#because my memory may be bad in literally every other scenario but when it comes to my story it's downright photographic
softpine · 1 year
i mean, elaine was also there when that women committed suicide. and obviously jada is affected the most by her mother’s death (and not preventing that other women’s death), but they all saw her mom die in a car crash at a very young age iirc. now, i know this is a story where we have characters who see dead ppl all the time, but like damn.
i get what anon meant kinda, so don’t wanna claim they said that in bad faith. nor do a wanna pit the gangs traumas against each other. but also idk the phrasing “she doesn’t have anything bad going on” is weird/lacks depth to me; yes elaine is the most immature and she’s been through less, but also she’s still impacted like everyone else from the shit she’s been through. if anything i’d argue she’s partly like that not from innocence but because of trauma.
like part of her and stevie’s friendship is built on the trauma that they probably feel like no one else will understand besides the 4 of them. so while i don’t agree with her, i understand why she said stevie is her problem.
and i’m saying this a someone whose least favorite character in the gang is probably elaine, and who agreed with austin through 90% of that argument until the end. also, i repeat, i’m not trying to bicker with anon as a fellow frozen pines enjoyer 🤝 i hope i didn’t misread yours or anon’s points.
tldr; idrc that that anon doesn’t like elaine, but yeah their reasoning could’ve been way better (also u don’t have to post this if u rather move on from the convo)
okay yeah i have to answer this because i 100% agree. me when i have no trauma 🤪
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originally i had written a paragraph about how the bar for being considered "traumatized" in frozen pines is extremely high by comparison, so even though she isn't being re-traumatized every day, she's still been through hardships. if we plopped her in an ordinary teen story, elaine might actually be the one who has seen the most shit. but i erased it because.. idk. it feels icky to say that there's a certain amount of trauma a person must experience before they're allowed to act a certain way / be forgiven for the way they act. but let's talk about it, because you're exactly right that part of the way elaine acts is a trauma response.
there was a huge time skip after aileen died, so we don't know exactly how elaine dealt with the aftermath, but we do know this:
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elaine's only goal was to cheer jada up, so she didn't get into her own feelings about aileen's death, she just wanted jada to know that she's not the only one haunted by the memory. their friend group is bonded by this memory that no one else understands – hell, even the girls don't understand what happened that day. only asa knows the truth. so they're bonded in uncertainty too.
when austin fails to show up to a date on time, elaine thinks: "What if he got in an accident? Did he forget his seatbelt again? Oh, God, I told him! He’s dying in a ditch somewhere and I’m sitting here all annoyed at him!" and when she visits austin's house for the first time, she realizes he lives right next to the train tracks where aileen died, and thinks, "I wish he didn’t live so close to the train…" (btw he lives VERY close to the train, so elaine has to hear it outside his window every time she spends the night)
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it's been years, but aileen's death is still at the forefront of elaine's mind. it also shows that she turns that trauma into worry for other people. we've never seen her worry about her own safety in this way, even after she starts driving.
after she witnesses the woman die from jumping off the bridge, austin gives her a bunch of advice for how to survive a big fall, which comforts her a lot, but she's horrified to learn that austin has also jumped off that bridge for fun. it's one of the only times we've seen her be truly pissed off, and it's because the fear of losing austin in that way terrifies her. she can't believe he's being so casual about it (and cocky, honestly. he says: "It was sick. I didn't break anything. [...] You could do it too if you practiced.") again, elaine doesn't find it distressing to imagine herself in a dangerous situation, but as soon as she imagines someone she cares about doing it, she panics.
no doubt about it, elaine lacks awareness when talking about gruesome deaths with other people. while stevie makes jokes about her trauma, jada avoids the subject like the plague, asa channels his trauma into helping ghosts... elaine overshares and downplays death. she's interested in true crime because she's already seen the horrors of death and now she just wants to understand the why and how of it (she even says: "Death isn't so scary when you understand the science behind it.") she doesn't believe in religion, she's not spiritual, and she doesn't believe in ghosts. all she can do is cling onto the physical effects of dying and everything that she can learn from it. the way she's able to cope with the things she's seen is by treating it like something that happened to someone else, far away from her. can this be insensitive? yes, absolutely. but this is something she can definitely learn from and change. again, she's only 17... she's gonna have some wacky views about mortality.
so that's what we know so far about elaine's trauma and how it changes her behavior. but without spoiling anything.... in a short time, you're about to see the effects of her trauma in a big way, so it's good to put this out as a refresher!
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aurora-313 · 11 months
Sometimes characters with just one scene become extremely popular. Why do you think that Masaki took off and has a huge fanbase, while our dear boy Kaien has like 3 fans total? Why isn't he insanely popular?
I admit that personally I have strange tastes, not to be a hipster, for example I liked the chemistry between Fin and Rey and so no romance between Kylo and Rey, and to the internet I'm of apparently disgustingly wrong opinion.
I can't say I have the definitive answer but I can give my two cents:
Masaki has the advantage of being Ichigo's mother and the circumstances surrounding her death are somewhat mysterious.
Ichigo is the main character and she functionally serves as a major source of his angst for... extremely questionable, vague plot and character reasons. (mostly because the plot can't function if anyone bothered to tell Ichigo literally everything he has every fucking right to know, but hey... -.- )
But if I may tangent for a moment: Masaki being a Quincy is something that still has me seeing red. There's a whole other plot progression that could've made more sense and been far more concise without unnecessarily dragging a boring Quincy cast and an Aizen knock-off with a bad mustache out of the dumpster. Which would've also tied everything up in a bow with Aizen's defeat without destroying every modicum of Ichigo's agency... but that's another post for another time.
Circling back to your question: I think if the anime adapted the scenes more faithfully, especially in Soul Society, we'd have seen a larger fanbase for Kaien. A lot of Kaien's references were simply omitted. EG; Ukitake wondering what Kaien would do in the whole scenario (up to and including likely literally kicking Byakuya's ass), Rukia asks his memory why would people come for her, Byakuya flashing back with disgust and a modicum of respect when he compares Ichigo's ferocious will with Kaien's and the abandoned implied reincarnation storyline Kubo set up then abandoned during the Aizen confrontation then we'd have a lot more fans of him.
A majority of fans got into Bleach through the anime, and the anime omitted massive parts of the story that removed meaning from Kaien's character. Worst still, the last thing we see of him is an Arrancar puppeting his corpse. Which means a lot of his 'personality' is relegated to some doppelganger twisting him into monstrous parody. What a note to end on, right?
At the same time, I can see why his presence was so diminished across the manga. He entered the narrative as Rukia's source of guilt, as Ukitake's source of inspiration, as Ichigo's spiritual predecessor, as the one who introduced the concept of heart to Rukia and then gracefully bow out when Rukia allowed herself to take his final lessons to heart (pun intended) and absolve herself of guilt, symbolized in her third Zanpakutou power. (I am shocked however that given Rukia's fight with As Nodt, that we didn't get a cameo in that fear cage, especially considering given, canonically, her most horrific memory was of Metastacia!Kaien... but hey.)
But given how Kubo forgot the Visoreds were the ideal counter to the Quincy and forgot they had their masks, reducing them to chumps, how could I expect him to remember someone like Kaien...?
Wow. You admit to liking those characters? I'd delete them all in a heartbeat if I got Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors and Mara Jade instead... but I wouldn't trust Lucas Fims to write their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it right now.
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spacehostilityy · 11 months
My NNT rewatch s1ep19-24
Ps these are backlogged lol I watched fast but then ran out of time for work. Posting this now bc I'm going to Appalachia to visit family and will have very little wifi lol
I know Elaine is pretty underdeveloped (nothing a little fanfic can't fix), but I do love how even in flashbacks, she's more serious and responsible than king
Why was Diane still like 6 after hundreds of years ?? Like why wouldn't they just show her aging?
ITS BEEN 500 YEARS? Meaning only a couple centuries before present?? WHY IS DIANE SO SMALL? HOW BAD WAS HER GROWTH SPURT???
Damn king rlly said mercy kill
The Druids having the technique Enslavement of the Dead is actually really cool because it shows us that the goddess race really was that fucked up from the very beginning. Like the characters realize that Ludociel and Nerobasta are not all there made out to be eventually, but we can see just from the types of abilities the druids (aka those closest to and led by the goddess race) possess
Hendrickson saying "bien, princesa" or EVEN BETTER "THAT'S A GOOD GIRL" LIKE ASDJSKFJSL hes evil and a little annoying but so fcking hot
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Ban telling Meliodas he loves him and then trying to kill him while meliodas is just like bitch I'm busy we can do this later is so funny
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this man gives zero fucks
Ban being the first to realize (after merlin obvi, but she always knew) that Meliodas is a demon and also being the first to accept him means so much to me. This is why I love their relationship. No matter how horrible the other seems to be (or is lol), they stand by each other. I mean not in this specific scenario, but Ban only cares bc the horn of cernunos told him to, so I don't think it really counts. (im delusional)
also I'm typing this on my laptop now and I forgot that I can type this fast ehehe AND i found a way to screenshot so no more taking pics of my laptop for meee
Something about characters begging for death (ban and meliodas) makes me become obsessed with them (i am mentally ill)
MELIODAS BEING WILLING TO LET BAN KILL HIM (if he can do so successfully lol)😭 I know he would just come back, but he would be stuck in Purgatory ASJDKFJSL I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCHHH
every day, i find out just how i much i am capable of shipping them and every day that limit is surpassed
straight besties that would literally die for each other is the ideal fictional relationship
esp bc melizabeth (my actual main ship) doesn't get rlly good until she regains her memories/is a flashback
bro i totally forgot dreyfus fucking dies how does he come back??
ok ban is having his MOMENT after finding out hendy has been using the corpse of the red demon HE killed 20 yrs ago
also I know ban is like 43 and the whole twilight argument is edward is basically just a 100 year old man so following that logic, Ban is middle aged BUT as someone who is close in age to Ban from before he became immortal, that man is the most 23 year old man to ever 23 year old man. He is chronically in his early 20s frfr
king realizing in that moment judt how wrong he was abt the destruction of the fairykings' forest is the biggest oh fuck moment lol
also i may have 🏴‍☠️ed the bandit ban ova to hurt my own feelings
hendy taunting ban by saying his demonic powers are all thanks to him and ban just saying he's "always happy to help" is such a mood honestly
hendy gets hotter with every demon transformation😔
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Meliodas and Ban mourning hawk actually makes me so sad wtf
elizabeth is such a bad bitch when she awakens her power i love her
also hendy being like wow such a powerful druid as if he himself is not a druid and should know this power (and her eyes) is goddess level 🤨
i bet meliodas was shitting himself trying to see whether or not re reawakened her memories tho like damn he was actually probably so scared he would lose her in 3 days without the chance to break their curses
Diane and Ban having the exact same expression is actually rlly funny to me
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wow i remember so little of season 1 lol
them all just beating the everloving shit out of meliodas is entirely too funny to me
HAHA i was RIGHT about revenge counter im literally a genius
😏 face down ass up babygorl
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this is one of the cutest frames in the whole show fr fr😌
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Diane: "Sorry we didnt come for you sooner!☺️" King: "Yeah we've never kidnapped a princess before haha :}"
so in the very last after credits scene, gil, howzer, and griamore are all standing around Dreyfus's work table staring at the drawing of meliodas's demon mark as. But as we know from other characrers later on, can have lots of different marks. Meliodas, Zeldris, and Estarossa all have the same one, but maybe this is a family thing? But if it is, why would demon!Hendy have it?? is the grey denon somehow a relatuve of the demon bros lol
ill do a mini ramble over the ovas that netflix likes to call season 2 then move on to the read deal
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quidfree · 2 years
I agree with everything you said about the finale of Stranger Things 4. The ending is rushed and kinda lacks of emotional impact (really annoying bc it could have been so much better, like El and Hopper reuniting).
I kinda think the Duffers want to keep everything vague as much as possible for, like they said, "the big reveal in ss5", "everything comes full circle",... there's been discussions and analysises where ss5 will go down but it's just based on small hints and subtexts. It's like the main role of ss4 is a set-up for ss5, like an 'open-ending' where every scenario is possible, which is hella confusing tbh.
I have to admit that I was rooting for Will and Mike in vol1, but Vol2 makes me realise that Michael Wheeler is really in need of character development (pls give my boy Will the protangonist era back)
Sorry for my rambling, but i do want to know your take on the character dynamics and what are your most favorite scenes?
ah anon sorry for not answering for like a week, i conflated this w my other stranger things ask and deluded myself into thinking i had
i agree w your finale thoughts- i don’t follow the media circus around the show much but i do get the impression s4 is meant to be set-up for s5, which is very annoying to me because if you’re a good writer set-up should not negate storytelling… there are many shows which use a season to set something up but still tell a compelling standalone story in that season!
re mike and will, i’m fairly neutral abt it, the same way i feel abt all the canon ships in stranger things- the kid ships are all sweet enough, although this season mike and el have been kind of tiring for me (in part because mike did p much nothing this season except be el’s kind of dumbass boyfriend). in any event i think will and mike both could do w a return to early season protag focus and that will deserves an actual coming out and general arc in s5. also you can do better, will!
response to your qs on dynamics and scenes beneath the cut :)
looove steve and his kids obviously- steve and dustin are a no-brainer, but i do wish the others got a couple of real moments with him too (as may be obvious bc i literally wrote that).
steve and robin are very fun. the whole older teen group was great this season, since their personalities were a nice mix- i have to say eddie and steve were really enjoyable together. their dual older brother energy to dustin was very cute. as was eddie’s flirting. or whatever that was meant to be.
on siblings- wish we got some mike and nancy interaction ever. glad lucas and erica got brief moments this season. jonathan and will bonding was very good if brief and a missed opportunity to talk abt the rainbow elephant in the room.
families except the bylers continue to be hilariously absent in the show. when can CPS be called on these people. mikes mom hugging him dramatically will not make me forget how bad of a parent they all are lol.
always enjoy the friendships between the kids- liked will and el a lot this season even tho it was tragically understated, loved mike and will seeing lucas again in hospital, and max’s memories of the group in dear billy. mike and will’s conversations were also admittedly good, despite the unrequited love of it all- they had a relationship core to the show once, so it still holds some weight. i do like lucas and max a lot but i wish lucas wasnt spent so much on Being There For Max hes forever sidelined for no good reason.
underwhelmed by the russia storyline in general- hopper grated on me in s3 and im always team joyce so kind of tired w her having to put up w him and murrays “oh you” vibes but i do enjoy their battle-readiness as a couple. didnt care much abt yuri or the other russian guy (dmitri?) bc it all felt so overdone.
fav scenes: obviously max escaping vecna to kate bush (deserving of her renaissance). the others are going to be random excerpts bc my mind is blanking. eddie telling steve “harrington will drive wontcha big boy” + steve telling nancy he has 6 kids already. the part in the finale where everyone jumps through to the upside down and then throws their weapons through too bc the montage was fun. el throwing the helicopter and then telling papa to choke. will singing neverending story. the ep 7 monologue where 1 reveals the whole plot to nancy (jamie campbell bower fun). the finale segment where everyone is kicking ass and nancy has a shotgun. the way will is like “what friends??” and el goes “stfu” in ep whatever it is. el and max’s reunion. etc.
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i love your debate style so much cause people will say the dumbest shit and complete misrepresent trans rights and you'll just be like "oh of course not! here's a well reasoned counter :) also would you like to hear about this lighthearted but irrelevant thing" your url is completely correct and you are braver than any cop
And it works!
That’s the great thing about it!
If you treat every argument like a formal debate, TERFs shrink from it like a vampire from the sun. They aren’t used to people being so willing to calmly write a rebuttal and treat them like you’re both in a real debate. Without emotion and insults, whatever argument they are using falls apart - and the more detail you make them go into, the more they squirm.
Ask for sources. Ask for articles. Ask for clarification.
Take everything literally.
Show them that you aren’t angry, because why would you be? This is just a friendly debate, right? We’re just doing this over the benefit of knowledge.
I’ve gotten asks and comments that people either don’t respond to when I give them this treatment, or they get mad and block me, telling me that I’m too stupid to have this argument anyway. Okay! Take something from the prize box on your way out!
