#anyway point is. im so glad. sobs in relief
cassyapper · 2 years
THANK YOU ROHAN IT MEANS A LOT <3 a part of me honestly wants to sob in relief cause like i remember literally agonizing over not having romantic feelings in seventh grade like actually crying about it. it's honestly kinda funny it took me this long to settle on it but IM SOOO GLAD I HAVE FINALLY......i feel so comfortable. it's like being home. im aro and it's like (: ^_^ :D
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heyitsmerose · 4 years
Ateez Reaction to their s/o calling them when they’re in danger (maknae line)
TW: Sensitive content and mentions of abuse
Word Count: 2.6k
Mature Language*
San: (creep at the beach)
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(From the perspective on San’s Girlfriend - read pt.1 for Yunho’s girlfriend’s pov)
You and San were at the beach with the rest of Ateez and their girlfriends. It was a nice way to get away from their busy lifestyles as idols and for everyone to just have a day off. You and Yunho’s girlfriend were quite close and decided to go shell collecting together.
The rest of Ateez’s and Ateez girlfriends were taking pictures, building sand castles and having fun, while Yunho and his Mingi went to go get ice cream for everyone.
You were laughing and giggling with one another, collecting sea shells, and comparing one another’s like kids, until two tall men interrupted the both of you.
“Hey ladies! are you here at the beach to have a fun time?” One of them said. You, being the bubbly and friendly person that you were, decided to respond and make conversation.
“Yeah, we’re just collecting seashells” You smiled back at them 
“with our boyfriends” Yunho’s girlfriend added
“Hey, it’s alright they’re just being nicee” You whispered back to her
“You never know” she just shrugged back
“Anyways, do you girls know where we can pick up some hot ladies” At this point, you looked a little uncomfortable. Who just comes up and asks you stuff like that?
“There’s a bar up ahead, hope you find what youre looking for, it was nice talking to you” Yunho’s girlfriend sternly said. You were glad to have a stricter mom friend like her, she was quick to take charge. She grabbed your arm and turned the opposite direction, and you gladly accepted.
“Hey, no, no wait up, we just want to talk” The other man grabbed her wrist.
“Let go of me” She sternly said. You tried prying his arm off of her wrist but to no avail. You were starting to get a little scared. It was surprising how she was able to keep her composure
“We need to go back now, let me go!” Yunho’s girlfriend yelled at him. At this point your eyes were watering. This was such an overwhelming and scary situation, not to mention, these men were way taller than you and could easily do anything they pleased. That thought gave you shivers.
The man holding Yunho’s girlfriends arm looked to his friend and his friend then looked at you. He walked closer, and you tried taking a step back. Before you could however, he gripped your chin and neck with one of his hands while the other was one your shoulder. You felt disgusted and at this point, the tears were already flowing out your eyes.
“Let go of me!” You yelled at him, trying to step back, only for his nails to further dig into your shoulder
“Let us go!” Yunho’s girlfriend yelled at the both of them. She then managed to kick and shove the one holding you onto the ground and you were free. You looked back at her with watery eyes, she just nodded at you and told you to call someone for help. Looking at the situation you both were in, you got more overwhelmed and fell to the ground with your phone in your hands fumbling on the dial pad, trying to call someone. You called Yunho, as you were scared for his girlfriend. 
[Yunho-yah] You cried on the phone
[Hey, hey, hey, Y/n, what’s wrong]
[We were collecting seashells and these 2 men started talking to us and touching us, please come get us] you tried getting the words out
[What the hell!? both of you stay right there, me and San are coming to get you, don’t worry. Stay on the call with me okay, you’re going to be alright]
[Please hurry, they’re hurting her] You sobbed loudly scared for your friend.
You then looked up to see the one that was holding you before was walking towards you. You tried to stand up, but your legs would not cooperate. The man abruptly pulled you up by your waist as you tried to get out of his grip. 
“Already falling for me, eh?” He said creepily
“No, please let me go” you tried saying as sternly as you could, only for it to come out as a bare whisper. He then proceeded to slip his hands under you white sundress, as you tried getting away. 
“Don’t touch me please! Im begging you!” you tried reasoning, while sobbing loudly.
“Y/N!” you heard your boyfriend San’s voice and relief flooded in. Yunho kicked the guy holding you and then ran to his girlfriend. As soon as the man let go of you, you fell to the sand crying and sobbing. San crouched down to your level and took you in his arms, sitting you on his lap. You hid your face from him trying to look down, however he grabbed your cheeks and made you look at him. You were surprised to see tears in his eyes too, flowing freely.
“What the hell is wrong with those creeps” San yelled as Yunho and his girlfriend both felt bad for the situation you were in. This man had inappropriately touched you, and you were scared.
You were hyperventilating and flinched at his touch and San had never felt more devastated.
“Baby, follow me okay” He guided your hand to his chest to feel his breathing. Soon enough, you started taking longer breaths and were no longer hyperventilating.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to protect you” He said, voice cracking at the end
“It’s not your fault” you reassured him leaning into him further. The last thing you wanted was for him to blame himself. 
For the rest of the afternoon, you noticed how two members had followed you at all times, and how San, specifically never let you out of his sight.
Mingi: (kidnapper)
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You and Mingi had just started dating, it had been a few months and you were slowly falling more in love with him. None of you had said it yet though. You lived separately and took turns to go to each other’s houses. You always looked forward to your week, when you had to visit his house though. Upon reaching his house, it was like heaven, it smelled like him and you couldnt have asked for more. Today, it was your turn to go to his house and you were excited to say the least. 
You quickly packed some gum, extra leggings, your phone and a charger with you. You plugged in your favourite song and began skipping down the streets carefree. It was around 4pm so you weren’t really too worried, however one thing that was weird was how empty the streets were. Shrugging it off, you began humming and walking to his house. It was a few blocks away, so you didn’t mind walking. 
After a few turns, you came across an older man, supposedly in his 40s with a young kid. It was quite normal to bring your kids with you on walks around the neighbourhood, so again you just decided to not pay to much attention to it. As you reached closer however, you could hear them arguing over the music, while the older man tried pushing the kid in your direction. You looked away, trying to be less awkward in this situation. The little kid shook their head a few times at the man and he glared at her. She soon ran up to me and tapped your leg. 
“Um, miss, I think you’re really pretty, here is a chocolate for you” The little kid gave you a chocolate and ran away back to the old man. He pat her head and they both turned away. You should realised how big of a red flag this was but, just shrugged it off and ate the chocolate. In a few minutes, you started feeling dizzy. Mingi’s house was still around 5 minutes away, so you just decided to call him to pick you up. You called him and he picked up after a few rings.
[Mingi-ah] You weakly said
[Hey Y/N? you usually never call me like this is everything alright?] he replied
[I don’t know I feel light headed, I’m about 5 minutes from your house, and I-] as soon as you said that you fell to the ground due to weakness.
[Y/N! I heard a thud are you alright?]
[No, I can’t get up, my legs and hands feel numb] you whispered
[Okay wait there I’m coming to get you]
[Okay] you whispered weakly, after which you closed your eyes and passed out.
[Y/N, stay on the call with me okay?] he called out to you
[Y/N?] He asked a little louder
[Y/N?!] He was frantic at this point, shuffling heard through the phone.
He tried reaching your location as quick as possible. When he did he noticed a strange man trying to carry you off the ground.
“Listen you bastard, let my girlfriend go!” Mingi yelled at the man pushing him off of you.
You were still out cold, unaware of what was going on around you. 
When you wok up, you were in Mingi’s bed with a cold cloth on your head and water by your side. Mingi was also sitting on the bed just looking outside, not realising you had gotten up.
“Mingi-ah” You said weakly
“Oh my goodness, Y/N” he engulfed you in a tight hug not letting go of you
“I thought I lost you, I love you so much”
“I love you too Mingi”
Wooyoung: (break-in)
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You and Wooyoung had just fought. It was some stupid reason, however both of you being the petty people you were, didn’t back down and it resulted in Wooyoung stomping out of your shared apartment. You stared at the door as he did, too paralysed to do anything. You had never had a fight this big before. You decided to cook dinner to hopefully cool off, eventually Wooyoung would come home right? You decided to cook dinner for the both of you. 
You put something on the stove and left it to cook for a bit while going to the other room to set up the table. While setting the table up, you couldn’t help but regret what happened earlier, you felt guilty for letting escalate so far and let a few tears fall. As you kept setting up the table, you decided to check on the food cooking and once it was done you plated it nicely, adding a heart of sauce to Wooyoung’s plate, and simply sitting at the table waiting for him to come back. After a while, you got tired of waiting for him, and decided to just call him. You called him once, but he didn’t pick up the first time and so you tried calling him again, which he picked up.
[Y/N, I thought I told you not to call me] He said sighing
[I know but I made dinner, and I was just waiting for you to come home] you whispered out feeling guilty for bothering him.
[Alright then, I’m coming home, we can talk it out] he said, you were relieved and happy that you would be able to sort it out, but also nervous to face him again.
[Okay, Woo-] You were interrupted by a doorbell ringing, and you went to go check the door.
[Wait, Y/N who is that?] Wooyoung said
[Isn’t that you?] You asked him back.
[No it’s not. Check through the peephole]
[It’s a random man, do you have any friends coming over?]
[No, they’re all here, don’t open the doo-]
You both were interrupted by a noise on the door, banging. You gasped and spoke to Wooyoung again.
[Woo, I don’t know who that is, and I’m scared, please help]
[Stay on the call with me! Don’t hang up and lock yourself in our room, Don’t come out until I get home!]
[Wooyoung you can’t come home, what if they attack you or something?] You said voice breaking at the end, even the thought of Wooyoung getting hurt was so hard to think about.
[Y/N, are you crying?] He asked lovingly
[No] you replied whispering, not trusting your voice. Wooyoung video called you, and you covered your face.
[Baby, there’s no need to worry, I have Seonghwa and Yeosang with me too, now show me your beautiful face please, I’ve missed you] You looked up showing your tear stained face, gaining a gasp in return
[Why is my baby cryinggg] he whined over the phone. You giggled, and were quickly interrupted by police sirens, suggesting they called the police and were here to save you.
The second you saw Wooyoung outside, you ran out the house into his arms, jumping onto him, wrapping your hands around his neck, and legs around his waist. 
“I missed you” you cried into his neck, “I was so scaredd”
“Aigoo, I promise I won’t ever leave you alone again alright? Now let’s go have dinner”
And that promise was definitely fulfilled as her tried to stay with you whenever he could acting clingier that usual fro the next few weeks.
Jongho: (creep at night)
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You and Jongho had gone out for a late night stroll as you finally got time to spend with each other. Oftentimes, he was busy with the band, or couldn’t leave the house. At night like this however, you were both content. You were calmly strolling around a park when you decided you go pick a few flowers. Not going too far, you saw these blue and purple flowers that you quite liked and further ventured into the park to get them. Jongho was still on the bench of the park eating some ice cream you had gotten together. 
You decided to to sit down and collect a few flowers so show your boyfriend you you made yourself comfortable and sat comfortably. After a while, you heard shuffling behind you and saw a strange man walking towards you. Warning bells ringing in your head, you tried standing up to walk away, only for the man to come up to you and hold you down your shoulder. He was squatting down, so you had to look up at him.
“Excuse me sir, I don’t know who you are or what you want, please let me go” You tried saying as nicely as you could. Despite this however, the man just grinned at you as he inched closer and closer. 
“I like the innocent ones the most” He said sneering
At this point, you were scared as hell and were struggling to get out of his grip to no avail. You started breathing heavier and started getting worried, no one was around, what would this creep do? 
“What do you want, ugh!” You tried squirming out of his grip, only to be shoved back to the ground. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll let you go after I’m done” He said wickedly. At this point you had had enough
“Jongho!! Help! Please help me!” You yelled as loud as you could. No response. 
“Guess your little boyfriend over there, doesn’t mind either. Now where should we begin?” He asked trying to trail his hands towards your neck, only to get shoved to the ground by Jongho. 
“You bitch!” Jongho yelled. Kicking him a few times as well.
“How dare you touch my girlfriend!”
Jongho picked you up and took you back home. Although you didn’t show love to each other physically too much, it was moments like this where you realised how in love you were with him. you were thankful to have such a protective boyfriend.
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Break In
Fandom: 9-1-1
Character/s: Eddie x Reader, Buck, Maddie, Christopher
Warning/s: assult, battery
Word Count: 2,568
Request:  Hi please can I request a 911 imagine where I'm buck and maddies younger sister and Eddie's wife and one day when christopher and eddie go shopping and I'm at home our house gets broken into (robbery) and I get beaten up but im ok and eddie and the team (118) look after me after I get out of hospital and I find out I'm pregnant while I'm in hospital but the baby is alright
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It was the shock, you thought to yourself, it had to be, why else would your mind keep drifting to the ceiling, why had you let your husband, Eddie Diaz, paint it like that? You’d have to remind him to change it, you decided, eyes going blurry as the pain in your head intensified.
Why were you even looking at the ceiling anyway? Oh right... you were on the floor. But why were you on the floor? That was a pretty silly place to be, had you fallen?
No, you remembered, groaning in pain as you slowly brought your arm up to your head, it was wet and warm, blood... You’d been pushed, you remembered now, Eddie and Christopher had gone shopping but you’d insisted on staying at home, you’d had some paperwork to take care of and you’d wanted a nice soak in the bath... That’s when it happened, you’d heard noises downstairs while the water was running so you’d turned it off to listen, thinking your boys were home early.
You’d gone to greet the footsteps making their way up the stairs, stopping in your tracks on the landing when you saw a man that was very much not your husband, black mask over his face, bag in one hand and bat in another. He’d paused too, clearly surprised to see you, and you’d stood facing each other for what felt like a strangely long time, each of you wondering what you were supposed to do now. 
Then you’d tried to step away, that’s right, you realised, and he’d lunged as you turned, grabbing you to stop you from running as you screamed, throwing your elbow back and making contact with his face as he stumbled back, allowing you a second to scramble forward before he regained his balance. He’d swung out with his bat, connecting with your side as you stumbled into a unit, you hadn’t fallen over but you’d been stalled long enough for the man to reach for you and grab you by the hair, tossing you onto the ground hard. 
You’d rolled over to try and crawl away but he’d grabbed your leg, pulling you back and connecting his fist with your face, taking a bat to your stomach as you tried to claw at him, doubling in pain as you screamed for help in the hopes that anyone could actually hear you.
He hadn’t liked that, hitting you again to try as he yelled at you to “shut up bitch”, but you were a Buckley, you’d been raised to be scrappy, to fight back, so when you’d managed to get one leg free enough you aimed your knee directly into his groin with all your strength, using his temporarily stunned state to scramble to your feet and run to the stairs. 
Sadly, it wasn’t temporary enough, and you’d been struck again, one foot hovering over the first step as the bat connected to the lower part of your back. No matter how hard you tried to hold on to the bannister you’d lost your footing, folding into yourself as you tumbled helplessly down the stairs. 
Then it had gone dark. 
Not for long, that much you were sure of, you could still hear rummaging in your kitchen, or maybe your living room, the sound of things smashing and furniture falling was probably what aroused your from your short unconscious state. Still, this wasn’t good, your head felt heavy and you were so dizzy you thought you’d pass out again if you tried to sit up. Or worse, you thought, and your assailant would discover you were awake again, if he even thought you were still alive.
Where was Eddie? You felt a tear slip down your face as you stared at the blood on your hand. A shadow fell over part of your person and you let out and involuntary sob, straining your eyes to see the man, bag full of your things, tightening his grip on his bat.
You readied yourself for a blow that never came, for as he began to take a step towards you, sirens sounded from down the street, causing him to freeze in alarm, glancing around before running back into your kitchen, presumably out your back door. 
Seconds later your front door was being thrown open, the neighbours must have heard the commotion after all, as Athena ran in, gun in hand, holstering it and falling to her knees beside you when she spotted you at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, hands going straight to your head
“Back... door...” You managed to mumble and she ordered her men to pursue him while she radioed for an ambulance stat, heading momentarily into another room to grab a cloth to apply pressure to your head.
It was agonising, but at least you were alive, you were safe. “I got you,” Athena reassured you, doing a quick scan of your body for any other immediate damage. “You’re going to be okay Y/N, it’s going to be okay.”
“Eddie- He’s out with Christopher...” You managed to start saying, but you didn’t need to finish for her to know what you meant.
“I’ll call him, he can meet us at the hospital, Buck and Maddie too, don’t worry,” She radioed dispatch again to tell them to hurry up as your eyes sight began to narrow, darkness at the edges of your vision threatening to consume you.
You could hear more sirens now, but they sounded like they were getting further away and not closer, or maybe you were just losing consciousness, you realised as you eye lids started to drop.
“No, no, Y/N, stay awake for me okay,” Athena put her hand on the side of your face looking you in the eyes as you tried to force them back open. “The ambulance is here now okay, it’s going to be okay.” You were vaguely away of paramedics rushing in, not ones that you recognised though as Athena reluctantly stepped aside to let them take a look at you.
They were talking, but you couldn’t really make out what they were saying as they hauled you onto a backboard and took you outside, loading you into the ambulance. Athena looked like she wanted to climb in with you, but she couldn’t leave her car, so she said something about following behind, and that they had to take good care of you, but by that point all you wanted to do was sleep.
So, despite the paramedics trying to tell you otherwise as the ground beneath you began to move, you let your eyes finally close and you drifted away.
There was bright white light when you woke up, and you struggled to open your eyes, willing them to focus as you heard noise in the room. A hand was in yours, and as soon as you began to try and move your head to get a sense of your surroundings you heard someone stand up, holding your hand tighter as they looked over you. 
You relaxed and smiled when you realised who it was, realised where you were. “Eddie,” you muttered and he kissed your hand, calling in a doctor to check on you.
“I’m so glad you’re awake,” his voice cracked, relief rushing over him, but concern still in his eyes.
“How long was I out?” You asked, realising just how dry your mouth and throat were. Trying to swallow you glanced around for some water, struggling to reach the cup you could see on the side as Eddie brought it to your lips.
“A few hours, you had a bit of a minor bleed from where you hit your head, the doctors went in to stop it so you were under for a bit,” he explained as you drank, never knowing lukewarm water to taste so good. “You scared me, I thought- I love you and-” he admitted, or tried to, stroking the side of your face gently as he spoke. 
You kissed his hand lightly as he put the water away. “I love you too, and I’m okay, I have a new found respect for pinatas, but I’m okay,” you smiled as he laughed moving away to give a doctor who had just entered space to check you out.
On his heels came Buck and Christopher, Maddie just behind them, all clearly relieved that you were okay. Christopher came to give you a hug as the doctor checked over your charts.
“You woke up!” Eddie picked him up slightly to hug you, aware of your limited mobility as you tried to sit up to hug him, very much feeling the bruise on your stomach as you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
You could tell he’d been crying, not wanting to let you go as Maddie came and squeezed your hand, Buck planting a kiss on the top of your head as Christopher hung onto you.
