#bunker buddies au
direwombat · 1 year
thank goodness for the bunker buddies au because i need a universe to exist where jacob gets to see syb pregnant (with his child!!!!) and he falls in love all over again because goddamn does she look beautiful like that, even when she's grouchy and crabby and complaining (especially when she's grouchy and crabby and complaining <3)
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passinoutpieces · 2 years
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with no clippers in his bunker jacob has no choice but to grow out his hair
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rocksibblingsau · 6 months
So a very good friend of mine @dialga64bitz has created the Reverse Rock Sibblings AU.
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(Art by Dialga)
The premise is the fateful day, instead of Barb finding Branch, Branch finds Barb. They encountered some sort of beast and Branch finds Barb injured and brings her back to the village, believing her to be a grey troll.
Barb kinda immediately latches on to Branch as a sibling, which makes her not want to leave. Also preventing her from going home is that she believes her dad may have died in the attack, and going home would cement the reality. In Pop Village she can pretend he's fine, but if she goes home and he's not there... then she knows.
King Peppy isn't happy with Barb being there, which is fine by here because she doesn't like him either. Because of her, Cooper realizes he's not a Pop Troll very early on, and resolves to go find his family when he gets older.
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(Art by Dialga)
Barb lives with Branch in his bunker, and after some time she kind of begins to like to snack pack.
Cooper: She befriends him first, and he asks her about different tribes.
Smidge: Her and Barb are work out buddies!
Biggie: Not a big fan of him exactly but she likes Mr. Dinkles.
Satin & Chenille: They tried to make her rock clothes to varying success. They see it as an ultimate fashion challenge.
DJ Suki: They chillax together.
Guy Diamond: Honestly she can't stand this guy but she can respect his confidence. When Tiny is born though she immediately names herself Aunt Barb and dotes on him.
Poppy: They have a very up and down relationship. She appreciates that Poppy genuinely tries, but Poppy's tendency to not listen or do things the Pop Troll way caused them to butt heads often.
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(Art by Dialga)
The night of the 20th anniversary Barb leaves the bunker to go check on the party, only to arrive just in time for Chef to appear. Due to Barb, the Pop Trolls were all able to escape being caught. Only a single Troll was caught by Chef...
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(Art by Dialga)
Barb is captured by Chef and taken to the castle. She avoids getting eaten by Gristle due to being a bit too hard to swallow (she's not making it easy) and Chef listened to her for long enough to know exactly what to threaten Barb with.
Sell out the Pop Trolls and she'd spare her and her brother. If she didn't, she'd do something far worse to Branch and make Barb watch.
Barb reluctantly chose to save Branch.
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bulliestrolls · 9 months
A Streams Psyche [FLEEK AU]
Introduction to the Fleek AU and what's to come (this was so fun to write hiii)
Honestly, Creek’s never been a huge fan of Branch.
At first, it wasn’t personal at all, or at least he didn’t mean for it to be, he just didn’t like how Branch treated his friends. He was always such a grouch and he was such a downer at every given moment, and it was such a drag to listen to over and over again. If anything, Creek was grateful that Branch typically barricaded himself from everyone else, I mean, if he wasn’t going to be positive, then what was the point of having him around? And yet that never seemed to stop Poppy, her being the future Queen of pop and also his best companion. 
Poppy always seemed adamant on having Branch join their crew and changing his ways. While he never really understood why she wanted to so badly, he couldn’t help but admire her attitude. Something about the peppiness always brought a smile to his face, and he always supported her decisions as a best friend should. Usually though, it never seemed to work in her favor. Branch always blew her off and gave a stink eye to her and everyone else, and quite frankly it got on Creek’s nerves. 
He always did his best to cheer up Poppy whenever it happened, finding it strange how upset she gets over it. Why should she even care if he doesn’t? What was the need to show emotion over someone that didn’t even matter in the long run? Regardless of his thoughts, he succeeded often in bringing back her spirits, the gang usually partying together the remainder of the night as a result. Creek always greatly enjoyed their company, and loved to share his exercises with everyone, his life seemed perfect.
That was until the bergens attack on Pop village. 
Even now, he remembered that day so vividly. Poppy had planned a gigantic celebration for the village to party over them being free from the monsters for so many years. Everyone was so excited to join in on the festivities, everyone except the one who he can’t even think about anymore without clenching his jaw. 
As usual, that damned troll was set on ruining the rest of their fun, claiming how they’re being far too loud and the bergens would get them. Same shit as usual, it was incredible how Creek didn’t gain a headache from the repetitiveness of it. He’s tried before to talk some sense into the troll, but Branch always shoved him away, seemingly as if he were more irate with him than anyone else, which was pretty confusing to Creek. 
Branch, of course, had ended up retreating back to his lonesome bunker, and the rest of the group set up in preparation for the lovely party. And what a party it was, it would’ve been one for the books if the attack hadn’t happened right after. Before much notice, he saw the yellow beady eyes looking down at everyone, and all he can recall is the screams of his friends and the pleas for help which were left unanswered. 
Next thing he had known, he and his buddies were stuffed into a back, shaking with fear and breathing hard, their fate unknown. He remembers not reacting as strongly as his friends had back then. Really, he remembered only thinking of how to relax everyone and for them to have an open and clear mind. How come he hadn’t really processed how awful the situation had been?
Whatever hope he had given his companions started to dwindle the more time went on, especially when everyone had been thrown into a cage, a bergen staring down at them. Even in that situation, Creek had been adamant on everyone remaining calm, and that help would be there soon. He didn’t know if he was even being honest with himself at that moment, he already knew how hopeless the situation had been. And the problem only cemented itself when he was grabbed to be eaten by the Bergens king. 
The moment was instant, he remembered his friends shouting and crying out his name and it all became muffled as the world around him darkened. Originally he had thought he had shut his eyes only to realize he was inside the king's mouth. He was terrified, for the first time in his life, and he could do nothing but accept his fate. Only.. the king’s mouth didn’t do anything. He hadn’t chewed, or swallowed, and it left Creek puzzled.
He still had time! He let out a deep inhale before using all of his core strength to push against the walls of the mouth, letting out a guttural scream until he found himself falling out of it, being met with the two bergens, and the fear kicking back into gear. What was the plan at that point? They were skyscrapers compared to him, running was out of the question. All he could do in that moment was beg for his life, pleading mercy and willing to do anything to be granted such. 
It seemed to have been a running thing through his life, the will to do anything he could in order to get what he wanted. In this case, that was making out of this alive. 
