#catboy tim real
First break in:
Alfred watched with raised eyebrows as Alfred the cat trotted in through a side door. Usually this would be nothing worthy of note, but the fact his fuzzy namesake had another much bigger kitty trailing after him had the butler a bit flummoxed.
He didn't know if the boy was a meta, alien or some supernatural equivalent, but the cat ears on the boys head swiveled around enough as he surveyed the room for Alfred to know they were the real deal. He watched as the boy locked eyes with him. The stared own only lasted a few seconds before the boy dismissed him being a threat and followed the cat further into a manor the child had no business being in.
The audacity.
Bruce would probably adopt this one too if he could. In the meantime he got to work making some cookies and milk for thier guest. Waking up in the batcave should teach the little scoundrel a lesson or two. Even though he wouldn't be harmed the scare might set him straight.
Alfred found the boy in the library, laying in the sunlight atop one of the grand bookcases. Alfred the cat laying next to him as they both purred with contentment.
The butler let the smell of his prize winning cookies waft into the room they were in. The intruder lifted his head to crane his neck in thier direction, but instead of looking hungry or eager, he looked suspicious. As if he figured the cookies were drugged.
That changed things.
The day progressed as usual but the boy never took a cookie. Eventually Alfred found the catboy gone and his namesake curled up in Master Damians lap. Master Tim was inspecting the long black cat hairs left all over one of the benches. How dare.
Lmao, Catboy Danny and Alfred the cat are besties while Catboy Danny and Alfred the human are semi-foes.
Second break in:
Damian did not foresee his day going like this. To be fair, who could have guessed a catboy meta would break into the manor, dodge his weaponry with practiced ease, and then ask for his help/advice on kitty ear care.
Nor did he expect Drake to walk in on him cleaning the catboys ear so he could apply the medicine for the infection properly. Tim took a picture of them before running off.
He supposed this did look a bit strange considering the boys head was laying on one of his thighs for him to get comfortable access to the ear. Alfred the cat was kneeding his other thigh with his paws and both were purring loudly.
This days events were unexpected but pleasant nonetheless.
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influenzalake · 9 months
cat boy Damian Wayne headcanons
because cat boy Damian is canon now 
- when Damian is initially turned into a cat, he still retains all of his memories and human mannerisms
- he can still be Robin for a few weeks, his father monitors his condition day by day
- as time passes he turns more and more into a cat, not just on the outside. 
- Bruce is kind of nervous? Will Damian forget everything they went through as he changes :( ? Will he forget? Will he regress?
- Bruce's worries are quelled when his son refuses to leave Wayne Manor unless he sniffs the grounds top to bottom. His urge to patrol is still present, just now in cat form. Damian must secure his territory and Bruce finds that he can tolerate that. 
- Damian and Alfred find themselves going at it more often than they probably should, but Damian will just not take a proper bath! Alfred claims licking yourself is not true hygiene, but Damian disagrees. 
- total Napoleon cat personality type, he needs his scent on everything he cares about and will plop himself on whatever and whoever to make a point 
-  lots of kitty cuddles 
- and licks
- Selina is having a field day
- Damian eventually spreads out and starts to patrol Gotham again, much to his father's chagrin
- Damian understands Gotham as his territory, so catboy Robin goes on the hunt
- At least he still wears his suit and mask, his identity is safe. Of course, who would spend any more brain power wondering who exactly Evolution Update Robin is when he's just so cute?
- Damian still has his sense of justice, but now goes about it differently
- He utilizes his new agility and claws the most. Gotham criminals are now the butt of every newscaster's joke. "getting mollywhopped by little mew mew" is not a good look for self proclaimed "tough guys" 
- Batman now has to wrangle villains and his feline son on patrol nights. 
- Damian goes in without a fight, to his cat brain he has finished his rounds and can now go back home to his base of operations (and dinner)
- Jon is always finding excuses to "check on" his best friend
- Tim and Dick have a whole binder full of kitty Dami photos, both have sworn an oath of secrecy
- Cass drops by and will go for snuggles unapologetically
- she has the battle scars to prove it
- Jason finds this whole thing hilarious, but keeps his distance in case it is contagious 
- Citizens go out in droves to possibly catch Cat Boy Robin out and about, also becoming easy targets for Gotham villains 
- When they inevitably do become kidnapped or worse, they get both a savior and unforgettable moment, all in the form of fluff
- Bruce eventually finds a cure and while he finds this entire situation oddly comical at times, he does want his son back. His real human son, when his snappy quips are in the form of words and not hissing 
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s1ll13rg00s3 · 1 year
Ok but why is there always a reason. When it's about macro all of a sudden it's oh why should I care about the sob story of some bihettie who couldn't ever live through a day of real homophobia. When it's ppl like inosa or swagy or radgoose or countless others getting told disgusting things like that their bfs should kill them, it's laughed off too and it's like oh go back to your hettie world if you're so mad. When it's about catboy it's like oh why should I care if we make fun of the SA of some moid thats praxis actually. When it was ppl saying bi women are just like tims and they're weaponizing their rape it's oh why can't you bihets learn to read none of that matters. When there was a big burst of a bunch of people getting openly attacked by "blackpills" it was oh this is just so online why are the bihetties playing the victim. These ppl are just coming out to advance the position that they won't go after you no matter what you say about bihets. Like the refusal to condemn anything at all unambiguously is very much the point.
Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that people these days (esp young people) are not any more progressive than other generations... I honestly think their politics and values are possibly more conservative than 10-20 years ago - these are just my feelings as a low income bisexual woman who is pretty white passing but I've had friends of other races (esp older friends in their 30s-40s) talk about how they feel the same thing in regards to how ppl are regarding race now and there's tons of posts circulating about how people are more homophobic than 10-20 years ago and we just lost roe v wade, income disparity is worse and social services are cut, etc etc etc
I feel like people such as you described above are highly individualistic and don't really have principles in the traditional way like "x behavior is bad" like if we use examples specific to the recent state of radblr re: the treatment of bisexual users, they don't think that homophobia and misogyny are unacceptable behaviors, they think its perfectly fine to leverage homophobia and misogyny against groups they see as "other" and don't identity with in some way. There's always a reason why the people I have marked as "other" deserve their mistreatment and why my own actions and the actions of people belonging to the group I identify with are excused from scrutiny.
A lot of the time in spite of how they call themselves "radical" (feminist or leftist or whatever) they express behaviors and ideals which are sooo extremely in line with the cultural norm for treating people of marginalized groups.
Examples relevant to this convo: Gay and bi women talking about how they "don't fuck with" bi women because they are untrustworthy and flaky partners and "most of them are basically straight and will end up with men anyway" so they don't need LGB community support
Also, determining that a woman's intimate relationships overshadow all of her other actions, and feeling entitled to information about a woman's sexuality to determine how valid you think her words are and how much support from her community she deserves.
Also, telling a victim of sexual assault and homphobia his problems arent real and he should be quiet about them.
Also, you can't trust women with partners and especially children to take part in feminism because they're going to by default center their lives around their male partners and children, so they're going to at best half-ass things and probably just decide to focus on their families instead anyway, may as well exclude them and write them off.
But its okay because the women in the first example were gay and bi, even though they're saying the same things straight men say about bi women. The second example is okay because it's statements and demands made by other women a lot of whom are gay and bi, not men or gossip rags. The third example is okay because it's gay/bi women speaking to a man. The last example is okay because it's said by other women who call themselves feminists, and not a sexist boss, even if they have the same way of thinking and similar actions with similar results.
And on one hand I get it, these people are trying to pass along their own hurt a lot of the time and they are usually legitimately telling themselves and each other that they aren't doing anything worse than maybe hurting the feelings of individual strangers. But they're adults who are behaving in unacceptable ways, and honestly some behavior should just be unacceptable, like... we should be kind to each other if we want people to be kind to us. Beyond that though, the concept of "punching up" has rotted people's brains and is ruining our community solidarity, is honestly a huge class consciousness issue, and they are doing more tangible harm than they're admitting to themselves.
I see this way of thinking as way more of an obstacle for dismantling these power structures than activists being imperfect in their personal decisions. Like, structural opression does not exist in a vacuum and spring forth from nothing, it requires a culture mindset to continue. Like, the whole deal with structural opression is that the opressed groups "deserve" their structural oppression in some way like it's always "justified". While the power structures/axes of opression/classes DO serve social and economic functions, human beings are emotional beings and most people aren't evil, to get social animals to hurt each other you have to socialize them to do so... like as feminists I think we know that at least.
"It doesn't matter if you shave because you prefer it, it perpetuates the expectation for women to remove their body hair and you are indirectly socializing other women as part of society" but then, if you have a good reason you can excuse homophobia or misogyny and suddenly it doesn't contribute to any larger power structures or the socialization of those in your communities?
If you have conditions in which you support homophobic or misogynistic (or racist and so on) behavior then first of all, you're perpetuating the cultural mindset and socialization that allow the abusive power structures to exist in the first place which beings me to my second point... it will lead to them being used against you by people who deem YOU as "other" at some point, unless you're the most privileged person on earth and there's no axis of oppression someone could decide to flip on you if they feel you deserve it and we all just keep crabs-in-a-bucketing each other
It's in our own best interests to treat each other as well as possible, that is my belief. Anything else is cutting off the nose to spite the face, who benefits?
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imnotwriting · 3 months
26 Lettered Earths, an alternate (and partial) D&D cosmography
A Brief Summary of an Explored Portion of the Orrery of Worlds (Earth edition, Keyed to the Dominant Late-Period Anglic Script, Translation Courtesy 3rd Gearth Expedition Force), or, 26 Lettered Earths:
Aerth - fantasy alt-historical Earth: the fun parts. pre-gunpowder (doesn't work, never will) but other than that all your favorite historical eras squished up against one another. Earth-Xena, Warrior Princess, if you will.
Bearth - Earth but populated by evolved bears and other ursines
Cearth - Celtic catgirl/catboy earth. the sidhe and unsidhe clowders alternate being "ruled over" by Tom Tildrum or Tim Toldrum. see also, the Taìn.
Dearth - not a lot here, kinda miserable and gloomy, scarcity reigns except for gunpowder, gasoline, and greed
Earth - our Earth. most portals or other means of transit are laden with "enter at own risk"-type signifiers
Fearth - horror Earth. gloomy and foreboding. all the little horror subgenres of the past two-odd centuries get their little Ravenloft-style demesnes but honestly i was thinking, like, 1970s-80s horror paperbacks
Gearth - clockwork, #steampunk, alt-Victorians, extremely tiresome except for the modrons! i love those little guys. and gnomes, of course.
Hearth - halflings came from here, it's pretty cozy
Iearth - crystals, psionics, high magicks, home of the IOUN stones
Jearth - something about the light casts everything in shades of blue
Kearth - possibly Korean Earth, a never-divided Korean Empire as a major world power and cultural force.
Learth - high Shakespearean drama! low Shakespearean comedy! Elizabethan swashbuckling! Enochian occultism!
Mearth - Wodehouse's world. quite droll for some folks, deeply off-putting to others.
Nearth - *almost* our Earth, but slightly off-brand. like the Canada of Earths.
Oerth - home of the Flanaess, the Circle of Eight, Vecna, the City of Greyhawk, etc. sports a deceptively stuffy and tedious surface over an amoral and murderous core. Oerth wasn't placed at the center of creation as its denizens claim, but they *are* awfully close to it.
