#damian wayne injustice x reader
y/n: is that your hand on my ass?
jason: sorry, it was an accident.
y/n: your hand is still on my ass
jason: accidentally
requests are open!
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ikkbtsprincess · 8 months
can anyone pls help me find a Damian Wayne Wattpad fic with an injustice cover the story goes like Damian travelled accidentally in the real world and met y/n and fell in love with her couldn't find it🥹 pls help me
:ps, it's an old fanfic 🥹
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INJ Intros - Declawed
Injustice reader: She's Catgirl! Selina found her struggling on the streets and took her in! She's a lot nicer and is more willing to become a hero than her mother figure but she's still got that cunning flirty part of her. Interactions with: Damian (romantically, she wants to believe him when he says he didn't kill Nightwing), Catwoman (familial), Batman (platonic; I need at one when she asks if she can still call him father in law), and Starfire (she still wants to be friends with Star, but Star won't give her a chance)
Selina Kyle:
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(Y/n): How much did you get?
Selina: I nabbed around 50K in jewelry last night. You?
(Y/n): 55K. I win!
Selina: Remember rule #1?
(Y/n): Never pick a side.
Selina: Well, we won’t have a choice soon.
(Y/n): I can’t just leave him.
Selina: Batboys are no good.
(Y/n): Like you’re one to talk.
Selina: Stay here. It’s for your own good.
(Y/n): I am ready to fight the Regime.
Selina: Show me then.
Damian Wayne:
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(Y/n): Finally, you cut you hair.
Damian: I liked it!
(Y/n): Hun, you looked like you sold molly for a living.
Damian: Did he send you?
(Y/n): Please come home. We care about you.
Damian: All he cares about is his code!
(Y/n): You gonna kill me, too?
Damian: Its not like that. They were murderers.
(Y/n): So was I! You can’t play favorites, Damian!
Damian: Did you finally get your head straight?
(Y/n): Yeah, and I know what I need to do.
Damian: Please don’t do this.
Bruce Wayne:
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(Y/n): Sooo, is it cool if I hyphenate our last name?
Bruce: Bring back Damian, and you can do whatever you want.
(Y/n): Challenge accepted.
Bruce: Give back the Batarang.
(Y/n): How did you know?!
Bruce: Selina also tried to pawn one.
(Y/n): Damian needs time when he is angry.
Bruce: He’s always angry.
(Y/n): *sigh* Fair enough.
Bruce: Don’t make me regret this.
(Y/n): Boo-yah! Bat fam status!
Bruce: I am taking back that communicator.
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yannawayne · 2 months
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-> ALL
INJUSTICE 2 INTRO INTERACTIONS. batboys x villain! reader
⋅────⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰────⋅
i'm gotham's only spidey (ONGOING SERIES)
SYNOPSIS: "Alright, let's do this one last time. My name is Y/N Kyle. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, And I've been the one and only Spidey in Gotham. I’m pretty sure you know the rest." AO3: yenwayne
not a weapon but a person—capable of loving and being loved.
SYNOPSIS: You get kidnapped and Damian snaps.
dc augu-whumps (whump works)
SYNOPSIS: i like suffering men so here we are! rules are simple, give me a whump idea + fitting song! requests are not guaranteed though!
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nobody-zero3000 · 10 months
Yandere Batfamily x Amidala! Reader
Inspired by the Yandere Damian Wayne x Alien Leader reader by your-regular-toast-enjoyer. But also because I like Padme Amidala and Star Wars. I want to use the Gotham Knights video game version of the Batboys, Batgirl, and Batman. Since Damian Wayne is not in there, I was thinking about Damian Wayne from the Injustice 2 video game but older. I'm going to change and add a few things from the Star Wars Universe and add a few new things to Amidala's character.
Warning: yandere, age-gap.
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Earth heroes have encountered a different galactic system not far from Earth's solar system. The Justice League has made contact with a planet that's part of the galactic government system, also known as the Intergalactic United Republic, and has agreed to send someone to the planet to at least show that Earth and the Justice League offer peace.
In the watch tower, the heroes are having a meeting about who should go on this diplomatic mission. Some voted for Green Lantern, Martin Manhunter, or Superman, but the results show that the best candidate for this mission would be Batman.
Martian Manhunter was a bit disappointed because he had heard about her reputation through some holo-nets and was eager to meet her. As well as introduce her to his niece, Miss Martian since she is a fan of her work.
"Then it is settled: Batman shall be the one to go on this diplomatic mission and talk with the queen." Wonder Woman had declared.
The meeting is adjourned. Batman boomtubes back to Earth to discuss details with the rest of the Batfamily.
In the Batcave, Bruce calls in Robin, Red Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood.
"As you all know, I summoned you here for an important reason. I have been chosen to lead a diplomatic mission for a planet called Naboo. But I'm not planning on going alone." Bruce pulls up pictures of the planet.
"This mission has to be taken seriously and delicately. Any hostile behavior will endanger Earth along with millions of civilians. Do not show any violent or hostile behavior, and do not engage or cause any conflict that may lead to dangerous consequences. Do I make myself clear?" Giving them a stern, firm glare to each of them, especially Damian and Jason.
Jason shrugged. "Got it. No violence unless they start it first, then we consider violence."
Bruce narrows his eyes at him.
Jason puts his hands up in mocking surrender. "What? I'm kidding. No violence, don't cause trouble got it."
Tim looks at the Bat computer screen, looking through the information. He looks over to Bruce and asks, "Question. Do you have any information on the ruler of this planet? Any photos of what they look like."
Bruce pulls up photos, "These photos were taken at the Watchtower when we made contact with the planet. We are still looking into other information from J'onn and Hal's research."
It shows a female, (Y/H/C), (Y/E/C), and the areas where white makeup is not covering are your hands, which are (Y/S/C). She was sitting on a throne, dressed in royal clothes and wearing white makeup with red dots on both cheeks. She stood straight and had a blank look. But her eyes showed kindness, patience, and seriousness.
The boys and girl are taken aback by how young the female is. They were expecting someone much older. Not just that, but how beautiful you were. It was like looking at an angel. If someone were to ask about the definition of an angel, they would show them a photo of you. But for some reason, if they had a photo of you, they would not want to share it with someone else; they want to keep you to themselves.
