#bringing out the warrior princess
girl4music · 4 months
I’ve had enough of people referring to ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ as queerbaiting and claiming that the creators of the show were committing it so I’ve gone on an extensive Google search and pulled up this AftenEllen article written all the way back in 2008 and I’m transcribing the full thing right here because if people don’t want to voluntarily do their research when they make their insulting claims then I’ll provide the source for them and force them to read it because I refuse to allow them to disrespect the creators/cast/crew like this in making their completely off-base assumptions about a TV show that I’ve been watching since I was 5 years old.
This is an interview with the creators/cast/crew of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ where they express their opinion on what they think would happen with the lesbian subtext between Xena and Gabrielle if the show was made for today. It’s why many of us don’t want a remake or reboot or revival of it of any kind.
Do not ever come for ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ and the incredible people that either made the show or were involved in the making of it around me. You have absolutely no chance in winning the argument!
[Viewers never had to look too hard to find the lesbian subtext in Xena: Warrior Princess, but that’s still what it was: subtext. And while lesbian fans in the 1990s might not have had any choice but to settle for that, would things be different if the show were being made – or remade – today? When I attended the Xena convention in Burbank, Calif., at the end of January, I asked the show’s creators, producers, writers and stars if the world is ready for an openly lesbian relationship between Xena and Gabrielle.
“To me it was main text,” said Renee O’Connor, who played Gabrielle, in an exclusive interview with AfterEllen.com. “And even if it was subtext, it was very clear that we were together. They are so in love with each other, they love each other so dearly; there’s no way you can say that’s not true. Anyone can see that from watching the show.”
I asked her if she thought that relationship could be openly acknowledged if the series were being made today. “I don’t know,” O’Connor answered. “Maybe there’s a little bit more hint of acceptance today. Maybe, maybe not. You can only put it up and see what would happen. I guess we could do anything, just get it out there and see how it affects people.”
In a lot of ways, Xena flew under the radar during the ’90s. Viewers who didn’t perceive (or didn’t like) the lesbian subtext could see it simply as a story about heroic friends righting wrongs and battling villians. If the show were being produced in today’s post—L Word television landscape, it’s hard to believe that audiences would be quite as oblivious.
But O’Connor doesn’t think that a more overt presentation of Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship would have changed the moral heart of the series. That’s because she sees those two things – the love between Xena and Gabrielle and the series’ focus on the fight against evil – as inextricably combined.
“If we were just starting Xena right now, I know what the relationship of the two characters is,” O’Connor said. “So even though we wouldn’t blatantly talk about all the issues involved, because I don’t think that’s what the show is about, it’s still about defeating oppressors and wanting to do the right thing for the world. And that comes down to these people and how they love each other.”
Lucy Lawless, who played Xena, isn’t sure how acknowledging a romantic relationship between the two women would affect the show’s reception if it were being made today, but it could have changed the way audiences perceived it in the past.
“There might have been more general discussion about whether the characters were lesbian or not out in the mainstream,” Lawless said. “In the 1990s, when this was all new, people like Ellen [DeGeneres] and k.d. lang and all these people who are out were blazing a trail. And you might hope that it’d be done long ago. But in a lot of the world, it’s still incredibly painful to come out, even today.”
Then she laughed. “But let’s have a go. Let’s do it. Why don’t we make a Xena movie? Just tell a bloody good story and let the fires and torpedoes be damned.”
A Xena movie doesn’t seem any more likely today than it did a year ago, but I asked Lawless if she thought the sexual relationship between Xena and Gabrielle might be brought more into the forefront if a movie were made.
“I think that’s a good question for Rob,” she said, referring to Rob Tapert, the series’ co-creator and her husband. “I know he’s been thinking about this for a long time, mulling it over in the back of his mind. He’s got a great feeling of where the world’s at and what he can make that’s progressive and gutsy and still have it be financially successful.”
Backstage at the convention, Tapert considered the possibility of a more openly queer Xena and Gabrielle. “It’s a tricky question,” he said, “because if Xena were being made today, well, there’s two different Xenas. There is the one [in which] people could read between the lines, and that played to one audience.
“Then there’s one that played to kids, or that played to 9—17-year-olds. And they didn’t understand the subtext, nor did they get it. So like the finest of Disney films, that plays to all audiences; that was a balance we tried to find. Making it today, I don’t know what would happen.”
He called series co-creator, producer and writer R.J. Stewart over to ask his opinion. “Could there be more commitment to the subtext?” Stewart said. “Well, I think if it was a cable show, absolutely. But if it was the same kind of broader market, I think you have to be more inclusive. But yes, absolutely, I think that a cable version of it could work that way.”
What if a film were made today, based on the series? That would be a different proposition, Stewart said. “When you make a movie you always try to stay pretty close to the original in feeling.” Then he laughed. “Now, if you could just get Oxygen to order some episodes …”
However much fans might wish for another season of their favorite show, not even out lesbian Xena producer and writer Liz Friedman (pictured left, and currently a producer on Fox’s House) thinks it would come back as an ancient Greek action-adventure version of The L Word.
“As much as I would love to see it – and I’m speaking as somebody who watches The L Word obsessively – there was something really wonderful and romantic about the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle,” she told AfterEllen.com. “And I think it’s actually easier to have romance without sex. You don’t then get into issues about ‘Will this relationship last?’ There was never – well, until they started killing each other’s children – the question of a breakup.”
I asked if she thought that times had changed enough that a series could now be made with two legendary female heroes shown unambiguously as romantic partners.
“If you look at the lesbian relationships that are on TV now, it’s either niche-market stuff like The L Word, or it’s Cashmere Mafia that gets you all excited because there’s a kiss in the pilot, and then by Episode 3 she’s hitting on boys again,” Friedman said. “Certainly in a single-lead action show we’re not ready for an openly gay heroine yet. Well, I think we’re ready for it. I don’t think the networks are going to let us do it.”
Then she laughed. “Look, obviously I’m biased. I loved the show the way it was, so it’s like, don’t talk about messing with my Xena. It worked pretty well, thanks very much. … If I were doing the Xena movie I would try to get there to be a kiss, but there are plenty of ways that you can do that without changing what the relationship is.”
That raises the question of just how much would have to change in order to bring the subtext into the forefront.
It’s undeniable that there are some scenes – and even whole episodes – where it’s hard to make sense of what happens without believing that Xena and Gabrielle are at least a little bit more than friends. Most of the time, these moments occur in the more humorous episodes, but as series writer Steven Sears told AfterEllen.com, “We didn’t cross the line completely but … these are two women who live together, travel together, had domestic duties together, die for each other, fought for each other, continually say how much they loved each other, but no. They’re not in a loving relationship.”
Steven Sears talking with Christie Keith
He shook his head. “Excuse me?”
Writer Katherine Fugate (currently executive producer of Army Wives) sees it much the same way. She is the author of “When Fates Collide,” widely considered one of the most subtext-friendly – and romantic – episodes in the entire series.
Katherine Fugate
Set in an alternate universe where Xena’s old enemy, Julius Caesar, has imprisoned the Fates and used their loom to undo the events that led up to his assassination, “When Fates Collide” is about the inevitability of both destiny and love.
In Caesar’s new reality, Xena is his empress. A famous Greek playwright named Gabrielle comes to present her latest work to the Romans, and in the greatest romantic tradition, she and Xena are struck with what can only be called love at first sight.
They gaze at each other across crowded rooms. Xena casts tortured glances at Gabrielle when she is called away by her husband. They stare longingly at each other from their balconies in the moonlight. Xena gives her life to save Gabrielle, and Gabrielle risks destroying the entire world to save Xena’s.
Caesar calls Gabrielle Xena’s “girlfriend,” and his violent jealousy would make absolutely no sense if Xena and Gabrielle weren’t being depicted as lovers.
And, in fact, that’s just how they were being depicted. Fugate appeared at this year’s convention and spoke with AfterEllen.com backstage. “The paradigm in my episode was that they find each other in any lifetime and they were meant to be, no matter what body they were in or what gender they were,” she said. “These souls were entwined somehow. And that, to me, almost has more a spiritual connotation than a sexual one, although I personally believe that they were lovers and had a committed relationship.”
She added: “I think we touched people, and it was multifaceted with all the spiritual components as well as the love. But the love was so intense, and ‘We’ll find each other in any lifetime,’ I think, is profound. I don’t know many shows that say that, period, heterosexual or homosexual.”
Given that, it’s surprising there wasn’t a kiss in the episode, something that had been played with both teasingly and tenderly (if briefly) in earlier episodes.
“There was a kiss written in which was more definitive, and it’s in the script that they sell here [at the convention],” said Fugate. “So my intention was actually to push that envelope, and I was really supported by Rob and R.J. and everyone. But ultimately they pulled it, because they wanted to maintain it for the finale.”
The finale is, of course, a sore spot for Xena fans; mention of it during R.J. Stewart’s appearance triggered the only boos of the convention weekend. He took them in stride, defending his decision to kill Xena at the series’ end, but there’s no question it took the shine off the climactic kiss the two women shared in “A Friend in Need.”
Fugate, who announced at the convention that Renee O’Connor will play a lesbian on Army Wives later this year, is optimistic about the possibility that a show about two female heroes who are openly lovers could be made today.
“This may sound like a writer’s answer, but I think anything works if it’s well-written,” she said. “If you have respect for the subject and if you can find a universal theme, anything will work.”
She said she feels that doing that would be easier today than it was in the ’90s. “We probably couldn’t push the envelope as much then as we could now,” she said.
“The subtext issue gets asked a lot; I think everyone here has been asked about it. And I think that’s because it obviously touches people, and we had an opportunity to dignify these relationships. And everyone felt it did that. I think both the lead actors have come forward and said this is how they view their characters and how they played them. We did what we could.”
If they did what they could in the ’90s, what could they do now? Sears said he’s thought a lot about that question, and he’s not optimistic. “As far as the marketing mind is concerned and the studios,” he explained, “if a movie came out they would play with it, they would toy with it, they would try to appeal to the male heterosexual audience, because in their minds that’s who’s attracted to these kinds of films, these action films. They don’t want to turn those people off.”
Then Sears pointed out the dark side of main text. “The horrible thing that might be done is that they would then say, let’s go completely commercial with this thing,” he said. “They would have the characters kiss, have the characters imply that they had a sexual encounter, and then have them realize, well, that was just an experiment. Now let’s go back to men. That’s the worst possible thing that could happen. But it’s also one of the most possible things that marketing could do.”
In light of those fears, a dozen intimate moments in the hot tub, soulful glances and fireside nights spent in each other’s arms don’t seem so bad. And neither do Renee O’Connor’s final thoughts on how Xena might best be made today.
“I always wanted people to look at it as unconditional love,” she said, “especially people from the conservative side who didn’t want to see anything like that. Just watch the show, and see what you want to see. I still think that today that would be the best way to put the series on.”]
SOURCE: https://afterellen.com/bringing-out-the-warrior-princess/
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leiathewarrior · 2 years
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Xena + Gabrielle kissing compilation from the comics!
Xena, Warrior Princess: All Roads (2016)
Xena, Warrior Princess: Road Warrior (2020)
Xena + Army of Darkness: Forever... And A Day (2017)
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941 notes · View notes
totk really is one of those games that make me go "ok thanks for the characters, setting, and general plot, but ill take it from here <3" because the entire historical timeline had so much potential for interesting and nuanced story telling but they just went with the old zelda story formula and YES thats how theyve always done it but botw was such a reset in terms of gameplay that they couldve overhauled how they handle story in totk. but they didnt
#ramblings#all the races swearing fealty to rauru made me so uncomfortable#like yeahhh ganondorf evil or whatever but also. hey. why is the one leader fighting for the independence of his people. the evil villain#am i just not getting something here am i insane#my first thought when i heard about ganondorf returning was 'wow they could turn him into an actual character' AND THEN THEY DIDNT#its been half a year i feel like the honeymoon period is over. totk was kinda mid. im sorry#it was alright but it just. didnt grab me. at all#botw was interesting because it was new but totk made me yearn for the older zelda formula#though tbh. im always yearning for the older zelda formula. i grew up on oot & twilight princess#you hype up ganondorf so much you make him look like THAT (no im still not over this) and then you just. do what weve always done#this happened in twilight princess. it happened in oot. it happened in ww. hell if you count demise it happened in skyward sword#IT HAPPENE.D IN THE FUCKING HYRULD WARRIORS SPINOFF#'oooh noooo the great evil has returned' WEVE BEEN HERE EVERY TIME. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH POTENTIAL#heres the gerudo having a man born and making him king as is their custom but they spend years in fear that he will be monstrous#here they are after all these iterations of ganondorf afraid to even have kids out of fear that SOMEONE will bring the new great evil#heres a child recently given the throne despite being barely more than a baby always treated with fear by everyone around him#ARE YOU SEEING MY VISION????#the curse is right there. do something with it. oh my god#i KNOW zelda games are just simple heros journeys but pleaseeee i need food#you dont have to make ganondorf nice just. do something with him im so tired of the evil guy caricature#i like guys who are plain evil but i like them more when they have some fucked up motivation beyond taking over the world
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aberooski · 2 years
The realization that by the time they'll have to go fight the darkness cult and rescue Atticus in OUAD 2, Chazz is the most useless member of the team in terms of battle ability is so fucking funny 😭
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laikahh · 1 year
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ohhh i am going to end my shit
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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visenyaism · 4 months
jaehaerys administration dashboard simulator
🫧maidenpooled Follow
listen i know all kingsguard are bastards but jonquil darke put a cigarette out on me. i think i huave shivers
ok bootlicker. you know what she did
🫧maidenpooled Follow
boots not the only thing id lick
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🌸queencrowned Follow
this could literally be me and my brother if it weren't for my bitch mom trying to send me to the other side of the fucking continent
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doctrine of exceptionalism meatriders when someone asks them why 75% of dragonstone is blonde and me and half of flea bottom have gleaming amethyst eyes and/or beautiful delicate cheekbones
🥀maegorwife Follow
that's different...targaryens are literally divinely ordained by the seven to rule because they're stronger and better than us...that's why they have the dragons it is in their sanctified valyrian blood
cannot stand this fucking website. spending my last silver stag on tyroshi blue hair dye im not going to be associated with you people.
