#bds national committee
neurotypical-sonic · 4 months
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from @/bdsnationalcommittee on instagram. I haven't seen anyone share this yet so I thought I would, it helped me understand the boycott movement a lot more
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By completely erasing any mention of ISRAEL as the perpetrator of the ongoing live streamed genocide against 2.3 million PALESTINIANS, the BBC is entrenching its infamous racist policy of erasing Palestinians and simultaneously whitewashing, even justifying, Israel's genocide.
Racism aside, this betrays fundamental principles of journalistic ethics and professionalism.
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the-lady-maddy · 9 months
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junawer · 4 months
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🔴Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (RNN): — The BDS National Committee's Statement on Armed Resistance Contradicts Our People's Legitimacy in Practicing Resistance and Ignores Consensus
We have followed the stance presented in the statement (https://bdsmovement.net/Supporting-Student-Led-Solidarity-Mobilizations-In-Their-Demands) by the "BDS National Committee" (BNC), (https://web.archive.org/web/20221103111937/https://jisrcollective.com/pages/a-tactic-not-a-trademark.html) issued in English, regarding the required stance on armed resistance by solidarity movements with our people.
We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reject the call made in the statement and appreciate all the positions, forces, and individuals expressing their support for Palestinian resistance in facing the genocidal and colonial zionist war.
The Front considers that clearly expressing support for our people's right in Gaza does not contradict the call to end the genocide and support resistance in all its forms, including revolutionary armed struggle.
The Front noted that boycott committees spread worldwide, especially in Europe and the Americas, are a broad movement involving all Palestinian institutions, supporters of the Palestinian people, and solidarity committees. They are not linked to the BNC in Ramallah and do not take orders or decisions from it.
The Front emphasized that the justifications of the BNC in Ramallah and its call for silence on armed resistance in Western countries are inaccurate positions and far from reality, because the Palestinian presence and solidarity movements with the Palestinian people are all targeted by the allies of the zionist entity, accused of "anti-Semitism" regardless of whether they adopt this slogan or that.
The Front concluded its statement by noting that attempts by some parties to neutralize the adherence to the slogan of armed resistance weaken the Palestinian national struggle and the legitimacy of armed resistance fighting on the soil of the homeland. It ignores the support and consensus of millions of supporters worldwide for this struggle, method, and slogan. Palestinian armed resistance and resistance factions in the region have become an icon and source of inspiration for all free people globally. The slogan "From the river to the sea… Palestine will be free" has become the central slogan echoed by revolutionaries worldwide.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department May 16, 2024
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All Jisr Collective articles: https://web.archive.org/web/20220928215639mp_/https://jisrcollective.com/index.html
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heritageposts · 7 months
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🇵🇸 From BDS:
More than 300 Palestinian sports teams are calling to ban Israel from the Olympics over its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. [...] In Gaza, Israel has killed Palestinian Olympic Football coach Hani Al Masdar, destroyed the Palestinian Olympic Committee offices, and turned sports facilities into shameful mass detention and torture centers. We can’t sit back as the IOC allows Israel to use the Olympics to sportswash its genocide in Gaza and its apartheid regime against Palestinians everywhere. Support the call from Palestinian teams. Join the campaign to #BanIsrael from the Olympics and peacefully disrupt the road to the Paris 2024 games. 
Global days of action planned for March 15-17:
Ahead of the IOC executive board meeting in Lausanne Switzerland (March 19-21), take the call from Palestinian teams to your National Olympic Committee, International Sports Federations and Recognized Sports Federations. Organize protests, sit-ins, peaceful disruptions, or awareness raising events on Israeli attacks on Palestinian sports.
For more concrete information on how you can participate in the campaign, see the link above. You should also check in with your local BDS-affiliated organization(s) to see if they have anything planned for these dates (if they don't, consider bringing it up to them)
If you're not familiar with any BDS-affiliated organizations in your country (or state/city), then take a look at BDS's "Join a Campaign'"page.
There's also a petition you can sign.
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bug-bytes · 8 months
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New boycott targets called for by the BDS movement. More info on why on their website.
