#barbara !!!!! i love her !!!!!!!!!! she’s so smart and so kind !!!!
doctorwhommm · 11 months
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i love season 1 and season 2 actually
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i-yap · 11 days
Thinking about the wedding ask you answered before but what if Grayson proposed to his s/o and his s/o already bought a ring to propose to him as well? Like that would be so cute 😭💕
Hey sorry I'm a little late, in responding, I usually have a couple meetings on Thursday and after human interaction I'm too dead to do anything.
omg your request is so monica and chandler idk why..like that scene she proposes and..yea . Thats a really cute idea.
Dick grayson x reader
Some may consider being friends with your boyfriends ex weird, but barbara and kori were still a part of his teams and they knew what grayson had with you was something special and different. And so you became sort of friends..at least this way you got gossip on grayson. But it was also the reason why you were here, In a jewellery store. looking through wedding bands.
"And then he kept crying "take me to y/n" " laughed kori telling the story of Dick on anesthesia. You laughed back in return"What can I say, the man's a simp". "Yea never really saw him like that you know" replies Kori.
"Like what?" . "Loving someone so much, he was sweet with me, but he never really made effort. I guess I always knew it was a temporary thing. I couldn't even bring up commitment with him, I don't think I even heard him say the word "wedding" the whole time we were together."
"He is a litttle hesitant towards commitment I suppose, its his childhood- all that repressed trauma" you say , trying to cheer her up a little. "But with you it seems like he might even ask you to marry him- though the idea of him asking anyone to marry him sounds crazy"
"Why is that?" you ask
"Dont take me wrong, he loves you but I just cant see him getting down on one knee and -well popping the question"
And so here you are now. Staring at the perfect wedding band set . Was this a little unconventional ..yes. Did you care? Hell no. You knew Dick wanted forever with you. You guys had talked about kids, grandkids, what flowers you want in your wedding. He just wasn't popping the question and if he wasn't going to do it, you would. You understand he has his issues, but he is committed to you, he loves you and you can help him out with this little something.
After that talk with kori you had been monitoring Dick , He did talk a lot about marrying you but never really brought up the actual question. And you didn't want to wait longer. This was the man you wanted to spend forever with..its decided.
So you and dick plan out a perfect date. He was more than excited to make sure everything was perfect- saying he was just excited because you guys haven't had a proper date in while(which is a lie , dick takes you out every week for a fancy date )
But it turns out perfect. By the private beach, a pretty blanket with champagne and food. the sun setting slowly and a chill spring air which makes you sit just a little closer. You take out the ring just as the sun starts setting. Dick looks over perplexed. He looks at the ring, then at you smiling and then ring again. "Dick grayson, I love you. I never thought I'd meet a man like you, I didn't even know they existed. And they don't , you're special to me. You are kind and smart and really hot. There is no one else for me , its just you. Marry me?"
Dick gives the biggest smile, pulls you up onto the sand and get down on his knees before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring. "y/n, I guess you beat me to it huh? Ive been carrying this ring for 3 months now waiting for the perfect moment. But every moment with you is perfect, you are perfect for me and you make me want to be the perfect man for you. Ive known that since the first date , I know that right now and I will remember it forever. Will you marry me y/n l/n?"
"First you answer my question" you hiccup, tears welling up in your eyes.
"haha, yes yes I will marry you y/n grayson"
"is this a bad time to mention I don't like your surname"
"We can change it, keep it something you like, like cupcakes..y/n cupcakes" he says tears in his own eyes.
you giggle as you pull him up, sliding the rings onto each others hand and kissing as the sun falls below the ocean's horizon.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
What is your opinion on Babdick/dickbabs? I personally hate it because it doesn’t look like a healthy relationship especially when Barbara doesn’t seem to love dick all that much
It's not and she doesn't and I don't like them together at all.
Oracle Barbara was mostly fine but I CANNOT STAND Batgirl Barbara and Dick.
Take this comic for instance, Dick and Barbara have broken up (as they always do) and Dick is thinking about it and being sad about their relationship. He calls Barbara to say sorry as he always does
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DC's Crimes of Passion
But Barbara's feelings on the breakup?
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DC's Crimes of Passion
When Barbara says she's scared of needing someone, I can totally understand that. It's a immense feeling and perfectly acceptable reason but-
"I don't know what to call us. I don't even really know what I want us to be. Or what we're supposed to be."
This isn't the sound of a girl in love, this is the sound of a woman stringing along a man.
She doesn't want to be together with Dick but she's doesn't want to be away from him. She loves him but can't stand the idea of loving him.
And truthfully? I get this too - because I almost did it myself. A guy I'm good friends with asked me out on a date and to be honest I didn't even feel the same about him that way. I was just friends with him and when he asked me I thought about accepting. He's super kind, good looking, and smart and he's an absolute catch. I thought about saying yes - not because I had a crush on him or anything, but I just wanted to be in love. But I didn't because that's a terrible thing for me to do. I didn't have any attraction for him romantically but if I started going out with him just because I wanted someone that would super, duper crappy of me. He's an awesome guy and he deserves way more than that. I didn't want to string him along. It would make me an awful person if I had done it.
To go out with them just because I wanted someone.
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DC's Crimes of Passion
It's the constant back and forth between that I can't stand.
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Nightwing (2011) Annual 1
What. Timing.
I genuinely don't understand what's she trying to get at here. I thought love was about working through the hardest times in your life together, achieving successes together, and always being there for each other. I didn't think love was about falling apart during every crisis big or small. I didn't think it was about breaking up when you felt like it and not bothering to resolve the issues that caused you to break up in the first place.
Later on in the comic, Barbara talks about talking it out later and goes to meet Dick but he had to leave cause he got called for a case.
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Really. Now it's on the both of them here. They can't be together because then it's going to be a long distance relationship?
Frankly Dick in a semi and Barbara in a vest is...is there some stereotype about trucker families not working out that I'm missing here? what is this.
That's another thing that bothers me about Dickbabs. They never resolve the issue that caused them to break up in the first place. Sometimes I'm reading them and all of sudden Barbara's like "we should stop seeing each other," and I'm like why??? There's literally nothing going on??
Barbara cares a lot about Dick. She cares about his safety and sometimes his emotional wellbeing but she doesn't love him for who he is. She loves the idea of him but not him.
I swear I used to root so hard for them but it's exhausting to like them together when Dick is dumping buckets of love over Barbara's head while she's holding up an umbrella. And then she takes the umbrella and stabs it through his heart.
She can be super toxic when it comes to Dick.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #86
She literally blames Dick for trying to make her happy. In the comic he's doing acrobatics all over the place, fixing her computer so it's easier for her, and generally being overly cheerful for her so she'll forget her pain and become happy at least for a moment and in turn-she literally Gaslights him??
"You can't stop reminding me of what I once was. You can't stop flaunting your own health. You still think you're immortal, Dick, and you're not."
Are you for real?! If someone is walking and you're in a wheelchair, you want them to be in one too because you feel sad about yourself?
And the constant way she talks down to him.
But even this I can sort of understand. Let's throw the blame on Dick here for a split second even though it's not his fault. Barbara is recently put into a wheelchair so she's depressed. Dick is being overly helpful. He wants to do everything for her so he can make her life easier, to alleviate her pain and she's tired of that. That's understandable and honestly they did need a little break here so Dick could turn down his enthusiasm and let Barbara be the strong woman she's known to be. BUT WHY IS SHE BLAMING HIM?? Just tell him you want some time apart to figure out yourself without throwing the blame and breaking the heart of your boyfriend who loves you so much.
Dick here reminded me of family members after their child has been diagnosed with cancer. They want to do everything they can but they don't know how so they keep smiling through the pain and being as positive as possible.
Here's my main issue with Dickbabs. Writers are incapable of writing the two of them together in a way that lifts both of them up.
They got it into their heads that to make Barbara look smart, they have to make Dick look dumb. That to make Barbara look skillful, they have to make Dick look incompetent.
But hey it's unfair of me to use Nightwing comics only (DC crimes of passion isn't a nightwing comic but the point still stands) to talk about Dickbabs.
I'm not saying all Dickbabs is bad. There's a couple that are good like this one
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Batgirls Issue #8
They're so cute!!! They look so hot together too
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but. Writers as always are incapable of writing Dick as a strong independent character that relies on Barbara.
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Batgirls Issue #8
Sorry, Dick - who has beaten Batman, destroyed Justice Leagues, runs superhero teams with some of the strongest metas in the world and has beaten them without breaking a sweat - just lets himself get kicked and punched around for fun? Are you trying to tell me that Dick only fights because people insult Barbara? I can't believe I'm saying this but Tom Taylor has written better than this.
Their love can be so one sided.
She abuses Dick as an emotional outlet for her anger and resentment.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #87
Context: She's blaming him for being sexually harassed by Catalina. Catalina earlier broke into their date night, beat Barbara up in the wheelchair, kissed Dick and kneed him to surprise him before Dick beat her off Barbara.
And not only is she busy victim blaming him, she's also busy calling him incompetent. And Dick's rightfully mad that as a vigilante of nearly two decades she's telling him he's pathetic.
And what does Bruce have to do with anything here? From the Titans, we know that Dick's greatest fear is turning into Batman. They fight so hard to protect him from it, and what does Barbara do?
"Congratulations. You've managed to turn into Bruce."
This makes me the most mad though-
"Bludhaven was managing a long time before you got here."
The anger I felt was incandescent. Why do people fight crime Barbara? I guess Bruce should just call it a night and take Batman for a nap forever. Why was Batgirl created if Gotham was managing before Batgirl even existed? In one sentence, she's managed to trash the multiverses of superheroes.
No wonder Wally wants Kori and Dick together. Barbara's mad at him for protecting her against Catalina. If Dick had just kept sitting and waiting for the bodyguards in that fancy place then Barbara wouldn't be severely injured. But oops. His bad.
After he punches the board she gets mad and leaves and Dick's emotional well-being goes on a downward spiral.
I have other issues with them because Dick's relationship with Barbara diminishes his canonical relationships with the superhero community.
Again - writers' problem.
So...complicated. They could be amazing if written right but right now I'm wavering between being indifferent to them and disliking them. They should seriously just be friends instead.
I need to clarify something first. Barbara Gordon herself is fine. She's cool. But when she's with Dick? The way writers write them as well as her own personality comes out in the worst, most toxic ways.
And that's not even getting into what writers did to Kori's personality and Dick's morality. They just dashed decades of Teen Titans comics to make both of them look evil.
That's not even touching the atrocity of their Dark Nights: Death Metal scene or the way Barbara victim blamed Dick for having amnesia.
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #50
This is so unfair. She can victim-blame Dick for having amnesia because she's mad at bruce but if Dick even yelled at her when he's mad at Bruce, it would be an International Incident in the fandom. Where's the equality in this?
I know Barbara is pretty mad at other things in this scene but she has a tendency to use Dick as an emotional outlet
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Batgirl (2011) Issue #3
She's literally beating him up because she's upset at losing her fight against some villain and thinking about her own insecurities. He just dropped in to show her some love and help.
If Batgirl Barbara only acted this way in Nightwing comics, then I would be inclined to say that the writers have a preference against her. BUT she's acts like this in the Nightwing comics, the Batgirl comics, the Batman comics, the general DC comics, and practically every comic that has them together. Given that DC is rooting for Dickbabs and trashing Kori for it, there is literally no reason for her to be acting this way. And the thing is, Dick's other relationships have been fantastic. Not just the big ones, but the minor ones too that people forget have been full of love. So why can't they write Dickbabs that way?
I didn't even know how bad they were together until recently. I just kinda glossed over all the toxic components of their relationship because, you know, "girlbossing" right? But there's only so many plot holes you can sell to your readers before they start questioning the legitimacy of your product. Thus my feelings about them have changed.
This being said, I don't like them romantically but I love them as friends. When Barbara is just working with dick as crimefighting partners or friends, they make an awesome team and they're so fun to read. I just can't stand them together as lovers anymore. And really, even their good Batgirl/Nightwing lover moments just seem like it's them being good friends.
They have the potential to be great.
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #1
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #16
But usually they're just not.
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I'm back with more Alfred and Jason angst, because I can't get it out of my head.
To continue with the thought of a darling getting (temporarily) rescued by Batman, holing up in some safehouse with Alfred as her protector, and Jason re-capturing darling but obviously being shocked by Alfred being there.
Jason is quiet the entire way back to the hideout. He's got a firm grip on darling, but she's smart enough not to fight when Jason is in such an agitated state--it's a one way ticket to being sedated with one of the syringes he keeps on hand. He gives order to the militia, tells them that security is being upped as soon as they get back. He tells darling without speaking to her that she's getting a tracker put in her, and not to argue about it. (She wants to, but forces herself to just stare straight ahead, tears in her eyes.)
It's not until he's got them back in his "safehouse," members of his militia dispersed, the door to the safe room firmly shut and locked, that the silence between them is broken.
He's upset, borderline hysterical. He immediately clings to them, kissing them hard, clinging them so tightly that the Arkham Knight armor is pinching them and going to give them bruises. This goes on for a while. Just holding them, touching them, reaffirming that they're here. He tells them that he'll never lose them again, EVER.
When he finally does calm down a little, he sits on the bed with darling, next to them. It's quiet for a moment, and then he asks something that's been bothering him ever since they broke into the safehouse.
"How is he?"
He means Alfred, of course. And it's such a soft, broken question. A question asked by some scrap of the former Jason that still lives in him, the Jason who would have taken a bullet for Alfred. Who loved him--still loves him, still cares for him.
And darling just looks at Jason with a sad expression--there's all this bittersweet turmoil raging through them, sympathy and pity towards Jason for what he's gone through and what he's lost, and anger and resentment at what he's doing--and tells him the truth.
