#but they’re also the first to jump to defend HER
halfyearsqueen · 6 months
The list of people she trusts goes :
her children
everyone else
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hi victoria!!! i love ur pogue!sweetheart!reader and i was wondering if u could do a lil hurt/comfort thing where one of rafes friends tells reader she talks too much/is too loud and she gets super upset? i’m a super big crybaby and i talk a LOT and i’d love to see how you write how rafey defends n comforts her :,)
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warnings: protective!rafe, topper and kelce are pretty mean in this one >:(, rafe defends you <3, sight angst, fluff, rafe being the king of reassurance
a/n: i have personal beef with anyone who tells ppl to quiet down when they’re excited for something, or just naturally outgoing. also idk how to play poker so excuse the way i explained it if it’s incorrect lol
before you, friday nights were always reserved for rafe and his friends, the group of them either going out for a beer or staying in and betting money on card games. but now? rafe spent his friday nights buried inside of you, both of you laughing and kissing each other in the dark until one of you fell asleep first. and rafe wouldn’t have it any other way. his friends however, weren’t very fond of your boyfriend choosing you over them.
which would explain their impromptu visit while you two were mid-makeout session. “so this is why she has you locked away, huh?” you jumped, rafe covering you with a throw blanket as he slipped his shirt on. “what the fuck, guys?!” rafe glared at kelce and topper, your skin hot with embarrassment. “you left the door unlocked, playboy.” topper pushed a twelve pack of beers into rafe’s chest, the pair of friends walking to the kitchen.
“are you okay, baby?” rafe leaned down, wanting nothing more than to sucker punch his idiot friends for making you feel mortified. “i’m in my bra and panties!” you whispered, scrambling up from the couch and running up the stairs to rafe’s bedroom. rafe pinched the bridge of his nose, cursing under his breath before meeting topper and kelce in the kitchen. “y’all should’ve called me or something.” his tone was harsh, kelce holding his hands up defensively.
“she has you so pussy whipped bro, would you have even answered?” no, the answer was no. “it doesn’t matter, you two shouldn’t have walked in like that.” topper scoffed, popping open a can of beer. “chill, man, we just came to see our boy,” kelce slapped rafe’s shoulder, “and beat your ass at poker.” he added. rafe laughed, muttering a ‘not a chance.’ before going upstairs to check on you. “y/n?” you were fixing your disheveled hair, your lips still swollen from your previous activities.
“hey..” you turned, rafe pulling you in for a hug. “why don’t you come downstairs? be my lucky charm for the game we’re gonna play.” you shook your head, recalling topper’s words from earlier; ‘so this is why she has you locked away, huh?’ locked away? really? “i better not, you should go have your ‘bro’ time, i know it’s been awhile..” you smiled, hoping he didn’t catch the way your gaze faltered. he did. “i want you with me.” he pecked the tip of your nose, your eyes shutting momentarily.
“what if they don’t, though?” rafe was already dressing you, waving off your words. “well then they can leave.” he shrugged. you sighed, letting him walk you downstairs where topper and kelce had the game set up on the table. “the girl scout is joining us?” you didn’t miss the way topper exchanged looks with the boy on his right. “yes, she is. is there a problem?” kelce mumbled a ‘no.’, followed by an awkward clearing of his throat.
rafe pulled you onto his lap, the guys starting the game as you rested your head against his chest. you didn’t know a thing about poker, your lips quirking every time your boyfriend shouted excitedly. “there’s no way!” topper slammed his losing cards on the table, “i have nothing!” kelce was getting frustrated, the chances of him winning decreasing with each turn. “if i flip this card and it’s right, i take all of this.” the guys had already put in well over four hundred dollars, the tension in the room incredibly thick.
“with this money we’ll get you that mixer you been wanting, how does that sound?” you nodded, both you and rafe leaning forward in anticipation. as soon as rafe turned his last card over, you screamed, jumping up as topper and kelce heads fell down in defeat. it was the first time you had even opened your mouth tonight, and kelce wasted no time in shutting you down. “calm down, do you really have to be so loud?” your smile dropped, along with rafe’s. “forreal.” topper glared at you before pushing the money in your direction.
“what’s up y’all’s asses? she’s just cheering,” rafe pulled you to his side, “just a reminder that you two came here on your own accord and interrupted us, not the other way around.” in that moment you felt like a little girl again, always having someone to tell you to quiet down and suppress your excitement. you couldn’t help the tears from welling in your eyes, their judgmental looks making you want to disappear. prior to you and rafe being together, topper and kelce had always been nice to you, but all of that seemed to go out the door when your boyfriend stopped participating in their little get togethers.
“we hardly see you anymore, bro, we just don’t understand why she can’t lay off sometimes.” topper looked over at you, his jaw ticking as rafe laughed bitterly. you couldn’t believe your ears. if only they knew how much you encouraged rafe to hang out with them. “has it ever occurred to you that maybe i rather spend my time with my girlfriend than hanging out with you two? get the fuck out of my house.” topper and kelce looked like they were at a loss for words, both of them apologizing to you under their breath.
“and not that it matters anymore, ‘cause you two are so convinced that she has me trapped in her evil lair somewhere, but she encouraged me to come down here by myself before i dragged her along with me. you don’t even know what you’re talking about.” rafe basically pushed them out before shouting, “and i’m keeping the beers assholes!”
rafe shut the front door, making sure to lock it this time before he scooped you up in his arms. “don’t cry, sweetheart, they’re both idiots.” you sniffled, laughing softly. rafe smiled at the fact that he knew how to make you feel better. “talk my ear off while i order that mixer, i love hearing your voice.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Visit II
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to a Barcelona match
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With Momma and Morsa in Madrid and you in Barcelona, Frido takes you to one of her games. Or, her team’s game because she’s got a little injury that keeps her off the squad for the week so she sits up in the box with you.
It’s not your first time at one of moster Frido’s games but it’s your first time at a Barcelona game. You like the jersey, you decide. It’s blue which is a Not-Wolfsburg colour but it’s also got red and that’s an Arsenal colour. The badge is cool too and you decide that Arsenal can be your English team and Barcelona can be your Spanish team like how Wolfsburg is your German team and Linköping is your Swedish team because that’s where Momma and Morsa first met.
Moster Frido isn’t playing today so you wear an Ingrid jersey instead. She’s starting today and, strangely, so is Mapi. That confuses you a little but you figure with Frido injured that Barcelona don’t have enough defenders to go around.
“It’s nice that Ingrid lets Mapi play with her,” You say as the whistle blows for the first half to begin,” Ingrid’s a good girlfriend.”
Frido laughs. “Don’t ever change, little monster,” She says. You don’t understand what’s funny but you assume it’s an adult thing that you’re still too little to know about.
Barcelona, you think, are much better than Arsenal. Not that Arsenal isn’t good but Barcelona is a lot more organised. They always know where each other are and they’re playing this first half like they actually know how to play football rather than having to settle into it like Arsenal do.
You cheer when Mapi passes the ball off to Ingrid, who weaves through the other team and passes it off to someone else. You don’t really remember much about the Barcelona team from the final against Not-Wolfsburg, not really. You don’t really know the players well but you know you’ll learn.
You’re good at learning. Morsa says it’s a good skill to have.
The person in goal is called Paños and you mark that in your brain because she’s very good. You prefer Zećira obviously but you think v is really good too and you want to watch a few more matches with her.
Barcelona scores while you think about it, some girl with Guijarro on her back.
The crowd goes wild, as does another little girl in the box. She’s wearing a Guijarro jersey like how you’re wearing an Engen one. She goes absolutely crazy. She waves a little flag and jumps up and down in joy.
“That’s little Nat,” Moster Frido says in her ear,” She’s Patri’s cousin.”
“Who’s Patri?”
Frido laughs. “The girl who just scored.”
Little Nat, as moster Frido calls her, keeps cheering and jumping around. You smile at that. That’s how you react when Momma scores.
“Do you want to go say hi?” Frido asks you and you think about it for a moment.
You could go say hi but you just move a bit closer to Frido, suddenly feeling shy. “I don’t speak Spanish,” You whisper to her.
“That’s okay,” She says,” Little Nat speaks some English too. She’s very nice.”
You think about it again but the shy feeling doesn’t go away. “Maybe later.”
“Okay,” Frido says,” Later then.”
You settle more firmly at her side, though your eyes track Little Nat all the way back to her seat. You think, if you were a little braver and you spoke Spanish, you would talk to her. But you’re shy and you don’t speak Spanish so you don’t.
You focus back on the match and watch as Mapi makes a very good save for someone that doesn’t play football. It’s nice that she’s come out to support Ingrid and is on the pitch even though her job is to get tattoos and be a good girlfriend.
Every time you tell Frido that, she laughs and cuddles you nice and close in amusement.
The match ends with a very impressive score line for Barcelona and you cheer like everyone else when it’s over.
Frido takes you down onto the pitch.
Little Nat from earlier is there too, with her parents – though she abandons them to sprint to her cousin who scored the goal earlier.
You end up with Mapi and Ingrid. “Hi, Ingrid! Hi, Mapi!” You chirp, giving them both big hugs.
“Is that my jersey?” Ingrid teases and you nod.
“Uh-huh! It’s so cool! I like Barcelona.”
“That’s great!” Ingrid high fives you and you giggle.
You turn to Mapi. “It’s nice that Ingrid let you play with her. Say thank you, Mapi.”
“Ingrid didn’t let me play with her!” Mapi says,” This is my job! I play football!”
You give her a weird look. “Playing in the park isn’t the same as playing on the pitch,” You tell her,” But you’re a very good girlfriend for helping Ingrid on the pitch today. If you keep practicing really hard then maybe you can join a proper team one day too.”
“Guys!” Mapi complains,” Come on, help me out here! Tell her I’m a footballer!”
Ingrid and Frido are too busy laughing at Mapi’s outrage to help her out.
You’re insistent on your view that Mapi exists to get tattoos and be Ingrid’s girlfriend. There’s no way she’s a footballer and you refuse to accept any other alternative except maybe that her job is feeding the stray cats in the neighbourhood. That could be her job too.
Her cat, Bagheera, is very sweet. You think you might want a cat when you’re older though you think you also want a puppy too. You don’t know if they can live in the same house but you hope so because you like both cats and dogs.
You know Morsa doesn’t want any pets right now but you do so you’ll try to convince her to let you have a pet when you go back to London. That gives you enough time to think of a plan to convince her.
“Hey,” Mapi says,” Did you go and talk to Little Nat during the match? I think you’d really get on with her.”
You shake your head. You spare a glance over your shoulder at her. She’s on her feet now, her cousin having put her down but still keeps holding her hand. She’s staring back at you with a smile and waves.
You wave back to be polite but still feel a little shy and duck to hide behind Frido’s legs.
“Someone's a little shy,” Frido says to Mapi, looking down at you,” But that’s okay. I’m sure they can make friends another time.”
(You never get to make friends with Little Nat as a child but, one day, you make a girlfriend and then a wife of Talia).
“Next time then,” Mapi says,” I’m serious. I think you and Little Nat will be great friends one day.”
You peak out from Frido’s legs.
Little Nat is still looking at you. She waves again and you wave back before you spot someone off to the side.
You gasp and grab Frido’s hand, pulling her with you.
“It’s Caro!”
Caro is standing by the water cooler, drinking from a bottle but she turns at the sound of her name. She spots Frido, who indicates downwards to where you’re dragging her over.
Caro lets a small smile appear on her face and she drops into a crouch right as you barrel into her arms. There’s something about you being older now that puts Caro at ease. She remembers when you were just a tiny baby and how scared she was to drop you.
It’s harder to drop you now and Caro’s much more comfortable. Her arms wrap around your little body and you hug her back so tightly that she’s a little shocked at how much strength is in your tiny body.
“Hi, Caro!” You say, panting from how quickly you go to her side.
“Hello, y/n.”
“You played so good!” You tell her,” Just like at Wolfsburg! You score so much! You’re so cool, Caro!” You chatter on and on about Caro’s two earlier goals.
Caro nods along to you and Frido only pulls you away when you start yawning, completely shattered by your long day in the sun.
“Alright, little monster,” She says,” Say goodbye to Caro then we’ll say bye to Ingrid and Mapi. We need to head home.”
You whine but do as you’re told, giving a hug to Caro before running off to do the same with Ingrid and Mapi.
