#anyways i hope someone even checks this out xd
flyingnightmouse · 4 months
ANYWAYS i was rly stressed last language day so i didn't rly post but! i'm going to translate one of my fave finnish songs i just think could kinda fit misclickduo in some ways >:)
so here's the song
Here goes the translation under read more (i did my best)
Song name: Worse than one another
(verse 1)
Neither one of us is nor has ever been golden
Even though we let people assume so
Didn't notice at all
How we are in debt
Until just now, as our noses
Are being pressed into it
(pre-chorus 1)
Both better than the other
Knew each phase
Bowed to the image in the mirror
Worse than one another, both of them are
And how they're killing eachother now
Blindly repeating the same sentence
How they are right in this
Uglier than one another, both deeds
And they cannot be undone
Don't they notice, both of them are
only worse than one another
(verse 2)
Certain of power and with such damn proud
Expressions on our faces we fell
Being reborn
Doesn't happen outside of songs
When everyone is left with
The bills for their amusements
(pre-chorus 2)
The king without a scepter, as is the queen
Still they bow to their mirrors
(chorus again)
There's no way to get it cut
Nothing more useless even exists
Only noticing when someone says something
That they want to hear
Doesn't even matter if it's true
Justifying wasting what is most precious to them
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comicaurora · 10 months
I've started making my way through the playlist hbomberguy made of actually good video essays by queer creators and spotted a comment of yours on the one about the relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, which was fun xD red in the wild!
Anyways, just wanted to appreciate how both you and Blue and you are very good at showing your sources! It's always nice to know that the people you've watched for years have good habits after an event like this, and I hope you guys are among the people that get some new fans after this whole debacle, because your channel definitely qualifies for "good educational videos made by queer people"
I'm glad! Blue's much better about listing his sources and follow-up reading than I am.
To be honest, I loved the video, but my imposter syndrome always flares like crazy when I watch an essay like that. It might be the ADHD or it might just be who I am as a person, but I feel like I've lived my whole life striving to make everything I do the best it can be, and still managing to fuck up and get criticised for things I could've done better if only I never missed anything. It's an actual gut-drop when it turns out a source I used wasn't trustworthy, or when in older videos I only went wiki-deep for some claims and didn't check every source to be 100% sure I wasn't being goat-fish'd. And this being the internet, I can get criticized at any time for things I've gotten wrong years ago, since it's evergreen online and to the new-viewing critic it's as fresh as yesterday. It makes it hard for me to stay proud of my work past the first moment of "oh I would've done that different now". There's a cocktail of complicated, scary feelings around this space, no matter how little I actually have in common with the bad guys of this scenario - it's less about the reality and more about who my imposter syndrome tells me I am. I saw several people saying that the video actually made them feel much better about their own work because it made it clear that accidental plagiarism on that scale is impossible, but if my anxieties listened to reason I would've successfully machete'd them out of my skull years ago. I just hope I never fuck up badly enough to deserve an hbombing of my own.
But my own stress aside, the hbomb essay exposed a level of laxness, laziness and entitlement on the part of these plagiarists that I think is almost incomprehensible to people who actually create for a living or even just the joy of it. How hollow do you have to be to take in someone else's writing and not consider it, digest it, let it reshape your views and then formulate your own interpretation on it, but instead to file off the serial numbers and pretend it's yours, trusting that the person whose thoughts and words you valued enough to steal will never be powerful enough to call you out on it? I go down research rabbit holes because I love the frustration and thrill of putting something together! How joyless it must be to skim the surface and borrow someone else's conclusions!
I've sometimes had people email asking for sources on parts of my interpretation of various myths, possibly in the interest of source-citing for school papers (a nightmare concept in and of itself) and with very few exceptions I usually have to tell them "the only sources were the english translations I used of the primary source where the myth was originally written, like I said in the video, and the part where I said I was conspiracy-boarding has no source other than my own analysis of the given source, which is why I called it conspiracy-boarding" and I was always a little baffled by those emails - half the videos are introduced like "this is The Prose Edda" or "this is in Ovid's Metamorphoses" or "this bit is Hesiod" so what else could they want - but seeing the hbomb of the week made me realize that truly original analysis might not be what most people are expecting from a "thing summarized." They might be expecting a compilation of other people's summaries instead.
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
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3 full weeks of work and its finally completed!
So @kazinsblog and I did another raincode art collab together but this one was a HUGE project! This one's a full 18 page comic!
Idk if you all remember the comic idea that Kazin was planning to do that involved Yuma overworking himself until he gets sick and then gets tended to by everyone else. But when I saw it, I decided to ask her if she was willing to possibly collaborate on it, remaking it where she sketched it and I colored it.
Kazin's Beta images: 1 2 3 4
So here's the results of all that work. We've been at this since December 17th so this has been an almost full month collaboration. And of course mine's a bit more altered to my own style as well as adding my own touches and making it a little more whumpy/extreme... X'D I also freehand drew shinigami in my version as well.
Both our versions look pretty different! The only thing that are the same are the poses. So feel free to check out Kazin's traditional version as well!
Since its an 18 page comic, I decided to put it under a keep reading so it won't clutter everyone's timelines. Also, I will be narrating the pages because I love narrating sick filler type stories. So brace yourself for a VERY LOOONG post!! Def need time to read this one! (and no purple tinted filters here this time!)
Also note: If the writing is blue, it means the character is thinking, just like in the game! :)
And I apologize on the inconsistency of Yuma's bangs... I thought it was one way before so half of the comic he looks like he has square bangs... oof XD I fix it around page 10
ANYWAY, hope you enjoy this soft buffet, Raincode Community! 🌡️💕
(Page 1)
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Our story begins on an ordinary day in Kanai Ward. Rainy gloomy and depressing as ever. Our little victim... wait... XD I mean protagonist Yuma decides to go out to investigate more about Kanai Ward to try to track down it's supposed ultimate secret. Yakou sets him off wishes him well and tells him to be careful. However, as he's out, he finds out a lot of people in the city need help. Because of his good nature and unable to turn down someone in need, he decides to help whoever he can. (the ultimate side-questing lol) Before he knows it, he's soaking wet and he had helped 10 people in total. Time passed and it was almost evening so he returns to the submarine. Yuma was completely unphased by this. (and he didn't dry himself off for 4 hours due to being occupied with tasks)
(Page 2)
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Yuma returns to the Agency's submarine to greet his chief holding his meatbun order. (that also got wet) But Yakou notices that the trainee is sopping wet to the core and shivering. He immediately loudly demands that he sit down so he can tend to him. Yuma does as he's told and sits on the checkered sofa. Yakou rushes to the shower room to grab some small towels to help him dry off. But because Yakou is so panicked, he ends up being very rough in drying Yuma, pulling his hair and causing the small boy pain. After he dries him off, he tells Yuma he isn't allowed to leave anymore for the rest of the day and demands him to rest. Yuma tries to retaliate using puppy eyes, but it doesn't work. Yakou is immune.
(Page 3)
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The next day Yuma asks Yakou if he can go out to work after he finishes his morning chores around the place looking very eager. Yakou still looks a little concerned by how tired Yuma looks, so he tells him to not go out alone. He assigns him a partner to go with the rest of the week.
On the first day he's paired with Halara. The two of them are asked to investigate the art gallery of Ginma. (maybe after the nail man case) But over time, Yuma starts developing a lingering cough that persists for quite some time. Halara asks Yuma is he's okay, to which Yuma lies saying that it's due to the dust of the room. But of course being sharp, Halara isn't buying it. But they decide to not persist him further.
On the second day, he's paired with Desuhiko. They're asked to go help out at the Aetheria Academy with another case (not murder related this time) However on the way to the school and in Ginma, Yuma starts slowing down, he's shaking and is a little wobbly. Desuhiko notices this and asks if he wants to go to the cafe for a drink. Yuma nods and as they go to the cafe and order some coffee, Yuma takes off his hat and coat and Desuhiko finally realizes how pale he looks. He's even slower at replying to him as he speaks, as if he's in a daze. Desuhiko decides to take Yuma back to the agency after this.
(Page 4)
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On Day three, he's paired with Fubuki. But he doesn't even make it to the case as when he goes to the sun and moon hotel to meet with her, Fubuki notices and points out that Yuma's face looks red. The boy clearly had a fever building. Yuma argues with her but Fubuki persists. The two of them try to go to the case but Yuma nearly collapses. So Fubuki returns him to the agency.
On the fourth day where he's supposed to be paired with Vivia he spends a majority of the day passed out. Vivia decides to watch over him using his forte to not disturb him. During the night while he's asleep, his breathing gets more labored and he's completely restless. Vivia looks at him deeply worried for his dear friend's well being.
The next morning Yuma somehow finds the strength to get himself up. Maybe that one day of rest was enough. But Yakou insists that he stays put today. Angrily yelling at him to be still and take today off as well.
Meanwhile, a certain two seem to notice each other...
(Page 5)
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Vivia's spirit notices Shinigami and decides to give her a warning. Make sure Yuma listens to Yakou and doesn't leave. Giving her the iciest glare, Shinigami fearfully agrees.
But this effort would be for naught, despite how he feels, Yuma's relentless determination forces himself up, putting on his rain attire and heads up the steps of the sub to the outside when Yakou isn't looking. Shinigami does what she can to stop him, but he doesn't listen...and Shinigami being a ghost, there was nothing she could do to physically hold him back. All she could do was follow, and prepare for the inevitable.
By some miracle he makes it to the church, up the stairs to speak to the nun. Who tells him to play therapy again for the townsfolk. He nods and heads to his first client. But when he returns to kamasaki to speak to him, he can barely make out what he's saying as he lets out a few more coughs.
Once he leaves the client, before long, Yuma could hear something in his body snap.
(Note: I direct most of the story, but Vivia conversing with Shinigami in spirit mode was actually Kazin's idea! So credit to her for that, So silly and fun! ^^)
(Page 6)
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Yuma's body had finally reached it's limit. All the fatigue, chills and body aches had hit him all at once at full force like armed weaponry. His head began throbbing, he was shaking violently and uncontrollably, he felt nauseated by the rain's smell, and his body heat and the lingering dizziness was unbearable. He found a safe corner in the alleyway of Kamasaki to collapse. Telling Shinigami she was right and he should have listened to her, while the burning fever and cold rain wrecked his delicate frame even further. His voice was hardly audible, but Shinigami still heard and practically tells him to go back. But Yuma had no strength left...
Then like clockwork as they finish speaking, he could hear his name called. At first it sounded kind and questionable. But that rapidly changed, the voice now angrily yelling out his full name. As he looked up this voice belonged to...Yakou. He looks down at the boy in pure disappointment and anger.
Turns out a certain someone was tailing him. And alerted Yakou what happened just in time.
(Note: I make the red darker the more extreme the temperature and lighter the less extreme. I got to experiment with all sorts of new ways to color fevers hehe~ >w<)
(Page 7)
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Yuma shockingly looks up at Yakou. Oh no, he was so BUSTED! Shinigami even says as much. Yakou practically scoops Yuma in his arms carrying him back to the agency. As he was lifted Yuma's world begun spinning. He could barely hear the chief nagging him in a panicked tone. It was all distorted and it was making his head hurt more. Yakou placed a hand to his cheek and was shocked by how hot it felt. All Yuma could do was apologize and hope his world stops spinning and that Yakou eventually stops yelling... (also I put numbers for the order to read the speech bubbles in)
Upon returning to the agency, Yakou dries Yuma off, asks Desuhiko to give him a warm set of clothes to borrow and put him to his own bed. Grabbing a basin of very cold water, washcloths and a digital thermometer. He placed one of the wet cold cloths under his bangs and upon reading the boy's temperature, it was high. Almost high enough to visit the ER. Yakou was even more mad, but speaks in a non yelling tone. Giving Yuma another stern warning to not leave the bed. To which Yuma weakly agrees to.
But Yakou's back to yelling again, feeling paranoid Yuma would be missing by the time he gets back from getting the supplies. So he drills that message right into the boy's already throbbing head once more. Everyone else in the office awkwardly listen in as the sick trainee gets scolded.
(Note: Just an FYI, Yuma's speech bubbles being wavy is a sign his voice is raspy and the text being a bit hard to read means his voice is hardly audible)
(Page 8)
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Yakou leaves Yuma alone and walks into the office in his raincoat telling the other detectives that he'll be leaving soon and to watch over Yuma in his absence and NOT let him leave. He is so full of anger and anxiety that he yells at all of them too.
Everyone agrees and as Yakou leaves, they all discuss among themselves Yuma's state the days they were partners with him. He was in bad shape. And he only got worse as the days went by. They all knew.