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More groups including the Liberal Party of Canada have chosen not to participate in events organized by Capital Pride in Ottawa this year in response to a pro-Palestinian statement issued by the organization earlier this month. On Aug. 6, Capital Pride put out a letter stating it was "concerned by the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamophobia" in Canada. Organizers condemned both the terrorist act committed on Oct. 7 and the "endless and brutal campaign in Gaza," which it said is causing the deaths of "innocent Palestinians — many of whom have friends, families and loved ones in our communities." Capital Pride also issued four commitments: integrating the Palestinian BDS National Committee's boycott list, hosting a "Queer Arab Showcase" during the festival, noting the "ongoing genocide" in certain speeches and calling for a permanent ceasefire.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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gothhabiba · 9 months
do you know where are the the best places or mosteffective to donate to help palestinians atm? like charities ect
In terms of direct aid it is better to give money directly to families in Ghazza than to a charity. Charities, governmental and nongovernmental organisations &c., are seldom able to use funds to distribute aid right now, as few trucks are getting through, and none to the north of Ghazza.
ETA on Charities in Ghazza:
Taawon Association (in partnership with the Bank of Palestine) are distributing hot meals in Ghazza.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is getting food parcels into Ghazza, though I can't find them sharing a more specific location anywhere. Donate here.
The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is providing medicine, food, and water. Their website specifically mentions food relief in north, central, and south Ghazza, and water delivered to north and south Ghazza.
Direct aid to Ghazza:
Money given directly to families in Ghazza is used to help them cross the Rafah crossing into Egypt, and/or to purchase plane tickets and apply for visas so they have somewhere to go after arriving in Egypt.
Help Christians in Ghazza get visas to leave
Help Hala Abu Ramadan's family of six leave Ghazza (organized by Mohammed Samhouri, vouched for by @psychoticgerard)
Help Dr. Intimaa AbuHelou's family of 22 leave Ghazza (organized by professer Steve Tamari)
Help Shayma and her family of 16 leave Ghazza (organised by Fardowsa. You may remember a link to a paypal going around to help Shayma; however, paypal has frozen those funds)
Help Shaymaa's family of 13 leave Ghazza (organised by Shaymaa herself, who is in Canada)
Help Sanaa and her family of 5 leave Ghazza and establish themselves in Belgium (organised by Eyad M, vouched for by Motaz Azaiza)
Help sisters Duaa and Deena leave Ghazza and get medical treatment in Cairo (organised by Shereen Alhayek, @.littlestpersimmon's friend's acquaintance)
Help Ahmed (@90-ghost) and his family leave Ghazza via ko-fi, paypal, or gofundme (@unionfish is offering stickers and prints in exchange for donations)
Help a family of Ghazzan refugees in Egypt get medical care and relocate
Buy an e-sim for use in Ghazza
Interruption of arms sent to Israel:
Palestine Action targets arms manufacturers in the US and UK
Palestine Legal offers legal defense for those who get arrested &c. in the course of protest or sabotage on behalf of Palestine
If you have some barrier to donating or to buying e-sims yourself (someone looking through your transactions, no room on your phone for new apps, don't want to mess up the instructions, don't have time to keep up with what's being called for at the moment, literally whatever), I can buy e-sims and move funds on your behalf. My venmo is @gothhabiba; paypal paypal.me/Najia; squarecash $NajiaK; DM me for Zelle information. Feel free to leave a note about where you want it to go (specifically for e-sims; aid to people in Ghazza; &c.)
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions)
You asked specifically about donations, but if you haven't looked into the boycotts being called for by the Palestinian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), I urge you to do so.
BDS chapters in your locality may be calling for their own boycotts, so look into that as well. Think creatively about how to minimise purchase of boycotted goods (e.g., getting your union to refuse to shelve Israeli groceries).
Monday strikes
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for weekly strikes on Mondays. Talk to your union or coworkers about strikes or work stoppages on Mondays, if you can. At least avoid making any purchases (goods, recreation, entertainment, food, &c.) on Mondays.
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jadenvargen · 7 months
swedish-specific resources for palestinian local activism. please do share. 
Här kan man som svensk organisera sig för palestina. ibland kan resurser som sprids vara fokuserade på andra länder såsom USA, men här finns info på hur du som svensk kan organisera dig lokalt. 
