#bc as written he is not actually an angry character in a way that's actually a character flaw
tovaicas · 2 months
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sorry I'm whinging about these dungeons again bc I just hate them
#saint.txt#spoilers#major spoilers#ishgardposting#estinienposting#sorry I started thinking again abt how utterly fucked up it is that dragoons are deliberately retraumatized over and over and over again#until they have instinctual reactions to the sound of a dragon roar bc their helmets are specifically designed to make that noise#as the wind passes over them during a jump or fall#and how utterly fucked up that is in the context of esti.nien being who he is and and what he has been forced to live through#and how much the process of the dragonsong war completely and utterly abused him moreso than literally anyone else in any other conflict#and how he's a literal child soldier and how this trauma means nothing to his character in the grand scheme of things bc his HW writing#never manages to live up to its potential bc he's just so flat and fails to fulfill even his role as the ishgardian foil to nid.hogg#bc as written he is not actually an angry character in a way that's actually a character flaw#which made me remember this conversation and how much I hate the aery / sohm al and what they represent dvhbbjhgdf#and like it's particularly disappointing bc even if we have to keep both they *do* have actual potential but they just don't.#both of the dungeons are fucking horrific events in the course of the war. this is never engaged with seriously bc the Horde have no nuance#They are just enemies for you to kill and the morality of immediately slaughtering dragons in their own sacred spaces and homes#esp. after you have literally just learned they are sentient and have lives and are not responsible for the war you're fighting#is never engaged with and is glossed over bc the Horde are mindless animals to kill and esti.nien as a man is always right#it just annoys me so much bc all the pieces are literally right there.
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super-paper · 9 months
I still don’t understand AFO. Why is he like this. This series repeatedly goes out of it’s way to humanize the villains but AFO is still just evil because he wants to be the demon lord and I don’t get it.
That would be the point, I feel-- AFO doesn't want to be understood or seen as "human." He wants to completely lose himself in character, wants other people to mindlessly play along with the story he's written for himself like good little extras, and wants everyone around him to acknowledge what a ~perfectly inhuman demon lord~ he is-- and he's bent the entire narrative of MHA around himself like a shield in order to accomplish that. Like, the idea of people breaking the same black and white narrative that he's been using to protect himself (and trap others) quite literally drives him insane:
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"That murderer--" "You killer--" oooooo you're so mad that human nature is basically good, that people are endlessly capable of growth and healing, and that actual human beings can't simply be shoved into teeny black and white fictional boxes ooooo all the more evidence that he's gonna completely lose his shit when Tomura ultimately refuses to kill Izuku lmao
I wanna point out his speech bubbles in the second image, bc Hori frequently uses speech bubbles to emphasize a character's mental state-- Like.... Bro is literally coming apart at the seams with rage that Stain is trying to be anything more than a starter villain. 😭The english translation also kind of sort of makes it seem like AFO is simply referring to Stain by his moniker (Hero Killer), but the term he uses in the original text feels a little more... loaded, imho?? The kanji used for Stain's "Hero Killer" Moniker is "Goroshi" ("殺ごろし"), but here, AFO instead refers to him as a "Murderer" (殺人犯/satsujin-han). Calling Stain an out-and-out murderer instead of calling him by a villain moniker feels a lot more specific, a lot more pointed, and it also tells us a lot more about AFO’s fucked up sense of values.
Anyway, I've said this before, but AFO is a character who reads heavily as an escapist fantasy gone horrifically wrong. "Why is a world where villains are allowed to climb back up from rock bottom and heal so intolerable to AFO?" "why does the idea of people breaking free from their roles make AFO so angry?" "why is AFO literally trying to BECOME a comic book character?" are better questions to ask than "why is bro just evil for the sake of it," I feel. Like obviously, a world where the label of "villain" gets thoroughly and utterly dismantled is one where AFO loses his power over others.... but it's also a world that rips that protective layer of "fiction" away from him, exposes his own humanity, and destroys that delusion of becoming the "perfect villain king" that he's wrapped himself up in.
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tfw you LARP so hard that it ends up getting your brother killed and now breaking character means you gotta Process All Of That .................................................... Unless...? :)
What I find especially interesting about AFO is that MHA's narrative actually cooperates with shielding him from the readers, to a degree-- scenes that depict rare moments of genuine emotion are overlaid with contrary, cartoonishly evil narration that's meant to distract the reader from what's actually being depicted. The bulk of the series depicts his face being hidden in shadows even though it *literally* has no reason to be, and we don't get an unobscured look until the other characters finally start rallying together to reject his story. He is literally introduced to the series through a TV screen, which MHA has been using as a shorthand for its depiction of fantasy since day one:
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In my opinion, I feel the final act of "rejection" that AFO fears isn't from his brother, or his followers, or "his other self"-- what he fears is the story itself rejecting him and finally exposing him for what he is: an utterly mundane human. Like, a total freak of a guy to be sure, but still totally human. The narrative revoking its various "protections" and working against AFO to humanize him acts as the final insult to everything he claims to believe in while doubling as the last bit of confirmation that he was never gonna become a "perfect demon lord." MHA being what it is, this is something inevitable.
Where other characters in this series draw strength from their origin-- the moment that defines them as a human and individual-- AFO likely fears and rejects his own origin for this same reason.
Anyway. I would describe AFO as a wannabe-author who refuses to make public appearances or divulge details about his personal life, but ultimately reveals a little too much about himself through the "stories" and "characters" he tries to write-- so ppl still know he's a freak with issues by virtue of how fatherless his content is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Putting together all the pieces of himself that AFO accidentally lets slip is part of what makes MHA so fun (to me, at least!).
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Can I request Glitchy red being followed around by a Child NPC with Ice types who he defeated..and at that moment they gained sentience/snapped outta the NPC behavior and now..travels and follows him around bc they’re like “WOAHHH YOUR SO COOL!! :00 :3” and like chats up a storm and and see him as they’re idol and as a big brother figure and wants to be friends with him headcanons? He isn’t lonely anymore! :3
Awe yeah wholesome times <3
"I guess that's one way to break the ice!"
Although it may have been humorous to the player, Glitchy Red wasn't laughing at your post-battle line at all.
Nor did he feel any sort of victory in defeating you, one of the only NPCs with a functional Pokémon battle.
You did have some high-leveled ice types for such a young trainer class, but that just reminded him of how broken this game is...and how you really weren't any different from the others.
You were merely puppeteered by scripted dialogue, standing in the same place forever as you handed him his prize: a thousand pokedollars.
Yet he didn't wanna take them. He had millions in his inventory already, but it was all useless to him.
So he tries returning them to you, insisting that you deserved it more.
But you don't even react, instead repeating that same phrase over and over again.
"Take the damn money, kid. You need it more than me."
"I guess that's one way to break the ice!"
"I swear if you say that one more time..."
"I guess that's one way to-!"
"Shut up." In a small fit of frustration, Glitchy Red takes your hand and puts the money into your palm himself, fingers curling around it as he stares intensely at you with glowing eyes.
Yet his anger quickly subsides..and he wonders why tf he thought anything would be different with you.
He's just so lonely here and wishes somebody would wake up.
But after seeing you glitch, he steps back and thinks you're gonna disappear into oblivion thanks to him.
He turns away, not wanting to see it.
However he barely takes a few steps forward before he feels something grab the back of your shirt.
And it's...your hand????
"Red, it's you!! The champion!! Oh my gosh...what happened to this place? Why is everything so weird?"
He's stunned into complete silence, taking a moment to process the fact that someone must've heard him.....because you broke free of your programming!
He doesn't know how you did it or how he could've done it, but he's shocked as he watches you heal your Pokémon, bringing out the Cloyster, Dewgong, and Lapras he just defeated.
"Everyone! This is Red, and he's the coolest!! Can you believe we had a chance to fight him???" You whisper excitedly to your team, completely aware of the tall menacing glitchy man standing next to you.
Ever since then, you've been following him around the map, but mostly in Glitch City where you saw the same anomalies as him.
Yet you weren't have a total freakout or a crisis over it like he did....as you're too busy chatting about everything you admired about him.
And even though you have sentience now, you still retained your habit of using ice-related puns
He's certain you're mistaking his achievements for the actual Red's...or the version of himself in Gold that got casted as a "final boss" NPC.
However, you didn't seem aware of that. So who was he to crush your dreams?
Especially the dreams of the only other character in this cursed world that liked him and could talk to him?
Besides, being deemed a failure by his creators and basically left to rot took a toll on him....he never thought himself worthy of praise or positive attention.
Not even the words from NPCs helped, because he knew they were all scripted lines written into the game. They were empty.
But he believes yours 100% because you're alive and truly do mean them.
You wonder why he looked so angry all the time...and when he finally tells you the reason, he's afraid you're gonna run off scared.
Yet you hug him and promise to never leave his side.
That also makes him absolutely TERRIFIED of you possibly despawning/getting corrupted from touching him...
But nothing bad happens at all.
He may have shed a few tears after hugging you back, only to hide his face with his hat after letting you go....completely denying the fact he was crying.
Although he doesn't show it, he's genuinely happy not to be alone anymore and finds living here a little more bearable.