(Page 9)
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Meanwhile back in Yakou's quarters, Yuma was getting lectured yet again. This time by his death god partner, Shinigami. The poor trainee only wanted peace and quiet to make the pain in his head go away, using what little energy he has remaining speaking in his head he tried telling her to stop.
But the aggravated spirit persisted, saying that as his mentor she had the right to scold him just as much as Yakou. She continued her rant, until an abrupt sound from her master shut her up.
The few coughs that came from Yuma eventually erupted into a full blown coughing fit. The coughs sounding more wet, rough and serious. After coughing 10 to 15 times in a row Yuma was exhausted. Shinigami looked down at him panting with concern and pity in her eyes. She decided to stop the lecture for his sake.
After the fit, Yuma was left raggedly breathing. As Shinigami gave him her permission to rest and take it easy, he didn't answer. He couldn't. That fit completely mangled his throat. He was not able to speak vocally or in thought process anymore due to his head being in too much pain. As was the rest of his body, aching and burning. So he didn't answer her. All he could do was hope sleep would eventually take hold of him to make all this awful heat and pain stop even if for a just moment.
(Note: That's the penalty Yuma... x'D Sorry I gotta make him suffer lol. Also this is the only page that’s actually read left to right. I messed that up, sorry!!)
(Page 10)
After some time passed it was time for the Master Detectives to all take part in taking care of Yuma. The whole agency had a day off to do this. So upon his return, Yakou instructs everyone to look after Yuma in 2 hour shifts through the day. Even if it was just to watch him sleep. He couldn't be left alone.
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Halara was first. Their task was to help Yuma take the medicine that was bought. There were three types of medicine for him to take. Antibiotics (white pills) for the general illness symptoms, painkillers (red and white pills) for the headache/fever, and finally...cough syrup. (aka his least favorite... XD) Halara made sure to be very gentle with Yuma propping him upward as his whole body was burning and he was very shaky. He even had trouble drinking the water, so Halara had to get a mug instead so they could help him drink it by holding the handle, and using the other hand to support his back. Despite the struggle, Halara worked diligently to complete their task as a caretaker in full. (as for who paid them to do this...idk I'll leave that to your imagination XD)
(The cough syrup idea was inspired by this fic :3)
Desuhiko had the second shift and the whole time he was waiting for his turn, he was writing a song for Yuma. Having the delusion that his angelic voice would lul the sick boy to sleep, he played his guitar and began singing. Yuma's headache did improve enough to speak in his head now, but that wouldn't last, as the loud noises from the guitar made his head pound even further with every strum. Shinigami begs for the noise to cease fire on her poor eardrums, but Yuma doesn't have it in him to stop Desuhiko. The gesture was kind so he decided to try to listen to the whole song, despite the noise. He does eventually tell him to stop though (using hand gestures) when another song comes afterward. So then the two spend their time conversing for a bit, (though desuhiko does more of the talking as yuma just nods or makes small noises/hand gestures due to his throat still hurting too much to talk) Desuhiko even telling him he could keep the sweater and shorts he had lent to him. To which Yuma softly smiles at him as a thank you before he eventually falls asleep again.
Fubuki has the third shift, and her task was to feed Yuma the warm vegetable soup that was bought earlier and that Halara had just finished making, along with Fubuki's help. She volunteers to feed him as she remembers a time she was ill as a child in the clockford mansion and one of her servants tended to her, feeding her soup just the same. Unfortunately, because this was a memory of her early childhood, she repeats similar phrases as the servant did when she was feeding Yuma, who was clearly not a small child. Yuma's fever had dropped enough to where he could find a bit of strength to try and sit up on his own now, and his once mangled throat’s condition had improved for him to speak a little bit. As he listened to Fubuki's rambling he tries to play along with her despite the whole thing being a bit embarrassing for someone his age. At least the soup was nice and warm. It felt good going down his very sore throat.
(Funny Fact: The order that Yuma is both partnered and tended to by each detective, is the same order as the chapters in game he's partnered with them LOL)
(Page 11)
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It was evening, and now it was Vivia's turn to take the fourth and final shift. At first he was just going to sit and watch Yuma while he read his book quietly, but Yakou suggested that he read one of his books out loud to Yuma to help him relax better like a bedtime story. Vivia was unsure at first, as he's never read to anyone before. But he decided to give it a try. He asks Yuma what his preference in literature is before he starts, and Yuma tells him he enjoys detective novels the most. So he pulls out the novel that was in his reading list and begins to read it out loud to him. Turns out he was quite a natural at narrating, and his slow voice was very soothing. Yuma felt so relaxed that he felt like he would fall asleep any minute, but he tries to stay awake to listen to the story a bit more. Shinigami however, conks out immediately. (fyi: yes this is the novel Vivia talks about in his final gumshoe gab. I tried to make up stuff based on it.. X'D)
Once the clock strikes 9pm and night falls, the Master Detectives all wish Yuma well and leave to return to the hotel to retire for the night. It was just Yakou and Yuma now. Yakou, who had just come back from another errand, walks over to Yuma who was now fast asleep. He looked a little better so Yakou removed the towel from his forehead and places his hand onto it. It still felt warm but no longer as hot as it did hours ago. Meaning he was out of the danger zone, much to Yakou's relief. He places the towel back in the water basin wringing it out and re-applying it to his forehead. Then he lets out a yawn. He was pretty tired. He decides that instead of sleeping in the office on one of the sofas, he'd stay by Yuma's side. His removes his jacket, goes and turns off the overhead lights, sits down and places his head down on his desk. Then after telling the sleeping trainee goodnight he turns off the small light by his desk.
OKAY FUN FACT: The comic WAS going to end here going on to the final page... Buuut~ We were STARVING for some good ol' Yakou Fathero :3 So... Enjoy these bonus 6 pages of Yakou having a shift of his own to look after Yuma in the middle of the night. And its the longest shift.
This ones for you Yakou Fathero fans! Eat your fill!
(I know we sure did :3)
Also I apologize if the lighting here is inaccurate ;w; I tried my best I'm no pro LOL
(Page 12)
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A little past midnight, Yuma was stirring in his sleep. Making all sorts of groaning sounds as if he was in pain. He was likely having a nightmare. This is confirmed by his eyes suddenly opening and him violently flinging himself up screaming, and the cold cloth flying off his forehead.
This sound wakes Yakou up immediately as he puts his glasses back on asking Yuma if he's okay. He flicks the light by his desk on to check on him. Yuma's found shaking with tears in his eyes stating quietly that it was just a dream. Yakou sympathizes with Yuma as fever dreams were usually not fun, but a fever NIGHTMARE was always bad. The chief offers the shaking trainee some water to try to help him settle down.
(FYI: Shinigami is going to be absent from this part of the story because I think her banter and antics would ruin the fluff, so she'll just be lurking above in the shelf like a cat the whole time.)
(Page 13)
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Yuma accepts the water practically snatching it from Yakou's hands and quickly gulping it down. Yakou tells him to pace himself not wanting him to choke. Once he exhales from the water drink, Yuma sheepishly apologizes for waking Yakou up with his scream, feeling like a burden. Yakou reassures him it's okay and decides to ask him the question of why he pushed himself this far while he was still awake. Hard enough to make himself sick. Why did he do it?
Yuma was surprised by this but decides to try to tell him. He hands the water glass back and began talking. Under his raspy voice and somewhat heavy breathing, he says that he wanted to be useful as he felt like a burden to everyone since he lost his memory. He also says that he likes helping others and that it feels familiar to him. Determined to try to unlock a core memory of his past he kept doing this, even to the point of pushing his limits.
Then he suddenly stopped speaking...
(Page 14)
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...aaand cue the coughing fit. Yuma's throat got scratchy and irritated after his long explanation, causing him to cough about 5/8 times in a row. Not as bad as his previous fit but it was more than enough to startle and worry Yakou.
Yakou quickly hands Yuma the water glass he had just taken from him hoping it would soothe his throat. He tells him that helping others is a good thing but he shouldn't push himself to the point that his health gets affected. Yuma quietly nods and as he sips the water still shaking, Yakou feels bad and decides to apologize to him for being harsh before. Stating that he only lost his temper because he was scared and worried for him. He also places his hand to Yuma's cheek in both comfort and to check his temperature. It felt slightly warmer than a few hours ago.
Yuma quietly apologizes to Yakou for worrying him, still holding the water glass. Yakou forgives him. Then he takes the glass from him and then the towel that fell off Yuma's forehead. He grabs a fresh one and soaks it in the basin wringing it out and places it back on the trainee’s forehead unintentionally a bit roughly. Yuma groans and shivers a little from the cold of it.
Yakou then lies Yuma back down, tucking him back in trying to make him comfortable. But his actions were a bit too comforting. He was not meaning to in any way and he wasn't sure what came over him, but he was treating Yuma like a little kid. Yuma notices and feels a little embarrassed by it, but decides to only say it in his head.
Yakou decides to do one more thing before he lets him go back to sleep.
(Note: Hey far as anyone's concerned Yuma, you are practically his BABY when you are having a sick day, so deal with it hehehe :3c)
(Page 15)
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Temperature taking page time :D (my favorite, teehee! I know some cultures and in anime they take the temperature under the arm, but there's just something so endearing and adorable about a sickie with a thermometer in their mouth <3 OKAY MY RAMBLING ASIDE...)
Yakou is now a bit concerned that Yuma's fever spiked again after that little harsh coughing fit so he decides to take his temperature one more time before letting Yuma go to sleep again. Yuma obliges and goes along with it opening his mouth as the device is inserted.
After 15 seconds the device beeps and Yakou takes it out. Yuma shyly pulls the duvet up to his face and hides as he meekly asks if its any better feeling a little nervous. Yakou responds that it is better than it was the first time, where it was a dangerous degree.
However, he still wasn't out of the woods yet. The fever was still there and although it went down, it was still in the red. Yakou states that he's still feverish to which Yuma just apologizes. Poor thing just wants this to be over, he really doesn't want to trouble anyone anymore.
(sorry yuma I can't let you off that easily hehe 😈)
(also yes I put an instruction manual for how the thermometer works, I am so obsessed that I even give the thermometer lore LMAO. Sorry if I'm inaccurate in any of those readings. I used google... ^^;)
(Page 16)
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Yakou places the thermometer back on the desk and tells Yuma to go to sleep. Saying the fever will likely break by morning. To which Yuma states that he's in Yakou's bed and that he should return to the checkered sofa so his boss could sleep, attempting to try getting up. But Yakou puts a hand on his shoulder stopping him and denies this and says his desk is fine and that Yuma needed the bed more than him.
He also says that if Yuma had another bad dream that he would be there for him. Yuma smiles at Yakou quietly thanking him as he's tucked back into the duvet. Yakou pats it gently telling the trainee to close his eyes.
It isn't long before Yuma is back to being fast asleep. (and shinigami too)
Yakou monologues to himself for a bit groaning at how much trouble this small detective has been for him since he showed up. But then he switches his tune and places a hand to Yuma's head petting it softly. He says he's happy he's working hard for the sake of his memories but right now he needs to work on getting better. Saying it would help everyone in the agency if he wanted to help people.
He wishes him well continuing to pet his head for a bit longer to soothe him before going back to sleep himself turning the light off again.
(Page 17)
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2 hours later, Yuma was stirring and whining in his sleep once again. Yakou groggily wakes up wiping his tired eyes upon hearing the soft noises the small trainee was uttering. And he was crying again. Can only be one thing: Another nightmare.
Instead of turning the light on to wake him up, Yakou moves his chair close to him sitting at his side. Not saying a single word. (cept in his head lol) He reaches his hand for Yuma's as it twitches and he takes hold of it gently.
Yakou eventually leans on the bed as he does so and falls asleep sitting up again. Yuma's groaning and and heavy breathing begin to settle down a little as he felt Yakou's presence close by.
Then he smiles as he closes his hand in his sleep holding Yakou's hand back, leaning a bit close to it. He felt safe again... <3
(Note: This poor thing has way too much trauma... ;w; I headcanon that he's prone to night terrors on occasion, but when he gets a fever, its even WORSE. Fevers do be messing with your head... x3)
(Page 18 Final)
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The next morning when Yakou wakes up, he checks on Yuma. He still felt slightly warm but he looked much better. Seemed the worst was over and it would likely last just one more day.
When he's fully awake and at his desk, Desuhiko shows up asking Yakou if Yuma's okay and offered to wake him up. Yakou denies it saying Yuma needed one more day of rest, the fever may have been only slight now, but in the rain it would rise again easily.
Desuhiko agrees and declares that he's going to work hard today. Likely to make up for Yuma's absence. Yakou teases him and the two have a bit of a banter.
