#boy with silver crown backgrounder
eahsayswhat · 2 years
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In honor of the fourth season of The Dragon Prince airing on Netflix, here’s Daring acting like his fellow himbo Soren and Raven being annoyed by Daring’s himbosity. EAH really missed the opportunity for Raven and Daring to have a bit of a rivalry given their opposing roles in their (supposedly) shared tale.
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Rook, Ortho: Princess Power
BRUH 💀 Go figure, giving the guy obsessed with beauty two of the least flattering screenshots in his background frames… But hey, his groovy is very different from everyone else’s so far! ^^ Very relaxed and peaceful.
Cbjssbjsjskendb new tidbits about pre-Pomefiore Rook?? He used to cut his own hair with a knife and focused on keeping his bangs out of his line of sight… and he wasn’t as confident about his style (mood). It’s also interesting to know that he started doing ballet on Vil’s recommendation, and that has helped a lot with his posture, working out muscles he doesn’t normally use, and appreciating the art of performances. We love Pomefiore out here breaking gender norms 👊
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Rook drew out a longing sigh, gently easing into the quiet of the museum. The soft sound lingered, coiling around his fingers like thread from a spool. It, too, did not wish to part ways with the stunning beauty laid out bare before it.
A fair maiden was framed in shining platinum. Hair black as ebony, lips as red as the rose, and skin as white as snow... Truly, she was the fairest in all the land.
Her graceful frame was folded, kneeling on the forest floor to greet the woodland creatures that had gathered. The pale yellow skirt of her gown spilled out, blue bodice and puff sleeves fitted well by her figure. Her face round and gentle, in spite of the high collar encircling it, crowed by a petite red bow.
Here was pure innocence, a young girl reveling in nature.
“Beauté,” he marveled—to no one in particular, but such beauty warranted verbal acknowledgement.
“It seems that this painting has captured your interest, Rook Hunt-san!” a voice chirped. A neon blue light emanated from the darkness, accompanied by the silver flash of metal.
“Bonjour!” Rook greeted Ortho. "I must confess, I have been enchanted by this particular work of art! The brush strokes, masterful! The composition, immaculate!! The subject—oh, how it makes my heart quiver with nostalgia!! I am a man close to being moved to tears!!”
Ortho curiously glanced at the girl and her animal friends. No strong emotions arose within up from him. Perhaps he did not feel as much, or perhaps Rook felt too much. “Is there a sentimental experience or memory you have related to this painting…?”
“Oui! It is a tale as old as time.” Rook gestured to the snow white young lady. “They say that this maiden was a princess forced to flee from her home country, as a hostile presence threatened her life. She retreated into the woods and found comfort in a humble life there. Her tenacity is most admirable!!”
“Tenacity… That’s the value that Pomefiore was founded on!” Ortho, floating overhead, beamed at Rook. “I understand why you would like that story. It has a good moral that sticks with you.”
“That is the beauty of telling tales! They inspire those who hear of it, ensuring that the spirit of the story is never truly extinguished.” The huntsman’s eyes held a keep glint to them. “Tell me, Ortho-kun. What do you believe makes a princess?”
The boy blinked. A split second, and he had already input the term into an internal search engine, the formal definition loaded up to recite.
“Prin-cess, noun. The daughter of a monarch or wife to a prince. A woman having sovereign power.”
“An efficient, succinct answer!” Rook applauded, his cheer never faltering. “However, my desire is to know your interpretation. In Ortho-kun’s own words, what makes a princess?”
“My own…?” The words stretched, unsure, on his tongue. Ortho hesitated—seeking, processing, and analyzing. Rook’s heartbeat sounded where there was the space for the boy to think.
Then, finally, Ortho spoke.
“From what I’ve observed in movies and books, the princess is a pop culture icon. She’s usually presented as a role model for little girls. Someone who is beautiful, dainty, and composed, wearing a pretty dress and a glittering crown."
A pause. Ortho assessed Rook’s hard-to-read, bright expression.
“… Is that closer to the response you were looking for, Rook Hunt-san?” he asked.
To this, the third year’s lips quirked. “There is no correct or incorrect answer! I was curious to see your perspective. Everyone holds one that differs, lenses of all designs and colors with which to see the world through! You have my most heartfelt thanks for sharing your view with me.”
"Oh, I see! You're collecting data from a variety of sources to compare to a standard." The android (literally) lit up from within. "Let me ask the same back! Rook Hunt-san, what do you think makes a princess?"
"Mon dieu! You've set my own trap upon me," Rook teased.
The Beautiful Queen, the Fair Maiden, Vil, his peers... So many fragments of beauty in his collection. Plucked, collected, hoarded.
He ran a finger along his chin, contemplating. The thoughts assembled like a collage. Ideas taken, cut up, and pasted together into a new, glorious artwork.
"A princess can be many things," Rook declared with certainty. "They are a princess to their very core, even when their power is stripped from them or they are dressed in only ashes and rags. What defines them is not royal heritage or political influence, but the strength of their character, their values and virtues. They are not bound by a singular trait, but are aspirations to all in their own ways."
Ortho's eyes swelled. "Eh...? That's so broad! By your definition, anyone could be a princess—even you or I!”
The huntsman threw his head back and laughed. "Broad it may be, but I am of the opinion that we all have it in us to live up to the title~”
He indicated the woman in the platinum frame. Ortho’s gaze obediently followed. "Even without a kingdom to call her own, she remained kind-hearted rather than turn to cruelty. That is why she was, and always will be, a noble soul. A princess who puts out good into the world.”
“Rook Hunt-san…”
“Ortho-kun!” Rook dramatically extended an arm to him. He was practically sparkling in the dim room. “I, too, endeavor to put out as much beauty as what is gifted to me! That is my one true calling as the Hunter of Love: to not only seek out beauty, but to cultivate and to contribute to it!”
Ortho silently stared. Nii-san did warn me that Rook Hunt-san could be eccentric, but… maybe there’s some meaning to be found in it.
Cutting through the numbers and the formulas that governed him was a fuzzy warmth. Not the familiar jolt of electricity that powered his circuits. It was too wild, too unpredictable.
Something undeniably human.
Ortho let out a giggle. "Hehe. Then you must be a princess too!"
Rook's mouth formed a small "o". Unsubtle surprise—or perhaps purposefully exaggerated. "Me? Whatever makes you think that?"
"Strength of character!" Ortho parroted mischievously. "I've never met someone as uplifting as you are. Rook Hunt-san is the type of person that sees a princess in everyone."
The boy lowered himself to a few centimeters off of the ground, pretending to dip into a curtsey. "Your majesty!"
