#and I can be best friends with candy it’s a win win
cupiidzbow · 2 months
ummmm i like him so muchhhh 😚😚😚😚
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
i love the idea of a werewolf best friend who is totally in love with you and keeps trying to court you but since you're human you're just thinking he's being thoughtful or something
but he busts every night to the thought of you crying into the pillow, his heavy body pressing onto you and pushing you to the mattress, as he fucks his fat cock into you, trying to knot you and knock you up
want so badly to mark you as his that when he even gets a glimpse of your neck/shoulders he salivates and gets hard
werewolf courting is a subtle thing- really it's more about keeping others away from you than winning you over. you don't see all the sharp glares he sends to other people. or the way he snaps at his other friends for mentioning how cute you look.
he's sweet to you. he gives you bites off his plate. and almost always brings you a drink or snack when you hang out together. he'd be leaving kills on your doorstep but apparently it "freaks out the neighbors" and "you don't know what to do with a whole deer carcass" or whatever. humans are so hard to please. those silly little candies you like can't be very filling but he can't shake the urge to feed you. so he does.
He's also very protective. he always walks/ drives you home at the end of the night. he'll be by your side in an instant if you call for him and god help any idiot who tries to fuck with you.
Also, his home is always open to you. if you ever want to come over randomly or borrow something- what's his is yours. you don't realize how territorial he is with everyone else because he's always so generous and giving with you. especially with clothes!! if you want a sweatshirt or a pair of shorts, they're yours. he loves little things like that to make you smell like him.
To any other werewolf, any one of these things would be a clear indication of romantic interest. I mean- the guy lets you eat off his plate! do you have any idea how territorial wolves are with food? No! Of course, you don't you're human. all of it feels normal to you. there might be other things that you take for flirting that he's doing on accident. but really you think of him as a really good friend.
it's hell on your werewolf. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong. he's a perfect mate for you, but you never seem to acknowledge his flirting as something romantic. he hates it when you stretch your head to the side, baring your neck to him, it's like you're begging to be marked. and by "hates" I do mean it gets his mind spinning. it's like you have no idea how hard it is not to bite you sometimes.
He can't help himself. he will keep going until you accept him because he knows that you're the one for him. so he walks you home for the night then goes back to his place, alone, and lays in bed thinking about you.
at first, it's nothing dirty. he's just wondering what the two of you will do when you hang out next, then he's wondering what you're doing right now. did you take a shower? did you go straight to bed? what do you sleep in when you're all alone? what if you sleep in just your underwear- or naked.
he's hard. he always is when he lets himself think about you too much. he can't help it. so he starts touching himself while he lets his mind wander.
it would feel good to bite your neck. it would feel better to bite the soft sensitive skin of your inner thigh. he wants to mark you while he fucks you. he wants to own you inside and out. he knows you'd take his cock well. it's big but you don't mind, right? you'd like a little pain with your pleasure.
he thinks about all the different positions he could put you in. he thinks about you ridding his cock, about flipping you over and pinning your knees to your chest so he can see your face as he ruins you.
he cums all over himself imagining you screaming- begging him to knot you. he can only hope one day his little fantasy will become a reality.
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Zoro is fuckboy material.
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Sanji is boyfriend material.
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Shanks is husband material.
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Mihawk is BDSM Dom Daddy™ material.
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Earlier I refused to elaborate.
Now, I will elaborate no further than the sources below the dotted line.
He'll pull you into a broom closet without any warning at all, turn you around, pull your panties down under your skirt, and have you right there when the mood strikes.
Then he'll catch your eye across the deck half an hour later and give you a little smirk that makes your cheeks flare bright red. You're not sure if you want to either kick him in the shin or go for another round right that moment, if not both.
He's not looking for anything serious because he's just not that good at getting close with anyone or being emotionally available in general.
There's a lot of time between port towns, and you're a good match for each other's physical needs and desires, but not much beyond that.
Even if he is a relentless flirt, he's just such a complete sweetheart. It's difficult not to swoon at those subtle little touches at your waist and hips, at his seductive murmur in your ear.
He respects every last one of your boundaries; if you tell him something he's doing bothers you, he's going to back off from it. No protest, no questions asked. He's still going to make it clear that he thinks you're incredible, but he wants you to be comfortable and happy above all else.
He's still as sweet as candy even once he does win you over. Playful and flirty and constantly planning the most romantic dates. Picnics on the beach, preparing candlelit diners just for the two of you, laying out a pallet of blankets and pillows with a bottle of wine under the stars—doing everything possible to make you feel special.
It's difficult to tell where it will go, but he's sweet and doting and fun, and he puts every ounce of effort into treating you like literal royalty.
You're his lover just as much as you are his best friend. He doesn't hold anything back from you, good or bad, trivial or important. He wouldn't ever consider keeping a secret from you because the thought simply wouldn't even cross his mind—whatever he knows, you know. If anyone else tells him something in confidence, they tell him knowing that he's going to tell you the second he sees you.
His gestures of romance are more subtle and revolved around camaraderie than worship. If you're cooking or cleaning, he wants to be there, both to help lessen the load and to just be there with you. If he sees you washing dishes, he's right there next to you with a towel to dry them and put them away. If you're cooking, he's helping clean up after you. If you're sweeping the floors, he's apt to just take the broom from you, kiss you on the cheek, and tell you to go take a load off and relax.
Absolutely nothing could ever stop him from being with you. There could be an entire armada of Marine warships between you and him, and he would still find his way to you.
Every hope or dream you have ever had in your life is also his now. Literally all of them. It doesn't matter how long ago it was or how unobtainable it seems—if you still want it, he wants to make sure you achieve it. Does't matter what it is. He's never going to tell you it's silly or impossible or unachievable—he's going to exhaust every effort to find a way to make sure you can achieve it.
Hopefully you didn’t have too many plans of your own, because if you've managed to catch his interest, he's going to make sure that you're his, and probably within the next twenty-four hours or less.
He isn’t completely unreasonable. You will have the option to refuse. But he isn’t going to beat around the bush, either. He's going to pull you against him by your hips, comb his fingers through your hair and grasp it to pull you in and ask you outright if you want to belong to him.
He won't pressure you if you say no. That's your choice. He'll just leave you with a deep, passionate kiss that makes your knees weak, a light brush of his thumb across your lips, and he'll let you go.
But if you say yes...then good luck. You're his now, and he's never letting you go.
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aothotties · 3 months
Sneaky link w/ Best Friend!Eren
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Warnings: MDNI, reader is a tease, swearing, unprotected sex, bathtub sex, multiple orgasms, light choking, squirting, cream pie, Eren and the reader say I love you.
Word count: 1874
“Alright lil mama, what do you want to do next?” Eren asks you before stuffing his face with cotton candy.
You look around at all the attractions and rides at the theme park, you two have been here since noon and basically did every damn thing.
“You can try and beat me at basketball again.” He suggests with a smirk on his face.
You roll your eyes and brush him off with a wave, you know better than to embarrass yourself like that. You smile as you stop in front of one of the games.
“Win me a stuffed animal, and I mean one of the big ones. Go on” You step to the side and take the cotton candy from him.
“You know good and well I’m not good at darts.” He says with an attitude, he pushes his sleeves up and ties his hair back.
“Oh you’re so damn dramatic Eren, I would’ve been halfway through by now.” You playfully brag and he shakes his head.
“And that’s your problem, you’re always in a hurry.” He taps your nose and steps up to the table
.You watch as he focuses on the balloons in front of him before he releases one in the direction of the board.
You watch in shock as the dart pierces the balloon with ease, a smirk appears on his face and he throws the second dart.
“That’s two for two princess, better pick out which stuffed animal you want.” You playfully roll your eyes, and look at all of the options while he finishes the game up.
“Congratulations! You’re the first person all day to get all 5 in one go. You can pick from wherever you like.” The man behind the stand says.
“Well baby doll, what do you want?” He wraps an arm around your shoulder,  you point to a small dog and he looks down at you confused.
“What?” You ask, moving from under his arm to stare up at him.
“I managed to knock all five balloons out at once and you want that little ass dog? Sir, we’ll take the big teddy bear at the top. Thank you.” He looks down at you and shakes his head.
“I thought you said I got to pick?” You try to hide your smile by looking down at your phone.
“I thought I could trust you to pick.” He mumbles, he grabs the bear from the man and gives him a smile. 
He takes your hand in his and begins walking towards the parking lot. You rest your head on his arm and he smiles at how cute you are.
“Do you have any plans after I drop you off?” He knows your routine like the back of his hand, but he loves to hear you repeat it.
Get inside, run a bubble bath, pour a glass of wine or smoke (sometimes both), lotion and moisturize then watch Criminal Minds before falling asleep. 
“I feel like you know what I’m going to say.” You look up at him and he nods in agreement. 
You two arrive to his car and he opens your door for you, you chuckle and get comfortable in the passenger seat.
“You’re being overly friendly right now.” You run your fingers through his long brown hair and he leans into your hand.
“Friendly isn’t what I’d call it, but to each their own.” He teases and you roll your eyes at his statement.
“If you want to have the feelings talk, I am all ears.” You challenge him and he seems to lose his voice all of a sudden.
“Exactly, now hurry up and take me home. Those lavender bubbles are calling my name and I don’t want to keep them waiting.” You kiss his lips and he closes your door carefully.
He sighs to himself as he walks around to his side of the door. He knows you’re right, you both know the feelings are there. He’s just second guessing himself.
He pulls himself out of his deep thought and gets into the driver's side, he stuffs the teddy bear into the back seat and you laugh into your hand.
“Poor thing, he’ll be alright. Let’s get you to that bubble bath.” He puts his seatbelt on and begins the drive to your house. 
It took about 45 minutes for you to get home from the fair, you and Eren both had to pee a total of 3 times on the way.
“Alright, no more damn lemonade for a month.” You say as you walk inside the house with him.
“Yeah, luckily for us fairs are only every few months.” He sits on one of the kitchen stools and watches you shuffle around the living room.
“So you can help yourself to the kitchen and make yourself comfortable.” He stands up and walks over to you.
“You act like I’m not here three times a week.” You laugh and nod your head in return.
“I guess you are here all the time. I didn’t even notice.” You step closer to him and play with the end of his shirt.
He watches you closely and waits to see what you do next. You pull him down so your lips are by his ear and he resists the urge to gasp.
“I’m going to go upstairs and take a bath, if you come up there then I’ll take that as a yes. If not, then I know where we stand.” You take a step back before turning around in the direction of your bathroom. 
