#but he might also be a wolf spider
maculategiraffe · 1 year
think we should probably change the common names for "funnel web spiders" and "funnel weaver spiders" to more clearly reflect the fact that one is a scary guy full of deadly venom who lives in australia and the other one is a meek little guy with tiny ineffectual fangs and extremely mild venom who lives in my kitchen on my bottle brush right now
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Could I ask for courting/relationship headcanons for my pathetic boy Idia in your AU?
Sorry, this took a while.
Man, poor OG Idia already has it hard as a cursed human, he's not the type to make the first move, even with his brother providing him with all the evidence and statistics showing him that you would accept his feelings.
But now we're adding him being a big spider with those courting and mating instincts that conflict with the guy's other anxiety-driven instincts telling him to avoid it all and that everything would go wrong and that you would tell him “Ew no, you're a gross spider that’s blue all over.” and then poke him with a stick.
Most spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together when it's time to find a mate. It doesn't happen all the time but it’s common for the males to get eaten after mating or even before they have the chance to when their advances are rejected. Now that is for regular spiders but there might be a chance of it if you go up to the wrong person and these guys still have those instincts telling them to be warry thanks to their ancestors. People always say “The worst that can happen is they say no.” But really there's the chance they might say “Ew no” which is way worse. Or the extra way way worse when you are a spider cuz your crush might get freaking aggressive with you and take a bite out of you. You being a little human def ease his worry about the latter, but not the former.
It's later after you guys start to hang out that he starts to be a snarky little shit, who knew such an anxious guy could have so much sass. He’s a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having a big ego. It's one of those times where he starts mouthing off that you do actually try to bite him, he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn’t even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he’s even more of a shit when teasing you.
With Idia romantic feelings will develop slowly over time after becoming friends though. It's def a new feeling for him, he gives me demi-ace vibes and I think this would be the first time he had this kind of interest in a real person, it was always fictional characters before.
But also I feel like with him it could turn into him thinking these fillings are just how it feels when you have a best friend since he’s only had his brother for all those years and you're the first person outside of his family that he felt this comfortable around and when he actually does these courting behaviors its subconscious and his instincts are kicking in and his brother is actually the one to point it out.
The male of the orb weaver family (Araneidae) and some others court by rhythmically plucking the threads of a web. After the female approaches, he pats and strokes her before mating. I head canon that not only is he able to create webs but they are cool and glowy and he makes a cool hammock for you to chill in sometimes or even hang out with him on one he made for himself…and then without thinking when you're leaning against him and enjoying the soft blue floof of his legs he gives you a few gentle pats and baps with spider paw and Ortho lets out a gasp and startles him. Oh, he gets so embarrassed once Ortho starts asking him about how long he’s been courting you and how he’s so proud that he made the first move despite his anxiety. Hopefully, he does his questioning after you're out of the room.
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(Oh, to be patted by one of his cute spooder paws.)
Or perhaps…he pulls a male wolf spider and ends up doing that purr after you say or do something that hits him in those feelings and oh boy, he is so embarrassed when he realizes he did it thanks to your excited reaction to hearing it. Though it hurts his ego a bit when you squeal about how cute it is…I mean…even if he didn't mean to do it, it was supposed to be sexy…still with spiders if you're rejected you either get ignored or attacked…even though he knows better, the inhuman part of his brain is telling him your positive reaction is a “yes” to getting with him which lends to him actually considering that this might actually work out and that Ortho is right. 
(Tbh I don't get why the video says it's creepy, it kind of sounds like bird sounds to me.)
Silk-wrapped gifts and offerings, expect snacks and games. Though admittedly he’s going to give you ones that he wants you to play with him. Beating a boss in co-op counts as a date…right? Right. Best believe he’s gonna be getting you hard-to-get items in game, armor, and whatever else. It’s easy to forget his rich until he gets you some decked-out gaming computer or that handheld you wanted, all wrapped in glowing blue silk of course. Actually, driders giving gifts made of their silk is very much a thing they do but Idia mostly does small simple things, expect to get really cool bracelets and hair ties infused with his scent. He gets so happy and so smug if he sees you wearing them.
I found out recently that another thing some males will do is do sort of a silk-involved message, though I think that is another thing he would do after you guys start dating and not before to...get you in the mood.
The massaging motions of the spider are officially called mate binding. Basically, the male massages the female, so that she'll allow him to mate with her, without killing him before he gets the chance. The male spider releases silk over the back of the female as he massages her. The same study also suggested that it was the feeling of the massage that soothed the female, and not the smell of the silk as some scientists suggested.
NSFW: I just found out that Darwin’s bark spiders figured out they're less likely to get eaten by ladies if they do oral. Do with that info what you may.
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snoringkitty1 · 7 months
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Blade boyfriend headcanons.
Tw: none, just fluff, as usual :>
Just to kick off, Blade is very quiet, even more so than Dan heng. He communicates mostly through expressions and body language unless there is something you absolutely must know. He won't talk much.
That is unless you two are close enough to where you can ask him to talk a smidge more, to which he might respond negatively at the jump.
Give him a bit of time, and he'll talk more. Who wouldn't want to hear that amazing voice of his anyway.
I think he love language would be acts of service. This can range from doing simple little tasks for you to literally beheading someone for you.
Ruthless and gentle at the same time, while he might not have a soul, you definitely have won his cold heart.
I like to think that occasionally, you will dream of Yingxing, in a field of spider lily's where you two just talk.
Sure, he's a bit more arrogant and rude than you would initially expect, but he'll soften up eventually and would like to hear your thoughts on his present 'self'.
He would also love to talk about his past with smithing swords and other kinds of weaponry. A bit self-centered, but in the end, good-natured.
It had been a very long day, and you were craving the cuddles you would receive the moment you laid down in bed. The best way to relax, for you atleast, was to cuddle with the monster the public knew, as Blade.
He isn't much of a monster once you've figured him out. He, just like you, seeks the company of a loving companion. Though no one could truly see it.
"Blaade.." you muttered and flopped into bed beside him. She opened his eyes and glanced at you. He smiled slightly and moved his position a bit to support his head as he looked down at you.
"Rough day..?" He whispered, brushing his hand through your hair when you nodded your head. "Mhm.." You moved off your stomach and wrapped your arms around him, latching onto him like a koala to a branch. He blinked owlishly before laying his head against the pillow properly and wrapped his arms around you. "Sleep.." he urged softly, kissing the top of your head, only to find you were already asleep.
He may not show too much, but he adores when you wear any of his clothes. From his boxers to a hoodie or beanie he has stashed away.
I think his favorite way to receive affection or love would be sitting on his lap and being given kisses.
Especially when he doesn't need to ask at all. He loves it.
