#but that explanation doesn't seem to Click
stellarspecter · 3 years
how can anyone say anything with certainty
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thyfatedenemy · 2 years
He sends you a dick pic and you send this back to him, reactions
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I'm fucked up over driving classes and I hate them sm so I wrote this and I'm going to inflict the psychic damage onto all of you to cope
Charachters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Idia, Malleus, Lilia
🔞 contect because... weenies
Dude spend HOURS trying to find the perfect angle, the perfect lighting, everything needs to be PERFECT, otherwise he's not sending it.
There it was. The perfect picture. Everything about it was perfect.
And then
Then you have the AUDACITY to send something like that to him.
How dare you?
How dare you be this funny?
Screw you. He loves you so much god damn it, he's got his dick out, it's hard, and he's wheezing his lungs out.
Because of you.
Please come see him rn he wants to kiss his amazing comedian S/O
Gonna be honest, you need to bring up the subject.
And he says "sure", like the tiny little fool he is.
Doesn't spend too much time on it but makes it look decent.
Y'know, just a nice little treat for yo-
What is that.
Baby what is that. Why.
He's confused.
Then it clicks.
You set him up.
You so nicely asked for a dick pic. All because you wanted to use the reaction picture. Also probably because u wanted a dick pic but we can ignore that for now.
He sends a grumpy cat meme in responce.
Puts a lil' effort into it but tbh he'd just rather have you there with him.
Checks the phone occasionally to see when you've responded.
Stares at the image send back to him.
Stares it a bit longer.
Tries to decide what to do now.
For once he's. He's really not sure what he's supposed to do here.
Leaves you on read by accident.
He's not mad he's just very confused.
Took him alot to send it, he's shy like that.
The picture is a bit blurry and somehow he managed to make his dick look shy, but y'know, decent picture all in all.
Tbh the meme gets a good laugh out of him, if you ever end up sending him nudes, he'll just send it back to you.
It's an inside joke now.
If you two ever have sex, he's first gonna pull the picture from his phone.
"so cool"
Please laugh with him.
Malleus: blame @malewife-central for this one /j
Okay so he can't use a phone.
But this doesn't stop him.
He spends hours trying to draw his own dicks
Honestly it's a really good drawing too. Shading, lighting, every single detail is immaculate.
Then he puts it in an envelope, puts a wax seal on it, and sends it to you with magic. The letter burns if anyone but you opens it.
He waits patiently for your responce.
It comes in the form of a carrier pidgeon he'd gifted you.
He opens the envelope.
Teleports to you an asks for an explanation.
You end up spending a few hours with him, explaining the meme.
No he doesn't have his pants on.
Another one whose not mad, just very confused.
Well on a good note, he knows how phones work... probably.
He'd prefer you there with him, pictures like these seem so detatched, but y'know he has no problem with sending the picture either.
He sees the meme and falls to the ground in tears. He's shaking, crying, trying to stop himself from cackling in the hour of our lord, 22:02/10:02pm
Also teleports to you. His dicks still out but u can ignore that.
You've broken this man he can't stop laughing, like seriously it's been 10 minutes.
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shuyamino · 2 years
pairing(s) : ✒ ،، mysta rias x reader | ike eveland x reader | vox akuma x reader | luca kaneshiro x reader | shu yamino x reader
content : ✒ ،، SFW | college au | fluff | headcanons + blurb | gender neutral pronouns | meet cutes, for the most part
summary : ✒ ،، You're attending Nijisanji University and meet a couple of interesting characters ...
note : ✒ ،، my 100th post, ayoooo!! some of the details here are from my own experience in uni, which hopefully adds more realism to it :3 i'm currently working on 3 longer wips, so ive been a bit slow with writing. i hope this makes up for it <3!!!
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SHU is works at your campus' Genius Center — which is just a fancy way of saying the college IT workers. From what you remembered, they help out with various of tech-related services. Which is perfect for you, after your laptop suddenly died one night.
You basically ran into the campus support center the following morning and thrusted your laptop into the nearest Tech Support you can spot — this essay was due that evening! You knew you shouldn't have procrastinated, but you did anyways.
Shu wasn't too shocked about your actions — by now, it was fairly normal to have various college students panicking in the lobby. He holds your laptop, voice calm as he asks you what the problem is.
You're rambling a bit too much. Jumping around topics and making a flurry of hand movements. But he's nodding along, lips still curved to a comforting smile as he leads you towards one of the desks in the small building.
Once you finish your explanation, he has your laptop open and clicking away at the keyboard.
"Um — s-so, can you fix it?" You ask quietly, peeking over his shoulder to look at your laptop screen.
"Well, it looks like you have a... couple of viruses." He answers, craning his neck just to look at you from over his shoulder. "You said you had an essay due soon?" You nod, lips pursed.
"Well… I can help fix up your laptop but if you had your essay saved in a Drive, you can borrow a laptop here and finish it up." You thank him as he heads to the back to get you a campus-issued laptop.
For a good chunk of that day, the two of you sat in this corner — him, trying to fix your laptop and you, trying to finish the rest of your essay.
SHU abruptly stops to stretch his arms up above his head, groaning slightly as he fixed his posture. You'd gotten more than half of your essay finished — thankfully you had the foresight to save all of your online references in a separate outlined document. Since you ran to the tech support building the moment you woke up, you didn't have time to eat breakfast. It wasn't long until your stomach began to protest that mistake. Your cheeks burn red as your stomach groaned — just loud enough to catch Shu's attention. His eyes glance over yours, lips slowly curving to a warm smile. "I...was thinking of taking a coffee break, do you want to come grab something with me?"
It isn't until much later after he helped fix your laptop that you find out that the campus tech support doesn't help students with their personal laptops.
Nor do they take them out for coffee.
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MYSTA is a student that you thought was failing your shared course — he was fairly late the first day and looked like he rolled out of bed before running to the lecture hall.
He sat beside you at the back corner of the lecture hall after being sternly reprimanded by your professor. He didn't seem to be bothered by it, if anything, it looked like the scolding went in one ear and out the other.
The rest of the semester continues like this. Since it's a general edu class, you're not quite sure what his major is. There were some days when it looked like he was doing comp sci work. Another day when he was reading an online textbook about primates (Anthropology, maybe?). And there were even some slower days when he would just sit and watch anime with a pair of discrete Airpods.
There were some days when he'd notice you staring and he'd turn on subtitles and tilt his laptop towards your direction. Other than this, the two of you rarely spoke to each other. Just small talk at most — it was easy to joke with him, at least, but other than that, you didn't really see him outside of this lecture hall.
Least to say, you've grown morbidly curious about him as the semester progressed. There were a few things that you knew about him — he seemed to like the color orange, if his clothes were anything to go by, and he liked anime. In addition to these facts, you were fairly certain that he was failing this class.
So, imagine your shock after receiving the results of your first exam and you spot a clear 100% on Mysta's paper compared to your 69%.
MYSTA must have noticed you staring because his head snapped up from his exam paper directly to you. You jump slightly, startled at getting caught staring. His eyes trail down to your paper, lips curving slightly at the red mark on your paper. Just as you're about to accusatorially ask him what he was grinning at, he points at the number with a laugh. "You got a 69!" Your jaw slacks because it wasn't exactly what you'd expected to come from his mouth, all the while he keeps laughing about the funny number. You're sat there with an absolute deadpan expression all the while the oh-so mysterious classmate laughs at your score. Not because of how badly you'd done — no, he's laughing because it's a sixty-nine. "Aw, don't pout." Mysta says, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. His voice lowered, edging slightly towards a mockingly condescending tone. "I can help you study for the next test, if you want~"
The "study session" actually just consisted of watching more anime and eating.
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IKE works in the campus library!
He's known for being very friendly and approachable. Any and all anxiety disappears the moment you see him. He just has a really comforting vibe! Students that tour first years around campus make sure to tell them about Ike Eveland. ("If you ever need help around the library, find Ike!")
Ike often works behind the counter on the first floor, but there are moments in which he's putting books back where they belong in the other floors of the library.
