#another AU for the win
starkholme · 3 months
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"Is this really what you want?" her fingers closed around the edge of the table, she couldn't belive what he was saying "Living in the shadows? Hunting, being hunted? Always alone?"
"I don't stop to think about it." His voice was sharp, although Karen recognized the same lie she tells herself everyday right there.
Agent Castle is an alluring enigma to her, yet his eyes can't hide the truth from her.
Frank Castle worked long enough as an especial agent to know how it ends: Maria and Bill were the proof, he couldn't let anyone interfere anymore. The last two missions weren't the easiests ones and every scar left was a reminder of how he'd be better off on his own.
They're gone, and he has to live with it.
Even tough his age was making him "less sane", according to his fellow Agent Madani, he'd never thought of stopping what he does. And even with simple missons through the months follow the arrival of the new Boss, he's feeling it might be the time where he finally learns how to live it with his grief. Until, a letter from former FBI hacker and now one of his best friends, David Lieberman, arrived at his doorstep alerting him that the Organization is back again.
Frank is send into the Ma Gnucci Ring, and soon realizes the Organization he destroyed alongside his best friend Bill was rising from sketch with the presence of every member from big mafias around the world. And one man is the main head of it: Jigsaw.
Although he's willing to go after who's behind the Jigsaw identity, Frank didn't anticipated the existance of Karen Page: a journalist, friends with the double Agent Urich, and knows the secrets behind the Organization more than she appears to know. They have to trust each other to survive, and somehow find they're much more alike than what it seems.
Kastle but make it 007 Spectre AU
PS: In this scenario I envisioned Maria is Vesper Lynd and Karen is Madeleine Swann. Vesper was Craig's Bond's first love in the series and he still griefs her, while Madeleine is his other chance as well she's his last love.
Things I want to mention even though this is already long af:
PS²: I also believe Ben Ulrich would be a double agent in the past and had a friendship with Karen, so here in this Spectre scenario he can take the role "Mr. White" and ask Frank to protect Karen because "she knows too much about the Organization" but definitely knows enough to help Frank figure out things. And imagine if he asks Frank to leave him there so Kingpin can kill him so it doesn't make anything suspicious upon Karen? I'm liking this AU too much for someone who's not writing this
Ps³: Kingpin would be one of the mafia bosses working alongside Jigsaw, he'd have a clash between Agent Castle and Agent Murdock and a much nervous Department Lawyer Foggy Nelson
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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I laughed so much while drawing this 💖 anime overlord high AU
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howaitot · 4 months
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shitty doodles to explain my favorite idea for btd - these three living together in some weird timeline where Ren doesn't let Strade die and also he still meets Lawrence and they kinda keep him
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Tomarry au — arrange marriage but with a twist.
Harry Potter wakes up in the body of a villain. A character in an otome game that his goddaughter liked to play. He, being the only one without any kids of his own — always volunteered to take care of her whenever Ron and Hermione finally got some free time together. Thus, they remained really close for years. Even after she grew up she stayed in contact with Harry. And so he knew all about her new obsession.
It was a game where the main character got to choose from six different male leads. They all had their own storyline and apparently it was really popular. It was a story about how this mc, who is a powerful witch — end up winning the heart of the male lead while winning over the kingdom. Because common blood witches/wizards are rare and mostly scorned upon due to not having pure bloodline. And Rose wouldn't stop talking about how interesting it was.
Harry's goddaughter liked everything about the story except one character.
He was the most popular yet the most controversial character; the mad emperor called Voldemort. And there was a reason why he was so popular yet so damned controversial. And no — it was not because of his penchant to torture or order an execution in the bat if an eye. Nope, apparently hot, evil characters tend to be popular anyway, but it mostly was because how no one was able to win his route. Ever.
Voldemort's, or better known as the mad king's — is a route no one ever won. So many people tried, and even begged asked the game developers to give them a hintof how to win his route but apparently they didn't budge and stayed tight lipped about Voldemort's route. Everyone tend to die on his route no matter the choices, no matter what actions you took and no matter how different it was from the last choice. Your character would. just. keep. dying.
But there was one thing that remained common in all of Voldemort's storylines. And it was the main villain. Voldemort's husband. Even when you aren't playing the main game; Voldemort's husband is always trying to make your life hell. So, everytime you win a routine the husband dies a horrible death. Mostly executed by Voldemort himself.
