#but yeah theyre just BIG compared to everyone else
starheavenly · 8 months
hey just curious are meggs n op just REALLY big or are the seekers really that smoll?
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lovemesomeagnst · 2 months
Hot take: I’m mad that Izzy’s secret in the fourth book is that she was also scared Olly isnt funny enough LIKE WDYM WHY DOES ALL THE MISFITS GET ANGSTY DEVELOPMENT SECRETS BUT NOT THE TWINS.. like Izzy, I dont think its cool for ur biggest concern to be your brother also not being funny enough. Someone pointed out that they maybe just didn’t have such huge concerns since like they are more sheltered than the others but still like I would have liked a bit more for their individual personalities to shine in that moment. Izzy I can see you lying theres no way thats your biggest worry…
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I mean i sorta get its for the jokes but also everyones being truthful and maybe they dont have any secrets or worries at all but still 💔
I mean like IDK i just feek like that shouldnt be her biggest worry and if she was joking that wasnt rlly fair to the others who were telling their truthful secrets and worries.
Also when Mr Vernon reassured the Misfits in the end in reference to their secrets it just feels like the twins’ worries were so minor compared to the others and so it was like sorta more casual but still touching ig idk.
Everytime Mr Vernon advices the twins or something it doesn’t feel like he connects to them as much as the others. Which I understand completely, but it feels like they don’t have like that bond that the other Misfits had with their mentor.
This is all just proving that we need further twin exploration and another book on them because the amount of things that could have been added or explored like!! We’re so deprived of their further interactions with the Misfits and I would have really liked to see their personality individually! Rare fun platonic pairings could have been added more and again I feel that Mr Vernon and the twins deserved to know each other more like yeah theyre funny and they bring the joy to the group but what else ya know?
Like some scenes of them were very very wholesome but also like really brushed off like that scene in Book 2 where Olly got his ear basically burst by the balloon helpppp. I mean the scene where Izzy was seen running to him and cradling his head was so sweet (me surviving on the crumbs) and then like that it was over and brushed off sighhh. Also in Book 3, I don’t think it was shown in the books that the twins knew that Emily was mimicking their voices. Like all we know is one moment they’re mad and the next the misfits r all okay again and planning their next steps. Like were they actually told cause I rmb someone said something about that i forgot err. Imagine they actually still believed that their misfits badmouthed the Goldens but came back anyway cause theyre lovely friends. Obviously Im sure they were told eventually but like…why are the twins excluded in such a thing also why is it the next time we just see them all okay again like the RARE moment they get mad at each other (since theyve always been neutral throughout the entire book) and then its all resolved without us seeing it? I get they could have told them offbook but BRO… LET US SEE THEM!
We need an animated series or an extra book or snippet of them cause they actually deserve content a lot and theyre so cuties and ahhhhh. Also apparently there’s a bonus chapter on the twins???? Creds to @charliedrawsstuffig for telling me cause i was SHOCKED.
There’s only so much fics can do, which by the way very very happy to see how big the numbers have grown cause I totally remembered a time when we were still in single digits LFMAO. So yeah! If an animated series comes out like fr then I hope we get more twin moments and bondings and such. If not, then after my exams I’m taking the reigns and making animatics HAHA.
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niftukkun · 1 year
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=The Exiled=
[A fierce combatant with unrelenting claws and a better jump than most. With rage in your heart, yours is a path is lined with constant blood and wrath.]
[Little Gods and Passing Beasts AU, aka roleswapped rain world! ;; more under the cut]
scug Pebbles in Artificer's campaign!! as is only right. they have rage-to-rage communication no matter the world lmao.
so yeah pebbles with a hella grudge. a little bit of a twist though, in this campaign you are not targeting scavengers, but vultures. vultures in the Inquirer, Hearth, Skydiver, and Exiled campaigns are much more common compared to Drifter, Surveyor, and Martyr's campaigns. id imagine theyre still limited to certain areas and maybe even regions - so for example, no vultures in the shaded citadel equivalent, but in areas where they can be encountered, there would be very very many of them and an extremely high likelihood of encounter and death. to keep things balanced, however, the hp of regular vultures and king vultures are lowered, though not by that much only to like 50 or 75% of their actual HP. to fight, Exiled has a maul like Artificer but better and a double jump ability similar to Arti but without the actual bomb part. they also have the boosted spear damage like Arti and Hunter. i am also very tempted to give them Gourmand's drop slam thing just for funsies but thats only a maybe right now. in the Exiled campaign, it starts like Artificers in getting a citizen ID drone, and starts picking up when you get to the metropolis equivalent ive been calling Lofty Roost. after exploring for a bit you may find the tallest building, the highest perch, and encounter the King Miros Vulture (>20 HP, essentially a miros vulture w the harpoons, slightly faster land walk speed, and a cool unique vulture mask).
the Exiled was once a young, arrogant and slightly callous little scuppy. upon reaching hunting age, the Not Yet Exiled decided to be a little... risky. decided to hunt a vulture, a common threat in the colony's territory, all by themself. and they succeeded. at the time, the Not Yet Exiled was the only one injured, the only one who got close enough to the successfully hunted vulture to get a scar in their eye. when the rest of the hunting party drew close however, is when things started going wrong. the King Miros Vulture was in the area. everyone was too occupied, too distracted to see it before it swooped down and struck. the Hearth, kindest and loved by the colony, got snapped up. thankfully it was a fairly large hunting party, so no one died. though quite a lot were injured, the Hearth had the worst injury and that was only because every scug was caught off guard. however, it was still a hunting party. sure the colony can forage and they do have a stockpile of food, but thats a big blow to food acquirement, and the Hearth, who was only there because it was their little sibling's first hunt, was injured to the point it would take several cycles for them to recover - if they will at all. so. the colony leaders decided to exile the young scug. this was their first hunt. their skill assessment, to see if they are fit to hunt at all - and they went out on their own and decided to hunt one of the biggest threats in the area. sure, it was successful, and if they did manage to bring back the vulture with no one else hurt the colony leaders might have even considered giving the young scug a reward in the name of sharpening their already exceptional hunting skills - but they went out on their own when slugcats are supposed to hunt together, to make sure everyone comes home. willful endangerment of an entire party like that,, they can't let it slide. so the Exile was exiled. given instructions of a territory far enough away where the hunting is good and told they are never able to go home. it angered them. it was a successful hunt! they took down a vulture! sure a couple scugs were injured but it wasnt their fault! they dont know if their sibling is alive oh stars what have they done.
after quite a lot of cycles living alone, stewing in anger and guilt and hunting down almost exclusively vultures, they decide to move. they make their way,,, somewhere. and find an odd device that starts following them around. after more wandering they eventually find an iterator named Explosive Redamancy, fallen but functional and calling them her citizen? sure. more importantly she gives them information on where the King Miros Vulture is! Revenge Will Be Theirs!!! revenge will not bring Hearth back. will not let them back in their colony. is it even worth it? it has to be. what else could they do?