For Bruce, it took a lot of strength and restraint to not laugh at their expression and keep a straight face. He couldn't blame them. When he first saw you, he was shocked not only to find out that someone as young as you would be ruling a planet but also by your beauty. He has seen a lot of beautiful women (Selena, Talia, Diana, Lois, etc.), but you pretty much outmatched them all as well as caught his attention and kept a hold on it.
Snapping out of it, he puts away the photo, much to the family's displeasure.
"So that's who we're all going to meet. If I had known that, I would've been more 'ready to go' for this mission." Dick grins and crosses his arms.
"She's really beautiful, and she must be very smart to rule the planet by herself," Tim said, blushing and smiling.
"Is there any more information on her?" Barbara is very curious about this young woman.
Damian finally asks, "When do we leave for this mission? Most of all, who will be watching the city while we are gone?" At this moment, he doesn't care if they leave the city unguarded, as long as they leave soon. He is curious about this alien leader.
"While we're gone, I managed to get some League members to watch the city, as well as other independent heroes to keep an eye on the crime rate. Now that is settled, all of you pack your bags. We'll be leaving in 2 hours.
The Batfamily boomtubes to the Watch Tower, and from there, they enter the Javelin spacecraft (which upgraded to travel at a speed of light thanks to Hal, other Green Lanterns, and Cyborg). Once they are settled in the ship, Batman sets the coordinates for the planet Naboo, and on they go.
"Coordinates for Naboo are locked. Prepare yourselves for light speed." Everyone is strapped in. Soon the ship takes off.
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After the ship comes to a stop, everyone, besides Batman who is used to space travel by now, groans from the lightspeed, some felt either really tired or sick.
Red Hood groans and hunches over. "I'm starting to regret eating that Bacon Ultra-belly combo."
"You should wait afterward, Todd. We were going to travel through space at a fast rate. What did you expect, imbecile?"
"Shut it, demon-spawn."
"Alright, that's enough, you two. We're here that's all that matters." Nightwing lightly scolded them.
Batgirl decides to get into the conversation. "Besides, what did Batman say about bad behavior."
Red Robin includes, "What part of no hostile or violent behavior are you two not getting here?"
They all start to bicker until Bruce switches to autopilot. Turns the seat around to face them. "Enough" in a firm and stern voice. Narrowing his eyes gives them his famous Batman glare.
The bickering stops, and they turn their attention to him.
"Let me make myself clear, be on your best behavior and do not start trouble. Once we land, stay close by my side. Do you understand?"
Red Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl nod their heads. After a few moments, Red Hood and Robin show they understand by nodding their heads, too.
Batman turns back to the front window and starts to move the ship toward the planet.
Realization starts to overcome the bat family members, and they all look to the front to see the planet.
Tim and Barbara had excited expressions since they were about to visit a different planet and would meet the ruler soon. While Dick, Jason, and Damian were shocked to see the planet and about the possibility that they were about to go to a different planet.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile in the throne room of Naboo---------------------
A guard's com beeps, he answers, and a few words are exchanged. He nods and turns to the queen.
"Your Highness, the Earth's ambassador, has arrived and is now entering our planet."
"Very well, prepare refreshments and send starfighters to guide the ship to one of the land platforms."
"Yes, Your Highness." The guard leaves.
As the Javelin enters Naboo, they are encountered by starfighters.
Batman presses a button that allows him to speak to the Starfighters. "This is Batman, Ambassador of Earth."
"Batman, this is Captain Olie; we are ordered by Queen Amidala to escort you to Theed Royal Palace. You can just follow us."
The starfighters fly ahead but not far from the Javelin. Batman starts to follow them.
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As they fly to the palace, all of them look out their windows to look at the new environment. Tim and Barbara show excited and awe expressions. Jason and Dick are in awe too. And Damian, even though he tried not to show it, thought the planet was beautiful too and a bit excited to experience a new environment, a new planet!
Bruce had to admit it was beautiful, and it looked peaceful.
Once landing in a near landing platform, they exit the ship wearing their superhero suits. As they exit the Javelin, a handmaiden and two guards walk toward them.
"Sir Batman, Ambassador of Earth, I am here to escort you to the throne room to meet with Queen Amidala." She gestures for them to follow her.
The other bat members give each other glances. Batman just starts to walk with her as the others follow him.
They reach the throne room, and the guards open the doors for the guests. (Pretend there are more chairs.)
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On the throne sat the queen of Naboo. On both sides beside her are two handmaidens in their own seats. On her left is Captain Typho.
The batboys and batgirl look at the queen in complete awe. Batman just gives a neutral expression, but on the inside, he feels different.
'She is even more beautiful in person.'
"Batman, Welcome to Naboo. I hope you managed to travel here safely with no complications."
"Queen Amidala. Thank you for inviting us to your planet and agree to meet with us."
"The Council of Naboo, Chancellor Valorum, and I have discussed and created a peace treat, but I would like to discuss it more with you."
A servant brings in a tray of refreshments. (Y/N) notices the other masked heroes.
"I see that you have brought company with you. Would all care to introduce yourselves, please?"
The others glance at each other, finally, Robin decides to introduce himself.
"Robin, I aide Batman on his missions and patrols around Gotham City. It's a great pleasure to meet you, Queen Amidala."
She nods in his direction before looking at the person next to him.
"Nightwing, protector of Bludhaven, former leader of the Teen Titans. It's very nice to meet you." He offers her a kind smile.
She nods her head and gives a small smile back, but gives a curious look. "What is a Teen Titan?"
Then shifts her gaze to the female hero.
"Batgirl, formerly known as Oracle. Thank you for inviting us here. You have a beautiful home planet!"
She gave Batgirl a grateful smile, "Thank you." Then she looked at the other male hero; he looked a bit younger than her, maybe around her age.
He shyly waves to her, "Hi, Red Robin. I also help Batman, as well as the other bat family members. Y-you have a really lovely home, you're beautiful, I-I-I mean your home is beautiful. Not saying that you're not beautiful because you are." He continues to stutter.
Robin rolls his eyes. "Smooth, Drake. Very subtle."
