#bruce wayne x adult daughter!reader
toastedkiwi · 1 year
“You’ve been quite busy on your vacation, Alfred,” Bruce said, still in the batsuit minus the cowl.
Bruce is seated at the computer. He has the tabloid news articles. A major headline being “THE WAYNE BUTLER HAS MOVED ON FROM BILLIONAIRE.”
“I’ve been dealing with my own case, I’ll have you know,” Alfred said.
“Which is?” Bruce asked.
“You don’t know?” Alfred teased. “The incredible Batman doesn’t know what his butler has been up to?”
“I thought I would give you your privacy,” the thirty-nine year old sassed back. “Guess that was a mistake as you’re “leaving” me for some popstar who sings about sex, drugs, and alcohol.”
“Don’t forget the exes,” Alfred added.
“Never thought she would be your style,” Bruce said.
“Neither is the Batman,” the butler said.
“Fair… why were you with her?” Bruce asked.
“I believe she’s your daughter,” Alfred admitted.
Bruce chuckled and shook his head.
“Sir, you do have Damian. It wouldn’t be so shocking to happen again,” he said. “Or him not being the first.”
“I’m careful-,” Bruce said.
“Not at 15,” Alfred argued. “Her mother is the girl you lost your virginity to, Master Bruce.”
“I have a lolly with her DNA on it,” Alfred said pulling out a sealed bag from his breast pocket. “I believe this will prove it.”
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rogueshadow1124 · 4 months
Batfamily x Batsis!Reader
Summary: Y/N Wayne gets in trouble at school, her father Bruce Wayne is called in to see the principal...
Word count: 2477
Warnings: swearing (not proof read)
There sat a young girl, dark Y/H/C locks messily arranged upon her head. Bruce Wayne, her father, was designated in the chair beside her, hands clasped together in his lap as he held immense eye contact with the headmistress who broke out into a sudden sweat under the icy blue hues of the man, not knowing whether to break the eye contact or keep it.
"I would appreciate it if you sped this up Dianne, I've been In this hellhole for more hours than I should have been." The girl sneered at the women who was making googly eyes towards her father, seemingly glaring through her thick skull. 'Pft stupid witch!'
"Y/N what have I told you about addressing adults in a respectful manner." Bruce peered down at his youngest child, squinting down at her as she pulled the innocent card, batting her lashes at the older man as she always did in these situations, which happened to appeal quite often. The Raven haired male switched his gaze back to the women before him and his child, shooting a charming smile that was hardly noticable. "Please, continue if you may Ms. Chèrmaine."
"Aha urm- of course Mr. Wayne." She lowered her gaze to the papers that were disorganised upon her desk, moving o few pieces around before she hummed and pulled out a file on the young girl. "It appears Y/N has made an offense towards another student."
"Is that so?" The man turned his head so he could face his daughter who had switched her eyes to look around the room, avoiding his own identical hues that were latched onto her. He sighed, bringing up a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose in a form annoyance. "And what is this offense you speak of ma'am?"
"I hope you understand that violence is not tolerated here at the academy Mr. Wayne and Y/N has bypassed these rules numerous times, this time however has been proven to be out of hand." The headmistress set her eyes on Y/N who was already staring at her, more so glaring harshly with a scowl forming on her lips. "Am I right to assume you are familiar with Mr. Hayes?"
"You already know I am Chèrmane, get on with it!" Y/N snapped.
"Y/N Y/M/N Wayne! What have I said about showing respect?" Bruce stared down at her, a look of disapproval overshadowing his features.
"Right right I'm so sincerely sorry Ms. Chèrmane."
"If I may continue- your daughter Mr. Wayne is a troublesome girl. This morning, a fight broke out in the cafeteria, we are yet to get to the bottom of the cause but we have reason to believe that Y/N had started it. We have CCTV footage as evidence." Dianne Chèrmane was now on the girls most hated list, how could that women have called Y/N as such as troublesome, maybe hot-headed but not at all did she herself believe she was troublesome. People- especially people like Hayden Hayes got under her skin so easily.
"I am not troublesome Ms. Chèrmane and I demand to know why you have not been willing to hear my side of the story." Y/N rose a brow at the woman, eyeing her sitting form up and down in a judging manner. A scoff passed the girls lips as she felt a tiny nudge on her arm, coming to now side-eye her father. "At least have the decency to hear my side of the story if you will...Please."
"Go ahead Y/N..." The headmistress nodded at the girl, motioning with her hands to speak on.
"It all started when that stuck up Hayes kid came and sat at my table..."
[In the cafeteria early today...]
The young Wayne was sitting quietly at one of the tables in the cafeteria, eyes scanning over the words on the page of the textbook she was currently reading. Her fingers tapped rhythmatically against the wooden surface, the tapping came to a stop when she noticed a shadow casting over the space infront of her, hearing the sound of a chair squeaking as it was pulled out, allowing whoever had moved it to take a seat.
"Oh little Wayne." A male voice called out to the girl tauntingly, her head slowly rose so her icy gaze could be set on the sandy haired boy sat infront of her, a low grumble echoing between her lips.
"I have no time for you Hayes." She stated coldly, slamming the textbook close while coming to a stand from where she was previously sat in the chair. "You ruined the little peace I have in this wretched place."
"How come you think your so high and mighty because your daddy's rich huh?" Hayes seethed, jumping up from his chair and proceeded to slam his hands down on the table eyes trailing over the bored expression that plagued the girls face.
"Are we done here? I havent such time for inconvenience." She arched a brow, smiling fakely as she watched the boys face change into one of annoyance and frustration, his nostrils starting to flare in his moment of agitation. "I will take my leave."
"No you won't Wayne, I wanted to talk!"
"Oh yeah well I dont want to talk nor do I have time to waste on you." Y/N turned her back to the boy, setting off towards the exit of the cafeteria only to be stopped by a hand grasping onto her wrist.
"I bet you daddy's so disappointed in you, your a nobody Wayne, a nobody you hear me?! Nobody cares about you, your a mess up, somebody who is only the slightest bit lucky to exist-" Haydens speech came to an end when the girl swung around and connected her fist to his face, a cracking sound echoing through the silence.
"Dont you ever talk to me in that way Hayes."
"Huh..." He hummed, hand clutching his nose tightly, eyes glaring at the girl menacingly. He brought his bloodied hand nearer to his face, examining the amount of crimson that laced his fingers. "I admit you have quite the force for such a small thing Wayne but you've made a huge mistake."
As the male went to make a move on the girl, she caught him by the wrist just as his hand had raised at her. She huffed, rolling her eyes not at all fazed by the advance the boy had made, she twisted his arm harshly, swinging his front into a wall, pressing hardly to where he had started to whine and wince at the oncoming pain.
"Don't you ever touch me Hayden, I may be a girl but I can sure handle myself and y'know what I dont think I'm high and mighty i just like this thing called personal space, something you obviously dont know of but i would take this as a warning if i were you, i could do so much more damage." She twisted his arm more, smirking when he shouted out in pain, his arm pulsing hardly as it felt like the bone was about to pop out of its place.
Then she let go, allowing the boy to slide down the wall as she waltzed out of the cafeteria not minding the other students who were left silent and stunned from the scene.
[Back to the office in present time...]
"Technically it was his own fault." The girl declared, slouching back in the chair that she had been sat in for ages, feeling it start to become uncomfy.
"That does still not give you the right to nearly immobilize the boy Y/N." Ms. Chèrmane spoke, looking at the girl intensely, not knowing why the younger was completely unfazed and looking rather bored in the situation.
"Are you saying I should have allowed that boy to lay his hands on me?" She spat out, staring down the headmistress who seemingly shrunk back in her seat as the girls agitation rose from nothing to something in only the few moments that passed by with the conversation. "I do believe I am finished here."
Y/N pushed back in her chair, making it squeak against the wooden boards of the floor. She set off towards the office doors ignoring the calls of her name that fled from her fatyers lips, hand reaching out to the brass knob of the door only to fling it open harshly, not bothering to stop it from swinging into the wall before she stormed away and through the halls.
She was absolutely livid, how could some woman be a headmistress of a school if she didnt even take into consideration both sides of the story. Y/N does have to admit that she did indeed act out maybe a little too much on the school grounds but that doesnt mean that only she was in the wrong, Hayden Hayes had made an advance to lay his hands on her and that would not at all be an acceptable move to make by any means on not only her but any other female or student within the school.
The girl barged through the exit, hopping down the steep stairwell vastly. She set into a quick pace down the opposite way to where her fathers vehicle was parked and headed straight for the city, her mind drowned in the thoughts of what she was to do next, she didnt want to go home yet or face her father- in her mind she did believe that she was infact a disappointment, she was always the one to be in trouble, she couldnt do much right by her family- trouble always seemed to follow her and she hated it because this made her a burden.
How could she hold the name Wayne, she couldn't live up to being under such a powerful name. She wasnt at all like her brothers- Dick Grayson was so very graceful and kind, something she couldn't conquere or be. Jason Todd, she related to him the most being reckless and resentful but he had qualities that she didn't, he could control and restrain himself, he was the charmer after all. Then theres Timothy Drake, he was a technical genius, smart and generous, he was above many but he was humble. And theres Damian Wayne, her actual half-blood brother, he was an absolute prodigy, a cocky bastard and a know it all, he had not many flaws, he seemed so perfect.
A vibration from her pocket caught her attention, taking her away from the haze her mind was slowly suffocating within. She whipped out her phone from her pocket, noticing how the screen had lit up with her fathers name, she grumbled pressing decline, going to put it back in her pocket only to have it start buzzing again, only this time it was one of her brothers.
"What do you want Jason?" She hadn't meant for her voice to shake when she spoke, also currently noticing that her throat was becoming dry and her eyes burned as water had started to build and make her icy blues become glassy.
"Where you at little bird, Bruce is flipping his lid." Jason's voice echoed through the device, a slight hint of worry wavering in his tone as he waited for an answer.
"M'just catching some fresh air Jay, no biggie I'll be back later." Was her response, a heavy breath breaking through her chapped lips shortly after when she heard her older brother whisper something incoherent under his breath.
"Fresh air? This is Gotham Y/N/N, theres nothing fresh about the place." He attempted to joke, not raising any kind of applause in return, nothing but a low hum on the girls behalf. "Where are ya' I'll pick you up."
"Gotham city park." She whispered, taking a seat on one of the benches. She could hear a few ruffles through Jason's end of the phone before he grumbled a goodbye to whoever was in the room with him.
"See ya in five kid." He ended up hanging up the phone before another word could be spoken.
Y/N's eyes were lowered towards the ground, body unmoving as she breathed unrhythmatically in an attempt to calm her nerves as she was beginning to grow upset. She hadn't meant to get so out of hand, she never does but she just cant control herself at times and she absolutely despises herself for that. She could be a better person, she could try harder.
Her thoughts begin to overcrowd her mind, making her become overwhelmed and she succumbed to the words that swarm her head. A tear had finally fallen, sliding down the length of her smooth pasty cheek, trailing over the ridge of a scar she had gotten on one of her nightly patrols. She hadn't cried for over a year and now she had broken, after all this time of having her feelings build up.
"Hey baby bird." She heard the soft masculine voice of her brother, she peered up through her lashes glancing at the boy who had crouched down infront of her. "Talk to me kid."
"I'm sorry..." she whispered, watching as his face contorted into one of confusion. "I never mean to be the way I am, i cant help being a disappointment."
"Woah, let me stop you right there." A hand made it's way under her chin, tilting her head upwards so her eyes could meet a pair of candy apple greens. "You are nowhere near a disappointment Y/N, nowhere near."
"But dad was so mad, I make him mad."
"Y/N/N you don't make Bruce mad, he just doesnt want you to turn into something we all know your not. We want you to be safe and happy, we dont want you to end up hurt." His thumb reached out to swipe at the tears that had continuously started to fall, a light smile lacing his features when he saw the girl's lips lift at the ends.
"I dont want to be a bitch all the time." She concluded, leaning into the boys hand that now layed on her cheek, seeking the comfort he was providing at this time.
"I know kid, but we all have our ups and downs- take demon for example, he's an absolute cocky little shit but we still love him." Jason mused, chuckling lowly when he saw a flicker of light seep through Y/N's eyes as she started to smile a little more. "That stays between you and I."
"I dont know Jay, I might just let it slip." She taunted, smirking her brother when he rose his brows. "I'm joking."
"Those words ever get out, I'm coming for you little bird."
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There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Characters: Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader, Batfam X Batsis!Reader
Universe: DC, Batman
Warnings: Unhealthy family relationships (Parentification) Mild mention of a past abusive relationship (Harley & Joker) Mention of stalking, mention of death
Request: A bruce wayne and daughter, she is an adult. Mainly responsible for her siblings. She is sick of being the responible one. She is really good friends with harley and ivy and they take her in. She is secrectly dating harley. Batman comes too take her back but she tells him she is very happy and harley protects her girlfriend. Bruce accepts and lets them be.
Notes: Kind of strayed from the request near the end, I kind of got carried away with this lol
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Ever since you were a child, you were well aware that your relationship and role within your family was different to a lot of other families. It wasn’t the norm by any sense, even for Gotham. Your mom was never in the picture, leaving you in the hospital you were born in with a note about where to find your dad, and after a test to confirm it, you were sent to live with your dad, who at the time was the opposite of responsible, and was a mess still, if the whole getting a woman pregnant who then left you without a second thought wasn’t something to go by. It was no surprise that Alfred ended up being your actual primary caregiver for your early years. That, and the whole secret life as Batman he actually had the foresight to know it was best you didn’t know about. 
You found out when you were 10, coming down in the middle of the night for something to drink after a nightmare, finding your dad badly beaten and barely conscious in the kitchen, also looking for something to drink. You stared at each other for a moment in horror, but after a moment, you swallowed, grabbing a cup, getting some cold water, and went back to bed without a word. Bruce told Alfred what happened, and Alfred explained everything after school the next day. That day changed a lot for you. You realised partly why your dad was almost always absent, that Alfred was helping him keep your city safe, and that anytime you needed help with something was basically time taken away from Alfred that he could be spending making sure your dad wasn’t bleeding out somewhere or in need of help. As soon as you got home that day, you immediately began the process of becoming as independent as possible. 
By the time your dad brought Dick home, you were entirely independent, but also very emotionally cut off from your dad and Alfred. You didn’t interact with Dick for a few days until he was up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare, and you came down as well, fixing a snack to share and then going back up to his room to keep him occupied till he was ready to go back to bed. It was after that point that Dick started to open up a bit more, especially with you. After Dick had grown into an adult and you two spent a night off drinking and catching up, he admitted to you that when he first joined the family, he wasn’t sure on what your role was in it, thinking maybe you were a recent adoptee as well and just weren’t adjusting well, and it took over a month for him to realise you were Bruce’s biological kid. 
When Jason arrived, you already had a rough idea of what to do as your role as a big sister to dysfunctional traumatised little brothers, though Jason’s anger issues did make it a bit more difficult to bond with him. However, you quickly found that if you challenged his own anger with your silent resentment and frustration with your dad for not actually doing what a dad is supposed to, you two would actually bond over your frustrations, cause a bit of havoc together to blow of some steam. 
Jason exposed you to two things. One, he showed you that you had every right to be more angry with Bruce about the fact that you had to raise yourself and now the kids he was bringing into the manor than you are. Two, it was because of you two causing a bit of mischief that you met Harley Quinn.
You had been doing some art outside to release some of your emotions in a healthy way, or as Bruce would call it, Vandalism in the form of graffiti, when you heard police sirens, and you both scattered to get away from the scene, getting separated and you ended up on the bad side of town, and was just trying to find a safe route home without having to call anyone, especially Bruce or Alfred, for help, and hoping that Jason was okay. Unfortunately, you ended up crossing paths with a group of business students, who decided to catcall, harass, and after you ignored them completely, decided to start following you. Fortunately, it was then that you took a sharp turn to try and lose them and bumped right into Harley, who was with her own posse of goons. You two stared at each other for no longer than a second, and in that second, you two had entire conversation purely through your eyes. Then she heard the men behind you, far enough away to not see who you had bumped into to realise they should run, but close enough for Harley to hear them laugh and tell the men surrounding her to grab you for them. He face contorted to anger for a moment.
“They bothering you?” She asked shortly, and you nodded, honestly scared to mutter a word. She took your arm, pulling you behind her. “Boys, time to teach these men some manners!” She ordered, and in a matter of seconds, Harley’s goons were chasing the men down the street and out of sight. You couldn’t help the small laugh that left your mouth at the sight. “You alright? Did they grab ya?” 
“No- no, they were just being creeps. Thanks.” You told her as she turned back to you, the streetlamp now lighting up your face better, and she was able to see your face clearer, and also now actually identify you, and you saw her eyes widen and realised she knew who you were. 
“Aren’t you Wayne’s daughter? What you doing out here? I’m sure daddy wouldn’t approve of you being out here.” She stated, hands on her hips, almost motherly, which was funny considering that you weren’t even a teenager anymore, now a young woman in your early twenties, only about 5-6 years younger than Harley. 
“I was supposed to be supervising my little brother while he released some stress in some street art.” You told her. She arched an eyebrow. 
“You and the younger Wayne were doing vandalism?” She clarified, and she saw the twinge of a smirk on your face before you tucked it back, and she grinned. “I like you, little trouble maker! Where’s your brother now?” 
“I don’t know, honestly. We heard sirens nearby and scattered. He’s a lot more street smart than me though- obviously.” You said, gesturing down the street to the incident Harley just prevented. 
“Why not call your dad?” She asked, and you couldn’t help the loud and quick laugh that left you, which told her a lot. “You two… not close?” 
“No… never were, honestly… I uh, I’ve always looked after myself, and these days I’m looking after my adoptive siblings. Bruce isn’t good with the whole kids having emotions things, so I’m trying to help Jason get his anger out in ways that don’t involve needing first aid kits constantly stocked up.” You explained to her, hands in your pockets, rocking back and forth, finding it hard to stand still. You had no clue why you were admitting all this to Harley, especially since she was literally an enemy of your dad, but the way she had immediately defended you, and was taking the time to listen to you made you feel safe with her. 
