#but that's really not the same as being haunted by something
freaky-flawless · 3 days
Something that has always intrigued me in Haunted was that it showed ghosts of different monster types around Haunted High, not just humans. No one really bats an eye at the MH ghouls when they turn themselves into ghosts, since it's just par for the course, and the ghouls themselves don't take note of this either.
I feel like that adds so much to the lore, but it's just sort of an innocuous detail that isn't really touched upon.
For one, despite being two different kinds of monsters, they're not regarded as being hybrids like Sirena is.
And even more intriguing it suggests that mortal monsters still have a chance to "come back" as there's a possibility they'll turn into ghosts.
It makes me wonder if that logic might be the same for zombies, where mortal monsters could also be reanimated into them, not just humans. And how would a loved one react if they were to witness this? Would it be no biggie, or a major shock?
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I'm sorry but I'm confused by people believing jacob must have changed his mind about loumand.
I don't know about Jacob's opinion but writers were making it this or that. It can't be both. I guess we'll see later what exactly were writer's intentions about this relationship. But while we can't be 100% sure yet jacob definitely knew exactly complete story. Both things were recorded after filming was finished, he knew all details. He knew both times when said "rebound" And "not rebound" which one it is from Louis' pov. Therefore at some point he... Lied. (This is NOT an attack on jacob!).
Now let's think logically: he knew bts insiders will be released after episodes. In "not rebound" interview there was no spoilers for things we saw, there were not details, he described vibes of loumand and that's it, which meant he knew it'll be released before this episode. At the end of the day, if he said something false, it would've be cut or he would've re-record once again, it's not live and I'm sure they have people that oversee this stuff.
It's literally the same how before ep1 jacob vaguely said loumand is tender and later we got insight how relationship going darker.
Or how before we were sure dreamstat will only haunt Louis menacingly blaming for his death but we also got unique dynamic where he is being Louis' support.
Some things you can't just say because it'll be spoiler. If jacob outright said "it's rebound" we would not take ep1-3 seriously. But he didn't say it and we had Daniel calling them "rebound" And Louis getting angry at it, and it was interesting because we could not be sure who was right! Is that Daniel just being dismissive of them or is it Louis being delusional? There was intrugue!
It is very clear to me that a "gag order" has dropped away.
Prior to seasons there are always things that the actors do not say, and that they explain differently afterwards.
And I mean - would we really want it any different way? Would we want them to explain it to us beforehand?
No. Because we should "let the tale seduce us".
And though they didn't go and ship bait us, going out and destroying all theories before they have aired cannot be their intention either?!
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sibylsleaves · 2 days
This isn't a Buddie established relationship ask so feel free to ignore this but I'm curious...what do you see Buck and Tommy eventually breaking up over? Or what would you want them to break up over?
anon do you want to get me killed
no, i'm totally kidding, this is an interesting question! and im sure everyone is going to be completely normal about me answering it right guys
(under a cut for length)
I think if I'm being super honest, my #1 choice would be Eddie. Both for Buddie reasons and for established narrative reasons--Eddie has been haunting the narrative of BuckTommy, so to speak, since the beginning and it makes a lot of sense to me that it would come back around to him in the end. In 7x04, Tommy says it was "never his intention" to come between Eddie and Buck. He also says Buck "isn't the only one" who can get jealous. In 7x05, Eddie says "this doesn't change a thing between us." Maddie in 7x05 also says that line about "if there's something you need to tell Eddie, you will in your own time."
Right now these are just lines that mean what they mean at face value BUT they are also ripe with potential to be foreshadowing for an eventual break-up/Buddie feelings realization arc. I do think the Bi Buck arc/Tommy arc in general is an excellent catalyst for Buddie feelings realization because. well. it DOES change the equation in a fundamental way. And it's like. slow burn romance 101 to have one character pining over the other while they're in a relationship, so. the stage has been set.
But what form that takes exactly, idk. If I'm the one in charge, I think I'd want Eddie feelings realization -> pining while Buck is with Tommy -> separate Buck feelings realization -> break up with Tommy -> mutual pining for a while -> eventual Buck confession -> they get together. With like some more messy fun things thrown into the mix idk.
I'm less enthused but still intrigued by a Tommy realizes BEFORE Buck arc leading to a break up. I think it makes sense as an echo of Buck's bi realization--Tommy was the catalyst there and it wasn't until he kissed Buck that Buck came to terms with his feeling so I do like the narrative parallels there.
But from a character perspective I think I just really want Buck to get there on his own because one of his prevailing character flaws is that he just kinda...does not know what he's doing or what's happening in his brain ever. He says to Connor and Kameron in season 6 that he "doesn't know what he wants." and in 7x05 he says to Tommy he "doesn't know what he's ready for." And Maddie says in 7x05 that Buck "isn't sure of his own feelings yet." So. I'd like to see a growth where he IS sure of his feelings, where he DOES know what he wants and what he's ready for, and is able to take the initiative and be the one to break things off with Tommy (learning from his mistakes with Taylor/Lucy).
If it's not Eddie (or perhaps Eddie is just PART of the equation) then I think it could go a couple different routes. Route 1 would be a fundamental incompatibility, something like...idk. Tommy not really taking Buck seriously as a partner. This would kind of harken back to their first date (and also to Buck's relationship with Abby) and Tommy cutting out because he thinks Buck "isn't ready."