Pearth - an odd, bottom-heavy planet, sparse population concentrated largely in the southern hemisphere, a strongly independent people who speak a deeply drifted dialect. everything also has a real juicy donk for some reason.
Quearth - gay, gay, gay
Rearth - Re-Earth. we started the whole thing over to observe it from the beginning, it's a thousand years behind and everything's gone totally off the rails, no supernatural shit but alternate history breakpoints ahoy
Searth - Sea Earth. more Momoa than Costner
Tearth - soap opera earth, everyone's always angry or overjoyed or crying for some other damn reason
Uearth - reverse map Earth. the lands are oceans, and all the sea is dry, dry land
Vearth - Vampire Earth? some iteration of the World of Darkness, maybe Monte Cook's WoD, that doesn't get enough love
Wearth - it's like the opposite of Yearth. the New Wave of science fiction, it's eternally 1979, the aftermath of the 1970s Logan's Run plastic disco cocaine utopia, everything's run down and they can't keep the lights on. the calendar year resets on January 1st,everybody knows, nobody cares
Xearth - fuck it, it's Gamma World, a superhero civil war blew everything up and now it's Gamma World
Yearth - it's the golden age of science fiction, all the major problems are solved and it's always 1965, the calendar year resets on January 1st and nobody seems to notice
Zearth - muppets. muppets on a on inexplicably donut-shaped torus planet of nerf and lego. whimsy level: virulent
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archivistbot · 4 years
TIM, what are you dressing up as for Halloween?
TIM:  Oh, well, I, I guess I was hoping to dress up as a character from a Japanese TV drama, such as Neko Web 2nd, or something like that.
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domino-waki · 2 years
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taking catlad au and putting my own spin on it. technically making him worse than regular tim since he didn’t need a cat god to keep him alive.
 Basically, Jack Drake gets some illegal cat merch from an archeology dig, and Selina wants it. Tim does his tiny baby stalker thing, figures out who Cat Woman is, and breaks into the area the thing is being and waits for her. He tells her the deal, and I guess, not wanting to be cursed or whatever, she goes to return it. With a baby boy in her luggage.
Tim makes the offering to Cat God since it was his Dad who fucked it up, and Cat God is like “damn dude, nice, have a boon” but never tells them what it is. Tim does get some cat boy behavior, but Selina also does the same shit, so she figured the kid imprinted on her like a duck.
She keeps an eye on him for the next couple years. With his kind of absent parents, he bonds with her easy. She never planned to take him on heists, but he was a smart kid, and there were things he could help with. She wants shiny things, but she only uses the kid for his big fuckin brain, and never takes him out into danger. but she trains him for self defense. 
then Jason Todd dies, and Tim is like “hey mom, gotta go tell Dick Grayson to dress up like a watermelon again, Batman needs a Robin.” and Selina is like “YOU KNOW THEIR SECRET IDENTITIES???” and Tim is like “yeah? don’t you?” and I don’t know if she did at this point in the comics, but Catboy Tim becomes Robin and has a real crisis about helping Batman do the justice thing while having helped Selina steal shit. She only had him help her steal from real assholes, but still. crime.
Bruce is very suspicious about why Tim knows the layout of some buildings so well.
Tim doesn’t become catlad (Or Kitten as I’ve been calling him) until after he’s healed up after Jason gets his ass. Bats wont let him back as Robin, but Tim knows that Bruce needs an emotional support child in order to not be fucked up and evil. So if he play Robin, he’ll be the Kitten that funnels wayne enterprises money into many different charities and shit. He does a lot of robin hood ass crimes actually. He doesn’t take anything of personal value to people, and if he scoops up something nice from some asshole, he can pass it on to Mamma Cat.
and Bruce is just standing there like “am I really going to send my girlfriend *and* her son to prison? When He mostly steals from me and returns stolen artifacts to their rightful homes? and my girlfriend who is very hot?”
anyway that’s the Kitten Backstory bullshit I got.
oh yeah, and tim, now knowing he won’t die, puts himself in more danger. He’s going to give his cat mom a heart attack.
OH and he loves Helena so much, good sibling time on one half of the family.
OOC on probably everyone’s part? probably. am I having fun? oh yeah.
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litanyrobin · 2 years
Help, my boyfriend is meowing
The multiverse is wonderful and when Tim thought he could no longer find anything new in it, then he gave his boyfriend in black leather and cat ears, not in a kinky way, but as Catwoman's protegee.
Help, my boyfriend is meowing (Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake) by anyrobin in AO3
Tim had a headache.
First, he had thought about time travel, as he went from being on patrol as Red Robin to feeling sickeningly giddy and seeing his hands wrapped in green Kevlar again, like when he was still walking the rooftops of Gotham wearing the colors of the original Robin.
However, the environment hadn't changed enough and he felt able to identify the changes in the city's architecture since his days as the boy wonder and the present day. Although he was not entirely convinced and so he had decided to return to the cave in search of more information that would help him confirm his whereabouts before acting recklessly.
But apparently, he had a date. Which better explained why his communicator was off instead of buzzing with the voice of other vigilantes in his ear. On the bright side, he wouldn't need any more clues to prove he was in another dimension rather than time traveling.
After all, he was one hundred percent sure, beyond any doubt, that his boyfriend, Bernard, was an emergency medical technician most of the time and a barista's apprentice the rest of it. Not a thief, never a thief. For God's sake, Bernard wouldn't even take his clothes without asking for them first.
So why was I standing in front of him dressed as the world's greatest thief, cat ears included?
"I'm sure you didn't mention any such fetish before we had sex for the first time," Tim complained quietly, but Bernard must have heard him because he let out a chuckle.
