#but then we ending the damn gala
britcision · 2 years
Aw, I’ll be nice this week I think, assuage your fears
Just a little early taste of the next chapter
Tag list: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @eonic @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin
Well, Brucie Wayne hadn’t died. Gotham escaped annihilation by a sliver. There might still be something of worth left in this dump.
Vlad wandered amongst the guests as they returned to the main hall, wondering idly where those bloody Wayne “children” had all gone.
For all that people were sooo protective of them, no one seemed to care where they were during the actual danger. Typical.
Not that he minded. Vlad would be quite happy not to run into any of them again for quite some time. He had fences to mend first, and no desire to provide more fuel to the fire.
There was some form of commotion off to one side of the hall, yet more yelling, and Vlad let himself drift over. Honestly, the voices were almost familiar…
Although some of the more choice words weren’t. Vlad assumed they were vile exhortations of some sort, especially from the gasps of those around him.
It was actually rather impressive. He thought he had a rather extensive vocabulary of curses, but someone was putting him to shame.
At least his little moving bubble of space was usual as he made his way through the crowds. People who got too close soon realised who he was and pushed their way into the crowds to avoid him.
No jostling for Vladdie today. Maybe it wasn’t the very worst after all.
He was honestly a little surprised to find Samantha and Pamela Manson in full duet. As much as Samantha always wanted to scream herself hoarse at these events, usually she kept a lid on it.
It took a moment for the words to sink in, to realise that Daniel and young Jason were at the center of even this little ball of ire. His jaw dropped.
“I CANNOT believe you?! Why is it ALWAYS like this, EVERY TIME?! I was DEFENDING YOU and you can’t keep your legs shut for a minute at a time!” Samantha bellowed, fists clenched and a glint of tears in her eye.
“You utter HARLOT! Shameless STRUMPET, leading that INNOCENT BOY astray! DISGRACING my poor baby girl, you are WORSE THAN YOUR PARENTS Daniel Fenton!”
Pamela was actually crying, being held by her husband to prevent her from either running to Sam or full on attacking Daniel.
Vlad was going to put his money on attacking. The Manson women had a worrying streak of rage. Although…
Brows furrowing he tuned out the noise for a moment (Pamela had clearly been reading a lot of period romances) and focused on the thread of emotion he’d picked up.
Samantha was… delighted. Vlad might have suspected it was just at the chance to finally scream at a gala, but there were no darker feelings anywhere.
She was having a wonderful time. And Daniel and Jason, for all that they looked contrite, for all that Daniel’s head was slumped, were equally delighted.
Something was going on here, something all three young people had orchestrated. From the content of the yelling and the state of undress…
Vlad’s eyes widened. Daniel was wearing Jason’s tie. Jason’s shirt was missing three buttons.
Well that would certainly put both young men in an excellent mood, but at a gala?!
He was quite sure his cheeks must have blanched at just the thought. He’d noticed they were fond of each other, but so soon?
Perhaps Jason would have to be a son-in-law rather than an actual son. He simply wouldn’t accept the other way round, no matter how much Daniel might resist.
Daniel was perfect… if apparently a little easy. Not disloyal though, which was something of a relief. He’d never have considered Daniel capable, since he was loyal to his friends long past the point of fault.
Even now, he was perfectly happy to be harangued by both Samantha and her mother to allow Sam to make some sort of point.
He was distantly aware of the crowd parting again, but didn’t turn to acknowledge the arrival of… Brucie. He looked a little the worse for wear, likely from the thermos more than the actual rogues.
A thin smear of blood at his hairline betrayed where the thermos had struck, and the faint shadow of an oncoming bruise. He should probably be having someone scan his head, but since it usually appeared to be empty that was probably of little concern.
Well, he wasn’t likely to pay Vlad any mind.
Not with this little display.
Bruce had barely had time to pull Damian aside in the hopes of a debrief before shrieks and yelling once more filled the dining hall.
It couldn’t be Harvey after all, could it? As annoyed as Robin clearly was by the distraction, Bruce had no choice. He headed to the center of the yelling.
No matter how much it made his throbbing head pulse.
It definitely wasn’t Harvey at least. While Two Face probably knew all of the words being yelled, he would never say more than half of them. Not even at his worst.
The thought almost dragged a smile out of him, but a particularly loud curse rang off the marble and set up echoes in his skull. At least one of the voices was almost familiar.
The crowd parted without him having to jostle through it, and he’d never been more grateful to Gotham’s high society. Didn’t quite think about why they might want to help him get to the center of the action.
Damian - no, still Robin until he changed, had disappeared into the crowd at some point, but Bruce forged on anyway. He’d probably gone back to help Red Robin watch over Croc.
For now, he just had to focus on whatever else had gone wrong this evening, finally stepping through into an almost clear patch of floor and what must have been the commotion.
And arrived just in time to see Sam Manson turning from berating Danny and Jason, to point an accusing finger at her mother. Pamela actually shut up in surprise.
“And YOU! This is ALL your fault! If you had just let me be with Valerie this NEVER would have happened! She would NEVER do this to me! I’m NEVER dating another man again!”
Pamela looked like she might faint, her face pale as her daughter’s words sank in.
It didn’t take Gotham’s best detective to work out what must have happened. A quick glance at Danny and Jason showed them both… far more dishevelled than simply making out in the closet would allow.
Bruce’s eyes narrowed, clocking the missing buttons, ruffled hair, Jason’s still partially open pants, and his stomach sank.
At a gala. Even in the height of his playboy days, Brucie had never gotten caught at a gala. He had a sudden sympathy for Alfred and resolved to give the man his most sincere apologies.
If Bruce’s heyday was anything like this for the old man, he owed him far more than that. Maybe a fruit basket. A nice new shotgun.
He stepped forward quickly, taking advantage as Sam drew in a breath to try and inject some calm.
“I’m terribly sorry, but what has happened here?”
All eyes turned immediately to him and he spread his hands, gesturing for peace. Pamela rallied at once, pulling free of her husband and shooting Danny an utterly poisonous look.
“Oh I am so sorry Brucie, this is entirely my fault! We should never have brought that awful Fenton boy, he’s been CORRUPTING your poor Jason, taking advantage of him, he’s a dreadful influence!” She fluttered, clearly unsure where to direct her attention.
Behind her mother, Sam snorted loudly.
“It was Jason’s dick in Danny’s ass, MOM, I’m pretty sure he was involved!”
And that seemed to fluster both boys more than any of the previous yelling, Danny’s cheeks burning as he clapped both hands over his mouth. Jason was doing his best not to laugh.
Bruce gave him a Look, because they Would be discussing this later, and wasn’t in the least surprised when Jason just rolled his eyes. Still, there had to be limits.
Danny clearly had a far greater hold over Jason than he’d feared. It was an effort to force himself to remember Danny’s youth.
Bruce had been that age not all that long ago. And, as he’d just realised, probably a lot worse in certain specific ways. Perhaps they were just indiscrete. It didn’t all have to be a devious plot.
He gave Pam his very best soothing smile, taking her hand gently.
“It has been a very dramatic evening already, I’m sure the boys were just over excited. They will go and wash up and then Jason and I will have a quiet. Word.” He layered the last two words with intent.
Honestly, this was perfect. An excuse to get Jason alone, get a report direct from the source. Jason wouldn’t tell the truth, but Bruce knew him well enough to know what the lies he told concealed.
Sam Manson seemed equally derisive of the idea as Jason himself, shooting Bruce a vicious glare that looked eerily like her mother’s.
He almost took a step back. But she didn’t have that thermos anymore.
“Of course Famous Playboy Brucie doesn’t think fucking around with someone else’s partner is a big deal! Where do you think Jason learned it?” She snarked, sending an icy dagger straight into Bruce’s heart.
Had he done that? No, it was just his aching head. And the building wave of exhaustion. Jason knew as well as the others that the playboy thing was a front.
Had Jason ever had good relationship role models though? His parents certainly weren’t, and Bruce himself had definitely never been much of one.
If the closest thing he had was Talia, perhaps that explained why he’d fallen so easily under Danny’s sway…
His mind was wandering. Perhaps he should have one of his boys check him for a concussion.
As if summoned by his thoughts, suddenly Nightwing and Signal were there, pushing through the crowd. Thank all that was good that this was about to be not his problem for a while.
“Alright everyone, calm down, the cops are already on their way, let’s not also give them a murder,” Nightwing declared far too gleefully. It set off… something, but Bruce couldn’t quite put his finger on what.
Maybe taking the chance to head home early was a good idea after all. It wasn’t as though Jason would be courting donors for his own projects today.
No, Jason was courting much worse things, a dark little part of Bruce grumbled, and he fought to squash it down.
Jason was an adult, and whatever choices he made with other consenting adults, no matter how bad said choices were, were his own.
Since when were any of his baby boys old enough to be caught fooling around in closets?
Maybe he also needed to go and sit down.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 month
I’m begging for more possessive hanni x fem reader please !! Maybe she gets a lot of attention and he isn’t use to it ?
Preying eyes
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You stood in the mirror doing your hair as your husband walked in and ran his finger down the curves of your back.
"You look so beautiful." He whispered into your ear before kissing your shoulder.
"Thank you, my love. You don't look too bad yourself." You replied making him chuckle, it was deep and always made you weak at the knees.
"How am I going to go a whole night watching people undress you with their eyes?" He muttered, his hand gripping your hip.
"Well, it should make you feel good that you're the only one who gets to touch me at the end of the night." You replied, turning around to kiss him softly.
He growled softly and looked into your eyes, you knew that look better than even he did.
"We have to wait until we get home, it took a damn long time to look like this." You said as he sighed and rested his head against your chest making you chuckle.
You ran your hand through his hair.
"Let's just stay home, we don't need to go to this dreadful party." He said, pouting a little as you laugh again and pulled him away from your chest.
"We can spend all day tomorrow together, okay?" You said causing him to sigh and nod.
Your hand was intertwined with Hannibal's as you made your way through the fancy gala event.
You would feel Hannibal's hand twitch every time he noticed someone even glancing at you.
Hannibal was always the most put together man you'd ever met, but he had a habit of unravelling when he became possessive.
"Take it easy, love. They're just looking at us, that's it." You reassured him as he let out a small sigh.
"I apoligise, my dear. You just look so ravishing in that dress and I find it hard to control myself." He said making you chuckle softly.
"Just behave yourself tonight and when we get home we can drink expensive wine and so extremely depraved things to each other." You said as his eyes darkened, basically staring into your very soul.
"Hmm, I will hold you to that promise you little harlot." He growled into your ear making you giggle softly.
"It's a deal."
You made conversation with people throughout the night, but Hannibal was on his last nerve when someone made a joke about stealing you away.
He had practically shoved you into a supply closet, locking it behind him before wrapping his hand around your throat.
"I cannot do it, my dear. Those eyes taking your dress of right in front of me." He growled as you looked up into his eyes.
You couldn't exactly control yourself when he got that look in his eyes.
He leaned in and breathed in your scent, his hand squeezing a little tighter.
"Say it, I need to hear it. Say it." He growled, almost cutting off your air supply.
"I belong to you." You whispered before he kissed you passionately, his hand loosening to let you breath again as he swallow your gasps for air.
"Good girl, my dear. I trained you well." He said with a wicked smile as you looked at him breathlessly.
"Are we really going to have sex in a supply closet?" You asked making him chuckle softly as he rested his hand against your chest again.
"You had to make me well aware of that, didn't you? I am not one to...make love to my wife in a dirty closet." He said making you laugh and kiss him softly.
"Fuck this party... Home time?" You asked as he kissed you again.
"There's my good girl."
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maxverstappendefender · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if u can make an imagine with max verstappen where the reader is an athlete also (tennis player please 😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😭🥹🥹) and she is also from Netherlands
her and max were like in the same school or neighbors or even Victoria’s friend and her and max used to be dating since they were young teenagers but they broke up because of their careers (more like she broke up with him lol🤭) and they meet again at a gala or a wedding when they are at the top of their game her being world no.1 and many grand slams winner and him being world champion and then they have a confrontation with a lot of angst and yelling and max being heartbroken 💔💔🤌🏻🤌🏻
other part to this request: "Also about the max and athlete reader like if u can make it inspired by “call out my name” by The Weeknd 🥲"
a/n: this is such a good idea, i love some good angst. i made it a smau and also written parts (more towards the hend). i don't know much about tennis but i tried. the google translate dutch is probably bad but that's fine. hopefully i did your idea justice <3
warnings: profanity (?), alcohol
my masterlist !