"Fufufu. You're quite charming yourself, Princess Ortho-kun!" Rook bent into a deep bow. "Most clever in all the land, computing complex problems in the blink of an eye!”
Upon straightening, the third year laid both hands over his heart. He lifted his head toward the painting of the fair maiden in the forest. A serene smile at his lips.
It was as if he was pledging his allegiance, making a vow. A worshipper at the altar to pray.
“May we all live happily ever after,” Rook whispered raptly, “like the princesses of old.”
Forever and ever.
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idyllcy · 4 months
for all time/lovebrush chronicles boys as secret dating
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word count: 757
summary: secret dating famous! lovebrush boys... how is it revealed?
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Ai Yin / Ayn - World-Renowned Gamer
Ayn's heart races in his chest as he takes the trophy in his arms, cheeks flushed as he stares down into the crowd, eyes locking with yours as he hands off the trophy, hopping down the stage to hug you, his face buried in your chest as you jump in your skin, unsure as to how to respond. He had been the one who wanted to keep your relationship secret but not private, so you— "Just hug me." He grumbles, giving you a squeeze as you relent to it, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head as he lifts you into his arms. A female fan screams in the background, and another one yells in betrayal as Ayn presses a kiss to your lips with a soft grumble. Safe to say the tabloids went insane that night. (And Ayn went through your weibo to block every single rude comment)
Lu Chen / Alkaid - Well-Loved Photographer
"Hey beloved, can the magazine publish this?" Alkaid points at the photos with you in it, your lips sparkling in the photo for his interview, marks all over his chest, lipstick marks visibly made by your lips, and you nod, handing him a bowl of grapes. "Yeah. My face isn't in it, right?" "No." Alkaid nods. "We took the photos like that on purpose." You look at the photo, nodding. "Looks fine." "Really?" "Really." You nod. "I don't mind that much. Your fans aren't... terrifying." You pause. "Not as scary as Lars', at the very least." (Alkaid finds that you're right. His fans send him nothing but blessings)
Luo Xia / Lars - Top-Notch Celebrity
"Everyone call someone. The first person whose contact picks up can skip this next segment." Lars grins, clicking on your contact as everyone else does too. His phone rings once before you pick up. "Hi babe." Lars grins, shaking his phone at the camera as everyone screams. "BABE?!" The line is silent for a minute before your voice speaks up. "Did you just put me on speaker on one of your shows?" "I just needed you to pick up. I miss you." "I miss you too, but can you please have the editors cut out my voice during editing..." "Will do, babe." (The editors leave out your voice, but they definitely don't leave out the part Lars calls you babe)
Si Lan / Clarence - On the Rise Actor
"So, Clarence." The host coughs. "We received that you completely improvised your most popular scene in the whole movie... was there something that inspired it?" Your manager had warned you not to date as a rising actor, but it really wasn't your fault if your significant other was the crazy one. Clarence looks over at you, pursing his lips and pretending to think. "Perhaps I just wanted to." You reach over to smack him, clicking your tongue in disdain. "I bet you just wanted more tongue action." "With you? Surely." Clarence doesn't think, his media training going out his head as both you and the host are stunned, and the two of you make headlines, Clarence's casual words and pink ears accompanied by your shocked face. (Two weeks later, the two of you make it official on social media— much to his manager's annoyance)
Ye Xuan / Cael - The Nation's Model
Cael typically leaves out his wedding ring in shoots, the silver clashing too much with his outfits, but he finds that it doesn't matter this shoot, your skin pressed to his as you shoot the perfume ad, a ring that could easily be mistaken as a prop— had it not been for the fact that he was known for wearing it off of work. You arch your back slightly more, chest pressed to his, and Cael wraps an arm around you, hand on your shoulder as his ring glistens under the light, your matching one pressed to the glass of the bottle in your hand. In the back, one of the interns mumble about how great of a chemistry the two of you have. The photographer gives the two of you a thumbs up, and you relax, Cael's arm snaking down your chest and giving your skin a small pinch as he stands up. "You alright?" He leans down, resting his forehead on yours. "Yeah." You mumble. "Someone's going to send the paparazzi something again." "Let them." Cael presses his lips to your forehead. "It's about time anyway." (Cael beats the paparazzi, photo of your back at the shoot uploaded onto his instagram before the media can expose him.)
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“Hello, I’m the friendly wizard _____. My name got taken by a fey prince but it hasn’t really hampered my life. Anyways I am new to this wider wizard community and would like to get along. I have a magic book, a cart, and a friend. His name is Jerry, he is a fungus colony that has taken over my magic book and acts sort of as my patron. He…is a little weird but great fun.”
*sound of an explosion in the background, a book flys by being chased by goblin shamans casting fire ball*
“He is…”
“He is fine.”
“Anyways, I am here to sell goods and make a small profit. If you need something I’ll see what I can do : ) ”
“Also apparently I helped smuggle an amnesiac @fattocatto-wizard out of the city in my wagon. That was a shock, though he was just a cat.
Character Cheat sheet
( 3 currency to 16 silver crowns and 2 copper crowns)
(Current balance 83,326.750001 currency, one penny, 23 meat pucks, 14 pounds, 2 gold coins one with Julius Cesar on it, 3 naturally-grown mana stones, 2 highly enchant able metal pieces, and one bar, 1 special bug corpse, 1137 gold, silver 18, 70 aus, 5kg silver, magic dirt house size. 24 counterfeit currency. Moss/lichen-coded bio stone. An inverse cold torch. 99 BG silver. EMERALD LINCOLN, GOLDEN CARROT, 200 SALTED MEAT DISKS, 200 POLISHED ROCKS, 82 FIGET SPINNERS!, A FULLY EQUIPPED LICH'S DUNGEON, and a cardboard box (magic black marble).” Invisibility stone, a bundle of drake feathers, quantum locked rock, raw gold. 9 Gold coming from the green goblin empire, 50 mushrooms, 92 secret society emblem. 5 trans enchanted gold coins, 2 skull coin, ancient lost civilization fragment, 5 glistening green metallic coin, 31 writhing bugs of gold, jade coin. Pile of gold coins and gold coin bugs, pile of shines from harpy, dust, quantum glass shards, bag of tooth shaped candy, 6720 candies from the festival, bag of holding money bag, 68 money bags, 500 flat Foxen, double sided dollar coin, 3 floppies, a Brahman horn, a medkit, a few candy bars, and an umbrella, 130 goblins eggs (goblin cooked chicken eggs.), 17 bars of pure gold, 1 crate of guns, temp singularity potion.)
