#but any help would make a diference
nyx-is-missing · 9 months
hello! Can you write a Clarisse La Rue x reader where they met before Clarisse got sent to camp halfblood when they were little and were best friends then Clarisse left for camp with no explanation then years later reader goes to camp and sees Clarisse for the first time in years and it’s kinda awkward but cute
thanks :)
This is kinda long sooorrry, to help, the part where she gets to camp (kinda) will be in green
Girls on film 📷
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Clarrise la rue x fem!reader
Warnings and explanations: bad words (take the kids out of the living room she swears) gender is specified cause it was written as wlw, but it doenst actually makes a diference, fluff, like two sentences, there is a kiss in the picture but they dont actually kiss sorry.
Unspecified parent gender for both sides so yall can pick wichever
Trying not to kill myself.
That was what i was doing 15 hours ago, just as any normal teenagers living (or as i prefer saying fighting for the soul to stay on the body) during finals week.
In my room there was nothing but piles and piles of normal work, piles for extra credit, piles of old quizzes to try to get me prepared for the new ones and a dumb incomplete project for photography class that was due tomorrow.
Okay ill admit, i had a month to make that, and all i needed to do was shoot pictures, but that was the problem, i prefer taking pictures of people, their emotions, whatever they might be, just never ceases to amaze me.
And my dumb project made take pictures of....landscapes.
Not too bad, if i had any actual real talent for that type of photography, but i dont, every picture gets ruined somehow, its the lightning, the lack of it, my camera falls, gets full of dirt and i get so mad that i just give up.
That whole speach was necessary for me to explain what i was doing 14 hours ago, and that would explain what i was doing 5 minutes ago.
14 hours ago i decided to shoot the photos, i could try many times before it got dark, and if o was lucky enough i wouldnt go insane before the golden hour, and could actually get some nice pictures.
I grabbed my totte bag taking with me only the necessary, camera stuff, the camera, some snacks and my notebook to upload the pictures before i went mad.
13 hours ago i was running to save my life.
And do you know that moment went you go through so much your mind decides to erase it?
That happened, now, what i do remember, i was sitting in a bench by a calm road not too far from the town, i had got some actually good pictures, some of me, some of the trees, some of a butterfly, maybe three cars had passed by since i was there, driving slowly, always saying hi and doing a thumbs up, normal, friendly people from the town.
And then i heard a noise that shook the trees.
I remember seeing something, but never what, i remember running to home as fast as i could, feeling my heartbeats in my neck, i remember the noise, but the people in the streets looked at me like there was nothing behind me and i went crazy
I remember getting home, having a desperate talk with my parent while they got my suiticase ready, and i dont remember a single word.
I remember a funny looking guy my age that got to my house, with goat legs and a more desperate look, and i remember one last hug before i left.
And thats all, aside from a hell of a lot of running nobody cares.
Aparently i passed out from shock or exaustion because i woke up in a unknown place, at night, in a hospital bed, with no actual doctors other than 15 year olds teenagers.
And a horseman standing in the corner, with quite a intelectual look actually.
And let me tell you guys that after the talk we had, if somebody told me i would marry queen Elizabeth within 4 days, i would just belived it.
Because nothing ever in my life would ACTUALLY beat up the level of crazyness of finding out i DO have another parent, they are just, A FUCKING GOD. GREEK. GODS. AH.
Then, after telling me my whole life was in fact, a big fat lie, the horseman... left.
Telling me i should sleep in the infirmary this night for precaution and that he was going to get me to a cabin tomorrow.
Like that was the most normal thing to ever happen to a human, he said goodnight and left.
While i sat there just trying to...basically form a sentence that wasnt "for fucks sake what the fuck was that"
I would have loved to say that i did slept that night, dreaming about glory and greek myths but that did not happened, at all.
I walked around the infirmary for hours, opening every cabinet and trying to make my mind to something, i searched for my stuff, and thankfully found my camera, with some pictures i hadnt noticed i had taken, one specific had a blurred thing in the forest.
When the first rays of sunlight appeared i got dressed, and decided that, in order to prove to myself (and probably to the mental hospital afterwards) i was not insane, i needed proof that i was actually living, actually there, being a demigodess, thats what they called.
Very few people were up already, and i did received some weird looks, it was clear nobody knew me, that was fine, i didnt knew anybody either.
I walked around taking some pictures, sometimes getting lost, but everything amazed me, the forest, the cabins, the stables, i found the entrance to a beach too, and then i got to the training area, aparently, i stayed far away, god forbid i woke up from this nightmare with a spear in my head, oh no, that would be bad.
Openning my camera i zoomed in the people, my speciality, it was sweet, seeing them trully smile, and not pretend for the picture, it was a genuine feeling the camera would keep forever, i zoomed around other peoples faces, but my camera focused on a face i could never forget, and she looked back at me, and realized i was there, but not that i was me, because she came towards me with a angry look.
Ill admit, the look scared me as hell, so much i tried to pretend i was never taking pictures of her, i slightly changed the angle and kept my face hidden behind the camera.
Do i need to say that did not fucking worked? No? Thank you.
"Who the fuck do you think you are taking random pictures of pe-"
She yanked my camera off of me mid sentence and stopped completely, looking like she had seen a ghost for some seconds.
"How- what are you doing here!?"
She asked, with a worried look, still kind of confused, she did this look since we were little girls, and for a moment i had a big deja vu.
Two little girls running around, playing all day, telling each other secrets and stories, running to hug each other eveytime they were close, i still saw that girl in her eyes, but by her previous look, she did not.
"What am i doing here? What are YOU doing here? One day you dissapear without a trace, and your family said you went to a new school even though it was the summer, and now i find you sparring with a spear? You are that too? A demigoddes, i mean?"
I spoke fast, nervous, as if my time in the world with her would end just as it did once.
Instead of responding me right away, clarisse did something that maybe would scare every single soul she knew in the past years.
She hugged me. Hard.
Breathing me in, and not letting me go exactly as you would expect of someone who hasnt seen me in years.
"I couldnt tell you anything... it wouldnt be safe...im sorry, i missed my friend... i missed you."
I just looked at her for some seconds, and then hugged her again, this time i was the one making it extra tight, i was the one going insane by the reconforting smell of her shampoo, praying that she couldnt feel my heartbeats against her chest, and how strong they were.
"Just.. dont leave me again okay? And ill forgive you, i promisse"
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Their extrovert crush is a really good singer
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Marinette, Adrien, Luka ]
[ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
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× Inspired on Sarah (from Kaleido Star)
Im being really excited since I had this idea!! I just love it so much!!! Also, im bragging about one of my favorites characters 🙆🏻‍♀️ like, seriously, Sarah is ✨ amazing ✨
I thought in Ibuki too but I decided to keep it as just Sarah
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
It could be that Marinette personaly meet you in school or by casuality first, or that she gets interested in your music first and then meet you in person, no matter how it happen she will be really surprised by how different your personality it is with the angelic and soft voice you have while sing, she find it hilarious at first but as the time pass and she falls in love with you she start to see it more as a little quirk of yours that makes you more special!
Marinette loves your voice and is constantly hearing your songs (if she has to record your voice herself she will find a way to do it), specially when she is doing homework or working in her designs she has your music in the background (she swears that your voice inspire her) and sometimes even sings along with you, and is for sure that at least once she had fallen sleep while hearing your voice
Speaking of it, Marinette has a lot of drawings of you, drawings of you alone, with the diferents costumes of your presentations, drawings of you with designs she made specially for you and so on, but she keep it to only herself! (or at least try to), she will be really embarrassed if you ever find out about this (even when she daydream a lot about you using her designs)
If Marinette ever has the opportunity to heard you sing personaly is almost a miracle that she doesn't faint or even combust for how flustered she is or how her heart is beating so fast, but it would even more dificult for her to stay calm if she is physicaly close to you (like she just casually heard you sing or even hum, or that you do it for her)
She is always paying a lot of attention to news about you in social media, specially if you make a new song or are going to have a presentation, somehow she always know (and she tries to go)
Marinette is always shy and trip in her own words whenever you are around, so you being more extrovert and talktive is a good thing for her, but at the same time is really bad, it helps her that you has no problem with starting the conversation with her but it makes her really nervous that you two are actually talking, still she can't help but be atracted to you
Marinette can't just bring herself to say no to you, and sometimes she is to distracted with your beauty to even actually heard what you are telling her so whenever you invite her to do something she end up going with you to a strange training of any fighting style you are into, however she is too nervous to say something or decline so she just end up doing it anyways
Marinette will never let anyone talk bad about you, even if someone just think that you are a little weird she is quickly to stand up for you and defend you (even if you don't really mind their comments), also it could be that if people don't actually hear you sing they won't really believe it, in that case she will try to defend you too
When you express your admiration for Ladybug and Chat Noir she is incredibly flustered, she is between trying to say a lot of things at once and stuttering, when she finally manage to ask you she quickly become a flustered blushing mess for you saying how much you admire them for how they always bravery fight against the akumatized people and thanks to your words practically all her worries and insecurities completely vanish (at least for a while) and will be giggly braging about it with Tikki for a long time
Whenever she is fighting as Ladybug it isn't her intention but sometimes she has to save you or put you out of danger and everytime she gets really blushy and giggly. Also, it take a lot of self control and insistence of Tikki for her to not give you a miraculous at the first chance she has
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Adrien Agreste
It could be that you two met from even before he has the opportunity to properly go to the school, since you are part of the world of entertainment by being a really good singer, it would be because it benefit him (making good to his image) or even that Gabriel has made exclusive designs for your presentations (at least once) that gives him the opportunity to meet you and his father won't really see a problem with it
Adrien is really happy with being able to have more friends, doesn't matter much your personality at first and even so he likes it, however he is too innocent to notice when his feelings started to change, when he wants to spend more time with you not only because you are his friend, or when your voice start to sound even more beautiful or even when he start to win more confidence and become a little more extrovert (at least when he is with you)
Adrien will be lying if he says he doesn't like your voice because he does, and he has no problem with saying it neither, everytime he heards you sing he likes to take a moment to fully apreciate it (sometimes even close his eyes to just focus in your voice) and when you finish he always compliments you, comparing you with an angel or with famous singers (make you flustered isn't his intention, but if he does he will be blushy too)
He isn't someone who judge someone just for their looks or title, so he knows better to don't just think that your voice is all of you, that is why when he start to know you better and find out that your personality is the complete opposite of your voice he is totally fine with it, he is initially surprised but quickly finds it funny and even kinda cute
Adrien is a more calm person so he normally just tent to follow your lead whenever you two are together, he doesn't really mind doing whatever you want (he will only complain if it would bring you troubles or something), it always makes his day better seeing you so happy (specially knowing that you are happy to be with him, it flattered him a lot, it even make him a little shy and blushy from time to time)
Is probably that you two hang out in his house a lot with the excuse to help each other with the practice (him the piano and you with the singing), the first time it happen was because you two were actually going to practice but just entering in his room you imediatly become super excited for how much things he has in his room to entertain himself, and he just watch you run around his room seeing everything he has, laughing in amusment waiting until you finally choose something to do (he never had love his room so much before)
He is surprised by the fact that even as being a singer with an angelic voice you are more into learning fighting styles, but then again he doesn't judge so he just talks to you about his fencing lessons and even a little about how he fight to akumatized people (without saying that he is Chat Noir, just saying that that is how he imagine it would be or something). And when you express your admiration for Ladybug and Chat Noir for their habilities to fight and all of that he becomes really flustered in a second, shyly but excited asking you for your opinion about Chat Noir
Speaking of it he won't really lost the opportunity to approach to you while being Chat Noir, either when doing patrol or to take you out of harm's way, while that he will be a little more flirty and confident and still he easily gets flustered
Once he is finally able to go to the school that will give him the opportunity to spend more time with you, and even then he prefers to follow your lead, at first it could easily be seen as that the two of you are just best friends but as the time pass his friends will notice that what he feels for you is more than a friendship and will try to help him to be with you
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Luka Couffaine
Is more probably that Luka meet you before he even has the opportunity to heard you sing, even when he is more into the music what you sing isn't really the type of music he normally hear, however he may know that you are a singer, in any case Luka will be happy to meet you and he is rather friendly since the start
Luka is really friendly so it doesn't take much for you two to start being friends, he won't force you to sing for him if you don't want to, but he is more than happy to hear you do it, he is completely mesmerize by your voice, you truly have the voice of an angel and he has no problem with expressing how beautiful you voice is
He never lose a chance to heard you sing (even if you are just humming or even singing a song that you like and not one of yours it doesn't matter), he likes to take a moment to appreciate before laughing softly in amusment, however he loves it more when he has the opportunity to make you company with his guitar while you sing (he loves doing that, or even just playing something for you, it makes him feel closer to you)
Luka is totally up for making you company in your singing with his guitar while hanging out, however normally when he thinks on you he plays a melody more playfuly and faster than the normal music you sing and is something funny for him (he secretly hopes that you like it because is the way he express his feelings for you)
And just as he loves your voice he loves your personality, once he has the opportunity to truly meet you he finds pretty hilarious the contrast between your voice while singing and you extrovert and determined personality, although he doesn't judge you for non of them it just make you more amazing in his eyes (more than once he had joked about it too)
Both of you easily start a really good friendship so you two spend a lot of time together, and you are always welcome in his house (his mother is always encouraging you to just be yourself, no matter what other would think) and, of course, you are always invited to the practice of Kitty Section and they are completely happy with letting you sing with them if you ever want to take a break of your usual singing
Luka loves hearing you rant about whatever you are into, either the fighting style you are interest or the ideas you are having, and he is actually really interested in what you have to say, even ask more about it sometimes
Luka finds pretty funny that you are interested in learning to fight but still for him is something that make you even more interesting and special, he won't really accept your offers to learn and train with you but he doesn't mind making your company while you do so, if you let him he will like to practice with his guitar while you train (well thats an excuse, he is actually playing along with your training, expressing how much he likes to be with you in his song)
When you express your admiration for the superheros that protect Paris for how strong they are and because they always have the opportunity to actually fight he find it funny and ask you more about it (he will ask you your opinion about Viperion too, but he mainly wants to continue hear you talk so excited about what you like). Everytime he has to be Viperion again he always thinks on you, it flustered him a little but still tries to not get distracted while fighting
Luka isn't unaware of his feelings for you, he knows that he loves you pretty well, even when he doesn't say it out loud (but has no problem with doing it) he does express his love by other ways, like while playing music, with his compliments and sometimes even flirting, but specially by the lovestruck expression he has while looking you while you sing or even when you train, he just can't help but admire every part of you
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cqaeluvs · 5 days
can you do the housewardens with a m!mc who collects a bunch of stuff? like cool rocks or gadgets (and he gives them to people he cares about a lot or has a big crush on)
A familiar books seems to shine, begging for your attention .. would you like to join in ..?
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omggg hii... i totally havent vanished from tumblr.. its been like, a year and nearly a week !! so im back !! this was an interesting request and a bit w self insert(? since i do then to collect rock of gadgets and give them to friends/ family !! anon didnt specified much so im going to do little headcanons & scenarios !
some of them might be longer that others !! because i am under huge stress and writers block !!3kfjger gejrg send help (i wrote this at 3am)
(reader is gender neutral, and implied to be yuu !!) (no proof reading so maybe spelling mistakes !!)
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-- Even if you two started with the wrong foot, as you did with almost half of the school...
-- Time went on and after the event's of chapter 2, both of you went into a more friendly territory, and not long after was when he started to notice the way you seem to collect diferent types of rocks, somehow you found a ruby and gave it to him like nothing ?!
-- Now even if he looks at you with a blank expression, the moment he gets to his dorm, carefully looking around his hands go to a drawer and he takes out a box, that kept every single rock and gadget you given to him safe and sound, perfectly clean too!.
" Oh, another one? .. and of amazing quality too, as long as you are not stealing them from anyone nor are you breaking any rules to get these, i am more than willing to take all of them. "
-- He smiled at you, your hands came into contact with his own as you handed him another of the pretty rocks you find, he can't help but think that only someone as gorgeous as you could find this type of good quality gadgets.
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-- Oh?, and from where did you found such a good quality brooch, you aren't stealing from other people are you Herbivore? he chuckles as you looked at him annoyed that he would think of you as a thief. both of you know he doesn't mean it, and even if you were actually stealing them he would turn a blind eye
-- He does the same thing Riddle does, he saves them in a box away from any public eye, including Ruggie's. Every morning he checks them and makes sure every one is there, as he goes back to sleep.