“Okay buddie let’s give her some space,” Eddie suggested, lightly pulling Christopher away from you as you tried not to wince, not wanting him to see you in any pain.
“How’s you head?” He asked carefully.
“That’s what I was about to ask,” the doctor on your other side said and you turned to face him. “Dr Finch,” he introduced himself, offering out a hand for you to shake.
“It’s definitely sore, but I’ll manage,” you informed him, noticing how he kept glancing at your chart, then back to you, and then to your visitors, his eyes suggesting that maybe there was more that you didn’t know. “I am okay, aren’t I doc?” 
You felt Eddie’s hand slip back into yours as Doctor Finch reviewed your chart. “Are you the husband?” He asked and Eddie nodded, face serious as Doctor Finch tapped his pen against the clipboard. “Maybe it would be best if we had a little bit of privacy,” he said finally, glancing to your siblings and Christopher.
“I want to stay!” Christopher argued but Buck put a hand on his shoulder, face fully of worry.
“It’s okay, we’ll be right outside,” Buck told him as he tried to lead him out, only going after a pleading look from his father.
“Right outside,” Maddie repeated gently, the unsaid promise that they’d be here for you no matter what being very clear as she relunctantly followed the other two back into the hall.
Only when the door was closed did you turn back to the doctor, squeezing Eddie’s hand tighter. “So...?” What was going on? Had they found something during the surgery? You mind was swirling with guesses as you awaited an answer.
“Well Mrs Diaz, while we were conducting your blood tests we discovered a change in your hCG levels, that means-” you interrupted him then, knowing full well what that meant.
“I’m pregnant?” You finished for him, swallowing hard as you looked to your husband, who was in turn looking back at you in shock.
“Yes,” Doctor Finch replied, but there was a grave look on his face as your hand drifted to your belly, memories of that bat flashing through your mind. 
“Am I... still pregnant?” You asked tentatively, fear building up inside you as you realised why he’d wanted just the two of you in here.
“That’s what you’re here to find out, right?” Eddie asked the doctor as he stroked his thumb over your hand, trying to sooth your nerves, or his own, as the doctor nodded, getting an ultrasound machine ready.
You took a shaky breath as Eddie kissed you, eyes full of love and worry. “It’s okay, we’ll be okay,” he muttered to you as Doctor Finch asked you to life up your hospital shirt, applying cold cream to your belly.
“Am I okay to proceed?” He checked, scanner in hand as you looked to be blank monitor, dreading what was about to appear on the screen. You and Eddie had talked about having children some day, but you’d only been married six months and with the demanding jobs you both had, it wasn’t something you’d been trying for right now. But still...
“Do it,” you told him, eyes not leaving that screen as you felt the pressure of the scanner, Doctor Finch moving it around slowly as you and Eddie watched on. It didn’t seem like either of you were breathing as the agonisingly slow seconds ticked by. You’d shut your eyes, trying to stop yourself from crying, when you’d heard that thump, that unmistakable sound of a heart beat, and you heard Eddie let out a sigh of relief.
Opening your eyes you stared at the small and blurry image on the screen, a smile spreading across your face as Eddie leaned his head against yours. Doctor Finch paused the monitor on a good angle and turned to you.
“Congratulations,” he told you both sincerely.
“Is it okay?” You asked, eyes fixated on the screen as he handed you some paper towels to wipe off the gels. Your hand staying on your belly after you did.
“I’d certainly like to keep you here, at least over night, to monitor everything, you suffered a fair amount of bodily trauma and you’d definitely have to take it very easy, but from what I’m seeing right now, that’s a healthy baby,” he explained, excusing himself so you and Eddie could process this in private.
“I’ll be back in to check on you very soon, would you like me to send in the others?” He asked and you and Eddie looked to each other, joy on both your face as you agreed.
They came in quickly, still looking concerned, but that soon fell when they saw your faces.
“Well your faces don’t say that you’re dying...” Buck noted.
“What’s going on?” Maddie wondered as Christopher came over to you and Eddie, his father kneeling down to his level and tustling his hair.
“Is everything okay?” He asked.
“Everything great kiddo,” Eddie replied, Maddie wandering over to you as you looked at Eddie and Christopher, your family was here, and it was about to be getting a little bigger.
“We do have some news though,” you told them, realisation dawning on Maddie’s face as Buck looked on confused.
“What kind of news?” He asked as Maddie’s hands went to her mouth.
“Oh my god,” you practically squealed as Buck continued to look at his two sisters.
“Oh my god what, Y/N what’s going on?” Maddie bent down to tug you tightly so Buck turned to Eddie, “can someone tell me what’s going on?”
“We’re having a baby,” Eddie said softly, still looking at his son to gage his reaction.
“Wait, seriously?” Buck’s mouth dropped as Maddie pulled away, both of you wiping tears from your eyes as you nodded to your brother, his confused expression turning overjoyed as he laughed, coming over to hug you next.
“A baby? I’m going to be a big brother?” Christopher repeated, looking from you to his dad and then back again.
“You okay with that Chris?” Eddie asked genuinely.
“Of course!” He replied, grinning wildly, hugging his dad as Eddie lifted his off of his feet.
Soon the whole room was full of congratulations and hugs, your hand barely leaving your belly as you watched your family, so grateful for everything you had, all the love in the room. 
This was going to be one lucky baby.
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second thoughts (legolas x reader)
The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 3
warnings: fighting, character death
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
a/n : part 3!!! i have so much fun writing this story and im so glad that i get to continue writing these chapters for you guys. thank you so much to everyone who is reading and showing support, it honestly means so much to me you have no idea. anyway, without further ado, here’s chapter 3! i hope you enjoy<3
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“Are we lost?”
“I think we are.”
“Shh! Gandalf’s thinking.”
“I’m hungry.” Pippin and Merry whispered between each other. They were sat opposite each other, their voices flowing through the space. Sam was sat up against one of the rocks near Frodo. Gandalf had perched himself upon a rock. He lifted a pipe to and from his lips, blowing out smoke when necessary. You were sat beside Boromir, who was beside Aragorn. Legolas was stood, his back leaned against rock, close to Aragorn.
“I miss home.” You mentioned. Boromir smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you gently into his side.
“After the journey, we will return. We will drink and feast and celebrate. And everything will go back to normal.” He assured and you gave a small smile. Though, you were unsure of whether you wanted that to be your reality when you were to finish the journey. You had quite enjoyed the thought of travelling with Aragorn and then when his time had come… Well, you had not thought that far just yet. Anyway, this was all hypothetical, of course, as it had much started to dawn on you that you might not get the chance to return. Luck had been on your side thus far but for how long would it continue to come to your aid?
Legolas noticed the worried look that fell over your features and his brows drew together, wishing that he could read your mind to know what troubled you. He was about to pull you to the side to ask how you were when Gandalf let out a loud noise.
“It’s that way.” He pointed with his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips as he looked at Frodo who was sat beside him.
“He’s remembered!” Merry said with a grin, pulling the pipe from his lips. He pushed himself to his feet.
Gandalf stood with the aid of his staff. “No, but the air doesn’t smell so foul down here. If in doubt, young Meriadoc, always follow your nose.” He led the way, holding his staff up so that the light exuding from it would reveal more of the path. Legolas held back to walk with you. You smiled at him and he returned it. Each member of the Fellowship stepped down the decreasing concrete.
“Let me risk a little more light.” Gandalf muttered. His staff brightened the way. “Behold, the great realm, the dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf.”
Your lips parted almost immediately in awe, breath drawing from your throat. There were pillars hundreds of feet tall, all so intricately designed and decorated. Somehow amongst the darkness all of the stone seemed to turn from a dull grey to a shimmering silver. Dips and grooves were so perfectly sculpted that it seemed surreal.
“Well, there’s an eyeopener, make no mistake.” Sam said. His eyes were glistening with wonder as well as everyone else’s.
“It’s beautiful.” You whispered. It seemed as if the words were forced from your mouth. There was so much beauty and brilliance in the world that you had yet to see; the sort of the thing that excited you.
It did not excite you for long, however. Once you had been walking for a while again, Gimli paused. His eyes quickly scanned over skeletons leading to a room. He took an audible breath, running into the room. Your eyes widened and you quickly followed him. Your heart ached at the sight of him. His face was stained with more tears, his eyes flooded. His wails were unforgettable. A series of sobs left his lips, his chest heaving up and down as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder. You could feel tears begin to pool in yours eyes. You had not noticed that the others had joined you until the sound of extra footsteps echoed off of the walls.
“Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.” The wizard took a breath. You moved away from Gimli, standing beside Legolas with a small sniffle. “He is dead, then. It is as I feared.” He handed his things to Pippin, delicately moving a skeleton to pick up a dusty book that it had been holding, once. A shiver ran all the way up your spine, your skin prickling in goosebumps. You snapped your head around to look through the door behind you, anxiety growing within your frame.
“I have a bad feeling about this place.” You hissed into the elf’s ear and he nodded, leaning into Aragorn’s ear slightly.
“We must move on. We cannot linger.”
Gandalf turned the page. “They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums. Drums in the deep.” He turned the page. “We cannot get out. Shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming—”
Suddenly a loud noise captivated the attention of everybody. The noise came from beside Pippin, who was stood looking extremely guilty beside a headless body. Before you knew it, the body fell flimsily down the hole beside it and the weight that it was attached to quickly followed. If you wanted not to be noticed then perhaps bringing Pippin along was not the right idea, for the noises echoed loudly around the space. After a little while of silence, Boromir let out an audible breath of relief.
“Fool of a took!” Gandalf snapped, tossing the book to the floor. “Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity.” He snatched back his staff and hat and Pippin looked to the floor.
There was a faint bang in the distance. If anyone’s eyes had wondered, they were now firmly back on the hobbit. Breathing was audible from everyone in the room. You looked worriedly at Boromir, he, too, looked anxious. Your breath quickened, turning around to face the door but turning back when Sam spoke.
“Mister Frodo…” At his words, Frodo pulled out his sword which was glowing blue. Your eyes widened at the sight. He had told you before that his Uncle Bilbo had gifted it to him before he left Rivendell. It glowed blue if there were—
“Orcs.” Legolas confirmed at the overwhelming sound of energetic screams and shouts. Boromir turned, running to the door.
“Boromir!” You warned, gasping sharply when two arrows landed not even an inch away from his face, protruding out from the door. Sprinting to him, you helped him shove the door closed. You could make out Aragorn saying something to the hobbits over the vicious pumping of your heart. Instinctively you turned your back to the door, holding it shut whilst Legolas threw an axe to you. It threaded through the handle of the door kindly and you stepped away from the door slowly, pulling out your knives. The door began to wave outwards and inwards, like it was victim to an angry storm. Weapons were cutting through the wood at speed and soon enough the doors caved to the Orcs’ will. They came flooding through the space like they were on a water current. Legolas and Aragorn shot their arrows but there were too many. They continued to pour through until they reached you.
With a roar, you brought your knife up to counter a sword, plunging your other into the face of your attacker. You dodged an oncoming axe, dropping the floor to swipe its legs before heaving its own weapon into its chest. Swiftly you sliced through the flesh of one’s neck, spinning to punch another before you stabbed it in the heart; if they had hearts, that is, you did not really know. Your fingers tightened around the hilts of your knives, searching around. You quickly sheathed your knives, picking up an axe from one of those that you just killed. As you made for one about to attack Boromir from behind, you swung the axe over your head, burying it deep inside its skull. The body fell to its knees and you struggled to pull the weapon out, forcefully kicking the body to release the axe. Shouting, swinging at one’s knees before slicing its head clean from its body.
You shielded your face as rocks came flying from where the door was once. Sheer horror smacked you in the face at the sight of a cave troll. It had chains around its neck and a huge mallet in its hand. It came bounding right up to Sam after Legolas shot an arrow into the centre of its chest.
“Sam!” You cried, breathing as he managed to crawl out of the way. When you turned around, an Orc landed a punch straight to your nose. You fell, startled, wincing slightly at the pain. Your eyes widened as it swung its axe towards your head. With barely inches between you and the blade, you managed to roll out of the way. Suddenly the Orc let out a cry of pain, and you used the opportunity to ram your knives into each of its legs before pulling one out and driving it into its chest. When it fell to the floor, you managed to take a quick glance at the body. There was an arrow sticking out of the fleshy part of the side. A small smile tugged on your lips amongst the madness, your eyes searching.
Your smile faded when your gaze landed on Legolas. The troll swung its chain at him with ferocity, causing rocks to fall from the pillars and the walls.
“Legolas!” You screamed his name, tears in your eyes. He managed to swerve from all of the troll’s attacks. You did not see much of what happened next, for the number of Orcs seemed to increase again, but you cut down all of the Orcs that came your way with much frustration, the tears of worry in your eyes turning to those of anger.
When you next got a chance to look at the troll, it was attacking Frodo, Merry and Pippin. You began to make your way towards them, lunging at each creature that came to attack you, carving into their skin as if they were meat for dinner. The cave troll grabbed Frodo by his foot, and you called to him, raising the aggressiveness of your attacks unintentionally, frustration consuming your entire body. Frodo managed to slice something from the hand of the troll, giving Aragorn the chance to stick a spear just under its breast. It smacked Aragorn to the side and he hit a rock before his body tumbled lifelessly to the floor. Frodo desperately tried to run around the troll but to no avail. The troll pushed the spear into the hobbits chest.
A sob was forced from your throat, your chest heaving for breath. Merry and Pippin jumped on the troll, stabbing at its neck relentlessly. It managed to shake Merry off, dropping him to the floor from a height. Gimli ran at it, attempting to smack it with his axe but got kicked to the side. As you screamed, your knives tore and shredded through its thick skin. You swung an axe from the ground up to land firmly in the back of it. Legolas drew an arrow, aiming carefully before shooting it. The arrow buried itself in its mouth. It let out a noise. Then it fell to the ground, spreading the dust over the other bodies that lay there.
It took you no time at all to run to where Frodo’s and Aragorn’s bodies were. A few tears fell down your cheeks while you sprinted. You sighed in relief to see Aragorn crawling toward the hobbits body, but you frowned, noticing that Frodo still had not moved. The lump in your throat grew. Your breathing felt restricted, a small sob falling from your lips. Aragorn rolled Frodo’s body over into his lap.
A series of groans came from the mouth of the hobbit and your eyes widened, thinking that your ears had deceived you. The hobbit was stabbed, surely, he was dead! But Sam ran to your side, taking a deep breath before he looked to the rest of the Fellowship.
“He’s alive.” He confirmed. Everyone seemed to breathe at that.
“I’m alright. I’m not hurt.” Said Frodo, clutching his chest.
You smiled. “But how?”
“I think there is more to this hobbit than meets the eye,” Gandalf suggested with a knowing look. When you looked back towards Frodo, he pulled the fabric of his undershirt down, revealing a glimmering white chainmail material.
“Mithril.” Gimli whispered, a smile on his face. “You are full of surprises, Master Baggins.” Y stood, laughing breathily before turning to those behind you. Your gaze landed on Boromir and you smiled, wiping a bit of blood from his cheek comically. He chuckled, engulfing you in a hug. He gently pressed his lips to your to the top of your head and you smiled. Boromir left you to check on Merry and Pippin and you turned to Legolas, smiling.
“I was worried for you, mellon nin.” You avoided his gaze.
“And I for you.” He said. You could hear the smile on his face when he spoke, and your smile widened. You were about to say something else when more manic screams and shouts were heard, identical to the ones that were heard before the Orcs attacked you. Your eyes widened, turning to Gandalf.
“To the bridge of Khazad-Dum.”
And with that the Fellowship took off down the stony halls of Moria. You were all sprinting at full speed. It was a little surprising that the hobbits could keep up, but they had proven many times by now that they could hold their own and should never be underestimated. Screams echoed behind you and you turned to look, slowing when you noticed how many Orcs there were. This was a battle you were destined to lose. Fingers wrapped firmly around your wrist and you snapped your head forward again to see Boromir holding to you with one of his arms, pulling you along. Orcs started to pop up out of the floor and crawl down from the ceiling and quite quickly it was easy to see that there were way too many of them to even fathom fighting. The Fellowship slowed to a stop and you created a circle, pulling your knives from their sheaths and staring down the Orcs that surrounded you. The circle seemed to get smaller and smaller and soon you were shoulder to shoulder with Legolas and Boromir. The Orcs smiled maniacally at you. You took a sharp breath, ready to lunge at them when a very loud rumbling noise came from the end of the corridor.
Immediately, the Orcs turned frail, squeaking with fear and soon they scattered off just as quickly as they had appeared. You were alone again. The noise reverberated through the halls.
“What is that?” Somehow you had the nerve to ask the question.
“A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world.” You watched Legolas’ eyes widen slightly at the wizard’s words and you swallowed dryly. “This foe is beyond any of you. Run!”
Gandalf made for the opening that you had all meant to go down originally, the rest of you darting to the end of the hall to keep up with him. He stopped at the open archway, allowing the others in front of him. You ran just behind Legolas and Boromir was now leading the way. He moved down the newly presented set of stairs, not noticing the empty chasm that lay before his feet. He wobbled on the very edge, dropping his torch down the space as Legolas lunged forward, wrapped his arms around his chest and pulled him back.
Behind you, Gandalf clutched hold of Aragorn’s shoulder. “Lead them on, Aragorn. The bridge is near.” When Aragorn tried to help him, he pushed on his shoulder, forcing him away. “Do as I say! Swords are no more use here.” You raced down the numerous flights of stone stairs until you came to a halt. A part of the staircase was missing. Legolas jumped over it carelessly, landing perfectly on the other side. He held his hand out to you. You took a breath before leaping over the disparity, grabbing his hand tightly as he safely pulled you into his chest.
“Gandalf.” He gestured for the wizard to come next. Gandalf jumped and you gasped as an arrow missed your face by just a few inches. Legolas frowned, aiming and shooting, his arrow hitting the Orc archer right between the eyes. You ushered Boromir down and he nodded, grabbing Merry and Pippin before diving over the gaping chasm. You caught Merry in your arms, setting him down with a head pat before Aragorn tossed Sam to you. Catching him, you gently set him down beside Merry whilst Legolas dealt with Gimli. Once Gimli joined you, however, the rock that Frodo and Aragorn were still perched on began to crumble. You gasped, squeezing Boromir’s hand in anxiety as you watched. A huge roar echoed from where you had just come from, causing the archway to shake and break. A large piece of stone plunged from the ceiling, crashing down onto the very staircase that the man and the hobbit were situated on. Your heart stuttered as the rock destroyed what was in its way, falling into the abyss below. The stem of the staircase broke.
“Be careful!” You cried, biting your lip so hard it pooled with blood. Aragorn pulled a very terrified Frodo into his chest. You watched with complete anxiety yet confusion; you could see that the man was calculating something.
