#apologies for anyone who doesn’t want to deal with this lmao
rjam9 · 2 years
Jam’s fanfic masterpost
a masterpost for all my published fics on ao3, linked here for easy access in case you don’t want to go searching for one in particular. if any of these interest you please check out the full fic (with tags and complete descriptions) on my ao3. will try to keep it updated, but i am pretty forgetful.
doctor who
a hundred bad days make a hundred good stories
status: ongoing, 3/?
desc.: ( a hundred good stories make me interesting at parties )
notes: a collection of very old songfic that all had a specific focus/theme in regards to the Doctor going on. some of the very first fics i posted on ao3, and i haven’t updated this series since 2020, though i do want to get back to it and revamp it at some point.
this is home
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 2.7k
desc.: The Doctor is okay. But they forget rule number one. The Doctor lies.
notes: songfic, very very old, so expect mistakes. has been crossposted before to various platforms. focuses on the Doctor’s thought process through s12.
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 3.1k
desc.: It seemed like they were always burning.
notes: songfic, very very old, so expect mistakes. has been crossposted before to various platforms. focuses on the Doctor’s relationship with fear.
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 5.1k
desc.: “A friendship older than your civilization and infinitely more complex.”
notes: songfic, very very old, so expect mistakes. has been crossposted before to various platforms. focuses on Doctor&Master relationship.
non-series fics
the star that fell to earth
status: complete, 1/1
rating: gen
words: « they're like a shooting star, a beautiful array of gold and blue streaking across the sky. »
desc.: 2.1k
notes: my first ever fic posted to ao3 back in spring 2020, originally written circa 2018/2019 when i first got into doctor who. has been cross-posted to various platforms, so it’s been floating around for ages. a somewhat rewritten version of “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” from Thirteen’s perspective.
don’t kill me (cus’ I’m just the messenger)
status: ongoing, 4/?
rating: teen
words: 2.9k
desc.: « The universe is waiting. »
notes: my collection of doctor who one-shots, mostly drabbles too small to fit into their own fics. updates very, very occasionally.
Respice Ad Astra
status: complete, 3/3
rating: teen
words: 19.6k
desc.: After The Doctor gets knocked into a coma, Yaz and Ryan decide to dive into their mind and try to wake them up. However, to do so, they have to travel in an hellish landscape filled with secrets from the Doctors past.
notes: my first ever multichapter fic, where i got wayyy to into the “tarot card” page of the doctor who wiki. older, but i’m still proud of it since it was, again, my first ever multichapter fic.
The Concept of Karma and Unluckiness
status: complete, 1/1
rating: gen
words: 4.7k
desc.: The Doctor is just trying to find Jack and Rose, not meet their future self at some stupid, and very boring, vacation resort. Well, it could be worse. At least they got some free custard creams out of it.
notes: one of my older fics, but i still find it enjoyable. Nine&Thirteen meeting fic.
the fifteenth letter of the alphabet
status: complete, 1/1
rating: gen
words: 3.7k
desc.: The Eleventh Doctor, on a whim, decides to give their phone number to an MI6 agent named O. Here are a few of the chatlogs that happen afterwards.
notes: chatfic spanning from Eleven’s run to Thirteen’s; no actual prose to be found here, sorry.
follow me to wonderland
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 8.6k
desc.: Yaz and Dan, they’ve been having dreams, but they haven’t felt like their own. But that’s impossible, right? It’s not like they could be having someone else’s dreams, right?
notes: trippy dream fic, i was trying to be spooky.
little nightmares
the static and the emptiness and how you lived through it
status: complete, 3/3
desc.: When Mono and Six meet in the basement of the Hunter’s cabin, neither of them think they’ll end up sticking together. That was not how this monstrous world worked, and above all else, they need to survive. Having a friend just made it harder. Luckily for both of them, they’re wrong.
notes: little nightmares destroyed me emotionally so this is how i deal with it. focuses on Mono&Six’s relationship and features canon divergence from the you-know-what. first fic is from Mono’s POV, second is form Six’s POV, and the third is an epilogue of sorts from Runaway Kid’s POV. enjoy.
living without the fear of a monochromatic existence
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 16.1k
desc.: The story of friendship, hand-holding, and how to survive longer than those who want you dead (hint — it involves those first two things).
notes: a study on Mono&Six’s relationship, with my own headcanons thrown into the mix. canon divergence for the ln2 ending. Mono’s POV.
how life works when the sun never shines
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 37.8k
desc.: The story of friendship, hunger, and trying to save yourself when you’re so intwined with another person you don’t know where to begin (hint — telling yourself something doesn’t make it true).
notes: takes place directly after first fic in the series, canon-divergence from ln2 where Mono joins Six on the Maw. Six’s POV, and features rewritten scenes from the first fic from her perspective. tw for canon-typical Six/Lady uh. dynamic.
what it means to live when you’re no longer about to drown
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 9.6k
desc.: the story of endings. and the story of beginnings.
notes: the final fic in the series, an epilogue of sorts, takes place directly after the last fic. Runaway’s POV, features some of my (very odd) Runaway characterization and an outsider pov on Mono&Six, because i live for that shit.
non-series fics
a peripeteia that happens before you wake up
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 2.9k
desc.: The story of loneliness, the passing of time, and what happens when you’re forced into isolation when your greatest fear is being alone (hint — it’s something very not good).
notes: post-ln2 trippy piece vaguely inspired by poetry.
allusions, allegories, and other literary devices involved with friendship
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 8.8k
desc.: The story of spare change, sneaking out, and holding onto the hope that someday you’ll make it out here (hint — if you’re someone like Mono and Six, you’ll make it true).
notes: a modern au. kinda.
when smelling smokes ends up causing social anagnorisis
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 10.1k
desc.: The story of weird words, paper bags, and seeing smoke before there’s even a fire (hint — sometimes you end up causing a fire anyways).
notes: a pre-ln2 fic focusing on my headcanons about Mono’s backstory.
moon knight (mcu)
using syzygy in place of a metaphor
status: ongoing, 3/?
desc.: After the whole deal with Harrow in Egypt, the Moon Knight system is attempting to live their new shared lives together. It’s a learning curve for all of them, but they’re trying, which is all you can really do in this situation, isn’t it?
notes: originally started as a canon divergence post-series one-shot people asked for a continuation of. focuses a lot on the Marc&Steven&Jake dynamic. i have a few plot bunnies planned for the future, but as of right now i’m focusing on other fandoms. all fics should be able to be read separately from one another.
selenography in regards to the human mind
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 6.8k
desc.: What comes after for a former gift shopist, an avatar for a moon deity, a minted taxi cab driver, a sorta ex-wife who is also an avatar for a hippo deity now, a local egyptian god, and their three goldfish.
notes: originally written as a post-canon divergence standalone; system is still Moon Knight and know about Jake. can be read separately from rest of series.
perigee as a reference point
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 13.4k
desc.: There’s a universe outside of London and Egypt, and people typically take notice when you mess with the night sky.
notes: a moon knight / mainline mcu crossover. can be read separately from rest of series.
the relation between lunar cycles and the three of hearts
status: complete, 2/2
rating: mature
words: 62k
desc.: Marc and Steven open Jake’s sarcophagus when they find it on the boat in the Duat. this changes things. this changes a lot of things.
notes: a what-if Steven&Marc opened Jake’s sarcophagus fic, chp1 is “Asylum” rewrite and chp2 is “Gods and Monsters” rewrite. can be read separately from rest of series. heed tw in the author’s notes.
ironfamily (mcu)
i’ll become a trumpet or a drumset (in a sad orchestra)
status: ongoing, 4/6
desc.: When Pepper gives Peter Harley’s number so the two boys can chat, some … stuff happens, including a kidnapping attempt, an Iron Lad appearance, family drama, a field trip from Hell, Tony being stressed out, and possibly a few more things. This was probably a bad idea.
notes: once again meant to be a standalone fic people asked for a continuation of. focuses on Peter&Harley relationship most often, but also features irondad and the other “ironfamily” subfandom tropes. all fics feature elements of chatfics and social media, though not all are as serious as others. one more main series fic is planned, then a collection of one-shots.
come on guy (i promise everything will be alright, be okay)
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 12.9k
desc.: When Pepper gives Peter Harley’s number so the two boys can chat, it ends up with a lot of texting, some explosions, a few threats of tasering and a kidnapping attempt. That really should be expected when these two became friends, though.
notes: a Peter&Harley centric fic, from Peter’s POV, takes place in the vague hand-wavey time post-Homecoming but pre-IW. vaguely crack-treated seriously + part social media fic.
i guess the last time (you had any fun)
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 22.8k
desc.: Harley’s staying in New York permanently now, for at least his next school year. This means a new classmate at Midtown Tech, the official introduction of ‘Iron Lad’ (name still in progress) to the public, and Tony gaining a few more grey hairs from his dumbass kids.
notes: a Peter&Harley centric fic, from Harley’s POV this time. takes place directly after last fic in series. vaguely crack-treated seriously + part social media fic.
the world’s smallest violin (really needs an audience)
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 27.4k
desc.: Tony is settling into his new, weird-but-normal routine, where he is currently mentoring two chaotic kids and, apparently, actually has some people in his corner. Which is good, given the fact that the Rogue Avengers are officially being pardoned. He’s pretty sure the stress is going to kill him before superheroing does.
notes: a Civil War-fallout fic, from Tony’s POV. takes place directly after last fic in series. less cracky then the previous two, still part social media fic.
holy moly (it’s a real do-nothing day)
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 36.5k
desc.: Midtown High Academic Decathlon Team has won their national competition. Technically, they don’t get any awards other than boring money stuff from it, which when Tony Stark hears about it, he intends to rectify — meaning they get a special, end-of-the-year field trip to Stark Industries on the behalf of Tony’s two interns; Peter Parker and Harley Keener. Ugh.
notes: POV outsider on the fieldtrip trope, written after the fieldtrip trope went out of style. goes back to being vaguely crack treated seriously + part social media fic. takes place directly after last fic in series and possibly the only one (besides the first) able to be read separately, but i wouldn’t recommend it.
the murderbot diaries
Logging Off
status: complete, 1/1
rating: gen
words: 722
desc.: Murderbot has a conversation with Dr. Mensahs daughter and reflects way more than it should.
notes: first ever Murderbot fic, written pre-Network Effect
Crossed Wires
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 4.8k
desc.: Five times a human watched Murderbot and ART interact, and one time Murderbot and ART (sort of) watched the humans interact.
notes: POV outsider on Murderbot&ART, very old with many mistakes. planning on being rewritten sometime, probably whenever the next book comes out.
five nights at freddy’s
if you get hurt we won’t cover your loss
status: ongoing, 2/3
desc.: All Gregory wanted was a warm place to sleep and some (stolen) food, but he ends up being hunted down by murderous animatronics and security guards alike, having to quite literally fight for his life, and he can’t escape no matter what he does — given that time keeps resetting whenever he dies. Too bad Gregory isn’t going to give up on this, so whoever is trying to screw him over will just have to deal with him.
notes: my Gregory-gets-stuck-in-a-time-loop verse. currently working on an alt. pov fic with plans for the sequel in place.
the party’s never over for you
status: complete, 35/35
rating: teen
words: 265k
desc.: Gregory just wanted some free (stolen) food and a warm place to sleep, except time keeps resetting whenever he dies, and he can’t escape no matter what he does. He’s way in over his head here, isn’t he?
notes: time loop fic with found family and trauma. currently my longest fic ever, so i would suggest not reading it all in one go. you’ll lose your mind.
don’t bite off more than you can chew
status: ongoing, 1/?
rating: teen
words: 6.7k
desc.: There is something odd going on in the Pizzaplex tonight, but Freddy has decided he will do everything he can to help Gregory — this odd, lost child — escape the mall unscathed. Meanwhile, Vanessa is having, quite possibility, the worst night of her life. The other animatronics don’t remember any of this.
notes: an alt. pov companion pieces to “the party’s never over for you”, featuring even more trauma and time loop shenanigans. has no strict uploading schedule and will hopefully not be as long as the og fic, but given how long all my works end up being, we’ll have to see how it goes.
bonus: check out the tumblr tag, i answer questions about it occasionally!
non-series fics
there’s a stranger in us all
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 6.2k words
desc.: Cassidy has two separate conversation with the same weepy child, who is lonely and scared and crying. The situations are just different. But that’s what really matters here, she thinks.
notes: Cassidy&CC relationship fic, bc i love the “fucked up little kid friendship” dynamic apparently. some tw apply for canon-typical gore and child death.
good omens
the “soldier, poet, king” collection
soldier, poet, king (old)
status: complete, 6/6
rating: teen
words: 95k
desc.: Eleven years ago, the Antichrist was born, set to bring upon the end of the world in due time. He was suppose to be delivered to the Order of the Chattering Nuns the night of his birth by the demon Crowley. And that’s what happened. Well, what everyone thinks happened.
notes: an Aziraphale/Crowley raise Adam AU, every chapter is a rewritten episode. formerly my longest ever fic, has now been bumped to second place. is currently being rewritten! (see below)
soldier, poet, king
status: ongoing, 1/6
rating: teen
words: 37.5k
desc.: Eleven years ago, the Antichrist was born. The baby was to be delivered to an order of satanic nuns by the demon Crowley and then be raised by a human family, and when he came into his powers, the Earth would end in fire and brimstone. And that is what happened. Or, what everyone believed had happened.
notes: the rewritten version of my previous Aziracrow raise Adam AU, this time featuring working footnotes and some improved prose. it also looks like it is going to be twice as long as the original version. oh boy.
non-series fics
love like yours will surely come my way
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 4.6k
desc.: Crowley made it so hard, sometimes, to be an Angel. So even though Aziraphale knows he really should be finding the Metatron and going back to Heaven, he was still here, kissing Crowley in his bookshop.
notes: s02e06 fix-it fic i wrote in a day, bc season 2 left me in shambles. written in my usual style and not my emulating style, but it’s still a fluffy, angst with a happy ending one-shot to heal any broken hearts. including my own. rip
the mandalorian (star wars)
but when we cry, we cry together (like it was meant to be)
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 3.5k
desc.: In which Din gets injured and thinks a bit more than he should.
notes: very old, written pre-s2. the last of what i call my “early days” fics where i was still getting used to ao3 and posting my polished fics. so, expect mistakes. tw for some mild desc. of injury.
as opposed to permanence
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 2.6k
desc.: The consequences of time travel, and what comes with being just a few seconds out-of-sync with the rest of the universe.
notes: Barry Allen time shenanigans taking place post-Snyder Cut. written before all the Ezra Miller controversies, but i still like the character.
assorted (aka, things i’ve written for class)
The Martian
it’s far behind the stars
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 814
desc.: There’s still an entire trip back to Earth to get through, and some habits are hard to break.
notes: post-canon character study written for class.
you’ve been on my mind since the flood
status: complete, 1/1
rating: teen
words: 898
desc.: The water wants Ophelia to come play. It might not just be the water.
notes: character study on Ophelia from Hamlet written for class. tw for implied character death (on par for the original play) .