And so, he had made a deal to spare pop village and everyone in exchange to live. He truly wished it didn’t have to be that way, not when he has achieved such a strong bond with the others, but he didn’t have any other choice in the matter, so he reluctantly agreed. The next time he had seen everyone, they were all ecstatic to see that he was still alive, and he couldn’t help but smile despite the circumstances. It was short-lived however, when his eyes traveled to Branch, who seemed shocked and… annoyed that Creek was there. 
Really? Even after everything he was still acting like that? Before he had known it, Branch was exclaiming Creeks’ betrayal, his hair wrapping around Creeks neck harshly, cutting off his circulation to breathe. Relief overflooded him when Poppy had pushed Branch back and tried to talk reason into him. When everyone turned over to him however, he wasn’t quite sure of what to say. 
He… didn’t want to lie so he told them the truth of his betrayal, but it was for good reason. He hadn’t been able to get another word in before Poppy was doing the exact same assault Branch was previously. That was expected from Branch, but from HER? His heart was shattering, wondering where his Poppy had gone. She would never have acted like this towards him before, this must’ve been all his doing. He must’ve been changing her.
Why was she acting like that towards him? Surely she would’ve understood he didn’t have a choice in the matter, he would die otherwise! He insisted that the other trolls would’ve done what he had to if they were placed in his situation. When Branch had resisted her, Creek’s head felt like it was going to blow when he saw him holding onto Poppy like that. What the hell gives, exactly? It wasn’t like this until only now, and it confused the hell out of him. 
If anything, HE should’ve been the one to be angry in this situation. None of them had done anything to save him from his supposed doom, they all thought he was dead, after all. And, while he may not have enjoyed having to betray pop village, he felt a bit of sadistic glee when it involved Branch being part of the equation, especially now. After all, he made all of his friends hate him, telling them things behind his back. Things that showed Creek was the villain in the scenario, which he couldn’t help feel were ridiculous. SURELY they all would’ve done the same in this scenario, right? Right? Branch would’ve, definitely! He didn’t like ANY of them until only recently, apparently. 
The thought of it all made his head spin, he hated it. He hated him. None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for that fucker. Creek could’ve calmed his friends down about the betrayal if not for HIS outburst. He wouldn’t have already been rooted against if not for Branch, his friends would’ve believed him, surely. Maybe… maybe this all was for the best! Yeah, yeah that’s it! At least in this way, Creek could properly punish Branch for all he believed was his fault, and maybe, just maybe, he could change Branch to their side once and for all, a feat Poppy wasn’t able to achieve so he would do it for her instead. Then… everything would return to normal. 
He had hoped at least that everything would return to normal.
Creek ended up returning to Pop village and doing what had to be done, which he felt sorrow for, at least that’s what he showed. It wasn’t really known how he was feeling about it all, but he did pity them all for being so weak and powerless in the situation. 
Some time later he finds that plans went south, and he was rolling out of the bergens kingdom with their chef, who was on fire. It was yet another moment of blink fast and you’d miss it. That was also the moment he realized that he didn’t need to betray them at all and everyone was still alive, which gave him momentary happiness, only for it to dwindle at the fact that everyone was leaving him to die. All he could do at that point was to scream along with the other bergen until the fire was put out and she was dead. Except that’s not exactly what happened. For some reason, the fire hadn’t killed her, which was a bit of a shock to him. It might’ve been due to the rough and thick skin of the bergens, but he wasn’t entirely sure. Regardless, since she was out of it from the pain, he thought he could maybe make an escape.
That was until he felt her cold and bony hand grab him, preparing to finish the job and eat him herself. God, he was just going to die no matter what he did, huh? How was any of it fair at all? 
The moment was thankfully short-lived, or at least so he thought, as he felt both of them falling down into a pit. The bergen had died almost instantaneously, sinking down into the stomach acid of the creature that had swallowed them both. He had more time to react than her about it, his small stature having him fall down at a slower pace. With quick thinking he gathered his hair strength to break out, but he still gained acid burns from being in there already. He screamt from the pain but was desperate to get out, to live.
He eventually had made it out of the monster's pit, gasping heavily as he had access to basic air once more, thanking whatever entity above him that was giving him a second chance at life. The troll had focused on tending to his wounds, letting out a hiss of agony at every touch, but it needed to be done. Once he had finally had a chance to think properly once more after his second near-death experience, it washed down on him like a dam. 
None of them cared if he died, hell, it seemed as if nobody even realized he was gone. What could he do from here? He certainly couldn’t have returned to pop village, at least not right now. If they were willing to give him up to a bergen, then they’d likely execute him on the spot for his ‘crimes’. All he could do right now was prepare for his eventual return, knowing that whenever that may have been, there was no going back to the way things used to be. His relationship with them all had been completely severed, and the way he could feel about things felt more warped than ever. 
In the months and the year it took until he returned, he practiced learning basic expressions, reacting to things suddenly and unreasonably to see their effect on others. How to truly react to things became null to him ever since that day, and it was a struggle to come across as normal afterwards. Nevertheless, he persisted, adamant on changing people's minds on him, and getting them to love him once more. 
As expected, his return was at first unwelcomed, him being met with Branch yet again, who was right at Poppy’s side. He couldn’t help but scoff mentally at the fact he was replaced with THIS troll of all things, but he kept his calm and cool stature, claiming guilt and being apologetic to everyone, even though he still didn’t really believe he did anything wrong. It was a stressful situation after all, still, he let them know he was willing to repent for everything and do whatever it takes to gain back everyone’s trust once more. Branch’s face during that moment couldn’t help but creep into Creek’s mind, remembering its vile expression clearly. 
For the most part, everything had been calm. He worked hard and dutifully, really gaining back his place back into the village. It was going according to his plan beside the.. Setbacks. For some reason, anytime he saw Branch, there was the unbridled and raw rage that built inside of him. Sure, he could just stay away from where Branch is, but it’s not that easy unfortunately. Not when he’s constantly walking behind Poppy like a mutt. That is also not to mention Branch had recently reunited with his family members, his brothers. 
Oh great, there’s more of them multiplying. They’re like amoeba. Disgusting, filthy amoeba. 
It seemed that no matter what Creek did, he was always met with Branch’s face in one way or another. Sometimes it got so bad that he lost sleep due to it. He’s also had violent spells on his lonesome just thinking about it all, punching at walls and ripping out his hair just to do something about the thing he had no control of. That was getting pretty old though, and he decided if he couldn’t get away from Branch, he should work on ways of getting rid of him. 
There was one brother that Creek didn’t seem to mind, whose name was Floyd. Floyd was the second youngest brother, according to Branch, and was also quite the apathetic being. Creek never intended getting close or even talking to him, but one thing led to another and it turned out that they could connect pretty well. Floyd would always check up on him, and even started doing yoga, which made Creek overjoyed. Nothing else was expected of their partnership, that is until he had noticed how uncomfortable it had made Branch. Not only that, but Poppy even talked to Branch about how nothing could be done because Creek wasn’t hurting anyone. The comment of her not liking him either stung, but was quickly wiped once he realized what this could mean for him. 
