#but idk. I feel like it’s possible to take 5 minutes to say hi every now and then
dinosnaurnuggets · 1 year
Uggggggh this was NOT the time to catch feelings!!!
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callmelola111 · 10 months
loser!ellie ♡ dating app headcanons
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synopsis: totally sfw hc’s of loser!ellie (modern au) on dating apps, including a cute little 1st date scenario. basically just pure fluff !!!
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 1.4k
a/n: never written headcanons before, crazy ass shit. idk if i did it exactly right but i think it will be an entertaining read no matter what. i’ve recently caved and downloaded hinge which is what inspired this---but there’s only like 40 gay bitches on there and that’s it (also like no mascs?? i’m attracted to any kind of non-man but still,,, the shortage is real y’all). ALSO let me know if this is something you’d like a nsfw/smut part 2 of. much loveeee ♡~ lola
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who took weeks of convincing from dina and jesse to finally download hinge after she wouldn’t shut up about how she’s “never beating the loser lesbian allegations”. truly she could have any girl she wants but just doesn’t know how to speak to them in real life. they were so fed up with her bullshit.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who only has like 3 pictures of her actual face so the rest of the photos on her hinge profile are just art pics and gay memes
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who had to beg dina for help writing all the little prompts just to reject all her ideas because she’d “never say something like that!”
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who started getting so cocky as soon as those likes began to roll in. saying some shit like “ooo i have rizz” in the cringiest way possible. jesse just says it’s cause there’s a masc lesbian shortage and of course she flips him off in response.
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose cockiness immediately leaves her body when she realizes she has to go through the likes and accept/reject every girl. eventually she just gave up and stopped looking because it felt “too mean” and like “too much work”.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who SUCKS at responding to messages and likes after she lost all interest about 2 days into having the app. that is until she stumbled upon your profile…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| ❀ | loser!ellie whose glued to her notifications after she matched with you on hinge. at this point you’re her fixation, and every other message besides yours are going unanswered. as soon as she works up the courage to ask for your number, and you oblige, she immediately deletes the app.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who stares at her screen for like 5 minutes straight at the first text message she plans to send you, even though it was literally just “hey, is this y/n?”. she even googled the difference in connotations between hi, hey, and hello. it’s safe to say the girl is straight up mental about you.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who gets more and more unhinged as y’all get better acquainted with each other through texts. eventually she's spamming you with updates about her day, instagram memes that she thinks are funny, and an occasional flirty message—but of course, she’s waiting for that first date to really test the romantic waters. like yes she’s obsessed with you, but to the extent where she’s so scared to screw things up so every little move she makes is with caution and regard to your feelings and boundaries. it’s honestly super sweet.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who eventually asked you on a first date after you sent like 3 different flirty memes to get the point across that you like her a lot and wanna be taken out for real. you definitely were sending her some shit like this…
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| ❀ | loser!ellie who planned out a whole agenda for y’alls first date so it would be absolutely perfect. she refused to tell you where she was taking you or what you guys would be doing because she thought it would be better as a surprise. and although you were kinda stressing about what to wear and what to expect, the element of mystery was kind of endearing.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who pulls up to your house in her little beat up sedan that she had cleaned for like the first time ever just before she came and picked you up. there was still clearly some reminisce of her mess as seen on the stained seats and crumbs on the floor, but you didn’t mind—yours was just as bad (probably worse).
| ❀ | loser!ellie who took you out for sushi as the first stop on your date, to which she graciously paid for even with you fighting to put your card down on the table first. she looked so adorable with her little california roll, and even cuter when she accidentally got too much wasabi in a bite and was fiending for water while simultaneously trying to play it cool in front of you. you just laughed which immediately made her feel better about the whole thing. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who then took you to your town’s expansive park to walk the dirt trails and just talk. neither of you had ever gotten along with someone so well, the conversation was absolutely effortless. you talked about all your interests, funny life stories, your fears, and so much more. ellie listened attentively with nods and affirmations throughout which made you feel so cared for, something most girls on dating apps could never do. you extended the courtesy back and ellie told you all about her own stuff, including her obsession with space, to which she pulled out her favorite book on the topic to show you. space had never really piqued your interest before, but when it was coming out of the freckled girl's mouth, it seemed like the coolest thing in the world.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who sat next to you on one of the park’s wooden benches. time had flown by and neither of you had realized until your head was resting on her shoulder as the sun set in front of you. the orange cast hit her auburn hair just right and it looked like she was practically glowing. you couldn’t help but stare at her beauty which she noticed and with a concerned look questioned if she had anything on her face. you informed ellie of the trance she had put you in and she blushed the color of your pink nails just before leaning in to give you the most tender, loving kiss you’d ever received.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who couldn’t stop kissing you once she started. your lips remained locked with hers for a solid 5 minutes, lips puffy and saliva exchanging, until the sound of a dog barking a few feet away broke the exchange. the energy had shifted in the best way possible and the both of you quickly opened up about how much you liked one another. one thing lead to another and suddenly ellie has out her pocket knife and is carving an E + R (reader) into the wood of the park bench. how lesbian of you guys ♡
| ❀ | loser!ellie who didn’t want the date to end and you were right there with her, so you somehow found yourselves in an empty parking lot at 9:00pm, drinking slurpees while she tried to teach you how to skate. it started off as a real attempt with her teaching you the basics like where to put your feet and the importance of bending your knees. after about 4 different falls onto the dirty asphalt you gave up on your genuine pursuits. discouraged, you sat right down on the board, knees up, before ellie gave you a push and you rolled across the lot. she was laughing her ass off and you were too until you hit a bump and tumbled off. 
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who bolted into the CVS the parking lot belonged to and bought a bunch of unnecessary first aid items for the small cut on your knee. she came back out of the sliding doors and you died of laughter as she pulled out a box of peppa pig bandaids for your skating “injury”. ellie insisted you needed to be taken care of though, so you let her do her thing and she finished it off with a small peck to the cap of your knee and one on your forehead.
| ❀ | loser!ellie who spent the trip back to your place with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh, driving you absolutely wild. you almost had to remind yourself that this was just the first date.
| 𓆣 | loser!ellie who had been parked in your driveway for 10 minutes already but continued to stall your departure with more of her shenanigans. soon she ran out of things to say though and leaned over to kiss you goodbye. this goodbye turned into more and you ended up in her lap before the night was over. it wasn’t until your back hit the steering wheel making the car honk that you finally exited the vehicle. 
| ❀ | loser!ellie who waited for you to completely make it inside before she drove home, giving you a final little wave as you opened the front door. after she was back at her place she instantly texted you about date 2 and thanked you for the best night of her life. in her eyes, you were a keeper!
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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ccbunnv · 4 months
Could you do a valentines day with Bill? (Fem reader). Just anything really, fluff or smut. Maybe even like an angst that turns into a surprise. Idk just valentines day with Bill. An early thank you if you do it!
happy valentines! i spent it listening to nena n watching edits. hbu?
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 bill x fem! reader fluff
impatiently tapping your finger against your wooden desk, you stare at your phone that has remained as still as a corpse since the time you woke up. there had been no notification, no calls, not even a text from your usually romantic boyfriend.
your heart brewed up a storm. what was he doing? for the past few years you've been with him, he'd always make sure you woke up during every valentine's with a kiss to the forehead, a breakfast in bed, and you both would end it with a nice dinner.
if he had work that day and had to leave early, he would send you a loving text, before picking you up with a bouquet of roses after finishing his work as fast as he could. maybe he was busy?
you left it at that possibility with a sigh. standing up, you walk over to the closet to pick out a shirt. maybe you'll go out and buy some gifts for him. he has been eyeing a certain bracelet, and you wanted to get it for him.
your hands glide from one article of clothing to the next, colours varying from leopard prints to Bill's black and white striped jacket that you borrowed and never returned. you decided on a black shirt, a denim mini skirt and a pair of black converse.
you checked yourself out in the mirror for a couple of minutes, before fluffing up your hairdo, putting on some makeup, and leaving your room. you find yourself walking through the downtown area you lived nearby, watching as couples left and right coddled their partners.
it only made you feel more single. even though you weren't.
you pick up your phone to check it again, to see that Bill has finally left you a text. excitedly, you click into it and read his message. but it wasn't a valentine's message. it was just, "good morning, schatz! sorry for not replying, i'm a bit busy today."
you text back, "it's alright, my love."
you follow the text with, "let's go to that cafe we love afterwards, how about that?"
no reply.
you heave a sigh, and stick your phone into your pocket again. you continue your stride down the area, the scent of roses filling your nostrils as you pass by flower shops that have big sale signs on their storefront windows.
you eventually stop at your favourite cafe, the one you frequent with Bill, and head over to the cashier to get yourself your usual drink. you look up and notice the chalkboard that normally has the day's drink of recommendation to one that says '50% off for every couple!'
great, you lost that 50% off.
"hello miss, how can I help you?" the cashier asks, and you're brought back to reality.
"hi, could I get a (favourite drink)?" you respond, bringing out your purse to pay.
"will that be all?" he questions, and you bring your eyes to the pastry display case beside the counter.
there's an array of sweets, including strawberry cheesecakes and puff pastries with strawberry and custard in the middle. white decorates its top and its surroundings, leading you to wonder how sweet the pastry is with the amount of powdered sugar.
"yeah." you reply, looking back at him.
"okay, your total is 5 bucks." he says, ringing up your total on the register.
you hand him a crisp 5 dollar and he hands you your receipt.
you grab your coffee once it was placed on the pick up counter. you make your way over to one of the unoccupied seats in the corner, watching as couples flirted with eachother at their tables.
the bell rings as another pair walks in and you lift your head to see who it is. your breath hitches upon seeing your favourite ravenette, with a girl hooked on his arm. they laugh and chide, and they place their orders at the cashier.
your heart breaks, your teeth digging into your lower lip until it bled. was this what Bill was so busy with? taking another girl out on a date?
you stand and grab your drink, walking out of the door of the cafe, unwilling to be in the same room as those two. tears prickled at your eyes, threatening to spill. how could this be? he was the most loyal man a girl could ask for.
you come to an automatic stop in front of a toy shop. god, this felt so childish, but there was a giant teddy bear with a pink lacey bow tied around its neck, simply resting there and holding a sign just like the one in the cafe.
you enter the toy shop and a sickening smell of sweet candy floods your entire being. you look around, noticing a lot of people inside, buying small teddy bears for their partners and contemplating on which card to get.
your eyes fixate on the large teddy bear, and you reach out to touch it. the material is soft, the curls of the plush felt warm on your skin, and upon closer inspection, the paws of the teddy bear were heart-shaped. how cute.
you feel slightly better at your encounter with the teddy, and an old lady approaches you soon. she asks, "miss, can I help you with anything?"
"er, yeah." you respond, "how much is the teddy bear?"
"it's 300 dollars." she says with a smile.
you look back down at your purse, and you find that you only have 55 bucks. you smile awkwardly and reply, "actually, never mind."
you leave the shop with a slight sigh, and you notice that the sky has gotten darker since you left yours and his apartment. you decide to return home, since there wasn't anything left for you to do.
you walk home, checking out each restaurant that you passed. the insides were lit with warm lighting, couples dressed in gorgeous dresses as they cheered their glasses of champagne, their hands locked together as they whisper sweet nothings in eachothers ears.
you bring out your phone again, hoping to see at least one message from Bill, but nada.
your mood sours, and you reluctantly return home. as you open the door, you're greeted by a familiar smell that definitely doesn't belong to you. it's some other girl's perfume. you look down, and notice a pair of dior heels that didn't belong to you.
your heart breaks and you simply shut the door, leaving the apartment complex again. the dam finally breaks and tears stream down your cheeks as you stride down the sidewalk. you rub your eyes, trying to remove all traces of you crying.
god, this is all so stupid.
if he wanted to cheat why do it so obviously?
the evening grows into night and the weather turns frigid. you find yourself in a friend's apartment, and she's making you a cup of hot chocolate. thank god she's free, otherwise you wouldn't know where to go and what to do.
she sighs as she hands you the cup of hot chocolate, "girl you look like you're straight out of jennifer's body."
you take the hot chocolate and sips it, unphased by her comment, "I know I do."
"do you really think he's cheating?" she asks, sitting in front of you, "I mean, it just seems so unlikely."
"he rants about you all day long." she says, "if anything, he's crazy for you. why would he cheat now?"
"how the hell am I supposed to know?" you hiccup, pressing your lips against the white cup again and drinking the sweet liquid of comfort.
"he's not on tour, but he doesn't talk to me, text me, call me, and I see him with some brunette on his arm and the whole damn apartment reeks of some other girl!" you sob, wiping the tears away forcefully.
"girl..." your friend sighs, before her phone buzzes and she picks it up.
she looks through it, and then says, "my date's coming over in half an hour. er, do you mind?"
wow, okay, hoes before bros, fine.
you simply nod, despite feeling a little bit betrayed. you stand, finish your hot chocolate, and leave her apartment complex. you drag your feet home and face the door to your apartment once more.
breathing in and out, you start making plans in your head. though you dread going in, you had nowhere else to go. god, if those two were going at it like rabbits you were going to light the bed on fire.
you open the door and notice...no dior heels. the scent of the perfume is much more faint now, and there's soft jazz coming from the living room. you slowly take your shoes off and slide into a pair of house slippers.
you trudge through, and stop suddenly at the romantic display in the living room. rose petals decorate the floors, there's takeout of your favourite restaurant on the coffee table, your favourite movie on the television and cozy blankets on the couch.
the giant teddy bear that you were eyeing earlier now sits at the side of your couch, smiling at you endearingly with a bouquet of your favourite flowers mixed with roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates in its soft paws. you take another look at the coffee table and notice a perfume bottle on it.
it's the perfume you've wanted for so long. that's why it smelled so familiar. your heart throbs as you finally realise what he has been doing.
"schatz?" he calls out from behind.
you turn around to see him smiling at you, dressed in a black shirt and a pair of black and grey plaid pyjama pants.
you begin to sob. that takes him by surprise and he quickly goes over to bring you into his arms, "did I scare you, schatz?"
"oh my god, you're the worst!" you weep, "who the hell even was that girl?"
"you saw us?" he asks, looking shocked.
"of course I did! you both just went into our cafe and you think I wasn't there?" you snap, looking mad but mildly relieved.
"oh, sorry, mein liebling..." he whispers, kissing your forehead, "that was Georg's girlfriend. I asked her for help."
"then why were you both being touchy-feely?" you ask.
"that was just out of reflex, my love..." he says, kissing the sides of your face, "I won't touch any other girl like how I touch you, you know that."
he slowly picks his face up and kisses your lips, "meine schöne frau,"
"you know I love you and only you, right?" he murmurs, his arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close.
"you ignored me for the whole day..." you respond, sniffling a little.
"I know, it's my fault, but I'm here to pay you back, okay?" he whispers, kissing your neck, "mein schönes mädchen, all mine."
"mhm..." you watch as he pulls away and returns to kiss your lips.
his thumb presses against your cheek and wipes away the trail of mascara down your cheeks, "so pretty."
he kisses your cheek, and says, "you wanna get into something comfier?"
you nod, and he lets go of you. you run back into the room and begin removing your makeup, and then you change into a black slip with pink lace along its rims.
you leave the room after turning the lights off, and upon seeing you, he lets out a soft groan, "meine frau, you're begging me to fuck you in that."
you stick your tongue out at him, and he laughs a little. he walks over, pulling you into his arms as his hand reaches down to cup your butt, "come on, before the food gets cold."
you both cozy together on the couch and he presses start on the movie. the intro rolls in and he kisses you on the forehead, "happy valentine's, schön."