You frequented the library — mostly taking advantage of the air conditioning, the tables and comfy chairs, and the quiet floor to take naps in during your free time.
When you weren't studying or finishing up course work, you were usually just sitting around the quiet room to take a nap or just have some downtime from your hectic classes and loud campus.
Despite this, you haven't really spoken to Ike. You never had to, anyway. But you have heard of him — more often than not, you hear people around the other floors whispering and giggling about the cute librarian on the first floor. It doesn't take a genius to know who they were talking about.
The first time you meet him was by pure coincidence.
"Stupid book…" You muttered, already standing on your toes as you stretch your arm up above your head. It wasn't even placed on the highest shelf — just a shelf above your reach. None of the step stools were around either, leaving you to fight this alone. Just as your fingertips managed to reach the book's spine, another hand came into view and easily pulled the book out from the shelf. Your head turns, ready to thank your savior, before you realize you're basically face-to-face with the one and only — "Y-You...!" You stammer before you can help it. IKE tilts is head slightly, seemingly unaffected by the distance between the two of you, or the lack there of. His torso is brushing against your back and you're basically caged between his body and the bookshelf. Your heart thrums against your chest — the loud drumming filling your ears as your cheeks fill with heat. "Sorry, it looked like you needed help." He explains, as he holds the book out for you. You close your mouth, hoping that he didn't notice the way your jaw slackened at the sight of him as you wordlessly take the book from his hand. You're fixing your hair before you can help it — a nervous habit at most. The others weren't exaggerating at all, you think, as you sneak another glance at Ike. He is just as pretty as most people say — kind eyes with long, pretty lashes and a kind smile. Is it a little weird to note that he smells like vanilla too? "I'm still around here for a bit, if you need any more help you can come ask me, okay?"
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VOX recently graduated from grad school and is starting his first year as a professor in Nijisanji University! You're lucky enough to be able to attend his first ever class in your last year as an undergrad.
He's teaching English Literature and even while most students are taking this class to fill in for their general education, he expected the lot of you to still take his class seriously.
It's an hour and thirty minute long class and he spends the first few minutes just talking to the class and reading a short poem every Friday.
Even though it's his first time teaching, he's really good at explaining concepts and various analysis. In addition to this, he's very attentive to what the class (and individual) needs.
It's hard to think that it was his first time teaching, not gonna lie.
On top of his attentiveness, Professor Vox was both pleasing to the eyes and ears. It wouldn't be an over-exaggeration to say that he became a fairly popular professor to the entire student body.
As easy as this class was for the most part, you were still struggling with being able to analyze and connect some literary devices.
So, seeing the bright red C- and a 'Please see me after class', in your latest exam wasn't much of a shock
Professor VOX didn't seem disappointed when you approached him at the end of class — if anything, he seemed concerned. You tried to ignore the wary looks your classmates gave you when you approached him though. It was already embarrassing to get such an awful grade, even weirder knowing that your classmates are imagining some weird porn scenario in their head right about now. He greets you kindly despite your grade and is already packing his things up for the next class. You're nervously fidgeting with your thumbs — you've always hated having to talk to professors about your grade. No matter how kind they were. "I'm really sorry," You start, before he can start his 'I'm-not-disappointed' speech. Vox's eyebrows quirk, before his lips curl to a comforting smile. "I just…I kind of understand everything — " "There's nothing to apologize for," He cuts you off with a small wave of his hand. "If anything, I want to be the one to apologize. I should have noticed one of my students struggling." Your heart skips a beat. It's unfair for him to be handsome, attentive, and kind. Your cheeks flush before you can help it — a deep flush that makes you sweat a little under his gaze. "I-I think it's just hard to connect these kinds of things for me." You explain, hoping that your voice doesn't come out too high pitched. "It really isn't your fault." Vox seems to mull it over. "Well, I won't force your hand on the matter, but if you'd prefer, I am open for one-on-one tutoring sessions."
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The dorms were co-ed, though the male and female rooms were separated in different wings. When you first started college, you were required to live in the dorms.
Bumping into the opposite gender wasn't anything odd, though you'd be a liar to say that you didn't have moments of confusion upon seeing some rando standing about by your dorm room.
You meet LUCA on your way to one evening class — an unavoidable class, unfortunately, if you want to stay on track for your 4-year graduation. You bump into him past the common room, where he's making a sandwich.
You don't recognize him right away, but he does you.
"Oh hey!" He calls out, holding a sandwich in his hand. "I remember you from orientation. Where are you going?"
He seemed friendly enough, so you explain to him where you were heading. It wasn't until a few seconds into the conversation that you realize that he was in your orientation group. His name was at the tip of your tongue — Leo? Luke? — Oh, right! Luca.
LUCA blinks, looking confused when you explained to him where you were heading — almost like it didn't even cross his mind that people would take classes this late in the evening. You stare back, more or less confused about his reaction than anything else. He reminds you of the typical frat boy — wouldn't be too surprised if he did end up joining a fraternity after living in the dorms. Broad shoulders and a big build. And his thin white shirt isn't doing much to hide the dark tattoos on his chest. His medium length blonde hair is messily tied up too, like he'd done it in a hurry to make his sandwich. He is cute though. "Well, I should go." You say, pointing towards the elevator. It was the first day — or, evening, you guess — and you really didn't want to be late, even if it meant being able to talk to someone like Luca. "Oh, wait! I actually have somewhere to go right now. Is it cool if I walk with you?" Luca asks, still smiling brightly with his sandwich. You can't help but squint at him. It was clear that he wasn't planning on going out anywhere. He must have noticed your suspicion because he quickly adds, "It's late, you know. We can keep each other safe!" You realize then what he was hoping to do. You couldn't help but beam at him; your lips curling to a wide smile. You agree to his offer, deciding to play along with his excuse. Just this once. His own face lights up at your response. His response reminds you of a giant giant golden retriever. "Pog! Lemme jus' grab my jacket."
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forthechubbies · 2 years
Our Little Wife
The adrenaline of the past (BS) (Final)
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Being Korea's deadliest kingpins made seven men into untouchable demons, yet their little wife is made out of sugar and spice?
Mafia! BTS x Chubby! Reader
Strong Language, Blood, Nudity, Manhandling, and A not so angelic Jimin
Jungkook,You Bastard. Ch 1
"We leave for a week on business, and Jung kook and namjoon are at each other's throats. Before we left, they were all love-Dovey - are you listening, Yoongi."
"Jungkook fell in love with a girl." Yoongi calmly responds, searching for a comfortable spot to rest his head.
Jin crawled by Yoongi's side. "Really?"
"Yep, instead of telling her right away or doing what Taehyung did with Jimin bringing her to meet us. He kept our marriage a secret."
"That doesn't sound like Kookie; maybe he got nervous about telling her. Our relationship isn't the norm, you know." Jin defends his bunny; though Jungkook's line of work is hellacious, he is never known to be a liar.
"Well, Bunny boy will have to figure his way out of this... Let's pray he doesn't do anything stupid."
Sadly, Yoongi didn't knock on wood because Jungkook was about to do something dreadfully stupid at the Ln's residence. He is abusing his assassin training to the fullest extent to ease his way through Yn's tight quarters.
Unaware of Jungkook's presence, Yn decided to end the rather stressful and pathos day in a hot bubble bath perfectly matched with Hershey's kisses and continue her favorite drama.
Chocolate helps heal all wounds, some say.....Their liars like him.
"Married." Everything felt so surreal; this morning, she was so hopelessly in love she was walking on sunshine, but now the forecast only calls for a nonstop downpour." the third teen missed calls from KoOkiE. "She mocked.
"You at least hear me out before giving me the cold shoulder."
Their eyes met and held contact but only for a second before Jungkook lost the war of temptation and ogled Yn's partially bubble-covered body.
Yn could feel the heat of embarrassment. "Get out, get out, get out!!" she cried.
Crash! The sound of glass shattering and Jungkook's pain-filled hissed.
In pure ignorance, She failed to realize the last object being launched was her cup. Her heart sunk as the crimson liquid rushed down from his left brow. She gasped.