This was it. THIS was how he could fix his issue with Branch, it all made sense! Creek hated seeing Branch happy, and that must be where all of the rage came from! If Branch were in ruins however, then Creek could return back to normal, even feeling a bit of joy from it. His friendship with Floyd was enough to unsettle Branch, so why not take it a step further? He could start flirting with him, taking him out on dates, hell, maybe one day he could even ask for his hand in marriage. Oh, Creek bet that would kill Branch. The thoughts in his head raced with ideas for what he could plan with Floyd, and it made him positively giddy.
If only he had known what this all would’ve done to him, then maybe he would’ve rethought everything.
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duckysprouts · 1 year
current bat games au lore
ok so here is part of what we have so far:
jason is no longer from district 2, he was originally a scrappy orphan from 12; he changed his name to "RED" after lazrus therapy and becoming a gladiator
Nightwing has a notorious reputation in the capitol as vain and bitchy. he constantly gets procedures done to look as young and beautiful as possible and will actively sabotage the new tributes' relationships with the capitol citizens. in reality, he is trying to protect the younger victors from being sexually exploited by putting himself on the front lines as the sex symbol
tim is the newest victor of the games. his mentor was barbara and they are both secretly working for the anti-capitol resistence.
damian is the political baby of a strategic union between talia and bruce to unite their clans without drawing suspicion from the government on why they're working closely. his parents are both big players in the capitol.
the al ghuls are the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists of the capitol who believe the revolution is nigh. but instead of underground bunkers they prepare for the apocalypse by training their children in several warrior arts
bruce's alter ego is batman, political terrorist who is working behind the scenes to take down capitol corruption (good luck buddy)
the capitol has a capped maximum on how much wealthy citizens can donate as sponsorship because otherwise bruce wayne would sponsor all the kids in an effort for them to live
when jason was thrown into the arena, he had no living mentor and had to fend for himself. batman secretly helped him with tips and advice on how to survive
Nightwing tried to talk bruce out of sponsoring jason in the arena. it wasn't out of cruelty; he just thought it would be a better investment to sponsor a child who is more likely to live instead of a starving little boy from the weakest district bound to die. bruce sponsored jason anyway
bruce's parents were assassinated for the treasonous act of believing district citizens deserved human rights
jason's abundance of sponsorships made him a target in the arena. he got really messed up and had to go through a brutal, traumatic, and experimental rehabilitation called the lazarus project. he came out of it brain damaged and now most of his body consists of lab-grown flesh or robotic parts. (notice his fake eyes and how most of his body is covered up)
the hunger games are like the annual SuperBowl. for the rest of the year the capitol citizens enjoy entertainment like celebrity escorts (Nightwing) or gladiator games, which is basically the WWE but more deadly and no predetermined winner (RED)
gladiators all have a number that is worn by players and fans alike. most gladiators wear theirs on their armour but RED wears his as a corpse identification tag on his ear
tim purposefully makes himself seem boring and unlikable so that the capitol will allow him to go home rather than stay at the capitol like nightwing and RED.
tim is probably on like 10 different government watchlists
damian keeps nightwing around as a friend/babysitter, since he gave every other one he had a mental breakdown
damian keeps jason around as a personal weaponsmith/arms instructor (hired by talia)
talia and bruce have split custody of damian
nightwing and RED are top-celebs in their fields
bruce's name is brucellosis I'm sorry that's just the way it is
bruce stopped sponsoring for a while after jason's injury cause he blamed himself
hunger games sponsors are like gambling or horse race betting. if your sponsored victor lives you get more money back. but it is so costly with such high stakes that most people don't do it
nightwing volunteered for some random kid who he had no connection with because he has no self-preservation and is kinda self sacrificing like that
nightwing's mentor was starfire. he had a massive crush on her and she'd pat his head
RED has a tense relationship with bruce and Nightwing but also trusts them more than anyone else
there are more but they require more context and characters so hang tight. suggestions welcome! just dm me in my inbox
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bendysinitiation · 4 months
Care to tell us more about Angel and Alice in your au?
Yes! Angel is the guide of Chapter 2, aka when Henry first enters the subterranean. The way Henry supposedly came down (the man bucket) is broken, and she says she can help him to find all the appropriate materials in order to fix it. She basically speaks to him over the intercom and appears in things like mirrors as he goes throughout the offshoot. She can never be fully interacted with until Chapter 3. I don’t have any finished art for her but here’s some concepts!
This is where her form is fully revealed in Chapter 3
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As for Alice, Angel refers to her as a “siren” who’s in control of the damned souls of the Fathom 40 Storage Room. She can also speak over intercom, and uses it to send toonlikes to Henry’s location. The storage room is the only place in the level where Angel cannot talk to Henry, so she urges him to be careful and not follow the siren’s voice. But eventually Henry gets between a rock and a hard place and has to find Alice in order to not get captured from the Ink Demon. Alice lives in a little bunker with Buddy Boris and is actually really kind. Henry ends Chapter 2 resting at her place and starts Chapter 3 retracing his steps back out of the storage room (or finding a different exit entirely) with Buddy.
I redesigned her recently and so she looks much more gargoyle-ish.
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matmiraculous · 8 months
Support Group Drabble #1
"This whole Support Group gets bigger every day doesn't it?" Eldest muttered, half to himself as he looked around the room. They could... probably leave at any time. Eldest hadn't really tried since the first day when he realized time was kinda... wonky here. He didn't really have to worry all that much about back home and he got to talk to other versions of himself that had gone through awful things, sometimes worse things than himself. 
It was a weird experience, but kinda cathartic.
"Seems fucking like it," Grey mumbled, crossing his arms. 
"Come on man stop being such a downer." Eldest chuckled softly, nudging the first member of the group with his elbow. 
Grey shifted away and shot a glare that wasn't really heated at Eldest. "Don't do that. It's too early for that. And I'm tired. So so tired," he said.
"You're always tired man." Which... fair honestly. Eldest was often tired too what with all the stress of back home and his natural tendency to big brother people. That often ended with him TRYING to help all the other JD's here and often getting himself into some shit. Like the time Feral stole his arm. 
He subconsciously rolled his shoulder and checked to make sure his prosthetic was secure. Good, still there.
Grey huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm allowed to be. I'm an old man."
"Aren't we roughly the same age? Late 30's early 40's?" Eldest asked, looking Grey up and down.
