#but dickroy is great
nightwngobssd · 1 month
Coming out as jayroy hater <3
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allovesthings · 1 month
Weird question, but how would you recommend reading up for outsiders (2003)?
I’m completely new to dc and really want to read it, but idk if there’s stuff I should read prior to it for the best experience.
Any suggestions?
Hi ! Ooh that's a good question.
You are starting with Outsiders (2003) ? That's a pretty deep cut. I stopped after Roy quit the team in the annual (after issue 32 ? I think) ,it's way less fun after that...
You are reading it for Dick and Roy, right ? Because I can't really help you with the other characters, I haven't read much about them before that series.
it depends on what you want ? If you want just a bit more context about why Dick Grayson and Roy Harper are the way they are in that series, I would read the Titans/Young Justice crossover called graduation days (and the outsiders/teen titans secret Origins 2) and when you get to I think issue 25, it's sequel called the return of Donna Troy, it's a mini-series, it establish some of the new characters also because this was the soft launch of Outsiders (2003). So you won't get lost when you actually start reading it.
A bunch of other things are happening to Dick (it is one of the lowest points of his life) at the time which further explains all of this but I don't think they are necessary to understand Outsiders.
If you want to have more context about Dick and Roy's relationship in general and why Roy is absolutely willing to just randomly start up a team for Dick ? I would read Nightwing: friends and enemies, it's an older comic and the art can put you off but it's full of DickRoy goodness and it explains how Roy got custody of Lian. It's not really necessary for the Outsiders but it's good
Both of those are mini-series, they are fast to read.
Since you are a first time reader, Here are some other comics you can read around the Titans which is the usual main team Dick and Roy are a part of:
The New Teen Titans (1980) and its sequels. Roy is not part of the team for that although he does make a few appearances but it's classic for a good reason and a lot of the characters will show back up in the Outsiders.
If you don't want to read all of it, which is a decade worth of comics, I understand, I would suggest the Judas contract arc, an all time classic and how Dick became Nightwing ! And you get more context about Deathstroke which might be relevant (not necessary again but still it's there).
New Teen Titans vol 2 issue 21-23 (I think?) Is Roy centric has the first appearance of Lian.
Random more fun comics with Dick and Roy:
World finest: Teen Titans is way more recent than any of that, it has great arcs and great dynamic between the main characters including Roy and Dick
Titans (1999): That's the last team Dick and Roy were part of before Outsiders. Roy's characterization is chef kiss we get some really fun dynamic! It's just fun.
Thank you again for ask, this was so much fun.
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dccomicsbracket · 3 months
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Roy Harper (Arsenal) & Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Re-establish DickRoy friendship. They have been great together in the past. It would be nice to see them working together again.
Donna Troy (Troia), Koriand'r (Starfire), and Rachel Roth (Raven)
the girls!!!
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002yb · 1 year
Jaybin who secretly crushes on Roy. Dick almost beats the shit out of Roy when he flirts back (flustering jaybin like the maiden he is!) and oh, he tries so hard to convince himself he’s /not/ jealous, just fulfilling his duty as a protective older brother 👀
This is such a cute little scenario, ahhhhhhhhh!! Thank you for this, anon. Absolutely precious. ♥ Admittedly I'm torn between two situations because like...
1) 'Platonic' Route: Dick completely misunderstanding Jason, assuming his little wing has a crush when really Jason just thinks Dick's friend is cool. Dick unwittingly getting jealous over how Jason's attentions stray to Roy. Conflict because Roy is a great person, but also snippy irritation because Roy isn't letting Jason down at all what the fuck, Harper? Roy being 1200% aware that Dick is a jealous and possessive ass and sort of just being in awe over how oblivious Dick can be.
And omg Roy telling Dick that he's not interested in Jason like that after Dick starts to become a bit too much of a protective brother complex brother. Only then Dick turns around and gets irrationally irritated because why the fuck not? His little wing is cute as fuck and just as capable and wonderful. What's Roy saying, huh? He'd be lucky to have Jason.