The Dutch Athletes
yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 933,481 others
yourusername and that's a wrap on the lovely game of tennis, back to training for next season :)
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liked by yourusername
landonorris you're serving! (do you get it? im so funny)
-> yourusername ty lan (the tennis jokes are never funny)
-> landonorris not even a pity laugh.
user i see a certain someone hiding in the likes
-> user 🤺🤺🤺 be gone sir
victoriaverstappen cannot wait to see you next week!
-> yourusername i miss my favourite dutch person
-> user max is punching the wall rn
user wait, im new. why is everyone hating on max verstappen here?
-> user y/n dated him a while back but they ended it in 2021 for reasons no one knows. lots of speculation but they never confirmed or denied anything. he still has loads of pictures of them on his insta but she deleted hers, probs wasn't a mutual breakup in that case. she's still good friends with lando, charles, and max's sister!
-> user he probably cheated or something
-> user they both seem happy so we shouldn't make assumptions :)
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liked by f1fan1, vstppn, y/nflowers, and 14,912 others
y/nmaxupdates still no new content of our favs together so we are doing a little throwback thursday to one of y/n's posts from 2015 (she has removed the post).
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yourusername posted a story!
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yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 791,492 others
yourusername vegas baby! vv thankful lando is okay. congrats on the podium charlie!
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charles_leclerc You say congrats but you wear a McLaren hat
-> yourusername only because lando invited me, not you!
user max being cropped out has me CACKLING
user we were so so close to some y/nmax snippet by her posting him but she fucking cropped him out
landonorris i'm so mad i crashed, my helmet was so sick for this race. do you think i can wear it to the clubs tonight?
-> yourusername lando istg if you wear your damn helmet anywhere tonight. you are supposed to be staying at the hotel with me anyways?
-> landonorris i don't see a doctor that will stop me from leaving. but my helmet looked sick right?
-> yourusername eh
landonorris we literally spent like 3 days together before the race and you still chose that ugly picture
danielricciardo VEGAS BABYYY. tonight we party.
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yourusername posted on instagram!
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liked by landonorris, maxverstapen1, and 701,831 others
yourusername 'VEGAS BABYYY. tonight we party.' ~daniel ricciardo (and don't worry, i didn't let lando leave the hotel looking like that)
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it had been a wonderful night so far. lando couldn't drink due to the drugs the doctors gave him so you didn't drink either out of solidarity. lando had gone off to do lando things, probably finding a way to the dj booth or socializing with whoever he can. you were just sat at this couch in the vip area. you were talking to charles for a while before he went off to do celebratory shots. you were so tired from the timezone difference, vegas compared to the netherlands was messing with your system. you had your head leaned back against the couch, your eyes were just looking at some of the drivers having a lot of fun and celebrating in one of the best party cities in the world.
you felt someone sit down next to you on the couch. you didn't know who it was at first but you quickly smelt the cologne and knew. max. you two hadn't really spoken since 2021, when you ended it. it wasn't the prettiest of breakups but we were both stupid kids and in love back then. you both should've known it wouldn't work out. you tried, though. you tried with every single thing you had in you but at the end of the day, fate would always be stronger.
"hey, y/n. haven't seen you in awhile," max finally said, breaking the silence. he sort of had seen you though, on instagram. had he missed you? every fucking day. you broke up with him though, and you seemed happier. if you were happy, he would accept that.
"sure," was all you said. that was your telltale sign that you did not want to talk. but let's be honest, max verstappen not having a conversation when he wants to sounded impossible. he wanted to fix things, he wanted to fix it all. why wouldn't you let him? "any chance we can talk?" he asked you. he wouldn't really take no for an answer. he would just talk to you while you listened, but even that would be stretching it.
you stood up from the couch, careful to not look at him. if you looked at him, you would be a goner and would do just about anything he asked you to. you were a strong person except when it came to max. "see you around," you muttered to him before leaving the vip area. you would infact not be seeing him around, not if you can avoid it. maybe not drinking was a bad idea. you had spotted lando who was busy chatting away to someone. "fuck," you whispered under your breath, realizing that the person who you had to make sure got home safely was still having a good night. you wouldn't want to cut his night short, especially when his night started bad with the race.
you felt some hands wrap around your waist and before you could protest, these hands were pushing you out this door to the club's back alley. you knew those hands though. you knew them all too well. "max, what the hell?!" you shouted at him as you felt the cool night air hit your face. it felt better than how being inside that club felt.
he knew this was probably too far. but when has 'too far' ever stopped him. he was so done with this all. 2 years of not having more than 10 words shared between you two. you two used to talk every single day, where did it all go wrong? he knew this one was his fault. he was the one who had lost you, all for racing. he gave up you for racing. he was a royal idiot for that. "i am so done with you not even talking to me!" he shouted to you. he was thanking god that you two were in an alley and not somewhere public for this.
"i don't want to talk to you," you said to him. not many people held their ground against max, but you always did. you never wanted to talk to him again, not since your breakup. you were happy and had a great life, you didn't need the mess that was max verstappen. "you never do!" he said back. that was true and you both knew it.
"you're right! i never do! because you fucked up," you shouted to him, putting your finger straight to his chest. the breakup was infact not mutual like the media made it seem. you two broke up because you were trying to support him in racing while still building a life in tennis for yourself. you could see the stress eating away at max that year and he still wouldn't let you help. even if it was help from afar. you tried to be there. he didn't even try to be there for you and your goals either.
"i know i did. believe me, i know i fucked it up," he said to you. there had been quite a few sleepless nights where his brain just wouldn't turn off. he had only been thinking about you. tonight was just his breaking point. he was done acting like he hadn't been thinking about you.
there was a moment of silence as we just looked at eachother. we had grown up a lot since we last got close like this. "so then why? just why?" you pleaded to him to just give him a real answer. 2021 had been a hard year for him and you knew that. but you were his girlfriend. you were meant to be there and help him but he wouldn't let you. he pushed you away at any chance he got. then you were alone. it was an endless cycle of you trying to help max with his stress, him pushing you away, and then you also getting lost to your own stress.
he put his hands on either side of your face. he knew he couldn't give you the answer he had given you when you asked this question 2 years ago. he couldn't say "just a tough year" because although that was a part of it, it wasn't the entire truth. and you deserved the truth. "i pushed you away before you could push me away," he said to you as he looked into your eyes. he felt like an idiot for saying that but it was the whole truth.
you gave him a slightly confused look. that had been a different answer than what you got 2 years ago. how could he even think you would push him away? you loved him so much and you had for years. you would have clung to him, even in death. "if i wouldn't have won in 2021, there was that thought that you would be gone," he admitted.
"i wouldn't have left. i wouldn't have ever done that," you quickly said. you had to say that really quickly before he spoke again. clearly your words took him aback a little. he really felt stupid for ever thinking that you would leave, let alone leave simply because he won a championship. mentally, you said 'fuck it', and just kissed him. you pulled away for a second to whisper, "je bent een idioot, max verstappen (you are an idiot, max verstappen)". then you kissed him again.
he smiled in the kiss, his hands in your hair and yours in his. your words were true, he was an idiot. he would probably have to kiss you a million times to make up for him pushing you away. and that was a price he was willing to pay. he felt you pull away and as desperately as he wanted to pull you back into him, he knew you had some more words to say.
you pulled away. "but you left. you left when it got hard and i will never put myself in that position ever again," you said to him. your lips stung with how much desire you had for max. but you had to make smart decisions, you could not get hurt again. and deep down, you knew he would leave if it got hard again. him leaving again would hurt too much. you had a good life now, he had a good life now.
he felt his heart shatter at your words. but he knew you were right that he had left when it got hard. he had taken the coward's way out. he wanted you to be happy and you seemed so happy with your life now. he couldn't take that from you. he nodded his pain away and spoke softly to you, "i hope you have nothing but happiness in life". then he walked away. he walked away but this time for your sake. he knew you wouldn't walk away from him so he walked away from you. he really did hope you had nothing but happiness in life. he could hear all about your happiness from the bits that victoria shared with him.
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liked by y/nlover, heartsfory/n, mvfan, and 19,254 others
y/nmaxupdates NEW CONTENT!! I REPEAT NEW CONTENT OF MAX AND Y/N!! that kiss?? oh we are SO back.
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violenteconomics · 3 months
Twst but the first-year gang become actual licensed professionals cause Crowley will donate to the Vacation Fund if they do?
anything 4 u, baby.
actual licensed professionals in what, though, is the question? 🤔
maybe the nurse quits because of their extremely low wages, so crowley convinces the first-years to go to freaking medical school to get licenses to practice medicine (because he is NOT going to be sued if things go poorly), and all of them start working in the infirmary part-time for 100 thaumarks a day.
sebek is already the son of a dentist, and he's surprisingly really intense about it (IT'S MY FATHER'S LEGACY, AND I WILL CARRY IT WITH HONOR) so you have him filling in cavities and stabbing people and saying that the knife going through their arm wouldn't have hurt if they had just flossed, obviously. given all his swords training, he's also in charge of applying ointment to cuts and making casts for broken bones. he's also great
being a pomefiore student, and combined with his newly-secured medical license, epel can mix up an extremely potent healing potion. being an apple farmer from harveston, he can also expertly mix epels into the concoction so that it tastes a little less like dirt. students start going to epel instead of crewel for their health potions because his don't make them feel like throwing up, lol. he also gains a reputation for cursing out people who keep showing up with the same injuries every damn day. ("WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT BUCKED IN THE FACT BY A HORSE AGAIN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU--")
ace is very good at noticing little details in people (always thinking about his fairy gala vignette fr), and can almost diagnose someone the moment they step through the infirmary door. the rumors of his genius ability spreads through the school like wildfire, and next thing you know, he's putting actual sage's island hospitals out of business because now people are going to him instead of actual adult doctors, and ace just. doesn't notice?? like he genuinely thinks full-grown adults coming to him for his expert opinion is just a part of his job description as a high school nurse.
while deuce has a license, he's still not very good at being a medical professional. first day on the job, he knocks over all of epel's potions, catches the infirmary on fire, and gives their anemic patient the flu... somehow. luckily, as we all know, deuce has the charisma of a million gods, so he's in charge of calming people down in the waiting room that he also helped to decorate. the harsh blue on yellow walls are a little much, but eh. deuce is cute, so he makes up for it. some people come in for check-ups just to talk to him, because the rizz never ends.
ortho is like. all the hospital machines in one tiny robot body. he is your x-ray, your weight scale, your height scale, and your radio if your laid in bed and bored... if you don't mind listening to hetalia character songs, lol. he'll switch to something different if you want, but you can't actually tell him what to play, because he's not being paid to play music for you so he doesn't feel the need to heed your request. you are literally at his mercy when it comes to music, so you better get used to listening to oshi no ko's opening theme on loop while you're laid up in bed for the next five hours.
jack does the actual physical stuff -- checking reflexes, writing up prescriptions, using ortho to take x-rays, that sort of thing. people are a little intimidated by him, especially the kids, but all it takes is letting them pet him between the ears for them to calm down. importantly, he is literally the only one of the freshmen to realize that they're doing a lot more work than they probably should be for seven people in a school full of people who'd rather relocate their dislocated limbs themselves than admit they need help. not that he says anything about it because, well, they need the vacation money.
yuu is their ever-exhausted secretary. they're in charge of scheduling appointments, receiving calls, managing their budget, and growing herbs in the botanical gardens, because ingredients for healing potions don't grow on trees... they grow in bushes. they're so overworked, it barely ever occurs to them that maybe some of the people scheduling for appointments really shouldn't be there??? like this girl is literally 6, why is she coming to us about her aching tummy-wummy.
the first-years's medical practice becomes famous around sage's island, and they're over here trying to figure out where they're going to go once they've raised all their vacation money, lol.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
HEAT • e. todoroki •°. *࿐
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warnings: stepcest, periods, period sex, fingering, infidelity (not really dwelled upon), use of “daddy”, enji is a human heating pad *1.3k words
notes: its about to be that time of the month *sob sob* and i am in a bad brain mood that makes me wanna do nothing except cuddle with my heating pad so here we are! manga cap colored n edited by moi (*꒦ິ³꒦ີ)
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Enji hates seeing you like this, his little angel, overtaken by fatigue and pain. You’ve been lounging on the couch for most of the day, moving from one position to another in hopes of finding temporary relief. Enji had been eyeing the calendar in preparation, picking a few things up from the nearby store so that you wouldn’t have to worry your pretty head.