Snälla feel free att lägga till eller rätta vadsomhelst, 1000% amatör, men vill samla ihop info till folk som kanske inte stött på det innan på denna hemsida.
https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ - organiserar sig specifikt i malmö gentemot ESC. har datum för planerade demonstrationer.
https://www.palestinagrupperna.se/ en huvudsaklig samlingsresurs för grupper i sverige att organisera sig med som är aktiv sen 70-talet. Här finns fakta, poddar, konsumentbojkotter, föreläsningar, insamlingar, osv. Palestinagruppen är mot apartheid fundamentalt utöver elduppehåll. De organiserar även Tuesdays for Palestine, för universitet och högskolor.
angående konsumentbojkotter i Malmö och Göteborg specifikt om ni köper second hand så stöttar björkåfrihet gaza, och säljer specifika palestinaimportprodukter såsom olivolja och kikärter.
Här finns kontakter och länkar till lokala organiseringar med Palestinagruppen:
Hässleholm / Kristianstad
Stockholm OCH http://www.palestinagruppenstockholm.se/
Uppsala - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-Uppsala-203271060501107
Västerås - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-V%C3%A4ster%C3%A5s-850751518298673 
Gruppen är även organiserad i Varberg, Skellefteå samt Borås, men har där ingen sociala medielänk utan kontaktperson på hemsidan.
Israel i Eurovision song contest
SVT pekar mot EBUs beslut och att en stor del av osannolikheten av Israels uteslutning är att en huvudsponsor för ESC är ett Israeliskt företag.
i malmö har det i nuläget(02/22) bestämts att frågan om Israel i Malmös eurovision skall tas upp i kommande lokala kommunmöten. Man kan som medborgare ta del av dessa möten. I nuläget är det endast vänsterpartiet av regeringspartierna som driver frågan, men man kan ta kontakt med kommunrepresentant för att själv framföra frågan och ämnet. Man kan även fysiskt vara med under möte
Lista och Kontakt med Malmös kommunfullmäktige
mejladress tll styrelsen som helhet: [email protected]
mötesdatum: 6e mars, 10e april i statshuset 13:00
som tidigare nämnt organiseras protester i malmö lokalt under eurovisiondatumen bl.a på https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ men det finns inom andra länkar i palestinagruppen också.
BSD i Sverige
Från palestinagruppen: "BDS National Committee rekommenderar riktad bojkott, fokus på ett mindre antal företag och produkter som bedöms vara strategiskt viktiga."
"Vill du undvika att köpa israeliska varor när du handlar så kontrollera varans streckkodsnummer, det s.k. EAN-numret. Israels landsprefix är 729. "
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här finns övergripande data på israels exportvaror till sverige
enligt https://trendeconomy.com är Israels främsta Frukt-o-grönt export som följer(som man kanske vill vara extra försiktig med, och rentav nämna till arbetare på din lokala matbutik- för deras mål är ju att sälja, inte bli bojkottade.) : Dadlar, fikon, ananas, avokado, guava, mango, citrus, nötter.
Sveriges regerings ställningstagande
Svenskt ställningstagande i “konflikten” är som följer:
Israel har en självklar rätt att försvara sig mot terrorism och urskillningslös raketbeskjutning.
Civila måste skyddas. 
Humanitärt tillträde är fundamentalt. (Jag vill belysa att regeringen här menar på att “ett stort ansvar för den humanitära katastrofen i Gaza vilar på Hamas som styrt Gaza sedan 2007” och även följande: “Sverige är en stor kärnstödsgivare till flera av de humanitära aktörerna på plats." Trots vad som står inom den fetade texten har sverige beslutat att stoppa bistånd till UNWRA. https://www.amnesty.se/aktuellt/sveriges-beslut-far-katastrofala-konsekvenser-miljontals-manniskors-liv/ )
Regional eskalering måste undvikas
En hållbar fred bygger på en tvåstatslösning.
Med grund av dessa uttalanden som bl.a direkt beskyller Palestiner för de över 30.000 dödade av den Israeliska militären är det inte överranskande att medier i sverige genast är vinklade, till ingens överraskning. Den senaste artikeln jag råkade ha öppen för att göra den här posten har språket
“Sydafrikas regering har anklagat Israel för folkmordsliknande agerande mot Gazas befolkning”
 “kriget i Gaza, som inleddes efter Hamas blodiga attack i Israel den 7 oktober. EBU har sagt att Israels public servicebolag inte brutit mot några regler och kommer att få tävla.”
Inga ord om att ICJ dömde Israel för detta “folkmordsliknande” beteende, eller vad som skiljer folkmord från “folkmordslikt”, medans attacken gentemot Israel är rentutav "blodig". På denna nivå överlag ligger journalistiken i Sverige. 