-- He enjoys the feeling of your presence, nose twitching at the faint smell of that perfume he left on Ramshackles' door on your birthday, so he knew that a new rock or gadget was gonna be soon layed on his chest.
Leona's ears twitched as your footsteps became louder, one of his eyes opening slowly as he watched you carefully placed a shiny small rock on his chest, when you left his hand went to his chest grabbing carefully the rock with a caring yet tight grip in a case someone wanted to act funny and steal it from him.
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-- Azul and you also didn't start with the right foot !!, but since you seem to have a fascination for the beach you guys started to bond quite a lot.
-- It was one of this days that the sea decided to give you quite the beautiful stone to gift to your beloved crush, a beautiful lilac that reminded you of the octopus that stole your heart without knowing.
-- You cleaned it really well, looked at the sea one last time as you decided to run as fast as your legs can let you, nearly bumping into Azul himself, who seemed startled as you placed the beautiful stone on his gloved hands.
Azul ajusted his glasses that slided a bit from his nose because of the jump you cause him since you appeared out of nowhere screaming at him when you saw him from the corner of your eyes. He cleaned some inexistent dust as he looked at you nerveous, his hand your hand. He felt the small rock placed on his palm, as you told him how much i reminded you of him because of the lilac color feeling the need of giving it to him.
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-- You must be really naive if you think you can give him anything and not expect anything in return, Jamil is starting to get gray hairs because of you two. Kalim needs to stop throwing so much money, especially with how greedy NRC students can be.
-- The first time you gifted him an cheese shaped erased he felt to happy and also unable of using it because it's a gift from you !!.
-- And at the next day, there was a silver necklace for you, or if you are one of the gold people!, a beautiful gold ring was in quite the expensive box, behind it .. more boxes, with clothes and food.
" Ah, Hello !, did you liked the gift i left at your porch this morning?, i felt like its the least i could do for you. How do you feel about some ride on the carpet in the night?, or you can go and have dinner with us in Scarabia!, im sure Jamil won't mind. "
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-- A rainbow diamond ? .. Dear potato from where you got this ?.
-- The Dwarfs' Mines .. !? Potato that so dangerous ! How and when did you go there ?!
-- A rainbow diamond is what you found the first day as a janitor, in that cave after the chandelier accident, you couldn't help yourself from grabbing it besides the magestone that Deuce grabbed. And until now, you have kept that diamond safe.
-- When you met Vil, your first thought was the rainbow diamond no one but him seemed fit for the gem in your eyes, every thing about him reminded you of the diamond, and so when the VDC camp started, late at night when it was just you two, you carefully gave the blond the perfect and beautiful rainbow diamond.
" How.. Potato, do you know how rare and expensive this is..? " Vil looked at you in a disbelief he masked immideatly, his gloved hands carefully traced over the beautiful gem, he hid how flustered he felt when you explained him that out of everyone in NRC, you only saw him fit to have such a rare and expensive gem but you didnt know it was that rare, he cleared his throat as he sent you off to sleep, considering how late it was. As he walked towards his dorm in Ramshackle he made sure to hide it very well as a small pink adorned his cheeks.
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-- Since Idia barely comes out of his room, you mostly go find Ortho, giving him rocks and flowers. Some for him and Of course, Idia.
-- As you cleaned around Ramshackle, something fell on your head .. some weird blue heart shaped rock? weirdly specific, as you caressed the rock your thought drifted to the blue-fire haired man, such an awkward man that you couldn't help but find him endearing, and his little brother has always been there for you.
-- You placed the cleaning kit back into that small room, fixing yourself a little bit as you decided to give the rock to your crush face to face, you walked towards the mirrow hall then you stood infront of the mirror that lead to Ignihyde.
-- As you looked around, Ortho who looked beyond happy to see you there, taking your hand he lead you into his and Idia's room.
Idia jumped from his chair as Ortho open the door with a loud bang, as he was about to sigh and scold him, the familiar picture of his crush appeared, he jumped even higher as he tried to escape. He closed his eyes as he felt his hands touch something cold, his slim finger wrapped around your warm hands. His hair started to turn pink the moment you left the dorm, he could feel the smoke leaving his head, feeling like an overheated console. when he open his hands, he nearly fainted at the small heart shaped rock with a flower, putting the rock into his pocket, playing with inbetween his fingers, Idia looked the monitor screen with a blank stare with tainted cheeks.
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-- Oh?, trying to court him now or are you not, dear child of man?.
-- When you first gave him a random rock you found outside of Ramshackle, he looked perplexed. Not only you were not afraid of him, but you were also actively trying to court him?. Oh dear, you two just met a few minutes ago, but he wont mind.
-- Infact he love it, and as dragons have their fascination for special types of treasure, of course as Riddle. Malleus has a special box where he saves all of the rocks and gadgets you had given to him.
" Child of man, are you aware of what this means .. ? " Malleus looked at you, many stones in his hands. Different sizes and colors as he looked at you crouched a few miles infront of him, colleting more rocks and gadgets to give him. If Malleus had his dragon tail out, it would be wagging like crazy, dilated pupils as he stared at the back of your head, with pure adoration as he extended his hands for the new pile of rocks that you are placing.
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AND ITS NOW OFFICIALLY 6 AM AS I FINISH WRITING THIS !! I CANT TO THIS ANYMORE, im going to vanish for a year again because oh lord !!, i hope you guys enjoyed it (i cant put more tags?!?!?!)
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mari-lair · 1 month
Jay disclosed Eurylochus doesn't have a clear purpose, so he doesn't have an instrument of his own, using the voice of the crew as his instrument/purpose, said crew isn't happy with Odysseus, at all.
Cuts songs like "Cope with that" and even the way they go "Everything changed since Polites," during 'keep your friends close' show tension has been bubbling under the surface ever since people died under Odysseus's command.
Eurylochus does have a voice of his own and it tells us that he cares a lot but he gives up extremely quickly.
In the start of the musical, his first song is literally called "Luck Runs Out", brought to us during a storm he see no hope of defeating, claiming "Captain, we will capsize with thesе waves, our fleet will fail" and "We're taking too much damage to survive!" while everyone is trying to tilt the odds. Even the crew is trying, because they do not offer Eurylochus any backing vocals here, only shouting about the storm.
During Luck Runs Out, the crew song, Eurylochus always uses "We" amd "us" , except in these part, where there are no backing vocals, is just eurylochus:
"Please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do"
"I just don't wanna see another life end You're like the brother I could never do without"
He is worried about himself and the crew but he is deeply worried about Odysseus too. He has far more respect and care for Odysseus than the rest of the crew.
During circe island he was going to admit he opened the wind bag, something the other men under Ody's command clearly wouldn't disclose, cause they have a impersonal relationship with Odysseus.
Speaking of the wind bag, since i'm already rambling, I always interpreted it as a choice for Eury. A choice to trust his captain (who ordered him to always be devout or 'we will all die on this') or his crew (If Eurylochus didn't open the bag another crew member would have, a lot of people were curious about the bag and annoyed Odysseus doesn't want to open it. The crew was not subtle. This was a crew choice.) and Eury chose to trust the crew, not his his friend, just like Odysseus chose not to trust his second in comand, staying awake for days and days instead.
Eury feels guilty for not trusting his captain but Ody still doesn't want to hear him/fully trust him, he dismiss his confession.
Puppeter is the song that highlight Eurylochus diferences from the crew. The crew went in with Circe, Eurylochus stayed outside, more wary or not as tempted, and once he noticed he dodged an incredible danger he chose to run instead of trying to help the man turned into pigs.
When odysseus say he'll stop Circe, I am confident the crew would encourage him, or at the very least, not argue with their captain on this, but Eurylochus is firmly against it, he does not want Odysseus to face this great danger. Is the same feeling of Luck Runs Out, "i can't lose you" but instead of pleading for Odysseus to change his mind, he is firm.
"No we don't
Look at all we've lost and all we've learned
Every single cost is so much more than what we've earned
Think about the men we have left before there are none
Let's just cut our losses, you and I, and let's run"
This is purely Eurylochus, no crew voices to be heard. He loves the crew, but Odysseus is more than his captain, he is an old friend, the most important in the crew. And he needs Ody to run with him.
"I can hear her still, and her voice deceives
What if she can’t be killed?
Will you choose to leave?"
Odysseus admit he doesn't know if Circe is a lost cause, but he still says "I have to try." and Eurylochus took that to heart.
The success on Circe's island seems to have make Eurylochus change his perspective, gaining appreciation for all of Odysseus attempts to keep people alive, even some for the ones that are considered clear failures by the crew. Cause at least Ody tried to not get anyone killed. He failed but he tried.
" When we fought the cyclops, you were quick to hatch a plan!" vs the initial "you relied on wit and people died on it"
The one who starts the direct call back to the lyrics of Luck Runs Out during Mutiny is Perimedes, after stabbing Odysseus.
"How are we supposed to trust you now? Now your time has come, your luck's run out Now, the time has come to shut you down You relied on wit and then we died on it"
This is sang without Eurylochus, who loss to Odysseys after his begging lead to nothing. He is so angry but he genuinely wants to be wrong. He wants to trust his captain.
"Tell me you did not know that would happen
Say you didn't know how that would end
Look me in the eyes and tell me, Captain
That you did not just sacrifice six men?"
Odysseus is doing what Eurylochus taught him, to just "cut our losses and run" but that is unforguivable, because it was never meant to be a lesson. Eurylochus had been lost when he had that belief. Is no wonder he can't argue when Odysseus says he would have done the same. His answer isnt a denial.
"If you want all the power you must carry all the blame!"
And that's when the chanting becomes a consistent part of the song. When Odysseus is reminder that he is the captain, they are not on the same level, his decision is the final one, it put the whole crew in danger.
(There is also one chant of 'eurylochus' when he says "then you have forced my hand" at Odysseus lack of excuse or explanation that feels worth pointing out. As if that is the moment where he and the crew start to share beliefs again)
I fully believe that when Odysseus was stabbed the crew would have let him bleed to death, but Eurylochus was the one who took a stance and bandaged him. He is really angry and he does agree with the crew's need to do something about this, but he doesn't want Odysseus to die, he still has that "You're like the brother I could never do without" stance.
He is lost again. He can't trust his captain, he give up on trying.
But this time, he isn't alone. The crew have given up too. Look at this, they are following his lead.
How much longer must I suffer now? How much longer must I push through doubt? How much longer must I go about My life like this, when people die like this?
How much longer must we suffer now? How much longer must we push through doubt? How much longer must we go about Our lives like this when people die like this? Woah
That's why the "Ody we're never gonna get to make it home. You know it's true" Kills me. Everyone have given up.
The mutiny isn't what Eurylochus wanted. Once the anger pass he is just defeated. He is no captain. He is still loss. He is back to the beginning, he cares about people, he doesn't want to see them die, but he gives up. He is tired he is starving, he can't take it.
He doesn't believe they'll make it home alive, he doesn't want to try.
And yet... He doesn't let Ody die during the mutiny. He cares so much. So when Zeus gives Odysseus the choice to kill himself or the crew, it must really hurt to hear his captain, his friend, chose the crew.
There are no crew chants in Thunder Bringer, not in "captain...?" nor in "...but we will die", that's purely Eurylochus feelings, his friend. In fact, while the crew did obey Ody when he told them to run away from Helios Island, they haven't called him 'captain' since the mutiny, only Eury did.
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melissavillove · 7 months
I'm seen alot of emet In legend AZ and while that would be so ccool. It's highly unlikely.
See pokemon likes its formulas. Keep doing something slightly diferent to keep it fresh. If we are gonna have another time traveler that get stuck before us. It's gonna follow the same pattern has ingo.
My idea for the pattern is, Someone who isn't a main plot character, i havent play black or white but im sure the train duo arent main plot charactes. A person who is connected deeply with someone else who will miss them dearly in their own time, like Emmett. and someone from the next generation, legends arceus takes places in sinoh while ingo is from unova, so if AZ is kalos, then our new time traveler has to be from alola.
I did play sun and moon so I'm familiar with the story. I did a Google search to refresh my memory. Unfortunately there are not alot of interesting side characters that dont connect to the main plot. But still i did my quick research and here are my options from posible Alola natives than get stuck in pass kalos.
Lillie or gladion
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Another sibling duo, their story was sweet and heartbreaking so why not add more. wishes just reconnect after who knows how long and then for one of them to disappear to an unknown world without any memory would be so sad. Bonus points if we get to see a more confident Lillie helping the urban development of lumious city, or a more scare gladion been terrified of megas, yet wishes to learn more about how to bond with pokemons.
Nanu or Acerola
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Nanu acts all uncaring but he does love acerola has she is the only family he has left. On the flip side, Acerola loves his uncle and keeps looking up for him. Acerola js elude to be descentdant from a royalt family, which would fit perfectly if she gets send into a pass Paris inspired place, she can be a princess or a noble lady. Nanu did take care of team skull making sure they weren't too problematic, so he could be something like a protector or something.
Hala or Hau
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Self explanatory. Grampa loses grandkid or the other way arround. No idea what they could do in kalos though.
Plumeria or Guzman or kukui
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I'm putting them together cuase is the same concept. If Guzman loses either kukui or plumeria he act all tuff but he be heartbroken if he loses one of the few people he can call friends. On the other side, if Guzman disappeared just after starting to fix his life out, I'll destroy kukui and plumeria. Though again, no idea what they could be in pass kalos.
Burner or kukui
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Just. Couple angst. No more to say.
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burnedwriter · 2 years
N.N.N Harbinger special!
A/n:i have had so many problems with this fic i swear,this is a reupload of the fic due to my blog being shadow banned and my post getting community labeled.i will have an ao3 account in a few days so i will also upload all my fics there
A/n:im not responsible for what people read
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💉he would accept the challenge only to experiment on himself.we are talking about dottore afterall.He was curious to see the effects that it had on his body.
💉he will even tell you to tease him a bit to see if the there any diferent effects.
💉this man sees everything as an opportunity for an experiment and suprisingly enough he made it through the whole month
💉until one day,you were approached by a fatui agent.
''lord dottore requests your assistance!''He said monotonely
and with that you got up from your seat and headed towards dottore's office.Knoking the door before entering,you closed the door behind you,he had his chair turned back at the door but as soon as he heard the door close he turned his chair to face you.
you always felt like a deer in headlights to his presence making your whole body freeze in place
''you requested my assistance,how's the experiment going sir?''you said cowardly
making himself comfortable he placed his elbows on his desk as the tips of his fingers touched eachether creating a sophisticated pose
''the experiment went great dear,but there is one last thing i want you to help me with.....how about you show me what that beautiful mouth of yours can do other than talking''
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🐋When you told this man about the challenge,he acceted imediatly without any hesitation.Childe loves challenging his abilities in every way he can.
🐋But what he didnt expect was how hard it would be with you around him
🐋he lasted until day 15 and failed in the most clitche way possible
🐋You heard him call you from the living room,so you quickly threw a towel over yourself as you just came out of the shower and headed to the living room.
''what is it ajax?''you asked confused as you saw him stand still before you
his cheecks flashed red as he continued to stare at your half covered body
''you look really beautiful like this''his voice trembling almost like he fell in love again
coming closer to you he wrapped his arms around your waist closing the distance between you
You saw his gaze turn from soft to a lustful one,as his hands slithered down your ass massaging it softly and earning a low moan from you
"How about we take this to the bedroom hm"
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👿When you told him about the challenge he thought it was stupid but....he accepted it only because hehas a big ego about himself and wants to prove its not that hard
👿So of course you took it upon yourself and decided to tease him a bit just to step up the difficulty for him.
👿Pretending you dropped your pen and picking it up only to flash scara with a glimse of your panties,or another thing you did to tease him was grinding yourself against his crotch every time you sat on his lap and when he confroted you about it,you tried to pay it off as coincidence
That was the last straw for him
"Are you satisfied now slut" he hissed threw his teeth as he pounded into your core as he had you pinned with your legs next to your head
"Trying so hard to get my attention"he said continuing his merciless pace
By that you knew you were in for a long night
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👖 Pantalone is different from the rest of the harbingers.He will agree to participate in the challenge under one condition,if you too joined
👖By accepting the deal you sealed your fate in he worst case possible
👖Pantalone didnt seem to break by your teasing even if it did hes impossible to read under that charming smile of his
👖Pantalone's teasing though...made you wish this month to be over already
👖He would brush his hands with yours everytime he passed you or he will whisper dirty things in your ear every chance he got just to see you cheeks glow red
👖Finally you had enough of his teasing,putting your ego aside you went straight to his office,upon entering you closed the door behind you
Pantalone lifted his head off of the paper work only to realise it was you
"Hello darling,is there anything you need?"