4 notes · View notes
hadesrise · 2 years
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summary ➳ harry noticed you’re not like any other slytherin
pairings ➳ harry james potter x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, mutual pining, foul language, reader being an adorable slytherin, touch-deprived harry, just the chosen one thirsting over reader lmao, mentions of making out, soft!slytherin reader, pet names ( darling, love )
author’s note ➳ rewatching harry potter made me recall the time when i used to fantasize about two persons from supposedly rival houses falling for each other and saying “fuck it” to their rivalry before making out. yes, it's typical, but i like it just the way it is.
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Of all the houses in Hogwarts, it’s well known that Slytherin is the most disliked one due to their personality that doesn’t seem to include kindness regardless of how others treat them. This might have only been a stereotype that students from other houses pushed on Slytherin, but they had a very reasonable excuse for thinking of Slytherins that way because of a particular blonde haired snake and his goons that terrorize anyone and everyone they come across. Not only that, but most people from Slytherin are unpleasant to say the least and Harry can only name a few who aren’t, like Professor Slughorn for example.
So, understandably, Harry thought you’re going to be as unpleasant as other Slytherins too after Hermione accidentally bumped into you and dropped her books to scatter all over the ground. The Golden trio were walking down the hallway leading towards Hagrid’s hut, talking to one another about how Professor Trelawney freaked out again today at Divination, with Hermione carrying books more heavier than usual (the two boys offered to carry them but she refused), before they turned a corner and she collided on a rather hard chest.
She was going to apologize, but her eyes — in sync with Harry’s and Ron’s — landed on the green colored tie with silver stripes, and the blood immediately drained from her face. It’s not like she can’t defend herself, considering she sucker punched Malfoy on the third year, but dealing with a bunch of snakes can be really exhausting sometimes and frankly, she isn’t in the mood to fight with them today.
Without a word, Hermione crouches down to pick up her books. Much to their surprise, the Slytherin knelt down to help her gather the heavier and thicker books Ron and Harry were about to pick up.
When they finally made an effort to look at the unusual Slytherin Hermione bumped into, Harry was surprised to see a very good looking and attractive boy with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that seemed to spark under the light. Despite the books being heavy, you carried it easily as if they have the weight of a feather, placing another book on top of them — Harry figured you were reading it before the disaster struck.
“Are these books from Hagrid?”
The Chosen One felt his stomach fill with butterflies and heart suddenly beat rapidly at the sound of your soothing voice.
He was so used to Slytherins having that obnoxiously annoying voice, where he doesn’t know whether to cover his ears or rip them away from the sides of his head. But your voice was, even with a tone deeper than average, smooth and gentle. There was no hint of venom, distaste, unpleasantness, or despise. Just curiosity and interest. Harry also noticed you called Hagrid by his name rather than the awful big oaf other Slytherins call him all the time.
“Oh, uhm... Yes.” It took a while for Hermione to overcome the surprise and provide an answer.
“Interesting,” You hummed quietly. “I should drop by Hagrid and burrow some of his books too. He must have the book of Ancient Magical Creatures.” Muttering to yourself, the Golden trio couldn’t help but crack a smile when you seem to forget for a split second that you weren’t alone.
Gathering some courage, Harry decides to break your little bubble by hesitantly speaking. “Er — excuse me?”
“Yes?” You turn to look and catch his emerald eyes.
“You can come with us if you want. We don’t mind.”
A tiny bit of smile forms on your lips, almost unnoticeable. “With pleasure. Though, I don’t suppose it’s alright for Gryffindors to walk around with Slytherin.” You glanced around, “Some of the people from your house doesn’t tolerate their fellow Gryffindor hanging out with the rival house.”
“I think you’re okay,” Ron says reluctantly.
“If you say so.” Amusement flashes across your eyes. “Also, I’ll carry these books instead.” You didn’t let Hermione protest as you began to walk nonchalantly towards Hagrid’s hut with a slight delay to your steps; Harry figured you were purposely walking slower than your normal pace so it would be easy to walk with your shoulders lining with theirs.
You introduced yourself to them after successfully burrowing a book from Hagrid that you were searching for.
Ever since then, Harry would find himself scanning every classroom he’s in to look for you, taking mental notes of the similar classes you have together, and if you’re nowhere to be seen, he would just attempt to at least catch a glimpse of you in the Great Hall by the Slytherin table. Sometimes, when he’s fortunate enough, your eyes would meet his across the hall and you would give him the faintest of smile before returning to your meal. Other times, when the both of you are free, you would talk with each other for a while until the next class comes.
Spending his time with you made Harry notice things — such as how you’re mostly quiet, which isn’t very common in Slytherin; their loud voices being very distinguishable in the Great Hall explains that. You’re also a bit of a bookworm as he often sees you carrying or reading them around, it made him wonder why you weren’t placed in Ravenclaw, but he suppose being interested in books doesn’t automatically make someone a Ravenclaw. He also noticed the way your facial expression rarely shows rapid or strong emotions, mostly expressing boredom to anyone and anything around you, if not, your face just remains emotionless with a what Harry knew was called resting bitch face. Though, your wonderful eyes do spark seemingly brighter when you’re with him.
Another brilliant thing is finding out you don’t tolerate any of Malfoy’s bullshit.
You seem to disagree with everything the blonde says, which leads to Malfoy spitting some nasty insults in attempt to get under your skin, only to cower away when you raise a brow at him paired with deadly calm expression, which is much scarier than anything in Harry’s opinion. You were definitely not like any other Slytherin he’s ever met.
“Ron, getting a detention at potions isn’t a good reason to set Professor Snape’s office on fire!” Hermione hissed.
“But ‘ermione, he’s horrible!” Retorts Ron and turns to his best friend to plead, “Back me up here, mate!”
However, he doesn’t receive a response as Harry was too busy ogling at a particular someone by the Slytherin’s table, his hand not moving from the parchment that began to be soaked in black ink due to his quill being pressed on it. Ron and Hermione looked at each other questioningly and followed Harry’s gaze, their eyes landing on you eating quietly while ignoring the chaos members from your house were bringing. You almost looked peaceful despite surrounded by loud chattering, laughter, and the clinks of utensils against the plate.
Your patience isn’t high; you often get annoyed easily, but the way you’re unbothered no matter what’s happening around you made it seem like your patience was limitless.
Hermione rolled her eyes after realizing Harry was waiting for you to notice and rolls up the parchment she had before whacking the back of his head with it, successfully snapping him out of his daydream. “What do you think’s gonna happen if you just stare at (Y/n)?”
The Chosen One cleared his throat, taking a glance at you and quickly returning it to his best friends. “What am I supposed to do then? I can’t just walk up to him in front of other Slytherins.”
“I’d rather see you do anything than ogle at him everyday and act like an idiot.” She sighs exasperatedly.
For a boy who survived the Killing Curse and Voldemort’s multiple serious death threats, he was one hell of an annoying dork when it comes to love. He was painfully obvious with his growing crush towards you, even other Gryffindors had begun to suspect it, yet haven’t done anything to change the relationship you two have — sure, it can be called friendship, but Hermione and almost all of their friends could agree it is more than that. They couldn’t honestly contain their frustration at Harry being content with just this.
“It’s no use, Hermione.” Ron whispered when Harry went back to ogling at you. “He says he’s not going to do anything about it unless he’s sure there’s a chance.”
Sighing, the bushy haired girl shakes her head and slumped on her seat defeatedly.
How long do they have to deal with a lovesick Harry?
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Searching around the school grounds, Harry finally found you reading by the Black Lake, not caring that your robe might get dirty as you sat on the ground and read another book. It was a windy day that sent calm energy throughout your body, the rustling of leaves and the sound of lake soothing you more than usual, allowing you to focus more on the context of your book. You loved the silence where no voices or other noises can be heard, just the sound of nature slipping into your ears.
Harry slowly approached as to not startle you, but felt himself relax after you pay him no mind and sat down beside where you are. The sky seems brighter than he remembers, with only small particles of cloud littered all around.
“Are you feeling well?” You asked without looking up from your book, and Harry hugs his knees to his chest, watching the wind cause waves of water on the lake.
“Better now that I found you.” The seemingly flirtatious sentence was uttered in complete sincerity and seriousness that even Harry himself didn’t expect. The tip of his ears turned bright red in increasing embarrassment as you snapped your eyes to him, seeing an adorable blush spread rapidly across his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
You hum, slamming the book shut. Harry was now staring straight ahead at the lake, as if there was something interesting in it, making amusement appear on your usually expressionless face. “Look at you blushing, Potter. So adorable.” You whispered the last part, almost teasingly, and he blushes even more.
“Well, you’re adorable as well.” Harry dares meeting your eyes. His heart bangs even more loudly in his chest after seeing the almost loving look in them, finding himself admiring you.
All playfulness leaves your face as you stare into each other’s eyes with a mirroring hint of adoration. You shift to lean back on one of your hand while the other rise to brush a hair out of Harry’s forehead, before cupping his cheek, admiring the way his emerald eyes sparked under the warm sunlight. This is your first time seeing his face close and having the time to focus on his features more; you knew Harry was attractive the moment you set eyes on him, but you realized he looked almost ethereal at this point, making your heart flutter.
“Your eyes are really captivating,” You muttered, barely audible but reached Harry’s ears nonetheless.
He chuckled breathlessly, “I got it from my mum.”
“She must’ve been such a wonderful woman then.”
Your thumb gently rubbed his cheek and Harry couldn’t help but lean to your touch and close his eyes. He’s been touch-deprived for long, being touched with care and gentleness made him weak in the knees easily. A coo escape from your lips; an unlikely sound for Slytherin to make. Before Harry could process what was happening, you had set aside your book and pulled him to your lap, settling him between your legs. Harry blinks, surprised.
“I’m seriously soft for you, Potter. Too adorable.” You sigh, burying your hand through his dark locks and softly scratching his scalp.
Getting over his initial shock, Harry relaxed and made himself comfortable, letting his body rest against yours as he laid his head on your chest. It worried him that you might hear his rapidly beating heart, but honestly couldn’t bring himself to care when you were being so generous, holding him, playing with his hair. If others were to see you and him like this, they would certainly assume it’s the end of the world for two rival houses to be cuddly with each other when they usually spit hatred.
Though, after meeting you, Harry had begun to believe not all Slytherins are bad — it’s just that people, including himself, unfairly stereotyped them as a bunch of evil-doers only because of the choices that older people from Slytherin made in the past, which the young Slytherins are definitely not in control of. There are questionable Slytherins like Malfoy and his goons, but they’re not a reason for others to start generalizing that all students from the snake house is evil.
Slowly and albeit hesitantly, Harry wraps his arms around your back and nuzzles your chest. You’re absolutely different from other Slytherin members, but he still found it odd that a Slytherin is this nice and affectionate, especially when you’re usually quiet and socially distant, preferring to be alone with slightest bit of annoyance directed at your fellow housemates.
Closing his eyes as sleepiness start to fall over his eyelids, the Chosen One wondered why you’re only doing this with and to him. He’s never seen you with anyone before, and when he did, you always maintained clear distance from them, as if they held contagious disease. It made him feel special in any way, but also confused.
His sleepy voice make you chuckle softly. “Hmm?”
“Why are you so affectionate with me?”
Your hand playing with his hair abruptly stops, and for a second Harry thought he made a mistake of mentioning it. However, relief floods him when you went back to massaging his scalp. “Isn’t it obvious, Potter?”
He shakes his head. Don’t want to assume.
Silence falls as you stop your hand again. Curiosity of your expression plaguing his mind, Harry opens his eyes and looks up without moving from his laying position — his breath almost stopping when he came across a very loving gaze staring at him like he was the entire universe. His heart swell as heat rushes to his cheeks. He attempted to hide his face by burying it on your chest, but you held him still, hand cupping his cheek once again.
You don’t even give him time to react before you captured his lips on yours, practically stealing Harry’s breath away. Just a gentle kiss on the lips, but enough to make his brain fuzzy.
Pulling away before he could reciprocate, you smiled. Not a forced one, but genuine and coming from the bottom of your heart. “Does that answer your question, Harry?”
Despite the fluttering of his heart and the urge to jump up and down in pure joy, Harry pouts. “Not enough.”
You chuckled. “I need to be persuasive then.”
Needless to say, you both missed the next class making out by the Black Lake and not caring about getting caught.