2) Crush Route: Where Jason has a genuine crush on his older brother's cool friend. Dick only realizing it when Jason gets uncharacteristically distracted as they're training/sparring. And sure, it's Dick that ends up kicking Jason in the stomach (because Jason forgets Dick is even there - the kid doesn't block or dodge or anything - wholly caught up in watching as Roy passes them by), but it's Dick who feels the brunt of it straight in his gut because oh no. No, no, no.
He'd put the pieces together so fast his own thoughts would be reeling. It's the blush high on Jason's cheeks that gives it away. And it would only get worse as Roy startles at what happened, jogging across the gym to check in on their new Robin while teasing Dick about not being so rough on the kid, come on Grayson. You okay, Jaybird?
Then Dick would just exist on the fringes as Roy checks on Jason. As Jason's expression shifts through the full range of human emotions before settling on something so uncharacteristically timid (and sweet and sheepish and boyish and who the fuck is this?) As Jason smiles (and again - it's different and leaves Dick feeling a little unsteady).
Obviously there are two ways that he can handle this. 1) Be supportive. 2) Be petty.
Roy tells him not to worry about it. It's a puppy crush - it'll pass. Dick doesn't know about that. Roy's kind of amazing, doesn't he know? Which would almost take Roy out at the knees if only Dick wasn't so grumpy while saying it. Petulant as Dick is about the matter, the compliment is genuine though and Roy just rolls his eyes because Dick is being highkey dramatic.
Needless to say, pettiness wins out. Only Dick isn't even aware that it wins - it's just what happens. Or rather, possessive jealous feelings happen. Which Roy again rolls his eyes at because Jason might have a puppy crush, but what about Dick? Being kind of intense there, Grayson.
To which Dick defends himself by claiming to be being a big brother. And Roy laughs because yeah, sure thing brother dear.
Then like - just a bunch of Dick running interference where it isn't needed. Roy having the patience of a saint because like Jason he's been charmed by the demon night terror that is Dick Grayson. Jason playing at being irritated at Dick's change in behavior but really? He doesn't mind all of Dick's sudden attention because it's not only Roy Jason is crushing on. Which Roy is very aware of and Dick is just - not.
Which leads to even more shenanigans of these three falling into a relationship together somehow and it's wonderful.
Personally vibing with a true poly situation but like, DickRoy sharing Jason without having a big thing between them themselves is also cute.
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confusedhummingbird · 4 months
for the character ask: Roy?
First Impression: I first saw him in the Teen Titans animated series. I thought he was very neat and always enjoyed whenever he came on screen.
Impression Now: I love him so much. He's such a great character and poor DC mistreats him so much. Best DC Dad (Fight me!)
Favorite Moment: Truly any moment between him and Lian is great but him being reunited with Lian in the hospital admitting he thought he'd never get the chance to hold her again 😭
Idea for a story: Honestly just letting him be back with the Titans and having Lian fully back in his life is all I want for him.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think true Roy Harper would ever be friends with Jason Todd between beating up Tim and shooting Damian ( Kids being hurt is absolute no to Roy) and fighting Mia,his little sister, he wouldn't even want to be in the same room as him.
Favorite Relationship: (Romantic) I love Donna and Roy together. Also while probably never going to happen I have a very big soft spot for Dickroy
(Platonic) His relationship with Lian is so sweet. He's the best Dad in DC. His Fatherly relationship to Grant was also so sweet and it's such a shame he was just killed off. Naturally pretty much any sort of relationship he has with the Teen Titans is great.
Favorite Headcanon: He's taught Lian as well as his siblings many stories from his time on the Reservation. And still holds many of the beliefs he was taught to his heart because they're also his family too.
Thank You for the Ask! 😃
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the-shinysnorlax · 2 months
This is a hot take but whenever I see people hate on Jayroy (Which is valid that era was written horribly) they tend to ship Dickroy instead which. Based on what I read of them isn’t much better?