Det är viktigt att vi som medborgare belyser att Sveriges regering inte bara är åskådare utan är medbrottslingar i Israels fortsatta utrotningsförsök mot det palestinska folket. Vi bör vara väl medvetna om propagandan som inte bara kommer utifrån, utan inom sverige, och bekämpa denna.
snälla kom med egna tips, resurser, anmärkningar, kritik, whatever! ville bara ha en samlingsplats på tumblr för sätt i sverige att organisera sig lokalt, och vill verkligen bara att rätt ska va rätt.
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northern-passage · 10 months
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Read the full call to action here.
Tomorrow, November 29th, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the #BDS movement is calling for an all day social media storm. Our physical and digital actions can be used together to strengthen our demands: Permanent ceasefire and lifting the siege to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Lawful sanctions on Israel, including a #MilitaryEmbargo. Pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. Click here for prepared messages and images to use for the social media storm. Over the last 7 weeks, millions of you have taken to the streets for the largest protests the world has seen in the last 20 years! We are grateful to each one of you who, through your voices and creative actions, have built up unprecedented grassroots power to end Israel’s genocidal war against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza. Yet, Western governments are continuing to arm, fund and provide political cover for Israel’s genocide. We must act urgently to end all state, corporate and institutional complicity with Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime. Palestinian lives and livelihoods literally depend on it. To this end, and as time has shown, BDS is the most effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. Tomorrow, we call for escalating worldwide peaceful mobilizations and expressions of meaningful solidarity to stop the genocide including: 1. Whenever feasible, organizing peaceful disruptions, sit-ins, occupations, etc. targeting  policymakers, as well as the corporate enablers of genocide and apartheid (arms manufacturers, investment firms), and institutions (media, universities, cultural spaces, etc.). 2. Disrupting the transport of weapons, or weapon parts, to Israel, including in transit states, by supporting trade unions refusing to handle such shipments, as has been done in Belgium, US, and the Spanish State, and as expressed by trade unions in India, Turkey, Italy and Greece.  3. Pressuring parliaments and governments to cancel existing military contracts and agreements with Israel, as Colombia’s president publicly espoused, and as demanded by the BDS movement in Brazil, a demand supported by civil society and more than 60 parliamentarians in the country. 4. Intensifying all strategic economic boycott and divestment campaigns against complicit corporations, and escalating campaigns to cut all ties to apartheid Israel and its complicit academic and cultural institutions as well as sports teams. Mobilizing your community, trade union, association, church, social network, student government/union, city council, cultural center, or other organization to declare itself an Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ) on November 29th, if it hasn’t already, and organize a solidarity event or action on November 29th. 5. Pressuring your elected officials, where relevant, through direct communication or collective direct action, to demand real pressure on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to urgently prosecute Netanyahu and all other Israeli officials responsible for genocide, apartheid, and war crimes. If not now, when? In solidarity, The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
Cultural boycott guidelines
Economic boycott for consumers
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the-lady-maddy · 9 months
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fairuzfan · 9 months
Normalization is an English translation of the Arabic word tatbi’, making something abnormal appear normal. As stated before by PACBI:
It is helpful to think of normalization as a “colonization of the mind,” whereby the oppressed subject comes to believe that the oppressor’s reality is the only “normal” reality that must be subscribed to, and that the oppression is a fact of life that must be coped with. Those who engage in normalization either ignore this oppression, or accept it as the status quo that can be lived with.  In an attempt to whitewash its violations of international law and human rights, Israel attempts to re-brand itself, or present itself as normal -- even “enlightened” -- through an intricate array of relations and activities encompassing hi-tech, cultural, legal, LGBT and other realms. [3] Another aspect of normalization is the attempt to use Palestinians and/or Arabs as “fig leaves” [4].  In the context of applying the BDS movement’s guidelines for the international academic and cultural boycott of Israel, PACBI sometimes faces scenarios where boycott bashers attempt to redeem their conscience, and with it some moral ground, by using token Palestinians (or more rarely other Arabs) as a fig leaf to cover up their complicity in Israel’s violations of international law and Palestinian rights.  While the pool of available “fig leaves” is diminishing every year, thanks to the recent impressive spread of BDS consciousness among Palestinians and in the Arab world, there are still those who are ready to accept for their names to be manipulated in the cynical political agendas of international boycott violators. From the above, one can see that normalization applies to relationships that convey a misleading or deceptive image of normalcy, of symmetry, of parity, for a patently abnormal and asymmetric relationship of colonial oppression and apartheid [5].