"happy valentine's." you whisper back.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Random (and somewhat silly) Leon Kennedy headcannons
* Leon is a sleepwalker. I have no justification for it other than I think it’d be funny
* Ironically he’s also a VERY light sleeper
* And to add insult to injury, he snores like a freight train.
* Leon is Transgender. Trust me guys he told me himself
* Also got that ADHD Autism combo. Again just trust me you guys he said so himself-
* Bisexual disaster. Probably leans towards men but every gender gives him Gay Panic
* Luis and Ada were his Bi Awakening.
* ((And probably Wesker too. I mean C’mon just look at the guy))
* And just like every Bisexual he CANNOT sit in chairs normally to save his life. If he even bothers to sit on one at all ((Kinda going off the second headcannon; he also sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions humanly possible))
* Leon has permanent Bad Posture. Both from when he used to wear a binder (Transmasc Tingz !!) and from old age
* He hams up his “”old age”” a LOT just to annoy Chris and Claire
* “Ooooooughhh you guys I can feel my bones turning to dust-“ “Shut UP LEON I’m NOT CARRYING YOU”
* Leon also wore a binder for FAR too long. Like he was fighting zombies and doing backflips all while his ribs were screaming in pain
* “Leon when did you last take off your binder” “why do YOU wanna know huh Chris 🤨” “TAKE IT OFF”
* ((Dw guys he practiced safe binding and got Top Surgery. Eventually))
* Leon dyes his hair blonde. You know I’m right
* It’s also like,, surprisingly soft??? He probably takes very good care of it and uses expensive products (probably the only expensive thing he owns)
* He also purposefully cuts it that way. In fact I recon he cuts it himself
* Much more competent people (Jill, Claire, Rebecca) have offered to cut it for him but he’s always refused
* Its one of the few things that reminds him of when he was still a Rookie cop that isn’t also a traumatic memory
* He’s got some PTSD just don’t worry about it ok
* Leon is N O T good at opening up. Like at all. But when somebody DOES manage to crack him he cries s o easily and he will cry for literal hours
* Chris and Claire are the only two people who’ve ever actually managed to successfully get him to open up to that point though
* He also probably sleeps better when he’s with somebody. But he’d never admit that
* Leon’s love language is probably a mix of Words Of Affirmation and Acts Of Service. He’d love it if for once he could come home to somebody having done the little chores for him
* He’s also probably a M A S S I V E sucker for any kind of physical touch. Again, won’t admit it, but he’s a big cuddler.
* Somebody please please please play with this man’s hair he will fall asleep in your lap in seconds
* Now this may be my own Autism special interest shining through but I LOVE the idea of Leon being a massive Pokémon fan
* His favourite games are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Idk man he SEEMS like a Hoenn boy y’know
* His first starter was Torchic and Blaiziken remains as his all-time favourite Pokémon (he’s absolutely correct Torchic is the best Hoenn starter Fight Me)
* Probably still has his Gameboy from when he was a kid
* Leon’s also into retro anime. He likes to get Chris, Jill, Claire and Rebecca over just to show them his old childhood favourite shows like Astroboy or Sailor moon
* Will pause the DVD every 5 seconds to point something out or ramble on about something for 10 minutes
* Oh yeah he also absolutely keeps a DVD player in his home
* He’s a big sucker for old movies, especially old Queer movies but he’s also into classics like Back To The Future, Star Wars etc
*Probably was a big Star Wars kid
*((His favourite movie of all time is Legally Blonde but he will NEVER say that out loud))
* Leon’s always out of the country on some government mission so his house is probably pretty barren. He probably just stays with Chris or Claire after missions anyways
* Leon also still probably keeps in touch with Sherry and Ashley. He definitely went to their respective Graduations to support them at least
* He likes to collect little trinkets from his missions. Rocks, lighters, photos etc
* Other people have put this on their Headcannon lists too but I also agree that Leon is a MASSIVE Foodie
* The way to his heart is through a really good breakfast
* He’s also got a massive Sweet Tooth. Again, courtesy of other Headcannon lists
* He’s got low blood sugar so it probably evens out
* ALWAYS coming home from missions exhausted. In fact he’s exhausted on the plane. On the car ride there. DURING the mission. He’s an eepy little guy
* His T-Shots also make him Very Hungry All The Time. He thought it’d even out after a year of being on Testosterone but over a decade later and he still eats like a teenage boy
* ((It’s ok though cuz Chris always has his fridge stocked full. It might just be for Leon who knows))
* Leon’s not really either a Cat or a Dog guy. He likes both equally and would definitely have one of the other if it weren’t for his work
* He also prefers warm weather :))
* He likes to go swimming with his friends whenever he gets the opportunity
* Everyone makes fun of Chris for his Hawaiian shirts but Leon ABSOLUTELY has way too many as well
* Wears socks and jandals. I’m from Aotearoa NZ I’m allowed to say that ok
*BIG Mitski & Lana Del Rey fan
*I also imagine he probably likes older music like Madonna or Bowie or Blondie
* He’s not very good at it but he likes to paint his nails
* Or he just lets Rebecca or Claire do it for him
* If he goes a long time without cutting his hair either he’ll also put it up in a lil ponytail :)
* He’s got a big ol toothy, lop-sides grin.
* I recon he also involuntarily bites his tongue when he’s genuinely smiling too
* I said before he keeps trinkets and stuff from his missions but he absolutely keeps more personal mementos too. For example;
* He bought himself an old Spanish version of Don Quixote for Luis
* He keeps his old cop uniform in his closet
* He stole Chris’ shades and never returned them
* Still has one of Adas missing rings, etc etc etc
* Similarly to physical objects, Leon also picks up on the habits of people he’s met from his missions
* He always double-checks the barrel of his gun after he’s seen Chris do it so many times
* Holds his knife in his left hand after Krauser
* Very rarely smokes on occasion to remember Luis
* Picked up more Advanced First-Aid after Rebecca ((she also insisted it would be helpful))
* I could go on forever
* Leon can’t imagine ever actually being able to settle down and retire because of his work, but if he could, he would love to be a Father :))
* One last silly one cuz this list has gotten surprisingly serious; Leon unironically references Vines All The Time. It will drive everyone around him insane
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iridessence · 1 month
How are you so confident? Your pics give the the "I'M FABULOUS AND I KNOW IT" vibe without being fake... you know... a lot of times in pics you can see who is fake confident even of they try to fake it well.
You're GLOWING and you give this great positive vibe.
How did you achieve this? I'm asking this because I'm not confident at all. At home when I'm alone I can be confident but as soon as I go out I stop being confident. At home in my mirror I look ok, average but ok. When I see my reflection outside I'm horrified by my looks and I look like the ugliest person on the planet.
When I talk people usually don't understand me well due being so stressed sometimes I talk too fast or too quiet and they're like "what???"
I think talking too fast comes because people usually interrupt me. I'm introvert and people have always talked over me since I was a kid. So I feel like I need to get it all out before I get interrupted
Other times I don't speak too fast or too quiet but words just can't come out and I struggle to even form a sentence. For 5, 10, 15 seconds I would struggle to find the right words. And when you talk to a boss or a co-worker those 5, 10, 15 seconds last sooooo long that it seems to me like I have been quiet for 10 minutes.
I also cry quickly and I struggle with this. I can't top myself and it's very unprofessional to cry in front of my boss or co-workers that later on make fun of me even more.
Can I become more confident myself?
Or do I need a shrink for my problems (or psychiatrist english is not my first language so idk which word to use)
When I see confident women like you I'm like I CAN DO IT... but this "I can do it" just lasts till I don't step out of my apartment.
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Identifying your issue and seeking help is a very important step, so you’re already on the path! Some of what you asked is addressed in my pinned post, but I have some other thoughts.
These are tough things to deal with and work on – there are so many factors that contribute to struggling and it sounds like you deal with anxiety. It might not be to the same extent, but I struggle with that as well. Something that helped me was reframing confidence and related issues under its umbrella: it’s a muscle, which means it will take time to build but it can be built. And some people have muscles that are naturally suited towards certain things while others might have to work really hard at it; you may be in the latter category but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible!
Therapy certainly helps, but one of the other big things is trying to find community and surround yourself with people who support your personal goals and for whom you can do the same. People that say “hell yeah, wear/do/say the thing!” This may seem hard and counterintuitive to achieve for a person with anxiety, but even online community can be a huge help. Finding those people who have similar interests who are kind and supportive can help you to build confidence before branching out to locals as well. Soon you’ll find your people 
Location makes a huge difference too. I definitely dressed up quite a bit in Chicago where I’m from but I felt sometimes like an alien on the street with how some people received me. Moving to New Orleans, when I’m dressed up it’s just Wednesday. Sure, I turn heads and people take pictures and often people inquire about or comment on my style, but still there’s a sense of creativity and letting your freak flag fly in this city that really feels liberating. But sadly relocating is a huge to-do.
Leaning into what you love is super important— making sure that what you do/say/wear is ultimately for YOUR enjoyment is a key foundation to build on.
One of the great things you’re doing great already is looking at yourself in the mirror. You’ve gotta do it every day. Try talking to yourself in the mirror too, practicing ways you might introduce yourself, etc. These are all different ways you can exercise that muscle so that it doesn’t feel so strange when you’re out in social interactions.
The biggest thing with all of these is just time and taking steps to care for your mental health and growth. It’s hard but it’s worth it, and I wish you the best of luck! 
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hi hi! Its me, 🍪 anon here with my blue lock request~
As you know I'm a fanatic chigiri fan so may I ask for chigiri, nagi, rin and reo with fem!s/o that has anemia? Maybe like she comes to one of their game but suddenly she pass out in the middle of their game because of the heat and there's too many people? Oh and if you don't know anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells (probably didn't search it on google cause idk how to describe it) that could lead someone to feel weak and tired all of the time. I have anemia and sometimes i hate it because suddenly somehow my visions getting black all of the sudden💀 but I'm fine really with some medications my body is healthier. That's all from me now. You could decrease the characters if you think its too much! Stay healthy and hydrated always ok? Plus don't overwork yourself too much <333
~ 🍪 anon out ~
Omg hello my dear 🍪 anon! Unfortunately I don't do Rin so I did the other three! And thank you so much for explaining since I really didn't knew that but I hope I got that somehow right... Anyway tho, I hope you enjoy this one nonetheless <3
Chigiri, Nagi, Reo with reader who has anemia
TagList: @miya-akane
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⊱ Chigiri always had his medication for you, it doesn't matter where you're going or where you are, he always has it close to him
⊱ the only time he doesn't is at his game, he usually just leaves them in his locker of if you're coming to watch him then he definitely have you the bag just in case
⊱ he's usually giving you a quick glance to make sure you're doing alright and when he sees that you are, he'll give you a small smile
⊱ but on the next time he decides to check on your he sees that you passed out and he's panicking
"Huh? YN? Oh no... what do I do?! It's still long before break ends..."
⊱ like or course he won't just leave his game but then again, he does care about you
⊱ if it's like 5 minutes before break starts, he decides to go immidietly when the break starts hoping that you'll be alright
⊱ if it's more than 5 minutes, he'll demand a break right now for at least a little
⊱ once he's next to you, he definitely will take you somewhere on side and just wait for you to wake up, if you still won't by the time his break is over, he'll get someone he trusts to watch over you
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⊱ alright but Nagi right there, probably would forget to bring your medicine if he ever took it out so he always keeps them close to him
⊱ like maybe he has some sort of small bag that he carries everywhere and even manages to play matches with it
⊱ he gives you glances usually when he's bored which is pretty often so he definitely notices that you passed out pretty quickly, maybe he even saw you do so
⊱ when he sees it, he doesn't care about anything else but you and trust me when I say he's ready to run out of here without telling anyone a word
⊱ and he does that... he just scream he'll be back in a second or something like that
⊱ he'll also get you on the side, probably some of his hidden spot that's far away from public
⊱ like I said before, he doesn't care about anything else but you in this moment so he'll stay by your side untill you wake up even if it means he'll have to skip his match
"Hi, are you alright? You've been out for quite a bit... Here, I heard it should help you."
⊱ he'll literally be so worried about you and I promise you, he asked everyone he could for advices on what he should do
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⊱ I know I say everyone brings medicine with them but Reo would literally bring even too much of it
⊱ but he does it out of worry, he prefers to have too much or it then to some day realize he didn't brought enough
⊱ when you came to his match, he looks your way at least once every minute and if he sees the slightest motion of weakness from you, he'll only send you glances 10 times more often
⊱ and oh boy, if he sees you getting weaker, he'll demand a break and he won't let go so easily
⊱ so it's possible that he'll be right be your side before you leave even pass out
"Are you alright? You literally passed out there... Oh no, don't get up! Here I brought you some stuff that should help you..."
⊱ he's quick to take you to some more private spot, he brings you anything that can help you along with some cold drink to cool off
⊱ he'll want to stay by your side untill you wake up again but if he absolutely has to go then he'll leave someone he trusts to watch over you and give them THOUSAND of things they have to know
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ok i'm back!! lune. lune oh my god your JP vision is everything to me, i can see him so clearly and i LOVE the fleamont/treasure/estate situation
i have additional questions: does he also have a fun name for the estate the way john b calls his house the chateau? who's who in the friend group bc me personally i can absolutely see sirius as jj and remus as pope and lily could be kinda like kiera (mainly in that like,, fiery and independent vibe she has) and i feel like for peter you'd have to kinda play around with some characters but i can totally see them as the pogues.....
and then regulus as sarah.... yeah..... please elaborate on the fucked up mentor/mentee relationship with riddle also please and thank you
miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll<3333 that makes me so happy to hear T^T
hhmmmm i havent thought about it, maybe we can come up with something! i love having little easter eggs that relate to something in canon. idk if hogwarts would be too on the nose HAHSAHA but i mean. it is an old, big house that kinda looks like a castle...... sjfds idk i'd love to brainstorm with u. and yes mil you read my mind. that's what i thought too regarding the friendship roles/gang composition. though i think it's fun to mix the backgrounds/family situations/relations to the treasure around a bit. i'd want lily to be the book smart one, the one with the scholarship opportunity and also i think i'd want her to be the one related to denmark tanny (or whatever the name will be in the au). but i want her to have had the kook year that kiara had, lily alone in the nest of the snakes. and possible give her something close to jj's family situation. or like, an apathetic parent perhaps. remus can have the poor but loving family that pope has, with lyall and hope<3 i dunno what else he has going on besides that for now, possible something disability wise? terminal illness.....the gears r turning. sirius is a mix and match again. in this au both sirius and regulus are orphans, lets say their parents died when they were pretty small, then it was their grandparents and at last alphard but it didnt take long then for regulus to get swooped up by tom (i'll get to that in a minute.) so sirius is living with alphard and he kind of has the relationship with him that kie has with her parents, sorta abusing his position in a relatively wealthy home and using up all of his resources for his family, his friends (here his inner jj swings with as well, he's so boundlessly loyal). now coming to reg. riddle is a big shot kook obviously, filthy rich but from rags to riches type beat like ward. and his thing is that every like 5 to 10 years he adopts kids and like sponsors them sort of? like a sick twisted version of carlyall from twilight. i'd imagine maybe he started out with an ophaned niece and nephew or maybe or distant cousins and then just. kept going because he craved the company and liked playing the role. sometimes it's more but mostly he adopts two at a time, a boy and a girl. cue, barty and regulus as rafe and sarah versions. now what i'm about to say next is a bit fucked up so feel free to dip jdhgks. when they're 14/15 barty and and reg have this weird little pseudo incest thing going on where they're dating sort of. or not directly in a romantic and sexual sense but it's wildly different from regular platonic and familial. and it's all a bit bananas since they have the same father figure yknow. so they live with riddle, they have dorms at his estate. but evan is also sort of in the picture. (kind of filling the spot where the topper character leaves a whole). and evan is,, idk probably in love with both of them. which is, again, twisted and weird and bananas. since theyre. adoptive siblings on paper. skjgjsd anywho! i'm still not sure what to do about wheaze and rose. i considered bellatrix and delphini (that affair child bella had with tom) but i could never make her barty's adoptive mom. she'd just encourage his psycho ass and then the plot would crumble in over my head. at this point i also wanna take whoever is reading this by the cheeks, look u deep in the eyes and remind you of the little rafe x kie (bartylily) crumbs we'd get when exploring the s3 plotline :3 oh! oh!! also dorcas as cleo. hot sexy badass, french/jamaican accent having goddess of a young women that lily pathetically immediately falls for. it's just a big ol' OH moment where lily is like. yo i'm into girls?!?!!!!! i've pondered for a long minute what to do with the pope x kie romance plotline and i think i'd wanna make it a mutual comphet thing. remus is pissed at sirius for rejecting him after they have an almost kiss after dancing around each other for so long and then lily is there so he takes the out.
