#clay is definitely coming back
cunningwise · 2 years
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Background characters are fun
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Sonic fits entirely within the 17 px brush I used to use for linework. Love a tiny powerhouse
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meanderfall · 4 years
i could be wrong since i dont spend that much time in other character’s tags, but the amount of bad faith takes on cad i’ve had to sift through is nuts
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toomuchdickfort · 3 years
It’s past midnight which means it’s either time for me to think about characters having feelings or characters getting hurt
#or both#both is very much an option#but atm I’m thinking about Dravik staying at the grange household and will is asleep in the gues bedroom and Derrek is in the living room#because he couldn’t sleep (it gets harder every time he comes back and he doesn’t like thinking about it) and Dana comes out and he almost#wouldnt notice her if she didn’t have eyes that glow (and it took him a second anyway- she’s good at sneaking up on folks) and she asks him#why he’s up and if he can help and he just sort of mumbles something without really deciding to any words so she just sits with him for a#little while before leaving and coming back to show him her collection of small clay things that she’s been making for the past several#years and there’s something so heartfelt in listening to her talk and he definitely doesn’t cry* and sure he doesn’t sleep that night but he#does get to hold onto a very small bear holding a box for the night which is nice#*he does cry a little bit but she doesn’t bring it up beyond squeezing his hand and handing him said bear and he probably cries a little#more after she gets her water and goes back to bed#and like. idk. I just think he’d be close with Dana.#Leo thinks he’s cool and Jorden doesn’t entirely trust him but thinks he’s a decent dude and Zoe likes him in that secondhand way where you#don’t really have a ton of personal investment in a person but your relative is dating them so you like them enough by default#he also gets along pretty well with Zach and Alix but like... they get along well enough with most people lol#I’m not gonna list off all of Rosaline’s descendants in these tags but like. yea#I just think Dana would jokingly say Dravik is her favorite uncle to her other uncles lol#I also think she’d offer to show him her rock garden and he’d start making sure to bring at least 1 neat rock every time he visits after#character rambles#elysur#Dravik rencoure#Dana grange
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
I humbly ask for an Azul x reader where octo-boy gets turned into an octopus (idk alchemy accident?) He’s immediately insecure and tries to hide from Y/N but they find him and immediately start doting on him and stuff and accidentally confesses to him and gives him a lil peck. And then he turns back in y/n’s arms bc true love’s kiss!
Bonus points if Azul also had a crush on y/n but was too scared to make a move and this is what breaks the ice.
This is so cute. I thought it worked better as a full scenario in stead of bullet points, so I hope you enjoy!
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"Floyd... What have you got there?"
If the look on Floyd's face wasn't enough to get you worried, the lidded clay pot he carried in both hands definitely was. Especially since you could hear the slosh of liquid moving with each step coming from within.
"Shrimpyyyyyy!~ Wanna see something hilarious?" His toothy grin split his face in obvious, unrestrained delight as he shifted one hand to rest upon the lid on top. "There was a little 'situation' in Potionology today, and Azul's looking extra squishy and delicious! Take a peek." He moved to take the lid off, only for a pair of small purple tentacles to reach desperately from within, grasping at the edges of the lid and trying to wrestle it from Floyd's grip. Finally Floyd was able to pry it from the tiny arms, tipping the pot towards you to reveal the contents within.
Scrunched into the bottom of the pot, facing the wall, was a small purple octopus. It had folded itself up quite nicely within, arms tucked neatly beneath the mass of its soft, squishy body. When it finally turned around it looked up at Floyd with an all-too-familiar piercing glare.
"A-Azul? Oh my god. How did this happen? Are you okay?" You rested a hand on the rim of the pot to peer closer, which only served to have Azul squishing his little body even further against the bottom, rippling as his skin color changed to match that of the clay.
"He can't talk, Shrimpy. He's an octopus, remember?" Floyd shifted the pot towards you until you had no choice but to take it into your arms, peering down at the pouting Azul within. "I was supposed to take him to the headmage or somethin', but I've got shit to do. You can watch him, can'tcha? Sure you can!"
"Floyd, I don't think he wants me to-"
"Thaaaaanks, Shrimpy! Catcha later. Oh!" He elaned over the pot and grinned into it. "You're welcome, boss.~"
And with that Floyd practically skipped away, leaving you standing in the middle of the hallway with the pot cradled in your arms. Finally rising to the top of the water, Azul poked a small, slimy head out to peer over the edge and glare at him as he went. Then, almost sheepishly, he turned to glance at you.
"I'm sorry, Azul. I can help you find the headmaster if you want."
He nodded, though it was hard to tell if that was a nod or just the bob of him floating in the water, before quietly sinking to the bottom of the pot. Even without words, you could tell that Azul wasn't exactly happy about being seen like this.
"If it's any consolation, I still think you look pretty cute." There wasn't really much you could do about it by yourself, magicless as you were, but it wouldn't hurt to try and lift his mood a little bit. And judging by the way he jolted back up to the surface, staring at you with remarkably human shock, you guessed it was probably working.
"I mean it! You look so cute!" You couldn't help but smile as you reached a hand into the pot. To your delight Azul didn't flinch away again, letting you run your fingertip over the top of his vaguely slimy head. "I won't judge you, you know. Whether you're a man or an octopus or something in between, I like you just the way you are, Azul."
His skin rippled again, entire body turning a bright pink against the dark water. Could octopi blush? Was this a blush? Even if you could ask him, it's not like he'd tell you. So instead you shifted the pot to your other arm, pressing a kiss to the fingertips of your dry hand and reaching in to push it against Azul's head.
"Let's go find Crowley, okay? Maybe he can-"
A cloud of mulberry-colored smoke erupted from the opening of the pot, engulfing you in its wake. It smelled like sunshine and salty sea air, and when it cleared you saw Azul, soaking wet in his uniform but very much human, standing across from you with his hands also cradling the octopus pot. His face was a brilliant shade of pink, eyeglasses askew and staring at you like you'd just been the one to transform before his very eyes, and not the other way around.
"Ah- You- You said- and then you did- and it worked?" He'd completely lost his usual countenance and charm, barely able to stammer through a sentence and not taking his eyes off you for a moment in a way that began to make you feel just as flushed. "It worked..."
"Are you, uh, feeling better?" It was hard not to feel awkward with the way you had just been coddling him a few moments prior.
"Yes, well, ah... Yes. Thank you." He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he had been in, moving to adjust his glasses and wring some loose saltwater from the corner of his jacket. "Though the dry cleaning bill will be dreadful, I'm sure."
You couldn't help but chuckle. "So what happened in potions today anyway? Floyd didn't exactly spell it out for me."
"Professor Crewel had us studying transfiguration curses and their effectiveness in potion dispersal, and things had been going quite well until Kalim started 'experimenting.'"
"Sounds like him."
"Without Jamil to stop him he's quite a force of terror in his own right, isn't he? So Crewel instructed Floyd to come and fetch me, since the curse could only be broken by-" Mid sentence he suddenly clammed up, the blush that was seeming to disperse returning in full force as he suddenly found himself incredibly interested with the water remaining in the octopus pot.
"What? By what?" You pressed, leaning in closer. He swallowed hard, turning his gaze back up towards you.
"By true love's...kiss."
"OH! Well, I, um, that's uh... That's good! Good that Floyd found me then I guess, heh!" You began to ramble before you could stop yourself, no longer able to look Azul in the eye. "Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable or anything, you don't need to like- reciprocate if you don't want to I just, y'know I think you're... Cool. And smart. And handsome. And... stuff."
"I wouldn't say... Rather, I'm not... I wouldn't go so far as to say it made me uncomfortable. Not... Not that in the slightest."
Your heart stuttered in your rib cage.
"Rather, as we've become acquainted I seem to find myself rather.. fond of you. Despite everything." The two of you finally made eye contact again, a determined glint in Azul's eyes despite the rosy color of his cheeks. "So if our interests align I see no reason why we couldn't come to a... mutually beneficial arrangement."
"Is that..." You bit your lower lip to hide a laugh. "Is that your way of asking me out?"
"Well, yes. Are you, are you not interested? I assure you though my aquatic form may be a touch off putting that if it concerns you I won't-!"
"What?! No! No no no, didn't you hear me? I like you just the way you are, Azul! Every way you are. I just... I thought it was cute, trying to ask me out with your contract lingo. You're adorable."
Though his brows furrowed and his cheeks flushed, you could tell from the way his lip wobbled that Azul was doing his best not to smile. "I'm meant to be intimidating, you know. I've spent quite a bit of effort building that image. Adorable seems a bit... soft."
You beamed. "You'd better get used to it, cause you're gonna be hearing it a lot!"
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Esme breaks into NRC, just so he can see (Y/n) again.
He may be sneaky, but the students there definitely won't tolerate any RSA student on their terrain.
Request by @kimmy-banana.
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"Maybe I should have left my blazer at home... white doesn't seem to be that popular of a colour here."
Esme wiped beadlets of sweat off his forehead after having managed to evade a group of beastmen nearby. It had been a close call with their heightened senses, and they definitely would have been able to catch onto his scent if he had walked any closer. Luckily, he hadn't, thus managing to retain his undercover status. However, another obstacle seemed to draw close again — this time, two students that were about to meet him in the corridor.
Quick and light on his feet, Esme dove behind a large flower pot — just in time. A few seconds after he had taken shelter, the two peculiar students marched past him. To his relief, they seemed too busy to notice his presence — even if one of the two seemed to be only half-human, from what he deduced.
The brunet's blood ran cold when the buttons on his blazer bumped against the hardened clay of the flower pot. He held his breath, especially when one of the two students turned around to inspect the strange noise.
"Did you hear that, Sebek?"
His green-haired friend merely scoffed, seemingly impatient to continue on his merry way. "Hear what? That was just the wind," he muttered under his breath, a sense of urgency to his voice. "Besides, we should get back to searching for the young master."
"Perhaps he is with (Y/n)."
Esme perked up at the mentioning of that particular name.
"Never. You always get the strangest ideas, Silver," the half-fae replied before he whipped around and continued his way. His companion seemed taken aback at first, but simply followed him with a resigned sigh. Together, they rounded the corner, and exited the corridor to enter some inconspicuous room.
Esme's green eyes roamed the area with great care, and only when he was sure that he was all alone did he jump out from behind his hiding place. A grin decorated his face as he trudged onwards. "(Y/n), oh— just the one I am looking for!" he muttered to himself in satisfaction. His expression oozed of excitement as he quickened his pace. "Now, what did Che'nya say again about where I should go... run-down building with a huge front-porch full of dead trees..."
"So Che'nya didn't exaggerate when he said that my dear lives in a ruin, huh?"
As he approached the run-down mansion, he increasingly noticed the holes in the rooftop, as well as the missing floor panels in the front patio. The pitiful sight caused him to exhale in disappointment before he even properly set foot inside. "No but seriously... (Y/n) deserves better," he muttered to himself while brushing the loose ends of his headband to the side, afraid they would somehow catch onto some cobwebs.
Esme gazed upon the Ramshackle mansion in frustration, the sight from afar already having made him shiver in discomfort. The grey walls and barred windows didn't exactly provide a welcoming atmosphere either. However, he wouldn't let himself be scared off by some sort of wanna-be festival haunted house.
The floor creaked rather loudly, much to his dismay, when he stepped into the entrance corridor. Miraculously, he managed to hold back the coughing fit that the dusty air almost caused. A scowl appeared on his face, and the excitement that had driven him earlier suddenly seemed gone. Yet, it quickly returned when his ears managed to pick up on the sound of soft singing.
"Someday, my prince will come~"
Esme recognised that voice — it was yours. A grin appeared on his face as he continued on, his lungs slowly getting used to the dusty air and the creaky floorboards. His keen ears followed the source of your voice, which eventually led him right to the end of the corridor.
The door was slightly ajar, allowing him to hear your voice more clearly now. From the small gap between door and frame, he watched you prepare tea and cookies. His hand rested on the door knob hesitantly; he simply couldn't bring it over himself to interrupt you in the middle of your song. So, he waited patiently, all the while listening to you singing with an eager smile on his face.
"Someday—" you sang from the bottom of your heart. "Someday we'll meet again!" A smile remained on your face after having belted out the very last word of your song. The silence afterwards was serene and peaceful, but not for long.
"And that day is today!" Esme chimed as he jumped into the room.
You would have screamed out loud if it weren't for the fact that you managed to clasp your hand over your mouth just in time. All of your limbs fozen, your eyes were ripped wide open in horror. "What—" Your jaw fell down upon recognising the intruder's vibrant green eyes. "Esme—?" you breathed out in awe.
"The one and only!"
"How—" you stammered out. "How did you get in here?"
Esme merely shot you a wink. "You should know that I'm pretty good with lockpicks, but in your case, you simply left the front door open." A sheepish chuckle escaped his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck.
His words made you want to slap yourself for your own stupidity. "I'm... speechless..." you whispered to yourself. The brunet never replied, simply shooting you a goofy smile. There was something about his relaxed expression that bothered you — immensely. So, pursing your lips, you began glaring at him in anger. "How did you even manage to sneak past all the NRC students and staff? They would lynch you if they found you!"
Sadly for you, he saw right through your anger. "I had a friend to help me out but— oh, you're worried, aren't you?" he cooed and patted your head playfully. "How adorable."
"You're insufferable..." You swatted his hand away, a huff escaping your lips.
Esme took your moment of distraction to wrap an arm around your shoulder. "But you're still glad to see me, aren't you?" he asked as he teasingly pulled you into his side.
The corners of your lips quirked upwards into a small smile. "...maybe I am," you retorted while trying to push him away half-heartedly.
Esme rolled his eyes teasingly. "I don't think 'maybe' fits well. How about 'definitely'?" When he caught onto the glare you sent him, he let out a little chortle. "I'm just kidding," he exclaimed in a more genuine voice. "I really wanted to see you again after the VDC. I never got to say goodbye, you know? Everything ended in chaos."