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oh so when maegor has seven wives he’s “aegon’s true son” and “cool” but when i have three boyfriends suddenly im a “whore”
🫀lustywench Follow
op i support you but they did call him “the cruel” for that it was a very important part of the story that he was in fact maegor “the cruel”
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doing all of this with a FAITH OF THE SEVEN URL...girl you better pick a hell and start hoping
#bring back the faith militant
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hey isn’t it weird that so many of the king’s children have suddenly and mysteriously died lately. under the care of the maesters. what if they’re planning something…,
ugh i wish🙄 speed that shit up fr
likes charge reblog cast
me when im in a being dead combination and my opponents are jaehaerys' whole army of childraeyn of the corn
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yoooooooo theyre quarrelling again.
alysanne targaryen if you're reading this i could change your life just give me one chance let me hit
there are gold cloaks outside of my house
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⚔️errantmaid Follow
kingsguard dick is good as fuck when you don't have a motherfucker in your ear saying it violates a sacred vow made in the eyes of the king and the seven😜
⚔️errantmaid Follow
the king chopped it off and sent him to the wall i fucking hate this place can't have SHIT in king's landing
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hey has anyone seen princess gael. it's been literal months and she seems to have up and disappeared with no official announcement from the palace? would be the third female relative to go missing in the king's custody after aerea and saera....
🐝beeeeeeeeeeeeesbury Follow
damn that's crazy. im sure shes fine though anyways i'm a big fan of this new road the king built theres a lot of nice new roads does anyone else like the roads
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🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow
day 18262 of not fighting the brackens. this is boring as fuckkkkk what am i supposed to do. pretend to care about the triarchy?
kill yourself
🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow doxxed. get your dumbfuck horse breeder knights ready because our strongest and noblest raven warriors are on the way to your nasty ass keep right now bitch
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778 notes · View notes
zaldritzosrose · 4 months
Can't Stay Away (Feyd-Rautha x Princess!Reader)
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Summary: Second daughter of the Emperor and you were well used to being ignored in favour of your sister. That was, until you met Feyd-Rautha, nephew to the Harkonnen Baron. A tourney of old, bringing back the traditions of champions and favours brought him to your side - but how close would he stay?
TW: Minors DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, mild mentions of neglect towards reader (ignored in favour of Irulan), Feyd being a flirt, hot and heavy making out, fingering, lashings of sexual tension.
I've taken a couple of liberties with the veils the Bene Gesserit/Irulan seem to wear - making it an honour to see a Sister/Princess' face and given meaning to the paint on Feyd before the arena...because why not it's my story!
(There will be a part 2...maybe 3...I have no self control)
Words: 3508
THANK YOU to @tumblin-theworldaway for not only being patient over this but for listening to my months of related brain rot! I love you!
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Being second to the Imperial heir had not always felt like a task. As a child, you did not mind being sent off to other tasks while Irulan was coached in the ways of an Empress. Your father had you both trained in the ways of the Bene Gesserit, and as a child it made you feel incredibly important. Being at the Reverend Mother’s side, and at times the only time you were ever praised for something you had achieved.
But the older you got, the more the feeling of being ignored crept in. Men would seek out Irulan's favour, not yours. Visitors would spend hours speaking to the elder princess before speaking to you. Irulan was the interesting one. She was heir, it made sense for her to be the one they wished to gain the favour of.
Second daughter, second best. You understood it, deep down, but that did not stop the hurt it caused.
Despite this, you always accompanied your father and sister on the planetary tours, following along as the Emperor would visit all his people and be lavished with grand feasts and parties as a welcome. Every House from Arrakis to Zanovar were granted a visit from their Emperor, some were happier about it than others.
Despite the tensions on Arrakis, the word of the ‘Messiah’ reaching the Emperor’s ears and being ignored and the rumours that the Emperor had ordered the end of House Atreides, the Imperial Tours continued.
Giedi Prime was the next stop. The home of the Harkonnens. You had heard of the Harkonnens. Fearsome warriors. Terrifying. Bloodthirsty. Brutal. In all honesty, they had fascinated you for the longest time. The manipulations that led to their rise. Their bloodstained history with House Atreides. You had read as much as you had been able to find.
And their welcome? A tournament, a battle of strength and brutality to impress their Emperor. Harking back to days of old when knights would compete in feats of battle prowess to show off. Men from all the Great Houses and more came to compete, including Feyd-Rautha. The Baron's nephew did not hesitate to volunteer to represent his people in something so prestigious.
The Imperial Ship landed and you, your sister and the Emperor were quickly greeted by the Baron and his nephews. You stood to your father’s left, Irulan at his right. Feyd’s eyes stayed on you, though you had not noticed yet. Trailing from the gold and pearl veil over your face, down to the matching white lace and gold dress that both clung and flowed over your body perfectly. He glanced briefly at Irulan, her silver and chainmail contrasting you, but his eyes ultimately returned to you.
"Your Imperial Graces, may I introduce my nephews," the Baron began, gesturing first to his elder nephew and then the younger as he spoke.
"Beast-Rabban and Feyd-Rautha."
Both men bowed, following their uncle's lead. First to the Emperor, then Irulan and then you. The order of importance seemed clear, as usual. But as his head raised, Feyd met your gaze and held it. Cool blue eyes boring into yours and you could not look away.
Your father nodded his head in thanks as did Irulan, but you...
You still stared at Feyd. Something about him, the way he held your gaze. The faint smirk forming on his lips. You could not do anything but stare.
His smile widened, black painted teeth on show as he stepped forward and taking your hand in his, a gesture that shocked even you. His lips found the back of it, pressing a surprisingly gentle but lingering kiss to your skin. No one ever focused on you like this, not when you stood by Irulan. It was something you had gotten quite accustomed to.
But the rough scratch of his fingers around yours, the heat of his lips on your skin, was enough to have you blushing. Then he spoke. His voice low, sending a shiver down your spine.
"A pleasure to meet you, princess."
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The Emperor and the Baron led you, Irulan and the Baron’s nephews back inside the Harkonnen fortress. Despite trying not to, your focus always seemed to return to Feyd. The way he moved with confidence, the small glances he gave you with that smirk still on his lips.
Irulan was at your father’s side, as usual. Rabban walked beside the Baron. Which left you and Feyd behind that line. You were not purposely walking at his side, but you soon noticed that Feyd had fallen into step with you. Slowing his pace to match yours.
You kept your gaze forward, but you could feel his eyes on you. Like a predator and you were no more than prey. You knew you would be the one to break the silence before Feyd did.
“Are you looking forward to the tournament, Feyd?” You asked, glancing to the side to see him, as expected, staring at you as he walked.
Feyd hummed low in response before answering. You began to wonder how he was being so mindful of where he was going, whilst keeping his eyes on you.
“A fight is always welcome, princess. Are you excited for it?”
You did not answer immediately. No answer you gave, you felt, was ever interesting enough. Or at least, not in your past experiences. But, to your surprise, Feyd seemed genuinely interested.
“I am intrigued, to say the least. It is not often a House welcomes us with such an event.”
Feyd only nodded, before holding out his hand to stop you moving further forward. It was only then that you noticed you had reached the doors to the Harkonnen fortress. You had been so distracted by the man beside you, you had ignored your surroundings.
“After you, princess,” Feyd offered, holding out an arm to allow you to walk ahead.
You walked on, hearing Feyd’s boots against the floor behind you. Your father, sister and the Baron and his nephew were ahead of you. And your father had not looked back once to check on you, something you were well used to. But Feyd had noticed too.
His head tilted in curiosity but said nothing on the topic. He followed you inside, eyes glancing occasionally between you and your father, noticing the seemingly longing look you held. As the Baron led the Emperor and Irulan into the dining hall, you seemed to hang back, like you were waiting for permission to follow them.
When that did not come, you folded your hands before you and turned from the door.
“Are you not joining them?” Feyd asked, genuinely surprised at the situation.
Your head hung low, and you simply shook it.
“Not if I am not invited. Irulan is heir, not I,” You said simply and began walking away without a second glance.
You assumed Feyd would join his uncle and brother. But the sound of footsteps behind you told you otherwise. You did not look back as you walked, though in truth, you had no idea where you were walking to. You simply wished to be away. Feyd followed silently, only interfering when he felt the need to steer you somewhere specific.
“Princess, follow me, I have somewhere more comfortable you could wait over walking the halls?”
Feyd was not sure why, but he felt the need to be at your side. A strange draw that seemed to tug at his gut and keep him at your side. He was a man of pleasure, or so most people said. He held little care for the feelings of others.
Yet with you, he wanted to know. No, he needed to know. To know what bothered you. To know why your eyes dipped to the floor after looking at your father and sister. Why you seemed surprised from the moment he paid you attention upon your arrival. He was curious as to why you seemed to try to hide your presence at any given moment.
But he said nothing. He would not even know where to begin if he wanted to. Instead, he walked in silence, leading you to a wide balcony that looked out on to the expanse of Giedi Prime.
You took your seat and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence until you were called by one of your father’s attendants.
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You listened politely as you walked beside your sister, Irulan’s arm linked with yours this time as you followed your father and the Baron towards the arena. Irulan talked on about how the tournament would work, that you, her and some other noble ladies from the Houses would choose their own champion to fight the tournament in their name.
It reminded you of the tourneys of old. Where knights fought for princesses and ladies to win favour. You had read so many stories, fairytales of times that were now a faraway memory. The idea fascinated you as much as the Harkonnens did. You were about to ask Irulan more, when your father turned to speak. To both of you, for once.
“My daughters, you will allow the ladies from the Great Houses to choose their champions, then you will choose.”
That confused you both, but you had little choice but to agree. He was the Emperor first, your father second.
You watched warriors from each Great House and some minor Houses line up before you, Irulan and the other gathered ladies with interest. And you could not hide your smile when Feyd stepped forward and joined them.
One by one, champions were picked. Irulan chose first out of the two of you, not surprisingly choosing a Corrino soldier as her champion. There were more warriors than ladies to choose, and Feyd remained in those waiting. That surprised you. He was known for his fighting ability, so you did not understand why he had not been chosen. Which only solidified your own choice.
“Princess, your choice of champion please?” the Harkonnen announcer asked, gesturing to the men before you.
Purely for the suspense, you paused before answering. Mere seconds, allowing you to enjoy the small amount of attention focused solely on you.
“I choose Feyd-Rautha.”
Everyone looked shocked, including your father and sister. Everyone, but Feyd. His smirk wide as he stepped forward, taking your hand as he had when you arrived. Eyes locked to yours as he pressed his lips to your knuckles.
“I shall win well for you, my princess.”
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You were not sure if it was traditional, but Feyd had asked you to see him before the tournament. A guard led you silently to a round chamber, with only a black stone table in the centre, holding weapons of different kinds. You stood out so starkly against the black stone, the faint lights making the pearls on your veil shimmer ever so slightly.
Feyd was stood in the centre, and you could feel the heat in your cheeks you realised he wore only an intricately wrapped loin cloth.
“Princess, I appreciate you agreeing to come,” Feyd called as he strode to your side.
He smirked as he watched you avert your gaze from his bare chest. In his hand, he held a bowl of what looked like black paint. It was only when he tapped the stone bowl did your eyes find it. You looked back at him curiously.
“You are my champion, it would be rude not to,” you said softly, your eyes still looking at the bowl.
It was only then that you noticed there was no one else in the room. Something that seemed extremely unusual.
“Do you normally prepare for a fight alone?” you asked, eyes flitting around the room and back to him, now trained solely on his face.
Feyd chuckled, a low, gravelly sound that you found yourself wanting to hear again.
“No, usually I am surrounded by servants and guards. But I thought I would try something different today. It’s a special day after all.”
He held the bowl up, tipping it slightly to move the paint. Your eyes watched it with interest, it slowly dawning on you what it was for. You had read up on the Harkonnens and Giedi Prime before you arrived, there was more lore to research than you had anticipated. One thing, now, came to your mind.
“Am I to paint you, Feyd?”
That earned you another chuckle. Though Feyd was actually quite surprised you knew of any Harkonnen traditions.
“I thought it would be interesting, to prepare your champion for battle, hmm?” he asked, holding the bowl out to you, careful however not to get the ink black liquid on your white dress.
You nodded, confusing him when you turned away from him. But what you did next, was not what he expected. Slowly, you lifted the veil that had covered your face since your arrival. Finally revealing your full appearance to him.
And you were beautiful.
“Then I suppose it is only fair I let you look at me while I do so.”
What Feyd did not realise, was the importance of what seemed like a small gesture. Almost all those trained by the Bene Gesserit veiled themselves in some way. The Princesses most of all. But Feyd knew even now, he was being honoured by you.
“Thank you, princess.” Was all he could manage, any words he said would never be quite enough, he felt.
You returned to his side, only now looking down at the full form of him. Thick muscle covered him from shoulder and down. A body sculpted for war, it seemed. And it was now a body that would fight in your name.
Feyd held out the bowl, watching with curious eyes as you took it and moved to stand at his back. He opened his mouth to instruct you but was stopped by the cold sensation of paint on his skin. You felt him stiffen a little and continued to paint as you explained.
“I have done my research before coming here. My father always tells me it is best to know our hosts,” you said simply, as if that should be enough to explain why you so easily began painting him.
He said nothing as you finished his back, the feeling of the paint drying telling him where you had painted each square and line. It fascinated him that you had so quickly learned the symbols necessary.
But when you moved to his front, he felt a wave of anticipation run through him. Tongue flicking out to wet his lips as he waited for you to begin. He could feel the warmth of your hands more intensely now he could see you.
You started on his chest, painting the four thick lines on his pectorals first. He watched the concentration on your face, the way your teeth gently nibbled your lower lip as your made sure every stroke was perfect.
You could feel his eyes on you, but you did not dare look up. The whole situation was intimate enough, without meeting his gaze. Feyd heard the soft breath you took to prepare yourself as you moved lower, pausing only briefly before you began to paint his stomach.
“Do you really believe these help you?” you suddenly asked, as though distracting yourself from the path your fingers took over the ridges of hid abdominals.
Feyd’s jaw clenched at the gentleness of your touch, the feeling sending goosebumps over his pale skin. He did his best to concentrate on answering your question about the symbols.
“It is the belief in them that makes them important, so yes, I do.”
You hummed in response, and Feyd’s breath caught in his throat when you began to kneel as your painted nearer his hips.
The tension in the air was thick. No sounds in the room except the scrape of your fingers against the bowl and the soft puffs of your combined breathing. Feyd tried his best to concentrate solely on the paint being smeared on his skin, but having you so close had desire settling in his belly.
Soon, you were done.
“There, I hope I have done a good enough job…” Feyd smiled at the mix of hope and pride in your eyes. But when you moved to take your hand away from his skin, he grabbed it quickly. His body acting on instinct and the words leaving him before his brain could control them.
“Would I be too forward in asking for a kiss, princess. For luck?”
