#but also it wasn't because it was fated by the gods. not only did everyone die. they were also supposed to die. you were supposed to die.
ukelele-boy · 1 month
I was rereading some of my posts from 2021 and was reminded of how much meta I used to write so imma share my crazy headcanon/ theory which i thought up as plot for a revolution fic:
RR verse is on the "Olympus will fall" timeline and Zeus' actions are speeding it up.
In the recent decade there has been several great prophecies back to back. And people have remarked how weird it is that there have been so many. What if the reason is because of Zeus?
Remember, in greek mythology there is a major theme of how Your Fate Cannot Be Defied. And Zeus, king of Olympus, has a major Fate: being overthrown. However he managed to "defy" it by eating Metis.
My idea is that he has been forcefully clawing out a future where he is still king of Olympus. By doing this, he is literally changing the flow of fate. And obviously fate wants to correct itself, so the harder he fights it, the more counterforce he triggers. All prophecies meant to lead to his overthrowing are suddenly sped up. Olympus begins to lose power. Zeus is aware of this. He is also aware how people are becoming suspicious. And he needs a scapegoat. And who better than the god of prophecy who is also a threat to the throne?
Apollo mentions that Zeus blamed him for his oracle revealing a prophecy "too early" and therefore causing it to happen early. However, everyone knows it's not possible to actually cause a prophecy to happen early...so why would Zeus even have this weird line of thought? everyone probably dismissed it as Zeus being irrational, but there a juicier theory this ties into:
Apollo being the one to overthrow Zeus.
The idea of "fall of the sun, the final verse". What if this is the final prophecy that is meant to happen before Zeus is overthrown? And what if the fall this speaks of is actually when Apollo fell close to chaos? When he pulled himself together there?
What if he reformed different from his original godly form. He was literally almost gone, his body was disintegrating. Maybe he pulled himself together using the energies of chaos. Apollo himself isn't aware of this, due to a suspicious memory gap between him clawing up from the cliff and him waking up next to Artemis.
And this adds to another headcanon of mine, the fates choose Apollo to be the god of prophecy on purpose. At first glance, this is a horrible match. If they wanted a good servant, why would they choose someone so closely tied to his heart and so likely to fight fate? Someone who dares get them drunk just to extend a human's lifespan? UNLESS... they WANT him to eventually try and defy fate??
Imagine if fate was a compass and Zeus had forcefully wrenched the needle point at a bleak dark future where Olympus falls with him. And this river direction has been set so deeply in stone and run on for so long, it has worn a grove and become the mostly likely future.
you need someone willing to fight, someone to wrench the needle out. SOMEONE FAMILAR WITH FATE AND Prophecy. Someone who has the power to fight it and win. Someone who has the will. Perhaps a baby god who was willing to fight Python, and who would have likely died there. But if he successfully did take on the powers of prophecy, one day that same godling would fight Python again, would absorb the powers of chaos to recreate himself.
Perhaps not today and maybe not even for the next four thousand years
but one day that godling would stare down at that wretched compass hand and decide to yank the flow out of its place. And maybe, that godling means a chance for Olympus to have a different future.
Anyways that's my crazy theory i hope it wasn't too confusing. It also links up with my other story theme idea about fate, hope and apollo blah blah blah, which i rambled about in a different post.
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Edit: just remembered my other crazy thought, what if ZEUS PURPOSEFULLY TRIED TO GET RID OF APOLLO NOT ONLY CAUSE HE IS A THREAT TO THE THRONE BUT ALSO BECAUSE AS THE GOD OF PROPHECY HE IS MOST LIKELY TO REALIZE SOMETHING IS WRONG AND THAT ZEUS IS MESSING WITH FATE?!???? Basically pulling a imma say you're the murderer before u realise im the murderer. (i cant remember the actual saying Lmaoo)
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radiance1 · 5 months
Linked to this post about Billy, Danny, and Vlad meeting in a dream. Tagging @puppetmaster13u because I think they'd like this!
The world was being invaded, taking the chance that some of the core members of the Justice League were away off-world to take the world when it was down on its defenses.
Billy is fighting and saving as many people as he could along with the rest of the heroes presents, they just had to hold out for reinforcements, which is the last few members of the League off world to rejoin their ranks. Billy may have the magic of gods on his side, but he is severely outnumbered and, being one of the powerhouses, has been targeted consistently over and over and barely given any time to actually rest.
So, there he is, battered, bruised, and overall exhausted but still putting up a decent fight. He tries to lead them away from basically everyone else, attacking as he flew away to a secluded enough area but there's just too many to actually do any notable damage.
So, he pulls out one, final, Shazam.
It works. But it also doesn't.
Whatever damage that lightning did, more just flowed in to replace them and Billy knew that even if he fired off another one, the result would be the same.
This is where he will die.
And he accepted that.
He didn't, but what else was he supposed to do?
So, he screwed his eyes shut and hoped that being ripped apart wouldn't be too painful.
Only, nothing happened for a moment. Then another. And another. Until he finally opened his eyes to see the enemies stopped still in their tracks and, for some reason, everything seemed darker somehow.
They looked up in fear and apprehension, so Billy looked up too.
Something had risen from his shadow.
A being of never-ending black that towered over them, its head tilted at an angle that made Billy cringe with eyes that seemed to see through and at them all at once. Then, it lit up with red, and Billy, the closest to it, could suddenly see the stars upon stars inside of its body.
Like a Christmas tree. Billy thought, chuckling at his own joke. If he was going to die anyways, might as well have a bit of fun, right?
One of the invaders tried to make a dash and grab for him.
Then, the overwhelming sound of silence deafened him. Billy didn't even know that was a thing that could happen but as soon it screamed? Roared? Whatever it did, every other sound just... ceased to exist.
A tendril of darkness wrapped around him, and Billy accepted his fate.
Nothing happened.
Instead, the ones who tried to kill him were killed without mercy. Tendrils of darker yet darker lit up with red and containing stars that looked so much like too many eyes crushed, slashed, stabbed, consumed the waves upon waves of enemies that Billy struggled against from pure number alone.
It was swift, it was deadly, it was even brutally efficient but above all.
It was confusing.
This... being. Whatever it was, wasn't doing anything to him, the red glow it gave off just faded, leaving back the true darkness that was its body and shutting off the stars. It slowly, ever so slowly, shrunk itself down from its towering height, as if wary of another attack coming from somewhere.
Not for itself, but for him.
For Billy.
He didn't know how he could tell that, but somehow, he just did?
It was looking at him, curiously? He thinks? And with the adrenaline fading from his system, being replaced by confusion, it finally sets in just how tired he was. With a yawn forcing itself from his lips and his eyes trying to close on their own when his body apparently decided it was safe enough to just rest.
Before his mind jumpstarted itself as he suddenly remembered that they were in the middle of an invasion, and he need to leave. He tried too, at the very least, but another tendril, and another one, wrapped around him as soon as he tried.
He struggled to get himself out, but nothing he tried worked. He barely had the strength for another Shazam, but he was prepared to try-
A tendril wrapped itself around his mouth.
That was unfortunate.
Then, the world turned dark.
He was dreaming, again. Or at least he thinks he was. Usually, he wasn't aware of it most of the time, but this was also one of those weird dreams he's been having for a while.
There was no ground, there was no sky. There was only the vibrant colors of space with the 'ground' being rolling clouds of all sorts of colors that twinkled with stars and the 'sky' was just an endless expanse filled with constellations.
"Billy." A voice echoed his name, and Billy turned around to face a familiar sight he's always seen inside of his dreams. A large, large merman with scales and flowing hair akin to that of a galaxy that glimmered with stars and a large golden mask floating above his head stared down at him. Eyes filled with both concern and a overwhelming relief. "I'm so glad you're safe."
"Um, hey Danny!" Billy greeted, awkwardly waving at the large celestial being that has been occupying his dreams as of late. For some reason, he was a bit embarrassed? He really hopes he didn't see how he was getting jumped actually. "Yea I'm-I'm fine!" He struck a familiar pose that he always did as Shazam and flashed his signature smile as while.
Danny was, unfortunately, not amused.
"Child, you need to rest." Danny said, more like thought because his mouth wasn't moving at all. "You're exhausted, stay here and rest."
"But they need help!" Billy countered, dropping his pose to cross his arms and, well, scowl. He tried to imitate one of Batman's glares, when the celestial above him looked unimpressed he could tell he most likely failed.
"And help they shall receive." Danny inclined his head in a direction, clouds parting to reveal an inky blackness that had something instinctual in Billy's body shy away from it. He glanced down at his feet warily. He didn't even know that was there! "Vlad." Danny called out, and red eyes peered out from the void, before the familiar, towering body of complete and utter darkness rose from the pool of, well, emptiness. It looked at Danny curiously and, yep, Billy was still cringing from the way it angled its neck.
"A piece of him there," Danny said as Vlad shifted around him, wrapping its body around Danny's before resting its head on his shoulder and looking down at Billy too. "Unfortunately, I cannot help you, it is too far for me to make it there myself. But Vlad was able to send a piece of himself to help you and I believe that is more than enough to turn the tides in your favor."
Billy shrunk into himself as Danny's gaze turned into a stern glare, not too dissimilar to the way he's seen parents scolding their children and, what made it even worse, Vlad looked at him and mimicked him! How was he supposed to defend himself against that!?
"So rest." Danny's voice was stern, and he thinks Vlad chimed in as well, if these random feelings basically telling him the same thing were anything to go by. Billy still didn't know how he could tell that. Billy could fight against this; he could say no and try to wake himself up to back out there and help people, but looking at the stern, parental glares he's on the opposite end of he just huffed. "Fine."
When Billy woke up, everything seemed okay, thankfully. The sky wasn't filled with fleets anymore, so that was a plus. He was in the aftermath of a battle, corpses strewn about along with rubble and pieces of shattered armor.
Billy blinked.
'Vlad' was wrapped around him, in a protective sort of way he thinks, and Billy let the thought 'Okay, this is actually pretty comfortable' run across his mind. He was still pretty tired, actually, and-
Oh hey, he actually still had his communicator? He thought that fell off or was destroyed the lightning.
Billy turned it. He cringed a bit at the way it flashed with static, before letting out a small sigh of relief when it cleared up. He looked over the messages from -apparently the last few hours (and wasn't that crazy?)- the time he was asleep and slumped against Vlad's form seeing that, yes, nothing bad happened and everyone else was safe.
I'm alive! Was the first message he sent before he yawned and rubbed at his eyes. Instantly, messages exploded and caused a series of dings on his communicator, all of which were asking where he was, if he was okay, and if he knew what that creature that suddenly joined their battle was.
A friend! Was what he typed, muting his communicator while shutting it off. Did that answer anything? Nope! Did Billy feel like clearing that up right now? Also no!
That is a future Billy's problem! Present Billy is going to go back to sleep!
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meggannn · 5 months
hades 2 conversation dialogue my sister and i found interesting
SPOILERS obviously. my sister has been failing her runs on purpose to get more dialogue out of people. this post discusses dialogue that was not in the developer stream.
on hermes (mel and hecate are speaking about hermes and artemis at the start):
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on melinoë, artemis, and the olympians:
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on why mel is the only one who can kill chronos:
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on hecate & mel's relationship:
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on a secret order that mel is apart of:
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on mel's job at the crossroads:
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tension and secrets in the crossroads!!!!
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when you give hypnos nectar:
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(i wasn't fast enough to get his reply. hypnos says something like "zzzz... welcome to the.... zzzz"), then mel says:
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other things i didnt screengrab:
hypnos: mel can remark to charon that hypnos is still asleep, charon says "arrghhh," and mel says "wait, he's of more use this way...?" possibly implying hypnos's sleep is not what it seems
nemesis: is uhhh kind of really mean!!!! she says something to mel along the lines of "you're upset you lost a family you don't remember? i KNEW my mom, all you did was be born"
moros: you can invite moros to the crossroads and he stands near the fated list far from everyone because nobody wants to talk to doom incarnate (odysseus in particular makes a point to say he'll stay away). iirc he introduces himself as "the bearer of bad news" which i find kind of clever but also a bit sad. if you give him nectar iirc he says nobody has given him a gift/offering before. aphrodite also notes that moros has made mel's acquaintance and calls him good-looking.
hephaestus: he criticizes your weapon's workmanship when you first meet him, then later takes it back and compliments it as very good, and says "just don't go spreading it around" to the olympians.
hermes is "missing" but he's on a mission for the war to find out what chronos is scheming
artemis (and hermes) didn't tell the olympians hecate has been raising a titan-killer (mel) and the olympians don't really believe she can do it but send her boons anyway, presumably figuring why not
only mel can enter the house of hades to challenge chronos, so that's why she needs to make this journey alone
hecate is rather sweet and mentorly with mel, but she gets exhausted and irritated when mel doubts herself. i didn't grab it but there's a bit where mel says if hecate had not held back, she knows she would've lost, and hecate snaps "you know?" asking mel why she puts limits on herself
mel, hecate, selene, and artemis are part of a secret order called the silver sisters that hermes also supports. olympus does not know about it. all these gods (save hermes) also have moon iconography in their designs
pretty sure moros will be romanceable. i think his and mel's interactions are very sweet, and aphrodite notes he's arrived and calls him good-looking, which reminded me of how she commented on thanatos to zag. no idea who might be a female romance option yet (i'm assuming there is one)
hephaestus boons are a lot of fun, per my sister
the big one: HECATE AND NEMESIS KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T??? hecate maybe knew an attack was coming and didn't do anything?? nyx is also confirmed to basically be not around though we don't know where she is. and hecate is something called a handmaiden??? is she meant to serve nyx? it now seems like the children of nyx are meant to serve hecate, and eris isn't doing that, but nemesis is playing guard duty begrudgingly. so maybe nemesis thinks hecate let the house be captured/destroyed for her own ends, possibly also to get nyx out of the picture, so nyx's children would serve her(?). maye nyx is also a silver sister and hecate is now in command at the crossroads/on earth, second only to selene?
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m00nsbaby · 1 year
Do you want me (dead)?
Jake Lockley x F! Reader.
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Tags & warnings. College AU, no mentions of Marc or Steven, explicit, +18, oral sex (m receiving), cum eating, no use of y/n.
Word count. 3.5k
Summary. He was childish. Unbearable.
It was as if he had a magnet to you, always bothering you, finding a way to ruin your day in some manner. 
You were going to kill Jake Lockley at any moment.
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You decided not to blame anyone else but yourself for your bad mood. It had been a conscious choice to only get two hours of sleep due to your sudden desire for a movie marathon by yourself.
