#at this point i could be drawing the whole damn show i have so many screenshots
apllecrash · 2 years
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i miss them (((
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nopeferatu · 2 years
ik that art is subjective and there is not one "true" meaning that one is meant to derive from a work but honestly, some people's readings of media ARE wrong and dumb and bad, lol
#ive seen ppl say that brokeback mountain was basically like emphasizing why people should be in the closet and stuff and im just like.#how could the point fly over your dumb little head so high smhh#they say that like jack and ennis end up miserable anyways so it shows that theres no hope for queer ppl or whatever but like?#i thought it was obvious that the whole point of the piece is that its a commentary on society and an argument as to why we need to fight#against homophobia with all that we got bc the story draws you into these two guys lives and you see just how miserable they ar#not because theyre queer but because society is so cruel and harsh and didnt let them have what they so obviously wanted#its a story thats supposed to be a mirror held up to audiences to be like 'if ur homophobic and toxically masculine and u express the same#ideals that are clearly torturing these guys then you are part of the problem and are the reason why not only jack and ennis' lives suck#but also why their families get dragged down into the muck too'#and like i guess it isnt common knowledge anymore how much of a groundbreaking movie this was but it came out at a time where it was#socially acceptable to be openly homophobic in most places and bc im insane ive read so many stories of ppl whos minds were changed#bc they saw the movie and were like damn. maybe i should stop being a dickhead to people who just wanna live their lives#so when i see reviews that are like "#brokeback mountains message is to stay in the closet im just like. shut the fuck upppppppppp and learn how to be media literate ugh. lmao#still brokeback posting
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greyskyflowers · 1 month
The idea of hell having a claim on Edwin's soul is such a fun avenue to explore. There's a lot of ways I like to think that could manifest.
Personally, I like the idea of the claim mark being inked around his throat like a tattoo, the whole way around it like a collar. It's why he wears his shirt buttoned up all the way and his bow tie all the time.
Something in another language or comprised of runes or other designs that indicate his soul is claimed, but it just looks wrong. There's no good way to describe it but even someone who didn't know it was a claim from hell would be unsettled by it.
And Charles hates it from the first time he sees it.
Especially the more he gets to know Edwin, the more it really sinks in how wrong the whole thing is.
And because the universe apparently just loves to fuck with Edwin, it also hurts. Ghosts can't bleed but sometimes it just kind of oozes a thick black liquid. It will burn, similar to the way iron burns, and it itches. Edwin will mindlessly scratch at it to the point where he'd be bleeding if he was living.
When he's in hell, it manifests as a actual iron collar. It's the same collar each time he comes back after being killed so it's rusted with old blood and forms jagged edges, ripping into the skin while it burns. When he scratches at it, he digs at the skin until it bleeds and sometimes further.
Edwin did not tell Charles about the physical collar. That might have been a misstep on his part, however in his defense he wasn't planning on ending up back in hell or Charles being in hell with him at any point.
So Charles, who's already burning with worry and rage, finds Edwin and learns what actually happens to him down here and finds out the whole time Edwin is collar like a dog... well. It doesn't go well.
Charles wants it off. The mark was bad enough but now he's got an actual fucking collar?
He wants it off Edwin. He wants it off right now. But there's no seam on the collar, it's like it was welded on. It's not meant to come off and it won't, not while they're still in hell.
It's burning into Edwin's skin when he tells Charles he's in love with him and honestly, Charles can barely focus on anything except getting Edwin out of there and that stupid fucking collar smoking and drawing blood.
But he knows he doesn't want to tell Edwin he loves him back right now. Not when they're still in hell with a monster chasing them, both of them exhausted and Edwin hurt.
He'll say it after they're safe and out of hell, after that collar is gone.
He's going to hit the ground running on figuring out how to break the whole damn claim. He hadn't pushed it as much as he should have. Edwin didn't like to talk about it or call attention to it and Charles respected that. He shouldn't have. He should have pushed it because even if Edwin only had the physical collar in hell, he still had the mark constantly.
Charles had spent many nights glaring at it, nights where it was just them in the office and Edwin actually let himself relax, undoing the buttons on his shirt until the mark was visible. His attention would always end up being drawn back to the mark, Edwin too focused on other things to notice.
If he said anything, or even got caught staring at it, he knew Edwin would snap shut. He wouldn't ever let it show again and he deserves a place to be able to relax and not worry about it. Plus, Charles knows that sometimes the mark is sensitive enough that the clothing rubbing against it makes it raw, being able to expose the mark and let it air out was a relief.
The claim gets pushed to the side with everything else that happens but when Charles gets Edwin off the table Esther had made, to torture him and Charles was rapidly coming to the conclusion that he was more than okay being incredibly violent if it means people will leave Edwin and him alone, the mark is dark and black liquid is rolling down his skin in big drips.
He's ready to get Crystal involved by the time they're finally back in the office, even though he knows Edwin has no desire for her to see or know about the curse, but things actually start to go their way.
They're given the okay to stay together and keep solving cases, and Edwin doesn't have to worry about going back to hell.
They're giving the night nurse some shit, welcoming her to the agency with tongue in cheek comments when she mentions something about the cursed claim and both of them straighten up.
It's nothing concrete, but it's worth a shot. Charles feels a little bad for flinging her off the cliff at the lighthouse because there must be something good in her for her to give them this. She could have said nothing and they never would have even thought to ask her.
She can't promise it will work and she doesn't even know if it's the right information but it gives them a place to start and that's more than enough.
Once your soul has been cursed and claimed in such a way, especially by something like hell, it can't ever be completely free again. Something with the makeup of the soul being altered. Ownership of the claim must be transferred to someone else, it isn't broken just shifted.
So, in the end, the only thing that can transfer a claim on a soul like Edwin's is a stronger claim.
Charles is like fucking finally. He's ready to rip Edwin's soul out of everyone else's hands at this point. No one's got a stronger claim on Edwin than him and he'll fight hell to prove it if he needs to.
And honestly, Edwin can't think of anyone else he'd want to have it.
The spell for the transfer works and the mark changes completely. The dark ink lightens to a off grey silver color that's hardly visible unless you look right at it. The edges of the letters/runes/shapes go from jagged and sharp to curved and soft.
The mark doesn't hurt, ooze black, burn, or itch anymore. In fact, Edwin would argue that it's warm, like it's trying to soothe more than anything else.
He would almost say it's pretty.
Charles gets a version of it on his wrist, wrapped around it like a bracelet. It shows more on him with his skin color and Edwin would say it's pretty.
Maybe it's sensitive and touching it on each other feels good. So Charles gets in the habit of brushing his hands over Edwin's throat and petting at the mark. Edwin gets in the habit of grabbing Charles's wrist and holding it, fingers soothing over the mark and the soft skin of Charles's inner wrist.
Idk just fun thoughts 🤷‍♀️
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darlingdarkly · 7 months
New Year, New You Part 8
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Personal Trainer AU
9k words
CW: dubcon!, dark fic, dark content, obsessive behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, E rated, NSFW, smut, 18+, mature themes, gaslighting
Part 1, 7, 9
You grill him with questions, demanding him to explain to you what he’s talking about. It seems obvious to you that he knows something he’s not letting on. The words fly from your mouth in a panic. “What do you mean it’s not safe? What are you talking about, Johnny? Explain!”
You see him get a little heated, a reaction you hadn’t expected, in fact the whole exchange following your inquisitions is so out of left field that it renders you speechless.
“Obviously hen, ye were a victim of a crime last night. Do ye nae see that?” You hadn’t seen that, it was so hard to remember anything about last night that drawing any kind of conclusion had so far been beyond you.
He sees it starting to click and continues, striking while the irons hot. “How many times in the past have ye gotten black out drunk, bonnie?” You have certainly had your fair share of ragers but black out drunk? To the point of almost total memory loss? Never.
“Did ye really think wakin’ up an’ nae bein’ able tae remember a damn thing was normal? Open yer eyes, lass.” He did this so well it seemed, had a way of breaking you down and making you feel small just to build you back up how he saw fit, cutting through the walls and all the bullshit to speak directly to you in a way no one before him had. It was humiliating and liberating all at once.
He sees he’s made his point. “Ah’m nae kiddin’, lass. I think ye were drugged las’ night an’ ah’d say yer awful lucky ah showed up when ah did.” His voice had taken on a kind of verbal growl, Scottish accent deepening so that it was almost hard to understand. He seemed genuinely upset, more than you could seem to get even though you were the victim, but you could feel it settling into your bones now, the unease.
Your face must be a mask of your emotions because he starts to calm now that he feels he's gotten through to you and he takes your hand into both of his. “Ye need tae understand somethin’, hen.” He seems to be mulling over the words in his head, unsure of the next thing to say. “I care about ye, I want ye tae be safe an’ happy an’ I think ye should stay with me. It’s nae safe fer ye tae be livin’ on yer own.”
You feel a bit surprised at his candidness, a show of emotions you hadn’t expected and it sends a hot flare up from your stomach and heats your cheeks. “Johnny I can’t stay.” He forces his gaze to yours, holds you hostage with it. “Why nae?”
That’s a good question, one you didn’t have an answer for. Why couldn’t you stay with him? Would it really be so bad? You’d been living on your own for so long maybe you were afraid of that change.
You opened your mouth to answer but he stopped you before you could. “Jus’ think about it. I’ll ask ye again tonight an’ if ye dinnae want tae, ah willnae make ye.” He closed it with that, getting up off the bed to signal the talk was over. “Come on, time fer yer warm up.”
After changing, you followed him out the door and into unfamiliar territory, the rest of the house you’ve yet to see. He leads you into an open living area that blended into a nice big kitchen. The house looked like it could house a whole family let alone just the two of you. You followed as your head craned and took it all in. The rent must have been astronomical but it was still Johnny’s house and he didn’t bother with extravagancies. It was spacious but also sparsely decorated making it look huge in perspective.
You cut through the space and into another room. You hadn’t really expected him to have a personal home gym, since he worked at one you naturally assumed he’d just go to work to exercise. The middle of the room was empty and matted, heavy duty, black pads interlocked like puzzle pieces made a twelve by twelve square in the center. The walls of the room were lined with full weight racks, adjustable benches, a treadmill and a power tower.
He stops in the middle of the black square and motions for you to sit. You sit, criss cross applesauce, across from him and he motions for you to begin. You start to go through your warm ups, starting with your sit-ups. He holds your feet and keeps count for you, his grin widening as you progressed.
Today was different and in more ways than one, when you’d finished he had you sit up and hold his feet, meaning for this to be a joint session for the both of you instead of just one sided as it normally was. You had to sit with your knees on the toes of his feet to keep him weighted down and he went for three reps of twenty instead of ten. You could feel the strength he possessed, the power held in the corded muscles of his thighs and calves by just holding him down.
You moved through the first set and into the next, keeping count of his push ups and even clumsily crawling up on his back when he insisted on needing your added weight. While it’d only really been a week since you’d stopped, you found that you’d come to miss this. Partly the healthy routine you’d built with him and partly his presence itself. Slipping back into it was not only easy but welcoming and this new way of having him doing it right along with you was something you secretly found yourself falling in love with.
You practically floated through your warm ups, hardly feeling the burn of them. You sat on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you in a V. Without any assistance from him you managed a full, complete split and you couldn’t quite hide the elation you felt when his eyes lit up and praise poured from his lips.
Limber and pliant you both rose up from the mat and he walked you over to the power tower, standing out from you as you positioned yourself underneath the pull up bar. You jumped and grabbed ahold of the cool metal. You began, pulling yourself up until your chin passed the bar and then dropping down again.
It was hard but you were determined to finish, huffing and puffing by the last rep but still able to pull yourself past the point without stopping. You caught your breath as he muscled through his. You had long recovered when he finally jumped down, making your measly three look like light work as he managed a solid fifteen before finally coming to a halt.
You knew the next portion was the treadmill but as you made to mount it he stopped you. “Let’s go fer a real run, what dae ye think?” You stopped to consider it. You’d always wanted to go for a real jog, much preferring the open air of outside to the confines of an automated conveyor belt but had been much too scared to attempt such a thing on your own.
You’d always heard stories of women going out on jogs and simply never returning, their bodies found weeks later floating in rivers or lying in ditches. As alluring as the idea was your fears had always kept you inside but with a man like Johnny by your side you could pretty much garuntee total safety.
The prospect of finally getting to do as you pleased excited you and you found yourself chomping at the bit to go. He grabbed his house keys and escorted you to the door, locking it tight behind him and stepping up beside you on the sidewalk. “Are ye ready?”
You smiled at him and nodded, it must have been contagious because one of his own sprung up on his face, lighting it up and making his blue eyes sparkle in the sun.
“There’s a park just doon the way. We’ll head there, do a lap an’ loop back.” You started at a light jog and was pleasantly surprised to see him keep the pace you’d set. You were a bit worried you’d be struggling to match him the whole way, although he did talk most of the way while you struggled to manage anything more than one word replies.
It was a beautiful day, the weather was mild and there was a cool breeze at your back like gentle fingers prodding you encouragingly along. You were suddenly glad for this strange turn of events, as troubling as it seemed at first. Feeling down all last week and then reluctant to go out with Nancy, the anxiety you’d felt in the drive to the club and then somehow ending up in Johnny’s bed the next morning.
Somehow even unable to remember any of the events from the night before, something that, in all reality should leave you mortified and sick left you only feeling a strange sense of calm, like in the end it had all worked out how it was meant to be. You found yourself thinking about this morning and how he’d been almost mad at you for not being more concerned about last night, but you just couldn’t feel it.
There was eventually an underlying sense of unease that he’d practically forced onto you but it was only fleeting, like someone who’s fallen asleep at the wheel only to wake up in the hospital and be informed that you were lucky to be alive. It was hard to understand the reality of your danger when you’d walked away unscathed and without really having experienced it.
Maybe it was shell shock and you just weren’t completely grasping the reality of the situation but you weren’t holding your breath, and as far as taking him up on his offer you just weren’t all that convinced. While it was, admittedly, a problem that you’d drank too much and been unable to make it home last night, you failed to see any real danger in living by yourself.
You’d been doing fine thus far and didn’t see why that should have reason to change. You decided then that you’d made up your mind, you’d spend the day with Johnny, as gratitude for taking such good care of you in a time of need and just to enjoy it as well, it was only early in the afternoon but it was turning out to be a pretty good day in your book. You’d tell him later on when he asked that there really was no reason for you to stay with him. He’d understand, you were sure.
