#basically just disgusting scum of the earth
devildairymilkfairy · 2 years
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thegaynessarchives · 1 year
Had a dream where Jon got arrested for stealing the letter "L" off a store's sign and then everyone in the world hated him and got him canceled while he was in prison and also he was sick and ppl were like "We don't care he's the scum of the earth let him die" and Starbucks made a drink themed around him and I was like the only person still advocating for him and I was like "You're sick and disgusting to try to profit off this man"
Everywhere I looked all I saw was "Jonathan Sims: Who is he REALLY?" and shit like that
The Jon Sims tag on Tumblr was just full of hateposting
And there were a bunch of YouTube videos of people playing this weird exploding penguin game and ranting about how much they fucking hated Jon Sims
and best part is him and I had literally paid for the sign to be installed so it was basically our sign in the first place
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confused-simp-jpg · 10 days
Pairing: holland!Peter Parker / reader
(no pronouns used for reader as far as I know)
Warnings: brief mention of bullying (and a shitty ending cause I suck at writing those)
General Plot: You are on a quest to befriend your awkward schoolmate and find that you might become something a little more
Genre:                fluff
Words:               1.2k
A/N: Honestly, I just wanted to try posting on here for the first time so I put together a little fanfic, so it might not be the most well written and thought out story, so please excuse all the plot holes and poor writing.
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A new schoolyear had begun and like every year you had devoted yourself to making a new friend. Having been the quiet kid with no friends you had decided to overcome your fear of talking to new people and after finding a great group of friends you started to look for new additions to said group every year.
At the end of last school year, you had noticed a small duo, a cute brunette and his best friend, you’d never see one without the other. But recently you had picked up on the near constant flow of bullying directed at the two by a kid named flash.
Truth be told you always were the kind of person to search for the good in someone even if they were being an asshole and it’s not like you thought Flash was the scum of the earth or something like that he just had the sort of personality most people perceived as arrogant, annoying and overall disgusting, their words not yours, although you had to agree. He was by no means an evil person per se he just seemed to lack basic human decency in its entirety.
So when you became aware of the two victims of Flash’s idiocy and their almost unbothered attitude towards him, you decided to get to know them a bit better in hopes of befriending them.
It was Monday where you had an irregular lunch break at a time no one else did, when you saw your opportunity.
“Hey… is this seat taken?”, you smiled down at the completely surprised brunette.
“Uh…yeah… I mean no… I mean you can sit…if you want obviously”, he stuttered out, stumbling over his words and trying his best to keep his voice from completely giving out.
You giggled and sat down:
“Thanks, I was worried I wouldn’t find a good seat anymore, I’m Y/N btw”
“I’m Peter”, a soft blush adorned his cheeks.
Peter looked around in the mostly empty cafeteria and his brows furrowed slightly:
“Uhm, you know there are like a lot of free tables. Not that I want you to leave but… you know?”, he hesitantly brought up.
You looked up at him a smile tugging at the corners of your lips and answered:
“Yeah, but it’s not a good lunch seat when you sit alone isn’t it?”
“…I guess…yeah”
There was a bit of comfortable silence between you before you spoke up again.
“You’re not usually alone here right? I think every time I’ve seen you he was right next to you”, you chuckled
He seemed a bit caught off guard by you breaking the silence but recovered fast.
“Yeah, Ned wasn’t feeling all too well today, so he stayed home and left me alone here.”, Peter said jokingly.
“Oh, tell him I hope he feels better soon then, he seems like a nice dude when he’s not abandoning you.”
Talking about his friend came easier to Peter than small talk and the conversation flowed seamlessly from how Ned had ‘abandoned’ him to what things they got up to recently.
In turn you shared some stories from you and your friends taking the opportunity to invite him and Ned to come along with you to the arcade at the end of the week.
Although hesitant at first, with a bit of convincing he agreed to meet the following Friday.
Your talk with Peter in the cafeteria had not been the last time the two of you had interacted and every conversation with him made you more excited for the next.
Peter really was such a sweet soul and hanging out with him always felt comfortable.
Friday rolled around and you were waiting on your friends and Peter in front of the arcade. It was a common occurrence for them to be late so when a out of breath Peter ran up to you and started to apologize profusely you just smiled and reassured him that he was fine.
You noticed Ned wasn’t with him and when asked about it, Peter explained that he still wasn’t feeling better.
Slowly but surely the rest of the group came by as well and soon enough everyone was present.
The entire afternoon went by in a haze filled with laughter, everyone enjoying themselves and even though Peter was a bit shy at first, he fit right in, and everyone welcomed him with open arms.
Even without really noticing or intending on it, you and Peter stayed close and stole innocent touches here and there along with soft looks.
Unbeknownst to you your friends had noticed the fact that you and Peter seemed joined at the hip and shared smiles about the clear interest both of you displayed for the other.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and were met with one of your closest friends MJ, who led you away from the group.
“Can you two go on a date without us? It’s getting a bit pathetic with the way he’s looking at you.”, she deadpanned, catching you off guard. Your mouth dropped open and blood rushed to your face.
“What?”, a confused chuckle escaped your throat.
“Come on Y/N, you two are clearly interested in each other. Everyone has noticed at this point. So just tell him and get on with it!”
MJ never was the kind of best friend who talked to you about relationships unprompted, you loved to tell her about crushes and troubles simply because of her objective and brutally honest advice and comments, but she never started these types of conversations so this was new.