Queen Amidala just looks a little amused and tries not to laugh. She offers a smile and raises her hand to him, which gets to him stop. "It's alright, Red Robin. I understand, and thank you. You flattered me."
Red Robin opens his mouth but closes it and blushes.
She then looks to the last hero. He's physically well-built and has his arms crossed. She notices the blasters strapped to both sides of his legs.
"Name's Red Hood, vigilante of Gotham. And I got to say, you are way more hot in person compared to the photo that was sent to us." He complimented with a hidden smirk and gave a noticeable wink in your direction.
The handmaidens give a soft offend gasp and Captain Typho stiffens and clenches his fists.
Queen Amidala, however, is thankful the makeup covers her blush. She gave a confused look, but there was a fluttering feeling in her chest. She snaps back to reality and fixes her face into a neutral expression.
"Thank you, Red Hood. As much as I am flattered by your...compliment, we should probably go into the discussion about the treaty."
Batman, after sending a scolding glare to Red Hood (who does not show any regret about what happened but instead smugly looks to the other bat heroes who are glaring at him), looks to the queen.
"I agree; I do have a few questions and concerns."
"Of course, let us begin."
After discussing and reviewing the treaty, it was dusk. The Queen had adjourned the meeting and would talk with the Council of Naboo and Senator of Naboo tomorrow about the treat.
"I'll have some servants show you to your rooms that you will be staying in for a while. Once you have settled in, I'll have a couple of my handmaidens come to escort you to the dining room for dinner."
"Thank you, Queen Amidala." Batman gives a small bow.
Six servants show up in the throne room. Each of them escorts the heroes to the royal guest rooms. Bruce, Tim, and Barbara are neighbors; across from them are Dick, Damian, and Jason. All get comfortable with their room.
Near evening, two handmaidens come to each of their rooms to take them to the dining room, where the Queen is sitting at the end of the table waiting for them.
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On the table are plates of food that seem questionable to the Batboys and Batgirls since this is their first time trying alien food. Bruce doesn't show it but even he seems to question the food but is curious to at least try some.
"Welcome, come every one, sit down. Enjoy the food."
Thinking for a moment, (Y/N) wonders if she should help them with which food is the best. After all, it is probably their first time trying food that was outside their planet.
"I would recommend the Shaak pot roast or the tip-yip but if any of you do not eat meat then I would try the Xizor salad or Aquaris Broth. Please let us know if you have any questions on the other food items."
The Batfamily sends appreciative looks toward her and starts to dish out. The servants that were about to dish out plates for them stop as they see this. They look to the queen, their expression partially asking, "What do we do?"
The queen just smiles and waves a hand to them. "It's alright. Let them dish out by themselves. It's getting late; why don't you all grab a plate and then retire for tonight or head back home to your families."
The servants smile at the queen and bow to her while both say. "Thank you, your highness."
The servants sit down and start to dish out as well.
There are different emotions running through the bat family. For all of them, there's admiration. For a few, there's surprise, confusion, and approval.
One who was most confused was Damian. It wasn't normal for the young adult to see a royal figure treating their servants like they were their equals.
His taught by his grandfather and mother that as royal figures, they are superior and therefore do not see non-royal figures, servants to be exact, as their equals.
But the more he thought of it, the more he started to admire the young ruler. This action showed that she was kind, generous, and fair. It made her even more beautiful.
They just eat their food for a while until one of the heroes decides to ask a couple of questions.
"So, what is it like being a queen? And how did you get the throne early? It just...you seem rather young...not that is a bad thing, but wouldn't your parents still be the ones running the throne?" Red Robin had asked.
Red Hood was about to scold him for asking those questions in the middle of dinner but stopped because he was curious, too. He wanted to know more about his sweetheart, about her.
The other masked vigilantes were curious as well.
(Y/N) stop mid-bite and set her spoon down in the bowl.
"Being queen can have hardships, but it can also be rewarding. I serve my people, and I do what is best for them. I've got to meet many different people and make connections and friendships with a few of them. As for how I got the throne, I wasn't born of royalty blood but rather I was elected by the people of Naboo. As for my parents, my father is an excellent builder, educator, and relief worker, while my mother voluntarily works in a variety of social services roles helping the underprivileged. I would sometimes go with my father to his relief missions to aid other people on different planets. It's what encouraged me to pursue this role."
Tim listens closely and pays full attention to her. He's actually surprised but amazed about her being elected for this role.
"Wow!...you must be very intelligent to have gotten such a role. It's amazing, and from the sound of it, you like to serve. Where did you go to school? Is there a specific school you have to go to? Different programs? It's amazing some your age could do this! I mean of course, I'm around you as well,...possibly. I mean I not old..not that I'm saying your old! Because you're not. You are young. Look young. B-beautiful, k-kind, and generous, and fair, amazing.
"Calm down there, Red Robin. I think she gets the point." Nightwing said.
"Stop. You're embarrassing yourself and us, for that matter." Robin said to him in a blank and annoyed tone.
(Y/N) just looks on in amusement and covers her mouth a little with her right hand but cannot control the small giggle that escapes past her lips. Even her servants find this amusing but manage to keep themselves from laughing at this event happening before them.
The Batmembers stop talking and freeze as they listen to her laugh. They thought it was a very nice laugh and couldn't help but smile. (Bruce and Damian gave small smiles, of course. But it is still a smile.)
Once (Y/N) got control of herself, she stopped giggling but still had a content smile on her face. She actually felt grateful for the young hero, it's been a while since she had even laughed.
"Thank you, Red Robin. You still continue to flatter me, and it's been a while since I laughed. You are one of a kind."
Red Robin couldn't stop the large grin growing on his face. He ducked his head and looked away, trying to hide his blushed face.
Unnoticed by the young queen, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin try but fail to hide their envious expressions. While both Batgirl and Batman look a bit amused but also a bit jealous.
"Who does he think he is, making my beloved her laugh like that?"
"I could have found a way to make her laugh. I have great charm, too."
"I compliment her and get a negative reaction. But when he does it, they find it amusing and harmless. Back off, Tim."
"She has an adorable laugh. But, ugh!...serious, how does Tim do it?"