“Lass?” You were pulled away from your thoughts and back to the present. “Hmm?”
“I said what do ye think about havin’ fer dinner. I make an ossobuco that’ll bring ye tae tears.” You had no idea what that was but just expressed your interest anyway as you turned off of the sidewalk and into the entrance to the park.
It was one you recognized, beautfiully landscaped and as old as the hills, this park had been around for as long as you could remember, although it’d been ages since you’d been. They’d updated the playground and had redone the bridge over the pond, there was a flock of geese preening themselves on the surface of the dark, calm water.
You came to a stop at the peak of the bridge, glancing down at your Fitbit and checking your pulse. Johnny leaned his forearms onto the railing and leaned down for a look into the pond as you both caught your breath. He broke the peaceful silence that had settled between the two of you.
“I brought me mum here once. She used tae love feedin’ the swans at the pond near our house when I was wee. Used tae take me over there on our morning walks and I used tae make her laugh tryin’ tae catch one. Ah’ve taken more than one swan nip tae the arse as a lad.” You couldn’t help but laugh imagining him chasing the birds that probably matched him in size as a kid and then laughed some more as you imagined them chasing him, angry and nipping at his heels.
He laughed with you and as you nestled in next to him to stare out on the pond, just as the fit settled he leaned in close, nudged up against your side. “Ye’ll meet her if ye stay long enough ye know. She’d love ye.”
You felt a pang of uncomfortable awkwardness as he brought up the idea of you staying again. You didn’t want to dissapoint him by ruining the moment but you didn’t want to lead him on either. “Johnny…”
He stopped you. “Nae. Dinnae say anything yet. Ah was jus’ sayin’.”
You fell back into silence, a much more uncomfortable one this time but he wouldn’t let it set in as he pushed you back into a jog and lead you over the end of the bridge. It looped back around to where you’d started and it was only a quick jog back to his place where you ended your session for the day.
You both go inside and head for the kitchen, he pulls a blender hidden in a cabinet and sets it up on the counter before pulling out a litany of fruits along with a knife and small cutting board. He chops as he talks, going over your progress and performance, comparing it to your starting time and pace and mooning over the results.
He stops talking as he dumps the fruit into the blender and turns it on, the concoction inside swirling into a deep green slurry. When it’s homogenous he stops and pulls two glasses from a different cupboard. The juice makes a wet plop as it fills the glass and he slides one your way after sticking a bright orange straw down into its depths.
You pull it in front of you and take a long sip, confident in his smoothie skills at this point and relish in the way the sweet cool drink slides over your tongue and down your throat, already working to rejuvenate you.
He downs his quickly, an amazing feat that would surely leave you numb with brain freeze. Setting the glass down in the sink he rounds the counter to you. “I’m goin’ tae take a quick shower and then it’s yer turn.” He slides up close, lean chest pressing into your back and placing a kiss on the back of your neck that sent chills down your spine. “Unless ye want tae join me, that is.”
You do want to, nothing sounds better but you’re still tired from your session and you’ve experienced Johnny in his fulty, intense and unrelenting. If you went at it now you may never recover so you decline, opting to finish your drink and wait your turn. He leaves you and you turn on the stool to take in the decor. The little there is of it seems to be concentrated on a shelf in the corner.
You hop off the stool and walk tentatively over to it, surveying the shelves. There’s a few trophies, the plaques on each read that they’re awarded from some gym for a weightlifting competition. His name and the years were engraved in the middle of the plaque, he’d won them three years consecutively.
The other shelves were adorned with photographs. You glanced at them one by one, picking out Johnny’s radiant smile in each. Here’s one with him on the bank of a river, huddled together with a bunch of people all wearing the same bright orange helmets and yellow vests in varying states of soaked, they’re all holding short stubby oars and smiling.
The next one is a much larger group of people, they’re all different ages but share similar qualities, their eyes and noses on different faces but seem to be shaped from the same clay by the same hands. They’re assembled in front of a sign that reads “MacTavish Family Reunion” and it takes you a moment to pick out Johnny from the crowd of baby blues and deep rich browns. You finally spot him clustered in the back with two other young men hanging off of his shoulders. They look like three of a rambunctious kind.
Beside that is Johnny in a long black robe and mortarboard, from the cap dangles a dark green tassel that hangs in the poofy frizz of long dark brown curls belonging to a shorter stout woman. Her eyes are so bright and shockingly blue they couldn’t belong to anyone other than Johnny’s mother. She looks soft and sweet but strong as she beams at the camera. Her face exudes nothing but pride and adoration for her son. Johnny looks young and happy, his eyes reflect the yet untapped potential of the start of his adult life.
“That’s mah mum an’ I at mah graduation.” His sudden presence startles you and you’re glad to have only been leaning in to observe the photographs instead of holding them, you’re certain you would have dropped them had it been the case.
“Jesus, Johnny. You scared me.” He smiles, a deep grin that you can tell he’s a bit satisfied to have been able to give you a start, despite his following apology. “Sorry lass, Dinnae mean tae make ye jump.”
There’s a small span of awkward silence and to cease it you ask him about the first picture, the one by the river.
He lets out a small hearty laugh and reaches past you to lift the frame off the shelf, bringing it closer like having it here in his hands will give him a better feel for the memories they contain.
“Ah used tae go white water raftin’ all the time. This was a group I joined when ah started. We had just cleared a class four river fer tha first time.” You smile as he reminisces, telling just by his eyes that he’s reliving it a little as he talks.
“Do you still do it? River raft?” He shakes his head and places the picture back on the shelf where it had been. “Nae anymore. Too dangerous.”
He sighs a little, the golden memory disappearing and perhaps leaving a plume of mild gloom in its place but if it had affected him too badly it didn’t show, as his ever radiant smile resurfaced like it’d never retreated.
“Yer turn, hen. The bathrooms in mah room it’s the far door on the left.” You make your way back towards his bedroom as he stations himself behind the sink and busies himself with the dishes.
You pick through the bag on the bed, hem hawing over what to wear when you just decide to bring the whole bag with you into the bathroom. You turn on the shower and let it warm as you retrieve your soap, shampoo and conditioner.
After quickly undressing you step into the warm jet and let it soak into your skin. There was a lot to think about and showers had always seemed like the best time to ponder things. You’re still, even now, in awe at just how things had turned in the past day. You certainly didn’t believe you’d be showering at his place at this time the day before. You poured some body wash into your palm, lathering it as you ruminated.
And then there was his offer, so out of the blue and generous of him. To stay at his place with him and for what? Why? Because you’d drank a little too much the night before and just couldn’t recall any of it? While it’d never been the case for you before now didn’t mean it was impossible for you to become black out drunk. It wasn’t an impossibility, you’d read somewhere that the body's chemical makeup changes roughly every seven years. People all the time grow out of and even develop new allergies as their life progressed. Meaning it was completely possible for your reactions to an influx of alcohol to change over time.
At least, that’s how you justified it to yourself as you rinsed the suds from your skin and began to wash your hair. It just didn’t make sense to jump to conclusions so hastily. And stay for how long? Certainly he didn’t mean to tell you that you were welcome to move in indefinitely. You don’t just extend that kind of an offer to someone like that, he barely knew you. Or did he?
It didn’t matter. For now you just couldn’t bring yourself to impose upon him like that, even if he did offer it up so willingly and insistent. After dinner, you’d gently and politely refuse. He did after all say he wouldn’t make you if you didn’t want to.
You rinse off and turn off the stream, letting most of the water drip off you before stepping out and wrapping yourself in a warm, fluffy towel from the rack. You finally pick out an outfit and stick with it, pulling it on and cleaning up after yourself as you finished, you’d rather not leave a mess for him to contend with later on top of everything he’d already done for you.
You close the door to his bedroom behind you as you step out into the open living room. You had expected him to be unwinding on the couch but instead he was up and pulling on jacket, he had his shoes on and keys in hand. As he spotted you he smiled and stepped towards you.
“Ah need a few things from the store fer dinner. Will ye join me fer a ride?” You smile and nod, turning back towards the room to put on some shoes and retrieve your phone and wallet before joining him to leave. It’s a short walk through the front entrance of his home to the garage. It’s barren save for a big red toolbox and a few boxes stacked in a far corner. His truck takes up the majority of the space, a fairly new dark blue Toyota Tundra. Totally on brand for him, clean and gleaming under the fluorescent lights overhead. He pulls open the passenger side door for you to climb in, which flusters you a bit.
You scurry to climb into it and sit back into the comfy seat as he shuts your door and rounds the vehicle to climb in on his side.
You ride in comfortable silence as he drives you a few blocks down the road to the little grocery mart you’d been to on occasion when you were in need of something on this side of town. He parks and you’re glad to scoot out of the door and join him before he has time to come around and open the door for you again. The chivalry was nice but always managed to make you feel awkward instead of special.
You’re taken by surprise as he takes your hand in his and both make your way towards the entrance. The warmth of his hand envelops yours, his thumb draws lazy, soothing circles on the back of your hand and the flustered feeling you’d been feeling, a combination of the new experience of being seen with him in public and him being so gentlemanly, eases.
You walk side by side out of the car park and into the brightly lit store. He picks up one of the little baskets from a metal cage and begins veering towards the back of the store. He seems to know exactly what he needs and where it all is so you just lose yourself a bit in the moment, looking at things on the shelves and watching him as he shops.
Normally when you shop by yourself it’s a race. A race to get everything you need and get out as fast as humanly possible, it’s something about being out in public for too long that makes your skin crawl. But this. This is different. Something about being with Johnny puts you at an inexplicable ease. He’s confident and knowledgeable, and for once you don’t feel like your mind is moving a million miles a minute under the scrutiny of every other set of eyes in the building. You can just simply relax and be, let him take over.
In produce you watch him pick up three different onions that, to you, look no different but he rolls them in the palm of his hand and gives them each a light toss in the air. Somehow— that decides it and he puts two of them back and places the chosen one down in the basket.
Every time he lets go of your hand for something you’re sure that’s the end of it, just knowing the moment will be lost but he surprises you each time anew when he comes back to you and takes it again, leading you through the sections hand in hand.
You stop in the spirits aisle and grimace as he picks up a bottle of dry red wine. The front is embossed with a duck in a yellow slicker, an umbrella cocked jauntily and tucked securely under one white wing, shielding him from a shower of rain falling from a single dark cloud that looms over its head. In a bright gold scroll underneath this curious image are the words “Rain Duck”. The image is very reminiscent of the Morton salt girl you’d always seen in the spice cabinet of your childhood home.
He looks over and catches your look of disgust and laughs, a hearty cheerful sound that momentarily wipes the scowl from your face and threatens to send you into your own fit of meek giggles. “Dinnae worry hen, s’just fer the sauce. Will nae even taste it, ah promise.”
He sets it down in the basket and heads towards the front of the store to checkout. You stand in line and wait your turn until the cashier clears the person in front of you and Johnny begins to empty his basket onto the conveyor belt one item at a time.
By the time he’d finished, the cashier, a tall skinny man with dark rimmed glasses had already begun to ring you up and Johnny suddenly smacks the palm of his hand to his forehead. “Ahhhh shite. Ah forgot somethin’. Stay here with the groceries bonnie, I’ll be right back.”
He takes off in a power walk towards the back of the store and disappears around a shelf. You rock back and forth on your feet and pray that by the time the cashier is done Johnny will be back. You know if he’s not you’ll cave to the pressure of the people behind you and end up paying for everything yourself, just so you don’t hold the line.
You crane over the partitions of shelves that mark the separate checkout lanes in search of Johnny but your attention is redirected when the cashier clears his throat and calls out to you to get your attention. “Excuse me, miss.”
You turn, dreading the worst but there’s still a good amount of items left unscanned and he’s got the bottle of Rain Duck held past the scanner, looking to you attentively.
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize he only needs your ID to finish ringing up the wine. You pull your wallet from your purse and the relief you had felt instantly dissipates. The pleasantly relaxed state you’d been lulled into suddenly felt like the calm prelude to a horrifying nightmare. The clear plastic pane that normally covered your horrible ID photo was empty. You tipped it open, hoping for some horrible trick of the light or optical illusion but the sleeve was empty.
You quickly shuffled through the individual card sleeves, hoping against hope that you’d somehow slipped it into one of them by mistake but it wasn’t there. Your ID was missing. The panic sets in the pit of your stomach like a lead ball as Johnny squeezes up behind you holding a carton of heavy cream. His smile disappears when he sees your face.
He quickly sets the heavy cream down on the belt and puts a hand on your shoulder. “Bonnie, what is it? What’s wrong?”
The cashier calls out to him impatiently. “Sir?” Johnny looks up at him, with death glaring from his eyes before turning back to you. “Come on, lass. What’s the matter?” You whisper because it’s all you can muster, your vocal cords withered to nothing in fright.
“My ID. It’s gone.” The cashier tried again to get Johnny’s attention and you barely hear Johnny as he speaks very low and angrily at the man behind the counter. Johnny must have done as he asked though because soon enough you feel Johnny’s arms gently pulling you towards the exit. It makes you snap out of your horror for a moment and offer to help carry the bags back to his truck but he’s having none of it, insisting on carrying the whole load in two huge armloads all the way back himself.
You slip into the passenger seat as he puts the groceries in the back and only look up from staring at the lines in your denim jeans when the driver side door shuts and the cab is silent for a moment. He’s looking at you, very concerned and you realize he’s waiting for you to explain in more detail.
“My ID is gone. Completely gone.” He seems to think for a moment before he responds and asks if you’d checked your purse. You quickly do as he’d suggested and go through it but it’s not there either and the momentary hope you’d felt at his suggestion died almost as soon as it’d been born.
“Maybe I dropped it at the club.” A smile begins to form on your face as you grasp at anything other than the truth. “That’s it Johnny! We’ve gotta go back to the club. They’ll have found it cleaning up! And we can go get it and everything’s fine!” He doesn’t look convinced as you look over to him for validation.
“Lass, be honest with yerself fer a moment. How often do ye take yer ID out of yer wallet when ye need it?” Your smile began to fade, he was right. Anytime you needed it you just opened it and flashed it without ever taking it out of the slot, you’d bought that wallet specifically for that feature because you were so worried about losing it.
“I ken ye didnae want tae believe what happened tae ye, but there’s no denyin’ it now. Someone targeted ye last night. Picked ye out of the crowd and drugged yer drink when ye werenae lookin’ an’ they took yer ID in case they couldnae seal the deal right away. He’s got yer address an’ yer name an’ even yer picture.”