Blade stepped into your shared room, not letting out so much as a sigh as he leaned his Sword against the bedside table. You looked over, comfy in bed nestled in your pillows and a blanket, seeing him very clearly tired. He was not the type to admit he was tired, or even tell you. He would just come back to the room and flop onto bed, clocking out before even bothering to change. Of course, at your request, he would change if his clothes were overly dirty. Today seemed a little different though, Silver wolf and Kafka must've drained him completely. "Blade hun, sit up." You smiled when he turned his head to look at you, sighing before sluggishly sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. "My show can wait, here." You wrapped your blanket around your shoulders and sat yourself comfortably on his lap. Seeing his expression widen and the light return to his eye for a moment made you grin. "I'll be taking a nap here, you ok with that?"
He nodded fervently and smiled slightly before leaning his head back a bit and closing your eyes. You leaned onto his chest, a pretty cozy place to rest. Though you couldn't immediately fall asleep..you tampered with the button struggling to hold his shirt together, and the button broke pretty easily..whoops?
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Thanks for reading.
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quipxotic · 4 months
OK I’ll play. What insecurity visions could Matt torture Bell’s Hells with? Ideas under the cut for length and also trigger warnings for general trauma and awfulness because, after all, it's emotional torture and manipulation:
What can we guess from what we've seen of the first vision?
Well, Chet saw himself as a child murderer/werewolf version of the big bad wolf, so clearly these visions don't have to be based in reality. They just have to be emotionally resonant.
I suspect a lot of the things we all think should be in the visions because they're commonly discussed among fans, won't be. The players are all aware of those issues and Matt knows that, so if the point is to catch them by surprise, he'll have to try other things. I mean, would anyone have had Chet murdering children on their bingo card before s3e97?
I'll still include the obvious stuff in the list below because my silly brain won't move on to thinking about other options until I have those out of the way.
Another thing, that vision both played on Chet's fears and a soft spot for Travis, so we shouldn't be surprised if the other visions also have dual targets.
The visions could target issues and events that happened before the group met to add to the confusion about whether they're real or not.
Regardless how far the visions are from reality, they have the power to convince their target that they're real.
What visions might we get for each member of Bell's Hells?
His abandonment by his family, maybe showing what he fears might have happened to them.
The possibility of passing along his curse to his friends or other innocent people.
How little he was able to help in the fight that killed FCG, i.e. the curse he embraced to give himself the power to do more and be more actually not being enough to protect the people he loves.
Being old and either dying without leaving his mark or dying alone, abandoned, and forgotten.
Losing his ability to create using wood or maybe create anything period.
Delilah, of course. There’s a lot of ways that trauma could be flavored but my guess is a vision of the children of Whitestone dead at Laudna's hands thanks to Delilah's influence.
Seeing herself hanging her friends on the Sun Tree.
A rehashing of Bor’Dor's death and her doing something similar to all her friends or other people close to them. Keyleth perhaps?
Imogen rejecting her, but maybe not over something obvious like Delilah. Maybe something more integral to Laudna herself like her stunted maturity? Maybe showing Laudna a version of her life where she's trapped in place but everyone else gets to grow, change, and live fully rounded adult lives.
Betrayal from within the group. I’d guess Imogen and Team Issylra would feature highly in that if it happens.
We already know that the visions will target the fate of Cyrus, taking the slant that Dorian never let Cyrus take responsibility for his mistakes while simultaneously dragging his brother into the consequences of his own mistakes.
Opal losing herself to the Spider Queen and how he could have saved her by taking the crown himself.
Dorian’s cowardice (whether real or imagined) and tendency to run away from problems/complications is probably too obvious, but it could still be pretty juicy to explore.
The potential destruction of the Silken Squall due to the changes in magic and both he and Cyrus not being there.
Alternatively he could see a life in his home where he’s forced to abandon all the elements of himself and his travels that bring him joy. A future of soulless work and obligation, alone and without the outlet of honest self-expression even in your private hours would crack a lot of people.
She thinks she is going to be fine but I don't think so. Like we saw with Chet, the visions don’t have to be based in reality to cause harm
She has some abandonment issues from her parents. I wonder if, rather than taking that head-on, the spin will be around her parents “selling” her to Morri for a favor.
The possibility of her father hurting or killing everyone she loves to try to exalt her.
Do people really love her for herself or for who she was manufactured to be? How much trust can she put in their love? Does Nana love her or does she just see Fearne as a useful card to play in her long game of manipulating fate?
Dark mirror Fearne could show up here, but I doubt it since we just had her a few episodes ago.
Fearne has struggled with understanding death. How would she react if all of her friends were gone or turned against her?
The most obvious is Liliana/Laudna not loving her enough to choose her over opportunities for power or control.
The call of Predathos and being fated to surrender herself to it.
Watching Laudna lose herself to the point of committing horrors and having to decide whether to fight her or watch others suffer.
Failing at her mission and facing the consequences of all the death and suffering Predathos could cause.
The death of FCG and that, towards the end of the last Otohan fight, Imogen chose to play dead rather than continue fighting.
The deaths of his husband and father-in-law seem pretty likely but surely Orym/Liam would expect that? Maybe having Will and Derrig guilting Orym about his feelings about Dorian? It doesn't matter that in reality they'd both be happy for him to love again, just that Orym feels he doesn't have the right to want that.
Having to follow through on Keyleth’s order to kill Bell’s Hells if they become a threat.
Choosing not to kill Bell's Hells and dealing with what he fears Keyleth and his family would think about that.
Seeing Whitestone and Zephrah destroyed and Keyleth and Vox Machina killed because he failed to stop Delilah from taking over Laudna.
Something from their Issylra trip. Maybe the assault on the temple? Maybe something to do with Bor'Dor?
Just the idea that he'll never be good enough to save the people he cares about, perhaps featuring FCG, Will, Derrig, and Eshteross.
Becoming someone hard and cold, delighting in his fighting abilities for their own sake. Basically, becoming Otohan.
A lot of abandonment issues in Bell's Hells, and Ashton is maybe the worst of the bunch in that area. His vision could be facing his parents and the Nobodies as they tell him how worthless and disappointing he is? Not smart enough. Not charming or kind enough to make real friendships or keep anyone close. Why would anyone want to be around them for long?
But also maybe they're too much? Too angry, too emotional, too violent, too soft. They're both too overwhelming and too reckless. They can't be trusted with fragile things, like other people's lives (featuring FCG, Laudna, and Fearne for extra pain).
I don't think Ashton is jealous in the way a lot of fans try to make them out to be, but I do think they're insecure in their relationships. So he wouldn't begrudge Fearne her poly relationships but might wonder if there's still room for them in all that? They're glad Dorian is back, but does that mean his close relationship with Orym will be discarded now it's no longer needed to help fill that void? Are they only a convenient, temporary fix that their loved ones use until something better comes along?
Maybe something about Issylra, either Hearthdell and Abaddina or what happened to the Hishari?
Shard-gate, round 2?
Rightfully Essek should also be here, but I don't have the background knowledge to do that well, so I'll leave that to the C2 fans.