“MJ, he’s sweet sure but I’ve only known him for a week and yeah of course I like him but calling it a crush would be a bit rushed don’t you think?”, you smiled at her.
“Obviously, but I’m just saying, you two have been smiling at each other so much even I felt giddy” MJ shuddered overdramatically
You laughed and hugged her. “Oh MJ, I love you so so much”
MJ scrunched up her face and awkwardly hugged you back, never having been much of a physical touch kind of person but tolerating it for you.
The two of you returned to the group and the afternoon continued without another hitch although you were more and more aware of the shy smiles shared between you and Peter.
At first the two of you were shy and awkward on dates but once you got more comfortable with eachother you shared inside jokes and and started teasing eaxhother playfully.  
A few months after the arcade meet up which were filled with almost daily texts and constant talking, Peter awkwardly asked:
“ So… are we…are you…I mean, am I your…”
His stressed expression and the more and more panicked waving of his hands had you chuckling slightly once you realized what exactly he was trying to ask of you.
“I think we are and I am and you are. If you want to that is”, you answered with a soft smile, your hand ever so slightly reaching for his.
Relief washed over Peter and you thought to yourself, how bad he was at hiding his true feelings, it felt like you could read him like an open book, like he couldn’t possibly have secrets that you didn’t know about with how open he seemed.
“Thank god!”, Peter exclaimed and engulfed your hand in his, tugging you along to his home for the movie night you had planned.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Things said-141(and some more characters)
If you watched Ja'mie the private school girl I love you!
Pt2 to this post
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
R/n and ghost have a friendship where they basically share 1 brain cell every time they're together, this time its no different. They call for a meeting where they share their recent topic, basically 141 is forced to agree with their 'beliefs'
R/n: we'll be there for each other, like if one of us *nudges at ghost* got depression and wanted to k!ll themselves..
Ghost: then we as part of the 141 slayers promise, (name reader gave the team) we'll kill ourselves
R/n: yeah
Gaz: I didn't know it was that extreme
R/n: yeah it is
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Soap: where the fuck is my Coke Zero?
R/n and Ghost stare in silence
Soap to König: did you drink it?
*soap closes fridge and walks away*
Soap: fuck my life
König *clueless*: I ate a bread this mornin' it was amazing (please imagine him in his funny excited accent)
R/n: you're unique König
Soap: don't touch my Coke Zero! *in his harsh Scott accent*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Price, soap and r/n are having a meeting in private. Soap logged in to readers laptop and saw a folder with pictures of gaz. (Folders title was: "My pookie bear")
R/n: how did you even get in?
Soap: isn't your password, gazmylover69?
R/n: little bitch
Price: r/n *in a stern tone*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Price found out that r/n was trying to sell König on eBay for 14£, and Ghost was the buyer.
Price: the two of you are just as bad as each other, I'm disgusted
Ghost: good
R/n: *under their breath* next time I'll sell you
König is sitting outside waiting for the mailman
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Roach is now in charge of teaching r/n how to drive, this is after they 'accidentally' ran soap over. (he called r/n a little brit that looked like King Charles left butt cheek)
Gaz, Ghost, and alejandro are in the backseat. Roach, passenger and r/n driver seat.
R/n: why isn't the car moving?
Roach: because the hand brake is still on
R/n: well take the hand brake off!!....
Roach: r/n-
R/n: I told you to take it off before I get in!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Soap was named "best soldier of the week" this includes a medal price custom made. R/n is pissed that he got it.
R/n: what I'm accusing you of is awarding the medal to a dumb fat Scott,
price: here we go again*under his breath*
r/n: when the most incredible soldier to ever grace this base, is being completely ignored
price: roll the tears *under his breath*
r/n: and treated like their the scum of the earth!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Rudy and r/n grew up together. But after he told them they weren't allowed to date anyone from 141 they got mad at him.
Rudy: no, its a final decision
r/n: just because Valeria ditched you for ale back in the day doesn't mean I can't get some
Rudy: you're just saying none sense
r/n: nonsense my ass
Rudy: no dating, no nothing
R/n: I wished I fucking drowned you as a child
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It's no secret that König is crushing on r/n. However the feelings aren't mutual, because reader adores Price. This happened today after sparring.
R/n and König are sat in some stairs, resting from todays training.
König and reader are sitting side by side, he leaned in to kiss their cheek, this was the reaction he got:
R/n: okay..okay..so that was weird...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Soap is helping r/n, they've been feeling a little low today. He was sitting in bed with them. Reader has been under their blanket all day
R/n: pass me my book please
Soap tries to give them their book but teases reader in the process. Reader is trying to reach for it but soap is really enjoying himself.
R/n: give me it! I've got clinical depression you fucking idiot!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I hope you all liked this one! and yes it was all inspired by that show. If you want a part to lmk! ?<3
Tags: @piece-of-shit-outlaw
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Big Ol' Post About Proshipping, Problematic Shipping, And Antis
Being a proshipper and being a problematic shipper are in no way the same things. Antis, a message to y'all about how you guys need to chill, please. Proshippers? Thanks for being cool people.
Proship basically means "Ship and let ship". You're cool with people shipping whatever, and wait wait wait, here's the really cool part:
IT IS ALLOWED TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. You heard that right. You can see someone make a Madrigalcest post and it makes you feel weird as hell but you don't do anything about it. Being a proshipper just means that you are respectful of other peoples likes and interests and opinions.