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
i know you've been talking about jason lately so i'll ask about smth different... robin jason (sorry)
idk idk lately i've been wanting to take a peek at his robin comics for the sake of writing fic (ofc...) but i'd like to hear what u think before that, a summary of sorts if u may (i also wanna contrast what u say with what i get out of it so yeah)
i feel like his robin days are so muddled by his identity as red hood later on, and even before that it was his death. u had people constantly blaming jason for dying in text (or else they'd have to admit bruce can make mistakes and everyone in dc is allergic to doing that) and painting him like someone reckless and violent (classist editorial u need to DIE), and then people in fanon painting him like a sweet fella who would do nothing wrong and as well as being bruce's Only Actual Son etc etc for the sake of making the situation around him all the more sadder (yeah yeah pathetic meow meow we've all seen it)
and i'm just curious bc i rlly wonder what the actual comics say about him, most likely something in the middle of this? exams are killing me but my god i'll come back to life after im done just to read jason robin's days... have a good day !!!
the difficulty with reading about jason as robin is that there are three primary periods that all differ fairly dramatically from each other — pre-crisis jason todd is a strawberry blond acrobat who’s almost adopted by dick grayson before becoming robin; post-crisis jason todd is a kid from crime alley who steals the wheels off the batmobile before becoming robin; and post-crisis, post-utrh jason todd is a very angry, very violent kid who becomes a cautionary tale after he gets himself killed (something he is often blamed for).
we can walk the line here. pre-crisis jason isn’t particularly relevant because so much of robin!jason’s stories depend on his reinvention after the reboot. all the crucial factors leading up to death in the family — growing up in the alley, both his mothers, his relationship with the robin mantle, his developing relationship with dick grayson, his slow schism from bruce, his relative isolation from other superheroes — are all crucial to who he is, especially after his death.
fanon about jason is annoying because there are valid criticisms that can be made about how he’s written with regressive, classist stereotypes, but as always it pivots way too far in one direction. jason wasn’t the “happy” or “angry” robin in the same way that dick wasn’t the happy or angry robin — they’re both characters that possess more than a single emotion. it’s true that jason was later written to be more explicitly violent (to contrast him with dick) but also like… they’re both pretty similar characters that differ in interesting ways. dick created robin to be a symbol of hope and joy. jason carried that on when he took up the mantle. they can both be angry at stuff without the world falling apart. it’s not that serious.
the dialogue about dick being a child soldier but jason being the true son makes me want to tear my hair out. jason became robin because bruce missed dick and was afraid of being alone. they’re both his gd kids. acting as though bruce wayne doesn’t love dick grayson so much that extra-dimensional beings can clock it is so fucking stupid. it once again ties into fanon’s obsession with each character only getting to be “one” thing. tim is smart, which means he’s the smartest. jason said robin made him magic, which means he’s happy all the time. dick chased after zucco in a grief spiral, which means he’s the violently angry one, with no other character traits. dick can’t have been nice to jason because he’s nice to tim, etc. seems a little silly, no?
i think i’ve only read jason’s brief run as robin once, though ive gone through a death in the family + a lonely place of dying a bunch of times, so ig my advice for reading him is to keep in mind the context in which he was created. dc comics was reeling from losing dick grayson as robin, and were really throwing anything at the wall to get something to stick. many, many negative tropes are baked into his introduction, and thanks to writers like jeph loeb and scott lobdell they have compounded over time. jason’s updated backstory is, with actual critical intent by the writer, a really good examination of how poverty and class will affect how someone views the world. his death was not his fault — and removing sheila haywood from that warehouse purposely makes his story less tragic. he was a good kid! and he was angry for a good reason. if jason had lived, i believe he would’ve carried on the robin tradition and left bruce behind once their differences became insurmountable.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 2 months
saw ur vents abt dungeon meishi and while I haven’t read the series yet or watched the anime I have seen bits and pieces and already saw the blowup scene where Toshiro attacks Laois and like. even I with zero context didn’t totally hate him. It sucks majorly that it had to happen but like. Toshiro is going through his own shit and plenty of other characters ALSO don’t like Laois! I think people just see that scene and project the amount of times that’s happened to them with someone in real life, which like. I get it. I’m autistic and reading that scene hit like a gut punch bc it was something I had experienced directly in real life: trying to be friends with someone, thinking you are friends, only for them to reveal one day that they couldn’t stand you and hated your guts from day one. You wonder why the fuck they pretended and let you hurt even worse than outright initial rejection. You wonder why they’d put themselves through enduring you. It makes you feel like you can’t trust anyone, makes you feel like utter shit. I 100% get why it bothers people. But you can’t project real life people you experienced onto this character that does not align at all except for this one moment. Also knowing about the author, she probably put that in on purpose as commentary for how autistics in Japan generally have to go through shit like this bc of the way their social culture is. She’s made plenty of autistic commentaries before, I doubt she stuck that scene in there for no good reason. The fact that Toshiro kept quiet and didn’t say anything until he couldn’t take it anymore is VERY indicative to me of the ways Japan’s typical social system is a struggle on all sides. Not to say these are problems unique to Japan, but the nuance needs to be understood. Toshiro isn’t being a dick just for the sake of it. I want to read it sometime so I can better understand the guy, but I don’t want to hate him based on one scene where he was an asshole. Laois is an asshole plenty of times himself, being very overtly written as autistic doesn’t absolve him from the responsibilities of being an adult.
TLDR: People tend to infantilize Laois and demonize Toshiro, which comes down to the prejudices preconceived for both of them: people see Laois, as an autistic man, as an innocent sweet guy who needs to be protected. They see Toshiro, as an Asian man, as someone who should be “polite and honorable” or whatever and are appalled when he acts like a fallible human being and not some appropriation of a fictional romanticized samurai. I understand feeling betrayed and angry seeing a character be a genuine asshole about something (social expectation does not completely absolve Toshiro of his own antagonizations however much of a reason he had) but when it’s so damn one sided, and especially in a series where almost NO one is without complete asshole qualities that round them out, I find it kind of gross that people hate on him for that. Anyway. Just wanted to send a message of support and understanding. Hopefully after I read more I can offer more analysis to corroborate with you on.
100% CORRECT thank you anon
i also understand the people who are sympathizing with laios bc that scene is very easy to relate to for many autistic or otherwise neurodivergent people (i also got a cold sweat when i was watching it bc. like. having someone you thought was a friend straight up tell you there are parts of your behavior that they can't stand is one of the worst things to experience of all time, ESPECIALLY if you were only showing that behavior around them bc you thought they were your friend and you trusted them) but it's so frustrating seeing so many people have such shallow opinions about toshiro bc of it. im on hands and knees begging people to consider the characters in three dimensions and/or develop better reading comprehension because like!! toshiro's official meeting with laios's new group literally leads with 'oh his name is actually toshiro and we never knew bc our leader had a misunderstanding and microaggressed him and he was too polite to correct him' laios is not an innocent party here!! he is not an innocent uwu autistic baby he's a grown adult man with responsibilities, in that whole time he was partied with toshiro he never learned his real name!! plus using toshiro's crush on falin as a reason to hate him, falin's adolescence was spent in a school and a social setting where she was expected to mask + her being a girl also means she is expected to mask by default -> she is better at masking than laios so why are people saying that toshiro hates laios for the same traits in falin bc clearly not?? also saw one person saying 'he only likes falin because she's hot' NO HE DOES NOT HE WOULD NOT RISK HIS LIFE HEALTH AND RETAINERS IN A DUNGEON ON A FOREIGN CONTINENT FOR THE SAKE OF A WOMAN HE ONLY THOUGHT WAS SEXY!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DUNMESHI FANS THINK WITH YOUR BRAAIN
the whole fight he had with laios where laios points out that their party is more serious about finding falin and resolving everything also drives me nuts because i've seen at least one take saying that toshiro doesn't care about falin as much as team laios because of this. which yes the fact that team laios understands the importance of health in pursuit of a goal is very very important but for many cases in east asian culture (and actually any culture with emphasis on capitalism and economic growth) productivity will get valued above all else which leads to neglect of personal health, i.e: what toshiro was doing. so this is just a clown take to begin with
also interesting to me that almost every character in dunmeshi thus far has demonstrated some kind of racial bias/misconceptions (i.e: chilchuck about elves, senshi about half-foots, etcetera etcetera) and laios and falin are no exception. race and racial differences and conflict and coexistence is also one of the underlying themes in dungeon meshi, with the elves of the west being considered a major issue to many dungeon-goers and the mayor hating dwarves and having to contend with those elves, and then marcille's motive for studying black magic and even thistle's motive for being the dungeon keeper. so it's real fucking ironic that the fans are really quick and happy to demote toshiro to 'asshole side character who is bullying our autistic rep' instead of, you know, using nuance and thinking about it
tldr; dungeon meshi has great commentary on what it's like as an autistic person in society. but dungeon meshi fans are too quick to write off toshiro as an asshole japanese guy who is ableist and getting in the way of their white woman yuri, therefore helping to promote this website's enduring legacy as the piss-poor reading comprehension website
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
some c!dream fics don't take into account his flaws and make him like a little bit out of characther bc while he was traumatized by the prison and it affected his way of thought in much aspects he was still able to bit your hand if you looked him bad and got more focused on his revenge and after his plan. He's a more morally grey characther and sometimes people who try too hard not fell into the c!inniter caricature ended up making him unable to literally even hold a sword when that isn't true either
"revenge" lol
to be fair, c!dream was deeply affected by the prison and absolutely got nerfed like hell fighting wise. the difference between his fight with clingy before and after the prison is insane--not to mention how scrapped lore had him so damn triggered by the sight of the cell replica that c!quackity and c!sam could get him down pretty much without a fight. las nevadas five has him running away from the fight at the first main sign of danger (and then successfully being followed by c!tommy without noticing) and the scene with c!sapnap and c!george with aimsey had him barely fighting back at all, cowering behind his shield against a wall, and running away and using arrows of harming to get himself distance. like, sure, he can definitely still fight, but he was absolutely played as losing a lot of his fighting ability (c!dream's fighting style is nothing like cc!dream's--it was absolutely a deliberate character choice to have him act like this)
all that being said, i get what u mean--ooc c!dream is everywhere in every flavor. i definitely like c!dream written with a little bit of bite, especially when he's on the back foot, as you said. c!dream's declarations of revenge (as is especially evident in LN5 and daedalus, boy what the fuck is torturing a country supposed to mean IT'S A COUNTRY) are also very evidently ... often defensive in nature? c!dream bites and shows his teeth as a back off back off dont fucking touch me don't try to fuck with me gesture because he's scared moreso than angry, tbh, and i think playing with aggression due to fear is something fun to do with c!dream in fic in general bc of the ways that aggression can be perceived and then responded to
a lot of what i like about post-prison c!dream is that ... despite an alleged focus on revenge (which took him months. and fucked him over, with scrapped lore, and was badly executed both times with quackity and put him in a lot of danger and involved a hell of a lot more trying to get through to sam than actual revenge in daedalus) and The Plan (which involved ... killing people? and then he repeatedly. does not kill people?) is that he does feel quite directionless. he's still in the prison, still caught in that limbo. he's doing research (i guess) and he's letting the prison (his home base) rot around him. he's staying there and barely leaving for weeks at a time. all while he's focused on the plan, guys, #trust, he's fine, he's still moving forward moving on ... just. Just.