((lmao tumblr told me i need a paragraph here, i really been yapping too much already))
and sirius can't say shit because he's the one that bailed on remus, so remus lets him suffer (and also punishes himself for advancing on him in the first place). and for lily it's just that it takes her a minute to understand that the reason she can't choose between her boys is not that she's an indecisive slut but that she really does love her boys all the same amount, just not in a romantic way. cue dorcas strutting in with her knife wielding skill and her criminally sexy little belly button piercing and her braids and. yeah,,,,.
i'm also thinking latino james possibly, lily being mixed ghanaian (1) (2) (3), cambodian black siblings, and remus can be the token causasian lmao. barty as well and evan will always be some kind of blasian to me.
okay before i come to an end i wanna talk about trans fem reg for a second though. i've been browsing the net and reading about mtf transitioning a bit to portay regulus accurately and give a good enough representation. in my mind regulus, in this au, noticed that she's different pretty early on. and what with having sirius and it being a very modern, 21 century au, her transition began rather early. medically it's typically recommended to start with testo-blockers around 15 and added estrogen at 16. and that's exactly what regulus does. like always, when taking hormones there's gonna be some side effects, unfortunately. thrombosis risk increases, your libido decreases and you're probably gonna be tired and exhausted a lot and also more emotional and sensitive, have a shorter fuse. regulus does a lot of biking and swimming in her free time against the thrombosis, preferably in their long pool at the riddle estate but when she's feeling good enough about her body she does like to take out the boat with barty and evan and beat them in a swimming race. she's nap queen, she's sleeping everywhere, all the time and when her and james start getting together he calls her sleepyhead all the time and in the most affectionate tone and it sorta just keeps being the main pet name he has for her. also the low libido/possible body dismorphia go very hand in hand with the sarah arc where she's unsure about having sex for the first time. all in all regulus is pretty snappy and thin skinned, emotinal. but it makes her passionate and compassionate especially, which james loves and adores. all of it. yknow how in s2 sarah and john b stay at that hotel and jb steals the phone. i want james to overhear a pair of older-ish women complain about menopause and their pills and then break into their room when they're away for dinner and steal regulus some estrogen pills. it's probably not the right dosage and reg can't take them but!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the thought that counts and to regulus that counts A LOT.
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
Hi Kay! Again, congrats on reaching 200 followers! How about a request #5?
So, this is kinda based on something that happened to me last week, feel free to adapt it. Some details: reader went out for a walk with her dog and she always stops by Family Video to talk with Steve and Robin. That morning, even though Steve knew she was coming, she didn't show up. Steve is about to call her when the phone rings and it’s this lady saying reader is there and is not ok because she ran away from a stray dog that almost attacked her. So Steve goes there to rescue her and he’s like “Ok, you’re not walking alone ever again, tomorrow I’m picking you up because no one's gonna hurt you or your dog” and she is still very scared. You can decide if Steve brings her to stay with him while he works or if he takes her home… Idk if this is a good request, I’m kinda bad at this, and after what happened to me (I got someone to call my parents, no Stevie for me hahaha), I just wanted some comfort you know
my dear, effie...i'm so sorry that this happened to you and noah, but i hope this could be a little pick me up!!! thank you again for the overwhelming support, it means the world to me 🌎💘💫
Steve tapped the counter impatiently, watching the hands of the clock on his wrist go by minute by minute, waiting for the bell to chime as you wandered through the doors with your dog leading the way. He always looked forward to your mid-morning visits, keeping dog treats under the counter to give to your pup while you and him talked about what was to come of the day before being joined by Robin who couldn’t help but to give the pupper a bunch of pets and kisses. 
But it was already 9:47 a.m. and you and your shih-tzu Noah had yet to arrive at Family Video. You two were never a minute late or even a minute early. He knew that you had the same walk every day and took the same route, which regularly led you to be here by 9:45. 
Something was wrong and he could feel it in his bones. 
“Jesus, why are you staring at the door like that?” Robin sought, knitting her brows as she passed by him with a stack of tapes in her arms. 
Steve sighed, wrenching his eyes away from the door and watching his friend begin restocking the shelves. “She’s not here, yet. She’s always here on time.” 
Robin just laughed lightly, glancing over at him swiftly, then getting back to work, “I’m sure she’s just running behind…maybe she woke up late or something?” 
He shook his head, walking away from the counter and standing beside Robin, trying to formulate the best possible explanation for your absence. 
“No, she rarely wakes up late. Remember, she told us she got that new alarm clock that’s super duper loud and it always wakes her up on time.” 
“I vaguely remember that conversation,” She responded, shaking her head to herself before turning her head to him with an apparent look of bewilderment, “Wait, she told us that like a month ago…how can you remember that but not by sandwich order from last week?”
Steve squinted, crossing his arms across his chest.
“W-what does that have anything to do with—never mind, I’m just going to call her to make sure.” 
She snorted, pushing his shoulder as he walked away, heading for the telephone. “Her number is on file, by the way.” 
“I don’t need her file, I already have it memorized—“ 
The phone rung just as Steve was about to pick it up and dial the combination of numbers he somehow was able to remember. He and Robin promptly shared a look. Rarely did they ever get calls this early in the day, but Steve just shrugged, picking it up so he could make his very improtant phone call to you. 
“Family Video. How can I help you?” He answered with his customer service voice, making his friend crack a scoff and to that Steve flipped her the bird, awaiting the response from the other side.
He could hear faint voices in the background but thought nothing of it at first, “Is this Steve?” 
“Y-yeah? Who’s this?” 
There was a relived sigh before they spoke again, “Okay, sweetheart, I’ve got him on the phone. Just hold on…” The voice on the other line said to what he was guessing another person before Steve asked again. 
“Who is this?” 
“Listen, your lady friend and her dog were chased by a stray…she came running and screaming into the apartment complex about a few minutes from your store.” 
His heart raced, finally comprehending the cries in the background to be yours. All the horrible thoughts of what could have gone wrong, racing in his mind a million miles over the speed limit.
“Is she ok? Is Noah ok?” He ordered, ushering Robin with a quick slap on the counter that got her rounding the corner pressing her ear on the other side of the phone so she could hear. 
“They’re both a bit shaken up. I was about to leave when she came running with the dog in her hands. Calling from a payphone right now, she asked me to call you.” 
Robin smirked, pinching Steve’s side as he flinched away, mouthing for her to “fuck off.” Everyone knew that you and Steve were close…very close, yet neither of you had made a move. But it was clear that you were each others’ person.
“I’ll be there in five minutes.” 
“Sounds good.” 
Steve slammed the phone back onto the base, reaching into his pockets to grab his keys as he was already halfway to the door by the time he spoke, “I’ll be back in 10!” 
“Give them a hug for me, lover-boy!” Robin hollered back uselessly, as Steve had already made it to his car, getting in and hightailing it out of the parking lot and down the road. 
What should’ve been a five-minute drive to the apartment complex it was only two minutes for him. Speeding through the streets and running yellow lights, something be wouldn’t usually do since his title was now a responsible teenage babysitter.
Yet he did it for you.
When he saw you and Noah cradled in your arms, he quickly put the car in park, hopping out. 
“Steve…” Your voice cracked with tears streaming down your cheeks, meeting him halfway and digging your face in his chest. 
He placed one of his hands on your back pulling you closer, “Hey…it’s ok,” the other hand reaching down to stroke behind your puppy’s ear, calming him down. 
“S’ok, bud…kept mom safe huh?” Steve spoke gently as Noah’s shaking faltered and the dog lapped at Steve’s wrist, making him smile. 
“I scared the stray away. Will they be alright?” 
Steve didn’t even notice the stranger standing off to the side, who gave him a small smile after seeing how quickly you and the pup warmed up. He gave the kind individual a curt nod and thanks, watching as they walked over to their car and drove off. 
Feeling your nerves settle down, you drew away slightly from Steve’s chest, peering up at him through your wet lashes, “I’m sorry for making you come here—“ 
Steve shook his head rapidly, “No, you didn’t make me do anything…matter a fact, I’m glad you called me. I was worried sick when you didn’t come in on time.” 
You sniffled, swallowing thickly as you recounted what had happened only moments ago. 
“I was terrified. One second, me and Noah are on our jolly way.” You ceased, tears brimming your eyes again and so you lifted Noah closer to your face to press a kiss to his head before continuing. 
“Then this stray just comes out of nowhere and starts chasing us…I’ve never run so fast in my life, Steve. The whole time I was just screaming, crying, trying to get someone to help.” 
By now you had buried your face into Noah’s fur, perhaps puzzling your little fluff ball, but he was smart, letting you crying into him as Steve had let you. People always said that pets were the closest thing to a child, and it was most definitely true, at least for you. Noah was your little baby, and you’d rather that stray hurt you than any hair on his body. But yet, the situation had made you feel so hopeless even after the stranger had helped you. 
“I know, I know, but you’re safe now.” Steve murmured, kissing the top of your head and pulling you back into his arms.
The three of you stood there for a while in the middle of this empty apartment complex. Soft and encouraging words spoken to you and Noah…but mainly for you, as your little doggie was, for the most part, cool, enjoying the presence of his mom and his favorite friend of hers, Steve. 
“From now on, you’re not walking alone.” Steve informed you, rocking his head as he looked around. Reminding himself that the loose dog could still be out here somewhere waiting for you two again. 
He couldn’t let anything happen to you guys. 
“S-steve, really, it’s going to be fine—“ 
He folded his lips into a tight line, shaking his head once again, and taking Noah from your arms to cradle him in his chest. The small action making your frown turn upside down in an instant seeing how your dog quickly accustomed in his grasp and appeared so at peace, like he did with you. 
“Robin can handle the store by herself for a few minutes…your place isn’t too far, anyway, so I can just pick you two up and we can walk around the area together.” 
You took a deep breath, biting your lip as you reached out to pet Noah’s head, watching his eyes slowly begin to close with every second that ticked by. 
“Are you sure?” You proposed, as Steve jokingly rolled his eyes and tilted his head. 
“Positive…now do you still want to swing by the store?” He paused, but just for a second, before you could even nod your head yes, that there was nowhere else you wanted to be right now besides with him. 
Steve spoke, a blush covering his cheeks out of nowhere, letting the words rip from his mouth before he could even stop.
“I’ve got Noah’s favorite treats and I’m sure we’ve got something we could use as a bowl for water. Annnnnd I take my lunch break in thirty minutes, so I was thinking we could all get something to eat. A little lunch date, if you will?” 
Obviously there was a reason why Noah liked Steve so much, and it wasn’t just because of the daily treats, but because his owner, you, liked Steve too. 
“Sounds like a plan.” You grinned, stepping close to plant a kiss on Steve’s cheek as the blush turned even brighter.
Steve somehow had this ability to make everything better. There was an ease to him that you adored, especially in times like these where the tears stopped pouring and his safety net caught you and your pup.
It felt natural as he slung his arm across your shoulder, leading you and Noah to his car like his favorite part of his day. That was the first and definitely not the last lunch date the three of you want on.
Turns out that you and Steve make the perfect parents for little ole’ Noah.
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cgetbrmj · 7 months
anyway do u have hcs on cg!Sejanus and little!coryo? I’ll probably be back stalking ur inbox to shove my hc for them in your face but I’m curious of yours and if we have any mutual ones??
peace n love and I’m sorry again for harrassing you-
hahaha never harassing me, I promise!! I adore getting messages in my inbox!! I'm also very hyped by having a mutual who is just as excited about tbosas agere as I am lol please feel free to send your hcs my way I love hearing them
ugh cg!Sejanus 😍😭 I have so much love for him - and Little Coryo is a massive guilty pleasure at this stage. I do have some hcs on them - mostly assuming this is in a littles are known verse (though I do have a couple vague fic ideas on an age regressing Coryo in a non-littles are known verse if anyone cares to hear about that)
Probably gonna put a break here because I'm probably gonna ramble about them for ages lol - this ask has been a great excuse to post hcs on them so - you're getting more than you signed up for lol!!!!!!! Sage feel free to message me that I'm doing too much haha, hoping that you won't mind the rambling but idk just lemme know if it's too much - and also if you like any of the hcs/agree with any!
Despite Coryo being the person defending Sejanus more often than not, Sejanus is so loyal to Coryo and Very protective of him, no matter the circumstances.
Early on (pre tbosas/early academy days) Sejanus is more concerned with protecting big Coryo's representation than he is with considering caregiving for Little Coryo, and totally helps to hide that Coryo is a Little from everyone.
Absolutely found out that Coryo did not have anything for Little him and absolutely immediately started sneaking him gear.
Probably tries to do it in a way that Coryo won't notice and argue against it - gives him a paci when he's practically asleep, hands him a stuffie to keep when he's already started slipping.
sneaks him bite size snacks periodically across a long time until he's confident Coryo's eaten enough to get through the rest of the day without realising Sejanus has caught on to his food problem.
(If in a verse with any kind of headspace suppressants) Sejanus refuses to let Coryo ignore/supress his headspace - will do anything for him but let him hurt himself.
Is really big on hand holding. They're going anywhere? Sejanus is interlocking their fingers immediately. Is Little Coryo much of a runner? Not at all. Is Sejanus giving him the opportunity? Nope. That boy is constantly at LEAST in eyesight of Sejanus.
LOVES playing with Coryo's blonde curls. Mostly only gets the chance when they're both half asleep already but it's such a soothing and comforting thing for Sejanus to do.
I feel like Sejanus would be the type of caregiver to give daily affirmations. Especially with how obvious it is that Coryo overthinks every moment of his life. I can see him trying to get Little Coryo to repeat positive affirmations in the morning and before bed.