Being a problematic shipper means that you, well, as the name implies, ship problematic things. This is normally what people think of when you say "Proshipper", but they are different things.
It's kinda best put in the way that saying goes;
"A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't always a square."
A problematic shipper is most always gonna turn out to be a proshipper, but not all proshippers are problematic shippers.
Antis. A message for you guys. I will say this respectfully, because I don't wanna argue and fight, please.
Y'all, you're too aggressive. Like, worse than politics aggressive. It makes a lot of us feel very uncomfortable and hurt for you to suicide bait us or insult us, because these are our opinions. Regardless of how we react, we are still probably gonna feel hurt by it.
Please remember the ✨Golden Rule✨
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I am not telling you that you aren't allowed to hate us. I don't wanna say that I'm encouraging it, but y'all can hate us all you want. But please keep it to yourselves.
What do you think is worse: a 10-yr-old seeing a post about how it's okay to ship Warnercest, or a post where someone is saying, "Go kill yourself, you fucking disgusting piece of shit scum of the Earth 💖 You are a piece of fucking trash and the worlds better off without you"?
It's not okay.
I would like to offer you some non-aggressive, more peaceful options for this.
DM the proshipper/problematic shipper and ask them politely to block you so that you cannot ever see their posts.
Block blogs you know are proship positive.
Make sure you don't follow and tags like "Proship" or "Proshipper"
As far as I'm aware, there is a feature on here where you can block certain tags. Use this feature, please. Some tags I would recommend starting off with are: Proship, Proshipper, Proship Positive, Incest, Incest tw, Pedophile, Pedophilic, Pedophile tw. Feel free to do things as well like blocking the names of specific ships you don't like.
Consider what you're sending/typing before you post it or send it.
Don't actively pursue proship blogs. Don't go out of your way just to be a shitty person to someone else.
I want to say this, antis, before you think I'm out to get you:
You can find them disgusting in media, too. That's your right as a human. That's fine.
And if you've ever been in a grooming situation or been raped by someone, I am so fucking sorry that happened to you. You have gone through horrible experiences that I can only imagine. You have every single fucking right to hate every single problematic shipper and ship out there. I am telling you right now: HATE US. HATE US WITH EVERY SINGLE ATOM IN YOUR BODY. DO IT IF YOU WANT. But please, why would you actively pursue someone who shows those things? Those could bring back horrible memories. Just block the tags, the people, ask them to block you so you don't have to see it.
Trying to get rid of every problematic thing on the internet is impossible. LITERALLY. IMPOSSIBLE. Because for every post you report, there's 10 more of the same sort of thing.
But please. Let me say this: Even if you got rid of every problematic thing on the web, there's still the entire world, which is a hell of a lot more difficult to control than the internet. Blocking all of those problematic posts isn't going to stop the person from liking the problematic things. Getting rid of problematic media isn't going to stop someone from grooming a child or raping someone way younger than them. Problematic media spawned from problematic stuff in real life. You guys are attacking a branch, when the root is still thriving. And maybe if the root is killed, the branch will die. Or maybe it'll still exist. But I would think I'd rather live in a world where people ship problematic things in media than a world where people deal with those things in real life.
Proshippers, thank every single one of you for being cool people and respecting other's opinions. I don't know what else to say. Just, thanks, y'all.
I hope that somebody, maybe even some anti, will see this and think about what I said.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this, everyone. Have a good day/night.
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turmie · 7 months
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I'm gonna try to explain this as best as I can.
I made this comic as a way to create visualization for how it felt when I finally returned to God after so many years of being away from him. According to my mother, I had originally given my life to Christ at nine years old. I’m paraphrasing here but I basically went up to my mother at nine years old and said, “Mommy, I wanna give my life to Jesus.” 
I rededicated myself to him during my senior year of high school. When I did, it was a very emotional moment for me. There was just this large sense of warmth and love that was deeper than anything I’d ever felt in my life. Even remembering sometimes is enough to have me crying again. 
I think one of the reasons why it was so emotional for me was because for about nine years, I thought that God wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. I thought I was nothing but a disgusting thing that he didn’t like. I know that sounds harsh, but that’s legitimately what I thought at the time (all of which were complete lies from the enemy). I thought I was the scum of the Earth. 
I had drifted away from him and began to indulge in the stuff the world had to offer as distractions. It was never in a sense where I thought God wasn’t real, I always knew he was. But it was more so because I thought I wasn’t worthy enough to even talk to God, much less be loved by him. Because as far as I knew, I was nothing but a liar who was a horrible person. That’s what I thought I was.
I thought that because of all the stuff I did and was doing, it meant other people could be loved by him and not me. I understand how faulty of a mindset that was, but that’s what I believed at the time. I thought I was a mistake and that I was just taking up space. Overtime I got out of the more intense side of things, but I still struggled with similar stuff (even today) when it came to having thoughts like that. 
What got me into taking God so seriously in the first place was during my senior year of high school. My family was playing worship music on the TV. I was listening to the music with everyone and out of nowhere as I’m doing so, this huge wave of emotion hit me. The best way I could put it was God was straight up telling me that he loved me. I was bawling, I couldn’t focus on much other than this overwhelming feeling of affection and warmth. It was a type of love that had my eyes cosplaying as waterfalls, I just couldn’t stop crying.
I don’t know how long it was after that, but I do remember that shortly after that happened, I decided I was going to be serious about my relationship with God (because I was extremely lukewarm, I would call myself a Christian but wouldn’t even pick up a bible). So, I had to do the basics of reforming my relationship with him: Which was to repent.