BDS is not about saving Israel as an apartheid state, giving up some occupied lands that are densely populated by Palestinians to make Israel a more pure apartheid, and to prolong the life of this apartheid for several more years. BDS is all about achieving Palestinian rights, paramount among which is the inalienable right to self determination, by ending Israel’s three-tiered system of colonial and racial oppression: colonialism, occupation and apartheid. Of course, PACBI and the BDS National Committee (BNC) advocate a complete boycott until Israel ends its three tiered system of oppression, not simply its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The main reason for this position is that, according to international law, Israel, as the Occupying Power, bears responsibility for the occupation and all its manifestations (colonies, wall, siege, house demolitions, etc.), not to mention the other grave violations of international law outside the realm of occupation, such as forcible displacement, denial of refugee rights, and the crime of apartheid (which an increasing number of legal scholars is now convinced Israel is guilty of). The BDS movement calls for boycotting Israel as the state responsible for denying Palestinian rights, just as South Africa was the target of boycott due to its apartheid regime, and China is the target of some boycotts due to its occupation of Tibet, and Sudan is the target of some boycotts due to its crimes in Darfur. Only in Israel's case do we hear objections to boycotting the state that is responsible for egregious violations of international law, and do we hear suggestions instead to boycott only some manifestation of these violations (settlements), not the root cause.
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heritageposts · 2 months
Harris has been a staunch supporter of Israel for years. In 2017 she addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual conference and reminded attendees that the first resolution she co-sponsored as a senator was aimed at combating “anti-Israel bias” at the United Nations. “Let me be clear about what I believe. I stand with Israel because of our shared values, which are so fundamental to the founding of both our nations,” she told the crowd. In 2018 she gave an off-the-record speech to the organization, but eventually released her comments. In that speech she claimed that she raised money for the Jewish National Fund as a Girl Scout. “Having grown up in the Bay area, I fondly remember those Jewish National Fund boxes that we would use to collect donations to plant trees for Israel,” she told the audience. “Years later, when I visited Israel for the first time, I saw the fruits of that effort and the Israeli ingenuity that has truly made a desert bloom.”
For those unfamiliar with the Jewish National Fund (JNF), they're a Zionist organization that has been instrumental in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
See Stop the JNF for more information on their history, the way they operate, and their decades-long campaign of greenwashing (i.e. destroying native plants, crops, and agriculture under the banner of 'making the desert bloom').
Continuing, the Mondoweiss article goes:
“The vast majority of people understand the importance of the State of Israel,” she added later. “Both in terms of its history and its present in terms of being a source of inspiration on so many issues, which I hope we will talk about, and also what it means in terms of the values of the United States and those values that are shared values with Israel, and the importance of fighting to make sure that we protect and respect a friend, one of the best friends we could possibly have.” While running for President in 2019, Harris was praised by the lobbying group Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) for running to the right of Obama on the Iran deal. On the campaign trail Harris told Kat Wellman, a voter affiliated with DMFI, that she would reenter the agreement but “strengthen it” by “extending the sunset provisions, including ballistic missile testing, and also increasing oversight.” “I was very impressed with her. I thought she gave an excellent speech, she gave a very detailed, responsive answer to my question,” Wellman told a local paper after the exchange. “I’m pro-Israel, so I was I was very concerned and all about making sure we limit nuclear missiles in any country that could possibly destroy us all. I thought her answer was very good.” Harris has condemned the BDS movement and claimed that is “based on the mistaken assumption that Israel is solely to blame for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” However, she voted against an anti-BDS bill in 2019 citing First Amendment concerns.
For the full article, which includes Kamala's response to Israel post Al-Aqsa Flood, see Mondoweiss (July 22, 2024)
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worstloki · 2 months
A reminder that Disney/Marvel ARE on the BDS National Committee boycott list, and have been reproached by several other organisations, including Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), calling for a boycott. (Source)
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Posted by the BDSnationalcommittee on instagram here. Images copied from twitter repost.
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twst-charity · 11 months
I'm not altogether knowledgeable on how to bea mod but I want to help in some way. Is there anything I can do?