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akirameta84 · 1 year
saiki au. its in modern times but fantasy as well. the cast is fantasy creatures and stuff and ive done this in a similar manner a bit ago but ive a betrer idea now
saiki is still a dragon (eastern because noodle) and hiding it, and this time its being theyre nearly extinct and so powerful theyre usually compared to deities and worshipped despite often just wanting to live a normal life just like everyone else
so, aince his humanoid form he can take is kind of an anthropomorphic version of his true form (which isnt all that big, he can function decently well inside of buildings), he pretends to just be a kobold. kobolds here are not known for particularly strong magical prowess and arent all that uncommon.
his scales are white/gray because of his cat form in canon i always tend to do this, and back, head, and tail fur is pink. his kobold form still has fur (but long hair) which makes him a bit of an odd kobold, but its not outrageously suspicious, and can be passed off as odd genetics.
hes smol, only 5 feet or 1.5 meters because hes got quadruped styled legs despite standing on 2 like kobolds do. his true form is a bit taller than nendou in height and is very long.
a strange idea for this au as well is that saikis adopted, his adoptive family (which is his canon family) arent dragons or kobolds. idk what they are but yeah
and heres a quirk of this au that all my aus tend to have before i post them, i just usually cut them out because its getting to the point that its becoming just an original story but these stupidly specific aspects are always in my aus, i just wanted to share ine for once:
while living in the orphanage at a very young age, meaning his magic control was limited (except for his ability to take his kobold form, because hes been practicing that for his whole life because of how his true form is treated), saiki was hit by a car. his healing ability wasnt very refined and his leg was injured pretty gruesomely, and he healed it wrong. it was technically healed even if incorrect and very painful still, though, and he couldn't do anything more to it. its injured permanently, making it hard to walk sometimes if its hurting more than usual, and its generally pretty weak. he uses a cane in private but is sadly a bit too ashamed to bring it in public, despite there being nothing wrong with it
rest of the cast is fitting fantasy creatures that im pretty sure i have identical in my other very similar au
toritsuka-pathetic kitsune
akechi-just a human. sorry akechi
this is probably pretty boring but i dont really care. i like it. and its probably more bizarre than most of my aus because i didnt cut the odd details that make it practically no longer an au and more of an original story
if you read this au regardless thank you
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single-malt-scotch · 10 months
ok so i am home from my vacation and i have only had time to watch bdubs' SL pov and hlf of cleo's rn. regardless wanted to ramble my thoughts on this session and fair warning it isnt gonna be super positive (the short: didnt really like it) so yeah.
reminder though i absolutely Love these people. i love how they play and theyre great and im watching first and foremost bc i like seeing them have fun. my issues lie in the series' mechanics, how it plays, the technical function, management etc.
the thing about watching one pov is i feel like it can also spell out other issues but i will get to that later
obviously the big thing. the "infection" task. listen.... the concept of a boogeyman infection by itself is cool! i like that! but.... not here?????? out of all series.
there is no regen, and this fact is conflicting to me because i feel like the boogey should be struggling against those theyre trying to infect, and minecraft's regen would be that struggle, like it has been for every past boogey chasing their targets.
you have to kill everyone not red? not red???? so like 90% of the server? insane.
this was an EASY TASK........... this pisses me more on what this season's rules have been implied to be. suddenly, they arent really making sense. i will go into this deeper.
this just doesnt seem like the right place to plant this task. it is hugely impactful and feels like it is happening for no reason. if they were going on like 10+ episodes and grian was formally like "well, secret keeper wants this wrapped up so lets see what task hes gonna give all of us!" and then boom, this is it. then cool. make up a proper excuse like wrapping up the season.
it was too much of a shocker, unprepared for, and with how intense it is by needing to kill everyone left it feeling very unfair to the people i was watching. Bdubs had just died previously and now lost all his hearts in one session because of the force of another task. as did many others. if there was to even be any slight alteration to more "fairness" it could have been "the one you killed is now boogey. hand them the book and make them kill someone by themself. you are no longer infected. you cannot kill the person who killed you." or something idk. every part of the server going after one person is way too much.
regarding rules and whatnot, i was already kind of annoyed by this previous session too. there are two tasks now that have me going "how tf is this "easy"?" Bdubs' task of chicken causing damage-- an amount that had to go as high as anyone could stand it-- seems way too harsh as an easy task. there were a few tasks where health could be lost, but none of it was deliberate "lose as much as possible". losing the same amount of health as another player (like grian and joel) is not the same as telling the player they basically need to lose as much as possible compared to someone else in order to win the challenge. grian and etho's hard tasks took a lot of damage (to others mostly lol) but it was a destructive hard task. bdubs' with the dragon was as well.
but gem's task especially... i mean, holy crap. that is a red life's task, or a hard task at most! even if i liked the whole thing i think id still be on the page of saying that is not an "easy" task. a red life getting this task would have been interesting too because it would put a ton of risk on them to survive and get it done. and sure, theyd get some allies in the infected but theyd still be a target in the fights. that would have been tense for them!
cancelling out all of the others' tasks when they were infected made sense but it totally changed the direction of people's videos. it forced them to be different to everyone. suddenly the first quarter or half of the video is just void and pointless. when the tasks basically direct their entire motive and how they act towards everyone, forcing them into big choices they cannot change, i think its bad. social tasks that pass off as kind normal are funny (etho's weeping angel, get scar to talk abt star wars, compliment ppl when they take damage etc), or outward and confusing but not character controlling ones (kill the dragon, connect your base to others, etc). ones that direct a player so strongly shouldnt ruin their interactions with everyone else either (playing tag-- took up a lot of time but players were "neutral" to everyone and carried on as normal).
some people were saying this task could be to speed up the series. im not really sure abt that. regardless i am sure they thought this would just be an interesting thing to do and thats why they did it. (i have seen martyn on here sometimes talking vaguely abt tasks being random and whatnot and no offense to him but it doesnt sound like at all he does have all the information to knowing this. i mean, why would he? hes a player. the admins are doing things he has no clue about. hes not even firmly stating anything. hes just saying what he knows, which i dont think is at all everything the admins are doing in front of them). i have seen this series play with many balance issues through its lifetime and i think this season esp shows a lot of that again. grian stated around one season how theres no play testing really. the admins might run some stuff i guess but theyre not testing much. and thats very obvious when limlife had that issue of deaths not showing in chat (and hey look, it happened again!) or boogey kills in LL and LimLife (along with normal kills in Lim) not being detected by means that were not direct (mechanically this just happens, you cant fix it. but they did not prepare to deal with this at all and it was chaotic to watch in Limlife and caused a lot of confusion on who got time).
i have repeating some of these things about SL already so i dont want to drone on again. i have been kinda neutral to SL because many eps were fine, i didnt love every task (personally didnt like etho getting so many "out of character" ones, like please give this man a break he is so socially awkward its hard to watch). but this session and last session have me not enjoying the task concept.
from the start i just wished this season was about not being able to regen hearts and thats it. i need something simple, dude. its getting convoluted. and its obvious with the amount of hall monitoring and the amount of talk the cc have in these videos telling hall monitors to stop, to explain successes or failures, etc etc. they should have to do that. limlife already had some ppl getting picky about who got time or not but this is even more subjective and confusing!! im sure theyre still having fun and i like seeing them having fun here but as a viewer im just seeing a concept that has too much going on, stuff that doesnt have a simple yes or no answer sometimes and i dont think thats good for a series like this, one that started out so incredibly simple and straight forward.