You listen to him talk as the cold, cruel hand of reality closes around your throat and the disgust of being violated in such a thorough way begins to worm its way under your skin. You can feel Johnny struggling to find words to comfort you from the seat next to you but he must not find any that are adequate because he starts the truck instead and drives you home in a silence that had on the way been comfortable and passive but now was pregnant with tension and doom.
You get back to his place and he unloads the truck as you sit inside and try not to panic at the situation you’ve found yourself in. You thank your lucky stars that Johnny had found you and brought you home now. If you’d somehow miraculously made it home without incident this mysterious man could have crept into your home while you were incapacitated and done any number of things to you. You imagined all the horrifying possibilities, each more daunting than the last as he unpacked and put everything away.
He must sense your spiraling thoughts because he calls you into the kitchen with him as he starts to cook. Chopping onions, heating shallow pools of oil in two different skillets, measuring out beef broth and flour and water in varying amounts as he practices the fine art of mise en place.
You try, really truly try not to let the fear of your predicament gnaw away at you too hard but it’s almost an act in futility. He looks up at you after cracking his third shot and missed joke while dredging the ox tails in flour and notices you staring down at your hands in deeply troubled thought.
He stops what he’s doing and comes over to the counter, bending down to lean over its sturdy surface and get your attention. You look up at him and feel your heart skip a little as he has no business being so damn attractive covered in flour like he is.
“Listen hen. I ken yer goin through it right now. Probably spooked right out of yer tree, but I promise ye yer in no danger here. I dare him tae walk through that door right now. I swear tae ye ill dismantle him with my flour covered hands before he even so much as touches a hair on yer bonnie head.”
You can’t help but smile as you imagine him wrecking your faceless oppressor, flour flying about in clouds as the impact of his blows knock it loose from his hands.
“There’s tha’ smile. Now be a doll an’ open mah wine fer me. I forgot before ah got all messy.”
You stand from your stool and open the drawer he directs you towards to locate the corkscrew. The rest of the preparation you do in a much better mood. While you had a brand new serious problem on your hands there was no need in sulking over it when there was nothing you could do at the moment and anytime spent with Johnny was hard not to enjoy.
He plated your portion and set you down across from him so he could watch your first bite. You wanted him to eat with you, a bit self conscious at him just watching you eat but he insisted he had to start on dessert before he could sit down to dinner.
You cut the big chunk of meat with your knife and fork and then dipped it down in the pool of sauce just as he’d instructed you to. He watched you intently as you brought the fork to your mouth and took your first bite.
Your eyes widen before half closing, you can’t help the soft moan that resounds as the tender meat and rich, savory sauce feel like they pull your taste buds into their arms and hug them soft and sweetly. It’s absolutely divine and you look up from your plate to see Johnny, smug as a bug grinning wolfily at your reactions.
“Told ye it’d bring ye tae tears.” You can’t even respond, just swallow and take another eager bite, this time with a little of the risotto from the bed that the meat is resting on. “Jesus Christ, Johnny. Where in the fuck did you learn to cook like this?”
His grin is so wide you’re worried it’ll be stuck that way and to your amusement you can tell his cheeks have reddened even under his nice, even tan. “Yer makin’ me blush, hen. S’just what ah’ve picked up along tha way. Ye could do it too. I could teach ye.”
You nod enthusiastically, you’d like that very much and you have a feeling so would he. You really dig into your meal in earnest as he works. His back is to you as he prepares dessert on the stove and you wonder just what it might be. Steam rises up in thin streams as he pours something into two ramekins and sticks them in the oven.
By the time you’re done he’s cracking into his own dinner as you begin working on the dishes. He protests but you stay firm that if he cooked the absolute least you could do was help clean up. He finally relented and let you work as he ate as quickly as he could so he could help dry the dishes at least.
By the time everything was done so was the dessert and he pulled it from the oven to cool as he leaned over the counter and held your gaze raptly with his. “It’s time, lass. What have ye decided?”
But with the way he’s staring you down it feels like he’s on the edge of his seat. Those blue eyes piercing yours and you know every second you don’t answer is killing him, you can read it all over his face so even though you’d made your mind up you told him you weren’t sure.
He looked a bit dejected but it wasn’t the broken disappointment you knew you’d have been graced with if you’d downright shut his proposition down. His eyes light up suddenly in a way you hadn’t been expecting like he’d just had the idea of a century.
“Play a game with me, lass.” You regarded him distrustfully. “What kind of game, Johnny?”
“I’ll show ye, come on.” You follow after him into the bedroom, a bit wary. He stops in front of the pull up bar and turns back towards you.
“Johnny you and I both know there’s no way I’m besting you in a pull up contest, I’d be mental to even try. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“Ohhh no, hen. Nothing like tha’, yer right t’wouldnae be fair. All I want ye tae do is hang from the bar. Can ye do that?”
You jump up and grab the bar to see if you’ve got the right idea and he smiles and nods. “Jus’ like that, all ye’ve gotta do is not let go. Think ye can handle it?”
You eyed him suspiciously. “What’s the catch?” You felt like there was something hidden in this that he wasn’t revealing and you weren’t wrong.
“Well it would nae be a game if there was nae some kind of a catch now would it, hen?” You swallow hard and watch him saddle closer, pinning you back into the cool metal bars.
“Ye’ve got tae hold yerself up until ye come.” His smirk widens as your mouth drops open a little, at first for some kind of rebuttal but you can’t come up with anything to say so it just hangs open as your mind blanks.
You finally get a grip enough to ask him to explain. “Well, yer goin’ tae hang onto tha bar an’ ah’m goin’ tae try mah hardest tae make ye come. If ye can hold onto it just until then, then you win but if ye cannae do it, an’ ye let go then I win.”
You mull over his terms and he just leans back a bit and lets you, waiting for your answer. Instead of giving him one you inquire further. “What do I get if I win?”
His answer is another simple question. “What do ye want?” A simple question that was complicated to find an answer for. What did you want from him? After a moment's thought you answered. “I want you to tell me everything you remember about last night and I want you to help me find this guy that did this to me. I don’t want to live in fear like this. You take me up to the club and we ask if they found my ID and if not then we ask to see the video footage of that night.”
“Hen, there’s no garuntee—“ You stop him. “I know. Just promise me if I win you’ll help me.” He looks a bit troubled, like he hadn’t meant for this to take this kind of turn and you wonder for a moment if he’ll back out.
“If I win ye have tae tell me the real reason ye never came back to the gym an’ never texted me an’ just disappeared.” You go to answer when he adds. “And ye stay.”
You sort of knew he was going to play that and even though you’d anticipated it, it still manages to fluster you hearing it.
You think about it real hard, just being around him had you more or less worked up all day, you were fairly confident that you could come quickly, even now just having discussed the game with him you knew your panties were damp. But could you hold yourself up for that length of time?
Reluctantly, you accepted. You even felt sure enough to jest him a bit about how easy of a win this would be for you, it was a decision you came to regret as he leaned in close to your ear and whispered. “Ah’m goin’ tae make ye eat those words, hen.”
A shudder of anticipation passed through you as he kissed you on your neck, just below your ear with a pass of his velvet soft tongue, giving you a little taste of what was to come.
The game had apparently begun as he stooped down to help shed you of your jeans, pulling them down and kissing the skin revealed as he exposed it. Next came your panties and they were damp, a fact that tore a rumble of approval from his chest but he wouldn’t touch you yet.
“Cannae give ye too much of a head start now can we?” He patted the side of your thigh curtly. “Up up.”
You do as he says and it’s a little late to be self conscious now but you can’t help it as you dangle from the metal rod and he spreads your thighs so you’re open to him. You worry he’s going to cheat you a bit as he stares at your bare pussy and you begin to complain when it dies in your throat as his tongue licks a broad stripe up the length of your slit. “Shit!”
He chuckles a little and dives in, resting his hands in the crooks of your knees but offering no support as he begins to eat you out in earnest. You can’t help but moan, your eyes glossy and unfocused as you stare down at him feasting on you from below. It feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced, the strain in your arms adding an element of pain that scratches a hidden itch in the back of your brain.
You shift in his hold uncomfortably as his tongue darts into your entrance, collecting your juices on his tongue and drinking them down. You want, so desperately, to be able to grip him by the Mohawk and hold onto him for dear life but you can’t so you squeeze the bar in your grip and sweetly moan his name instead.
His tongue finds your clit and it just about throws you over the edge but proves to be not quite enough as you chase it in hopes of victory. His hands squeeze and grope the flesh of your thighs and ass as he eats. You thought at the start of this that you would have had this in the bag but the stretch of your arms was outweighing the pull of your pleasure.
It wasn’t for a lack of Johnny’s enthusiasm, his head stayed buried in the heat of your pussy the whole time as he drove you towards the edge as quickly and efficiently as possible. Despite the burn in your biceps you could feel your orgasm building to a boiling point, you had no doubt you’d be coming soon but would it be soon enough for you to win?
He suddenly began to run quick sharp circles over the top of your clit with the pad of his thumb, while his tongue laps at your entrance like a bear to a beehive hole. It’s so good you can’t help but moan, low and dragging as you careen towards the center of the nova of pleasure threatening to consume you whole.
Your wrists tremble and a cramp unlike any you’ve ever experienced begins to glow like a white hot coal in your armpit and it’s beyond you to be able to hold on any longer. Your pinky finger slips first and then the rest quickly follow. You squeal as you realize you’re going to fall but his arms push your legs up onto his shoulders and he catches you just as you let go.
A flood of relief flows through your aching arms and you realize you’ve lost but the sting of defeat plays second fiddle to the massive orgasm that takes you by the throat just an instant later. He holds you up with the strength in his arms alone as you come undone above him. He spins around as your thighs still tremble and gently places you on the bed.
You are still very sensitive and your thighs go to clench shut when they’re blocked by one wide knee. He wastes no time in slotting himself between them, his mouth crashing to yours as you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. He cages you beneath him, pulling off your lips to bite and suck at your neck. His hands roam you freely, pulling at your top until it’s up over your head and lifting you up for access to the clasp of your bra.
With it successfully pulled away from your breasts he dives down and devours them, lips wrapping around one pert nipple as the other he gropes with the full palm of his hand, trying to hold as much of it as possible. You nearly shriek with the overstimulation of it and he pulls away to whisper both praise and apologies.
“Jus’ cannae help it, bonnie. Need tae be inside you, please? Let me fuck you, hen. Been cravin’ tha’ perfect little pussy. Come on, lass. Give it tae me.” He’s rubbing the very prominent bulge of his cock against your thigh all the while and you can’t help but clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Fuck Johnny! Do it! Fill me up.” He wastes no time, quickly abandoning your breasts to free himself from the confinements of his jeans. He doesn’t even get them down all the way before he’s fishing himself from his boxers and rubbing the tip hurriedly up and down your slit. You jump and squeal at the sensation and he coos more apologies at you before lining himself up and pushing inside.
You moan in unison as he stretches you open and his arms come up to brace himself on either side of your head. He muffles your moans with his mouth as he leans down and kisses you, swallowing them up as he begins to move and your hands fly to his arms, bracing yourself against the onslaught that is the drag of his fat cock.
You pull away for air and immediately expel it into a high pitched whine as he picks up a fast and steady rhythm, hips knocking into yours on each upward thrust. The fact that you've already came does nothing to alleviate the burn that accompanies the stretch of him. He’s a force and you can do nothing against it but hold on.
You try to make sense of what he’s saying as he fucks you stupid but only catch half of it. Something about keeping you safe forever. Poorly worded promises and vows pouring from his mouth as he uses you to reach his release.
You can feel it fast approaching and can do nothing but steel yourself against it as he pounds a second orgasm from you, the snap of his hips and the drive of his cock demands it of you. “Aww fuck, hen. Are ye gonna come fer me again? Hmm? Let me feel it. Come on lass, let me take care of ye forever. Ye can have this fer the rest of our lives if ye jus’ come fer me right now.”
He says it like you have a choice in the matter as you become locked in the throes of your ecstasy brought forth by his hand and in the midst of yours you vaguely feel him reach his. Coming hard and fast deep inside the tight clutch of your pussy.
It takes you both an eternity to recover and when he finally rolls off you, you realize you’d half fallen asleep, cradled safely under him, worn out and sated.
After a moment he gets up and leaves the room and he’s gone forever to the point where you almost get up to go after him but he comes back in with two small white dishes in hand along with two spoons.
You sit up on one elbow as he hands you one and the accompanying silverware. Looking down at it you can see a dark golden brown crust, a glassy glaze over the surface but are otherwise clueless as to what’s before you. You watch him experimentally as he takes the handle of the spoon in between his thumb and index finger and brings the bowl of the spoon down on top of the crust with an audible smack. The crust breaks and there’s a jiggly dense cream beneath.
Following suit, you bring your spoon down onto yours and scoop up a glob of the pale white gelatin. You take a bite and smile as the cool, sweet cream melts over your tongue. You sit there with him, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms and eating crème brûlée.
It gets you thinking, you could have this indefinitely. Do this every night if you’d like and as if reading your thoughts he speaks.
“I won, but the choice is still yers. Stay with me, hen. Ah’ll keep ye safe. No worries, no lookin’ over yer shoulder forever or double checkin’ yer locks all yer life. Let me take care of ye. I want to, an tha’s honest.”
You stare at him, his blue eyes are soft and filled with adoration and honesty. He really wants you here with him and is that really so bad? How many times are you gonna pass up this opportunity before it’s gone? And will you be looking back later with regret once the door has closed?
You have to drop his gaze to decide but recapture it once you do. You go to tell him “Ok, but only until I’ve found a new place.” but he seizes you in his arms after the first word and pulls you hard against him like a five year old child handed a cat and told they can keep it.
“Johnny! You’re squishing me!” You complain but the sensation isn’t entirely unpleasant.
He does everything with you side by side for the rest of the night. He changes with you, he brushes his teeth with you, he even lingers around when you try to go to the bathroom before bed, it takes a good amount of effort on your part to make him leave the room but you know he’s stood just outside the cracked door that he neglects to close on the way out.
Climbing under the sheets with him you wonder just how sleeping together for the first night is gonna go, actually wondering if you’ll get any sleep at all but then he pulls you into his chest and to your surprise he doesn’t try anything sexual. He doesn’t rub a hard bulge against you or grope your tits. He just wants you close, his warm chest filling out the dip of your back, his legs entangle themselves with yours, his feet even nudge yours affectionately in lazy passes.