“That sucks, toots… you must be pretty lonely… say, if you ever find yourself back out here or just want a call or something and rant, call this number, okay? I might not answer right away, this is kind of a private cell, so don’t tell anyone, but I’ll get back to you, okay?” She said, plucking a gel pen from a pocket of her loud chequered jacket, grabbing your arm to pull your hand out your pocket and noting down a number on your palm. When she was done, she tucked it back into her pocket. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the edge of the nicer part of town, okay?” She said, wrapping her arm in yours and pulling you along with her. She did as she said, walking you to a safer part of town, reminding you to call her if needed (also if you couldn’t find Jason so she could look for him for you) and you parted ways.
She was the one you ended up calling when Jason was killed.
You didn’t talk to anyone for over a month after his death, other than the odd text to Dick to respond to him or to just make sure he was alright, but one night when things were really bad for you- your dad basically nearly killing himself every night, Alfred locked up in the cave trying to prevent him from actually dying, Dick away doing his own thing after arguing with Bruce, you were entirely alone in your mourning, completely lost in what you’re supposed to do next. You had no little brother to keep your mind busy with worrying and caring for, no one to make you feel needed. No one to make you feel wanted. You were completely alone.
You had called her as a last ditch effort, seeing no harm in at least trying, remembering she was once a psychiatrist. And sure, she was once affiliated with the Joker, but she had distanced herself from him, clearly a victim herself, and had been keeping a low profile ever since. You weren’t even sure she would pick up, probably changing her number, but she did pick up. “Hello?” 
“Harley?” You asked in a whisper. “This is… um, it’s Y/N. Wayne… you um, helped me out a while ago with some creeps, gave me this number…” You recollected to her. 
“I remember… heard about your brother… Not gonna say sorry, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it a billion times and I’m probably a person you don’t wanna hear it from… you doing okay?” 
“Not really…” You admitted, sniffling. “I’m not doing good… I know you said to call if I needed help with something… I just… I’m alone and I don’t want to be. Is there somewhere we can just meet even if it’s just for an hour?” You asked. 
“Yeah of course!” You weren’t honestly expecting her immediate agreement. “We can have a girl’s night, me, you, and Ivy- I’ve been staying with her for a while now, I’m sure she won’t mind! Where do you want to meet?” 
You met her a few blocks away, and she walked with you to a small one bedroom apartment where Ivy was waiting already, lounged on the cramped couch. She didn’t ask questions as Harley introduced you as Bruce Wayne’s daughter, who was in need of some TLC after everything that happened with Jason, in fact the only questions she asked was “Do you want to get wasted or hold onto the pillow of emotions and tell us all about it?” 
“The pillow of emotions?” You asked, and she held up the pillow right next to her- a blanket, that even in the dim lighting you could tell was as soft as a childhood teddy, the perfect size and shape to squeeze tightly as you cried your eyes out. You pointed to it, and she handed it over, and it wasn’t long till you were on the couch next to Ivy, Harley sat on the floor, both women listening and nodding along as you hugged the pillow, sobbing and ranting about everything. From you basically being raised by Alfred, to you being more like a mother than a sister to Dick and Jason despite not even being that much older than Dick, and how because of that, you felt like a failure when Jason died, like you failed at being his protector, and how now you were all alone- Dick doing his own thing, your dad acting like Jason never even existed, and Alfred being too busy making sure your dad was actually caring for himself to notice you might even need help. 
Honestly, a part of you expected these women, who themselves had been through hell and way worse than you, to roll their eyes, point out how you had daddy’s money to buy a therapist and figure it out yourself, but they didn’t. In fact in the end, when you finally got it all off your chest, both wrapped you in their arms, promising you that they were there, that they cared, and that this apartment always had space for you if you ever wanted to get away. You found yourself there at least once a week. When Bruce brought Tim home, you fluctuated between spending almost every day there or being at home keeping an eye and trying to care for the new brother, until Tim expressed his independence and you went back to spending more time with the girls. 
5 years after Jason’s death, a lot of things changed. 
One, your friendship with Harley became more than a friendship, and you three mutually agreed that it was time for an upgrade in apartment, and you officially moved out, creating much more distance between yourself and your dad, though with Tim around and Bruce now getting more of a grip on his self-destructive behaviours, you were able to call and come visit Alfred, Tim and Dick who had moved back in on occasion, though you now mostly interacted with Dick and Tim (who had warmed up to you a lot more) outside of the manor. 
Two, Jason came back. It was shocking for everyone involved, especially since he was full to the brim of rage and fury, especially against Bruce. He worked with Scarecrow to poison the entire city, and the second you heard it was him through Dick, you tried to leave the safety of the apartment that you had promised your girlfriend you wouldn’t leave to try and find him, only for Ivy to find you quickly, seeing you in a panic and trying to run into the city without anyway to protect yourself, and in fear that you’d been affected by the fear toxin, she sedated you herself until it was all over and hopefully the toxin had left your body. When she woke you up with Harley there, your immediate question was if Jason was okay. Harley thought you were having issues with your memory due to the sedation and the toxin, but after talking with you for longer, explaining the call you had gotten from Dick, and also letting slip that your family was also the bat family, and that Jason was the Robin that had been killed, the girls gave you the rundown of what they knew. Bruce was alive. Dick and Tim were alive, and the Arkham Knight, who was apparently Jason, had disappeared, not confirmed alive or dead. Harley escorted you back to the manor to get answers on what happened, and to try and get in contact with Jason. You got confirmation that he was alive, but was still pissed off at Bruce and was not contacting the family for the time being. 
That didn’t sit right with you. So you went out into the city to one of the places you two would hang around, mess around, graffiti, where you’d complain about Bruce together, and had the best time of your lives. And you waited. And waited. You ignored all your phone calls and texts, simply dropping a text to Harley promising you’d be home soon and you were alright before turning your phone off, and waited more. When the air started to become too nippy for you as you continued to pace in the small snicket, head low, arms crossed and noticing you could see your breath now, you finally thought about leaving. Giving up for now, trying another day or another technique. It was then you felt something heavy drop on your shoulders, and someone pat you on the back. You looked up, startled at the tall man beside you, but even more so at his features that you could recognize instantly. “Jason?” You asked, getting a faint smile from him. That was all you needed, pulling the man into a tight hug, his heavy leather jacket nearly falling off your shoulders. 
You caught up with Jason. You told him how you’d moved out of the manor, how no one in the family actually knew where you lived, and you let the cat out the bag about your roommates being Ivy and Harley, who was actually your girlfriend, and how you met Harley that night where you two got separated in the city, and how she was the one you came to when he died. In classic Jason style, he was far more angry over the fact that Bruce totally left you alone to mourn him and you had to turn to another victim of Joker’s for comfort than you living with two criminals and dating one. In fact, he warmed up pretty quickly to it, knowing they at least can protect you ‘unlike Bruce’. He walked you home, promising to be in touch. You went inside, seeing Harley beside herself with worry, and after her throwing herself at you to hold you close and make sure you were alright, you told her everything, and after Jason and you got a form of communication, Harley and Ivy gave Jason the thumbs up to be allowed into the girl cave, the only real rule being to not tell Bruce or the others about the living arrangement in any way, which was easy enough. 
For a while, things were tense but working in the Wayne family. Jason was still limited to no contact with Bruce, only talking to Dick on occasion when they ran into each other, but almost all contact between them was through you, which resulted in you having more contact with Bruce, though things were still incredibly tense between you two, so often Dick and Tim became a filter for you both, which you despised. Still, the boys would always called you when they needed you, and so it was them who called you to let you know that Bruce had another child- this one biologically his. Your half brother. Damian. 
You let yourself into the manor, quickly rushing down into the cave to hear everyone bickering, Dick and your now youngest brother in the midst of a fight, though when Bruce spotted you and called your name, they stopped and looked at you. Damian stepped towards you, and Dick immediately held one of his Escrima sticks in front of him to stop him, and Tim stepped forward to be in front of you slightly, telling you that those two didn’t trust him to not hurt you. You patted Tim on the shoulder to tell him it was alright before stepping around him, and then you looked at Dick. “Put it away.” You told him. He did as told, though hesitantly. Damian remained still, though he glared at you. You showed him the palms of your hands casually. “No weapons on me, other than a taser, but that’s for creeps in the street.” You told him. 
“Who are you?” He demanded. “Another stray my father picked up off the streets?” Ah. Volatile, lashing out, not caring about hurting feelings. Reminded you of a certain someone…
“In a way, I guess. I’m your sister. Your half sister. Biologically related.” You explained, nodding your head in your father’s direction, who was stood off to the side. His eyes widened, before his eyebrows knitted together and his frown deepended. 
“I wasn’t aware father had an older child.” 
“Yeah, he had me pretty young, and I’ve mostly been out of the spotlight- I like keeping a low profile.” You explained to him, stepping forward casually. “I always joked that father dearest never wanted a girl and always wanted to only have boys- why he had Dick, Tim and Jason, so hopefully now you’re here, I don’t have to worry about raising anymore boys on his behalf.” You joked, offering a hand to him. You felt Dick and Tim tense at your action and proximity. Damian stared at your hand, then back at you, before taking your hand and you shaked it with a smile. “Welcome to the family, Damian. I’m Y/N, the eldest Wayne sibling, and your big sister. If you need anything, anything at all, you call for me, okay? I’ll be there.” 
You kept that promise to him, like you had the boys. He didn’t call you or contact you for a good few months. He only really interacted with you when either Bruce, Alfred or one of the other boys called for you and you went to the manor to negotiate, or to meet one of them on patrol to talk, and he was tagging along with them because Bruce didn’t trust him alone, but he witnessed his ‘brothers’ call you the second they had a problem, especially at home with Bruce, and every time you picked up, arranged to meet them, and came over. At first he hated how you got into fights with Bruce, especially when advocating for Jason, but when he realised that you were doing it on the boys behalf, especially when you got into a fight with Bruce for him regarding his grades and getting calls from teachers, he finally asked Dick for your phone number, and he asked to speak with you while he was on patrol. You agreed, arranging to meet him nearby. 
“You okay Damian?” You asked as soon as you saw him in the snicket. He nodded, not saying anything at first. “You haven’t ever called me before, so something big must have happened.” 
“Why do you fight for me and the others on our behalf to father?” He asked bluntly. You stared surprised for a moment, before walking closer to him. 
“I don’t have a good relationship with…father. Never have, and I’ve accepted I’ll probably never will. A long time ago, I just kept my mouth shut, let him ignore my existence despite living in the same building, and I was mostly alone. The Dick came along, and he was far more present for him than he ever was for me, but still, he wasn’t… there, there. He was still lacking, mostly emotionally, and I found myself just… filling the gap. Making up where he missed the mark. I looked after Dick when he was going through mourning of his parents, I was the one who helped Jason get some of his anger out, I was the only one who accepted Tim into the family from the get-go… I’m the one the boys call when they need help. Not Bruce… My girlfriend- don’t tell dad about her- is a psychiatrist, and she calls it parentification. It’s when a child, often the oldest, takes on a role similar to that of a parent, caring for younger siblings, and at times, the parents themselves. It complicates relationships between the younger ones and the eldest as well- like you boys turning to me rather than Bruce when you have issues. It usually damages the relationships in the family later on.” You explained to him. 
“Do you resent father for doing that?” He asked. You knew you couldn’t lie to Damian- he wasn’t naive by any sense, and you guessed he’d tell you were lying. 
“Honestly? Yes. Absolutely. I didn’t have a childhood, and I had to grow up quickly to care for the boys he chose to have.”
“Do you resent Dick, Jason and Tim? Do you resent me? You said yourself you think he only wanted boys, and while I’m biologically his like you, he’s present for me like he was Dick.” He inquired. You stepped even closer till you were both straining your necks to meet eye contact. You reached out, holding his face with your hands, warming his cheeks with your calms. 
“Never… Those few years before Dick came home… were some of the worst years of my life. I was… so alone. When you boys showed up, I wasn’t alone anymore. I had purpose, something to keep me busy. Whenever I get a text from Jason complaining about Bruce, or Dick asking me to stop by, or simply Tim asking to get him coffee… I don’t mind, because they need me, and they trust me, and they love me, and I love them. They’re my brothers. Your my youngest brother, and I love you unconditionally, okay?” You promised him, and he nodded, before stepping back, turning on his heel, and going to leave the alley, before he paused, turning and looking over his shoulder at you. 
“I won’t tell father about your girlfriend… Does anyone else know?” 
“Only Jason. I don’t trust the others to not freak out about her, especially Bruce.” You told him. He nodded, and carried on his way. He started to text you from time to time like Jason did. Short and blunt. He never told you straight out he loved you- Dick said it all the time when saying goodbye, Jason said it on occasion, usually concealing it with sentences, Tim said it usually in the middle of the compliment, but never Damian. Instead he would simply text you ‘hope you’re safe’ at the end of the beginning of a conversation. When you realised that was him saying he loved you, you realised he said it the most out of the boys. 
More time passed, things were going good in your family if you ignored Bruce, and things were going extremely well with you and Harley. You were both now looking for a new place to live away from Ivy- her idea, she was planning to move in with Selina. However, the move was postponed when signs of Joker being near your current apartment started to show up, and Harley became anxious, and with very good reason. You hurriedly moved Harley and Ivy into Selina’s apartment and you temporarily moved back into the manor. Just in time it seemed- your old apartment complex was the victim of arson, the substances used to light the fire making it burn green. It was obvious who set it. 
Jason heard first, rushing to the manor, ignoring Bruce’s calls to come and find you, holding you tightly, relieved that you were safe, before he explained what had happened, and that it was an attack by Joker. He said that, in front of not only Bruce, but all your other brothers. They all, including Bruce, freaked out.
“Joker targetted you?!” Dick freaked out.
“No he-” 
“You’re staying at a safehouse for now, alright? We’ll fit it up and make it homely.” Tim decided.
“No, that’s not needed-”
“Y/N, you’re in danger, you can’t leave our sight.” Bruce ordered. 
“He wasn’t targeting me!” You snapped, making them all stop. “He wasn’t targeting me. He was targeting my roommate… my girlfriend.” 
“Your girlfriend?” Bruce asked. 
“Why?” Damian asked. You glanced at Jason anxiously, the only person who knew all the details. He instantly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, ready to put himself between you and everyone else if they tried anything, and get you out of there in a timely fashion if necessary. 
“My girlfriend is Harley. Quinn. We’ve been dating for a few years.” You admitted. Everyone stood stiff for a moment. 
“What?!” Bruce finally snapped, moving forward. Jason immediately held his arm out, pulling you behind him. 
“You stay the fuck away from my sister, Bruce.” He glared. 
“You knew?” Tim asked at Jason. 
“I did too.” Damian spoke up, trying to show solidarity with you and Jason, jumping to be beside you as well. “I didn’t know it was Harley, but from what she’s told me, she treats her well and loves Y/N.” Damian defended. 
“I’ve met her. Harley loves Y/N. She was there for Y/N when I died, unlike you. She looks after Y/N.” Jason defended. Bruce stared at you. 
“Where’s Harley?” 
“I’m not telling you. Her life's in danger, she’s in hiding… we’re going to meet up soon and… we’re leaving Gotham. Temporarily. Just until Joker forgets she exists, then we’re getting a new apartment, maybe somewhere closer to Jason.” You explained. 
“You can’t leave Gotham with her!” Bruce snapped. 
“Why not?” Tim asked. Bruce’s head snapped around to him. “If Joker gets an inkling that Harley has a girlfriend, especially if it’s Y/N Wayne, he’ll go after her. It’s better safe than sorry.” 
“Anything we can do from here? We can get you two a safehouse in another city till things calm down.” Dick offered. You smiled at him and nodded, and he smiled sadly. “We should cause a scene to keep him occupied so he doesn’t have time to realise Harley’s gone off the grid. One of us should also escort you both just in case. 
“I’ll do that.” Jason decided. “Atleast you know if worst comes to worse and Joker tries to stop you leaving, I’ll fucking kill him.” 
“Do none of you care about what I think?” Bruce asked. 
“No. We don’t. This has nothing to do with you. This is to do about the safety of Y/N and her girlfriend from her girlfriend’s abusive ex. This is about what is best for them, and what we can do to make things easier for them. You’ve never cared about her. You’ve never put her first and done what’s best for her. Leave us to deal with this, and stay out of it.” Jason snapped at him. Bruce looked around, seeing to see if anyone- even you- would tell Jason off. No one did. Without another word, Jason pushed you to go with Damian and Tim to go pack some things while he went to get a car from the garage for you and Harley and your things, and Dick got his phone out to start making calls for somewhere safe for you to stay. Bruce stared at Dick, the only one left in the room. He saw that Bruce was waiting for him to talk to him, say anything to him. 
“Y/N has always been there for us, no matter what. This is the only time she’s ever said she’s needed our help. We’re taking it.” He told him simply, before putting his phone to his ear and leaving the room, leaving Bruce alone, unsure on what to do or what to say. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @freyathehuntress  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe 
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rapz-rites · 8 months
Demon Daughter
Damian Wayne x Reader, Damian Wayne x Daughter!OC, Reader x Daughter!OC
Time travel is tricky. So of course your daughter is accidentally going to come home early, 20 years too early to be exact.
Inspired by @cipheress-to-k-pop
A/N: this was kinda requested after Demon Spawns which some of you really enjoyed so I hope you all enjoy this one too. I did merge several dc worlds together so sorry if it’s a little confusing
Word Count: 1.3k+
Warning(s): idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ (I’m honestly too lazy atm)
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“I’m never time traveling with Willow every again!” Milena whispers harshly to herself as she sneaks back into the manor. She sighs as her feet hit her bedroom floor only to realize she forgot something in the Cave from earlier in the day.
After being chased by dinosaurs and almost dying from a meteor shower, Milena decided to be lazy and just boom tube to the Cave. It was only a 5 minute walk but hey, it’s okay to be lazy every now and then. What she didn’t expect to see was strangers in costumes ready to attack her.
