alanakarsch · 1 year
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Love these simple thoughts that remind us we can get through the hard spots. When things are really tough, it can help to remember that it’s often temporary - even when it feels like it’s permanent.
It’s not that we should be so resilient - I wish we didn’t have to be. But for some people, the hits just keep coming, and these coping thoughts could help in a hard moment.
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channelingstore · 2 months
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Experiences in Close Relationships, Resilience, and Coping Methods" https://t.co/g1uDrp7wOg via @SurveyCircle #CloseRelationships #resilience #CopingMethods #coping #attachment #coping #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/xHI47ICDM8
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jan 25, 2023
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theyear1980 · 3 years
"Sometimes you gotta make fun of the bad to deal with the bad."
Me to my mom during our late night convo
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kalikushbaby420 · 4 years
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I'm a sucker for anything vintage and fantasy, #CottageCore was meant for me! One of my coping methods from a long day or a hard day is crafting! I love to make things, or cook or spend time writing. This is one of my favorite pieces, a fairy silhouette broach 🧚‍♀️ Do you craft when the world is going to shit? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ . . . #SanDiego #SanDiegoModel #MentalHealthMonday #CopingMethods #Crafting #HobbyLobby #MomCrafts #ArtTherapy #HealthyCopingMethods #BreakTheStigma #Crystals #Gems #Fairy #Fantasy #Quartz #Vintage #Fantasy #LOTR #Cosplay #Cannacrafts https://www.instagram.com/p/CFIJm8YHXhh/?igshid=11223x0xz49cw
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How to Move on From Peter's Death in Infinity War
1. You dont.
How to Move on From Peter's Death in Infinity War
How to Cope With Peter's Death in Infinity War
1. Just stop crying. Comfort yourself with the fact that Peter will come back in Avengers 4 and is going to have another movie, Spider-Man: Far From Home.
2. Read fluffy Peter Parker Field Trip Stories. Just go to any fan-fiction site (suggested sites are: Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, and AO3) and type 'Peter Parker Field Trip'. The constant reading of the same clichē plot tricks your brain into believing that Peter is still there.
3. Avoid any Infinity War clip or the movie itself. Pretend as if the movie never released and instead get excited for the next Spider-Man Movie.
4. Watch as many hilarious clips of Tom Holland goofing off or interviews to distract yourself from the harsh reality. Pretending that its Peter doing all those goofy and funny things instead of Tom Holland comforts the mind and heart.
5. Avoid annoying siblings or family members who tease you about this serious matter and try to test how long you can hold your punch. It is recommended to cover your ears and scream "LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU" when your annoying brother starts singing these lyrics:
"Spider-Man, Spider-Man.
Does everything a spider can
Things are looking, pretty dark.
'I don't feel so good Mr. Stark'
Oh no! There goes the Spider-Man"
(The second you hear the third lyrics is when you need to start screaming)
6. Read fluffy Irondad and Spiderson fan-fictions (Recommended fan-fiction reading sites and links are above). Irondad and Spiderson fanfics include Tony and Peter as family or Tony becoming Peter's surrogate father and Peter as Tony's surrogate so. The cooing and sqealing at cute fluffy scenes helps you forget about Infinty War much easier.
7. Search up Spider-Man Smiling gifs amd images from Tumblr. and other sites to fill your galleries with heart warming gifs of Peter smiling which removes the memory of Peter in pain and begging not to go. Here are some examples:
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8. Avoid all Infinity War Posts, fan-fictions, and videos. Guaranteed 99.9% of being sad and depressing. Instead watch the scenes of Captain America: Civil War with Peter in them and Spider-Man: Homecoming for the millionth time.
9. Keeping Peter as your wallpaper in your phone, laptop, other electronic devices or basically having a picture of Peter near you when you wake up to face life and go to sleep is guaranteed to make you stay positive that he will come back.
10. Reading, looking at, or going through Spider-Man Memes in your gallery helps to keep your sanity when your Wifi is down and there is no Peter around(Hey that rhymed!)
I will keep adding more and more ways to cope with Peter's temporary leave (You guys can also add some too!). I recommend to practice these coping methods until Avengers 4 or Spider-Man: Far From Home releases. And remember! Peter will come back, or else Marvel better watch there back.