You make sure to grab a bottle of wine on your way upstairs and Eren feels his throat dry up and his pants get tighter.
“Oh my god” He puts a hand on his rapidly beating heart and lets out a nervous breath. 
Eren isn’t sure how or when, but he does make it upstairs at some point. He bites his lip at the sight of you in front of him.
You’re resting in your tub with your head resting against the back of it. Your breasts are partially covered, that is until you sit up to greet the man in front of you.
“You made it.’ You say sweetly, leaning over the side of the bathtub. Your ass peeks over the water and he immediately begins to undress.
He takes his clothes off in record time and gets into the tub directly behind you. 
“I was a little nervous you weren’t going to come up here” you tell him, you plant kisses on his neck and he leans back. 
“I’ll do anything for you baby. Anything you want.” He groans as you wrap a wet hand around his cock and stroke him slowly. 
“You’ll do anything I want baby?” You watch him fall apart in your hands and sit on his thighs. 
You smirk as his chest rises and falls with each movement of your hand. He nods his head quickly and you hold his chin with your free hand, forcing him to look at you. 
“Tell me you love me Eren” You tell him, replacing your hand with your warm cunt, not even giving him a moment to breathe. 
Eren’s eyes roll to the back of his head at the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing around him. 
“F-fuck, I love you! I love you so fucking much.” He confesses, he pulls you in by the back of your neck and presses his lips against yours. 
You melt into his arms and wrap your own arms around his neck. He rubs his hands up and down your waist and you sigh against his lips. 
His hands rub their way up your back, and make their final destination on your chest. He gently tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth and rubs over your nipples with his thumbs. 
You let out a shaky breath as he wraps his lips around your sensitive nub. As he begins to rub your other breast, he starts thrusting up into you. 
“Eren!” You cry out, immediately grabbing his shoulders as his movements pick up. 
He grins at how quickly things change. Less than five minutes ago he was falling apart in your hands and now you’re crumbling on top of him. 
“Look at my pretty girl.” He says as he pulls away from your chest. 
You moan and bounce faster as you feel that familiar warmth build up in your stomach. 
“Are you getting close baby? Fuck, I love when your pussy gets tight like this!” He holds your hips in his hands tightly and fucks into you rapidly. 
You rest your face in the crook of his neck and let out a cry of pleasure. He pulls you against his chest and plows into you. 
“Oh god, R-Ren I’m coming!” You exclaim while coming all over his cock. 
“Good girl, I’m not finished with you yet though.” He coos, wrapping a hand around your throat as you whine in overstimulation. 
“God damn I should’ve confessed sooner.” He grunts as another orgasm washes over you. 
“Eren!” You cry out, your limp body falling into his arms. 
“Yeah baby that’s it. Feels good, huh?” He teases, the hand that was on your throat sneakily trails down your abdomen and to your soaking clit. 
You bite his shoulder as he rubs slow circles on the nub to bring you to another orgasm. 
“Y-yes, feels so fucking good.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head and drool starts to fall from your lips. 
“That’s it, just like that mama, keep squeezing me just like that.” He bites his lip hard at the sight of your beautiful body on top of his. 
He swears your body is a fucking masterpiece, he’d scream it from the rooftops if he could. Eren adores every part of you, from the hair on your head, down to your pretty feet. You’re perfect in his eyes and that would never change. 
“Shit! I love you Eren, fuck I love you so so much.” You shriek as your final orgasm crashes throughout your entire body. 
Your eyes squeeze and your vision turns white as you gush all over his thighs, your tight cunt convulses around his cock and his hips lose their rhythm.
“R-ren.” You whimper as his thrust turn  into plowing. 
“ ‘m so close princess, fuck I’m gonna fill you up so good.” He pulls you in for a kiss and smashes his lips against yours. 
He grabs your ass and holds on for dear life as he pushes his cum deep inside of you. Rope after rope of hot cum fills you up to the brim as he slows the speed of his hips. 
He pulls back from your lips and leans his head back against the tub to finally catch his breath. 
“Holy shit.” He pants, rubbing a hand up and down your back. 
“You okay baby?” He looks down at you and stifles his laugh at the sight of you drifting in and out of sleep. 
You simply nod your head and wrap your arms around him tighter, letting your actions do the talking. 
“Love you so much Eren.” You whisper in his neck and he pulls you in closer. 
“I love you more”
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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calliopesdiary · 1 month
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synopsis; your little sister captures the hearts of your boyfriends, you may even say she has a little crush on james.
contents; sexual activity mentioned, fem!reader, reader has a cute lil sister, poly!marauders, james has baby fever, you have baby fever, i have baby fever, everyone has baby fever
warnings; none! just a brief mention of sex but nothing bad (;
a/n; i’ve been daydreaming about this fic for so long
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roared a thunderous James Potter who’d spotted your little sister— Vanessa.
Nessie was all over the boys, and they were all over her. she was a first-year hufflepuff and a true sweetheart.
Sirius silently adored how similar you two looked, it was like looking at twins— except one of them happened to be five years older than the other.
He was too afraid and stubborn to admit it, but Nessie gave him a heavy dose of baby fever.
was she a baby? no, not even close. but something about her cheeky smile, the way her robes hung over her like how a child pretending to be an adult’s would, and how her hand (which was considerably smaller than his) slid into yours lovingly at any given time.
maybe it was just that he wanted to see you as a mom, or that he longed for a family that was warm and loving.
“y/n, dear.” Sirius caught your attention quickly, even though you were watching James ramble on to Nessie like it was an oscar award winning film.
“hm—?” you hummed, attempting to pry your eyes away from the sweet scene.
“what do you think i’d-be like?”
“what do i think what would be like?”
“you know, having kids.” he could tell from your flustered expression that to were certainly not expecting that.
“o-oh… w-well…”
luckily the conversation had been interrupted by one Nessie.
Nessie ended her conversation with James, earning a “hey!” when she walked away from him.
“Siri.” she tugged in his sleeve.
“yes, darling?”
she blushed at the pet name, and started twirling her hair.
“um.. will you guys take me to Hogsmeade…?”
“Hogsmeade? Ness, only third years and over can go to Hogsmeade—“
“Professor Mcgonagall said if i went with you then it would be alright!”
She tugged on Sirius’ slightly oversized leather jacket once more, as he stumbles from the unexpected tug.
“whats going on in here— AGH!”
Remus stumbled backwards as Nessie pounced on top of him like some wild animal who was about to feed on him.
“hi— oof— hi Nessie.”
Remus was taken aback by the little first year jumping around in him in a circle chanting;
“i’m going to Hogsmeade!”
“Ness, he gets it.” You groaned from your position on James’ lap.
“Get off!!” Nessie shoved you with all of her pre-puberty force.
“N-Nessie!” you ‘gently’ hit the bedpost as Nessie locked herself onto James.
“What candy is she on? Pixi Stix?”
“Oh, suck my dick, Moony.”
“Oi!” Barked James.”
“whats a dick?”
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HOGSMEADE was beautiful in summer time.
obviously— it wasn’t summer yet, but with April coming to a close and blossoming like a flower, you could basically say it was summertime.
you walked along with Remus and Sirius, as Nessie was hanging around with James as they skipped ahead down the alleys and walkways of Hogsmeade.
you adored James, and how sweet he was to your sister, she was such a sweet kid and deserved the love.
"James?" Nessie stopped skipping for a moment, keeping a steady walking pace instead.
"Do you love my sister?"
"I do."
"so why don't you marry her?" Sirius burst into a quiet laughter, and Remus tucked the hysterical boy into his chest.
"i- marry her? i'd love too, but we're a bit young."
“but Snow White was 14 when she got married.”
“Oh.” James was clearly a bit flustered, his cheeks turned to a shade of pink.
Remus watched his lovers interact with Nessie, and it sparked something deep inside him.
Remus (until now) had ruled out a happy ending for himself.
being a lycanthrope, he never wanted to pass that burden to his child. so he couldn’t— no, wouldn’t have kids.
but somehow, someway, as he watched you with your little sister. he realized how badly he wanted you to be a mom.
for the first time, Remus realized that he could live happily.
“Remus? are you alright?” You tapped his shoulder rapidly, and he snapped out of his trance.
“Y-yes, sorry I got distracted.”
“you don’t have to apologize.” you smiled brightly up to him, the smile he was so in love with.
the smile he wanted his kids to have.
you four dropped Nessie off back at her common room, and Sirius immediately sprung onto you, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Siri?” you asked through soft giggles.
“I can’t wait to have a kid with you.”
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razberrypuck · 1 month
something about kinger being in the circus "the longest" and him still openly caring about the other members and striving to be kind to them makes me emotional actually.
like yes the scene where he comforts ragatha but also the "pomni, take this" scenes. putting a bucket on ragatha's head after jax's licorice-hair comment -- said in front of a monster that eats candy people. winning rock-paper-scissors and being so excited to get to help zooble. remarking "oh, thank GOD you're okay," when zooble gets ejected from the gloink queen. he can be a great source of comfort in his moments of lucidity, but even when he's not quite there, he really does try his best to protect his friends -- even if his efforts come across as goofy or nonsensical.
I find it especially interesting that these moments are really the only times he actively involves himself in the adventures. yes he makes a few comments here and there, but when he isn't trying to help someone, he tends to just let things happen around him. he's largely absent in most of episode one (mostly because he seems to be freaking out about his own safety -- and granted, we don't know whether or not he was just having an especially bad day, but I think it's worth noting) and he doesn't get involved with the adventure at all until he's told to find zooble. he's also shown to be very observant of the people around him, like how he accurately predicted that kaufmo had completely lost it, when no one else picked up on the signs.
more than anything, though, I think kinger's conversation with ragatha shows some of his philosophy when it comes to the other players. "it's a lot for anybody to go through; don't take it too personally," is likely a learned sentiment -- and consciously or not, I think he doesn't have any bad blood with the other members (see: kinger being the only one (from what we've seen so far) that jax doesn't actively torment) because he understands why they act the way they do and doesn't hold it against them. everyone copes differently, and like I said before, he's very observant, especially when it comes to the emotions of others.
and idk. I just think it's nice the longest standing member of the circus didn't survive this long by learning not to care.
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holylulusworld · 19 days
Go to hell
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Title: Go to hell
Written for @buckybarnesbingo (Round 6)
Card: B004
Collaborator(s): Holylulusworld
Square Filled: K4: "Oh, hell no."
Ship/Main Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Ex!Reader
Rating: Mature
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: jealousy, ex! sugar babe trope, mentions of daddy kink (but no one is into it), groping, fluff, hopeful ending
Summary: He let you go.
