#because my mom got invited to a party and I feel bad because she said she won’t go if I don’t have anyone to hang out with on my birthday
samgiddings · 1 year
having a weekend bday in august has a weird amount of problems
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teddypines · 25 days
The talk
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Sumary: Tim coming out and taking his boyfriend home for the first time.
Tim Drake x Batmom!reader, Bruce Wayne x Batmom!reader, Tim Drake x Bernard Dowd. Fem!reader (Use of she/her pronounce)
Note: There might be some posecive Dad!Bruce in here, but it's okay. He just needs to get used to his childeren growing up. Art/picture is from Pintrest, credits go to whoever made it.
Tim has been dating for a while now and he rather liked it. Bernard was amazing and super mega sweet, and handsome. Bruce sort of knew but Y/N didn’t. Tim knew that she would be supportive, but he still felt nervous about telling his mom about it. Bernard told him to maybe take a calm approach, eas the idea or something like that. Though Tim didn’t really know if that would work on Y/N, he was going to try anyway. Because he wanted his mom to know.
Y/N sat on the couch doing some work on her laptop when Tim got down to the living room. He fidgeted a bit with his hands as he approached the couch. “Mom? Could we maybe have a chat?” Tim asked, the nervousness clear in his voice. Y/N looked up from her work and smiled at Tim. “Of course, sweetheart. Come have a seat.” She answered. She saved her work and closed the laptop, before giving all her attention to Tim.
Tim sat down next to Y/N on the couch, tucking his legs underneath him. He looked at his knees not knowing how to start. “It’s okay, Tim, take all the time you need to tell me what you need to tell me” Y/N said trying to reassure Tim. Gently placing a hand on the back of his head. “I won’t be mad if that is what you are worried about.” Tim tilted his head to look at Y/N and took a big deep breath. “Mom… I’m gay.” Tim said. He looked at Y/N to see her reaction, but there was nothing but a gentle smile. 
“W-why aren’t you saying anything?” Tim asked after a while, not understanding why Y/N didn’t say anything. Y/N just carefully pulled Tim into a big hug. “Because I already knew. And you know what, I'm glad you finally told me. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable and force you to tell me or your dad. I just wanted you to know we love you no matter your sexuality. But you have to tell me one thing though.” Y/N tells Tim as she rubbed his back and held him close to her. Tim nodded his head in answer. “Why tell me now? Did you meet someone?” Tim nodded again at the questions. “His name is Bernard, he’s my boyfriend…”
Y/N kissed the top of Tim’s head before speaking again. “That is wonderful, sweetie. I hope he makes you smile and really happy. Just know that I will kick his ass if he hurts you and that he is now required to come over for dinner.” Tim laughed a bit and nodded his head. “I’ll tell him that. I think he’ll like meeting you and dad.” 
“Good, because it will be a small interrogation,” Y/N jokes. “Does dad know?” Time got a bit nervous again when Y/N asked if Bruce knew. He thinks Bruce knows, but not for sure. So he shrugged in answer. “Do you want me to tell him?” Y/N asked, to which Tim nodded. “Alright, I’ll tell the big bad bat”
“Thanks. mom, love you” 
“I love you too, baby bird”
A few days go by and Tim invites Bernard over for dinner with the family. Y/N told Bruce like she promised and Bruce was all like ‘of course i know! I am Gotham’s greatest detective, I know when my son is gay. He didn’t know, but he was happy no matter what. Y/N made sure that Damian and Jason would behave in front of Bernard, this made both boy’s pout, but they were bribed with desert so it was okay. Alfred made sure to make the best dinner ever, but not too much, it had to be a nice home meal, not a fancy dinner party meal. 
"Excited?" Y/N asked Tim as they both waited by the door for Bernard. “Yeah, but it kind of feels weird, bringing my boyfriend home to meet my family.” Tim answered, a small smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes. Y/N placed her hand on Tim’s head. “It’s always like that the first time. You’re lucky it’s with me and not just Bruce. I heard some stories from Jason and Dick that didn’t go all that well.” 
Tim nodded his head. “Yeah, the few times that it did happen were weird. We also never saw them after that. But Bernard is not scared of the big bat Wayne family.” Just before Y/N could say more the doorbell rang and Tim quickly opened the door for Bernard. Both boy’s smiled and gave each other a hug.
“Bernard, this is my mom, Y/N. Mom, this is Bernard, my boyfriend.” Tim introduced Y/N to Bernard. Y/N smiled at Bernard and held out a hand for him. “It is lovely to meet you, Bernard.” Y/N told Bernard as they shook hands. “It is an honor to meet you, miss Wayne.” 
“You can call me Y/N, no need to be so formal” Y/N answered. Tim smiled and took Bernard’s hand. Leading him towards the living room. “You’ll have to meet the other first before dinner, but don’t worry it won’t be like all the stories I told you.” Tim said with a big smile on his face. It was clear, already, how much Tim loved Bernard. This of course Y/N noticed and it made her feel so proud and happy that her Baby bird was happy too. 
Once in the living room Bernard was met with seven heads, most of them looking a bit stern. Tim gave his hand a light squeeze of reassurance. “Everyone, this is Bernard, Tim’s boyfriend. Bernard these are my husband Bruce, my sons Dick, Jason, Duke and Damian, and my daughters, Stephanie and Cassie. And not to forget our lovely Barbara." Y/N introduced everyone to Bernard. Most of them started to smile, but Bruce looked, well, a bit menacing.
Tim took Bernard to the couch with his siblings and they started to chat while Y/N went over to Bruce. “You don’t have to scare him off, you know.” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around Bruce’s shoulders and placed her chin on top of his head. “I’m not scaring him, just up serving.” Bruce answered with a bit of a grumpy toon. “Sure, love, just be nice okay? Tim is really looking forward to this and he wants it to go nice. Please don’t scare away Tim’s boyfriend, Bruce.” Y/N requested before placing a kiss on Bruce’s cheek. Bruce grumbled a bit before answering with a sharp. “Fine, darling”
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luveline · 1 year
maybeee if you’re feeling like it, eddie and r disagree over some parenting decision for roan and r doesn’t really wanna overstep but it’s something she feels passionate about
thank you for your request my love! dad!eddie x (nearly) stepmom!reader — tw mentioned child abuse (NOT graphic imagery, not enacted, just mentioned)
You don't think Eddie's mad at you, which is good. He hadn't said anything he couldn't take back, things you'd worried he might; I'm her dad, (with an unspoken not you) is the most passionate thing he'd said. It hurt some, but it's irrefutable. He's her father, her primary caregiver, and he makes decisions when it comes down to it. 
He didn't say and you're not her mom, but it had felt implied. Just a bit. 
Loving her like your own, it's natural to want the best for her. Natural to have opinions on how she's taken care of and the things that she should do. Things got heated too quickly, that's all. Or, that's what you're hoping happened. 
Stacy K's mom said hey, would it be alright for Stacy to invite Roan to a slumber party? She wants one for her birthday, and she wants Roan there most of all. 
And you'd been surprised at Eddie's immediate agreement. Sure, Roan would love to come.
He picked Roan up and you parted ways with Stacy K and her mom, and you were quiet, unlike yourself, stomach churning because you knew you'd have to speak up, which you hardly ever do. Hey, Eddie?
He noticed your strange expression. What?
Is that a good idea? … Stacy's slumber party? 
Why wouldn't it be? 
It devolved from there. You tripped over your words, trying your hardest not to start a fight with Roan in the car, and Eddie took it the wrong way —or maybe he didn't, maybe he took it the right way, and you'd made a mistake. Your concerns had come across as doubtful of his ability to look after Roan. It makes sense that he took offence. 
You shouldn't, but you worry for a second that this will be the end, that Eddie can't abide by what you've said, and he's going to pack up and leave. You know he won't do anything of the sort, he's loyal and caring to a fault. He wouldn't hurt you so badly over one fight. He's making you nervous is all, sitting next to you quietly. It's not the cold shoulder, that’s never been his style. It's just… quiet. 
"Do you want something, sweet thing?" he asks as he gets up from the couch. "I'm gonna make Roan ants on a log." 
"It's been a really long time since you called me sweet thing," you say, sending him a tentative smile.
"You're sweet, you're my thing…" He licks his lips. "Not my best." 
You uncross your legs, reaching out for him before he can leave to the kitchen. "Listen, I'm– I'm sorry that I made you feel like you're doing something wrong. Sorry I overstepped." 
Eddie sits back down slowly. He swallows. "I'm sorry I shut you down. I guess I was offended." Eddie shuffles a little closer to you. "I mean, I was offended. But," —he speaks as though he's piecing his sentence together with the utmost of care— "you're Roan's mom." And he takes your hand. "You have been for a long time. I'm sorry I made it sound like you overstepped. You can't overstep. How can I be mad at you for one aspect of being a parent, when I'm happy for you to do the others? But I need you to understand that I've been doing all of the big stuff by myself the whole time, until we met I was doing everything by myself, and it annoyed me that you might think I didn't know best… 'n' that's not fair on you, 'cos I don't always know best." 
You aren't expecting it. His explanation or his easy apology. 
You look down at his hand over yours and breathe a sigh of relief. 
"I think…" You pause. When you speak, it's stilted. "Okay. I think it's a bad idea for her to go sleep over at Stacy's house when she doesn't have the words to tell us if something happens." 
Eddie's lips part. 
"That's what I wanted to say, before, not just that she's so young. And I actually do think you know best, Eds. You're a good dad. A fucking good dad."
You can see him thinking about what you've suggested. He rubs your knuckles. 
"She is a little young," he concedes. "She might not even want to stay the night when she realises what that means. But we could teach her if she does, she knows that people aren't allowed to touch her without her say so." 
"I know," you say. You're about to say more when Roan herself steps into the living room, walking at an unbothered pace. Her hair is dishevelled but besides that she's in clean jammies and clearly quite content.
"Hello," she says, a piece of paper in her hands. "I thought we were having ants on logs?" 
"Yeah, babe, I'm gonna make them right now. What have you been drawing?" 
She shows you the drawing. It's the three of you as most of her drawings are, with antennas and carapace bodies. It's gnarly. Eddie loves it the second he sees it, and he insists on putting it onto your already stacked fridge. 
She basks in the feeling of being loved and revered, and then basks again when Eddie gives her a plate full of ants on a log, chewing with a massive grin. 
"I really meant what I said," he murmurs to you, you and him hip hip by the kitchen sink. 
"Which part, handsome?" you ask. 
"She calls you mom. You’re her mom. You don't have to be sorry for having something to say to me.
You look him up and down without malice. He looks incredibly earnest, a little sheepish. His cheek is soft when you lift your hand to it, and he's eager to lean into your palm. "It wasn't about that," you say softly, hushed so Roan doesn't hear. "I promise it wasn't." 
"I know. I just hate that it's what I made you think." 
"So we're okay?" 
"We were always going to be okay, what did you think?" he asks, hand on your hip and pulling you stomach to stomach and chest to chest.
"Just worried."
He looks over your shoulder at Roan. You turn with him. She's kissing peanut butter off of the tips of her fingers with a delighted smile and air about her. 
"Talk about it more tonight?" he asks. 
His promises are always good. You talk about Roan's potential slumber party in bed that night after she's been tucked in, and you both say more sorries for your misunderstandings. It's weird to argue with him, but you're thankful it was about something that mattered, even if that something is scary to think of. 
"Thanks for thinking I'm a good dad," he says, cheek turned into the pillow, the tip of his index finger tracing lightly over your face in no one direction. 
"That's not something you have to say thanks for." You're in much better spirits now, speaking with confidence. 
"You're the one person who would know," he says. 
"That's not true. People only have to talk to Roan to know how good you are." 
He laughs a huff that kisses your skin like a warm breeze. "Did you really think we wouldn't be okay?" 
You laugh nervously. "I mean, no. It went through my head, but I didn't actually think it was the end, babe. I'm not that stupid." 
"You're not any amount of stupid, stupid." 
You laugh in his face. He puts his hand over your mouth with wide eyes but it's much too late. You stare at each other, mirrors of a fond defeat as footsteps sound down the hall. 
"What is so funny?" Roan asks, half-guilty 'cos she knows she should be in bed and half plain curious as she cracks open the bedroom door. 
Eddie sighs. It's not an unhappy sound. "Come and lie down with us and I'll tell you." 
She grins and rushes in. 
more eddie, roan and reader
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lexisecretaccx · 6 months
High School Sweethearts pt. 10 - Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, PT9, (other parts in my Masterlist!)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, arguements, mean & suggestive comments about y/n, idk)
A/n: bro the negative tension and uncomfortableness in this part is too real.. y/n eats Evan up at the end yall.
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“Good looking too.” My mom raises her eyebrows to me and smirks, “yep.” I awkwardly say before turning back around on my heels and going to walk up the stairs, “wait, I wasn’t finished talking.” My mom spoke, her happy tone faltering slightly. I turn back around and she motions for me to sit on the couch.
I sit down and she sits in the arm chair opposite me, “what?” I ask impatiently, “watch your tone.” She tilts her head and clears her throat before continuing and I look down at my hands, “The Watsons invited us for dinner later.” My head shoots up at her, “you’re talking about the Watsons as in Evan Watson?” My eyes widen.
“Yeah and I said we’d go, for old time sake.” She smiles, completely ignoring the discomfort in my body language and voice. “No.” I scoff before standing up and walking to the stairs, “excuse me? You are coming, they miss seeing you!” My mom tries to convince me. “No!” I repeat, “their son is an asshole who treats girls like shit!” My tone loudens and my mother’s smile drops.
She walks towards me her teeth gritted, “We are going, maybe Evan will be nice.” I scoff and roll my eyes, “I shouldn’t even be letting you do anything nice after you attacked Evans best friend.” My mom hisses, “I’m doing this so you can have a nice future!”
“No, you’re doing this so you can have a good reputation and you want me and Evan to end up together so you’re the mother of the girl who married into the Watson’s family,” I walk closer to her, “I said this yesterday, me and Evan are never going to be together.” I rub either side of my temples.
“Evan probably won’t even be there, since he has friends.” My mom swallows angrily, “he won’t?” I ask again, not truly believing her. “I’ll ask them now,” she pulls out her phone and starts typing.
5 minutes later she smiles, “I just checked with his mother and he’s not gonna be there because he’s got football practice.” She smiles, “you comforted now?” I shrug. “I’m only coming because I don’t think I have another choice.” I walk up the stairs, “put on a pretty dress!” My mother calls up.
We have to leave at 5pm, it’s 4pm right now, I call Chris and he picks up instantly, “you okay?” He asks, “no, I have to go for dinner at.. guess whose house.” I answer, “I don’t know.” He replies confused. “Evans house, apparently he won’t be there but my mom is forcing me to go.” I whine, “what the fuck.” Chris says, “I know, I’ll text or call you if anything goes wrong.” I look through my wardrobe, “yeah do that, promise me you’ll be okay.” Chris spoke softly. “Yeah of course, I gotta get dressed now but I’ll talk to you later?” I ask, “yeah of course, talk to you later ma.” He hangs up.
I put on a purple dress, I look in my mirror, that dress makes you look fat. Evans words rang through my ears, this was the dress I wore to my 16th birthday party, but he made me feel so bad about myself, not a good memory attached to this dress. I rip the dress off and grab a red satin dress that I had, I can’t remember when I got it.
I slip into the dress, it’s a dark red and backless, it goes to just above my knees, I don’t know if it’s too revealing but I’ll pair it with a jacket for my own comfort, I grab a creme jacket and do my hair and place a creme bow in the back. I look down at the blood stained ring on my hand, the blood wouldn’t come off even in the shower.
I shrug and keep it on.
