#coffin kids
vendetta06 · 2 years
are you gay, trans, radioactively lethal, or just straight up love vampires??
watch my band fangbanger’s new music video!
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sortanonymous · 7 months
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myfavoritesstuff · 6 months
Visual Novels & Webtoons
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Note: Please do not read if you are not okay with yandere tendencies or violence!
Discord!!!! Please join if you like reading and/or writing or just want to talk (text). It will be my way of talking or obsessing over these characters.
Note: The Discord Link is now updated! Feel free to join!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Dreaming Freedom
Nothing yet
The Kid at the Back
Through the Illustrated Veil
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
“Your Andy”
Possession from Within
“Yes, We Really Do” (smut)
Through the Illustrated Veil
14 Days with you
Through the Illustrated Veil
Mushroom Oasis
Nothing yet
A Date with Death
Nothing yet
Embrace of Shadows (smut)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
could i request a boyfriend!andrew graves x reader headcannons or scenarios? i LOVE TCOAAL🫶🫶
Boyfriend! Andrew Graves x Reader - Headcanons
TW: Andy has a foul mouth, reader gets groped, Andy is a little possessive, a tiny bit of violence (-is always the answer)
♥︎Notes: I'm kind of an idiot so if you notice something is spelled incorrectly, feel free to send me a dm so i can fix it (totally not at all referring to my first Yandere!Andy x Reader post where I spelled dark as darmfk ;-;). Also this is kind of short because so many people requested for Andy x Reader, so I didn't want to pull out all the stops. I hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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The first thing you gotta to know about dating Andy, is that he's very touch starved.
I can just headcanon that due to his aloof personality and very broody behavior, he doesn't get many hugs...
So when you enter his life, best believe that Andy shows you this completely different side of him!
I'm talking.... Cuddling in the mornings till the point where you're almost late for work because he refuses to let you go.
I'm talking.... Andy being able to sense when you're about to go into the shower. His spidey-senses tingles, and the moment you're about to hop in, he's right there already getting his hair wet.
I'm talking.... Trapping you with his kisses when you're making food, definitely not noticing that he's causing you to burn dinner.
And no amount of protest can deter this man either.
Speaking of making food... Andrew is the master-chef of the house!
Now he's no Gorden Ramsey (as he likes to tell you whenever he makes you a sandwich), but everyone knows that one bite of his food is enough to make a sailor come back to the land.
So it's very nifty when you're sick and at home, in need to have someone take care of you.
The first time you ever got sick was when you and Andy were still living separately.
It was a Friday night, and it was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary with Andy. Unfortunately, due to some unhygienic biotch at the office, you caught a cold and had to cancel.
At first Andy didn't respond, instead leaving you on read. You felt bad, figuring that he was mad at you for canceling.
But lo' and behold, exactly 10 minutes later, that was a frantic sound of keys jiggling into the your front door.
You had gotten up from your couch-potato position to see the person who wanted to rush into your home so badly, when it occurred to you;
Andrew is the only one with another set of keys...
And with that realization, Andy burst through the door with a pharmacy store bag in one hand, and a grocery store bag in another.
In an instant, Andy made you take a disgusting amount of cold medicine, and blessed your cold home with the warmth and smell of spices and herbs (likely all from the soup).
When the food was ready, he sat you up with a pillow and hand-fed you soup for the rest of the night. You felt so bad for ruining your anniversary, but everytime you tried to apologize for it, Andrew would stuff your mouth with more soup and would say;
"I don't care about that romance and anniversary shit. We don't need to go to a fancy restaurant or an expensive place just to feel like we're honoring an important date. That date is important because it is our date. We don't need to one-up that memorable time just to remind everyone of how special it is... Y/N, you're crying into the soup."
Needless to say, you cried.
But Andrew doesn't just take care of you...You best believe he also protects.
Well, sorta.
You could be in a grocery store, at a Boba shop, in the mall, getting new shoes, it wouldn't matter, Andrew would always have his hand on your waist.
Be it because he saw someone look at you, doesn't matter who or how old they are, he'll always wrap his arms around you and whisper ever so softly, "You're mine..."
It has definitely given you some weird looks over the years, but you know he means well.