(Currently holding baby dire bunnies.)
(Jerry’s balance 13 gold, a fancy rock, 1 coin, flower petals (snacks for later), harpy eyes, feathers, vocal cords, and talons)
(Warlocks of Jerry @fungal-boy-witch-yay @ignisuadaroleplay @life-is-okay-rn2 I think that is who it was…)
(Possessions - wealth stone, Antidote stone)
Owner of membership cards
@bi-gender-sorcerer (+ 10% off for employee discount)
@ignisuadaroleplay (will)
@akronus-and-associates (the primordials)
@damnable-druid (+ 10% off for employee discount)
5% off all purchases
Special requested items
More favorable bartering
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serenescribe · 10 months
If you're still doing the ficlet frenzy, maybe Silver getting sick, and Lilia and/or Malleus having to take care of him. I love the idea of Lilia and Malleus having to learn how to treat a young Silver while he's sick, but any age will do. Anything you write at this point is a Godsend.
[✐] ficlet frenzy
"Lilia, I believe it would be most prudent if I were to make the soup."
"Nonsense, Malleus!" Lilia laughs, a joyous sound that sends dread rippling down Malleus' spine. His guardian smiles at him, one hand resting on his hip, a ladle in the other. "What sort of a person would I be, to let the crown prince of the Valley take over the cooking? Besides," he adds, a teasing lilt to his words, "do you even know how to cook?"
No, Malleus does not. All of his meals have been prepared by the many cooks of the castle — as is their duty, after all. But then again, does Lilia even know how? Malleus cannot help but feel an endless pity for poor Silver, bedridden and flushed with fever from an ailing sickness, for he will have to eat... whatever mutated dish it is that Lilia creates.
Subjecting Silver to such horrific anomalies is bad enough on a normal day, but when he is ill?
Before Malleus can reply, he feels Lilia press something into his hands before turning him around and giving him a shove. "If you really want to help, why not go assist Silver in taking his medicine?" Lilia suggests, a twinkle in his eye. In the background, Malleus can already see a flurry of ingredients coming together to create what will be the worst slurry to ever be considered sick food.
Malleus exhales, but finally concedes.
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Humans are so fragile.
That is the thought that crosses his mind as he helps Silver sit up in bed, propping him up with the help of pillows conjured from his magic. Slowly, he presses spoonfuls of liquid medicine to Silver's lips, urging the sick young boy to open and swallow, before moving on to poultices and herbal remedies — a wide array of cures, anything and everything that can help him get better.
By the time he is done, having whisked up a cold cloth to cool the boy's fevered forehead, Malleus winds up sitting by him along the edge of the bed, unwilling to leave so soon. A strange feeling settles within him, infesting his heart — he cannot pinpoint what it is, only that looking at Silver, weak as he is, makes him feel this peculiar, protective way.
"M'leus," Silver whispers, voice raspy and cracking at the seams. He reaches out a hand, trembling and oh so small.
Malleus takes it, curls his fingers around Silver's hand. From Silver, he can hear a soft sigh that nestles within his soul.
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sillylotrpolls · 9 months
(Notes on names and translations below poll. Click the read-more link to see, for example, why "star", "noble", and "silver" were used in options.)
I can't be the only person who thinks "Elf-man" is a terrible name, right? Like, I get it Elrond, your family tree is a giant mess and you're like half elf, three-eighths man, and one-eighth demigod, and everyone you know love naming their kids with the same first letters as their own name (thanks for that, Tolkien, I just love trying to keep all those Fi- names in the Silm straight), but maybe you could have broken with tradition and given your boys slightly nicer names? It's not like it's Latin, either, where most people have forgotten what the words actually mean; this is your everyday language here.
At least Elrond and Celebrían wised up by the time Arwen came along, though "Noble Maiden" still isn't very creative. I think Elves just might have something to learn from Mormons in this case.
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Pictured: definitely not Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien.
Anyway, translations for Elrond's family's names and where I got the names for the poll choices after the cut:
Elladan and Elrohir (Elrond's twin sons)
The name Elladan is Sindarin for "Elf-Man" or "Elf-Dúnadan," referring to his dual descent from both Elves and Edain (a name given to those descending from the three houses of Men from Beleriand).[15] It comes from the words el ("elf or star") and adan, singular of Edain.[16] On the other hand, Elrohir means "Elf-knight", but rochir also means "horse-lord".
Elrond (Elrond)
Elrond is a Sindarin name that means "Star-dome" or "Elf of the cave", from el ("Elf" or "star", interchangeably) and rond ("cave, vault").[17][18][19]
Celebrían (Elrond's wife)
The name Celebrían means "Silver queen"[6], from the Sindarin words celeb ("silver") and rían ("queen").[7]
Arwen (Elrond's daughter)
The name Arwen means "Noble maiden", from Sindarin ar(a) ("royal, noble") and wen ("maiden"). Her epessë Undómiel means "Evenstar", from the Quenya Undómë ("evening twilight") and el ("star").
Elros (Elrond's twin brother who chose to be mortal and founded Middle-earth Atlantis and was, for the record, much better at naming children than his brother)
Elros was a Sindarin word that meant "Elf of the spray", from el ("elf" or "star", interchangeably) and ross ("foam, spray").[8][9] The name came from the Quenya word Elerossë.[10]
And while we're all here, epessë:
The epessë or the "after-name" is the third type. The after-name is given later in life, but not necessarily by their kin, as a title of admiration. In some circumstances, the epessë is chosen by the Elf himself or herself. An Elf could be referred to by any of the three, but the epessë typically took preference.
Galadriel is the Sindarin translation of Alatáriel, the latter being the Telerin epessë originally given to her by Celeborn. Galadriel means "Maiden Crowned by a Radiant Garland". The name itself is an epessë: her father-name is Artanis (noble woman) and her mother-name is Nerwen (man-maiden).
The poll choices were created using this Lord of the Rings Elf name generator. I tried to make sure I picked the Sindarin options, in keeping with Elrond's family's clear preference. I primarily used the "meaning" option, but you could also specify "starts with 'el'", "male", and "Sindarin elvish names" to turn up a list of names like Elunaer ("Light blue bridegroom") or Elanorchanar ("Star sun flower brother").
Although the generator has obvious limitations due to the nature of Tolkien's conlangs, it's a lot of fun to play with. Just be careful or you'll next find yourself on the Parf Edhellen (Elvish dictionary) and from there it's just a hop skip and a jump until you're in a discord chat trying to figure out how to properly conjugate "knitting" or something.