Jungkook pinched his left eye close shut, preventing the blood from seeping in." I love you, Creampuff."
"We should be taking you to the hospital!?"
Jungkook clicks his tongue at the saturation napkin. "Don't worry about me; just get dressed, Puff."
"Shit, That hurts." He mumbled, Aish, I might need stitches, and the only one allowed to patch me up is Hyung. He's going to kill me if I come home bloody again.
"I'm so sorry, Jungkook. I didn't mean to" Jungkook cut her off by snaking his arms around her chubby waist.
"I deserved-" Jungkook sighed. "I know you want an explanation about earlier today, but I think it would be better if I showed you."
The cost of her agreement was Jungkooks pride; upon his knees, he pulled off her nightgown and begged. Along with a splash of her own guilt for adding a new addition to the scar museum he calls his body.
1:53 am
Six painstakingly handsome men bombarded Jungkook's countless scolding remarks revolving around him having to get stitches for the fourth time this week.
On the other hand, the little misses sat on the other side of the room, bewildered by the number of people in this family.
Jungkook came clean about everything; he explained his bizarre poly and open relationships with his husbands. Apparently, five months prior, they welcomed a newcomer by the name of Jimin, who didn't take to kindly to her.
"I swear this family grows every time I take a nap." Yoongi yawned. "Seems I was the only one ready for bed." He referred to her delicate baby blue nightgown.
Embarrassed, She flitted the hem of her gown.
Days swift to months and eventually years, Years filled with an unexpected plot twist stabbing normality out of her life. Her status was changed from Ms. to Mrs; the job she worked so hard to maintain was considered redundant, and so was her home.
Slowly yet surely, she fell into a state of submission, blinded by the word " love." The new wife never saw a reason to question her husbands when something was a miss.
Nevertheless, like the beginning statement, She isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, unable to spot the duality of her husbands. She should have realized this the morning of their honeymoon.
The crisp December air nipped her arm.
The window was opened. 
In the middle of winter, she cringes at the overbearing sunlight. Their shared bed was empty. Where did they disappear to? She thought of the kind jester preparing breakfast before they returned; walking down the corridor, a random door caught her attention.
The forbidden room, The first rule of the household is under no circumstances is she not allowed to step foot in that room, but since nobody’s here, maybe just a peek wouldn’t hurt-
“You must love getting in trouble.” Her hand didn’t get the opportunity to touch the cold knob before a voice reached out to her.
Unimpressed, Jimin stared her down. “How stupid are you?” He snatched her wrist up with a bruising grip, dragging her downstairs.
“Ow, You're hurting me.”
“Cook, I'm starving.” Jimin released his grip after arriving at the kitchen.
She rubbed her sore wrist, relinquishing prince Jimin. The atmosphere was so thick it could be sliced in half; Jimin made it clear he hated her guts but the reasoning he doesn't know himself. 
It’s been nine hours; I thought they would be home by now. Being home alone with Jimin is unnerving; I feel like I’m walking on eggshells while anywhere near him. Why didn’t they take him wherever they went?
A series of heavy coughing followed by a thump caused her to jump out of her bed and rush downstairs to see Jimin collapse on the kitchen floor.
“Jimine!” Jimin's body felt like he was boiling inside, perspiring heavily. 
Thinking quickly on her feet, She remembered another rule of theirs, “In any case of emergency, always call Mr. Park Sangwoo; he's our private doctor.”
The line was busy; I feared he was too. Jimin is still subdued. Maybe 911 would have been the brightest idea. 
“This is the master Kim’s residence.” 
“Yes.Yes! Jimin is ill, and his skin is on fire-I don't know what do-”
The same voice on the phone appeared behind me. “Move aside, Madam; he's going to be alright.” 
He scared me! Where did he come from, and how did he get in?! 
Not wanting to hover over the shoulder of a working man to distract my nerves, I made porridge and medical tea and headed back upstairs to check on the doctor.
“Just what the doctor ordered.” He joked. “ Mr.Park will be alright; He just has the flu-I took the liberty of contacting Mr.Namjoon to put up his prescription.” Sangwoo sent a warm smile my way before showing himself out.
Yn watched over the sleeping flower until her eyelids grew heavy, and she fell asleep. 
“Aint this cute.”
“Hyung, Quick, take a picture.”
Familiar voices made the little wife stir, fluttering her lashes. Her other husbands welcomed her. “Your back!” She threw herself into someone close. Taehyung. “I was worried; who do you think you are leaving without saying anything.”
He flashed her a smile before kissing her temple. “ You're so cute, Honeypot.” Sweeping her off her feet into a bridal hold.
Namjoon spoke up. “Mr. Sangwoo told me about Jimin’s condition and how helpful you were.” He gave his head pats and took her full off Taehyung’s hands, holding her the same style. “You did so well. I’m proud of you.” He kissed her lips. 
She leaped out of Namjoon’s arms and rushed into Jungkook’s as he spun her around. “Mwah.”
They kissed.
“You don’t have to guess who’s her favorite,” Yoongi mumbled to the rest for them just to nod in agreement.
As you can guess, Jimin regained conscience within a few hours- He felt a little better, but he was still sick. “ I want some tea.” He muttered to himself. 
“Don’t get up, Jimine,” She scolded, holding a silver tray with delicious hot broth and a cup of medicine tea. “We made dinner.”
Jimin hmphed, ignoring her existence. 
She sighed, setting down the tray. “Listen, Jimin, I don’t know what you have against me, but even if you hate my guts, the feeling is not mutual; I love you. I know you’re a good man and a good husband, even if it’s not to me.” While taking her leave, Jimin jerked her onto the bed. 
Where their lips met, followed by Jimin muttering a soft apology. 
She giggled. “ It’s okay.”
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p0et-is-my-persona · 2 years
Unwanted visitor
Shota Aizawa X Reader
Mentions of Mic and Shinsou
Warnings: Stalker/ Squatter, Cursing (As if that isn't a usual thing in things I write), (Briefly) angry Shota.
A/N: Thought this would be something small like a head cannon but NOPE! Brain said write more so here is like a half-fic let your imagination run wild!
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Summary: You find yourself a unwanted, uninvited and quite scary visitor in the middle of the night.
A/N: Thought this would be something small like a head cannon but NOPE! Brain said make a fanfic so here you go!
You tried to pick up your phone but only resulting in you dropping it. You heard the clicking and saw the flash go off. Whatever you think I'll delete it or something. You picked your phone up and went to delete the photo, and you saw something.
You saw a person in a black hoodie their back was turned away. You had to stop yourself from screaming or running, in fear that the 'squatter' would run after you. You sat there almost powerless. You turned over to your partner. Shota can do something about this. Right? You shake him slowly as to not shake the bed.
"Mm?" Shota groaned. "Hey Sho," you continued "I'm going to go to the store-"You were interrupted "Y/n, love of my life it is 2:03 in the morning. Why are you going to the store?" ShitShitShitShit. "Because I want to pick out something-," you quickly thought of the boy he was mentoring on the side "for that Shinsou kid you were mentoring." "Oh?" He questioned "Why not do it in the morning?" Um. Maybe because I don't want to take the chances of being stabbed! Is what you wanted to say but you still had to play it smart. "Well, I'll forget about it by then and I think you'd be less panicked if I told you where I was going. -" You tried to give a fake explanation. Heavy sigh left your lover "Let me come with you," This caught you by surprise. "it would be safer that way." He got up to get his shoes on. Already ready to go because he could care less what he looked like right now. "Okay." You responded. Putting on your shoes aswell.
* * *
You had made it to you and Shota's car when he asked a question "Why do you actually want to go to the store Y/n?" He demanded. "I have absolutely no clu-" "DO NOT! Lie to me. I know for a fact that you know barley anything about that boy. SO, you will explain to me why we aren't asleep all comfortable in bed!" He Yelled. All of your thoughts went quiet, your words had died in your mouth. "Shota, I need to get out of there," you uttered "there was someone under the bed." Shota's face went pale. "You are sure you weren't seeing things?" "I'm sure. I have a photo of the intruder." You showed him what your phone had captured.