You’re practically asleep by the time Frido straps you into your car seat. You keep yawning and your head lulls to the side. It’s adorable and Frido snaps a quick picture, sending it off to Pernille and Magda, who she knows are eagerly awaiting an update from her after the game.
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
Ultimate Betrayal
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Regina George x Reader, Janis Imi'ike x Sibling!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: angry Janis Imi'ike, betraying a sibling, cussing, arguing, in depth make-out session (including a moan from Regina)
can i request regina x janis sibling fic? where they’re lowkey hiding their relationship
Mean Girls Requests are open.
(Y/n) Imi'ike knew that she was far too deep into whatever troubled waters she had found herself in. But she was also now at the point where she didn't care too much either. Instead, she ignored the voice in her head, telling her what she was doing was a bad idea, as she was pushed against the wall by Regina George herself. Their lips clashed violently as Regina's fingers found themselves tangled into (Y/n)'s hair. (Y/n)'s fingers looped themselves in Regina's pant buckle loops as she pulled her closer. It was times like these, where they were making out, that (Y/n) forgot who she even was.
Being the younger sister of Janis Imi'ike, the most outspoken person at school, was not an easy task. Not when Janis and Regina became enemies during middle school. Of course, (Y/n) was fully aware of who Regina was and what she had done. In fact, when Regina first began her pursuit of (Y/n)'s heart, she was rejected various times until she finally convinced (Y/n) that she had changed. Despite this change, Janis and Regina were not friends, and (Y/n) found herself lying awake at night, guiltily recounting the fact that hours before coming home, in the janitor's closet, her lips were taken in by Regina's.
(Y/n) knew that every time she slipped into the janitor's closet to meet with Regina, every after-school hang-out that occurred after long drives far from town, was her actively betraying her sister. She tried to stop seeing Regina several times, but couldn't help but miss sneaking over to Regina's and slipping into her bed at night on the weekends. Regina had her completely head over heels, and vice versa, Regina was just as enamored by (Y/n) as she was by her.
Regina attempted to apologize to Janis for what she had done. She wanted to make sure that there was a clean slate to help relieve all of (Y/n)'s guilty thoughts. However, Janis could not find it in her to forgive her. Regina understood, of course, but after several attempts to make things right, she forced herself to stop worrying about it. (Y/n) had seen all the attempts and she even tried talking to Janis. Janis wasn't buying any of it, though. That was why they were forced to hide what they had in the confines of a small janitorial closet at school. But, admittedly, it was all becoming too much for both of them.
Regina and (Y/n) became lost in themselves as Regina deepened the kiss, her tongue dragging on (Y/n)'s bottom lip. (Y/n) allowed Regina access. Both of them were too engrossed in each other to hear the janitor's door creak open, revealing a shocked Cady and Janis (who seemingly had the same idea as them). It took a moment for Janis to fully process what she was seeing, but it was the soft moan from Regina when her teeth clashed with (Y/n)'s that finally knocked Janis out of her trance.
"What the fuck," Janis questioned, her hand dropping from Cady's. She took silent satisfaction in watching (Y/n) and Regina jump apart from each other, fear adorning their features. Cady looked at them awkwardly as she rubbed her arm up and down, not knowing if she should say anything. Regina moved to step in front of (Y/n) before (Y/n) took the lead on being protective towards her. Janis's look of shock morphed into a scowl, hurt pooling in her brown eyes. "I can't believe my sister would be here making out with the person who ruined my life."
There was a brief moment of guilt that passed through (Y/n) before she crossed her arms. "Don't do that, Janis. She has apologized several times, and she has tried to make it better. She isn't excusing what she has done, but she has made efforts to make it right with you." (Y/n) defended Regina, causing Janis to scoff loudly. She pondered for a moment on whether she should just storm out, but instead, she stayed there, narrowing her eyes at her sibling. "I know you two had a rough past, but you need to move on. Please, for me. I know I hurt you by keeping this a secret, but it's because I knew you'd be mad if you found out." (Y/n) felt like she was only making it worse for herself at that moment. She didn't know how to make it better.
Janis's fists clenched for a moment before she breathed in and out when Cady placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Out of everyone in this entire fucking school, why Regina George? You know she hurt me, but you chose her." Janis said, her voice trembling.
"She rejected me a lot," Regina spoke up, causing Janis to look the blonde's way in slight shock that she was speaking. She almost forgot that Regina was there. Hell, if Cady hadn't touched her shoulder, she would've forgotten her girlfriend was there, too. "She told me that she hated what I did to you, and truthfully; I hated what I did to you, too. So, I tried to make it better. But there is only so much trying and growing a person can do. I can't force you to like me, but (Y/n) can't force herself to not feel her feelings either. And we tried to not speak and to not date, but the more we tried, the harder it got."
Janis shook her head as she took a step back. "I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to forgive you, Regina. But, I'm not sorry for feeling betrayed. I can't talk to you right now." Janis walked out, and Cady sent them both a sympathetic look and waved awkwardly before following Janis out. (Y/n) wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks as Regina held her. Even as Janis was storming off, she couldn't find it in herself to feel guilty for falling in love anymore.
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jflemings · 3 months
— red stars
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pairing: caroline harvey x woso!reader
synopsis: you send yourself to the olympics with a perfect game under your belt, and caroline is there to witness it.
warnings: none!
a/n: yall….. i have been sucked in 🌝 i also realised after i finished writing that nwsl players don’t give away their jerseys, so just pretend they do for the sake of the fic.
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caroline keeps her hands tucked in her pockets as she walks into the stadium. she’s careful not to bump into anybody as she makes her way to the friends and family section, keeping her hat securely on her head. she shares polite smiles with the other families and is quick to find her seat, double checking the number before sitting down and checking her phone.
she attempts to work the dead feeling out of her legs by massaging her thighs through her jeans. the almost three hour drive from madison to bridgeview really took it out of her, and the coffee that she’d skulled before coming into the stadium hadn’t kicked in yet.
she opens up her conversation with you to send you a text letting you know that she’s sat in her seat, and that she couldn’t wait to see you play. knowing that you weren’t going to respond anytime soon, she switched apps and scrolled through instagram instead.
part of her felt a little out of place. she’d decided to come alone to support you before you jetted off to france for the olympics, but now she kind of wished she had taken laila up on her offer to come. it wasn’t often that she actually got to come to your games, especially now that she had gained a bit of a fanbase, so she hadn’t had the opportunity to meet any of your teammates families or friends. it was weird being surrounded by people who saw eachother semi-regularly and she felt kind of awkward once she realised that she was the only one not caught up in a conversation.
she’s in her own little world until both teams walk out of the tunnel. the crowd cheers at the sight and she stands to clap along with them.
spotting you is relatively easy, the number fourteen on your back and your last name in bold block letter’s immediately drawing her attention. she catches your eye as you line up, grinning and waving to you when she sees you watching her with a twinkle.
after the anthem she winks and sits back down, watching you and your teammates intently as you also get to your positions. her eyes stay trained on you on the wing, the determined look on your face only making her more excited.
the first half escalates quickly with a player from the opposition earning a yellow fifteen minutes in. it sets the tone for the game: fast paced and a little aggressive.
it’s a perfect pass and mallory’s even more perfect timing that bags you an assist at the twenty minute mark. your teammate enthusiastically high-fives you and wraps an arm around you before the two of you move back into position, and kk can tell that a fire has been lit inside of you.
the half continues in chicago’s favour. the other team have opportunities but due to alyssa’s safe hands, none of them get past her. a corner kick in their favour almost breaks the deadlock and for a moment you think they’re going to score, but a red stars defender clears it and keeps the goal safe, allowing you to run back up your half of the pitch.
your first goal happens right before half time. you’re running parallel to mallory, keeping up with her pace and keeping an eye on where she’s going to pass, before she chips it to you. you slot it in past the goal keeper’s finger’s and immediately jump in celebration, pointing to the crowd of fans as your teammates train you joyfully.
the second half is when the other team decide to try to slow you down. you go down due to a mistimed tackle in the penalty box, clutching your ankle as you get on your knees; you stand slowly and shake the adrenaline out just as the ref awards a penalty kick to the red stars.
from the stands, kk holds her breath. she knows how much this penalty is going to mean to you after missing a crucial one in the world cup last year. you had called her after the game crying, saying how you should’ve made the shot and how it was stupid that you missed it when you spent hours upon hours practicing.
you were a perfectionist at heart, and knowing that you hadn’t perfectly executed the one thing you’d been trying so hard to get right absolutely broke her heart.
she bites her nails as she sees you take the ball off the ref.
you place the ball on the ground, before taking a deep breath and stepping back to take the kick. you’ve done this a million times before. you’ve trained yourself for this, on this very pitch, a million times before.
you know you want to go to the olympics with the perfect penalty under your belt.
you know that you’re not going to miss this shot.
one, two deep breaths. you pick your position, you lock in, and you pull back. you swing your leg with precision and release the breath you were holding as the ball gets off the ground.
the keeper goes right.
you’ve aimed left.
it’s the perfect shot, and the perfect finish.
the stands erupt. a sea of red and blue overtakes your vision as you take off running again, your yelling teammates not far behind. as you pass the section caroline’s in you turn your back and point to the fourteen, putting it proudly on display.
the game ends with a clean sheet, a brace and assist, and a perfect send off to your first olympics.
the adrenaline is still pumping through you as you make your rounds, clapping and waving to fans, signing posters and jerseys and taking as many photos as you can.
mallory throws an arm around your shoulders “look at you, little superstar” she praises as she punches your cheeks playfully “a brace and an assist! that giddy energy from this week did you a bit of good, i see”
you nod “i guess” you shrug, fighting the urge to smile as you subtly look towards the stands. mallory stops the both of you and faces you so that her back is to the crowd.
“you’re coming out with us, right? we were going to anyway but now we’ve really got something to celebrate” she says with a smile on her face.
you play with the hem of your jersey and shrug again, looking over her shoulder. trying to suppress the smile beginning to grow on your face turns out to be useless when you see kk waiting for you. her hands are tucked into the pockets of her soft shorts as she makes sure she’s out of the way for other friends and family members making their way out of the stands; she smiles when you catch her eye.
“i’ve actually already got plans” you say to your teammate whilst keeping your eyes on your girlfriend. you look to mallory “next time though, i promise”
she cocks a brow and looks in the direction your eyes have been glued to, smiling when she sees caroline. she nods her head and waves before turning back to you “i see” she draws out, a smirk playing on her lips.
a blush starts to bloom across your cheeks “yeah” you bite the inside of your lip. before you can say anything else, or even begin to walk away, a hand is giving you a firm slap on your shoulder. you holt forward out of surprise just as alyssa comes to stand next to you.
“are you coming out?” she asks
mallory jumps in before you can say anything “she’s got plans” she says teasingly, nodding her head back in the direction of your ever so patient girlfriend “caroline’s come to visit”
alyssa half smiles “right” she says whilst nodding “well, tell her we say hi”
“yes, i will” you half groan before shaking their hands off “as much as i love you guys, i’m not going to leave her standing there by herself any longer”
alyssa and mallory wave you off with sly smiles and teasing grins before they meet up with their own friends and family, you and caroline quickly becoming a second thought.
you make your way over to kk, cautious of the eyes that you know are trailing your figure. it’s remarkable, really, that no one has recognised her or questioned why she’s here. the two of you have managed to keep your year and a half relationship a secret from the mass of detective level fans and the media and you were hoping that it was going to stay that way after this weekend.
it’s certainly not the first time she’s made the drive from her college to your club’s home stadium, but it is the first time since she gained rapid popularity from tiktok.
she untucks her hands from her pockets and folds them behind her back, smiling shyly as you approach.
“hey” you say shyly under her gaze. you have to resist the urge to fling your arms around her neck in a bear hug “was the game everything you hoped it would be?”
“and more” she says as she leans down slightly “my olympian”
you roll your eyes “says you, silver medalist”
caroline blushes and scratches her nose to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. “yeah, well, now it’s your turn”
“gold, baby. i’m bringing home gold”
she’s about to respond when a young girl shyly approaches the two of you. she’s dressed in this season’s home jersey with her hair in pigtails, a sign saying ‘I WANT TO BE LIKE Y/N WHEN I GROW UP’ in blue and red letters. her mum stands behind her, slowly pushing the girl towards you.
