#barty crouch jr kin
graydagay · 7 months
Barty "Fuck it" Crouch Jr
Evan "for fuck sakes" Rosier
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villainkinconfessions · 10 months
...Kin gods please don’t do this to me
— someone that was not supposed to kinfirm Barty Crouch Jr but here we are
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regulus-smith · 7 days
Give me Peter who sculpts beautiful sculptures, but destroys them because he thinks he will never be as talented as his friends.
Give me Peter who bakes cakes, cookies, and any sweet treats for Remus (who doesn't eat nearly enough), but never bakes for anyone else because it's 'just a hobby'.
Give me Peter who barely scrapes by in his classes, but tells James and Sirius little fun facts while they're waiting for Remus to get better after full moons.
Give me Peter who (at one point) would get revenge on anyone that insulted of his friends. Someone made fun of Remus' scars? Their partner found out they were cheating the next day. Someone says something about Sirius' family? Ended up in the hospital wing with food poisoning. Someone was racist to James (Hispanic /Arab James not the whitewashed jkr vers.)? Their entire bloodline finds out their deepest darkest secret.
Give me Peter who makes people feel safe. Give me Peter who loves his friends like they're his family. Give me Peter who was a good kid.
Give me Peter. Stop giving me talentless, no personality, forgotten Peter. He was a person too, one who had talent too. I love Remus, Sirius, and James as much as any other marauders fan. But we can't forget Peter, yall. (This is coming from someone who's literally young Peter irl.)
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I just had to join this trend, I’ve been craving drawing them ever since I finished my last drawing lol
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wildoceanstarz · 3 months
Everyone is doing it but I want to try!!
So reply with your favourite hobby + color and I’ll assign you a marauders character!!
(I’m obsessed with a large range of people so might pull up some random ass character 😭☝️)
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zsrntyouil · 2 months
Please tell me I'm not the only one who kins literally every "main" marauders era characters like:
Remus? Absolutely, I hate my body and always feel like I'm a monster and I LOVE reading and I drink tea several times a day (plus im autistic)
Sirius? I totally hide my trauma behind jokes and am very oblivious when people like me because I hate myself
Peter? I am indeed always the last one picked and my relationships are always like "they're my best friend but am I theirs?"
James? I ALWAYS try to be happy in front of people and will shut up if I suffer to not disturb people around me
Lily? YES. I have one older sister who doesn't really care about me and I find it relaxing to study
Mary? I'm just a girl 🎀 (no fr I haven't seen much abt her but I relate to her a lot)
Marlene? I feel like she's one of the only I dont really kin.
Dorcas? Same as Marlene, a bit to perfect for me to relate to her
Pandora? She is literally me. Like, the kinda fairy, crystals and moths vibe is so me. And pretty much all of the supernatural thing in general. But we both still have a thing for saying things that would normally need a trigger warning (mostly abt death). And the weirdo thing too (I mean we're both autistic so...).
Evan? Not really. I couldn't do all the dissecting animals thing cos because of ~autism~ my empathy for animals is 900% when it should be 65-75% (like I can't even kill mosquitos) but like it's around 40-50% for humans when it should be 90-100%
Barty? I, me too, can't have a normal human relationship with anyone and I'm brutally honest. And I wasn't wanted by my dad.
Regulus? He. Is. Me. Like there's already everything ive already said abt Remus and all. And my sister left me to go study in an other country when I was 12 and our relationship was already slowly getting worse. And I want to kill myself 24/7 and make a lot of self- depreciation jokes. And like I've finished a 800 pages book in 5 days last week because I liked it too much so I didn't sleep. And I write and read sad french poetry.(Plus obviously ~autism~)
And like all of them, I'm pretty much queer
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 2 months
so i did a marauders kin testtt
and my results are:
not surprising ngl...
but not who i thought id get...
....but who cares, im happy :))
i didnt realise i need THAT much of help
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sooooooo.... yeahhh, I kin remus john mf lupin...
@roselookingatthemoon @starving-marauder-lover @noblehouseofgay @rosekillerbf @anything-for-my-moony-1971 @bleeding-rose-1 @sillylilygryffindor @garden-of-runar
idk i just tagged a bunch of random people i know that like the marauders???
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ros3kill3r · 3 months
James Potter Headcanons
He/him and they/them pronouns
Animagus is a deer
Latino and always speaks in fast Spanish when angry or excited and it’s so amusing to watch
Never studies yet somehow gets amazing grades and results in exams
Had severe ADHD and sometimes forgets to take his medication so Marlene always reminds him, and sometimes when she isn’t there, Barty notices it and gives subtle nudges to James, and when James looks at him he sees him holding out his medication. He never forgot, no matter what, and James will always be grateful
Used to be childhood friends with Marlene and Barty
Was forced to stop talking to barty because of how different they were, even though his parents wanted him to come back since they missed him
When he started dating regulus, he was forced to start talking with barty again, and they had a weird moment where they stared into each others eyes and cried silently, before hugging and then acting like nothing happened the next day.
