#anti self harm
wolf-tail · 1 year
Just a reminder to always report pro-ana blogs as they are promoting self-harm and violate tumblr's terms of service.
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clowncarjackson · 1 year
Uh okay this needs to be said, if you like our content and or post fresh s/h and anything else that is life risking PLEASE DNI!!! We are tired of finding accounts that post it and if you think it’s a good idea to post it for clout PLEASE SEEK HELP STRAIGHT AWAY, goes to pro/comshipper as well, Dni from our acc.
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meatyliver · 1 year
hi s/h content warning/trigger warning not in depth
any time i see someone with rubber bands on their arms or wrists i get triggered because i think back to seventh grade when i used the rubber band trick as an anti s/h thing
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severussnapemylove · 29 days
Sometimes I wonder if JKR even realises she wrote Snape as a victim of sexual assault. Because he unambiguously is, and she writes him as traumatised by the incident. So it seems mad to suggest that she might not have thought through the implications of her own writing, but if she did get it, I am baffled by how sympathetic she remains to James. Harry is never really made to confront how vile his actions were, because he looks for comfort from Remus and Sirius rather than telling Hermione who would react in horror and disgust, and he gets to skip over it completely in The Prince’s Tale. JKR clearly considers James a hero, and has confirmed that in interviews. She’s even more sympathetic to Lily, who is portrayed as an absolute paragon of goodness, morality and virtue, despite her being attracted enough to James *after* he publicly commits sexual assault on a less privileged kid to marry him! What a malfunctioning moral compass. JKR also has no sympathy at all for Tom Riddle Sr, who is a victim of rape, and his rapist Merope Gaunt, who is herself strongly implied to be a victim of incestual abuse, is condemned by Dumbledore and the narrative not for what she did to Tom but for not being as courageous as nice, pretty, middle class Lily Evans because Merope committed the crime of…dying in childbirth. The only conclusions I can draw from this is that JKR is the sort of ´feminist’ who doesn’t believe men can be the victims of sexual crimes, and that deep down she thinks being a member of the underclass who can’t drag themselves out of it alone is indicative of moral failure.
This! All of this!
I don't think she puts it together at all. She's incredibly tone deaf about a lot of the abuse she puts these characters through. And with the blasé attitude she has about male victims of SA in the books definitely goes along her brand of toxic radical "feminism". It looks like she just doesn't recognise the severity of what happens to these characters. On top of Severus's attack and Tom Riddle Sr, remember that Ron was roofied with love spell that was intended for Harry, and Moaning Myrtle is incredible predatory towards the boys. Sadly, this attitude carries over from the author to a chunk of the fandom too. I've seen so much dismissiveness of the assaults against the male characters, especially Severus. And it's even more disappointing when I see people who have experienced abuse saying that what Severus endured "didn't count" as abuse. Had someone today on another platform having an absolute meltdown at me, saying that what happened in SWM wasn't sa, and that he wasn't traumatised from his abuse and if his anger was caused by trauma then why wasn't Harry the same. Seriously, you can't tell another person that what they experienced wasn't "bad enough to be abuse", that's a very warped mentality. Survivors are supposed to support each other, not belittle each other's trauma. Also, what book did they read that they think Harry doesn't have issues from the life he endured? He has different issues than Severus, yes, because he had different life experiences and everyone's reactions to trauma are different.
"Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her, but do not judge her too harshly, Harry. She was greatly weakened by long suffering and she never had your mother's courage."
WTF is this!!!??? This is just plain victim blaming. "Your mothers' courage"? Lily had supportive, loving parents, was loved by her peers, admired by her teachers, had a very comfortable, secure life. Merope was physically and mentally abused for her whole life. They really criticized the poverty stricken, abuse victim for not being as "strong" as the Mary Sue of the Wizarding World??? Toxic as hell. Personally, as someone who has dealt with self-harm, mental illness and generational trauma in my family, this attitude of "they weren't strong enough" is nauseating and infuriating.