I see Little Coryo as an easy crier. He's just so overwhelmed about everything and has barely processed any of it. When things don't go his way, he tends to break down easier because of that.
Not much of a tantrum thrower - but Little Coryo is Very petulant. He's pouty and fussy and whiney, and thinks he deserves anything and everything he could possibly want, and he Will be devastated if that doesn't work out (for like 5 minutes and then will absolutely have moved onto the next thing)
Little Coryo adores Tigris and definitely thinks she's the boss of everyone and that anything she says is always 100% true and never doubts it. Tigris is far too kind a soul to take advantage of this.
Little Coryo is definitely touch starved but also definitely does not realise it or believe it.
Sejanus tries to comfort him by hugging him and totally thinks he's made things worse for a second with how emotional of a response he gets from Coryo from doing it.
Coryo is extremely adamant that he's an independent big kid who doesn't really need Sejanus help with anything - right up until he's a little bit tired and sleepy and has decided that he's done with whatever he's doing, and then he's just about the clingiest thing ever and wants to steal every drop of Sejanus's attention.
Sejanus loves reading to Little Coryo - picture books, children's novels, poetry, (if Coryo is tired/little enough to allow it - touch and feel books/ anything interactive).
Coryo is either very talkative or barely verbal - Sejanus narrates his every movement though and fills in the silence most of the time
As I said - kind of used this ask as an excuse to dump some very random hcs on these two - I definitely have a lot more but that's heading into plot for some fics I'm currently working on territory sooo...
Sorry if this has been unintelligible or a nightmare to read - I am incredibly tired and basically writing this asleep haha but I loved rambling for a bit <3
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captains-price · 1 year
Thinking about the 141 boys cooking. Like if they’re all on base together or in a shared living space. I think they’d take turns cooking, have a lil rotation where everybody gets a turn to make dinner.
I think Soap, in the nicest possible way, would be perfectly average. Like he’s not burning the food or making anything unpalatable but he’s also not cooking some grand meal or anything like that. I also don’t think he uses that many spices lmao just the complete bare minimum for cooking
I think Gaz, for whatever reason, is a really good cook. Probably the best out of them. I could see him being completely at home in a kitchen and moving fluidly, knowing exactly where everything is. I think he’d also be so creative that they have something different every time he cooks, and he somehow makes 5 star meals out of the very little ingredients they have. Flavor is also through the roof
Price is my favorite lmao because I’ve seen things that say he’s a really bad cook, and others that say he’s really good. Personally, I think it’s a little bit of both. I think he can cook a few safe choices really really well, and then burns everything else. When he cooks, it’s probably repetitive because he can only make the same 4 or 5 things but at least it tastes decent so they don’t complain. I also think he’d make a really good steak.
(Unrelated but I keep having the mental image of Price and Graves arguing about how to cook steaks as that one scene of Letterkenny where they discuss cooking steaks. And Gaz is squirrelly Dan during the interaction)
Ghost is difficult for me because I feel like he could go either way. I think he’d either be surprisingly good, like you look at him and just don’t expect the quality of meals he makes. Or, he would only eat easy food that takes five minutes in the microwave, which might make a bit of sense for someone’s who’s as on-the-go as Ghost probably is. Idk, I can picture him either way but I personally love the idea that it’s his turn to cook and he just plops microwaveable dinners in front of the team. They take him out of the rotation very quickly.
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mangoposts · 3 months
also i actually had the worst day of my entire life today so im gonna share 😻😻 a few weeks ago i went to this st. patrick’s day party and long story short my friend hooked up with a guy and i hooked up with a guy and by the end of the night we ended up finding out they were friends. AND LET ME TELLL UUUUU… the guy who i hooked up with was so sexxxxyyyy. or so my black out drunk brain thought he was. when i opened his snap the day after the party i was in for a quite a shocker 😋😋. it’s not that he’s ugly he just looked better at the party when i was drunk and the lights were low. like he’s cute ig but i could have sworn he looked like a blessing from heaven sent straight for me that night. like idk why but i just remember i was crying in the bathroom to my friend bc of how hot he was. anyways he kept asking for a two man since my friend already hooked up with his friend but i would always come up with an excuse bc i did nawt wanna hook up with that man again. fast foward to tonight, i was driving my friend home at like 9 and she starts screaming so i was like wtf and she goes i just got us a two man. and i immediately knew exactly who she was talking about. i told her there is no way im doing that but she’s already in my car so what can i do yk. so she tells me that he wants us to go to his house but i was like u literally have to be home in 30 minutes and he lives an hour away so how would that even work. so then she was like i’ll ask my mom for more time and her mom was like 10 but she was like 10:30 so they compromised for 10:15. but i was like that still isn’t enough time to do anything and then she goes they’re gonna meet us halfway. so guess where halfway was. the fucking street parking right in front of LMU. so we are literally just sitting in my car parked in front of LMU waiting for them to come. they finally come at 10 but i’m asking my friend wtf she thinks is gonna happen in like 5 minutes bc i still have to get her home by 10:15 and all she says is don’t worry about it and jumps out of my car to go see the guys. they talk for a minute on the corner and then she and the guy she hooked up with start walking in the other direction and the guy i hooked up with starts walking towards my car. he gets in the passenger seat and is just staring at me. and mina oml. it’s so fucking awkward. so finally he’s like should we get in the back and i was just like yea bc i didn’t know where my friend went and how long they would be gone and idk how much more of the silence i could take. we get in the back and start kissing but i keep pulling away like every 2 minutes bc i was just not in the mood for the surprise two man. especially not with this man. also i turned my car off so there’s no music and i quite literally have my body as far away from his as i could possibly have it. after like 20 minutes he’s like do u want me to get out and as much as i wanted to say yes i felt rlly bad for the way i was acting so i just said i was worried where my friend went bc it’s now 10:30 and i was supposed to have her home and her phone is in my car so i can’t call her. he’s just like oh i get it and we just end up talking. when it becomes 11 i was like do u think we should get out and look for them and he’s like yea so we start walking around and we see them making out on the corner. that was actually my final straw. i just walked to my car bc i couldnt deal with any bullshit anymore lmao. my friend finally comes back to my car and she’s all giddy and shit and i’m just like i’m glad ur smiling bc im definitely not. so then she goes to check her phone and she has like 30 missed calls from her parents bc it’s now like 11:30. and so she’s rushing me to get her home now bc her parents are hella pissed. like bitch. ik u aren’t rushing me. anyways now idk what to do bc i feel so bad for acting that way towards the guy but i also don’t know if i should apologize. anyways tell me ur thoughts or whatever 😻😻😻
WOWWWWWWW UR FRIEND IS A DAWWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i would literally buy her an uber and drive home myself i cannot believe that Lmaoooooo but i meannnn if you don’t like the guy you can’t force it, there’s really no need to apologize nothing went wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ You could just tell him you couldn’t focus because you were worried and ghost him after that like he doesn’t seem that serious
Ur friend is so strange though if i was responsible for her whereabouts id straight up call her mother myself and be like heyyyy yes i have ur kid but im going HOME❤️ I do not play like that
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kathxsoupp · 1 year
In Love With a Fever: Chapter 5
William Afton x law enforcement ! reader (fem)
Summary: Reader is a detective who was put on the missing children incident case, her person of interest is William and is currently investigating him.
WARNINGS: very graphic violence throughout the whole fic, eventual smut, slow burn, age-gap between reader and Will, manipulation, mutilation, broken bones, use of pet names, Will is obsessive, mentions of death, death and murder, there will be smut, a lot probably, I think, dub-con at some point maybe, fluff and angst, idk if I missed something just read with caution
Notes: NOT ENTIRELY LORE ACCURATE!!! This fic is also posted on my AO3, linked in my pinned post, I'm updating this fic every Monday and it's the first thing I have ever posted, so I hope you like it!
Chapter 5
He stood before his office window, thoughts racing through his mind. The satisfaction of his perfect plan slowly but surely working out made him feel like he was on top of the world. The clueless girl like an angel sent from heavens above right there for him to use. He promised himself he wasn’t actually going to fall in love with her or anything. He didn’t perceive her as that special. She was just there to cover for him. She was there for him to manipulate and shape into what he needed her to be, ‘so don’t fall too hard sweetheart. I’ll get rid of you in the end anyway.’
The clock finally struck 2:30 pm. You looked into the mirror once more, fixing your appearance and taking a deep breath. You were a little bit too nervous for a work-related meeting. If you could always be so professional about your job, why couldn’t you do the same right now? Working in law enforcement was always your dream job. True crime, mystery and even horror and paranormal stuff always intrigued you so much. That’s why you were so excited about being on this case.
You’ve known about Freddy’s for a while and about the diner that came before it. To be honest, you were still hoping you could maybe somehow get Afton to show you the robots, since you didn’t get the chance earlier. You wanted to know more about them. How they work, how they were built if there’s any stories behind them, etc. The animatronics were interesting to you, but you also found them a little bit creepy. That didn’t discourage you from wanting to find out more though, quite the opposite. Now you needed to focus on the task at hand.
You grabbed your bag and left your office. You walked out of the building and headed to the appointed place. The café wasn’t too far from where you worked. It was about fifteen minutes away, so you decided to just walk instead of driving. You got there a little earlier than you meant to. At least you had the time to find some place to sit and collect your thoughts.
Ten minutes later, he arrived. You looked up from your notebook and your heart skipped a beat when you saw him.
Why were you this nervous?
Breathe, (y/n). Breathe.
You stood up from your chair with a small polite smile and held your hand out to him.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Afton. Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me.” You greeted him. He took your hand in a handshake. “The pleasure is all mine, agent.” He said, returning your smile.
You couldn’t believe how quickly he got so comfortable around you; however, you didn’t exactly mind that. It was your intention to get him to trust you as much as possible. They tend to be the most talkative then. You both sat back down, and you opened your notebook to write down anything he says.
“So, how have you been since we last spoke?” you asked him. “I’ve been alright, but I have to say I’m still very concerned about the recent events.” he replied with a serious look on his face. “It feels so surreal to me, and it has left me feeling quite numb I have to admit.”
Your heart ached at his words. You knew he was also a grieving father and couldn’t imagine what it must be like to go through the pain all over again.
“Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what that must be like.” “What was it you needed to talk to me about?” he said to change the subject.
You were now a little nervous to ask about his family. You didn’t want to make the situation worse than it already was, but you didn’t have a choice, really.
“I just needed to ask you a few more personal questions. I promise you it’s just routine work, we need any lead we can get so we can finally put a stop to this madness. Would you be comfortable with that?”
He smiled to himself. He didn’t think his act would be so good you’d believe every single word he said.
“Of course, miss (l/n). Go ahead.” He said with that same smile, leaning forward, hands on the table fingers intertwined.
You asked him some questions you had written down in your notebook. Everything went well, until you mentioned the co-owner of the pizzeria, Henry.
“Henry, huh?” he said. “I have to say Henry Emily is the nicest man I know. Cheerful all the time, always happy to help, but he’s been acting strange lately. You know, I don’t want to point fingers at anyone, and I genuinely don’t believe he could be a suspect here I just figured you should know.”  “What about his behavior do you consider as strange?” you asked with a furrowed brow. “Well… he’s secretive and startled easily, I guess. Every time I speak to him, he seems nervous Fidgeting with his hands, not his usual calm and friendly self, but that might just be this whole situation getting to him.”
Interesting. You made sure to note down what he told you and then closed your notebook.
“Alright, well that would be all from me today. Thank you again for meeting up with me today, Mr. Afton. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?” He leaned forward in his chair closer to you. “I saw you looking for the animatronics the last time you visited my restaurant. Tell me, do those fascinate you?” he said with a small smirk. Your face went red. “Oh you did? I didn’t mean to stare, but yeah, I have to say those are very interesting. It’s a shame I didn’t get to get a look at them.” “You know, if you want, I will gladly take you to see them sometime. I can show you around too. Show you how they work, I can even let you see the blueprints, if you’d like.”
His offer shocked you. You didn’t expect him to be so eager to show you his work. Especially when you were literally a cop, a possible threat to him. The fact that he would voluntarily like to spend time with you showing you his restaurant gave you the slight feeling he really had nothing to hide, but you couldn’t jump to conclusions yet. And as much as you hated to admit, you really wanted to accept. You wanted to see the animatronics and spending time with him would be the cherry on top. You knew it would be so unprofessional. You knew it wasn’t right, but there was no way you could say no.
“Really?” you exclaimed a little louder than you meant to. “You know, I’d love to, but I don’t think it’s right you know. And besides, I wouldn’t want to be a bother to you.” You answered with an apologetic smile, but you prayed he would insist on his offer. “It wouldn’t be a bother at all, love. I was the one with the idea, wasn’t I? And as for the professionality of it,” he lowered his voice, “if you can keep a secret so can I.”
The nickname gave you butterflies. His attractiveness was a little too much for you. You hated it, but you were melting on the inside. You did your best to not make a huge deal out of it. He was a brit after all, and it most likely didn’t mean anything. You pushed your thoughts to the back of your head and leaned forward to get closer to him.
“My lips are sealed, sir.” You replied with your voice lowered, mimicking his, and with a smug little smile. He grinned. “It’s a deal then, agent. Tomorrow, after work, at 9:00?” You kept your smile. “Sounds perfect.”
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
for the story ask thing: 1 (but you have to do this one as poorly as possible), 4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 18, and 20
YAY this will focus mostly on bird of prey since thats the. the comic being worked on yis but i think some stuff can apply to the rest of tamaverse
long post so uhhhhh
1.) how would you describe the world your story takes place in?
uhhhhh idk how poorly i can describe it 😭 like uh. hell. but not actually hell its hell in the sense that its new york
4.) what would you say is the message, if there is one.
honestly i dont think there is a message 💔 just kinda doing whatever the fuck i want at this point...
5.) pick a theme song for the tv adaptation.
for bird of prey specifically ive wanted to make a silly op with this but more realistically??? probably the song i named the whole thing after
or scooter - fire hfkjsdhfk
6.) speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
homophobia probably 💀 or maybe like ppl screaming about the Toxic™️ people/relationships... i think chase himself is a good enough reason to put "dni if you like this" on ur carrd JSGDGHSJSJKD
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
2016ish... kare was gonna be a minor character that shows up like One Time in another story! but then i kept developing him n chase and they kinda. split off n became their own protags whoops
also the fact it was gonna be REALLY SHORT but i kept adding things and now idk where we are lolllll
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
kare's relatively normal he just tries promoting his music :)
chase gets a new callout post every ten minutes and he celebrates this, makes another account, and reblogs it calling op a slur. rinse and repeat
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
like even before any depictions of Unhealthy Relationships hes just insufferable BDHDHJS
20.) your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. how have they horribly mangled your message/theme so that the movies are now a showcase of what the original was condemning?
hm. i think the absolute worst possible thing ever would be to make kare and chase an actual healthy couple...... the entire dynamic is kare being so nice and trusting and naive, oblivious to the Evils of this world and the dude that seduced him day one. i feel like they'd Sanitize chase and just. make him an entirely different person. and the thought of chase being Normal terrifies me
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just-something-4-me · 2 years
Is It Just Me?
Am I fighting alone? Or is there someone going through this too? Honestly, I don’t want anyone else to go through this. It’s isolating and lonely and sad. Even if there are days when all is right in the world and nothing could take that away from me.
What is this bitch talking about?
