engaging. PE teacher vibes.
❤️‍🔥Libra mars are by far the most charming libra placement I’ve encountered. They can really make everyone comfortable and smooth rough edges in their environment. The type to just shrug and go “this too shall pass” at high stress situations. Very loyal and old fashioned lovers. Their energy is directed towards unity.
❤️‍🔥Pisces mars genuinely need to have a hold on their escapist tendencies. I notice we’re either running from something or highly highly spiritual. Mediums fr tho.
❤️‍🔥 Gemini Mars 🤝 Arguing as a way to flirt
❤️‍🔥 Pluto-Mars aspects and their eternal struggle with control and power is real. You know they aren’t in a good place when they keep trying to death-grip everything in their lives.
❤️‍🔥Saturn-Mars and needing to build up tension
❤️‍🔥 Mercury-Mars and the voice *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻
❤️‍🔥 5th house mars 🤝 being addicted to high risk activities.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 1st house can appear to always be injured/ in accidents. Commonly seen for the first time with casts and braces. Athletic. Also prone to arguing about themselves. “I’m not like that at all!” “my leg is fine! Just leave me alone, I can handle myself!” Etc
❤️‍🔥 Capricorn mars is NOTORIOUS for their waiting. I’m not saying they don’t take action (they DEFINITELY do and BOLDLY) but it’s more structured when they do. When they move, they make it so NOTHING can disrupt their foundation. They’re slow and steady FS. Very respectful of lover’s boundaries in my experience.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 2nd house constantly argue about their worth, fortune, and their structure. Sign will color how this plays out. My mom has Aries mars in 2nd house- always arguing with people ab money, her values, eating habits, etc. my father also has mars here- but it’s Virgo, and he will debate about giving away his money, debate values, etc. he tends to be less aggressive than my mother in this house.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 7th literally HAVE to argue with their partners. I don’t know why. They get really upset when their partners don’t argue back. They really like bratty banter.
❤️‍🔥 10th house mars 🤝 arguing with authority figures
❤️‍🔥 Mars-moon hard aspects have a hard time balancing their emotional reactions, and tend to have very impulsive responses to stimuli.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in detriment or fall signs tend to have lower energy levels and aren’t necessarily motivated to act easily.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in water signs and houses can and will be angry if those around them are. Very reflective lol. Also the type to get hype/motivated when in a crowd. Probably loves mosh pits tbh. Hard for them to release that emotion.
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Venus are charming individuals, often making peace during war, but can sometimes take out their angers and frustration on their closer friends and lovers. Could also just find conflict with social relationships.
❤️‍🔥 Mars Opposite Jupiter (cap mars) can be VERY quick. For some reason he wanted to edge himself??? Literally went in and exited immediately.
❤️‍🔥 EVERY Sagittarius Mars i have met was so funny and sooo nerdy. 10/10 my Sag Venus falls SO hard for this mars sign (esp bc its in my 5th house). Most around my age have aspects to pluto, which is very hot omg. In true fire mars fashion,(in an unserious and joking tone) i have been told by this placement, "I don't want to share you," and that they would flip off anyone checking me out.
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
Apologize if you’ve fielded an ask or twenty about this before, but how do you think HL would take it if Vought hired a masseuse to come in to work on him once in a while. Is he touch-starved or touch-averse? or both lol? Is he averse to having to take his top off? Since his muscles probably don’t actually get sore from anything does he pretend they do to get certain types of contact? - 🥰
i do think he's both touch-starved and touch-averse! every so often the idea comes up that there isn't any good reason Homelander isn't regularly drowning in physical affection/sex given how rabid of a fanbase he has, and i think that comes down to several factors:
his brand! it doesn't fit his brand to be sleeping around, especially with fans. i'm willing to bet this was strongly discouraged by Madelyn, along with any other "deviant" behaviors.
his deadly combo of superiority/inferiority complex. from the first episode, Homelander doesn't care about human life. even though he craves the general concept of love and approval on a mass scale, individual lives simply don't matter to him. they're beneath him, and he has a pretty high level of disgust towards people. he doesn't like touching them without his gloves.
i headcanon Homelander to be demisexual. i really don't think he experiences the desire to be touched by specific people unless the person in question has elevated themselves in some way in his mind, or he's formed SOME level of an emotional connection/dependency, even if it's completely one sided/imaginary.
absolutely his body issues are a factor. barely seems to like getting naked with partners, let alone strangers.