The shorter JD shrugged and sighed, slumping forward. "Yeah yeah, I'm still an old man. I've been through some shit, Eldest. And I'm tired," Grey mumbled. 
"Thats... fair." He shrugged, his eyes following Feral and Snake Dory as the two tussled like rabid cats. Such was the ever strange normal of this support group. He could probably try and stop it but Snake was still new and Eldest didn't much wanna get back on Feral's "bad" side.
Grey huffed a little but was quiet again.
"We've both been through a lot of shit. I'll give you that." Eldest murmured softly, more to himself.
"Yeah." Grey muttered gruffly. "I know all of us have been through some shit though," he continued, looking around the room at the various JDs, who were all busy talking. 
"Sounds awfully sappy and sentimental of you. You gone soft and started caring about us?" Eldest grinned slyly.
"Don't push your luck," Grey grumbled, though the slight twitch upwards of his mouth betrayed him. 
Eldest laughed softly and shook his head. He wasn't surprised, they'd known each other for a while now. Long enough to call one another friends. "Wouldn't dream of it. Wouldn't wanna end up in the dog house, I'd never hear the end of it."
"I'll kick your ass." Grey warned, but there was no heat to it.
"That's a lie and you know it."
"It isn't."
"Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and kick my ass then?"
Grey huffed and looked away from Eldest. "Don't tempt me. I just might."
Eldest rolled his eyes. "Sure ya will buddy. Just remember not to go overboard. Wouldn't wanna throw out your back old man."
"You're not funny," Grey muttered, but there was amusement in his eyes.
Eldest couldn't help but snicker and pat Grey on the back.
Grey swatted his hand away. "Watch it, I'll bite."
"Okay Feral." He rolled his eyes and went back to looking around. "Uh... Is Brotherhood talking to Unsual and his Creek over there?"
Bunker Bro's my beloved. The Besties ever. ... If it isn't clear, Bunker Bros is Eldest and Grey's bestie team name lol. Mentioned AU's: Eldest and Youngest - Me < 3 Unusual Brother - Me and @ijjstlostthegame Grey - @ijjstlostthegame Feral - @draco-after-dark Snake - @gingisauce (WIP) Brotherhood - @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s
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catindabag · 9 months
One of my THG buddies kept asking me about the fate of District 13 in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU yesterday. So this is just me clarifying some random D13 stuff in this weird universe.
So what happened to D13? Here are the facts:
D13 and its citizens are still alive and pretty much hiding from the Ravinstill Regime.
Funny thing is, all of the Capitol Nobles are well aware of the fact that D13 is still alive and kicking. Even Coryo and his scheming grandmother knew about D13’s fate after the Dark Days.
However, the Ancient and Noble House Ravinstill and their sacred Bichon Frisé puppies ordered everyone to pretend that District 13 doesn’t exist anymore.
This is to protect the last remaining working marbles of crazy President Ravinstill and Class President Felix.
So District 13 is now and forever officially renamed by the Capitol Nobles as the “Mole Kingdom” ruled by the mole people.
As long as you are a certified rebel who lives underground, you are now considered a “mole person” by the Capitol.
In short, all of Panem knows about the truth of D13 and its mole people. However, instead of confronting or siding with the remaining mole rebels, everyone just agreed to ignore the Mole Kingdom’s existence after the war.
Also, after the 24 OG Mentors ended the Hunger Games forever and replaced it with ✨Panemvision✨, President Ravinstill made sure that no mole person is allowed to join the competition for rebelling against him and his ✨Bichon Frisé Cult✨.
This is also a way to punish the mole kingdom for rebelling against the Ravinstill Regime and accidentally killing the ever gorgeous Crassus Xanthos Snow.
And yes, President Ravinstill is still sadly allergic to “freedom” and mole people.
But because of ✨The Great Mole Ban✨, the mole kingdom and its mole people are now angry at the fact that they can’t join and compete in ✨Panemvision✨ for fun.
All the Districts’ excited children are now busy volunteering themselves and their most talented individuals left and right for ✨Panemvision✨. The prize was just too good to pass. I mean, who wouldn’t want to win free money, a big house, and lots of food for one’s family and District?!
Meanwhile, the mole people are just stuck living in their little underground bunkers without any real entertainment to distract them from their impending doom.
Years later, in Katniss Everdeen’s timeline, ✨Panemvision✨ is still the best show in the history of Panem!🥳
The ✨SnowPlinth Dynasty✨ is now the most powerful and influential family ever.
Sejanus Plinth-Snow is still the beloved President of Panem.
Former President Felix Ravinstill retired early in order to take care of his 40 fluffy fat cats with Androcles Anderson and their 12 Hello Kitty loving children.
Festus and Persephone’s meat stew loving dumpster diving kids even married into the ✨SnowPlinth Dynasty✨. The Creeds and the Prices finally linked their crazy bloodline back with the Snows and the Ravinstills.
And yes, Coryo and Sejanus did have 24 kids (and more), making Strabo and Ma Plinth the happiest grandparents ever.
After Sejanus and Coryo’s oldest son married Festus and Persephone’s oldest daughter, ✨The Great Sandwich Quartet Alliance✨ was officially formed.
And when Sejanus and Coryo’s oldest daughter married Felix Ravinstill’s oldest son, ✨The Great Pact of The Royal Hello Kitty Blood✨ was finally signed and secured for the greater good of Panem.
Tigris is still a tiger. Lol. But at least she now has several available nephews and nieces to spoil and design clothes for.
The ever gorgeous “First Lady” Coryo Plinth-Snow is still busy taking care of their 40 Snowjanus grandchildren and 10 Snowjanus great grandchildren.
He is also known as the beloved ✨King of Roses✨ and the true ✨Sandwich Queen of Panem✨.
Festus Creed still dumpster dives with Pup, Sejanus, and Coryo every weekend.
Hilarius and Wovey are still the best apple berry pie dealers of the country.
Clemensia and Reaper are still praying for normalcy.
Dill is still the best Mayor of District 11 and the smartest best friend of Former President Felix Ravinstill.
Treech and Lamina are still providing the best firewood and axes for Vipsania and Gaius.
The old Capitol Zoo is still ruled by the “sacred” rabid raccoons and wild squirrels.
Tigris Snow is now the ✨Queen✨ of Panem’s fashion industry along with the Ring Twins and their ✨Pajama Onesie Empire✨.
Dennis and Hy are still the secret kings of Panem’s Black Market Industry.
Arachne is still suing for her ✨Sandwich Queen✨ title.
Iphigenia is now the most famous food merchant in Panem. But she still sucks at handling money.
Mizzen and Persephone are still the eternal rulers of their ✨Pizza Palace Empire✨ and the accursed junk food industry.