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Ron and Hermione were freaked out. The reason lies with Harry, who’s been in an awfully good mood the entire day to the point even Malfoy can’t get through him and he began noticing some good qualities in some of the Slytherin members. Don’t get them wrong, Harry being in a good mood is great because the boy deserves a day without constantly fighting for his life and feeling like everyone’s against him, but attempting to find the good qualities even in Malfoy? That’s when the two gets really concerned.
When lunch break comes around, Harry was still in a brilliant mood, smiling to himself because of whatever merlin knows. Ron and Hermione shares a look as they continue to eat, observing their best friend who began to look for you in the Slytherin table, his smile immediately widening after he sees you.
Hermione turns around just in time for you to look up from the foods and meet Harry’s eyes. Unexpectedly, a soft smile appears on your lips as you wave at him, not caring when your housemates see it. Harry chuckled, waving back, before you returned to eating your food in silence. The three of them witnessed Malfoy mutter something that caused you to roll your eyes and smack the back of his head with the book you were reading before.
“So,” Ron began after he and Hermione looked back at Harry. “Is there something you’re not telling us, ‘arry?”
The said boy only raised his eyebrows, unable to contain his grin.
“Come on, Harry!” Hermione urged.
Before anyone could respond, however, someone took a seat on the empty space beside Harry — turning their heads, they were surprised to see you there.
“Hello, love.” Harry almost melted at the pet name. You gave his best friends a polite smile, “Excuse him from your conversation for a moment, Hermione, Ron.”
“Of course, go ahead.” Neither of them could honestly deny a polite Slytherin no matter how much they want to.
“What is it?” Harry questioned, more than welcome to talk with you. However, you seem to have a different idea in mind as you leaned in without a word and captured his lips in a lingering kiss, hearing gasps erupt from multiple places — mainly Ron, Hermione, any Gryffindor who were wondering why a Slytherin paid Harry Potter a visit, Malfoy, his goons, and some other Slytherins who just happened to catch the moment. Few students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had their mouths open in shock as well.
There was a smug look on your face when you pulled away, smirking at Malfoy who was previously babbling some nonsense that you couldn’t possibly like Potter and are probably just using him. By the looks of it, you had succeeded in proving the blonde ferret wrong.
“What was that for?” Harry asked breathlessly. You caught him off guard.
“Oh, nothing. Just proving to gits that Gryffindor and Slytherin are sometimes compatible if it’s with the right person.” You shrugged, resting an elbow on the table and putting your chin on the palm of your hand. “In short, I wanted to prove people wrong who says we can’t be together since you’re a Gryffindor as I am a Slytherin.”
“Wait, someone told you that?”
“Rumors of us being seen making out by the Black Lake travels fast,” You sipped on Harry’s pumpkin juice, which he didn’t mind even the slightest as he blushed, avoiding Ron’s and Hermione’s wide and intrigued eyes. “One little bird from Ravenclaw thought it’d be wise to practically squeal it in the hallways that the rumor’s impossible because of our houses rivalry.”
You snort, “As if we give a fuck about that.”
For the first time, Harry actually saw the Slytherin in you.
And he wasn’t going to complain, not when you’re not like any other.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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ryder-writes · 2 months
Your Daughter is Getting Bullied- Dad!Kiribaku x Reader
CW: Bulling, your kid has a bruise, implication of Kirishima dealing with SH in the past
A/n: I randomly got motivation to write angry dad Kirishima so here we are lmao.  It is not said whether you had your daughter biologically or if she were adopted. If u read my Dad!Bakugo fic and recognize your daughters name no you don’t. Also u can tell when I lost motivation💀
WC: 1.1k
Eijiro Kirishima was blinded by rage. He couldn’t see anything but red.
"What do you mean my daughter is being bullied?!" He yelled, demanding an answer.
"Mr. Kirishima, please calm do-"
"Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!" He slammed his hands on the principal's desk. "When I come to pick up my daughter I should not see a bruise on her arm!"
"Mr. Kiri-"
"No. I'm going home to talk to my daughter and partners about what to do about your unprofessional and incompetent school staff." He spat. He turned around and grabbed his daughter's backpack from the office chair before walking toward the door. He stopped in the door way and turned his head back toward the principal. "Expect a letter from my office." He snarled. He made his way to his daughter's classroom, controlling his breathing as he walked. Once he was calm enough, he walked into the classroom.
"Dada!" Enya yelled, running to hug her dad.
"Hey, Sunshine." Eijiro smiled. He turned to her teacher. "Thank you so much for looking after her."
"Oh of course, Mr. Kirishima. I apologize for not noticing sooner." She apologized. He raised his hand;
"No, no. This isn't your fault." He sighed. "I want to say thank you for being such an amazing teacher. Enya really enjoys your class." He chuckles under his breath, "She talks about it all the time at home." The teacher smiled.
"I'm thankful that I could teach your daughter."
"Well, we should get home." Eijiro said as he picked up Enya. "Say goodbye, Sunshine." Enya turned around and waved:
"Bye-bye! See you tomorrow!" Eijiro bit his lip.
Eijiro turned the key and unlocked the front door to your house. Enya immediately ran inside to go greet you and Katsuki. He sighed and closed the door behind him. He dropped his duffel bag (filled with his hero gear) and Enya's backpack on the organizer by the door. He walked into the dining room to see Katsuki at the dinner table. Enya was on his lap, talking to him about her day. Eijiro assumed he was reading, as there was a book folded on the table, as well as his reading glasses perched on the top of his head. You were across the way in the kitchen, cooking dinner. He walked over to you, letting his head fall on your shoulder and his hands grab your waist.
"Hello, Ei." You chuckled as you turned your head and kissed his head. He grumbled in response. "What's wrong, love?" You asked. You knew that it wasn’t good to hide your emotions; Eijiro taught you that. He buried his head deeper into your shoulder and mumbled something. "Hmm?" You asked for clarification. Your moment, however, was interrupted by a loud voice.
"Katsuki! Language!" You yelled, leaving Eijiro's grasp and making your way towards Katsuki. "Now, what…happened..." You were in shock. Right there, on your daughter's arm, was a bright purple and yellow bruise. You immediately ran over and crouched down next to your daughter (who was still on Katsuki's lap). "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, it doesn’t hurt anymore." She answered. In your peripheral, you saw Katsuki's eye twitch.
"Okay, that’s good. Go change out of your uniform then we'll have dinner, okay?" She nodded and walked away to her room. As soon as she was out of earshot, Katsuki dragged his hands across his face.
"Fucckk." He groaned. "Why would anyone do that to her?!" He stood up from his chair and started pacing. You grabbed his glasses off of his head, just incase he accidentally broke them from his rage again.
"I don’t know, Kats." You sighed. Your heart sunk. "Do you think it's because of us?"
"What? No, of course not baby." Eijiro comforted you by grabbing your hand.
"I don’t know." Katsuki interjected.
"What? I mean it's possible. I know for a fact that no one else in her class has three parents." He reasoned. You shifted your weight, uncomfortable with the fact that Katsuki was probably right.
"Okay, but that doesn’t have to be the case." Eijiro tried to reason. "There could very well be another reason."
"Like what, Red?" Katsuki took a step toward Eijiro. "Fuckin' tell me what else." Eijiro remained silent. "Can't, can you?"
"Guys." You sighed. They both immediately stopped and looked at you in unison. "Let's just ask Enya." You suggested.
 Eijiro chuckled dryly:  "Yeah, that might be better."
"So, Squirt, do y'know why you got hurt?" Katsuki asked. You four were now in her room, putting her to bed.
"Well, Abby pushed me into my desk today." She answered.
"Did she say why?" You inquired.
"Uh- she said it was cause I didn’t have 'good normal parents'." She made air quotes with her hands. Your eyes all widened . Eijiro immediately stood up and left, clenching his fists. You noticed Enya watching him leave.
"Don’t worry sweetheart, Dada just needs some time." You kiss her forehead tell her goodnight before heading out to where Eijiro had gone. You found him pacing around the living room, hands mindlessly scratching at his arms. You immediately walked over in front of him and grabbed his hands, ceasing his movement. You interlaced you fingers with his, bringing his attention to the semicolon bracelet he wore.
He exhaled. "Thank you." You hummed in response. "I just don’t know what to do. I want what's best for her but… she loves that school."
"That doesn’t matter if she's getting hurt." Katsuki remarked from the hallway. "I don’t care what she thinks. I'm not willingly let her go to a school where she's getting bullied."
"Her opinion is still important, Kats." You reasoned.
"Yeah, yeah. Sure."
"Okay, but I think Katsuki is right, Hun." Eijiro Let go of one of your hands to grab onto one of Katsuki's. "I don’t feel safe sending her there anymore."
You sighed: "Yeah, you're right. I just feel bad for her."
"Dada, why didn’t you wake me up?"
"Oh, sorry Sunshine. You're not going to school today."
"Oh." Enya paused. "Why?"
"Uhm, we just want to make sure that you're getting a good education." Eijiro rubbed the back of his neck. You and Katsuki both knew that meant he was lying. Luckily, Enya hadn't realized that yet. You walked into the living room, seeing him sitting on the couch on his laptop, talking to Enya who had just woken up. He was looking at new schools, since his patrol wasn’t until later. You called Enya into the kitchen, telling her it was time for breakfast. Eijiro got up and joined her as well (Katsuki had left already).
"Honey, can we talk real quick?" You asked.
"Of course." He answered, following you into the hallway.
"I was thinking, what if she gets bullied at her new school?" You whispered, voice laced with concern. Ei gave you a sympathetic smile.
"I don’t think she will. And, even if she does," He rested his forehead against yours "we'll be there for her."
A/n Pt.2: Okay, okay. I know the ending sucks, I had plans to write more I swear but motivation's a bitch. Anyways, if you enjoyed Dad!Bakugo and Dad!Kirishima, feel free to check out my masterlist, with more dad content.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Can I ask a Steve Harrington x shy!reader where she has a locket that represents him (like the initial SH) and she always wears it but under her shirt so that no one can see? One day, Steve comes home to find her asleep, he smiles and leans to kiss her but then finds out her little secret. Just fluff:)
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steve finds a sweet surprise when sneaking into your bedroom to see you — steve x gn!reader fluff
warnings: none:)
words: 1.1k
a/n: this was supposed to be a little tiny blurb idk what happened lmao but I hope you like it!
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Steve was supposed to be there at 11 o’clock sharp. 
He had promised you that as soon as the arcade closed and all the boys were dropped off at home, he’d be sneaking up into your room without a sound. ‘Like a ninja’ were his exact words; and maybe it was your fault for assuming ninjas were punctual. 
You had given him a little grace period, maybe twenty minutes where he could come and you wouldn’t be upset with him. An hour after that ended, you decided you weren’t even going to wait anymore. If Steve was willing to wait that long to see you, he could wait even longer. 
You decided to change into a pair of pyjamas instead of staying in your normal clothes all night and then get ready for bed. After turning out your lights and closing your curtains, you tucked yourself in and quickly fell asleep. 
Unluckily, Steve had arrived just a few minutes after you dozed off. He cursed himself quietly when he saw your curtains drawn—already knowing you’d be pissed at him for being late—then tumbled over your windowsill since he was using one hand to palm away the hanging fabric. As he was climbing, he noticed you were asleep and was shocked that you stayed in your state despite the thud he made when he hit the ground. He was thankful you didn’t wake, though; he didn’t want your morning grumpiness on top of your anger at him for not showing up on time. 
When he walked towards your bed, a smile graced his face at the closer sight of your peaceful figure. He wondered what you were dreaming about, and of course he hoped it was him. 
Steve crouched down to plant a kiss on your forehead before pausing and contemplating what he should do. He pondered staying, but he didn’t want to be the kind of creep who sneaks into girls’ beds when they’re sleeping—even if you were dating. Then he thought about sleeping on the floor, but he didn’t want to deal with back pain when he’s already on his feet all day. So, he decided that he’d write a nice note, promise to take you out for a make-up date tomorrow night, then leave the same way he came. 
He sauntered over to the desk across from your bed so he could borrow a pen and piece of paper, then carefully avoided picking the stationery he remembered you calling ‘the expensive stuff’. Personally, he doesn’t understand why anyone would buy writing supplies when they were always just laying around somewhere, but he didn’t judge you. 
Steve started the note out by addressing it and drawing no less than five hearts around your name. Then he got straight to the apology. He wasn’t sure how much he should say, so he just told himself that he’d explain, apologise, and promise to make it up to you until his hand started cramping—and he did just that. He signed his name at the bottom of the page, then capped your pen and thought about where to put it. 
His first thought was to leave it on your pillow, but then he got worried about you smudging it in your sleep and not reading what he wrote, so he went with his next thought of your nightstand. He would leave it by your alarm clock, leave, then you would find it in the morning and all would be okay. But a shiny object on the night table caught his attention and delayed his plan. 
You always wore a gold locket, but you never showed the inside to anyone. All your friends had tried to guess, saying everything from a magazine cutout of Rob Lowe to a single brown m&m, but you never revealed it. 
And now here that necklace was, right in front of Steve, and he couldn’t resist looking. As worried as he was that you’d be mad at him for peeking, he told himself that you’d never find out and it was only a tiny peek. So, he placed the note on the nightstand, and swapped it for the necklace. 
As tough as the decision was on whether he should look or leave it alone, the locket itself was actually quite easy to open. And once he saw the picture, his heart swelled at least two sizes and he wished he had looked before now.
It was a tiny black and white picture of him that was cut out from the school newspaper. He remembers the exact photo, too. It was his last meet with the Hawkins High swim team, and he had tried harder than ever to win. After finishing the half mile distance a second before the rival school, he was completely exhausted.
Your boyfriend came out of the water, and barely got to sit down for a minute before some skinny sophomore had come up wanting to take a picture of him and the rest of the team for the school paper. He had initially told the kid the buzz off, but you had reminded him how hard he worked, and that this might be the last time he ever gets to be in the newspaper, and he reluctantly got up to pose with the rest of his peers. 