I’ll tell you: I’m talking about living life as a woman with depression, anxiety and ADHD who is married to an autistic man and has two autistic kids. Sometimes I feel like we’re all speaking a different language and none of us can communicate what we’re feeling to the others.
Sometimes I just need a minute alone to poop and my husband will come open the door and ask, “how’s it going?” I’m pooping, how do you think it’s going?
Sometimes I need my husband to take his fifteen minute break and play with the kids so I can have some quiet and he’ll text me the whole time asking if I’m coming to relieve him so he can go back to work.
Sometimes my husband tells me what he needs and I completely misread it because I’m looking at context clues and body language and he’s being so. fucking. literal.
Sometimes my oldest is stimming in a destructive way and I have to gently and cautiously guide him into a stim that isn’t going to hurt him or his little brother.
Sometimes I try to be as literal as I can possibly be, and my husband takes the thing I say and still asks me to be more specific next time because he didn’t think I meant what I said.
Sometimes I just want things to be less chaotic. My mental health is at al all time low, and I feel like everyday I’m a piss-poor excuse for a mom and a wife. But I also don’t feel like I’m doing anything *for me* to give my own needs some attention.
Can anyone relate?
Me time is so rare. I get a few hours once or twice a week. I crave it, and feel guilty for taking it all at the same time. I know that I need to care for my own needs first so that I can better care for the needs of my family, but I also don’t want to neglect my family to care for my own needs.
See how vicious that cycle is?
Something related:
Recently on Reddit, I told someone that they didn’t owe anyone anything. They are a struggling adult female in a relationship who is finding self care tasks impossible. Her partner told her, harshly, that she needed a shower and she asks if she is the asshole. I tell her that she is NTA and that she doesn’t owe anyone anything. She should take baby steps towards self care tasks and celebrate each step as a milestone until she is better able to care for herself.
The other Reddit folks thought if she was in a relationship she owed it to her partner to shower because “it’s not fair” to him to have to deal with that. In my opinion, the OP is not in the wrong. She needs to shower, of course. But not because she owes her partner. She needs to shower because she owes it to herself.
I mention the Reddit post because so often I feel like that OP: I don’t have the energy to shower or brush my teeth or change my clothes. I just want to lie in bed and wallow because that’s easier. But I’m not in a mental state where I can’t find the energy for that stuff. If I was, I would hope that no one would tell me that I owed my husband the kindness of showering.
Idk. I guess I just want to feel validated on some level and know that I’m not a shit person because I need alone time occasionally and sometimes don’t want to be around my kids or my husband. I love my family with all of my heart. I love each day that I get with them. Nothing in the world would change that.
But every now and again I need time to be alone and not have someone climbing all over me, calling my name every 5 seconds, crying because their brother touched something they were playing with, or because the kids dropped something and the floor is now a mess.
Tell me, tumblr, am I alone? Or is there anyone else out there feeling like shit for needing “me time” and not knowing what to do about it.
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mayclair · 2 years
Isn’t too late to make Byler in season 5? There are only 8 episodes left and there’s no time for love stories but to fight Vecna. I hate this but i have to be realistic. Also it’s too late to make bi/gay the audience would be confused af.
hm idk honestly i would say yes but they rly Could do it as long as they write it well actually . will being confirmed as gay and mike being confirmed as bi even if by/ler doesn’t happen would be fun tbh + it would explain why mike didn’t write to will over those eight months when they were seperated and him being a douche bc of his conflicting feelings towards will . also it’s not like there hasn’t been buildup to it lol (all the s2 scenes “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls” etc) and it’s rly not about the confusion locals will take any ship the duffers give them like i’m so serious. just look at eddie/chrissy
now that’s my delusional feelings but the reality of the situation is that mi/leven is still there and the fact that they’ll have to break up to make by/ler happen which,,,,,,,, doesn’t sit right with me bc 1) if they were really pushing the whole “mike loves el el loves mike they’re in love” narrative and even using will as a plot device to further their relationship they would have literally no valid reason to break mike and el up last minute and 2) it is completely unfair to el’s character who has spent nearly every season in love with him . while you can argue that it’s first love and she’ll get over it no she won’t because mike was the first person to show her real and genuine kindness and love from that day in the woods until now. every other person who supposedly has been nice to her before him did it to manipulate and control her which is why i think they deserve a proper breakup where they see that they rly aren’t right for each other romantically and that their relationship would be better as platonic friends and definitely not because of mike’s feelings for will or whatever because the realization that el loved Another person who didn’t truly love her back in the same way she loved him would literally break her heart especially after mike’s monologue in s4 and i. really don’t want that because she doesn’t deserve that not after everything she’s been through
like if we had say two or more seasons i think it would’ve been possible 4 them to write all this in but if they have rly left it for the last season i just think it would be way too much drama between characters especially when idk there’s a huge big scary monster threatening to take over the world and snap ur bones and gauge ur eyes out but that’s just me. anyway all of this boils down to the duffers and they way they decide to write their season lol so there’s no way to say for sure
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
heart got teeth | knj
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(or, the one where namjoon meets his match and isn’t quite sure how to handle you.)
→ pairing: namjoon x f. reader → genre: pwp; smut, angst, enemies to fwb to lovers (kinda) → rating: explicit. minors dni. → warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, reader is kind of a dickhead for a while but namjoon is a very into it and generally a horny disaster so it cancels out, side jihope because i can, hobi can’t hold his alcohol and namjoon says baby a lot so this is basically canon compliant, this is just porn with a crumb of plot so i will do my best with the explicit tags: kissing, joon has a wet dream, oral sex (m/f receiving), masturbation (namjoon does it a lot, reader once), fingering, i think there’s a handjob, dirty talk, dom undertones but nothing full-on, thigh riding, facesitting, referenced semi-public sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, one ass slap, very light choking, namjoon is just down really bad idk what else to say. → wordcount: 12k → playlist: 5 seconds of summer - teeth • monsta x - nobody else • waterparks - stupid for you • poppy - all the things she said • namasenda - 24/7 • bastille - goosebumps • monsta x - wildfire → a/n: this is a fic i wrote for an old fandom and reworked/rewrote to work in this context, so if it looks familiar, it is. don’t report me, i promise it's mine. :’) as always, thank you to lauren, jess, and bee for looking this over and catching all my fuckups. you all are the best and i would be a whole clown without the three of you.
To your credit, you truly have no ulterior, unsavory motives as you step inside.
It’s meant to be a simple night out with a few of your friends. A club, of course, because they never pass up an opportunity to go all-out: impeccable hair and makeup, outfits that are more like a second skin, fuck-me eyes with the glossed lips to match, ones that leave very little to the imagination of how low that mouth will go and how it’ll feel once it gets there.
Tonight’s about mourning. No more Seokjin in your entourage, seeing as he’s too busy fucking some boring accountant now. A “one-man man” he’d called himself, and you can’t possibly think of anything worse. There isn’t an accountant on earth hot enough to inspire monogamy.
So, you came to the club. The high-end one your friends like in the city with the hot bartender. Taehyung had wanted to blow off some steam before heading back to Daegu for a few weeks, anyway. Not that he has to wait long—someone catches his eye a few minutes in, leaving you and Jimin on your own.
Just as well. Neither of you have much trouble pulling.
Twelve minutes. Not your personal best, but it’ll do.
You have them pegged from a mile away. The taller one will have money and some sob story about growing up wealthy, fake humility dripping from every word as he waxes poetic about never taking anything for granted, while his friend—shorter by a few inches, hair looking neon red under the club lights, and certainly in his element—will play his good-cop partner in crime. He’s probably very charming, the type who will use his disarming, megawatt smile to secure a seat at the table and learn the drink order and pave the way for the dark-haired one to work his magic.
Because the dark-haired one will definitely work his magic. That smolder alone has probably been the cause of hundreds of weak knees, the kind of look that gets him whatever he wants with few questions asked besides, “yours or mine?”
You don’t bother to hide the disinterested look on your face, which suits you just fine. You know it’s flattering, your honeypot look. All to do with the slightly parted lips, the steeled, blasé stare that men fell over themselves to have focused on them. And, sure, you’ve taken a keen interest in vapid, meaningless sex with attractive strangers, but you aren’t sure you’ll be able to stomach the small talk these two will inevitably require to get to that point.
“Heads up,” Jimin says, nodding to his right.
You snort, hiding the downward tug of your mouth behind your whiskey glass. “I know.”
“Are you not interest—”
Jimin’s question is cut off by the smiley one finally reaching their table, immediately sliding into the booth beside him, both unprompted and unwelcome. Lithe limbs knock unceremoniously against the underside of the glossy table, and you can already see the gears turning in Jimin’s head. He never was able to resist a dancer’s body, which means the other one will be your problem for the evening.
“Would it be okay if I joined you?”
You cock an eyebrow at that. The dimly-lit, grimy club hardly seems like an appropriate setting for that level of refinement. “If you must.”
His bravado falters just for a second. Blink and you’ll miss it. Just as you expected, he isn’t used to being denied anything. “Oh,” he stammers, his eyes darting to his friend on his left who is too busy whispering god-knows-what in Jimin’s ear to notice. “It’s just… my friend,” he tries to explain.
Still gazing up at him, your lips stretch into a challenging smirk. “Mm, I noticed.”
He’s fidgeting. Weight shifts from one leg to the other, fingers flexed around the glass he’s holding before relaxing. “So, can I—”
“I don’t know,” you muse, “can you?”
“For fuck’s sake,” he mutters, his features immediately resetting to appear calm and collected. “May I?”
With a smug grin, you nod, gesturing to the empty space beside you. Your night was bound to be interrupted one way or another, and it’s always better to have it done so by someone so easily affected. There’s something deeply gratifying about making this stranger lose just that bit of control, of seeing his composed mask slip for only a second.
His enormous presence is immediately felt beside you, heat emanating from his flushed skin and calling to you like a siren song. And, god, is he attractive up close, the type of bone structure that plausibly could have been carved from stone, worshiped centuries ago. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not reach out and touch him, to keep your hands wrapped around your glass instead of skimming them along the outside of the thigh pressed against you.
If he’s going to be your only option for the evening, there’s nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, even if you aren’t particularly charmed by him.
Liking him isn’t a necessary prerequisite for taking him home—or to the bathroom, if the situation requires it—and having him fuck you senseless.
This is a game you’ve played—and won—countless times before. Because you can feel his dark gaze on you, each sideways glance lasting longer than the one before. Can see how jittery he still is, as if he feels the electricity between you, too, but is too paralyzed to act on it.
So, really, it shouldn’t be a surprise that you toy with him. He sneaks a glance, you make a show of crossing your legs, the garish club lights reflecting off smooth, soft skin. Another glance and you run your tongue slowly over your bottom lip, pretending to listen intently to whatever Jimin’s saying. You bare your neck to him as you throw back the last of your drink, head lolling to the side just enough to have him wondering how it’d feel to press his lips against the skin there.
A small, private grin to yourself when he sputters and tries awkwardly to cover it by clearing his throat. “Can—can I buy you another drink?”
God, he almost makes it too easy. “I don’t know. Can you?”
There’s a sharp sound as he bangs his fist on the table, jaw clenched in frustration. “I’m not going to ask twice.” Meant as a threat, but you know exactly what it is: just another attempt to regain control. You almost take pity on him. The poor guy really isn’t used to not easily getting whatever he wants.
You lean over, lips close enough to the shell of his ear to make the hair stand on his arms. “You’re lucky I let you ask once.”
He looks positively flustered now, a furious, rapid blush creeping up his neck, and you take his reaction and tuck it away for later. Want to save it, want to memorize the look on his face—the small parting of his lips, the barely-audible groan, the subtle roll of his shoulders. Want to think about it all later, preferably when you’re alone. Maybe in bed.
Jimin’s still engaged in conversation with the one who can’t stop laughing, his eyes lighting up every time he leans in to say something with that heart-shaped mouth only meant for Jimin to hear. When he pulls away from Jimin and turns his attention to you, you’re finally able to take in the lines of his face. Softer than the one you’re currently sitting next to, a bit more feminine, but you know there’s bite to him. Definitely attractive, has that familiar brand of confident swagger, and one-hundred percent Jimin’s type.
You think Jimin calls your name.
You turn your attention back to your friend, who’s looking at you expectantly. “Hm? Sorry, Chim, I couldn’t hear you.”
“Hoseokie-hyung says the next round is on him. D’you want another drink?”
“A few shots of tequila would be lovely,” you smile. “Thanks so much.”
You can feel the man beside you tense as he says, “I’ll join you, hyung.”
He stands, staring at you with a look that says he knows exactly what game you’re playing, giving everyone else all of your sweet and reserving the sour only for him. Seems like he isn’t all that impressed, either, if the tight set of his jaw is any indication. All you bother to offer him in return is a slow, deliberate smirk. Game on.
Jimin leans across the table conspiratorially. “So…? What do you think of Namjoon?”
“Who’s Namjoon?” you answer, nails clacking away as you reply to a text from Taehyung.
“Are you serious?” Jimin frowns. “He’s been sitting next to you all night.”
You chuckle at that. “Why do I need to know his name if you’re just going to fuck his friend?”
“I’m not—” Jimin pauses, pushes his bubblegum pink hair out of his face, chews the thought over. “Okay, I am, but—”
“It’s fine, Minnie. Do your thing. That’s the whole reason we came out, anyway.”
Jimin clicks his tongue. “You don’t like him at all? Not even a little bit?”
“You know he’s not my type.”
“Excuse me?” Jimin nearly shrieks. “Tall, extremely handsome, and rich isn’t your type?”
You roll your eyes. “Stuck-up dickhead isn’t my type. I’m extremely good-looking and rich on my own.”
“I don’t think he’s a dick,” Jimin defends. “Plus, he seems super into you. He was making googly eyes every time I looked over.”
“Guys always look at us like that on a night out.”
It takes a few minutes and a disregarded pleading stare, but Jimin eventually throws his hands up in surrender. “Fine! Just… be nice, at least.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Why? You planning on keeping that guy around awhile?”
Jimin frowns, moves to protest, but his words are cut off by Hoseok again stumbling back to their table, a massive grin spreading across his face as he sidles up next to Jimin. With none of the same enthusiasm, Namjoon stands awkwardly next to the table, refusing to meet your eye as he hands out shots, two for everyone. Amused, you wonder if there’s a reason he might need to take the edge off. You huff a knowing, soft laugh.
As he reluctantly slides in next to you—distance kept, of course; no contact—you and Jimin move to clink your shot glasses together. You’ve rehearsed this scene a million times before: lean across the table, nearly touching; then, you’ll use a bit too much force, sending the drink spilling over the rim of the glass, sloshing onto the exposed skin of Jimin’s chest, which you lick off with an, “Oops, sorry, babe!” and an innocent smile.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Works every time.
Namjoon shifts beside you, clearly trying to appear unbothered. Some mumbled sentence about the club getting too warm and he rolls his sleeves to his elbows, the slight sheen of sweat covering an expanse of golden skin—the sight of which sends an unwelcome pang of heat straight to your core.
And he doesn’t miss it, either. “See something you like, baby?” he asks, confidence returning with a smugness that doesn’t sit right with you.
“All I see are two sweaty arms, so… no, not really.”
Namjoon studies you, nostrils flared as he tries to seem unfazed again. “You are truly insufferable, you know that?”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion of me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Consider the first one free.”