“go on” the mother whispers in her daughter’s ear.
the young girl’s brunette pony tail sways as she looks between her mother and you, her lip between her teeth. “excuse me y/n?” she says quietly, her eyes quickly darting between you and your girlfriend “can i please get a photo?”
you smile wide “of course you can!” you crouch down to her level “what’s your name?”
“faye” she says shyly.
“i like your sign faye. did your mum help you make it?”
she nods “she helped me put the glitter on, but i wrote it all by myself!”
kk steps aside and makes sure she’s fully out of the frame as the mother pulls out her phone. you make sure to have the biggest, most genuine smile plastered on your face as you pose with the young girl. in your peripheral vision you can see kk smiling just as big at the two of you, making your heart flutter.
after the photos are taken you let her shoulder go but stay at her level, making sure to look her in the eye “can i give you my jersey?” you ask with a smile.
a sunshine smile overtakes her face as she nods quickly. taking the hem of your shirt in your hands, you quickly pull it over your head and turn it the right way out before flattening it on your knee.
“do you have a pen?” you ask her mum.
“here” she says as she pulls one out of her back pocket “thought we’d bring one today, just incase”
“good thinking” kk says with a smile.
you sign the jersey and the poster easily, handing them both back to her “thank you both for coming! i hope you enjoyed the game”
“we did!” faye says excitedly “mum says we can come to more games next season!”
“well then, i’ll see you back here soon!”
faye and her mum bid you and caroline goodbye. you can’t take your eyes off of the young girl and the way she excitedly raves about her interaction with you, her pigtails swishing about as she hands the sign to her mother. you see her clutch your jersey to her chest and smile.
“i can’t believe i have that kind of an impact on young girls” you say breezily “i didn’t have many female athletes to latch onto growing up so to be that for young people is just amazing”
caroline places a hand on your bare shoulder, pulling you into her “i think you underestimate how good of a player and role model you actually are” she says lowly to you “i’m so lucky to know you”
you can’t help but roll your eyes as you begin to lead her towards the tunnel and back to the changerooms to get your stuff “i’m so lucky to know you” you pointedly say. you wrap an arm around kk’s waist once the two of you are far enough in the tunnel “your unwavering support is something i don’t take for granted. i hope you know that”
“we support eachother, babe. it’s just how this works” she mumbles against your temple as she places her lips onto your warm skin “plus y’know, seeing you with my birthdate on your back isn’t too bad either”
you still slightly and blush at being caught out. you didn’t think she’d really taken any notice of the number fourteen you wear, much less connect that it was because of her.
“oh yeah. don’t think that got past me” she says cockily, pulling you out of your rooted place “i knew as soon as you moved to the red stars that you did it for me, and i was just waiting for you to admit it”
“i didn’t think you clocked that” you mumble
“yeah, and i’m proud of it everyday”
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seattlesellie · 1 year
ok. can we talk about going with ellie to the mall because i think it would be… interesting.
(fluff ‘n a little bit of smut so mdni! 🎀 also wrote this ages ago and it’s so bad so excuse me!!! and reader is v fem)
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౨ৎ when it comes to ellie williams— i believe she will throughly let you walk her like a dog. quite literally following you around the shops hand in hand— to the point where you’re merely dragging her around. at first, she’d be super chill and relaxed, but one hour later after seeing you try on the same dress three times already— she’d start groaning on and on. “babe… do we really have to go fucking zara again?”, when you tell her that you just regret not buying a certain top, she’d be so adorably pissed off, her eyebrows all furrowed together, just thoroughly confused. she would probably want to stop and eat some food every 5 seconds. “zara… or mcdonalds” ,weighing the two options on her hands and clearly placing the mcdonalds option way higher.
౨ৎ if there’s an arcade— you know her ass is fully stopping in her tracks, begging you to come and play some games with her. obviously, you oblige, because she’s giving you the biggest and cutest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen, and maybe she’d stupidly jump up when you say yes. she ends up beating you in every single game— and it's so painfully obvious that she’s been there about 17 times already.
“ellie, you’re only winning because you’re here every single day. you’re like a totallll loser” you defend, after she’d been gloating about her winning streak for 5 minutes straight. unsurprisingly, she just denies it. 
“i swear— ive never been here before, babe”
“els, be honest” you warn.
“okay— been here like once with jesse”
“once… plus like five” and at that— she turns around, and places her hand behind her back, so you can intertwine it with yours. she’s sooo beating you in bowling.
౨ৎ while you’re browsing through clothes — shed be hugging you from behind tightly, as she kisses on your neck and silently begs for your attention.
“this skirts super cute, right?” you chirp, pointing at the plaid mini skirt and slowly tracing the soft fabric with the pads of your fingers.
ellie has her chaste lips right on your pulse point, and she’s barely even looking.
you pick it up, and she moves closer behind you with her hands still clinging on to your waist. “cute, right?” — you can feel ellie’s smile slowly form on your neck.
“yeah, babe… you’re very cute. thought you knew that already, though”
౨ৎ when you pull out two pieces from the rack (amethyst purple & floral purple) and ask her which color will fit you better, she just rolls her eyes and huffs. “babe… you cannot be serious they're the exact same”, to you, they are NOT. but ellie fully doesn’t get it at all.
౨ৎ put her in a gamestop— and it’s like she won the lottery. browsing through the different controllers, now its your turn to tease and tell her they’re all the exact same. put her in a NINTENDO shop and its literally over. her eyes are twinkling and sparkling, and shes borderline skipping through the store trying to find cool figurines. when she sees a bowser plushie (her mariokart main, duh) she picks it out so fast, and then tries to find you a plushie too— a princess peach or a kirby or whatever you want. she goes to pay, and when you leave the store with your two adorable new plushies inside the bag— ellie fully side eyes you. she has something to say, and you know it. she sighs deeply— “think theyre fucking in there?”
“if they’re anything like us… theyre fucking in there— oh my god, babe… bowsers humping her ass, look” —
she’s literally moving them inside the bag.
౨ৎ okay, so you’re done paying at zara (with her credit card but let’s not… talk about it), ellie left about 15 minutes ago because she was tired of looking at the clothes and she said that place looks like a mental asylum. you’re walking out of the shop with the bags in your hands, and you see her sitting on one of the random mall couches with a random grey haired middle aged man. weirdly, they seem to be in the midst of an incredibly intense conversation. you twist your face because what the fuck and;
“waiting for the wife, huh?” she asks him, manspreading on the chair with her hands resting on her thighs. they’re both staring at the store’s entrance, both sighing heavily. “that i am…” the old man huffs, and ellie chuckles to herself. “me too man… me too”
౨ৎ five minutes later — you find them talking about fucking bathroom tiles.
“i told her i wasn’t going to do marble— but she fucking insisted on it”
you walk a little closer, and ellie is still heavily rambling about floor stuff (?) you have absolutely no clue about.
“els…? ready to go?” you chirp, smiling warmly at the stranger. “gimme a sec” ellie looks at you from the corner of her eye, and keeps going. they’re exchanging numbers because they need to start thinking about how to build a new patio, and he has some “awesome fucking tips, man”
౨ৎ ellie places her hand on your shoulder as you’re walking away, and squeezes. “he was such a cool dude” she remarks, with a stupidly dumb, satisfied smile.
“ellie… he was like, sixty five”
“so? we bonded, babe” she shrugs.
“about floor tiles?” you ask her, and she begins rubbing little circles on your shoulder as you both stray further away from the shop.
“amongst other things” ellie chews on the inside of her cheek. should she say it?
“what things?” you smile sheepishly at your girlfriend, who’s seemingly nervous for some reason.
“you know… his wife…” she bites her cheek even harder now. she should definitely not say it. “my wife” okay— there it is.
her wife.
ten whole seconds of absolute radio silence pass. ellie thinks she might have said too much, but ellie doesn’t know you’re fighting for your life trying to hold on to your tears that are threatening to erupt.
her wife.
“you’re proposing here then, i assume?” you’re trying not to sound emotional, trying not to sound like your hearts about to burst out of your chest and start doing cartwheels on the malls pavement.
“nah… definitely somewhere way classier. like… bora bora, or the food court”
“food court?”
ellie has to stop. ellie has to stop and hold your hand.
“yeah… so i can hide the ring inside your burger n’shit. then you like… choke on it, then i save you… then not only am i a fuckin’ hero, i also get to like… marry the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. and she has to say yes—” there’s no point in swallowing down your toothy smile now. “cause like… i saved her life, y’know?” as much as ellie’s joking, ellie’s cheeks are burning up.
“will you… say yes, though?” she balances her weight from leg to leg, and averts her gaze. mmhm— what an interesting sign!
the way you place your hand on the back of her neck and kiss her hard— that’s definitely a yes.
ellie won’t propose to you in the food court, though. in fact, she has this elaborate plan she has been thinking since about a month into your relationship. that, you’ll never guess.
౨ৎ mall ellie is ALL pda. she doesn’t let go of your hand like ever and constantly needs little kisses on the cheek. she bought you a cute new top? kiss on the cheek. cute dress? kiss on the cheek and on the nose. she doesn’t want you to say your thank you’s, she’d much rather you show them.
౨ৎ when you’re at a lingerie shop… suddenly she comes fully alive. its literally as if someone infused her with seven shots of caffeine and she can’t seem to be able to stop handing you different bra’s, panties, and sexy little nightgowns.
“that’ll look so fucking hot on you” & hands you the sluttiest thong youve ever seen. “that— will drive me fucking crazy” & hands you a sheer bra she can imagine your nipples poking out of.
“wanna eat you out in that” as she hands you a little nightgown and you’re like “ELLIE!” and slap her arm her because a 60 year old woman literally just heard her and looked like she was about to have an aneurysm.
“actually— wanna eat you out in that… and in that too… and in that— oh my god look baby they’re crotchless” wiggling her eyebrows and swaying the fabric in the air.
౨ৎ obviously… she wants you to model them for her. it’s funny, how she didn’t give a fuck when you tried a cardigan on or a hat or saw a cute purse, but now she’s demanding to go inside the dressing room with you and stare you down in the mirror like a perv. she watches you strip out of your clothes and you purposely do it extra slowly, taking your time removing the bra… and now, she’s just leaping out of her sit.
“nope— doing that for you…” she unclasps it, stands behind you and immediately gropes your tits. she gives you sweet little kitten licks and kisses on the neck, whilst maintaining full eye contact with her hands on your boobs from the mirror, and you can’t help but whimper when she takes your hardening nipples between her fingers and rolls them in her thumb. “ellie… were in public” you hiss, bucking your ass onto her crotch.
“we’re not in public, were in a dressing room…” she whispers, like she knows best.
“plus, i gotta test these little panties out… s’for you, y’know?”
ellie makes you sit on her lap to watch it up close, until she’s fully satisfied and is sure that they fit just right, and that she can see herself peeling them off of you. “give me a little wiggle, babe”, she rasps, as her hands roam over your naked waist.
“a wiggle?” you giggle, and burry your face in the crook of her neck.
“like… grind yourself up against me. gotta test the fabric, make sure you’re… comfortable” and— of course you do. you grind yourself up against her thigh until you forget what you even came to the mall for.
ellie’s eyes are fixated on you, taking in your little silent whimpers as you “test the panties” out.
“think… fuck— think we gotta buy them now… soaked ‘em all up, huh?” ellie pants, as she helps you grind your body back and forth. when ellie looks down on her thigh, truly just to watch how your pussy lips swallow the drenched material, ellie comes to an extra conclusion as well. there’s a sticky wet patch, almost heart shaped, over her denim jeans.
“shit… babe, look at that mess…”, she holds you by the back of your neck, and guides your head down. “mhm… gotta buy me some new jeans” your breath cages inside your throat as you begin to stutter, “sorry, el… didn’t mean to”
“oh fuck no… it’s… shit— so fuckin’ hot”
anyways, mall ellie is a menace.
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green-alm0nd · 4 months
Love your writing so much! Can you please do some separate headcanons of the bad batch who get assigned a female!general who’s super sweet and a total scaredy cat? Because of this, they’re SUPER protective (and jealous) of their dear general, especially when it comes to other regs! And of course as time passes, they begin to develop a crush on her
Hello! Of course I can! :p
[The Bad Batch x Jedi!fem!reader (headcanons)]: "I could never choose to love another"
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In which the Bad Batch member you're in love with falls for you too.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: protective Batch, jealousy, fluff, mild mentions of Crosshair having a panic attack, and that's pretty much it. Not proofread.
