#christmas momments
torihakaraublog · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Happy ⭐️ Holidays!" Pop Quiz pt.1
My thoughts on part one of the 2023 Christmas holiday event.
Okay so first off I have to talk about the sprite outfits. They are split into 2 types; Santa's (??) (The brothers) and reindeer (everyone else). Personally I think all the 'Santa' ones are kinda meh, prob cause some of the brothers colours are not holiday colours. The reindeer ones are adorable and fit the holiday spirit great, except Luke's. Luke's is just kinda lacking, they could have taken him out of his beret just this once. Solomon's is my favorite! It looks so comfy.
It felt like there was alot going on with this event so I probably missed some things.
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Event starts off with the announcement of a holiday decorating competition to win the Krampus Star which grants a single wish. Probably my least favorite Christmas activity to do in a group lol but it's a good premise.
This turned into a hallmark movie real quick 🤣
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Levi you good here?? Lmao
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I'm just casually forced to help every one, then who ever wins I have to approve their wish. Please everyone is gonna wish for the same thing (spend Christmas with me) and I'll end up spending it with everyone anyways...
Now things start getting weird. Everyone is fighting and Barbatos figures out its a rare moon cycle that released an Dark Demon Santa (I started laughing here).
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Collecting things with everyone was kinda cute. An adorable momment between Lucifer and Beel that solidified my HC that Lucifer can't say no to picking up Beel tho hes too heavy xD Also liked that Mammon got to show a bit of his responsible older brother side! <3
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The spell takes over everyone and Raphael is told to break up the fights for some reason tho he has a short fuse himself.
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Then somehow everyone decides not to fight and it works?? Christmas spirit??
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I was basically shaking in my boots at learning Diavolo absorbing the DDS's power was the only plan and if it goes bad the Devildom would be left without a ruler for some time. Like this is SERIOUS serious! (And also makes the plot super intresting :0)
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So glad they included a conversation between Diavolo and Lucifer (tho it would have been better if I wasen't there). Diavolo gave Lucifer the new start he and his brothers needed and I know if something happened to Diavolo, Lucifer would blame himself. This conversation was needed so he could know where he stood in relation to the problem/solution if I'm making any sense.
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I think I'm gonna piss myself (sorry for the crude language lol)! THANK YOU BUT GIVE IT TO BARBATOS NOT ME.
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The context for this image is Solomon beginning to understand Christmas spirit :3
Foods Mentioned
Mushy Shroom (in cave??)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Sandwich (cafeteria, apparently Bel's fave)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Pudding (cafeteria)
pudding and sandwich are mixed later on.
I'm assuming in the next part of the event we are gonna have to find the DDS 🤔
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dandylion240 · 2 years
Grieving for the son he lost, will Evan be able to find joy again? He thought he had but the closer Christmas comes the more he slips into depression as he relives his saddest momment. Will his family be able to help? or will he shut them out?
The first chapter of Christmas Wishes is available on my WP Blog and will start to post tomorrow. It will have the following triggers: mention of death, death of a child
Hayle Ward was made by @izayoichan
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buckybarnesfanfic · 2 years
A Christmas morning chaos
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Summary: Mornings with Bucky Barnes are always an adventure. But what happens when you go to your parents house for Christmas and that adventure follows you there too..
Warnings: Pure fluff, little accident.
Note: It is Christmas so what better than some fluf and christmas joy with our darling Bucky. Also i wanna say Merry Christmas to all and i hope everyone is doing amazingand having a great time. Love you guys so muchand a huge thank you for supporting meit means the world to me. So happy holidays and i hope you enjoy this one.
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A sweet smell caught your attention and it made you smile. You could recognise that smell everywhere. It was your mothers freshbaked cinammon rolls. Only the slight smell of them was bringing you straight back to your childhood and the smile you had everytime you smelled and tasted them. You rolled to your side searching for Bucky but the only thing you found was a cold side and an empty space beside you. Your smile faded after the realisation of your boyfriends absense but you knew he was an earlybird. A really really morning person, which is the exact opposite of you. You loved and cherised your sleep and if you were lucky sometimes you succesed to drag Bucky back to bed with you for so cuddles stopping him for his morning run with Steve. You missed him so you decided to get up and get ready for the day. So kicking the covers off of you you get out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and brush that wild hair of yours. After that you went to your closet to pick your outfit. As you oppened the closet you found all your old clothes witch for a second confused you. You shooke your head laughing reminding yourself that yoy were at your parents house and for a momment you thought to wear something from there to show Bucky your previous style but the momment you eye caught a glimpse of Buckys red henley it was endgame. All thought of wearing your old clothes went down the drain as oyu grabbed his shirt putting it over your head wearing it as a dress as it was way too big on you, so you skipped the search for shorts. After you got ready you grabbed your phone to text Bucky so you could go together for breakfast. He was probably on his morning run by the lake so you figured he would be hungry. You started typing but stopped mid sentence when you heard his voise coming from downstairs. You figured he would have been back from his tun so you left the room and followed his voice to find him down in the kitchen. And what you found was without a doubt the most heart warming sight to see but you didnt want to interupt so you hid behind the stairs and just watch. It seems that today your boyfriend didnt go for his usual run instead he was in the kitchen with your mother. You knew she was an earlybird herself so it doesnt suprise you to see her awake and baking. Bucky on the other hand was a sight to see. He had flour and sugar spread all over his apron ans somehow frosting in the tip of his nose and his cheeck. He looked so cute and adorable i could melt on the spot. You watched the two of them carefully not to make any noise and were so happy to see them getting along. You had that fear when you first started dating Bucky and when your parents told you to come over for christmas you were a little nervous. But seeing your mom with Bucky changed your mind and eased your nerves as that was proof enough taht they loved him and have welcomed him in the family. You smiled as that was a big step for you and your relationship. You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a loud thud coming from the kitchen. Quickly you run but stop in your tracks and cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing loud when you see Bucky on the floor covered with bubbles laughing and your mother trying to help him up but failing cause she was laughing so hard herself. You immidietly pulled out your phone and snapped a couple of pictures that were definetly gonna be frammed and rapped up as christmas preesents when you were interupted by your fathers voice calling you. 
- What is all that noise y/n?
You whispered 
- Mom and Bucky are cooking together. 
You pointed with your finger at the situation and your dad couldnt contain his laugh so he bursted out laughing making both my mother and Bucky tyrn their heads and look at us.
- Morning guys anyone hungry?
My mom said with a smile gesturing at the table as she went to grab the plates and the coffe. 
- Morning mom
I said and hugged her before going to Bucky who was up and kinda embarresed at the whole situation.
- Morning baby
I said kissinf him lightly.
- Morning doll
He said kissing me back and hugging me making me all wet with water and soap.
- Ah Bucky you are gonna make me all wet.
I said laughing. He laughed back and smirked hugging me tighter and then letting go as we both go to sit at the kitchen table.
- So i see you two had an eventfull morning
My dad said picking up hie fork to eat one of the fresh baked cinammon rolls.
- At least they turned out great.
He gestures to the cinammon rolls and smiles.
- Mister yln im very sorry for the mess and the noise
Bucky said blushing.
- Nonsense. Dont listen to him, we had so mucjh fun today. Isnt right Bucky ?
My mom asked Bucky smilling to him to calm him down.
- It is true we had an amazing time. Im putting the accident in the fun too
- What happened though?
You asked smirking dying to find out.
- Bucky darling wanna do the honour of telling that story?
My mothers says and knowing her she is doing him a favour cause of she tells the story there would  be a lottt of embaresment. She laughed a little and continued eating her breakfast and everyone eyes lands to Bucky to tell the story. Bucky takes a few deep brreaths preparing himself and starts telling the story.
- So long story short we had just glazed the cinammon rolls and i was washing the dishes while yoyr mom was cleaning the counter when i slipped on some spilled frosting and i tripped. That resulted to me falling on my but with dish soap and water all over me. 
- And some nice bubbles on your head.
I completed him laughing softly.
- And some of that yes
He said laughing while putting some glaze on my nose.
- So a skilled assasin as yourself got tricked by a little frosting, taht is a sight to see
My father tells and Bucky feels his cheeks getting hotter by the minute.
- Dad come on stop teasing Bucky please
You said clearing your throat and yoyr dad got the point and smiled at you.
- Oh fine! Cant a man say a joke around here 
He said drinking his coffee but winking at you. The breakfast continiued smoothly with some small talk about the activities on the calendar that we hace to do today. About an hour after the plates where empty and everyone was ready to get up. Dad sat up first and as he was leavinf he turned back and said
- Dont break anything while cleaning this time
He laughed out loud annd left. We all laughed after taht and got reader to clean the table. Bucly leans to yoy and whispers
- Your dad is something else
- You havent see half of it
You smirked at winked at him laughing to your self blowing a kiss to Bucky and getting started to clean.
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anabragaphotography · 4 years
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Serve 10
200g farinha de arroz
60g avelã moída
150g açúcar mascavado
4 ovos, L
120g manteiga, derretida
1 clh.ch fermento
1/2 clh.ch bicarbonato de sódio
1/4 clh.ch sal
1 clh.ch extracto de baunilha
1 chv. iogurte natural
3 clh.sp farinha de alfarroba ou cacau crú
1/3 chv. avelãs picadas
3 pêras
Pré-aqueça o forno a 180ºC e forre com papel vegetal uma forma redonda de fundo amovível com 20cm. Unte também as laterais e polvilhe com farinha de arroz.
Batas os ovos com o açúcar e uma pitada de sal até que estes dupliquem de tamanho. Junte de seguida a manteiga derretida, o extrato de baunilha e o iogurte e volte a bater até que todos os ingredientes estejam incorporados.
Junte as farinhas, o fermento e a alfarroba e envolva.
Entretanto, lave e retire os caroços às pêras. Pique uma das pêras e junte à massa do bolo. Verta a massa para a forma e alise a superfície.
Corte as outras metades em fatias e disponha sobre o bolo. Polvilhe com avelãs picadas e leve ao forno durante cerca de 60 minutos ou até que ao inserir o palito este saia limpo. Cubra com papel de alumínio a meio da cozedura caso ache necessário.