Or maybe they break up because they don't want the same things in life. I've said it before with other Buck relationships on the show but I would actually love to see an amicable break up because Buck wants kids and his partner doesn't. As Buck gets older, I REALLY would love for the show to really delve into his desire for family/kids, and this particular storyline I don't think I've ever seen portrayed. And it's a very normal reason for a couple to break up!
Or maybe Tommy has to move away for a Cool Helicopter Job and Buck contemplates moving with him. Maybe he even decides he will. But then something Happens and at the last minute he realizes he can't leave his family and that his home is in LA and he has to let Tommy go. This would give me a lot of found family feelings so 🥺
Or maybe they end up together and there's no break up arc. Anything could happen tbh.
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pluralismajestatis · 2 days
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( send me a Pride Month prompt or I'm replacing you, the reader, with ChatGPT. )
@bonesandbolts / AO3 link
“Come on, I can’t believe this…” The woman brushed back her dark hair, reaching just underneath her bony shoulders revealed partially from underneath her loose, wide-necked shirt. Its sleeves were crumpled up above her elbows, exposing lengths of pale arm, ending in bony wrists and slender hands, one ring on her left index finger and one on the thumb, then another on the right index finger, with a loose brass bracelet to accompany it.
She was giving her phone's screen a despairing stare.
Tim was glancing at her from underneath his cascade of curly hair covering that side of his face. The other, exposed by the undercut, felt cold under the pub’s aircon.
“Who the hell would pass up on a snack like me…? I thought I had it this time. Goddamnit…”
She clearly didn’t know that she was being heard, or seen, by anyone. Tim might as well have been air to her. No matter; he was good at coming out of the shadows. Even now, the way he slid his body around until his knee was facing her and his lap was revealed from underneath the shadows of the counter, the way he relaxed onto the elbow of his right side - he looked natural, and he knew it. He’d been here a thousand times.
“Oh, yeah. Guess I must have hit up a whole haunted house, this is the third time in - doesn’t matter,” she sighed, finally giving him a look. It seemed to change her mind about something, and Tim enjoyed that. He straightened his spine and cocked a brow.
“No way,” he said with an exaggerated look of surprise on his features. “Damn, they don’t know what they’re missing out on.”
“Yeah, right. A cocktail of sweet summer fun and a gallon of bad memes,” the woman half-laughed, half-grunted. She had a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Does that cocktail have a name? I’m Tim, by the way. Short for Timothy. And you can call me whatever you’d like.”
She examined him, and Tim knew she was trying hard to make up her mind about him. He was putting up a good pose, a relaxed, cocky head tilt, letting the soft bump of his lower belly press up against the loose shirt over his otherwise long frame. His fingers, littered with freckles this time of the year like the clothes of a spray painter were marked with collateral, headed for the sharp bumps of his collarbones. His shirt, between hot pink and a shade of fleshy purple, didn’t quite match the way hers hung over her shoulders, but left little to imagination as it was.
“Alice,” she said hesitantly, grinning, “Tell me, what’s a snack like you doing here all alone?”
“Same as you, looks like,” Tim chuckled and gave it a defeated half-shrug. “I was gonna meet someone but they didn’t turn up, and now I’m washing away the pain with piña colada and regret.”
“So it’s just us, then,” Alice noted.
“Snacks and cocktails with no buyers in sight. Seems like,” Tim confirmed.
“Waste of my money, really,” Alice pointed out. “Since I didn’t come here to pay for my own drinks.”
“Funny, because neither did I.”
“Oh, damnit. I was hoping for a Prince Charming.”
“Sorry, turns out I’m a princess, too. But you should have got that by now, since we’re both stuck in this tower.”
She had a nice laugh - the kind of a bitter, sarcastic laugh that Tim knew he’d enjoy listening over a drunken conversation late at night. It wasn’t late, though; barely seven in the evening. He’d have to put in at least some effort to make it stretch further, for science of course, to see if he’d really enjoy it when he was too far off his mind to worry about tomorrow.
“You know what?” Alice said then, breaking Tim out of his early plans.
“No, you’ll have to tell me first.”
“I think you and I,” she carried on, evidently ignoring his quip, “should get the hell out of here and go somewhere much cheaper.”
“Like where?”
“My place? I’ve got some really good movies I’ve been planning to watch.”
Tim snorted. “Wait, are you calling me in for a Netflix and chill?”
Alice let out a raspberrying sigh. “Nah, mate, I’m calling you in for Netflix and beer. It’s the best I’ve got but it’s already paid for and besides, I’m going to look awfully sad if I get to all of that on my own later when I’m already drunk.”
Tim chuckled. “Sold,” he said, then emptied the rest of his drink without really tasting it. “Two heartbroken princesses and a movie night. Who needs a man anyway?”
“Not me,” Alice confirmed, wiped her hands on a napkin and stood up. “I’m done with dating apps for at least another month.”