He smiled quickly, then went back to the bench to sit with you, grumbling about how he probably looks like he’s about to pass out in the photo. You laughed, but assured him that you saw his smile and he actually looked like a million bucks. 
He tried arguing, but you fed his ego by reminding him a million times of how pretty he always looks and that the picture was no exception. A few days later, the paper came out and you pointed it out as soon as you saw it. 
“See?” You said with a sigh. “The hottest Hawkins High swim champ ever. I’m gonna keep this forever, it’s such a good picture of you.”
Steve didn’t know you actually kept it for this long. He honestly assumed you threw it out the next day, and he certainly didn’t expect you to keep it after graduation. He stroked the edge of the locket with his thumb and wondered when you put the picture in the locket and just how often you looked at it.
The smile on his face wasn’t going anywhere at this point, and it likely wouldn’t leave until he fell asleep. 
He closed the locket and put it back right where he found it, then leaned down to push the hair from your face and kissed your cheek. He whispered a ‘goodnight, sleep tight, baby’ and walked across the room to crawl out through your window. 
Steve wouldn’t tell you about what he saw tonight, but he was sure he’d never stop thinking about it. 
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
I'm so sorry for all the notifications lmao I'm going around liking every ask because i haven't been on the page for a bit. And why the fuck is all the asks making me like Lars. I don't want to like Lara because Lara doesn't want to like my MC.. i already have enough problems with Rook 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I need to stay away from these problematic ROs. 😭
Oh quessssstiiioooon someone's probably asked this before but I've seen it on a few blogs. But since magic is obvs a thing. If someone cursed MC or gave them something that could only be broken by true love's kiss (especially since mc doesn't really have the healthiest relationship with those they are close to so who would think they could break a spell like that)
and it's after they've confessed to the ROs. How would they react to MC not waking up at first after they kissed them... but waking up after they've started having a major meltdown after all?
If you have gotten this ask could i please have a link because finding anything on tumblr is... 😒
And i literally fall in love with this goddamn IF every time i read anything on this page. It's a curse in itself... I hope you have a lovely weekend 🤣😇💜
Omg never apologize for mass liking, that's literally anyone on Tumblr's lifeblood lol
Also you know, I feel like Lars, despite being the biggest asshole of the ROs, is still less of a handful then Rook lmfaO good luck with dealing with them!
Also I have not been asked this one before! Felt very inspired it with, so I turned it into a prompt!
            You’re so still against the touch of his lips. You’re still even after he pulls away. His chest buzzes so loud it echoes in his ears. You don’t move, not even the flutter of your lashes and he should have known. How can he be your true love, when he spent so many years running away?
            Whoever it is, would look you in the eyes when you said you loved them. They’re someone who would have taken you in their arms instead of turning away again and again. He sinks to his knees, hands clutching at the side of the bed where you lay. Tears burn at his eyes, but not a single one falls.
            Even before he made this foolish decision, he knew. All that’s left is to find the one could wake up. If you’re life lays in the hands of someone else, a fact he always knew, then so be it.
            He’ll let you go, like he should have so long ago. He will. He just needs another moment here with you before he turns away. He needs to hear your heartbeat and the cadence of your breathing for one last time.
            Time passes as slow as honey, thick and opaque. His body is listless. In the silence, your breath catches and he blinks. Turns. You take another shaky breath, and when your eyes open, he’s on his feet.
            “MC!” He gathers you in his arms, holding on tight. “Oh, thank god. I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
            His forehead falls against your shoulder, and the tears finally fall. Your awake, your body is warm. And maybe, just maybe, he really does have a chance to make things right.
            When you don’t move after he pulls away, he doesn’t waver. Magic is strange, it can effect everyone differently, and with how much magic has affected you, he isn’t concerned that there isn’t an immediate response.
            Instead, he takes a seat next to where you lay. He brings his knees up to his chest and tells you about all the things you’ve missed. The first flowers of spring, the new used bookstore that opened up on the corner, school events, and class drama.
            The time ticks down, and it pricks at his heart. He keeps talking. About himself, about his life, about how he first fell for you, about how you are the warmth of the fire on a winter day, and if even if he isn’t your true love, then that’s ok. He’s just so glad he was able to have any time with you at all.
            At some point, his throat is dry and he’s run out of words. What can he say, as the sky turns a dusty orange. He swallows, eyes fluttering closed and feel the first of the tears fall. If it isn’t him to wake you up, then who will it be? And how long will you be cursed to sleep until they find you?
            A world without your laugh is far worse than a world where the two of you aren’t meant to be.
            You shift beside him, and he goes still. When he looks, he sees your eyes flutter open, eyebrows furrowing as you look at him.
            “…You’re awake.” He says, voice barely above a whisper. He brushes his fingers against your cheek, so impossibly gently. “You’re awake.”
            He laughs, a watery, trembly sort of laugh, as he runs a thumb against your cheek. You’ll still be with him.
            “Please wake up.” She whispers, kneeling next to you. There is no sign the kiss did anything. It’s fine, this isn’t the end of the world. She has had the logic of magic seared into her brain, and she knows how it works. She’ll wait. She can wait.
            But still, you remain still. She gets up and moves around, to give her body something to do as she waits. She’s not good at that, waiting. She always needs to be in the midst of doing something. Making progress. When something’s out of her hands like this, she feels like she’s in freefall.
            There might be a chance, she thinks as time ticks by, that you and her aren’t the ones for each other. Somehow, it makes the anxious energy in her gut easier to deal with. As long as she doesn’t think of the heartbreak that will hit the moment she leaves your side, it gives her a plan. Something to work towards. Steps to map out to figure out where to go from here and how to wake you up. The process of even finding the one who could do so.
            She’s on step four when your fingers twitch. She goes still in response. All her thoughts scatter. Like a deer in headlights she watches you, wondering if it was just her imagination. But then your body shifts and she’s next to you again, softly calling your name.
            “MC? Can you…can you hear me darling?” When you blink away, she feels a smile bloom despite herself. You’re awake and well and still hers.
            There’s doubt in their chest even before they press a kiss against your lips. For it to be them? They’re not the kind of person who makes it into fairytales. They know this. Stories are the sort of thing they’ve studied their entire life. They exist on the other side of the glass, able to peer in but never able to be.
            As you remain still, they stand and lean back on their heel. Whoever your true love is, it isn’t them. It isn’t that they doubt your love, but it’s hard to imagine that kind of forever for them. If this was the fate they were dealt, then so be it. And even so, you were their first love, and that’s a kind of special whatever comes next can’t take away. Even on different paths, even living different lives, you can both still be a fond memory for the other.
            But god, they’ve never experience heartbreak either or the way it collides into their body and leaves them breathless. They wanted this. Every moment with you was a dream they never thought they’d get a chance to see. They were awkward and clumsy, and they were the luckiest person alive to have been able to met you.
            They press a hand against their mouth, to stop the sob that’s trying to break through them. The image of you blurs as tears collect in their eyes and stream down their cheeks. They squeeze their eyes shut, trying to collect themselves.
            It’s why it startles them, when they feel a hand reaching out, “…Zoe?”
            They choke on a gasp, eyes flying open to see you awake. You’ve pulled yourself up, and your eyes are open. It strikes them so suddenly, they all but throw themselves against you. Any embarrassment they used to feel is gone. They’ll never let themselves hesitate again.
            “You would get yourself cursed.” He whispered against your lips as he pulls away. He doesn’t believe in true love or soulmates. For a curse to be based on the concept, it must make it the flimsiest curse to have been made. All it really needs is love and faith and stubbornness. Maybe his faith is lacking, but he sure as hell can make up for it with stubbornness.
            So he waits. He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and wonders how long it will take. His hand toys with your fingers absently. With you asleep, you won’t be able to comment on the display. He still remembers when you said you loved him, the look in your eyes that left no room for doubt. He thought you were making a terrible decision, but he wasn’t one to complain. Your terrible decision, just lead to his great decision to go along with it.
            The time passes slow, but the anxiety never comes. That isn’t who he is. Not when he’s sure about this, or at least more sure about it then whatever magic was used on you. And even if the kiss doesn’t wake you up, he’ll just find whoever cursed you in the first place and make them reap the consequences.
            When he feels your hand move, slipping your fingers between his, he sighs, “About time you got up.”
            “Lars? My hand—”
            “Don’t get used to it.” You laugh, the sound scratchy from sleep, and he feels his body relax. It was nice to have you back.
            They know your souls are too entwined to have a doubt. That doesn’t not mean there won’t be blood on their hands for what was done to you. How dare someone curse the one they love. How dare someone put their hands on you.
            They’re kiss is so painfully soft despite the violent rage in their chest. It’s been so long since they’ve felt this burning under their skin. Did the Curse Giver think you were alone and unloved? Did they not realize you had someone who was entwined with you in every way, down to the way you take a breath.
            The wraiths flicker around them, agitated by the tremble in their body. They keep close to you, body curved as a way to shield you from the rest of the earth. If you don’t wake soon, they’re hands will find a blade, and that blade will find a body. The wraiths whisper amongst each other, as though capable of soothing them.
            “But you were cursed even before this, weren’t you?” They breathe, pressing another kiss to your forehead. You shift beneath them, and when they pull away you open your eyes.
            You say their name, and the sound of it wraps around them. They have a Curse Giver to kill, but for now, they only lay down beside you, and ask if you’re ok. You’ve been asleep for so long, and it took too long to get to you. They’ll never be late again.
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
Hi love, I was wondering if you could do the Yughi-oh boys realizing they’re in love with you and how they act in a relationship
Ofc I love this <3 I did kinda the full thing from meeting you to dating you but oh well 🤷‍♀️ also kinda cringy and I think Seto’s was a little short but oh well
Yu-gi-oh boys in love with their S/o
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Yugi Muto
How y’all met was wild-
Instead of the black cat and golden retriever trope you were more like a blunt angry bear and cute little golden retriever puppy trope
You met when you both were younger and became close friends
That’s when he got a crush on you but honestly it was relatively small
He would always try and be around you but eventually you started to see each other less and less
There was a particular reason for it
It just kind of happened that way
Now you two met again around season two which made Yugi ecstatic
Yami was cool with you relatively
Joey not so much-
The moment he fell in love with you though
Some random person tried to steal his deck from his belt so you chased after them and not only did you get his deck back but you beat the hell out of them and got them to apologize to Yugi
His heart bursted out of his heart after seeing how much you care about him
He was smitten
He was definitely not the one who asked you out
He got to scared every time he tried because he knew if you didn’t like him back you wouldn’t be super nice about it lmao
It was you who asked him out
But it wasn’t anything to fancy
You came up to Yugi at the end of school and offered to walk home with him
Which he said yes of course
When you finally got to his house you told asked him to go on a date with you
Bro almost bursted into tears
In a relationship he is the sweetest boy alive
He definitely has scary dog privileges
You come to every one of his duels because while you don’t play, you care about his interests
You always come with him on his little journeys with his friends
Then you were forced to play which you hated but won really easily even though you knew nothing
He likes physical touch with if you like it as well he’ll cuddle up to you at night and fall asleep
He always buys you food too
He is ok with the causal pda like holding hands but doesn’t want to attract attention so anything subtle he’s ok with
And quick pecks on the cheek
He tells you he loves you every night even if he doesn’t expect you to say it back
Bought matching necklaces for you to wear for Christmas
Expect him to make you breakfast whenever he can even though he is a terrible chef and you end up going to a cafe
He’ll stand up to anyone that’s rude to you and when they start to try and get physical you pretty much appear out of thin air and step in which he doesn’t like because he wants to stand up to your bullies
“Hey you don’t get to say anything about them!”
“Who the hell are you? Their plaything?”
“No! I’m their boyfriend! You don’t get to talk about them that way!”
“Why? You have a problem with it, punk?”
“He might not, but I do.”
“You don’t have to step in. I got this!”
“No, Yugi. I think I’m going to be dealing with them this time.”
“But I wanted to…”
“We’ll talk about this late babe.”
“Fine! Be nice! Love you!”
“Love you too, Yugi.”
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Yami Yugi
You two met pretty randomly
You came up to him while he was at the arcade with his friends and you kissed him
He heard a couple Oohs but he was more concerned on who you are and why you’re kissing him
Once you broke the kiss you just walked away leaving him baffled at the situation
He followed after you and demanded to know why you kissed him
He doesn’t know what he expected but the answer ‘it was a dare’ was not definitely not what he thought
It made him disappointed ngl
He let out a little oh and then let you walk away
He thought about you ever since that day
Then he met you again
He came up to you while you were sitting at a cafe reading a book and sat down right across from you
He expected you to remember him but alas you didn’t lmfao
But even though you didn’t remember him you still offered him food and didn’t insist on him leaving
Honestly it was a little concerning considering the fact you thought he was a stranger
Somehow through all of this you guys became friends
Whenever he is in Domino City and not on his little journeys he goes out to a cafe with you
He tries to do this every Saturday but it doesn’t always work out with both of your schedules
You and Yami had the slowest slow burn known to man
He didn’t realize he was in love with you for a while
Until he saw you kissing someone else
He was so confused at what he was feeling that he went back home and just sat oh his bed
He asked Yugi about it and he was the one that made Yami realize he was in love with you
He wasn’t a big fan of the feeling
He tried to avoid you as much a possible but that did last to long
You cornered him into an alleyway and made him explain his behavior
And while he tried to lie… he isn’t a good liar‏
When he was trying to play cool you kissed him and he quickly forgot about everything and kissed back
During the little make out session you asked him to date you causing him to stop
He told you about seeing you kiss someone else and didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who likes someone else
Then you had to explain how the guy kissed you and it would never happen again because you had your eyes set on Yami since the first day you met him
He believed you and became your boyfriend
He is much more closed off and private about pretty much everything to do with you
His friends didn’t even know about you until Yugi told them how Yami is dating someone
He doesn’t say it out loud that he loves you or engage in to much physical affection but he does always bring and buy you stuff
Anything he sees that he think you’ll like he’ll buy
Unlike Yugi, when he makes you food he doesn’t mess it up
Honestly probably the best food you’ll ever have in your life
It’s usually for special occasions only
When you two do cuddle it’s mostly in bed with you both about to go to sleep and spooning each other with you as the big spoon and him as the little one
Every new place he goes to he brings something back for you if you don’t want to go along
He invites you to every one of his matches
He is very quiet and reserved speaking wise but you can usually tell what he’s thinking based off his body language
Will watch anything you want with you while eating popcorn and other unhealthy food
He also got you this really expensive ring for Christmas
“Yami… you shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
“I know but this! This is so…”
“Lovely? I don’t understand do you not want it? I can get you another if you would like.”