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aspiringafterlife · 6 years
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"be known for your kindness and grace." ••• I personally feel alive, energized and genuinely happy when I go to a bookstore such as @barnesandnoble. The environment, for me, is so serene and enjoyable. ▪ comment below where/what makes you feel the most #alive - I am excited to hear your answers! . . . #aspiringafterlife #depression #anxiety #ocd #bipolar #depersonalization #schizophrenia #bulimia #anorexia #ptsd #lonely #sadness #alone #selfharm #atwarwithmyself #death #hurt #helpme #recovery #dontgiveup #metoo #broken #books #bookstore #serene #myfavoriteplace #mentalhealth #copingmethods
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msytucker · 4 years
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Join us LIVE TONIGHT @ 7:30 pm for another episode of RAWthentic Word. Topic: The Coronavirus; How are you coping? #RAWthenticWord #Coronavirus #copingmethods Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/189098784?pwd=bE5hMGp1cVFRY2Urb1pWVnZBeDUyZz09 Meeting ID: 189 098 784 Password: 031537 One tap mobile +13126266799,,189098784# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,189098784# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 189 098 784 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ateTh4LQ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-F7eZDHt1N/?igshid=mhioyelovsb2
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As a child, I was often off in my own head playing imaginary games. I could escape the room without leaving the room. As an adult, whenever I was with my mother, I was often checked out just to get through it. This checking out is called dissociation and it is a common trauma response. #dissociation #copingmechanism #copingskills #copingmethod #disconnectionwithreality #traumaresponse #fightflightfreezefawn #freezeresponse #imoughtahere #cptsd #complexPTSD #childhoodtrauma #DevelopmentalTrauma #childhoodptsd #ptsd #trauma #cptsdrecovery #donm #aconm #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticmother #tellingmystory #sharingmystory #youtuber #blogger #mentalhealthrecovery @pokingholes_cptsdwarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CNd6VQ7DLr_/?igshid=1k91eiie2dvwx
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Coping anxiety/depression
My friend once told me a helpful way to cope with my issues and calm myself down Do you have an extra box of some sort laying around? Well you can use it. Take an empty box and fill it with all types of notes and cards from friends. Maybe even print out some quotes. Whenever you feel down go through it, it helps. Another use for a box, or maybe a mason jar. Whenever you're feeling sad write your reason on a piece of paper and stick it in. Maybe explain why, add s drawing, whatever helps. This way you can express why you're down and help yourself find a way to solve it. I hope one of these will help you one day. Stay strong loves!
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thrivingalone · 6 years
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Exactly how I’ve been feeling... when I want to destroy my own body, this is how I destroy it... but I keep wanting to destroy it more
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dead-flower-diary · 4 years
Liebes Tagebuch
Letzte Nacht war krass. Hab noch mit Xim getelt, der während ich einen Heulkrampf hatte eingeschlafen ist. Hab meine Klingen gesucht, aber endweder hat er sie alle weggeschmissen oder ich hab sie verlegt, was seltsam ist, da sie in der ganzen Wohnung versteckt sind. Hab mir Neue bestellt und ein paar Mullbinden. Gegen 5 eingeschlafen. Derzeit wache ich immer mit furchtbaren Kopfschmerzen auf, also erst immer eine Schmerztablette. Irgendwann ging es. Ich hab einen tollen Schal bekommen von einer anonymen Person. Es stand kein Name auf dem beigelegten Zettel ebenso wenig wie ein Absender auf dem Paket. Ich freue mich über sowas. Ich finde das nett. Es ist schön zu wissen, dass irgendwo jemand an mich denkt, obgleich ich mich so alleine fühle, dass ich nur hier tippe, weil ich eigentlich mit niemandem reden kann. Naja. Es gibt noch die Abschiedsbriefe. Das wars. Der Tag danach war überraschenderweise angenehm. Ich hab Josys neuen Song gesungen, war bei der Arbeit und hab da ein bisschen Frieden gefunden, Kerzen gezogen, zum Radio gesungen und Ms Buch gelesen, welches wirklich genauso ist, wie John Green es geschrieben hat. Beide Figuren sind Seiten von M. Kein Wunder, dass es ihr gefällt. Charaktere die ich gerne schütteln würde um zu sagen “Warum seid ihr so? Warum redet ihr nicht?”. Ich frage mich wie viele Leute mich gerne schütteln würden um zu sagen “Warum bist du so? Wieso kannst du nicht einmal die Klappe halten.” Wenn ich meine Worte in mir drin lasse, entsteht der Druck und die einzigen Copingmethoden die helfen sind destruktiv. Und ich hab wirklich alles ausprobiert was es an Copingmethoden gibt. Gut geschrieben ist es. Ich hab sogar die Zeit vergessen. Bin danach nach Hause gelaufen, hab Oh Wonder gehört und wurde wieder total nervös und zittrig und bin wieder hier vor dem Rechner. Wenn wir Mal ehrlich sind, liebes Tagebuch, dann ist das hier auch eine Copingmethode, nicht wahr? Mir ist eiskalt. Heute hab ich wieder extrem viel an jemanden gedacht. Also wie immer. Nur noch mehr. Ich möchte das nicht. Und doch ist es das einzige, was mir wirklich gute Gefühle bringt, aber ich weiß natürlich, dass das nicht gut ist. Naja, jetzt vielleicht einen heißen Tee und weiterlesen.
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drankvancouver-blog · 7 years
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Exam Season: study, eat, drink, die a little inside, repeat
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marvinjamal730 · 7 years
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#dreamin #twistedinsane #kingiso #redrokillson #thelastdemon #brainsickmuzik #horrorcore #fuckyouandyourlife #allyourlies #copingmechanisms #copingmethods
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bone-eaters-well · 6 years
i gotta stay up a widdol longer to do #copingmethods for my anxiety before i fall asleep so i dont get fucked up by night terrors 2nite
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msytucker · 4 years
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Join us Monday, March 23, 2020 @ 7:30 pm for another episode of RAWthentic Word. Topic: The Coronavirus; How are you coping? #RAWthenticWord #Coronavirus #copingmethods Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/189098784?pwd=bE5hMGp1cVFRY2Urb1pWVnZBeDUyZz09 Meeting ID: 189 098 784 Password: 031537 One tap mobile +13126266799,,189098784# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,189098784# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 189 098 784 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ateTh4LQ https://www.instagram.com/p/B91vZ4zHSTI/?igshid=1bharve62rfmr
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