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hobiespick · 22 hours
Sam Winchester x reader headcanons part 2
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a/n : fuck it we ball sammy headcanons part 2, I made a shit ton of them (yeehaw i made another moodboard) hope you guys like my shitty thoughts (i am acting so nonchalant but i am actually shaking i'm so goddamn nervous) , thank you sm for all the likes and feedback ! Enjoy!
Summary : Headcanons I wrote for Sam x reader (can be read as gn!reader), very few are abt Dean, mention of Sam's childhood, Sam being head over heels for u, Sam being flirty, the reader is mentioned to be shorter/smaller than Sam.
-He carries around your hairties: around his wrists, the pockets of his brown jacket or his wallet - buys Dean bubblegum air fresheners for baby. - he's a communist so his favourite icecream flavour is berry - he is the one to tell you to please call him Sammy. You've never dared to call him that, you know he doesn't let anybody else call him that besides dean, your last wish is to make him uncomfortable or annoyed. Infantilizing a 6'4 man would be the most emmbarassing way to get dumped. - you would rather fall face first into the ground than actually call him that - so when it's a lazy day and you’re both laying in his bed (u were physically dragged there by the giant) you hear Sam mutter something tiredly in your neck as his koala grip on your waist gets tighter. "What was that?" You ask softly. He has to drag his head up and look at you his hazel eyes seem dark brown due to the lighting in the room and his hair is messy, strands sticking up and down, he looks adorable. "You can call me Sammy" he repeats himself clearly voice lower than usual but geniune as he rubs the back of his knuckles over his eyes. You smile fondly at him, "Ok" you reply using the same soft voice as if you replied with a voice any louder than that you would ruin his sleepy state. He nudges his head back into your neck with a satisfied sigh. You can't help but travel your hand up to his hair to run your fingers through it and kiss his temple. "Night, Sammy" you whisper. He mutters something else in your neck but you know it's 'goodnight', feeling him smile against your skin before falling asleep fast, a result of the level of trust he has in you.
- avirl lavigne enjoyer (he is a teenage girl your honor) -  you bother him with psyhological questions to scare him or something but he answers them with the same amount of melancholy for shits and giggles - he is a feminist
- really really likes sarcastic people, playing along with you, just shooting back snarky replies at eachother (he is flirting)
- likes being the very few people you trust - he also gets unconciously close to you - you both could be in a large room (inside a haunted house probably) and he would still be right behind you, glued to you like a gum to a shoe - can you imagine not paying attention and walking right into him - me personally I would break my nose, have you seen his chest? holy fuck
- that one time you mouthed off a victims relative for not giving a fuck about his missing son but he got verbally agressive quick and Sam had to swoop in and save your ass, putting himself infront of you shielding you from the vic's relative calming the situation down Imediately. - Dean unfortunately wasn't there, he was checking out some place where the vic might have been before they went missing, it was just you and Sam supporting (interrogating) the family - I am mentioning this because if Dean was in fact there things would escalate fast, you're basically his little sister.
- Dean probably loved indiana Jones as a kid ( dunno if this is canon or not I am on szn 2)
- you and sam were asking eachother questions, getting to know one another to pass the time once on some kind of stake out. - you asked him what was his favorite stuffed animal as a kid - he said he doesn't remember. (*sounds of uncontrolable sobbing coming from me n u*) - he asked you what was yours to change the subject - he would lie if he said that it didn't bother him, not remebering something normal people can easily recall from their childhoods - you replied back with your kid self fav stuffie smilling at the memory but felt bad for Sam , heart aching at his confession - "i'm sorry you don't remember Sam." you say geniunely, how can someone be robbed of such a normal thing everyone should have? You've never wanted to buy someone a stuffed animal as bad as you do now. I know I am the one talking about "infantilizing a 6'4 man" but please, I can allow to contradict myself just this once. - he asked another question to shrug it off, he usually doesn't want anybody's pity, but yours felt honest, almost like his past hurt you too and he can't help but have the perverted need to tell you all about his fucked childhood, to have you hug him, maybe he was selfish and wanted desperately to be comforted by you. - "What was your favourite book when you were 13?" He skips past the subject quickly with an oddly specific question because he is Sam
- remembers Dean to drink water, Dean does the same with Sam just not verbally. Dean leaves water bottles where Sam can see them and Sam pretends to not notice it smilling to himself everytime he opens them and takes a sip
- gets some kind of sick twisted amusement from seeing you flustered (i'm so sorry I was literally talking about childhood trauma a min ago and now Sam is flirty) - example, you theorize with Sam about the monster you're having trouble identifying he also can't hear you and you literally started muttering to yourself like a mad scientist, so to kill two birds with one stone he leans in dangerously close, looks you in the eye with a stoic expression and has the audacity to say "Hm? I'm sorry I can't hear you sweetheart." In his low drawl, LAWD HATH MERCY AHSHSBHAGA - he breaks character and smiles when he sees you get pulled out from your pondering haze - "M-might be a vengefull spirit." You repeat yourself, that little stutter and faint crimson on your cheeks shattering your whole 'badass, intimidating hunter' thingy you got going on in a matter of seconds, feeding his ego with a spoon.
- thinks it's cute when you and Dean act like siblings.
