#but i feel bad cuz im going back up there this weekend but im bringing my partner and i wont be down there visiting
djljpanda · 2 years
hey before I get into the request I want you to know that your writings are addicting, I Ve been reading(on repeat)for like~ 2 weeks and I binged anything. Also remember to drink some water and eat smh thank you.
So how about a Wednesday x FEM reader that is always one step ahead of her maybe rivals to lovers(cuz I'm a sucker for those).
I shall leave the rest in your capable hands and please feel free to ignore/delete this if it doesn't inspire you or if you don't feel like writing it .
thank you <33333
Thank You So Much For Loving My Work. And Don't Worry Im Eating And Drinking Water. And Don't Worry Your Post Does Inspire Me. And Your Welcome.
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Wednesday thought Bianca was bad but you, you to her were worthy to be called her rival.
"Her rival? How when we all know that im better, I already one", to her you were loud and cocky which she hated as you can be a tad but rude.
She thought she would go insane on how you would make those small comments in class, Fencing you had beaten her once and you would always say that , "I wouldn't bother with you. I already know that ill win", but unlucky for you she was better at music and her good memorie and good comebacks made you more irritated.
Many of you and Wednesday friends all ways try to get you two along but both of you would just argue.
But as time came passing by the two of started leaving the other along and that turned into glances at each other. Cause what both of you two didn't realize that there was something growing between you two.
It was the weekend and it was late as you wandered around school grounds till you soon ran into Wednesday. You two didn't know what happen but you both started arguing and that turned to you pinning Wednesday against the hard stone wall outside the school. With you two in this position it struck you, you two were all alone and in this position you looked down at the ravenette as she was thinking too.
With not another your lips smashed together her fingers tangling in your hair, your hands on her hips,you kissing down her neck only for her to bring your lips back as she would nibble on your bottom lip, you two hardly taking air to breath but when you do. "I hate you so much~", as that only rile each other up as with both trying to get closer to each other.
Both soon pulled away with you catching your breath, "At Least I know I'm a better kisser" "You really think that" "Fine you, me dinner than we come back here so I can prove to you again that im better". Wednesday only nodded as you both continued walking.
So from that you both had a date which leading you to challenge her who would be the better girlfriend and now you two have been dating through out the school year.
Once the year was about to be over you helped Enid take her things down as you went back to help Wednesday. "Told you I was good at lifting" "I see you may be right" "Wednesday I think I like you" "We have been dating for a while now" "When did you started liking me" "When you called me horrible during class" " You Addams so easy to please".
"When did you start loving me" "Fencing, I lied you were good, now thinking about it I didn't want to hurt you" "At least I know your not a good lier" "I'm the best liar there is" "Sure you are".
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bisquuet · 3 months
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hi! still alive! AN UPDATE: LONG READ :D no new devlin content since im focusing on my oc comic :( ( speaking of comics. remember that other comic i posted here like once and never talked about it again?? yeah.. ) - lets talk about that. will i ever go back to that comic? -yes, when? i don't know.. i realized i went into the comic very.. unprepared.. or less prepared than i thought i was. so it got me second guessing things and getting confused..!! i have a VAGUE idea of how I want it to go, or atleast i DID, now im not so sure.. I think i need to sit down, splurge out my thoughts and ideas and go from there,, now i technically have a WHOLE post that is done that was supposed to be dropped shortly after the first one. but i thought to myself, oh ill just work on the next update and once im halfway THEN ill drop the second one! i never got halfway. i ended up just sketching more up ahead and adjusting and ''fixing'' things in the second update. making me loose track of time and getting behind, not only i had school to deal with too! so i just have a LOT of storyboarding of pages...that im slighlty afraid of looking at cuz i know that ill want to fix it but ill be unmotivated to actually fix it.. (bad rawr!!) eventually i have to get to it..!! >< ANOTHER major factor of the delay was my confidence, i wasn't satisifed and even frustrated at times when something didnt come out as good as it did in my head. i REALLY like the first update pages! especially devlins scene! but i think i got too ahead of myself and put WAY too much onto my plate, raising expections, of others and myself, mostly myself.... and I was trying to copy to a manga style, rather than convert my style normally into a manga setting, if that makes any sense. so i wasnt.... 'comfortable' drawing.. i dont know how else to describe it! but ever since then and even before, ive been getting less confident with my art and my style, feeling like its ugly or its getting worse. forcing myself to keep drawing, straining myself trying to make something that looks good to me. i have lots of fun and joy drawing for others, the reason i draw is BECUZ i just want to share what i make! as shallow as it sounds i like creating content for others to enjoy! it makes me happy and proud of what i draw! so. when i make something i dont like, i cant bring myself to show it cuz I dont like it.. others may, but that wouldnt change how i would feel about it. i felt that way deeply with the second update, which is why i kept tweaking it,,, and so I just let myself get caught up with other things.. feeling upset and guilty that I kinda just.. abandonded the comic..! saying that ill pracitce and oh ill do that , i Need to do this and this and this when i havent even done ANYTHING! i think, and i genuinely mean this, i think ive only recently started to ACTUALLY do things.! like development for my OC comic, writing for it, making content and sharing about them to whoever would lend an ear! so in a way the seewar comic walked so that my OC comic could run, hopefully.. so, unfortunately ill be focsuing more of my attention on my OC comic, and i honestly can't promise anything. the only thing i CAN say is that i will share the second update that i finished long ago.., no matter how much internal rawr doesnt want to, i feel like thats the first step to overcoming this fear and dread ive associate with the comic, which is something i DONT want. ill be scheudling to drop this weekend since ill be away.. i dont know when ill actively start working on the seewar comic again becuz i genuinely want to finish it and share it, i just have to not be too ambitious and plan out whats necessary. anyways.. now that school is out im finally paying all of my debts and owed art.. its rough but it has to be done. thanks if you have read all of this,, i greatly appreacite the support, from friends and followers, fossils, (thats what my fans are called wink wink) love yall fr <3
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flutter2deceive · 25 days
Bitching about financials and job things under the cut
My company announced like 2 months ago that our jobs are being eliminated, but it's like this nebulous thing because they're outsourcing and we need to transfer all our products, so my end date isn't until 3/31/2026. Like that's so far in the future and I'm gonna get severence (at end date, i will have worked there for 20 years literally over half my life) + a retention bonus, so I'll be ok for a little while after the fact i think i hope
But anyway i decided to immediately start cost-cutting 2 months ago:
•canceled subscriptions (canceled hulu, paramount+ (i have a plex server hookup anyway), canceled ubereats (and also stopped ordering from them altogether), canceled or went down a level on my minimal patreon subs)
•signed up for Shell's rewards system (it's literally free and you save at least 20cents/gallon every single time and sometimes more without having to spend any money you just click a button and boom extra 10cents if you fill up on a specific day.)
•haven't done *any* fun online shopping or regular store shopping for that matter
•severely cut down my fast food spending (i'm sorry taco bell ily), and as my friends are in similar financial woes, we've stopped ordering food every weekend and opted to make cheap dinners where we each bring some small component like 1 brings pasta 1 brings sauce 1 brings garlic bread
•this isn't a recent change, but i never go out anywhere for like drinks or to see local comedy shows like i used to frequently do. I'm a homebody who goes into the office twice a week and goes to my best friend's house on saturdays and just sits at home the rest of the time
Even with all that!! My debit card is at $26, my 1 credit card is $3 away from its limit, the other is $21 from its limit. I *thankfully* get my paycheck at midnight, but like... woof!
Last paycheck i was down to less than $100 the day before as well. It's so mind-boggling to me that it's this bad. Partially because I've had some unfortunately-timed plumbing issues and had to pay a pricey deductible (but glad i have the insurance obv cuz of how much the total cost would've been otherwise.) But also partially cuz i feel like shit is so much more fucking expensive than it's ever been!! And the last gallon of milk i bought and properly refrigerated went sour like a full week before its expiration date.
I have a decent job and make pretty good money (for now at least.) I have made several cost-cutting measures recently. I feel like I don't *do* anything. And it literally doesn't matter!!
My best friend who has an equally comfortable job told me he had about the same amount of $ as me to last him til his next paycheck too.
And on top of the financial stress, i am so fucking stressed at work because no one knows what they're doing and i keep getting roped into things at the last minute with an IM that says "hey got time for a quick call?" And then i end up having to put together a complicated spreadsheet that is needed by end of week. Why didn't you fucking ask sooner than 2pm on a thursday?! Oh cuz someone who will still have a job at the end of this didn't do what they were supposed to? Ok sure I'll get right on that. And I do. I do get right on that and have it back to you within a couple hours. Because i stupidly care about my job.
Ugghhh i hate everything atm... Except i was able to livestream my favorite singer Terri Clark's debut concert at The Ryman tonight. And i have a ton of Fran/CC fanfics queued up to read. And the Ghosts discord is constantly coming up with the cutest scenarios for H$, my current otp. And i am off the entire next week because next Friday is my birthday. And my dog is snoring.
So i guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all, Charlie Brown... or some such sentimental nonsense 🙃🙃🙃
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bucephaly · 2 years
I've been up since 3am this morning and I've driven a total of like 5 1/2 hours today + I worked 6 hours and yet it's 8:30 and I'm still tempted to watch star wars instead of sleeping
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agent-yolk-writes · 4 years
You're My Dad! Boogie Woogie Woogie! (Diavolo & Reader)
Ever wanted to call Diavolo your dad? No? Well too bad, I have the perfect fic for you down below!