Retire do forno, desenforme e deixe arrefecer. Polvilhe com açúcar em pó antes de servir. Nota: Em caso de intolerância alimentar certifíque-se sempre de que os ingredientes usados são isentos de glúten.
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English version
Serves 10
200g rice flour
60g ground hazelnut
150g brown sugar
4 eggs, L
120g melted butter
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup plain yogurt
3 tbsp carob bean flour or raw cocoa
1/3 cup chopped hazelnuts
3 pears
Preheat the oven to 180ºC and line with baking paper a 20cm removable bottom round shape pan. Also grease the sides and sprinkle with rice flour.
Beat the eggs with the sugar and a pinch of salt until they double in size. Then add the melted butter, vanilla extract and yogurt and beat again until all the ingredients are incorporated.
Add the flours, baking powder and carob flour and stir.
In the meantime, wash and remove the pits from the pears. Chop one of the pears and add it to the cake batter. Pour the dough into the pan and smooth the surface.
Cut the other halves into slices and arrange on the cake. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and bake for about 60 minutes or until the inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cover with aluminum foil halfway through cooking if necessary.
Remove from the oven, unmold and let it cool. Dust with powdered sugar before serving. Note: In case of food intolerance always make sure that the ingredients used are gluten free.
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peaxhcringe · 4 years
baby boy shoto with 9 and 17 <333
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I am putting these two together because they both have sorta the same vibe and one of the same prompts. I didn’t really get “sleepover” in there, but at the same time I kinda did. I hope you enjoy! 💕
Prompts: Cuddles, Wrapping Gifts, and Sleepover
Character: Todoroki
Genre: Fluff
From: Winter Event
Christmas music played quietly in the background, the soft beat of “Jingle Bells” dancing in your ear as you sat on the floor of your room surrounded by wrapping paper, tape, and scissors. Todoroki sat across from you, an unreadable expression on his face as he focused on tapping the edge of one of Midoryia’s presents.
This year everyone in the dorm was assigned a person to buy a gift for, basically like a white elephant. You, of course, had to get the most hard to please person, Katsuki Bakugou, while Todoroki got the easiest person to please, Midoryia.
It took forever to find a gift you think Bakugou would like, deciding between buying him either a pair of gloves or a limited edition All Might poster. All it took Todoroki was going to the nearest store and picking up a pack of pens that Midoryia could use to write in his notebook, for his present to be done.
Your tounge poked out of your mouth as you carefully cut the paper, trying your best to keep it in a straight line. The red wrapping paper falling to the ground silently, as you realigned the box that held a black pair of gloves in the middle of the paper.
“Hey Shoto, could you help me tape this?” You asked, looking towards your boyfriend who had already finished wrapping his present
Looking up from his finished gift, he nodded, standing up and walking over to you while stepping on a few pieces of discarded wrapping paper. You watched as he picked up the tape, before sitting next to you on the floor. Folding one side of the paper, you put it over the box, before Todoroki cut off a strip of tape and placed it along the edge. Everything went smoothly, the scratch of the tape cutting and the rustling of the paper quieting as you finally finished your gift.
“Finally...we’re done” You said with a tired smile, sitting up and stretching your arms above your head, a soft pop sounding as you popped your arms and fingers
With a sigh you leaned against Todoroki letting your head rest against his shoulder, your eyes closing.
“Tired?” He asked, a smile on his face as he looked down at you, one of his hands coming up to push away some hair that had fallen in your face
You nodded your head, not having the energy after wrapping gifts all day to respond. Your eyes opened as you felt Todoroki stand up, his hands holding your side to keep you from falling to the floor.
“What are you doing?” You asked, rubbing your eyes and looking up at him
“Getting you into bed before you fall asleep on the floor” He answered, as he bent down and helped you stand up, paper rustling beneath the both of you
You groaned as you stood up, letting your body rest against him as he guided you to the bed. The momment you body fell against the plush mattress you felt yourself fall closer to sleep, the blanket Todoroki pulled over you feeling soft against your skin.
“Come lay down with me” You said sleepily, lifting your arms out of the blanket and motioning towards him
“I have to clean up our mess” He spoke looking down at your tired state, his heart beating just a bit faster as he looked over your features
“Please just for a little bit~” You whined, your hand lightly grasping his arm and pulling him just a bit closer to the bed
With sigh, you felt the bed sink as Todoroki climbed in and laid next to you, his body warming you up more than the blanket.
“Thank you~” You hummed, turning around and moving closer to him, your hand resting against him and burying your head into his chest, taking in his soft cologne
Todoroki’s arms wrapped your figure, somehow being able to pull your body closer to him. One of his hands finding their way into hair, tangling it into your h/c strands. His head leaned down to kiss your forehead before resting his head against yours.
“Goodnight love” Todoroki whispered into your hair, your hand tightened against his shirt to show you were listening, your mouth unable to move from both the way you were positioned and your tiredness.
Your eyes grew tired as the beating of his heart and the sweet smell of cologne lulled you to sleep. Everything feeling so right as you two both began to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Thank you for reading! 💕
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Daminette December Day 5: Fire (Continues from day 4’s prompt of gaming)
Damian Wayne Al Gul was never known for backing out from challenges. So when the opportunity came to “unmask” Ladybug, you best believe he was determined to seeing that to completion. A game plan began brewing in his head, “How am I going to get a Parisian streamer/designer to come to the states?” He muttered to himself, “There need to be a reason.”
‘What could make her want to come?’ Damian thought. There in his room, you could smell the oil and hear the gears turning inside his head. He brought his fingers to his temples, completely lost to the world at the momment. And then, it hit him. “I’ve got it!” He almost screamed, “I could make it into a sponsorship!”
“Hey, Demon-Spawn!” Jason barged into the room. A kunai flew passed his head, “Do- Watch it! Anyway Brucie wants us in the living room.”
Damian scowled. His plans would have to wait for now. This had better be good. As he made his way to the living room, Damian didn’t have the slightest clue that old Brucie Boy was about to make his job a hell of lot easier.
*Line Break*
On the other side of the world, our favorite girl had just finished “Tim Drake’s” commission. The client didn’t give much detail into what they wanted, all they said was to make them a suit and mask for the masquerade. Marinette had full creative liberty over the suit and mask. She wanted to go over the top, but on the off chance it was actually Timothy Drake himself it needed the right amount of subtlety to be functional.
(A/N: I’m not really good at describing clothes, but I couldn’t find anything that looks like I have in my head. Sorry!)
Marinette doesn’t do themes often, but she decided this design would become the newest part of her “Elements” collection. The suit jacket itself was a dark green, almost gray, color with multicolored leaves hand stitched into the material. Marinette had barely made it visible, but if one looked close enough it was definitely there. The pocket square was olive green with brown undertones as was the bow tie. The suit’s pants were the the same color as the jacket. The mask, however, the mask made the piece come together. The mask itself was brown, but the small details on the mask were lined with gold thread. Everything about this look screamed nature.
It had taken her a week to complete, and boy was it worth it. Marintte was relieved it was over, but loved the finished result. She packaged the suit and mask duo and placed her handwritten thank you note inside. The note read, “Dear Mr. Drake, Thank you for commissioning me for your gala. I do not know if it is the real Tim Drake and if it’s not please remember you do not have have to lie to get my attention. But if it is in fact Timothy Drake, himself, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I hope everything is up to your standards. Please continue to commission me for anything! Thank you for shopping at “Miss Fortune” Bug our! Signed, Ladybug” Marinette went straight to the post office to ship it to the American adress and returned home shortly after.
The next day at school would have Marinette begging for someone to put her out of her misery. It was announced that the class had won the Wayne scholarship to visit Gotham. And while Marinette was happy her hard work had seen results, it meant more work would be piled onto her. Ms. Bustier had cut her train of thought off, “Oh, and before I forget, we are invited to the Wayne’s annual Christmas charity gala. And Alya, there is absolutely no recording or interviews. If you fail to adhere to these rules, you will be bard from any and all other activities involving the Wayne family.”
Alya looked deflated by that fact. Lila was going to cook up some lie about knowing the Wayne’s, but once again Ms. Bustier had opened her mouth again, “Lila, we all know about your condition to lie uncontrollably. That being said, if you feel compelled to lie about knowing the Wayne family I would keep your mouth shut. Gotham is known as the city with the highest crime rate in the world. The Waynes have been known targets of Gotham’s villains, we wouldn’t want to be put in danger.”
Marinette had smirked at that comment and Lila eye had twitched, “Of course Ms. Bustier!”
The only thought that was going through Marinette’s head after that was, ‘What am I going to wear?’
*Line Break*
A month had passed and the trip to Gotham was tomorrow. Marinette decided to tell her followers on her twitch why there would be no more streams for another two weeks or so, “Today I just want to let you guys know that I will not be going live for like two weeks. I’ll be in America with my school for a trip. We’ll be attending a very important event there! I hope you guys won’t forget about when I’m gone!”
The comments and donations came in hordes. Most claiming that they could never forget about a gaming goddess. There where some asking about where in America she was headed to, “Well, usually I wouldn’t say anything. Buuuut, this is a very large city! We are headed to Gotham city!”
At 3:28 pm Damian Wayne, felt his heart stop. Ladybug would be in Gotham because of her Parisian class for an important event. There was only one Parisian class that had won if he remembered correctly, he’d have to ask Tim. Damian grabbed his phone in a attempt to see if Marinette would answer this frantic texting.
Her phone dings on stream, “Wow, I’m sorry guys I thought I had that on silent,” Marinette silences her phone but pays no attention to the contents on it. Her phone continues to buzz, “I’m so popular today,” she giggled, “To Damian, who I know is watching, can you please stop texting me when I’m live? Please and thank you. And before you heathens ask, no Damian does not know who I am so do go snooping to try and find out who he is,” She said in her heavily accented English.
Damian decided he would talk to her later, lest she be angry at him. The stream was relatively short today, only an hour and a half. Marinette had to go so that she would “actually be alive in the morning” as she put it. And when the cat is away, the birds go and play. Damian donned his Robin persona as he took it upon himself to continue his mission in uncovering Ladybug.
As he suspected, only one class from Paris had won the scholarship. The class president’s name had also just so happened to be none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Damian then deduced that Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Ladybug are the same person. Oh, what fun this was going to be.