“You look, nice.” My mom says, she’s wearing a black dress that goes just past her knees, she’s wearing black heels too, I’m just in white sneakers. She looks at my choice of footwear and rolls her eyes, “come on.” We walk outside and into the car. At this point it’s 4:57pm and we should get there at 5:15, knowing it’s only a 15 min drive to his house.
We pull into his large driveway, his massive house infront of us, three stories and very victorian style. I don’t even know how we got together in the first place since he was rich as fuck and I was.. managing to get by.
“Brings back old memories huh?” My mom smiles at me, I shrug. The only memory it brings for me is the time he tried to, you know.
We knock at the door and Evans mom, Katherine opens the door, she looks at me and smiles. “Don’t you look so beautiful!” She pulls me in for a hug and I stand rigid. “Thanks.” I whisper. “Evan will be happy to see you.” She replies, I instantly look to my mom who awkwardly looks away and smiles at Katherine.
She leads us into the house and me and my mom follow, “you said he wasn’t gonna be here!” I whisper yell, “there was no other way to get you to come.” She keeps a straight face and doesn’t look at me. “You’re a liar.” I sigh and she ignores me.
We walk into their massive living room, the tall windows and ceiling haven’t changed much. I see his father James walk up to us, he looks at me and then at my mom and quickly back to me, he smirks at me “you have grown up in the past year huh?” He looks me up and down, causing me to wrap my jacket around me further, I shrug.
I sit down on the large couch next to my mom as she talks to Katherine and James, Katherine directs her attention to me, “so.. how’s school?” She asks smiling kindly, Katherine is the only one of the Watsons that has some sort of genuine niceness to her.
“I don’t know..” I mumble, “She’s lying.” A voice comes from behind me, Evan. He sits down next to me and looks at his mom, “she’s a trouble maker now, it’s the boy she hangs out with.” He looks at me smirking, I have felt eyes burning into me the whole time I’ve been sat here, James is staring but not in a normal way, he’s always been kinda pervy.
“Oh? Who’s the boy?” Katherine asks me, “its-” Evan goes to speak but I cut him off, “I can speak for myself, his names Chris.” I glare at Evan before smiling at Katherine. She nods.
A lady walks into the living room, “dinner is ready.” They are so fucking rich they have a chef and a maid. We walk to the dining hall and I sit down next to my mother, Katherine opposite my mother, James at the head of the table and Evan across from me. The maid places the plates in-front of us, it’s steak.
I drown out the conversation between my mom and Katherine, James adding into the conversation too. I feel someone kick my leg under the table, I look up at Evan and he’s grinning, I roll my eyes and continue to move my steak around the plate. “Doesnt y/n look beautiful?” Katherine asks Evan and James, Evan shrugs but James replies, “she’s growing into an attractive young lady, yes.” He smirks at me.
His eyes seem to be not focused on my face but my chest. Evan clears his throat and goes to speak, “so you finally watching your weight or something? Because you haven’t touched the steak.” He spoke to me, an evil smile creeps over his face, I don’t have a reason to watch my weight, Evan is just a dick who likes to make me feel bad about myself.
My mother smiles at him, not even defending me, Katherine nudges his elbow. “That is not how you talk to a woman Evan,” she spoke angrily and looks to me before smiling, “ignore him darling you’re gorgeous.” James obviously agrees with her, creep.
“Do you two talk in school?” My mother asks Evan, pointing between me and him. I shrug, “stop shrugging its rude.” My mom quietly hisses to me, “you could say that.” Evan smirks. My mom looks at me with hope in her eyes, “if you’re talking about threatening me and being rude to me and my boyfriend then yeah I guess we do talk.” I scowl at Evan.
Katherine looks to Evan in confusion, Evans brows knit together and tilts his head glaring at me before turning to his mother, “what does she mean?” She asked him, “she’s lying.” Is all he answers with. “You always accuse me of lying especially after..” Evan clears his throat loudly, cutting me off.
I stand up and lean on the table “Can I use your bathroom?” I ask urgently. Katherine nods, “of course, you remember where it is?” She smiles awkwardly, “yeah.” I say and walk out the dining room. “Sorry about her.” I hear my mom say.
I get in the bathroom and lock the door behind me, looking in the mirror. “Fuck this.” I whisper. I hear a knock on the door, “what?” There’s no reply so I open the door, Evan is standing there looking down at me.
“Fuck you scared me.” I flinch. He chuckles, “I’m sorry about what happened in there, I don’t want to be there just as much as you.” He whispers, leaning in close to me. “I doubt it, it’s your fucking house I never wanted to come back here.” I look down at my feet, feeling intimidated by his light green eyes, staring into my soul.
“So he’s your boyfriend now?” He asks me smirking, I nod uncomfortably and push past him before walking out in the hallway. “Wait.” He says and grabs my arm turning me around to him. “Let go.” I say coldly and he does. “It was kinda badass of you to beat up Michael.” He leans into me again and I lean away. “Yeah I guess.” I awkwardly spoke.
“Your knuckles are cut up huh?” He grabs my hand and his thumb grazes over my knuckles causing me to squint in pain. “Don’t do that.” I stare at him angrily, pulling my hand out of his grip. I turn around to walk away again and he smirks following behind me. “I’ve redecorated my room, wanna see?” He asks me from behind, the obvious grin in his voice.
“Of course!” I sarcastically say, flashing him a fake smile. “Of course not. I don’t want to go to the exact room you tried to attack me in.” I continue walking down the hallway and he grabs my shoulders, stilling my walk. “Maybe I wouldn’t have almost done that to you if you weren’t such a pussy, at that rate you’re gonna be a virgin forever.” He whispered into my ear.
Anger fills my face, who does he think he is? He has no right to say shit like that. “No I won’t.” I laugh, knowing that I’m not a virgin and when he finds out he’s gonna go mad. “Oh yeah?” He asks and I continue walking, him next to me.
“Did you see Chris at lunch?” I ask him, obviously he didn’t because Chris skipped so he could be with me. “No, nobody knew where he was.” He replied, I smirk, “I knew where he was.” I look up at Evan and I point at my chest. He tilts his head, “oh really?” He smirks down at me raising an eyebrow.
How big is this fucking house, I’ve been walking around in circles because Evan keeps fucking distracting me. “Yep he was at my house,” Evans smirk drops, and I grin up at him, “guess what we were doing.” I glare at him, lowering my tone.
His eyebrows furrow, “what?” His voice softens, “it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, me and Chris in my room, in my bed.. home alone..” I slow my tone at the end of it and I wait for Evan to realise, a smile creeps across my face as his face switches to shock.
“You weren’t.” He whispers, his ego has clearly taken a hit as his face drops. I nod and smirk before walking away back into the dining room, “can we go?” I ask my mom, making her jump as I came up behind her.
“Fine, we’ve finished eating anyway.” she looks at my half eaten steak and at the maid cleaning up the dishes. Evan looks very offended and doesn’t speak. “Have you two sorted your differences?” Katherine asks as we leave the dining room, “something like that.” I look up at her smiling before throwing Evan a snarky look, he just glares at me.
We walk to the door and Katherine hugs us goodbye and this time I actually hug her back.
My mom gets into the car and so do I.
A/n: y/n is actually a girl boss, Evan fuck outta here tryna manipulate her by being flirty. Also James can make his way to the ‘to catch a predator’ set because he’s a perv!
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind @accio326 @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @stingerayyy2 @freshsturns
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topguncortez · 9 months
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Baby's First Christmas
Jake & Shy!Wifey Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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synopsis: it's Jake and Y/N's first Christmas as parents, and Jake isn't feeling the Christmas spirit like Y/N is.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: bad grammar, fluff
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“Why do I have to dress up?” Jake asked for probably the thousandth time since Y/N pulled out the red santa suit, beard and hat. 
“Because it’s Alex’s first Christmas and I want him to take a picture with Santa Clause,” Y/N said, curling her hair in the mirror. It was Christmas Eve and Y/N’s sister had invited the whole family to the house for dinner, drinks and gifts. It was Y/N and Jake's first Christmas as parents and she wanted it to be perfect. Alex was only seven months old so he wouldn’t be able to know if anything went wrong or not, but Y/N would know. 
“And your dad or Carson can’t but on the ridiculous-” 
“No! It has to be you!” Y/N sighed, putting down the hot iron, “Alex won’t sit on my dads or Kayce’s lap. You saw how he acted when we took her to see Santa at the coffee shop.” 
“Well he was a bit-” Jake shut up when you gave him a glare through the reflection of the mirror. He knew better than to start an argument with Y/N. Over the past year, her sass started to shine through, and Jake was proud to watch her become more confident with herself. Jake opened his mouth to say something just as Alex let out a cry, “We’ll discuss later.” 
Y/N smiled to herself as she finished getting ready for the Christmas party. When she walked out of the bathroom, to the living room of their small on-base house. It wasn’t anything special, but Y/N managed to decorate it to the nines. Jake wasn’t sure where she managed to find all this Christmas stuff, nor where she managed to store it. But it made her happy, and he’d do anything to make her happy. 
Y/N’s heart warmed in her chest seeing Jake holding Alex and looking at the ornaments on the tree. Alex was Jake’s twin through and through with big green eyes and light blonde hair. It had been an amazing journey to see how quickly Jake took on to the role of being a father. It kept him up at night thinking about the type of parent he would be. Would he be like his father? Cold and detached, demanding the best of his children at all times. Would his child grow up to hate him for being gone because of the Navy? Would he be around long enough to see his children grow old and have their own children? For those nine months while Y/N was carrying Alex, Jake read every single parenting book he could get his hands on. He asked some of his commanders and warrant officers for advice. None of it really made sense to him, but when he saw his son for the first time, it all became clear. 
“Momma is staring at us again,” Jake whispered to Jake and kissed his cheek. Alex placed both his slobbery hands on Jake’s cheeks, a big gummy smile on his face “You ready? It’s cold out, and I don’t want him to sweat in the car seat and then go outside. That’s how kids get sick.”
“I am ready,” Y/N nodded, “I just gotta get the baby bag, the gift for mom and dad, Carson and Jenny,  and the cookies for the kids.” 
“All of that is in the car and it’s running,” Jake said. 
“What would I do without you?” Y/N asked with a smile on her face. She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips, “Can you put him in the car seat? I’ll grab the Santa suit.” 
Jake rolled his eyes as she skipped back down the hall towards the bedroom, “Your mom is crazy,” He whispered to Alex and the little boy turned to face his father, showing him a gummy smile. Rip smiled at his son, kissing his cheek again and then going to put him in the car seat. 
The Parker house was decorated from floor to ceiling for Christmas. It was obvious where Y/N got her love and passion for decorating, and it came from her mother. The moment they opened the front door of the house, the scent of fresh baked gingerbread cookies and ham filled the air. Jake had never really cared for big family celebrations but ever since he started coming around the Parker family, he started appreciating them more and more. His family celebrations were always so stiff and about who could brag the most about their latest promotion or accomplishment. The Parkers were all about warmth and happiness about being around one another. 
“You can put the Santa suit on after dinner,” Y/N said as they walked through the front door, “While we’re cleaning up and setting up gifts, it will be perfect.” 
“Yeah,” Jake said as he set down the carseat. 
“Aunt Y/N, you’re here!” Y/N’s nephew, Tate yelled running up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
“Hey bud,” Y/N kissed the top of his head, “Have you grown again?” 
“Probably,” Carson said, and greeted you with a quick kiss on your head, “Wakes up five inches taller than the night before. Where's the little man?” 
“Jake’s got him,” Y/N said, nodding her head over to the living room where Jake was taking Alex out of her car seat, and Clara waiting for her chance at baby snuggles, “She acts like she didn’t just see him yesterday.” 
“You know how mom is with her grandkids,” Carson chuckled, “She might’ve gone a tad bit overboard with the Christmas gifts.” 
“There’s my favorite daughter!” James said as he walked into the entryway.” 
“I’m your only daughter,” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, hugging her dad. 
“Foods ready to be served whenever,” James said, clapping his hands together, “Where’s my grandson?” 
Y/N was thankful to have her parents nearby and willing to help out with Alex. She knew that being in San Diego could change at a moment's notice, but she was going to soak up the time that she had here. Jake carefully watched as Clara handed his son off to James. Jake trusted the Parkers, but it was his inner father bear that had him watching every moment that Alex was in someone else's arms. 
Slowly everyone made their way to the dining room table, which was decorated and covered with delicious food. Y/N knew her mom probably spent hours making everything and smacking her dad’s hands away from grazing on all of it while helping her. Jake helped pull Y/N’s chair out, while she got Alex situated in the highchair. Jake appreciated that James and Clara let the kids sit at the table with the adults. He knew that his parents would throw a fit if any of their grandkids tried to sit at the head table. The kids were always pushed into the kitchen, where one of the nannies his sisters hired would watch them, making sure they didn’t get too loud. 
“So, Tate,” Carson said, taking a sip of his drink and looking up at Y/N with a glint in his eye. He knew of her plan to get Jake into the Santa costume and hopefully telling Tate outloud will help seal the deal, “I hear Santa is coming by.” 
“He’s not real,” Tate answered and Jake looked at his wife with a shit eating grin, “I’m not five anymore.” 
“See, he’s not five, and Alex is too-” 
“You are putting on the damn Santa outfit,” Y/N harshly whispered to him, “If I have to stuff you in it myself, you’re putting it on.” 
“I’d like to see you try,” Jake challenged and Y/N glared at him. Carson watched as the small stare down between his sister and Jake was broken up by Alex throwing a piece of bread on the floor. He could see that the whole Santa thing was somewhat bothering her, he knew her well enough to know how much Christmas means to her. Y/N had always been the one to hold onto those childhood dreams and fairytales a little bit longer than the average child. She still wished upon falling stars and believed in happy ever after. 
“Act surprised when he gets here,” Carson whispered to his son, “For Alex.” 
“Why?” Tate asked, “He’s just a baby.” 
“Because it means alot to Aunt Y/N,” Carson said and then cleared his throat, “She really likes Christmas and wants things to be special for Alex.”
When everyone's bellies were full, the family retired to the living room, where they started opening gifts from the large pile underneath the Christmas tree. Y/N sat on the floor with Alex in her lap, helping him tear into the packages that Tate was handing them. He was having more fun sticking the wrapping paper in his mouth than trying to open the gifts. Both Clara and Jenny had their phones out making sure to take pictures to capture the moments. The men all sat back with drinks in their hands, talking about cattle and giving the occasional “oh that’s cool” when it was needed. 
“Tate, why don’t you help Alex open the gifts from us,” Jenny said and moved down on the floor next to the kids, “Here, I’ll take him.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N smiled at her sister-in-law. Y/N moved towards the couch where Jake was sitting, “I noticed you don’t have the Santa costume on,” She whispered to him. 
“There’s no need to put the ridiculous suit on,” Jake said, sipping his whiskey, “She’s not going to remember it.” Y/N clenched her jaw as she looked at the ground, “She’s a baby. It can wait until-” 
“It can’t wait!” Y/N yelled and the eyes of her family members looked at her. Y/N sucked in a breath to compose herself and stood up from the floor, “I’m sorry. It’s just. . . its tradition.” 
“Y/N,” Jake called out to her, trying to grab her hand as she walked away. He sighed in defeat, running a hand over his face.” 
“She believed in Santa until she was about fourteen,” James said quietly, “Might’ve been partially our fault. I suckered Ice into dressing up as Santa and coming to the house.” 
Clara chuckled, “She probably knew he wasn’t real, but she’d always act surprised for the kids that were around. It’s just the type of person she is. She believes in things like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and happily ever after. She has a fairytale soul.” 
“I never realized how much it meant,” Jake answered, “I just thought it was something silly that she wanted to do for the kids.” 
“Everything that girl does has meaning to it. She just doesn’t do things ‘just because’. You’ll learn that soon enough.” 
