dyk3bait · 21 days
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callidora xoxo
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 3 months
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That Confession was Out of Left Field
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korgi · 1 year
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teakip · 3 months
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Garden literature
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bellwood-qudditch · 2 months
Headcanon that at 10 years old PureBlood family’s force their children to attend a cotillion.
(Basically to teach respectful manners to young people so they can go out into society and thrive. And help with marriages, and dance moves for when they attend balls)
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amethiosspouse · 5 months
"Traumaless Mari can't hurt you. They're not real." Traumaless Mari:
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I have explanations for the design but I don't rlly feel like explaining them rn. Might do it later.
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riveriafalll · 1 month
Finally figured out why writing when stars collide (black holes form) was feeling so hard
Attempting to write in first person when you naturally gravitate towards third person will do it
Scrapped 7k in my snippets graveyard, time to restart the fic!!!
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yumethio · 6 months
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Little bit of Mari lore:
-He's Hamber's grandson. Hamber was supposed to take care of them after being neglected by their parents (but somehow ended up neglecting them as well???)
-Aqua's younger brother !!
-Used to be the Explorers' healer before dying to Rayquaza
nui in the top right corner made by ari (@/kunehori) aqua near the bottom right corner belongs to kris (@/hausmalasada)
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 4 months
The Start of Something New (Silver/Gold)
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Note: This contains Canon/OC and spoilers for Diasomnia Chapter 7. Possibly a bit ooc for Silver (restudying his dialogue/speech patterns currently)
“And that’s where I am currently.” Gold hopped over a root protruding from the ground as she walked along. “Thanks a bunch for the study guide you lent me - it’s gonna come in handy for finals.”
“Of course,” Silver - her friend and current strolling partner - replied. “Let me know if you need any more help with certain subjects. We can set aside time to review before your exams.” 
“Aw, you don’t have to! You’ve got your own studying to do; I’ve heard the exams for third years can be a real pain.” 
“As have I.” Silver sighed in mild exhaustion. “I’ve been told that Professor Crewel’s final project is especially taxing. Even the slightest mistake can cause the potion to turn…one slip and I either have to retake it or repeat my entire third year.” 
“I know you’ll do well,” Gold reassured. “From what [Name] has told me, you’ve gotten a lot better at preparing that stuff since last year. You’ll knock it out with little problem, I know.” She lightly tapped Silver’s wrist with her middle and forefinger. “Just be sure to show me the final product once you get it back from Crewel. I’d love to see it!” 
A small smile graced the fair man’s face as he glanced down in her direction. “I’ll be sure to.” 
For a couple minutes, there was silence between the two as they navigated through the woods and back to campus. Gold had needed to procure a flora sample for alchemy class; as she was still largely unfamiliar with that part of the island, Silver had offered to accompany her. It wouldn’t be right to let her get lost. Silver had come by to visit her at Ramshackle earlier to deliver her the aforementioned study guide anyway. As one of the housewardens at Night Raven College, it was his responsibility to help his underclassmen in any subject or area, no matter their dorm affiliation. That, and Gold was a very dear friend, so of course Silver would help her in any way he could. 
“Have you heard from your dad lately?” Gold asked, breaking the brief silence. 
Silver’s smile returned as he nodded. “Yes - yesterday, actually. I got a postcard in the mail, along with a letter and a few photos. Father and mother are visiting Port o’Bliss, at least at the time they sent the parcel. They also sent some souvenirs and snacks for Sebek and I.”
“That’s so nice!” Gold ducked under a low hanging branch as they approached a clearing in the woods. “I’m happy they’re enjoying their retirement.” A playful grin stretched across her face. “Or is it a prolonged honeymoon thing?” 
“A bit of both,” Silver chuckled. “They’ve made themselves at home in Red Long Country, but they’ll travel about from time to time. Father has seen most of the world, but mother has barely seen a fourth of it; Father wants to let her explore it before they truly settle down.” 