Word Count: 1,3k+
BBB BuckyBarnesBingo 2024 masterlist
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Written in Bucky’s PoV
She does it on purpose. I just know it.
Why else would she waste her beauty and grace on someone like him?
He’s old enough to be her father, and I’m sure she doesn’t have a daddy kink or daddy issues. I know her well, and she never showed any signs of being into men double her age.
She came here to my party with that man I despise the most. Not weeks ago, she was mine and screamed my name.
I said the wrong things after that night. I saw our relationship in a different light and had to make myself clear.
Now she hangs on that grandfather’s arm like a random arm candy, not the goddess she is. My girl always hated men treating her like a stupid bimbo. She is smart, and charismatic, but hides it well to play the perfect doll for this man.
I unclench my metal fist because, if I don’t, I’ll break that guy’s face. He leans closer to whisper something in her ear and Y/N giggles like a schoolgirl.
That’s not the noise she made when I whispered filthy things in her ear. She whimpered my name, and her knees buckled.
What she does with that man is all for show. She pretends to be with him to get back at me for not fulfilling her wish to make things between us official.
“If you keep in staring at her, you’ll hurt yourself,” Ayo smirks at me before turning her gaze toward the woman I was watching all night instead of enjoying the party. “I wonder how she ended up with him. I thought you and Y/N were going steady.”
“She was fun for a while,” I brush Ayo’s question off. I made my decision and won’t discuss it with people working for me. “Now the fun is over, and she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“Says the man watching her all night,” ever the observant bodyguard she watched me all night only to find her boss staring at my ex-girlfriend…or rather sugar babe. “If that was my woman, I’d go over there and stab that old man’s face for grabbing her ass.”
“Grabbing her ass?” I jerk my head toward Y/N only to find her smiling at the guy. I exhale sharply when she pushes her ass into his crotch to grind into him.
Ayo dips her head to look at me. “It’s not too late, White Wolf.” She says before turning to take her place in the shadows to have my back like she always does. “Why don’t you go over there and show that little man whom your woman belongs to…?”
My shadow is not wrong. I could go over there and show that bastard Y/N belongs with me. But do I want to? If I step on that man’s toes, it means trouble. Even worse, Y/N will believe that I’m jealous of that old man.
“Ayo said you need my help.” I roll my eyes when Steve stands next to me. He tried to talk me into winning Y/N over the last few days. “How can I help you?” Steve smirks at me, like the cocky bastard he is. “Do you want me to bring her here? I can just throw her over my shoulder.”
“Why are you all so obsessed with her? I don’t want her back. She can fuck whoever she wants to. Even that old man’s dick,” I huff, and look away when she rubs herself against the man’s body.
“Do you want her to fuck him? Imagine she rides him, and he gets a heart attack,” Steve tries to be funny, but I can’t laugh. “She’s meant to be yours, not some old bastard’s toy.”
“She chose him,” I shrug. “And she won’t come back to me. I cannot offer what she wants from me.”
“A good dick?” Steve snickers.
“What did Beyoncé say?” God, I hate my best friend when he quotes songs. “Ah, yeah. If you like what you see put a ring on it.”
“You’re not helpful,” I sneer at Steve. “Stop quoting pop stars.”
“Punk. Beyoncé is not a pop star. She’s a goddess…” He grins before downing his drink. “If I had the chance with your girl, I’d put a ring on her finger.”
“You are a slut and love to whore around, Stevie,” I know Steve better than he knows himself. “You’ll never put a ring on a girl’s finger.”
“Maybe not her finger,” he gives me the dirtiest smirk in the history of dirty smirks. “I know better body parts to put rings on. I know that girl wearing a ring on her pussy lips.”
“I didn’t need to know that” I decide to get fresh air. If I stare at Y/N a little longer I’ll change my mind and break that old man’s face.
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“Oh, hell no,” I hiss under my breath. All I wanted was to get fresh air, and now I’m staring at her backside because she had the same thought. She’s sticking her ass out, making her short dress rid up. I can see her panties, and my cock stirs in my pants. Treacherous bastard.
She turns around, and my stupid heart does somersaults when she looks me up and down. Y/N smirks, tongue poking out to wet her too-red lips. I remember she loved to leave my cock stained with her favorite color.
“You’ve got to be shitting me!” She exclaims loudly. “Where is he? What did you do to him?”
“I did nothing to your gramps. Why would I? It’s not as if he touched what’s mine,” I snap at her, and she flinches. I regret my harsh words because she turns around to not look me in the eyes.
“Well, then leave me alone. He’ll be back in a minute. At least he’s not afraid to show anyone that he loves having me around.”
She ignores me then, staring into the distance as I stand behind her to admire her ass for a little longer. “Why him?”
“Why not?” There was venom in her voice, but her shoulders shook for a second. “After you tossed me out, I had to get back up and move on.”
“By selling yourself to that slimy bastard?” I don’t know why, but I grab her arms to press her against my chest. “Tell me love.” I nuzzle her neck. “Does he fuck you as good as I did?”
“He needed someone to pretend he still got it. And I needed someone to take care of me. Love didn’t work out for me so, that’s all I get for the time being,” she answers honestly as I drop my hands to her waist. “A limp dick, and a man believing I’m nothing but a doll he can dress and show off.”
She holds her breath when I kiss her neck. “How about I remind you how good it feels to be taken care of by a man not giving a shit on you.”
“Oh, Steve will finally make a move?” I chuckle at her comeback. “I didn’t know he’s into me but why not? I’m free as a bird.”
“Come to my bedroom, doll,” she sighs at the pet name, but doesn’t give in so easily. “Forget about him.”
“I told you that I can’t do this with you any longer,” her voice trembles as she struggles to not give in to my advances. “Love wasn’t in your plans. You told me so.”
“What if…” I bite my tongue for a second and take a deep breath. Maybe she doesn’t care for the old man and his dick. But soon enough someone will come along to turn her world upside down. “I’ll put a ring on that finger one day?”
“One day?” She sounds surprised but allows me to slip my hand between her quivering thighs. I find her panties soaked, and her pussy in need of my touch.
“How about we talk about our relationship in my bedroom?” I purr in her ear. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
“I can’t leave him all alone.”
“You can,” I nip at her earlobe, “and will, baby doll. If you do, I’ll put a ring on that finger…”
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Hello, could i request a Jealous! Lyney who has yet to confess to reader who receives gifts and letters during valentines day?
Awwwe valentines day!! One of my favourites because it's so lovely! Thank you so much for your request and I hope you enjoy <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Valentines from all but him~༺}
CW: Lyney gets jealous! Confessions and reader is well liked by many!
You stood there in shock as the mailbox spilled its contents onto the ground, absolutely overflowing with candies, love letters and even a rose...which was more like a group of random petals after being crushed by everything else. By the looks of it you had probably received almost thirty confessions...maybe more and you took care picking each one up, even the petals despite the fact you'd most likely wouldn't reciprocate their feelings. The least you could do was be kind about it.
Meanwhile, Lyney stood next to you...doing his best to keep face while you smiled at all the cutesy letters and blushed at all of the gifts you'd received. If only he could have confessed before valentine's day...then you wouldn't have received any letters at all because the two of you would be dating, or at least he hoped you'd be dating. Currently he was just your friend, a friend who was so desperately in love with you that he got jealous from little love notes. "My you've sure got a lot of confessions, are you...interested in anyone in particular?"
You set all the mailboxes contents in your bag carefully and smiled at Lyney, if only he knew you were holding out hope that he might like you they do..."Oh, well I suppose there is one guy I like alot...." You blushed slightly, wondering if maybe it was a bit to forward...or maybe not forward enough?
"Who?" Lyney felt a little sick upon hearing you liked someone, it was like his chances were getting slimmer with every second, at least if he knew he could compare himself and see if he could win you over...maybe he could show you some of his prototype magic tricks he'd never shown anyone else or rearrange the stars, he knew whoever you liked couldn't possibly do that.
"I cant tell you that!" You panicked, you couldn't let him find out you liked him, it could ruin your friendship...and you'd loose one of the most incredible people you'd ever met. "I mean...sorry I'm just not ready to share that yet. I really want to know he likes me back first..."
Lyney bit his lip, this was truly a dilemma...you liked someone and he didn't know who, he had a confession all ready for you, but he didn't want to upset you by being to forward...but he also didn't want to never try, then his eyes meeting yours for a moment and he just...couldn't let someone else have you, "Please, don't hesitate to tell me no...but I...I have a gift for you as well."
"What?" You felt your heart skip a beat, the world was suddenly spinning...you had dreamt of this and yet it didn't feel real, no you should stay calm, what if it was a platonic gift, but then again who gives platonic gifts on valentine's day?! You felt like you could explode...
Lyney reached into his pocket and pulled out paper butterflies that flew all around you... sprinkling heart confetti everywhere until the biggest of them landed in your hands... unfolding to reveal a letter...
To my dearest,
I must admit...I've written this letter at least a hundred times and I've just never had the confidence to give you it till now...I know, hows that possible when you're able to put on shows in front of thousands of people and put yourself in crazy situations that could have dire consequences...
Well none of those things terrify me as much as the idea of loosing you as a friend...but keeping my feelings to myself...I can't do it anymore. Maybe this is selfish of me...maybe you won't want to ever speak to me again..but I'm hoping I can convince you...to feel the same...
In truth, I've loved you for so long that I don't know if I could ever truly not love you now, you're everything I could ever want and so much more. So beautiful...that even now as I write this I'm having to stop myself from getting lost in my thoughts about you...
I could go on forever, but this letter has already gotten rather long so...I'll just say what I've been meaning to..
I love you.
You'd never read anything like it, nothing had ever come close to having so many feelings behind written words and you had to reread it a few times to actually make yourself believe it was really for you...that Lyney had really written it. "Lyney...I don't even...know what to say. I don't think I've ever felt anything close to this before..."
"It's perfectly fine if you don't accept-"
You cut him off with a hug, tears rolling down your cheeks from all the wonderful emotions you just couldn't control..."I do accept! I accept your feelings with all my heart Lyney, archons I love you so much, i-im so happy!"
He didn't know how to respond to such good news...so he just hugged you back, letting what you had just said sink in. This was...everything he had wished! "I love you too"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem! reader Summary: George reads the letters he wrote about you to himself throughout Hogwarts Warnings: mention of have a b0ner, boobs, tears, hinting to masturbation, the use of Y/n is used a few times, I'm sorry
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George bent down on the floor of his bedroom, he looked beneath to bed and pulled out a box that had been left untouched since he and Fred opened up the shop before the war
he sat down and leaned against the side of his bed, opening the box and pulling out the book
he sighed before opening it, turning to the front page, the first day he met you
1 september 1989
Dear diary
it's the first of september, meaning it's the day Me and Fred go to Hogwarts.