Bruce felt amused, but he felt something else that made him frown at the same time. He can't help but stiffen a bit. Now, he feels disgusted with himself and scolds himself.
"I should not feel this way. It's wrong. Disgusting. She is around Jason's age.
Bruce lightly shakes his head a bit.
" It's nothing. It will go away. Right?"
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The only one: Yandere Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader or Damian Wayne/reader
Yandere!Damian Wayne x reader or Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader
Word count: 11 368 words
TW: GN reader, Yandere, kidnapping, adult Damian Wayne (inspired and mostly based off of Damian in Batman beyond & Injustice 2: Gods among us), toxic family relations, obsession. Other than that, there's no s*x or anything of the like.
This was requested by @simligul
“How lovely…” Damian sneered.
You were all standing together in the Titan tower lobby, ready to go out to eat dinner, and Jaime had just explained to the green-eyed Robin how he had booked a table at a steakhouse, which didn’t serve any vegetarian dishes other than salads.
“I mean, you could just get a salad and instead focus on hanging out with us”, Jaime attempted to argue, it was clear that he didn’t want Damian to agree though. Damian was already annoyed and blew his team members off with a rough, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll just stay back.” You felt bad for him. It was unlike the others to be so non-accommodating, but they seemingly always had it out for the team’s leader, and you had yet to be let in on the reason why. Sure, he could be rude! But was that really rationale enough to treat him like the plague? 
You were new to the team, Black Canary’s long-time protégé. 
Dinah had been apprehensive when it came to letting you be on the Teen Titans. She had always acted like a protective mother-hen, and as your mother’s best friend, she felt obligated to keep you safe, despite your work as a vigilante. Both your mother and Dinah had been worried about you becoming a vigilante sidekick all those years ago, but with your growing meta-abilities, giving you the ability to control and create ice, it had seemed like the best way to help your then-ten-year-old self. You had been shipped far away from your mother and over to Dinah. The blonde hero had pretty much taken care of you ever since. You would never admit it, but Dinah was the first person you thought of when asked about your mother, not the woman who gave birth to you and whom you only ever saw for the holidays. It was a sad reality, but you realised why your mother, who knew nothing of how to handle superpowers, couldn’t deal with a child running around and freezing all her furniture to the ground, all her food into icicles and risking one day freezing a person to death. Oliver had handled the legality of it all, ultimately, money does speed up the process of a partial adoption, just a smidge. Eight years later, though, you were certainly a force to be reckoned with.
Still, being next to a seasoned superhero and being in a team led by a boy no more than a year older than you were two very different things. Your mother had argued this point up and down, pushing it through your ears and hoping it’d stick in your mind. You didn’t care though, you wanted to be part of the team. 
You had always seen how all the other sidekicks had such close bonds and yet the only other sidekick... Well, ex-sidekick… You ever managed to befriend was Roy Harper. He often came by Dinah’s place, which was your home too, when his mentor wasn’t there. However, Roy was more than ten years older than you, he acted like your older brother, not your friend. On top of that, he had a kid and was technically his own hero now. You couldn’t relate to him. Your classmates in high school were of no solace either. None of them knew anything of your secret double life. On top of that, it was hard to keep any friends among them, since you were constantly absent, (off on a mission with Dinah). Academically you did great, Dinah taught you herself whenever you were away, but socially? You were failing miserably. As an eighteen-year-old, your youngest friend isn’t supposed to be a decade older and fathering a kid. 
You had become desperate to find company amongst the other sidekicks. You had practically begged Oliver one evening to help you convince Dinah to let you join the Teen Titans, (which didn’t actually contain a lot of teenagers anymore, but they were still within a relatively close age range to you). 
The blonde-bearded hero had relented after a while, (having known you since you were a kid, he had never been very good at denying you anything). However, he only did so on the condition that you’d deal with some of the more mindless paperwork related to Queen industries. He had been sure that your dedication to being part of a new team wasn’t as big as your disdain for the asinine task of sorting, filling in and shipping off hundreds of reports. Yet, you had, and he had been obligated to hold up his end of the deal. Oliver spent hours buttering up Dinah to finally make her relent, but she was still on high alert and had even offered to buy you anything you’d want if you just stayed with her. However, you were determined to form new bonds with fellow young vigilantes, it was time to break out of your shell after all these years.
When you entered the large T-shaped tower along with your mentor, you felt a strange mix of total horror and unbridled excitement bubble in your lower abdomen, like the first time you fought alongside Black Canary. On the outside, however, you appeared unimpressed, perhaps even disgruntled. The other Titans had assumed that you were being forced to join, a comically ironic departure from the truth. Still, as you packed out your stuff in your new room, a secret smile betrayed your true feelings about the situation.
You met the team as it currently stood, it had gone through many iterations, but this was your team, the one that you would fight alongside.
You first met Jaime Reyes, he was a few years older than you but was ultimately a sweetheart. You had caught both him and another young man, Garfield Logan, playing a video game which you recognised from Roy’s apartment. Garfield was friendly as well, perhaps a little too friendly… He had jumped to hug you upon first meeting you, completely forgetting about his game with Jaime and crossing any personal space you might’ve wished to uphold. You let him though, it was nice feeling welcomed. 
As Dinah walked you further through the tower, she introduced you to Rachel, who had simply given you a court nod, before returning to one of her leather-bound spell-books. 
Koriand’r, Victor Stone and Dick Grayson had been next up on your list of members to greet, all being found together conversing. Technically, Dick wasn’t part of the team, however, since Kori was and she spent most of her time at the Titans tower, so did Dick, at every chance he got. He was like a puppy who couldn’t stray too far away from her side, lest he be lost forever. They all gave you warm smiles and firm pats on the back, they were all in the middle of their twenties, far older than any of the others, but still, they remained on the team. Koriand’r mostly being there as a mentor and a much-needed adult presence, whereas Vic simply couldn’t remove himself from the team, which had picked him up from his lowest points more times than he could count. 
It gave you a sense of security that actual adults were part of the team, not just a handful of seventeen to nineteen-year-olds. It felt like a much-welcomed safety net, just like Dinah had always been for you. 