AO3 Version Here!
If you like my writing, please let me know! My inbox is empty and it's hungry for OM content.
Bold = Diavolo's text
Italicized and Indented = MC's text
Like every natural disaster, it came without a warning.
It started off like every other day. Wake up, go to RAD, do student council duties, go home, sleep, repeat. Of course, there would be an occasional (read: frequent) occasion outside of the standard norm, but today was not one of those times.
“Here you go!” You handed Diavolo your latest finished report. “I’ve even separated the approved and rejected request forms and sorted them alphabetically for easier reading.” You said proudly. Sure enough, the Prince quickly thumbed through one of the piles and made a noise in his throat that sounded positive.
Next thing you know, he gives you one of his iconic smiles. “Excellent work as always, MC.” He tells you. “Your help is always appreciated! Thanks to you, we’ve made a tremendous dent in all this paperwork. We couldn’t have done it without you.”
The praise he was pouring on you felt so good. You try not to visibly react to it, but your brain dumped a massive pool of serotonin from his words alone. Hell, you can even feel your cheeks warming up. It always felt good to be praised by your peers, but there was something about the way Diavolo praises you that fuels you to work hard for the next one. While you were chasing that high and not wanting to be rude you simply replied with,
“Thanks, dad.”
And all of Devildom seemed to freeze over. You could hear Lucifer’s pen dropping to the floor behind you while Mammon choked on something somewhere else in the room. There were no sounds of papers being written or even talking. All eyes landed on you as the reality of what you said started to sink in.
Oh fuck, did you call the Prince of Literal Hell your Dad? Well, he’s such a huge guy and acts almost exactly like those kind-hearted fathers you always see on social media in your realm. It doesn’t help that your actual dad kinda sucks, so maybe this is projection at work. Sadly, the damage has already been done. You could see Diavolo’s face turn from confusion to amusement in a matter of seconds.
“I...I…” Your already red face got darker when you heard the faint snickering coming from Barbatos. Fearing that your rapid heart bursting through your chest, you can only manage to squeak a “Bye!” Before dashing out of the building and out of the academy.
So here you are, holed up in your honorary room at Purgatory Hall while your D.D.D. continues to blow up on the nightstand next to the bed. You couldn’t go back to the HOL, not immediately at least. You felt so embarrassed that you called your housemates’s semi-boss your father.
At least the residents at Purgatory Hall understood your human err. Solomon did give you some shit about it, but that was a given because, well, it’s Solomon. If he wasn’t teasing you about this, then you would have bigger fish to fry in Hell. Simeon was the most sympathetic person about your current predicament while Luke was just happy that you’re hanging out for a few hours. He can complain about the demons later.
You just hope this shitshow cools down soon. Maybe a nap will calm you down.
Hours have passed. Still afraid to look at your phone, your only indicator of time passing was Simeon coming up to your room with a tray of tonight’s dinner with a side dish almost overflowing with cookies courtesy of Luke. Bless these angels, both of them.
And sure enough, your phone stopped vibrating non-stop. Before you could deduce that the battery died, a singular buzz proved otherwise. Damn it.
Still, you couldn’t avoid the brothers forever. They’ll probably kick up another storm of messages since you haven’t replied to them initially. With a defeated sigh, you grabbed your phone and unlocked it. Let's see...143 messages in the HOL+Royals group chat, 103 messages in the HOL group chat, 87 messages from Mammon, 15 messages from Asmo, 10 messages from Lucifer, 5 messages from Levi, 1 message from Satan, 2 messages from Diavolo-
...2 messages from Diavolo. Sent a minute ago. Welp, no use avoiding him either since he’s the sole reason you’re even in Hell in the first place.
MC! Are you alright? You sure ran out of the room quite fast. I didn’t know humans could reach those speeds.
I apologize if I offended you somehow.
With a big gulp, you started writing back.
im okay! Hunkering down at Purgatory atm
if anything, I should be apologizing to you lol
Five minutes passed before he texted back.
That’s good to hear! (smiling devimoji)
Hopefully the brothers haven’t bothered you too much from this.
you have no idea.
(gurgle devimoji)
I have to say, you certainly caused a stir. I couldn’t help but wonder about something.
MC, do you see me as a father figure?
uh, no? If anything, I see you as a bother figure
cuz your always bothering me
God damn you, brain! Think before you speak for fuck’s sake! Quick, do something that'll lessen the blow!
Nailed it!
(hehe devimoji)
I see.
I have been called many things, good and bad, because of my position. Being called dad is a new one.
It’s certainly not...unpleasant.
He’s going to kill you at this rate. You know he will.
ill make sure not to do it again. sorry chief
tho im sure i caused a riot during the meeting
No worries!
And you left it like that. Your mind was pulling blanks on how to respond. You could figure it out as you reply to the others, but you really don’t have the mental fortitude to face them now that Diavolo is embracing his new moniker happily.
And of course, think about the demon prince and he shall appear. Again. What he sent made you groan into your pillow.
How about this weekend we can talk about what human fathers normally do over some sandwiches and tea?
...that sounds nice
Great! Looking forward to it!
(smiling devimoji)
Even though this whole ordeal was embarrassing, you couldn’t help but smile at the prospect of your future meetup. While your actual dad had no redeemable qualities about him, there were always memes.
Curling up in your bed, you begin your hunt across the Demon Web with a VPN that lets you access human websites in order to bring your A-Game this weekend.
Maybe this turned out to be a good thing, after all.
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summercurial · 3 years
ok so trip report before i forget the details
okay so friday afternoon i ditch my mom to go to charleston alone, feel kinda guilty but i really wanted to spend time with my friends and also she CLAIMS she doesnt want to make me miserable, fuck it, im not good enough at pretending not to be miserable. anyway
so i make the 4 hour drive down to my friends place, cant really find the groove at first but then i remember i havent listened to the second half of the jordan lake sessions so i do that and its really wonderful and i get there in a great mood. G made summer-compatible soup and its delicious and then i get drunk (E brought naturdays, which i love). i tell S about how much i care about her cuz i got emotional in the car worrying about him. anyway
next part is a bit time fuzzy but i think it was that night, E bottoms for men taller than him and tops women and men shorter than him, were sort of mutually sub/bratty respectively towards G so theres. a weird dynamic. a fun dynamic! but anyway i was teasing him for being a bottom, at some point i kiss him and then Post about how recieving the kiss rather than doing it yourself is being the bottom "i.e. the receptive" this becomes a Post all weekend. during the kissing he bites my split lip hard and it bleeds all over, i get blood on the nang thingy.
oh at some point that night L (the catboy) i think posted about how im a fake catgirl cuz of the pliability/obedience, so doggirlhood became a point of discussion all weekend
oh that night my drunk and asleep self is dropped in H's bed for the night. he likes it really cold and hes not cuddly so i alternated between cuddling against him for warmth and then moving away when i felt guilty about his boundaries
ANYWAY next day we go to the apartment building's gym, i do a little bit of cardio and ogle my friends lifting weights. im SO weak. also cardio sucks. before and after i showered with G, which is always nice. we go wine tasting and L's job and then pick up some groceries. i had been talking since i got there about how ive never really been properly bruised and i want to be. i make myself eggs and leave the cast iron pan in water cuz i forgot i wasnt supposed to, G is genuinely kind of annoyed with me and has H punch me pretty hard in the stomach. i took it pretty well i think, made a noise but then silently laid on the futon in the middle of the living room recuperating for a bit.
that night im encouraged to sleep in H's bed (they joke encourage me to suck his dick while im asleep) i lay down in there but feel too creepy thinking about cuddling against him so i come back out. me and S sleep on the futon, in the warmer room. S is a dom but not stronger than me and also we have a fun-antagonistic relationship sometime so theres some physical/verbal tussling where i assert him domming me outside of a mediated environment would ruin the fragile power balance. also i brag about being able to beat her in a fight a lot.
ok so next day i realize i like it when i press on the painful spot, ask G and later E to press on it, it feels really good, i alternate between really wanting it pressed on and feeling guilty about being so incredibly weird. theres commentary from L about if theres any way they can hurt me i wont get off on (his nails work lol). i mention this whole thing, including them punching me, is really weird, G brings up that i explicitly asked to be punched. so yeah i would say at least 60% my bad. anyway. it was really fun getting it palpated.
oh also i suck G's dick! it was really nice. it's big which means its pretty hard to do a good job with but i try my best and he says i look cute and calls me a good girl. which was very nice. i had to tap out before he came tho i was exhausted. its long enough that it passes back and forth over my throat a lot which is no good for not gagging, i can keep it in my throat for a while but quick in and out makes me very quickly feel like im gonna barf.
that night theres further discussion re: doggirlhood, L is annoyed im drooling on the futon and i say i cant help it (i cant! i drool when i sleep!), E kindly reframes this as a doggy thing. later L mentions they need like one of those little indoor fences for keeping puppies when they want me out of the way, E and G suggest crate training (a different thing, L is annoyed at the misunderstanding). theres also some talk about how they could probably get me to do things they dont want to do for them, described as "bitch work" at one point. E tells me to make him some popcorn but he does it with a joking tone, i say he has to say it seriously if he wants me to do it and he gets up and makes the popcorn himself
this was like. ok some of these doggirl interactions were hot ofc but i feel like they were largely like.... "affirming". which is obv a weird way to frame it but thats really how it felt. like, im not dogkin, or even doggirlkin, but there was definitely a distant family resemblance to gender euphoria, idk.
anyway it was really really fun! i had a good time. my friends are so nice to me, which i say a lot to them, cuz they really really are. G calls me spoiled when i get to cuddle between him and E and im getting lots of attention and warm and good. E made me guacamole. i get lots of scritches (E is so good at them...) and headpets and cuddles (and interesting conversation! they know so much about so much stuff i dont. and also i get to explain math to them. also theyre really funny and stuff) 100% worth skipping out on my mom.