In front of Robin, stood gracefully the blond boy, with orange glasses on his head, like his own boyfriend back in his dimension used to wear the sunglasses, looking like cat ears (or did he have real ones further back?) and a strap coming out of his lower back to mid-calf like a tail. Bernard wore what looked like leather tightly cinched to his thighs and graceful but stiff knee-high boots, with a black leather jacket high brushing his chin. The utility belt on his hip was the most eye-catching thing next to the glasses, shining too brightly compared to all the black clothes.
It looked hot as fuck.
Tim was having a hard time concentrating. Very hard.
"Enjoying the view, birdie?" purred Bernard, thrusting a hip out to the side and resting a hand on his waist.
"Very much so," Tim didn't say. "Please tell me we're not like Bruce and Selina..." he mumbled instead, losing his breath a little.
That also seemed to amuse Bernard, who began to move dangerously close to Tim until they stopped inches apart, their noses very close to each other and their shoulders begging to meet.
"Don't talk about your, like, parents again while we have this tension, T," he laughed in his face. Pulling away a little. "You're a real passion killer...," he moved closer again, this time more boldly, the tip of his nose almost against the side of Tim's. "But I guess I like that about you." He growled.
Robin turned as red as his chest and felt his breath hit Bernard's (Catboy?) lips when he made a move to bump it with his own. Luckily, he managed to react in time and stumbled backwards.
Infidelity was infidelity no matter that this Cat-Bernard was his Bernard in another universe.
"No, we can't," he swallowed audibly. "You're wrong, I..."
"Wrong?" snorted Bernard. He looked hurt.
Maybe in this universe, they might look like Bruce and Selina, Bat and Cat, but their relationship was surely just as strong as the one they had back in his universe. Or at least that's what he longed for. A sort of cosmic connection that spanned the multiverse in passion.
"No, wait, wait, you're misunderstanding me," Tim tried to explain himself, running a bad one through his hair and pleasantly discovering that he didn't have it combed and gelled up like in his old Robin days. Thank heavens. "I'm not who you think, I mean, yes, I am, but not your-... No."
Bernard folded his arms and raised an eyebrow expectantly, looking a lot like Selina at the moment. It was kind of creepy considering that in his universe she was sort of an intermittent mother figure to his siblings and him. He'd already been through the whole replicating the relationship between her and Bruce when he got involved with Lynx, but this was another level of awkward.
"Explain yourself, birdie, I'm listening."
"I'm your Robin, but not yours, but, ah... Well! I'm Robin, or something like that, but I'm not your Robin, I'm Robin in another universe. And I'm yours. I mean, not yours! But there we also have, ah, whatever we have here. Or maybe more. Ah, yeah, right. Another universe, that. I'm from another universe. I think I traded with the Robin here."
Bernard sighed and threw his head back.
"Oh, of course you'd be involved in something like that again, I was so impressed the first time believing it confirmed hundreds of theories I had about some capes, but it gets annoying after the fifth time. I don't know if I'm flirting with my boyfriend or a Martian sometimes anymore," the blond groaned.
Tim felt so grateful that he hadn't gotten his Bernard involved in all of this yet. The part where he was starting to be affected by the complicated nonsense they were dealing with every day, though he was sure he would be thrilled by the bucketload to discover that Batman was indeed a vampire somewhere in the multiverse and Tim part of the mob.
"And what's that about 'more or less Robin'?" the boy suddenly questioned. "I'm just not Robin in my earth anymore. Not anymore."
"So why are you going now?" asked Bernard, with an interested glint in his eyes. Tim's heart skipped a beat, missing the curiosity-filled look in his partner's eyes.
"Red Robin."
At least the cat boy had the decency to try to hide his disappointment. Tim snorted.
"Sorry, it's just that I was expecting something cooler like, I don't know... Draken or something."
The robin refrained from grimacing in amusement and amusement at the same time. Of course his boy would trust his naming decisions, that's why they were right for each other. Or a pair of nincompoops.
"No problem."
There was an extended silence that let the whistling of the wind against the buildings of Gotham be heard. Bernard broke it with his resonant graceful steps until he leaned against the available wall on the side of the rooftop where they had stumbled, letting his head bang against the brick.
"So there's no cat and the, uh, birdie flirting in your universe?" he questioned. Tim followed him to the wall and leaned against it.
"Uh, no, you're not involved in all this, there's no Cat..."
"Stray," he clarified.
"Much better than Catlad, I must say."
A bright smile and rosy cheeks broke out on Bernard's face, the diamond earring jingling in his right lobe under the moon's glow. Tim was so fucked up over that boy.
"Thank you, I thought so myself... After many others discarded." Tim raised an eyebrow.
Tim didn't bother to hold in his laughter and Bernard soon joined in. That was definitely a joke, but to imagine his boyfriend proposing very seriously was hilarious.
"But are you, like, Catwoman's protégé or something? Or just an usupator?" Stray snorted.
"No, I'm a stray she picked up while, uh, following Batman and Robin at night..."
Parallels, then. Suddenly, Tim wondered if that might have been his own fate. Perhaps on some other earth in the vast multiverse.
"You were following the Dynamic Duo? Really?" Bernard nodded. "To take pictures?" he groped.
Stray fiddled with his tail, twirling it and looking close to whipping Robin with it. He questioned a lot of things for a second and had to shake his head to clear his thoughts. Concentrate. Bernard bit his lip and avoided his gaze, suddenly interested in the stars barely visible in the Gotham City sky.
"I can't believe you're putting me through a dreadful school declaration again," he growled. Tim was more interested now. Bernard wrinkled his nose. "I...kind of figured out you were Robin and started following you..."
"What, why would you do that?"
Stray adjusted his glasses and arranged the fringe over his forehead.
"Uh, maybe I had a big little crush on Tim Drake and Robin at the same time back then," he laughed, sinking into a blush that Tim was quick to retort.
His heart was going to burst. He let out a laugh.
"You're a bastard, don't laugh, Timmy!" he snapped, giving him a shove.
"I'm sorry, haha! It's just that it's a little, it's very cute," he snorted.
