#btw if this makes it sound like my relationship is abusive
jeremiahthefroge · 7 months
I've always said I've had more of a cat like vibe but tbh there's something about the raw loyalty of a guard dog that I identify with on a deep emotional level. There's something about the way that I would lie down beside you and let myself rot too if you died. There's something about the way I would follow your command even if it hurt me. I would follow you far after the callouses on my feet begin to crack and bleed, heedless of any thorn or sharp rock getting stuck in them. I look up at you like you're the only thing that matters. I reject normal morality and, in substitution, I put your wellbeing, your satisfaction with my efforts. I'd rather be miserable and uncertain beside you than carefree anywhere else. And when(if) I catch your attention, when(if) you express any scrap of gratitude for what I've done, it all becomes worth it, I light up. That's the highest of highs that I chase, ignoring my health to do it, knowing vaguely in the back of my mind that maybe I should prioritize myself at all, but not bringing myself to give much of a damn.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
I have a request if you're taking them, I may also request this to a few other blogs, so don't mind that, I absolutely love your work btw!!
I was hoping for Wanda and reader
wanda recently invited her gf R to live with her, but R has a habit she doesn't know about. The previous person R lived with always made R do the laundry, make all the food, do all the cleaning, and do everything, and R doesn't realize how messed up that is, R thinks their ''lower'' than whoever they live with, therefore they should do everything.
wanda is heartbroken to see R waiting on her like that, making her meals and cleaning up after her, and doing it happily too, and is upset that her love thinks so low of themselves.
que Wanda reassuring R they will split the work evenly, and R doesn't need to do everything
thank u in advance!
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, past abusive relationships, sorry for anyone named Blake you’ll understand eventually, happy ending, that’s all :)
Your hands worked tirelessly with the cloth, the dish beginning to shine under the bright light coming from the ceiling. You were exhausted, but that didn’t mean you were allowed to stop just yet, not until all tasks were done for the day. It was only fair, after all, Wanda accepted you into her home when asking you to move in with her, so while she spent hours in the office you would be cleaning and tending to the house.
Your phone's alarm went off and you quickly headed towards the laundry room, grinning as the dryer's loud sounds came to a stop. You opened the door and placed the clothes into a laundry basket, carrying the heavy load into your shared room and placing it on your side of the bed, making a mental note to finish it once the dishes and dinner were done. It was her favorite meal that you made, your famous lasagna that always made her mouth water.
“Y/N? I’m home, baby!” You turned to greet the owner of the voice, smiling as you ran into her muscular arms and felt a kiss on your head.
“Mm, missed you s’ much, love.”
“‘Missed you too, Wands.” She leaned back, chuckling at the small red dot on your nose before wiping it away.
“Must be the pasta sauce.” Her eyes widened at this, a smirk growing on her face as she took a whiff of the air.
“Did you make lasagna?”
“You guessed it.” She rose up and down on her tiptoes, her arms wrapping around you once more as she swayed you back and forth quickly.
“Ugh, you are the best.” You helped her remove her coat but were stopped less than halfway through, causing you to furrow your brows.
“It’s okay, I got it.” She placed it on the coat rack and led you into the kitchen, huffing as she noticed there were still ten minutes left on the oven clock before her meal was ready.
“Ugh, I don’t think I can wait that long, I’m starving!” She exclaimed, and you could hear a small rumble coming from her stomach, proving her point.
“I’m sorry, I was a bit backed up. Uhm, did I not pack enough for your lunch?” She brushed you off, massaging her shoulders and letting her hair fall from the tight ponytail.
“Don’t apologize. And, you did, my coworker just forgot her lunch so I gave her some of mine.” You nodded, returning to the dishes that were left unattended. You continued to place them in the dishwasher, occasionally needing to scrape stains out of pots or pans.
“I can pack more for you next time if you’d like.” She found herself behind you, placing both hands on either side of your waist and humming as she rested her head on your shoulder, leaning in to leave a peck on your neck and sending shivers through your body.
“Don’t worry about it, your lunches are just enough. Besides, she never usually forgets her food, she was just in a hurry this morning, she said.” She took the cup from your hand once rolling up her sleeves, and you couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight of her veiny hands and arms.
“I can do this for now, you just sit there and look pretty for me, yeah?” You hesitated to agree to her request, only giving in once she lightly took them from you while you were unable to speak your disagreement.
“No, really, it’s okay, you’ve been working hard all day, it’s only fair.” She didn’t listen, instead continuing the job you were supposed to be doing. That was your job, you had to do it.
“Uhm, I’ll go fold the laundry then.”
“Nonsense. C’mon, we both know you need a break. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get dinner ready for you tonight, yeah? We can have a nice bath together later too, if you’d like.” A tear was threatening to escape, and while you were trying your hardest to hold it back, you couldn’t stop it. Wanda turned when she heard sniffling, seeing your gaze fallen to the floor while your hand came to your cheek and she guessed it was to wipe it dry.
“Honey? Hey, what’s wrong?” She dried her hands on the hand towel, her forehead crinkled together as she slowly stalked over to you who stood in the middle of the kitchen.
“Nothing. Nothing's wrong, these are happy tears.” This only caused her concern to grow, and the beeping of the oven became nonexistent in her mind, but not yours. You used it as your excuse to remove yourself from her hold, coughing to cover the waver in your voice as you used oven mittens to remove the large dish. You let it cool, grabbing the counter tightly in your hands before finally giving her the attention she wished for. She looked so defeated, so concerned, you felt horrible.
“Sorry, I- uh, I didn’t mean to worry you.” She stepped forward once again, this time cornering you between the furniture and herself so you wouldn’t escape. She grabbed both of your hands, kissing the backs of your palms before holding them in the air near her stomach and your chest. She used her thumb to run across your knuckles, and the soothing manner nearly caused further tears.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did I- did I do something?”
“No, of course not!” You quickly assured, but that heightened her confusion.
“It’s just, I don’t know, I don’t know how to handle this.”
“What do you have to handle? If you mean the cleaning and everything, I’ll- I’ll help, I promise-“
“No, I mean this- you! You’re so fucking good to me and I’m so scared I’m gonna lose that somehow, I don’t know.”
“I don’t understand.” The woman spoke, and you sighed as you recalled the previous endeavors you were forced to experience. She treated you horribly, and you didn’t deserve that, but Wanda didn’t exactly know this. Wanda only knew some of the horrors you chose to share.
“When I was with, uh, Blake, she- she would always be mad if I didn’t finish everything. I would come home from a double shift, and she’d be drunk on the couch, but she yelled at me for dinner, to finish the laundry, clean the dishes, sweep and mop- I had to do everything, Wanda. If I didn’t have the bed made for her I’d be forced to sleep on the couch, and if I didn’t make dinner I wasn’t allowed to eat for the night. She’d yell at me if I didn’t want to have sex, and then I wouldn’t be able to even apologize before I was being blamed and, once again, forced to sleep in the living room. Leaving her was the best choice I ever made, I just never thought I’d have someone so caring as you, I guess she made me believe I didn’t deserve that.” Wanda’s heart felt heavier the more your voice broke, and she never wanted to cry more. She hated hearing others' troubles, but yours felt as though they were hers.
“Baby…I don’t know what to say, I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize, and you know you don’t have to do all this, I’ve told you this before.”
“I know, I just fell into such a routine with her, I didn’t know how to stop. And I like doing it for you, you actually appreciate what I do.” You chuckled, but she didn’t return it. She brought you forward and blew out a deep breath, and you instantly returned her hug.
“I love you so much, sweetheart. Please don’t forget that.”
“You’re nothing like her, Wanda, and I really do love you. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“You didn’t freak out, and I couldn’t blame you for that. You make me so happy, and I’m so grateful for everything you do for me. I want to change that for right now, okay? You’re going to sit down and I’m going to be setting the table tonight. We can have some ice cream on the couch, and I’ll give you a nice massage. Then we can have a bath and I’ll get to hold you all night in my arms, and I’ll never let you go. Does that sound alright?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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tocomplainfriend · 8 months
TW: Rape, SA, Homophobia, Misogyny, Misandry
The specific censored word with "-", it's for my own reasons and comfort. It's not censored up and in tags due to filtering! Sorry if I made mistakes like forgetting of filtering or similar, I haven't used tumblr much before!
THIS IS A R-PE JOKE! THAT'S WHAT I HAVE BEEN FUCKING SAYING! ONE OF MY BIGGEST PROBLEMS WITH EPISODE 4 IS THE FACT OF "we want to write an empowering story about men getting sexually assaulted. Men victim don't get that attentio-" BITCH, YOU MADE MANY R-PE AND SA JOKES ALL THE FUCKING WAY THROUGH HELLUVA AND KNOW HAZBIN! You are the one making fun of scenarios where your male characters get assaulted or r-ped.
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HOW TF DO YOU PRETEND TO BE SOOO ABOVE PEOPLE (INCLUDING VICTIMS OF SA AND R-PE) THAT'S EXPRESSED HOW THEY FELT ON THE EXECUTIONS AND WHO WORKED IN EPISODE 4. WHEN YOU YOURSELF MAKE JOKES ABOUT IT????? For some context, Sir Pent is trying to get with Cherri, but always deflects first in case she rejects him. He offers her a drink, but immediately says it's because he'll buy a drink for everyone on the club. Then he asks Cherri if they can have sex- and deflects back (a repetition joke) "Because I'll have sex with everyone here". Then he gets dragged into a room by other people, yelling wait and no! And the door closes as you heard him scream.
Out of context in the screenshot, you might even think it might be a serious scene where something happens to Pentious. BUT NO! IT'S BRUSHED OVER REAL FAST AND PLAYED AS "HAHA SOMETHING BAD HAPPEN TO SIR PENTIOUS AGAIN LMAOO"- it's the punchline.
Then at the end of the episode he gets out asking "Where is Cherri" (who btw is having sex with a random guy).
And please don't say "Well, he asked for it"- you know how you sound. The whole point of the joke is that he is trying to get with Cherri and failing astronomically. The point here is that he really doesn't want to have sex with a bunch of random people, but he has to do it because he is getting dragged into a room. (Again, Pentious is like Moxxie Their joke it's getting trashed and bullied by the world or people around them).
You made a whole episode about dealing with a male character's sexual assault, abuse or r-pe. Saying how much you respect victims, and your episode, it's just perfect about the topic. BlaBlaBla- no, you don't. You made all this jokes since HB season 1. This new joke was episode 6 of HH. You never acknowledge power dynamics, or coercion. You never acknowledge anything bad in your show.
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Remember, as much as this shows go for LGBTQ+ representation and Queer media. As a ""Female lead show"". This jokes link back (not only to making fun of SA and R-pe itself, but to) homophobia and Misogyny. A scenario of where a man gets SA'ed or r-ped by another man or woman- leads to a scenario where the character is made fun of for not being "masculine enough" for being a victim or for not being able to defend themselves. In a scenario where this happens by a man to man, "It's funny because the victim is viewed as gay. As less masculine = gay and that's bad cause gay = weak and feminine and the idea of feminine = weak".
(There are a few jokes here and there, like Blitzo touching Moxxie's dick after making fun of him for having a baby penis.)
If you didn't notice, Moxxie gets attacked by multiple succubus, and that's apparently funny. KEEP IN MIND is not basic physical violence-no he comes out with lipstick kisses marks, the sounds effects are (ugh)... and Blitz tells him "Don't let them access any of your holes". In other concepts, I want to point out that the times when Moxxie is viewed as a bottom or feminine- he is made fun of. When Millie pegs him, he is made fun of because he is the man of the relationship, being implied as the bottom. When he wears the outfit of unhappy campers, he is extra objectified or made fun of even more than in any other episodes. He is also forcefully put on a dress in his wedding.
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He is made fun of for being SA'ed for being uncomfortable scenarios:
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These aren't jokes made by characters that "are bad because they are from hell". These are scripted jokes written by a person searching for the audience to laugh.
AND the reason why many audiences accept this jokes or even find them funny is because of some of these views (internalized or not) above. You'll also notice how all these jokes are directed at men (if you find an R-pe or SA joke directed at a woman in this two show, say something about it! POINT IT OUT!). People accept and write these jokes more because they care less about the idea of a man being a victim of such situation. More often than not- in the present, a woman getting assaulted or anything similar in any media gets noticed and called out. THESE JOKES OR THE NORMALIZATION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT, ASSAULT, COERCION, OR SIMILAR TOWARDS WOMAN STILL HAPPENS!!!! There is an idea that men just tend to just want sex all times at any time. -And that a man getting SA'ed or r-ped by a woman it's just sex, cause "Why wouldn't you like free pussy". When it's a gay perpetrator is viewed as funny cause "that makes you gay or a woman" and that's apparently hilarious. Men can be r-ped no matter what. Men can be targets of all of these acts.