There really is a disturbing trend of extreme poverty equalling a dead-end life with no hope. Which is again an extremally toxic and judgmental attitude and a very dangerous message to put in a book aimed to children. The attitude towards abuse, poverty and indecent assault of men is beyond problematic, not only in the books but in far too many members of the fandom.
I could rant more but this will go on for pages.
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feministfang · 25 days
Beauty culture is extremely normalised to the point women who refuse to conform to beauty standards because they love their natural selves get labelled "pick mes" by none other than self-proclaimed feminists themselves. Patriarchal society has conditioned women to be insecure about each and every feature of their faces or bodies it has deemed as a flaw due to which the idea of a natural looking woman is someone hideous and unattractive for many young women.
These insecure women have build up this one image of a natural female appearance in their minds which they describe as unattractive, and as a consequence, women who naturally do not fit into that unattractive-labelled box get hated on. I am sure we all have encountered at least one gossipmonger in our lives who would assume every woman who does not fit into that box has done something with her face or body because ‘ain’t no way a woman can be naturally beautiful’.
*Woman with rosy cheeks exists* — ‘Oh she must have applied makeup’
*Woman with no dark circles exists* — ‘hey what concealer do you use?’
*Woman with a smooth skin exists* — ‘drop the skincare routine!’
*Woman with big lips exists* — ‘definitely lip filler’
*Woman in her thirties exists* — ‘Botox! Botox! Definitely cosmetic surgery! She doesn’t look like a grandma!’
*Woman loving her natural self exists* — ‘How dare you think you’re not like other girls! Pick me!’
Women get bodyshamed if we do fit into the "ugly-looking" criteria. Women get hated on if we do not. Women are supposed to be hideously flawed if they defy beauty culture. Women with even one less flaw must admit they obey beauty culture. No matter how many times you ditch the beauty standards, you will never escape this nonsense.
I have a message for these insecure clowns:
There is nothing imperfect about you. What’s considered perfect and what’s considered imperfect on a woman is all a patriarchal set up to push us into being weak and desirable for men. Women’s insecurities have risen up along with the rise of feminism to ensure that independent women rejecting traditional gender roles are still submissive and pleasing men. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on expensive cosmetic procedures to look pretty because you are already naturally beautiful. And it doesn’t matter if your natural self is socially desirable or not, women don’t owe beauty to anybody. Please think critically of why you feel insecure about something and why do you even call it a flaw.
But on a strict note, in case you still got time to take out your brain back from the patriarchy’s washing machine, at least refrain from pulling us all down to the level of extreme self-hate where you stand. All women are perfect already. There’s no serious requirement of hiding anything or changing ourselves. But i understand if you cannot relate for now! What you see in others is a direct reflection of yours. But just because you think you are hideous does not mean every woman thinks the same way. Self-love is our only beauty routine so let us love ourselves. 🩷
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whereserpentswalk · 26 days
This is so terrible I'm going to kill... (remembers that suicide jokes help normalize having those types of thoughts and make it easier being open about self harm and suicide without stigma) myself.
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just-antithings · 21 days
(TW: Self Harm): Here’s something (somehow) way worse I came across. There was a Twitter poll asking what is better. The proshippers or selfharm Twitter. VAST MAJORITY of people said that Selfharm Twitter is worse than proshippers. Let that information marinate.
You good? Good. Because it gets worse.
Someone who is a recovering self-harm addict said that they hate that selfharm Twitter exists and they’d much rather be around proshippers than be on self-harm Twitter. An anti’s response? They told the recovering self-harm addict to relapse. Genuinely. Why the HELL would you say that?!
And people wanna say that proshippers are terrible people for being anti-censorship, what a joke. 😒
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antiendosystemterms · 5 months
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Harmful viewer (alter)
A term for an alter who seeks out harmful or triggering content, topics, ect. This may be a way to self harm or they may enjoy doing this.
((this term is made by us. The flag is made by us.))
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esf-art-and-design · 8 months
You wanna know something crazy?
I work for a LGBTQ+/Queer non-profit, I’ve had to sit in on training seminars on how to best support our community, how to create a space that is actually safe for everyone in the community, etc.