When I repented and was asking God for forgiveness for every sin I had done, that familiar wave of love overcame me and I was crying once again. I remember asking God questions along these lines:
“Have I ever done anything for you to hate me?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Could I ever do anything for you to be upset with me?”
And to each question he just answered, “No.” He didn’t physically say it, but God has this amazing way of (for a lack of a better word) telepathically communicating in the moment he is with you. You don’t even need to necessarily hear him, you just feel it and you feel it intensely. 
I also remember asking him why he wasn’t upset despite all the stuff I had done in my past. And he said something along the lines of: “I don’t care about that. I’m just glad that you’re here.” To say that my eyes were raining would be an understatement, I was crying so much. It will forever amaze me that this all powerful omnipotent being cares about me so much in a way I can’t even fathom as I’m writing this out. 
To anyone out there struggling with similar issues or thoughts, please understand that God is so loving, so tender, and so kind beyond anything you could ever hope to comprehend. Even the words I have expressed here on this page are not enough to fully explain the love and emotion I felt when God was speaking to me in this way. There’s a reason why we call him Father God. Because we are his children. God misses his children and wants them all to return home. In the bible, John 3:16, it says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 
He wants YOU. 
Please do not feel ashamed to speak to him because he is constantly waiting to speak to you with open arms. I wish I had known or understood this sooner, because it took so long for me to do so. Granted, I am now only 18 years old, but every moment you do not have God is a moment of agony. That’s what I was going through for the past nine years without him. 
It is never too late to repent and give your life to Christ. Do it while you still can. His love is far more precious than anything you could ever want on this planet. 
Love you and God bless you all.
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Round 1 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side B
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
Listen, I just googled “Catholic Characters” and he was one of the first results. I’ve never seen the movie but the sentence “Robocop is canonically Catholic” is hilarious to me
Libra practices Fire Emblem's patented "Fantasy Catholicism." He was abandoned at an orphanage by his parents as a child, they believed he was possessed by the fell dragon Grima(basically dragon Satan, desperate for them to stay, he clung to his mothers legs, weeping. In disgust she struck him, leaving a scar on the back of his neck. He grew up as a cleric, raised by fellow priests. During the events of the story, his clergymen are slaughtered, so he picks up an axe and avenues them, becoming a War Monk. Libra is beautiful and is often mistaken for a woman. He's kind and calm and sensitive. He does his best to be a good person. But inside he feels like he's only putting on a show. That he's the scum of the earth and is only pretending to be a good person. He wishes to remove the memories of his childhood. Post game, he and whatever wife he may have taken, build an orphanage and raise lonely children like he once was. He is courted by both men and women alike, and is widely believed to be the reincarnation of Naga(basically lady Dragon God)
He's haunted by his past and he can wield an axe, that's all one could ever ask for in a man
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kushami-hime · 2 years
CW: gr////ming, pedophelia
I want to preface by saying I’m not here to attack you, and I’m not the minor like before, but an active member on your blog. I’m here to educate you as to why your reasoning behind aging a character up is completely wrong and pedophelic, as someone who has experienced this firsthand, please hear me out. First off, hi, as someone who’s been groomed multiple times at the ripe age of 12, I can speak from experience when I say that “lines on the screen” are never just that. Saying that “they’re just lines on a screen” still reflects on pedophiles irl and how it’s okay to groom children by making them interact on sexual activity if you just “make them older in this version.” They still see it as okay. If don’t understand, think of it like this.
Would you age a child up because “now they can be an adult” and/or “they’re just lines on a screen”? No, of course not, because that’s pedophile behavior. You would still be attracted to the child, otherwise why would you ”age them up” so you can make kink content on them? That’s weird. Same as kids, they are minors. They are not adults. The fact that you want to age up characters so you can make kink content is dangerous. Please think about this. You can find other adult characters or even make oc’s similar to them but it’s never okay to “age” minors up… That’s literally saying you want to see and make kink content of them. Except now the only difference is they’re “older” so it’s now “legal”.
First things first, I'm sorry you had to go through that experience, truly and deeply I am, but...
Literally hundreds if not thousands of people are doing literally the same thing, there's some REAL dead dove stuff going on out there, and I don't equate the fictional, made up art and wavs I do with non existent people, anything that could be seen as pedo behavior, because these characters are developed personality wise, so what is the issue with using a separate AU???
Obviously there will be people who disagree with me, and there are people who are indifferent.
At the end of the day...I want nothing to do with REAL people. REAL kids honestly disgust me, no cap.
I've gone on basically my whole existence being told I'm wrong, I need to do this, I need to do that, now that I finally can just DO what I want I gotta stop and drop everything again?
Guys, if you don't like what I make, I'm not asking you to stay.
Again, sorry for your experiences, as NO one on this planet deserves to have to go through that, but all it really feels like is saying that "drawn anime pr0nz" leads to basically becoming literal scum of the Earth.
At the end of the day...we're talking about the sanctity of anime boys that will continue to be lewded til the end of time...like literally every other fictional character to ever exist, ever. PS: No one gives a shit about my OCs, like, whatsoever, they barely get any notes and normally no comments lol.
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dmclemblems · 1 year
ngl, it kinda annoys me when people say that Claude shows an "insincere" side to Dimitri and Edel/gard and say that he's not ever showing his "true" self to them. He's not actually more relaxed around Dimitri or actually antagonistic with Edel/gard, that's just what he's doing to get on the side of them he wants to be on but it's not genuine. He's only (eventually) genuine with Byleth and the GD, no one else.