Finally, just because I have always loved this paragraph, a quote from Bigger Things by Blossomwitch on Ao3:
Most people had trouble telling the twin sons of Lord Elrond apart. Gimli did not share this problem. True, they were very similar physically, but to Gimli the difference was plain. The one hanging all over Legolas like the Mirkwood Prince somehow belonged to him was Elladan; the one with enough sense to keep his paws off other people's elves was Elrohir. Simple enough.
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athena-xox · 6 months
Eah backgrounder headcanons
Orange haired girl
Penelope Pea
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She attends muse-ic class and she is very friendly with lots of backgrounders, mainly the girls. The wiki says she voted for Maddie in the election but I went back and watched and she only appears once in the hallway talking with her friends while Maddie is campaigning. I don’t think that proves that she voted for Maddie. She also, of course, is one of the background girls who constantly fawns over Daring. She’s actually so pretty.
She’s often seen with grey hair girl so much.
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She can also often be spotted with background pink and purple hair girl
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The three of them are a trio and in basically every hallway scene you can see them chatting in the background (I’m taking it as they’re besties and not just reused animation)
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She is also seen with princess wearing blue and white, although not as often
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Other people she’s hung out with:
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My headcannons for her. None of these are really based on fact but they aren’t outlandish and they’re pretty likely.
She’s a Royal. Daughter of the princess and the pea. She has a transatlantic accent. Or at least a vaguely British accent. She doesn’t have perfect princess hair, she spends an hour each morning taming it since it’s naturally frizzy.
My headcannon is that she was originally supposed to be roommates with Duchess but since Apple switched rooms it set of a domino effect and she ended up getting roomed with blue and gold girl.
Her grey haired girl and pink & purple haired girl had been BFFA’s since their freshman year. Pink & purple haired girl is a rebel, grey haired girl is somewhere in the middle, but they don’t let conflicting views affect their friendship.
I think that her personality would be similar to most royals in personality, mainly to Holly. Speaking of Holly I think that Pen would definitely be reading Hollys fanfics.
She doesn’t know who her fairytale prince is but she knows that it probably isn’t a Charming. It’s most likely a second or third son.
But until then she has a little bit of romance
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(This is canon) during true hearts day silver crown boy enters with blue and gold girl (the girl who I hc to be Penelopes roommate, she’s the one sprawled on the stairs in the sixth picture and on the end of Penelope and grey haired girl fawning over Daring) but during the dance Penelope and silver crown boy start hanging out and and the end of the night (the picture shown) they leave together. And then they are always shown together as a couple.
Silver crown boy (I might make a post on him later) is a rebel, he cheers for raven during legacy day and is seated on Maddies side for the election. I think they’re very cute… until they’re not
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THATS RIGHT. FUCKING GREY HAIRED GIRL, HER BESTIE STOLE HER BF. Istg I was not expecting to find this kind of blatant drama. But she’s chatting him up during ‘Cupid makes things right… kinda’ and Penelope is no where to be seen. And then in that one really random Courtly redemption episode we see them at the theatre together. And then they’re cuddling during raven and dexters date. And you know what the worst part is?
Penelope is NEVER seen with grey haired girl again or silver brown boy again. And most of the times we see her after the breakup she’s all alone. Like all of her other friends took grey haired girls side.
This poor poor girl, I don’t know if I even want to make a post now for grey haired girl (I’m planning on doing as many as I can) like she just doesn’t deserve it.
In my perfect world she goes to Cupid for relationship troubles because yk her best friend stole her man and all her friends and Cupid consoled her and now (post canon) Penny ditched her old friends and is a part of the main characters.
Ps: I plan to make posts like this for all the background characters that I like/have hcs for. If anyone has any different hcs for orange haired girl please share. Or any other character. Or if you have a background character you want me to make a video on.
Pps: if you haven’t seen my earlier post I have a page in my notes app just full of everytime a backgrounder shows up so I can track the drama like that
Ppps: it’s not exactly in chronological order it’s like all the stuff on Netflix in order (or like mostly in order) and then all the webisodes even if they go in between so the whole love triangle might not be accurate.
Pppps (god I should have thought this through too many P’s): all the characters besides Penelope are being referred to by the name that the Royal/Rebel wiki has given them
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bleachification · 2 years
all that glitters is not gold
pairing: dazai osamu x reader (fantasy au)
warnings: none (for now)
summary: an inescapable fate bound by the vows of arranged marriage. a cataclysmic war that paints the plains red. a pair of royals, once friends, now bitter enemies. dazai osamu is the last person you want across from you at the end of the aisle, but the universe has other plans. as war, deception, and conflict rages on, you may find that he is your only hope of making it through this alive... even if it means putting revenge for his betrayal on the backburner. 
authors note(s): this is the prologue of a long, multi-chapter fic i am currently working on. i will be uploading chapters periodically <3
fic playlist: ♫
ch. one: dissonance
ch. two: trojan horse
ch. three: in reverence
ch. four: a painting’s ire
ch. five: all men are equal
ch. six: a haven for one is a haven for none
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Heavy is the head of the one who wears the crown. 
It sits on a velvet cushion atop a crystal podium, a glittering structure of gems and woven silver bestowed upon the Imperial heir, heralded as some divine artifact despite its classically human origins. The accessory is beyond extravagant. Well suited to the blue-blooded, as your father likes to say. 
You beg to differ. 
While others may view the crown as a symbol of royalty, prestige, and all the superficial qualities that make up the Imperial bloodline, it is something entirely different to you. It masks itself behind shining diamonds and intricate design when its true nature is nothing more than a pair of iron manacles. 
It’s painfully ironic. The “sun of the Empire” shackled by the very thing that is supposed to bring about glory. The reason why is simple enough: the act of bearing the crown means surrendering to the throne and, with it, all freedom. 
You swallow, heart pounding, as the glass dome is lifted, and a pair of gloved hands carefully extracts the headpiece from its idle seat.
The world slows to a crawl as a ray of sunlight catches on the crown’s stones and reflects onto you. The crowd, elites and nobles from all over the nation, fades into the background until nothing is left in your sight other than the crown, your father who holds it, and the man standing to his right. 
Dazai Osamu. The very cause of your distress and contempt… as well as your future husband. 
His eyes meet yours—clever things that betray no hint of emotion other than a clinical curiosity that has him silently surveying you like a scientist dissecting a confounding subject. Dazai Osamu picks you apart piece by piece, down to the very molecules of your being. Any other person would think themselves scrutinized, but you know better. He would have to care to take you under scrutiny—and Dazai genuinely couldn't care any less of you. You would find more affection for a crawling ant underneath his shoe than he could have for you. You are simply an object for him to rest his eyes on while boredom perseveres. 