And if anyone ever actually looks at you funny? It's over for them.
Andrew will make it VERY clear that you're not to be messed with.
For example, a couple of months into your relationship, you were riding the train. Enjoying a simple conversation about suspicious neighbors and whatnot, when all of the sudden some guy came up behind you and tried groping you discreetly.
Andy noticed very quickly that all the blood drained from your face. He looked behind you and noticed the old geezer trying to get a hand full of someone way younger than them, and Andrew could feel every restraint in his body snap.
In an act of "self-defense" as told to the cops later on, Andrew punched the living daylights of the guy and sent him flying into a pole.
You fussed over Andy's fist for awhile, completely forgetting about how you felt. But the only thing Andy could think about was how he should've hit that guy harder.
When you guys were finally walking home, hand in hand, you leaned on Andrew.
"I'm sorry about today Andy... I didn't mean for you to get all banged up."
Andrew snorted, "My knuckle is a little scratched up, so what? That perverted asshole had it coming for him."
You kissed Andy's cheek, which granted you a dark blush from Andy, and a grin from you.
"Thank you Aaandy~" You brushed his hand with your thumb,
Being in a relationship with Andy is a little messy, and yes sometimes a little crazy. But no matter what happens, Andy will always stick by your side.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Andy squeezed your hand in return.
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Thank you for the ask<3
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radiance1 · 1 year
Jack got into an accident that booted him out from his own universe, leaving him stranded in an entirely different universe. Danny came along with him, but is pretty much weakened by whatever situation they were in before where he wanted to keep his dad alive.
Jack searched around for what he had on him, a few ecto-batteries, a Fenton thermos and his jumpsuit.
Luckily around him laid the very destroyed yet salvageable parts of a machine that was brought along when this happened. So he took it apart and decided to make something outta it.
Danny meanwhile is not doing that hot, so he took to sleeping his fatigue away, he doesn't know how long it'll take but eh. So when his father built a coffin he very happily climbed in and started napping away.
Which, it wasn't supposed to be a coffin nor for him to sleep in, but Jack just went what the hell and decided to modify his original plan. Installing the ecto-batteries he tinkered them to draw in the ambient ectoplasm from their surroundings (which is far less than Amity Park but eh) and release it into the coffin to act as some kind of recharge station for his kidd-o. At least he hopes, then added some straps so he could put it and voila.
There strapped to his back was the Fenton-coffin, bound to (hopefully) recharge your ghost kid from either sickness, loss of power or both! Call now and you can get on for-
Now with Danny safely secured to his back and in a safe (enough) environment. Jack went on to (hopefully) find something to get them back home.
It is weird seeing superheroes that aren't ghosts though.
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miramelo · 1 month
Why does Danny need a mask you might ask?
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(no one asked lol) Jack made it so it could filter impurities from the environment 24/7, it's not really perfect but it helped him a lot early on, allowing him to be outside his coffin for a few minutes to an hr before his body starts shutting down
Damian might have accidentally gotten attached and doesn't want the others to find out about his friendship with the sickly meta child(they are literally the same age) especially since he doesn't think the overprotective father Danny talks about sometimes, who he suspects might be an ex convict, would allow Danny to talk to him anymore
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
The Hades and Persephone AU
So! It had been a coincidence. One of the Rouges Cass had been chasing down had dropped a stray Bullet Casing, and she had managed to miss it as she ran after them. All they could hear through the Comms was her startled yelp as she tumbled 3 Stories, directly onto her Back.
Batman had rushed to the scene, hoping that his daughter was still alive, but when he got there he came across a very different sight. A Tall, shadow covered Knight Carrying Cass in his Arms. Before he could do anything, the Shadow Knight turned away and walked deeper into the Alleyway, were a Lazarus Green Portal stood waiting.
Batman could only watch as his critically injured daughter was kidnapped by some sort of Dark Armored Demon. And into a Portal glowing with the same light as a Lazarus Pit no less.
When he returned to the Cave, Bruce immediately contacted Constantine. Within the Hour, Constantine had arrived and had been lead to the scene where Cass had been taken.