- he always knows what you need. "Sammy can you please give me my-" and you’re cut off by the sight of Sam already holding your sweater, the item of clothing looking ridiculously smaller in his hands. and if you jokingly ask him to put it on you too he just might (he is that head over heels for you) - if you ask him how did he know you wanted your sweater he would reply with something along the lines of "I saw it in my visions." sarcastic little sh- - he saw you running your hands up and down your arms before asking him - and since he is boyfriend coded, it's in his instinct to know what to do
- if he was feeling cute he would've enveloped you in a bear hug in order to warm you up.
- if you see him reading please pick up that unread book i know u have on your nightstand and read beside him. It can be your lil cute routine, can you imagine he just drags to the couch or his bed, holding 2 books one of yours and one of his because it's comfy reading time, oh you're alone doing nothing?  nah BAM QUALITY TIME BIATCH
a/n: kinda lost sleep because of these but it's fine, I also think imma post and write for fun ,still learning the ropes of writting but uh yeah, again hope you guys like these feedback would be very much appreciated! 🫶
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stars-mars13 · 2 days
One Piece Character Angst/Angst HC's
(some are a mix of my random typed out thoughts and others I've heard from ppl)
Thinking about how Law has probably slowly started to forget Cora's face, how he has so many medicinal books about the frontal lobe and memories and how to regain memories just to be able to remember Cora's face.He'll break down in tears and the other heart Pirates have to comfort him but every time they wrap their hands around him the only one he can think of is Cora and his warmth and how much he misses it. Thinking about how the main three Heart Pirates, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all remind him of Cora in some way. How some days it'll be too hard to even look at any of the Heart Pirates because every time he does he catches glimpses of Cora. How meeting the first three Heart Pirates and remembering how he met them always brings him back to remembering Cora. How he probably blocks out memories from that time and anytime they try to reference that period of time, he'll tell them in a bit of a panic that he can't remember and so they'll have to help him. They tell him over and over so he can't forget again. Thinking about how those three are probably the ones who bought Law the material and the sewing kit that he would later use to make his clothes that he incorporates Cora into.
Thinking about how the reason Law hated the female version of himself is because it just reminded him of his little sister. Sweet Lami, who if she had the chance to grow up, would probably look something like how he did. That's why he was so quick to change back, cuz he couldn't and wouldn't think of her. He couldn't think of seeing her empty eyes, her cold, empty eyes. He couldn't think of how he couldn't save her. And during Lami's last seconds all she could think of was her brother, all she could think of was going with him and getting ice cream and playing and doing all the things he promised. And actually thought of these things a smile made its way onto her face. And that's how he found her smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, always smiling. And that's why seeing Cora's dead body with that same smile made it all the more worse. He hated it. What were they smiling about? Were they really so happy to leave him? Did they feel at peace? Why couldn't he save them? Why couldn't he take their place? If he had even a sliver of a chance to do so, he would.
Thinking about how Sanji pulls that his hair when stressed, because he just has to reassure himself that he's no longer in that helmet, no longer in that cell, that cold dark desolate cell with no one but himself. How whenever it gets too quiet he has to go outside on the deck, go around the other straw hats, because if it's too quiet he's back in that cell again.
Thinking about how one of the main reasons Sanji hated being on Okama Island was the dressing up. Because when he went back to his room one those nights and saw himself, he would spiral into a panic attack because he hadn't seen HER in so long and- GOD, he really does have her eyes, and- and her nose and her mouth. And he just looks so much like her and he HATES it. He's reminded of it every time they succeed in getting him in a dress and putting makeup on him. He feels his hands shake and his breath quickens and eventually the Queens notice. At first they think it's because he just doesn't want to accept this version of himself, but they then realize that's not the case. Sanji hates it because it reminds him of his mother, the one person who showed care and loved freely, even though she would never be free. It haunts him. He hates it even more during WCI, when Reiju mentions how much he looks like her. He can see it in her eyes that whenever she looks at him, all she sees is their mother. He learns to love it eventually, to realize that looking like her means he has another piece of her with him. How it made him look more human. Even though, with the modifications coming in, he no longer felt like he was.
Thinking about how whenever Doffy's left alone he'll get that voice in the back of his head, the one he hears whatever he thinks of Rosi, the one that just yearns for his younger brother. The voice in the back of his head screaming and crying for his baby brother. The one that doesn't understand why or how he's gone. The one that doesn't understand that HE'S the reason why his precious baby brother whom he loves so much is dead.It increased ever since he went to Impel Down. It cries and screams and begs for it's little brother. But he pushes it down, he doesn't acknowledge that the reason that he can't see or have his little brother in his arms is because of himself. He doesn't comprehend that all of this is his fault. The voice screams at him that it's all his fault, that he's a monster, that he needs to burn. But he doesn't listen, why should he? His precious baby brother's dead now, after all.
Thinking about how Uta probably kept singing because she hated how quiet it was in that house. She had no one to talk to. Her father, the man she trusted with her entire being had thrown her away. She still hears his voice when she sings, complimenting her when she hits the correct notes and reassuring her when she doesn't. She lies awake at night wondering why he left her. Maybe she wasn't a good musician, that's okay, she'll just practice more and maybe he'll come back for her.