It’s been two days and I’m already scraping the bottom of the barrel of hate anons. No new ones are coming up, and if they do, it’s what usually amounts to a pitiful mew for attention. I’m imagining a toddler stomping their feet and whining, on the verge of throwing a fit.
“Why aren’t you maaaaaad? Pay attention to meeeeee! Why aren’t you doing anythiiiiiiiiiing? WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”
I think I’m really taking a chunk out of them, and I couldn’t be happier. If you want, try using the same tactics! Here’s the steps, just in case you want to practice before you have your own tantruming child in your inbox:
How To Tick Off A TERF
1. Get the ask! Or the comment, post, or reblog. Take a good, hard look at it. Make sure you understand everything that the TERF is trying to say. This also keeps you from going in guns blazing when there’s really no need to respond at all. I’ve lost plenty of debates because I didn’t read everything clearly.
2. Take a deep breath. Maybe more than one, if you need. The best way to tick a TERF off is to not be pissed yourself. No matter how stupid they are being, remember that this is like a school debate, and they’ve pitted you against what amounts to a twelve year old child. Take a walk. Think about your response while making lunch. Sleep on it. Let your brain marinate in it. Don’t answer until you are completely calm. Remember not to take this personally, even if you know someone who is trans or you are trans. Anger is not how you win this battle, I promise.
3. Kill with kindness. When you start writing your response, put yourself in the mindset of a kind, child-like entity that’s just excited about learning together with someone. It sounds super weird, but that’s how I do it. Pretend that the argument you received has merit and weight, but don’t trick yourself into thinking that it has any bearing on anything. Don’t use insulting or emotional language. It may feel good to let off steam, but it doesn’t prove your point in the long run.
4. State your case. Write your rebuttal in a clear, well-worded way. Stay away from long metaphors or examples - they’ll just get more confused and angry. If you can, include articles, statistics, and sources for all your information, if you can find them. Keep going back to the TERFs argument to make sure you don’t miss anything. Try to predict any obvious arguments they may make and prepare for them. Read it once more before sending.
5. Let you phone boil. What I mean by this is to leave your phone somewhere for a while while your post/message circulates. This not only rests your brain, but it keeps you from anxiously waiting for the TERF to respond. Turn your notifications off. Relax. You did good.
6. Repeat. This person may send you several messages, and may reblog several times. Make sure to follow the steps each time you make your next rebuttal.
7. Use positive language and reinforcement. Like I said, the best way deescalate is to be as formal, put-together, and kind as possible. Treat them like a very misguided child - because that’s truly what they are sometimes. And this also brings up the possibility to younger TERF members that maybe the trans community isn’t so bad (like they had been taught to believe), and that maybe they shouldn’t be afraid of us. We aren’t dangerous. We just want to support the people who don’t get a whole lot of support. Bring up a happy memory. Include a picture of something cute. Make a cute little scenario (my favorite is the prize box). This will either lower their anger or heighten it to a rage, where their true intentions come to light and they lose the debate.
8. Have fun! Really, have fun. Misinformation is bad, but you can’t convince someone who won’t listen. Just treat it as a game, because that’s all it is to you. Unlike the TERF community, you have better things to do than argue with people on the internet. Put your own spins on it! Support people who choose to change! Ignore people who don’t! In other words, take the piss out of people who are full of it.
I hope this helps, my friend! This will probably get a lot more hate anons, so feel free to stick around for the show.
I’m anxiously waiting for the first KYS. Feel free to place bets on when that’s going to happen. I’m saying before the next ten asks. Any takers?
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detectiveinchicago · 2 years
𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 OPEN
Hi everyone!
My requests are open for any idea in general but I thought that maybe some of you would like to requests based on some specific prompts. 
You can send just a:
prompt + character 
scenario + character 
prompt + scenario + character. 
It’s up to you guys but let me know if you want a headcanon, imagine, one shot, drabble, blurb. 
Please don’t be vague, the more you tell me the best I can write something that you might like. 
Request here. 
Down the line you will find the prompts and my characters list.
❛It’s you. It’s always been you.❜
❛Are you gonna kiss me?❜
❛You were always worth it. You were always enough.❜
❛I want everything, and I want it with you.❜
❛I wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you.❜
❛She likes you, but she’s too shy to tell you.❜
❛Your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.❜
❛You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.❜
❛You’re interesting, and different, and I like that.❜
❛And all I want is to be hugged, kissed, wanted, and loved, preferably by you.❜
❛I like you more than I planned.❜
❛You smell like love.❜
❛You’re the reason why I’m smiling again.❜
❛You make me feel things I didn’t believe in anymore.❜
❛You’re it, you’re my person.❜
❛Kiss me again.❜
❛That’s my girl.❜
❛As long as I have you, nothing else matters.❜
❛Grab my waist, pull me closer, kiss me.❜
❛You’re just like a dream.❜
❛It was always you.❜
❛Stop checking your phone he’s not going to text you.❜
❛‘Don’t leave me’ he said, and walked away.❜
❛All the memories come back, but he never does.❜
❛All the memories come back, but she never does.❜
❛I wish you were here to tell me that everything is gonna be okay.❜
❛You let him go. It’s better that way. For you or him?❜
❛But you’re back now-❜ -  ❛I didn’t come back for you.❜
❛I wonder if he lies awake at night missing me the way I miss him.❜
❛Why do we always want what we can’t have?❜
❛You and I will always be unfinished business.❜
❛It was all a dream.❜
❛Its not that serious.❜
❛You’re not a bad boy, you’re just a bad person.❜
❛But ‘just friends’ don’t look at each other like that.❜
❛Missing you comes in waves, and tonight I’m drowning.❜
❛I cant do this anymore.❜
❛He doesn’t even know I exist.❜
❛I can’t fall for anyone else because of you.❜
❛I miss the way things used to be.❜
❛Tell me I’ll see you again.❜
❛No reason to stay is a good reason to go.❜
❛You ruined me and I called it love.❜
❛You were the hardest lesson I ever had to learn.❜
❛Don’t give up on something that matters.❜
❛You never people as much as you miss them.❜
❛I got a mind full of unsaid things.❜
❛The bigger the love, the harder the fall.❜
❛You probably don’t think about me at all, and that hurts.❜
❛Your sexiness is distracting me.❜
❛I want you in my bed, and between my legs.❜
❛I love the way you fuck me.❜
❛So wet and waiting.❜
❛I may look calm but in my head I’ve fucked you ten times.❜
❛I want you to run your tongue up my inner thighs.❜
❛If I was naked in front of you right now, what would you do to me?❜
❛If you can still walk, then we’re not finished.❜
❛You have no idea how much I crave you.❜
❛Let’s misbehave.❜
❛It began as a mistake.❜
❛How can I be upset over something I never had?❜
❛Are you crying?❜ - ❛Nope, I got something in my eye.❜
❛I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last person on earth.❜
❛I’ve been thinking about you.❜ -  ❛Try a cold shower.❜
❛Can you two just date already.❜
❛Dick is everywhere. Chemistry isn’t.❜
❛A million times over, I will always choose you.❜
❛Its always you.❜
❛Don’t worry, the right ones won’t leave.❜
❛Little does she know, he thinks about her too.❜
❛It’s driving me insane how I can’t have you.❜
❛I’m madly in love with you.❜ – ❛Well, good luck with that.❜
❛The bad days don’t stay bad forever.❜
❛ Nothing changes if nothing changes.❜
❛I feel nothing for you. - Nothing, uh? - Nothing.❜
❛I’m not jealous, I’m territorial. Jealous is when you want something that’s not yours. Territorial is protecting what’s already yours.❜
❛I will always care for you, even if we’re not together, and even if we are far, far away from each other.❜
❛You’re all that matters to me.❜
❛I’ve never trusted someone as much as I’ve trusted you.❜
❛We could be so much more.❜
❛I kinda wanna be more than friends.❜
Forehead kiss
Making out
Neck kisses
Thigh kisess
Hand kiss
Cheek kiss
Nose kiss
Eskimo kiss
French kiss
Bite kisses
Body kisses
Earlobe kisses
Bear hug
side hug
Back hug
Hugging from behind
Tight hug
Straddle hug
Eye to eye hug
Hug with resting heads on each other
Twirling around hug
Hug around waist
Slow dance hug
Catcher hug
Love Triangle
First “I Love You’s.”
House Hunting
___ Asking You Out Would Include
You Run Into Them After the Breakup
Dating Headcanon
They Get Jealous
Jealousy Headcanon
The Makeup Tag
You Get A Pet Together
Amusement Park
Time Of The Month
Meeting For the First Time
First Kiss
Being Married To ___ Would Include
Post Breakup, Run In’s
Speak Now Or Forever Hold your Peace
Sex Headcanon
Sleeping Headcanon
Losing Your Virginity {The Lead Up & The Aftermath}
Meeting Yours/Their Child From A Previous Relationship
Taking A Bath Together
Sleepless Nights
Spending Valentines Day With ___
Long Distance Relationship
Coffee dates
Midnight car rides
Candy hearts
Teddy bear
Kinky accessories
Valentine cards
Love coupons
Stay at home date
Breakfast in bed
Movie theatre
Candlelight dinner
Blind date/ set up by friends
Movie night
Ate for a date
Wrong restaurant
Strangers alone on Valentine’s Day
Rained out picnic
Surprise date while working late
Forgot to get anything
Babysitter canceled
Family date night
Secret admirer
Pick up lines
Asking to be valentines
Confessing feelings
Surprise date
Love letters
Fancy dinner
First meeting
Double date
Cuddling gets handys
Secrecy admirer/secret crush
Date gone wrong
Stood up
Vibrating panties
They broke the readers heart in the past and wants the reader back
Reader believes no one can ever love her
Breakfast in bed
Romantic movies
A quiet night t home
Kiss at midnight
Speed Dating
Breakup to makeup
Accidental kiss
Almost kiss
Blind Date
Family don’t approve
Handcuffed together
Height difference
Love confession
Meddling family/friends
Post Breakup
Recreate your first date
Road trip
Strangers who end up on kiss cam
Kiss cam
Volunteer together
One of them is promised to someone else
One of them is married to someone else
LI/Reader is interested in someone else in addition to Reader/LI
LI/Reader is infatuated with someone else instead of Reader/LI
Their together is limited
IntImacy issues
Their love is forbidden by others (family etc, media, people)
LI/Reader into something Reader/LI doesn’t like
Different classes
LI/Reader believes no one truly loves them
It was supposed to be sex only
Their love was supposed to be fake
Faking it at first
Reader is a suspect {probably best of Chicago P.D.}
LI/reader family is the worst
LI/Reader got a reputation
Terrible first impressions
LI broke Readers heart in the past
Trust issues
LI/Reader doesn’t see LI/Reader in a romantic way
Chicago P.D:
Kevin Atwater
Adam Ruzek
Jay Halstead
Hailey Upton x Jay Halstead
Kim Burgess x Adam Ruzek
Chicago Fire:
Evan Hawkins
Jason Pelham
Evan Hawkins x Violet Mikami
Matt Casey x Sylvie Brett
Chicago Med:
Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead x Stevie Hammer
F.B.I Most Wanted:
Ivan Ortiz
Victor Tan
Jim Street
Victor Tan x Bonnie Longslade 
Jim Street x Molly Hicks
Seal Team:
Brock Reynolds
Clay Spenser 
Station 19:
Jack Gibson
The original prompts belong to @heavenlydesiresxo and can be found here. 
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snellyfish · 3 years
May I ask..... what is in your post game V3? I dunno how to ask this without sounding weird.
I mostly only have braincells for Kiyo and Angie so not a lot of my thoughts are straying from that unfortunately LMAO, I was able to branch off a bit answering this though so thank you for indirectly helping me develop more!!
But I like to think it's the same scenario as the second game where it was all just a simulation. I know what I fantasize about is a VR AU and that "postgame" tends to refer to the survivors but literally none of my favorites survived so reality can be whatever I want: postgame Shinnaga is so canon it's unreal!! I'm sure there's probably a VR fic for them somewhere out there in the world, I wouldn't know because I suck at reading fhdjfk, but I would love to write my own someday HEH
They'd all wake up one by one as they die and end up all in the same facility where they're taken care of by the Danganronpa team, unable to leave until they’re well again due to the contracts they signed prior to playing-- Meaning Angie wakes up, Tenko wakes up a few hours later, Kiyo another few hours later, etc. Angie jumps back pretty quick from things so she'd be already VERY excited to see Kiyo*  after watching the trial, mostly because Angie like immediately caught onto what his sister really was to him (HINT: CONTROLLING AND AWFUL) and yelling at her screen saying "GOD WILL SMITE YOU ALL FOR PICKING ON THE WEAK" at everyone just calling him some incestuous freak during the trial. Angie does have genuinely incredible intuition (thanks god!) so she looks past the fact he murdered her Scarily Fast. Everyone would definitely mistrust and hate Angie even more as she tries to preach to them afterwards about Kiyo and how they need to forgive him since he’s a victim and God (most important opinion) already forgave him, but no one ever listened to her anyway especially postgame so it’s all in vain 😔
*whom might take a bit to wake up and fully acclimate again because...idk this man was boiled alive that's kinda Fucked I think all the executed would take longer to wake up because they went through more lengthy + traumatic deaths I guess? This just means even more time for Angie to sit on her thoughts about what happened to her+Kiyo yuh yuh
Everyone becomes a mix of their pregame selves and the identities they were given, they'd end up being mediocre/average (sometimes bad) at what their handpicked talent was but a lot of them still keep up doing it until they DO become good again. A very small amount of them try to replicate their killing game outfits and kinda live off the high of being what they once were and accomplished in their fake memories, like Miu and Himiko. (this also makes me think about Irumeno a bit more 👀) Pretty much every single one of them in pregame saw themselves as nothing, being disposable enough to be in a killing game (even if it turns out to be virtual), so the new identities would overpower the mix for the most part since they’re the more intensified and dramaticized personality--IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE LOL.
--Angie absolutely never stopped her art and has a less intense view on Religion, since garnering more experiences in life she’s just be less intense in general I'd think; more open with her emotions in that she'd actually cry, but still very manic and bubbly and optimistic nonetheless. After getting help (mostly from Kiyo who deals with the same thing), Angie is able to differentiate her thoughts and desires from “God”’s thoughts and desires, YEA she still has a funky little friend in her head. She's not AS pushy especially not with her equally traumatized fellow killing game participants but she still absolutely gets her moments of intensity and assertiveness now and then if she thinks something God is telling her is absolute truth and for the betterment of everyone: she is still Angie afterall, truly believing everyone would be much happier with her God in their lives but having enough self-restraint to know everyone will just push her away further if she tries to help them in that regard. She has her moments of desperation but most everyone’s too far gone from her already.
--Korekiyo is such a complicated one--I do like to think of pregame Kiyo as transfem/nonbinary and that would partially stick into his postgame identity in some way...killing game Kiyo was Just A Dude but after becoming the mix of the two identities he'd be VERY confused, especially with the influence of his (simulated) sister's influence. (genderfluid time? :)) He'd have varying degrees of when his...sister...alter...thing...comes out, or is present in his head in any regard, she'd be gone or slowly disappearing from his mind for months at a time and he'd initially be extremely unstable about it because he feels extremely isolated and lost when he can’t talk to her, but he's got Angie by his side so he becomes significantly less stressed about it over time, learning to cope with it. Eventually he finds himself no longer dependent on sister and...has to learn a SECOND time to not be unhealthily dependent; on Angie this time. (funky little idea I’ve been wanting to draw/write about sometime...hnnrngm) They’re both miracle workers when it comes to each other’s mental health it’s kinda insane. Of course, after realizing that Sister never really existed, he harbors near-immediate guilt for having murdered Angie and Tenko once he’s alone with his thoughts, not being puppeteered by sister, realizing everything he ever did he did for HER and realizing how fucked it all was pretty quickly--he does crave interacting with his victims in a positive and healing light but he’s sort of traumatized by it all to the point he is TERRIFIED when they’re around him at first.