Remember that all the scenes of sexual abuse, harassment and r-pe in Poison are directed by the R2. Who, once again, is into r-pe porn- and they themselves said they are not an SA victim either. So remember, not even a victim trying to cope with their own R-pe or SA. This person draws and ships "R-pe ships", and tags it as "naughty men uwu" bullshit. Also, a person so obsessed with the character of Angel that they changed their name to Tony (Angel's real human name), make themselves look like him, and become a sex worker like Angel. They themselves looked at a comic of Val threatening r-pe and abuse on Angel as "thank good you have balls to draw something mean with these too, I was so bored" ???? (this stuff is in:) and cosplay and take photos of your Val x Angel ship
Congrats if you as a victim yourself thought that the scene with Angel was good. If it helped you be and feel seen. But remember the rest of the show, the hypocritical writers, don't care enough to view it as a serious topic to not joke about. Both HB and HH written by the same people (as in Vivziepop), take their sweet time to turn these topics into jokes.
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What pisses off more, it's the trying to make yourself be viewed as a sensitive person about such topic. Make it seem like you are a savior for writing about it in such "serious, powerful and not sugar coded" way. But then you drop that on the fucking ground to make a joke about it when you are tired of pretending you are so good. If you were so informed of SA and r-pe, you wouldn't be making these jokes. If you knew how much SA male victims struggle to get viewed as serious or their stories taken into account-you wouldn't be this shitty.
God, you are so proud of the joke too.
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My poor snake guy... one of the few characters that I like-
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klaus-littlestwolf · 3 months
Hello Love, I was wondering if you would write one Dark! Yandere!Mafia! Bucky and Klaus x chubby reader, where they meet her at the park while she was having a stroll and a random group of boys start disturbing her, Klaus gets furious and bucky is already on the move, they save her and from then on they become friends according to the reader's perspective but to them she is already their Princess. They keep an eye on her, put security around her apartment as well as her work space and any man who even dares to look at her gets to face their wrath. One day they decide that they have had enough and kidnap her, obviously she is terrified but seeing them she is heart broken how can they do this to her but they don't think this to be an offense and begin courting her. Eventually she falls for them and you can continue Idk..... They tell her stories about the evil that lurk in the shadows just so they could keep her close making her feel safe in the hands of the Devils . Can you also write about how she is the one who kills Mikael when he attacks Klaus since Bucky was absent and she cannot bear someone hurting her Nikky. When Bucky returns he finds out about the whole event and is so proud of his Doll but it was her first murder and now she is so full of guilt and Klaus is doing a terrible job of comforting her so he takes the matter into his own hands...... Idk can I request a fluffy ending at the last. Sorry the request is too long. It would be great if you could write this one shot....... ( This is my first request)
(P.S. - My hands are shaking writing this up, I am super nervous)
I love you very much and your writings just make my day , if you don't feel comfortable you don't need to write it up.
Bye Love.
A Strange Kind of Love -Yan!Mafia!Bucky B./Klaus M.
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It’s actually a very interesting idea and I like it a lot. I assumed you wanted a human AU. I went against my instinct on this one since you didn’t ask for a Daddy Kink so it does not contain DD/LG content
Also, you never need to be nervous to make a request, I don’t judge anyone for the things they want to read. I’m sure you can tell from the things I write (that range from strange to truly fucked up) that I understand wanting to read specific things or kinks or relationships and honestly (especially after writing this) I want to do more KlausxOCxBucky cause they’re so cute together with their Princess (so if you have more ideas make your requests). Never worry about your requests cause trust me, everyone on this app has thought about (and read) weirder in every way🤣
Thank you for the compliments btw, I’m so glad you love my stories so much. I never in a million years would have thought people would like them so much but it makes me so unbelievably happy🥰
Warning: Smut! Threesome, Breeding Kink, Kidnapping, Mentions of abuse, Mikael being a Dick
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Bucky and Klaus hadn’t meant to be in the park that day at all. They had just gotten done taking care of a group of idiots who thought they could come into the Mikaelson’s city and do whatever they wanted. To their credit, Bucky had given them a warning, they just chose not to listen and Klaus had run out of patience, deciding that setting their house on fire sounded like fun. On the way out the cops were between them and their car so they had their man pull around the park and they would meet them.
On their way through the park to the car, they came across a scene that angered the both of them. A women, holding her bag tightly and trying to move away while 3 men were seemingly playing some kind of game with her as they grabbed at her clothes.
‘Come on babe, we just wanna play with you!’
‘Yeah, don’t run away, you have time for a game!’ One of the men pulled her shirt hard and ripped two of the bottom buttons apart making her scream, kicking him in the knee as hard as she could. The idiot collapsed with a yelp much like that of an angry chihuahua before glaring up at her.
‘Don’t touch me!’
‘Oh, you’re gonna get it for that one girlie!’ The other one grabbed her arm but was cut off, hearing the sound of Bucky clearing his throat.
‘That’s no way to treat a lady.’ Klaus stated, fingers around the handle of the blade he keeps tucked into his pants as the asshole released her and began backing away, clearly recognizing them.
‘My friend is right. Run along now and hope this young lady doesn’t want revenge for this later.’ Bucky spoke, helping her up from where she had fallen before the men ran away. ‘Are you alright?’ She nodded, holding the bottom of her shirt closed as Klaus came back, having run after the idiots a ways to scare them into not coming back, Bucky knew that Klaus loved to tease idiots like that in hopes they would fuck up and he could kill them. ‘I’m James but everyone just calls me Bucky, this here is my brother for all intents and purposes, Klaus. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kitten.’ Both men enjoyed the blush on her cheeks at the nickname, taken aback by how cute this girl was.
‘I’m Y/n, thank you for your help. I’m really grateful…oh fuck! I’m so late for work, I have to go!’ She turned to go when Klaus caught her arm making her flinch.
‘Sorry, no need to be afraid. I had just hoped we could have your number. We’d like to make sure you’re still alright later.’
As Y/n looked up at Bucky and Klaus she couldn’t help but feel safe. She didn’t know why but they were comforting and so she nodded, taking Klaus’ phone and doing just that for him.
Bucky and Klaus, upon getting to their car, began talking about the sweet girl they had met and realized they both felt a pull to her, one that was strong and desperate. It wasn’t often that Bucky and Klaus genuinely liked a women in any way other than wanting her in their bed, let alone the same women but they had shared before and they knew that Y/n was worth it.
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They never thought it would become what it had, them falling in love with the perfect women, but here they are, head over heels a month after meeting and taking her out to dinner for the 4th time that week.
Neither of them could go very long without seeing their girl, both Bucky and Klaus knowing they have obsessive personalities but they also knew they would never hurt Y/n, they were in love with her.
Of course she was naive enough to think they were just her friends, never expecting both of them to want to be with her so it never crossed her mind that these were dates they were going on. The men saw no issue with Y/n in any way, she was their beautiful Babygirl. She was sweet and innocent, the most loving girl they had ever met and far more than they deserve (though they would never admit that they both knew that out loud), they never even considered that she didn’t ‘look the part’ of a women that they would normally date. She was a little on the chubby side but they loved everything about her, Bucky loving to feel her weight on top of him when he lays back on the couch, pulling her with him and refusing to even hear her complaints. Every time he ends up trying to hide his erection as he dreams of wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her still while he ruts his cock up into her tight little pussy until she’s crying in ecstasy. Klaus enjoys resting his head on her thick thighs like the comfiest pillow in the world while she plays with his hair, dreaming about the day that she would allow him to be smothered between them. He would eat her pussy like a man dying of thirst and could only imagine the sounds she would make for him.
They didn’t understand why she thought she wasn’t good enough for them but honestly it gave them time to get everything the way they needed it so they would put up with it, until the house is finished.
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It was the mugging that pushed them over the edge.
She didn’t call them that morning like she always did, not even at least sending a text to say ‘good morning’ as she always had and so Klaus and Bucky found themselves in their Chevrolet Corvette E Ray (which Klaus had just gotten specifically to take Y/n for a scenic drive/picnic and impress her even if money didn’t really do that) to get to her as fast as they could.
They broke about 45 different traffic laws but the cop that noticed them and began driving after them pulled off quickly, probably having run the plates and realized who it was, not wanting all the paperwork or the lawyers involved just for whatever ticket he was going to write. Upon arriving at her apartment they found out that their girl had walked to the corner store that morning and been robbed, her phone being taken so she couldn’t text them. Bucky kissed her head before leaving the room, getting on his phone and having his men work to track hers and find the asshole who did it while Klaus used his phone to order them breakfast to be delivered, snuggling their Babygirl as close as he could and wiping her tears repeatedly before calling her boss to let him know she wouldn’t be in the next week. Thankfully they had met her boss at a work event they insisted on joining her at and the man wanted more than anything to impress them both.
They spent the day cheering their girl up, even getting her back her phone which had sadly been destroyed by the idiot trying to get into it before staying the night with her, snuggled between them in her bed.
‘This is the way it should be. Our Princess cuddled up between us without a care in the world.’ Klaus noted and Bucky agreed.
‘I called today, they’re working shifts round the clock now. The cabin will be finished in 2 days, Steve and Elijah are having everything moved in right now. Just 2 more days and our Kitten will be ours, brother.’ The men couldn’t hide the smiles on their faces, knowing they were going to keep their Babygirl safe where nothing could ever hurt her again.
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Waking up was disorienting, the drugs clearly still being in her blood stream but she pushed through the feeling, sitting up to find herself in a huge bed that was probably the comfiest thing she had ever laid on. As she looked around, her head spinning with dizziness, the bedroom door opened and her head snapped up to see Klaus walk in.
‘Klaus! Thank God! I thought I was alone!’ She moved to the edge of the bed, Klaus catching her before she could collapse. ‘Where’s Bucky? Is he okay?!’
It was obvious that she didn’t immediately think that they had brought her here, she thought they had all been brought here together. ‘He’s downstairs making you some tea.’
‘Making tea? Why would…no…Klaus no…w-why?’ She whimpered, tears rising in her eyes but as Klaus moved to wipe them away she smacked his hand from her face, stumbling back as her legs gave out but not letting him help her.
‘Princess, please? Just let me-‘
‘Don’t Touch Me! Don’t You Ever Touch Me Again!’ She screamed, turning and using the bed to help her stand, turning to the door Klaus had just come through before he cut off her exit. ‘Why are you doing this? I want to go home Klaus, I’m scared and I want to go home.’
Klaus felt his chest tighten, hating to see tears on his Princess’ face. ‘You are home baby, it’s okay. We brought you here to keep you safe. No more mugging, no more shitty bosses or backstabbing friends, just us…you, me and Bucky. Doesn’t that sound nice?’
‘You kidnapped me…and now you want me to tell you that it sounds great here? Fuck you!’ She hissed, sitting back onto the bed before the door opened again and Bucky stepped in with a tray.
‘Good morning-Now I know you’re feeling a tad angry, but we did this to protect you.’
‘You pretentious asshole! You-‘
‘Enough!’ Bucky exclaimed, clearly done with her attitude making her flinch away and Klaus moved to her side, taking her hand in his and pressing it to his lips.
‘We will never harm you Baby, not ever. Please don’t flinch like that? You know we would never let you get hurt.’ Klaus’ eyes were big and needy, hating the idea that the girl he is desperately in love with would be afraid of him.
‘You Kidnapped Me! You were my friends! How could you guys-‘
‘We were never your friends, Doll.’
‘Bucky!’ Klaus snapped but he was ignored, Bucky’s metal fingers trailing down the side of her face.
‘We have been in love with you since the moment we met and there’s no way you don’t know that Kitten.’
‘You’re insane! Men like you don’t go for girls like me, let alone 2 of you! I’m not stupid…at least not completely considering I believed you cared about me to begin with.’
‘Okay, now you’re just being dramatic-‘
‘You’ve kidnapped me-‘
‘We Love You!’ He shouted, becoming overwhelmed with your disregard for their feelings. ‘We’ve loved you for months, Doll…this ain’t some casual fling for us, we’ve shared girls for a night before but never more than that. Never something like you…we love you so much Kitten, more than I thought possible.’ Bucky admitted, Y/n staring in shock, unsure of what to say.