Or maybe, just maybe, she was a bad daughter. Maybe he was just tired of her. Maybe he got tired of her being bad. Maybe he didn't like her playing around and being loud. But she and Luffy played around and he never said anything bad. Then again, he always seemed to like Luffy more. She could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at Luffy. She doesn't blame him, Luffy shines brighter than the Sun. Her jealousy of him would never burn brighter than Luffy himself. That's probably it. He doesn't want her because he has Luffy. He probably didn't want her in the first place. She was just dull copper in that pile of shining gold in the treasure chest which he found her. But at least she had Ben! But then, why didn't Ben help her? Did Ben not like her either?
...Did any of them?
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percyposting · 1 day
Does anyone else think about Percy and Aberforth maybe being friends based on that brief comment by Percy in deathly hallows (saying that Aberforth was the one that wrote him?) because I do. I DO. Even if it’s a possible friendship pieced together with scraps, I think about it!
Because, and correct me if I’m wrong because it’s been a while since I read the books, Aberforth wasn’t writing or sending for anyone at all during the battle. He was even pretty disgruntled about people coming in through his Inn. And not to mention his stance on how he doesn’t think anyone should be fighting this war. And yes, I’m super aware that his perspective changes, and that kind of adds to my point: did he call upon Percy because he realized that this war should be fought and that Percy should be there to repair his relationship with his family? That not all hope was lost?
I believe this!!!!! I think he felt a connection to Percy’s story, and where he couldn’t mend his own relationships (with his family passing) he thought strongly that Percy should get the chance to. Aberforth is someone he really has given up caring about anything, but he cared enough about Percy to help him out. I also Percy think they’re similar in someways, especially when it comes to their families, and since both of their arcs revolve around family, that’s a pretty big similarity! Aberforth must have seen himself in Percy.
(Some other things, it’s really interesting that after Aberforth sent for Percy to help him come back to his family, their stories ended the same way, with a beloved younger sibling dying. For a while I thought that this was a sad detail, and that maybe Aberforth’s help didn’t avoid everything, but now I’m thinking that he still did Percy a service. Maybe, in the back of his mind, he knew that someone wouldn’t make it out, just like with Ariana, and wanted to give Percy the chance to least have some closure by repairing relationships.
And secondly, I’m always wondering how exactly Percy and Aberforth came to properly know each other/like, why exactly Aberforth thought of Percy enough to write him. Was it Aberforth remembering Percy from his school years and writing him only because the story lingered in his mind, haunting him with the similarities? Or did they somehow form a bond between the books? I’m not sure!!! I’d love to hear someone’s headcanon…)
And p.s., I’m a little intoxicated while writing this, so if somethings don’t make sense, that’s probably why…. Lol
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"It’s haunting to know that you still cry for something today that you also cried for 15 years ago."
Umm idk if this is too personal but would you break down why you gave each marauder the line that you did?
For some reason, Sirius' really stuck with. Literally I can't stop thinking about it.
If there was an award for best ask anon, I think you would win!!! I love when people ask about the intricacies of my writing because I just feel like everything that I write is so deeply personal to me!
This will be quite long as I think the best way to tackle this is to address each one with its context and then how I relate it to each marauder. So buckle in!!!
Anything underlined is referencing my other writing and will be linked!
See the original post here!
James: Two lives cannot overlap - one must be forgiven to forge the other. 
So I wrote this about the rivers of the Underworld in Greek mythology, in a wider piece of writing on coping with grief. It refers specifically to the river Lethe, the river of forgetting, where souls drink from it to forget their life before being reincarnated. I have mixed feeling about James as a character - on one hand as a young boy he's incredibly privileged to the point of almost ignorance but then is forced into a war he cannot fight and reasonably win. In a way this line can be applied to James in two ways: 1) he had to grow up to cope with the rapidly changing world he'd been basically thrown into and 2) harry could never defeat Voldemort if his parents were still alive. James and lily had to die so harry would have nothing to lose.
Sirius:  It’s haunting to know that you still cry for something today that you also cried for 15 years ago.
Okay so this was written in the same piece as above, in reference to a childhood memory. I cried for comfort but no one could come to me. No one chose to comfort me in that moment. I think we all have moments where we think 'I need my mum' or something similar but at it's core, its a plea for comfort - you want to be held, cradled, for the burden to be taken away. Sirius Black was denied affection as a child, denied love as an adult and then denied his life when he fell through The Veil. He had his friends as support but he also had to stare at James and Effie, Remus and Hope. He had moments where he needed parental love, where he felt like he would die without it. He was denied the chance to make sure Harry never experienced that, and when he did get the chance, it was ripped away almost immediately.
Remus: It is strange to cling onto remnants of someone who is no longer there.
This was written about losing someone and still having to live amongst their things. Everything is normal except the person is gone. It's describing that moment when you walk into a room and you feel their presence, like you're in the living room and it's so easy to convince yourself they're in the kitchen, but they aren't. The space they left behind is empty. I think with Remus, again it can apply in two ways: 1) himself - his whole identity is basically fed to him through the label of 'werewolf', the Order use him as a monster to tame a bigger beast. He is constantly mourning. In Hogwarts, he mourns his younger self. In the Order, he mourns the teenage, full of life, naive version of him. As an adult he mourns every version of himself - they trail behind him like a ball and chain. 2) everyone he loses - Remus outlives his best friends, and even the one he gets back, oh god he got him back but at what cost? Remus is a walking graveyard.