Gold let out a hum of agreement. “They deserve it after all they’ve been through.” As they stepped into the clearing, the sun above mildly shaded by clouds, Gold made another comment. “It’s also nice to hear you calling Persy your mom, too.” 
“It took some getting used to,” Silver admitted, “but she is married to Father, so that’s who she is.” He let out a brief laugh, “Though she was that long before then.” 
“I could tell. When Sebek told me last year, a little bit after I got here, that he and Persy weren’t married and she wasn’t your mom, I was surprised! You treated her like one from the get-go; at least now it’s official and doesn’t feel off anymore.” 
Silver nodded in agreement. “They sent Malleus a package as well. I delivered it to him shortly after I retrieved mine; I’m sure Sebek and I will find out what’s in it later.”
As Silver and Gold passed through the clearing and entered the woods again, they came upon a small pond, about Silver’s length and a half of hers. The sun’s rays that peeked through the leaves above made the clear waters glitter like diamonds. Birds chirped from the high branches; bushes rustled as wildlife went about their own business. There was little need to worry about any of them threatening the two - Silver’s uncanny connection with the fauna of the world decreased that possibility significantly. If they left them alone, they’d leave them alone. It wouldn’t be too surprising if one of those birds, maybe even a squirrel, came down from their perches to pay the young man a visit, however. 
“Did you see all those flowers that came in the carts today?” Gold asked.
“I did,” Silver replied. “They’re for the upcoming dance, I think. There were a lot of them.” 
“You think it’ll be bigger than last year’s?” 
“Possibly. As Malleus is spending his fourth year as a student teacher, he might have a hand in coordinating the event - Andromeda, too. I think they would enjoy something like that together.” 
“As long as they’ve got the budget,” Gold joked. “They might make the other professors’ blood pressure go up if they spend too much on it.” 
“Malleus isn’t above dipping into his own funds to make he and Andromeda’s visions a reality.” Just as Gold expected, a little red bird fluttered down and came to rest on Silver’s shoulder, chirping a greeting. Silver gave it his attention and petted its feathered head gently with his finger. “It’ll prepare them for what’s to come in their future.” 
Gold sometimes forgot they were all in the presence of a future monarch and his queen consort. The Draconias had more money than she could ever dream; by extension of a pending marriage, it was Andromeda’s, too. Just a tenth of their money would set Gold for life. Seven, the prospect made her want to vomit. Maybe one day she could earn enough to live comfortably similar to that. “Do you have your outfit picked out for it?” Gold inquired, changing the subject before she got too caught up in the what-ifs. 
“I do.” Silver watched as the bird took off back into the canopy of trees before he continued. “Father set aside funds for me to get a suit tailored to my measurements, among other things.”
Man, some people really were set, huh? 
“That’s good.” Gold stopped to lean against a tree, granting herself a brief respite beside the pond. “I’ve still got to come up with what I want to wear. I got the concept down, and I’ve made sure it aligns with the dress code. Now I just have to come up with the money.” 
“Will your paychecks from the lounge be enough?” 
“They should be…at least I hope. Most of the shops around here are pricey, which I expect from a college town. I could order one online, but it’s a little risky cause I won’t really know the fit, quality, stuff like that until it gets here. I’d like to try a potential dress on first before buying it, you know?” Gold sighed to herself as she thought about everything that could go wrong. “I don’t want to have to return it and risk a replacement or alternative not getting here in time for the dance.” 
“And if it comes to that?” 
Gold shrugged. “I guess I just won’t go. The dance isn’t mandatory, so…I could just hang out at Ramshackle until it was over.” 
Silver’s expression turned to concern, disappointment, at the prospect. “I’d hate for you to miss it. I know you want to have a good time with the rest of us. What happened to your dress from last year?” 