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genderless-ghost · 4 months
oh my fucking god the domunox (idk how to spell his name and idc) reveal??? grand demon of loathing that attacks insecurities to induce self loathing to make people embrace the abyss??? holy shit. ashton is right they are so fucked, bells hells is a fucking buffet for this fucker.
chet - like he may love being the wolf, but his is losing control of the wolf and hurting people, especially those he cares about and that missing time where he might have hurt people like kids, especially considering he’s lost control and hurt the group before, specifically orym
laudna - her whole deal with delilah and how intertwined they are, but also hurting and losing imogen and to an extent the others, her self worth issues and how willing she is to give up herself and intertwine and use delilah to stop ludinus
imogen - losing laudna to delilah, especially if it’s emphasized that imogen could have saved her, the loss of her future with laudna, losing herself to predathos, what they’re doing isn’t enough, also is delilah taking control of laudna and she isn’t paying attention or able to stop it
fearne - outwardly she doesn’t have a ton of insecurities, but her parents could be brought up in a “they left you with nana, did they even want you, did they even care, they never came back”
ashton - his whole thing with self worth and feeling like they weren’t able to get fcg to see their own self worth. they are only here to take the damage the others can’t take, their abandonment issues especially with the nobodies, maybe even bring it back to what happened with the shard and absolutely bring in being unable to stop or save fcg
dorian - obviously his brother cyrus and what happened with opal and the crown keepers. ties into his own self worth issues and his connection to the spider queen, the fact that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing here, feeling lost. feeling like if he had let cyrus fix his problem, maybe he would still be here. i am so ready for robbie to wreck us at the live show and if matt brings orym into the hallucination with cyrus that dorian is having i will Lose My Mind even more than i already am
orym - all of his self sacrifice issues and need to protect his family at his own expense. also bringing in the the deal with nana mori and using the fight with laudna to make him feel like the group only wants him bc he can take hits for them. it would absolutely target his survivors guilt and his feelings that he shouldn’t have survived the attack when the others died. if he fails the save, i can’t wait for matt to show him his family, especially will and derrig and dorian, saying things like “why didn’t you save us, how did you let this happen, don’t you care about us? we’re dead you’re still here and you shouldn’t be”. let him break down and be angry and sob i want this so so bad
god i can’t fucking wait for the live show this is gonna wreck us
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ellecdc · 5 months
OH OH NO. i mean like actual pets… like dog.. cat…
😮‍💨😅 ok ok thanks
original ask: the boys + lily and their favorite pet?
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James: I could see him liking dogs and cats equally (he just loves love); the kind of dude who has the nastiest most feral cat who hates everyone and scratches the shit out of him but he's just like "awe no he's okay, he's just scared but he deserves love too". probably has some weird animals too (picks the ugliest/sickliest pets from the shelter), a dog with 3 legs, a cat in a wheelchair, a cat with no eyes, a dog that needs medication morning noon and night. mornings take him like 7 years because of the detailed feeding regiment he has for everyone
Remus: I see him as a cat person; dogs might be too much energy for him and require him to go outside?? on walks??? gross. he'd rather stay inside and read with his cat on his lap tyvm
Sirius: dog person, duh. though I could totally see Sirius having exotic birds?? like he casually walks around his flat with a giant ass parrot on his shoulder - he definitely taught it to swear and all the words to his favourite rock songs... trained it to say "get lost wanker" every time Regulus comes over
Regulus: cats, obviously. I think he'd find most other animals gross and exhausting
Barty: all of them. every animal. the scarier/larger/grosser the better. the kind of guy that people come over just for a tour of his basement that is floor to ceiling terrariums of various snakes, reptiles, spiders, tropical fish etc etc. might even have wild/exotics (random monkey in a diaper swinging from his four poster bed, a savannah cat, wolf dog, all of it). sometimes says he can't make it to friends events because feeding/caring is such an ordeal (but if we don't want him to be crazy/chaotic - this dude loves reptiles and snakes)
Evan: one very large exotic bred cat (like a savannah etc) and one scary ass well behaved giant regal dog breed that just stares at everyone always (like a doberman)
Lily: cats, I love that the potters had a large fluffy cat canonically. she'd be the kind that would train the cat to come for car rides and go camping with the family/harness train it (same). also could see her with a bunny (they are not for the faint of heart, she'd be such a dutiful bunny owner)
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monstrous-fusion · 7 months
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Rancher / Twilight Princess / he/she / 21 years
Though he is but a simple farmhand from Ordon, Rancher is exceptionally brave, often going out of his way to help those in need. Possessing a heart of gold and dogged loyalty to his greatest good, Rancher is the ideal hero. The only thing marring her perfect image is a shadowy form and a regret that boiled his blood.
A huge thanks to @wildsage00 for all the help with her design! I really appreciated your guidance and advice with this one <3 she looks wonderful
Some fun facts about her under the cut!
This MIGHT just shock you, but he loves Ordonian Goats. Sometimes she wishes she could have been turned into a goat rather than a wolf--they're more friendly, but still powerful and not to be trifled with. It still hurts him that the goats hate her wolf form so much.
Bugs!!!! Every once and awhile, she'll go out to the city and help Agitha with her bug preservation, and he ended up learning a lot about them! His favourite sub family of bugs is Holoptilinae (a subfamily of Reduviinae, or Assassin bugs) because of their feathery little legs! Also, he WILL give you a huge rant about how Daddy Long Leg ""spiders"" aren't actually spiders (Minish would agree).
Rancher is their best horse rider in the group and physically the strongest next to Engie (guess a lot of chucking coal into a furnace makes you pretty physically strong). She can (and will) lift a fully grown Ordonian goat if she has to.
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profanepurity · 1 year
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Mummy Dust was a huge inspiration for how Mammon works in the AU, as well as how the three demons of Greed operate, which consists of Mammon, Beelzebub, and Belphagor (who I will be introduced soon!). A little bit of their working dynamics, as well as their relationships with Secondo and Terzo are below!
There's the obvious imagery of "I was carried on a wolf's back", which to me alludes to the symbolic relationship of wolves and greed. This is why I chose to make Mammon's more demonic form a wolfish creature with eight legs and eight eyes (wolf spider lol) in the second panel. Beelzebub's form is more ambiguous and massive, and he would probably present himself on a larger scale than I have him next to Secondo in the first panel. His mouth can open absurdly wide, and he has various other mouths along his body. The Lord of Flies of course possesses some bug-like characteristics and behaviors: constantly being accompanied by glowing insects, moving on all fours legs, sometimes six, and having moth-like wings. Mammon and Beelzebub operate like "two sides of the same coin", much like how I HC Terzo and Secondo to be in a lot of ways. Secondo allows himself to enjoy the pleasures of life, often as a means to cope with internal wounds and his discontent towards the world around him. On the flip side, Terzo uses his internal conflicts and struggles to fuel his pursuit of condemning hypocrisy, injustice, and corruption in the world, finding pleasure in that act. Secondo does this too, of course, but he does it in a way that is melancholy, weary almost. Secondo's approach to "spreading the word" is to appear as this cold, intimidating old man, but who really has a soft, bruised soul inside. By contrast, Terzo appears as this charming and attractive man, spinning beautiful lyrics with hidden self- hatred and anger. When they were boys, these roles were reversed. Secondo would often lash out as a child, holding onto resentment and emotions he didn't know how to process until he eventually learned to soften with age. Once again, on the opposite side, Terzo was a very happy boy who suffered oppression and hardship repeatedly until that happiness turned into masked anger for the sake of maintaining an image. In this AU, Secondo is devoted to the three proprietors of the umbrella sin of greed, and has an especially close relationship with Beelzebub and Mammon. It wasn't until Terzo entered early adulthood did Mammon approach him. The Lord of Wealth working with someone like Terzo might seem a little confusing until you understand the way the wolf hunts. Going back to Mummy Dust for a moment, Mammon's method of obtaining and devouring sin can really be summarized with the line, "I'm the magnet for stupidity". Mammon represents rapacity, and he feeds off of intense desire for monetary profit, but he himself find it to be disgusting and stupid. Mammon likes to let his victims marinate a bit. "I'll smother you in riches, 'til you choke on sordid mirth.", is essentially Mammon tempting weak minded pigs with their desires just to lure them into their own demises. He attracts those who are dumb enough to worship money so he can devour them. He literally eats the rich. He is "... the ruler of the earth" for that reason, as money is the ultimate dictator over mankind.