The last on the list had been the team’s official leader, Damian Wayne. He had been in the position since he turned thirteen and had kept it well for over six years, it gave prestige to his name and it made you look forward to meeting him. However, as Dinah let you into Damian’s office, (a small room at the end of the hallway containing the bedrooms), you quickly realised that he would be the most unpleasant aspect of working with the Titans. He had simply given you an annoyed glance before referring to your teacher, “I suppose you want me to take your little sidekick under the team’s wings?” 
Dinah had scoffed, uncaring whether Damian heard it or not, “Me? No, I’d prefer to keep my sidekick by my side, but Olli thinks it’d be good for them to interact more with people their own age”. Damian had raised one thick dark eyebrow. He looked like he wanted to let out a sarcastic insult, but decided against it. Dinah was, after all, a member of the Justice League, Bruce would have his tongue if he offended the blonde hero. “Fine, but I’ll send them back to you if they don’t have the skills required for our team”. Dinah had agreed to his conditions with a frown, she knew that they’d keep you, no matter how much she was going to miss having you by her side, she had to let you go and let you go on your own adventures. 
Damian hadn’t ended up being very pleasant to you for most of your stay at the Teen Titans. He wasn’t a bully, but he never let his opinions pass through a filter. As a confidante, he would be horrible. Still, you respected his fighting and leadership abilities, and just because he wasn’t easy to get along with, didn’t mean that he was a bad person. The other young titans didn’t seem to grasp this concept, however.
“If you’re going to be so dramatic about a restaurant choice, then it’s probably better anyways”, Jaime spat at Damian. His aggression towards your leader shocked you, never had Jaime even come close to raising his voice at you, much less sounding so spiteful.
“Whatever” Damian shrugged, turning around and starting to walk out, gently whispering under his breath, “كل قهرا (Kol Khara)...” No one except you heard it, and his tone of voice made a pit form in your lower abdomen, tucking on you to do something, anything, to stand up for the young man. Right before Damian left the room, you exclaimed “I’ll stay back too”. Garfield tried to argue, “No, y/n! Come on! I’m sure Damian will be fine on his own!” His coercion didn’t work on you, and you stood your ground, shaking your head firmly. “No one should be left alone in the tower. Besides, I’m not too into steakhouses, anyways.” Garfield seemed deflated at the thought of you not joining them, looking pleadingly at the others for backup. 
Victor or Jaime would’ve usually helped Garfield convince you. However, when your eyes briefly met Jaime’s, your scowl made your disappointment in him clear, and he backed down with an apologetic look. Victor tried to push out some statement that might change your mind. However, by the time he had found the words, you were already waving them off and walking over to Damian’s side.
As the rest of the Titans slowly filtered out of the tower, you turned to Damian. The shy smile that you had previously worn around the others slowly melted into a deadpan. You knew Damian would find your smile mocking, so you didn’t force yourself to hold up any pretences. “Pizza?” You asked as you dug your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. The young man’s green eyes studied you briefly, searching for any hidden meanings behind your act of kindness. “Why did you do that? I can be on my own, no problem. You don’t have to babysit me.” He spoke through his teeth, making him resemble a robot as his lips barely moved. “I don’t like steak-”, you shrugged nonchalantly, “-Did you want pizza or not?”
Giving you a suspicious look, Damian shook his head, “Sure. I’ll pay”.
You knew that Damian had a hard time letting others pay for him, he despised the feeling of being indebted. That was the most profound thing you knew about him, which you honestly found concerning, you practically knew nothing of your team captain. Calling up the nearest pizza place, you had them deliver the pizza to a corner close to the tower. Neither Damian nor you could risk anyone knowing your secret identities, and you didn’t feel like getting into your costumes just for a pizza delivery. 
Slowly trudging down to the agreed-upon corner, you forgot to keep an eye on the traffic as you passed the road to the corner. Suddenly, you felt a harsh yank on your arm and a rush of air beside you. As per instinct, you fired a fist towards the direction of your assailant, only to have your hand caught by Damian. He had been the one to pull you back, and as you gave him a confused look, he flicked his index finger into your forehead. “Ow! What’s wrong with you?!” You exclaimed, massaging the affected area with the fingers of your left hand. Damian seemed agitated as his grip on your arm tightened, “What’s wrong with me?! What’s wrong with you?! You almost got run over by a car, you idiot!”
You slowly blinked at him, letting out a quiet, “Oh…Thanks”.
Damian scoffed, tugging you across the road, still holding your arm in an iron grip, “Don’t worry about it”.
Damian was still holding your forearm tight when the pizza delivery guy arrived. The teenager in the blue pizza-place uniform gave the two of you a wary glance. It looked as if Damian was holding you against your will as you both held agitated facial expressions and the green-eyed man simply pushed the money you owed into the delivery guy’s hands, taking the pizzas and pulling you away. In reality, Damian had claimed that he didn’t trust that you wouldn’t get yourself into danger again if he let go of you. You supposed that it was a kind gesture, but your arm was starting to ache and Damian’s sour countenance made it look like you had just killed his new puppy. 
When you and Damian re-entered the Titans Tower, he finally let go of your arm, setting the two steaming pizzas on the kitchen counter, before he started to rummage through multiple cupboards, looking for a pizza slicer. You discreetly rubbed the area that your team leader had squeezed so firmly. You didn’t want to complain to him, afraid he might make fun of your weakness. Still, he seemed aware, despite having his back turned to you. “Did my grip hurt you?” His voice was precise yet a certain calmness rounded his otherwise harsh tone. “Don’t worry about it”, you tried to reassure him, but he refused to let the topic go. “I didn’t ask you whether I should worry or not, I asked if your arm hurts?” 