Alfred is okay, all things considered. He's strong. Kind. Selfless. He's worried about everyone. Worried about the city. She tells him that Alfred misses him, and how Alfred used to send her flowers on her birthday, and they sometimes shared pictures or stories of Jason between them. She gets choked up and says she wanted to tell Alfred about him being alive so, so badly, but she didn't. She didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone--to Alfred, to Bruce, to Jason--if that secret got out.
Jason doesn't say anything. When darling looks over, he's got his jaw clenched tightly to keep in his sobs. A practiced expression one learns when being tortured and not wanting to give your tormenter the easy satisfaction.
But of course he can't stop his tears from flowing. He's crying.
There are some people in the world that he wants to kill. The Rogues, the villains, of course. Bruce, most of all.
But there are some people in the world that he wants to protect. People that he cares about. People that he loves. Darling is first and foremost. But there is another gallery of faces there, people from his former life, and Alfred is among them.
There' are questions between darling and Jason that will probably never be asked.
What will become of Alfred, in this new Gotham without a Batman?
But more importantly: what will Alfred think of him, once he kills Bruce?
Yes! I think Jason would never willingly hurt Alfred unless it was a Barbara-type situation--like he did kidnap her, she was cut up and scraped, but that was largely from her causing a car crash and pepper spraying a militia member (because Barbara is fucking awesome). He outright threatened that if anyone hurt her, they'd be a dead man.
I think that Alfred would also get that treatment, and Jason would never risk harming him. But I don't know if Darling knows that, deep down. After all, she probably didn't think that he would kidnap her and keep her held captive
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recreationalfanfics · 6 months
Some Assassin's Creed x Genshin Brainrot I've been having:
1. A reader whose like Barbara. I have her and I would absolutely kill for her. Like, the reader is the daughter of a doctor who isn't necessarily an assassin but married one so they help when one of the assassin's get hurt and the reader sings as she works to help them and the assassin's can't help but smile. AND I MEAN THIS IN A PLATONIC WAY, LIKE, YOU ARE THE SAME AGE AS BARBARA but I just think it'd be a cute idea because you're a very good medic and doctor and the assassin's enjoy seeing you. Like if you're in Connor's time period, he will be silent as you sing but he does have the smallest smile on his face and if you ask him: "Are you feeling better, Mr. Ratonhnhaké:ton?" he's internally adopted you already- JACOB ABSOLUTELY ADORES YOU, the only child in London who HASN'T tried to rob him, and Evie definetly has a soft spot for you two. When you tell Evie that you really look up to her and that you want to be just as smart as her someday, she gets kinda shy and Jacob gets jealous BECAUSE WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE LIKE HER, HE'S SUPER COOL TOO- I can see some of the more crude assassin's trying to watch their language around you. EDWARD STRUGGLES SO HARD but he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable so he TRIES HIS BEST. Arno is very gentlemanly so if he's ranting to someone while you're fixing him up, he'll politely tell you to cover your ears. And so on and so forth-
2. Childe x Ratonhnhaké:ton! Reader. Like in the sense that the reader has his personality and beliefs. This dynamic would be interesting to me in the sense that Childe fights because the Abyss gave him that need but the reader would fight because it is their duty. Also because of the dynamic that'd they'd both be unhinged in their own way. Childe is more obviously unhinged but let's not forget that Ratonhnhaké:ton ran through a city that was being BOMBED just to get to the man who he was after. So let's say the reader's target is Childe and they just run through an entire army. Normal people would be terrified by that kind of persistence, especially if that person wants them dead, but Childe just having the biggest grin on his face because he might be in love- However, Childe also loving the kind and compassionate side of the reader and how that kindness and compassion never falters. Not to mention that he'd definetly admire how honest the reader is and like how the reader does have some sympathy for Childe and his childhood but how they can't let that sympathy distract them from doing what's right.
- OKAY SO YOU KNOW THOSE SAGAU GENSHIN STORIES? Maybe something like that where the reader is an ISU hybrid so they have the golden blood and skin markings that light up but because of how the ISU act in the Assassin's Creed verse, THEY ARE HELLA DISTRUSTING OF THE ARCHONS AND THE ARCHONS ARE SO HURT BC WHAT DID THEY DO-
- Just an Assassin's Creed reader in general somehow getting into the Genshin universe PURELY BECAUSE I think it would be funny how they would absolutely outclimb everyone. Like, I have a hard time with climbing in Genshin because I always forget the stamina bat but in AC, most of the game play is just climbing really tall things so the reader just escaping everyone by climbing taller than them. Or like, they're constantly found brooding on some sort of high ground. Also because imagine they get a vision and one of the characters is all: "Okay, now we'll teach you how to use Elemental Vision-" and the reader is all: "Oh, is it like Eagle vision?" and they're all: "Wtf is eagle vision-"
- Diluc would actually be a good member of the Brotherhood, like, I don't have the creativity to write it but someone give that man a hidden blade.
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jordanrosenburg · 2 years
Abbott Elementary - The Savior of Sitcoms
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When Abbott Elementary aired midseason in December of 2021, I don’t think any of us were ready. I had first heard about the show from Quinta Brunson’s TikTok. I’ve been following her since she worked for Buzzfeed, having made very funny and true digital shorts about what it’s like to be a woman, specifically a short woman. So, from time to time I liked to check in on her and see what she was up to. She was announcing her book, She Memes Well, and she briefly mentioned she was working on a pilot.
Quinta is a triple threat to the world of Abbott - she’s the head writer, executive producer, and lead actress. Her being a woman and doing all of these things is already incredible, but seeing a woman of color shine like this is truly inspirational, and quite honestly...it’s about damn time. Quinta was awarded the very well deserved Emmy for OUTSTANDING COMEDY WRITER. A young (she’s 32, that’s young) woman of color won an award for comedy writing. I cried tears of joy during her acceptance speech. As a woman, we’re basically told our whole lives that female comedians aren’t funny, so this was major for a multitude of reasons.
The cast of Abbott is comprised with some familiar face: Lisa Ann Walter, who many folks of my generation know as Chessy from The Parent Trap, Tyler James Williams of Everybody Hates Chris fame, Sheryl Lee Ralph, who many of us remember as Dee Mitchell from Moesha, and William Sanford Davis who is no stranger to the sitcom world. We also have Janelle James, a comedian who I had honestly never heard of, but is truly hilarious, and Chris Perfetti, another new face to me, but has quickly stolen my heart as his character Jacob.
The first season starts off during the spring semester of the school year. Janine, played by Quinta, is a semi-new teacher who wants to be the absolute best for her students. She’s young, ambitious, high-spirited, and is often annoying her colleagues.
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Seasoned professional Barbara Howard, who happened to be Janine’s teacher back in the day, is probably the person annoyed by Janine the most. But only because Janine’s high energy and new teaching styles don’t jive with what Barbara’s used to. Throughout the season, Barbara ends up leaning on Janine a bit more, and starts to see her value as a teacher. Especially when it comes to using new technology that Barbara isn’t exactly savvy with.
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Jacob is a corny, happy-go-lucky social studies teacher. He’s the closest with Janine. Jacob is the quintessential cis-white guy who is often a little too “woke” for his own good. But he means well, and even though his students refer to him as “Mr. C.” because he’s so corny, they love him as their teacher. He also has a very loving relationship with his boyfriend, which I enjoyed seeing represented.
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Melissa is a fast fan favorite. Having grown up in Jersey, she brings a very real character to the table. She’s a math teacher, and a damn good one at that. Another seasoned professional, who is close with Barbara, but also plays by a lot of her own rules. If something needs to get done, she knows someone who knows someone who knows someone, but you didn’t hear it from her.
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Gregory is new to the elementary school. He starts off as a substitute teacher. He was originally supposed to be the principal of Abbott, he was offered the job after going to school for it! But alas, the job was given to someone else - Ava Coleman. Ava has literally no teaching background of any kind. So how did she get the job?
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Ava is often flirting with Gregory, making some very crude remarks. She uses the budget inappropriately for her own vanity, and only sometimes actually does her job. She and Janine tend to have many disagreements, but Janine is a passive person, so she’s usually coming up with some over the top idea to make a change instead of just simply discussing the issue with Ava. Not that Ava ever really listens, so it almost forces Janine to do something crazy.
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And Mr. Johnson, our beloved custodian, is always there with a smart remark, often that extra comic relief we need to break the tension during some of the more serious scenes.
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The show is a mockumentary style sitcom, similar to The Office, or Parks and Rec. The interviews the characters give aren’t as formal as they were on The Office. Most of the time when they’re talking directly to the camera, they’re in the hallway between classes. This style can be hard to pull off, especially when so many other sitcoms have done it, like Modern Family, for example. But Abbott does it flawlessly.
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Like many of my favorite shows, we have a slow burn occurring between two main characters: Gregory and Janine. Gregory makes it pretty obvious, to the cameras, that he likes Janine right away.
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In fact, part of the reason he takes the open position to become a full-time teacher and not a substitute, by the end of the school year is so he can still be around Janine. Nothing can be too easy, though. We learn early on that Janine has a long-time boyfriend, Tariq. Tariq is basically a deadbeat, going from one dead-end job to the next, leaving Janine to constantly pick up the slack. But they’ve been together for well over ten years, so she’s not exactly looking to start anew.
However, by the end of the first season, Janine does end things with Tariq. And it’s not because she’s in love with Gregory. As much as we want them to be Jim and Pam, they’re not. Janine breaks up with Tariq because she realizes she’s simply outgrown him, and it’s not healthy for either of them to stay in their relationship. It’s not easy for her to come to terms with this, we see that at the beginning of season two as she pretends to be fine with the breakup. Throughout the first season, Janine evolves quite a bit. She’s much more confident as a teacher going into the fall semester. She’s more sure of herself and her capabilities.
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The show is heartwarming at its core. Yes, it’s extremely laugh out loud funny. (Which is a big deal because a show rarely makes me audibly laugh, so the fact that I’ve laughed so hard I’ve nearly cried?? Yeah, this is a well written show.) All of the main characters go through a sort of “after school special” moment that helps them grow and become better. I think my favorite person’s journey is Gregory’s. He was obviously bitter about not getting the principal position. He’s also just a very odd duck. He likes order and rigidity. He only eats plain, boiled chicken between two slices of white bread. (He doesn’t like when different foods mix together. When he admitted he didn’t like pizza, it was a whole thing. Jacob was the most offended, especially when Gregory also told them he didn’t pie.)
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Gregory doesn’t get goofy or silly with his students, he prefers order. But he slowly starts to realize that if he’s going to actually have a good command over his classroom, then he’ll need to let loose a little.
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We’re three episodes in to the second season, and it’s already holding up to the groundbreaking first. This isn’t always easy to do. Sometimes when a show has such an incredibly good first season, the second season can feel lackluster. But not Abbott Elementary. Less than a minute into the first episode, I was already laughing hysterically. Janine was discussing her breakup, so we cut to a scene showing Tariq packing up his friend’s car, and them both driving away. Tariq had a shining smile on his face as he danced in the passenger seat while ‘Snap Yo Fingers” by Lil Jon blasted through the speakers.
The main cast are back to their old antics: finding ways to keep the students interested, doing their best to keep the school from crumbling, and just getting through each day one step at a time. The teachers lean on one another for so many things, and I don’t think that’s something we’ve seen in a show with a school setting before. Most sitcoms that take place in school are usually about the students, not the teachers. And if it is about the teachers, it’s usually very serious. We’re getting a real and unique perspective about what teachers have to deal with at a semi-underprivileged school. Second and third grade classes get lumped together, the textbooks are nowhere near new, and the grant money Janine won for new supplies had to go towards getting rid of a rat infestation in the cafeteria.
Not that it’s all about Janine and Gregory and their slow burn, but if we’ve learned anything from watching Jim and Pam (The Office), or Jake and Amy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), or Ben and Lesley (Parks and Rec), or even Jonah and Amy (Superstore), these two will not be confessing feelings any time soon. And if they do, they won’t be getting together as an official couple until at least the end of the third season, as many of the couples listed previously did. I’m really excited to see how it all plays out. I know it’s going to be good.
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In my opinion, we haven’t had a truly good sitcom in quite some time. Many of our favorites have long since ended. Sometimes when I see the current ones, the ones that are on cable networks like ABC, CBS, and NBC, I find myself asking, “How is this still on the air?”. One of the last good ones standing, again in my opinion, was Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which ended in 2021 after eight seasons. Modern Family ended in 2020, but despite the few really funny clips I’ve seen from that show, I never got into it to watch regularly. Just because a family is blended and a little unconventional, doesn’t mean it’s modern. Who was it modern to? The upper-middle class? The same goes for Black-ish, which ended last spring. That was another show I tried to get into, but just couldn’t. To me, it was just another show about an upper-class family. Yes, the cast was diverse and had good representation, but not everyone lives like that family did. Other honorable mentions are: The Good Place (2016-2020), Schitt’s Creek (2015-2020), and Superstore (2015-2021). Many of these beloved shows have all ended within the last three years. And what are we left with? The Goldbergs? Young Sheldon? Grown-ish? Hard pass. If you like those shows, no shade, they’re just not my cup of tea.
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And even though we have shows on paid streaming services like Ted Lasso (a must watch if you’re able), that’s not a program that’s easily accessible to everyone. I’m hoping Abbott sparks inspiration for more warm-hearted comedies. It’s a show that’s fun for adults, but it’s something you can still watch as a family if you so choose. Having someone like Quinta as a writer is truly the key to its success. The show is funny, relatable, sometimes gut-wrenching, and something I look forward to watching every week. 