“No Yami. It’s just so expensive looking I mean have you looked at me? It’ll be like a shining red ferrari in a haystack.”
“Do you not like it?”
“No. It’s gorgeous, but you’re going to be really disappointed with what I got you.”
“Anything you get me I will treasure with my life.”
“Thanks Yami, but just know it’s not a expensive ass ring.”
“I kind of already figured.”
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Joey Wheeler
This man fell for you the moment he met you… literally.
It what gots your attention so he’s not really complaining
He honestly thought whenever you two would meet you were flirting with him but in reality you were being normal
He would always flirt back which you noticed but decided on not saying anything
While he had a ‘flirty’ relationship with you and like you he didn’t love you
Until you and him went to the arcade-
You were competing against him in one of the games and when you won you let out a deep laugh making him start to laugh as well
It made him realize how much he enjoys you and he wants to be with you forever
You’re the person that makes him happy after all
As soon as he realized that he asked you out which you replied with a short yes and told him you’re going to be at one of the shooting games
He honestly didn’t know if he should be happy or sad
I mean you said yes but then you acted like him asking you out wasn’t a big deal
When he confronted you on it probably more angry than he needed you just told him you knew he liked you and expected it
He got a little bit embarrassed over that
When you two start dating he’s really sweet and dresses to impress but as time goes on he becomes the type of boyfriend that will come into your home grab your chips and watch tv with you with his stained shirt and sweatpants
Not that your complaining
He always buys you gifts when he can but he’s kind of broke so there definitely a little bit trashy
He’s usually staying at your house at night and will sleep in holding onto you tight so when you wake up you can’t go anywhere
He’s a very cuddly person and always wants your arm wrapped around him whenever and wherever
He introduced you to his sister a moth or so after you two started dating and it was safe to say she loved you
Even if she didn’t understand you
He’s also nervous that you’ll leave him for someone else so he gets jealous really quickly
If you are involved in sports like football or soccer or wrestling he’ll be cheering you on from the sides yelling something like ‘WOOOOO IM DATING THE ONE IN WHITE YEAH BABE YOU GO’ ‘Joey they’re all in white…’ ‘YUGI SHUSH’
Whenever he’s dueling the thing that keeps him going is you
You and him go out to dinner whenever you guys can
You’re the one that pays for it though
He will honestly cheer you on if you decided to beat someone up
As long as you had a good reason
“Yeah Baby you got this!”
“Didn’t you say you were heading home Joey?”
“Don’t focus on that focus on those pedos!”
“Will do hun. Do you want to join me? Your getting very close.”
“No way in hell!”
“Ok then.”
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Seto Kaiba
He hated you when he first met you
You two got off to a bad start
He was working at a cafe when you came close and tripped spilling your coffee over him and his computer
You were dared by Mokuba even though you had no idea who either of them were
Since you were pretty much broke and couldn’t afford to pay for the stuff (which was over $7000) he just hired you instead
That honestly did not help
You just kept bugging him and asking him questions about the job
The only reason he didn’t fire you immediately is because he thought you were suffering while working for him (even though you were having a great time and he was the one suffering)
It was unexpected to fall in love with you
You were walking home when you saw a couple boys surrounding Mokuba
When you saw one of the boys hit him you stepped in scaring the kids off
You saw that Mokuba had a bruise forming on his check and his clothes were ripped
Since your house was so close you just took him home to get him fixed up and gave him some clothes that were to big for him so he ended up looking like Jesse Pinkman
You called Seto and when he answered he was a little agitated because Mokuba was no where to be found and he thought you would be asking about how to work the printer again
But when you told him how you had Mokuba all the agitation in his voice decimated
He let a soft that I you a hanged up only 5 minutes later he showed up at your door even though you never told him your address
When he saw you he just got this feeling that he couldn’t explain
It wasn’t until you asked him if he wanted to get coffee did he realize what he was feeling
He wouldn’t be surprised if he had hearts in his eyes for you
He told you he liked you a day later and you two started dating
The beginning of the relationship was a little awkward because of how little both of talk
It helped that you understood Seto’s schedule so you ok with him coming home really late in the night
He buys you a lot of things that you probably don’t need
You always watch over Mokuba instead of the guards when he can’t
When he does come home on time he always leaves super early in the morning
Whenever he comes home late he always climbs into bed with you
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry go back to bed.”
“It’s fine. I was waiting for you but I got tired.”
“I can see that.”
“Mokuba is asleep in the other room.”
“I’ll bring him home in the morning.”
“He can stay I don’t mind.”
“We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 months
Ok im back in my JJ Maybank era 🧎🏻
Could you do a JJ Maybank x male reader with them being in an established relationship, and the pouges (+reader obvs) are having a bonfire party and reader maybe drinks a little more than the others. Everyone is talking and just mingling with each other when out of no where reader comes out with a microphone/mini karaoke machine (?) and starts singing 'That should be me' by Justin Bieber to JJ in front of everyone. Reader being too drunk to remember that they're literally already in a relationship and wants to 'win him over'. And probably ends up with JJ having to pick up reader and dragging him away to get him to stop 'declaring his love' in front of an audience lmao (All light hearted and fluffy ofc <3).
I would like to firstly apologize for such a long wait 😭 this request was sent in before I closed my requests, making it basically one of if not the last one I accepted so felt the need to make it good for you. It’s been in the process of being made for months now, so. It is very much possible you are no longer in said JJ Maybank era but nonetheless I hope you enjoy this Anon despite it not being perfect, and anyone else who is reading. Thank you for the request and anyone reading, enjoy. (It was actually kinda fun to write this when I got into it again)
JJ Maybank x Male! Reader
“Love You Like a (drunk) Love Song”
cw: alcohol, one mention of weed. Possibly a little ooc? I haven’t watched the show in a while. Loosely edited. Silly. Mid ending. Kinda long.
The world is spinning.
Just a little bit, though.
Or maybe more.
Hold on.
Bumps and valleys from peoples footprints indent the sand, grains of tiny rocks flying behind their dancing shoes. 
In the middle of the drunk crowds, teenagers stumbling about with bottles in their hands, is you, with your own bottle tucked between curled fingers. Number 3 maybe? You’re not sure anymore.
Through blurry vision, you stumble around with a lopsided grin, drunken laughs falling from it at every bump and nudge. Music pumps through the Boneyard, ringing in your ears from some indie-pop song you don’t know the name of. 
People begin to blur together, just bodies you push through as you and Pope jog through the crowd, whooping with each beat. It’s one of the few moments when Pope’s awkward smile has faded and all that’s left is a stumbling, giggling mess. And of course, sand. Lots of sand. 
Tiny rocks prod at your heels, filling the bottom of your shoes as you run. Your eyes dart to them- the roughed up converse that could probably fall apart at any given moment. Without thinking, you reach for your shoes.
Pope doesnt slow down until your hand is clapped over his shoulder, eyes snapping from the Touron next to him, as suddenly he’s supporting all your weight on one arm.
“What- what are you doing?”
You don’t answer immediately, coming to a stop just outside the crowd of dancers. 
Pope watches you with a dazed stare, the somewhat distant light from the bonfire all there is to light up his face, casting shadows across his nose and jawline. 
“Deal with it.” He says it like it’s obvious, though doesn’t try to move as you wriggle around to get your shoe off your foot- much harder than it should be. You click your tongue and grunt.
“Gotta sit-“
Like two mangled cats- you and Pope fall to the ground, bracing yourselves on your arms and elbows. Landing right on your ass- you begin to struggle with your shoe once more. Pope groans, brushing sand from his arm and his lap. A mumble falls from his lips, muttering curses at you for bringing him to the ground with you. However, you pay him no mind, tugging the sneaker off your foot, sand draining out through the hole as you flip it upside down. 
The distant reflection of the fire is all you have as you play with the ties of your shoes, shining faintly across the two wobbly figures you and Pope have become. He begins scooping handfuls of sand into his palm, letting it slip through his fingers as he waits for you to finish. For a second, he brings his hand towards your shoe- sand threatening to slip into the sole of your just emptied sneakers. You slap his arm away before he can succeed. 
“That fire is so hot.” Pope complains out of nowhere, wiping his forehead for some imaginary sweat. You twist your head to look at it, palm weakly slapping the bottom of your shoe. 
“Dude, it’s like….” You squint, unsure, “100 feet away. You’re just drunk.”
He rolls his eyes.
“Alcohol doesn’t make you hot.”
At that, you scoff, though it comes through your nose like a snort. “Speak for yourself.”
Pope’s head slowly turns to you, eyes narrowed and mouth popped open like a fish. He looks like he’s trying to jam the logic of that sentence into his brain, but failing. 
“I have no idea what to say to that.” He concludes. 
In all fairness, you only sort of know what you meant by it in the first place. 
The topic quickly loses relevance as you finish dumping your shoes, tugging them back onto your feet and jumping up. He stumbles to join you, and soon enough, you’re at it again. 
Walking through the sand, there’s less people to weave around now that you’re out of the crowd that’s formed around the speakers. Some Kook has jumped on to a log, taking over the mic from the cheap karaoke machine and is currently belting the words to Katy Perry’s “Last Friday Night”- except her version has a drunken slur thrown in with the melody. The sound is…amusing at most, but no one cares enough to complain, watching and some even dancing around her log. 
You and Pope stagger right past it, your arm now slung around his shoulder. 
You both stumble and laugh until you catch a familiar face in the crowd- JJ. 
You grin.
The blonde sits on the edge of another log, sitting with a few others around the ring of the bonfire. John B and Kiara are on the log next to him, while other Pogues and the occasional Touron fill in the remaining space. Some redhead leans into Kiara’s shoulder, choking on her own laugh while being completely oblivious to the side eye Kiara gives her in return. Two Pogues pass a blunt back and forth over John B’s shoulder, grinning wickedly when he comments on it.
In Pope’s eyes, he sees the group, and without thinking points his next few steps in that direction. Not you, though. 
Your eyes become still, tuning everyone else out, not even seeing the giggling redhead, or John B’s easy smile. All you see, is JJ.
The crackling fire casts an orange shadow over his features, creating a shadow on his cheekbone, next to his nose. It contrasts perfectly with the blue of his eyes, the usual mischievous glint behind them showing through with his laugh as he makes yet another stupid joke. 
He’s so pretty. 
Dilated eyes follow his every move, the twitch of his smile- and you’re completely oblivious as Pope leaves you behind, moving up towards the group without another thought.
“What’s up, guys.” Pope reaches his hand out for a greeting as he makes it to the group sitting around the fire- JJ’s hand meeting his as their palms “clap” in unison. 
“There he is!” JJ loudly greets, watching the boy make his way to a seat on the log. The others say their own hello’s, as Pope easily molds into the atmosphere of the smaller group. And still, he hasn’t noticed that the your drunk (far more drunk than him, at least) self is still standing in the sand with parted lips and heart eyes. 
Your eyes flicker across his figure again, wishing through alcohol-tainted thoughts that you could capture the sight with a picture. From his nose, to his lips, to the muscles in his shoulders to the wave of his hair falling across his forehead. Your vision is starting to blur around the edges when you stare too long, but you can’t look away just yet. 
‘Is he single?’
Suddenly, you can’t remember anymore. 
Your eyes trace over every feature you can catch with the orange light, hand twitching with an empty warmth. You wonder what it would be like to hold his hand. 
JJ is oblivious to your stare, downing half his cup between conversations as Pope and John B joke about something next to him. In your mind, despite the influences making your thoughts sway back and forth- you come to a conclusion.
‘I should flirt with him…’
A simple task, just a small goal. Anything to make the pretty boy look your way.
However instead of walking up to him like a normal person, you turn around- stumbling to the crowd behind you with nothing but the makes for a headache and a plan. 
Pope, back at the bonfire, whispers into JJ’s ear, “Your boyfriend is drunk as hell, by the way.” 
The blonde seems completely unfazed, shrugging his shoulders and stretching out like a cat, cup teetering in his hand slightly.
“No surprise there,” he responds nonchalantly.
“He gets it from you.”
John B’s words are met with nothing but an eye roll from JJ, and a small grin from Kiara.
“Speaking of- where is he?” Kiara asks, brushing some hair out of her face as she’s finally released from the redhead’s grasp, as the random girl turns to talk to some pogues next to her. This catches everyone else’s attention, Pope speaking up first.
“Oh uh- he was just over-“ he goes to point to where you had stood a minute ago- only to pause when he sees the spot empty. His eyebrows furrow, “…there.” 
The other three turn their heads to follow the point of Pope’s finger, looking around for your missing figure. 
“Uh oh.” John B deadpans, and in seconds JJ is on his feet.
“Where’d he go?” His blue eyes scan the crowd, now searching for you in the mass of sweaty teenagers. 
“He was just there a second ago.”