“I still have it, but…” Gold looked a little embarrassed to admit why she couldn’t wear the dress, but she didn’t want to leave the man guessing. “I’ve apparently gained a little weight somehow. It’s a bit too tight in my waist area now; it’d be too risky to wear, not to mention uncomfortable.” 
Gold didn’t look like she’d gained weight, at least to Silver. She wouldn’t lie to him though. With a determined look in his eye, he said, “If your checks won’t cover a dress here on the island, I’d be happy to give you the amount you needed to pick one you liked.” 
Gold’s brows raised, eyes widened, heart clenched in guilt and surprise. “Silver, no, it’s okay. It’s just a dance, I-” 
“A dance you really want to go to.” Silver to a step closer to her, now standing in front of her. “Please, Gold, I really don’t mind. I have more than enough left over for food and other things I need.” He mumbled under his breath, “Sometimes I wonder if Father spoils me for how much he gives me.” 
Gold overheard that and let out a small giggle. Silver glanced down at her and smiled - a soft, genuine smile. This guy really was the princely type, wasn’t he? Yeah, he was an actual prince from a kingdom long since passed, but still, he really seemed to have stepped straight out of a fairytale. Gold let out another sigh, this one of relent. “If I feel my checks won’t cover it and the stuff I need, I’ll ask you for a loan.” 
“You promise?”
Gold laughed this time. “I promise, I promise!” 
“Good.” Silver’s hand brushed the back of hers. “And it wouldn’t be a loan - it’d be a gift.” 
“You know, you really need to be careful with stuff like that. Someone could take advantage of you one day.” 
“Maybe,” Silver leaned in a little closer, “but I know you never would.” 
There was that odd feeling again. It always came up with Gold when Silver was this way with her. Not in this exact scenario, per say, but when he was kind and gentle towards her. The qualities a good few of her friends shared, but Silver was just…different, somehow. It was hard to look him in the eye without her heart skipping a beat. That handsome smile of his haunted her many a night, too. Gold wondered if this was the effect he had on everyone else; she should ask around later. 
“Well, whatever happens, I’m dreading wearing heels.” Her feet ached just thinking about it. “I know they look good, but they really begin to hurt your feet after a while.” 
“I don’t believe you have to wear heels,” Silver pointed out. “They’re not part of the dress code; I recall it only states you have to wear formal footwear.”
“I know, it’s just…a girl wants to look pretty, you know? Vil knocked everyone out of the park last year with his; while his are more downgraded, Riddle pulls them off like no one’s business.” Gold shifted her feet, which were nestled in her dark brown loafers. “Everyone who wears them just looks so good! And they look even better when you’re all dressed up. I just wanna look cute.” 
“You still would without heels.” Excuse her, what? Gold whipped her head around to look at Silver again, eyebrow raised. “I’m serious. I don’t believe heels are what make a person look good. If someone wants to wear them with their clothes, I think it’s fine - but it isn’t the thing that makes them look pretty or cute. It’s the person themselves.” 
Gold smirked and gently elbowed Silver. “Oh, so you’re calling me cute, huh? You think I’m soooo pretty?~” 
She could have choked. For a moment, her heart stopped. Gold forgot to breathe altogether for a few seconds. Silver was just going to say that out loud, so matter-of-factly and not expect her to balk?! Her cheeks were burning, she could feel them. Silver took a step back as his expression fell. “I’m sorry, did I offend you?” 
“No, not at all!” Gold protested. “I just…didn’t expect you to answer like that.” 
“Do you think you’re ugly?” Silver seemed shocked at the very idea. “You’re not, you’re-” 
“I know I’m not!” Gold interjected, as politely as she could. She really didn’t want Silver to explain how he viewed her and make her blush even more. “It’s just,” she let out an awkward laugh, “you’re so honest it’s almost unbelievable. You need to be careful saying stuff like that.” 
How pure can one man be? Lilia really had to be doing something with his kids to make them this way. Was it the food? Maybe it was the food - it realigned some of their brain cells in a certain way. “Um, well…” Gold tried to find a good way to explain it without being weird. “I guess…I guess someone might think you like them.” 