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Ramblings About Batfam Comics I Read This Week
So. I spent this week reading unhealthy amounts of batfam comics, and I have thoughts!
I have now read the entirety of the Red Robin solo comic, all of Batgirl Volume 3 (Stephanie Brown's batgirl run), Batman: the Road Home because I kinda had to for context, about half of the currently running Batgirls comic (Cass and Steph share the Batgirl role with Barbara as their mentor and also sometimes Batgirl), and The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.
Why these? Simple, I wanted to read Batgirls, I wanted Red Robin Tim, and I wanted Carrie Kelley's existence. So, without further ado, here are my major thoughts!
You know me, my ramblings turn into long essays, so it all goes under a cut and subsections! As per usual, TL;DR at the bottom!
Multiple Comics:
1. Comics are funnier than we give them credit for. Even the edgiest ones I was reading left me cracking up every once in a while.
2. I have maintained this since I first started learning about the BatFam, and I will maintain it till I die---Batman has partners, not sidekicks. They don't follow his orders. He doesn't LET them do anything. He runs around doing damage control while a bunch of absolutely feral children fight crime. Batman doesn't make heroes. He finds heroes and makes sure they have access to a decent first aid kit, training, and some morals.
3. Stephanie Brown is a BAMF who does NOT get the love she deserves. Not only is she smart, determined, and awesome in a fight, she's got something that many batfam characters lack: kindness. Stephanie is sweet and adorkable and nice to everyone while still managing to be a chaotic, hypercompetent, sarcastic menace to society. I'll go into more details under the Batgirl v. 3 section, but I am now a massive Stephanie Brown stan, and I will not tolerate slander! Put some respect on the name of Stephanie f*cking Brown!
4. I am now both a shipper of TimSteph and CassSteph. With occasional HarperSteph. This is unsurprising. I have multiple characters I like together in most mediums, and I don't give a crap about canon, so I can ship whichever one I'm in the mood for! :)
5. In a similar vein, reading the comics very much stoked my already strong DickBabs fire. I love me so Birdflash, RobStar, and Babs/Kara, but I'm beginning to think DickBabs is my favorite combo.
6. Stephanie's OG spoiler costume is her best one, but she's at her best characterization as v. 3 Batgirl.
7. F*CK YOU NEW 52! Nobody likes you, and you ruin everything! You robbed me of my favorite incarnations of these characters! DEATH TO THE NEW 52! BURN, YOU DISGUSTING INSULT TO NARRATIVE CONSISTENCY!
8. Damian and Dick as Batman and Robin are honestly precious together. I only got bits and pieces viewed through Batgirl and Red Robin's eyes, but I really like them and their dynamic with both each other and everyone else. I think my favorite thing is definitely that they have named combo moves where they complete each other's quips. It's adorable.
9. Bruce is a well-meaning a**hole. He really does care about his family, but he needs to trust them more and get MUCH better at communicating.
10. Did you know everybody has a cool base outside of the Batcave? Damian and Dick are based in Wayne Tower, Tim has his Nest, Babs has the Clocktower, and Steph's Team Batgirl has the Firewall which is below Oracle's apartment.
Red Robin Solo Run
1. Tim is one cool BAMF. Man fought the whole Court of Spiders at once---who were killing League of Assasins members for fun BTW---and won and got the civilian bystander out safely. He blew up ALL of Ra's Al Ghul's bases, then fought off Ra's double threat of a hostile takeover on Wayne Enterprises and attempts to assasinate all of Batman's loved ones. He took down the evil, corruptive, hive-mind dark-net that supervillains use to communicate (yes this is a thing that exists). He successfully got evidence that Batman was alive when NOBODY else believed him and then was one of the first to actually know he was back and easily pass Bruce's tests (yes, Bruce tested people instead of telling them he was alive, because he is a well-meaning a**hole).
3. Tim is an edgy teenager. He does at least as much brooding as Batman, but with this sarcasm and dry wit behind everything that Batman doesn't really have. Tim has a consistent "Well f*ck my life, I guess," mentality that is FASCINATING to read, and is the source of a lot of his humor. He has a habit of reacting to really dramatic and serious situations with a deadpan "Welp. That ain't good. Guess I'll either figure it out or die trying."
2. Tim is apparently a chick-magnet. Just in Red Robin, he's got a thing going with Tam Fox and Lynx, Prudence Wood thinks he's sexy, he almost gets raped by Ra's Al Ghul's half-sister, and he and Steph still have feelings about each other that primarily consist of "why does my ex have to be so hot?" I am now incorporating this fact into ALL of my headcanons. It also makes for some fun drama, because all of these ladies (except maybe Steph) are way more into Red Robin than they are Tim Drake, even if they're aware of his identity. I find this objectively hilarious.
3. Tim's cowl is stupid. Apparently, the artist got the memo about halfway through the comic since tim has a pretty cool, uniquely shaped domino mask when he's in the Ünternet. This should be his mask in all appearances. Clearly unique to Red Robin, but not the stupid earless cowl.
4. Tim has SOME sort of neurodivergence going on because my man hyperfixates like nobody's business. He literally has a page where he rambles about how something'll catch his attention and he'll get sucked into it and give it his whole focus and be unable to stop thinking about it, to the detriment of his other commitments.
5. Tim somehow manages to have a thriving social life and no social life at all, and the comic agrees with me. He regularly teams up with the Teen Titans and other Gotham Weirdos TM. He's got a civilian ally/life companion in the form of Tam Fox. He has his guy in the chair, Money Spider a.k.a. Anarky a.k.a Lonnie Machin. He's got Prudence Wood and a couple of other folks with questionable morals on his payroll. And of course, he's got Bruce. He even tells Ra's at some point, "I'm not Batman. I have friends." But he also seems to do a really good job at not telling people things and thus being isolated anyway. He doesn't really doesn't share much of his personal stuff with anyone, especially not initially, so they can't really help him with stuff or provide him with the right companionship. This is perhaps most evident in his relationship with Tam Fox, which he effectively destroys by not telling her that her father Lucius isn't actually dead, and Tim just faked it for one of his plans. He didn't even forget, he just deemed not telling her the best course of action. Both he and Batman are concerned about this.
6. Tim has MASSIVE supervillain vibes. Like, Tim would make the BEST supervillain if he hadn't decided to be so heroic. Lemme. Lemme just give you a list.
Tim has a hit list. And those aren't my words. He calls it a hit list. It's mostly supervillains, and he specifically designs his schemes so that one arrest leads directly into the next. But it also has Robin as a contingency plan and a couple of other people who are decidely not bad guys.
He's a schemer. Bruce's whole test for him involves testing how he does at improvising because Tim has a penchant for creating carefully crafted plans like some sort of maniacal supervillain. And they work pretty much every time.
Tim's subconscious mind manifests as The Riddler. Lemme explain. While Tim is in the virtual reality, Ready-Player-One-esque dark net that the supervillains have set up, his attempt to puzzle out what's going on manifests as The Riddler giving him cryptic clues. The Riddler. THE RIDDLER! This is decidedly his own doing, not the Ünternet's.
Tim keeps his morals because he promised Batman, not because he actually has those morals himself. This sounds worse than it is. It's not like he actively wishes to break his moral code, he just comments multiple times in sticky situations that he would do X thing if it wouldn't be so disappointing to Batman and other people. On multiple occassions (see, blowing up the LoA bases), he actually does X thing because he thinks it's more important than approval.
Tim has ambitions to make Gotham the leader of the world. He specifically starts a number of international outreach programs for Wayne Enterprises with making Gotham the World Hub in mind. He has other altruistic reasons, but this is the one he's most focused on. This scheme also inspires Bruce to start Batman Inc., a.k.a. the thing Bruce has been doing since his return from his vacation in the time stream. Tim acknowledges that he's the inspiration and also that Bruce does not consciously know he was inspired by Tim.
He's manipulative and will work with all kinds of people if it serves his goals. This includes unpredictable people like Anarky, dangerous people like Man Bat, and morally questionable people like Lynx and Prudence Wood. His manipulation tactics mostly come in the form of cutting off other people's options until helping him is their best choice and withholding information until sharing it suits him. Batman in the making.
You see what I mean? Kid would make a GREAT criminal mastermind. Definitely got them villain vibes.
7. F*CK YOU NEW 52. The comic ended really abruptly on an ominous note with an unfinished plot because suddenly we had to do a whole reboot of the universe. Because the New 52 SUCKS!
Batgirl Volume 3
2. No, but seriously. I mentioned in the general section that Stephanie is a total BAMF who also has SO much heart! I think something really unique about her is her ability to be kind to and befriend literally anyone.
She becomes tentative friends with this absolute jerk girl Jordanna who's really mean to Steph because she's possesive of her friends, who all think Steph is cool. Steph doesn't judge, presses on, and manages to get Jordanna to at least accept her, if not be actively kind to her.
It's due to Steph's efforts that Wendy Harris a.k.a. Proxy a.k.a. Oracle in Training really feels accepted in her new hero role.
Steph looked at Damian in the height of his brat era and said, "You know what this kid needs? A bouncy house! Yeah, I'mma teach him how to have fun and be a kid by forcibly taking him to a bouncy castle!"
Batgirl is noted as. . .not as legal as Batman, but she still manages to make her own police force connection.
She's helpful and chill to Klarion the Witch Boy even though, as usual, all their problems in that issue are his fault.
She beats up a dude who's trying to blow up a train, and her ability and tenacity impress him so much that he becomes the Grey Ghost and tries to help her out. She thinks it's annoying and is worried about him (rightfully so, since he gets shot), but she does listen to him.
Steph will look at almost anyone with kindness and without judgement and has an astounding capability to befriend people because of this.
3. Steph is FREAKING HILARIOUS! Steph is probably the chattiest hero, especially when she's fighting bad guys, and it is both so effective and SO funny! She'll just start totally random conversations about WHATEVER while she's busy beating people up, and it makes me cackle every time. She also literally teaches people banter and gives them turns! It's amazing! Like, I'm not sure I'd call her quippy since she's not actually usually insulting people. She's just making casual, friendly conversation at really inappropriate times for it.
4. That's not the only way she's funny, either. Steph also has "inner monologue problems" where she'll say her thoughts out loud. This becomes a running gag to the point that Babs'll continually have to tell her she's using her "outside voice." It's funny and awkward every time! And then there's her habit of paraphrasing stuff that culminates when she tells Wendy the entire batfamily history in chibi doodles with absolutely zero respect. Never fear, Stephanie is here to make you laugh!
5. Steph is a GRADE A BAD-A**! My girl will challenge anyone, get in over her head, make decisions on the fly, and still win! Technically, this is a Batman Road Home Moment, but when Batman pulls his "I'm testing people instead of telling them I'm back" BS on Steph, she b*tch slaps him and then runs away while saying "I'm glad you're not dead." Bruce's only response is Bruce-speak for "I deerved that." When literally all of Gotham turns into mind controlled zombies that are after her, she outruns them by hijacking an equally mind-controlled ManBat, wrangling him until they crash into the airport, and then hitching a ride with Proxy in the T-Jet that they barely know how to fly. This works. Even when she's getting knocked around, Steph is kicking butt, taking names, and refusing to let her frankly awful lot in life get her down.
6. Steph is an improviser. My girl almost never has a plan. She thrives on the chaos. She's far more likely to disobey orders and go in guns blazing and figure it out on the fly than waste time trying to meticulously plan out something that'll probably go wrong anyway. Like, she knows the value of planning and does it every once in a while, but I feel like Steph would win almost any fight where both parties have 0 prep time simply because she's so much better at thinking on the fly and getting herself out of scrapes than anyone else.
7. Steph doesn't follow ANYONE'S orders because she is an independent adult, dammit! At the beginning of the issue, Cassandra Cain runs off to Hong Kong and hands off the Batgirl mantle to Steph. Literally everyone she comes across gives her crap for not being Cass, tells her to stop, and thinks that she shouldn't be doing that job. Everyone from random street level goons to Barbara and Dick. Steph doesn't listen and keeps going until she finally shows off enough determination that Babs gets her head out of her ass. Even after that, Steph'll happily disregard orders from Oracle, Batman, Red Robin, her mom, the cops and anyone else who tries to boss her around if she thinks it'll help. And the best part is, she's right almost every time. Steph has good judgement. She knows when she's right, and she won't let anyone tell her different.
8. I absolutely loved the dynamics between all the members of Team Batgirl. Babs taking Steph under her wing and helping her come into her own as Batgirl is amazing. One of the sweetest moments in the whole thing is when Babs gifts Steph the original Batgirl costume (she'd been using Cass's up until that point). In turn, Steph helps Babs open up and find joy and purpose in her life again, when she'd mostly been running on spite at that point. They also are so in sync with each other that it's hilarious. My favorite example is, in a situation that is getting progressively worse, Babs and Steph have the exact same inner monologue: "Crap. DOUBLE crap." It only gets better when Wendy's around, with Steph and Babs connecting to her issues each in their own way. It's beautiful and really helps Wendy grow as a person and heal her heart.
9. Steph needs to do more team ups with people. Yes, she's fantastic and compelling by herself, but she becomes downright marvelous when she's got someone to bounce off of, and her natural friendliness makes her a good pick for team ups. One of my favorite issues was definitely the one where she hung out with Kara and they beat up vampires together. It was adorable.
Batman: The Road Home
1. I only really read this one for context on what was going on in Batgirl and Red Robin, but I do have a couple thoughts.
2. Alfred and Co. have basically kidnapped Hush a.k.a. Thomas Elliot and are holding him hostage in a penthouse. They force him to do appearances as Bruce Wayne while Bruce is still missing, and he is soooooooo salty about this. This is objectively funny.