Seneca is now the current biggest disappointment of the Crane family for working as a professional pizza delivery guy for Mizzen and Percy’s infamous empire.
Livia and her annoying children are still running and ruling the largest bank of Panem.
Lucy Gray is still the reigning ✨Queen✨ of the Capitol’s entertainment and music industry.
Billy Taupe is still banned for life.
Palmyra Monty is still banned from cooking.
Androcles is still the best professional kleptomaniac to ever walk on earth.
The Covey and its growing members are now the most popular band of the country, making Katniss Everdeen a nepo baby by default.
Lucy Gray is still happily married to Panini Panlo and his hair curlers for fun. They now have 5 curly haired children and 12 music loving grandchildren.☺️
Maude Ivory is still illegally selling popcorn balls and cookies for extra cash.
Mockingjays and Jubilee’s kind are still banned from the Capitol because Coryo, Coral, Reaper, Urban, and Treech are still tragically allergic to weird talking birds.
Coral and Festus are still ✨war baddies✨ who do “martial arts” every Friday.
Marcus is still denying his own existence, but is now working under District 2’s beloved immortal Mayor, Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly.
Lysistrata and Domitia are still the proud leaders of the ✨SnowPlinth Fan Club✨.
Dancing King Tanner is still the reigning crazy Dairy King and Mayor of District 10. He happily married Domitia Whimsiwick and her cows to rule D10 forever.😎
And yes, Lizzie is still selling her illegal ✨miracle pills✨ for fun.
First Lady Coryo Plinth-Snow even started his own secret ✨Cabbage Soup & Lima Bean Cult✨ with Felix, Festus, and Pup. In truth, they just wanted their grandchildren and great grandchildren to become close friends.
Florus is still allergic to rain. However, he now knows how to use an umbrella without getting wet.
Pup is now living in a luxurious cruise ship with a couple of retired and underpaid sailors and Peacekeepers.
Urban and Io Jasper are still busy finding the shrouded mysteries of love and the secrets of the universe.
Juno and Bobbin are still throwing insults at each other. However, their children and grandchildren are good friends for some reason.
Brandy is still living her best werewolf life.
Poor Hilarius is currently fighting for his inheritance (again) because his rebellious nephew (Plutarch Heavensbee) just disowned him and his beloved chihuahua out of the blue for no reason at all.🥲
At least homeless Hilarius Heavensbee is now happily staying at the Presidential Palace as a temporary live-in nanny for Sejanus and Coryo’s grandchildren and great grandchildren.
And D13 is still planning to launch a second rebellion against President Plinth-Snow and his friends.
In truth, D13 and its unfortunate, sad, and deprived mole children are just really obsessed with ✨Panemvision✨. They have been loyally watching, subscribing, and following the most popular show in Panem since its weird birth. Since its debut! Since its first season! Since the day they saw crazy Lucy Gray tried to strangle and throw Mizzen the Gremlin offstage for almost ruining her best performance (ever).
Some mole children even tried to contact and convince President Sejanus and former President Felix that District 13 still exist. However, because of Ravinstill’s irreversible war trauma, they still haven’t gotten a single reply from the Capitol.🥲
Of course, their evil Mole President (Alma Coin) still wants to declare war against President Sejanus for some reason.
Honestly, Alma Coin just wants to control the country, imprison the 24 OG Mentors in a mental institution, and become the ✨Eternal Star of Panem✨.
But Seji Pie doesn’t even give a flying f*ck about District 13 and it’s rebellious mole children. He’s too busy making another child with Coryo to truly notice Alma Coin’s threats and messages.😌💅
Meanwhile, when little Prim was reaped for ✨Panemvision✨, Katniss Nepo Baby Everdeen immediately volunteered and stole her sweet sister’s spot.
However it’s not because she wanted to “save” her little sister from being “forced” to sing on stage, but because the ✨Girl on Fire✨ really wanted to compete and become the ✨Star of Panem✨ that year.
And because of that, little Primrose never forgave Katniss for stealing her only opportunity to join their ever famous crazy grandaunt (Lucy Gray) and her booming music business in the Capitol.
Prim even tried to contact Lucy Gray’s grumpy husband with Gale’s help, but old man Panlo thought that they were just trying to take his crazy wife’s life and money. So the Panini Man hanged up and blocked them from his phone.😂
So bitter Prim and her cat are now the first anti-fans of the ✨Girl on Fire✨.😔
On the other hand, when Peeta “I am the bread!” Mellark was reaped for ✨Panemvision✨, Gale “I can f*ckin’ sing!” Hawthorne immediately volunteered to be with Katniss.
So the baker’s boy had to challenge an angry Gale to a dance-off battle in front of an excited crowd in order to secure his spot for the competition. This is also his first and only chance to talk to Katniss Nepo Baby Everdeen. So he had to win no matter what.
Peeta only won after executing a perfect somersault and one flawless cartwheel in front of a drunk Haymitch and a bubbly Effie Trinket.
And jealous Gale became the founding father of the anti-Peeta Mellark Fan Club.
Meanwhile, old crazy lady Lucy Gray is still busy stealing her grumpy old husband’s hair curlers after every show. #PanBaird #lovelanguage #withPaniniPanlo
And the 24 OG Mentors and their former Tributes are still good friends who usually hangout every other week to cause some chaos and traffic in Panem.
Of course, old man Mizzen is still a little gremlin through and through. He is even the main reason why the 2nd rebellion failed and never happened.
Mole President Alma Coin and her loyal minions just can’t stand a chance against Mizzen the Gremlin, crazy Persephone Creed Née Price, and their ruthless Pizza Palace Empire.😈
“You can’t start a revolution, much less a 2nd rebellion without a merciless and efficient pizza delivery service!” - Mizzen.
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direwombat · 1 year
You 🤝 me: Jacob doing the "intimidating Dad" thing when his kid is dating Carmina Rye
🤣 best part about it (at least in my mind) is that by that point jacob is 98% more bark than bite. he'll grumble and grouse til the sun sets but he sees that the two make each other happy and he's just like "fine" and then gives Carmina proper shooting lessons (with what he considers a "proper gun" (ie, a pump or bolt action rifle because he has opinions about these kinds of things)) because ain't no way he's letting his daughter get taken down by a stray bullet from an assault rifles friendly fire
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cloverdaisies · 11 months
[🗝️] cloverdaisies’ navigation: the garden
➵ feel free to explore the garden & stay as long as you like ! ♡
[ (* )-my personal favorites / SEARCH! [🔎] FIC LIST SO FAR….. ]
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nowhere to run ⊹ horror *
— if the landline rings, remember to answer the questions 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. you don’t want to be locked in a house with a masked killer. a tbz au based on & inspired by (scream 1996).