During the Parisian class’s time in Gotham, they had left Marinette behind 5 times. Let me repeat that. Caline Bustier, an educator and chaperone, had left one of her students in one of the world’s most dangerous cities not once, not twice, not even thrice, but five times. Thankfully on her first time she had ran into a young Arabic man named Damian. Marinette laughed at how much this Damian had reminded her of her client. He wasn’t wearing her designs though so she couldn’t tell if they were one and the same, spoiler alert: they were!
The night of the gala had arrived and Damian asked to accompany her as her date. Marinette would have normally said “no, thank you” but Damian and Marinette had gotten to know each other over the course of her adventures in Gotham. So instead she said, “Yes!”
Marinette had spent a month on her newest creation. The purpose for this gala and this one alone. It would make its debut in her “Elements” collection, after the trip. Marinette was particularly proud of this one, this time the theme was fire and boy was there going to be one. The mask she wore was lined with blue to symbolize one of the hottest flames there are.
(A/N: As stated earlier I’m not good at describing clothing, so here’s a picture of what I’m talking about. Also this is not mine and kudos to whoever did make it because I want this for myself.)
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Damian waited patiently for his date to arrive. He was dressed in the exact opposite way. Cool blues and slivers donned his suit. His mask was white with red linning to contrast Marinette’s blue. None of what he was wearing was of “Miss Fortune” though. There wasn’t enough time for him to ask.
When Marinette exited the elevator, Damian had the wind knocked out of him. She looked like ethereal and in that momment Damian wasn’t sure if she really existed. He had seen the dress on her streams while she was making it, but this was the first time he had seen Marinette wearing it. Marinette was the epitome of regality.
But when Marinette saw Damian dressed like the prince she’d known him to be, Marinette almost fainted. Together they looked like gods gracing mortals with their presence. Anyone who saw them, assumed such as well. They’d stop and stare at Adonis and his Aphrodite.
They walked the red carpet and at that moment Marinette realized three things, one: She would have to reveal herself as Ladybug, two: she would have to explain herself to her followers, and three: Damian is that Damian Wayne???
“Surprise?” He said with a raising of his shoulders.
“We’ll talk later,” she said lowly.
Together they passed the reporters to enter and Marinette made her big reveal, “Miss! Miss! Who are you wearing? It’s gorgeous!”
“I’m wearing my own design! I run a website called Miss Fortune. You would probably recognize me as Ladybug on Twitch though,” she giggled.
Before she could answer anymore questions, Damian pulled her inside to the actual Gala. He couldn’t wait to see the looks on his brother’s faces when they relized who he had on his side. And by the sound of the shriek that ran throughout the halls, Tim and Dick had just found out. They raced over in an attempt to introduce themselves to her.
Marinette noticed that Tim was wearing the suit she had made back in November. She paled when she remembered accusing him of lying in her note, “You are wearing my design. You weren’t lying to me!”
Marinette was apologizing and Tim didn’t need it. She had every right to be suspicious whenever someone claimed to know or be part of the Wayne crew. Jason had a Batcow when he noticed the angel of a girl on the arm of a demon. And then freaked out even more once, he heard who she was.
The rest of the night went off without a hitch. Well... that was before Alya and Lila were escorted out for recording and lying on the Wayne Family name. Oh, boy legal was going to have so much fun with them.
Bruce Wayne seen four of his children huddled around a small French-Asian woman. He thought he should introduce himself. Unknown to Marinette Bruce was also wearing her work. Apparently Damian had commissioned that suit for Bruce’s birthday. Marinette almost fainted for the second time that evening.
As the party came to a close, Damian and Marinette stepped out to chat alone, “I know this is kind of forward, but would you like to accompany me on a date soon?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Marinette smiled as she rested her head on Damian’s shoulder while staring at the sky.
Fire is volatile. It can burn, destroy, and even kill. But fire is also rebirth, warmth, and passion. Marinette is the fire to Damian’s ice. Complete opposites that complete each other, just as it should be.
A/N: So the two shot is over!!!! Did you all like it? I think this one is my favorite so far. In any case thank you for all the notes, comments, and reblogs on the last part. I really appreciate it! If you want to be tagged let me know in the comments!
@daminette-december2019 @persephonebutkore @gingerdaile @seraphichana @mystery-5-5 @krispydefendorpolice @jardimazul @royalchaoticfangirl @theoryfan205 @goblinwhoships @emeraldpuffguide @spicybelladonna
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disneytva · 5 years
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Disney+ TV Animation Lineup Revealed Via Attractions Magazine & @stitchkingdom
Keep in mind that Disney+ is still in its testing phase, so this catalog could change by the time it launches in the U.S. and Canada (and officially in the Netherlands) this November. ------- Animation Magazine 
Adventures of the Gummi Bears 
The Simpsons
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Darkwing Duck
Goof Troop
Timon & Pumbaa
Quack Pack
The New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 
The Mighty Ducks
101 Dalmatians The Series
Teacher’s Pet
Disney’s Doug
Hercules The Series
The Proud Family
Kim Possible
Lilo And Stitch The Series
Brandy And Mr Whiskers
American Dragon Jake Long
The Emperor’s New School
The Replacements
Phineas And Ferb
The Book Of Pooh
Little Einsteins
Handy Manny
My Friends Tigger And Pooh
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Special Agent Oso
Gravity Falls
Doc McStuffins
Sofia The First
Tron Uprising
Jake And The Neverland Pirates
Mickey Mouse Shorts
Descendants Wicked World
Henry Hugglemonster
Sheriff Callie’s Wild West
Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja
The 7D
Miles From Tomorrowland/Mission Force One
Goldie And Bear
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Muppets Momments
The Muppets 2015
Elena Of Avalor
Miraculous- Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Milo Murphy’s Law
The Lion Guard
Mickey Mouse Roadster Racers
Mickey Mouse Mixed Up Adventures
Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
Billy Dilley’s Super Duper Subterranean Summer
DuckTales 2017
Puppy Dog Pals
Muppet Babies 2018
Big Hero 6 The Series
Legend Of The Three Caballeros
Big City Greens
101 Dalmatian Street
Doug’s First Movie
DuckTales The Movie The Treasure Of The Lost Lamp
The Return Of Jafar
Aladdin and the King of Thieves
Recess School’s Out
Recess Taking Down The FIfth Grade 
Recess All Growed Down
Teacher’s Pet
Kim Possible So The Drama
The Proud Family Movie
Phineas And Ferb Across The Second Dimension
Tarzan And Jane
Mickey Mouse’s House Of Villans
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse
The Simpsons Movie
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lenchi05 · 4 years
Loved the Icon by the way 🤣💜
Oh yes, it’s literally my mood for 2020 Christmas. 👀🤣👌🏻
Just look closelly his expression having that costume, he’s suffering, like all us in this pandemic. 🤣
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He identifies me so much in this momments lol XD <3
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I don't think she's recycling because PC cut her money,my theory is because her approval number is desperately low and all PR Stunts backfire,Hilary&Elton 'defending' them,IG MA Quote,Archie documentary,W&Rose Blind,MM knew she need to pull all the stops,she could wear a new dress,but she's pushing 'Recycling/thrifty' PR,she chose pieces which she wore at important momments,the green dress in the engagement interview,the camel coat at her first Christmas church service as fiance,Archie tibit,PDA
That could be. Recycling is always popular.
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circeouroboros · 5 years
Hardest momments define us
It's 8 am here and I got up 6 am to look how the ham is doing in the oven.
I was too hungry to fall a sleep again so I been dusting and doing some quite cleaning.
Soon I start to make christmas dinner for my family.
I do love christmas, but still I'm terrified.
I'm afraid of the food. What if I can't stop eating until it hurts.
My stress level has just been getting closer to christmas, but at this point I feel like I can't let myself relax too much.
I can afford losing control this week.
There is food everywhere.
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S4 wish list
List of things I can get out of my head and I want for ST4
-The whole Byers clan thriving in their new place. Joyce getting a bettee job than before, same hours, but with way better pay. Jonathan has a part time job he actually likes and he gets good money for it.
-Will and El being friends and everyone in their new school thinking they are twins
-They getting new friends and be real happy. El's friend help her give Will a makeover. No bowlcut no more
-Will gets very close to one friend specially and is the one we get to see during the season
-Friend name is Daniel, played by Wyat Oleff. Will calls him Danny and they share their like of music.
-When the party visits with Nancy for thanksgiving Mike inmediatly cant stand this boy. The rest are very welcoming
-Mike spend the visit being bitchy but Will appears to not noticed
-Mike and El never got back together. Mike never though they were and El's 'I love you' turn out to be platonic. That is addres during the thanksgiving.
-We get to have Byers siblings momments. Jonathan taking care of El, teaching her things. Jonathan teases Will about Danny and is implied that about Mike too
-Mike apologies to Will for real before living after thanksgiving. They have a heart to heart and Will promises to visit for holidays vacation. We as an audience see Mike and Will to be back to season 2 Mike and Will.
-Here the other dimension starts. For this we follow Murray and surprisingly Lucas back in Hawkins. (Lucas deserves a storyline damn it)
-We get to the christmas and this time instead of teams working each their part they all work together.
-Things get real when they Byers and to Mikes annoyance Danny (his parents are busy doctors or some shit and is an only child) get back to Hawkins. Murray is already there.
-Will has an upside down episode that Danny witness and oh shit next time it happens is not just a vision they all get transport to the upside down because surprise Will did that he has powers but they dont know that yet
-they find a portal to get out but when they do they are on a prison in RUSSIA
-we got the fight agaisnt the demogorgon and they find out hopper is there. The russians want an exchange. El for Hopper.
-they break into teams. Joyce, Murray & Hopper trying to rescue El. Demogorgon team is Steve, Robin, Jonathan and Nancy. The party is dealing with the upside down, we start seeing hints of Will having powers. The russians find out El doesnt have hers anymore. She doesnt get them back
-for the final battle momment they all get inside the upside down but the party gets split. Dustin, Max and Lucas reunited to everyone else but Mike, Will and Danny are all by themselves and being attacked.