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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dianapana · 3 years
SH Day 2: Fashion Statement
Modern AU, OOC
Bullies exist everywhere you look, in school, at work, on the street and most of all, on the internet. Countless bullies hide behind the anonymity the internet provides them in order to bring down strangers for no apparent reason. But there is always a reason, jealousy, an inferiority complex, a superiority complex, or plain and simple the bully is a pile of trash and no one should call it a human being. One of the worst things one can do when being active on social media is read the comments, because no matter how many positive comments there are, one bad comment outweighs them all. Scrolling through my Instagram I see the perfect example of this issue. Hinata is barely an acquaintance, I have not seen her since middle school almost a decade ago, she’s not active on any social media, or at least she wasn’t until today. The picture in front of me brings back all of my past thoughts of her, how pretty her face looked, how refreshing and pleasant her lower voice tone was; out of most people I was aware of at the time, she was one of the least annoying. The only thing that bothered me at times was her meek demeanour, how easy she’s fold under the pressure of bullies; and it would appear that she had not changed in that particular category.
The picture was there, I liked it, I looked through the comments, I saw all the negative ones, I saw them misgendering her due to her short hair and baggy clothes, I saw them calling her names; and then there was nothing, because the picture no longer existed. Much like in school, the bully applied pressure on her, and she caved in on herself and chose to hide.
I wish I had taken a screenshot of the picture to post myself, but that would have been an invasion of privacy. She looked older and more mature, her hair was much shorter than in middle school, almost a buzz cut. She had always worn baggy clothes, but her style developed to streetwear, all in all, the picture was, in my opinion, a work of art. But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. I can’t explain why it bothers me this much the fact that she took it down, but it just does.
I hate all the entitled fucks that think people own them anything. Females do not own them femininity, males don’t own them masculinity and gender non-conforming people don’t own them an androgynous appearance. Gender and fashion style are different issues, they can reflect each other or not. People use clothes for various reasons, as art, as means of expression, or they use them to hide. We talked about this during one of my courses in gender studies in university and it fucked with my brain how many people, young people that are supposably ‘woke’ heard that for the first time. I was shocked how many were unaware of things that I consider common sense.
I have the urge to reach out, assure her that the shit those incompetent fucks commented is the furthest thing from fact. Maybe I also feel guilt, because I was aware she was bullied in school and never helped, my apathy always made me so sure that it had nothing to do with me. It wasn’t my issue to fix, it wasn’t my battle to fight, and this isn’t either; but I’ve also learned to understand that being quiet might not be as hurtful as actively attacking the person, but it’s damn near close enough. So, I click on her blank profile and shoot her a short message. ‘the pic looked nice. U didn’t have to delete it just cuz some ppl don’t know what style is’
It was partly to comfort her, and partly to prove to myself that I’ve become better even in the slightest. I press the lock button on my phone and the screen turns black, I put it screen down on my bed and leave the room trying to fool myself and the universe that I don’t care if she replies or not.
I return to my work desk, continuing this charade, I am actively trying to not think about it, but the more I try not to think about it, the more I think about it. There is something about a 24-year-old Hinata looking the way she does, yet listening to haters, that just doesn’t sit well with me. I’m still in deep thought about the issue when my laptop dings, letting me know I received an email. I half expect it to be Hinata, but it’s work-related and my focus turns to that for the time being. Work keeps me busy for the remaining of the day, enough to push the whole issue out of my mind for real. In a blink of an eye over 9 hours have passed.
I wasn’t able to fully finish everything I wanted, due to some issues but I have to call it a day, since I worked overtime quite a lot. I go back to my bedroom and pick up my phone ready to order some delivery for the night when I see that Hinata responded.
“That was very thoughtful of you, thank you for the kind message.”
“I agree that I shouldn’t let myself be brought down, but it’s devastating in the moment.”
“I’ll try again.”
Her last message makes me click back on her profile to see that she reposted the picture with the caption saying ‘fuck you’. A sense of pride flows into my body, and I can’t fight the urge to comment as well, ‘fuck them all’. I go back to our little chat.
“Im glad u decided to post it again.”
I’m trying to formulate a compliment that doesn’t sound weird, I don’t feel like we are close enough for me to call her beautiful or pretty without it sounding like I am flirting, stunning sounds extreme, sexy and hot feel somewhat disgusting; yet all these five adjectives describe her, because she is beautiful, pretty, stunning, hot and sexy. I’m in the midst of this internal battle when I receive a reply.
“I am too. Thank you again”
I don’t feel like I deserve thanks, so I decide not to write back ‘you are welcome’, but I still want to compliment her so I click back to look at the picture, seeing whether having the picture in front of me will help. I’m lowkey annoyed when I get a notification that I have a new message from her, I am hell bound on finding a compliment and she is hell bound on stopping me. Either way, I click on the message, but upon reading it, my annoyance dies.
“I’m actually in Konoha for the first time in forever. I was thinking…if you maybe want to meet up? I’m here for a month, let me know if and when is a good time for you 😊”
Under normal circumstances, an invitation to ‘hang out’ from any former classmate be it elementary, middle or high school would annoy me further and I’d turn it down immediately. But for some reason, the idea of meeting Hinata after so many years, seeing what she is up to, interacting with her now as adults, makes me oddly enthusiastic. I reply before I can overthink the issue.
“Sure, we can meet, I’m free every Wednesday and throughout the weekend.”
Her reply is almost instant. “That’s perfect! See you Saturday” Reading her message makes me forget what day it is, so I have to look at my phone’s calendar; Saturday is the day after tomorrow, in less than 48hs I will see Hinata. My feelings are conflicted, they lay somewhere between nervousness, which is new, and giddiness, which is even newer. In order to calm myself, I do what I always do, set a goal. By Saturday I’ll have an appropriate compliment for the picture and her, it will have more impact if I say it face-to-face anyway, yes that’s the reason I want to see her, so I can feel as if I completed this little mission of mine, no other reason…
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pansyslut · 4 years
draco x reader
a/n: i’m aware i haven’t wrote in almost two weeks- oopsies. it’s not that i haven’t wrote anything it’s more that everything i write is just blah. i’m pretty sure this is blah as well. i’m tired and i feel bad for not putting anything out. there is a very good chance i will wake up in the morning and reread this with a clear head and realize how trash it is and take it down. enjoy it while you can :)
warnings: none really. very very little sexual talk but it’s really nothing.
summary: draco and y/n run into her ex. he lets her in on his insecurities. angst, fluff.
just like every other friday, you and draco had date night. it had become your weekly ritual. you would both dress up and go to your favorite restaurants.
this week you both chose something casual. deciding to go to some lowkey mexican restaurant and sit outside on the patio.
you hadn’t seen draco very much that week due to work. not only did it put a strain on your emotional relationship but your sexual relationship as well. because of your lack of time together, throughout the whole dinner he kept caressing your thigh making it extremely hard to concentrate on whatever he was talking about.
you both ate with lighthearted flirty banter all night. discussing dessert and weekend plans. it had eventually grown dark but the patio had fairy lights everywhere which draco had pointed out was cute which made you laugh.
you turn to see none other than your ex (if you could even call it that), cedric, standing over you.
you and cedric had fooled around for a couple months but you both knew it wasn’t anything else. as soon as you reconnected with draco you had sent him a simple text explaining it was over. he had text you a few times but you never gave him the satisfaction of replying.
he stars down at you giving a warm smile. “you haven’t replied to my texts.” he says, his eyes darting back and forth between you and draco.
you internally roll your eyes. of course i haven’t you idiot, why would i?
i mean don’t get me wrong the sex was good- the sex was really good. but it was simply that. sex. to keep one another preoccupied until the next situation presents itself. draco was different. he was more.
giving him a harsh smile back, “i’ve been busy.” you say shortly.
cedric nods and runs his fingers through his hair. he leans down and grabs your chin, “call me when you decide you’re not busy anymore. we both know you get bored.” he says in in your ear then softly pressing a kiss a little too close to your mouth.
he said it loud enough for draco to hear. turning back to him and seeing his face, he definitely heard. you turn back up to cedric to find him already walking away before he sending a wink in your direction.
facing draco, you see his stern unreadable expression. “dray?” you say softly. shaking his head as to brush you off and waving to the waited for the check.
he stars at the ground, refusing to make eye contact. deciding not to push it, you sit silently waiting to leave. finally getting up, you both walk to the car.
draco has always been physical. it was definitely his love language. merlin knew that he spoke through touch way better than words. he almost always had some way of touching you. holding your hand, pulling your waist, guiding you around.
instead, it was like he refused to even glance in your direction, refusing to touch you. he didn’t even open your car door like he always did. although it stung, you understood where he was coming from.
i should have pushed him off of me. i should have told draco about cedric before. i shouldn’t have even let him kiss me. this is my fault.
finally after the long silent car ride he pulls up to your house. usually, this is the part where he would follow you in and spend the night or at least have a glass of wine. instead, he left the engine on, staring ahead.