Like, maybe... just maybe... Claude is just genuinely more relaxed around Dimitri? And genuinely does not vibe well with Edel/gard? And those are his real emotions that he really feels about them? And he shows genuineness to people outside of his default selection of friends? I don't get the need to make literally everything Claude ever does ever with anyone, it makes him so one-note. Let him have different reactions to different people!
Normally I'm actually a lot more chill in my ask replies lol but this is also something that aggravates me.
As a side note here, you can really tell I hate brainless stans in this post, so you can tell I'm aggravated by them lol. Normally my asks are pretty chill when discussing in-universe topics, but since the stans like to warp in-universe content to harass irl people and make shit up to justify their harassment, I don't take that lightly and I'm much more prone to being disgusted by their behavior lol.
The Edelgard side of it:
That's a reeeeally stupid take. Sounds like stans trying to say him and Edelgard are similar, too. They don't have similar goals at all, either. The game tries to say they do because uwu waifu and nobody can truly hate Waifu Emperor, but Edelgard's goals are to conquer Fodlan (by force no less and through loads of murder), and to remove the Church because TWS told her so and they gave her all the information she knows (which is a lot of false information, for that matter).
Claude's goals are to get Almyra and Fodlan to be friends and to get people to stop hating others simply because of where they came from. He didn't trust the Church in the first half of the game, but eventually he did, and he never wanted to just remove the Church. He has other things he believes in, but he also accepts people who believe in the Church in Fodlan (or else he would think Marianne is just scum of the earth tbh).
My biggest pet peeve with all this is that people just make shit up instead of looking at things the way they actually are. Claude doesn't trust Edelgard in Hopes either, on top of what's in Houses, so that's a pretty telling conflict between them. Apparently people view Hopes Claude as more canon than Houses simply because he's "on board" with Mrs. Uwu's murder spree.
The thing is, Claude doesn't vibe well with her because she's too extreme in her methods. He (Houses Claude) can't get behind starting a war and killing so many people for "change" (and the change she wants is only an issue in her country anyway, as I've explained in previous asks/posts). I think it's pretty telling that in CF, if he survives he'll just leave and give her no assistance. She gets his army because as per being the victor in war, she basically owns Leicester and thus the army. He didn't want his people dying by opposing her, so he wanted them to just work with her if they lost. Other than that, he just leaves Fodlan and is never known to return or ever make peace with Fodlan (and why would he at that point? The place will be a dumpster fire and eventual ashes anyway when it gets ganged up on by all its neighbors. Cue Matthias sipping tea watching it happen).
To me, that's not him getting along with her. That's not him pretending to be cold and distant. That's him literally leaving Fodlan and her being like yeah you should leave (which literally did happen, as she says it's for the best that he fucking leave Fodlan because she won the war against him and Byleth spared him).
It's just, plain and simple... they don't get along. Also, prior to Hopes, it wasn't nearly this bad at all with people saying all the nonsense they say now about Claude. There's also the part in GD where Edelgard just walks the fuck up to him in the library and starts demanding he spills his secrets to her, to which even though he'll make a joke out of it if you take her side and not his, if you do take his side you actually get a support bonus by saying he doesn't have to answer to her.
Claude has trouble trusting people, and yet somehow the people you're talking about seem to think whatever emotion he shows toward someone is the real thing. He jokes a lot and acts casual, but that's how he is to literally everyone because that's just how he copes, and that's his barrier between people.
The Dimitri side of it:
Why wouldn't he be more relaxed around Dimitri? Like Claude, Dimitri doesn't want war or fighting. They have the exact same desires and are working toward the same goals. As mentioned above, Edelgard has methods that are too extreme for Claude, but she always has. Dimitri went off the rails but Claude knew who he was before that and believed that Dimitri could see reason.
Taking things from their interactions, I don't see how he's... not more relaxed with Dimitri? With Edelgard they only really have this concept of "you give me something and I give you something to call it even", but with Dimitri there's not any of that. Just because they don't act like best friends at all times and Claude isn't just telling him his whole life story doesn't mean he's not more relaxed.
Even in Hopes, Claude allying with her is full of distrust and suspicion. He doesn't expect things to end very well. When he meets up with Dimitri they're immediately making plans and things are a lot more relaxed because Claude has no reason to think the Kingdom will betray him. The reason AG does the whole "nobody but Dimitri trusts Claude" thing is to give a nod to the other routes, which as I've mentioned before was just stupid because in AG, there's literally negative reason for anyone to distrust Claude.
Just because Claude didn't spill his life story in AM doesn't mean he doesn't trust Dimitri, either. He does, and I'm not gonna go over that again in this ask since I've done so before more than once on other asks/posts, but he doesn't need to be vulnerable to express trust.
Since I know you don't think Claude distrusts Dimitri and all that, I'm not gonna go looking for screenshots to prove to you that he trusts him and is relaxed with him lol, but like... I don't see how he would be more relaxed with Edelgard than Dimitri when Claude is just more similar as a person to Dimitri than he is to Edelgard. Like... that's really all there is to it. You can like Edelgard and Claude both and still accept that they don't get along.