Kiara stands up, doing the same as JJ. There’s too many bodies huddled in one spot to pick you out easily, everyone still gathered around the speakers, red solo cups littered about. It’s like “Where’s Waldo”, except not really. Her brown eyes shift from group to group, skimming over everyone, when she catches a glimpse of your figure.
“Guys, he’s right there.” she deadpans, now watching you as you seem to be making your way to the center of the crowd.
Her eyebrows furrow, and the others follow her gaze.
“Ok, and…what is he doing?”
No answer can be found, as all 4 now watch as you squeeze through the rowdy teens around you. 
Your mind is caught in a rush. Everything in your surroundings seems to blur, the music turning into a thrumming against your ears as you shove your way to the front. You know what you’re gonna do, impulsive plans fueling every step. All you want is to impress that hot blonde painting back at the campfire, make sure you’re the only one he’s looking at.
You know JJ, you know how he’s quite a magnet for the wandering eye. In your drunken state, you find yourself desperate to be his only focus. 
You make a quick stop at the computer connected to the speaker, changing the song cue, before continuing on your way. Some girl, who you vaguely remember from your science class, is currently barely getting out the words to “Call Me Maybe” through fits of giggles, karaoke microphone seconds from slipping out of her hand. Without a moment of hesitance, you stumble right up to the make-shift stage and reach for the microphone. 
“That’s real nice, Katy,” you murmur, putting your hand on her shoulder as she looks at you slightly confused, her poor rhythm suddenly interrupted, “‘s my turn now.”
She quirks an eyebrow at you, but makes no argument as you nudge her off the stage, stumbling back to her friends who only laugh. The sleek surface of the microphone is slippery on your sweaty palms, but you hold it firmly, spinning around and puffing your chest. 
The log isn’t exactly a perfect stage, but it’s just big enough so you can see through the crowd from a higher angle- and across the way, you catch the gazes of your friends, a variety of expressions on each of their faces. 
Pope has his eyebrows furrowed down in that classic Pope stare, his thoughts loud. “What the fuck”, would be your guess. Kiara seems to have the same thoughts running through her head, but her eyes hold more amusement. John B and JJ both sit here with open mouths. 
You don’t really process any of the confusion in their gazes, though, because the second you meet eyes with the blonde boy, your heart is racing. The beat, begins to play, and you bring the microphone to your lips.
“What the fuck is he doing?” John B asks, but again, no one has an answer. 
“This can’t be real.”
“Oh my god.”
The familiar tune of Justin Bieber starts to flow from the speakers, and Pope slaps a hand over his mouth. This is too good. 
“Everybody’s laughin’ in my mind…”
“We gotta get him off that stage-“ John B starts to stand up, only for a hand to get in his way. It’s JJ’s. 
“Nah bro” he doesn’t dare look away from you, “one more minute.”
A few cheers and shouts come from the front row, the crowd pretty divided between “invested” and “pays no mind”. You continue to sing, your voice wobbly at first, before you start to really get into it. 
“Did you forget all the plans that you made with me? Cause baby I didn’t-“ 
JJ cracks a small grin, looking back at the others as if in confirmation, before turning back, still completely lost as to what you are doing. 
“Cause that should be ME-“
“Holding your hand!”
Kiara bursts out laughing. 
“That should be me, making you laugh! That should be me, this is so sad-“
“That’s one way to say it.” John B smirks, earning a prompt nudge from JJ.
You’re shamelessly making eye contact with him, losing your balance on the log as you make up for every crack in your voice with devoted theatrics. He might not make it through this. 
“Y’think we should go get him?” Pope asks, hiding his grin with his fingers. You start to finish up the chorus, completely invested.
The rowdy crowd has become blurry faces, a swarm of bodies dancing around you while you stumble on the log. Halfway through the second verse and it becomes clear you don’t really know most of the words to this song, glancing over to the computer and trying to read the poorly-animated lyrics off the 8 year old YouTube video you found. But finally, the chorus comes back around, and you’re coming in strong again. 
“That should be me, holdin’ your hand-“ you stare into his eyes and thrust your finger into his direction, turning heads.
“Ok we gotta get him off that log.”
“Yep, that’s enough.”
JJ stands up and quickly makes his way to where you stand- or perform, rather. Shoving through the various bodies, he pushes his way to the front, and the whole time you follow his figure with your eyes.
“This is so wrong, I can’t go on-“ you point at him, wobbling on the log, “-till you believe that that should be me, that should be m-“
“Y/n,” JJ stands in front of the log, gesturing for you to join him. You don’t, instead moving your finger to continue to wag it in front of his face. He sighs, looking at the ground to hide his smile. When he looks back up, you’ve launched into a high note that definitely is not in the original recording. 
“Oh god,” he mumbles to himself, not entirely sure what to do. You’ve never been this wasted before- and even more, he’s not used to being the designated caretaker friend. The roles are completely switched, yet he’s not even sober! He does the first thing that comes to mind- reaching for you and tugging you into his arms. You fall with a small gasp, dropping the microphone into the sand, slight feedback echoing through the shitty speaker as he literally drags you away from the crowd. 
“What’re you doing-?” you demand, though blushing slightly at how close you now are to his chest. There’s a few snickers and curious remarks within the group behind you, not that you really pay attention. And they quickly go back to their own business anyways, leaving you to be dragged away to the side of the party.
JJ is supporting your body with his, as if you’re injured instead of just wasted, but with your uneven steps and his own tipsiness you both end up just stumbling off. Your arm slung around his shoulder and his hand keeping you close to his side. He’s even prettier up close. 
“Man, how drunk are you, babe?” He asks as you come to a stop, moving to stand in front of you, your hands now on his shoulders. 
This scrambles your mind a little bit. “Man” and “babe” used in the same sentence? Wild. 
“‘M not that drunk.” You retort, eyes peeking up to take in his features once more. You don’t even think about how obvious you’re being- dazed eyes raking over his face, morphing into an expression with so much awe you’d think his face was made up of the stars above. 
He notices the look, just as your eyes not-so-subtly flicker from his eyes to his lips. It makes him flush slightly. 
“Mhm- and that talent show, huh?” There’s a hint of amusement in his tone this time, you can tell, “what about that?”
“Why, did you think it was hot?”
JJ’s grin starts to grow, the cogs in his brain turning. Was this really all for him?
“…were you trying to impress me, baby?”
That one sends a small rush of butterflies through the pit of your stomach- not really mixing well with the alcohol. 
You feel as a grin starts to spread on your lips, cheeks hot. 
He called you baby. 
“Maybe. Are you single?”
It’s really ‘no think, just do’ at this point, your thoughts becoming words in a matter of seconds. This visibly catches JJ off guard- that was not where he thought that was going. He pauses, and if you were to look hard enough you could see the throbber of a loading screen on his forehead. 
You’re starting to lean into him a little bit, subconsciously. 
“Do you have a boyfriend.” You restate the question, and it all starts to click in his head. The singing, the pointing. 
‘My boyfriend just drunkenly sang Justin Bieber to me as a way of flirting.’
A giant smirk takes over his lips. 
“Wait wait wait,” he starts, looking down for a second, “let me get this straight- you went up there and sang that whole song as a way of…as a way of flirting?” He looks back up at you, finding this whole thing quite humorous. 
“Maybe,” you say again, “did it work?”
JJ cant stop the chuckle that escapes his lips, the laugh rumbling in his throat. You furrow your eyebrows, “what’s so funny-“
He shakes his head, “nothing, nothing, don’t worry about it.” He looks you up and down, a glimmer in his eyes that you notice but can’t name in this moment. But it doesn’t answer your question. 
“JayJayyyyy-“ you groan, and it just makes his smile grow. It becomes clear he’s just gonna play into this. He places his hands on your hip, leaning into you, so now you’re both close enough to smell the alcohol lingering on both of your tongues. He chuckles again, swaying slightly.
“Do I got news for you.” Is all he says, and it’s clear he’s gonna have a field day with this one. 
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sukunastoy · 10 months
Do you think that love is weak to Sukuna?
Like, does he find the emotion of love weak?
I assume so. Kind of like what I was saying with him being an introvert, he really doesn’t need anyone to feel fulfilled. Now, if we’re talking about love for activities or something like that, then I can see him more or less “loving” the idea and action of killing/destroying/eating.
But, in regards to love for another, that’s something he finds weak and something that would take away his individualism and independence. If someone needs someone else to feel happy/strong/complete, he’d see that as a weakness. He doesn’t have an attachment to things/people per se, and makes his own way in life, only depending on himself and his abilities.
The closest form of person to person love I can see him feeling is towards Uraume. I don’t doubt that if something were to happen to Uraume, he’d feel displeased, and perhaps a bit unsettled. But it wouldn’t tear him down or make him ponder much. If anything, it would be like an unfortunate circumstance that he would have to deal with and overcome.
I do headcanon him as someone that isn’t fond of “true love” but when there is a fleck of it coming into his heart, it frightens him in a way because he doesn’t know or want those feelings. He’d rather not fill his thoughts/time/energy with someone else. Wouldn’t want to worry about them or have to be considerate of their needs or wants/desires. Which is why he denies others trying to be apart of his life.
However, if he does finally break down and allow himself to feel love for you, just know you are insanely lucky and cherished. Cause it’s not common for him. But he still wouldn’t be an easy guy to love. He’s going to be battling with the notion of love within himself and you’re going to get pushed away or disregarded on occasions because it’s something so foreign to him.
If I have Yuuji as his little brother, he feels love for his brother. But obviously sibling love isn’t the same as romantic love. But he’d kill for his brother, and would ultimately kill for you as well.
Even though love with you isn’t something he was aiming for, once he has it, he will NOT let it go. Even if you try to break up with him or move on. You’re not getting out of his life now. You made him feel, so now you can’t leave. You wanted his love so bad, now you’re stuck with it lmao. But if he fucks up, he’ll find a way to make it up to you and apologize. Because loving you is like an extension of his own self love/worth. Seeing you torn down and upset will ultimately make him feel the same, because whether he likes it or not, you hold a part of him within you. Your pain would become his pain.
Now I do 100% headcanon him as someone who is insanely protective and loving to his legitimate children. Other kids could die for all he cared. But if it’s his child, no matter the circumstances, he would burn the world for them because they are literally an extension of him.
If the two of you were to split up and you wanted to take his kids away without any means of “sharing” , you’re not going to win. He will get rid of you even if it means dumping your dead body into a River. So don’t try to win that battle. 😂
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ivymarquis · 1 year
AhhhHHHHHH my brain gave me a new idea this is cursed lmao it’s also sad so Imma put it under a cut. CW Character death (implied? 👀👀👀) + miscarriage
Today’s mood is sad as hell lmao
Price is wounded. Evac isn’t going to be able to get to him in time, and he’s separated from the rest of the 141 + anyone who would be able to help him. He is certain that he is about to die.
Even though it breaks all sorts of regulations, he calls his girlfriend. He knows he’s a bastard for doing this, he’s selfish and he’s going to traumatize her but he just wants to talk to her one last time.
His girlfriend is not having a good day. Been sick the last few weeks, goes to the doctor to see what’s going on. The lab results come back and she was pregnant but a drop in some of her hormone levels indicate that she is in the middle of miscarrying.
While trying to deal with the whirlwind of emotions of processing losing a child she didn’t even know she was having, and what the hell she’s going to tell John (does she even tell him?), she gets the phone call.
He’s apologetic and they’re both sobbing the entire time. He tells her there’s a ring for her in his sock drawer and he wants her to know he had it and was going to give it to her when he got back. He tells her about his proposal and how he was going go do it, and apologizes for the fact that he’s going to be leaving her all alone.
She panics and lies by omission. He’s bleeding to death hundreds of miles away. She tells him she’s pregnant (still technically true), that he’s not leaving her alone. That she loves him and it’s okay. She knows he did his best.
She stays on the line with him until he doesn’t answer anymore, and stays on the line still. She can’t bring herself to end the call.
And this is too fucking sad most likely there’d be a dues ex machina type shit where he survives by the skin of his teeth and then the fallout resulting from that because GOOD GOD this is heavy even for me lmfao
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Shivers quivers shakes trembles…. Hello :3 giggles I think this ask will be shorter than my others but… yk how we talked about how sugu would react to u getting cheated on a while ago? I’m curious now and. How do u think satoru would react?? ALSOOO how do you think stsg would react if you told them together……….. i hope u don’t mind that this is a less of a “me telling u my thoughts” and more of a “what r ur thoughts on this” kinda thing :,3 brain juice has not been flowing recently 😞 but ur takes are always amazing so…………….. I know whatever u say will be yummy and I will devour it all >:) — stsg anon 🧁🥧🍰🍨🍩🍪🍧🧇🥞 < all of the treats for yew!!!!!
me when stsg anon appears in my inbox
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FIRST OF ALLLLL pls never ever apologize for your asks 🔫 this is a threat 🔫🔫 i love chatting w you no matter how long/short they r!!! and you don’t ever have to feel pressured to come up w your own thoughts either!!!! i love yapping at you!!!!! :3
w that being said ….. i shall yap >:3 HONESTLY THOUGHH i think stsg are very similar when it comes to this concept!!! in the sense that. i think they’ll comfort you first and foremost, then deal w your cheater ex later. i could see satoru being in Actual Disbelief? like?? he almost almost asks if you’re joking. but you’re crying so?? obviously you’re not????? but the idea that anyone would cheat on you genuinely makes him Flabbergasted. he wants to laugh. he doesn’t but he wants to. he hates seeing you sad. he’s almost offended.
it’s just a mess of emotion n lots and LOTS of hate aimed toward your ex 😭😭 he’s like. no fucking way that loser cheated on you???? it’s obvious that he’s rlly pissed but i think he has enough control over his emotions that it sounds like he’s just making jokes to cheer you up. and he IS but he also feels so????? genuinely angry?????? and he doesn’t know how to deal w that. he’s worried abt comforting you too…… i don’t think satoru sees himself as someone who’s good at comforting others At All but he actually kinda is. he’ll hug you tightly and sit down on the couch w you in his lap. and he stays quiet until you’ve calmed down. then he starts a very passionate, hateful rant abt your ex in hopes of making you laugh/calming himself down…… and if he manages to pull a lil smile out of you he just goes 🥺 . you’re his baby. he doesn’t really know how to treat you when you get this fragile but it also makes him feel so complete somehow. this man lives for cheering you up.