when i wrote Eat Your Ego, it didn't matter that he sought her out as an escort. he still entered that encounter hostile until he could find something in his twisted psyche to elevate a human enough to deem them worthy of touching him. the sequence of events in my mind was more or less: step 1, initial physical attraction. step 2, projection. step 3, antagonize/determine worth. step 4, form an abrupt and unhealthy attachment based solely on delusion and wish fulfilment. step 5, profit??? live happily ever after?? still figuring that part out.
i feel like the same would apply to this situation. he definitely WANTS tactile comfort. he likes the idea of someone touching him with the sole intent of bringing him pleasure/helping him relax, even in a non-sexual context. but if he was put in some situation where he was directly told to have a massage for some reason and he did comply, he would be a huge asshole about it until he settled into it. like a cat who wants to be pet but keeps swatting and hissing every time you try because he's so damaged.
once he was settled though? that's HIS masseuse now. daily sessions. he's their only client.
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agent-oo-z · 29 days
Alright gaymers time for more BG3 companion headcanons! This time featuring my beloved Atavia!
Potential spoilers below, you’ve been warned!
Still no Minthara, I failed to rescue her during Atavia’s run
Ultimate nature nerd buddies. Atavia and Halsin love just going full autism mode and discussing the nuances of plant identification/creature behavior/etc for hours on end.
Once Atavia and Halsin become a “thing” they are almost annoyingly in love. Constant pet names, lots of physical contact, getting distracted by each other. Astarion teases them about it relentlessly, not out of jealousy though. He’s not immune to envy but he trusts his partners to be open and honest and does his best to do the same.
Halsin and Astarion are less stereotypically lovey dovey with each other but only because Astarion shows his love by being a menace. He teases and makes jokes and gets all sarcastic. Halsin usually responds with sincerity, not because he doesn’t get it but because he enjoys the challenge of getting Astarion flustered. It doesn’t take long for the pair to develop a sixth sense about what’s going too far.
Turns out having two(eventually three!) people who are willing to dedicate themselves to you heart and soul can be overwhelming, even when you want it more than anything. Astarion develops a “non sexual safe word” for moments when he needs to be left alone/given space. He usually only needs a moment to recenter.
Astarion ends up working with the society of brilliance and the Gur to study vampirism and search for a cure. Some of the spawn in the underdark volunteer to help test theories and potential cures. This involves everything from finding out what types of fabric/materials can be used to prevent sunlight from damaging their skin to studying potential non blood food sources. Astarion mostly works with his partners to search for artifacts like sunwalker rings and magical/alchemical cures.
Astarion is good with kids. Once he has time to rest and begin healing from his two centuries of trauma he finds that children don’t annoy/upset him as much anymore. Yenna lives with Halsin at moonrise and is especially fond of him, the pair often play together when he’s visiting.
Quickest way to his heart is to compliment his cooking. And not just “wow this is good!” compliments. The type that shows you actually noticed things like the unique seasonings or the plating.
Because he doesn’t divulge much about his personal life to his students and fellow professors he accidentally ends up the center of a minor scandal. Astarion makes a surprise appearance on campus during a stormy day to deliver Gale’s lunch(which he left at home) and kisses him in front of his morning class. Atavia had done the same on multiple occasions but was out of town at the time, so the students thought Gale was having an affair. Eventually another professor confronted Gale when Atavia surprised him at work(she had gotten home from her trip early) and Tavi just burst out laughing while Gale desperately tried to explain the situation. The next day Astarion and Tavi deliver his lunch together to put the rumors to bed.
Gale develops a whole host of modified and new spells after becoming a professor. This includes spells that allow for the indefinite storage and preservation of food(including blood), spells that allow individuals with sunlight sensitivity to go outside for up to 4 hours at a time during the day, and enchantments that can be applied to collars and armor that allow animals to speak with people. He also publishes certain spells anonymously, not exactly out of embarrassment but because he’s uncertain how it might impact his career. Basically all of them are modified spells for sexual encounters.
After deciding to break his pact with Mizora, Wyll procures the prosthetic eye Volo has. He continues to use the sending stone eye up until he and Karlach enter the hells after the death of the netherbrain. Given he is no longer working for the cambion he “swaps” eyes and tosses the sending stone eye as far as he can.
He waits to propose to Karlach until about a month after her engine is stabilized. They’d been dating for a while at that point, but he didn’t want her to feel like she had to agree because he had helped with her engine. He also wanted time to prepare a proper elaborate fancy proposal because she deserves it. She says yes before he can even finish asking, he’s not even fully on one knee before she practically throws herself at him in a massive embrace.