--Tenko ends up EVEN MORE protective and grudgeful after she wakes up, trying to shield everyone and everything from most of the blackened, absolutely makes Kiyo manage to feel like even worse shit when he's got 1 extremely supportive and loving woman he killed and 1 extremely spiteful woman he killed who might legitimately murder him in return if he’s not careful. Tenko never makes amends with Angie and becomes close with Himiko (who's close with Gonta despite Tenko's wishes (she hates him for killing Miu, local woman)), managing to keep Himiko far far away from Angie, not only for "stealing" Himiko in the Student Council but also for the fact Angie's glued to Kiyo's side--making her the second least trustworthy person to Tenko..
--Himiko is very traumatized after the game due to surviving all the way til the end, likely making her (along with Shuichi+Maki) very disillusioned and lost--unable to decipher anything from fiction or reality--it takes a long time for Himiko to really “accept” anything; tried to cling to both Tenko and Angie but ends up just stuck on Tenko, mourning the loss of her friendship with Angie while doing so. Himiko would probably be shoved away from Gonta at first as well, but Tenko felt a lot more confident in Gonta so after a long while of her aggressively trying to teach him manners and keeping an emotional deathgrip on him whenever he wants to interact with Himiko, they’d end up close friends again. Still thinking about Irumeno-- Also with the whole ~~Survivor Delusions~~ thing, I think that helps play into Himiko’s attachment and insistence to keep up her old magician identity, because she has a very hard time trying to tell what’s real n fake ykno, and it takes her a while to realize she doesn’t have her talent anymore; absolutely ending in tearful breakdowns and unending determination to find herself again by forcibly trying to improve and push herself to her limits.
For the most part Kiyo and Angie are outcasted from everyone else, a lot of that being due to Tenko's preaching but...also everyone just doesn't understand what actually happened to Kiyo and they are all deathly worried about Angie, but not enough to get themselves involved; they're scared of Angie too, afterall, not as much as they're scared of Kiyo but ykno-- They think her naivety and determination to “fix him” is going to get her murdered again, every day they’re just counting down the minutes until it happens again. (spoiler alert: it doesn’t)
I could ABSOLUTELY go off more but I really have to end this at some point so fhdsjkfds--
TLDR;; Angie (and God alter) forgive Kiyo almost immediately. Sister alter likes to disappear sometimes making Kiyo sad and unfortunately dependent on Angie. Both Kiyo + Angie help each other heal and recover from their issues. Tenko hates both Kiyo + Angie with a passion and protectively forbids Himiko from seeing either of them. Himiko is close friends with Tenko and Gonta and Maybe More with Miu.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Okay okay okay so hear me out, Ik ik there a lot of dad propmts out there but I have never ever ever seen a Luffy one. I need dad Luffy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for doing this request 😘😘😘😘
Monkey D. Luffy As A Dad
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A/N : this was absolutely so adorable and I hope you liked it! Sorry for the delay, though. But thank you for requesting!
Both scenario + headcannons—
Summary : just a typical day of Luffy as a father.
Luffy would be one chaotic father.
I believe Luffy would want his first child to be a boy. He wants him to be just like his father after all, and having a son would allow him to make him into a man!
When you tell him you’re pregnant, he’s a little confused because he’s not too smart on that. But then when you explain to him that you’re going to have his kid, hems ecstatic.
Immediately throws a huge feast in celebration and you receive many congratulatory words from your crewmates, and even other pirates that Luffy calls up to tell the news.
When you start showing more and becoming weaker, Luffy is extremely protective. He never leaves your side, no matter what.
He orders Usopp, Zoro and Sanji to bring in his food and keep careful on you as well when he can’t, and if you even move an inch and he hears the slightest sound of discomfort from you, he lectures you for not telling him if you want anything and forces you to stay still and in bed.
When you’re in the middle of giving birth, Luffy wouldn’t quite know what to do. He’d be so unprepared and hearing your screams of agony and pain fills him with so much pain as well and he feels helpless. Almost as if he’s having an anxiety attack.
He wishes he can be there with you but he’s too worried now. But eventually he does make it there and sits by your side until you’re done, holding your hand tightly and just allows you to scream into his ear.
He wouldn’t know what to say but his presence is there enough for you, and his comforting and assuring grin to you is even better to help ease the process.
When it finally happens, Luffy’s a bit emotional. After the waterworks go which is somewhat quick, he has an never ending wide grin on his face as he sees your tired form cradling his new born.
He becomes extremely soft and spends the whole day by your side, making sure your comforted and watches as you take care of his son closely, like treasure.
It’s one of his happiest days and memories, and he couldn’t contain his excitement as he tells everyone once more and just shows you and your son off to everyone they meet while on the seas.
Luffy isn’t one to help out with the many chores that comes with having a kid, like changing the diapers and feeding them, but fortunately Nami and Robin are willing to help out. Even Chopper when he can.
But Luffy makes up for it by spending a ton of time with the baby while you rest. Which can be both good and bad.
It does take Luffy and LONG time to understand that the many things he used to do and play around with can be dangerous for [ Son Name ], and slowly learns to be much more slower and careful when he’s around.
It takes a couple rounds of ‘convincing’ from you, but you manage to get it into his head.
Luffy can be occasionally careless, or perhaps it because you were raising a child on the ocean, but with the support and help of the crew, you two managed and it was a pleasant experience. It was pretty fun.
And Luffy was always full of smiles whenever he saw you and his son together, reminding him of just how you two met and honestly,
He couldn’t love you two more than he already did. Every time he saw you both, his heart was filled with so much warmth and love.
“Stop worrying so much and being so lame, [Name]! [ Son Name ] is perfectly- AH HE’S ON FIRE!”
Sprinting into the kitchen, you slam the door open in a panicked state, just to find Luffy on the ground with Nami standing beside him with a fist out, and your son perfectly fine on the desk with Chopper and Brook watching him.
Heaving a heavy sigh of relief, flames suddenly bursted from you and a heavy dark aura enveloped you.
Clenching your jaw and fists tightly, you calmly and slowly made your way to the Captain, even Nami and Brook sweatdropping at your aura as you stopped in front of the collapsed male.
“Hey.. [Name]..” Luffy weakly mutters out and you glared daggers at him as you crouched down. “What. Did. I. Tell. You?”
Silence filled the air, other than Chopper’s soft pats on your son’s head and his little noises and giggles.
“Not to carry and take him to dangerous areas of the ship.” He responds, it a bit muffled due to the various bumps on his head from Nami.
“And what is included in those areas?”
“..Sanji’s kitchen..”
“And why?”
“.. because of fire.”
Like a child being reprimanded and lectured, Luffy slowly sat up and looked down at his lap quietly and you placed your hands on your hips, exhaling.
“That’s right. Yet, you still brought him into Sanji’s kitchen. And I specifically and literally just heard you yell, ‘AHH HE’S ON FIRE!’, just before I came in.” A very quiet and stifled laugh can be heard from him at the sound of your imitation of himself.
You scowl, raising your fists, ready to hit him once more before you heard cries, and your motherly instincts immediately kicked in.
Turning over to your son, you rush over to Chopper and picked him up, pulling him into your arms and smile softly, a complete 180 from earlier.
Kissing your son’s head, you sway softly back and forth, bringing the little toddler in your arms into a soothing quiet state.
Nami, Chopper and Brook smile at the sight.
“Yohohoho~ you really are indeed a great mother, [Name]-san!”
“How cute.~”
“Look how peaceful he looks!”
Luffy looks up from his lap and smiles softly to himself at the sight of his beautiful wife with his amazing child.
He then thought back to when you first gave birth. You were in so much pain, even Luffy started to tear up and he felt so bad because he didn’t know what to do nor help you.
Luckily, Robin and Nami were there to support the both of you when it happened and assured him that it was alright.
And after a couple years with your new son, and having to deal with Luffy’s crazy excitement and cheeriness of playing and spending time with his child, he couldn’t believe you were still able to handle and deal with him.
Much less, the two of them, since your 2 year old son seemed to be acquiring all of Luffy’s qualities.
Luffy stands up from the ground and dusts his pants before walking over to you. Going up behind you, Luffy places a hand on your shoulder and peers over, seeing the sleeping look of his own kid.
“Do you want me to take him in for you?”
Glancing at Luffy with a soft expression, you peck his cheek gently. “Sure, I have to clean up his mess here anyways.”
“No need. Already done.” Nami grins as she finishes wiping off the table whilst Brook and Chopper worked together to clean up the toys on the ground.
You smile at the three of them and chuckle. “Thank you, you guys.” You whisper, to not wake your son up and Nami gives a thumbs up.
“Go rest, you two. Sleep in. If you need anything, we’ll be here. We’ll keep the others down too.”
Nodding, you turn to Luffy and motion him to follow in which he does, heading over to the door first and opens it wide for you to exit.
And so, you both walk back to your bedroom in silence, allowing your son to sleep peacefully during this.
Gently setting down your son into the center of your bed, you sit on the edge and tucked him in, making sure he was safe and secure.
Luffy closes the door and takes off his straw hat, placing it onto the nightstand beside the bed.
Smiling softly at you, he walks over to you and sits beside you, placing a hand onto your knee and watches you.
“He looks just like you.”
Both of you turn to each other and blink a bit before sharing a laugh.
“No, seriously. He has the looks of his handsome father.” You smile gently, pulling away from your son to let him sleep and lean into Luffy a bit. The said male only chuckles softly and leans in to peck your nose. 
“He has your cute eyes and smile though. He may take after me but his kindness sure comes from you.” He reaches to hold your hand and grips it tightly, intertwining your fingers with his.
“I’m lucky to have given birth to your child..” You murmur, laying on his shoulder and Luffy pulls you hand to his lips to kiss gently. “..I’m lucky to have met you.”
Even though Luffy was still the crazy, reckless and weird captain that you knew so well, Luffy certainly has also matured over the years. It still surprises you but you loved him regardless.
“Thank you for being in my life, Luffy.”
“Of course. I love you, [Name].”
A/N: I apologize this took so long but I absolutely loved writing it! :DD thank you and hoped you enjoyed! I love dad! Luffy. 🥰🥺❤️
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can I ask fluff (and spice?) headcanons for Pomefiore and Scarabia boys turning into a 4-5 kid by accident and their s/o have to take care of them. And when they turn back normal what would their reaction? It's up to you Author-san!!!(-chan?) Oh, I and you can include some other characters too~❤❤❤
I couldn’t think of anything spicy, so maybe in another Vil one-shot I have planned
Oh, when I thought of that scenario, the first person that came to my mind was Silver, so I included him too
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🏹 even as a child he is deadly. You literally have to hide his bow and arrow before his small hands land on them,
🏹 magically Rook still gets his hands on them despite your unrelenting efforts to stop him,
🏹 you absolutely cannot shift your attention from child Rook. Even in this form his footsteps are light and there’s no way you would hear them. He’s quite good in escaping your sight and you panic each time he does that. There’s a high chance you’d find Rook somewhere in Savanaclaw trying to touch Leona’s tail,
🏹 stop him, before big bad lion wakes up, 
🏹 babysitting Rook is just draining, so after each day you’re exhausted,
🏹 even as a child, Rook will still kiss your cheeks and showers you in compliments in French, even if tell him to stop. He shall not listen, 
🏹 when Rook turns human again (mostly because Crewel finally made a potion), he thanks you deeply for taking care of him. He doesn’t seem troubled by it at all, non, non. He actually enjoyed his rather short time under your wings, 
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🦚 he must have somehow mess something up with the ingredients or measured something incorrectly. Needless to say, Vil is absolutely embarrassed. What about his image, how could this happen? So obviously, he blamed Rook for his current state, knowing damn well that it was his own fault. Rook decided to politely roll with it,
🦚 you literally can’t stop cooing how cute and adorable Vil is as a child (you had never seen prettier kid). He may enjoy your attention focused solely on him, but he won’t hesitate to slap your hand if you go overboard (you still find it cute),
🦚 you and Rook are self-proclaimed parents. Rook dotes on Vil, while you just do your best to keep him out of trying to produce any potions,
,,If I did it in my adult form, I can still do it, Y/N” “No, you’re a baby” “I’m not a baby!!” “Yes, you are”
🦚 Vil secretly enjoys when you give him attention. Just give him small pecks on the forehead or cheek and he will blush and turn his head around,
🦚 when he finally turns back, Vil brushes this whole accident off. He just wants to quickly forget. Of course, he appreciates every effort you had put in taking care of him and he will thank you, but deep down inside, he feels a bit embarrassed,
🦚 Vil invites for a “spa day”. It’s his way of doting on you for a whole time, as a thank you present,
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🍏 Epel is simply devastated when he turns into child,
🍏 well, he’s devastated for two minutes before he throws a tantrum. A lot of tantrums,
🍏 whether you want it or not, Vil proclaims himself as a father. You both argue a lot when it comes to taking care of Epel. However, you both agree on one thing – that Rook should not participate in Epel’s upbringing,
🍏 Epel is rather aggressive, deciding it’s the best time to pay back for all that bullying he had gone through. Yes, he’s stealing Rook’s hat, hiding Vil’s lipsticks and generally pulling a lot of pranks on them. Technically, he’s a child and you’re there whenever furious dorm leader raises his hand to slap Epel,
🍏 he enjoys that he can finally annoy them and his actions go unpunished, cause you’re always there to react in time,
🍏 Epel however hates when you’re cooing over how cute he is as child. He pouts and is deeply offended. He always wanted you to view him as strong man, yet he turned into a child and you just can’t stop saying how adorable he is,
🍏 he will do his best to prove to you that he’s still capable of handling a lot of things, which leads to rather hazardous situations and you always have a mild panic attack, whenever Epel tries something. May it be trying to climb the tree to save the cat, shooting an arrow from Rook’s bow or accidentally spilling Vil’s poison everywhere, you literally have no break with him,
🍏 when he turns back, he just wants to forget about this. He appreciates your help and he will shyly thank you for it. But please don’t bring those awful memories ever again. Epel will flush and clench his fists at the mere mention,
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🦂 chaos. Absolute chaos,
🦂 after a day spent on taking care of Kalim, you don’t even know what’s your name, what date is it or whether Jamil is alive,
🦂 you and Jamail join forces to stop the apparently powerful forces of destruction known as Kalim Al-Asim or just preventing the poor child from accidentally hurting himself,
🦂 make sure you locked the door leading to magical carpet properly. Double check just in case, 
🦂 Kalim is cheerful and careless as a teenager, but when he’s a child, it’s a whole new level for you. During these few days, you’re always busy making sure he doesn’t injury himself or create a bigger mess. You often dance and sing with this child, making him more than happy,
🦂 you two didn’t invite Jamil to your pillow fort,
🦂 when Kalim turns back into a teenager, the first thing he does is showering you in kisses. Literally, a lot of kisses. He’s grateful that you went through trouble and took care of him. He will gladly return the favor, so expected that for the next few days Kalim will treat you like a princess,
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🐍 oh boy, you thought he would be a calm child and that those few days would pass rather quickly. How wrong you were,
🐍 he tried to hypnotise Kalim into lending him magical carpet and he tried to make you give him the candies with his unique magic. Fortunately, you weren’t impressed with his attempts and you politely refused,
🐍 Jamil is surprised when you tell him that kitchen is off-limits. You don’t let him cook, too afraid that he will burn himself. However, he enjoys observing you cooking for him. He sits calmly watching you mix ingredients and in those moments, you could swear that he’s the most docile and well-behaved child you had ever seen,
🐍 he’s not,
🐍 he plays small pranks on Kalim and you have to admit that they’re somehow funny. You may even giggle whenever Jamil manages to play an innocent trick on fellow dorm leader, 
🐍 Kalim threw a party and Jamil, of course, got lost in the crowd. Guess you will never get a decent break. You spent half of the evening trying to find small child, only to be surprised when he was being babysitted by Azul and Leech twins, 
🐍 let’s just say that you’ve never snatched a child from someone’s arms so quickly, 
🐍when he turns back, Jamil just wants to forget. Just forget about everything,
🐍 of course, he will try to recompensate your efforts. He wants to take care of you too as his way of appreciating you. He knows that he was a pain in the ass, but he’s willing to make up for this,
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⚔️ Lilia is more than delighted, bah, he’s overjoyed. It’s just like few years ago when Silver was small and he can be a father again,
⚔️ Lilia absolutely knows what he’s doing, while you’re purely confused, Sebek may be laughing, but stops when you threaten him to give a potion to turn him into a child too. Malleus is intensively looking for a cure, 
⚔️ Lilia lets you babysit Silver, even though he assures you that he will manage on his own,
,,I seriously want to help you. I’m his girlfriend after all” “If you insist, Little One”
⚔️ you moved to Diasomnia for few days and you were complaining all the time that it’s way too cold for a child there. You and Silver spent a lot of time in the woods. You seriously coo way too much how adorable he looks surrounded by animals, 
⚔️ Silver hates when Lilia jokingly says that now, instead of his girlfriend, you’re Silver’s “self-proclaimed mum” . He just can’t stand you and Lilia acting like a caring parents, he just can’t,
,,No, she’s my girlfriend, not your self-proclaimed wife, old man” “Oh? Five-years old doesn’t have a girlfriend” 
⚔️ Lilia is just joking, don’t worry,
⚔️ ancient fae had told you way too many stories from Silver’s childhood to his liking. You had also seen a ton of pictures of baby Silver, 
⚔️ Silver is generally a calm child and you have practically no troubles taking care of him. He’s either asleep half of the time or purely embarrassed. No in between, 
⚔️ when Silver turns (finally) back, first thing he does is hugging you tightly, while pressing kisses all over your face - on forehead, cheeks, lips, 
⚔️ generally, he’s grateful for your time. Oh, and he’s extremely embarrassed. Sebek will literally never let him forget about this incident, unless you and waka-sama has a serious “talk” with this first year, 
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midnightsnyx · 3 years
Mathew Barzal - A Year In The Making
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pairing: mat barzal/reader
word count: 5.5k
warnings: fluff, angst (me writing sad stuff?? shocker), and there may be a couple swear words? also, this is not edited so i apologize in advance lol
a/n: so this isn’t the soulmate mat fic i am supposed to be writing lol but its still mat! i’ve been working on it f-o-r-e-v-e-r for @hannahmb​ so hannah, i hope you like it!
my masterlist
Mat Barzal
Summary: Y/N looks back on an entire year with Mat.