You wanna know the one thing that was emphasized by these professionals running these seminars (who are also a part of the community btw)
Telling queer people what their labels for their identity ought to be is extremely harmful.
Gatekeeping the community from other people who are figuring themselves out because of labels is harmful?! Shocker I know, but yes it is.
You know what this means right? It means that:
You don’t get to tell a guy experimenting with queer sex that he’s gay/bi/queer/etc if he ID’s as straight
You don’t get to tell a woman experimenting with queer sex that she’s lesbian/bi/queer/etc. if she ID’s as straight
You don’t get to tell aces who are hetero sexual/Romantic that they don’t belong in queer spaces
You don’t get to blame bi lesbians/m-spec women for creepy cishet men entering wlw spaces to hit on women (in an entitled way) (that’s called misogyny babes)
You don’t get to tell someone they are unlovable/not deserving of a relationship/etc. because of the label they use
You don’t get to tell people that actions invalidate their labels because “actions speak louder than words”
You don’t get to demand to know what labels someone uses because of their actions. (Or you don’t force someone to out themselves)
You don’t apply labels to someone from pure speculation (you could be outing someone and putting them in danger)
You don’t get to tell people their labels are “contradictory” or “don’t make sense” and demand they choose one label over the other
Other Labels cannot harm your own identity, and if you act like it can your wrong and harming the community
And ultimately, It means that according to actual professionals within the lgbtq non-profit space, the exclusionists in the community are wrong and are doing immeasurable harm.
Basically what I’m saying is that everyone is welcome here on my blog, policing identity is harmful, and yes, the exclusionists that told you that your identity is invalid or made fun of you for your identity we’re so fucking wrong.
Everyone who experiences sexual orientation, attraction, gender identity, and gender expression differently belongs within our community.
Gatekeeping only keeps people deserving of services away from the spaces where they can get those services. It keeps them away from peer support. And that’s not good, especially if you know the statistics for self harm and suicide within the community.
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sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This alter looks up triggering content as a way to self harm.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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destielmemenews · 5 months
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Vash and Alcoholism
I’m still chipping away at essays for volume 5 and might write stuff for 6 but I need to stop and talk about this panel.
Warning for discussion of alcoholism and self-harm.
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[ID: Crop of two panels from Trigun Maximum Volume 6 chapter 5. The first panel we see Vash looking down at the alcohol he spilled on his coat and prosthetic arm. The speech bubbles say “Ha... he he...” The second, much larger panel is a close up of his face. Most of his face is in shadow, except for the bridge of his nose and one eye, which is closed and crinkled like he’s smiling. He’s holding his damp hand to his mouth, accompanied by a word bubble that says “slurp”. End ID.]
Something about this is genuinely so disturbing. He’s been caught day drinking during a  shootout, laughs weakly, then drinks the spilled alcohol on his hand. The way his eye is drawn makes me think he’s supposed to be smiling, but the rest of his face is in stark shadow and I just. If I’m remembering right up until this point Vash has been seen drinking but as a joke or as part of a larger celebration (see the celebration for the message from Earth. He had the goofy tie around his head and everything). This is the first time we see Vash as alcoholic, seeing it as the unhealthy and inadequate coping mechanism it is.
He looks strange for the rest of the fight too, looking both exhausted but also frightening and uncanny, like:
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[ID: Crop of a two page spread from Trigun Maximum Volume 6 chapter 5. Vash is holding his gun but is standing in a strange pose, his torso bent over, neck bent further, with an unsettling and blank expression on his face. End ID.]
God. He looks so. I’m not even sure how to describe it. He’s still doing his usual Vash routine, refusing to kill, but he seems detached or absent from his own head.
Maybe it’s because I have a family history of alcoholism and I’m desperately afraid of developing a dependency myself (with my mental health history it feels likely) but seeing Vash like this is so upsetting. Combined with shooting at the target in the first chapter until he bled (which read as self-harm to me) we’re seeing Vash become more overtly self-destructive.
And from what I remember of future chapters it’s only going to get worse.