Mammon himself is also someone that holds a lot of underlying self hatred because of who he is. He feels as though his existence is the reason that immorality and corruption as a result of avarice exists, and feels an intense personal responsibility to try and purge the world of it by taking as many victims as he can. This is why he strictly forbids the church from worshipping him, or giving him any kind of offerings of cash. Once Terzo understood this, he was more than happy to work with a demon that wanted to tear apart exploitative oligarchies, who also happens to have a good sense of humor. In the AU canon, he opens Mummy Dust by introducing it as a song about "one evil motherfucker" for the purpose of negatively presenting Mammon as the noun, as well as making sure the song was not worshipping the demon in anyway, despite his obvious influence when he wrote it. Terzo is "carried on a wolf's back", alluding to his partnership with Mammon. Beelzebub is one of the most worshipped infernals in the church, second only after Lucifer. He represents hedonism, and the pleasure, benefits, and freedom that gluttony can bring. We all know Secondo loves to party, and that enjoyment of self- indulgence is something he learned as a result of his relationship with Beelzebub. You have to learn to care for yourself and allow yourself enjoyment, even when you feel like you don't deserve it, or life has denied you happiness. Of course, Beelzebub had to teach Secondo the balance of discipline and intemperance, but the demon himself also struggles with this. Along with that, there is a guilt that he carries for living in excess, especially next to his brother who starves himself.
 Beelzebub's alias is Reverend Martin Avarice. Avarice means to have extreme desire for money and material. Mammon's alias is Reverend Erik Lucrum. Lucrum means to profit or benefit. I gave them opposing names on purpose. In the realm of greed, Beelzebub is really the one that profits, where as Mammon is the one desiring those that possess avarice, despite despising it.  Belphagor comes into play in a lot of different ways, often bridging these two together. He works work with Terzo, Secondo, and Copia too. There will be more on him later when I get around to drawing him at some point lol.
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Top 5 fave Dick, Mary, and John Grayson family moments?
Funnily enough there’s so many moments I can think off yet ironically so little moments overall involving those three that don’t involve Mary and John doing that fateful performance at Gotham canonically lol
Here’s some Flying Grayson 1.0 moments that stand out for me the most
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While this moment will most definitely not save Taylor’s writing at all, it’s still a nice one (Nightwing Vol 4, #83)
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That’s actually sound advice Mary, boosting your son’s confidence while tampering with the fact he can be too ambitions for his own good
(Batman Vol 1 #339)
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To think this one photo op will set both Dick and Tim(my)’s going forward in a path that makes them both heroes for the innocents of Gotham to be inspired by yet also names the criminal underground fears…all because Janet wants to make sure her baby boy had a fun day at the Circus
(Batman Vol 1 #436; Year Three Part 1)
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Really nothing else to say much here though I guess Dick might be either at a tender younger age or Mary just likes saying that to him cause that’s how Moms are like. Even over a great height, she can’t help but baby him a bit despite probably no doubt Dick going in his head, “Not a Baby, Mom”
(Nightwing Vol 2 #7)
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Really these guys’ entire dynamic summarized in a nutshell. Mary can only lose count of the many times when her husband and little boy taken all sorts of risks, whether on or off the ropes, and she can count pretty high. But damn it all, she love her two favorites no matter what.
Plus even this is further evidence of Dick being just a baby faced menace of a kid; good heart and soul yet he laughs and beams in the face of danger. He welcomes it if anything
(Secret Origins Vol 2 #13)
Quickie Honorable Mentions:
All these wonderful moments from the elseworld story The Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Novel
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Thanks for the ask @spider-jaysart It’s appreciated 💙💜💙
Tagging: @celaenaeiln @meara-eldestofthemall @camo-wolf @northoftheroad @sbd-laytall
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flightyalrighty · 1 month
Not sure anyone asked yet but least favourite Sonic character and why? Also any other big interests besides StH? :3
Since you couldn’t answer my other questions, I’ll just ask something unrelated to the comic ><
I think if we're going off of every single canon ever, my very least favorite Sonic character is gonna be Drago Wolf. Plenty of Archie characters fall victim to being too boring or same-y, especially ones from A Certain Era, but Drago Wolf actually just fucking sucks. He was evil in a way that wasn't fun just to make the comic look more "mature." I do like seeing him get punched in the face, though, and thankfully that happened often enough under Flynn's pen.
Now, my least favorite GAME character? That's a tough call. I feel like I could easily pick any of the Zeti besides Zavok (Zavok at least has a neat design). They represent the height of an era where Sonic Team was either playing it safe or trying to appeal to Mario fans while under a lot of pressure and suffering from a tight budget.
Truly dogshit characters. Almost all entirely flat, one-note cardboard cutouts sharing the role of "tacky villain with a gimmick." Awful. But at the very least, they can be made better by better writers. Lost Hex, itself, can get dug into and made into more than it is right now. There may be a diamond yet in that rough.
Now I'm gonna start hating on the wisps because I think they also suck, sorry wisp fans (are there wisp fans). Not in full scathing detail will I get into how much I hate the wisps because I don't think there's much to say about them. I think that, writing-wise, there isn't much to go off of here. They're sentient temporary powers. Hardly characters by themselves. They are so boring and nothing much can actually be done with them. They are made to appeal to the absolute youngest sonic fans and this is done in the least engaging way possible.
Sorry again if anyone out there loves the Zeti or thinks Yacker is the greatest. I'm not sorry if you love Drago Wolf.
Oh wait this question had two parts didn't it. Yeah I love a buncha stuff unrelated to Sonic! I'll list em!
Theme Parks/Themed Experiences
Kingdom Hearts
The Sly Cooper Original Trilogy
Heroes of Might & Magic III (I kinda just obsessively play this sometimes like if I don't have any internet access and have been playing this game for like two decades)
Dead By Daylight, reluctantly
Gargoyles (that Disney animated tv series)
Youtube Poops
^ All I can think of rn
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avatarloverfrfr · 7 months
Fem! Omatikaya x Tuk(PLATONIC)
Where the reader is tuks bestie, she is Poppiti. And how the reader reacts when they have to leave.