"Oh, fuck off, bird-head."
As thoughts of "god, I love this guy" began to whip through him again, ready to frustrate him for not being able to grab this guy by the cheeks and plant a giant kiss on him, vertigo swept through him again.
"Oh, I guess it was your Tim's business, then," he explained in a mumble. The last he saw of Stray was a confused expression and the next thing he knew he was back in the Red Robin suit being shaken down by Jason in Crime Alley.
He remembers hearing some questions from his older siblings once he returned with them and a vague explanation that the Other Robin had gotten involved with the wrong people and they ended up dealing with the consequences, however, he attended to everything very quickly so he could change his clothes and return home, where his own Bernard greeted him fresh on the scene, rubbing his sore shoulders after dealing with an emergency downtown.
"Welcome home," greeted the blond when he saw him, a smile and red cheeks on his face.
Tim's smile could break his face.
Stray had caused his heart to turn over many times, but he would never change his pawesome boyfriend, the wonderful EMT who was learning to make coffee professionally just so he could brew it for him and that wakes him up with kisses on his jaw every morning.
His Bernard was the best of all the versions of him that existed in the multiverse because he was his Bernard and that was it. He didn't need anyone else.
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fox-guardian · 3 years
Hi so I dunno if you are open to requests but I noticed recently there is a lot of catboy Elias out there but you know what is hard to find? The real treasure of the Magnus universe Tim Stoker. Would It be cool to request Catboy!Tim? 👉👈
ANON YOU'RE IN LUCK i happen to have a catboy tim on hand!
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[ID: A lavender sketch of Tim Stoker as a catboy. He is smiling and winking and his hands are held up like paws. He is saying "nya". end ID]
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irradiatedsnakes · 4 years
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[ID: two collaborative digital canvases on which every practically possible space is filled by drawings- including mechanisms and magnus archives catboys, many drawings of gerry keay as a bat, furries of all sorts, along with numerous other drawings and doodles of many sorts. (for a full ID, check below the cut). end ID.]
HERE THEY ARE!! this was SO much fun i can’t wait to do this again. thank you SO much to everybody who came and drew! also very nice that it took maybe a minute and a half to two minutes before the catboys started. i definitely recommend, especially for the first one, viewing the full image and taking a couple minutes scrolling through everything.
i don’t know the urls of everyone who came and participated, so if you did and you don’t see yours here, reply and let me know! artists included: @fox-guardian @alientoastt @transmikecrew @lesbianlotl @demonicxiconic @weredragon @onedragontorulethemall @topazastral
massive image ID below the cut.
Canvas 1: almost every single space on this canvas is chocked to the brim with doodles. some are just sketches, some are colored to various degrees. starting from the top left: the label “nyarchivist” among multiple people’s drawings of jon sims as a catboy, all in green. in the very top left, he is more an actual cat with glasses and hair than a catboy. below him is a catboy jon who looks confused to be here, with a “:D” face by his head. to his right is a much smaller catboy jon labeled “he”. below and to the left is a catboy jon looking deviously to the right. where he is looking is a drawing of drumbot brian as an anthro horse, with eboy style makeup and piercings, he is looking confused back at the catboy jon. between the two of them is a sign with “gay rights” written on it, and a drawing of a cat labeled “the admiral”. below them are another set of doodles: there is a very, very small benry shaped like a little blob with the text “so small.... no room” with a sad face. below him is a drawing of marius von raum with vampire fangs, sticking his tongue out, labeled “he’s baby”. below him is a very small drawing of jonny d’ville, labeled “manlet”. below him is a small doodle of a one-eyed minion with incredibly buff arms. to the right of these three is a larger drawing of jonny d’ville as a catboy, looking deviously up at one of the catboy jons. he is holding a gun in one hand, from which a flag reading “bang!” is coming from the tip. he is labeled “he’s a catnnibal”. below these are two drawings of martin and jon. to their right is a small drawing of danny stoker, labeled “danny stonks”. to his right is a doodle of raphaella la cognizi with an octokitten on her shoulder, holding up a finger and smiling, saying “the experiment was a success! catboys are real now”. to her right is a colored drawing of marous von raum as a catboy, labeled with hearts and “this dude is trans and there’s nothing you can do about it”, with a small trans flag doodled beside. below him is a drawing of raphaella with a golden crown. to her right are two different artists’ martins, waving to one another and saying “hi!”. the one on the right is labeled “tiny”. above them, near catboy marius’ trans flag, are two shrimps. above is a drawing of tim stoker, with a wario mustache drawn onto his face. above him is a doodle of waluigi and wario, labeled “stoker bros”. to their left is a purple octokitten with yellow eyes. above it is a doodle of gerry keay, labeled “gerry :)”. above him is a drawing of an anthro calico cat, wearing a red hoodie and holding a tablet pen. to their left is a drawing of an anthro axolotl, smiling. to the right of these is a very large and very detailed drawing of gerry keay as an anthro vampire bat. he is wearing a “the ocean” band t-shirt and a leather jacket with various pins on it. he is holding up a lighter with an eye symbol with one of his wings, and is labeled “accidentally sets his patagium on fire bi-annually, probably” and “this fucks”. to the right is a doodle of gerry keay as a catboy, labeled “nyarson”. above him is a drawing of fire, labeled “arson.” below this is a doodle of gerry keay as an ghostly anthro bat, with “ghost stuff” labeled next to him. to the left is a green octokitten with purple eyes. below it is another drawing of gerry keay as an anthro bat, with a neutral expression. left is the final gerry keay as an anthro bat. he looks happy and is waving with one wing. there is a small drawing of sollux captor next to his wing. below is a tiny drawing of jon sims being comically, extremely buff. to the right is a small drawing of sasha james wearing a nonbinary flag skirt, labeled “compressed sasha”. to the right is another very small sasha, labeled “small your sash”. throughout the whole canvas are little aqua stars. end ID for canvas 1.