3. Vicki Vale is actually a really cool character who deserves better. A bit lacking in the common sense and self-preservation departments, but cool nonetheless. She's pushy and invasive and catty, but she is good at her job and I would be just as irritated as her if I had fallen as far from grace as her.
3. Bruce, you're an a**hole. You wanna tell people you're home instead of putting them through insane tests of skill and character while disguised as some random and possibly malevolent vigilante? They GRIEVED you! Some of them are probably STILL grieving! Give Dick a hug dammit!
4. Ra's, you're a creepy weirdo. Go back to brooding in your vampire box now please!
The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller
1. These books are REALLY FREAKING GOOD. I know, who woulda thought, seeing as how it's one of the most popular and talked about Batman comics ever. But seriously. You should read these. I was reluctant to do so, since a lot of people were like "Oh it's Frank Miller, he's edgy, and his Batman has all the tired edgy Batman tropes." I'm sorry, you don't see him using guns, you don't see him killing anyone, you don't see him being a terrible person. This Batman NEEDS a therapist. Desperately. But he's also still a good person. This is ACTUALLY cool edgy Batman, where his issues are used to create a more compelling narrative, not the "cool" edgy Batman that operates under the "grimdark is cool" principle.
2. I almost cried a couple times! This comic has an overwhelming melancholy feel that I just really enjoyed. Everything and everyone feels tired and sad. Everyone. The best part is that this comic is told primarily from Bruce's perspective and Bruce is SO empathetic and caring, that he feels not only his own melancholy, but everybody else's too, and it's so effective! I think the best example is when Two-Face, recently released from Arkham, goes full relapse and Batman is forced to tie him up and leave him for the cops. He looks at Harvey and just goes "That's a kindred spirit, and I feel for him."
3. The story is told interspersed with TV stations and news radio fighting and bickering and reporting. Nobody is quite sure what to make of the Batman situation, and almost all of them feel negatively about it. The only reporter who actually seems in support of Batman is Lana Lang, and she's also one of the few people who feels RATIONAL during the comic. Like, everybody is reacting very poorly and with panic and contempt towards Batman's return, and it really really isn't helpful. You get this feeling of "it's us against the world," and it really contributes to the vibes.
4. Bruce is an old man. He's technically only 55, but a lifetime of fighting crime, trying (and failing to quit), and becoming dependent on alcohol to keep away the nightmares and the call to dress up as The Rodent of Vengeance will seriously mess up your body. Every time he gets in a fight, he is extremely conscious of how slow he is, how much more he can feel each hit, how much of an advantage all of the youngsters he's fighting have on him. It's to the point that he literally has to plan around his old age and failing body.
5. Alfred is PEAK SASSY in here, and it's beautiful! I actually think this might have the best characterization of Alfred, like, ever. He loves Bruce. That's his kid. Not his master. His kid. He's not gonna leave him alone. But, he also has too much dedication to his role as "butler" to actually stop him from doing anything STUPID, so he resorts to just sassing the man RUTHLESSLY instead. And for all the sass he gives Bruce about being Batman, he's also just as deep into this weird lifestyle. The highlight is definitely Alfred telling Bruce after the first night out that if it's suicide he's after, Alfred has an old family recipe that will be just as slow and excruciating, but less illegal.
6. Commissioner Gordon does not, never has, and never will get paid enough for dealing with this. Commissioner Yindel has no idea what steaming pile of sh*t she's just stepped into, and Gordon tried to warn her. Gordon, even though he continues to not particularly approve, remains one of Batman's staunchest allies through the whole thing. It's actually really heartwarming to see their "brothers in arms" thing they've got going.
7. OHMIGOSH CARRIE KELLEY! That is one AMAZING Robin right there!
Do you know how she becomes Robin? She sees Gordon turn on the batsignal, and she's ✨inspired✨ She saves up two weeks of lunch money, buys a Robin costume, grabs a slingshot and some fireworks, and starts fighting criminals and discreetly following Batman around. Like, that's just some sheer tenacity right there! My girl has moxie! She has grit! She has heart! She's the perfect Robin!
Anytime I do stuff with Carrie Kelley, I will be including the fireworks. Her first act as Robin is to stick a firecracker in a mugger's back pocket. Seriously.
Her first thing she does with Batman is to follow him to a really dangerous fight, find him at the end, drag his unconscious, broken body back to the batmobile, splints his arm with her girl scout training, and get him back to Alfred so he doesn't DIE! Batman, already feeling extremely sad because he misses Dick, decides to train her and take her on.
Poor Carrie! Her parents are awful! Like, they don't remember they have a kid level awful! Being with Bruce might be child endangerment, and he might be a quiet stoic bastard who keeps threatening to fire her, but at least he acknowledges her existence!
Carrie, my darling, my dear, my sweet baby girl, I don't understand HALF the stuff that comes out of your mouth! You and your 80s slang. Sweet mercy.
8. I think this universe had a. . .um. . . Marvel Civil War thing. Like, the whole thing is that Superman works for the government, invisibly, instead of publicly. He has to follow their orders, and he doesn't like it, but it does mean he still gets to save people. Oliver/Green Arrow apparently didn't listen and is rotting in jail (Bruce has to bust him out in the last issue). It's implied to be, along with the death of Jason, the thing that made Batman quit. Now that he's back, the whole government is NOT HAPPY about it. They mostly just try to ignore him with "not my circus, not my monkeys," but, the president does sic Clark on him to try to talk him down. Clark predicts that this'll go badly, but tries anyway. His prediction is correct.
9. Poor Selina! You didn't deserve that. TBH, nobody except Joker deserves what happens to them in this book. It's all just really tragic and sad.
10. Bruce is a deeply unwell man in this comic. Like, he definitely seems at his most emotionally healthy and lucid while he's being Batman, but that kind of obsessive drive clearly isn't good for him, mentally or physically. He's kind of just, purposeless and slipping away before he takes up the cowl, and afterwards, he is so so sad and feels like he's succumbed to his worst impulses. It's a lose lose lose situation for him. Poor dude.
11. F*ck you Joker. 'Nuff said. Stay dead this time please.
12. Batman, you've emotionally adopted Carrie. I know you're actively doing child endangerment and stuff, but you care about this little girl. You can stop referring to her as "good soldier."
13. The shot of Batman on the horse makes me want to write a Wild West AU of Batman, because that was a vibe and a half!
14. Just go read this one, seriously, it's good.
I know I didn't put in a segment on Batgirls, but I wanna finish that one first! It'll probably get it's own post!
Basically, this post boils down to:
Batfam comics are really great. I like reading the comics. At least the outdated ones that I was reading.
Steph is the best, put some respect on her name.
Comic books are funny.
Comics are heartwarming.
Tim has supervillain vibes and sad wet cat vibes at the same time.
The Dark Knight Returns is really sad and really good.
That's all I've got for you! I still gonna be stewing on these for DAYS, but this at least helped get it out of my system. Now go read some comic books!
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yooms-posts · 1 year
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Characters: kaeya and rosaria, diluc and jean, yelan and childe x gn reader
Tags?: bi gn reader, suggestive at some parts, reader just being overwhelmed by both parties because their hot
Kaeya and rosaria
omfg I live for this duo
I'm putting you as one of the bartenders at angels share
anyways, kaeya would be the first one who talks to you and ends up flirting with you
he finds you attractive that's for sure but that's in second place why he's drawn to you, it was your personality that draw him in
serving him drinks like he was any other customer but he eventually manage to stay in your head
making small talks here and there when your on duty and he's there
rosaria was quite wary of you, but don't take that the wrong way she is wary of everyone who she isn't very familiar with
but with your personality and patience, you manage to strike up a conversation with her whenever she's at the bar
fast forward they both took a liking at you
that's when the flirting starts happening
it was quite easy to tell you were interested in both men and women and the duo was going to 'abuse' that knowledge
it starts by keaya openly complimenting you about your appearance and slyly inserting suggestive comments on you
rosaria stepping up her game, going as far as tracing your arms suggestively
you were so close to burst into flames everytime they do that, it also dosen't help that the duo was quite attractive
it goes on for quite awhile, even diluc notice how you are close to exploding everytime one of them is at the bar
in the end it's up to you whether u wanna end up with one of them or both
Diluc and jean
I wanna say the both of them would unintentionally tease you
both of them is so alluring in their own way...
Jean: a strong women, acting grand Master, a very good leader, responsible and very good-looking
Diluc: mysterious, has a strong presence whenever he's around, smart, has alot of connections and very attractive
and there was you: a healer at the cathedral, has alot of patience, kind-hearted, slightly shy and beautiful
a werid combination no?
continuing on, you were close to Barbara seeing that both of you are healers making you indirectly close to jean
but after a dangerous mission of defeating of davalin, Jean was quite a messed and needed immediate attention (because I say so, ain't no way anybody would not be slightly hurt during that battle)
you would love to meet her but under different circumstances, but you continued to do your best and heal her as best as you could
after she woke up she thanked you but was quickly asked to stay at the cathedral longer since she just recovered
that made you converse with one another, you just grin like an idiot most of the time while she talked
but as for diluc, you meet him under different circumstances
at early morning you decided it would be nice to walk around enjoying the morning breeze unfor that didn't go as planed
a cryo and pryo abyss mage spawned and tried to kill you since you walked to close to their hideout
you could easily deal with the pryo but the cryo mage was causing to much problems
and that's when your knight in shine armour saved you
diluc came in and finished off the pryo mage and quickly dealing with the cryo one but soon got surprised ambushed by a pryo mage
which hurt him in the process, while you tried your best to heal him and distract the abyss mages
healing him was your small token of gratitude and he couldn't be more thankful
after all that sometimes diluc will come to your house after doing his night protrols and help him patch up
what a sight to see 👀
anyways Jean was still quite busy with her work but tried to visit you and Barbara when she has a little free time
kaeya has teased you non stop since you catch both the attention of his brother AND the acting grand master
both of them too attractive for their own good making you lose your cool sometimes around them
as said before, you could end up with both or just one of them
Yelan and childe
you work with yelan
at first she worked solo not finding a partner suitable but you came along and changed her mind
1. because you had lots and lots of connections around liyue and other nations, making you very knowledgeable about what shaddy business has happened
2. because you know your priorities and wouldn't beat around the bush when investating
after awhile the both of you got along well together
making sure liyue is safe from any shaddy business made by the fatui
after awhile, she starts seeing you in a different light
ofcourse you were attractive before but since when do you squint your eyes a little when uncomfortable or when you play at the hems of your shirt when bored?
she noticed the very small details and couldn't be more embarrassed
but then came along the hydro fatui
making the both you and yelan wary of him
after some digging you figured out he was a harbinger, which was a threat to liyues safety
having much to little information about him, you decided to present yourself to him as a local
which was against yelan because as much as your good with your vision, a harbinger isn't a easy enemy
ofcourse childe was secretly suspicious of you, but seeing that you seem clueless about him makes him slightly okay with you
that dosent mean he's gonna let his guard down for you
continuing on, you and childe grown slightly closer since he was quite easy-going
leaving a bitter taste for yelan as she watches you
I'm sure childe figured that u were using him for information about the fatui but let it slide
honestly I'm kinda lost on how they would tease you but it's up to your imagination what happends after
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rezonan · 11 months
Would the Bat-Clan/Family really be better off without Bruce?
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You know. I often hear the critism that Batman raises child soliders or whatever and I happily.... Agree, I mean it's obviously what they are. Kid vigilantes are something that should have become extinct in comics since the 70s but DC kept them. I don't really care cause I love them so much and I don't like to push realism into comics in a world where aliens exist and vigilantes actually work as a method to bring Peace.
What I'm hear to argue about was that Bruce was probably a GOOD(kinda?) thing for them honestly. So let's imagine a world where Batman faced with the opportunity to take in any of these kids as Vigilantes and give them training and tech/supplies refuses or just ignores them or just never even meets them.
You have
Dick - who tried to hunt down Tony Zucco by himself
Barbara - had gone out as Batgirl on her own
Jason - lived on the streets in Gotham, we meet him trying to steal Batman's tires.
Tim - followed Batman and Robin around with a camera for years before being Robin
Damian and Cassandra - both trained assassins since birth
Stephanie - was already already a vigilante before Batman took her in and is the daughter of Cluemaster
Duke - was a member of the Robins gang that tried to keep the piece during Batman's absence.
Leaving out Batwoman and Huntress because I have yet to read through thier stuff(forgive me). Will get there eventually though
Right of the Bat(Pun intended)
Dick is likely dead, let's be real. No 10 to 13 year old is taking down a small gang of criminals without training outside acrobatics. In some versions even his father who had the same exact training plus actual muscle couldn't take them down.
Jason is a 50/50 there is a big chance that he becomes either another criminal in the endless see of early Gotham or a vigilante protecting crime alley and die eventually either way. Sadly there's a bug chance he becomes one of those faceless mooks Bruce punches every now and then. You could argue this is a better fate than his time as Robin and Red Hood but I disagree
Tim probably has the best ending here. He could literally just stop following Batman and have a completely normal life. That or he dies eventually following Batman around.
Barbara has police self defense training and is insanely smart. I actually genuinely think there is a solid chance she survives her time as a vigilante if she plays it safe and picks her battles. Heck if she survives long enough she could even hook up with Huntress or something.
Damian if Bruce rejected him and with no Dick in this world. Not only doesn't become a Robin but either goed back with his mother to satu with the league or becomes a sorta frank Castle style vigilante trying to prove himself to his father.
Cassandra is interesting. Not exactly sure but I think she has a chance to be picked up by some other hero out there that or she straight up gets found by her dad or mom. But if this was a connected world kind thing she probably gets picked up by Huntress and Barbara maybe?