‘As well as more than I thought myself capable.’ Klaus spoke up. ‘You know about my father…my family and I…I never thought I would be able to love someone the way people talk about in those cheesy love stories but you did that for me…you broke down walls I’ve been building since I was a child and I…I need you not to hate us. We had to protect you…Please?’ Klaus pleaded, desperate for her loving gaze to be back on him as it’s been since the day they met.
‘Klaus I-I could never hate you…but I don’t know that I can just get over being kidnapped by the people I trusted most in the entire world. You have to understand that, and so do you. I trusted you, the whole time you could have just told me how you felt but you didn’t, you let me think I was disgusting and fucked up for liking the both of you and now I don’t know that I can forgive you. Especially if this is who Bucky really is-‘ she said, turning to look at him. ‘because I loved the sweet man who snuggled with me whenever I was sad but this angry one who shouts at me for being upset at being Kidnapped? I don’t know who he is and I don’t know that I want to if this is the way you are.’ Bucky had the decency to look saddened by her admission but didn’t let it bother him too much as he handed her the cup of tea.
‘We do understand Princess, and there’s some things we need to tell you. No matter what though, you are safe with us.’ Klaus promised, kissing her hand and sat down beside her on the bed along with Bucky where they spent the next 2 hours explaining who they really were. Their lives, childhoods, and jobs they now had as the heads of 2 separate crime families that only joined together thanks to Klaus and Buckys resilient friendship.
Y/n would have been impressed if she wasn’t so horrified…she’s a bit impressed by them, though she refused to forgive them that quickly. They had a lot of making up to do if they wanted to be friends again…or whatever it is they really wanted to be…?
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It was nearly a full week later that any kind of development happened in the battle Y/n was fighting against them.
The crash was startling and as much as Y/n wanted to pretend that she didn’t care, she didn’t want Klaus to be hurt and she knew Bucky wasn’t here leading to her standing from the bed and creeping down the stairs quietly. She had just planned to peek into the den to make sure he wasn’t dead before going back upstairs but as she looked in she saw Klaus on the floor with blood dripping from his nose and mouth and a man crouched over top of him with a sinister look in his eyes.
Y/n instantly recognized the man from the family pictures that Klaus had shown her. This was Klaus’ step father, the man that had spent Klaus’ entire life beating him senseless and making him believe he was unworthy of any kind of love and affection.
This was Mikael.
Bucky had spoken about murdering the man only 500 times in their relationship and she knew he wanted the man dead almost as much as Klaus did and she expected one day that he would show up.
What she didn’t expect however, was Klaus to lay there completely frozen, petrified.
Y/n, who had been trying so hard to remain angry at Klaus and Bucky in the last week, felt her heart break at the sight of this strong man who she had depended on time and time again, looking so small and scared. She knew she couldn’t just go back upstairs and do nothing, she hated this man. Hated him for everything he had done to Klaus, everything he had made her friend feel. She knew that Bucky would want to kill Mikael, she knew he would be doing it already if he was only here, but he’s not here…she is.
Y/n crept around to the living room and got to the fire place, retrieving the fire poker as quietly as possible, as well as the duct tape from the junk drawer before approaching the den again.
‘You really thought you could hide from me, didn’t you, boy? You’ve been hiding behind that boyfriend of yours since you met, found yourself a tough son of a bitch to protect you like the weakling you are and always have been. But he’s not here now, is he?’ She quietly crept up behind the man, instantly despising him even more than she already did which she would have thought was completely impossible. ‘Theres no one left to hide behind, who is going to protect you now, hmm?’
‘I am.’ Y/n spoke up, clearly startling him as he spun his head around only for her to swing the fire poker and slash it straight across his face. She swung it again into the back of his head before he could move and he collapsed off of Klaus and onto the floor. She hit him once more before grabbing the duct tape, rolling him onto his back and pulling his hands together to wrap the tape around them far too many times before doing the same with his feet before taping them together as if he was hog tied-just with way too much tape. Y/n turned to look at where Klaus had been laying and he had turned to see where his Step Father laid, eyes wide and completely shocked. She dropped the fire poker and moved to kneel beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck and he instantly sat up, pulling her onto his lap with his arms firmly wrapped around her waist. He was sniffling over and over, clearly trying to control himself and his body as it continued to shake thanks to the adrenaline rushing through it. ‘It’s okay. You’re safe now…you’re safe Klaus.’
Klaus reached his hands up, cupping Y/n’s cheeks and pressing his lips to hers desperately. It felt wonderful to be in Klaus’ arms again, she had missed him. ‘You saved me.’ He spoke against her lips, hands squeezing her waist.
‘‘Of course I did…I couldn’t let him hurt you. I love you…’ she admitted, seeing Klaus’ face light up in happiness before he pressed his lips to hers again, groaning as he felt her hand pulling his shirt over his head prompting Klaus to grab hold of her collar and rip her shirt open, buttons flying everywhere while he yanked it off, followed by her lacy black bra.
‘Gods, you are fucking perfection, you know that?’ One thing Y/n loved about Klaus and Bucky? They never failed to make her feel like the prettiest girl in every room. They never even seemed to notice the fact that she was chubbier than all of the women who stared at them unashamedly even when she’s right there as if she’s such little competition they don’t even have to think about it. They never even glance at other women when she’s there and even now, Y/n feels like the sexiest women in the entire world.
‘Your hands feel so good, never stop touching me, please?’
‘Never! Never stopping Princess, I will touch you for the rest of forever until we take to the grave and we are buried together for eternity! No more running, all ours now…’ he swore, lifting her leg over him from where she had sat on his lap so she now straddled his waist. Klaus pulled her pants down before just ripping them off to avoid moving her again. ‘So fucking perfect baby-‘
‘Please?’ She whined, feeling him move her thong to the side and brush his cock against her clit.
‘No need to beg Princess, don’t worry, I’m going to fuck you just how you need. My good girl deserves to be rewarded for protecting me, doesn’t she?’ Y/n nodded her head rapidly, crying out quite loudly when Klaus pushed his cock up and into her sopping wet cunt, stretching her hole deliciously. ‘So perfect baby! Perfect fucking cunt, oh Shit!’ He wrapped one arm tightly around her waist to pin her chest against him while the other arm rested up her back and his hand held her shoulder giving him the leverage to pull her down against him with every thrust of his hips.
‘Ah! Ah! Right there! Please?!’
‘There?’ Klaus wondered, thrusting his hips particularly hard.
‘Fuck Yes!’ Y/n shrieked, nails digging into his back again and most definitely drawing blood.
What neither of them heard in their blissful desperation was the front door opening and Bucky running into the house having gotten an alarm alert on his phone when Mikael came in. Neither Klaus nor Y/n were answering their phones and he was panicking until he heard the noises coming from the den. Peeking his head around the corner he was shocked to find a hog tied man that he recognized from Klaus’ family pictures as well as his brother with their girl on his lap, his cock buried inside of her as deep as possible.
‘Close…so close! Please?!’ She begged and Bucky moved quietly into the room crouching behind them. His hand moved between them finding his Kittens clit to roughly caress, her entire body stiffening a second later before she cried out and Klaus held her down against him as he grunted, cumming deep inside of their girl the way they had always dreamed of.
Once they had relaxed and Y/n had snuggled into Klaus’ neck, Bucky decided to make his presence known. ‘That was beautiful.’ He stated, both of them jumping in fright, Klaus ready to pull her behind him just as he realized that it was just his brother.
‘Fucking Hell Buck! Don’t do that, I’ve had enough scares for one day.’ He spoke and Y/n turned his head, kissing his lips softly.
‘He won’t touch you again Nikky, you’re safe now.’ She promised and he snuggled into her neck, enjoying her comfort.
‘Course you are bro, especially with our little protector here. You did this, didn’t you killer?’ He teased, but held a level of respect in his eyes that made her happy.
‘He was gonna kill him, I didn’t have a choice…I-‘
‘You did so well Kitten, I’m so proud of you!’ Bucky insisted, pulling her face closer to kiss her softly. ‘You know what that means, don’t you?’ She looked at him curiously while Bucky and Klaus looked at each other, knowing exactly what they’ve been waiting for for months on end. They were finally going to have her just the way they wanted. ‘Good little Kittens get rewarded…take her upstairs Nik, I’ll take care of him.’
‘But…I wanna watch.’ Y/n pouted making both men laugh.
‘Buckys gonna lock him in the shed. Don’t worry Love, you can see as much as you want to.’ Klaus hoisted her up into his arms and carried her through the hall and up the stairs to their bedroom, which made up the entire first floor other than a bathroom.
Bucky dragged the man down the hall and through the kitchen out the back door to the shed. They had it built just in case someone should decide to try and hurt their Babygirl here, giving them the perfect place to have some…fun with Mikael. Bucky cut all the tape off before chaining him to the floor in the center of the room, locking the doors behind him and quickly running back to the house where he locked everything else up as they wouldn’t be leaving any time soon.
Y/n was back on Nik’s lap and kissing him contently when Bucky came back in, stripping off his suit in no time, crawling up onto the bed and getting their attention. ‘Wow…’ she mumbled as she looked over his toned body. Bucky knew he was nice to look at, while Klaus had muscle he was leaner where as Bucky held muscle extremely well and while his cock was slightly less thick than his brothers, it was almost a full inch longer. It drew their girls eyes instantly and he couldn’t hide his smirk if he wanted to.
‘Did you enjoy Nikky stretching your pretty little pussy on his cock?’ She nodded her head with a whine, turning to face Bucky who grabbed her thighs and yanked her forward. A squeal left her as she fell back onto the giant bed, him lifting her legs to present her cunt to his eyes. ‘I bet you did, but now it’s my turn and I’m gonna fuck my cock into you so deep you’ll be carrying my babies by morning.’ Her eyes widened dramatically before he leaned down and pressed his mouth against her clit.
‘Oh God!’
‘That’s right Princess, in this room we are your Gods. You worship and we give you everything you could ever want…riches-‘ Klaus leaned down, pressing his lips to hers sweetly. ‘-Pleasure…’ he kissed down her chest to her breasts, nipping her skin teasingly. ‘-Fertility…’ he smirked, wrapping his lips around her nipple and twisting the other just as Bucky shoved his tongue into her hole, his nose brushing her clit hard and sending her over the edge, making her cry out.
‘There you go, good girl!’ Bucky smirked, lifting her legs as he pushed his way between them, his long member brushing against her sensitive clit. ‘We’ve been waiting a long time for this Kitten, and you have too, haven’t you?’ Y/n whimpered as Klaus continued his teasing at her breasts. ‘We’re gonna put a baby in you tonight, one way or another.’ He gestured to Klaus who hopped up, moving to the closet and grabbing a box that he set on the edge of the oversized bed, pulling out a silicone plug with a purple jewel on the end making her tense and Bucky groan. ‘That’s right Kitten, we’re gonna fill you up all night long.’ He promised, taking hold of his cock and pressing it into her slick hole, not stopping until he bottomed out completely. ‘Nothings ever been so deep in this pretty little cunt, has it?’ She whined needily which answered his question just fine before he began thrusting into her.
‘Oh Fuck! Too Much!’
‘Too much? Too Much? Impossible! Our girl can take anything and everything we have to give her, can’t you Kitten? We’re gonna fill you so full you’ll be leaking all over the bed, gonna make us Daddies tonight, aren’t you?’ Tears were falling from her face as she nodded frantically, practically begging him for more. ‘Gonna plug you up so full it won’t be possible that you’re not knocked up!’ Bucky was thrusting up into her so hard she knew she would be sore but she couldn’t find it in herself to care as Klaus turned her head to the side and shoved his cock between her lips.
‘Fuck! Such a hot fucking mouth! Christ! Sucking my cock so good for me Princess!’ She moaned, choking on his cock as he pushed into the back of her throat.
‘Oh shit! Gonna fill you up so good Kitten, you want your pretty little pussy full don’t you? You need it!’ She moaned around Klaus’ dick but Bucky got the message just fine. ‘Yes, gonna give our girl a baby, Fuck!’ Bucky growled as he shoved his cock as deeply into her body as he could, cumming hard and holding her on him to keep himself as deep as he could. ‘My good little Kitten.’ He hummed, pinching her nipple teasingly.