Bitting your lip as your face started to heat up from embarassment
"Oh!i see...you finally gave in,too bad we have to try next year again"he let out a teasing laugh as a sly smile started to form
You were in for a treat
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warping-realities · 1 year
Dalton Academy - Vanity Fair
A good night's sleep without Sanchez mumbling was the thought that first crossed the mind of a relieved Jacob Miller when he woke up on Sunday morning. Until he turned around and saw why, his roommate hadn't slept there.
"Weird." - He murmured to the empty room, wondering if he should worry about what happened. He and Jaime had a peaceful relationship, they weren't really friends, but they got along well enough for him to inform someone responsible if his colleague didn't show up. The problem was precisely that, if he communicated too early and put his colleague in trouble the peaceful existence of the two in that dormitory could be compromised. Jaime already was upset because his colleagues find out about his nightmares.
Damn Gregory and his big mouth. He shouldn't have shared that with his brother and had only done so out of concern and after much deliberation. He would hate if them create a gossip reputation. It was enough that people sometimes saw the two brothers as slow in mind. It didn't help that the two had grown up on a farm, working hard, plus they had that combination of raw muscle and fat that had earned them both the defensive tackle position and also added to that unwanted fame. But that fame was injust. Well in Jacob's case at least.
His brother was a diferent story, Gregory was machine in relation to any physical activity, with an enviable reasoning within the fields but he had depended his whole life on the help of his twin in relation to his studies.
Jacob on the other hand was a good student in all fields, not excellent but adequate, although he didn't have the same level of athletic ability as his brother. Which sometimes irritated him, because people sometimes judged the twins by two measures. They forgave Gregory his academic shortcomings due to his genius at sports while judging Jacob for being average at one and just good at the other. But that was ancient history, while Jaime's disappearance was something that was happening right now.
Jacob got up and decided that if his colleague didn't show up until he finished getting ready before breakfast he would talk to management, but Jaime finally appeared when he was already partially dressed and decided to report his absence.
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"Where have you been man?"
"Why the curiosity Mille? Ready to start another malicious gossip?"
"Fuck off, man! I really worried about you both times."
"You fuck off, Jacob. I have enough problems to deal with without you meddling." - Answered the Latin boy who for some reason looked much more threatening than Jacob remembered. Though he certainly could still give him a good spanking if he wanted to. What he wouldn't. - "Sanchez, if you want a fight you're trying with the wrong person. Calm down and tell me what's going on, you're not acting like yourself." - He replied looking directly at his colleague who for a moment seemed ready to fight back, maybe even physically. But he then sat on the bed with a tired look on his face and let out a sigh.
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me man. I'm sorry, you're right, I'm not like that."
"Dude, I know we're not best friends or anything, but we share the same room and I promise I won't make the mistake of bringing this up with my brother again." - He said with a characteristic calm tone that always amazed those who heard him for the first time, as if they expected something much more aggressive due to his size. And it was almost always precisely that tone that made him solve his problems without major conflicts and conquer other people's trust. And for a moment it looked like that was what was going to happen once again, as he saw his colleague drop his guard for a moment, only to then close up again.
"I'm sorry Jacob, but it really is better that you don't know. And I appreciate it if you don't mention this to anyone, especially your brother."
"It's fine man, but remember if you need anything I'm here."
"Thanks, there is actually something you can do. Try to stay away from Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
"Why?" He replied thinking that maybe this was his chance to have an opening with his colleague.
"I can't tell, but promise me that if they try to get close you'll back off."
"Those crow boys never even looked at me man, why would they show any interest now?"
"I think you would be surprised."
"Good morning gentlemen, I suggest you shower and get ready before breakfast, this room reeks of sex. So spare me the sordid details." - Chad said, suddenly entering Eddie's and J.B. bedroom.
"Chad, what the fuck, man?" - Eddie replied while nudging his sleeping friend.
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"I wonder how you two fit in the same bed. - Said a smiling Mike entering the room right behind with a mischievous smile on his face. - And weren't you the one who wouldn't sleep with Eddie at all, J.B.?"
"What can I do if I'm fickle when it comes to pleasure?" - J.B. answered, standing up naked without the slightest ceremony. - But it won't happen again. Or maybe will, it depends on how bored I will be.”
"Well, save your dick your day is about to get interesting. We need to secure Miller today and then Sanchez will come to us and the job will be finished and the Contract validated."
"It's not like you haven't said this a million times before, Chad. - J.B. replied entering the bathroom. - I'll take a bath and then we can start, is everything arranged in the city?"
"If your lover did his job right, yes."
"I'm nobody's lover, J.B. and I just meet our needs, Chad. You should try to do the same sometimes. Before you end up crippled for breaking into other people's rooms without permission." - Eddie replied, still irritated, putting on a pair of shorts and sitting back on the bed.
"Chad won't admit it but he's worried, this is the most important moment and we don't know how Miller's brother will react. They are identical twins, they've shared everything together forever and you can't change one without changing the other."
"I don't know why so much concern, we will probably gain an extra brother."
"Probably. But I prefer certainties. - Chad answered."
"Nothing was completely guaranteed from the start, bro and we're all here according to your plan. You've told us that many times yourself, the board know what they're doing, we must trust and stick to the plan." - Mike intervened.
"So let's put it into practice. The bathroom is all yours Eddie - said J.B. leaving wrapped in a towel - try not to take too long this time, today is the Millers beauty day and not yours. And I can't wait for it ."
Jaime found himself in the principal's office for the second morning in a row. He didn't know if Carmichael would be there, but it was the only way to carry out his plan. Standing in front of the door he thought not for the first time if it wasn't better to give it all up. But he had a plan, a plan he had started to come up with while he was still in the library and which he would continue to work on while she was taking a shower playing with his abs or while arranging her hair in neat curls in front of the mirror or while choosing a shirt that flattered his defined arms. He had done a quick research on King's work and believed he understood what his grandmother had wanted to show him in the last dream.
The problem is that he wasn't sure if the plan would work. The dream could have been just another warning for him to run away from Dalton. And then there was the matter ofthe differences between King's books and the film adaptations. Some of the things that appeared to him came directly from Kubrick's work and not from the author. In King's book after the destruction of the Overlook the place continued to be cursed, while in Mike Flannagan's film, the destruction of the hotel seemed to end the curse, although even there that was not clear.
That's why Jaime thought that maybe it was better to give up and find a way to escape. But then there was the matter of the bones, from the way Chad had said it he deduced that Dalton's spirit had somehow united forces with the thing that inhabited the site before the school was built and he would bet that the fact that the Hartfield ancestor's body had something to do with it.
It was a hunch, but he believed he was right. So if he found out where those bones were and them maybe he could reverse what was done to the others, he didn't remember who they were before but he believed they deserved to live their real lives and not the distorted version that was imposed on them. But for that he needed to get closer to Chad. And in that vision he had heard his colleague talk about a field trip, which meant that he was going to leave Dalton and that if Jaime wanted to get more information he would have to go with him.
That was also a good way for him to get away if he made that decision. Which put him on the principal's door again, as he would need his permission if he wanted to take any of the plans forward.
"Come in - the director's bass voice resounded in the room and Jaime entered at the same time mentally thanking the director for being there and wondering once again if he wasn't making a mistake. He was surprised to see that Carmichael was dressed in a gym outfit that demonstrated every detail of his perfect physique while he looked at him with a serious face.- Good morning, Jaime, if you are here to ask again to leave Dalton I believe I was quite clear."
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"Good morning sir. In fact it's just the opposite. I came to tell you that you were right. I haven't tried hard enough to fit in with my colleagues and that's why I'm here. I would like your permission to visit the city today with some of them."
"I'm glad to hear that, lad. And I sincerely hope this isn't some crazy plan to get out of here. I need to remind you that Dalton is deep in the upstate and the nearest towns are many miles away. It would be unwise of you to try who knows why to try to escape in that way." - admonished the director with a stern look.
"Don't worry sir, I'm not naive enough to try something like that. And as I told you, I no longer have the desire to leave the academy."
"Then you have my permission Jaime. Don't let me down. But tell me who are the colleagues you want to accompany into town?"
Jaime was unsure whether to lie to the director or take the opportunity to see the older man's reaction, in addition to perhaps ensuring an easier rapprochement with the Crows. He chose to speak the truth.
"There's something else I'd like to ask you, sir. Because me and these boys, we're not friends yet, but if you intercede I believe they should agree to take me along."
"I can try Jaime, but we're talking about the other students' personal lives, if they don't accept your company, as much as it disappoints me, I won't be able to force them."
So the principal didn't feel comfortable intruding into the students' personal lives. Jaime smiled charmingly at hearing such hypocrisy and then landed the blow.
"Ah, but they will, you've known one of them since his birth and he respects you too much to deny you such a request, Sir. I'm talking about Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
Gregory sat eating his breakfast in silence. That was how he liked to spend his time off the football field. Even more so in a place like Dalton where everyone would judge you for the slightest verbal slip. He knew that everyone thought he was slow minded, even his brother. But that wasn't true. On the field Gregory had quick reflexes and absurd agility for his size. But off the court he was careful, when you have his size it's easy to broken things, hurt things, so he weighed everything very carefully before making any decisions. Combined with his academic difficulties, that made him look stupid. He knew that his brother also had to deal with that fame and that he resented it. But while Jacob had a great ability to relate to others in that characteristic calm way, Gregory could not. That's why he kept quiet and when he got really angry he made some threats that he rarely had to carry out. But that had been enough to increase that unwanted fame.
"You're quieter than usual Greg, is there a problem?" - commented Leonardo Reis, his roommate, sitting at the same table.
"Jacob is still pissed at me about that Sanchez thing, if I ever find out who leaked it..."
"I already told you I didn't do it, man. Probably someone heard when you told me and spread it all around."
"I shouldn't have told you in the first place. I only told you because I thought maybe you could talk to the guy and help him out in some way."
"And I already told you that this was a very prejudiced idea on your part. First, because Mexico is much closer to here than to Brazil. Second, because the two countries don't even speak the same language. Third and most important, because Jaime is as native to this country as you are. Which makes the two of you closer than he and I will ever be." - Reis replied with a frown.
"I know man, I understood when you explained all this the first time. It's just that Jacob has been blaming me for something beyond my control. I thought with the game yesterday things would get better. But the truth is, they. They've not been good for a long time."
"So talk to him man, you're brothers, you came into the world together, you've shared everything since forever."
"I've been thinking that maybe that's part of the problem. We're not the same person. And people sometimes forget that." Gregory replied, remembering that this had not always been the case. When they were kids having a twin brother was awesome. Someone exactly like you, with whom to share everything. And indeed they shared everything from toys to clothes to the same upbringing by their parents.
Their parents were simple, hard-working people, raised within the religion and the precepts of love and respect for the homeland for which they could one day die if necessary. And they raised their children the same way.
The problem started when the talents and deficiencies of the twins became apparent and external demands began. It was expected that the two would obtain the same results regardless of their individual abilities. And it frustrated both of them, even though neither of them had talked to each other about it.
Gregory didn't think Leonardo was the right person to understand the problem either. His colleague could understand international politics and all that other stuff, although not as much as he thought. Gregory could, for example, have explained to his colleague that although he and Jaime were from the same country, the differences between the two could be even greater than the differences between Leonardo and Jaime, not that Gregory and his brother were the kind of person who hate immigrants. His parents were firm believers that America was still the land of opportunity it always had been and that there was enough room for truly dedicated people to thrive. Although not all members of their community shared that opinion.
And the fact is that he already realized that Reis avoided talking about what he thought of the values under which Gregory and Jacob had been raised by associating them precisely with the type of people who would have expelled him from the country if he had not been legalized and son of important people. Which proved that Gregory really wasn't as slow as people thought. And precisely because there was this barrier between the two, a complete friendship had not been established. Reis was great for talking about sports or having a few laughs talking about everyday shit, but he didn't feel comfortable talking about more meaningful subjects with his colleague. Which wasn't necessary, because at that moment Jacob sat down next to him, wearing the exact same shirt as his, a mistake they didn't like to make.
"Good morning Leo, good morning brother. Don't worry, I'll change my shirt after breakfast."
"Why? You guys look so cute dressed like that." - Said a sassy Jonathan Roberts sitting down at their table without ceremony and being followed by his bunch of friends in an unusual demonstration of approximation with colleagues outside their group. Which made Leonardo assume an expression of displeasure and the twins exchanged inquisitive glances between themselves.
"To what do we owe the honor of the elite's presence among the common folk?"- Leonardo asked, visibly troubled.
"The grandson of the owner of one of the largest mining companies in South America could hardly be considered common." - Rebutted Eddie Chang. Making Leonardo blush and the twins stare at their colleague with inquisitive looks.
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"Is this true?" - Gregory asked whileLeonardo seemed to consider the answer before answering.
"Yes it is. Thank you very much for that, Chang." - He replied even more irritated.
"You're welcome dear colleague, I found it very interesting to learn that our little defender of the weak and oppressed is as much an imperialist swine as the rest of us."
"Things don't work that way, my grandfather hasn't spoken to my mother for years since she married my father instead of making a more profitable marriage."
"Still there's a small fortune waiting for you in Brazil, it's a lot more than some of us at this table can say." - Answered Mike Jones.
Gregory couldn't understand what all this was about, although it seemed pretty clear that the Crows were looking to pick some kind of fight with Leonardo. He just didn't understand why. He didn't care much that his colleague was a millionaire, almost everyone in that school was and besides Leonardo was always respectful with him. He saw that his brother got ready to intervene and try to calm things down, but he didn't have the patience and was faster.
"Listen here you assholes, if you have a problem with Leonardo you'll have a problem with me and I'm one of the few people in this school bigger than you."
"Wow, calm down there Miller, this is just a friendly conversation between colleagues." - Jonathan Roberts replied.
"Our definition of friendly is very different." Gregory snapped, clenching his fists.
"He's right brother, calm down, we don't want to start a fight in the middle of the cafeteria."
"Certainly you don't want Mister Miller." - Someone commented with a serious and mature voice. And all the boys turned to see the impressive image of Director Carmichael in his gym clothes, accompanied by Jaime Sanchez, at that moment with a small smile playing on his face, as if he knew something that the others did not even suspect. - Mr Hartfield, I'd like to ask you a favor.
"Yes sir. If I can help, count on me." - Chad replied politely, but with an look of astonishment on his normally self-assured face.
"Great, Mr. Sanchez here has asked permission to visit the city today and I would like you and your friends to accompany him." - Said Carmichael apparently not realizing the revolution that caused on the Crows at the table. But neither Jaime, his smile widening, nor Leonardo, still irritated, nor the Millers, failed to notice.
"Si... sir? I don't understand. - Chadwick stammered to the astonishment of everyone at the table, apparently that was a day of firsts.
"I don't find it difficult to understand Mr Hartfield, you are going to go to the city, Mr Sanchez would like to go there and also to get along better with his colleagues, it seems to me an obvious opportunity to achieve both. So I ask you to take him and keep him company. Of course, no one is forcing you to, but I will be personally disappointed if you refuse." - Carmichael ended with a look at Chad that denoted that the director would do much more than just feel disappointed if he refused."
"Of course he can go with us sir." - Chad replied cornered, his face still half incredulous.
"Wonderful! Why don't you sit down and enjoy breakfast with your colleagues before the rideJaime? It seems to me that between Mr. Hartfield's and Mr. Chang's cars everyone at the table can go to the city. - Concluded Carmichael ready to withdraw but being interrupted by Chad.
"Sir, if you don't mind I would like a word with you in private."
"I don't mind, accompany me Mr Hartfield, but be quick, I believe you have no time to lose." - Answered the director looking at Chad and the other Crows. While Jaime sat next to Jacob at the table Chad got up and followed the director, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind. For the first time the ever-confident Crows didn't seem to know what to say. While Jaime seemed to ooze a self-confidence unknown to the rest.
"Jacob, if you're not going to eat that omelette, can I? - He said smiling before turning to the still uncharacteristically silent Crows. - So, guys, what are your plans for today?"