When you say that meeting Mathew Barzal swept you off your feet, you mean he literally swept you off your feet. It was cold and icy when you were walking to your favorite coffee shop. You weren’t watching where you were walking so when you ran in to him, his foot accidentally (and you question to the day whether it was truly accidental) tripped you up, he managed to catch you before you fell and when you looked at him and saw warm hazel eyes and brown hair sticking out from under his gray hat, you knew you were a goner.
. . .
You knew the reputation hockey players had. They slept around, didn’t give girls a second look after they got what they wanted and you were dead set on never giving Mathew Barzal a second thought but when you ran into him at the grocery store and he asked you to go for coffee, you agreed. 
Looking back, it was probably the dumbest and smartest decision of your life.
Coffee led to lunches which led to a movie night at his place which led you to your first hockey game. You knew absolutely nothing about hockey but what you did know, was that Mat loved to celebrate after a win. Whether it was heading to the bar with a couple of his friends or spending the night home watching a movie, he was always in the best mood after. 
After your first game, he decided that the best way to celebrate was to go for a walk and get hot chocolate with you. Despite only knowing each other for a little under a month, it felt like the two of you had been the best of friends forever. It was something that attracted you to Mat. How easily he was able to get you to open up to him and vice versa - how much he trusted you with his thoughts and feelings. 
It’s definitely how you found yourself standing under a lamppost, snow falling around you like some cheesy romance novel and Mat kissing you softly.
And thinking back, you wouldn’t have changed a single thing.
Things between you and Mat were… interesting to say the least. You weren’t a couple but you know that both of you weren’t seeing other people either. Labels were messy anyways. They caused more tension between the two of you than good. Your friends, however, had their opinions.  
“I just think it’s a little weird that he hasn’t asked you to make things official yet.” Your friend said. “I mean, you don’t know what he does on the road or during the nights you don’t spend together.”
Her words certainly hit a sore spot but you tried to brush it off. “It’s casual,” you said. “We don’t want to jump into anything.”
“If you say so.” She hummed, going back to eating her pasta. 
Her words were in the back of your mind though, no Mater how hard you tried to push them out. You and Mat had been open about not seeing other people, it was a lengthy discussion that made you feel better about not putting a label on anything. But, there’s always the possibility that he would change his mind. You didn’t know what he did on the road. Maybe your friend was right, and even though you and Mat had talked about it, perhaps it was just his way of making sure you stuck around while he was home.
Maybe you were just the pathetic girl that waited at home for him while he did whatever he wanted while on the road.
You’d swept your uneasy feelings about Mat under the rug until a Snapchat video surfaced of him on the internet. It was him with the other guys sitting at a table in a bar with some girls sitting with them. 
They were sitting with Mat and not on him is what you kept telling yourself. He didn’t look like he was interested in them but you couldn’t get rid of the awful feeling in the pit of your stomach that he would take one of them home with him.
You knew that letting your friend’s words about him would ruin things but you couldn’t help it. So you ignored him when he called you the next morning. He knew that you had early classes and wouldn’t call you after games when the time zones would be too different.
You ignored his call and then the texts he sent. He would be home the next day so you decided he could wait until then because you still weren’t sure what exactly to say to him. What would you tell him? That you didn’t believe him when he said that he only wanted to see you? That you didn’t trust him, or that you let your friends words get to you?
You still didn’t know what to say when he showed up at your apartment. He looked worried and mad and you weren’t sure which was worse.
“What’s wrong?” was the first thing he asked. There was no hello, how are you?
“Nothing.” You lied but he shook his head. 
“I know you better than that.” He said. “Something’s wrong.”
You wanted to lie to him again, tell him it was nothing, and to forget about it but you needed to know. 
“Those girls in the video.” You said, and he looked confused for a moment before his expression turned into understanding. “I know we aren’t a couple, technically,” you said quietly and watched as he slowly walked towards you. “But it bothered me.”
You waited for his reaction, watched his face warily. What you weren’t expecting was for him to take both your hands in his and squeeze them gently.
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked softly and even though you weren’t ready for his honesty, you nodded.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you that entire night.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Tito kept asking me why I wasn’t making a move on one of them.” His head tilted a little as he studied you. “But all I could think about that night was how much I wanted you to be there with me.” 
You couldn’t hide the smile that crossed your face and you wrapped your arms around his waist and hid your face in the crook of his neck. 
“I kinda wished I was there too.” You whispered and your smile widened when he picked you up and spun you around. He was laughing when he put you down.
“Let’s go out tomorrow night. A couple of the guys and their girlfriends or wives are going to Joe’s.” He gave you a hesitant look but continued. “I want to introduce you to them.” 
Your brows furrowed. “I’ve met your teammates.” 
“I want-” he cleared his throat. “I want to introduce you as my girlfriend.” 
Your smile could have lit up the room.
You quickly learned that being exclusive wasn’t all that it was cut out to be. There was a certain pressure that came with dating a professional athlete and as time went on, you felt yourself begin to crack under that pressure. You weren’t sure if it was the media, intense fans or the fact that it was difficult to spend as much time together during the Playoffs but you started to question things with Mat.
Your mother always told you that you were an over thinker and always managed to think of the worst possible scenarios and though you would never admit it to her, she was damn right.
Your overthinking is what typically caused an fight between you and Mat. You were never one to pick fights but it just felt like every single thing that happened made you upset. Whether it was you feeling that he played video games too much when the two of you hung out or that he thought you made a big deal out of small things, the two of you were arguing all the time.
It left you spending many nights questioning whether being with him was even worth it when all it seemed to do was cause stress. You wondered if he ever thought the same things.
. . .
The loud cheering in the Barclays Centre did no good to your mood on a Monday afternoon game. You weren’t even sure why you went to the stupid game in the first place after a terrible argument between you and Mat the night prior. It might have been Tito’s many, many texts that day asking you to come because “Mat is always in a bad mood when you don’t come to games” that had you sitting in the stands sporting your Barzal jersey. You knew that you were welcomed in the Wives Lounge but sometimes you enjoyed sitting surrounded by random people you didn’t know and not having to socialize.
It definitely was a good idea at the time because yours and Mat’s fight had unfortunately been in front of some of his teammates and their other halves so you didn’t feel like getting questioned about it.
A loud bang caused you to nearly jump out of your seat and when you looked up, Tito was standing in front of you, grin on his face and waving. You had been distracting yourself on your phone so you wouldn’t look at Mat during warm-ups but you caught his eye when Tito had made you look up. You couldn’t really read the expression on his face. Part was probably irritation and the other maybe relief that you had shown up. The door slamming in his face the night before was probably still fresh in his mind.
Tito waving his hand in front of you brought you back from the memory and he had a puck in his hand, pointing it to you. You furrowed your brows at him because you already had a few pucks from games when you and Mat had first started dating because he had a habit of gifting you with a lot of Islanders things. So you caught it when he chucked it over the glass, intending to give it to the kid sitting next to you until you caught sight of some scribbles on the back. You flipped the puck over and your heart warmed when you realized it was Mat’s handwriting.
I’m sorry with a small heart was written messily on it and when you looked up and caught Mat’s eyes, you smiled and nodded and that must have been enough for him because he grinned and winked at you.
It was enough for now.
. . .
Meeting him at the locker room doors was not anything unusual but you were on edge that evening. You were pretty sure Mat had forgiven you for slamming the door in his face the night before but you were still nervous. When the guys started coming out of the locker room, dressed back in their game suits and grins on their faces, you kept your eyes trained on the doors waiting for Mat.
“He’ll be a few more minutes.” Tito said, stopping in front of you. “He’s doing an interview - game winning goal scorer and all.”
You smiled and let him ruffle your hair like you were his little sister despite the age difference between you two being minor. He always treated you like a sister from the moment you met and you liked that compared to some of Mat’s other young teammates who tried flirting with you in the beginning.
“Thanks, Tito.” You said, waving as he smiled again and walked away.
A little longer than a few more minutes, Mat walked through the doors. He was dressed in his suit again and his hair was wet from the quick shower he must have taken before coming out.
“Hey.” He said quietly, hesitating as if he had been trying to decide whether to approach you or not. When you held out your arms, he walked straight to you and wrapped his around you, lifting you off the ground slightly.
The two of you stood there for what felt like longer than it probably was before he loosened his arms and pulled away a little.
“I’m sorry.” He said, resting his forehead against yours.
“Me too,” you told him and stood on the tips of your toes so you could reach his lips. The kiss was gentle and slow and when you pulled away, you took a step back. “The fight was stupid and we both know it.”
He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “I know. I just… I feel like sometimes we fight for no reason and it frustrates me. I hate being mad with you.”
Deciding that Barclays Centre wasn’t the right place for his conversation, you took his hand and pulled him towards the exit.
“Let’s go home and talk.” You said and he nodded, squeezing you hand gently and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
As you both walked to his car, you idly wondered when home stopped being a place and instead became a person.
The Islanders got put out of the playoffs during the second round and although you knew Mat was upset, he shrugged and said, “there’s always next year.” You wondered if that was what got professional athletes through the losses in their careers.
The end of the hockey season meant Mat going home to B.C and it left you in an odd place. He didn’t directly ask you to come with him for the off season but the way he described his summer plans, made it seem like you were involved.
But you being you prevented you from outright asking if he wanted you to come home with him. It was a big step and you weren’t sure you could handle the rejection.
As the date he was leaving quickly approached, he asked if the two of you could talk and your stomach plummeted at his words. You agreed though and during the drive to his apartment, you mentally prepared yourself for the rejection.
He greeted you at the door with a kiss which eased some of your worries but when he started making you your favourite ice tea, you started getting worried. He was mindlessly babbling about random things until he sat on the stool next to you and when you looked at him, he was uncharacteristically serious.
“You could have told me you didn’t want to come to B.C,” he said. “I wouldn’t have been offended, I know you have friends here and probably had summer plans-”
“Mat.” You said quickly, cutting him off. “I want to come with you. To your home.”
He stopped his babbling and looked at you in shock. “Wait, really?”
“But you didn’t say.”
“Well I mean, you never asked.”
He rose his eyebrows comically high. “I didn’t think I had to.”
A smile broke out across your face and you leaned forwards so you could kiss him. He chased after you when you sat back making your grin widen. “I just didn’t want to push. We spend nearly all year together so I didn’t know if you wanted space for the summer.”
“Y/N.” He said seriously. “I want to be with you. Forever.”
And if that wasn’t the sweetest and most romantic thing a man had ever said to you, you weren’t sure what was.
Summer with Mat was, well, amazing. Days spent on the lake and nights spent under the stars ended up making that summer one of the best in your life.
Meeting his family for the first time was equally frightening as it was exciting. His father, Mike and mom Nadia were two of the kindest people you met and you quickly bonded with his sister Liana. They took you in as if you were their own and Mat frequently joked that they were stealing you from him.
You didn’t mind though. You loved spending days shopping at the mall or going to the beach with Liana. Brunch with his mom was always lovely and she always managed to tell you the funniest and most embarrassing stories about Mat. It gave you a little leverage when you needed it and on top of that, Mat was overly cute when he would pout at you jokingly poking fun of him.
Every single day, you realized you fell a little more in love with him and that realization nearly knocked you off your feet.
“Let’s go out tonight together.” He said one morning. “Just the two of us.”
Not having spent much alone time together as you would have liked, you quickly agreed. Mat didn’t tell you where he planned on taking you but he must have told Liana because she chose an outfit for you. It gave you a small idea of what he might have been planning.
She didn’t pick out a fancy dress which told you that he wasn’t bringing you to a high end restaurant which you were secretly pleased about because you never quite felt like you fit in at places like those. You much more preferred to go to a small diner so when she chose a cute romper with a pair of sandals, you had a bit of an idea of where you might be going.
“Any hints?” You asked, placing a hand over his which was resting on your thigh.
He shook his head and grinned. “It’s a surprise.”
You pretended to be bothered by it but you felt giddy inside that he was putting so much thought in to your date. It was also fun playing a guessing game, throwing ideas at him of where he was taking you even though you knew he wasn’t going to tell you. You had carefully watched his reactions to your guesses so you weren’t overly surprised when your ride ended at a park.
It was pretty late in the evening, getting close to dark so there were very few people out and around. He parked his car and reached in the backseat to grab a bag before climbing out of the car.
You knew he liked opening the door for you so you waited until he opened it before getting out as well. He took your hand and lead you to a park of the park that was empty and then dropped the bag on the ground and dug around, pulling an old blanket out.
“Picnic?” You asked, grinning from ear to ear.
“Is it okay?” He asked and you sat down when he spread the blanket out.
“It’s perfect.” You told him, watching as his face lit up. He sat down next to you and started pulling different snacks out of his bag, handing you some of your favorites.
“Mom helped pack the lunch.” He paused. “I had to stop her when she tried to cook a three course meal for us.”
You couldn’t help but laugh because it was a very Nadia thing to do.
“I love your mom.” You said. “I love your entire family.”
He smiled, looking at the ground as if he was concentrating on something. You knew the look enough that it meant he was going to say something but was either nervous and was working himself up to saying it or would decide not to say it at all.
But you wanted to know what he was thinking so you nudged him.
“What’s going on in your head?”
His cheeks were red when he lifted his head and he shrugged, smiling.
“I love you.”
Your smile was as bright as one of the stars and he met you halfway when you leaned towards him.
“I love you too.”
August was one of your least favourite months because it meant that summer was coming to an end. It also meant that off season was coming to an end and it meant that you and Mat would soon be heading back to New York. You loved it there, you really did. You missed your friends and your job but you knew you would miss B.C even more so when the day came that the two of you had to leave, you weren’t ashamed of the tears that were shed. Nadia made you promise to visit again soon and it was an easy promise to keep.
As soon as you got home, Mat was right back at training for the new season. It was a big change from spending basically every single day together to having to share him again with hockey. You loved Mat and you loved that he did what he loved but sometimes you did wish he had a normal nine to five job. He knew you felt that way some days and you could tell he sometimes felt a little bad about it but what you came to learn throughout your relationship with Mat, was that hockey nearly always came first. It was something that you struggled a lot with in the beginning of your relationship but it got a little easier as time went on.
On your best days, you would watch Mat train and feel pride in how determined and hard working he was.
On your worst days, you laid in bed at night and tried to think of your first kiss with the snow falling softly around you, warm sunny days at the lake and late nights under the stars.