“Who the hell are you?” A voice asks as she readies her weapons in response to seeing them. She turns to face the voice.
“I should be the one asking you,” she says as she faces one of her weapons toward them. “Who are you people and the hell did you get in here?”
They could see Milena was a bit shaken up and confused. But it didn’t explain what she was doing in the Cave. After a few moments of silence, Dick was the first to speak.
“How about we all put our weapons down and talk like adults,” he said hands up in surrender. His hands have been up since the moment Milena pointed a weapon at him. Normally, he wouldn’t be fazed but when the weapon looks like one of Cyborg’s, he wasn’t going to take the chance. Especially considering that Cyborg’s canons can easily blast through thick walls of concrete.
“Listen kid-”Jason started thinking he might try and break the tension, only for you to cut him off. “I’m not a kid. I’m 19.”
“Why are you dressed like old heros?” Milena asked. “Those costumes aren’t even sold anymore.”
“What do you mean old?” Dick asked, clearly confused.
“Old as in 2010s-2020s old get with the times,” you say, as if you just stated the obvious. Now they were all confused.
“It’s 2023,” Tim said.
“What?” you questioned in a confused voice. How could it be 2023? How could you be 20 years in the past?
After retracting your weapons you let out a sign. Under your breath you whisper, “I’m going to kill Willow.”
“Willow?” Dick asked.
With slumped shoulders, you turned to look at him.
“Willow West. Wally West and Athemis’ daughter,'' you stated nonchalantly. At this point, you were done with everything. Heading back into the manor you say, “I'll try to reach Willow and get back to my time.I'm going to bed.”
“Hey hey hey! We can't just let you in the manor. You know our identities and we have no idea who you are” Jason retorted. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. Was he being serious right now? How does he think you got in the Cave?
‘Dimwit’ Milena thought to herself. But just as she was going to say something three people entered the Cave. It was Bruce, Damian, and you. Milena couldn’t help but stare in awe.
“Who is this?” Bruce asked in a husky voice.
She paid him no mind, eyes trained on you and Damian. You stood 7 inches below Damian’s 6’1 frame, head tilted up to look at him as you spoke to each other. No one could mistake the look of love in Damian’s eyes as he looked at you while you spoke. He listened intently as you talked about God knows what. But what really struck her was your swollen belly. You were possibly 4 or 5 months pregnant: at the stage were it was kinda obvious you were pregnant but your belly wasn’t huge.
In your peripheral, you saw a girl looking at you and Damian. You gave a small smile as you walked towards her to greet her. Every step you took, you realized she looked more and more familiar. However, just as you were about to reach her, Dick stopped you.
“We don't know who she is or how she got in here. She could be dangerous and she could hurt you,” Dick spoke. But the entire time he was speaking you just looked at the girl. Taking in her features you realized who she was. Your daughter.
“Dangerous? Most likely, but i know my daughter wouldn’t hurt me”, you said smiling at her, your hands on her cheek. Milena couldn’t help but smile at you too. She let out a soft, “Hi mom.”
You didn’t even realize the tears streaming off your face until Milena wiped them away. You turned to look at Damian, teary eyed with a huge smile, “She looks exactly like I dreamed.”
Looking back and forth from Milena and Damian you started to list any and all similarities between them. “She has your eyes. The shape is sharp and green like yours, but is kind of softer like mine.Oh her nose. And-”
“Beloved, she’s tired, let's give her a break,” Damian said. If Damian hadn’t stopped you then you would’ve done a full head to toe assessment to find any similarities you could. The others didn’t know how to react. Tim honestly couldn’t care less. He just wanted to finish his work to go to sleep.
With the help of Alfred, Damian ushered everyone back into the manor for bed.
“Well this is my room.. Well it’s supposed to be. It’s probably a nursery now isn’t it?” You mutter shyly, stopping in front of your room. You and Damian stood in front of the room across from her. With a sorry look you gave her a small nod.
“You can stay with us,” you offered without even thinking about it.
“Absolutely not,” Milena and Damian said at the same time. Milena grew up with you. So she knows how you get sometimes, especially when you were pregnant with her siblings. She’d rather let her father deal with a pregnant and hormonal you. “Thanks but I’m pretty sure there’s an empty room somewhere.”
The next morning you and Damian were in the kitchen having breakfast with the family. That’s when Milena came rushing in from up stairs. You watched her as she hurriedly greeted everyone while fixing herself a plate. Once she sat she began inhaling her food. You don’t even think she chewed any of her food. “Mina, honey, maybe you want to slow down a bit and actually chew your food.”
“Sorry Mom-” Milena started. She whipped around the kitchen like it was second nature. Like she did this all the time. She placed her dirty dishes in the sink and thanked Alfred for the breakfast. “My ride is going to be here soon.”
Suddenly what even one thought was a boom tube appeared at the entryway of the kitchen. Everyone looked back at it to find a teen girl, not too much younger than Milena walking out of it.
“Sorry to drop in unannounced,” she said with a small smile. You could tell by her fighting to stay still that she was a speedster, most likely Wally’s daughter at that. “Milena time to go.”
Milena came around and gave Damian quick hug and a ‘see you son’ before stopping in front of you. You couldn’t stop the tears in your eyes as she hugged you goodbye.
Walking up to the boom tube, she turned to look at you. “Don’t worry. You’re an amazing mom. I couldn’t ask for a better one,” she says, disappearing.
Hugging your side, Damian rubbing his hand up and down your arm. Tears were flowing down your cheeks as you muttered to yourself . “Damn hormones. I’ll see you in a couple months, Milena.”
Walking out of the boom tube, Milena was face to face with her father. She couldn’t help but crumble into his arms. Keeping them both steady, Damian brings them to the floor.
“I saw her. I saw her Dad.” Milena cries into her father’s chest. Damian just rubbed her back, trying to console his crying daughter. “But she’s gone and I miss her so much.”
“I miss her too,” he said in a low whisper. “Every single day.”
Plot twist 🫢
Did y’all enjoy it tho??? 🤔
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igotanidea · 1 year
Single parent struggles : father!Dick Grayson x mother!reader
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summary/request: single Father Dick Grayson x single Mother reader? Where at some kids birthday party also can the kids be between the ages of like 3 and 4.
A/N: writing this was just so cute and heartwarming and pleasant and fluffy. I think this is going to be my new verse, so if anyone ever get any ideas in that - please ask me to write more UwU <3
„Thomas, please stop running around!” Y/N laughed happily when her 4 year old son slipped on the floor and run into her legs. She was quick enough to catch him, before he actually landed on his bottom and started crying.
“Sorry mum!” he grinned with the cutest smile there was, and not paying much attention to his mother’s admonishment regained his balance and followed the friends that he was chasing. “Wait for me!” he yelled before disappearing.
Her son was invited to a birthday party of his kindergarten friend, and obviously, she happened to be a tag along. Helping with the service and acting as a supervisor.  Not that  she complained. Being a single parent was rewarding, but also happened to be her bread and butter and she didn’t have many occasion to go out the house and spend time with actual adult outside of work. Sure, she loved Thomas with all her heart and never regretted the decision of having him, even when his failure of a father took off running the second he found out about the pregnancy, but sometimes she was just tired. And having an opportunity to hang out and relax and watch her son being so happy around other kids were simply heartwarming. Thomas shed too many tears and experienced sadness asking about the other parent and Y/N swore, that to the maximum of her  abilities, she would protect him from that pain.
“God….” she muttered to herself, gathering the fruit bowl from the counter. “I swear the kids never get tired……” her son’s energy was exhausting, but the serene expression in her eyes were showing the truth feelings behind the sigh. Lost in her own thoughts Y/N turned around not noticing the man standing right behind her, bumping straight into the sculpted chest, immediately being caught by two strong arms, the bowl serving as some sort of airbag.
“I know, right?” the man let out a laugh still holding onto her “I’m dealing with the same problem with my daughter. Don’t know who said that girls are quieter and more polite than boys but it does not apply in this case.”
“Hello Richard.” Y/N tilted her head “didn’t see you around for a while.”
Richard Grayson, more often than not called “Dick” was the treat for all the mothers. Handsome, well-build, kind with charming, boyish attitude and most importantly, single father. Rumor has it that the mother had some mental problems and one day escaped the hospital where she and the daughter were getting some treatment and observation, took the kid and left it on the threshold of Dick’s house before disappearing herself. Despite Dick’s attempt to locate her (and boy, that man definitely had the resources, being the son of the Bruce Wayne) he never succeeded, giving up after some time.
And that gave the soccer mothers plenty of opportunities to get him involved in all possible kids’ activities. Kindergarten play? Picnic? Cinema sally? Birthday party? He was pretty much everywhere. Much to all the husbands’ displeasure.
But, since both he and Y/N were the only single parent and  the subjects of many rumors that gave them the opportunity to get close and become really good friends. After all, there’s no one better to understand the struggles of raising a kid alone.
“Yeah….” He scratched his head awkwardly, letting go of her arm “I’ve been running after Abby, making sure she does not get in any troubles. But it seems like the fire is fought for a moment and I can finally catch a breath. “
“Really?” Y/N mocked putting the bowl away, crossing arms over her chest “guess the apple does not fall far from the tree, right? Abby takes a lot after you.”
“Are you calling me a troublemaker?” Dick caught his chest and his eyes widened in a fake shock. “Me?”
“Yes.” She teased “Aren’t you?”
“Maybe a bit” he muttered taking a step forward. This made Y/N take a step back and in no time she was trapped between the kitchen counter and his body. “But there’s one more thing me and Abby have in common.”
“And what may that be, Mr. Grayson?” she raised an eyebrow, observing his face carefully and impatiently awaiting the answer.
“We both happen to like the member of the l/n family.” He smirked, grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him closing the distance between them.  Her hands found a way towards his neck, locking around it and bringing his lips down for a kiss. It’s been a while since they had any opportunity to be alone, and they were not going to miss it. Even if that meant making out in a messy kitchen in someone else’s house, hiding from their kids. They were acting like teenagers, sneaking around and trying to keep their relationship a secret. And despite the fact that they were both adults this courtship was gentle, careful, soft. They have been hurt before and the cautiousness was making them both take it slow.
But obviously it didn’t mean that there was no passion between them when Dick grabbed onto her tighter, wanting her closer, his hands travelling around her back, sneaking under her shirt, craving to feel her skin, but still keeping the slow, loving pace.
“Behave….” She mumbled into the kiss, but not really stopping him. “Someone can see us…..”
“Oh, please…” he fought the urge to roll his eyes, moving to brush her cheek, jaw and neck in the teasing attempt to make her whine for him  “you can’t keep your hands to yourself either.” The bastard was right since her fingers were playing with his hair, pulling lightly.
“I can stop….” She started withdrawing her hands but he was quick to grab her wrist keeping it in place.
“Don’t.” his soft whispers and touches were literally making her melt. “I missed you, Y/n. I missed this…. us……” God, how she loved his attention, even when he pulled back and stopped kissing her, instead looking her straight in the eyes. “I .... wish to have more of you just for myself…..”
“I know. I feel the same.”  She smiled and her eyes glistened. Before she met him, after Thomas’s father left, she didn’t believe she could find love again. But life can be surprising and even if they haven’t really said the L word to each other,now she was trapped in the arms of a man who did love her with the undying passion and with whom she felt save and taken care of us as never before. And every time they stole a kiss or a secret touch or just talked or spent time together she felt like crying because of that warm feeling inside her chest and belly. This time was no different as  few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Crying again?” Dick cupped her face, brushing those drops away with his thumb “don’t cry on my account princess.” He brushed his nose over hers, forehead meeting forehead, eyes closing, breathing each other in.
“How can I not?” she sighed deeply, unable to hold back everything he was making her feel. “Dick, I….”
“I know, baby. Trust me, I know.” he planted a chaste kiss on her forehead, rocking her gently to the sound of music coming from the garden causing her to smile again.  
He knew.
He knew the heartbreak, the pain, the unanswered question why. He’s been through it all. And it was not his intention to play around with Y/n’s emotions and feelings or to hurt her. Ever. Not with everything she’s been through.
“I’m not like him…..” he whispered, almost inaudibly and she had to swallow the lump in her throat.
“How long do you think since one of the mums start looking for you to move the chairs or ask for another stupid favor?”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Are you jealous?”
“And what if I am?” she twirled a strand of hair on her finger, eyes fixed on his.
“Well, than I’m flattered, but you have no reason for that, baby.” His hands intertwined with hers, caressing tenderly “I lo…..” he almost said it. Almost.
“Daddy?” a quiet, girl’s voice cut him off and it took massive amount of energy to muffle the annoyed groan. Of course it was kids who interrupted him.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he pulled back
“I cut my finger….” Abby pouted, her gaze switching between her father and Y/N. “what are you doing?”
“We were just getting some fruits for you.” the older girl smiled “I’m gonna go and let your father take care of you, little one. See you around, Richard.” She moved away from him and with one final lingering secret brush of hands left him, still aching for her, not able to ever get enough of her presence.
“Daddy?” Abby asked again once Y/N was out of sight.
“Do you like Thomas’s mum?”
“Do you?”
“She’s nice and pretty. And gives the best hugs. “ the girl frowned, thinking deeply “so yes, I think I like her.”
“That’s good to know.” Dick smiled pecking the top of Abby’s head.  He was not going to let this woman out of his life and his daughter’s acceptance was very important for the future purposes.
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Platonic!Yandere Batman!Damian with new young robin!reader headcannons (extra points if you include uncle Jon and the league somehow)
Platonic! Yandere! Batman! Damian Wayne x Robin! Reader
Damian Wayne x reader. Yandere!Damian Wayne x reader/ Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader
Word count: 5604 words
TW: GN reader, Yandere, manipulation, adult Damian Wayne (based on Batman in Bethlehem), toxic family relations, obsession & Platonic yandere.
Okay, so I imagine that this all occurs at a time when Bruce has resigned and most of the others have moved on in some way, not only leaving Damian as the only one available and willing to take over the Batman cowl, but also making him impossibly alone. Desperate, abandoned and lonely. 
Dick is busy with his life in Blüdhaven, (either married to Barbara or Koriand’r, maybe even with a kid), working primarily as a detective for the Blüdhaven police force. He’s juggling a career, family and, obviously, his vigilante patrols at night, so the time left to visit Damian is minimal. 
Jason still occasionally patrols the streets at night, but he’s mostly out with Starfire and Roy, either playing uncle with Lian/Kori’s possible kid or doing Outlaws missions whenever Chesire/Jade Nguyen pulls herself together enough to take care of her daughter for a while. Jason is too busy getting his own life on track to even start worrying about Damian’s loneliness. 
Tim is probably still in Gotham, although he’s also busy. He’s building his own life as well, either with Bernard or some other girlfriend/boyfriend of his. He’s probably busy renovating an apartment close to the manor, on top of Wayne Enterprise work and vigilante obligations, giving him no free time to come visit for leisure time. Sure, Damian communicates with him over the comms on a daily basis, but it’s not really the same as speaking to someone face to face. Not to mention that shouting orders, descriptions and coordinates probably doesn’t count as a proper conversation.
Alfred is probably dead. I know everyone always jokes that he’s immortal, but even if he was, no one can deal with the Wayne family for more than a single lifetime. So, whether he clocked out naturally or simply, using his all-mighty Alfred powers, just decided to let his life seep out of him like air in a balloon. Alfred is gone.
In Alfed’s place, Bruce has stepped up as a type of off-brand Alfred. He’s retired his superhero alias, and now only has his CEO duties to focus on, which would’ve been a lot for most people, but this is Bruce and to him, it’s too little. So he has learned to cook, hires people to clean the house, make the beds etc. and has, (through observing the best dry cleaners he could possibly hire), learned to wash clothes, attempting to emulate Alfred as some type of coping mechanism for his absence. That doesn’t mean he has the same emotional intelligence as Alfred, it’s still Bruce we’re talking about, but he has the practicalities down. So yeah, Bruce has become an elderly man. But since he still is good old Bruce, that also means that his emotional availability is practically non-existent, made in no way better by the fact that he shut himself in even more after Alfred’s passing and most of his children flying away from the nest. Bruce longs for the old times, longs for the comforting presence of Alfred and the jolly sounds of younger people chit-chatting. Yet, no matter how much Damian might attempt to engage in longer conversations with Bruce, it’s not happening.
If you have a hard time imagining how Damian would look like Batman, think of Batman in Bethlehem. He has exchanged the unhandy cape for the much more practical coat, which not only gives him a more serious appearance but also proves to be a great weapon against the Gotham cold, as well as leaving much more room for gadgets, weapons and, just like his father, a secret compartment for treats. He is a much more menacing and unforgiving Batman compared to his father, never letting a goon get away. He is thorough to the point of near-perfection, which is damn impressive, but it’s also draining on Damian, both physically and emotionally. His father had a horde of Robins, Batgirls and the sporadic extra orphan to aid him in his pursuit for justice, all Damian has is Tim, and occasionally Jason, the latter of which is slowly coming to the realisation that sustaining the same muscle mass as a cow for decades takes a toll on your joints. 
So, even before Damian encounters you, he’s been in the search of someone to make the nightly patrolling of Gotham easier. Damian’s original intention hadn’t been to get a Robin. Actually, he considered “rescuing” an assassin from his mother’s army at the League of Assassins and reprogramming their mind through the various means that had been proven useful in war situations of the past… He did briefly consider asking Dick to contact M’gann for some “healthy” use of mind control. Yeah… Damian is not nearly as morally self-righteous as Bruce, another factor which has driven a wedge between the two.
However, then Damian met you. 
I can imagine that you had recently moved to Gotham, either with your family or alone. You’re probably no older than sixteen at the time of your and Damian's meeting, so if you’re moving to Gotham alone, you’re probably going to be at Gotham academy’s boarding school. But no matter what, you happen to be a huge Batman and, ostensibly, Robin fan. You have posters hung on your wall and photos of you dressing up as Robin when you were younger. It’s not quite Tim Drake-levels of fanboy/girl/person, but you are a bonafide fan.