“Lean forward!” He instructed to the Ring-Bearer and as the two did so, the faulty staircase began to lean under their weight. Slowly, it moved towards the stable one, crashing into it and you let out a breath with Frodo in your arms. All you wanted was to sit and hug him and make sure that he knew everything was going to be alright – even though you weren’t entirely sure it would be – but you knew that could not happen. Legolas had safely caught Aragorn and the next thing you knew, the ten of you were rapidly rushing down the numerous flights of trembling stairs.
Eventually you got to flat ground but none of you stopped running. Your thoughts wandered to Gandalf, wondering if it was wise that he should be running like this, for it seemed he was far too tired even earlier.
The bridge was near. “Over the bridge! Fly!” Little attention was paid to the roaring fires acting as gates toward it. Whilst everyone ran, Gandalf made sure to lack behind and just as he turned around, slowly, a giant creature emerged from the fire. It had black tattered skin and horns, terrible teeth and bright white eyes. Its mouth opened, and it created sound unlike any other on Middle-Earth, its mouth mirroring hot embers. Gandalf turned once it had taken a step, fleeing towards the group of you who also began to scurry away from the creature. You sprinted, heart jolting each time you heard – and felt – the Balrog take a step. In single file, ushering the hobbits in front of you, you crossed the bridge. Boromir held you for a moment once you had crossed, making sure that you were alright before he let go, eyes widening at the sight of Gandalf still in the centre of the bridge.
“You cannot pass.” Gandalf yelled, facing the beast with his staff out in front of him, his long sword settled in his other hand.
���Gandalf!” Frodo screamed. You inhaled sharply, eyes filling with tears in worry. Aragorn squeezed your hand gently as the beast stood tall, erupting into a ball of flame.
“I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!” A great light emitted from Gandalf’s staff when he held it up, but the Balrog created a weapon of his own. A flash of lightning spewed from the connection of Gandalf’s staff and the Balrog’s sword of flame. You grasped Aragorn’s hand tighter, feeling all of the moisture from your mouth dissipate. The sword melted down into the abyss and the creature moaned ferociously at the wizard once again. “Go back to the shadow.” He said behind hooded eyes. It stepped toward him, creating a fiery whip which he cracked against the stone.
“You shall not pass!” As his voice echoed, Gandalf thrust his staff into the stone, white sparks flying from the collision. The beast raised his arm, stepping mightily towards to wizard, but the stone crumbled under its weight. He plummeted into the abyss. You let out a breath you did not know you were holding. Gandalf turned to step towards you.
However, as he did so, an orange-yellow string secured itself around his ankle, pulling him across the stone until he barely hung from the edge.
You gasped, shaking your head incredulously. “No…” Frodo ran for him. Boromir grabbed him, holding him close before he could reach. Your eyes were wide with anguish, Frodo’s screams painfully ringing in your ears.
He looked amongst you. “Fly, you fools.” Was all he said before he spread his fingers out, giving in, and he fell. Tears pooled in your eyes, an aching sensation pounding in your chest, throughout your entire body. A few choked sobs escaped you whilst Aragorn, still latched to your hand, pulled you along, shielding you from the many arrows that were being shot your way. The final set of steps lay in front of you, and as Aragorn gently dragged you along, you found yourself looking back, filled with a sorrow that everyone was experiencing.
Upon exiting Moria, you found that Boromir was holding back Gimli, from going in there and no doubt trying to murder the Balrog that had taken Gandalf. Sam was sat on his own, crying into his hand. Pippin was sprawled out on the floor in pain, Merry holding onto him, both of them with tears gushing down their faces. If your heart was not already broken from the loss, it certainly was shattered now from the melancholy faces that lay before you. Slowly, you made your way over to Sam, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder as you knelt beside him. He looked up and threw his arms around your body, sobbing silently into your shoulder. You closed your eyes, tears streaming, hugging him as tightly while he clung to you.
Legolas looked around, it seemed as if for the first time that he was unsure of what to do. His chest ached, even harder when his eyes landed upon you, and how you quickly swiped your tears away before talking to Sam, wanting to be strong for him and the other hobbits.
Aragorn cleaned his sword with his clothes. “Legolas, get them up.” He came close to you and Sam and you shook your head gently.
“Leave them.” You sniffed.
“Give them a moment, for pity’s sake!”
“By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the Woods of Lothlorien. Come Boromir. Y/N, Legolas, Gimli, get them up.” Aragorn pulled Sam up from the floor. “On your feet.” Boromir made his over to you, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder. You smiled weakly at him, and he kissed your temple softly. “Frodo?” You heard Aragorn call, your eyes wandering to try to find the hobbit. Once you had found him, you sighed.
“It is hardly fair, that they do not get a chance to lament.”
“I know, but Aragorn is right. We must hurry to avoid the Orcs and another potential loss.” You nodded and Boromir’s words, hugging into his side, your eyes never leaving Frodo.
You had all been walking for a long while, but it was still light. You had been walking beside Aragorn, listening to him talk away about where we going and then after that and after that. It was not until he mentioned again where you were going now, that a faint memory flooded into your head. Your brows furrowed together whilst you tried to remember the details of the memory.
“What is it, Y/N?” Aragorn asked, concerned.
“Lothlorien. It sounds familiar.” You gave him a knowing look and his eyes widened, only slightly, in surprise. You both knew what that could mean. Legolas, however, did not, but he wanted to. He felt awful for eavesdropping yet again, but you intrigued him more than one ever had before, and his curiousness was getting the better of him.
Aragorn started to jog toward the forest, and you joined him, stopping once you were inside. Your eyes widened when you looked around, your breathing staggering only slightly, your heart thumping in your chest.
“Aragorn,” you whispered. “I have been here before.”
taglist : @falcor-thee-luck-dragon @entishramblings @beakami​ @biscuit-buddy​
(send me an ask if you want to be added to my taglist<3)
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shadowofmoths · 3 years
for @blaseballwipamnesty: 1.4k of a Sutton Dreamy study, immediately post-ascension. i may come back to it someday--would’ve been eventual sutton dreamy/juice collins, with background nagomi mcdaniels/mrs silk, and nagomi & sutton friendship. warnings for description of a panic attack/breakdown, with some slight descriptions of depersonalization, and not the most healthy handling of intense emotions, and non-maincord-friendly swearing.
The problem was that Sutton didn’t know she had had a home until it was taken away from her. She didn’t know that home could be the gas station fried chicken the team would share before practice at unholy hours. She hadn’t known it could be sitting in the stands with Parra and talking about extradimensionality, or Kennedy calling her “kiddo,” or finding impossibly long strands of Combs’ hair in everything she owned even after they were gone. Her home had been splurging on overpriced aquarium tickets and caramel-and-Old-Bay ice cream, and falling asleep to the scuttling whispers of the MotherCrab every night. It hadn’t occurred to her that Baltimore had been her home, but it was. And then it was gone.
Ascension was like having a limb ripped away from her. No--Ascension was like being the limb that was ripped away. Being the part that gets left behind, unnecessary and useless. Unable to function on its own. An arm without a body, displaced. One second she is with her team, and they’ve won, and they had tried to be as prepared as possible for what would come next, but nothing could have prepared them for this. And then, loud and sudden and all-encompassing, they are somewhere else, somewhere so wrong that, even for Sutton, it’s nightmarish. They’re losing like they’ve never lost before--but isn’t it an honor, to have a god come after you personally? And it’s all over so suddenly that none of them have the chance to say goodbye. Between one blink and the next, her family is one. Another breath, and Sutton is swept away, too--not to follow them, but instead washing up on the soft, unfamiliar sands of Hawai’i. It is only the second time in her life that Sutton regrets teaching herself how to feel. She feels broken-open, realizing only belatedly that her face is wet with more than just ocean spray. She’s crying, violently so, and doesn’t understand at first that she’s furious. It’s the most emotion she’s ever felt at once, and it’s horrible--everything so intense that it comes back around to feeling distant and numb. She’s gotten herself out of the water, somehow, curled up on her side as she heaves with what must be inhumanly ugly sobs. Everything around her blurs, until she is aware of the sand in her fingernails and the salt drying in her eyelashes and her rage and nothing else. After maybe an eternity she hears a voice from somewhere, somewhere nearby, maybe. It’s a distinctive, rasping voice, a familiar one, but it still takes Sutton a moment to place it. 
“Sutton,” Nagomi is saying. “Breathe, come on, Dreamy. Damn it, can you hear me?” Nagomi’s mandibles click anxiously. Sutton chokes on her own breath.
“Gomi,” she gasps. A thud, like someone dropping to the ground next to her, and the weight and warmth of Nagomi’s uncarcinized hand rubbing circles on Sutton’s back. 
“Yeah, Dreamy. You gotta breathe with me, okay? You can freak out all you want, but let me at least get you inside, first.” She keeps talking, even when Sutton’s perception goes all fuzzy, and eventually the familiar creaking of her voice soothes her back into something approaching coherence. Nagomi helps her stand, hand still steady on her back, and for the first time, Sutton can take in her surroundings. They’re on a small beach, enclosed and private, with no one but herself and Nagomi in sight. There’s a house, maybe 50 yards away from the beach, with white siding and soft blue curtains in the windows. There’s a vegetable garden in the yard, and a path of uneven stone leading to the house. 
“Where are we?” Sutton manages to ask, voice hoarse. In response, Naagomi beams, her mouth stretching impossibly wide. They approach the back door, and Nagomi slides it open with enough familiarity that Sutton doesn’t think to question her. 
“Dreamy,” Nagomi says, as a dark haired, oddly familiar-looking woman turns to look at them, “I’d like you to meet my wife.”
Mrs. Silk, unsurprisingly, is a lovely woman, and, more surprisingly, Sutton absolutely does not want to talk to her. Sutton thinks that she might stumble through some pleasantries, but between everything that’s happened to her wife and her son, Sutton is pretty sure that Mrs. Silk won’t judge anyone for being inconsolable over blaseball. Nagomi presses a glass of water into Sutton’s hands and Sutton drinks it, although she remains only distantly aware of her body. She might drink more water, or someone might ask if she wants anything to eat, but time seems to stretch and compress oddly and the next thing Sutton knows, she’s curling up to sleep on the living room sofa. She might lie awake, staring at the ceiling, or she might fall asleep in moments, and either way she is glad when sleep takes her. 
It’s still dark when Sutton wakes, and for a few moments she doesn’t know where she is. What she does know is that she’s tired of feeling numbly miserable. Players get traded all the time, she tells herself. So what if her entire team is gone somewhere she can’t follow? She was bound to leave the Crabs someday, so she might as well get ahold of herself and learn to deal with it. So she heaves herself off of the couch and leaves Mrs. Silk’s house. The night sky sheds deep blue light over the sand and the water. It’s an entirely different sort of night than Sutton is used to, no humming yellow city lights or sirens or omnipresent eldritch whispering. It’s quiet, and Sutton hates it. She wants to scream and shatter the night like glass, but she doesn’t. Instead she walks, along the beach until she finds a road, and along the road until she finds a town, and through the town until she finds a bar. It’s still open, which surprises her, but after a moment of staring up at the neon sign, she goes in. The space is quiet, its walls made of dark wood, with soft, warm lighting throughout. To Sutton’s relief, she’s not the only one there--several patrons sit in booths or at the bar, where a single bartender is serving drinks. The bartender is wearing a blue patterned button down with the sleeves rolled up, her dark hair held up in a loose bun with a cocktail umbrella stuck into it. She has warm, dark skin and a warmer smile that she’s directing at the customer she’s talking to. When she catches sight of Sutton, the bartender smiles--she has dimples--and waves to her.
“Hi! We close in about an hour, but you’re welcome to stay until then.” 
“Oh,” Sutton says, “sorry, I--I don’t even know what time it is,” she admits.
“No worries!” says the bartender. “It’s--” she checks her watch, “--just after eleven. We close at midnight.” 
“Thanks,” Sutton says. She’s off-put by the woman’s demeanor, a sudden reminder that not everyone had their world end earlier today. But that’s not her fault, Sutton tells herself. She takes a seat at the bar. 
[Plot notes: Sutton wanders and eventually ends up at Juice’s bar--doesn’t know what to order, because she doesn’t drink, and the only thing she remembers other Crabs drinking is like, shitty beer is making it natty boh too cliche?? im never around baltimoreans drinking. Juice won’t give Sutton alcohol because it’s pretty clear that Sutton is fucked up, but they talk. Juice remembers Sutton, but Sutton had a kind of insular attitude to making friends and doesn’t really know Juice. This is a little bit of a meet-ugly, because this is the literal worst day that Sutton has had, ever, in her life. Juice is really sweet, though, and doesn’t hold a grudge because she saw Sutton’s worst day of her life televised, as did pretty much everybody. The rest of the plot would be about Sutton learning to Vibe™ with the help of Juice, Nagomi, and Mrs. Silk (who would probably need a first name at some point….). (Where is York at this point? Can he visit?? Actually that’s probably more angst than I’m prepared to deal with.) (ALSO re: Mrs. Silk’s house being right where Gomi and Sutton washed up, maybe her house is where new/traded players always show up, and she built her house there bc of how often Gomi gets traded, so she’d always be the first person to see her when she shows up??) Anyways, Sutton has to learn how to be a person on her own, and also how to chill the fuck out. If this follows her through the end of the siesta it’d probably involve her having some kind of culture shock going from hypercompetitive, structured crab life to the fridays Literally Just Hanging Out.]
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babysizedfics · 3 years
It sounds so cute and I'm always up for hearing ab faer in dresses!
aaa thank u for askin ,,, im afraid this is not as fluffy and cute as u were hoping (;•͈́ ‸•͈̀)
this is my notes for how roman first found out vee liked wearing skirts and dresses , and it wasnt by choice- roman accidentally walked in on vee without knocking while vee was trying on a skirt and vee felt so embarrassed that she avoided roman for a whole week then:
Later that week they run into each other in the kitchen and it’s a bit stunted and awkward but roman literally cannot handle awkward interactions so he directly addresses it. “The other day--”
but virgil’s eyes go wide and he looks away. roman is sad seeing his brother worrying about such a thing. “you looked really good!” roman beams, thinking virgil was mostly worried about his appearance as he is usually self conscious.
then his smile immediately drops when he sees a heartbroken expression on virgil’s face, supplemented by tears in his eyes.
“why are you crying?!”
virgil buries his face in his arms and brokenly whispers: “i don’t know.”
Roman hugs him tight for a while as virgil breaks down into quiet sobs.
when a slight creak sounds from the ceiling (patton moving around in his room upstairs) roman feels virgil tense and pull away from the hug, scrubbing at his eyes harshly. then roman asks if virgil wants to go play minecraft together and virgil enthusiastically agrees, glad for the distraction.
it continues with how vee opens up about it to roman - note at this point vee used he/him pronouns still and it is from romans pov which is why these pronouns are used
anyway this exact moment when vee cries as soon as roman complimented faer on faer skirt , its just a rlly vulnerable moment with very complicated emotions for vee
she rlly doesnt know why shes crying its partly relief partly fear partly joy partly grief
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Meet The Family
Cw: self depriciation, food ment.
Ok to rb.
Summary: the iida family wants to meet the partner of their youngest kid, but said partner is not ready for It.
Song: "just the two of us " Bill withers and grover Washington.
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Jerico paced around the room with her hands behind her back, mina stops her grabbing her shoulders-- its gonna be fine!-- adds the student.
--But what if they dont like me?! What if they want him to date someone else?
Uraraka softly pats her Friends back-- dont worry ! Theyll love you! Theyll see that youre a perfect match for their son!
-- but just-- I got nothing to wear! What if they go formal and I just-- jeri sits on her bed clutching a pillow-- what if I have nothing to wear!
They hear a soft knock before anyone can answer-- jerico? Is everything alright in there? Midoriya told me that youre not feeling well..-- said iida.
-- coming!-- she says opening the door peeking her head through it-- tenya...babe..I think we should cancel...-- she says looking away sighing-- I dont think im the right one to meet your family-- she said leaning on the doorframe crossing her arms.
-- whyd you say that jerico? Youre perfect!
--Im not! First of all im from another country!-- she says with tears in her eyes looking away-- im so loud I cant control my volume, I have nothing to wear and to top it all off I dont even get the same grades as you do --She looks at him and sniffs drying her tears with her sleeve-- I think we should call it off
Tenya hugs her tightly and buries his head on her hair-- please dont say that...-- he says with a strained tone-- youre perfect jerico, my family wont care if youre not from here-- he cups her cheek with a flushed face-- youre funny, Smart, youre absolutely beautiful-- he cups her other cheek squishing them-- grades dont define you, you, me or anyone! Grades are just numbers, they are a grading system, but outside? They dont matter-- he adds lowering his hands to her jaw caressing her cheekbones with his thumbs.-- its going to be fine, but I wont accept you talking yourself down--he puts a strand of hair behind her ear-- its okay if youre loud because I love you this way-- he kisses her softly and after some seconds he pulls away-- I wont let my family talk bad about you, in fact they know the best of you!-- he says hapilly-- howd you saved me with stain, howd you won against me in the festival, they see you as I see you, for the amazing woman you are
The silence is short before jerico sobs even harder hugging him-- youre so sweet!
He hugs her tightly with a soft smile, bending down a little-- I wont let anyone be mean to you, theyll deal with me first
She dries off her tears and presses a kiss to his cheek-- thank you
Tenyas cheek turn red, and he fixes his tie, before he says anything his reciproburst goes haywire and he runs past her mumbling nonsense. Making her laugh.
-- anyways... I gotta go now, midnight said shed take me to see some stuff to we-- she turns around to her Friends finding her in tears too.
-- you two are so sweet! -- adds mina.
-- so cute!-- adds uraraka.
Jiro nodds -- so cute!
She chuckled and grabbed her jacket-- gotta go!
As she walks with midnight and recovery girl, who decided to join them to go outfit hunting her teacher softy elbows her-- we'll find you something nice to wear! Youll see!
Jeri scratches the back of her neck knowing what midnight could get up to.
They searched all the stores they could and the dinner was fast approaching.
Jerico is feeling anxious now, recovery girl softly pats her back-- we can try there!-- she points at a suit store.
Midnight nodds-- yes, that could work!
Jeri trusting her teachers judgment follows them.
Iida Is tapping his foot waiting for jerico at the entrance of the UA. He looks around.
--where is she?-- he mutters scratching tbe back of his neck. He was fine with arriving late. His family wouldnt mind.
--Sorry! We couldnt find anything!!-- jerico comes in his field of view, his breath is taken away when he sees her in a suit, her hair tied up.
--oh...-- he mutters and both uraraka and midoriya hold him back, jiro and mina roll up his pants so recirpoburst doesnt rip them.
Jerico giggles and hugs him-- lets go yeah?
Tenya nodds and fixes his pants saying goodbye and getting in the car.
As they drive he hugs her tightly-- you look so beautiful -- he says caressing her arm.
--If I could help you pull out your tubes I can do this!
--Come on it wasnt that hard!
She raises a brow.
Even though tenya was ready to make such change he was an absolute baby.
--come on ten!-- she said.