“C’mere, Alex,” James reached for his baby grandson, “How are you this Christmas? How about we open this gift?” He reached for a box that was wrapped in Hawaiian christmas paper. Alex tore open the box, with help of course, and James lifted the lid, “Oh look, Alex! A pair of your very own aviators!”  
Y/N was laying on her childhood bed, staring up at the ceiling where there was once glow in the dark stars that Carson helped her put up. James was livid and worried that they would pull the paint off the ceiling, but Carson assured him that it wouldn’t. The next person in this house who loved Christmas traditions besides you was Carson. The ten year age gap between the two of them, meant that Carson filled in the father figure role when James was gone on missions. There were some Christmases where James spent in the middle of the ocean. Carson would stay up to wrap Christmas presents with Clara, and would write in fancy handwriting ‘To who, from Santa’. He’d also eat the cookies, and leave “snowy” (which was actually flour) footprints by the fireplace as if good Ol’ Saint Nick had actually come down the chimney to leave gifts, even though they lived in southern California. 
Y/N thought that overtime, her Christmas spirit would fade, but if anything it got stronger. Maybe it was because she had seen the ugly side of life, and craved the bright cheeriness that came with Christmas. 
“Sweets?” Y/N heard Jake’s voice before she saw him. Y/N just sighed and listened to his footsteps walk over to you, “I’m sorry about the Santa stuff.” 
“My dad tell you I believed in Santa until I was thirteen.” 
“He said fourteen.” 
“He’s a fucking liar. My cousin Zach told me on my thirteenth birthday that I can’t believe Santa was real anymore,” Y/N said and sat up from her bed, grabbing one of the stuffed bears on the bed and holding it in her lap, “I should be apologizing to you.” 
“For what?” Jake asked, and sat next to her on the bed. 
“I know the holidays aren’t your thing,” Y/N said and grabbed his hand. Her nervous habit was playing with his hands, “And I shouldn’t have pushed you so much into doing it.” 
Jake smiled sadly at her, and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it, “The holidays are my thing because they are your thing. They make you happy, and anything that makes you happy makes me happy. Besides, Alex seems to love it.” 
Y/N giggled and shook her head, moving closer to her husband. He wrapped his strong arms around her body, “You’re right, Alex won’t remember this. He’s spending more time shoving wrapping paper in his mouth than knowing what's going on.” 
“But we will remember,” Jake said and kissed her cheek, “We will remember Alex’s first Christmas and that’s what matters.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N said, looking up at him. 
“For what, sweets? I nearly ruined this shit.” 
“For giving me the best Christmas present ever,” Y/N smiled up at him. He caressed her face and then placed a kiss on her lips. Y/N hummed into the kiss, and ran her fingers through his blonde locks. He moved Y/N in his lap, so she was straddling him, and he laid back against the bed. His hands roamed her body, going down to her hips. Their tongues moved against one another, Y/N being able to taste the whiskey on his tongue. 
A knock on the door startled them as Y/N lifted her head up to see Jenny standing in the doorway, “Oh don’t stop on my account,” She had a smirk on her face and Y/N rolled her eyes, “But there’s someone here to see you.” 
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and climbed off of Jake and the bed. Y/N walked down towards the living room and stopped in her tracks seeing, 
“Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” Santa said, standing in the middle of the living room. Y/N looked at her sister-in-law and Jake. 
“Your dad made a call,” Jenny smiled. 
“Dad!,” Y/N looked at her father who just shrugged, holding out Alex. She grabbed her child and walked towards ‘Santa’ who was sitting on the couch. Jake looked a bit confused as Y/N gently placed Alex in Santa’s arm, Clara taking pictures of every single moment. 
Jake walked over to James, who was standing in the background, “Who did-” Jake asked, but heard Santa speak again, “Iceman?”
James shrugged again, “He lost poker last week.” 
Jake shook his head, and then walked towards his family. James  let out a breath in relief as he watched his family gather around to talk to “Santa”. Alex surprisingly didn’t cry when he was set on Santa’s lap, probably because he was too distracted by all the movement around him. 
“Get together you three,” Clara said, grabbing Y/N’s phone from her, “I’ll take a picture.” 
“Jake, sit on the other side of Santa’s lap,” Y/N said and he gave you a deadpanned look, “It’s for the memories, sweetheart.” 
“Only for you, honey,” Jake gave her a fake smile as he carefully sat on Iceman’s other knee. 
“Don’t break me Hangman,” Iceman whispered, “I can still make you run from here to North Island and back,” 
“You wouldn’t-” 
“It’s for the kid, don’t be a grinch! Smile!” Iceman said, looking towards Clara with the phone camera pointed at them. 
“Okay, smile!” Clara said, “1. . . 2. . . 3!” 
Y/N, Jake, and “Santa” smiled at the camera as Alex was still looking up amazed at Santa. Y/N took him from Santa’s lap and looked at the pictures her mother took. 
“They’re perfect!” Y/N cheered, “Thank you so much, Santa.” 
“No problem! Ho, ho, ho!” Santa said and James led him out the front door. 
Jake put his arm around Y/N shoulders, “You know what they say about Mistletoe.” 
She looked up above her head to see the green twig hanging above them. Y/N smiled and grabbed Jake’s face, bringing him down to her for a kiss, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Seresin.” 
“Merry Christmas to you, Mrs. Seresin.”
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adoresmiles · 1 month
His Concealed Obsession
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Chapter one.
"I just don't get how you two still have a job when you're both always at my place."
"We just came by to check in on you since the news about your neighbor broke out in the news this morning."
"Oh yeah , I saw it on the news. I feel so bad for her kids. She was always spoke to me whenever we come would come across each other . Invited me over to dinner , go out for lunch and hell she even invited me to spa dates with her and her daughter."
"You talking about Nicole?"
"Yea Jax , the same Nicole you slept with before you married your wife."
"Jaxon Tyree!"
"It was an accident Nani and I don't even know why KP brought it up."
"I hope and pray that my nephew doesn't turn out like you as he gets older."
"With all the amazing women in his life , he's going to come out a thousand times better than me."
"Anyways you need to be careful Kanani, your neighbor who was a well known attorney was murder inside of her."
"Maybe you should come and stay with one of until KP and them get everything done. Cause I be damn if my baby sister gets murdered next."
"I understand you are worried about my safety but if mom and dad haven't said anything about it yet to me then you guys shouldn't either. I'm safe here and I have an alarm system and cameras inside of my apartment."
"Now you know damn well them cameras and alarm systems ain't going to save your short ass."
"You need a guard dog and damn gun. I keep telling you to go ahead and get a gun and take classes on how to use it properly."
"Nope , I refuse to get a gun. You know how I feel about them ever since that damn party."
"Kanani you're killing us right now right now."
"I know and I'm sorry. Look how many who have guns out here and they don't even use it properly?! You have kids going to school shooting their teachers , grown ass adults who went to school coming back for revenge, young black men taking each other out."
"Hate to say this, but it's this shit happens everyday and everywhere Nani."
"Yes but also if we stop giving the wrong people guns and do a fucking throughly background check then it wouldn't be problem. Lock your guns away from your children. It's more  gun violence out there than love and I just refuse to be apart of it."
Kanani stated to her two older brothers as she walked around her kitchen counter to get herself a glass of juice.
"Think about it from our perspective. What if you were in that situation? Would you have fought back ? Call the police ?"
"Calling the police and locking them inside the closet. The closet doors lock from the outside and plus in order to even get inside you need my finger print and the code to get inside the door."
"Not saying I'm on her side here but trying to break down these doors are heavy as hell."
"It sounds like to me you're on little KP side right now. I don't suppose to say this but this per- hold on ... hello? Wassup uncle Mike?"
"While detective KP over there chatting away. Let's talk about where you are going to be staying."
"I'm not leaving my house because of some killer is on the loose. If I feel like I am in great danger then I'll show up on either yours or KP door step."
"You're going to give me gray hairs before Jordan even turns eighteen."
"That sounds like a personal problem Jaxon. Why are you trying to control something that you're not able to control yourself?"
"Because you're my baby sister Nani. If anything were to hap- if someone were to hurt you , I'll gladly sit behind bars for killing them. That goes for KP too! I'm yall older brother and it's my job to make sure that you both are good at all times. Yeah KP a detective and all but that don't matter to me."
"Jaxon I appreciate you and I know you're concerned about my safety but you have to trust me. If I feel as if my life is in jeopardy then you'll be the first one to know. Plea-"
"Aye Jax we got to go , uncle Mike and uncle Marcus need some help with this case. I can drop you off back the fire station or you good?"
"I'm good , Nani can drop me off back at the station."
"Nope , sorry can't do it. I have to go get ready before my friend comes over for our lunch date."
"Damn it's like that?"
"Sure is , now can you guys go so I can go get ready? I need at least two hours to mentally prepare myself."
"We didn't even finish our conversation."
"I'm staying home and that's final. Please don't forget that one of you has to pick up mom and dad from the airport tomorrow afternoon."
"Well I can't do it since this is my weekend it work."
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm the one who dropped them off and plus I have back to back meetings for my store grand opening."
"Oh yeah I forgot , yeah I'll pick them up tomorrow then. I'll have Jordan tag along with me to keep me entertained on the way there."
"Aight now, we out! Be safe and don't be out here grown. We locking the door behind us since yo ass wants to walk away without giving hugs and shit."
"And share your location too, love you big head!"
"Love you too, now bye!"
Kanani expressed to them both as she walked down her hallway that lead into her bedroom. She loved her brother's but after dealing with them for long , she needed a mental reset. Their conversation regarding the circumstances of her neighbor was not necessarily needed. Yes , the situation is sad but it doesn't involve her. She could see if she was there and witnessed it but she wasn't.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on her door. A look of confusion displayed on her face as she looked down the hallway of her home. Kanani wasn't expecting anyone until the next couple of hours. So she was confused on who or what could it possibly be . Dropping her unfolded blanket onto the ground , she decided to go and see who it could be.
"This better not be one of these neighbors kids knocking on my dam- oh hey David, what brings you by?
"These are for you señorita Kanani."
"My favorite flowers, they're so beautiful. Do you know who sent them in?"
"Frangipani plumeria. I unfortunately don't but they did leave a note for you. I have to get going , the other set of flowers are placed on your table."
"Thank you David!"
"Anything for you señorita Kanani. It seems like you have a keeper in your hands."
"That it does , hopefully this note tells me who it is."
"Have a good day."
"....hmmm who the hell sent me two sets of frangipani flowers. Dile si al cielo dime si a mi. Well that is cute of them to put my favorite song on there. Seems like this person really paid attention to me."
Kanani smiled once again as she smelled the freshly picked flowers. Frangipani flowers were simply her favorite since they reminded her of Hawai'i , where she was originally born. Now cheesing ear to ear Kanani quickly arranged the flowers to her liking before rushing off to prepare for her day.
"Today is going to be a really good ass day for me."
"dile si al cielo dime si a mi" : say yes to heaven say yes to me
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
If you need incentive to write the 04 scene of Steve’s mom meeting Eddie, Moe, and Robbie, this is it. The image of Steve stepping in front of them??????? Astounding and I am all but begging you to share what was said — if, of course, you feel the inspiration and need that extra push to write it :)
truly anything for you
tbh this is basically an extension of the last part of this
“–Also, my mom is here.”
“What?” Eddie yelps, which, yeah, fair enough, all things considered. Steve’s been estranged from his parents for over a decade now, so it’s only natural for Eddie to be completely shocked finding out that his mom is here, in their home. 
“Well…y’know, I invited them,” Steve replies as he shifts the way he’s holding their eight-month-old daughter Robbie. 
It’s true – he had invited his parents to the party that he and Eddie are throwing today to celebrate…they’re celebrating a lot of shit, actually, because they’d had a pretty wild few months, but he’s invited them to all the important things over the years.
Before Eddie can respond, Moe wanders over and tugs on the hem of Eddie’s shirt as she says, “Daddy, look at ‘dis, Auntie Robin put a flower in my hair.”
“I mean yeah, duh, Steve,” Eddie finally says as he absently picks up Moe (being mindful of the daisy tucked behind her ear, of course), “I mean, you always…Steve, she’s here?”
“Yeah, she-uh, I dunno. She showed up. We – I sorta yelled at her, I think…”
Steve trails off as his eye catches on a familiar figure hovering by the front door – his mom, he knows, even with her back to him. She must feel his eyes on her, because she turns in their direction, and by then Eddie had realized that something was pulling Steve’s attention so he’s turning too, and then Steve’s mom and Eddie are standing face to face, and alarm bells are going off inside Steve’s head that he can’t really explain, but before he can dwell on it, he finds himself slipping into an old tendency to just blindly act, to protect the people he loves before all else. 
Steve takes a step forward.
Where before he’d been standing in line with Eddie, Steve steps forward, meets his mother with a steady gaze as he puts himself between her and his family.
His mother isn’t blind to this. Steve can see on her face the way she recognizes that step forward for what it was, because he’s got one foot planted firmly between Eddie’s own, and his shoulder is blocking Moe from view completely, and he’s angling himself in a way directs Robbie away too even if doing so hadn’t been a conscious decision, because it all makes crystal clear the kind of threat that Steve perceives his mom to be.
She blinks at him, lips slightly parted, and for a moment Steve finds himself feeling a little bad for her – but only for a moment, because she made her choices just like Steve’s father did, and now they all have to live with them.
Steve lives with those choices every day by being the parent he had needed as a child, and right now that means standing between the parents he did have and the family he has now
“Steve, I–” his mom starts, “I need to be going, but…I’d like to be introduced to your…if you’ll let me.”
She’s looking at Robbie (trying to, anyway), and it makes Steve wonder if she’d even be here today if he hadn’t sent his mother a card back in the spring of ‘02 announcing the adoption of Moe, if he hadn’t spent the years since then sending her updates about his kids. She wonders if she would have shown up at all if it was just him and Eddie.
Steve loves his kids with a kind of love he had never experienced before, but the same is true for Eddie. Sure, it’s a different kind of love, but no less big and no less important. There’s no way in hell Steve will be allowing his mother to pick and choose which parts of his life she gets to participate in. If she wants to know the girls, she goes through Eddie first. Non-negotiable.
Before Steve can say as much, Eddie adjusts his hold on Moe (still keeping her behind Steve, he notices) to free up a hand and hold it outstretched.
“Ed,” he says, and he follows it with, “Steve’s husband,” and Steve can hear the shit-eating grin on Eddie’s face without even needing to look, and he knows that he’s smiling too because he always does when Eddie calls himself Steve’s husband. Then he adds, “Can’t believe we’ve gone this long without an introduction.”
Steve’s mother introduces herself and shakes his hand (though she doesn’t seem to have anything to say to his second comment, Steve notes).
Satisfied (because, frankly, Steve couldn’t really have asked for anything more, all things considered), he finally shifts to the side to introduce his daughters.
“This is Moe,” he says, “Wanna say hi, Moe?”
But Moe has suddenly gone uncharacteristically shy (or maybe she senses the tension and is wisely choosing the side that’s kept her snuggled and fed her entire life – she’s smart like that), tucking her face away in the safety of Eddie’s shoulder. 
Steve watches as Eddie murmurs something in her ear, watches Moe nod even as her little arms twine a little tighter around his neck.
She raises her head and gives a cautious, “Hi,” (with maybe a bit more side-eye than necessary, but…whatever. Moe is who she is).
“Hello,” his mom replies, with a kind of smile on her face that Steve doesn’t think he’s ever seen before (a real smile, maybe, but he won’t dwell on that). She gives Robbie a little wave, “And who’s this?”
“This is Robbie,” Steve says, running a hand over her curls, “Can you say hi, Beans?”
Robbie only blinks her big blue eyes, one of her little hands clenched around a bit of Steve’s hair at the nape of his neck.
“How ‘bout a wave?” he suggests, mimicking a wave for his youngest daughter, who parrots the motion in his mom’s direction.