It’s a while before either of you speak and Johnny thought you’d been long asleep when you say “I can’t afford a membership.” There’s a pause in your words and just when he understands what you’re saying you say more. “That’s why I didn’t come back to the gym, I thought it’d be easier.. for both of us.. if I just disappeared.”
And there’s something about your honesty, the way you’d remembered and honored your whole end of the bargain, the candidness of revealing you struggled with the decision, the mild sleepy drag of your voice that’s barely audible in the darkness that pulls directly on his heart and he couldn’t articulate a response if he’d tried so he doesn’t.
Maybe you believe he’s asleep and maybe it’s better that way. But he’s not. A few moments later he hears your breathing even out and he knows from the previous night that you’re asleep. He lays awake long after that holding you.
He thinks about you and how he’d finally got you to see reason. He thinks about times when the outcome of a situation is more valuable and important— the greater good one might say, than the means it took to reach it. Omelets, for instance, constitute broken eggs.
It takes a certain amount of necessary malice for these things. An agent who realizes what’s at stake and what’s to gain, willing to act on these conditions and set them right, no matter the cost. And lastly, he thinks about your ID, sitting snuggly behind his in his wallet. Tomorrow after he drops you off at work he’ll dispose of it. Maybe burn it, maybe shred it, maybe tie it to a heavy rock and throw it off the bridge at the park, watch it sink into the murky, goose poop filled pond until it gets too deep to see.
No one will know. But Johnny will. Johnny will know that in the end, his end, it justified his means. You are safe and you are his and there is no means too heinous, no act too profound to reach it.
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genericpuff · 11 months
On this week's episode of "Webtoon Controversies That Could Have Been Avoided If Only They Had Some Damn Quality Control"-
Oh boy, prepare yourselves, there's some TEA on this one.
Quantum Entanglement, a new Webtoon Originals series from creator Arts Angel (aka Sarah Ellerton) is uh... a teeny weeny painfully obvious that it was made with AI.
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AI is getting better, but when it comes to comics, there are still a lot of "tells" you can pick up on once you know where to look. Hands are certainly one of them.
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Not knowing how to draw hands efficiently and consistently is definitely an Artist Problem(tm) but it becomes a lot more obvious it was made by AI when you get weird little off-putting mistakes like a fingernail being just a little too long or missing joints (hot dog fingers, eyo) or the distinction between fingers not being clear.
But there's also hair and other detailed parts that are often lost in the translation process between prompt to final piece. Jewelry, text on a screen, phones, that sort of thing. The insinuation of a 'thing' is there, but it's like looking at it through a fishbowl.
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And ultimately, a lot of AI art tends to just be a little too 'perfect'. Everything is just a little too smooth for it to look like it was naturally made by a person. Faces end up veering into the uncanny valley territory and there are inconsistencies between the eyes and the rest of the body. Backgrounds become lost in what I like to call "AI goop", becoming nothing more than weird blurred/filtered out insinuations of what's supposed to be behind the character.
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Basically, at this point, it's undeniably clear that AI is being used to create this comic. While there are also plenty of signs in the handiwork that show a human was involved in some parts, there are other places that are undeniably filled in with the use of AI. So it's not necessarily a 100% made-by-AI comic, but it's absolutely AI assisted.
But what's REALLY absurd about this whole situation? The creator denies it. To the point of including a disclaimer in the first episode trying to "get ahead" of people who are assuming it's AI by saying, "No, it's not made with AI, here's the proof! Don't look at the blood on my hands or the body in the trunk of my car!"
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Now, first off, the absolute absurdity of making yourself look guiltier by trying to prove your innocence before people have even started to suspect you... I'd like to think that this was edited into the first episode after the initial accusations started rolling in but considering it's an Originals series, it's hard to know if it was, as creators typically don't get as much control over just editing their episodes on the fly like Canvas creators do. Typically it's their editors who do that sort of thing for them. And even if it was edited in afterwards, it's still there for people who have no idea going into the comic blind and might not automatically assume it was made with AI, so it just looks like you're bringing up the potential of AI being used completely unprovoked. By planting the idea in your audience's brain that AI is even a question, you're making them suspect everything.
It's kind of like when Dream was suspected of cheating in a way-too-lucky-to-be-real speedrun of Minecraft a couple years back, so he went to all these painstaking efforts of hiring a quantum physicist to "prove" his innocence with a straight up THESIS documenting all of the reasons he couldn't have cheated through math and figures and jargon. Ironically, this just made Dream look guiltier, and sure enough, he eventually admitted he had cheated.
That said, did you notice something in that "art process" pic?
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That finished panel isn't even what showed up in the final comic.
So the absurdity of this all, again, just makes Arts Angel look a lot more guilty of actually using AI, especially when it's basically undeniable in so many of those panels above. People don't paint like that.
But that brings us to talking about Sarah Ellerton, aka "Arts Angel", the creator. Many long-time readers of her work are defending this, claiming that she has, in fact, "always drawn like this".
What's insane? She actually is who she says she is. This isn't like some kid who came out of the woodwork with AI and claiming that they had 20 years of experience, Sarah Ellerton's main site, The Seraph-Inn, has been live and crawled by Wayback Machine as far back as 2005.
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And you can see the art evolution over the years, starting with Inverloch-
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-into Phoenix-
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-and all the way to Immaterial-
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But here's the thing about that last comic. The main protagonist is, apparently, the same girl from Quantum Entanglement, the newest installment in this series where it becomes abundantly clear the creator has started using AI.
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You can see the effects of this being parsed through AI, because she's gone from being a unique character with two-toned hair and darker skin, to being turned into a generic Instagram anime girl. And lemme tell you, AI used in comics has NOT gotten better at depicting darker-skinned characters (I actually tested an AI-coloring tool WT was planning on putting out a year or two ago, it was uh... not great.)
But the most damning thing about Sarah?
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She works in IT.
That on its own wouldn't be so telling if it weren't for the 20 years she clearly spent actually honing her craft, only to suddenly switch to using AI as a crutch.
Quantum Entanglement was picked up for Originals in July 2023. It launched two days ago, with four free to read episodes and 6 more under the FastPass paywall. Three months after it got picked up. That turnaround speed is insane for an Originals series. Now, I'm more inclined to believe that maybe she's using the exact same pages she used in the Canvas version (there's unfortunately no way of checking through Wayback, it never crawled the Canvas version, so unless someone has backups of the Canvas pages they're willing to share, we'll never know) but that short turnaround time is insane for a comic that's this insanely detailed. It likely means they didn't need much pre-production time to get a strong buffer going, and that it doesn't take them as long to produce these episodes on a weekly basis so they could be under way less crunch than creators who do this by hand.
By comparison, the winners of the Call to Action contest from last year are STILL working on their pre-production. Many other greenlit Canvas series are known for getting picked up and stuck in pre-production for several months and even a year or more simply due to how the company operates with when it chooses to launch these series and how much pre-production is necessary. Some creators have literally said that their pre-production was done, but WT still kept them waiting to launch. So three months for a freshly greenlit Canvas series to launch is NOT the norm.
All that said, I feel for the people who are trying to defend her. But it's so undeniably AI with the creator herself providing fake proof that it makes it really sad to think that this person was honing their craft for 20 years just to wind up utilizing AI. Being a good artist does not make you immune to the temptation of using cheap methods or developing bad habits. Going through "the struggle" does not make you immune to taking shortcuts that wind up cheapening your work or taking advantage of the work of others.
Now, maybe Sarah trained AI around her art. If this didn't play out the way it did, I'd be willing to give her benefit of the doubt and assume that. Training AI off your own work, while still up for debate as to how ethical that is, at least doesn't hurt other artists, because it's your own work the AI is "stealing". There are definitely ways AI could be used to make life easier for artists without replacing the art process entirely, the same way artists have learned to use 3D assets and digital art filters to make their process more efficient and boost the quality of their art up to the next level.
But the fact that she's being so cagey over it, claiming she's not using AI period when she very clearly is, providing "proof" that actually proves she definitely used AI, while operating under a penname that's strangely similar to a name Grimes - former tech wife of Elon Musk and staunch supporter of AI - used for one of her studio albums-
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- that's what makes it a lot more clear she's using it maliciously.
The AI is very likely trained off another artist's work. Maybe someone whose art style is similar enough to hers that she could integrate it into her own and pass it off as legitimate. Someone whose art style is cartoonish but still modern, like if Disney made anime. Someone who's so prolific and consistent in their stylization that training an AI off it would seem like a no brainer to those who want to replicate that style quickly and easily.
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Damn. What a disappointment. Do better, Sarah.
And for god's sakes, Webtoons, pay more fucking attention. I've been steadily picking away at moving the entirety of my comics over to other platforms on a weekly schedule, but at this point I kinda just wanna dump the last 30 or so chapters onto ComicFury all at once so I can ditch this platform for good, especially if it turns out AI comics getting greenlit is a feature, not a bug. The ratings for Quantum Entanglement have dropped significantly overnight, now sitting around 5.09 and still dropping, but is Webtoons going to do anything about it? That remains to be seen.
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shatcey · 2 months
Haunted House Report (Alfons 1-2ch)
Alfons 1-2ch Alfons endings Epilogue (briefly) Roger (premium)
The event is a combination of a scary ghost story, a detective and a very sad romance with psychological trauma (who would be surprised, considering everything else). Sometimes I felt a bit sleepy (it was so damn long), but mostly it was very exciting.
I love Alfons very much. He is my foremost love in the whole Ikemen world (sorry Silvio, Yoichi and many others), so I evaluate all his actions and words from a positive point of view. This is usually quite questionable, but this time I didn't have to made up. He's very sweet.
The story starts with Kate getting a little worried going to this creepy mansion alone at night. So she asks Alfons to come with her. He begins to tease her a little about this, but agreed, and even gave her a very good reason for this… It's just more convenient to complete the task.
He asks if she wants him to magically erase her from fear. I thought he was going to show her an illusion. But no…
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It was pretty extreme, but it worked. That's the only thing that matters.
They went into the mansion, and on the way they talked about ghosts...
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Alfons' answer seemed weird to Kate, but she didn't have time to figure out what he meant because… a strange sound came from the nearest room.
They went in there to investigate and saw…
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Totally reasonable skepticism… Mirrors… well… This is a very tricky object. But the old man said that he had died a long time ago, and they believed him. I wouldn't believe, so Alfie probably either…
Our kind Kate asked how they could help him… It must be so hard to get stuck in the mirror. And the old man asked them to clean up the place… Okay, I wouldn't deny that it was unexpected. A ghost obsessed with cleanliness… This is something new.
My boy immediately noticed that this is a huge mansion, and the ghost agrees with the three places he indicated. I'd like to know how. Does he have a map or something? Or did they draw a map? Again… It's a huge place, and it's their first time here. And this is not Jude's Kate, who prepared in advance.
So they started cleaning up. Again, I wondered with what exactly. Kate, as if she had heard me, explained that she was taking cleaning supplies from the closet. Very convenient...
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Of course! How I didn't realised this before? This is Clavis' castle, which means there must be traps in it.
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No, I'm fine. All thanks to you.
The situation is actually repeated in the second room
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They went to the third place to check (brave of them), and things turned out pretty badly…
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You still don't get it? I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!!! Where is this damn power that should wake up in critical situations? Or does it only work with mothers who save their children?
And Kate, of course, agrees with me and didn't let him fall. She's thinking rationally (continue holding him… she's my hero now!) and has decided that she needs help. Perhaps someone from the Crown is nearby… She calls for help, and to her surprise, it comes…
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The lady in red… This song is already stuck in my head. I have to listen to it to get rid of it!
Oh, it's a lovely song...
So... Back to the topic.
Alfons thinks how strange it seems.
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(discovery music playing)
Somewhere along the way through these three rooms, a sudden thought occurred to me. If this ghost wanna kill people and knows where his traps are, then it makes sense that he can send them there. But… The traps are limited, so… Who's recharge them? Like… there are still working traps. Suspicious…
They returned to the room with the mirror (I didn't mean to make a pun, I swear). They call out the old man, who is "most likely not a ghost at all", but he didn't show up. The Alfons noticed the new layer of footprints on the floor, and they follow them…
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And they found a hidden room. It was actually Jean's workshop from IkeVamp.
So Alfons congratulates Kate on finding a room, I thought it was sarcasm, but she didn't think so, maybe I'm wrong. Obviously, he figured it out a long time ago, but let her lead. Oh, sweety…
Kate pointed out she didn't know how this person (and we're already sure it's a person, not a ghost) used the mirror. Alfons explains it. It was something with the mirror tilted at right angle (it was very difficult to translate, so you have no choice but to believe me). I thought it was just glass… but I'll trust an expert.
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So they found the culprit and the method. And the only thing left to find out…
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And Kate remembers that they discussed their mission. And then she said they needed to find "evidence of a crime".
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They look for evidence and find nothing. So… Alfons suggests looking for clues elsewhere…
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I couldn't have put it better. He's an idiot! But brilliant.
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Oh, no, I just realized… She's not the lady in red anymore… (sad)
As soon as Alfons agreed that they would like to hear her story, all the signs of a poltergeist appeared. The temperature has dropped, everything is vibrating…
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Look at that face and you won't doubt his determination… My overprotective monster...
That's how the lady in red (I'll call her that) expressed her excitement, because no one ever wanted to listen to her.
Well… it happened 50 years ago. She was one of those people with unusual abilities who took part in the experiment. I must add, it was very ethically questionable experiment. Yes, she was one of the cursed. And this old "non-ghost" was appointed her partner. She fell for him very hard, but it wasn't mutual. And at some point, that bastard killed her by pushing her off a cliff. The woman looked pretty happy telling them about it, and Kate decided to ask...
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So they're both stuck. She is in her weird adoration, which has no reasonable limits. He's stuck with an obsession with guilt that makes him search for something that doesn't exist.