He started "Y/n You need to go-," "no". It seemed as if he doesn't know what to do with you. He doesn't want you to be outside alone even if it is in the car. But he can't risk you following him inside. Ge shot up. "Go to Yamada's radio station! Go inside and stay in the lobby explain the situation to Mic, he'll understand. I'll text you when it is resolved. Okay?" He explained fairly quickly. "Okay, love you.". You saw him run back to the door as you got in the car. I hope he'll be okay.
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jd-loves-fiction · 2 years
I saw you had your requests open 👀
Any chance I could get some angst for Cater ♦️? I’ve practically exhausted all that I could find.
Thank you ❤️
🌑 I don't feel too confident about this but i think it's because I'm not too used to Cater yet. Also, I started watching an Elder Ring playthrough towards the end🙃? The fancy-speak came out
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[17:47] "Cater, I really don't think you should do this. For both your sakes." Trey tells him, pleads with him, but his insecurities are all Cater can listen to. And so he follows their gentle murmurs into his ears, muttering a spell and splitting himself into 2 pieces, not at all made equal. Something he hopes from the bottom of his heart that you'll be able to see through.
“Oh? Cater, hi! You’re late.” You tell him, pouting, oh so sweet. Not stern, perhaps just worried and a bit displeased.
“Sorry, princess, hope I didn’t make you wait for too long.” Cater smiles, but there's something about it. It seems too light.
"Anyways, I hope you're late for tomorrow at least."
"Oh, I'm not going tomorrow." His tone is starting to sound odd.
"What do you mean? I promised I'd help you study and we both know you need it. Did something happen?"
"Nothing happened, I just don't feel like it."
"You don't feel like it? I thought you were serious about this, Cater." You ask, dejected, you'd been planning this for a while; after a long, heartfelt conversation about Cater's struggles with studying you'd promised to help him out. Starting tomorrow. And now it's likes he's completely forgotten.
"Cater what-" That's when it clicks, your hands slips out of his and he doesn't notice, not only that, your Cater wouldn't just cancel on you so nonchalantly. Specially when you were trying to help him out.
"Alright, I don't know what's happening exactly, but I'm gonna need to drop whatever's going on." Cater's eyes shift as you speak, twitching for a second before he sighs, looking to somewhere over your shoulder.
"You figured it out so quick..." Cater whispers in wonder, appearing from behind a tree.
"Cater..." You speak somewhat desperately, finally understanding the situation as the clone you'd been talking to disappears before your eyes. "What's wrong?"
You're not mad? You just want to know 'what's wrong?' God, it feels like his heart might just split right down the middle.
"It's just- I needed--" He stammers, twitching and twisting his fingers in hopes an explanation would weave itself from them. But alas, even in a world full of magic, none such things are yet possible.
"We can talk about that later. Come here," Perhaps the path between the gardens in not the best place for gestures such as these, but still you call him into your open arms, comforting him with nothing more than the sound of your heartbeat beneath his ear. For all he needed was that to prove that you are real.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
This is gon' be so straight forward. DSMP members reactin' to ya death. Takes place when Wilbur blew up lmanburg or when Techno did
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
I was keeping this one for today, cause I didn't want to post it yesterday lol
I'm gonna prepare tissues just in case it gets sad
Hope you enjoy <3
C!DSMP reacting to you dying pt. I
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Pairings: C!Dream, C!Georgenotfound, C!Sapnap, C!Badboyhalo, C!Skeppy, C!Quackity, C!Karl Jacobs, C!Wilbur Soot x Reader
Click here before requesting, please <3
❝ C!Dream ❞
Here's the thing
Dream promised himself to not get attached
Because attachments would just weakened him down
But he couldn't lie that seeing you die in the midst of L'mamburg did hurt him, a lot
He had to keep everything in, but inside he was really hurt; he just didn't want to admit it to himself
But if you lost all 3 of your lives and were actually dead he'd revive you without giving you an explanation
❝ C!Georgenotfound ❞
He'd think it was a dream
Since he sleeps most of the time, he rarely thinks that things that actually happened, well, happened
But after hearing you say that you lost one of your lives, he'll deny it
He doesn't want to believe it and will hide away in his dreams
If he ever does come to terms with it or you're gone for good, he'd ask DreamXD for help
❝ C!Sapnap ❞
I don't think he could handle it
Between whats happening with Quackity and Karl, one of his closest friend manipulating people and the other asleep most of the time, it be too much for him
But I feel like the last straw would be if you were actually dead for good
He'd lose all hope by then and would probably be more vulnerable to a certain smile mask wearing dude
❝ C!Badboyhalo ❞
Let's say that this happens after Skeppy dies because of him or that you died because of the egg
He'd feel guilty and blame himself for everything
If you did lose all your lives tho, he'd blame himself even more
Probably isolate himself just to not hurt other people he cares about
❝ C!Skeppy ❞ [Platonic]
Unless he saw it with his own eyes, he's not gonna believe it
He'll continue to do so because he's scared of the truth
But once you are gone he'd lose all he's sense of hope and happiness
Cause not only did he lose one his best friends to an egg...he also lost you
❝ C!Quackity ❞
He's another one that promised himself to not get attached to anything
And yet the second you were hurt he went on a whole revenge journey to take back the life you lost
This is gonna be extremely sad, but I have to write it
You lost your third life with Charlie
Purpled told Quackity to choose one, and he couldn't
So he threw both of you in the lava and that's where he last saw you
[I took a pause here cause I actually got sad at this one :')]
❝ C!Karl Jacobs ❞
He would understandably be sad about your first death
And tries to stay by your side so that you don't lose another
But if your gone completely he'd try to remember you as much as he can by writing more about you
Eventually tho he'd start to forget and probably cries as he tries to remember why this faceless person who he only knows the name is so important to him
❝ C!Wilbur Soot ❞
Oh god, ok
Let's start off by saying that Pogtopia Wilbur wouldn't care as much if you lost one life or if you were gone, let's be honest
L'manburg Wilbur and Ghostbur on the other hand would be devastated, especially if you have a very close bond. Maybe Ghostbur doesn't understand it at first until he sees your ghost form or doens't see you at all
Revivebur would hide his pain, because he doesn't want to seem weak. But he can definitely never look at your ghost form
Part II
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years
I have an idea for pet!AU Kyojuro! What if after staying with his kind owner he tells them about his sweet little brother Senjuro. And one day they come back home with an injured Senjuro in their arms. They found him getting beaten and about to get his neck cut. And they keep and care for the brothers.
Sorry for the rant I just thought it was a neat idea.
• Telling you about his family hurts. Kyoujurou honestly doesn't like to talk about it. That part of his life is behind him, no matter how painful it is to think that he won't see his mother or brother again. Even so, you're his owner. You deserve to know everything about your property, whether he wants to tell you or not. And even after he does, it's just kind of melancholy. Thinking about his family always is, no matter how much he wishes it was different.
• Then, a few weeks later, you come home with another demon. Kyoujurou's first thought is that you've adopted someone new, perhaps a companion for him. But all too quickly, he realizes that the person in your arms is a little too familiar. When it clicks that it's his brother, Kyoujurou's breath almost stops. The coincidence of that is just too much. You can't have sought him out—
• The explanation of how you found Senjurou is heartbreaking, but the fading bruises seem to prove it true. Kyoujurou wants nothing but to grab his baby brother and hold him until nothing can hurt him again, but that's... not what's allowed for demons. Instead, he's openly, outwardly, loudly grateful. He thanks you profusely for being kind enough to take his brother in, forcing a smile onto his face despite feeling on the verge of overwhelmed, maybe-happy tears. He just needs to be properly thankful.
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gb-patch · 2 years
Hey there, I'm a huge fan of your works and the writing in them! I was wondering if you any advice for aspiring creators of a dating sim writing-wise?
Aw, I'm glad you like my writing! I'm not very good at giving advice, and even good advice doesn't work for everyone. I'm also not entirely sure if my idea of writing advice is what you had in mind, but I'll go ahead and try anyway.