Sometimes it was enough but sometimes, it wasn’t.
Wake Me Up When September Ends is the most played song on your playlist for an entire month.
You never know the biggest fight of your life is coming until it happens. It’s something that starts as the smallest of things until suddenly it hits you like a freight train and the impact is devastating.
That’s what the biggest fight of yours and Mat’s relationship was like.
You hated shouting and screaming. You hated threats to give everything up and walk away. You hated how easy it felt to do just that.
But what you hated most of all, was feeling like you were never enough. Like no Mater how hard you tried, failure was bound to happen and there was no way you could stop it.
And that was exactly what happened.
Slamming doors was your thing. It was childish and immature but it was a way of you making a point when you were angry about something so when Mat slammed a door, you knew he was past anger.
Mat rarely got angry with you. It could be counted on one hand the amount of times he even raised his voice at you but that night, the two of you yelled at each other until your voices were hoarse.
“Why can’t you understand where I’m coming from?” You snapped, watching him pace back and fourth across the living room. His hair was a mess, he had been running his hands through it and tugging enough that you thought he would tear it out.
“Because it makes no sense!” He yelled, “you knew what you signed up for when we started dating! I can’t be your typical nine to five boyfriend who comes home every night.”
“I’m not asking you to be that! I’m asking you to try and put more effort in to this relationship!” You shouted, not caring about the noise complaints you received from your neighbors a week later. “Do you know what it feels like when you feel that you’re the only one putting any effort in? What it feels like when you look at your friends relationships only to realize that yours isn’t even close to how good theirs is?”
“So you’re calling me a terrible boyfriend.” He said dryly.
“That’s not what I said and you know it. Stop putting words in my mouth, Mat.”
“I’m not putting words in your mouth if that’s what you’re saying. If you’re so unhappy, then why are you still with me, huh?”
His words stopped what you planned to say and you stared at him in shock. A small part of you wondered what the answer to his question was. Were you really that unhappy that you considered leaving?
“I…” you began but trailed off as you watched any emotion leave his face. The hurt and even anger disappeared and you didn’t realize how quiet the room was until he shook his head.
“I’ll make it easier for you.” He said, grabbing his coat and keys. “I’m done.”
You felt like you were frozen in place as you watched him leave, slamming the door behind him. Minutes passed before you slowly walked towards the front door, opening it in hopes that maybe just maybe he was standing on the other side but when you opened it, the hallway was empty. It was dead silent and when you looked at the floor, you saw Mat’s key to your apartment laying there, the little heart and smiley face you had drawn on it staring up at you as if it was mocking you.
You knelt down to pick it up and suddenly it felt like you couldn't breathe, like all the air was pulled from your lungs and your heart was cracking open.
If meeting Mat felt like breathing for the first time, then losing him felt like drowning.
You thought that heartbreak was something that passed eventually, that it got easier every day but it was a lie. You didn’t get over Mat quickly, in fact, it felt like every day got harder and you always told yourself you wouldn’t be that girl. The girl who gets her heart broken and can’t get over him. You wouldn’t cry yourself to sleep some nights or be afraid to turn the TV on in case it was the sports channel and you saw his face.
You scrubbed your apartment clean of him, everything he gave you and anything that reminded you of him sat in boxes on the top shelf of the spare bedroom. It didn’t help though because the memories, those were impossible to forget. They were engraved in your brain forever.
You hated him for how easily he left, how easy it was for him to walk out of your life as if he was never here.
Tito texted you a few time in the beginning, first asking what happened and then asking if you were okay or if you needed anything. You guessed he got the message when you didn’t answer because you haven’t heard from him in weeks and you weren’t sure if that made you relieved, or sad.
Falling in love was easy you realized.
Falling out of love was impossible.
A year passes swiftly. Especially when it’s both the best and worst year of your life. You hated yourself for it, but when December hits, you wondered how Mat was. You wondered if he got over you quickly or if he struggled the same way you did. You suspect it was the former.
At the end of every year, you liked to go through your things and donate what you don’t need or want. You started with your clothes and as you went through it, you noticed that you were missing several of your favourite outfits and your heart sank when you realized they were at Mat’s.
It left you with a dilemma. Leave them, or be a big girl and go ask for them back. You could go through Tito to get them back but you don’t know if he’s upset with you for ignoring him just because you broke up with Mat. He was your friend and it was unfair what you did but at the time, you were hurting.
But still, you decided to do it yourself and go get the clothes from Mat’s apartment and whatever else you might have left there. You did your best to get ready and look presentable and when you felt ready, you grabbed your keys and headed for the door. When you opened it, a hand nearly collided with your face as the person standing there was starting to knock. They jumped back and when you looked up, you found yourself staring in to the eyes of the exact person you were going to see.
“Mat.” You whispered, feeling like you needed to reach out and touch his face to make sure he was actually standing there and you weren’t hallucinating. But you didn’t because that would just make you look insane.
“Hi.” He said quietly and the two of you stood there for an unknown amount of time staring at each other.
Eventually, you found your voice.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, not harshly but confused.
He opened his mouth to say something but it was if he couldn’t get the words out. Like they were stuck in his throat.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said and you looked at him in shock.
He scratched the back of his head and looked at the floor. “What I said to you… it was unfair. I know I fucked up, and I don’t deserve a second chance but these past two months, I missed you like Hell.”
You were lost for words. You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t miss him too but were you really willing to put your heart on the line again and it got broken so easily last time? Could you even handle another heartbreak like that?
“Can we… can you give me a second chance?” He asked so timidly and quietly that you barely heard him.
You let yourself think back over the past year, remembering every single detail. All the joy, laughter, love and heartbreak. Was it worth it? Risking everything again even though you could end up broken again?
You found yourself looking at Mat again, hazel eyes warm and hopeful and it makes you think of the very first time you met. You were faced with the same decision - to let him in or let him go?
You knew you could live without him but you realized standing there, thinking about the past and what the future could be - you didn’t want to live without him.
So you stood up on the tips of your toes and pulled his lips down to meet yours and it felt like you were whole again.
“I can.”
(a couple years down the road, you’ll be saying I do in front of your friends and family with the love of your life and you’ll realize that yes, the risk was worth it.)
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Can I request the hostage prompt with whirl,cygate and megatron with a human so
Ohoho I've been waiting to do this one... Hope everyone enjoys some silliness mixed with sweetness!
Part One: You're Here!
Part Two: Here!
·You've always had a kind of strength Whirl recognized and admired, it's one of the reasons he fell for you in the first place, but even you aren't sure what exactly gives you the fuel to snap with enough force that it freezes your captor at their active communication station. Maybe you're just tired of being chained up, but their arrogant demeanor is more than likely what pushed you over the edge, specifically with that last taunt at Whirl that used "Cyclops" as the punchline for the millionth time. Swears are beautifully melded into an avalanche of fury that starts with you demanding this lazy idiot think of a better insult for your partner than something involving his looks, because "You think YOU'RE hot shit?! There's corpses in here with more charisma than you!"
·Fear doesn't even register as you keep on tearing apart your captor in every way you can. Nothing is off limits with all the taunting Whirl has been forced to endure on the other end of the communication line, and thus you bring out every below the belt insult you can think of. The bad bot's jaw is slack as you continue, looking to their dazed face and declaring "Not to mention you're dumb enough to go after MY mech, you think a loser like you is gonna stand a chance against WHIRL?! Just last week he tossed a combiner off a bridge because he called me "fleshy", what do you think he's gonna do to YOU?!"
· The communicator is still running when your kidnapper leaves it to try and intimidate you into silence, a move that makes you laugh in exasperated dismissal. "Oh, now you're gonna THREATEN me, really? Did I not make myself clear? You've pissed off the deadliest mech in the universe, and he's got the entirety of the Lost Light helping him search, your next few hours would be a lot better spent deciding how you want what's gonna be left of you interred!" Though you're not even knee height compared to your captor, he actually seems to flinch at your words, especially with you raging so close to his gobsmacked face. The rush of finally shutting him up spurs you to continue your roasting with increasingly petty and crude comments on your partner's significantly superior looks.
·In a stroke of fantastic fortune or misfortune depending on your perspective, a tactical explosion tears into the underground base just as you start to elaborate on Whirl's many other impressive skills. Bots rain in to overwhelm your kidnapper and his automated defenses in a coordinated ambush, one quickly ruined when your absolutely giddy paramour rushes forth without a care to take out the captor in a flying jump kick with a howling battle cry. Rather than eviscerate his now vulnerable enemy, Whirl leaves the crumpled kidnapper where he lies, heedless to the battle still raging all around as his optic sparkles as he beholds you. Like a damsel being swept off their feet you're plucked from your chains and pulled into his careful claws.
·All but gushing with euphoria, he explains that your brilliant distraction tactic gave them the ability to trace your location, and that he heard every word of your spark warming defense on his behalf. You can hear the unhindered adoration in his voice, but you also get a chance to see it as he practically dances through the combat with you held in one arm. By the time your kidnapper is the only one left, he looks lovingly into your eyes and primes his gun with a tender whisper. "Want me to kill this glitch just for you, babe?" The other bots quickly interfere to insist on taking him in for a proper trial, something you're quite alright with as you explain all you really want is to get some rest. Whirl insists on carrying you all the way to bed, whispering sweet nothing's and more or less being the most affectionate anyone has ever seen him.
·Afterwards you're told what it was like on the other end of the communication line. He'd been inconsolable at your kidnapping, and it had taken multiple bots to prevent him from tearing apart the ship as the messages came in. But the moment you'd started shouting? He'd been initially frozen like the rest of them, but had eventually leaned in beside the communicator to listen, his optic getting mistier at every passing curse word yelled on his behalf. Some described his demeanor as that of a lovestruck teen listening to their crush sing a love ballad, though they emphasize his emotional reaction to hearing you was undoubtedly genuine, as it was probably the first time he'd ever been defended so passionately by anyone. The endless doting on you he engages in afterwards leaves you little doubt this is true.
·Having two loving partners has always been a blessing, which is probably why you're so easily driven to a blind rage in the face of your captor's endless attempts to mock both of them through the brief communications he sends to the crew, which are also made more unbearable by his ever increasing list of demands for your return. At his latest taunting of their "freakish" romance, you hit your boiling point. The communicator is still running when you lay into the callous bot for having the audacity to insult anyone's choices when he's set himself up in a literal evil lair. "There's body parts just thrown around like confetti in here, and you LIVE like this?! Do you think you get to decide who's weird in this scenario?! At least those two were decent enough to have each other as roommates, you couldn't convince anything living to shack up with your creepy ass!"
·At the total silence you somehow find the fury to keep going, but harder and faster this time, your self restraint little more than a memory as you dangle from the chains keeping you still. "Is it a jealousy thing?! Are you just that peeved off you're single? That you had to steal me to cut them down from three to two? Bad news dumbass; they're STILL beating you on the dating front!" It's not helping your situation, but tearing in to the jerk who's dragged you into a cave and spent so long bullying your partners feels too good for you to stop, especially with the stupid look of indignation and confusion twisting his expression. Not to mention he gives you plenty to rip into even as he tries in vain to make you shut up.
·"You think you scare me?! Do you even know who I'm dating?! Do you think they'll let you get away with this stunt?! One of them can destroy your stupid face with one punch, the other is Cyclonus, and you've gone and pissed them both off!" While it may be a little underwhelming to threaten the guy with what others will do to him, you're hardly in a mood to complain when his expression briefly gives way to one of horrified realization. Yet that hardly calms you down in any significant way. Did he drag you to some nowhere planet and chain you to a wall without even bothering to consider the consequences?! Your back is killing you and the bots have been enduring his incoherent demands for hours, and perhaps you could forgive that if not for all his haughty taunting, which drives you to once again begin raging.
·"Did you even have a plan?! Do you actually have any idea what you're up against, or did you just think you'd swipe a human and earn an easy paycheck? Because if you had even an inkling of what my mechs are capable of, you'd be headed for the nearest space bridge and warping as FAR away from here as physics allow!" While it's a new level of ridiculous, even for your crazy life, the absurdities of the nonexistent plan simply make you see red. It's one thing to be kidnapped by someone who at least has goals, but to be chained up in a cave by some idiot who doesn't have any plans beyond profit and bragging? That'd be enough to tick you off in itself, but the additional insults he's levied at your partners bring your tirade into molten levels of anger that seem absolutely bottomless.
·You're practically red in the eyes when the whole place quakes, and by the time you realize your captor is booking it he's already made it to the door, though his escape ends there when it opens to reveal the bots you've been wanting to see more than anything. A single strike from Cyclonus sends the kidnapper clear across the room, and he's followed by a battle ready Tailgate roaring out his fury as the security systems come on. The chaos of automatic turrets does nothing to distract you from the little blue bot pummeling your captor, and it only makes the arrival of a familiar purple mech that much more heroic as he snaps your chains and pulls you into his arms. The battle is little more than a formality before the barely conscious villain is cuffed and prepared for transport to trial, something your two partners are only willing to allow under the threat of personally hunting him down if he tries to escape justice. Before even leaving the cave you're smushed in the middle of a passionate hug.
·Tailgate alternates between ecstatic buzzing and relieved weeping at your rescue, while Cyclonus never loses a soft smile but keeps finding opportunities to hold and touch you as if he needs to be reassured you're here. It's heartwarming, but according to the rest of the crew it all started at your unplanned radio takeover. No bot had been prepared to hear their favorite human erupt in such unbridled rage, but those two had been shocked in the most wonderful meaning of the word, their expressions reflecting awe like no other until the ship had actually arrived at your location. Cyclonus had actually gone slack jawed while Tailgate had threatened to faint in his arms, but joy had painted their reactions more and more as time had gone on. The tiny powerhouse and the colossal mech out of time were still effusive in their praise every time you three were together, neither having ever known someone could truly love the two of them so completely.
·Knowing that Megatron has a sizable target on his back and a lot to be criticized for doesn't make enduring your captor any easier, which is probably why you end up reaching a boiling point after a few hours of listening to the bot who's tied you up try to claim some kind of moral high ground. A tiny human being protective of a titanic gladiator may be illogical, but you can't seem to care when you finally hit your limit, the chains keeping you in place rattling from your sheer force of rage. Because seriously, so long as we're criticizing people for immoral actions, can you cut in about the time some raging jerk tied you up just to taunt another bot and get some cash on the side? Your simple but glaring barb immediately gets the attention of the much larger alien as they stare at you in shock.
·At his bafflement you become entirely unhinged. "Really? What, do you need me to spell out the irony of all this?! You're calling MY MECH a monster, but I don't see him running many evil lairs at the moment, do you?! Kind of rich, you claiming the high ground while I'm literally CHAINED TO THE WALL and our only present company is CORPSES, don't you think?!" The various and still unexplained dead bodies dotting the cave remain as the only audience you know of while the communicator is abandoned, your captor leaving it behind so he can approach and try to growl out some kind of intimidation. It has no effect beyond making you more furious than ever before. Had the chains not been holding you down, you'd have certainly tried to swing at his stupid face while you snapped.
·"Are you trying to scare me? You, a two bit kidnapper who holed himself up in a cave, and I'm supposed to be impressed?! I'm DATING Megatron! One look at a bot that terrifies the galaxy and I decided I wanted a piece of him!" You're almost proud as you declare your undying love for your gigantic partner, something that has earned you a lot of grief from others but has made you happier than you've ever been in your entire life. While you ordinarily don't attempt to argue on his behalf, per his request, it's impossible not to just grill a jerk who thinks he has the high ground to criticize literally anyone. Plus your open and passionate fondness for the former warlord seems to be scaring your captor more than the mech himself ever could, something that brings a devilish twinkle to your eye as you continue to threateningly gush over the bot you adore, if only to pay this jerk back for all the gloating he made said mech endure.
·You're absolutely effusive as you passionately and quite aggressively go on about what a gentlemech you're dating, with ample divertions to the many ways his incredible strength and size are used for much more protective and noble purposes, like holding you close or crushing bad guys. It isn't long before you're spinning a terrifying yarn about the time you were caught in a firefight and he tore a hunk of the wall clean off to shield you from the danger before proceeding to beat the attacking forces with the corpse of their leader. The kidnapper is actually backing away slowly, which turns to backing away quickly as you begin to describe Megatron's romantic poetry skills and how some of his greatest talents lie not on the battlefield but in the bedroom, by which point he's preparing his security systems to cover his escape.