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
I suppose I'm wondering about what classes everyone takes? Which electives do they take or what clubs they are in AND THEN which background characters are in those clubs and classes. Who are they. Please tell me about the mundane details of the cast pleasepleaseplease anything
HI!!! this ask has been sitting here for a bit but i really wanted to answer this on desktop, especially considering i have pictures on my computer of actual side characters for stuff like this!!
so, the main cast doesnt have a planned out schedule that i have made, however i can tell you which classes they definitely have and some side characters that i have so far for these classe.
so, sinie and daren are in art club as a side thing! daren has been taking art classes since his freshman year, his passion is art and he dabbles in a little bit of it all. so a lot of his elective classes are art related. sinie also rly likes art, but she's more of a sketching and making-my-own-clothes kind of artist. real shit i should put a sewing machine in sinie's room, its big enough and quite empty compared to everyone else's in my concept art....
here are two characters i have sketched out from art club!
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rae has more of a personality written down but emerald i see as a very kind hearted, yet feisty girl with lots of style. she's sassy, but also has very good advice when it comes to detail
csilla, heather, and elise would all be in a cooking class together. csilla because she has neglectful parents and heather and elise for the fact that theyre obsessed with each other and also love cooking hahaha
elise would also be in a hair/cosmetology class. she's obsessed with The Look and fashion and makeup, so she would love to be professionally taught how to basically be a beauty guru haha
sinie is also in track! daren was when they were in middle school, but dropped it in high school to pursue art. sinie also likes to play soccer!
agitha is the head of the student council, and even has her own little posse!
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i have an entire scene with them in chapter 3 which is Very fun. i had a lot of fun with it and i cant wait to explore them! oh csilla is also in the student council, recruited by agitha herself. so that means she's gonna be apart of this group too! awkward tho considering agitha and csilla are rivals, yet lbr, csilla would easily win over yumi and alex. (alex puts on a face of stoic-ness but she's actually just a wet cat lmao)
so yeah!! thats rly all i got, i dont rly know what their schedules would look like rn haha but i do wanna design more side characters!
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girlyaois · 1 year
💌, ❤️, and 💭 for your spn S/I!!
💌 - any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it's now.
oh man! yeah, theres been some big changes over the years.. she sort of evolved alongside me, and its lore changed to fit what i needed at the time(s). i believe the concept of being part demon part angel was always a thing, but i developed what that means for him over time, how that works, etc. at first he was essentially just some lame transmasc kid (kid in the way a 20 yo is a kid) with a father who was king of hell and a boyfriend who was an archangel. i didnt even have the castiel stuff developed yet... now, the lore and relationships get a bit complex because ive played around with so many ideas. she's now essentially castiel's twin/sibling but in the complex unlike humanity way that angels would experience siblinghood? it chose to fall, leaving cas behind, but he always watched over her during her time as a human. most of it at least. after his 2nd fall, becoming a demon, and "meeting" castiel (again), they don't recognize each other. it takes a bit and some weird supernatural plotline about souls and angel grace for that. + now i have a bunch of au's where i ship myself with different characters, 4 fun. (fun fact, i kept accidentally imagining crowley calling me his daughter, and it kind of aided in me realizing i was genderfluid/bigender & not just a trans guy. the s/i's gender identity changed to match as well (: )
❤️ - any favourite reoccurring scenario?
a bit embarassing but the #1 reoccurring scenario is just several different ways of me being comforted by my familial f/o's. mostly crowley, sometimes cas or the winchesters, if i were braver id think about rowena. my evil grandma. a scene that plays pretty often in my mind is very self indulgent "being grounded by castiel/cas supporting me through Mental Horrors"
i also like thinking about lucifer being obsessed with me a Loottt like lol you want me soo bad. but also like. the mutually toxic cishet (despite not being cis or het) couple trope where im psychologically war-faring him. its ok and ethical hes literally satan and a deadbeat dad. but i love him ^_^ ... but embarassingly pt 2 a very reoccuring daydream involving him is just him being genuinely sweet & loving .. satan is capable of love too guys
i keep going back to daydream about my self insert's time spent as a human girl, running away from home, selling her soul to crowley, (and most importantly of all) how that relationship develops with time, and the awkward beginnings of a young girl imprinting on the king of the crossroads who did NOT sign up to be summoned by a teenage girl just because shes lonely.
LATE SEASONS BUNKER SHENANIGANS!!! i play around a LOT with imagining im annoying the winchesters or that theyre annoying me in like. almost a slice of life way in the bunker. i mess around with a lot of random magic ideas too , ive got a bunch of random "episodes" written out in my mind cuz i wanted to think and giggle about unfortunate magical spells. brb turning dean into a hamster
💭 - are you more of a "has everything written down" self shipper or a "what happens in my daydreams STAYS in my daydreams" self shipper?
im the "wants to write a full length novel about my s/i one day but i have adhd" self shipper. ive written nothing but i want to beam my thoughts into everyone elses minds. you will watch supernatural rewritten with me in it boy
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away-ward · 1 year
(MBTI headcanon cont.) I think your observation of Will's family's interest is super spot on, because guess what? Misha from Punk 57 has very similar personality with Em. He's a geek! Movies, things, music etc. i guess it really does run in the family. I remember Ryen always making fun of him about it. And yeah i agree about your take about Nightfall in general about the side characters drama and present interaction of willemmy too.
Also i think i dont elaborate the last part of willemmy's characteristics of "finishing doing something" really well. Thats my description that were related to their P and J types. Em would have a lot of things she wants to do, and prioritise what needs to be done, but if she completely lost interest, she wouldnt bat an eye to them anymore. (The more i think abiut it, the more she sounds like INTP). As long as its done, its done. But will, the J guy, coupled with curious mind, wouldnt have a linear timeline to his growth compared to everyone else beside him, but everytime he was shown an interest and want something, he sticks to it until the end, doesnt matter how painful or less worth it seems to anyone. He's a giver and caretaker, having this passion of loving others. Big heart guy. Yeah, ENFJ really suits him.