Peter: In every story, someone has to leave. This is not a burden taken lightly, nor is it one that can be shared.
I wrote this about Caesar and Brutus. When Caesar died, so did Brutus. As Brutus lives, so does Caesar. Today when one is mentioned, the other rarely goes unnamed. Brutus orchestrates the murder of Caesar because he fears his ambition and the ruin it will bring to Rome. Peter is both Caesar and Brutus. He fears Voldemort enough to do his bidding only because he's never had such power before. We see exactly how Peter's loyalty is manipulated - he felt more important to Voldemort then he did to his friends and so his loyalty changed accordingly.
Lily: The sunflowers turn to the light, but the sun will never recognise their presence.
Growth is difficult to justify in a non-physical sense. This was inherently about being an observer in my own life. We do things that have unremarkable impacts until one day the fallout of our actions are so grand we cannot outrun them. In terms of Lily, I do think in hindsight this may be more relevant to her characterisation moreso than her character. She is often represented as just a vessel to carry Harry and is overlooked as a complex character and a key member of the Order. James forgot his wand on the sofa - she protected Harry. She was an incredibly smart witch - she was, is, more than just her offspring. Treat her accordingly.
Regulus: One day we all realise that the first thing we lose is ourselves.
My earliest memory is a hospital visit and a funeral. We do not realise that the process of growth is intertwined with the ritual of loss. You are allowed to mourn the person you used to be. Death isn’t exclusive to those burned or bombed or buried. Regulus loses his brother then he loses himself. He has a role to play as the prodigal son. He is actively cutting himself open and stitching himself back up to fit seamlessly into the mould his parents have created for him. He watched Sirius fail, so he couldn't. Maybe he did believe in blood supremacy at first or maybe the whole thing was a ploy to try and grasp at the power and autonomy he'd grievously been denied his entire life. Regulus knew himself so well he'd buried the body undetectably.
Pandora: Nobody talks of death lightly. Nobody talks of what it tends to leave behind.
We obsess over death - how to prevent it, how to cope with it, how to be clinical about it. Yes a person dies and we are left with the aftermath - clothes, shoes, pictures, their tea in the cupboard, hair still in the brush. But obviously, a person dies. People are complexes - the most inherent part of death to me is how a person can just end. With Pandora, this sits within the realm of the HC that she is a seer. She must standby and watch the people she loves die twice - once in her head and once in real life. She must watch over her friends and loved ones and grieve them as she lives alongside them. To her, a heart is just a stopwatch.
Evan: He carried on with his journey but made time to be part of mine.
I met an old man who told me that at the end of the day, you do wish you could it all over again. That we are often ungrateful until we lose the thing, then all we want is to get it back. Evan Rosier cherished everything; his sister, his friends, his childhood. But this made him so weary of loss. He was possessive and sometimes cruel. He would do anything to keep what was important to him, even join a blood supremacy cult to keep his best friends and sister safe. When you die, they say you get seven minutes to rewatch the happiest moments. When Evan Rosier dies, he sees Barty and Reg and Pandora.
Barty: You can love something that does not exist anymore. Something that has never existed cannot be loved.
This one is slightly harder to explain. I believe it to be human nature to chase the things that we have only had a taste of. You cannot want something you do not know. Though I do wonder if this is more an act of conditioning than something inherently of nature. To cognise something is to give it a reality, whether this be a thought, an idea or a notion.  Barty Crouch Jr was a waste of potential. 12 OWLs. 4 languages. He could've been whatever he wanted. You can assume he was unsuccessful in fulfilling his potential - unless he wanted to be dead. And who can blame him with a father like that. Barty had to fabricate everything - would lick up his father's approval like a dog until the day he realised none of it actually mattered.
Dorcas: All prior things are made of shards, of tatters. All prior things look different in the daylight.
Past lives are just that. Past, nonexistent. Windows are walls. Shields are not always protective. Dorcas Meadows was hunted and slaughtered by Voldemort himself. She, obviously, was a threat. A smart, cunning, powerful witch who made the Dark Lord himself worry just how successful he'd be if she remained alive. But none of this mattered from the second she hit the floor, heart slowing down, eyes closing. She was not the priest's favorite sacrificial lamb. She wasn't even a sacrifice.
Marlene: One day I will sit in an urn, and I too will be smaller than the day I arrived.
I wrote this about not rushing through life. It was about savoring moments and people and the ephemeral. Marlene was the casanova - wanted by all but touched by few. Her bloodline dies when she dies next to her brother. Filled with potential and life, even the brightest stars will fade away. Sacrifice is often forgotten, drawn over, especially if it isn't grand. Not quite the brightest witch of her generation, nor pretty enough to get the one person she truly wanted.
Mary: I wonder if forgetting is betrayal or if it’s a favour, a privilege of rest.
I was wondering whether remembering people disturbed the process of dying. We don't know of an afterlife or what happens after you die. Does reminiscing drag a soul away from rest? I hold the HC that Mary obliviated herself near and dear. In this way, it's just another person coping with loss. I think because it's so deeply personal, it's very difficult to express in words.