You were struck silent by the question, but an aching part of you began urging you to allow him one kiss. No harm could come from it, right?
Tentatively, you stepped forward after setting bowl down on a table nearby. You pressed your lips softly to his cheek, letting them linger for mere seconds. But that was not what Feyd wanted.
You had barely stepped back before his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against his body. He revelled in the small squeak of surprise that left you and he appreciated the fact you were not trying to push him away.
Your face was mere inches from his as his hand moved to cup your cheek, tilting your head up to his as he pressed him plump lips to yours. The feeling was electric the moment your lips met, your own hand gripping the back of his neck. Not caring for the paint that was now smeared down the skin there.
You pressed yourself harder against him, letting your body mould to his as he deepened the kiss. Tongue swiping against the flesh of your lip, asking for entry which you happily granted. The moment his tongue found yours, Feyd was like a man possessed. Gripping your face tighter as your tongue soon surrendered to his, tangling together in a clash of teeth.
The paint on his body, barely dried, smeared against your dress but you could not have cared less. Your only thoughts were Feyd. The feel of his arm on your waist and hand on your face. The taste of him, combined with the black paint on his teeth. You were entirely intoxicated by him.
You were not sure when he had backed you towards the table, but you did not stop him when he lifted you quickly on to it. There was something so delicious about the danger of the whole situation. While realistically, you barely knew him, you could feel your body surrendering to every kiss and touch. The very fibres of you desperate to feel more of him already.
Feyd groaned into your mouth when you made space for him to slip between your legs, your dress parting either side to accommodate the movement. His hands took purchase your thighs while yours found his shoulders. Your paint-stained fingers leaving fingerprints all over his alabaster skin.
The room felt like it had heated as his lips began to trail down your jaw and to your neck, following a path until he reached the swell of your breasts, just visible with the cut of your dress. His hands kneading the flesh of your thighs, the combination forcing breathy moans to slip from your lips.
Feyd revelled in every one of them. The dig of nails into his shoulder when he nipped at your collarbone, the soft moan when his hands found the apex of your thighs and squeezed.
“I will win for you, my princess…” he mumbled, his face buried in your neck as his fingers continued their path to your core.
And you were powerless to stop him, your body listening now solely to your base instincts. The first brush of his fingers over your underwear had your head falling back.
“Win for me, and I will reward you…” you sighed out, as his fingers slipped deftly beneath the fabric.
Feyd could barely concentrate on your promise, slipping his fingers further and further between your folds until he was buried to the knuckles. The smallest curl of the digits had you moaning his name.
“Reward me how?” he asked, already feeling your soft walls clenching around him as your release crept forward.
He could barely help himself, thrusting and curling his fingers over and over. Feeling the soft gush of your slick coating his fingers and palm with each movement.
You could hardly form words, Feyd’s fingers somehow speeding up again. You could only moan as you release surprised you, tugging Feyd by neck to kiss him as you spilled around his fingers.
He slowed his movements as you relaxed, not pulling them out until he could feel your muscles stop spasming. Your jaw went slack as you saw him reach for the bowl of paint, mixing your juices with the black liquid and painting over the now smudged symbols you had adorned him with. The smug grin on his face making your skin tingle.
You slowly came back to yourself, eyes meeting his as you finally answered.
“Win for me, and you can have any part of me you wish.”
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Dune Taglist (requested and people I know who like Dune):
@blissfulphilospher @tumblin-theworldaway @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites @aemondsbabe @alexagirlie
(if you want to be tagged in or removed from future posts, let me know!)
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toadtoru · 2 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇 | series masterlist
pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader x Suguru Geto
After your city falls, you become a war price to the swift-footed Satoru Gojo, the strongest of the Greeks. You now have to adjust to your new position in a foreign camp, no longer as a princess of Lyrnessus, but as a symbol of Satoru Gojo's honour.
warnings: +18, heavy on the angst, mentions of blood, fighting and sickness, character death, smut tags: Satoru as Achilles, Suguru as Patroclus, reader as Briseis, greek gods and myths, f!reader, use of she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, smut, threesome wc: 7.3k | approx 30 min reading time
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Your least favourite part of the day is dinner. It is expected that you wear extravagant dresses, usually brought back by Gojo from whatever city he’s ransacked, do your hair nicely, and walk around amongst the tables, serving wine to whoever asks. 
Gojo always sits at the end of the table, with Suguru on one side and Nanami on the other. While the two men prefer to stay silent and observe, Gojo entertains. If one had only seen Gojo at his dinners, one would not believe that he was a deadly warrior on the battlefield. He drinks wine, laughs loudly at whatever jokes his men make, and entertains whichever king decides to come by for dinner. 
You walk around the tables, trying to bring as little attention to yourself as possible. There’s usually one other woman with you, serving wine as well. Your favourite nights are the times when it’s Nobara. You share looks whenever someone says something outrageous, and when you’re dismissed, you can debrief about whatever conversations you were able to listen in on. 
Tonight, you’re alone. You’re not entirely sure why, but it forces you to hurry around, barely having enough time before the next person asks for more wine. You're scurrying around the table, trying to ignore the way the men's eyes linger on you. No one ever touches you; they wouldn’t dare. Though you doubt Gojo would care, it’s nice to know you have some sort of protection. 
You sigh when you run out of wine and go to the table at the back end of the tent to refill it. 
“Hey, woman. Can I get some more wine?” a man asks, and you send him a tight-lipped smile. “Just a second,” you reply, and the man frowns. He holds his cup up in front of you. 
“My cup is empty,” he states. His cheeks are flushed, and you can tell he’s drunk. You nod. “So is mine,” you reply, shoving him your empty pitcher as you walk towards the wine table. A couple of men around him snicker, but the man in question’s frown only deepens, turning into a scowl. You ignore him as you walk past him. Slowly, you begin mixing the wine, humming to yourself. 
A hand touches your waist, and you gasp as you look back at the drunk man. His eyes are glossed, and his entire face is red at this point. “How dare you talk to me like that?” he slurs, and you scrunch your nose as his breath hits your face. It reeks of wine and rot. 
“Go away, please,” you say. You glance towards the end of the table, but Suguru is in a deep conversation with Gojo. No one’s attention is on you. The man shakes his head and sniffs your hair. “You smell nice,” he says. You grimace. He’s far too close for your liking at this point. His hand is still on your waist. You feel suffocated. 
“I saw you, you know. In the temple. Wanted to take you for myself, but then you ran away.” 
You take a deep breath. Suguru still isn’t looking your way. Blood roars in your ears. You want to leave. 
“Maybe I’ll pay you a visit one night,” he says. You turn back to look at him, and he grins at you, his rotten teeth peeking out. In a swift motion, you throw your elbow back, hitting him straight in the neck. He stumbles back, gripping his throat, as he gasps for breath, gurgling noises leaving him. Suddenly, people are all around you. Men appear at the man’s side, helping him. Gojo is in front of you, with furrowed brows. 
He grabs your arm and pulls you towards the exit of the tent, not saying a word. You stumble behind him. 
"Now, why would you do that, little bird?” Gojo asks as soon as you are inside the confines of his own tent. 
“He was being rude,” you answer, staring towards the chair behind him. You don’t dare to look at his face, not knowing what will happen if you do. It feels like months of buildup, stress, sorrow, and confusion catch up on you at this exact moment, all triggered by some creepy guy with bad breath. Your chest feels tight, and your head spins. 
“Rude? He was being rude.” Gojo laughs, and you snap your gaze at him, your brows furrowing. Gojo pinches the bridge of his nose, his shoulders shaking with laughter. You can’t figure out whether he’s amused or angry. Maybe it’s both.
“You elbowed a guy in the neck because he was being rude?” Gojo raises his voice. Ah, he’s angry. You frown. 
“So what? I was just supposed to let it slide? He was being disgusting, Gojo! It was merely the consequences of his own actions-”
“And what about the consequences of your actions?” Gojo interrupts, and you shut your mouth immediately. “How does it reflect on me? Now they think I can’t even control my own woman!”
“Oh, so I’m your woman now? Is that what this is? Because last time I checked, you won’t even look at me!” You point an accusing finger at Gojo, and something flashes in his eyes before he goes back to glaring at you. His brows are furrowed, and you can’t help but think that even now he looks beautiful. You hate yourself for it. 
“I saved you! Do you even know what happens to the women in the camps? In Yoshinobu’s camp?” Gojo yells, and you feel a lump in your throat. You don’t leave Gojo’s camp often; you don’t need to, but you’ve seen them around, in the shadows and behind tents, trying to make themselves appear small. In Gojo’s camp, women are treated differently. You all share the a tent, but at least you have one. Yet, you’re not quite ready to let Gojo win this one. He doesn't get to win just because he does the bare minimum.
“I didn’t need your help!” you yell back, and Gojo rolls his eyes. 
“Yes, you did!” He retorts back, and you let out an annoyed sound, hiding your face in your hands and taking deep breaths. When you’re ready, you meet Gojo’s eyes again. 
You stare at each other for a while. 
“Why am I here, Gojo? What do you need me for?” your tone is more desperate than you’d like. You need answers; you need to know. Gojo frowns. 
“That’s none of your business,” he replies, and a small laugh leaves you. None of your business? You feel like a fool. You are about to start yelling at him again, but you’re interrupted when Suguru comes into the tent. Both of your heads snap towards the entrance, where a flushed Suguru stands. Did he run here?
“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” Suguru’s eyes dart towards you, scanning your body. You cross your arms over your chest and avoid his burning gaze. 
“I’m fine,” 
“Oh, you’re fine? Now that Suguru’s here, you’re fine.” you look at Gojo, and he looks angry. His eyebrows are raised, and he’s pursing his lips, yet you don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him. Now he’s deciding to be jealous? He has no right. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you inquire, wanting to force the answers out of him. 
Gojo glares at you. You glare back. Suguru stays quiet, seemingly not wanting to escalate the situation.
“I never asked to be here.” Your voice is smaller than you’d like. Gojo frowns. 
“Then leave. Go, if you’re so unhappy.” There’s no emotion in his voice. He’s like a wall. His face is expressionless. Suguru steps in between you, trying to make both of you see reason. 
“Okay, if we can just calm down–”
“No, Suguru! Let her leave if she so desperately wants to,” Gojo says, seemingly not interested in whatever Suguru has to say. You raise your brows. You’ve seen Gojo snap several times if there was a stain on his shirt or someone stepped out of line. You’ve never seen him snap at Suguru. Suguru notices the change as well and sighs. 
“Fine! I’ll leave then.” You’re not interested in whatever Suguru has to say, either. You haven’t talked since your kiss, as you’ve been dutifully avoiding him. You haven’t dared to face the consequences of that night. You let him under your skin, and you shouldn’t have. 
So, without looking back, you stumble out of the tent and into the darkness. Suguru calls for you, but you ignore him as you make your way towards the women's tents. You consider where you could go. There are still cities that haven’t been ransacked yet, cities whose walls stand high and proud. You could even go to Troy. 
You stop in your tracks. You could go to Troy. You could also go home. There would still be houses that hadn’t been burned and gardens that still had vegetables growing. You’re no stranger to hunting, having gone with your dad and brothers before you married. 
It would be a lonely life. 
Here, you have a purpose. You have friends and meaning, and whatever the hell is going on between you and the two infuriating men behind you. You look back. Suguru stands at the entrance of the tent, looking at you. You can’t decipher the look on his face. 
Air. You decide you need air, and so you walk towards the beach, ignoring the way his eyes burns into your back. The waves are calm, and you sit down on the sand, gazing out at the horizon. You’re not even sure why you’re hesitating.
“I thought I might find you here.” 
Suguru sits down beside you. His hair flies in the wind, making him look like something out of a painting.
“You’re angry,” he states. You scoff. 
“How observant of you,” you reply. That makes him laugh, his melodic voice cutting through the harsh wind against your faces.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he says. This you don’t reply to. You both know it’s true, so there’s no need to try and deny it. The memory of his lips on yours still burns hot in your mind. 
“Did you not like it?” you look at Suguru with furrowed brows. He looks oddly vulnerable in front of you. 
“It was nice,” you say after a while, tasting the words on your tongue. You choose them carefully, letting them lull before you let them go. “I just didn’t expect it.”
“You were the one who kissed me.” 
He sounds amused, and you feel your face grow hot as you stare at the waves. You purse your lips, holding back a smile, before bashfully meeting Suguru’s eyes. 
“You practically initiated it. Don’t act all innocent.” you reply, and Suguru clutches his stomach as he laughs. 
“You’re a real minx, you know that?” He says and you gasp. 
“I am not!”
“Yes, you are!”
Silence envelops you. You both watch the waves crash against the cliffs. 
“Does he mean it?” you ask. “Can I leave?” 
Suguru sighs. He nods. “Yes, he does.” For some reason, it’s not relief you feel washing over you. Instead, it’s a sense of disappointment. 
“You can leave, but,” a hand finds your thigh, travelling up. A shudder runs through you as Suguru moves closer, pressing a kiss on your shoulder. He looks up at you through his lashes. “I don’t want you to. Neither does Satoru.” 
Oh. Your whole body feels hot now. Suguru’s breath against your neck feels scorching, and your breath hitches. His thumb runs circles into your thigh, and you bite your lip, letting the words sink in. They don’t want you to leave. 
“But you would let me?” you say, and Suguru hums, trailing kisses up along your neck, reaching your jaw. “Yes, if you really wanted to.” 
You feel your resolve crumble. Suguru’s lips feel wet and hot against your skin. “How about this?” Suguru says words slightly muffled as he kisses your shoulder again. “Come back with me tonight.” This time he kisses the corner of your lips, and you move to look at him, your lips nearly touching. “Stay with us for now.” Purple eyes flicker between your own and your lips. “You can leave any time.” It’s merely a whisper, but you know it’s a promise as well. 
Your mind races with thoughts. Why even claim you in the first place if they’re just going to let you leave? There are so many things you want to ask, to say, but all of it comes to a short when Suguru finally presses his lips to yours, and any resistance you might have had disappears and is replaced with Suguru. Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. 
He pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours. “Come back with me, please.”
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“I’m sorry,” Gojo says, and you purse your lips. “I really am. I’m glad you’re here. And I’m glad you punched that guy. He deserved it.” You nod and meet his eyes. He looks hesitant, almost pained. As if he’s begging you to say something. Anything. 
“Thank you, Gojo,”
“Satoru. Call me Satoru, please,” he says, and you close your mouth, blinking at him. You feel Suguru’s hand on your lower back, guiding you closer to the tent. 