“are... are you not coming in?” you say eyeing him. he holds both of his hands on the wheel, gripping it tightly.
“give me a minute.”
nodding, you let yourself out the car and make your way to the door. kicking off your shoes carelessly and making your way to the couch, plopping down with a huff.
a few minutes later, you hear the door open. undoubtedly draco tightying up your shoes neatly, letting his ocd get the best of him.
paying little to no attention to him and barely acknowledging his presence, you feel him enter the living room and sitting down on the couch next to you where you now lay with your head smushed in the pillow.
knowing he needs time to cool down, you put on some stupid show to ease the tension. after two glasses of wine and an episode of some random show you grow more and more impatient.
turning over to lay on your back and facing him, he finally makes eye contact with you. “so...” you say trying to break the ice.
“so...” he rubs a hand over his face in frustration
“so what are you like pissed at me? or cedric? or what?” you say trying to understand.
huffing and letting the hand from his face fall, “i’m not pissed at you.” although that is reassuring, the weird emphasis is putting more on edge.
sitting up next to him, “so what then?”
he scrunches up his fists and pulls at his hair. “fuck, y/n i don’t know. i’ve never disliked diggory so much more than tonight.” he says admittingly.
nodding, “i know, i know. that was so fucking shit of him. i don’t even know- i guess... i guess he’ll be pissed or something? cuz i haven’t really replying to his texts or calls since we reconnected. i kind of just ghosted him i guess.”
hoping this would help ease his anger, you look up at him hopefully. “but this isn’t about him, right? this is about us, right?” you say practically begging looking up at him.
he meets your gaze and hears your pleading voice. his eyes soften, “yeah... yeah.”
not giving you very much to work with in turn making you frustrated, you get up and go up the stairs. you weren’t sure whether you wanted him to follow you or not. on one hand you knew that draco always helped sooth you and ease the anxious feeling in your stomach. but now, you weren’t so sure he would be much help.
but if he didn’t follow you, what did that mean? is he just giving up on you just like that? after almost a year spent together down the drain over some stupid fight that you weren’t even sure what was happening?
plopping on the far side on the bed, you grab his pillow and shove it in your face. letting silent tears fall, making yourself feel like a fool.
not once, have you cried over some boy. it wasn’t until draco came into your life that you even felt a strong enough emotional connection to even think about being upset over a boy and a silly argument.
you were never the dating type. you never had a boyfriend. it’s not that you couldn’t get one- merlin knew you could if you wanted, but you never had the desire. it wasn’t like you didn’t want to its just that you had never met someone that gave you that satisfaction.
laying there with your back turned, you hear draco enter the room. he sits on the corner of the bed with neither of you able to see the other.
sighing, “y/n? fuck, im sorry, baby. i didn’t mean to upset you.” he said. he rubbed your ankle caressing your smooth skin, just wanting your touch.
sniffling, you wipe the remaining tears off your face. there were still dried streams which he would undoubtedly be able to see when you turned around.
“it’s not your fault. i know- i know it’s not your fault. i’m not mad at you. i’m not mad that he kissed you.” he continues. obviously having a hard time explaining what he was feeling, he tugs on your ankle in a pleading way. you both knew he was lying. he knew you knew he was lying. he didn’t need to see your face in order to know that.
“okay... so it’s not only because he kissed you.” he says admittingly. “it’s what he said as well. when it’s going to be over. like this isn’t expected to last. like he and probably everyone else is just expecting you to get up and leave. hell- i’m expecting you to leave. i worry about that every day. i know it’s not your fault. it’s just that you’ve never been the relationship girl before. i don’t want you to feel pressured or- or suffocated by this.”
you finally understood where he was coming from. he didn’t open up a lot. but you understood completely.
getting up and sitting next to him you grab his hand. “you can’t blame me for not being in a relationship before. you can’t put that insecurity on me. i wasn’t in a relationship before because it didn’t feel right. it was never right. but this-” you say tugging on his arm, “this feels right. you feel right.”
you move over and straddle his lap as he brings his hands to your hips pulling you even closer. “i know. you’re completely right. it’s not fair for you.” he grabs your neck and you feel the pad of his thumb smooth your cheek.
“i’ve never lied to you. i’m not going to start now. i want this.” you say grabbing his face, “i want this is bad.”
it felt natural when your lips came together, neither of you mentioning the saltiness from your previous tears. you were simply craving each other’s touch and needed one another. although it probably wouldn’t be the end of the conversation it was good for now. because right now all you needed was him and to be in his arms.
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heysatori · 4 years
Heya! I was wondering if you could do a headcanon request of the bakusquad with a S/O that just has HORRIBLE sight and needs glasses, maybe one day they lose or break them so for a day or two they are just straight up blind, maybe the S/O holds onto their shoulder so they don't bump into anything or need to look off of their notes cause they can't see? Gender neutral reader please! 💫❤
Bakusquad with an s/o who broke/lost their glasses 
genre: fluff  pairing: bakugou x reader, kirishima x reader, sero x reader, kaminari x reader, mina x reader, jirou x reader, shinsou x reader  a/n: i rlly enjoyed making this ! i too am blind without my glasses but i still dont wear them that much lol i hope you guys enjoy this !
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Bakugou Katsuki
bakugou literally scolded that dude who bumped into you and stepped on your glasses 
was full out yelling and everything 
you tell him its alright and pick up the remains of your broken glasses 
but he does notice how as you walk youre moving a little slower than usual and standing behind him 
youre like, the only exception to who can stand in front of him 
so he turns to you with a frown 
“oi, why the fuck are you walking behind me” 
“i cant see anything” 
he kinda stiffens at that 
“you can hold my hand i guess, you wont have to worry about anything when youre with me” 
he flusters when you lace your hands together 
but you do walk a little better than earlier 
but he does pull you to his other side if theres some oncoming person or object that you might bump in to 
he takes care of you for the remaining period that you dont have your glasses 
even taking notes for you during classes 
he makes you dinner later that night, your favorite !
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Kirishima Eijirou
he gets kinda upset with himself when he accidentally sits on your glasses
you forgive him of course ! everyone makes mistakes and you were thinking about getting a new pair anyway ! 
but he want to make it up to you 
so he decided on being your personal butler until you get a new pair 
he helps you walk around campus with either an arm around your shoulder or by holding your hand 
he makes notes for you if you can’t see the board that well 
he’ll even buy you your food from the cafeteria if you have a hard time distinguishing the food from each other 
“im sorry i broke your glasses, please accept these!” 
“kiri i told you its fine and this is the fourth bento box today!” 
overall he’s just a very sweet and caring boyfriend 
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Sero Hanta 
you were pretty forgetful so it wasnt the first time that you had lost your glasses
so sero already had a routine for when you forgot where they were and he wasnt around when you lost it 
he helps you get ready in the morning if you need it 
but he mostly helps you with things that require reading 
so he helps you take notes in class or if its too bad or your head hurts from squinting so much he’ll make them for you 
he does try to help you find it by jogging your memory 
“were you in the kitchen? maybe the roof?” 
never purposely hides them from you cuz not being able to see well is as hard as it is 
if he does happen to find it lodged somewhere he demands a reward of 100 kisses before you can get it back 
if you both dont manage to find it he’ll go with you to the mall to get a new pair 
he’ll even help you pick out new frames ! 
maybe even goofing around the shop by wearing some funky sunglasses he saw on the top shelf 
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Kaminari Denki
 mineta had been messing with you too much lately 
but he had gotten bitter than kaminari had a significant other he didnt 
so he resorted to bullying you 
one day before class he swiped your glasses off your face and proceeded to throw it out the window cackling 
kaminari was late to class that day but he came in to you teary eyed with kirishima and bakugou sitting next to you, with kirishima patting your back and bakugou yelling something 
he rushes over and coddles you immediately 
“yo-yo-yo what happened bug?” 
before you could answer katsuki grumbles at him 
“that grape motherfucker threw their glasses out the window!” 
kami’s mood does a whole 180
he proceeds to give mineta a small electrocution 
he helps you throughout the day along with the rest of the bakusquad 
forming a circle around you so you dont accidentally bump into anything or anyone, but kami just stays by your side and holds your hand 
when classes are finished he brings you to his room and puts on that video game that you really like to watch him play 
he evens give you a bucket of your favorite ice cream !! 
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Mina Ashido 
so she may or may have not played around with you too much 
and in the process she may have stepped on your glasses that had previously fallen down while you were twirling around 
she apologizes a lot !! 
even cries a little 
but you forgive her of course ! it was an accident 
she makes it up to you by being your eyes until you get your new glasses 
she walks in front of you with your arms on her shoulders 
but if you wanna hold her hand she is more than happy too 
she even buys you extra food so that youre extra happy 
bakusquad help you every now and then but mina insists that she does it by herself 
very insistent on making things better for you
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Jirou Kyouka 
she was practicing the electric guitar and the amp was set too high 
so when kyouka strummed it was just a tad bit too loud 
you jump in surprise and accidentally crush your glasses !!
she feels so bad tho !! 
she offers you cuddles and to pay for your new pair 
you insist that you’ll ask your parents for a new pair instead but kyouka is very insistent as well ! 
she wins the battle and give you a little kiss as thanks 
since it was the weekend you two didnt have much to do 
she did help you with homework though 
reading out the words for you or even answering a few questions if you found it too difficult 
she buys you nice take out and puts on a streamer that you both love to watch at the end of the day !! 