Yuma meanwhile is asleep peacefully. Still having a slight red tint to his cheeks, but he's able to sleep a lot easier now. His fever was slowly but surely breaking. (now in the yellow) Shinigami sleeps beside him, making sure she protects him from any nightmares in yakou's absence. (after all only SHE can give her master nightmares)
He wakes up fully recovered the following morning thanking everyone for taking such good care of him, and he makes sure to not push himself anymore. And continues searching for the city's ultimate secret while pacing himself to help others from now on.
(I practically made this into a sickfic in its own right... XD)
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Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed!! This is just a little artist credit page I made for Kazin and I c: Also art semi-face reveal?? xD Kinda?? Idk lol (we just two gals that like our sick comfort haha x3)
Anyway thank you again Kazin for doing this with me!! It was hard work but it was a blast and the final result came out amazing. Its surely a project I will cherish forever~ 💜🩷✨🌡️
A wholesome story to start 2024 on a good note.
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zorosjuicymelonsx · 8 months
Finding You
A/N: Well well well, I'm back with another chapter :D
I will say, Y/N does blush a lot but what can you do when a hunk of a man like Zoro exists like even just thinking about him now I feel like blushing XD
Anyways thats enough from me, I hope you enjoy this chapter to your hearts content and I'll be back next week with the next one!
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Chapter Three Previous Next
The sun slowly peaked up from the horizon signaling a new day and Zoro’s end to his night watch. Grunting as he stood up and grabbed his swords, he beelined down the ladder to the deck with full intention of being reunited with his bed. Unfortunately, he just had to hear the sounds of faint grunting from the other side of the deck. He frowned, exhaustion evident on his face. He knew it wasn’t the shit cook so who else would be up at this hour? 
Being the responsible first mate he was, he huffed in annoyance before changing direction to locate the cause of the sounds, moving his hand to sit on the hilt of his sword in the off chance of an invasion. To his disappointment; he finds you. To his eye, you appeared to be training with your sword near the tangerine trees with your back to him unaware of his arrival. 
He noticed your attire: black, loose clothing almost tattered from extensive wear. Your hair was tied up and sweat glistened down your neck and back. At his brief observation of you, he could tell by the power you had as you swung your sword up and down that you were no novice. For some reason, he was reminded of home watching you. He felt nostalgic, briefly thinking of Koushirou from his time training under him. 
‘Was it possible that you were trained in the same dojo as him?’ 
He quietly continued to watch until you finished, hearing a sigh of relief leave your mouth. Sheathing your sword back and turning to head back to your room, a small gasp of surprise left you followed by a flush of embarrassment on your face as you realised Zoro was standing there. You stood awkward, you weren’t sure how long he was standing there for but nonetheless offered him a shy smile. 
“Where did you train?” He asked as he walked to stand in front of you. 
“Back at our village, we trained in the same dojo. You wouldn’t remember me, I was quite small and easily blended into the background.” You answered, smiling at the fond memory you have as a kid watching Zoro defeat almost every student who dared to challenge him, including yourself. You couldn’t help but mentally coo at how cute he was as a kid. 
Zoro nodded. He eye was captured by your sword. He lifted his hand up with his palm visible, silently asked for your permission to see the sword. Your eyes went to his palm, frowning as you noticed the calluses decorating his hands. 
‘They look rougher from the last time you saw him.’
Your hand tingled remembering how they felt in your hand. 
After a few seconds of ogling, realisation dawned on you of what he was asking for. You unhooked your sword from your waist and gently handed your sword into his palm. 
‘I wonder if he will ever remember that he gifted me this sword…’ You thought to yourself.
Zoro took your sword and unsheathed it, taking in the weight and its intricate design of dark green with gold decorating the entrance points. He knew this was a sword of a swordsman. He was amused at the thought of someone like you handling a sword like this. As he held the sword, he also felt familiarity with it, almost as if it wasn’t his first time holding it. 
He briefly looked up from the sword to observe you, seeing the visible definition in your arms folded under your chest, the faint sight of scars littered sporadically over your hands and the faint outline of abs on your waist. He had clearly misjudged you being delicate. You would feel the weight of his eye on you, almost like…no there was no way he was checking you out. 
“I could kick your ass right now Roronoa.” You spoke confidently as you took back your sword and re-tied it back to your waist, showcasing a cocky grin on your face. 
“Are you sure about that?” Zoro questioned with a raised brow smirking back at you, you nodded taking a few steps away from him. He could see the seriousness in your gaze as you unequipped your sword from its sheath. 
“Don’t even think about going easy on me either.” You warned, getting into a fighting stance. 
“If you say so.” He pulled out Wado. You eyed the sword and for a moment your heart ached for Kuina. The pristine condition of the sword was just proof of how he didn’t fuck around over the last few years with his vow to her. Shaking the ache away and replacing it with determination, you watched as he got himself into position. 
“Bring it on.” 
The two of you lunged at each other, the clash of swords gritting against each other as the sun rose higher into the blue sky. As promised, he did not go easy on you with the immense power he gave into his attacks. You were light on your feet, using your speed and stamina to counter his attacks. He grew frustrated with you, he could tell you planned to exhaust him as you ran around him handing him short but attacks. 
You were so quick in fact, you ended up behind him, taunting him by giggling in his right ear and quickly moving away as he turned to attack you. You put him out of his misery and decided to stand facing him, your sword swung against him which he quickly blocked. The sound of scraping swords would normally bring Zoro great joy, there was nothing he loved more than fighting with them. In this case, it was pissing him off. 
You felt exhilarated fighting him, the adrenaline and the rush of memories flooded your mind of the past fights you had with Zoro brought you great joy. Unbeknownst to Zoro, you had spent the last few years getting stronger as you traveled searching for him, spending hours of your life training. You were determined to make him proud.
The fight continued on for some time, you refused to give in even when your muscles had ached and your stamina began to deplete. Zoro took advantage of this once he noticed this, landing his sword onto yours that allowed him to easily twist and disarm you from it, your sword skidding away from you. He pointed Wado out quite close to your throat huffing for oxygen, signaling his victory with a ‘ha in your face’ smile only to see you had broken out laughing whilst you were also recovering your breath. His smile quickly turned sour, slowly dropping his sword from your throat confused by why you had suddenly started laughing. 
“That was fun, we should do that again.” You spoke out, walking past him to pick up your sword. 
“You lost and you’re laughing?” Zoro questioned as you put your sword back into its sheath. You looked up, nodding at him with the brightest smile you could muster. 
“Yes, now I know what I need to train on for next time. Thank you Zoro. I'll see you at breakfast!” You gave him a bow of gratitude and walked away from him. Zoro watched, trying to find the right words to express what he felt but found nothing. As he sheathed Wado back, suddenly he groaned, grabbing his head at the sharp ache that sparked in the forefront of his brain. He was not one for experiencing headaches, in fact he couldn’t remember the last time he ever had one. The ache disappeared after a few seconds, bringing him back to total normality. 
“That was weird.” Zoro grumbled to himself, putting his feet into action as he headed for bed.  
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
“Luffy for the last time, that’s Y/N eggs and you’ve eaten enough to feed all of us!” Sanji shouted at Luffy, you giggled at the antics of your new captain. Luffy pouted as he crossed his arms in defeat. 
“It's okay Sanji, here Luffy you can have mine.” You scraped your eggs off your plate onto his. Luffy's pout now replaced with stars adorning his eyes as he chomped down. Sanji sighed in defeat but would never bring himself to ever lecture you. 
“Y/N-chan, it's sweet of you to be generous but you need to eat as well.” Sanji lovingly said as he walked over to you and placed more eggs from the pan he was holding. You smiled apologetically and got to work polishing off everything on your plate. 
As you picked up your cup and slowly began sipping on your coffee, you looked over at Luffy and remembered a question you had for him. 
“Luffy, may I ask what I’m expected to do now that I’m part of the crew?” 
Luffy looked up from his plate to look at you, a bright smile on his face.
“What's your dream Y/N?” Luffy asked. You weren’t expecting this question, the only person who really knew about your dream was your best friend Lily from the village and Zoro. You didn’t find your dream to be as inspiring as Zoro’s or Luffy’s but nonetheless you would tell your new captain. 
“My dream would be to illustrate my travels around the world. I carry my sketchbook around with me.” You answer back feeling a faint blush of embarrassment on your face, not noticing how Usopp’s ears perked up in interest. 
“Then as part of my crew and one of my nakama, you are to achieve your dream and in turn you  help me to become the King of the Pirates.” Luffy's answer was sufficient enough, you smiled at him nodding in acknowledgment. 
“You draw too? Can I see some of your work?” Usopp asked, you turned your head to nod at him. 
“Hold on Usopp-bro, before you do anything I need to give Y/N a formal tour of the ship. I hope you aren’t as helpless as your husband is with navigation.” Franky said, you and the others laughed. As much as you loved Zoro, you couldn’t deny he really was terrible with directions. 
With breakfast over, you thanked Sanji for the meal, got up and followed Franky around the ship with Usopp. He showed you around the rooms, where the bedrooms were, bathroom and the locker room to put your stuff in. You noticed your locker was placed next to Zoros which, not surprisingly, looked quite clean. 
After leaving the locker room, the three of you were making your way to the deck when you noticed a room Franky hadn’t taken you into with a sign ‘In Progress’. 
“What's this room for?” You asked him. Franky and Usopp looked at each other,  Usopp scratched his neck as he looked away from you embarrassed while Franky lifted up his right palm to giggle behind it.
“That room is for you and Zoro, it's not finished yet but it will be soon.” Franky said, winking at you. You had completely forgotten about that room and failed to fight the blush blooming on your face. 
Franky continued his tour taking you to the deck and to his workshop, proudly showing off his work in development. You admired in awe whilst Usopp promised to show you his factory room later on when “it was safe”. You had no idea what he meant by this, the tour eventually came to an end and you thanked Franky for his time. 
You made your way back to your shared room with the girls to grab your sketchbook to show Usopp your work. As you were leaving the room with your sketchbook in hand and made your way back to the deck to meet Usopp again, you noticed Zoro emerging from the boys room behind you, sleep evident in his eye. He looked at you, offering a short grunt in acknowledgment and entered the kitchen to see what food was left over for him. You smiled fondly to yourself, continuing up to the deck whilst remembering just how much Zoro loved to sleep. 
‘Some things never change do they’ 
Seven Years ago - Shimotsuki Village 
“Hey Y/N, are you heading home now?” Lily caught up to you as you were leaving the school building. You turned to acknowledge her with exhaustion evident on your face from the day you’ve had. You usually would have walked home from school with her but groaned as you remembered you had an errand to run. 
“I just need to make a quick delivery to the shop for my dad. You go ahead, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You promised, waving at her before walking away from the building.
As you walked on the path, you made a quick decision to take a shortcut through the forest to your left off the path to get to the shop. The parcel your dad had given you was hefty in weight and you couldn’t wait to feel the lightness in your bag back after spending the day carrying it. 
As you walked through the forest, hearing the gentle crunch of grass and leaves under your shoes, a gentle breeze wafted through your hair. You admired the forest, it was one of your favourite places to stroll through to clear your mind when you were overwhelmed. You always made sure to admire what it had to offer you from the brightest of greens in the leaves of the trees to the darkest shades of browns in the soil and bark. You truly felt at peace. 
After walking for some time and realising you weren’t far from the shop now, you turned a corner around a large tree when your eyes noticed something under one of the trees. You froze for a moment. You couldn’t make out what or who it could be from your distance. Your curiosity got the best of you, deciding to quietly walk up until your eyes could make out that it was Zoro leaning back against the tree sleeping. 
“Now why would you decide to nap there?” You whispered to yourself. You’ve never really been this close to Zoro before where you could examine his face as you always chose to keep your distance from him. You took in his tanned skin, noticing how supple it looked, his green hair vibrant. He looked so gentle like this compared to how you usually saw him; enigmatic and cold. You took in his facial features, his closed eyes were soft, his lips parted open and the sound of gentle snoring could be heard.
You knew he was special from how everyone treated Zoro. You were personally too intimidated by him to even look him in the eye. However, you realised he took no notice of all the stares he got from them. You couldn’t understand why they were so obsessed with him but you also couldn’t understand why you were so drawn to him at this very moment.
Deciding the parcel delivery could wait a little bit, you walked to sit a few trees away from him so as to not disturb him. You quietly dug through your bag and pulled out your sketchbook and pencil. 
You spent some time drawing him, taking your time doing so as you had a feeling he wouldn’t wake up from his slumber for some time. Some time passed and you stopped after you were satisfied with your work, looking between your work and Zoro. Your eyes paused on him, looking at the still Zoro, not noticing a small smile had crept on your face. Your heart began to thunder in your chest and your face and ears began to burn. 
‘Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.’
“Oh fuck.” 