Me and Fred couldn't find an empty compartment to sit at, and there was no way we were going to sit with Percy, or Charlie- as his was already full
but we Found one with a boy in our year, Lee. he's cool, he let us sit with us and gave us some candy- which made mine and Fred's nose bleed. I didn't think anybody other than me and Fred would care about jokes and pranks, but i guess I was wrong, cause Lee does too!
the train started moving and we waved to our parents. i think it was about five minutes later when i saw a girl walk past, still holding her bags and stuff, she looked lost
I opened the door and let her inside
she smiled and sat with us, she wasn't that interested in pranks, but she laughed at the stories we told her.
Her name is Y/n, and I have a feeling she's going to stick around for a while.
George smiled and turned to the next page, a year and a bit later.
December 12, 1990
Christmas is coming up soon and our friends are doing a muggle thing Lee told us about- secret santa
not all our friends wanted to do it, but the main ones like Y/n, Angelina, Alicia, then it's me, Fred and Lee, so there's six of us, even
I got Y/n, I still don't know what to get her, there was no money limit or anything like that, but I just don't want to get something too cheap- but that's probably all I can afford
she's a good friend and after the first day of first year, she's stayed by our sides, no one else let her in to sit with on the train but we did, so she stayed
I'm glad she did, she's funny. and as much as she says she hates doing it- she helps me and Fred with pranks a lot, mostly because she's smarter than us
I wonder if she got me for secret santa, the odds of that would be really low, but it's not impossible, i would accept anything she would give me with a smile
George had gotten you some candy from Honeydukes- and you, infact did not get him, instead you had Fred, to which you gave him a bunch of products from Zonko's
George flipped to the next page as he heard noise coming from outside, dinner was probably coming soon and George would have to hurry before he was caught reading these
November 28, 1991
My third year at Hogwarts started a few months ago, the Famous Harry Potter started his first year
my younger brother Ron is his Friend, along with a strange girl, Hermione?
her and Y/n gets along pretty well, i think they go to the library together
speaking of Y/n, we've gotten closer, she would have to be my best friend- other than Fred. Lee is up there but he's been spending quite a bit of time with Alicia, I think there's something going on there, but i don't really know
Y/n decided to try out for the Quidditch team, due to mine and Fred's encouragement, she's really good, she should've been on the team last year, she's a chaser, and she's brilliant!
she's got the latest broom and it goes wicked fast, sometimes in training, we'll just race each other, she always wins though, mostly because I let her but who cares, it's worth it when i see the big smile on her face when she rubs it in
Fred started to tease me about it, saying i'm being soft.
I'm just being nice
October 13, 1992
fourth year started last month, school is getting a bit harder.
Fred Invited Y/n over in the holidays, she stayed at our house for about a week, I was a bit nervous that she would be overwhelmed by our family but she fit in great, Mum loved her and said she should come over for breaks from now on.
so she'll be coming over for christmas this december.
she stayed in Ginny's room, although she snuck into our room to mess around with jokes before she'd actually go to bed, I think mum knew that we did that because she glared at us when we would come down for breakfast the next mornings, she wouldn't say anything, just put her hands on her hips when we yawned
she's really cool, she's really pretty too, i don't think i've ever noticed it before, but she is, and Fred doesn't mind telling her that.
I think he fancies her because they always giggle to themselves
I don't know why but I would always get this pit in my stomach every time I saw them alone together.
He talks about her to me before going to sleep in our dorms, it's starting to piss me off, it was getting annoying because I just want to go to sleep and he'd start talking about something funny she said to him that day and he'd just laugh
i cover my eyes with my pillow every time to try and block him out, though it never really works
George laughed at that entry, looking back on it now, he should've known what the feeling meant
September 5, 1993
we got back from Holidays a few days ago, Y/n couldn't come over because she went over to Italy with her family
she had gotten boobs and the tight low cut shirt she wore to the train station really left little to the imagination, I know I sound weird and like a pervert, I shouldn't think this way about my best friend
but I can barely make eye contact with her anymore without my eyes lowering to her chest.
she's stunning and everything about her makes my heart flutter now.
she also had a slight tan and her hair was longer, she's always playing with it and I can't help the way my mind begins to wonder when i stare at her
she's making my body feel different, the way she bites her lip when concentrating, the way her eyes flutter when she looks up at me to talk
she's using lip gloss too, one that makes her lips look really kissable
I hate to admit it but i sat next to her in class yesterday and my dick decided it was a good time to get a boner, as painful as it was, all i could do was push it down.
she had noticed my uncomfortable state and in her sweet, innocent voice she asked if i was alright
"you ok there, Georgie?" she giggled
I could only nod my head.
and as horrible as it was, later that night, when laying in my bed, I couldn't help but ease the pain to the thought of her.
September 20, 1993
I fancy her, I've completely and utterly fallen in love with her,
it sounds like its just because her body has changed but it's so much more than that
she is kind and funny and sarcastic. and beautiful, like HOT.
too bad she has a boyfriend now, he doesn't deserve her and he wouldn't treat her half as good as I would if I were hers
Fred found out, turns out he never fancied her, but he just cares for her, as friends.
Fred thinks I should tell her, but I can't and I never will
Update- she broke up with him!
George laughed at the update at the end, which was 2 months later and flipped to the next page
December 6, 1994
McGonagall told us about the Yule ball today, a dance
my eyes were fixated on Y/n as she sat down laughing with Angelina across the room as I stood with Fred
Fred told me he liked Angelina a few weeks ago and I'm sure he'll ask her to the ball
Ron got called on to demonstrate the dance and she whistled at him, making him glare at her, to which she laughed
when the class was dismissed, Y/n came up to us and started joking around
I couldn't help but notice the way she has the top buttons of her shirt undone, and her tie a bit loose
it was getting rather chilly and she wasn't even wearing a jumper
I asked her if she was cold and she shook her head with a smile
"I like the cold, George, you should know that" she giggled, nudging me
she was rather short compared to me, the top of her just barely met my shoulder so she always looks up when talking to me
I've also noticed she likes to roll her skirt up, so merlin forbid she bends down to pick something up.
she's also gotten a bit more touchy, not just with me but with the rest of our friend group
her hugs would only happen coming back from breaks and holidays but now she'll hug you almost everyday in the mornings
her hugs have always been nice, but the way I can practically feel her boobs pressing up against me makes it all the better.
December 18, 1994
most people I know already have dates to the ball, Fred had asked Angelina to the ball within the first few days of hearing about it
Y/n has been asked a few times but she's politely declined every one
Fred keeps pressuring me to ask her already and I strictly telling him no, she'd reject me like every other guy whos asked her, and then it would make it weird.
We're also doing another secret santa this year, I got Alicia
Alicia is...nice? she just has a really big flirting problem, and that's not with everyone, just me
she asked me to the Ball a few days ago, and as much as I didn't want to go alone, I still said no
She's not really my type, and as much as i try to make her stop flirting with me, she just keeps doing it, I speak for all of our friend group when I say it's annoying, and I know that because they've all said it
it's nothing against her, but it's just weird
and Y/n doesn't mind talking about it, making jokes and stuff
the only person i have ever felt something for has been Y/n, and I don't want it to be anybody else
George remembers that week like it was all yesterday.
George was sat on the Gryffindor couch, your head in his lap as you told him about your day
"but anyway, why haven't you asked anybody to the ball!?" you sat up, sitting on your knees next to him
"I- I don't know, why haven't you said yes to anybody?" George questioned
"I don't like any of them, barely friends with most of them" you shrugged
"w- well do you? like anybody?" George stuttered
George noticed the small blush rising to your cheeks
"uh- not really" you smiled sheepishly "you?"
George's heartbeat quickened as he grew nervous
does he tell her?
"not really" he responded, copying your words
"you should go with Alicia" you nudged him shoulder, making him roll his eyes
"merlin" he cursed under his breath as you giggled
"only kidding of course..unless you actually want to?" you frowned
"if i wanted to go with her I would've said yes"
you smiled
"it's getting pretty late, i'm going to head to bed" you yawned
George nodded his head
"alright, goodnight"
"night, Georgie" you kissed his cheek before getting up and going to the dormitories
George stared off at the fire as the kiss lingered on his cheek, making his skin feel funny, a good funny
a few days later, Fred pushed George into asking you
"just go talk to her, this is probably your only chance!" Fred whispered before shoving George into you
you stumbled forward and almost bumped into Angie, who had to pause her sentence
you looked back and saw George
"sorry" he apologised
you grinned and gave him a hug "it's fine!"
Angelina saw Fred look at her from behind and walked over to him, leaving you with George
you stared up at George to see what he wanted but he only looked back at you nervously
"is there something you wanted, George?" you chuckled
"I want a date to the ball" he sighs, finally saying it, knowing that Fred would kick his ass if he didn't
"I'm sure Alicia will take you" you smirked
George licked his lips and thought of what to say
"no- no ok um...do you want to go with me? no! I would love if you would accompany me- wait ok. I really want you to go with me to the ball...I- I uh-"
December 20, 1994
I asked her to the ball, after what feels like forever being in love with her, I asked her
Fred pushed me into doing it
so I did, I sounded like a complete fool and I wish I could've said it better, word it so I didn't sound so stupid
maybe if I did that, she would've said yes
better yet- I had also admitted that I loved her, that I have for a long time. I had gotten so nervous that I outed myself
she just stood there in surprise before I ran off in complete and utter embarrassment
December 25, 1994
I went with her, it turns out that she was going to say yes but I ran away before she could've said anything
she told me she loved me too, and she made me the happiest man in all of Hogwarts
it was the Ball a few hours ago, you should've seen her, she was stunning- a type of stunning that when you see her, you can't say anything out of shock on how beautiful she is (which I did)
I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her- or see her, but it's overwhelming
i feel faint now every time I see her
she told me she would go with me the day after I had asked her in that stupid way. that was when she told me she loved me
she actually loves me.
I don't know how I can manage to make her love me but I'm grateful- and cautious
what if I mess up?
but that doesn't matter, we're not together
Update: jan 5- I asked her out, she said Yes!
