wakanai · 7 months
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starlight-drawings · 3 months
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destructive-ilya · 1 year
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beecanons · 10 months
idk if you’ve done this already but how the mlp characters would react to reader having a panic attack?
have no mlp hc so far! going with main six from fsim
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Twilight Sparkle when the reader has a panic attack
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a bit taken ack at first she's used to being the one having panic attacks due to stress not used to seeing others panic too much
thankfully though, because of this, she knows plenty of tips to help she'll make a mental list of things to try help you calm down
starts with breathing and counting getting your breathing on track is a top priority and counting is a pretty useful trick could be counting your breathing or taking deep breaths while counting anything else
if your thoughts are a mess and spiraling she'll try helping you rationalize giving reason to irratic thoughts can also help someone relax reassurance is one of the best ways to ease worries
if you want a hug afterwards, she'd be more than happy to give you one with a wing over you too
she'll ask if theres anything she can do to help you feel safe and tries not to overwhelm you with anything
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Rarity when the reader has a panic attack
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she's very quick to try and console you
she'll see you start to panic and take you aside to help you get a hang of your breathing if youre anywhere near a crowd, loud space or other ponies in general she'll take you aside to the closest spot thats quieter or offer to go on a walk with you so that you arent overwhelmed and find it easier to calm down and focus on breathing
she'll offer words of affirmation and something textured you like if you need it
rarity will gladly set things aside to help you relax possibly even close the boutique early and either take you on a spa day or style your mane while giving you some affirmation and reassurance
she'll attempt at quelling your irrational thoughts and/or doubts by reasoning with them and attempting a bit of humor pinkie may have rubbed off on her a bit, she picked up more of the "cheer up through a laugh" approach because of pinkie
you will get a lot of her big sister side she more than likely helped sweetiebelle out with her own panics especially before the cutie mark crusaters so she would probably default to her gentle older sister tone ever now and then while consoling you
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Pinkie Pie when the reader has a panic attack
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at first will just tell you "hey its okay" and possibly say something on accident that might make your panic worse depending what you panic over she's not the best at reading people or 'reading the room' when it comes to things outside her usual domain of expertise
if it persists (and it likely will), she'll be unsure what to do and feel bad until she gets an idea
might give you either a paper bag or more probable a balloon to help you focus your breathing somewhere you might end up just making balloons with her if this trick really helps you
pinkie will try and distract you from the scary thoughts anyway she can she'll find a way to make you laugh, make faces or tell jokes she'll ask you about your interests she'll offer to tell you about her day, about gummy or share a silly story or even ask you about your day to recount how it went before the panic attack
she'll offer to let you hold gummy if he's close by and if you think that might help
if you have any comfort food or like sweets and eating might help in any way you better expect pinkie to be getting you some snacks
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Rainbow Dash when the reader has a panic attack
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rainbow will bring you a cloud, or multiple if youre a pegasus, she'll either get you to fly around, through or up to clouds with her or bring the fluffiest one she ca find over to you if you cant or dont want to fly if youre a unicorn and youre able to, you could use twilight's spell for walking on clouds and get to play with a cloud she brings over if not she can just bring you enough clouds to give you a cool mist
she might try creating a small cool breaze for you with her wings she's not sure if it'll help or anything but she'll try
she'll try distracting you by showing off some tricks maybe even attempt another sonic rainboom just for you
early seasons dash would have brushed it off, told you everythings fine, that youre overthinking and need to just "be cool" but later seasons dash does less of that and would be a little more compassionate she'll try hard to come up with things that might help but she'll still argue that some of your thoughts are just you overthinking
pretty quick to be realistic about a situation if youre panicked over a test or an event she'll tell you you'll do fine and you'll breaze past it, even tell you the jist of what you'll expect so youre prepared on top of being realistic she can be really reassuring if she tries
she knows what its like to panic over a crowd or competition she can have some pretty good tips that she's learned instead of stalling and avoiding like using your imagination to make things less scary and intimidating
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Apple Jack when the reader has a panic attack