So, as a fan, you enjoy looking out into the Gotham night, spotting either Red Robin or Batman pass in the air with the wires of their gliders shining in the moonlight. It gives you a sense of safety, knowing that the city has its protectors. Like any other fan, you can’t help but fantasise about how it’d feel to be one of them. How nice it must feel to have the wind hit your cheeks as you zoom through the night sky, and how cool you’d look in one of those fancy superhero suits. 
You have made multiple drawings throughout your youth of yourself as Robin or sometimes even your own made-up hero. You’ll prance around your room alone, listening to music, jumping from your desk chair to your bed to anywhere else with a flat surface, pretending that you’re a vigilante. Heck! I wouldn’t be surprised if you had begged your parents to send you to some type of martial arts as a kid. Begging, praying and practically kissing their feet until they oblige. That is, of course, if you didn’t have parents who had already sent you to karate/Jujitsu/you name it, before you yourself ever came up with that idea. 
I can imagine that the day you and Damian’s ways cross, it’s while he’s out as Batman. For some reason you’ve been left alone to go home/to the academy in the late evening hours, (a recipe for disaster in Gotham). Maybe you had to attend some school-arranged art show/science fair/literature competition and the teachers hadn’t coordinated a way for students to come home/your parents had forgotten that you were out for the night. Whatever it was, you were scared and alone, walking through the streets of Gotham at night. 
As will always happen in Gotham under such circumstances, a large shadowy man emerges from within one of Gotham’s many alleys. He’s neither quiet nor light on his feet, but he is big and the stench of piss, alcohol and decay attacks you before he even has the chance to. You might try to run, but his legs are longer than yours and he reaches you before you get anywhere. Huge grubby hands encase around your collar, heaving you up against a nearby brick wall, the rough texture cutting into the back of your head and back. You might try to use your martial arts knowledge to attempt to fend him off, and you may be successful. However, once you manage to make the man drop you, a swarm of similar-looking men emerge from the nearby alleys, alerted by the noise. They practically lick their lips at the sight of a young and defenceless school student, dumb enough to emerge after dark, it’s practically a Christmas gift for these degenerates. They surround you and you realise that you can’t fight them all, not at once. Your screams for help alert everyone in the neighbourhood, but none will come to your rescue, that’s just how Gotham functions. None…Except for Batman.
Damian hears your scream and within minutes the goons who attempted to attack you are on the floor, heads busted and limbs broken, some scramble away in fear, but end up with Damian’s grappling hook ripping a hole through their legs. The green-eyed Batman is surprisingly efficient, and it takes him no time to get you to safety, scoping you into his arms, as if you weighed less than a feather, and with his grappling hook, he flies through the air to the nearest rooftop. If you hadn’t been so traumatised and shocked by the near-death experience you just had, you might’ve been able to appreciate the experience of literally being saved by your idol. But alas you were, and the shaking of your limbs and rattling of your brain made you wholly unable to connect with reality. 
Damian is patient with you, his glowed hands trace your back as you slowly gather your breath, and once the worst shock is out of your body, he reaches into his breast pocket, where he pulls out a lolly, offering it to you. Now, one should never accept candy from a stranger, but when that stranger is Batman, you can be fairly certain it won’t be tampered with. As such, you accepted the candy with wide burning eyes. Your attempts at slowly peeling away the plastic were a hard-fought battle and Damian had to help you, slowly guiding your hand towards your mouth as you popped the candy into your mouth. The sweetness helped ground you a little, not to mention that it also helped you regain some of your lost powers.
When Damian reckons that you are mentally present again, he prompts you to tell him what happened. With trembling lips, you started to mutter out an answer, about how you had to walk alone because no one was there to get you home safely, how you’d fended one of the men off but then more just came, you almost let a sob slip, but manage to keep it in. Your emotional control and fighting spirit impress Damian, but more importantly, the utter imbecility of the adults in your life makes Damian feel a rage unlike any other.
Damian would take you home in his arms, barging through the front door of either your parents’ apartment or the front door of the academy. He ignores the protest of any adults attempting to stop him, even daring to roughly push them out of the way, as he carries you to your room, following your directions. Once he’s there, he’ll carefully put you on your bed and tug you in like a little kid, no matter your age at the time. He brushes your hair out of your face, (if you have any), and gently swipes your forehead with his thumb. This may seem like inappropriate behaviour for a stranger, but he’s Batman and you’re traumatised and still in shock. It’s his best attempt at calming you down.
Once you’re tugged in, he goes to your guardian, eyes burning with the fury of a thousand suns. He’ll scream his throat dry, reprimanding them for their carelessness, and if you’re living with your parents, he’ll threaten to call CPS on them. He’ll leave the building with a huff and a last warning of revenge should anything similar ever happen again.
It’s after this that Damian has a hard time letting go. He can’t help but constantly fear that you’re being mishandled in some way by your carers. He has nightmares of you in an alley, getting shot like his grandparents or worse… No! It’s so awful that he can’t even bear the thought. These tumultuous emotions will move him to the absolute edge, and to satiate his anxiety, even just a little, he’ll take to stalk look after you. He’ll follow your movements every free minute he has between working at Wayne Enterprises and patrolling the city as Batman, and if you have a bike or pair of shoes you often use, he’ll somehow manage to slip a tracker in there to follow your every move, even when he’s at work or out patrolling. “It’s just to keep them safe”, he’ll tell himself, justifying his actions. But really, whatever his intentions might’ve been in the beginning, they slowly morph into something darker, more possessive. Damian starts to wonder if he might not be a better parent and mentor to you than your real parents. They’re neglectful, he surmises. Either they were the ones who let you walk through Gotham at night, or they simply shipped you off to Gotham Academy, which clearly had no idea how to take care of its students.
Damian might force Bruce to attend his retelling of the night he met you, how he had to follow you around...to ensure your safety, of course! He twists the story and paints your parents as the most horrendous of people, totally disinterested in the well-being of their child, it makes Bruce pity you. Damian suggests that they take you, and make sure that you get a safer environment, with Damian adopting you, in a sense. Bruce isn’t entirely convinced of this, citing that they cannot just kidnap you from your home. However, when Damian mentions how you’re pretty much like Tim, except a better person in every regard, Bruce’s longing for nostalgia slowly creeps back through the cracks. His mind swirls with memories of little Dick, Jason, Tim and even Damian. When was the last time they had a kid, or at least a young person, in the house? It’s been so long that he barely remembers. The house is too big just for two adult men, they could really use someone to spice up the atmosphere. And as such, Bruce is on board… Not that Damian would’ve listened to him if he said otherwise.
  With the decision made that you will become the newest in a long line of adopted Waynes, Damian sets out to get you. He will attempt to make it look natural… like the way Bruce adopted Dick after his parents died… Yeah, wouldn’t it be a shame if all your aunts and uncles suddenly started having issues in their life leaving them incapable of ever taking care of themselves, let alone you if something happened to your parents? 
And wouldn’t it be even more of a shame if… let’s say, after pretty much all adults in your family either died, was run bankrupt or somehow ended up in jail… your parents finally die in a freak accident. Perhaps it’s a car crash due to someone having messed with its tailpipe? Or maybe they went to the cinema, only for the projector to hit them… and only them? It could even just be that while you’re out of the house/at the academy that they suddenly have a carbon monoxide slip in their home, making them silently sleep in the arms of the grim reaper. 
Whatever it is, your parents will mysteriously die, and with no one else in your family able to take you in, the Gotham police department is left at a standstill. If you came from another country than the US, they might talk about sending you back to an orphanage there… anything is better than Gotham… but if you’re American they’ll have no other choice than to start preparations to move you into one of the rat-infested shiteholes calling themselves Gotham orphanages.
Wherever you’re from, you don’t have to wait more than a day before someone unexpectedly shows up at the police station, just as the pitying policemen are trying to help you pack your last stuff into boxes, ready to be sent wherever you need to go. Multi-billionaire, Damian Wayne. Everyone at the station is suspicious about how the green-eyed Wayne heard about the sudden availability of an orphan without any family to go to, but he’s a Wayne, so they’re not surprised… They have a thing for adopting orphans after all. And that’s exactly what Damian proposes!
The broad-shouldered man will bow down to your level, reach out a hand, a gentle smile on his otherwise hardened features, and offer you to join him as his ward. With the horror stories you’ve heard of orphanages combined with the possibility of being adopted by a literal billionaire, you don’t hesitate to accept, albeit reluctantly. Whatever reservations the police may have is waved off by the thought that the Waynes have experience with orphans and they’ll be able to give you a life so much more engaging than anyone else ever possibly could. To most of them, this seems like the perfect ending to your otherwise sad story… If only they knew.
Any legal troubles with adopting you, or if any relative attempts to better themselves to be able to take over your care, will be solved with a wat of cash in someone corruptible’s hands and a slight threat of homicide. To anyone except Damian, the adoption went entirely smoothly and without a hitch.
Once you’re settled in with Damian and Bruce, you’ll come to realise that this life really isn’t all that you expected it to be.  The trauma of your parents’ deaths is still fresh, but Damian expects you to get over it within the first few weeks, he is after all, (in his mind at least), your new “dad/mentor”, you’re not alone…Not like he’s been for the past many years… So why can’t you just settle into your new life with vigour? Or at least not mope around most of the time! 
Bruce is more patient than Damian, he’ll let you open up to him, even if he’s bad with emotions. I can imagine that after the death of your parents, you might develop heavy night terrors, to which Bruce will attempt to calm you by sitting at your bedside until you fall asleep. If you feel especially anxious one night, Bruce will swear that he and Damian will protect you, no matter what. After a while, Damian will take over nightguard duty, realising that he needs to let you open up slowly… or at least not instantly…
Damian might start reading you bedtime stories, even if you’re technically too old for them. His voice is just so calming, its eclectic accent combined with clear brass undertones, both of which remind you of a certain hero… It makes you momentarily forget the fear and despair that came with the death of your parents, so, even if it’s a little infantilising, you appreciate Damian’s presence as you fall asleep, it makes you feel safe. 
If you’ll let him, Damian will trace calming circles on your back while reading, and if you ask him to, he’ll tell you stories from his childhood… the censored versions, he doesn’t want your delicate ears to get hurt by him explaining how he knew a million ways to kill a man before he even turned ten…
You will live a relatively comfortable life with Bruce and Damian for a while, getting introduced to the others whenever they find the time to drop by to meet the new member of the Wayne legacy, as well as getting acquainted with Jon Kent, who, (as Damian’s best friend), demands to be called uncle, despite you not even calling Damian dad… At least not yet. If all this attention on you makes you uncomfortable and feel like a zoo exhibition, Damian will immediately ban everyone except Jon and Tim from visiting for the next long while, even Dick. Tim kinda needs access to the manor for when he and Damian are doing patrol debriefings and Jon refused to not come around, besides he’s so disarming that you’ll probably get used to him quickly… whether or not you end up calling him uncle.
After a while, Damian might come to the conclusion that to truly bond with you he must give you an outlet for your frustrations… And he only knows one way that ever really worked for him… Becoming Robin.
One day, when you come home from school, Damian will command you to follow him in a tone which you had never heard him speak to you with before. It is hard, serious and foreboding, chills will spread up your back and through your fingers, a bad taste will invade the back of your throat and your breaths cut short… What did you do? Was Damian going to throw you back on the path of an orphanage kid? What had you done?
What you did not expect was for Damian to strut up to an old grandfather clock, turning the arrows on the white disk to exactly 10:47. Whether or not you’re the type of person to be easily surprised, there’s no way you wouldn’t be at least a little taken aback when the large clock swung back, revealing the entrance to what looked to be a cave.
You had no context to put it up against and as such your fear took over, making you slowly back away from the hole in the wall that had just been revealed. Damian’s weird behaviour doesn’t make the situation any better either. Really, for you, there’s no telling what’s going on.
Damian notices your hesitation and briefly takes offence until he senses your genuine fear.  “It’s nothing bad, I promise. It’s just a family secret that I trust you enough to know.” He’ll try to reassure you, whether it works or not doesn’t matter, as he picks you up like you weighed nothing and carries you down the metal steps… He doesn’t trust you to not fall and hurt yourself.
Once down in the cave, he’ll reveal to you that he’s Batman, the second one to bear the monicker. He’ll reveal the hero identities of all your “new uncles”, even Jon. All the information that he believes you could possibly need will be loaded onto you in a “brief” thirty minutes monologue. By the end of it, you’re floored… who wouldn’t be? This is probably the last thing anyone would ever consider when moving in with a new family. A bit of your fan behaviour might poke through, as you go from shocked to concerned to almost a little ecstatic… your favourite hero is your adopted father… Wow! The powers above really shone down on you after you had lost everything, huh?
But the pleasant surprises don’t stop there as Damian starts to describe how most Robins lost their birth parents somehow, (with him being the exception), and how most of them worked through this, (not really), by becoming vigilantes. You start to wonder and maybe even hope that he’ll offer the position to you, but multiple times have to remind yourself to stop dreaming, it would be unlikely, right? I mean, you might be able to fight, but not vigilante-level, right? Well… Damian disagrees, and he offers you to become his Robin. In all your star-struck wonder, you fail to see the possessive and obsessive glint in his eyes. You accept on the spot, feeling as if it’s a dream come true.
From then on, your days will be filled with nothing except school, family and Robin training, there’ll simply be no time for friends and going out doing your own thing, and Damian loves it! He believes you’re the safest when you’re within the manor or in his direct line of sight. Anywhere else is dangerous.
Damian will eventually start to suspect the safety of your school…The teachers probably don’t know how to defend you from rogues. Heck! Hey probably don’t even care for your safety! His mind ruminates on the topic for a while, until he decides to let you be homeschooled. He asks around to see if there’re any good private teachers whom he can trust, but there aren’t. None of the people he interviews ever fit his standards: One is too lax, the other too strict, one isn’t clever enough and a fourth doesn’t seem loyal enough. It’s next to impossible to fill out all the demands that the green-eyed Wayne sets up, but there’s one man whom Damian would trust with your education and safety. Bruce… If we’re all being honest, he’s probably a better teacher in all subjects than those who actually studied for the position. It’s actually Bruce’s own idea that he’ll be the one tutoring you, he can work for Wayne enterprises at home, and teach you at the same time, it’s great bonding, and Bruce enjoys your youthful presence so much. It’s a win-win situation for both men… Of course, this will also mean that you’ll become entirely isolated from anyone that isn’t Damian approved. Your social circles are suddenly limited to a bunch of adults, most of whom are vigilantes, hell-bent on keeping others safe… This has the added side-effect of depriving you of anyone who might support your suspicions, should you sound the alarm as Damian puts up more and more safety protocols to keep you out of harm's way.   
With no one else but the family, you become entirely submerged in the vigilante culture and social circles, as you train to become the new Robin. The only people you’ll see on a regular basis will be Damian, grandpa Bruce, uncle Jon and uncle Tim. Perhaps great uncle Clark will semi-regularly swing by with great aunt Lois, but that’s rare, Bruce usually goes to them. You may notice yourself becoming quite dependent on Damian and Bruce’s company and attempt to rebel, this doesn’t fly with Damian. He loves you, but he’s not the most patient of people. He will have no qualms about locking you in your room for hours or even days, only letting you out to do your Robin training.
It’ll take a long time for Damian to let you become a true Robin, he wants to be sure that you’ll be safe and have the skills to defend yourself fully. It wouldn’t even surprise me if you had already reached the age of 18 before you got to actually patrol the city, not that this would change anything, Damian would either pay someone to fake your birth certificate so that you were still his legal ward on paper or maybe just refuse to let you have any more freedom, even if you protest… at that point, he would have had years to manipulate you into being entirely loyal to the family and more specifically him, so I doubt that it’d be a real problem.
Regardless, when he does bestow upon you the right to become Robin, it’ll be the end of a long road. He’ll invite everyone in your immediate social circle to come and celebrate, even some of Bruce’s old colleagues like Hal Gordan and Barry Allen might show up, it’s a big party and it’s all about you. Any fancy dresses or suits you want? it’s yours! The entire house will be decorated in your favourite colours and all your favourite food will be served! At the end of the evening, everyone will be gathered in one of the manor’s large living rooms, and Damian will present you with your very own Robin suit. You’ll be surprised to find that it’s a real-life replica of the ones you had drawn as a child. If you wonder how he got them, Damian will simply say he had found them in the rubbish the day you moved in and he had thought it a shame to throw them out… really he had stolen the drawing from you back when he was still stalking you, having collected the perfect materials throughout your years of training, it had sometimes been a struggle to find fabric that both matched your idea of the costume as well as being practical in a field setting, but he had managed it, and now you had the perfect costume, just the way you’d always wanted it.
Damian is overprotective of you the first many times that you’re out as Robin, to the point where he barely lets you fight, out of fear that you might get hurt. But slowly and with the reassurances of both Tim, Jon and Bruce, he’ll let you fight on your own. His eyes will still always find your form the second he hears a grunt coming from your direction, but he’ll let you handle it unless he deems the situation too dangerous… which he does quite often…
Life will be fine as long as you’re by his side, he’s your Batman and you’re his Robin, and Gotham is delighted by the return of the traffic-cone-themed sidekick. Bruce will look upon you and Damian fondly, and be reminded of good-old times when that was him and Dick, or the beginning of him and Jason… Back before it all got so complicated… which is ironic because the emotions involved in you and Damian’s Batman/Robin partnership are way more complicated, dark and obsessive than any of Bruce’s ever were.
You might wonder why Bruce never opposes Damian’s obvious yandere tendencies, but, in truth, Bruce refuses to see them. After all his sons, (except Damian), moved out, he got too old to be Batman, Alfred died and his entire life practically had to be narrowed down to Wayne Enterprises and occasional visits from his boys, (most of whom he was estranged from), Bruce had lost his spark, his reason to wake up in the morning. However, when you arrived, an entirely new chapter of his life opened up. He no longer felt like he was riding through the last fourth of his life without any meaning. No, with you there, he now had the responsibilities of a grandfather! He had someone to live for and to tell his near-endless anecdotes to! Your sudden appearance in his life saved him, and as such, he couldn’t even begin to let himself see the cracks in the happy facade he depended on to keep his life going. To him, you were all a happy and healthy family, three generations: Father, son and grandchild. And no one could take that away from him, he refused.