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Chad didn't know if he was more scared or irritated by what was happening. But to anyone hearing his voice at that moment, it would be clear that irritation was winning.
"What the fuck was that Carmichael?"
"It's Principal Carmichael or Sir, Chadwick. And don't use bad language with me again."
"Sir, we have a plan and we were sticking to it, we were going to get Reis out of the way and finish the job with Miller and only then meet with Sanchez. What you've done now puts all my work at risk!"
"I know Chad, but it was the only thing to do. He knows."
"I don't know, but somehow he knows, the bastard maneuvered me, which shows he's very close to being one of us, even though he's not yet. But in doing that he showed me that he knows something and has some kind of plan. I could lock him in some room and wait for your work to be done. But he's stronger than any of us thought, Chad. And we gave him weapons, he already thinks and acts like us without actually being one of us yet. I don't know what kind of things he would be able to do if he really wants to utilize what's left of his power. I can't risk it. And he wants to be close to you. I'm sorry about that boy, but right now the safest thing is for him to stay over your eyes, I don't have any power over your contract but you do. Secure Miller as quickly as possible and prepare a contingency to secure Sanchez.
"You don't understand, Miller is already an incognita because of his brother, now the Source comes to us before the right time and I still have to deal with Reis and he is not even connected to our contract."
"Ask your friends to deal with the Millers together, make sure the brother is included. Regarding Reis, it would be best not to mix two different contracts before they are validated. But if you can't get rid of him take him along and keep an eye on him while making sure Sanchez doesn't do anything to get in the way of your plans."
"Sir, do you realize how difficult it is to do what you are asking me, the variables..."
"You've got Dalton's own blood running through your veins Chad if there's ever a true son of this Academy it's you. Put your crafty brain to work and I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. Sorry to let the burden on your shoulders son but if you want what you've worked so hard for to come true it's up to you.”
"I thought you didn't want me around the Crows because they were trouble, Jaime. Then you show up and offer to hang out with them!" - Said Jacob staring at Jaime in the school yard while they waited for Chad's return. After breakfast the strange and disproportionate group formed that morning split up, while the Crows went to get the cars the others were waiting in front of the main school building. Now they were staring at each other from distance as if the thing they least wanted to do was what they were about to do.
"And they're trouble, I really don't think you guys should go." - Jaime replied in a whisper to avoid being heard in what he already knew beforehand would be an unsuccessful attempt.
"If you explain why maybe we won't go but there's no way we're going to miss the chance to go to the city, none of us have expensive cars." - Answered Jacob also whispering.
"I'd rather not go with that bunch of assholes..." - Leonardo started to say in a loud voice making a total effort to be heard, only to be interrupted by Eddie Chang leaning against his Mercedes AMG G 63.
"Then don't come Reis. No one was going to invite you anyway. You're lucky this beauty arrived yesterday, otherwise none of you would have gotten a ride."
"...but I'm never going to let you go without me. Just like Sanchez, I don't trust them either." - concluded Leonardo as if their colleague had not even spoken.
"Are you afraid the big bad wolves will devour your Little Red Riding Hood friend?" - Shouted Mike Jones leaning on Chad's Porsche Panamera and hitting another target unintentionally as a tremor went through Jaime when he heard that mention of wolves.
"Stop this nonsense - said Chad at that moment leaving the school building. - Reis, you are really not welcome so get out. I can't order Sanchez to do the same without offending the principal otherwise I would order him to do the same. The other two are invited if they want to come."
"If Leo doesn't go neither will we." - Gregory answered.
"Fine. If you want to impose this discomfort on yourself and us you can come along Reis. You and Sanchez come with me and Mike and the Millers go with Eddie and J.B."
"I think there's plenty of room in Chang's car for me to go along there." - Leonardo replied.
"Too bad it's not up to you to decide that. You can meet your boyfriends in town. So either you come with me or you all stay and screw what Carmichael thinks."
"Liar." - Jaime whispered in his colleague's ear as he passed by him and headed to his car. Being followed by a sullen Leonardo. While Chad stared at them with an inscrutable expression. That little trip promised to be quite an experience.
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Embarrassing was not enough of a word to describe the mood inside Edward Chang's car at that moment. The Miller brothers were still not on good terms with each other or their hosts. These in turn still hadn't been able to completely absorb the events of breakfast but at same they knew they had a duty to fulfill. Reinforced by a single message sent by Chad - "Stick to the plan, I'll handle Sanchez myself." - And it was thinking about that that J.B. decided to break the ice.
"So once we get to town I thought we'd go down to the county fair, the Academy may be Dalton town's main source of employment but it still has some interesting shops and venues that are going to be open today to welcome students. I am in need of new clothes. Then we'll take the opportunity to solve your problem, boys."
"What problem?" - Gregory asked.
"I could be wrong but I don't think either of you was too keen on the idea of going around looking like your mother still dressed you."
In the confusion that followed after breakfast none of the brothers had remembered to change clothes and at that moment they were looking even more like the mirror image of each other sitting in the back seat of the car.
"Thanks Roberts but we don't have enough money to shop in the same stores as you guys." - Jacob replied.
"Don't worry dear. It's on the house."
"We can't accept it our parents would be furious if they knew"
"So it's just that they don't find out. And call me J.B. is what all my friends call me."
"So now we're friends? I thought you had been forced by the director to bring us..." - Gregory replied.
"Greg come on they didn't have to bring us along. And as for what you said Roberts we weren't raised that way we're not going to break our parents' trust." - pacified Jacob.
"We were going to call you before Carmichael showed up Gregory. We were just prodding that hypocrite Reis a little. And as for your parents, Jacob is simple, consider today your early birthday present." - Eddie replied.
"Why? I would like to know what all the sudden attention is about." - Replied Gregory instead.
"That's easy, we want you to join the Crows." - Answered a smiling Eddie.
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If the mood in the other car was awkward in Chad's car was definitely hostile. There was no one there to break the ice until they reached the city. Each member of the small entourage lost in his own thoughts. Jaime's thoughts varied between guilt for not having been more firm in preventing the Crows from approaching the Millers, justifying to himself that he couldn't actually stop them without looking like a lunatic, the hope that being far away from what he considered to be the power center of his colleagues they were prevented from making any progress and although he refused to admit it a morbid curiosity to know what their next step would be.
Leonardo still irritated with the way he had been treated but realizing that there was some kind of bigger situation that he had no idea what it could be happening around him.
And finally Mike and Chad, their concern hidden behind their arrogant faces. Their plan had been to divide and conquer. So they would have to trust Eddie and J.B. to handle the Millers while they took the hard part controlling Sanchez until he was ready and still managing to handle Reis. Although they didn't show it both were anxious and Sanchez's silence and mysterious smile had only contributed to increase that anxiety. So it was with undisguised relief that Chad parked the car in front of an imposing house.
"We're here. Welcome to Hartfield Manor. Let's go in and have a drink. Since we're going to be forced to spend the day together let have at least something nice." - He said getting out of the car, while Chang's SUV continued down the road.
"Where do the others go?" - Reis asked.
"Eddie and J.B. have an appointment in town they'll meet us when they're done and then we'll decide what to do." - Answered Mike following Chad to the entrance of the house.
"Impera et divide" - commented Jaime following the two. - Good move, I would have done the same."
"Perhaps because you are more like us than you care to admit." - Mike retorted.
"You Wish" - Answered Jaime smiling and entering the house. Demonstrating a confidence he didn't really have.
"Clearly there's something going on here and it turns out I'm the only idiot who doesn't know what it is!" - Exploded Leonardo right behind.
"You intruded where you weren't called now bear with it.” - Mike replied, also entering through the door that Chad held open.
"Actually Reis has a point although he's wrong he's not the only one who doesn't know what's going on. Each of us has a piece of information but none of us know the whole. So why don't we sit down enjoy a nice drink and cleared it all up? I'm really curious to know what you have to tell us Sanchez." - Chad said while closing the door behind him after Leonardo passed by and looking to his colleagues scattered throughout a luxurious room. Mike next to him, Reis and Sanchez further away next to each other.
"And I'm supposed to believe you're going to be honest with me?"
"You tell me what you think you know and I'll tell you what I know."
"That simple?"
"That simple." - Answered Chad. Taking several glasses and filling them with an amber drink. - Sit down have a sip and ask whatever you want."
The twins were surprised to hear that invitation. Jacob as always the fastest recovered from the surprise first.
"Why? What do we have that might interest you?"
"Better change that behavior if you want to join the club Jake. Low self-esteem doesn't sit well with us." - J.B.
"I think what my brother meant is that we don't sit well with you guys." - Gregory commented, more aggressive. But he was dealing with experts.
"And why wouldn't you go down well with us? You have everything the Crows look for, you're strong, competitive, good at sports, have a healthy level of ambition to have come this far despite the kind of prejudice you might face from your humble beginnings. Think about it your story is very similar to Mike's and he is our vice president - Eddie replied.
"And besides, they're delicious." - Added J.B. smiling slyly.
"You see that's precisely why it wouldn't work. This behavior ..." - Jacob began being interrupted by J.B.
"I thought you didn't like being seen as a redneck Jacob. If you want to change that maybe you should drop the homophobia."
"I'm not homophobic man, I think everyone should do what they want with their lives. It's just..."
"You don't want it to be around you. I get it, you know what it's called? Homophobia." - J.B. cut in again with a mocking tone.
"J.B. stop teasing you're not helping bro." - said Eddie irritated.
"We don't have problems with gay people - intervened Gregory. - the problem is these attitudes. It doesn't matter if it's between a man and a woman or not. What matters is that there must be respect. If you two are lovers I think that ... " - Unfortunately he didn't get a chance to say what he thought because at that moment Eddie and J.B. burst out laughing.
"Dude, me and J.B. aren't dating."
"But the way you talk to each other, the flirting between you..."
"The name of it is fun, Greg. You should try it sometime." - J.B. replied still laughing.
"One more reason not to join your club, we don't agree with that, it would never work." - Jacob said.
"Wait a minute, you mean you guys never had fun? Never...my God Eddie, we have two virgins in the car!"
"Do not use the name of the Lord in vain." - Jacob answered without denying or confirming anything.
"J.B. if you don't stop talking shit I'm going to stop this car and put your ass down. - Eddie said angrily before turning to the Miller brothers and continuing. - Guys we understand, you were raised in a Christian home and if you decided to wait we have nothing to do with it. And just to be clear J.B. is teasing you but he will immediately stop it if he likes his front teeth. Mike and Chad are not exactly on the same wavelength as you guys but they also tend to get a little....uncomfortable about certain things and we manage to get along well. So let's work something out. We spend today together, J.B. tries to keep his big mouth shut and if when we get back to school tonight you don't want to have anything to do with us, fine. We're going our separate ways.
"Fine - replied Jacob already knowing what their answer would be, they would never dishonor their upbringing that way. - But I think we just passed the place where Chad parked."
"Yes, Hartfield Manor, we'll be there later but first we need to go into town to sort out a few things, including your clothing problem."
"We already said that..." - began Gregory.
"You know what, I’ve got sore muscles from training and I bet you do too. - Eddie said. parking the car - So while J.B. and Jake sort out the clothing situation why don't you come with me to the massage studio? The comment is that they do magical things there.”
"I didn't poison the drink you can drink it". - Chad said taking a sip of bourbon to prove it.
"I prefer not to share those habits." - Jaime replied sitting on the sofa next to an increasingly confused Leonardo.
"For now. - replied Chad smiling mischievously. So Mr. Jaime Caetano Sanchez first I think I should congratulate you. I believe this is the first time in Dalton's history that the source is aware of what is happening before the end. But that will not change the outcome very soon you will be willingly sharing this drink and many other things."
"Not if I can help it. You know you've been used as much as the others aren't you? When I look at you I can see a shadow of what you were and you all have them including you. You don't want to know what was done to you, who you really are? Tell me where Dalton Hartfield is buried and maybe I can reverse what was done to you."
"Ah so that's your move? Smart. I think we'll get along just fine when you're ready. The big problem is I don't know where Dalton is buried, no one does. And about your offer to help me remember who I was. Very touching of you, but I don't care in the least. I am who I am, who I should always have been, this is the real me." - Chad replied while Mike Jones nodded.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" - asked an irritated Leonardo.
"Be quiet there Reis. You'll understand soon. In your own time. You also have a contract to fulfill. But what's going on here doesn't concern you."
"Contract? What contract? You guys are crazy!"
"No, they're not. Just very twisted. I know it's hard to believe but they weren't always the way they are. The Crows you know are the result of some sort of sorcery or magic. And Dalton made them. There’s something at the academy that turns students into Dalton Hartfield idealized version of what a man should be. So they are a kind of Stepford Jocks. And when Chadwick refers to a contract I believe it is how to refer to the deal someone made with whatever governs the school. Who I believe it is in some way Dalton Hartfield himself. Which means someone wanted you to be here Leonardo. Someone provided the means to make you into someone like them."
"Very good, Sanchez. Really. Very, very good." - Answered Chad.
"You are crazy, all of you." - Leonardo said.
"No we are not. Sanchez is correct, we are what you will soon be. But contrary to what he thinks there is no way to escape. From the moment someone enters Dalton their fate is sealed. No matter where they go.
"What are you talking about?”
"You have correctly deduced some things but not all Sanchez. When Dalton Hartfield entered the clearing where the academy would be built he found himself with something ancient, powerful and...hungry. The natives gave this being various names, Malsum, Wendigo. .. the truth is that the creature and Dalton entered into an understanding. Dalton found the means to feed it and he provided the necessary means for Dalton's ideals to last. His own soul sealed the pact and conducts the contracts. That’s why no one knows where his bones are. They are the guarantee that Dalton's soul will continue to be able to fulfill his part of the bargain. If the bones are removed, the deal is off. But like I said, you won't find them ."
"Not even behind a certain red door in your headquarters?" - Asked Jaime smiling again.
"I don't know what you're talking about Sanchez. Maybe you think that being out of Dalton the contract doesn't reach you. You're wrong the moment you accept to join the academy you insert your name in it, the moment you set foot in Dalton's territory you activate him and ensure that he has power over you, no matter where you are. Things are a little different for The Source, for you. You are what feeds Dalton, you have in abundance what some call precision, illumination, shining... We call it light. We all donate a little of it and in return Dalton shapes us but for significant changes a much bigger battery is needed and you Jaime you were a like a sun. You secured our contract and many others but now you are almost exhausted. Dalton took and took and took more to ensure his sustenance and the fulfillment of the contracts. And every little bit he took left a little bit of him in you, a little bit of us. You're much more like us, like him, than who you were when you got here."
"No, it can't be... I would have known I would have felt something."
"Would you really? None of us felt the change and yet here we are. You say you see a shadow of what we were when you look at us, isn't there a shadow behind you too?"
"No, no... - said Jaime, looking at a mirror on the living room wall and seeing exactly what his colleague had told him, an indistinct shadow behind him, exactly like the others.
"Ah, I see you realize now, tell me Jaime, does it seem interesting to you to cease existing to make way for a version of yourself that you don't even remember being? Not that this current version will last very long, once Eddie and J.B. are done with the Millers Dalton will be done with you too and we'll get to know the real you and there's nothing you can do about it or where you can hide."
"No, no, no! - Jaime shouted, holding his face with his hands. While Chad and Mike looked at each other and Leonardo, divided between running away from that madness or calming his colleague opted for the second option and placed his hands on Jaime shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Though he regretted it the moment Jaime lifted his head and opened his vacant glassy eyes at the same time he opened his mind in a way he never had before sending out a wave of energy that enveloped them all.
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"Speak the truth Jake, no teasing from me this time. Didn't you and your brother have any kind of action? Ever?"
"It's not like that, I dated for two years with a girl from my town and Gregory also hooked up with some girls. But if you mean sexual relations, no neither of us had that kind of action. Maybe it's hard for you understand that but it is a commitment established between us and God."
"I understand about commitments I just don't understand why God would care where I stick my dick. - J.B. replied, separating a shirt from a rack and adding it to a sizable pile of other clothes. He and Jacob had separated from the other two and gone to a men's clothing store where he sorted out enough clothes to overhaul his and his brothers' entire wardrobes. "Don't get mad, sorry if I was offensive. I really don't understand, but I respect it. It's just...
"Just what?" - Jacob replied staring at the pile of clothes that he would flatly refuse.