His words drew laughter from your lips. But before you could reply properly, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching caused you to freeze in panic. "Child of Man, what is taking you so long?" it came from the other side of the door, the footsteps having now come to a halt.
Paralysed in fear, you almost choked on your own spit. "Oh— Oh—" you stammered out. "I-I'm coming, Malleus! I simply forgot to turn on the stove..."
"Do you require any help?" Malleus asked, his hand twisting the door knob to the side.
The motion immediately caused you to whirl around and grab your mysterious visitor by his shoulders. A woeful look crossed your face as you pushed him towards the open window. "You should leave, Esme," you muttered with a heavy heart as your hand lingered on his arm for a second longer than it should have. "If any of my friends saw you here—"
A frown appeared on the brunet's face. "Aw, but I just arrived!"
"We'll see each other again, soon," you assured as you watched him jump out of the window and land on his feet skilfully. Without wasting another second, you grabbed a pen and slip of paper you had lying around, and began to scribble down your phone number. The RSA student watched you curiously as you hurriedly handed him the note. "Here, call me sometime." Without another word, you pushed him away and pulled the window shut.
As Esme walked away, he smiled to himself in satisfaction.
"Good job, Esme," a voice from the shrubbery spoke. "Got (Y/n)'s phone number, eh?" Soon, a floating head appeared out of nowhere.
After having safely stowed away the slip of paper, Esme began laughing in happiness. "Couldn't have done it without you, Che'nya!" he exclaimed and shook his friend's hand vigorously.
Che'nya let out a few snickers. "You have my full support. (Y/n) and you are purrfect for one another~"
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Jack harlow masterlist
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© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent • main masterlist pinned •
Look under my tag jack thots for concepts!
Last updated June 16th | 94 fics || 🔥 means personal favorite
Off the market • Jack Harlow where he’s in an interview, and the interview asks if he’s single? And he has a simple response, like “I’m happy.”
🔥Quickie • No explanation needed ~ smut
🔥Aftercare • 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠, ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ~ smut
Little Harlow • just a headcannon on dad jack and your daughter being his mini me
My girlfriend a nurse • SUMMARY: Can u do one where he is dating a nurse? And he mentions that in a interview. Or in the red carpet and he brought YN as his date and they are all touchy and YN gets shy when he talks about her
Catching feelings • SUMMARY: jack request where they’re fwb but he definitely caught feelings and very open about it but the reader is kind of having a difficult time to do the same since she’s scared that it might not work something like that and lose their bond 🙃
🔥Protective jack • SUMMARY: Can you do a Jack Harlow imagine where possibly your ex comes to a party you are both at and Jack is just really jealous and protective? Maybe some drama in between too for some spice loool Pleaseeee
Believe me • SUMMARY: jack thinks you like Urban, but that's far from the truth
I thought I hated you • SUMMARY: since high school jack has hated you. Despite being clay's friend he always found a way to pick on you and make you feel like shit. Now that he's older and mature he realized he did you wrong only because he was trying to hide his feelings
Challenge • teasing each other until one of you get sexually frustrated and fail the challenge ~ smut
Dilf • Dilf jack fucking his daughter’s best friend during a house party or sleepover 😩😍 ~ smut
Mile high club • What about Jack and his gf joining the mile high club pls ~ smut
🔥Hrs and hrs • SUMMARY: for your 2 anniversary Jack takes you to a resort. He makes your weekend Very meaningful and eventful ~ smut
Little • “He/She’s so tiny.”....
I love you • accidentally saying “i love you” too early, but the other pulls them in for a kiss and says it back.
Flowers for you • seeing you happy is all that matters.....
Hot • “I never thought I’d hear you say that, fuck, that’s hot.”.... ~ smut
In the middle of the night • “where should i fuck you? your choice.”..... ~ smut
Lines • Wait can you do a concept where Jack falls in love on with his (black) costar on set? 👀 it'd be so cute where they're reciting their lines as they film but then he starts stuttering and forgets because he thinks she's so pretty or when they kiss he forgets his lines afterwards 😭❤
Morning • Also maybe write a fanfic where he is taking care of his daughter/son when they are a newborn
New balance • dad jack getting matching fits & new balances for his girl & baby then having urban take little family pics for them 🥺
Early baby • SUMMARY: Jack is racing through traffic from the studio to get to the to the hospital where reader is in time to be there when their first child is born.
Early birds • Jack and you enjoying an early Saturday morning before the kids get up in a few hours, sleepy jack + soft sex with the sunrise peeking in 🥺🥰 ~ smut
Victoria secret model • SUMMARY: Jack having a day with the reader in Victoria secret he’s bored so she decideds to put on a show for him it gets really steamy In that little fitting room🤭🤭🤭 even a worker asks her if she’s okay
Sheigo • Girlie can u write something about reader dressing like sheigo cosplay and jack losing his shit
Funny seeing you here • SUMMARY: jack & reader had history, reader wasn’t well know back then but is currently coming up (actress?) then at like a event they see each other for the first in a while. & some of jack’s song are about their relationship, like ‘funny seeing you here’.
Scraped knee • Dad jack and you are in the living room working on your things, Jack working on some songs while you scroll through your phone. You both hear a loud whimper sound and when you walk out of the living room in a hurry to see your kid crying on the floor indicating that the kid had fallen and Jack just hating his kid crying so he picks them and holds them close to his chest as the kid cries
🔥Baby mama • SUMMARY: Can u do something Jack and reader have a child or children together and they split for a while.... jack gets a new gf and she's obviously jealous of the coparenting relationship jack and the reader have for their chil/children and says something slick about it and comes at reader sideways and jack ends up defending the reader obviously because she's the mother of his child/children and hes still got love for her, and the girlfriend ends up getting pissed off because jack defended the mother of his child? And then reader thanks him for sticking up for her and old feelings get brought up? Sorry I can't help but thing about how much respect/love jack would have for the woman that has his children😩
Do you love me • SUMMARY: If you’re taking requests for Jack: Jack and y/n have been dating for over a year but she’s not very good at admitting her emotions so they end up getting into an argument because Jack doesn’t think that she is serious about him so she goes and gets a tattoo of his initial on her ring finger to prove that she permanently wants him in her life and he gets emotional about it.
Pregnant on tour • SUMMARY: Jack request: Jack and the reader have talked about having a baby for a long time but they could never get the timing correct, so you finally decide that you’re going to get pregnant in the middle of a tour so that way when it’s over with can safely have your baby. So like a fic where you’re like three or four months pregnant on tour and everybody takes care of you. Jack is really worried about your morning sickness and stuff like that.
Short series:
SUMMARY: when jack wants to get away from his main girl, he comes to you to relieve his stress
Side piece part one
Side piece part two
Side piece part three
Falling • Hiii, I wanted to request something for the jack Harlow series. Where Jack, Rosie and you go to picnic and as you guys get there rosie runs to find your guys favorite tree and rosie plays around while you and Jack talk after awhile you both hear a cry as rosie comes and hugs jack hiding her face in his chest and when you ask her what's wrong she whimper saying she had gotten hurt and Jack goes all dad mode. Sorry if this is long and confusing ❤️
You're not pregnant are you • SUMMARY: Okay I have a request for Jack where his girl has an IUD that she got before she met him and when they started dating and having sex, she didn’t tell him about it bc she knew he was insistent on wearing protection bc he didn’t wanna have a kid yet and she didn’t want to make him feel like she was lying to trick him and she also knew he got around a lot so she was fine wearing protection for std reasons but over time she forgot to tell him and one day his friends are over and Neelam or urban’s gf ask Jack if they had any pads or tampons bc she started and he realized that since she’s been living with him he hasn’t seen her get her period and he panics thinking he got her pregnant🤣 I know this is very specific but I have an IUD and just thought about this scenario in my head and I can’t stop laughing about how panicked he would be 🤣
Mother's day • A little blurb of Rosie on mother's day?
Poison • SUMMARY: jack always had a thing for you ever since he met you through a friend . He craved being around you and having your attention. It's gotten to the point where you were all he ever thought about. He knew he had to get you.
Silent treatment • concept idea: reader and jack are early in their relationship (1-2 months) and nobody likes her, i’m talking neelam, urb, 2fo, etc. or they just leave her out of conversations and events and jack obviously takes her but they whisk him away and she feels left out. it’s not that she did anything bad they just don’t even have a valid reason for not liking her. then he finds her crying one night and then confronts them about it and they start to actually bond with her and like not just for jack’s sake but because she is actually fun and nice they just never took the time to realize (that was long LMAO)
Mistakes were made • I have a mini harlow request, where they are at a restaurant and reader orders something with ranch but rosie thinks it's something sweet and she asks to try it at which reader tells her that Rosie doesn't like it but Rosie asks again at which reader gives in and let her try it only for her to make a face and spitting it out while reader and Jack try to hide their laughs. (Mini Harlow)
Manifestation • Could you write a story about Jack dating a spiritual/witch girlie? 🧘🏽‍♀️ I know that Jack believes in manifestation but imagine she'll teach him what the crystals his fans give him mean, he feels better when she sages the house, or he just finds her so fascinating (her beauty, her vibe, and her beliefs) 🤍
🔥Kentucky derby • Can you write something where the reader is 6 months pregnant at the Ketucky Derby. Jack is very protective. And Jack also wants to show your baby bump to the crowd. Your shy, but you'll do it for Jack. Can also add Drake being protective also.
Vibrating panties • do a fic about jack having one of the remote controlled vibrators and he teased y/n out in public with it?
Miscarriage • SUMMARY. i saw that soemone requested a misscarriage fic so heres my idea. you were at jacks parents house. and everyone was out. so jack was out at the studio with neelam and urban. jack urban and neelam were talking outside. maggie gets there and goes inside. youre like 16 ish weeks along. maggie finds you on the floor bleeding a lot and yells for jack. he comes in and just fully freezes up and cant move and is just crying. and maggie and urban and neelam are trying to help you. but youre basically out of consiousness but keep saying softly something like, jack everythings ok love. thats kind the end of my idea.
Strawberry patch • SUMMARY. Ok jack taking Rosie to the strawberry patch. She's wearing her little strawberry overall like strawberry shortcake and she's wearing a bucket hat uncle urban got her!! Love you<3 (mini Harlow)
Face mask • Jack putting a face mask on his girl who sitting on the sink?
Uwban • The baby saying urban instead or mummy or daddy!!
Family • Please write something where your baby is crying and you and Jack comfort them together
The couch • A blurb request. Jack getting home late and finding you sleeping on the couch
We don't sing that • We're on dad jacks train I see. How about jack catching his daughter seeing one of his songs
Breakfast • Jack waking you up in between your legs 🤗 smut
Be my forever • can we get a lil blurb of jack proposing to reader?🥺
Clothing shopping • Reader getting insecure while shopping for clothes with Jack and he's there to pick her up x
Needles • Okay this is a silly thing but I always faint when i get my blood taken cause my body just shuts off so maybe you could write something about that like Jack being an absolute angel through it cause lately I had to go to the hospital a lot for that but if you don't want to please don't 🧡
The sickies • Rosie getting sick With a fever and start throwing up. JACK takes care of them because you're out but she's dying to see you
She's the one • What about like Jack's fam not really being sure if you're the one but you two stay over at there's and they like overhear you two laughing together cause Jack is like tickling you or something
Dates • request! Getting lost in IKEA date and target date
Hentai • SUMMARY. You and Jack are filming for white man can't jump. You both hit it off and flirt like crazy with each other. One night when you both are supposed to be reading your script you decide to act out the sex scene which leads to more.
I got you • Can you make a lil fic of the reader and Jack just having their second child but the reader is going through postpartum depression. Maybe something with the reader reaching a breaking point and freaking out at Jack and their child but instead of being an ass Jack is a supporting husband and helps.
In the song • OMG I'm sooo in love with Little Harlow! Can I please request one where Jack uses her voice or voice-mail in the song, so when he plays it for her reaction is funny, but she is all happy and screaming "that's me, that's me"!! Thank you
She's just a baby • How about you all are getting ready for the beach but jack sees Rosie wearing a two piece and goes all dad mood about it lol
Sister bond • How about Rosie and a few week old clementine bonding. Maybe Rosie always wants to hold her and she points out her little smiles and stuff ❤️❤️❤️
I'll teach you • SUMMARY. “Jack teaches the reader how to properly finger herself After she can't orgasm” ✨SMUT✨
Lovers to strangers • can you just a jack harlow fan fic where he cheats on his gf and she finds out i want lots of ANGST
9 months • Can you do a fanfic where it’s shows that jack is wit the reader though out the whole pregnancy and the birth too
What did you say • Mmmmh reader and Jack get in a fight and Jack accidentally calls reader a different name
🔥Introvert • jack and yn spend the whole day out together but she's an introvert so when they get home she wants alone time and he gets in his feels cus he can never get enough of his girl. clingy jack pls
A little crush • Reader and Jacks toddler having a little crush on one of the other guys. I can see Jack being so salty about it
On set • Hi I heard you were requesting blurbs? Can you do one with a black!reader who’s an actress that Jack has a crush on.
Childhood crush • What about one where Jack is jealous about the reader’s childhood crush on Drake?
My girl • Hi :) I'm a sucker for cute shiii so was wondering if I can get a fluffy Jack scenario where you're sitting on his lap and you're just keep complimenting him and calling him cute and stuff while you're cupping his face sksksksk
Home • “Jack comes back from tour”
🔥On cloud nine • Ok but can you write this but with jack 🥲that was literally the sweetest think I’ve ever read
Not the right time • I sent in the ask halfway complete, I was going to do a request too, would you do a leaving him at the altar one but not because they fall out of love just like sadness or something happened?