In Voldemort's own route, however — it was different. And how different Harry never got to ask his goddaughter because now he was fucking dead.
And now, here he is. Stuck. In. The. Body. Of. The. Main. Villain. Of. A. game he doesn't even know the name of, for fuck's sake.
Yes, this is a story about how Harry dies and wakes up in the body of a villain who is set up for an arrange marriage with a king who is apparently so hard to win over that even the most likable persons, the main fucking character even — is not able to win him over. So how would, Harry in the body of Harry Evans (they even share the same damn first name, what the fuck.) would win over the husband who's job is to basically kill him after every happy ending? Harry doesn't know.
Cue to Harry doing everything to not die in the hands of Voldemort while trying to figure out how to befriend the mc so he doesn't die due to natural disaster through karma for looking at fate's darling (mc) the wrong way. Also, cue to Harry derailing the plot so hard that the title of the story changes after he is done.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
Obsessed with how pathetic you make Jim Guangyao look. The hat. I love it.
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Don't let the smile and sweet words fool you, Jim Guangyao has lost everything in the divorce, and continues to lose.
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turrondeluxe · 11 months
How do you feel about winning the competition
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i-smoke-chapstick · 20 days
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literally what reader sees every night before she goes to sleep
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Another DPXDC post for the first time
Yall remember winged danny? Yea me too the good ol days lads
But imagine Danny in Gothem cause hes either on the run from his family or the GIW you decide boys on the run and probably alone.
He gets picked up by the Waynes at some point and eventually he goes to have the “im not normal talk” but they all know. He is a meta or something. They have been waiting for him to be ready to tell them, if ever. They would accept him no matter what.
Except the time comes and he just “I have wings” and like everyone is shocked™️ Danny gets the idea hes about to be rejected and starts to fold in on himself and someone better snap out of it before the kid cries. Alfred is the one to speak first probably.
Just everyone so shocked but I mean it’s more a shock that they missed this instead of that Danny has wings. After that they fully accept him and apologise. Someone says the “we thought you were about to tell us about your powers!” Danny just has his own little moment before shouting “YOU GUYS KNOW I HAVE GHOST POWERS!?!?!!!?”
Anyway they move on and Danny hardly brings the wings up again but he does get seen around with them every once in a while. But eventually they find out hes not taking care of them as he should. It’s probably Duke who sees Danny with his messy wings and offers to help him.
Let Danny get help with self care ok. The Bats would all go nuts learning how to take care of Danny if he ever asks.
Now imagine the reverse of this and they all know he has wings but not that hes the High Ghost King Phantom.
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hisbucky · 9 months
*The following day*
Athena: Let's make a bet. Eddie, instantly on guard: ...Yes? Athena: If you manage to close your case within the week, then I will distract Bobby from texting Buck on your next couple date nights with him. Eddie: Holy shit — Deal! Athena: I'm expecting that file on my desk by Friday, Diaz.
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coldblooded-angel · 27 days
COVID AU where Art and Tashi are forced to quarantine when the city wide lockdowns prevent them from traveling. They find a motel that would let them rent the room for as long as they need to. Thankfully, Lily is with her grandma and they’re both safe.
I want forced proximity. I want Tashi going stir crazy not having anything to do. I want Art still attempting to keep in shape until one day he’s too lazy to workout or get up out of bed. I want Art and Tashi forced to actually talk about anything other than tennis.
COVID AU where Patrick gets trapped in the lockdown. He knows he can’t stay in his car forever so he goes to the nearest motel and uses his emergency credit card to rent a room.
One day, he decides to use the amenities. He knows the motel has a pool and he’s not surprised to see other guests already there. He knows he should stay 6 feet apart. Except he recognizes that blunt short bob and that mop of blonde curls.
Yeah, Patrick Zweig just casually quarantining with the Donaldsons. It’s definitely gonna turn out fine.
(Blame @lovethelittlerthings for implanting this in my brain 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
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Someone jokingly throwing Phantom’s hat into the ring during the next election and now he’s seriously competing against Vlad Masters to be Amity’s mayor
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lollitree · 10 months
tagged by @cyber-phobia
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
No high pressure tags @moonpaw
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cupiidzbow · 2 months
ummmm i like him so muchhhh 😚😚😚😚
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Solo Victory Noah AU, where Noah is in Team Victory, instead of DJ... Noah later ends up becoming the final Team Victory Contestant... Alejandro keeps trying to sabotage Noah, but Noah always outsmarts all the sabotages... Noah ends up in the Final 3, with Alejandro and Heather... Owen is super-duper proud of Noah! 🏆
I've actually been toying with an AU where Noah ends up on Victory instead of CIRRRRH, watches what's happening to his team with thinly veiled annoyance, eventually grows sick and tired of sleeping in Economy (he's not at all concerned for the people he's watched be manipulated and/or his own position in the competition, why do you ask?) and manages to make it to the merge through the power of sheer spite despite being a one-man-team.