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Shinsou Hitoshi 
monoma had been running away from shinsou and in the process he accidentally bumped into your hand, making you accidentally toss it 
shinsou comes running after monoma not long after but when he feels a strange crunch underneath his shoes he knows he did something wrong 
he turns to you and you look so sullen and when he looks down 
oh shit your glasses 
he forgets about monoma and picks up the broken pieces immediately, setting them on your table before he pulls you into a hard hug 
“im so sorry baby, i didnt mean to step on it” 
you still feel kinda down so you just nod along 
“its alright” 
he tries to make it up to you though 
he offered to make your notes during class and pays for your lunch 
during training he standing behind you or next to you to guide you if you need some assistance 
and at the end of the day when you two are cuddling in bed he shows you pictures of frames that he thinks you might like 
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
I can see why gar is your fave he is an actual angel and he seems to be the only one rooting for the good in jason aside from hank that is but yikes, I'm loving mom kory!!! gar calling dick 'grayson' and telling him off 😅 dick sitting like oh my s*it my son is shouting at me what do I do like his face there hahaa Dick in the vent was so adorable to me and I don't know why I freakin swooned at him crawling through a vent what is wrong with me 😅 I hope blackfire is actually trying to become a titans fam member and doesn't have secret ulterior motives ❤ her and kon was just awww 😊WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED AT TIMS that was a lot of gun shots was it just that one dude that got shot or did he shoot everyone, is tims family okay!? Yoo when tim gets with the titans or bruce he gonna be upset with jason, Jason standing outside listening to the gunshots dude noooo i really hate waiting a week. go babs!!!! I love that she could still hold her own, the dickbabs oh no but at least it was a flashback and not a rekindling what was with that plot of barbara being like I don't just want people to see me as a gordon but I don't wanna work with bruce cuz his rules are basically my father's so I guess I'll go copy selina and steal some shiny stuff just for funsies? Was babs a thief at some point in the comics or did titans just wanna do something surprising I have no clue, I can't wait for Rachel and Donna to come back and I kinda hope they'll be more on gars side in terms of rooting for the best in jason and thinking that he needs to be helped not stopped, I still love that dream thing with Donna it was so cool I hope it comes back up or jason remembers it and donna tells him it was her trying to help him, Kory tryna tell dick about blackfire and hes like nope not listening too busy (I mean I get it) but Richard Grayson will you listen to your wife when she wants to talk to you!! For the next mini mom mission korys gotta bring gar kon and blackfire all in the car with her 💕 how much of that toxin did he give out in Gotham cuz like thats gonna be messy if a bunch of criminals are suddenly fearless all at the same time, Crane is gonna be so fckn mad at Jason maybe that's what will drive him back to titans (I'm being way too optimistic) If jason can make a version of that toxin himself in his own lab place then why does he even need crane anyways, I love how polluted this cranes mind is 🎪
“Ohhh shite that dude was that tims dad!!? 🎪 yo I can't if it was”
AHH I just realized I never responded to this! I am so sorry! My chronic depression decided it was long overdue for an episode this weekend and went hard during that time of month :')
YAS! Gar getting that fan love he DESERVES! Yes to all that! He is just SOOO loyal and that is one of my fav qualities ahhh. And yes! I LOVED how they showed him still all upset about Jason!!! Mom Kori and Dad Dick are my fav things ever omg. Dick always needs to be called out every now and then, and you know its bad when Gar is the one to do it xD But u right, Dick was so confused then troubled by it after, all worried for him ahhh
Omg Dick crawling in the vent xD same though, nothing beats him in that first episode strutting and twirling those escrima sticks omg <3333 Im still swooning over that man xD
Yes! I hope they end up adopting backfire into the titans fam, I love a good dysfunctional sibling on the same team trope, come on titans, do what they didn’t do with Thor and loki and not having them work together more/same team. Omg, Kon was SO PURE ahhh, I love him so much and he needs all the protection against this mean mean world xD
*cries* yeah, that was Tim’s dad D: Cause we can’t have good things in DC’s world and they were like oppp we made Tim too happy, someone gotta die. D:
Jason was looking so bad at the end there, like he got Bucky Barnes Winter Solider level raccoon eyes D: He looked so far gone and lost D: And im scared its just gonna get worse before it gets better D:
Tbh, I was really into that Dickbabs thoooo….. xD I feel like im the only one but they be cute!!!!
I feel like Donna may be on the stopping him side but Rachel would be more on Gar’s side, considering she fights her inner demons all the time and kinda gets it.
Omg yes we need more road trips with Gar, Kon, Kori and Blackfire!
OOOH, omg yes!! Like maybe Crane will get all pissed at Jason and douse him in fear gas and maybe THAT will be a turning point in terms of getting jason to snap out of it? Or contributes to him reconciling with the titans or at the very least going a different direction? hmmm
Right! This Crane is like SO good at a villain, like Im loving it so much
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 4 years
Uhm, my day was decent? I mean aside from the fact that mornings exist and I did not want to wake up in time for my shift at work. But. And the end of the day when I have literal hours to do stuff after.. it works out cuz. Usually I get off and its oh shit I have enough time to halfway emotionally recharge and then its time for bed.
But. I got in and E^2 had put like. My name down on the schedule, and. That was great really. And we had this sheet for sign up of, basically what areas you want to be personally responsible for. And I signed light and it was great. And I dont think anyone really noticed cuz the manager wasn't there and no one else really looked at the schedule or anything else. But. It made me happy.
Still haven't gotten my name tag changed and honestly I dont think I'm going to. Cuz. I feel like I'm just being a bother asking again. But. It is what it is I guess.
I got off at five and its now nine and ive just been vibing in the car listening and singing to Spotify since I got off just trying to keep the sad at bay. And I should probably go home but. I dont want to. Cuz I know I'm just gonna wallow in the sad and self destructive tendencies if i go home.. If I ask nicely will the fae take me in as one of their own and I can become a cryptid in the woods?????
I have a three day weekend coming up and im considering doing a touch up on my hair since its really washed out. But I cant decide if I wanna keep it fully red or try and do like an ombre double tone thingy.. but I'm not sure what other color I'd try to do to the tips? Idk
I kinda wish my hair was longer so I could do like. The galaxy hair thing? Where its various shades of purple and blue and some pink and it looks different depending on how you style it. But I also know attempting to grow my hair out longer than I already plan to is a bad idea, cuz the sides and back are already getting too long and I hate it. But I wish I could do fun stuff with it too
Oh well. The duality of man i guess..
Uhm. I bought a giant plastic egg the other day, that reminds me of a dragons egg kinda. And I'm trying to decide if I should keep a hoard of dice in there or a hoard of crystals. Cuz. Dice and the clacky math rocks. But. Also shiny crystally gems
Speaking of dice I also really kinda want to try and get into a dnd group, but social anxiety and I have zero idea where to start with that so. That's fun.
Im currently resisting the urge to go and get more holes and metal in my head too. I just. The red hair makes me feel cool and powerful and I wanna look punk and
Sorry I've been rambling for like half a novel. I'll stop now before I get annoying. I mean I definitely already am. But you asked for asks and distractions and 👉👈 I love you
Id ask about your day but you seem to want a distraction from that sooo. How about, got any fun headcanons to share??
Thats awesome on the name front!!! I saw that and I got really excited for you when you posted the picture this morning, honestly I think you should bring up the nametag again, esspecially if its showing up on the schedule too. (Oddly enough I kicked around the idea of using a new name with friends and sruff today which is weird mostly bc like i like my name irl, its fairly androgynous and it makes me happy and i love my online name bc it means me :))
My vote is two tone!! I almost did a pink/purple ombre with my hair this round so I say do ittttt (that's also what I say about the extra holes and metal. Do itttttrrr)
That would be a hard choice but u do really like the idea of a giant dragons egg full of dice ngl. I need to find some people to play with too. I'm trying to get b and c in on something but idk if its ever really gonna pan out the way I want it too. My town actually has a pretty active dnd community but I am way too new and way too socially anxious to ever join something like that so I feel you there.
100% not annoying, each paragraph made me smile more. :)
My day was actually mostly ok, i just sorta ruined it with Danny at home. I just pointed out that the idealized dream band life that I wanted and thought I had was what she got and that it made me kinda jealous and she pointed out (correctly) that I'm jealous of so many aspects of her life that she now has a list of things she can't talk to me about for fear of setting me into a spiral and just. Yeah. That wasnt fun.
But work was ok. The kids all were really tierd so there was a fair bit of crying going on, but the weather was really nice so we got to go outside with them for a long time and that was very nice. I also got some really sweet cuddles from a few of them that made me very happy.
Oh! I also have a funny story about them!! So I was squatting (my main position is almost like Spiderman bc I'm down on the kids' level but i can also get up and move if I need to pretty quick) and one of the girls goes and gets a book, then stands right in front of me and points at the floor and says "sit" in the most authoritative voice I have ever hear from a 1 1/2 year old 😂 as soon as I sat down she was in my lap and opening the book so I could read to her.