Stephanie imo doesn't last particularly long without sufficient training. Good chance of her dying in a similar way to war games actually (god I hate that story). Again if you see this as a whole world, she probably gets picked up by Huntress and Barbara too.
Duke unless he gets his metahuman ability is pretty surely gonna die eventually. I know the least about him so not much to say here.
I'm incredibly open to arguments against my opinions tho. But I genuinely think Bruce did more good than bad here. Especially with Dick. Who while being dead would never be able to reform Damian or help Bruce chill out during those early years. To talk about how his death would affect stuff like the titans and the wider DC universe.
Damn maybe the guys who say he's the heart of the DC universe have a point.
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bjfinn · 4 months
"Beetlejuice"/"School of Rock" crossover
"Together" by J. Gregorash, B. Macmillan & B. Lampe, © 1987 Attic Records Limited
"I can't say that!" Adam was horrified at Beej's suggestion.
"Ah, come on!" Beej said. "You told me that you wanted to be more assertive, right? So ... you gotta get a bit nasty! You can do it!"
"I don't think I can -- I'm not ... comfortable with that kind of language."
"You gotta step out of your comfort zone!"
"It's okay, Adam," Barbara told him. "Beej is right. Besides, they're just words."
Adam took a deep breath. "Uhhh .... I wanna m-m-make your ... your pussy --" he winced at the sound of it -- "vibrate like a ... a ..."
"Come on ... 'like a tuning fork'," Beej coaxed, eyeing Adam intently. "You can do it ..."
"Like a ..." But Adam faltered and shook his head. "I'm sorry -- I just can't."
"Wimp," Beej said in exasperation.
"Adam is not a wimp!" Barbara told him, her eyes blazing. "He's a good man, with a sense of decency -- unlike some others I know! Besides, he doesn't need to say those kinds of things to me to get me in the mood -- he's my husband, and I love him!"
"Well, jeez," Beej said, "that's really sweet, Babs. That's so sweet that I think I'm going into a diabetic coma!" He retched comically. Barbara glared at him.
"But seriously," he continued, "you two do know that technically, you guys aren't married, right?"
"What are you talking about?" Adam exclaimed. "Of course we're married!"
The demon shook his head. "Sorry, guys, but remember that whole 'till death do you part' part? Death parted you -- your marriage is now null and void. Over and done. Kaput. Finito. Curtains. End of the road. That's all she wrote. The fat lady sang her song. The party's over. Everybody outta the pool. Elvis has left the --"
The Maitlands looked at each other in horror.
Barbara buried her face in her hands. "This can't be happening! " she wailed.
"It's okay, Bunny," Adam said, his arms around her. "We'll fix this, you'll see." He looked at Beetlejuice. "We can fix this, right?"
"Oh, sure," Beej replied affably. "You guys can just get married again. Of course, we have to get someone to officiate -- my mom could've done it, but ... well, we all know what happened to her." He looked at them with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I guess ... I could do it," he said.
"What's the matter, Adam?" the demon glared. "Don't think I'm qualified? Or maybe you don't think I'm smart enough -- is that it? You don't think I'm smart enough to perform the ceremony?"
"No, no," Adam replied hastily. "O-of course I don't think that! I'm sure you're perfectly qualified -- I was just surprised, that's all."
"Well, okay then," Beej said, placated. "So first thing we gotta do is figure out when. Any ideas?"
"Well," Barbara began, "we got married on Valentine's Day --"
"Of course you did," Beej interrupted. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and retched again. "Bleagh!"
"-- so," she continued, daggers in her eyes, "I think it'd be romantic to have our ... second wedding on the same day."
"That's a wonderful idea!" Adam gushed.
"Yeah, yeah," Beej said, "real romantic. Blah blah blah." They glared at him, and he said, "Okay, okay -- Valentine's Day. Uh ... when is that?"
"February fourteenth."
"Okay, so -- let's see, that's about ... uhh, what's today's date again?"
"Today's the ninth," Adam told him.
"The ninth of what?"
"Of February."
Beej's eyes widened in mild surprise, and then he frowned as he counted under his breath. "Ten, eleven, twelve, thirt-- holy crap! " he exclaimed. "Five days??? You're giving me five days to get ready??? How am I supposed to get everything ready in five days??? "
"It would really mean a lot to us, Beej," Barbara said. She batted her eyelashes at him. "We'd be ever so grateful."
Beej bit his lip, and the Maitlands could almost see the lustful thoughts in his head. "Well ... okay. Five days." He clapped his hands briskly. "All right, no time to waste -- we got a wedding to plan!"
"Five days??? " Dewey said when Beej came to tell him the news. "That's not much time!"
"That's what I said," Beej told him. "But Babs and Sexy have their hearts set on a Valentine's Day wedding. So can you come?"
Dewey sighed. "I guess I ... I can ask for the day off," he replied. "But ... uh, yeah, sure -- I'll be there. You can count on me, bro."
"Great!" Beej said. "And bring Roz, too!"
"Uh, yeah ... okay, sure. I'll see if she can make it."
"Valentine's Day?" Rosalie said when Dewey told her about the wedding. "I don't know -- that's a school day this year."
"Yeah, I know, I just found out -- Beej just ... he just told me about it last night. They really want you to come, Roz -- my new family really wants to meet you." He looked at her pleadingly.
"That's low, even for you, Mr Finn!" she told him with a chuckle. "Bringing family into it, and then using those puppy-dog eyes on me!" She sighed and smiled. "All right -- I'd love to come as your plus-one."
"You're my only one, Ms Mullins," he said, grinning, and pulled her to him roughly.
"Hmm ... my father warned me about men like you."
"Men like me?"
"Rogues and charmers." She leaned into him and took his lower lip between her teeth. "Good thing I don't always listen to my father."
"I had no idea you were such a bad girl, Ms Mullins," Dewey said, grinning.
"Well, you know what they say, Mr Finn."
"What do they say?"
"When I'm good, I'm very good -- but when I'm bad, I'm better."
The next few days were a whirlwind of activity as the entire Maitland-Deetz household got involved in the preparations.
"Any idea what flowers you'd like?" Delia asked.
"Red roses, lily-of-the-valley, holly, ivy and daisies," Barbara said without hesitation. "That's what I had at my first wedding -- red roses for true love, daisies for loyalty, ivy for fidelity, holly for domestic bliss and lily-of-the-valley means 'you've made my life complete'."
Delia looked at her, surprised. Then she blinked twice and smiled. "Wow! All right -- that's what we'll order from the florist." She wrote the list of flowers down. "And how about for the food? I thought we'd start off with shrimp cocktails ..."
"Okay," Beej said to Adam, putting an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Babs is busy getting stuff ready with Dee -- they're gonna be a while. So that gives us a chance to have 'The Talk'."
"What talk?"
"You know -- 'The Talk'. About the wedding night." Beej elbowed him in the ribs. "I mean, you wanna make it special, don'tcha?"
"Beej," Adam said, "my dad gave me 'The Talk' years ago, when I was a teenager. And Barbara and I have had... sex plenty of times."
"Yeah, but you can't even say ... 'sex' without gettin' flustered!"
"I know how to please my wife," Adam replied, but Beej heard the lack of conviction in his voice.
"You know how to keep her from complaining out loud -- there's a difference. You just listen to your old pal Beej, and you'll give her a night she's gonna remember forever."
"Or one she'll wish she could forget," Adam muttered.
"Okay," Beej said, ignoring the comment, "so, this is what you do ..."
Barbara saw the look of revulsion on Adam's face when he came into the kitchen. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked.
"Beej just gave me 'The Talk'," he told her. "He's ... it was ..." He shuddered.
"I'm sure it wasn't that bad."
"Oh, it was -- believe me! I'm pretty sure that some of his ideas are physically impossible! I swear, sometimes I really fear for his sanity."
"What sanity? This is Beej we're talking about," Barbara said. "We both know that he's completely unhinged, even at the best of times. Especially when it comes to sex."
"I know, but this was a whole new level of ... ugh!" He shuddered again. "I want to scrub my brain with a scouring pad now!"
Barbara put a hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to take his advice," she said. "You know what I like."
"Yeah," Adam agreed, taking her in his arms. "Yeah, I think I do."
Barbara opened her hope chest and pulled out her wedding dress. Holding it up in front of herself, she turned to Lydia. "I think it'll still fit," she said. "Do you think it'll still fit? God, I hope it still fits!"
"Breathe," Lydia told her. "It looks like it will -- and if it doesn't, we can fix it." She smiled and placed both hands firmly on Barbara's shoulders, giving her a gentle shake. "It's beautiful, by the way."
"You really think so?"
"I really think so."
"Do you have something to wear?" asked Charles.
Adam looked uncertain. "I've got a suit," he said, "but it's kind of old and worn-looking."
"Then we need to get you a new one."
Adam shook his head. "I can't ask you to --"
"You didn't ask," Charles told him. "I'm offering. Tomorrow I'll take you shopping. My treat."
"That's really very nice of you, but --"
"No buts -- I insist."
"Well ... in that case, thank you."
"Hi," Dewey said when Rosalie arrived at his apartment the afternoon before the big day. "Right on time. Shall we go?"
"Just let me check my hair before we do," she said, and took a step towards the bathroom.
"Your hair looks great," he told her. "You look great."
"And you clean up pretty good yourself," she replied, turning to drape her arms around his shoulders.
Dewey leaned in to kiss her --
"Hi, guys!"
"Beej! What the fu- What are you doing here???"
"I came to get you," the demon said. "Ready?"
"Uhh ... I-I think we'll take my van, thanks," Dewey told him.
"Nah, my way's quicker -- come on!"
Dewey barely had time to grab his guitar before Beej whisked them away in a puff of smoke.
"BJ!" Charles exclaimed as Delia let out a gasp of surprise, when the three suddenly appeared in the middle of the living room. "What the --"
"Shit, Beej!" Dewey said. "What did I tell you about doing that!" He turned to Rosalie, who was standing with her hand on her bosom, trying to catch her breath. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah," she said. "I just wasn't expecting it."
Dewey glared at his friend.
"Sorry," Beej said contritely. "But you're here now -- safe and sound. And that's what matters, right?"
Dewey grabbed Beej by the arm and hauled him over to the fireplace. "We talked about that!" he hissed.
"I forgot, okay?" Beej retorted, pulling his arm free. "Sorry! Jeez, sue me, why don'tcha?"
Dewey made a fist. "I'll do more than sue you, pal!"
"Okay, okay," Delia said, "everyone just calm down -- what's done is done, and nobody got hurt. And Beej's intentions were good."
"Yeah!" Beej exclaimed. "My intentions were good -- so there! " He stuck his tongue out at Dewey and gave him the finger with both hands. Dewey scowled at him in return.
"Well, now," Charles said briskly, to forestall any escalation in violence between the two, "it seems that introductions are in order, wouldn't you say, Dewey?"
"Uh, yeah, sure. Uh, this is Roz -- Rosalie Mullins. My girlfriend -- and my, uhh ... boss?" He screwed up his face at the sound of it. "Uh, yeah ... so, uh ... yeah, I'm dating my boss."
"You mentioned that at Christmas," Lydia pointed out as she entered the room.
"Oh. Uh ... yeah, right -- course I did. Anyway, uh ... this is Charles and Delia, and their daughter Lydia ..."
"Very pleased to meet all of you," Rosalie said, shaking hands with each of them in turn.
"Uhh ... where're Adam and Barbara?" Dewey asked, looking around.
"Barbara's trying on her wedding dress," Lydia told him, rolling her eyes. "For the fifth time today."
"And Adam's downstairs," Charles said. "He's working on his model train set. I'll get him." He went to the basement door and opened it. "Adam!" he called down. "Dewey and Rosalie are here!"
"I'll be right up!" Adam replied.
"He'll be right up," Charles repeated. "Now -- how about something to drink? Dewey? A beer, I presume? And for you, Ms Mullins?"
"Oh, please -- call me Rosalie. Ms Mullins is what they call me at the academy." She smiled warmly. "A beer will be fine, thank you."
"In that case, I'll have one, as well. Delia?"
"Oh, just water for me -- I'm doing a cleanse before the wedding. Want to make sure I'm not going to spread any bad vibrations!"
Rosalie smiled and glanced quizzically at Dewey, who cocked an amused eyebrow at her. I told you about Delia, his look said.
"Beej?" Charles asked.
"A beer for me, too, Chu- uh, Dad," the demon replied.
"I'd like a beer," Lydia piped up.
"You're not old enough, young lady," Charles told her. "I'll get you a soda."
Lydia pursed her lips in annoyance as her father went into the kitchen.
"Hey," Beej said to her. "Worth a try, right?"
"I need you to give these to Lydia," Adam said, dropping his and Barbara's matching wedding bands into the demon's hand. "I was supposed to give them to her myself, but ... well ..."
"You forgot," Beej said. "Well, don't worry -- I got your back, buddy. You can count on me -- I won't let you down. I got a mind like a steel trap, never forget anything. I'm kinda like an elephant, you know? Speaking of elephants, I remember one time --"
"Just ... get the rings to Lydia, please?"
"All right, all right! Jeez!" Beej scowled, miffed at being interrupted. "I never get a word in edgewise with you! It's one of your less endearing qualities, interrupting people! You really should do something ab--"
"Beej! " Adam snapped. "I-I ... I'm sorry, okay? I'm just ... nervous."
"I get it," the demon said, mollified. "I'll get these to Lyds right away!"
"Hey, Dewey?" Adam said. "Could I ask you a favour?"
"Yeah, sure." Dewey replied, setting aside his guitar. "What can I do you for?"
"Well, at our first wedding, just after the ceremony, I sang this song to Barbara -- I'd like to do that again, but I don't want to sing it a capella, you know?"