part 2:
Adding to my two MBTI asks before and ohmygod!!! Architects are usually INTJ! Theyre usually the adventurous type too. I guess my observation from before about emmy being a P is rather more closely related to her individual personality being a P and her P nature in her most volatile personal decisions in general rather than being a J. But i can see why she would be an INTx with interchanging P or J type. And Misha is will's cousin from Punk57, forgot to mention this. And im so sorry for the spoiler if you havent read punk57 🙏🥺 And I agree about Alex, but I'm not sure myself what Alex's MBTI would be other than E and F because we werent really given much insights to her thoughts. We only see her through other characters' povs and Alex was known to be highly adaptable too so idk its because of her personality, her job, her circumstances etc. yk. But she IS adventurous, and i think thats partly why Aydin can get along with Emmy in a way, and Em with Alex, and Alex with Em, and them with Will. Because Im sure Micah's characterisation was really different than these 4, right? But i think Alex is more F than T though. Idk haha, cant say much about side characters that werent given much characterisation through their povs tbh. As for whether or not Emmy's MBTI was the product of her circumstances, that too, idk. I dont think much would change honestly. She was always a girl who loves to have fun and be adventurous, but nowhere was mentioned before that she thrives off of communication with others as much as Will. We were only told that she had no worries in the world when she was little, but no mention of with whom. So it can safe to say, she could be an E or still an I. I remember this because I noticed, she didnt have friends, not only because: she was scared that she was going to be in an abusive relationship, her brother would hurt them, the teenagers around her came from different backgrounds from her, they want different things than her at the same stage of life, so it was harder for her to relate to them, but also because she genuinely enjoy and feels recharged when she's just doing things alone. She wants to have friends, but it wasnt the utmost priority like Will or Alex. And when she wants to connect with others, she cant do casual relationships because it wasnt enough for her. As an E, thats why Will couldnt understand, but when you look at Emmys interactions, outside of what was already happening between her brother, her schoolmates and the town, she was just like that, and she loves it. She did needed a friend, but not the ones that are too invasive. So when it comes to the I E type, I dont think it would change much like her P and J functions. Her P and J functions were heavily influenced by her emotional state. And theyre turbulent. When it comes to her T function, maybe in her volatile or outburst of feeling, she couldve been an F. But that too didnt make much sense, because she was shown to actually LIKE to think, rather than just feel because p feelings didnt always give her the most thrill. We saw her having fun when she felt something intense, but there were a lot of thinking that accompanies those feelings. Even when she waned to fuck alex, or get will out of the jail, or dig out the cemetery, she was already making so much thinking in her head, and she had fun knowing the consequences or mysteries behind it. So safe to say, even when she goes over the edge, she CAN feel the most like Will, but unlike Will, that might just not be her dominant function.
My reply:
Haha. Yeah…in all of my excitement to talk about willemmy, I went way off topic huh? I completely forgot to connect it all back to MBTI. My bad.
(I have read Punk 57, so I’m familiar with Misha, and that all tracks.)
Don’t worry. It’s not you. I’m just overly dense sometimes. I might have unconsciously avoided it. As much as I read up on MBTI, my understanding has always been very surface level and understanding the individual functions and how they work in the stack is confusing for me, and at this point, I’m very rusty.  My explanations will be clunky, but I’ll try my best.
Architects are usually INTJ! Theyre usually the adventurous type too.
Starting off with Emory’s types, at first, I was leaning towards ISTJ, but I do see where you’re coming from with INTJ. I’m still struggling with her dominate function. Mainly because it is so difficult to tell what is the result of her abuse and what comes natural to her.
Em would have a lot of things she wants to do, and prioritise what needs to be done, but if she completely lost interest, she wouldnt bat an eye to them anymore.
When you say she would stop working on something once she lost interest, I would have to disagree with you. I see Emory as someone who follows through to complete what she’s started. I would point to her finishing the gazebo, even though she wasn’t interested in it anymore. I believe she quits things when her depression gets the best of her. She quit swimming because of the bruises, but she quit band only after her final fight with Will. I don’t remember if she gave a clear reason, or if her excuse was that she wouldn’t be getting a scholarship for it. However, I firmly believe she just couldn’t sit in the stands and watch his games anymore. She was angry and depressed, and that's what caused her to temporarily give up on things. Otherwise, even if she wasn’t going to get scholarships for swim or band, she would have completed them for the sake of it. I do believe she’s a “finish what you start” type of person.
Both ISTJs and INTJs are:
Strong willed
Driven, with strong work ethic
Tendency towards perfectionism
Struggle with emotions, theirs's and other's
Strong moral codes
To me, all of these traits match Emory pretty well. When looking at the differences between the traits, I would lean more towards INTJ. I think she has a dominate Ni. I do agree that Emory would have been an introvert either way.
As for Will, I’m still up in the air about whether he’s got a dominate Se or Ne function, though I’m leaning towards Se. Just based on surface level, I see him as an ESFP. Though I can definitely see why you’re leaning towards ENFJ.
I haven’t even begun to consider any of the other characters, but Alex is an extrovert, but whether she’s Te or Fe dominate, I’m not sure. Way out of my depth.
I wish I could go into more detail and actually narrow it down to a type for all the characters. I think that would be a fun project!
Edit: I eventually did end up doing it... here you go.
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lorisystem · 26 days
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Wanted to do this meme again... i saw it as a repost just now so i dont have the source but i did it before, if anyone wants the template i can probably find it again later.
Wanted to detail about each one cause i& feel talkative
Cross = yeah
Big bar = mostly yeah
Small bar = nuance (very little and/or not as a system thing)
No mark = no
"Who are you again" = Ok this all the time but not a system thing just faceblind.
Host/body trans = Yeagh
Dissociates mid conversation = This all the time but afaik not related to switching just. In our own little world a lot of the time + its hard to keep interest in some conversations. Also its hard to understand things said to us sometimes which makes us lose track a lot
Fictives = Not a fictive heavy sys but we do have some. Two full introjects n several half introjects (at least 2 possibly more)
Amnesia = We only get noticeable amnesia in very specific context (if something is very upsetting). Never full blackouts i think? That being said we have a lot of partial amnesia for certain things or periods of time. Like theres periods of time put behind some sort of curtain etc but we remember the main lines or its emotional amnesia etc.
"Whats a system" = Stopped being a thing around like 14 or 15(?) when we met another system. Before that we knew but didnt have the vocabulary
Chaotic headspace = Never been a thing for us. The brain just doesnt have the capacity to run full conversations in background if the focus is somewhere else. Our processing power is. Poor
Motherly figure as caretaker = None are women but yea Déborah n Jyu n even Avrei(/Shun) to some degree all of which are older/parental figures to several alters especially the younger ones
Fusion/integ = As of yet not really but we did get skill displacements which were starting to understand can be a start (host learning an alters skill and becoming more adapted)
Bad at communicating = We thought we were quite good for very long (and compared to somebody who has none. Yea) but actually. Were learning to get better a lot and discovered theres a lot more to learn. Cannot track switches at all for example n hard to discern passive influence. We just have different struggles. On top of that some alters just arent cooperative
Recovering persecutor protector = Yea love to have at least one system cliché . Franca & Zacharie.
No energy = This one is small bar bc i rlly dont think its system related. Also we still have enough energy to fake functionality and mask etc. But it could be better
"You have good imagination" = I imagine this is meant to fakeclaim and while i dont think somebody told me that to fakeclaim my system weve been told it about other things + it is true that we have a good imagination. We are very selective who we tell but yea decided to put that one as a cross bc it still feels accurate
ND = yea. One or two things going on other than plurality
No headspace = Our base headspace is very very simple but it did exist. We created an actual inner world around early HS i think and kept expanding it since. Some part are spontaneous but most of it was consciously created
Denial = small bar bc it doesnt rlly impact us too much anymore. We dont rlly care for external validation anymore
Not out as a system bc no one believes you = Well mostly yea but not only. Its not that i think absolutely noone would believe me bc if that was the only pb i wouldnt care. I just dont want to get harrassed, i need ppl to show me basic respect and not try to hurt me&.