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dejwrites · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ⠀ ⠀⠀ close to you ⠀ 〳 ⠀ n.brown ‵ ❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ( synopsis ) nicolas brown becomes close with a teacher in ergastulum's 8th district.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — handyman!nicolas x teacher!reader, female reader, female anatomy described, canonverse, reader knows sign language, soft!nicolas, written with black reader in mind, oral (m.receiving), riding/cowgirl position, protective!nicolas, he feels you up wink wink, i know the gansta fandom about 25 people pls don't let this flop besties, dej is practicing writing soft smut, i put sign language in quotation marks bc i have read in this guide that it's best to do that when writing deaf characters, my entry for @maydayaisha 'anti collab event', wc: 5.2k, minors dni !
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — click here to join gangsta taglist ♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — click here for gangsta masterlist
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BEING A TEACHER IN A CITY THAT LURKED WITH TWILIGHTS AND CRIME WASN’T THE EASIEST. To you, it felt like it was the people with the most money that controlled Ergastulum. It sucked that much funding didn’t go towards the school, but you worked with what you had with the money you made. Buying little treats for your students from Gramps snacks to pencils and notebooks for students that didn’t have any. As you sat at the desk, you could hear the sound of your student Isabelle coloring in the coloring book you provided for her as you waited for her parents to pick them up. You could tell the little girl was growing impatient with each strike of the clock due to how harshly she gripped the yellow crayon in her hand. While your classroom lights flickered, you kissed your teeth when you realized that the handymen you requested to change the bub didn’t come today. 
Isabelle glances up at you and your face softens. The little girl was seven and you knew that she was slowly getting a grasp on the things around her. Especially given that she was one of the only deaf students in your class. Her parents had a thing where they swarmed themselves with so much work that they forget to pick up their own child. You were frustrated and angry at the fact that they would rather keep themselves busy with their work than bother to pick up their child or show up to her little school events. You hated thinking that maybe they thought her loss of hearing was a burden. That made your stomach form the most hideous knots at the thought of it and the doe-eyed look she was giving you at the moment was ten seconds away from having your lip quiver. 
You were used to it by now. She didn’t live that far away from the school, her house wasn’t even that far from your house. However, you didn’t trust the wicked streets of Ergastulum to let the little girl walk home alone. So, you found yourself walking her home no matter what. 
“My parents forgot didn’t that?” Isabelle signed to you.
You could see that her bold brown eyes were beginning to water, “I’m sorry. They probably got caught up with work again,” You signed back. “Just let me finish up this lesson plan and we can head out, okay?” You soon signed back and you watched as the little girl lifted her hands to attempt to sign something back, but her movements were put to a halt when you heard a knock on your opened classroom door. 
That’s when you saw him. Nicolas Brown. He wasn’t a stranger around the school—he and his friend Worick always found themselves fixing little things around the building like that one door that never actually closes or the one toilet that doesn’t flush. However, you never actually talked to either one of them. You’ve heard faint whispers about how attractive they were from other teachers, but you minded your business and ignored the mere gossip in the teacher’s lounge. You took notice that it was only him which you understood considering that you just needed a light bulb changed in the room. That task surely wouldn’t need two men to do. You didn’t say much just like him, but it was Isabelle who took note of the way he moved. It was as if she could pick up on his body language. 
The little girl watched as he stood on one of the chairs to change the light bulb. Soon pushing herself from her seat and she waltzes over to him in a state of curiosity. Her head tilted to the side watching as he was changing the light bulb that your students kept complaining about. When he was done, Isabelle took the opportunity to tug at the man’s black-colored slacks he was wearing. When you glanced up after finishing the last lesson plan, you nearly leaped out of your seat seeing how close Isabelle was to him. You weren’t particularly afraid of him being around children, after all, he’s been in the school many times, it was the fact that she was in his personal space. You quickly stood up grabbing a hold of Isabelle’s hand and dragging her back to her. “You can’t be so close to people you don’t know.” You signed to her. “Please apologize.” You add.
Isabelle blinked at you a couple of times before she turned to a confused Nicolas to sign her apologies to him. Your lips parted to explain to him that she was signing that she was sorry, but to both you and Isabelle’s shock, you watched as Nicolas signed perfectly back. With Isabelle, the news that her parents forgot to pick her up causes a grey cloud to lurk over her small body, but watching Nicolas sign back to her—her face lit up so bright that you felt strings tugging on your heart. It was the same look she gave you when you successfully signed something for her. A rich feeling of being comfortable around some people. 
“Okay, Isabelle. Now that Mr. Nicolas fixed our lights for us, we should get out of here. I’ll walk you home.” You signed while also speaking out loud so she could read your lips. 
She gave you a nod before going to collect her belongings, while you did the same. You didn’t even notice that Nicolas was still standing in the middle of your classroom. Still astonished at the little kid signing back at him so perfectly and then struck by the sudden beauty of seeing you and the way you were gentle with the young girl. It was an experience he had never been able to experience growing up, especially with being a Twilight. 
“Thank you, Mr. Nicolas. But we should really get out of here, I would hate to have to walk home in the dark,” You signed.
You watched as the once stern look that was pasted on Nicolas’s face disappeared. His posture relaxed in front of you before he’s signing, “I will walk you two to your destinations.” 
Your chapstick-covered lips parted to argue, hands already going up to protest against his kind gestures. However, the tug at your charcoal grey pencil skirt by Isabelle caused you to abruptly stop. She was perfectly fine with this gentleman walking the two of you to your destination and the way she proudly led you and Nicolas out of the building showed that. The sky illuminated a faded orange color as the sun was just setting, reaching its season where it became darker earlier than usual. As you clutched at your bag, your eyes never left the child that was skipping with joy in front of you and Nicolas. The both of you basking in the silence as your feet followed Isabelle towards her home. She’s done this walk so many times that you were sure she could remember her way home blindfolded. You just didn’t trust to let her walk herself home considering her hearing being gone. 
You and Nicolas’s arms lightly brushed against each other as you were walking alongside the sidewalk. You could see small shop owners prepping to close their stores for the evening. Once you could smelt the sweet scent of cherry pie that always came from Isabelle’s neighbor's house, you knew that the three of you were near. You watched as Isabelle leaned forward to let her small fist knock on the door. You took a couple of steps placing your hand on her shoulders protectively. You had to have this talk with her parents and when the door was opened, the strong smell of alcohol overpowered the cherry pie scent when you saw her father. 
Your face scrunched up in disgust while it seemed the grasp on Isabelle’s shoulder tighten. You didn’t want her to go in there when her father was in this state. You watched as he stepped aside to let his daughter inside the house which caused you to finally let her go. You knelt down to her sight giving her a smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m going to come so we can walk to class together.” You signed to her. 
Isabelle gave you a smile and nodded with quickness. Her eyes soon averting to Nicolas—whom you assumed walked away already now that you’ve reached Isabelle’s house. She signed a quick thank you before rushing into her home disappearing further and further inside the home. You stood up smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in your pencil skirt, “Mr. Newman, I know you and your wife are extremely busy with work, but it’s important to have someone pick Isab—”
You jumped at the harsh door slam in your face, subtly flinching at the aggressive action done by Isabelle’s father. Your breathing hitched in your throat and your fist clenched tightly before your hand went back to knock once again. This time your knock was as harsh as the slamming of the door. When you heard the door unlocking, you could feel Nicolas's presence next to you. When Mr. Newman appeared at the door, in a span of two seconds Nicolas collected him by the collar of his shirt. The grasp he had on the drunken man was so tight that if you looked closely, you could see Nicolas’s knuckles turn white. He tugs him closer so that his mouth was near the guy’s ear. You stood there and witnessed Mr. Novak’s face turn to the most horrified expression. You even could see that his eyes begin to water at whatever Nicolas’s voice croaked in his ears. Then Nicolas released the hold he had on him, letting the man scatter to the ground and cough up apologies towards you. 