"You're young this is the time when you should be doing crazy things, enjoying life. If you leave it for later it might be too late."
"Just as you don't understand my way of thinking I don't understand yours, Jonathan. Don't be offended, but to me those things you said are just vanity."
"Well, a little vanity wouldn't do you any harm. You have all these muscles and you hide them behind an old shirt?"
"My muscles are a result of my work and not because of some desire for attention."
"I imagine your Instagram account is the modern version of a church flyer."
"I don't have an Instagram account. It's futile."
"But your brother does, and he's on Tik Tok too. I've seen it myself." - Asked J.B. adding a stylized jeans with rips that Jacob would not wear even under threat of death.
"For him it's a necessity, he thinks about becoming a professional player and today there's no better showcase than social networks, there's always the possibility of catching the attention of a scout."
"But you play football too, why don't you do the same?"
"Because I have no illusions about it. My chances for the future lie elsewhere not in football."
"Still you never know man, you're a good player and you know your brother like no other. There's always the possibility that a college will take two for one."
"I don't want that kind of proposal. I don't want to be my brother's shadow or be invited to something just because of him."
"Pride is just another form of vanity, Jake. Didn't the reverend of your church teach you that in the Sunday sermon?"
"I, it's not that..."
"Chill out man, now I'm teasing you. Let's go to the dressing room and see how to put that little bit of vanity to work."
"I still can't believe you convinced me to do this Chang." - Said a half-naked Gregory Miller, sitting on the massage table while waiting for the massage therapist.
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"I didn't convince you of anything Miller, what convinced you was the pain in your back that you've had for weeks and didn't want to admit."- Eddie replied, infinitely more comfortable with the current situation, sitting in an armchair, with his feet placed in a basin with warm water and products that exhaled a floral aroma while a young woman was filing his fingernails. - Are you sure you don't want a manicure and pedicure job? I know the damage the field can do in those parts.
"Thanks, but no. The massage is fine, it can help with the pain and improve my work, but the rest? Besides being unnecessary, it's well... a woman's thing."
"Do I look feminine to you in any way, Gregory?"
"Dude, if you like this things that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that." - Gregory snapped.
"Okay, it's your choice. But I think you could get rid of that tension a little bit. - Eddie replied before turning to the small brunette woman working on his nails. - Tatiana let's finish later. My friend Greg is in need of your services."
"Okay Mr. Chang. - She replied heading to where Gregory was waiting. - Mr. Miller, I'm going to need you to lie down on your stomach, let's start from your back which is where your biggest problem is. I'll be right back, I'll just get some essential oils and then we can get started.”
"Are you going to stand there and watch?" - Gregory asked Eddie without following the masseur's instructions.
"I can't get my feet out of here so I don't disturb Tatiana's good work, besides that you have nothing to worry about I'm not going to attack you. You can rest assured but your brother… He’s going to need a lot of luck to deal with J.B."
"Your friend won't get anything from that one over there, not even if he were the hottest woman in the world."
"You say that as if you don't fully agree with Jacob's way of thinking."
"I believe the same as he does, in God, country, hard work and rewards for those who do not stray from the path. But..."
"Well, if anyone understands, it's you. Sometimes a man has... needs"
"I get it man. So what was it? A blow job after training? No Homo?"
"No man, gross. But I... I already... I had sex with one of the cheerleaders last year, I had been drinking which I also shouldn't have done and... things just happened... and she convinced me that if it was... you know... from behind... it wouldn't be a sin...”
"And you judging me for doing the same thing... Just kidding,man. - Eddie said when he saw his colleague's face sulk. - But it must have been tricky for someone as... straight as you. And speaking of someone rightfullness. What did your brother think of this little detour on the path?"
"I... I didn't tell him... he doesn't know, so..."
"Relax man, your secret is safe with me. But I imagine hiding it from Jacob wasn't easy."
"No, it wasn't easy at all. And with coming to Dalton... well things aren't the same between us anymore. We used to share everything and... it's not my fault that I'm better than him at football but I I think he resents it and I... I'm not the smartest guy in the world either and if it wasn't for him well... I wouldn't get very far in my studies and I'm grateful for that but he doesn't get the recognition due by the others."
"Wow dude I don't think I've ever heard you talk so much, that must be a lot of weight. No wonder your back is fucked. I can't help much with the situation with your brother. But at least I can help you lighten up a bit. Lie there and let Tatiana do her work. When you get up you might have a new perspective."
Jaime was in Dalton, in the lobby. Leonardo beside him, Mike a little further away and Chad almost at the door, looking at the open door with a look of deep disgust.
"What the fuck is this??? How did we end up in Dalton?"
"I think... I think I brought you with me, we're in some sort of dream, or vision. That's how I found out about everything that was going on."
"We are not in a dream." - Chad said still staring at the door.
"How do you know that?" - Asked Mike staring at his friend.
"Because I think we are in a memory. - He replied, still looking at the door where a handsome middle-aged man was entering, so similar to Chad that he could only be a close relative. - That is my father and I believe that the one right behind is... me - he concluded looking with an expression of even greater displeasure to a blond and chubby young man wearing glasses.
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"No way! You were a total loser!" - mocked Jaime although he didn't know where that impulse came from.
"Funny, because apparently mine and your old selves could have been brothers."
"You were a lard pudding, Sanchez. If you want to go back to being that that's your problem but I refuse to become that." - Chad answered following his father and that other version of him with his eyes."
"So what are we looking at?" - Mike asked Chad.
"I don't know, Sanchez dragged us here he should know."
"I have no control over these visions. And besides, this memory is yours."
"I wouldn't be so sure, I think maybe it's a memory about me but not mine. I can't remember that, for me it never happened. I know I was the first of our group to come to Dalton, but I have no recollection of it."
"So it's your chance to find out. I'll follow them. Feel free to come along or fuck off. I don't care." - Jaime said. Making Chad and Mike exchange glances and Leonardo staring at him in astonishment.
"What's going on with you Sanchez?"
"What's going on is I have to save a bunch of suckers who don't even want to be saved and..."
"And risk becoming a miserable obese. We share the sentiment, Sanchez. So why don't you just get this over and take us back?"
"Don't put us in the same basket, Chad. I'm going to do what's right no matter what happens to me. And no, I can't end this. That's not how it works. I have no control over what happens here." So be quiet and enjoy the ride." - Jaime retorted as he followed Chadwick Hartfield III and his son, so different from the one he was talking to now to the entrance of a familiar room.
"Wait here and try not to embarrass me more than you already does. - Said the father before opening the door and entering without being announced. While the boys followed him looking at the boy who had lowered his head in embarrassment.
When they entered the room they were faced with an unusual scene. Chad Senior hugging director Carmichael for whom he showed much more affection than he had shown to his son.
"Trip! You asshole, if it was anyone else walking into my office like that... it's really good to see you, man. I imagine you're coming to talk about your boy's admission, no need to worry it's all right. The Hartfields have a place guaranteed in Dalton."
"Maybe we shouldn't have that privilege if what we have to deliver is someone like my son, Vince." - He said sitting in the chair in front of the director's desk.
"I don't understand the last time I saw the kid a few years ago he was fine, we talked a lot about basketball."
"The problem is it never got past the conversation stage. I don't know where I went wrong with him, Vince. I tried to raise him like my father raised me and his father before him, in the Dalton Hartfield way. But he's... different. Soft, in every way. He walks behind me like a puppy when I need a wolf. And all that weight... my own son disgusts me!"
"Ouch, that must hurt," - scoffed Jaime. What was happening to him? Why was he acting like this? Not that Chad didn't deserve it, but still, that wasn't normal for him.
"How many times do I have to tell you that idiot out there is not me Sanchez. I am what my father wanted and I can assure you I have the best possible memories of our relationship."
"Oh, man, that sucks. You know Dalton will help a little,but there are limits. Without a source..."
"I found a source. Half-Mexican kid almost as fat as my son. The kind you wouldn't look twice at. But his light Vince you won't believe. There's enough in him for several contracts."
"Great, then we bring him here and guarantee..." - Carmichael began before being interrupted by Chad senior.
"No Vince, the kid is out there and I can't take another day. His Contract starts today. And I provide the means to bring the Source here."
"You know it's not up to me."
"I know, but I thought it impolite not to talk to the director first. Will you come with us?"
"You know the way, pass on the way back, regardless of the result."
"There is only one possible outcome, Vince."
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"I can't believe you talked me into this." -Jacob was in a small room with a mirrored wall wearing only the underwear he had put on that morning. Beside him, J.B. separated the clothes he chose for his colleague to try on.
"Relax man trying on some clothes is not going to get you out of your beloved path. - J.B. replied with a mischievous smile. - How about starting with the pants?"
"Fine, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep any of those things." - Jacob replied picking up the ripped jeans he swore he would never wear. As he was getting ready to put them on he heard a distinct noise and his eyes were hit by a flash of light- Hey, man. Not cool. I'm exposed here."
"Don't worry you're not in the picture. Come on, put those pants on." - J.B. urged causing Jacob to finally put on the garment. He thought he wouldn't be able to pull them up to his waist. But he was wrong, the pants held. Although they were very glued.
"Dude, no way. The pants are too tight."
"But that's how they have to be, Jake. They’re perfect, they model your muscular and defined thighs, your firm ass and especially that pouch in the front."
"You think?"
"Of course, let me take a picture for Instagram."
"I... I don't have Instagram account."
"What are you talking about Jake? Of course you have, you don't go a day without posting."
"Come on man, shirt this time. Your followers are waiting." - And Jacob found himself putting on the shirt J.B. handed him. Invaded by the feeling that something was wrong. But J.B. was right, his followers would be waiting. But which followers? He was no celebrity and he didn't like that term, only the Lord should have followers. Still, he had an Instagram account so someone should follow it, right? That flurry of thoughts is interrupted by another flash.
"Wow, perfect man, look at those arms, and those pecs, you look like you're going to burst your shirt. And you should, all those hours spent training just thinking about having a body worthy of admiration. It's a shame to hide that eight-pack but we can take some shirtless pictures later."
Jacob was confused, J.B.'s words echoed in his mind. He knew it wasn't true, it couldn't be. His muscles were the result of hard work... and anyone who saw him in the gym would know that was just the case. Not to mention the strict diet he followed to get all that definition. It was to be admired. No... the lord... the lord had created man in his image and likeness, so when others admired Jacob's body they were also admiring the lord's work.
“Thanks, bro! I hope you're doing a decent job my followers are picky.”
"If you want something better, hire a professional, you asshole. - J.B. replied but with a smile on his face. - Now the loafers, size 14?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"A shame to hide those feet, I know people who would pay a fortune on onlyfans just for the chance to take a look at them..."
"J.B. It's one thing for me to praise the good work the lord done with my body, it's another thing to explore perverts..." - Jacob began, but being again prevented from continuing by a flash of light. Well, he could understand it, his feet were the epitome of masculinity, massive, powerful, like everything else about him. God really did his best when he drew Jacob. And if there were people willing to pay to see that work maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"What were you going to say Jake?"
"That maybe I'll do just that, the lord good work should bear fruit. So, ready for a picture of the full look?"
"Just one more thing, it won't show up in the picture obviously, but I think it suits you perfectly with that whole mane of red hair. - Said J.B. picking up a bottle of Creed Green Irish Tweed perfume and spraying it on his colleague before taking another picture.
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"Let me see. Perfect, but it's hard to go wrong with material like me."
"You're a bundle of vanity, Jake." - commented J.B. mischievously causing the colleague's mind to conflict again.
Vanity was a sin wasn't it? And what he was doing was vanity. Show himself on social media, compare himself to God? What would his parents say about that? What would Gregory say about that?
It was the first time he thought of his brother since he entered that room.
Things between the two were messed up, but he loved his brother, and the feeling of letting him down, betraying him, betraying his beliefs was too much for him. He imagined the expression of rage that his brother would make when he looked at him, his powerful muscles contracted, his nostrils flaring, his perfect face... Lord, Gregory was perfect! And how could he not be if he was exactly like him?
Looking at himself in that mirror in front of him a new feeling invaded him, desire, pure, primal, he wanted to be desired, he wanted to be admired and that was why he envied his brother and his talent on the field. And that was why he would use his own means to achieve that. He would have more and more followers and his parents and brother would have to live with that. And as for the lord, well he had made Jake that way, so let him deal with that too.
"How about we do those shirtless pictures, dude?"
The boys followed father and son along a path known to most of the group, although only half of them had physically entered it. The Crows Club headquarters was practically the same as the last time Jaime had been there. Chadwick senior who hadn't even looked at his son during the journey stared at the boy for a long time as if he evaluated him one last time and again wasn't pleased with what he saw.
"Sit here and wait for me boy." - He said heading to the back of the room, where a red door was waiting for him. Jaime smiled with satisfaction looking at Chad and Mike, who only exchanged a few glances.
"What is that smell?" -Mike asked as if he wanted to change the subject.
"Cinnamon"- Answered Jaime increasing his smile.
"So this is the headquarters of Dalton's most infamous Club? After all the craziness I've seen and heard I expected something more... macabre." - Leonardo said.
"I think your wish will come true very soon." - Jaime replied seeing Chad father return to his son.
"Chadwick, I know you think I don't love you. That's not true. I love you, though... Son you're a Hartfield and there are certain standards a hartfield needs to meet and the truth is you've failed to live up to them. All of them. But you are my son and I want you to know that everything I have done and will do is for you and our lineage. Come with me, son." - He said with a little more affection this time. Guiding his son to the place he had just left. With Jaime and the others following them. But as soon as father and son entered that place the door closed behind them. Jaime went forward trying to open it but it was completely locked.
"Shit, shit, shit! Why bring me here if you're not going to show me anything relevant?" - Jaime shouted into the void.
"Well, maybe now you think of a way to get us out of here..." - Mike started to say but interrupting himself when the screams behind the door started. Loud, penetrating, reminiscent of the whining of a dog that someone was mistreating.
"What did they do to you, man?" - Leonardo asked Chad.
"I already said that I don't remember any of this. But... The transitions I saw were always painless. I don't know what's going on there." - Chad replied, pale as they had never seen him before.
"Still happy with what was done to you?" - Asked Jaime.
"I'm not going to change my mind, Sanchez. Forget it, if that was the price I had to pay to become who I am, so be it."
"Because it wasn't you who felt it, was it? It was that poor guy inside there who had to die for you to be born. I've been thinking about it since you told me that I changed too. I got pissed, because for me like you said that's me, I've always been like this. But I know enough to know that's not true. And I'm still the real me enough to know that life isn't worth living if I have to taking someone's life. That innocent boy inside didn't deserve to go through what he went through, let alone to turn into a piece of shit like you. And the original Jaime doesn't deserve me to take his place either. That's the difference between the two of us."
"A beautiful speech but it doesn't matter at all, I'm here to stay and whoever comes after you wil be too." - Chad replied at the same time that the screams ceased. Shortly after, the door opened again and out came Chad the father, his eyes full of tears, accompanied by the version of Chad they knew hugging his father who was speaking to him at that moment.
"Remember the names son, Michael Jones, Edward Chang, Jonathan Roberts, Jaco..." - Jaime didn't finish listening, as he started to run and cross the half-open door.
"Holy shit!" - That's what escaped his mouth when he saw where he was.
Gregory lay on his back on the massage therapist's table, while her delicate but firm hands worked on the numerous knots of muscular tension in his developed muscles. With his eyes closed and away from his cell phone he didn't see the notification of a new follower on Instagram nor the multiple notifications that appeared afterwards. The reality is that he was lost between the mix of pain and pleasure caused by those skilled hands. He was lost in his own thoughts too. He loved his parents and he loved Jacob and of course he loved the Lord. But that conversation with Eddie had made him realize that he'd enjoyed the only sexual experience he'd ever had and that he wanted more. He knew what his parents and brother would say to that. But there were very good people who followed the Lord's ways and at the same time were sexually active. So why couldn't he do the same?
"Just a moment Mr. Miller, I'll be right back, I'll have a colleague help me with a particularly tough knot."
"A particularly tough knot in a particularly tough man." -Gregory heard Eddie comment apparently from a great distance, so much so that he preferred not to comment. His mind was too busy with more interesting things.
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What he couldn't ignore however was the strong hands that resumed the massage. Hands much bigger than Tatiana's and pressing with much greater intensity taking that mixture of pain and pleasure to new levels.