You didn't have many friends; you exchanged words with a couple of people, if you were lucky. On any given day, you would arrive, attend class, and then spend the rest of your time alone somewhere else. So, on a Wednesday morning, you could afford to rest your arms on your desk and hide your face there, dozing off until the class started.
Or at least, that was the plan.
"Cariño." If you were a cat, that single word would have been enough to make your fur stand on end. You didn't even bother lifting your head to see who was by your side.
He cleared his throat louder. "Cariño."
When you raised your hand to show him your middle finger, he smiled satisfactorily. Jake was content with getting even a gram of your attention. There was a personal pleasure in getting under your skin, as if his day got 200 times better.
"Did you sleep well?" He was going to keep pushing until he got more from you. "I slept amazingly, actually. Last night, I found a video where..."
"I'm not interested, Lockley." You growled, finally raising your head.
"There she is." You wanted to wipe that cocky smile off his face with a punch. You could only hope that one day he would annoy the wrong person, and someone else would take care of the dirty work. "As beautiful as always."
"I hate you."
"Ouch, my heart." He placed a hand over his chest, still smiling.
"Go to..."
"Good morning, everyone!" You nibbled on your lower lip to avoid screaming over the professor about how much you wished a truck would run over Jake Lockley.
At least with this, you were free of him for the next three hours.
It wasn't long before a poorly folded note landed on your desk.
Hey :)
With your index finger, you pushed the note, letting it fall to the floor.
The next one also landed on the floor.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You caught a glimpse of what looked like a poorly drawn cat. Next paper to the floor.
You didn't even bother opening the next one.
"Professor?" Hearing him speak again made you lift your gaze, wondering what nonsense he would come up with this time. "We have a trash bin in the classroom for a reason, right?" As he said this, he pointed at you and then at the papers on the floor.
"No, no, no! I didn't..."
"You two again?" The professor pressed the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he sighed heavily. His gaze landed on you almost immediately. "Get out of my class."
"Out." After a few seconds of silence, you realized he was serious, and you had no choice but to make as much noise as possible with your belongings while standing up.
"Go to hell, Lockley." You said loudly, eliciting a collective 'uhhh' from the group. If you were already in trouble, it was better to have a good reason.
"You're staying for..."
"Detention, yes, yes." You growled as you slammed the classroom door.
You could still feel Jake's gaze on you, along with his triumphant smile. You didn't cross paths with him for the rest of the day.
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It seemed that the next day fate was on your side because there were no signs of life from him.
Classes passed as boring as ever, in fact, even more so now that you had no one to argue or talk with. 
It was quieter without him around. Well, the good side was that you were finally free to go home.
You had no choice but to cross the edge of the football field to leave school. Both hands were in your pockets, and you had your earphones on. You were almost thanking God for getting through another day without Jake Lockley.
At the last row of stands, there was someone. It wasn't uncommon, and you would have done your best to avoid them, except this time you recognized who it was even with his face hidden in his hands.
You rolled your eyes when you realized you couldn't even have a single day of peace.
Fortunately, not even the sound of footsteps caught his attention. In fact, it left you more intrigued how loudly he was breathing. Perhaps today was the day he finally crossed paths with the wrong person and got put in place.
You shrugged to yourself and kept walking, but your chest decided it didn't agree with you.
What if something had happened to him? Was he crying?
"Keep walking, keep walking, keep walking," you thought to yourself when your legs wouldn't move any further.
You retraced your steps.
"Are you okay?" It came out in a stronger tone than you would have liked.
When he lifted his head from his hands, your stomach churned. You always thought you'd enjoy the day someone finally gave Jake Lockley what he deserved, but this felt horrible.
He nodded silently when he realized it was you.
There was a cut along the bridge of his nose and another on his eyebrow. Blood was flowing from one of his nostrils and reached his lips, all on top of a black eye.
His response should have been enough for you to continue your way, but...
"You don't look good."
He laughed, not genuinely, but one of those laughs you give automatically when someone tries to cheer you up in the worst moments, even though you weren't joking.
"You should've seen the other guy." You didn't smile.
He was a jerk, even in this situation.
You hesitated a few seconds before making your decision. You took a seat next to him on the stands, close enough for your leg to brush against his.
You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Jake didn't even bother to look at you, but at least he wasn't hiding in his hands anymore; he was watching the field as if the grass were the most interesting thing on planet Earth.
"Can I see?" you whispered after a while.
"Your face. Can I see?" He finally turned to you in silence, and you did the same, daring to look at him. If you noticed any hint of him about to give you that stupid smug grin he always had, you'd make him regret it even more.
But no. Those huge brown eyes were fixed on you as if he were a lost puppy.
You used your right hand to gently hold his chin, lifting his head slightly to search for any other injuries. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be more than what you noticed at first glance.
You pulled the sleeve of your sweater enough to cover part of your hand, which was such a light shade of pink it could pass for white, though you didn't care as you used the fabric to wipe away the blood running from his nose.
If only you had been aware of how Jake's heart was racing.
You licked the fabric slightly to dampen it when you noticed the blood had started to dry.
"Is this why you didn't go to class?" You tried to fill the silence that was starting to make you nervous.
He nodded without saying anything more. You never thought you'd wish to hear his annoying voice.
"Was it a fight?" Another nod. Well, knowing there was no one else bothering him was enough to give you some relief. You kept cleaning. Under his nose and upper lip. The wounds looked less dramatic without so much blood.
He licked his lips, cleaning off any remaining blood. You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder when you finally stood up.
"It's late, Jake. Go home." you whispered. You didn't care if it seemed like you were talking to yourself. You didn't wait for a response before walking away, or at least taking two steps before his voice stopped you.
"Hey." You spun on your own feet to look at him. "Thanks, cariño."
You smiled; you couldn't have stopped it even if you wanted to.
"See you tomorrow." It was the last thing you said before continuing to walk.
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And yes, you did see him the next day, against your will.
The following days were torturous for both him and you, as Jake set out to annoy you in new ways.
He asked you at least 4 times if you would spend some time with him after school, like a date or in any situation. He simply took your concern for him as a way of saying, "Maybe I don't hate you as much as you think."
You were on the verge of exploding.
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You were tangling the cable of your laptop when you noticed a silhouette in front of you. You didn't have to look up to know who it was.
It was just the two of you in the classroom now that everyone had left.
"What do you want, Lockley?" You didn't look up as you packed your charger into your backpack.
"I want to know if we can hang out after school," his tone was firm, more than usual.
"I already told you, Jake, in how many languages do you want me to say it? Fortunately, it's the same in Spanish or I doubt you'd understand," you were not in the mood, not today, not now, and especially not after having rejected his invitations several times before.
"I just want to buy you an ice cream, cariño. Or do you prefer a smoothie? A frappe?" The poor guy was desperate.
"I don't want anything." You finally turned to face him with a frown, adjusting your backpack on your shoulder.
"¿Por qué tienes que portarte como una idiota conmigo?"
"I understood it, you enormous jerk!" Your voice rose almost immediately as you pushed his chest to keep him away. "We're not friends, Jake, we're nothing. I can't stand you, and you can't stand me either. What happened the other day was just some human empathy."
Your index finger kept hitting his chest again and again as you spoke, your frown remained deep.
In Jake's eyes, you looked nothing more than an annoyed kitten, hissing when someone gets too close.
"So leave me alone, seriously, because I swear if you keep this up, I'm going to..." You couldn't continue speaking because his lips were on yours, devouring them like a starving man.
Your eyes opened in surprise just seconds before you succumbed to his delicious taste of mint and cigarettes. Your hands slowly traveled up his chest until they reached his shoulders, which you held onto when your legs weakened.
It wasn't fair that he was such a good kisser.
He moved forward slowly, guiding you until your body was pressed against one of the walls of the classroom. His hands were hooked onto your waist as if you were going to run away at any moment.
You had no intention of doing that; your mind was genuinely somewhere else. However, after eliciting a delicious moan from the guy in front of you by biting his lower lip, your thoughts were momentarily disrupted.
"Please, hermosa." he whispered with a husky voice as his kisses trailed down your chin. "Please, just one date."
You couldn't hate him more. How could he do this to you?
Your eyes were closed as you tilted your head to the side, guiding Jake to your neck. You nodded without saying anything.
A moan escaped your lips when you felt him bite your skin, sucking with enough force to leave a mark.
"Fuck, Lockley," you whispered with heavy breaths as he pulled away from your neck. That stupid cocky smile. Ugh.
"Then I'll see you this afternoon." You hated him. Really, you hated him, just as much as you hated his ridiculous and soft lips now coated with your strawberry-flavored lip gloss.
"Fine." You wished your mouth had expressed what you felt, but your body was acting faster than you."
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He picked you up in his car, and you would have preferred to jump out of it while it was still moving than admit that there was something about being in Jake Lockley's car that made you feel... special, especially after hearing him call it 'baby' more than once.
The car smelled like leather, cigarettes, and his cologne.
"You look beautiful." You rolled your eyes with a smile as he got in on the opposite side of the car.
"Thanks, Jake." If you were going to spend so many hours together, the least you could do was try to make it tolerable for both of you. However, you remained on guard for any stupid remarks that might come out of his mouth.
"So, ice cream?"
"I love the vanilla ice cream from McDonald's."
"McDonald's it is, then."
Was it because it was him, or were you just easily impressed to feel delighted with an invitation for a one-dollar ice cream?
"Are you going to tell me why you got beaten up the other day?"
"I didn't get beaten up." He rolled his eyes as he placed a hand on your seat to look back, reversing the car.
Oh, that was...
"Well." You imitated his disgusted gesture. "Why did they fight you then?"
"It was over something stupid. Can we talk about something else?"
"And what could you and I talk about?"
"About school?"
"Boring." When he stopped at the drive-thru, you remained silent, smiling.
"Two vanilla ice creams, and... do you want something else?" Was this what it felt like to be the passenger princess?
"And some fries."
"Have you ever eaten fries with ice cream?" You asked as he drove forward to receive his ridiculously small order.
"Together? No." He frowned as he looked in his wallet for the exact 3 dollars to pay the girl at the window. "That's disgusting."
Receiving your ice cream made you confirm that this was what it felt like to be a passenger princess.
"Or maybe you just have terrible taste." You also received the fries.
You would have never imagined that Jake Lockley's idea of a date was sitting in his car, chatting and eating fast food, but you weren't complaining. He was doing an excellent job of making you feel comfortable.
You didn't even notice when the sun set, and the McDonald's parking lot emptied, leaving just the two of you.
"Jake? They'll worry at home, it’s late."
"Sorry, cariño! I didn't even notice." He quickly started the car, and you laughed because you would have never imagined that a guy like him would care about what your parents might say.
You sighed heavily as you got back into your seat. If only the day lasted longer.
And if only the way home was longer.
He opened the door for you just as he did when you got in, and you smiled in thanks. You turned on your heels to face him after stepping onto the sidewalk; you needed the extra inches to be able to look him in the eyes.
"Thanks for driving me," you whispered as he took a step closer to you.
"You're welcome, cariño."
"And thanks for the ice cream."
"You're welcome, cariño." he repeated, trying not to laugh.
"And the fries." His hands found your waist as he pulled you closer, keeping you on the edge of the curb.
"You're welcome, cariño." He finally laughed before leaning in just enough to leave a chaste kiss on your lips.
"See you tomorrow." Another kiss, short and gentle.
Both of you went to bed with the most ridiculous smiles on your faces.
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You were looking around nervously, feeling a pit in your stomach at the mere idea of running into Jake. How should you approach him this time? Did you want to deal with the curious stares from your classmates?
Well, you didn't have to look for an answer because a hand pulling your arm took you out of your reverie. Before you could react, you found yourself locked inside the janitor's closet, and once again, you were about to kill Jake Lockley.
"Jake... What the fuck?" You said with almost disappointment. Just when you thought he couldn't annoy you any more.
There was no response from him. The only thing you got from him was the most desperate kiss you had ever received. His tongue was exploring every inch of you while you tried not to knock over the stack of mops and brooms next to you.
"I missed you," was all he could say between kisses. You wondered if he had always been this intense or if it was his strange fixation on you.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath, looking at him. Bright brown eyes, flushed cheeks, and lips now pink from kissing you.
Maybe you didn't hate him as much as you had sworn.
"Can you lock the door?" you whispered, looking at him with your lower lip between your teeth. Maybe it would be fair to give back some of the mistreatment you've put him through lately, while he looks at you with so much admiration.
Maybe he deserved it.
He stretched out a hand to obey you, when the 'click' resounded in the small closet, your hands immediately went to his jeans, you unbuttoned them without looking away.
"Shhh, do you want to get caught?" You questioned with a smile that nearly made Jake faint.
You pulled his jeans down enough to free his erection, still covered by his boxers. You gathered saliva in your mouth before running your tongue along it to moisten his underwear, all without taking your eyes off of his.
He exhaled heavily causing a smile in you. You licked over the top of the cloth again a few times before slowly lowering his boxers.
You swallowed when his cock was in front of your face.
"What is it, hermosa?" He questioned with a mocking smile when he noticed the surprise in your expression.
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes as you spit into your hand to hold it. You licked its entire length again from base to tip.
You aligned it to your mouth with your hand while your lips were in charge of leaving wet kisses on the head, not caring that your lips were being stained with pre-cum.
"Hermosa." Jake repeated, his voice shaking. You already knew what he wanted but your habit of bothering him was always present in you.
"Yes, Jakey?"
"Please, what?" You looked up at him as you traced little circles on his slit.
“Put it in your mouth. Please please please".
“You are adorable when you ask properly.” You gave a small laugh before obeying him. You took a deep breath in through your nose and you pushed it into your mouth in one movement, to the point where you felt it hitting your throat.
“Carajo.” He whispered breathlessly and finally placed a hand in your hair. He held a few strands in his fist and pushed you further against him, to the point where your nose collided with his abdomen.
You'd have to fix your makeup when you got out of there.
And although your eyes began to water, you didn't move away or make any fight to push him, first dead before letting yourself lose. After a few seconds he released you, letting you take a breath and sniff.
"Do you want to kill me?" You whispered laughing as you licked your lips.
"It seems to me that you are the one who wants to kill me, hermosa." His fingers squeezed your chin before pulling you back against his erection.
It didn't take long for you to open your lips for him, taking his entire member into your mouth for the second time.
Your gaze was still fixed on him.
"Are you going to swallow it all, mi amor?" With teary eyes you nodded, your hands resting on his thighs. "Buena chica."
Both hands went to your hair to keep you still. You obeyed and opened your mouth wide for him, even sticking your tongue out from under his cock so he could move freely.
He thrusted into your mouth without an ounce of mercy, you could feel your saliva run down your chin to your neck. When his movements became more frantic you knew he was getting closer.