“It’s okay, just please make sure to pick up Isabelle on time tomorrow and sober. I don’t want to get the cops involved,” You firmly stated before you’re twirling around and walking away from the house. 
Your heart was pouncing against your chest as you realized what just happened. He defended your honor as if he was your knight in shining armor and you didn’t know what to say or react. As the two of you were walking, him promptly following you to your next destination, you stepped in front of him. The puzzled look he gave you caused your heartbeat to slow down. You now were taking in his features. Now understand why the teachers whispered about him in such a nefarious manner. He was attractive, extremely attractive. 
“Thank you, I’ve always had trouble with her father.” You signed. “I can walk home by myself now.” 
Even when you walked away, he still followed you like a guardian angel and you didn’t bother to protest against it. Once you stopped in front of your home, you would glance around your surroundings. You didn’t need any nosey neighbors peeking through their curtains to see the local elementary teacher letting a man into her home. You couldn’t afford to be the gossip in your small neighborhood, especially when the elderly have been urging you to settle down before your pretty looks fade away. With your keys in your hand, you would fall back on your dorr before signing to Nicolas, “To show my gratitude for you, please join me for dinner. It’s okay if you’re busy though. We can always do it another time.” 
You studied his facial features, once again taking in how gorgeous he was. So caught up in your own thoughts before realizing that he had accepted your offer. His fingers snap in front of your face to break the trace that causes your cheek to heat up like a burning flame. You uttered an apology as if he could hear it before turning around to unlock the door. When you pushed the door open, you would step inside first. You turned the lamp that was in the living room on after quickly kicking off your shoes to slide into the house slippers you kept near the door. 
Your house was like a sacred tomb to you. It was filled with so many memories, both good and bad and you had a thing where you just couldn’t let them go. The house was given to you when your grandparents passed away, some of the furniture once belonged to them. “I can take your jacket for you,” You signed before watching him tug off the jacket to give to you. 
As he was taking off the jacket, his black colored shirt lifted slightly revealing bandages that were wrapped around his torso. You didn’t pester him about it because after all, he was just a guardian angel that looked out for you and your student. You were sure you wouldn’t see him after your kind gesture in return. After hanging up his jacket, you would motion around the living room filled with the comfortable sofa. “I’m going to start dinner in the kitchen, make sure yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink? I have water, beer, wine, anything.” 
“Beer would be fine.” Nicolas signed to you. 
You gave him a smile and twirled away to the kitchen to give him a beer. You walked into the kitchen turned the light on and went to grab the beer to give to Nicolas. Once you returned, Nicolas was comfortably sitting down on your sofa. You just were happy that he felt comfortable even though you two were technically strangers. 
Y/N, your grandmother would faint if she saw you had a complete stranger in this house. 
You placed the beer on the coffee table in front of Nicolas and eventually returned to the kitchen to prepare dinner. When you cooked, you always cooked as if you were cooking for a big family. Even though it was only you that walked around this home, you still had this tendency to cook as you were cooking for a big family. Usually packing the layovers for students who didn’t have lunch or a homeless person you walked by on your way to school. You wore your kind heart on your sleeve proudly and you were confident about that. So in tune with cooking as you hummed the lyrics to a song that was stuck in your head, you nearly jumped out of your slippers when you saw Nicolas leaning against the counter in the kitchen with a book in his hand. 
After putting something in the oven, you wiped your hands onto the towel as he held the book up, “Oh, I used that book to help me learn sign language for Isabelle.” You signed with a smile as stepped forward. 
Nicolas was flipping through the book. It was the same one from when he was younger. He still clung to that copy also but seeing a copy that looked brand new caused his heart to feel heavy. His fingers flipped through a couple of pages to see if anything new was added to the book compared to when he was younger, but it was still the same. He went to return the book back to its rightful spot, especially since while you were in the kitchen he was snooping around your bookshelf that was in the corner of your living room. 
You could hear Nicolas’s footsteps while you were moving around your kitchen grabbing plates and forks to set the table. You stopped in your tracks to look at him as he was about to sign something to you, but he stopped. Perhaps, you were overthinking it. You wanted to think that he wanted to ask more questions about you learning sign language. However, your brain was telling you a man like him could care less about such a moment like that. 
An hour and thirty minutes passed until you two finally sat at the table to eat. You sipped at your wine letting your eyes watch Nicolas before going back to eating dinner yourself. Your eyes glanced down to toy with the vegetables on your plate before hearing a tap on the table. 
“You learned to sign for just one student?” Nicolas signed. 
You could tell that this question was the one that he wanted to ask early. His eyebrows were knitted together in curiosity before he’s leaning his body forward while sitting across from you at the circular dining room table. If he moved any closer–his knees would be brushing against yours under the table. 
“Yeah, it was either that or she would have to go to a school that was too far away from her home.” You signed back. “She’s quite clever for her age, so she’s been helpful as I continue to learn.” You add before letting your hands fall to your side. 
“I can teach you also,” Nicolas signed. 
“You’ve done enough Mr. Nicolas.” You signed back. “I don’t want to be much of a burden in your busy schedule.” You sign. 
“I’ll make time.” Nicolas signed back before his lips formed a sly smile at you that caused your heart to thump against your chest in complete love struck. 
“It seems like that copy of the book you had was important to you. You can keep that copy, I have another one at the school.” You signed to him with a smile before you went back to enjoying his company and the dinner you cooked. 
When Nicolas left your house with the book, his appearance in your life became frequent. Isabelle’s parents seem to get the memo to pick her up from school on time and her father even kept apologizing despite his harsh actions being pushed to the back of your mind already. Instead of walking Isabelle home as you would walk home, Nicolas would be the one constantly walking you home. Some days you were forced to ignore the dried-up blood that was on his shirt or staining the silver Twilight tag around his neck just to adore the moments between you two. ‘Cause, you cherished the walks to your house and dinners at your house before he’s rushing off with Worick. On other days you were stuck reminiscing each time his lips brushed against yours as he’s rushing out of your house with his katana. Gosh, you were lovesick. 
Those days turned to weeks and those weeks turned into a month of you seeing each other and one evening you could tell that something was up. It wasn’t a feeling that left worry in your mind, but you could tell something was on Nicolas’s mind. He was like one of your favorite books that you didn’t get tired of reading. You knew when something upset him, you knew when something bothered him. You just knew him. 
While finishing up the aftermath of dinner, you were getting ready for bed alone. You expected tonight to be special, but Nicolas had to run out to fix something real quick. Frantically signing something along the terms of Worick needing something. It frustrated you that he would dash out here like that for Worick, but he explained the relationship between the two of them and you knew that you couldn’t get in between that. Especially considering the circumstances the two have been through since they were little. You treated the rest of the night as if it was a night before you met Nicolas. You did a little planning for your class tomorrow and you read a couple of chapters of your book before eventually letting slumber take over your body. 
Forty-five minutes passed of you being asleep until you could feel the flicker of your light being switched on. You sat up and instantly rub the sleep out of your eyes before noticing Nicolas’s figure in the doorframe of your room door. You forgot you gave him a spare key to your place. He took a couple of steps forward in your room until he was at the end of your bed. You finally rubbed the rest of the sleep out of your eyes as you notice him holding the bouquet of red roses, some of them being messed up as if he was running with them. 
“Nic, it’s so late. I thought you said you had to do something with Worrick.” You signed in between a low yawn but you did push the pastel-colored duvet off your body before crawling towards his frame that stood at the end of your bed. You sat on your knees in front of his huge stature collecting the roses out of his hand. 
You tiredly chuckle before bringing the roses up your nose to spell them. The scent of the flowers lingering up your nose before you’re looking up at him, “You left to get these so late at night.” You signed to him with a smile as you watch him nod. 
“The very last floral shop was about to close, paid extra money for them.” Nicolas signed with a sly smile. “Sorry that they’re messed up, I wanted to get back here quickly as possible.” He soon adds. 
You felt your cheeks heat up while glancing at the flowers on your lap. “Why?” You sign to him and your curious eyes meet with his dark ones. Those dark eyes that once were so hard to read to you were now filled with possible love. 
“It’s been a month since we first met.” Nicolas signed. 
If you were in a cartoon, you would most likely die and viewers would see your transparent figure float towards the sky. You didn’t even think about what today was, but here Nicolas was leaving in the middle of the night to get you flowers for today. You excused yourself quickly to tend to the roses, being sure to place them in the living room right so they can be the first thing you see when you enter your home. When you returned to your room, Nicolas's eyes followed you with every step you took—you took the place back on the bed. Sitting on your knees and now your eyes were filled with just Nicolas. Your mind was thinking about Nicolas. Your body needed Nicolas. Your hand reached for his belt to undo it as your eyes met his in such an innocent manner but soon you felt Nicolas stop you. 
“You shouldn’t feel obligated to do this just because I gave you some flowers.” He signed to you.
Regardless of his words, you could see the tent that was built in his pants. You chewed at your lower lip before signing back, “It’s what I want and what you deserve, now let me take care of you Nic.” 
You watched as Nicolas’s lips parted to argue before his hands fell to his side and let you continue to push down his pants. When you finally disregarded him of the black pants he wore, your mouth watered at the bulge in his grey-colored briefs. This would be the first time you’ve seen Nicolas's cock. Late and lonely nights when you were left eager for his body, you were stuck with your own imagination of what his member would look like. Or what it would feel like inside you or in your mouth. The mere thought of it caused you to feel dizzy and your panties to be soaked. 