You stared at the dark tufts of hair at the back of the man’s head, a sense of bitter annoyance filling your throat. Why did he need to know if it hurt or not when you had already told him that it wasn’t a big deal? “A little, but it’s nothing compared to any of the injuries I get on the daily from sparring with Kori”, you giggled softly at the thought of how Koriand’r often left anything from tiny burn marks to black and blue bruises of varying yet considerable sizes. You had often wanted to spar with someone more on your level, like Garfield or Jaime, but you and Koriand’r were natural sparring partners. Her ability to shoot rays of fire perfectly contrasted your snow-themed meta-abilities. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you”, Damian muttered as he finally found the pizza cutter, turning around and meeting your eyes. For a second you were rendered gelid, his eyes were the deepest shade of forest green you had ever seen, with specks of a minty blue and rich gold spread throughout. You almost breathed out a woah, but managed to catch it mid-air by taking a deep breath. You had never realised that eyes could be so stunning, they almost seemed artificial. Forcing your gaze away from Damian, who himself had stood still, staring into your eyes, you turned to the food. Walking to the counter and unpacking the pizzas, you tried your best to ignore how Damian’s searing gaze was burning holes into your backside. It almost felt like he had aimed a laser at you while you were trying to avoid embarrassing yourself in front of him. “Can I have the pizza cutter?” You requested airily, it felt as if your team leader’s wonderfully green eyes were sucking out the oxygen from your lungs with their intensity. Making his way to your side, Damian pushed you away from the pizzas, “I’ll do it. You’ll just end up cutting yourself”. Finally, his fierce gaze dragged off you and onto the food in front of him. A chill went down your back and you realised that you had accidentally cooled down the entire room with your powers. You could’ve facepalmed at yourself, thinking, ‘that’s probably why he looked at me like that. I was literally turning the entire kitchen into a freezer!’ 
Calming yourself down and letting up on the use of your powers, the room slowly heated up once again. Damian didn’t comment on the sudden temperature changes, instead platting three slices of both your pizzas and taking them to the dinner table. Standing still for a while, seemingly pondering something, Damian finally put down both of your plates next to each other. “Come over here”, he commanded softly, dragging a hand through his thick hair, the muscles under his golden skin flexing in turn. With hesitant steps, you made it to the chair where your pizza had been put in front. Before you could drag out your chair, Damian did it for you, gesturing for you to sit down. Giving him a suspicious glance, you acquiesced. It wasn’t like Damian to be such a gentleman, or at least you didn’t think it was. Truth be told, you didn’t actually know much about how he usually acted. Damian always kept to himself or hung out with Dick when he was there, he hadn’t given you much of a chance to get to know him on any more than a surface level. When your thighs hit the pillow of the seat, Damian gently pushed the chair in place, before taking his place beside you. You ate in silence for a while, until Damian suddenly spoke up, “Thank you, by the way”. You were confused, why was he thanking you? Because you stayed silent? That wasn’t much to thank you for, your lack of social experience usually kept you relatively quiet. Deciding to be bold and ask him, you almost faltered as you turned to see Damian staring at you again. “What are you thanking me for?” 
Raising a single mocking eyebrow, Damian tried not to sound harsh as he explained, “For staying behind to keep me company. I know that you didn’t just do it because you dislike steakhouses or whatever. It was nice of you, thank you.” His use of short and concise sentences almost made every word he spoke sound like an important disclosure, like something you’d expect to come out of the mouth of a scientist explaining the danger of a chemical substance.
“Oh, no worries. They were being arseholes anyways, they usually aren’t that way, I don’t know what happened with them today-”, Damian interrupted you with a loud scoff. “Perhaps they’re nice to you, but to me? They’re always like that, I’m not even surprised anymore”, his tone seemed like a mix of scorn and lament. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know”, you had no idea what else to say, what could anyone say in that situation? It was a lie, obviously, you were quite aware that your other teammates didn’t treat your leader particularly well. What you didn’t know, however, was that it actually affected Damian. He had always seemed like this indestructible wall, no emotions, all logic. You had never resented him for that, you had honestly respected it, but what you had never done was consider him human like the rest of you… well, except Koriand’r.
“Don’t apologise for others. You’re being kind to me… As the only one”, the last part barely came out as a whisper, it was clear he didn’t want you to hear it, but had to let it out, or else he’d burst. 
Taking the last bite of your third pizza slice, you took the plate to the sink. You had no idea how to deal with Damian at that moment, you had practically grown up with Dinah, a licensed therapist, and yet you had no idea how to tackle the Wayne boy’s display of emotions. It was such a rare occasion, you knew, and with his hardened composure, it was obvious that he hated being vulnerable. You wagered that he’d probably have preferred to have this minor breakdown with anyone else except the newest member of his team. However, since you were the only one there, you supposed you’d have to do. Roy did always tell you that you were a great person to rant to, lending your ears to anyone willing to speak their woes.
Going over to Damian, you offered him your hand. He looked almost offended at the gesture, with his eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched all the way up. Still, he gently placed his rough palm in yours, forgetting his last pizza slice. Hoisting him up, you lead him to your room in complete silence, except for the thumps of your feet hitting the floor. Closing the door behind you, you led him to your bed, and plopped on top of your duvet, dragging him down with you. “Speak”, you gently suggested, hand still intertwined with his. “What?” Damian questioned, looking at you like you were mad. “Talk about how you feel about the others, please. It usually helps to get it out. I promise, whatever you say in this room, stays in this room”, you requested with a sweet smile, urging him to open up, if only a bit.
“No.” Damian refused immediately, he wasn’t the type to share his worries and woes, so why was it any of your concern that he felt unfairly treated by his teammates? That he already preferred you, the newest member, over the others, because the others always assumed the worst about him and simply treated him like a robot sent to make their lives difficult, despite him just trying to keep them all safe?!
“I can see why that’d make you feel alienated by them”, you muttered peacefully, your thumb rubbing calming circles into the skin of his hand, just like you had always done with Roy.
“Shit-”, Damian breathed out, he had said all of that out loud. ‘Way to go Damian!’ His mind screamed at him. He felt exposed and vulnerable like he had just ripped his skin off and presented you with all of his bleeding organs. It was disgusting and he felt the need to backtrack. Yet, the rhythm of your finger tracing lazy shapes on top of his skin made him enjoy the moment just a bit too much to let it go.
“Why are you doing this?” Damian asked with no small amount of scepticism.
“Everyone deserves someone to listen to them, that’s what Dinah always says. Besides, my best friend is literally Roy Harper”, you answered casually. Your last sentence made Damian laugh, despite himself. It was no thunderously bellowing laughter, as you knew his brother had from the few times you and Jason Todd had visited Roy at the same time, but rather a contained yet harmonious chuckle. Still, your argument was valid, Roy’s mental instability and former partiality towards drugs were infamous within vigilante circles.