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
Fvckbuddies to lovers HCS for Eren and Porco (modern au?) nsfw apparently
Them because they are simply ✨THE TYPE TO✨Also this makes them my type too xDD Guess who studied their functions?? I'll be writing about these two a lot this week xD
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Someone blast Deftones xDDD
Look,Eren is the petty emotional type and not the automatic sensless fuckboy.
Considering his EMOTİONAL AF ass, if Eren is choosing this type of relationships,chances are he was cheated on previously.
Aside from trust issues he's possibly trying to forget his ex.
He's depressed af
Or maybe he thinks all women eventually cheat so he's being petty by being an asshole.
What I mean by this is no open expectations talk.
You won't know if your relationship with him is only sexual, or romantic too?
Heartbreaker type backbreaker too
İt's easy to imagine Eren sending you the cliche hook up texts/nudes at midnight -because he gets overwhelmed by his emotions especially at night- coming to your place and ravaging you just correctly.
Sex with him will be always a little angry and angsty :/
Hard to say he exactly cares about your pleasure soo...you better chase your own orgasm tbh xD
Which won't be hard to,he's naturally good at this.
Chances are he has learnt a lot from his ex and he does many things subconsciously.
Also he accidentally remembers his ex when he's with you
You will know when he thinks of them xDD
He's extra degradative and acts you completely like an escort,maybe even worse.
İnteresingly his emotional ass is the type to NEVER do some certain things with his ✨GİRLFRİEND✨
But you are not that.
You are just a simple slut for him.
Facials?Anal?Slapping?Breath choking?Threesome?Degration?
You are not his girlfriend afterall.
Ah,also he's the head-pusher type.You better take it all or none.İt doesn't matter if you puke on it,better even.
And you'll get no aftercare either.
Not that he doesn't care,he does care.
But he should run back to his place before you can see him crying.Because he's emotionally WRECKED.
He's the tears after cum type :/
However his emotional ass was not designed to mindlessly fuck around.
Simply not that.
So even if he escapes from small talk and affectionate kissing,caressing,aftercare etc. he'll fall for you anyways.
İf he realises he has a thing for you,he'll go around trying to find himself an another partner(s)
He might try to avoid you in the process but he could never xD
*insert sudden emotional breakdown out of nowhere*
You guys are officially dating now xD
He has a lot of love to give <3 Suddenly he is very thoughtful and loving.A great bf for real.
However (his) trust issues are not easy to get rid of.
He'll constantly check your phone secretly/not so secretly
He'll call/text very often when you are with your friends.
I hope you don't have a close guy friend(s) because...umm you won't have one after dating with him anyways xD
On the good side 7/24 around you
İt can take him months maybe years to trust you so you must put work into that.
Which he surely does worth the effort.
Last thing is...remember the list above?İt doesn't matter how much you want any of those he simply won't ✨disrespect✨you like that.(not that those are disrespectful he's just crazy xD)
Also he'll feel kinda guilty because he wanted some things to be more special and romantic and not random.He'll never admit tho
Adding his sexual guilt into this one,he kinda regrets the way things escalated.
But he surely knows how to make it up to you.
You guys will go to lots of random but cute dates,you get to pick wherever you want and it's done.
He does photo albums <3
He doesn't have to make EVERY MEMORY immortal but...he'll do just because he can xD
✨Touch addiction✨
You can blast chase atlantic with this one xD
Porco is the automatic fuckboy
Why? Because it takes him A LOT to fall in love.
He simply does not get carried away.
And of course he's in for the thrill of meaningless sex and not the boredom of relationships.
Open talk type of guy <3
He doesn't want to upset you by giving you the false signals and VERY upfront with it.
Doesn't like kissing,touching while on it but he can do it for you anyways.
He actually understands this goes 50/50 so he'll put effort into you.
Aftercare does.not.exist.
do.not.touch.him. when you are done.
Either dress up or leave or he is out of door anyways.
Also he won't see you out of bedroom and very strict with it.
İf you guys have to co-exist,he'll unsee you like you never existed in the first place.
And he's not the type to fall in love instantly after sex.
To him,sex is one thing;love is something much else.
He must know you very well for that.
Shortcut to that is:✨FUN✨
İf he can have fun with you without getting bored or feeling suffocated,eventually he'll want to know more about you.
Just ask him for a concert/party and say you want public sex xD
He looooves public for sure.
Anything risky?He's in.
1-2 maybe 3 hangouts and suddenly he just wants to dance/listen the music.He just wants to have fun and he'll accidentally forget about sex.
He knows he's fucked up when this happens xD
He wants to ghost you so bad xD
Out of nowhere his kisses last longer,he begins to touch you more,he prefers face to face positions.
I think we can all say he's either a doggy or reverse cowgirl man.
He surely hates long eye contact too xD
And if the awkward pillowtalk hits...he's whipped
He's the type to have occasional jealousy breakdowns, in secret.
He's too prideful to admit any feelings or whatsoever.
İnstead he marks you.
Anywhere visible is just fine.
Outside he either lays an arm over you or gives you his jacket,hat,scarf etc.
His ✨secret✨ plan is to fall in a natural relationship pattern with you without talking about his feelings xD
From outside,he actually looks like your bf but he's too jealous to keep this going.
Eventually he'll blow up.
He'll have a tantrum about how many more men you see.
*insert feelings and the tsundere blush*
You guys are officially dating xD
Seems distant and greatly weirded out but...
He's a kitten for sure :D
He was prolly never romantically loved/cared by someone before so...
That thing is weird to him but, addicting? Like...do it again? xD
He's a kinda attention whore for you but still prideful af
He recently discovered that thing called,umm...cuddling?
Yeah that thing is not very bad xD He doesn't mind when you spoon him or lay his head to your chest etc.
Lap kitten xD *İnsert simp label*
180 degrees of turn about relationships.
Those things are actually cool?
Like,loser you don't have a gf?
But that would only last as long as he's happy/content
He's the 0 bullshit type and he wouldn't stand arguments to protect his own happiness/heart.
Also he'd want lots of space and freedom.
You can be his best friend,but he'll have other friends too.
İf he feels upset/suffocated/cornered etc. you can lose him overnight.
İf things get too routine or boring,you can lose him again.
But he won't let it get there himself.He's naturally good at creating tension anyways.
İf handled correctly he can be the best of everything <3
Enough internet for tonight I'll fix my grammer.... in the morning? xD I hope you enjoyed it <3
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selkieioe · 6 months
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always.
Hello Hello! Welcome to my first ever post on tumblr that just had to be about my ultimate top tier favorite visual novel of all time..Our Life: Beginnings & Always or OL:BA for short.
This game has such a special place in my heart that im afraid I’ll forever be attached to it because at this point it’s not even a phase anymore lol. I still remember that heated summer day of scrolling down on my steam shop out of boredom and i kept getting recommended OL:BA but back then i really couldn’t care less and would not even spare a glance on it until i got so fed up of it popping up in my recommended for the next few days that i decided to finally check it out.
Reading what it was about made me curious but what really got me downloading it was because of the customization of our character/characters.
And finally into the game i was! I remember when the story started, i was very surprised already by the environment, narrative and world building of the game. It truly felt like i was part of it and i didn’t get bored at all. In fact right from the start i was hooked already!
I loved ALL of the characters that was introduced, i love the fact that it was SO multiple choice that it felt like you were really integrating yourself/oc onto the game and that you’re not just forced to say the same thing as a different choice or feel as though your options are limited. Its definitely a game that you’re supposed to replay over and over because its just that fun!!
And as someone who has never had a great childhood and adolescence, absentee parent, chaotic household, unsupportive friends, want to be understood (you know…this and that) i was so happy that this game was doing that and it genuinely gave me hope to live despite going through the darkest of times in my life :)
This game has changed me into a better person and made me want to be the best version of myself that i want to be in the future! I will infinitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have a feel good game/read (+1 it will make you cry!!)
Anyway enough yapping 💀 Time to get to the point.
Here are some playlists i made dedicated to the lovable characters of OL:BA that i personally listened to during my walkthrough and may relate to their route/lore ;)
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
the og love interest!
summer with cove holden.
this playlist is the epitome vibes of the game (growing up with them and having fun, making memories.)
from beginnings to always with cove holden.
spoiler alert!! MARRIAGE DLC WOOOO!! really love this one cuz its all full of cute romance and wedding songs. i also put some songs that i think mc and cove would have when they get kids :3
DEREK IS JUST SOOOO AAHHHH He’s my ideal man and i KIN him so bad you dont even know!!!
derek suarez crushing on you.
THIS PLAYLIST. IM TELLING YOU. one of the FAVES i made!! the pining, secret crush on mc for a loong time, the angst GOSH. so cute. every song in this plays a part on each moment with him i swear
5 years after baxter ward.
one thing i noticed about our life is it lacks certain angst aspects when the baxter dlc didn’t exist YET back then. like i LOVED the fight between mc and cove in mcs room and i wanted it to escalate more ngl just cuz i LIVE for angst! but if you want to get real hurt you should choose baxter. this playlist focuses more on the last step of his dlc and its full of taylor swift songs.
baxter ward.
honestly this playlist is catered more to his vibes, his character (i listen to this playlist and i imagine edits of him lol) but i guess some songs are related to his story/lore? i made this waaay before 5 years after baxter ward and when the baxter dlc didn’t exist yet and we all just knew him to be as the new neighbor in sunset bird but people like it i guess so here it is xD
anyway thats all for OL:BA series! GB Patch is cooking up Our Life Now & Forever and it’s not released yet! just on demo on steam and itch! i already have a playlist for it but so far i have only made Qiu Lin (one of the leads of the game) i also have a privated filo inspired playlist for baxter if you want to listen to it let me know so i can put it up in public!
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lostsowly · 22 days
Hello Soul ☺️🌺
I hope it’s okay to send this but I had a funny thought I wanted to share.
They are selling these merch of wind breaker and
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There’s a patch of UME 😂😂😂
Just imagine someone giving this to Sakura?? (Probably Suo) and Sakura’s reaction?? And be against it, but he would wear it later anyways. Because they gave it to him and everyone has one 🥹
(Sugishita wants 1000 😆🤣)
Yep, it's completely fine! ^^
I had a good laugh imagining how this would turn out xD
(I checked the post and apparently, it's a shoe charm? Imagine wearing an Ume shoe charm and kicking people xD)
Say one day, Suo walks into the class with a carton full of Umemiya merch and no explanation whatsoever.
No one knows why and how he got them. But no one wants to ask about it either because Sugishita is in earshot and they don't intend to anger him.
Except one person doesn't care and yells, "WHY ARE YOU GIVING THIS TO ME?!?!" He would probably also say something about it being useless and what even is a shoe charm?? (I hc Sakura not knowing much about accessories)
Sakura is unaware of the glare Sugishita is sending his way and continues fumbling with the Ume shoe charm, red in the face and glaring at Suo, who's smiling back at him unfazed.
He might not be entirely against receiving a gift but he does protest a little. That’s where I feel class 1-1 steps in, telling him they can use it as a matching class accessory like a friendship charm and Sakura finds himself drawn to that idea. He still doesn’t understand why it has to be Umemiya on the charm xD (The suggestion was highly motivated by their need to prevent another fight breaking out between Sakura and Sugishita. Mostly because Sugishita already had his hands on a table and was seconds away from throwing it at his head.)
Sugishita is still not convinced that Sakura actually likes the gift and is glaring daggers at him during the patrol while Nirei is trying his best to prevent a catastrophe. (Somebody help him T^T) They are all wearing the shoe charm by the way ^^ The class managed to convince him to wear it as a friendship charm and Sakura bashfully wore it. He melted against their friendly gaze :D (Sugishita did ask for more but they ran out of them sadly. Kiryu offhandedly mentioned that he might be able to get his hand on some merch, much to Sugishita's delight.)
In hindsight, I can also see them kicking people wearing the Ume shoe charm and someone noticed the imprint of Ume’s face on an enemy gang member’s face and things escalated from there. They started kicking people in the face with the foot where the shoe charm is attached and half a week later all the enemy gangs are walking around with Ume stamped on their faces.