"You want me to accompany you," Dewey said. "Yeah, sure -- I'd be honoured. Uhh ... what's the song?"
"It's 'Together', by Joey Gregorash," Adam said. "Do you know it?"
Dewey's brows furrowed, and he shook his head slowly. ''No," he said. "I don't think so -- how does it go?"
Adam sang a few bars.
Dewey nodded slowly. "Yeah, I've heard that one -- nearly forgot about it. It's a good song." He picked up his guitar again. "Sing it again?"
As Adam sang, Dewey picked out the chords. "A ... E ... D ... A ... D ... C#m ... Bm ..."
They practiced the song a few times, until Dewey had it down cold.
"Okay, yeah," he said, grinning. "I got it now. I'll back you up."
"Thanks -- it'll mean a lot to Barbara. And to me, too," Adam told him.
"Sure thing, dude!"
Barbara groaned in frustration. "Why won't this damn zipper zip up???"
"Let me help," Delia said. "It's just nerves -- there! All done!"
"Thank you," the ghost replied. "And I am nervous -- as nervous as the first time we got married."
"Let's do some breathing exercises," Delia suggested. "Guaranteed to calm you down. Okay, now -- breathe in for one, two, three, four ... and out for one, two, three, four. And again -- in for one, two, three, four ..."
"It's not helping! " Barbara wailed.
"Keep breathing! One! Two! Three! Four! ..."
Beej and Dewey were helping Adam get ready. He'd already donned the dress shirt and trousers Charles had gotten for him, and now he was trying to put on his tie.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous," he said as he made his third attempt at a Windsor knot.
"Lemme do it," Beej said impatiently. He undid the knot Adam had attempted and started to tie it anew.
"I guess 'cause it's still a big deal, right?" Dewey said. "It's kinda like performing -- no matter how many times you've done it before, you still get butterflies before a show." He looked at Beej. "What the -- how the fuck do you tie your own tie, man? That's not how you do it!" He slapped his friend's hands away and straightened it.
"You know,'' Beej said, watching what Dewey was doing, "it's pretty normal to have second thoughts-- I mean, this is the woman you're gonna be spending eternity with. Are you sure she's the one?"
"She's my wife -- or at least, she was, when we were alive. I already made that choice a long time ago, and I've never regretted it."
"Okay," Beej said, "but eternity is a really long time!"
"Leave him alone, Beej," Dewey said with a chuckle. He finished the knot and took a step back to view his handiwork. "Perfect!"
"I just wanna make sure Adam's thought this thing through! Netherworld divorce is a real pain in the ass, you know."
He looked appraisingly at Dewey's handiwork. "I ... guess you did a good enough job," he conceded reluctantly.
"Gee, thanks," Dewey replied, and stuck his tongue out at his friend.
"I've thought it through," Adam assured him. "I love Barbara -- there's no one else I'd rather spend eternity with."
"Okay, it's your funer- uh, wedding!"
The three of them grabbed their jackets and headed downstairs to the living room.
"I'll go and check if the guys are ready," Lydia said, and opened the door to the living room. She stuck her head out and had to suppress a giggle when she saw Beej standing at the altar with Adam. The demon was wearing his "scuzzball game show host" outfit -- the electric blue frilly shirt and matching trousers, striped vest, lime green bow-tie and the garish mustard yellow jacket that looked like it had been made out of a pair of curtains from the '70s. He looked adorably ridiculous.
He beamed at her and gave her two thumbs up.
Adam, standing beside the demon, looked like a GQ model -- pearl grey dress shirt, pin-striped grey Armani suit and blue paisley tie and pocket square. Lydia gave him an approving look, and he smiled, blushing slightly.
Dewey and Rosalie were seated on the chairs that had been set out -- she was wearing a classic little black dress with a pearl choker and matching earrings, while he was wearing a camel blazer over his AC/DC t-shirt that, amazingly, he'd tucked into his jeans. His hair, despite his best attempts, still looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. Lady and the Tramp, Lydia thought, and smiled affectionately.
"They're ready," she told Barbara and Delia.
"Okay," Delia said. "Let's get this show on the road!"
In the living room, Beej gave the nod to Dewey, who took his guitar and began to play Pachelbel's Canon in D Major -- Barbara's request.
Lydia emerged from the kitchen first, walking in time to the music and carrying a bouquet of holly and ivy. Then came Delia, with a bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley, followed at last by Charles and Barbara.
Adam gasped when he saw her -- she looked exactly as she had on their first wedding day ten years ago. She wore a sleeveless white floor-length dress with a jewel neckline of Carrickmacross lace, a crown of daisies on her head holding the veil that hid her face, a bouquet of red roses clasped in her hands.
When she and Charles reached the altar, he bowed slightly to Adam and took his seat, and the soon-to-be remarried couple smiled giddily at one another.
"We are gathered here today," Beej began, reading -- or at least pretending to read -- from a gigantic book bound in black leather, "to join together these two spirits in ghostly matrimony. What death has joined together, let no one put asunder." He winked exaggeratedly at Lydia. "Made that part up myself -- pretty good, huh?"
"Wonderful," came her sardonic reply.
Beej stuck out his tongue at her and continued. "Do you, Sexy -- er, I mean, Adam -- do you take this woman to be your awfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall be dead?"
"I do," Adam answered, gazing at Barbara with love.
"And do you, Babs -- uh, Barbara -- do you take this man to be your awfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall be dead?"
"I do," she replied.
"The rings, please," Beej said to Lydia.
She looked at him in surprise and shook her head, hands raised in a gesture that meant I don't have them.
Beej glared at her and gave her a quick, angry nod, his hair turning magenta.
Lydia shook her head again.
The demon slammed the book shut angrily and gave an exaggerated laugh. "We seem to be having some, uh ... technical difficulties. Excuse me a moment."
He stomped over to the girl. "What did you do with the fuckin' rings?" he whispered loudly, spittle flying from his mouth.
"I don't have any rings!" she hissed back, wiping his spit from her cheek. "You were supposed to give them to me!"
"I did give them to you!" he insisted.
"You were supposed to, but you didn't! "
Beej screwed up his face in rage. "Well, you could've asked me for them! But anyway, I know I don't have any fuckin' rings!"
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes, I'm sure! I think I'd know if I had them!"
"Really? Check your pockets, dumbass," Lydia smirked.
Angrily, Beej stuck his hand in the pocket of his jacket, and then, smiling and chuckling self-consciously, he pulled out the rings.
"Found 'em!" he called, holding them up for the others to see. "Heh-heh-heh ... just a slight miscommunication!"
"Yeah," Lydia muttered. "Between your head and your ass."
Beej scowled at her and headed back to the makeshift altar. He handed one to Adam and the other to Barbara. They looked at them, and then switched -- he'd given each of them the wrong ring. Of course he had.
"Now," Beej said, "where were we? Oh, yeah. Place the ring on Barbara's finger and repeat after me: With this ring I thee wed." He looked uncertainty over at Lydia. 'I thee wed?' That doesn't sound right, he mouthed.
In reply, Lydia gave him a nod and a thumbs-up.
Beej shrugged and motioned to Adam.
"With this ring I thee wed."
"Now it's your turn, Barbara -- with this ring I thee wed."
Barbara repeated the words as she slipped Adam's ring back onto his finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife -- you may kiss the bride." Then he placed a hand to the side of his mouth and in a low voice he added, "You might wanna slip her some tongue while you're at it."
Adam frowned at him in disapproval.
"Ah, come on," Beej said, nudging Adam in the ribs with his elbow. "You only live once -- uhh ... well, you know what I mean."
Adam chuckled. He lifted the veil from Barbara's face and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes, but then they flew open and she gave a muffled "Mmf!" in surprise -- Adam had never done anything like that at their first wedding -- before responding in kind. Adam shifted his gaze to Beej, who grinned broadly and gave him two thumbs-up.
"I will love you till the end of time," Adam said when they came up for air.
At that, Dewey took up his guitar again. "That's my cue," he said, and began to play.
Adam took both of Barbara's hands in his, and cleared his throat. "I sang this to you at our first wedding," he said. "And the words mean just as much now as they did then."
Barbara's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes welled up as Adam began to sing:
On this day, we stand together
And pledge our love to one another
Oh my darlin', I will love you
From this moment there will be no other
And on this road that lies before us
Live the love, the joy and sorrow
But we will always try to remember
The pain today is the joy tomorrow
Her voice joined his for the chorus:
And now together, together
Love will be much better, yes it will
Together, together, our love will share
And forever, forever, love will keep us together
Together, together our lives will change
But until then, till then we will follow
Follow this road endlessly, for we believe
That we have found love from this moment
From this moment until forever
And now together, together
Love will be much better, yes it will
Together, together, our love will share
And forever, forever, love will keep us together
Together, together, our lives are gonna change
And together, together, love will be much better, yes it will
Together, together, our lives are gonna change
And forever, forever, love will keep us together
Together, together, our lives will change
Lydia began to applaud, and the others joined in enthusiastically. Everyone gathered around the happy couple, congratulating them and wishing them all the best.
Adam turned to Beej and mouthed a silent thank you. Beej smiled warmly in response, his lower lip trembling, and wiped a tear from his eye. He looked at Lydia, and she smiled and nodded at him -- he'd done good.
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Spider-verse, but Nightwing
OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...
"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"
and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.
so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,
(If the plot was similar)
Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!
Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!
SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...
Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.
Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."
Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!
Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.
Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.
Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.
Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?
a happy and alive Jason
Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3
Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.
Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.
Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///
MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.
Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).
SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect
Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao
Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.
Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.
King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.
The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.
The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)
And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)
Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3
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spinaroos-47 · 1 year
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It’s the kiddos!
These four are kingdings fankids me and @bernardo-draws-and-cries have had for a while (as in, Bethany and Lancer exist since 2016, Belle and Aster since 2017). I decided to do some small redesigns for them!
Or for their humanized forms, at least. It’s been 7 years and I don’t feel comfortable in delving on their more canon accurate versions (Bê has them)
They’re part of an au we have together, HCWT, they also appear on other aus that we’ve delved into in the many years of kingdings brainrot we had. But HCWT is their main place. That being said, there is a lot of stuff that is muddy/vague since it’s such an old au that we haven’t touched in a few years, and also we’ve done so many iterations of it that it’s hard to know what is canon now. I’m going to be kinda basing it on the original fanfic we had for it for a lot of the basic stuff. (it was written in portuguese so not super accessible for most people reading this)
More information on them below the read more
They all have font names, I’m still surprised that I managed to find fonts for Bethany and Belle after they were created (Bethany Script and La Belle Aurore respectively)
Also they all appear in different ages in the au(s), these are just the most seen ones. Bethany also is shown a lot when she’s five, and both Belle and Aster when they’re older. Sometimes also they are in different age order and stuff, but I’m just going to talk about the HCWT version on the ages shown here. There’s a lot of old stuff for a lot of the other aus in my artblog that i never shown here, This blog actually was originally an ask blog for an underfell au where only Aster and Belle existed.
- Bethany is the oldest, both in creation order and in universe. Her childhood is a bit of a muddy area since we haven’t touched that part of the au in a while, but for now, she was born a few years before the pacifist ending happens. In HCWT we have her being the next one in line for running human-monster deals after Asgore retires from that, I don’t really see Asriel or Chara being too excited to do that, but she’s pretty up for the task.
(Chara and Asriel are brought back in the au also)
She’s a pretty no nonsense kind of person, but she lets herself be a goof around her sibilings, friends and nibilings/cousins (thats a worm hole im not willing to deal with right now). She also has a best friend called Daniel, not pictured here, and she’s a bit of the voice of reason of the two, but she’s often part of the shenanigans. They end up living together a while after.
Very strong also, took it after Asgore, could lift all her sibilings + Gaster all at once.
- Lancer is a bit funny to share with people after Deltarune released, I’m still a bit shocked at this coincidence. Not a lot of what he does is set in stone, a pretty wild card in this sense. Nice, kind kid, helps a lot on Asgore’s flower shop after school and on weekends. He’s blind and got a guide dog named Jack, which does end up being how he meets his girlfriend Berry, who was working as a volunteer when he went to get Jack. I got a very soft spot for him, he’s just a little guy, sunshine impersonated.
- Belle is a big book worm since small, it came from a way to pass the time when she can’t do much physically demanding things, like Aster does. So she spends a lot of time with Gaster, becoming a bit of an assistant to him as she gets older. And while she does look and act pretty chill most of the time, she is an anger bomb, very short tempered. Scary angry little goat-skele. Years later she begins dating a human named Barbara.
- Aster! My baby boy! Liddle man! I love him so much. He’s a very athletic kid, loves sports, grows up to be a manlet, almost a himbo, but he’s pretty smart. They love each other, but he and Belle are the two most likely to butt heads around the house, being the two most hot headed ones in there. He also begins dating some years down the line, with a spider mosnter named Epaminondas (Epa for short).
This is just the tip of the iceberg of HCWT, there’s a lot more in it, but I wanted to focus on these four lil fellas :] Probably not going to share much more stuff about it, if at all here, but this was fun to revisit!
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pacinosgf · 5 months
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barbara ann robinson (née morris, born april 7, 1947) is an american musician, singer, songwriter and producer. she is known for her work as a bassist, keyboardist and vocalist with the band midnight mayhems and as a solo artist.