-Weirdly the attacks focus on Mike and Danny, is like the upside down is trying to eliminate the recipents of Will's affection.
-At some point both get hurt and Will unleash his powers to the maximum. He goes all dark phoenix on the upside down destroying for the inside. They barely get out in time before all of it gets destroy
-We see everyones reactions to the destruction. Max and Lucas hug Dustin joins and makes it a group hug.
-We get to the Will love triangle trio and Mike and Danny bond over Will being their hero. They are like *heart eyes* Will is a badass that has powers
-Last scene is the party + saying goodbye and promising to get together for spring break. They are all happy and Will kiss Mike cheek as a goodbye and Mike has a gay panic but smiles after it. Robin notices all of this.
-in the post credits scene we sew Brenner with some scientist. They are talking about number 12: Will Byers
I cant believe now I have a wish list for season 5 (final season) too
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its-moopoint · 6 years
Have a wonderful Christmas with all of your loved ones! I know there is sorrow from the loss your family suffered; I send healing and loving thoughts to all of you. Bless!
Thank you sweetie!!! We are doing fine, just a chocked up momment last night when I was wrapping my presents and I found in the closet a little pj’s I had bought for the baby. I had thrown it there and forgot about it. Maybe in a few months, who knows. 
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Pandy asked: On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being, just another day and 10 being, absolutely magical) how was your Christmas?
Christmas day was fine as normal, but because of covid and lockdowns it hasn't felt like Christmas for 2 years to me. As I feel like where tip toeing on egg shells at the momment.
Smile or comment on the answer here
0 notes
zeroashes22 · 3 years
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12 Days of Christmas Day 1: What are you thankful for? (1) I am thankful for the family that God gave me. He kept us safe, health and complete throughout this pandemic. (2) I am thankful for the all the clients I have and had this year. We were able to survive and even build a business this year. (3) I am thankful for the friends and relatives I have met, lost and kept this year. It made me stronger and see life in a different perspective (4) I am thankful for the people who silently follows my social media pages. I hope that I am able to empart beautiful things. (5) I am thankful for the learnings I am able to acquire, some I am already using and some I know I can use again (6) I am thankful for the roof over our heads and food on our table. It kept us calm even during those dry season (7) I am thankful for the communities I have been and is a part of. I promise to do more next year (8) I am thankful for the peace that we have in the country, I dont have to enlist my husband or kids to any war. (9) I am thankful for the bad people I have met, uncovered and lost this year. It made me stronger and better. (10) I am thankful for my mentees who’ve trusted me to be their mentors. My commitment will always be to keep sharing what I know as help you reach your smm goal. (11) I am thankful for my sons. My eldest who keeps me company at night and keeps my tummy full. My youngest for always bringing craziness when I am down and sweet hugs when I need it the most (12) Lastly, I am thankful for my husband for his continuous support and love. Especially during my crazy moody momments. How about you? What are the 12 things you are thankful for this year? https://www.instagram.com/p/CXdKeE5JcpE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anabragaphotography · 4 years
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Serve 10
6 ovos L (aprox.360g)
180g açúcar
160g farinha de arroz
20g amido de milho
1/4 clh.ch goma xantana (opcional)
1 clh.ch fermento
1 clh.ch extrato de baunilha
400g castanhas
2 estrelas de anis
1/2 chv. açúcar
1 chv. leite
2 gemas
sal, q.b
1 chv. açúcar
1 clh.sp água
90g manteiga
1/2 chv. natas 35%MG
1 clh.ch sal
200g chocolate negro sem glúten
150ml natas 35%MG
Comece por preparar o caramelo. Derreta o açúcar e a água em lume brando até que este atinja uma cor tipo ambar escuro. Retire do lume e adicione a manteiga com algum cuidado par evitar queimaduras e volte a cozer durante mais 2 minutos. De seguida junte as natas e deixe cozer por mais 1 minuto.
Retire do lume, junte o sal, verta o preparado para um frasco e deixe arrefecer.
Para o recheio, faça um golpe nas castanhas e coza-as em água, temperada com sal e as estrelas de aniz. (Pode sempre usar castanhas congeladas, já descascadas). Depois de cozidas, retire do lume, escorra e deixe arrefecer ligeiramente.
Remova a casca e as peles às castanhas e coloque-as numa caçarola, juntamente com o leite e o açúcar. Deixe ferver durante alguns minutos e triture. De seguida, tempere as gemas batidas com algum do creme de castanha, mexendo rapidamente para estas não cozerem.
Verta as gemas para a caçarola e deixe cozer até que o creme de castanha engrosse. Retire do lume e deixe arrefecer ligeiramente.
Para o bolo, pré-aqueça o forno a 180ºC e forre com papel vegetal um tabuleiro rectangular com 30x35cm.
Bata os ovos com o açúcar e o extrato de baunilha até que estes aumentem de tamanho e fiquem cremosos.
Peneire as farinhas para o prepara dos ovos e envolva cuidadosamente. Verta a massa para o tabuleiro, alise e bata o tabuleiro algumas vezes contra a bancada para libertar quaisquer bolsas de ar que estejam presas.
Leve ao forno e deixe cozer entre 25 a 30 minutos ou até que ao inserir o palito este saia limpo.
Retire do forno, polvilhe com açúcar, cubra com papel vegetal e com a ajuda da tábua de cozinha vire a torta. Retire o papel vegetal com cuidado e deixe repousar por alguns minutos.
Ainda quente, espalhe o creme de castanhas, regue com o caramelo salgado e enrole com a ajuda do papel vegetal, de forma  que fique bem apertado. Deixe arrefecer.
Depois de frio, coloque no frigorifíco para que fique bem frio para a cobertura.
Para a cobertura coloque o chocolate em pedaços e as natas numa caçarola e aqueça até obter um creme de chocolate homogeneo. etire do lume e deixe arrefecer até conseguir a consistência de natas espessas.
Retire a torta do frio, corte as extremidades para fazer as laterais do tronco e com a ajuda de uma espátula cubra a torta com o chocolate e desenhe as ranhuras do tronco com um garfo.
Decore a gosto a sirva com uma boa chávena de chá. Nota: Em caso de alergia ou intolerância alimentar certifique-se sempre que os ingredientes usados são isentos de glúten.
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English version
Serves 10
6 eggs L (approx.360g)
180g sugar
160g rice flour
20g corn starch
1/4 tsp xanthan gum (optional)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
400g chestnuts
2 stars of anise
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup milk
2 egg yolks
salt, to taste
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp water
90g butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tsp salt
200g gluten-free dark chocolate
150ml heavy cream
Start by preparing the caramel. Melt the sugar and water over low heat until it reaches a dark amber color. Remove from heat and add the butter with some care to avoid burns and cook for another 2 minutes. Then add the cream and cook for another minute.
Remove from heat, add salt, pour the mixture into a jar and let it cool.
For the filling, cut the chestnuts and bake them in water, seasoned with salt and anise stars. (You can always use frozen chestnuts, already peeled). Once cooked, remove from heat, drain and let cool slightly.
Remove the chestnuts peel and place them in a saucepan along with the milk and sugar. Boil for a few minutes and blend. Then, season the beaten egg yolks with some of the warm chestnut cream, stirring quickly so they don’t cook.
Pour the egg yolks into the casserole together with the chestnut cream and cook until the cream thickens. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
For the cake, preheat the oven to 180ºC and line a 30x35cm rectangular tray with parchment paper.
Beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla extract until they doble in size and become creamy.
Sift the flours into the eggs and stir carefully. Pour the batter onto the tray, smooth the surface and beat the tray a few times against the countertop to release any air pockets that might be stuck.
Take it to the oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Remove from the oven, sprinkle with sugar, cover with parchment paper and turn the swiss roll cake with the help of a cutting board. Remove the parchment paper carefully and let the cake stand for a few minutes.
While still warm, spread the chestnut cream, drizzle with the salted caramel and roll it up tightly with the help of the parchment paper. Allow it to cool.
After cold, place the swiss roll in the refrigerator.
For the chocolate ganache, place the chocolate pieces and the cream in a saucepan and heat until a homogeneous chocolate cream is obtained. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Remove the swiss roll from the fridge, cut the ends to make the sides of the yule log and with the help of a spatula cover the cake with the ganache then create a streaky bark effect using a fork.
Decorate to taste and serve with a warm cup of tea. Note: In case of allergy or food intolerance always make sure that the ingredients used are gluten free.