“But I do like you.” 
“Well, yeah, as a friend, but I meant in a more…intimate way.” 
“Ah!” Silver gasped as he flinched. Was that…was he blushing? From embarrassment, clearly. “I…” He turned his head downward, Gold now unable to view his face. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No no, you didn’t,” Gold giggled. She reached out to pat his arm. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it like that. Thank you for the compliment.” 
Silver didn’t respond, just kept staring at the grass. He was quiet for so long Gold began to worry. Then, just as she was about to ask if he was alright, he raised his head and faced her again. “Well, in any case, don’t feel pressured to wear something that hurts you. If you decide to wear heels and they begin to hurt your feet, you can take them off and I’ll carry them for you.” 
Gold laughed again. “And what would I do then? Just walk around barefoot?” 
“You could borrow my shoes, if you wanted.” 
Gold laughed a lot louder this time, imagining herself wearing Silver’s shoes and Silver wearing whatever heels she picked out. “Everyone would be staring at us!” As she calmed herself down, a lint of her laughter poked through her next sentence. “But hey, you look better in heels than I do, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.” 
Silver sniffed in amusement. “You think so?” 
“I know so! I remembered when you rocked it at the Fairy Gala. The heels weren’t too big, but you pulled them off really well!” 
Silver chuckled again. “Thank you. I’ve worn larger heels a time or two before then. They were father’s…I guess you could say I was curious about how they felt.” 
“Well, consider me confident in your heel-ing abilities.” Gold raised her arms above her head in a stretch. “Now if I can just learn how to dance properly, we’ll be golden.” 
It was Silver’s turn to raise a brow in question. “You don’t know how to dance?” 
“No, I do - you’ve clearly seen me dance a good few times. It’s just certain ballroom ones I have trouble with. I learned the foxtrot when I was little, and have danced a dramatic version of the tango once, but other than that it’s like I’ve got two left feet.” Gold flexed her fingers as she dropped her arms back down to her sides. “I’m going to watch some videos online and try to learn from there. Maybe I’ll drag [Name] and Grim into being dance partners.” 
Silver seemed to contemplate something for a moment as he stared at Gold. A few seconds later, he voiced his thoughts. “Father taught me how to dance since I was a child. I believe I’m pretty good - would you like me to teach you?” 
Silver, ever the man of charity. And with no ulterior motive in sight; aside from Kalim and [Name], maybe Deuce, that was quite rare. “Really? You wouldn’t mind.” 
“No, I don’t mind.” That fair smile of his returned to grace the world with its presence. “I’d love to dance with you.” 
Yeesh, at this rate Silver might as well be dubbed “Most Likely to Be Prince Charming” in his yearbook photo. Gold made a note to put a word in with whoever was in charge of that later. For now, she let her heart flutter once again as Silver offered his hand to her. “Here?” she asked, glancing about the forest area where they currently stood. 
“If you like.” 
Yep, definitely plucked from the pages of a fairytale. “Alright.” Gold took his hand, feeling the leather that fit snug around his palm and fingers. “Waltz me silly, housewarden, sir.” 
The man laughed as he pulled her to him and rested his other hand on her waist. “Just Silver is fine, thank you.” His hands were strong, firm, yet as gentle and soft as their owner. Silver handled her carefully, protectively, as he guided her on how to step and where. When he stepped back, she stepped forward. When he stepped right, she stepped right. And so on and so on. Round and round and round until there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. 
Gold was so caught up in the dance, in Silver’s hold and gaze, she didn’t notice he was humming until minutes later. She listened closely to the tune, smooth and soft, almost like a lullaby. Gold had never heard Silver sing before, let alone hum. It was…soothing. “What is that?” 
“What is what?” Silver asked, seemingly knocked from his own thoughts as he abruptly stopped. His movements stalled, too, and Gold immediately missed it. 