❝ i was born in a little place called venus. after all these years, it remains a little place. last time i went there was thirty years ago, to solve a problem of my husband's doing, but he has gone there since then. i was my parents' only child, because my mother had such a complicated pregnancy that, after me, she couldn't have any other one. i had the nerve of being born as a girl, at that, but my parents were really fond of me. i had a good childhood. helped them at the farm all day, they looked after me. they were very private people and didn't really engage with the community, so we were the odd ones.
i'd spend the morning running after our animals, helping my mother with the house, my daddy with the farm work, and then in the afternoon i'd go over to my aunt's house to learn how to be a proper lady. she was a war widow of a rich man who came back to town after the war. she'd wrap my hair in ribbons and teach me how to cook, how to sew, how to behave, how to play the piano. we would read romances together. no girl i grew up with had this kind of thing, which didn't help my case, being the odd one. she'd talk about her life in houston as a wife. we'd go there once a month so she could get me new dresses and stuff, i still keep a beautiful hairbrush and some other things she got me.
i was too young to remember when it started, but she always talked about how i had to leave venus and study somewhere else. study to become a teach, a nurse, whatever it was, but study and leave our town. and so i did. that gave people the impression i thought i was better than them, but i don't even know what i thought about it back then. i was just too obedient. relied on my parents and my aunt to know what i could and should do. all i knew is that i should study and leave and marry good and send money back to my parents' every month, never really thought deep about it.
she died when i was 15, which was for the better, because she'd kill me if she was there to witness how i let jim follow me up and down, take me home from the church and all. we wouldn't say a word, just walk. he says that he is in love with me since we were kids, but he's a liar, don't listen to what he says. i started paying attention to him because he was gentle and he'd take me home without making any move and, at 15, i knew i should get some prospects for my future. my parents wouldn't let me leave venus if i was still single. the girls i grew up with already had planned weddings with guys much older than us or the boys we grew up, disgusting men like only a place like that could raise, that could have been my future too. and jim was kind, third of six kids, played the drums for the church band just like i played the organ. it felt safe. one day i stopped him in the tracks before getting home and asked him what he wanted with me. no, i think i said something like i want to study. you can't stop that. i want to leave this place. i won't change my mind. find another girl to take home or bear with me. and he showed up the next day to talk to my parents, so it was official.
after that we finally started properly talking. he had never thought about leaving, but it seemed good. he said i was too smart to not study, so he'd wait and work until then. we would walk through town, the only thing we could do as a non-married couple, taking the longest paths so we could keep talking. i would talk, actually, he'd listen in a way i was never sure if he was paying attention until he showed he was. i told him about how i liked playing music and went as far as saying that i had this fantasy of playing and making music one day. he supported it, of course. said i could do it, started practicing more on the drums in the case i'd ask him to go with me. we haven't changed much since then.
i am a few months older, we got engaged when he turned 18, and i went to houston for nursing school. he'd visit me once a week, under the watchful eyes of the lady that owned the boarding house for the single nursing students, bringing things like his mother's jam, letters, all that stuff. that's when i actually got attached to jim. he would ask me about how i was doing in school, if i had found a place to play. i took him to the vinyl and music store i was a regular customer and we'd share a headphone, we went to one of the nursing school parties and he made me sing. i sang for the girls at the boarding house, i sang for some of my closest school friends, but had never sang to so many people in that context. i remember feeling full that night, so happy that i'd explode.
i got a guitar and played the piano for an old lady and her friends every week. i saved all the money i could to buy a bass, that brand new instrument media was diminishing because it was too dangerous. made girls dance and lose themselves, made men forget who they were. and then i finally went to the store, all happy and mighty, and they denied me one. said i should save more for a piano of my own. the bass guitar was too masculine and dangerous for such a girl.
i wrote a letter to jim about it, how i was mad and feeling down, but i wouldn't give up, of course. i think it only a few lines of the whole letter, of course. he answered me and kept sending letters but stopped visiting me for almost two months. i became afraid that he had found another girl, nicer than me, and i'd have to drop everything to go back home to live with my parents. i was already used to this new future when he came in a random day. he went to pick me up at the school in his brother's car, seemed like he would die at any moment. and then he gave me the bass. a red bass, beautiful bass, that i still keep, of course. said that he really liked me, that he hoped i liked him too. that i made him feel special because i put up with him. that i deserved all good things and that he knew i could get them alone, but he would try his best to give me some too. i wasn't big on physical touch, but i had no idea of what to say. i kissed him. not the first time, but probably the first one i truly, totally, wanted to do it.
we got married in 1967, my last year of nursing school. we were twenty. i left the boarding house, we found an apartment to live in houston, he got a new, less strenuous, job, in the city. we'd work all day, and when i didn't have night shifts, he'd take me to places where i could sing or play. nothing fancy, but still. we'd play with wedding bands sometimes. we'd go home and talk and listen to records. i felt happy. i remember thinking that if the music thing didn't work out, i'd still be happy enough. jim was still nice, he didn't change after getting married, which was my biggest fear.
we had some nice years, going here and there, playing and working, and then we had the bad luck of meeting this awful guy, who you may know as [ . . . ]
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hpysprkl · 5 months
gimme that Beautiful Hell and one shots (pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻)
Oooh fun, thanks for asking!
There's not a lot in my oneshots folder, but I fell in love with Heller about a minute and a half into Starfield, so I started writing a little Heller/Spacefarer thing. What can I say, I guess I love me a snarky boy with a rock collection 🤷‍♀️
Heller's never been the best or the brightest. He's always known it. He's good at his job, sure. Smart enough to know how to get ahead in it. He makes sure the folks under him work hard enough and work safe enough. Lin trusts him, and they get along. He's made a name for himself in her crew. Which is not hard, really, when the only competition is a bunch of half-drunk dusties from the kind of bum-fuck systems the rest of the universe forgot. Most of them just want to clock in, meet their quotas - just barely - and get paid at the end of the week. Guy like Heller puts in a little extra effort, shows he knows what he's doing, and the boss notices. So when a new batch of recruits filed in one boring afternoon on some boring old rock in the middle of nowhere, he was expecting more of the same. And that's mostly what he got, until he got to her. She'd been staring all around the place while she waited in line for processing. Fidgeting, antsy. So when the line had moved along and he called her up to the desk, he'd figured she probably wasn't all there. They get all kinds in this line of work, and she wouldn't be the first zone-head. But then he called her over, and her gaze snapped to his face. The green eyes she fixed on him were piercing. Intelligent. Way too damn sharp for her own good. It caught him off guard, and he glanced down at her file to cover it up.
Your Beautiful Hell is a Deacon/Sole Survivor thing about soulmates who really, really don't want anything to do with all that fate bullshit. It's pretty early stages, but here's a snippet from the first chapter, their first 'meeting' through the telepathic link they share. It's not a happy scene.
TW: Deacon has PTSD-type flashbacks of his wife's death. There's mention of blood, a dead cat, and Barbara's corpse.
He closes his eyes and tries to ease the link open slowly. The overwhelming emotions from her side flood through, crashing over him. Deacon inhales deeply, letting the burn of the smoke seep through him, focuses on the feelings coming from her end of the link. Pain. Her knees where they hit hard ground, the burning on her arm, same place as his. She doesn't seem to be injured. Freezing cold. Fear, panic, confusion. A strange chemical smell. Frantic thoughts. Ohgodohgodohgod... Nate, Nate, fuck...Open, come on, open up for fuck's sake! Oh god, baby, what do I do? What do I do? You'd know, you always knew what to do. What would you do? Oh fuck, oh god, I have no idea. I — I promise, baby, I'll find him. I'll find Shaun. Oh god, I'm so sorry, baby. I can't stay here, I — The stream of consciousness comes to an abrupt halt, and he realizes she's just become aware of him. There's a moment of utter silence, and then another scream tears through the link, wordless grief and anguish and raw fury ripping through her and, by extension, him. It punches Deacon in the gut, forcing the air from his lungs, doubling him over. He sees flashes. Barbara, their little farm. Evening sunlight streaming in through the windows. Her blood pooling on the scrubbed wooden floor of their kitchen. The stray cat she'd taken in, its limp body sprawled next to hers. He struggles to draw a breath, choking on air like it's water. Her thoughts flood into his head, panicked and angry and drenched in loss and sorrow. No, I don't want this, I don't want another, I had mine already, goddamnit. I want him back, I want Nate back and our baby and — The rest dissolves into incoherent sobs and he feels her shove the link away hard. It makes him think of being pushed from the top of a skyscraper, the sensation of falling rapidly away from her and the simultaneous promise of impact as the ground rushes toward him. Deacon chokes down a ragged breath, tears streaming down his face, and collapses into the dirt. Barbara's blank, staring eyes are the last thing he sees before darkness takes him.
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2023 Character Wrap
Top 9 characters for the year.
1.) Major Anthony P. Havers-BBC Ghosts
aka my soft boy.
(Surprise the self-proclaimed Havers lunatic loves Havers 😉) Just know this man stole my heart in 2021 in under 4 minutes (the microexpressions fml) and this year it was my highlight to see him again. He's kind, protects the man he loves from ridicule, has a boyish grin and a cheeky streak. He likes dancing. He fell for his beau because he was attracted to his kindness. He's been through it and continues to go through it 😢Also PSC answered my question about him and I'm still screaming about it to this day🥺💖
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2. The Captain -BBC Ghosts
aka my creaky boy.
He is silly, kind, gay and autistic, a dad, sometimes bitchy and one of my most beloved characters ever. Also so gorgeous and a little bit pathetic. I adore him with all my heart and soul. Blorbo from my shows.
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3. Thraxus Boorman -Willow 2022
Sarcastic, great fighter, loyal, kind but he'll jump of cliffs to deny that (literally), the funniest character of 2023 and an absolute iconic bi disaster. He's a classic rogue, as is his absolute badass girlfriend.
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4.) Joe Pritchard -The light in the hall
aka Joe, babes
Such a brilliant character, somehow really dark and mysterious but ultimate kicked puppy vibes. He'll keep you (and himself) guessing until the end if he really killed someone. He has amnesia due to traums. I really wasn't sure until the end if he did it or not. Amazing character. My Boy needs 1 million hugs.
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5.) Graydon Hastur-Willow 2022
aka Graydon, babes aka Prince of darkness
A prince who loves learning esp. languages, very, very dark past, kind, loving, just some guy in love, easily corrupted but he's fighting it. and as it turns out he has a gift for magic. The sweetest love confession ever.
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6. Barbara Parker/Sophie Straw-Funny woman
Gorgeous, hilariously funny, smart, sweet, standing up for what she believes in and makes her way in an industry that only treasures her because of her looks. But she makes them see how brilliant her brain is.
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7. Sir Humphrey Bone -BBC Ghosts
aka Humphrey my goldhaas
Awkward, kind and odd. He deserves all the love in the world and to be seen and loved for who he is. This year he's getting revenge on those who ignore/mistreat him and I am here for it. Boy is not the best listener though.
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8. Lord Adam Quinn -A kind of spark
aka my pretty evil princess
He is legit evil okay. But idgaf. Great villain and his modern day equivalent makes me weak in the knees. Portrayal wise he is also a small amount of ridiculous and I love that.
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9. Robin the caveman - BBC ghosts
aka my chaos gremlin
Kind, wise, chaotic little gremlin also sometimes more the family dog than anything else. Loves space. Utterly hilarious and tragic at the same time. His worst trait is incest according to him. I love him so much I'm gonna get a tattoo that's just about him.
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To be fair I have a plethora of beloved characters that rotate in my brain 24/7 but these nine were either new or in special focus this year. Ghosts hyperfixation is at it's absolute peak, I was barely able to watch anything else. Also I watched some things that didn't leave me with a favourite character 🤷🏻‍♀️However honourable mention has to be Allan from Barbie.
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I'm tagging @hollow-ghost-fire , @unusual-ly ,@ineffablelunatic , @tonightwedance and @realismreading
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the1entirecircus · 3 months
The kind of Pokémon I think each Legion of Doom member (along with a few other enemies of the league) would have and why:
The Joker
Mr. Mime- If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you would remember how the Joker would always get paired with Mr. Mime. This would be true for my version of the Joker’s team. Except there is one major difference: Joker’s Mr. Mime is a Meta-Pokémon (mentioned in previous post about the JL’s Pokémon teams). This Mr. Mime would be Poison/Fairy with the ability Intimidate. Why Intimidate? Its a creepy clown with a creepy smile.
Weezing- Another Meta-Pokémon Joker would have, this version of Weezing is constantly spraying an obnoxious gas that makes people constantly laugh. This is of course in reference to the Joker's toxic gas.
Gengar- Gengar has been noted to being incredibly sadistic from killing people just to make them ghosts like Gengar is. This reason is rooted in a deep loneliness Gengar has, which kind of makes him kind of pathetic. Similar with Joker, who is pathetic, no matter what retelling of his origin you here.
Remoraid- A reference to the Joker Fish, Meta-Remoraid is Water/Dark, sadistically firing water at enemies. Due to it becoming a Meta-Pokemon, it can no longer evolve
Toxicroak- Growing up with the Batman tv show, I am used to seeing the Joker as a capable fighter. Based on its dex entries saying that it sways and dodges attacks from opponents, it sounds fairly similar to the Joker's fighting method in the tv show.
Seviper- A Pokemon with an arch-rivalry with another, Seviper holds similar traits to the Joker.
Type overlap was bound to happen for the Joker's team. It's the Joker, poison is his thing. So, it had felt obvious to me to give him a bunch of poison types.
Lex Luthor
Silvally- A Pokémon developed to destroy aliens, hmmm, where have I heard that before in terms of DC Characters? But yeah, Silvally felt like an obvious choice for Lex because he totally would develop one to defeat Ultra Beasts and Superman.
Alakazam- Being a very smart man, Lex having an Alakazam would reflect his great intellect.
Porygon-Z- Another artificial pokemon made by mankind, this pokemon reflect's how even with advanced technology, there is some flaw in it that weakens Lex.
Volcarona- Being revered as a "sun deity" by ancient Unovans, this felt like a good Pokemon to be transformed into a meta-pokemon by lex. Now with the ability Red Sun, Lex's Volcarona weakens kryptonian meta-pokemon.