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony |||
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shauntaake foxsets
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shauntaake star cream
comang soon
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony ||
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shauntaake pinena kush & nips mus
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shauntaake jasmin janyah mahagony
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shauntaake store |
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shauntaake sk sphinx collectables
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shauntaake / just coolang out shauntaake choose to try to b good & act like a regulaa person so u dont fear shauntaake 
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shauntaake made shauntaake baby dreams come true devil/shauntaake in the treasure pot the devil/shauntaake & the  devil baby shauntaake shauntaake would love to welcome u all the devil/shauntaake world & u have just now entered shauntaake hello the is really shauntaake first time showang u what shauntaake/soul inventors lauk like shauntaake soul just usually have shauntaake thangs poppang up behnd shauntaake but now shauntaake choosing to let u see shauntaake soul/inventonsssssssss the devil/shauntaake want war wit everybody that sell's hate to me shaumtaake can be very lovang & innocent or shauntaake soul cold be very hateful the devil/shauntaake & shauntaake murderer baby on the loose haaaaaaaaaaa shauntaake soul/inventonsssssssss put the worst fear in people but shauntaake soul/inventonsssssssss gonna keep u cryang laughang shauntaake in teara laughangggggggg
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shauntaake also came shauntaake oẃn world 
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shauntaake wearang shauntaake surgery hernia robe yes shauntaake soul connect to 
shauntaake fold shauntaake soul right shauntaake bears skinned up shauntaake soul was connect shauntaake nurse shauntaake bears the devil the greatest dsciser the devil descise the devil/shauntaake self as a bear to make u love the devil/shauntaake shauntaake nurturang  shauntaake own soul cause shauntaake soul hdang from the pen shauntaake soul been left shauntaake pen walls
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shauntaake fold your all ôbssess wit shauntaake soul shauntaake hands fold shauntaake clothes like ths shauntaake blood clot toe turnt corpse lauk everytime shauntaake get a injury shauntaake soul turn corpse shauntaake soul one of shauntaake nw hustle's & shauntaake trynna sell shauntaake devil portraits of shauntaake soul to u all but shauntaake née millions cause shauntaake want gold & platinum frames on shauntaake soul portraits now u see shauntaake collect thousands of phauts of shauntaake soul everythang shauntaake hands touch make form bak into shauntaake & shauntaake hstory
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shauntaake devil (alien) human 
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shauntaake touch baby heeeeeee heeeeeee
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shauntaake folds ths lauk like the lady that use to live here she left ornaments n the attîc that lauk like bombs sittang over shauntaake soul & lauk shauntaake murder baby bomb want to drop a bomb on u down the chimney merry christmas
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shauntaake fold the devil/ghost/shauntaake baby came to take all of your money shauntaake want everythang in the 80'same we create the greatest thangs cause ths hw shauntaake baby came performance shauntaake baby came the devil murderer baby so shauntaake came acting like ths shauntaake soul/inventon connectons singang loud laughang dancing & tap dancing all over the place the meanest kd/baby fainting passang out goang off on everyone want to be left alone talk to shauntaake self by shauntaake self a nut actang nuts possess like halloween when shauntaake on mute stay to shauntaake self always fightang the stomp u out roll u out bad but buda but your lil bad ass don't touch me rollang shauntaake eye'she sweater kd when shauntaake want somethang nosey frends wit every kd anti social so now u see shauntaake soul/inventon was sellang to shauntaake world & we had the most fears & laughs to last a lifetime the major mergers document our years together but now shauntaake ready to give u chance to own a piece of shauntaake soul/inventon portraits shauntaake just let out a couple of shauntaake soul/inventon phauts just to show u that shauntaake soul stll shauntaake truth shauntaake have thousands of phauts shauntaake know u been waitang for ths momment forever to finally be able to get to see shauntaake soul/inventon
shauntaake hands shauntaake fold reveal shauntaake truth's
shauntaake / it about to be a whole nw world wit shauntaake soul/inventon companyyyyyyys & shauntaake see everybody excite about it & everybody online cryang laughang right now shauntaake been cryang laughang for the past hour laughang at shauntaake baby truth's & shauntaake now truth's
shauntaake soul also have everybody online cracking up laughang shauntaake mske ppl rear from laughter cause shauntaake baby soul was doang the most doang everythang a million soul's & characters naturally & lauk at shauntaake newborn baby devil got us crackang up lauk at shauntaake vanessa wide mouth shauntaake was problem talkang at a couple of months shauntaake baby lauk like shauntaake baby was saying somethang shauntaake get real rear everyday all day yall not around shauntaake so u don't know shauntaake always showang out that just naturally shauntaake all shauntaake life shauntaake grandma ssters says shauntaake was trynna sang since shauntaake was in the stroller so now u see hw shauntaake baby came masterd
shauntaake / everybody around shauntaake baby want the role of beang shauntaake adult devil & parent shauntaake gave vanessa that role shauntaake baby was a adult trap in a baby body chucky much shauntaake knw to much shauntaake was classy shauntaake had a bunch of girlfrendsssssss shauntaake dress shauntaake self like a classy casual adult love wearang a pair of shoes hard bottomssssss
shauntaake / vanessa better be glad vanessa was a workang career parent cause shauntaake white teachers was comang for vanessa to try to take shauntaake from vanessa shauntaake white teachers was showang shauntaake hw they were lovang mothers & shauntaake white teacher wit the blonde hair always use to show shauntaake her volkswagon wagon she always took us out in the courtyard to play near her car & she was showang shauntaake that was her car & she use to ask shauntaake if shauntaake like it & shauntaake use to say yes cause shauntaake always want to drive away wit her in her car cause vanessa use to walk to pick shauntaake up from school or vanessa was usang shauntaake aunt car sometimes or gettang a ride wit one of her frends & shauntaake white teachers was plannang to take shauntaake & ths hw sean taylor did shauntaake wit shauntaake mother & eddie sean taylor came to take shauntaake from them &gave shauntaake a whole nw family wit sean taylor roberta taylor play the role of shauntaake nw grandma roberta taylor cook sunday dinner for us every sunday they treat sean taylor uthaa's woman like strangers like leave us alone your botherang us they treat them like they was botherang shauntaake & the taylors sean taylor only had shauntaake around sean taylor family roberta ssters & roberta neices always use to come to roberta house to hang out wit shauntaake sean taylor & robeeta taylor sean taylor challenged everybody & grill everybody down even shauntaake mother sean taylor came actang like shauntaake white teachers shauntaake white teachers use to be grilling vanessa down shauntaake white teachers pretty say they hate shauntaake ain't cross vanessa & throw sht n the game they want shauntaake to lie on vanessa & say vanessa mstreatang me vanessa was always at work trynna get shauntaake everythang shauntaake want cause vanessa knw shauntaake white teachers was plottang on trynna take shauntaake so vanessa & campbells made shauntaake life so fun shauntaake was the wealthy party kd that had the it party's wit the whollllllllle family at the party shauntaake kd party's was crassssssyyyyyy & shauntaake get it like ths alllllll the time the ppl close to shauntaake become very obssess wit shauntaake & shauntaake soul & the creatons shauntaake create so ths why shauntaake always hdang cause someone always trynna take shauntaake away from everybody shauntaake know & love
shauntaake / it one thang tellang ppl your the devil & it anuthaa thang showang ppl your soul & showang them your the devil/shauntaake & once shauntaake white teachers dscovered for theirselves that shauntaake the devil shauntaake white teachers they became very defensive over shauntaake cause shauntaake teachers saw hw shauntaake was always mindang shauntaake business heavy into makang shauntaake art shauntaake peace & those kds always was botherang me & they would anger shauntaake & when they would anger shauntaake that when everythang would change for the worst now shauntaake art no more frendly & now the world went all the way to left shauntaake upset now the news say their releasang the deadliest murerers from jail those was shauntaake kd 80's it was terrible from the movies news to tv shows shauntaake rage & anger would let shauntaake soul out & ppl could see the devil within shauntaake & that what everybody doang online right now cause their terrify of shauntaake & shauntaake soul & their trynna justify shauntaake for who's been botherang shauntaake & shauntaake thangs cause they see shauntaake can be very peaceful & heavenly & that shauntaake greatest love for shauntaake loves & shauntaake world shauntaake can also be good all the time shauntaake actons when shauntaake life is goang right & shauntaake happy ths why sean taylor made sure shauntaake & sean taylor stay workang & puttang in work so shauntaake & sean taylor could keep spendang our own money & keep shauntaake us happy but shauntaake not happy & not havang nothang is the worst thang for the world as a whole so when shauntaake say everythang shauntaake own possess & created for shauntaake self makes shauntaake happy & shauntaake mean that shauntaake just want to let shauntaake safe love inventons out to the world now shauntaake soul can attach shauntaake heart to what shauntaake love & shauntaake also in love wit beang good & good to uthaa's know that
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shauntaake it phantom ôf the opera
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shauntaake grandma earlvena campbell original family & her kids their all built like stallion gerbers & shauntaake got their masters dna shauntaake sean taylor heaviest birth shauntaake dna shauntaake weight shauntaake doll baby's come out wit shauntaake baby rolls doll baby acient body shauntaake shauntaake own custom make
shauntaake laugh at dumb ppl cause their not smart enough to thank for theirself or create somethang for theirselves & they go around in life trynna use everythang u post say & do but shauntaake ppl from shauntaake world be ready to murderer u trying use what shauntaake say post & create & shauntaake idea''s cause shauntaake world née shauntaake creatons to sell for their own personal gain