But soft silicon discs and organic chocolate can only do so much. You keep swapping out your heating pad for the full heated blanket, keep curling up only to get up and walk around, and Enji can only take so much whining. It’s not that he’s irritated—never with you—he just hates seeing you in pain.
“Come here, baby,” he sighs, taking a seat on the far end of the couch and patting one of his humongous thighs.
You look at him with a hesitant sort of hope, “are you sure, daddy?” waiting for him to nod before scrambling over and slotting yourself on his lap.
You sit facing him, chest to chest, your head resting on his burly shoulder as Enji allows his hands to heat up. He slips them under your threadbare shirt, placing them on the small of your back just over your kidneys. Your relieved sigh comes out as more of a moan, your body melting against his.
Enji has gotten better about keeping his hands off of you, his precious step-daughter. What started as a curiosity turned into an accident that formed a habit. A very bad habit. It isn’t illegal. You’re in your twenties for Christ’s sake. But, it isn’t right. Enji shouldn’t be touching you like this. But, you want him to, especially on days like this.
“I know you’re the number one hero n’ all,” you hum, nuzzling against his throat, “and your job is to fight villains, but… I think your true calling is period relief.”
Enji laughs deeply, slowly working his thumbs into your back. “I don’t do this for just anyone, you know.”
“I know, I know.” You place a feather light kiss to his neck, and Enji damns himself when he feels his cock twitch under you. “Just saying. If hero work doesn’t pan out…”
He doesn’t respond, trying to stay in his right mind as you shift over him. You get comfortable where you lean against him, legs parted on either side of him, and for a little while Enji just sits and watches the asinine drama you have playing on the TV, rubbing small circles into your muscles.
It isn’t like he’s had these feelings since you were young. You and your mother came into his life when you were nearly 18 already, and his mind didn’t start betraying him until a few years after that. Enji isn’t sure if it’s the slew of worthless boys you keep bringing around to meet him, the constant threats on your life, or his own struggle with mortality, but something has Enji going a little crazy in recent months. Something is giving him an insatiable need to protect and take care of you. To make you his.
He doesn’t look at you the same way he looks at his other children, nor does he see you the same way he saw Rei or how he sees your mother. You're something else entirely. Quirkless but fearless, a force to be reckoned with yet so easy to be brought to your knees when it’s your dear daddy asking.
It was just a one time thing when you came home crying after a break up and Enji helped you forget about that stupid boy. Just a special occasion when you got all dressed up for the gala and Enji took you in your bedroom after everyone else had gone ahead. And, all the nights he saunters into your room while you’re knuckle deep in your pussy, trying so hard to get yourself off—that’s just so you can both get some rest. He doesn’t want you like that because it would be wrong. No way for the Number One hero to behave or think. They’re just little lapses in judgment here and there.
Enji grunts in response, toes curling at the sound of your voice cooing such a suggestively innocent title.
“Still hurts,” you whisper.
He warms his hands against your back a bit more, palms probably an uncomfortable temperature to anyone who isn’t seeking heat therapy.
“Any better?”
You shake your head, rubbing your face back and forth into his neck. “Inside. It’s…” He can hear your teeth slide against one another as you clench your jaw tightly. “Just hurts.”
He feels the way you spread your legs further, bearing down on him. It isn’t subtle. You may not be saying it with your mouth, but you’re all but rubbing your covered pussy over his hardening cock, a silent plea.
“You think that’ll help?” Enji questions, well aware of his baritone voice and the effect it has on you.
You shiver in his lap and nod. “S’long as you’re gentle.”
Tilting his head to the side, he guides your chin on his shoulder until you’re eye to eye with one another. “Aren’t I always?” Enji hasn’t always been known to be a soft man. In fact, his reputation has always been about being cruel, harsh, with no room for mercy. Things change over time, though, and even if they hadn’t, you would be the exception.
He helps you off of him so that you can shimmy out of your cloth shorts and panties. You tell him these are special made for periods, to absorb blood, “but if you want me to put a disc in really quick…”
Enji hushes you, fighting not to roll his eyes. “I’m not scared of a little blood, honey.”
To prove his point, he guides you back to his lap, slipping two thick fingers between your folds. Enji doesn’t push them further, just gathers the warm fluid coating your lips, teasing your hole with it. You grip his shoulders, face scrunched up.
“I’m going to give you one now, hm?” he warns, slowly delving his middle finger into the heat of your cunt. You take him easily, aided by your arousal and blood. As promised, Enji is slow and careful as he stretches you, watching for your expression to relax before adding his second finger.
“Alright, turn around, sweet girl,” he softly commands, waiting for you to face outward before guiding your hips down to meet his. Your body tenses when his fat cockhead slips into you, and Enji holds still so that you can adjust to his size. He lets you set the pace from there, delighting in the way that you slowly ease yourself down on his cock. Little by little, inch by inch, your walls spasming around his length until you settle right in his lap.
You let out a shaky breath, legs trembling, but it all goes away when Enji ushers you to his chest, letting you lean back as he places his hot hands over the lower part of your tummy. The angle has his cock pressed against your front wall, spongy tissue swelling around him, and just like that you find your relief.
“Feels so much better,” you say. Your voice isn’t slurred or all pleasure-rich despite Enji being able to feel your body’s reaction to him. No, you are content, at peace after a full day of discomfort.
“Mhm,” you nod and giggle, “need to remember this for next time. Who needs Midol when I can just have this cock?”
Enji groans, shifting his hips to push his tip straight against your cervix.
“You can have it whenever you need, angel,” he mutters, brushing his lips over your shoulder and expertly kneading the tender skin of your hips. “Just say the word and daddy will come to your rescue.”
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2023 ©️shidou-x. please do not plagiarize or repost my work in any other platforms.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i figured it was time to make one. it's in order based on when i wrote it. please, please let me know if a link is broken/mislabeled!!
*82 fics*
All of these are Jamie Tartt x reader
Jamie and Keeley buy you a dress for the benefit gala
three times 'cause i've waited my whole life
secret relationship to engagement
you're losing me
first kid
don't make this any harder
Jamie wants to take you to Brazil, you’re both idiots
would hit him in a heartbeat now
Your ex boyfriend is a footballer and also a douche
silent sleepers
Jamie contemplates your relationship on the team bus
what it is
Jamie is sick ft. Roy
don't go wasting your emotion
Secret relationship + you own a bookshop! Ft. Roy and Keeley
you know, you'll always know me
You’re a famous singer! Congrats!
i don't know how you keep smiling/i'm just choking almost constantly
Jamie’s dad is a douche
i'll still be right next to you my dear
Jamie is a dad
can't really say i'm enjoying it now
Yikes it’s a breakup fic, but happy endings only in this house
mine of you with me
Reader and Jamie go semi-public with their relationship
today's a day like any other
The Tartt family thru the years
there's orange juice in the kitchen
Oof ouch period cramps
i can't breathe without you
Nate kisses you w/o consent
damned if i do give a damn what people say
You’re a theater actress! How exciting!
island made of faith
People think Jamie’s dumb, and he’s not
take your time while you're mine
You’re Roy’s other sister ft. all the Kents
honey, i'll give you all my time
Vienna. Enough said.
feeling fragile can't you tell
Jamie gets hurt
wrote all your lines in the script in my mind
Oh no! Some girl kissed Jamie and it wasn’t you! + Colin as the bff
stick together like glitter
Babysitting Phoebe + angst
your mind is not your friend
Angst + comfort after you have a bad hookup
chasing shadows in a grocery line
You’re pretty sure you have a hot stalker
don’t go yet
Tee hee protective Jamie at a club
kicking myself to keep from crying
The morning after your mind is not your friend
i think we could do it if we tried
High school sweethearts reunited after 6 years🥺
i’m glad you exist
You and Jamie go to a wedding
send for me
BREAKING: shit day at work made better by local boyfriend
tell me where to put my love
day off = food + snuggles
The longest angst I’ve ever written. Def not the best angst I’ve ever written.
would it be enough if i never gave you peace
you’ve got baby fever and your pretty sure it’s going to kill your brother
wishing on every one
You own a flower shop. It’s adorable.
lyrical eyes, indigo smile
Bea meets the team for the first time!
something to rely on
You storm the pitch and smooch your bf
flipped the script
Enemies to lovers slow burn (or maybe fast burn, idk)
i fancy you
London Boy by ms. T. Swift
you don’t want to know me
Jamie shows up at your door after s.1 Man City
you’re in the kitchen humming
Post-Mom City
family that i chose
For the child-free girlies!
never wanted you to hate me
Pt. 2 of you don’t want to know me
BFF Keeley tells you to give her awful ex a chance
in love with an idea
idk it’s like a confession of love? kinda cute
sinking into your worn-out mattress
Touch-deprived therapist! reader
you’re a mansion with a view
just two footballers doing an England promo, nothing to see here
i know what i’m doing
Post-Roy/Jamie locker room hug after Man City
wonder what it’d be like
Jamie tries to win you back
if only love were true
You’re a single mom in dire need of a plus-one
i know now it’ll pass
It’s hard to love someone when you’ve been told you don’t deserve it
the way it goes
The Greyhounds are protective of Jamie
how to love being alive
Idk this one’s like whatever and also supes long
there is happiness
it’s just wanderlust
Relationship soft launch
glitter on the floor
You like to knit. You also think you’re a comedian.
maybe tomorrow you’ll know
The “he’s a prick to everyone but her” trope
hustling for the good life
I swear this is my last chaptered fic
let’s fall in love for the night
Kent!reader is having a baby
soft hands hit the jagged ground
friends w/benefits
for you, there’ll be no more crying
anxiety at work + bf jamie
smile at me
there was only one bed!!!!
slow motion double vision in rose blush
happy b-day Jamie Tartt
half-moon eyes
it’s just a question!
can’t hear my thoughts (i cannot hear my thoughts)
I’m allowed to write what i want, ok???
here in my arms
more Kent!reader + a baby named George
coffee at midnight
prick coach wakes you up bc of your prick boyfriend
healing me fine
Just a lil engagement fic for ya
i don’t know anything
if you’re interested in Bea
right words at the right time
It’s a wedding fic
move fast and keep quiet
boxer!reader + smitten Jamie
not saying you’re in love with me
You meet over Bantr!!!
we could be so good
Jamie comforts you after a bad date
i hold it like a grudge
i don’t even know how to describe this one but u might cry
there for you
sick fic
before you go
you’ll probably date her
chronic illness + childhood friends. gotta love it
feel it burn
Gym anxiety
play it back
Old movies of bb Jamie
light in the hallway
MORE Kent!reader
stuck by you
Bad family + good Jamie = fic
please don’t be
five chapters of sadness that definitely isn’t based on personal experience
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enaelyork · 5 months
Can we get a Cooper Howard x female reader fic where reader is in an abusive marriage and he helps her leave (by any means necessary)? Need him to get violent and defensive over me -swoon- and of course they end up together?
Thank you in advance!!
Hi my dear !
That's a good idea, i try to make something =) Let's go.
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Pre-war/ Divorced Cooper/ Cooper x f!reader.
Warning : Abusive mariage/ violences/ injuries.
Ask for Cooper Howard is OPEN
- I'm divorced.
What luck.