"What are you thinking about big guy? - Whispered a familiar voice in his ear. - Is in that sinful cheerleader? In What did you do to her?" How you would like to do that again? - continued Eddie hitting the exact spot, both physically and mentally and making Gregory groan with pleasure.
"Ed...ward. Stop...don't..."
"Ah, Greg, don't worry I won't stop. - Eddie replied feeling his hands work on the musculature below as if it were made of clay and he could mold it to his will. - I will continue until you beg me to I go on. And you want me to go on, don't you? You want me to go to other places. - Eddie continued, running his fingers lightly along his colleague's back. Until he reached the limit between them and the butt. - That's what you want. Do you want it?"
"Me? No... not."
"Fine, I'll stop then."
"No...don't stop!"
"But isn't that wrong? Isn't it sinful?" - Provoked Eddie. And Greg knew that was really sinful, he thought about what his brother would say if he knew. But then, fuck what Jacob thought.
"... it is good..."
"Yes it's good, feeling all that attention isn't it? That's why you like the field so much isn't it? All those eyes on you, all that admiration." - Eddie continued, now kissing those firm and muscular glutes. - Turn sideways Greg." - And Greg turned, thinking about the cheering crowd, the pleasure in being admired, idolized... until his thoughts were interrupted when he felt those firm hands around something that only he had touched for years."
"You're a big guy indeed in every way Greg, but there's room for improvement." - Eddie said while making rithmic movements from top to bottom, and even his giant hand had difficulty holding all that circumference.
"Isn't it big? I disagree, and it's getting bigger. And you still haven't told me what you're thinking about. Is it what you think about when you masturbate?" Eddie asked, as Greg felt his cock grow and engorge, passing the size limits to which he had become accustomed. - I bet you masturbate looking in the mirror admiring yourself, a body like that is not easy to resist. - Continued Eddie watching his colleague's pecs get firmer, harder, while his arms his seemed to shrink in size but gain definition with all the fat sucked out of them, then they got bigger again, he didn't know if that was the result of his work or what J.B. was doing with Jacob and frankly he didn't give a damn, his own dick erect behind the shorts he was wearing and dangerously close to Greg's ass. "How much do we have here, big guy? I thought it was like seven inches, but it's a lot more."
"...that's nine.." - In reality it was six, but the other number came to his mind and it seemed to be very real. After all if anyone should know the size of his dick it was him. Him and Jake. He remembered the two of them jerking off together looking at each other at the most beautiful thing they had ever known, and almost came. But at that moment that strong hand released the pressure taking the pleasure with it.
"What the fuck, man!" - He shouted, full of rage and speaking coherently for the first time.
"Turn around." - Eddie replied. And as soon as Greg turned around he began to kiss him in the groin, just above the cock. But the kisses flowed in the opposite direction, towards his abdomen.
"Don't...do this to me...man!"
"What? Give you more pleasure than you've ever felt." - then kissed him again and in the place where his lips touched a small block of muscle appeared - Give you more pleasure than you thought you deserved - another kiss another block - pleasure that you've been denied your whole life - one more kiss, one more block until there were eight perfect blocks on that abdomen and Eddie's mouth was approaching those dense, wide pecs like two slabs of meat. - "What do you think about kissing another man, Greg? Just one more little detour won't hurt, will it? Or is it that you don't care about the path anymore?" - Eddie teased, their lips now almost touching." - Did you ever truly care?"
Of course he cared, of course he believed... but then he felt his mouth invaded by a hot tongue, violent in explorations and bringing with it a heady taste and heightening pleasure again. He forgot the path, forgot his promises, he just wanted more, more of it. But again what he wanted was denied him because that wonderful mouth was gone and the voice that at that moment he loved and hated with the same intensity returned.
"You know what I think you want? You want everything, to be loved, to be admired, to be worshiped as you think you deserve. You want me to do that, don't you?"
"Did he really want that? It was blasphemy. But he was already far from the path, very far... - Do it...- said Greg, his head a whirlwind of images, his parents' disappointed faces... fuck it. -... do it!"
"What? I didn't hear you right." - Eddie said looking at Greg's face, his eyes closed, the expression between ecstasy and agony."
"Do it..." He thought of his brother. In his chaste brother. In his holy brother... Ha, in front of their parents perhaps, Jake was much worse than he would ever be, that depraved stray and his dirty secret jobs!
"I told you I was going to make you beg."
"No what?"
"I'm not going to beg. You can be the king of the mat and have all the attention you want there, including mine. But here, at this time the one who will be admired the one who will be worshiped is me." - Greg said with a totally firm voice holding Eddie by the hair and leading him to his fully erect cock.
"Only today" - replied Eddie before starting to suck.
"Holy Shit" - said Jaime out loud. He was standing in front of what would one day become Dalton. But that was a very embryonic Dalton, still under construction with the walls still unfinished, cables and scaffolding hanging down. It was like seeing the skeleton of an immense animal. And at sunrise, sitting far away on the other side of the clearing was a silhouette, facing towards him but not looking at him.
"Nice move, dumbass. But apparently it didn't work. Where the hell did you bring us this time?" - Asked Mike Jones behind him and when Jaime turned around he saw that Chad and Leonardo were with him.
"Use your fucking head Jones. We're in the exact same place."
"It seems that we are seeing the beginnings of Dalton. And Dalton himself."- Commented Chad.
"That's Dalton Hartfield? How is that possible? - Leonardo asked looking at the motionless figure.
"How is all this possible? But Chad is right. That is Dalton Hartfield. I've seen a picture of him and..."
"Of course I'm right, I'm a Hartfi..."
"...and as I was saying before being interrupted by an asshole in need of self-affirmation I believe we are seeing the exact moment when it all began."
"Are we going to end up with two hotheads?" - Chad asked Mike, causing Jaime to glare at him. - But Sanchez is right. We are seeing the begining of everything.”
"I don't see him doing anything but just sitting there looking at the... AHHHH! Puta que pariu! What the fuck was that?" - Leonardo shouted when something flew past him. Something huge with black wings that landed on Dalton Hartfield's side.
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"A crow. Of course." - Jaime murmured as Chad and Mike nodded in agreement.
"I didn't understand." - Said Leonardo.
"What you don't understand would fill several books, Reis" - Mike Jones prodded.
"Dalton Hartfield's nickname was The Crow, Leonardo. Now pay attention. He's saying something." - Said Jaime.
"...so we have a deal?" - Dalton Hartfield asked to someone or something they couldn't see.
"... we have a deal?” - Cawed the crow passing to the man's shoulder while another identical bird flew towards the man and pecked his eye, plucking it out, to then settle on his other shoulder.
"What the fuck?!” - Leonardo shouted. But the others didn't even answer him this time, perhaps because they shared his astonishment or because a group of workmen was approaching Dalton Hartfield from the opposite direction.
"Gentlemen, there will be no more disturbances, you can resume your work. - And then seeming to look directly at the boys with a bright eye and an empty hollow from which a trickle of blood was still oozing. - You have a contract to fulfill."
And then the crows took flight right in the direction where the boys were.
Jake was admiring himself in one of the living room mirrors after taking several pictures and making some reels and also videos for Tik Tok. He was well on his way to being a successful fitness influencer. He loved listening to the noise of notifications and reading comments from followers, that kind of attention was what made his day, even more so now that some companies were after him for publicity, usually in conjunction with his brother but he didn't care they were hot together and Greg took his advice when it came to handling social media the same way he followed his brother's directions when it came to football. Their parents did not like that kind of exposure initiall, but with the inflow of money that allowed their father's business to expand and modernize and hire workers do to do de heavy work they were willing to turn a blind eye. Of course if they knew where the money really came from, the twins' successful account on onlyfans, might be too much. But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
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"A penny for your thoughts." - Said a completely naked J.B. Roberts lying on the comfortable carpet in the living room, where he still hadn't gotten up after the wild sex that the two had done.
"My fees are usually much higher than that. - Jake replied smiling. - I was just thinking that it's past time for us to meet with Eddie and Greg."
"Wish fulfilled." - Answered someone opening the door of the small room. Jake turned and for a moment it looked like he was staring into another mirror. - Did you miss me, brother?" - Greg asked, entering the room followed by Eddie. Both completely naked.
"How did you get here? And like this?" - Jake asked while admiring his brother's perfection, their perfection.
"Tatiana owns the salon and the clothing store. The two rooms communicate so we thought we'd stop by and see how things were going. And it looked like they were very interesting." - Eddie replied with his gaze wandering between the two colleagues.
"Looks like between you too." - J.B. commented completely at ease in that situation. As Greg approached his brother.
"Hello, Brother" - he said with his lips almost touching Jake's.
"Hello Greg."
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"Sorry to interrupt such a beautiful moment of brotherly love but I think we should get dressed and go to Hartfield Manor." - Eddie said.
"Why the rush?" - Greg asked, looking away from his brother but maintaining the proximity between their bodies.
"To make your joining the Crows Club official of course."
"So we are in?" - Greg asked.
"My dear, if your performance is at the same level as your brother's, you entered with flying colors."
"Great - Jake replied while squeezing his brother's firm butt. - So if we're already in how about a four-way celebration before the official announcement?
While four colleagues were amusing themselves in the most sordid ways on the poor Tatiana's shop four others were slowly waking up from a trance-like state at Hartfield Manor. Chad was first followed by Mike. When the two looked in the direction where the still unconscious Jaime and Leonardo were lying Mike asked amazed:
"What does that mean, bro?"
"That Eddie and J.B. completed the work. - Chad replied looking at Jaime Sanchez's massive body, reminiscent in every way of their own. - And that we have an unforeseen event to deal with." - He concluded looking at an equally massive and modified Leonardo Reis.
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Nightbringer Surprise Guest
this is exactly the same as my other post, I just thought it wouldn´t make that much of a diference if I changed the original post or just made it again a bit better formated
I'm feeling good. Why don't we open a bottle of my prized Demonus?
1. Tap Face
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Chest
I know you want to give me a high five, don't you? Fine, just this once. Call it a special occasion.
1. High Five
2. Rub Chest
3. Tap Arm
We'll be invincible if we Team up!
1. Rub Face
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Face
Hey, hey, hey! The Great Mammon makes his mark!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
Haha, let's experience tha taste of victory together!
1. Tap Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Head
Let's great each other like Normies would!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Face
We won thanks to me.
1. Rub Face
2. Tap Chest
3. (Rub/Tap Chest, Tap/Rub Arm, Tap/Rub Head, Rub Face) Tap Face (tried everything and couldn´t get big hearts, might be because high five one gives two?)
Is this how one shares happiness? Give me a high five.
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Chest
A win for me is as natural as breathing air!
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Chest
3. Rub Arm
Come on, hold out your hand. High five <3
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Face
Thanks to you, I was able to get through it despite being hungry.
1. Tap Head
2. Tap Head
3. Rub Chest
Not bad, huh? It's time for a victory hamburger!
1. High Five
2. Rub Chest
3. Rub Arm
You want to hang out with me? All right, you got it.
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Head
All right... you want me to hold up my hand, right?
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
It really does feel good to win, doesn't it!
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Head
All right, let's savor the joy of victory... Just you and me!
1. High Five
2. Tap Face
3. Tap Face
Was I of any help to you?
1. Tap Head
2. Tap Head
3. Rub Head
Is this where we do the so-called "high five"? Someone taught me how to do it.
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Head
You're my best student, you know? As your teacher, you make me proud
1. Tap Chest
2. Tap Chest
3. Rub Chest
Hey! It felt good to win like that, huh? We make a truly amazing teacher and apprentice team, am I right?
1. High Five
2. Tap Chest
3. Rub Head
I'm super excited right now, but how about you?
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Arm
How about we see whether exchanging greetings will deepen our bond?
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Face
...So how was it? Did I look cool?
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Arm
Okay here we go! It's time for a high five!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
Note: side characters didn't get colours because Tumblr doesn't have many and it didn't look as nice with the same once twice
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bolilloquemad0 · 1 month
We're back with Picking up Strays, get comfy!
(Go and check pt1 if you haven't)
With Talia, both me and Astro had different views on how she could end with a cat. So let's start with Astro's version.
They said that Damian could go with the pretense that he doesn't know how to take care of the cat (lie) or simply couldn't keep it with him, anyway Talia ends with a cat under pretense. Despite the League beliefs, Damian knows that Talia would take good care of the cat, and so mentions that the cat was mistreated by humans and Talia goes "Give it to me my son, I will take care of her".
Talia would go absolutely crazy with spoiling her princess, which she calls Arwa in honor of a Islamic queen. Arwa would have her own servants and everything, she really starts living as a queen. The 3 years old, brown-ish nebelung also has a ripped ear, consequences of her past, but Talia doesn't see it as a flaw. For Talia is proof of her resilience and warrior spirit.
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For me tho, it goes a bit different. Damian wants to give her a cat, he really wants, but he knows how pets are seen in the League. A weakness. And Damian knows what happens when weakness is shown. So, for now, Damian sends her pictures of Arwa without any context.
Talia is confused, but happy nonetheless that Damian is reaching out. Even if is through cat photos. After a few photos and noticing that is always the same cat, Talia asks about it and Damian responds, "Is yours."
Damian may have not been living with her for a long time, but he's still her son. Talia doesn't know the exact reason, but she knows what it implies.
"May I know her?"
"TT. Fine."
Talia still falls in love with Arwa, and she still becomes the spoiled queen Arwa was destined to be. After that, almost everyday Damian receives a photo of Arwa.
Barbie is next cause everyone loves Barbara Gordon.
This goes actually diferent. Babs has seen the cat in her neighborhood before. Always in the same alley and running around, with food in his mouth that definitely is stolen, she even has seen the cat sleeping in that broken stairs that no one uses in her building. So, she is quite familiar with the orange tabby that wanders here and there.
But after four days of not seeing him, Babs finally calls Robin to help her. She know is a personal matter but also knows that Damian is her best option to at least make sure the cat is fine. Damian finds him hurt, probably by a dog attack, and is quick to take him to the vet.
A month later, when Babs arrives at her apartment Damian is waiting for her with all the necessities a cat may need. One look at the purring tabby on her couch and Babs finally understands why everyone else accepts the cats.
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Babs decides to call the 2 years-old Jesse, honoring Jesse James (a famous robber way back in history). Jesse, as any other orange cat, is a whirlwind of energy. He specially likes stepping into her laptop everytime Barbara is working, she gently lifts him and puts him on the floor but he doesn't care, Jesse just tries again. That's it until Babs pulls out a old rusty laptop that she no longer uses and opens it when she is working. Jesse is so happy to have his own laptop.
Once, she decides to take Jesse with her at the library, partly worried but she can't let him in the apartment for whatever reason. Surprisingly enough, Jesses always stays calm and friendly, letting kids pet him. She finds him sleeping on shelves or close to the windows always under the sunlight. She starts taking him to work with her and you bet she even made him a credential.
Jesse's habits die hard tho. He still brings a lot of weird shit to Babs as gifts. Dead small animals, trinkets and random stuff she doesn't know what to do with. One day he brings a whole ass wallet.
No one is more surprised than Tim. Not only he receives a cat, but as a birthday gift too? Wow, he definitely didn't cried.
The cat in question is a 2 years old, siamese oriental shorthair. Really thin and lanky. The cat has this air of elegance at every step.
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At first he wants to name him Ghost or something like that, but Kon (joking) says that that's no name for the heir of the Drakes. Tim takes it too seriously and he names the cat a super rich-kind name.
He ends with Sir Konrad The Third Archduke of the Couch.
This name has so many jokes on it. Firts is Konrad, at the beginning it was with C (Conrad) but Astro pointed out that it could also be pronounced with a K, as a reference to Kon, that way it can also be read as Kon-rad (he was so happy about it, saying that Konrad was also his son). The Third stands cause Tim is the third Robin. And Archduke of the Couch just because Konrad is a heavy sleeper that barely leaves the couch.
Bringing back the thought of Konrad being a heavy sleeper that love warm places to sleep, so picture this with me fam. Tim is working on the couch, focused on a case, and probably hasn't seen his bed since two days ago, suddenly he notice that he needs something that is upstairs or in another room, the problem is that the cat is sleeping in his lap, and he looks so comfy, so if Tim moves he would probably wake him up and now he is trapped on the couch.
Ten minutes later he is sleeping in the couch with a cat on his lap. This repeats a lot, so Konrad is actually helping Tim with his sleep schedule. Bonus points for all the pics that the batfam have of Tim and Konrad sleeping together.