black heart ⊹ thriller
— a mysterious trio rules the night, masked in balaclavas armed with whatever they could get their hands on… one favor can reveal a whole lot more than you expect. this is not your first visit to the black hearted universe.
insanity ⊹ angst
— “i want you to make the darkness disappear. i want to drive to crazy. my love is dangerous.”
how to build perfect humans ⊹ thriller / romance * 2.3k
— somewhere in the f u t u r e, undercover agents are trailing the government creation of microchips, inserted into the human brain to collect information in order create a generation of ai that will infiltrate and eventually eliminate all need for the last survivors of the human race. time is ticking…
gingerbread man ⊹˚. fluff / 0.8k
— “a late night stroll through the xmas markets with boyfriend!younghoon, carols being sung in the distance, the smell of freshly baked gingerbread men and children building snowmen nearby; the feeling of christmas.”
hey chat! ⊹ fluff / streamer au
— two streamers get paired to win a competition between their fellow streamers! most popular man on the app, jae.mp3 ! gets paired with smaller streamer y.n.xi ! will they win? or will they not be able to work together at all? let’s see how they get on! &lt;3
98’ ➵ JUYEON
slow it down ⊹ thriller
— hi (your name) you’ve been invited to play RACEFORTIME! do you accept yes or no? nerve au
nearly witches ⊹ angst
christmas lights ⊹ angst / fluff / 2k+
— the city was lonely, as they say home is where the heart is. as you return to see your childhood friends for the annual christmas get together, old faces resurface unhealed wounds that you wish you could rewind
series: genesis angst / fluff / post apocalyptic au
— ‘the world was destroyed by nuclear warfare, 177 years later the only survivors were those living in a large system of underground bunkers, with food supply running short and rationing proving no longer effective. the higher council decide to send the younger generation of juveniles to the surface to test the earth’s survivability.’
98’ ➵ KEVIN
earth to kevin ⊹ fluff / safe place au
— the boy that lives in outerspace has to make contact with the real world eventually, this short piece documents his small amount of contact with earth. when someone with a raincloud over their world collides with someone that lives in complete disassociation from reality.
# ur such an emo! ⊹˚. angst / fluff * / 4.1k+
— “a preppy boy meets his unconventional match in one of the school’s most hated emo’s. from lab partners to cleaning buddies: the events that caused social royalty to fall in love with someone from the very bottom of the high school food chain.”
wish you were sober ⊹ angst / suggestive.
— “nineteen but you act 25 now. real sweet but i wish you were sober.” a ji changmin very lightly suggestive? angst? based on conan gray’s wish you were sober.
art class ⊹ fluff * 5k+
—“your crush on your art professor might be affecting your grades, he was just perfect but you’re just a student. how you accidentally fell in love with art class for the wrong reasons…”
00’ ➵ SUNWOO
media studies ⊹ fluff / diary au
— this document contains a letter to the pretty boy who sits quietly in the back of a poorly lit media studies classroom. ☆
fantasize ⊹ suggestive
— “i fantasize about it all the time if you were mine.. ♪” there was something about your coworker that made you want him, maybe it was his cherry red lips or every charming word that slipped from them - whatever it was, you couldn’t resist. ʚїɞ
piece of string ⊹ fluff
— dear sunwoo, autumn nights are always better when they’re spent with you. please don’t hide yourself, you know you’re safe with me.
00’ ➵ ERIC
trouble to me ⊹ suggestive ish
— should’ve known he was a bad guy, maybe all the red flags would be a good sign? are you really gonna let eric sohn take you on a test drive?
how to survive senior year ⊹˚. fluff * 5k+
— a chaotic how to guide on surviving high school with an 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 crush on the skater boy with the locker next to urs.
97’ ➵ JACOB
𝗈𝗈𝗉𝗌 ! 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝖾𝗍!
𝗈𝗈𝗉𝗌 ! 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝖾𝗍!
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sodabranch · 6 months
Halo here, still waiting for the next time their irl friends are up to play Lethal Company together... Justice time!
1. One thing that would suck about the Company is that I doubt it you get time off for illness/injuries. So imagine the dilemma of Justice having to leave to look after the employees heading to the bunker, but also being worried about the one needing to be left to rest on the ship.
Other than the issue of the employee being unable to react timely to an enemy lurking near the ship, I see Justice's past experiences worsening their mental conflict. They were always there, when the master or someone in the household got sick, so leaving them feels unnatural.
And what if it's something they can't simply recover from? Earning a disability is bound to be as easy as death itself, on the job.
2. Okay, this one isn't a Justice specific one. I was thinking, man, even the freakiest and erratic of nutcracker OCs will find a human out there who thinks they're really cool! Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.
Because the nutcrackers have parasites, making them semi living, what if one could apply a freaking soulmate AU to it?!
3. Justice, in the past, waiting for the master to come home from work, but they're coming home late. How would Justice react? I could imagine it thinking about how it can't just make a phone call.
Sure, you could easily turn the idea into angst, but I see it that the master simply had overtime, and eventually came home just fine. But Justice is a bit angy they never warned it, because it was worried...
4. The employees and Justice were gathering scrap from a mansion. Everyone is back inside the ship, confident that Justice will soon return safely. In the midst in the snowstorm, they see its approaching silhouette, but something about it is different? Oh, that's right, it's carrying scrap, too. But what?
As Justice steps inside, they see it's a—
Oh no, it's a somehow decently preserved and clean puffy dress?! Justice is irradiating excitement; isn't this fitting for a partner to wear for a waltz? The employees, on the other hand, are thinking 'Oh crap, it's gonna make one of US wear it!' They then push the one who they know Justice sees as the master to the front of the group, like a sort of sacrificial offering to wear the dress.
~ Halo
Oh, I'm also waiting for my friends to have a free night so we can play Lethal together and totally suffer the consequences of our own actions...
I just arrived home a moment ago so brace yourself:
Aaaand no, I also doubt the Company would be so kind to offer you some time off or even compensation lol. Once you're away from Gordion you're on your own, buddy;; better read the fine print.
Justice would be torn between staying with them or helping the team. On one side, it would be able to provide care for the injuried person, aiding them on their needs and staying guard in case any entity was to take advantage of their state; on the other side, there's no way it is going to abandon the team!!! four people is still better than three. Yes, of course it believes that the team can totally fend for themselves!! but maybe just maybe,,, what if some monster sneaks up on them and it can't do anything, then what!
In the amidst of this mental dilemma, Justice settles on giving the crewmate a walkie and gestures for them to use it if something were to happen, then helps tucking them in the uncomfortable bunk bed (to much of Justice's dismay. It really has ought to look for a way for them to rest more comfortably...), and there's no way it is going to forget the "healing kiss" to the forehead before heading out with the rest of the crew. Then maybe it would keep checking on them from time to time, excusing itself to "bring some scrap back to the ship".