“Satoru,” you say, tasting his name on your tongue. Satoru nods and grabs your hand once you’re close enough. Suguru’s inside the tent already, watching your interaction closely. You let yourself be pulled in by Satoru, who smiles down at you. 
“He came by earlier. Demanded that I punish you.” 
You feel your cheeks grow hot, but you don’t back down. 
“Yeah, and what did you tell him?”
“I told him he was a sorry excuse for a man and that if he ever as much as looked at you again, I’d have his head.” 
It all feels so rash. So quick. Satoru’s barely looked at you for months, and all it took to get his attention was punching some guy in the throat? He’s clearly enticed by you now, but you’re not sure if this sudden attention is a blessing or a curse. Satoru might seem calm, but you know as well as anyone that it barely takes anything to tick him off. 
You look at Suguru behind Satoru. Satoru follows your gaze, looking at Suguru as well.
“Are you going to join us, little dove?” Suguru asks, and you hesitantly step fully inside the tent, letting Satoru close the curtain behind you. You’ve been inside this tent more times than you can count, yet you can’t deny that it feels entirely different at this moment. It feels somehow hotter and smaller as you make your way towards Suguru. You know Satoru is right behind you, even though he’s so light on his feet that you can hardly hear him. 
Suguru encourages you to come closer, guiding your hands around his neck. His own hands settle on your hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin in comforting motions. Slowly, you lean up, your lips ghosting against his, yet it’s Suguru who closes the gap and kisses you. Suguru kisses you slowly like he’s got all the time in the world. You sigh into the kiss, letting yourself completely surrender. 
You almost forget Satoru is there until you feel his strong arms wrap around your waist. He burrows his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as he presses you flush against Suguru’s body. You’re caged between the two giant men, moaning into Suguru’s mouth as Satoru deftly nibbles at your neck. 
“Let us make it up to you, little dove,” Satoru murmurs.
It’s not long before he gets impatient and lifts you. You gasp as your feet lift off the ground, and you’re moved to his bed, sinking into his blankets and pillows. For a man as rough as Satoru, you’re surprised by how soft his bed is. 
“Satoru,” you gasp as he gets on top of you, and he kisses you with fervour, sucking on your tongue and exploring your mouth. If Suguru kisses like he has all the time in the world, Satoru kisses you as though he’ll never have enough. He kisses like a starved man, like he’ll devour you if you let him. 
You might. 
Suguru joins you both on the bed. “Now, now, Satoru, you’ll scare her off,” he jokes, pulling the white-haired man off you. You gasp for breath, and your jaw goes slack as you watch Suguru bring Satoru in for a kiss. The two men kiss in front of you, and never in a million years did you imagine that you’d end up here. Yet here you are.
Satoru moans into Suguru’s mouth before Suguru pulls away and kisses you again. Satoru moves down your legs, kissing your thighs. Your dress is pulled up to bunch around your waist, Satoru being much too impatient to remove it, as his thumb finds you clit through your undergarments and begins rubbing circles into the small bundle of nerves. You moan into Suguru’s mouth, burying your hands in his hair, as Satoru watches your every reaction from between your legs. 
“Sensitive little one, are you?” Suguru chuckles as he pulls away and caresses your cheek. “Let’s help you get this off, shall we?” Satoru gives your thigh one last kiss before you stand on wobbly legs and let Suguru help you remove your dress. He does so with care, kissing your nape as he unties the back. He goes to pull it off, but you cross your arms over your chest, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden. “You first,” you say, and Suguru doesn’t hesitate to pull off his tunic. You watch over your shoulder, taking in his impressive build. He’s covered with scars from jagged blades and swords, and you can’t help but want to kiss each one. Your eyes flicker towards Satoru, who’s staring at Suguru with equal hunger. You don’t doubt that he’s already kissed them all. 
Slowly, Suguru moves over to you and helps you shrug out of your dress until it’s in a puddle around your feet. You shrug your undergarments off as well, leaving you fully naked. The chill air in the tent caresses your body, leaving goosebumps all over. 
You turn around to find two pairs of eyes burning into you, running along every curve of your body. “You’re beautiful, little dove,” Suguru says, but it’s Satoru who makes the first move, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the bed, straight onto his lap. “C’mere,” he rasps, and immediately attaches his mouth to your nipple, sucking on it. You gasp and bury your hands in his hair, tugging on his white locks. He flicks his tongue, grinning up at you as you grind down on him, chasing friction. 
You feel overwhelmed and hot all over as Suguru comes up behind Satoru, leaning in to capture your lips in yet another kiss. His hands roam under Satoru’s tunic, making him moan into your chest before he tugs at the bottom of his shirt. Satoru departs from your nipple, now wet with saliva, to help Suguru remove his tunic. Your jaw drops at his toned chest and milky skin. 
Satoru seems to light up the tent as he glows with health and sends you a bright smile, encouraging you to touch him. You roam your hands over his abs, and his chest, landing on his biceps. “Like what you see?” he asks, and you smile teasingly. “Hmm, I’ve seen better,” you reply, and Satoru gasps, putting a hand to his chest in dismay. 
“Who could you possibly–” Your eyes flicker to Suguru behind him, and Satoru grumbles slightly. “Fair enough,” 
It’s teasing as you grab Satoru’s chin and press a chaste kiss to his lips. And another. Right when he licks your bottom lip, you pull away again, letting him chase you before you kiss him again. 
“Oh, seems we have a tease on our hands, Satoru,” Suguru says. “Let’s change that, shall we?” Satoru merely hums, flashing you a set of pearly whites, before you’re flipped onto the bed. The two men loom over you as you’re splayed against the sheets, completely bare. With their full attention now on you, you feel like you’ve walked straight into the wolf’s jaw, leaving you completely vulnerable. 
Satoru grabs your knees, spreading your legs apart, and a delighted gasp leaves him. “Is this all for us, princess?” he asks, running a finger along your sopping cunt and gathering your slick. He flicks your clit before bringing his hand to Suguru’s mouth, who wraps his lips around Satoru’s digit. The sight is utterly sinful, and you moan, lips parted and completely speechless. 
Suguru releases Satoru’s finger with a pop, and he grins at you. “Tastes so sweet.” He grabs your thighs and pulls you in until his face is hovering right above your cunt. He blows on it slightly, and you moan.
The pretty little sounds you make, make Suguru let out a scoff, and you realise that Suguru is not as nice as he has been letting on. No, Suguru Geto is a cruel, cruel man. He attaches his mouth to your clit, and sucks, making you arch your back and moan out loud. Satoru chuckles beside you as he kisses you, swallowing up your moans, before he moves down, pressing kisses to your collarbone until he reaches your breasts. He sucks on your nipples, his eyes keenly watching your every reaction, while Suguru continues sucking on your clit, two fingers entering you. You gasp and writhe as he fucks you open on his fingers, slowly curling them to hit your G-spot. 
He continues his torture on your poor cunt, scissoring you open till you can practically taste your release on your tongue. Then he pulls away with a final kiss to your clit. You whine as your orgasm ebbs away. “No, what–” you go to complain, pouting at Suguru, who simply shakes his head. 
“Not yet, little dove,” Suguru says before he removes his bottoms, leaving him entirely nude in front of you. You gape at him, his pretty cock slapping against his stomach, leaking precum already. Satoru kisses your cheek before removing his bottoms as well. You’re now left with two pretty leaking cocks in front of you, and you go entirely mute. 
“Me first,” Satoru says. Suguru teasingly rolls his eyes, but nevertheless, he lets Satoru do as he’d like. You’re placed in Suguru’s lap, his cock sitting against your back, as he holds your legs spread for Satoru. 
Satoru sits in front of you, slowly running his tip along your weeping folds. It’s a cacophony of limbs and hands, and you feel hot all over. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Suguru kisses your nape as Satoru’s cock finally catches your entrance. He groans slightly, pushing in. Three pairs of eyes are all locked on where the two of you connect. The stretch is borderline obscene. You struggle to stay sane as he pushes further in, swallow thrusts stretching you open. Satoru’s hand finds your clit, thumb rubbing firm circles to ease the pressure. “Relax for me, princess,” he says, and you whine, your head lolling over Suguru’s shoulder. “Gods, Toru, it’s so much,” you say, and Satoru whines, his cock twitching inside of you. 
“Doing so well, the both of you.” Suguru’s hands move from your legs to Satoru’s hips, pushing him all the way in. You stay like that for a while, bodies flush and hot against each other, before Satoru begins thrusting in and out, panting with each thrust. He kisses Suguru over your shoulder as you’re completely lost in the haze of pleasure, his tip repeatedly kissing your G-spot. 
Suguru soon grows impatient; the friction is not nearly enough. He kisses your neck and nibbles your earlobe, his breath hot against your ear. “Think you can take the both of us, princess?” You nod, letting Suguru press a kiss to your lips. At this moment, you think you’d do anything Suguru asked of you. You’re so completely under his spell as you let him lift you and slowly push into you, groaning at the feel of Satoru’s cock against his own. 
Satoru is a mess. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes lidded, and his hair more messy than ever. He watches where you’re all connected, a broken moan leaving him as he continues to fuck you. Suguru lifts your hips, moving you up and down on his length. It’s not long before you come apart on their cocks, having never felt so full before. Stretched to your limit, your walls pulse and clench around both of their cocks as your mouth opens in a silent scream. Suguru groans into your neck. “Yeah, let go for us, princess; there you go." With a voice soft as silk, he continues to bounce you up and down like a toy, chasing his own high. Satoru follows you promptly, having been on the edge for what felt like ages already. He spills into you, painting your walls white, instantly whining at the sensitivity as Suguru continues to use you. 
White globs of cum spill out of you as loud, squelching noises fill the room. You’d have half a mind to feel embarrassed if you weren’t so busy being split apart. Satoru pulls out and goes back to sucking on your breasts, flicking your nipples. It’s not long before Suguru comes as well, filling you up with his own cum. You’re utterly spent, slouching back against him. 
All three of your bodies are sweaty and sticky. Cum spills out of where you’re still sitting on Suguru’s cock. Your eyes are barely open. You feel utterly content as your body hums with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
“Princess? You still with us?” Suguru asks, and Satoru detaches himself from your nipple, giving your cheek a kiss. You nod lazily. “Yeah, just... let me catch my breath,” you mumble, feeling your eyelids grow droopy. A deep laughter vibrates behind you as you slip away. 
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“Play for us, Satoru.” Suguru’s voice is calm and soft, like silk. You feel a weight lift from the bed as Satoru gets out of bed. Sleepily, you open your eyes, watching as Satoru brings out a lyre. He sits down and runs his fingers over the strings, a small melody leaving the instrument. 
He looks beautiful, you think, and more like a god than ever. The small lamp lighting up the tent makes his skin glow, and his eyes look like the ocean. He plays for the two of you, and you allow yourself to melt into Suguru’s embrace as he absentmindedly traces patterns into your skin. 
Satoru is beauty and grace. It amazes you how hands capable of such killing are now producing the most beautiful melodies you’ve ever heard. Suguru kisses the top of your head, and you look up, meeting purple eyes as he sends you a small smile. 
At this moment, you feel completely content. If this is your life from now on, then so be it. Which is why you let Suguru grab your chin and kiss you, your lips moving against one another as music fills the small tent. 
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You sleep in Satoru and Suguru’s tent after that night, lodged in between the two men. Satoru will wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your chest as your back is pressed against Suguru’s chest, and he’ll wrap an arm around the both of you. You sleep better than you have in months. You think less and less of your old life, of your husband and brothers, yet guilt gnaws in your chest on other nights. 
It’s weird how one night can change everything. Something in the dynamic has shifted. You’re no longer a prisoner or slave; you can leave whenever you’d like, yet you choose not to. Satoru knows it too. He is gentler with you, often bringing you in for hugs or making you sit in his lap. He’ll play with your hair or your fingers, and run his hands over your body. 
You let him. 
Suguru is the same as ever. He’s always been kind, and he remains so, yet it doesn’t take long for your little bubble to break. 
The plague comes before you know it. It starts with the rats. There’s always been rats at the camp; it’s only natural. However, dead rats are a whole other thing. And they’re everywhere. It’s not long before the men begin to get sick as well. Horribly sick. 
You burn pyre after pyre, building new tents where the sick can lay, but it’s not nearly enough. Men are falling like rats, one after another. You go to help Shoko, a priestess of Artemis and expert at making remedies, but even she can’t do anything. 
“It’s not natural,” she says one night, as you tend to a young man. She looks up at you, and you meet her tired eyes as she gives you a blank look. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” 
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“It’s because of him,” Satoru says one night. You’re lying with your head in Suguru’s lap, eyes closed, as his hand traces patterns into your back. You feel Suguru tense underneath you, his patterns momentarily stopping before he resumes. 
“I talked with the priest. It’s definitely a punishment,” Satoru continues. Suguru sighs. You do your best to lay still, pretending to be asleep. 
“We don’t know that for sure, Satoru,” Suguru replies, and you can hear the way Satoru begins pacing the room in annoyance. 
“Yes, we do! He refused to give the girl back. All of a sudden, there’s a plague? What else could it be?” Suguru shushes Satoru, and you can tell he’s motioning to you. 
“What are you going to do then? You can’t just kill Yoshinobu.” Suguru says in a hushed voice. There’s a long silence. 
“I could,” Satoru says, this time in a lower voice. “I could at least confront him,” he adds, and you feel him nearing closer. The two men kiss above you, and you snuggle closer to Suguru. 
“The old man is too prideful for his own good,” Satoru says eventually, and Suguru lets out a chuckle that makes vibrations run through you. 
“Yeah. Now come back to bed. You can confront him some other time.” 
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“Hey, are you awake?”
“Nobara? What’s going on?”
Nobara peeks in at you from the door through the tent. You stretch your limbs and sit up in the bed where you've been napping.
“You need to get up,” she says as a matter of fact, and you oblige, getting out of bed. You slip on your dress and fix your hair as best you can before walking towards her. Nobara has a sort of unreadable expression, and you furrow your brows in worry. “What’s going on?” you repeat, and she gives you a solemn look. 
“Come with me.” 
You stumble out through the camp, closely behind Nobara as she grips your hand. She keeps her gaze forward, and there’s a sickening feeling settling in your stomach. 
“They’re fighting,” she says. You frown. 
“Who?” you ask, and Nobara shakes her head. 
“I was washing clothes when Maki came running.” She looks back at you now. “The green-haired girl from Itadori’s camp,” she explains, and you nod, having seen her around.
You walk for a while until you realise that you’re going to Yoshinobu’s camp. “What’s going on?” you ask again, and Nobara pales slightly. 