The heat in his lower abdomen had him covering his mouth with one hand trying not to make any more noise.
One more hard thrust and Jake came. His hot cum ran down your throat as there wasn't enough room in your mouth to keep it there, it shot straight for you to swallow.
"Are you okay?" You questioned with a smirk as you wiped your chin with the back of your hand.
"Better than okay, cariño."
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Hey :)
A note appeared on your desk, making you roll your eyes before laughing softly. You uncapped your pink pen to write underneath the horrible handwriting.
Hi! ♡
You filled in the heart before placing the paper on Jake's desk. You even winked at him when he looked surprised to receive a response.
Vanilla ice cream after classes?
And fries too? :)
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - it was a pretty darn good time, frankly
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - Everyone looked like they were having a lot of fun in the fight sequences. I’m very happy for them. I’m not surprised they shot Khem and Chart. A little shocked it wasn’t also Yai, TBH.
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I found this final episode rushed. According to rumors, The Sign was originally slated to be 14 eps, and it probably should’ve been. And I don’t say that often about Thai BL. But we all knew it was getting too bloated for its britches, so I'm not surprised they fumbled the ending. For me personally, it just wasn't that bad. It was fine and I was fine with it.
Tho, Billy does not look good with facial fur, messes up those gorgeous angles.
I was ultimately amused that the solution to the mythology thread was simply to talk to the river god and persuaded him to give up... off screen. It felt very old school wuxia. Or like Aeschylus or something. I did adore the stinger, Saint was basically like “I want wings too”. 
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This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, PNR, fated mates, police procedural, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and slasher. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it. Was it a crazy unhinged mess +1 roll for damage? Yes. Yes it was. Did it manage to hold all those tangled threads together? No it did not. Was it also a charming, sexy, engaging, non-stop piece of entertainment? Sure thing. I think this show is basically my KinnPorsche, and frankly I’ve been chasing that dragon naga since KP aired. Is it perfect? No. But it was balls to the wall FUN and that gets a 9/10 from me.
I'm thinking of doing a full recap review (partly because I have so many great screen shots.)
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 10-11 of 12 - Since this series is following the yaoi so closely, I knew these were the separation eps. (Also I knew with would be a soft non-doom ep 11, Japan rarerly does these.) I like that they used it to show improve communication and development in all relationships, but, frankly, TayNew are just best when they are TayNew together on screen. So yeah. Let’s keep them back together, please?
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Meanwhile, TayNew gifted us a gorgeous loving sweet sex scene. Thanks OG for doing us a solid. 
I wanna add, it sure is fun to see New play as soft and vulnerable character, I feel like he hasn’t done that since SOTUS. 
(Read all about distribution issues here.)
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 12fin - 1/3 of this is a sweet romance about a student doctor falling in love with a student chef, and the rest of it is utter dross. Look the OffGun bits were GREAT.. In fact, I think they’re better AS A PAIR in this show than in any of their other BLS. And I'm a hard sell on any OffGun being better than PickRome. Saying that, how can I review a show where I could only tolerate 1/3 of it? Because I didn’t like any other aspect of this show, no other pairs and no other plots. That gives me: 9/10 for the OffGun bits, 5/10 for everything else. Frankly it probably should be an 8 but I gotta go with my gut and it's upset about this so 7/10. Sorry boys. It’s GMMTV’s fault. Your heart was in this show, mine wasn’t. 
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City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - These two are so good at making heart eyes at each other. It’s ridiculous. They don’t need any cartoon images or noises. Moot crush but "I wanna flirt and court more" is so flipping awesome. I love this for them… and us. 
1000 Years Old ep 2 of 12 - It’s very silly and we have been gifted with the dorkiest vampire ever. But... the smell thing makes me so happy. And I like that the vamp uses chan/nai or tan = v old fashioned. Nahlak. I love our ghost girl. Did you notice she wasn’t in the room with them but they left an empty chair for her? Also nahlak.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 6 - Kai was pretty much just “you're a workaholic but I basically married you whether you like it or not.” SMOOCH. What can I say? I'm a sucker for this dynamic.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - How is this show so cute? How do they both love and hurt each other so much. They are both just scared of loosing each other. Gah.
Unknown (Taiwan Sat Youku YouTube) 1 of 12 eps - Youku dropped the first ep to their YouTube channel but I doubt we can expect that to continue. Still, it was nice to be able to watch it in a convenient way. I enjoyed it. But I am cautious about it. Of course this is possibly two of my favorite tropes of all time (stepbrothers or a variation + hyung romance). So I’m looking forward to the romantic thread, but from the gritty style, it feels a lot more like a Taiwanese short. Which means it could go very dark and may not end happy. 
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Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - I just don’t know if the main couple should be a couple. But when they finally get around to talking to each other, they sure are lovely. Also how great is it to see a uke initiate a kiss? Even if it’s not a very good kiss. 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 2 of 8 - I am still not sure about this one. I am not contesting its quality, just saying it’s not for me. Also I’m not wild about what amounts to basically a redo of everything that already happened in the first episode from a different perspective. I know it’s a tall order with Japan, but I would like (when it’s a short series) for each new installment to actually move the plot (such as it is) along in someway. Am I asking too much?
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It's done but I have no time
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
It's airing but...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - rumors are it's interesting but full of unlikable characters. I'm waiting to know how it ends.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far. Ends next week TF.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - I tried but I can't get into my WeTV account anymore and I'm way too lazy to figure it out. Should I bother to go grey for it?
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand YT) - High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite when both of them have full time jobs but coming out is still a problem. You can watch this on YT but it has no Eng Subs.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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We're light on content right now, but frankly I'm so busy with work I don't really mind.
3/6 Born to be Y (Thai ????) 10 eps - 14 contestants who audition to compete in Born To Be Y, a program that searches for the best couple of the year to work together on a giant project. Described as semi-reality series. So I probably won't bother.
3/7 Deep Night (Thai iQiyi) 10 eps - Multiple romances set in a host clubs. Nice to see First back on my screen but this is not my favorite setting.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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The eyes have it.
Your random BL moment brought to you by my ult-bias being a hyung smartass to his maknae.
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(Last week)
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
SAGAU story idea
Apologies for the wrong lore or information. I don't play it, and I write it based on memories.
In which you, the player, are heavily associated with Celestia (friends? boss and secretary? etc.). You and the (bunch of gods in) Celestia have looked over this world forever. You are close, and you would bicker with them once in a while, but there are ranks between you and them.
With that being said, you know with certainty that Celestia has done many unforgivable things. No, you may be a part of them, but you refused to be one of them.
What you have seen in the game is worse, but not as bad as what Celestia came up with. Why doesn't it show? Well, that's because you interfere and reason with Celestia to tone down their ruthlessness.
Celestia is like the embodiment of a childish king who took the throne and thinks they can do anything, and you are like the minister who's trying to make the situation less worse.
The day you became a very responsible person is when the Archon war began. It was at this point where you realized you questioned why did you became friends with them.
For safety's sake and to improve the Celestia image (you failed this part hard), you didn't use any names but preferred to be seen and called as Celestia, as disgusting as it is.
When Khaenriah did something that absolutely got on Celestia's nerve, they began to plan the most horrible plan of all. That plan was to wipe out everything and restart. A failure, they said, and you, as the most reasonable of all, decided to smack some brain cells into them.
And thus, Khaenriah got destroyed, and the people turned into monsters and so on. Some few gods also lost their lives, and other troubling things began to pop up. But hey, you prevented the destruction of the entire world, and that's something.
The Electro Archon and her sibling would cease to exist, but you tweak the string of fate, and only one of them died. Sure, the nation will be a bit tense in the future because of the newly made Archon, but don't worry, you've got a plan for this, but that's for later.
The Geo Archon also lost someone just as planned otherwise. If both survived, something even more horrible would greet them if they stayed there, and you need certain people in certain areas to keep the plan in motion, so the God of Dust has to go.
Venti wasn't supposed to be an Anemo Archon, but he did because you planned it! if the rebels, the God of Storm and the God of North Wind keep doing that, everyone will be fcked. Game over. You placed the pieces carefully, and that's how Venti's background came to be.
Dendro Archon sacrificed herself to save her people from the forbidden knowledge that is spreading and same goes for her friends. This is the acceptable route because, in the beginning, Celestia wanted them to be straight up deceased with no disease. But you are very good at negotiating, and this is how it came to be.
For creating a new species of human, the Hydro Archon were prisoned, assumed control again and then died. She get replaced but that doesn't mean the new species of human would get spared from the sin. Celestia is just that sadistic and cruel. You were a bit late to the game, but you got a plan! You knew how to avert killing thousands of people. Unfortunately, at the cost of a certain new Archon's life. Again. Damn.
You have done so many things, all for the greater good. Celestia is despicable for wanting to destroy everything, but no doubt you are more despicable after all; you planned every tragedy just so Celestia don't act on their whim.
You could have stopped Celestia, but you are the smart one. You deduced that if you continue to disobey and disregard their orders and opinions, Celestia would have ditched you and destroyed everything. You love this world enough you couldn't bear to see it get destroyed.
Obviously, no one knows this. No one knows you planned the most intricate plan with the most complicated results, but when they do, it's mostly half true. No doubt that some had assumed you are the cause of the tragedy, which isn't wrong, but compared to the original order by Celestia, this is by far, less tragic.
What you failed to see is that the unknown god has dragged a certain pair of twins into this mess, and now you have to think even harder and smarter on how they are going to affect Teyvat and the future to come.
This is your previous life. Your recent life was a normal person and had a hobby for gaming. Your new life started when you woke up in Genshin Impact.
The new you doesn't know the past you, but you know the story unfolding before your eyes when you played the game as the traveler.
How does the story go when you begin your journey?
I know things don't line up, but then again, it's just an idea, and I'm tired.
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1-800-local-slut · 7 months
My Crazy Wife and Kids
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Rio x Black! Fem! Reader
Warnings: bad parenting (not outrageous, they just don't know what their really doing), reader had a hard childhood, light child endangerment, arguing between reader and basically everyone, angst with a fluffy ending, the reader is Caribbean because I really understand the struggle of trying to understand Caribbean parents, mentions and allusions of smut, mentions of cancer, reader works as a pimp under Rio
Guess what's harder, raising three girls vs running a drug empire? Rio and his wife are the proud parents to three girls and struggle to raise them and change the way they were both raised
Please let me know if you enjoy, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Also I'm taking request for Rio and every character I write for, I wanna write more stuff for my baby daddy! <3
This is a long one lol
Important info: The oldest daughter is nine, the twins are seven
The car was silent. The twins sat beside their oldest sister, Valentina. Amancia and Alvita squirmed in their seats while Valentina stole glances at the front of the car. Her father, Rio, kept his hands gripped on the steering wheel and his eyes glued forward as he drove them home from church.
Their mother had their iPads sitting in her purse. She'd taken them as punishment the moment they got back in the car. It felt like riding to your doom, sitting in the car with two angry parents like hers.
The sun beaming outside did nothing to ease her nerves, and the thought of winding down the window and risking sending her mother into a lecture was not one she was willing to act on.
Don't get it twisted; the girls were by no means treated awfully by their parents. But when you have an old-world Caribbean mother who still 100% believed in spankings, there's no telling what you're in for after a day of acting up.
The more familiar the streets got, the more anxious she got. Sure, she was supposed to just go to the bathroom and take the twins with her. But how could she resist taking a little walk outside? And how could she resist going to the corner store?
When they got back with bunches of (stolen) candy and got caught by a deaconess, Amancia decided that was the best time to bust out that swear word she heard their mom call some lady on the phone.
Amancia called her a cunt, and Valentina could feel her ass start to throb from the spanking they were about to get. Alvita bit the deaconess the moment she tried to grab the three of them.
It was over then.
They were sitting in the driveway now, and Valentina realized that Alvita had snot running down her nose and her hair that their mom perfectly styled that morning, and Amancia was staring off into space as if she accepted her fate.
Her mother cleared her throat as daddy turned off the car. He let out a weary sigh and ran a ringed hand over his face. Her mom cleared her throat and turned back to look at them.
"Go take a shower. Valentina, you first."
"Why on God's green Earth did she call that woman a cunt? I don't know," his wife sighed as she wrapped the scarf around her hair.
"Because she heard you call that lady a cunt on the phone last month. I knew something was up; I saw her little ass twitching to use the word," Rio chuckled, opening the sheets for her to come into his arms.
"You think this is funny? I had to be the bad guy again," she asked as she crawled into his arms. The silk of their red sheets covered her, and the TV played Empire in the background. Rio reached over and turned off the bedside lamp. The large room was dark now and was only illuminated by the glow of Cookie Lyon beating her son with a broom.
"It's funny because that woman is a cunt. You know it, I know it, and Vita just said what we were thinking," he yelped, the pinch getting him hard.
"Yes, Sister Jefferson is a cunt. Our kids will respect authoritative figures." She was getting upset now. She shifted away from him slightly, and Rio didn't miss it. Rio wasn't sure what to say next, so he figured it was best to just agree.
"You're right."
"So why don't you act like it?" Silence.
"What do you want from me?" He asked after a moment.
"I want you to stop leaving me to punish our kids all alone. I know I pushed them from my pussy myself, but I didn't put them there alone. You just stood there like a fucking idiot while I dealt with them, and I'm sick of being the bad guy." During their confrontation with their three daughters and forcing them to call Sister Jefferson to apologize, Rio more or less stood there. In the past, she did ask him to not just be the fun parent, but sometimes it still slipped his mind.
"So you're mad I didn't yell at them? You're mad at me because I didn't chase them down with a stick or make them write out sentences 100 times? Don't piss me off." It wasn't that serious, was it? An annoyed huff was his answer.
"Yeah. The girls adore you, and I'm just the bitch who takes their shit and sends them to bed. Then you have the fucking audacity to say it was my fault she called that woman a cunt. What about you? You remember teaching our kids Spanish, yeah? So when you're going on and on swearing in a way that would kill your mother, you think they don't understand you. Come off it, you prick." She rolled even further from him now. He had a feeling she was pissed off earlier at dinner after she called the girls down and even after she tucked them all in.
"You wanna call me a prick louder, ma? Maybe Amancia will hear you and use that one next Sunday." It was a mistake, and he wanted to suck the words back into his throat. It was an intrusive thought that he didn't have time to stop from slipping out.
He could hear the craziness turning in her brain. He didn't just marry her for no reason; he married her because she could hold him down. And to hold Rio down, you have to be a bit crazy in your own right.
He was on the ground with a thud, and the TV was off.
"Did you just fucking push me?!"
She was silent now, the way he had been during the confrontation earlier.
"Hello? I know you hear me? Did you really just throw me onto the floor?" A pillow slammed into his chest, and he knew it meant he was not welcome back in this bed.