She looked around, as if arguing with him was a crime punishable by death. There was nothing wrong with that, though: Cooper had been her friend throughout her adolescence and they had lost touch until this filming. What a strange coincidence that fate decided to put him on her path again.
Him, so charming and luminous while she had decided to join the darkness.
- I don't know if you can call that luck.
She jumps. Damn, had she said those words out loud? Red comes to her face as she completely drinks her glass of champagne, pouring out apologies.
- It's not. No. I didn't mean such a thing. Really, I'm sorry. And don't think I'm unhappy with my husband, it's just that.
- You are here.
His voice made his blood run cold. A bit like every time she emerged behind his back. He was a shadow always lurking behind her, even when she couldn't see him. A shadow that terrified her. Had he seen it? Had he seen the mask of terror settle on her face? Had he noticed everything she tried to hide behind her long-sleeved dress in the middle of summer? He understood, by discovering this man, what was going on in his life.
- Oh, you're good, Travis. She said, trying to hide the hint of panic that distorted her voice. I guess you remember Cooper. We went to high school together and I now work with him on set.
His silence was worse than a sentence. He looked at Cooper with an undisguised desire to drag you away from him. But as usual, Travis, your perfect little husband, knew how to play his role perfectly in public.
- Y/N told me so much about you. I've seen your films, you know? I find you brilliant.
He had grabbed her hand and she had guessed the grimace that her husband was trying to hide. Cooper, for his part, had a glint in his eyes that she didn't know existed, a glint resembling anger. - Likewise, Travis. She is full of praise for you. It was totally false.
He had just discovered her husband's identity and the only thing he could have seen during the early stages of filming was how important it was for her to finish on time. How important it was that we didn't see her smiling in any public photos, or even her own shadow. How important it was that she was invisible.
- I think Y/N and I are going home, right, darling? She nodded automatically: it was the only thing she was allowed to do when he gave her an order and her hand gripped his arm so tightly that a grimace of pain tied her mouth.
- We hadn't finished our discussion.
No one around them suspected what was going on, there, in the middle of the large gala hall in which the producer had decided to give a reception. It was going to turn into a fiasco, soon, if they continued to stare at each other like two animals ready to devour each other.
- It's finished. Darling. We're going back.
She wanted to protest. Telling him that she wanted to stay with Cooper and continue to be herself. Simply live. But she didn't have the strength, at no time had she had the courage to say no, to take her things and leave. Which made her, in his eyes, more worthless than she had ever been. Her eyes met Cooper's, and she hoped she wasn't too pathetic when her husband's impulse pulled her away from him. But his gaze, the one that looked at her at that precise moment, will probably haunt her for the rest of her life.
What a terrible irony.
They never spoke about it again.
Cooper had tried, between two scenes, at every pause, to discuss the incident with her, but Y/N kept dodging the question. She knew that if she were to confess the horror to him, she would never be strong again. And then it was Cooper. How would he view her if he learned how ruined her life was? How would he look at her, compassion or, worse, pity?
No, that was out of the question. You were hitting on him, you little whore. The violence of his words and gestures still resonated within her several weeks before.
The suffering was so firmly anchored in her that she had done everything possible to avoid being found wanting: walking along the walls of the film set like a ghost, she did not linger after the day and returned directly to the House. But that wasn't enough anymore.
Travis became more demanding of her every day, more possessive too, going so far as to control his own appearance.
- I wish you would resign. He dropped this bombshell over breakfast, a few months after filming began.
- Sorry ?
Without looking up from his newspaper, his feet resting on the table and ignoring the pancakes she had just prepared for him, he continued his cruel sentence.
- You heard what I just said. I was nice to you by letting you work for my friend Jim, but you screwed it up again. You are not capable of doing what I ask you. You're not capable of anything, in fact.
- You can't ask me that, Travis, please. I like my job. I'm sorry, just tell me what to do.
Without her expecting it, the newspaper flew towards her, slapping her face violently. A cry of surprise, immediately muffled by the violence with which he grabbed her arm.
- You see, that’s the problem with you. You are so stupid that you don't even understand when you exceed the limits. If you had listened to my demands from the start you wouldn't be here. So tonight, you better quit that job. Did you understand ?
She had nodded, hoping that this way he would finally let go, that her blood would be able to circulate in her arm again. But he threw it back with such violence that her body hit the kitchen shelf, knocking down a few cups which shattered on the floor.
- And put it away! Always making a mess.
It wasn't long after he left that tears flooded her eyes.
Nothing had gone as planned that day.
After tidying up the kitchen, cleaning the sores that dotted her skin, Y/N had arrived on set late. A delay that had not escaped Cooper and his suspicious gaze. He shouldn't have known anything. However, while she was trying to flee, he followed her in the corridor leading to her dressing room, trying to call her in vain.
Don't turn around. Don't turn around.
But when he blocked the door to her den, preventing her from taking refuge there, Cooper not only discovered her distress. He saw her eyes red with tears, her hands bruised and, worst of all, fear flooding her irises.
- It's him ?
Y/n's lips began to tremble like never before, not even her legs were still able to keep her upright. So, without her having time to understand what was happening to her, her body abandoned her. Her mind tried to live in denial but nothing else in her could reject the evidence.
It was destroyed. Yet her legs never touched the ground, her body did not shrivel against the wall. Because the warmth of Cooper's arms enveloped her in a feeling she hadn't known in a long time.
So she forgot everything. The fear, anguish and guilt she felt at being in such a situation. She forgot the pain that ached her arm and shoulders and, instinctively, she hugged him, hoping that this way he would keep her alive.
- You have to leave, Y/N.
Filming had been suspended today and Jim had believed Cooper's lies about feeling unwell. However, she did not return home, remaining locked in this lodge as in a bastion.
Leave ? The idea had already crossed his mind. It would have been so simple if she didn't depend on Travis for a whole bunch of things. Being an actress was not an easy job and the income was irregular at such a stage of her career. So she rejected the idea, shaking her head vehemently.
-I can not do that.
- Of course yes. You can. Just gather your things and go.
- How ? Eh ? Do you think he won't stop me? Really, it's impossible.
Cooper had no intention of stopping there. She knew it. But what could he understand about her life? He who had a happy marriage and whose divorce had gone smoothly? She knew that he was on good terms with his ex-wife for the well-being of his daughter, that this divorce had gone smoothly because they had realized that they no longer aspired to same thing. Barb had been an exemplary wife, their marriage had been based on mutual trust and they had separated on good terms.
So what could he understand about her life? Why did he seem so heavily affected by his situation?
-I will help you.
She raised her head. Had she really heard what he had just suggested to her? A nervous laugh escaped her lips before she stared at his determined expression. Was he serious?
-You go pack your bags and I'll come pick you up.
- To go where ? I have nowhere to go, Coop! My friends don't talk to me anymore and you saw the way he reacted when we...
Her words died in her mouth, realizing that she had called him by his nickname for the first time and that she hadn't completely rejected the idea.
- I can talk to Barb about it. She has friends in the region who will certainly be delighted to host you. He paused, visibly hesitant to finish his sentence.
-There is room at my house.
- At your house ?
There was nothing in her stomach but butterflies trying to escape. Had he really just asked her to live with him? It took her breath away, so much so that she had to blink several times to make sure she was awake.
- You would have your privacy, obviously. But it’s a base not too far from work until you can find a place of your own.
She had grabbed his hands without realizing it, as if to hold on to a rampart before falling into the void. Cooper had just offered to live with him, and the idea brought a little warmth to her completely bruised heart.
- He's not going to like this idea at all.
- But it's the only option for you to get out of this, Y/N. I don't know how you feel about this man, but for your own well-being you need to leave.
She didn't know it. What she did know, however, was the effect Cooper had on her life. It wasn't just savior syndrome. Since seeing him again on that set, something inside her had cracked, a shell that she had tried to erect to prevent herself from loving anyone, including herself.
- It's OK. She finally gave in.
The smile Cooper gave her then would stay in her mind for a long time.
- Should I contact Barb?
- No. It's with you that I want to live.
Realizing too late the fervor of her words, she put her hands over her mouth to prevent her from saying something even worse.
- If you agree, of course...I...I don't want to impose myself. Oh, god, I'm so sorry.
- You no longer have to apologize for being yourself, Y/N. It's all over now.
His hands were still in hers and Y/N wondered why he didn’t take them out as soon as he had the chance. Sitting face to face, they looked at each other in a strange silence, charged with a gentle and soothing tension. A deep relief came over her at that precise moment.
She was going to leave. Leave with Cooper. And she could no longer hold back her tears.
- Did you do what I asked you?
- Of course.
She hadn't done any of that. She had neither resigned nor decided to cut ties with anyone. Instead, she came home in the afternoon to pack a suitcase and wait. Wait for the right moment. Travis had a charity event that night. A gala to which he had not invited her. Pretending that she had no place there. So much the better.
This was the perfect opportunity to put the plan into action. This evening, Travis showed no attention towards her. Yet that was what he did when he had obtained satisfaction: a tender gesture, a chaste kiss on her cheek.
He just brushed his fingertips against her shoulder, a movement that sent a jolt of terror through her.
-Don't wait for me to eat, I'll be back very late.
And silence returned almost immediately, freeing his heart from the vice that was compressing it. It didn't take long for her to contact Cooper, take down the suitcase she had hidden in the attic and come back down to the forecourt.
When she finally saw the car appear, a wind of relief chased away the fear that still held her back.
Then she froze.
It wasn't Cooper's car.
He had come back. He had forgotten something and came back to get it.
- What are you doing here ? His voice was laced with a rage she had never seen before. A destructive, petrifying rage.
- I…Travis…
- What are you doing here with this damn suitcase?
The kick sent the latter flying to the other side of the sidewalk. Usually, Travis didn't show any aggression towards her in public, but this time, discovering her outside with a suitcase in her hand had got the better of his legendary self-control.
-Did you want to leave? Did you want to do this dirty trick to me, little whore?
She was screaming. She hoped that someone would come out of these nice little tidy houses to get her out of there. But nothing. Not a single neighbor wanted to get involved in this carnage and she was going to pay dearly for it.
He pushed her violently, causing her to fall onto the lawn in their garden. The pain pierced her back so violently that it took her breath away, but when his hand grabbed her hair, she screamed so loudly that her voice hoarse.
- Shut your mouth ! Shut your fucking mouth! Piece of…
Travis didn't have time to finish his sentence. Something had stopped him.
A violent shock that had just hit his jaw, forcing him to release his grip on her hair.
- Get in the car. Hurry up.
She wanted to cry, to stand there and watch Travis wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. But the fear that still animated her gave her the impetus to flee without looking at what was happening before her eyes.
Cooper had arrived and he had just hit Travis with such force that he could barely keep his balance.
- I'm going to find you, bitch! he exclaimed towards her. But Cooper's hand grabbed him so tightly by the collar that he couldn't take another step.
- You're not going to do anything at all, because if you try to approach her again, I can't guarantee you that I'll settle for a punch.
He violently pushed Travis away, letting him fall to the ground before turning around. At that moment, Y/N became aware of her husband's weakness. He had been merciless with her because she was fragile, that was the only reason he had fun with her.
And it was over.
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frownyalfred · 28 days
Do you have any fun stories involving galas and rich men because the botox thing has me so curious now
Ooh, me personally? I have a few. I once was invited to a very important black tie event with an honest-to-god billionaire or close to it, who was a very old man at the time and infamous for being inappropriate with women. We had some face-to-face time briefly and he was absolutely wildly inappropriate to me. His staff were fluttering around him making excuses and thinly-veiled threats about me sharing any of this info. I wasn't allowed to stand more than a few feet away from him since he was grabby. I think he ended up having dementia that they didn't release publicly until after he'd died.
You run into a lot of coke at these events. It's not my thing, but I've stumbled into a lot of bathrooms and back rooms where it's happening very enthusiastically. I've known a few guys who have gotten too deep into that world and embezzled from clients or their jobs. It ends up being super sad and it's rough to watch happen in person (people losing their houses, or social standing, etc, because their husband was trying to maintain a lifestyle they couldn't afford)
I once danced with a wealthier guy (flashy watches, etc) who was, in hindsight, absolutely involved in some sort of organized crime. He was Russian and thought I was cute, and dragged me and my friend to a few different clubs with full line skipping and bottle service at every place. They all knew him by name. Once we got inside and started dancing, I reached behind me while we were kinda grinding to grab his waist. There was a huge fucking gun in the back of his pants. I grabbed my friend and we danced away, haha.