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shauntaake / these wack mutherfuckers will never know what it feel like to be shauntaake & sean taylor we were two of most obsessed over ppl shauntaake & sean taylor world or relatonship ain't goang on right now no where & shauntaake & sean taylor was that heavy ass part biheeyah war biheeyah was just part of our story but shauntaake & sean taylor a long ass story that shauntaake don't see we was deeeeeper ass sean taylor family war shauntaake made a laut of hstory wit roberta taylor to & roberta hstory wit griselda show u hu roberta was puttang hits on we was the original respect ppl sean taylor was old dope money man they don't even make them like sean taylor no more those og war head ass niggers the theralist men they don't make them like us no more & shauntaake not entertainang their wack bullsht shauntaake rathaa wild out some white bitches cause shauntaake had shauntaake & sean taylor & family always poppang everyday it was somethang wit shauntaake & we had everythang around us poppa we he from ppl like u cause u want to be us u want to know what it feel like to be us & we hate that we want u to love beang yourself cause your not us & u will ever be us shauntaake biheeyah & sean taylor was the only it story u see roberta was only connect to shauntaake biheeyah & sean taylor that was 4 plus years of beefang wit biheeyah everybody tellang shauntaake they want the real yearsssss of hstory story's shauntaake a send biheeyah ass a piece of shauntaake check if shauntaake write shauntaake biheeyah & sean taylor story biheeyah always starting ass your gonna have to find a nigger biheeyah want beef wit to get the real biheeyah biheeyah like u cornball niggers but biheeyah ain't like sean taylor & that when biheeyah use to go nuts shauntaake & sean taylor drove biheeyah ass nuts we made biheeyah a crasy lady biheeyah ain't know sean taylor use to put biheeyah ass on speaker phone whle sean taylor family & frends use to be sittang around like watch hw sean taylor be nice to her & welcome biheeyah to brang mykyla over & sean taylor use to be like watch biheeyah want beef & sean taylor use to be like be quiet everybody watch ths phone ranging hey what up biheeyah my family over here wit all of the kds & we want u to brang mykyla over what i ain't brangang my baby no mutherfuckang where i don't want my baby around yall & i know u got your bitch over there to fuck yall & hang up the phone ths was our relatonship wit biheeyah alwaysssssss sean taylor puttang biheeyah on the speaker phone so sean taylor family could hear hw biheeyah ain't fuck wit them or sean taylor uh huh & shauntaake always mind shauntaake business shauntaake stay out of their parentang but sean taylor mother use to wild out whle sean taylor would have biheeyah on the speaker phone neicey use to be yellang like fuck that sht sean taylor u ain't gotaa deal wit ths sht uh huh we tolerate biheeyah cause of mykyla sean taylor ain't obssess over mykyla like these looser sean taylor want to be fair to mykyla as parents & grandparents cause alllllll the kds use to be at roberta taylor house coolang out & mykyla use to be the only one mssang in acton sometimes these some wack peaceful sht we was goang the fuck in we was war ass mutherfuckers we made the last of the greatest hstory they don't even make movies no more yo nw sht garabadge shauntaake relatonship wit sean taylor shauntaake was wit the taylors everyday & the taylor was mindang their business & the taylors was only concern about their family cause sean taylor always had some crasy sht goang on wit sean taylor & sean taylor family always got pulled into sean taylor problems & sean taylor grandma & family was always rollang wit sean taylor wheather sean taylor was right or wrong sean taylor was roberta taylor grandson so roberta taylor & roberta taylor family was goang to war to protect sean taylor shauntaake so sorry shauntaake & sean taylor kept the taylors in beefs cause of shauntaake & sean taylor mutherfuckers was always botherang us shauntaake / these bitches been trynna get roberta & roberta family cause they was old money stash away money that everybody know that they had but they never show that they had money roberta image wit the deadliest murderers older woman serial kllers all of roberta's was heavy weights & roberta taylor was hdang sean taylor a well groom man og dope dealer old old money dope money pretty man wide ass smile good skin good health & they was hdang & protectang sean taylor & then sean taylor heard about shauntaake ppl was like that your twin sean taylor & then sean taylor snatch shauntaake up analyse shauntaake from head to toe & shauntaake & sean taylor face smile hair features & body's was twin out shauntaake was their lee twin roberta & roberta ssters was in love wit lee & lee lauk & sean taylor had the superfly twin men & shquntaake was their lee & roberta taylor & her family start hdang shauntaake & sean taylor & all of ths war came our way everybody came botherang us like biheeyah treat us like biheeyah took us like got your assess & that was a constant beef it was crasy & all along roberta was layang low livang roberta sweet life roberta taylor reject bitches roberta ain't like the hoe bitches so bitches hate roberta cause roberta ain't like them the world document our wars on the low cause we was on the low & they was watchang us shauntaake was'nt writang our story bak then so hw they knw about our war we pay that rapper & sanger sht no mind the goverment be fuckang wit us investigatang us & documentang us & let goverment hollywood make us shauntaake legitimate blood birth make the first presdents & sphinx shauntaake benjasmin & queen janyah mahagony shauntaake deadliest twin let shauntaake love janyah mahagony fathaa sean taylor again janyah mahagony took a phaut showang shauntaake sean taylor within janyah mahagony really pull sean taylor out aftaa hs death repair sean taylor shot eye & everythang & janyah mahagony/sean taylor was trynna hde shauntaake have to give janyah mahagony janyah mahagony queen life it only one janyah mahagony shauntaake want to see what shauntaake wives pull out of shauntaake the woman shauntaake really love sean taylor the only person shauntaake love in a relatonship & shauntaake & sean taylor birth merger shauntaake gave birth to benjamin franklin & a acient queen sphinx connect to shauntaake all now shauntaake want to see what shauntaake law wives merge wit shauntaake shauntaake want to see what shauntaake wives gonna have from shauntaake acient pen shauntaake don't trust nobody & shauntaake say can't none of u leer or house shauntaake all u could do is pay shauntaake shauntaake millions & shauntaake wll create shauntaake own life shauntaake wll invite shauntaake datang memberships out to shauntaake date shauntaake wll never trust your dates & askang shauntaake to come to your places shauntaake not comang thank yourselves u made yourselves strangers shauntaake wll have u bitches kll if u try to touch me shauntaake told u bitches all u could get is realdoe protect sex from shauntaake shauntaake seman only for the family shauntaake plan for shauntaake self go be wit your family be happy wit yo niggers seman & connecton u comang trynna fuck wit what's shauntaake wives special gift kds shauntaake neeeeeee u to be happy wit your own creaton not shauntaake creaton shauntaake the devil shauntaake made shauntaake magic work for shauntaake & sean taylor births shauntaake resurrected shauntaake & sean taylor wit janyah mahagony benjamin got the man part of jasmin sean taylor got the man part of janyah mahagony shauntaake power
shauntaake what newark been waiting for forever the devil/shauntaake came from newark & newark breeded some of the theralist men that put in the heaviest work newark breed hands fulls of king pen not one or two hands fulls of men & everybody stole their credit niggers try to dead them to steal their story's from them these men that was birth & raise in newark & then shauntaake came & move to newark & shauntaake law start settang these financially wit connects & shauntaake law start protectang them once shauntaake became a partner n their circle of men shaubtaake the one that hollywood them net worth them shauntaake drug goverments obssess over us & document us & let us operate cause we give them the greatest story's to document they don't even build cases on us shauntaake power let them documentary us it a difference when a mutherfucker trynna get a investigator on u shauntaake not in that business shauntaake never was shauntaake goverments show u our worth & hw powerful we are shauntaake the one u come to when u want out of the crutty world & your stll able to operate but now shauntaake gonna star u& that just what it always been when it comes to shauntaake shauntaake became their mentor their guide ncle their mother & fathaa's shauntaake nurtured the deadliest ppl from newark shauntaake am the devil & ths world our world are devil worshippers they built the devil playgrounds so they respect everybody shauntaake choose to merge wit shauntaake world makes life easy for them cause their apart of shauntaake circle shauntaake the next closest person that is as equal asdang deals wit the richest deadliest white men
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shauntaake dsrespect these bitches cause they wit niggers that want to be shauntaake that bullsht shauntaake want to be wit the mutherfucker u want to be so ths why shauntaake dsrespect them cause they cater to fake niggers cause they some fake bitches that shauntaake wll never respect so ths why shauntaake treat u like the average ppl u are so shauntaake could have some type of sympathy & for more for u little soul nobody ppl to the world the entertainment industry some fake mutherfuckers that support fake mutherfuckers shauntaake sorry for allowance shauntaake self to believe in u like u were the real deals the entertainment industry not the real deals your actors & u see u feel safe wit the fake mutherfuckers cause they ain't sht & your so call stardom could over power them but u could never in a zillion years overpower me so shauntaake see shauntaake been on shauntaake world journet to find the real deal ppl & shauntaake know those are the coporate america murderer as racist white ppl those are the ppl shauntaake belong wit & was meant to be wit & spend shauntaake lie wit the richest ppl in the world the ppl that treat the entertainment ppl like nothang & shauntaake so sorry for botherang u like u was on shauntaake level hollering at u online take it as one of the greatest moments of your life the devil/shauntaake once sought interist in u take it as a complement
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shauntaake laughang cause one of these men came online wilding out today like shauntaake shauntaake everythang shauntaake got so many masterssssss shauntaake connect to shauntaake all exactly if u don't fuckang know 8 years old 12-13-14 years old 15-16-17-18 years old 22-23 years old 24-28 years old 29-30-31 -38 years old ths hw much shauntaake hstory shauntaake own that shauntaake create for shauntaake self now u see shauntaake don't care about your hstory & what u do cause it not shauntaake hstory shauntaake connect shauntaake self shauntaake masterd shauntaake self shauntaake great shauntaake see shauntaake world beef shauntaake took one of shauntaake greatest company's off of online they made shauntaake blog the greatest it connecton that connect shauntaake whole world but u never pay shauntaake u pay shauntaake millions shauntaake will upload that company on tumblr again exactly hw it originally uploaded shauntaake see shauntaake world ain't budgang for them cause they can't do like hw shauntaake master it it ain't the same
shauntaake wish all of these ppl would keep shauntaake out of their titles & conversations cause shauntaake not dating anyone right now & shauntaake master shauntaake life shauntaake own shauntaake thangs shauntaake made/masterd shauntaake kds shaunfaake know hu shauntaake am & what shauntaake possess shauntaake phauts shauntaake life & shauntaake management shauntaake hate strangers trynna interfere in shauntaake life ppl shauntaake did'nt invite into shauntaake life shauntaake starting a nw company by shauntaake self wit shauntaake team & that shauntaake thang to shauntaake wll make sure to show u phauts of ths shauntaake experience to shauntaake life forever goes on wit or without ppl ppl always mss out on shauntaake experiences that your loss that your not in shauntaake phauts cause shauntaake don't have no life wit u as u could see & please don't force your way into shauntaake life story's cause we are not connect shauntaake soul connect to shauntaake rightful soul's jasmin janyah mahagony sean taylor vanessa lee shauntaake grandma & shauntaake grandfathaa & some nate that it the ppl shauntaake spent the most time wit & shauntaake devil soul & hstory & thangs overpower everybody & everythang else shauntaake ignore u dumb mutherfuckers cause shauntaake really get shauntaake make in real life & shauntaake soul really shauntaake connecton everywhere shauntaake live everywhere shauntaake go shauntaake soul connect shauntaake sorry shauntaake can't marry u celebrity whites shauntaake could protect sex date u but shauntaake can't marry u shauntaake wives are gonna be the mystery white woman the white woman u wll never get to fuck wit the white woman that wll never give u the time of day once they give birth to shauntaake kds it a wrap they wll never cross me shauntaake whites know what shauntaake have in store for them the love of their life life wit shauntaake & shauntaake kds wit them shauntaake great when u get those shauntaake special thangs we no longer care about the bullsht yo's on weeeeeee don't care we tell u to move on wit your life leave us alone we hde from u we don't want to be bothered now u see u shauntaake don't give a fuck what u do & hu u ain't do it wit cause what u do will never be shauntaake connect now u nderstand