“Remember when they sacked Apollo’s temple a couple of days ago?” You nod. Satoru was proud when he came home. He’d kissed your cheek and given you a necklace with a small coin and a lyre engraved in it. You were still wearing it. 
“Well, they brought a girl as well. Miwa. She’s a priestess of Apollo,” Nobara further explains, and you feel your heart tighten. “Yoshinobu claimed her. A couple of days later, Miwa’s father, also a priest of Apollo, came and offered gold to get her back. Yoshinobu refused.” 
You feel yourself grow sick. Apollo isn’t only the god of the sun and poetry. He’s also the god of healing and diseases. You remember Shoko’s words. It’s not natural. No, it’s a punishment for Yoshinobu for not giving Miwa back to her father. 
“So what are we gonna do? Yoshinobu has to give her back, right? It’s only right.” You reply. Maybe if Yoshinobu relents, Apollo will draw back his punishment. 
“Yes, that’s why they’re fighting,” Nobara replies. Your brows furrow. 
“Who’s fighting, Nobara?” Nobara doesn’t answer. 
Ice fills your veins when you get there. Men are everywhere, whispering and gathering around the podium, usually used to make encouraging speeches before a battle. You both push your way through the crowd until you’re close enough to see and hear what’s happening. 
Satoru looks beautiful, as he always does. In comparison to Yoshinobu’s frail build, he looks like a god, standing tall and proud on the podium. 
Yuuta, a priest, stands between them, looking more pale than ever. “Tell me, Yuuta, what is the reason for this plague that’s been bestowed upon us?” Satoru’s voice cuts through the crowd. 
Yuuta’s eyes dart between Yoshinobu and Satoru, and sweat beads down his forehead. You’re glad to not be in his position as Yoshinobu glares daggers into the young man, and Satoru calmly smiles at him. 
Satoru puts a hand on Yuuta’s shoulder and sends him a reassuring smile that you know would’ve made your knees weak had it been directed towards you. It seemingly has the same effect on Yuuta because he visibly calms down, although he’s still tense. 
“I promise you that if you speak the truth now, I will protect you with my life. Do not be afraid,” Satoru says. Men around you murmur to each other, but no one dares intervene, all nervously watching the scene unfold before them. 
“The god of the sun, Apollo, is angry,” Yuuta says, his voice coming out frail. “The plague is a punishment,” he adds, and whispers spread through the crowd. 
“As if we didn’t already know that,” a man beside you says under his breath, and Nobara snickers. Her hand is clutched in yours, and you give her a small squeeze. 
“And why is the god angry?” Satoru asks, and Yuuta somehow grows paler. He glances at Yoshinobu before staring at his hands again. 
He says something under his breath that none of you can hear and Yoshinobu huffs. “Speak up, boy,” he complains, and Yuuta frowns. 
“The god is angry because you took the girl and ignored her father's wishes for her to return,” Yuuta says. Satoru smiles victoriously. “The priest came on behalf of the god, and you insulted him to his face. Return the girl to her father or continue to suffer the consequences.”
Your brows fly up, and the crowd goes silent. “Didn’t know he had guts like that,” Nobara whispers. Satoru forward and turns to the crowd. 
“Well, there you have it, my good men. Yoshinobu simply needs to return the girl, and the plague will cease,” Satoru says. You watch Yoshinobu’s face go red with anger as he clenches his fists. 
“I will not,” Yoshinobu says, and once again, men begin talking to each other. You look around. Many of them look angry, with clenched fists and furrowed brows. They have seen their brothers and friends die, and they are clearly not happy that Yoshinobu is refusing to give Miwa back to her father. 
Satoru looks equally angry as he turns to Yoshinobu. Yoshinobu merely smiles. It’s clear he’s about to go on a rampage, but Yoshinobu speaks again before Satoru can do anything.
“Alright. I’ll give up my girl.” pleased murmurs run through the crowd. Yoshinobu’s smile drops. 
“But it’s not fair that I have to go without a girl. Since you’re so insistent that I should give up mine, it only makes sense that you give up yours as well, doesn’t it, Gojo?”
A challenge. It’s as clear as day. You feel your heart sink into your stomach. Satoru’s eye twitches. You wait for him to take on the challenge. To say no. To do anything, really. Nobara squeezes your hand. 
Satoru doesn’t do anything. He simply nods. 
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You wait in his tent until Satoru comes back. He barely looks at you as he makes a beeline for the wine standing on the table. You feel a lump in your throat as you watch him pour the wine, downing the cup's contents immediately afterwards. 
“You’re going to let them take me,” you say, as a matter of fact, and Satoru stills. He stares at his empty cup, and you nod slowly, a scoff escaping you. 
“I can’t believe you,” you say, and Satoru frowns, finally looking up to meet you. Ice blue pierces through you as he runs a hand through his messy hair. 
“It’s not that simple,” he replies, and you laugh. It’s a hollow sound, devoid of emotion. 
“You’re the strongest, aren’t you? If you wanted to stop them, you could.”
“It’s not just about who’s the strongest. Yoshinobu is the king; if I don’t follow his command, I’m directly challenging him. What I did earlier today was already out of line. 
Ah. Men and their honour. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. Honour is what started this whole thing, is it not? Yet you can’t help but feel betrayed. You thought something had shifted between you and Satoru. That you were somehow equal. He had let you leave, and you had chosen to stay. 
“What about me, Satoru?” you ask. One last attempt to save yourself. Satoru pours himself some more wine. His back is turned to you. 
“Yoshinobu won’t hurt you. Just go with his men.”
You were wrong. You were never Satoru’s equal. Satoru Gojo doesn’t have equals. He only has inferiors. 
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Suguru finds you as you’re packing your belongings. At least you’re pretending to. Everything you own has been gifted to you by Satoru, which now leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. “Princess,” he gasps, his strong arms wrapping around you from behind and his head settling on your shoulder. You stare ahead at the dresses in front of you. 
“I tried talking to him; I promise you we’ll find a way to get you back. Satoru just needs to swallow his honour–” You scoff and remove Suguru’s arms from you, sitting down on your bed. You haven’t slept in it for weeks.
Suguru looks pained as he kneels in front of you, gripping your hands in your lap. “I’ll help you. It’s not fair that this happened to you; if Gojo marries you, then they can’t–”
“Suguru,” you smile and squeeze his hands. “It’s alright. My life’s never been fair. There’s nothing you can do.” 
Nobara’s head slips into the tent, eyes darting between the two of you. “They’re here,” she says, and you nod, getting up. You glance at the countless dresses and decide to leave them behind. They were never yours to begin with anyway. 
Two men escort you to Yoshinobu’s camp. They look terrified, constantly glancing around, taking in their surroundings, but Satoru merely watches as you’re led away from his camp. 
The rest is a blur. You’re confined to your own tent, made to wear extravagant gowns and heavy jewellery, and paraded around like a batch of honour. You feel sick. Yoshinobu has little to no interest in you, barely glancing your way. You serve wine at his dinners now, and besides that, you sit in your tent and count the hours. It’s a boring existence compared to the one you got used to at the old camp. Yoshinobu already has concubines who've been with him since the war started. They don’t take much notice of you, mostly ignoring your presence as everyone else does. 
Nobara manages to visit you once, updating you on what’s going on outside of your tiny tent. Satoru is refusing to fight. He spends his days much like you, sulking in his tent and ignoring everyone. 
No one knows what’s happening, but the war has suddenly turned. The Greeks are losing repeatedly against the Trojans, who are pushing them back closer and closer to where you’re settled on the beach. 
It’s all a mess. 
Your anger towards Satoru only grows stronger the longer you’re left behind. A small slither of hope had remained in you—that he’d somehow come to his senses, suck up his pride, and come get you. Yet he’s stubbornly decided to be a child yet again. 
You lay on your bed, staring at the ceiling when you hear a sudden noise outside your tent. 
“Princess? You in here?” 
“Suguru,” you gasp as he walks into the tent. You immediately stand up and throw your arms around the man. He returns the hug, holding you close as you sink into his embrace. He runs his hands through your hair and cups your cheeks. Purple eyes examine you from head to toe, concern etched into them. 
“Are you alright? Has he touched you?” Suguru asks, and you shake your head, intertwining your fingers with his. “No, I’m alright. I don’t think the old man could even if he wanted to,” you jest, and Suguru frowns, shaking his head.
A silence dawns upon you, and you clear your throat, shame overtaking you as you remember how you left him. Suguru looks horrible. His long hair falls down over his shoulders, and bangs fall in front of his eyes. And his eyes, oh his eyes. Usually filled with nothing but kindness, they’re now circled by dark bags. It’s clear he hasn’t been sleeping. 
“Suguru, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you.” Despite it all, Suguru smiles. It’s a tired smile and a clear facade, but you let him. 
“No, I’m sorry. I tried to convince Satoru to not let them take you, but he’s so stubborn-”
“It’s fine, Sugu. It’s not your fault,” you interrupt as you grab his face and kiss his nose. “They treat me well. It’s clearly not about me and more a show of honour and power,” you say, and Suguru frowns deeply. He avoids your eyes, and you feel your heart drop to your stomach. 
“What is it?” you ask. 
“Satoru is still refusing to fight,” he says, and grief floods his face. “We’re losing the war.” 
His hands tremble in yours, and you stare in bewilderment, not knowing what to do with the broken man in front of you. 
“I just wish he would do something! All that power, and he refuses to use it.” He sounds angry now. “The strongest, and what does he do with it? Nothing!” His gaze softens as you flinch at his tone, having never seen this side of him before. 
“I’m going to fix things, okay? I have a plan. And then you can return home to us.” 
Suguru hugs you for the last time and sends you a smile. He kisses you before slipping out of the tent. You watch him from the door as he disappears into the camp. If you had known that this was the last time you’d see Suguru, you would have begged him to stay with you. Told him that Satoru’s honour wasn't something worth dying for. 
But you didn’t know. How could you? He was Suguru; he was Satoru’s rock; he was your rock. In your eyes, he seemed invincible. Nothing could ever truly harm Suguru Geto. 
You hear the yelling before you hear anything else. Loud, confused, screaming. People are running around the camp, and no one notices when you slip out of the tent to see what is happening. Your heart drops to your chest as you see Satoru’s lifeless body being carried by several men. Among them, you recognise Nanami. 
You go to help, but then Satoru’s helmet slips off, and you stop in your tracks. Long black hair spills down the man's shoulders. You look towards your old camp to see a white-haired man running out of his tent and towards the stumbling men. 
Slowly, you look back and forth between the two. Your heart jumps to your throat as you realise what has happened. 
Suguru Geto is dead. 
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wow, things are getting heated, things are getting wild. how do we feel? :3
btw, the scene where satoru confronts yoshinobu is entirely from memory of when i read the iliad in school in january. (where achilles confronts agamemnon) i didn't feel like going back and rereading the scene, lol, it's a tough read, but i feel like i managed to capture it pretty well. also, this is fan fiction so i can do whatever i want. (insert maniacal laughter here.)
and yuuta is a priest of apollo, which i feel like goes well with his character! especially because in jjk 0 yuuta is caught between the higher ups and satoru, which he also is here!! hee hee, look at me go. (would that make rika apollo?? nooo, i'm gonna stop now, sorry.)
thank you for reading! <3
chapter three -> series masterlist | general masterlist
wave divider by cafekitsune | fish divider by me! :D
653 notes · View notes
helaelaemond · 1 year
Honey on my Tongue - Aemond x reader
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x betrothed reader
Summary: You’ve been betrothed to Aemond, and he has shown little interest in you during your engagement. It hurts so much, for your heart yearns for him. You can't hold it back any longer
Slightly possessive Aemond. Suggestive situations.
Rating: T
Word count: 1.9k
"Would my lady care to dance?"
You look at the hand held out to you, and glance up at Prince Aegon. He grins down at you, and you take his offer graciously. "Thank you, my prince."
Next to him, the princess watches you curiously, and opposite her, your betrothed, Prince Aemond, keeps his one eye fixed on his brother.
"I think we have an audience," you say quietly, smiling.
"Just as I like," Aegon jokes. His hands are sure against you as you begin the simple dance, stepping in time to the music. At every opportunity, he presses himself closer than is proper. It should bother you - but at least you're getting attention from one prince.
"I do wonder about you sometimes," you tell him when steps bring you closer.
Walking in the correct steps around you, Aegon flashes you another grin. "I am on your mind often, then?"
You can't help but roll your eyes. "When you say things like that, a certain curiosity is sparked."
"And is that a curiosity you wish to be satisfied?"
The wine they serve in the Red Keep is stronger than you're used to, and with it brings a boldness that is also foreign. "Is curiosity the only thing you can satisfy?"
He laughs loudly. "Gods, I am sure you think about that often! Should your curiosity ever grow too great to bear, you come and find me."
"And what of your wife?"
Taking your hand, he glances over your shoulder at sweet Helaena, and shrugs. "What of her?"
"How often do you dishonour her?"
"Where there is no love, there is no dishonour. Perhaps you would do well to remember that."
You raise your eyebrow at his implication. There is mirth in his pretty eyes. "Do you think I am destined for an arrangement where love will not flourish?"
Again, Aegon holds you closer than is proper, and his lips are closer to your ear. "My brother is a warrior and a scholar, not a lover. How warm can steel be in a marriage bed?"
There is a tightness in your chest at his words. Perhaps he means only to be charming, to be suggestive, or perhaps he is deliberately cruel. But it is not the elder brother who gives you butterflies. You glance over at your betrothed, and the ice of his glare makes you shiver.
"My lady?" Aegon asks. You've stopped dancing.
"Ah. My apologies, my prince. I think the wine is stronger than I am used to."
"All the better," he answers quietly, and he winks at you. "Should you desire oblivion this night, come to my chambers."
Your face is close to his, and you smile up at him. "I think not, my prince. Perhaps your hand is more curious than I."
Why did you say that? What in the world made you say that? His jaw hangs open in shock at your boldness, and a blush spreads across your cheeks and down your neck. You return to the table where Aemond and Helaena are sat, and where their mother and grandfather talk together quietly.
"Please excuse me, my queen, my Lord Hand. I think I might retire for the night."
Queen Alicent looks at you, and then at Aegon behind you, her eyes wide and searching. "Are you well, my dear?"
"Just a slightly sore head, Your Grace. Nothing a good sleep will not remedy."
Her smile is tight. "Do not hesitate to send for the maester should you need him. Sleep well, my dear."
You curtsey, and turn to do the same in Helaena and Aemond's direction. "My princess, my prince."
Helaena smiles at you, and Aemond's face is as cold as before. You sweep past Aegon on your way to the door, and ignore how he tries to reach for your hand as you pass him.