A/N: Thank you <3 and I hope you enjoy your request!
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When Hunter first heard of becoming a general's squadron, he couldn't believe it. He and his brothers had been rejected by the Republic (in general), and suddenly, someone wants five clones on their squad? Unbelievable.
However, Hunter knew you were different when you first showed up and tripped over your own Jedi robe, got up, smiled and extended a hand to him. There was something in your eyes that made you different from the rest of the Jedi.
The more time he spent with you, the more time he got to meet you. At first, it was the usual jokes to break the ice; usual, playful banter; calm nights talking to his brothers... That's when Hunter saw your sweet side. There's a point where he started calling you by your real name whenever you were alone.
He literally became your protector, keeping you out of trouble whenever he could, avoiding food cantina fights so that you wouldn't get hurt, etc. He knows you can defend yourself, but there was always something that made him protective over you and his brothers.
Another reason you gave Hunter to be more protective over you was the fact that you got scared pretty easy. And, cherry on top, whenever Hunter saw you with regs, he'd become jealous and probably try to get you away from the regs as much as possible.
He didn't make it super obvious, of course. Then, he realised he might have fallen for you. However, he knew it was unprofessional, so he'd keep it to himself.
Though, he could not hide the slight blush that came over his face whenever you teasingly brushed your fingers against his calloused hands.
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Now, Echo was happy his squad assigned to a new general. Ever since Skako Minor, he felt like the Republic had done little to nothing to try make him feel normal again. However, he was insecure about his general seeing him and rejecting him in some way.
Nonetheless, he immediately fell for you when he saw your bright smile, as your eyes came in contact with his.
Unlike Hunter, who took a long time to realise he had fallen for someone, Echo had the love-at-first-sight type of problem and he swore he'd keep it to himself. It was unprofessional and you were his general.
He found it endearing to see how scared you were of basically everything: bugs, surprise hugs, animals... However, that did not stop him from blushing every time you jumped in surprise and held his shoulders for support.
He's definitely protective over you, but he knows you can handle things. He trusts you completely and knows you won't get in trouble. He's not possessive nor jealous in any way (he's too sweet to be possessive).
Yet, he still feels a bit jealous when you prefer talking to the regs and sometimes will try to make a friendly conversation so as to keep you with him.
Again, Echo knows what he's doing. He knows he shouldn't confess to a person that's a higher rank than him.
But, his face turns red when your hands rest on his waist for a few seconds.
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Let's all be honest, Wrecker does not care who you are, as long as you like hugs. Because Wrecker gives lots of those.
When he first saw you arm wrestling a reg and you won, this man was ready to spar with you for the rest of his life. You were also very nice and polite.
I reckon Wrecker laughs when you get scared. Though, he does become serious and protective when there's something truly menacing happening.
He will not be bothered to beat up any reg if they're disrespectful or just mean. You're one of his only friends besides his brothers, and he feels the need to protect you.
He found out he was probably in love with you because 1) He asked Tech, and 2) He felt something pleasant in his stomach whenever you laughed.
Wrecker won't hesitate to show his love for you: whether it's by hugging, congratulate you for anything you do, let you sleep with his tooka doll...This man is not ashamed of showing how much he loves you.
He knows he shouldn't date someone in the middle of the war, but he can't help but hug you from behind and wishing you good luck whenever you go on a mission that's not with them.
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At first, Tech did not care who you were. To him, you were just another Jedi general. He hadn't heard from you, so he thought you'd want Clone Force 99 for their strength and not their personality.
Tech didn't pay much attention to you at first. But, one day, he started rambling about hyperdrives and noticed you listening. You were paying full attention and he couldn't help but blush a little.
This smart clone will be a tad surprised at how much of a scaredy cat you are. Maybe, you'll receive a comment or two from Tech, though they are harmless.
This is one of the reasons why Tech became overprotective. He started placing you behind him whenever something -or someone dangerous would happen to be there.
And, around the regs, Tech will get into a verbal fight whether they're mean or not. He registers the feeling he feels as jealous, and he will try anything to get rid of it.
That's when he realises that jealousy is laced with having feelings for someone. And he figured it was you since he felt jealousy when you were with other regs.
Tech knows he's risking his and your position if anything happened between your two, so he'll stick to telling you how beautiful you are through flowers.
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Like Tech, Crosshair doesn't care either about who you are. He figures you didn't want to be a general for Clone Force 99 and you'd probably run away out of fear when you saw them.
At the sight of you, he couldn't deny you were beautiful. And he was genuinely surprised at you kindness, making him slightly fond of you the more time you two spent together.
Time passed, and he hated you for making him feel weird stuff on his stomach, yet he admired your sweetness towards anyone you met. This made you naive, but also endearing.
Cross will mock you for being a scaredy cat, but in reality, he will become more protective of you. Whenever a reg approached you, he was right behind you. He will listen what you are talking about, and, if things went bad, he will immediately come out of the shadows to protect you.
When he realises he's fallen for you, he tries to deny it and refuse to accept him. But the way you smile, the way you fight, and the way you are in general will keep him grounded.
There's a point where he won't deny it, and give subtle touches or a gentle nudge whenever he's around you.
Crosshair does not give a damn about the rules and the order, but he knows you'd risk everything, so he keeps his hands to himself most of the time (besides when he's doing the things from the prior paragraph).
However, the annoying butterflies will appear again when you stand opposite him whenever he's having a panic attack and you help him.
I hope you like it, anon :p
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And they were roommates
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Summary: Demon Y/n and Human Wanda are roommates, and it’s obviously going really well until you have enough of Vision and decide to try and do something about it, Wanda doesn’t appreciate it though
A/n: I know I’m writing a devil reader but I missed demon reader and so they’re back for now
Words: 2000+
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI small small amounts of angst (just a small argument)
“Hey pretty lady-“
“No! Don’t start Y/n” Wanda pushed past you and slammed her bedroom door shut leaving you out in the hallway “oh no baby don’t be like that I thought we had something special!” You slammed on the door starting to laugh
“Fuck off Y/n!”
“Who’s pissed you off today? Did Vision only kiss you on the cheek again to preserve your innocence? Really funny if you think about it since you and I-“
The door opened and you barley had time to right yourself before Wanda appeared and slapped you across the face “oof nice hit Wands, try the other cheek tomorrow yeah?”
Wanda just shook her head making her way to the kitchen and taking a beer from the fridge, you obviously followed your seething roommate sitting on the kitchen island facing the redhead “was I right?”
She took a swig of the drink and nodded “yeah, yeah you were right annoyingly, but just leave it okay? Anyway what did you do today?”
You smiled wide leaning close to the woman’s face “thought about you”
“Thought about me how?” She was curious, but also worried, you were nothing if not honest, way too honest
You lent back on the table “Well first off we were laying in bed watching doctor who because you seem to really like alien men with weird space screwdrivers, personally I really like Missy, she looks like a fun time”
“Y/n! Stop getting distracted” you were known to ramble on and on about nothing and it annoyed Wanda to no end, even though she knew where the conversation was going she knew you wouldn’t shut up if you didn’t finish
“Oh yeah! Anyway long story short I was lay on my back and you were sat on my fac-
“Nevermind! I don’t actually care”
You shrugged “okay but I was getting to the best part and you know I was” you laughed while Wanda just blushed turning around to walk back to her room
There was a knock on the door and you jumped up to answer it seeing the man you were just talking about at the door “oh vision, what a disappointment I thought it was the strippers I ordered to cheer up Wanda”
The man just rolled his pushing past you to Wanda “Wanda please I didn’t know why they did that, it was just a silly joke”
You brushed off the man germs that appeared on your clothes and made a mental note to burn them later, whispering to yourself “sure just come into the house Vision, I wish you were a vampire so I couldn’t let you in the house without permission and watch you stand there unable to move and I could just bully you”
“Vision please I’m not in the mood can we just talk tomorrow?”
“But I’m here now! Please Wanda just talk to me I don’t want to lose you, how about we go on a date tomorrow? Skip lectures for the day and just go to the zoo or something?”
You let out a laugh “a zoo? Zoos are for babies, why not just go to a bar?”
The man turned back to you “because bars are for deadbeats and perverts”
Your head tilted and Wanda froze knowing you were trying your best to control yourself, she knew you didn’t like Vision but it was more because you hated men altogether she was pretty sure “Y/n let’s just calm down it’s okay, vision please just leave”
The man frowned looking between the two of you then just focusing on Wanda “why are you always defending her?”
Wanda glanced to you now with red eyes and your fangs showing, you could converse with Wanda in your mind so you did just that
“I will gut him like a fish Wanda I swear to Salem”
Looking back at Vision she grabbed his hands “I don’t always defend her, she just gets angry easy but it’s fine I will see you tomorrow I promise” she kissed him softly and you fake gagged “gross” whispering to yourself
“Okay I’ll see you tomorrow” he kissed her back turning around to you hanging your head, so to hide the fangs and eyes, “get some anger management done Y/n” your response was to flip him off, he left without another word and you lifted your head to Wanda with her arms crossed and glaring at you
“Well now I need to relive some anger, wanna have some fun?”
Wanda couldn’t believe you, you’d just pissed off her boyfriend and now you want to have sex? Unbelievable!
“Why the fuck do you think I want to have sex with you after that?!”
Shrugging you walked towards Wanda holding your arms out for a hug which she took rolling her eyes but instantly relaxed in your hold and forgetting about Vision “remember when your parents came over and you argued with them and then later you came into my room for the first time-
Wanda let out a heavy sigh “I know what you’re getting at, fine come on then” she pulled out of the hug walking to her room and looking back at you “you’re being on top this time”
You smiled “I love being on top”
Wanda rolled her eyes “only when it suits you”
“Yes because what’s hotter than a redhead whimpering and riding you harder and harder as she struggles to not cum without permission?”
The blush was heavy on Wanda’s face and instead of speaking she just went into her room quickly followed by you
“Wanda! You missed some lectures this morning!” Natasha Romanoff, Wanda’s best friend was worried about her not being in this morning “where were you?”
Wanda waved her off “I had to make sure Y/n was okay”
Wanda just raised her eyebrow “Y/n huh? How is the spicy hothead?”
“Still a bitch but she pays her half of the rent every month so I shouldn’t complain-
“Wanda!” The woman shut her eyes tight praying to whatever god she could and even the devil that it wasn’t actually you she’d heard, unfortunately no luck “Wanda! You forgot your books!” You got closer and Wanda opened her eyes to you and widening them seeing your outfit
“What the hell are you wearing??!” She whisper shouted at you trying to cover you up with her arms, practically half naked in college? You were asking for trouble
“Oh Wanda calm down it’s only a blazer” you playfully pushed the girl away and turned to Nat “what do you think Natty? Is my outfit appropriate?”
Nat glanced at your blazer open noticing the lack of anything underneath and she quickly averted her gaze “uh well if you move a certain way you can see your erm,see your breasts”
“Well you’re getting a free show then aren’t you Nat? It’s okay I won’t tell anyone, but if you want a physical touch then it’ll cost you” you winked and Nat nearly collapsed “Jesus Christ Wanda she’s a menace”
Wanda just rolled her eyes and took her books from your hand “you can go now Y/n, don’t you have a video game to complete or something”
You mulled it over “nah I’ve completed Alan wake 2, not as scary as everyone says, I’ve been in more dangerous situations, anyway no I’m hanging out with Loki today, he’s allowed to leave the house now”
You pulled Wanda into a hug kissing her cheek and keeping her close “do you have anything else to say about my outfit?”
Wanda refused to look at your chest, you knew she wanted to look but was being a baby about it “just that you should have a shirt on under your blazer”
“You’re no fun” pulling away from her you gave one last look to Nat “always a pleasure see you Natty, you’ll have to come to our party this weekend”
Nat smiled wide “absolutely! Wanda said she’s really excited for it”
“Perfect! Oh before I leave Wanda I’ll pick up dinner later, me and Loki are going to a posh restaurant, so I’ll bring some stuff back”
Wanda agreed “cool, we’ve got class so I’ll see you at home” Wanda dragged Nat away reluctantly from you as you waved her off with a sweet smile
“Is that him?” Loki whispered taking a drag of his cigarette glaring at the football players “yeah with the red bandanna on his stupid head”
“Interesting, so what are we doing about him?”
You sat up on the bench keeping your hoodie down so he didn’t recognise you “I want to kill him but I’m pretty sure Wanda wouldn’t like that”
“Still pining over Wanda huh? I thought you were with Carol and Val?”