As far as headcanons.... Sadly my brain is bouncimg mostly art ideas for the Tamgled au and not anything of substance so I may take a crack at that later. Otherwise I keep thinking about whumped up Will crying on the floor and Maurie finding him. Really I'm just thinking about Maurie and Will being bros. A lot. So much. God I love them.
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I got one! Um, cas calling Dean late at night cause he was sick, and dean was worried, and cas just wants some comfort, and it might just devolve cuz dean just can't help his love of cas and his growly sick voice . . . And cas may have already known that lol.
Soup & Syrup on AO3
Word count: 1.548 words
Rating: General Audience
Some tags: soft boys, best friends to lovers, sick Cas, AU, gentle caretaker Dean, getting together, no real kisses though because Cas is SICK
Note: @ladygotsoul I hope you like this, love, and it made you feel as soft and happy as it made my own currently sick (and possibly using this fic to project and wish lol) ass. I adore you
“Hello, Dean,” Cas says, as soon as the call connects.
“Hey, Cas,” Dean mumbles into the speaker, sounding soft and half-asleep. “Fuck, you don’t sound so good.”
“Yeah, it’s—” he has to break off into a coughing fit, returning to the phone with his voice sounding even raspier. And it speaks volumes that even he himself notices it. “It’s gotten worse.”
He started feeling sick two days ago, throat raw and hurting, every part of his body in pain as if he’ll burn up with fever any second. Then he had to cancel their weekly study date in the library this afternoon, to stay home and take a quick nap that accidentally ended up four hours long and left him groggy and sweaty and weird.
Dean has been sending him texts, five since he cancelled earlier, and as soon as Cas felt awake and present enough to respond, he called.
This is where they are now, around 1 a.m. on a Saturday. He didn’t really stop to look at the clock before he called Dean, but — well. He was just hoping Dean would be awake, maybe out with friends. He was just hoping that maybe, maybe, Dean would come by and dote a little on him. Just because having his best friend around always makes him feel better. Not because he craves Dean’s presence, his palm on Cas’ forehead and his hands tucking him in beneath his blanket. Absolutely not.
“— over? Cas?” Dean speaks against his ear, low and urgent, and Cas realizes that he hasn’t been listening at all during the past few moments.
“Sorry?” he rasps. “I spaced out for a bit.”
“How are you feeling?” he asks, and this time it’s soft, but still somewhat urgent.
“I feel a little better, spent most of the evening asleep and drinking tea. I’m just… groggy and weird. And my cough isn’t going away,” Cas says. Maybe pouts, but Dean can’t see that, so he’s good for now.
“I have some cough syrup at home. You want me to come over and bring it?” Dean shoots back immediately, no hesitation in his voice.
“It’s way too late, but thank you. Maybe tomorrow you cou—” his voice breaks in the middle of his sentence, and that hurts his throat so much, that he falls into another coughing fit. He tries to cover it by pressing his phone against his sweater-covered stomach and coughing into the crook of his arm, but as soon as his lungs have calmed down and he pulls his phone back to his ear to restart his sentence, Dean interrupts.
“I’m coming over,” he says, worried and determined. “I’m picking up soup and bringing the syrup. You need anything else?”
Cas is stunned into a few seconds of silence, can’t help the way his heart clenches in his chest with happiness and something way too close to the desperate love he has been suppressing for months, now. “I — Thank you, Dean. That — You’re amazing. Maybe you could bring a change of clothes and… stay over, tonight?”
“Sure,” Dean breathes. “Okay, be there in 15. Don’t fall asleep on me.”
And before Cas can reply anything at all, Dean ends the call and Cas is left alone with his thoughts.
He realizes, suddenly, how disgusting he currently is. He rips open the windows in his bedroom and living room, hopes for a breeze that will bring in some fresh air, and hops into his shower — hoping that his downstairs neighbors won’t hate him for all the noise at 1:27 a.m.
When he steps out of the shower after a quick scrubbing and the cool air hits him, he starts shivering like crazy. It doesn’t seem to matter how long he uses his towel to rub himself dry, how he uses his blow-dryer for the first time in ages or that he puts on sweatpants and two pairs of socks and his coziest sweater, he’s still shaking when he sinks down on his couch and wraps a blanket around himself. At least he isn’t smelling so bad anymore. Just in case Dean feels like giving im a hug, or something.
Cas is fighting sleep again, head lolling back against the headrest of the couch, when Dean arrives and Cas hears him unlock the front door.
Dean switches on the lights as he steps inside and closes the door behind himself, and as soon as Cas managed to blink his eyes open in the bright light, he finds Dean slipping out of his shoes, a soft smile on his lips and a plastic bag in his hand.
“Hey there,” he says, pulling off his jacket and closing the distance between them to sink down on the couch next to Cas, one leg pulled up so he’s facing Cas.
“Hello,” Cas rasps, sitting up so he can look at Dean.
“I got some chicken broth and this vegetable thing, wasn’t sure what you’d want.” Dean pulls the containers from the bag, sets them down on the table and leans back again. “When was the last time you had some food?”
“I had some cereal for breakfast today, but  mostly I just… didn’t feel hungry at all. I could eat now, though. I take the vegetable thing and you can have chicken,” he says, trying to suppress a smile at the way Dean lights up with relief.
“Awesome,” Dean laughs, and then he’s up and rummaging through Cas’ kitchen for spoons.
They eat in silence, straight from the plastic containers, sitting side by side and gently bumping elbows every now and then. When they are done, Dean grabs Cas’ spoon and fills it with the cough syrup, going as far as raising it up to Cas’ lips so he can slurp it up in an, unfortunately, very unattractive way that has both of them snorting a little.
“Thank you,” Cas says. “Seriously, for everything.”
“Dude, of course. You sounded — I mean, honestly, you still don’t sound so good. All… growly,” he blushes a little, and Cas can’t do anything but find him unreasonably delightful.
“Yes,” Dean clears his throat. “Growly and raspy. Um. And with the red nose and flushed cheeks.”
“You like that?” Cas can’t help but ask, and he’ll just blame this bluntness on the raising fever later on.
Dean blushes even harder, a lovely shade of crimson that has his eyes looking impossibly greener. “I mean —I like your voice plenty enough, when you’re healthy and feeling good.”
“You do?” Cas grins, voice pitched even lower, and he can’t help but laugh at the way Dean shivers and sinks into the couch a little deeper. “Do you wanna watch something?” he asks, so Dean can deflect in that way he always likes to do.
“Sure, yeah,” he coughs, eyes averted. He gets up and starts Netflix on the tv, starting up season one of Brooklyn 9/9, Cas’ most favorite comfort show. When he sinks back on the couch, it’s a little closer by Cas’ side.
They watch for a little while before Cas starts to shiver again, so Dean wanders off to get Cas’ blanket and switch off the lights. When he returns to the couch, Cas is stretched out along the edge. “Would you… hold me?” he asks, raspy and honestly quite miserable.
Dean looks down at him a little hesitant for a few long seconds, but then he smiles wide and determined, blurts “sure,” and snuggles down between Cas and the back of the couch and carefully wraps his arms around Cas’ middle. “This okay?” he asks, pulling the soft blanket up around them.
“Mhm,” Cas sighs softly, “very much so.” He melts back against Dean’s chest, and feels Dean’s heart pick up speed just like his own is doing. “This is nice. I’ve been… hoping for this.”
“Yeah?” Dean asks, breathless and quiet. His arms tighten around Cas’ waist, head tipping down until his nose is buried in Cas’ wild hair. “Me too. Didn’t really think it’d happen this way, but… I will not complain.”
Cas turns in his arms, until he can look up at his face, and his stomach feels all warm and fuzzy. “I adore you,” he says, and Dean’s lips stretch into the cutest smile ever.
“I adore you, too,” Dean whispers back, but when he leans down, Cas ducks away so his lips land on Cas’ forehead instead of against his own lips.
“I’m sorry,” he rumbles. “But as much as I want this, I’m not gonna get you sick, too. You can kiss me all you want as soon as whatever-this-is is finally over, though.”
“Yes. As much as you want,” Cas mumbles, and then he buries his head against Dean’s shoulder and unabashedly breathes in his woodsy, leathery smell for the very first time ever.
Maybe they end up not watching any tv at all. Maybe Cas falls asleep buried against Dean’s shoulder in mere seconds. Maybe they spend all of the weekend wrapped up on the couch together, only interrupted by Dean cooking some food and brewing tea and feeding Cas cough syrup.
Maybe, just maybe, Cas falls impossibly harder for his best friend during those few days cooped up together — and tells him so by the end of the weekend.