ANYWAYYYY satoru will then do the same thing as sugu would <333 which is <33333 to confront your ex. tbh i think suguru is more likely to get violent than he is LMAO but i doubt either of them would (unless your ex said something Awful abt you in front of them in which case… good luck bud)…. he just wants to make it Very Clear that your ex has no business being in your life anymore. he’s very firm and very scary. if your ex tries to start something he will laugh in their face. might also subtly declare himself as your boyfriend…. not explicitly bc. he’s Not your bf. but i think he makes sure your ex understands that he loves you + he’s better than them + they can forget abt crawling back to you once they realize the mistake they’ve made.
and when it comes to stsg together……. i think. the only difference is that one of them will stay to soothe you while the other one instantly goes to confront your ex 😭😭 they’re saving time!!! and let’s be honest, suguru will be the one staying behind. the caretaker of all time. (even tho he really really wants to tell your ex off himself… but that can wait for now). so satoru runs off, suguru makes sure you get the tears out, and then satoru comes back w a bunch of your favorite treats :3 they’re sweetiepies.
i also feel like they’d have a talk together once you’re asleep… likeee maybe you’re all sleeping in the same room bc you’re still very very upset and in need of comfort :((((( and as soon as you start to snooze they talk…… abt you……. and abt how soon they should start hinting to you abt their Own feelings. satoru would want to do so immediately, bc he can’t Stand the idea of you being hung up on your ex while they love you so fervently, but suguru would convince him to be patient. he doesn’t want them to end up rushing you in any way…. but deep down he also wants you to know how loved you are by them. sniffle.
plot twist you’re still wide awake :3 and blushing furiously :33 but that’s another story…..
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egcdeath · 3 months
yayy i'm so glad you liked the idea of patrick in big little lies neptune. i have so many more thoughts, but just gonna put a spoiler warning here for anyone who hasn't seen the show/read the book but is interested in doing so :)
I hundred percent do believe it would take a toll on both you and patrick, mostly because I think you may just want a peaceful life (like you moved there for the beach and to have a good school for your daughter, not for drama) and well patrick is a hot head! like really all it takes is one passive aggressive statement from someone in the neighborhood to piss him off and you don't want that. i imagine reader is very very frustrated with herself for not being able to write anything she likes at the moment (relatable bahaha) and just wants some peace to really push herself through her writer's block. she knows this won't happen if patrick is picking fights with anyone who says anything that upsets him. Of course she does thinks a lot of what they say and do is annoying and unnecessary, but she is rather indirect in her insults to them, not wanting any out right confrontation on the spot.
I think this would cause some tension between reader and patrick because he wouldn't understand why she's behaving this way or why's she mad when he reacts the way he does.
"why tf do you care what they think"
"i don't, i just don't want any problems patrick"
"i'm not the one starting them, if they're the ones acting like that!"
"you know what i mean"
variations of this on and on, and regardless it always gets resolved because it's always something small, i think that would completely change once your daughter starts getting hurt.
again patrick is the hothead so I think he is the one who is instantly upset (like that's his little girl, does anyone really think he is just going to sit down and let it happen). i can so imagine him taking a position like renata and being so quick to blame ziggy and jane and being so verbally angry and upset about everything. in comaprison, i think reader is equally upset and angry but just not vocal about it. she wants to figure out who is doing this before instantly pinning the blame on any one person and just wants her daughter to be safe
now these arguments about how they react to the people around town are completely different and much more pressing, because your daughter is getting hurt and you guys still don't know who is doing it. there is no coming to some quick resolution with this
i loveee the idea of you and patrick only really seeing each other in pretty low stress periods of your life (like both of you having stability in your careers with you writing/publishing your first book and it doing well & with patrick having the stability of being in a steady relationship, having a strong career, and support from his family), so when you get to monterey and shit starts hitting the fan, you’re both kinda surprised by the ways you start acting. like you always knew patrick was a hot head, but you didn’t realize JUST how bad it could be, and i think patrick would be surprised by how much you start receding back into yourself in periods of high stress (which he doesn’t love, since he’s someone who values being really honest and upfront about feelings). all of that to say these two are not equipped at all for monterey, let alone for their beloved daughter to start being bullied!
like you said, i think that you two have such different ways you go about dealing with your annoying neighbors and the other parents at the school. like patrick refuses to let shit slide and WILL go confront whoever he needs to (i just keep thinking about that scene where nathan tries to apologize to ed and he just rejects it lmao), but you get annoyed with them but kinda let it go. at first you would rant to patrick about something shady one of the moms said to you, thinking you’re just venting in confidence, but he ends up confronting one of the husbands about that very thing. that would absolutely be another point of tension because obviously you love patrick but you don’t know if you can vent to him without him running off and cussing someone out and in a place like monterey you simply need to be a united front!
i also feel like you and patrick would be on the younger side of the parents there which kinda makes it hard for everyone else to take you guys seriously. i just think it would be a struggle in general for you guys. you kinda want to move but the location is good for school and you guys have such a beautiful house in such an amazing location that you don’t know if you want to give it up so easily.
again, i think that would be another issue for the two of you. patrick is such an impulsive character that as soon as things go sideways he’s like… we need to leave. and you’re like ?? we just uprooted our entire lives to come here.
anyway. once your daughter starts getting bullied tensions would REALLY boil over. you can really empathize with jane even though you don’t know her very well & you don’t want to jump to any conclusions and that completely boggles patrick’s mind. i totally agree with you drawing that comparison with renata because i don’t think there’s any world where patrick would just let it slide and he immediately would start blaming jane and ziggy for what’s happening.
obviously you share a common goal of not wanting your daughter to be attacked at school but you just go about things sooo differently that the tensions are really high.
also… i just realized that they probably both are at home most of the time since patrick is retired and you’re a writer. can you imagine the constant simmer of tensions between them that occasionally boils over??? and i’m sure that initially they were like yayyy we’ll both be home and living in this beautiful place with these amazing opportunities for our daughter and it is so not that 😭
also also, girldad patrick my beloved!!
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Legato falling for you HCs
Authors Note: I’m so sorry I’m a Legato apologist so of course my first post has to be about him lmao I am for sure not proof reading this so apologies for any mistakes
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• First off, he’s got alot going on. So it’s most definitely going to be a bit of a slow burn for him to really like you, much less love you. Don’t be deterred though! Patients is key... •When he first meets you he’s pretty indifferent to you. I’d imagine you’d have to meet him through the Gung-Ho-Guns so he mostly just wants you to stay out of his way. •Main way to get him to warm up to you? Food. They say food is the quickest way to a mans heart and that's especially true for Legato. Don’t make a big deal of it but if you just happen to have extra snacks laying around for him? Who is he to say no? •Eventually, he might even start to unconsciously seek you out knowing where you are there's a snack to follow. •Slowly, the two of you even begin talking, small words exchanged between meetings, you sit and nod while he quickly complains about what ever is currently not going right with the other Gung-Ho-Guns •Now eventually these quick talks turn into full conversations. Legato isn’t exactly nice but he’s also not completely rude either as you talk. He silently listens and might add a snarky comment along the way but he secretly has begun enjoying listening to you, not to mention he can’t stop watching your mannerisms and notices you need a hair cut soon and- uh oh. •If you’ve managed to stick it out this far congrats! You’ve actually begun to get somewhere with the man. Now once Legato begins realizing he has feelings for you it’s a lot to unpack. He’s been through a lot and trusting someone is hard for him so give him some time and space as he mulls over how to handle the situation  • Once the two of you start dating not much changes admittedly. For one he does not want you to initiate any touch. He has a ton of trauma regarding it and one wrong move will have him pushing you back with his powers before you can say “Bluesummers”.  • The second thing you have to understand is Knives Millions comes first. Every. Time. It might take some getting used to but the man is devoted. If you can stick with him through those two things it’ll actually bring you a lot closer to him. Not many people would be understanding of that. •Legato does try to show he cares in his own ways though. Bringing you things back from towns he visits (destroys), giving you books he likes, ect. It’s small but it’s the best he can do to thank you for still being by his side. **Very slight spoilers for manga**  •Now. I do actually believe you could get this man away from Knives but it is a very long, very tedious process. Don’t ever shit talk Knives around him, don’t beg for him to leave knives for you, and don’t tell him knives is bad for him. He’ll leave just like that, instead go for a softer approach  •Legato doesn’t know how to live without someone commanding him. He’s never known kindness or love until he met you, so it’s up to you to slowly show him he can live without a collar around his neck. •It’ll be hard I won’t lie, but do domestic things with him in the rare time he has away from Knives. Show him how to cook, take walks with him, fold laundry with him, show him that life doesn’t always have to be a fight. Sometimes you can just...be. • If he opens up about his past? You’ve got him. He doesn’t share that information with anyone, and you are suddenly very aware of why he acts the way he does. Don’t pity him, but show compassion. Listen to everything he has to say and assure him he’s come along way since then. • At this point despite how devoted he is to Knives...I think you’d be able to finally drag him away. I think the main reason he’s so loyal to Knives is that he doesn’t know how else to live. Knives is honestly just another form of his abusers, another iron fist, another collar, another cage. But you? You’re like a small ray of hope, the first good thing to ever bless his existence. He won’t say it out loud, but he isn’t sure he deserves you, but he’s thankful he has you anyways. •For the sake of fluff we are going to assume you managed to get him out of the Gung-Ho-Guns, maybe you got him to reluctantly join Vash’s cause (unlikely) or maybe the two of you are now in hiding in a small town (more likely) either way it’ll be a bit easier to get Legato out of his shell, although don’t expect a huge transformation he’s still working himself out (but he’s trying!!!)  •Eventually he get’s used to a life without someone looming over him, it’s weird for him at first, but not completely bad. He also starts to get more use to touch, your hand in his, his hand pressed against the small of your back, your fingers tracing his face. There will always be a limit to how much he can take before he needs a break, his trauma isn’t going to disappear over night but he’s trying everyday to be someone worthy of you love. Besides, when he gets to wake up suns still just peeking over the horizon your sleeping face catching a bit of the golden rays that sneak in through the blinds...he can’t help but think that all his suffering was worth it, as long as he get’s to keep waking up next to you.
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starbuckaroo · 4 months
Sorry I know this is going around a lot rn but anyone who wants to say ANYTHING about bad parenting on this show and wants to talk about Eddie mf Diaz can eat a fucking dick UNLESS they can show me they’re not being hypocritical and can show me their posts that rip Athena apart. Fucking hell.
I will preface this by acknowledging that ofc there’s absolutely no way I can know what it’s like to be a black woman raising a black child. I never can. I do have some personal experience with raising a black boy in the US, though, so the episodes with Harry have always hit me really really hard, and usually because I always want to mcfucking scream at Athena for the way she allows her career indoctrination to harm her children.
Yeah my main gripe with this show always always boils down to “Athena quit your job” bc I can’t stand her anymore tbh. She would have stayed an interesting character IF at some point in s4-5 thereabouts she started to have doubts about the system and they did something interesting with that
If they would allow the literal actual conflicts of interest to crop up and let her be a fucking antagonist. Let Bobby struggle with his ethical evaluation of a scene and his marital obligations. Let May struggle with learning and growing away from her childhood home and wrestle with what her mom continues to do. And let that storyline with Harry this season actually carry the fucking heavy and heinous weight that it truly has. It turns my stomach honestly like I had to stand up and walk away, and let me sister tell me when it was over so I could go sit back down.
But the apologism is what is so unforgivable. Like don’t get me wrong, I love the hell out of this show and it’s my full on hyperfixation and has been for years, but its top billed character has been nigh unwatchable for most of the last few seasons. The narrative trying to sell me that she’s one of the protagonists, that she doesn’t have to struggle meaningfully at all about what she does for a living or to her family, and I’m supposed to swallow that without protest? Nah. Can’t happen.
I liked her character a lot in the first three seasons tbh against my better judgment! I was expecting to hate her from day one but I was sold, actually. Michael leaving the show kind of tanked her character, I think, maybe. I think it was their dynamic that made her interesting at first, and then sympathetic later on when she really was trying to make their blended unconventional family work despite her upbringing. But honestly once Harry aged into teenagerdom and Michael left and May graduated it meant there was like…nothing left about Athena that was interesting except her job except that’s actually the worst part about her lmao woopsies.
Anyways. Let Athena be a villain or at least an antagonist. That would fix everything tbh. It would make her interesting again, it would be in character given how many ethical messes she’s caused or been party to, and would allow the show to keep doing their dumb copaganda shit that they’re almost certainly contractually obligated to shove in at least once per season. But it would finally be interesting because it wouldn’t feel like I was being asked to swallow bullshit covered in glitter spray. Maybe they could explore her toxic relationship with her mother and how engaging so heavily and perpetually with respectability politics has done damage to herself (and her parents and her ex husband and her children) over the years. Maybe her magical fairytale white lady boss at the precinct can actually act in character for once and pls god I would just like. I would sell a kidney for a real and honest Athena Quit Your Job plotline. Fuck. They could even take the coward’s way out like they did with Eddie’s military service and just have her quit for some random reason so ethics never actually has to be part of the conversation but neither would we have to deal with the copaganda all the time. You know Angela Bassett would act the fuck out of that kind of complicated character. It would be a real conflict instead of whatever contrived nonsense they’ve been putting on her this season.