February 19, 1996
Valentines day was 5 days ago, Y/n was obviously my Valentine and we had a great day, I took her to that tea shop in Hogsmeade she's been talking about for a while, if was very...pink and not the type of romantic that I like.
but she enjoyed it so I loved it.
we've been dating for a little over a year and it's great, I am absolutely in love with her and I think she is too
she's mad at me right now though
Today, at Quidditch, I beat up Draco Malfoy for bad mouthing, making Umbridge ban Me, Harry and Fred from the team, which is total bullshit!
anyway, I didn't get badly injured, Malfoy can't punch for the life of him
I only got a cut on my lip but Y/n yelled at me when walking back to the castle
I told her I don't really care I got kicked off but she still told me off, she's cute when she's mad
and I can't be mad at her for worrying about me, especially when she said I looked hot when beating Malfoy up
she let that slip from her mouth and hit my arm when I laughed at her
Merlin I love her, and I never want that to change, so just so you know. you are an idiot if you EVER LEAVE HER.
Fred and I are finalising our plan on leaving Hogwarts to start the shop up
Y/n knows about it, I've reassured her that we'll see each other, but I'm still worried she'll break up with me so I can focus on the shop
but right now I have to make it up to her for getting in a fight so.
April 21, 1996
she told me she wants to break up, she said it wasn't because of us, but because she wants to focus on our futures
I refused, it's the day before me and Fred leave.
I don't want to leave her, it feels like I only just got her and screw anyone who will try to take her away.
I told her I didn't want that and then it turned into a fight
she said she only wants what's best for us, but she is the best for me, and I will try to be the best for her
she left my dorm and I don't know where she went, but I want to see her, to tell her it will work.
I knew this was going to happen, but i didn't want it to.
Update- I found her and I begged her to stay with me, I told her that she should come live with me and Fred when she graduates and she didn't know what to say, she said she'll think about it
June 26, 1996
she moved in with us, she decided to stay with me and live with me, all her things are here now and she's in the bathroom right now, going through it and putting things in there, I couldn't be more happy.
I have the girl of my dreams to wake up beside me and go to sleep in my arms, forever
"George! dinner!" He heard Fred yell out before the door opened
"George..." he heard Fred sigh sadly
George felt the tears start to prickle in his eyes as he thought of you and how much he loved you
"I told her not to go...why didn't she listen?" George asked as his tears met the page from a few years prior, before the war
the same war that took you away from him
Fred walked into the room and sat next to his twin
"come on, I told you not to find this" Fred said, taking the book away.
it's been a while! i'm sorryyyyy
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katyawriteswhump · 1 month
top of the world, steddie microfic
For @steddiemicrofic May prompt ‘Top’.
Rating: T  CW: None WC: 510  Tags: kid fic, flashback, established Steddie, mild angst.
Inspired by a discord plot bunny from @bananahoneycomb that I've totally not done justice to (where steddie have been dating for a while before they realize they once knew each other before. ) Thank you anyway <3
Eddie’s gotten Steve squished between him and a tree, and they’re kissing each other stupid. When they break apart—breathing is tragically necessary—Eddie glances to the treetops to snatch a giddy, Is this real? moment. Steve dabs his tongue around kiss-swollen lips and leans in to start the kiss over.
Eddie’s still staring upward: “Holy shit!”
“What is it?”
“I remember this exact tree. Some kid I once knew got stuck in it.”
Steve glances skyward, tenses, colour draining from his face. “Jesus, Munson—that was me.”
On hearing his friend shouting from the treetop, Eddie cringed. If he’d known he’d pass the best month ever with this kid, he wouldn’t have lied about his name.
“I’m at the top, Johnny! C’mon!”
“Still gonna pass, Han. Not a huge fan of heights.”
“Ever coming down?”
Eddie waited. And waited. Han shouted, “Sure you won’t climb up?”
“Look, you win. You’re the dude. I’m a candy-ass dweeb.”
“Johnny, please.” Han’s voice turned wobbly. “You gotta help me. I’m stuck.”
“Hey, kid?” A voice rumbled from the bottom of Steve’s tree. “It’s Deputy Hopper. Got a ladder here. You think you can climb down?”
Steve’s arms and legs ached from clinging to the branches. He’d been AWESOME going up. Descending, he’d peeped downward, totally frozen up.
“N-not sure.” Steve sniffled. “C-can’t move.”
He daren’t even wipe his tears. This epically sucked. Being rescued like a stranded kitten was humiliating. Knowing he’d made a dork of himself in front of Johnny hurt worse.
“It’s Han, right?” called Hopper, ascending the ladder. Steve cringed. The dumbass things he’d done to impress Johnny! Then again, who wouldn’t want to be Han Solo for a summer? “You local?”
“It’s not Han. It’s Steve Harrington.” He bit his wibbly lower lip. When his parents discovered he’d been playing with strange kids in the forest, he’d be in deep shit. Right now, he didn’t care. “I want to go home.”
Eddie and Steve start garbling as one:
“Seriously?” Steve plants his hands furiously on his hips. “You deserted me up the stupid tree! I never saw you again!”
“Got help, didn’t I? I was scared too. When I knew you were safe, I basically fled—inherited my Dad’s healthy suspicion of the police, okay? Anyhow, you never showed again, either.”
“I was grounded till fall!”
“My mom moved away for work! I came back to Hawkins, years later, and then… I guess I had tats, the rocker hair. I looked for you, but… You used to be blonder, right, Han?”
“Yeah, Johnny?”
“Wanted to be Johnny Rotten—my short-lived Sex Pistols phase. Felt bad for lying. I didn’t expect to like you.”
“Well, I did all that shit to impress you. I guess you were my first crush. I was miserable for ages when you literally vanished.”
“Back at ya!”
They glare. Eddie’s fingers return to the nape of Steve’s neck, stroking tenderly. “Guess this makes us childhood sweethearts. How vomit-inducingly sweet.”
Steve huffs, rolls his eyes, and they launch into another blisteringly hot make-out session.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Too Old to Trick-or-Treat
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When the doorbell rang, I did not expect to be seeing an 18 year-old standing on the doorstep. Nevertheless, I grabbed my bowl of candy and greeted him with my best Transylvanian accent. The handsome young man flashed me a winning smile and stuck out his chest.
"Trick or treat!" he charmed, "It's Brandon from down the street. By the way, that vampire costume is sick!"
I rolled my eyes, "Brandon, aren't you a bit old for trick-or-treating?"
"What's it to you, dude? Aren't you a bit old to be dressing up?" Brandon laughed, "I'm just killing time 'till my friends pick me up."
A small sigh escaped my throat. Brandon's friends were as careless as he was. Countless mailboxes had been smashed over the last few months, and I had a sneaking suspicion of who was responsible. Brandon may put on a good performance during the day, but he was quite the rebellious vandal at night.
"Wait here, Brandon. I have something special for you..."
"Hope it's a king-sized candy bar!" he called as I slipped back into my house.
With quiet steps, I retreated back to my study, where I kept all my ancient texts and spell books. My family has practiced witchcraft for centuries, and I knew just the thing to help Brandon grow up.
"Here you are, Clark Kent," I said, handing the young man an enticing little pastry.
"Damn, that looks good," he gasped before scarfing the baked good down, "That was the best cookie I've ever had!"
I smiled inwardly and leaned against the doorpost to watch. Brandon looked confused when he suddenly noticed a stinging sensation in his stomach. He groaned in shock as his stomach rumbled louder and louder. He held his belly nervously and looked at me with panic.
"Woah, what was in that thing?"
A loud belch bubbled up his throat and sounded out of his mouth. All his thoughts and worries seemed to leave with the air from his stomach because his face slackened immediately after the burp. He kind of slumped back into a relaxed standing position, and a physical transformation began happening all over his young body.
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His gut gurgled and bubbled outward as his spine stretched taller. Mass seemed to spawn all over his frame as his metabolism rapidly aged. The skin on his face seemed to sag and age as wiry hairs burst out of his cheeks.
"Wow, you've aged quite well," I noted, suddenly stunned by manly body wearing a tight costume in front of me.
Brandon seemed to snap out of his stupor, and glanced at his surroundings. Something seemed off to him. He was unaccustomed to his sudden change in height.
"What just happened?" a much deeper tone surprised the young man.
"You needed to grow up, Brandon."
"What?" he began to notice his new body with panic, "Why am I fat and hairy all over?"
"This is just your body in 20 years. I just made it come a lot faster."
"Woah! Dude, change me back," he begged, "This is gross! God, I look just like my dad."
I chuckled at the guy. It's not so often you see a grown man like this in a tight Superman costume, whining like a child. I decided I might have him stick around for a little bit.
"I'm not changing you back," I explained deviously, "But I will change your thoughts..."
"What?" he scoffed.
"... It'll be easier for you to accept your new body if you have a new mind to go with it. It's not like you can go back home or hang out with your friends looking ike this. Can you?"
"You can't change my thoughts-"
"Babe, get back inside!" I suddenly chastized him.
He looks confused for a moment. A whole minute passed where his brain seemed to be loading the new information, and then said, "Ok, babe."
"I love the costume on you, babe," I add, patting his round gut, "Even though you've packed on a few pounds since our wedding."
Brandon blushed beneath his hairy face and felt his chest self-consciously. He looked embarrassed about his heavy frame.
"You know I like a little pudge though," I added, "Hey, while I'm on candy duty, do you mind cleaning out the gutters in the back? The fall leaves clogged them up again, and I know how you love taking care of things around the house."
"Sure thing, babe," he gave me a peck on the cheek and steps down the hallway.
"You really are my superhero!" I called, watching his big ass move in those tight superhero pants.
"And you're my evil villain," he heartily laughed before stepping outside to do what I asked.
It was going to be nice having Brandon around for awhile. I was determined to teach him the pleasures of a mature and stable lifestyle. Sure, he' was taking care of all my yardwork and house chores for the next few weeks, but I really just did this for his own good.
I was ready to train him to be the perfect little husband, and part of that involved enjoying that tight superhero costume he's squeezed into at the moment.
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
Hiiii! (I hope this is the place to make requests aaaaa haven’t done this in a W H I L E) but can I request pocky challenge headcanons for Floyd, Vil, and Idia? :)
Hope you’re having a great week and I love your writing :D
the way i freaked out over receiving this omg i'm so happy u like my writing😭😭😭
i love pocky challenge fics and you really fed me with the characters you chose since I have like 3467346826428 vil and idia drafts i can't get into rn. also we already know how my brain is rotting over floyd the eel boy at the moment
ALSO ALSO ALSO you aren't dating yet in these!! you're still just friends (but not for long😈)
(@kairiscorner i borrowed ur idea of picking out what flavour would fit them to add a little spice, I hope u don't mind!)