“That song, the one you were humming. I’ve never heard it before.” 
“Oh.” Silver looked flustered. Did he even know he’d been humming? “It’s a song Father taught me when I was young. Malleus knows it, too, as does Sebek. It’s a lullaby from Briar Valley - I believe Queen Malenore was its creator.” 
“It sounds really nice.” 
Silver made a small noise of amusement. “I’m not as good as father; sometimes I even find myself making up my own words.” 
“Keep going,” Gold urged. “I like it.” 
Silver’s expression softened to something like endearment. “You’re sure?” 
“Mhm.” Gold squeezed his hand, hers still safely held in his gloved one. “You sound nice.” 
There he goes, making her feel like she’s going to collapse under that smile. Somehow Gold kept her legs steady as Silver guided her back into the waltz, fluid and slow. The calm breeze, the occasional chirp of birds and rustle of trees and bushes, the sound of their feet stepping along the fresh green grass, were Silver’s orchestra. His humming slowly morphed into hushed lyrics, scarcely audible to Gold’s listening ears. It was beautiful - he was beautiful. She wondered if he knew. 
I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true, that visions seldom are all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once 
The way you did once upon a dream
The third time Silver repeated the last lyric, Gold nearly stripped over her own feet as she missed a step. She gasped out as she stumbled. Silver caught her before she could fall, wrapping his arm tight around her waist to steady her. The movement brought Gold against his chest. His hold and build was strong, as she knew it was, but…again, there was a difference to it than it would be with Jack or Sebek. Silver was so close now, the tips of their noses inches from touching. His warm breath cascaded over her lips, as hers did his. Likely in her scramble to find something to break her fall, Gold’s fingers were now laced with Silver’s in the hand she still held. 
For a moment Gold beheld the whole of Silver’s perfect features, handsome and beautiful. Then, at some point, her gaze solely focused on his aurora colored irises. They were like a brilliant sunset, just as the night was beginning to glimpse the sky. In seconds those eyes went from wide to hooded as Silver stared back at her, just as entranced by her pretty hazel pools. They reminded him of woods in the light of sunrise, browns and greens basked in a golden light. The beginnings of words danced across his lips, mumbled nonsense, until he finally found what he wanted to ask. 
“...Are you alright?”
It took a good minute for Gold to process what he’d said. “Y…Yes.” 
“Good…” For a few more seconds, they remained unmoving, locked in their embrace. Then, slowly, Silver relaxed his hold on her waist. He blinked a couple times to regain his barrings on the world. “Can you stand?” 
Gold nodded her head as she moved away from Silver’s warm chest. She shifted her feet once, twice, before releasing her hand from his bicep, which she’d apparently been holding. It didn’t feel too bulky under her fingers, but not too lean either - just right. She adjusted her school uniform as Silver straightened his dorm uniform. There was palpable silence between them once more, but not like others they had before. This one held an unspoken, unknown tension neither could place. 
Gold was the one to finally break it. “Sorry for using you as a break for the fall,” she said, tittering awkwardly. 
Silver shook his head. “No no, it’s alright. I wouldn’t have wanted you to injure yourself.” 
“Like I told you,” Gold quipped, “two left feet.” 
“You did well,” Silver assured, yet there was a muse to his tone. “With enough practice, you’ll be able to handle yourself just fine.” 
“I’m so happy I have a good teacher.” 
“And I’m happy to help.” 
Another pause in conversation. One simply gazed at the other, not a thought conjured. They only beheld the other and basked in the feeling of happiness that overtook them at the sight. Then Silver glanced up at the sky and said, “We should get going. From the sun’s position, it will be dinner time soon.” 
“Good, cause I’m starving!” Gold announced, trying her best not to feel awkward anymore. She peeked in the pocket of her jacket to make sure the flora sample she’d taken earlier hadn’t fallen out. Nope, still there! Thank goodness. She patted it as she added, “And I’ve gotta get this to the fridge as soon as possible. Crewel said it could spoil if it was out in the heat too long after being plucked.” 