Oof I let myself get invested in that one,,,
AND UMGMMGGMMGMG, SOULMATE AU???? ON MY BLOG?? MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK- I REALLY need to think of a way to make this real???? I never thought of it as a possibiity, but you're kinda so right? Preach.
Asdhsdhd also choking up from thinking of Justice waiting by the door to see if their master makes it home safely...
At the start, it would be a bit confused, they were supposed to arrive some time ago! Well, could have been a slight delay, but that doesn't erase the nagging thought telling it something might have happened. What if they got injured on their way back? What if someone did something? What if this? What if- Enough for now, it should think more rationally than that. So naturally, Justice decides to busy itself with some cleaning while it waits... Only for more minutes to pass and for it to start growing more and more worried. Now without any tasks to do while it waits it just sits motionless on the entryway, expecting to see them any second now...
And it's not until the sound of keys turning and the door creaking open that it can rest, seeing the face of their master and mentally restraining itself from running up and hugging them. For now, it is glad it got to see their face for another day.
Just just imagine,, while exploring this mansion, Justice finds itself in some sort of bedroom. Rummaging through it, it wasn't long before something caught it's attention: a perfectly preserved dress stored inside some sort of garment bag... The sight alone brought back so many memories of packed ballrooms and the many dances that took place, most of which Justice had to spectate. As a guard, it was supposed to watch over the people, never let in the fun.
So it guesses the crew won't have much trouble when it brings the beautiful garment back to the ship!! One of them even stepping forward, how sweet!
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and im cutting it here because it may be getting too long :9 but I have so many new ideas giggles*
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
your aro dean posts remind me of the siren episode! people use the fact dean got a "male" siren as a way to prove that dean is attracted to men in meta posts, but the siren itself tells dean that it took this form because the type of intimacy dean longs for the most is a platonic relationship (a brother that looks up to him and trusts him)
LITERALLY!!!! I was mostly joking when I made my first post about aro!dean being the closest thing we have to canon, but???? I mean????
The more you look, the more the evidence stacks up: His longest relationship pre-canon lasted a few weeks. (Thinking of Cassie here, who I think is valid evidence for a demiromantic dean reading but could also be him wanting a deeper relationship with her and thinking the only way forward was a romantic one.) (his relationship with lisa pre-canon was that they had bendy sex lmao.) His fantasy world with the djinn gives him a fake wife who isn’t even a real person he knows but a fantasy from a advertisement (if I remember correctly.) AND he spends that whole episode more focused on the fact that his relationship with that version of Sam is so damaged. His siren takes the form a brother when his relationship with Sam is at its rockiest. When Zach puts him in his little au where Dean’s a Normal Guy, he still lives alone, no hint of even a fake romance this time. Sam and Dean SAVE THE WORLD because their relationship as brothers is so important and powerful, literally destiny changing, they held together under a pressure that broke two archangels apart!!! His relationship with Lisa is very clearly A Performance underpinned by caring about her and Ben but not being able to do so in the way she needs. He meets Benny in purgatory and when their relationship deepens beyond friendship, he likens it to being brothers. Family is always and forever Thee most important thing to him. He repeatedly voices a distaste for dating and the like. He literally just wants to nest in a war bunker with his brother and his buddies, cooking burgers and making sure they’re all safe 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Alsjdjlfjfkd sorry that’s so long but like!! Making a point!!! This man does not need a romantic relationship, he does not want it, he is always more fulfilled by platonic relationships!!!
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credince--writes · 2 years
Imagine: 09 & 22 141's SWAP
hear me out:
Au fanfic where modern 141 raid some kinda weird multiverse cult sciency bunker & get transported to a universe where their 09' alters retired or at least settled down & had kids. (Like they swap with their matches)
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Like 09 Ghost & Roach got together, & had a surrogate kid with Roach's sister. One daughter, named Elizabeth.
Captain MacTavish got hitched & settled down and had 3 kids, Three Boys named Logan, James, and Oliver.
Price is a proud uncle-Grandpa
"You should call Liz." James urges, pushing on Logan's shoulder as they continue to stare at the two men who seemed so much like their father and uncle hog-tied in the living room, still struggling against their bindings.
"He looks mean." Oliver squeaks out, hovering behind his two older brothers while peeking out to look at him.
"He fuckin' tried to stab me." Logan hisses out, pulling out his phone and pressing the 'call' button onto Liz's contact form.
"Hello?" Her voice crackled in, the connection spotty for a moment before evening out.
"Hey, Liz. Where are you?"
"Hanging out at home, why?" She asks.
"Where... Where are your dads?"
She laughs, and absolutely cackles on the other end of the phone for a moment before picking the phone back up. "It's Thursday."
Logan pulls the phone from his ear and puts it on speakerphone. "An' what the bloody fuck does that mean Liz?"
"Remember how a few months ago I walked in on them banging in the living room and-"
"Get to the point, please." He all but begs, not wanting to relive the horrible conversation the two had when the incident happened.
"They go have old man gay sex at a hotel every Thursday now so I can't walk in on them. Like wine and dine then go tear up the-"
Logan's eyes nearly bulge out of his head, cutting her off. "You need to get to the hotel- you need to go there now and find Gary because something's happened and-"
"Hey, you're breaking up. I gotta go My Dad's calling me." She replies, hanging up the call.
Logan stares at the two men wrestling against their bindings on the ground.
"Logan?" Oliver asks.
"Yea, buddy?" He asks, picking the little boy up.
"What's gay sex?"
(Meanwhile, Roach was getting his back blown out when 09 Ghost turns into '22 Ghost LMFAO)
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box-architecture · 8 months
I discovered that Communication Knife AweSamDrunz have Children Now today, and I’m loving everything I’m reading so far.
Also that they hang out with Sapnap, Philza, and Techno. Was not expecting that, but yeah, Dream would want to reconnect, wouldn’t he? Even if it make Sam Uncomfortable and Punz Salty.
aaaaaaaaa I'm glad!!! The kids are sort of separate from the main au in that they're not really the main focus, they're just something that occasionally makes me happy to rotate in my mind. Healed, happy characters who are extremely neurodivergent, with their weird neurodivergent children, able to exist contently.
also, yeah!!! I realized a while back that I haven't really talked about the relationships and conflicts or Anything with real consistency on this tumblr. I'm used to interacting with people in the discord who've already had to listen to me so many times yell and rant that I've forgotten that I. might need to give context actually to other people who have showed up to a person on a soapbox spouting nonsense.
short answer: yeah, theres a Lot of complicated feelings, but by the time the children are in the picture its been like a decade and peace has been made with most things. No one has forgotten, of course. Shit was fucked. But events keep happening, characters keep developing, and Dream cradles his happy ending with the people he got to keep so very close to his chest.