You shrugged “nah they’re in a real relationship now and it was getting weird”
The man laughed “weirder than a demon third wheel?”
Just as you were about to respond your name was yelled “Y/n! What do you think you’re doing here?!”
Of course vision had recognised you, stupid smart human, you just offered him a smile when he approached the pair of you “Vision! What a surprise, apologised to Wanda for being a dick yet?”
The man seethed “you have no right! I don’t know why she puts up with you”
You laughed “if only you knew Vis, I’ll give you a hint, I walk around the house comfortably, which means I’m normally just wearing my boxers and sports bra, and I can tell you now my dick is so much bigger than yours”
The man stood there shocked, suddenly he held his fist out punching you square in the face forcing your head back and pretend it hurt “well fuck me Vision you have some punch on you don’t you?” You laughed wiping your nose with the back of your hand standing up and wiping it on the man’s shirt
“Aren’t you in pain?” He didn’t notice the blood, more transfixed on the fact you weren’t screaming in pain “I vowed never to let a man cause me pain, you’re not exempt from that, no matter how unmanly you are”
You walked away from the situation leaving Loki with Vision “she’s wild, maybe you should clean your white shirt, looks like she’s written something in her blood on it”
He followed in the direction you were going and Vision looked down seeing the word “douche” on his shirt “how the? How’d she do that so quick?”
Wanda was sat under a tree when you found her with her eyes closed clearing having a rest, well you were definitely putting an end to that “Wanda your oaf of a boyfriend hit me and I’m clearly in a lot of pain so I need you to fix it”
You only saw Wanda’s chest move in a slow motion indicating a heavy sigh, at least she was awake, when she did open her eyes seeing you all blooded she just sat up “why did you insult him?”
“Insult him?! That bastard hit me, all I was doing was watching the hot cheerleaders and maybe tried getting one of their numbers but he attacked me out of nowhere, I’m the innocent one!”
Wand stood up inspecting your face “are you done being a drama Queen about everything?”
You shrugged “depends on if I get a kiss from you to make it all better”
Placing your hands around Wanda’s waist you pulled her in close “we’re in public Y/n”
“Come on Wands kiss the pretty demon, I don’t bite, unless you really want me too”
Wanda looked down to your lips and back up into your now red eyes “I hate how hot you are” it was whisper but you heard it and kissed her, only a short kiss as she pulled away quick in fear of someone seeing you both
“How many lectures do you have left?”
Wanda sighed “just math”
“Skip it, come home and we’ll watch doctor who and make my fantasy yesterday a reality” the redhead smiled pulling away from you and picking up her bag taking a face wipe out and cleared her face of the blood you transferred onto her then handing you one
“I can’t skip anymore classes Y/n, I need to stay”
“You’re 25 Wanda you’re an adult, adults don’t do math” you wiped the blood from your face and very ungraciously snapped your nose back into place making Wanda wince, she hated when you did things like that, really freaked her out
“I’ll just see you later, stop annoying vision” she waved you off and headed for her class
“Only when he stops being a dick!” You shouted back and took out your phone to text her something funny
Wanda managed to get to her class just in time to see Nat waiting for her “nice to see you finally” she laughed and Wanda shoved her friend giggling until her phone buzzed with a message
👩‍🦰+😈-👚🩲=best night of your life, there’s some math for you my love, don’t keep me waiting
Wanda rolled her eyes putting her phone away earning a look from Nat “leave it let’s just go in, can’t wait until I’m finished with my degree honestly”
You were on Wanda instantly as she walked through the door, picking her up and wrapping her legs around you, kissing her all over ultimately landing on her neck sucking a dark mark there
“No, no marks you know the rules” Wanda tried pushing you away but your grip was firm on her “don’t care…you’re mine, sick of sharing you”
You continued your assault on her neck but Wanda managed to push you away and fall to the floor “okay we need to stop!”
“oh? What do you mean by stop?” Wanda’s harsh voice caught you by surprise
Your deep voice always made Wanda nervous, you being a demon and all but she stood her ground standing up and keeping her distance from you “I can’t keep dealing with this! You’re making it so difficult!”
“Making what difficult? I haven’t done anything, when you come into my room at night, when you send me dirty text messages and when you scream my name, that’s all you, you’re the instigator in all of this”
“Me?! You’re the demon, a waste of human skin and space, I don’t even know why you’re up here- wait actually I do! They don’t want you in hell, even the poor souls being tortured can’t be bothered with you!”
All you could do was laugh “you can’t even insult me properly, fucking pathetic” you continued to laugh but Wanda definitely wasn’t laughing “please just take something serious for once!
“I’m always serious, and I mean it, you’re the instigator but if you want to stop this then fine, we’ll stop, see you later Wanda”
You quickly turned and headed for the door
“Where are you going?!”
“Out. Don’t know when or if I’ll be back”
Wanda didn’t mean for this to happen, she just wanted try and talk but you were so difficult “Y/n I just, just please stay”
“No thanks Wanda, maybe I’ll go back to hell and bother the other demons there, if they’re not bored of me of course” there was no emotion in your voice and Wanda sighed “okay, just be safe”
“Bye Wanda”
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svnrisee · 1 month
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[ A/N ] just randomly thought of this, had so much fun writing this lol, my first post !! ^_^
Warnings ✿ Platonic, reader calls minji old in a joking way,(sibling things), no specified gender so I think this is g/n reader???
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She’d probably be that sister that you can tease and make fun for literally anything she does.
“Hey y/n do you know how to use this?” She asked walking up to your room.
“Oh hey sis, sure what’d you need help for?” You asked sitting up on your bed.
She scratched the back of her neck smiling sheepishly. “Actually I went live on Instagram but I don’t know how to end it” she said embarrassed at the fact that she doesn’t know how to end an Instagram live.
You tried to stifle in your laughed but failed miserably, bursting out laughing loudly. “I knew you were old but not this old!”
“Shut up” she mumbled turning bright pink from embarrassment.
“I…. I can’t” you choked in between your laughs.
“SO ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME OR NOT??” She asked glaring at you.
“Yeah yeah I will chill” you spoke wiping away your tears from your cheeks after laughing.
“Finally” she mumbled rolling her eyes.
She would be the kind of sister that just wants to have fun.
“Hey y/n I just saw this new Tik tok challenge wanna try it?!” She asked jumping up and down excitedly as she set her phone down carefully.
You sighed as she didn’t even let you finish.
“So the dance goes like this—“ she started showing you the first step as she waits for you to mimic her.
“Then this—“
“Okay good job let’s do it now” she pressed the sound, the both of you dance and flowing to the beats.
She checked the video, grinning proudly.
She turned her head to face you reaching out her Hand to Pat you on the head “good job, now we have 20 more to do” she added, you reacted with widened eyes as you watched her set her phone again.
The type of sister to take you out a lot, like ALOT.
“Hey y/n wanna go shopping?” “Y/nnnn let’s go to the park” “omg y/n I just set you up on a date with my friend. They’re coming by 8:00pm be ready!!” “Hey y/n I’m going to my friends party wanna come?”
You weren’t complaining tho, most times a lot of times she buys things for you.
“Heyyyy Y/nnnn” she sang out loudly busting into your room.
You looked at her petrified on what she was going to say next.
“I bought this cookies from the bakery down the street, just for you” she spoke holding up the box of cookies in her hands.
You sighed in relief knowing it was not what you expected.
“By the way, wanna follow me to the newly opened cafe?” You groaned knowing it was too good to be true.
She’d definitely be the kind of older sister that would protect and defend you no matter what.
“Y/n did that—“
“Umm no never, my sibling. I know y/n can never do that” she proudly denied looking at the person with furrowed eyebrows.
A small scoff escaped her lips “you’re being delusional, maybe you need to go to the hospital just to check if you’re mentally stable… no offense tho” she added holding up her hands in defense.
She’d also be the type of sister who you can just rant about anything to and she’d patiently listen with no complaints.
Also gives you advice on tough and challenging situations. “Oh I don’t really think you should do it that way” “I strongly advise you do it this way……”
The sister you could always count on to help you reach taller places (if you’re short)
“Hey y/n do you need help reaching that?” She asked peeping her head into the kitchen.
“No it’s fine, I almost got it” you politely rejected her offer.
She watched as you struggled constantly grunting and groaning. “Are you sure you don’t need help?” She asked, her worry growing more and more.
You sighed in defeat seeing all your efforts just going to waste. “Alright, please help me reach the box of cereal” you spoke moving out of the way for hyein to pass through.
All she did was stretch her Hand and grabbed the box with ease.
You constantly opened your mouth still trying to process how she just did it so easily.
“Here you go!” She smiled placing it in your hands, wandering off.
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allur1ngs · 9 months
Lusher and tatter being little shits and teasing Bada whenever they happen to hear her and reader fooling around like “man I REALLY had trouble sleeping last night…” bada being like 🤨 at first but when she does get what they’re referring to it she’s blushing while threatening to kill them 💀 and it’s not just bada- them teasing hyo too for having to stand outside wherever reader is and lusher being all like “doesn’t that bother you??” Tatter making it worse by saying “she’s probably into that kinda thing” and now hyo is all flustered too trying to defend herself 😭 (I’m sorry hyo I promise I want justice for you)
Ever since I made that meme of hyo from succumb to me this thought has been in my mind 😭
this would SO happen knowing lusher and tatter...
tw: very suggestive also please ignore any mistakes it's 2 am for me rn🤍 (this'll make sense after the drabble...🤭)
like for the first time in forever you, the bebe girls, and bada are all eating together like the little family you are. you'd somehow managed (it was so easy, all you had to do was ask) to persuade bada into eating breakfast with you and the girls and not in her office.
the second lusher and tatter realize bada's going to eat with them, they start glancing at each other, mischievous smiles growing on their lips. and almost as if they have telepathy, they both know what the other is thinking--
a plan starts to form.
...but really, it had all started last night.
lusher was laying in bed, cozied up under a heavy and warm blanket, scrolling on her phone before she went to bed. she was on instagram, going on her daily round of account check ups--making sure she hadn't missed any new posts from you or the other girls. she noticed you and minah uploaded new stories, and clicked on minah's first.
it was a picture of the delicious dinner you'd cooked for them. minah tagged you below the picture of the food, writing, "unnie is the best chef to exist, i'm grateful to have her in our home" with a heart-eye emoji. lusher smiles at the caption, about to press a heart on the story when a small sound grabs her attention.
a few giggles ring from the wall behind her bed, making her turn to look at it with a confused look.
she hears the sound again, though this time the noise is a bit clearer, and she's able to realize it's your voice. you're giggling from bada's bedroom, and saying something that lusher's not quite able to make out.
lusher stares at her wall for a second before shrugging, assuming you and bada must just be cuddling or doing something sweet together. she focuses back on her phone, realizing minah's story had timed out so she taps on it again--this time clicking the heart in the bottom right-hand corner.
she then gets distracted seeing some photos of socialites filling her feed. she scrolls through them, liking some posts--rolling her eyes at others before another sound startles her.
this time, a loud banging has lusher jumping out of bed, making her reach for her gun out of instinct. but then, she hears it.
a semi-clear moan makes it's way through the walls separating your and bada's room from lusher--your moan.
lusher's mouth drops out of instinct, her hand coming to slap over it.
again, your moan rings through her bedroom, and the sound of headboard slamming accompanies it. but this time, it doesn't stop.
the sound keeps coming from your bedroom, now only seconds of intervals between each slam, but they're so minuscule that lusher has no time to breathe a sigh of relief.
"jesus unnie." lusher closes her eyes, trying to bite back a laugh at how incredibly loud the headboard slamming is. "i hope you can walk tomorrow."
after a few minutes she decides to ignore all the noise--despite how...passionate and blissful you sound. lusher opens her phone again, instagram popping up immediately. her eyes go to the top left corner instantly, and she catches your profile announcing that you had an unviewed story.
she clicks it out of curiosity, and what she sees makes everything click into place.
it's a picture of you and bada, although your wife isn't fully in frame. all lusher is able to see is her arm wrapped around you and under your breasts in a back hug type of position. but what grabs her attention most of all is you.
you're wearing the most flattering dress lusher has ever seen. white straps and silky fabric barely hold onto your breasts, the sides of them popping due to bada's arm under you. although the picture is scandalous in nature, you're smiling widely, your eyes closed as you lean into bada's chest, looking like a sweet angel in white.
the small caption you'd added to the bottom of the photo reads, "date night" with a white heart emoji.
lusher chuckles, nodding. "yeah, makes sense."
she hearts the story, then swipes up to message you. she writes, "i can tell bada loves the dress. or more like she loves taking it off of you."
right when she sends the cheeky dm, a notification ding grabs her attention. effectively blocking out the sounds of your moans, lusher clicks on the notification.
she's transported into her messaging app, tatter's contact photo in the middle of the chat. she reads her text and quickly responds back.