I knew a wealthy man who was going through a rough divorce and very clearly threatened his soon to be ex wife all over his personal social accounts. She didn't like that and called the cops. He never got arrested, but it was a damn near thing. All his buddies pretended it never happened.
I once went on a very fancy date with a guy to a prestigious steakhouse/bar. They refused to seat us since they closed in 30ish minutes. We were in black tie attire from a previous event, and there was a huge storm outside. He ended up suing them for racial discrimination I think. It made the news and everything. He asked me to be a party/witness but he was very, very intense and I kind of dropped him after he wouldn't stop calling me.
I dated someone with a penthouse once. It was very nice but very clearly not his. Never got a full explanation on that one.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 7 months
I feel compelled to expand upon the previous fae/folklore! Batboys headcanons:
-Bruce is just a straight up normal human. I think this provides a great opportunity for angst because unlike his immortal? children Bruce does age and it terrifies them. And Bruce is young he’s in his early 30s but like his knees will crack a little or his back is slightly stiff after a bad patrol and it just sends them into a spiral because they cannot fathom their dad not being around forever. I can definitely imagine them trying to strong arm Bruce into becoming some flavor of unaging. You could go super dark or just more generally emotional angst but damn the possibilities.
-Cass is giving me shadow person. Very cryptid of her. I’m not sure that I have a clear backstory for her worked out yet. Either magic gone wrong or she’s another flavor of undead like Jason and Tim. I like to imagine she just hovers over people at night to be creepy.
-Originally I wanted to say Duke was a Will-o-the-wisp. But I’m not really sure it fits, especially since he’s primarily active during the day. Then it hit me. Mothman. My lamplight boy is a moth creature. I like the idea of him hiding his little antenna under a beany and wearing sunglasses. The wings would be difficult. But my boy is creative.
- I think Steph and Barbara are also human like Bruce they just are extra bad ass.
-Coming back to life as a magical creature warps peoples memories and emotions from both the trauma and changing into something not human. Tim is significantly less effected than Jason, at least outwardly, because he was only a toddler when he died so he didn’t have many memories or experiences to draw from, but Jason was super volatile. His memories surrounding Willis became even more dark while his memories of his mother sort of glossed over her absentee parenting and drug use. Jason can’t help but struggle with associating the negative learned experience he had with his first paternal figure with Bruce. Jason ends up going to live with Talia for a while because he doesn’t want to feel that way about his dad anymore.
-Basically I think Jason, at least mentally, is the most human of Bruce’s kids besides Damian because he actually lived a life as a human, where as Tim changed so young that he doesn’t really know how to be anything but his extremely disturbing self.
-I think Gotham just has major ‘I do not see it’ energy. Like The Batfamily? Demons from hell. The Wayne’s? Hot neurodivergent people. Did you see Dick Grayson unhinge his jaw like a fucking snake at a gala? No you didn’t he just has a really big smile. Jason Todd??? Has scales??? Nope actually he just developed early onset Eczema and he’s really self conscious about it how dare you! Tim Drake sucking the blood of the himbo blonde boy? Everyone knows Tim and Bernard are total freaks. Cassandra Cain is your sleep paralysis demon? Honestly fair.
-It’s totally a coincidence that strange misfortune befalls anyone who threatens the Wayne’s!
-Clark is Bruce’s favorite man to sleep on so he gets a pass. I don’t know why but a midwestern spin on the story of princess kaguya lives in my head rent free. Like Martha Kent is just shucking corn and then boom baby in the corn. We call that children of the corn. I still love to imagine him being like so perfect that it’s high key alien, but his little sharp nails and fangies! Maybe even slightly pointy ears. And like Clark fully thinks he is human, like his parents don’t tell him humans can’t fly until he’s in kindergarten, and even then they just tell him he is special and learned super fast and shouldn’t embarrass the other kids and Clark is such a Good BoyTM that he just never uses his powers in public cause he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Like bro doesn’t learn he is adopted until he is about to go to college, he is just straight up clueless.
-Clark learns Dick is a Fae creature when Batman brings Robin to the Watchtower cause he couldn’t get a baby sitter and Alfred doing some spooky shit like dusting the mausoleum. Like Batman just slinking around but there is this super colorful child with him. And then Dick turns and smiles and it’s just so wrong, like his mouth just stretching his face like some horror movie shit. Clark almost shots himself cause like what the fuck. Bruce told Dick to just ‘be himself’ so like he just thinks he’s being friendly. Despite being creepy as all hell Clark kinda thinks Dick is super adorable. Like was he spider crawling around the floor with all his limbs bent the wrong way while Bruce and Clark were talking? Yeah but then he just tugged on Bruce’s cape to ask for a juice box, like that’s a baby.
-Jason freaked him out in a different way. Since Jason is undead he doesn’t have a heartbeat and doesn’t need to breath so when he isn’t moving he makes literally zero noise. When he first met Clark he was just watching him from around corners and behind stair banisters and Clark was convinced he was losing his mind and hallucinating the kid from the Grudge. Then Bruce is just like “Oh you met Jason! He’s so sweet, just a little shy. He’s my second oldest! I think he likes you though.” And then a little grey blue slightly webbed hand just reaches around the corner to give a little wave and boom Clark would kill for him.
-Tim is similar in that Clark has trouble pinpointing his location because of a lack of normal bodily functions, but Tim has no idea what a boundary is. So like at first he’s a shy little toddler and then that night he’s crawling all over Clark and pranking him nonstop.
-Damian is a baby but like Clark looked in his eyes and just felt like this infant could see his past present and future and was judging him heavily. Clark was relieved cause at least he had a heartbeat.
-Cass lives to fuck with Clark. She’s Jason’s age but not only has no heartbeat and doesn’t breath, when she is in shadow form he can’t see her with X-ray vision. She can literally make herself undetectable to Superman. He learns this one night sleeping in a guest room at the manor. He gets the feeling he is being watched but can’t find anyone. Then right when he relaxes her arm shoots out from the darkness under his bed and grabs his leg. Clark screams so loud it cracks the window. And then just nearly silent muffled laughter as the arm retreats into the darkness. He X-Ray visions but nothing is there. He demands to stay in Bruce’s room after that. Bruce is just like “Oh that was just Cass. She likes playing practical jokes, she is my little princess!”
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sunnys-out · 10 months
One for the road | Alex Morgan x Reader
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Part 2 of Your damn cherry chapstick
A/N: Again we are going to, again, pretend that voicemails can be this long lol. Tech at work stopped working so was able to write this.
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, slight nsfw, not a happy ending
WC: 684
“Hey sorry I missed your call, just leave me a message and I’ll get back to you when I can! Bye!”
“Hey (y/n), this isn’t technically a text…but you will probably not even listen to this. So, I guess I’ll just say what I need to say for my own sake.”
“I remember the first time that I had met you…you were way too excited that morning practice…I was not. laughs Then we got paired up for drills and I could barely keep up with you…I don’t think you even broke a sweat”
“You were one of the few that had class after practice while the rest of us headed back to Clark Kerr to shower and sleep a bit longer. I made an off-hand comment as we were going our separate ways. I had seen a vendor near our dorm on the weekend selling strawberries and wondered when they would be back so I could buy myself some”
“I didn’t think about it until that evening…you knocked on my door with a small,green basket filled with strawberries. Honestly, I didn’t expect it especially from you...I mean we had just met. You just took one from the basket and took a bite, ‘just one for road as payment’ you said to me with a wink as you walked away to your room down the hall”
“I think that is when I started to fall in love with you…yeah I loved you…I probably still do…no, I still do. Sigh You became my best friend and I don’t ever think I can be as close to someone as I was with you. When we had our first kiss in the hallway of the frat house celebrating our win against Stanford…I swear I didn’t taste the tequila that you drank earlier but the strawberry you had the day we met.”
“I fell harder for you every day but I got scared…when you introduced me to Servando…I saw an easier future. You were everything I dreamed of but my career was just starting…I was becoming a poster child and the world is better but- I- sacrificed everything I had with you to have everything I have now. I hurt you I know…it hurts me knowing that. The Gala, I left you the moment I saw the recruiters, my fear came back again and I attached myself to Servando. You would be ok without me was my thought; you didn’t need me…Portland was smart to take you when they got created”
“(Y/N), I didn’t realize how much what I did affected you until you got injured for the first time in Portland. The eyes you shot at me when I approached you in the physio room to check on you. The force that you used to pushed me away, ‘Don’t fucking touch me’ keeps playing in my head when I remember that day. I really lost my best friend”
“You said that you remember the way I-...I remember those times too…I haven’t forgotten that. You were more than that to me. That last time…it was a goodbye but I just wanted to be close to you again to just be around you. I wanted to be near you when you had your career ending injury with Portland. That’s not what I did. I kept my distance when I saw you go down and from then on I kept myself from you.” 
“I did listen to your voicemail if it isn’t obvious…I’m sorry…You’re right when you say that I would think to run back to you if you showed up at the wedding…but it would only be a thought. I’m still that scared university student, fearful for her future but so in love with her best friend. You don’t deserve what I am doing to you, so this will be my last message to you ok? I love you and even if I won’t be in your life anymore…I will always be rooting for you…maybe in the next life we-... never mind. Goodbye, (y/n)”
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igotanidea · 1 year
Cheater : Dick Grayson!version
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WARNINGS : SMUT, cheating, unprotected p in v (cause you know fanficion is not real life), teasing, angst, reader going against her own morals - so hypocrisy and poor life choices
„Dick we need to talk.” She texted
Of course they needed to talk. Or rather Y/N was going to talk and Dick was going to listen. At least that was the plan.
She was getting tired of playing cat and mouse, sneaking around and constantly watching her back. Damn it, she loved Dick Grayson with all her heart, but the thought that she was the second girl was slowly killing her.
Yes. She knew that Dick had a girlfriend.  And despite that she started meeting him. It was going like that for a few months now and there was definitely more of the tension between them. And someone had to be smart about it, before something wrong would happen.
As much as she wanted and craved his touch, needed to feel him and imagined all the things she would let him do to her…… she just couldn’t let it happen. It was wrong on so many levels. Not only because of ovary solidarity, but she simply couldn’t bear the thought of making someone unhappy. And this was the way it was going to end up.
And that was the reason behind her text to Grayson, who were surprisingly quiet for too long and it got her spinning. What if his girl was around and saw the message? What if he was busy with her at moment, getting so loud he actually missed the notification.
She didn’t want it, but the jealousy creeped inside her. This was so damn wrong! She never should have started that drama in the first place, but the heart and the body wants what it wants.
“Damn it, Dick. Answer me!” she almost begged, furiously poking the phone with her thumb, trying to refresh the conversation.
“What about?” he finally favoured her with the quick response
“You know what.”
“come at my place then.”
“Is she around?”
“No. She’s out for some convention. I’m alone for the whole weekend L Could use some company ;)”
“You’re not gonna like it.” She warned, biting on her lip and hesitating for a moment before sending that.
“Oh, sunshine, I love whenever you are around. Come on over, I am waiting for you.”
So that was it.
Tonight she was going to break this crazy, inappropriate deal. 
The way to Dick’s apartment was most likely the longest and worst drive she ever had in her entire life. It gave her mind way to much time to wonder how they met (at the Wayne gala), how she found out he actually had a girlfriend (well, to be honest, he pretty much told her that) and how she was going to let him go.
Yes. It just had to be done.
Even if her body and heart were screaming something completely different.
She had only been at Dick’s place for a couple times, since for obvious reasons, it was rather him to visit her. Even if nothing explicit ever happened between them. It was all innocent kisses and hugs and cuddling. However, anytime she actually managed to come, the magnificence of the apartment took her breath away. Grayson was the oldest son of the multimillionaire and it was definitely showing.