Been fakeclaimed = Yes! A friend fakeclaimed us early on in learning about dissociative disorders bc we didnt tell them details of childhood trauma/said it wasnt traumatic - it was but we didnt realize at the time)
Co fronting gives headache = Never been a thing for us, at least unable to link headaches with switches (theyre not that frequent anyway)
Memory is shit = We are . Hypermnesic,
Everyone or almost is queer = Oh ya definitely. In some way or other
*Pretends to be host* = Yea. Allergic to ppl knowing who fronts
"When did i get here" = OK when i first read i thought this related to splitting and i put nothing cause we can pinpoint the origin period of most alters etc. But. Rereading i think it related to confusion after switching. Was a thing to a small degree for us until like 5 years ago or so and now we very rarely get this. It was never too big but sometimes we did have moments of confusion like "what am i doing? Where am i? Right, going to work... feels weird and out of place" etc. Not too bad
Traumagenic = yea. Always aware of this. We always knew alters were there to help and that they all had specific roles. I kind of remember the feeling of reading roles and being like woah. Yea yea. We had roles the whole time
Sarrey for long text. N inconsistent pronouns. It will happen again
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
char ask meme for whichever oc you think ill like most. all numbers minus any you dont feel like answering
fukc yeah thanks nico. idk which oc you'd like though... personally i like nyx bc theyre silly but saturn and ben are emo. you like illumi so maybe jol or kanz.... ill just answer with whoever lol
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
i'll go with joel & kanz for this one bc they have a very big 'family' (its a cult, they are part of a cult). kanzy has a biological sister who's about 3-4 years younger than them?? but i believe the closest ages are lizzy and jolzy, they're like 22-25 i dont remember What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
an time i hear the word 'mother' + 'oc' i think of stella. her relationship with her mother is literally so bad lmao What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
i'll go with saturn for this! his father choked him to death lol In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
i can't decide of a character for this one but half of them are dead so like. probably when they were dying Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
ben: success
stella: she used to prioritize success but she kinda figured that was never gonna happen so now its happiness
nyx: happiness
kanz: happiness
jol: success
saturn: justice Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
ben: wisdom
lyra: ambition
kanz: probabl wisdom What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
oh hell yeah
ben: he's ridiculously self-sacrifical. he's always looking for validation and will give up his own comfort and sanity to appear 'perfect'. so he seems obnoxious & he also will shoulder every single bit of despair by himself
nyx: they just do whatever the fuck they want. like they disappeared for 3 years, didn't leave a note or anything, just said Fuck This Shit Im Out. they let their whole kingdom believe they were dead bc why would they deal with that shit when there are literally dragons. also they're irresponsible as hell
jol: he's a clown. also he's in a cult In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
ben tries to make sure he's better than everyone so it's both If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
i know i have at least one cahracter who is guilty as hell but i cant remember who What does your character like in other people?
stella like girls What does your character dislike in other people?
nyx hates people who are uptight/rule based, anyone who will yell at them for being an impulsive shithead How quick is your character to trust someone else?
jol can't trust anyone outside of his gotdamn cult. kanz got out of the cult and decided to room with the first 3 people they found, so i guess they're pretty trusting... lyra i feel is pretty trusting as well. she doesn't have many friends, but the ones she does have are cool.
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
im treating this as a 'there's a murder mystery, who figures out the killer first' question. nyx is probably the victim. lyra is coping with nyx's murder by writing a real life fanfic in the basement. stella's distraught as hell but she's leading the investigation & trying to make sure no one else gets hurt. ben is in his room crying. he is not involved in the murders because he is locked in his room lol. kanz suspects jol from the moment they find the body. the murderer is jol. he runs away to new york and saturn hunts him for sport How does your character behave around children?
joel would be popular with children ebcause he's a clown How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
joel likes to kill people How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
joel likes to kill people What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
stella wanted to be straight. she is not What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
their own families probably In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
ben: he fucking dies
stella: she doestn give a shit anymore
joel: he does not get criticism he is moms baby boy. but he likes being berated bc he aspires to be a piece of shit
kanz: 'oh my god you're so right' How does your character behave around people they dislike?
at the beginning stella just plays along with them but she learns how to properly reject middle aged men :) Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
they are the problem How does your character treat people in service jobs?
all of them are nice except for jol who is just annoying Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
ben does not have 'wants' he has a kingdom to rule. stella is beginning to realize she is deserving of cool shit. nyx thinks they are deserving of cool shit bc the shits cool. jol has no cool shit. kanz needs to earn their place. lyra doesnt think about that stuff. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
depends. jol can say 'i love you' to anyone because he was raised in Manipulation Central and they manipulate people. stella cannot say 'i love you' to your face but she will admit it while crying in nyx's arms. nyx doesn't say 'i love you' they let you cry about some hot girl in their arms. kanz can say i love you easily. ben does not say 'i love you' ever, except maybe to stella once. oh ben and stella are siblings btw What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
stella: i am going 2 hell
nnyx: if i die i die like who cares lmfao
lyra: death is terrifying to me. it doesn't matter where i go because the idea of being trapped somewhere for eternity is hell either way. i wont be able to control it. i'll leave my loved ones behind. i'll just waste away in a cage. if nothing happens after i die and i just cease to exist i'll be grateful
jol: if i die i die like who cares lmfao
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playmiya · 2 years
SERIOUS GAMERS! — one piece as genshin players
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luffy is an ar 43 childe main
childe main luffy !!! mayhem !!! maniac !!! cannot use bow mode for shit!
basically explores his overworld like crazy ... has 100% exploration on dragonspine because he said fuck sheer cold we die like real men :D aka a 100 times until he realises .... fire .... fire good
does not use healers. what are they. whats this wack 1000+ hp increase. is it free? do the game gods suddenly like him?
can't build characters asks law for help who fucking busts a blood vessel seeing all the 5 stars hes sacrificed on shitty artifacts (DEF% circlet on diluc, cries real tears)
has bad luck on pulls though its crazy
he doesnt even save primos,,,,
ust pulls and didnt know about losing the 50/50 he'd just be happy either ways
"haha look a character!"
also randomly joins worlds and steals stuff . he has no etiquette Smh
does not do abyss or if he does its just a headache he has no idea he doesnt read the opponents info he has no team synergy he is just random bullshitting go in this sanji is an ar60 yae main
has raised all thee waifus but he has a thing for being humiliated by women so ... yeah .. yae
yae defender since day #1 !! he has fought whole wars for her on twitter when people were saying her kit is shit ... he started not one but 3 fan accounts
his team is basically yae, raiden, jean and lisa (whos going to tell this man theyre all girlfriends)
is now getting ready to ascend to the title of no.1 yelan main in the whole wide world .. is sacrificing his sanity to give her 300% crit damage
like luffy he does not give a fuck about the storyline, just plays for the characters (ahem.... ladies .... is also subtly growing on ayato)
hes also a big whale. does that surprise anyone? no?
r5 donut c6 kokomi and is trying to get her to deal big damage #RoadTo100K
skips dialogue
tries to cook some ingame dishes, his almond tofu and sweet madame are actually kind of good! robin and nami have benefitted from this one
zoro is an ar56 ayaka main
got into the game because luffy and sanji were heavily into it and he's fallen into a deep whirpool of genshin ayaka impact
does not give a fuck about the story + dialogue
initially played it for funsies but as soon as he saw ayaka Goddamn
compares sword styles with her secretly its so Cute
has raised her shes insane crazy 500k when he coops people clap they scream they shout
too bad shes the only built character he does not give a fuck about anyone else
ayato came and hes building him also but everyone else is irrelevant. THIS IS AYAKAS WORLD!
does not like traveller since hes not interested in ayaka
wants to punch the shit out of him
generally annoys him
keeps on whining about how traveller uses a shitty ass blade, how ayakas much better than him etc etc.
takes boss fights very Seriously is very Good at them also
does not know how hes gotten to ar 56 but will #grind until shes c6 (hes f2p and benefitted GREATLY during the ayaka banner)
ace is an ar60 eula main
whale whale whale whale
needs to touch grass hes spent his LIFE INSURANCE MONEY on this game
loves everything about it
follows the story, loves the characters, worldbuilding everything
surprisingly dedicated a lot of braincells to it! built his characters fr
he streams it also does stupid challenges n shit, ie. i die i roll
it's him and his eula against the world! he loves a woman that can kick serious ass
very fun to coop with. will go to heart island with you. will carry you.