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aj is the most likely to offer to just talk things through, aside from fluttershy she'll help you face what's causing you to panic and listen to you get it off your chest she knows talking about your thoughts out loud can help you see how irrational they might be and make it easier to disprove them
aj will give you reassurance and reasoning but also any advice you might need now or for future panic attacks
she'll get you to count something like "how many apples is a bushel?....and how many can fit in a pie?" while youre taking some deep breaths
if taking a walk or stretching your legs helps she'll offer to walk it out with you, maybe while you talk or she'll offer to go for a run around the orchard with you to help get the panic energy out
will get you a cold glass of apple juice if you'd like
might even give you her hat untill you feel better
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Fluttershy when the reader has a panic attack
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she will ask any animals of your preference if theyre okay with you petting them especially if petting something soft helps you relax
if you'd like she can ask birds to sing a song and you two can just sit quietly and listen
fluttershy will gladly offer hugs and forehead bonks
she's an amazing listener and her soft and quiet approach can be really comforting
she knows what its like to be overwhelmed and often has panic attacks herself especially related to social anxiety she she'll offer to try any of the tricks and things that normally help her
she will try to offer reassurance and reasoning after listening to you however shes much better at offering reassurance than reasoning
if counting helps she'll get you to count critters with her taking deep breaths and counting all the critters around the area or her place or even just count breaths alongside you
she knows the best quiet spots to relax and get way from stressors around ponyville she'll take you to the closest one if youre okay with walking she'll even tell you all about the animals and plants around that spot
if you need a distraction she's got tonnes of animal facts to share
theres a small chance to get early seasons fluttershy to sing or just humm if that might help later seasons fluttershy is more confident and will even sing alongside birds if you ask for music
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this turned out to be a pretty long post!
i hope these headcanons are alright!
reminder to check out my pinned post for my byf/dni and wills/wonts before sending a request!
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candysweetposts · 3 months
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New Gen Ep 4 Edit (pt 3)
First, why is Thomas so relatable? He's so me, and I'm an undiagnosed autistic person.
Anyway, here's the HC:
Avery is a huge fan of Crowstorm and talked with Elenda about Castiel and how Avery wished to be like him when they were younger. Avery was disappointed when they heard that Castiel wasn't at the café.
Regarding relationships, Avery did have plenty of lovers that were different from one another and it seems like Avery just likes to experiment new things.
They believe that this "love sh*t" is mostly something for fun and people should be free to enjoy like exactly how they want. Relationships shouldn't be taken that seriously, at least in the beginning.
Avery didn't think much about Brune and Roy and actually congratulated them for breaking up.
When they all discussed Jason, Avery thought that Jason wasn't doing anything wrong and even got werdly excited like "Wow, he's such a player, bro😆". When Jason came and confronted everyone, Avery actually said that he posted stuff publicly, so of course people can comment on it.
Avery went with Thomas and they had a blast. The way the motorcycle was moving, the street lights at night, and Thomas being such a cutie. Avery did ride a motorcycle with one of their exes before and this moment reminded them of it. But now it seem different. More calm and peaceful, like s summer breaze.
At Avery's apartment, they said goodbye and went to their apartment where questioned how they really felt about Thomas and if they want to have a serious relationship.
Here's the outfit:
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vanillacigarette · 2 months
how motivated are you to become an angel today?
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“i dream to be as light of as my soul.”
everyone will stop and stare at your radiant beauty at the beach, unable to believe they are in such a close radius to such an angel. you will be beyond excited to show off your new bikini and your new tan, taking any chance you can to catch a glimpse of yourself in any mirrored surface, your confidence raising beyond measures every single time you do. the cool breaze will pierce your skin in such a welcomed manner, as now without all the extra fat your soul can finally feel the real temperature of your surroundings. you’re apart of a photoshoot, whether it be a booked modelling gig or simply with your friends, and the photos that are taken leave even you breathless. is this what you want— or do you want to hide away because ⭐️rvin’s simply too hard for you? get a grip.
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thaliajoy-blog · 9 months
Blue Eye Samurai characters and the four elements - some thoughts I've had since there are four core character in the story.
Ringo seems like Earth - he's sturdy, solid, as much physically (despite his disability) as mentally. He is very much grounded in his beliefs and rather is the one who changes others, like Mizu. He is the character in the story whose character & goals don't change immensely, he remains steady - he wants to be great and useful, and despite differences with Mizu he near constantly stands by her and goes back to her. Also he's a cook & a healer , giving him a nurturing aspect.