First, try to keep a small scope of your script. Don't intend to make a huge master piece right away or let feature creep overtake the story. That's the number one advice for any beginner project, haha. With that said, what I like to keep in mind is that writing a unique character can come easier if personality traits/concepts are considered last. When writing, especially in dating sims, it can be easy to fall into the trap of X character is meant to be Y kind of trope and so they'll react in Z way. Usually, once you've decided broad personality traits, you don't have to try that hard to convince people they have them. It's getting the character to seem more interesting than that broad personality concept that's difficult.
So, what you can do is think about everything else to determine how they'll behave. What situation are they currently in, where were they before, what do they think they're gonna do after, do any opinions/ideologies/personal mantras/whatever that they already hold have relevance in the situation, are they in good health currently or not, are there things going on in their life (that the player might not even know about) that is also on their mind besides whatever is happening in front of them in the moment, are they alone or with people, what's their individual relationship/dynamic with those people if there are other people, what ideas/conclusions/guesses might the character be coming based on the situation, how are they participating in what's happening, what kind action could they potentially take next (stay there, leave, change the subject, etc.)? And so on.
Not all of that has to be thought of for every scene/conversation, but, in my opinion, their personality should only be taken into consideration once an idea of specifics has been determined. Because then you can use those details to say because of X and Y it'd make sense for my character to display their Z personality trait in this case.
And one more suggestion I'd give is pointing out how backstories can do the same thing for personality concepts that personality concepts can do for a character as a whole. Sometimes dating sims seem to use backstories as an explanation for the personality concept. The character is X archetype because Y thing happened. Past experiences can give motivation to do stuff, change perspectives, teach lessons, make them come to right or wrong conclusions on people/the world, impact the traits that they express, and etc. but I personally think it's a rare occurrence where some past experience is what actually makes a personality on its own. If a story says the love interest's parents died terribly when they were young and then says now you know why they're stoic, you don't know that much really.
Instead of stoic, they could've been sad or angry or anything else. Parents dying doesn't get the same reaction from every person. It's the personality they already had being brought against that terrible event that determines how it goes. Putting the focus on exploring the parts of their personality that made them turn to stoicism instead of rage/depression/whatever works better to me than an explanation that only goes as far as making sense. A reader can reasonably accept that the character was traumatized and their trauma reaction is shutting down their emotions, but, like before, worrying too much about the broadest part of the concept can make for a character who doesn't stand out.
I hope that helps somehow! It's pretty simple when you say it, but I know I needed it specifically noted out before it clicked on why some things felt more interesting than others.
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alcottsangel · 3 years
Flowers {Kaz Brekker x reader}
Summary: As a bouquet of her favourite flowers is found in Y/n's room, they crows try to figure out who placed it there. Kaz has the answer. Fluff.
Warnings: None.
Requested by @montsepliego. I hope you enjoy this. <3
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"Well, I didn't put them there." Y/n said, as she looked at the flowers on her dresser.
"But someone has. Now the question is, who?" Nina answered, taking a step forward to smell at the lilacs. Y/n sighed.
The flowers were beautiful. They had a deep bluish, purple colour and smelled like heaven. Lilacs were her favourite flowers. It was common knowledge around the Crows, because every time a mission was successful, she would reward herself by buying some.
But this time, she didn't.
"Well it must have been one of us." Y/n finally exclaimed, as her door opened and Jesper and Wylan peaked in.
"Uhhh, pretty." The Sharpshooter said, walking into her small room to smell the blooms, just like Nina did a few seconds ago.
"Since you're so amazed by them, I just assume neither of you put them here." Nina noticed, as both boys shook their head no.
"Don't you know who did?" The shooters boyfriend still held the door open and stood in the frame. "In fact, we do not."
"Are y'all having a secret meeting? I thought we were getting waffles." Inej gave Y/n a soft grin as she entered her room through the opened window, looking at Y/n and expecting an answer. Then her eyes fell to the flowers.
"Got a secret admirer?" She asked, the waffledate with Nina and Y/n completely forgotten. While the other Crows laughed at that, Y/n scoffed. "No, no, that must be some kind of misunderstanding."
"What kind of misunderstanding is it, to put someone's favourite flowers in their room." Matthias said, suddenly standing next to Wylan in the doorway. Y/n clicked her tongue.
She raised her arms and growled.
"Where are y'all suddenly coming from?"
It was a rhetorical question, they all knew.
"But since obviously none of us put them here, who else could it be?" Wylan observed.
All of them shrugged, none of the Crows was able to answer that question.
"Maybe it's a threat." Matthias tried to offer an explanation, but Inej shook her head at that. "No, that doesn't seem to be one. Wasn't there any card or a letter?"
Nina laughed. "We wouldn't stand here if there would've been one." "Maybe Rotty or Specht?" Jesper suspected. It was true, both guys liked Y/n alot. They made sure she was okay, kept weird guys away from her. A bit like a nice uncle. But they weren't one's, that would put up flowers in her room without even mentioning it, so Y/n answered it with no.
"It's was probably just one of the younger recruits. They got a habit to fancy the few women we got within the Dregs." She instead said, getting nods of agreement from Inej and Nina. "How disappointingly boring." Jesper sighed deeply.
"What the hell is going on?" A voice behind Wylan and Matthias suddenly asked. As the two men made space in the doorframe, Kaz gaze observed the tiny room, staying just a bit longer on Y/n, until it finally landed on the flowers. The young woman looked quite lovely today, her hair looked soft and she was dressed in a casual attire. Kaz liked that, though he wouldn't admit it. For a brief moment, the corners of his lips curled up into the smallest smirk. "I placed them there. I guess that will answer all your questions."
At the stunned faces from all of the Crows, including Y/n, his grin grew a tiny bit bigger. It wasn't a soft smile, he instead looked amused, almost as if he was mocking them all.
"Don't flatter yourself. I saw them and they reminded me of you. Also, your birthday is next week." He told them, before the monotone clicking of his cane on the wooden panels could be heard and he vanished into his office again.
As soon as he was gone, they all looked to her, as if she knew more than they did.
Kaz Brekker didn't gift you flowers. That simply wouldn't happen, yet it did.
"Did you pull a trick on him?" Matthias asked, the first one who's stunned expression was replaced by an amused one. Y/n shrugged.
She could feel her cheeks getting hot, and despite all that Kaz said, she did feel flattered. They all knew that this was more than a nice act of human decency or an early birthday present. It was a small confession towards Y/n. It was the statement, that she was Brekkers girl.
@renataligorio @kaqua @magravenwrites @corpsebasil
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Jungkook: Playdates 4
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DDLG × CG!Jungkook × Idol!Jungkook × Little!Reader × Stigmatization × Angst
Jungkook and you have been together for more than a year now. However, as soon as the question drops why you're not living together yet, you both seem to have a broad collection of excuses as to why not. Maybe there's something else going on?
❗Additional Chapter Warnings: please someone open the closet already, breakup talk
❓A/N: I hate them and I love them equally right now
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He's cautious when he steps inside your home, for the first time in years.
Before you dated, you'd been friends- very good friends, who eventually discovered each other's feelings by accident. It was a picture book love story to anyone who knew about it- but maybe it hadn't been the best, considering the place you both found yourselves in now. Jungkook waits for you to talk, because he needs an explanation, needs a decision, needs anything from you he can get. This can't go on, and you both know it.
Jungkook has always been a hopeless romantic. No love story was cheesy enough for him, no crush ever giving him the same feeling he'd like to feel- the same emotions described in books and movies. Love had never been as exciting as he'd always been told by the media he consumed, always a disappointment, always so so..
And then he'd met you, he'd fallen in love with you, everything going absolut haywire- you were exactly what he'd always been searching for. From the dangerous moments of skinny dipping at the beach in the dead of night when he'd taken you back to his hometown, to the simple dates at home where you'd play Mario cart where he'd let you win at the end because he just couldn't see you upset.
You made his life exciting- more than any concert could.