“How old is she, again?” she asks as Steve presses a kiss onto Robbie’s chubby cheek. He knows he already told his mother this but, in fairness, it certainly wasn’t the most memorable part of their contentious conversation not too long earlier.
“Eight months last week,” Eddie answers proudly. He looks at Moe again, “And how old are you, bug? Are you…” he pauses, pretending to think. He looks at Steve, “I think she’s only two, right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Steve nods, pretending to be serious, “Definitely two more than anything else.”
“No-o, I’m more three!” she argues, her little brow furrowing (Steve knew it would – with Moe’s third birthday only a few weeks away, they’ve had many a conversation about how Moe thinks she deserves three-year-old privileges because she’s “more three than two”).
“That’s right, you turn three soon,” Eddie nods, “And we’re gonna throw a…what kind of party?”
“A butterfly party,” Moe finishes.
Steve looks back at his mom.
“You’re welcome to come, you know,” he says, and beside him, Eddie shifts a bit closer, his shoe nudging up against Steve’s, “Y’know, if you’re around. I can send you the info.”
He already sent it. He knows he already sent it, but if this is his mom’s way of extending her own olive branch, of taking the first steps in restoring the relationship with her son, he’ll send it again.
“Sure,” she replies, running a manicured hand through her hair, “We’ll…well, you know your father and his schedule – I’d thought he would have considered retiring by now but…” she pauses, then shakes her head, “Yes, I’d like the details.”
Steve nods, makes a mental note to send his mom the information (because, despite his defensiveness, he really does want her to be a part of his life, his kids’ and husband’s lives too).
She takes her leave only a minute or two later, and when she does, Eddie turns to face him.
“Holy shit, Steve,” he says, wide-eyed.
“I know,” he replies, slowly shaking his head.
“Dude, that was crazy, and we’re definitely gonna have to debrief on whatever the hell you guys talked about earlier, but can I just say you got so fuckin’ lucky that Robin didn’t realize she was here.”
Before Steve can respond, he hears an ominous voice behind him say, “Robin didn’t realize who was here?"
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AITA for starting shit with a 15 year old??
Alrighty here’s our cast:
I’m OP, I’m 19 years old, I’m FtM trans but not out nor have I started transitioning medically. I’ve graduated but live at home while I attend college
I have a little sister named “Janet”, she’s 16 and a sophomore. She’s popular, friendly, and had a big friend group
Janet has a friend named “Amy” who’s 15. Amy is the kid I think I started beef with
Okay for the story;
Janet is the leader of her group. She’s got the strongest personality and is the most sociable. Almost all the kids in her group are comfortably upper class while Janet and I are sitting very middle class. It’s always very jarring when I drop Janet off at a friend’s house and it’s a literal mansion.
Amy is who introduced Janet to this group, but it became quickly very clear that Amy has never been told “no” in her life. She’s controlling, spoiled, and jealous. Now, I’ve hung out with Amy before (Janet was there too, we were at a get together and Amy tagged along with us) and she’s a sweet girl, but definitely a product of her environment.
Now, over the last few weeks, things have spiraled out of control for that group. Amy got a boyfriend and has been repeatedly picked to spend time with him and made her friends (Janet’s group) feel like shit about it. Her boyfriend was always invited to group things, but Amy refused to let him join. She cited the other girls (who are all either lesbians or dating other boys) as trying to “steal her man”. She’s very insecure about herself and I genuinely feel bad for her
Recently, she’s been left out of group activities because she chose not to attend, but then later would send the group hateful messages on social media or would vague post about them being pieces of shit because they didn’t insist that she attend. Janet’s been under fire the most along with another girl named “Christina”. Amy even went as far as to out Christina as bisexual on Snapchat because Christina pointed out that Amy could have attended their Halloween party at any time as it lasted for seven hours
So Amy’s a mess.
Now, recently (again), Janet started talking to a boy we’ll call “Jeremy”. Jeremy’s a sweet guy, he’s in band, he’s still a dork because he’s a high school sophomore, but he’s still a cool kid. One day, Jeremy sends a bunch of screenshots to Janet from Amy. Amy, who has a boyfriend as mentioned above. Amy was not only flirting with Jeremy, but also talking shit about me and my family. She called my mom fat, said my dad was lying about having cancer (he’s a terminal colon cancer patient), called my twin sister an ugly control freak, and me a “gay whore who acts like a man” (LMAOOOO).
Here’s where I may be the asshole. I got Amy’s number from Janet’s phone and sent her what’s basically an essay calling her out for these insults and also threatening to screw her parents. I told her to never contact Janet again and that I hope she got over her insecurities. I know her insults weren’t directed towards me nor was I supposed to see them, but I can’t stand people talking about my family. I know I shouldn’t have contacted her, especially behind Janet’s back, but I wanted to defend myself and my family
Anyways, if I’m voted the asshole for sticking my nose in high schoolers’ business, I’d completely understand
^^^ so I can find this again 😭
What are these acronyms?
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teacasket · 4 months
AITA for upstaging my partner’s aunt?
genre: fluff au: non-idol au warnings: swearing word count: 0.7k   pairing: gn!reader x lee felix
Throwaway for obvious reasons. I (28M) am married to my partner (28). We dated for six years and got married this year. I’ve met their family many times at parties and gatherings. I used to bring brownies to the events but stopped after my partner’s Aunt Camille made rude comments about them. Before anyone asks, my brownies aren’t bad. I used to work part-time at a bakery in college, so I have some professional experience. The cousins love them, my in-laws love them, everyone but Camille thinks they’re great.
Some backstory about Camille: Camille is not her real name. It’s the name she picked for herself when she studied abroad in France thirty years ago in college. Camille thinks that because she spent three months in France, she’s more cultured about dessert than anyone else. She constantly talks shit about any dessert she didn’t make.
I stopped bringing my brownies because I was fed up with her comments. People were disappointed, but Camille’s so annoying that they understood. I just started dropping off the brownies at their houses instead.
During the last big family party three months ago, one of the cousins brought a homemade black forest cake. Of course, Camille belittled her. She made a sixteen year old girl cry! I usually try to stay out Camille's way, but what the fuck???
Last month, Camille invited us to her birthday party. We weren’t planning to go at first. But last night, Camille posted on Instagram the finished cake. To be honest, it looks ugly. For all her talk, she doesn’t know anything about decorating. So I decided to improve on her cake. After all, it’s her birthday.
Well, the party happened, and I brought a three tiered lemon cake with piped sunflowers. I even made some macarons for it. It was a pain in the ass to make, but it was all worth it to see Camille’s face when I walked in. Some of the family hadn’t seen the actual cake yet since Camille had it hidden away as a surprise, so they thought my cake was the birthday cake. Camille was livid, screaming at me for “upstaging me on her special day” and that she “knew [I] was an asshole from day one.” Her mom tried to calm her down, but she just got more upset. My partner and I left soon after.
I got a few angry texts later saying I shouldn’t have provoked her because I knew how she would react. Cakes are her thing too, so extra salt in the wound. I’ve been feeling a little guilty since other people are dealing with the blowback, not me. My partner doesn’t think I did anything wrong, but they also hate Camille, so I don’t know if I can trust their judgment on this. So Reddit, AITA?
Edit: Just wanted to answer a couple of questions. My partner was completely supportive of me making the cake. In fact, they showed me the post and suggested this was how I could get back at her. Yes, they’re petty, and that’s why I love them.
Partner’s family has always enabled Camille. It’s easier than confronting her, and they don’t want to cut her off because she’ll have no support system if they do. It’s mostly the older generation. The “kids,” aka the younger ones who are sick of her shit, want nothing to do with her but put up with it her for family’s sake.
We left the cake at her party. I don’t know what happened to it.
Edit 2: For privacy, I can’t share any pictures of the cake, but I promise mine was much better.
Update: The cousin who made the black forest cake texted me and said she liked the cake. She asked if I could give her some piping tips. No word from Camille yet, but her brother called to apologize for her behavior.
Update 2: A few people texted their support, and an uncle apologized for his angry texts. Partner thinks I shouldn’t accept it, but the thought still counts. Apparently, my in-laws took the cake home. They said it was delicious.
Update 3: Camille called and screamed at me some more. Until I apologize, she won’t attend any more family gatherings if I’m there, so I guess I won’t be seeing ever again, thank God. Thanks for all your feedback and comments.
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lovelyjj · 2 years
Hola! If you're accepting requests for Outer Banks, could I request a JJ Maybank x-reader? Where Y/N is having a bad day and JJ (best friend or boyfriend, you decide) takes her out on the boat to make her day better. He plays Y/N her favorite songs, serenading her to see a smile on her face. Just a bunch of fluff with Y/N venting to JJ and him being there for her. Thank you!!!
My Girl
jj maybank x reader
a/n: sorry this is terrible.
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You were having the worst day possible. You were late to work and your boss yelled at you. Mentally you were feeling terrible. To top everything off you got in a fight with your mom and she said some pretty harsh words.
You decided that it would be nice to head over to the château to see if any of the pogues were around. You needed to get away. You needed space and time away from your mom and your room.
The walk there was relaxing as it gave you time to think. Feeling right at home you entered the château calling for John B.
"John B!" You yelled.
"John B!" You yelled again.
"Hey Y/N I'm right here." John B spoke from the kitchen.
"I'm just cleaning up from last nights party." John B stated.
"Oh that's right. How was the party?" You questioned. You were invited but you couldn't go because you had work.
"It was good. Good turn out." John B replied.
"JJ is around here somewhere."
"Oh Ok I think i'm gonna chill outside for a while." You stated.
With that you walked outside. You could feel your emotions getting the best of you at the mention of JJ. It brought up the fight with your mom. You could feel yourself start to tear up and you were getting frustrated.
You walked to the edge of the dock and sat down near a pillar. Everything from the day seemed to pile up on you and you couldn't take it anymore. Your mental health have been neglected. As you sat there overlooking the marsh you finally let your tears fall.
You didn't want to be crying. You felt weak but It just all came out. The day you had was awful and you have had enough.
Within minutes JJ was outside and sitting down next to you on the dock.
"Hey sweet girl." JJ spoke.
"Hi." You sniffled then let out a chuckle, embarrassed that he was seeing you in this state.
"Can I ask what's wrong." JJ voiced.
"I just um am so tired of feeling this way." You shared.
"I um just having a really bad day is all and i'm just mentally exhausted." You continued.
JJ sat there listening intently to every word you said. He pulled you into a bear hug and you cried into his chest. JJ rubbed your back and whispered words of reassurance.
You lifted your head up from buried in his chest and wiped your eyes.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't be burdening you with this."
"No worries angel. I want to be here for you." JJ muttered. 
You sighed and gave him a smile as a thank you.
"What else." JJ added. He could tell that there was more on your mind.
"Well I might get fired. I had a fight with my mom and she thinks I shouldn't be hanging out with you."
You paused as tears started to well up in your eyes again. The thought of not being with JJ made your heart physically hurt. A couple of tears rolled down your cheeks.
JJ delicately took hold of your face and swiped under your eyes, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
"Why not." JJ responded calmly.
"I don't know. She wants me to hang out with kooks. She says your bad news." You stuttered
JJ scoffed. "She's full of it."
You wiped your eye and nodded.
"Yeah maybe so but I can't be without you." You hiccuped.
"You won't be angel." JJ soothed.
"I hate her." You cried.
"Listen y/n. Your mom's opinion of me doesn't matter. She can't keep me from you."
"She's not gonna take you from me. I won't let her." You voiced.
"I'm not going anywhere baby." JJ stated.
JJ looked at you tears streaming down your face and he knew he had to do something.
"Wait here." JJ stated as he got up and retreated to the château.
"Where are you going!" You called but it was too late his figure already disappeared inside.
JJ soon returned with his guitar. He placed it in the HMS Pogue and turned back to you.
He outstretched his hands for you to take. You accepted and stood up with his help.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"Just for a little drive." JJ replied.
You both got into the HMS Pogue and JJ started it up.
It was nice being out in the water. It was calming and helped you relax. JJ put the anchor down in the middle of the water.
"Can I play for you." JJ asked.
"Please do." You replied.
Soon JJ's soothing singing voice filled your ears as he strummed his guitar.
"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl my girl"
JJ sang you My Girl. He smiled as he serenaded you. He continued singing the song. Then he got to the third verse.
"I don't need no money, fortune, or fame
I've got all the riches baby one man can claim
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)
"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
With my girl
I've even got the month of May
With my girl"
JJ saw a smile creep up on your face and he about declared victory. He got you to smile. He could spend all the rest of his days trying to get you to smile. He loved to see it. Especially if he was the cause. He loved to make you happy.
When the song finished you clapped your hands.
You smiled brightly and got up from across from him and sat down next to him.
You wrapped your arms around him and said thank you while he kissed the top of your head.
"Can you play me another?" You questioned.
"Of course." JJ voiced.
JJ played you another song and by the time he was done it was getting dark.
"I think we should start heading back." JJ suggested.
He pulled up the anchor and started driving back. You leaned down and felt the water with your hand as the boat sped down the water.
It was amazing how just being around JJ you felt better. Just spending time with him your anxiety seemed to ease. You felt lighter and happier.
Once you got back to the château and docked the boat. You both got out walking hand in hand.
You entered the château and warmth engulfed you. It felt nice.
"You want some hot chocolate." JJ asked.
"Yes please."
You found a cozy place on the couch and sat while JJ made you guys your drinks.
Minutes later he came back with two mugs and offered one to you.
"Thank you." You mused.
JJ sat down next to you and brushed hair out of your face.
"I'm sorry you had a bad day." JJ whispered.
You took a sip of your drink than smiled.
"It got a lot better being with you." You gushed.
"It's us against the world. I'll always be there for you" JJ expressed.
"You know I love you right." JJ added.
"Now I do." You replied.
With that you pressed your lips to his.
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messedupfan · 10 months
Chapter 8
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Summary: Set a few weeks after chapter 7. Without the work of renovating the house, Wanda and Y/n don't have much of a reason to see each other as much. So, Wanda creates a reason.
A/N: Don't get mad at me for the ending. Enjoyyyyy!!!!
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“Come on, just close your eyes and trust me,” Wanda says, you look at her with uncertain eyes because you have played this game before and never has it been a good idea. Granted, you played it with friends in high school and friends from work, Jean and Kate definitely are not to be trusted. But seeing as there can’t possibly be something bad that she could feed you, you shut your eyes and hold your mouth open. But as you feel her get closer you shut your mouth out of instinct. “Stop! Open up!” she says as she shoves your shoulder. You open your mouth and try your best to keep it open until you are told to close and taste. You try to open your eyes again but Wanda doesn’t let you. “How many times do I have to tell you that you need to experience the flavor with your eyes closed?” 
“I’m sorry, I forgot we were in a rat movie,” you say with a full mouth. 
“It’s a real thing, come on. Experience the food with your eyes closed,” she tells you and you start to chew and focus on texture and flavor. There is a bit more heightened experience but not much difference. “You’re chewing too fast! You need to slow down. Really let every bite release the flavors.” You shake your head and try really hard not to laugh as you slow your jaw down. You had no idea that Wanda was so serious about food. 
This was the first time that you've been able to see her since completing the wall. You and Wanda texted back and forth often and tried to make plans to see each other but they kept falling through. Until Billy and Tommy asked when they'd get to see their friend again. And since Wanda wanted to meet your ex-wife after hearing so many stories about her, she manipulated the plans so that you'd invite her. Jean was more than happy to be invited and she even asked to bring her wife along. Which inspired Wanda to have an impromptu party. She invited her friends Carol and Agatha, as well as her twin and his family, and allowed you to bring any guest that you would like. She wasn't specific, but she was kind of hoping she'd get a formal introduction to the unofficial girlfriend. But you only brought yourself and beverages for adults and for the children. 