Kryptonian Minior (Green Core)- A radioactive green rock falls from the sky? Why that must be a meteor of kryptonite? Right? Nope! Regional variant of Minior thats Poison/Flying type.
Shiny Palafin- Being a pokemon inspired by Superman, Lex of course had to have a shiny Palafin to reflect how he created Bizarro.
If you couldn't tell already, Lex's team is inspired by the many ways he's tried to defeat Superman over the years. From the creation of a synthetic organism capable of fighting aliens to creating an evil doppelganger of his arch nemesis, these Pokemon all reflect Lex's schemes in some way.
Chien-Pao- In her New 52 origin, Barbara Minerva would stab herself in the name of her goddess to transform into the Cheetah according to the DC Wiki. She use the god-killer knife to do so, and while Chien-Pao is no Cheetah (A leopard actually) and has a sword and not a knife, there are slight parallels.
Runerigus- Barbara is an archaelogist.
Cofagrigus- Same reason as previous
Sneasler- Sneasler is a femine Pokemon that utilizes its sharp claws in both climbing and combat. Yes I could've used a different cat pokemon, but this one felt better as Sneasler is one of the many pokemon that was worshipped by the Peal Clan in ancient Sinnoh/Hisui.
Spiritomb- Again archaeology, but also a parallel to Cheetah's mystical acts of villainy.
Hydrapple- This pokemon was chosen out of Cheetah's love for Greek Mythology, and while Hydrapple is not the only Multi-headed dragon pokemon, it is the most similar to the Hydra.
If you couldn't tell, Cheetah's team is consistent of Pokemon relating to mythology and archaeology. I didn't want to give her just cat pokemon because that seems really reductive to her character. Yes, she was turned into a cat, but that doesn't mean she has to have a bunch of cat pokemon. Catwoman on the other hand would have a bunch of Cat pokemon.
Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Raichu- because of Raichu's problem of getting angry every time it build's up too much electricity, it reminds of a lot of Thawne's angry temperment and how he relieves it by doing petty things...its a bit of a stretch I know. Eobard's Raichu is a Meta-Pokemon connected to the Negative Speed Force. This gives it the ability Negative Pulse, the more damage this pokemon takes, the stronger their attacks become.
Midnight Lycanroc- Its a very angry dog that seems to have more personality than the Midday form. This pokemon is also connected to the Negative Speed Force and now has the ability Pettiness and the signature move Phase Claw. Pettiness activates whenever the enemy goes first or uses a priorty move to go first. The pokemon with the ability then hits the target with an attack boost. As for phase claw, the user's claws move so fast that they sink right into the target, landing a critical hit.
Blaziken- Bred with the ability Speed Boost, this is Eobard's reverse of Cinderace as this pokemon is also charged with Negative Speed Force energy to make it a Meta-Pokemon. The things changed is that Blaziken is now naturally faster than Cinderace.
Ceruldege- Now while an odd-choice to parallel Pawmot, Ceruledge's signature move saps energy from the target while Pawmot's S.M. can restore a Pokemon.
Obstagoon- Obstagoon is meant to reflect how much crueler Reverse Flash is to Barry as Obstagoon is very different compared to the other kinds of Linoone. It is also a Meta-Pokemon with negative speed force power. This gave it a higher speed stat and the ability Revolt, which causes damage to enemy targets who use physical moves on the pokemon.
Electrode- Its one of the fastest pokemon in the game currently. Electrode also has a connection to the Negative Speed Force giving it the Dark type.
Two big components to Eobard's Pokemon is that they're meant to be evil mirrors of Barry's pokemon from my previous post, and that they're all meant to be stronger than Barry's pokemon. All of Eobard's pokemon are either naturally better than Barry's or augmented to be better. Eobard has been shown to know more about the Speed Force than Barry does in the comics. From how to influence time to how to utilize phasing, Eobard knows a lot. Therefore, he would know how to influence his Pokemon's abilities once they were connected to the Negative Speed Force, paralleling his creation of the Acololytes of Zoom in the New 52.
Captain Cold
Glaceon- Before anyone asks, yes. Every member of the Rogues (the team) has an Eeveelution. Leonard Snart would of course have Glaceon in his team.
Mr. Rime- A major factor Captain Cold has to overcome when performing a Bank Heist is the Flash. So what does he do? Create a layer of ice for the Flash to slip over on. While no dex entries state that Mr. Rime can do this, its pre-evolution of Galarian Mr. Mime has dex entries stating it can.
Delibird- Little known fact about the Rogues is that they're not all-inherently evil. Yes they commit crimes, but its for the money. They don't kill cops, women, or children. So having Delibird is a reflection of that.
Galarian Slowbro- Back during the New 52, Captain Cold fused himself with the powers of his cold gun. A Meta Galarian Slowbro is similar to Cold's transformation as it isn't just a Slowbro now, but a Slowbro with the abilities of a Shellder. Now a Ice/Psychic type, Snart's Slowbro is now capable of freezing enemies with chilling blasts.
Octillery- During the Rebirth era of DC Comics, the Flash went up against Captain cold who had obtained an improved Cold Gun modified by Black Hole's stolen speed force tech. Meta-Octillery reflects this by being a Ice/Electric Type and having the ability to freeze everything with its new attack Octobeam, an ice move which has the ability to freeze targets entirely.
Blastoise- Not only a reference to his cold-gun, but a reference to his current state in the comics. Snart was given cybernetic enhancements to fight Barry Allen with. Before anyone wonders, no, this is not a meta-pokemon, its just a regular blastoise.
Snart was initially just going to have a bunch of Ice-types with no thought added to them. Then I came to realize that the character deserves much more justice than that. He is a strategist, a bad man with a good heart, and a fighter.
Darkrai- Being that this mythical pokemon causes nightmares, Sinestro having a Darkrai is an easy to answer question.
Mimikyu- Given that this pokemon's appearance can cause death upon seeing it, I wouldn't be surprised if Sinestro used this pokemon's ability to his advantage.
Blacephalon- This Ultra Beast is said to sneak up on people and then violently explode to startle them. As it craves on fear, it feels like a good pokemon for Sinestro to have.
Shiny Naganadel- This pokemon both reflects Sinestro's color scheme, but also provides a sadistic way to scare enemies.
Gallade- A meta-variant of the pokemon, this pokemon is meant to reflect how Sinestro was once noble and one of the greatest green lanterns of all time. Meta-Gallade keeps the same typing but it instead preys on the target's fear. Its new ability "Terrorize" reflects this by having opponents drastically lower their attack when Gallade enters battle.
Due to my lack of knowledge on the character, I didn't give him a full team. I did try to find a pokemon who would fit his time as an ultra-violet lantern, but none felt right.
Black Manta
Sharpedo- This felt like an obvious choice considering that this pokemon is regarded as the Bully of the Sea and Black Manta is...something else, I'll tell you what.
Basculegion- This Pokémon is known to have evolved because of its fallen comrades. Black Manta’s origin involves him trying to avenge his father’s death. Now while this is very different from Basculegion’s reason for evolving, it isn’t that different.
Intelleon- Considering that Black Manta is a highly-weaponized killer with many gadgets, Intelleon felt like a good match for him.
Cradily- At first this may seem like an odd choice until you consider that Black Manta has a slight degree of knowledge on Atlantean Archaelogy. Cradily reflects this as while it is a product of paleontology, it is still an aquatic species. Its adjacent to Atlantean Archaelogy, meaning this is a stretch of a choice.
Kilowattrel- According to Lockstin & Gnoggin's video about this pokemon, Kilowattrel is based on pirates, and what is Black Manta? A pirate with a goofy helmet.
Genesect- In terms of desing, Genesect looks like a purple Black Manta with a giant laser canon on its back.
Black Manta's pokemon weren't that difficult to come up with. I didn't want to give him too many water types, but since there are a few pokemon that aren't water-type but water-adjacent, I thought, why not?
Non-League Villains:
Scizor- Compared to what's to come, Scizor feels like an out of place choice until you consider Parademons. Parademons are seen as Darkseid's minions, and they do share a small resemblance to Scizor...ignoring that its red and is more bug like. Darkseid's Scizor is a Meta-Pokemon with the ability Army's Strength which increases the user's attack and defense the more pokemon are on your team.
Tyranitar- Being based on Godzilla, Tyranitar's lore states that it has destructive power capable of destroying mountains and flattening mountains. In a few depictions, Darkseid is a force to be reckoned with, demolishing anything to get what he wants.
Malamar- Darkseid's biggest goal that he has often achieved is to obtain the Anti-Life equation. In short, the equation acts as a sort of mind control that extends Darkseid's presence onto others. Malamar is known for mind control, but I would assume Darkseid would want to take a step further on that. So his Malamar is also a Meta-Pokemon with the ability "Anti-Life" an ability that inflicts confusion to any surrounding pokemon once this pokemon enters the battle.
Origine Giratina- While in no way are Giratina and Darkseid similar in origin, they are similar in Power. New Gods affect reality on a grand scale. Final Crisis shows how a New God like Darkseid falling on the multiverse can lead to devastating things. Giratina is the one responsible for the Space-Time Rift over Hisui in Pokemon Legends Arceus. I assume Darkseid would of course want to take advantage of this power.
Dawn Wings Necrozma- While Lunala itself would have been a good way to represent Darkseid's ability to create Boom Tubes, Dawn Wings Necrozma felt like the better option to me for the fact it seizes power over Lunala. Necrozma also connects with my previous statement about Darkseid being a cosmic being.
Primal Groudon- This is an obvious choice but to add context, Primal Groudon has the Omega Symbol on its hands. That and it is volcanic pokemon with tremendous power. It is also one of the strongest pokemon in Gen 7 with a high base-stat total.
Darkseid's pokemon were mostly easy to come up with. Given his status as a New God, giving him several Legendary pokemon didn't feel wrong to me.
Gloom- A reference to the black mercy, Mongul's Gloom is a meta-pokemon with the ability Fantasize where enemy pokemon have their health sapped away while getting an increase in their strongest stats.
Iron Valiant- My first comic introduction to the character was in Dark Nights: Metal. In the first issue, the Justice League fight against creations of Toyman commissioned by Mongul. This is a reference to that.
I didn't give descriptions to Ceruledge, Armarouge, Gallade, and Kommo-o, as they're all mostly self-explanatory: They're fighters that Mongul would put in a gladiator arena.
Vandal Savage
Slowking- Being as old as he is, Vandal has witnessed many things and influenced many historical events. Slowking reflects this through its own wisdom.
Ursaluna- Since Vandal has been in many areas, him obtaining pokemon that are supposed to be extinct is of no surprise. Ursaluna would be one of them.
Kabutops- Although rare, Kabuto is still not extinct. Vandal obtaining one would no surprise me.
Noivern- This choice is a nod to how after Final Crisis, Vandal fought Batman who had been sent back in time.
Absol- Initially this choice would seem odd until you realize that having a pokemon with foresight is a good idea for an immortal like Vandal.
Mega Lucario- Three of the aliases Vandal has taken up was Alexander the Great, Khufu, and Khafre. With these numerous ties to Egypt, giving Vandal a Lucario makes sense, especially if it were a mega lucario as he would have been alive around that time mega-evolution happened.
I had thought about giving Vandal a Meta-Pokemon to stay in theme with the other pokemon, but I like the idea of him having to capture new pokemon as time goes on as death touches everything mortal.
Starro the Conqueror
Yes, Starro would have an army of Starmie.
Regieleki- Regieleki by itself represents the electric age and can produce tremendous amounts of power. Anti-Monitor's Meta-Regieleki is capable of doing the same, but this time with Anti-Matter. This is reflected in its new ability Anti-Particle where type match-ups are swapped for the pokemon with this ability. The Special Attack of this pokemon has also been swapped with its Speed stat.
Regidrago- Regidrago represents the Medieval age and is believed to have the powers of every dragon pokemon. Anti-Monitor's Meta-Regidrago also has this ability, but its connection to Giratina is enhanced. Its new ability Shadowy Maw enhances both Dragon and Ghost type attacks. Regidrago however is still pure dragon.
Regirock- Regirock represents the stone age and is made purely out of rock. Anti-Monitor's Regirock is very different from this as it is now a Ground type due to its composition. It's defense stat has swapped places with its Attack stat. Its new ability Refract warps any stat changes to do the opposite effect.
Regice- Regice represents the ice age and is made purely out of ice. Anti-Monitor's Regice is the opposite, becoming a Water type due to its composition being different. It also has the refract ability
Registeel- Registeel represents the industrial revolution and is made of an unidentified metal. Anti-Monitor's Registeel is the opposite as it is now a Fire type due to its composition. Its defense and sp. defense have swapped places with its Attack and Sp. Attack.
Regigigas- Regigigas is the creator of the five different Regis. Ant-Monitor's Meta-Regigigas did the same, but since it too is composed of anti-monitor, it is very different from Regigigas. Now a pure Ghost type, Meta-Regigas's attack stat has swapped with its sp. attack stat. Its new ability, Slow Build, its special attack and speed stat are halved for five turns.
The choice to give the Anti-Monitor the six Regis was an idea I made out of the idea that the Anti-Monitor's goal was to create its own anti-matter universe. So, each Pokemon is both representative of its power and destructive ability. I originally planned on giving him Meta-versions of Marshadow, Gardevoir, and Gigantamax Duraludon to represent the Shadow Demons, Harbinger and Pariah, as well as the anti-monitor's tower things.
This took forever and I am so glad I've gotten it done. The Bat family will be next followed up by the Teen Titans and then Suicide Squad. Might do the Spider-Man variants after that.
Justice League Pokemon Teams
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