Some people (coughsugishitacough) were awfully ecstatic by this and others (coughsakuracough) love stamping people’s faces with their friends xD 
(I feel like this kinda deviated from the original idea because I had too many thoughts and couldn’t pick one 😭 I hope you have fun with this silly thing <33)
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damnation-if · 1 year
Hi, I just played the demo and I loved it! I was wondering if you could give us an estimate of when the next update is coming?👉👈 (Or link a relevant post, if you already talked about and I just didn't scroll down far enough to see it 😆)
Also, I wanted to check, can you be in a romantic relationship with more than one character, and not just a sexual one? Because I might be in love with every single character in this game 🤭
hi, thank you! i'm glad you're enjoying the game :) i've answered the question about romancing multiple characters a couple of times in a couple of different asks but the posts all kind of link back to each other so you should be able to find all the info by. following the various links in each ask i think, starting here XD
i'm going to put the answer to your other question under a cut because some of it is quite emotional for me
i did Sort Of talk about this at the time when it happened, by which i mean that rather than making a post, i talked about it in the tags of an unrelated post i was using to distract myself (i think it was character playlists and how i'm not sure if it's a good idea to do them or not if i recall), but earlier this year while i was already going through a really rough time, my laptop died and i lost a lot of work on the game.
i knew my laptop was old and that this was possibly approaching so i made regular backups and the good news is that because i write in a separate word document and keep backups of those also i didn't actually lose any Writing. however. my twine has a problem in that every second or third game file that i publish from the build is Haunted - it contains passages i removed weeks ago, or writing that i deleted long before publishing it, that kind of weird annoying shit. (other authors have seen my files do this lmfao) and i just have to hope that the backups i make either won't be needed or aren't haunted. anyway... because hope is futile, the last backup i made was indeed haunted, and utterly useless to me as a recovery file. because it's just twine, i still have all the writing, as i mentioned... but i would have to re-code the entire chapter and put it all back together again because of how much the file did not export, which is a complicated and daunting process.
so i made a rambling explanation of this in the tags of a post and decided to take maybe a couple of days off and cool down from this specific disaster before getting into it.
i wake up the next morning to find the IF community absolutely plastered all over with Helpful Informative PSA posts about how Silly it is not to make backups and how if you just make backups you'll never have problems again and you should know better than to not make backups.
now. i'm not a catastrophist. i know for a fact that nobody was making or spreading these posts out of cruelty or a desire to make me feel bad. i also know that it's not particularly realistic to expect people who don't even know me to hunt down the source of a piece of hearsay that's like "i heard from someone that someone said that an author lost a bunch of their files and is really upset about it" to find out what the situation is and whether or not it's what they imagine. i don't even think the vast majority of people knew who it was that was the author involved, or who i am either.
but to already be going through an extremely stressful time and then lose my laptop on top of that and then be obliquely referenced by people i thought of as my peers as kind of just a big silly bumbling goose who didn't know how to manage my files and a "don't be like this person" attitude really, really hurt me. i can't express just how deeply it hurt me. one particular author was openly laughing at me and saying it was my own fault for being too stupid to make backups using a certain twine peripheral program.
so. there was a period of time where i could have found the motivation to just restart the whole chapter myself and re-code it in a frenzy because i wanted to get right back into writing it because. like a lot of authors, i LOVE writing. that's why i do this even when it's difficult. but that potential recovery was sandblasted away by the reactions of people that i thought of as my colleagues in some sense (even though i understand that they didn't do it with bad intentions, in most cases). and i hope people can understand that it greatly lengthened the amount of time i needed to spend away from the game recovering emotionally, despite being a Very Small issue to most people. i'm literally upset again just typing out this answer lmfao
however one other small piece of good news is that my laptop seemingly just lost the ability to turn itself on (because of its age) so i Think the hard drive is intact. meaning that i think i can get someone to pull all the files off it and just have them back fine once i do. the other piece of bad news is that my life is a trainwreck! and i cannot afford that right now. which is why i sort of pivoted to writing the 2000 follower celebration sidegame as a way to enjoy myself while i hurtle through hell sdjgbdfhfdgh
shortly after this thing with the laptop the house i was living in was sold out from underneath me, even though it wasn't supposed to be, and i had to find somewhere to live with my 18 year old cat, but the city i lived in had zero places that would allow cats (they're totally fine with Dogs though of course) so i had to move to an entirely new city on my own while worrying about her health. and right now i spend every fortnight desperately trying to scrape together enough to survive the next fortnight. there were entire months where i had no access to internet! it's been pretty Bad!!
so i get that people really want updates, and i'm really flattered that people do and it makes me happy that people like the game so much. but i am currently expending so much time and energy trying not to die lmfao, and i need to save up the money to get my files back around that. i truly cannot tell you when the next update will be, but i promise you that it Haunts me, probably more than you can imagine XD the sidegame will Definitely come out before it though, if that's something you're looking forward to.
thank you again for your message, and i'm sorry that i don't have good news for you. but i am trying, constantly. every day.
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nerdylilpeebee · 10 months
it gives me hope to see someone who doesn't let themselves be swayed by the romanticism of rooting for an underdog (or more accurately, a very carefully crafted image of an underdog) and actually bothers to check facts
i see so much support for gaza among my peers and you blog makes me feel a little less alone... a little less insane
someone else sees it
Yeah, I honestly see the support for Gaza (really, Hamas, cuz really supporting Gaza would require being against what Hamas is doing and wanting Hamas to be removed from power, which is the opposite of what pro Palestine people are doing) EVERYWHERE. Making it confusing that some of them seem to think they're being censored, which I'm honestly convinced is a manipulation tactic, but anyway...
I have even seen people, some of them mutuals, who I know are good people reblog and spread the constant lies and propaganda every day. That's part of why I'm pushing so hard into it. Because the propaganda is working. It is making good people decide the terrorists are the right people to support because innocent people are dying in direct response to the terrorists' actions. It makes them ignore that Hamas openly admits that this is on purpose, that they intend for the innocent people of Gaza to suffer and die. It makes it so that Hamas, who is willing to lie about how many have suffered and even attach faces of even their own victims to propaganda pieces saying "Oh look at what Israel did," and even FORCE THEIR OWN HOSTAGES to wave and smile at them as they're released in order to paint the picture that Israel is the villain, can make people believe they are the good guys despite killing innocent people and admitting to using Gaza as a human shield.
They have MASTERED the art of propaganda. And I refuse to let it go un-called-out. I refuse to let people on the internet literally helping spread these lies by making their own up, or manipulating information (by leaving out a detail, changing a detail, straight up just lying that something like tunnels near the ocean is impossible despite it being 100% possible, etc) go un-called-out.
Tho, I will have to be honest, I may force myself to slow down a bit now. I had a bit of a stress response at work today. I doubt it was just about this stuff, but it no doubt added to it as I am very passionate about this subject. And I really don't wanna repeat this stress response. Health issues is not something I want to come about simply because I am stressed.
So I may have to back off a bit. But I am still 100% on the side of "both sides have shitty things they've done, but Hamas is literally the one who started this, killed countless innocents, and kidnapped a LOT of innocent people, including literal infants (something there is no precedent for, I might add. No one's ever really taken literal babies hostage like this before), and I will not condemn Israel for retaliating. I will, however, push for peace as regardless it is a fucking tragedy that people are dying and it NEEDS to stop. And it really can't until Hamas is removed. They keep breaking the ceasefires, all throughout the history of this region. Long-standing peace is not possible with them in power."
That got very long-winded. XD sorry.
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cacodaemonia · 1 month
You seem to know a lot about AO3, do you know how to engage more of your readers? I’ve been trying to get comments on my fics but all I get is kudos. I just want to know if people are enjoying my writing
Hi there! I definitely wouldn't say I'm an expert when it comes to AO3, but I find the fandom culture around AO3 to be really interesting, so I do talk about it a lot, haha. I've only been posting works there since 2019, though, and I'm sure folks who have been doing so for longer or have volunteered as tag wranglers or on the policy & abuse committee, for example, would know a lot more than I do. <3
But I'm really sorry to hear that you only get kudos and no comments on your fics! That really sucks. :( Like you said, you have no idea what those people actually think about what you made—just that they consumed it.
Honestly, I'm not sure I'm a good person to ask about getting readers to interact because I post both fanart and fanfics, which isn't super common, at least among people I know. I'm pretty sure that most of the folks who comment on my works followed me from Tumblr to AO3 back when I used to post art here. If I wanted to share nsfw images, I could only post cropped versions of them on Tumblr, so I would sometimes do that and link to the full image over on AO3. I suspect that's a big reason why I even have subscribers on AO3, haha. My writing certainly isn't better than that of plenty of people who also write for very niche ships and don't get as many kind comments as I do.
I also started out in my current fandom making art and writing about more popular characters until I quickly shifted focus when I found some that I like much more 😂 But I'm sure that quite a few people found my stuff because of those old works, and some of them probably stuck around.
Speaking of popular... This isn't something I do because I'm only motivated to make things that I like, but of course, there's always the 'write stuff for popular ships/characters' option. :/ Even now, when I happen to include fan favorites in my fics or art, all kinds of people come out of the woodwork to comment on them. And because I'm a contrary ass, that then makes me not want to create works featuring those ships or characters XD;;; But anyway, that is one option, haha.
A friend recently told me that they started asking little questions in the notes of each chapter of their fics, and that seemed to encourage readers to respond in the comments, so maybe that would be a good thing to try? I haven't tested it, so I can't say.
One thing I have tried that I think has made a difference is adding a blurb in the end notes of my works that I got from @longlivefeedback! They have a great template that you can customize and try out if you like (just make sure to read the bug fix part about curly/smart quotes versus straight quotes, since the curly quotes will kill your html).
One tried and true method to get more people commenting on your fics, of course, is to get to know people who also like the fandom/characters/ships you write about. Read some of their stuff or comment on their art or just chat about headcanons etc. And maybe they'll check out what you wrote.
(My caveat to this would be: do not do this with the sole purpose of getting someone to comment on your fics. I've had plenty of people do this to me, and it was so transparent that they had no interest in me as a person, but just wanted me to draw their OCs or scenes from their fic, or reblog their art, etc. Trying to manipulate someone like that just for your own gain is such gross behavior, and of course, I'm not saying you would do it, but it's common enough that I wanted to mention it 😓)
Okay, unsurprisingly, this got very long and rambling, haha. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I hope you get more folks interested in your writing!
I'd be curious to know if other people have advice for @sonofhighrock! :)
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blackwolfstabs · 2 months
Wolf! Frank & Joey Headcanons
(requested by @screamqueen10)
!!! (these are NOT shipping headcanons. just ones of these two interacting because let's face it, they've definitely got an alpha complex going on haha)
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──────── GIFs are not mine
as stated previously in this post, Frank is the alpha, but Joey is the alpha-female. this causes them to fight almost over everything. their tempers are short, so it doesn't take long for one to phase and strike and the other follows.
if these two fight, you'll need some sincere divine intervention. someone like Peter, Rickles, Lazar, or Lambert would be the most promising to break them apart.
Frank likes to test Joey, purposefully going around Abigail or Caleb to act as if he were hunting them.
Joey challenges Frank's authority out of her loathing his arrogance and ambition. she feels that he thinks he's entitled to the pack's business just because he's the alpha. (example from something i've been writing from my Abigail Werewolf AU):
Another trek across the travertine to the left side of the yard had her panting in trying to fight the heat. She hadn’t realized someone had come out, until she heard a distinguishable voice. “You mind tellin’ me why you’re out here wandering around like you can’t stand to be inside with the rest of us?” Frank. She was not in the mood to put up with his shit. She stopped on the grass but didn’t turn around to look at him. “Actually, I do.” Frank’s ears twitched, “Hmm.” Clearly, there was a problem. “So, something’s definitely wrong.” He caught her soft growl and the almost painful lower of her hips. “What’s got you all moody, Joey? Is it Shark Week?” She could’ve wished. But she knew that was a jab. “No,” she rolled her eyes and actually glanced over her shoulder. “I’m fine. I just wanna be alone, right now.” But the red wolf didn’t move, just tilted his head with a poor excuse for a pitied expression. “Oh, did we run out of candy again?” he teased. It was fake anyway. “No!” she snapped, baring her teeth in a warning as her hips lowered even more, but this time, it was more defensive, the fur on her hackles bristling in the sunlight. “Then, what?” he demanded, more serious now. “I told you. I want to be alone.” Now, Joey turned around to retrace her steps towards him. “You’re not the alpha of this pack, and you’re not the alpha of me. I don’t have to tell you shit, so back off,” she growled, thrusting her muzzle forward to make him pull back a little. The other’s eyes darkened as they narrowed, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. “You’re not my fuckin’ alpha either, so I suggest you watch your tone.” Her ears turned back, which led him to continue. “You won’t sit the fuck down and you’ve been whining all day.” There was a slight falter in her demeanor. “Oh, you think we haven’t noticed? Kinda hard not to when fuckin’ wolf telepathy is a thing.” By now, his own fur was rising, and his lips were starting to reveal more of his teeth.
i know no one asked for that, but i told you i would share some of my werewolf!au stuff 🤭
Frank is much easier to control as a wolf than a human. Joey is the opposite, she's more controllable as a human than a wolf.
because Frank's the "confirmed" alpha, it's his instinctive duty to check on all the pack members, even if it's subtly. he won't admit it, but he does trust Joey's instincts, both human and wolf, (which he also appreciates) so he tends to make his "check-in" on her more noticeable, likely engaging in conversation.