Up in the sky • In honour of Urbs insta story, can we have mile high club smut with either Jack or Urb pls
The ways Jack touches you:
What's it like sharing a bed • Can you write something about what it's like to share a bed with Jack, like maybe he can't sleep without touching and he always has a hand on you even in his sleep
Mrs. Harlow • Hello! I hope your day has been great! 💜 I was wondering if you could write a fic of Jack and reader getting married? If not, that’s okay! 😊
🔥Sundress season • Summary: “Jack fucks you in a sundress after your teasing”
Be who you • Can you do a imagine where Jack shows support to his gf who's bisexual for pride month and makes a tiktok where him and urban sing to the reader "Be who you areeee, for your priiiiide!!!" Lmao 💀 happy pride everyone btw! 🌈💖
That boyfriend • Jack being protective and attentive without even knowing he is or thinking twice about it like always walking on the outside of the curb or sees you struggling to open a bottle and he just takes it from your hand and opens it no questions asked and holding you close when you walk through big crowds especially at his concerts
Pretty mama • Can u do one where reader gets insecure about her body after giving birth to the new baby and Rosie hears her talking bad about herself so Rosie tries to cheer her up?
IG live • I just want more jack and y/n on IG live interacting with fans and each other🙄
Skydiving • Jack and reader go skydiving but he pranks her making the pilot seem like the plane is going down reader is scared of heights and planes and gets anxiety do to them and jack convinced her to go with him beside her fear -🌊
Beach break • Summary: Jack inviting the reader on vacation with him and he can't keep his eyes off her(childhood friends)
Different kind father's day
Two!? • Jack and reader go to the ultrasound sound for there first child but they discover they are having twins do to readers genes on her fathers side and they are both boys though it would be funny considering jack wants girls
Everything changed • 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Reader admits to jack that she never wanted to have kids until she met him and thats when everything changed for her as she didn’t want to put her kid with what she went through cause her dad only came around when he needed her and she didn’t want to talk to him every again when she had turn 17 and she knows that jack would never do that with his child and her
The ways/reasons jack kisses you
Gentle • hii idk if u take requests but i wanted to ask u if u are open to writing abt like reader and jack have sex for the first time after she gave birth and he is like super gentle and sweet with her cuz she is scared it will hurt? :)
B.E.T awards
So about those eight daughters • Jack talking about what reader thinks of them having 8 daughters on a podcast
Sit down, relax • Summary: after a long day of taking care of your kids jack ask you to sit down. You were very surprised when he told you where
Biggest supporter • Rosie’s first dance recital and jack being like the mom from mean girls lol
A titty • Rosie getting her first pet(can be any animal)
What are we? • If you’re taking requests/concepts can I request where Jack & reader are on the talking/dating stage. But she gets word of the rumor going around about him and Lori? (Too soon? Someone else then??) reader confronts him and they get into a huge argument??? Ion something around that lol. Thank you in advance & again thank you incase you’re not taking these kind of requests ❤️❤️
The lies within us • the reader finds out Jack's cheating while she's pregnant with their child
What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen • you and Jack decided to bake some brownies. It doesn't go well seeing how you both were baked yourselves
First show • insta au
First show • Rosie's first show with Jack. She's her daddies biggest fan
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for being Matt Murdock’s child (Part 1)
Matt Murdock x child!reader
warnings: teen!dad matt. it’s not portrayed as like, a weird or horrible thing, it’s more of a growing up together type of deal. also blood, injury, death, alcohol AND there is a mention of the SA that made matt become daredevil (i put a tw in red right before it’s discussed and a couple red dots where it ends)
a/n: this gonna sound weird but the humor in this gives me the same vibes as me and my own dad’s humor. ALSO im cutting this off after season 1 because it got REALLY LONG
part 2 part 3 part 4
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matt wanted you to have a more stable life than him
which was a little hard considering when became a dad
by the time he went to law school, you were about 8
“is this room 312?” -matt
“yeah, who you looking for..? oh, sorry” -foggy
you dragged in your tiny suitcase behind him
“blind and a single dad? you’re getting all the ladies, aren’t you?” -foggy “how did you even manage to get a kid in here?”
“special arrangements were made, i’m quite persuasive. good thing i’m in law school” -matt
one time, your dad revealed (without much cause for worry) that he “always knows when you are lying” because he can “hear your heartbeat” and instead of that being a cute little motivation for you to always be honest, you literally spent months training yourself to outmaneuver him and you can pass just about any lie detector test. now he just has to take your word for things
being a little shit
“you smell really bad, foggy” -you
“that’s a little harsh…nevermind, thanks for letting me know” -foggy, sniffing himself
matt definitely didn’t want you to fight or be vigorously trained, but he did teach you a few moves because, well. they could help
he also got you some karate lessons to keep you occupied while he had class or internship stuff when you were done with school (which you loved to show off when you got home)
basically abusing foggy (but you were widdle so it wasn’t too serious)
“matt, can you ask your gremlin to stop kicking me?” -foggy
“y/n, stop kicking foggy” -matt
“never!” -you
“that’s it!” -foggy, throwing you over his shoulder
don’t get me wrong, foggy grew to love you, he was family for sure
you cant really draw anything for your dad so all of your masterpieces started going to “uncle foggy”
but when you made stuff out of clay or something…those ones went to your dad
“oh, thank you! is it…a dragon?” -matt, feeling the details
“it is a dragon, do you like it?” -you
“i love it” -matt
“how come i don’t get a dragon?” -foggy, pouting
“because your eyeballs work” -you, using your fingers to stretch your eyelids wide open
eventually, matt and foggy graduated and you moved back to hell’s kitchen, where things got…crazy.
by then you were about 13 or so, so much more experience in being the worst (jk your dad loves you)
*you, trying to sneak a beer without even having your hand on the bottle yet*
“absolutely not, don’t even think about it” -matt
“blindness gave you omnipotence? ugh, you suck” -you
“then you half-suck. it’s hereditary” -matt
matt being REALLY worried about you in hell’s kitchen, but you insisted you’d be perfectly fine walking back and forth from your bus stop
he got u a taser
that was just a horrible idea you love the sound of the zaps
foggy felt threatened
it wasn’t very long before your dad turned to vigilantism, and it wasn’t very hard for you to figure it out
“what’s up with the mask, dad?” -you
“what, uh, what are you talking about?” -matt
“did you think i was actually asleep on the couch last night? are you crazy?” -you
you happened to have an uncomfortable tether on reality that happened somewhere down the line
and your dad knew he could be real with you, but he hated to be. he really did
matt didn’t exactly love growing up in his “reality,” he wanted things to be so much sweeter for you
but coming home bloody and bruised every night wouldn’t make your life any sweeter
in a way, you did think your dad was awesome and kind of badass, but he was literally all you had and from the stories he told you, you could fall into the same boat any day now
“holy shit, are you…are you okay?” -you
“what’d we talk about with your language?” -matt, very injured
“what’d we talk about with your ass getting beaten?” -you, grabbing the med supplies
you reminding your dad of a young him fixing up his own dad after fights.
he didn’t know if that was good or bad
hanging out at nelson and murdock after school
“didn’t say you could drink coffee either” -matt
“you’d think with a blind dad i’d have an easier time sneaking around but noooo” -you
you and him had a great sense of humor
“his greatest accident was me” -you
*karen nearly spitting out her coffee*
“his worst accident was meeting my mom, though” -you “it ties with being blind”
oh yes your favorite joke was definitely the “i was a mistake” one and you milked it frequently, matt got in on the action too
“the teacher said i made a grammar mistake” -you
“i made a mistake once…you” -matt
oh and you both milked the hell out of the blind thing
“every time i look at you—” -you, trying to sass him
“every time i look at you i can’t see” -matt
oh and then
“actually, i’m the reason he’s blind. that’s what you get when you lay you eyes on the most beautiful baby to ever exist” -you
“you were an ugly baby, i literally felt it” -matt
it’s actually a birthday tradition for him to touch your face and “see how much you’ve grown”
“oh, a new pimple!” -matt
“alright, that’s enough from you” -you, laughing
karen and you having a pretty sick friendship (she likes when you tell embarrassing stories about matt and foggy)
“and then foggy threw up and—” -you
“why don’t i get you some coffee, y/n?” -foggy, wheeling your rolling chair far, far away
knowing more than you should, about life and the city. especially the fisk dealings
which kind of freaked you out, especially when death and destruction became more and more common
“dad? please be careful out there. you’re all i’ve got” -you
“i know…just stay put for now. please” -matt
he makes breakfast for you on special days. or when he needs to say sorry for coming home at 4am with intense injuries you have to care for
“i made waffles…” -matt
“i’m still mad at you” -you
“can you be mad at me while you eat the waffles?” -matt
claire thought you were pretty neat
loved your attitude and all
“met your kid on my way in, real character” -claire
“oh…god. what did they say?” -matt
“‘please identify your relationship to my father. friend or booty call’” -claire
“and your answer?” -matt
“the former, of course” -claire
every once in a while, your voice would boom through whatever room you found yourself in, yelling:
“en garde!” -you
“y/n, put down my walking cane” -matt
“you will have to earn it in combat!” -you
if you were in front of foggy or karen or anyone else, he’d just laugh while you poked him
but if you were home alone…
“oh, it’s on!” -matt
obviously, you both knew you couldn’t quite best him, but you could get a few hits and blocks in, for sure. and he always took it easy on you
“do you yield?” -you, poking him in the stomach
“i yield, oh no, how ever will i be able to walk the streets of new york without my cane” -matt, completely monotone
feeling bad that you keep hiding matt’s secret, especially from foggy. like, especially from him
but saying the darnedest things to throw them off the trail
“how do we know that the man in black isn’t johnny cash, hm? i’d like to know…when the man comes around” -you
“what the hell?” -acceptable answer from anyone
whenever matt goes out for any endeavor, whether masked or merriment, you always get the same trusting warning. no really, he trusted you on your own
“be good” -matt
“no” -you
other acceptable answers include: “absolutely not” “you wish” “‘good’ is a point of view” “that’s subjective” “if all your beer is gone, someone robbed us” “i’d throw a party if i had friends” “will you?” “yeah, right” “oh, okay, i’ll try that” “well, i was planning a murder tonight, but just because you said that—” “if i’m not, minors still get lighter sentencing, and i know a good lawyer. you know, at landman and zack”
matt doesn’t push his religion on you. he encourages religious debates if you have any. if you do, he steers you clear of the church. if you don’t, maybe you go to a service every once in a while.
“that’s not very catholic of you” -you, every time matt does something “bad”
working out with him at fogwell’s gym (when he’s not a complete and utter mess)
punching bags are your jam
every once in a while, he’ll teach you something new
sometimes, you get real with him
“do you ever like, put on that outfit or get the shit beat out of you and think ‘wow, maybe i am crazy for doing this?’” -you
“why, because im blind?” -matt
“because you’re a father” -you
when foggy found out, he was pretty mad at matt. but he didn’t know how to feel with you
you were a kid, matt’s kid, but he was family to you, he was devastated you didn’t share
a/n: this is where SA is talked about, there will be a line of red dots where it ends and the font goes back to normal size (also keep in mind that the hypothetical situation that y/n explains does not automatically imply reader is fem)
you decided to go after foggy on your own and talk to him since matt had revealed the injustice that set him down his path, the abused girl down the street
“foggy, you have to understand—especially as a lawyer—that the legal system doesn’t always work. dad did what he needed to do” -you
“i’m not saying i don’t understand that, but it’s matt. your dad, matt. my best friend, matt. he’s getting his shit rocked every night because of some domino effect?” -foggy
“foggy, do you blame him for going after some sick and twisted father for doing that to his daughter? what if it were me, foggy? what if you were put in his shoes and you found out that was happening to me?” -you
“dont—please don’t go there. that—it doesn’t—” -foggy
“he figured out he could do more than just that. do you think i’m not afraid of losing my father? i absolutely am, but he’s not easily stopped or slowed down. believe me, i’ve tried” -you
“well, why didn’t you just tell me?” -foggy
“uh because snitches get stitches” -you
“w-what?! no, no. crazy guys who run around in their pajamas get stitches! there’s one laying on your couch!! snitches get deals, you should know this!!” -foggy, very urgently slamming his hand in the other
going back to your dad like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “i did my best”
putting stickers where they dont belong (3D/puffy stickers for matt)
getting frequent calls from foggy when matt is late to work
“foggy, i’m at school! what??” -you
“did matt come home last night?” -foggy
“don’t know, i didn’t check” -you
“you didn’t check to see if your dad was still alive?!?” -foggy
“well, sorr-y, i was under the assumption he was a big boy who could take care of himself” -you
“well, he’s not!!!” -foggy
kinda being the awkward “middle man”/messenger for foggy and matt while they fight
“foggy asked me to ask you to…hold on” -you, uncrinkling paper “‘go fuck yourself, you selfish, blind asshole.’ okay, i was mistaken. it was not a question”
as stresses from the city, your dad, foggy, school, and then some really started setting in, your hardened, sheltered emotions started surfacing for the first time in a long time, shocking many
but matt was there to hold you when you cried
and foggy, too
and even karen. and she always asks about you when you’re not around.
when fisk was brought to justice (or so it seemed), celebration at the office was called for…and foggy snuck you some alcohol
“don’t tell your dad, you swear?” -foggy
“y/n, were you…drinking?” -matt, 5 mins later when karen left the room
“shit, i forgot about your freaky sense of smell” -you
“alright, kiddo, wrap it up. let’s get you home before ‘uncle foggy’ sneaks you anymore alcohol. shame on you, franklin” -matt
“i know, i’m the worst” -foggy
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot-recs // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @popeheywardssecretgf // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @confessions-of-a-adhd-teen // @itachisdangos // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven //
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
A Little Pink Package
warnings: childbirth; swearing; fluffy
“I hate you! I want you to walk through hell covered in gasoline! You fucking bastard!” Y/n screamed the last part with true hate in her voice, throwing one of the pillows that supported her back at her boyfriend and baby daddy with all the strength she could muster in the midst of a contraction. “You will never touch me again.” She said tiredly as the contraction wore off. “I want my mommy.”