Out in the corridor, you lean against the cool stone wall, and try to hold back your tears. The soldiers either side of the hall doors keep their gazes forward. You clamp your hand over your mouth in an attempt to stay silent. How much distaste looked at you with pierces you.
Since you met him, you have felt a draw to him. Sometimes, you have even managed to make him smile enough to laugh. Each time, the queen had looked so pleased. He doesn't seem to laugh often, but you bring that out in him. What a prize. And then, other times, he barely pays you any mind. He doesn't strike up conversations with you unless you speak first. He doesn't invite you to dance.
Those moments with him are precious to you. To him, they don't seem to matter in the slightest.
Meanwhile, Aegon throws himself at you like a whore. Perhaps, one day, you'll take him up on the offer - if for no other reason than to feel something. To close your eyes under his touch and imagine Aemond. Anything is better than this loneliness, surely.
You have to get out of here. As weak as your legs feel, you overcome the desire to crumple, and quickly, you begin walking down the corridor towards your rooms. Until you are married, your rooms are far from the royal quarters - quite a trek through the maze of the Red Keep. The doors to the hall where you have just had dinner with the royal family swing open and then closed, and footsteps join yours.
"Wait!" a command is barked. "My lady."
You ignore the order. Your betrothed is not yet your lord husband - he does not command you. Well, as a prince, he does. But the tears have begun to stream, hot and thick, from your eyes, and surely that will disgust him.
"My lady!"
Even Prince Aemond's harsh voice brings butterflies to your stomach. His gait is far longer than yours. You won't disgrace yourself by running like a child from him, and so he quickly catches up with you. As you walk quickly, he matches his steps to yours.
"You have no respect, do you, my lady?"
Furiously, you wipe your cheeks. "I have respect."
"Then stop when you are commanded."
"The command itself is not respectful. I wish to retire."
"And I wish to speak with you."
The wine. Blame the wine. "That is quite unusual."
He grabs your arm and pulls you into a shadowy alcove. "Do you deliberately wish to displease me?"
You try to wrench your arm from his hold but he's too strong. "There is nothing deliberate about it, but it seems it is the only feeling I can inspire in you."
He stares at you through the shadows, his purple eye searching, cold, and his jaw set. "And here I had thought you were intelligent."
"Do you often think of me?" Your voice is laced with accusation.
"More than you know."
"I know nothing."
"On that much, we agree."
You try to pull out of his hold again, but his slender hand is impossibly strong, a vice around your bicep. "What do you want from me, my prince?"
"What, pray tell, have I done that you deem undignified?"
His lip curls slightly. He pulls you closer to him. "You danced with him."
"He is your brother - it would be shameful to decline his invitation."
"And what of his other invitations? Do you accept those?"
Your stomach drops, and your eyes widen. "I know not of what you speak," you lie.
"He is a lecherous beast, not worthy of my sister, not worthy of-"
"Of whom?" you challenge.
His lips pull back over his teeth for a moment. The dim light makes shadows sharp across his angular face. Gods, he is beautiful. Even in rage, he is beautiful. And you do not fear him. You only fear his indifference. "You are my betrothed. I expect you to act as such."
"And how ought you act as my betrothed?"
"As I see fit," Aemond says, each word slow and deliberate.
"What of my expectations?"
He glares down at you. Gods, he's tall. It makes you weak. "What expectations do you have?"
"That my betrothed at least pretends to like my company."
That makes his spine straighten. The hand on your arm loosens slightly, and to your surprise, it trails up your shoulder and lightly touches your throat. It's impossible to breathe under such sudden tenderness. You can feel the callouses on his palm. "Pretend?" he echoes.
You nod stiffly. "I do not need to pretend. You know I enjoy your company. Too much, I think."
"Too much?"
"Don't. Do not do that."
Aemond's eye watches as his finger touches the base of your throat in the soft spot between your collarbones. It's where he gently feels your pulse. It's so quick. "Do what?"
"Do not pretend that you are unaware of my feelings."
"There is no pretence. I know not."
You push his hand away, although the touch has made your skin rise in goosebumps from your thighs to your scalp. "Then you are as blind with one eye than with none."
He snorts humourlessly. "Elucidate for me."
The wine, the wine, the wine. You shove his chest and he stumbles back, caught unawares. "I like you a great deal. And it agonises me that you do not feel the same. It is a humiliation!"
Swallowing thickly, Aemond's expression softens. "Aegon makes you laugh. I do not."
"Aegon is a fool, and makes me laugh as such. But I do not... I do not care... like I do... for..."
"You care?"
You could hit him, you really could. "If you could not tell by now, then we shall never make one another happy."
When you turn away to walk off, he catches you again, and suddenly he pulls you tight against his tall frame, and his arms are around your back, and his face is close to yours. "You make me laugh, my lady."
"I make many people laugh. You could make me a royal fool."
"Do not say such things," he hisses, anger flashing again. "You're my betrothed. Mine."
"I do not want to belong to you like a book or sword."
"Yes, you do." He leans down and whispers against your ear. "You are mine, and mine alone. I am sorry that you did not know that until now."
"Do you say this out of pride or love?" you ask, more bravery in your voice than you truly feel.
"My love is proud. And so too is my betrothed."
"Pride does not drive me, my prince. Only love."
"Do you love me?" he murmurs. It is good he is too close to look at. If he faced you, you would not have the strength to answer.
"I do."
"Not Aegon?"
He kisses under your ear. You whimper. His voice is so silky. "You will not dance with him again."
"Will I dance with you?"
"Every night until we are wed."
As he winds his arms tighter around you, you press a hand into his hair. "And once we are married?"
"We shall have no time for dancing. I shall have no mind for anything but possessing you."
"You want to possess me?"
He kisses your skin. "Entirely. For already, I am yours."
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mischiefmanagers · 1 year
Azriel Fic Rec Library 🦇💙
In no particular order, here's an extensive list of Azriel x Reader or Azriel x OC fics that I've compiled for those who can't get enough of him. I literally maxed out the number of tags/links you can include on a post for this 😂
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @acourtofmenandthirst
You Called 🥀💞
by @moonlightazriel
Before you 🔥🥀
The truth about you 🥀💞🔥
The family we choose 💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
I Didn't Ask For This 🌼🥀
Finally Safe 🌼🥀
My brother. 💞
by @writingsbychlo
false confessions 🌼🥀
how we survive 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Slow Hands 🌼💞🔥
Bound by Fate 🌼🥀💞🔥
Little Bat, Big Dreams 💞
Beauty in Pain 🥀
Devotion 💞
by @leafsandstarlight
Forced Revelations
by @lalacliffthorne
the basic rules of friendship 💞🔥
motorcycle 💞
by @bubbles-for-all-of-us
Hear the lonely cry out 🥀
Can you love me most? 🥀
Baby daddy 💞
by @draemgal
master of disguise 💞
by @azsazz
Nightlight 🥀
Wrong Side of the Right Coin Azriel x Reader x Eris 🥀
Just Hold On 🥀💞
What Lies Ahead
Bleed for Me
by @xoxonyxx
What Should've Been 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Spin the bottle 💞🥀
Our girl Azriel x Cassian x Reader 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Practice On Me 💞🔥
by @danikamariewrites
Sixth Sense 💞
Shell 💞
Fever Dreams 🥀💞
Please Don't Go 🥀💞
Pointless Fights 🥀
Perfect Princess 💞
by @lidiasloca
more than this 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
please... 🌼🥀
washing his wings 💞
Can't Bring Myself To Hate You 🌼🥀🔥
His Personal Assistant
by @mother-above
The Golden Warrior 🌼
by @aquanova99
The Shadow and the Seraphim
by @fieldofdaisiies
Oh Those Romance Novels 🔥
Love's A Burden 🥀
by @ellievickstar
Between Two worlds
by @florence-end
Worst kept secret 💞
Stitch up
by @redheadspark
Reunited 💞🥀
Hold 🥀💞
by @acourtofmarvels
Miracle 🥀
by @bookish-whore
Haunted 🥀
by @honeybeefae
7 Minutes In Heaven 🔥🔥
Shadows of Fire Azriel x Reader x Eris 🔥🔥
by @reverie-verse
Ooops Mating Bond 🌼💞
by @cassiefromhell
Unexpected Azriel x Reader x Eris 💞🥀
by @ladylokilaufeyson5
A Little Helping Hand 🌼💞
I Will Always Find You 💞🥀
by @azrielhours
Soft Spot 🌼🔥💞
I want you to rest 💞🥀
Kiss Thief 💞
Soul Song 💞
Restless Dreams 🥀
Stolen Away 💞
Waiting for You 💞🥀
by @liahaslosthermind
Swarming children and elbows to the face 💞
by @itsphoenix0724
Tickle My Strings 🔥
by @jeannineee
Apology 💞
Umbra et Ventus
Blue and Red Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Stubble 💞
Illyrian Babies Azriel x Cassian x Reader 💞
Closure 🥀🔥
by @violette-hue
Fated 🔥
by @angelshadowsinger
Supposed to Be Together 🥀🔥
Prized Possession 🥀💞
by @callmeblaire
little friends 💞
by @fairydustblossom
tied to you 🥀💞
losing control🥀💞
pre relationship fluff 💞
by @throneofsapphics
up all night Azriel x Reader x Cassian 💞
by @arrantsnowdrop
Starlight 💞
Wrongly Accused 🥀🔥💞
by @clairebear08
Hide and Seek 💞
Betrayal 🥀
by @starlightandsouls
My Angel 💞
Yours To Keep And Cherish 💞
Bookshop Brawls 💞
by @azrielscrown
the secret of seduction 💞🔥
wake me up. 💞
by @glittergelpensblog
Shadow and Song
In the Dark
by @azriels-shadowsinger
brother's best friend 💞
by @xreaderbooks
Two sides 🥀
by @vacant--body
stay with me 🥀🔥
by @whisperingmidnights
We Shall Become Monsters 🌼
by @wishfulwithwine
You Belong With Me 🥀
by @queen--of--shadows
Healing Shadows 🌼
by @ochiolism
winter's frost
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r--kt · 6 months
Do you like Kakashi's dogs? Let's talk about why there are eight of them.
another example of naruto's ✨cultural code✨
contents | the eight dog warriors chronicles · legacy · eight confucian virtues. also look at the cuties love them sm
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Naruto Vol. 10 CH 90
[ one dog is wonderful, I'm saying as the owner of a sweet little york terrier. two dogs are good, they won't be bored together. three dogs? yeah, cool! how are you going to walk them though? four? yes... look, maybe we have to draw the line h- wha- EIGHT? Excuse Me!? ]
surely, it's worth starting with the fact that eight is a lucky number in Japanese culture — everybody watched Hachi. of course, this is not the only cultural detail where the eight is mentioned. I want to pay special attention to a thing that I didn't know about until I googled it, and this is clearly what Kishimoto was doing homage to with Kakashi's eight ninken.
The Eight Dog Warriors Chronicles
Better known as Nansō Satomi Hakkenden. and it's not just some kind of book, it's a novel, consisting of 106 booklets written by Kyokutei Bakin in XIX century. Hakkenden is considered the largest novel in the history of Japanese Literature. this is one of the main representatives of the gesaku genre, which includes works of a frivolous, joking, silly nature. further I will emphasize a few more times how damn popular this work is and how often it is reflected in culture.
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here are some illustrations for these books
now let's talk about the plot. It's weird, but it's weird at samurai-dogs-story level so stay here.
In brief, the story tells about the commander Satomi Yoshizane, whose native lands were attacked by the army of a man, whose forces surpassed those of Satomi, and the samurai in despair swore to a dog named Yatsufusa that the dog would get his beloved daughter Fuse as a wife if he chewed that man's throat. surprisingly, the dog not only understood the owner, but also fulfilled his wish! after that the commander refused to keep the promise. however, Fuse, true to her word of honor, went with Yatsufusa to the mountains and became his wife. upon learning that his daughter was pregnant, Satomi, in a rage, sent a samurai to kill Yatsufusa and bring Fuse home. she stood up for the dog anyways and died with him. at that moment, eight pearls with hieroglyphs that denoted the foundations of Confucian virtue burst out of her womb. (...cheers for mythology, I guess)
Soon, eight dog warriors who were Fuse's spiritual children were born in different parts of Awa province. after going through hardships, they got together and became vassals of the Satomi clan, then won the battle, and soon reached peace.
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some more illustrations made by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. from left to right: Inukawa Sōsuke (the dog warrior), Inumura Daikaku (the dog warrior), Princess Fuse (their mother).
the novel mainly tells about each individual warrior dog and his shenanigans in a funny adventurous way. huge fame has led to excerpts from Hakkenden being staged at the Kabuki Theater and mentioned in the anime and manga, such as Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, as it turned out, Naruto and so on. there's also a lot of films and video games.
The eight virtues
these are loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, honesty, justice, harmony, and peace.
they relate more to Chinese culture, but basically Hakkenden was inspired by it too. since I did not read the whole novel, I would still like to mention at least the values on which it is based, and which were embedded in the symbolism of this story. It's quite interesting to apply this to Kakashi's dogs. gives them more weight and depth.
It is also interesting to note that the reason why Fuse gave birth to dogs was also that her father was cursed earlier in the story in a way that his descendants would become depraved like dogs. in Japanese culture, dogs embody the duality of character: the same mentioned filth and depravity, and devotion and bravery. so as samurai. but this is a different conversation, more related to Kakashi and his dog poetry.
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Did you get here? Here's an additional discovery for you✨
Pakkun's name (パックン) is derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia “pakupaku” (パクパク) which reflects the sound of munching.
Kakashi, that's very sweet of you.
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thank you for reading this to the end ♡
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overtail · 6 months
ATLA Headcannons - Dating Them ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
These are all MY headcannons, and you dont have to agree on them :3
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Aang ༄
-since you two are so young, it tends to be awkward at first
-hes very touchy, but he'll try his best not to show it
-he'd love to hug you by wrapping his arms around you waist and bringing you tight. the feeling of your cheek against his chest makes his stomach flutter
-if you're a non-bender, he'll be very protective towards you. if you were ever taken or lost, he'd behave just like when appa was stolen by the sand benders
-he spends most of his free time daydreaming about you
-'you've got, nice, uh, ears?'
-horrible at compliments
-you hear whenever he asks Sokka for crappy advice
-absolutely adores when your hair is down (fem)
-when it comes to liking guys, he prefers longer hair (masc)
-blushes when you ruffle his grown out hair
-he'll take you on rides on appa when you're feeling down
-'i'd love to try, but there's meat in the stew..'