As you grow up, still living with Damian and Bruce, switching between the two identities of Robin and y/n, the wealthy socialite, adopted by Damian Wayne, you might start to consider whether you should create something of your own, instead of just living a life that Damian created for you. You might look at photos of the old Teen Titans and Young Justice, all hung throughout the halls of Wayne manor, and think to yourself, “maybe I could do something like that too”.
If you verbalise this idea to Damian, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing, his eyes widening with fear and rage. “You want to leave us?! After everything we’ve done for you?!” You can try your best to explain that you just want to become your own person, but Damian will hear non of it. He becomes frantic and angry, making you sit and listen to him rant about how dangerous it can be for a bunch of sidekicks, not even fully-fledged heroes, to just team up and battle it out. He’ll list to you all the most horrific incidents that happened in both Teen Titans and Young Justice, the people that got permanently, the people that got seriously maimed and those who died horrifically. At the end of his hours-long rant, he’d have instilled sufficient anxiety within you to turn you off to that idea.
After your suggestion, though, Damian might realise that you could be in need of a friend around your age. He doesn’t like the idea, a mix of both jealousy and the fear that they won’t protect you makes him reluctant to seek out some of the other sidekicks, but for you and your mental well-being, he’ll do anything. So he finds a sidekick, it could be Jon’s… actually, it’s most likely Jon’s sidekick, I can’t really see him trusting anyone else. But he’ll go up to them and practically demand that they befriend you. If they’re anything like Jon, and I can imagine that they are, they’ll accept with a big smile.
You may have a hard time befriending Jon’s sidekick, especially if your personalities aren’t compatible, however, they’re the only other person around your age you have, so you’ll have to make do. Eventually becoming best friends, even if you can’t stand them.
Any other need you could possibly have, Damian will always find a way to satiate it without ever giving you your freedom. It’ll be the most infuriating game of pulling rope, he’ll always give in to your demands, but in a way that just further cements your inability to escape him.
Damian will never let you go, not as long as he lives. If you try to get married… hah! No. Not happening. If you wanna go to university, he’ll hire tutors to come to your home. You’re never escaping and Damian isn’t coy about showing his possessiveness and platonic obsession with you. You’re his kid, even if you refuse. Really, you should have just stayed home that fateful night when you met, because now you’re stuck as Damian’s Robin, forever.
A/N: Yes, you can just ignore this, it's mostly for the user who sent in the request.
Thank you for this idea! I hope you like what I did with it!
I'm really sorry that these take so long to come out lately, but I have my final exams in a little over a month, (they start on the 1st of May), so I'm in a pretty tight spot for time recently, I'll obviously become more productive when they're all done, and I do also have another full one shot of Damian in the works. For the anon who requested this, I would just like to say, you had a wonderful idea, and I hope I did it justice, it didn't really go where I had originally intended it to, but I hope that this is what you might've preferred either way.
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
DC Comics
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (+ Wally West, Razer - no fics yet)
Dick Grayson x fem!reader
One More Favor (Titans!Dick Grayson)
5k+ words | angst to fluff | When Dick takes Rachel out of Detroit, he needs help, but he'll have to call in a few favors first.
Honeymoon Suite
2.6k+ words | fluff | Batman sends you and Dick undercover as newlyweds. At the end of the mission, neither of you want things to change.
Bang, Baby
5.5k+ words | angst-ish to fluff | metahuman!reader | After you move to Dakota City from Gotham, you find yourself dealing with metahumans and vigilantes yet again. Dick Grayson comes to check on you after an explosion and gets a surprising glimpse into your mind.
Jason Todd x fem!reader
The Man Under the Hood
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | After a terrifying encounter with Red Hood, Jason is left to pick up the pieces.
Love, The Man Under the Hood 1.8k+ words | angst to fluff | After learning that Jason Todd is the Red Hood, he tells you everything.
1.5k words | fluff | Gotham winters are brutal, but your best friend Jason Todd and work friend Red Hood know how to combat the cold. Unfortunately, you're falling in love with both of them.
Lost Time
1.3k+ words | fluff | Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Family Name
6.6k+ words | angst to fluff | ex-Army/SWAT!reader | After ten years away, you return to Gotham. When you discover you know the true identity of the Joker, you join Batman's fight to save Gotham.
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
3.1k+ words | fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids 1.6k+ words | fluff | Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Black Mercy
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When you and Bruce find Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, you encounter the Black Mercy. Bruce faces his heart's greatest desire, and you encourage him to find happiness.
What You Want
2.9k+ words | angst / hurt/comfort | You are Joker's daughter, and you let him think for you. Bruce Wayne, however, sees who you really are and encourages you to be better.
Bats Need Lives Too
2.1k+ words | fluff/comfort | Bruce and the boys have bad days, and as their mom, it's your job to make them better.
2.7k+ words | fluff | Your husband Bruce never stops flirting with you, and everyone, in Gotham and beyond, knows it.
Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Me or the Ring
3.5k+ words | angst | When the Guardians suspect you, a woman from earth, of working with the Star Sapphires to commit mass murder, Hal Jordan volunteers to find evidence. He accidentally falls for you in the process, but you find out why he let you get so close and pull away.
Me and the Ring 2.9k+ words | angst to fluff | After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
/ Blurbs/Celebration Fics
Christmas '23 | Dick (Haley's Holiday)(A League Christmas) | Jason (Special Edition)
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reblog-reblog666 · 4 months
Masterlist 7
Matthew Murdock
Virtuous person - Fluff, Spice, Hurt/Comfort
Matt x Chubby!Fem!Reader - Fluffy Smut
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
A sensory game - Smut Adjacent
Hygiene hcs
The silver culprit - Smut, Comfort
To pay the price - Smut Adjacent
But daddy I love him - Fluff, Suggestive
A dirty chai latte kind of love - Fluff, Blurb
The safe word - Smut Adjacent, Hurt Comfort, Fluff
Cabbage and tears - Hurt/Comfort, Mom!Reader
Brush strokes - Fluff, Spicy, Artist!Reader
Submissive Matt - Smut
Thumb v printer - Fluff
Love language character study - Fluff, Comfort, Smut, Drabble
Drunk raccoon hcs - Fluff
A purrfect edition - Fluff, Autistic!Plussize!Reader
Sick - Hurt/Comfort
Coming back from space (sub!Matt version) - Fluff, Comfort, Smut Adjacent
Sfw headcanons
Too much - Hurt/Comfort
Accidents - Fluff, Mom!Reader, Dad!Matt
Coming back from space (sub!reader version) - Smut Adjacent, Comfort, Fluff
How far does it go; when does it end? - Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Enduring - Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Beautiful. - Fluff, Smut
Lack of focus - Hurt/Comfort
Read my hands/read my mind - HOH!Reader, Fluff
Meeting the defenders - Fluff
Fucked up leg - Hurt/Comfort
Midwest emo and the music debate - Fluff, Blurb
Sex pollen blurb - +Frank, smut
The fallen angel’s destruction - Smut adjacent, sub!Matt
Say goodbye to my heart tonight - Smut adjacent
ddba!Matt smut shorts
Do I need to beg? - Smut
Devil’s work - Smut
Beach hcs - Fluff
Bruce Wayne
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
x GN!Reader - Smut
Clark Kent
Picture perfect - Fluff
Michael Kinsella
Ring the changes - Smut
Lovebites - Smut
Smut blurb
Predawn bliss - Fluff, Blurb, Mom!Reader
Frank Castle
Hygiene hcs
With care - Pregnant!Reader, Comfort, Fluff
Sex pollen Drabble - +Matt, smut
Aaron Hotchner
Autistic reader comfort
Wear it well - Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
x Adult!Daughter reader - Comfort, Fluff
Grumpy - Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Drunk - Fluff
Meeting Jack - Adult!Daughter Reader, Fluff
Spencer Reid
Soft Spencer hcs - Fluff
Being protective - Hurt/Comfort, Autistic!Reader
TASM!Peter Parker
Burning candles - Fluff, Comfort, Autistic!Reader
Charlie Swan
Let’s get in the back of your car, officer - Smut
Cockwarming - Smut blurb
Freaky - Smut Blurb
Burns - Fluff, xCarlisle Cullen, Hurt Comfort? Part 2
Small town shit - Smut
Let the rain wash away our secrets - Smut
Carlisle Cullen
Burns - Fluff, xCharlie Swan, Hurt Comfort? Part 2
Love and Deep Space
would you still love me if i was a worm? (and other thought-provoking questions) - Sylus, Fluff, Comfort
She’s with me - All, Angst?, Comfort/Fluff?
Walking in on him watching adult content - All, Smut adjacent blurbs
Gossip hcs - Fluff, Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
Yandere thoughts - Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
“Be gentle” - Sylus, Smut blurb
Clingy - Sylus, Blurb, Fluff
His own hands - Zayne, Smut
Stroke game - Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel, Smut blurbs
Midnight stealth - Sylus, Smut
Sylus relationship hcs - Fluff, Smut adjacent
Nervous reader during sex - Xavier, Rafayel, Smut
Play fighting - Rafayel, Fluff, Smut adjacent
The sixth of March - Rafayel, Smut
Switch - Sylus, Smutty thoughts
Cat and mouse - Yandere!Sylus
Blowjob Drabble - Sylus, Smut
Kindred spirits - Sylus, Smut
Trying to get you to sleep - Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel, fluff, smut adjacent
Plan - Sylus, Smut
How Sylus fucks to when he overstimulates you - Sylus, Smut
What he says in bed - Sylus, Smut adjacent
Somno and lingerie - Xavier, Rafayel, Zayne, Smut
She can’t come to the phone right now - Xavier, Smut
Random habits - Hcs, General, Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne, Sylus
Comfort for a crying heart - Blurbs, Hurt/Comfort, Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus
Responsible dads - Fluff, Blurbs, Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus
Muscle mommy - Fluff, Blurbs, Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel, Sylus
When you playfully reject their kiss - Blurbs, Fluff, Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel
Dress to impress - Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus, Fluff, Blurbs
To make a family - Xavier, Smut
Good girl gone bad - Xavier, Smut
You are my favorite mistake - Sylus, Smut, Fluff
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hanasnx · 2 months
the brainrot for bruce wayne x 19yo reader is fucking feral rn.
idk why but the potential for angst in this is like calling to me but basically after everything is said and done and she’s stopped trying to get with bruce and she knows why he did it all, there’s a difference in the way she acts, not even that noticable but to everyone, like everyone, its something so huge.
maybe her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes when she’s flouncing around with guys anymore, maybe she’s just a touch more closed off, maybe she’s not as flirty and touch like she was before.
one thing is for sure tho, bruce wayne is the one at fault for this change. He doesn’t care tho, bruce didn’t care about how this constant hot and cold would affect her. She’s an adult, she can make her own choices, but the rest of the world is constantly reminding him that she was still in high school not even a year ago, but he doesn’t care. As long as they’re focusing on Bruce Wayne and not Batman.
i rly liked this message bcos i feel like the significance of nineteen year old reader often gets misinterpreted but this was a rly nice example of her
you basically laid out a similar plan that i had for her after her and bruce end it and she matures a bit. not saying she wasnt an adult, but i know what i was like at nineteen and ive matured and changed a whole bunch. i struggle to relate to people even two years younger than me. cant imagine how bruce was feeling with someone young enough to be his daughter so to speak
the experience does change her, alter her self esteem. not in a particularly bad way, just impactful. being young and famous, shes only been taught her youth and beauty is an asset irresistible to men, and for bruce to show her that hes capable of refusing it is very puzzling. so yea she does retreat into herself a bit, she knows she cant get just "any man" and its not a process that humbled her because she needed humbling, no no. she just learns lessons she wouldnt have learned without bruce. its hard and complicated to explain, but it is based on an experience ive had i think. loosely
bruce ofc doesnt visibly care that he changed a girl's life, or care that people remind him every so often. but he knew what he was doing using her, and in a way hes glad it was him and not someone else that wouldve used her for something else.
i dont feel like im explaining this all right, because i put a lot of personal emotion into this "au" so im all over the place, but i rly liked your message
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Toxicology – Young Adult
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“What are you doing here?” Bruce asked casually, even though they both knew what day it was.
“I’m here to make you talk.” Dick crossed his arms and glared at his past mentor.
Bruce gave him an unimpressed look.
“We both noticed something was off with Damian. But we never swapped notes,” there was that classic Dick Grayson sass. “Wanna know what made me realize something was off?”
Bruce just eyed him, not wanting to further encourage this conversation.
“I saw him laughing. It was something small, insignificant.” Dick shook his head at the memory. “But it made me realize how rare the sound was. And then… that he was doing it more often. And smiling more than ever. Yeah, he was off. But I realize now that it was because he was just a kid trying to figure out his feelings.”
Bruce knew where this was going and remained silent.
“You saw your son happy, Bruce. You saw Damian experience something normal for the first time in his life. And what did you do? You ripped it away from him.” Dick sighed. “Yeah, he lied to you. But I wonder who he learned that from…”
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Gorgeous | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.9k
✦ request — I was thinking a Adult! Damian Wayne and a plus size female reader with semi public sex, body worship (because Im insecure) and clothed sex (sorry if they arent really kinks per say, Im not the kinky-est of people.) I like the idea that the reader and Damian are already a couple and are being forced to go to a Wayne gala but thing leads to another they find somewhere to have fun.
✦ warnings — nsfw, established relationship, some body worship, semi-public sex, clothed sex, bathroom sex, needy sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (please don’t do this), creampie, a tiny bit of aftercare, light fluff.
There was nothing new about having Damian’s hands on you in public. Generally, his hand was on your plump waist or his palm pressed against yours, sometimes dangling off your shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you.
This time was different. There was no need to curl his arm around your middle like that, to pull you so close while he held inane conversations after introducing you to people he claimed were important just to appease them.
He didn't want to be there. To Bruce's relief, he had changed his mind when you promised you would leave as early as possible.
So Damian was antsy to leave, to find a way to ditch the boring conversation he was holding with the old man in front of you. The man's date was young enough to be his daughter but by the way he groped her, you doubted she was.
You felt bad for the poor girl. She looked lost, uncomfortable with being surrounded by men who didn't shy away from ogling at her.
Being new to those types of events was never easy. You still remembered your first one vividly — if you had been there with anybody but Damian or if Damian was another kind of man, you would have run away from there five minutes in.
Now you knew how to navigate galas and big events, at least enough to not feel uncomfortable the entire evening. Besides, Damian rarely left your side and when he had to, Cassandra was there to keep you company.
Damian pulled you closer. "If you excuse us..."
You loosened your arm around his waist to walk more comfortably, letting him guide you.
He grumbled on his way to the other side of the vast room, complaining about the man he had been talking to. "So old yet so stupid."
You giggled lowly. "I didn't pay attention to what he said."
"It was hard to."
"That bad?"
"You are extremely distracting."
"I didn't do anything."
"You look gorgeous tonight." The compliment easily rolled off his tongue.
Abashed, you looked away from his intense gaze. Damian didn't have any of it and turned you around so you would face him. You looked up at him, almost whining when he took his arm off you.
He rested his warm hand on your cheek and leaned in, giving you a soft, chaste, kiss. "I mean it," he whispered as he pulled away.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. You hid your face on his shoulder, breathing against his neck.
Damian exhaled deeply. "Behave."
"I'm just hugging you," you defended yourself. What else were you supposed to do when he was being so flirty?
PDA wasn't prohibited per se, but you knew he didn't like taking part in it unless it was needed or brief. Pulling away, you added, "Nobody's looking, don't worry."
He gave you an incredulous look. Both of you made a pause, gazing at each other as though either of you could read minds.
His eyes had something different in them, yes, something that lingered when you shared in the most intimate moments there were to share.
You looked away from his dilated pupils, examining the room. Nobody was looking, you had been right.
He dropped his hand to your shoulder, regaining your attention. Tilting your head, silently asking him what was wrong, you were granted a smirk.
Damian dragged his hand down your arm, only stopping when he reached your own hand. Pressing his palm against yours, trapping your fingers between his, he pulled you out of the room.
You allowed yourself to be guided —dragged— by him. Servers didn't find the sight weird or unfamiliar, the maids had seen this many times before.
He pushed a door open and tugged on your hand. You followed him inside as he turned the lights on. You were expecting a sitting room, he often pulled you into those, not a bathroom.
It was a gigantic bathroom, too big to be downstairs. Then again, Wayne Manor was insanely big so perhaps your surprise was somewhat unfounded.
You didn't have to ask what you were doing there. Not only because you knew how to read him, but because he didn't waste any time and took your face in both hands to kiss you.
The chasteness from earlier was gone, there were no people to smitten with your picture-perfect relationship. He could manhandle you and turn you into a panting mess here, he could render you speechless and explore your body away from their prying eyes.
And he did. Thoroughly.
He dragged the skirt of your dress up, eyes searching your face as he asked, "Is this okay?"
He always asked and your answer was almost always the same. "Yes."
Positioning you against the wall, he crashed his lips against yours again. His hands roamed your body, grabbing at your thighs and pinching your belly as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
Everything was welcomed, including the shudder that overcame him when you reacted and started touching him too.
He cut the kiss short and started peppering tiny kisses all over your face, grip on you tight as he pressed his crotch to yours. Damian kissed your neck, not caring if he left any marks as he sucked on your skin, and dived down to your chest.
It was a shame that you didn't have more time, at least you didn't think you did. Being caught making out in a bathroom —or more, which you were sure things were leading to— wasn't in your plans that night.
“Damian, please.”
He hummed against your neck. “Beg me again. Just once, love.” It sounded like a beg on its own.
"Please, baby."
Humming, he turned you around and guided you towards the sink. You bent over, holding your bunched-up skirt.