Tag list: @planetahmane  @justyourordinaryfangirl @winchester-cas @castielinparadise @trxye-sxvxn @runtosleepdreamer @Destielhoneybee  @breathingdestiel @wellofwoes @xxgoldensnowflake @dshelley @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @robotsnchicks @jemariel  @reallyelegantsharkfish  @mellomish  @frecklessaver   @jasminrogue  @skittles-rainbow-cat  @Insecureadult  @fpwoper  @imbiowaresbitch  @destielsangel  @elaspn @didnt-survive-twist-and-shout @mercenarydestiel    @a-pastel-pan   @7faerielights  @kathrinerose  @nerd-litteraire  @wingsandimpalas  @casbean  @miasif @petrichoravellichor @trenchcoatsandfreckles @sleephawhoneedsit @vibraniumarm @youreabadliar @inlovewithsaturn @super-powerful-queen-slayyna @brangaene @all-or-nothing-baby @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @error-name-not-in-this-dimension @elizaeverafter@letofarrell @apieceofurmind @notfunnydean @winchester-ofthe-lord @love-neve-dies @korppikasvo @imafluffyjellybean @carry-on-my-wayward-hunter
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sadcatsnturtles · 4 years
month 2
its been 2 months since we broke up. or i guess since she broke up with me heh. it was okay at first but this past month ahs been hell on earth. especially these past few recent weeks. wether its her appearing in my mind and not leaving no matter how i try to distract myself or a dream about her out being happier than she ever was with me it doesnt stop. and everytime i hate myself more and more for that week that fucking birthday week. all i had to do was not fuck up and i did in all ways possible and now im here sitting on my phone refreshing messenger to see if she read my message checking in to see if shes been okay cuz god knows i havent been. shed been feeling discontent for a while with covid and her birthcontrol affecting her alot so shed been down and i guess that week just triggered everything and she unleashed. and borke me in the process a night before her birthday i had some friends over as my parents were out of town and i hadnt seen them in a while. I had no intention of drinking that night as i wanted to suprise her at midnight at her house  with flowers and cake. but earlier that day we got into a bit of a spat and i thought it would help make her feel better if i told her i was going to show up later that night to celebrate and stay over. but then she told me she didnt want me too even after i told her i really wanted to. and that fucking broke my heart that was the begingin of the end i think. that night i got shit faced just so i could forget and pretend everything was okay with us around my friends. next morning i was way more fucked up than i thought i would be and could barely get up without feeling sick and i ended up missing her dinner with her friend. i offered to pay as i wanted to treat her for something expensive but she later on told me not to aswell. i asked if she was going to break up with me because ive felt like this before and she said she didnt want to talk about it. like yeah that fucking helps. i went over the next day to make it up to her took the day off work just wanting to be with her as much as i could but she was so off that entire day i just felt like shit and awkward but i couldnt say anything she had every right to feel the way she did.  so when it all went down a few days later that weekend i couldnt stop crying like ive never cried more in my life or even cried at all so long as i can remeber. it just all kept coming out weep after weep. id start to stop but then shed do something cuute with a plushy and the floodgates would release and back to a rainshow. that was the worst breakup i had and not even for any bad reasons just becuase of alll the memories and how much i loved her and still do love her. i still have a little plush on my desk she gave me that matches with one she has and i cant bring myslef to move it nor do i want too. means too   much to me. ive tried drowning myself in my hobbies but there only so far that can go before i get sick of it or am just too depressed to do anythign at all.  i know breakups arent easy and never will be but ive never had one stick like this. i have zero bad things to say about her like if we could get back together id be so happy but would this happen again? am i only missing her becuase of my lack of friends and quarentine preventing me from doing anything that used to make me happy? ive got all these stuipid dating apps but whenerv i get a match i rarely get replies like what the fucking point in that. all i want right now is to be in eachothers arms  and sovid to be over. without covid none of this would have happened. i guess now that i think about it the only negative thing i can say about her is that i was dissapointed she couldnt realise covid was affecting both of us just i was better at hiding it and accepting it where as she let it get to her and not make the best out of a sitution like i do. im so fucking lonely and honestlky never thought i would ever end up writing something on tumblr but here i am feeling as low as i have ever felt and theres nothing i can do about it. live sucks and then you die. thats about the only thing i learnt in highschool and the older i get the mroe it applies.
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arospaceboy · 5 years
tw: dysphoria, depression, period mention, family (mother)
let me know if i need more
not feeling too good right now boys. feeeling reaaly dysphoric and ive been crying on and off for the past couple hours.
I started period today and that usually makes me dysphoric but its extra bad this time and i really hurt both in my body and in my mind-area.
Also like ive been needing/wanting a haircut for months now and i havent gotten one and that brings dysphoria too.
I dont really hace anyone that i can legitimately talk with about these things. and ever since i got back from college back in late december, my mom hasnt even attempted to use my pronouns and i dont feel comfortable addressing it. Mostly cuz when i first brought up thinking about wanting to start T, she almost seemd like she got mad. And like i really dont like how feminine i look i just wnat it gone .
im cdying as im typing this btw, so sorry bout spelling mistakes.
i hhacent even told her that liek, im closer to being a man than last i updated her on my gender. and that was like a year ago. And she likes my hair longer, cuz "its so pretty long". i know it looks good but like i hate looking liek this. i hate goe long it is. i just wnat it to be gone. there's so many broken promises.
and liek i know shes struggling with things, but i am to but i can never say anything. im like screaming at myslef in my head ALL THE TIME, but liek im just complacent and noncontroversal. im just like a broken shell or something. and this has been building for so long and i havent been abel to do anything.
i dotn evem really have a job so i camt just go do things on my own amd i live in the middle of nowhere and dont own a car, so i camt travel on my own. amd im not out to liek any of my family so family gatherings are kinda painful. espcially when grandma keeps trying to get me to go to this Girls Weekend for her birthday. I love her and wish her well, but im soo afraid.
im so afraid with no reason to be. my family is really nice and accepting of these things but im so scared and complacent all the time. I just avoid everything even though i wanna run free.
but im so sacred
i hurt so much
most of my fear and "social" dysphoria stems from my mom right now cuz im living with her and shes basically the only person i ever see.
i have so mcuh more i want to say but i dont know how to say it and i just want to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you knwo.
i just want to scream and yell and cry and tell my mom to ppease listen and respect me and nlt just treat me as some prop doll for her TransAlly thing she has going on at work or whatever. im just so tired.
im tired all the time of pretending to be fine and ok. and im always some sorta mixture of sad and angry, but i wear a "genuine" smile so nobody's worried.
And on top of all this, ive been doing lots of my owj personal research, but there's a good chance im Autistic. I think ive been an undiagonsed case because ive been camofloging. but i could be wrong. i have noway of seeing a specialist to comfirm my thoughts because im too afraid to bring this up to my mom.
i want to keep going on, but its 2:22 am for me and ive been typing for like half an hour...
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alitoowell · 6 years
Tumblr media
One year—365 days—and still I cannot find the words to do justice to the magnitude of gratitude that I feel, and will forever feel, for the magic that was October 22, 2017.  It’s funny because meeting Taylor was always in my mind as a possibility.  In that people DO meet her, so it’s possible.  But I always viewed it as possible, yet unachievable.  People would meet her, but they wouldn’t be ME.  Simply because the odds were too great of being noticed or picked from a crowd.  So I never planned out how it would go, or where, or what I would say, which left me even more absolutely floored when it happened.  Even a year later my brain cannot quite wrap around the fact that the woman who I’ve looked up to since I was 15, who’s music has been the soundtrack to my life for an entire decade, had me over at her house?  I got to hug her?  Dance with her?  And listen to her entire unreleased album and the stories behind it?  That seems unbelievable.  And it will always seem unbelievable because people. don’t. do. that.  But Taylor does.  My friends have been encouraging me for a whole year straight to type everything out, and I never quite got there.  The task seemed too great, I didn’t know where to start, or what words to choose to capture those memories adequately.  In one of those moments of frustration I realized I actually already had written nearly everything—in the no less than 63 messages I sent to my best friend Shaina less than 24 hours later on October 23, 2017.  Though it’s jumbled and not perfect in any way and contains the misspellings and keyboard smashes and all, here’s my Taylor story, a year later, as told the day after it happened—in message form.
photo of wristband
photo of merch
Shaina: You’re lying
Shaina: Ok. Spill. I’m shook.
Okay okay so I’m literally about ready to pass out I haven’t slept well since finding out last week and legit got two hours of afterwards last night, well this morning ahhh
And about to board my flight but I’ll try to type quick
So basically her team DMed me last Tuesday saying they’ve noticed what an amazing fan I am and asked for my information
And people have been making fake TN accounts and sending fake messages to be awful, and I thought it was fake because I never expected to ever be contacted
So I’m like in the gym parking lot thank god I didn’t see it while I was still at work
And I realize it has a blue verified check and that it’s legitimate and the last questions was have you ever met Taylor and I LOSE MY SHIT IM IN HYSTERICS IN THE CAR AND CALL MY MOM AND SHE THINKS I GOT IN AN ACCIDENT
So basically I’m a freaking ass mess because I’m 99% it’s for a secret session since at that point one had happened and we all assumed that there would be more cities, and I was almost positive they would NOT send that message to someone and not follow through and call and tell them SOMETHING
So I can’t sleep I leave my phone on cuz I don’t want to miss a call
It of course doesn’t come til the next day while I’m AT WORK
And they freaking ass knew my twitter and tumblr and asked for all my socials and I now know the people I talked to weren’t asked that so that’s weirddddd
Anyway so sure as hell it’s a ‘very special event’ and it’s all too secret and I can’t tell anyone except a parent for safety
And once I confirm I can get myself to LA she gives some instructions and said final details will be emailed  
And so that was Wednesday and I’m crying at work and their dinner was late lol
And I called my mom and was like this weekend Sunday book flights nowwwww
And then the quick version is for the next two days I was practically puking every day so nervous and the email wasn’t coming and I was like shitttttt
So finally on Friday I straight up call Taylor Nation back and get straight through and say my name and she’s like what’s up?! And she says they’re coming out later that day
And so I flew down Saturday and I rented my very first car and took my first legit solo trip in the name of Taylor freaking swift honestly I’m not surprised
And bless Briana’s fam’s heart they were out of town but let me stay in their guest apartment while they were away with no explanation so that was very nice and less stress for me
And then I had to sit from 3:30 Saturday until 5:15 Sunday in LA by myself unable to tell anyone and it was wilddddddd
Like I was like sweeeeeet I can get caught up in my journal!!!  Noooo I deadass sat there and felt like I was dying and about threw up hourly like how the freaking hell do you just casually chill when you know your damn outlandish never thought it would occur dream is about to happen and not only that but like on a times 100 scale?!?!