"I.." you start, swallowing down a lump, before you continue. "..I can understand if you'd like to, you know. Leave." You say, not looking at him- and he doesn't like that, never did. He can't take something like this easily- having bitten into it like a stubborn dog, unable to let go of you so easily.
"Look at me." He gently commands, and you do, after a moment or two. "I just want to know.. what happened? To us?" He wonders, running a hand over his face. "Was it me? Did I do something wrong?" He wants to know and you shake your head, breaking eye contact. No, this was all on you, you think to yourself; a relationship that leaves room for lies and secrets never works out at the end, and you knew this- and yet you still hid. You're still hiding right now. "I'm not leaving before I know what went wrong, y/n." He says sternly. "I'm not letting you go without a reason." And you just sit down at the kitchen table, leaning your forehead on the table. He's going to leave either way-
So might as well be honest for once.
"..my bedroom." You mumble after a moment. "I'm the closet, at the very back, there's.. there's a travel case. A black one." You describe, and he furrows his brows. "The combination to the lock.. is your birthday." You finish, and from the sound of your silence, jungkook takes it as a request to look at whatever you're hiding in there.
He's seen the case before, but he'd never thought it had anything in it- maybe just never opened from the last trip you took. But as he walks into your bedroom, opening the closet which doors have been decorated by numerous stickers of all kinds, he carefully pulls it out into the open. The combination is easily put in, lock opening with a click, his inked hand zipping the whole thing open.
And his eyes widen, unable to avert his gaze anymore at what he discovers.
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signedaiko · 3 years
may I request some headcanons for mtmte megatron, misfire, and ultra magnus with a touch starved/physically affectionate s/o? bonus points if the s/o is nervous about asking for touch! no worries if you don’t vibe with this one, I enjoy all your writing nonetheless :00
Megatron [MTMTE]
- Just as touch starved as you - You both nervously ask to speak to the other and turns out you both were about to ask just to cuddle - Holding hands becomes regular around the ship - He actually learns how to type with one hand just so he doesn't have to let go - Eventually you have a little bit of communication going on just through feel - He teaches you Chirolinguistics after you show interest so eventually you don't even have to speak to get messages across - It really creeps out some of the crew who don't know you speak through your hands and just see you simultaneously do the same tasks - Megatron has a hard time falling asleep holding someone because he has before attacked at random when waking up - But he will happily hold you until you fall asleep, and then set you on your berth after
Misfire [MTMTE]
- Misfire was, much like the rest of his crew, not very affectionate at all - But he doesn't seem to notice when your hand slips into his - Or when he clings to you in the middle of the night - But whenever you want something more it becomes a bit of a fight - You are nervous as is, now imagine having to tell him in 10 different ways what you want before it clicks - He tends do give affection without realizing it too - Movie night? Oh there's not enough space? Sit on my lap then y/n - You are cold? Didn't know we could even get cold, here we can share my blanket - Even if you get really anxious about asking, he is too carefree to even realize or care what you ask - He will just give it to you, no questions asked
Ultra Magnus [MTMTE]
- Oh? You want to get closer? He starts to open up more about his emotions - With further explanations he realized you meant physically, to which he happily complies - You crave physical attention and he craves a good listener and it works really well - Every day you find some dedicated time to snuggle up close, and he will just open up and talk about everything to you - You listen with details, and chirp in occasionally when it suits you both - Magnus really enjoys having someone that can make anything work out - But he also loves someone who genuinely enjoys being around him physically and emotionally
Authors Note - I wanted the bonus points because I need an A on this test. I totally vibe with anything that has Misfire in it, and compliments hah! It is really hard to sway me from enjoying a request, I get sooo excited!
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burnham-burnem · 3 years
stormy weather ~ bo x reader
summary: you may be in your twenties, but that doesn't mean you're not afraid of the stormy weather. but can you bring yourself to cross the hall and take comfort in your roommate? maybe...
word count: 791
tags: fluff, comfort, roommates
or read on ao3 by clicking here
Outside, the rain hammered down against the glass of the windows and the wind whistled through the leaves of the trees. The storm had been raging for longer than you cared to keep track of, and it showed no sign of letting up any time soon.
Across the hall, your roommate was no doubt fast asleep as he likely had been for hours by now, his dog curled up by his feet, both somehow soothed by the sounds of the rain and the wind.
But you? Not a chance. The rain you could handle; it wasn’t often that Los Angeles saw such intense rainfall this time of year, so in some ways you welcomed it. The howling wind, on the other hand was almost the worst part of it, except maybe for the-
The thunder boomed following a flash of lightning which illuminated your bedroom - and you were convinced you felt the house shake, but maybe that was just you.
Ever since you were a kid, storms had terrified you. You’d hoped that fear would lessen as you got older, but here you were: twenty something years old, all but hiding under your blanket desperate to shut out the sounds of the rolling thunder.
A thought crossed your mind, but you were quick to shake it off, physically shaking your head at yourself. You couldn’t... Could you?
Your eyes scanned your bedroom door, and you mapped out the hallway beyond it. Just a few steps to Bo’s bedroom, all you’d have to do is knock.
You shook your head again - you surely couldn’t bring yourself to admit your fear to him, despite how close you were, and what would you do once you were in there anyway?
Another crash of thunder sounded, but this time you didn’t think twice. You threw your blanket off you and swung your legs over the side of the bed and all but ran across the hall. With just the door in your way, then, you raised a shaking hand to knock, hearing a muffled response from the other side.
Turning the handle, you opened the door a crack just to be sure he was awake - and there he was, hair a mess, running a hand over his face as if wiping the sleep away.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, sitting up just a little, squinting at you as his eyes adjusted.
You weren’t quite sure what to say, but thanks to yet another sudden boom of thunder, you didn’t have to say anything at all. Almost jumping out of your skin was enough of an explanation for Bo.
Without saying another word (which surprised you, actually, as there were plenty of jokes to be made about your arguably childish fear), he scooted over just slightly to make enough room for you, and opened up the blanket to welcome you underneath. Bruce seemed happy with the extra company and was quick to cosy up at your feet, and to your surprise, Bo settled down beside you, draping an arm over your waist.
A silence washed over you then, and the sounds of the storm outside seemed less scary than before. Just as you thought you could finally drift off to sleep, Bo’s soft voice sounded beside you. “So, scared of a little storm, huh?”
You groaned, rolling your eyes and tilting your head back, “Can we not?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” he teased.
“Bo! Quit it, it’s not funny,” you sighed, shuffling away from him just slightly, but he pulled you back before you could get too far.
“Hey,” he said softly, and more genuine then. “I’m kidding, I’m sorry. It’s okay, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assured you.
As you rolled over to face him, his arm still in place over your waist, the loudest clap of thunder sounded and this time you were certain the house shook.
Your eyes widened and you immediately scrambled to get as close to Bo as you could, a handful of his shirt fabric bunched up in your fist. Bo almost laughed, but he knew better. Instead, he just held you close, stroking your hair as he pretended, for your sake, that he couldn’t feel your heart pounding in your chest. “I’ve got you,” he promised, a hint of amusement in his voice, “you’re okay.”
It was you who broke the silence next after ten or so minutes. At the edge of sleep, you mumbled a warning, “We are not talking about this in the morning. Or ever.”
As you finally drifted off, at four am no less, you heard Bo’s quiet laughter and felt him nod just slightly. “Okay,” he promised you, sealing it with a kiss to the top of your head.
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leftoverenvy · 2 years
Tastes Like Sugar
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Story alert! Hi guys, I'm back at it again. I'd like to give a special thanks to @milfprotector for helping me come up with a title, @sadgirlml for helping me with the header (you're always amazing at moodboards), and @will-on-the-internet for helping me with developing Emily's interests.
Summary: India Mae, or Indi, is a music major, struggling to pay bills, tuition, work, and make good grades.  Emily Prentiss is a BAU profiler, as well as a DC socialite thanks to her huge family fortune.  The two enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement: Emily will pay for Indi's school if Indi accompanies Emily to her social functions for a few months, posing as her girlfriend.  As weeks go by, the lines between their arrangement and their true feelings start to blur.  But money can't buy love, right?