The week that Rachel went back to Jean's house, was the week you and Daisy had a date every night. You were starting to warm up to the idea of seeing her as a romantic partner. Being around her finally got you to stop thinking so much about the situation and start living in the moment with her. That being said, you still weren't ready to introduce her to anyone as your girlfriend. Especially not Jean, who still wasn't sure about the whole thing. Part of her is just hoping it's a short phase for you before you find the person that you're meant to be with. 
“Baba!” Rachel runs into the kitchen and hides behind your legs. “Tommy is it! You have to protect me!” She screams and you open your eyes and swallow the rest of the food in your mouth. 
“Wanda, thank you so much for inviting us,” Jean says as she joins everyone in the kitchen to throw away some of the empty cans and bottles she collected on her way in. “It's been so wonderful meeting you and gosh I don't know how you're doing it raising two boys on your own half the time,” she compliments. “I tell you, if it weren't for Y/n and Anna, I don't know what I'd do.” 
Wanda smiles and thanks her for the praises. “I really have a lot more help from friends and family than it looks. My mom would have been here but she's been helping out so much I thought she deserved a break from kids,” Jean laughs and you smile at the light joke as you hug Rachel who is still begging for sanctuary. Tommy is running around the house and stops when he spots Rachel in the kitchen but as he is about to run through Wanda stops him. “Excuse me mister, what did I say about the kitchen?” 
“But Rachel is-” his reasoning is cut off by Wanda's disciplinary glare. “No playing in the kitchen,” he pouts. 
“Since you tried to break that rule, you have to give Rachel a ten second head start,” Wanda says. Tommy sucks his teeth and tries to make an argument but he follows the penalty that his mom has set. 
“Okay Rach, this is the only time you can do this,” you say as you hold her to you. “Ms. Wanda and I are cooking here. You can't keep hiding in here alright?” 
“Okay, but you always say that no matter what you'll always protect me,” she reminds you. 
Jean makes a face, “That's true, you always say that.” 
“Yeah well, so do you,” you remind Jean. “If you need to be protected while I'm still cooking, mommy will do it. Okay, kiddo?” Rachel nods and squeezes you in a tight hug before she runs off. The three adults laugh once Tommy has run off to look for the other kids to tag. “Thank you for that,” you tell Wanda. She waves it off as she turns back to the stove. 
“We've got patties, dogs, and sausages!” Pietro says as he walks into the house with a tray of cooked meats. He sets them down on an empty space on the counter and you move over to start getting plates ready for the kids. “Hey, so who's that girl that's here with Carol?” Pietro asks as he pops a soda bottle open. 
“That's Val,” Wanda says as she taste tests the sauce she's preparing. She has you try some as well as she continues talking to her brother. “Why? Is she hitting on your wife?” Wanda teases. 
“No, she's hitting on Jean’s,” he says as he points to the open back door and windows of the two women laughing. Jean looks over a little tense at first but quickly relaxes with a roll of her eyes. 
“You're an ass,” she says as she takes the hotdog bun from your hand and tosses it at him at the worst possible moment. Luna witnesses the interaction and runs into the kitchen with wide gleeful eyes.
“Are we having a food fight?” She asks excitedly as she picks up the bun from the floor and gears up to toss it. 
“Not so fast,” Pietro says as he takes the bun from his daughter. He picks her up in his arms and takes her out of the kitchen. 
“And you claim that I'm the bad influence,” you say to Jean. 
“You do not want to go there,” Jean retorts playfully. 
“Oh?” Wanda shows her interest and you start to panic, taking back what you said and trying to get Jean to keep her from spilling secrets of your past. “No, no, I think I want to hear about this.” 
“Trust me, I'll fill you in on all of the details later. Right now it looks like my daughter is trying to kill one of your boys. I'll be right back,” she says as she walks to the backyard. 
“I did not think this day through,” Wanda says with an amused grin.
You shrug, “I think it's going pretty well all things considered. This was a really fun idea. Thank you for including me and my family.” 
Wanda knows that she shouldn't pry but the curiosity is starting to get the best of her. “I'm actually surprised that you didn't invite more people,” she brings up casually. You shrug and mention that your other friends had prior engagements that they couldn't cancel and she nods in understanding. “Does that include Daisy?” 
You try to read Wanda’s thoughts through her expression but she appears genuinely curious. “Technically, no, but um… There's a three month minimum rule with Rachel. So, I can't really have her around something like this for a few more months. If we make it that far, that is,” you explain carefully. Wanda doesn't pry further as the food is ready to serve and she leaves to inform everyone to grab a plate. From there, a line forms of children and adults grabbing plates of food they want and adding side dishes onto the plates. With the lack of space for everyone at either table, the kids call dibs on the table outside and the adults stay inside. You and Wanda end up sitting next to each other once everyone else has taken their places. 
Jean and Anns sit across from you and beside them are Pietro and his wife, a couple they are familiar with because of having invited them to company events in the past. At the end of the table is Agatha, who came without a date but brought her son Nicholas. Next to Wanda is Carol and her date Valkyrie, when you asked about the girl she went home with some time ago she explained that she is more of a cool aunt than she is a step-mom and left it at that. 
There isn't a moment of silence during the meal. “You're not one to talk, you once streaked naked at a party in high school on a dare!” Jean says after you acted disturbed by Pietro's skinny dipping story. He said he was trying to impress a girl on a date by breaking into a community pool late one night. They ended up getting chased out by pool security and he had to run to his car naked and clutching his clothes to his body. Wanda looks at you, shocked by the information bomb that Jean just dropped. 
“If I remember correctly, that only happened because Scott Summers thought it would be funny to steal ehem, my clothes and I was chasing after him to get them back,” you remind her and she isn't laughing as hard anymore. She closes her mouth tightly as she remembers the complete story. The two of you had snuck into a bedroom at a party to be horny teenagers and got caught by her ex-boyfriend. He never liked you and always thought you were trying to get between him and Jean. He wasn't wrong, but it didn't give him the right to make you run completely naked in front of most of the senior and junior class. 
“That's right,” she mutters into the lip of her beer bottle. Anna scrunches her face and shakes her head to not think about her wife with someone else. “Okay, wait, what about that time you-” 
“How about we don't keep talking about the past,” you try to cut her off but Wanda doesn’t let it go that easy. 
“No, no, I want to hear this,” she says as she pats your stomach as the two of you have somehow made your way closer to each other. Your hand is tapping lightly on the back of her chair. You sigh and use your free hand to cover your face. “I like hearing about this reckless side of you.” She leans on your shoulder and makes eye contact with you, her pleading green eyes cause you to sigh and give Jean the go ahead to tell one of the most embarrassing stories of your life. 
“So Val, how did you and Carol meet?” Anna asks conversationally, moving the conversation to get to know others better. She's heard all of the stories that you share with Jean. She had to accept a long time ago that there was a bond there that was never going to be broken. She liked that Jean has a good past relationship history since the person she dated before had an ex that stalked Anna and threatened her to stay away. That person wasn't worth the stress. But sometimes she wishes the two of you didn't have so much history.
“Um, well, we've been in the Air Force together for a long time and speaking for myself, I've always had a bit of a crush.” Carol smiles and confirms that she always felt the same way. “I recently left because I’ve decided to go into politics so I asked her out. I mean, I would have before but I never wanted to risk complicating things with work and when people's lives are on the line it's always best to not be distracted.” 
“Oh wow, I had no idea,” Wanda says, just as touched by the story as everyone else. Carol isn't one to talk about those kinds of details. But something tells her that this relationship is going to be the one that sticks for her friend. 
Carol smiles at Wanda, “Well now you do. Can we move on, I don't like the moon eyes you guys keep giving us.” Everyone laughs at the mention of her discomfort. 
“What about the two of you? How long have you guys been together?” Val asks and Pietro and Crystalia assume the question is for them and Pietro leaves it to his wife to answer because he isn't quite sure himself. There were a few times that they were on and off until he was done messing around and asked her to marry him. But he has no clue what that number could be. “Oh, wow that's a long time,” Val reacts to the number that Crystalia provided with wide eyes. “Congratulations you two, but I'm sorry I don't mean to make this awkward. I was actually asking about Wanda and Y/n.” 
The table goes quiet as people look at each other with smiles and Val is confused by the lack of response. “Honey, they're just friends,” Agatha answers. 
“Why'd you say that like it's not true?” Wanda rolls her eyes at her friend and Agatha shakes her head. “We are just friends. We actually met at the beginning of the summer,” Wanda explains to Val as she looks at you for a moment, considering whether or not she wants to tell everyone how that exactly happened. She's not sure if you've ever mentioned it yourself. 
“Yeah, it's actually my fault,” Pietro starts. “I needed an extra set of hands for a renovation here that got shut down, thankfully before it was too late, and Y/n is one of my best workers and friends. So,” he shrugs and gestures towards you and Wanda as if that tells the rest of the story. He has no idea how little he knows about  the story you share with Wanda. You open your mouth to correct him but a scream from the kids table draws the attention of the adults and everyone is rushing to find out what is going on. 
Later that night, after everyone has left, you stay to help Wanda clean up. Jean and Anna were the first to go because Rachel was trying to show off to the other kids how fast she could spin without getting sick and it turned out that she could spin pretty fast. Unfortunately, she got very sick. Jean didn’t leave before telling you and Wanda just how much she loves Wanda. Val whispered something in Carol’s ear shortly after and the two quickly said their goodbyes. Nicholas and Tommy got into it really bad because Tommy claimed Nicholas was cheating since he kept winning the game they were playing. Tommy doesn't take losses well and so Agatha thought it best to take her son home. Wanda apologized profusely and Agatha accepted and promised to see her soon. Wanda scolded Tommy for his behavior and told him that she didn't raise him that way, to which he promptly reminded her that his dad is raising him that way. She wanted to ground him or punish him but, against her better judgment, she didn't. Pietro was going to stay to help with the clean up and maybe hangout a bit longer but Wanda had told Crystalia earlier in the day that she was happy to take care of Luna for the night and her sister-in-law was grateful for the opportunity to have a night alone with her husband. Their attempts to try for another child has been delayed because of the child they currently have with her nightmares and need for sleeping in her parents bed. So, once the opportunity presented itself,  Pietro and his wife were out of the house. 
Now, Luna and Billy are playing with legos in the living room and Tommy is playing a video game by himself in his room to avoid any more arguments for the day. Wanda doesn’t know what to do in terms of how to parent her son when it comes to things that she and Vision have vastly different opinions on. He wants strong tough boys that never lose. If she’s honest with herself, she can see that Vision wants to raise the next generation of toxic masculinity. Something she swore to herself when she found out she was having boys that she would never allow. But there is only so much she can do not only as a mother but as a co-parent. She doesn’t know how to influence these boys when they have less respect for her than they do for their father. At least Tommy lacks respect for her. She doesn’t mean to lump Billy in with his brother but she often forgets that they are complete opposites from each other since he is often forced to take part in the same activities as Tommy. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” you ask as you notice Wanda has been scrubbing the same spot on a dish for longer than necessary. 
Wanda blinks a couple of times before rinsing the dish and handing it to you to dry. “I’m just worried about Tommy. It seems like lately he’s been getting into more trouble. He's been picking fights with his friends and especially his brother. I just, I don't know how to teach him to be kind when his father is doing the exact opposite. I feel like I'm failing him.” She says as she starts scrubbing another dish. 
You listen to her as you wipe down the wet plate. You wish that you knew how to help but it's clear that your situation is completely different. You and Jean have always been on the same page when it came to raising Rachel. That's not something that you've ever had to deal with. Plus Rachel is a girl, there are different rules and different fears when it comes to raising a girl as opposed to a boy. 
“And it's not like I wish I was still married to Vision, it's that I wish co-parenting wasn't so difficult with him. We used to communicate and make decisions together but after,” she pauses and looks down into the sink. Does she want to get into the details of the end of her marriage with you? Will you judge her the way her ex-husband does? Will this make you think less of her? 
“Wanda,” you call her attention and shut the faucet off. “You don't have to keep talking if you don't want to,” you remind her. She nods with her eyes closed. 
“I know, I know,” she faces you but when she opens her eye, she looks past you. “It’s not that I don't want to. It's that I'm scared to.* 
You try to get her to make eye contact but it doesn't work out, the second your eyes meet she casts her to the floor. “Why are you scared?” You ask softly. 
Tears sting and threaten to fall out of Wanda's eyes and she's doing everything to hold them back. This isn't how she wanted to end the night. You decide that whatever is haunting her doesn't need to be brought to light right now and that you are going to help get her mind off of it. You pull your phone out of your pocket and play the first song to appear. 
“Dance with me?” You ask as you hold your hand out to her. Wanda looks at you with red puffy eyes and you offer her a kind smile. As the song continues to play, Wanda falls against your chest with her arms around your torso. You wrap your arms around her and sway her around the kitchen. The song changes and it's another slow one that keeps the two of you together. The next song however requires a little bit more energy and you take that as an opportunity to get Wanda to smile. 
You step out of her arms and start to dance a little goofy. You get a small smile to break on her face so you grab her hands and start to move them so that she can match your energy. It starts to work by the start of another upbeat song and you even get her to laugh so loud that Billy and Luna come running in because they wanted to be part of the fun. You let go of Wanda so that you can teach Luna how to dance and Wanda happily starts to dance with her son. With Luna on your feet and Wanda leading Billy, the four of you are having a lot of fun being silly. Wanda mouths a thank you and you wink in response. “I wanna dance with Auntie Wanda now!” Luna cheers as she steps off of your feet and you take the opportunity to teach Billy a few moves that you always thought were cool. He fellows along pretty well and you’re impressed. 
“You gotta get this kid in some dance classes, Wanda. Look at him move!” You clap as you cheer him on which encourages him to feel free enough to make his own moves. Wanda is shocked to see her shy and timid son so happy and confident. She never thought of her boy enjoying a more performative activity but now she might consider looking into a class for him if this is something he'd want to spend time on. 
You're still lingering around the house after the place is clean and Wanda is putting the kids to bed. You walk around the living room with the Sokovian cocktail in your hand as you look at the pictures once again. Trying to read if the expressions are truly happy. A game that you and Jean came up with as kids. It became less fun in the years of your marriage when there were fake happy photos hanging around the house. The two of you have since had those images cropped down to just Rachel because the memory of that misery doesn't need to live on. Looking at Wanda’s family portraits, you can see the decline in happiness. It was clear that they were extremely happy and in love in the first few years of their marriage. Then in the middle you can see a bit of exhaustion in the adults eyes but still some happiness from Wanda. At a certain point, Vision looks like a shell and Wanda appears to be barely hanging in there. But, you can only assume from an image. 
“I think I need to get those photoshopped,” Wanda says as she notices you staring at the pictures. “But then again, it doesn't change the past. A part of me doesn't want to remove it from my life. Is that weird?” She takes the glass from your hand and takes a sip. 
You shake your head, “No, it’s not weird. It’s not just memories of only your life. It’s Tommy’s and it’s Billy’s and you want them to have some normalcy. I think if at any point it bothers them to see all of it then put it all in storage and start over with them. But I guess until then, leave it.” Wanda thanks you for the suggestion and hands you the glass back. 
“Are you avoiding something?” Wanda asks as the two of you make your way to the sofa. You shake your head with a confused expression to her question. “Well, it’s just, you’re still here. I’ve seen you ignore several calls and sigh at messages. Come on, we’re friends. Something is clearly up.” You hadn’t realized that she was paying that much attention to you. It’s a little flattering if you’re honest with yourself. 
You look at the glass in your hand and then look at her. “Daisy wants to…” you drag out, a little uncomfortable with saying the words but you have to remind yourself that you are an adult and clearly you’ve done the act plenty of times before. “She wants to,” you clear your throat and Wanda’s eyes light up with amusement at your struggle to complete the sentence. “She wants to consummate the relationship,” you finally let out awkwardly. Wanda has to hide her smile behind her hand and apologizes when she lets a light laugh out. “Come on, it’s weird for me to talk about. I’ve never had to talk about this stuff before.”