You, on the other hand, choose to face his gaze head-on and convey your feelings by glaring at him with a pure, visceral hatred. He may not feel anything towards you anymore, but your anger runs deep and wide, and it hungers for revenge. 
Revenge against the man you are to wed;
the Prince of the enemy kingdom;
the one who betrayed you;
and once upon a time, the boy you had loved more than any other. 
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al-ghoul · 2 years
Harringrove ambient for sleeping
So. There's these two audios youtube has decided to throw at me:
Sleeping next to Billy Hargrove (sound of rain, dude's breathing, a bit of background music in the beginning, one hour)
Sleeping next to Steve Harrington (sound of rain, very steve-sounding dude's making little noises while he sleeps, one hour)
The first one was a bit on the nose for me with his intense breathing out (I don't even like asmr to begin with), although generally nice, the second one has landed really fucking good on me but I've felt like it needs more salt.
So I've decided to put them both on at the same time. And it was really fucking good. So I've decided to suddenly learn me some audio editing.
I've combined both of those audios into one, as they were, not changing anything, (can be found here, on google drive, 149.5 Mb), for more convenient listening than youtube, (the original author, Celeste, is a literal god, please like both of their videos if you're gonna use my edits).
It turned out nicely, but then I've decided that it needs to be LONGER and with MORE MUSIC, and some fiddling with Steve's track (flipped left/right channels for him so the overall combined rain could become more 3d). Six hours later it looked like this:
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I put the music track at the very low volume, with some reverb, so it would sound like it's in another room, quite closely resembling music in the Hargrove audio, so there's no difference to be noticed at the change.
The playlist choice is a bit anachronistic (not everything is 80's) but for me it all worked quite well together:
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Motley Crue - Girls, Girls, Girls
Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
W.A.S.P. - Sleeping (In The Fire)
Van Halen - Little Dreamer
Def Leppard - It Don't Matter
Ocean Jet - Into The Storm
In This Moment - Fly Like An Eagle
Ray Adler - Crown Of Thorns
Chris Rea - Road To Hell, Pt.II
Billy Joel - A Matter Of Trust
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - No Man's Land
Judas Priest - Night Comes Down
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
Кино - Кончится Лето
Atrocity - Cold Black Days
Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy
Lucifer - Pacific Blues
Whitesnake - Is This Love
The Kinks - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Beat The Devil's Tattoo
Chris Stapleton - Nothing Else Matters
BOA - Duvet
I've left some twenty minutes in the end without any music, but if you're not already sleeping by now it probably won't help much.
The whole thing lasts for 2 hours 8 minutes, the file is about 294 Mb big.
DOWNLOAD HERE (google drive)
My eternal thanks to the Celeste of Youtube for compiling the originals.
I hope y'all sleep well tonight.
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italoniponic · 1 year
𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 - mini-project
Our Friendship Won't Wither
| Notes: this one was not a repeated request or anything. It’s just that I fell in love with the idea that @that-one-fanperson sent me a request about a Reader who leaves flowers on some of the boys desks without telling them or just leaving a note. I wrote for Silver and Azul (as the request) and Epel as my own choice. But I liked this so much that I might write for some of the others as well? if i have time This one is a bit of a teaser for that lol Also that I wanted something new for Ortho since I only wrote for him once and I wanted to have more of, since he's the best for wholesome content. And there’s a lot of flowers that have meanings of friendship, so I tried to use that as well~
Ortho Shroud & gender neutral reader / platonic / wholesome / the three F’s: fluff, flower language and friendship / minor mention of Fairy Gala: What If / reader is into gardening / use of “you” pronouns
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Like other classmates in Class 1-C, Ortho found it curious the strange apparition of a flower on his desk. He took it and scanned it, discovering in his database that it was an alstroemeria. It was a beautiful flower, unlike anything he had seen before with his own hands or even in the few places where he went;
Alstroemeria was very similar to lily but had small vertical streaks on some of its long petals that blended pink streaks on a white background. Ortho remembered when he helped his friends to infiltrate in the Fairy Gala, a rather fun and dear occasion for him — although it was laborious anyway;
With a little more research, Ortho found the meaning of the flower: “full happiness, longtime friendship.” He greatly appreciated the meaning. It was necessary to keep guard of it for the rest of the class, especially since Lucius was feeling disturbed by the flower’s mere presence and subtle smell — and Ortho discovered that alstroemeria was toxic to animals;
Prof. Trein asked where Ortho had gotten that flower, but he could only answer that he found it by surprise — the others confirmed his story. Although, Ortho kept to his own circuits the intuition that there was one person who might have done this little gift of appreciation for him;
As soon as the lessons were over, Ortho left the class and went looking for you through the hallways. He had mapped out a few options of where you could be before heading to the cafeteria and without error he found you on the courtyard, tending to a small creeping flower bed that Crowley allowed you to use. “Hello! Thank you for the alstroemeria!,” Ortho thanked while suddenly announcing himself;
You took a fright at his sudden appearance, almost dropping your watering can. You were also surprised to learn that the boy had tracked the flower to you so fast and efficiently. But in the end, you smiled and stroked his head, as if little Shroud was your own little brother. You were thrilled to know that Ortho was happy with your wish to have a long-lasting friendship with him;
A few days later, you were spending your time in the peaceful courtyard. Sitting on the bench, your attention was divided between the flowers growing and the tiredness of a full day of classes and lessons. Suddenly, you felt something being put in your head. Ortho then appeared next to you, floating from the bushes to the front of the bench with an amused expression;
You took from your head a crown of globe amaranths, small flowers whose small, sharp petals formed small, round globes. They were of the most delicate shade of lilac, and the pollinating parts of the flower looked like soft light yellow ornaments, speckled all over. A cute gift, no doubt;
“I searched around in my data and Globe Amaranth stands for immutability and long-lasting friendship as well,” Ortho informed you, happily. “Ah! And if you hand it as a crown, they say it brings good luck!” He had a few more amaranth flower crowns on his arm, probably for other people he wanted to congratulate. You were the second to receive, Idia still would come first in these cases;
But you didn’t care about the position because you knew that any gift from Ortho came from within his big heart and that was actually the most important to you. You gently patted Ortho’s metallic cheeks, wishing him good luck in delivering the other crowns. You both said goodbye and you sighed, but more joyfully this time. Your little friend was very precious.
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eahsayswhat · 2 years
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Lacking suitable noises for a blushing sound in English, I went with the sound effect from manga used for blushing.