This concludes chapter 2. Unfortunately, I use too many screenshots and have reached the limit, so I will post the endings separately. I've finished everything, but I need time to clean up the text a bit. If I don't fall asleep in the process… then a bit later. If I fall asleep… tomorrow. Long story, long summary…
@judesmoonbeauty as promised
🔝 Start page 🔝
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t0ast-ghost · 28 days
The last one… it’s been coming for awhile…
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
(Spoilers for- well— everything)
- Before watching this movie I was trying to figure out why they chose this name and was told by my mom it’s a Shakespeare reference which.. I should have guessed
- “A Nicholas Myer Film” Cool! Now we know who to blame or bow to
- The music is so fucking intense I’m worried now
- I know Christopher Plummer is famous, I can’t place the face though and I want to say I know the name from the muppet show
- WAIT. Michael Dorn… WORF
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- Wanna let y’all know that there was a guy (Harve Bennet) who wanted to create a completely different sixth movie that would’ve been more like a prequel where they recasted everyone to have an “academy era” movie with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy shenanigans. Gene Roddenberry didn’t fucking like that idea (cause only he knows how to cast apparently)
- explosion :)
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- Teacup that tells you what ship you’re on. I now understand why everyone hates Quark trying to spread his own brand when Starfleet clearly is trying to push their own into every single crevasse
- It’s nice that they gave him the ship he kept saying he was hoping for in voyage home
- I won’t make a fart joke out of “gaseous planetary anomalies” and I definitely won’t say that Q did it
- DAMN NOT THE TEACUP. NBC Hannibal would fucking hate this movie
- Forgot how much I freaking love George Takei and I am so happy they gave him more stuff to do in this movie
- Falling… for about 7 seconds which is about 4 seconds more than normal
- Fairly certain that’s Janice Rand (5:32) (edit: it is! Hi Janice!!!)
- “We have no need for assistance,” and “Stay out of the neutral zone,” sounds like challenge
- Kirk says “What are we doing here?” STARRRING IN THE SIXTH STAR TREK MOVIEE BABEYYYY
- Scotty bought a boat, Uhura teaches seminars at the academy, I love hearing about their lives, keep going
- “Where’s Spock?” Asked in the saddest wettest voice. Kirk’s got his priorities straight. Er- well- not straight exactly but they’re there
- Them trying to hide that the “special envoy” is Spock when Kirk is sitting there looking at him like this
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- Sorry babygirl not taking in any of that information. I am taking in those beautiful eyes tho <3
- Ooooh starting this one off with Kirk and Spock on opposite political sides
- Kirk being the one who has to offer the olive branch probably because Spock thought he could trust him to be on the side of peace (which was a miscalculation cause he’s probably still pretty angry with the whole “you Klingon bastards killed my son” thing…)
- “I remind you this meeting is classified” as everybody splits off into chattering gossip
- Kirk actually getting angry at Spock for “volunteering” them. The giant empty room with Kirk in the shadows and only Spock in the light (plus that random person standing in a dark corner for some reason) augh the mise en scène is wonderful
- I don’t even know how to unpack all that. Kirk so prejudiced against the Klingons (finally taking a more antagonistic stance) and saying “You should have trusted me” WHICH IS WHAT SPOCK HAS ALWAYS DONE. Because he trusted that Kirk would ultimately want peace no matter how battered and broken he became.
- They changed Spock’s ears, made the points more curved into themselves
- Why does every new lieutenant like quoting regulations to Kirk? How many does he just regularly break?
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- I love how shape her hair is (draw it draw it draw it dammnit)
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- Whenever creating a Star Trek movie you need someone on the production team who loves the ship departing from space dock scenes
- “I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.” Kirk says my boy
- Okay yes, Valeris should have knocked before entering his room but Kirk should also know to lock his door when he’s talking to his diary
- Why is Valeris so involved in this movie? First she’s talking to Kirk and now we’re following her to Spock’s? Strange (my guess. She’s evil.)
- “It is a reminder to me that all things end.” Like your life. Twice. Also that’s a nice sentiment and all but it’s so sad with the context that even his own original timeline ends
- “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end.” YEAHHH OLDER SPOCK he’s got a more balanced view on the world and himself
- OKAY I absolutely adore the costume design, especially for Gorkon. Like the golden clips in the hair? The red suit adorned with studs and the giant silver necklace?? The beard??? Amazing
- I like that there’s a “chief of staff” for the Klingons. It’s like the manager at a party city
- “They all look alike” BRO THEY MOST FUCKINGLY DO NOT
- I love the chief of staff being so confused over what the napkin roll thing is. I feel that.
- Ah yes my favourite meal. Blue. With a side of orange of course.
- “I offer a toast. The Undiscovered Country…” Welp. He said it. Time to wrap up the movie
- YEP ITS SHAKESPEARE BABEYYY (thank you Spock for saying that it’s Hamlet, act III, scene I, cause I didn’t wanna look it up)
- “You’ve not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.” Quoi???
- Spock actively trying to stop Kirk from starting a war
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- I think this is such a good part where the Klingons are trying to state their worries. The gradual (or not so gradual) need for assimilation to be apart of starfleet. This is a particularly big problem for the Klingons because so much of their culture has been entwined with violence which Starfleet seems almost hellbent to take away. As well as hearing troubling language such as “human rights” thrown in their faces
- IM SORRY. Kirk. You didn’t. You didn’t just compare someone to hitler.
- Spock looks actually so fucking pissed at Kirk
- “If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.” Gorkon dropping all the good lines
- McCoy just standing there adjusting his outfit and looking like the most tired man alive
- “I’m going to sleep this off.” “I’m going to go find a pot of black coffee.” Both Kirk and McCoy leaving Spock :(((
- The shaky swoop of the camera as Kirk and the rest of the bridge realize that somehow they just fired on the Klingon vessel
- Don’t care about the rest of the movie I just love the scene where everything starts floating on the Klingon vessel
- Love me some good ol’ bad 3D graphics blood
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- Times like this I wish I’d never skipped my tlhIngan Hol classes
- Floating dead Klingons. What. A. Scene.
- Aw Fuck Dude. The one guy getting gravity back online and everything falling to the ground and blood splattering and AUGHHH. Every time I think this scene can’t get better, it does!
- HIII MCCOY!!! He got to rush onto the bridge just to ask “are we firing torpedoes” and I appreciate that :)
- Kirk and Spock fighting over who should go to the Klingon ship and Spock saying “perhaps you’re right” and then putting his hand on Kirk’s shoulder made me more nervous than it should have. Darn you Wrath of Khan! You’ve given me trust issues. (but you're telling me this isn't supposed to look like a nerve pinch???)
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- Also Kirk ultimately still trying to maintain peace. It’s his knee jerk reaction to this. He’s got what he’s said he’s wanted when incased in his own emotions about loosing his son but he knows it’s not right
- and finally, yay! McCoy gets to go on the mission!
- The actor for the Klingon that greets them is so good at the rage mixing with grief and sadness
- McCoy to the rescue!!
- Either Klingon blood is pink (like in that one game) or they wanted to keep it pg-13
- “He’s gone into some kind of damned arrest!” McCoy proceeds to straddle the Klingon on top of the table so he has leverage to do proper CPR… I have no thoughts on this that I’d like to share
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- I do not believe McCoy’s punches would be strong enough to restart a heart. I’m sorry but they look so puny
- The blood bubbling as Gorkon dies is so fucking good oh my heart
- This is all happening at 2:00 fucking AM??? No wonder Kirk is tired
- “I sympathize, Mr. Scott.” Love when they make Spock say he ‘understands’ or ‘sympathizes’
- SAREKKKK!! Hehe hiiii
- “We are experiencing technical malfunction. All backup systems inoperative.” “Excellent. I… I mean, too bad.” A banger scene from Uhura and Chekov
- Rosanna DeSoto as Azetbur (the Chancellor’s daughter) plays the part so well. Again their portrayal of grief and anger while trying to get to peace is so fucking amazing. LOOK AT HER FACE
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- Maybe I’m not so happy about McCoy being on this mission after all…
- The giant circular judgement chamber is so fucking cool
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- The sparking gavel <3
- I love the beginning of a translator translating all the Klingon’s words
- That one Klingon that laughs at McCoy’s joke, wanna be friends?
- “You say you are due for retirement. May I ask, do your hands shake?” “Objection!” “I was nervous!” “No. You were incompetent.” This is like watching reality tv for me. That’s some good drama
- phew thank goodness they’re not killing McCoy. He’s too pretty to die
- The back and forth slow zoom in on McCoy & Kirk and the judge didn’t have the intensity they were going for but I appreciate the effort
- “Better to kill them now and get it over with.” That’s nice Scotty
- Oh shit Spock loosing both of his husbands in one sentencing. That cannot be good for the economy
- “An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.” Ancestor? You mean fucking Arthur Conan Doyle?? Or Sherlock??? Either way that’s a hecking lore drop
- They’ve got a murder mystery aboard the Enterprise, this is my dream
- Hey babe, new Klingon dog beast just dropped (Jackal Mastiff)
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- I let out an audible “aww” of pity when I saw McCoy wrapped up in a blanket
- I can’t believe I’m only halfway through this movie what is even happening anymore
- Had a brief pause to voice crackedly yell a little bit. Something along the lines of “I do not care. I do not care! I don’t care! I just want Spock- I just want them with Spock! I do not care!” And then let myself breathe for a second or two (and then made chicken nuggets). The outburst was born of a deep sadness from the fact that they can’t just be happy and retired together. Ok, back to the movie.
- Martia just handed Kirk a blunt change my mind
- “Somebody up there wants you out of the way.” of course, it can’t just be about actual politics between the Klingons and Federation, it has to actually be about Kirk and somebody trying to kill him. Dang it.
- “But the killers may still be among them.” …wait a damn minute.. you’re saying there’s imposters- *pulled away forcefully*
- I love how every commanding officer comes into the kitchen absolutely furious that someone fired a phaser
- On that note: why is there a kitchen? And why are they preparing various cooked birds? Who’s having a banquet tonight?
- What kind of bullshit evolution puts a species genitals in their knees?
- Hate how Kirk just lets McCoy go treat the highly dangerous being alone
- YASSS SULU!!! Now get your rest you beautiful man
- Spock will literally leave no stone unturned for his husbands
- Either Martia has some really good prosthetics in the cave or she’s wearing someone else’s skin… NEVERMIND haha she’s just a shapeshifter
- Chekov was so proud of himself dammit. Too bad he was so utterly wrong
- Also Valeris is so expressive, kinda loving it
- The planet seems kinda nice in the daylight.. minus the dead body I’d say it’s pretty similar to winters in Canada (yes I made the joke, please delete it before posting) (edit: nope <3 just like Canada. Made your bed, lie in it)
- “Leave me. I’m finished.” Goddamn this man’s worst enemy is the cold. Both times McCoy just gives up and tells Spock or Kirk to leave him (First time being in All Our Yesterdays)
- “If they’re even looking for us.” Bones. Spock would literally NEVER leave the both of you. That aside the rest of the Enterprise crew also loves you like crazy
- Everyone laughing on the channel with the Klingons is so funny
- Holyy shit. Is Kirk going to fight.. himself???
- McCoy angel <3
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- “I can’t believe I kissed you.” Yeah. Me neither. You didn’t actually have too.
- Poor McCoy holy cannoli oil. He’s knocked out and when he wakes up immediately gets trampled by two versions of his husband
- “Since you’re all going to die anyway, why not tell you.” When I go to watch the cinema sins video (I know I’m sorry) on this movie I bet they’ll say “klingonposition” or smt like that here
- If it’s just Chang that wants Kirk dead that’s so disappointing
- McCoy looks over and sees this
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- “What you want is irrelevant, what you’ve chosen is at hand.” SPOCK IS ANGRYYYYY SPOCK IS PISSSED
- Please someone let McCoy take a shower, he stinks
- The distorted wavy angle that almost feels like it’s going side to side dutch angles with each of Spock’s footsteps as he nears Valeris
- Valeris is fucking crying omg what the actual fuck
- I honestly don’t know how to take that apart. I’m still shocked and screaming a little. The reactions from each crew member being just absolutely horrified
- I’m still reeling from that but I gotta acknowledge the fact that Spock says “I prefer it dark” when Kirk enters his quarters. So did I as a teenager and my mom would tell me it was bad for my eyes
- “You and the doctor might have been killed.” “The night is still young.” They are three months from retirement. Goddammnit let them just get to be retired together on a farm or condo or smt. I don’t give a shit just let them rest.
- “Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.” NO THEYRE NOT IN THIS CONTEXT. That was kind of a big point made in this movie. I think the point you’re trying to make is ‘everyone in the whole galaxy forever will always make mistakes.’
- “Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo?”
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- Chang just said, “ah the games afoot” why are there so many Sherlock Holmes references in this one? Like I know they have a hard on for famous literature but this one is named after a Shakespeare quote. Just saying it’s a bit crowded.
- They really wanted McCoy to say smt doctory while making the torpedo so they chose “we’ve got a heart beat”
- I think it would’ve been better if Chang said to be or not to be in Klingon like they did at the dinner table
- So they saved the day? Yay? Kirk and McCoy should legally not actually be there- oh they’re all clapping for them who cares
- Kirk did not just fucking quote Peter Pan. Shut the fuck up.
- McCoy’s look says it all. And by that I mean just let him retire with his husbands. Oh my goodness.
- Just for my mom I'm mentioning the flared pants (Spock and McCoy look kinda goofy tho)
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- Ohhh so this is where they change it from “where no man” to “where no one”
- And the Enterprise rides off into the sun. What kind of Grease ending is that?
Awwe okay all of their signatures at the end was a nice touch
I don’t have much more to say here, I forgot how fun but time consuming it was to do these thought posts. I really really appreciate everyone who likes these posts because it means y’all took the time to read this which is just something so meaningful to me.
Thank you all so much <3
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Freelancer is Gavins soulmate but Gavin isnt their's.
"but rat! thats not how that works! also Erik doesnt do soul mates in his contect!" shh i know. let me speak my truth. in my opinion, a soulmate is a person who changes you for the better, a person who makes you feel whole. tell me thats not how Gavin feels for freelancer? soulmates are also normaly "love at first sight", you meet this person and your life is instantly changed. look me in my eyes and say thats not what happened to Gavin, becuase he littarly said in his confection vid that he didnt know why he kept going back to them at first, he said he loved them long before he even knew he could feel that way for a person. he has felt this uncontrolable need to be with them for the momment he met them. Tell me, how many random strangers have you talked to made you feel as if you had to find them again? how many have made you need to find them again, just so you can see them again? this isnt a normal thing for him or for anyone! Freelancer is Gavin's soulmate.
but hes not their's. dont get me wrong! they are a perfect match, their relationship is perfect (in my opinion) but it doesnt change the fact freelancer has a few 'non canon' vids where we see them in equaly healthy and loving relationships with each of the DAMN bois! their is a reason the DAMN polycule is so poupular in fics and fanart, Freelancer works well with everyone of the boys. this is one, becuase they are arguably the listner with the least amout of personality (this isnt saying alot since like every listner character has a crap ton of personality to the point if you showed me a drawing of each of them with out a lable i could point out everyone correctly 85% of the time) and two, because they just dont have a soul mate. a soulmate is supposed to be a person who makes you whole, its supposed to be the only person to make you whole. freelancer can have healthy loving relationships with all of the boys, but Gavin would have never become the person he is now without Freelancer.
thank you for comeing to my ted talk
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the-irken-luxray · 25 days
Hellooo because I forgot about the whiteboard until like midnight of the expiration date I didn’t get the chance to gather final screenshots so many of people’s additions didn’t make the final post. These are all the most recent versions of the drawings I could find (and in some cases I had to edit them together)
Featuring additions from @/kursed-curtain, @/flowerbarrel-art, and numerous others (feel free to brag in the notes if you see yourselves!)