To me it just feels like people are trying make things up so that it benefits Edelgard in some way (re: he's lying about distrusting her but yet somehow his kindness to Dimitri is faked). If you notice, Dimitri is actually nice to her by the end of AM and he ends up wanting to talk to her in AM and AG as well, but the reason her stans hate him so much is because she wants him dead. Whatever she wants is what they see and the only things they accept, and not that, you know, Dimtiri doesn't actually want to kill his step sister and would prefer a peaceful resolution. Edelgard wants to kill him because he's someone in power other than her, and for her that is Unacceptable because how dare anyone be in power in Fodlan besides her!
She uses his mental illness as an excuse that her stans rally around, shitting on him for being "delusional" (re: that's the mental illness, dipshits), and uses that as an excuse to kill him in CF despite that if you don't get the Dedue ending, he outright calls her El (despite her claim that nobody has called her that since her dead siblings, but that doesn't make her stop and think oh hey maybe I should stop for a goddamn second and talk to him). If you do get the Dedue ending, Dimitri dies completely sane but with regrets that he couldn't avenge his loved ones.
Because of those things, they know she doesn't like him so they also do not like him, because the mindless masses of stans don't know how to like or dislike something that Edelgard would disagree with. Since Claude was "on her side" in Hopes, that's all they care about and think it automatically means he likes her because it's good for Edelgard.
(As a side mention, Annette is a good example of people outside his immediate group of friends who he’s genuine with)
All of it:
In other words, the whole thing really just adds up to them not caring about anything except what looks good for their waifu. They could accept that Hopes Claude allied with her but still doesn't trust her, or they could accept that Houses Claude would just never be able to see eye to eye with her. They could accept that and still like Claude. The only way for them to like Claude though is apparently him sucking up to their waifu. Since Edelgard never took Claude seriously anyway in Houses, she doesn't outright dislike him, but she doesn't want Fodlan in his hands because he's an uwu foreigner and no foreigner deserves to be in power instead of her. It's not that she dislikes him outright, so her stans don't hate him.
Since she wants to kill Dimitri on the regular and openly expresses her feelings about him being not more than shrug emoji like how she is with Claude, dating back to, I don't know -checks Fodlan calendar- the very beginning of the prologue of Houses, her stans hate him because she'd like that if she were real and she'd be uwu so nice to them for agreeing with her. If they liked Claude, she wouldn't care and would be confused by it, but also just be whatever about it. They have to hate Dimitri though, because Edelgard would love that!
Like, you know, you can have a top favorite character and not always agree with them, also admitting when they're in the wrong or just incorrect. You can also have a favorite character who hates another one of your favorites and still love them both even though your favorite wouldn't like that! If you've followed me long enough, you know exactly what my Tellius brain is taking about and that I've been through exactly that. You can look at the facts and read them correctly and understand that Claude just doesn't vibe with Edelgard and still like him. You can just look at the facts and hate Dimitri but understand that Claude is more relaxed around him and why he is.
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the-grays-of-ink · 2 years
oh yeah, that intrusive thought thing happened to me too
like, id feel immense shame and guilt/disgust but now its just annoying at worse. it makes sense as to why our reactions steel themselves over time
That’s fascinating.
I really did use to feel like the scum of the earth when I had intrusive thoughts and I’ve been wondering in the last couple of months why that changed. I guess some basic research and time did it. Thank you!!
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All right, so this guy has gotten a Nobel Prize in medicine, according to the below article:
In short, it tells of the winner of the Nobel Prize (name Paabo) whose "groundbreaking research [that] proved modern humans once procreated with ancient Neanderthals. [Paabo’s] work is considered revolutionary because it introduced a new branch of paleontology called ‘paleogenomics,’ which looks to ancient DNA to unlock the mystery of how present-day humans came to be."
Okay, maybe it's just me, but if it is, then I can't keep it to myself. I'm speaking of the incongruity (basically ≠, or does not add up) of the above-quoted article segment. Okay, let's—for the sake of argument—assume that belief that was held by the paleontology/archeology community that Neanderthals could NOT INTER-BREED with the modern-day human or homosapiens. It is here, then, that the incongruity lies. If we, as humans could not have interbred with our ancient ancestors, the Neanderthals, then please: would someone please explain at what point the two species were able to interbreed? Because, if we go by the evolutionary logic here, there are a few... well, glaringly obvious problems. Check it out:
From the logic of the 'evolutionary ladder', whether there were Homo habilis Neanderthals, Homo erectus Neanderthals, or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (a huge range of "Neanderthals" and one upon which nobody can agree with certainty or uncertainty) it should be noted that this Neanderthal classification has and is always exactly where a 'scientist' says it is in order to make their point. However,
I don't mean to be gross or disgusting, but it is a well-known fact that given half a chance (and wine and candlelight have been known to help), a human being, as a species that probably no, definitely is going to try to "procreate" with just about any other animal or vegetable (let's leave that one alone, please) it sees opportunities to do so at the time.
I don't want a Nobel Prize, but I am going to call this not-quite-new behavior of some humans by a few new types of subspecies: Homo Opportunicus Disgustica. And the nowhere near as rare as much as most of the world would like (author included), the sub-sub-scum-of-the-Earth subspecies, Homo Paedophilus (or Homo Pedophilus) which are an invasive species and are to be eradicated by any means necessary.
Regardless of the exact placement of the Neanderthals on the evolutionary ladder or spectrum, it must stand to reason that of course Humans could procreate and produce offspring! How else could the previous 'link' as well as the next 'link' after it (Apparently that would be US) come into being?!