"Well, I don't know what you did to catch their ire but it seems like Orphan was kidnapped by a Realms Being." He explained, "And by the looks of it, by the Right Hand of the Ghost King himself. How did you manage this?"
"Where can we find her?" Asked Batman in a Hard Tone. This was his Daughter, and she had just been kidnapped by Royalty from another Realm. He didn't know why, but they were going to pay.
"Well, the Ghost Zone is a treacherous Realm. Ordinarily I would advise against even considering going there, but I know you will either way."
Constantine gave them Directions to a small town in Illinois, where supposedly a pair of Techno-Mages had managed to open a Permanent Portal the the Ghost Zone. They would have all the Weapons, Armor, and Transportation he would need to venture into the Zone.
Finding the Tecno-Mages was easy (though they preferred the term Ecto-Biologists), and surprisingly convincing them that they needed their help was even easier. Once Batman explained that his Daughter had been kidnapped by a Being from the Zone, they offered their help immediately.
"We understand, if it had been one of our own Kids who had been kidnapped, we would be doing the exact same. If only we could get into contact with our Son, he has connections in the Zone that may be have been useful, but he's been busy for the past few days."
After a day of preparing, the Team was ready to delve into this alternate dimension to save their Missing Family Member.
Meanwhile Cass is living out her Mythologically Accurate Romantic Fantasy (I have a headcanon that Cass adores myths). She was basically Kidnapped like Persephone, except it was under very different circumstances.
Basically, David Cain had made a deal with the Previous Ghost King. David would be given access to Fresh Lazarus Pits for the League, and in return the Ghost King would be given his daughters hand in marriage upon her Death. And while Cass was technically still alive, her Near-Death Experience had drawn enough Ecto to her that it pushed her Liminality past the point of Human Limits. She was no longer technically Alive, so the Contract had activated.
Thankfully, when Fright Knight noticed his new Queen-To-Be's condition, he had rushed her to the Far Frozen to be healed. Then he brought her to the Castle and had informed Danny of the development.
Now, Neither of them was really ready to be married, but a Contract like that needed to be canceled by the one who made it. And Pariah was still locked in his Box. So, they had delved into the Ghost Writers Library to see if they could find a Loophole.
And Study Dates have never been so fun.
Even though she isn't ready to be married yet, Cass still thinks that Danny is kind of cute. And she likes his goofy little smile, and his slightly glowing eyes, and his smooth white hair, and-
Oh, that Persephone comparison might have been a little more accurate than she thought...
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j3llys4ndw1ch · 11 months
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ashley in a couple of different aesthetic!! (though part of me doubts she’s happy enough to commit to scene)
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gutiuniverse · 4 months
Four: What are you, 5? Warriors: *snorts* Yeah, 5 heads taller than you Four: Warriors: Warriors: I'm sorry please don't kill me
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neverletbrocookagain · 4 months
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(read the tags)
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werepuppy-steve · 4 months
the og post is buried somewhere, but going off of my "rockstar eddie and his husband steve run an onlyfans" post (ik @wormdebut was interested in it):
a twitter account appears, and it’s obvious that it's a burner. on the day of its creation, there's a single tweet with the link to an onlyfans video.
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it's a pov, the camera pointed to a head of messy curls between someone's legs as they lick and make pleased hums into someone's cunt. the room is dark but tinted blue from the led lights that line the ceiling.
the poster lets out a soft moan as their partner does something with their tongue to make them roll their hips up.
familiar dark eyes open and look straight at the camera, lips latching onto their cunt and sucking.
a loud moan rings out, "eddie-"
and then suddenly eddie munson, lead guitarist for corroded coffin, is giving the camera a smug grin, his lips swollen and shiny.
"that feel good, baby?" he asks, spreading his partner's lips open with his fingers and flicking his tongue against their swollen clit.
their moans and whines also sound familiar. "so good, daddy," they say, their left hand coming into view to brush through eddie's hair.
the plain black band on their ring finger clocks him as steve munson, husband to eddie munson. whose moans are featured in the background of many of corroded coffin's more explicit songs.
eddie hums again, gently tonguing at steve's hole and making him mewl.