-if you were a bender, he'd always be begging you to teach him moves and tactics even if you didnt know how to be an instructor
-loves skin to skin contact, and will press his bare chest against your back when sleeping
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Sokka 𖦹
-the BIGGEST nagger
-can't ever stop moving while sitting around the fire
-won't keep his lips off yours when you're alone
-will fall head over heels for an angsty teen boy (masc)
-especially mean to you when he likes you, and teases you while dating
-thinks your aggression is hot
-very protective of you, even if you're strong/a warrior
-'shit- i mean uhm.."
-cussing problem
-both of you guys are stupid together, so when you were thirsty and dehydrated in the desert, you both got high on cactus juice
-'heh.. you see that flying shark cat?'
-loves seeing you embrace your feminine side (fem)
-love language is cooking for you, even if he sucks
-crappy pick up lines work but just because you think his attempt is cute
-'did i hurt when you fell from heaven?'
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Zuko ☄
-not very open about his emotions in the beginning
-when he gets comfortable with you, he'll sometimes cry in your arms at night
-arm across your shoulders or around your waist CONSTANTLY.
-and when i mean constantly, i mean constantly.
-when hes fire lord, he'll have a designated room for whatever hobby you're passionate about
-'the greenhouse is just outside-' 'A GREENHOUSE?!'
-thinks stretch marks are the most beautiful thing
-can stare at your face for hours on end because hes so lost in your eyes
-loves doodling you in his notebooks
-if hes in an angry mood, he'll always have a soft spot for you
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Katara ≈
-jealous jealous jealous girl
-love splashing you with water just to bother you
-runs her fingers through your hair at night to calm both of you down
-embarrassed when you catch her singing
-she hates it when you leave a mess
-super cuddly when tired
-loves stupid nicknames
-'whatever you say, princess.' 'what did you just call me?'
-loves telling stories you've heard 1000 times over and over again
-SUPER big hugger
-will elbow you when she can sense you're annoying someone
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Toph ᨒ
-will always find a way to wind in an argument
-constantly using being blind as an excuse
-'i can't clean up the mess if i CAN'T SEE IT.'
-super giggly when you tell jokes, but only when its you
-jumps around with joy when she hears that you're gonna be joining the gaang on a mission
-hates when you hold her in your arms because she can't feel the floor
-women with deep voices make her weak in the knees (fem)
-unsurprisingly, fighting is one of her love languages -- she likes competing with her favorite people
-loves when you tell a story in detail, especially the juicy ones
-holds your hand whenever walking somewhere
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Suki ❀
-loves spending time outdoors (picnic dates, walks, exploring)
-she loves putting you in makeup because you look ridiculous (masc)
-very inexperienced when it comes to romance
-'why are you kissing my neck? That's not where my lips are..'
-loses things CONSTANTLY and always makes you help her look for it
-loves dancing with you
-pathological liar, but only when it comes to stories
-'one time, i saw the unaki eat a child.'
-listening to rain and cuddling in front of a window makes her feel so happy
-loves taking care of children with you, and looks forward to having kids
-loves your corny jokes
Sexuality headcannons..
Aang: unlabeled
he just sorta loves who he loves
Sokka: Bisexual with a preference for women
Says hes a ladies man, but will fall for a boy from time to time (*cough cough* zukka)
Zuko: Gay
Im sorry ladies but just LOOK AT HIM.
Katara: Pansexual
I love kataang with my whole heart so i couldn't really see her with anyone else, but if Aang wasn't in the picture she'd date a few girls
Toph: Lesbian
like cmonnnnn
Suki: Straight
im sorry but im a sucker for strong straight females
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the20thangel · 2 months
The Realm's Jewel
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Another Request! Summary: (like an Au where there was no war) The reader is Rhaenyra’s only daughter and Damon’s daughter. She comes to King's Landing but with Benji, whom she married. BUT Aemond loved the reader and thought that when they married, her life with Benji would be horrible. When they show up, she’s very happy and has two little boys that look exactly like Benji. And maybe a little fight scene?
Word Count: 2510
The whole Red Keep was buzzing with excitement; Princess Daenys was returning to Kingslanding after five years away. King Viserys was overjoyed he missed his sweet granddaughter. She was indeed a beauty, with beautiful, long platinum hair and large doe-like eyes that were a gorgeous purple color. She was the eldest daughter of Princess Regent Rhaenyra and Prince Consort Daemon. Twin sister of Prince Jacaerys, she was the realm’s jewel. Everyone in the realm adored the lovely princess, so they celebrated her return. She spent five years away due to her marriage to the Lord of Raventree Hall. When the two were babes, Lord Benjicot and Princess Daenys were betrothed secretly by Princess Rhaenyra and Lord Samwell. Princess Rhaenyra noted that House Blackwood was not a House Paramount but had a great army and fierce warriors. It was a considerable advantage for her own house, and House Blackwood was honored with a princess. 
Daenys and Benjicot met a few times growing up. Unbeknownst to the rest of the court, the betrothed and Prince Jacaerys bonded by playing pranks on numerous Lords and Ladies who visited Kingslanding. Benjicot and Jace created a bond of brothers and, in turn, would sometimes try to play pranks on the princess. Unfortunately for Jace, all Daenys needed to do was bat her doe-eyes and push a pout to have Benji forget everything and follow her around like a love-sick puppy. Jace would tease Benji for it, but Benjicot couldn't care less. Benjicot and Daeny were due to marry each other on their 18th name day, but when Daenys turned six and ten, something changed. 
Viserys declared his wish to see Daenys and Aemond married. Rhaenyra raged at her father, stating that Daenys was her daughter and her daughter's marriage would not be decided by someone else. Viserys grew angry, declaring that he was the King and Aemond was a Targaryen prince; there was no better match than him. As Aemond walked smugly to the training yard, he taunted Jacaerys and Lucerys before shouting to Daenys that they would soon wed and asking her to reign in her brothers. Daenys blood ran cold hearing the news, and she ran to her mother sobbing. She did not want to marry Aemond; her heart belonged to Benji, and she would rather die than be married to someone else. Rhaenyra knew that the only way Daenys could marry her chosen husband would be how she married Daemon, going off and marrying, not allowing her marriage to be broken. Quietly in the night, Rhaneyra prepared Princess Daenys, writing a letter to Lord Samwell, explaining the situation and hopefully allowing her daughter to marry his son sooner than planned. 
In the cover of the night, Daenys flew out on her dragon Sliverwing to Raventree Hall. When the Red Keep noticed the princes' absence and scouts were sent to find the princess, a raven arrived from the Riverlands—stating the Princess's marriage to the Heir of House Blackwood, with the Septon’s stamp of officiality and a Septa’s account of the couple consummating the marriage. Viserys internally fumed, but he knew he could do nothing, only glaring at Rhaenyra, knowing she was the one who helped Daenys leave the Red Keep. 
Aemond was a whole different story. The Prince raged for three days, beating up anyone in his way, upset that the Heir to Raventree Hall stole his princess. He all but commanded his father to let him travel to Raventree Hall and bring back the traitor's head. This caused Viserys rage, stating that he would not risk a war with the Riverlands by killing an heir. Viserys noted that not only would the whole realm rage, but the seven, Aemond’s gods,  would curse him for killing his niece’s husband. Aemond huffed, leaving, and he would wait; he knew Daenys would soon see she made the wrong decision and come back begging for an annul, and they would marry the way the seven wanted them to be. 
Five years, and finally, the princess was back for the first-year celebration of her mother’s time as a Princess Regent. The whole court was waiting eagerly in the sides and gallery to catch how married life faired for the princess. Everyone quieted down when two Kingsguards slammed their swords to the ground, calling for attention, as a herald shouted—presenting Lord Benjicot Blackwood, of House Blackwood, Lord of Raventree Hall, and his lady wife Crown Princess Daenys Targaryen, with their two sons, their heir Davos Blackwood and his brother Aenar Blackwood. The whole court gasped when they saw the two four-name day-old sons walking between their parents. Davos wore mainly a red doublet with little ravens on his collar, looking like an exact copy of his father saved for the beautiful purple Valyrian eyes. While Aenar wore a black doublet with little red dragons on his collar, one eye was grey and the other purple, showing off the blood of the First Men and Valyrian running through his veins. They grew more in shock, seeing how Princess Daenys matured into a fine jewel. Her hair was raised in braids and then into a bun, letting a few hair strains frame her face. She walked side by side with her family, caressing a medium-sized bump, signaling that she was expecting another child with her husband, who looked smug, walking into the throne room. 
All four stopped infront of the iron throne, bowing to the Princess Regent, who walked down to hug her daughter and greet her grandchildren. 
The two boys grinned at their grandmother, bowing before they said, “Good morrow, your grace. It's nice to meet you.” 
This caused the whole court to swoon, well, all but the Targaryen/Hightower side of the family, especially Aemond, who fumed those sons and future children should have been his children, not some smug lord. He could not believe his Daenys took this long to return. Was she being held captive, and was her regal persona just that, a persona? He knew he needed to help her escape, and after she and he were married, he promised to treat those boys as if they were his, for they had to be more of Daenys in them than of Benjicot. 
As the Blackwood family settled into their suite, Daenys could not help but reminisce about her time in the Red Keep. There were many things she missed at her old home. 
“Wow! Muna, this your old room?! It's bigger than mine and Aenie’s rooms together!” asked Davos as he ran around in circles, causing Benjicot to laugh and pick up his son. 
“Yes, your mother was very spoiled here; she sometimes would act like it too,” taunted Benji as he smirked at his wife, who turned and playfully glared at her husband. 
“You dare lie to our sons, dear husband? Hmm, I will not stand for such lies.” She walks towards her eldest son, kissing him on the crown as she asks the servants to bathe both boys in preparation for the upcoming feast. 
“I only jest, love. You were not that spoiled,” grinned Benji, laughing as Daenys mock gasped, lightly hitting her husband.
“We shall see if I let you sleep in the bed with me at night, then we’ll see who truly is spoiled,” Daenys lightly threatened Benji, the princess grinning as he brought her to his arms and kissed her before the doors opened to bring in the Princes Jacaerys and Lucerys, who then pretended to gag. 
“Ugh, we did not need to see that!” jested Lucerys, jumping on Benjicot’s back, causing the lord to laugh, letting go of his wife as he pretended to wrestle with Luke. Jace shook his head at the two men and walked to his twin, kissing her on the cheek. 
“How was your trip here, dear sister,” asked Jace. 
“Tiresome, with two restless boys and a babe who would not cease kicking every time they felt their father’s hand on my stomach,” stated Daenys, smiling as her husband and younger brother messed around. 
“Then you have two overgrown children here, so what are we to do?” joked Jace, who then shouted, feeling Ben grab him and bring him into the fight. 
“I thought you both came here to warn Daenys not to mess around like children?” questioned Baela walking in with her sister Rhaena, both being betrothed to the Targaryen brothers. 
The men separated breathing heavily as Daenys looked confused, “Warn me? About what?” asked Daenys. 
Luke groaned, “about uncle Aemond, he is still in his ass, thinking that you were stolen from him and that Ben here is a terrible husband to you.” 
Daenys scoffed, “Is he truly into his delusions to think I ever loved him? Anybody with eyes could see how Ben and I acted around each other. There was a reason why House Blackwood was constantly invited to the Red Keep.” 
Jace snorted as the two boys ran into the room, into their uncles’ arms. “Well, not him, so don’t be surprised if he tries to pick a fight with you, Ben.” 
Little Davos smirked uncanny to his father's smirk, “Kepa will just then break his nose, just like he did with the loser Braken when he tried to kiss Muna !” exclaimed Davos, while Aenar cheered. 
The two Targaryen Princes and their future wives gaped, staring at the Lord of Raven Tree Hall, who only grinned. 
“That will be a story to tell when the children are sleeping,” explained Daenys. 
The feast was going well, and everyone was enjoying the food and entertainment brought by Princess Rhaenyra. Well, all but one. Aemond kept glaring at Benjicot any chance he had. His glare only worsened when someone complimented the couple or when Benjicot showed affection to his wife. Aemond could have sworn that he once saw the lord smirk at him as he caressed the Princess’s growing belly. Aegon noticed before snorting into his wine that a storm was brewing, and he was much too sober for it yet. 
As the toasts began, everyone was toasting Princess Rhaenyra’s first year of reign or the welcome back of Princess Daenys. Finally, everyone grew tense when it came to Aemond as the Prince rose, staring straight at Daenys, who scowled, pressing herself to her husband. 
“A toast to Princess Daenys; welcome back, my princess. I have missed your pretty eyes all these years, but you are back where you belong. It is truly a shame your sons look so much like their sire. Nevertheless, they will be loved…” started Aemond, smirking at Benjicot, who was becoming upset with each word coming out of his mouth. 
Davos and Aenar were confused. Why was this man saying that it was a shame they looked like their Kepa? Muna always stated that she loved how they looked like him when they asked the question. Alicent was trying to shut Aemond up, telling him to be quiet and sit down, but Aemond only pushed her away. 
“You both should have pure Valyrian blood, but your father stole your mother from me and, in turn, tainted your blood with that of those barbarians blood of the First Men.” as soon as the words left Aemond’s mouth. 
Benjicot angrily rose from the table, which caused Aemond to start walking around, ready to fight Lord Blackwood. The whole table exploded with chaos, and Rhaenyra, Viserys, and Alicent called for order and peace. Jace and Luke each took one of the boys far from the conflict with Baela and Rhaena. Daemon reached his daughter, leading her away for her husband, as Daenys yelled for Benjicot to return. Heleana covered her ears as she pressed her eyes closed, not wanting to see, with lastly Aegon laughing drunkenly at his brother’s stupidity. Lord Blackwood was not called Bloody Ben for nothing. 
As Aemond ran to Benjicot, he took out his sword, swinging it towards the head. Benjicot, who had seen actual conflict and not just training, quickly ducked as he punched Aemond’s face. This caused Aemond's eyebrow to bleed, and he stumbled back. Angered, he threw himself on Benjicot, who in turn grabbed him as they fell to the ground, punching and kicking each other. 
Alicent began screeching as Rhaenyra called for the kingsguard to separate the two. As the guards ran in, Benji was able to get on top of Aemond, and he wildly punched the Prince’s face repeatedly, Ben’s knuckles becoming a bloody mess; he would have continued if he had not heard Daenys distraught yell. 
“Ben, that’s enough; you’ll kill him!,” shouted Daenys as she broke free from her father, running to her husband. 
As Benjicot smiled widely, he raised away from Prince Aemond and threw one last kick. Daenys reached her husband, grabbing his face into her hands. 