Joey's extremely smart and that irritates Frank.
they growl at each other just because. if Frank growls, Joey will growl back at him even if it wasn't directed towards her, and vise-versa.
they can never "play fight" without it turning into them trying to dominate each other. they just piss each other off xD.
are those ok?? again, this was harder than i anticipated but it could be because i'm sleep-deprived haha. i hope you like them and lmk if you want more! much love 🩶🩶🩶
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archaeren · 17 days
how did you get into game writing and VNs and such?? i did one freelance job a while back and loved it but since then its been so hard to get into the industry…. i keep getting rejected despite having writing experience/publication in other areas 😭
(omg I didn't realize I have a bunch of messages in my inbox oops) Unfortunately, my game industry work that pays the bills is mostly as QA director, for which we are contracted by other studios. I do writing for our own studio, but I tend to not pursue contract work for writing because I don't want the creative pressure. (Though I was spontaneously offered work on that by another studio recently, so who knows, maybe I'll cave XD) But I will tell you what I tell people who ask me how to get into the games industry. Sorry if you already know some of this, I can't tell from your profile how much experience you already have in the industry! >.< 1. Build a portfolio of game work. You can do this by participating in game jams, itch.io has tons of them running all the time. If you can find in-person game jams (such as the Global Game Jam), even better! They'll help you build connections. If you can show you have strong skills in branching narrative, that's a massive plus. (yeeeeah, this involves basically doing a lot of unpaid work in your free time. but hey, nobody else is getting paid for it either! game dev notoriously pays like shit anyway. XDDD as the joke goes, if we wanted to make money, we'd work in software dev.) 2. Go to where the game developers are. In person. I can't stress this enough. If you want work in the games industry, the best/easiest/quickest way to do it is to meet devs in person. Some people may argue this is not necessary and that you can find work online--in my opinion, those people are either very lucky or very hopeful. You can maybe find some work by hanging out in game dev spaces online, but from personal experience, every client our studio has EVER HAD was either someone we met in person or someone we were introduced to through someone we met in person. Every single one. Here's a list of ideas of places to meet developers: - IGDA meetups, see if there's a chapter in your area. (Or if there isn't and you have the time and ambition, maybe you could start one!) - Local non-IGDA dev groups, you can sometimes find these through Meetup or Facebook - If there are colleges in your area that offer game dev degrees, you could try asking their professors if they know of any local events - See if there are any local game studios in your area that would be able to point you toward the community. Game dev studios aren't just in big cities!! It's not necessarily comprehensive, but you can check out https://gamecompanies.com/map - Game conventions/expos such as PAX - Game developer conferences/events, such as GDC or language/engine-specific conferences such as PyCon (GDC is WAY more worth it than PAX, but extremely expensive. I don't advise going to either until you have a solid game plan of what you're looking for there. There are also organizations that are willing to sponsor people with less means and underrepresented perspectives to attend GDC, so make sure to investigate that!) (And if you do go to a major event like PAX or GDC, make sure to google the afterparties list) And final protip for attending any sort of in-person event: We don't use the word 'networking'. It is a cursed word. We are not networking. We're meeting new friends and like-minded creators. <3
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the-fab-fox · 3 months
Hi, @ocean-blue-orchids here :>
Normally I’m shy about sending in requests but I know how it feels to have that NEED to write requests but an empty inbox so here I am :’3
Requesting a one shot (or headcannons, up to you), platonic, with my Octavinelle oc Wiro Scribe, with any of the Octavinelle characters! Azul or a Tweel, take your pick!
Quick info on Wiro but feel free to dm if you have questions, and here’s his blog which has a small introduction - @trappedinoctavihelle
Wiro Scribe is a freshman who, despite his love for programming and his antisocial (bullied) tendencies, got sorted into Octavinelle instead of Ignihyde. He’s a short guy with white hair and freckles all over pale “doesn’t go outside” gamer skin. He’s timid, afraid of his own shadow, and despite trying his best to avoid trouble, he has a horrible habit of falling into it (He probably ends up on the side of the prefect during chapter 3, getting kicked out of the dorm for three days in the process). He’s in NRC because despite him having the disposition of a sad wet puppy, when backed into a corner he will resort to nasty tactics. He has a glass eye and his unique magic lets him see through others eyes for five minutes a day. He is also from flower town, so grapes are his favorite food.
He is scared of azul, TERRIFIED of the tweels. After the events of chapter three (assuming he gets off the hook for helping the prefect) he’s a bit less afraid of the Octatrio, and is able to at least hold a conversation with them. Wiro has such an obvious crush on the freshman characters, it’s so bad and probably part of the reason he helps the prefect (he would probably end up part of the freshman polycule). He’s the pop music club’s sound mixer which has worked out ok for him. He works reception at the Mostro Lounge. Oh, and Floyd calls him Seaglass since he’s so jittery and he’s got those bigbig eyes..
(Thanks for taking the time to read this! Hope you don’t mind the long infodump)
| Request Fill for @ocean-blue-orchids. To find out how to request your own, check out this post here. |
Welp this got MUCH longer than I planned but it's Floyd POV and you don't really argue with him so...
Hope you enjoy it and that it's close to what you wanted! Thank you kindly for the request, @ocean-blue-orchids. I had a great time getting to know your Twst!OC. Hope I did them justice!
[Request Fill under cut for length. (Not edited as I don't plan to have these requests edited. XD my beta has more than enough to edit with my current twst series on AO3.)]
Floyd was bored too say the least. Honestly. Ever since Sea Slug's overblot was annihilated everything seemed to quiet down and had become very hum-drum. 
Which really didn't suit the eccentric moray-mer. Not at that moment, anyway. 
“This suuuuucks. I want someone to pester and tease.”
A chuckle reached his ear and he rolled his eyes at his twin. 
“You're just as bored as me, so don't even start.”
Jade raised a brow before grinning unrestrainedly, showing off far too many teeth than most humans would be comfortable seeing. It did nothing to Floyd who had an identical smile. 
“I would like to think I'm smart enough to not ‘start’ anything with you that I would have no hope of winning. That said, you are quite correct. It has become increasingly dull as of late.”
Just then, Azul strode into the Monstro Lounge, carrying what looked like and endless stack of papers. He was heading their way and Floyd’s expression became disgusted. 
“Nope. Not doing it. No papers for me today, thanks.”
Azul sighed in that haughty way of his. When it was directed at others, Floyd found it to be one of the best sounds in the world. When it was directed at him, it pissed him off to no end. 
Jade chuckled in that amused but tentative way of his where Azul was concerned. The tentative part was a smokescreen, of course. There was no part of his twin that was truly tentative. 
“Don't fret, Floyd. Azul asked me, as is appropriate considering I am the Vice Housewarden, to assist with paperwork today.”
“Good. I'd say have fun but I don't think paperwork is any fun at all so I won't.”
He went back to grumbling to himself about the lack of stimulation when another student came in and looked around. The dormmate in question gave an amusing squeak when his eyes met Floyd's and the moray smirked. 
Ah, right on time! 
“Oh, hey there lil Glass Squid. What's got you here off hours? If you're looking for some fun I'm looking for the same. Why don't you come talk with us for awhile, huh?”
Like clockwork, Jade chimed in. 
“Ah, if it isn't Wiro. Yes, it has been too long, hasn't it Floyd? I think the four of us are long overdue for a little chat. Don't you agree, Azul?”
Azul, who had been sorting out the papers into piles, looked up and glanced over in the direction his childhood friends were looking. A smirk slipped onto his face but he quickly covered it with his hand until he could smooth out his expression into one of concern. 
“Ah, Wiro! Yes, quite. Why not come sit and we can have a nice, long conversation.”
The Octavinelle first year narrowed his eyes, one blue and uncanny and the other green, as his mouth formed a set line. 
It was clear to Floyd—just as he was certain it was clear to Jade and Azul—that their little firstie had no desire to have any length of conversation with the three of them, much less a long one. Immediately, Floyd could feel his mood lighten. 
“Aww, come on, Glass Squid. Why not pop that eye out and we can play a little ‘Squidy-in-the-Middle’. You'd be the Squidy, obviously.”
Wiro crossed his arms with a scowl. “You three don't scare me anymore so whatever this is, you guys can just… just not.”
“Oooh, Glass Squid’s got a little bite in him today. That's okay, I like when my prey fight back.”
Jade snickered as Azul chuckled. 
“Did you hear?” Jade began, as if he were just bringing up the weather or something equally as ordinary. “That little Wiro here got himself not just one but six boyfriends.”
Azul blanched at that, his mask slipping. Floyd took on a surprised look but grinned. 
“Hell yeah. Glass Squidy doesn't play around anymore, do you, dude?”
Wiro was blushing but said nothing. 
“Six…six boyfriends. I can't imagine you have enough time to finish your homework with so many partners to contend with. Who even are these boyfriends?”
Wiro was tight-lipped but it didn't matter. Jade chuckled. 
“Would you believe that he joined both Ace and Deuce in their relationship as well as Jack and Epel only for Epel and Deuce to suggest they just be together in a polycule?”
Azul and Floyd raised their brows before looking at Wiro with more consideration than he'd ever given them before. 
“That's only four not counting our very own Wiro. Who are the other two?” Azul asked. Jade smiled pleasantly, his sharp eyes not leaving the first year for a second. 
“Well, Yuu joined the five of them not long after. The part that makes the least sense to me… is Sebek is the sixth member.”
Floyd let out a huge guffaw at that causing Azul to cringe at the sharp noise as his twin chuckled. 
“I'm sorry… I thought I heard you say Crocodile is part of this first year love fest. You're pulling my leg, right, Jade?”
“Not in the slightest, Floyd. Ask him yourself.���
“No. Don't bother asking me. Who I'm dating is none of your business.”
“But you got Crocodile to date you and lil Shrimpy to boot. Not bad, Glass Squid. Not bad.”
The first year seemed surprised but pleased with the praise. 
“Well, then be prepared to be even more amazed ‘cuz Sebek was the easiest to get to join.”
The three older students laughed, obviously amused by the fiery show. 
“Well, regardless of how or why it happened, it's apparently having a good effect on you. Still, if you didn't come for a chat, why are you here, Wiro?”
It was a fair question, Floyd supposed. A boring one but fair. 
He was also interested in the reason why as well, for all the question was boring. 
“Oh, right! Yeah. Azul the Headmage is looking for you.”
That got Azul’s attention immediately. Floyd and Jade smirked as their childhood friend sat up straight before getting up just as briskly. His light purple-blue eyes glared at Wiro, who just barely held back a smirk. 
“Why did you not lead with that upon your arrival,” he asked, irritation laced in his words even as he tried to keep his voice as neutral as possible. 
Wiro smiled in a fake pleasant smile as he crossed his hands behind his back. It was generally a sign of respect but for this little squid it was all show. Floyd could tell. 
Huh, lil guy is finally learning the way things are done around here. Good for him. 
“Ah, I was planning on it until you all decided to pick on me. Tit for tat, and all that. Isn't that what you wish us to learn?”
Touché, buddy. Touché. 
Azul narrowed his eyes but Floyd could see that even he was impressed at how well their little firstie was holding his own. It was a far cry from the way he'd been back before Azul's overblot. 
Refreshing, really. 
Floyd also no longer felt bored. 
“Well, get outta here before we decide to put you to work.”
Wiro didn't seem to need telling twice, quickly making his exit as Azul sighed again. 
“What in the Sea Witch’s benevolence could that imbecile want now? When I've already got so much work to do?”
Jade sighed and shrugged. “I haven't the slightest clue but I must admit I'm intrigued. For all he is a useless educator, you can't deny that things get interesting when he comes to call.”
Floyd perked up at that. “You're so right. I say we go hunt him out and find out what it is he wants. Then Azul can do what he does best and make sure it's worth our time.”
Azul sighed again. “You both make excellent points. Very well. Floyd, you'll come with me for bargaining and contingency purposes. Jade, I'll leave the paperwork to you and we'll fill you in when we return.”
“Of course. I would expect nothing less. Have fun with you two but not too much. We do want to stay on our esteemed Headmage’s good side.”
Azul scoffed at that. “For how much he gets from the Monstro Lounge’s profits, it would be in his best interest to keep the three of us on his good side.”
The twins agreed and with that they got to work—Jade digging into the paperwork as Azul and Floyd took their leave to hunt down—that was to say seek out—Headmage Crowley. 
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mailamoon · 9 months
Hello !
Someone asked me for an english version of the little xmas text I wrote.
Sooooo, I'm still not bilinguist and I didn't asked anybody to edit it. Well, I meanly used Reverso to translate it... and I edited it, rewrite some part, you know... I hope it's not too bad.
And xmas is now behind us, but, anyway, it's never too late to read a little fluffy and cute little text about One Piece and Zoro and Sanji.