In case you haven’t noticed, I (Admin F) am a bit of a multishipper. While there are some pairings that I don’t ship, there’s quite a few that I do. Dexven is my go-to straight ship for Raven, and the fanfiction that I’m working on for EAH will feature Dexpid in later chapters. Seeing that I’m also poly trash and National Coming Out Day was last Tuesday, I figured this quote would be a great time to try my hand at some Dexven’s Arrows (which is now officially the name of that triad). Fun fact, originally Raven and Charlie’s positions were reversed, but I couldn’t get a good scene of Dexter and Charlie together so I switched the girls around.
Sexuality headcanon time (you’ve already seen Raven’s)!:
Dexter Charming: polyamorous binary alloheteroromantic binary alloheterosexual; moderately inflexible (low likelihood of attraction to male- and nonbinary-identifying). I view Dexter, like most if not all of the main guys in the cast, as straight given that he has few interactions with other guys that are ambiguously platonic (unlike many of the girls, who frequently do have quasi-romantic interactions with each other). However, I also view him and his siblings as polyamorous.
Chariclo Arganthone “Charlie” Cupid: polyamorous allopanromantic allopansexual; true (equal likelihood of attraction to male-, female- and nonbinary-identifying). As an incarnation of the Western world’s archetypal love god, and given the...nature of most Greek deities, I don’t think Charlie really cares all that much about the gender identity of a potential partner, nor how many she has. (Yes, I know that Eros was ironically one of the few gods who only had one confirmed partner, work with me here.)
Happy belated Coming Out Day!
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Did you notice that malleus & silver mirror eachother? If you remove his fae features And his mullet, malleus becomes a reverse silver (bang direction, hair color, even their eye color is the opposite too!!). They also have a sprite that sway on opposite direction (malleus to the left and silver to the right, I think). Is it Just a coincidence Or is there deeper meaning to this??
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I don't think their designs are intentionally meant to be mirroring each other; the features mentioned aren't exactly "mirrors" to begin with, especially if you have to remove many of Malleus's prominent features for the "mirrored" features to come to light. If you look carefully, Malleus's bangs actually run in both directions, not just one. Additionally, his eye color and Silver's are not opposites; Malleus has green eyes and Silver has blue-ish eyes. On a color wheel, the opposite of green is red and the opposite of blue is orange. The hair color Silver has also isn't natural but is the result of a fairy prayer—if his hair were still blonde (ie natural), the "mirrored" design to Malleus is no longer opposite. There are many more obvious and purposeful mirror imagery between Silver and Sebek, especially if you look at the composition of promotional artwork and even at in-game card art. (You can read more about that here!) The more overt difference between them, of course, is that their personalities are opposites. Their methods of resolving conflicts are opposites too, with Sebek preferring direct confrontation whereas Silver is the peacemaker willing to hear others out.
Where I think the true parallels lie between Malleus and Silver are in their backgrounds and character. Silver is a human prince to the side the knight that felled the crown princess to the Land of Briar, and Malleus is the fae prince and heir to the Land of Briar; they essentially represent two sides of a conflict larger than either of them. Their UMs are opposites as well, with Malleus's putting others to sleep and Silver's letting him walk among dreams. Silver is literally made to stand in opposition to, and counteract, Malleus. Additionally, Lilia serves as a father to both of them and seeks to guide the boys to a future of peace, not war. In this way, Malleus and Silver's fates are undeniably linked together.
The two are also mirrored in how they react to Lilia's announcement of departure. Malleus is unable to accept it and actively tries to keep Lilia with him, whereas Silver, who is also emotionally distraught at the idea of his father dying alone in a foreign land, still allows Lilia to leave. Even in the world of his father's dream, Silver is fighting to the bitter end to see Lilia off with a smile. (I go more into detail about this parallel in this post!)
To summarize: no, I don't think Malleus and Silver's designs are meant to mirror each other. However, they mirror each other in more significant ways that aren't necessarily seen in their visuals.
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sweetpea-sprite · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @starrygreaternaiad !!!!! have a william. just for you
[ID: a drawing of william crane from ni no kuni 2. he is a pale skinned boy with black hair. he’s wearing a blue shirt and is sitting up in a hospital bed reading a book with a silver crown on the cover. there is an IV next to the bed. the background is a dark grey-blue. end ID]
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saraiisstanky · 6 months
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More pirates!!!
Slight backstory 👇
Some old designs of my sort of first ever pirate ocs? I made them first in elementary school as an idea and then proceeded to try and make a book about them start of 6th grade but since I wasn’t into writing I just planned out most of the story in my head and made a title and named a few characters
Looking back I was so bad at story writing and even worse at drawing pirates. It was so out of my comfort zone but little me had fun so no harm no foul 🤷‍♀️
The book is called Sailing Crown and was meant to be a 12 book series (I planned 12 books of adventures and these two being besties until eventually they fall in love) it was meant to start off as a children’s book for the first five and then from there it’d be a young adult series
Little me thought it made sense and that by the time I was writing book 5, I would be in high school and be able to finish it off as an adult (she’s insane)
The series even had book titles (B1 Sailing Crown, B2 Missing Crown, B3 Heavy Crown, B4 Stolen Crown, B5 Rising Crown, B6 Falling Crown etc)
It was about these two boys, (James 12 and Julien 13) who are the youngest pirates in existence. James is a prince who loves the sea and wants to be a pirate because of story books. Julien is a pirate with a angsty backstory and basically when Julien steals a magic compass from James’ father, it leads to them being stuck with each other to find this magic treasure and save James’ kingdom.