"you're wetter than usual, sweetheart," eddie comments, kissing the insides of steve's thighs. he looks at something past the camera, presumably at steve himself. "you excited to show off for everyone?"
steve must nod, because eddie sits up and takes the camera from him. he keeps steve's face out of frame, but the chest hair and moles dotting his body speak for themselves.
he points the camera between steve's legs. "look at that," eddie whispers, his voice gravelly. he gently runs his fingers over the swollen lips, his middle finger sliding between them. "fucking gorgeous down here, stevie, you know that?" eddie spreads his lips to show his hole before sliding his middle finger inside.
"daddy," steves sighs, gripping the inside of his thigh with one hand.
"so tight and wet and pretty–" eddie slides in his index finer and slowly thrusts them. "whose pussy is this, baby?"
he crooks his fingers and steve's hips jump. "s'your pussy, daddy."
eddie adds his ring finger next, spreading them a little. "that's right, angel. and who gets to fuck this pussy?"
steve whines louder and reaches down to spread himself open, his cunt pulsing around eddie's fingers. "daddy gets to fuck it," he answers. "only daddy."
"good job, princess," eddie praises. "and who gets to make this pussy come?" he presses his fingers deeper and curls them against steve's g-spot. he's rough with it, his wrist shaking and steve's cries getting louder over the slick sound of his pussy.
"daddy!" steve's back arches and the camera jerks with the movement.
steve's face comes into view for a solid three seconds, his head tossing and turning and his face scrunched up in pleasure as his husband aims to make him squirt for millions of people. "daddy makes my pussy come!"
and just like that, corroded coffin fans eighteen years or older watch steve munson come with a keening whine as he's fingered through his orgasm, gushing all over eddie's hand and soaking the bedsheets below.
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ghost-bxrd · 24 days
Calvin Rose finds a catatonic teenager roaming the streets and… well, the poor kid looks dead on his feet, and it’s raining cats and dogs, he can’t just leave him there.
And, it’s fine. He’s just passing through (can’t risk more with the Court still at large) and will be back on the road come morning. And he’ll sleep easier knowing he kept the kid from certain death.
So, really, how the hell did he end up with the very same kid riding shotgun and nagging him to turn up the radio to Phoebe Bridgers?
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myfavoritesstuff · 5 months
Through the Illustrated Veil
Pairing: Ren x Isekai!Reader x Solivan Brugmansia
Summary: You awaken to discover that you’ve been seamlessly transported into a realm where visual novels are real life.
Note: If people like this idea, I will turn this into a series. This will have yandere tendencies later on! This is a crossover between 14 Days with You (14dwy), The Kid at the Back (tkatb), and The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (tcoaal). I might add on other visual novels if people request more or if i like the story is going and want to add more. The reader is kind of clueless, but just for this first part. The artwork isn’t mine!
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Slowly, you opened your eyes, and the world came into focus. It was as if you had stepped into the frame of a beautifully illustrated book. The colors were vivid, the edges sharp, yet everything pulsed with a gentle breath of life. You immediately sat up with a gasp, your heart a beat behind the realization that dawned upon you– this was no longer your room, your world.
“Hello?” Your voice came out as a whisper, yet it seemed to carry across the room. The door to the room opened, and there two figures emerged. It was two people you instantly recognized–
Andrew and Ashley Graves from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Once known in the realm of visual novels, now stood before her in the flesh.
“I see that you're awake now Y/n” Andrew said calmly. Ashley turned to her brother with an annoyed look on her face.
“Yes, we can both see that Andy. Thanks for stating the obvious.” Andrew turned towards her and the two started bickering. Meanwhile, you were still trying to comprehend what was occurring right before your eyes.
“Umm…” as you began to speak, unsure of your next words, the two turned towards you. “So, where are we?”
The two gave each other a confused look and responded simultaneously, “In our home”.
“Home?” That didn’t sound right, the last thing you remember was Andrew and Ashley killing their parents and taking their home. And from the looks of it, this didn’t seem like it was their parent’s house. “Okay…” you responded, yet still unsure.