When Steph gets her cat, eventually, Korand and Steph's cat has the worst relationship ever. They literally can't stand eachother.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok platonic Yandere Rhaenyra enabling Romantic Yandere Jace.
So the Reader is a noble lady from another house who Rhaenyra meets at a tourney. She’s a bit put off at first because the reader initially reminded her of a young Alicent but she eventually warms up to her and feels nostalgic for the days of her old friendship and ends up genuinely enjoying her company. Rhaenyra comes to see her as a daughter and convinces the Readers family to have her come to Dragonstone as her lady-in-waiting.
She introduces the Reader to her kids who all take a liking to her, especially Jace. Rhaenyra notices this and encourages those feelings. Jace’s courtship starts off innocently enough, he gives her a tour around Dragonstone, escorts her around the castle, introduces her to Vermax, etc. But soon enough things… start to take a turn.
He starts following her around the castle, he glares at any man that even looks at her, he has the servants spy on her and report to him. Rhaenyra notices all of this and actively encourages and helps him with this.
Then one day, they learn the Readers family is in talks to arrange a match for her. Jace is heartbroken but Rhaenyra reassures him, she has a plan. She tells Jace that she will deal with the families and gives informs him what he must do.
A few weeks later Jace and the Reader have a beautiful wedding, nobody even notices the slight swell of the brides belly.
Thank God that you didn't say Alicent and Aegon, because the interpretation would be completely diferent.
Jace is the resume of a gentleman ok, he was raised right. So he knows how to court you properly, but the blood of the dragon is strong, and once the obsession kicks in, is not getting out.
And to make it worse, Rhaenyra is helping...him, she thinks that her son is best choice for you, therefore his actions are solely for your best interest.
It's impossible for you to even notice the weird tendencies of your beloved, because he is too good at hiding it. You are easily manipulated by charm to see anything wrong.
Until your family tells you that they are planning on marrying to someone else.
Ans that was the last time you saw them, their fate was uncertain.
But yours wasn't, cuz that same night, Jace met you in your chambers...Next thing you knew, he had his cock deep inside you. Congratulations, you are pregnant 🎉
Now everything is done for you to marry your dear Jacaerys, just keep in mind, there's a war happening, so there's no way that you are going anywhere.
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maxismp1 · 1 year
I'm here now, König...
König x reader. Angst, comfort and bit of graphic stuf
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You and König knew eachother since the very start.. Him being a colonel and you a simple lieutenant. Many missions togetger and separated, feelings caught, hurt and yet again, revived.
This OP was no diferent then other. A simple get in, grab intel and get out. Nothing can be simple. König was caught. Evryone only found out after a week of his absence. And you, the second you found out , volontered to find him. Assembling a small squad of 4 people to find was a quick thing. Everyone wanted there colonel to come back, even tho some daubted he was alive at all.
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"Blitz in, climbing levels" your voice chimes true the coms while you climb the stairs where he was held. Once clena black uniform now coverd in dark red liquid. Many bodies behind you, left to rot. They have died by your hand, and so will others in your way.
Soon, you reach the final door, quickly and quietly taking out the two guards. Painfull yet hushed groans and pleades are geard from the other side of the door.. All of them to familiar.
With your strenght, you push the heavy door open. In there you see something that would make even the Ghost puke. König was chained by his hands to the roof, making his body dangle a bit. His legs tied to one another. Body bare, only underwear on. Many bruises, newly opend wounds, blood driping from his body onto the cold concreet floor. They striped him off of any pride or secretys. Even the mask torn and trown onto the floor. His soft ginger hair that you loved to run your fingers true now fallen onto his face, sticking onto the bloodied forhead.
Inside were two other guards and a man holding a dagger, once drgaing it over his body but noe standing aware of your presance.
You fully push the door open, standing in the middle with a dagger in hand, eyes widen in rage and discust. Without a word you leap and attack. Slicing the mans neck and hitting his head onto the floor. The dagger trown onto one of the other guards, hiting dead centar of its chest. As the final guard gose to fire his wepon, you duck and trip him. Quickly stanfing up and stoping on tgere skull. Killing them aswell.
Heavy breathing come out if your lips as you catch your breath. A small groan if pain leaves Königs lips, slowly turning your head in his direction before walking to him.
"what have they done to you.." you move to gently remove the chains around his hands. As the restraints were cut off, Konig slumped over onto your shoulder. He breathed a sigh of relief now that the fight was over, but the injuries he had sustained were obvious.He winced as he put weight on his legs, wincing in pain.He tried to regain his footing, but you could tell he wasn't doing too well.He took a step towards you before his knees collapsed, and he went down hard.
"hey hey hey.." you stand infront of him. Even as he is kneeling, he is few inches taller. "konig, hey.. Take it slowly... All of them are dead, no one can hurt you.. Others are outside waiting... We have time.." you sit on the floor and move so his head rests on your lap. speaking into the coms for rainforcments to help lift him and get him to the vheicle broth hid atention back to you, but it didnt last long.
He rested his head on your lap, taking a couple deep breaths. He then looked up at you, his injured face was now only a few inches away.
"You came..." he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Blitz could see a faint blush come across Konig's face as she realized that he was resting on her lap. He glanced down but didn't move off, instead he stayed where he was, allowing her to comfort him while they waited for reinforcements.
"of course.. Always.."
Konig nodded again, glancing down at his naked and injured body. It had been cold, but now that he was with you and no longer fighting for his life he could start thinking about other things.
"Blitz...can I ask you something...?" he said softly, still keeping his head on your lap.
"save your energy.. I need you to stay awaik for me, okay?"
Konig smiled faintly at you before he let out a small sigh. His head was still resting on your lap, and now he was covered by your jacket as well.
"You...you really care about me, don't you?" he said softly, glancing back up at you.
"You came all this way to help me..."
He paused for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Thank you, Blitz..."
"of course König. Always for you, onky for you.." his eyes start to drop, and eory groes within you
"König, please dont.. Stay awisk for me"
"Mhm..." Konig mumbled as he closed his eyes.
He leaned a little forward, his body now resting completely on your lap. He was so close to you that you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
You gently ran your fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his face. His face was still injured, his forehead still had some blood on it, his nose bruised, his cheeks covered with scrapes and cuts.
"come on.. Please"
Konig was drifting in and out of sleep as you spoke to him. His body was exhausted from fighting and from the torture he had endured.
Despite your protests, he continued to doze off. You could feel his body shifting slightly in your lap, as if he were falling asleep.
Konig's breathing became slower and more shallow as he drifted off.
"fuck.." you nudge him, trying to get him to wake up, but no avail.. Soon, footsteps are heard of the others. Once they reach you, everything becomes a blur.. Medic yelling, people pickint him up and bringing him to the vehicle .. Everything was happening to fast.
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Gotta admit. I havent done any of stories in more then a year. So eola.
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lilisouless · 2 years
I´ve been thinking about AUs where the crows are the sun summoner
Promise, this post is NOT too long.
Jesper & Wylan are too complicated because of the many outcomes, for spoilery reasons. Wylan´s upbring would be bastly diferent , which may reflect on his personality while Jesper having sun summoner powers would change a LOT.
Nina would probably be not so diferent from canon, since she would be loyal but wouldn't stand for hurting innocent people. The relationship with the Darkling would probably be diferent, since (given that she would be like eleven) there wouldn't be romantic interactions and there would be more time to brainwash her into doing what he wants and insolate her from Genya, Zoya or any possible friend (before you tell me "Zoya didn't liked being reemplaced by Alina" yes, but there is a diference between a girl around your age and a younger child, Zoya is not THAT petty)
Inej would either be a fugitive until she dies, or would end up killing the Darkling. Let me explain: Tante Heleen couldn't capture sun summoner Inej, she made a sun beam blind the men that were trying to grab her. So, people star to find out there is a sun sumoner and it was a Suli girl. Then the Darkling prioritizes his search into the sun summoner and stars going after Suli girls around that age. He either never finds Inej and if he does it, well; she would not apreciate being taken away from her family and even less being imprissioned or having her power being used by this guy, also would not like how he targeted those girls. So they would have nothing but hate for each other.
Matthias has two outcomes, Jarl Brum just kills little Matthias. Or, Matthias managed to hide his powers until later AND when Jarl Brum finds out, he makes him take Jurda Parem. He survives and turns him into a soldier against the other grisha.
Now KAZ as the sun summoner is actually a comedy. The darkling would never catch him, Kaz now has the power to make better ilusions for his heist and make himself invisible. If he ever chooses to help with destroying the fold, he would only do it for a huge ton of money.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Adrien, Luka, and kagami with an S/O that has depression, but hides it.
S/O hides their depression
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Adrien, Luka, Kagami ]
[ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
⚠️ Hidden depression
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This was really interesting to write, a really good prompt with characters I haven't wrote much! Thanks for requesting this!
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Adrien Agreste
The fact that Adrien is still new about having a relationship that doesn't make him less caring and affectionate, is a learning process for him but he wants to be the best boyfriend he can be
Adrien is really caring towards you, he wants to be able to help you any time you have troubles, or even with the silliest things, he is just too excited to be with you that he can't help but want to be there for you. As well, he has been in loneliness for so long that he know what it is to handle everything all by yourself and he will hate for you to be through the same, even if is under diferent circumstances
Adrien is pretty observant, specially with you, however he doesn't want to asume or invade your privacy, so even if is the case that he notice the hints of you don't actually being alright he won't be sure if it would be alright for him to either ask you or to think that you aren't feeling well, that is why he can be tricked rather easily when you tell him that you are alright, he trust you and even if he had a bad feeling he just let you be for a while, until it has been too much time for him to accept it isn't something normal
Is probably that Adrien already know what it is depression and what it entails, however he is more focused on the posibility of you not expressing yourself freely, he know what is to don't express yourself and keep your thoughts to yourself and he know how much it hurts, that is why he focus more on making sure you are comfortable with him and to reasure you that is completely okay for you to speak your mind off with him (either directly or indirectly), he may be a little hurt that you aren't being so open with those things but it only make him more determinanted to try and make you feel comfortable enough with him
For him getting to know about your depression it could because you decide to open up to him and finally tell him or because he confront you (in this case he leaves clear that he is just too worried about you and wants to be able to help you), no matter how it happen it will surprise him a lot in the end, depresion is something really serious and deep and he just worries more about you, although he tries to don't interrupt and let you tell him all you need, but even when he tries to hold back for you to express all you need he can't help but feel a deep sadness get over him, he is so sad because you had been through a lot, because he doesn't understand why you feel so bad about yourself when you are amazing in his eyes, but more because he didn't know anything of this until now, is probably that he end up hugging you and let go some tears
Adrien isn't going to judge you but he won't let this aside, he will treat the topic with the seriousness it needs, it isn't like he will talk about it all the time but he has it in consideration for a lot of things, he wants to help you in whatever he can, even if the only thing he can do is to be a shoulder to cry he is more than willing to be it. As well, he makes sure to tell you that he want you to trust in him for this things, he will be always there for you whenever you need help
Adrien is making some searching and asking his closest friend if they know what it would be the best for him to help you, and, of course, he will suggest to search for profesional help and even help you search for someone fiable. Despite how eager he is to help he isn't going to be pushy with it, he is willing to wait if you don't feel ready or comfortable to express more about your depression but always remember you that you can count on him
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Luka Couffaine
Luka is pretty open with his love and is always really affectionate with you (sometimes is more in his own poetic way), but he has no problem if you prefer to be more subtle, he can go slowly if you want, he has no problem
He normally pays a lot of attention to you almost unconsciously only because he loves you and loves learning more about you, as well he is pretty observant and perseptive, most of the time you don't have to tell him anything for him to guess whats on your mind or what are you feeling right now and he is always ready to offer you his help and support
Luka isn't going to be easy to be tricked, is more probably that he notice pretty soon that even if you smile or claim to be alright you actually aren't alright, however he isn't going to say much imediatly, you probably have your reason to try to hide it and he respect it at some extend, however it isn't like he will just stand there and watch you fake a smile, he is going to think and try to find out what you hide (but only because he is worried that it could be something harmful to you)
Luka doesn't want to pry or invide your privacy but wants to find out what are you hidding, he is mainly trying to reach a conclusion from what he can notice on your behavior, is probably that the posibility of you suffering from depression crossed his mind at least once but he doesn't want to asume the worst imediatly
In the mean time Luka is making sure you know and don't forget that you can always count on him and making sure you feel comfortable with him, he is your boyfriend and he most be someone you can trust whenever you need help
It could be that he confront you about it because he had seen already too much hints of you posibily being actually depressed or something of the sorts, or that you decide to open up to him and tell him how do you feel, in any case he is is going to put his full attention on you and in what you say, he is more than willing to heard you vent and only give you sweet and comforting words (although, he isn't going to sugarcout things and say that everything will be alright the next day, he is still pretty realistic with what he says)
He let you vent all you need before asking you anything, because he will have a serious conversation with you about this (but he is actually being pretty sweet and gentle with his voice and actions while talking to you), he wants to know why you had been hidding something like this and since when you are feeling like this, although he doesn't judge nor scold you, he is more focused on bringing you help and comfort
Since that day Luka won't let you hide it, at least not with him, he is constantly asking you how do you feel and how was your day (even when he already used to do it, but now is more direct and comforting), he reminds you how amazing you are and how much he loves you more often because he doesn't want you to forget that you are loved, as well he makes sure you do take care proper care of yourself and help you if you don't usually do it, he even help you whenever you feel without much energy
As much as he tries to help you Luka knows he can't do all the work, so he motivate you to search for profesional help and to open up to others (not that he ask you to tell everyone right away, but slowly tell the closest ones to you and the ones you trust the most), mainly to have a larger support network, that could help a lot
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Kagami Tsurugi
For Kagami even friendship are rather new experiences, so by being in an actual relationship she tries her best to be a good girlfriend, although that doesn't mean she is awkward while trying, she is actually pretty determinated and even flirty sometimes, she is pretty open with her love and affectionate because is something she wants to experience with you
Kagami is really perceptive and smart, she can easily tell whenever you aren't alright or even hidding something from her, although she isn't too good at reconizing the feeling so she could easily misundestand you from that part. She isn't easy to be trick with fake smiles or simples "I am fine" and she tells you right away that she doesn't believe you, however she let you be for a while if you insist on keeping the facade
Even when Kagami tries to let you be and don't pry it is something that frustrated her, she is used that in her life everything is a challenge and that she has to be the best so you actively hidding something from her make her anxious and think on the worst posibilities (even when she tries to repeat herself that you will never betray her or something)
It could be that Kagami finally confront you because she can't take it anymore, but in that case she could be pretty aggresive while talking to you because it makes her really anxious not knowing what is going on in your mind. In the case that you decided to open up to her and decide to tell her how are you feeling will be really reasuring for her, she will even feel special because you see her trust worthy enough to tell her something so personal
The moment you finally open up to her is going to be pretty shocking for her, is more probably that she didn't thought about you having those kind of feelings (unless you were more obvious about it), Kagami even apologize if she had been pushy with the topic, now she understand that is something serious and completely different from what she expected
Kagami may don't really know what to say or how help you but is more than willing to heard you vent, and she isn't going to judge you for it and only accept you, she doesn't know the reasons of why you end up developing depression but she isn't going to question you nor doubt you, instead she valid your feeling and offer you her help (although she admit that she doesn't know much how she can help you but will happily do it)
This probably will be a learning process for her but will make sure to search all the information she can of the topic, as well she ask you for details about what exactly you feel and if you had acted under those feeling and how, she isn't trying to invide your privacy or force you to talk but the more information she has about it the more she will be able to help you
Kagami, from her part makes sure to help you fight the intrusive thoughts with arguments of why that you thought it isn't true, or at least not how you think, as well she tries to remind you more often that she love you and she is grateful for having you in her life. She suggest of searching for profesional help since a profesional can help you way better that how both of you can, she even offer you to help you find someone you feel comfortable with for the therapy
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This is a filler part of the comic, it has nothing to do with the actually action... I made it for fun as a break...
Filler 1- Amstran the moon dancer (A nightmare in pieces)
(it will have 3 more diferent fillers with this)
Panel 1
Felix Reddison:"Be careful with that packet, we should move it to the west wing... Bring the others, this should be going to the charity donation..."
Donut:"What is going on here? Where can i put my luggage, i also have a few new things i have bought recently."