Once she stopped her old and a bit rusty car, next to his shiny porshe on the driveway it was clear that they did not fit each other. Taking her sweet time, almost like her legs were begging to turn around and keep things in the same way Y/N managed to walk to the doors and gathering all her strength knocked a few times.
“Baby!” Dick was so fast to open that if Y/N didn’t know better she would think he was actually waiting for her. But no, it was just his Nightwing instincts.
Yeah, right. Nightwing. That was just another little thing he was using in their relationship.
Did his girlfriend even know about that other side of his?
Did he even love her?
Because it was obvious that his girlfriend loved him. But if it wasn’t reciprocated than maybe……
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Dick became a bit alerted watching her blurry and distracted gaze. If only he knew how she was fighting inside. “Come on, talk to me….” He whispered, putting one hand on her waist, the other on her chin making her look up straight at him. Straight into those pretty, honest, blue eyes, she learned to love so much.
“I….I’m fine.’ She stuttered, raising on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek briefly, pulling away almost immediately.
“Nah. Give me a proper kiss.” He leaned forward and captured her lips into his again, this time with more urgency, passion and way more touching her body.
“Dick!’ she struggled free taking him by surprise ‘come on, stop. We really do need to talk.”
“Oh, no.’ he let out a chuckle “is it one of those it’s not you, it’s me situations. Cause I…..” he stopped in the middle of the sentence noticing her stern gaze.
“Can just come inside?” she sighed deeply.
“Of course. I suppose it’s not the kind of conversation you can have on the threshold?”
Dick led her through the maze of corridors and just following him got her a bit dizzy. Finally they ended up in the living room,  as he motioned for her to seat down on the couch, which she refused and completely unable to stay put started walking around watching all the bibelots on the shelves.
“Would you  like something to drink? Seems like you need it.”
“I don’t.” she mumbled, still walking around. Shit. How was she even supposed to start talking. Not even a single word could get past her throat.
“Sunshine.” Dick took a step forward and reached for her hand.
“We need to stop this.” She burst in response
“End what?”
“this….” She waved her hand around between them “this crazy shit going on. I don’t even know what we are anymore. I don’t know who I am!”
“You’re the woman I love.’
“Oh, really.” She scoffed “than how come you still have an official girlfriend and …. Me? I am some sort of distraction for you?”
“Baby…..” he sighed
“Stop calling me that!”
“I told you, I’m in this official relationship, because of ….”
“Bruce. Yeah, I remember you saying that. But this secret mission or whatever you say you need her for, is taking way to long. And becoming way to real for me to like it” she pointed at the photos on the shelves in those tiny, cute little frames. “It’s not a mission anymore, Dick. You have a life with her. Not me. And every time we meet in secret it makes me feel dirty. I feel like a fucking whore, Grayson. Even if we never….. you know….”
“You’re not a whore. You could never be, my sweet girl.” Before he could reach for her she jumped away and turn her back to him, now carefully observing all the other pictures hang on the walls. Photos of him, of her, of them together. Laughing, kissing, fooling around. Just simply being happy.  She just couldn’t handle it anymore. She wanted him, but not for such price. Not for the price of another girl’s broken heart.
“Do you love her?” she cried out when the tears started falling. It took him a bit too long to answer “do you love her, dick!?” she repeated this time yelling and facing him through her wet eyes. “Do you…..?” her voice broke
“I…..” he started, but she didn’t let him finish.
“Fuck you, Grayson! Look what you made out of me!” she clenched her fist, barely holding back for throwing something at him. It was crazy. All the contradictory things she felt just found a way out and instead of confronting him calmly, she was ping-ponging, torn between begging him to choose her,  shouting at his face or running away, slamming the door behind her and never getting back here. And the realization that she was acting crazy actually made her calm down in a blink of an eye.  “That’s it, Dick. It’s over. I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired and sick of myself. I’m leaving.” She spun around but before she could really leave, he grabbed her arm and that sudden touch made her freeze on the spot.
“Why?” he simply asked.
“Why?” she repeated, eyes growing wide, not that he could see it “are you serious?”
“Yes.” He took a step forward pressing his chest to her back tightly, moving his hands up and down her sides “you know I want you, baby. Why do you keep resisting me?” now his lips were kissing her neck. So lightly, almost impalpably  and yet sending shivers down her spine and making all her noble impulses crumble.
“Dick….. I …..” she moaned unable to hold back due all his touches and nibbling on her skin. She was literally on fire and even if she knew that at this moment there was no way out, she was still trying to fight.
“yes, baby?” he whispered against her skin, hands sneaking under her t-shirt and travelling onto her belly and lower, playing with the hem of her pants and panties.
“this is wrong….. “ she whined and squirmed a bit, fighting the urge to grab his arm and guide him where she needed “this … this will be cheating. You’ll be a cheater.”
“Then tell me to stop.” He bit on her earlobe “tell me you don’t want this the same way I do and I’ll let you go. You’ll be free of me. Forever. Tell me if that’s what you want.”
“Fuck.” She hissed when his fingers dig under her underwear. Now she just couldn’t hide how much she wanted him as well. She was soaked and he felt that.  
“so, what’s it gonna be?”
“Ah!” she threw her head back onto his shoulders, feeling the tease on her folds “Dick!”
“What do you want, babe?”
“Fuck me….” She breathed out.
And just like that she relented to him. She was just a girl and he knew how to use that.
“Finally….” He groaned spinning her around and in a blink of an eye, pinning her to the wall “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for you?” her shirt was gone, all that soft skin exposed and it was impossible for him to keep his hands from touching, caressing and pinching it “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve dreamed about having you like this? How many patrol nights I spend with your body on my mind?” he released her from her bra in one single motion taking just a second to gloat the sight of her bare breast, bouncing up and down because of her heavy breath “but you were just so stubborn, baby.” He put his lips on hers kissing her with fire that was burning inside him. God, he was going to devour her, trap her underneath him for hours, teach her a lesson for all the times she turned him away “your girlfriend this, your girlfriend that” he mocked, playing with the button of jeans and pulling the zipper down “fuck, you are so much better than her. You’re the one I want. Shit, you’re the one I need.”
“Dick…” she whined, arching her back to him, embracing him, wanting him closer to her. Impossibly closer. She craved the feeling of his naked skin on hers, but knew he wouldn’t be the one to satisfy that need too easy. Oh, that little prick was in a teasing mood. “Please… don’t …. Talk about her. Not now.”
“Right. Sorry.” He whispered, running hands thought her hair, tilting her head back in the process, kissing the column of her throat. Oh, that sweet view was making him impossibly hard. Painfully hard. She was right in front of him, almost completely naked except for that little piece of material that were her panties. “It’s just you and me now.” he grabbed her hips and grinded on her clothed pussy, earning a loud moan and scratching on his back “you’re mine.”
‘I want you, Dick!” She cried out, once again trying to lift his shirt up but he caught her wrists in one hand and lift her hands above her head.
“Not just yet, love. You’ve been a bad girl, you know. Making me go through a lot of trouble to help myself….”
“I’m sorry!” Y/N screamed when he leaned down and focused on her tits, nibbling, kissing and sucking on the nipples, alternatively “I’m sorry, Dick, oh, god, this feels so fucking good. Don’t stop, please.”
“I’m only getting started.” He smirked and before her lust-driven brain realized what was happening he tore her panties away, grabbing her backs of her thighs and wrapping them around his waist, holding onto her tightly. He had her. Absolutely exposed, clinging onto him with need, want, lust. She wasn’t running or denying what they had. Not anymore. And after tonight he was going to make sure she would never do that again.
“Dick…” she squirmed in his embrace, creating a bit of friction she so desperately need, those soft hands cradling through his hair, mouth on his, unable to pull back even for a second. She was going to burn if they were separated for barely a second. “I want to feel you.”
“Here?” he smirked
“No.” she whined “take me to bed. Take me to your bed and make me yours.”
A minute later she was laying in the same sheets, the other girl used to be in, her hands tied to the headboard. Fuck, Y/N was going to have sex with Dick in the same bed, she was sleeping in. And when he throw her on the mattress and climbed all over her, caressing her whole body and pressing into her, that though suddenly became so hot, rather than repulsive. She was in his bed cause of some crazy scheming, Y/N was here cause he wanted her to. And his every touch and movement were proving that.
“please take it off.” She glanced at his shirt and this time he listened, pulling it away and throwing somewhere on the floor, immediately focusing back on her.
“Y/N….” he groaned “you’re better than I imagined. So much better.”
“Please let me touch you….” those stupid ropes, he was so good at tying were biting onto her oft skin but surprisingly even to her, this pain was strangely turning her on.
“are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
‘Yes, yes, please, anything you want.”
‘I want those hands on me while I fuck you. I want those eyes staring into mine when I make you feel good. Can you do that, Y/N” he lift his head a bit and glanced at her.
“Yes…” she gasped “Please….”
“Hmmmm.” He tapped his chin “I thought you wanted my pants gone, before…..”
“I do. God, shit, fuck, Dick. I want everything! I want anything! Whatever you give me, just please do something ‘cause I swear I will combust!”
“We don’t want that, do we?” he smirked and did all of those things at once. His cock was free, as well as her hands and she wasted no time in wrapping all her limbs around him.
“You want me ?” he asked eyeing her
“So bad, dick, so fucking bad.”
“you have me.” He pushed in, slowly, not to cause her any pain. It was  their first time after all, and since he was planning on many, many more, it wouldn’t be wise to give her any trauma. It took him a while to bottom put, all while feeling that sweet scratching on his back, and when he did they both moaned in unison, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of one another.
“You taste to sweet, so good. So much better than….”
“Sh!” he kissed him only to shut his mouth up “don’t talk about it.”
“Sorry baby.” He extended his hand towards her right side of the bed reaching for something that sparkled a bit in the dimly room and throwing it away. The thing ended up on the floor, broken, judging by the sound.
“What was that?”
‘nothing important.” He responded, resuming worshiping her and moving slightly. Even though at this point he didn’t have to do a thing since she was desperate enough to fuck herself on his cock, he wanted to make her feel good.  To prove all those words from before. Her hands digging into his shoulders, grinding on him, lips being connected, teeth clashing, hair getting pulled at was telling him that he truly was doing a good work. She just wanted him closer, deeper, railing her stronger, faster, harder.
“more dick, more…”
“I love you.” he whispered, now complying to all her wishes ‘only you. I want to be with you.”
“We can talk about it later, now just give me an orgasm Dick. Cause fuck, I’m so close, so fucking close!”
“What do you want?”
“You. All of you. Give it to me Dick.” Y/N tightened the grip on him, opening her legs a bit more, allowing him to reach her g-spot, pressing her body tighter, spasming underneath him “just give it to me. Ah! I’m …. I’m gonna cum”
“Look at me baby. Look at me when you do.”
“Ah! DICK!” she screamed when the high hit her, almost making her black out, the only word on her mind being limited to him. “Dick, yes, oh, yes, yes, so damn good. So good, baby, so good. Don’t pull out….” Y/N stopped him when he tried to move away from her body
“Inside?” his eyes grew wide.
“Yes. I told you, I need to feel you.”
“shit, you’re so hot” their mouths crashed again, swallowing each other’s moans and groans when his cum filled her up completely. Their bodies sweaty and trembling due to extortion, but not ready to let go of each other yet, instead holding close and kissing, but this time slower, gentler without the urgency from before. Now they had each other, for good and for worse.
“Stay with me tonight.” He whispered leaning his forehead on hers “don’t go back to your place.”
“I’m not. But……”
“I mean what I said before, Y/N” he confessed “I love you.”
“I love you too, Dick.” She sobbed and let him hold her and soothe her and whisper sweet words inside her mind.
Was it wrong? Yes.
But was it the best sex they both ever had? Also yes.
And they could think about the future and clearing all this shit out later. Preferably much later. But for now, all they needed was the bliss and aftercare and maybe round two. No talking and no thinking about the future.
Even if the future was heading their direction with the speed of light, since the convention was cancelled.