‘Move Buck!’ Klaus insisted, pulling himself out of her mouth which caused her to whine, Bucky pulling out and laying beside her as Klaus stretched her hole around his cock again. ‘Just needed to fill your cunt again. You can drink my cum 10 times a day when this womb is full, but-ah! Until then we’re gonna fill this hole every…single…time! Oh Shit!’ Once again Klaus filled her up and she whined at how full her body felt now. His cock stayed buried into her as his hand put pressure on her lower belly, caressing her as if it would ensure their seed took.
‘Open your mouth.’ Bucky told her and she did, only to have the plug shoved between her lips to wet it before pulling it back out and moving to shove it into her cunt as soon as Klaus pulled back, not allowing a single drop spilled. ‘Good girl. Now, you rest because after you have had some time to relax, we’re gonna do it all over again.’ She whined before Klaus laid at her other side, shushing her.
‘Relax Princess. You’re all ours now, and we’re gonna take such good care of you.’
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A Strange Kind of Love Moodboard
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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leondickrider · 1 year
relationship headcanons | leon s kennedy x gn!reader
💭 . . . hiii, so i moved to this account from my old account @movedoopsie so this an updated version of both of my old relationship headcanons posts and nsfw post (with some new bonus headcanons hehe) (‘. • ᵕ •. `)
before reading: fluff, suggestive, nsfw marked, some are sad bc i love making leon suffer ₍ᐡ。っ ̫-。ᐡ₎ not proofread | warnings: cursing, substance abuse mentioned | wc 2.1k
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love with him kinda gives me and your mama by childish gambino but very much guns and roses by lana del rey 🎀
ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION IN MY ORIGINAL POSTS: television heaven by lana del rey is so re2make leon coded !!!! and maybe perhaps starry eyed... just maybe...
it's canon that he listens to rock (refer to re2r opening) but I'm sure he would listen to alternative and hip hop
btw, to the spotify playlist makers, he would never listen to mother mother he is quite literally born in the 70s
also i doubt he would actually listen to lana del rey, but if he did he would listen to ultraviolence ₍ᐢ.”⚇.”ᐢ₎
when he's frustrated, he'll mutter curses under his breath like it's so sexy and hot and pussy soddening or dick hardening (I don't have a dick idk how it works)
he loves when you wear long, flowy dresses or shirts, especially if they are in white. if you get it you get it
he would like white clothes on you since white typically represents like purity and cleanliness. and with all the stuff he's been through and it's just comforting
his favorite colors are blue and green tho
he's a good kisser 10/10
leon definitely replies with the driest things ever over text. like you could say "hey baby I love you <3 be careful at work" and he'll say "Ok love you." and he uses the period too
also replies with 👍, 👎, 😀 and 😍
when you are both going to sleep at the same time, he will scratch your back out of habit, even if he falls asleep you will feel his hand making circular motions on your back
he's the lightest sleeper ever. he wakes up if you shift in bed too fast, if you make any unusual sound, literally wakes up so easily and this leads to him being very sleepy :(
he would want 2 kids so they aren't lonely. he wouldn't ever want his kids to feel the loneliness he felt as an orphan
he's a girl dad but if he had a son then you already know that kid is going to be a carbon copy of his dad
sometimes he comes home really drunk and he leans all over you, kissing you all over and saying how much he loves you and stuff and then he cries and then falls asleep
when he goes fishing or hunting or camping he always drags you along for it even if you complain
he looks like he goes camping like every season as the vacation he so desperately asks for 24/7
he doesn't understand text abbreviations. he's like a victorian child. he says "LOL" and doesn't even know what it means. "leon I'm feeling really sick, bring me some soup please" "Ok LOL."
he also replies really slowly to texts sometimes, it's not even on purpose he is just has no clue how to iphone
during missions, he has those cute lil kitten sneezes (like in re4r) but at home this man forces them to be obnoxiously loud because it always makes you giggle
and his hearts melts a little every time you giggle. your laughter is like his favorite sound in the whole wide world
he gets home at unholy hours of the night usually, so he usually just goes to the bedroom, gives you a kiss on your forehead or cheek while you're asleep and takes a quick shower before sleeping
however on nights where you wait for him to get home he is taken by surprise when you fling yourself into his arms when he enters
when be walks in he'll be like "sono a casa..." really quietly
yeah he learned a little italian bc he's like a mafioso son basically so he decided "why not just learn italian and make my girlfriend swoon over it?" il mio king
he's incredibly insecure in relationships. he thinks you deserve better than him, somebody who can be there for you without fail and isn't heavily traumatized
when you're sick he will literally do everything for you, he doesn't let you do anything until you're better
even when you aren't sick he does everything, he justa bit more lenient
hero complex ofc, he loves being there to 'save you' even if it's just helping you get something off the top shelf or helping you zip up a dress or a shirt
always puts his bed by you in minecraft even tho he has no idea how to play :3
also, loves bear hugging you. but he also does those hugs where he lifts you up completely and spins you around a little
if you where in raccoon city with him he would do the spinning hug the second you were finally safe
when he's feeling really affectionate (usually when he's a lil tipsy) he'll tell you things like "sei tutto il mio mondo" and "sei la metà della mia mela" (this is so cute if you also love apples)
he's a heavyweight this man can handle his alcohol, so if you get drunk easy like me, then yea he's def got you covered
doesn't let anybody he doesn't trust near you when you're drunk
also, even when he's drunk he's very protective. he's actually more protective
he is really good at comforting you when you need it but often pushes you away when you need it :(
sometime he will disappear for long periods of times. and he cuts off all contact. but eventually you will get a call from somebody like chris, claire, etc. that leon was drinking and they were bringing him home
he goes through cycles of highs where he stops drinking and lows where he drinks excessively (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
sometimes he'll send you random selfies when he gets service or random texts like "Hi." and tbh it scared the shit out of you to just get a random Hi when he's in the middle of like the desert a few times
he isn't really good with physical affection, he'll give you awkward hugs and hold your hands but he's just very awkward in general so...
but if we're talking cute re2make leon then omfg hugs 24/7 he will not keep his hands off you
he isn't really into pda bc he's shy about it, he will hold your hand and maybe give you an awkward side hug but that's really it unless it's one of those special occasions lmfao
this is kind of random but when he's alone he likes to look at old pictures of you both and just reminisce on the past ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
re2make leon the typa guy to play just dance with you
maybe re4make if he's in love enough (he is)
his style is actually really good so he ALWAYS looks so good next to you (refer to casual leon model) 🐩
he sings in the shower sometimes
he likes to take showers with you since it's relaxing when you wash his hair since you have like soft hands and not his big thick meaty manly leather beefy hands
falls asleep with light piano music and rain audios in the background 😭
his instagram is basically a fanpage for you. always appreciating you!! "My s/o took this." "Date night night with s/o." "Imagine not having the prettiest bestest amazingest s/o ever."
he and ada are mutuals, this is his revenge for ghosting him lol
takes you on picnic dates a lot
for people with periods, he is like so good with helping you woth getting tampons/pads, getting medicine, etc etc
his ideal house with you would be one of those stereotypical white american family suburb houses (he's so american i'll never let him live down calling luis 'lewis' 😭)
he pledge allegiance to the flag he is a PATRIOT🇺🇸
he spoils the hell out of you !!!! you look at a dress twice? magically in your closet the next day. you look at a pretty necklace that costs more than a car? he already got it
government paycheck
when he was 21 he dreamed of having a really normal life with you. a normal house, normal cars, 2 kids, a dog, all these other totally normal things
he does not get the normal life lol
he is very territorial, he definitely marks you up in spots that are very visible and harder to hide
he isn't really picky about what lingerie you wear but if you wear white sets with little blue or pink ribbons then you got your work cut out for you
he's very romantic during sex. on anniversaries he'll even get rose petals and candles in you're into that kinda stuff lol
had to buy a whole different phone just for videos/photos of you both because his phone has a ton of work things and he didn't want to risk accidentally sending the wrong picture to the wrong person
when he gets back from missions that were very stressful and got him pent up then sex is way rougher than usual
he is definitely into worshipping your body. he'll tell you how beautiful you are and kiss every inch if your skin that he can
sometime he'll also say some italian things to you while you do the deed like "sei molto bella"
when he's horny he'll tell you "mi ecciti così tanto"
although, italian bedroom talk is kinda cringe sometimes so he usually sticks to english
he is definitely very experienced, he's been with several women, usually one night stands. but we do also know he had a girlfriend before resi 2 so there's that
he would prefer sex stays in the bedroom, or the house at least
he probably gets pleasure from making you get pleasure. like just from eating you out he will... yea
as i said before, territorial 😊
one of his sexual fantasies is fucking you while he's on a mission but he probably wouldn't want to take that risk bc like zombies
it's not rare to have quickies in the mornings
he's big like maybe 6 or 7 inches? he may not have a könig bulge but he's absolutely packing
dirty talk. says things like "y'like that princess?" "that feel good?" "i know you like it baby" "you feel so girl pretty girl" "look at me lovie" when you close ur eyes
man is a freak (refer to THAT clip from death island)
however, sex with him is usually really vanilla simply because he is too tired from all these missions to be doing all that
when it's not vanilla he's a switch simply bc I know it. he'll let you take the reins from time to time, but he is always the one in control if we're being fr
also i'm pretty sure he's top leaning because like... the shit he's been through?? he'd want a little control over something and having control in bed makes him feel really powerful
he still likes to bottom tho lol
he also calls u mommy or daddy or master or mistress if u a freaky freak lol
loves brat taming!!!!!
he likes to hold your hand while having sex
enjoys morning sex lots, especially the morning after he returns from a mission. he's too exhausted the night of returning, so he wakes up early and fucks you
love love loves missionary bc he gets to look at your face and he can just look down to see him yk thrusting (goodbye i hate this word)
i will say tho sometimes he will say the most outlandish things like "i wanna pump so many babies into you that we repopulate raccoon city" but it's ok bc it's leon
loves white sets on you (refer to 8)
sooo good with after care!!! if you need something he will do it or get it. want a snack? he's grabbing it. want a nice warm bubble bath? he's running the water and grabbing the soap for bubbles
spoils you with aftercare tbh.... after him you really cannot ever get better aftercare
very vocal, lots of whimpers and whines coming from him
really good with his hands, I mean look at the way he handles guns. i'm sure his hands come in handy in more ways than just flipping a gun around
amazing with his tongue and mouth as well 🎀
he love love loves when u sit on his face !!!
when you give him head he likes to rub your scalp and he makes the most attractive noises ever
he owns a couple toys. he def owns a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs
he probably has no preference to if you're shaved or not when he's older
but when he's younger he prefers it shaved or trimmed cuz he lives between your legs and it gets a bit annoying getting hair in his mouth 😭
(i'm sorry if all the nsfw seems aimed towards afab people, I literally have no idea how to write for amab but i'm trying to spoil everybody...)