Time skip to when Tuk and her are older, the Sully’s finally come back. And she sees how she’s changed how she’s like a lone wolf and stuff, or how she’s gotten new friends and forgot about her. But the matching thing they wear is something Y/n always wears.🫧
Tuktirey x Child!reader (platonic)
Warning: Crying. Separation. Angst WITH comfort. I cannot stress this enough children at that age do not really understand that it isn’t their friend’s choices to leave them so the reader will be angry at Tuk but will grow to understand!
Translations: pänu- promise; uniltìrantokx- dreamwalkers; tsamsä'o- weapons of war; kelku- home; pawk- horn; Mawey- calm
Word count: 612
Note: I literally love this, we need more tuk x readers (PLATONIC) out there. Also this background Omatikaya is so CUTE OMG
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Four years have slipped by like a dream since I last laid eyes Tuk, my dearest friend. Leaving me longing for the familiar comfort of her presence every day for the last four years.
Then, today the sound of the pawk echoed through the while village, signaling a return. No hunting party had ventured out, yet there was an unmistakable call of homecoming.
As the Olo'eytkan, Tarsem, emerges from his kuru, "Mawey, my people, mawey." he announces, drawing the attention of the gathering crowd near the ikrans.
Drawing closer, my heart pounds with anticipation, then I see them– the Sullys. A surge of emotion washes over me as I realise that among those returning, is Tuk.
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As we reached the top of the tree, Tuk's voice trembled as she spoke, "Taw, I heard my mom and dad fighting. They said we need to leave this clan. To seek uturu from another."
Confusion swirled inside me. "Uturu? Why? There's no war," I said, searching her eyes for answers.
Tuk leaned close, her voice barely a whisper, as if what she was about to tell me was a forbidden secret, "Yesterday, Lo'ak, Spider, Kiri and I saw uniltìrantokx, out there in the forest with tsamsä'o."
Reality crashed on me like a falling tree. "So now you have to leave..?" I asked, my heart sinking with each word.
Tears welled up as I leaped down from the tree, sprinting toward my kelku. Tuks footsteps echoing behind me.
Rushing into the kelku, tears streaming down my cheeks. I ran up to my sa'nok who was peacefully weaving a basket before Tuk and I barged in. "What happened to our pänu, Tuk? That we'd never leave each other!" I choked out between sobs.
"You have the audacity to wear a pänutìng you can't even keep!" I accused, pointing at her ankle and then at mine.
"It is final, my dad said." Tuk sobbed, reaching out to me.
"You said we'd always be best friends," I stammered, tears burning my vision as I looked at Tuk.
"We are. We always will be. As long as you and I both have these anklets." Tuk reassured pulling me into a hug.
"You promise you wont–" before I could finish my question, one of Tuks siblings called her away to pack.
As Tuk rushed over to Kiri, I felt a hand on my shoulder turning around I was met with the soft gaze of my kneeling sa'nok.
"Come Taw, she might be leaving. But your memories will stay for life." she said as I cried into her neck.
The next day was the day the Sully's had left, the day Tuk left me behind.
Watching as the family walks past everyone and onto their ikrans, my gaze meets Tuks.
I watched as Neytiri's hand went to push to toward me, encouraging a goodbye. I raised my hands up toward my mother and got carried by her, nestling my face into her neck breaking eye contact. A sign I did not wish to speak to her.
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My eyes lock onto Tuk's, my childhood best friend, and it's like she's been waiting for me too. Quickly I glance at her foot, searching for the familiar anklet, a symbol of our bond.
There it is, still clinging onto her ankle, just like mine. Relief flood through me as I meet her gaze again, and she's smiling, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.
"You kept our promise." we say together, rushing into each others arms. Wrapping in each others embrace.
Little did we know there were two people watching us, happy to see both their children reunited, knowing this friendship would last a life time.
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Who amongst the nonhuman au guys is best for cuddles? (I know some of the guys don't have cemented forms which is honestly the beauty of this au since you can always have a different version of them look but if there's different versions then which do you think would be best cuddles?)
Of course, I'm more so asking your opinion (i very much have a preference lol and that's owl harpy rook hunt because i love Rook Hunt and i want to kiss all his feathers and give him all the cuddles and affection lol)
I suppose it depends on the kind of cuddles you want, warm cuddles? Definitely Harpy Rook, Jack, Leona, and Bear Trey.
A great spot to cuddle into is under Rook's wing where it's attached, a lot of warmth comes from there and the wing surrounding you will be like a blanket.
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This is def Yuu with their harpy who's in a snuggle mood when one of the others asks if Yuu wants to do something with them. Though depending on who it is, and with how Rook is, I think he would probably offer them the other wing to snuggle under.
Only Yuu, Rook, and Vil take him up on it 😔 but Vil is always particular about things and Epel gets huffy. He's also going to use you being close as an excuse to try and preen you. Needs to make sure his mate is taken care of after all.
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Jack is a winter wolf and fluffy as heck, the man runs like a heater. Like, you could cuddle him in a situation where or stuck in a cold cave in some snowy place and be totally fine as long as this man is cuddling you.
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He can be a bit awkward about it at first, especially since he's a lot bigger than you and worried about accidentally smooshing his human. Eventually though when he gets more used to things and is more comfortable it, he might try laying on you sometimes, he gets good at distributing his weight, though admittedly he likes having you be the one to lay on top of him, another fan of using his human as a weighted plush.
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Leona is another boy who runs hot, though not fluffy like the others when it comes to the fur on him that isn't his main, he uses fancy products, and it's very soft.
Unlike Jack, Leona doesn't care too much about crushing you and finds it funny when you whine about him being too big and heavy, trying and failing to push his big ass off of you. Will rest his head on your lap, chest, tummy, and butt, and will use your whole self as a body pillow. Will randomly bite and not apologize, expect to be aggressively groomed and then bit if you try getting away.
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Trey is very warm, that green fur of his is thick, and you can comfortably sleep on the guy like a bed.
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Similar to some of the harpies, you can sort of...just sleep and even hide in there if you need to. Very comfortable and you'll definitely feel safe with him, which is what he totally wants.
Now all of this is great but oh man can it be uncomfy when the weather is hot, not to mention that isn't going to keep the clinger guys from trying to smother you. Luckily there are some boys that are cold-blooded and are good for some cooler snuggles, though admittedly if they get cold, they're gonna use your squishy human body as a heating pad.
Idia, Jamil, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Malleus.
Now Idia and Jamil aren't as cuddly as other guys on her, but I think they should be on this list because their bodies are so great for it, you can comfortably use Idia as a sort of recliner and his floofy spider butt is a good pillow.
Jamil is his own bed and is yours, also his scales, along with Mal's feel really good against the skin.