Taigen : That's were it gets interesting ! Taigen at first seems like fire. Relative to Mizu he's presented as a violent bully, vicious & destructive, and later a proud man, quick to anger and single-minded. But we do see that he has evolved positive qualities too ; he has a sweet relationship with Akemi & truly cares about her. He develops respect for Mizu. Which to me means he's swapped element ; how he complements Akemi matters in this. But his own desire to cut his way "out of the net" of his poor upbringing and seemingly predetermined future makes him close to the element of air, as in like Akemi, he seeks a form of freedom. Him embracing the kind of lif were Akemi & him run away from her family & his duties/honor together, confirms it to me.
Akemi : originally the one I'd associate to air. She's the most constrained out of the three protagonists,and the one yearning the most for freedom. She's associated directly to a bird in a cage, which she sets free and emulates when he flies away. But like Taigen, she shifts ; they actually swap, as Taigen renounces ambition while she embraces it in from of a burning bulding. What element better associated to power than fire, after all ? She literally is compared to a sun goddess in the series (and that is related to her sexuality and the way she wields it to take control).
Mizu : this seems like the most forward given her name, since it means water ; and to first explore that there are some two similar quotes from both Blue Eye Samurai & Memoirs of a Geisha that convey the vibe pretty well : "being on your own, you could be like water. Impossible to catch" (The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride) // "[My mother] she told me I was like water. Water can carve its way even through stone, and when trapped, water makes a new path..." (Memoirs of a Geisha). Especially that bit about being trapped & carving your way out of that situation. Mizu really feels like she's capable of anything with her blade. She can be anything, like water can take any shape ; like water Can find its way anywere, so does she. They are both flexible, obstinate and resilient. But then, there is the burning in Mizu's heart. How Mizu's inner conflict and désire for revenge is likened both to her most naturel element (a storm in the soul, a typhoon, a breaze at sea swallowed by darkness...) And to fire (the fire in you rages beyond control). She is water but she is raised in a forge, she knows fire & how to use it intimately ; her relationship to fire is not just negative and destructive, there is actually a meaningful aspect of creation & art through fire in her story (the 2d and 7th episode show that well) but of course, she is the reason why the city of Edo burns at the end. She is mixed, made of two clashing elements that rage in her, like her japanese side clashes with her white side.
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amberizedcasey · 10 months
pac wakes up in a field of blue flowers, forget-me-nots, he remembers cellbit telling him about them, they mean maily remembrance, but there is also a myth of a man falling in a river and being dragged by the riptide while trying to gather flowers for his loved one
he quirks a smile, who would of thought that the same man who was once called a beast would have such a passion for things as fragile as flowers? he surely didn’t, but he is happy that he did
he gets up, his fingers touch the grass below him, they are quite wet, like it had rain in the night, he doesn't remember falling asleep there, his base in the purgatory was in a cave
his base in the purgatory wasn't anywhere near a field of forget-me-nots, no, there wasn't even a flower field anywhere in the purgatory or in quesadilla island
forget-me-nots meant remembrance, they are a simbol of what remains, a way to keep the memory of the ones that are not here anymore
that's what he was, right? not here, not alive
pac was dead
but he didn't felt dead
he felt free, he felt sad, a kind of sadness that he knew quite well, saudades, he didn't knew exactly what he missed, he didn't knew for how long he had being dead, for a start he didn't even knew how he died, at least he didn't felt pain, not that some could feel pain after being dead, but he hoped that he at least went peacifully
he once wish to die holding richas in one hand and fit on the other
he felt a bitter felling on his cheast that things may not have gone this way
luckly he didn't have much time to delve in his sorrow, no, he was busy trying to understand what had jumped on top of him
saying that he was frozen in place would be a euphemism, he was not even breathing, and for some reason he still felt light headed for not doing so even after being dead
"Richas, come on, filho, we don't want to kill him twice"
he heard some one slapping the person who spoke, but he could care less when his son was finally in his arms, holding him tight like he was going to escape
"He is not leaving anywhere, you know that, right?"