To be continued? (if someone wants.... :D)
Edit: part 2
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
05/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; David Jenkins; Dominic Burgess; Anapela Polata'ivao; Wendy Andresen and the MOCATS; WatchParty Reminders;
Hey lovelies, so I had a huge recap together for you, with lots of fan spotlights and then tumblr decided to crap out when I saved my draft so I lost it all and I just don't have the time to redo it all today-- so I'll be pushing some news to tonight's if I can finish it on time this evening.
== Taika Waititi ==
As you all have seen, Taika was at the Met Gala last night with his wife Rita, an we got all sorts of fun pictures and gifs from him! I didn't have enough room to put much more but tried to include some various ones below.
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Source: @/Kristen Schuletter's Instagram
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Source: Vogue Magazine IG
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
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Source: Jeanne Yang's Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad feeling a bit spicy about the War of Jenkin's Ear.
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Source David Jenkins Twitter
== Anapela Polata'ivao==
Our beloved Auntie has what a Mid-Career Award! Read more about the recipients and the award here: https://www.pannz.org.nz/the-fame-mid-career-awards/
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Source: Performing Arts Network NZ's instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our dear Dominic is active and posting constantly on twitter now a days, seems he's getting lots more work, which is awesome! (And generally he's just being fun and silly <3)
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== Wendy Andresen & the MOCATS ==
So good and bad news folks. Looks like the kittens have been adopted/the mama cat has been taken to a refuge to help get her adopted as well. That means no more kitten pictures for us-- but at least these babies get a good home! Thanks Wendy for keeping us up to date on their progress.
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
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Palm Royale WP May 9 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @ dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST! Available on Apple TV
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Wrecked S2 WP May 6-May 10 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Finally, the card we've all been waiting for! Jonathan! AKA Karl! @melvisik thank you for including our favorite seagull!! Which also aligns with the Mermay Theme of Seabird!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More fantastic colouring pages from our dear @patchworkpiratebear! My son and I are excited to color in Frenchie's flag, cause you know, we like attracting demons and stuff. Soup is also part of Mermay Day 7!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
A new episode is out from our crewmates over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction! It's a collaboration episode with Never Left Podcast! This time it's The Swearing Episode! Listen below on Spotify!
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Met Gala Edits ==
Any situation in which this fandom can edit in OFMD characters, you know we'll do it, and the Met Gala was no exception. Below are some edits of our favorite characters joining the Gala!
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Source: @ radicallysoft's Twitter
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Source: @ heyhayley's Twitter
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Source: @ spanishjenkies' Twitter
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Source: @ ChaoticMulaney's Twitter
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Source: @ofmooshd's twitter
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Source: @ Appleteeth's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, in honor of both taking a break, and the last several days being crazy town on my end of things, I'm going for a silly love note today. Remember to take a break, otherwise your body's gonna do it for you <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Theme today is my mood towards tumblr and destroying my damn draft. Gif courtesy of @ joeal-kaysani
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jacesvelaryons · 2 months
could you do a tom blyth social media ai where sadie sink is the faceclaim!?
hi my love, of course. i hope you like it! please continue to comment, like, subscribe send me requests or just hit my asks to let me know how i’m doing.
sorry this took so long 😭
auburn hair (tom blyth x actress!reader social media au)
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requests OPEN
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new do, who’s this?
liked by tomblyth, justinbieber, chloebailey and others
alexconsani what’s ya name B.O.B so they calling you BAWB
↩️ yourusername i hesitated on the bob until you talked me into it now you do this 😭😭u make me sick
ayoedibiri wifey in white
↩️ yourusername ilysmm
hallebailey so nice to see you again after so long girl!
↩️yourusername absolutely it’s been too long! let’s catch up for brunch
tomblyth you look angelic darling. wish i was there with you that night.
↩️yourusername wish you were there too babe! love you
tomholland2013 nice to see you mate xx
↩️ yourusername long time no see!
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liked by person7264 and others
we report actor tom blyth @/tomblyth and actress y/n l/n @/yourusername being very cozy and intimate at last week’s annual hollywood gala dinner. the two have since quietly confirmed through their agencies that they have been in a committed relationship for over a year and ask for everyone to respect the privacy of their romance.
fans82 the joint net worth of this couple must be CRAZYY 💀💀
↩️username123 can they adopt me actually
user9711 so glad tom feels comfortable being so public with her when he used to be so scared showing anything from his private life
usernamehere I love them actually
random167 they deserve their happy ending
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liked by mayahawke and others
let's go back.
rachelzegler looked like so much fun while I was recording all day 🙄
↩️ tomblyth next time for karaoke rach!
coreymylchreest best time with the lads
↩️ tomblyth time of our lives
horatio.james gotta do it again
yourusername from before my hair grew out
↩️ynfan111 your hair clips are so cute girlie!!
↩️ yourusername thank you 😅 tom put them up like that for me
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liked by markruffalo and others
going on a trip.
tomblyth my favourite ginger
liked by yourusername
jennaortega auburn locks with flaming hair>>>
↩️ yourusername love you my angel
troye my best girl
↩️ yourusername best boy>>
↩️ troye second to your man ofc 🙄
ashleyjliao the sweetest couple
↩️ yourusername thank you for introducing us to one another ❤️🫂
↩️ashleyjliao I better me maid of honour and godmom to your first child 😝
↩️ rachelzegler gotta fight me for that 😏
oliviarodrigo how does your hair grow that fast 😭😭
↩️ yourusername I don't know but it just does lol
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liked by yourusername
croissainticles video posted today after the austin festival!
yourusername damn it’s like i’m not even here 😒
↩️tomblyth offered you one and you said you didn’t one until you took a bite out of mine
justins.croissants we glad he loved it! we'd like to sponsor you @/tomblyth for a sponsored post about our fresh croissants.
↩️ tomblyth this is the best time of my life actually
↩️tomblyth.fansite I'm crying I know he's so excited of like the free months of croissants or something
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don’t worry about me we got challengers at home 🤭🍽️
liked by sophiewildee and others
tomblyth.fansite I'm crying he looked so baby 😭
liked by yourusername
↩️ yourusername I know right 😂😂
tomblyth baby not this photo 😔
↩️ yourusername can't help you look so cute 🤭🤭
danielwebber good god who is this
nuriaavegaa oh my 😅😅
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sevenop · 3 months
Billie Eilish x Fem!reader: I've been havin' dreams
A/n: I've been stuck in this goddamn dream for like a month now, and you're bordering between the concept of God's blessing and sin's curse. I cling to your scarlet satin shirt like it's my last and only salvation, nearly ripping it off you, and you don't even mind.
Written on Billie's point of view, I'm just interested in experimenting with the presentation of the text.
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"'BITTERSUITE'? Well, it sounds delicious just from the name alone," you purr in my ear, and I nearly jump two feet up in my chair in surprise, scattering all the thoughts and melodies going around in my head to dust. Shit.
Your short laugh, the palm of your hand that gently outlines my shoulder - that's all you are. And it's impossible to take offense at you, because you immediately draw a sincere "I'm sorry" in the air with just one lips, sitting down on the table, and I know you didn't do it on purpose, it just happened. A brief glance at you instantly turns into an uncompromising infinity.
"Finneas told me to tear you away from the monitor, and I fully support it." - You're slipping your leg over your foot, which in those straight-cut black pants is a total crime against my peace. - "You've both already done an incredible amount today, and it's barely lunchtime."
Nod silently in response, but my eyes only go higher. Past the supposedly aged eco-leather belt, I meet the expensive sheen of scarlet satin. The slightly carelessly arranged collar and neckline hiding the glitter of the pendant and, more importantly, your tantalizing collarbones.
"What, you like it that much, Eilish?" - the smirk on your face puts an intimate stroke on my heart, and I realize I've been staring at you too openly, for too long.
"Sometimes I wish I could erase all my pictures from the covers and put you in there, my girl," I cling to my desk with my hand (but wish I could cling to your damn collarbones) to pull myself up and move closer along with the office chair.
"Don't talk me into it, honey. Get away from the monitor and give yourself a well-deserved rest."
"Already ripped off, thanks for your presence," - the chair is a thing of the past, with the new tactic coming in. I come as close to you as possible, hands resting on either side of you. Behind you is a plethora of music equipment, in front of you is me. You're trapped, Y/n. - "And do you really think my compliments aren't sincere?"
The corner of your lips twitch as the smirk that was cheekily painted on your beautiful face is replaced by an embarrassed smile, and you look away. My hand touches your chin, bringing eye contact back. Be brave to the end, girl. Not like me.
"You can be expected to do anything when it comes to music."
"Only music?" - my fingers feel a pleasant coolness touching the collar of your shirt. A smile appears on face. It's invariable when you're around.
"Okay, me too," you chuckle warmly. You watch my movements with undisguised interest as I remove a few rings from my fingers.
"And yet what is the reason? Suddenly, the Met Gala was announced, and neither I nor my managers are aware?".
"Shut up!" - You cluck funny and ruffle my hair, wanting to hide the growing embarrassment. - "Your mom asked me to help her with a deal regarding a charity stock package."
"'Support And Feed'?" - I methodically slip my rings onto your fingers, one by one. The finishing touch is to intertwine our fingers into a lock, creating perfect symmetry.
"Absolutely right." - You bring our interlocked hands to your lips, showering them with short kisses. So trembling. - "И... Thanks for the compliments, really."
"Will you kiss me for this?" - I raise an eyebrow, catching the sparkle in your eyes.
And you kiss. Just because we both want it, other reasons are crumpled sheets of paper, something empty and unnecessary. Nibbling on your lower lip, pulling it back a little, pressing you closer to me when the only obstacle is only our clothes - this is my ambrosia. You throw your arms around my neck, burning yourself against the cold of the massive silver chain even through the thin satin, and I just grab your hips, tearing a ragged exhale from your hot lips. A pathetic plea for more in front of the eyes of affairs and circumstances.
"I have to go, Eilish..."
"Do you know I'm always crazy short of you?" - I take a moment to leave the hot touch of my lips on your neck. A new hitched exhale. The knot below your stomach slowly tightens, fiering.
"I know." - You hug me so tightly, completely disarming me with a feeling of all-consuming comfort. - "Still, try not to stay up too, okay? I'll be back late."
You disappeared out the door of my home studio half an hour ago, and I can still see the air trembling between us before you say it and I steal another hungry kiss. I lean back tiredly in my chair and shield my eyes from the blue light of the monitor while my fingers touch the keys of the midi keyboard in a half-sleep and your lips form an eloquent "love you" over and over again. Do you love my fears, too?
The huge tiered chandelier was blinding, and the staircase in front of me twisted into a labyrinth with an incalculable number of ebony steps and equally incalculable meters of carpeting. Everything is as it should be: fabulously expensive carpeting, wood paneled walls, complete with ornate bas-reliefs, and as if that weren't enough - stained glass gilded lamps on the walls. The white light is irritating to the point of grinding teeth, and even if you try to cover your eyes - everything is absolutely useless.
I don't even try to get up from my knees, knowing that any effort will come to nothing. Something presses me so hard to the ground that there is no point in resisting: hundreds of attempts have yielded no result, so why resist, knowing the outcome? The only thing that gives an imaginary feeling of freedom is the feeling of baggy clothes on the body. Sneakers, long-sleeved shirt, pants, all white. And that only adds fuel to the furnace of irritation. The helplessness and the maddening whiteness. And your figure staring down at me, unreachably perched on the steps.
I've been stuck in this goddamn dream for like a month now, and you're bordering between the concept of God's blessing and sin's curse. Everything is unchanging, chiseled with detail in my memory, but not today. Your perpetually naked silhouette, taut as a string in a Stradivarius violin, today is swathed in the red satin of a weightless shirt and raven wing pants. My gaze clings to the silver glint playing on your devilish fingers: not magic, but my rings.
If things aren't the same today, will you be my long-awaited salvation?
"Open up the door for me." - mechanically and without a second thought. I know what I'm going to say, I know what you want to hear. I am but a defenseless lamb before you, a bowed-down bigot.
"Why should I?" - the flames of madness dance in your eyes. Your ringed hand touches the cold, spotless lacquered railing.