--Its gonna hurt jerico!
-- thats why im here, come on
He sighs pulling out the first tube, Before he can scream she sits on his lap and kisses him.
He turns red and hugs her waist with one hand.
-- see? Not that hard!
He starts to giggle meekly-- well..if I get a kiss for each one...ill get twelve kisses
-- let me desinfect that for you
-- as I was saying, not that hard!-- tenya protested-- besides! ...oh hey we're here
He gets out first and helps her, he takes her hand, and walk into their home.
Taking off their shoes they walk in and are greeted with iidas mom, dad and his brother.
--tensei!--says iida hugging his brother-- I cant Belive youre here!
The ex hero smiles-- I I couldnt pass up the opportunity to meet my brothers partner, hi, im tensei
Jerico nodds-- im jerico, nice to met you tensei-- she bows.
Dinner arrives and as they eat, jerico is struggling with the chopsticks..
She scratches the back of her neck and tenya just hands her a fork and a Knife.
-- th thanks-- she adds embarassed eating her food.
-- dont be embarassed!!-- says tenyas mom-- he told us you arent fully used to chopsticks so we put a set for you!
Tenya also pulls out a fork and a Knife smiling.
Her cheeks turn Pink and she smiles softly eating with a content giggle.
--so-- starts tenyas dad-- our son has told us plenty about you but id rather hear about you from your own mouth
Jerico drinks water and looks at her father in law-- well, im originally from Argentina!, Im the oldest from four kids-- she says-- Im more into art than anything, I also play the guitar, what else would you like to know mr. Iida
Tenyas dad smiles-- well, I can only say that my son scored a winner
Jericos cheek flush red and tenya chokes on his drink blushing red-- dAD!
After dinner jeri helps pick up the table and wash the dishes.
--youre a very lovely girl, but I must ask-- says tenyas mother-- who confessed first?
Sighing in relief that it was only a simple question and not a "whats your intentions with my son" question she giggled-- I did
Tenya flushes even redder than before and grabs jerico walking outside saying --GOODBYE!
his family laughs, and tensei says something before they leave.-- jerico, take care of him for me-- he says patting her arm-- and please show him how to relax
She laughs hugging tensei-- I Will, dont worry!
She says her goodbyes and both go back to the UA.
jerico crashes ontop of tenya both in their comfy pjs.
He hugs her waist pulling her closer and smiling.
-- my family really loved you back there-- he says leaving down the formality.
--im glad--she answers-- maybe one day youll meet mine!
Tenya smiles-- dyou think theyll like me?
She nodds and holds his hand-- im sure theyll do
He smiles and kisses her forehead.
As they fall asleep, tenya humms "just the two of us "by Grover Washington.
《I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime
And I wanna spend some time with you
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I
We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know ...
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building them castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I 》
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hpfannons · 3 years
Oh la la! Thats a fine choice of specimen. Thank you. :) lol. I only ask about the jealousy thing because I remember that Dick said one time that they only get to see him 2 months a year or something... I probably meant the batfam side i guess... lol but its good most Harry’s friend are okay or just roll with it... maybe I should asked some batfam moments during their stay in order hq... I really love that scene where Harry was on Dick’s lap and and the rest are just with them... I kinda want a scene with the same feeling...if you dont mind. xD thank you very much! glad to hear ur answer about fudge and umbridge. thank you so much... im really immersed in this au... looking forward to part 7. >_< thanks and stay safe y’all.
Glad you like my batfam! My best friend and I spent way too long going back and forth on people we could agree on for different characters (I think Tim and Alfred were the hardest… but it was years ago, so don’t quote me on that lol)
Sorry about the jealousy thing though, miscommunication on my part. I blame that for answering at 3 am on my phone XD
Yes, there is a lot of buried jealousy with the Batfam. Though surprisingly, most of it comes from Harry. That’s mostly because all these new family members come in while he’s at school, so it kind of feels like they’re all much more close knit with each other than with him because he’s not there for the large portion of the year.
They’re all happy to include him and catch him up with things he missed while he was at school… But there are some things you just have to be there in the moment for, because retelling the story just isn’t quite the same.
That’s not to say that the rest of the Batfam don’t have the same feelings as well, I think I’ve mentioned before that Tim and Harry especially are very close (actually best friends, on the same level as Harry and Ron) so Tim is definitely one of those people who feels Harry’s lost during the year the most.
Add on the fact it’s not really that easy to keep in touch with him while he’s at school, and it really is just hard on everyone.
As a side note, I fully believe the family would find some kind of way to make alterations to a communicator that will work at Hogwarts. Considering how many people who both use magic and have been involved with the Justice League in some way or the other, I find it hard to believe they haven’t found a work around for the whole magic screws with tech problem. At the very least, Harry would have a way to check his email from family, b/c making Headwig carry letters from Scotland to New Jersey and back is just cruel.
As far as the Batfam hanging out around 12 Grimmauld Place… They’re trying to be as non-confrontational as possible, even if there’s still some ruffled feathers from the first night. So the boys mostly go along with helping clean out the place under Molly’s orders - Jason was originally kind of prickly about it because he’s not a child (certainly not her child), so he found getting ordered around kind of insulting… Until his inner clean freak won out and yeah, this place does need a lot of work. Alfred has taught them all well, and it shows.
Tim mostly hauls himself up in the library when he can get away from clearing out pixies and de-gnoming the garden. He’s got like four notebooks full of information and Ron is a little shocked to find out Harry wasn’t kidding when he said Tim was worse than Percy and Hermione together when it came to information gathering.
Damian has less than stellar people skills at the best of times, and here he’s decided he doesn’t care very much for anybody over the age of seventeen (that’s not family anyway), so most of Dick’s time has been dedicated to keeping the youngest away from most of the Order. Not that he really blames him, Dick isn’t nearly as vocal about it as Damian, but he is also just completely done with all of them. He’s only playing nice because they’re here for Harry.
Bruce has also posted himself up in the library, reading everything he can get ahold of in regards to the history of the wizarding world trying to understand exactly what he’s son has gotten wrapped up in. Because lord knows nobody in this house is going to explain it to him… At this point he’s about one wrong comment away from telling them exactly where they can shove their ‘muggle’ excuses.
There was one notable evening though, when the boys as well as the Weasleys and Hermione were just hanging out in a parlor or sitting room or whatever it was supposed to be. Jason had been messing around with an old radio he found the other day and between him and Tim, they managed to get it working. The minute they recognized Britney Spears’s voice, there were four sets of eyes immediately on Dick who gave all of twenty seconds of resistance before he was up and dragging people along to dance with him. The impromptu party had ended up going on for hours, Tonks getting roped into the fun with them while Sirius and Remus smiled fondly from the doorway. Molly made a passing comment about bedtime, but didn’t argue back when that was quickly shot down by the other adults. Let the kids be kids while they could.
As far as soft moment’s for the Batfam… there are two that really come to mind, though they’re kind of sad though.
The first is really kind of short, but it’s after the battle of Hogwarts, and Harry’s come back from his final fight with Voldemort, and there’s just people everywhere in the great hall, but Harry knows exactly where he’s going. Bruce is standing to the side, watching while Jason’s getting patched up, and trying to keep an eye on his other kids as well. Everyone's a little banged up and bruised, but they’re all alive, and that’s the important part right now.
And then he sees Harry and there’s this almost tangible sense of relief because now all of his kids are present and accounted for, and Bruce feels like he can finally breathe again. And Harry just like collapses into Bruce who has to scramble a little bit to catch him, but then just stands there and holds him, because Harry is just completely exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. And all Bruce hears is “I want to go home Dad.”, and honest to god Batman almost starts crying in the middle of the great hall in front of everyone.
The other is after the Triwizard Tournament, and everything with Mad-Eye Crouch, when Harry’s in the hospital wing. Everyone’s standing around trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and Harry wakes up still kind of groggy from whatever Madam Pomfrey gave him to knock him out, and he ends up breaking down crying in front of everyone.
Dick doesn’t even hesitate, he’s on Harry before the first tear even really starts rolling and just tucks him into the crook of his neck and let’s him cry it out. Except Harry’s been traumatized and he’s like full-on sobbing, almost wailing, and that just stabs everyone straight through the heart. Tim’s next, doesn’t say anything, just sits down behind Harry and tucks himself up against his brother’s back. Damian and Jason join in as well, Damian sitting on Harry’s other side and just quietly putting his head on Harry’s shoulder; while Jason sit’s down a little farther away, reaching out to put a hand on the back of Harry’s neck. Bruce is standing on the other side of the bed, and just runs a hand through Harry’s hair while they let him get it out and calm down.
And once he’s down to hiccups and kind of stuttery breaths, Dumbledore says something about leaving him be, and if looks could kill… Jason’s still armed, and he almost, almost goes for the gun. Bruce head’s it off at the pass though, saying he’ll go with them to discuss things further and also inform the league about what’s happened, but the rest of the boys will be staying.
Madam Pomfry insists on dosing Harry again, and after some reassurances that his brother’s aren't going anywhere, they get him to drink the potion. That’s as far as they indulge the mediwitch though. Tim and Damian both try to settle down in the bed on either side of their brother, though after some jostling around and being unable to really fit two teenagers and a ten year old comfortably in a hospital cot; Dick and Jason move another bed over flush against Harry’s and Dick manages to coax Damian into it with him, as long as the younger is able to keep hold of Harry’s arm. Jason retakes the seat he’d pulled up to the bedside, kick’s his feet up on the cot and settles in to keep watch over the lot of them for the night. And that is exactly where and how Bruce finds them the next morning.
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heya long time no see! remember that time i made a request but the requests were closed?, welp now that they're open again, im here to re-send mine as i promised owo; how would rantaro, kokichi, shuichi, kaito and kiibo react when they see their (S/O) escaping from her execution, and when everything is over, she appears behind them all tired and exhausted saying "did ya' miss me?"
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HeY GUYS, sorry for the long absence lmao, but it’s one in the morning and I need some ANGST. Anyways, I’m glad you’re back hun! I was really excited to do this ask!
~ Mod Hiyoko
Amami, Ouma, Saihara, Momota and Kiibo’s Fem! S/O escaping her execution!
Rantaro Amami
There was a dark aura in the trial grounds as everyone’s chatter continued on. Rantaro had a feeling since they first exited the elevator that you were hiding something, and as the trial went on, the sinking feeling in his stomach only got worse.
He didn’t really care so much how or when you committed the murder, he just wanted to know why.  He wouldn’t even have imagined his dear S/O committing such an atrocious act.
You began to grow more and more nervous as you felt his stone gaze beat into you… Like he was staring into your soul. Finally, you just admitted it was you.
Rantaro let out a sigh. Definitely not one of relief. More like a weight he had been carrying was now off his shoulders, but in the worst way possible.
It was a particularly messy kill, so people didn’t have too hard of a time believing it was you. The vote was cast swiftly and everyone stared at the screen as your portrait appeared. You were the Blackened.
Your classmates looked at you in a mixture of pity and remorse. They demanded you explain your actions in minute detail, but the only voice you could register was that of your boyfriend’s.
“Why?” Rantaro asked you simply. “Why did you do this?”
“B-because…” It was hard to speak with everyone’s gazes upon you, but you managed to choke out your explanation, and everyone appeared satisfied, aside from a few snide remarks from Miu and Kokichi, but Rantaro shut them up with a harsh glare.
You couldn’t tell if he was disappointed, sad, angry, or a mix of the three, but all you felt in that moment was shame so heavy that you felt like you deserved whatever Monokuma had in store for you.
Rantaro approached you, and you braced yourself for harsh words, but instead he gently wrapped his arms around you in a loving embrace. His hugs were always the best, but this one was tighter than usual, and he was slightly trembling.
“I love you S/O. I’m so, so sorry.”
He tried to grab you again when you were dragged off to face your execution, but there was nothing he could do. He felt empty. The anger and depression wouldn’t sink in until much later, all he could think about was that you were gone. Or else he thought.
“Did ya miss me?”
He stared at you, mouth agape, but he nodded in response. He gently placed his hand on your cheek and caressed it with his thumb before leaning in to kiss you.
 “Yeah, I did.”
Kokichi Ouma
For once, Kokichi almost lost his composure. He knew it was you from the very beginning, but a part of him thought maybe, just maybe there was a chance he could be proven wrong.
He kept his arms carelessly rested behind his head, he had the same mischievous grin, and he still toyed with your classmates like it was all a game to him. But inside, he was panicking. He finally found someone he could trust, and she had to go and kill someone. He felt betrayed, but the common sense in him told him not to jump to any conclusions just yet.
To your surprise, Kokichi barely acknowledged you at all throughout the entire trial. But then again, you knew him long enough to know that he probably had connected all of the dots long beforehand. Was he pissed off? Did he not care? There was no way for you to know.
Everyone else came to the same conclusion he had, and trial ended with you being voted as the Blackened. Since you were dating Kokichi, everyone had assumed that you were as nasty as him by default, so no one was really surprised.
“Why did you do it?” It wasn’t Kokichi who had asked this, but Shuichi. Your boyfriend was still actively ignoring you.
“I…” You explained to the best of your abilities. Your motivations came to a bit of a shock to the others. They expected something more… Sadistic.
You knew every second drew you closer to death, and you wanted to break the silence between Kokichi and yourself before you left him for good. You spoke his name, but he cut you off before you could say anything else.
“Wait!” He turned towards Monokuma with a desperate look on his face that surprised even you.
“Execute me instead! You want someone to die, right? Kill me in her place!”
You stood there blankly, unable to process what was going on. Kokichi, who had been ignoring you for the whole trial, who hadn’t even reacted to your confession, was now pleading for your life.
Monokuma just laughed at him. The black and white bear pulled a lever and the chain gripped your neck in a tight hold and yanked you backwards.
Kokichi screamed out your name as you disappeared. Shortly after, you reappeared on the large screen, and everyone watched as you withstood indescribable torture. Kokichi couldn’t even watch the end. He turned away, a dark shadow covering his expression. You were gone. The only person who had ever truly loved him. The Mastermind would be put through hell. He would see to it personally.
There was a tap on his shoulder, and he whipped around to see your triumphant smirk.
“Miss me?”
Not much time was spent before he tackled you in a hug. His heart pounded in his chest, and he fought to hold back tears. His stance on the Mastermind still stood. They would pay in their blood for what happened to you, but that would have to wait awhile. Kokichi didn’t plan on letting you go any time soon.
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi couldn’t believe it. It was Kaede all over again, but this time worse. At that point, he was convinced God wanted to see him suffer.
It hurt him immensely to do so, but as the Ultimate Detective, it was his job to root out the truth and save his fellow classmates from impending doom… Even at the cost of his lover’s life.
The entire time he followed the trail towards you, he felt the lump in his throat getting ever bigger. He knew without a doubt you were the killer, but he couldn’t bring himself to flat out say it. You both made direct eye contact, and though your lips were in a straight line, and your eyebrows rested comfortably like you could care less about the world, your eyes spoke to him in a way that said “it’s okay. You can say it.”
And so he did.
“…and my deductions have lead me to believe that… S/O is the killer.”
Everyone gasped. Partly at the fact that he thought you were the killer, but also because he could accuse his girlfriend of murder so calmly. It was a whirlwind of emotions in the trial room, but no one’s shock could outmatch the pure despair you and Shuichi felt in that moment.
Before he voted, Shuichi insisted you explain your actions, and internally begged that you at least killed them on accident, and not in an act of cold blood.
After you had explained everything with tears in your eyes threatening to spill over, everyone cast their vote, and all that was left to do was wait.
Shuichi didn’t waste anymore time on talking, tears fell from his eyes like a waterfall and he solemnly walked up to you and pulled you into his arms. He didn’t even care why you did it. He was about to lose the most important person in his life, and it was going to be shown on a huge t.v. like it was some sort of joke.
“I’m so sorry Shuichi.” You felt like you had to say something, something to calm his nerves, and to atone for the emotional strain he was put through, but he just shook his head and squeezed you tighter.
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve prevented this from happening, I should’ve-”
“Let’s give it everything we’ve got! IIIIIIIIIT’S, PUNISHMENT TIME!”
In the blink of an eye, you were ripped from Shuichi’s grasp and pulled onto the execution grounds. It happened so fast Shuichi couldn’t even react. He just watched in silent agony as you went through your death. It was torture. There was no way he would be able to bounce back from this. But… maybe God didn’t hate him as much as he thought.
“Ya miss me?”
Of course he would ask a million questions once you got out of there, but at that moment all Shuichi did was hold you while the sobbing started up again.
Kaito Momota
Kaito was yelling throughout the entire trial. It wasn’t unusual for him to be vocal during trials, but this time there was unadulterated anger and frustration lacing his words as everyone began to accuse you of the murder.
“W-What the hell are you guys saying?! S/O would never kill anyone! Shuichi-”
But even his sidekick wasn’t there with him this time. Kaito desperately looked over at you, inwardly begging you to show any sign of innocence, but the look of guilt in your eyes said it all.
Even after everyone had voted and you were revealed to be the Blackened, he was still in denial. He tried to run at Monokuma, yelling various insults and curse words while Shuichi and Kiibo both held him back.
Nobody would ever catch him cry, but the sadness in his eyes was enough.
“S/O, why?”
You explained everything, expecting Kaito to be furious with you. He was furious, all right, but not with you; with the Mastermind.
He panicked when Monokuma announced that it was time for your punishment, and ran over to you, wrapping you in a protective embrace. But the chain grasped your torso, and even Kaito’s strong hold wasn’t enough to keep you from being yanked backwards.
He watched your execution, gritting his teeth the entire time.
“DAMN IT!” He yelled, pounding his fist on a nearby surface. It wasn’t fair. You shouldn’t have been forced to kill. He was going to stop this killing game. For you, and for-
His thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind him.
“Did ya miss me?”Surprisingly, his shock didn’t last long before he pulled you into a hug. Like I said, nobody would ever see him cry… But at that moment, he was pretty damn close.
Kiibo couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t wrap his head around how you could get yourself in this position. Whether you killed on purpose or by accident, he was just… dumbfounded.
The entire trial he was silent. Normally he would chime in, as eager to solve the murder and get back to his life as everyone else. But now he could only watch in depressed silence as the trial continued on. You had told him beforehand exactly what happened, and though Kiibo did have his own sense of justice… he still couldn’t send his lover to her death.
But once the trial came to a close and your face appeared on the large t.v. signifying your guilt, his silence came to an end. There was a flood of emotions he didn’t even know he could feel. Sadness at your impending death, fear at what said death would hold in store for you, and anger that you were forced into this situation in the first place.
Everyone asked why you did what you did, Kiibo included, and you answered honestly. Monokuma’s shrill and ugly voice rang out, saying it was time for your punishment. You ran to Kiibo to share one last hug, and kissed him gently on his cheek, apologizing for leaving him. Kiibo assured you he held no hard feelings, and himself apologized for letting it come to this.