he opened his eyes, when had he closed them? he looked up to the face of the man he once called brother, his soulmate, his other half, mike
he tried to speak but only sobs left his mouth, mike was there, not bug eyes, not black cloth, no murderous intentions, just good old mike, still a litlle weird and insane, but he was his mike, and he was there, with him, and he wouldn't leave him, not anymore
he rushed to hug him, keeping richas between them, making a little dragon sandwhich, the kid laugh, oh how he missed his laugh, he laugh too, he cried and laugh, it was a cacophony of sounds, he felt more people joining in the hug, felps, forever, cellbit, they were all there, wet faces and red noses
they stayed like this for a while, tangled legs and arms, a pile of bodies laying in the field just like the old times when they were still living in the favelas on their first days on the island
the old times, they were so far away now, everything was, his memories were staring to get blurry, the good and the bads, but the mist important ones stayed, he remembers mike with a broken glass, he remembers looking at the stars on the roof of the orphanage, he remembers the breaze of fresh air once they escaped the prison, he remembers their adventures in the labs, he remembers the boat, he remembers his son first smile, he remembers the hide and seek games, he remembers giving fit a rose, he remembers
they eventually leave the ground and start walking through the field
he sees others faces, he sees baghera, he sees jaiden and carre, he sees foolish and tina, he sees mouse
he sees the eggs, the old ones and the ones he knew, he sees trumpet finaly in his dads arms, he sees bobby with his mom, he sees juanna and her dad, he sees tilin and their dad, he sees talluah and her dad, he sees leo with her dad, he sees chayanne with his dad, he sees dapper and pomme with their mom, he sees ramon with.. he sees ramon, and ramon sees him, he rushes to him, and he holds him
fit was alive, he thanks the gods for that, but he also wish he was here with them, he knows that this is very selfish of him, but no one can blame him for that, not when most of them wish for the same
for some time he stays there in the flower field, just hugging and crying, he cries so much, he doesn't even care, he doesn't think he ever cried that much, he doesn't know how much time he spent there, hughing his two kids, they where supposed to be two, he was supposed to have two
he had now
time passes diferent when you are dead, he knows that because he sees old friends faces and they say that they didn’t wait long for him, he knows that he will see the people he lost soon, so for now he will wait
he will lay on the field of forget-me-nots, he will hold his sons hands, he will lay his head on the lap of his best friend, and he will wait, that is all he can do now, and he is okay with that
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shortansweet · 2 years
Things karma is
1. My boyfriend
2. A god
3. Breaze on my hair in the Weeknd
4. Relaxing thought
5. Sweet like honey
6. A cat purring in my lap
7. Acrobat
8. Spider boy
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snakegorl212006 · 2 years
Clean up [Incident 1
As much as I would like to stay in chill,there’s work to be done and a crap ton. Might as well handle it now then later. I Put on my cleaning clothes and grabbed supplies from one of the boxes in my attic which housed my cleaning supplies. Based off yesterday’s assessment, the Diasomnia wing needs the most work so I shall start there. I put my cleaning supplies in a small cart and began my walk to the wing. When i enter Diasomnia it was more lighter then when i visited last time. I began my cleaning in the dining room since it has the most curtains. I opened up the large yet dusty curtains and began my deep cleaning. There was no major damages or cracks to the manor, just a whole lot of dust and bat stains which I was able to clean up with my trusty Lemon bleach concoction. After a hour the dining room looks brand new and so clean It could make Levi cry. I smiled at my hard work before moving to the kitchen. There wasn't any lightsource so I relied on my phone’s flashlight which does some justice. I looked above once more to see the same bats from last time. I wonder if they’re even alive. When I shined the light on one it started to move along with the other which automatically made me pan the light away. How the heck can I remove these bats? For now I need to get rid of any bat dropping so mold wouldn't get anywhere. After that clean up I searched the internet on how to remove bats. The solution I’m most drawn towards is to physically remove them one at a time but from my knowledge these are huge fruit bats and I don't have a box with me. As I was pondering on what to do I heard a sharp high pitch whistle which startled the bats to flee the kitchen. I ducked so i woulden’t run into the swarm. The swarm left the kitchen and fled somewhere down the hall towards the direction of the backyard. Well… they’re out of the kitchen…i guess. I got up from the floor and pointed my flashlight on the ceiling just to see a shadow passing by(the image above is what you saw). My breath shortened as I was trying to follow the shadow only to see it disappear. The room grew colder as a sharp breaze went past me. When I turned around with the flashlight, I saw the shadow was part of some cape with black boots before it went around the corner. I chased after itv thinking it’s an elaborate intruder at this point to find nothing. Not a single trace……Imma do the rest tomorrow….
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gaymergal · 1 year
Hello! 😃👋🏾
Thank you! Below is the start of wip of a supercorp Stardew Valley fic
Lena needed an escape. One minute she was dutifully sitting next to Lilian as a group of lawyers presented plans to the Luthor matriarch to save the Luthor name and company after Lex’s very public fall from grace, the next she was struck with the sudden unshakable urge to just leave.