Eagerly, he jerked your panties down and slipped his fingers through your folds. He let out a groan upon finding just how wet you were.
It was almost embarrassing to be a victim of such an effect, but you couldn't even blame yourself.
Damian fiddled with his belt, quickly unbuckling it and undoing his pants. Soon, you felt the weight of his cock on your asscheek.
He aligned his cock with your core, slowly entering you. The familiar burn of the stretch of his girth prompted you to let out a whimper.
"You feel divine," he sighed.
He pulled your zipper halfway down, prompting you to lift your head to look at him through the mirror. Damian angled his face and kissed the back of your neck.
“Remember to be quiet, beloved," he said against your skin.
Easier said than done. His movements started slow, gentle, and for the most part, they stayed as such.
His pace was heavenly, not too fast as he had mercy on your back. His thrusts were deep, slow, and sensual as his hands groped your breasts on top of your dress.
Your face was warm, and beads of sweat trickled down, potentially ruining part of your makeup.
You grabbed at his forearms, fearing that you would slip. Damian knew that didn’t mean he had to stop or slow down so he tightly wrapped an arm around you and continued fucking you.
Keeping quiet became so hard that you removed one hand from him to cover your mouth.
You felt yourself getting closer, clenching around him in a tight grip. Damian attached his mouth to your skin to muffle any sound threatening to escape.
Briefly withdrawing your hand from your mouth, you breathed out, “Damian, I’m close.”
“Come for me,” he encouraged you in a breathless growl.
The knot in your abdomen came undone as the wave of your orgasm crashed onto you.
After a few more thrusts, he stilled inside you. Seconds later, he sucked on your neck as he came.
He didn't pull out just yet. He leaned his weight on your back, pushing your face to the side he was closest to so he could kiss you.
You tried to turn around. He loosened his grip on you and pulled out, allowing you to turn around and face him.
Holding each other close for a moment as you regained your breaths, you both collected yourselves in —mostly, apart from your panting— silence.
He tucked himself in and started looking for toilet paper.
"Thankfully," he playfully said, "I didn't ruin your dress."
The reminder of your silly little argument from when you were getting ready served as a reminder that you were supposed to be at a big event.
He started cleaning you up, derailing your train of thought. He was gentle as he wiped the cum dribbling down your thighs.
"Let me," you told him, feeling abashed due to his actions.
You cleaned yourself as best as you could without using water and pulled your panties back up.
He placed his hands on your waist and pressed his lips to yours. This time the kisses you shared were sweeter, similar to the one from the party.
Just how long had you been away from the reception? Who had realized you both were gone?
Begrudgingly, you parted from Damian's warm touch and tender kisses. As you twisted to look at yourself in the mirror, Damian helped you with your zipper — after all, he had been the one who pulled it down.
You became frozen. Your makeup had been ruined, worse than you had anticipated, and your hairdo had been destroyed by Damian's nuzzling against the back of your head and your face.
You groaned. “I left my purse in your room.”
“It’s fine, we’re not going back to the gala.”
“Bruce is going to kill you.”
“Of course not.”
Damian pulled a bottle of air freshener out and shook it. Without warning, he pressed the trigger and released spray out of the bottle.
“You’re spraying me!” You grimaced as particles got into your mouth.
“It’s part of the plan.”
“What are you—“
He made sure everything was in its place, then washed his hands. “We’re going to say you started to feel sick.” Moving so you would wash your hands too, he focused on fixing his tie.
Pumping soap onto your hands, you complained, “Why me and not you?”
“Because your hair is a mess, not mine.”
You rolled your eyes as you rinsed your hands. “And whose fault is that?”
“Doesn’t matter.” He grabbed you by the chin and gave you a small kiss. “Take your shoes off, you’re supposed to be nauseous.”
It didn’t even surprise you that he had come up with a plan in case you got caught.
Soon enough, his arm was around you again as he pretended to guide your dizzy self upstairs. You almost dropped your shoes in the middle of the staircase, but you made it to his room without any significant distractions.
You walked directly into his bathroom to wipe your ruined makeup off. Damian entered behind you, handing you the change of clothes you had brought that afternoon.
It was common for you to stay at the manor with him after galas or parties so bringing a change of clothes every time came like second nature.
“You should go back,” you insisted as you took the clothes from him. “Bruce doesn’t need anything more to worry about.”
“You promised we would leave early.”
“We kinda did, baby.”
He didn’t have any retort to your comment which made him pout. “I don’t want to go back. He’ll survive.” He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Besides, didn’t you hear my gorgeous girlfriend needs me?”
Flattery would get him nowhere. Maybe. “Damian…”
“She’s feeling indisposed at the moment, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left her alone in my cold room?”
You let out a grumble which let him know he won. He always did.
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
The unfaithful bat: A new villain
Character: Clark Kent x male reader, Bruce Wayne x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in DC
Warnings: Very dark, reading on your own risk.
Life became good after Bruce Wayne. Your children were thriving. Especially the oldest two, Dick and Jason. You had never seen, how badly your husband had treated them really. It broke your heart that you were this blind to the things he had done. Now both adults, one with serious abandonment issues, a pessimistic outlook on relationships and the other, massive anger issues and falling into drugs.
At least the drug problems, were you able to end, after you got wind of it. He even got into a prestige university, after he became clean and actually mastered the aptitude test. Still he does not leave your home, he does all the work over the internet. Just to make sure, you would never be alone. Paranoia had exceeded in all of them. Except Damien, who actually kicked a group of villains out of the house once, when nobody even knew they were there.
Years later, Dick became a detective, a job made for him, while Jason is actually studying psychology. After everything he went trough, even dying once, I could not think of someone better to do it. Even when he needed to work, on listening to people.
Tim was an another story, the time he had spent in his room, on all his computers paid off for him. He didn’t even finished high school and already is leader of the „Digital Wayne branch“, Wayne Industries products, now easy to access over the worldwide web. And we also got into all sorts of diff rents industries as well, even movies.
Damien, actually changed, after Bruce had became this picture of an abusing cheater. For a while he kept for himself, lashed out at everyone except for you. But then slowly, he became kinder. He actually cared for others and fought those who bullied weaker people. His school hates him, because he on more than one occasion, broke someone a bone or two. But at the end, they had no foot to stand on.
The most prosperous, were you at the end. Your life took a sudden turn, when Clark asked you out on a date, one evening after a long interview. At this point, you were ready to pounce on him. So handsome sitting in an arm chair in your mansion. His tie slightly opened, just as his button up shirt, showing off his perfectly sculptured chest muscles.
But you could hold yourself, at least for a while. The second time you two found each other in a similar way, a couple of dates in, but not quite in a relationship yet, you did what your heart desired and climbed that tree. It was the most loving and intense experience you ever had in your life. Bruce was nothing in comparison to this younger man. Closer to Dicks age than yours, but it didn’t bothered you. 
The kids had accepted him rather easily, which shouldn’t have been that surprising, because they already spoke of him in high regards, which you never understood or from where they had known him. But that was okay, maybe some connection Bruce had, you never knew about. As much during your marriage.
Now years later, and your relationship far enough to call each other fiancés. Life became what it always gets too, stressful. While Clark, could theoretically work everywhere, you couldn’t do always the same. And lately the office needed you more often. Sometimes even for extremely important meetings, that could’ve stopped further expansions.
Clark understood, as he always does. You never thought a perfect man could walk this planet, but thanks to him, you believed otherwise now. 
Sometimes you even thought that he was way too good for you, especially after the debacle with Bruce and his countless tries in the beginning to get you and his family back. Isabelle, as you had named the daughter, his affair partner brought into this world, while you and Bruce were still married, knew only you and Clark as her fathers. She knew of Bruce, but never wanted contact with him.
She was still young and might change her mind later, with which you never had any problems, you hated this man, but would never hold him back to be a father, if he ever wanted to be one, that is.
It was just a normal day, Clark went to work that day, would only be able to make it close to night back home, but that was okay. You were on the way to the office, walking a while with Dick and Jason, until both of them needed to take their own paths. Everyday a little philosophical, even though all of you went separate ways, you always come back together.
Not so on this day. Close to night, when Clark finally came back, his stepsons already waited. Isabelle already in bed, without any worry in the world. But her four older brothers, were distraught to put it lightly.
„Did you see our dad?“, they almost in unison asked their dads fiancé. But he just shook with his head.
„Shouldn't he be home? It is late,“ he only commented, not really grasping what was going on. The boys looked at each other puzzled. Which made Clark think again. It took him a moment, but he finally got the message, „Shoot, I have my costume with me. I search for him!“
Not even a second later, superman stood in front of the boys, they would need to take the long way to get to their equipment but promised, to follow him.
You woke up, with a pain on the back of your head. Disoriented, with a headache for days, you desperately wanted to look after the wound, hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. Instead of getting your hand there, you found yourself confined, with chains around your arms. Actually hold upright by them. Your head slightly hanging, with the pain impossible to get up.
Tough your feet were directly on the floor, they couldn’t be moved neither. Chained to the same floor you stood upon. Nowhere out, no voice to cry for help and with pain, that felt like it could kill you. The only thing you were able to do, was waiting for whoever took you to come back or for someone to save you.
Even tough you were a loved public figure, you did not think, that this was important enough for others to search for you. Maybe you just left and told no one, it wouldn’t have been the first time, that someone in your position did something like this. Or you just wanted to flee this entire ordeal with your divorce and subsequently moving away. But without your children? And after all this time? 
Still you did not believed that someone could find you wherever you got chained up. It was dark, but the cold, slightly moist air, told you it was deep down somewhere.
For hours you kept yourself awake, to not fall asleep again with this massive wound on the back of your head. Arms slowly losing every feeling you ever had in them. Them getting cold from the little blood that get pumped into them. You had giving up to get out of there, the moment the feeling left your arms.
Now more or less, hanging on the chains, waiting for your capturer to come back, do whatever they have planned, maybe even getting a lot of ransom and hopefully letting you go in one piece.
Just then, finally you heard footsteps, together with a light source. For just a moment, your world was full with color, even in the darkness itself. Maybe it was help? You wanted to call out, until you saw who it was.
A lustful devilish smirk, laid upon a handsome face. One that you had called the love of your life not too long ago. „My love, here you are, I have searched for you everywhere.“ Directly after telling you that, he laughed maniacally. Like a lunatic. A well known black mask in his hand. It was the first time, you had seen him in his costume. You vaguely knew of his and your sons nightly activities. But actually never believed it.
„You are really batman?“ Your hoarse, vanishing voice, scared you, not only that but your throat was so dry, that every word spoken felt like the insides of your throat got polished with sandpaper.
„Of course I am baby, I told you many times. But you never believed me. Always working looking after the company, that you stole from me. His original owner!“, he screamed at you. But quickly recovered from it again. „Im sorry, I promised myself not to scream. But did it anyway hehe.“ His light laughter, sounded completely unhinged to you. Why was he keeping you there? Was he the one abducting you? No, that can’t be, if he is really Batman, he would’ve tried to save me, not taking my as a hostage. Yeah, he must be there to help you.
As you began to smile again, he did too. But for completely other reasons. „I knew, you would come around. Seeing me again as your husband and this time, even as your master. As I deserve to be.“
This little speech, was the turning point for your hopes and happiness. Your smile vanished as fast as it came to be. Dread taking you over. 
„Oh did you hoped, I was here to help you? But I had already taking problems on me, to even take you, darling. How foolish of you! I obviously will keep you. Break you and build you up again, to be completely mine again. This little boy toy of yours, surely will not be able to satisfy you, right darling?“
His question sounded anything else than that. More like a plead to tell him what he wanted to hear, but you weren’t a big liar, so you just shut your mouth.
„Right darling?“, he asked more forceful, getting to you faster than his short steps before had promised you. As he almost was right in front of you, trough the little light, he was giving, you were able to see the absolute craziness in his eyes.
No longer than his hands caressing you face, you already knew that he wasn’t there to help you, but the opposite. The hunger for revenge was all too visible on his face. „Be a good boy, like you were when we were married and just let it happen.“ He tried to whisper in your ear seductively.
But it came out like the words of a maniac, spoken like gibberish, together with trembling fingers. „If you are good, I show you how a real man treats his partner.“
Even if you didn’t wanted to, a short chuckle came out of your mouth. It didn’t even take a second, before you felt a tingle in your cheek. The burning sensation from something hitting you there. „I see, you don’t want to be a good boy, then the hard tour. Maybe you learn to be good again, baby.“
Every time he gives you a nickname, you could feel a sickening feeling deep inside of you, one that only can happen, when you know that something really wasn’t right there. When you gut tells you, that something horrible will happen.
At the latest it became obvious, when he started to let his hands wander. First over your clothed body, but really quickly underneath it. Until he ripped and pulled at all of your clothes. They either ripped fully or let you have at least some decency.
With the horror happening right in front of your face, you became frozen. Just looking at the man you once loved and still a bit did, started to doing something like this to you?
Unable to process the happenings, you did nothing. What Bruce must’ve seen as consent. As he tried to kiss you, were you finally able to break free. Instead of kissing back, as he might have hoped, you bit on his lip.
As you tasted his slightly foul blood, he already punched in your stomach. Doubled down in pain. Bruce was walking around you. Helping you up from behind. But not out of love or his guilty conscious. No, his plans are way more malicious. 
With all the ripping and pulling of your clothes, you at first haven’t even noticed it, but as you felt a warm hand on your behind, you were aware that something sinister was going on in Bruces head.
Before you even could beg for him not doing anything to you, he already had punched you again and again and again. Even electrocuting you, to his delight. It was sickening. But everything he was doing to you, robbed you a little bit more of the energy you had saved up to hopefully flee from this place at some point.
Until you were hanging there, legs buckled in, again not even enough energy to speak. „Was it really this heart, my love? Know I can finally show you how a good husband cares for their partner.“ Without any further notice, he pushed himself into you. Except for your widened eyes, nothing else happened.
Your throat was too pained to say a word or scream. He violated you what felt like for hours on end. Not even getting tired. He relentlessly dove into you, punching, cutting and slapping you all the time, while he put you down with every second word.
Never in your life had you ever felt this disgusting. So dirty and humiliated.
At some point he left, where you had thought that he was finished with you and left you there to die. But he came back, with more equipment, with multiple different whips, a gag ball and what he could’ve find.
You had no idea what had happened. Almost directly after Bruce had begun his second assault on you, nothing mattered anymore. Instead of being there, you fell in an old memory of yours, playing on fields, that were part of your families farm. Or was it a dream of you and Clark at his parents farm, where you felt so safe?
But as you later came back to your senses, multiple hands tried to save you. Thinking that it again was Bruce, but this time with more people around him, you began to cry. Bitter tears ran down your cheeks.
„Hey, hey, dad everything is okay, we are getting you out of here!“ As you heard your oldest sons voice, with all your left strength, you looked up at him. Pity, was the most evident in his eyes. Something you never wanted to see. Concern and anger, only side characters in his mix of emotions.
„Where is Clark? He can’t be here. Bruce has a trap for him. Please safe him!“, you begged your son. Bruce had told you all the secrets. Now aware that you next love was also a superhero, you weren’t so sure anymore. But still your love for him was strong.
„I get it, Jason you take him to a hospital, he needs immediate care!“
Jason hasn't said a single word, the entire time, he was carrying you from this place, to the nearest hospital. That he even could carry you this far was already a wonder in itself.
Thankfully, he had given you a Jacket to hide most of your at least intimate parts and even put a second mask on you, so no one would see who he was carrying.
In the hospital itself, some nurses came running down to you and Jason, trying to get you out of his arms. But he did not budged. Asking for specific doctors. Which as soon as they came, he let you in their care, warnings them, that nobody can know who you are.
At least you were safe again. You could only hope, that Clark aka Superman was as lucky as you were. But he was a superhero, of course he would come back to you. right?
Taglist: @ravenqueen27
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herstarburststories · 3 years
Imagine working in the Manor, being Alfred's daughter and meeting Damian Wayne
Paring: Damian Wayne x Pennyworth!Reader
Request: heyo! I was wondering if I could please get a story of Damian (16-17 ish) falling in love with a girl who works at the manor? Like a gardener or cleaner or cook or something? Thanks in advance 💖
A/N: This is longer than I expected, so was this ask on my askbox. BUT WE GOT TO IT! And yes, it's Alfred's daughter and she's the same age as Damian. Batfam men and their fertility, am I right?
Warning: there's no specific Damian age, although I picture him during his 14/15 years, first love and all that. There won't be any nsfw here.
Damian Wayne had always been precocious, collecting fatal abilities as a kid his age would gather toys. While others were busy running around and throwing tantrums at supermarkets at their parents, he knew more ways to assassinate an adult than he could count on his hands. All his life, Damian was shaped to be perfect, to have a mind corresponding to a body just as skilled and clever. He never double-crossed, he never fell.
The youngest Wayne knew more things at the age of an infant than most people at 80. Age never suited him well, not in the sense to show how sharp-witted he actually was, how much he knew, or believed he knew, about life.  
Yet, he never quite understood how to cooperate--deal with people. And unfortunately for Damian, sooner or later he'd figure out that people were everything. He didn't have time for that when he lived with his mother and grandfather. Actually, they never taught him he should make a room for friends and such. He was behind most people in such a stupid way when it came to this. 
He secretly hated that. As much as he had told Dick plenty of times that he didn't care about making acquaintances or how many times he rolled his eyes at Alfred's attempts to coax him into going out as Damian and not Robin, Damian still missed having someone to rely on. Perhaps he always did, there was always this little emptiness under his heart, craving to be filled like a sword begs for blood. He usually didn't think much, just trained or grabbed a book and sat down next to Ra's Al Ghul while he studied something, his grandad was always learning more. It was a silent, hours-long, durable activity. Although it wasn't what he needed, Damian pictured crumbs were better than no affection meal. So he stood there, learning a new language or more about Brazilian capoeira, or whatever new combat technique he could put his eyes on. But, nowadays he lived in a bigger and more lonely city, his dad was always out with Bruce Wayne or Batman business, Dick was back with the Titans and he didn't have his grandfather apparently was a trinary that didn't really care about his life and death, pretty much like his mom. 