He broke down in tears when the chain yanked you backwards into the black abyss; into the trial grounds fit only for the Ultimate (Talent) herself.
You two were always together… How could this happen? You swore to protect each other, and he lost you. Throughout your execution, he was thinking of ways he could destroy the Mastermind and end the killing game. Kiibo couldn’t allow anyone else to die.
He didn’t even notice the amazed gasps coming from his classmates as you stumbled up behind him, at least, not until he heard your voice.
“Did you miss me?”
Kiibo wasted no time in rushing over to you, wrapping his arms around you, which, needless to say, was a little painful, but at the time you didn’t care; you simply hugged him back and cried with him. As emotional as this moment was, you would have a lot of explaining to do later… As well as a very pissed off Monokuma to deal with.
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cannedsmores · 4 years
this is for all y'all mando simps that are trans/enby (also tw for needles and dysphoria)
you've been dating mando for months now, traveling along side him and the kid, so you all know each other pretty well
the only thing you haven't told him is that your trans/enby, because your afraid
sure the mandalorian's don't have a gender code in the guild, but that doesn't mean your worried about mandos view points
what if he doesn't accept you for you? what if things get awkward? what if-
"hey, are you okay?" mando says as he places his hand down on your shoulder, his reassuring grip helps calm you down, but it's better to get it off your chest than to suffer in silence
"mando, i have something to tell you" you stutter as fear creeps back into your mind
"i wanted you to know that,well, I'm transgender/non binary. i hope you still love me as me. im sorry if-"
"sorry?", mando wispered in a soft tone, "why would you be sorry for being you? of course I still love you, why wouldn't I?"
you rush in and hug him, sobbing tears of relief as it stains din's beskar armor "i was so scared you would reject me. I'm glad you didn't"
"of course I won't cyar'ika, how could I ever?"
after you came out to him he asked what you liked to be called, he'd mess up a few times but made sure he called you by your preferred name and pronouns
for binding/injections of medicine, he'd help in any way that he can to make sure everything's done right and that your comfortable
with dysphoria, he'd drop everything and stay with you untill you felt better, maybe cuddling or just talking with him and the child to keep your mind off of it. even the kid tried to heal you, but you had to explain your not physically hurt to the child, he still tries anyways
and if anyone at all misgendered you in any way, you'd have to hold him back from starting a bar fight in the middle of the day.
the kid and mando care about you no matter what, and they'll support you for the long run
i hope you liked that headcanon, sorry it was a long one i just had so much to say
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doon-writes · 5 years
Not Dark Yet
here’s my thing for day 3 of @hetaween! it’s the end of the world with nyo dennor (well mostly just den.) trigger warnings are in the tags ✌️
Mari - Denmark
Sigrid - Norway
Eira - Iceland
im back at it with the dennor angs
She’d never tasted a bitterness so strong before this moment. It still lingered in her mouth, but the sight of her lover sleeping soundly on her lap made everything a little bit okay again.
Red light bled in through the church's shattered stained glass windows. Knowing any light left would soon fade to black, Mari took the remaining time she had to stare at Sigrid.
It was hard to tell if she looked pale due to the crimson colour engulfing everything in sight that wasn't already taken by darkness, but Mari assumed she was. They'd both been so malnourished, and so tired at the end. That's part of what made the sight of Sigrid fast asleep so satisfying. The scratches and newly earned scars could be ignored thanks to the relaxed state of her face.
God, she was beautiful. So beautiful.
Mari was glad she wouldn't be awake to watch the rest of the event. If Sigrid saw all of this blood red light, she'd deny the reality of it all, keep resisting, then cry when she realized it was over. The thought of Sigrid crying alone felt like a needle or fifty to the chest.
Mari began to think she'd been lucky. Her sister had to watch her lover die a painful death, and she carried that with her until her own death. Eira had been separated from her lover since the beginning, and she never got to see her again before she died.
The thoughts of the ones they'd lost rang the ache of a sob through the damaged halls of Mari's heart. But she wouldn't cry. She promised she wouldn't.
And after all, she was here with Sigrid. The love of her life up until now, and the little time she had after this moment. She would say forever, but the idea that her soul would be saved from this damned earth no longer seemed likely.
The red dulled. From a vibrant shade, to blood, to maroon. Mari took the time to lay down beside her love, ignoring the bits of glass on the floor entirely.
It was the end of the world. What more harm could a few shards of glass do?
Not much, it turned out, though they did sting. Mari took one more glimpse at Sigrid before pulling her in for a hug. She tried to remember a time where no one was hurt, when the horrors of the apocalypse had been unknown to them. The elusive memories of a family movie night, or a date with Sigrid. First times, lasts, love. A memory to rival the growing cold of the darkening atmosphere.
Yes, the air may have been cold, but her tears were hot. She pressed a shaky kiss to Sigrid's forehead; one of regret, apology, and the forlorn sensation of a lifetime of love lost.
She couldn't even keep a promise. How did she ever think she could save the world?
Her body refused to stop shaking. Mari let her cries fill the hollowed church, deciding restraint wasn't something she needed now anyway. She didn't feel she deserved it, but she buried her face into Sigrid, moving one of Sigrid's limp arms over her.
This time, Sigrid would not hold her until she'd cried herself out, nor would she stroke Mari's hair while whispering the sweetest of human comforts into her ear. But Mari wished she would, with every broken bit of hope lodged inside the newly formed lump in her throat.
It was a selfish wish. In a little while now, darkness would conquer every bit of light the world had left in it, and after that, the air would leave the planet. If she were in her right mind, there was no way Mari would want Sigrid to be alive to suffer through this. Asphyxiation sounded like a painful way to die, and she wouldn't ever want Sigrid to experience the particular distraught failing to prevent the apocalypse brought.
On the other hand, going through this alone was nearly unbearable. Mari felt like the last breathing being alive in the world. If she was smart, she would've ended it before the lack of oxygen could, but a part of her, no matter how scared, wanted to exist in the exact moment when the world stopped turning. Living was out of the question at this point anyway, and the end of the world was something Mari never thought she'd see in her lifetime. Might as well enjoy the finale.
She opened her eyes up to pitch blackness. It was good, in part; it meant the last lighted image Mari saw was Sigrid. But, it also meant death was approaching a little sooner. That was not necessarily a bad thing either, but the thought of her life being snuffed out of her was at least a little terrifying at any given moment. There would be relief in leaving behind all of the horrors that had happened on this soon to be lifeless earth, but the mere thought of experiencing nothing, being nothing, was enough to make Mari consider pleading with the blackening sky to be blessed with the grace of forgiveness, for the possession of an untainted soul, and for ascendance to a place where she might be able to find Sigrid again.
It already felt as though it was getting harder to breathe, though she wasn’t certain if it was because of the crying or if air had begun to leave this doomed piece of rock. Regardless, she pressed her face into Sigrid's stomach further, as if she'd wake up in their bedroom from the worst nightmare of her life in any moment now. It wouldn't have been the first time Sigrid had heard Mari's sobs of a dream too cruel to handle, but it would be the first time Mari experienced a full fledged miracle.
If only miracles were real. If only she wasn't alone. If only she’d had a little more time.
She barely noticed as the cocktail of gases begin to waltz out of the atmosphere. Undetected, they stole one breath after another, faster and faster. Molecules and elements flowing out of the ozone layer into the realm of the stars.
No longer did it matter. Breath had been stolen from her even before she'd reached this point. Every strike of grief, every needless evil, everything she'd failed to fix up until now seemed to steal miles off of Mari's life force. She wondered for a moment if that's why things ended up here, but ultimately considered it a bit egotistical to blame the end of the world on herself.
Mari was simply unlucky to be here, that's all.
The disguise of gratefulness left her as she realised how rotten her fate had been. Surely, it was the worst fate to stay alive until the end. Watching everyone she cared about die before her and living to see what was perhaps the most common of humanity's fears.
In spite of her bitterness, she'd stopped crying. Best not to waste air by gasping for it in between sobs, she figured. However, Mari had no idea how to prepare herself for suffocation. Should she breathe as much air as she could before it went away? Or hold her breath to get herself accustomed to the feeling?
She'd be terrified either way. So she settled on breathing normally for the time being, pulling Sigrid a bit closer, and shutting her eyes as if she intended to sleep through her own death.
Unfortunately, that's not what was in store for her. The lack of oxygen soon made itself known, and she told herself only to stay calm; a thing that was nearly impossible in such a situation. Nevertheless, she tried, tried to soothe herself by stroking Sigrid's deathly cold skin, tried to breathe just barely to make her supply last. Even so, it was only a matter of seconds before she was gasping for air, stuck in a horrific cycle of attempting to inhale and getting nothing from it.
Only in this moment, as she desperately searched for the air that had been present in the sky for every other moment of her life, did her hope finally fade. She was dying, and it would only be a matter of seconds until she was unconscious. After that, the void of death was minutes away. There was no one to save her, and even if there was, would she really want to live when everyone else she loved was already permanently gone?
The answer was no, and it always would be. Despite realising this, she couldn't help but wish that this pain would stop, somehow, in any way. The physical pain primarily, seeing as it dominated nearly every nook and cranny of Mari's mind, but a heavy feeling also lingered in the corners of her brain. A feeling of the rug being pulled out beneath you only to realise there was no floor to begin with; a descent of hopelessness.
The pain peaked. She grasped at iridescent memories that began to flash before her eyes, desperate.
Mari now laid on the floor, limp. She could've been as dead as Sigrid by now, but there was no one around to tell if she was. It was a little lonely to die without those to mourn your loss, but it was fitting for the end of all things.
It was cold. It was dark. It was over. And the world ended with the ones who were supposed to save it dying last. Sigrid holding Mari like any other Sunday morning they'd spent sleeping in, until they decomposed into bones, and from bones, to nothing more.
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enigmasalad · 5 years
Come Out Traitor!
(I was inspired by the cover of Bad Girl Online by Oktavia and by amaris_888 on TikTok. Oh and not to mention the recent sanders sides video) No one knew how the corruption started. What they did know is everyone was being affected terribly. They also knew that the side who was corrupting them must be cut out so Thomas can be back to his normal self. This unfortunately made all the sides very desperate.
 So here they all were, in the living room. Roman looked disheveled and had blood staining his clothes. Logan was messy and his eyes kept shifting around, as if he was going to have an outburst. Poor Patton had black tear marks and was slightly colorless and less bright than usual. Virgil’s eye shadow was out of control and his eyes were completely black.
“Never closer a group of friends, and yet somethings amiss.” Patton said. “Seems within the bounds, someone’s playing foul!” Roman stated with aggression. “Yes, we have what you’d call a traitor in our midst.” Logan agreed, glancing at everyone in the room. Virgil sighed and put his hands in his hoodie pockets. “I don’t know about you but those other vile sides who’ve been hiding seem rather suspicious don’t you think?” Roman proposed. “I honestly doubt they had corrupted everything. After all they’ve kept to themselves.” Logan countered, fiddling with his tie. “Besides wouldn’t it be hard for them to corrupt us?” Patton said. “I honestly agree with Princey. Its one of them. Has to be.” Virgil said, voice distorted. Roman let out a slight hurrah at the fact someone agreed with him, but his celebration was cut short by a smooth voice. “My oh my, could it be that everyone here has equipped a mask to some delusive fear?” Deceit.
Everyone turned to the snake-like side. He was leaning against a cane and looked paler and messier, but besides that he showed no signs of problems. “It was you!” Roman accused, pulling out his sword. “Roman stop!” Patton cried. Deceit laughed humorlessly. “I can assure it was not me. Since I’m being corrupted, I cough up some weird black stuff when I lie. Hurts like a bitch too.” Logan sighed and tried to adjust his tie, but to no avail. “The traitor is among us, but which side could it be?” Logan pondered, eyes shifting from each side repeatedly. Roman slammed his fist on the wall and growled. “Come out, come out whoever you are! Divine judgement awaits, you’ll never get that far!” Patton yelped in fear. “Two, three, four, five catch the mole alive.” Deceit mumbled. “Seven, eight, nine, ten don’t let them go again.” Virgil said, narrowing his eyes. It had been a week since the “meeting” was held. Patton had been worried. Not just about Thomas’s well-being but about who this traitor is. He wanted to believe that none of his family would have betrayed them! They couldn’t have! But as more time went by, he knew that there had to be a traitor. Patton was looking through a book of his family’s photographs when a knock came to his door. “Come in” The door opened, and Virgil stepped in. Patton smiled slightly at him, trying to hide the fact that his insides felt like they were melting. “Just a moment please, I have to tell you something.” Virgil said, voice even more distorted. “Sure kiddo. What’s up?” Patton asked. Virgil sat next to Patton and took a moment before speaking.
“Deceit, all he cares about is bad mouthing.” “I know he’s not the nicest but right now he can’t lie! He said s-“ “Just because he said he’d cough up shit means he’s telling the truth?” Virgil interrupted. Virgil did make sense. It would be easy for Deceit to claim he’s innocent with a lie that he couldn’t physically lie.
“I’m your best friend yes?” Virgil asked while holding Patton’s hands. “Yes?” “So with that I suggest you keep clear of his way.” Later a meeting was called once again. Patton stopped looking at his book and went to leave his room. As he gripped the handle, he gasped. His hands were pitch black. He gulped but exited the room anyways. When he entered the living room, Roman was practically screaming at Deceit. “Wait a sec! You don’t even pass the check! And your treachery isn’t exactly quality!” “You can smile wide and shake everyone’s hands, but it will never cover your obvious plan.” Virgil added with a growl. Deceit sighed and gripped the cane tighter. “My oh my, could it be that everyone here has equipped a mask to some delusive fear?” At that moment Logan stepped in, wheeling a machine of sorts. “Cut it! We’ll know your real ID!” Logan snapped. Deceit smirked for a moment.
“Thomas is dea-“ At that moment he curled in on himself in pain and coughed up black inky fluid. It splattered on the ground at his feet. Around the room eyes went wide. Deceit couldn’t lie. “Is everyone against me?” Now the question that hung thick in the air battered through everyone’s brains. Who caused the corruption? “Don’t blame me, I didn’t have a clue!” Roman desperately declared. “I-It’s not my fault! Im innocent like you!” Patton suddenly found himself saying. “Don’t you know that’s also what he claims?” Deceit wheezed out. Logan rubbed his temples. “This will never work if we all say the same. That is why I brought this lie detector.” Logan explained, running his hands through his hair, messing it up further. He put his hand on the center of the device. “I didn’t start the corruption.” Logan said. The machine blinked green, indicating Logan was telling the truth. Roman hurried over to the machine, obviously desperate to clear his name. “I didn’t start the corruption!” He cried. The machine blinked green. Roman sighed in relief and moved aside so Patton could put his hand on the machine. “I didn’t start the corruption.” Green lights blinked again. Patton sighed in relief, but horror quickly filled his chest. He looked at Virgil and then Deceit. It was one of them. But Deceit just proved that he couldn’t lie! This meant- “I didn’t start the corruption.” Deceit said, his hand on the machine. It blinked green. Roman gasped and all heads turned to Virgil. “W-Wait! It still could have been one of the others! Virgil might not be the traitor!” Patton cried. He looked at Virgil, tears in his eyes. Virgil was visibly trembling, but he sighed and placed his hand on the machine. “I started the corruption.” Patton heard his heart beat in his ears as his body grew freezing. The machine was green. “N-No! Please no! The machine is broken! Has to be!” Patton cried, falling to his knees. “Why did you do this to us?! We trusted you!” Roman roared, tears spilling over.
Logan just stared at Virgil with wide eyes. Even Logic couldn’t believe Virgil couldn’t do such a thing. Virgil was
Thomas, not harming him!
“What the hell’s this?! I’m going to be sick!” Roman spat, eyes on Virgil as he was pulling out his katana.
“That’s enough now!” Logan ordered.
“Im just saying, I’m so pissed!”
“Guys I know how you feel, but this is going too far, it’s unreal.” Deceit said, moving to hold back Roman.
Roman easily broke out of the weaker side’s grasp and charged at Virgil. Suddenly, Virgil wasn’t there anymore.
“Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!” Roman demanded, looking around him.
Logan’s eyes began to shift all around the room, as if he was looking out from an attack from an assassin.
Patton sobbed and got to his feet. If he found Virgil first, he could save him! He ran.
Patton found himself not even knowing where he was going, he just ran. He couldn’t breathe or think. He had to get to his dark strange son before the others found him! Suddenly he was pulled into a room and thrown onto the floor.
“Ow!” Patton cried out.
“Fuck! Sorry Pat! I thought you were Roman!”
Patton looked up to see Virgil offering a hand. Patton politely refused the hand and stood up. He saw that Virgil had a black mist around him. Patton yelped and stumbled back a bit, but something told him that Virgil wouldn’t hurt him.
“Patton, I’m so sorry. I-I was trying to protect Thomas a-and all of you from the others. It got out of hand. I never meant for it to escape my room.” Virgil shakily explained, fiddling with his hoodie.
“What?” Patton asked.
“The corruption. I was making my room more intense on purpose so I could protect you all better. I didn’t know the anxiety would follow me out of the room!”
“S-So if..if we were around you we were corrupted?”
They heard footsteps in the distance.
“Divine judgement awaits, you’ll never get that far!” Roman declared.
“If you alert him of your presence he will easily escape! Then we can’t fix this!” Logan snapped.
“Yes, self-preservation is filling the mindscape.” Deceit pointed out.
Virgil looked at Patton for a moment. He smiled reassuringly with a two-finger salute.
With that, he was gone.
Weeks passed and the corruption slowly disappeared. Thomas was back to normal, and so were all the sides. However, despite everything being fixed, Virgil was missing. Patton wondered every day where he was, and if he would come back. Probably not, but he would have dreams about it.
Everyone still couldn’t believe Virgil betrayed them even Thomas. However, they all knew deep down, Virgil never meant to. Did that mean he was forgiven? To Roman and Logan, no. He had hurt them too much to be forgiven. They urged Patton to move past this and try to do his job.
Patton sat in the living room next to the new light side member. Deceit sat next to Patton, watching old Tom and Jerry cartoons with popcorn.
“I won’t admit, I don’t wish Virgil was with us.”
Patton looked at Deceit.
“Even though he tried to frame you?” Patton asked.
Deceit smiled slightly, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
“No. To me, I don’t think we’re even. I didn’t hurt him, he didn’t hurt me. It isn’t even.”
Patton looked at the TV, eating some popcorn.
“Well, I’m glad to have this moment with you Dee.”
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mars-the-4th-planet · 6 years
Luffenbby pt.2
"Wow that was a close one..." Jaune said, healing Penny with his hand. Normally healing abilities do not include robots, but Jaune was not healing her directly rather boosting her aura so she could repair herself. It wasnt a big injury. So Penny stood up just fine after a few minutes. "Thank you sooo MUCH Jaune! I knew from the moment I met you that you were NOT useless! Unlike what Weiss said."
Jaune looked a bit hurt. "What did Weiss say??"