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☾⋆⁺₊ Floyd Leech + Pocky Colorful
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he gets really excited when you pull out the box of pockies 😆i mean, sharing food with you????? that's, like, the third best thing he can do with you!
and these pockies look rlly funny too, what does "colorful" even taste like? He's kinda in a mood to find out 😌
and gets even MORE excited when you mention the challenge!!!!
I mean, kissing AND sharing food with you?! he calls that a win for sure 😤😤😤😤
you're rlly surprised at how casual he is about it considering you just challenged him to try and kiss you essentially
but okay, i guess it is kinda Floydcore to just casually agree to a pocky game with no blushing or getting flustered (i suppose this means he likes you back??? what a mystery he is...)
you laugh to yourself at the silly grin on his face as u pull out a pocky and place one end into your mouth, leaning towards him to let him take the other end
he does so and you close your eyes, feeling kinda giddy all of a sudden
but you can still feel his downturned peepers staring a hole into you, curious to see every facial movement and reaction you may have👁️👁️
he must be really excited then!! (even if you feel extremely unsettled rn)
you slowly bite down on the stick, getting nervous. you can definitely hear him crunching on it too...
you can feel his breath, your noses bump for a moment and you think "THIS IS IT THIS IS IT THIS IS IT"
but then you hear a *snap* and the pocky falls out of your mouth... what just happened?
"I bit into it a bit too hard..." You open your eyes to see Floyd pouting like a toddler who was told he can't have candy
"It's okay, we can do it again!" you take out another pocky stick, placing the end in your mouth and looking at him expectantly
must be hard having such sharp teeth sometimes💔
"Now I don't feel like it anymore." Floyd huffed, getting up and walking away💀
That little... you still love him anyway tho🤷🏻
☾⋆⁺₊ Vil Schoenheit + Apple Yogurt Pocky
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initially, he'd refuse since pockies are sweets and he needs to watch his sugar if he wants to keep his model figure and his clear skin
but he supposes sugar is nice to enjoy every once in a while (especially if he gets to share it with you)
but THEN you ask him if he's ever heard of the pocky challenge before😈
"I have heard of it in passing but I don't know what is actually is, why?" he raises an eyebrow, recalling some comments from his fans talking about it after the Pocky commercial he was in
"Becauuuuse, I think you should do it with me." you blink at him innocently before going on to explain the rules and seeing his eyes widen 😌
"So, what you're saying is... If neither of us back out, we kiss?"
You actually expected him to turn you down immediately and chew you out for even making the suggestion since you're just friends but this certainly took a turn for the better
"Precisely." you smirked
"Just so you know, I'm not one to back out once I set my mind onto something." he smirked back at you, taking out a pocky stick from the box and placing it in front of your mouth for you to bite onto
the stick slowly begins to get smaller as your lips inch closer to his and you grip the couch you're currently sat on nervously
You take another bite and suddenly feel his lips on yours🤭
"Oh? This is an interesting flavour~"
wait... you recognise that voice😨
"ROOK?!" the two of you separated and yelled at the same time, then turned your heads to see Rook casually enjoying your Pocky beside you
"Did you both enjoy the flavour as well?" Rook smiled innocently at you, taking out another one from the box
Vil pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling something under his breath while you just sat there in shock🧍🏻
☾⋆⁺₊ Idia Shroud + Sakura Pocky
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being the candy enjoyer that he is, he would never turn down free pocky (especially not his favourite... which speaking of, how did you know that one is his favourite?)
(ortho supplied you with that information)
however, his smile dropped when you started talking about the challenge all of a sudden
and he became all red instead🤭
"You got all that?" you asked, waving the pocky stick in front of his face with an innocent smile
"D-Do I- Do I...."
babe, he cannot form a sentence right now, much less process anything you just told him. you cannot POSSIBLY expect him to give you a clear answer right now🙄
"Oh, do you not wanna do it? That's fine." you get up, ready to leave (you're doing this on purpose, manipulation is key😈)
but no, seriously, you weren't going to make him do anything he was uncomfortable with, and you kinda expected a reaction like this anyways😭
"N-No, No, I want to..." he grabs onto your sleeve awkwardly, literally shaking from embarrasment
you're actually kinda worried, will he even survive till the whole kiss part?
No time like the present to find out, you suppose
you place the pocky in your mouth, waiting for him to bite into the other end. he does and immediately screws his eyes shut, WAAAY too embarrased to look at you
the distance between the two of you slowly closes but when there's just a bit of the pocky stick left he lets go and immediately runs away, hair slightly red at the ends😫
"Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god...." he whispers to himself over and over, thinking about how he almost kissed you just now
atleast he got to eat his favourite flavour...????
"Did it fail?" Ortho came out of his hiding spot and you nodded, pouting slighly☹️
"That's plan G crossed off the list. You wrote down '7 minutes in heaven' for plan H. Though I do not know what that is, I will assist you in any way I can."
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Eddie’s Girl
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A/N- I wanted to take a little break from constantly writing my smut fics, and i feel like i’ve been neglecting our sweet Eddie 🥺 i wanted to write something cute and kinda funny :p
Summary- Eddie’s been dying to have his friends meet his new girlfriend but while they’re waiting for Eddie to show up with her they all try to see who can win the affections of the girl sitting across from them at the mall. Her boyfriend wouldn’t like that one bit…
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @eddiesrockstargirlfriend
Word Count- 1.7k
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Grant sighed as he checked his watch, seeing that not only was Eddie late, but Eddie was late with his so-called ‘smoke show, super gorgeous, absolute dime’ of a girlfriend.
“I knew it was too good to be true.”
Jeff and Gareth chuckled from next to him, Gareth crossing his arms,
“I feel like he definitely thought we wouldn’t believe him, so it’s funny that we’re all sitting here waiting.”
“It’s only been five minutes,” Jeff said from in between them, “if he’s not here in another five, then we’ll go and tell him we looked like idiots for waiting.”
They had agreed to all meet Eddie and his girlfriend at the mall, just to get to know her better. Eddie made sure to let you know that if you were dating him, he was a package deal. If his friends didn’t like you then it was kind of a deal breaker.
Of course he didn’t mean it, but he still wanted you to get along with his friends.
“Alright fine,” Gareth said, Grant and himself agreeing with Jeff who surprisingly was the voice of reason, “but what are we supposed to do until then? We’ve already been waiting for like 20 minutes…”
“I don’t know about you guys, but i’ve found it pretty easy to sit around when we’ve got some eye candy like that.” Jeff said, motioning over to you.
You were sat on the bench across from them, your legs crossed, purse resting next to you, a book open in your lap.
“Oh, i see. You don’t give a shit if Eddie shows up with her or not, you just want to keep ogling that girl.” Grant glanced over to you and looked you up and down as Jeff did.
“Yeah, but you guys are staring too aren’t you?”
“I mean of course we are, she’s hot. We’re not just going to NOT stare a girl like that…”
The three of them tried their best to be discreet, but every time you glanced up over to them they all quickly looked away, trying to make it seem like they weren’t staring at you from across the way. Each time you caught them you smiled a bit, but unfortunately they mistook that as a smile of you wanting them to approach you.
They were harmless, but you didn’t want them getting the wrong idea from you.
“Hey,” Gareth nudged Jeff, “she’s smiling at us, you think she wants us to talk to her?”
“Us? No fucking way, girls that hot don’t want guys like us, they go for the ‘Rob Lowe’ or the ‘Tom Cruise’ kind of guys. And we play Dungeons and Dragons in a high school drama room. She doesn’t want us.”
Gareth sighed and slapped his hands to his knees before standing up from the bench,
“Only one way to find out.”
“The fuck is he doing?…” Grant said to Jeff as they watched him make his way over to you, though they could clearly tell from the way he was clenching and unclenching his fists that he was incredibly nervous.
The moment you looked up from your book as he approached you nearly made him stop in his tracks, but luckily, the other two boys stood up and slowly made their way over to you and Gareth. At least they could make an attempt to save him if he fucked up, which he most likely would.
Gareth stood before you for a moment, only staring down at you with the lightest blush to his cheeks, his palms clearly sweaty as they kept clenching and unclenching at his sides. He had never gotten this close to a girl as pretty as you, which meant he clearly had no idea what he was doing. He wasn’t even sure why he got up in the first place but he was already this far, he might as well follow through with it. But the moment you looked up to him with a sweet smile he completely lost all thoughts clouding his brain. God, you were so fucking pretty.
You giggled as he stood there in front of you,
Gareth didn’t even know how to respond to a simple ‘hi’ from you, but once Jeff slapped him on the back he spurted out the most nervous “Hi…” you’ve ever heard.
You looked to Jeff and Grant who stood on either side of him,
“Can i help you?”
“No, sorry,” Jeff said with a nervous laugh, “we just wanted to come over and say hi, and now we have so let’s go-“
“No! No, i wanted to… um…” Gareth nearly shouted as he cut off Jeff, looking around you to try and find something he could bring up in a conversation that wouldn’t make him seem like a complete idiot for approaching and staring at you.
He saw you holding the book open in your lap and his eyes widened,
“Ask what book you were reading.”
“Oh!” You said with a smile and lifted up the cover to show him, “It’s called The Nest, it’s by Gregory Douglas.”
“Cool! Um…” Gareth smiled and cleared his throat, still wanting so badly to talk to you but having no idea how to. Thank god Jeff and Grant were there to save him.
“What’s it about?” Grant asked.
“It’s about these mutant roaches that start attacking and eating people. It’s pretty gory but i like it.”
“That sounds like a pretty good book.”
You nodded with a smile and there were a few moments of awkward silence as the three of them stood before you, Gareth still staring.
You pursed your lips before closing your book and placing it into your purse,
“Is there something else i can help you with?”
“Actually, yes.” Gareth stepped forward, shaking Jeff’s hand off of his shoulder after he finally found the courage to not be so scared of talking to you. You were just some girl, albeit a goddess of a girl, but you were still just a girl.
“I’m sorry if this might sound weird, i know we really don’t know each other or anything, but i think you’re really pretty. I just wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to do something?… With me?…”
“Or just with us in general,” Jeff stepped forward next to Gareth, wanting to at least try and make an attempt to save his friend if you did think the offer was anything other than him just being nervous, “we noticed you here alone and if you need some people to hang around with you’re welcome to hang around with us.”
You smiled and laughed a bit awkwardly at their offer.
They seemed harmless, most of the teenage boys you knew were, but as nice as they were you had other obligations that you needed to deal with.