“We’ll leave you alone for now, but remember you have school in a bit and work a little later on. See you later sis.” The two left, leaving you stunned. School? Work? You don't remember anything about this visual novel having school or work. And what was this about being their sister? You decide to get out of the bed that you were on, and make your way to the door. Once leaving you instantly recognized where you were. This is the apartment from 14 Days with You.
You made your way to what appeared to be the front door of the apartment and left, too lost in your thinking to say goodbye to your “siblings”.
You made your way down to the bottom floor, and went outside to get some fresh air and think things over. You found a bench and sat down.
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and 14 Days With You are two of three of my favorite visual novels. The only one that's missing is… oh. You know now. Going to school, it all makes sense now. The last one was The Kid at the Back.
Am I already friends with Sol and Ren or do I have to become friends with them? Sighing you decide to get up and start walking.
Wait, I don't even know where the school or my work is! You thought. But it didn’t seem to matter, since your legs seemed to walk on your own.
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
ok but Can you image the total shit show it’d be if reader somehow rizzed up BOTH Andrew and Ashley?? 😨 literally preying. Like imagine reader is not necessarily popular, but they definetly are one of the most attractive people in the class if not the most
Andrew Graves x Reader x Ashley Graves
TW: Some nasty cat fights between the Graves siblings, everyone has a potty mouth, mentions of unaliving eachother, not proofread, reader just wanted a cookie.
♥︎Notes: This was actually so fun to write. I always love writing arguments between my two favorite assholes and watching it burn from there. Enjoy this messy headcannon and sorry it took so long<3.♥︎
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Someone call the police, ain't no one coming out of this alive.
First, we gotta start with how you rizzed up the siblings. Starting with Andrew,
I can already see that to get through Andrew's heart, you gotta be funny.
Yes I know that this brooding son of a bitch is dressed in only dark colors, but he values some humor and I feel like the way through his heart is that.
You were in class chatting with a classmate near Andrew's desk when the classmate brought up your history teacher. Uptight, strict, and a prick, you said, "If he berates me anymore for my red pen, his head will go so far up his ass he'll find his own bullshit."
Unexpectedly, both of you heard a snort. Searching for the source, you saw Andrew covering his mouth with his hand, horrified by the sound he had just made.
You smiled at him and brushed off the snort to the classmate, "I think we're hearing things."
That truly made his heart flutter.
He had started sitting closer to you after that. Whenever he got ready in the mornings for school, an extra step in his routine was to hope that you were coming too.
"Hey Andrew," you walked by Andrew's desk.
"Y -Y/N! Hi..." Andrew mentally cussed himself our for the stutter.
It was dumb...really dumb.
But it made Andrew smile and feel giddy when he walked home.
I feel like Andrew would be very tame when it came to his feelings for the reader.
He'd blush when you're around and check in with you to make sure you're okay. He'd be too embarrassed to actually ask you out, but he would definitely try to find excuses to hang around you.
Now, the only natural explanation for Ashley's involvement with you would be that she saw her brother with a dumbass grin one day and HAD to investigate.
So, how did you rizz up Ashley?
Well, it's simple, really,
She went to your house to get a clear look at you and saw you dancing through the window,
You were fun and disgustingly too kind.
But somehow, that fun energy intrigued Ashley. You would smile at her randomly when she corssed the street. You had no idea who she was, and yet that smile irked Ashley (in a somehow pleasant way).
"Hey guys!" She cheerfully entered the classroom doorway, a spring in her step.
Andrew turned to look at the voice and immediately felt a muscle in his forehead twitch. "Great," he thought, "another one of Ashley's ploys so that she can harass any woman out of my life."
You, of course, were baffled at seeing this girl suddenly love up on you, but judging by Andrew's murderous smile towards her, you figured they were related somehow.
But instead of Ashley being an ass towards the reader, she began to cling to their arm.
This began a looooong sequence of events where it would go one of the following ways,
You'd go to a spot around town, invite one of the Graves siblings, and no matter how secluded, isolated, unknown, or illegal said spot was, the other Graves sibling would find and join you.
This definitely opens the possibility of more intense sibling fights.
I say intense, but it's more like,
The fights would get so loud that the neighbors would call the police
By the time the police came to knock at the door, Ashley was pulling Andrew's hair and trying to put him in the washing machine, while Andrew was clawing at Ashley's face and trying to smack her head against said machine.