“To Ramshackle, then?” Silver asked, though already knew the answer. 
“To Ramshackle,” Gold repeated. “And then to the cafeteria.” She paused, then looked up at Silver as he came to stand beside her again. “Do you…want to walk there with me? To the cafeteria, I mean.” 
His grin was radiant. “I’d be happy to.” 
Idle conversation filled their little bubble as they began to walk, all about nothing in particular. Though try as they might, neither could totally keep their thoughts from straying. For Silver, it was to how soft Gold felt in his arms; how she looked even prettier up close, and how nice she smelled. He thought about how wonderful it felt to have her compliment his singing. For Gold, her mind went back to remembering how strong his hold was; how handsome he was; how he found her pretty and cute and was willing to do so much for her for nothing in return. It felt so weird, yet so lovely how he made her heart soar whenever he was around. Each was so, so very happy to have the other in their life. 
Was it really just friendship? It was, of course it was, but…there was a certain sweetness that strayed from the norm. Who would make a move on the other to explore it? 
“Is there someone you’ve asked to the dance?” Silver asked, casually. 
“Nope,” Gold responded. “I just planned to hang out with our usual group. You?” 
“Well, I’d take the leap if I were you. There’s no telling how many would love to have you as their date!” 
Gold stared ahead as she walked on, scanning the area for any possible obstacles she’d have to avoid tripping over or knocking into. When she turned her head to look back up at Silver, he was gone. Her brows furrowed as she turned around to search for him. There he was, a small several steps behind, crouched down in front of a small outcrop of pretty flowers. Silver looked over each carefully before picking one: a purple lilac. He stood swiftly as he examined the bloom in his hand. 
“That’s pretty,” Gold commented as she took a few steps towards him, expression relaxed, yet curious. “What’s it for?” 
Silver didn’t respond. Instead, he turned to face forward and walked up to Gold. His gaze was centered on her as he stretched out of hand, lilac gently clutched in his fingers. It was an offering - a silent question. Gold eyed the flower, confusion clear on her face as she glanced back up at Silver. The man felt his stomach tie itself in knots, his heart pumping in his chest, his nerves begin to buzz. Nervous, yet determined and sure of what he wanted. 
“Gold…Callidora.” The sound of her real name caught the woman off guard. She now certainly had his full attention. Silver lowered himself onto one knee, just like what he’d seen many a prince and knight do in many a storybook from his childhood. He kept direct eye contact with his friend…the one who held this intimate affection he’d been oblivious to for a long time. This is what he had to do. This was the first step to something new - he only hoped she returned the feeling. 
“Will you go to the dance with me?”
For a moment, Gold said nothing, body and mind held in stunned silence. Silver’s expression was sincere, serious about the entire matter. This was no joke, not something he was doing on a silly whim or flight of fancy. All possibilities of what this could mean flew about in the young lady’s mind. First a thought of a favor, then one of simple friendship, and then…once more, there was only him and her in the entire world. Callidora didn’t have to think to put a grin on her face. She slowly reached out and took the flower from her friend - her man of interest. 
“I hope you’re ready to wear heels,” she said between the beginnings of giddiness. 
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midnightstargazer · 1 year
So for the sisters week of the @ladiesofhpfest, I'm writing about some of the obscure great-aunts from the Black family (Cassiopeia, Dorea, Callidora, Cedrella, Charis).
Folks, these ladies are just names on a family tree. All the info we have on them is their birth/death dates; their parents', siblings', and husbands' names; and how many children they had. And most of that is not even technically canon, depending on what you count, because only Cedrella is even mentioned in the books.