Please, forgive me all the mistakes in this text XD
Here we go for a little xmas special !
The woman sitting in the chair looked at the meager fire that was slowly dying in the hearth. Her eyes were filled with tears and she wiped away with a distracted gesture the wet streaks on her cheeks. She took a deep breath, tightened her shawl around her shoulders and resumed her story, the steam of her breath carrying her words in the cold.
- Since the storm, no one has been able to come to the hotel. The mountain pass is still blocked. It’s been five days already. Lydia and I are alone here. She was injured in the shoulder by a tile fall while she was going to check the building after the storm. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know how to treat her. And the cold...she got sick. She is lying in our bed and I keep the few wood we still have to heat this room. We have some stored at the bottom of the field, but with the snow that fell I can’t reach it.
The whole straw hat crew surrounded her and listened her words without interrupting. Chopper was examining Zoro’s chest. The swordsman had lost himself on the glacier and fall into a crevasse. A cigarette in the corner of his lips, Sanji looked at him with exasperation.
On that morning, covered in heavy clouds, the crew had crossed a majestic icy landscape on this winter island to arrive at the hotel. But instead of a welcoming and warm place in wich they could relax and celebrate Christmas in a cheerful way, they had found sad and cold rooms and this woman at her rock bottom.
- You know, it’s usually very joyful here for Christmas. Everyone from the village across the mountain pass comes here. We all celebrate all together. There are decorations, music, laughter and a real feast! But even if the pass was clear, Lydia is the cook. She can’t get out of bed… Oh, poor Lydia!
The woman buried her face in her hands, shoulders shaken with sobs.
The crew glances at each other. Luffy stepped forward and put his hand on the woman’s shoulder.
- Hey, what’s your name?
The woman raised her red and teary eyes.
- D… Dottie.
- Well, Dottie, we’ll help you.
Sanji stepped forward and offered Dottie a warm smile.
- Don’t worry, I’m a cook. The feast will take place!
- But… How? The pass is still blocked! The building has suffered damage, there are no decorations… And Christmas’s Eve is tonight!
Luffy burst out laughing.
- We’ll take care of it all and have a great Christmas together!
- Believe us, said Nami with a big smile.
- I will go to check the building, said Franky. In no time everything be brand new.
- Usopp, we should be able to do something about the decoration, don’t you think? asked Nami.
- Oh yes! replied the sniper enthusiastically. The fabulous Captain Usopp will prepare a decor so bright that you will have to put sunglasses to not burn your eyes!
- I’ll go see Lydia, Chopper intervened, finishing Zoro’s last bandage. I’m a doctor
- Brook, Robin, you come with me, we’re going clear the pass! cried Luffy cheerfully.
- Oi, Luffy, I’m coming with you! said Zoro.
Chopper rushed to the swordsman.
- No, no! Zoro you stay here, you have several broken ribs! You must rest. Medical prescription.
- It’s okay, I can go! Protest Zoro while getting up. He winced and raised a hand to his torso, grunting.
- Ah ah ah, Marimo, it seems you’re stuck here with me, said Sanji with a wink.
Zoro glared angrily at the cook.
- But… the pantry is almost empty…
- Don’t worry. Jinbei, can you get us some fish? Sanji asked, turning to his crewmate.
- Of course, Sanji, replied the former Shishibukai.
- See, everything is settled!
- Well... hesitated the woman.
She looked at them, surprised. Were these pirates really going to help her? She felt she could trust them and, after all, she had little choice given her situation. She cracked a shy smile.
- So... thank you! I’ll give you rooms for the night.
The first team composed of Luffy, Robin and Brook left the place. Luffy waved enthusiastically at his companions who were staying at the hotel. Zoro looked at them, sullen. Sanji approached him to give him a hug. The swordsman shrugged and sighed. A smile stretched his lips as the cook bent down to whisper something in his ear. Robin looked at them with amusement before turning around, laughing.
- Yohohoho, Robin-chan, what’s so funny?
- I was thinking about how the relationship has evolved between those two.
- Zoro and Sanji? Yohoho, I understand you, who would have thought that Sanji-kun would be more passionate about boxers than lace panties!
- I was not surprised! Said Luffy.
Brook would have looked at him with round eyes if he had still possessed eyeballs. A frank laugh crossed Robin’s lips and resonated in the snowy landscape.
- I haven’t either. They’ve been pining for each other for so long, she adds.
Brook looked alternately at his captain and the archaeologist, his jaw hanging.
- Because it was flirting? he asked, incredulous.
- For them, yes, Robin replied.
- Mm… many things have changed since my time.
They continued to walk in the thick snow. Dottie had lent them snowshoes and walking sticks to make the hike easier in this winter landscape. Brook had refused them. Light as he was, he treaded the white surface without sinking into it. They were surrounded by sparse fir trees whose branches bent under the weight of snow hanging from their branches. Higher up, a mountain range stood with its sides of rock and ice. The pass they were to reach was at the junction of two of these peaks.
At the hotel, Jinbei lost no time to go back to the coast. He plunged into the icy waters without hesitation to bring back to Sanji the fish he needed to exercise his invaluable culinary talents.
Franky took care of the wood first. He turned into an improved Franky Tank with a blade in front to cross thick white carpet of snow.
- Are you coming, Dottie?
The woman hesitated blushing. Seeing the straw hat crew take matters into their own hands had made her feel better. Someone competent was in charge and all his problems seemed to be about to be solved. She was marveled by those very helpful pirates. Relieved, her eyes sparkled again. She had put on a coat lined with warm fur to follow Franky outside. The hood over her head, she looked nervously towards the window of her room.
- I don’t know…
- Don’t worry, Chopper will treat her!
"Yes. I trust him, it’s just that..." she added, blushing even more.
Franky raised his eyebrows before smiling.
- We won’t tell her anything, he said, lifting up his sunglasses to wink at her. Come on, Dottie, ready for a snow trip?
The woman burst out laughing.
- You and your companions are a gift from heaven! Come on, take me into a wild journey!
Franky reached out to take her by the waist. Dottie flipped her head back, laughing louder as the cyborg lifted her into the air to sat her in front of him, back against his chest. Dottie snuggled against his body with an obvious pleasure and stroked his metallic forearm, amazed.
- Wow, that’s impressive! We don’t see a lot of cyborg around here.
- You have not seen everything! replied Franky maliciously. Hang on, Dottie, let’s goooo!
He rushed into the field, raising sheaves of snow and joyful laughter.
On the large desk table, Usopp and Nami looked with satisfaction at the plans they had drawn. The huge sheet on the table was covered with plans of the various rooms of the building and many drawings. The two companions had visited the entire hotel to draw these lines and had chatted animatedly about the best way to decorate them.
- That’s perfect, Usopp!
- Yes! said the sniper with a big smile. Now we have to go get all we need to prepare all this!
A loud voice echoied in the main room:
- Oi, oi! Make room!!
Franky was already back. He was carrying a small mountain of logs. Dottie, smiling, followed him. They put their load near the chimney.
- Thank you! said Dottie, giggling, it was perfectly exhilarating. Now I’ll go to see Lydia.
She left the room to went up the stairs. Franky watched her walk away with a satisfied smile on his lips before turning to feed the dying fire.
- Well, Franky, was it "exhilarating”? Nami mocked him as she walked into the room, adjusting her coat.
- Yes, Nami, that’s the effect a Franky Tank ride can have on a woman.
- Stop bragging, said Usopp, smiling. With Nami, we are going outside to find stuff to decorate this hotel!
- I can’t wait to see what you guys are up to!
Sanji’s angry voice interrupted their discussion.
- STOP stupid swordsman! Don’t try to raise your arm!
They turned to see the two men enter the room. The cook was holding a pile of white tablecloths. The swordsman followed him, grinding his teeth.
- Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do!
- You are stubborn. Ok, said Sanji, facing him, I will try to be clearer. You. Ribs. Injured. You. Stop. Moving. Right. Arm.
- Asshole, I’m not stupid! Why are you talking to me like that?
- You are not stupid? First news!
Zoro’s hand rested on the hilt of his swords.
- Shitty cook…
Sanji took a deep breath and pinched his nose. He restrained himself not to go to the physical confrontation that would aggravate the wounds of his lover.
- Okay, okay! Do what you want, he said, trying to cool down the discussion. But if you push again and I have to tie you up so you can stop gesticulating, I will!
- What do you care?
Sanji looked up and approached Zoro briskly until he was only a few inches apart. He reached out to touch his cheek and let his fingers slide down his chest to his crotch. Zoro’s features relaxed under this touch and he let out a sigh.
- I want you to heal, said Sanji in a deep voice caressing the swordsman through his clothes. And quickly. As long as you can’t move freely because of the pain, we won’t be able to do everything we wan…
- AHEM, interrupted Nami. I don’t think we need to know everything Sanji-kun.
The cook and the swordsman turned their eyes to their companions. Absorbed as they were by their argument, they had not realized that they were not alone in the room. Sanji stood up in a startle, removing his hand from Zoro’s body.
- Nami-chan! I didn’t know you were there.
- What the problem? asked Zoro with a smile, straightening up as best he could with his broken ribs.
- We don’t talk about such things before a lady, brainless mosshead! scolded Sanji.
Seeing them fighting made Nami laugh. There are things that will never change between these two.
- Aye aye, guys… Try to be a little discreet, to CHANGE! said Usopp.
- We’ll get pine cones and other little things in the area. Try to behave yourself, you are not alone in the building!
- Umf, said Sanji, given Zoro’s condition, what do you want us to do?
- Stop with that, groaned the swordsman.
- Anyway, I still have a lot of work ahead of me.
Nami and Usopp left the room laughing and headed to the stable to find a donkey peacefully chewing hay. The two friends hitched him to the sleigh in front of the building.
The sniper took the reins and led them on the path leading into the pine forest.
- I still don't know whether it is good or not that these two are together, said Usopp, taking advantage of this peaceful moment conducive to a good gossip session.
- I am happy for them! But I must admit that they are sometimes a bit embarrassing.
- You mean when they use pet names? Said a laughing Usopp.
He leaned towards Nami and advanced his lips.
- My treasure, my lovecook, I would die for you, he imitated in a sweet voice, provoking a burst of laughter from the sailor.
- Yes, it was disturbing at first, but I was thinking about their vocal prowess.
- Oooh… In the kitchen? The lookout? The storeroom? The bathroom?
- Stop, we heard them all over the Sunny.
- And you girls have a separate dorm. You have no idea what they’re capable of when they think we’re all asleep."
- NO?!
- Yes.
- Now that I think about it, I found you tired lately. You never told them that…
- No. It was nice to hear at first. It was exciting."
- That’s right.
- But I can no longer bear it. I need to sleep!
- At the hotel you will be able to rest.
- My room is next to theirs.
- Yes, but Zoro is injured. They will not be able to.... Nami stopped when she saw the look Usopp was giving her. No?
- Yes.
- Even when one is injured?
- Even when one is injured.
Franky had gone out to fix the hotel roof, Chopper and Dottie were at Lydia’s bedside.
In the main room, Zoro had slumped in the armchair by the crackling fire. He watched Sanji set the tables for Christmas Eve. The cook had already prepared what he could for the meal, now he was waiting for Jinbei’s return. A cauldron of deliciously spicy mulled wine quivered in the kitchen, filling the air in the main room with delicious scent.
Sanji had decided to set up the tables before the fish arrive. He had already put the tablecloths, plates and silverware. He was now positioning the glasses. The swordsman smiled as he saw how his lover was concentrated while carrying each glass to the light to ensure that there was no trace on it. It had the speed of the experience and the hundred seats was set up in a staggering time. To Zoro’s despair, it was not over yet. Now Sanji had grabbed the napkins to arrange them in the plates.
- Are you a waiter or a cook?
- When you start, you start at the bottom of the ladder, Sanji replied distractedly, artistically folding another napkin.
Zoro got up to join him. He slipped behind his back and hugged him by the waist. Deliberately pressing his hips against him, he whispered in his ear:
- I want you.
Sanji shook off to get more napkins. He looked at him severely.
- I have to prepare meal for hundred persons Marimo. And you are wounded.
- Woooh, I’m bored! And it gives me ideas to see you moving around like this.
- Go take a bath of cold water if you need to, but I don’t have time.
- I’m already taking too much bath now, replied Zoro, sulking.
- I hope so!
The door opened, bringing an icy wind. In the frame, Jinbei was carrying two large bags of freshly caught fish.
- Sanji-kun, here’s the fish for tonight! I just ran into Nami and Usopp.
Sanji approached him with a graceful and quick step. A big smile stretched his lips.
- Thank you, Jinbei! I will be able to prepare the rest of the menu.
- Hey, guys! Usopp shouted behind the fish man, can someone lend a hand?