“Well, I don’t plan on paying for a second, so I guess you’ll have to sit there like a good little boy and keep your thoughts to yourself.”
He chokes on his drink, sputtering and coughing in a way that has Hoseok leaning across the table to slap him on the back. “Namjoon-ah, are you—”
“I’m fine,” Namjoon snaps, not meeting his friend’s eye.
Jimin, with a knowing look on his face—yet still pointed, since his request for you to be nice has clearly fallen on deaf ears—offers Namjoon a sweet smile. “So, Namjoon-ssi, what do you do?”
“He’s a psycho,” Hoseok slurs, cheeks flushed from all the alcohol and enough confidence in his answer to wipe the smile from Jimin’s face. “No, wait—”
You try really hard to mask the snort of laughter that manages to escape, but it only worsens when Namjoon says, “I’m a psychotherapist,” at the same time Hoseok clarifies again that, “He’s a psycho?”
“A therapist, huh? That seems important.” You know what Jimin’s doing, still hell-bent on his mission to get you to give Namjoon a chance. “What else are you into?”
“Bicycles,” Hoseok slurs again.
Namjoon groans, tossing back a shot before answering, “Motorcycles.”
“Mm, no, it’s definitely bicycles and you’re lying to seem cool since you don’t even have a license. But whatever.” Then he turns to Jimin, a 24 karat smile on his face as he asks, “Do you wanna come back to my apartment and have sex? I live alone.” Despite yourself and the horrified looks on both Namjoon’s and Jimin’s faces, you have to respect the boldness.
“You’re really drunk, hyung,” Jimin replies hesitantly.
Hoseok just shrugs. “You can stay over. I’ll sleep on the couch and then I’ll make you breakfast in the morning and we can have sex after.”
“So respectful,” you laugh. “I’ll fuck your brains out in the morning, but I won’t defile your honor by sharing a bed with you.”
Jimin seems gobsmacked. “I…” He looks at you, who just shrugs. Not the first time Jimin will leave with someone from the bar and, despite your friend’s initial hesitation, it probably won’t be the last, either. “Okay. But I want a full spread in the morning! All the banchan, too! Nothing weird.”
Hoseok doesn’t press his luck, just tosses some money in Namjoon’s direction, grabs Jimin’s hand, and does his best to stumble out the door while he calls for a taxi.
Namjoon’s presence feels almost overwhelming once the two of you are alone, still sitting too close together on the same side of the table. You know he’s stealing glances at you again, can feel his eyes on you, your skin, as you busy yourself with your phone. Send quick ‘text me when you get to their place and again in the morning’ messages to both Jimin and Taehyung even though they always do and don’t have to be told, but Namjoon’s gaze is heavy and there are implications and questions behind it that, frankly, you’re looking to avoid.
Maybe he’s affected more than he’s letting on. Surely a guy like him—so used to being in control, so used to being chased—isn’t the type to sit around and wait for orders, especially concerning something he wants. And he does want you. That much is clear.
You’ve dragged him so far off course it’s all he can do to tread water. Namjoon is fine with disinterest; not every person in the world is going to want him, despite the ego that tries very hard to convince him otherwise. Sometimes they want the charming, outgoing one instead of the reserved one who doesn’t do anything without a purpose, and such is the reality of being Hoseok’s wingman. That’s fine—really, he doesn’t mind. Always better to go home alone than with someone who isn’t all-in on him.
But he hasn’t been able to figure you out at all.
Worse, you know it.
So, if you accidentally-on-purpose rub your foot along his calf as you cross your legs and smirk at the strangled groan that escapes him, who can blame you?
“Guess that’s my cue to leave as well.” No room for misinterpretation, there. It’s as closed-off and uninviting as it can be, yet Namjoon stays frozen in place, unable to move aside to let you out of the booth. “Well?”
He comes to, coughing a bit as he shuffles into the aisle to his left. “Right, yeah. How are—will—do you need a ride home?”
You roll your lips. “Are you offering? With no license?”
“Yes,” he says, the word breathier than he’d like.
You smile sweetly, a slender finger moving to trace along his jawline. His eyes flutter closed at your touch, thick eyelashes ink-black and out of place against his cheek. Your lips move back to the shell of his ear. “Then no.”
Undeterred, Namjoon gently wraps his fingers around your wrist, keeping you close. “The alternative is giving me your number and letting me know you get home safe.”
“That sounds an awful lot like an order,” you muse. “So, what would happen if I took your number, promised I’ll text, and you never heard from me again? Would I get punished?”
Something dark flashes in his eyes—perhaps your first glimpse of who he typically is, confident and dominant and very comfortable playing this game. “Something tells me you wouldn’t do that to me.”
You smirk, reaching out with your free arm to graze your nails down his side. His muscles flex under your touch, defined and solid, as he hisses. “I think that’s called your ego.” Your eyes trail lower. “Unless it’s… something else?”
“Something else?” he questions. “Didn’t take you for the shy type.”
Entranced, Namjoon watches as white teeth bite down on your bottom lip, your tongue darting out briefly to ease the sting. One brief, fleeting thought about how it’d feel to have that tongue someplace else and his cock twitches in his jeans. Barely an hour together and he’s certain you’ll be the death of him. A million little deaths he’ll willingly endure.
“Like your girls with a dirty mouth, do you?”
All he can muster is a crooked grin. “And if I say yes?”
You laugh softly. “Then I’ll ask you, kindly, to remove your fingers from my wrist and go splash some cold water on that pretty face of yours. You’re about two seconds away from coming in your jeans and not even I dislike you enough to let you embarrass yourself like that.”
His grip on you loosens. “You don’t like me? Don’t you think that’s a bit strong? You barely know me.”
“Oh, were you under the assumption this was something more?” When he doesn’t answer, you extract yourself from him and wink. “Maybe you can think about me later when you’re jerking off.”
And if he spends the rest of his evening doing exactly that? Well, that’s his business.
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Namjoon spends the next two weeks doing that, actually.
Your touch is seared into his mind—the feel of your fingers tracing along his jaw, his sides, the way his body reacted to you, an obvious desperation even before he’d let it get this bad, fester this long. The urge was slowly growing out of control, and he told himself each morning that today would be the day, he’d send that stupid fucking Instagram message asking you out—
Because that’d been your play the night you’d met. As promised, you took his number and never texted, just posted a goddamn thirst trap to your Instagram story that was clearly meant for him. Because you knew he’d chase you, figure out some way to find you. Fresh out of the shower, hair wet and droplets teasing down your chest, silk camisole barely hanging on as you snapped a photo over your shoulder in your bedroom mirror. A small winking emoji in the corner as if to say yes, I made it home—alone. And since you’re alone, too, have fun touching yourself.
He’d barely been in bed ten minutes before his pants were pushed halfway down his thighs and he was spilling into his hand.
It became routine somewhere around day six. Instead of sending the message, he’d lose his resolve, fall into bed at the end of the day, and let you consume his thoughts as he got himself off. God, he’d started to get greedy—always wanted more, imagined more, and it never took long. A vague memory of the perfume you wore, a stray thought of the way it’d smell imprinted into his sheets, his skin; the hawkish look on your face as you’d studied him, trying to decide if you wanted to worship him or ruin him.
Bit late for that, Namjoon thinks as he comes into his fist. He’s already ruined.
Part of him wants you to know, wants you to see how undone he becomes just at the thought of you, almost wants you to humiliate him for what he’s just done—and his hips stutter one last time at the thought, shocking him into contemplative silence. That’s new.
Instead, he stands on shaky legs and moves to his bathroom, running a washcloth under cool water to clean off his hands. God, he’s utterly wrecked. He begs his brain to figure it out, get it together long enough to just compose a simple text asking you on a date. The inevitable rejection will quell the wildfire and he’ll finally be able to go more than a second without thinking about you, about how you’ve reduced him to a writhing, nervous mess.
His heart hammers in his chest as he fetches his phone and stares down at an empty Instagram message. Words suddenly don’t seem to make sense as he wracks his brain for a way to phrase his question that won’t make him sound like a complete fool.
I’d like to take you out tomorrow, he types, only to delete it once he realizes the only response he receives will be some variation of “I bet you would.”
Can I… he begins to type again. Quickly deletes that, too, and types May I take you out tomorrow? instead. It still doesn’t feel like enough, he’s sure you’re going to tell him no and tell him to fuck off, but that just means he won’t be disappointed when that’s exactly what happens.
Before he can overthink it, he presses ‘send’ and resists the urge to turn his phone off completely. He can’t remember the last time he was this nervous asking someone out—then again, he was usually able to skirt by on his good looks and a well-executed smolder. Not now, though. Somehow, he’s managed to become ensnared by the one person in the entire country who finds his charm repulsive and off-putting. And it’s not like he can suffer in silence, either. Hoseok had caught on quickly, sometime during the first week, because Namjoon didn’t have much time or desire to go out. He’d been able to fumble an excuse, something about working late, because he couldn’t tell him he couldn’t stop jerking off over a woman who wanted nothing to do with him and still be able to look his friend in the eye afterwards.
Their friendship doesn’t have many limits, but that’s certainly one of them.
He’s halfway to Googling “how to unsend an Instagram message” when his phone vibrates in his sinful hand, his stomach dropping to the floor when he sees it’s from you.
And clearly not meant for him.
It’s a screenshot of a selfie he’d posted weeks ago on his parents’ boat, a picturesque sunset in the background that bathed his silhouette in golden light. Namjoon knows he’s photogenic, looks damn good from all angles and has never taken a bad picture in his life, even candidly, but that one had been especially striking, so he’s not really surprised. He has, however, gone dry in the mouth at the text below it.
Tae, you don’t understand. He’s so fucking hot it pisses me off a little. He’s kind of a dickhead but I’d still fuck the shit out of him.
Well, fuck. He certainly hadn’t been expecting that.
His fingers twitch, both to reply to the message and wrap around his cock for the umpteenth time since that night at the club. And he knows the right thing to do is pretend he hasn’t seen it, not mention it, don’t rub your face in it, because if the situation was reversed, he doesn’t figure he’d like someone ribbing him, either. But he’d be a fucking fool to pass this up, so he replies with “Oh?” and throws the winking emoji back at you.
Another ten minutes pass and he’s certain he’s blown it. And then—
He nearly blacks out at what’s on his screen. Desire needles at his skin like a wildfire destined to burn out of control as he drinks in the sight of you, all that naked, smooth skin contrasting against the crisp, white sheets you’re wrapped in. There’s just a hint of indecency, a promise of a whole lot more, and Namjoon suddenly can’t remember having seen anything so perfect, can’t focus on anything except the sound of his blood in his ears and the picture in front of him. Wonders how it’d feel to run his hands over all that bare skin; how it’d taste. What you’d sound like as he took his time unraveling you—if you would even let him.
A whimper escapes him as another message comes through.
You can’t take me out, but I might let you invite me over if you behave and keep your hands to yourself until tomorrow.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, already feeling his boxers begin to tent.
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You break your kiss and plant your hands on his chest, pushing him backwards into the wall. You’re a vision in crimson red before him, the lingerie leaving nothing to the imagination besides a plethora of unholy thoughts. Fingers twitch at his sides, itching to reach out and grab you.
You take a step back, just out of his reach. “You’re a very dirty boy, aren’t you?” you tease, your head cocking to the side as you take him in. “Can’t ever keep your hands to yourself.”
Lighting himself on fire would feel the same, Namjoon thinks. His blood burns in his veins, thick with such a heavy desire that it consumes him. He’s still fully dressed yet completely unraveled, so hard it’s painful, and he needs you to keep talking, needs you to touch him, needs you—
“Baby,” he whines, his hips betraying him as they thrust against nothing. “Please.”
A slow, sultry smile. “Didn’t take you for the begging type.” He groans again at his words being parroted back to him.
“I’m not.”
“And now?” you ask. “Would you beg for it?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “Whatever you want.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to give someone that kind of power? You never know what they may do with it.”
The words are out of his mouth before he can reconsider. “Baby, no one has complete power over me.”
He knows immediately he’s fucked, knows it even more when a mischievous smile stretches across your face. You’re so composed, just standing there in front of him as if he wouldn’t drop to his knees and do whatever you asked of him, like you have all the time in the world and this is just a minor inconvenience. As if you aren’t taking him apart at the seams, popping each stitch one by one and letting him hang in freefall. Making him sweat it out.
Beating him at his own game.
“Is that so?” You take a step closer, study him. See the way his eyes flutter closed in anticipation, the intake of breath, almost a plea. “Should we put those words to the test?”
You drop to your knees languidly, still too far away, and look up at him through dark lashes, your tongue rolling across your lips just enough to moisten them and state your intent. “What do you want, Namjoon?”
His name sounds obscene in your mouth. “I—” His brain and his body are at war, too much information to process that he can’t find the words, can’t formulate a single coherent thought. “I don’t, I—”
“Surely someone so in control could use their words?” He’s fucking ruined. “I’m on my knees in front of you and you can’t think of a single thing you’d like me to do?”
“I want your mouth,” he breathes.
“That’s not very specific. There’s lots of things my mouth can do.”
“Like talk a lot of shit,” he responds tartly.
“Yes, but that’s nowhere near as fun as the others.” You huff a laugh as you move close enough to rake your fingernails down his thighs. “Take these off.”
You’re still staring up at him from your place on the floor, your rapt attention doing fuck-all to help the way his hands are trembling. It’s not the first time he’s had a woman on her knees in front of him, but it’s the first time he can’t stop shaking long enough to pop the button on his jeans and drag them down his legs. Usually skilled, deft fingers rendered completely useless.
“You could make yourself useful and help me, you know,” he quips. Another failed attempt at the button before he finally gets it; something between a relieved groan and a hiss as he drags the zipper over his strained erection.
“Would you rather I undo your pants or make you come down my throat?” Namjoon is too dazed to answer. “You need to think before you speak, babe. That smart mouth will get you into trouble.”
“I’m already in a world of it, baby,” he responds, moving to palm himself.
You catch his wrist and move it back to his side. “No touching, yourself or me. You touch me and I stop.”
He barely resists the urge to ask what in the hell is wrong with you, can’t you see how desperate he is, how he’s already at the edge and you’ve barely touched him, that you’ve already won, might as well give in and stop fucking around.
Instead, he barely manages a nod. Plants his hands against the cold plaster of the wall at his back.
And waits.
You’re still kneeling on the floor in front of him, but the smug grin is new. He cocks an eyebrow, whether in question or challenge he isn’t sure, but you ignore it all the same. “How in control are you?” you ask.
“No one has complete control over you, right?” You move so you’re laying back, propped up slightly on your elbows. “Would you be in control if I took this off?” you ask, tracing a finger along the lace trim of your thong.
His breath feels thick in his throat. “Yes.”
Hips jut into the air as you shimmy the garment down the expanse of your legs. If he was having trouble breathing before, he’s damn near suffocating now as he takes you in again, laying bare before him. Your nails graze along your skin—slowly, teasingly—and he watches, hypnotized, as they near your core. A hitched breath, wondering if you’re going to touch yourself as he watches. A silent prayer the answer is yes.
And it is. Fuck, it is.
You repeat your question—“Are you in control now?”—and he doesn’t know the answer. He is and isn’t, knows the reality doesn’t quite match up with what he wants to say. It’s a struggle just to tread water, let alone think up some smart response to hide how untethered he really is, to maintain that façade.