36 stars spiral abyss like bro is full mental illnessing it he wants the primos even though he can go to the shop and basically go batshit
his luck is very bad though like he has NEVER gotten a character before 60 pity
his c6 mona speaks for herself! and so does c6 keqing!
would have mained childe but heart of depth domain sucks 4 years out of his lifespan per run (1 like = 1 decent crit piece for ace)
has hit 1mil with eula . but at what cost?
law is an ar57 xiao main
im sorry he instantly connected with him
the emo fatherlessness is universal
basically built the entire team around xiao, eg. xiao/jean/albedo/zhongli
also admires zhongli and would have mained him but he saw emo boy first
has primordial and him at c1 but he has never paid, he's not that deep in yet
just has decent luck and saves pragmatically
like luffy he has his evil moments and steals stuff from players (has gotten threats of doxxing/being cussed out)
but other than that his genshin routine is doing dailies, event and then hes out!
follows lore actively though, finds the various cross cultural references very fun
would probably pull for baizhu if he becomes playable
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© prodlaw 2022 ♡ reblogs & feedback are appreciated! requests are open
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lu-twilights-pup · 3 years
hiiiiii i jus found ur page and love the little hcs you have for everyone! i saw u had and open ask box and was wondering if u had any for just Twi and Wars? (theyre my favorite) anyway thanks and byee!
Hello anon! Thanks for being mt first ask!!! And i definitely do! I feel like you dont see enough of them interacting, or maybe its just my dashboard lol, but here we are!!
Warrior and Twilight are the Big Brothers™ of the chain
they look after the younger ones of the group, and tend to put the other before themselves (a bit more than the rest of the links)
that being said, they end up getting on each others case quite often for throwing themselves in harms way
though they don't have Time's Dad Stare™, they both have a way with words in the form of lectures; some of the others would prefer Time's look.
from the outside they don't look like they'd get along in the slightest, yknow the noble and the farm boy
and in the beginning they didn't really
however they both discovered a shared (secret) fear of flames due to their journeys, this lead to a talk one night while on watch, from that to family, to mentoring (Warriors with Wind and Twilight with Wild) it just bloomed from their.
and thus chaos ensued
they bicker like sibling, though more playful than Wars and Legend
twilight takes playfully to calling the captain 'your highness', 'my liege','young master', just as much as Warriors takes to calling him 'peasant', farm boy', 'country bumpkin' - which came out as 'pumpkin' once and Legend has not let him live it down
if its know to the group that twilight is wolfie then he will also call him 'wolf boy'
they protect each other though
warriors will be damned if someone calls twilight anything, cause hey that's my friend, only i can insult him
once they brought wolfie into a town with them, and split up for supplies, and warriors was getting some unwelcome attention, and since cia its rather anxiety inducing, so you can bet that while his back is turned wolfie is sitting right behind him growling at anyone who steps to close. with ill intent
they compare the severity of injuries like children
"Damn my arm is broken", "Yeah well i got a concussions, ya big baby","yeah? so do i, blood and everything","Blood? you wanna talk about blood?" everyone else "please no."
they work surprisingly well as a hunting/tracking team
where warriors strategy and movements in battle fall, twilight picks up in brute forces, and vise versa
twilight is one of the few people who knows about the war of eras, and the trauma warriors went through with cia and the temple of souls, as he divulged it all to wolfie (twilight feels really bad when he find out twilight is wolfie, though warriors is not to bothered as he trusts him not to talk about it)
wolfie is really good at helping with panic attacks and bursts of ptsd
warriors is surprisingly good at calming nightmares and paranoia
Warriors is also one of the few people who know about midna to the fullest extent as he had met her himself, thus prompting him to ask twilight about her form his side.
hope this was okay! I definitely have more i will write about later! thank you fro the ask and i look forward to hearing from you guys!
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woahajimes · 3 years
the batfamily is stupid as hell and they're self isolating because SOMEBODY got covid (steph) and then SOMEBODY (cass-- who also has covid bc uh stephcass) sneezed on tim who drank from jason's cup without knowing it was jason's cup and anyways everyone in the manor got covid so ✨self isolation for 2 weeks✨
ANYHOW they were all bored out of their minds and jason was about to throw damian out the window bc siblings right
SO BASICALLY cass came up with the big brain idea of a competition (prize being complete immunization of sibling interaction UNLESS they ask for it-- eg. "hey can you open this for me")
teams were made (just two people per team-- duke/damian, jason/cass, steph/harper, dick/tim)
there were "rounds" and these consisted of
round 1: person a has to feed person b a whole jar of peanut butter and they could switch places ONCE (team to finish last was disqualified)
round 2: they had to recreate this picture and had ten minutes to do so, at the end every team compared pictures and alfred decided whose was the worst and that team was out
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round 3: they had to run five laps around the manor with their team member on their back, first person to get through the finish line (for the fifth time, there was a picture taken each time they crossed it) won.
simple, right?