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౨ৎ translations "sono a casa" i'm home; "il mio [re]" my king; "sei tutto il mio mondo" you are my whole world; "sei la metà della mia mela" you are half of my apple; "sei molto bella" you're very beautiful; "mi eciti così tanto" you're turning me on | please correct me if any of this is wrong since i rarely speak to my italian friends and family and i don't say these things to them. i had to research :)
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reblogs and replies appreciated always <3
leon kennedy masterlist
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pixelxgore · 1 month
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hers a billfold wip as a treat i changed his face bc i have free will
The art is to encourage you to read my silly little insanity (you should totally do it btw)
I'm dyslexic so sorry if anything is spelled grotesquely wrong lol autocorrect sometimes has no idea what i’m trying to spell
Starting with my head cannon because every thing will make more sense with it (or it wont that's entirely up to you) Imma try my best to make this enjoyable
So I head cannon both bill and ford as aspec this is important for the rest trust (I'm Aroace myself so some of my words are based of of experience ) being aroace doesn't mean you can't have a toxic one-sided relationship with a triangle
(most of this is pretty vanilla but I still wanna talk about it)
I believe it started of as a one-sided relationship on fords part (wow shocker) but it wasn't really love because he's ace it was more of infatuation (this stems from the fact he is a science boy and like ooo demon triangle thing) mistaken for love (I'm pretty sure this is common among aroace people or I just had an original experience) and maybe bill had just a little bit of the same feeling but instead of infatuation it was just pure obsession and when they had there little “tragic break up” and bill finally came to realize his obsession and it consumed him (idk i think that how abusive obsession is) and he realized he can’t live with out ford (i man he can but unhealthy obsession) and thus bills one sided relationship with ford where he just tries to get his puppet back but can’t figure out why he needs him so bad so he comes to the (subconscious) cuncultion there in love (because of course that’s the reasonable decision) and then you all know what comes after
I think bill has major will wood music vibes so I have nominated three songs of his for bill ford (cuz I'm genuinely going insane over them)
This is for fun and based off my head cannons
All of my discussions are made purely of the vibes the song gives me and how cool than animation in my head looks so take everything you know about these will wood songs and throw it out the window cuz none of that is relevant :3
i saw someone say “Will Wood songs can really be interpreted in different ways, and most of them seem like wisps of similar thought rather than a concrete narrative, so you're always a little bit right and wrong when you take a guess.” and i think you should keep that in mined
(I'm gonna embarrass myself so hard (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) )
I'm not gonna elaborate much but just trust me ok I put it kind of in chronological order
fords one sided relationship with bill: ...well, better than the alternative
Ok so this one is the least perfect out of all of them cuz it only half what I want (obviously this song is a stretch but hear me out) It's mostly for the like the last half of the song (remember what I said about throwing out the meaning for get that i lied) this song about the struggle ls of growing up and is a heartfelt plea to be understood and accepted for who we are (which obviously ford was a wired kid) and this kinda ties into the one-sided infatuation because it also is about the romanticism of nostalgic love, and the pressure of society telling you to find someone and "settle down" as we get older (witch yk aroace can’t really do that) so he’s grasping at the fact that he is enamored with this demon he just summoned (because science) so he can come up with this narrative in his head of how he is in love and can finally fit at least one of the societal boxes (idk it sounds like something to me probly ooc but I'm having fun)
bills one sided relationship with ford: ¡Aikido!
obsession with someone and how people often use coping mechanisms such as drugs to help with their feelings of uncertainty and helplessness. (yes this is copied not fully of a site this is tumblr not an english assignment) it also explores the idea that love and obsession can often manifest in neurotic and even pathological behavior.(oooo oooo look i’m so smart like staring the apocalyps) i’m not this cool this whole thing started with the first like whit h is “I apologize for playing with your eyes But I’m obsessed with you” witch reminded me of how bill used for as a puppet and then yk fords whole world came crashing down (this one explained its self more i have to do less mental gymnastics) and he’s like im sooo sorry i can’t live with out you
there whole relationship from the deal to the end of bill: Misanthrapologist ("In case I make it,"
ok this one is the one that mostly made of vibes because the song is about an unhappy codependent relationship through metaphors of christianity, nihilism, outer space, and mozart (witch only really encompasses a portion of the relationship) the song stars with “I wanna meet your make Shake him by his ensanguined damask lapel Holler "Look what you've done Gave this planet a sun And made a man to wonder if he's more than the sum of his cells"” which makes me personally think of obviously the deal fore made with bill and how bill stroked his ego all the way through there partnership um you can see where i goes from here just go listen to the song
ok this one’s off topic and only for my imaginary animation but the line “So how could I stand a chance, let alone dance With the way you sweep me off these two left feet?” just like imagine this with me it’s bill (human probably cuz i don’t work with the triangle) and young ford in the minedskape thing and its bill dipping ford and when it goes down it switches to bill and fort in bills pyramid thing with ford chained up do you see the vision ok I’m done now (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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angelskills · 1 year
Dealing with trauma . . .
characters: Toji, Shiu, Kamo clan, you
warnings: HEAVY angst, fluff, slight smut, trauma, mental abuse(Kamo clan), etc
a/n: Thank you so much for the 140+ notes on my last post! that's the most I've gotten. btw it took me 4 hours to make this, and please don't read this if you get triggered easily lol. I have always imagined Toji like this and hopefully, it matches, anyways, add me on Discord, tun2xi
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You and Toji have been in a relationship for almost 1 and a half years now. You guys trust each other a lot and love each other so much. But, one thing, you guys lacked communication.
Of course, you were there for Toji whenever he was having a hard time, but you never thought about telling him about your own problems.
You are from the Kamo clan, Kamo Y/N. You were a maid for them, nothing but a maid. Not a daughter, cousin, niece, sister, just a maid they called you. No words of affection did you receive from them, only degradation, maybe a simple praise from here and there but not that much.
You managed to successfully run away from the Kamo clan with the help of Toji, before that, you used to sneak out sometimes to see him, after you ran away, he offered to let you live with him as long as you got a job. It hadn't been long since you ran away.
One thing Toji never got you to talk about is how you felt, the trauma they left you, whenever you felt chills running down your spine when the Kamo clan was mentioned in front of you. Of course, whenever there are problems or fights between you and Toji, you guys sort it out, but yet the heavy feeling in your heart, begging to be let out, and you didn't know how.
Toji often checked up on you, "Are you okay, princess?" He would run his fingers down your cheeks, looking concerned. You would just nod and he would brush it off as if he was overthinking it. Now, you were always crying in the shower, throwing things around out of rage, resisting the urge to break everything whenever he left for work.
You picked up a job as a personal assistant for your boss temporarily, it went fine luckily! The boss for the same 'company' Toji worked at. You would attend meetings and the moment Kamo clan is mentioned, you shake up a little bit, catching Toji's attention.
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You followed your boss into his office, seeing both Toji and Shiu there. You smile at Toji then turn your attention to your boss, reading out a paper, "Alright, there was a request from the Head of the Kamo clan..to assassinate..." His words slowly fade out as you realize who they are talking about. Why would the Kamo clan want an assassin from the same company you work at? Did they find you? Will they pull you back in? Will all those horrible moments repeat? Even worse since you ran away? What's gonna happen?! Will the head of the kamo clan show up here?! Will the happiness you struggled so hard to build up stumble on you?!
You started to panic, breathing heavily. Your boss, Shiu, and Toji noticed, damn, this is the last thing you wanted.
You put your clipboard with a bunch of papers and pen on the table behind you, "E-excuse me." You say immediately getting out of there, fast walking in your heels to the bathroom, then you notice Toji get out of the room too, running to you and grabbing your wrist, making you face him, "Y/N, what's wrong? Talk to me." He says, looking at you worried in the eyes.
That moment, right there and then, you wanted to tell him, babble out everything you have been feeling, you felt your heart beating faster, your throat getting choked from the unknown words being stored that you wanna say.
But you didn't. "I'm okay, Toji!" Okay. That sounded fake. "It's just, leg cramps from the heels."
He knew you were lying, "Y/N I know you're-" He got interrupted by his boss calling out for him. He kissed your forehead and ran back to his boss's office.
Your shift ends at 5pm today, unlike Toji since he has to assassinate somebody.
You take a cab back home since you don't have your own car yet. Once you got home, you rushed to your bed, jumping on it as the pain relieved from your back as you took your heels off, you drifted off to a deep sleep, not caring enough to change your clothes as you were so tired because your boss makes you work like a dog (the money is worth it though).
You wake up at 7 p.m., exactly when Toji usually comes back home. You got up to change into your pajamas, quickly going to the kitchen to heat up some Korean fishcakes, since you didn't feel like cooking today. As you sat on the couch, waiting for your lover to arrive, you sighed, thinking back to how you looked so dumb panicking over the Kamo clan being mentioned. After a while, Toji finally came back, and you ran to him to give him a hug.
As you guys sat at the dinner table, talking about the company as you absolutely gobbled down the fishcakes because you were so hungry.
As you guys got ready for bed, he mentioned the Kamo clan again, "The Head of that clan is really picky, took me a minute to find the guy they wanted dead." He laughed. Your body shivers a little bit, just the thought of the Head had you a bit scared, "I-is that so?" you stuttered as you finished washing your face, rubbing the water off your face with a towel.
After a moment of silence, he spits out, "Y/N, you're not telling me something. Talk to me, what's going on?" he said, holding your hand.
That's it, you want to say it so bad. Tears started flooding your eyes, You will have to say it anyway, whether you like it or not. You hugged him, sobbing. Finally, you said it.
"I'm scared, Toji..." You sobbed, "I'm s-scared that every time I walk out of the house, the Kamo clan's guards will see me and just drag me back in. I don't w-want to go back."
Toji wrapped his arms around you as you spoke, "T-they're horrible, fucking horrible. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. They did unspeakable things to me, I want them to fucking die. I want the whole clan destroyed, I want them to face what they did to me, and I just-"
His hands went up to your red cheeks and he caressed it, his fingers ran through your hair as he looked into your eyes, "Princess, you're safe. They don't know you are here, they can't find you." His hand presses onto your cheeks a little bit firmly, "And they're fucking terrible for what they did to you. I will kill them myself if I have to, and whatever they did to you, will never happen while you are with me."
His gaze on you softens as he wipes the tears from your face, pulling you into a tighter hug. You felt safe in his embrace, he made you feel loved, he made you feel confident about yourself, so many more things. You couldn't find the words on how to thank him.
then he got horny and you guys fucked while you were cuddling with him ><
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #6
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Previous one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3 Warnings: bruises, unhealthy relationships, mentions of marking silas up
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What if I made silas a angry steak with vinegar 😡ok that sounded werid but here's the angry steak recipe 😂vinagear sauce, microwave that steak
He'll make sure all of your meals are cooked in dishwater.
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What if after the "basement session" Silas find out that now the little thing has a really strong self harm tendencies? Like she start to bite herself, physical abuse herself and not only that! She start to call herself "dirty" (or smt) and her self esteem start to go down very fast. Is Silas will help s/o with it or he'll like it? Hope not the second option <;;:(
Of course he'll hate it :( he doesn't like when you're hurt, hence why he uses the basement as a punishment and not something physical. He hates to see painful marks on your body. He loves to see you painted in bruises, but not the ones that hurt. He'll make sure to tell you how beautiful and worthy you are so make sure that you know how much you mean to him. He'll dress you up in soft, fluffy clothes until you look like a marshmallow to make sure you won't hurt yourself.
"Come here, little thing, fuck, I love you so much. Please don't think like that. You know I don't want you to be hurt. I'll make sure you get well, I'll even call a doctor if you want ... I'll do anything to make sure you're happy, okay? Tell me what to do."
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I was re reading your Valentine’s Day post with and I was wondering if he would be the type of yandere to buy his darling lots of clothes and made her spend hours trying them on in front of him? Ps you’re my favourite blog on this app, your writing is amazing and I’m always excited for your next post
[I did two valentines, but I'm guessing that you mean Silas? Thank you so much, btw that makes me so happy <3]
Of course he's the type to make you into his personal little runway model. He'll sit back in a chair and watch with dark eyes, loving everyhting you put on.
"And spin ... good job. I like that one. We'll get that one. What do you mean 'it's short'? It's supposed to be. I'm the only one who will see it anyway, so why does it matter? Try next one. I'm enjoying this."
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Hey how are you? I just came back from school and was watching in the gym and saw some kids practicing taekwondo, so I was wondering how would Silas react to his darling knowing taekwondo and can be his ass? Would he be amused or frustrated I just wanted to know cuz I kept thinking about it for about an hour before saying it now. I hope you had a good day :) -new anon
[I'm doing good, thank you!!]
He'd be both frustrated and amused. He would be able to playfight with you and not have to worry about you hurting yourself, but he'd be worried that you would be able to escape him easier now. If you weren't showing any signs of running away, he'd not think much about it and would enjoy getting lessons from you. If you could teach him how to be as good as you, he'd be able to protect himself and you better.
"Like this? No? Y/N, seriously, teach me. Stop playing around."
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How would Silas react to a reader with a bad light sensitivity disorder? Like irlen syndrome? I have it and it realy makes me feel isalated as no one elce i have met has had it in eny form (and i have move a LOT) if u dont want to do that what about an s/o who has dislexia? (As u can probarly gess i have that to. Life is so cruel 🥲)
Whatever problem you might be facing, whether it be physical or mental, he will be there for you. If you feel that it's hard to use your eyes, he will go to every doctor to try to find some kind of glasses to help you and if there are none, he'll be your eyes. The same with spelling and reading. He'll do everything for you. You don't have to lift a pretty finger :)
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I would've spent all of babygirl silas money the first day tbh
my eye is twitching at that nicknAME
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Hii I just read white bunny and I thought it was so good! It got me thinking about whether Silas would carry on treating the reader gently if they improved mentally or if he would go back to the way he was treating them before they ran away?
He would continue to treat them like he is. He's terrified of hurting you again and since you seem so happy when he treats you like this ... then he'll continue. Whatever you want, he'll do for you, don't worry about it. He's here for you ... always.