Your finger traced alongside the band of his briefs before you tugged them down also. Teeth nibbling against your lower lip at the sight. It was like your imaginative mind was true all along. You visualized that it was thick. It was quite pretty. His perfect-shaped mushroom tip leaked with precum and his tanned colored shaft was decorated with a visible vein that obviously was noticeable due to how hard he was. You noticed that it had to be a while seeing his trimmed down there, but you didn’t care. Your mind raced with thoughts about just being sure to make Nicolas feel better. You inched closer to the edge of the bed while Nicolas was standing in front of you, his cock waiting patiently for you. Eventually, you’re enclosing the tip of his member in your mouth with ease. The salty taste of precum stains your tongue before you let your tongue wrap around it, gaining a moan from Nicolas. You flattened your tongue to attempt to fit more of Nicolas into your mouth. Your saliva already pooling outside your mouth as you felt the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You pulled apart after gagging just a bit, the string of saliva connecting from Nicolas’s tip. You inched a little closer to palm at Nicolas’s shaft and eventually placed him back into your mouth. Your hand palmed at the portions of Nicolas’s cock that wouldn’t fit into your mouth while you let your wet tongue swirl around his tip. 
With each second, you spent with Nicolas’s cock in your mouth, you could hear his low whines. You felt his hand on the back of your head while he guided your movement as your head bobbed up and down mimicking the way a person would dribble a basketball. You could even feel Nicolas’s hips driving forward a little just to feel your mouth around him some more. Perhaps, he was attempting to cherish this one moment as if you were going to be taken away from him the following day. You moaned with the taste of Nicolas on your tongue and your hand reached in between your thighs to rub yourself through your panties. You were so eager for more of Nicolas that you were growing impatient.  Soon, you removed yourself from his member with a pop. You let your tongue glide across your lower lip as you were finally able to give your throat a rest. At this point, you could feel your panties stick to your folds due to the wetness. You craved Nicolas immediately. “How’d you want to do this?” You signed, initiating what position he wants to do it in. 
After all, this whole session was to assure the feelings between each other, but you also wanted to make Nicolas feel like the best man in the world. You watched his cheeks stain a crimson color as he fiddled with his thumbs and soon was signing to you with a quickness.
And that’s how you found yourself comfortably on top of him completely naked and ready to please him. Your pussy glides across the shaft of his dick as he grabs ahold of your face to kiss you. His tongue shoves its way into your mouth causing you to moan into the passionate kiss. Your hips grind against his hardened member eagerly before you’re forcing your way out of the kiss. A string of saliva connected the two of you as you lifted up. Nicolas’s fingertips traced alongside your collarbone to down to one of your breasts. Your nipples hardened at the sudden touch before you’re reaching behind you to grab his cock. You lifted your hips a little and lined him up with your entrance. Your juices coated the tip of his cock and you watched as Nicolas’s face scrunched up in pure pleasure. You inched yourself slowly upon his cock and bit by bit you felt him stretch you out. You could feel comforting grasps upon your body as your eyes flutter open to be met with Nicolas’s. 
You rolled your hips in a manner to confirm that you were okay. The once intense feeling of you getting used to Nicolas’s cock inside of you was overpowered by the feeling of pleasure. Your head fell back with each rock of your hips, your mouth stuttered out profanity words and Nicolas’s name. Your hand prompted on his chest to hold yourself up while riding him and with the help of Nicolas's huge hands he was sure to guide the movement also. 
You’ve had lovers in the past, just like you had sex with others also. But for some reason, tonight was much better than those past lovers and flings. Was it because you knew the feelings were mutual? Or perhaps it just was the heat of the moment after Nicolas' kind gesture. 
“Fuck—“ You stuttered out before using your knees to bounce on Nicolas's member. You slick coating his cock with each movement on him. When you made such a lewd movement, you felt Nicolas' fingers dig into the flesh of your skin before he gave up trying to control what you were doing. 
You watched with tear-filled eyes as he was eagerly watching you take his cock like a big girl. His hands found a place behind his head as if he was relaxing and watching an entertaining movie. With each dip of your hips, Nicolas’s head seems to sink further into the pillow in pleasure. His teeth clamped down on his lower lip before his eyes stared in between the space of the two of your bodies. The pornographic sight of watching his cock disappear bit by bit inside your dripping wet pussy. 
Nicolas's body felt like he was undergoing a fever. His breath hitched in his throat when he felt you bottom down once again and let out a broken moan. Nicolas went years without his hearing and had no problem with it, especially considering who he lived with and has been around his whole life. But tonight he ached to hear the way your moans sound or the way you were whimpering out his name. With not being able to hear, he has learned to read your body language quite well. Just by the way your face looked fucked out at the moment, he could tell you were enjoying this just as much as he was. 
He watched as you continued to ride him, your breasts moving with each glide of your hips or each bounce you’ve done on his cock. Nicolas could read your lips as you were gasping out that you were close to orgasming. His large tugged you forward so that your bodies were close to each other. Your bare breasts were now upon Nicolas's chest as his hips bucked upward. With each rock of his hips upward, you could feel the pit that sat in your lower abdomen get tighter and heavier. Sweat droplets decorated your forehead as you could only moan out begging for more like a desperate housewife. The fact that Nicolas's strong arms were wrapped around your frame completely trapping you from running from his lustful thrusting like a madman only was helping you get pushed further to the edge. You could feel the tight grip on your limbs and soon felt Nicolas thrusting become sloppy. The warm feeling of his cum squirting inside you once he felt your walls pulse around his cock caused you to instantly kiss him on the lips. 
Your mind and body were distracted from the passionate kiss you and Nicolas shared to tug each other off the shared cloud of the two of you cumming. You could feel his fingertips tracing something upon your back. Your mind finally was able to mentally focus on what he was tracing until you finally realized. 
I love you. 
TAGS — @eiflawriting @sleepy3 @islascafe @caribbeanwifey19 @happy-mimin @kristvns @a3trogirl @poohbea @shamelesshoefairy @berranurates @weasleytwins-41 @chaos-night @allukanezuko @chubbyblackthottie
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bethanywritesbooks · 4 months
my immediate thoughts on the first four and a bit episodes of netflix's avatar!
massive spoilers below!
okay I’m sorry but there is NO WAY sozin was actually present and storming the air temple. dude’s the fire lord. he would absolutely have been sitting behind a desk from the safety and comfort of his own palace and receiving the occasional update via letter at MOST. 
gyatso with the kids :”( literally made me cry. 
honestly I was not as outraged as some people with the whole ‘toning down sokka’s sexism’ thing, bc I do understand some of his lines coming across differently/more maliciously in 2024 than intended at the time they were written. but I have to say … this version of katara opening the iceberg was not entirely convincing :/ like in the OG version you could see how she was so angry at sokka that it fuelled her waterbending enough to break the iceberg, but in this one she just … raises her hands? 
I get that this show is trying to be its own thing, but ‘will you go penguin sledding with me?’ is SUCH a perfect introduction to aang’s character, and I’m kind of bummed they nixed the line :/ 
and I get there are time constrains etc, but they didn’t include any of katara and aang actually bonding together, so it doesn’t really make sense now that she’s willing to go off and travel the world with him. 
the music is really good! 
speaking of, why does gran gran know everybody’s business?
they definitely seem to have toned down zuko’s personality? like OG show zuko would not be having a back and forth conversation with iroh about the avatar, he would’ve just shouted at him and stormed off. 
I also really like the interaction between iroh and aang. iroh’s toeing the party line, but you get the sense that he believes differently. 
okay, I have to say this, and this is something I’ve been thinking since the first promo pictures came out. everyone’s clothes look too clean! our real clothes have were and tear, but these outfits don’t look lived in! it’s distracting me!
that said, paul sunghyung lee is completely spot-on as live-action iroh. completely captures the character’s personality and appearance. I want a hug from this version of iroh.
must admit I am glad that appa and momo are 100 times cuter and not at all terrifying like they looked in [REDACTED BY THE DAI LI]. 
okay, heading into episode two. 
seems they have retconned zhao’s origin story, since this seems to be the first time iroh has met him? does this now mean zhao was not present at the zuko/ozai agni kai, like he was in the OG show?
suki’s reaction to meeting a boy she likes being to throw down and fight him, what a little weirdo (affectionate). 
oh, zuko. having the confidence to try and fight AVATAR KYOSHI is certainly … A Decision. one that a teenage boy would make! 
avatar kyoshi if you are free to hang out on thursday night, I would like to hang out on thursday night when I am free, if you are free. 
hmm I’m kind of intrigued as to where they’re going with the live action version of zhao. because right now it seems like he’s a nameless commander — like we’re supposed to infer his letter is his first direct communication with ozai? he’s not been around the royal family before? by taking away this backstory, the show is missing out on the total hilarity of a middle-aged man having longstanding, personal beef with a sixteen-year-old.
listen, if daniel dae kim wanted to be in my tv show I would absolutely be like ‘yes, of course, how many close-ups do you want?’ but I do think the OG show not revealing ozai’s face until season 3 was a really smart decision. it built up so much suspense and mystery around this character (who is supposed to be larger than life!) and it had SUCH good payoff IMHO. I do kind of wish they had committed to this too but, like. if daniel dae kim was in my show I’d want his face in it, so I get it. 
time for episode three! 
azula!! introducing her doing undercover work makes sense for her character, given how she later infiltrates ba sing se. though I’m not sure it’s entirely believable that the people … wouldn’t recognise her? in the fire nation capital? she’s a (very!) public figure!
again, season 1 zuko would not have had the patience and self-control to compromise with zhao like this. 
mai and ty lee! I like that the show is already hinting at mai betraying azula for zuko — her first instinct is to defend zuko (even though she walks it back when she sees azula is upset), hinting at where her true loyalties eventually lie. 
being a teenage girl and getting led astray by a bad boy with a shaggy haircut is, unfortunately, a canon event for us all. 
katara brushing by zuko and him touching her scarf!!! not the 2024 zutara crumbs! 