"M-My bouncy castleeeee...!" Nora sobbed, staring at the shredded mess. It looked like someone had slammed through the whole thing at high speed causing it to quickly deflate. "We were gonna have so much FUN on it! It was a cheer up present from my Renpai!"
"Hey look at those two sparring. HI RUBY!" Yang, the last one there, called out. Ruby looked and shouted "HELP!" Before being kicked in the back of the head. Ruby fell to the grass knocked out finally.
"Did she just... Grr, theyre not sparring! NEO GET BACK HERE!"
Neo ran as fast as she could. But while Yang, Jaune, and Nora were slower than she was, a shot from Glyndas riding crop was not. Neo collapsed and rolled before coming to a stop in the grass.
"What is going on over here?!" She demanded, marching up with an annoyed look on her face."
"I dunno, just got here." Jaune answered. "Not you."
"Uhhhhhhh...." Ruby said woozily as Penny picked her up. Jaune came over and healed her right up while Nora and Yang went to pin down the stunned Neo.
"I am glad youre still here Neo. It would be a shame if you and Tasty Torchwick left."
Neo smirked with her eyes closed, despite the fact that she was being pinned down and had no way of overpowering the two of them. This was because Roman Torchwick had gotten away with all the diamond dust and would not have to worry about Glynda putting her hands on him again. He assumed she would be out soon as well, but unfortunately he was wrong about that. Neo had singled for him to escape while fighting Ruby, and since she seemed to be winning he went along with it. After all, if it came down to a chase Neo was far more likely to get away than he was.
But obviously she had been unable to.
"Where... Is Torchwick..." Glynda said, suddenly looking not so happy anymore. Neo made a silent giggle.
Neo was carried back into the main school building by Nora and Yang while being supervised by Glynda. Other students crowded around wanting to know what was going on.
"Why did they want to leave so bad?" Blake asked her girlfriend. "I dunno, maybe we should interrogate Neo about it and find out where Torchwick went?" Yang wondered. "That wont be necessary. Just take her to the cell and do not let her out unless I personally say so, understand?" Glynda insisted.
They did so, but after bringing her there it was just team RWBY and Neo.
"I cant believe you would hurt Penny... You seemed to like her!" Ruby said, glaring through the bars.
Neo didnt seem too proud of that and looked down as she sat on the bed.
"What reason could you possibly have that you need to get out of here THAT BADLY?!"
Neo made a writing motion with her hands.
"I think she wants to tell us." Blake said.
"And I want to put her over my knee for trying to escape AGAIN." Yang added.
"I always miss all the cool stuff!" Weiss complained.
"Here. Somebody get a notepad, I got a pen here."
"That is a marker Ruby." Weiss corrected.
"You said a pen."
"I sign my name with it!"
"You draw a ruby."
"Im team leader I can sign things however I want!"
Blake brought a notepad from her room. Neo wrote down what Roman told her as they asked. Glynda said no interrogating but this was more just talking to her, Ruby thought.
Neo handed it over to them.
"Oh my god..."
"Thats terrible!" Penny exclaimed.
"PENNY! Where did you come from?!"
"I was using mining dust to get the diamond dust off my backpack, and was going to announce how happy I was! But I am not happy anymore, in fact, I am disturbed!" Penny explained to them.
"W-What should we do about this...? Glynda is our headmistress now... So we cant get her fired..."
"Tell the police?" Penny asked. "Or General Ironwood? Hes coming to visit me today and I can tell him."
"No Penny... This is a problem we need to settle ourselves."
"But why?" Penny asked, bending toward so that her face was closer to Ruby.
Ruby sighed. "Youll understand someday..."
"I dont get it either, but youre the boss sis!" Yang said with a shrug.
"Whatever we do, I think we should be nice to Neo." Weiss said. "In fact I think she should be given to the Vale Police instead of staying here under Glyndas authority. Who knows how severely she will punish Neo?"
"Weiss, she put a hole in Penny!"
"Yes, and I do agree that is a terrible thing to do but she couldnt just let Glynda have her way with Roman right?"
"I guess not..."
"You seem awfully concerned with Neo, Weiss." Blake said.
"Yeah well... I still feel bad. And anyway it would be cruel to leave her with Goodwitch."
"Stop talking about her, shes coming!" Hissed Blake.
Glynda Goodwitch walked up to them with her Riding Crop out. "Hello children. I am sure we dont need all five of you to guard Neo... Now whats on that notepad there?"
"Nothing!" Ruby squeaked and zipped away. Yang giggled. "Its her diary ma'am." She lied.
Glynda smiled. "Cute. Well, back to your studies. Except you Penny, you stay and stand guard. Whatever happened to that Cardin boy who was supposed to be watching Torchwick?"
"Dunno ma'am." Yang said.
Goodwitch walked away and they all sighed in relief.
Weiss pointed where Ruby dashed off to. "Lets go, I bet Ruby has a plan."
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
A Messed Up Place | Eleven
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Truths are revealed.
Warnings: Lots of shouting — an extremely heated argument takes place. Lots of name-calling and swearing. Excessive use of the word ‘fuck’.
Notes: Written for @hellomissmabel’s birthday/2k celebration.
It is honestly a relief to finally be able to write this chapter. This was the first scene that popped into my head all those weeks ago, when I first planned AMUP. I have been dying to write it ever since. Anyway. Much angst ahead. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
AMUP Masterlist
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Bucky takes a hefty swig out of his water bottle. The icy water is a cooling salve as it trickles down his throat.  He takes a few more sips as he towels off his wet hair and glances around the empty, dimly lit gym.
It’s a quarter past two in the morning. Bucky had gone to bed at around 10, only to be woken up by his own screams a couple of hours later, his skin covered in a layer of cold sweat, sheets tangled around his legs and heart thundering against his ribs.
The nightmare had been about Steve, of course. Bucky doesn’t allow himself to dwell on the details.
Fully aware of the fact that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep with his brain feeling that wired, and unwilling to spend several hours tossing and turning in bed, whilst waiting for the sun to come up, Bucky had changed into a tank top and a pair of loose shorts to hit the gym. Even if he couldn’t tire himself out, at least he’d be able to occupy his time.
Bucky ends up spending nearly two hours in there. He does three rounds of his usual routine on the machines, before spending a ridiculously large amount of time pummelling the shit out of the reinforced punching bags. It’s a strangely cathartic activity.
After taking a shower, he changes into a clean sweatshirt and a pair of black joggers. Bucky dumps his gross-smelling gym gear and damp towel into the laundry basket they keep in the corner of the gym, before heading to the kitchen to make himself a midnight snack. He’s got a craving for macaroni and cheese.
The compound is in darkness, as would be expected at this hour of night. Bucky doesn’t bother asking FRIDAY to turn on the lights. He passes by the entrance to the common room-lounge area on his way to the kitchen and frowns when he hears the unmistakable sound of hitched sobs and stifled sniffles. He pauses, cocking his head to the side. Who could it be?
Keeping his footsteps as light as a feather, Bucky creeps inside. Though it’s dark, his enhanced eyesight picks out the silhouette of a figure huddled up on one of the couches, lying on their side with their back towards Bucky. He’s got a pretty good idea of who it could be.
“Y/N?” Bucky whispers.
The darkened figure startles, simultaneously uncurling and twisting their body, pushing themselves up onto their forearms. “B-bucky?” you ask, your voice croaky and thick with tears.
“FRIDAY, d’you mind getting the lights? Keep ‘em dim, please,” Bucky murmurs, as he crosses over to the couch and plops beside you, on your right. A few of the ceiling lights come on, casting pale yellow circles around the periphery of the room.
“Hey, hey—doll,” he croons, holding his arms out and letting you curl up against his side. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, as he tucks your head underneath his chin and loops his arms over your shoulders and around your waist. Your body is trembling uncontrollably, breath coming out as uneven sobs. Bucky strokes his hand up and down your back, whispers mindless babble into your hair. The front of his sweatshirt is quickly becoming damp as a result of your tears.
“Hey, now—what’s wrong, doll?” he murmurs, “Why’re you out here all alone, huh? Talk to me.”
“I-I-I,” you stammer, breaking off with a loud hiccup,as you fight to get your lungs to take in a deep enough inhale so that you can talk properly.
Bucky hums sympathetically, settling back against the couch and leaning away from you, to give you some space. You brush the backs of your hands over your cheeks, using the sleeves of your hoodie to wipe away the snot and tears. You glance at Bucky through the corner of your eye and let out a half-strangled sob. “Bu-ucky,” you hiccup, “I-I’ve gotta te-ell you something.”
“Mmm? What is it, doll?” he asks, only half-listening to you. Bucky’s more concerned about trying to get your lungs working the way they should. You sound worryingly like you’re about to have an asthma attack — and Bucky would know what those look like, given the number of times he’s had to help get Steve through one, back in the day — and Bucky’s not sure the extent to which asthma attacks and unborn babies go together.
“I-um. I-I still lo-ove—,” you bite your tongue, cutting yourself off and turning to look away from Bucky.
“Steve?” he offers, “You still love ‘im? S’okay, doll, that’s—,”
“That’s not what I was gonna say,” you interrupt, voice coming out surprisingly sharp, despite your tears. You wipe your nose one more time before turning to look Bucky dead in the eye, paralysing him with the intensity of your gaze.
“I was going to say you, Bucky.”
If this is a dream, Bucky’s not sure whether it’s one he wants to wake up from. He swallows nervously, before forcing his jaw to move, to shape the words. “M-me? I-I—but, Steve?” he stutters helplessly, brain unable to process what it is you’ve just admitted to.
“You, Bucky,” you repeat, turning your body so that you can look at Bucky directly, without having to crane your neck around. “I’ve always had feelings for you, okay? And I know—,”
“Wait, what?” Bucky squeaks, head spinning in confusion.
“Will you listen to me? Let me finish?” you ask impatiently. Bucky snaps his jaw shut and nods fervently, gesturing for you to continue with one hand.
“I—yeah. I’ve always had feelings for you, and you’ve—you always ignored me when I tried to show you. So—it didn’t look like things were even gonna work between us, no matter how hard I tried, which is why I started dating Steve—I—to…but now Steve’s dead, and a twisted, horrible part of me can’t help but feel g-glad, because I don’t think I would’ve been fully happy in that marriage and—but—I—shit this is so fucking messed up, and—but I feel so guilty for leading him on and I fucking hate this shit!” you hiss, your voice rising to shriller tones with each word that tumbles out of your mouth.
“I hate it, I fucking hate it! You made me do this!”
Bucky’s mind has gone from confused, to stunned, to completely dumbstruck, all in the space of about ten seconds. He’s speechless. Completely, utterly at a loss for words. There’re so many things that you’ve just said that he needs to question, to examine, to pick apart and analyse — in fact, there’s almost too many. He’s not sure where to even begin. Although you seem delirious, and even though you’re probably sleep-deprived, there’s no mistaking the solemnity in your tone. You mean every word you’ve just said.
There is one statement that stands out, though. One that is screaming for more answers, for a further explanation.
“Y/N,” Bucky says softly, fighting to keep his anger in check and hoping that it doesn’t come through in his voice. “What-I—Steve? Why Steve? Did you—what? I don’t understand — were you actually in love with him?” he asks, “Did you—did you use my best friend against me? Did Steve ever mean anything to you?”
Bucky needs to know. No matter how much he may love you, no matter how much he may want to love you, there is one unwavering fact when it comes to Bucky and Steve: he’s with Steve ’til the end of the line. And if someone messes with Steve, by default, you can be goddamn sure that Bucky’s getting involved too. If there is one person he would die defending, it’s Steve Rogers.
You’re silent for a minute, chewing over your thoughts. Bucky’s words have apparently struck a chord. You stare off into the distance, fiddling with your fingers and biting on your bottom lip. Perhaps your silence should be alarming, Bucky thinks — if you truly loved Steve, wouldn’t your answer be an immediate, resounding ‘yes’?
“Not at first,” you admit softly, keeping your eyes trained on Bucky’s knees. It means that you don’t notice the barely-restrained fury in Bucky’s expression. “I mean…okay, so what happened was he asked me out on a date, back when you and I were still…yeah. He asked me out.”
You pause, running your fingers through your hair. “I will admit, at first, I wanted to say no, because like I said, I had — have — feelings for you. And I was still hopeful about us. But…but he asked so nicely, and he looked so hopeful that I—I didn’t have the heart to say no,” you murmur, your expression turning wistfully sad as you recall the memory. “I loved you, but…but—god this is gonna sound so bad,” you chuckle mirthlessly, “Some fucked up part of my brain rationalised that maybe…you seeing me with Steve would kick you into gear, or something—,”
“Y/N, I swear to god—,”
“I’m not done,” you say sharply, fingers clenching into fists in your lap. For a second, your entire body is tensed up, before you take a deep, calming breath, relaxing once more and continuing on with your story. “My point is: fucking sue me if you want to, but initially, I got with Steve with the intent of making you jealous,” you admit.
“Fucking hate me all you want, okay? Hate me because Steve’s not here to do so. I-I deserve it, yeah? I get it, I deserve your hate, your anger — call me a bitch, a coward, an asshole, a liar, whatever you want. I’m all of the above. I get it. Hate me, Bucky,” you growl brokenly, vicious venom lacing your every word.
Somehow, despite what you’ve just admitted to, Bucky can’t quite do that. He’s—a part of him hates you. Loathes you, in fact. But another part of him — the irrational, stupid, lovesick puppy inside him — still believes in you. He’s—torn. Conflicted. He’s fighting a warped internal battle between what is right and what is less right, because, as he’s come to realise, ‘wrong’ is simply a matter of perspective.
You take a deep breath and continue, your voice calmer, softer now. It sounds almost eerily detached, even. “I started dating Steve despite being fully aware of the fact that he had feelings for me on a level which I did not reciprocate,” you say. There’s an undertone of bitterness and self-hatred to your words. “I knew that I wasn’t being fair. I was being mean. But—the thing is, Bucky, please, please, please, believe me when I say this…I never, ever meant for things to get this far.”
“Yeah, right,” Bucky scoffs.
Bucky feels…a lot. He’s enraged, mostly. His entire perspective of you has changed. You’re not the person he once thought you were — that is the glaringly obvious fact that’s staring him in the face, right now. You’re not the person he made you out to be, the woman he fell in love with.
“You could’ve put a stop to it, anytime you wanted to, right?” Bucky points out, not bothering to conceal his pain and anger. In fact, it’s a relief to finally allow those emotions to bleed into his words, a relief to finally voice the thoughts that have been clamouring for attention inside his head.
“You weren’t under any obligations to stay with Steve. And—and besides, if you were done waiting around for me, instead of trying to make me—make me jealous,” he spits out, relishing the way you recoil at the word, “Why didn’t you ask me yourself, huh? Why couldn’t you come to me and ask me out?”
“I—I fucking didn’t want to pressure you, okay?” you snap, your gaze meeting his once more. There’s a heat in your eyes that makes Bucky want to smirk — he’s fighting fire with fire, and as irrational as that may be, it feels good.
“You—I didn’t know for certain if you felt the same about me,” you explain. “And I—look, I knew that it was overwhelming for you to have to adjust to all this,” you say, flapping your arms and gesturing wildly around you, “So I didn’t want to…to add my own pressures on you. If you fell in love with me—great, but—but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to date me, or love, or take pity on me, just ‘cause I had feelings for you.”
“And, I guess,” you sigh, your shoulders deflating and losing their tension as you drag a hand down your face, “I thought that with time, I could — maybe, fall in love with Steve and get over you. The heart can only hold so much love in it, right?”
You laugh dejectedly, shaking your head as if you can’t believe how stupid you were. “Fucking wrong,” you snort, crossing your arms over your chest. “I was — am, still am — in love with Steve, but in love with you, as well! I ended up falling for Steve, because who in their right mind wouldn’t do the same?”
“You’re right,” you say, nodding your head slowly, “I was under no obligation to be with him, but I couldn’t end out relationship because I didn’t want to.” You lift your eyes to meet his gaze. Bucky’s breath catches when he catches the glimmer of unshed tears in yours.
“I love him, I love you, and I couldn't decide between you two. I’m a fucking selfish bitch, okay?” you huff, tightening your arms around yourself defensively. “There. I said it. I’m a fucking selfish bitch, who didn’t want to leave Steve even though,” you pause, gulping audibly. “Even though I knew I was hurting you.”
Bucky’s jaw tenses in anger. “You knew you were hurting me and yet you kept on doing it anyway.”
“Fuck you,” Bucky hisses, “Fuck you, fuck your manipulative games, fuck you for fucking with me, with my head, my feelings, do I—do I mean nothing to you?”
“You do!” you protest, “Bucky, I swear, please—,”
“Could’ve fucking fooled me,” Bucky continues, bulldozing onwards, as if you’d never interrupted him. “What with the way you treated me, and all.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Barnes,” you growl, your own anger finally making your composure snap. “You’re not perfect either, jerk. Look, both of us are in the wrong—,”
“But we wouldn’t even fucking be in this position had you put an end to things with Steve when you could!” Bucky shouts, not caring if he wakes up half the compound in the process.
You swallow, blinking rapidly to clear the tears that are on the verge of spilling from your eyes. “I—I never meant to get engaged, or anything,” you whisper, “I—it was only ever meant to be a couple of dates with him, and then I was gonna put an end to it and tell him it wasn’t gonna work out between us. I swear on my life, Bucky, that’s what I fully intended to do. But—,” you laugh deliriously, “You can’t help but fall in love with Stevie. I didn’t do anything to deserve him, but he—he loved me. A lot. And I—I found myself responding to that.”
“So did I love him initially?” you ask, straightening up and raking your fingers through your disheveled hair, “No. Probably not. Not the way I love you, at least. But do I love him now?” you pause, tipping your head back to stare at the ceiling as you consider your next words.
“Goddamn it, I’m not sure. I love him, in some capacity. I care for him, and I’m—I’m brokenhearted because he’s dead, but—but it’s still not the way I love you. And…and I feel so guilty about the fact that—,”
“Don’t sob to me,” Bucky growls, cutting you off when your voice begins to waver and your eyes start to become teary, once more. Your mouth pulls into a tight line. Before you can say anything else, Bucky jumps in, wanting to share his own thoughts.
“I thought the world of you,” Bucky says softly. His tone is low, surprisingly calm, despite the roiling anger inside him. “I thought you were an angel on earth, a goddess among men. Turns out, I was wrong. Stevie should’ve had better than someone like you.”
You snap your head towards him, your eyes ablaze with rage. “Well fuck you, Barnes!” you shout, “Here is my fucking apology for not being good enough, for not meeting your—your unreasonably high expectations! And—and what the fuck? There are more dimensions of love than just the romantic, okay? Can’t you see that?”
“I—I still care for him, Bucky,” you explain, your voice more than a little bit hysterical, “And—I dunno, I have a feeling that he knew something was up. Steve—he knew…something. About—about…you and me.”
Bucky thinks back to Steve’s video and can’t help but agree with you on that one.