Why am I getting so emotional about these women? Why am I suddenly so invested in Charis missing Cedrella after she was disowned? Why have I suddenly decided Cassiopeia never had kids because she was terrified they would be squibs like her brother? Why do I have Dorea looking around at her mess of a family and wondering why they tell you family is everything only to make it so conditional? None of that is canon! I decided to do it that way! Why am I so determined to make myself cry?
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ladiesofhpfest · 4 months
The Cautionary Tale by @midnightstargazer
Women of the House of Black is kicking off with MidnightStargazer's "The Cautionary Tale," centering on Iola Black! Snippet and link below:
The burn marks on the family tapestry didn’t have names. That was the point of them. They were gaping holes of shameful emptiness. Their parents and siblings never truly forgot, but nobody would dare acknowledge them.
The identities of those who had once been part of the family were burnt away now. Unspoken. Forgotten.
All but one.
“Iola. Her name was Iola.”
The words were passed down from sister to sister, cousin to cousin, aunt to niece.
“She ran off with a filthy Muggle.”
Elladora told the story to Belvina, who shuddered in disgust and went on to make a perfectly respectable marriage to Herbert Burke. If Belvina didn’t love Herbert, if she didn’t crave his company and didn’t mourn much when he died, so what? At least she had done better than her disowned aunt. At least her name was still on the tapestry.
“His name was Hitchens. Bob Hitchens. Such a horrible, common name.”
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arctic-mizikio · 1 year
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Decided to post the sprites I made for my player's characters for my rpg, they still haven't gotten the hats and capes in the story but hey! Only one of them follow me on tumblr and even then she doesn't come here often so! I'll be posting some of my work here <3
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 2 months
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Yooosung Cheek-Muncher ™️
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regheart · 8 months
Do you have personal headcanons on Callidora, Cedrella, and Charis?
hello! thank you so much for the ask
i don't have many specific headcanons, just more general ideas
i think the black family has lived exclusively in the london area for centuries and the house they lived in is from the tudor era and survived the great fire of 1666 through magic, becoming unplottable and invisible to muggles since then
the three were very close while growing up and got along with dorea the most out of their cousins because of the age proximity
theirs was probably the poorest branch of the family
being so distant from the heir line, the only expectation they had was to marry pure-blood wizards (or not marry at all)
callidora married a longbottom (i personally don't think she's directly related to frank and neville because i headcanon frank to be older than sirius iii and i always thought of augusta as being very old so the two of them would be closer in age), moved to lancanshire and had her three kids in the 40s
she spends many of her days at blackpool pier chatting with enid and augusta
cedrella followed the memo and married pure-blood septimus weasley, but her family was not pleased because the weasleys have gotten a worse fame of blood traitors after objecting to the pure-blood directory
she had four kids, all boys, and the youngest, whom she favors, is named castor (a star in the gemini constellation, twin to pollux). both castor and arthur got her blue eyes
charis married a crouch and i can't decide if she's the mother of barty sr. or not because to me he looks like the type to only have kids in their mid 30s after his carrier is solid and that doesn't align with her age
callidora and charis never stopped talking to their sister, but they can't pretend to like her children. callidora tolerates castor, and that's it
lysandra moved out of the house after arcturus died and cygnus and druella moved in with their daughters (they used to live with pollux in hampstead, in a house that would have been alphard's inheritance the way grimmauld place was passed down to walburga)
bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa got compared to them all the time because of the way they were always together
callidora cut ties with her family after the first war. not in a dramatic way, most of them were either dead or imprisoned, but she never went after arcturus, or pollux, or cassiopeia, anyone, she only spoke to cedrella
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sugarsnappeases · 11 months
physically can’t stop thinking about cassiopeia and callidora tonight. they are so so precious to me
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year
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Cedrella Weasley nèe Black
Faceclaim: Josephine Langford
“The wife of Septimus Weasley, mother to Arthur Weasley and daughter to Lysandra Black and Arcturus Black. The middle sister of Callidora Black and Charis Black”
February 15th, 1917–March 5th, 1978
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