first round basically went like this:
jason: NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PEANUT BUTTER cass: jason: okay okay ill go first
tim went first, harper went first, and duke went first (duke didn't want to go first but he lost to rock paper scissors so)
tim puked in the first two minutes but alfred had forgotten to clarify that if you puke you're out so basically he kept eating
cass and jason were the first ones to switch
dick and tim switched immediately after (they were waiting for someone else to switch)
steph and harper fucking DIED
"im never eating peanut butter after this"
duke and damian finished first and when ppl asked how (they're the youngest ones, people were sure they couldn't handle it) damian was like "i simply moved all my internal organs to the side" and duke was like "tf you literally ate two spoons and a half"
STEPH AND HARPER LOST and tim laughed (his team got to the next round by literally a second) so harper and steph both threw him the containers and spoons
second round:
tim thought he had a big brain for calling dibs on being on the pool mat but nOOO (duke was on the pool mat, damian was the lightest so yeah--- jason was on the pool mat solely because cass called dibs on jumping and crushing him-- imagine all the chaos)
literally they(jason/cass) took 14 pictures total and all of them were fucked up because of jason (his hands weren’t in the right place, both his legs were picked up)
duke and damian couldn’t do it skjdfhskfh they were D Y I N G (every two minutes you heard a really loud scream/groan with a sudden splat and yeah)
steph and harper had never laughed harder
cass was so done with jason she literally shoved him off the pool mat
tim was literally dead they had taken the shot around 20 times and none of them looked good it was horrible (dick didnt even apologize for crushing tim 90934757894 times -- not every shot was decent so they deleted around 40)
when the timer went off, alfred carefully took all the phones (jason’s phone was somehow at the bottom of the pool and jason was tired(tm) so he asked cass to get the phone pls and cass just got in the pool and shoved the pool mat over (and then got out)
after around 20 minutes of alfred going through the pictures, he decided that the best ones were dick and tim’s (how i have zero idea but)
and then the worst ones were duke and damian’s (so jason and cass made it to the third round)
cass asked alfred why theirs weren’t the best, and alfred said “well master jason’s arm looks very off and he looks genuinely scared” and cass was like “GODDAMNIT JASON” and lost her shit 
so they did think this through and basically cass on jason’s back and tim on dick’s back
jason: HA! YOU’RE NOT FASTER THAN I AM! dick: i don’t need to be??? you’ve got CASS on your back. you know what that means? jason: .... you wouldn’t.. tim, on dick’s back: *snorts* YEAH OKAY
cass: what are they talking about?  jason: NO NOTHING jason: you might want earbuds or something to like... block the sounds... they’re gonna be wanting to distract you cass: yeah well. I’m not distracted easily
the timer goes off, tim on dick’s back, and they’re pretty even for the first two laps, but then tim’s shoe falls off and tim’s like “WAIT MY SHOE” and dick goes “WHAT THE FUCK” 
and tim is like “whoa youre right KEEP RUNNING” 
update: cass does get pretzels and gives jason a few  jason: CASS THATS MY NOSE cass: OH OOPS LOL
dick: tim i think its time to pull out our secret weapon tim: yeah you’re right tim: tim: HEY CASS *starts humming to ‘levitating’ by dua lipa* tim: 🎶 if you wanna run away with me-  🎶
(you may ask how this distracts jason but it just DOES)
dick takes this as a head start and runs faster (theyre on their third lap now- both)
tim gets a bit too excited and leans too much and makes them both fall over (they were abt half a lap ahead)
cass:  🎶 YOU WANT ME  🎶 jason:  🎶 I WANT YOU BABY  🎶  *runs past them*  dick: HOW jason: JUST DONT FIGHT IT 
karma’s a bitch (and dick paid steph) and jason slipped, causing them to fall almost the exact way that tim and dick fell
dick and tim have now caught up to them, as jason and cass pick themselves up
jason: we should switch cass: yeah alright do you want me to momentarily kill you so we can distract the others and then you wake up and we run jason: ...no cass:  jason: ... maybe
*two seconds later*
cass: HE’S DEAD! MY POOR BROTHER HE’S DEAD! steph: YEAH WE KNOW YOU MOMENTARILY KILLED HIM GET UP cass: ok jason lets go stand up 
they keep going and dick stops for a second (theyre ahead)  dick: hey its your turn now tim:  dick: yeah i know you cant cmon climb on
COMEPLETE HEADCANON jason and cass won anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. Nah but i agree tho, hermes and persephone in lo just have more chemistry and actual history/compatibility that she just doesnt have with hades, and the same can be said with hades and hera. its just wild the whole point of the comic is supposed to be about hxp and yet theyre so boring//illogical meanwhile decent writing goes into them being with other people.
2. LO is supposed to have modern values, yet the gods, or at least hades, are authoritarians? like the denizens of the underworld do not like him, so they have every right to question persephone and see if shes actually going to be a good queen to maybe make their lives better and not just someone to aide in hades' abuses of powers, and it's pointing towards the latter. how is this "progressive' if it promotes absolute monarchs are allowed to do whatever they want and face no consequences for it?
3. so much of what could have been interesting design symbolism is just gone. persephone and hades were dressed in white and black to look like a bride and groom? now every guy wears a black suit and the women all wear white, no matter the relationship. the red eyes are to symbolize persephone's inner darkness and feelings? theyre just slapped on at random now. her hair length lost all meaning. persephone isnt even a unique color anymore. any thought that was once there is just gone now.
4. good lord the person who interviewed rachel for that fancast is kissing her ass hard, arent they? people have been fancasting their stuff for years now, even when it's just for themselves, she's hardly the first or most important person to do so, esp when it comes with some, ahem, rather racist undertones. why are most if not the only people of color the villains or hypersexual compared to the pale and pure persephone? rachel please check your internalized biases here for a second, please.
5. Maybe it's unwarrented, but the non-greek names of some of the nymphs pisses me off to no end, and I'm not even Greek. They feel so out of place! Why does EVERYTHING have to be Americanized?!?!
6. the flying stuff persephone does also is such a dumb cop out? like one of the most iconic things in myth is the chariots and their animals, including demeter having flying snakes. plus shes not even unique in it either? like hermes flies, so does zeus and hades and im sure basically everyone else, so who cares? how is it a big deal if persephone does it? doesnt that also just make the powers of the gods less unqiue? like so whats so special about hermes then?
7. does anyone know why hxps first meeting was retconned tho? bc them meeting with cerberus is still something webtoons clings to advertise it yet thats not canon anymore bc they met way earlier with persephone being naked, him drunk, and her possibly being underage at the time too?? like theres so many dumb writing choices in this series but retconning the one iconic part in nearly 4 years of publishing for a creepy new version that just makes the series more confusing is so??? why???
8. Okay the shading on Persephones outfit with her pink skin tone makes the outfit look pink as Well.
Also lmao Hades outfit makes him look like a military dictator not a king. The tassels on the coat make it seem like hes going to war not to court.... Well I guess he is sorta declaring war on Zeus by not backing him and protecting Persephone - whos currently a "traitor to the triarchy".
(Also why is Persephone so Tiny next to him?? I can't be the only one who thinks she looks like a child?? Or young teen and not a young woman?)
Whyre people getting mad at Demeter? Shes a mom. She was worried about Persephone. And yeah, maybe the questions arent the "most pressing" but if I was Demeter I too would be wondering where my (basically) teen daughter was staying (with a friend or 40 yr old man who you barely know).
And considering Demeters insistence on whether Perse was with Hecate makes me think Hecate lied to Demeter - so shes likely covering Hades and Kore's asses because she knows its creepy and that if Demeter knew the truth she would (rightfully) freak out. (And I would also be concerned with why the underworld staff are referring to my daughter who I haven't seen in weeks as "my lady" and (I know she didnt hear this, but) why the king of the underworld is referring to Perse as "his wife" even mistakenly).