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Hello! First off, thank you so much for your interest and for reaching out to us! Both our mod and contributor applications are currently closed, but there are still other ways you can help, both with this charity and with the situation in general!
The first is by submitting fanart and fic requests (once those forms are open) here with us (@twst-charity) by sending a screenshot/receipt of a donation made to one of three charities (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestine, or Anera).
A very quick, easy, and free way to help is also by visiting this site and clicking the big, red, help button. If you’ve ever wanted to hit a big red button, now is the time to do so. This generates a donation to UNRWA to help Palestine.
Unfortunately, as many have heard by now, even these charities have been struggling to deliver resources to the people of Palestine due to blockades and frozen accounts, etc. Anera seems to continue to be successful in still getting resources where they are most needed, but the situation is constantly changing. We will be continuing to help raise donations in hopes that, as soon as there is an opportunity to do so, those charities will have the means and funds to make a difference.
However! There are still other ways to help Palestine and show your support. The first – and most important - is spreading awareness. Learn what is going on now and has been for the past 75 years. Be aware of propaganda and misinformation, whether purposeful or accidental. Archive tweets and posts and videos so that they cannot be scrubbed from the internet by those hoping to erase evidence of the genocide in Gaza. The importance of spreading the truth cannot be underestimated, especially with Netanyahu and the IOF increasing propaganda. Popular tags to do this include: #CeaseFireInGaza #CeasefireNOW and #FreePalestine!
Signing petitions and contacting representatives is also a good way to show your stance. Unfortunately, this does have some risk, due to organizations like c4n4ry mlssl@n (censored for safety) doxxing people who support Palestine.
Boycotting is another method that has been showing signs of success! The boycotting effort is being directed by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), which is the Palestinian leaderships of the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement. Frankly, far too many brands and celebrities have shown support for Palestine for the average person to avoid all of them. So, a certain few have been picked to have the most impact.
Boycott: Starbucks, McDonalds, Disney+ (which means no TWST microtransactions, y’all!), Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, AXA, Puma, Carrefour, hp, Siemens, Ahava, sodastream, and Israeli businesses. (Note from Mod Ryuu: This does NOT mean a general boycott on all Jewish businesses! Don’t be that person. You’re not helping.)
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If you want to proudly show your support of Palestine IRL – and are safe to do so – a popular method is by wearing a Kufiya, the iconic scarf of Palestine. You can order an authentic Kufiya from Hirbawi at kufiya.org or from Kufiyas Australia at kufiyas.org.au If you’re not in a position where that’s possible, there are two other popular methods. The first is simply by wearing the colors of Palestine: Red, Green, White, and Black. The second ties into those colors and the history of colonialism in Palestine, where once it was illegal to fly the Palestine flag. Instead, people used the watermelon as a symbol to represent the flag. If you need a subtle means of showing support, the watermelon is the way to go.
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Resources on the history of Palestine:
Netflix films: Born in Gaza (2014) dir. Hernan Zin, Farha (2021) dir. Darin J. Sallam, A World Not Ours (2012) dir. Mahdi Fleifel
YouTube films (FREE!): Tantura, Killing Gaza, Roadmap to Apartheid, Gaza Fights for Freedom, Born in Gaza, & Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Other films: The Present (2020) dir. Farah Nabulsi, Tale of Three Jewels (1995) dir. Michel Khleifi, Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996) dir. Elia Suleiman, Omar (2013) dir. Hany Abu-Assad, The Time That Remains (2009) dir. Elia Suleiman, Ambulance/Gaza (2016) dir. Mohamed Jabaly, Five Broken Cameras (2011) dir. Emad Bumat, 200 Meters (2020), Salt of This Sea (2008) dir. Annemarie Jacir.
Twitter link with these and more for those who still use the bird app:
Other threads (largely from the bird app) with information on how to help and what is happening:
-Break the boycott, including doing things like ordering a bunch of food and then ditching without paying. You are only making life harder for the minimum wage employees doing their best, not the billionaires behind them.
-Do not spam the tags with posts not related to Palestine, etc. Keep your fandoms in their fandom spaces and so on. Unless, of course, you are doing a charity drive or something similar through your fandom.
-Be antisemitic. DO NOT harass or accuse Jewish people of being responsible for this genocide. Jewish people across the world have been protesting in defense of the Palestinian people even before this latest war began. More than 2/3 of people in Israel disagree with Netanyahu and the IOF based on recent polling.
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