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lusher smirks at her text, seeing tatter's grey bubble pop up, indicating she's typing.
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lusher hears another of your moans before she quickly types back.
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lusher smirks at her friend's message. they continue texting back and forth, each of them giggling inside their respective rooms.
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one of your particularly loud moans penetrates through lusher's wall, making her release a long breath.
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...and a chance did they get.
lusher starts out simple, dropping slight hints.
"tatter, you look a little tired, are you alright?" she says, her voice dripping with fake sincerity.
you look up from your plate, eyebrows furrowed in slight worry as you cast your gaze onto tatter.
"i'm fine. i just didn't get much sleep last night." tatter says wistfully, biting back a smile.
"oh i totally understand, neither did i with all the noise coming from next door." lusher nods, eyeing you and bada not-so subtly.
you give lusher a look of confusion before it clicks in your mind and you instantly look away from her and tatter, your entire body burning with embarrassment.
bada seems to have finally tuned into the conversation because shifts her focus away from her breakfast to speak up. "what are you talking about? we don't have neighbors."
"we mean there was a lot of noise coming from the bedroom next to ours." tatter clarifies, finding it even more amusing that bada isn't picking up on their joke.
the other bebe girls however, although they were not clued into the plan nor did they hear the noise last night, all seem to understand what lusher and tatter are talking about. they all start to whisper to each other and snicker.
...all expect two girls. soweon and hyo.
"i didn't hear anything." soweon speaks up in between bites of her breakfast. "maybe it was a dream?"
"oh definitely not. the sounds were very realistic, there's no way we could have both dreamed them up." lusher shakes her head, a full-blown grin overtaking her lips.
you shift uncomfortably in your seat before grabbing your phone and unlocking it, hoping to distract yourself from the embarrassing conversation.
expect, it's then you realize lusher had dm'd you late last night. you click her chat and instantly shrink in your seat, hiding your face behind your hands.
bada, always attentive of you and your mood notices, and turns to look at you. "honey? are you okay--"
before your wife can say anything else, you shove your phone in her face, showing her lusher's dm.
as her eyes scan the message, the image, and the timestamp, her cheeks slowly but surely turns bright red--whether it's out of embarrassment or anger, you're not sure.
"you perverts." bada sends lusher and tatter disgusted looks while she she pats your back in comfort and brings you into her chest to shield you from the girls' view.
"you're the pervert!" lusher argues back playfully. "again and again all we heard was--" she bangs her fist against the dining room table, imitating the headboard slamming from last night.
"enough, seoyoung." bada scolds her subordinate, giving her a disapproving look. "you're making my wife uncomfortable."
"actually," tatter cuts in, her smile so wide that even lusher is anxious to hear what she says next. "the biggest pervert here is hyo." she points her finger at your bodyguard, who had become uncharacteristically quiet, and was keeping her head down the entire conversation.
"tatter..." hyo finally mumbles, a red tint staining her cheeks. "i'm serious--"
"she was standing outside the entire time, listening!" lusher exclaims, giggling.
hyo flounders, feeling all pairs of eyes on her. bada's in particular is the most heated, making her sweat in fear. "it's my job!"
"your job is to hear your boss fucking your other boss?"
"be honest, you're into that type of stuff--"
"oh my god." you squeak into bada's chest, wanting to crawl into a hole and die.
chaos finally erupts at the table, hyo trying to defend herself against both lusher and tatter's accusations while also trying to ignore the fact that bada has yet to move her eyes off of her--death is most likely imminent and will be swift, yet painful--while cheche and kyma laugh their asses off, minah focusing on plugging soweon's ears to keep her from hearing the genuinely unhinged things lusher and tatter are saying.
but sometime through the bickering, lusher breaks off and sneaks over to you and bada, grinning like an idiot.
"so tell me unnie, can you still walk after last night?"
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not-my-final-account · 6 months
I sighed and leaned back onto the chair provided as the family argued in front of me, Nightwing seemed very untrusting of me which was sad but to be expected, Jason however was valiantly defending my honour saying that it calmed down the pit rage. I really need to look into these pits, both because they’re clearly ectoplasm of some sort and also yum.
I watched them argue back and forth but when Jason didn’t try to kill any of them or storm away (poor guy really needs to get his system cleaned) they seemed to accept that what I had done had worked, they also did a few blood tests and with some assurance that I knew how to take non dangerous levels of blood they left it alone.
Jason turned around to talk to me but I was already in mist form to watch his reaction, he gave a smal sigh and muttered something about asking him to do that more often, ooh, good. I flew through the layers of stone and walked to Arkham Asylum to see Jazz, she’d moved there as a psychologist and apparently had the longest streak of staying alive or sane as one, weird.
A guy with a face full of clown makeup skipped happily down the street and everyone turned their gazes away and not say anything, Gotham truely does reminds me of home but with more crime and more normal stuff, like nice normal clowns instead of freakshow or ghost clowns.
I walked into the asylum “Hi! I’m here to see Jazz!” I said, he glanced at me and then my teeth and claws
“Poor Jasmine, if you kidnap her can you set it up to look like Joker? I’ve got money riding on him.” the guy asked, I gave him a look and went to where Jazz was, waiting until some guy with an impressive nose walked out of the room
“Danny!” she cried as the ran over and hugged me
“Jazz!” I said back “Have you heard about the Bats?” I asked
“I’m Jokers therapist, I know about them.” Jazz said and I laughed
“Okay so here’s the story
I walked down the street sipping my ecto, it’s blood red was kind of disorientating but whatever, better than having to pay for food. Suddenly two guys jumped me! I sighed and kept drinking, I punched the first guy into a wall a bit harder than I intended to but he’d be fine, the second guy I knocked out easily, and the third guy tripped me but I caught myself by flying and tripped him up then gave him a purposely harder punch which winded him, no need to knock my lunch out of my hands.
I turned around to pick up my thermos and saw Batman, BATMAM. Look, maybe hissing then turning into mist and flying at him to get it might not have been the smartest choice, but I don’t have fully human instincts anymore so there was no fear stopping me and no one in the world needs any more sources of ecto, and I had spent hours tinkering around with that so it filtered ecto from the atmosphere just right no way was I doing that again!
Anyways, he thought I was a vampire so I decided, giw are after me so I decided to be a vampire, I got jumped about a week later. I’m living in the Bat cave.” I said
“Are they treating you right?” Jazz asked, I nodded “I have a story too. I’m liminal, we all know this, anyways, I saw this lady whos on greyscale and could be from the victorian era. So I met Lady Gotham!” Jazz said “She’s cool.”
“Oh awesome, I left some gifts for her when I moved in. She said I could live here but I only met her that once.” I admitted
“Good.” Jazz said with a nod “Listen to what Frostbite and Clockwork teach you about Ghost etiquette.”
“There’s this guy who has really good tasting ectoplasm too, it’s fermented and in his blood.” I mentioned, Jazz blinked
“Huh. What do you think of him?” she asked
“He’s strong, keeps mentioning ‘pit rage’ I think these pits are old ectoplasm, good ectoplasm, it’s delicious.” I said
“Is this guy Red Hood? Lady Gotham mentioned him, he died and got revived by a pit of ectoplasm, but he didn’t come back as a ghost, just the same human as before, so the ectoplasm is keeping him alive but he’s probably makes way too much for a human to filter.” Jazz suggested “He was probably frustrated about something, and then it amplified that frustration which led to more frustration and anger which got amplified, creating a positive feed back loop. He probably has no control over the anger now though.” Jazz said, I knew enough about coding from listening to Tucker to know what a positive feedback loop was.
“Huh, poor guy.” I said, Jazz nodded solemnly when there was a knock on the door and the gruff voice of someone who’s seen some stuff
“Your next patient Ms Fenton.” he said
“Bye Jazz!” I said and I walked out.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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ladykailitha · 2 years
The Eddie Munson Guide to Dating an Oblivious Jock Part 4
I actually got it up today, holy crap. Today has been so wild I wasn’t sure it was going to happen. Also thank you to @chaoticlovingdreamer and @yellowdevilkitten about the cramps. I am feeling better now.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part Seven: Hand holding
Once you’ve established that he likes you back, the first step is hand holding. You aren’t necessarily dating at this point. Though you could be. For same sex couples this will have to be discreet and sneaky, but for straight couples this can be used as a way to declare your couple status.
“I hate that you can’t hold hands with Steve in public,” Max said. “It’s stupid.”
Eddie cocked his head ruefully. “It is what it is. Some day it won’t be like this, but for now, we do what we can.”
“Still stupid.”
It was movie night sleepover. It was something that all of them did once in a while. And by them it meant all of them. All thirteen of them. Steve’s basement was perfect for it. They could all stretch out and still have tons of space. Not that they did that. They tended to puppy pile in smaller groups.
El, Max, Erica, and Lucas was one pile. Jonathan, Argyle, and Nancy were another. Mike, Dustin, and Will were another. Which left Eddie, Robin, and Steve as the remaining pile.
But that was a problem for future Eddie. Current Eddie was content on the sofa with Steve sitting next to him, their bodies pressed together in a seem from shoulder to knee.
Robin was on the other side of Steve curled up under his arm and Eddie was fine with sharing at the moment.
The hardest part of the night was deciding on a movie they all wanted to watch. There was always someone that didn’t want to watch whatever it was they decided on. So Eddie and Steve came up with the idea of ranked voting. They would grab five movies and everyone would list them in the order they wanted to watch them in and whichever one got the most votes at number one was the one they watched first.
Tonight they were watching The Dark Crystal. When the beetles came on, chittering above the Skekis Robin flinched and buried her head into his shoulder.
“I thought this was a kids’ show!” she whined to Steve.
“Come on,” Dustin said. “They aren’t that scary. They’re just giant bugs.”
Eddie kicked him in the thigh. “Everybody has different things they’re scared of, we don’t mock people for that.”
“I wasn’t mocking,” Dustin defended. “I just don’t think they’re scary.”
Fizgig started wailing and Eddie jumped back. “What the fuck! Why does it have so many teeth?!” Then a warm hand took his and he looked down at the joined hands and back up to Steve.
“Wait a damn minute!” Max cried. “You’re telling me that the first time you guys held hands Steve initiated it?”
Eddie grinned. “I was so proud. Though, he thought he was just being a good friend at the time. Remember this is oblivious jockus. Even though it was pretty clear he liked me back, he wasn’t reading the signs that I liked him.”
“But he still reached out to you?” she asked.
Steve smiled softly at him and Eddie’s heart just melted. Eddie gave Steve’s hand a squeeze, but instead of letting go like he suspected Steve thought he would do, Eddie held on to it for the rest of the movie.
When the movie ended, Eddie wasn’t the only with sniffles from the sacrifices of Kyra and Fizgig.
“But that won’t work,” Dustin said.
“What won’t work, bud?” Eddie asked as he dried his eyes on his sleeve.
“You can’t rebuild an entire race with just two members,” Dustin complained. “Because otherwise you get inbreeding and trust me when I say that’s gross and not just from moral stand point but a medical one, too.”
Max rolled her eyes. “They aren’t trying to rebuild the species. It’s just a love story.”
Dustin grumbled, “Well, it’s a stupid one.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance and shook their heads.
Steve dislodged himself from Robin, reluctantly letting go of Eddie’s hand. “All right, gremlins, get your bed stuff and set it up downstairs. You don’t have to go to sleep right away but I want you at least in your sleeping bags.”
There was some grumbling from the younger kids but they all packed up and went downstairs, Jonathan and Nancy going down with them to make sure they didn’t start fighting over spots.
The remaining adults started cleaning up the mess that only thirteen people can make.
Robin got bored about half way through and wandered downstairs to see what was happening there.
Argyle tilted his head. “Does she always do that?”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other and shrugged.