“I know ma.” Jack kissed her sweaty forehead looking at his cell phone, he had informed both their families as soon as her water broke. “They must be arriving soon.”
His parents were already in the hospital, Clay included, his mother—who was keeping them company in the room—had gone out to get a coffee for herself, and an energy drink for Jack—little Ms. Harlow had decided to be born in the middle of the night, waking everyone up—Y/n’s parents were already on their way back from Lexington, where Mr.Y/Ln had gone to complete the purchase of some racehorses for his father-in-law.
“Help me up.” She held out her arms to the boy. “I need to walk.” Y/n she explained when Jack eyed her warily.
The eighteen-year-old helped his girlfriend out of the hospital bed, making sure the back opening nightgown didn't leave anything exposed.
And wherever the girl went she was followed by her 6ft3in shadow, supporting her every time a contraction hit hard, massaging her lower back as she leaned on his shoulders, her body leaning forward due to the force of contraction. Y/n had turned down drugs after watching childbirth documentaries and decided on a natural birth, something she now regretted due to the intensity of the pain, but there was no going back. This baby would come into the world as God intended, in all its glorious pain—they definitely shouldn't allow so much freedom of choice for a seventeen-year-old having her first child. What the fuck did she know about births? That's what she'd shouted into the phone with her mother when she'd called to ask where the fuck they are.
“I need to push.” Was all Y/n said as he got up from the ball she was sitting on for Maggie to braid her hair. Jack jumped up from the armchair he was sitting in, looking at his mother not knowing what to do. “I need to push.” Y/n repeated.
“I'll call the midwife.” That's all Maggie said before she left the room.
Y/n was already bent over the bed, in the position she found most comfortable for her, Jack was quickly beside her, one hand in hers while the other traced circles on her back.  
“Everything will be alright ma.” He assured her. “We're in this together.”
“Are you the one who's going to push a watermelon out of your vagina?” She turned to him annoyed. “Just be quiet Jackman, the only thing you did was nine months ago for two minutes.” The girl barked.
Jack didn't even respond, since she went into labor Y/n wasn't herself, the sweet and gentle girl she was dating had been replaced by a rabid demon whose favorite/only victim was him.
If someone asked, Y/n couldn't tell when the midwife and nurse arrived in the room, what was said, or how long it took. She remembers the pain, screaming at Jack the whole time—which he accepted with astonishing grace for an eighteen-year-old boy—her parents arrived in the middle of her delivery, and then simply the pressure was relieved, the pain The throbbing stopped, and the room was filled with the baby's loud cries.
Hours later, lying on the hospital bed after being washed and changed, looking completely tired, with her back is leaning against Jack's chest, who had his arm around her, was Y/n. The teenage couple had their attention completely focused on the little package wrapped in pink blanket in Y/n's arms. 
“I think she's going to have my nose.” Y/n whispered, running her fingertip across the nose of the baby she had just brought into the world.
She couldn't even believe that she and Jack had made that baby.
“Thank God for small mercies.” The boy said, Y/n giggled feeling her boyfriend's hot breath behind her ear. “She is so beautiful.” Jack smiled as the sleeping little girl squeezed his index finger. “She kind of looks like you.” He commented.
“You think?” Y/n asked without taking her eyes off her daughter's face.
“Hmm hmm.” He agreed. “But I think she's going to have my hair.” The boy ran his hand through the baby's still thin hair, the few strands present were curly, but nothing could say how they would be in the future. “She's going to break hearts just like her mother.” He smiled at his girlfriend.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“I never broke hearts Jack, or are you forgotten that you’re my first boyfriend?” The curly haired boy just let out a low laugh.
“Your too sweet, never change.” He kissed her temple, Y/n turned to look at Jack with an arched brow. “You don't even notice the amount of guys who are half in love with you, even with you pregnant with my baby they couldn't contain themselves from staring at you like fools, even Urban who is my best friend is a little sweet on you.” He commented with a silly smile on his face. “It’s the way you are sweetness itself, a guy can’t help himself.”
Y/n laughed lightly.
“I'm so sorry I was such a bitch earlier.” She apologized looking him in the eye. “You were in pain.” Jack said understandingly, resting his chin on top of her head. “And it was worth it.” He ran his hand over his daughter's head. “Our little Isla Rosie is here now. Thank you, mama.”
They knew life wouldn't be easy.
Parenting at seventeen and eighteen wasn't simple.
Not everything would be flowers, and there would be days when they wouldn't know what to do, and sleepless nights.
They would make mistakes.
But there was no doubt that they loved that little pink package more than anything in the world, and they would do anything to give her the world. That was almost like a silent promise as they look at her the three of them lying in the little hospital bed like the little family they were.
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕥
about: dreamwastaken x reader, sapnap, georgenotfound, karl jacobs, quackity
warning(s): swearing, suggestive comment, shenanigans, sapnap and dream being idiots
pronouns: none specified
word count: 2.6k+
note: ANON THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA AND I LOVED WRITING THIS!!! Kisses! <3 (Link to original ask is here!)
summary: Dream's haircut stream takes an unexpected turn
It’s been a few weeks since Dream face-revealed and the internet is raving about his upcoming facecam stream. Even then, the excitement hadn’t even died down since the second wave of hair pictures. The same ones he claimed he needed a haircut on. Conveniently enough, what better time to get your haircut than while streaming? Right, George? It also worked out that I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to hair, so Dream’s hair won’t get totally botched… hopefully.
I set down the hair scissors on my boyfriend’s desk, the last thing we needed for the stream. With a sigh, my hands go to my hips as I make sure everything is accounted for. Hair scissors? Check. Trimmers and razor? Check. Shaving cream? Check. The main supplies seem to be here and the stream is all ready to go. Now for the star of the show.
Speaking of– Dream walks into the room, he paces for a few beets before flopping into his chair, a nervous look on his face.
“Everything alright, Love?” I ask, furrowing my brows at my boyfriend’s distress. The man huffs as he brings me to his seated figure and crashes his head into my stomach. I bring my hand up to his fluffy hair, running it through the soft locks. Clay practically purrs at the attention. Cute.
“Just nervous. That's all.” Dream sighs with contentment as I massage his scalp, hugging me even closer. 
“It’s okay to be nervous, you know.” I say, tilting up his chin with my free hand. “You’ll do great, just like you always do.” I give the man below me a kiss on his nose, causing his face to go pink and the normally confident man to get all bashful. 
Dre sends me a shy smile and shortly follows it with a kissy face, because he has no shame. I giggle at the sight but oblige to his wishes anyway. How could I ever say no to him?
 Bending down to kiss him with such little contact doesn’t seem good enough for my boyfriend, instead he decides that pulling me into his lap would be a better option. Good with me.
“Well how’d you get here!” Dream teases with a toothy grin. He’s definitely back.
“Oh I don’t know! How ever could I have gotten here?” I giggle. Dream cups my face with his hand and I lean into his comfort. “It’s not like I have a clingy boyfriend or anything.”
“Nope, not clingy at all.” A soft laugh erupts from my mouth before Clay meets our lips in a gentle kiss, but our smiles and giggles subside as the kiss deepens. So much for short and sweet. 
I tilt my head to deepen the kiss further wanting to be as close to him as possible. Clay seems to have the same idea as he lifts my hips, one hand threading in my hair and the other on the back of my thigh. “Pretty.” Clay hums through the kiss, breaking away for barely a second before diving back in. 
“You guys done?” A voice interrupts, making me go frigid and the man under my groan in annoyance. How in the world did we not hear him come in?
“Sap, have you still not learned to knock?” Dream whines, hiding his face in the crook of my neck, face noticeably hot. 
“I did. Four times. You two were too busy sucking each other's faces off to notice.” The younger man deadpans. Oh yeah.
“Sorry ‘bout that.” I say sheepishly, finally meeting Sapnap’s stare. Still embarrassed that we got walked in on. Again.
 I wiggle out of my boyfriend's grasp and climb off his lap, earning me a sad whine from the man. “Oh you’ll be fine you big baby. Besides, you have a stream to start.” Now he’s pouting even more.
“Yeah, I wanna see your hair get messed up.” George says as he bursts into the office.
“You realize Y/n’s doing it right?” Sapnap notes, leading George to pout.
“I thought we were going to do it. I’ll actually turn out decent if Y/n does it!” Dream scoffs at George’s comment and makes grabby hands towards me. I roll my eyes and oblige to my clingy boyfriend’s wishes, not that I mind anyway.
“Shut up George. You’re just mad that you have to pay for your haircuts and they still turn out crappy.” Dream grumbles, cuddling into my side.
Everyone else’s eyes blew wide at the comment, jaws dropped. The silence in the room is deafening, no one dared to utter a word in the hopes of not setting anyone (*cough* George) off. 
“You’re sassy tonight.” Sapnap notes, breaking the thick tension in the room. I mean he’s not wrong.
“Hmm,” I purse my lips and shift my gaze over to the time displayed on the computer screen: it reads 5:00 p.m. “Well, it looks like it’s about time to start the stream!” The Dream Team’s attention moves over to my figure, checking them back to the present.
The reminder kicks us into high gear: Dream gives me one last kiss on my shoulder and finally lets me go, running back to his room to change his clothes; free from my boyfriend’s hold, grab his phone and post/tweet the stream reminders; Sapnap and George run downstairs to grab Karl and Quackity from the couch to complete the full set of feral boys. 
An eruption of notifications came in, from all our phones, at the announcement of Dream’s facecam stream. If Clay was worried about not many people showing up, I don’t think he would have to worry. 
My boyfriend rushes back into the room, hair disheveled and eyes blown wide. “Are you okay?” I ask, thoroughly confused.
“I just tripped up the stairs and saw my life flash before my eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary!” He replies, going over to his computer to turn on the “Starting Soon…” page. The viewers flood in, viewer count rising thousand after thousand. 
“Okay, Honey,” I grab my boyfriend by his shoulders and start fixing his deranged hair. “Take a deep breath okay? Just breathe.” The simple action seems to do the trick as he takes a few deep breaths: still excited, but calmed down. “There you go.” I praise and kiss him on the nose. Dream smiles at the action and brings me into a tight hug.
“Where would I be without you?” 
“I don’t know. I am pretty great. Aren’t I?” I joke as I lock my eyes with my lover. I expect them to be light and entertained by my intricate joke. But as I fully look at him, his eyes are full of  intensity and love instead. Where would I be without him?
“You are, my Angel.” I start to flush, attempting to hide under his passionate gaze, but he’s having none of that. Bringing one hand off my waist, the man lifts my face out from his chest, so I can meet his eyes once more. “I love you, Y/n.” He says, back at it again with the intensity. 
“I love you, Clay.” I say, eyes full of love for the man who has alway been by my side– who has helped me as much as I’ve helped him. 
“Oh my God!” Our heads whip around at the noise. Why does this always happen? “Can you guys stop eye-fucking eachother for two seconds!” Quackity yells as he and the rest of the feral boys flood into the room. “I need tO EAT LATER!”
“Quackity, you’re just mad that we’re in a happy relationship and the most intimate relationship you’ve ever been in was with a burrito.” Dream deadpans, not having any of Quackity’s shit. Is he out for blood today or something?! 
“HEY THAT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FIVE MINUTE RELATIONSHIP AND YOU KNOW IT!” Quackity pouts, arms crossed, throwing a pretend tantrum.
“Why don’t we just start the stream now?” Sapnap butts in before Dream can make yet another comment and Quackity can get too into whatever he’s doing. Sapnap you are god-sent.
“Sounds good to me!” I push my boyfriend into his chair so we can finally get this going (like it’s not mostly my fault). 
The minute Dream starts talking on stream, chat goes crazy (even without the facecam on). The boys and I quietly exit the room, so no one knows that we’re here and we can make it a surprise.
When Dream announced that he was going to do a facecam stream, he didn’t release what he’d actually be doing on the stream. There were some theories– of course– and there were quite a few that were spot on. Even though we all wanted to, none of us hinted toward what was going to happen, during the event, so we could give the DSMP community a heart attack! In a good way, of course!  
One of the most interesting things about the whole situation is that Dream and I haven’t actually revealed that we are dating yet, all they know is that he and I are “close friends” and that I have been part of the Dream Team for years. Along with the facecam stream and 5/5 feral boys, the world is going to know about our relationship. We’re all in for a night. 
By the time we had all been brought in (Sapnap, George, Me, Karl & Quackity), chat and Twitter were going insane. All of our names were trending along with all the configurations of ship names. It’s safe to say that it’s an exciting day for everyone.
“Okay chat, so now that’s we’re all here…” Dream looks around the room and leans back to ‘see if anyone else is coming,’ just to mess with chat again. Well chat has been thoroughly messed with, because chat starts spamming…
 …Along with other variations. 
“No, no, I’m just kidding. This is all you’re going to get.” He says, gesturing at himself then the boys and me. “But on to what we’re actually going to be doing– no. No! CHat! WHO SAID THAT?!” Confused, I lean over my boyfriend’s shoulder to see what caused him to freak out. Dream grabs my hand, points my index finger out, and puts it on the flagged message. 
“Oh my gosh– ew!” I grimace at the vulgar message, glad that Dream flagged it. It takes me until after I’m done wincing at the message to realize that my boyfriend and I are still holding hands. “Dream, you know you could have just used your hand. Right?” I laugh.
“But I like holding yours!” He says, completely forgetting that we’re in front of a live audience of over 400,000. My eyes blow wide at the comment, but Dream is relentless. Oh so we’re doing this now?! “Just like I like holding you.” He says, pulling on my arm, effectively tugging me into his lap where he wraps his arms around my waist and cuddles into the back of my neck. Holy shit. 