“Baby, I—”
“You want to touch yourself, don’t you?”
He groans, his fingers grasping at nothing as they try to dig into the wall. It’s all too much. Sensory overload. The sight of you, the lilt in your voice as you tease him. He’s always prided himself on his control, his dominance, and now that the trap door has given way beneath him and he’s left suspended, he’s simultaneously never felt more terrified and more alive.
“Yes,” he finally chokes out.
Your eyes lock on his as you say, “Go ahead.”
The first stroke brings such relief he’s certain he’s going to black out. A loud, unabashed moan comes with the second. The third—god, the third has his toes curling against the wood floor, that familiar heat pooling in his belly, ready to engulf everything in its path. His thighs begin to tremble as he keeps working himself over, and it’s not a second later that—
It’s nearly the afternoon when Namjoon jolts awake, his heart feeling ready to burst right through his chest. He doesn’t bother peeking under the covers, already knows, without having to look, what a mess he’s made of himself. Again. It hadn’t even been this bad when he was a teenager, and it’s this thought that has him stumbling to the shower to wash away his indiscretions. Sets the temperature all the way to cold as he steps inside, standing right under the spray.
Pathetic, really, how he can’t stop thinking about you. Can’t stop replaying in his mind how you’d felt, how you’d made him feel. The feel of your skin on the pads of his fingers, against his own; the smell of you, the taste of your mouth. The sight of you open and wanting and coming undone in front of him. If you’d managed to overwhelm every one of his senses in a dream, what was the real thing going to be like?
You’d told him to keep his hands to himself, but not even the sting of the freezing water is enough to cool him down, so he thinks about it once, twice, nearly three times before he slips his hand around his cock. What you don’t know won’t kill you, and he’s certainly not planning on coming clean.
Just needs to take the edge off. It’d assuredly be worse to walk around his place all day with an erection, he reasons.
 The wait is torturous. Time itself seems to betray him, the clock barely moving every time he sneaks a glance at his phone. If he goes to hell when he dies, it’ll just be this, he thinks—the maddeningly slow wait for a booty call he can’t stop thinking about.
Because that’s all it is. He has to remind himself of this when it starts to feel too real, too comfortable, like he’s waiting for a date or something more serious than whatever this is. You don’t like him, don't like the way he carries himself or any aspect of his personality at all, really. Usually he’d be fine with a quick fling, a casual hook up or two to blow off some steam. But he’s a relationship, commitment kind of guy at heart, so despite his best efforts, the thought of this becoming something more still creeps in every now and then. A daydream.
Send me your address.
Nerves engulf him as the message comes through, and he must type and retype his response a dozen times before he finally gets it right.
Half hour.
The waiting game again. He moves around his place frantically, tidying and straightening, lights a candle, changes into something more presentable than joggers.
There’s a knock at the door and he swallows hard, tries to muster up some of his old confidence again. This isn’t him. Namjoon has never been reduced to a pining, uncertain mess, and he’s so off-kilter he barely manages to make it to the door before the third series of knocks.
As he pulls it open, his face drops unceremoniously. You aren’t standing on the other side, ready to greet him with a sultry grin. Instead, there’s a gangly-looking teenager in a uniform, his hat askew as he holds a pizza box.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” Namjoon asks, peering around the kid to look out into the hallway.
“I have a small sausage for you,” comes the response. Nasally and bored.
Namjoon chokes, the choice of words catching him off-guard. “I didn’t order a pizza.”
“Are you Kim Namjoon-ssi?” He nods. “Then this is for you.” The kid tries shoving the box into Namjoon’s hands, but he takes a step back.
“I promise you, I did not order a pizza.”
“Look,” the kid sighs, all politeness tossed aside immediately, “it’s already been paid for. Just take the damn box and throw it away if you don’t want it. I really don’t give a shit what you do with it, but I’ve got other deliveries to make.”
Eyes narrowed, Namjoon grabs the box and slams the door, opting to ignore the muffled you could’ve at least tipped me, you cheap asshole from the other side. Tosses the pizza onto his kitchen counter and stalks towards his bedroom where he’d left his phone.
Did you send me a fucking pizza? he types.
Told you not to touch yourself, comes your response.
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It’s another week before he can convince you to see him.
A week of borderline begging—because he refuses to actually do so—and teasing and whispered confessions he doesn’t think twice about. He wants you. He wants you so badly he’s dizzy with it, and he’s done playing games. His desire is out there already and it’s obvious. No point in acting coy now.
You agree under the condition the two of you meet at the club. Have a few drinks with Jimin and Hoseok. No doubt to prolong his suffering, Namjoon figures, but he agrees all the same, willing to play along. He just wants to see you; hopes maybe being face-to-face will extinguish some of the heat.
But it doesn’t.
Of course it doesn’t.
You’re barely in each other’s company twenty minutes before he lets you drag him down a quiet corridor and into an empty bathroom. You let him press you against the sink, dress hiked up around your thighs; let him press a desperate, searing kiss to your mouth, all tongue and teeth and sighs of relief.
The first time scratches the itch. It’s quick—almost embarrassingly so—and rough, right there in the club, and all Namjoon can think about is the taste of you, how all those daydreams hadn’t done you a lick of justice. Swears stars pop behind his eyelids and he can hear a choir. You had been stunning in all his fantasies, but up close, in person, you’re so much better. As if your body is meant only to bring him to his knees, to make him surrender.
Namjoon very quickly realizes he’s got a problem on his hands.
There’s no way he’ll be able to let you go—already can’t stomach the thought of you being with anyone else. He doesn’t want to be with anyone else, and he curses at himself for letting it get this far, for letting someone ruin him this way. He knows without having to hear you say it that you aren’t the type to be tied down. Probably goes running at the first sign of attachment. But he can’t help himself, torn between touching himself to the memory of the way you felt around him and the thought of what it might be like to have something more.
The second time you come to him. Press him against the wall in the entryway and drop to your knees, your mouth working him into a frenzy before he can barely mutter a greeting. Fingers itch to tangle into your hair when he remembers his dream, wonders if he’s allowed to touch you like that, hopes that maybe he isn’t.
He wants you to destroy him.
“Baby,” he says, a fractured moan punctuating the sound of your name that follows. A hand joins your mouth in moving along his length and he swears. “Baby.”
There’s an obscene noise as you release him from your mouth, a trail of spit barely connecting the two of you as you look up at him with a gaze that’s been seared into his memory for weeks. “What?”
“I—fuck.” Your hand’s still working him, still doing that thing where it twists on the upstroke that has him feeling like all the air’s been punched from his lungs. “I want you,” he breathes. “I want—wanna make you come.”
A smile betrays you, the corners of your mouth turning up just enough for him to catch. “Do you want it?” Your free hand moves to his thigh, kneading at the cords of muscle there. Fingers dig into the crease at his hip, the ditch of his knee. “Or do you need it?”
“Yes,” is all he manages to say.
You sit back on your haunches, looking straight out of his wet dream as you stare up at him, bottom lip tugged between your teeth. “Go sit on the couch,” you instruct.
If he’s ever moved faster, he can’t recall when. You follow slowly, items of clothing dropping behind you as you go, only your matching lingerie left by the time you reach him. His breath catches again, both in awe and in anticipation. Yes, you’re stunning, but Namjoon can’t remember anyone else having ever invoked such a strong response from him. Every part of him needs you.
You straddle him, legs anchored at his sides as he grabs the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss. You’ve kissed dozens of times before, desperate, more teeth than anything else. This one he’s determined to take slow, take his time, savor you.
And as soon as he feels you tense, as soon as you pull away and move your lips to a spot just below his ear, he knows he has the answer to a question he never bothered to ask.
Teeth graze his earlobe. “I’ve been thinking about these,” you say, your palms dragging up and down his thighs. “Wanna get myself off on you.” And just like that, all those thoughts of something else are pushed to the back of his mind.
A loud whine escapes him, hips rocking forward to press his erection against your clothed center. Decides to take a risk and dig his fingers into your hips, a stray hope he might leave a mark, have just that bit of claim to you. Uses his leverage to situate you onto one thigh.
“By all means,” he says, lips moving against your collarbone. Hooks the fabric of your thong to the side, hands still on your hips to begin moving you. “But I want to feel it. All of it. Want to watch you make a mess on my leg.”
You move slowly at first, trying to find a balance between what you need and the tempo Namjoon is setting. A relieved moan when you find the right combination, and Namjoon matches it when he feels how wet you are. You move unabashedly, plant your hands on his chest as your hips grind faster, more frantic. Namjoon covers your hands with his own, fingers moving over yours as he digs your nails into his chest, drags them down far enough he knows they’ll leave marks. Thrusts at the thought of being marked by you, of having a reminder to come back to in the morning when you’ll inevitably be gone.
“Fuck, Joon,” you moan. “Feels so good.”
Hands still covering yours, Namjoon moves one to his neck, praising you as you tighten your grip around his throat. “That’s it. Just like that, baby. You look so beautiful using me like this.”
Namjoon can tell how close you are long before you ever bother to tell him. Sees the slight falter of your motions, feels you press yourself harder against him, desperate for more friction, the light sheen of sweat forming at your brow. He wonders, briefly, if you’ll actually let go, if you trust him enough to let him bear witness to you coming undone.
His question is answered as you break into a shaking, gasping mess, collapsing into his arms as he wraps them around you, tangling a hand in your hair and pressing kisses to your temple. Rains praise down upon you, tells you how thankful he is to be able to witness it. Wants to commit all of it to memory—your heaving chest, trembling thighs, the sounds you make as you come down from your high, the dazed look in your eyes as you open them and meet his own.
Knows he’s going to say something stupid, so he crashes his lips to yours, hungry for you in a way that honestly terrifies him. A way he’s never wanted anyone else. And he knows that’s the catch with you, knows this has an expiration date, and so he pushes this thought to the furthest corner of his mind. Knows he has to stay in the moment lest it all comes spiraling down around him.
He grabs the back of your thighs and stands from the couch, waits for you to wrap your legs around his waist before he moves toward his bedroom. Isn’t sure he’ll be able to make it, thinks about just fucking you into the wall in the hallway, but judging from the state of his leg, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to afford the dry cleaning bill if the two of you stay on the couch.
Obscene words spill from your mouth with each step he takes and he spares a moment to marvel at his self-restraint. Wonders when he’d acquired it, because he seems to have lost all of his old sensibilities when it comes to you. “Want you so bad,” you say, words nearly a purr as you speak them into the crook of his neck. “Just fuck me right here.” You use his grip on you to roll your hips, slick center gliding along the length of his cock.
He groans at the contact, lets your words wash over him and bathe him in your indecency. You roll your hips again, a lewd temptation and always a challenge. You want to tempt him straight to the edge and watch as he goes over, want him to regain control and lose it over and over again, want to ruin him for anyone who comes after you. And Namjoon knows you’re going to, knows this has already gone too far despite only having just begun, and he feels the anger seep in alongside the lust, though he can’t tell who it’s directed at. Probably himself, but that doesn’t reign him in.
He presses you against the wall of his bedroom, presses a searing kiss to your mouth—that dirty, unrelenting mouth of yours that never seems to stop—and he wants to kiss you breathless. Wants to shut you up, wants you to surrender, to beg, wants a million things he will never get.
And, all along, you were right. He always wants. Wants you, wants more, wants impossible things. Despite having you exactly where he wants you right now, you’re going to leave. You’re going to leave and he’s going to be left behind, wanting and destroyed and longing, and he’s none too impressed to be on this side for once.
Because, as he moves you to the bed and drapes his body atop yours, your words echo in his mind:
Want you so bad.
Not need. Never will be need.
“You drive me fucking crazy,” he says, hands everywhere at once, the feel of you beneath him nothing more than an answered prayer. His fingers move lower to your clit, teasing, circling slowly. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want,” you drawl, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging, and he gasps at the sting, “to watch you. I want to see exactly how good I make you feel.” His hips move of their own accord, pressing you further into the mattress. He’s so fucking hard, can barely believe he’s still conscious, and he’s absolutely drunk on the reality of you. “Do you want that? Want me to ride you until you come?”
“Fuck,” he moans. “Yes.”
You pull at his hair again, forcing him to look at you. “Then say it. Tell me you want it.”
“Fuck, baby, yes.” Slips a finger inside your cunt, desperate to make you as needy as he is. Pumps once, twice, before he adds a second. “Want you to make me come. Want all of it. Everything.”
A wordless demand for him to roll over as you nudge his shoulder, but not before your hips jerk upwards to meet his fingers, seeking him even though you’d never dare admit it. He smirks down at you, cheeks dimpling, moves his thumb back to your clit just to watch you writhe. Traces slow circles again just to listen to the way your breath hitches, to hear the small, gasping pants against his neck. Applies a hint more pressure just to feel your muscles clench tighter around him, the grind of you against his hand, hungry for more even when he’s ready to give you everything you want.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” he asks, delighting in the whines spilling from your mouth. “First my leg, now my fingers. I think you’re getting greedy, baby.”
You glare at him through lidded eyes. “Maybe I should hold it in. Think twice about stroking that massive ego of yours.”
He finds your wrist and grasps it loosely, moving it down his body to his cock. “You can stroke something else, if you’d prefer.”
You take him in your hand, pumping slowly. Gather the beads of precome at the head and move down the shaft and back up again. “Notice you didn’t mention anything about it being massive. Is that what the ego’s for? To compensate?”
Anyone else and he might be offended. But, coming from you, it’s just a challenge. Another jab. The game you love to play and have become very, very good at. A lesser man might not be able to handle it, but Namjoon… Well, it’d been his game first, after all, and he knows better than anyone that the only way to win is to not play.
So, he withdraws his fingers right as you’re at the edge. Makes a show of putting them in his mouth and sucking them clean, does his best to ignore the obscene jolt of arousal as you mutter a “Jesus fucking Christ” under your breath. “That’s not a very nice thing to say, baby.”
You roll your eyes, releasing his cock from your grasp. “So what? I’m being punished?”
“Only nice girls get to come.”
He’s on his back before he realizes he’s moved. Your fingers are wrapped tight around his wrists, pinning them above his head. A truly wicked grin forms on your face and he wonders, briefly, how anyone survives you. How no one has combusted under the sheer force of you and that look and everything that comes after it. Namjoon wants to burn beneath you for centuries, or however long you’ll allow.
Your body moves languidly up his own until your core is positioned over his face. “Maybe so, but nice girls don’t take what they want, either,” is all you manage to say before he wrangles his wrists out of your grasp and grabs onto your hips roughly, pulling you down against his mouth.
The first kiss he presses against you is soft, teasing. You groan, curse at him for being a tease, and press harder against his face. He flattens his tongue as he laps at you, desperate and hungry for your taste, pausing every so often to slap your ass, tell you to take exactly what you need from him. As you move above him, hips rolling against his mouth, his own body writhes at the heat between them, the brazen frenzy that’s taken over you.
He’s not sure how long he spends between your legs, but he knows it’s not long enough. He’d spend forever there if he could, drunk on it. You taste divine, and he tells you as much over and over, words spilling from his mouth when you aren’t putting it to use.
Thighs, still anchored on the sides of his head, begin to tremble, energy still pent up from the orgasm he’d denied you. He considers doing it again, payback for all your teasing and that smart mouth, but his body betrays him before he can even make up his mind, tongue flat and anchored against your clit as you grind and roll your hips across it. God, he never thought he’d get off on being used like this, always thought he needed to be in control to enjoy sex, but nothing about you has ever really made sense to him except that he can’t get enough.