- Can I leave you?
- Yes, of course, go help them! Zoro, let’s go back to the kitchen.
The decoration group had grown considerably. Franky and Jinbei had joined Nami and Usopp to help them. Then Chopper left Dottie at the bedside of a sleepy Lydia to join them.
Branches of fir trees were assembled and installed outside and in the corridors, garlands of pine cones were painted in red and gold, branches hung above the windows, candlesticks decorated with holly lit the tables and mistletoe balls hang in all the rooms.
A swirl of colors and glitter lit up the warmth interior of the hotel. The laughter of friends' conversations filled the hallways and enticing scents came out of the kitchen.
From the corner of his eye Sanji watched Zoro with affection. He asked him to decorate biscuits. It was a safe activity for his ribs. The cook felt a gentle warmth radiate in his chest while seeing this idiot swordsman, whose love had turned his life upside down, absorbed by such a calm and meticulous activity.
Sanji took a ladle to pour mulled wine into a glass. He put it near Zoro and hugged him from behind, chin to shoulder. His eyes fell on the biscuits that Zoro had already smeared with icing. Despite his lack of practice, Zoro had done a good job. The cook smiled.
- You’re doing well, he said proudly as he kissed his neck.
Zoro raised his head to kiss him tenderly.
- Take a break to drink your mulled wine, the others will soon join us to help you finish.
The cook opened the kitchen door to light a cigarette. In the outside the clouds lazily fled in the distance, tiny snowflakes falling from their fluffy sides, whirling in the icy air.
- It’s snowing! exclaimed the blond, his eyes sparkling with childish wonder.
Zoro stared at him with infinite love. The candid expression of his flamboyant lover was one of the dearest visions to his heart. He carried the glass to his lips tasting the delicious wine whose the flavor of the spices warmed both body and soul. He stand up to took Sanji by the waist and pressed himself against his body, looking with him at the snowy landscape and the sky filled with snowflakes falling softly. Sanji put his hand on his, intertwining their fingers.
In the hotel, everything was ready for Christmas Eve.
On the tables set with refinement, glasses and silverware sparkled in the warm and dancing light of candles. The fire, crackling with joy, bathed all the rooms in a welcoming warmth. In the kitchen everything was ready.
The sun went down to embrace the horizon without crossing it. In the clear sky, the northern lights unrolled their luminous green serpentines lined with pink. A few snowflakes lingered in the icy atmosphere, mingling with the mist of the breath of people approaching the building.
- FRIENDS! WE’RE BACK!! Luffy yelled.
With Brook and Robin, they led a group from the village across the mountain. All were dressed warmly and advanced with snowshoes on their feet. Many of them pulled sleds loaded with carefully packed box.
The vision of the hotel in front of them was a delight. Huge fir trees decorated with red and gold decorations framed the open door and a soft light shimmered inside.
Dottie went out to meet them. She was beautifully dressed. Her hair was raised in an elegant bun held by a golden pin. At her ears hung ruby earrings and around her neck was nested a golden nightingale. Wrapped in a burgundy cape, she rushed to hug the three pirates.
- I can never thank you enough! You and your companions are our Christmas miracle.
- How is your companion doing? asked Robin.
- Much better! She managed to get up and Nami is helping her get ready for the party.
- I told you, Chopper is the best, said Luffy with a big smile.
- Yohohoho, I am so happy that everything is over! Laughed Brook. My dear lady, could I see…
- Brook, not now! cut Robin.
Dottie laughed and turned to his friends in the village.
- I was so afraid not to see you again before the summer!
She extended her arms to greet them and motioned to follow her inside.
- Thanks to Luffy and his friends, we will be able to celebrate an extraordinary Christmas Eve. Come! Come and get warm, don’t waste any more time!
A group of about twenty people came to the kitchen to provide the service. Sanji took the lead and gave them orders for the smooth running of the meal. Zoro was impressed by the tremendous discipline in the kitchen. Everyone moved quickly and accurately and the delicacies that Sanji had prepared during the day were quickly transported to the banquet hall.
When everything was brought to the tables, Sanji took his lover by the hand.
- We’ll join them, he said with a big smile.
- I thought you were going to spend Christmas Eve in this kitchen, Zoro replied in a gruff tone.
- The proper conduct of the meal depends on the chef, I would come back to the kitchen in due course. For now, we’ll serve mulled wine, these poor people need to warm up.
A table had been installed in the middle of the hall. On it had been placed a stove and the pot of mulled wine. A multitude of terracotta cups were waiting next to them.
Sanji, wonderfully elegant in his suit, approached the table and began to serve people with a warm smile. Zoro helped him by distributing the drink. He felt his heart swollen at the sight of Sanji. His lover had eyes full of sweetness and a bright smile on his face. The blond may be hot headed but he was also endowed with boundless generosity.
Someone sneaked behind them and a cheerful voice shouted:
- Oi, guys!
The two men turned to look at their crew mate. Nami’s eyes glowed with mischievous spark. Behind her, Usopp and Chopper were giggling. Holding a mistletoe branch, Nami had extended her arm over them. Sanji and Zoro stared at the plant adorned with small white balls and their eyes met. They exchanged a smile before kissing. The kiss, rather chaste at first, deepens quickly, the two men being unable to resist each other.
- Hey, guys, that’s it! Usopp shouted to them. Someone, a bucket of cold water please! I told you, Nami, that’s not a good idea! They don’t need that!
Nami laughed.
- Oh, stop being grumpy, Usopp! They are so cute!
- I’m not cute! Zoro barked at her, turning sharply. He tightened his jaws because of the sharp pain that the movement gave rise in his chest.
- Watch out, Zoro! You must be quiet. Said he Chopper.
- Ooooooh, look! Shouted Luffy.
On the stairs, Dottie helped Lydia walk down the stairs safely. The woman, still weak, was dressed in a beautiful blue dress and her blond hair came down her shoulders in loose curls. A silver comb held a strand back. She had a sash arm and a pale complexion. Dottie held her fondly by the waist.
- Are you Chopper’s and Nami’s friends? She asked them.
- Yes, I am Luffy!
- We wanted to thank you with all our heart, she said with a big smile.
- Here my lady, it will warm you, coored Sanji as he approached to give her a cup of mulled wine, which Lydia gladly accepted.
- Hum...you’re under the mistletoe, said Robin.
The two women looked up and giggled like little girls before exchanging a tender kiss.
- Now that we are all together, let the meal begin! said Dottie with enthusiasm.
As they all headed to the main room, Lydia held Nami by the arm.
- Wait my dear.
- Yes? said the navigator.
- It’s for you, said Lydia, handing her an envelope. A news coo brought this letter for you this afternoon.
Nami took the envelope and the whole crew gathered around her.
- Move, I see nothing! Luffy protested.
The navigator opened the mail. Her face lit up as she quickly read it.
- It’s Vivi!"she exclaimed in an excited tone.
- Vivi!
- How is she?
- Did something happen?
- No, no, said Nami, with a broad smile. Nothing happened to her. She says hello to all of you.
- I want to see!
- I… Nami stopped and lifted the letter above her to prevent Luffy from taking it from her.
- Guys, guys, this letter is addressed to Nami, says Sanji. It’s probably personal. He winked at their navigator. Come on, everyone will settle for the meal, he added.
Nami looked with relief at the blond leading the whole crew to the dining room.
- I owe you, Sanji-kun, she murmured.
She approached the stairs to sit on the steps and read the letter.
"My dear Nami,
Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. The separation is long, but our hearts are bound forever. In the most difficult moments, the idea of our reunion gives me the strength to fight. I am happy to know that you are pursuing your dream in the company of the most charming pirate crew!
I wanted to wish you a wonderful Christmas.
I know and admire your strength and determination that have so much capsized my heart. Although we are far from each other, do not sink into melancholy on this festive evening. Beyond the seas, we will always find each other, my fierce pirate.
Say hello to everyone for me.
To you, forever, my brilliant love.
I love you.”
Nami’s eyes were filled with tears of joy. She carried the paper to her lips to kiss it tenderly.
- To you, forever, my untamed princess.
The villagers were happy to meet the people who had come to the rescue of Dottie and Lydia. Around the tables, conversations were going well and the atmosphere warmed up.
Brook played the violin, Franky played the guitar. Several villagers joined them and an improvised orchestra was quickly established. Everyone sang in chorus to the joyful rhythms that made the walls of the hotel vibrate.
The dishes were emptied, the glasses too. Gifts were exchanged and kisses given.
Lydia’s cheeks had regained colour. Dottie was radiant next to her lover.
Nami kept near her heart the letter of the one who had stolen it.
The whole crew had a wonderful Christmas Eve, full of joy, laughter, love and friendship.
When the room began to empty, Sanji wanted to go back to the kitchen to put everything in order. But firm hands blocked his way.
- No chef! We’ll take care of it.
- You gave us a good cooking lesson tonight, we’ve never eat anything so delicious.
- Now go and rest. We’ll take care of everything.
Tired of his culinary marathon, Sanji did not struggle. He took Zoro by the waist and they both went upstairs. Arriving in the room, the cook got rid of his jacket and loosened his tie before falling into an armchair, eyes closed.
- They are right, you know, said Zoro.
- What are you talking about?
- It was really delicious.
Sanji opened his eyes meet those of his lover. Zoro was looking at him proudly with a sparkling smile on his face. He approached him and wanted to bend down to kiss him but interrupted his movement, wincing.
- Tsss, stupid Marimo, whispered Sanji as he got up to take him in his arms. Stop pushing.
He kissed him gently and began to undress him with soft gestures. Zoro’s hands stroked him through his clothes as he slid the fabrics along the swordsman’s body. When the swordsman was finally naked, the emotion that this moment had given rise to in him was seen in the rigidity of his shaft. Sanji looked up at him with ardent eyes. He stood up to embrace him fiercely while taking off his own clothes with haste.
In the next room, Usopp turned in his bed.
- Qkske… He stammered, not understanding what had awakened him.
He listened out for sighs and grunts through the wall. The sniper moaned and folded the edges of the pillow against his ears.
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zetalial · 5 months
You know, I do appreciate AO3 a whole lot as a fanfiction archive. It's great.
...But there are certain little things I find annoying.
The other day, I think I saw it described as a museum for fanfics as opposed to a fanfiction community. It lacks any sort of forums to discuss fics on the site directly. The only real way to talk about fics is to do it in the comments of a particular work. Any broader discussion has to be done offsite.
People can make rec lists in the form of collections but there's no real way to find them. Usually if I click a fic and its in a collection I can then browse other fics in said collection which is clunky.
I should also note that this doesn't seem to be the intended use of collections anyway. Collections seem to be intended for works that are connected such as for a particular fic challenge month. I guess? Like you create a collection to add works to it and it's possible to set fics in said collection to be unrevealed which might give you the power to make someone else's fic disappear from view? I don't know, I've not experimented with it. xD Fics can be in a collection or they can be bookmarked in a collection. If they are bookmarked in a collection it won't be listed as part of that collection so if you click on a fic it won't tell you it's a part of it but if you have the collection open you can see what fics are bookmarked in it. Does that make sense???
If fics get bookmarked to a collection it's harmless of course, it's basically the same as someone bookmarking it but this does mean its even harder to find people's rec lists on the site. I can't go 'oh this fic I like is in a collection, here's a list with a dozen more fics that might be similar to it to check out' without finding the bookmark collection via other means.
People when they bookmark fics can also rec them but this seems to be only really useful as a way for a person to better organise their bookmarks. Like the only way to see if a bookmark is recced is to go to a user's list of bookmarks. Using collections to bookmark is essentially the same thing, so people can better organise their bookmark list. Just why even have this fic rec feature if no one can see it? When you bookmark a fic you can literally already add tags, comments and bookmark it to a collection.
Now, you can click on someone's profile to explore their bookmarks. This does work. Chances are, you're going to rely on an author you've read, you'll click on their profile and you hope they've bookmarked a few things. Not every author does. I'm sure a lot of readers have great bookmark lists, but I have to find their profile first. The best thing to do is click on a work's bookmarks and find a bookmark that has tags or a comment as chances are the reader has a promising rec list.
Overall, AO3 has a lot of features that theoretically make organising and finding stuff really great but in practice, it can be a real chore. Just the fact that there are FOUR different ways to make a note on a bookmark - rec, comment, tag and a bookmark collection.
Collections themselves are absolute madness. They can be open or closed which means others can add fics to your collection. Could I just add my fics to random collections? Moderated or unmoderated. You can make works in them unrevealed. Collections can have works in them and they can be bookmarked which is a different thing. You can make subcollections. Just aaaahh. Why are they like this.
Yeah there's no real way to talk to other users on the site except inside a fics comments which well each fic is its own isolated world and they're only for directly talking to the author.
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