Chat’s freaking out (I am too, but we don’t talk about that) and so are the boys. The boys knew (obviously), so I’m not sure why they’re going more insane than chat, but okay. 
“Surprise!” I say, face beet red as Dream kisses me on the cheek. “He’s clingy.” The man below me sends me a playful glare.
“Only for you!” He grins and I roll my eyes. The love-struck look on both of our faces causes chat to go even crazier. This is probably getting clipped… someone better send it to me.
“Yeah, yeah, you guys are cute, but now on to why we’re really here! Me!” Karl interrupts, taking the chair Dream and I were sitting in and rolling it behind him. I laugh at Karl's antics as he gets all up in the camera’s grill.
Before I can even stand up, Quackity lifts me off Dream. I let out a squeak when Quackity spins me around, holding onto his neck tightly, so I don’t fall. By the time he sets me down and I’m no longer dizzy, the whole room is in practical chaos: Dream and Sapnap are now armwrestling, for some reason; Karl sat back down, next to George, and they’re resuming the chess game that they’ve been playing; and Quackity has fallen on his ass, laughing, because I bumped into a few things when I was still dizzy. 
“motheR FUCKER, SAPNAP!” Dream yells, causing Sapnap to erupt in a fit of laughter. Oh he lost the arm wrestle. Haha Loser. “Let’s go again!”
“No, no, no, dude. Don’t you have something to do?” Sapnap reminds, gesturing towards me.
“I can’t right now,” He whispers.”We’re in front of a live audience.” 
My mouth drops and my face gets red. This little shit– “Well!” George interrupts before I can say anything. I shoot him a grateful look, one that he returns with a suggestive wink as he stands up. Nevermind then. “We do have something planned for this stream and because no one seemed to be able to spit it out, I will!” He says, shooting us a passive aggressive smile. “Today, our very own Y/n will be cutting… Dream’s hair!” –Quackity starts the wheel of fortune music, from his phone, blasting it from his speakers– “So, Dream, get in the hot seat and get ready for the haircut of your life!” 
After handing off his phone to Sapnap, Quackity picks Dream up bridal style and carries him into his chair. When my boyfriend is seated, he shoots Quackity a grateful nod and gets back to talking to chat. How strong is this man and why does Dream seem so casual about it?! Is this a common occurrence when I’m not around?!
I place myself behind Dream and mess with his hair as he talks chat through the process I’m going to take. “...but Y/n’s been cutting my hair for years now, so my hair won’t be totally messed up!” I roll my eyes and give him a quick flick on the back of his head, causing him to turn around and pout at me. With a short laugh and a shake of my head, I give him a chaste kiss before turning his head back to the camera.
“Don’t worry, chat, it’s just going to be a trim– nothing extreme.” I reassure, noticing some people asking. The room goes strangely quiet. Furrowing my eyebrows, I look between Dream and Sapnap who are sharing a look with one another: Dream’s face is reluctant and Sapnap’s expecting… What did they do?
“Umm, Y/n…” Sapnap starts, gaining my attention. “So you know when Dream got so mad when he lost the arm wrestle and wanted to do a rematch…”
“Yeah– what did you two do?” These little shits.
“Sapnap, stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you did.” I deadpan, trying to prepare myself for the worst.
“If Dream lost the arm wrestle… you’d have to give him a Yee Yee Mullet.” He says, practically hiding in on himself.
It takes me a few seconds to process what he means and by the defeated look on Dream’s face and sympathetic looks from Karl, Quackity, and George, I know that Sapnap wasn’t kidding. 
“Y/n?” Sapnap squeaks out, trying to meet my eyes.
I slowly turn my head to meet his eyes. I take a deep breath, weighting my options before deciding with saying: “You bet fUCKING WHAT!?”
This post was inspired by...
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
Jack being jealous when you hang out with his brother or urban more than him when you visit him on tour 😭man would be pouting and grumpy
Jack sat in the tour bus, his arms crossed and an adorable grumpy pout on his lips as he stared ahead at the tv.
You were huddled next to Clay and Urban, your phone out as you all hung around and laughed at stupid things while having random conversations. “You’ve never had Chick Fil-A?!” Urban exclaimed, his eyes wide at your confession.
You laughed and shook your head. “I’ve honestly never had it. They don’t have any near me where I live and grew up,” you shrug.
“We’re taking you to get some tomorrow then,” Clay said, popping a chip into his mouth. “There’s no way I’m gonna let you keep living without trying it.”
You snort at how dramatic the two of them are before you nod. “Alright, it’s a date then,” you say causally before you hear Jack scoff quietly in the background. His pouty expression never changed as he kept his focus on the show he was watching but he was definitely paying attention to your conversation with his brother and best friend.
You furrow your brows and leave the two men to make your way to where Jack is sitting, plopping down next to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek, but he kept his stoic expression. You glance at the tv and giggle. “You’re really watching Gossip Girl?”
Jack only shrugged. “You recommended it to me, didn’t you?”
“I mean yeah—but I didn’t think you’d take it seriously,” you joke. He kept watching which caused you to bite your lip and steal the remote to pause the show. “What’s up with you? You’ve been giving me an attitude all day.”
Jack clenched his jaw and tapped his foot on the ground a few times before he sighed. “I’m your boyfriend,” he randomly said, emphasizing the ‘I’m.’
You looked at him with confusion. “What? Do you think I have memory loss or something?”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Me okay? Not Urban—and not Clay,” he mumbled. At that moment, everything clicked and you felt terrible. “J...it’s not like that,” you said, your hand moving up and smoothing his beard.
“I don’t want to be the jealous type but ever since you got here, you’ve been hanging out with them more than me. And I love that you’re friends with them but...you’re my girlfriend,” he pointed out, looking at you intently.
You can’t help but bite your lip as a smile and soft giggle overtakes you. As guilty as you felt, you couldn’t deny that him confessing that and claiming you as his made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Hearing your giggle made Jack groan and try to hide his face with his hands. “Now you probably think I’m some whack ass jealous boyfriend,” he whined. That caused you to giggle some more, Jack shaking his head as his cheeks began to heat up. “C’mon ma. It’s not funny—I was being serious you know?”
You hum and nod your head. “Yeah. I know,” you say, moving over to straddle his waist, his hands instinctively going to rest at your hips, his thumb massaging your thighs absentmindedly. You cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips softly to his. Jack happily accepted the gesture before you pulled away, your lips now ghosting over his. “I’m in love with you, J,” you mumble against his lips, the first time either of you confessing it.
Jack’s head snapped up and his eyes widened. “Yeah?” he asked, a grin making its way onto his lips.
“Yeah,” you confirm, nodding your head with exaggeration which caused him to shake his head at your playfulness before he kissed you again. You melted into it before he pulled back. “I really need to book a hotel room,” he muttered, glancing over at where Urban and Clay stood talking to each other.
You hum in agreement. “Yeah you do,” you say smiling softly at him as your fingers played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “So we can watch Gossip Girl without interruption,” you joke.
“Oh shut up,” he laughed, watching as you giggled too, his right hand coming up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “I love you too by the way,” he whispered.
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I always LOVE seeing customized Furbies, whether it’s more simple or extreme cutomizations, I’ve always admired and wanted to be more involved in the Furby Community. For a while, I didn’t quite know how to go about it, especially with deciding on how I would customize a faceplate, but I’ve recently been able gather the materials and figure things out. So here’s my first ever Furby!!! (つ >▽< )つ ·₊˚☆
I definitely view him as some sort of oracle or prophet, so I’ll call them ⋆*⊹☽⍋  Scryer  ⍋☾⊹*⋆ especially because of how it’s eyes look similar to scrying mirrors. 
It may be a little trivial and unimportant, but I usually try to incorporate the pronouns of my creations in the paragraphs I write about them in my posts. But to state it a little clearer just because ¯\_ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ_/¯ (and for my sake in remembering), I’m feeling like xe/xem/xir (or xyr), he/him, it/its and they/them are what fit well (plenty of other neopronouns would fit well too, but that would be kind of a long list to write, so these are the main ones I have in mind). 
He has a very obvious cryptid-theme as well, and I was particularly inspired by the jackalope. For a while, I was thinking of giving them a pair of long rabbit ears to really lean into the jackalope theme, but I decided that would probably be a bit too busy, in terms of potential visual clutter. 
⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋
Using photo references, I made the faceplate, antlers and feet with polymer clay, the antlers also have wire in them for strength. Xir eyes are two black glass marbles. I made the eyelids separately from the rest of the face at first, I modeled them around the marbles, then carefully pulled them off (retaining the shape) and baked them with the other clay components. The ears, antlers and faceplate have wire sticking out of the ends to aid in attatching them to the body securely (I actually stuck the external wire in after baking, but it would have been best to add the wire beforehand). 
After baking the clay, I gave everything a few coats of paint (especially because it took me a few tries to get the colours right). I made the ears out of brown felt on the inner part, and some furry yarn layed and glued around he edges and along the back side. After the parts were finished and assembled, I hot glued them onto his body. 
The body it a simple oblong, rounded shape that I crocheted with furry yarn, since I didn’t have any furry fabric. I’ve used this same yarn in quite a few other projects before, but I got a lot of it for a past birthday and it’s what I have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also stuffed the body with some rocks near the bottom, to keep it weighed down and avoid top-heaviness. The clay feet also help keep balance. 
⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋
I’m really proud of how xe turned out! It made me really happy and excited to see it all coming together, and the final result is much more than I could have hoped for!!!  Σ>―(〃^ω^〃)→ ♡♡♡
I definitely would like to make another Furby in the future, ESPECIALLY a long Furby. Once I’m able to find a decent amount of furry fabric that I like, that will FOR SURE be a project that I’ll want to do. 
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millllenniawrites · 2 years
a light, a song, a bluebird (Poe Dameron x f!Reader)
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words: 6.4k
warnings: contains smut and difficult themes so 18+ only please; Reader has certain trauma responses that not all readers may relate to (including being touch-adverse, temporarily non-verbal, and ‘flight’ related conflict responses); intimacy related anxiety; dealing with trauma indirectly (source of trauma is never explicitly declared); assumed consent typical of a developed relationship; passing mention of having children in the future; canon typical violence; dancing; Jedi!Finn (not that it’s a warning, but it’s necessary for context)
a/n: FINALLY THE FIC I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR MONTHS IS HERE!!!!! I don’t really get into my trauma on here but this fic is pretty heavily based on me and the way I exist which is SUPER vulnerable and makes me very stressed but I’ve had a few requests over the years for something like this and I think I’m finally ready to post more about my experiences. We’re gonna start with this and see how it goes. It’s also a new narration style I’m trying!
I definitely could add more scenes to this thing (and I still might add to it) but I just need to post it and let it be imperfect. But if you guys like this universe, let me know? Maybe I’ll make this a little series? Not that I need another damn series
(Also if you’re interested in the playlist for this fic, it’s here)
I hope this means something to you. Writing it has definitely meant something to me.
Poe could have sworn you were a statue with how still you sat. Shoulders hunched near up to your ears, only a slight sway of your head gave you away: the human among life-like metal and stone.
He takes a cautious step into your workshop, head on a swivel for company and your self-designed traps. Only once had he missed a tripwire, sending a misshapen clay head—he later found out it was an attempt at a lothcat— swinging through the air and into his jaw.
He carefully navigates the stacks of artwork as he heads for your work station. As he passes though, he brushes a thin layer of ash off a carving of a Force-tree and rights a pile of tarps threatening to topple onto a half-finished clock. He never would have lingered on the timepiece, tucked under a larger depiction of a four-legged, seemingly hairy creature he doesn’t recognize, if not for the delicate gold gears set into its face. Not only were the gears golden, but you had pressed metal leaves of the same warm shade into the preserved wood of the clock’s body.
He freezes as he hears you call out, “Mr. Bey?”
You’re shocked at how quickly his head snaps around to look at you. It usually takes him a moment to respond as he feigns having the reflexes of a normal person, making it more than clear that he’s undercover, but you weren’t one to call a man out. His business was his.
And your discretion kept him coming back.
You had turned in your seat and were grinning at the handsome man, yanking your earpieces out of your head. They clatter to the tabletop. Standing, you tuck your hands into the front of your stained apron, sending your bag that was always slung over one of your shoulders swinging at your side.
Something about the softness in his eyes makes your heart flutter.
He takes a small bow, carefully tipping the grey cap he has sitting on his curls in your direction as he made his way to his feet. Something in his knee pops and you flinch on his behalf.
He coughs, surely from the thickness of the air. The volcanic island that houses your shop has experienced recent activity, sending debris and ash into the air. Given how sparse his visits were, you doubt he’s used to the air quality.
“I hope I didn’t startle you,” he says, his voice gravely. There’s something child-like about how he carries himself, like a boy in his father’s clothing.
“You didn’t,” you say with a shake of your head. Leaning around the large chunk of unworked metal that was blocking your view, your eyebrows quirk up as you notice the subject of his study. “I didn’t think a non-standard timepiece was part of the Princess’ order.”
“It wasn’t this time. But I’ll put a good word in.”
Your laugh is a gentle exhale. You rock back on your heels before turning around and pushing aside the grease-stained cloth that curtained off the underside of your table. The box he’d come for had been tucked under your workbench all day in anticipation of his arrival.
Every time your swinging legs had collided with the crate, you had seen his gentle brown eyes as clear as if he was standing before you.
You grunt as you pull it free. With a quick tap on the top of the weapons case, it begins to levitate itself. With a careful shove, you send it towards Poe. “There.” You rock back on your heels again, your head cocked. “Will that be all, Mr. Bey?”
He brushes some ash off the crate with his sleeve. “This time.” He sets the credits – more than he owed you for the weapons, if your eyes didn’t deceive you – on a squat table beside him.