Like when the Titans broke up Dick yelled at Roy to shut up because he loved Donna. He wasn’t that great to him in Outsiders either (Partially because of grief). Why do y’all ship them together? Because from what I’ve seen, Dick is absolutely awful to Roy.
Sure ok, Jayroy was written horribly and OOC for both of them, I will not deny that. But during that time Jason and Roy were much better friends than Dick and Roy.
I just don’t understand how people can hate on Jayroy but then proceed to like a ship where one of the characters (Dick) was also subject to horrible writing, YELLED AT ROY TO SHUT UP BECAUSE HE WAS IN LOVE WITH DONNA, and was overall very very annoyed at Roy.
Again, I haven’t read Outsiders in its entirety, so maybe their relationship gets better there. But from what I’ve read of them, Dickroy is very toxic. Dick is a horrible person to Roy during Titans era (Again because of shitty writing) and I just don’t understand how people can ship them together especially as an alternative to Jayroy.
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devine-fem · 1 month
I do not know why people are so obsessed with replacing JayRoy (bad) with DickRoy (also bad). I like toxic relationships as much as the next guy (which DickRoy definitely is) but Dick having, on multiple occasions, thrown Roy's addiction in his face is not my preferred toxic. Maybe I just have bad luck with comics and missed the really good DickRoy but they are another not great ship that fans act like is better for Roy.
It isn't. Both have mistreated Roy. Both are centering a Bat Boy over his own character. If I want a toxic ship with Roy, Cheshire is right there. We don't need to bring out another Bat Boy for it. He has plenty of relationships that don't focus on bats. (Also Sarge Steel, maybe.)
Scared to answer this because I think Dickroy shippers have always been a little… agressive…? but I just personally think some characters deserve to be pulled away from the batfamily for obvious reasons. The post your refering to I was just saying that personally I never really understood the appeal of hating on Jayroy and then shipping Dickroy when it still feels like it’s not a healthy Roy ship.
I hate Rhato as much as the next person but more so I’m not at all impartial to any flaws the batfamily has… Dick, Jason, Tim… they all can tend to really kill a character when paired with someone and it’s frustrating though I do love Dick and Jason but Dick is not as mentally stable as people think he is…
Personally, I always just liked Roy but with his family, the arrowfam and if anything I want him to be with someone who loves him because he deserves it and perhaps someone who’s good with kids too. He’s just one of those characters I really pathetically wanna see happy, that’s all. If you ship either of these things it’s fine because the substance is all there but personally, that’s just my opinion.
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evelyn-2007 · 11 months
Dickkory- especially in the cartoons and in the 80s/90s comics, the perfect relationship who deserved to get married, if Clark and Lois and Barry and Iris can do it so can Dick and Kori.
Dickroy- mainly pre-NTT and the outsiders comics and everything with Lian in the comics.
Jaytemis- Such a cool Dynamic. It’s great to see Jason get the love he deserves from people who are uninvolved in his family, Dick in particular.
Timber- Tim needs someone who connects him to Tim Drake so he doesn’t lose himself to his mask like Bruce did. Also they’re adorable.
Cass2- I have no idea if they have ever interacted but I’m hooked on this ship. (Cass Cain and Cassie Sandsmark)
Not quite an OTP but out of Batman’s love interests the original Talia was my favorite.
Mar’li- Kingdom Come Mar’i and Lian are obviously obliviously in love.
MY DC OT3-4s
Dickkoryroy- Lian…
DickArtemisWallyZatanna-Young Justice
All Batcest
Not quite a Notp but Bruselina
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insomniac-jay · 3 months
Can i get fuckin' uuuuhhhh my Dickroy(trans woman Dick)with them on a Batburger date with third wheel Robin!Jason?
Trans woman Dick my beloved. I decided to call her Ricarda for this
Post mission dates were a great way to both reflect and decompress, especially after a particularly rough one. Ricarda was nothing short of grateful for them. Today was a special one since it aligned with one she and Roy planned for after.
"You didn't have to buy everything, Roy," Ricarda said while dipping a fry in ketchup. "I could've paid for it."