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[ID 1: a bust of Jenny Coffield, a stick figure oc with short, wavy hair, a top hat adorned with multiple spheres, and a burn scar on her head, showing off a “top bomb”, a top hat shaped object with a fuse sticking out the top. Tagline text reads “it explodes in the shape of a top hat”. Around the bomb are golden sparkles and captions reading “SO COOL!”, “WOW!”, and “FUN SHAPE!!”. Below the bomb is a diagram comparing a standard cartoon bomb, captioned in red with “LAME” and an X mark, with the top bomb, captioned in green with “COOL”. To the left of Jenny is three Toppats sitting around a meeting table. Two Toppats look impressed, one saying “wow!” and the other saying “We should use that”. The third Toppat looks annoyed and says “This is a stupid meeting.” End ID]
This one is probably my fav out of the bunch, just for the collaboration aspect.
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[ID 2: a full body doodle of Reginald Copperbottom grinning evilly while holding a gun. Blue text reads “autism be damned my boy can kill”. A small doodle of someone’s Toppat sona or OC fawns over Reginald with multiple floating hearts. They have a bullet behind them with a red trail mark, as though they were shot with Reginald’s gun. Adjacent is a generic stick figure who is getting shot in the head. Text pointing to the stick figure reads “the cringe”. Yellow writing reads “ding dong the wicked cringe is dead”. End ID.]
At least one Reginald is mandatory. People got silly with this one.
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[ID 3: a mouthless stick figure looks confused and mildly uncomfortable while looking at the viewer. Text next to them reads “my darling”, “precious blorbo”, and “beloved”. Below the text is a blob with eyes and no mouth in a happy expression, with writing reading “blorbo!” The stick figure is holding up a sign that says “I am literally just text????” End ID.]
Okay yeah you should know who this is by now
Gave them a Wile E. Coyote type sign because it fits the whole “no mouth can’t speak” type thing they’ve got going on.
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[ID 4: a doodle of Jenny’s head with text reading “Your Toppat weapon ideas HERE!” Below is a drawing of Pike Cassino, a stick figure with a top hat decorated with slot machine wheels and horns, a gold tooth, and whiskery facial hair. a speech bubble pointing to him reads “Maybe a gun that doesn’t blast me back when I fire it…” Below the prompt text is a doodle of a glittering, gold cannon labeled “solid gold cannon”. Next to it is Jenny looking annoyed with a thought bubble reading “At least I’m paid well”. End ID.]
There were a LOT more additions to this prompt than I ended up grabbing, but with how spread out they were, there would be an additional five screenshots or so just to get them all.
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[ID 5: a bust of Jenny waving an aromantic flag with a caption reading “aro gang”. Next to her is a drawing of a character labeled Harley, who has a heart shaped top hat and bangs, with a Toppat clan logo on their jacket and a paw on their hand. Harley waves to Jenny and is captioned with “aro gang!” End ID.]
Another that is sadly a lot smaller than its final version. The aro gang used to be bigger.
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[ID 6: 3 images of a doodle of Ellie Rose. First image is of a head shot of Ellie. Second image is text reading “world’s smallest Ellie” with an arrow pointing to an indistinguishable doodle. Third image is the previous doodle zoomed in to show a very small head shot of Ellie, approximately the size of the tip of the arrow. End ID.]
World’s smallest Ellie.
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[ID 7: A whiteboardfox drawing with a thick border around it, as though it’s an external image that’s been copy-pasted. The drawing is of Burt Curtis, a stick figure with headphones and a top hat, stylized. Here he has messy, wavy, short hair and highlights in his eyes. He’s reading a magazine titled “#3 ACTion”. To the left is a frog-with-glasses icon with text reading “gotta get sillier with my art”.
To the right of the copy-pasted drawing is a frog with glasses on his hands and knees, with the glasses lenses opaque to hide his eyes. Text below reads “just found out my drawing didn’t save can’t have shit on whiteboard”. End ID.]
Yeah so I was… struggling with this one. The frog in the top left was originally a thing I tried to add to ALL my additions up make them easier to find. But because of WiFi issues, not only did none of them save, but half my Burt drawing was gone too. Fortunately, because I was already struggling bad with it, I had the foresight to screenshot the drawing once I was done with it.
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[ID 8: a doodle of Reginald Copperbottom with his hands on his hips while smoking a giant blunt. To the right is a drawing of Reginald in the family guy death pose with a caption above reading “bad at smokign” [sic]. Below the whole thing is text in parentheses reading “(whiteboard if you’re gonna react my art please for the love of god let it be this one)”. End ID.]
Drawn immediately after the previous one. No further context needed.
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lulublack90 · 29 days
Prompt 26 - New
@jegulus-microfic August 26, Word count 520
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“Okay, so we’ve found and destroyed two. How many more do you think there are?” Sirius asked Regulus as soon as he and James had returned to the camp. Regulus stared at Sirius incredulously.
“How am I supposed to know that?” 
“Well, you were his little follower. Surely there was something he let slip?” Sirius pressed. Regulus chewed his lip as he thought. 
“Not really, he just kept going on about blood purity and power. He spoke a lot about power. He said we should be always in power, over and over. He was obsessed,” Regulus racked his brain for anything else that might be helpful, but he knew very little about Voldemort apart from his abhorrent grammar.
“Always in power, where have I heard that before?” Sirius was pacing back and forth along the tree line, muttering to himself. “Always, always in power. Power, power, always in…” His head snapped up. That’s a family motto!” Sirius’s eyes stared into Regulus’s as though they held the answer. “Old, old family. Damn it, I can almost see it in that damn family's history book. Always in Power. It’s not the Carrows, maybe Selwyn. No, No, it’s the Gaunts! It’s the Gaunt family motto!” Sirius exclaimed excitedly. “The Gaunts are basically gone, there’s not been a new one born for decades. There’s only Morfin left and he’s in Azkaban. There was a huge thing about it. He killed a whole family of muggles. I’d have to look it up, but yeah, why is Voldemort spouting Gaunt words?"
“When was that?” James asked. “I don’t remember that.”
“It was before we were born in like the 40s,” Sirius waved James’s question off. 
“Riddle’s diary was dated 1943,” Regulus whispered. “What if he had something to do with it? The murders? If he’s related to the Gaunts, it would explain a lot. They were direct descendants of Slytherin and a lot of them spoke Parselmouth.” Regulus’s brain was sorting through the information as quickly as it could. “That article you read, Sirius, it might be worth trying to track down, it might be important.”
“Those records are going to be hard to get into at the Daily Prophet without drawing attention,” Remus, who up until then had let Sirius and Regulus bounce ideas off each other, spoke up. “You’re meant to be dead,” He pointed at Regulus. “You and I are missing and presumed dead,” He pointed at Sirius. “You’re a gobby werewolf who wouldn't even get through the front door,” He jabbed at Marcus. “And if James Potter starts asking about a specific incident involving the last member of an ancient pureblood wizarding family, someone’s going to start asking questions.”
“So what do you propose?” Regulus snarked.   
“Can you remember where you read it, Sirius?” Remus asked, ignoring Regulus. Sirius screwed his face up in thought. 
“Oh, shit, James!” Sirius’s eyebrows shot up his face. “Monty showed it to me, it’s in your damn library!”
“Looks like we’re going home again, love,” James spoke softly beside Regulus while Sirius hopped around excitedly. 
“That damn elf is going to have a fit,” Regulus groaned. 
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
TUA Rewatch Drawings: S1E4
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[ID: A close up of Luther's horrified face, hands held up towards his face as he looks at something offscreen, he's scruffy with overgrown hair and beard. Behind his shoulder is the image of a child's jack-in-the-box monkey popping up, it's holding an umbrella. Written at the top of the image is "Monkey on the Moon". End ID.]
Favourite Moment: Cha Cha and Hazel having their hang over donuts, its so classic.
Favourite Line: "You're the one with the damn orthepedic bracelet." "I told you already, it's just for support!" - Chachh & Hazel / "I barely remember what we had for breakfast at this point." - Hazel (and me, on a daily basis)
Most likely to skip moment: Klaus' gurgling waterboarding torture - I hate the sound so much!
Most likely to rewind moment: The Meritech fire dance and surrounding scenes. Hands down.
I chose this because it's such an iconic opening to me, the horror on Luther's face, the coldness of the surgical room he's been left to sleep in. The fucking monkey. It's all so horribly good. And the way this came out like a bad old horror film poster pleases me greatly.
I know Luther makes some Questionable Choices in S1, but each time I rewatch it I remember just how fucked up he must be - whilst it doesn't excuse his actions, it does fuel them, in the same way Viktor slashing Allison's throat can't be excused, but the fuel behind the action is no less present.
I mean this boy:
Was at least emotionally manipulated as a child, but likely straight up abused.
Was thrust into a leadership role he had no business being in.
Lost 2 siblings.
Was isolated in a mansion, oscillating between boredom and life threatening situations.
Then he dies
Gets some truly horrifying and unconsensual body modification
Shipped off to the moon for 4 years of complete physical and near total social isolation.
His father dies who he has complex feelings for, then Grace, then Pogo betrays his trust and its one whole lot.
One of his siblings nearly kills the one he's closest to.
I never hated Luther in S1, and on this rewatch he showed so many more moments of sibling consideration than I remembered, in between being a mess of course.
Also: Eudora. I'm debating what purpose her death serves for the narrative. I think 90% of the emotions her death inspires in Diego could have easily been done by:
Diego thinking Klaus had died when he escapes, or just rage for someone torturing his brother?
Eudora could have been wounded and that would still make Diego think about pushing his agendas on people - except even with her death he doesn't think that.
I know he goes on a mini killing-people-won't-bring-you-peace arc, but, and maybe that brings him closer to Five? But another convo could have done the same? It's not like Eudora is particularly in the way of the plot so I don't know why she had to die - maybe Diego's growing up moment could be realising he doesn't have to keep pushing his agenda and affections on her?
I like her as a character and her presence because she gives Diego depth and a life outside the academy, which we rarely see in the others. Potentially she dies to show the danger of Hazel and Cha Cha, I don't know. Either way I'm conflicted about her, mainly because after 3 months in the 60's Diego seems to forget she exists, though I might have forgotten moments.
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owlight · 2 years
My silly little Request: headcannons of Smoker, Law, Crocodile, and Doflamingo (separate) reactions to finding out that their artist S/O had been secretly drawing each other having... intercourse together.
P.S. hope you’re having a good day/ night. I’m sorry if I worded that weirdly 🥲.
Thank u ! I think u worded it pretty nicely! Thank you for requesting,I hope you are having a good day/night yourself cuz m sure not ❤️‍🔥💀, I added kid hope u don't mind 🫶🥺 Doflamingo is my enemy but it doesn't mean I wouldn't hold his hand 🫶🙏🧎I love to hate him
Warnings: suggestive themes
Smoker,law,Corcodile, Doflamingo,Law,Eustass Kid reactions to finding erotic drawings of them drawn by Thier Artist s/o
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He Was always respecting of your sketchbooks , always ,you will never catch him snooping around your side of the room
But there's this time you made the mistake of Leaving your sketchbook in his office on his desk , leaving to bring him some coffee like the good partner you're
And he was giving his eyes a break from all the paperwork,he looked around the room finding himself alone and remembering you will be back soon,maybe he will take his lunch break and you could both eat lunch together- oh you left your sketchbook?
Sure you wouldn't mind if your lover looked at it right? You always share your art with him anyway and he Adore your art! He even have one of your painting hanged in his office and he can't help but be curious about what you're sketching,it might be your next painting for all what he know
Smoker open the sketchbook with a smile on his face that's quickly washed off the moment his eyes are met with a whole drawing of him and you in a rather.... something He is sure you both haven't done yet,he know he should stop looking but he is weak and he keep flipping through the pages with a hand covering his mouth "how many more pages there's of us fucking??" He asks himself as he flip through more,Smoke come out from his head as he flip to a rather deatiled page "god." He groan as he keep the sketchbook close to his face to pay attention to the fine deatils ,you drew his dick so well-
" I got you your coffee darlin-oh no" you enter with a smile that washes off quickly as you look at smoker looking at the sketchbook with a red face,that red face is now looking at you" I can explain" you tell him ,he put the sketchbook on the desk" go ahead "he tell you with a rather red face" I was horny and I like drawing us " you tell him with little no shame ,smoker facepalm his face "You're going to drive me crazy (y/n),You can't just draw these Things!" You put the coffee on his desk as you sit on the edge of his desk ,you point a finger at him
"If you want me to stop you will have to fuck me"
" (y/n)!"
Will scold you for drawing such a thing in a sketchbook where anyone can see it ,Yet you remind him ,no one really dares to, expect him
Will Be flustered about it and won't mention it again ever ever
Did take his favorite one and he keep it safe with him to look at when he have to be away from you
Will not admit that he find them very..neat ,Might even go so far to say He likes them alot
But you will not catch him saying that outloud , would rather be water borded over admitting that outloud because he feel like a pervert for liking these drawings that much
Secretly a pervert ngl
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Secretly? Keeping A secret from this man? You know the moment you start acting suspicious with Keeping your sketchbooks off his sight, his ass is not vibing
It's always that one Green sketchbook, always with you,yet he never seen you showing him any drawing,you always hide it when he even glance it's way
His brain goes to the worst possiblity,you must be planning on betraying him,are you writing his vulnerable moments ?his secrets?
He goes to the room that he gifted you to be your Art room and he is so bitter,he did all this, worshipped you,gifted you stuff,he loved you god damn it! How dare you..!