The cigarette ghost Smoky:"Maybe room 113-C would be better, let me help you move in it..."
Red the fortune teller:"Donut, it's good to see you, later we will have a show where I will predict the future and read tarrots cards, you must be there."
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Donut:"This room is perfect, oh this is a huge mirror in the middle of it..."
Lumboo the light ghost:"Yes, it hasn't been occupied for at least 17 years by now...
Yan-naifu the ghost:"I got you some more new blankets, this room gets cold on night, it has always been like this."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Hi Donut, i just wanted to see the new room, um...Do you need anything else, i see there aren't any cupboards for clothes... In our room is one small that me and Hester the photo marksmen can lift it up and move it here."
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Luna the moon demon:"Amstran the moon dancer watch it... It was only a rat."
Donut:"Is everything alright? I heard some strange...noises...Who is she?"
Fem Amstran the moon dancer:"Yo-yo bitches, call ma Nana*... Where is the party?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Oh no... What have i done?"
Nana*:Why the look, ugh, smells like depression... Ah, damn, where is the beer?"
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Felix Reddison:"Amstran the moon dancer, this can not continue like this... We must resolve this problem! Watch it, not the carpet..."
Lumboo the light ghost:"We have to catch your female version Amstran the moon dancer, she fried the electrical circuit at least three times already!"
Trisha the hour glass:"I sense it was a problem, new faces i see...we have to get this reflection of yours back into the mirror..."
Panel 5
Amstran the moon dancer:"The mirror i broke it..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Oh no, that means 7 years of bad luck!"
Trisha the hour glass:"I'm afraid only the local keeper can help you now, there might be another mirror somewhere, it's sister!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Let's not waste any more time come on...we shouldn't play with our reflections..."
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Donut:"Hello, is anyone here? This place gives me such a bad vibe...and it's cold just like in the palace..."
Trisha the hour glass:"Deep breath, my dear, it will pass...This place is worst than i remember..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Look at all these mirrors, i see my younger self in here..."
The owner of the shop:"Oh i see you found my favorite ones...Let me guess you need a replacement."
Donut:"How do you know so much about us? Do you know what every customer wants?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Well, sir... We need the twin sister of the mirror, the one which gives you your female or male version..."
The owner of the shop:"Ah, yes... such a lovely mirror, It was bought many years ago by the grandfather of the actual motel owner. If you ask me those can be a gift or a big pain somewhere, it will be yours for 2471 z.i.o, so anything else you would like?Ialso have those lovely paintings, makes such a cute gift, half the price and no curse on them?"
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Nana*:"I love those colorfull fishes, they are so free, I wish I Was a fish..."
Donut:"The fishes around here are beautiful and simple, it's a beautiful fountain... Look, i know how that feels, but it's time for you to move on..."
Luna the moon demon:"lt would be good for all of us and Amstran the moon dancer too... It was just an accident."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Come on, sister... Let's go... But before that for this to work what would you like?"
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Nana*:"Wait, before you send me back, i just want something!"
Trisha the hour glass:"That would be? lt better not be something we can't afford. "
Nana*:"Well, you said yourself that i have to go with an agreement, so i want a big partyyyy, that will shake this motel!"
Felix Reddison:"Absolutely not! You already killed a room and ruin at least five carpets with who knows what drink."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on it can't be that bad, i will be the DJ, i have some electronic music."
Felix Reddison:"Oh, ok fine...We didn't have a party for such along time...Ok...I am in! And also to save my flowers!"
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Nana*:"Drink up... What's up party peooopleee?! Make some noise!"
Luna the moon demon:"Do i really need to be here?"
Nishya the dream cat:"So we have the artistic moment where we sing each other a song, want to start it?"
Nana*:"Yeahh, i will go first... Check this out, only for you freestyle bitches... Let's make some noiiise!!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"This better be good, i did not knew my cousim Amstran the moon dancer has this hidden passion."
Panel 10
Nana*:Well, i guess this is goodbye... I am gonna miss you all. Take care... And you, Amstran the moon dancer, i am happy i was your feminine gender part."
Luna the moon demon:"Can you just already leave? Sorry, but i really don't like this tear jerk scene."
Nishya the dream cat:"That is just Luna the moon demon, you were a great girl to have around, party girl!"
Donut:"Goodbye Nana..."
Nana*:"Bye, see you later bitches!"
The next filler will be called İce İce mouse, so yes, if Le souris bonbon neige your favorite, join us in this filler as well...
The 29 part will be posted at 20 pm/8 pm Europe time zone + or - if you are in Europe, example for Poland and France: the time will be 7 pm/19 pm 😅 Don't know when yet 😅
Thank you for your support!
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Donut belongs to @caprin-mallow
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Hey! So i saw your "Dating Legolas would include" with a human. Do you think you could do it but with an elf? Sorry if your requests are closed.
Thanks, bye bye!😊
Legolas dating a elf hc's:
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Pairing: Legolas x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, heartbreak, having children lol
words: 1.5k
Notes: tysm for the request! i didnt know if you wanted fem or gn reader so i went with fem but i can make a gn!reader one too. also im so sorry i didnt get the notification for the ask so i didnt see it until very recently<3 my requests are open and id love to recieve more! also theres a part that mention kids and if your someone that doesnt want kids or doesnt like them then you can go right ahead and pretend it doesnt exist. And remember to eat , drink water and get some good rest today, you deserve it(and shannah tovah to any jewish ppl out there:])<3
being a elf and dating Leggo boy definitely has its perks
for one : his dad might approve of you
and secondly you never have to have the mortal and immortal talk, so yay!
growing up as the daughter of lord elrond meant you knew who Legolas was since you were born(if you dont look like Elrond's family just pretend ur adopted woop :] ).
you and every eleth in middle earth fawned over him
when you were younger you day dreamed of being a princess locked in a tower, one day he'll come and rescue you and take you away from the seemingly measly life you lived
he paid visits to Rivendell quite often , enjoying the company of you and your siblings
you had grown up with him around, always willing to teach you the art of archery or how to fend off any scary looking spiders.
but after the battle of the five armies he stopped fisiting Rivendell, something about finding the Dunedain rangers.
you grew up, and you missed him yes- but you convinced yourself that he was just a family friend- no one special.
boy you were wrong because then you meet him again when the council of Elrond happens and its like a freight train of emotions hit you in the heart
elves only fall in love once- its a very serious and dramatic ordeal, and you knew this was it.
you also knew that you could possibly die of heartbreak if he didnt return your feelings.
you assumed he saw you as a little sister, or had completely forgotten about you.
but then both of you had a talk in Rivendell, the night before you planed to head off.
he explained that he had fallen in love with you, he had always loved you but when he saw you again he knew it was romantic.
but he knew that the chances of either of you dying on this journey were very real and very possible
and although it would be very hard for the both of you, you decided to stay friends until the fight was over. it would save you a lot of pain and suffer if one of you did die though
but even just being really really friendly was not helping either, you still had a very strong connection.
he'll always make sure you keep up your health when on the road
"the key to staying healthy is to drink lots of water dear one"
"surely thats not enough food for you mellon"
always covering for you when its your turn to keep watch so you can get better sleep
and that all seems like very normal friend stuff but then...
the hair braiding
he will insist to braid your hair so you dont have to waist time doing it
he'll learn how you do your style and might even try some new designs he think would look pretty on you
you dont even know what to say, because elvish hair braiding is a sacred thing, usually you only braid the hair of your significant other or family members.
but legolas can be a bit dense at times, maybe he doesnt realize hes making this harder than it needs to be
you two always end up together , walking, rowing, wherever you are you two usually stray from the fellowship to have some alone time
you often find it hard to relate to the rest of the fellowship, being so diferent from them
but Legolas was the same as you, sometimes you feel like your the same person. so connected to eachother , finding such a peacful familiarity when your with him
gandalf thinks your friendship is absolute bs and he sees right through the both of you, hes practically your matchmaker always trying to get you together.
when you reach Lothlorian your grandmother, Galadriel knocks some sense into you
she tells you that your future will be bright and full of happiness if you can just get over your stupid friend-zone rule, but she does agree that the futre is uncertain and that you would probably die if he gets killed and vice versa.
the battles are rough but you never falter, you and leggy enjoy showing off your elven strength and beauty to the humans
you get hit on about a million times in Rohan and you can see its driving the elven prince bonkers.
if Legolas is ever injured which rarely ever happens, you are there to tend to the wounds
if he is restless you'll read or sing some elvish hymns for him to fall asleep to.
there's is nothing that can dampen your spirits when the two of you are together, even without the romantic side your happy just to be near him as often as you are.
you spend you wandering days discussing elven philosophers, teaching gimli elvish or connecting to the forests together.
when the final battle comes, you are plauged with fear
you pray and pray and pray that both of you stay safe.
legolas is the best warrior in middle earth , but you were not.
not to say you werent a skilled warrior, you were better than any man, hobbit or dwarf- but you were not Legolas.
what if something were to happen and he was left alone?
well you didnt have much time to dwell on that fact because you had won the battle and both of you must imidiatley return home to your fathers.
it wasnt fair, you were finally able to be together but noooooooooooo you just had to be separated until Aragorns corination
when you got home your father knew about you and Legolas, he said he had already had a vision of of your future together and he gave you his blessing
Arwen and your brothers were very very happy for you. arwen told you about her own romantic struggles and you bonded over the fact that you had been separated by your loves.
arwen said that the four of you should get married together, while unorthodox it sounds very exiting
you spend the few months at home planing to see Legolas again, weaving a new dress to impress him, finding a new hair braiding technique, picking apart yourself and making sure your perfect for your reunion.
you and Arwen are so nervous at Aragorns corination you can barley stand.
seeing Aragorn and your sister ruinite made you almost as happy as reuniting with Legolas
you cried, you hugged, you kissed
you met his dad and that was a traumatic experience in itself
but he seemed to like you, he respected your father and therefore he must respect you. Even though he thinks Elrond is senile.
getting married in Lothlorien, surrounded by the beautiful lights and trees, married by your grandmother and officially named the princess of Eryn Lasgalen.
you leave your family with sadness but your beyond exited to see the greenwood
Legolas' kingdom welcomes you as one of their own and they are thrilled about having a princess
you spend a lot of time with Legolas but you also make sure to get to know your new home and its peoples
Legolas took you on a grand tour of the palace and the woods
you were amazed by the grand architecture, thinking you could spend eternity in Eryn Lasgalen, and you would.
you read up on the history of the Greenwood, learning about their customs and traditions.
you also make sure to visit the smaller less grand part of the kingdoms, visiting schools and hospitals.
to say Legolas is proud of you is an understatement
Legolas has to go to a lot of meetings and is busy a lot of the time, he feels so bad and the apologies never stop
but no matter how long he is gone he always makes it up to you
hell take you horseback riding and pack a picnic lunch to make it up to you
his father is honestly surprised at how in love the two of you are, you have been married for decades and still act as though you are in your honeymoon phase
when the two of you have your first child, a boy named Oropher[named after legolas' grandfather], Thranduil cant help but get reminded of him and his wife[and baby leggo too ofc]
Thanduil enjoys your conversations, thinking of you as a daughter he never had, and a good friend
he also lets you in on all the embarrassing baby Legolas stories he never got to tell anyone.
you end up having 5 children in all your years, three girls and two boys
some take after you more, others Legolas
you make excellent parents, teaching them the arts, sciences and ways of battle.
Legolas spends time with his children as often as he possibly can and is an amazing father
you love your life in the greenwood, its your home
but eventually the time of the elves is over and you and your family sail for Valinor, to be together forever<3
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kalocart · 1 year
IEYTD characters and Y/N that has anxiety
Platonic, romantic, take it as you will.
The Handler
He has had his fair share of scares in his field days. But also has had to handle agents panicking in life or death situations.
Would make you some tea and let you talk about it.
If theres no particular reason as to why your in such state, then he reassures you that it's okay.
Of you need silence, he'll give you that, need something to put your mind off of it? He can do that also.
If you ever get a panic attack he would hug you if near by or would calm you down via ear piece if he's far.
Whatever you need he will try his best to help, for thats his job as a handler.
"Whatever you need, im here for you"
Probably the first time he's had to help you with it.
Man is a bit crazed so forgive him for not seeing the signs earlier.
Assuming that you dont mind bees or even might like them considering weather you work or date him. He would get a couple of his bees to swarm you but not harm you in hopes to calm you down with the sound of buzzing.
Would probably bring honey flavored things to you to sheer you up.
Need a distraction, he will talk about the beuty of the bees.
If you get a Panic attack he would be extremely worried. Like get his bees away from you (for the safety of both) and will panic a bit calling out for you. Maybe think your sick or poisoned.
Once he realizes he might call doctor zor for help since he's the closest to a medical profecional.
In the end hes hugging you on the floor affirming you.
"Everything is fine, everything's going to be fine, me and my bees are here for you"
Comander Solaris
She would notice you being a bit more fidgety then normal as you two talk about the latest ship.
She would ask if you wanna talk about it and if not she would ask how she could help.
She would probably give you her desert food ration.
If you get a panic attack, worst in space, she will try to ground you.
If its during a space walk to fix the ship, she will help you and calm you down, maybe give you confidence.
"Y/n. Y/n! Listen. I know you can go through with this, you are part of the team we will be here by your side when you need us"
John Juniper
He can spot it from a mile away.
Its not from personal experience, more of him seeing it on other actors.
He might boast about how he's never experienced it and the show must go on.
But he would still help a fellow member of the cast crew.
Idk he gives me the hunch that if its one of those times where you get anxiety with no reason he would think its stupid but maybe keep it to himself because he doesn't want to make it worst.
He would help you with breathing exercises and telling you he believes in you, weather you just draw up the curtains or one of the actors.
God forbade that you get a panic attack during a live show, worst if your an actor.
He would be frustrated, you signed up for this! The show must go on!
But still, he would grab you by the shoulders and pep you up.
"Listen, you were picked for this roll, and you cant back out now. I trust the producers choice of you being the best for the role. Not better than me but still. I need you to take a deep breath in, and out... okay? Now go out there!"
The fabricator
Depending on how close you are to her.
If its just in the area of work colleagues she wouldn't care. As long as you do your work correctly then its okay.
But if your friends with her its a diferent situation.
Probably take you to a spa for manipeties.
And if you have a panic attack shes preped for any last minute mishap.
She has make up to hide any puffy eyes, hair products for hair, sewing kit on hand.
She would fix you up once you've calmed down. No friend of hers will go out looking like they came out of a tornado.
"Listen, your y/n, and im the fabricator, we are beutiful as we are deadly. The others should think twice of what they say or do to us. Unless they want their watches to self destruct"
Dr. Zor
Genuenly they would not give two shits about your anxiety. Depending on how useful you are they might even prescribe you drugs so you can shut the fuck. (If your on medication then its okay, but mind you, your getting these from a listened psychiatrist who is catering your needs and doses. Dr.zor isnt one and they are an evil dentist so I see them prescribing people random opiets to see what works to shut them up)
But if you get them to actually care for you then its a diferent story
They would have a weighed blanket.
If the anxiety is from fear of dentists they would happily do your treatments personally.
Some tea, relaxing piano, and if you want to they would gladly listen to you or by request would talk about his plans. Maybe ask you for help on simple tasks.
If you ever get a Panic Attack they would go to you and try their best to calm them down. Wrapping you with the weight blanket and tell you to take deep breaths.
"Do not worry, for as long as your with me, nothing will hurt you"
Agent Phoenix (wasnt gonna add them since technically their us like a y/n but why not)
They do not fear death but understands that others don't have such luxury.
They would try to make you laugh with telekinesis and doing dumb shit.
Although sometimes will make it worst with all the bold stuff they do.
They barely talk, almost not at all but you still know their intentions.
They may spill a bunch of tea using their telekinesis to pour you a cup.
Genuenly the only thing they would be worried of is them being the reason for you getting more anxious or worst giving you a panic attack.
They would calm you down by giving you random stuff that they think you would like, either a sandwish, some tea, one of their golden scorpions. Usually you would get a mess on you but they give them to you by hand in fear of accidentally making a mess.
Like always they calm you in silence.
Idk how to seperate my coment thing so here you go in chat. I hope I didn't messed up in a way, I didn't see any IEYTD head canons so I wanted to put my two scents.
I didnt include characters from the third game since I haven't finished playing it, still looking for the figurine in the 4th level.
I'll try to include them next time, but for now I hope you guys enjoyed this
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