canvas 2: this canvas is much less densely packed, and is comprised of mostly more finished drawings and less sketches. starting from the top left is a doodle of catboy elias’ head, looking smug. below him is a drawing of a character with blonde hair and blue scelera in their eyes. below is a drawing of nastya rasputina, who has a neutral smile on her face. to the right is a colored drawing of a dragon’s head. it is aqua with purple eyes, a pink blush, and blue shading. next to it is a doodle of jon sims, as well as of a small blue planet with green rings. below is a drawing of danny stoker smiling and doing a finger gun, labeled “danny banany” for his yellow shirt. to the right is a doodle of a mushroom person with a yellow and blue cap and a spear, labeled “pax” with a heart. below is a drawing of gerry keay as an anthro bat, with a small smile. he is holding one wing out, showing the way his leather jacket connects between the membrane of his wing. to the right is a doodle of gerry keay, with a neutral expression. beside him are three doodles of an anthro cat- one looks distressed, one looks happy and is blushing, and the third says “i know none of these characters i just like furries and skulls”. beside is a drawing of another anthro cat, and a doodle of a very small octokitten labeled “yall like these right” to which someone has replied “yeah :D”.  to the right is a small doodle of raphaella la cognizi, with a devious kitty face. to the far right is a drawing of nastya rasputina, holding a wrench and smiling. above her is a catgirl nastya, drawn in monochrome pink. she is smiling. above in the same color is a catperson toy soldier, also smiling, labeled “luv them”, a smiley face, and “it” with a heart. to the very top right is a spotted octokitten. down and to the left is a catboy michael distortion. he is smiling with spiral blushes on his cheeks, labeled “@demonicxiconic”. to the left of him is a drawing of a raccoon looking behind it with a golden halo above its head. there is a trans flag doodled between them. above is a colored drawing of gunpowder tim as an anthro coyote. finally, to the left of this, is a full-body drawing of catboy gunpowder tim. he is sitting with a neutral expression, looking upwards. there is a though bubble coming from him, that reads “gay thots”. end ID.
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transcognizi · 4 years
Raphaella/Marius/Ivy and Brian/Tim/Jonny, if thats okay ?
I think Raphaella uses her wings like covers for Ivy and Marius! Like if they're out and it's raining, the wings are like umbrellas!
In a similar vein, you'll often find Marius and Ivy using Raphaella like a pillow, and she'll have them covered up with her wings like blankets! Very 12/10 experience.
The real reason these three were in jail together in Midgard is because they refused to be separated. Ivy and Marius hadn't even done anything (yet), but they wanted to stick around with Raphaella, so they broke into the jail to stay with her (which is a crime, albeit one the cops on New Midgard had never seen before and weren't really sure how to handle).
They just like to spend a lot of time together!! They're like the irl version of those 'Do Not Separate Them' posts with the stuffies-
Ivy reads to Raphaella and Marius sometimes! They have storytime and they break out the beanbag chairs and snacks and just spend a few hours lost in a story or two. :)
They all write love songs for each other, and sometimes they'll come together and play the ones they've been working on! Very sweet; they're all dorks and full of love.
Brian is the most affectionate Mech. Maybe also the most affectionate person ever. That's the real reason everyone wants to date him – they want kisses and cuddles from Literal Ray Of Sunshine Drumbot Brian.
Jonny is very affectionate but not in the traditional sense! He will bite you!! However, he sometimes does this out of love and you'll know because those bites are much softer.
Tim is the kind of partner who just Has to be touching one of his partners at all times. This is why he and Brian are constantly holding hands. Jonny gestures too much when he talks (which he never stops doing) for holding hands to be practical, so he'll just keep an arm around Jonny's waist.
Catboy Jonny supremacy! Man loves to be petted! He likes to stretch out in warm places and sleep! Brian has temperature regulators he can adjust as he likes (because I said so), so he is often a very warm place for Jonny to nap.
Brian often refers to Jonny and Tim with 'my love' or 'sweetheart.' Tim likes to call Brian and Jonny 'darling' or 'dear.' Jonny uses 'sunshine' for Brian and 'starshine' for Tim, but never in front of anyone else because he'll be damned if people think he's got a soft side.
I've made my own heart explode thinking about these, so I'll leave this here for now, but feel free to ask after more if you'd like!
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izzyliker · 4 years
i know you're a jon blog but "catboy elias" took me the fuck out. is jonah magnus a catboy. did tim and sasha run through "jonyah meowgnus" during that scene in 162 and does that constitute a microaggression. OR was jonah magnus a normal human who saw elias and decided, intentionally, he wanted to be a catboy actually,
ive been staring at this for days now. “i know youre a jon blog” has been plaguing my mind ever since i saw this. 
this is so funny because i DO have a crack au where jonah decided he wanted to be a catboy as soon as it was no longer like actually dangerous to be a catboy specifically so he can fuck with all the real catboys. he exists to be a contrarian. no rights for catboys, he says, in a distinctly catboy body. everyone has to just politely nod along. 
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mawbwehownets · 4 years
*calls you out for coming up with catboy masky before i could*
heres the thing is me and @nutmegnautilus are the cocreators of the Current edition of catboy masky bc, as i believe, the timeline goes
i draw catboy tim
meg makes catboy masky, inspired by catboy tim and megs real life cats being menaces
meg shows me catboy masky
i fall in love with catboy masky
i draw catboy masky and give him the red hot topic accent in his ears
he is a boy
just a little man
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lexiconallie · 8 years
Catlad!Tim/Robin!Jason 34 please?? Omg it'd be cute, please and thank you!!