"So now we're just throwing each other off things, right?" More silence, as she pulled a pair of headphones onto her head, and he could hear the sound of the ocean bleeding through. Pulling an eye mask over her face, he just huffed and headed to the door.
The sun shone through the kitchen as she chopped up sausages to make breakfast. It was 5:30 now, and the girls would be up soon. Where her fucking idiot of a husband was, she didn't really care. How dare he! Leave her alone with the kids?
It had been a while (nine years) since her first pregnancy. He wasn't as useless back then. And she knows she was not alone in that bed making that baby. She didn't want to do things the way she did.
Yes, she struggled at times to show affection, but that wasn't her fault. She didn't have a mom to show her how to hug or any older sisters to teach her how to be a girl. She had to learn about femininity from watching the older girls around her shitty neighborhood. Hell, until she met Rio she wasn't even sure about having kids.
When they asked where grandma was, the last thing she wanted was to explain was that her mom killed four people in a gang fight and that she herself was born in jail before she was released to her grandma who was hardly around. That she spent one day every weekend driving to a prison to see her mom. That even as a grown adult, she still gets collect calls from her mother and her husband sends money for her books and does whatever her can for her in jail.
It wasn't entirely her choice to keep the girls from their grandma. Grandma expressed no desire for them to know that she sold her whole life to kill four people.
Growing up the way she did, why did everyone just expect her to be a model mother over night? Good at all the emotional shit that came with kids? She wasn't and it was fucked that her dickhead of a husband may as well be a totem pole the way he just stands there sometimes. Behind her the fridge opened. Speak of the devil she supposed. Still she ignored him.
Since she was a fuck up, since everything he said was bad for the girls then it was better she didn't speak to his dumbass at all.
"Good morning baby." After 13 years of marriage his voice still made her wet. Still she relented.
"How did you sleep? It wasn't the best for me, my back hurt and I had to sleep on the couch. You wanna rub it out for me baby?" He was testing her, testing the waters to see if she was still steamed. He was very close to getting slapped with a pan.
Nothing from her as she poured three cups of lemonade for the girls who she heard moving around upstairs. Returning to the stove, she started scraping the food into three plates. She felt his hands creep up her sides.
"Look. Look baby, I'm sorry. I know you're not the best with being affectionate with the girls and I know you struggle to figure out how to go about things with them. But I want you to know we're a team. I'm gonna start acting like it baby." His apology was smooth and deep in her ear. Still she could hear the honesty in his voice and tears bubbled up in her eyes.
The girls had a lot to do today. From Valentina's dance classes after school, the Amancia has a piano class and Alvita has science classes at her advanced tutoring company after school. And knowing she wouldn't have to be pissed off at her husband all day was a lot better.
"It's hard. I want to be closer to them so bad but I can't. I don't know how to be a good mom, or how to comfort them or teach them anything that isn't violence. All the books and youtube videos in the world can't teach you how to be a parent. I want to think I'm doing good so bad. I would fucking die for my girls. I would kill for them and end up in jail right next to my momma for them and I just can't seem to prove that to them. And it would be a lot easier to have someone for them to be angry at instead of me when they do something wrong." She sniffled, whipping tears from her eyes and turning into his chest.
He smelt so good. Like leather and the Dark Temptation body wash she picked up for him last time she went to Target and she made a mental note to buy it again. His strong arms wrapped around hers and he pressed a kiss to her scarfed head. One hand rubbed her back while she cried.
"Mama, the girls love you. You are a great mother. Just by being here you do more than so many people who up and run. They look up to you like you're the Sun. You're the only mom they have and I can see that they wanna be just like you. I'm sorry that I was being the fun parent. You know my entire life, I said I would be there for my kids for the good and the bad. And I've just been sitting back for the bad like my grandpa did. He left my grandma to struggle with me and Nick.
For a long ass time I thought my grandma was just hard on me for no reason. Now I know it's the stress of having to be with someone who's only there half the time and I'm sorry I put you through that."
When he mentioned his grandma his voice cracked. She pressed a soft kiss to his shirtless chest and she nodded against him, wrapping her arms around his smooth frame. She ran her fingers over a small scar on his back that he got when he was putting the cribs up for the twins.
"I'm sorry I pushed you off the bed." One of the girls was using the toilet, while the shower turned on again and it sounded like one of them (probably Amancia) was still in bed and she knew she'd have to get her up soon. A deep chuckle resonated through him and sent tingles through her entire body.
"It's alright, I'm sorry I was being a prick."
He stole a piece of sausage from the scrambled eggs and popped it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed before giggling.
"Shhhh, Amancia might hear you." She teased, and he smirked down at her in response.
"Aw don't be pouty baby. You'll look so good in that tutu." Rio snickered, sipping from his wine glass and placing it back on their marble counter top. It was a mother daughter dance recital and she was less than thrilled to get this invitation. No actually. She was thrilled. She was thrilled to do something with her daughter, not with a fuck ton of people watching but she would never be ashamed to show off with her princess in front of the whole world.
Valentina was fidgeting around, doing little dance moves and dancing around with her little sisters. How could she say no to that? The woman would be prancing around on stage, matching pink tutu. She was married to a drug lord and helped run his empire with an iron fist. She wasn't used to being in the spot light and as ironic as it was.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want too."
The girls stopped playing. Valentina was standing in front of her mother who was sitting on a chair in front of their kitchen island. She looked like she felt bad for even asking and it put a knife in her heart. She realized then that she didn't hide her emotions as well as she hoped.
"No, no I want too! I was just thinking about how awful those other moms and daughters are gonna look dancing next to us. We're gonna eat them up, trust." Scooping up Valentina with a hug, she nibbled on her cheeks and kissed her silly. Her little princess squealed in delight and she twirled her around.
She needed a drink and a smoke. Rio chuckled as she pulled a cigarette out her pack and lit it. She stole a sip from his wine while she looked at the paper.
"Fuck, I can't make this rehearsal next week." She exhaled the smoke and Rio pushed the sliding door that led to the patio open next to her.
He slid into the seat next to her and heard the girls start up a round of Mario Kart. She rested a head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pushing an ashtray towards her.
"That's the first one. What do you have?"
"I have a mammogram, and I pushed this one back twice already." Rio always got nervous when she had to go to the doctor for any reason. Especially when it was a titty doctor as he liked to call them.
"Yeah thats important. I'm sure Val will understand."
"I feel awful. You know my grandma had breast cancer, and I'm sure I'm okay but I need to be sure. I want to be here for the girls as long as I can without my tits trying to kill me." Rio rubbed her shoulders. He stood up, now standing behind her and rubbing her shoulder blades.
"Don't worry about it ma. I'll go for you." He joked, nuzzling his face into her neck. Her phone rang on the counter and she saw it was one of her girls. Was it ironic that she handled sex work for her husband when she'd just die if one of their daughters was a hooker? Yes. It was also ironic that she was concerned about her tits killing her when she was in the middle of a cigarette.
"Mhm, sexy." She chuckled, running her hand over his crotch before turning around to face forward and. Her bit his bottom lip, brown eyes basically fucking her.
"Hello?" His hands slipped down her sides and up to her chest. Her breath hitched and her legs twitched.
"Go do something with the girls and stop groping me Christopher."
"Ouch." He laughed before kissing her neck once more and slipping out of the room.
"Why?" Rio glanced at his wife and back at Valentina.
"I don't want to go today." Valentina muttered while picking at the mac and cheese. Pulling her jacket on, she was preparing for the chill of approaching winter.
"What are we paying 400 dollars a month for then? I can't force you to enjoy it but you will go. Did something happen, is someone bothering you at those classes?" Rio questioned. His wife gave him a small glance as if to say 'thank you for stepping in'.
"Nothing happened at ballet. It was school." Valentina lightly kicked the bag with an engraved 'V' on it that they had custom made for her.
"People have bad days baby." Deep down he was worried. Oh God what if she got touched and didn't want to tell them and was running from ballet? What if she's being threatened with violence? What if she's been expelled and didn't want to say? That's just like Valentina not to tell them that. She mumbled something.
"Is someone bothering you? Is it a teacher? A student?" Rio asked putting down the rag he was using to wipe down the counter. Valentina looked down at the table. Now Rio was going to have to fight someones dad. Great, just what he needed.
"You can tell me whose bothering you or I can go down to that school and figure it out." Her mother, was now sitting next to Valentina and looking into her similarly brown eyes. They always looked so similar. Sometimes, when Rio looked at Valentina he felt like he was looking at baby pictures of his wife.
Then Rio noticed it. The small bruise on her arm. It was so small and the color of the bruise wasn't so bad that it was noticeable. Their kid got her ass kicked. He knew Valentina was always the more timid one of his kids, not like the fiery Alvita and calculating Amancia who never hesitated to strike (speaking off, he hoped they weren't fighting someone at after school right now) but he always thought she would never be in a fight. He didn't realize her timid nature would inspire someone's anger.
"V, did you get in a fight?" Tears filled her eyes and before he knew it his wife grabbed her car keys.
"It was Terra! It was Terra and I don't want to see her at ballet!" Terra. Of course it was that little cunt and her whore mom probably encouraged this. His wife has had beef with with Mrs. Lipston since last month at the last pool party they all got invited too by Mr. and Mrs. Kerian. Martha Lipston made her dislike of his wife's new swimsuit very well known to all the other moms.
She also made her approval of Rio's ability to open beers with his teeth very well known. Rio personally thinks Martha Lipston looks like a horror game monster with all her plastic surgery. She was just hating because his wife was fine as hell.
"Put your coat on and lets go." Her mom demanded. Rio glanced over, he knew where this was going. Because his mind was going there too, was actually thinking about planting drugs on Mr. Lipston and calling DCFS on them for child endangerment.
It was a whole family of assholes trust him, dude borrowed his fucking lawnmower and kept it for seven months. Who needs a lawnmower for seven months? He knew his shitty lawn wasn’t growing that fast. Rio refused to buy a new one and just let him keep it like his wife suggested.
Rio was really bugging out over his lawnmower too. He spent nights up, wondering what the hell he was doing with his lawnmower for so long. She’d wake up next to him, asking him if he was still worried about the damn thing? That lawnmower had emotional significance to him and he didn’t like it being gone for so long.
He insisted it was the principal and one morning Rio couldn’t see through the lawn and tripped on a rock. That was it for him, he had to beat down their front door as nicely as he could. Would you believe his lawnmower was broken? How do you break someone’s lawnmower? Why not just tell him that you broke his lawnmower? Rio had half a mind to take him to court over his lawnmower and almost did. That was the last time Rio tried to be neighborly to any of these people, it pushed him to give up on humanity itself.
"I don't want to go." Valentina sniffled and pushed her mac and cheese away.
"Some little white bitch isn't gonna beat the crap out of you, and you're not gonna do anything about it. No, you're going to smack the shit out of her and if her mom tries anything I'm slapping the implants out her chest." He could see the nerves from her. Deep down, his wife was doing this out of a place of fear.
Fear that her kids was gonna get hurt and next time hurt real bad. He remembers how they met too. It was high school, when she got into a fist fight with some girls who had been going back and forth with her and her friends for months.
When she got caught alone, she got knocked upside her head with a padlock and ended up with a mild concussion. He was in the nurses office because he was skipping class in there with a fake headache. When he heard about how she got hit but still held her own, he knew he needed some of that.
Even better was how a week later she hunted down each attacker and beat the snot out of them one by one. To her, the only way to be safe, was the be more dangerous then whatever was about to attack you.
"I'll get thrown out of ballet school mom, please just drop it." "
You'll go." She growled sternly and pulled her earrings from her ears She was ready for a fight but Rio could clearly see that his daughter was not. She must've been hit something fierce.
"I don't want to get kicked out!" Her tiny voice cracked and her mother stopped for a moment of hesitation.
"Enough. Just enough both of you. Valentina, your mother is doing this because she loves you. She wants that little girl to know she doesn't just walk all over you and get away with it. I'm not sorry to say in this house you don't get your ass beat that way and deliver no punishment.
You don't have to get her in class, but you will have to face her again. In school, ballet class or in the parking lot of your school. How you do it is up to you. Fight her, we can go to the school or whatever but don't take something like this laying down." Valentina looked down with a huff. He ran a hand over her small one and she glanced softly at it. Then he focused on his wife. She glanced down and was chewing on one of her nails.
"You know what I'm about to say. Our kid isn't a fighter like us and that's fine. We didn't fight because we wanted too, we fought because we had too every day. We had our share of people trying to whop our asses. You already know that we gave our girls a life where they don't have to fight every day. That's okay. That's what we wanted. You don't gotta force our girls into a life they don't want the way that happened to you. Okay?" She nodded, and looked guilty. Like she felt guilty about her fear of something happening to her little girl.
Rio glanced at the clock, and at this point they were late to ballet. The clock ticked away. Nails scratched away at the counter and Rio waited for one of them to say something. Valentina broke the silence.
"I want to get back at her. But I can't stop thinking about the consequences. What if she tells on me? Or I get kicked out of ballet?"
"So what if she does? If someone hits you, you hit them back. I promise we will not be mad at you no matter what you do baby." Valentina silently nodded.
"I'll get her tomorrow morning in math." Valentina's mother ran her hands through her daughters braids and pulled her into a hug. Rio couldn't fight the smile that spread across his lips. He would count this as a win in the dad book.
"Okay. Do whatever you have to do for you. And keep your head up no matter what."
An understanding from the mother who always felt she knew best for her kids. Some fight put into their daughter. An ass whopping tomorrow morning. Maybe they weren't the best parents yet, but at least they were getting somewhere.
Tag List:
If you'd like to be added to my Rio taglist please lmk in the comments <3
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browneyesandhair · 2 months
Non-Exhaustive List of Soulmate Fics: Merthur
Okay, I'm bored so I'm compiling my favorite soulmate fics. Here's the Merthur edition:
True Love by platonic_boner
AU where soulmates can’t lie to each other. (That’s okay, Merlin wasn’t planning to lie to Arthur anyways! Haha.. ha.. ha…)
Don't Know You by platonic_boner
Arthur can't wait to meet the voice inside his head.
Sharing is Caring by platonic_boner
Arthur hadn't really given his soulmate much thought, until he beat a peasant with a broomstick and every blow hurt like he was hitting himself.
Thousand Times Worse. Or Better? by elirwen
Forced by Morgana's nagging, Arthur visits soulbond guidance office. Merlin Emrys is asigned to be his guide. That's where the simple ends and complicated begins.
Deeds by the5leggedCricket
Arthur is coming of age, and that means he’s about to get Deeds—marks on his body telling him of his soulmate’s greatest accomplishments. But as he tries to find his soulmate, he also makes some worrying discoveries about the kind of person his soulmate is.