When Tavi complements his skills as a ranger at the reunion party he almost explodes with joy. She’s one of the best ranger he’s worked with(the other being THE Minsc) so it truly means a lot.
One of the few people that Tavi isn’t romantically involved with who is allowed to be super physical with her. Tavi isn’t opposed to friendly hugs and the like, but doesn’t do well with extended touch from those she’s not with. Karlach is just such a giant cuddly teddy bear that somehow Tavi doesn’t mind. She doesn’t even fully understand it herself. If Halsin or Astarion weren’t wrapped around her at camp it was Karlach in their place.
Once she’s able to permanently return to the material plane, Karlach becomes a legendary hero in her own right. She often joins her former companions when they go out on grand quests.
Karlach is called “Auntie Karlach” by the various offspring of the Tavi-cule. She’s the favorite of all the companions when it comes to baby sitting(at least for the children.) She loves kids of all ages, but especially enjoys spending time with those between the approximate ages of 7 to 10.
Lae’zel eventually introduces her companions to Xan, the hatchling rescued from the crèche in the ruined monastery. Xan is just as fascinated by the material plane as his adopted mother was, and is delighted to interact with Tavi’s familiars and companion animals.
After the defeat of Vlaakith Lae’zel and Xan move in with Shadowheart. It was originally supposed to be just until Lae’zel could find her own place but turns out Shadowheart and Lae’zel are in fact very much in love still. Xan now has two moms.
Tavi helps Lae’zel learn about the courting practices of the sword coast so she can make her intentions clear to Shadowheart(and not at all because Lae’zel doesn’t want to fight her because the idea of causing her harm is deeply distressing) Lae’zel and Shadowheart do end up romantically sparring eventually, but it’s far less intense than standard Gith fighting.
Before Lae’zel moves in, Shadowheart is a bit of a hermit. She makes time to visit her companions but otherwise spends her days tending to her animals and her gardens in relative solitude.
During her first visit to Waterdeep she joins the Tavi-cule for dinner. She ends up staying over because of how late into the night the conversation goes. The next morning she learns about Gale’s Modified Silence spell when joking that based on how disheveled Tavi looks she’s surprised she didn’t hear them. She asks Gale to make her some scrolls to take home, and encourages him to consider publishing them under a pseudonym.
Shadowheart and Astarion love to gossip. During the absolute adventure they would sneak away and chat in elvish to avoid being heard, and post adventure they keep up a correspondence. When they get together in person they can spend hours talking about the latest gossip while enjoying some good wine and snacks.
When Atavia is pregnant with her first child, Jaheira visits to give her advice and guidance. Most of it consists of “here’s how to not kill a baby” and “here are safe ways to manage your symptoms during and after pregnancy”. She helps Atavia and her partners set up a nursery in Gale’s tower because Tavi is worried about it looking nice while still being safe. She serves as a sort of safety auditor. Jaheira is also the “god mother” of all of the Tavi-cule children. She accepts on the condition she is never called anything like “granny.”
Jaheira often joins Tavi and Astarion(and whoever else is with them) when they go out searching for artifacts. She’s with them when they get their hands on a real sunwalker ring, the first time they find evidence of a cure for vampirism, and when they finally get their hands on the last thing needed for said cure. They start to jokingly call her a good luck charm.
She continues to work with the Harpers on and off. Geraldus is one of the few Harpers she genuinely enjoys working with and the two become good friends over time.
Minsc is eventually able to communicate half decent information about the vampire cures Boo supposedly knows of. It’s one of those cures in particular that the Tavi-cule is able to find evidence of and actually create. And it works! Astarion complains about being indebted to a hamster, but privately thanks Minsc and Boo. Tavi is beside herself with pride for managing to pull it off despite the language barrier.
Minsc will randomly appear on the doorsteps of the various party members with no warning. He usually only stays for a day and rarely spends the night, but he always comes with unbelievable tales of his most recents adventures. He always makes an effort to visit after any of the party members have major life events to offer his support/congratulations/etc.
Atavia keeps a stash of Boo’s favorite treats on her person at all times. You never know when you’ll run into Minsc and she never wants to be caught unprepared.
BONUS: The Creatures
Scratch goes to live with Alfira and Larkissa after the death of the netherbrain. Atavia makes an effort to stop by and say hello whenever she’s visiting the gate.
Owlbear Cub
Once the owlbear cub moves to the grove Atavia makes sure to bring some fancy smoked meats when she and Astarion visit to spend time with Halsin. She loves to curl up and nap with him under the sun.