Roy flirtatiously smirked at her. "And let a pretty lady spend her hard earned money? Not on my watch."
As the two continued their romantic chatter, Jason listened in disgusted silence. It was already bad enough that it was "take your boyfriend on a mission with you" day, now he had to listen to the archer shamelessly flirt with his big sister. The last time the couple acknowledged his existence was at the counter.
Ricarda and Roy continued talking with a flirty comment here and there. Most of it was about how Lian and their teammates were doing.
"So, Ricarda, I heard you're an acrobat." Roy gave her a seductive smoulder and caused her to fluster. "Which means you're very flex-"
"Jason, language!"
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dyinggraysons · 7 months
8 and 15 for Dick Grayson please :)
aw :) for better or for worse dick grayson is my bestie!!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
um…lots of things. but i want to add a disclaimer? obviously, there is a large fandom surrounding bat characters, some of which has little basis in actual comic/cartoon/movie canon. if someone wants to engage with these characters exclusively through (or primarily though) fandom, i honestly don’t care! i hope they have fun.
however, i’ve been reading batman comics since i was 11 years old (#cringe #embarrassing), so I’m going to be interpreting these characters a little differently from how they’ve been crafted in fandom.
what bothers me about fandom dick grayson is he’s often framed as being childish and unintelligent. yes, he’s a bit of a goofball! but he’s also somber and has some rage, ya know? grayson is just a guy who loves his friends but is constantly in his flop era (luv him though).
also the sexualization is becoming a bit much. it’s now spread into publications, and it just makes so mad. i do think comics should be a bit cheeky and naughty. superheroes are sexy, dude!but it was nearly impossible to find a batman-related comic from late 2021 to 2022 where there wasn’t a comment about dick grayson’s ass. that’s weird! any fun subversion is now totally lost.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
literally this man and all his friends! dickkory is great! dickroy heck yeah! dickjoey makes me feel bananas (in a good way)! dickbabs has its moments. dick and vic?? people should be getting on that. there’s probs so many more but that’s what comes to mind rn.
sorry to all the dick and wally folks out there. it’s not my vibe :(
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thebestestbat · 1 year
dickroyjoey anon from before, i solely have 3 thoughts:
robin marian has been accepted into my brain now (that art is adorable), and i think there should be 3 kids in total actually. i think lian and robin marian are around the same age (but lian is older) and i think there is a 3rd child from dickroy that comes later when they all collectively get a horrible case of baby fever
i think there could be a really extra angsty version of dickroyjoey if dickroy date in their teens then split up before ntt, then dickjoey date during ntt and whenever roy comes around there is a bunch of flirting and dick feels guilty but literally all 3 of them are flirting and clearly comfortable with it, then joey dying and the whole cheshire contract still go down (but handled better), dick is grieving bad and helping roy raise lian and then discovers he’s pregnant with joey’s baby and it’s a really difficult experience but roy is a great partner and step dad (you could even make angst worse with outsiders dickroy coparenting 2 kids edition), then joey comes back when he hears that dick had a baby and the baby’s age lines up with when they were together, then there’s a really big mess and lots of adjustment with joey coming back and meeting his child and it’s horrible and great,
i think they’d have to buy a house because roy adopts grant and they have 3 other children, and damian would visit constantly (i think he’d have more of a sibling/cousin relationship with the dickroyjoey kids but would refuse to call it that when he’s young at least), and with all the issues and problems it would also be really good and they’d be a family that bonds over music and teaches the kids a little bit of everything (art, science, nature skills, engineering, etc.) and dickroyjoey would really enjoy growing old with eachother
that’s it .
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thank you anon for these thoughts. robin marian being the same age as lian is so cute because they get to be raised together... and YES i am so on board with a third, dickroy baby (this one the only one which is planned asljdf).