Damian considered you for a moment, before leaning in closer as if what he told you was a rumour to be whispered. Starting off slowly and carefully, Damian admitted feeling as if had no one at the Titans to speak with, as if they all compared him to his older brothers and were disappointed. He felt as if he was oftentimes the only one who saw matters logically. As evidence of this claim, he cited incidents such as Terra’s traitorous nature slipping through Kori’s fingers because the woman refused to do background checks, or how just last week Jaime had almost gotten all of you killed because he refused to attack a crying henchman soliloquizing about his family, who turned out to simply be acting to divert the team’s attention from the bomb planted close by. He was frustrated by their idiocy and the way he spoke so passionately on the issue, you were able to deduce that what really frustrated him was the fear that the team would get themselves hurt. 
You let Damian vent out all of his frustrations until the sound of the front door opening harshly followed by Jaime and Garfield’s yelling filled the entire tower. Damian shut his mouth like a clamp immediately, yet he sent you a grateful smile, which revealed the deep dimples on the side of his cheeks. “Thank you for listening to me, صديقة/صديق, (Sadeek/Sadeekah)”, Damian squeezed your hand one last time before sneaking out of your room, unseen. A weight lifted off his shoulders and a curious pit formed in his stomach.
You and Damian started talking sporadically after that, it was never in front of the other teammates, but Damian seemingly always managed to catch you alone for a few minutes every few days. You’d exchange a few hushed jokes or comment on the latest mission. It almost felt as if your newfound friendship was illegal. As if the others couldn’t know that you found Damian’s company pleasant and almost refreshing compared to the hyperactivity of Garfield, Jaime’s constant laments about his previous friends, Brenda and Paco, or Kori’s disturbing lack of filter. Damian was a delightful contrast to the constant tumult that the others provided and you felt as if he already knew you better than yourself. His music recommendations were always bangers, his favourites in everything from food to movies always seemed to match up perfectly with yours, and if a particular teammate had been an irritation that day, he always commented on it, which felt nice as it confirmed your own feelings on the matter. It almost felt as if the two of you were made to be friends.  
The truth was, Damian did in fact know you pretty well. It was hard not to after having hacked into your computer and phone, looking through your google searches and favourite music, and sneaking into your room while you were on patrol, going through all of your things, as well as discreetly observing you whenever you were in the same room as him, (had he not been a trained assassin, he was sure that he would have been caught staring by at least one of your team members).
After your earnest kindness during that evening when the others had left for the steakhouse, an unfamiliar feeling had started to spread through his body. At first, he had thought he got sick, but after having gone to the doctor and been cleared for any physical ailments, he had started to panic. What was going on with him?! The image of your face never left his mind, a strange pain went through his chest every time he was far away from you and whenever either Jaime, Garfield or Victor touched you, he experienced a rage unlike any other. 
He had gone directly to Dick the moment his brother visited. The older man had chuckled at first, explaining that it was probably just a crush, but Damian disagreed vehemently. The green-eyed man had experienced crushes before, he once had one on Rachel and even some of his fellow assassin trainees as a kid, but this was entirely different. 
Dick had shrugged and waved it off as Damian’s first time falling properly in love, comparing it to how he had been with many women throughout his life because he was attracted to them, but he had only ever been in love with Barbara and Koriand’r. Damian hadn’t really understood the explanation, but he did gather that he could perhaps have with you what his brother had with the two red-heads, just… more exclusive. 
Maybe Dick would have been more careful with his explanation had he known his brother’s obsessive tendencies. In later years Grayson would defend himself with the phrase, “Who assumes that about their brother?” But at that point it would be much too late, after his talk with Dick, Damian had gained a new insight into himself. He was definitely in love with you.
Still, Damian had felt the need to do as many background checks on you as possible, hence his first visit to your room without your permission. He refused to let his feelings turn him into danger, ever the sceptic. Yet, when all came back green, he let his heart guide him for the first time in his entire nineteen years of life. It felt freeing and he became deathly afraid of losing the feeling.
Still, this overwhelming sensation came with its drawbacks. Never had Damian felt so jealous of anyone or anything, not even Tim. Most of his jealousy was aimed at his green teammate, the man going by the moniker Beast-Boy, Garfield Logan. His newest enemy, in a long line of them. The man was clearly your best friend on the team, always plastered right by your side. It was cruel how you were so open with your friendship with Garfield, but hid away your affiliation with Damian. On top of that, it was so obvious that the little green freak had a crush on you, it was almost too much for Damian to bear. Garfield didn’t deserve you, Damian did. The green-eyed Robin was simply looking for a reason to do away with the beastly man. No matter the severity.
It was a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon, you were relaxing on your bed, reading a book that you had recently lent to Victor, but never gotten around to finishing yourself. It was on these days that your ice powers were the weakest, you had barely been able to shoot a single beam of ice at Koriand’r during training earlier and had needed to resort to hand-to-hand combat within the first ten minutes. It had you exhausted and your powers totally drained. So tired were you, in fact, that you hadn’t even bothered to pack away most of your melee weapons. Knives laid on your desk and bedside table, out in the open, it was against almost every rule in the protocol. However, you were just so exhausted that you would rather deal with the consequences of getting caught leaving your weapons out than stand up and do any work for a single second more.  
A loud knock ripped you out of your reading. A shame really, you had just reached the good part. 
“Come in!” You urged with a deep sigh, and the door opened to reveal Damian. 
“Did I interrupt something?” he asked, displaying a smug smile, knowing you wouldn’t mind his light teasing. 
“Just my book reading. What’s up?” You replied as you sat up properly. You hadn’t even noticed that you’d slid so far down with your back, your neck practically leaning against your bed’s headrest.
“Just wanted to hang out with you, and thought you probably wouldn’t mind”, Damian made his way into the room, quietly closing the door behind him, making sure that none of the others saw him enter.
You hummed in confirmation as Damian lifted your legs, plopping down on your bed, before laying them over his lap, not changing your previous position.