Taking the form of a cat in the eyes of all but the former adventuring party and their loved ones, Us ends up living at Gale’s tower. Tara and Morena eventually allow it to join their tea parties. It doesn’t drink any tea of course.
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st311ar · 7 months
Protective Redson x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
CW: Creepers (of the human verity)
summary?: Redson is getting car-parts while you stop for food at a grocery store.
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Of course, out of any night, it was Friday Redson was shopping for replacement car parts, and you were stuck grocery shopping late at night without him. You didn’t blame him, of course. The poor guy had a stained windshield that stunk like chicken broth every time it got over 80° outside. Not to mention he had to melt two full car windshields to fit his “blood fire”, as he named his prized car.
but none the less, you couldn’t not help him. Yes he was a bit of a brat here and there, but when he gets all sappy when you two were alone, it makes up for his “asshole-ness”. You can’t blame him though. Sometimes some things just get on your nerves and well…they get on his much harder.
Just as you headed into the drinks section though, you noticed a quite drunk looking individual spot you. Must be from one of the clubs down south… you think to yourself. The person dosen’t seem too drunk, but just enough you can tell they had a bit too much. You grab you Sunny’s fruit punch Gatorade and make your way out of the isle…but then the individual follows you. You think nothing of it at first, since they were drunk and all, they could just be aimlessly wondering, and coincidentally followed you…
just in case, your body sends shivers down your spine, making you jitter a bit as you went to get Redson’s spicy Doritos that he really wanted.
The person proceeded to follow you again.
okay, now was the time to get nervous. You picked out Sunny’s chips, and set them In the basket, pulling out your phone to text him.
“love somebody is following me”
is all you could type before you felt a hand on your shoulder, and the sickening smell of alcohol enter your lungs. You almost gagged at how strong it was.
“Scuse me, but you seem lost~” the following individual spoke In a husky tone. Oh this was not good. Now despite years of being told how to deal with such an encounter like this one, your fear has you frozen, and basically unable to do anything the second they aproached you. “Well, I’m not, thank you…” you managed to say. The drunken individual scoffed, giving a small laugh, “You sure about that sweet-cheeks?”
you internally cringed so hard it would’ve been physical In a normal setting. You figured you could try to walk away, since that was the easiest option here. But as you tried, they grabbed your shoulder again, more forcefully. “Ah-Ah-ah, where do you think you’re going sweetheart~?”
this was it. You had had it with this stupid drunk dude, and you debated punching them, right when the intercom kicked on.
sounds of fighting and arguing we’re heard, before your favorite voice kicked on over the com,
“If somebody could PLEASE get that ugly peasant off of MY girlfriend?” Redson sounded esteemdly annoyed, right as the intercom turned off, and you instantly heard running stomps from the other side of the store.
The person stopped to glare at you, and just as their fist was riled up, “YOU.” Oh sunny was fuming. You could feel the heat of his fire from over here, and that wasn’t a thing that could happen every day.
“Get your hands off of them before I come over there and burn them off for you.” He growled. The individual promptly did as followed, and stumbled over as Redson shoved them aside into the racks. He cupped your face In his hands, checking for injury “oh- Love! Love- did they hurt you?!” Well that was one hell of a mood swing. “no…” you murmured, a bit embarrassed by Sunny’s pampering.
“Come on, love. We can get groceries later…” Redson gave one last death stare to your attacker, and gently linked your arm with his.
Slowly, you both made your way to the parking garage that his truck was In. He helped you In, and shut his door behind him, letting out a dramatic sigh. “I’m so sorry love…i shouldn’t have just left you there when you could be hurt…” Redson looked oddly guilty. But then again, around you, he did soften up a bit.
“Love- no…It’s fine- it happens…” You try to reassure him, but oddly enough, her looks like he’s about to cry.
“Love if my phone wasn’t charged you’d be left alone with that- that creep!” He appeared to be trying his damndest not to cry, but it just wasn’t working, so instead, you wrapped your arms around him.
“it’s okay…love, my phone was charged…i could’ve easily called the police…” this information seemed to let sunny relax a bit, but he didn’t finish crying until about a whole five minutes later. He pulled up with a sniffle, and sighed. “Right…” he murmured. He looked out his stained windsheild, and sighed. “Well…let’s get home…aaaand I can make you some s’mores…how’s about that?” He turned to you with a slightly exited smile.
You smiled back, and turned to him, giving him a small kiss. “That sounds wonderful.”
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