Julien doesn’t want James there but being that he’s unable to read the compass (James can, he studied navigation tools his dad collects) and James is excited about going on an adventure
The first book is just a simple and childlike adventure story for kids and ends with James getting to stay with the Silver Siren crew
The second book becomes more risky, more serious with actual threats and a sprinkle of adult issues like war, slavery, kidnapping, and just the tiniest of murder but it’s mostly overshadowed with comedic relief and James’ innocent views of the world
The series just slowly integrates more and more of gorey story telling that gets played off as a running gag of James being kidnapped and his childish nature
Then when they’re old enough as seen in the drawings, I would reveal James and Julien’s romantic tension growing and get even more gruesome with the story (pirates aren’t nice, the world is changing, they can’t be kids forever)
Spoiler alert: It ends with James and Julien getting married on the sea, then James responsibility as king is calling and he is forced to leave the adventures behind and answer. James becomes king, marries a woman so he can create an heir, basically lives stuck in his royal cage for a few years until eventually Julien comes back for him and James runs away with him (his kingdom assumes James killed himself by throwing himself into the sea since he was last seen walking into the ocean alone)
The ending was meant to be up to interpretation. You can decide whether James was imagining Julien and did die, or you can picture Julien came back for him and they had many more adventures together :)
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To be honest, I wasn’t very creative as a 6th grader. I never thought outside the box for my character designs and most of them looked the same. James and Julien are generic in every way and I only drew these designs because my sister wanted to see what they looked like (she’s the only reason I still think about this series)
I plan to completely tear apart the whole story and designs and start from scratch. I’ve already changed the characters names but stayed as close as I could to the original because it’s nostalgic
One thing I definitely will change: James being white. When I made that decision as a kid, it was because I wanted to make James such a boring and generic almost background kind of character. A white guy with aVera he looks, brown hair and eyes, average height, no interesting traits. He only becomes interesting because of his adventures
Now that I’m older, I think I want James to be Hispanic or at least a person of color. He won’t be a normy kinda guy and I want him to have more hobbies, habits, tastes, and talents.
I already started off by expanding on his old nickname “Little Bird” which the crew calls him when James demands to be given a pirate name. It was a small joke at the time but I’ve decided to make it something bigger, use it to define James a little more and the kind of person he is
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Julien has always been complex so I’ve decided to only tweak him ever so slightly because my guy is a bit too powerful for a teenager (chill out my dude)
Honestly I think I may keep his backstory because it’s so wild that it could just be crazy enough to be writable (I’m telling you it blew my mind to look back at all my notes about his backstory) (Little me had favorites for sure)
Little me writing James: generic white man. Boring. Brown hair and eyes. Just there. Lukewarm water in a plastic cup. Bread personality
Little me writing Julien: his father was forced to abandon Julien’s pregnant mother on an island to die. Julien was raised listening to sirens as they hoped he would crawl in the ocean and drown. Julien escaped on a slave ship. Julien murdered his dad and took his ship. “Julien was like the ocean: mysterious, dangerous, going from harsh rapids to a cool and calm horizon…”
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tsuki-sennin · 11 months
Now, for episodes 17-19 of the funny king bug sword people show!
Uhhhh... Racules is a big meanie, there's somebody behind the Fury of the Gods, Gira is living out my fantasies with Yanma, shit's goin' DOWN!
Yeah, that's where I'm at right now, Spoilers, I guess~!
-Yanma, I wouldn't say he sold himself out, I'd wager he's about to do the biggest rugpull of all time.
-"Goddammit, Gira! At least wait for me!"
-Ohhhh, somebody's comin'.
-That's like the most Sentai villain name ever, I love it.
-Why you gotta do it, huh?
-Jeremy's gonna have some very cross words with you, Racules.
-Gira's regicidal tendencies are getting a bit much for the prez.
-Yeah he definitely gets it... he just doesn't wanna.
-Put him in the back.
-"I'm doing great, Yanma-dono~! ...can't say the same about you though, huh?"
-Shifty, therefore reliable.
-Lord Kaguragi's about to have himself a naptime
-Rita, honey, you're always on top of things, huh?
-"Peace~! Yippeeeee~!"
-"I will defend our world..."
-Glory to King Racules!
-Oh hey buddy!
-Oh... must be one hell of a man.
-"Relax man, I'm here. What is it?"
-This is the guy. Daigorg, the... hoo, big beetle.
-Holy shit
-Racules, you have some serious balls to just
-Dismiss all that.
-The die is cast.
-"I see this as an absolute win~!"
-Morphonia arrives!
-...and Jeremy's in no mood to play along.
-"This is the worst plot twist I've ever read. Please put me in jail."
-I don't know why, but that got me
-Together, we'll be stronger.
-I too am a fan of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.
-Chris my beloved
-Spiders Jeremy is back in the building!
-King Ohger!
-Here it all is!
-Going all the way out!
-"Now... stick to my perfect script~!"
-Um yeah, we have some notes. On page 2 she's eating peanuts, but later she's wearing a hat. Does that make sense?
-If you get that reference, I love you.
-"I am the protagonist! Me, me, me!"
-King Racules has arrived!
-"How dare you betray me?"
-Get him.
-Dawn comes with the shogun, his scarlet eye burning on his cruel, dark blue face. Amidst the rubble of N'Kosopa's concrete, Emperor Desnarak's Champion stood. Resplendent in silver armor that rings out with a dull clank every step he takes, he glares at the President and Storyteller. In his right hand, he held up a curious weapon. Not quite a scythe, not quite a pick-axe, but a freakish middleman, with what seemed to be orange fungus coating the metal just below the head. He did not move an inch when he was fired upon.
-There he is. Daigorg.
-Oh, they're right fucked up.
-Holy shit
-Racules stopped him.
-He cursed Racules, he glared at Racules, he despised Racules with all his might. But that could never change the fact that Yanma was at the man's mercy.
-So they just left Gira there the whole time?
-His ideals, unwavering even in the face of his own death.
-I see not even the people of Shugoddam are willing to turn a blind eye any longer.
-President Yanma Gast. The man Gira, King of Evil stands with.
-Get this man an IV.
-Oh hey, Racules~! That was a very good evil laugh you did there, quite impressive.
-"This kingdom is all mine! So you vanish!"
-Oh shit, upgrade time.
-"That's my boy, Gira! Masterful rigamarole! Perfect reveal!"
-Oh shit, Ohkuwagata time.
-"Back off. I'll deal with him."
-Holy shit, Racules is good.
-"Ohgai Busou. Glory of the founder."
-He's real shiny.
-Ohger! Crown Lance!
-That is a cool weapon.
-Is Racules seriously gonna mop the floor with this guy before he even does anything substantial.
-Oh, no, he's just gonna put Little Brother in his place.
-"The only needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. ...carrying the Bugnarok isn't something I should have to do, but..."
-They didn't show this, but there was a montage of Jeremy carrying him across the bridge with Eyes On Me from FFVIII playing in the background. Can't believe they cut that out, smh
-"I'm here to put Racules in jail."
-"That was awesome! What's that crown thing, anyhow?"
-Kaguragi absolutely wants to wear that crown himself. ...can't blame him at all, tbh.
-"I'm outta here, see youuuuu~!"
-...Oh do you now~?
-Ahhh, left out a crucial detail. Smart.
-"Ugh... I'm gong to tell Desnarak."
-And their twin!
-"This gives me absolutely horrendous hives in unspeakable areas to admit, but it is necessary for us to go outside the law for this one."
-Dyed your hair again, huh Himeno?