~~Think about it!~~
It is like saying that, "We are now certain that the number 7 has always come after 6. Furthermore, scientists believe that this may also provide evidence that the number 7 has always come before the number 8."
It almost makes you want to just say, "Quit acting stupid!" A bit off-subject, but never say quit being stupid. You can then follow up with, "You are not stupid. It doesn't fit with who you are." Can I please have my Nobel Prize, now?
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Speaking of Vidalia and Yonuthia!Stone
How would all the Stone variants feel about Vidalia
How would they feel meeting her
How would they feel about her knowing they can't kill her
Girl Dad!Stone is especially horrified at hearing what she did, even if he knows his father was similar. He could never even think of doing to Laila what she did to her children.
His skin crawls when he meets her and he has the overwhelming urge to just run up and out of the basement and make sure Laila's okay. He doesn't really truly care that he can't kill her, he knows he's holding out hope for his own father to change and better, so he can't fault whichever Ryobi daughters (I've forgotten which ones, okay. I think it's Perla, Renée and Sayaka?) want her to stay alive in case she has a change of heart.
Grim Reaper!Stone just sees his father in Vidalia and oddly enough, he hopes that she does in fact change, for her daughters. It's basically him projecting his hopes onto the idea of Vidalia changing for the better because he hopes and prays for Bharat to come and love him.
He doesn't really do much when he meets her in the basement, even if she's hurling insults at him (which she probably is). He doesn't care about her words towards him, he's heard worse from his own father. And his hope that she does change for her daughters is why he just accepts the fact that no one is going to kill her anytime soon.
Criminal!Stone thinks she's scum. Harming kids is one of the few lines he will not cross, because of his father of course, so he itches to do something more. He begs to be able to torture Vidalia, understanding that he can't kill her.
And when he finally meets her, his sneer is clear on his face. He clearly thinks she's despicable and the words she tells him confirm what he already knows. He doesn't blink an eye and he feels a little sad that he can't kill her. He'd enjoy every second of killing her if only he could do so.
Baker!Stone has to fight back the urge to vomit. Sure, he's had therapy for the shit Bharat did to him during his childhood, but it still triggers some memories he thought he had fully healed from.
It's that reason why he doesn't even go to see her. He just can't put himself through that, not when she reminds him of Bharat. And I think he's the only one who doesn't go down into the basement to meet her.
Feral!Stone has little humanity left and what little he does is used to love his husband and step-daughters. So he basically feels the urge to sink his sharpened teeth into Vidalia's neck and rip her to shreds for what she did. The thought of her makes his bloodlust become more potent and makes him salivate.
I take back what I said about Baker!Stone being the only variant that doesn't go down into the basement to meet her, I don't think Feral!Stone would be allowed to do that. His instincts would be to kill her without a second thought and I think Cairo knows that and wouldn't risk accidentally going against his daughters' wishes to keep Vidalia alive. Feral!Stone growls at the thought of not being able to kill her.
Serial Killer!Stone of course deems her as scum and wishes he could kill her. As I love to remind everyone, he has high morals and thus thinks he should be judge, jury, and executioner. What Vidalia has done has made her unworthy of being on this Earth in Serial Killer!Stone's eyes.
He feels so much disgust when he meets her, his eyes narrowing at the words she tells him. She's like an ant, he thinks, an ant he'd love to crush under his shoe. He's particularly peeved about not being able to kill Vidalia because what if she somehow, magically gets free from the basement? She's a danger to everyone and he has this very strong need to kill her before she hurts anyone else.
Experiment!Stone is a lot like Girl Dad!Stone in that he's horrified at what Vidalia has done. He's scared of her and it's evident in the way his tiger tail fluffs up and his tiger ears twitch as if to make sure she's definitely not around him.
I feel like he's very reluctant to meet her but he does so anyways. And then he promptly runs back upstairs with his tail tucked between his legs. He's not really thinking about killing her because his flight instinct kicked in and he just wants to hide.
Vampire!Stone is half-tempted to let his bloodthirsty take over and drink her blood. She is a monster to him, a true monster, and that pisses him off so much.
Meeting her makes him want to vomit because she's just so revolting. It actually makes his bloodlust quell because he's convinced her blood is just as acidic as her personality is.
Werewolf!Stone is also horrified because hurting your own children is shameful, monstrous. He's so sad that this is the mother his step-children have.
He 100% is the only one who talks back at her when she tries to insult him, just ripping her to shreds with his words. He thinks she's the lowest of the low and he will tell her that. He wants to kill her, but he doesn't because he respects the decision to keep her alive.
Actor!Stone is disgusted and rightfully so. He feels the need to take a shower after hearing about all that Vidalia has done.
He spends maybe a minute with her before stomping back upstairs and taking that shower. Doesn't even think about killing her because that would require him needing to touch her. (I don't know why he became so prissy.)
Ox Hybrid!Stone is the type to casually mention that his horns can rip Vidalia apart if he runs head first into her. He hopes someone will take him up on the offer. (They don't.)
When he meets her, he definitely feels like charging at her. But he was told not to, so he supposes that he won't. But he definitely wants to. It's a shame he can't kill her, he's never been good at not acting on his emotions.
Felon!Stone... Oh, he wants to kill her. His thinking is a lot like Serial Killer!Stone's but minus the whole moral superiority, so he thinks she should be killed because she's a danger.