He envied such coldness at times, wishing to have more of that blood and less than his dad's. 
Still, Damian might not know how to manage with people yet — always remarking, always keeping his walls up—, but he was the best with animals. They were so much simpler, and purer. The closest thing to holy on earth. Yet, they're defenseless but not harmless, he could do with such lethal fragility. 
He took pride in it; being able to communicate and understand animals like no other, caring so deeply for them and receiving that affection back. 
Therefore, Titus acting up was a little personal to him. 
Titus was a rescued dog that didn't trust people, not even Pennyworth could put his food down without receiving a threatening groan. But now there was a girl he had never seen before, sitting on the grass with his dog and acting like he was some exposition puppy. That was outrageous, to say the least. Disrespectful. 
Or maybe he was just jealous, not that he'd ever admit that. 
"Do you have meat?" He didn't bother greeting the stranger — as much as he knew, she could be breaking into the house to kidnap his dog. His question was laced with irritation, crossed arms as he glared at her. 
In his ego-fogged mind, that was the only explanation why Titus would be so fond of a foreign person. 
"I'm just good with dogs," you shrugged, turning around to face the rude questionator, your eyebrows knitting together as you studied his features. "And by your good mood, I suppose that you're Damian, right?"
He raised a single brow, "And you are?"
"Y/N Pennyworth." You stood up, patting your jeans to get rid of the grass stuck there. Titus whined as you let go of him, but quickly walked to his owner.
Damian was still glaring at you whilst he stroked behind Titus' ear, deciding to believe you or not. It was more unlikely, but then, so was his own parental situation. 
As usual, Alfred seemed to know the perfect timing to come along, as quiet as a sniper bullet. The butler glanced at you two. 
"Master Damian, I see that you've met Y/N."
He turned his head to the eldest man, "She says she's your relative, is that true?" 
"She is here!" You interjected, rolling your eyes at his childish behavior. This was the guy who didn't want to be treated like a kid? Please. It seemed only fitting. "And it's true, he's my dad."
"I didn't know you had a child." Robin continued to direct his words to Pennyworth, whom he believes to be more trustable at the moment. 
Your dad simply raised an eyebrow, just like Damian had done a couple seconds ago, and resorted: 
"I could say the same about your father, Master Damian." 
That seemed to shut him up. You couldn't decide if that was just your dad's power, the Pennyworth fatale comebacks, as you used to call them, or if it was the arrival of another figure to the scene that made the younger mean remain quiet.
You couldn't help the large smile appearing on your lips, nor the glow in your eyes when you saw him: Batman! Surely dressing Bruce Wayne, but he was The Batman! 
"Alfred," he was the Batman and he was speaking to your dad! "We have a guest?" and he acknowledged you! 
You attempted to breathe, hiding under the covers of composure. 
"Pennyworth's spawn." Damian answered. 
All your childish excitement was rapidly replaced by a burning rage. How dare him? To think you had a crush on Robin before meeting him, and now you just wanted to crush his face on the ground until it was as green as the grass. 
"What did you just call me?" your answer was just an eloquent 'tt'. "Filho da puta pretensioso."
"Da próxima vez que me xingar, tenha certeza de que é em uma língua que eu não conheço."
You weren't expecting him his comeback, or even him to know your language, at all. Most people who lived in America didn't care to learn about other languages, although they're always expecting people to know theirs all around the world. 
"Damian, come here." Bruce voiced his concern, meanwhile Alfred sent you a glare, and that was enough to make you behave. Batman simply leaned in and spoke in a calm voice, "She's Alfred's daughter, play nice."
"But father,"
"No, Damian. I'm serious, or you're not coming to patrol with me." he did not leave room for arguments, staring at his son for a sign that he had understood his commands. Damian huffed, and that was enough. "Good, not to mention that she's around your age, maybe you could use a friend." 
As Bruce pulled away, he murmured, "Like you have a bunch of friends."
He didn't turn around to answer, "You can be better than that."
The eldest Wayne walked towards you and your dad, his eyes only on you. You felt like you could die right there, at your idol's backyard. 
"It was nice to meet you...?"
"Y/N!" you answered as hustled as possible, even the Flash would be impressed. Did Batman know the Flash? Course he did! They had the justice league and... Alright, Y/N. Eyes on the prize. "It was nice to meet you too, Mister Wayne."
"Call me Bruce, please. Alfred is family." he placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently, and just like that you were in the midst of squeaking. "I have to go now, but you're welcome at the Manor for as long as you wish. And you don't need to work on the garden."
"No, no. I love plants," Bruce lifted his brows and you could tell who he was thinking about. "Not in a sociopathic way, I just love plants. Besides, I want to make my own money, I'm excited to start working!"
"In that case, you better be as good as your dad made you seem."
You didn't have a doubt when it came to this."Oh I'm even better, Mister-- Bruce." 
He nodded at you, sparing a glance to your dad before he went away. You wondered if he was about to do Batman or Bruce business. 
"I'll prepare lunch, can I be sure you two will behave?" Alfred asked, mostly looking at Damian. 
"No promises, dad." you joked, receiving a stare. You grunted, "I promise." 
As he left, Damian instantly turned to look at you, seeming to analyze you. He clearly didn't trust you, even though his dad and Pennyworth did. Bruce had never once mentioned you existed, even though he knew that. Did the others know that too? Was he the only one in the dark again? 
There were many questions pounding his head, but Damian knew most of them couldn't be answered right now. Therefore, he restrained himself to one that could. And ironically, it was the curiosity that was nagging him the most. 
"Do you have powers?"
"What?" you blinked. 
"You looked like you could faint when you saw my father, and you don't look like the kind of person who cares about celebrities, so you must be a fan of Batman and not Bruce Wayne." he stated, looking completely unfazed. "So, I'll ask again, do you have powers?"
"You really know how to start a conversation, huh?" you teased him, but he didn't remark, just kept his eyes on you. You sighed, he was insufferable and very insisting. "Alright, I don't have powers."
"Then how did Titus allow you to--" 
You interrupted him, "I'm good with animals, Damian."
Titus, who had been quiet during all this time, barked as if to agree with you. You smiled, kneeling on the grass again and patting your legs, calling the dog to come closer. Which he did just as soon, running to you and laying his head on your lap. 
Damian's features consorted in a grimace, he wasn't pleased at the slightest. But, detective work first. Titus's betrayal later. 
"Did Alfred know you existed?"
"Yes, I just lived with my mom. Gotham isn't really a kid friendly city." you explained mindlessly, paying more attention to the dog and stroking behind his ear. "Or any person friendly, actually."
"Who's your mom?" he asked. 
"Do you know how to talk to someone without starting an interrogatory?" you raised your eyes to meet his, yet he didn't show reaction. He just stood there, looking like a garden ornament. "Man, I hate riches. What about you tell me who's your mom? Some model?"
Damian didn't see a problem telling you the real story, after all, you clearly knew about Batman. And honestly? He wanted to bug you. 
"She's an League of Assassins member who tried to murder me and trained me to he a killer, alongside with my grandfather." he slaughtered his hands, as if such thing was the equivalent to normal. Your wide-eyed gaze and shock all over your body language was enough to make him right about his decision. A small grin appealed when he continued, "Your mom is...?"
"A model. Dad and her met years ago, and I was born." You shook your head, still processing what he said. Robin approached you and sat next to your frame, extending his hand to caress Titus as well. "She didn't try to kill me in my sleep—"
"I was awake, my mom has morals."
You rolled your eyes."But she wasn't much of a mom type, I guess." 
Damian nodded at it, seeming to understand what you were saying. Silence wrapped you two, as present as the sunlight on the garden and Titus heavy breathing before any person spoke again. It was a nice quiet space for a couple moments, but your hands touched in the middle of petting Titus and everyone knows what happens when hands dare to touch. It felt a little too intimate, and Damian pulled away as if the sun had come down to his garden and bit him. His cheeks felt too warm and he raised to he looked away, unsure of how to react to such docile touch.
Your hand was shaking a little, still stroking Titus, the dog whimpered at the lack of more attention, but didn't move away. You tilted your head to the side, decided to make the atmosphere change once more.
"Where's your Batcow?"
Damian's stunned face at your sudden and very specific question caused a giggle on you. He surely was an idiot, but maybe he wasn't a complete asshole. 
( make it a 4 chapters fic leave it as an oneshot? )
Leave a comment and reblog. ♡
That's how I know you guys liked it and want more batboys content, and reblogs help to get this to more people. Plus, feedback is MAGIC!
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
I Can't Protect You Anymore (Batman X Daughter!Reader)
Turning Into Jason (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Teleportation Help (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Forgotten Birthday (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Finding Identities (Bruce Wayne X Teen!Reader)
Independence (Bruce Wayne X Male!Teen!Reader)
Dick And Jason's Friend (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader
Addicton To Fear (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader)
Plan PDA (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2/ Pt 3
Movies And Plans (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Telling Truths (Dick Grason X Male!Reader)
Loathing To Love (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Seeing An Unwanted Face (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Escaping Joker (Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader) *TW
Hating Your Presence (Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader)
Betrayed (Dick Grayson X Reader)
MIA (Jason Todd X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Just An Accident (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Sleeping Over (Jason Todd X Male!Reaer)
Never Forgotten (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Serving Revenge (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Practically Together (Jason Todd X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Help Through Change (Jason Todd X Reader)
Selina's Kitten (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Meeting The Family (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Quoting Shakespeare (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Nightmares (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Jason's Partner's Sacrifice (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Opposing Ego (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Shut Up! (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Protecting Children (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Wrong Apartment (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Staying Home (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Under The Mask (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Normalcy In Chaos (Jason Todd X Brother!Reader)
Anxieties (Jason Todd X Sister!Reader)
You're More Important (Tim Drake X Reader)
Childhood Promises (Tim Drake X Male!Reader)
Trust Takes Time (Damian Wayne X Batmom!Reader)
A New Member Of The Family (Damian Wayne X Sister!Reader)
Secret Friendship (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Meeting On Rooftops (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Similar Suffering (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Needing To Move (Damian Wayne X Reader)
Longing At Galas (Adult!Damian Wayne X Male!Reader)
Needing A Cheer Up (Alfred Pennyworth X Fem!Reader)
Lost Control (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
A Part Of The Family (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
Nothing Said (Batfam X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt2
Hanging Criminals (Batfam X Brother!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
New Sister (Batfam X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Much Loved Sister In Law (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
Walking Home (Batfam X Deaf!Batson!Reader)
Little Daredevil (Batfam X Blind!Batsis!Reader)
Being Bruce' First Bio Son And You're Developing Relationship With Damian Would Include...
Date With A Girl (Batfam X Batsis!Reader)
Birthday Blues (Batfam X Male!Reader)
256 notes · View notes
rapz-rites · 2 years
Demon Spawns
Damian Wayne x Powered!Fem!Reader
When your’s and Damians future kids come to the present
A/N: Inspired by @cipheress-to-k-pop version of this. Please give me some feedback, it’s always appreciated :3
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: mentions of a miscarriage, was lightly proofread and revised
-Honestly, it’s not Mar’i’s fault
-You needed someone to watch the twins as you and damian had to go away on a business trip for a few dayside hours hours and I
-Mar’i eagerly accepted
-Yes, she knew she wasn’t supposed to bring the twins to the cave but she didn’t think this would happen
-The worst she expected was that they broke on of Tim’s gadgets
-She didn’t expect them to accidentally send themselves to the future
-You were going to kill her
-Mar’i did the only thing she could think of at the moment, call her best friend, White Rabbit, aka Lian Harper, to help her get them back
- You and Damian had been dating for a year already
-You really loved him
-After 3 years of knowing him and 2 months of dating, it was only a matter of time until you both found out about each other
-Damian being Robin didn’t entirely surprise you, it just made a lot of sense
-The constant disappearing, the odd phone calls, the weird excuses
-At least he wasn’t cheating (Damian would NEVER cheat)
-Growing up adopted you never knew your birth parents, just that they had to have been metas because you have powers
-You had powers like Kori and more, you even kind of looked like her
-People joked that you could have been her daughter before she came to Earth
-Those jokes make her uncomfortable
-You thought everything about her was interesting: she’s heir to the thrown on Tamaran, her sister sold her, she’s been married 4 other times, and even the fact that she 9 stomachs
-Today was a normal day at the Manor
-Everyone was just chilling in the BatCave
-Bruce and Tim were working on a case on the BatComputer
-To you, everything in the BatCave started with a ‘Bat’
-Your secret name for Alfred was Batler (Bat + Butler )
-Dick and Kori we flirting talking by the weapons
-And you were watching Damian train with Jason
-Watching Damian train was one of your favorite pastimes whenever you were in the cave
-Suddenly a bright light purple light flashed in the middle of the cave, right between Damian and Jason as they were jumping to attack each other,
-The light startled them, causing then the jump back
-All the heroes prepared themselves in a fighting stance
-Next thing everyone knew, two small babies, a girl and boy, were in the middle of the cave
-They looked like they could be twins, but you couldn’t say for certain from where you were standing
- Everyone was surprised, two random babies just appeared out of nowhere
-“Aye, Big Bat. Bet you don’t have a protocol for this, do ya?” Jason says trying to break the silence
-The two babies looked around confused
-They couldn’t be older than a 9 months
-Last they checked they were with Mar’i in the BatCave, now they were in the BatCave with strangers they didn’t recognize
-BOOM, waterworks
-“I’ll go and get Alfred” Tim said dashing up the stairs
-Everyone knew he was probably the least qualified to deal with children, mainly because he’s always sleep deprived
-Naturally the two most recent parents went and scooped one up
-“How did they get here?” Dick asked rocking the girl in his arms
-They both calmed down a bit looking at the person holding them and back at each other and back at the adult
-They stopped crying, but were still fussing
-“While they’re like this let’s get saliva for a DNA test to find out who their parents are”
-Bruce took two swabs and collected saliva from each of the babies
-After, Dick and Kori passed the babies around to see if anyone could calm them down
-It wasn’t until Bruce handed you the little boy that he stopped crying, cooing in your arms and little hands reaching for your face
-Jason stopped, looked at Damian, and questioned if it would be the best idea to hand a baby to him
-“Is handing Damian a crying baby the best idea?”
-“Probably not, but it’s the only idea we have” Dick responded
-Handing the baby girl to Damian, she looked at him and stopped fussing, smiling at the face in front of her
-“Never thought I’d see the day” Jason chuckled
-“What do you think their names are?” Kori asked gaining everyone’s attention
-“How about we get in a circle, go in a circle calling out random names and see who they go to” you spoke
-Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement
-You and Damian placed the babies on the floor jointing everyone else in the circle
-Before you could call the first name, a voice interrupted you
-“After this game, I believe you will be needed these”
-The voice belonging to none other than Alfred said
-Tim decided to join the circle at that point
-“Thank you” you called out
-Alfred gave you a small smile and nod before heading up the stairs
-You all started with your little game ‘Name the Babe’
-After 5 minutes of calling names and receiving no reaction from the babies, a ding
-It was from the BatComputer, signaling the results from the DNA test
-Dick and Kori
-Bruce opened the test and everyone had a face mixed with shock and confusion
-Under ‘FATHER’ was a picture of Damian
-”The Demon spawn had a spawn.”
-Under ‘MOTHER’ was a question mark and underneath it was ‘match not found’
-You turned to Damian with a look a shock, confusion, and… betrayal and one that said ‘please don’t tell me you cheated on me’
-Damian took a step towards you, and you took a step back
-You rushed up the stairs heading into the manor
-Damian rushed after you
-“This makes no sense. Damian has only ever been with anyone other than YN and Raven”
-“And he’s not the type for random hookups”
-Bruce checked the database and noticed he didn’t have yours or Ravens DNA in the system
-“Kori contact Raven and have her come to the BatCave”
-“Bart!” Tim shouted
-“What? Haven’t you been paying attention, Damian is the father not Bart” Jason retorted
-“I know that! But Bart’s from the future. Who says the babies can’t be too?”
-Back in the manor, Damian was looking all over for you
-Your car was still parked in front, so you were somewhere in the manor
-Fifteen minutes later Damian found you on his bed, facing the window, looking at the garden
-You’ve always loved how Damian’s room faced the garden
-He slowly walks towards you until he’s also on the bed
-“I was pregnant”
-“What? When?”
-“Four months ago. I lost the baby early on, I didn’t even know until I went to the ER. I thought it was food poisoning from that Thai place I went to with Steph and Cass, but they told me I had a miscarriage. I was 3 weeks”
-“Why didn’t you tell me?”
-“I didn’t know how and I was somewhat relieved. I always told myself I’d wait until I was married to have kids. Also we can’t raise a kid now Dami. We’re only 21 and you work in a dangerous field.”
-You put your foreheads together, caressing his cheek with your hand
-Damian just wrapped his arms around you, pulling you down, forcing you to lay with him and you accepted his embrace
-“Todd messaged me”
-“What did he say”
-“Tim come to the conclusion that the babies most likely came from the future and father doesn’t have yours or Raven’s DNA is the system, Raven is on her way so they can run the test again”
-“And if they’re not mine”
-“Let’s not worry about that right now”
-After an hour of silence and Damian just holding you, you both make your way back to the BatCave hand in hand
-Raven, and even some League members, are now there too
-“Can I see the little ones” Diana asked with a smile on her face
-She has always had a soft spot for children
-“Careful. She just ate” Kori informed her, handing Baby Girl over
-While you and Damian were gone, Tim made the executive decision to call them Baby Girl and Baby Boy until the mother was determined
-“Awww, so precious”
-The Themyscrian rocking the small baby in her arms
-Baby Girl soon became fussy, most likely from Diana’s cuffs
-Diana handed the baby off to Raven
-It made sense
-We were here to see if you or Raven would be their mother (yk that motherly connection)
-Once Baby Girl was in Ravens arms she quickly calmed down, almost as quickly as she did with Damian
-You didn’t show it, but you felt a pang in your heart
-Damian just squeezed your hand lightly but you couldn’t take your eyes off Raven and Baby Girl
-Bruce spoke up, breaking you out of your trance
-“I need both of you to get a good saliva swab”
-You and Raven both did as told
-“Here. My arms are getting numb” Dick says handing Baby Boy to you
-You smile at the tiny human in your arms
-After 10 of waiting, a BatComputer dinged
-Bruce went to open the results
-Damian standing right behind him, and you and Raven on each side of him
-On the screen where a picture of the babies
-When did they take that picture?