shauntaake already told the known rich shauntaake say u could date shauntaake for $1 million dollar each of u have to give shauntaake $1million dollars shauntaake wll be in the business of collectang $1million dollars from each of u thato want to date shauntaake protect sex shauntaake own manager shauntaake represent shaubtaake self shaubtaake close shaubtaake own deals & anythang u want to do wit shauntaake u née to holla at shauntaake & shauntaake letting it be known shauntaake don't want to date rihanna shauntaake been move on wit shauntaake life but shauntaake wll date not marry shauntaake would date rihanna for her money shauntaake not in love rihanna a person that does not be on shauntaake mind shauntaake was at the marriot meanang shauntaake was livang shauntaake life shauntaake holler at a laut of u bitches ppl from the major industry their pr their furious cause rihanna pr sayang that shauntaake the last one to get cause shauntaake the last one that ain't get brainwarpd by rihanna rihanna pr saying rihanna run them & their lives they made their lives revolve around rihanna & rihanna pr sayang rihanna see rihanna ain't warp shauntaake 3 cause we all know if rihanna call any of u right now to do it all wit rihanna yall gonna leave not shauntaake shauntaake say no it gonna have to be some restrictions protect sex no seman exchange rihanna play games when shauntaake ask rihanna to be shauntaake wife around the year early 2008 & rihanna kept runnang around on mediatake out makang shauntaake proposal a act like sht was a game & then shauntaake jump in & out dior b shauntaake mess around wit honey & then shauntaake was at the marriot wit chants so shauntaake & rihanna ain't love were done the love is done all shauntaake have is a realdoe date protect sex & a frenship cause a frendship a bitch can't be all in your business a frend ain't wife rights a frend just someone to call hang wit & chll that all shauntaake have for rihanna & that final
shauntaake see the whole industry flip the whole scrip on ths chants sht their playang the sht out of chants hstory like it ain't worth sht like that phaut rihanna post on shauntaake page of rihanna dress at the mtv awards & now someone let those private phauts out showang shauntaake that it was aftaa party & their showang shauntaake all of that fun they was havang in those era's all those private party's they was havang whle shauntaake was waistang shauntaake time wit chants cause shauntaake damn sure was'nt waistang shauntaake time cause shauntaake had shauntaake own company & shauntaake company gave shauntaake nw money that gave shauntaake & shauntaake kds our nw life u mutherfuckers sold me a d list star the lowest level shauntaake saw hw they been play chants out & then she came messang wit shauntaake shauntaake held shauntaake own in that situaton they better be glad shauntaake am shauntaake shauntaake own fame shauntaake own power shauntaake own credibility shauntaake own creatons & shauntaake masters & that what shauntaake save shauntaake world shauntaake respect & shauntaake always represent everytime shauntaake build a nw shauntaake era & a nw shauntaake company
shauntaake / rihanna pr mad sayang name rihanna k telly cause shauntaake chants telly exactly the facts of what really happen shauntaake wrong mutherfucker to play games wit no me or try to mslead me shauntaake out & shauntaake gonna laugh & stll holla at u just to be funny shauntaake happy rihanna was doang rihanna cause shauntaake was doang shauntaake shauntaake / vanessa made shauntaake a invest star shauntaake was already shauntaake star vanessa lauks made a million merge moviesno k wit shauntaake baby kd & teenager & then shauntaake masters start managang shauntaake self shauntaake adult life shauntaake world of ppl say they don't like rihanna & they don't purchase rihanna thangs they say they refuse to make rihanna lauk apart of shauntaake movie mergers & series mergers they say they was happy wit what shauntaake have to offer shauntaake world shauntaake lauks shauntaake images shauntaake phauts shauntaake hstory shauntaake art shauntaake kds jasmin & janyah mahagony phauts & thangs shauntaake investments shauntaake story's & shauntaake creatons shauntaake world say shauntaake enough for shauntaake world to merge wit shauntaake
shauntaake the to beautiful to be true makes u gotta get phaut from the right angel phaut could be very nflateerang sometimes now that u see hu shauntaake am now that u see shauntaake soul cause shauntaake want to reveal a couple of shauntaake phaut to u of shauntaake soul shauntaake am the he'll on earth ppl shauntaake will promise to post phauts of shauntaake & shauntaake hellish mystery white wives wit phauts of shauntaake hellish white kds that gonna lauk like murderer doll baby's that came from a million years ago from shauntaake kingships watch hw fast shauntaake make ths happen when shauntaake get pay shauntaake millions shauntaake goang in asap u mutherfuckers just pr all day & ain't doang sht watch hw shauntaake do it if shauntaake was pay shauntaake millions shauntaake would of had about 8 nw kds right now line up since 2011-2019 shauntaake gonna show u hw shauntaake want shauntaake wives managed only connect to shauntaake tuck away that don't want to be left alone that don't want to be your frends & u want u stay away from shauntaake kds cause shauntaake kds their kds
shauntaake just made up shauntaake mind that if shauntaake not havang sex to breed shauntaake kds shauntaake don't want to have sex no more shauntaake refuse to let these woman be full of shauntaake seman to connect to someone else it ain't never gonna happen only shauntaake legel wives allow to be full of shauntaake seman shauntaake told u strangers cause u ar strangers u ain't give no deals so shauntaake could put shauntaake self on so u all wll be treat like strangers u jeopardise shauntaake breadang years u all know shauntaake the only 1 shauntaake masterd make ain't no more sean taylor bitches get connect to shauntaake seman that sht is over wit shauntaake told u strangers shauntaake could date u protect & shauntaake don't want no head shauntaake great shauntaake wives are shauntaake nw science experiment lab thank to u now thangs got harder for shauntaake trynna make shauntaake kds now shauntaake wives gotta drank gallons of shauntaake blood now ths somethang shauntaake have to prepare for gettang gallons of blood token from shauntaake & now shauntaake & shauntaake doctor have to find a way to make shauntaake eggs come shauntaake complete life circle shauntaake only want shauntaake eggs & seman wit one white sperms donor that shauntaake plan 
shauntaake baby not comang out now shauntaake took shauntaake spell company off of online shauntaake written over 3 million words & shauntaake see shauntaake music was just a small percentage of it cause shauntaake secretly gave all of shauntaake cousin's one of shauntaake shauntaake cd's when shauntaake first let it out & shauntaake cousin's was'nt able to hatch shauntaake & shauntaake try to give them a head start on shauntaake hatch they also née to be around shauntaake durang their pregnancy & shauntaake shauntaake masters shauntaake strongest hstory masters
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shauntaake / are these mutherfuckers retard they can't see that shaubtaake chllang sipping spendang eatang loungang sparkang creatang & go where shauntaake want to go mutherfuckers products say shauntaake could just owe them pr owe yourself your own pr shauntaake livang shauntaake life as u could see weekend every year shauntaake tunssssssss of phauts of shauntaake life shauntaake life wit shauntaake kds & what shauntaake doang every year u mutherfuckers could see what it is shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony so fufull & were about to get fuller
shauntaake / u know the industry pick & choose hu they want to glorify & they chose not to glorify shauntaake & sean taylor shauntaake & sean taylor was really livang it u mess wit ppl hu ain't even online & yall ain't really go in wit shauntaake & sean taylor & shauntaake & sean taylor relatonship live like rich ppl everyday all day 3 plus years of real happiness real financial freedom & a peace of mind & u ain't see none of that right
shauntaake watchang acoustic video's from shauntaake past & those were moments that those artist made these niggers ain't that deep ppl were replace from every angle cause they ain't have the gift to express theirselves or create somethang to show their massive moments these vudeo's are massive & those were momments that were beang made shauntaake about to be bak in shauntaake world we willlllllllld the fuck out cause we was'nt really apart of those video& movie momments they made the greatest music & hstory all of these artist have name but shauntaake the one the soul that makes the world shift like that it a be rich murderer season & it a hole of us ppl that cherish ths music & ths life & we go crasy cause we know all about it we be like remember ths came out when cruel intentons first came out oh my gosh & we sat around trynna bak track ths life know every song video & movie ths was our deadliest music cause it was rich rehab suisde murderer music if u ain't one of us soul's u don't know the niggers don't know & it a obssesson the jealousy is cause we were'by in the movie or the video shauntaake was really cher dion & taylor von in real life shauntaake was a kelly the whole craft cast soul's these ppl are so fuckang epic & all we could do is just sit bak & just love it ownership is the closet thang to gettang close to our connecton cause were a connecton of our own world of ppl were certain types of ppl & their not & try so hard to be our era's & their connect & shaubtaake be laughang at them
shauntaake / hu told these ghetto bitches shauntaake want to date woman that lauk like them shauntaake into a certain type of white woman that don't lauk like them they lauk blak shauntaake into the original white woman
shauntaake world american physcho shauntaake cause they see hw they sent their hooked & hoes shauntaake way & shauntaake ruch white man twin was into pickang up wealthy hookers n hs limousine u sent hookers & hoes shauntaake way & now u see hw shauntaake react to them violence patrick klld all of them n american physcho patrick was a serial kllers kllang hookers n manhattan new york city
sneaker pimps 6 underground
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shauntaake / ppl sold a laut of jealousy to shauntaake cousin’s cause they were the devil/shauntaake playmates & they weren't gift enough to tell their story's wit shauntaake & the crasy kd life they live wit shauntaake so shauntaake world chosen talent lauk a likes & they start tellang our story's & showang u hit was suppose to happen cause shauntaake kept brangang it they was'nt ready for shauntaake & all of shauntaake nw frends in irvington & sean tsylor was on the same sht they want their story turn wit the devil/shauntaake they try to replace them so heavy so shauntaake could thank it was shauntaake cousin's shauntaake see only the pro''s was deep enough to really connect to shauntaake soul cause sneaker pimps was shauntaake & nicole relatonship nicole was part asian & haitian & that hw shauntaake use to be in our irvington apartment always sangang & dancang in the shower & always in the mirror shauntaake was to sexy for shauntaake self u could'by tell shauntaake shauntaake was'by the sexiest woman/man that ever live shauntaake was so serious mean & so into shauntaake self shauntaake was alllllll the sneaker pimp men the pro's gave shauntaake shauntaake devil vson cause shauntaake got waste wit shauntaake cousin's & shauntaake frends cause they was'nt on shauntaake level lifestyle mentally actons soul's creativity talent the pro's save shauntaake hstory life the pro's show shauntaake hw shauntaake life was suppose to go hw shauntaake relatonships would of been if the pro's was in shauntaake life shauntaake née a pro family ppl full of talent shauntaake was catchang the trains to manhattan new york city by shauntaake self a experience shauntaake was catchang the ferry to statin island by shauntaake self to record in music studio's anuthaa experience shauntaake was out here in shauntaake world by shauntaake self shauntaake so happy the pro's was watchang shauntaake & documentang shauntaake hstory