Meeting her makes his blood boil, but he maintains a detached air to him when he does so. The whole time he's calculating how he would best get her to scream and beg for mercy. He's huffing and pouting at not being able to kill her, but he keeps that inside him, for his step-daughters' sake.
Traumaless!Stone doesn't like her, but he doesn't care to kill her. Not because he thinks she can change, but because he knows that only Cairo's daughters can decide her fate.
He smiles at her when he meets her and pretends to be nice for the sake of his step-children, but that's all. He couldn't care less about her.
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exileorexodus · 6 months
i wish i could punt my friend’s problems for them oh my god i fucking hate nice guys and weird creepy men i hate i hate i h iiiiiiii ii. ii. scum of the earth.
they just told me abt a workplace mf more than double their age who keeps trying to pressure them to have sex despite very adamant nos and if that wasnt disgusting enough he also has a wife and kids. i fucking hate. i hate. shitty men make my father look like mother theresa jesus christ on the cross reborn simply for being a basic respectful guy and thats SUCH A LOW FUCKING BAR. apparently some mfs cant think about anything besides their simple impulsive urges and self-entitlement because they don’t have the most basic self control or compassion for others 🙃i wonder what its like to live that despicably lmfao
me when i when i when i wish when i i when i wish i could ARGGGHGHHGHHHHH
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wellthatwasaletdown · 7 months
Shut the fuck up! We called Anne Twist out for her OTT response to people criticizing her son's haircut, and no one is even talking about Gemma.
I know we ALWAYS say this, but I don’t even need to say that this anon is that stalker Zot3 or one of her anons, because just yesterday...they said you were/are a larrie. I checked the blog and obviously, they were talking about you.
Words can’t describe how disgusting and sick in the head they are. They are obsessed with you and this blog more than anything. But lying about you, accusing you of things you NEVER said is really the scum of the earth! I’m speechless! Don’t pay attention to them, mod.
Again, I know exactly who it was. They are talking about me and this blog 24/7. They've accused me of being a larrie from the beginning; despite the fact that I've never believed any of his relationships have been fake, nor have I believed he and Louis were ever in a relationship.
You'd think they'd be too busy focusing on the success of their cult leader to obsess over a stranger on the internet, but here we are--using dead women to attack me (and to that other anon: thank you, but I won't be posting the link to the post of those disgusting pieces of shit laughing about the post).
Having empathy is not a negative thing, and I am proud to say that, in the face of something like this, my basic humanity came to forefront--unlike what is being shown over there.
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ch-cali · 1 year
12/20/2022: Start of my personal diary
So basically this is my personal diary for my life from here on out. It's 12/20/2022 and I just finished moving back in with my parents with my daughter. I separated from my partner, which is a whole other story. This is hopefully going to be a sort of documentation about my progress with myself from here on out. I struggle with bipolar disorder and anxiety. I have been pretty well as of lately especially regarding my situation. I struggle with my self image and weight. I am currently in the 160's and plan to start taking better care of myself. I am not a majority single mom. When I brought up to my partner about how we're going to split out time he literally said "I never wanted this in the first place" and so I asked in regards to her? abortion? while literally holding my over 1 year old in my arms with my partner furious at me. At us. He said yeah and I said very angrily to please go away I don't want to talk to him bc how are you going to bring this up with her right here? And he went on saying "am I not allowed to have feelings? Only you are allowed to say your feelings? Well this is how I really feel. Why can't I say how I really feel?" And on and on about that and I literally had to get away. ASAP. He literally admitted that his mother is more scared of losing her than he is. I am just heartbroken and don't really trust him alone with her any more for other reasons even before this argument. Not physically abusive or anything just very neglectful to the both of us most of the time. I am so happy that less than a week after that I was out and I just finished finally unpacking everything (I think) and I'm settled in but don't quite feel comfortable. I miss how things were and I cry most night causing a skin inflammation and issue under my eyes making me look absolutely horrible. My room has none of my old decorations as I left my old room and my decor to my little sister as soon as I moved. I'm going to have to go to the dollar tree and think of putting something together to make my room feel more cozy.
I miss a lot about my life the last year but I realize I still look at the very few fond memories but push down 90% of the other stuff I went through, My partner was my first love and I really thought nothing would ever be able to make me not love him. But after out altercation- after saying that to me about the most important thing in my world I think of him as the most disgusting piece of scum on the earth pos. He's done a lot to me before but something about becoming and mother and hearing him speak on our daughter like that... I will never ever forgive him.
To work on myself I need to start on my regular health- eating right sleeping schedules and such. I need to find another job- I got fired for not being able to keep up with the work load. I wasn't willing to do so much over time all the time. Oh well- I hated that job and it took me away from my daughter because it was always over 43 ours a week which isn't so much but she's only awake so lone- I get a total of 2-3 hours a day with her fully and only an hour bonding with her over fun things- the rest is the eating cleaning and bed time routine unfortunately. I want to find something with a little less hours if possible- decent hourly wage- I probably won't ever make the amount I did as my last job working from home but hopefully something decent and full benefits so I can get her back on my insurance. Since I lost my job I had to ask her dad to add her until I get mine and I really just don't want to rely on him in any way. My social skills going out having fun. reaching out to people I haven't yet since I started dealing with all of this just out of embarrassment. My friends reached out asking me how I was doing and had no idea what was going on- I gave them a quick "no everything isn't alright but it will be soon" when they asked. I appreciate them for asking
Basically I wanna be better and feel better about myself and here is my start.
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daydadahlias · 2 years
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