Andromeda: We learn that just because one person escapes the inevitable, the other does not.
I wrote this about Orpheus and Eurydice. It's a story I adore and it's also often misunderstood. This is why it’s a tragedy, and why love often is a tragedy - loss is inevitable. In the case of Orpheus and Eurydice, he loved her enough to try and save her. He loved her so much that he couldn’t. Andromeda is the survivor - survives her upbringing, survives a war, outlives her family. She takes in Teddy even though he's a glaring reminder of her daughter and every moment of a past she tried to outrun.
Narcissa: Love is always a choice, even when we make the wrong one.
Again, this is from me writing about Orpheus and Eurydice. Their story was never about retrieval or righting a wrong. Even if Eurydice had been returned, she was a ghost. This was always a story about saying goodbye. Oh I could lament about Narcissa for days. She is her own greatest tragedy. She was the model child out of her sisters. She lived the ideal trajectory and suffered for it. Obedience and cunning were bred into her. She couldn't save her husband, her house, her sisters or her son. Narcissa lived her life always saying goodbye, wishing she could instead say 'stay'.
Bellatrix: Sometimes, it feels like I have been exiled from my life and no one has thought to tell me.
This was written about nostalgia, and living like a stranger in your own life. It's about the means and ways and things we do to gain some semblance of control back into our lives. Bellatrix has always been a very interesting character to me. She upholds her pure blood upbringing, marries a pure blood and yet she strives for more. She becomes a deatheater and makes herself so valuable to Voldemort, she becomes an intrinsic part of his inner circle. She outshines her husband and sisters - she is the patriarch.
Anon. I hope this answers your question! If you'd like further details on any of these please send me another ask or DM! I'd love to hear your thoughts instead of scribing mine!
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not-poignant · 10 months
10, 12, 16!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yes. A piece of writing has haunted me. Usually non-fiction books about the state of the environment re: climate change, they often stay with me for a long time.
Some fiction books infect me like a virus for a while, and I become really obsessed with them. They're not always the stories I write fanfiction for. I don't know if that's the same as being 'haunted' by something. To be haunted by something implies something that causes mental anguish or torment.
OH. Yes, actually, there was one m/m series that got published that was so much gratuitous torture porn and I kept hanging out for the comfort part of the increasingly insane levels of hurt, because hurt/comfort was one of its tags. It had like 20 installments (it's a published series) and it had no comfort, and a thrown together hasty ending that felt like slapping a bandaid on a person that had been exploded into pieces.
The process of reading that and getting NO good ending really, causes me some anguish to think about to this day. In that sense, I would say yes, I'm haunted by it. I'm not going to name the series if anyone asks, it was such a clear case of 'I'm being triggered and should have pulled out much earlier.' Though I am really mad that anyone dared to call that a hurt/comfort story lmao.
My own writing doesn't haunt me, thank god.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Hmmm, three writing wishes. Hmmmmmm.
I wish for my writing to find more of the readers who will love it and enjoy it, and that some of those readers will continue to have the kind of income that allows them to support a writer once a month via Patreon, so that I can hopefully keep symbiotically giving them the kind of writing they want
2. I wish I could do editing just by blinking at a story.
3. I wish I had the energy / ability to help other people publish their own stories for niche audiences in ways that they enjoy. One of the things I actually find kind of frustrating is that this job forces me to live on the absolute edges of my energy levels and that I've always wanted to be able to help others out with writing and I'm very limited in how I could do that. If I wasn't, I would've 100% published like a Fae Tales short story anthology by now, and art books, with royalties going to the authors and artists, for example. And like, when I die - which will come probably sooner than I want it to with all my illnesses - this is something I'd really like for other folks to be able to do. Is that weird? I wish that would be easy, I wish I could somehow use that as a launchpad into helping more authors beyond the ways I do it now (which is mostly just writing advice sometimes).
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Probably a used tissue. x.x
From the Weird Writing Asks meme!
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flickerintwilights · 3 months
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on the road to hell
#hadestown#art#my art#tag ramble as promised:#firstly#i’ve been thinking about redoing this as digital art#(like - mostly the same but cleaner and with some of the details fixed) and probably will if i have time#because i like this composition a lot#but! for now i am oddly happy with how this turned out despite being traditional art/watercolor (no undo button. sobs.)#and it Is a noteworthy day for hadestown with lola tung and lillias white departing#(this is Not meant to celebrate them specifically - i used the obc as reference not them - i just think it’s a nice day symbolically)#so i thought i’d put this out. whatever. yknow.#oh a second thing i will say is that this was a great excuse to check out the slime tutorials on youtube#i spent like 9 or something hours on this :/ so. plenty of time to have things on in the background while i was working. we love slime#thirdly! two things i feel like are worth mentioning rq for Symbolism:#wait for me reprise (intro) originally having wedding procession imagery (from anaïs mitchell in working on a song)#is what first made me desperately want to put the flower/petals on the edges (it still fucking haunts me)#though it was a solid composition choice in general i think#and i mean. clearly the carnation should be prominent. it’s the carnation. from hadestown.#i don’t think the wedding procession reference comes across the way it turned out but that was the first thought#NEXT ouroboros. the snake devouring its own tail (i legitimately forgot that this was why i first drew the rattlesnake that way but#fundamentally i really did just want its tail and head to point to each other lmao)
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jichanxo · 5 months
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i can't do this again.