he was obsessed with the idea of lily but not her as a person, especially because his parents expected them to be together so the pressure got to his head, but after meeting regulus he began to fall in love
james is a people-pleaser so he never really opens up and nobody has ever seen him breakdown other then barty, marlene, remus, and regulus
the first time james cried in front of sirius was when they found out regulus died. sirius was so shocked at his reaction that he began to cry harder and cradled james in his arms
he misses barty to death
has obvious bipolar disorder but he’s in denial, remus agreed not to tell anyone yet
james never opens up to anyone since he thinks his job is to make everyone happy. for some reason, barty and regulus (slytherins) were the only ones who were there for him and understood him in such a deep level
people would come to him for therapy, venting, help, advice, etc. but he never had anyone there for him
people called him egotistical and cocky but in reality it’s just a facade to seem cool because he never really liked who he truly was
pretty good actor, his friends never caught on to his fake behavior, but when remus, regulus, and marlene did, (barty did to, he just didn’t talk about it, he only gave silent nudges to let james know he’s right there.) they tried their best to comfort him.
NAPS, loves naps
if one light is on he CANNOT sleep
broken multiple pairs of glasses after falling asleep in them
him and sirius are like brothers, but that breaks his heart because of regulus
mamas boy
mcgonagall has a soft spot for him
a hugger, seriously so touchy he sometimes gets super insecure bc he’s worried ppl will be annoyed. the only people who encouraged this was the marauders + marlene (barty wasn’t a big toucher himself but he would comfort james with humor if he asked)
ruffles everyone’s hair
natural leader, sometimes overthinks and begins to worry that he’s using people and ordering them around bossily
he loves everyone so fucking much and he’s indecisive as fuck
he sings in the shower
he has a diary that he writes in with a glittery gel pen
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orchideous-nox · 3 months
On a quiet day, Evan would complain when he actually has to do work on the clock instead of just sitting around talking to Barty all day
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3solitude3 · 29 days
I have this headcanon that emmeline vance is one of regulus' besties and part of slytherin skittles. I hc that she is a hufflepuff (although a lot of people hc she is in ravenclaw i just have a vision) and a muggleborn. Their houses are kind of close so they just run into each other when reg runs away from home (i mean with the intention of returning, just like a little act of defiance that orion and walburga never find out about) and maybe connect over books and stuff and reg is interested in things em would know about as a muggle concerning literature and other things because he is naturally curious.
Nobody can know about their friendship as reg states and if em is a bit taken aback by that she doesn't show it because even if she doesn't hear the rumours of black family's questionable ways of discipline as she isn't part of the pureblood circles, even she can tell there is more to the story that reg doesn't let on. Maybe they explore their sexuality together a little bit (like maybe they kiss and stuff and reg thinks there is smt wrong with him because em is a pretty girl and he does really like her personality and he can't wrap his head around why he wouldn't want to do this with her. He first thinks there is smt wrong with him till he comes to the conclusion that he is gay. And em is the first person he comes out to)
In this hc dorcas is a half blood slytherin and reg's quiditch captain and after having a muggleborn friend for all those years he isn't a blood purist at heart so when she is being bullied for such things reg stands by her side and defends her abilities as an excellent quidditch player and captain which starts their friendship although at this point evan, barty, and pandora still don't know about emmeline. (Maybe pan suspects things being a seer and all- cuz yes she is a seer in my hc too) (also cas and em are a year older than the rest) and anyway dorcas becomes a part of their circle too. Maybe reg sort of push em and dorcas together (you know being partners in certain projects and stuff since they are in the same year) but still doesn't tell anyone about em openly since that would cause troubles with his family.
After sirius runs away and the abuse becomes too much to bear even for regulus he runs from home and em takes him in. He stays in their house for a bit and em is the one who writes to dumbledore about the abuse and sirius and she understands why he would want to keep their friendship a secret. After he is out however, he does openly make emmeline a part of the slytherin skittles
And they live happily ever after :)
Anyway yes my thoughts might be a bit scattered but i had this vision 4 so long i had to share.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
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barty crouch jr in garfield merch
because of a chaotic conversation (feat, garfield, barty crouch jr, and jesus,) with these idiots: @lostforgottenspaces @mo0n-water @malakiwis love yall <33
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graydagay · 2 months
What Marauders character is an event from my school
Making sexual gestures at a helicopter- barty
Slapping eachothers thighs-sirius and james
Doing sexual dances infront of the pedo teachers to call them out-Marlene
Steals books from the libary and burned them- evan and barty
Booting a kid in the knee because they get the afl ball-remus
Pleasuring eqchother in the back of class- barty and evan
Vaping in the tents on sports day- regulus
Busting a girls eyebrow because she stole his sharpener- evan
Writing an almost lawyer like essay to prove the person's innocence- pandora
Let me know if you want a part 2
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adh-james-version · 3 months
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My Kinnie Bingo‼️🤗 pt1 (pt2)
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reachingformyknife · 10 months
Barty Crouch Jr talks a lot, like really a lot. He always talks about his hyperfixations without any break.
Most people get annoyed and tell him to finally shut up or just don't listen.
Only Pandora keeps listening and talks with him.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 6 months
If Barty Crouch Jr was a playlist
bc i said so
(Marauders era as songs in my playlist part 2)
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