You are not in the room, you're somewhere out ,he sent you shopping so he can search the room,he want to storm the room,yet he find the painting you're working on ,a painting of both of you together and he grit his teeth
He looks at the desk ,And behold it's that damn sketchbook!,he walk to it with furry , opening it with even more furry,he expect to see his routine written out,his secrets ,but anger goes down the drain the moment his eyes register what he is looking at
" what the hell? " he mumble as his cigar fall off his mouth from the shock,He is met with a rather very detailed HD 4K drawing of him and you going cowgirl reverse,His cheeks only slightly darken as he flip through the pages and see that There's nothing but straight up erotica art of both of you,some even look familiar to him ,other look so much different than what you both do "since when they are into begin tied down like this..." He mumble to himself as by now he is sitting by the desk flipping through the sketchbook like it's some casual Reading session for him
he seem to be more shameful of the fact he thought you were going to betray him than anything tbh
Will not let you know that he found out what you're drawing in that sketchbook,he is not going to mention it ,nope
He will keep it a secret that he knew , only because he doesn't want to explain how he found it ,he have too much pride to admit he was wrong
Will Fuck you against his desk cuz he never done that but your drawing really inspired him <3
Exactly 6 months and 12 days later ,he will tell you that he want to look at your sketchbook for new ideas for the bedroom without telling you how he figured it out ,you were horrified for sure ,top 5 jumpscare of your life
He Secretly want to have an erotic painting of both of you in his bedroom,will not admit it or tell you about that ,but he think about that often whenever he look at your other family friendly paintings
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He knew something fishy was going with you and that Pink sketchbook that you keep at arm length from him at all time but never pressed the matter since he is pretty sure it's nothing important to him or anything because you draw some weird shit sometimes and he expected it's that tbh
That's till one time he was going to grab it and you Deadass Grabbed it from HIS hand and told him he can't look at it ,HIM you told HIM he can't do something? Like that made him Petty af ,who tf you think you're to tell him not to do something?
You're his beloved partner,love of his life that's who
He won't press it any further in that moment,will act all understanding and sweet and he is such a perfect man fr kind of attitude<3
Then at 3 am as you're fast asleep ,he moves off the bed in silent,walking to the desk where you keep your sketchbooks hidden,he isn't so quite as he grab the forbidden sketchbook and open it ,he is smug at how easy it was to find it really!
But that smug face is slowly replaced by a rather slightly frustrated face as he see what's inside the sketchbook
He take his glasses off as to make sure what he is seeing is actually what he is seeing " .....huh" he mumble out as he stare at the very naked drawing of himself and you ,it look lewd ,it look so... interesting? "Eh who knew you were into drawing these things ?" He ask lowly as he looks back at your sleeping form" I knew you were a Prevert but this a whole new level " he mumble to himself as he talks about you,he flip through the pages and admire the very neat drawings of him fucking you,he isn't sure if it's quite accurate,he think he is bigger than that for sure
" hey (y/n) " Doflamingo poke your cheek as you sleep,you slowly open your eyes to look at him "what's it love?" You ask as you look at him holding your sketchbook ,oh no, Doflamingo point at the lewd drawing of you sitting on his lap with his dixk out full view "it doesn't look as accurate here,I think you should fix it" he tells you, oh no you think as you hear him criticize your art this early in the morning
Yes this mf will criticize you for drawing his dick wrong ,no cap , He is very picky and prideful and he will not stand at this slander
Tbh knowing this had inflated his ego 100% ,he will not stop teasing you about it till the end of time
Will 100% ask if you want to get a painting of both of you nude together, to hang it in your bedroom
Will keep that sketchbook for himself,You will have to start a new one and keep it a secret cuz he want to start a collection of your art of both of you
Will request you to draw a story of both of you with his kinks involved ,Please he will let you wear his feathers coat 🥺
As a whole he is a menace to society and dating him taught you to never be caught slacking fr
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He didn't mean to find it ,He really didn't mean to ,you just have similar notebooks and sketchbooks and this mixed up was meant to happen someday
It was just very unfortunate it happened after you both were separated as law went to join the strawhats and you stayed behind with the crew
Law of course took his important notebooks and without realizing took your small sketchbook that you usually keep away from everyone
Law never questioned it , you're a Artist and you have the freedom to draw whatever you want Truly
But he probably didn't think it was This kind of things
Law was sitting in the room that the strawhats gave him,he was writing down in his journal without much mind till he wanted to use a reference out of his medical sketchbook,he grab a sketchbook that look way too familiar,he realize he mixed up his sketchbook with yours and sighs "I should have checked before taking them... hopefully (y/n) doesn't need to use this for now" He mumble to himself ,for a moment he was going to put it back before he tell himself,hey why not look at the drawings! He misses you after all and your art always cheered him up ,and begin with the strawhats really making him more grumpy by the second
" oh-yeah that's-is that me? " He blur out as he stares at the drawing of law and you kissing with what seem a collar around your neck and you're riding him-"yeah no" his face darken as he close the sketchbook ,he look around as there could be someone watching him look at this " (y/n)... you're....god I don't even know what I will do to you when I get my hands on you" he mumble to himself as he reopen the sketchbook with little shame "I do miss you..." He mumble to himself,you sure won't mind..if he used this for personal reasons..."YO LAW WANT TO JOIN US IN DINNER?" Luffy voice break into the room causing law to close the sketchbook fast " Learn to knock damn it!" He yells at Luffy who is 100% unbothered ,sighs he ain't gonna ever be able to look at it throughly here
He is secretly a Prevert in my humble opinion so he did find this very informative and enjoyable to look through in his lonely nights till you guys could meet again
He Did hand it to you when you both met again with a little grin ,you understood before he said anything, Goodbye your dignity-" let's get to my room,I want to give you more inspiration beloved" he whispers to your ear ,you nod at him with a red face , You are winning fr
He do come around to ask you to draw something specific actually,he will commission you if he have to ,he just think your art style is very neat and he like an ego boost cuz you draw him so well
Do not show him your newer work ,he will get all horny about it as he criticize you,will make you sit in his lap and go through the new sketchbook together while his hand run up and down your thigh
He a lil Prevert but you love him so it's okay
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He did mean to find it ,He was trying to find it , Because he was 100% sure you are drawing something that you didn't want him to see
since he know Killer found your sketchbook that you Lost and He haven't been the same ever since ,he won't tell him what did he see in that sketchbook and killer been very frustrated whenever kid ask him about it
And he personally took this as a challenge to find what it is ,since you won't tell him,You won't show him and He is so pissed off ,like he is your captain! Just show him god damn it! He want to see what's the big deal behind that sketchbook
It was an eventful night ,he was awake past midnight working in his workshop when he decided it's time to go to sleep ,he get the bedroom he share with you with a tired look,he looks around the room out the habit and BOOM ,his eyes are locked with a Black sketchbook that HE is sure it's the one you're hiding from him,it's on the desk ,you must have forgotten about it
He walks to it with a a wide grin like he won the lottery,he open it prepared to the worst hideous sketches of himself perhaps but he is slightly caught off guard of a drawing of him between your legs looking WAY too realistic
" .........Eeh y-yeah" he let a rather frustrated small noise as he flip through the sketchbook and he is met with some of the most graphic HD 4K art of himself and you doing everything possible, There's things you've never actually done together (yet) and he doesn't even notice the growing heat on his face as he sit on the desk and look through the pages,he can't believe you would do something-actually he can believe it
you were always a bit too creative in your art,it sure won't stop to this,he can't believe that he didn't figured out it was just sex drawings! Heh killer must been frustrated from seeing them since they look so realistic,he think that's the reason as he flip the last few pages and his jaw at the floor as he see something that definitely didn't happen (yet) a few pages of killer and Kid going absolutely ham on you ,Kid closes the sketchbook with a groan,now he is confused,proud, turned on ,Have few new point of view of killer,and it's all your fault "Hey pipesqueak! Wake up,I need you to ride me-"
He didn't actually bring up the fact that he saw what's in the sketchbook to you ,but He did keep it in his mind like good soup
He will now preform even more seductively in bed in hope you draw him looking badass and all that ngl ,he will start snooping around your sketchbooks after every wild sexual interaction with you to see if you were inspired by it or not
Will hint that he know about it but won't outright tell you,it give you anxiety everytime he hint at it ,till you end up confessing about it ,He pretend like he don't care ,It's only because he already seen them all secretly
One night on your birthday you walk into your bedroom with killer and Kid sitting on the bed and kid holding the sketchbook with that one page open
" I was hoping we make this drawing a reality" kid tell you with a smirk "how about you show killer how good you're babe?" Killer is wearing a mask but he is clearly into this as he pat his lap for you to come and sit on it
Let's say the reality was better than the drawing for this one for sure
And this how you three all started dating after years of sexual tension between the two of you and killer
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
at some ungodly hour, i woke up on the couch, papyrus sitting beside me.
i tried to get to the kitchen and snag something from the fridge without waking him, but he hopped up the second i set foot in the kitchen.
"...'sup, paps. sorry to wake you."
"i'm good. pretty hungry, though."
"they're gone?"
closed, open.
open, closed.
"..literally knocked my lights out, huh? weird."
"vision's the same."
in the light of the fridge, i could see him anxiously fidgeting.
"i feel fine, so you should go back to sleep."
"just gonna eat and then.."
"..well. can't say i'm very tired anymore, so i guess i'll just hang out. watch tv or something."
"ok. you want me to grab you anything while i'm here?"
he shook his head.
paps quietly observed me the whole time, but i don't know what for.
kept opening his phone, typing to someone.
"who else is up at this hour to be responding to you?"
"wanna see if she wants to hang out too? that way we can all be nighttime losers together."
"Wh-why are your eyes off?!"
"dunno. woke up with 'em stuck."
"Hi, Papyrus."
they exchanged a series of looks whose meanings were lost on me.
"..so whenever you're done with the staring contest, there's blankets here for you, alphys.
"Oh- um, yeah. S-sorry. Thanks, Sans."
"This is show is (very) fake, Papyrus."
"what, you don't believe in aliens?"
"I do! What I 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 believe is that they'd visit Earth to draw circles in farmland and steal cows."
"Totally ridiculous."
"maybe they wanna make their own farm."
"But why the crop circles?"
"i'm not one to judge someone's artistic medium."
"What meaning do those hold??"
"that's crazy talk."
"I guess that could be true."
"Still, weird place for it."
"maybe they buried treasure."
"All of this is crazy to begin with."
tori called me, hearing from papyrus that i was awake now.
we got off-topic quickly.
"i think my shirt has a hole in it."
"Would you like for me to lend you another one?"
"...i'll just sew it at some point."
"Hehe, okay. If you say so."
"What a shame, I was looking forward to finding the most embarrassing thing in my closet for you."
"the previous time was intentional?"
"..No! I do not know why you would ever think that."
"i feel less bad about that skeleton-hand shirt, now."
"What a shame it is for you, that I like it so much."
"I have been wearing it to bed as pajamas, since it is not quite appropriate for my little ones to see."
"probably for the best."
if flowey saw it.. my cause of death might suddenly change from 'unknown illness' to 'botany accident'.
"You are sounding a lot less drained today."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"yeah, way better."
"I am glad to hear that."
"Is your eye feeling better, as well?"
"they, uh, don't hurt, anymore...?"
"But, something is different?"
"nah. they're all good."
"If they are 'all good' as you say, you would not mind turning on your camera, would you?"
i stared at the enable camera button on my phone.
it stared back.
"totally bones out-"
"ribs in the open air-"
"You mentioned your shirt a mere moment ago."
"So unless simply talking to me over the phone was enough to make you strip..."
"Please show me your eyes."
damn it.
"...Please, uncover the camera."
"it's not covered. must be broken."
the disappointment was loud. i slid my finger off the camera.
"this doesn't hurt, at all."
"my sight still works, and-"
"Does that not hinder your ability to express emotion?"
"like i did much of that."
"Sans, a monster's ability to express themselves is one of the most important things they could lose."
"they'll come back. i'll survive without 'em for a while."
"Have you tried doing it manually?"
"Can you use magic to return your pupils?"
"Please, just try."
had a slight ache in my skull before, but it felt like it got a little better all of a sudden.
"Without your pupils, you have quite the threatening energy about you."
"oh. ..yeah."
"It is nice to see your expressions again!"
"guess i'll keep doing this, then."
"There is nothing else I should be concerned about, is there?"
"that's it."
"It is easier to tell whether you are being truthful or not!"
"nevermind. i'm turning 'em off."
"Do not!"
"don't need an automatic lie detector on my face."
"It is so nice to see you look my way."
"..if you turned on your camera, i'd have more to look at."
".....Then, give me just a moment."
after about a minute, she returned.
"I apologize. I had to find some pants."
"no worries."
tori turned on her camera.
i waited in anticipation as it loaded.
her fur was slightly ruffled, which she also said sorry for.
"I hope you do not mind too much."
"not- not at all. it's cu-"
"uh, looks. looks good."
"You are also looking good, for a skeleton sitting in bed right now."
"thanks. guess that's why they call it beauty sleep."
"It must be!"
she stared at me intently, as if trying to memorize my features.
"you're not gonna forget me that quickly, right?"
"Forgetting you would not be easy. I simply wish to have your image as fresh as possible in my mind."
"..You cannot stare back!"
"why not?"
"I am appreciating your candid face."
"...it's hard to stay that way when you're looking at me like that."
tori leaned even closer to the phone.
i covered the camera.
"I suppose I should go back to sleep now, anyway."
"Good night, Sans."
"goodnight, tori."
"I care for you very much. Please be safe."
"i ..care for you, too."
i stared at the blank phone screen for a while, replaying the call in my mind.
my soul felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest.
eventually gathering myself, i reentered the living room to join papyrus and alphys.
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freyaloi · 3 months
The orb has spoken, It's time for me to speculate some more because I need to get my thoughts out.
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Many have suggested the Orb is talking about Flameheart himself here... But I can't help but wonder... From the last batch and then this one... I have my doubts... What would Flameheart have to be mournfully about?
Let's entertain this for a moment because why not. It is indeed possible that Flameheart's time in the Sea of the Damned manifested his old estate... But why would he need to be collected via horse and coach? His physical form has been in the living world all this time, so surely he'd just manifest himself like any other time...
Now, the wreck the Reapers were reassembling has vanished, but we all know where that is going... However, so has the Burning blade (the sword). With Tasha supposedly now cured, according to her and Ramsey the Reapers have apparently stolen that too but why? To give to Flameheart? Probably, or maybe not, as it was done so quietly in the night, without much fanfare and the Reapers usually like to make a huge scene... (I have another theory there but that isn't what this I about right now). All of this is in keeping with the return of Flameheart, including Olga's cards.