“Really? Never?” She asks, surprised. 
“I married my childhood best friend. I didn’t have to talk to her about sex because she was the person I was doing it with,” you remind her. 
“Yeah but, you have other friends. I mean like Steve and, as much as I don’t want to think about it, my brother. You’ve never had to talk about this stuff with the other people you’ve dated?” She stands up and walks over to the bar cart to pour herself a drink because she knew that she was going to need one. 
“I hate that I’m going to admit this but, I’ve only ever slept with one person,” you state and chug the rest of the cocktail. “I need to be drunk for this conversation,” you admit as you join her at the bar cart. Wanda can’t help the loud laughter that escapes her this time and all you can do is shake your head and pour yourself another drink. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. It’s really not that funny,” she says as she covers her mouth again with her hand. A habit of her’s that you’ve picked up on. “Come on, sit with me,” she takes you back to the couch with a full wine glass in her hand. “What is stopping you from having sex with this girl? I thought you liked her.” Wanda asks with her free hand on your wrist, as if keeping you from running away. 
“I don’t know, I just… I mean, I haven’t felt that spark you know? Like we’ve made out a couple of times but I'm not really into it and it has nothing to do with her. She’s pretty, funny, smart, and kind. It's all me. I haven't wanted to have sex in years. I don’t know if something is wrong with me or if I haven’t found the right person or what.” 
Wanda nods as she listens to you intently, “I have a question and it might make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry about that.” She gives you a second to prepare yourself and you nod at her when you’re ready to hear it. “Is Jean the only person you’ve ever wanted to have sex with?”
You begin to laugh awkwardly as you take a drink as you process how to answer that. “Uh, well the short answer is no. Long answer is a little more complicated than that.” 
“Okay, care to elaborate?” her eyes are a little squinted as she waits for your answer.
“I uh,” you let out a laugh, “Well I’ve been attracted to people, which is why I’ve gone on dates in the past. Clearly. But uh, when the fantasy becomes a reality. I fail to ehem,” you clear your throat before admitting something that no one ever has the guts to admit. “I fail to perform,” you mutter out quickly, hoping she didn’t catch it at all and also hoping that she did so that you don’t have to say it again. 
Wanda drinks from her wine, getting a little impatient with your behavior. “Y/n, come on. We’re both adults and we’re both parents who are well aware that our children weren’t dropped off by a stork.” 
You bulge your eyes out at her comment. “What?” you gasp as if it’s a total surprise. It makes her laugh and you join. “Okay, I’m sorry. I know it shouldn’t be this awkward. But it’s you, and I’m talking about some other woman.” You admit with the slightest slur in your speech. 
“If it makes you feel any better,” Wanda swirls her wine glass to bring more oxygen to the beverage. “I’ve kind of been seeing a woman myself,” she admits once the glass is close to her lips. This information does anything but make you feel better. In fact, you feel a little hurt by the news. But it shouldn’t hurt you, as you pointed out you’re talking to her about another woman. 
“Oh that’s nice,” you try to say enthusiastically but it falls flat. ��How’s that going for you?” 
Wanda shrugs, “It’s been alright. I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere serious.” Wanda’s cheeks begin to flush and you aren’t sure if it’s the alcohol or her emotional response. “We haven’t been on a real date,” she gives you a look to see if you’ll pick up on what she means by that but it takes you sometime to get there. 
“Oh,” you say once you’ve caught on. “Good for you,” you give her a tiny applause with the glass still in one hand making you tap your fingers together more than anything else. Wanda closes her eyes and covers them with her hand and shakes her head. 
“Stop, I know that it’s bad,” she says with a smile. “Mom’s don’t have sex,” she scrunches her nose and it makes you laugh. 
“Wow, so are you telling me that my little sister is a stork baby?” You say jokingly and she replies back with a loud yes as she moves around on the couch. “Come on, you’re human. As long as it doesn’t happen when the boys can catch you, I think you’re in the clear.”
Wanda nods and takes another sip of your wine. “You’re right. But I think I meant to say that Mom’s don’t have casual sex.” 
You tip your head to her on that one, “I guess. But I think it just goes back to not having a revolving door of um… people when your kids are around so they don’t get confused.” Wanda accepts that and thanks you for not judging her and not allowing her to judge herself. “Anytime, my friend,” you raise your glass to clink against hers and she accepts the cheers. 
A couple more drinks and the conversation moves on from there. From talking about the kids to learning more about each other. Then it hits the point of the conversation when Wanda feels ready to talk to you about the end of her marriage. She talks about her miscarriage that came at the worst time possible in her life. She doesn’t hide a single detail and you listen intently, understanding Wanda a bit better. Even understanding Vision and why he feels he should have more parental control. It's not right, even though she was consumed by her grief it doesn't make her less of a mother. She has worked her way back to being capable of taking care of her kids on her own. It might've taken her a few years to get to this point, but she was never completely absent from her children. At least, not by the sounds of it. 
Now you hold her in your arms on the couch, the two of you are quiet as you let the information sink in. You rub soothing circles on her back with your hand. Wanda is snuggling into your chest with her eyes closed. As her breathing slows, you start to wonder if she's asleep. “Wanda,” you whisper to check if she's awake. She doesn't respond so you carefully scoop her up in your arms and carry her up the stairs in a bridal style. As you lay her on her bed you realize she isn't asleep after all. 
While you're about to step back, Wanda grabs the collar of your shirt and pulls you down making your lips meet hers. You're too stunned to move at first, not sure if you're dreaming this or if your mind is playing tricks on you. Then she pulls away and whispers, “Thank you for being so kind to me.” This time when she kisses you, curiosity takes the best of you and you make the mistake of responding to the kiss. 
Feelings you haven't felt in a long time or even before have you holding Wanda closer to you. There isn't a kiss in the world that can compete with hers. You get lost in her lips until she tries to deepen the kiss. “Wanda,” you say as you try to pull away. 
She ignores you and starts to play with the buttons on your shirt and you put your hand on her wrist to stop her. “Please just one night. It won't hurt us. Stay with me tonight.” She starts to beg and you shake your head and step away from the bed. 
“Wanda, you're not thinking clearly,” you state as you put the buttons back through the holes. She sits up and tries to grab one of your hands to pull you back to her. “I'm um, I'm drunk. You're drunk. We can't do this.” You state nervously. It was taking everything in you to turn this opportunity down because her kisses are electric. Her lips have awakened something in you that you were pretty sure was dead. You could only imagine what going all of the way would do for you. But now is not the time. “Especially not with the kids here,” you say to give yourself another reason not to go through with this more than her. “And forget about our friendship, our kids are friends. We don't want to make things complicated for them right?” 
Wanda runs her fingers through her hair and moves one side to the other as she bites her bottom lip. She nods at your words. “You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to… and I mean you have that twenty-something. You're a twenty-something.” 
You sigh and tilt your head to the side as you blink more than usual, “Come on, Wanda don't make this about age. It's about… well, you're not looking for a relationship. Which is okay, you deserve this time to discover yourself as a person. I had my time.” You gulp as you try to stop the words from coming out of your mouth but with the way she is looking at you and the alcohol clouding your judgment it just comes out. “I can't do this tonight because I like you. A lot actually. And I just,” you sigh and shake your head and rub your nose with the side of your finger. “It wouldn't just be one time for me.” 
Wanda nods and falls back on the bed. “I'm sorry,” she says as she gets comfortable on her bed. “You're right,” she continues to face away from you. “I'll um see you in the morning. Uh,” she clears her throat to hide the hurt in her voice. But you've heard it enough times to know that she's about to cry. You close your eyes out of guilt but you can't take back what you said. “Goodnight,” she says as she tries to hide her tears from the rejection. She wasn't lying and she knows that she will be grateful in the morning because you stopped this but right now it just sucks. 
“Goodnight, Wanda,” you say as you walk out of the room. You shut off the lights and close her door before stumbling over to the guest room.
Chapter 9
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters
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tinytennisskirt · 2 months
Part Three: Red Wine
Summary: In continuation of part two, Patrick continues to give singlemom!reader’a son tennis lessons. They start to get closer… physically. She invites him to her birthday party, an adult event and in the presence of red wine, things are harder to deny… harder to stay away from.
Warnings: age gap!!! fluff to smut, smut!!! unedited from my notes app. mentions of alcohol, drinking, tipsy sex with multiple implied locations, no mentions of protection.
The next practice, Kit was swinging away, hitting 50% of the balls back to Patrick, even if they were a little lopsided or aimed wrong. You cheered for every one as per usual.
It wasn’t tennis without Kit bopping himself in the head with his racket and running right over to you, cradling his head. Patrick watched you give him a big hug and kiss him on the head.
“Do you want to try?” Patrick called over to you.
Kit immediately grinned, “Yes! You try mom.”
You shook your head and put your hands in front of you. “No chance, no chance.”
Patrick chuckled and walked over, “You sure? I think Kit could use a partner at his level.”
Kit jumped up and down excitedly and you looked at Patrick like this was his fault- with a smile pulling at your perfect lips. You were dressed for tennis, so why not play? “I don’t know… I’m bad, I’m really bad, I’m worse than Kit.”
“I’ll help, come on,” he extended his hand and you took it. Kit’s mood brightened as he ran back out onto the court. “You can’t be that bad compared to him.” He said quietly.
You turned and looked at him as you walked. “So much worse.” You grinned. Patrick handed you his racket.
“Okay, Kit, can you serve like I taught you? I just need to see how good your mom is.”
“Really bad!” Kit said from the other side of the net, making both you and Patrick laugh. Kit tossed the ball and served a little crooked but otherwise right to you and you stuck the racket out straight as if expecting to come right to the racket and the ball just passed you by, bouncing off the fence and rolling back.
Patrick picked it up, trying not to laugh. “Okay…” he said.
“I know,” you said, cringing just a bit out of embarrassment. “But I told you!”
“You did,” Patrick chuckled. He tossed Kit the ball again. “Here-“ he put his hands on your hips and he wished he fucking didn’t because this was all he’d thought about without the best part. Your hips were perfect, the way they sloped into your waist, Patrick made a mistake but he acted like he didn’t feel anything as he got closer to you, pulling your hips into a stance.
Your breath caught in your throat, feeling his hands on you. Big hands, strong hands, gentle all the same. You were acutely aware of just how close he was. He pulled your hips, then they slowly slid up your waist. No man had been like this with you in years. So many years. And it was stupid to think like that, so you just paid attention to his instruction like his hands weren’t on you like this, so perfect, so new and very rare. He guided your arms into a simple swing and his hands left you. He instructed your son to hit the ball and it took all the focus you could muster to keep remembering what his hands felt like as you did the swing Patrick told you and managed to get the ball to hit the edge of the racket.
The lesson went on, but it was all the both of you could think about. Your waist, your hips…
The next lesson was a drop off and pick up one. You knew Patrick well enough at this point. You dropped him off and Kit got out of the car and you explained you had an appointment. Patrick was fine with it, but he missed your cheering on the side.
The next one was also a drop off. All Patrick thought about was your scent as he pulled your body into place, the way you felt to hold. It was the one thing that occupied his mind the most. Nothing mattered in his life but that. You came for the next lesson.
It had ended and you and Patrick sat at the same picnic table. “I was wondering,” you started. “If you think of me as a friend.” You said. “I know how juvenile that sounds, but I do like to consider you one.”
Patrick smiled, rubbing his neck. “I mean, yeah. Yes.” He looked at you with so much in his eyes he was sure you could see it. Friends sucked, but it was better than strangers. “I’d say so.”
“Good,” you said, staring at his hands. You’d been doing that every time you’d seen him from that one particular tennis lesson. You couldn’t help it. You swallowed hard. “My birthday is coming up. Next week. I’m having a bit of a… party. I know you wouldn’t know anyone but I think I’d like to have you there. No pressure, but if you’d like to, you’re more than welcome to.”
Patrick beamed, “Sounds great. Just say where and when and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect,” you beamed right back. Patrick was kind of wondering how old you were turning but he knew better than to ask and had held off all this time. He figured the party would let him know. “You don’t need to bring anything, though. I have far too much wine in my house from my sister and her husband.”
He chuckled. “Noted. Sounds good to me.”
The party was today. You and your sister spent the day making appetizers and getting drink ingredients. She paid for the groceries thank god, her gift to you. Kit wanted to help, but he was too occupied with his cousins. Your brother in law had agreed to take Kit around 6 and he would sleep over at their house. You were excited for something for yourself for once, which was fun and new. Last birthdays had been so depressing but there was something subconscious about a guest that made things so exciting.
Your sister curled your hair while you did your makeup. You looked beautiful, youthful, glowing. Even you could admit it to yourself. Your sister did her own makeup as you curled her hair.
The first guests arrived, friends of yours and no surprise, they brought wine. As if you hadn’t had to turn the linen closet into a wine rack. You fixed up your lipstick when you passed the mirror, your date night lipstick. You carried things around, pulled things out of the oven.
Patrick was amongst the late-middle of guests to arrive. It was only a handful of your friends and some of them knew each other and some didn’t. Patrick rang the doorbell instead of knocking. Your sister rushed to open it and was greeted by a rather tall, nicely-dressed Patrick. He was in another sweater and jeans, comfortable.
“You must be the tennis coach,” Your sister said, extending her hand. “I’m Y/N’s big sister, it’s great to meet you.” You slid into the hallway, immediately brightening up when you saw Patrick at the door.
Patrick nodded, furrowing his brow. “Something like that.” Your sister turned and mouthed to you ‘he’s sexy!’ And you rolled your eyes and batted her away as you approached.
“Happy birthday,” Patrick said. He only had an envelope with him, you were so glad. “You don’t look a day over…” he wasn’t sure how to finish that.
“I’m 35,” you said. Which was a year younger than Patrick had guessed. He was still surprised. What was thirteen years? “Old, I know.” You chuckled, running a hand through your gorgeous hair. Patrick hadn’t even thought to stare you down the way he wanted to but you were… stunning. The black dress you were in, the way it hugged your body, the slit in the skirt. You sure as hell didn’t look 35.
“No, not old.” Patrick retorted, shutting the door behind him. “You look gorgeous tonight. -And this is for you.” He added. Your heart did a little backflip at his compliment. He handed you the envelope.
“Thank you, you as well,” you smiled a cute little smile and Patrick wanted to melt into a puddle on your floor, but there were people around. “And thank you for coming.”
“My pleasure,” he replied. He flicked the envelope- “There is something for you in there, just so you know I didn’t come with just an envelope.”
“Patrick, that’s so unnecessary,” you smiled and opened it. The card was generic, but in it was a gift card. It was one for the cafe you’d fully ran into each other again at. And it was balanced at the exact amount of all the money you’d paid Patrick for Kit’s lessons.
The card read: good for 20 salted caramel iced coffees with less ice than usual and caramel foam.
You pouted and put the envelope and card down on the table in the hallway and wrapped your arms around Patrick’s neck. He was surprised, but it was easy to hug you back, squeezing his large arms around your waist. Only a moment passed, but you took in his cologne as you hugged him and he smelled amazing. Had you smelled this before? It was familiar, but you had to admit he smelled really nice.
You slipped down as he let you go. He’d done all of this for that hug, that was for sure. You were so warm, so easy to hold, Patrick could have stayed like that forever but it was a party. And it was your party.
You both took to socializing, Patrick introducing himself as Kit’s coach. You were so gorgeous, standing there and laughing with your sister and one of your girlfriends, drinks in hand. You were the most perfect woman he’d ever known and it was for certain the most admirable and worthy one of the title.