As you come a second time, all he can do is gaze up at you in admiration. He wants you to take the piss out of him, loves watching the twinkle in your eyes as you scheme up some tart response. He wants the denial, the what-ifs, the second-guessing that always ends with you a blissed-out, moaning mess on top of him. Even now, when you’re exactly where he wants you most, it’s not enough. He still wants more.
He maneuvers so you’re eye-to-eye. Allows himself only a second of pride at how disheveled you are before he wraps his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you into a rough kiss. Receives a whimper as you taste yourself on his lips, his tongue, his face. Blindly, you reach behind you for his cock, hand wrapping tightly around the base as you pump him. Whispers something about returning the favor, about making him feel good, but Namjoon’s focus went to shit hours ago. Nothing exists in this moment—in this room, perhaps in his entire world—except you.
“Come on, baby,” he urges, situating himself against the headboard. Even though you’re inches apart, he can feel the heat emanating from your cunt and his cock twitches, seeking your warmth. “We’ve gotten a bit sidetracked. I believe you promised to ride me until I came.”
You grip him again, aligning his length with your center. The head of his cock teases against wet folds and he moans, earning him another knowing smirk. “Beg me,” you say.
Another roll of your hips, another fractured gasp. “Do I need to repeat myself?”
His brows furrow in annoyance. Says your name in a way that sounds like a slur. “This isn’t funny.”
You lean down, hair draping your face. “Who’s laughing?” you ask before you lick a long stripe up his neck that causes goosebumps to erupt all over his body. “Beg me.”
“Please,” he breathes, the word sounding more familiar than he ever thought it could. “Baby, please, I—I fucking need you so much.”
“Do you?” you tease, fingertips tracing the ridges of his muscles.
Namjoon grabs your chin, forces you to look at him. “Stop teasing me and ride my fucking cock.”
Eyes go wide, pupils dilated at his dominance, the flaring of your nostrils giving away exactly what you think of it. But you smile all the same and sink down on him agonizingly slowly, take the first inch when you say, “As you order, sir,” sardonically.
You feel like heaven.
He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to it—not sure he’d even want to. Being able to experience you over and over, every time feeling like it’s the first… Namjoon isn’t a religious man, but having the privilege of having you so intimately is the closest he’ll ever get to seeing god.
“Fuck,” he moans.
Blinding, wet heat surrounds him as you take all of his cock. Don’t bother taking any time to adjust, just start moving immediately. His eyes roll back in time with the roll of your hips, back and forth the way you rode his thigh. One hand on your hip to brace you, the other palms at your breast, rolls your nipple between his fingers. The moan that escapes you is borderline pornographic. Lust overtakes him, primal and raw, and he moves his hand to join his other at your hips, holding you in place as he thrusts into you roughly.
“A masterpiece,” he praises. “You look so fucking beautiful bouncing on my cock. I’ll never get tired of watching you.”
He’s determined to make this as good for you as it is for him, determined to redeem his first performance. Tries to focus on anything he can besides the sharp slap of your skin meeting, the way your body clamps around him like a vice. But you love to torture him, don’t you, because you’re just as determined to put on a show. You toss your hair back, preen under his watch. You’re an absolute goddess, the most beautiful thing Namjoon has ever seen in his entire life. Perhaps stronger than his determination to make this good for you is his determination to keep you.
He’s a jealous man. He knows this about himself, has had plenty of time to make peace with it. And he knew from the second he laid eyes on you that he didn’t want to share with anyone else, knew he didn’t have the right, but now he thinks the thought alone might kill him.
So, he rolls you over, pins you beneath him so he can fuck you exactly the way he wants. “What are you doing?” you ask, eyebrows raised as you study him.
Proving something to you, he wants to say. Wants to be the best you’ll ever have, ruin every other partner for you. Wants so many things his head is swimming, and as he pushes into your tight, wet heat again, he wonders if he’ll be okay if this is the only one he ever gets.
His pace is slow, sensuous. “Fucking you,” he finally replies. “That alright?”
A loud moan as he adjusts the angle. “More than alright.”
He keeps on like this until he feels himself start to unravel. Starts in his toes, moves to his stomach where it branches out, warm and enveloping. Still, he stays even-keeled despite everything in his body screaming for more. Yours, too—the curling of your toes, your nails digging into his back, pulling at his hair. Your coarse, ragged breaths as you ask for more, more, always more.
“You feel so fucking good,” he growls into your neck. “Incredible, baby. Touch yourself for me. Make yourself come on my cock.”
You moan again. “Why? Can’t get me off yourself?” you tease, but it’s short-lived as he finally increases his pace, slamming into you hard before you can utter another word.
“You were saying?”
He expects another snappy reply, your smile catching him off-guard as he looks down at you. You’re touching yourself just like he’d said to, fingers working at your clit in slow, lazy circles. Another growl as he drinks in the sight of you.
“You like watching me, don’t you?” Namjoon nods. “Then tell me: how do I look?”
He squeezes his eyes shut, knows he’s not going to be able to hold off the longer he stares. “Like perfection.” You seem to whimper at his words. Just another sound he commits to memory.
A few more thrusts before his movements become erratic. He can feel how close you are, wills himself the strength to hold on just a minute longer—plans that are immediately forgotten as he feels your orgasm hit you, your walls clamping around him so tight his vision goes black.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck,” you cry out. Namjoon nuzzles into your neck as he follows you over the edge, coming so hard he can’t remember his own name.
Minutes—maybe hours, maybe even days—pass between the two of you, not a sound to be heard except jagged, labored breathing. Once he regains some semblance of consciousness, Namjoon pulls back enough to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips.
“You’re going to be my undoing, baby.”
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His memory’s not so great, but Namjoon thinks he properly falls for you the tenth time you meet up.
It’d been nearing eleven-o’clock on a Tuesday night, thunder rumbling off in the distance, when you texted to ask if you could come by, which had been out of the ordinary. The two of you never met during the work week—a rule you had never clearly stated but one Namjoon had quickly picked up on nonetheless—so he hadn’t known what to expect when you knocked on his door.
“Bad day,” was all you’d said as you shrugged off your coat and pressed a hungry kiss to his mouth.
He’d wanted to ask why. Wanted to know what’d happened, but it wasn’t his business, your relationship not like that. You’d come over for sex, not for him to play therapist. Namjoon knew this, but as he pushed the fabric of your underwear to the side and pressed his mouth to you, he also knew your heart wasn’t completely in it, so he’d told you to make yourself comfortable in his bed while he made some tea. (He hadn’t bothered to mention he’d picked up your favorite brand while out shopping the weekend before, of course, because that would’ve been weird. It would’ve implied things. So, he’d simply fixed your tea and ignored your questioning stare when you took a cautious sip and hoped you knew he cared about you beyond the little arrangement the two of you had found yourselves in.)
(He hadn’t bothered to tell you that, either, of course.)
But the mind is a traitorous thing. As much as he’d wanted to stay logical, his brain and heart teamed up to conspire against him, to wonder and hope for things that couldn’t possibly have been true. Because, as he fell asleep wrapped around you, he’d found comfort in knowing you’d had a bad day and came to him.
Somewhere along the line, things had shifted. The two of you started laughing together, forming little inside jokes. Started texting about things beyond “your place or mine?” You became softer. Not any more available, at least emotionally, but you’d seemed to relax in his presence. Let down a wall or two.
And it’s been downhill ever since, really.
Your meetings have grown more difficult. Feelings had become involved months ago, and Namjoon comes close to admitting them out loud nearly every time you’re together. Sometimes, on Fridays, he lies and says he has to work late; on Saturdays, he has to “take an emergency weekend appointment” or “make a trip back home” to visit his parents for pretend birthdays and anniversary parties. He knows the two of you have an expiration date and he does what he can to prolong it, even when it’s dishonest.
Until, eventually, he can’t anymore.
Until he’s finally out of lies and agrees to meet you at the club, where he has one too many drinks to hide how stupidly smitten with you he is; too many drinks to forget that you don’t feel the same.
Until he’s so drunk he can barely stand and you offer to split a cab with him back to his place to make sure he doesn’t pass out and choke on his own vomit and he declines.
Until you tell him to stop being so goddamn stubborn because you’re just trying to help, you’ve seen him this fucked up before and it’s nothing to be embarrassed of, he’s too drunk for you to feel okay sending him home alone.
Until he tells you no, he isn’t embarrassed, he just can’t be around you any longer because he’s fallen for you and you don’t feel the same and he can’t keep hurting himself by trying to keep you.
Until everything comes tumbling out of his mouth and he thinks he feels the world tilt.
Then, you don’t say anything and just stare at him with a slack jaw and a mildly displeased expression as he calls Hoseok and slurs all his words when he asks him to come pick him up.
Then, he convinces himself you only looked that way because someone like you isn’t used to being rejected, that’s it, nothing more.
Then, Hoseok shows up and Namjoon doesn’t bother to look back as he leaves, missing the tears well up in your eyes.
When he wakes up on Sunday afternoon with a mind-splitting hangover, he remembers just enough of the night before to marinate in his self-loathing. He’d fucked up a good thing. Sure, you and him hadn’t put a label on whatever the two of you were, never bothered to define it, but you didn’t really have to. The no feelings part of the contract had been implicitly stated from the beginning, highlighted in neon yellow and underlined for added emphasis.
But there’s relief, too. He’d told the truth, was hurting himself to keep you, and now it’s over. He doesn’t have to worry about the unknowns anymore—what (or who) you’re doing and how you feel about him.
Because weeks of radio silence go by, so that tells him everything he needs to know. He knew you wouldn’t chase him so he’s not disappointed, but he’d allowed himself a strand or two of hope nonetheless that still feel crushing at times. Mostly on Friday evenings after he showers off his day and climbs into an empty bed, just wanting to hear his phone chime with a text from you asking to get together. Those strands of hope feel worse when he falls asleep alone, no unread texts except some stupid memes from Jungkook he doesn’t understand.
It doesn’t help that Hoseok’s properly seeing Jimin now, so he can’t fully escape you. Still hears bits and bobs about you and what you’re up to, still sees you in the background of Hoseok’s Instagram posts from parties Namjoon declines to attend.
He doesn’t know how long it’s supposed to take to get over a fling, but he can’t help but feel it’s taking an awfully long time.
Another month goes by. Nearly five since the first time you two had met. Namjoon starts to feel normal again; stops waiting for texts that never come and stops avoiding Hoseok because there’s only one thing he wants to talk about, and Namjoon hasn’t quite been in the right place to hear it. But he figures another four weeks have done him some good so he agrees to meet him at their favorite restaurant and they drink until they’re tipsy.
He doesn’t ask about you and Hoseok doesn’t mention a word, just says things are going well with Jimin and he’s planning on making it official soon. Namjoon doesn’t have to fake his enthusiasm and it feels nice. Normal. He doesn’t even make a thinly-veiled threat when the check comes and he sees Hoseok’s back to his old tricks, ordering all the most expensive items on the menu when it’s Namjoon’s turn to pay, just hands his credit card to the server.
It’s another four days when someone knocks on his door at nearly ten-thirty at night. There’s a sinking feeling in his stomach that tells him exactly who’s on the other side before he can pull the door open.
“Oh,” he breathes, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice even though seeing you is anything but.
It bothers him how affected by you he still is, how you’re still able to take his breath away despite not seeing you for months. And you’re still stunning, of course, so it makes sense he’d still go dizzy at the sight of you. “What are you doing here?” he asks.
Cautious eyes stare up at him as you swallow. “Can I come in?”
He fidgets, weight shifting from side to side. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
Braces himself for a quip that doesn’t come. Instead, you shrug and avert your eyes, staring blankly at the wall outside his door. “No, probably not,” you admit. Your tone is quiet, almost soft. That signature smug look is nowhere to be found, and months ago Namjoon would’ve loved this, would’ve delighted at seeing you so vulnerable, but now it just feels all wrong.
He coughs to clear his throat. “Did you, uh—is there something I can do for you?”
“I came to apologize,” you say, though it almost comes out more like a question. “I should’ve called sooner.”
Namjoon blinks. Of all the things he anticipated coming out of your mouth, an apology wasn’t one of them. “Oh. Well, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who—” Ended things, his brain finishes, but he can’t bring himself to say the words. The two of you were only fucking, and ‘ending things’ makes it sound like more than what it was.
“Right,” you agree, though he can tell you don’t want to. “Okay. Well, I guess I’ll just…”
Unsure of what else to do, Namjoon simply nods. His fingers are digging into the door frame so hard they’ve started to turn white, and it’s all he can do to hide how badly they’re shaking. He’s anxious. Why is he so anxious? It only gets worse as he watches you exhale a steadying breath and turn on your heel, not bothering to look back at him.
His brain is screaming at him to go after you. After all, hadn’t he just spent months wishing for this exact thing to happen? But that kind of thing is only meant to happen in movies to people who are in love, and after all this time, he still hasn’t got a clue of where he stands with you. Showing up at his place unannounced should mean something, but you hadn’t pushed when he declined to invite you in, so he figures it was simply for a belated goodbye fuck. But…
“Hey!” he yells down the hallway. There’s relief when you pause and turn around, even though you stay where you are, don’t come closer, but that’s okay—you don’t need to. “Why did you really come here?”
A slow, neutral smile graces your lips. Not sad, but not happy, either. “Guess I figured things out a little late.”
Namjoon’s brows knit together, feels the crease between them. “What, that you miss fucking me?” He doesn’t mean for it to sound so brash and crude, but he supposes it needs to be said regardless. If any of his neighbors happen to overhear him say it, well, he also supposes they would’ve heard everything that came before, too.
“Of course I miss fucking you,” you reply, not bothering to lower your voice at all, “but I think I miss everything else a little more.”
“Everything else?”
“You bought my favorite tea,” you shrug. “And let me in when I had a bad day.”
He still doesn’t understand. “You told me you didn’t like me,” he says. “I wasn’t aware that’d changed.”
“Because I hadn’t told you.”
“And that’s why you’re here now? To tell me… what, exactly? That you don’t dislike me anymore?”
You seem unable to help yourself as you snort. Take a few steps closer until the two of you are nearly touching. “I came to ask if you’d like to go to dinner with me.”
“Right now?” he asks, clearly confused. “It’s nearly eleven-o’clock. I don’t think anywhere worth going is still open.”
“Well, if all else fails,” you quip, that smug grin brilliant as it returns, “we can always order in a pizza.”
Consequences be damned, Namjoon grabs the back of your neck and pulls your lips to his own, desperate to feel his mouth against yours again. Feels nostalgic at the taste of you, the feel—smiles against your lips when it’s all the same as he remembers. Familiar, like coming home. Revels in the way his heart nearly bursts out of his chest when you smile back.
You kiss for what feels like hours. Until you’re both weak in the knees and breathless, breaking apart only to gaze at one another stupidly and punch-drunk.
Namjoon presses a final kiss to the top of your head as he lifts you, not bothering to hide the megawatt smile on his face when you wrap your legs around his waist. “Pizza sounds good.”
“Let’s get a large sausage this time,” you offer, giggling into his neck.
It sounds like the best idea Namjoon has ever heard.
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Thank you for reading! My inbox is always open if you’d like to leave feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤
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