Pairing: India Mae Banks x Emily Prentiss; OC x Emily Prentiss
Warnings: eventual smut; sugar baby relationships; age gap (16 years - but all over 18); very slow burn
Word Count: 1.5k
Read on Wattpad | Ao3 | Tumblr
Taglist: @ssa-sapphic 🧸; @5raysofsunshine 🌮; @reidselle 🦭; @milfprotector 🐝💚; @scargarcia-magshotchner 💜 @hotchs-bitch ; @multiverse-mxdness ; @sadgirlml ; @spencersendgame
Chapter 1 - Seeking Arrangements
My keys clattered on the counter, ringing out in the silence of my shabby, shared apartment.  I let my bag fall off my shoulder, books thudding against the floor.  Today sucked.  Not only did my professor keep me late to work on my recital piece, I was exhausted from waiting on tables all evening.  It seemed each table was more demanding than the last.  I hadn't eaten dinner, and I just wanted to shower and go to bed.  I quickly popped some leftovers in the microwave and sat down to check my email.
An email from the Bursar's Office caught my attention.  I clicked it immediately and my stomach plummeted to the floor.  "BALANCE DUE: $3,272.18"  How was this possible??  It was the middle of the semester, and my scholarships had already been applied.  I scrolled down for an explanation.  The email said I had been awarded a new scholarship; my loans were, apparently, reduced because my scholarship exceeded the cost of tuition.  I grabbed my computer out of my bag and logged into my financial aid portal.  How was it possible that being awarded a scholarship would cost me money?  Could I send it back?
After such a horrible day, this was the last straw.  I was busting my ass to make ends meet and was struggling to keep up with my courses.  In addition to my general requirements, I had HOURS of practice every day for my music degree.  And then I had to work on top of that.  I felt like I was drowning.  Tears flooded down my face without my permission, and after the first few, I couldn't stop them.  I started sobbing uncontrollably, unsure how I could possibly make over three thousand dollars in two weeks when the bill was due.
"Oh!" Penelope, my roommate, gasped in the doorway, keys hanging from her finger.  "Oh Indi!  What happened??" she asked rushing over.  She immediately put her arm around my shoulder.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to pay this!" I wailed.
"Pay what, sugar?" she asked, always so patient.
I pointed to my computer screen.  "I just got this surprise scholarship but then they reduced my loans, but they already gave me a refund on my loans, so now I owe the school $3,300!  I can't pay that Pen!  I'm barley making my rent payments."
"Oh that's fucked," she commiserated.
"I know!!"  I started sobbing again.  "I was barely going to make it to August when next semester's loans hit.  I can't make it through the summer at this rate.  Even if I work my ass off this summer."
"I thought you were working on your music this summer."
"That was the plan," I said dejectedly, "But if all of my savings have to go to this stupid bill, I'll have to find a job."
"You need a sugar momma."  I just stared at her and raised an eyebrow.  "I'm serious!  Hear me out," she urged.
"Come on, Penelope!  You know that doesn't work out in real life.  That's just for movies."
She scoffed, "There are real life sugar mommas, Indi."
"I know that, but it isn't as glamorous as you might think.  It would be hard enough to find a sugar daddy that 1) actually had money, and 2) wasn't disgusting.  What in the world makes you think I can find a gay woman to do that?"
"I think you'd have more success than you think.  Any woman would be lucky to have you as their sugar baby.  Think about it!  You don't like a lot of stuff…except for your ratty books, I suppose.  You'd be a sugar momma's dream!"
I laughed, wiping the tears from my eyes.  Penelope always knew how to make me feel better.  "No way, Pen.  I appreciate the pep talk, but I'll figure this out on my own."
"Fine.  Figure this out yourself but get online anyway.  You deserve to find happiness and love."
"Woah!" I protested, "When did love come into play?  I thought you wanted me to find a sugar momma."
"That'd be fine too."  Pity overran her eyes as she said, "I just worry about you.  You're always so alone.  You haven't dated since Hunter-"
"Pen!" I interrupted.
"And you NEED to get back out there," she continued.  "I don't want you to be lonely."
"I'm focusing on school.  My schedule is so crazy with this recital coming up and working enough to pay my share of the bills."
"And that means the only plans you can have on Friday and Saturday nights is burying your nose in a book?"  That one stung a bit.  A true romantic, I was always lost in my books.  Even as a kid, the universes created in my books were always preferable to real life.  And now, I could never settle for anything less than the perfect love story.  I didn't think it was a shortcoming until hearing Penelope say that out loud.
I sighed and grabbed all my stuff.  "Never gonna happen, Penelope."
"Wait - India!  I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it, Pen; you're not wrong.  I'm just tired.  I'll see you tomorrow," I finished as I was closing the door to my room.  I immediately fell on my bed, exhausted and confused.  Was it really so bad to want true love?  Sure, I had tried the casual hookup thing before - who didn't in college?  But it wasn't for me.  I couldn't ever follow through because sex was supposed to mean something.  Which is why Penelope was right.  I did find myself alone most Friday and Saturday nights.
I was a bit embarrassed.  Even if I did find someone who I could stomach being with, I was so inexperienced.  I'd only had one girlfriend - one sexual partner.  If I did find a sugar momma, how could I possibly be enough for an older, more experienced woman?  But that bill hung heavy on my mind.  Before I even knew what I was doing, I had google open searching for the best sugar baby website. 
I scrolled through several and finally settled on one and hit "sign up."  Jesus Christ what was I doing?  Paying the bills.  Who cares if you whore yourself out to complete school? 
It initially asked for a bio and a profile picture.  I silently thanked Penelope for insisting on always taking my picture when I looked nice.  Though I had always complained about it before, I had three good ones to choose from thanks to her.  I also included a video from my last piano recital.  I never felt beautiful except when I was behind the big piano.  I could hide behind music.  To fully capture myself, I took a last "candid" picture with the timer on my computer of me reading.
Before I could think twice about it and chicken out, I hit "create."  No going back now.  If I'm gonna do this thing, I'm gonna do it.  I started to scroll through all the profiles.  When I only saw men, I was disheartened.  But then I remembered I was supposed to change the filters.  I quickly turned off all men and my home screen was now flooded with older women.  As I began scrolling, I quickly discovered it was exactly as I had previously thought.  There was no one worth getting excited over.
And then my breath caught in my throat.  I prayed to every god I could think of that this profile was real because she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.  Her black bangs framed knowing, smiling eyes surrounded by crow's feet.  My finger unconsciously moved the cursor over and clicked on "View Emily's Profile."  It wasn't even a choice. 
My eyes bulged at her net worth and annual income.  Jeez!  How was it possible to have that much money?  Someone that beautiful and rich?  Life was cruelly unfair sometimes.  Her profile was pretty basic; there weren't a lot of details.  Her bio simply read, "Emily, 38, seeking companionship and dates."  I could provide companionship and dates for money.  Dates weren't whoring yourself out, right?  It made me feel marginally better about what I was doing.
Was sixteen years too large an age gap?  Would we have anything in common?  Could I really allow myself and my time to be sold to some stranger?  But as I looked back at her eyes and soft smile, I realized that yes, yes I could.  There was something intriguing about her.  I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly.  I just knew that I wanted to know more about her.  What would someone like her be doing on a site like this?  Surely she didn't have trouble finding someone in real life?  What was she hiding?  Or lying about?
Despite my reservations, I clicked the "like" button and hoped she would like me back so we could start a conversation.  And for another few minutes I stared at her picture, desperately wishing Emily could be the savior to pull me out of this financial mess.