NTT-era dickroyjoey flirting is everything i want. dick would be most flustered ofc but then i wonder who would be more flustered: roy or joey?
agh you get the angst necessary in this relationship too 😿 dick giving birth to his and joey's child after joey dies 😭😭😭 and the adjustments they all have to make when joey comes back to life.
i definitely think that jade as a part of lian's life would be part of this family which is funny to imagine because of that one time she trounced joey. but i think joey's cool aljdf.
in my heart of hearts damian is dick's kid.. he should spend weekends and some holidays at the dickroyjoey house. i think he and joey could get along (because of the art and the autism). @jerichogender has given me thoughts about roy and joey bonding and/or getting on each others' nerves about music and their respective music tastes. i think this is a household with VERY strong music opinions. especially as it includes Emo Grant.
dickroyjoey retiring together <3 <3 <3 <3
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cherih3 · 2 years
Dick grayson for the question thingy?🥺
he is sooo. i wish i could be an essay andy for him but i cant
favorite thing about them - ALL of his flaws they make the man but i love how in spite of all of that he manages to be someone everyone trusts and will really go the extra mile for what he believes in
least favorite thing about them - the heinous shit hes said to his friends when he's agitated my god 😭 roy, donna and babs i am so sorry favorite line - there's so many to choose from... this quote hit hard though i love when hes being mean: "you stupid little jerk. god, i can't believe how idiotic you are! I thought it was just because you were a kid-- but you're really just plain dumb!"
another one is: "i'm alive, bruce. i'm alive!"
brOTP - him and donna. my god. dickbabs also works better as just friends tbh 🤷
OTP - dickkory, dickroy, dickjoey, ricbea was soo cute, i liked him w/ tiger and helena too
nOTP - dont think i need to say it out loud :/ whatever bruce timm did to him i hope he doesnt see the pearly gates too
random headcanon - everything i draw is my headcanon about him <3 also im like 90% sure he's had an emo phase
unpopular opinion - ok hear me out but ric was good. he had the potential to be great even. they fumbled the execution horribly but the idea in theory is so interesting
song i associate with them - The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die - cover of "In Circles" by Sunny Day Real Estate
but if we're talking about what he would listen to... anything by Donna Summer
favorite picture of them - lbr i love him even when he gets drawn ugly but this genre of grayson always rocks
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redrobbingabank · 1 year
Fanfic Directory
I've written enough shit that now I'm making the executive decision to just have a list of them rather than pinning the latest one. Behold:
Birds of a Feather
An AU series where Dick, Jason, and Tim were all adopted in some way by Bruce as children. Unfortunately, Bruce is a piece of shit in these, so he fakes his death and they end up alone and separated. Lots of shit goes down, as written here.
Family Ties: First in series, COMPLETED. Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, specific warnings for other chapters given in notes.
At ages 15, 12, and 9, Dick, Jason, and Tim had found a home in Wayne Manor. Never mind the fact that Dick was the only one Bruce had legally adopted, and never mind that Tim and Jason's parents had no idea where they spent their time(not that either set cared). The three were brothers, and Bruce was maybe sort of like a dad, and it was perfect.
And then Wayne Manor goes up in flames, and only the kids make it out.
Four years later, Dick is angry, Jason is a vigilante, and Tim is a ghost. When Dick has an encounter with the Red Hood, it sets off a chain of events that could bring all three brothers back together. But, for some reason, Batman has taken an interest in each of them. Why?
No Rest for the Weary: Second in series, INCOMPLETE. Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, specific warnings for other chapters given in notes.
Dick, Jason, and Tim were kids when Bruce faked his death and abandoned them in a burning building. Jason and Tim were kids when they reunited and set out together to repair their lives. They were still kids when all three learned that their adopted father was not only alive, but Batman.
Fast forward through a lot of pain, a bullet in the Joker's head, two new siblings, and a new life.
Three years later, Tim is still a kid, one who hasn't shaken off the trauma of killing a man. Jason is nineteen and legally dead, unsure what to do with his life outside of the Red Hood. Dick is twenty two and hiding Bruce's attempts at contacting him from the rest of the family. They, along with Cass and Damian, are still unsure where they fit in a life they never thought they'd have. Added to that is the stress of their second lives as the vigilantes protecting Bludhaven's streets.