The man was always careful to keep his distance from you. Though your quips were given with a smile and you seemed to take his teasing as well as you dolled it out, there were certain moments that you became timid around him.
He didn’t want to be the one to chase away your smile.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come on an adventure?” he asks, knowing your response.
He’d asked every time he’d come to pick up orders from you. It had taken you a few occurrences to figure out exactly what he’d meant. That he wasn’t just a stranger attempting to kidnap you. That he was actually asking you to come with him.
The Princess. A handsome scoundrel with a fake name. Shipments of weapons disguised as art. You didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what exactly you were assisting.
The Resistance.
Though it was a noble cause, and you couldn’t be happier to assist the General-Princess Leia Organa, you couldn’t imagine what being on a military base could offer you, other than sleepless nights and the feeling of uselessness you’d been trying to avoid since birth.
So, you shake your head. “No, thank you, Mr. Bey. You enjoy your adventure and I’ll see you soon.”
“Well, alright.” He bows again. “Take care.” He gently pushes the crate out your front door without looking back.
It’s weeks before Mr. Bey comes back to visit you. He’s transporting bombs, this time. Expensive ones. You’d traded a few of your best pieces for them. Things you were proud of and didn’t want to part with for anything.
Except, apparently, the fate of the galaxy.
His trip is short, as it always is, but he’s been sure to ask you: “Do you want to come on an adventure with me?”
Your answer is no, again, and he does look disappointed, but he smiles at you and leaves without pressuring you, as always. It’s like he can’t be anything other than sweet. He doesn’t know how. It simply isn’t in his programming.
You wonder what a man like that is doing in the middle of a war.
“Will you join me on my adventure today?” he asks softly.
Mr. Bey is wearing a long cloak this time. The thick fabric pools at his neck, failing to hide the suture tape that lines his jaw. He carries a new weight on his shoulders this time, months after you’d seen him last, his eyes sunken and hands unsteady.
You wonder idly what would happen if you were to say yes. Unfortunately, you hadn’t planned for this to be the moment you find out.
You push the crate towards him. “I’m afraid not, Mr. Bey. Who would finish this piece if I were to come with you?” You gesture to the metal sculpture in front of you before returning your hands to the strap of your bag. You worry the frayed edge with your fingers as you gaze down at your current project. It’s nowhere near finished, barely resembling the tree you could see in your mind. Two small birds, one still missing its wings, lay on their sides on your desk.
The floor begins to shake.
You move to duck under a table but Mr. Bey surges forward, holding out a hand. You take it gingerly, only because of the intensity of his gaze.
“We have to go.” He pulls you along with him as he heads for the door, abandoning the crate of weapons.
“It’s just a quake,” you try to explain, dragging your feet to slow him down. “They happen from time to time. We need to find cover…”
He opens the exterior door and swears.
The buildings surrounding the landing field burn. Two Planetary Defense ships plummet out of view, black streaks across the sky. Your lungs seize around the ashy air you drag in with your gasp.
A unit of TIE fighters close in on the Flight Tower. Two shots, and it’s set ablaze. Another, and it’s falling, falling…
Mr. Bey grips your wrist, dragging you out of the rubble’s path. The world moves in slow motion as it crumbles around you.
You clutch your bag tight to your chest and you run, hand in hand, from the building as the world explodes around you.
Two hands wave at you through the dust from the far side of the landing field. The shuttle that the person – a human, from what you could make out – is standing on hovers right at the end of the field, where flat earth drops away to sheer cliff and the rolling magma ocean below.
“Jump!” He shouts, dragging you across the gap and onto the boarding ramp of the ship.
He holds tight to your hand as you gaze down at the landing pad, watching the ships, the trading village, and your home explode and crumble into the sea below.
Mr. Bey does not let you go until the both of you are safe inside the shuttle and the doors close. As the shuttle lifts off, you scramble for purchase on the smooth, clean metal walls.
Tin can. You’re inside a tin can, flying away from your home.
“Steady, there.” The human that waved you into their shuttle sets a hand on your shoulder and you jump, gluing yourself to the wall.
“It’s okay. You’re safe.” Mr. Bey doesn’t approach you but holds out a hand. You timidly take it. He gestures to the other man. “This is Finn. He’s a friend.”
“Another code name, Mr. Bey?” you ask, still shaking.
He chuckles, the sound warming you. “I’m Poe,” he says, “Poe Dameron.”
You don’t know the family name Dameron. You’re not sure if you should. But from the way he says it, the sheer weight the name seems to carry as it rolls off his tongue, you know he’s important. His family is important. This man carries a legacy that you don’t need to know to respect.
You introduce yourself quietly, shaking his hand where he already holds yours. “I guess I’m joining you on your adventure this time, Poe Dameron,” you say. In your head, the words sound more confident than they come out, hanging awkwardly between you.
But he chuckles again. It calms something in you, and you smile too.
“It’s gonna be cramped with four people, but we’ll manage,” the man called Finn says and you shrink back against the wall.
Poe quickly lets you go, still smiling. “Come meet our pilot? She’s great. You’ll love her.”
You keep your bag clutched to your chest as he and Finn lead you through the ship. They both walk in front of you, turning back to check that you’re following occasionally but giving you space as you navigate to the cockpit.
The ship is a relic from an ancient time. The vents are clogged, and you can smell salt and sand and something definitely rotting somewhere. Despite that, you can tell the ship is very well loved.
You follow the curve of the upper deck towards the cockpit. A small brown-haired woman pokes her head out the door. “Stowaway?” she says.
Her deadpan has your gut twisting. “I—Mister—Um, Poe… Poe said I could…”
“You’re good. Rey’s kidding.” Poe introduces her to you and you carefully shake her hand.
“Welcome to the Falcon,” Rey says before taking her seat in front of the controls.
“She’s a little odd,” Poe whispers, warmth and love radiating from every word. You just nod, trying to smile.
Finn takes the seat next to her and Poe sits behind her, so you take the only remaining seat in the small cockpit for the remainder of the flight, tucking your knees to your chest and making yourself as small as possible, your bag resting over your knees.
The flight to the Resistance base is much shorter than you had expected. It makes sense, given how often Poe came to visit you for supplies, that they’d want somewhere close if they got into a jam.
If you could equate ‘a jam’ to the war raging in the galaxy.
Upon landing you’re quickly taken through a medical evaluation and then meet two members of the Resistance leadership, a taller woman with pink hair and a shorter one that seemed to carry the galaxy on her shoulders.
You can’t remember their names. It takes all of the concentration you can muster to keep from trembling. You’ll have to ask Poe later, for their names and a map of the base that quickly reveals itself to be a labyrinth. Surely he’ll be able to help. He’s been at your side since the Falcon had landed on D’Qar, providing enough smiles and kind words that you didn’t shake apart.
He walks beside you then, excitedly rambling about how well you’ll fit into the mech unit that had been stationed on base and how he’ll make sure you have enough supplies to still make some prettier things.
“You could still sell them, you know. The Resistance doesn’t exactly have that many sources of income. It would be the same work you were doing for us before!” he says.
The light in his eyes makes you want to trust him. You don’t have the heart to burst his bubble, but you know you aren’t going to fit in with the other mechanics. You don’t have the skills to contribute and you aren’t enough of a social butterfly to make a meaningful contribution to morale.
It was why you had always worked alone.
But there was no going home. So what else could you do?
Poe leads you down a quiet hallway near the back of the base, where the walls are open to the evening air and you can gaze out at the jungle. At the very end of the hallway, he opens a door.
The room is small, the furniture well-used in a way that instantly makes it cozy. A clean set of sheets has been laid on the unmade bed, which is squished into the corner against a wall of windows.
“The windows darken, if they make it feel too open for you. I noticed you cover most of the windows in your workshop…” He moves over to the panel laid into the wall next to the windows and hits a button. The glass becomes opaque, leaving you in darkness.
He giggles, letting out a small, “Oops,” as he paws at the panel, struggling to find the light. Your eyes adjust quickly to the darkness. You move towards him, hitting another one of the buttons.
The lamp in the ceiling stutters to life and you quickly back up, realizing how close you’ve gotten to Poe. He smiles, not unkindly, and says, “It’s okay. You’re going to be safe here. I promise.”
You nod. Your jaw has glued itself shut, keeping you from responding with anything more than a hum that you hope sounds encouraging.
“I’ll leave you to get settled in. We can head down to Supplies tomorrow to get you some clean clothes. There are a few shirts in the dresser. I thought you might want to sleep in something clean.” Poe points to the dresser and makes his way to the door. “Well, goodnight.” He backs out of the room, still smiling as the door closes between you, leaving you alone.
In the dresser, you find two shirts, one with long sleeves and one with the sleeves cut off. You lay your dirty clothes in one of the other empty drawers and put on the long-sleeved one. It’s worn, small holes dotting the edge of the collar where a necklace might have snagged it. But it’s warm. You dress the bed and lay down, fiddling with the hem and staring at your flickering light until sleep finds you.
You lean against the wall outside the cantina, clutching your cup tight in one hand. You’d brought tea in case the night got cold, but the dancing, screaming utter chaos inside the building seems to seep out, warming the night long after the sun had gone down. You watch the shadows that the people inside cast through the windows.
“Hey, Mech! Are you coming inside?” One of your favourite techs calls from the doorway. In your panic, you forget her name.
Even a year of knowing someone can’t stand up to the adrenaline spike that courses through you at someone’s eyes meeting yours.
Your open your mouth to respond but your tongue sticks to your teeth, so you shake your head, holding up the unlit stick of spice that rests between your fingers as an excuse.
She grins and yells, “Enjoy!” before heading into the building.
You wonder how long you can go using the same stick of spice as a way to get out of talking to people before someone calls you on it.
A crowd of pilots make their way up the short road between the town and the base. From their yelling, they’ve already broken into the liquor stash. A few voices stand out. Karé and Jess, more specifically. Black Squadron. Which means Poe is surely among them.
Quickly, you survey them. Poe is there, his flight suit only half on. He’s tied the arms around his waist, securing the bottom half of his jumpsuit in place and leaving him in a white undershirt that showed off his arms, shoulders, and most of his chest. Rey always says it ‘barely counted as a shirt’ and you giggle to yourself at the memory, stopping only when you realize how crazy you’ll look if someone spots you.
You tuck your knees into your chest, making yourself as small as possible so they don’t notice you.
You’re almost successful.
Poe Dameron slides down the wall beside you, waving his squadron into the cantina as he settles. “D’you need a light for that?” He gestures to the spice in your hand.
You shake your head.
“Just needed a minute by yourself?”
At that, you nod.
He grunts as he sinks back into the wall. “Cool. Me too.”
You gaze out at the jungle together. Poe can’t sit still, as hard as he tries. He begins to sway to the music that blasts from inside the cantina, humming along and tapping a rhythm line you can’t hear on his thigh.
“Do you want to dance?” He finally blurts out.
“In there?” You whisper, somehow finding your voice as you point to the door.
He shakes his head and stands up, brushing off his flight suit. “We can dance right here.” He grins down at you. Pure energy radiates from him.
You can’t disappoint him.
So you stand, pocket your spice, set down your teacup, brush yourself off, and look at him expectantly.
Poe takes your hand in his, stepping closer. He keeps enough of a distance that you don’t feel the urge to run, only making contact with you where your palms touched and where his hand rested lightly on your back to guide you. The two of you barely sway, following the bass that pounds through the walls.
“Is this usually how you dance at these parties?” You whisper, already knowing the answer. You’ve seen the way he holds onto his partners, his dark gazes, his wandering hands. This is very, very different, almost proper, and you aren’t sure what to make of it.
“No. But it’s how I used to dance when I lived on Yavin. My mom taught me,” he says, turning you slowly. “The music at these parties is always bad. But it’s not always so loud.”
“Celebrations usually are. Loud, I mean. It’s… good. I’m glad everyone has a chance to relax.”
Things on base had been tense, the silence uncomfortable and heavy, even for you. The Resistance had needed a victory. Even this little one was invigorating, like you actually had a chance against the army that had amassed in the shadow of the New Republic’s failure.
“Yes. It’s good.” He spins you again, and you settle into a rhythm.
Poe is a good dancer. Many of the people that seemed to yearn for him would have killed to be in your place, to be so close to the Untouchable War Hero Poe Dameron. He keeps to himself, sticking with Rey and Finn (and you, when you could stand to be around people) when he wasn’t around his squad, and you saw how that angered some people on base.
Thankfully, they mostly left you alone. There were some perks to having two Jedi and the Resistance’s best pilot as your only friends. Even if they were only friends with you because Poe kept sitting with you for meals.
But that didn’t mean your ears turned off. It was safer to stay in your office or in the mech lab, where you didn’t have to be around people’s judging glances and whispers. The techs you liked kept their conversations with you brief and solely focused on work-related matters. They didn’t bring up Commander Dameron’s favouritism towards you, the extra projects he gave you so you could practice working on the Resistance’s tech, or the way he trailed behind you on your rounds when he should have been training, or the nights he spent in your room.
They also didn’t know that most of those nights ended with the two of your sprawled out on your floor, laying in the light cast by the moon through your window, with enough space between you that Rey and Finn could have fit. It wasn’t nearly the scandalous affair they all made it out to be.
But still. Poe is there. Holding you, not some other mech he could romance and whisk away before the night is over.
“Shouldn’t you join the party?” you whisper.
“I’d rather be out here with you.” His voice is as soft as the hand that rests on your lower back, drawing you closer.
“You know I won’t be going home with you,” you remind him.
He chuckles again. “Can’t I dance with a friend?”
“I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Are more of the people you dance with friends?”
“Friends of a sort.”
Your stomach rolls and you straighten up. “And what sort of friend am I?”
He doesn’t seem to notice a change in you, but his voice softens, the darkness that had edged his words disappearing. “A good one. One of the best.”