Read on AO3
Jason had not intended to crash this party. He’d honestly been hoping to avoid it entirely, considering that it was a Wayne function and Jason Todd was supposed to be at home ‘sick’, not at a Halloween party in green shortpants. But he’d gotten word that someone was planning to steal one of the shards of the Rhysite Ruby that were displayed in one of the private rooms, and since B had already taken advantage of all the masks to skip out on his own party, Jason had decided he could cover it.
He’d forgotten how big these things could get.
He had no clues as to who might be stealing the ruby shard; he’d only heard that there were buyers who’d been promised an auction. The possible buyers were all pretty big nasties, though, and no one promised that kind of score to people like them unless they were sure they could follow through.
Jason had a plan, and it was pretty simple. He’d sneak in to the party, he’d find the room where the shard was being kept, and he’d stay there and guard it until the party was over. It had seemed easy enough when he’d been on the driveway looking at all the open entrances he could use.
So far, he’d only barely managed the ‘sneaking in’ part. Jason wouldn’t mention how long that’d taken to Bruce later. Apparently, whoever organized this thing had hired the only competent security guards in all of Gotham City. Jason hoped that with his help, they’d be able to keep the ruby from leaving the building.
There were way too many doors and alcoves off this room, and Jason had no idea which room had the ruby shard. For some reason, that hadn’t been in the report he’d read. He’d have to ask Bruce about that later, but in the meantime, he was checking every offshoot from this room to see where it was.
He’d checked three rooms with no luck when someone came up to him and said, “If you’re looking for the bathroom, it’s on the other side, by the big table with the hors-d’oeuvre.”
“Ah, thank you, but no, I’m good.” Jason turned around to look at this person and blinked. About half of the people here were in regular Halloween costumes, while the other half seemed to think that fancy clothing and BeDazzled masks were enough to be going on with. This person was facing away from him to look at the whole room, but he was one of the ones with a Halloween costume on, which made Jason inclined to like him.
But the costume he’d chosen? It was a Catwoman costume. Jason had no idea why anyone would want to dress up as the notorious cat burglar at such a fancy party.
Although he supposed it was a much more tasteful costume than the idiot dressed in the terrible Joker costume in the middle of the room. Much better quality, too, although Jason didn’t know what he’d expected in a room full of rich weirdos.
“That’s a pretty nice Catwoman outfit you’ve got on,” Jason said, then mentally stalled. “Uhh. Catman? Catboy?”
The guy smiled and looked up at Jason through the glare on his goggles. “I call it Catbird, personally.” He showed a flash of teeth. “Catboy just doesn’t have the tone I’m going for.”
Jason nodded quickly, right there with him. “Oh, yeah, no, I get it. Just imagine if I’d gone with ‘Batboy’ instead of Robin. That’d sound ridiculous. There goes Batman and Batboy, off to fight some crime! No. Just, no.”
The boy in the Catbird costume let out a sharp laugh and turned to face him completely.
“That would be funny, though. It’s lucky the first one to wear that costume chose the name Robin.” He had a smile on his face. Jason couldn’t tell if it was meant to be friendly or wicked; he cursed Halloween out in his head for the umpteenth time. This time of year was always weird in Gotham.
“Yeah, that’s...lucky,” Jason said. He knew that some people could tell that he wasn’t the same person who’d been in the Robin suit eight years ago, but he was still uncomfortable when people brought it up in conversation. It was all right when bad guys did it, since he could punch them, but when normal people did it he didn’t really know how to respond.
“The current one could’ve changed his name, though,” Catbird said with a shrug, and Jason squinted at him for a moment before realizing what was going on.
Catbird thought that Jason was just another guy in a Robin costume. Well, to be fair, he was, but Catbird didn’t know that Jason was actually Robin.
“So what’s your name?” Catbird asked, and Jason thought quickly for a second. Did he want to tell this guy he was the real deal or was Jason okay with letting him think that? Jason didn’t know how Catbird would react if he revealed he was actually the Robin; he might be loudly shocked and draw attention where Jason really didn’t want any right now.
“Uh. This is a costume party, right? No names allowed. Guess I’m just Robin right now.”
“A masquerade,” said Catbird with a grin, “but yeah, I think I remember something about that now. It’s a pity, I’ve always wanted to unmask Robin.”
Jason laughed and tried to hide his nervousness. This guy was joking, Jason hoped. If Catbird really wanted to unmask Robin, he wouldn’t just come out and say it, right?
He’d met villains who did that, just said it straight-out like that, but they were villains, and they were usually about as subtle as a punch to the nose.
Jason couldn’t ask Catbird’s name now that he’d used that reasoning to avoid giving up his own name -- not with any expectation that the guy would answer, anyway.
“So...are you here with anyone?” Jason said, trying to see if he could figure out the guy’s name through the people he associated with. If Jason had to guess, he’d say Catbird was somewhere around 17 to 20; he’d probably be here with his parents, if anyone. That would make it a little easier when he looked at the guest list later.
“No,” answered Catbird. So Jason would be looking for a single invitee, young but still old enough to be invited without a guardian. Good to know. “Do you have a date?”
Jason blinked a few times and looked down at the R on his chest automatically. “Uh,” he said, “no. Not tonight.” As if there were times he came to these fancy parties with a date, and didn’t sit in the corner by the food with the rest of the hungry wallflowers.
If Jason was honest, he preferred being here in the Robin costume. This way, he could punch the rich criminals here without causing a scandal. Well, at least not a scandal that would reflect on Brucie.
“So Batman isn’t hanging around, ready to swoop in at any second?” Catbird joked, making a show of looking around the room. It was true; there was no one in a Batman costume here, not even the crummy kind you could make in three minutes with a good sewing machine.
“With that ‘hanging around’ comment, I’m surprised you didn’t check the ceiling,” said Jason ruefully, glad for the moment that Bruce wasn’t tuned in to his comms.