·Perfect timing, from your perspective, makes the sudden explosion of every door a beautiful and inspiring sight. In what has to be the most well coordinated ambush of all time, your friends of the Lost Light storm the cave and annihilate the resistance so fast you only have to blink before a very restrained Megatron is cuffing your petrified kidnapper and tossing him to Magnus so he can be taken into custody. When he turns to you he's actually smiling, and there's a lot behind the expression. Relief, gratitude, exhaustion, and a million other emotions swarm in his optics as the chains keeping you bound crumble like dust in his grip, and you're lifted in his cupped hands like a priceless treasure. Though he's mostly quiet for some time after, you can hear how absolutely smitten he is with you every time he speaks, and the lovestruck look of pure affection never seems to leave his face, which you see often as he appears terrified to lose you.
·A couple of other bots feel compelled to tell you; he was on the warpath when he found you missing, and many had been taking bets on how little would be left of your kidnapper once the former Decepticon got his hands on him. Yet, as soon as he'd overheard you, something about his whole demeanor had changed in an instant. He hadn't just softened, he'd been visibly moved by the passion of your defense and the fire of your love for him. The very idea that he could be defended had been unthinkable in his mind. Yet you'd faced a much larger foe without fear because you'd been so angry on his behalf, what could he possibly have done to deserve such a thing? His gratitude is apparent every moment the two of you spend together, from his rather out of character cuddling to his impressive increase in poems written to describe his adoration of you. Though it isn't at all necessary, you do enjoy having been able to let him know how deeply you cherish him.
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nafeary · 3 years
Napoleon, Theo, Dazai, and Jean reacting to College Student!MC Stressed by Deadlines
Requested by @hqissodelicate:
hey toni boo, sara/delicateikemenmemes here ❤ i've been Going Through It with school 😔 so i was thinking of how my boos napoleon, theo, dazai & jean would react to MC who's a (stressed, exhausted) student who got yeeted to the mansion in the midst of a bunch of deadlines? thank you boo & i hope you're drinking your water 💙😤
✧✎ A/N: I’m sorry it took me this long to finish... but this was super fun to write and it helped me get back into writing after such a long break due to school bs. I’m not too satisfied with Dazai’a and the haphazard scenario/headcanons mush, but I still quite like this I think. Thank you for the request dear! Take care and drink water, everyone!
Warnings: Stress and mild mentions of anxiety, and like one mention of sexual intercourse
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Napoleon Bonaparte
“You’re just a chore, after all.”
You whirled around. “Don’t act like your job is going to be that hard,” you could only scoff in annoyance, “I’m going to be inside my room all day, anyway.”
At first, Napoleon was slightly confused by your statement. Wouldn’t you want to explore this new world at all? But according to code, he’d just smirk and go (sleep) do smth
And true to your statement, you did stay inside your room for the most part
It’s not like your quadrillion essays would write themselves
It’s not like your college would just excuse your tardiness
It’s not like—
“Nunuche, you sure you don’t need a break from... whatever you’re doing?”
Napoleon was quite suddenly standing besides you, trying to read the mess that you’ve created.
“And who gave you permission to enter?”
“Me, obviously. I did have the impression that you were in danger, judging from the amount of curses I perceived.”
You could have died from embarrassment. Of course he had to hear your yells of frustration, stemming from the fact that your laptop was out of order, that you had no idea how to use ink properly, and—
“Have you realised that you regularly zone out?”
“I suppose? But if you wouldn’t mind, I really need to finish...” you trailed off, gesturing to the papers in front of you.
However, at his inquisitive gaze, you decided to explain that these were essays that could very well decide how you’d pass university, and, upon further inquiry, elaborated how a modern student’s life looked like
He never interrupted you unnecessarily, only to ask questions when a concept was too modern for him to comprehend
Your cursed assignments certainly made your life in the past harder to enjoy, but it also brought you and the emperor closer than ever
Unable to access the internet—or visit the college library—you had no proper sources for you references (considering that Comte’s library had no modern content, naturally)
You also didn’t want to bother Sebastian, especially since him and Comte had shown so much understanding for your peril that they practically forbid you from helping him out around the mansion
Their reasoning didn’t make you feel less bad though
Hence, you only had one option left that could complete your last essay
Which oh-so conveniently encompasses the Napoleonic Wars, something you truly did not want to burden him with
“Napoleon? Remember those essays that I have to finish for my university courses?”
“Of course.”
You were twiddling your thumbs, contemplating whether your grades are worth revisiting unpleasant memories, aka the taboo of the mansion
Abruptly, he grabbed your cheeks with just enough force to turn you away from looking at your feet, but not enough to inflict pain. “If there is anything I can help you with, I’d never shy away from it.”
Begrudgingly, you inquired him about his reign with as little focus on the gruesome details as possible your professor be damned
And holy shit, he’s amazing at writing? And Not just cringey love letters? Panty Sniffer Napoleon brrrrr
As you grew closer, he’s spoil you with vitamin-rich snacks (going as far as asking Arthur and Sebastian for medical advice)
He enjoys carving cute shapes out of fruits and eggs because he knows that their and his adorable presence will prompt the perfect amount of distraction to allow a small moment of rest
Says that it’s his duty as your guard and boyfriend to take care of your overworking habits
Expect frequent complaints from your beau, ranging from “how could they assign so many essays? Aren’t students just humans, too?” to “‘Reasons Why Edison Is Better Than Newton’? Do they even know what they’re talking about? Tch!”
Theodorus Van Gogh
You gleefully indulged in his charades for the first few days. They were a welcome distraction from your college work, after all
But the procrastination was accompanied by guilt, your anxiety building up every second you spent helping Sebastian with the chores, and gallivanting around town with Theo
A week passed before your sense of responsibility finally kicked in. So when Sebas came to wake you up just as the sun peaked past the horizon, you were already scribbling away on some sheets you’d found in your drawers
“Ah, good morning, Sebastian-san.”
“Good morning... what are you writing, if I may ask?”
“Just some essays for my college courses...” you said, glancing dejectedly at your notes.
Now that you didn’t have access to the internet, and your laptop’s battery was all used up, it made your work all the more tedious, but you had to set your teeth and do this.
“Give me 10 minutes, and I’ll join you in the kitchen.”
He had wanted to argue, but you didn’t let him. And when he saw you leaving the house with Theo later in the afternoon, he could only shake his head.
You felt like you owed the art dealer, especially since you blurted out his secret the literal next moment, so you committed to helping him while also keeping up with your work
Although, him calling you dog wasn’t nice either—even though, according to Sebas’ explanation, Hondje wasn’t exactly the equivalent to mutt
That cycle continued for days. Helping out around the mansion, getting pulled around by Theo, and writing your essays deep into the night
Not to mention all the worries that pressured your shoulders further and further into the ground
You were missing so many group project deadlines, disappointing people that relied on you... it was safe to say that sleep did not come easy, if barely
Just before you arrived at your room after a late night art exhibit did your body decide to fail you, tripping over nothing multiple times.
It prompted Theo to call you out before you could even think of rushing past the door, steadying you with a hand more gentle than you had ever experienced it to be.
“Sebas informed me that you’ve been working yourself to death.”
You silently cursed the butler. “I haven’t—“
“Give me your laptop.”
Perplexion ran across your mien, wondering how he could possibly have remembered such a modern detail from your countless rambles. “It’s batt— it doesn’t work right now, so it’s not like it would stop me from working.”
Arguing with the devil was a mistake.
He snaked his arms around you, holding the door handle in place with one hand while the other still kept you upright. “I don’t care whether you work or not, I’m not your mother. And regardless of its abilities, hand it over, knabbletje.”
What other choice did you have but to comply?
He ordered—yes, ordered—you to go to bed right that instant
If you hesistanly ask him to do the same (we all know what a hard worker he is), he’ll just press a guileless kiss to your forehand, telling you not to worry about him
The next morning, you were already worrying for your baby’s safety within the sadist’s hands when the devil invited himself into your room
“Ever heard of knocking?”
“Morning to you, too, Hondje.” He sent you an overly handsome smirk, handing you the laptop tucked underneath his arms. “You won’t be able to use that spider web Sebas told me about, but writing should work.”
You stared at Theo in disbelief, all the while internally laughing at him misinterpreting the World Wide Web. Deciding to trust in him, you clicked the power button. And sure enough, it sprang to life. “What... how in the world did you...”
Leo overheard you and Sebas talking about solar energy sometime… hush, just run with it
He fell into the seat next to you, propping his chin upon his fist. “I didn’t do anything. Just asked Sebas whether there was a way for you to use this. Leonardo took notice and tinkered around with it. Don’t ask—ah!”
You threw your arms around his shoulders, pressing your face into the crook of his neck. “Thank you for taking care of me, Theo.”
Would you have lifted your face, then you’d have caught a glimpse of the vermillion shading his cheeks. “I didn’t do it to help you. I simply can’t risk having you become a liability at work. That’s all.”
Anyway, tsundere tendencies aside, you know what another big factor of dating Theo is?
King if you’re not allergic, understandably, if so, he’ll change his clothes before even thinking of visiting you
On days that you decide to be especially stubborn, he pulls you outside, all the whilst whistling for the jolly golden retriever
And as soon as he comes running, your mind goes brrrrr cute dog
Although, he’ll try his best not to distract you from work. He knows from personal experience that it’s a much bigger annoyance than help
Thus, he’ll certainly use his connections and amiable rip Shakes relationships with the residents to help you out with the research process
Also, with his superior memory, he knows what generally makes you happy and relaxed, so he’ll be his usual observant self to decipher just what would help you perfectly relax/finish your work
Hardworking boi, please love him
Dazai Osamu
Dazai is the type of person that doesn’t mind upsetting people and risking someone’s disdain if it supports that person in the long run
And he’s able to read people like books, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he knows you’re overwhelmed before you even realize it
You’ve been going to sleep too late and waking up too early? He’ll gently force you (if you’re 100% against it, he won’t do it ofc) to sleep beside him, making sure that you won’t rise with the sun for once
You’ve been exposing your wrist to heavy sprain? He’ll teach you some handy-dandy 5 Min Crafts techniques that are guaranteed to send your hands on a vacation
You've been suffering from writer’s block? Time to go on a lovely stroll through nature with your boo
Your shoulders and neck are hurting beyond sanity? He swears by hot springs, so the thermae is his go-to for when you need to relive some muscle kinks
He never fails to procure the perfect amount of bubbles and temperature. And depending on how comfortable you are with it, he’ll offer to wash your hair.
And since dude got Disney princess hands, you most probably fall asleep, but our man is there to hold you above the water
His bare thighs are an added bonus, sending your mind into spirals faaaar away from college work
After you’re done bathing, he’ll ask you whether you’d like him to braid your hair (if it’s long enough), and his Disney princess hands will not disappoint
In the beginning, it was incredibly vexing to have a security cam in the form of a handsome man always on the qui vive
But at some point, you started embracing Dazai’s overwhelmingly passive—you knew exactly what he was doing whenever he’d do something random—protectiveness
Especially since it didn’t only help you complete your work; on the contrary, you were always excited to spend time with the Japanese writer
But that didn’t curb your confusion at the whole debacle. Why was he this focused on your well-being?
So, you decided to confront him
“Dazai?” Once again, you were relaxing in his arms, his fingers threading through your hair lulling you into a dreamlike state.
He ticked his head to the side, pulling your entwined hands closer towards his heart. The sun streamed into the run at just the right angle, yet the golden light was not as bright as his vivid citrine orbs.
You sighed, unable to look at his stupid handsome face for too long. ”Why is it that you insist on taking care of me?”
“Someone has to, Toshiko-san.”
You’d have blurted out your feelings if it wasn’t for the sudden embrace you found yourself in. As guileless as it appeared, you knew he was trying to stop you from acting on your thoughts.
Deciding that you didn’t want to pressure him further (after all, you knew that he had a hellish first life), you accepted the unclarity of his feelings—even though his actions spoke loud enough for you to understand.
It was that day that you decided to repay him for all he’s done for you
And you wouldn’t let him yeet himself through a window in an attempt to evade the love sent his way this time
Even if it took decades, you wanted him to feel just as safe and loved as you did in his company
You were glad to have such a caring man by your side who helps you with managing you self care
You could only hope that he’d allow himself to be treated the same way
Please just take our love, boo. We love you
Jean d’Arc
Well fuck, how could he possibly help someone who’s stressed when he himself is a 24/7 McDonalds that only sells Chicken McStress?
Anywho, I feel like he’d be the complete opposite of Dazai when confronted with a stressed MC
He’d care just as much, of course, but he thinks that it would be better to give her space, since he himself understands the desire for solitude well
So yeah, I can see him not going out of his way to check up on you if you weren’t super duper close friends/lovers IF it wasn’t for his friend Napoleon
After all, it was him who gave your boyfriend a lil talk, convincing him that, perhaps even if someone needs space, they probably still need someone to look after them
Living with Jean is basically Ted Talks everyday
Anyway, he embarked on his journey to hopefully help you and and to relieve some stress that was wearing you down (according to the statement of several residents)
And, finding himself halting abruptly, our pessimistic little bean realised that he’s got zero idea what did help you attain bliss
So he opted for the next best option—things he knew that made his friends relax
Plan A
Hearing a few oddly reluctant raps on your door, you went to open it. As soon as you did, the beautiful man who’d captured your heart entered your vision, your eyes finding his amethyst ones immediately.
You two stayed like that for a moments, only breaking eye contact when he sighed and simultaneously thrusted a mug into your hand, already in the process striding back to his own room.
“Uhm… Jean? I’m a bit busy right now, but would you like to come in?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t you find it inappropriate for a man to enter your room, mademoiselle?”
“Jean,” you giggled at his archaic mindset, gently rubbing your thumb between his brows to even out the crease. “We’ve had sex before, you know. Of course you ca—“
Wrong thing to say. He stormed past you, vermillion cheeks practically leaving a trail.
Chuckling to yourself, you turned to the mug’s contents. “Hm? Hot chocolate?”
Plan B:
“If this doesn’t harbor your discomfort…” Your boyfriend reluctantly stood in your room’s corner, standing straighter than a rod.
Frankly, your essays have kept you entirely too busy, and you longed for the warmth of the French man’s feather-like embrace.
“On the contrary, I enjoy your presence.” And you went right back to scribbling away.
Jean frowned. “Haven’t you been writing stories since this morning?”
“They’re not stories… and, yeah? I believe so.”
Stepping towards your seated form, he extended his hand; you grabbed it without thinking twice. “Is everything alrig—whoa!”
With the ease of a seasoned soldier, he picked you up before haphazardly tugging you into bed with bewilderment maring your features. “You should sleep.”
He stared at you blankly, as if expecting you to fall into the land of dreams right that instant.
“Did something prompt,” you slipped your arms out from underneath the duvets, gesturing wildly, “this?”
It was hard to be upset with Jean, his clueless but genuine persona the reason why you fell for him, yet you couldn’t disguise the irritation coursing through your veins—you had work to return to, after all.
“I think you need to rest, mademoiselle.”
Your blinking made him avert his eyes, explaining quietly, “I am uncertain what supports your release of tension, so I thought that perhaps sleeping could help since it certainly does show affect with Napoleon.”
“Ah, and you made me hot chocolate since that’s what calms Mozart.”
After internally simping for his soft and wholesome dumbass energy, you pulled him to bed beside you, claiming that it would help you relax (but only after telling him that it was okay for him to ask for your preferences)
And falling asleep to the heartbeat underneath his broad chest is definitely a 5-star-resort vacation
He’d eventually ask his relationship advisor Napoleon whether it is okay to have you help them out with his reading/writing lessons (you
You, alongside Napoleon, steadily agreed, despite knowing that it was a ploy to keep you away from overworking
Please also love this boy, thanks
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Tag List of the most wonderful sweethearts (just message me if you’d like to be added <3): @juminly @kisara-16 @sweetlittlemouse @thesirenwashere @nad-zeta @delicateikemenmemes
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
OK. Moving on, slowly but surely, Episode 2 of Word of Honor.