Take Your Pain Away by BlueGrassSax
Merlin was young when he came to realise that his soulmate was either really clumsy or lived a chaotic existence. Being able to take on the injuries of your soulmate is just a fact of life, a fact that Merlin happily accepts as he learns the ins and outs of his healing magic. But coming to Camelot has disrupted his long held trust in the Fates, for how can someone as bull-headed and arrogant as the prince wear his mark?
Now I Will Unsettle the Ground Beneath You by nu_breed
Merlin's dreams have always fuelled his art, but they've always been abstract and removed from reality. Soon after he meets Gwaine, he starts to see vivid images of a past full of death and magic and love for a King who was ripped from him. Things only escalate further when he spends a weekend in the country with Gwaine and meets his group of friends, which includes aristocrat and It Boy, Arthur Pendragon. Merlin soon realises that no matter how hard you try, one thing is certain, you can't fuck with destiny.
Heart Lines by PeaceHeather
Everyone is born with a heart line, a pigmented mark running from the heart down the left arm to the palm, which turns color when the person comes of age, telling them when it is time to seek their soulmate. Red indicates a romantic love, while blue is for platonic "heart-friends", as the minstrels called it. Uther had always told Arthur to ignore his heart line, that it wouldn't matter who his soulmate was; princes did not marry for love, after all. If was lucky, he'd be able to keep her as a mistress, so long as he did not get any children with her. Uther hated magic and would have urged Arthur to ignore the heart line anyway, if he could. Arthur wasn't sure his soulmate was really a woman despite Uther's assumptions. But Arthur's heart line hadn't even come into its full color yet, which meant he hadn't come of age in the eyes of the gods, despite being named crown prince by Uther. So it really didn't matter: whoever his soulmate was, he wasn't yet ready to meet them. Then one day his heart line comes in, and it's neither red nor blue.
the gold of you that can't be seen by Fleetling
Arthur grins at him, waves his chubby hand. "Father!" he says, because he knows he should be formal with his father. There is no Pa here, no Dad or Da. There's something shiny on his father's head. He points to it. "What's that?" "Prince Arthur!" hisses the woman holding him, but his father only chuckles. The woman relaxes, just slightly. "It's a crown, my son. One day, you will wear one just like it." Arthur tilts his head, curiously. "What colour is it?" He thinks it's grey, just a shade off of the silver of the swords. It's the same silver-grey as half of the household's shiny jewelry, a not quite true silver. He doesn't think he likes it. "It's gold," says his father. "There's a lot of gold here in Camelot, my son." Arthur nods his head, and labels that silver-ish colour gold in his mind.   (Or: in a world where you can't see the colour of your soulmate's eyes until you meet them, Arthur can't see gold, and it makes his life as a prince much more difficult.)
Of All The Planets In All The Galaxies, He Walked Into Mine. by supercalvin
On Camelot, the base planet of the Albion Intergalactic Alliance, the people have a unique gift where the name of their soulmate appears on their arm. Finding one’s soulmate could be as easy as taking a shuttle over to the next planet or it could take years for destiny to find its way to their side of the galaxy. Ten years ago, Ambassador Arthur Pendragon found out the name on his arm wasn’t from any known language in the galaxy. He hadn’t had much faith in love ever since.
The Druid Consort by bluevalentine69
27-year-old Alpha Prince Arthur has been married off to 16-year-old Druid Prince Merlin to unite their kingdoms. Meeting for the first time at dawn to be handfasted by the customs of Merlin’s druid people - and expected to mate that night by the customs of Arthur's wolf-people - neither prince is best pleased by the situation. Tomorrow they will belong to each other in body and soul. Turns out, married life's not so bad ...
Four Days To Fall In Love. by CupCakezys
In a world where everyone has a soulmate (or two or three), Arthur Pendragon knows he is destined to be alone. For Arthur can see his heartstring, could follow it to where his soulmate lived, and that could only mean one thing. His soulmate had magic, and should they ever meet, Arthur would have to kill them.
the world entire by schweet_heart
The world is very still, and it occurs to Arthur suddenly how quiet it is. The bells don’t toll for dead manservants, only for princes and kings, but that just makes the clamour of his heart seem louder.   “Very well,” he says, pushing himself to his feet. “Then I’m going to have to save him.” Episode 1x13 AU. Nimueh accepts Merlin’s offer to exchange his life for Arthur’s. Arthur does not.
Hear Your Heart Sing (Love, Love, Love) by schweet_heart
Merlin used to like the idea of finding The One – until he fell in love with Arthur Pendragon. Now he has a boss he can't date (but can't stop thinking about), a soulmate he can't find (who has terrible taste in music), and a best friend who can't believe he still hasn't got his act together (even though it's seriously not his fault). Sometimes, life is unfairly complicated, even without your soulmate singing painfully catchy tunes in the back of your head.
Dreams Don't Turn To Dust by goodluckgettingtosleep
In a world where every person starts dreaming about their soulmate on the day of their 16th birthday, Prince Arthur is expected to be the soulmate of a beautiful princess. But when the big day finally rolls around, it turns out that his true soulmate is as far from a beautiful princess as one could get... a peasant boy with magic.
Let it be you by amithia
This is all Gwen's fault. Merlin never wanted a stupid smartphone in the first place. Now, he has a smartphone and a supercilious, posh git bullying him on Whatsapp. He really should block the prat. or The one where Merlin doesn't block the prat and finds out that, maybe, smartphones aren't so bad after all.
Feather and Fang by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf
Everyone knows that magic users have magic dæmons. Creatures of myth and legend. Some appear normal but have hides in unnatural colours. It's a way to pick them out of a crowd, find them, even when they try to hide in plain sight.
The Worst Wizard by bluevalentine69
Merlin is the worst wizard in wizarding school: his spells are accident prone and he is generally a walking disaster. When the time comes for his class to summon their familiars for the first time, many of the students summon powerful magical creatures. However, upon Merlin's turn, he summons a very unamused, regular human as a familiar: Arthur. Based on this prompt: https://kinksofcamelot.livejournal.com/1806.html?thread=557070#t557070. Now with original artwork!
Strangled by the Red String of Fate by idlestories
“It has its roots in a legend from the east, sire. I believe it’s called the red string of fate.” “Fate?” Arthur said incredulously. “What, is he going to be the one to kill me?” “Getting more likely by the minute,” Merlin supplied. “Shut up, Merlin.” Gaius held up a weary hand. “Legend has it that the string connects people to the person with whom they are most compatible.” There was a beat of silence. “You have got to be kidding me.”
octarine by schweet_heart
Merlin isn't Arthur's soulmate, and Arthur isn't Merlin's, yet somehow in spite of themselves they're everything to one another. Which is why, when Arthur finally starts seeing in colour, he isn't willing to let Merlin go without a fight. Written for Merlin_Holidays Fest 2016.
you are my favorite mistake (it can only be fate) by muItifandomjess
When Merlin accidentally creates a mental link between himself and Arthur, they discover far more about each other than they could ever have imagined.
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nyx-is-missing · 8 months
Or early summer!
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Clarisse La Rue x Cassandra De Young (oc! Apollo's kid)
Summary: When Cassandra gets involved in a scandal early in the day, she goes to camp early.
Warnings: men....thats all i could think of actualy.
First read this!
Part 2 is here!
Cassandra De Young
Im fucked.
That's it, that's all i can say.
I knew it as soon as my hand reached his face and stinged, as soon as i heard a camera's flash, and as soon as i stepped into my mom's apartment.
Let's just rewind a bit, okay?
My family own a big business, that you already know by now, the thing is, when they reeaally want to do business with someone they go extreme, the most common technique is to get on the good side of everyone in the family, everyone.
They research, pretend to have things in common, to like the same things, to have the same views of life, and to make it more believable they always go for the person who is closest in age with them.
Usually i dont get involved in this situations because im younger than everyone else, the only teen in the family.
The thing is, this family also had someone around my age.
A 18 year old guy.....eighteen.
Let me tell you, i really wasn't going for trouble today, i tought he may be a normal guy, just with a little money, someone i could have a conversation with, drink some coffe, laugh and go back home and think "hey, not so bad"
All he could talk about is how much money his family had, where he went for winter break, his pure blood horse, that only ate (attention to this one) IMPORTED GRASS.
Overall a huge dick.
But that i could handle, i've met people like this, i could handle a shitty talk for some hours, what i could not handle was having to go through all this with his hand on my knee bellow the table.
And here i was, spending one of my last days of spring being tortured by the fates.
"You're not paying much attention to the conversation are you?" He said, and gods that accent was almost making me want to jump out of a cliff, or push him out of a cliff, both would work.
"Oh sorry i was-"
"No need to apologize, people get bored i know" Not that he did something criminal by not letting me finish my sentence but, my gods every action coming from him its making me want to die right now "Its okay, i could find some way to make you focus"
Okay, im done
"Im gonna need you to stop saying odd shit" I looked him dead in the eye with a bothered look, and by the surprised look he gave me back i was 100% sure nobody ever told him to shut up when he was saying nonsense.
"C'mon, dont be like that-" he said trying to get his hand a little but upwards, and i only realized i slapped him when i felt my hand burning.
"Oh my gods im sorry i-" And then i heard the camera flashes.
Im going to need you to imagine the scene, my hand was still up, his hand was till on his cheek, and he had a scared look in his face, as did most of the people at the fancy coffe shop.
Do i smile now? Strike a pose? This one is definetly getting front pages at every place.
I chose the safest choice, got out of that straight to my house.
No..i did not payed the bill.
The whole way home i was trying really hard to think of something to say that was not going to make my family mad, especially my grandfather, but considering whe has always mad with something, that felt like a impossible mission.
First thing i saw when i opened the door of the penthouse was my mom, standing in front of the television, and sure enough, my face was on it.
She turned to me, but before she could even say something i started to explain myself.
"Its not what it looks like mom, i swear, i didn't do it on pourpose, let me explain please-" i couldnt actually read the look on her face, but she didnt say anything, so  i took that as a go ahead.
When i explained her what happened her face relaxed a bit, but not completely, and she had a look that said your grandpa is getting in my nerves because of this.
"I'll talk to your grandfather about this, but you need to know that the way you acted wasn't appropriate, there is cameras all around and you need to be careful...lets just thank the gods you didnt pulled out a dagger right?" She walked closer to me, and i knew she was trying to comfort me, its a pitty actually, i knew she didnt wanted kids when she had me, i knew how grandpa treated her when he found out, to me, it was enough that she at least tried to love me enough.  "You already have your things packed to camp right? I know you have some more days of school but ill call them and tell them you are sick, its best for you to leave earlier this year, then your grandfather wont talk your ears out...you okay with that?"
"Yes mama, ill just finish packing some small things...do i leave today?" I felt her hands on my shoulders, and heard a silent im sorry.
"Yes, but dont be like that, think that you at least wont have to see the news talking about you..youll just be there, with your siblings, eating strawberies and..whatever else demigods do daily, right?"
Like i said, it is enough to me that she tries, even when she isnt great all the time, i know people who dont even have this.
I nodded and went to my room, making sure not to accidentally hit a new sculpture, placed in the corridor.
I didnt wait for her when i finished packing.
I knew she wouldnt be the one to take me there, she never is, she has things to do with the family business, its what ive always heard.
So when i got to the underground garage with my bags i automatically searched for one of the family drivers, sure enough, he was there.
He was a nice guy, but quiet, i knew that he probably had orders not to talk to the family members unless spoken to, grandpa did this with all of them, i also knew he never actually knows where hes been taking me, he takes me there almos every year, but always stops at the road in front of the forest, maybe this sad look he has on his face its because he thinks he is taking me to one of those crazy wilderness therapies as a punishment.
Granpa would absolutely do that if he hadnt had to live with a great public appearence.
"Miss? We are here" He looked at me in the rearview mirror, i only realized i had doze of when my eyes met his and i blinked. "Hold on tight, im going to help you with your luggage okay?"
"Oh..thank you mr bell" He opened the trunk, and then the back door for me, extending his hand to help me get out of the car "thank you, again"
"Sure miss, just let me take your bags out and we are all set okay?-"
Another car dor noise made us both look to the right, to find Clarisse La rue, closing a taxi door, with just one big suitcase in hand.
Now, my story with Clarisse is kind of complicated, i've met her when he were, eight i guess, her family bought some shares in the family business and we saw each other very regulaly, and ever since then everything everyone told me about her is that she is a troublesome girl, that i should stay far.
But she was the one who realized i was a demigodess, and took me straight to camp when a monster found me, and she was the one who, many times when we were little, comforted me when my family made me cry.
It seems like she forgot all of that because she never even looks at me.
If you ask her, she has never even met me at all actually.
"Clarisse, you're early"
"Cassandra, you too-"
"Cass actually, i prefer cass" i corrected her, to wich she just rolled her eyes and muffled a whatever. "Thats all you are taking? One suitcase?"
"And you are taking all that? How do you plan on walking the whole way with all that? Im assuming he wont go with you" she said looking at mr bell, and its true, he could not walk the whole way with me, and i could not walk with all that alone...fuck
"....you could help m-"
"No, dont even think about it"
"C'mon Clarisse!" She didnt even answered me this time actually. "Arent you a Ares-" i looked at the driver taking the suitcases out. "A ares...type of kid? You will pass on the oportunity to demonstrate your muscles or whatever?"
She started to walk away with a bored look, did i already said fuck?
"C'mon ill do whatever! I- i dont know.. 20 dracmas!, no?, ill help you with the cleaning duty you'll eventually have when you fuck it up? I..ill do that AND ill cure you anytime you want, everyday, no matter the time!"
She stopped walking.
Yes! I knew it, one of the many problems clarisse had its that she likes to go out at night to train alone, and when she gets hurt she cant ask anyone to help her, because she would get caught
"Give me those suitcases already and shut up-" she was interrupted by a very happy me hugging her.
I felt her hands on my arms and realized she was going to push me away, so i took a step back
"Geez Clarisse, you could've just told me to back off, dont be like that... just take these and ill take those"
I said pointing to the suitcases, and saying goodbye to mr bell.
Can i already welcome summer and his crazy energy? No? Okay.
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shuttershocky · 11 months
how do you feel about iori/saber so far by the way, whether as a ship or just their dynamic in general
I really like their dynamic!
While Iori and Saber themselves are full of callbacks to the original Shirou and Saber, their relationship dynamic is something that's all their own.
Usually a servant like FSR Saber would have belonged to a more emotional master. Saber starts the game out as an arrogant, destructive force and a bit of a bully, constantly going "Good grief my master's so weak! How did I get such a weak master when I can solo this whole thing? I should just kill everybody that gets in my way."