But, as the little family will soon find out, you can't best the Bat and live unbothered. Other heroes are curious about this group, who not only won a fight with Batman, but killed his greatest rival. They have questions.
Neither of Us are Being Honest: Birdflash, INCOMPLETE. CW's given in chapter notes.
Anthony Zucco was never caught, and when word got out that he was planning on murdering the last remaining Grayson, Bruce made a choice. He got the Justice League to help him put Dick into their own witness protection, completely hiding him from the world. Of course, Batman couldn't disappear, so Dick is mostly alone with adult supervision through frequent calls on Hilton Head Island.
That works until the League hears news that Zucco knows where Dick is, and wants him dead.
Cue Wally West, Kid Flash, excellent superhero, and all around great guy, being sent to make sure nothing happens to Dick. The two quickly become friends, and Wally has to try harder than he thought he would to keep his identity a secret from Dick. It gets even harder when romantic feelings are added to the mix. But Zucco is closing in, and Wally has to keep Dick safe, whatever it takes.
Broken Birds: Oneshot, COMPLETED. Graphic Descriptions of Violence.
He doesn’t usually seek out the Green, but it’s been at the edge of his vision for weeks now. It whispers to him. The League has brought him far, farther than Batman ever would, but there is one last thing to do. One more obstacle in the way before he can be free of the nag that is Batman and his family.
He just has to clip a bird’s wings.
Or; Jason goes to the Tower to hurt Tim, and he does. He also realizes that it was a terrible idea.
Silence: Dickroy oneshot, COMPLETED. No Warnings.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
What ships do you like with all the Bats?
All of the bats???? Damn
So starting with Bruce, my fav ship for him is probably batcat. I just think they're cute and she's a great character. But superbat and superwonderbat do have their appeal - again I'll say my main problem with this is I literally cannot picture a Clark who isn't in love with Lois, but polyamory fixes this for the most part in theory. In practice anytime I've read anything superbat either Clark has been gay or clois aren't together for some reason and it always low-key throws me off
As for Dick there aren't many people I don't ship him with it honestly? Certainly I can work with any ship that's even sort of mainstream. So birdflash, dickbabs, dickory, dickroy, etc. As long as it's not incest or Slade Wilson, I could conceivably go for it
For Jason I'm basically strictly JayRoy and joyfire, with the occasional jaytemis thrown in there. Idk I don't vibe with most of his canon love interests
Tim's a canon bicycle honestly but uh timkon obviously, timber, timsteph, timberkon, timpulse, timbartkon, core four as a ship, I can and have vibed with all of them in fic
We've already covered timsteph but obviously I also like stephcass!! Beyond that I honestly don't know enough about Cass or Steph to ship them with anybody else tho. I know Cass has gone on a couple of dates with Kon and that's a no from me but beyond that I have nothing. If they have insane chemistry with other characters please send the relevant panels my way!
Damian's still a bby for real he's 14 but damijon is literally so obvious and it helps that poisonivory has written some really good fic for them
Again I don't know enough about Duke's supporting cast to ship him with anyone, let me know if there's anyone notable
Kate deserves better than dating a cop but I have no opinion on her girlfriends beyond that
Like I said I like dickbabs just fine but dinahbabs seems like a great ship, I've only seen them in the background of backgrounds of fics but I should look into them more
Idk anything about the Rows or the Foxes or Terry
Did I miss any of the Bats? I feel like that was literally everyone but this family is so big
Oh actually, as a bonus: Thomas Wayne/Martha Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth throuple, thank you and good night
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scattered-winter · 2 years
dick grayson
ough my BLORBO <3
ha this got away from me (surprise surprise) but LISTEN. HE'S MY FAVE
favorite thing about him
first of all I love how he's so GOOD. he tries his best to help everyone around him. he fights every day for a better world. he genuinely wants to see the good in people and he gives so much for his city and friends and family and he just! keeps giving!!!