Azul, Jade, and Floyd are all clingy as heck when cuddling or sleeping but you don't have to worry about overheating. Not to mention they're pretty comfy when fully in their mer forms, especially Azul. There's more squish to them, also Azul's giant self really makes the best bed.
Oh, and another mention, Lilia and Rollo.
Lilia is great for being a little spoon that you can snuggle but also as a bed when he turns into a big bat monster. Rollo's fur and wool are very comfy.
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 months
baldur’s gate 3 has once again taken over my life and i low key wanna draw the playable characters as mobians because i have crossover / furry brain disease + edits
to no one’s surprise astarion is a bat because, well. vampires, and his secret isn’t exactly hard to figure out before the reveal cutscene. he himself may not be associated with bats but you get it
gale is kinda tough for me to pin down because he’s both plain but not at all at the same time. his personality doesn’t fit cat despite his light association with them through tara, but hedgehog is seemingly considered a default even to the sonic series itself much like human is in dnd, so that might work. his hair is also kinda makes me think of a lion and that has a bit more character to it
karlach is undoubtedly my favorite. outside of fire one of her bigger unique design bits is her broken horn which i’d wanna keep fairly the same. sheep would fit the curled shape but she doesn’t really have a soft vibe that comes along with sheep. maybe some sort of cow-like animal. big and powerful. friend suggested she be a boar instead of minsc which i could roll with. confused for a hellsboar by wyll
lae’zel is supposed to be markedly different from the other characters, so i’m thinking either some kind of reptile / amphibian or something entirely alien in that it’s a beast from the dnd universe. while they aren’t associated with the githyanki there’s gremishka in the creche and that might be just interesting enough to work. big ears. friend also suggested a skink specifically and people seem to think she's very frog even if i don't see it lol
shadowheart is also relatively normal. was thinking wolf for a time but honestly she had cat vibes + that would sort of play into her and lae’zel being kinda similar despite being from fundamentally different places / backgrounds. friend suggested a squirrel? will consider
wyll feels like he’d be some kind of dog given the general good boy-ness of him, loyalty, etc, plus it kinda plays into how mizora talks about him. naturally his “you didn’t kill karlach” form would be a hellhound. friend mentioned fox but i think dog is more fitting
halsin is a bear and there is nothing difficult about this whatsoever
i haven’t done an evil run yet where i recruit minthara but i know she’s a lolth sworn drow and they’re associated with spiders and that would be kinda cool. friend suggested wolf for her also
minsc would probably also be a dog. even though repeats are a bit lame, he was a protagonist in another group of characters from another baldur’s gate so it’s fine. one of those stupidly huge breeds that look more like lions than dogs. if not a dog than maybe a boar. friend suggested a ferret but i think he needs beef to him. wolverine maybe?
jaheira also being from the other baldur’s gate game could probably be a repeat too. slightly cranky old cat but she loves you in her own way. would also contrast with minsc. if not a cat then i could see her as a deer i think. i somehow forgot that the game's ai defaults her wildshape to a panther when you're battling alongside her in moonrise towers so panther it is
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naavispider · 10 months
I remember reading an idea sort of like this ages ago. But I can’t remember if it was an avatar fic or smth else 💀
have you ever seen the golden compass? The movie with the spirit animal daemon things???? well, I rewatched that yesterday and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
so, imagine Spider’s daemon spends his entire childhood flicking through forms. The first being a gigantic spider, and the second a blond, shaggy furred dog. Only, when (insert daemons name here) finally settles, he’s a beautiful orange tiger.
this, at first, would be wonderful. (Both bc tigers r fucking cool and second bc it has symbolism from the start of the first movie when tigers are brought back from extinction - it would be the first time Jake or any other humans see a true orange tiger).
BUT BUT BUT‼️ when quaritch was alive his form was ALSO a tiger - a white one - with the same gruesome three-strike scar along its eye m. Bc I’ve decided daemons and humans share scars.
OR OR OR‼️‼️‼️ spiders daemon settles in a desperate attempt to protect him when they meet the recoms for the first time‼️‼️‼️ AAAAAAAAA
I would imagine that Navi don’t have daemons. And they don’t understand the connection between daemon and human. So, therefore, spider doesn’t really get it either. He just sees his worst fear realised and believes his daemon is betraying him.
THIS ALSO MEANS‼️‼️ Recoms might have Pandora daemons‼️ I would imagine some of them would have ikrans as their daemon, zdog would defo have one of those purple bat things and Lopez would have a viper wolf I don’t make the rules. But quaritch would definitely have a giant thanator.
and when they are being pulled up into the ship- or any other time ig - Quaritch’s thanator (who is male, spiders daemon is also - pretty sure it’s like uncommon for daemons to be the same sex as the holder but that’s just how I pictured them) would totally have spiders daemon held by his scruff in his mouth that would be so cute.
ALSO ALSO OMG IM HAVING SO MANY JDEAS JUST WRITING THIS. They would torture spider INSTEAD OF THE MACHINE - they would try to separate him from his daemon like they do in the golden compass ‼️
My original idea was for humans to be shapeshifters. Mainly bc I totally wanted that held bu the scruff scene - but it’s actually quaritch doing it not his daemon. But also, the idea of a thanator daemon grooming a growly tiger daemon is so cute to me.
daemons show people’s true emotions. So spiders daemon is definitely as scared at the beginning, but visibly relaxes very quickly I’d assum - especially around quaritch. And I totally want an over protective thanator pacing the outskirts of their camp every night - lingering on the place spider is sleeping.
sorry for rambling, legit typed this out in three minutes I was so enthusiastic I was shaking. I have another idea from ages ago that I still need to type up - just bc I wanna share ♥️♥️
Hellooo old friend 💞
Firstly I'm soooo sorry it has taken me this long to respond. Life's been crazy and I've got a promotion/new job which is draining all my mental energy. I've not really been able to write anything at all in the past few weeks and it's making me sad 😭
This prompt is incredible and I 100% agree with the imagery of Quaritch's daemon holding Spider's by the scruff of the neck 😭 I don't have names for them (but I think Spider's one would be a girl) so here's some headcanons.
Quaritch's daemon is a thanator and Spider's is a tiger. As they are both full sized I think this makes for a very interesting concept. Spider's daemon settled after a huge argument with Neytiri a few years ago when she banned him from coming round. (They got over the argument like in the comics but ever since then Spider has an added resentment towards Neytiri because he was desperately hoping his daemon would settle as a creature from Pandora. He feels that if they never fought then he wouldn't be 'shackled' with an Earth daemon, which only adds to his 'alienness' in the clan's eyes.)
At the beginning of the movie Quaritch is almost sure straight away about who Spider is, because the daemon is a dead give away. (I don't know the lore from Golden Compass if characters are like,, born with their daemon or what, but in this AU the fact that Spider's is a tiger is a major give away for Quaritch).
"Miles?" He asks when suddenly a tiger emerges, growling, from the bushes to protect Spider.
Spider has seen enough of Q's video logs to recognise him, too.