‘zuko, don’t fire bend, it’ll draw too much attention!’ zuko: proceeds to have a huge smackdown fight w aang, destroying multiple vendors’ goods in the process. 
that lady smacking zuko for attacking aang was genuinely the funniest part of the episode. 
‘MY CABBAGES!’ iconic, outstanding, give him an oscar immediately!
episode four! 
more aang and iroh interactions! maybe they'll do a jailbreak together? 
loved seeing the iroh and ozai interaction, I hope we get to see more of their dynamic together. (I think a lot of ozai’s actions make sense when you remember he’s a youngest child.) 
loved the detail of zuko giving iroh lu ten’s broach (badge? pin? it’s late, my brain’s getting fuzzy), showing that his softer side was always there.
bumi’s voice and mannerisms and completely spot-on, but I’m not sure I entirely agree with his new characterisation. he seems so … jaded and bitter? yes, they’ve captured his silliness and eccentricity, but he’s also supposed to be wise, and I’m not sure if the latter is really coming across.
okay episode five! (it’s 11:30PM at this point, and I can feel myself becoming less and less coherent, so don’t expect as much detail at this point.) 
ooof. the CGI while the gaang is on appa seems … worse than in earlier episodes? did they run out of money at this point? 
this version of ozai seems more … pragmatic? he’s strategically playing his kids against each other, but IMHO animated ozai would never praise zuko (even if it was to put azula in her place) bc he didn’t like him enough to do that. ever. 
okay I am too tired to keep watching, I'll watch more tomorrow.
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vesemirsexual · 9 months
What is even more disappointing about how game!Ciri is written is that CDPR Can give us compelling and complex “ trauma and grief can cause you to repeat the cycle of violence” arcs for characters like Syanna and Lambert but apparently completely forgot what a huge part of Ciri’s character that is
the first time I played I thought she got amnesia as well because of how much of her fiery temper was toned down, and how her trauma is hardly mentioned ( and it's not like the characters in this game trauma are completely ignored it is talked about in some quests) I wanna see what she really would have done had she seen Emhyr again
I feel like game Ciri had two distinct groups they were aiming for: people who found Geralt even more appealing because of the fatherhood angle so they had to work his actual kid in AND hot girl fan service.
The thing is, if they gave her too much personality or depth, she wouldn’t have fit into these groups well and therefore people would’ve found her annoying and/or off-putting. People already do sometimes but not to the degree that they would’ve if they even BEGAN to touch on the absolute shitstorm that is Ciris psyche after everything.
Also realistically, they made the Witcher games centre about Geralt bc he appeals to their large majority male fan base: combatant, dark mysterious tragic past, ripped, attractive, fucks hot women, is a good guy while still also getting to do badass things and beat people up. If you look in depth at Witcher fans on different platforms when they talk about him, a lot of dudes are very much “oh my god he’s literally me”. Ciri could never be the focus because she wouldn’t appeal to that same group, and we know that every time a game is released people throw the weirdest bitch fits about female characters, especially main ones.
This is also why Ciri is made an attractive character, when realistically that tiny little facial scar they’ve given her is nothing, she’s spent her developmental years on the run/being attacked/under extreme stress so I honestly can’t imagine her being a tall skinny but also hourglass woman with one or two scars, and put her in a cropped shirt (such a bad choice it’s mildly hysterical).
I think Lambert and Syanna are also a really good example of how people handle angry traumatised characters too, because Lambert gets a lot more leeway than Syanna (and I say this as a big fan of both!) Like there are literally people out there and on this webbed site who say she is pure evil, one of the evilest people in the Witcher for being a fucked up mean trauma victim who hurt a Poor Little Meow Meow (Higher vampire with decades of life experience more than her, incredibly possessive, responded to emotional manipulation by violently attacking an entire city). Like Lambert literally brags about axii’ing a guy to shoot himself in the head with his own crossbow.
Ciri got done very dirty, but I see how and why it happened. Book Ciri deserves rights but unfortunately I think Games Ciri will always be how people perceive her, and therefore portray her in fic, art and other work predominantly (praying same doesn’t happen with TWN Ciri). We’ve been robbed of such a complex, angry young woman and I mourn it 🙏
Edit: I can’t even touch on the Emhyr thing because the fact she can reconcile with him is honestly mildly fucking horrific. Like even if they’ve removed the nasty ass incest factor, that man quite literally destroyed her entire world and was willing to do so further in order to get his way. The fact she can call him father in one ending is genuinely vomit inducing and so disrespectful to Ciri as a character (also the audacity to play down that Ciri literally sees Yen as her mama WHILE playing devils advocate for War McCrime is a whole choice).
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blackbird-brewster · 1 month
CM Unpopular Opinions
Just a couple of weeks out from the new season, the new trailer just dropped, and people are getting hyped. For last season, I made a CME predictions post (which mostly came to pass, bc this show is so predictable) -- but this season, I'm going to post some unpopular opinions going into S17. Don't like, don't read.
WILL. Since we know Will won't be in this season, there have been speculations that JJ/Will will be getting a divorce, or that Will is going to die. I do NOT want Will to die. I hate that guy, I've never liked his character, but you know who I do love? JJ. She has already been through SO much, I do NOT want Hotch 2.0 in S17. I don't want Will to die, because that would be like ripping half of JJ's soul out of her chest and she deserves better. What I actually think will happen -- is just that Will is going back to being an off-screen partner like he was for most of the series.
JEMILY. I've already written my thoughts on Paget's Jemily hints on social media and why I think that's simply queerbaiting. There's no way Jemily is going to be canon, and I am HAPPY about that. I don't want Jemily to be canon!! Look at how this show treats canon relationships!! How many female romantic interests have been tortured and killed???? Why would I ever want Jemily in that crossfire? Also, as a fanfic author who has been writing Jemily for the past decade -- I don't want them to become canon, because that will squander so much creative potential. Fic authors fill in the gaps and subtext of canon, that's our job, when a relationship becomes canon it really loses it's appeal. That being said, I would love to actually see Emily and JJ interacting again. S16 really ignored their decade-long friendship altogether. Shit, I would love to just see them in the same fricking scene again.
REBECCA. All I want is for Rebecca to survive this season. As mentioned above, the way this show treats romantic interests of main characters is HORRIBLE. I'm forever furious with how the show handled Tara/Rebecca's relationship last season. I know fans hated Rebecca for getting pissed at Tara, but I still don't agree. What I do hate is how as soon as Tara's queerness served it's plot point (getting the inmate to admit he's gay too) -- the show nuked Tara's relationship altogether. I seriously love Rebecca, I think she adds a lot to the show. And since we already know Rebecca is in S17, I would LOVE to see Tara/Rebecca sit down and actually talk through their issues (like real adults!). I would LOVE for them to get the happy ending they deserve.
GARCIA'S ROMANCE. For real, I do not care about any of this love triangle bullshit with Garcia between Tyler and Luke or whatever tf is happening. I seriously hated what they did to Garcia's character in S16, it felt like they completely erased the prior 15 years from her character and replaced it with the most basic hetnormative romance plot. I don't ship Garvez (nor her and Tyler), so I don't really care about that side of things. But I would LOVE to get our Garcia back. I miss her so much.
RETURNING CHARACTER RUMORS. If one of the past cast members comes back in S17 I do not want it to be MGG. CME already focused an entire season on Rossi's man-pain (literally the only reason they killed Krystal was for him to be angry 🙃). I do NOT want another season of white-male centric plot lines (even though that's clearly what's gonna happen with Voight) If anyone actually comes back to guest, I want it to either be Matt or Derek. Alternatively, I do have a crack theory that the unsub/Gold Star is actually Elle Greenaway. A trained government assassin, she became a vigilante after leaving the BAU and she's been operating for all these years without detection. Now THAT would be a good twist.
Listen, overall, I'm not looking forward to another season of Evolution. I think they're trying way too hard to turn CM into some edgy, gritty, Norwegian-type crime drama and in doing so, they've ruined some of my favourite characters irrevocably. I don't have high hopes for S17.
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diavolosbaby · 1 year
Hi! So, I saw your Teen!MC being comforted by Simeon post, and I really loved that. I've gone through abuse Luke that from my family my entire life, and quite frankly that post made me cry bc it was very well written🥹So, I was wondering if you could write something similar for more characters? If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete this btw😅
Sure :)
I'll do Luke, Barbatos, Satan, and Leviathan :)
Abuse Comfort
Characters: Luke, Barbatos, Satan, Leviathan
Genre: Angst,comfort
Format: headcanons, mini fic
Pronouns if used: they/them
- When you tell him, he doesn't believe it. He would have never guessed someone as bright as you went through something so dark.