Your sister was a gossip, “Y/N, you did not tell me he was a hunk!”
“Shhh,” you whispered. “He’s right there.”
Your best friend smiled, “He’s young, how young?”
“Twenty-two,” you replied. “But he’s lovely with teaching Kit tennis, even tried to get me to play which went terribly. He’s a great man and a good friend.”
“Is he a good fuck?” Your sister teased, poking you in the ribs. You stopped mid-sip of your sangria.
“He- I- I wouldn’t know. He’s a good friend and a good tennis player but it’s not like that.” You reasoned. “However gorgeous he may be.”
“You know he’s staring at you when you’re around,” your best friend said. “But it’s not like creepy-seeming. He has the softest eyes…”
You glanced over and Patrick was turned the other way. You had just missed his eyes. “I don’t think there’s a chance. He’s just nice. I’m much too old for him.”
“If only Jenny from three blocks over thought that way about her sixteen-year-old pool boy,” your sister guffawed. You shushed her again. “I’m not comparing you, I’m judging her for not having your thought pattern!”
You pressed your fingers to your temple, sighing. “He is much too young.”
Your best friend shook her head knowingly, observing Patrick. His eyes were set on you again as he drank his glass of wine. Your best friend nudged you gently and she looked at you, then looked at him. Your eyes met and he looked down, then back up, slightly raising his glass to you. He had been semi-engaged in conversation with one of your male professor friends. He had been caught. You felt a blush sweep over your face. Worse than the small ones he’d caused. You had to look away.
“He’s too young,” you said, marching into the kitchen and closing the shutter doors of entry. You had a moment to yourself in the kitchen. You inhaled, exhaled. It was probably the wine, you told yourself. There was so much wine you probably unknowingly had too much and now Patrick was making you blush just as deep as the red wine over absolutely nothing.
You ran your hands over your dress to smooth it and took to a chocolate strawberry from the counter. You breathed in, out.
“You okay?” Fuck, it was Patrick. He peeked in through the shutterboards. You paused mid-strawberry bite. You needed a moment from him but god, he cared so much. So much more than anyone else.
“Parties,” you said. “I think I’ve outgrown them.”
“You’re too young for that,” Patrick said, stepping into the kitchen. “But I’m a bit overwhelmed too with the amount of scholars there are here. I’m talking to your professor friend and he asked me where I went to college and I didn’t, so-“
You laughed, it still sounded like wind chimes, like heaven. “Ooh, that’s not fun.” You chuckled, finishing your chocolate strawberry. You held the plate out toward Patrick, offering him one. He politely declined. You finished your sangria. “I didn’t know that. Did you pursue tennis instead?”
“Yes. My friends went to school, though. I’m thinking of going in a year or two but for now I’d rather just put it out of my mind.” He said, you nodded, pouring yourself some red wine, you offered him more, he held out his glass. “You weren’t joking when you said you have too much wine.” He said.
“No. You turn 30 and it’s all you get and I’ve been collecting it for five years now.” You chuckled, downing the glass you poured for yourself. “I don’t ever drink this much, sorry, I do really look like an alcoholic.”
“I’m not judging, it’s your birthday,” Patrick said. “Your home is really nice, did I mention?”
“You didn’t,”
“I’ve never seen someone make such good use of such a small kitchen,” he said, looking around.
Your friend walked in, looking to top off her wine. “We wondered where you disappeared to.” She said. “Come help, Lyle and George are getting into politics!” You laughed and wordlessly, as you passed Patrick to leave the kitchen, you trailed your hand across his back and over his arm. It was the alcohol for sure.
The party was entertaining enough and there were desserts and more wine and talking and wine. Patrick found himself a little wine-drunk like someone’s aunt. You yourself were also pretty loose from the red. Patrick sat next to you on the couch in conversation and even in your talking gestures, your hand came to rest on his knee. Something about it sent chills up his entire body. And you both had more wine.
Talking and engaging and laughing with a bunch of wine-drunk friends made it easy to lean into Patrick when you laughed. It made it easy for Patrick in turn to put his hand on your leg, slightly higher than your knee.
You felt it, despite how hard you fought not to show it. His hand, those hands you’d been hyper-focused on since they held your waist, your hips… large hands, strong hands… it spread fire through your body when he touched you.
People started leaving. Bidding you goodbye, telling you not to leave the couch. The night was coming to an end. Even your sister was tired and she funnelled out with your best friend after helping tidy just a little. You got up to hug them goodbye and Patrick said goodbye from the couch. It didn’t even occur to you that they were the last to leave as you walked around tidying things.
“It’s less overwhelming the more wine you have,” you said. He chuckled, a smirk on his face. “I’m sorry nobody here is your age, I don’t typically have friends in their early twenties anymore.” You said.
“I had fun either way,” Patrick said. He picked up some plates and brought them to the kitchen. “Thank you for the invite.”
“Always,” you smiled. Patrick put the plates down and walked behind you at the sink, both hands gently on your waist as he squeezed past. Fuck, he thought, as his body lightly grazed yours. The wine spoke in the form of actions. His whole body went hot. So did yours. His hands on your waist brought back that very same sense. You fought your blush again. “Thank- thank you for helping tidy up. I’ll send you home with a bottle or two if you’d like.”
“I wouldn’t mind it,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was trying desperately not to want you right now. The wine was cruel, fuelling his intentions, changing his view on his restraint.
You whispered under your breath, “Too young, he’s too young…” on repeat, squeezing your eyes shut hard. He was a friend, he was Kit’s coach. God, he was so good with Kit. And he was so good at tennis and god, he was so good to you. Better than any man had ever been. Kinder. Sweeter. Stronger.
You turned the sink off and dried the dishes, leaving the rest for another day. You finished that one glass of wine that you’d left untouched. You didn’t need it, but at the same time you did. And it was a mistake.
Patrick rubbed his eyes, fighting himself desperately. “I think I’ll head out,” he said. You thanked god that he was leaving because you were drunk and this was crazy, the way you were thinking, the way that you knew clearly, through the haze of red wine, that you wanted him. He was too young. He was much too young. It was better that he was leaving, no matter how grateful you were that he was here. “It’s been really great. Thank you again for inviting me.”
“Of course. You’re always welcome,” you smiled. He backed over to the door, his eyes trained on you. He was fighting so hard. He wanted you, but for once in his life it wasn’t precisely sexual. He wanted you, you as a person, you as a whole. You were perfect, gorgeous, everything. “Thank you for the gift card, it was very sweet.”
“You’re welcome.” He swallowed hard. “I’ll see you soon for Kit’s lesson, hm?”
“Yes, Tuesday,” you confirmed. “You’ve been such an angel, Patrick. I’m very glad we met.”
“I could say the same,” he said. You made him grin. “I’ll be in touch.”
You hugged him again, the same way, arms around his neck, tight. You smelled sweet and strong and it was a scent more intoxicating than the wine. His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tight against him. This time he wanted to let go less and it was apparent because you let go less. The hug slowly undid itself, hands loose, but not letting go, not leaving their positions.
“Patrick…” you said, hushed.
You knew. He knew.
This was insanity, your face just inches from his. You noticed how long his eyelashes were, you noticed his freckles. His eyes fluttered from your mouth to your eyes and you both knew.
“Patrick, I’m too old for you,” you stayed hushed.
“I don’t care.” He mumbled back.
“You will,” you replied.
“That doesn’t matter,” Patrick replied. His eyes held decision, so did yours. But your scale focused on the morals, the way things were meant to be. “I’m an adult just the same.” He added. His cologne was your atmosphere.
You shook your head just slightly, arms still wrapped around his neck. His hands still loosely on your waist. “Patrick, I am too old for you.” You repeated.
“Can I kiss you?” Is all he replied with this time. And you had only began to nod when he used his hands on your waist to pull you in the rest of the way. His lips met yours with force, with wine-driven hunger. You were his weakness, his everything, and he had wanted this much too long to be proud of.
Your arms around his neck tightened and it kept you close. His hand flat against your back kept you pressed against him and it was perfect, though your head kept telling you he was too young. Too young.
He grinned as he kissed you, knowing how long he’d waited. You, a goddess, tasting like chocolate and strawberries from the last one you’d popped in your mouth. You, perfect, the embodiment of light, pressed against him in the dark of your front hallway.
There was nothing he wanted more than you in this moment. Nothing you wanted more than him even when your brain battered at your actions. Kissing, he walked backwards as you pushed him toward the living room. The intention was the couch but the kissing was so hungry, so intense, so ravenous that you couldn’t make it that far. It had been ages since you’d been touched, ages and ages since a man had been so rough with you, kissing you like he was starved.
The shoulder of your dress slipped but it was okay, Patrick pressed you to the wall and started to bunch the skirt of your dress up. You sighed into the kiss, fast paced, heavy, as you undid the fly of his jeans. He took his own sweater off as to not overheat. It was seconds before your underwear was on the ground, dress still on, skirt covering anything.
Every wish Patrick had made since meeting you was coming true. He would have been fine with one kiss but how would he say this wasn’t better? He kissed down your neck, pressing you to the wall. You smiled, biting your lip, forgetting there was no one else at home. Patrick’s hand reached down as he did, sliding down your stomach until he reached the point he needed. You were so wet, Patrick wondered how long since you’d been touched there.
You gasped a sharp intake of breath, letting out a small moan as his finger found a pace, gently rubbing in the perfect places. You breathed heavily as he picked up pace a bit and lifted your leg to rest against his lip. One hand carrying your thigh, the other hand beginning to dip inside of you, just slowly… it was so easy to get you to make sounds. Your hands clung onto him as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
His hands, the ones you’d been thinking about so much, were finally inside of you. Big hands, you remarked, as one finger felt like two and two felt like god had truly sent you an angel. An angel who would fingerfuck you to death, apparently.
If his name in your mouth didn’t already sound like pure bliss, perfection, imagine Patrick when his name rolled off your parted lips in the form of a whispered moan. It set him absolutely ablaze and there was nothing he could do but rid himself of his pants and boxers. You kissed him again, sweet, perfect. And he spun you around, laying you down on the couch.
“Is this okay?” He asked as he positioned himself hastily.
“Please. Yes.” You nodded, eager to have him. Patrick lined himself up and began to slowly enter you, letting out a groan as you moaned out. Nothing had been this deep in you in years. Patrick wasn’t able to tell aside from the fact you were so tight, but so wet. He moved slowly, in and out, it was slower than the pace of which you’d been kissing but it felt right.
You held his back as your legs wrapped around him. It felt so good, him filling you entirely. Thrusting in and out slow, easy. But you needed him. “Faster.” You whispered, and Patrick had no problem with going faster. Slow turned to fast and strong and fuck it was absolutely everything he’d wanted. He was overtaken with lust like you were a drug.
Being inside of you was dizzying, perfect, everything and it was intimate and sweet and so fucking good.
It turned into being on the couch, the floor, the wall up the staircase and eventually your bed where you and Patrick laid, absolutely fucked out. Not only had Patrick been able to go so many rounds, but for you that was more sex than you’d ever had in your life. The wine died down a while ago and you both stared at the ceiling, breathless, covered in just a sheet.
“What the fuck,” Patrick heaved. You turned your head, laughing softly at his mess of curls. “You’re so perfect.”
“So far from it,” you sighed, rolling over into him. His arm wrapped around you, keeping you close. He kissed your forehead. “That was amazing.”
“Still think you’re too old for me?”
You tsked, “Yes, but… no. I’ve never had anyone do what you just did and as guilty as I feel, I don’t feel too guilty.” You joked, mumbling through your tiredness. Patrick’s hand ran through your hair gently, softly. “You are an angel.” You whispered, wrapping your arms around him tight. “If you truly don’t mind, neither do I.”
“I couldn’t mind,” Patrick said. He knew you were falling asleep. “You’re you either way.”
“Then it’s settled,” you sighed. You fell asleep after that, so perfect, so pretty. Patrick got to hold you all night, which to him meant more than the sex did. And that was unlike him. You’d changed him into someone more considerate and there was nobody he would rather be than his considerate self as he drifted off next to you that night.
<< Part One / Part Two <
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amorhedera6 · 11 months
((this turned out longer and more in depth then i meant for it to go, tw for abusive families, suicidal ideation, mentions of death, grief, and dismembering of a body))
headcannon that steph and max were best friends as kids. his dads an important man, one that solomon wanted on his side. so he pushed steph to spend time with his son. max was a super happy kid, very exciteable, loved musicals. they were on their own a lot, since neither of their parents really gave a shit, so they’d spend a lot of time at starlight theatre, watching all the different shows and things going on. max would tell her about how shitty his dad was and she’d do the same in return.
when they got to the 7th grade, steph got really depressed and pushed max and everyone else away. and max was little, they both didn’t really know what was going on. after that, they weren’t ever really close like that again. she got on the middle school football team and was deemed a prodigy, got popular, started getting all these friends that would do whatever he said. things with his dad got worse, and without steph to help him he started bullying to corral his emotions. steph knew what he was doing, but also knew it wasn’t serious. he pushed a few people around a little, that’s all. she didn’t think she had to be worried about her friend and now that he was super popular, she needed other people to spend her time with.
she also became cool, just because he said hi to her in the hallways, so she found herself in with his group. but she never truly felt she fit in, skirting along the edges. in high school, her friends all joined the cheer squad as she joined the smoke club and stop giving a shit about school. she never made sense in the “popular kid” crowd, but she assumed they kept her around bc she was the mayor’s daughter and pushing her out wouldn’t fly. it was actually max, making sure she got an invite to every party.
steph sort of floats through high school disassociatedly, in the my-home-life-is-terrible-and-isn’t-gonna-get-better-until-college-so-i-don’t-give-a-shit way, so she doesn’t see the escalation of max knowing no one will stop him doing anything, getting a total god complex, and ruling the school with violence, until pete. she’s probably the only person in hatchetfield high that doesn’t know, but it surprised her so much. bc max? the boy who would geek out over tech production of the musicals? the kid who let her be the captain when they were pirates bc he thought it was more fun to be the first mate? who’d stay up late with her when she had a bad day to read the books their moms were had promised to read to them? that boy is this horrible bully, and she didn’t even know it? it just doesn’t make sense.
she says she’ll go to the principal bc that’s the first instinct one has about this shit, but people started doing that in 8th grade, and all that happens is max has to go to an anti bullying thing every few months. she wants to talk him down, figure out what made him go this far, but she already knows it’s his dad. he wants to be the big impressive football star that his dad wants him to be, so maybe he’ll actually give a shit. he wants his dad to notice and tell him to stop, because then it would mean he was paying attention to what he did. daddy issues recognize daddy issues, and steph sees it in max, even if she did have prior knowledge. she goes along with grace’s plan bc she thinks it’ll be a good ego check to bring him down, but then. then.
she goes home and cries herself to sleep, feeling responsible for the death of her first real friend. she gets sick for weeks with flashes of her dismembering his body with the others, and while every one else’s seems to think the school’s getting better, all stephanie can think is “did no one else fucking care about him? even a little?” all his friends, the football guys, even her friends on the cheer squad, seem to not care about max’s disappearance as much as they care about his missing spot on the field. she starts to skip more until she decides to hang out with pete instead. he must be guilty too, be haunted by these images, but then he says “everything is objectively better.”
which she gets. people are free from his torment, they can do what they want, talk to who they want, etc. the hallways are brighter, people are happier, whatever. but max was still a person. steph wonders if the plan had gone right, maybe he would’ve come back down from his god complex and been more like she remembered him. if he would’ve done the spring musical like he’d always wanted to do but never felt like he could. if he would’ve hated her for it forever. she’d rather he hate her forever than her have helped kill him.