The kids are not only surrounded by a dozen recoms but also all of their daemons. Z-dog's is a viperwolf, which pins Tuk down on the ground while Prager's prolemuris attacks Lo'ak. Wainfleet still grabs Kiri and works out that they are Sully's kids.
"Let them go!" Spider yells as he lunges for Wainfleet and his tiger launches itself at Z-dog's viperwolf.
Then, Quaritch's daemon emerges from the trees, silencing the kids with its presence. It goes straight for Spider's tiger, pinning it down easily. Spider yelps as he feels the bite of the thanator around his daemon's jugular. Quaritch commands the thanator to ease up a bit, but still keeping the tiger trapped.
"How are you alive?" Spider growls.
"Your daddy backed up his memories. All his personality too. It was all saved onto a drive and uploaded into... me."
"Let them go..!" (he's struggling because of the thanator's grip on his daemon)
Quaritch smirks, turning his back on his son as he radios command.
Cut to the parents arriving and all hell breaking loose. Q's thanator releases Spider's tiger when a blast goes off right next to them. Spider and his daemon run like Hell. The tiger is only slightly faster than Spider, but the thanator is in hot pursuit. (once again my lack of knowledge about the golden compass lets me down because idk how far Quaritch and his thanator can be separated, but let's say Quaritch catches up fast). When the blast causes Spider to fall down the bank he is initially knocked out but his tiger isn't, and stands guard to protect him, growling, when Q approaches.
The tiger tries to fight the thanator, but ofc is easily overpowered because of the size of the thanator.
Spider is groaning slightly as Quaritch pulls him over his shoulders, but he's too out of it from the fall to be able to prevent himself being carried off
He is aware that he can't see his daemon, and suddenly panic sets in. He knows the recoms could easily hurt her to hurt him.
The adrenaline kicks in enough for him to lift his head and scour the forest through weary eyes - his tiger is being carried in the jaws of Quaritch's thanator a few paces behind them. "Get off!" he tries to yell.
(don't ask me how the daemons are lifted into the demon ship)
At first, Spider and the tiger are thrown into the same cell. They huddle together for warmth at night and the tiger does a good job scratching up the door and tearing down the security camera.
The only person who can handle the two of them is Quaritch, because of his daemon, so it's a struggle to get Spider into the Neuroscanner, and there are some nasty fights between the tiger and the thanator, resulting in a lot of pain for Spider.
The neuroscanner is useless though because spider doesn't give them anything, so eventually they decide to bypass the ethics board and separate Spider from his daemon. Quaritch does not know about this (and like in the golden compass) enters just in time to see them doing this to his son. He's able to stop Ardmore and eventually Q convinces her to let him take Spider out into the field.
When Spider is faces with seeing Q again, he has the full stoic facade, but his tiger is trying not to cower and is trembling. Q sees this and takes even more pity on Spider, his heart breaking for him when he sees what the RDA has done to him.
After a while in the forest, Spider's daemon starts to relax and bond with the thanator, especially since the thanator protects and looks out for it against the Pandoran wildlife.
At night, spider and his tiger curl up together and Q watches them in the firelight thinking all of his deep, wishful, fatherly thoughts, while his thanator is looking at him pointedly as if to say 'why are you jealous of them, I'm right here'
Nevertheless, the thanator looks out for Spider and the tiger
Spider riding Q's thanator eventually
Spider and Quaritch watching their daemons playfully interact and Spider being totally embarrassed while Quaritch is sitting there smugly watching his daemon lick Spider's to clean its fur
If anyone has more please share!! I need to brush up my knowledge of the golden compass lore, but I tried!
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midnight-talescape · 1 year
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Not me having to do this twice because tumblr ate the first one
The single character are just the only character I will write for in their fandom because I only find them attractive (no I don't take question for my choice) But feel free to convince me otherwise with nice prompt
𝒟𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃 𝐵𝒶𝓁𝓁
The Tyrant and His Pet (Yandere Frieza x Reader)
^ art to go with that story I said no oc but im also a hypocrite
Mine (Yandere King Cold x Adopted Reader) <- I will fuck his entire family excluding chill who look like a purple and orange dildo and kuriza whos a literal child
Frieza x Majin Buu’s Sister Reader Headcanon It actually took me 6 months wtf 😭
𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐵𝓊𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓇
Contract (Alpha Sebastian x Omega Reader) I want a demon buler
𝒫𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 (𝐼’𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔)
Trainer and Pokémon are both okay (final evolution and grown up only)
Rage (Yandere Human Gyarados x Reader) no thought mind blank
Sacrifice (Yandere Human Volcarona x Reader) why did i write lava cum
Forbidden (Yandere Greninja x Reader) i will always love forbidden ninja love
Mate (Serperior x Reader) favorite starter no regret
Virus (Various Pokémon x Reader) no comment
Worship (Arceus x Reader) go big or go home
Fire (Arcanine x Reader) dog
Love and Lust (Sylveon x GN Reader)
Undeserving (Ceruledge x Reader)
Heat (Sesshomaru x Half Demon Reader) <- first anime crush
𝒟𝒮𝑀𝒫 (𝒞! 𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎)
I’m here (C!Philza x Cat Hybrid Reader) Im so fucking sorry
𝒜𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓈𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓂 (𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒’𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝑒 𝒶 𝒶𝒹𝓊𝓁𝓉)
Prey (Koro Sensei x Reader) Adult need special care
Treasure (Yandere Tamamo no Mae x Reader) fluffy tails
Criminal (Yandere Batman x Criminal Reader) I might have a type
Taboo (Brother Batman x Sister Reader) i was so fucking excited for this ;-;
𝐻𝒶𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒫𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 (𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝓊𝓅)
Purpose (Lucius Malfoy x Reader) I have some daddy issue
𝐻𝒶𝓏𝒷𝒾𝓃 𝐻𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓁 + 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓊𝓋𝒶 𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈
Deal (Alastor x Reader) not me remembering Alastor doesn't brush his teeth
Lust (Asmodeus x Succubus Reader) I love mister rooster guy
𝒞𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝑒 𝑅𝓊𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝒹𝑜𝓂 (𝓈𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽𝒽)
Cookie & Cream (Yandere Dark Cacao x Reader x Yandere Pure Vanilla) It's definitely call cream, I don't take argument
𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 (𝒴𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝓊𝓂𝓃)
Princesa (Miguel O’hara x Reader) I love writing hate sex
Needs (Alpha Miguel O’hara x Beta Reader) I want this man to do so many illegal shit to me
Washing Machine (Miguel O’hara x Reader) help me stepbro
Needs and Wants (Omega Miguel O’hara x Beta Reader) this man has so many things that can do so many things to me
Protection (Bodyguard Miguel O’hara x Reader) I will pay big money for this man
Aphrodisiac (Miguel O’hara x Reader) he totally gaslighted you lol
Good Boy (Hybrid Miguel O’hara x Reader) the title has little to no correlation with the story
Mi Diosa (War God Miguel O’hara x Reader) The amount of Miguel i’m writing is getting ridiculous
Secret (Best Friend Miguel O’hara x Hero Reader) I want miguel so badly
Villain (Yandere Villain Miguel O’hara x Hero Reader) I need to remember this is a smut
Hatred (Various Miguel x Reader) i love angst
Killer (Ghostface Miguel O’hara x Shy (?) Reader) very thin line between shy and psychopathic
Little Spider (Stepdad Miguel O’hara x Reader) stepdad miguel lets goooooo
𝒥𝓊𝒿𝓊𝓉𝓈𝓊 𝒦𝒶𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓃
Leash (Wolf Toji x Reader) Bark bark
Master and Slave (Toji x Reader) No thought want Toji to [bleep] me
Discipline (Proffesor Nanami x Student Reader) Look at this beautiful mature responsible man
Liar (Sukuna x Reader) I think regular people will die if they fuck him
𝒮𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇
Jealousy (Ice Bear x Reader) *insert How bad can I be
Despise (John Wick x Reader) <- this is favorite will recommand
Wine (Thranduil x Reader) Im into some freaky shit
Game (707 x Reader) My beloved
Love (Yandere Kururu x Reader) I dont know why I love him I just do
Captain (Levi x Reader) You can break my neck
Pet (Slenderman x Reader) daddy long leg
Pearls (Yandere Sea Monster x Mermaid Reader) I had to cut it because I was dragging it on for too long
Intertwine (Genderbend Parallel (?) x Reader) its just a little weird okay
Don't Leave (Yandere Dragon x Reader) Dragon, my love
Obsession (Yandere Wolf x Reader) I have no thought just head hurt, also want a wolf. Doesn't have to be a man just a wolf
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nonspeakingkiku · 2 months
Since y'all know Kiku is part of a system and other system mates sometimes use this accout Kiku has decided to make a list of frequent fronters and a little info about them (and Kiku of course). Kiku is planning an update to Kiku's intro but not sure when that will happen.