I have to get out of here
Despite the want, the desire, the ability, to just get up and walk out of the meetings, one did not simply walk out on Lilian Luthor. Her step mother currently mid-tirade, ripping into their legal team for not suing the press for liable.
“The fact is Ma’am, Mr. Luthor was the cause of-”
Oh. That man was deadman.
Lena watched on as his colleges discreetly roll their chairs away from him and Lilian started the lone lawyer down with a glare of pure fury. Only when the green member of the team broke eye contact with her did she unleash hell on the poor boy (read: 36 year old man)
Lena didn’t flinch, she didn’t bolt out of the room, she showed nothing but grace and poise expected of her station as Lilian terminated his position and made it clear he would never find work again.
Lena drifted mentally, physically she was nodding along dutifully, however she wasn’t in the board room, she was 8 years old, sitting on the porch of her grandfather’s farm drinking lemonade while her grandfather explained the proper placement of Scarecrows. The sound of Lachlan Luthor’s voice echoed in her head drowning out her step mother’s screeching.
The ill fated lawyer left the room abruptly with tears running down his face. Lena envied him greatly, he got to leave.
I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here
Having a panic attack in front of Lilian was not an option. Lena didn’t tap her feet or fidget with her pen. She pretended to be engaged, she hummed thoughtfully when a young lawyer shooted his shot and pivoted the conversation away from Lex and back to the company image.
I have to get out of here
Lilian did not smile, she regarded the young opportunist coldly. She wouldn’t make this easy for him.
The cool breeze of the air conditioner tricked her brain. Her nose was flooded with the autumn sent of pumpkins and corn. She could envision the feilds of yellow, wheat growning and swaying in the breaze.
Lena’s hand drifted, lowering from being crossed a top the table down to her lap, a crack in her perfect posture. Lilian’s steely focus was still on the junior lawer, but that didn’t mean she didn’t notice Lena’s movement.
Her fingers brushed against an envelope in the pocket of her skirt. A letter from her late beloved grandfather tucked away from Lilian’s view.
I have to get out of here
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shayberri789 · 2 years
The cross over I never knew I needed: trc x mistborn
The parallels between bluesey and Vinelend firstly but also vin and blue glaring at each other while their boys talk Scholarly and Kindly Things at each other 100kmph, absolute sunshine incarnate
Please consider ANY interaction between blue and Adam and breaze. They'd find him ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING and the entire gansey, Adam and blue included, wondering WHY THEIR TEMPERS HAVENT FLARED?!
Kell would probably try to recruit Adam, and honestly might succeed.
If kell meets blue before she met gansey, and recruits her, and then she falls for gansey he'd be so fed up. kell: AGAIN?? SERIOUSLY?!
Literally every possible version of a trc x mistborn crossover would be HILARIOUS
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desiblr-tales · 2 years
HEYYYY HOPE IM NOT LATE FOR THE GAME AURUM FOR BITCH CATIGORY (in a good way) PWEASE !!!!! (i lost her can someone drop her url in the notes last time i saw her maybe she was island breaze something???) 😭
hi, does anyone know their url?
@americanwhoremp3 do you know?
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
Yanceford Angst/Fluff
(Sending requests one by one)
Another request from the old man!
Aight, just cuz I feel petty, I'm doing fluff
You and your greasy ass are doing Wilford angst in your RP already with Father numero dos-
Soft rays of sunlight bleed through the blinds, waking up the ego from his slumber. His long locks of hair splayed out on the pillow like some sort of spider. Blinking his tired brown eyes, Yancy reaches out to his side for his lover. He feels nothing.
Shooting up, Yancy's eyes wide with alarm searching for any sign of Wilford. "Bubblegum?" the free bird calls out for his unusually bright partner. He pushes the covers off of him, letting the cool breaze of the AC hit his uncovered feet.
He shifts around the bed and gets off the soft mattress. His feet felt the cold wooden floor. He slips on his slippers and shuffles out of the room. Rubbing his eyes, he pushes past the cracked open door. His unkempt hair shadows his face as he walks to the shining lights of the living room.
Sitting on the couch were Bing and Yan, both of which were playing some Uno, with Sliver Shepard, Magnum, and Ed watching. Yan was busy watching Bing struggle to find the right card to counter her, but when she noticed Yancy, she happily waved at him. "Ohayōgozaimasu Yancy-kun!" everyone looked up and greeted the free bird a good morning.