Rather than get upset or insecure however, Iori's humility and martial discipline ends up making a wall for Saber's arrogance to repeatedly bounce off of. When told he's weak, he goes "You are right. I don't fight because I'm strong, but because I should." When Saber talks down to him saying his presence doesn't change the outcome of a fight whatsoever, he just goes "I know. I'm doing the best I can."
This doesn't just eventually warm Saber up to him, but it also ends up creating the soul of their dynamic for the rest of the game. Saber's powerful, impulsive, and free in all their aspects, while Iori is measured, disciplined, and tied down (he's poor, he's an orphan, he's a warrior in an age of peace). This leads to fun gags like Saber having that classic Saber gluttony which wreaks havoc on Iori as a poor ronin living hand to mouth every day, but where this really shines is in how it makes its own twist in the original dynamic of Shirou and Saber.
Underneath Shirou and Saber's relationship was the recognition of themselves in the other. Both were willing to give up their entire lives for the greater good without once thinking of themselves, and seeing it in the other person horrified them because that was someone they cared about, while making a special exception for their own self-sacrifice.
In Samurai Remnant, Saber wonders how could such a weak human have summoned a servant as powerful as them, but the answer slowly becomes obvious as their relationship grows. Hiding underneath Saber's smug nature is a legend known for brutally killing anything and everything that stood in their way, whether that be armies, kings, monsters, or even gods. Why? What could compel a human to put a god to the sword just because they were ordered to? How broken and terrible inside must you be to see an aspect of divine power and feel no fear, only the desire to fight and to kill something that should be untouchable by a human?
The most delicious part of Iori and Saber's developing relationship is Saber slowly realizing that the bravery in Iori's eyes when he (literally) locks blades with a Servant is not bravery, but something much more familiar.
It should also be said that FSR Saber is one of the extremely few servants (if not the first even) to cry about the thought of leaving their Master after the ritual has ended.
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Bittersweet goodbyes have been a mainstay of the series since Fate/Stay Night, but FSR is the first time in my memory that we see a Servant look back at the short, second life they've been given and actually break into tears about not wanting to go.
Going back to the throne of heroes would mean returning to legend. They'd be the bloodstained killer and godslayer. Unparalleled, feared, revered, and alone. Meanwhile in this incarnation, they run around doing odd jobs every day to afford rice, assumed by the neighbors to be the new fiance of the poor ronin that lives in a shack, destined to be forgotten by history like everyone around them living humble and ordinary lives. And now that they've tasted it, they don't want to go back. They've fallen in love with this life, and have to live out the rest of the Waxing Moon Ritual knowing they don't have a choice about going back.
It's soooooo good. Such a perfect capture of that vintage Type-Moon feeling, I'd almost forgotten this wasn't even written by TM themselves but by the Fire Emblem Three Houses team.
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cursedkeyboard · 9 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.4)
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What does Jason do as he raises his kid lovingly like he wished he'd been raised? Try his best and fail spectacularly to keep his nosy family away, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader / Batfamily & Jason Todd
After about a year and quite a few months, maybe around the second christmas Jason spent with you, Jason became antsy
The problem wasn't with you two, no
You were his angel and almost never caused him any trouble, even if he'd always call you brat and squirt
The problem was Bruce and Dick and his entire nosy ass family trying to find out why hadn't he come home for christmas a second year in a row
Not only that, he also had cut back on many other activities he'd usually do with friends or his family
Like taking over patrol shifts for others, hanging out with Roy, visiting the manor to see Ace and Alfred, and gossiping with Babs
C'mon, you know he's totally the type to think his kid is so much better than everyone
You're his damn best friend, his confidant, the person he trusts most in the world and would die for in a blink
So Jason wouldn't even notice he was neglecting every other person in his life until they started blowing up his phone and trying to break into his apartment
Like the fucking demon brat did
Damian tried, at three in the morning, with his katana and everything
His excuse? He was tired of everyone talking about why Jason was growing distant and decided to solve the mystery by infringing his privacy
Jason's excuse to grabbing him by the collar and throwing him out of he window before he could take another step inside? You had classes that day
And children are supposed to sleep a lot to grow
He thought that'd be the end of it, after properly threatening every single one of them into staying the fuck away from his home
but then again, Jason should've never put faith in people who are nosy for a living
So he started having to hide you during the day when the two of you hung out
Jason took you to Bat Burger after a rough day at school? Dick conventionally shows up minutes later! And you hide under the table
Jason and you were taking a morning walk to start the day? Surprise! Cass is suddenly coming your way. And you're jumping into a bush (he helped you take the twigs out of your hair later but laughed the entire time)
You finally convinced Jason to watch the latest superhero movie that just came out? Ho, boy! Look, Duke just so happened to also have been wanting to see it! Aaand you have to pee real bad
For you it's like a game, never let the Waynes catch you
The rewards are many; head pats, Jason's laughter, a hardcover book that you had been eyeing
The consequences of failing...?
That was the scary part for Jason
He'd spend nights thinking about it after tucking you in bed
Would they take you away? Would they think he's abusing you? Would they be disappointed in him for thinking he could be anything else but a disappointment?
Irrational and emotional, those thoughts were, but you were the life of Jason's life
Fuck, you're the one person he hadn't let down yet
The one person he didn't disappoint or hurt
You thrived every day, growing up and putting on weight, learning more every moment because you had a thirst for knowledge just like him
God, every time you looked at him like he was your whole world
Like he was your damn hero
It gave his life a little more meaning
He wanted to keep you safe, watch you grow into a beautiful person, better than he could ever hope to be
But he also wanted you to stay being his
His kid
Not taken away by protective services or recruited into Bruce's little army of children
So imagine how his stomach dropped when during one fateful night, as he helped you with your haircare routine
–Jason sitting on the couch and you between his legs on the floor, your back to him–
his door opened up, was picked open, and a good portion of his family (Dick, Damian, Stepth, and Bruce) waltzed in like they fucking owned the place
There was no way to hide, both of you caught off guard
"Jason! Games' over, buddy, we're here now–"
"Is– Is that a child?"
"What the fuck."
Jason was torn between taking them on on a 4v1 or pulling you in his arms and jumping out of the window
You chose for him, quickly climbing on the couch and hiding away under his arm, almost completely covered by his bulky form
You're not a coward but you're also not good with people like you are with Jason
You also don't exactly like the big bat after everything he did to your da–
To Jason
"Tell me you didn't kidnap a child, Jay."
"No, Steph, I didn't fucking kidnap anyone–"
"Is this why you didn't let me in? I expected better from you, Todd."
"You fucking brat– Can you just leave–"
"No, no, hang on, am I an uncle? Oh, my god, am I? Holy shit, I am!"
"You're not a fucking uncl–"
"Jason, explain."
And oh, how that terrified Jason
He hated the way Bruce was staring at you, like you were a puzzle, something he needed to figure out before he could ultimately collect
It almost made Jason snarl like a wounded dog
You were his kid, god damn it, and Jason would be damned if he let Bruce take you
So he swallowed his fear and clenched his trembling hands and made everyone sit down before he explained
He asked you if you wanted to go to your room, just in case you didn't feel comfortable around them, but you shook your head
"I don't wanna leave you alone."
"...Okay, okay, squirt, what you say goes."
None of them missed the way Jason easily wrapped his arm around you, tucking you close, and how you hid you face partially in his shoulder, glancing at them with one eye
And so, he began telling his tale
Interrupted only a few times because Dick couldn't shut the fuck up to save his life and Damian thinks being insufferable is a good personality trait, Jason finally let the cat out of the bag after about two years of keeping it hidden
"Why didn't you come to us? We could've helped."
"Helped? Bruce, look at the demon spawn, he sleeps with a knife under his pillow and he's, what? Thirteen? This kid here sleeps with a Garfield plushy, like children should."
At that, you slapped his shoulder (it still didn't hurt) and all Jason did was chuckle and kiss your forehead
It was jarring for all of them to see such a soft version of their most volatile family member
In fact, they could now see how the entire apartment had changed
No longer was it a... mojo dojo casa house of sorts, but a cozy and welcoming environment
Shit, the fridge even had cute magnets on it to hold all of your drawings
Frames with pictures of you two were placed everywhere, along with your awards from school and his own additions like a couple of plants and vinyls on the walls
It stung a little to know he'd kept a whole child away from them for so long, to know he didn't trust them enough
It especially hurt Bruce, since technically this was his first grandchild
All in all, everyone eventually fell silent, one fuming, some curious, and others brooding
Until you broke it by finally speaking, tilting your head until you were looking directly into Batman's glowing eyes
"I don't care if you're Batman or Bruce Wayne, if you hurt Jason again, I'll kill you myself."
To say Jason was proud was putting it mildly
He was so ecstatic he could make that day a national holiday
Jason ignored the rest of his family freaking out about how you knew Batman's identity and hugged you close, squeezing you gently
"Fucking love you, kiddo."
To be continued...
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kaeyachi · 1 year
The heavy lore post will be posted later! These ones are just more on his personality, likes and dislikes, and brief history hehehe
I'm doing things in bullet point form coz wow there's a lot
Was the gentle and polite child! Also frequently got sick. Addie frequently took care of him in those times hehe. Is it possible that this is because of his experiences prior to getting to Mond? Travelling as a child would have made him vulnerable to tougher weather and rapidly at that. I doubt that food comes easy too. Additionally, HE WAS LEFT IN A STORM. I still think Kaeya is gentle and polite, though he definitely gives the face of charming and sly (if it benefits him and it works then might as well keep it going!)
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Kindness is so inherent in him that he automatically does kind acts. He only acts like he has an ulterior motive, and tbh? I bet that act is only to keep people away. I think I made a oneshot about this saying his biological father may be worried about this tendency? Or something similar. Worryingly enough, Kaeya clearly has a hard time accepting words of affirmation from literally everyone. Heartbreaking to see in action.
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Diluc is a menace, asking Kaeya to help him in his mischief, tsk. Kaeya apparently also helps Diluc in the punishments he receives. Kaeya ended up doing the most of it :( (what are the odds of Kaeya also doing Diluc's paperwork while said redhead was out on the field? What if the reason Kaeya wasn't with Diluc and Crepus during that one fateful 18th birthday because he was covering for Diluc's shift...). Tbh? Kaeya never stopped covering for Diluc. Even now, he is still covering for Diluc (DKH).
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This one set off alarms in my mind. Kaeya was apparently not a very good liar when he was younger. I now definitely think that Crepus knew Kaeya lied about his origins. The question is, did Diluc know Kaeya was not a strong liar before their fight? Or did he remember afterwards and was immediately faced with even more guilt?
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He might actually have a sweet tooth! Dear god look at the number of desserts he ordered. Do note that Death Afternoon is a mixture that lessens the bitterness of Dandelion Wine. Additionally, Kaeya wasn't interested in wine when he was younger, he only grew into it because it reminds him of home after he left :( The Cider Lake drink is also sweet! And I'm guessing plain chicken mushroom skewers weren't sweet enough, so he decided to add fruits to it. I THINK CREPUS ACCIDENTALLY GOT HIM INTO LIKING ALCOHOL AFTER CREATING THE CIDER LAKE DRINK LMAO. Crepus suceeding in preventing alcohol intake from one child and ended up giving it to the other
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Fairly sure he was being flirted on here by an entire group of mercenaries and just didn't realize which would make things extremely funny. They saw him and immediately went "we need to see that body in the dance floor ASAP". What if he doesn't realize he is being flirted on until he is slapped in the face with a confession? It's also funny if he flirts up a storm and not realize people are flirting back lmao
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So I was right... he was not kicked out. He moved out on his own. Diluc is fine with him frequenting Dawn Winery, expects it even (lol my short 1 shot makes sense now). The staff keep asking him to come back and visit more frequently. Adelinde says that Kaeya is always part of the family. They become so happy when Kaeya comes back, it's like a weight is lifted off of everyone's chests. IT'S KAEYA WHO KEEPS SAYING HE'S A GUEST AND SEPARATING HIMSELF OUGH. He's the one trying to stay away after all :((( Let's summarize this: Kaeya was the sickly, quick to bruise, kind, gentle, and polite child who everyone in the staff (and Diluc) adores and still treats like he is their baby, but said baby of the family KEEPS LEAVING. Go home Kaeya!
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Klee keeps looking for Kaeya! And Kaeya reads her bedtime stories!!! Hearing her voice ask where Kaeya was broke my heart, I think I'd like that used for angst purposes. Kaeya is once again letting a mischievous pyro user get away with causing mischief. Kaeya you enabler lmaaaoooo. Kaeya frequently rescues Klee from solitary confinement, done so enough times that Klee now does the same for him (I bet she thinks Kaeya is in solitary confinement whenever he's busy doing paperwork). Not to Kaebedo/Albekae you guys (I am Kaebedo/Albekae-ing you guys), but I'm fairly sure Kaeya and Albedo spend so much time together with Klee. Again, frequent enough that Albedo has tons of drawings of Kaeya (the 3 brushstrokes is a popular meme, but it actually is just a way to say that he has drawn Kaeya a lot. Bet he could draw Kaeya with his eyes closed haha). HE GOT THEM MATCHING GIFTS THATS ADORABLE
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Speaking of gifts, he's a great gift giver! He really listens to people's needs and wants. What a thoughtful man (Diluc was right in his letters in hidden strife though. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF KAEYA). Speaking of, I'm guessing Kaeya is rich? Because I'm fairly sure the gifts were bought with his own pocket money and thus the huge amount of travel funds remaining (the gifts are expensive, surely it should have put a dent to the said funds had he used them)
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raikanata · 4 months
Taking Care of a Difficult Child - Mayoi Ayase Feature Scout 2 4* Story
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su♪ ]
Warning: This is a Fan TL and is not proofread.
Characters: Mayoi, Tomoya, Tatsumi
Season: Winter
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Mayoi: So you're asking m-me to take care of Hokuto-senpai?
Tomoya: I'm sorry to ask so suddenly. It turned out that our next location wasn't going to be a day trip.
I can't take Hokuto-senpai to work with me, and the pet shop manager hasn't returned to Japan yet, so...
I'm looking for someone who can take care of him until I return from work...
Mayoi: I see. I understand your situation.
Well... I'm very happy that you came to me for help, but...
I really don't think I'm suited to take care of Hokuto-senpai...!
Even when you first got Hokuto-senpai, I mostly spent time in another room so I wouldn't get in your way...
Um, umm... Can't you ask the people in "ANIMALS" for help, like you did before?
Tomoya: Well, I tried to ask them. But it looks like everyone already has plans on that day.
They can only be back by the evening...
Mayoi: And someone has to take care of Hokuto-senpai until then, right...