“I can’t beat Finn, I guess.” You untangle yourself from him and sit back down, taking a sip of your cold tea.
Poe stays standing, looking down at you like a lost puppy. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, Poe,” you whisper. “You’re fine. Go enjoy your victory party.”
He shuffles his feet, looking between you and the open door.
“I’ll come back for you,” he finally says. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Sure, Poe.” You nod, trying for a smile.
You’re gone in the time it takes him to get a drink and come back to your spot against the wall.
“So, you haven’t hooked up with anyone since you got to D’Qar.”
You stare at Poe, trying to figure out if you’ve imagined him speaking.
“Am I wrong?” he says.
You watch his lips move.
Yeah, he’s definitely actually talking.
“How would you know?” you finally reply.
“Because you have the same routine every day and I’d notice if you deviated from it. Hell, Holdo would notice if you deviated from it.” He stares down at his feet, swinging his legs off the edge of the boarding ramp. It had gotten stuck in place, five feet off the ground, and you and Poe had been sent to fix it. Though your tools were spread out in the belly of the shuttle and you had wanted to get to work, Poe had insisted you pause to watch the sun rise ‘properly’ over the base. It’s still too early for you to be disturbed, which you’re equal parts grateful for and dreading. Though you had settled back into a normal rhythm after the Dancing Incident, you felt like you were still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Maybe I haven’t. What’s it to you?” you say, not looking at him.
“Most people go through the base the moment they get shipped here.”
“I’m not most people.”
His voice edges it’s way solidly into the flirty zone.
On instinct, you say, “If this is you offering, I’m not interested,” even though you know it’s a lie.
He snorts, “Oh, I figured that one out. Don’t worry.”
Your head whips around to stare at him. “What?”
He laughs, full-belly, his face tilting up towards the rising sun. “I’ve been flirting with you for ages. If you had any interest, I’m sure you would have made a move by now.”
“You flirt with everyone.”
“I do not.”
“Yes you do! You treat me the same as all the other people you take home.”
“No. I don’t.” Sudden softness. And it hurts, it aches somewhere deep in your chest because the pain in his voice is your fault, and you know it.
It’s your turn to stare down at your feet, hanging off the platform. You wonder what he’d do if you jumped off and went inside. Would he come after you? Would he give you space, find you later and apologize?
How many more times can you run from him, reject him, leave him behind, before he started to leave you?
You reach across the gap between you and take his hand. Your grip is sure, more like you’re holding a soldering iron than a human. When he moves to hold you back, you don’t flinch, even with your heart hammering against your ribs and the little voice in your head screaming at you to run.
“I know,” you whisper. Because you do. If you’re anything at all, it’s perceptive.
Something in you aches to say more, but your tongue turns to sandpaper and you can barely swallow around it, never mind speak.
Poe squeezes your hand lightly.
The sun rises.
Finally, he whispers, “Should we get back to work?”
You nod. You stand.
You’re the first to let go.
Poe sits across from your work bench, dutifully holding your wrench with two hands. He hasn’t said a word since he sat down, fully becoming part of your workstation as you move around the engine mod you’ve been working on for weeks.
He’d taken to randomly showing up. It was a recent development, and you guessed it had something to do with how few missions he’d been assigned. Everyone else had been busy, taking the intel from the new scouting team and turning it into results. Which meant you had more stuff to fix.
But Poe had been kept on D’Qar, training the recent batch of recruits. And when he was off, he delivered the damage gear that got shipped back to base from wherever-the-fuck the Resistance spies had broken it so you could fix it.
He watches carefully as you replace the paneling on a blaster he had brought over from Gold squadron. Another mech steps into the workspace, takes one look at Poe, and runs out.
Your face burning, you turn on him. “Do you keep showing up here because you have something to say?”
Poe shakes his head.
“Have you taken a vow of silence?”
“I like your voice.” You still sound grumpy (and embarrassed), but you mean it.
He just blinks at you, his lips turning up in a sheepish smile. It’s sweet, how he still gets nervous around you. Before, you’d thought that it was just the circumstances of your meetings, the high-stakes nature of smuggling weapons for the Resistance. But he still gets quiet, still blushes whenever you catch him off guard.
Before you can think too hard about it, you lean across the table and kiss him.
It’s light, just a press of your lips against his, but it sends your head hammering against your ribs anyhow.
He’s too stunned to speak for a long moment. Finally, he whispers, “What was that for?”
Your stomach drops like stone. “Did you not like it?”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “I dunno. You ran away before I could decide.” Slowly, he rounds the table, coming to stand between your knees.
You roll your eyes but lean in again anyways. His hand gently cups the back of your head as he brings his lips to yours.
It’s nothing you were afraid of and everything you want. He’s soft, oh-so-soft, but never yielding to the way you push against him. Winding your hands in his hair, you tug him closer and swallow the little surprised sound he makes.
In an instant, he’s everywhere: his hands on your waist pulling you out of your seat, his chest pressing to yours, his arms encircling you to keep you close.
When you finally pull away, flushed and gasping for air, you ask, “How about now? Was that okay?”
Poe nods slowly, his gaze focused on your mouth. “It was perfect.”
After that day, Poe hardly leaves your side, to the point that Leia had to order him to return to his normal duties.
As much as you loathe the stares from everyone else, you bask in the attention from Poe. He’s so sweet to you, stealing little kisses and touches whenever he can. Though you still tense sometimes when his hands on your back or hips catch you by surprise, you’re more than comfortable the rest of the time. It’s new. Different. You hadn’t thought this would ever be possible again.
You still hadn’t talked about it. What you were to each other. What this meant. But he walked you home every night, and he brought you lunch on days he was on-world, and you were okay with the not-knowing.
Weeks later, after he had walked you home, you invite him inside.
It should be normal, him being in your room. It had happened before. You’d spent long days working in there and nights sleeping side by side, the few inches between you feeling like an entire planetary system and nothing at all.
But somehow, this feels different.
He keeps a hand on your back as you enter the room. You sit on your bed as he talks through his next mission, but you aren’t really paying attention.
The air is heavier somehow. Every shaky inhale takes more out of you.
You’re not sure how it happens. One moment, he’s talking about the caves on Jedha. The next, he’s above you. His hands tight on your waist. Yours under his shirt (just barely). His breath hot on your neck.
Everything is warm. Too warm. And he’s above you, and it should feel good, and it does, when you aren’t thinking about it. But you are thinking about it. And the walls start to close in. And you can’t get a full breath.
“P-Poe…” you whisper.
He hums into your skin, hips grinding more firmly into yours as he kisses along your jaw. It hurts, somehow exquisite and excruciating all at once.
He freezes, hands leaving your waist and finding yours. “Are you okay?”
You tip your chin up to the ceiling, gasping. “I… I can’t breathe.”
Poe backs off, keeping a hold on one of your hands. “Are you sick? Can I get you something?”
You shake your head and fold in on yourself, somehow sitting up on your bed. Bent over your knees, you focus on breathing slowly. Evenly.
Poe sits on the floor at your feet, still holding your hand, rubbing small circles over your knuckles with his thumb. He kisses the back of your hand, murmuring against your skin. “It’s okay. I’m sorry. You’re okay. I’m so sorry. You’re safe.”
Slowly, you start to come down. Your eyes open enough to focus on him in the dim glow of your room.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you say slowly, your whole body shaking. “It’s not your fault.”
He nods, seeming to understand.
“It’s not your fault,” you say again, tears pricking your eyes.
“It’s not yours either,” he whispers, and you find he’s right.
Poe starts to stay the night.
It isn’t often, only when you both can afford to lose some sleep getting ‘distracted’. More and more, your bed feels empty without him in it. You begin to miss his kisses, rather than worry about when the next one might happen.
And Poe notices.
He’s more careful, after the night you had to stop him. But never timid with you. He doesn’t walk on eggshells like the others used to. He’s wrong, sometimes, but he tries. And you’re safe no matter what. And that means more than any sweet words he could whisper to you in the dark, after he thinks you’re asleep.
Because he does that. Often.
It doesn’t matter how you fall asleep, whether he’s laying on your chest or you’re tucked under his arm; he eventually starts to talk to you. Sometimes it’s stories, the ugly parts of his recent mission that he couldn’t bare to tell in the daylight or a memory from his childhood. Sometimes it’s dreams: taking you back to Yavin IV, introducing you to his dad, meeting his childhood friends, vacations on Chandrila, what your first baby’s room will look like (he’s sure to clarify: “If you want kids. We can talk about it.”), where the kids should attend flight school, how he wants to be buried beside you someday.
It’s that night that you wake as he’s saying, “I’ll die first. I have to. I don’t want to be alone.” He pauses to sniffle and cuddle into your shoulder before continuing, “I don’t want to leave you by yourself but I can’t be without you. And you won’t really be alone. You’ll have Finn and Rey. And your people in mech. You’ll be okay.”
“I won’t be,” you whisper before you’ve decided to speak.
“W-what?” He props himself up on an elbow, staring down at you in the dark.
“You were my first friend. You’re my love. I don’t want to be without you either.” You reach up, tracing over his cheek with a feather-light touch.
At once, he shudders and slots himself over you, his arms cradling you to his chest as he presses his forehead to yours.
“You have the more dangerous job,” you say, though you know it won’t help. “I could lose you any day. Any time you walk out the door…”
He presses his lips to yours, insistent. And you give in. Because he knows. And you know he knows. As much as you never talk about it, this war is more likely to steal you from each other than to spit you out the other side, hand in hand. The clock ticks, and ticks, but as long as it doesn’t stop, you have time.
And it’s time you spend, that night, wrapped in each others arms, shedding clothes, as close as two souls can be while trapped in human forms.
When you cry — and you do cry — it’s from relief. Release. Never pain.
In the aftermath, he holds you tight, and he presses kisses over your cheeks, and you realize just how much you love him.
When you tell him, he cries too. And it’s your turn to hold him.
Poe seems to stand taller as you walk through the base and people notice your linked pinkies.
“It’s so sweaty,” you’d said whenever he asked if he could hold your hand.
So you’d found a happy medium. He could still be physically linked to you, claim you as his for everyone to see, and you could avoid the sensory overload that accompanied having damp palms.
A few people look, more to pay respect to The Poe Dameron than to give you any attention, but even so, the stares are like pins in your neck. You flinch at a cupboard slamming in a room adjacent to the hall. Poe drops your hand to wrap an arm lightly around your waist, like he can shield you from the sudden onslaught of sights and sounds.
“Almost there,” he whispers into your hair.
You nod just enough to signal that you’ve heard him.
Poe steers you out of the base, keeping a hold on you until the two of you are on the path towards the cantina the Resistance frequented. He helps you into a booth at the back, his hands staying safe places while people could see you. Once you’re settled in, his hand finds it’s way between your thighs, squeezing gently.
He kisses your forehead and joins the conversation happening around you.
Eventually, Rose, Rey, and Finn join you, squishing you all onto the small bench. Poe checks in, making sure you’re alright, and you find that you are. Without realizing it, you’d gotten used to the casual affection that’s typical of Resistance members. Where Finn’s thigh is pressed to yours, you just feel warmth.
He and Rey talk about their daily training. You and Rose bond over your mech work, and she agrees to teach you everything she knows about the bombers. Before you know it, the night begins to wind down.
Poe helps you out of the booth, your hand securely in his. He kisses over your hair and whispers, “Thank you for coming out with me.”
“Thank you for asking.”
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amateurasterism · 2 years
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dating camilo !
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synopsis ; dating camilo madrigal headcanons
pairing ; camilo madrigal x gn!reader
notes ; first ever camilo post!! more in the drafts ;), 18+ dni
word count ; 0.93k
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camilo’s favorite thing ever is to find gorgeous places on the outskirts of encanto and bring you there on picnics. he thinks you look amazing under the sunshine so you’re always outside.
he loves creeping up to you and tackling you in a hug from behind. never too aggressive though, because he’d never try to hurt you
when he’s anxious, he hides his face in the crook of your neck and traces shapes on the small of your back while whispering small sayings in your ear
he smells like sun, clay, and cinnamon
there’s always parties at casita, so he loves dancing with you during them. if you're into it, he likes preforming dramatic songs too
he LOVES it when you wear his rauna. he will go insane every. single. time. if you wear it in town where people can see, he loves it even more
camilo is always pulling harmless little pranks on you. he’ll hide your most current book, blow out your candles, and change the flowers in your vases every hour. if you wear glasses he’ll put them on his head and let you chase him around town for it
he is constantly shapeshifting into other people to trick you because he thinks it’s cute when you get mad at him for it
before dating- if you found someone else attractive, camilo would shapeshift into that person and do the things that he knows pisses you off so you wouldn’t like them anymore
he just always knows where you are. all the time.
camilo is definitely big on physical touch- it’s his love language.
cuddling is his favorite
when cuddling, he always tries to be the big spoon but it doesn’t work because somehow every time you wake up he’s the little spoon. it embarrasses him every time, but it’s cute
he loves when you give him kisses all over his face, especially when you try to kiss his freckles.
if you wear lipstick, he forgets that it makes a mark when you kiss him so in the morning he’ll leave his room covered in lipstick. all the madrigals find it hilarious when they point it out and he runs away screaming “STOPP” while covering his face with his rauna.
overprotective af
if he so much as sees another person glace at you, his arm will immediately tighten around your waist and he will send the worst of death glares at them. he’ll louden his voice when he calls you “mi vida” or “amor” just to make sure the message gets across
he sings silly songs all the time to make you laugh. recreating his verse in “we don’t talk about bruno” is routine
he literally melts every time you interact with babies/younger children. as encanto’s designated babysitter, he just finds it super cute.
he could watch you play with antonio for hours on end and never get tired.
camilo always makes sure julieta has cooked your favorite meal every time you come over
he likes to make you clothes, specifically skirts and dresses (if you wear them). when you show up wearing the clothing he made for you he’ll panic and start shapeshifting into random people because dios mio, you’re gorgeous
he looks at you every time he makes a funny joke or sarcastic comment to see if you laughed
the madrigal family loves you and all of them never pass up the opportunity to tease you guys
isabela and mirabel especially- they’ll catch you guys hanging out in the kitchen or outside and they’ll start making fun of camilo
“y/n, you know camilo used to kiss his pillow pretending it was you?”