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Hear. me. out.What if darling (s/o? Still don't know difference) ENJOY being in a basement (I am talking about Silas by the way) I mean, they (sorry i forget if s/o (darling) has a gender) think it's something like a minute just for them. No talking, no these annoying "baby" or "little thing", no forced touching. Just you ...and cold floor.
He'll be so pissed and change his tactics. You're not supposed to like his punishments! So you like the dark and quiet? No more of that. He'll be cuffing you two together and talking to you nonstop about how perfect you are and how he's going to keep you for as long as he wants to, aka really getting into your head.
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I kinda want to bite Silas, he seem so chewy and acidic, green sour patch kid, especially his cheek, let me bite Silas, I need to bite Silas-
I mean ... he'd 100% like it so go ahead, leave some marks while you're at it.
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Your Savior (Part 2)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You take a Deep Breath, trying to calm down, knowing he couldn't get you now. At least for some time. You knew he wouldn't stop there, he'd try to find you again and terrorize you until you gave in and come crawling back to him.
You take a look in the mirror outside and see him screaming and raging."Hey, are you okay? What happened out there?" the dark haired woman on the driver's side asked. You wince slightly, as you were so caught up in your thoughts, you completely forgot she was still there. "Hey hey, I didn't mean to scare you" she says, trying to sound somewhat comforting. "N-no.. it's okay.. I'm fine.." you say, your voice barely loud enough for her to hear.
"Who was that" the Woman asked again. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, everything was just too much. "Not now, sorry, it's just all too overwhelming right now. Thanks though for stopping, I don't even wanna imagine what would have happened if he got me." You give her a weak smile, and she just nods her head and continues driving.
About 20 minutes later you're still driving, the silence that surronded you during that time wasn't that unpleasant after all. The radio was playing quiet musik and all in all you were just glad you finally got some rest. "Where are we headed?" you decided to break the silence. "home" she replies. "I just came back from a buisness trip and the airport it quite far away from where i live." You nodded, silence filling the car once more.
Some minutes later you decide to finally ask her who she was, she seemed so oddly familiar to you. "Can I ask you one more question?" "sure, as many as you'd like" she said. "Who are you and do we know each other by any chance? You seem so familiar"
She chuckled, "Well, you might know me under my ringname, Rhea Ripley, but you can just call me Demi". And that's when it hit you. Rhea. Ripley. The woman you always admired. for her strength and confidence. You just sit there, stunned at what had just happened. "You okay?" Demi asks with a chuckle. "Yeah, yes I- uh I just didn't expect that" you say. She laughs at your response.
"I- I'm y/n btw" you say, a smile tugging a the corner of your lips. How lucky could you be? The Rhea Ripley was the one so save you. "Nice to meet you y/n" Rhea grins. "Do you have anywhere to stay for now?". You shake your head "No, I don't have any friends around here and my parents live quite far away" you explain.
"Okay, you'll just come with me then, also good cause I know you're protected and don't need to blame myself in case anything happens to you tonight" Rhea says, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
You arrive at her place a few minutes later and you both exit the car. Rhea grabs her suitcase from the trunk before opening the door to her apartment. She puts her suitcase next to a small shelf in the hallway before taking off her shoes. You notice just now that you don't have any shoes so you open your backpack to search for a new pair of socks as yours were dirty from running outside.
You quickly change them and follow Rhea inside. "Are you hungry? Do you want anything to drink?"she asks, as you step into the kitchen. "Some water would be good thanks" you say. She hands you a glass of water and Begins to rummage around the kitchen to gather some supplies for cooking.
"Can I help you with anything?" you ask, putting the now empty glass aside. "You can chop some onions and Tomatoes for the Sauce if you want. I'm gonna make Pasta for dinner." Demi says, handing you a cutting board and a knive. Both of you Standing next to each other, you cutting the veggies and her preparing the noodles.
"Mind telling me what happened?" Rhea asks in a comforting voice. You stop cutting mid way, putting the knive away, and start fidgeting with your hands. You turn around so you were leanig against the counter with your back. You take a deep Breath and exhale slowly before starting to speak.
This is part 2 on my Heal my Wounds series, hope you enjoy. I've already got plans for future parts but I still appreciate every comment on wishes or hopes etc :)
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
my dearest i'm going through withdrawals from your writing and frankly i just miss you 🥺🥺
i had a request if you were taking them?
i am currently in an mentally abusive relationship and things aren't really going to hot on my end
i was wondering if you could do one where joel comes in an rescues reader from said relationship? pure fluff and heartwarming stuff i could really use it rn 🖤
ps sorry it got so dark lol 🖤
A/N: Hi anon! I’m so sorry for the late reply. I’m sorry that happened to you, hope you’re doing okay. I tried my best writing this fic hope it helps you feel better. Yes, I read your requests! I just haven't had the time and idea what to write so i am so so sorry. I will write your requests, don't worry! but please be patient😭 I'm writing this first because it seems urgent😭 Btw if you need someone to talk to, you can always send me private messages! 
Worth Saving (Joel Miller X Reader)
Warnings: abusive boyfriend, guns, lmk if i missed any
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(Reader’s Pov)
“Ty, can we rest here for a few days? I think it’s a pretty decent place. There is a lot of canned food here and there’s a bed here.” You pointed at the dusty bed.
You and your boyfriend found an abandoned house trying to stock some supplies. You had been doing these for years and kept moving anywhere as long as you didn’t come across people. Humans were more dangerous these days than clickers. 
“Are you serious?” Your boyfriend, Tyler, furrowed his eyebrows and raised his voice.
“Just for a few days.” You stepped back.
“How are you so stupid?” Your boyfriend stepped closer to you.
You knew he was angry. He always had. He never listened to you. 
“I’m sorry. It’s just. I saw a bed and I just wanted to sleep on a bed. You know after all these years.” Your voice started to crack.
“After all these years?” He scoffed.
“I have kept you safe and protected you. And it’s still not enough?” Tyler grabbed both of your shoulders with force.
“That’s not what I meant.” You tried to hold your tears.
“Don’t you dare cry, woman!” He tightened his grip on your shoulder.
“Ty, you’re hurting me.” You sobbed.
“Let me tell you something. You’re such a burden. I should have left you there eaten by those clickers. Or maybe.. I should kill you now. ” Your abusive boyfriend said those words right in front of your face. 
Then he took his gun and pointed it right at your forehead. He loaded the gun and was ready to pull the trigger. You closed your eyes, shaking and shed a tear. 
(Joel’s Pov)
“Shh..someone’s here.” Joel whispered to Tommy and pointed at the traces someone left on the first floor.
Tommy nodded and walked slowly behind Joel. Joel and Tommy looked at each other as they heard your fight with your boyfriend. 
“Tommy!” Joel whispered scolding Tommy who was making sounds from the old stairs.
Tommy raised his hands and mouthed “sorry”. 
(Reader’s Pov)
“Let me tell you something. You’re such a burden. I should have left you there eaten by those clickers. Or maybe.. I should kill you now. ” Your abusive boyfriend said those words right in front of your face. 
Then he took his gun and pointed it right at your forehead. He loaded the gun and was ready to pull the trigger. 
“No! Please don’t kill me! Please!” You closed your eyes, shaking and crying.
(Joel’s Pov)
Joel was ready to shoot whoever inside the room but Tommy reminded him not to kill innocent people. Joel rolled his eyes and stayed behind Tommy as Tommy instructed. Then he remembered Bill’s letter that was left for him.
“...I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong because there was one person worth saving. That’s what I did. I saved him. Then I protected him. That’s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do. And God help any motherfuckers who stand in our way...”
He remembered his job was to save someone who was worth saving. And it could be anyone and Ellie was one of them. 
“1,2,.” Tommy mouthed to Joel.
“3!” Tommy kicked the door open and found you with a gun pointing at your head.
Joel and Tommy’s guns were all pointed towards you and your boyfriend.
“Put your guns down!” Tyler swiftly pointed his gun to Tommy.
“Please! We’re innocent.” You raised your hands.
“Tommy!” Joel breathed heavily, he was ready to pull the trigger.
Tommy looked at Joel and shook his head. Tommy didn’t want Joel to kill innocent people anymore. He wanted him to change and Joel was getting better since he spent a few months in Jackson.
“Let’s talk this through and put our guns down.” Tommy said.
“You first.” Tyler looked at Tommy then to Joel.
Tommy put his guns down slowly. Joel didn’t.
“Hey! You too.” Tyler shakily pointed his gun to Joel.
Joel cleared his throat as he put his gun down slowly. As Tyler put his gun down slowly after Joel, you thought it was the perfect time to run away from this mess and your abusive boyfriend. You took a deep breath and got ready to run. When everyone’s gun was on the floor, you ran as fast as you could. 
You heard a gunshot when you were just out of the room and you stopped running. 
“Joel!” Tommy shouted.
Your body shook and turned your head slowly. You saw your boyfriend’s dead body laying soulless on the floor. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. 
“Are you okay?” Tommy asked you.
You shook your head. You didn’t know how you felt. You were sad that your boyfriend died but you were also relieved because you were finally free from him.
“Were you close with him?” Tommy put his hand on your shoulder.
“He-uh-he was my boyfriend.” You nodded.
“He tried to kill you.” Joel said behind Tommy.
Joel walked closer to you, “Twice.” 
Apparently your boyfriend took his gun and tried to shoot you from behind when you tried to run away. And Joel shot him before your boyfriend pulled the trigger. He knew from his gut that you were worth saving so he took his chance. 
You were speechless so you just stayed quiet. The two men asked you to come with them. They told you they have a place for you with nice people, nice clothes, and food. Tommy had to bring some supplies on his horse so you ended up riding the horse with Joel. 
“You’re gonna rip my jacket if you do that.” Joel grabbed your hand and moved them on his waist.
Your heart beat faster but you felt safe around him. You were too tired from your day and all the shocks so you rested your head behind his broad back. 
“It wasn’t twice.”  You suddenly said.
“Huh?” Joel didn't follow.
“Tyler-uh-the one you killed-he tried to kill me multiple times.” Tears fell down to your cheeks.
“So..thank you. You saved my life. I owe you.” You wiped your tears and rested your head again on his back.
“You’re safe now.” Joel answered you.
“Sorry.” You chuckled, suddenly realizing your tears made his jacket wet. You rubbed his back trying to dry it.
“It’s okay.” Joel chuckled. 
The End
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What if fem s/o invited Blitzo over for dinner to meet their dysfunctional family? S/o doesn't have a lot respect for their dad because he isn't emotionally plugged in as he doesn't get it and he made everything chaotic for them along with the mom who is the victim when they were growing up which is why they have self esteem issues along with having poor taste in men as they had 2 broken relationships.
Oh lord, well this sounds fun, I'm a bit unsure what you meant with a few parts but I'll try my best to do the whole "Blitz meet his S/Os dysfunctional family" Schtick. He's dealt with plenty before after all.
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Blitzo gets invited by his Fem S/O for dinner with her dysfunctional parents.
He has very awkward feelings on biological family. His own crashed and burned, Got a front row seat to Moxxie's thing with his Dad, and even remembers how dismissive Paimon's treatment of Stolas a little bit. Not to mention Loona's abandoned her or at least left her alone and he's ready to kill em if he ever meets them but that's all beside the point.
Point is he has a jaded view on famlies. So when you invite him he makes a off handed remark, saying he hopes your parents were good ones, he cares about you after all, and when you awkwardly chuckle and stammer at an answer that care turns to concern. "Babe? They weren't... you know, abusive right?"He asks again only stiffening you more.
He never asked about your parents, he keeps his own past and family under wraps so he gives you the same courtesy, if you wanted to tell him that's your choice and sees no reason to push for answers. But the idea that you had anything like he did makes his stomach squirm.
Eventually you explain that while they... weren't perfect, they still tried, especially your mom despite everything and that you'd like him to meet them. He agrees wanting to make a good impression if you've already discussed it with them and the date is set.
You both dress nice, and nervously knock on the door, him putting an arm around you which you hold and your mother answers, seeming to be a very tired but nice and welcoming woman who eagerly welcomes you and Blitz. Saying she's happy to meet him, and that you've told her so much about him
"All good things I hope?"Blitzo jokes but your mother assures that it's been nothing but praise, saying she's glad her daughter found such a great man that loves her so. Blitzo, always loving praise reciprocates the politeness, overall a pleasant meeting.