“Come back, Ben. You did enough; I’m here,” she whispered as she kissed Benji, who finally exhaled and pressed a small kiss in return. 
“Guards, seize Lord Blackwood, have him whipped for striking Prince Aemond!” screeched Alicent as she tried ordering, growing angry when no one moved. 
Viserys, although weak from the chaos, walked with the help of Heleana. “That’s enough, Alicent; if anything, Aemond should be punished for insulting Lord Benjicot and Princess Daenys and their children. He caused this violence!” 
Alicent gasped, “He is your son Viserys!” 
“That does not excuse him from insulting guests or trying to kill them; get Prince Ameond a maester for his injuries and the rest back to our rooms. No, Alicent enough! Guards take the queen consort back to her rooms, with a tea to calm her.” ordered Viserys as both his daughters led him away. 
Daenys sighed in relief and quietly apologized. She asked her brothers to take her sons to the nursery and led her husband back to her rooms. Once in her chambers, Daenys cleaned up her husband's wounds, mainly his knuckles. 
“Was that all necessarily Ben?” asked Daenys as she cleaned him up. 
Benjicot sighed, feeling only slightly ashamed. He had not meant to cause stress to his wife. “Yes, he insulted our sons, and I grew tired of him thinking you are his when you are mine, my princess, my love, my wife,” said Ben as he kissed her neck. 
Daenys sighed, “I know, but you know how much I hate seeing you injured; it kills me every time.” stated Daenys, kissing him softly on his lips. 
Benji apologized again to his wife, holding her close to him, kissing her crown as he gently rocked them. Daenys sighed in contentment before a mischievous look crossed her face. 
“Although I grew very excited once I saw you winning the fight. You look radiant, my love,” whispered Daenys, her grin growing as she heard her husband growled. 
Daenys squealed as Benjicot flipped her, him in between her legs. 
“One day, your pretty words will not have such an effect on me, my princess,” growled playful Benji as he nibbled on Daenys lips. 
Daenys giggled, “One day, but that day is not today,” grabbing her husband's shoulders as they continued to kiss.
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Cold-hearted Wolf
Tags: Angst, fluff, arranged marriage, eventual smut, cregan is repressed and mean at first, then falls for the reader.
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Pairing: Cregan Stark x Martell princess reader
All fiction, the reader is a made-up character. Im a long-time reader, but first-time writer.
Chapter 1 - Every decision Cregan Stark made was with a heavy sense of duty to his people. And this union, this upcoming wedding with the Martell girl, was no different. In his mind, you were just a pretty decoration, spoiled by the sun and riches of Dorne.
The skies over Winterfell were gray. The Martells of Dorne had arrived, bringing with them a warmth that was foreign to the North.
Cregan Stark was a formidable figure, trained to rule and fight from a young age. Past generations of Starks ran in his veins. Every decision he made was with a heavy sense of duty to his people. And this union, this upcoming wedding with the Martell girl, was no different. He saw it as a political move. In his mind, you were just a pretty decoration, spoiled by the sun and riches of Dorne.
You, on the other hand, were a bright-eyed girl. Though you have been trained in combat since a young age, as per Dornish custom, you had always been drawn to beauty – not war. The tales of the dashing Northern warrior had you intrigued. Since your announced engagement, you had imagined him with the ice of the North in his eyes and a heroic presence. And as the two of you finally met, you weren't disappointed. He was every bit the man of your dreams.
"You're as handsome as they say, my Lord," you offered with a smile and a bow, your voice tinged with genuine admiration.
Cregan simply nodded, taking you in. You were dressed in a gown the color of a sunset, your bare shoulders and collarbone a bit too revealing by Northern standards, and he could see the goosebumps lining your skin.
You began to second guess your wardrobe as you felt yourself shiver. Your maids tried to warn you of the exposed dress, however, you had told them that it would all be worth it once he sees your beauty.
You overheard a snicker come from the crowd. One of Cregan’s men, unable to resist, whispered loudly, "Looks like the sun forgot a few places."
You blushed as Cregan turned to give the man a deadly look, and the man's smirk instantly dropped.
Cregan’s icy grey eyes fixed on you again. "It's quite cold in the North, princess.”
You chuckled nervously. ”Yes, my lord. I seem to have forgotten.”
Instead of reciprocating your attempt at a joke, he took off the wolf hide around his shoulder and wrapped it around you. You accepted the warmth with gratitude.
“Perhaps in time, you'll learn to dress as befits the wife of a Stark." Was all he offered.
The words landed as a sharp jab. Your smile dropped as you looked down at yourself. You had tried, tried so hard to look beautiful for him, to make a good impression. Instead, you felt the weight of his disappointment.
The ceremony that followed was quite somber. Cregan was stoic. He did his duty, saying the words, making the vows, as did you. But there was a distance between the two of you. As the festivities went on, and the music played, he had not called upon you once to accompany him to the floor.
As you sat, your excitement slowly faded. You felt out of place. And as the night went on, you couldn't help but wonder if this marriage of convenience would ever know genuine affection.
On the morning after his wedding, Cregan woke up to an unusual sound – he could have sworn he heard footsteps echoing outside his window. The chill air from the cracked open window mixed in with the fire in the hearth as he rose from his bed of furs. He looked to his side and stirred when he didn't see his bride's sleeping form beside him.
His loyal dog stirred beside the bed. "Easy, Grey," Cregan whispered, his hand soothingly running through the thick fur of his pet, who settled back down.
A glance out the window revealed a figure descending the roofs of Winterfell. As Cregan squinted against the early morning sun, he saw a figure in tight riding leathers, hair escaping from the hood in a braid. The figure turned to assess the distance to the ground, and beneath the hood, he recognized your distinct features. Unaware of his gaze, you scaled down the tower.
Panic briefly gripped Cregan at the thought of you falling. However, as you maneuvered with ease, his concern turned to curiosity. "Where are you going, princess?" He asked no one in particular.
Quickly dressing and concealing his identity with a hood, Cregan descended the stairs of the castle, avoiding working servents to sneak into the barn.
In the quiet darkness of the barn, Cregan spoke softly to his horse, Storm, as he saddled him. He clicked his tongue, guiding the horse as he followed you out of the castle.
Amidst the early morning silence of Winterfell, Cregan spotted you again, tossing a rope around one of the gate's stone columns. With a graceful swing, you scaled the wall before landing nimbly outside the castle grounds.
Cregan urged his horse onward, determined to follow your path.
Having successfully snuck out of the castle (your gymnastics instructor was right in saying you would someday need the skill), you now stood behind a railing, quietly overlooking the jeweller at work in his shop.
Yesterday, the same jeweler had gifted you a stunning silver bracelet, crafted to resemble a viper wrapped around your hand. It occupied your thoughts pretty much the whole night, lighting the desire for a matching one for your other hand. Your early morning escapade confirmed the jeweler's location, and here he was—the handsome man, strands of grey hair falling on his forehead as he worked.
"What are you doing?" A voice whispered behind you.
You gasped, jumping to face Cregan, who leaned against the window with an air of anger, clad in riding leathers, his hood hiding part of his face. His eyes roamed over you in suspicion.
You blinked in surprise to meet his gaze. "My lord," you said, questioning. "Did you follow me?"
Raising a single brow, Cregan responded, "Merely concerned over my wife's reputation, what with the sneaking out of castle grounds, out of our marriage bed, no less, in the break of dawn."
Noting the harshness in his words, you retorted. "I don't see why there has to be an issue, given that everyone in Winterfell knows I belong to you anyway."
Something stirred within him at your words, and he took a couple of steps forward, backing you against the railing.
"That's right," he murmured, his voice low so as to not get you two caught. "It will be good you remembered it as well. Do you often sneak away into strange men’s homes?"
You, over your haze since last night, were unimpressed, maintaining your composure, responded, "Should I be alarmed by your sudden interest in me?"
Cregan, feeling oddly aggressive, leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear. "Alarmed or not, wife, I am the one who will leave a lasting mark on you."
Your heart sped up, and you felt an odd warmth in the pit of your stomach where his hand lay. You were a princess, after all. No one had ever spoken to you in such a commanding tone before.
You let him pull you through the window, and the two of you took his horse to find your way back to the castle. Neither spoke during the ride.
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Chance. (P4)
Aemond Targaryen x reader; Aegon x wife!reader
Summary: Things get messy quickly when she realizes Aemond's plans.
Part 1, 2, 3
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"Prince Aemond, there's been a riot."
Aemond stood tall, his back to the man. He turned his head slowly, taking in the guard's words. "And?"
"The queens and princess have been returned."
Aemond's head immediately shot to the man, his eye wide, "WHAT?"
"Please refrain from movement, your grace. I understand it is difficult."
She let out a soft groan, her jaw clenched so hard that she couldn't bring herself to speak.
The Grand Maester carefully moved the needle back through the skin, completing the first stitch on her brow.
Through the riot, her only major injury was a split brow. Easily manageable, though still painful.
Especially when she had to refrain from furrowing them when the pain came through. 
Sat up in bed for once, Aegon watched from afar as the maester pieced together his wife at her vanity.
He didn't try to speak. He didn't want to. Just watching. 
When the needle moved back through the skin, she took in a sharp breath, managing to not move her face besides the slight widening of her eyes. 
"Nonsense! Tell me." Aemond grinned.
"No! It's foolish!" She laughed. 
"I'm sure it's not. Just tell me."
She let out a breathy laugh at the thought of what she was to say, "Fine. No laughter."
He huffed playfully but shrugged, "Very well."
She took a deep breath before closing her eyes to avoid seeing his reaction. "Archery."
His eye widened. "Archery?"
She opened her eyes to look at him once she realized he was impressed rather than mocking.
He nodded, "I did not suspect that of you. Any good?"
She smiled, "My father would help me practice by throwing apples into the air."
"Did it work?"
She nodded with a smile, "Incredibly."
Aemond chuckled, "I'd like to see you with a bow in your hands."
She bit back her smile a bit, "Perhaps after our wedding."
"Oh?" He teased, "Are you trying to trick me, girl? Will I marry you only to find out you're horrid at it?"
She barked out a laugh, "Oh, yes. You've discovered my plan."
He smiled, "'Tis a good plan."
She smiled back, "It is."
"My queen."
She turned her head just barely to acknowledge his presence, "Aemond."
He frowned, "So informal?"
She let out a breath in amusement that quickly dropped back to her stoic behavior, "I'm afraid I'm not sure what to call you these days."
He hummed, moving further out on the balcony to join her.
He stared out at the city alongside her, "I heard of your recent… mishap."
She sighed.
He continued, "I am quite thankful you came out unharmed."
She scoffed under her breath.
He turned to look at her in slight anger, "Do my words offend you so?"
She shook her head, "You've no idea."
He let out a frustrated breath, "Then tell me."
She turned herself to look at him fully. The horrid sewing of her brow on display for him and a haunting look to match.
He had to hold himself back from gasping. It was rather horrid now, irritated and red. A striking difference to the usual calmness of her skin. 
"The maester said it may scar," she murmured. She then let out an unamused chuckle, "Perhaps you and I will match."
He gritted his teeth. "My people did this?"
She paused a moment at his choice of words, but continued, "War haunts more than just the warriors who fight it on the field."
"I'll kill them for you."
"You'll kill people fighting in these streets for their families? Wishing to feed their children at night? Do not waste your time."
Aemond jaw clenched. He forced himself to take a deep breath and reconvene himself, "Why do you not know what to call me?"
She stared out at the city, "You're a confusing man, Aemond."
"I'm not sure I understand."
She sighed, speaking with calculation but a tone of casualty, "You are the Prince. You are the King regent. You are my brother-by-law. You are our greatest warrior and fiercest dragon rider. You were my betrothed that I…" she paused as she looked at him, "And I still do not know if I can trust you."
He hummed and looked back out at the city, deep in thought. Finally, he spoke, "I assure you, I am no enemy to you, my queen."
"I have yet to decide that."
His head snapped to her, "How so? What is left to decide?" His voice grew rash, "I have defended my brother in battle and now I rule over his throne until he is well-"
"-He'll never be truly well, Aemond." She argued.
He sneered, "You must let me finish." He took a breath, "I rule in his stead, I fight his battles, and I care for his wife- all things he didn't want nor deserved from the beginning! He is weak!"
Her voice raised as she grew defensive, "Watch yourself!"
His eye scrutinized her form, "Do not pretend you are a threat to me."
"I am the QUEEN!" She yelled. 
"I. AM. THE. KING!" He roared and stepped up to her quickly.
She flinched away, taking a few steps back at the anger in his eyes.
Her voice returned to its quiet tone, "You've stated your fealty just then and there."
His face went from rage to surprise, then quickly to remorse, "I am not your enemy, my queen."
"And I almost married you," she stated. "Perhaps I married the right one after all."
She sat on the bed, watching the Maester help Aegon walk for the first time. 
Aegon took slow, painful steps and grunted and whines with each one. 
But a step was a step.
He managed across the room before his leg gave out.
Y/n quickly moved, throwing herself from the bed to help the maester catch him.
Together, they moved him back to the bed.
"He's making incredible progress, despite how slow it must feel to you, my queen."
She sighed lightly, "It is great progress. I am very pleased with it. Thank you."
He smiled, excusing himself quickly.
She turned her attention back to Aegon and ran a hand through what hair he had left, "That was wonderful, my love."
His eyes displayed the pain he was in. The whining continued softly as if involuntary escaping from his throat.
She turned serious suddenly, "I am going to ask you questions, Aegon. And… I don't wish to know the entire truth. You will either shake or nod your head. That is all. Understand?"
"Y… yes."
She look a long agonizing breath. She could ask anything.
"Did you truly slay Meleys?"
He shook his head.
"Is Princess Rhaenys truly dead?"
He nodded.
She sighed. "Did Aemond participate in the battle in any capacity?"
He nodded.
"Aemond and Vhagar killed Meleys?"
He nodded.
She bit her lip. How to word these questions just right?
"You were not caught in crossfire of any kind?"
He let out a grunt but shook his head.
Here it was. Just work up the nerve.
"Vhagar and her rider, Aemond Targaryen, released dragon fire upon you with the intent to kill you, knowing full and well that you were the king, Aegon Targaryen II? His brother?"
Aegon closed his eyes, beginning to hiccup and tears fell from his eyes and down his scarred face.
She stared at him, keeping the pity deep in her gut until she received an answer. "Aegon."
A curt nod.
taglist: @p45510n4f4shi0n, @darktrashsoulbear, @vieenr0se, @pez-unicorn, @marlenees-world, @thatbabydeer, @kahelis, @misspinkonmars
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