_ _ _
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t0shii · 3 years
% pretty hands
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.! suna, hanamaki, akaashi (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ not proofread
.! a/n inspired by my post from the other day
you hugged his back, chin perched on his shoulder while he played a game with the twins. you were watching his game, seriously you were, until you glanced down at his watch which rested in his lap, attached to a controller. whilst he clicked away, you couldn't help but admire the way his hands held the small object, they were so... large compared to the controller, slender, his nails painted pink from two nights before after you'd begged him to let you pain them. they were, dare you say, pretty.
you sat there watching his hands for around 15 minutes and he must've felt it because when he asked, "whatcha starin' at pretty?" you felt a heat rush to your cheeks faster than you could answer him, you were slightly embarrassed. "uhmm nothing." it came out more like a question rather than an answer which makes him let out a breath that you recognized as a laugh, "are you sure?" by now you can hear atsumu yelling at him through his headset that he's making them lose but suna doesn't seem to care as he mutes his friends, eyes now on you. "you've been quiet. what's on your mind, baby?" he cups his hand over your cheek and soothes your warm skin, running a cold thumb over the bags of your eye. "your hands... i just thought they were pretty."
you can see his eyes glance to the hand cupping your cheek before staring back into, what felt like, your soul, "you think so?" his lips curl into a grin, "thank you." he rubs the skin under your eye a few more times before raising this other hand to cup the opposite cheek and giving your face a squeeze, "i think your face is pretty." he says before kissing your lips. you can only let out a muffled, "thank you." as he laughs at you, "you're too cute, really."
you sat in his lap as he helped with you your homework just like every other friday afternoon. honestly you were listening to his lesson or at least you were trying to but he was making it so hard. you'd never realized his hands were so... pretty. of course you'd held them, kissed them, seen them before, etc. you'd just never really recognized them as 'pretty' until he was writing down a math equation on the notebook paper in front of you.
finally, when you stop your 'mhms' he knows you're no longer listening to his explanation, he wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest, "you're not listening. getting sleepy? we can take a break if you want." you're immediately snapped out of your thoughts at his words. "what? no, no! i was just spaced out, sorry." you ramble, "can you... start over? i'll listen this time." he chuckles and hugs you tighter, "mhm, so you start here-" not even three sentences in you feel yourself staring again and, of course he notices. "baby, if you need a break that's fine, we can-" "no no makki, it's just that... i can't concentrate. i'm not tired it's... it's your hand..." he's a confused humming sound and moved his hand slightly. honestly you didn't even know how to describe his hands. of course you see them all the time, why were you only just noticing how nice they looked? all slender and long, they were just... pretty.
"what about my hand, baby?" he asks, tone a little teasing. you reach for his other hand which is hooked around your waist and hold it up for him to see, playing with his fingers. "they're really pretty." you sigh, pressing a kiss to the pads of his pointer finger. he fights the blush threatening his cheeks, "this is what you're so concerned about?" "mhm" he laughs, "well, thank you for the compliment." he says, pressing a kiss to where your jaw meets your neck, "do you wanna sit here and play with my fingers the rest of the day or continue with the lesson? i don't mind either way."
it was normal for you to sit in his lap while he did paperwork, sitting in a comfortable silence together. you often found yourself staring at his hands, writing, typing, or even just sitting there, they always looked so pretty. though you'd never told him about this thought. currently, you had a concentrated look contorted on your face as you stared, a look he seemed to notice. "everything okay, angel?" he nudges you with his elbow which snaps you out of your thoughts, "hm? oh yeah, i'm fine." you straighten your back and give him a reassuring smile, "are you sure? you look tired, you don't have to sit with me ya know? go take a nap if you're feeling sleepy." he kisses your cheek and smiles at you innocently.
"keiji," you giggle, "i'm not sleepy, plus i wanna sit with you. i was just zoned out." you rub your eyes, though, now that you were thinking about it, maybe you were a little sleepy. "what were you so focused on then?" "your hands." you're honest and he's confused. "what you mean? what's wrong with them?" he inspects them and you shake your head, grabbing them. "nothing's wrong with them, keji. i just think they're really pretty." you confess, kissing the knuckles on each hand, "pretty?" "mhm." "how's that?" "well, i dunno. they're just nice to look at. oh! and mine fits in them really well, like a puzzle piece, look." you lace your fingers between his and show him what you mean and he realizes you're right. "see, not to big not too small, and they're super soft too." you smile and he nods. "i see what you mean, about the puzzle piece i mean."
"so you agree? you have really pretty hands." he nods "well i guess, but i think yours are nicer than mine. it's your hand that fits so well into mine, they were made for me i think." pink rushes to his cheeks as he says it, "was that weird to say?" "no! i think you're right, baby." you offer him a smile and he returns it, kissing the back of your hand which he held. "thank you for the compliment by the way." you nod and yawn, stretching your arms out, "i knew you were getting sleepy, lets go take a nap."
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sun-undone · 2 years
OBX details that make me feral (11/?)
A little compilation of interesting/frustrating (but mostly interesting) dialogue moments in 1x06
((not all of these are purely dialogue moments but i wanted to compile all the 1x06 details together cause they're all kinda too small for their own posts and i love this episode))
Ward describing Tannyhill as a "minefield" when John B first arrives
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Ward is talking about how John B and Sarah aren't allowed in each other's rooms, and he uses other language like calling John B an "inmate" to try to assert his dominance as John B's new pseudo father figure (ew), but it all seems relatively playful on the surface.
Right after he says this, Sarah leaves, and Ward asks John B if he's chasing after the gold like Big John was. And suddenly, the conversation itself is a minefield as John B tiptoes around Ward's questioning and makes up some semi-lie about him just being a history buff. This episode and most of the next episode has so much great tension like this because we as the audience know that Ward is shady and has the compass, but John B doesn't.
Idk I just really love a lot of Ward's dialogue because you can tell it's more purposeful than the kids' (which makes sense cause he's a businessman, the heart of the mystery in the back half of the season, and he's also just older), so there's a lot to dissect.
How JJ knows about the Crain story
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I'm sorry, but I do not believe for one second that JJ has ever had a babysitter. Maybe when his mom was still around, but honestly even then, I kinda doubt that Luke would let her spend money on something like that. And maybe that's too headcanon-y, but we know that Luke is very stingy with money and has a gambling/spending problem, so I highly doubt that he'd be chill with his wife paying a single cent for anyone to look after his kid. He definitely seems like the kind of parent who would think that letting your young child spend the entire day alone would build character or something.
This is another one of those super small details (like JJ not knowing about John B’s “Bird” nickname) that make me feral because they just don’t add up with all of the other pretty damn solid characterization that we’ve gotten so far. The obx writers can do some really great character writing 97% of the time, and then the other 3% is just careless mistakes like these that muddy up the lore just enough to make us twitch.
(i’m also thinking of the time in season 2 when Kie says that she’s been friends with the Pogues since kindergarten, which is just so not true based off of the canon that’s already been established)
It’d be way more believable if JJ just knew about the Crain legend because he already has so many connections throughout the island anyway. There's so many moments throughout even just the first season where JJ shows that he has plenty of street smarts and knows a lot about the island, usually because of how well known his family is on the Cut (he can immediately identify boats and even estimate their value on the fly; he knows about the drone in the salvage yard; he's able to get weed from his cousin, which is assumedly a regular occurrence).
One of his cousins could’ve been friends with Hollis or something like that. And honestly, that would’ve made it even harder to tell how much of it is bullshit or not, which I think is part of the point of the scene.
How our first look at Sarah finally clicks into place through Kie's explanation of how she and her became friends
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When Kie is explaining how she and Sarah first became friends, she talks about how they went to the beach and shooed the seagulls away so that the baby sea turtles could make it to the water. I just love how that completely matches up with the very first scene of Sarah, where she’s running around her yard, swatting at the birds so they don’t kill the mice in the burrows.
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I also love how Ward tries to get her to stop, saying that it’s just the circle of life and basically that there’s no point in trying to save the helpless animals. Such a cool way to introduce us to these characters: immediately aligning Sarah as at least Pogue-adjacent (and also as pretty similarly idealistic to Kie), and showing us Ward's more realistic mindset while not giving away the extent of his brutality.
"I think I'd know if I was shot, right?"
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Kie says this at the very end of the episode after the Pogues escape the Crain house, and I can't help but laugh at the irony of her saying this, knowing that Sarah gets shot in season 2 and doesn't realize it immediately. Just a fun (depressing?) detail on a rewatch that can be used as an example of how the stakes have risen throughout the course of the two seasons.
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