-The babies were at the bottom middle and above them was the same picture of Damian as earlier and under ‘MOTHER’ was a picture of…
-WAIT! How did they get that picture?
-You were too happy to question that
-“Happy to say that Baby Girl and Baby Boy are Y/N’s and Damian’s ”
-“Thank Azarath”
-You laughed at Raven, she pulls you into a hug
-“These babies are so adorable but I don’t think I’m cut out to be a mother. I’ll gladly babysit though”
-“Wait. You guys have been calling them Baby Girl and Baby Boy?”
-No one other than Wally West would ask that question
-“Come one. You can think of something better to call them”
-Before you could say something, Damian stepped in
-“Actually we already know their names”
-You smiled
-You handed Baby Boy to Damian
-“This is Soren Jackson Wayne”
-“Jackson after Drake”
-You walked over to Raven, who was holding a sleeping Baby Girl, and picked her up
-“And my gorgeous daughter. You are Jaylena Mariah Wayne. Jaylena inspired after Jason but means blue crested bird aka Nightwing. For that time you both saved me”
-You and Damian make eye contact not breaking it even when the others spoke
-Dick and Jason both smiled
-Jason punched Roy’s side
-”See that. Demon spawn named his spawn after me”
-“Don’t worry father we plan on naming the next ones after your mother and father”
-You looked away quickly,
-Bruce had a shocked look on his face
-“There’s going to be more?!”
-Jason could already see it: A demon army
-Suddenly another bright light flashed in the middle of the BatCave
-Everyone but you and Damian had a fight stance ready
-Bruce and Dick stood in front of you and Damian
-Two people now stood in the middle of the BatCave, they looked like vigilantes
-One was dressed in all white, with a matching white masked with bunny ears falling along her wavy ginger hair
-The other, well anyone could tell who she was
-Mar’i Grayson
-“Hi mom. Hi daddy”
-The girl in all white removed her mask as she walked towards Roy giving him a big hug
-“Hi dad”
-It was obvious to say that Dick, Kori, and Roy were baffled
-It wasn’t even a few hours ago they saw their daughters in the care of Barry and Iris, playing along with the other superhero kids
-Now they were teenagers, vigilantes at that too
-Mar’I was walking towards you with a pleading look
-Mar’I never called you sis
-She always called you this funny tamaranean name she heard from Kori, it’s supposed to be a pretty flower but dangerous or something
-“I am so so so so so sorryyyyy. I know you told me not to bring them to the BatCave by myself but it was only for a minute to get something. I didn’t think they would get sent to the past. I put Sor and Lena down for a second then boom they’re gone. Please don’t kill me”
-She turns to Kori and Dick
-“Please don’t ground me”
-You step towards her
-“I can tell you didn’t want this to happen and I know my future self will probably get on you for this. So just please, please get my babies home safely”
-Mar’i nodded eagerly as you handed her Jaylena
-“I promise. I really don't want to be on the LoA’s bad side” she chuckles
-Damian looked slightly confused at the remark
-He gave Soren to Lian, staring her down with a look that says ‘drop or hurt my son, I’ll hurt you’
-“Stop scaring my daughter Damian”
-“Anyways… Congrats on your…nevermind” Mar’i stops when she noticed your promise ring that Damian gave you
-Soren looks at Mar’i, reaching for her but found it no use when Lian wouldn’t let him
-He looked upset
-As he started fussing a blue power orb slowly started to form about a foot above him
-Thinking of only your kids safety, you quickly absorbed the energy
-“Our kids have powers?” Damian asked in shock
-Naturally you were in shock too
-You barely knew the full extent of your powers compared to other metas your age, and now at least one of your kids will have them too
-“At the moment only Soren does. He uhm… does that sometimes. So far it only happens when he’s mad or extremely fussy.”
-Lian’s watch starts beeping
-Before she can even open her mouth Mar’i talks
-“We really have to go now”
-Damian walks up next to you, placing a hand on your waist
-“Bye Uncle D. Bye bye sis”
-Again with the sis?
-You and Damian give a small wave goodbye
-Just like that, with a flash, they’re gone
-Everyone goes their respective ways
-Tears start to well in your eyes when it’s just you and Damian in the BatCave
-“Let’s go to bed, Beloved. It’s been a long day”
-You follow him to his room and you both go to sleep
-That night you dream about your future with Damian, Jaylena, and Soren
Back to the Future(hehehe see what i did there)
-“Great! They’re still sleeping. We can get them to bed before Y/N and Damian get home”
-Mar’i was ready for this day to be over
-She knew she would get hell from you and Damian for what happened
-“Oh. We’re home. What happened?”
-Hearing your voice, Lian took that as her que to hand Soren over to Damian and hop out
-Mar’i turns around to see you and Damian dropped head to toe in LoA attire
-“Uncle D. Sis. Back already?”
-Damian walks over to Mar’i also taking Jaylena in his arms
-He walks over to you, with both twins in his arms, placing a kiss on your temple
-“I’ll put them to bed while you deal with Mar’i”
-With that Damián walks up the stairs into the manor
-“Before you blow a fuse, I know I shouldn’t have brought the twins to the Cave but I had no choice. I couldn’t leave them upstairs by themselves. As soon as they flashed to the past I immediately got help to go get them. And I almost ruined your proposal surprise but i didn’t so that’s something. I promise this will never ever EVER happen again”
-“Go home”
-“Go home. It’s late and we’re all tired. We’ll talk tomorrow”
-“Oh ok”
-You retire to yours and Damian’s shared bedroom as Mar’i leaves
-“What did you tell her”
-“To go home and we’ll talk tomorrow. You know she almost ruined your proposal”
-“Not surprised”
-You slip into bed, cuddling up next to Damian, head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist
-You bring your left hand up admiring your engagement and wedding rings
-“It was a great proposal”
-“Damn right it was”
-You chuckled
-You look up at a sleeping Damian, admiring the man he grew to be
-Physically he’s always been attractive, but he grew mentally and emotionally
-He wasn’t the same boy who entered the manor when he was 10, emotionally and mentally detached from everyone, doors and windows shut to everyone, stubborn as a mule
- Actually, Damian will always be stubborn
- You both grew to care deeply for each other
… after writing for about 15-20 minutes I decided I wanted to make a part 2 but of the proposal…😚
I kinda want to make another version, the kid is like a teen. Should I???
Should I write why Mar’i called the reader ‘sis’?? Wouldnt y’all like to know? Do you have any ideas?
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starryevermore · 3 years
to love and be loved ✧ ransom drysdale & bruce wayne
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Honestly, I can't thank you enough for doing "Won't be the same, Dear"! I loved it! I was wondering if you would do one with Ransom x reader with a DC character where she's a family friend's daughter and is overweight and Ransom insults her behind her back and it hurts her. Years later Ransom is at a family function and sees the reader had lost a lot of weight and looks amazing and Ransom tries to hit on her, but she turns him down and then her fiance', Bruce Wayne, swings by to her rescue. 😁 Revenge bodies are the best.! - @aubageddon91
pairing: ransom drysdale x plus size!fem!reader; bruce wayne x plus size!fem!reader
summary: ransom doesn’t think you’re worthy of him, so you find a man who appreciates you fully. 
word count: 2,301
warnings?: ransom makes fun of reader’s weight, ransom accuses reader of being a gold digger, fatphobia, revenge body, first time writing bruce so don’t yell at me if it’s bad, not proofread 
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Your weight loss journey was something you took great pride in. Growing up, you were the butt of everyone’s jokes, the one who was always teased. Your mother put you on Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers before you even hit puberty. And, when that didn’t work and she couldn’t bear the “shame” of not being able to dress you in the frilly outfits for girls, she resorted to only buying you business casual clothes. While the other girls got to wear bright, colorful outfits, you were stuck looking like you were going to a job interview when you were eleven. 
It didn’t get any easier as you got older. When kids your age finally began getting crushes and dating, you were the one who was being asked out as a joke. All it ever did was remind you that no one would ever respect you solely because you were a bigger girl. Even as an adult, you would feel like running and hiding any time you walked by a group of guys, waiting for one of them to call out “HEY! MY FRIEND LIKES YOU!” only to dissolve into fits of laughter moments later. 
You finally reached your breaking point when every time you went to the doctor to express a genuine health concern, you were met with the “well, maybe if you lost some weight, the problem would disappear” at every goddamn turn. You were sick and tired of everyone’s unwarranted comments about your body. It was like the fucking dam broke. 
It was as if you couldn’t be your own person just because you weren’t a size 2 or under. As if you had to fade into the background and, when you couldn’t or wouldn’t, everyone would take the opportunity to rip you to pieces. But no more. You wouldn’t give them that power. 
Your boyfriend Ransom let you work out at his home gym. You felt more comfortable there than at a gym. At least at Ransom’s house, you didn’t have to worry about people laughing at you struggling. Plus, it was a good way to bond with Ransom. You were always so busy with work that you didn’t get to see him that often, but now you had an activity you could do together when you were free!
At least, that was what you thought it could be. 
The two of you were working out together one day when one of his friends came over. Ransom excused himself, saying that you could finish your set on your own and by then he’d be back to join you. But, when you finished your set, he still wasn't back. So you waited. And waited. And waited, until you decided you needed a drink and headed down to the kitchen. 
You never meant to listen into Ransom’s conversation with his friend. It’s just...They were talking so loudly. And you’d heard your name. So, you were curious, pausing in the hallway just out of sight, listening to what your boyfriend was saying about you.
And, God, it broke your fucking heart. 
“It’s so fucking annoying,” you heard Ransom mutter. “She works out here ‘cause she can’t go to the fucking gym. Says she’s afraid of people judging her or some shit. But does she care what I think? Of course not! Every time I go to my gym, it’s like watching a beached whale flop around or some shit.”
“Then why do you stay with the bitch? You’re Ransom Drysdale—you can have actual supermodels at your beck and call.”
“The pussy’s good enough to stick around,” Ransom said. “Besides, I could still have my share of supermodels and she’d still stick around. It’s not like she can do any better than me.”
You’d been hurt by a lot of people over the years. A lot of people had talked shit about you. But Ransom had never, ever, been one of them. He had always been kind to you. Your parents and his had been friends, so you grew up with him. And never, not once, had he made you feel less than. Until now, at least. Or maybe he’s always been like this, hiding his snide comments for when you couldn’t hear them. Now it was like those words were all you could hear. 
You broke up with him then and there. He was too shocked to fight back. It was like he couldn’t believe he was being dumped, that he was being dumped by you. Like he always figured it would be the other way around. But jokes on him, you weren’t going to allow yourself to be mistreated. You did have self-respect, after all. 
The stars seemed to align after that. You had been terrified of running into Ransom post-break up, of having to listen to his mouth and him berate you (because you knew he would when he didn't have to hide behind his “love”). But, one of your colleagues told you about a job opening in Gotham City—your actual dream position. You jumped on the opportunity. 
The time between applying for the job and accepting the job offer felt excruciatingly long. But when you finally got it, oh it was like Christmas Day had come early. Without another look back, you left for Gotham. 
A perk of your job was being able to attend the most glamorous of events. That was how you ended up at a charity gala hosted by Wayne Enterprises. It almost felt like you were Cinderella at the royal ball. 
After an hour or so, you had grown tired of mingling, leaving the large crowd to go look at some of the artwork to try to recharge your social battery. 
“Excuse me, but I don’t believe we’ve met,” a voice behind you said. You turned, and you nearly spilled your champagne as you realized who was speaking to you. “I’m Bruce.”
Bruce. Bruce Wayne. Of Wayne Enterprises. Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, was speaking to you. Shit, what do you say to a man like him. 
“This is the part where you say your name.” Though he wore no smile, there was something that told you he was trying to make a joke. 
“I—sorry. I’m Y/N. It’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Wayne.”
“Call me Bruce,” he said, the corners of his lips turning upwards for just a moment. “Are you new to the city? I can’t say I recall meeting a woman as beautiful as you, and I don’t think that’s something I could forget.”
Your face burned. Was this serious? Was he joking still? “You flatter me. But, yes, I moved to Gotham a few months ago.”
“And what brought you here?”
“A new job,” you said and, before you got stop yourself, “and a bad breakup.” 
He frowned, almost like he was upset. “How could someone ever break up with a woman as stunning as yourself?”
“I, uh, actually broke up with him. He, um, was talking badly about me behind my back. Said he could have a supermodel instead of me.”
“Forgive me if I’m being too forward, but if a man could think so poorly of you, then that is not a man worthy of your affection. You are a work of art, and only someone who can appreciate such beauty should receive such affection.”
This had to be a joke. It had to be. But, you said, “Thank you.”
“Let me take you out,” he said, “because I get the feeling you don’t believe me, and I’m not a fan of people thinking I’m wrong.”
“Do you promise to make it worth my while?”
“I promise to make it a night you’ll never forget.”
And though you still weren’t convinced he was serious, you said, “Then yes, you can take me out.”
And, oh, did he make that date worth your while. Bruce was everything you could have ever wanted. Kind, charming, caring—he may have had a rougher exterior with the rest of the world, but for you, he was amazing. He never once made you doubt yourself, make you feel lesser or like he didn’t actually want you. He was perfect.
So, when he asked you to be his girlfriend, it was easy to say yes. And when he asked you to marry him, you didn’t have to think twice. Bruce Wayne was the love of your life, and nothing could convince you otherwise. 
Not even seeing Ransom Drysdale again. 
“How long do we have to be here?” Bruce whispered in your ear as you greeted Donna, Ransom’s aunt. 
“Only an hour,” you whispered back. Ransom’s grandfather, Harlan, had invited you to a family event, telling you that he would always consider you family, even after you left Ransom. And he had wanted to meet your fiancé that your parents had told him about. “I’m going to get a drink. Think you can fend for yourself?”
“I’ll try my best.”
You walked off to the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of wine. You would need it to get through this, even if it was only one hour. You could only pray that you didn’t run into Ransom, because you didn’t have the capacity to deal with his shit today. 
“Well, well, well, I don’t believe we’ve met before.”
Well, think of the devil and he shall appear. 
You turned, raising a brow. “No, I believe we have.”
It almost made you laugh to see Ransom’s eyes nearly bug out of his head, even if it was only for a split second. You had changed a lot since you saw him last. Not only had you reached your goal weight, but you were happier, more confident, and in a much better place in your life. 
“Y/N, I-I didn’t know you would be here. I would’ve thought you’d be happy to be free of this shit.”
“Well, Harlan invited me, and he’s the only decent member of your family, so...”
“Or was it because of me?” he asked, his trademark smirk making its appearance. “I always knew you would come back to me. It was only a matter of time. I’m impressed, though, that you made it this long.”
“I’m actually in a committed relationship.” You raised your hand, showing off the diamond ring. “Bruce and I are getting married soon.”
“Oh, you don’t have to lie—”
“Y/N, can we say our hellos to Harlan and head out? If I have to listen to Joni for one more minute—” Bruce paused, staring at Ransom. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
“I’m Ransom. Who are you?”
“Bruce Wayne, her fiancé.”
Ransom looked like he nearly shit himself when he realized who you were going to marry. But he recovered quicker than you would have expected, letting out a laugh. “Well, I’ll be damned. You know, I always knew Y/N would find another rich guy to trap into a relationship, but I never expected someone like you to fall for her act.”
“Excuse me?” Bruce said, his jaw ticking. 
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me you don’t know. A woman like her? She can’t get by on looks or intelligence so she has suck off—” Ransom was cut off by Bruce grabbing him by the collar, nearly lifting him off the ground. “Woah, hold on—”
“Don’t you ever disrespect my fiancée like that,” Bruce said. “You’re lucky you even get to look at her after what you did.”
You almost wanted to stop him, to tell Bruce to not make a scene, but it was so rare that someone surprised Ransom. And, oh, would you look at that—Harlan’s arrived. 
“Harlan, hello!” you said, smiling at him. “How are you?”
“I’m well,” he said. “What’s going on here?”
“Oh, your grandson accused me of being a gold digger,” you said casually, the same way a person would talk about the weather. “I think he’s confused, though. There are certainly gold diggers in the house, but I’m not one of them.”
Harlan turned his attention to Ransom, who was nearly as white as a sheet of paper. “Is that so?”
“Well, I suppose now’s as good a time as any to tell you this. I was going to wait until this evening in private, but since you wish to make a fool out of one of my guests, I’m afraid you leave me no choice,” Harlan said. “I’ve cut you out of the will, Ransom. I can’t stand for the way you are living your life, and I can no longer fund you in good conscience.”
“Wait, wait, wait, you can’t do that!” Ransom shouted.
You couldn’t stop from laughing. “Oh, dear, I think you might become the gold digger now.”
“You shut your mouth!” Ransom snapped at you. 
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Bruce said. 
“You’re not making your case any better, Ransom,” Harlan said. To you and Bruce, he said, “I apologize for his behavior. I didn’t expect him to act like this.”
“It’s not your fault. Some trees just have a few rotten apples,” you said. “Bruce and I can’t stay long and I don’t want Ransom to ruin the evening. How about we go to your study and catch up? I was telling Bruce on the way up here all about how we used to play Go all the time. I was hoping we could play a game for old time’s sake?”
“Of course, that would be lovely.”
And, as the three of you left Ransom, you looked up at Bruce, smiling. There was a lot of things you regretted about dating Ransom Drysdale, but every bad thing was almost okay to you, because it brought you to the man who loved you unconditionally. And that was something you would always appreciate.
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