“But—he died with a lie,” you say, your voice cracking at the last word. You clear your throat. “I was gonna come clean and tell him, I really was, but I—but now he’s gone. He’s fucking dead, and he never got to know the truth.”
“No thanks to you.”
You snort indignantly. “Oh that’s rich, coming from you!” you snap, “Mr ‘I keep a million secrets up my sleeve’. You could’ve come clean to me, to Steve at any point and yet you didn’t. Do you even love me?”
Bucky inhales sharply. He closes his eyes and takes a moment to calm his thoughts.
It’s now or never.
“I do,” he says quietly. “Y/N—doll, I do, Ido love you. Trust me, sweetheart, I’ve loved you for—for as long as I’ve known you.”
Now that he’s started, there’s no stopping. He’s taken that first step — they say the first step is the hardest for a reason — and it’s all downhill from here. It’s like the dam inside Bucky’s mind has finally been burst. The words that he’s been holding back all this while can finally come rushing through. They spill out of his mouth in a mad, uncontrollable torrent.
“I—I need you the way I need oxygen, baby,” Bucky continues, “I love you, I swear, I love you. My heart belonged to you before it ever belonged to me, before I even knew what it was to love!”
You squeeze your eyes shut, biting your lip and turning to look off into the distance, out of the window. Bucky drinks in your profile, which lately, has been more gaunt and waif-like than normal. “Don’t say that,” you whisper tightly, “Don’t say words like that if you don’t mean them. Don’t just say them just for the sake of saying them—,”
“I do mean them!” Bucky says urgently, his hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder. You turn to face him, your gaze locking onto his. God, the trepidation and fear in your eyes is enough to make his heart break all over again. “Y/N, I—we’ve done some stupid things, but I mean it. I love you.”
You shake your head sadly, shoulders slumping in defeat. “I thought—I thought hearing those words from you would be the best thing to ever happen to me, but—it’s not,” you say, sighing dejectedly. “It’s not what I needed to hear, right now. Now—now, when things are like this, when I have to have Steve’s kid—,”
“It might not even be his,” Bucky blurts, unthinkingly. His eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he catches onto what he’s just said. What he’s just implicitly admitted to.
Oh so slowly, you turn to face him, your eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What?”
It’s just one word, but one word is more than enough to instil sheer terror in Bucky’s bones. “I—Nothing. Nothing, forget I said that,” he stammers.
“What d’you mean, it might not be his?” you ask, your voice barely masking the threat lying beneath.
“Fucking tell me!” you screech, lunging forward and grabbing fistfuls of his sweatshirt. Your expression is positively feral. “How in all of fucking hell could this baby not be Steve’s and why on this goddamn planet would you fucking know?”
Bucky licks his lips nervously. “It’s not Steve’s,” he repeats slowly, “Or…at least I don’t think it is.”
“Why?” you breathe, voice wavering with wrath, “What makes you say that?”
“You’re—um,” Bucky swallows again, tries to remember how to make his mouth work.
“James Buchanan Barnes,” you growl menacingly, yanking him closer towards you, “This is my body we’re talking about. If you know something that I don’t, spill it.”
“In KL,” Bucky says quickly, “In—in KL, on that mission, on—on that night, that last night, uh—you were drunk. And—um. And so I brought you back to the hotel and you…you wanted to have sex.”
“What?” you breathe, letting go of his sweatshirt in shock. Your eyes are as wide as saucers. “Why didn’t you—,”
“I tried to stop you—I, okay fine, I admit, you have no reason to believe me on this, but I swear on Steve’s head that I’m not lying to you!” Bucky says vehemently, “I tried to stop you. I told you no, I was gonna leave, but you—but you kept pushing, and I—I couldn’t,” Bucky pauses, blinking away the tears that have suddenly sprung to his eyes. “I couldn’t do anything to stop you.”
“So we fucked,” you say flatly.
“We fucked,” Bucky confirms. “I—um. I didn’t think it was gonna happen, so I didn’t pack any condoms with me.”
“We had unprotected sex,” you murmur, burying your face in your palms.
“I—I did pull out,” Bucky says. “I did! I promise you, I did!” he repeats, throwing his hands up in surrender when you arch an eyebrow in disbelief. “I—I uhh, I really did pull out, but it—it was uh, kinda at the last second, so stuff could’a…y’know…it might’ve been too late.”
Bucky runs his tongue over his chapped lips. His throat feels unnaturally dry, perhaps due to the nerves. He watches as you slump against the back of the couch. You’re gaze is blank and you’re making no sounds. It’s beginning to unnerve him.
“Y/N?” he asks tentatively.
“Fuck you, Barnes,” you say, your voice eerily cool. “Fuck you for doing this to me.”
Maybe it’s your choice of words, maybe it’s the tone with which you’ve spoken, maybe it’s the cumulative effect of the events of the last week, but for whatever reason — that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“Oh, now I’m the only bad guy in this equation?” Bucky snorts, “Need I remind you which one of us is the manipulative bitch?”
Your jaw drops open in shock. “I—fuck you, Barnes, you’re one to talk about bad guys — you fucking slept with me when I was drunk! Taking advantage of me!”
“I said no!” Bucky roars, “I pushed you away, I told you I didn’t want it! You’re as much of a rapist as I am, in this situation!”
You blink rapidly, grinding your teeth together as your hands clench into fists. Bucky holds his breath, waiting for you to lash out, to land your next blow, and is surprised when it does not come.
“You’re—okay, you’re right,” you sigh, rubbing the heel of your palm into your eye tiredly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forced myself on you, I—I can’t imagine how shitty I made you feel. I’m sorry I put us in that situation, I’m sorry I acted like an idiot, I’m sorry for dragging you into this drama, I’m sorry, okay?”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me, but it’s there. I’m sorry,” you murmur. You sigh heavily, removing your hand from your face as you look towards Bucky once more.
“But that doesn’t change how I feel,” you continue, your tone sharpening as your rage resurfaces. “The issue’s still there: I’m pregnant, and this might be your baby. Were you ever gonna tell me about this, by the way? Huh? Were you ever gonna tell how we fucked whilst I was drunk? How you broke all the rules we ever put in place?”
“I—,” Bucky sputters, at a loss for words. “No, you know what? Yeah. Yeah, I did break all out rules. And I’m sorry. I truly am sorry for that. But I came clean in the end, but—but what the fuck? You can’t be telling me that what you did was any less worse.”
“That’s not what I’m saying—,”
“Then what the fuck are you trying to say, Y/N?” Bucky asks sharply, “Because my patience is running thin and I am fucking done dealing with your bullshit.”
You clench your jaw. “Right. Okay, you know what I wanna say? You wanna know the real reason, the reason deep-down why I got with Steve? Wanna see how blackened and fucked up the innermost parts of my soul are?” you snarl. “I got with Steve because I wanted you to fight for me, Bucky.”
“I wanted you to goddamn fight for me,” you hiss, “Are—are you blind? Are you an idiot, or something? Could you not see what I—if you truly loved me like you say you do, you would’ve fought for me, asked me to stay.”
“What kind of jacked up logic is that?” Bucky sputters, stunned. “Am I blind? Fuck you, Y/N, you’re the one that’s blind! Could you— could you not see? Could you not see how obvious I was? I adored you, clung to you like a needy puppy, but you had no clue, and I don’t know how that;s even possible! I was so fucking obvious! Smiling every time I saw you, laughing every time you talked to me — you didn’t see that?”
“You didn’t see how much pain you put me through?” Bucky continues, his voice harsh. “I’m pretty sure I was — am, probably — fucking depressed. When you told me you were dating Steve, when you told me that you’d gotten engaged, when you—,” he breaks off, laughing hysterically, “When you asked me to fucking pick out your lingerie, like— I was in pain, okay? The entire time! You hurt me!”
“Every time I saw you two together, happy together — whether or not you were pretending — it hurt like someone was stabbing a million knives into my gut, okay?”
“I was wrong about you,” Bucky spits, “I thought you were an angel, I though you were better than this.”
“No one told you to idolise me, Bucky!” you scream, lashing out, fighting back just as hard. “I’m fucked up! I am fucked up in the head, okay? I didn’t ask to fall in love with both of you, I didn’t ask you to fall in love with me, I didn’t ask for any of this to happen!”
Bucky leans back against the armrest, runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends slightly. “You know what? Fuck it, I’m done,” hey growls. He pushes himself onto his feet and moves to stalk past you.
Your fingers catch hold of the sleeve of his sweatshirt, pulling him to a stop. “Barnes, sit your ass down—,”
“No,” he hisses, shaking your hand off of him. “You don’t fucking get to tell me what to do, Y/N. I’m heading up. Goodnight.”
Maybe it’s the finality in his tone that sends you into a panic, but whatever the case, you leap up at that moment, your hand gripping onto Bucky’s shoulder. He grits his teeth and resists the urge to brush you away.
“Bucky—,” you whisper, “Please, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please sit down, please—let’s talk.”
“Oh, we’ve talked plenty, Y/N,” Bucky snarls, whirling around to face you. The expression on your face — a cross between on heartbroken, sorrowful and apologetic — gives him pause. The heated words he was going to hurl at you die in his throat.
Bucky sighs heavily as rakes his fingers through his messy hair. “Okay, look. Let’s—I think we need some time to cool off. To…to process everything that’s just been said.”
“We can talk. I’m not—now. Sometime later, not now,” he mumbles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his joggers. “Now…this is too much. I—need some time to process all…this,” he says, gesturing wildly between the two of you.
“Okay,” you whisper, dropping your hand to the side, letting go of him. “I—I do love you, Bucky. Still. Even—even if you…even after—I do. I love you.”
Bucky turns away, not wanting to let you see his expression. Something in his heart aches.
Those are the words he’s wanted to hear from you, the words he’s always wanted to hear falling from your mouth for as long as he can remember. Hearing you say them should be a salve on the wounds of his broken heart, but…they’re not. They’re anything but.
They don’t have the same meaning, the same symbolism, the same weight that they used to. The no longer hold the same promise.
He loves you, still. Fucking hell Barnes, will you get a grip on yourself? he chastises.
Bucky loves you, even though he probably shouldn’t, at this point. Maybe it’s a different kind of love, maybe it’s not to the same extent — he doesn’t know anymore. He hates you and loves you in equal measure and if that doesn’t summarise how screwed up his life has become, then nothing else will.
The thing is, there’s more to the picture now, he has to remember that. How can he abandon you? He can’t just love you, not only because of his promise to Steve — as misguided as that may have been — but also because you’re potentially carrying his child in your womb.
Bucky feels like an absolute shit hole.
All he’s ever wanted in this life is for you to want him, to love him. And, as it turns out — you do. You do love him, but you probably hate him, as well. It’s fucked up, is what it is.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Bucky says tightly, as strides out of the common room. “I’ll—see you.”
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soybeansoyul · 7 years
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pairings: bae jinyoung x lee daehwi, mentioned minhwan and ongniel
summary: the words tattooed on your arm are the first words your soulmate will say to you. or ; daehwi grows up to be a police officer. or ; every human being is born with white blood.
warnings: violence, murder, coarse language
“stop being so salty, daehwi. you're gonna find him one day." jihoon rolls his eyes.
"my soulmate is a loser who's gonna ask me 'have you seen my packet of milk?' are you serious?" daehwi scoffs while woojin bursts into laughter.
"anyway. the new student is gorgeous. daehwi, you're really lucky to be sitting next to him." samuel pipes up while sipping on his apple juice.
"bae jinyoung, right? he's so pretty," seonho adds on, and the two high-five.
"he hasn't even said anything to me yet." daehwi comments, and goes back to slurping down his noodles.
a month goes by, and jinyoung has yet to utter a single word to daehwi. but daehwi couldn't care less today, especially after what happened at assembly.
"everybody, we are deeply saddened by the murder of our student im youngmin. may he rest in peace." the principal's words linger in his head.
daehwi can't even believe it - his childhood friend was gone, just like that. he knew that there were many murder cases in this town, but he never expected his dear friend to be a victim.
the day youngmin's death was announced, was the day daehwi decided he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.
daehwi's in class while waiting for lunch to be over. he came back to class earlier today, since he had to rush his incomplete homework. it’s been 2 months, yet he hasn’t spoken with his new seatmate at all.
he's desperately trying to recall formulas for the physics worksheet in front of him when he feels a tap on his shoulder. he turns to face jinyoung.
"did you see my packet of milk?"
it can't be.
daehwi nearly falls off his chair and lifts up his sleeve. his tattoo matched whatever jinyoung had just asked, word for word. he gulps.
"sorry, i haven't."
this time, jinyoung's mouth drops open, and he looks down at his own arm. "are, are you my,"
daehwi leans in closer to jinyoung and lets him have a look at his arm. jinyoung shows him his own, too.
they're at a party hosted by seongwoo to celebrate their exams being over. "yeah, jinyoung, 6 months ago, daehwi was complaining about how his soulmate was going to ask him about a packet of milk," woojin grins. "he was so annoyed by it!" daehwi flicks woojin's forehead. while jinyoung simply chuckles and presses a kiss onto daehwi's forehead.
daehwi has never seen his boyfriend cry.
not until today, when hyunbin's murder was reported on the news.
"oh my gosh. jinyoung. so many people have been killed," daehwi groans. "someone else just died."
"it's getting fucking scary," jinyoung's lips begin to curve downwards, his nose and eyes beginning to sting. "it's making me scared to even leave the house."
daehwi sighs, leaning onto his boyfriend's chest and wiping his tears away. "it's been 2 years since youngmin was murdered. and now hyunbin and 7 other people have been, too." he sighs. "jinyoung, i'm worried and scared at the same time. who even is this heartless to murder so many people?"
"once you become a cop, you'll help fight for justice, right?" jinyoung croaks. "you'll catch that asshole who's been killing everyone, right?" daehwi hums in response.
"i can't believe hyunbin is gone. i barely knew youngmin, too." jinyoung cries, while daehwi tears up.
daehwi breathes deeply as they fall asleep in each other's arms.
"this murderer is very, very dangerous. it's suspected that they're responsible for im youngmin, kwon hyunbin, kim chungha, choi yoojung, jung sewoon and many other's deaths as well." minhyun, the head of department speaks. "it's believed their blood is black. since they did allegedly commit so many crimes, it would make sense.”
"we need to catch them as fast as we can. it's been about 9 years, and they're still at large." dongho adds, and everyone agrees. "for now, they are believed to be living in this neighborhood," he says as he points to an area on the map. "the murderer is believed to be a male, especially with the amount of strength they possess. however, this cannot be comfirmed yet."
daehwi heads home with heavy footsteps. it's around 12 in the morning, and he sees jinyoung on the couch, eating ramen.
"hey," jinyoung starts, giving his husband a quick peck.
"hi, hyung."
"you're tired, aren't you?"
"of course. guess what, the murderer supposedly lives in our neighborhood."
jinyoung chokes on the broth. "are you serious? and i thought we could finally live in peace,"
daehwi shakes his head. "fucking hell, it's been 9 years, and there aren't any new leads."
to say that daehwi was worried would be one hell of an understatement - this serial killer had murdered so many of his friends, wrecked so many lives, and they just had to live in the same neighborhood as him and his husband? daehwi's muscles tense. what's worse is that, jinyoung, being a dance teacher, always came home late since some of his lessons ended at 11pm. he didn't want his husband to get hurt.
daehwi bitterly accepts the fact that things don't always end up the way you want it to when it's 3am and jinyoung isn't home yet. the older had not contacted him all night, and daehwi felt like his heart was threatening to spill out of his mouth.
i've lost so many people, i don't want to fucking lose jinyoung.
he jumps off the couch when he hears the door creak open. he rushes to the door, only to be met with a red and puffy-eyed jinyoung, his hair in an absolute mess, a scab carressing his cheek, milk white blood on his hands.
"hyung, are you okay?" tears threaten to spill out of his eyes. he heaves a sigh of relief when he sees that jinyoung's blood was white.
"the murderer, that guy," jinyoung stutters. "he,”
daehwi grabs their first aid kid and cleans jinyoung up. he learns that his currently distraught husband was assaulted by a man dressed in all black while he was on the way home from the dance studio.
once his husband steps out from the shower, daehwi wraps his arms around him.
"i'm glad you're here," daehwi chokes out. "hyung, i love you."
"i love you too."
daehwi doesn't waste another moment. he connects their lips.
"go to the station tomorrow to give a statement, okay?" daehwi breathes out when they pull away. jinyoung nods in agreement. "i won't let whoever did this to you and many other innocent people get away."
"kim samuel has been found dead in his apartment after it had been broken into. it's believed that this has been comitted by the notorious serial killer. there's not enough evidence, since this killer is extremely smart." jonghyun begins, changing the slides of the presentation. "however, the cctv footage of the lift lobby shows the killer. he's dressed in all black, which is exactly what bae jinyoung described to us when he was assualted. a male dressed in all black."
"plus, if you zoom in - this killer's blood is black. extremely black." daniel adds, pointing to the presentation. "this happened at around 9.45pm yesterday night."
daehwi can't stop his tears from flowing. neither can jinyoung.
"now samuel too?" jinyoung switches off the television after the reporter was done talking about samuel's murder.
"jinyoung, i'm fucking scared," daehwi's tears dripped fom his chin. "i literally was just texting him at 8pm last night, and an hour or so later and he was killed? what the fuck is going on,"
they hold each other, the only sounds in the house being the blaring of the air conditioning and their sobs.
daehwi pouts as daniel takes a sip of his coffee.
"hey, i'm stressed and scared too. i'm worried that something is gonna happen to seongwoo or my other loved ones. i'm sure minhyun-hyung feels that way about jaehwan-hyung too," daniel comforts him, rubbing his back. "i know what it feels like to lose someone. most of the victims were our friends in school. it's really saddening, i know. samuel and the others wouldn't want you to sulk like this." daniel stops to wipe away a few tears. "let's catch this horrible person and serve justice, okay?" he smiles, and daehwi's lips curve up in the slightest as he nods.
"let's catch him, hyung."
"babe, there's a letter for you," jinyoung says, walking towards his hubsand as he looks through the rest of the mail.
daehwi puts the cup of hot chocolate jinyoung had made for him earlier down to grab the envelope from the older male. he opens it up, and he chokes on his own saliva as he reads it.
You wanna know who I am so badly, huh? Seongwoo is next. Say your goodbyes. PS: Jinyoung will be leaving you very soon. xx
there's a drop of black blood spread across the bottom of the letter. daehwi feels his stomach churn, and his lips tremble as the word 'hyung' comes out of his mouth.
jinyoung raises an eyebrow and takes a look at it. his eyes widen, as his jaw retracts and his neck muscles tighten.
daehwi snaps out of it quickly and grabs a ziplock bag, placing the letter, together with the envelope, in it.
"i'm taking this to the station tomorrow. or rather, in a few hours," daehwi mutters as he glances at the clock. 2am. he turns to look at his husband. his eyes are glossy, and he looks even paler than usual. "hyung..."
an avalanche of tears are falling from jinyoung's eyes, and daehwi's heart breaks.