When Andrew (and for some reason) Ashley came to school, you were startled by how banged up both of them became. Still, when you asked about it, all they did was brush you off (and stomp on each other's toes when you weren't looking).
While they did loath each other for trying to steal Y/N from one another, they never doubted the protection they felt they owed to Y/N.
Some random classmate decided to hit on you and make you verryyyy uncomfy. When you recounted the tale to Andrew, he refused to leave you alone for weeks, constantly fantasizing about bashing the guys face in.
ASHLEY ON THE OTHER HAND would absolutely demolish any shithead who tried hitting on you. "They needed to be punished!" Is the last thing she said, and the last time you ever saw that classmate.
Was it risky? Yes. Did Andrew scold her for it? Yes. Did either one of them regret it? Hell no.
Overall, the entire relationship is a complete shit show. And even if you begged them to play nice, they'd still fight over you.
"Ashley, can you help me? I can't reach that cookie jar."
Ashley sprung up from her seat. "Sure thing, N/M~" But just as Ashley was going to reach for the jar, Andrew pushed her into a pile of trash bags in the kitchen and proceeded to grab the jar for you.
"Here you go, Y/N," Andrew smiled at you while you panicked on who to check in with first.
Suddenly, from the pile of trashbags came, "Andrew, you ass!"
Fight or flight kicked in, and you immediately bolted out of their kitchen. Having remembered plenty of their fights, you decided that for today, you were perfect content with just going home. That was enough Graves for today...
Yeah, that was plenty of Graves for today.
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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snail-scholar · 8 months
yeah yeah we all love the "you fuck her" scene because the mom is right on the money sorta, but is it just me or is it also kinda fucked up?
isn't it fucked up that she thinks the only way andrew, ashley's whole ass brother who essentially had to raise her himself, would stay by her side, would be if he got to bang her?
isn't it fucked up that she thinks the only way ashley could possibly have value to someone would be tied to her body?
doesn't it a hit a bit close home to anybody who had one of those moms who kept policing your appearance and general behavior because "men won't want you if you do this and that"?
ashley deserved to eat her parents. as a treat.
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hawkinsbnbg · 2 months
Imagine you’re Corroded Coffin’s hardcore fan who owns a bar and you keep seeing this one guy (whose name is Steve) with a different member every weekend night.
Problem is you’re 99% sure they don't know they’re all dating this Steve guy at the same time. Which is awful and cruel of him.
Although Steve seems nice enough (always leaves big tips and says thank you to your staff), you know from experience that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Your long line of “nice” exes can prove that.
And despite everything, you have to admit Steve is unfairly attractive. No wonder these guys are so whipped for him that they had collectively fallen for his deception.
So as Corroded Coffin’s loyal fan, you seethe and fume on their behalf. Never outrightly rude to Steve because duh, you don't want to act like an ass when Eddie Munson is sitting there, utterly besotted to Steve who has been stringing him and his bandmates all along this whole time.
So you plan, scheme, drop a note here and there each night they come to the bar with Steve, hinting about the truth, telling them to keep an eye out, that they’re being played like a fine violin in Steve’s hands.
It’s the best you can help without making a scene and probably causing unnecessary scandals.
Frankly, their love lives aren't your business, but your conscience doesn't allow you to sit this one out.
Except their reactions aren’t what you expected. You can see Eddie or Jeff may let it slide, but when even Gareth and Doug just look amused, you realize maybe you had had it all wrong.
The next Saturday night, you watch Doug and Gareth hang out with Steve, both give Steve heart eyes, and both jokingly fight over Steve who looks beet red.
Then Sunday night rolls by and you see the same thing happen with Jeff and Eddie.
The only difference is that they both steal kisses from Steve when they think no one looks. And just like the previous night, Steve glows under their flirting and unfettered affection.
For the first time since you started observing Steve from afar, you finally notice how gone he is for his boyfriends. How he’s just as bad when it comes to them. Completely smitten and infatuated.
Shaking your head, you go back to your job, happy that your favorite metalheads have found their person and wondering when it will be your turn.
Maybe one day soon.
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