“Not always,” Steve said. “Her mind just goes a million miles an hour and sometimes cleaning fulfills that need and other times not. I guess today was a not.”
Argyle nodded sagely. “Do you think she would benefit from the purple flower?”
By now they were aware that that was a brand of weed Argyle had brought over from California.
“She doesn’t like smoking,” Eddie said with a grimace.
Argyle lit up. “Brownies, bro! I bet she’d love my brownies.”
Steve chuckled. “You are more than welcome to ask. Just know she might still say no.”
Argyle smiled his dopey smile. “Never offended by that.”
They finished cleaning and went back downstairs to find that the usual piles were divided differently.
El, Max, and Nancy were doing each other’s nails. While Argyle, Robin and Jonathan were discussing weed in a corner. Mike and Will were snuggled up together as were Erica, Lucas, and Dustin.
“You know I always wondered about that night,” Eddie said. “Why you and Lucas weren’t snuggled up like you usually were.”
Max scoffed and rolled her eyes. “It’s the whole reason for this little guide I’m forcing myself to sit through.”
“What happened?”
She put her head in her hands. “I thought we were on again and he did not.”
“He is an oblivious jock, though right?” Eddie grimaced.
“Yeah, but I didn’t realize how much until that night,” Max said with a small whine of frustration. “He said that it was great how we had remained friends after Vecna and then asked me if I was dating anyone at the time.”
Eddie rubbed his eye. “Are you serious?”
“As Vecna.”
“Looks like it’s just you and me, big boy,” Eddie said looking around the room at all the different groups. When Steve didn’t reply, he backtracked, “Unless you want to hang out with Robin and the stoner boys?”
Steve’s head snapped up. “No, no. She looks like she’s having fun. I’d be happy to be your puppy partner.”
Eddie groaned. “Can you not say it like that?”
“Snuggle buddy?” Steve suggested. “Snug bugs? Puddle pals?”
Eddie shoved him playfully. “Knock it off, man.”
“Oh,” Steve said with a wicked gleam. “I see how it is. Maybe I will join one of the other piles. You think Mike will mind if I join him and Will?”
Eddie laughed. “Only if you want to be murdered in your sleep.”
Steve winked. “So I guess that means you’re stuck with me.”
Eddie bit his lip nervously. “I have an idea!” He walked over to the girls.
“Hello, ladies,” he greeted warmly. “May I inquire if you have any black polish among your bounteous plethora of polishes?”
El lit up. “Yes, I have three kinds in fact.” She went digging for them. “I have glitter midnight, death becomes her, and blackest black.”
She held them up for him to see. He looked at each one carefully and chose blackest black.
“Now, my fairest maiden,” Eddie said. “I need a blue for Stevie.”
Steve, Nancy and Max all stared at him in shock.
“You’re going to paint Steve’s nails?” Max asked.
Eddie nodded. “And he’s going to paint mine.”
El giggled. “That’s sooo cute. I have just the color.” She opened a small drawer in her kit and pulled out a sparkling dark blue.
Eddie kissed her forehead. “It’s perfect Supergirl.”
El blushed. “You’re welcome. Have fun.”
Eddie sat down cross-legged from Steve and set the two bottles down between them.
“Can’t have a sleepover without painting your nails and talking about boys,” Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear.
Steve laughed. “All right, Eds. You got me there.”
“I thought I would paint yours first, so you can watch me do it,” Eddie said. “And then you can do mine.”
Steve nodded and let Eddie take his right hand.
“Judd Nelson or Rob Lowe?” Eddie asked, delicately painting the thumb nail first.
“Ooh,” Steve said. “Going straight for the bad boys. Robert Downey Jr.”
Eddie looked up at him and tsked. “Wasn’t an option, but interesting.”
Steve laughed and Eddie swatted him. “Stop moving.”
“Sorry,” Steve said, but he was grinning unrepentantly.
“And people say I’m a menace,” he mumbled under his breath.
Steve leaned in close. “Oh, you absolutely are. But I’ll let you in on a secret. So am I.”
Eddie blushed.
They continued to banter back and forth about their favorite actors and singers.
“You take that back!” Eddie protested.
Steve tapped the back of his hand. “Don’t move!” Eddie stopped struggling. “And I didn’t say it was a bad thing you look like John Bon Jovi, I was just making an observation.”
“His sound,” Eddie murmured, “I wouldn’t even deign to call it music, is trash Steve. Literal trash.”
Steve laughed. “Well there you go, menace. All done.”
Eddie held his hands up and admired them. “Not bad, Stevie. Not bad at all.”
“Not as good as yours,” Steve said softly, ducking his head.
“True, but since this was your first time, you did one hell of a job.”
El came over. “Can I see?”
Steve handed her back her bottles of nail polish and then showed her his hands.
“Eddie did a wonderful job,” she said with a gentle smile. “It makes your hands very pretty.”
“Thanks, El,” he said kissing her cheek.
Eddie showed her his and she nodded. “A couple of mistakes but an easy fix.” She went back over to her kaboodle and got out another bottle and a Q-tip. She scooted back over to Steve and Eddie.
“Here’s what you can do when you accidentally paint outside the nail,” El said and dipped the Q-tip into the bottle.
It smelled horrible. She picked up Eddie’s hand gingerly brushed the sides of the nail where Steve had missed and then it was gone, looking for all the world like Steve hadn’t fucked it up.
Steve picked up the bottle and read the label. “Polish remover?”
El nodded. “It’s great for touch ups or when you want a new color.”
“You’re the best El,” Eddie said with a dimpled grin.
She smiled shyly and went back to Max and Nancy.
And if that night found Eddie and Steve holding hands in their sleep, no one noticed. Or at least cared enough to mention it.
“You smooth mother fucker!” Max said. “It was all an excuse to get Steve to hold your hand for long periods of time!”
Eddie laughed. “It worked, didn’t it?!”
“There is no way Lucas is going to let me paint his nails to hold hands,” she said bitterly.
He shrugged. “So bake bread or make cookies. Something that requires your hands. Like I keep saying, your jock is going to be different, but you find things that work for you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered darkly. “What happens once he gets use to hand holding?”
Part 5 Part 6
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brights-place · 7 months
Would you be ok with writing Velvet x troll!reader headcanons? Platonic is good, but if you feel comfortable doing romantic then that’s good too :)
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Velvet X Troll! Reader
Pairings: Velvet X Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Crimp abuse
A/N: Okay this request is a mix of Platonic and Romantic headcannons of dating and being friends with Velvet! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
- Velvet wouldn't tell anybody about being friends with a troll - You were sweet and nice... your singing was amazing she never knew how amazing trolls sounded - You would tell velvet stories about how it's like being a troll - Velvet loves picking you up in her hand and letting you climb her shoulder or sit up top her head while she talks to veneer or staff who just can't help but glance at you or Velvet before cracking a slight smile when seeing you sleep on velvet's hair as velvet scowls at staff or veneer - Velvet is jealous how you sing so well but she always admires you after a few seconds staring at you with doe eyes as your small body danced - As a small troll you used your hair to swing around velvet and veneers room and Venner would clap since he enjoys it while velvet records it and save's it to her photo album called 'My Troll ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)' - You always accompanied her on every shopping trip, dress rehearsal and personal meetings to discuss her opportunities for her career as you cheer her on - She always stares to the floor since she watches to find you - This girl! I SWEAR! velvet isn’t very affectionate - So most of the hugging and kissing will be done by you. She may act like it annoys her but she likes it sooo fucking much! She even secretly craves it - Will defend you with her life! your so small and so cute she can't lt her cute friend be attacked by some lower class - If somebody ever wrongs you, they’re banned from all her shows! If it’s somebody on the internet, she’s fully prepared to send her fans after them. She’ll then do her best to make you forget about the person completely cause she cares for you - When you are working the two make sure you get an break and don't overwork yourself so they keep you company - Velvet likes to give you gifts as an thank you secretly when you leave buying you expensive things and when you pick it up staring at it confused she loves how you would be all giddy - She makes sure to buy you things that are expensive treating you like her sugar baby instead of her friend - The first time she gave small gifts you were confused since you didn't know who gave it to you and worriedly looked around asking velvet and veneer if this was fan mail to them - Veneer stared at you confused but noticed how velvet denied that she had any idea of the box before you even questioned her if she knew - Veneer would laugh at his sister whenever she tries to add more gifts to your desks cause she loved seeing your smile especially when she saw you wearing the gifts she bought you and leaves on your desks
- You also scolded crimp about how she was helping them and made sure to tell the authorities crimp was also apart of it... You ain't letting crimp slide she helped the two - Even though that happened you still visited them in prison even though you cried when seeing the two stare at you with shame mainly Veneer - You would smuggle in small gifts for them and Velvet would always take it quickly cause you knew she loved gifts as she always thanked you anyway taking it with an smile. - Velvet at the beginning of your relationship can’t initiate shit, so you’ll have to hug her and/or kiss her well you have to jump up and down shouting at her or you are just shaking her pants legs if she is wearing pants or pat her shoes to get her attention - When you entered her room to see her shoving a troll into a diamond perfume bottle which you froze at while veneer held a look of panic trying to stop Velvet before he froze making eye contact with you - You stared at him taking a small step back as your small tiny legs started to run from them where velvet made eye contact with you shouting at veneer to grab you while the troll that Velvet once held that was now in the bottle shouted for you to run. - You were caught and held in velvet's hand as you stared at her as she told you to be quiet telling you that this had to be done as you bit her thumb as she nearly dropped you before throwing you into the bottle with the other troll as you screamed reaching your hand out as the bottle cap shut making you stuck with the other troll.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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novlr · 3 months
i'm writing a character who is a serial killer but not willingly if that makes sense. like, she kills once she finds that she finds herself in a murder or be murdered type of situation.
like in one scene, her mother's ex boyfriend comes back to try and get back together with her, but finds her daughter instead so he tries to s/a her but she stabs him and he bleeds out.
then in another scene she get's jumped by two guys and she stabs them both to death as well.
so i'm just wondering if you have any tips for writing such a complex character who kills but feels bad about it before, during and after the fact.
she doesn't enjoy the act of murder. she doesn't get off on it. she simply on kills so she can survive.
thanks so much!
This is a topic very close to my heart! I have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in forensic psychology, both from accredited U.S. institutions. No fictional murder best-sellers under my belt, but it’s a topic I know a lot about. 
Sometimes, people kill for reasons that aren’t nefarious. There’s the cut-and-dry self defense (“it’s me or them”), the culmination of years of abuse, or sometimes it’s completely an accident (which is called “involuntary manslaughter”). 
Murder mysteries and thrillers are top-notch reads and go hand-in-hand with pop culture’s fascination with true crime. But what goes into writing an accidental serial killer, or one that’s more upstanding than you’d think? 
Define your morals
In order to establish morally gray, you’ve got to set the good and evil boundaries within the world you’re writing. Is it a modern-day story, where a cold-blooded killer is the evil one and a person defending themselves against an attacker is the good one? Or is it a more intricate fantasy or science fiction setting, where the laws and morals aren’t quite the same? 
The important part of writing a morally gray character, in general, is establishing the normal bounds of morality in your story world and then placing the character’s values somewhere in the middle. They’re not looking to hunt other people for fun, but the act also wasn’t a noble defense or socially acceptable resolution to the problem. I think that’s the hardest part, building enough plausibility and setting up empathy for the character’s actions while still writing them as a ‘villain’.
The vigilante
The easiest example of a morally gray killer is the vigilante. Typically, their motive comes from a righteous or judicial point of view, and they’re killing the “evil” ones. These types are taking out drug dealers, abusers, or anyone committing what they consider to be egregious or immoral acts. They perform bad actions to do good. 
Doing bad things for good reasons is often considered “lawful evil”, wherein a character is still following rules but they’re doing so in a ‘bad’ way. That circles us back to the beginning; there should still be a compelling reason for their actions. That’s what pushes their assigned morality back from ‘black’ into the ‘gray zone’. 
Crossing the lines
Consider what factors or events‌ would persuade a character to act in a worse or better way as a one-off circumstance, or a trigger that sways their actions. Perhaps they won’t kill parents, no matter what brought them into that position; maybe violence against women will often trigger a violent episode. 
Gray, on the moral scale, has the obligation to be interesting — so don’t think too hard about staying within neutral territory. Swing one way or the other occasionally with good narrative build-up and support to really bring out the character’s individuality. 
What if it’s always an accident?