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sir-sunny · 3 years
Do u have any friendship headcanons for Nagito (besides with Hajime)? I really like the idea of him and Fuyuhiko (and by extension Kazuichi) becoming pretty close, mostly cause of the 2.5 ova
I also like him and Sonia cause, idek they just give off a vibe that makes me think they'd really get along ! Also I hc them as cousins hehe
I ALSO like the idea of him and Toko becoming. Buddies? Idk what it'd be called but he'd be something of a fan of her writing, and Toko being Toko is hostile as always at first, but she gradually lets her guard down around him and they just. Kind of hang out and chat sometimes. Of course she'd deny it if anyone asked though (he isn't too bothered about it)
And theres him and Mikan too. I like to think their relationship was...REALLY bad during the tragedy so it's really awkward and strained post game, but they slowly get better together :)
nagito deserves manymany friendssss,,,,,,,,,,,,,
fuyuhiko (and kaz)
-fuyuhiko and nagito can make each other laugh like no other. i imagine they both have a REALLY dark sense of humor. sometimes its a,,, little much for everyone else ajsdgdsj
-this conversation just came to mind
fuyuhiko: that togami guy from the future foundation's a real dick
nagito: fuyuhiko, you shouldnt say that about him! him, along with neagi, was one of the survivors of the killing school life!! by association, he's a shining symbol of hope!
but yeah, he is a dick
-fuyuhiko and nagito are super supportive of kazuichi and his mega crush on sonia, but between the two of them, they know he doesnt stand a chance ://
-speaking of kazuichi, i think these three are a bad influence for each other in the sense that they sometimes encourage each other to do dumb shit askdhaskjd like
kaz: hey, nagito. i bet u cant hold this wasabi in ur mouth for ten seconds
nagito: oh i cant--
kaz: cmon, just try!!!
nagito, who knows damn well how this will end: ...well ok
they just kinda revert back to teenagers w each other alksdash
more hcs under below cuz im ashamed of making rly long posts
oh him and sonia would be great friends
-these two would FOR SURE watch mystery movies and true crime documentaries together
-they hang out at the library all the time are u kidding
-they'll read a book and discuss it over a cup of tea together
sonia: hear me out...... i think tsukomo-kun had feelings for ishioka
-sonia's like "nagito i love you but i hate ur jacket, let go shopping"
-rich besties
-omg they talk abt their crushes togetherrrrrrrr oooOOOOoooo
interesting!! i've never considered him and toko as friends...
this is the first thing that came to mind
nagito: oh fukawa-san, i just wanted to tell you, im a very big fan of your work!
toko: yeah, yeah, creep...
nagito: i know it wasnt really well received, but i absolutely loved your experimentations with poetry!
toko:.........................you.... read those?
i like to think that on occasion, toko will seek advice or sometimes even inspiration from nagito and she'll share her rough drafts with him. she's taken aback by how fascinating his stream of consciousness is and how poetical he can be. she even offhandedly comments that he should start writing a poetry book (he does but he's too embarrassed to share it with her. something about "oh, my poetry would be an absolute disgrace compared to your masterpieces!")
yes!! i rly like the idea of him and mikan slowly getting along after the simulation!!
-theyre kinda forced to be around each other with nagito having to constantly be in the hospital (recovering from his illness, getting "her" hand removed and receiving the prosthetic, and also his random injuries that are just a result of his luck)
-at first, they talk abt random, insignificant stuff. nagito will ask how this works or what's that for. and mikan will quietly explain things to him
-he finds that he's quite interested in the intricacies of the medical equipment around him and mikan quite enjoys talking about it
-the air slowly becomes less tense over time
-in the future, they might find it in themselves talk about their past together. maybe they can heal together
-but for now, mikan will explain to him in vivid detail how a tongue écraseur was used in the 1800s as nagito listens with morbid interest
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relaxxattack · 3 years
on the torture thing i know it was a while ago but. i feel like downplaying the whole torture thing that happens in dsmp is so. hm. people will be like "think about all the pain c!whoever is going through!" but. you are defending torture. like c!tommy literally had a whole turnaround bc with c!techno he would torture ppl (also i wanna remind that c!connor got tortured canonically- he forgave c!tommy but he is still traumatized from it iirc. its more cemented in canon than c!fundys torture is, where the latter seems to be more that the yelling is canon but the torture was exaggeration and had no bearing on the plot, just one of the few times where a cc is messing around w their friends in a semi canon way) and as such tommy like. grew out of torturing ppl and Doesnt Want That To Happen Ever. tommy torturing others was resolved and he decided not to do so because its immoral.
and then theres the other three torturers. c!sam, c!quackity, and c!dream. obviously c!dream is just completely in the wrong. theres no debate to be had there. c!sam was completely in the wrong as well, also no debate, he cut off his (at the time i think freshly exes iirc?) boyfriend's arm and tortured him and took his first life over worthless things- yes while spiraling but mental health deteriorating is a reason, not an excuse. spiraling does not justify irrational torture of a loved one. people who gloss over this moment, or hell, even praise c!sam for it are.. uncomfortable to be around at best. especially if excessive (and there are people who praise him for it and not in a "c!sam is an interesting and complex character" way but in a "he was in the right" and even girlboss comments kind of. are icky here. [also not to bring race but hm as a poc maybe the fandom could stand not to romanticize the torture of a poc by a character played by a white man. i dont blame cc!sam, not at all, and i think it fits in the story and is not something to criticize the creator for. but please god fandom be normal towards c!ponk. treat him as a person who was hurt by c!sam not just someome c!sam is still in love with after torturing and killing and amputating him. please. hes a person outside of that relationship.])
and then.. c!quackity. even more complicated than c!sam, really. but i still think its immoral to torture a prisoner who cant fight back, abuser or not. i genuinely think dream deserves to die over getting tortured, or at least just. left alone in prison. at most wait a while and then maybe make attempts at getting through to him and if they dont work let him be. but torture is immoral regardless of who you're doing it to and id argue that saying its okay takes away c!dream's humanity. c!dream is a terrible and disgusting person but to treat him as less than human (and i dont mean from like. a design point. nonhuman dreams fuck i mean this in a morality sense) feels.. off to me? like as an abuse victim treating an abuser as just some toy to fuck up is,, idk. it feels off. like im sorry to break it to the fandom but terrible people are still people and treating them as less than people because theyre terrible just doesnt work. it takes away how serious it is that people hurt each other and that the pain will stay. people die, killing c!dream, if anything, actively acknowledges that hes a person who can die like everyone else. torturing him does not. i dont care as much about like girlboss or w/e statements w c!quackity bc yeah hes doing somethin about an abuser but its a terrible solution and c!quackity is an immoral person for doing it, understandable motives or not. c!quackity is more sympathetic than c!sam and c!dream (and while not currently more sympathetic than c!tommy, their reasons for torture do differ and id say that c!quackity has a more sympathetic reason than c!tommy did) but hes still wrong for doing this.
like. idk. dsmp fandom learn how to realize that just because source is full of gray morality doesnt mean that you should start genuinely defending immoral actions just because they arent equal to real life. theres a difference between how dsmp government and pandoras vault just cannot be compared to irl government and prison because they dont function the same and how, in the roleplay, the fictional torture is like irl torture whether you like it or not. the way that the characters' mental illnesses and deteriorating mental health mirrors real life and the way that the abuse c!tommy and others go through mirrors real life is the way that the torture that characters who are canonically effected by it mirrors real life.
of course i could just be more pissy than i need to be but like. i also do not think its Super Serious. i just think that while people can joke around maybe theres some stuff that just shouldnt be treated as Not Serious and Definitely Justifiable just because its fiction. have fun if you want, make girlboss jokes and continue to enjoy the characters because theyre written amazingly and be lighthearted about it if you dont want to be super serious. no one can or will stop you. just. yknow. make sure you arent genuinely defending something horrible. dont be like the people who defend how c!tommy was and is treated just because he fucks up. c!tommy has done some fucked up shit but he doesnt deserve to be treated as less than human and that spreads to everyone in the story. sorry for the super big ramble i just think about this a lot idk - (the dsmp fandom is scary so im not revealing myself just yet. so like idk. im just gonna be 🎭🎪 anon for now)
anon you are so smart i really don’t have anything to add 
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