"i won't let anything happen to you, okay? hyung, i'm not letting anything happen to you. or seongwoo-hyung, or anyone else. i'll catch him, hyung, i promise." daehwi tells jinyoung as he leans in, pressing his lips against jinyoung's.
the ugly thought of jinyoung leaving him floods his mind, but daehwi tries his best to push it away.
hyung will not leave me.
daehwi's eyelids are heavy but he remembers to shoot daniel a text before going to bed.
daehwi: hyung, i got a letter in the mail from the killer apparently
daehwi: black blood was smeared onto it, it said jinyoung would leave me soon. it also said his next target was seongwoo-hyung
daehwi: please protect him, i'm bringing the letter to the station later so u can take a look at it
daniel: Oh my fuck
daniel: Shit.. will do
daniel: Thanks for letting me know
daehwi puts his phone down on the nightstand, and within the next few moments, he's already deep in slumber, in jinyoung's warm embrace.
daehwi wakes up at 6am, ready for work, only to find his bedroom door open. jinyoung is still sound asleep next to him. he walks out of their room and he quickly realises their apartment door is ajar. there's no sign of forced entry - and as far as he can see, nothing has been stolen. his heart is pounding wildly in his chest.
he goes back into their bedroom, shaking jinyoung gently. "hyung, i think someone broke in last night," jinyoung stirs a little before he wakes up. "what?"
"hyung, i think someone broke in. the door's wide open, and the front door is open, too."
"are you serious? is anything missing?"
"nope. what time did you sleep last night?"
"a little after you fell asleep? everything was still normal, though."
daehwi takes a look at jinyoung. he then realises how stressed jinyoung looks - his dark circles have been getting significantly darker. i just want all of this to end. i want to live happily with hyung.
"i'll call the team in to do a check later. what time are you leaving for work?" his husband replies with a "10am" and daehwi heads to the bathroom to get ready.
he looks through his bag to make sure he has everything he needs.
"hyung, the letter isn't here anymore?" daehwi exclaims, and jinyoung gets out of bed to take a look. "hyung, it's gone. do you think whoever broke in took it?"
jinyoung runs a hand through his hair. "if so, that person might either be the killer or someone associated to him."
daehwi sighs. "hyung, i really want you to be safe."
"i really want you to be safe too, daehwi."
jinyoung closes the gap between their lips.
"we looked around daehwi's apartment. there was no signs of forced entry, no fingerprints or footprints." minhyun speaks, resting his hands on the table. "daehwi also received a letter from the killer that he had planned to show to us today. the letter was typed out, and so was the address, so we can't do any handwriting tests. however, it seems like whoever had broken into his home has stolen it."
they continue with their discussion, and daehwi's mind is in a whirl.
daehwi: hey
daehwi: how's seongwoo doing
daehwi: it's been 2 weeks since anyth happened so i suppose he's fine?
daniel: Yup! He is. Jisung and Sungwoon stay with us now to look after him and the house when I'm not around
daehwi: ahh that's good
daehwi: maybe i should get jihoon and woojin to live with us so they can look after baejin lmao
daehwi: the killer said baejin is gonna leave me soon.. i really don't want that to happen
daniel: It won't. We're close to solving this case
daniel: We can do it :)
2 weeks and many changes of locks later, everything has seemed to die down a little. daehwi has the day off today, and jinyoung doesn't have to go to work until later in the afternoon. they're enjoying the day together. daehwi is cooking rice, while jinyoung is chopping up the meat.
daehwi hears jinyoung hiss in pain, and he takes a gander in his lover's direction. "hy-hyung,"
black blood is flowing from jinyoung's finger.
every human is born with milk white blood. your blood gets darker with every crime you commit.
the older smirks, and daehwi can't take his eyes off the blood. he has already established a conclusion in his mind, but he refuses to believe it. he's rooted to the ground. his throat feels dry, his head is spinning.
"are you surprised, baby?" jinyoung chuckles, smirk never leaving his face. a chill sweeps down daehwi's spine as he slowly steps backwards, back hitting the refrigerator.
the taller male leans in and cups daehwi's face with his clean hand, and the latter flinches at the contact.
"you wanna know who killed youngmin, hyunbin and samuel? you wanna know who supposedly attacked me? you wanna know who sent you that letter? you wanna know who broke into our apartment?" he speaks slowly, in a disgustingly sweet yet sickly manner. daehwi can't even speak. he can't even think. his lips slowly part as he stares at jinyoung in absolute shock and horror.
jinyoung smears the black liquid onto daehwi's bottom lip. "i did it."
"hyung, you're lying, you're lying," is all daehwi manages to choke out, his heart beating rapidly.
jinyoung grins as he heads to the couch, grabbing his backpack and pulling out a knife, clad with dried blood, black mask, black cap, black hoodie and black jeans. he walks back to daehwi.
the shorter male feels his heart almost stop.
"i'm the serial killer you've been searching for, baby." jinyoung laughs darkly. "i'm a good liar and actor, aren't i, sweetheart?"
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oh dayum that spiderman fic was heavenly. could i possibly suggest another prompt? so how about peter being sick (obvs) when he's out fighting crime etc and he gets hit and thrown against a wall which quickly knocks him out (being weak from his illness and all) and his suit not only tracking him but also his vitals sends an alert to tony who comes to collect the whumpy peter
(Do u know what..despite me being all for the whump I’ve realised this is like only my second time writing injury wtf?? like the first time I did it was like barely even there lmao.. I’m sorry if this wasn’t very cohesive, I’m just back from a holiday and trying to get back into the swing of things!)
Crime was so much bigger than him.
Peter knew this. He knew it too well. He learned a painful lesson through his loss of Uncle Ben that crime was crime, and it had to be stopped. Because not doing anything causes a huge ripple effect, a devastating butterfly effect that would harm many innocent people like himself. In the past, he had been ignorant and unaware of the true consequences of his own actions or lack of, and now that he knew, it was Peter’s mission to look out for the little guy and try his hardest to make sure this wouldn’t happen to anyone else. It was a type of pain he wouldn’t have wished on his worst enemies.
Justice needed to be served. He had to push through anything and everything, because all of this had a devastating ripple effect and Peter’s job was to nip it in the bud. It was his duty. Even if he was sick.
“God, Peter, you look horrible,” Ned frowned as he walked down the corridor with his best friend as the last bell of the day rang.
“I feel it too,” Peter groaned, struggling to keep his heavy eyes from drooping down and shutting for good. He could feel his raging fever, and his body shook ferociously as he sniffled weakly.
Ned eyed him carefully, taking in his sickly features, “You shouldn’t have come in today–or went to the nurse. I guess this means no crime fighting tonight.”
Peter scoffed, tending up defensively, “Ned, you know I can’t do that! I can’t have someone die because I took a sick day.”
Ned rolled his eyes, “Peter, there is barely any crime here anyways. I bet you any comic you want in my collection that nothing will happen tonight. You can take a sick day.”
Peter sighed, coughing into his fist, “Yeah, I guess so. Well, if anything does happen, my sick day is over and I get the Death of Superman, yeah?”
Ned chuckled, “Sure.”
They walked in silence for a while, to Peter’s relief. He was glad he had someone like Ned who knew him well, he knew that Peter had a headache and needed some much needed silence. The rambunctious High School certainly didn’t do that for him.
The two best friends kept walking until they met a point where two roads diverged into different blocks. The point that separated them from their usual walk home. Ned turned over and moved to the right, and gave Peter a gentle smile, “Get better soon, Peter.”
Peter managed a weak smile back and moved left, and continued the trek up to his apartment block where he collapsed into his bed the moment he stepped into his room.
A few hours later Peter woke up to a splitting headache. He groaned, his hand shooting up to his head as he tried to soothe it.
He craved for some aspirin, and medicine to cool down this raging fever. His body felt as if it was being pinned down by a huge mound of rocks, and there was nothing he could do to lift himself off of his bed. He forced his heavy body out of bed, feeling weak to the bones.
Peter sighed and staggered out of his bedroom, to find a post it on his bedroom door that he didn’t notice when he had gotten home.
It read, “Im working late tonight, there’s money on the coffee table for dinner. I larb you! :)”
Peter smiled fondly, and tried to make it to the bathroom as quick as he could so he could find some medicine. Once he managed to get there, he pulled open the cupboard to find nothing but empty packets and medicine boxes.
Peter frowned, sighing. He figured that he would just tough it out for now, but once another surge of pain shot up his head that his body shuddered violently, he knew he needed medicine. He sighed, he needed to buy dinner anyway.
He threw on a coat and a scarf, and his backpack so he could carry his dinner, and quickly grabbed at the money Aunt May had left on the table and staggered out of his apartment, heading out onto the streets.
The cashier frowned worriedly as she scanned Peter’s medicine, as well as a can of soup and OJ. She bagged the products, eyes still lingering on an obviously sick Peter.
“Uh..you okay kid?” She asked worriedly, a little awkwardly.
Peter sniffled, looking up at her with bleary eyes and tried to register what she was saying. He felt extremely drowsy and sluggish, his brain not computing as fast as it normally did.
“..huh..Oh, yeah, I’m okay.”
She nodded worriedly, and took his money and gave him his change. She cleared her throat, “Alright, well, look after yourself, okay?”
Peter managed a weak smile and took his bag of groceries. He quickly stuffed it into his backpack and left the store. He was silent as he left, pulling his jacket closer against himself to try and insulate his body heat. It was a still night and it wasn’t hot or cold, but Peter felt as if it was the dead of winter.
As he was about to turn back to his block, a faint ringing began in his ears.
He felt a weird sensation, suddenly very awake and alarmed. The ringing increased in volume, and then he could hear it. He could hear some sort of ruckus coming from a few blocks away. His senses were heightening. He felt this magnetic urge, a strong desire boiling in his blood. It was drawing him to the only conclusion he could act upon. He had to do something, despite how awful he was feeling. It was his duty.
“Ned owes me a comic,” Peter muttered under his breath as he sprinted towards the alleyway, his head pounding, as he unzipped his backpack to retrieve his suit.
“Why are you doing this?! Who are you?! Please, just take my money!” A middle-aged man cried out, squirming beneath a much larger mans grasp, kicking desperately in an attempt to escape. Tears streamed down his face, nose bleeding and bruises shadowing his skin.
The larger man, his head oddly disfigured and enlarged, his skull misshapen and wide, snarled at him, spitting on him, his fist balling up the man’s shirt viciously, “It doesn’t matter who I am, It doesn’t matter who you are and why I’m doing this, I have orders and that is it. You are going to die, and that is all that matters.”
“Please don’t, I have a family,” The man begged tearfully, his body trembling violently in fear.
“Family ain’t jack shit,” The large man snarled, a slight twinge of a Russian accent coming through. He pulled the gun out of his pocket and raised it to his victim’s head. His fingers grazed the trigger and suddenly a flash of red knocked the weapon out of his hand. The gun flung across the alleyway, far out of his reach.
“What?!” He exclaimed in confusion, bewildered. When he looked up, he was greeted to see the Spiderman.
“You don’t turn your back on family,” Peter said in a mock Vin Diesel voice.
“Who the fuck is this punk ass kid?!” The man hissed.
“Hey! That isn’t very nice, Hammerhead!” Peter shot back, shooting a web-slinger over to a wall, swinging towards the large man and kicking him in the head.
“Go, go!” Peter yelled at the victim, to which he met his eyes which were flooding with so much gratitude and relief. The man sprinted, running as fast as he could, away from it all.
He watched as the victim ran off, a sense of relief in his system. He felt his body begin to settle down, relaxing, his body feeling a bit weaker and fainter. The adrenaline seemed to be fading, and his fever coming back rapidly and spreading.
Before Peter could think much of this, Hammerhead punched him, and Peter hissed as a sharp pain shot up his face, already feeling his eye begin to bruise up.
Before Peter could retaliate, he was being shoved towards the hard cold gravel. His brain was moving too slow, his senses horribly impaired and he couldn’t fight to the standard he was used to. The sharp little clints of the gravel digging into his spine, scratching at his skin. Peter groaned in pain, trying to pick himself off of the ground but found that his dangerously fevered body was too heavy to pick up.
Hammerhead yanked Peter up by the scruff, causing him to feel extremely woozy and dizzy by the sudden, jerking movement. His head throbbed painfully, stabbing at his brains as sharp pains shot up his head. He whimpered, a strangled sob escaping him in pain as Hammerhead punched him repeatedly, and dropping him onto the floor again.
Peter managed to stand up, his legs wobbly and shaking. The world spun rapidly, seeing double, and a sharp rush of pain flooded his senses and he gasped, collapsing on the floor. His body felt like it was on fire, as he gasped for air and clenched his teeth to try and withstand the  overwhelming amount of pain he felt. He let out a scream of anguish as he felt warm liquid soaking his suit. He could taste the salty, metallic liquid in his mouth.
Just as he tried to stand again, he was thrust upward and Hammerhead head butted him with what felt like a wrecking ball. He was thrown across the alleyway, head hitting against the concrete wall. Peter tried to scream again, and he wasn’t sure if he was loud enough, because he couldn’t hear anything. His limp body slid down the wall, dropping against the concrete with a sickening thud as his vision went dark.
“Mr Stark, would you like a report on Mr Parkers vitals?”
Tony raised an eyebrow, continuing to tweak at a piece of tech, fully immersed in his work and unavailable.
“Yeah, sure,” He said absentmindedly.
“Mr Parker has a fever of 103.6 degrees and has several bruises, is bleeding from numerous cuts and is currently passed out from a concussion.”
Tony’s heart sank. It was like time had ceased to exist as he froze, his body malfunctioning.
“FRIDAY, please tell me the location of Mr Parker,” Tony breathed out shakily, trying to stay composed as his blood ran cold.
“The coordinates have been sent to your suit, sir. He is still in Queens.”
Tony finally regained his senses and ran towards his suit, quickly donning it and was flying out of Stark Tower and towards Queens as fast as his suit could take him.
“Where are you, where are you,” Tony hissed to himself frustratedly, feeling his heart beat loudly and rapidly. He scanned the area and followed the coordinates given to him.
Soon enough, he was brought to a shady looking alleyway where he quickly landed. Tony ran down the alleyway to find Peter sprawled across the floor, unconscious, and bleeding.
“Shit!” Tony cursed, his chest growing heavy with fear as he ran towards his limp body. He scooped him into his arms and cradled him. He quickly ripped off his mask and gasped at the sight of the bleeding, sickly boy. Just a boy, not a fierce, immortal superhero. Tony saw so much of himself in this kid it sent shivers down his spine.
He was scarily white, bruises dotting his face. He was so weak and limp, Tony feared he was too late. Catastrophic thoughts clouded his mind for a while as his breathing picked up as he frantically felt his forehead, which was scorching hot. He felt for a pulse, and was relieved when he found one, but was still incredibly frightened.
“Oh my god, Peter, Peter, oh god, please be okay,” Tony whispered tearfully, running a hand through Peter’s damp locks in fear that if he were to let him go he would lose him forever.
“FRIDAY, please do a scan,” He choked nervously.
“Mr.Parker requires immediate and extensive care. I have contacted Dr.Sanchez over to the Stark Tower to see to the damage. But, if you complete these tasks Mr Parker should make a steady, albeit slow recovery.”
Tony let out a relieved sigh, but still couldn’t help the guilt pitting and gnawing at his stomach.
Peter was just a kid and he did this to him.
Tony brought him into this horrible world. Peter should be a kid, he should be a kid who went to high school and rested on his sick day. He shouldn’t be fighting crime. Peter was here because of him. He had brought him into this world and he couldn’t take him out of it. He trapped him.
Tony stood up, shakily, but had never held anyone so steadily in his life. He cradled Peter in his arms and took off into flight, trying to speed back to Stark Tower as fast as he could. His heart seemed to be racing against time, racing back home so Peter could be safe.
“Mr Stark..?” Peter stirred, eyes still closed.
“Don’t open your eyes. You need rest,” Tony said shakily. Below them seemed to be the entire world, and the world wasn’t always kind. Peter had a taste of that today, and Tony didn’t want him to look down in fear that if Peter looked down, he’d be lost and overwhelmed in the realisation that the world was so big.
That there was so much more bad out there than either of them could ever imagine.
Peter woke up to a dull ache spread across his body, and a headache booming in his temples. He groaned in pain, lifting a hand to rub his eyes when pain shot up his face as he hissed and withdrew his hand quickly. His eye was most certainly bruised.
He cracked his eyes open tiredly, still feeling feverish and was alarmed to see daylight streaming from the window. His eyes widened and he shot up, looking around at his familiar surroundings and gasping as he realised where he was.
Tony opened the door, his face lighting up as he saw the boy awake. He tried to mask the relief and joy he was feeling, but Peter saw through it.
“You’re alive,” Tony observed.
“Mr Stark–my aunt, the–”
“I called her last night. I had to talk her out of trying to come over here last night. She was really worried,” Tony explained.
He sighed, “I was really worried, Pete.”
Peter shook his head, “Mr Stark, that bad guy got away, we need to–”
“Absolutely not!” Tony hissed.
Peter fell silent.
Tony sighed, sitting down at the edge of the bed and pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’m sorry. I thought I lost you last night, Pete. I’m not sure if this is safe for you, you are just a kid.”
Tears pricked Peter’s eyes as he crossed his arms angrily, “Do you not believe in me, Mr Stark?! I try so hard, all the time! I just want to do the right thing! You can’t just take this away from me!”
Tony widened his eyes, “That’s not what I meant by that, Peter. You’re extraordinary, but you don’t deserve this. You deserve to be safe, I thrust you into this situation to your doom! You’re hurt, look at you, Pete! This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t given you that damn suit!”
“I had a suit before this one, Mr Stark! I would still be doing the same thing, with or without you! You gave me a cool suit that helped me along, but you didn’t do this to me. This was my choice, I stand by it!”
Tony let out a shaky sigh, “I’m sorry, Pete..I just..thought I had killed you last night. I couldn’t bare the thought..”
Peter softened, “Fighting evil is much bigger than me. It’s bigger than you. You know that, don’t you, Mr Stark? You know sacrifices are going to have to be made for the greater good. You were my hero growing up, still are, you’ve made sacrifices before. In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing. It’s just the small price we have to pay for something much greater.”
Tony stared at him with a mixture of fear, sorrow, guilt, but also acceptance. He managed a weak smile.
“Then I’ll join you. That way, we can help more people, even if that means one of us might get hurt along the way. We’ll be stronger together,” Tony said firmly.
Peter smiled at him brightly, like he hailed from the sun.
Tony sighed and inched closer to him, pulling Peter in for a warm hug, rubbing his back lovingly, holding him close. He felt a feeling of love in his heart for Peter who felt like a son, and it felt so nice and warm.
He let out a shaky breath, letting himself smile, “You’re a great kid, Peter. You’re really going to make the world turn and put stars in people’s lives. You are going to be great, and I am lucky to be in a world with someone like you.”
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