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no longer putting captions on these kinds of posts. i get it 100%. you figure it out.
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dykeinthedark · 2 months
venting in tags about gender n shit (long as hell) (u can comment and talk 2 me as always :3)
#okay so i got a really masc haircut about a month ago and i know it's just a haircut but holy shit has it changed EVERYTHING for me#like.... i've always leaned masc except 1) before i came out 2) when i was actively in love with someone who i knew liked femmes#and they always described me as a fem. because that's what i showed her. because i wanted to be with her.#but lowkey whenever i'm in a not-impressing-anyone raw-dogging-life-no-crush era i always resort to a very masc style#like masc being my default and i'd only lean fem to impress people whether it's for love or peer pressure in a specific setting#like ''dressing up'' has always been a form of drag to me. like something i HAD to do to fit in or impress my parents (scott favor core)#but ever since this haircut i've realized... i could just BE masc innately like i really don't have to be womanly if i don't want to#which i usually don't. again i have only ever dressed fem for other people. but it's not even being masc that attracts me on its own#it's like. being masc in a distinctly lesbian way. as in whenever i look in the mirror i don't wanna be like a Guy i wanna be a dyke.#like lesbian as a gender identity too sort of thing honestly. okay i've been waffling but basically i sort of want to call myself butch#but i don't know if i like... can?? if i'm allowed to???#everyone always says it's MORE than just wearing boy clothes and not wearing makeup and having short hair (which i already do all those)#i mean i've always id'd as genderqueer because it literally just means gender weird and i experience gender in a queer way#what's probably the most telling is that my friends (all queer) CALL me a butch lesbian#like every time they do i feel really internally validated. it's not just my clothes but my personality too ig is what people tell me#i have a higher pitched voice relatively speaking but apparently the way i talk is quote ''very clockably into women''#which?? gender euphoria asf. my best friend specifically he (gay trans guy) always uses butch to describe me very intuitively#people have also noticed that i ''transitioned'' in all aspects except hormonally. like ppl have commented and noticed my masculinzation#but at the same time i always feel rly haunted by my ex relationships because one wanted me to be more masc#(she's the one who came out as straight and would treat me like a man) which i didn't like and i didn't like playing up being fem either#bc now it feels like she (butch) won't believe me if i called myself butch too bc she remembers me being femme#idk i feel like there's her voice in my head all the time that sees everything i do through her eyes (i'm lowkey still in love)#i feel like even though this comes so naturally to me i must be putting on a performance#even though i've actually read stone butch blues and done research into the history and i truly love and id with the culture like i rly do#that im still just a sad imitation of a butch lesbian and can never really be a part of it because i used to enjoy dressing up sometimes#like it's so stupid but can i still be butch if i wore a dress to prom and i think i looked good in it??#even though i was envious of my friends who wore suits?? that i used to try goth makeup?? that i liked long dresses??#that i enjoyed stacked necklaces and rings on every finger???#and tbh ALL OF THAT CAME FROM A CONCIOUS EFFORT TO FEMINIZE MYSELF IN JUNIOR YEAR OF HIGHSCHOOL WHEN I WAS 16#because omfg it was 2 months before junior prom and i was worried that i was too masc and wanted to get comfortable with being fem
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alstroemerian-dragon · 2 months
chiaki is such a good and interesting character. wish she was in a better game
#personal#do you ever wish danganronpa was better gkdjfjskkfks#literally the only interesting thing that the anime ever did. To Me. was make chiaki a real person#because if you just take the game on its own its basically. she was just a computer program. you cared about a person who wasnt real.#hajime fell in love with a computer isnt that fucked up#but. with the added context of her being a Real Person who Existed. and the reason the program looks like her is that deep down#they all just Wanted Her Back. like that fuckin HURTS DUDE#her death was the last straw it was the final thing. that grief is what drove them all into despair in the end#fuck the brainwashing bullshit. losing chiaki broke them.#like so few of them had anyone in their lives that just. unconditionally cared. without any strings.#but she Did. she loved them all so much. she wanted them all to be so happy. for themselves#and then junko drove them all into their own heads. and then she took chiaki away from them.#no wonder they didnt give a shit about anyone else’s lives. if this is a world that can take something as unconditionally caring and bright#as chiaki nanami and Break Her and Tear Her Apart and Throw Her Away. it doesnt deserve kindness. fuck humanity.#its definitely something they all have to reckon with for a Long time going forward#like. junko haunts the halls of the island’s facilities. but so does chiaki.#not nearly in the same way but shes there all the same#theres definitely a time early on when they finally feel up to talking about her and the other four are discussing who she was before#the Real chiaki yknow#and hajime has to be like. No I Know She Was Different. I Knew Her Too.#and just him having to tell the others that chiaki was basically his only friend when he was in the reserve course#they really have to mourn her twice. fuck dude
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ilostyou · 1 year
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taylor x 5sos parallels - part 8/?
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pyrriax · 4 months
pyrr pyrriax is significantly less productive when it spends several hours just bouncing between vcs in pursuit of human interaction
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