- actually starts to tear up, he's sad that you went through something so sad
- hugs your waist and nuzzles his head in your stomach, whining about how he's sorry
- actually says some things about your family, not so nice things but still very appropriate (he's still luke)
- he's mad and sad at your family, but the way you're comforting him and not the other way around makes him even more mad and sad at himself
"Waaaaaaaah! How could humans be so mean! Mean to someone like you too! Its not fair you didn't deserve that...sniff.... Theyre more demon-like than anything I've seen in the Devildom... Must be if they treat you so bad...im sorry MC...sniff"
- listens very closely, making eye contact with you or looking directly at you if you avoid his gaze
- very minimal touches while you explain, its meant to be a soft gesture of comfort. He hopes you get that
- when you're done he slides his gloved hand over your head smoothing down your hair
- he plants a kiss to your forehead and then leans his own against it, taking a breath before speaking with closed lids
- You can't tell whether he's angry or sad for you, he tries to hide it very well but you still saw his slightly furrowed brows and slight frown
"My dear MC, how anyone could treat you like that is beyond me. Please leave those memories behind you. Here in the Devildom, here with me... It will be better. I will be better. You will never receive such treatment again. Please believe me."
- he had his hand over yours before you even started, sensing the tension
- he squeezed your hand a bit, not enough to hurt you but enough for you to notice
- he was mad, angry, furious, that ANYONE could treat you like that, could be so heartless
- but he knew tight now you didn't need someone to protect you. What was done was done. Right now you needed comfort, and you trusted him with that -he gently wrapped his hands around your head and led you towards his chest, you didn't put up a fight
- played with your hair while he whispered sweet nothings to you, except these sweet nothings were sweet somethings, because they did mean something to the both of you
"That... Is terrible. So terrible. I don't... Understand how humans could do that to their own children. And we're the demons...i apologize MC. I'm... Sorry. You didn't deserve that, you were only a child... Their child and they treat you so horrid... It's despicable, truly.."
- paused his game when he saw you were serious
- gave you his full attention, his mouth slightly agape and eyes widened as his brows furrowed in worry as he listened
- took him a moment to take it all in but when he did all he felt at that moment was sorry for you.
- asks if he can hug you and when you say yes he hugs really tight, its awkward but you can feel his worry and determination to make you feel better
- not the best at comforting but will you for your sake
"What... Are you... For real...? Uh... C-can I hug you... MC...? Ok, alright. Uh.. Sorry. I just don't get it. Humans are so supposed to be, well, humane. Thats like the total opposite... Totally unfair to you MC I'm sorry...um..well, I hope my brothers and I can be a better family to you MC...i mean it, alright?"
Again sorry this took so long and hope you liked it :)
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 months
Also. Favorite Merlin fic you've written and fics you wish you could find more of? 👐
I know you're either gonna be crying or laughing at this one joan, bc my favorite Merlin fic that I've written is Let Me Die, Let Me Drown, Lay My Bones In The Ground.
It's unpublished rn, but I'm hoping to post it soon! I worked so so hard on it. Not kidding. I worked harder on it than I did with my Let Them Be Brothers series. I had three people go through this fic and beta certain parts of it. So I had three people beta this fic. I wanted to test my limits and I really did go and test my angst and torture limits with this fic and, now, I've found that those aren't my limits and I can actually write worse and now I'm excited to see just how worse I can go in breaking characters. I read the fic over and over and over again so many times that I've become desensitized to the angst and pain. I've searched through Pinterest writing tips, reddit writing tips, tumble writing tips and tips from my own notes to write this. I mean, I still feel like I can improve the last scene a little more but I'm taking a break from writing rn so we'll see.
Anyway, that's my favorite fic. It's nearly 40k and its a oneshot bc I found that splitting it into chapters messed with the narrative flow. Also, thanks again joan for continuing to beta it <333 ^^
Now... fics i wish I can find more of... hmm...
Well, generally, I wish I can find more gen Merlin fics 😅. The fandom is mostly merthur or other ships and I can't and won't read ships (except the ones that I've found to be safe). So yeah, I just wish I can find more gen Merlin fics. Or no slash ones.
But other than that, I would love to have fics where Merlin is in a defenseless position (like a slave, or captured by bandits, or restrained in some way physically or mentally), and not completely passive but not completely defiant and aggressive too. Just the bolder and more defiant bits being small or a touch above noticeable, but he's still very much restrained physically or mentally. And Arthur (either he knows Merlin or this is his first meeting) sees him and notices how compliant he is but also notices how he isn't completely compliant and is impressed by him, but also anguished for him and angry and protective too :))
OH! I also like fics where Merlin is in a position of power or authority (whether he likes it or not) and Arthur is gaping at him in surprise or pity or awe (and a sometimes, just sometimes, a touch of jealousy).
i would also LOVE to see more freya or freylin fics
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fic rec friday 16
welcome the the sixteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. home depot catalogue by @moonguilt
“No, really, he’d love to,” Lance said into the phone, just as Keith pressed the button for the kettle to start heating up.
Those words were enough to raise Keith’s suspicions just a tad. He shot Lance an inquisitive glance while opening the cabinet to retrieve his box of morning tea, but his husband was the picture of innocence, flipping casually through a Home Depot catalog they had received in the mail yesterday.
“Oh, definitely. If you need someone to paint your insides white, Keith’s your man.”
Keith dropped his box on the counter, tea bags spilling out onto the granite.
Keith is having a normal, relaxing morning. Lance throws him a curveball.
this one made me LAUGH. out LOUD. it’s domestic and fluffy and FUNNY dear god, like it’s such a lance thing to do and such an objectively funny prank that i just!! literally just typing this makes the urge to reread it too great my hand has been forced.
2. kindling by @moonguilt
Lance struggles with his attraction to Keith during training, and it all comes to a head when Keith corners him afterwards to ask why he was off his game today.
Prompt from tumblr: Angry Kiss.
one of my fave vld tropes EVER is lance being whipped and then equally as furious that he’s attracted to keith at all. it’s endlessly funny to me. and then keith being the eyebrows raised, not surprised one??? gets me every time. also keith is a massive sweetheart in this fic and i love him
3. chocolate granola bars by @moonguilt
“A pillow fort sleepover!” Lance cried out, leaping up with such alacrity that Pidge had to grab her laptop to prevent it from sliding to the floor.
“No way, we're not—” Pidge stopped and blinked, exchanging a glance with Hunk, then looking back at Lance again. “... Oh.” She evidently had not been expecting such a tame suggestion. “Okay.”
Or, Lance is bored out of his mind and decides to organize a sleepover with the squad. Nonsense ensues, and Lance works through some confusing emotions—particularly those involving a certain mullet-haired team leader.
okay there are too many good things about this fic i cannot choose which to highlight, and so i will mention them all. ahem: a) lance is a ray of sunshine who regularly uses his power of cuteness to his advantage, b) adorable team bonding, c) shiro is a dorky nerd, d) HEALTHY LANCE AND ALLURA COMMUNICATION, e) krolia and romelle have actual characters, f) lance has allergies which isn’t rly important but he gives me a vibe that he’s allergic to several things and it’s very validating to see it in fic, g) lance validation and feeling expression for the piece of shit game show episode, h) observant lance!! and i) literally the most painful and necessary and well-written klance fight i’ve read in a while! hurt badly but was resolved wonderfully 10/10
4. Terminal Velocity by @speakswords [GORE WARNING]
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
this is one of my fave vld fics of all time. although fair warning it is very violent for a good chunk of time. the story is EXCELLENT, the entire thing will have u biting ur nails in terrified anticipation and i mean that literally. whole time i was gagged. at the edge of my seat. AND i have several specific lines screenshotted bc the pure fucking devotion and care knocked me out of the water
5. you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things.
i LOVE keith angst. i know this fandom is very langst heavy and honestly i am too but sometimes keith angst is so so good. and this fic is one of them!! excellent read and features observant lance as well. OH and there’s a little sprinkling of suave keith in here too lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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disformer · 10 months
I really like your analysis on ES and the way the children are dealing with the adults’ problems. Quick question though, do you think that kids’ cartoons CAN deal with mature topics on a healthy way, like Batman the Animated Series did (esp since Batman is an adult helping people and not a child)?
Sure! It helps a lot that BtAS is also written for an older audience of kids (early-late teens)
I think that it’s important to understand that ‘children’s cartoons’ are not a monolith. The level of social development in an 8 year old is not the same as a 14 year old; the older child is going to be able to handle more nuanced and complicated depictions of emotion in their characters (and in fact will start seeking it out as they age) while the younger child is just not going to be able to grasp it yet.
And while it might feel like ‘adult problems’, you’ll notice pretty quickly that shows like Teen Titans or BtAS depict a very stylised form of character drama, abstracted enough alongside the plot to be more digestible for younger teens. Darker themes get a kind of pop-art abstraction, where perhaps certain elements of that darkness are obscured in order to highlight what a young teenager would be able to relate with without forcing them to relate to it in an adult way (hating your dad because he sucks ≠ we need to depict explicit abuse/ I’m angry and sad bc I lost someone and lashing out ≠ we need to depict substance abuse used to cope)
And you hit the nail on the head when you said Batman is an adult! There’s a whole discussion out there on maturity levels and the age you need to be to be empathising with characters who aren’t also children, but it’s safe to say that a show like Justice League or BtAS provide a natural kind of interest check at the door, where it’s more adult tone and older characters will ward off a lot of younger (5-7 yr old) kids who aren’t explicitly seeking out a more mature tone.
My issue with ES is that it feels very confused in this regard, and blurs the lines between what’s tonally appropriate in a way that’s probably quite upsetting for young 6-10 year old children (which it’s trying to appeal to) but doesn’t commit to the other end of the spectrum and artfully depict an abstracted form of adulthood that both kids and adults can enjoy.