Anyways this really fucking got away from me but I’m just not willing to hear a fucking WORD against single dad Eddie fucking Diaz unless the speaker has already done their bit about Athena and they’re just making their way through the line.
I don’t actually want that bc We Know Why they’re saying that shit about Eddie and if they ever opened their mouth about Athena I don’t even really have to wonder about what sort of racist bullshit might fall out. Those aren’t the people I want attempting to critique Athena Grant. So actually yeah can everyone just shut the fuck up.
Myself included.
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
It’s actually insane how people take Ana’s comment about discovering you don’t like horses, and her involvement in the skateboard incident, to show her as an evil, irredeemable, ableist, but Tommy is somehow immune to any criticism. I have seen multiple posts about how people don’t understand why someone wouldn’t like Tommy because he’s never done anything wrong, and he’s so soft. Was I hallucinating that he was heavily implied, and arguably outright shown, to be racist and sexist in Hen and Chimney’s “Begins” episodes?! People argue that Tommy was redeemed, but I don’t remember anything really shown to so strongly support that. I know Chimney and Hen are friendly with him now, but it mostly seems like another apology for a horrible wrong (and subsequent changed behavior) that we’re supposed to assume happened outside of what we are shown. Just because a character is queer doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole, or beyond criticism. And just because a character is straight (and getting in the way of your preferred pairing) doesn’t mean they’re evil. I don’t even mind Tommy that much, even though I hate him with Buck, but it’s ridiculous to claim he’s flawless. Especially when they destroy other characters for much, much less.
yeah this is exactly right lmao. it's the misogyny.
on the note of chim and hen being friendly with him (although not friendly enough for him to have been invited to the wedding 🤣🤣🤣) this is true and i think i said previously, i'm not gonna sit here and talk about how we should all hate tommy for being problematic because presumably, yeah, it's been resolved. and, controversially, i'll even go so far as to say that at least some of the people who spend a lot of time harping on tommy's past actions are just looking for a way to rationalize the fact that they don't like bucktommy and they think other people shouldn't either (which is silly to me on multiple levels but not the point here).
my problem with tommy's past comes down to the fact that i think that if they were going to bring back this specific character, it was ABSOLUTELY the writers' responsibility to acknowledge the shitty things he's said and done. if they never hold anyone accountable for anything else, ok, whatever, i know better than to expect that. but you're sitting in front of me telling me that you really care about telling this story the right way, you understand the political implications, you don't want to cause harm... well, then you're going to have to deal with the fact that this man WAS racist and he WAS misogynistic and that's not just, like, interpersonal shittiness. they even had the opportunity to do this and they didn't take it!
so to me, this is YET ANOTHER poor writing choice they made in favor of going full-amnesiac to give buck his Soft and Sweet and Gentle and Tender storyline. this, on top of the host of other shitty writing choices that i won't re-litigate here, on top of the fact that said choices have brought a lot of insane eddie-related racism out of people, on top of the fact that it's been largely acceptable to claim that if you're NOT into this ship or if you have real criticisms you're actually bigoted in x or y way or you're immature/unenlightened/puritanical/insert whatever here (which is absurd)? i'm the crazy person for finding it all deeply unenjoyable? just. nuts.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
hiii. i absolutely love ur optional bias drabbles <3 if ur requests are open, i’d like to request if u could write about the aftermath of an argument with optional bias. fluffy ending of course. thank u ♡
Hello, of course! I'm kind of surprised anyone even remembers that one lmao. But tbh idk about this one, it's kind of awkward for me to write optional bias things ^^'
Optional bias | Aftermath of an argument angst | 0.8k
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Why did you have to fight now? It’s not like you want to fight ever, but it hurts worse because it’s happened now. 
On the days you’re both free, you like to do some cleaning. It doesn’t take long at all when you both divide the tasks, and with the music turned on, you wouldn’t hesitate to say it’s actually fun. He dances with you, often interrupts you as you work to wrap his arms around you and steal a kiss. It’s almost heaven.
There’s no music today. No chatter, no laughter. Just heavy silence occasionally disturbed by something falling or doors being closed and opened. It feels heavy, just like your heart. You don’t like the tension that has settled over your home. The fight wasn’t even a big one, just a minor error in communication. And yet why does it feel like you can’t approach him?
Clearly he feels the same. It’s awkward when you need to pass by each other, both struggling to shrink as much as you can so you don’t touch. Your hands shake and awkwardly hover and flinch when you pass him something so you don’t accidentally brush your fingers against his. So many things get dropped just because he won’t risk that possibility.
You’re both adults, you tell yourself. You should sit down and communicate. It wasn’t even a big deal. Yet you’re both acting like children, sulking and avoiding each other. Stubborn.
Are you making it a big deal? What if he’s just acting awkward because you are? Is this your fault, somehow? You second-guess your ability to read the room. It really wasn’t that deep. Was he avoiding you just because his hands were dripping wet? Did the box of tissues only slip his hands? You couldn’t be sure. You’re of course aware that you tend to overthink things, but what if this time you were right? 
Sighing, you lean against the wall and listen to the silent apartment. Somewhere in a different room, you can hear his footsteps. It feels like you’re a stranger in your own home. You don’t like it.
A sigh. Some rustling. A loud bang echoing through the now empty apartment.
So you’re both finished with your tasks. You look at the clock and see that you’ve finished much faster than you usually do - but at what price? Feeling a familiar burning sensation in your eyes as tears pool behind your eyelids, you take a couple deep breaths. He must’ve gone take the trash out, and you use this opportunity to venture out of the bedroom.
As you make your way to the kitchen, you wonder whether you should try and talk to him now. You can’t imagine how painfully awkward it would be to avoid him now that you have no work to pretend to be busy with. 
What you don’t expect is the two cups of steaming hot tea sitting on the table. It’s almost enough to make your tears spill over. You take a seat and close your hands around your mug, matching his, and discover it’s your favorite tea. Perhaps you’re not the only one who feels bad about the situation.
Soon enough you hear the door being opened and closed again. Without a word, he joins you, even dragging his chair closer to yours. Your knees bump together, and you both get startled by the contact that you jump slightly and your eyes meet. Your boyfriend is wearing a sheepish smile, one that you return.
“I’m… sorry?” he guesses aloud, making you shake your head.
“If you’re sorry, then I’m too,” you sigh, “But honestly I don’t think either of us should apologize.” He nods, and slowly, experimentally, takes your hand into his. 
“This was the weirdest morning I’ve ever had,” he mumbles and visibly relaxes upon hearing you laugh.
“Tell me about it,” you agree easily, allowing for your fingers to intertwine with his. “Thank you for the tea.”
“I didn’t know what to do to make things right,” he chuckles, “I figured I can’t go wrong with tea.”
You hum before a comfortable if a bit nervous silence falls over you. Relief floods your body so quickly and strongly you feel like all strength has left you. You stand up from your seat and instead motion for him to move away from the table. It’s much more cozy in his lap. Immediately, his arms wrap reassuringly around you.
“Is everything okay between us?” he asks quietly, “It’s so strange, I don’t know what to do.”
“I mean, I guess? I’m honestly just really confused,” you groan. He nods in agreement and once your eyes meet again, you can’t help but laugh.
As if coming to a silent understanding, you don’t talk about it anymore. But a hint of anxiety lingers in your movements, your voices, both of you moving cautiously and speaking softly. It’s strange, it’s messy, but you suppose that’s just life.  
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yes a thousand percent absolutely lets go
(firstly i am sorry my post put anyone to a point of feeling the need to apologize for or feel bad for being Very Into Leo’s character. as someone who is flagrantly Very Into Raph’s character, i promise i wasn’t trying to throw a stone in this glass house. i’ve gotten burnt out on a lot of fanon leo stuff but part of why im so !!!! about it is bc i too love leo’s characterization and potential.. i swear
catch me catching my brain and tone malfunctions behind dennys later, sorry again gang)
overall i honestly... totally get raph being hard to get a handle on in this respect. like it’s pretty difficult to pick where to start and how to express it even just in an informal tumblr analysis post, i still haven’t managed to put together any kind of fic myself LMAO. bear with me i will do my best!
so firstly there’s just the veritable gauntlet of “stuff raph experienced/was dealing with in the span of the movie” to consider, i think. 
- his fear and anxiety over his family’s safety, for which he always always feels personally responsible. when he called the retreat during that first fight with the krang, he was absolutely terrified-- and i can only imagine how much scarier it was after leo bailed on the escape pod. like, there’s no way raph was not hauling ass after leo the second he saw that happen.
= he takes a hit for leo, as in just barely stops it and loses a chunk of shell/plastron in the process. he sacrifices himself using his pod to get leo out of there safely (and there’s so much to be said about the fact that raph’s pod seems to be the only one that didn’t auto-activate. that only he and donnie seemed to know they even existed. there’s a whole talk they must have had right there, like raph would probably have had to ask specifically for this feature.)
- the krang try to intimidate answers out of him about the key, and when that doesn’t get them those answers, prime literally jams tentacles into his brain and roots around until he can find what they’re looking for. so that’s one bullet point on the list for outright mental violation. it looks/sounds very painful, not to mention terrifying. 
^^ and honestly, this point of suffering in particular is one that i think would be hardest for raph to actually bring up/talk about with his family. because none of them were there. none of them KNOW. and how do you explain that to them? how do you try to make yourself break that out when they’re already worried about the other stuff that happened to you and to everyone else? when part of you is guilty about it despite yourself, because so much of your identity is tied into being a protector that you can’t help but feel like you should have been able to wall that info off somehow and keep your family safe?
- gets infected by the krang and put into the big gross pod to... incubate, i guess? there’s so much unanswered about the point between brain torture and getting found by his family tbh. was he conscious and aware of being left alone in there? was that why he was so out of it even before the mutation?
- and then of course there’s said painful, grotesque body horror forced krang mutation that he has to go through once he’s out of the pod! thanks i hated it! like it seriously looks so gross and painful.
- ah yes and the mind control... being used as a tool and a puppet and specifically set out to hurt or even kill the family he loves and wants to protect. 
- the standard “we had our cool epic boss fight against the evil alien but he kicked our asses with one flick and then punched mikey and donnie all the way to staten island” physical roughage, too. leo portaled him after mikey and donnie so he could catch them. donnie took the brunt of the krang punch, and raph took the brunt of the hard landing (he is holding his side like he might have some rib issues, they all look rough af down there phew)
- leo’s sacrifice is leo’s sacrifice and definitely a leo development moment as an action itself, i’m never gonna say 'yep here’s how leo getting brutalized in prison dimension is all about raph’. i’m talking about the like, aftermath and pre-rescue emotional toll that that has etc etc etc. ftr.
point one there is obviously just the grief. like, raph is literally incapable of standing when it hits. he’s on all fours, he can’t open his eyes. i made a post comparing the caps of raph’s face getting stabbed and raph’s face when it was sinking in that leo was (apparently) Gone gone bc the expressions are nearly identical. like just. absolute agony. 
- and on top of that, i sincerely think that leo’s “you’re one to talk, hero moves are totally your thing” apparent last words are gonna stick with raph for a very long time. even after they save leo. the look on his face after leo says that... man. i think there’s a very real moment of raph going what have i done, what did i teach him? about the entire situation.
first and foremost. rip raph sufferer of some of the most intense eldest child syndrome i’ve ever seen. he feels bad that he got used to get his family’s location. he feels bad that he got used to harm and nearly kill his family. he probably feels bad that leo feels bad that his shell is damaged, smh. it’s guilt all the way down. the kind where he knows logically his family does not want or need apologies, that getting controlled was literally not his fault, but he feels bad anyway.
and like i said i get how it’s hard to get a handle on him for stuff, because raph is also... not super good at the emotional vulnerability sharing? it’s so wild because he’s very openly emotional and easy to read! he’ll cry during a sad movie scene and yell at a frustrating video game no problem, he’s very straightforward! but when it comes to sincere vulnerability and actually seeking comfort/closure about it, he has a big struggle vibe. good luck to the entire family bc every single brother is gonna be in a “oh but everyone else already has so much to deal with i don’t wanna pile more on with my problems” zone, i think. 
also just like. raph is a protector. that’s one of the core pillars of his sense of identity and worth. he takes care of his brothers. he keeps his family safe. and so so so much of what he went through or experienced in the movie went directly against that. raph, the big brother, the beating heart of the team, the one who takes hits, the overprotective mother hen, gets used to track down his family, and then gets used to hurt them. very nearly gets used to kill leo outright. isn’t there to take the hit for leo again at the end of the movie, is helpless as his little brother seemingly sacrifices his life to save them and the world. how does he come to terms with that? how does he feel like he still deserves the trust and faith that his family puts in him to keep being a rock? (they’re not scared of him, but he’s scared of him.)
and for real seriously how does he ever ever get around to dealing with that brain probe and the mutation specifically. his mind and his bodily autonomy got so deeply violated in the process of this movie. it’s scary! and painful! what kind of scenario would a writer even have to rig up to back him into enough of a corner to share those feelings with his family (who would absolutely want to comfort and support him)! it’s nightmarish stuff that’s gonna linger with him for the rest of his life. 
and in fact on the mutuation/mind control. i think the fact that leo was able to get through to raph just with words, that that was how he managed to break through the control, maybe means that raph was aware of what he was being made to do all along and just. unable to pull enough strength together to stop it before that point. woof.
idk idk if any of this makes real sense or helps for getting a handle on raph’s character at all tbh, it’s just a lot of me nonsensically putting him in a jar with a leaf and a stick for scientific observation ig. if ppl wanna hit me w questions or discussions about my personal opinions on my favorite boi feel free tbh
maybe the real raph character analysis was the hug and nightmare-free nap he probably desperately needs all along....... ah its too late hes dissociating on the couch. relatable.
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