Update: Well this post blew up. Everyone’s additions are so good! Glad we all agree that alcoholism is scary and dangerous and that Vash is slowly destroying himself in the worst way. Glad to share TrigunBookClub with a bunch of smart, very sad people <3
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mihai-florescu · 10 months
"Fiction isnt reality itself, but it does affect reality, so you have to be mindful of your own consumption and how you interact with it after, especially if you're going in a fandom setting" is not a crazy statement to understand, and yet it feels like it on the internet
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iheartbookbran · 4 months
Also ngl I kinda love the concept of Debling courting Penelope and Colin getting jealous because of it, not because I ship it (he’s barely a character) or because I’m part of the crowd that wants to see Colin ~suffer (though I’m not opposed to seeing him dramatically yearn), but because the reason Penelope specifically is going after this vegan man is so fascinating to me. Like, she obviously doesn’t love him. But she will marry him to protect LW… she’ll marry him to please Portia, that’s so funny.
Girl’s so desperate to escape her awful family life while at the same time keeping her secret, but she also wants her mother’s approval. And she’s so caught up in that toxic mindset that she completely misses the guy she’s been in love with since childhood making heart eyes at her from across the ballroom.
Pen only has her parents’ terrible marriage as a frame of reference, so she probably thinks it’s a bonus if her future husband is much older than her because that could make her a young widow. He’ll leave the country for the majority of the year to fuck off to Antarctica? Oh to be left alone by your own life partner!!!
Meanwhile Portia is enthusiastically nodding behind Penelope like yes, perhaps he’ll die at sea, and neither of them think there’s anything wrong with this outlook in life.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i really hate how the idea that mentally ill people have full control over our illnesses ramps up once we're doing harmful things to ourselves. the pain other people feel when they find out we're struggling is prioritized over the danger we're in. we're not seen as people who are in dire need of support. we're seen as selfish, lazy assholes. because we could just stop, right? we just need to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and everything will be fine!
but that's not how it works. yes, there is an element of choice, but that's not unique to mentally ill people's health. and when you're dealing with severe mental illness, it can takes YEARS to learn how to wrestle your nervous system into being healthier. your brain is still part of your body! it's an organ! the chemicals and neurons throughout your body exist! and you can't just will your body to be healthy. it takes time and effort!
severe mental illness is a DISABILITY that people need (material and emotional) support to get through. it's not a character or moral flaw, and shame, guilt, and hate will only ever make things worse.
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anti-kawaii-daily · 10 months
J-Fashion Terms for Beginners Part 1
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Menhera - An online subculture themed around erasing mental health stigma that has gained traction in mainstream media due to its usage of cutesy vent art. Isn't exactly a fashion style, but it tends to be associated with Yami Kawaii and Yume Kawaii (with Yami Kawaii elements) when worn as fashion.
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Not just a fashion, but an art movement
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Yami Kawaii - Also known as "sickly cute", this fashion style is a Kawaii fashion that strays away from stereotypical cuteness by adding medical elements (such as accessories shaped like pills or bandages) and a gloomier color palette (such as pastels but with the colors being even more faded and faint). While in mainstream media it is more similar to J-Goth fashion, it's not uncommon for it's more cutesy roots to be present. While it does reference mental health like the Menhera subculture, Yami Kawaii also focuses on physical health conditions too.
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Being sick or filled with darkness, doesn't mean you can't be cute
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Gurokawa - Translates as "grotesque cute", "gross cute" or "creepy cute", this J-Fashion style and aesthetic actually originates from Decora! It's earliest mainstream use was by singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, and the style has grown in popularity ever since! In comparison to the previous styles, Gurokawa is over the top and pulls no punches regarding horror elements. Outfits in this style feature motifs such as blood, internal organs, cute monsters, eyeballs and cute characters committing acts of violence. The color palette here is all over the place, and your typical Gurokawa coord can either use only pastels like it's other Anti-Kawaii cousins, or it can follow it's Decora roots and use brighter colors such as neons.
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Some people see beauty where others see absolute horror
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