And, like, I do also enjoy a lot of media that is marketed towards kids! I love animation, and I’m aware that there are a lot of good kids media out there that are Kind Of Fucked Up Actually, but you’ll find that those shows aren’t trying to appeal to the same age demographic as, say, Bluey. And also very rarely ever actually kill/hurt children, or put very young children in traumatising situations that elicit an on-screen mental breakdown.
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One thing I'll never get over is how Storm & Silence could've easily been so much better if Rob Their(the author) wasn't afraid to actually write a compelling story.
Don't get me wrong, I adore the whole concept of '19 year old Victorian girl dresses up as a man to get a job'. But it's just so poorly written that I think about all the ways the story could be better when I'm in the bus going home from college.
I mean, that's how it is with books, they will be criticized no matter how good or how bad it may be. But then again, this is a Wattpad book. You can never expect too much from a Wattpad book. Every character feels very two dimensional after the first book that every other book after that is just plain fan-service.
The first book is genuinely good, except for the hyper feminist way Lilly is written to be. The author doesn't even bother to add conflict between any of the characters. The ONLY conflict that we ever get is Lilly arguing with Rikkard how she's capable of anything even if she's a women in every single book. It keeps going on and on like this that it just gets boring.
And the way Lilly's intelligence is suppressed makes me mad too. Like in book 3, she literally deciphers a map to find the treasure, but god forbid she recognizes her fiancé's(whether she likes him or not) initials on the waste disposal file and connect the dots on how he and her previous guy(I forgot his name) might've just disappeared. That right there could've been a good conflict. She recognizes the initials, realizes what Rikkard might've done, get angry and argue about not wanting him to interfere with it, then having to find an escape from her next fiancé and choosing to go out of town with Rikkard against her will instead of telling him why bcs she doesn't want a new waste disposal file.
Not to be mean, but the author is a man. At the end of the day, the way female characters are written by men will never be realistic. I know there might be real people out there like Lilly, but the way her "inner feminist"(I hate when she kept saying 'mY iNneR FemIniSt iS prOtEstiNg' stfu) is written truly makes me want to pull my hair out. It will never be same as writing a story from a women's perspective when you already know what it's like. I'm not saying that men are incapable of understanding the female experience, I'm saying that it's stupid and annoying when a man pretends he does.
Also the lack of historical accuracy boils my blood. Rob claims to have done thorough research on every historical details yet somehow Lilly and Rikkard goes on top of the Statue of Liberty despite the story taking place around 1840 and the statue starting its construction in 1876.
SNS was the last and final original story I've read on Wattpad. I really wish I could go back and keep myself away from that app and read an actual book. But it's the only place I could go to when I lost my sanity. Let me know how you feel about the book. I know there's barely anyone in the fandom, but please tell me your perspective.
P.S. can someone tell me where Rob used the slur. I read about many people talking about it but I cannot remember or recognize where it is.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
episode review time....
(contains spoilers for "ricktional mortpoon's rickmas mortcation")
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let me preface this by saying i love rick and i do not want to sound like a hater lol.
i'm not even gonna pretend to be enthralled by the prospect of breaking this episode down. it was good, even great in a lot of ways, but... it broke a part of me, i think.
i feel betrayed. i feel morty's heartbreak. i really do.
it was a decent exploration of rick attempting to heal while he's not ready yet. he's not ready to move on and get better if it's going to be hard work.
...and honestly? i'm angry with him for that.
i'm angry with rick for victim blaming morty, yet AGAIN. for acting entitled to morty's forgiveness. for lying and tricking that little boy into thinking someone real cared about him.
for dragging a 14yo into something this heavy. this destructive. this reckless. this unforgiving and all-consuming.
GOD i am so sick of this. i'm all for rick's healing, but why is it being put before morty's every time? i mean... i get that there's four more seasons to go. morty has plenty of time to be given justice, but... i feel so bad for him.
i think i'm giving it a 7.5/10 after a rewatch because it really was wonderfully and realistically written.
i don't want to come across as too harsh, because i definitely do sympathize with rick. i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to break the audience. i think that's a wonderful tool of art. nor do i think protagonists have to be good. it's just a harsh reality that your beloved protagonist is destined to be the villain in the story, though, and i feel like that's what rick is fated to be for morty.
i attribute most of my negative feelings towards my morty bias and my emotional attachment to the last episode.
okay... general thoughts, as always:
-is it bad to say i prefer rick bot over real rick? because, uhhh... i do. he wove his way into my heart by the end of all of this. poor dude. he really loved his family. i kinda wished we could've kept him around.
why couldn't we?
give morty a decent grandpa challenge: go!
i think he's my new favorite rick aside from c-137. what a badass wholesome peepaw of a dude!!!
-morty loves his family so damn much, and it feels like none of them have really earned that from him. he wants his family to have a nice christmas, even if his is going to shit.
-morty crying when curtis yelled at him made me tear up.
"he's busy and i hate him!"
it's just the last little thing he needed to break down. he's a little kid who's having the worst christmas imaginable, and... no one cares about fixing that for him.
other than rick bot.
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-i actually loved the moment where rick says he'll get "neurotypical cooties," and implies that neurotypicals aren't creative. casual autism rep lol.
-rick victim blaming morty once again... ugh... bro just immediately regressed.
all morty had to do was say he was "boring." rick just proved that he'd have pulled another "the vat of acid episode" if he hadn't made rick bot.
how many hurtful things do you think you've said to morty, rick? bc i can guarantee it's a million times more hurtful than anything you've ever heard come from morty's mouth. especially "boring."
tbh... i think that it might say something about his character that he didn't do that, and he chose to give morty a better grandpa instead, but also...
i know it's a statement about how he needs to tie up his unfinished business before he can move on and really put in the work, but... morty must just feel like he's not worth the effort of apologizing.
the man that morty follwed down into that lab isn't the one who said "i'm sorry." he's not the one that said "i love you too." he's not the one who hugged morty.
the man who said those things is not the grandpa that morty chose all the way back in "solaricks."
morty is consistently willing to put the work into helping rick, but he's constantly shown that rick can't be bothered to put the effort into helping him.
-the fact that morty felt bad for yelling at rick? i just wanted to tell him that he has a right to be upset...
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-notice how not one member of the family mentions morty's absence from the holiday family time? yikes...
poor little guy.
i think this is why that reveal bothered me so much... he thought someone real cared about him. he thought a real person cared about saying "i'm sorry. i love you too." to him.
but no.
-what's even more heartbreaking? he learned to care about rick bot. that was the grandpa he wanted, but he doesn't even get to choose that, anymore.
"i don't want another you!"
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-bro rick just won't let up. the lightsaber bit? GOD, man. just let the kid have a moment.
-something is so comically wrong with rick's ability to create AI systems lmao. they're always so sassy and go against his orders. the garage? the car? dude... maybe rethink your stance on AI autonomy. you're giving it more freewill than you allow your grandson.
-i literally can't even be upset with morty for being angry with rick. i'm here for it. smoke his ass, lil junebug!
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-poor rick bot trying to come clean to his family. that guilt sure did eat him alive :((
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look at him with his girls... :(
i guess that explains his softer voice acting for last ep and this ep. he's just a completely different rick.
-it kept making me upset that rick demonized morty over and over again for trying to stick up for himself. it was really hard to watch him not even try to pretend to care about earning morty's trust, respect, and forgiveness.
he HONESTLY thinks he's entitled to it.
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-curtis is such an ass lmao. gay icon.
-noticed these gay lil soldiers. ship them!!
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go dude, go!! he's honestly so sweet... i'm going to genuinely, deeply mourn this character.
-haha, how cute is it that morty acts like a little adventure expert? "slowly closing door! slide!"
-poor rick bot... suicidal ass :(
-dude, morty just cannot catch a break, huh?
"i've always wanted to fight with a lightsaber, but not like this! you ruined it!"
every time i think this kid is gonna get a piece of his childhood back, it's like... nope!
-the joke about the robot with lightsabers for eyes was actually so funny.
-okay, okay... the slow motion scenes WERE hilarious. i must admit.
-it broke me when morty said he was done with forgiveness... especially to see him follow rick down to that lab just a few moments later...
will he ever stop hoping that people can be better? will he ever stop sacrificing himself to his own detriment?
one thing about morty? he's gonna try to do the right thing. the noble thing.
-ugh... poor morty... i hate the fact that this pushed him to trust rick again. i hate the fact that he had to lose rick bot.
and rick twisting the meaning of rick bot's words, too? i don't think rick bot meant for rick to offer to drag morty into this.
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oh, well... i can just tell this dynamic in s7 is going to be harrowing. morty just wants to believe his grandpa can be good. i hope he can :(
-lmao why is rick essentially curtis's tech sugar daddy? slay i guess?
-this ending scene is heartbreaking. morty once again a slave to his grandpa's madness? so obviously terrified? morty's just a kid, and what an unfair choice to force him to make...
"it's going to take over your life, morty!"
"it's the most painful shit i've ever been through and i'm fucking bringing you into it, because you asked for it!"
did he ask for it...? crying and sobbing.
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i am super excited for the new season, though! it seems like they're gonna be ballsy and make it hyper-serialized when in comparison to the rest of the show, which... hell yeah!!
i guess i'm both excited and anxious to see what they do to my boys, though. i really need them to heal and work together. i was really starting to hope that rick was starting to treat morty like a partner- or, at least, a kid who's feelings, wants, and needs matter just as much as his own.
just like morty to lay himself upon the altar so that rick may bathe in his blood- a fitting sacrifice. a noble end.
i'm about to custom make a tee with morty's face on it that just says: "SAVE THE BABY 2023"
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