For anyone only just peeking inside my door, this is a re-watch, so there are SPOILERS not just for this ep, but possibly for the ENTIRE SHOW. Scroll away and come back later if you haven’t seen all 36.5 eps and want to watch it unspoiled.
So, the major thing that hit me during this episode: On re-watch, with context, Wen Kexing’s thirst is now super-complicated by the fact that he thinks he’s recognized the Siji Manor Swift Moving Steps™ from A-Xiang’s throwdown with Zhou Zishu at the end of Ep 1. He gets his confirmation in this ep when he goads ZZS into their first fight, in Chengling’s (badly green-screened) peach-blossom front yard. This complicates the stalking and the flirting, particularly the poetic references WKX uses here to talk about ZZS’s footwork, giving it a level that ZZS (along with the audience, back on our first time watching) simply doesn’t have the context to understand yet. (Well. ZZS not getting all the info that WKX has. That’s the start of a pattern. I mean, at this point, WKX certainly doesn’t owe this random guy a peek into his deepest traumas - EVEN THOUGH it would make things about 10000x less complicated, which is also part of the pattern - but I’m just sayin’. It sure is the start of a pattern.) So ZZS blows off WKX as a PUA asshole with an apparent kink for rough trade with appalling facial hair - just like all of us, as the audience, at this point, were beginning to watch open-mouthed at the speed and intensity of WKX’s thirst for some apparently random dude who he spotted tits out, drinking himself to death in the gutter. Don’t get me wrong, WKX is still thirsty as hell, and he was out to tap that even before he saw the Siji Manor Swift Moving Steps™, but now it’s all mixed up in memories of his shixiong that we won’t see, and ZZS won’t know about, for several more episodes. WKX’s still not sure this is the same guy, but it’s at least an associated guy. So our additional context from later episodes now makes it look like all the stalking isn’t just about having the hots for some rough trade who keeps flashing his collarbones, it’s also about regaining a kind of emotional intimacy that WKX hasn’t had for umpty years of trauma and abuse and killing his way up the ladder. This specific flavor of emotional intimacy isn’t something he can get from A-Xiang, even if she saves his heart – this random drunk dude is triggering some memories (that we won’t see for several more episodes) of feeling protected and cared for, unconditionally, and this guy is literally the only person left in the world who could/can make WKX remember those kinds of feelings. And WKX chases it like he’s starving, because he is. Because anyone in his position would be. Prince Jin will eventually do the same kind of thing to ZZS, grabbing onto him like a drowning man at the only thing he thinks will keep him afloat.
Also, WKX may have had slightly more home training than A-Xiang, but he’s had a lot more – and more recent - grooming by a psychopath. I remember reading somewhere that Zhou Ye talked about how A-Xiang seems slightly off, not quite right in the way she acts, at the beginning of the show, and this was a deliberate acting and directing choice because she was raised in the Ghost Valley, literally doesn’t know how to act right in normal society, and has to learn how as the show goes along. I feel like we see some of that with WKX, too, not just in the hard sell with ZZS, but also in some of his mannerisms and reactions – less so than when he’s playing it up in the Ghost Valley, but still noticeable. I think you can see this in the aftermath of the fight with the ghosts, when both WKX and A-Xiang are watching the reactions from and interactions among ZZS, Chengling and Boat Man, and they both seem kind of ... baffled? Occasionally taken aback? At normal reactions that the other three are having to events. When you set them together in that scene, it’s noticeable, particularly with the way A-Xiang keeps checking in with WKX as if to say, really? This is how humans act? It’s little things that on my first time watching, I initially wrote off to …. not necessarily bad acting, but to overacting, to Gong Jun maybe not being quite settled into WKX’s skin yet, that smoothed out as Gong Jun got more comfortable with the character and with playing off of Zhang Zhehan and seemed more ... natural. NOW, I wonder if this also was deliberate, if this is WKX not being quite settled into a human skin, which smooths out as he gets more comfortable in acting human again and in being around ZZS and Chengling. But meanwhile, he’s like a starving feral dog who’s spotted a piece of meat, and I chose every bit of that metaphor specifically, because psychologically and emotionally, that’s what’s going on, and it’s the way ZZS reacts to him, too.
ZZS is already gun-shy and touch-averse at this point (see the moment he jerks his hand out from under WKX’s hand at 31:20, while they’re both transferring energy to Boat Man) – he just wants to be left alone to die, is that so gd hard? - it’s clearly a trial for him to have to even be around this many nattering idiots. But I also have to think some of the instincts that made him so successful and kept him alive for so long in Tian Chuang have to be screaming at him, every time this rando approaches him, that something is not right about the guy. And even when you’re as suicidal as ZZS is right now, instinctive behavior is hard to overcome, and we see how quickly he steps back away from WKX, at 12:58, when WKX steps close enough to invade his personal bubble. At the same time, everything in WKX is screaming at him to plaster himself to this guy. And so, we set up the constant WKX push, ZZS retreat that we’ll get for several more episodes.
Other thoughts:
Chengling got the spirit I guess, but my lord. He gets beat down and gets his sword took about 5 times in the space of a minute and a half. Good thing his Xiang-jie is there. (Have mentioned how much I love A-Xiang? I just want to be sure everyone knows how much I love A-Xiang. Already. She is a fierce, feral, ray of brightness in every scene she’s in.) Here’s the thing, though – knowing what we know now, I can’t believe not a single one of the Ghosts says “WTF, Amethyst Fiend, why are you making this difficult for us to get the Glazed Armor your zhuren wants us to get our hands on?” They MUST recognize her. Or is this a set-up that the ghosts are in on, to make Chengling and whoever’s with him trust WKX and A-Xiang? But who knew Chengling would even escape? And that seems unnecessarily convoluted when they could just kill him and Boat Man. Did the plan get tweaked when ZZS showed up? If so, I can just imagine what these rank-and-file ghosts are thinking about what WKX wants this kid and this guy alive for, given they don’t know he’s trying to destroy the Ghost Valley – maybe that WKX’s going to do the same thing to Chengling that was done to him by the previous Ghost Valley Master. (Oh. Oh, although - here’s an AU thought – what if ZZS hadn’t turned up at just this particular moment? And what if WKX had intended to kill Chengling, too, along the rest of his family (I mean, presumably this IS what was supposed to happen)? But what if this Ghost Valley Master - whose heart has been fatally compromised by A-Xiang – sees this little soft-hearted soft-eyed dumbass, with his parents and everyone else he knows and loves dead and on fire around him? What if he does end up collecting another kid, at that point? THEN WHAT HAPPENS? Complicated by the fact that WKX’s got emotional skin in the game from jump, in this scenario, but Chengling knows up front about WKX’s part in the Mirror Lake massacre.)
OH MY GOD. I had to watch the same four seconds of footage about five times to try and figure out what’s going on, but there’s a point during the fight with the ghosts when ZZS is still having his Seven Nails Torment Moment, and Boat Man is busy dying, and Chengling is, well, Chengling has been beat down and had his sword took, and meanwhile A-Xiang is dealing with one of the ghosts, and another one’s coming up behind her, getting ready to brain her with his sword. And then at 29:01, it looks like he gets yoinked backward, and he goes crashing through a door, but then there is – I swear to god, y’all – a shot of two walnuts (remember those?) falling on the ground near him, and I guess the implication is that WKX, still hidden in the shadows, knocked him backward by throwing a couple of Walnuts of Death at him? Who knew Wolong’s Famous Nuts were crispy, delicious, and good for self-defense?
Oh, WKX. “Zhou Xu.” It’s so close, isn’t it? So close to “Zhou Zishu.”
Second ZZS/WKX physical fight happens over ZZS insisting that WKX leave Chengling tf alone and stop trying to see his injury. Well, there’s the beginning of another pattern.
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theravennest · 3 years
Hot Loki Take: Sylvie was Right
*Spoilers for all of Loki the series up to and including ep 6.
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Sylvie was right to kill He Who Remains and free the timeline.
I’m deadass.
He Who Remains forced reality into an endless cycle between a time of Order (he rules as dictator) & a time of simulated and controlled "Chaos" (his Conqueror variants wage war). I say this “chaos” is simulated because when you think about it, it’s chaos that He Who Remains arranges himself by manipulating Lokis.
He Who Remains is so fucking sus but for some reason people are just tripping over their own feet to believe everything he says and vilify Sylvie for killing him. 
He literally tells them (and us) that his methods are deceptive and we know for a fact that he’s willing to murder trillions upon trillions of people, planets, and realities to get the outcome he wants. Yet some are still believing everything he says cuz he said maybe 4 things that were truthful, I guess, and cuz he’s cute. Some of us are so blinded by the fear/anticipation of Kang the Conqueror’s arrival, we are letting him bamboozle us.
He Who Remains perfectly and personally tailored the Ordered period of the timeline to produce this exact Sylvie and this exact Loki, had them meet/influence each other, and then had them travel to the end of time...to him.
Now Lokis by nature are agents of chaos and could suddenly swerve left, so to speak, for no reason. So let’s assume I believe that He Who Remains didn’t 100% know what they would choose once they crossed the Threshold (if the Threshold he described is even real, tbh). He also so carefully molded both of their entire lives for that moment in the Citadel. He may not have known 100% but he knew at least 90% of how they would react to everything he said and did when they were both pushed to this place/mindset.
Notice how he teed them up for the fight that ended in his death:
Manufacturing a scenario where they would meet via the TVA’s variant pursuit.
Manufacturing a scenario where they would travel to the Void and meet Alioth.
Kid Loki being in just the right place to give his sword to Loki.
Miss Minutes appearing to menacingly offer an obvious devil’s bargain.
Him slyly telling Sylvie that she can’t trust Loki, putting it into her head just before he gives them his ultimatum.
All of these thing practically gift wrapped that ending to the Loki on Sylvie fight.
Let’s elaborate.
What was even the point of Miss Minutes offering to re-insert them into the same Sacred Timeline with both getting their hearts’ desires there? 
Not more than ten minutes later He Who Remains told Loki and Sylvie to their faces that he manipulated all this for the sole purpose of making them choose between taking over as rulers of the TVA or killing him and ushering in a Multiversal War. Neither of those choices would result in re-inserting Loki and Sylvie back into the timeline.
So what is the truth? Why waste precious moments with a creepy Miss Minutes menacing them in that vestibule scene?
Notice how Miss Minutes’ words pushed Loki further onto his path of no longer wanting power or a throne but desiring to change his attitude about himself and the universe. Notice how her words conversely pushed Sylvie into balking at the idea of accepting another “fictional” life after a lifetime of being manipulated and made her double down on her mission to free the timeline and get revenge.
Sylvie has the ability to see memories but interesting how he kept her distracted by condescending to her and provoking her, just stoking the fire to make her react negatively. (Interesting how he was far more focused on Sylvie’s reactions than Loki’s, most likely because he needed her to kill him for his plans to work.)
Now I don’t want to completely shift responsibility for her choices away from Sylvie. In truth, if she had held in her vengeance for let’s say an hour and trusted Loki a bit more, they could’ve sat down to talk about things and maybe found a third solution other than starting a Multiversal War or ruling the TVA that still could’ve even allowed her to get revenge. (More on the ultimatum later.)
But I can’t blame her for losing her cool, either. He Who Remains made damn sure she would burn as hot as possible because he tailor made her life to give her the personality he wanted. And any other version of her out there who might have made a different choice would’ve already been pruned.
He Who Remains tells Loki and Sylvie straight up that he set them on their particular life paths because he needed them to be “changed by the journey” to ensure everyone in that room was in exactly the right mindset to do what was needed to “finish the quest” and presumably “slay the dragon,” aka Him. (Notice the parallels to the speaker narration just before episode 2′s fight at the Ren Fair.)
We don’t know! Sylvie never enchanted him to read his memories because she was so filled with rage and Loki was too busy trying to stop her, he didn’t think to do it either. And we’ve already established that He Who Remains trained them that way. Nothing that happened in that office was without He Who Remains’ influence and meddling.
Another nail in the coffin that convinces me that He Who Remains is a no good dirty liar is Renslayer.
If He Who Remains’ end goal was to either have the Lokis choose to rule the TVA or destroy it and thus end up with no memory of her previous TVA judge role/life, why did he send Miss Minutes to Ravonna with files that caused her to pack her bags and search for what she calls “free will,” AKA the one in charge?
I’d bet dollars to donuts that when the next season rolls around the only people who will know what’s going on and still have their memories will be Loki, Miss Minutes, Sylvie, and Ravonna. (Maybe Kang the Conqueror will know as well but I could see it going the other way too. I’m 50-50.)
He Who Remains was planning something by pushing Ravonna the way he did. Does he want her out of the TVA so she doesn’t lose her memories when everything resets? Does he want her to go find the Conqueror version of himself? I mean, at this point, practically everyone knows who she is to Kang in the comics, so let’s not pretend that’s not an option.
Another thing to think about...it’s super suspicious that he was so eager to make them believe he’s one of the “good versions” of Kang and all these others are much worse while giving absolutely no evidence of that outside of an interactive blob powerpoint, a quirky attitude, and a couple of sad, weary faces????
Who’s to say He Who Remains isn’t playing the long game and always manipulates his variants to eventually give him the chance to seize control of the multiverse?
Who’s to say he’s not one of the Kangs that wanted to conquer too? Funny how the “pure of heart” Kang is the one who still wrested control of all reality, killed off every other timeline with a weapon of mass destruction, installed a fascist time bureaucracy, and set himself up as the dictator. Sounds an awful lot like some conqueror shit to me, just saying.
Even wilder theory: what if this really is the same Kang the Conqueror but at the end of his life? We only have hhis word that he’s a variant. He Who Remains tells Loki that this fight is for the “young and hungry.” Maybe the “young and hungry” he’s referring to is not Loki and Sylvie at all but his literal younger self. Perhaps he set up this entire cycle of chaos and order so that he can perpetually live, conqueror, rule, die, and start all over again? Reincarnation, as he says...
But let’s set that wild theory aside for a moment. Let’s circle back to the Multiversal War debate and say it really is is caused by an infinite amount of his variants.
I think it’s hella sus that He Who Remains was so insistent that Loki and Sylvie only had two choices to resolve this riddle: Multiversal War or running the TVA almost exactly the way he did while maintaining only a single timeline. Those are definitely not the only two options they had. In fact, I could probably name 1-3 other options off the top of my head right now:
Keep He Who Remains alive while learning how he manipulated time and using those skills to slowly unleash the multiverse while killing every version of Kang to prevent him from existing as either conqueror or dictator.
Kill He Who Remains, take over the TVA, and slowly change it to something not horrific or even build a brand new system for governing time.
Kill or keep He Who Remains, still take over the TVA, slow rollout the Multiverse and kill or prevent every Kang along the way.
(I’m not saying these aren’t also morally questionable options, I’m just saying they are different from the two choices He Who Remains presented.)
But let’s say these options I suggested are not feasible. I just randomly came up with them ten minutes ago so it would be fair if they were picked apart logically. 
So let’s contemplate this, instead:
Why should we assume/believe that a Multiversal War is actually a bad thing again??? Why are we assuming that He Who Remains’ Sacred Timeline really saved reality from total collapse? 
Assuming he told the truth about his motives, maybe he was just...wrong about the end of reality. Maybe he saw what he thought was the conclusion to the Multiversal War coming and erroneously believed it to be the end of everything but actually it was the multiverse sorting itself out and everything would’ve been fine after.
We (and He Who Remains too) will never know because not only did he not show any evidence to back up his claim that reality was on the brink of collapse, but he himself never allowed things to play out naturally. Whenever the end of the war comes to the brink of something, he always panics, weaponizes Alioth, and traps the universe in his cage of Order with the TVA.
Even more controversial take...maybe the collapse of timelines and the end of everything should be allowed to happen. Maybe the natural cycle of reality is to build and build, splinter and splinter timelines, until it collapses and starts all over again from the void.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, all things exist in a cycle so why should the multiverse be any different?
After all in all, in all three possibilities an infinite number of timelines is destined to suffer and die. Whether it be during the Kang-controlled Order period, Kang-controlled fake Chaos period, or the unrestrained natural Chaos that collapses in on itself...an untold amount of people are dying anyway. There’s only one of those scenarios that has actual unrestrained free will where those people get to exist how they want, make choices they want (even bad ones) for as long as they can.