So its like! Techno will support Dream through thick and thin and be civil with his partners, Punz and Sapnap had some rough moments but are buddies, and Sam will never talk to Dream's friends about anything deep, but after years of him genuinely trying to be a good partner, Techno and Sapnap are no longer five seconds away from trying to murder him.
Long answer: I'm trying to pull together some posts that will give detailed explanations of this entire thing. Itll take a bit, but its infinitely easier than the full fic I was trying and failing to write. I'm pulling this timeline from an old post so it might not be completely up-to-date even with my edits, but this is some skeleton stuff I can give that will make things easier for Understanding probably. I'm very sleepy. Here you go.
Timeline for My Own Damn Convenience:
Shady Dubcon Prison sex w/ SamDream
Prison Escape
Gentle Recovery sex w/ Drunz
Dream decides he has major control issues and is going to fuck Sam to prove he isn't traumatized. Punz thinks this is a terrible decision.
AweSamDrunz sex, complete with a rulebook of things Sam isn't allowed to do (including giving or receiving kisses)
Quackity kidnaps Drunz similar to in the one cut lore thing, offers to let Punz go if they torture Dream (they stab Quackity instead)
Sam rescues them (without Q finding out) and then kidnaps them, where he ties up Punz and gets Dream kisses until they all eventually pass out (Dream gets mild medical attention)
Dream wakes up and unties Punz
SamDrunz has a talk and decides Sam is allowed kisses again
many kinks are discovered
Sam tries (and fails) to get a hobby
Sam builds +30 prisons/boxes/sex dungeons around the server, of various usefulness
Sapnap finds out about the Torture, sees the sex tape, assumes Dream can't consent to the relationship considering Sam was his warden and Sap thinks Punz betrayed him, and takes Dream to a cottage away from everyone to try to protect him. After Sapnap yells at SamPunz, Dream gently informed Sapnap he's going to continue the relationship, and they have an emotional reconciliation that leads to weeklyish meetings between Dreamnap where they can just sit and talk
The Snow Incident
Sam Recovery From The Snow Incident
Oh God The Egg Is Back (Sam locks up Punz and Dream in a bunker for a month out of terror, and doesnt tell them why because he knows it will stress Punz out and Dream could be an idiot and get himself Egged. Punz is pissed but can't argue with that) (Dream could have fixed this all with his admin abilities good god)
They actually deal with the Egg
An Incident Happens (but its like several incidents actually, including Tubbo finding out that Ranboo was working with Dream the whole time)
Failed Finale
Eventually grow old and live in a nice little lush cave house called The Box that Sam made
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ballercollective · 6 months
gawd i love the weirdo au... regretevator... FOR CONTEXT THE WEIRDO AU IS A REGRETEVATOR AU THAT IS MAINLY FOCUSED ON LAMPERT, KASPER, UNPLEASANT, AND JEREMY AS SILLY HIGHSCHOOLERS!!!! mE AND MY BF [@silly-little-feller] RP IT A LOT. IM UNPLESANT MARK AND KASPER... IF U EVN CARE...... Stupid fun facts about them: Unpleasant - he/they/she..!?!!? - Wears the worst sk8r clothes you can think of. He will bite you if you say that tho. - Still says "gyatt" and "skibidi" and stuff - Sounds like a stereotypical nerd... "erm ackshully" ass voice - I hate her so much - Jeremy's buddy 4evr [on their side at least] Kasper - he/her sheboy /pos - Lampert's first friend ever - Split's baby boy.. her son her pride and joy - Literally was bedridden once after a party. horrible day. - Caused so much trouble when he met Lampert 4 the first time. THEY BROKE SOMEONE'S CAR, DRANK WALLTER'S GREY STUFF STASH, FOUND A SECRET BUNKER UNDER WALLTER AND MARK'S HOUSE, AND OVERDOSED ON PILLS..... wallter had a panic attack that day btw.. so did poob.
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lbodraws · 3 months
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Neo Junks vs. Unit 04 boss fight
infodump about Splecha AU under splice.
Pilot 4's mech gets contaminated with fuzzy ooze.
"But LBo, how can a mech get contaminated with fuzzy ooze? It's made of metal."
i'm glad you asked, convenient-voice-of-many-questions, because the plot twist in the Splecha AU plot is that the mecha that the NSS and New Inkadia government use are part human. in essence: they're alive.
since The Great Turf War, the Inkadia government have been looking for a means of creating semi autonomous mecha for surveillance purposes, but lacked the technological capabilities of the Octarians. instead of making amends with the Octarians, they decided to launch "scientific expeditions" into human bunkers within their territory. at this point, there are no living humans. however, some of the bunkers contained cryogenic frozen human DNA and cells. while not what they were initially hoping for, the government set their scientists to work on growing genetically modified lab born humans, with the end goal of infusing them into mechs.
the vast majority of the cells grown in the labs failed. those that survived were incorporated into the existing mecha of the time period.
Units 01, 02, 03 and 04 managed to survive.
these units would be kept in a secret loading bay on the outskirts of Inkopolis near the Octarian territory. (think of it as Area InkyOne.)
Craig Cuttlefish is tasked with manning an assault force in the event of an Octarian mecha threat. he recruits his granddaughter Callie, who goes on to recruit her cousin Marie. Callie pilots Unit 01, and Marie Unit 02.
two pilots remain to be recruited. queue Pilot 3's entry into the scene; the Great Zapfish has gone missing, and the Inkadia government are on high alert. the pressure to find a third pilot is resolved when Craig encounters Pilot 03 at an illegal mecha race in one of the abandoned underground domes during one of their races. seeing how Pilot 03 handles their mech, Craig enlists them on the spot, and tasks them with finding the Great Zapfish.
fast forward 5-ish years. Hiro and Veronika (and Buddy) pilot Junks; their homemade mech.
the trio meet Craig in The Crater after a mech race breaks out and they have to hide from the government mecha force. Craig recruits them much like he did Pilot 03.
the trio traverse Alterna in Junks, solving missions and completing the Log Book.
Junks gets damaged in the fight up the rocket. luckily DJ Octavio is on hand to salvage what's left of Junks and infuses it into one of the human machines that were left behind.
After Alterna
when the dust finally settles, everything goes back to what could be considered normal.
Craig makes amends with DJ Octavio, the NSS go back into inactivity after the major threat alert.
that being said; Unit 04 has gone missing after heading out on a research mission with no response to comms. it's up to the Junks trio to locate and bring back Pilot 04 and their Unit.
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