“I’m sorry, that’s a sweet offer, but i’m actually meeting someone here soon. My boyfriend.” You stood up from the bench and slung your purse over your shoulder, “Maybe some other time though, ok? You guys seem really nice.”
They smiled and understood. They figured they would be rejected once again, it was something they were used to, though Gareth looked more defeated than Jeff and Grant at the mention of your boyfriend.
You gave them one last sweet smile before noticing the mop of curly hair on top of your boyfriends head as he approached you. You smiled big and your eyes brightened as soon as you saw him.
You stepped around the boys and quickly ran over to him, jumping up and wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you close,
“Eddie!” You peppered the side of his face with kisses, “You’re late, again!”
“I know, i’m sorry,” He planted a kiss to your temple as you jumped down, his arm going around your waist as you slowly walked back over to the benches you were sat at beforehand, “I got out of work a little later than expected and i didn’t want to show up all dirty and greasy. I hope you’re not too upset.”
“Of course not,” You leaned up and placed a kiss onto his cheek, “i know you didn’t mean it.”
Eddie led you back over to the benches where the guys still stood and they looked like they had just seen a ghost.
The gorgeous girl they had just been talking to, the one they all stared at, the one that Gareth just tried to ask out because he knew that hot girls like you would never say yes to a guy like him, was Eddie’s girlfriend.
You smiled at them once more, knowing now that the nice boys who you had been taking to were Eddie’s friends that he had been dying for you to meet. You figured they probably just didn’t know, but fortunately for you, Eddie had spent days telling you all about them. The moment you sat on that bench across from them, you knew they had to be friends of Eddie’s. Not to mention they dressed and acted exactly like he did, it was impossible for you to not assume they were friends.
You nuzzled into Eddies side as you approached them, and with a big smile on his face with his arm around you, Eddie finally formally introduced you to his friends,
“Hey guys, sorry i’m late.” The three of them shrugged it off, still in shock from their interaction with you, “This is (y/n).” He gave you a quick kiss on the temple, “My girlfriend. My very real girlfriend, may i add.”
You giggled and gave them a polite little wave from Eddie’s side,
“It’s nice to meet you guys.”
They all smiled and said hello, a few stutters and nervous laughs from them were scattered in between.
“So, what’re we gonna do? I think there’s a movie playing at the theater, you guys want to check it out?”
They nodded and agreed, at this point just going by whatever the first suggestion was to save themselves the embarrassment of making complete fools of themselves in front of you for not knowing you were Eddie’s girlfriend.
They made sure to walk in front of you and Eddie, and a few steps ahead of you at that, wanting to try and think of a way to redeem themselves with you. They didn’t want your first impression of them to be just some weird guys who approached you at the mall and had no idea how to talk to you.
Eddie smiled down at you and gave you a quick kiss as you made your way to the theater,
“They’re nice, i promise.”
You giggled and glanced over at them,
“I think they’ll like me.”
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
Hello! May I request an Ethan x reader, Hogwarts AU? The details don't really matter, but I just thought it'd be a cool idea. You're seriously my go-to acc when it comes to anything Ethan/Jack related, so I couldn't think of anyone better to request this to <3
hii, oh my god you don’t even know how excited i was while writing this! i’ve been wanting to write about hogwarts so i’m really glad you requested this! thank you so so much, i hope you enjoy it! 🤍
let the games begin — ethan landry
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word count: 2,973
pairing: slytherin!ethan landry x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary: when y/n, captain of the hufflepuff quidditch team, hears ethan, slytherin’s team captain, underestimating her team’s ability, they make a bet.
author’s note: i made the reader a hufflepuff bc that’s my house, not gonna lie.
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WHEN Y/N RECEIVED THE LETTER FROM HER HEAD OF HOUSE informing she had been chosen to be Hufflepuff’s team Quidditch captain, she was absolutely appalled. Girls, sadly and unfairly, weren’t often given such positions, so she hadn’t expected it at all, no matter how skilled of a seeker she was.
Her stomach turned upside down as she skimmed through the words inked on the parchment over and over again. Of course she was happy to have been selected, but she couldn’t help but feel scared. It was twice the weight a normal captain had on their shoulders—not only she had to be a great captain because of the thrill of winning the Quidditch Cup, but she also had to prove women could do as well as men. If she failed, she knew that the chauvinistic assholes around the school would take the opportunity to state once more that women weren’t competent enough to hold such title.
Y/N was not going to let that happen, so she spent the remaining days of summer scheming tactics and a training routine. When she got back to Hogwarts, she felt more confident than ever, feeling she hoped she could transfer to her teammates.
The Hufflepuffs were beyond happy and excited to have her as their captain, especially her best friend Cedric, who had always told her she would be a fearless leader. The rest of the houses, though, the majority of the people in it didn’t have an ounce of faith on her and threw funny glances her way.
The day professor Hooch posted the upcoming matches, the funny glances turned into ones of pity. The first game of the season would be Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin, and the thoughts were loud around the castle—poor Y/N, Slytherin will sweep the air with her on her very first game as a captain; hope the Slytherins have some mercy on her. It was clear that pretty much everyone was confident on the outcome of the game. Especially the Slytherins.
“That game will be as easy as taking a candy from a baby.” the Slytherin captain’s voice ricocheted on the hallway Y/N was passing by. “We got the first match of the season on our bag, boys.”
Y/N clenched her jaw and marched towards them. “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, Landry.”
The tall, curly-haired boy tuned around with a smirk on his handsome face and looked down at her. “Oh, come on, Y/L/N. You don’t stand a chance, and everyone knows that.”
The corner of Y/N’s lips lifted up. “You know, everyone’s been throwing shit at me and my team without giving me the benefit of the doubt, and yeah it sucks a bit, but you know what I realized?”
“Nope, enlighten me” he said amused.
“Victory is going to taste much sweeter. And when you have to shake my hand after I kicked your ass, I hope you remember how you spoke too soon. And if you don’t, I’ll be there to remind you.”
A wave of respect passed through Ethan’s body. The way Y/N stood up for herself and her team made him feel some kind of way, though he very much liked to push her buttons so he continued with a playful smirk. “You seem pretty confident, Y/L/N. Wanna make a bet?”
“I’m listening” she held his glance.
“If I win, you’ll do my Potions homework for the rest of the season, if you win-”
“When” she corrected confidently. “And what can you offer me? Unlike you, I have a brain that is pretty capable of doing homework.”
He tried not to smile “If you win, I’ll buy you all the books you want each time we go to Hogsmade during this season.”
The Hufflepuff’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Deal! Oh my god, I have a list of books I want and it’s very large, Landry”
“It’s very large, Landry. Can’t say I haven’t been told that before” he said with a mischievous smile and laughed at her disgusted expression.
“Poor soul, I’m afraid to inform you have been lied to.”
“Nah, you want proof? I’m very happy to show you”
“You’re repulsing” she scrunched her nose.
Ethan chuckled, she was adorable. “Do we have a deal, little badger?”
Y/N stretched out her hand “Deal.”
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Y/N’S CONFIDENT SMILE LINGERED ON ETHAN’S MIND AND THERE WAS NOTHING THE BOY COULD DO TO ERASE THAT IMAGE. The girl was simply too perfect—gorgeous, smart, funny, brave, kind, confident and so adorable that everytime Ethan saw her on the hallways he wanted to wrap his arms around her tiny frame and squish her to death. He also loved how she didn’t take shit from anyone. Y/N was the exact personification of a badger—cute and friendly-looking, but if you poked her, the claws came out and she would not hesitate to scratch you with them.
Ethan didn’t know how he hadn’t noticed her before, but now that he did he couldn’t get her off his mind. Every glance and smirk Y/N sent his way felt like some sort of prize for him, and now that the day of the match had arrived, the feeling of uneasiness took over his chest. Would he still have her attention once their little bet was over? He guessed no, and so he made it his goal to ensure Y/N kept looking at him after it.
When the teams entered the pitch, the stands roared in excitement. While most of the people didn’t have faith on Y/N, they still rooted for Hufflepuff, because their hatred towards the house of serpents was stronger than the lack of faith on the female leader.
“Time to lose, are you ready for it?” Ethan smirked, holding out his hand for Y/N to take it.
Madame Hootch blew the whistle, and Y/N smirked back at the boy in front of her. “Let the games begin, Landry.”
When Y/N was in the air, the concept of time disappeared. She didn’t know if the game lasted 20 seconds or 20 years—what she did know, was that it ended as soon as the palm of her hand surrounded the golden snitch. Hufflepuff had beaten the Slytherin by 250 points, it’s been years since the last time the house of badgers won by so many points.
“Congratulations, Y/L/N. You were amazing” Ethan said with a, surprisingly for Y/N, genuine smile. As captains, they were the ones in charge of putting everything back in the supply closet, so they were now all alone.
“Thank you, Landry” she replied contently. She was beaming, and Ethan thought she couldn’t have looked more beautiful, even when covered in sweat and with her hair all messy from the wind. “You played amazing, too. Though, don’t think that your compliments are saving you from spending your money on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream on it” Ethan laughed. He couldn’t wait to spend his time with her, to get to know her better.
“Good. Now, let’s go back to the castle. I think you have Potions homework to do… on your own” she smirked playfully.
“You’re kinda mean for a Hufflepuff” he played back.
“Well, if we are stereotyping, you’re kinda nice for a Slytherin” Y/N bumped his forearm with her shoulder. The guy was super tall—and probably the most attractive human she had ever met.
“Kinda?!” he raised his voice, acting offended.
“Well, no matter how nice you are now, I didn’t forget the little scene at the hallway. You underestimated me and my team. The fact that I’m a girl doesn’t make me less capable, you know?”
Ethan frowned. “Wait, wait, wait” he stopped her by the shoulders, and she had to tilt her head up to look him in the face. “Yes, I thought your team would suck, but not because you’re a girl. Hufflepuff has come out in last place for years, that’s the only reason I said it. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.”
Y/N’s eyes softened a bit and nodded slowly “Okay”
“I’m serious. In fact, last year you were the only good player the team had. If Hufflepuff had points, it was all because of you. Because you never failed to catch that snitch. If you had had great players supporting you, you would’ve won that cup.”
“You think so?” Y/N asked, feeling the heat creep up from her neck right to her face. His face was so close, his eyes so bright and voice so soft and sincere that her heart went crazy.
“I know so, Y/N” he squeezed her waist. When did his hands get there and why did it feel so good? And why did her name sounded so much better coming from his lips?