So basically I went to her damn house and we hung out by the pool and ate food and the weirdest part is I’ve been unable to eat and have been panicking all week but the second I got to the first check point and to her house even more I was just like chillllll like ayeeeee this is gonna be fun omg I’m so hungry and let’s eat all this food
And so basically it’s a listening session for the new album and we obviously can’t say anything about it or what she said about it besides like probs that it’s AWESOME OUTSTANDING IS GONNA SLAY THE WORLD AND SHES SO LROUD OF IT AND MY BABY DID THAT AND IM REAL PROUD
Okay okay but she like explained each song in-depth and was the cutest cupcake singing along fully jamming to everything and like looking at everyone the entire time and locking eyes as she’s singing ya feel
My flight is about to leave but I will continue later!!!!!
Shaina: This is insane I can’t believe it I’m beyond stoked for you safe travels and talk soon
Okay we not leaving quite yet sooooo I’m missing parts. So we are told we’re gonna go inside and sit down and I book it fast to get a spot on the ground like only two people sitting in front of me and there’s a red plush chair not even 10 feet away that she’ll obviously be sitting in and we’re all like sjedjekkdir
And I was wondering who all I would know there right!?? And was bummed there’s one girl I talk to frequently who loves Shawn Mendes and we know each other cuz she saw my Shawn poster on twitter and she’s from LA but I hadn’t seen her
Shaina: This just keeps getting better and better. How did you keep this a secret?!?!?!?
Shaina: How many people were there
Okay lololol shoot I just woke up and didn’t realize the rest of this story was notttt in constant caps like I’ve been using all day my bad my bad
And so she’s playing the songs in order off the album and I think it’s okay to say that her and jack are losing their minds because they’ve never gotten to experience our reaction to new stuff they’ve worked on when they’re together, and definitely not together and in person, so she kept being like this is so cool for us you have no idea and he’s in the back confirming lololol
And so anyway she gets to Look What You Made me Do and she’s like soooo how do we want to do this??? Do we want to keep sitting do we want to dance…??? And we’re all like DANCEEEEEE SHDHIEOKRKR and shes like okayyyy we’re dancing and Shaina this is deadass like straight out of a dream.  Actually wait no I couldn’t have imagined this, but she starts and I was anticipating part of this but not the whole thing…
So she obviously doesn’t just have us bopping along and staying and dancing on her own up front… she starts making her way into our basically tiny crowd and we’re so packed together that she’s grabbing people’s hands so she doesn’t fall as she goes. And she’s stopping and dancing with people and stops and stays dancing like staring at one guy and he’s going for it and not afraid and singing the lyrics dramatically right back to her….
And then she makes her way towards and wait for it
And then Vanessa (my Shawn buddy) at this point has scooted up to me cuz everyone’s shifted and the people around me are like dude holy shit SHE DANCED WITH YOUUUUU
Okay okay so after the whole album was played she gave us like the lowdown on the meet and greet portion and she passed out the target exclusive magazines for us to see while we waited and talked a bit about the making of them and why and things and she’s really pumped about them and they worked really hard to have them be affordable as possible and cut down the pages and things
And meanwhile like the whole night she’s so close that people would make comments and she’d hear and respond and it was so cute and amazing
Also I don’t think I’ve mentioned her outfit yet???  She’s been looking bomb at all of the other sessions and holy helllll she looked bomb like damnnnnnnnn she had on a black crop top and these high waisted and slightly folded down camouflage pants and these black boots and her hairrrrrrr this era is like natural curls and soooo damn cute
Okay okay so anyway we thought it was a greattttt idea to wait towards the end so we could stay longer and not go first and be done and sent home… yeah well it ended up being a not great idea because we ended up waiting two hours but I’m obviously not complaining one freaking bit
And she’s doing pictures in the other room so we can’t really see much for most of it but every so often we can see people talking to her and taking photos and it’s so cute it’d melt your hearttttttt
And so those of us that have bonded together at this point are like um shoooooot what pose and what the hell do I say to her??????? Like all week to my parents I was like ummmmm soooooo I’ve imagined this happening but like never thought it’d actually happen so unlike some people I had nottttt planned like a monologue of what I’d want her to know if I ever met her???? Like with Vance I was lost too but with my posters it was easier and I’ve seen him recently and yada yada but this is TAYLOR FREAKING SWIFT WHO IVE LOVED WITH MY WHOLE DAMN HEART SINCE I WAS FIFTEEN AND SHIT IM TEARING UP ON THE PLANE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY TO HER WHAT DO YOU WANT HER TO KNOW YOU’VE GOT LIKE TWO MINUTES WITH HER GOOOOO
And so we were all really curious if she’d somehow recognize us because people have been saying that they walk in and she shouted their name! And I’m like idk if that’s gonna happen but might as well see if not just ask if she’s seen anything idk idk???
So okay buckle up for like the greatest time of my entire damn life
So I walk in and hug herrrrrrrrrrrrr
And I wish to god I can remember everything she said but I was focusing so hard on keeping it together and saying my bit that I know for sure what I said and can put together mostly something the general sentiment of what she said if not it exactly. So we’re huggingggg and I say I think hiiiii it’s so nice to finally meet you thank you for having me I’m so excited to be here or something and she’s like awww thank you for coming!! And I’m like I have to know how did we all get picked, was it by you or your team or how did it happen?? And I don’t know what the first part of her answer was but she says so the people from LA have been picked for about a year, and the people from elsewhere (I’m guessing with exceptions) have been picked more recently like within the past few months so like now I know it has nothingggg to do with whatever we’ve been doing online recently…. It’s from at least when she first came back if not before and they realized we were active while she was away….
And so I’m like okay ali say something else so I’m like so I really like making concert posters and the first ones I ever made were for you and shes like aw thank you!! And I’m like I realized other people were making posters and I’d been a RA and I was like hey I can make some really bomb posters tooooo. And so I’m like the fist ones said ‘Taylor someday we’ll meet you even if it’s just in our wildest dreams’ and she grabs me and is like AND NOW WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN!!! And so I say after I got the phone call I was in my car listening to Ready For It and started bawling when she sings ‘in my dreams, I know I’m gonna be with you’ cuz I knew it was actually happening and shes like awwwwwww or something you get the idea
And so then I straight up start talking about my dad???
I’m like so my dad loves you and she’s like omg and I’m like no he adoresss youuu and is so sad he couldn’t come and she’s like awww tell him hi!!! And I’m like he loves your Out of the Woods piano Grammy performance and I say how I’d found him listening to it repeatedly and he wanted it on his phone. And she’s like he sounds amazing! And I’m like he is he’s awesome lol and I’m like actually and so him and I went and saw you at F1 last year and of course I’m like and I made signs for there too and so I describe them IN DETAIL like what they said, I realized later I told her I was from Oregon, because I said they were the states and the dotted line and the paper airplane and I think she really liked that??? And as if that all isn’t already insane enough at some point in there I mentioned how this month has been insane and how I’d met Vance Joy and it was my birthday and now this and she said something excitedly about that like ahhh so much excitement or idk something about it. And so she’s like so what pose would you like to do? And I’m like I’ve really been going back and forth between just hugging or doing something sort of funny (low key said that hoping she’d be like girl let’s do both but lololol it’s okay) so she’s like it’s completely up to you!! And I’m like um um okay let’s just hug so she grabs me and we take the freaking photo and ahhhhhhhh
And so Vanessa and I had it planned out and she had me go first and at this point I was like would it be okay if my friend and I got a photo with you together and she’s like of course!! So V comes in and hugs her and we take one photo together and she squeezes us together tight and then I hug her one last time and thank her and say I love you so much (lol I had to throw it in other people forgot it and have been upset) and then I walk out and they hand me my merch bag and are directing me to the bus but I’m like can I wait for my friend and they’re like sure. So she comes out and she’s like SHE KNEW MY NAME SHSJEKOFN and she’s like yelling and I’m like shut up and I grab her and I’m like shhh shhhhh hahahaha and so we walk to the bus and it’s the funniest thing cuz they’re just waiting for it to be full so anytime someone new walks on everyone’s like SPILLLLLLLLL
And then once it was full we went back got our things, exchanged details with people on that bus and took photos and whatnot and turned our phones on to the madness anddddddd so well thats the story of the best damn day of my life
Taylor, thank you thank you thank for giving me such incredible memories that I’ve blown up the phones of every person I know, and have talked every person’s ears off that I’ve met during these past 365 days, about how special they are to me.  Thank you for making it happen, thank you for holding my gaze so intently and being so genuine every second I was talking to you, thank you for bringing me some of the best friends I’ve ever had, thank you for being so prominent in the highlights of not only this past year, but this past decade.  I love you forever, babe.  Long, long live October 22, 2017.
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