What isn't lining up as of late is the Orb... As if it's trying to tell us something else... And there's someone else lived on an estate, possibly the very same one the Orb is referring to, who used that very same study... someone who perhaps was still dealing with grief... and was about to embark on a new life... someone we know and is very much tied to Flameheart and that glass bauble.
"...Having travelled full circles in every possible direction, Father eventually settled down on this magnificent estate, in which a small candlelit corner of the most private room I now write.
Tomorrow I will not be here.
I arranged to vanish over the horizon to retrieve myself." - Tales from the Sea of Thieves (aka Junior's journal, the very first page)
From what I understood, Junior spent the night in that room and vanished to the docks and his newly bought ship in the early hours to set sail... And while he was no doubt excited to start his new life, there was probably undoubtedly some grief... Of the things he was leaving behind, and no doubt thoughts of his father crept into his head... Of the stories, of the legends... But soon enough he'd get to see it all for himself.
While Flameheart could have done exactly the same thing when he took back off to Sea, it seems improbable given we know he came and went with decreasing regularity on his adventures while Junior was growing up, until one day he never returned and news of Flameheart's death eventually reached back home.
So unless Rare has done a lot more retconning recently than we thought... Including changing Flameheart's backstory...
I can't help but still feel the Orb is talking about Junior here... (Unless it's talking about the time Flameheart decided to deck a couple of merchants that wanted to confiscate his house, but he was pretty much broke back then so I find it unlikely lmao.)
Also, the fact Junior is missing from his usual spot in the latest trailer... Maybe it's just an oopsie on Rare's part... But they showed us the hideout for a reason., yes to show off Flameheart obviously, but I think there's a hidden message there. Maybe they just moved him for the trailer, maybe he has a new spot... But time will tell I suppose, let's see what this ornament has to say next week.
I also could just be waffling because Junior is the only character in the whole game that has caught my interest so my theories naturally have a bias I suppose, lmao. But I like discussing lore in games, even if it is just with myself.
Either way, food for thought.
Again, If you read this, props to you and thank you.
I'm am literally just brain-vomiting theories at this point, at least the semi-concrete ones because they need an out... And maybe it'll get me writing again, lmao, at least my will to draw is slowly returning.
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jessjad · 7 months
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Chapter 3
Summary: After a Halloweenparty Y/N actually didn't want to got to, her life seems to be turned around. The reason is a very stubborn Supe that seems to have her in his visier. Is it just a coincidance or more?
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 2016
Warnings: maybe slow burn?, some language (it's a given at this point)
A/N: And here we are again. Yup, I think we'll have a little slow burn in the beginning too. But it won't stay that long, I can promise you. 🤭 Also, I'm not gonna tell you that I changed directions for this story again. No, I don't. 😌 My brain is just not braining anymore with these two. 😂 Like always, all mistakes are mine.
My Masterlist Series Masterlist
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"This is ridiculous! I bought it here last week, it's already broken and now I want a refund!"
In this very split second, Y/N had to take a deep breath to calm herself down. Why was she still doing this job anyway? Oh, yeah, because she needed the money.
"Ma'am, like I said, I need a receipt. I can't find this product in our system and just to be sure that everything is done correctly, I..."
"Can I talk to a manager?"
The woman seemed to have enough of this and was trying to be her best Karen at this point. But what she didn't know, was that Y/N had also enough of this.
After everything that happen while she had a break off work, she didn't feel herself anymore. Soldier Boy really went up with her into the aparment. Eventhough she did her best to not show it, it made her feel really uncomfortable. The tall man with the broad shoulders took up so much space, she was not used to that anymore. His neutral look on his face while he was taking in her home did not help. Not that it was important to her if he liked it or not.
Y/N had needed a drink after that day and the supe helped himself to one too. He also took out a small plastic bag with some white pills in it, but that was where she had to draw the line. He obviously did not like that at all, but she told him, that this was her apartment. Again, that didn't make it better and so they compromised to joints.
"If you would live in your own apartment and not here with me during this whole... charade you could take so many drugs you want." Y/N tried to lure him, with no success.
"Yeah, I would. But my... house... is not here in New York. And it's fucking clear that I'm not gonna move into the damn Vought Tower. This is doing just fine." a smirk deep on his face, knowing just very well what he was saying.
The rest of the evening was a mere blur. Mallory would be contacting her again in the next couple of days. She would get a second phone to only communicate with Mallory if needed and to get every further details in the next time. Soldier Boy would giving her the payment they agreed on, with the apparent thought in mind, that she could not continue her job at a certain point in this story. At first that scared her a little. But now, it sounded heavenly.
"I'm the manager here. And this is not the way our policy works. I'm sorry."
"Are you serious?" the woman asked in anger.
"You can call our customer service, if you want to. They will find another possibility to refund you."
"You're unbeliveable! I will NOT be treated like this! I'm a paying customer of this store!"
Y/N wanted to turn around to call for a co-worker to help, which made the woman only more furious. She was about to reach over the counter to grasp Y/N's hair or shoulder, but she didn't get far."
"I would think twice about that." a deep voice rumbled over their heads.
With surpries Y/N turned her head and looked right into the green eyes of her looming shadow. He was holding the wrist of "Karen" infront of her who too looked with incredulously up to the man next to her. Was it already time? She thought she still had another couple of days.
"Hello, darlin'." Soldier Boy drooled in his best manners and Y/N needed a second to comprehent.
"Hi! What... what are you doing here?"
Her co-workers appered and the customers in the store started to murmer. In the corner of her eyes she heared people asking if the man was really Soldier Boy. Others were slowly pulling out their phones, taking pictures or even making a video. Now she knew they had to be quick. Soldier Boy's face signalizing the same thing.
"I'm picking you up. Ready to go?"
"Yeah! Yeah, we... can go." she turned to the young woman next to her. "Stacey, can you take over? This... this is getting serious."
Stacey just nodded, already seeing what was happening in the store. "Don't worry. I'll cover for you. You only had one hour left anyway."
"Thank you. I will call tomorow."
Y/N grabed her purse and jacket and went around the counter. The supe let go of "Karen's" wrist who was still fuming and still not believing what was happening. With an heavy arm over her shoulder her now knew boyfriend escorted her out of the store.
"I think it would be better..." he whispered into her ear. "...if you start calling me Ben now."
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"... today around one o'clock. There are multiple sidings of Soldier Boy. Some pictures online went up for speculation until videos of him appeared. He was walking out of a store with a unknown woman by his side..."
The news of Soldier Boy being back went viral within minutes. The mayhem that followed was something Y/N would've not expected. She knew it would be crazy, but not that kind of crazy. People online started to argue with eachother if the pictures and videos were fake or not and the more Y/N stared at the screen, seeing herself on the side of the supe, she also tried to not believe it.
"Smile a little. There's no fucking going back now anyway." Ben chimed in.
"You think?"
To that, Ben just huffed. But he was right. This was it, now the world knew, that he was back. And that Y/N was a part of it. She had to sit down. The anxiety that started to creep up her spine was new. How would people react when they saw her on the street? How much would her life change? How big would the dangers be that surely laid ahead of her? Y/N couldn't imagine at the moment.
Her phone started to ring and the sudden sound startled her. Ben looked annoyed but didn't say anything, focusing back on her tv. When Y/N saw who the caller was she would've wished she could put it off. But she knew it was better to face it now than later.
"Hello Mum."
"Y/N? Are you ok?" The panic in her voice evident.
"Yes, Mum. I'm fine." Y/N tried to calm her down.
"Are you sure? I... I just saw the news and there were you. With this supe."
"Yeah, I know. I've seen it too."
"This... this is not real, right?"
Hearing the voice of her mother so full of worry and disbelieve she wished it would not be real. That all of this was just a cruel joke. But it was not. And she was sure it would break her mother's heart again.
"Daughter? Tell me that this is NOT real!"
"Mum, I..." she tried.
"No! I cannot believe this! Y/N... how could you?" The tears in her voice unmistakable.
"It's not that easy, Mum. I tried to stay out of it, but I didn't succeed, I quess." Y/N looked down on the floor, feeling really bad about all of this.
"Y/N, you should know better! After what happend to Jenny, this..." her voice broke completly and Y/N felt the tears build in her eyes too.
"I know, Mum. I have not forgotten about it. And I wish... I would have thought about this twice... but it all went so fast. I swear I never wanted this in the first place!"
The silence that followed was so loud and rang in Y/N's ears, that for a moment she thought her Mum had hung up on her. But a deep sigh proofed her wrong.
"Is it something serious?" Her small voice full of emotions.
What was she supposed to answer now? The truth was not an option. It would only put her into more danger, than she probably already was in. But Y/N could not be to loose about the situation, since it was going to be something long term. She drew a glanze over her shoulder to the man sitting on her couch.
"Honestly? I don't know, Mum. But it feels like it."
And that wasn't even a lie. It was surreal, yeah, but it also felt serious. In more than one way. Because from now on Ben would be living here with her.
"I know, that I have no right to tell you what to do or how to live your life, but under these circumstances... Y/N, please. Be careful and take care of you! And whatever happens, you can come home to us. You know that, right?"
"I know, Mum. Thank you."
Hanging up was so hard to do. Giving up her last sliver of hope for her normal life felt so final. With a deep sigh she went over to the couch and sat down. On the screen infront of her were still pictures shown of her and Ben and the uneasiness did not leave her.
"Who's Jenny?" Ben asked all of a sudden.
"What?" Y/N returned with furrowed brows. "Were you listening in on me?"
Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Comes with the territory."
That upset her. "Okay, let's make one thing clear. I don't want you to eavesdrop on me!"
"Don't pee your fucking pantys. I can't do anything about it."
"But you could at least try! Don't make this any more difficult as it already is!"
"I liked you better, when you didn't talked to me..." Ben grumbled to himself.
"Oh, I'm so sorry that you don't like me anymore. Guess what? I don't care!"
And with that Y/N got up and stormed into her bedroom.
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With dread in her eyes, Ashley Barrett watched the screen in the Vought Headquartes. Seeing Soldier Boy flashing his smile to the woman by his side was not good. She could already feel her stress level rise with each second that passed by.
"Oh well. What do we have here."
Ashley's eyes widened in shock and slowly she turned around.
"Is that really him? Soldier Boy?" Homelander asked and Ashley, could only nod.
"Did I not tell you to report everything to me, Ashley?"
"Yes! Yes, you did. But I just saw it too. I did not had the time to..."
"It's okay!" Homlander interrupted and focused on the screens infront of him. "So, he really made it out..."
With a stoic face, the blonde supe crossed his arms behind his back and went over to the window. This was definitly not what he expected or even wanted to happen. His "somehow" father, the man he had looked up to before he new the full truth, was not someone he wanted to see ever again.
But since he didn't find his body outside the Vought Tower after their fight, he had a feeling that this was not the last time he'd seen him. The question was, what he'll be doing now. Because one thing was for sure. They still had a score to settle. And this time, he would not be the one to loose.
"We need to find him." He said to himself, but Ashley felt like she needed to answer to that.
"We can observe him. With this woman he had on his side, it will probably be pretty easy to find him."
She started to scramble through her purse to find her phone and unlocked her Computer. She didn't had it in her to look up to Homelander, who had turned around, and tried to look busy. But he made his way over to her, stopping behind the woman and laying a hand on her neck.
He leaned forward and whispered. "Then you better make this your top priority right know before someone else finds him first. Or else..." he applyed a little pressure but not so much that it really hurt. "... we have to talk again."
And with that he left the room and Ashley had to fight the urge of pulling her hair again.
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A/N: What do you think the world is going to do next with these news? Let me know! 🤭
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@lyarr24 @leigh70 @k-slla @deadlydivergentgirl
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Hello! I hope you're day's been good, if not I send my condolences that it gets better. Would it be okay if I could get some relationship headcanons for Juri Han? Sorry if it isn't, if you don't want to do them it's perfectly fine! Either way, thanks for taking the time to read this, have a great week!
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These two requests are similar so hopefully you fellas don't mind if I mixed the two together!
Being in a relationship with Juri Han [Male! Fighter! Reader]
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As much of a flirt as Juri is … she really wasn’t looking for a deep relationship. I imagine being in a relationship like that, no matter how many times she tries to deny it, terrifies her. Juri is a wanted woman. Always on the run. It's easier to do that when you have as little baggage as possible. Not to mention, her enemies. Many of which wouldn’t hesitate on torturing or even killing you to get to her. It stings slightly less since she knows her boyfriend can hold up a good fight but it still worries her deep down.
She doesn’t hold back during sparring … like at all. What's the point of holding back her true potential if you're trying to get better right? That's her excuse anyways but everyone can see right through it. Juri’s a sadist, she likes being the cause of one's pain, even her boyfriend. Though, she won’t hurt him enough to cause any permanent danger and (in her own way} gets concerned if she happened to draw blood during sparring or more suggestive workouts.
Juri is … one way to put it possessive over her partner. She’s the only one who can kick your ass, the only one who can tease you till your face feels like burning off, you belong to her and her only and she’ll be damned to hell before anyone even tries to take you away from her. 
She’s a constant tease, giving no moment to let her boyfriend have a breather. However, she has no patience with being teased herself though. She is tough as steel, damn impossible to fluster. Inpatient as well. If you take too long she will steal the show and take what's hers. The closest you are probably ever going to get to her getting all blushy, is being rougher on her during sparring or other activities 
Juri would probably consider a long quiet motorcycle ride through the city as a date and calls it a day. She isn’t much for the whole, romantic dinner sort of thing. Or anything fancy of the sort.  She tries to avoid moments where she is forced to talk about herself. She is rather secretive about her past, and any conversation about it, especially her eye, is shut down immediately. 
It’s rare to find Juri being in a soft mood. As mentioned before, she tries not to fall in too deep, in case she has to run off again. But it has happened at least once.
 She was quieter, which can be worrying for some but she just seems so much more relaxed, being in the moment, with her eyes closed. You never saw her more at peace before. Laying on the couch next to her, she found her hands on you, soft touches all over your body. 
When she realizes what doing, however, she returns to her normal self. But that night, she runs off. Leaving nothing behind, not answering her calls. You really thought you lost her.
But, you being a fighter and constantly joining tournaments, it wouldn’t be long before you saw her again - perhaps get back together only for the cycle of her leaving to start all over, or maybe, just maybe, she’ll stay [or at least keep in contact the next time she has to book it]
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I do apologize for taking so long! As much as I hate making excuses, I've been busy with school + currently really into Darkstalkers due to some pals of mine!
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