Your father on the other hand isn't seen or heard until dinner (Which is quite a large meal for one woman to make alone btw)But he comes down once it's done and almost immediately the alarm bells are ringing.
Your father just looks so done with everything and doesn't even smile upon seeing you or his wife, just asking blunty "So this is your new boyfriend?"To you and Blitz, and the look he gives makes chills shoot up Blitz's back.
Still he's still awkwardly polite, same as you oddly enough. Answering basic questions with your mother occasionally chiming in as you eat. It's a awkward dinner, but not unpleasant, most light small talk is mainly between you, Blitz and your mother. Your father rarely asking a question or mumbling in response to whatever you are talking about but then... it happens...
"So what do you do... Blitzo right?"Your father asks, Blitzo composing himself real quick before answering, correcting him on the O before stating the truth, that's he's an assassin who kills people sinners want dead in the living world. While your mother finds that very intresting and impressive, but before she can even finish her sentence her husband interjects with a loud sigh.
"So another daredevil, why am I not surprised?"He asks with a very annoyed tone, earning a glare from you as your mother frowns and Blitz is just unsure what's going on, as your father and you go back and forth with your mother trying and failing to mediate
"He's not a daredevil, he runs an entire busisness for satans sake!"
"Oh he might get more money then most, but still, you just can't keep yourself away from the dangerous ones can you?"
"Blitz isn't dangerous, he's my boyfriend! A very good one, he treats me right, he makes me happy!"
"Well clearly danger finds him, it's clear on his face, how long before he almost get's you killed like the others?"
That's enough for Blitz to shoot up from his seat, declaring he'd never put his S/O in danger and that he'll protect you no matter what, to which your father just replies "They all said that." and before he replies he hears whimpering and turns to you, seeing tears in your eyes as you clutch your arm tightly
"I-I learned from the last times... Blitz is different..."You get out inbetween sniffling and your father just sighs as his wife get's after him, while Blitz holds you close, kissing you on the forehead.
Eventually he interrupts your parents fighting to say your leaving, complimenting the food but certainly not the company as he escorts you out, you staying silent the whole way to the car, him setting you in the passenger seat next to him, and you drive off, him spotting your mother watching from the window, she seemed nice, and deserving of more then her husband but your his priority right now, with you resting your head on his shoulder, still snifling as he drives home.
He's not gonna ask even though he's curious, he just wants you to feel good again, he wants to see your smile, he didn't expect you to have pain like that, but maybe you being so kind despite that makes him love you more he thinks as he wraps his tail around your waist.
When you get home you've already fallen asleep so he carries you to bed, getting you out of your shoes as he kicks off his boots and removes his jacket and joins you. Hoping holding you close makes your dreams stray from remaking tonight, as his often do about his own awful nights. Either way he makes sure your safe the best he can.
Whew! Not sure If I've ever done a full hurt comfort thing before as X Reader but I enjoyed it! One of my longer ones too XP Hope you enjoyed!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
what are your thoughts on lestat/gabrielle bc parent-child incest is always abuse yet sometimes it feels like fans treat that r/s and akashastat as jokes, maybe bc they can’t recognise female abusers or bc they don’t understand abusers (i.e. lestat) can be and often are victims of abuse themselves.
I already know this is gonna be a rly long reply bcuz there's a lot to talk about to answer this.
gonna put it under a cut for what the topics are. don't click if u don't want to read about incest and abuse obviously.
first, as I've said in other asks here and there, fandom does have a lot of problems with criticizing at least white women in fiction bcuz it's too much of a mirror held up to what fandom spaces are usually made up of to begin with. this is also why darker topics become jokes. it's all a way to create distance for engagement, whether the distance is not to look at urself or maybe ur own trauma (it's usually both here). I've seen a lot of this in the book side of the fandom over the years. it's also why lots of stuff is focused on surface level words ("it's gothic fiction," "they're all monsters") instead of any in depth exploration.
secondly, not to sound like a shitty book person, but incest *is* a major part of gothic fiction. the intention *is* to be repulsive, horrifying, and taboo. ppl should obviously take care to avoid topics that u find overwhelming and might harm ur mental health, but otherwise this *is* part of the genre.
lestat and gabrielle also....don't rly get that much into it tbh. the fandom makes it sound like more than it is. idk if the show is gonna make it more but I doubt it. although there was a dig about it in the trial script that I never saw anyone mention btw
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"if u want to kill ur lover, or fuck ur mother, it'll have to wait."
I personally find the shifting power dynamics between human life and vampire life to be rly interesting. I don't think it's something the books explored enough tbh. bcuz lestat and gabrielle are the only vampires who came from being a human parent and child to the child then becoming the vampire parent to his own fledgling vampire mother.
it's clear in their human life that their parent / child boundaries are fucked and tbh that's the worst part for me. especially bcuz the fandom doesn't want to explore that bcuz ppl don't like to criticize gabrielle, as mentioned above. her life is awful so ppl give her a pass a lot. but she starts off as the human parent and she's a p bad parent in a lot of ways tbh (cuz she never wanted to be one).
anyway. I always saw the vampiric era incest as a metaphor for their broken relationship otherwise. like I said before, the fandom makes it sound worse than what even happens too. they never fuck each other. at most they kiss and think or say things that are inappropriate about each other's bodies and their feelings towards it, but modern day stories have had a lot more brutal depictions of incestual relationships between mothers and sons tbh. not saying that to downplay it or say "get over it" or w/e but just to touch on that, cuz it does get weirdly annoying here about it sometimes. ppl act tough about their love of "gothic fiction" all day for other topics in the books that are rly more graphic than this, then act like this is the one thing that goes too far? It's fucking weird, although I have theories about why that happens too.
back to the point tho. they're kind of a "failure" mother and son in life, so that's how I tend to read why this happens in the first place. lestat wants a mother and gabrielle wants to be a man (she directly tells him at a point "u are the man in me").
this is from TVL, before he leaves for paris (when they're both still human)
"I tried to take her in my arms. She stiffened at first but then I felt her weaken and she melted against me, and she gave herself over so completely to me in that moment that I think I understood why she had always been so restrained. She cried, which I'd never heard her do. And I loved this moment for all its pain. I was ashamed of loving it, but I wouldn't let her go. I held her tightly, and maybe kissed her for all the times she'd never let me do it. We seemed for the moment like two parts of the same thing."
after he makes her a vampire, they're kissing each other a lot in that first night. lestat saved his mother from dying and created his first vampire, which he wasn't sure he could do, and she isn't sick anymore and has more freedom than she knows what to do with. she's no longer his human "mother" either. he mentions a lot in these moments that there's no hesitance when they kiss each other like there was before. bcuz they're both happier in their individual issues and this is how they can express that as vampires now. he feeds her blood from his mouth later on in their first night and it comes across like more of a nurturing action than something weird and sexual.
so there's obviously incestual themes present but, to me anyway, this always felt a lot more sad than anything. like they don't know how else to meet each other's needs so they do this as vampires to act out a type of intimacy that otherwise they don't rly have still?
but ya. lestat did not become who he is from nothing. both his parents were abusive in different ways and akasha abuses him too. he constantly has vampirism forced on him against his will and tries his best to ignore how it makes him feel, especially about his own body. he has a lot of trauma attached to how he looks too and it's a whole thing. gabrielle and magnus tap into that in ways too.
fandoms don't rly like to look at cycles of abuse bcuz it's easier to say someone is just "bad" than to feel like maybe ur a bad person too if u sympathize with them. that's why ppl here are working hard to usually make any of these characters either the abused or abuser, depending on which side they relate to the most. it's almost always a combination of both in everyone tho.
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bitethedevil · 3 months
Writer game!
What recurring themes/topics in your writing do you have?
TW: Talk of Abuse and Trauma
Also: beware of spoilers if you haven't yet read Living with The Devil You Know and want to.
I think in general there’s a big theme of trauma and abusive and toxic behavior in my writing. This is also why I prefer writing Dark!Raphael. It’s almost hard not to include those subjects with him, which might be why I’m enjoying writing him so much. I’ve directed plays in the past, and for some reason the major theme in those plays have always ended up being trauma.
It’s an interesting concept to explore I think, and perhaps also, on a more personal note, because I find it therapeutic to explore it through art. Also, before I keep yapping, I also just want to say that there is no wrong way to experience trauma, and that the things I write about are mainly from my own perspective and things I have learned about myself through dealing with my past and by talking to others with similar experiences (Nothing to worry about at all btw, I am better than I have ever been. Therapy is a godsend).
I try to make it as realistic as I can. Such as small things and reactions from my characters that I don’t blatantly point out is due to trauma, but it makes sense in that context.
My best example is Tav in ‘Living with The Devil You Know’ (Spoilers). She’s grown up with a cruel father who beat her, and it’s hinted at that he also verbally abused her. Her trauma presents itself both mentally and physically in the form of the burn scars on her face that she had chosen to hide for years.
Ironically, it’s Raphael who reveals them, even though he is the same kind of man as her father was. She shows it to him without knowing if he accepts her for it or he simply does it to ‘pour salt in the wound’, so to speak. Tav also learns that just ignoring her scars of the past, metaphorically and literally, does not mean that they have gone away.
On the other hand, she also continues the cycle of abuse in a way. She’s cold, selfish and overly practical at times towards other people, because that is how she has learned to survive. She begins to see herself as evil instead of trying to understand where it is all coming from, which I think unfortunately is very realistic for many survivors of abuse. It’s much easier to simply demonize oneself than to start dealing with the past and explore where those survival mechanisms are coming from.
I also think their relationship is depressingly representative of a lot of abusive and toxic relationships. I think that very few people figure out immediately that ‘Oh shit. My partner is cruel and abusive towards me, and they are actually not a good person’. It’s more ‘Oh they did manipulate me that one time, and they did do that other horrible thing too, but other times they are really nice and loving! They’re human too and makes mistakes!”.
Tav rationalizes the shit out of everything that man does A LOT. I love writing characters like that. With Tav specifically, her tragic flaw is that she has been abused in the past. She knows how it works. She is aware of what’s going on. And still: a part of her thinks she deserves it, because she sees herself as ‘evil’ too.
(Spoilerspoilerspoiler if you haven’t read the latest chapter. Though it is pretty obvious that it would happen eventually) Even after she is freed, as she has longed for, she goes right back to him, though she knows exactly what kind of person he is. Because the depressing truth about a lot of untreated trauma is that abuse and evil starts feeling safer and more like home, than a functional relationship ever could, because such a relationship is unknown.
I find Raphael interesting for many reasons, but the themes of abuse and toxicity are so interesting for me to work with when it comes to him, because it just makes sense. An abusive relationship with an abusive person on paper sounds horrible and one might not understand how those things even happen. Like why would a person ever “”accept”” being abused?
But then you see someone like Raphael, who we all know is an evil little shit, and we still love him. We still want to be with him, and we are still attracted to him. He has his redeeming qualities and it’s very possible that he has been through some shit himself, sure, but that’s the point: such is the case with most abusers. They don’t appear as monsters or devils (though Raphael quite literally does), they appear as nuanced human beings. Doesn’t make them less abusive or dangerous though.
I like writing about conflicted people who does things against their best interests, because they have been somehow wired or indirectly forced to do so. I like making my characters take decisions that are objectively ‘stupid’, but still make myself (and the reader, hopefully) think about if I really would have done much differently given the same circumstances?
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
(And thank you so much for letting me participate and giving the opportunity to yap about my writing <3<3)
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fandomsoda · 9 months
I have just learned that someone very important in the Xvials community has been forced to stop posting about the ship due to the harassment they are receiving.
Needless to say, I am absolutely livid about this, not only for losing someone important in a small community of mine, but absolutely disgusted that people would harass someone over a ship that DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT.
Harassment is already wrong obviously I shouldn’t have to say that, but it’s ten times worse when the reason behind it isn’t even fucking valid. Even if it were, harassment doesn’t work and only causes people to either double down or become emotionally unstable and puts them in danger. Harassment is never the answer in these times.
So here’s everyone’s (un)friendly reminder that Xvials is not problematic, Xvials is not pro/ship, a lot of people just have very weird views of how the multiverse works and haven’t refreshed themselves on X-Tale in a while and let their hatred of XGaster get out of hand. It’s totally fine not to like it, but don’t lie about it.
I’m gonna quickfire debunk the primary claims I’ve been seeing surrounding Xvials, btw for those out of the know, Xvials is XGaster x Ink, sometimes romantic but usually queerplatonic or some other abstract case. Let’s get started-
argument #1: “Ink’s adoptive dads are Gasters, so him being with a Gaster is pseudo-incest!”