(Wh-what should I do? I more or less know how to take care of Hokuto-senpai, since I watched Mashiro-san doing it...)
(Even though I know how to care for him, I don't know if he'll listen to me at all.)
(Nevermind that, if something was to happen to Mashiro-san's precious Hokuto-senpai because I wasn't able to take care of him properly...)
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Tomoya: ...I'm sorry, Ayase-senpai. I put you in a difficult position by asking something like this so suddenly.
Mayoi: No, I...
Tomoya: Please forget about it. I'll try and ask some other people as well.
Mayoi: (I've troubled Mashiro-san a lot, not only in the "Dead End Cafe", but also as a roommate...)
(I want to return the favor if I can...)
(After all, he came to me for help. There must have not been anyone else that he could ask.)
I, I got it!
Tomoya: Ayase-senpai...?
Mayoi: If the members of "ANIMALS" can make it towards the night...
I will accept the responsibility, and take care of Hokuto-senpaii!
Time: The next day
Mayoi: Then... Let's get along today, Hokuto-senpai ♪
(Since Tomoya-san is off to work, from here on, I have to take great care of him..!)
Uum, Mashiro-san already fed him, so next up...
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Mayoi: Eek!? Hokuto-senpai cried out suddenly...! What's wrong!?
I'msorryI'msorryy, I know someone like me isn't fit to take care of you!
But please, be a little patient with me...!
Ah, where are you going...! Please waaiiit!
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Tatsumi: (I'm relieved that my vegetables seem to be growing nicely♪)
(Right. Before I forget, let me send this picture I took to everyone in "Gardenia". Uuh, to attach an image...)
(...Hm? There's a familiar crying sound coming from somewhere.)
(The source of the voice... seems to be Mayoi-san and Tomoya-san's room. That means...)
Mayoi-san, Tomoya-san. It sounds like Hokuto-senpai is crying. Did something happen?
(No answer. I can still hear the crying, but no sound from Mayoi-san or anyone else...)
(I'll have to invite myself in, Mayoi-san!)
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Tatsumi: This is!? Mayoi-san, are you okay!?
Mayoi: Uuu...?
Tatsumi: Why did you collapse in the room like this!?
Where is Tomoya-san!? What exactly happened here!?
Mayoi: ...Ah, God must be so merciful as to allow even a person such as myself to receive a final call of fate...
Tatsumi: Please hang on! This isn't a final call of anything!
Mayoi: Uuu... I'm sorry to make you worry like this...
I was so deeply focused on taking good care of Hokuto-senpai, I forgot to take care of myself, even to eat...
But I never thought that I'd pass out... If Tatsumi-san didn't find me, who knows what would have become of me...
Tatsumi: You're exaggarating. However, I'm relieved that you seem better now.
Mayoi: You even made toast for me. Thank you so much, really.
Tatsumi: It's Hokuto-senpai that you should thank. I was alerted to the situation thanks to his cries.
Mayoi: I-is that so. Thank you, Hokuto-sen--
Eek!? Why are you screaming so much? Did, did I do something to offend you...?
Uuu, you really won't listen to me...
What do I do... At this rate, we won't even make it until everyone from "ANIMALS" arrives.
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Tatsumi: Please raise your head, Mayoi-san.
Tatsumi: Hokuto-senpai is yelling at me as well, it's not because of you.
I heard from Koga-san that the reason why Tomoya-san started to call him "Hokuto-senpai" was to get him to listen.
He seems to have a bit of a difficult personality, right? We need to get him to let his guard down first.
Mayoi: Let his guard down, huh... But, how...
Tatsumi: That's right. Is there anything that Tomoya-san uses regularly when taking care of him?
Mayoi: Well, there's a blanket on the bed over there, but...
Tatsumi: I heard that having an item around that carries their smell, or their owner's smell, is calming for animals.
Using that, maybe we can try and see whether we can get Hokuto-senpai to lower his guard?
Mayoi: I see...! It's bath time right now, so I'll try to take him to the bathroom with the blanket!
He-here! This way, Hokuto-senpai! It's bath time now♪
Ah, he's walking this way...!
....but, ahh! He completely stopped in his tracks!
Tatsumi: Hm, it's not going all that well.
Mayoi: N-no! When I take a step back, he also takes a step forward...! I just can't get any closer to him!
Tatsumi: That's fine. We can work like this until Koga-san and the others arrive.
Mayoi: Yes! Like this, I'll succeed in taking care of Hokuto-senpai properly ♪
Tatsumi: That's right, keep going, Mayoi-san.
Tomoya: ...Ah. Akehoshi-senpai sent me a text.
"Hokuto-senpai's doing just fine~!", it says.
Hm, there's a picture attached too... This is, Ayase-senpai feeding Hokuto-senpai?
I'm glad that Hokuto-senpai seems to be listening to Ayase-senpai seriously...
I have to thank Ayase-senpai properly. Let's get him a nice souvenir before returning home ♪
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Tomoya: ....That aside, why does Ayase-senpai seem to be holding my clothes that should have been in the laundry basket?
[ ☆ ]
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lauralot89 · 1 year
Unapologetic Assholes and the Fans Who Love Them
(It's me, I'm the fans, it's me.)
Every child has a character they want to be when they're growing up. Whether it's because they love the character itself (Han Solo is the greatest) or because they want to be part of the character's world (who doesn't want to be a mermaid?), there's always some fictional person a kid would swap lives with in a heartbeat.
For me as a child, that character was Veruca Salt.
Now, Veruca Salt is a spoiled brat. She is THE spoiled brat. She has no redeeming qualities and if I ever met her in real life I wouldn't last five minutes without punching her in the teeth.
But I'd have given anything to be her.
Growing up autistic is growing up being wrong. You talk wrong, you laugh wrong, you interact with your peers wrong. You play wrong. Your interests are wrong and so is the way you talk about them. The things that upset you are irrational and insignificant and wrong. The bullying that other kids do to you isn't really bullying, you're just reacting wrong.
Everything about you and how you experience the world is wrong, and you need to get over it.
I couldn't even breathe without an adult jumping down my throat for how I did it, and I was undiagnosed, so I had no idea that there were others like me and I wasn't just some aberrant freak alone in the world.
But then there was Veruca Salt.
Veruca was never wrong. Even when she clearly was. Even when Veruca demanded the impossible, those around her bent over backwards to achieve it and fell over themselves apologizing when they couldn't. Veruca never apologized. Veruca always got what she wanted. She was like a cruel and angry god who only met her fate because she crossed paths with another god who was even more powerful.
And in the Oompa Loompas' song after she fell down the garbage chute, they didn't even blame her for her horrible behavior, by far the worst of any child in the factory. Even when she lost, she won.
I would have given anything to be Veruca, even if only for a day. To express myself without fear and without regard for everyone I was inconveniencing by being abnormal. The rush of that power would have easily carried me for the rest of my life.
And then I grew up, and there was Carla Rutten.
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Carla is not only the greatest character in @itswalky's magnum opus, Dumbing of Age, she is also arguably the greatest character in the history of fiction.
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Carla is a student at Indiana University. She's transgender and asexual, and in the hands of lesser writers this might lead to temptation to portray her as perfectly kind and moral and inoffensive, lest she be viewed as a negative stereotype.
Instead, Carla is loud, demanding, self-obsessed, and perfect in every way.
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Carla refuses to reign herself in, even if it brings further bigotry and anger her way. She won't hold herself to a different standard than any other jackass.
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And in the end, even if you hate her, even if you want her wiped from the face of the earth, that's still acknowledging her. And she's still won.
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As an asexual ginger Hoosier I cannot even begin to express what Carla means to me and how thankful I am for her existence. There aren't words for how great it is that a character like this exists and is just allowed to be. Allowed to be as flawed and rude and funny and spoiled as anybody else.
More ladies need to be unrepentant self-absorbed jerks. It's a beautiful thing.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Sorry not sorry but I just saw on bingo board about THE sailor outfit and sense I am a huge suckered for Season 3 Steve meets/reference Eddie I had to send an ask
Eddie had been completely innocent, minding his own business. He was doing what everyone else in Starcourt was doing. Enjoying his summer, buying shit, and loitering. And he wasn't alone. Jeff was with him too on this gloriously sunny day.
"And you can bet he's gonna be all up my ass come fall", Eddie said.
"You probably shouldn't've put dog shit in his office then", Jeff said.
"He had no proof it was me and he deserved it. I coulda scraped through this time and been done with high school but he's out to get me!"
Eddie could go on about the principal's personal vendetta against him and he did as they walked through the mall, turning this way and that, gesticulating wildly at times. Normally fine, but oh fate, this was the one time he managed to trip over his own feet. He collapsed onto the floor, right under one of the many tables in the food court.
Usually, he would've gotten up right away. Brushed himself off, no problem. But usually, he wasn't face to face with a pair of thick thighs. Slowly, Eddie lifted up onto his arms, which brought him right in between the pair of legs.
Then he heard the voice of God.
"Do you mind?"
He jolted up, banging his head on the underside of the table. Then he scrambled out and up and rubbed his head, and found the owner of said legs.
Steve motherfucking Harrington.
Sipping a milkshake and crossing his legs like he knew they would lead to Eddie's downfall. Oh, and the only reason he could see those legs was because he was wearing a goddamn sailor suit.
"You wanna take a picture? It'll last longer."
Eddie remembered himself and smirked. "You join the navy or something Harrington?"
Steve rolled his eyes and stood up, tossing the empty cup in the trash and Eddie watched with pretty much zero shame as he walked away. Someone was playing a prank on him, right? Because there was no way the cards had just fallen into place to make Harrington get a job at a mall ice cream shop that also just happened to require him to wear the kind of outfit that wouldn't be out of place at a Halloween party. Or a strip club.
"You wanna pick your jaw up off the floor?", Jeff asked, practically materializing out of thin air. How long had he been there?
"Jeff, how's about a summer terrorizing an ice cream parlor?"
"With your lactose intolerant ass?"
Eddie watched as Steve's co-worker, who he definitely knew from school, tossed a hat on him, scolding him for not being in full uniform.
"It'll be totally worth it."
Steddie bingo under the cut
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armpirate · 2 months
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 26
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 19 minutes
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Y/n lifted her head when she managed to see a blank sheet of paper falling next to her notebook, finding Alma with a smile as soon as her eyes were on her.
—What's this? —she smiled, picking up the envelope to open it.
—I'm getting married —she excitedly informed.
—Oh my god. Really? Congratulations!
Unable to hide her excitement for her colleague, Y/n got up from her chair to hug her tight, moving her arms under her curly locks. It was so out of character for her, yet she felt so comfortable with that display of affection... And there was no point in denying that what had been happening the past few days had nothing to do with it.
—I didn't invite you earlier because we weren't really close, but I'd really like to see you there —Alma admitted, stepping back—. Donna and Jackie are also coming, and I think some other people here as well.
—I'll be there without a doubt —she assured her.
—And you can also bring that hot neighbor of yours.
When Y/n dared to look away from the invitation to look at her colleague, Alma was giving her a malicious smile while she winked at her.
Free drinks, free food... Jungkook would definitely love that.
—I'll think about that.
—I'll let you work again —her thumb caressed her forearm—. I'll see you for lunch?
—Sure! —fuck... Jason— Wait, no. I can't.
—Lil' date with that cutie? —as much as Y/n attempted to deny it, she knew her colleague would just pretend to believe it while walking away— See you later, then!
It had been months since she saw Jason for the last time before he moved to Florida to work as an estate agent in a company, after being promoted in the branch office in Chicago. He was one of the biggest supporters she had when Noah passed away, and he still was -although he wasn't as present as before, and she couldn't blame him, life went on for everyone.
Her steps slowly paused as she started walking down the stairs to the entrance to wait for Jason there, seeing that same black motorbike she was a little too familiar with.
If those three days had worked for something for Jungkook, it was to make him dependable on Y/n. His mind kept getting busier with thoughts related to her, and he went past that phase of sending dumb messages to wait for her answer thirty minutes later.
He was a man of action.
Well, that... and the fact that Jimin got so tired of speaking to himself that he ended up coming up with the idea of taking her to have lunch.
It was so stupid, yet at the same time it made sense for him how, after spending so much time with her, he got used to being around Y/n. And far from being bothered by her presence, he was upset at the lack of it whenever they were apart.
And that was exactly why he was waiting in front of her workplace, seeing her coming out the building as if she had read his mind.
They were connected.
Jungkook took off his helmet, holding it on his lap with his left hand while he tried to push his bangs back with his right hand. Her presence, as always, captivated him. She was wearing a white turtleneck sweater that fitted her body perfectly, embracing it almost like a second skin. His gaze moved down to the black A-line skirt she was wearing, which had a delicate white grid pattern. As he looked down at the way it flared slightly at her knees, he noticed a pair of black, over-the-knee boots that looked way too good on her to be real.
But he wasn't able to say much more, because she spoke as soon as she was close enough to be able to speak to him in a normal tone.
—What are you doing here? —she asked, confused, looking at the other helmet he was carrying around his right forearm.
—Let's go somewhere for lunch —he suggested—. I know of a good brasserie around.
—Kook, I can't today. I already had plans.
He wanted to ignore how upset he felt about her words, but he couldn't even try to pretend he wasn't affected.
—Oh, were you going out with your colleagues?
—No, actually...
When he looked back at the owner of that voice, he found a tall and lean man, with a presence that was hard to ignore as he approached them with a wide smile. His dark hair was casually tousled, not even being messed up by the soft breeze hitting them, looking effortlessly stylish. His white, textured shirt that was open at the collar, was revealing a hint of a chiseled chest.
And the second he approached them enough so Jungkook could be able to pick up all the flaws he could, just to be punched with the calm confidence his faint smile radiated while his arms wrapped around Y/n with a hug.
His moment was stolen, her attention was on someone else. He was second place... and he hated being left in second place.
—Are you busy?
—No, I was just speaking to a friend —Y/n commented, pointing at Jungkook.
—Hey, what's up? —the boy, who seemed to be around their age, greeted Jungkook when aware of his presence— I'm Jason —he tried to introduce himself, lifting his hand for a high-five.
Of course that was Jason.
—Jungkook —he simply moved his head for a greet, purposely ignoring his approach—. Are you guys going somewhere?
—We're going to have lunch somewhere around —Jason friendly informed him.
—Great, I was starving. That's what I came here for. Right, Y/n? —Jungkook started yapping, hopping off his motorbike— I was just telling her.
—Yes, you were. But you might be uncomfortable if you come —she tried to persuade him.
—Nah, I adapt well —he ignored her again—. I know of a great brasserie near here. Let's go.