Yancy chuckles under his tired breath, walking over he ruffles Yan's hair playfully. The teenager whines at this and swats his hand. "Mornin Yan... Do you know where Wilford is?" Yan giggles like a schoolgirl, already seeing through Yancy's tiredness. She points to the kitchen, "Yep, He's making pancakes!" Yancy sighs with relief and pats Yan on the head gratefully.
"Thanks, kid" "Don't go making out on the counter again!" Bing called out, his optics still focused on his hand of cards. Yancy blushes a tad, remembering exactly what Bing was talking about.
Scoffing the free bird flipped Bing off. And with that, he went to the kitchen.
Just as he took a step inside the confines of the kitchen, the sun flashed him in the eyes. He hisses in protest and covers his eyes, of course, the blinds were pulled back.
A soft gasp rang against the checkered tiles of the kitchen, Yancy looked up, still shielding his eyes. There was Wilford, with his bright pink mustache and pretty but also frilly beige apron. His eyes were wide with what looked like a dear caught in headlights.
Yancy smiles warmly, the sunlight reflected off of his sweetheart so perfectly....
Wilford blushes at the warm smile and pouts, "Don't just stand there! Help me beat this batter!" He protests at Yancy, waving at him to come closer. Yancy chuckled and shuffled over, he wraps his arms around Wilford's waist, letting his chin propped up on the ego's shoulder. "Pancakes?" He asks with a small smirk, his eyes studying Wilford's movements. The pink ego puffed his chest out, his eyes shining with pride, "Why of course! Aaand" He pulls out a bag of candy, "Choco chips!"
Yancy's smile grew as he sighed, nuzzling Wilford and planting a kiss on his forehead. The pink ego laughs wholeheartedly, his bashful grin shining in both of their memories.
They would never forget these moments, these domestic, and soft moments... Never...
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Who is looking forward to half term?! Quality time with our little people. Breaze Lite 2 makes adventures out and about easy, perfect for little legs to rest Buy now https://tinyurl.com/37ff9b9t #kids #parenting #summer #toddler #spring #motherhood #babyessentials...
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Rocky Point Amusement Park - Wikipedia
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and it is about Rhode Island and the culture. and it is harsh at times mosty laid back and wealthy and calm. mild breazes and luxurous walks and along fine roads iwth huge mansions still lived in and maintaned today. and for the super wealthy yes.
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these are places our son loved and lived to go to. and enjoyed liked sandiego too and you all tainted it ab it no a lot are losers. live there and ruin it are street people we liked it helped. and he was thourgouly amused as she was and nearby atching him. and sometimes looked her way she ran mostly lol no saw he could not se her. and was is upset.
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they had three rides like this modernand a tram and more nice stuff. fun real. an you could eat like kings. and drink too. lobster oysters tuna and mahi mahi and much more. tons of things to see and look at from the local cultuer now it is run down mostl ruined half the buildings moved no are gutted. smell and rot. gross. and are beyond it we feel. a ew are of entwood and are ok. no. were not made of it. sink into the ground sadness in our sons heart. we see. we will resurect it. but rhode island there is a mess. and it is twenty miles from newport. we like his ideas and his mom and the rock too. teary eyed. they love it ok will try it and thesee will have to do lol they will love it too. the food is similar ok lol has had it loves it. man those were fun days he had only a few ten or so she recalls. true. but remembers them vividly.
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the point is named after the area and the rock and the bluff named Rocky Point and so much fun he recalls the vineyardand names there of harbors. nice kid of ours and daughter good. she is there. and he read the charts was theman. did it and he was proud and it was arnie. the city of newpor tis not bad. this could easily go back there. but it wil empty first. and sink. nees relocatiion and tons will after they see it yes. tons. and start reconstruction y es. they had a mascott no. not really . characters. bu no leeds. he says Rocky Raccoon. and good and Rocket too of course and they are a pair. on the show is Rocket and is me Hera says and he is Rocky and fights lol and no it is two guys lo ahahah and hwe says good we do it. and show them and raccoons around. that walk upriht and ashow. they love it. sponge bob and the crabby patty shacka nd more we do this now fun stuff.
and the old school things. did this this way too for kids then adults.
we love it ok
Hera says it we do too
Thor Freya Zues
hey you over here
Hera Zues good better ok ok
need help thse are out of order and ruined tons of stuff and buildings and this the kick off needed this
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