A dorky grin took over what Jason could see of Catbird’s face, and the snorting sound he made was the most undignified thing in this place aside from Jason himself and the person dressed as a peacock -- talons and all -- on the other side of the room.
“Didn’t want to go for the obvious joke,” Catbird said, tilting his head to the side in a lazy shrug.
Jason knew better; the guy just hadn’t thought of it. He’d met Catbird maybe three minutes ago and already Jason knew that Catbird would go for the worst puns he could possibly find.
Jason shook his head, then abruptly remembered that there was a reason he was here, and it wasn’t to chat with mysterious costumed people. The jewel, shit. He still hadn’t found it, and there was every possibility that whoever was after it had already managed to get in the room.
“Hell, sorry, I’ve got to...” Jason trailed off and motioned vaguely to the rest of the room, waiting until Catbird glanced around to spin on his heel and hurry off to the next door he needed to try.
There was nothing in that room either (well, except for a rack of spears taller than Jason -- rich people were so weird) and Jason was beginning to think the thief had already taken it as he sped to the next one.
It felt like fate was toying with him, though, because that room was the one he was looking for. Jason stepped in quietly, trying not to alert any guards or partygoers to his presence.
“What is that?” a voice said from behind him, and Jason had to tense all of his muscles so he didn’t jump. It was Catbird again, of course, leaning around his body with his face lit up like he’d seen a cake on that pedestal instead of a few pieces of rock.
“It’s, uh, for the museum, they’re putting it in its place tomorrow,” said Jason, avoiding the question of what it was as neatly as he could manage. Catbird shouldn’t be in here. Jason couldn’t think of a way to kick him out without causing a commotion that would draw attention to a room whose best protection was that no one knew what was in it.
Catbird stepped past him, walking just close enough to take a closer look. Jason followed, and tried not to tense further as Catbird leaned down.
“Wow,” he said, whistling, “a piece of the Rhysite Ruby.”
“How did you know?” Jason asked, somewhere between stunned and suspicious. There was no reason for a stranger he’d met only minutes ago to know anything about the ruby.
“There’s a placard,” Catbird told him, and picked the placard up. Jason moved closer, trying to split his attention between Catbird’s hands and the ruby shards. “‘Dug from the mines of Charbati by local workers in the early eighteen-hundreds, the uncut ruby which would become known as the Rhysite Ruby was about the size of a soccer ball. It was then taken by a British officer named Edgar Rhys to be cut. His men mutinied, and the cut gem was stolen by one of the servants, who ran to Brazil with it. Disappeared until it turned up in Alaska somehow...was caught in an explosion, which separated it into its current state...this piece belongs to, ooh, I didn’t know he’d gotten out of prison...”
“That’s all on there?” said Jason, hoping the mask hid his impressed expression well enough.
“Hmmm, no,” was his only answer for one confused second.
Catbird reached into a pocket whose only evidence had been a silver zipper seconds earlier and pulled out a remote. When he pressed the only button on the device, the lights surrounding the pedestal holding the ruby all went out, and Catbird snatched the shard and stashed it into the same pocket in one smooth movement.
Jason didn’t have time to be surprised. Catbird was already on his way out the door -- Jason wasted a precious moment to twist his body into the right direction to run after him. Catbird was fast; Jason spent his nights running after some pretty speedy criminals, but Catbird was in a league of his own. Jason tried not to trip over the transition between carpeting and tiles. There weren’t many people, the direction Catbird was running -- there was the buffet table -- and the kitchen door, right beside it. Catbird didn’t quite slam it open, but it almost hit Jason in the head as it swung closed again.
The kitchen was quiet, for a kitchen. There were fewer people in here than when he’d tried to sneak in this way earlier, and Catbird was pretty visible. Catbird was able to dance between the staff like it was choreographed; Jason had a bit more trouble trying not to run anyone over.
The door leading outside was open -- wasn’t that a security risk? -- except no, Jason could see three guards just outside the doorway, which meant Catbird had seen them too. Catbird ran right past that to another door, one which led to a flight of stairs.
A floor up, Catbird shot straight for a window and had almost wiggled it open when Jason threw a piece of silverware from a nearby table at his hand. Catbird caught it with eerie accuracy.
“You know, everything in this room is centuries old,” said Catbird conversationally, turning the fork over in his fingers.
“Except for us,” Jason pointed out.
“Except for us,” Catbird agreed. “You’re, what, twenty now? Isn’t it time you gave up the Robin mantle, like your predecessor did?”
Jason tried not to make a face. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to grow past Robin -- he did -- but he couldn’t deny the draw of being able to rub it in Dick’s face that he’d lasted as Robin until he was older than Dick had been when he had to become Nightwing.
“I forgot, he didn’t really give it up, did he,” said Catbird, not phrasing it as a question. “Never mind, I understand. Change is hard!” He smiled, a bright grin in the dim light. “I prefer cash, myself.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “I’d prefer you give the ruby back and we forget about this whole night,” he shot back.
Catbird scrunched up his face and tilted his head. “Nahh,” he said, and pulled the window the rest of the way open. He produced a grapple gun from nowhere Jason could see and leveled it out the window.
“There’s nothing out there to grapple,” Jason sighed. “Please? I’d rather not have to explain to the ambulance what happened.”
Catbird turned his head to face Jason and very obviously shook his head, sighing. Then he lifted it up and shot it through the glass.
Jason leapt forward and tried to grab Catbird, but it was too late -- he was already out the window.
“And don’t worry, I’d never forget you,” said Catbird. He smirked, and added, “Jason,” before rappelling down to the ground, the window closing with his weight.
If it was a tactic, it worked; Jason was slow in shaking off his surprise, and by the time he managed to open the window again, Catbird was nowhere in sight. Jason swore colorfully.
This’ll be fun to explain to B, thought Jason, trudging back down the stairs tiredly. Who was that guy?
He’d find out, one way or another.
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