I also really love how he always tries to put on a smile! I think back to my anime phase when I watched My Hero Academia. the reason why All Might was such a great inspirational hero was because he always, always saved people with a smile. he gave them hope! he made them realize, as the world is burning and the sky is falling all around them, that "hey. it's gonna be ok." and that's DICK MOTHERFUCKING GRAYSON! a sword to his enemies a shield to his friends a blanket to tuck around the shoulders of the people he's protecting etc etc. superheroes are about hope and nobody embodies that more than Dick!
least favorite thing about him
in that same breath: I hate how the fandom (and even DC itself) tries to reduce him to a cheerful, happy go lucky himbo armed with nothing but witty quips and the power of friendship. he's so much more than that!!!! yes, he is generally cheerful, but that's not his entire thing!!!! he's seen shit! he's lost people! he has issues! he isn't a sunshine himbo, he's a man who has seen the worst humanity has to offer, over and over again, but still chooses to save people with a smile. which one is the more compelling character, DC??
as to his actual character, my least favorite thing is how he puts the burdens of everyone else's happiness and well being over his own. whether they be family, friends, or complete strangers, he's always putting people before himself, physically and emotionally. and the reason why I dislike that is because I would like to NOT introspect <3 I just put all that in a box and inspect at a later date
I also hate how everyone tries to turn him into a sexy sex machine. I can't remember where the panels are but there are instances of him being openly uncomfortable with people making sexual comments at him and like?!? writers and fans alike love to ignore that. they make him into a player who sleeps around and cheats on people and just. stop. idk if it's my aroace-ness or the fact that it's just. contradictory to his character but I Hate It. #StopOversexualizingComicBookCharacters2022
favorite line
"I'm fighting gravity again, and I'm losing. That's the thing about gravity. You can try and fight it, but...sooner or later, it brings you crashing down to Earth."
"You'll never know if you can fly, unless you take the risk of falling."
just....those 2, juxtaposed next to each other....ough
Dick and Donna 100%. I collected favorite panels of them because I fuckin love those two
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tbh I don't really actively ship Dick with anyone. there are ships I like and ships I dislike fr, but I don't really have super strong feelings about any of them?!
that said, some of my favorites are dickroy, birdflash and dickkori. nobody does it like them <3
and this does actually open a can of worms but I hate it when people pit dickbabs and dickkory against each other. like?!? let them live their LIVES ! I don't really like dickbabs but y'all don't see me bashing dickbabs fans on main!!!! and don't even get me STARTED on DC doing this. god it makes me so angry
anything with his family ofc. it's nasty
but also dickbabs. I just....don't like shipping Barbara with any of the batboys tbh, because she's being passed around like candy and to me it makes every one of her bat!romances just feel flat and muted. not to mention all the ableism that's cropped up in recent nightwing comics (specifically toward dickbabs), and the fact that they're constantly pushing Kori aside in favor of Barbara (or vice versa. I'm so fucking tired of it) all in all I just...don't like dickbabs very much. I love their friendship so much but as with all things in media, the friendship was shoved aside to make room for a romance that made me dislike them together completely 🥰
random headcanon
Dick is aspec. he's in qprs with all his friends <3
unpopular opinion
Dick should have more comics outside the batfam and titans. listen I know he's the leader of the titans and is part of the batfam but I wish he had a few issues to be his own hero without any connections or people coming to save him! I'm probably just salty about Tom Taylor's recent nightwing comics but I would KILL for a current run in which Dick is just. Being A Hero on his own, in his own way, without bat drama bleeding in or the titans swooping in to hold his hand and save his ass
song I associate with him
Somewhere in Stockholm by Avicii
Can't Hold Us by Macklemore
From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against
favorite picture of him
I have too many. here <3
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image limits won't let me use more, but I'll reblog this with the rest! these are my favorite textless panels/covers <3
send me a character!
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danny-chase · 2 years
you are singlehandedly getting me on the dickroy bandwagon
This is my proudest moment, and (shameless plug) I'd like to thank the dickroy discord server for making me think about them constantly
no worries if you don't have discord, but if you want somewhere to talk about them or see content, this is a great place
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