She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jungkook leading the way to the restaurant, as if it had been his plan to meet up with the two of them, only receiving a comforting smile and a shrug from her friend.
Not enough with that, he stopped himself and got on purpose in between them every time Jason tried to approach her to tease her for that new friend she had made.
It was no surprise from her to have such a peculiar fling, after her long on-and-off relationship with her ex boyfriend, but this one seemed to take the cake.
Y/n sat first when they arrived, picking up the chair at the extreme right of the table, just because it was the first place she saw.
—I'll sit here —Jungkook rushed to say, stopping Jason from taking the spot next to her.
Although he took the spot right in front of her, Jungkook wasn't sure if that was a better spot or a worse one, since he got to look at Y/n straight in the eyes as they spoke. He was going to be able to hook her soul with his charms, and make her forget he was right at her left, beside her.
—Actually, I want to sit here —Jungkook spoke again, having Y/n dropping her smile.
—Kook, it's the right same thing —she rolled her eyes.
—The air conditioner is hitting you directly, and I'm a bit hot today.
—Then take off your jacket —she demanded in between her teeth, turning to smile at Jason right after.
—I also tend to order more than one beer, and I'm hidden here. The waiter won't see me. And...
—Fine, sit here —Y/n finally gave up, exchanging places with a smiley Jungkook.
That same smile slowly vanished when he started noticing some small details as he watched them speak. She was cornered by him and the wall, giving Jason the perfect angle for her to focus only on him. In the place she was taking before, she at least had the possibility to distract herself with anything else, but not anymore.
—Actually... —he wasn't able to say much more, her hand on his thigh stopped him from moving.
—Jungkook, if you want to keep your legs, sit the fuck down in your place —she whispered, bending over his body so Jason would only be able to hear some incomprehensible mumbles.
He just agreed, accepting his fate while his eyes moved around the restaurant, heart skipping a beat when her hand moved away to her lap while she smiled at that other man in front of him.
—So, how did you meet each other? —Jason asked, as soon as they both were calm.
—We're neighbors —Y/n answered.
—You're so lucky, I don't even know who's living next door where I live —Jason assured them.
—Well, it took us a bit to get here —Jungkook smiled, moving his elbow over the edge of the table—. My wall is proof of it.
—I drilled a hole in his wall because he wouldn't stop being loud —Y/n explained at the confused look from her friend.
—Holy shit, Y/n. A text message is too subtle for you?
—She also ruined clothes by throwing bleach over them. Oh, and never forget how the old lady a few floors up now thinks I'm a sex maniac because of some... hot mail. And, she faked to want peace, only so I'd eat a brownie filled with laxatives.
He didn't know if he was bringing it all up to defend himself, to push a button on Y/n -because he loved it when she was annoyed-, or if he wanted to scare away the man that was looking at them in disbelief.
—Seriously? Don't play innocent. You sneaked yellow tint in my shampoo. I looked like Piolin for three fucking days —her body completely turned to him—. And don't forget how you sent me to the ER after putting spice in my food.
—I didn't know you were intolerant.
—Wait, you're the homicidal? —Jason interrupted— Why didn't you tell me before it was him? —he scoffed, shaking his head.
—Did she talk about me?
Jungkook went deaf, despite him being the one asking the question. He was only aware of her friend's smile as he spoke, and Y/n's shy smile while looking down, while his heart pumped against his chest so hard that he was able to hear it perfectly.
She did talk about him with someone who was close to her.
That thought kept him calm for most of the lunch, ignoring how smiley Y/n looked while speaking to Jason, or how that guy didn't take his eyes away from her, not even when he was eating his roasted chicken. And he even omitted the fact that neither of them aimed at him once throughout their conversation.
Jungkook remained calm and quiet... until he didn't.
Y/n's body immediately reacted to the touch of Jungkook's hand over her boot, right on the small piece of skin her lifted skirt exposed. As soon as she felt his pinky pushing down the edge of the fabric, attempting to move forward before her hand tried to stop him.
It didn't matter how much she tried to fight it, there was no way she would success pushing him away without making it obvious for Jason.
Just like Jungkook, Y/n lost track of the conversation she was holding while his hand moved up, resting his palm on her inner thigh and her smaller finger so close to her panties that she could even feel his touch.
—Jungkook, Y/n told me you're a boxer —Jason tried to drive him back to their conversation.
Although some of the bruises on his reverse, and the light wounds on his knuckles gave out how he, at least, practiced it.
—I am —he answered proudly—. Actually, I'm a pretty successful entrepreneur.
Y/n wanted to scoff at that comment, but holding back her skin from burning, so she wouldn't start feeling uncomfortable with her clothes, kept her way too busy.
—I own a gym —he remarked again—. Although I love taking control of what goes on there, so I work like any other employee would.
And because there was no other employee other than him and Jimin, and his friend didn't do anything else other than taking control of the administration of the place.
—I did boxing, but it wasn't my thing —Jason laid back—. Guess when you're good, you keep working on it. And if you aren't, you find a 9 to 5 job that gives you stability. My friend here —he mentioned, pointing at Y/n with his head— has an office job, but is everywhere except her office.
And Jungkook knew exactly why.
—You talk like a grandpa, I don't know how Kelsey is keeping up with you —Y/n chuckled.
—Kelsey? —Jungkook frowned.
—Oh, my wife —Jason answered with a lovely smile, showing off his golden ring.
Suddenly, all worries vanished away from Jungkook's body when he learnt about that significant other. If he knew something about Y/n, it was that she'd never stoop so low to get in the middle of a relationship, and even less while knowing the other person. The night she came back covered in wine was the best proof of it.
—Oh, I have to leave —Jungkook suddenly pulled his hand away from her, reaching to his phone with the other—. My partner wants to have a quick meeting.
—Sure. It was nice meeting you —Jason smiled.
—I'll see you later.
Right after saying that, Jungkook dropped a fast peck on her lips, that she didn't see coming -and which she didn't quite assume until she saw him walking out the restaurant.
—Did he just leave without paying? —Jason wondered at her left.
—That's exactly what he did —she sighed.
—Well, I like him better than the asshole of Kyle.
—We aren't dating —Y/n rushed to deny.
—Sure. You're just neighbors who kiss each other, get jealous, and who play footsie under the table.
—What? —her eyebrows lifted, while her cheeks started burning.
—It's not like you're the best at pretending, and he wanted to make it quite obvious —he scoffed, sipping on his beer.
—We're just neighbors... Who sometimes fuck each other, and who're just getting on well —she shrugged—. And I might be liking him a bit.
—No shit, Sherlock —while he laid back to look at her, Jason crossed his arms over his chest—. He's a bit shameless, but I like him for you. At least you know you won't be bored with him, in the good sense.
—Yeah, no. That for sure ain't happening.
They both made sure to avoid it from happening.
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Shouts and jeers from the spectators blended into a cacophony of noise. Smoke from illicit cigarettes and cigars hung in the air, creating a hazy, oppressive environment, that combined with the smell of sweat and fear, mingling with the metallic scent of blood, made her dizzy at first.
Her eyes wandered around the place like they had been doing ever since they arrived, puckering her lips while she tried to memorize as many faces as she could. She felt like a cop undercover, just that she didn't have a gun, and if she was exposed looking too deep into some details she had no other way to defend herself than calling out Jungkook, who was on the other extreme of the warehouse.
His eyes never left her either way, even when he was in the middle of a fight -which he only managed to win because the other fighter was worse than him. That feeling of something happening to her while she was there had his heart at the top of his throat.
It was a bad idea to have her there -and he thought he learnt that the last time-, but knowing the way her eyes would shine with the news only worked to test his own limits and push his own rules away.
He was a dumbass.
—There aren't good fighters anymore —she heard a man rant behind her—. Jungkook is an exception, and he isn't even out for sale. He's too busy being Elijah's dog.
She couldn't be bothered about that comment because, as much as she grew closer to Jungkook, the truth was that he was allowing others to play with him like a toy, using a gym that wasn't even his as a bargaining chip. Although she couldn't judge him for it either. Just like her, he had his reasons to do what he was doing.
—I think trainers shit their pants whenever they have to send these kids here, after what happened with the Line of the 21.
—The best defender in a coma, and the best attacker dying of a heart attack.
Y/n paused when she heard that, recognizing her brother's case almost immediately. But still waiting to hear some other details that could confirm it was him.
—That guy wasn't ready —the man opposed—. Whoever his trainer was, fucked up sending him to that fight when he had heart issues.
—I lost my bet that day, but do you know what I got?
Y/n subtly turned, just to be able to see through the corner of her eye whatever it was he was showing to the other man he was talking to. Her blood stopped running when she recognized that pendant, in the shape of a cross. Two nails formed the horizontal bar of the cross, and one longer nail formed the vertical bar, with them being arranged with their heads pointing outwards and the tips meeting at the center.
—Is that from the fighter who died? —Y/n asked, giving up the act.
She was supposed to be there cheering for Jungkook, watching him from afar while he fought in the middle of the makeshift ring, moving over the mixture of dirty and dry blood every time he moved to attack his opponent.
—You like it? It's pretty, huh —he praised, enrolling the chain around his knuckles—. When you have an eagle eye, you're able to catch these things —he winked at her—. While others were running away, I managed to find this.
As much as she wanted to be disgusted by that attitude, when someone else was about to die not even thirty minutes after he reached the hospital, the shock to see something that belonged to her brother being held by someone else was bigger.
—How much do you want for it?
She was willing to pay anything.
—It's not for sale, pretty —he put on the necklace again.
—I'll pay anything.
—Well, that's another story —the man stepped towards her—. Why don't we go outside and put that little mouth to work? I might let you look at it up close.
It took Y/n to feel his callouses hands on the curve of her ass to throw a fist in his direction, shocking him at first when he didn't expect her to defend herself that way.
Jungkook, who had been watching suspiciously from afar their approach, suspected there would be nothing good coming out of their conversation, and he was right when he saw his dirty hand moving over her body.
It worked automatically: one hand on her, and his feet started moving, leaving his place for the next fight just to reach her. Her punch collided against his face and before the man could even lift his arm to attempt to hit her, Jungkook punched him again to make him fall to the floor.
—Are you alright? —he turned to her.
—He has Noah's necklace —she mumbled, with her pupils shaking.
The bell announced the next fight, the second one he was going to participate in to seal the deal with Elijah. Although he knew the second he moved away from her, someone would be back at her neck.
It was a one second decision. And he had it clear before he could even hesitate to choose.
His fingers wrapped around her wrist, pulling her to assure himself she was glued to his body while they walked through the aggressive crowd that was anticipating the next fight.
Jungkook didn't even bother to take off the bandages around his hands, because he knew it urged her to get out of there. But as every time he was in a rush to get out of somewhere, something stopped him.
—Are you leaving? —Elijah interrogated.
—My girlfriend isn't feeling alright —Jungkook answered.
—And because she isn't feeling alright you're leaving? Let her take some fresh air and put your ass in that ring.
—I'm sorry, dude —Elijah's hand on his chest stopped him from taking a step.
—Ten thousand dollars, Jungkook. Don't forget what you're giving up on.
That was the deal.
It would help him erase some debts he had been dragging for months, it'd even give him the chance to renovate some details in the gym. But he had to fight twice -with only the first one giving him one thousand dollars worth in equipment.
It was either money, or Y/n's safety -after she chose to lose her chill to punch somebody.
He had it clear.
Jungkook didn't answer. He only clenched his jaw while gripping on her wrist a bit tighter to get out of there.
Neither of them talked. And while at first Y/n wanted to blame the helmets, it didn't get any better when they stepped inside his house. They just moved quietly, as if their words were going to lack any meaning, and their actions were the only thing that mattered.
Y/n silently moved, kneeling in front of him in between his legs, with the aid kit next to him to clean the small wounds on his face. She had been too shocked on their way out of the warehouse to realize what had happened.
—I'm sorry —she muttered—. I just... couldn't help it.
—It's alright —he lied.
—Kook, you lost ten thousand dollars, are you serious? —she called him out— I'll try to pay you back. I don't know... I'll be giving you money every month until I make up for it.
He wanted to be mad at her, yet everything she said, the pitch of her voice, the way her eyes were tinted with guilt... he just couldn't. And that annoyed him even more.
—Y/n, that's not the problem —he held her wrists, keeping him from touching him, because he knew he'd lost focus the second her fingertips lied on him.
—And what's the problem?
—You. You're the problem —he finally sentenced, getting up from his seat—. I want to be mad at you, and I just can't. I can't get mad at you, I can't stop thinking about you, I can't stop worrying about you... It's overwhelming.
Y/n pressed her lips together, turning her body to him, thinking it was the closest he'd ever been to being honest about his feelings. That was probably the weakest she had seen him since they met each other.
—And it's all your fault —that accusation, with such belligerence, wasn't what she expected—. You're like a fucking disease. When I started being nice with you and came up with living with you, it was supposed to end with me getting done with you. Who knows? Maybe a few hook ups would make it all up, but nope. It's even worse. I get jealous, which I hate by the way. And now I even gave up to ten thousand dollars. It's so fucking insane.
She watched him coming and going in his living room, nervously yapping while confessing out loud what he was after with his sudden change in attitude.
—Is it so bad to like me?
—Yes! —he rushed to answer— I was happy with my life until you showed up with your freaky habits, and crazy reactions.
Y/n got up from the floor, walking towards him with her eyes fixed on his. If there was something she found out, it was that she was stupid for ever putting her walls down for him. She wasn't scared of admitting she was wrong about him, she didn't care to admit she started liking him... but she did hate to realize that she was fooled.
—Where are you going? —Jungkook asked, watching her dragging her small suitcase from his room to the living room.
—Why don't you do what you're longing so much to do and mind your business? —she cut him off.
—Didn't you hear what I said? I can't.
—Then try a bit harder. I know that for that little brain of yours any form of effort is a big waste of energy, but just try it —she turned to him—. I haven't met anyone so childish and immature, stuck in his conformist complex, just because he's scared of change, in my life.
Jungkook felt his heart beating faster, and the air being cut from his lungs while a knot formed on his throat as he saw Y/n packing her things. He should be feeling relieved, yet all his thoughts were becoming depressing.
—Don't —she warned him, lifting her index in the air, when Jungkook attempted to reach for her hand—. Do you think I have time to deal with your emotional detachments? I have enough problems of my own to deal with yours.
—It's because...
—And don't mention that fucking curse, please —she breathed deeply.
—At least spend the night here.
New reinforced fact about her: she was a bigger stubborn than he was, and he noticed when his door slammed against the walls as she stepped outside.
She knew she wasn't supposed to go back to her place yet, but it was going to be something for that night. At least until she found a cheap hotel where to stay while the works were done in her apartment.
It was good while it lasted. 
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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