“Thank you, Ethan”
Her smile was so shiny that could light up the whole castle “Just telling the truth. And hey, don’t tell this to my team but I’m not completely sad you won that game. I heard what they have been saying on the hallways, about you not good enough for the position just for being a girl. I’m glad you proved them wrong.”
Was it normal for her heart to be beating this fast? “Well, thank you for saying that. But the talking won’t stop, they are going to find another excuse to keep saying the same thing.”
“Then you’ll have to keep winning. Not that it will be a problem, because your team is very good this year”
“You shouldn’t say those things about the rival team, Ethan. I think you have a soft spot for me” she teased him.
“I have known that since that day at the hallway, Y/N. You aren’t saying anything I didn’t already know” he answered truthfully, catching her off guard. “Since that day, I knew you were special. And I’d like to know you better, if you let me.”
Y/N nodded with enthusiasm “Yes, I’d really really like that, Ethan”
“Would you like to go to Hogsmade with me? I know we kinda were already, because of the bet. But I mean, be with me the whole day” he said nervously.
“I would love to, Eth”
“Great, it’s a date” he said, and the blood rushed into her cheeks. “Awe, are you blushing for me? How cute”
“Shut up, asshole.” she pushed him away playfully.
“Let’s go, little badger” he felt a little bold, so he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Thankfully, she didn’t push him away, instead she squeezed his hand.
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TURNS OUT, Y/N WAS RIGHT. Their victory wasn’t enough, people still weren’t aware of her talent as a captain and still found excuses to justify their win. Even after the following matches the Hufflepuff team won. People said it was beginners luck, that the teams took pity on her, or Ethan’s personal favourite: the Slytherin captain was so smitten with her that he let her win that first match and was helping her with tactics.
“That’s such bullshit! I mean, I am smitten with you but I would never let you win. The win is all on you” Ethan rambled as they made their way towards Hogsmade.
“I know, Eth. You don’t have to assure me, I know” Y/N laughed. “I have to say, it’s really cute that you are so mad about what they have been saying about me.”
“How are you not mad? It doesn’t make any sense. If you were a men, they would be kissing the floor you walked on”
“I know that too. But I have reached the point in where I’m just so sick of them coming at me that I just ignore it. If I react, they’ll say I’m overreacting and it’s just going to get worse”
“Today I almost punched a Gryffindor who was talking shit about you” he admitted.
“Please don’t punch anyone for me. It’s not worth it”
“Agree to disagree. If anyone is worthy, it’s you”
“You’re so sweet” she kissed his knuckles. “But really, don’t do it. Just imagine you punching him, that’s what I do”
“Fine” he scoffed. “Now, let’s get your books and see how much it hurts my wallet”
Y/N laughed. “You don’t have to buy me books, Eth. I only wanted to prove I’m good at being captain, and I did”
“Nope, I am buying you all the books you want.” Ethan said, opening the door of the book store. “Don’t hold back.”
Y/N didn’t hold back. Ethan exited the little bookshop with a bag full of romance books and a happy Y/N on his arm.
“Bet you regret that bet now” Y/N laughed.
“If there is something in my life I don’t regret is making that bet, Y/N” Ethan said in a serious tone. “Besides, I would’ve bought every single book in that shop if it meant you would keep smiling at me like that.”
Y/N couldn’t take it anymore, if she didn’t kiss Ethan she might die. So she carefully set one hand on the back of his neck while the other cupped his jaw and she stood on her tip-toes.
“I want to kiss you, Eth. Really really bad, is that okay?” she whispered.
Okay? It was more than okay. And instead of answering with words, he lowered his head and their freezing lips met. Suddenly the warm in their hearts nullified the icy feeling that the December snow had been putting on them. The air was extremely cold, but nothing seemed to matter other than the kiss they had been wanting since their small confrontation in the hallway at the beginning of the year.
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THE REST OF THE SEASON WENT THE SAME WAY. Hufflepuff won almost every match, yet people still had doubts when it came to the captain—no matter how much she hustled and put in the work, they wouldn’t give her any credit and still questioned if she deserved the title. No matter how fast she ran, she couldn’t get there, she couldn’t earn their respect.
True to his word, Ethan never got physical with anyone who talked shit about his girl (which didn’t mean he wouldn’t call them out) and would instead reassure her countless time how capable and amazing she was. Which lifted her spirits more than he realized.
The final match was coming and Y/N could barely eat from nervousness—it would be Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor and she knew it was going to be tough. Oliver Wood was a force to be reckoned with and so was his team.
The pressure was drowning her, it’s been years since she had seen the Hufflepuff house so hopeful, and if the victory slipped from her fingers it was really going to crush her. At least she had Ethan now, if she didn’t, she was pretty sure she would’ve already drowned—he was her life jacket. Cheesy, but true.
“Are you going to wear something yellow for me?” she asked in a teasing tone, straddling his lap. They were on the locker room, sitting on a bench as the girl waited for her team to arrive. Ethan was there for emotional support, because in only a few hours they would know who the cup will belong to this year.
“I’m always wearing something yellow when you play. Discreetly, of course. But not today, today everyone’s going to see me fully rooting for my girl” he said pressing kisses on her neck.
“Theres no way you’re going to do that in the middle of the Slytherin bleachers” Y/N laughed shaking her head. They had been keeping their relationship low-key, but now that the season was almost over they decided they didn’t want to hide it anymore.
“You wanna bet?” he smirked, making her laugh harder.
“Okay. If you win, I’ll let you use the Prefects bathroom” she said.
“Fuck, yes” he said excited. He had been begging her to let him use it, but like the good girl she was, she refused. She took the Prefect position as seriously as her captain position. “It’s almost time. Kick asses, babe”
“You bet I will”
“No matter what the outcome is, I want you to know I’m very proud of you. For being an amazing captain and for putting up with the shade everyone’s been throwing at you” Ethan said cupping her cheeks.
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears. “You don’t know how much it means to me, Eth. Thank you”
“You got this, babe. See you in a couple of hours, I’ll shower you with kisses. Everywhere” his eyes turned a little darker when he said the last word.
“Give me a preview?” she looked at him in the eyes.
“God, you can’t give me bed eyes when I’m supposed to leave” he groaned.
Y/N giggled and kissed his cheek “I love teasing you”
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THE BATTLE FOR THE WIN HAD BEEN LONG, BUT THE HUFFLEPUFFS STOOD CHAMPIONS THAT AFTERNOON. They gave their blood, sweat and tears for that, and their karma came in form of a gold shiny cup.
Y/N’s karma was also her boyfriend, who sprinted towards her in a yellow shirt with the number 13 and her last name on the back. Ethan spun her in his arms as they both laughed and cried.
“You did it, babe. Holy shit” he said happily.
“And you wore a Hufflepuff shirt. My shirt! Oh my god” she laughed. “I love you”
Ethan stood still for a moment, but then he smiled widely. “I love you too. So much”
“Then kiss me for Merlin’s sake”
“I love you” he repeated when they pulled away. “Go celebrate with your team, Cap. Meet me at midnight at the bathroom?”
“I love you too. And yes, meet you there” she replied breathlessly.
“Underwear is optional, by the way” he whispered in her ear, making a rush of electricity run through her body.
“If it’s not necessary, then why wear it, right?” she smirked.
He kissed her once more. “Can’t wait”
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
is there any chance you could add killua for the airheaded but strong s/o headcanons? If not, then no worries, I just love how you write them!
Yeah, I don't mind but it's gonna be platonic because I'm a little iffy about writing for him romantically. He's just a boy 🥺🥺🥺 This is mostly a crack fic.
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Honestly tried to kill you at one point
Oh you're strong huh?
Then proceeds to hit you with everything he's got, only to see that it hardly affected you. (Kinda like the way he first treated Zushi)
After that he's petty, but impressed.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You've earned his respect 🥳🥳🥳
You're basically Gon 2.0
And he hates it
Cannot take you two anywhere
"We should break the lock to get in." Gon suggested.
"Are you stupid?" You scoffed.
"What's the point of having a door if you're just gonna break it?"
And Killua is momentarily at peace that at least one of you has some sense. Until you open your mouth again.
"Obviously we should smash open a window."
And Gon is nodding along enthusiastically
"You're right! What would we do without you 🤩"
And Killua is just 😮‍💨.
He is the parent of the group and I will die on this hill
If Gon's the sun, you're a nuke
He's constantly dragging you away from Hisoka
Nope. Not today
Why do you insist on talking to strangers.
No scratch that.
Why do you insist on talking to creepy strangers????
It gives him a massive headache everytime you almost get abducted.
Honestly thought about putting a tracker on you to avoid this happening.
But then he remembers you're practically indestructible so he drops it.
Is afraid Illumi will come for you and hurt you.
He was never allowed to have friends, and after Illumi threatened you and Gon at the Hunter Exam, he's very protective.
But then he remembers something you said after Greed Island.
"The three of us are all gonna become the best of the best. We're gonna get all wrinkly and old together and still kick butt!!! We're gonna stick together no matter what!"
And it temporarily quells the fear of his brother.
It makes him look forward to that outcome and gives him something to fight a little harder for.
When it comes to fighting, he does get a little envious of how you and Gon just rush in without thinking.
And how you always manage to win despite the circumstance.
But he never feels left behind because of it.
Like with Gon, he won't baby you, just call you an idiot and move on.
You fell?
Get up loser.
You can't read?
Find somebody else to translate. Or he'll make you do it and be laughing nonstop while you struggle to pronounce the word "Apple"
"Gon what color's an orange?"
"An orange is the same color as it's name. Just like a lemon."
Please somebody take you two back to first grade.
Killua is begging.
Even though he won't baby you, he'll rush as fast as he can if you're in actual danger.
You got caught by the phantom troupe?
"Are you completely brain dead!?!!? Where are you!?!?"
Now he regrets not putting a tracker on you.
"This nice clown man gave me candy and told me to follow him." You tell him over CALL.
He is screaming and panicking.
You trespassed into the mountains his family lives to see him.
And when he gets there he sees you rubbing the monstrous canine's tummy. Petting him and calling him a "Good Boy."
Names he has called you out of spite: Idiot, Moron, Dummy, Psycho, Airhead, Ditz, and probably Pea Brain
On the bright side, you are Alluka's favorite person.
"Give me your ribs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Let's see if we can't find you a smokehouse for those ribs."
And it baffles both souls so much that Nanika accepts that as fulfilling her command.
Plus you have endless amounts of energy that works to drain both girls out. Even when they've both already swapped twice.
Killua designates you her official babysitter when he's busy.
You are a complete lunatic and moron, but you're one of the people he trusts the most.
Even if he does complain about you a lot.
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