Maybe your character is frequently caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but they always manage to come out on top. What do you do then?
It’s first necessary to define a serial killer. Definitionally, a serial killer is a person that commits multiple murders. Murder being the key word — it must be on purpose for the act to fall on that definition. Otherwise it’s manslaughter (which is an incidental death where even if harm was meant, death was not). I can’t stress this enough: by definition, you can’t have a serial killer whose only kills were in self-defense or accidental. Your character must progress to proactive murder on more than one occasion for them to be considered a serial killer. 
Of course, that’s not to say you can’t have other characters (or even their inner monologue) refer to them as a serial killer. Social knowledge rarely sees eye-to-eye with legal or academic terms and definitions. I just caution you against using ‘serial killer’ in marketing material or descriptive collateral, if this is the case. It is a technically inaccurate descriptor, and someone waiting for that switch from accidental to purposeful is going to be sorely disappointed when it never happens. 
It could, however, be a great plot device to start there and explore the character’s evolution from unfortunate events to intentional murder. Maybe they were targeted for multiple violent crimes, and one day decided to be proactive and preemptively solve their problem (via murder, of course). 
Avoid the Angel of Death
While a vigilante may be a good character type for the morally gray serial killer, the Angel of Death is not. This type of killer is looking for personal gratification by taking someone’s life into their own hands. More often than not, the Angel of Death is looking to make themselves a hero by saving the day, and the deaths are secondary (and a sign of their failure). I’ll admit that the line between “personal gratification” and “justice” can be a thin one.
 The important distinction to keep in mind here are the moral definitions you’ve created: I can’t argue that an Angel of Death is serving any higher purpose than their own desire to cause situations where they might be a hero. It’s like hiring a hitman to take out a target, but intercepting the hitman just in time to save the target. The entire situation is at the mercy of the character; there’s no justice in the actions, no redeeming qualities. They don’t feel bad for sending the hitman — the outcome was planned from the start. And if they can’t beat the hitman? Oh well, better luck next time. 
Convincing the reader that the protagonist has a good (“enough”) reason for their actions is key to achieving the moral middle ground. A reasonable, morally upstanding person probably won’t resort to the character’s actions, but they understand how the thought process could bring them where they are. The Angel of Death is fabricating the entire situation; a morally gray killer should be working towards a goal, or acting on a strong reason. 
The morally gray serial killer isn’t looking to win anyone over, or get a standing ovation for their good deeds. They’re killing for a reason — a reason that wouldn’t normally drive someone to kill, but the reader can see how they got from point A to point B in the thought process. 
written by S.K. Eleteon
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Fluff 141 fishing in Scotland.
I have a bunch of archived/ removed parts I wrote for my fic that I felt didn't fit. I'll turn some of them into oneshots. Like this one enjoy.
Summary: 141 go fishing. No content warnings, SFW, fluff/ filler content. 1.1k words.
I love making my OC have happy moments before I emotionally destroy her in the next chapter.
Enjoy <3
Give anyone from 141 a weapon and they’re right at home. A missile launch system or a bomb to defuse and it’s no problem. But trying to teach them to fish, the look on their confused faces as I try to explain good throwing techniques is almost too funny.
“Look it’s not that hard.” I say attaching the bait onto the hook. I walk down to the waters edge. I found the most beginner friendly rods I could, so it would be easier for them. Gaz and Price stand next to me.
“You don’t need to throw it too far, the loch is deep and the fish come right up.” I step aside from Gaz and look behind me. Simon is sat on one of the folded out chairs, drinking a beer. I smile at him. I throw the rod over my shoulder and let the hook travel. It lands about 50 meters from me. I place the rod down in the stand and turn to watch Gaz and Price.
“What just throw it over our shoulders then let it go?” Gaz asks. I nod enthusiastically. He takes a step back and throws it. It lands about 30 meters in and he looks at me for approval. I smile and he places it down on the stand going over to sit with Simon.
“Come on Price!” Simon shouts chuckling. “You should be good at this a few more years till you retire you’re going to need a hobby.” I hear Gaz laugh I can’t help but smile. Price looks back at them.
“Okay then watch this.” He says as he expertly throws back the line and lets it fly out into the loch.
“Cheeky bugger.” I say scoffing as he pulls the line back a bit and rests the rod in the stand.
“Hey that's cheating you didn’t say you knew how to fish.” Gaz says pointing at him as he walks over to us reaching down for a beer. I laugh.
“If you catch your fish first you can still win.” I say reaching into the cooler by Simon. I take out a beer opening it and turn looking back out at the loch. It was early evening and the sun was just touching the top of the trees in the distance. I took a deep breath in feeling my lungs fill with the cool Scottish air. I jump when I feel Simon's arms wrap round my stomach and he pulls me down onto his lap. I almost spill my beer lifting the can to my mouth to avoid it spilling on my clothes.
“Did you ever bring Johnny fishing?” Gaz asked.
“All the time,” I smiled rolling my eyes thinking back to me dragging him down here come rain or shine. “He liked to make my lures.” I feel sad all of a sudden, Simon grips me tighter, I feel him kiss my neck.
“Did he ever catch anything bigger then you? I need to know what the competition is like.” Price says teasing me.
“No.” I say back. Gaz leans forward looking at me squinting.
“I think she’s lying.” He says. I push his shoulder laughing. Price moves to look at me better taking a sip of beer.
“Na she’s telling the truth.” I shake my head chuckling, taking another drink of my beer.
“What do you think Simon you’re the expert?” Gaz says leaning back in his chair laughing. Simon pulls me back and looks at my face, I look in his eyes, the sun reflecting off them making them look almost orange.
“Increased heart-rate, dilated pupils. I’d say she’s lying.” I open my mouth in disbelief, shaking my head as he lets me sit back up.
“Drinking also causes that.” I say holding up the beer to Price and Gaz defending myself. They laugh.
“How big was it?” Price asks. I sigh rolling my eyes.
“13 kilos.” I say defeated. There is no way they could catch one that big now though, its not the right season. The jingle of rod stand goes off. I look over it’s mine and Price’s rod. I look at him.
“Hey don’t let her go LT!” He says putting his beer down. I feel Simon pull me back onto his chest as I fight to get out. I hear Gaz burst into laughter as I watch Price get closer to his rod.
“Let me go Simon!” I shout. I can feel his laughing on my back I can’t help but laugh too. As soon as Price picks up his rod Simon lets me go. I rush over to mine reeling it in. I’ve definitely got something it’s heavy, it’s fighting my pull.
“Loser gets dunked in the loch!” I shout to Price.
“Get ready to get wet then Williams!” He shouts back. I laugh pulling my rod as hard as I can. I keep glancing over to Price I see the struggle on his face as he fights with his rod. Shit whatever he has must be big too. I feel my rod get easier to pull I must only have a few meters left. I hear Gaz and Ghost come behind us. I give it one last big yank and step back I feel Simon behind me he grips my arms. I bend down grabbing the fish holding it under it’s mouth as it flaps around. I look at Price he is bending down too he stands up showing me the fish. His is bigger then mine just looking at it.
“Compensating for something?” I ask.
“Very funny Williams.” He says. Gaz comes over with the scale. He takes Price’s fish first hooking the fish's mouth and letting it hang.
“8.2.. No wait 8.5.” He says. I hear Simon clapping behind me.
“Who’s side are you on?” I say as Gaz comes over to me and I hand him the fish. He hooks it on the scale I hold my breath. I cannot see the numbers. Gaz smiles.
“9 kilograms.” He says.
“Yes!” I scream jumping in the air I hug Simon he chuckles and squeezes me. I break from his arms and look at Price.
“Oh I’m so throwing you in the loch,” say taking a step towards him. I see genuine fear in his eyes for a second. He holds his hands up.
“Hey Williams I’m your boss I order you to stand down.” I laugh and rush after him. He turns and sprints back towards the chairs. I grab my stomach, laughing harder then I have in months. I feel Gaz put his hand on my back. I stand up wiping the tears from my eyes the beer making my head swim. I look over at Simon as he comes over to me and puts his arm round my waist. I lean into him wrapping my arms around him. This was nice, and now we had fish for tea.
AO3, link coming soon.
Biased on this fic.
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hannie-dul-set · 27 days
can you pretty please do sunghoon?
[same face, different feelings]. park sunghoon has always thought you were a piece of shit. 
ever since you walked into the frat house with an arrogant stride, an arrogant face, and an unwelcoming demeanor that just pisses him off from the very first inhale of your existence, he knew you’d never get along. he knew you’d eventually do something to piss him off.
and you did. which, in retrospect, was great because the aftermath to the whole…situation was you voluntarily moving out of the house, and that meant sunghoon didn’t have to deal with seeing your face for the next three months. reap what you saw, motherfucker, or however the saying goes. whatever. doesn’t matter because the quality of sunghoon’s life has become exponentially better.
that is until you decided to move back in again.
“i can’t believe you have the guts to come crawling back here after the shit you pulled last summer, you son of a bitch.”
and the words jump out of his throat before he even realizes it.
“hoon, play nice. that’s water under the bridge now,” jake tells him. “hey, dude! it’s glad to have you back!”
it’s one thing how you don’t even look the slightest bit remorseful about what you did. it’s another thing how your response was to look at him as if you didn’t even know what you did wrong.
now that pisses him off tenfold. why the fuck did jungwon even let you back in?
yet park sunghoon’s anger towards you made him fail to notice all the little things that were just the slightest bit off. have you ever been close with sunoo and niki? no, he doesn’t think so, but he never cared enough to give a shit about your relationships. jake and heeseung have been complaining that you don’t game or play soccer with them anymore, but who gives a fuck about that when your tendency of being a fucking whore shows turns a head yet again when he catches you and jang wonyoung stumble out of your bedroom, the latter hazy-eyed and flushed, when this morning he was just texting her to come over.
“they’re saying it’s just a misunderstanding! nothing happened between them, just let it go, man.”
sunghoon feels worse than heartbreak when he sees his best friend defending you, knowing full well you were the cause of his sister’s own heartbreak last summer. what the fuck? jay of all people knows how much he hates you. but turns out, the object of his hatred for the past two months isn’t the same person he’d hated at first glance.
things start making more sense when you gather them all in the living room one day—
“w—wait, what do you mean you’re not him?”
—and drop the big fucking bomb that for the past three months, you’ve been filling in the shoes of your twin brother and receiving the brunt of all his hatred.
all that information was too much for him to handle right now.
so the natural reaction is to run off to wherever his legs took him.
that somewhere just had to be an obvious hiding spot. the rooftop of the shared house, in between the shrubs and the greens now drenched in the night where he’s crouched down and looking up to. but he’s not looking up at the stars in the sky. he’s looking at you—
“why are you wearing a mask?”
—half obscured by a medical cover which makes the guilt and hatred retching in his gut all the more complicated.
“i figured it would be weird for you to look at me when i look like that son of a bitch,” you say lightly. oh, so you also know how trashy that guy is, he thinks, and you crouch down in front of him, as if to tell him. yeah, i do. that’s why i’m in this situation in the first place. “if you can’t get an apology from him, i thought i could at least do it on his behalf.”
how considerate. he should’ve known that you were a different person. but god, every time he saw you, his animosity just jumped the gun before any other feeling could, so now he feels like shit, groaning with his head in his hands. “no, it’s just— i’ve hated your brother for fucking around with my sister, but i’ve been treating you like shit these past few months and that makes me no better than him.”
“no, you are! if i were you, i would’ve kicked my own ass the moment i stepped into the house,” you snap back. “the fact that you can even look at me and listen to me right now tells me that you’re a better person than he could ever be.”
with that, sunghoon lifts his head back up, and is met face to face with the same eyes he’s scorned just up until earlier this evening.
wrongfully so. had he looked a little closer, he would’ve noticed there’s not a single hint of arrogance in the way you’ve ever looked at him in these past three months. god, he’s terrible. the piece of shit is him, not you.
“that mask must be uncomfortable,” he mutters. “you can take it off.” 
albeit hesitantly, you do, and once more sunghoon is slapped in the face with just how alike you and your brother look, and he has to swallow down his body’s automatic reaction of inherent hostility, but it doesn’t come.
it’s the same face. the same face, but he’s feeling differently. maybe now that his vision isn’t blurred and addled by anger, he’s able to see more clearly.
send me a kpop boy (txt/enha/zb1/bnd/dream) to toss into reverse harem hell! [jay]
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