(Personally, I’ll take that over what the Kangs have wrestled the multiverse into.)
I’ll just take this moment to re-iterate: trust nothing He Who Remains says. He’s a known liar and manipulator, and unlike Loki he has done absolutely nothing to actionably show he’s not still lying or to show that he’s trying to change outside of some sad looks. It’s all pantomime, bruh. Like, the pageantry of it all astounds me. 
Is he maybe telling some truths? Sure. But that doesn’t mean he’s not using the truth to manipulate everything. It’s an illusion, I’m telling y’all! He was up to no fucking good.
Sylvie was far more right to kill him than to not. Loki, Sylvie, & team (prolly also the latest Avengers lineup too) now just need to find a way to break this Kang cycle.
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TLDR: me rambling about a possible future scerios for Kurogiri and some hc to go along with them kinda
Also pls note that everything I know about the manga is from synopsis of it bc I personally struggle to read manga (all the panels blur together for me and I can never tell what order the text bubbles go in and it's just a struggle bro) so I apologise if all this isn't entirely accurate bc it's prolly not lol
Man ok so I mentioned before that I've been thinking about Kurogiri a lot right
So I personally don't think Shirakumo is coming back. Like he will always be a part of Kurogiri and I think he will start regaining some of Skirakumo's memories and emotions, but I don't think his overall personality or appearance will change all that much. What I'm hoping for is that the doctors working on him are able to loosen some of his programming a bit, but honestly, the whole point of it would be to just make him safe to release as a civilian. I mean obvi he's been a villain throughout the whole series, but it's not his fault. He was literally forced to do all of it. He was programmed to take care of Tomura by any means necessary, and that he did. So I don't think he really deserves to be punished.
Okay so here is a possible scenario that I want to happen:
Basically Aisawa and Hizashi keep visiting him and talking to him and shit and the doctors and psychiatrists do what they can, and eventually he just gets taken into UA (under very close supervision ofc). He's really not violent at all unless he's directly ordered to do something by OFA or ig Tomura (as far as I know). I feel like Nezu would end up not only allowing it, but I feel like he'd be one of the first people to suggest it. As UA's principal, he'd feel a sense of obligation toward Shirakumo since the academy failed to protect him all those years ago. Hizashi would be on board immediately, but Aisawa would be more hesitant because he'd be fearful for the students. Nemuri would be somewhere in between, but I think she'd eventually side with Hizashi.
So yeah he'd be at UA and it would be very strange and he'd have a lot of conflicting emotions. He'd probably be high key having an identity crisis at this point, wondering which thoughts and emotions were Oboro's, his own, or just programmed into him. This would be particularly troubling to him when it comes to Tomura. A part of him would probably dislike Tomura as a person. He's rude, reckless, bratty, and immature. On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, he was literally programmed to take care of Tomura. But still, after being with the kid for so long, being there through the good, bad, and ugly, and watching him grow up, of course he's going to care deeply for him. He'll never stop loving that boy like a son. The UA staff probably knows that, and all they'll probably be able to do is distract him. I think that Eri would take a liking to him since he naturally just kinda has that concerned dad thing going on, and he'd end up babysitting her or something. He'd probably also like Bakugo because he's like an angrier but less homicidal version of Tomura. I think that interacting with the kids would probably be good for him. Taking care of spitfire children would probably make him feel a little less anxious since that was basically what he did with the LOV. And then, yet again, you have another series of conflicting emotions. He'd miss the LOV terribly and he'd be worried about them. At the same time, he would grow to care about the people within UA.
He'd feel drawn to Hizashi, Aisawa, and Nemuri for obvious reasons, and them to him. But I think he'd avoid them at first. What's left of Oboro would always try to take over when they were around, and Kurogiri would find that both physically and mentally agonizing. And every time one of them looked at him, he'd sense that they were speaking to Oboro, not him. That itself would probably hurt, especially since he knows that he can never be Oboro again. There isn't enough left of him. There's a part of his own psyche that blends into Oboro's, who of course has his own emotions about the situation. There's not much of him there, but it's enough for him to feel. Eventually, though, I like to think there would be a point where Oboro's besties would start seeing Kurogiri as just himself, and he'd tentatively respond in kind.
Okay imma mention a major character death now
After Nemuri's death, he'd probably feel so, so horrible and upset and he'd take it so poorly. He's usually a pretty calm person, so people would be kinda confused since he wasn't nearly as close to her as Aisawa and Mic were, but eventually everyone would kinda generally realize that this dude was experiencing the grief of two people at once: that of a close childhood friend, and that of someone who Nemuri had helped feel like a person.
Okay now time for a nicer headcanon
So when that asshat programmed him, he prolly did something interesting to his sleep schedule. To do his job effectively, Kurogiri might have to stay awake for days at a time during bad situations. For him to be able to do that, he is going to have to be able to compensate for that later. So my hc is that during periods of "inactivity", like when he feels generally safe and doesn't see anything to attend to, he just passes tf out sometimes. So during periods where he's feeling anxious, he probably just. Doesn't sleep, bc in his mind he's like "omg threat detected". But if you hug him for too long, he'll fall asleep on your shoulder. But like most of the time it's a p light sleep so he can be ready to take on anything that may try to sneak up on him or whatever, so sometimes it's hard to notice when this happens bc you can't really read his face and also he wakes up so easily. But occasionally, his body will simply say no 💜 and my mans will be OUT for like half the day or longer depending on how long he's gone without a proper rest. He can usually tell the difference between his lil micronaps and a Konk-Out as Present Mic starts calling it, and he will try SO HARD to fight it but he does not win ever.
This literally took me like an hour to type holy shit lol but anyways yeah
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eunjidrabbles · 3 years
YAYYYY your asks are finally open!!! hi hi im the anon may i ask for a hwasa one shot wherein reader is courting hwasa but hwasa doesn't find fem! reader attractive. after one date, hwasa decides that reader isnt really her type which r is bummed about but respects her decision. however, one day hwasa finds r's genuine character and somehow, she falls for r's charms uwu angst to big big fluff please! sorry this is long :3 i really like tropes like this thank youuu!
Just One
(I realized writing hurt/comfort stuff soothes my soul a lot. Probably because I like making it hurt and then I feel bad and try to make it warm and fluffy so no worries. Longer requests help me with plotting out the story.
Edit: Sorry this took longer than expected, I just started my first day of work again and guess who is now a barista? Also Wheein’s solo album just dropped today so go give it a listen ya’ll)
Word count: About 2.4k
Ahn Hye Jin is a goddess. Everyone who has seen her either loves her, or hate her because they want to be her. With beauty, fame and charisma that goes off the charts, who could blame when you were to be drawn in like a moth to the light? Of course given the opportunity, you chose to chase after her disregarding the fact there were probably many others like you. It was a chance given, and it would be foolish not to grab at it. Be it getting your manager to buy her favorite drinks so you can drop it off for her whenever she was at the company practicing, leaving little notes with a container of food for her to heat up when she stays back for more practicing on her own or even occasionally popping by the studio when you had some free time off your schedules, you did you best to let your presence be known to her. Management didn't know of your crush, brushing it off as admiration for your senior whose group literally built up the company, and you'd prefer for it to stay that way lest you get kicked out barely a year into debuting. Hyejin however, knew of your intentions. You've made it clear to her when you gathered up the courage to manage to stammer out a "I like you." Before you could hear whoops from Wheein and feel the stares coming from the other two older members directed at you.
Over time, you've managed to also worm your way into the rest's hearts as they realized how pure your intentions were, and how far you'd go to try take care of their strong-headed maknae. Seeing as to how Hyejin has never properly rejected you, they slowly started putting in words for you whenever they spot your gifts for her, planting what they'd hope to be the seeds that will help make their youngest happier. It started from "Look at how thoughtful she is!" To “Hey look, guess who dropped by again today~?” Each time, she would only smile and wave away at her member’s teasing as she accept her gifts with a smile.
The small interactions with Hyejin and the rest of her members were great as you slowly got to know them more, just as friends. Sharing jokes and they would sometimes even invite you up for a meal together. It wasn’t until a few weeks later of skirting around your very obvious infatuation with Hyejin did you actually put up your mind to do something. Nodding to yourself, you gathered up the courage and knocked on the door. Cheers were heard from inside and as routine, Hyejin came to the door to open it for you. Passing over her drink with a smile, she stood waiting accepted it with a small chuckle and thanks. Right before she turned away, you called out to her. Looking back at you questioningly, you took a few deep breath to try settle your pounding heart. “One date. Just give me one date. I’ll show you that I’m serious.” You could see her eyes widen in surprise and slowly cover her mouth with her hand. You shift nervously, not daring to break the eye contact. She was the one who looked away first and her gaze fell to the ground, seemingly deep in thought. Noticing the longer than usual interaction, the rest of the members curiously peeked over one another to observe the situation. Putting the pieces together, Wheein shared glances with the older members and back to her best friend and voiced out her thoughts. “Why don’t you give it a shot?” Slowly looking over to her, Hyejin studied her expression, followed by the encouraging looks Moonbyul and Yongsun was giving before going back to her own thoughts for a bit longer. All the while you stood, head slowly lowering, feeling your throat and chest slowly coiling and tightening on themselves while you prepare yourself for the rejection incoming. “So what do you have in mind?” Snapping your head up, you find her staring right at you. You could almost hear your own heartbeat as you let out a breath you didn’t even notice you were holding. Glancing past her, you see the enthusiastic nodding and thumbs up given to you by the rest of her members and you pulled out your phone. “I’ll text you the details?”
As far as records go, the company only saw this meet up as a nice meal between a member of their top girl group and their solo artist. You’ve managed to book a small table at a café that you were introduced by a few friends. It was a cozy little place near an alleyway, just a little out of the way of where the crowd would usually go. Settling down in the corner, you were both handed a small menu. Skimming over, you decided to place an order of a cup of coffee and a macaron for a sweet treat. Hyejin took a little longer to look through the menu but also ended up with just a cup of coffee. There was an awkward tension in the air as you constantly try to find topics to speak about to engage the woman sitting opposite of you when all you could get in reply was a few words in reply. With a smile, you could only nod and let the silence blanket the both of you as your drinks and snack came. Every time you looked up from sipping your drink, you could see her silently in her own thoughts and decided not to bother her lest she finds you annoying. It was when you were on the last few sips of your drinks did Hyejin finally speak up.
“I don’t want to be harsh but I don’t think we’d go well together.”
The words echoed in your head as they processed into what she was trying to say. You swallowed down the harsh reality that hit you right in your chest and nodded with a small understanding smile. “Thank you for at least giving me a chance, and of course, being honest with me.” Nodding back, Hyejin went back to sipping her drink as the silence once again settled between the both of you, this time for you to quietly nurse your heart. Setting down the empty cups, the both of your stood as you pulled out your phone and texted your manager to pick the both of you up. While waiting outside the café, Hyejin couldn’t bring herself to look at you. A part of her felt that she had led you on, despite it just being that she couldn’t understand of her own feelings. To make everything simpler for everyone, the best choice would be to reject and ignore it. A hand coming towards her in the corner of her eye surprised her, and with that she finally look at you again. “Friends?” Raising your eyebrow, you silently prayed that whatever happened wouldn’t ruin whatever relationship you had between her and her members. “Friends.” Raising her hand to shake yours, a smile bloomed across her face in relief that you held no anger towards her.
You understood that it will definitely take time to get over the fact that you had a crush on Hyejin, so you chose not to avoid it. Instead, you faced the rejection straight on, and went up to Mamamoo’s studio even more often to interact more with everyone whenever you had the time. Every now and again, you’d also have a member or two pop up in your studio to join in the chaos, much so adding up to your manager’s headache of trying to keep your appearance as an idol intact, knowing well fully that the random moments you shared with the group would most likely air out as update episodes in your mini vlog series. It took a while to realize that by taking a step back from pursuing Hyejin, that you got so much more closer to her. The awkwardness melted away and what was left was a healthy friendship.
It also took a while for Hyejin to realized how much more she had been looking to spend time with you. Or that the increasing number of comments in your vlog series were commenting on how much and fondly she looked at you. It became almost a daily thing to exchange greetings from dawn and annoy one another through text till dusk fell. It got to the point where whenever her phone’s notification rang, does she perk up and rush to it and if it was not a reply from you, she would falter and according to Wheein, “Look like a kicked puppy.” If you had a schedule when she was free, she sometimes tag along with an excuse to keep you company but if you could see her behind all the staff, you’d notice her intense gaze as she studies you. The way you moved, the way you laughed, and even to the way your chest rise and fall as you breathed. Part of her knew what was happening, but she refused to act upon it. It wasn’t fair that you were the one who risked your career to chase her only for her to reject you, and now suddenly changing her mind. You on the other hand didn’t seem to notice all the extra attention you were getting from her and it annoyed Hyejin to a certain extend. She wanted the smiles you gave to everyone directed to only her. She wanted the jokes you shared and the laughter you gave to just be shared between you two.
It drove her crazy, the more she explored her feelings for you. It made her feel things that scared her. Scenarios would appear in her head as she watches you interact with others. Your words would race through her mind as she goes about her day. Images and memories of your gifts and notes pulled on her heartstrings. Maybe. Hyejin silently thinks to herself. Just maybe, I might be crazy. Chuckling to herself as she stopped in front of a set of doors, she sighed. That’s still better than letting someone else hold you, right? Looking up at the sign that stated the opening hours, she pulled out her phone to do a quick check of the time and pushed open to step through the set of doors.
The bass vibrated throughout the entire room as music boomed from the speakers in the practice room. Your eyes were trained upon your form as you connected each movement of your body to flow with the beat of the music. Seeing how focused you were on perfecting the dance routine, your manager could only sigh in failed attempt of trying to make you promise to not overwork yourself when your comeback was right around the corner before leaving for the night. At some point through the evening, you had shed your hoodie, leaving you in a cooling sports bra and sweat pants. Despite the lesser layers, you were drenched in sweat, and your hair had fallen from their ponytail, leaving them sticking uncomfortably to your face and body. Your body cried out in exhaustion as you slowed to a halt along with the music and panted to catch your breath. Slowly pushing yourself upright again, you groaned, body resisting the idea of one last run through of the routine. Right as you were about to hit the play button on your phone again, the soundproofed door of your studio swung open.
Your squeak echoed the room and your eyes darted up and widened in surprise to meet hers through the mirror’s reflection. It took a second for your body and brain to relax when you realized that the intruder meant no harm when you noticed both her hands were occupied. Slowly turning and walking over to the back of the studio where she had moved from the door, you look at Hyejin questioningly before your gaze dropped to the contents in her hands. Instead of putting it down onto the table, she waited for you to walk over to her to pass you the warm cup of coffee and a paper bag. Carefully hold the cup in one hand, you opened the bag to see a lone macaron sitting inside. A wide smile bloomed on your face when your body understood that the sweet treat was a form of energy for you to function and you eagerly pushed it up the bag to take the first bite. You then remembered the very person that delivered it to you and with your mouth full, you could only smile even wider to her as you closed your eyes in bliss as the sugary snack awoke your senses again.
“One date.”
Your eyes snap open as your jaw stopped its movement.
“One date. Just give me one date. I’ll show you I’m worth your time.”
Your smile slowly dropped as you processed what you just heard. Looking back down at the bag and the cup of drink, you recognized the name imprinted on its sides. It was from the very café you two went to on your first and last date. Forcing yourself to look busy by continuing to slowly chewing the one bite in your mouth, you subtly turned your head towards the mirror to look at the woman, not daring to risk eye contact by looking directly at her. Even from the mirror, you could see her intense gaze, as she fidgeted her hands behind her, anxiously waiting for your answer. 
“So? What do you say?”
Swallowing the now mushy mess in your mouth, you slowly looked right back at her. Lifting the drink to your lips and taking a small sip, you looked for traces of this encounter merely being a bad joke of the rejection you faced at her hand a few months ago. When you could find none, you slowly lowered the drink and sighed. Even at such mundane actions, you could see her tense up in anticipation.
You chuckle suddenly, breaking the silence and causing Hyejin to flinch. That in return made you chuckle even harder when her look of confusion and surprise slowly melt away as your laughter went on. Finally taking a breath to stop, you smiled and answered her.
“I was hoping it will be more than just one.”
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