It's... not a very fleshed out idea, mind you, and I usually only ponder over it to make myself laugh at different scenarios where Alejandro is desperately trying to get Noah- the surprise one man army that no one saw coming- eliminated, and Noah managing to either outplay him at his own game or twist the circumstances to his favour in a very Looney Tunes-like fashion.
Because Alejandro would see the continued existence of Team Victory as a personal slight, so he'd put an increasing amount of time and effort into getting Noah eliminated if only to prove that he can. And Noah's just smart enough and finally motivated enough (initially by spite, turned vengeance, turned pure amusement) to spin Alejandro's schemes on their head every time. They're literally the Road Runner and Wile. E. Coyote.
It usually ends up with Team Chris or Team Amazon heading to an elimination ceremony, only for it to be a "surprise reward challenge" or something similar.
(Of course, they'd go through a "Alejandro tries to sweet talk Noah into an alliance" stage, like Alejandro does with DJ in canon, but Noah's switched on to Alejandro's true colours since he's literally watched him eliminate the rest of his team. Maybe Noah plays into Heather's offered alliance instead? Again, I haven't really thought too much on this silly AU.
After Chris doesn't allow Noah to join Team CIRRRRH, and Noah himself refuses Alejandro's offered alliance, it turns into Alejandro driving himself crazy trying and failing to eliminate Noah.)
The main draw of the idea, for me at least, is Noah not making it to the final three though. Because (in my mind) Noah doesn't even really want to be back in the competition- he just kind of went along with the crowd for the Celeb Manhunt bus chase, and inadvertently bagged himself a spot on World Tour. He's under no delusions that he'll ever win the million, but floating his way to the merge would at least make up for the embarrassment of being voted out first from the Gophers his short run in Island.
So he makes it to the merge after playing a glorified game of cat-and-mouse (Tom and Jerry Style) with Alejandro. He's got a hypercompetent Archvillain gunning for his elimination, and now that the teams are null and void, alliances are the name of the game. So what does Noah do?
He gets himself eliminated, just to take the satisfaction of doing so away from Alejandro. Probably through a technicality or something too, like Izzy's departure from the competition, to save himself the shame effort of jumping out of the jet.
That's mostly because I really like the idea of Noah reaching the merge, thinking "I've reached the goal I've set for myself. Might as well quit whilst I'm ahead!" and just-
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(Which is ironic, because he's spent the last ~8 challenges actually trying to remain in the competition, and now he's just. Giving up. Drawing a line in the sand. "This is as far as I go.")
It's a shame that the London challenge happens pre-merge, because the idea of Duncan being forced back into the competition and the jet taking off before anyone realises that they're missing Noah- who snuck away into the city and is having a great time using Chris' debit card (of which he memorised during his time as Chris' assistant) to live it up bourgeoisie style in London- is fuelling me.
Realistically though, he'd probably sneak off in China during the eating challenge- because why would he stick around when Owen's gone? It wouldn't be hard for him to throw the eating challenge at the first round and then just. Not sit as the loser's table. Maybe he knows enough Mandarin to get by, and manages to stowaway himself back home to his family and beloved golden lab.
Meanwhile, Alejandro is seething.
Owen is really proud of his little buddy for making the merge, and a little disappointed in Noah for 'giving up', but when Noah expresses that he didn't have anything to stay for after Owen's departure, his disappointment turns to sentimentality.
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caitlynmeow · 2 months
Another aspect where Cassandra’s daughters take after her wife more than her is games.
Wife plays games during her downtime, Cass is usually there just to watch or read or do whatever because she’s not really into gaming but her wife is and it’s nice to be together and do things like this.
Now their daughters, while displaying a more artistic side, have picked up their mom’s hobby and they enjoy playing games immensely. When younger, they had plenty of games on their iPads/tablets, and as they got older they got into consoles and gaming PCs and Wife was literally beaming and getting her children all they needed to cultivate their love for games.
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lesbianbluesey · 12 days
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