"'Cause I'm still on my knees, I'm stayin' off my feet."
And you descended lower, shaking the ghostly silence of the foyer with the stern sound of the heels of your shoes. Step by step, step by step. You keep your eyes on me, but I'm not lagging behind, looking at you as if I'm going to take you into my storm, the blue shards of my exhausted eyes. The closer you get, the higher I have to lift my head, just until you grab my chin imperiously. I catch a reflection of myself in your eyes: blue shards sharper than ever, ready to surrender to you at any moment, just say the word. I see the way you want me, I wanna be the one.
"Just want you to touch me..."
"Anything else?" - you snap your fingers and my throat immediately begins to tear with pain. You're depriving me of oxygen, it'll be over soon. The rings on your hand still glow hungrily. My rings.
"I've been overseas." - Like someone dragging a rusty chain across the floor, a wheeze cutting through my hearing, pushing the words out on the last volume of oxygen. - "I don't need to breathe when you look at me, all I see is green."
"So tell me for real." - Something you've never said before.
Click! And you disappear, a hazy haze dissipating into the air. I clutch at my throat, as if that will help me hold on to the last bits of oxygen. My eyes blur and pure panic runs through my veins.
The foyer becomes a huge mosaic, disintegrating into a network of many cracks. Concrete crumbs are falling from the ceiling, and the gigantic chandelier is shaking to an outrage, wanting to fly down, glass fragments spread across the floor.
And I finally take my first loud breath.
I jerk out of bed, clutching at your scarlet satin shirt like it's my last and only salvation, almost tearing it off you, and you don't even mind. You wrap your arms around me like a lost child, stroking my head, whispering something, and I can't focus. I can't piece together the stained glass of my dreams and reality, so I just tearfully snuggle into your chest, seeking refuge like you're Noah's Ark.
"Shh, I'm right here, Billie, it was a dream." - You smell like night and street and ink. Wrapping my arms and legs around you, just so you don't leave again.
You don't ask me what I was dreaming about, just rocking me in your arms like a baby, telling me over and over that it's just a dream, offering me water. It's only when the two of us are on the bed, right on the blanket that was knocked over in the panic of the nightmare, that I tell you everything. You remain silent, listening intently, while I undo the buttons of your shirt. One by one, like a meditation.
"Who am I to you?" - A whisper in the dark when you are left completely unclothed. - "Who am I, along with all my fears?"
"L'amour de ma vie," - you whisper confidently as you gently touch your lips to my forehead.
L'amour de ma vie...
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Mr Crown P2
Media - Morbius Character - Lucien Crown Couple - Lucien Milo X OC Reader - (OC) Anastasia Morton (Assistant) Rating - Sexy Af Word Count - 2106
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The day passed slowly for Lucien, waking up and having his medication doing a few small tasks here and there, his excitement for the gala building gradually as the hours ticked by. He spent the afternoon in a flurry of prep for the event, his mind occasionally wandering to thoughts of Anastasia and wondering what she would look like all dolled up for the event.
He made sure to freshen up and dress in his most expensive black suit and red silk shirt, eagerly awaiting her arrival at seven.
As he had his second to last medicine for the evening, he tried a few times to get his tie right but it just wouldn't work, in the end, his butler did it even if he didn't do it quite right either, 
Lucien looked in the mirror, assessing his appearance. The suit hung off his now slender frame, emphasizing his weakened state. He took a deep breath, feeling a pang of frustration at having to rely on a cane, but he knew he had no other choice. He turned to the butler standing behind him, a hint of irritation in his voice. "Is this the best you can do with my tie?"
"My apologies Mr Crown," The man nodded, 
He let out a heavy sigh. "No matter. It'll have to suffice for now. Where is she anyway? She should have arrived by now."
"In the garage waiting, sir."
Lucien raised an eyebrow. His curiosity piqued, and he gave one last glance at himself in the mirror before making his way to the garage and towards where Anastasia was waiting. He hobbled down using his cane to make his way down to the garage filled with his many luxury cars, and he stopped short at the sight, the black Bentley sat freshly cleaned and polished practically sparkling, and in front of it stood Anastasia,
She wore strap red designer heels, her hair up Glamour's curls, her make-up impeccable, silver necklace of roses around her neck with a matching bracelet, a silver and rose handbag over her shoulder and her dress… Her gown was a floor length off shoulder silk dress with a high slit that looked as if it had been made to measure to accentuate every single Inch of her a matching red to his own shirt,
"I am acceptable Mr crown?"
Lucien's mouth went dry as he laid eyes on her. The sight of her in the stunning red dress, coupled with her flawless makeup and hair, left him speechless. He stood there for a moment, taking in her appearance, his gaze roaming over her curves and the way the dress seemed to hug her body in all the right places. "Acceptable? No, no, my dear." He paused, his voice slightly hoarse, his eyes unable to look away from her. "You are downright sensational." He took a few steps closer, his cane clicking against the floor, his eyes drinking in her figure. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to run his hands over the silky fabric, to feel her body beneath it. But restraint won out, and instead, he stopped just a few feet away from her, his gaze locked on her face and then roaming down until he was shamelessly admiring her body. His tone held a hint of approval and desire as he spoke again. "You look like a dream, Anastasia."
"Thank you," she smiled, "As strong as always but extra handsome today," she complimented him, "Come here" She immediately took his tie off and fixed it herself,
Lucien chuckled softly as she fixed his tie, Her proximity to him brought her scent to his nostrils, and he inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of her rose perfume and the closeness of her body. As she adjusted his tie, he couldn't help but appreciate her attentiveness. "Always making me presentable, are you? I'd be lost without you to fix my tie."
"I think without me, you'd have invested far more in clip ones," she chuckled, 
He chuckled in response, knowing damn well her words were true. He knew he was hopeless with ties. "You're probably right. I'd be spending a fortune on clip ones."
"Shall we?" She asked glancing at the Bentley's back door,
"Of course. Lead the way, my dear."
She opened the back door and helped him inside before climbing in herself and shutting the door behind them, she nodded to the driver who started the Bentley and began to drive as soon as they were outside Lucien’s garages the driver rolled up the partition, 
Lucien settled into the back seat, as the partition went up, shutting them off from the driver, a strange sense of intimacy enveloped them in the back seat. The world outside was forgotten as they were alone together in the luxury of the Bentley, the hum of the engine surrounding them. He glanced over at her, taking in her beauty once again. He couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity in comparison to her elegance. He ran a hand through his thinning hair, a sigh escaping his lips.
she noticed his hand and gave his hair a slight adjustment making his thinning from his sickness less noticeable, 
Lucien's breath caught in his throat as she adjusted his hair, a flutter of vulnerability running through him as she touched him so gently. It served as a stark reminder of his illness, the reason for his weakened state. He looked into her eyes, his expression carrying a mixture of gratitude and insecurity. He was grateful for her presence, her support, but at the same time, he felt ashamed of his weakness and how she must see him, he didn’t want her to see him like that, like this.
She coughed breaking the silence moving from his eyes, "so, which side did you want me on?"
Lucien blinked, snapping out of his thoughts at her question. He considered it for a moment, his gaze roaming over her figure, his mind warring with itself. A part of him wanted to have her seated next to him so he could be closer to her, feel her warmth beside him. But at the same time, he was hesitant, thinking of how it would look, him with a stunning young woman on his arm while he looked weak and ill. After a moment, he let out a soft sigh. "Next to me."
She rolled her eyes a little playfully "Yes Lucien, however it's not a very good look for press or fellow business people to see us climb out the car a debate what arm I need to hold. I don't want to cause you any more trouble," she said glancing to his cane, "So whatever makes it easier,"
Lucien chuckled softly at her playful eye roll. She had a point. He didn't want to seem even weaker than he already appeared. He sighed, his hand involuntarily gripping the cane tighter. "You're right, as always. It would look quite strange to see us debating over what arm you should hold." He grumbled slightly, a hint of irritation in his voice at the idea of his illness being on display. But then he looked at her, her beauty offering some consolation. “My right, hand without my cane.” 
“Perfect,” she agreed,
"You’ll sit next to me?"
"My seat is next to yours at the gala I'll be next to you."
Lucien nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. It was a suitable compromise he supposed. The thought of having her by his side the whole evening offered him some comfort. "Good. I want you nearby. I'm certain you'll be the most gorgeous one there, anyway… Thank you, for coming with me."
"not a problem, a gala is a gala, a business can be done anytime, the most important thing is looking after you," she smiled briefly resting her hand on his,
A soft, almost imperceptible shiver ran through Lucien's body as she rested her hand on his. It was such a gentle, yet powerful gesture. He appreciated her concern for him, and her desire to take care of him. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice slightly hoarse, his hand subconsciously turning to intertwine his fingers with hers. "But you also mustn't neglect your well-being. I want you to enjoy yourself tonight as well."
"I'll do my best, try not to be so... Business."
Lucien chuckled at her comment, amused at her suggestion. "Me? Not be so business? That's a rather tall order, my dear." He gave her hand a slight squeeze, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "But I'll try to remember how to socialize without discussing stocks and investment portfolios. You have my word." He chuckled again, the sound weak but genuine.
She chuckled as she glanced out the blacked-out windows seeing they were almost there lining up for the drop off as all galas are, about ten minutes before they'd be greeted by guests and press so it was final checks,
Lucien fussed over his appearance, ensuring his tie was straight and his hair was presentable. He adjusted his suit, trying to hide his weakness, the way his once muscular frame had diminished. 
Anastasia noticed his fussing as she always did, she did feel a bit of pity knowing how much he hated how his illness made him appear to people, she wanted to cheer him up, and help him go to this gala feeling confident and happy. And she had a wicked little idea. 
He turned to her, but then his gaze caught hers as she smiled at him in a rather wicked way. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "And what might you be smiling at so mischievously, Miss Morton?"
She softly took his hand again, leaning a little closer to him.
Lucien looked down at her hand wrapping around his, her touch gentle. He felt a mixture of comfort and vulnerability at the intimate contact. He laced his fingers with hers, his grip slightly weak but firm nonetheless. He looked into her eyes, a soft, vulnerable expression on his face. "You have a devilish glint in your gaze, my dear. I feel like you're up to no good."
She didn't answer she just shrugged and simply closed the gap and let her lips meet his, 
Lucien's breath hitched as she closed the gap between them and their lips met. The moment her lips touched his, a surge of desire and need coursed through him. He responded to the kiss immediately, his hand on hers trembling slightly as he leaned into the kiss, deepening it. 
She kissed back resting her hand on his jaw and bringing him closer as the kiss became heavier,
He broke the kiss momentarily, his breathing ragged and heavy, his forehead resting against hers. "Anastasia..." he murmured her name, his voice thick with need. But he quickly returned to her lips letting his tongue slip into her mouth which she happily encouraged, 
She moved his hand intertwined with hers and let him touch her silk dress running up her waist and pressing his hand onto the top of her dress his hand cupping her breast through the silk, 
Lucien's breath caught in his throat as she guided his hand, He pressed his hand against the silk, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin beneath, the contrast between the smoothness of the material and the contour of her body fueling his desire further. "Anastasia..." he murmured her name, his voice a little rougher than before, He let out a soft moan, his hand on her dress shifting slightly, pulling her closer to him. The world outside faded away, and all that mattered was the taste of her lips on his, the feel of her body against him, and the fire that burned deep within his core.
Lucien was lost in the kiss, his mind and body consumed by her. He had to fight back the primal urge to pull her onto his lap and have her right then and there. Instead, he let his hands explore her body, keeping the one she guided on her breast fondling and squeezing her as they kissed, the other running up her through the slit in her dress slipping under the dress to touch the warm skin of her thighs.
They kissed rather heavily in the back seat for what felt like hours, touching each other through their clothes and moaning against each other’s lips, 
Finally she pulled away and gave his forehead a kiss, "Have fun tonight Lucien. And if you need my help, you ask for it." she reminds him just as the door opened and she climbed out into the galas red carpet,
He took a moment to regain his mind before he shook himself straight grabbing his cane and climbing out too, 
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