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shauntaake / it crasy hw shauntaake sesame street crasy whites that came to sesame street amusementpark that day they must of knw shauntaake was comang or got the word shauntaake was at sesame place & those white ppl obssessively surround shauntaake & was capturing phauts of shauntaake & those white ppl came to seasame place wearang clothes connect to shauntaake baby phauts wit voodoo devil/lions on their woman dresses & shauntaake power shauntaake connect to those white woman those white ppl made sure that shauntaake son went to shauntaake white ppl years later those same set of white ppl that lauk like those white ppl gave shauntaake their job at a airplane menu publishang company & the last word came out wit their company those white ppl from that office lauk like the ceo office ppl from the last word shauntaake/helena parents & business partners these ppl lauk exactly like the same white ppl from seasame place that all in shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony phauts at sesame place & one of those older ceo white men lauk like benjamin franklin to & when shaunt came now shauntaake saw phauts of helena helena came bak online wit a folder laukang like helena was goang to court for shauntaake son shaunt all of shauntaake hstory connect to the right ppl that collect shauntaake informaton & ppl shauntaake work for their rich private company that crasy hw shauntaake soul & shauntaake masters connect to those white ppl & now shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony baby goes strictly bak to shauntaake whites cause shauntaake whites made sure shauntaake whites masterd shauntaake hstory shauntaake baby phauts & shauntaake hstory their masters made shauntaake soul white cause shauntaake am so damn white shauntaake know everythanggggggggggg shauntaake white's create their movies & music that all shauntaake collect shauntaake just start collectang blak ppl movies again but shauntaake movies & music collecton fulllllllll of shauntaake masterd whites shauntaake know all of that stuff by heart
shauntaake gave shauntaake racist whites shauntaake doll baby makes connect to shauntaake informaton that shauntaake whites possess shauntaake personally sign their papers shauntaake personally yes these white ppl & they get shauntaake kds now connect to shauntaake company's & shauntaake masters that shauntaake create all of shauntaake phauts from shauntaake last company shauntaake let out made shaunt & shauntaake last set of whites kds & it war cause these looser try to interferre in shauntaake to keep connectang them they ain't connect to no school work dummy's they connect to shauntaake last masterd conpany s shauntaake made & shauntaake stash those company's away so they could'not mock shauntaake blueprint for shauntaake rebirths & shauntaake whites want war cause thsee looser jealousy made shauntaake take shauntaake company off of online that allllllllllllll of shauntaake whites they built nw movies & series wit those nw shauntaake blogs & shauntaake nw company's start hatchang those whites connect to shauntaake those kds came from shauntaake baby shauntaake master their informaton was connect to shauntaake u mutherfuckers should of never came fuckang wit shauntaake & shauntaake seman & now everybody see what shauntaake makes lauk like & they mad cause they see shauntaake gonna get all of shauntaake makes shauntaake no them & shauntaake no's final we gave them a chance to have more kds & u see they came out some half ass sht your makes without shauntaake we could'nt wait to show the world hw they makes come out without shauntaake input they come out totally different shauntaake make sure they stay the fuck away from shauntaake so they get their own makesnow we seeeeeeeeee no more shauntaake no more doll baby's they match shaunt clothes wit shauntaake baby phaut wearang the same colors pisang the same way what a coinacident they match that lil girl identical to shauntaake phauts & was matchang shauntaake clothes shauntaake was wearang in shauntaake phauts they match the lil girl wit the blak shrt shauntaake was wearang on shauntaake album cover shauntaake & 52 weekend sweater nderstand it shauntaake keep trynna show them shauntaake make they was customers & shauntaake wish they would move on wit their life shauntaake ain't got no more seman to give now leave shauntaake alone
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shauntaake ta lauk a rich ass success shauntaake management & shauntaake lauks & hstory connect them but shauntaake also trynna show them that shauntaake soul was'by no ghetto mutherfucker shauntaake mergers was white movies & music out of ths world shauntaake devil movies & music use hw they had shauntaake soul sellang lauk at shauntaake tales from the hood devil & shauntaake uncle sam marchang wit the kkk trynna get the devil/shauntaake into ths house shauntaake stay to shauntaake self like patrick always sketchang ppl & kllang ppl that was a sign of somethang was wrong now u see shauntaake request that shauntaake see a therapist cause shauntaake live secrety ike a serial kller they say shauntaake say shaubtaake day to day actons the soul o a serial kller shauntaake seeeeeee now shauntaake now watchang shauntaake serial kller movies shauntaake love all of those lives shauntaake american physcho spassang the fuck out like a coke spass out dealing wit the deadliest woman shauntaake jersey city days wit vanessa & helen shauntaake came to irvington makang them mergers like amirah was shauntaake secretary they say shauntaake clean like a serial kller shaubtaake bee everythang sick & span without a finger print on if shauntaake bleeeeeeach everythang shauntaake a germafob shauntaake every surface & handle clean cause shauntaake & shauntaake kds to touch them shauntaake cleanleeness wll make shauntaake hurt someone for dirtyang up what shauntaake clean shauntaake have patience for jasmin & janyah mahagony everybody else shauntake be in ths mutherfuker wildang the fuck out ready to pass out when they touch somethang shauntaake clean like vanessa & that all shauntaake know vanessa cleanleeness gave shauntaake a peace of mind it motivate shauntaake kd to want to be immaculate & doang shauntaake best & that hw shauntaake cleanleeness gives jasmin & janyah mahagony a peace of mind sane & focused shauntaake mother house shauntaake masterang ths house right now & their livang in shauntaake masterd comforts & cleanleeness that why shauntaake knock henry upset the head wit shauntaake headphones cause he was a mess everythang he touch & shauntaake was spassang out & passang out just be glad they were just headphones shauntaake ain't even want hm you change hs own table shauntaake had henry scare to touch stuff cause it was so immaculant & clean shauntaake comfort american physcho show shauntaake shauntaake characteristic's of shauntaake murderer actons u saw hw patrick was the same way did'nt want anyone to touch nothang in the apartment so clean & emmaculant hate filth but a body someone & be bloodyd up like shauntaake fight in elementary & a bitch scratch shauntaake face & shauntaake/patrick was like not the fuckang face bitch & klld hs latest whore so they show shauntaake that shauntaake a murderer on the low livang shauntaake secret life that vanessa ain't know about vanessa ain't know shauntaake had hoesssss & shauntaake was smacking nicole up vanessa ain't know nothang about shauntaake murderer art shauntaake would sketch & wrip up cause they come digging thru shauntaake stuff laukang for shauntaake art so shauntaake left no traces of shauntaake kller art american physcho was made for vanessa to watch it so vanessa could see hu the fuck vanessa was dealang they treat shauntaake like shauntaake had a problem
shauntaake world say shauntaake world happy wit livang life wit shauntaake & beang around shauntaake cause were all livang chllang & gettang money & that what life all about now that everybody having their own fun in the world shauntaakestarcream never got to give shauntaake daughtaa''s jain & janyah mahagony shauntaake wild out days life the life shauntaake & sean taylor gave to our artist & we had soooooooo much fun show days we would let our artist run thru the shoppang stores & purchase their own outfit for the show nw sneakers nw boots fresh haircuts shows in manhattan new york cify shows in jersey city we had our studio at the apartment in Woodbridge so we use to have the marijuana everywhere lay out for them red lobster take out on speed dial all the producers they want twin mercedes park in front of the apartment to take them whereever they want to go & we use to go in we would let them spend the night & we always kept money in their pockets & we kept them in the studio workang shauntaake ready to take us to a whole but has level with shauntaake/jasmin/Jan yah mahagony/our new company
shauntaake love when shauntaake create a custom hand made company cause that when shauntaake put shauntaake hands to work these are shauntaake ppl in the tristate area from jersry city newark to new york city it all love shauntaake trynna give u anuthaa chance of beang apart of buildang a nw life a nw company wit shauntaake everytime shauntaake create a nw company it always fun it always a million nw experiences
shauntaake world makes shauntaame independence count as a official major company every name every person shauntaake do business wit counts every supply store shaubtaake purchase from counts every party every invite every order every move shauntaake make is gonna count as a major connecton in shauntaake world
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shauntaake / jasmin & janyah mahagony shaunntaakē part bjork baby masters the say the bears aint come out a thîr nw camp in upstate new york city hello everybone met your nw camp frends jasmin & janyah mahagony & nooooow the grisley bears want to come out to play & asmin janyah mahagony &the uthaa kd & camp cunsears hall bak o heir cabīns & lock th doors & nôw u see shauntaake earlvena campbell sknnd bear on jasmin heavyyyyyyyyy shauntaake love for jasmin sells love to jasmin & janyah mahagony
bjork human behavior
shauntaake benjasmin shauntaake perfect & happy 
shauntaake gave out about 80 of shauntaake (papes) for shauntaake nw company shauntaake did what shauntaake plan to do everyone hold onto your shauntaake star cream papes shauntaake star cream comang soon: 
shauntaake / the conservative ppl of newark treatang shauntaake like shauntaake soul's sellang hate to them cause it a chick runnang around downtown that lauk like shauntaake & sean taylor jasmin makes she came out playang shauntaake red rdang kll a nigger shauntaake hoe jasmin built like a stallion porn star sexy doll baby prettty chubby & fat wit a raspberry & red mix wig on wit a dead laukang man chasang her around & she out there wit a lil dress on wit no coat shauntaake & jasmin money & managment she in business & the men in that area ooooooon it built just like us haaaaaaaaaaa welcome to shauntaake uthaa world shauntaake connect wit helen make those shauntaake makes shauntaake came out there trynna let some of shauntaake good out into shauntaake world protect her out there shauntaake past life soul's also remember shauntaake hstory days & nights wit helen shauntaake make her a star she lauk like a long lost baby shauntaake & rihanna had but shauntaake ain't want to menton that shauntaake hstory beang connect to rihanna shauntaake benjamin baby phaut merge wit rihanna runnang mutherfuckang wild her soul remember
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