“camilo won’t shup up about you, even in his sleep! ask dolores.”
dolores loves you, she’s just fed up with camilo talking about you all night and day
but she never turns you down when you ask her about what he says about you when you’re not there
its usually something about your smile or laugh or kind personality
pepa is obsessed with you and melts everytime she catches you and camilo goofing around
before you started dating, pepa scolded camilo for not making it official sooner
at family dinner, camilo will always make sure his family isn’t too overwhelming for you. if the madrigals start shouting over something, he’ll either pull you aside or hold your hand and rub your back under the table.
the madrigals go insane whenever you and camilo lean against eachother or call eachother nicknames. camilo tells them to stop, but when he knows it doesn’t make you uncomfortable he lets it happen because he thinks it’s cute when you go red with embarassment
you, pepa, felix, abuela, and mirabel are the first people camilo will shapeshift to when he’s surprised or panicked
because of his shape shifting ability, sometimes camilo will forget what he looks like, so he carries around a photo you took of him on your second date.
also because of camilo’s shape shifting ability, he sleeps and eats much more than normal. due to this, you have little stashes of food hidden around casita just incase he’s about to pass out.
he leans against the wall and smirks a lot when you’re around only because he knows you love it. he sees it in the way you turn red and smile uncontrollably
if he’s not with you, he’ll shapeshift into you so he can admire you in the mirror.
most of the time when he’s alone he’ll lay in bed and smile and ramble about you because he’s just that happy you’re his
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megantheebaddest · 2 years
The One That Got Away |Part 2|
Part 1 Part 3
a/n: Thank you guys so much for all the love on the first part!! Also i wanted to shout out @peakascum for helping out and giving me the idea for the second part!! I definitely will be making a 3rd part to this and I’m pretty sure it will be the last part. If anyone has any ideas on how this should play out feel free to let me know!!
Summary: You are invited to Clay’s birthday party and it’s your first time seeing everyone after Jack broke things off with you.
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-3 years later-
You were currently getting ready for Clays 21st Birthday party. Clay reached out to you and told you he was coming home for his birthday and he was having a big party at the club. You agreed and couldn’t wait to see everyone. You were a little nervous and didn’t know what to expect because you haven’t talked to anyone since you and Jack broke up. You weren’t even sure how Jack felt towards you, but you tried to look past all of that because ultimately you were attending the party for Clay.
You looked at your phone to check the location of your uber. You saw a text from Clay so you clicked it open.
Hey Y/n when you get here have your driver drop you off at the back entrance you’ll be on the list! Everyone can’t wait to see you!! 😉
Okay!! I’ll be there shortly! ☺️
You got a notification saying your uber was out front so you grabbed your clutch and did a last minute scan in the mirror. You had your hair in a high pony tail, and a tight black dress on that went down to the floor. It fit your curves perfectly.
On your way to the club was horrible, your anxiety was through the roof and you were nauseous. You kept trying to just close your eyes and breathe and think happy thoughts but it was hard.
Jacks pov:
I stepped into the club looking for my brother. Clay was by the bar with a group of his friends, he looked so happy surrounded by all his people. I made my way over to him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. “Happy Birthday man” I said patting his back. “Thanks brotha!! I’m feeling good” Clay yelled slurring his words a little. I laughed and shook my head.
Urban walked up to me and dabbed me up. “Bro, Clay is already fucked up” Urban said cracking up. “Dude I know.. I don’t know who’s gonna be carrying him out tonight cause it ain’t gonna be me” I said laughing more. Just then i over heard Clay say a certain name. My eyes darted over to him and he was leaning into Neelam’s ear telling her something. I tried focusing on what he was saying when I heard Neel squeak in excitement. “Is she really!!??” She asked Clay. Clay had a big smile on his face and shook his head really fast ‘yes’. Neelam made eye contact with me and immediately whispered in Clay’s ear. I turned my focus back to Urban because now i’m positive they were talking about who I think. Just then a group of like 3 girls walked up to Urban and I. We all started talking and eventually the girls wasted no more time and were practically throwing themselves at us.
“Hey Jack I gotta tell you something” Neelam screamed over the music. I tapped the one girls thigh to signal to get off my lap so I could get up. I walked over to stand in front of her. I already knew what she was about to say.
“What’s up, Neel?” I asked. “Y/n is on her way here..” She said quickly. I shook my head up and down ‘okay’ and didn’t say anything. I knew it.
“Like she will be here any second..” Neelam added.
Neelam knows how I feel because on the bad nights I would go talk to her. She knows about all the remorse i have. How angry I am at myself for letting my love, my best friend, my better half, slip away…
“Is that okay? She questioned.
“Yeah, that’s cool.” I said with the fakest smile on my face. Neelam could see right through it. She shook her head at my attempt to act happy. I turned around to sit back with Urban and the girls that attached themselves to us. Urban got up to go order us drinks. Now I was left sitting here with a group of girls that I have no idea who they are, or what their names are nor do I even care to know. The only thing running through my mind was Y/n. How does she feel towards me? I was cut off of my thoughts from screams and cheering towards the bar.
My eyes immediately met the beautiful sight of Y/n. Everyone was surrounding her and scooping her up in hugs. Clay, Neelam, Urban, Druski.. Literally everyone was greeting her. Except me. “Who even is that?” I heard one girl say to the other. “I have no idea.. She looks like a nobody? I don’t understand why they are all making a big deal.” The other girl spoke.
Y/n pov:
Clay was the first person to notice you walk in. “Y/n!!!!” He screamed running up to you. He wrapped you in his arms spilling his drink a little. You squeezed him back and you felt like he could have suffocated you. “Happy Birthday!! I missed you!!” You screamed into his neck. He pulled away and looked at you and immediately squeezed you in a hug again. “Y/n!!” You heard a familiar voice yell. You pulled back from Clay and saw Urban walking up to you. You squealed and ran towards him. “Urby!! Hi!!” You screamed wrapping your arms around his neck for a hug. “What a pleasant surprise!” He said squeezing you tighter. You pulled away from him and now you noticed everyone swarming you. Neelam brought you in for a hug next. “Hi baby! I can’t believe you are here!!” She said in your ear. “I know me either. I’m so happy I could be here!” you said back.
After greeting everyone, one after the other you were able to calm down and order a drink. You were standing next to Urban at the bar when you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Jack looking down at you. “Hi..” He said quietly. You gave him a small smile. You turned around and brought him in for a hug. His body was tense but once you tightened your hug he relaxed. You breathed in and smelled his familiar scent. You both stood there for a moment while hugging.
“Hi Jack..” You finally said as you pulled away from the hug.
“I didn’t know you’d be here.. I’m happy you are.” He smiled.
“Yeah me too.” You said smiling.
Just then a girl who was half naked walked up and grabbed his hand. “You coming back to our table Jack?” She questioned in a low seductive voice. Before he answered she looked at you up and down and giggled. “Girl he’s my date for the night find your own.” She said in a joking manner, but the grin on her face told you she wasn’t really joking. You gave her a smile back and looked back at him. He had a look of regret on his face.
“That’s totally fine! My boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate me on a ‘date’ with someone else tonight anyways. You two are totally so cute together!” You said in the fakest tone ever. You gave a quick cheeky fake grin to Jack and walked away…
Jack stood there speechless.. ‘Boyfriend’??
to be continued….
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pendraegon · 3 years
are there any translations of gilgamesh you reccommend
okay first of all LOVE that i have a reputation of someone who not only has read multiple translations but also has pdfs of them...which is like, it’s true but i LOVE knowing that this sentiment exists. anyways, here’s a list of some gilgamesh translations and my thoughts on them for you anon! :3c
[1] the stephen mitchell “translation” — his is not so much a translation as mitchell himself has not translated the text from the akkadian HOWEVER, he has cobbled together a bunch of differing translations together into this one. it’s definitely the most...i don’t want to say easiest but the most readable of the bunch. if you’ve never read the epic of gilgamesh before i think this would be a good place to start! (:
[2] the andrew george translation. i think this is the most popular one if i’m not mistaken? this one’s cool because it has a side-by-side bit with what’s written on the tablet and then george’s translation from akkadian!! it’s definitely not as “novel-like” or “flowy” as say the mitchell or the sanders or the mason translation but it’s fun to peruse if you’re interested! (:
[3] the herbert mason translation. i REALLY like this one!!!!!!!! if you’ve seen the iconic “Gilgamesh was called a god and a man; Enkidu was an animal and a man. It is the story of their becoming human together.” it comes from this one!!!
[4] the nk sanders translation. i remember skimming this a while back and enjoying it!
[5] the stephanie dalley translation. [6] benjamin foster translation [7] the maureen gallery kovacs translation — haven’t read any of these three but poking around ive read really good things about dalley’s [8] the alexander heidel translation. also haven’t read this but this pdf comes with a comparison to the old testament. i’ll probably check this out bc it seems interesting??
[9] gutenberg has clay and jastrow's!
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rnjfy · 2 years
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wowowow user rnjfy posted wowowow this drabble is inspired by lauren spencer-smith’s song!! it’s really good and has me on my knees
fingers crossed — lmh.
in which he said he loved you but he must’ve had his fingers crossed.
the soft music rang throughout the fancy and definitely busy restaurant was a big contrast to the harsh pounding of your heart against your chest. the ice in your drink had melted—and the condensation had started to roll off the cool glass and onto the red cloth that lined your table.
“ma’am? if you’re not going to order anything, we’ll need to give up the table…” the assigned waitress looked at you with pity swirling in her eyes. this was the second time she’d approached you in the half hour you had sat and stared into nothing.
you could feel the embarassment creeping up your neck—but you swallowed it down as you smiled up at the young woman.
“sorry. you probably need the table… i’ll take my leave then.” after briefly bowing to apologize for any inconvenience, you wrapped your cardigan tighter around your shoulders as the cold wind greeted you.
you [7:16]: i’m at our table! the food looks really good, come soon! xx
no response. you wondered why you hoped for anything different, when all he seemed to be doing with you now is tolerating your presence. you terribly missed your boyfriend, but with how tonight was going you weren’t really sure how to feel.
the jingle of your keys sounded terribly loud as it echoed through you and your boyfriend’s empty apartment. you noticed the spot on your shoe rack where mark’s shoes were supposed to be—empty.
“as usual,” you mutter to no one in particular. the word ‘empty’ seemed to start to become a constant in your life.
your feet felt sore as you placed your keys in the small bowl you two had set up by the door.
“you suck at pottery.”
mark’s loud laugh surrounded the two of you as he struggled with the clay in his hands.
“dude! it’s crumbli—folding? what the hell!” he giggles as he tries to perfect the small bowl. your eyes lingered on his dark hair, his bangs falling slightly over his eyes.
“you suck at pottery.” you confirmed with a small nod, smiling at him as he rolls his eyes—a small smile curling at the edge of his lips.
“it’s just a unique bowl!”
your heart felt constricted in your chest. the small homey apartment that you two shared used to be close to what you would call your sanctuary.
now, you feel so so suffocated by the memories that would wash over you as you glanced over the decorations, furniture, artwork and other things that were scattered across your living space.
you walked slowly. the realization of what you need to do sinking in. your gaze catches the small couch that you both paid for.
“what d’you wanna watch?”
mark curls his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest as he flicks through the movies and shows netflix had to offer. you could hear his heartbeat going a mile a minute, but you leave your focus on the tv sat across from the two of you.
“what about friends?”
laughing loudly, mark quickly scrolls back up to the ‘watch again’ portion and clicks on the series you desperately loved.
burying his nose into your hair, “how are you not tired of this show?”
he giggles softly, the sound of the laugh track blending in with the silence of your apartment.
gulping down the memory, you start towards your shared bedroom. the sight of mark’s favorite guitar sitting next to your bed makes you uncomfortable, the tears in your shaky eyes seemed to be endless.
“y/n! c’mere. i wrote a song and uh… i wanted you to hear it, if that’s okay?”
the blush on mark’s face was something burned into your head. it was the most adorable sight and you never wanted to forget.
you nod, your hair bouncing at your shoulders as you sit next to him, watching as he clears his throat and fixes his fingers on the neck of his guitar.
his rough voice surrounds both your figures. the chords and the words—all of them blended so well together. they screamed mark, and you felt like you were falling in love all over again.
your movements felt robotic. you barely processed that your closet was now empty. mark’s clothes hung on their own, taking up only half of the large closet that occupied the left-hand side of your room.
the shine of your framed picture catches your gaze—it sat on your bedside table looking lonely now that you had taken your jewelry and other various knick knacks off the wooden table.
you pick it up shakily, your fingers caressing the smooth frame. the picture of you and mark on your first date, a concert. he had a bottle of water in his hand and his arm was slung around you.
his smile haunted you now, the look of love in both of your eyes felt taunting. your heart hurt even more.
a part of you longed to stay. to give yourself to mark, because at the end of the day, he’d come home. home to you. whispering apologies and empty promises of a next time.
but you were tired. and you’ve tried. you tried to stay. you tried to love him even when you knew he didn’t love you anymore.
the soft click of your apartment door sends a painful ripple from your heart to the rest of your body.
you stand there for a moment, your eyes closed as you whisper your last wish into the dead of the night.
i wish you said you loved me, when you didn’t have your fingers crossed.
in your face writer’s block!!!! i’m finally back with a drabble and hopefully this pushes my writer’s block fully away >:((( shares & likes are appreciated! i love you all <333
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