Alright this alone to me is just ridiculous because like, actually think about that for a second, this is implying that every single Gaster in the whole multiverse is somehow related to Ink and that he can’t have unique relationships with them and I hope that everyone can recognize that the concept alone is absurd.
argument #2: “It’s abusive! They’re just using each other! XGaster actually hates Ink!”
Did we watch the same show? Because I don’t think we did, since in X-Tale their bond is repeatedly displayed and in Underverse it’s reinforced, with tons of extra things Jakei has posted emphasizing their bond. May I remind everyone of “come back”, this teaser Jakei showed depicting XGaster being actively afraid of losing Ink? Keep in mind how Ink is shown in a bright, important light here? He’s clearly afraid of losing him, they’re genuine friends, it’s not just for his own motives, and XGaster never treats Ink poorly, other than leaving him in the dark about things that I doubt he’s intentionally hiding from him, simply not thinking Ink would need/want to know. Like I said: totally fine if it’s not your thing or you don’t like it, but don’t fucking lie.
argument #3: “They’re both aroace!”
True, however that makes it even more likely for them to have a unique bond and understanding of each other than with others, definitely not romantic but as I said before, Xvials isn’t primarily romantic and all romantic depictions are fully recognized as fanon, if they appear at all. Also when I talk about them having a special and unique bond, that’s addressed in a canon comic, remember this from back in June? A lot of the time, the two being aroace is actually a very important component of Xvials portrayals. Especially in my case, since the way I think of them is very much hazy and queerplatonic, like all my ships with Ink.
argument #4 (this is going to sound satirical but I’m not even kidding, I saw someone say this): “It’s pseudo-pedophilic because Ink is very short and acts younger while XGaster is tall and acts mature!”
I… am at a loss for words. Take a look at that, think about what you just said, and go touch grass. Obviously, Ink and XGaster are both full grown adults with somewhat ethereal ages, no one here is a child, and labeling Ink as child-like comes off as very ableist for a number of reasons. Ink can definitely be childish, any character can, but that doesn’t make them “child coded”.
ok, that was a lot, but I just needed to get that off my chest, I… yeah. I think y’all get it. Good day.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
How've you been doing? Love how amazing your writing always is btw. I was wondering, if you wanted to, if you could make something for the batchers (post order 66) finding out their kid has the force / is force sensitive. I don't remember seeing if you'd done something like that before so sorry if you have. I just love your headcannons for the boys reactions to stuff with their kid. Only if you want to do this though. Hope you have a good day / night!
Aloha! Nice to read you again 😊 Interesting thought, it's probably angsty for them, considering the empire hunts down force sensitive beings. Let me see what my mind comes up with 😁
The Bad Batch HCs - Force-Sensitive Offspring
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Warnings: Angsty
When he notices it for the first time, he looks around hastily. Hunter fears someone may have seen his child just levitate the toy. He vacillates between pride and panic, not really knowing how to handle it at first.
One thing is for sure, he must keep the child hidden, away from strange, prying eyes. He will tell his brothers, but no one else. Protecting his child is his main mission now, he will not compromise that mission at all, no matter what may come.
Hunter is a loving Dad through and through, he'd die to keep his kid safe and sound.
There are moments when he feels so proud and fascinated, while watching his kid growing up, but his deeply worried and scared moments are probably just as often and intense.
One thing is for sure, his child can always be assured of Hunter's love and protection, no matter what.
He panics, very much so. For the sake of the child, however, Echo keeps his wits together. His first impulse is to seek help and advice. His first thought in this regard, is Rex, an old friend he has always looked up to and trusted. He may be with CF99 now, but Rex is still his first port of call in such a situation.
Of course Rex, along with Gregor and Wolffe would immediately offer shelter and protection. Since CF99 in a way always moves in the focal point, Echo would probably be urged to accept just by his concern for the child. It would not be an easy decision, as he now has a close relationship with the guys from the batch.
Should he accept the offer, Uncle Gregor will probably be the favorite uncle who regularly makes the child giggle.
Rex will also contact Ahsoka, who agrees to help the child with the Force side of his/her existence.
He is so incredibly proud. However, Wrecker is also well aware of the dangers. He talks openly with his brothers about the matter, including his worries and fears. He can be sure that Hunter, Tech, Echo and even Crosshair are ready to adapt and protect the child.
Omega will have her true joy in taking care of the little one, the two will have a close relationship in the future. Omega is smart and kind-hearted, a great role model for the growing child.
Wrecker is a force of nature when it comes to protecting his family. He does everything to ensure that his child grows up safe and in a loving environment. He doesn't have to worry about that with his brothers, each one of them is willing to give everything to ensure that.
Worry or not, Wrecker is a lively, loving guy, he will be a very good, loving father and adapt to the circumstances as best he can and do everything to make sure his child has a decent childhood.
He is extremely fascinated, of course, with the awareness of the dangers of this development. Tech will tap every source of information at his disposal to learn everything about the Force in minute detail.
So he knows about the dangers that emanate not only from the Empire, but also from the Force and its abuse. So Tech is also focused on protecting his child from themselves, and not only from outside influences.
It is important to him that his offspring is decent and kind-hearted. Tech knows that Rex has contact with Ahsoka and will put out feelers in that direction, hoping Ahsoka is willing to help.
Tech is a very loving, protective father, but he is always fully aware of all circumstances and takes them on to help his child on the right path. His mind is extraordinary, but even he has his mental limits, and he is not too shy to ask his brothers for help and advice when he is at a loss.
This child is lucky to have Tech as a father.
He is desperate. Crosshair remembers all too well how willingly, loyal to his position, he condemned the Jedi. Here and now he is ashamed of it, plagued by nightmares, coming to terms with all his past decisions that are eating away at his existence. Now there is this child, his child, his flesh and blood.
He will try not to let it show, but he is in agony. He loves his child, wants to do the right thing, and at the same time he is plagued by a deep guilt. Crosshair needs his brothers, now more than ever. Fortunately for him, Hunter, Tech, Werecker, Echo and Omega, too, willingly and resolutely reach under his shoulders to support him.
He is never alone, with any of his worries, when he needs someone, there is always someone there.
"You're family, Crosshair, no matter what happened in the past," Hunter says firmly, reaching for his brother's shoulder, "We'll protect and care for your child together."
A nod goes around, his brothers agree, all for one and one for all. This child has a very protective father, one who will never neglect his duties and is willing to put his heart and soul into ensuring their safety.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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taldigi · 1 year
If Sabrina does get added to fashion club, I'm curious to see where she falls on hero-villain spectrum. Personally, I could see two options for her. First is she's like Claude, still "evil" (though she more so just a bitch) but the whole ending the world and nullification/ erasing all emotion thing is way too far for (especially when she see what it did to Amber). The second idea is that she's like Orochi in Fav & Mad, someone to pure acts on her whims and desires and it's those whims and desires that dictate in what circumstances she's either a ally or foe to the heroes.
So, we have two designs for "precanon sabrina."
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We have "Sabrina Ratif" The bible describes her as a "rule stickler" and she seems to have access to a "class call" notebook. She definitely has a "teacher's pet" energy about her. She is also described as a chatterbox- talking nonsense in order to seem interesting- and can even lie to inflate her sense of importance... turning lying into an art.
sounds a bit familiar, hm?
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and we also have this design. Which still seems to lean into her "class president" or "uncool nerd girl"
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wait hold on this is official documentation how did that slip through... i'm going to assume that was a translation error...
I'm assuming this piece of info about her is about the same time that art was made, as Juleka was described as "She’s a bass player in a Goth band" and her design in this line up.. lines up with the description.
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(the design, if anyone needs a reminder.)
Reeling back to Ratif, (and by extension the later design) is that she is very wooed by Chloe: "She worships Chloe, whose beautiful blonde hair, matte skin and personality she admires."
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(what Chloe looked like btw. Still rocking "Melody from the QK's look", while slowly transitioning into the villainess we know today.)
A pale white girl admiring someone's "matte skin and blonde hair" feels like something I am wholly unable and unequipped to make proper commentary on. But I get very very bad vibes with how Sabrina is portrayed as "worshiping her beauty" and, considering how this attitude is carried all the way through the canon show..
I understand that teens tend to judge themselves harshly compared to their peers, and that someone like Sabrina (who has a cop for a dad) might pressure herself into being someone who dresses "properly" and gets top grades. Kids get that way, desperate for approval... and when she encounters Chloe- who seems to pull off her looks flawlessly and with confidence- it's no wonder she is drawn to her, even if that relationship makes her self-esteem worse.
"Ah, her hair falls so easily into waves, and my hair is so unnameable." "Her clothes are nicer than mine" "She's able to say what she wants so freely without worrying what people think of her."
I think this is a great bedwork to elevate Chloe as a character, to show the extent of her selfishness and to use and abuse others who are emotionally fragile or are in less than ideal situations. (a thread that canon lost because she does this to ONLY Sabrina and her father... then backpedal entirely because they later have the narrative state that this is what they want. Everyone else tolerates her at best.)
Sabrina doesn't need to be a complicated character, tertiary characters don't need tons of depth and character development, and they exist to elevate other. more important characters. However, it doesn't mean that their stories can't be meaningful. Sabrina breaking free of Chloe's influence can suggest that "Even the most hopeless can break free of being star struck"
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While directly unconfirmed, I think this IS her as Dragonfly. Greenhopper and Killer Bee are clearly Alix and Chloe, and the three were depicted and planned to be a trio of bullies. Plus, her red hair and green eyes pop aren't on any other character. At this time of development, it was known that the miraculous could erase disabilities, so her need for glasses was probably erased as well.
Anyway, on to how I would adapt her for FC
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I think her wild hair makes her stand apart, but pulling it back into something more controlled hybridizes her design a bit and since it still translates that she's a bit more conservative and trying to keep herself together. I kept the glasses. Below the knee dress, big puffy sweater... she's got self-esteem issues and wishes so desperately she could be as bold as Alina, carefree as Alix, or as much as a shining beacon of confidence as Amber (so many A names!). So much so, that she has become a bit worshipful of Amber- swayed by her golden voice.
Her lack of self-confidence is made manifest via "Garmitt" her faerie, who is SO full of confidence that he is dead-sure that he is actually a dragon, rather than a dragonfly. It is him that pushes Sabrina to assert herself, and try to become what she wants to be.
When she sees a rule broken, she stands up for it- just like her papa- regardless of whether or not the rule was good or bad or even fair or appropriate in context: because rules are rules. She wants to make her dad proud, but he is too busy being focused on taking down the vigilantes: Ladybug and Chat Noir. So much so that it takes time from his private life- meaning his daughter is often left to grow up on her own. She wants to hate them too, but she admires them very much- Ladybug's wild creativity and Chat's confidence- and their genuine kindness to her, causes her to question what she strives to do.
For the first part of the story, she is a direct threat- the hall monitor, the enforcer. She shrieks to the teachers when something is up- she bars Marinette and Felix from escaping to deal with a wish-maker or renegade villain. She watches Marinette in the bathroom to make sure she's doing bathroom things rather than escaping class. She offers to do tasks that would help our heroes escape and threatens to debunk their alibis.
She is part of the Journalism team, working on the school paper. She's a great reporter when she tries, but her lack of confidence makes her stories lack a certain touch (for example, a new exhibit at the museum written by her is great, but she fails to interview people.) and she also fills in the gaps with white lies. However, Alina is helpful to her here, giving her genuine feedback and patience.
Unfortunately, Alan sways her easily, feigning interest in her in order to learn details- after all, she is the police chief's daughter. When Garmitt is stolen from her by the order. She is finally able to put her foot down- her indecision breaking and slowly building confidence is given a boost by the loss of her Faerie, and what the villians thought would be a person too lilly-livered and spineless to spill beans ends up being a catalyst to terrible losses. Specifically the threats of Amber & the police force... who are being heavily bribed by Fury and TsuTec.
so to summarize. She's a teacher's pet, and her story intertwines not only with LB and CN's, but Alina via the journalism club. Ultimately, she does the right thing, because despite what she does, she does view it as the right thing. She's ultimately a narrative payoff to the heroes being heroes & good people. She shows how dangerous some of the villians are- through her loss of Garmitt, manipulation by Alan and Amber, and the neglect of her father- who's obsession is fueled by corruption & money.
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