-Racules's cool new toy available on Premium Bandai looks nothing like the crown in the flashback. ...is this perhaps another one of his deceptions?
-If only Kaguragi were around to make things easier... well, as easier as it can get with him around.
-Nooooooo, Jeremyyyyy!
-He's having himself a Mondo Moment.
-"Oooooh~! A secret~?"
-Gira's a very guileless man at heart.
-Even Kaguragi can't help but admire.
-Instant fail sneak.
-Must be playing Extreme Mode.
-"Get his ass."
-Ah, Suzume-san.
-"I must see him driven before us."
-Playing a real Lady Macbeth.
-Gii-chan has returned.
-Giiiiii~! Giiiiii~!
-Did she trick us into... helping us?
-Kaguragi Dybowski. What japes he performs.
-He wanted to ride the cool robot.
-"How long have you tricked me...? How long have you been cheating on me!?"
-Literal chicanery.
-"King Gira! It is time for your grand coronation!"
-King! King! King! King! King!
-Rejoice, rejoice to the heavens above! Gira Husty, forgotten younger Prince of Shugoddam, ascended as the King of Evil hellbent to end the wicked justice. He has come into his own once more. He is now the great King Kuwagata Ohger!
-...which means that Racules's version was called King Ohkuwagata Ohger.
-That's like three kings in one.
-Extreme King-Ohger!
-Well, Jeremy had the right idea! Can't exactly force it, you know?
-God has descended.
-"I didn't do a damn thing! He just... did that!"
-Let's goooo!
-Big Brother Racules... you've truly lost your way.
-"The rules of this world mean nothing... not compared to the people in it!"
-Long Live the King.
-Racules has truly lost it all.
-Here's Jimmy.
-The Sanagim roam the streets.
-Makin' it all official, eh?
-Kaguragi played the game far harder than anyone else.
-"The Bugnarok are your neighbors now. Deal with it."
-"Ow, my every place."
-All for the people, Yanma~! Don't take it personally, yo.
-Treaty Time.
-...incidentally, that's what Rita (allegedly reluctantly) allows Morphonia to call her taking them to McDonald's.
-Still absolutely in love with Zenryoku King, it's just so infectious.
-It's all right, you're King~!
-Awww, Kuwagon :)
-Jeremy has completely checked out.
-"I hate Racules :("
-Becoming friends?
-Suzume's gotten in over her head, it seems.
-Do something, Douga!
-It's almost pitiful seeing Racules's vassals all driven before Desnarak.
-He can hardly be considered a king, anymore. Just a beetle captured to fight for somebody else's amusement.
-Guess Racules's confidence took a hit. He effortlessly dodged Daigorg in his base form, and now he gets clocked by a single guard.
-I see the people's lives have gotten a little worse.
-Gira's home!
-Please help us, Prince Gira!
-He's here for us...
-Despair! Always with the prolonged suffering.
-Stand up on that green screen, beetle man!
-Throw that sword!
-"C-c'mon, man, I was just kidding~! You wouldn't hurt a little guy, would you? :3"
-"Et tu, Jeremy?!"
-A taste of his own medicine.
-Okay, that was hella worth it.
-Didn't take Mama Nephila for a prankster.
-Racules has well and truly lost.
-They gather~!
-International cooperation~!
-A new power forms.
-The Ohsama Sentai... King-Ohger!
-Ohgai Busou!
-King of Kings~!
-Right, no more delay~! Let's see these arthropods swarm~!
-"Death Penalty."
-This is the good shit right here. Just pure vibes.
-Diamond Dan has no swag.
-Immortal, invincible tyrant king!
-You are! I am! We are the we are the King Ohger~!
-A man of the people, that King Gira.
-"Okaaaaay~! Well, Desnarak-sama, I can see that we're clearly losing, how about we just ditch Diamond Dan and head-"
-Complete Combination, once more!
-Extreme King-Ohger!
-"Jeremy's got this one, don't worry."
-Six kings all at once!
-So... I suppose all that's left is to meet with Racules.
-I see Gokkan does things Hammurabi style.
-One final duel. It seems fitting to end things this way.
-Two Kings Enter, One King Leaves.
-That'll have to wait until next time though, hmm~? I have a lot of overdue art to reblog!
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awanderingcanadian · 2 years
2 Monarchs, 3 Prime Ministers, and one enormous cluster$*#@
Leaving Canada on August 27th, Queen Elizabeth was the stable monarch, Boris Johnson was the Prime Minister, (albeit it on the ropes), and all seemed relatively stable in the U.K. Oh, how wrong I was.
Boris was ousted, Liz was accepted by the Queen, who promptly passed away 2 days later, leaving the U.K. with a leader with less than 48 hours of experience, and the monarch who had provided stability for 70 years gone. Liz Truss comes from an interesting background, with neither parent a Conservative, and her decisions in her brief stay at 10 Downing Street will probably have her mathematic professor father shaking his head for many years to come, as both markets and the pound sterling crashed, (that’s been a silver lining for us tourists). After a shocking 45 days of total chaos, the Conservatives ousted her, (don’t let her “resignation” fool you), and have now replaced her with a billionaire boy Rishi Sunak, (called “Dishi Rishi” by some), just crowned days ago by his party, after a threat of a return by Boris was squashed.
Really, you couldn’t make this up! It’s been an incredibly entertaining time to be here as a visitor, although I suspect not as a resident. It’s all quite embarrassing really, for a group of countries who stand on traditions, and whose nation is one of only 8 full democracies in the world. Having 2 appointed PM’s in 2 months, 6 Chancellors, (like the Minster of Finance for my Canadian readers), in 3 months, and 2 Heads of State, (QR Elizabeth, and now Charles). What a cock up. Here are a few of my favourite memes I’ve seen over the past few weeks:
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Now that Rishi’s in office, many people think the crisis has been averted. I contend that yes, he’s been able to temporarily stabilize things, but that there are very real crisis’ on the horizon, including steering the U.K. to a meaningful Brexit agreement with the rest of Europe, and some experts don’t think he has the vision it takes to overcome them. I’ll add a link to an interesting article in The Economist in another post as it won’t let me add it here.
Then there’s that tricky little matter of Scottish Independence. If you don’t think the shit show that’s just gone down hasn’t moved some previous fence sitters to the side of Independence then you’re drinking the Conservative special blend of Koolaid. Without lifting a finger Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Nationalist Party have had the question answered about how bad it could be to leave. Wow, so many unintended consequences.
All I know is that it’s not a great time to be living here. While Canada is not without it’s issues, at least our current leader in an elected one.
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