Body is an adult. Body is unreliably speaking. Body is autistic, ect.
Kiku is a child/teen alter, but doesn't talk about it much because some people might not understand. Age is complicated with plurality. Kiku is usually around 15 but also age slides younger/has a sub system with a little part (like Kiku said it's complicated).
Kiku | 🍉 | He/Fae | FTM | AroAce | Age slider | 0-7, 15, 19 | Age regressor | 0-5 | Host | Nonhuman alter | Primary user of this blog. | Prefers to communicate with gestures, noises, a bit of signing, echolalia, and our communication device (mainly Proloquo, P4T, and Touchchat) | Finnic Fox, Shiba Inu, and bunny therian |
Jellybean | 🍬
| Fae/Faer | System kid/little | 0-7 | Host | Nonhuman alter | Communicates mostly with sounds and gestures/pointing/leading | Shiba pet regressor | Kiku when age slid down/Kiku's little part
Percy | 🦊 | He/Him | Genderfaun | FTM | Bi, Oriented AroAce | Age Slider/subsystem | 0-6, 12-16, 21 | Age Regressor | 0-3 | Host | Nonhuman alter | Prefers to communicate using LAMP wfl, picture cards, and PODD | Red fox, flame point siamese, and bernese mountain dog therian | Kitsune otherkin |
Oliver | 🚀 | He/Him | Genderfaun | FTM | middle | 12-16 | Age regressor | 0-3 | Host | Nonhuman alter | Communicates using LAMP and picture cards | Red fox therian | Kitsune otherkin | Percy when age slid/middle part
Oli | 🍼 | He/Him | boy | syskid | 0-6 | nonhuman alter | red fox | communicates mostly by pointing/gestures, and a few sounds | Percy's little part
Lavender | 🐺 | He/Fae | Genderfaunet | FTM | Age slider | 0-7,13, 15, 22 | Age regressor. | 3-5 | Host | Nonhuman alter | timber wolf, cross fox, holland lop, draft horse therian | werewolf otherkin | Communicates using P4T, Proloquo, LAMP, P2G, signing, echolalia, and letterboarding.
Ender | 🖤 | Genderfaunet | FTM | Middle | 13 | Age regressor | 3-5 | Host | Nonhuman alter | Fruit bat, wolf, therian | communicates with P4T and Proloquo mostly, some ASL and letterboarding | Lavender when age slid/ Lavender's middle part
Moonbeam | 🌈 | Genderfaunet | He/Fae | Syskid | 0-7 | Host | Nonhuman alter | bunny, fox therian | mlp pony fiction kin | communicates using gestures, sounds, echolalia, Proloquo, letterboarding (with in system help), and occusionally picture cards and our podd book | Lavender when age slid/little part |
That's the hosts. Because of how the subsystems work (we think median subsystems, or something like that) Kiku, Lavender, and Percy each feel like one person/alter (Kiku is distinct from Lavender, ect) but Kiku's parts feel like still Kiku (less distinct).
Other frequent fronters
Frisk | ❤️ | FTM | He/Him | Syskid | 5-11, usually around 9 | Age Regressor | 3-5 | Fictive | Mute | Communicates with ASL and writing and occasionally Prolquo4text (highly prefers ASL) |
Strawberry | 🍓 | Female | She/Her | Ageless (?) Adult (?) | Caregiver | Nonhuman | Pink Raccoon | Generally doesn't interact with meatspace |
Jamesy | 🦕 | cis boy | He/Him | Little | 2-6 | Fictive | Doesn't interact with people outside the body much but likes hanging out in the front room when his interests come up |
Soldier | ⚫️ | cis male | He/Him | Adult | Protector | Doesn't use the body much, stays with Jamesy in Headspace |
Lili | 👻 | Trans girl/enby | She/They | Grey Aro | Bi | Age Slider | 0-3, 19 | Protector/Caregiver | Communicates using Proloquo4text |
Barney | 🎃 | FTM | He/Him | Gay | 20 | Fictive | Hasn't fully fronted yet (he's new) |
Anthony | 🍝 | cis male | He/Him | Gay | 27 | Fictive |
Angel | 🕸️ | Cis male | He/She/It | Adult | Nonhuman | Spider Demon | Fictive |
Wither | 👾 | Male | He/Him | Ageless | Nonhuman | Animatronic | Fictive | Caregiver/Protector | Communicates using deafblind manual |
Peter | 🟥 | FTM | He/Him | Teen alter | 16 | Age regressor | 1-3, 6-12 | Fictive | Caregiver | Communicates using LAMP, gestures, noises, and Echolalia |
Max | 📜 | FTM | He/Him | Gay | 17 | Gatekeeper/ISH |
Recent fronters:
Buck | 👨‍🚒 | FTM | He/Him | Bi, Demi aroace | 28 | Fictive | Caregiver, Protector |
Eddie | 🔥 | cis male | He/Him | gay | 33 | Fictive | Protector |
Munson | 🎸 | male | Hi/Him gay | 20 | Fictive |
Steve | 🩷 | male | Bi |He/Him | 20 | Fictive |
Yadriel | 🗡️ | FTM | Gay | 16 | Fictive |
Ending here for now. This took forever and we aren't completely done. Oops 😅
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