when they have to start talking about what happened, she tries to call him jägerman, tries to disconnect her friend from what happened, because he truly was drastically different, but it was hard. after richie and ruth, shut goes crazy and max is back, but he’s not really max. she feels like the worst friend in the world when she think “he looks like his dad”
because mr jägerman has always been a being full of rage and anger, not one to hide in his own home. she’d seen him scream and yell at max for being a regular little kid, not special at all. not the perfect son he wanted. max, this weird spector of max, is all rage, no heart. even when max was at his worst, he had some heart. he kept her in the “cool group” even though she made no sense there, let grace go unbullied bc he had a crush on her. this wasn’t max. this was a personification of his dying moments, the only thing the waylon place did was preserve, and maybe further his anger.
she wants to beg pete to kill her the way he begs her to kill him. she started all this, even if she denied it at beanies, it’s true, and she is probably the only one who could have helped max stay a regular guy instead of the egomaniac ruler of the school he became. but she can’t get the words off her tongue. so long she’s been thinking about how easier everyone’s lives would be if she just killed herself, and now she can’t even do this. he gets on his knees in the football field, she raises the gun from twenty yards away, and thinks about how many people this thing that isn’t really max has killed.
she forces herself to pull the trigger.
max stops the bullet.
grace fucks the ghost, and all is well. except she’s met gods who seem like they want to eat her, and now her father’s dead too. he was an asshole, he never really cared about her, but she sobs for hours n the big empty house on pinebrook, and wishes desperately that she had made pete do it.
she and pete check on each other, because he also lost two people important to him, and they hold each other up. get each other through it. help each other mourn. she meets his older brother, he helps her clean out her father’s office. they go to funerals together and hold hands, and don’t talk about it.
it takes her a little while to realize his homecoming offer is still up, since things are technically different now. she buys a dress and tells him only the color, and he wears a matching bow tie. it’s such a ridiculously peter thing to do, and it makes her laugh for the first time in a while. they laugh together a lot that night, and she helps him breathe through a panic attack in the bathroom when ruth’s favorite song comes on.
she tells him about the images she can’t get out of her head, maxs body in pieces, the blood everywhere, that she burned the clothes she wore that day bc she couldn’t get the smell of blood and bleach out no matter how often she washed it. he tells her that he’s having flashbacks like that too, and that he wishes he could talk to his therapist about it without being sent to jail or a mental hospital.
she talks to detective shapiro and gets her to send a letter to peters therapist that he’s not gonna be arrested so pete can talk his shit out. at least the non-ghost and demon stuff. the dismembering a guy stuff, though, he can talk about.
it gets her thinking about therapy and getting some. she’s 18, she’s got more money than is necessary from her father, and she thinks she’s going crazy. she looks into it and finds one, starts going once a week. he tells steph he things she has adhd, sends her to a psychiatrist who confirms the diagnosis. she gets some drugs to take, and she feels weird about taking them. she’s done drugs, but like the cool ones. she knows not to do drugs you’re unfamiliar with when your alone, and she feels like she’s a lot of that.
homecoming was fun, but she and pete still haven’t out any label in their relationship. they haven’t said i love you, even though everything that went down means the both know it. she wants to be his girlfriend, but she doesn’t want to ask. wants him to ask. she tells her therapist as much, and then complains that she’s paying him bc she’s got daddy issues and trauma, not to hear about her high school drama.
but miraculously, he does ask her to be his gf. and then they’re dating, and it’s great. she spends more time at his apartment with his brother, less time alone in the big empty house just thinking about max and her hand in who he became. he and her therapist together convince her to start taking the meds, and it helps with some of her problems, but not all of them.
she forces herself to keep living, even when she doesn’t want to, because that’s what max (her best friend, the kid who was too scared tontry out for the musical, the asshole, the boy she knew better than herself, the adult she apparently hardly knew, the spector she could only half recognize) would want from her.
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the-au-collector · 8 months
Random Things I forgot to add in my braindump for my Radio AU:
Twilight is Time and Malon’s nephew. I think I’m going to make his relation through Uli, so that makes Uli and Malon sisters in this AU
Legend used to go to college in Mabe City, but moved away after his Koholint Trauma happened. He still has friends there, like Ralph, Din, and Nayru, but he rarely visits
Sun races cars. Not professionally or for sport, no. She’ll just drive at 80mph down some old country road for the hell of it. Sky and Groose often join her
Sky, Sun, and Groose all came from Sky City. That said, they somehow never met until college. They find this very funny and will call each other “strangers”
Legend and Fable’s biological father is Raven, but he was very inconsistent with his job and eventually left them with Alfon, his adopted brother (and I am realizing I need a family tree for this AU😵‍💫).
Time is an orphan. He was never adopted growing up, but he was closest to the Kokiri family. They had a daughter named Saria who he still calls his older sister. She’s an ecologist now
Time secretly spoils Wolfie
Twilight will take Wolfie for “walks” (aka, he will sneak Wolfie into his and Wild’s house despite there being a strict no dogs policy. Revali has tried getting them in trouble before but hasn’t succeeded yet)
Wolfie is the favorite whenever Wild hosts a party
Time has somehow become emotionally attached to these radio kids. He was not supposed to get emotionally attached
Sky and Sun hope to get married sometime after graduation, preferably sooner than later
First is everyone’s favorite when he’s around. That said, he’s still the oldest and most responsible when having fun.
Crimson swears
Ravio has tried reaching Sheerow to talk
Legend doesn’t drive (anymore)
Warriors has the gaudiest car, according to Legend. Legend’s right
Styla and Legend are like BFFs. They also met when Legend did Fashion Design. Styla often makes costumes for the school plays as well
Shadow hung out with a bad crowd in high school. He’s doing better now.
Where are the colors you ask? Four’s genderfluid so he uses them to indicate his gender. Vio = she/her. Green = he/him. Red = they/them. Blue= any, they don’t care.
Vaati is Shadow’s biological father, who married Four’s mom when Shadow and Four were 12. Four’s mom died when they were 14, then Vaati went into prison when they were 15 (they really are unrelated incidents). They began living with Grandpa Smith after that.
Yuga is Ravio and Hilda’s dad. He’s really strict and not a good person. He wants them both to go into business. Ravio is playing his hand until he can be totally independent. Hilda is a high school senior and wants to major in fine art. Yuga hates this. He especially hates that Ravio is completely supportive of Hilda… and also that Ravio never comes around anymore.
Hilda’s started being invited to Legend’s uncle’s house for holidays. She can’t come to all of them because of Yuga but she does come to Thanksgiving now
Alfon refuses to let anyone be alone over the holidays. He will force Legend and Ravio to bring their friends over if they have no one in the area or anywhere to go
Flora and Fauna grew up under a lot of pressure from their dad. Fauna feels it more since she’s older, but Flora definitely feels it too. They’re both perfectionists
Impa and Purah are Paya’s cousins in this AU. Paya’s very shy so they try to get her to go out more. Paya has a huge crush on Wild and is teased endlessly for it
Flora has this huge crush on this one guy in her anthropology class. His name is Tauro
Age and Wild didn’t get along for a long time after the house fire. Wild got his burns and amnesia from protecting Age but obviously doesn’t remember this. As a kid, Age thought Wild was purposefully forgetting everything. Wild honestly feels horrible for forgetting and is trying to get his memory back, but he hasn’t had much luck
Age and Wild are both named Link. It’s a family thing. They go by their middle names. Wilder is Wild’s official middle name. Age’s official middle name is August.
On the other hand, both Flora and Fauna’s middle names are Zelda. Flora’s full name is Florence Zelda Hyrule. Fauna’s name is just Fauna.
^ this is the same for Dawn and Aurora too
Hyrule, Dawn, and Aurora come from a very small town named Mido. Hyrule would play “Knights of Hyrule” with Dawn in the farm fields all around them. It’s where he gets his nickname from
Hyrule’s friends in high school were Bot, Error, and Bagu
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typicalopposite · 4 months
Clipboard proposal (turned clipboard wedding I guess) part 3.3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2 | AO3
(Getting sappy on both sides of the alter with this one)
If they thought Clipboard!Buck was bad… Clipboard!Buckette is ten times worse! She is efficient and no nonsense and will absolutely not take no for an answer. Something goes wrong, never fear big sister is here… At least that’s what Chimney and Hen teasingly say each time she swoops in to come up with a solution to every problem they run into.
When they realize the only way to get everyone there is to have it at a beach in California, she shrugs and makes the necessary changes. “Yeah well fireflies don’t exactly live here, Maddie…” Chimney says when he sees she still has that incorporated in the set up.
“Then I guess I’ll have to bring in the 118 with strobe lights strapped to their butts,” she deadpans. When Chimney doesn’t respond she pulls out the postcard and taps her pen to it. “Magical dream wedding, Chim.”
He supposes he can’t blame her too much. Each time Buck’s face lights up when a little bit more of it comes together., all the micromanaging, seems worth it. And if that includes strapping a strobe light to his butts and running circles around the grooms when the day comes… it’s a small price, right?
Slowly but surely Maddie gets it together. The spot is reserved on a private beautiful beach, the catering is scheduled, photographers booked, chairs and tables and decorations ready to be set up. She sits with a Buck and goes through the checklist. “Wow, Mads…” he says softly. “It’s perfect— it’s really going to be perfect!”
“You think?” She asks, going through everything once more. “Everything is just like you wanted, right?”
Buck takes her hand and smiles. “Everything is better,” he says. “There’s just… one more thing.” Maddie takes out her pen ready to write down his request. Buck laughs, “All I I need for this is a yes or no.” He swallows; he knows he shouldn’t be — he know she will probably be honored by what he’s going to ask — but he is nervous to ask anyway. “All my life the biggest constant in my life… has been you. Even when I was mad at you, and thought you had abandoned me… you were still rooting for me.”
Maddie laughs, she has to or she’s going to cry. “That’s what big sisters are for…”
Buck squeezes her hand and shakes his head. “Yeah but you have always been more than just my big sister. You’ve been a friend, and- and you’ve been a parent…” he clears his throat before he starts crying. “Anyway… I know we had decided to just skip the walk, but Tommy actually told me he wants it— wants me to walk down to him.”
And that is enough to have Maddie clutching at her chest, her bottom lip poking out and she is desperately trying to hold it together. “That is so sweet oh my god.”
Buck feels a blush creeping up. “I know, he’s a big sap,” he laughs. “So… I already talked to mom and dad about this, and they are completely on board—” he takes a deep breath and clutches Maddie’s hand. “—with you walking me down the aisle.”
Chimney’s involvement in the wedding is a lot less hectic. He wasn’t lying when he said he was taking on the bachelor party.
He doesn’t bring it up much because he knows it’s still a sore spot for Buck. But he has plans and it is going to be epic.
And said plans include giving Buckaroo the themed party he had so desperately wanted to throw Chimney. He has already talked to everyone invited, they all agreed to participate this time. (“Hey I participated last time!” Eddie had argued)
And if Chimney plans to be just a little petty with it by making the theme classic movies, so everyone can talk in famous quotes Buck won’t understand… just for the fun of it… that’s between Chimney and Buck’s clipboard.
“So who are you going as?” Chimney asks Tommy; it has been a while since the two got to go out, just the two of them, for beers. “And don’t say some guy in a Henley!”
Tommy nearly spits out his beer; “He told you about that.”
“More like he pouted for weeks about that, yes.”
“Well, I didn’t realize how serious he was about it… not until I got there anyway.” Tommy sighs and takes another sip of his beer; they sit quietly for a while. “He really gives everything his all.”
“That why you let him make all the wedding decisions?”
Tommy shrugs. “As long as I get to marry him in the end that’s all I care about.”
“Maddie says you haven’t chosen anyone for your side of the wedding party. Not even a best man.”
Another shrug. “Don’t really have anyone to ask that’s not already involved in the wedding. I— uh— I was going to ask— well, you actually, but—”
“What?! But nothing! Heck yeah I’d do it!” Chimney says face lighting up.
“I was getting a little upset you hadn’t asked to be honest,” Chimney laughs. “What more does a guy have to do beyond save your life. I’d be honored, man.”
Tommy looks a little misty eyed, he isn’t exactly sure what to say so he settles for; “Thanks Howie.”
Chimney smiles. “So how about the terminator?”
“I actually do a pretty good terminator.” Tommy laughs, and takes another sip of his beer.
(Ok there! Part three is done! And *whew* I didn’t mean for it to be so long! But next I guess is the Wedding. Maybe I can keep it short and sweet and figure it out before they are canonically married!)
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likeadeuce · 2 months
Challengers Fic, WIP Wednesday, Art and Tashi in their Friend Zone era
“I don’t want to get on a plane tomorrow and then never talk to you again,” Art said.
Tashi waited for the rest of it, the I know this is crazy and totally unexpected but if this is going to be our last night, what if we slept together, just for the beautiful memory.
She’d had the same conversation the night before she left high school for good, to play Juniors at the Aussie Open and train fulltime and home-school. With that guy, who didn’t matter, she’d barely had a hint he was interested that way before that night when he started kissing her -- and also she’d said yes because she was sixteen and a dumb virgin who was tired of being a dumb virgin. Compared to that guy Art might as well have had “stupid in love with Tashi Duncan” screenprinted on a T-shirt, and she’d indulged it and now she was going to have to say no and make both of them feel shitty.
“Come to Europe with me'" he said. Now that was crazy and totally unexpected. “After your exams. My folks rented a place in Mallorca for two weeks -- huge place, lots of room, and I’ll probably lose in the first round, and then Dad will want to take me deep sea fishing or something so we can be really masculine at each other and he can decide if he thinks I count as a person yet.”
“So I should ditch my plans and fly around the world to save you from the specter of male bonding. He shrugged, and she admitted, “Your mom already kind of invited me. When we were emailing about the photos for your slide show. Or, more like, she assumed I was coming, but possibly she thought I was your assistant.”
“Oh, Jesus,” he said. “See? Save me from having to be alone with these people. I’ll still mostly be training, and we can hit together, whatever you feel up to. Play some golf, go to the beach and eat olives and chorizo and -- what do they have? Flan? I can watch enviously while you eat the flan. Then we’re doing a few days of Wimbledon, I won’t make qualifiers yet but my agent and my marketing rep are supposed to introduce me around to industry people and you’ve definitely got a better head for all that than I do.”
Art had picked his agent and his marketing rep after a two hour phone call with Tashi’s father, who had been researching the best people to guide his baby girl since she was nine years old. Tashi was supposed to be on the call, too, but five minutes in, she fake-remembered a study group she couldn’t miss and went back to her room to take a few tequila shots and cry.
“You’d be doing me a favor,” Art said.
Tashi considered it for a moment. She really did. Sunshine and good food and the game she still wanted to love, sitting in the player’s box for a good-looking boy with a sky’s the limit future, sharing little jokes and secret looks and eventually, finally, falling into his bed because, Jesus, if he kept looking at her like that, she would forget all the reasons she knew that bed was a bad idea. Especially when the main reason was, simply, that he liked her too much.
“I would not be doing you a favor,” she said. “Because you know damn well what you’re talking about is girlfriend shit, and I’m not your girlfriend.”
She was ready for him to say No No No, that wasn't what he meant, they were friends, European beaches and shacking up with his family were just normal things friends did.
Instead, Art answered fast, with a broad grin that would let it be a joke if it had to be a joke. “Fortunately, that’s a fixable problem. Be my girlfriend.” For the first time in a long time, she saw the brash kid who had tried to get her number that night at the party, to hell if someone else wanted it, he had just as good a claim as anyone, and tonight it was even true. National champion with a face TV cameras would love and a body to kill for, and world number one in Being There for Tashi Duncan and never complaining about the Friend Zone of it all.
Art couldn’t keep up the bravado long enough for her to say no. His grin froze, then crumbled and he looked at the ground. “You don’t have to say it, Tashi. But I figured I needed to try.”
“If it helps at all, even if it weren’t for everything else --” She swallowed. “I couldn’t take being around all that tennis right now.”
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