Relaxing your body again, your eyes drifted to the page you had gotten to, continuing to read the story, but Damian had a different idea, plucking the hardcover from your hands and turning the pages towards himself. You dragged your legs back towards yourself and leaned closer to Damian, trying to grab your book back. However, once you had gotten relatively close, the green-eyed man leant back as well, a clear smirk bending his plump lips. You continued to pursue your book until Damian was on his back, book covering his face, and you leaning over him, an arm on each side. From behind the cover of the book, you heard his muffled voice, proud and taunting, “My, my, Y/n. I didn’t know you felt that way-” Your face started to burn like a fire, unaccustomed to the flirtatious tone in Damian’s voice. Using your powers, you attempted to cool your skin down before your friend saw, but it was too late, as Damian had already moved the book away from his face. “Wow, Y/n. Is it that bad? You’re getting all worked up”, his smug expression worsened, which told you that he had planned for something like this to happen. Yet, as you were examining his face up close, you were momentarily caught off guard. You had never realised how beautiful Damian actually was. You knew that Bruce was considered attractive by pretty much anyone who was into men, heck, even you could admit that he was good-looking. And from the few pictures of Talia that you had seen on the Justice League supercomputer, you could confirm that she was gorgeous. So, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Damian was absolutely stunning, but still, it somehow surprised you how everything on him just seemed visually appealing. His eyes, which were so green that you’d think he wore contact lenses. His thick dark hair, currently spread out on the foot of your bed like a mini halo. His skin, which held such a beautiful golden colour, even if it was dimmed significantly from being inside writing up reports for the Justice League most of the time. Reaching forward slowly, you let a single finger trace along his nose, roman in shape, which gave his face character along with his sharp jaw. He was like a Greek statue. Damian’s gaze was focused on you, eyes blown wide. Yet, as you continued to trace your finger down his face, as if in a trance, his long eyelashes started to flutter, gradually closing his eyelids and enjoying the sensation of his face being caressed. He wasn’t used to physical affection and had been sure that he wouldn’t like it, even if he got it. However, when it came from you, it just seemed so gentle, so… correct? Like you were supposed to touch his face like this. Like if you didn’t, the world would go down in violent flames. But as soon as the moment began, it ended. When you realised what you were doing, your hand sprang away from his skin like a frightened spider. You almost pulled away, but Damian’s strong hand grasped your wrist, eyes still closed. “Don’t stop, please”. If your face hadn’t been warm before, it surely was now. How could he be so casual about asking for that? Was this not too much for a pair of friends? Well, you actually weren’t too sure... You hadn’t really had an actual friend since you were ten, maybe this was entirely normal friend behaviour. Who were you to say?
Letting Damian guide your hand back to his face, you gently allowed your palm to brush his right cheek. Leaning into your touch, Damian made a content sound from the back of his throat. Both of you were surprised that he was capable of such a thing. Putting his free hand between your shoulder blades, Damian coaxed you closer, getting you to put your weight on your elbows instead of your hand and wrist. You were so near each other, all one of you had to do to meet each other’s skin was to lean a little up or down, depending on which of you took the initiative. After you had continued your tender ministrations on the right side of your friend’s face for a while, Damian carefully moved your hand to his jaw, turning his face and leaning up to meet your lips. His attempt at a kiss was broken when your bedroom door swung open to reveal Garfield standing in the opening. A beat of silence occurred and if anyone had dropped a pin, it would have made a resonating clatter. 
The green boy stood still, shocked at the scene and with a look of outrage on his wide-set features. “What the heck are you doing to them?!”
Looking at your position, you understood how this could be perceived as Damian forcing you upon him, especially with his hands placed controllingly on your hand and back. Couple that with Garfield’s total lack of knowledge of your friendship. It wasn’t a pretty look for the man under you. 
You quickly tried to explain Damian’s innocence, but the man himself jumped in to defend himself, or so you thought. Instead of explaining the situation to Garfield, who stood in the doorframe, ready to turn into a tiger and maul the green-eyed Robin on the spot, Damian simply spat out an annoyed, “Get out!”
Garfield didn’t move, however. He instead entered the room, slamming the door behind him. “No! Let them go and get away from them!” 
Again you tried to explain, but before the words even reached your lips, Damian tugged you closer, burrowing your head in his shoulder and sending his green comrade a challenging look. “Or what?”
Garfield was taken aback, he didn’t expect things to escalate this far, but he adored you, thought of you as a dear friend, and there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for his friends, which he decidedly didn’t consider Damian to be. “I’ll make sure you’ll never be able to touch anything again”. 
Realising how bad things were getting, you attempted to push Damian off you to diffuse the tensions, but he kept you in place and you began beating on his chest to let you go. “You’re just acting like this because you want them for yourself! You’re trying to take them away from me!” Damian sneered at Garfield as he sat both of you up, still keeping you close to him. Both you and your fellow team member were shocked at Damian’s words. They came out of the blue. “What?! No- That’s not- You know- I don’t-”, Garfield was too stunned to speak, but Damian wasn’t as he again commanded the green man, “Get out”. The man in question growled, “No way! Let them go, you psycho! I’ll tell Grayson how creepy you are!” The mention of his brother made something within Damian snap, he carefully let you go, making sure that he didn’t hurt you, the last moment of silence. Before you even had time to react, Damian grabbed a pencil from your desk, currently ignoring the knives abandoned next to it, and swung at Garfield. The attacked was able to jump away in time for the lead-cored writing utensil to just narrowly miss his head. It still bore deep into his shoulder, though, and he let out a howl in pain. You attempted to run to your friend’s aid, but both men told you to stay out of it. You wanted to race out of the door and get some of the others to help you, but the two men were blocking your path. You attempted to freeze both of the men’s feet, anything to keep them from each others’ throats, but your powers gave out on you and barely made a pfft sound as two puny clouds of snow emerged from your palms. You were panicking as Garfield turned into a verdant lion, right before your very eyes. You screamed for the two of them to stop, for one of them to just leave, anything other than fighting. You knew that a showdown would only result in someone getting seriously hurt and you wanted that for neither of your friends. You practically begged them to end the fight, but they both ignored you, with Damian grabbing two of the knives on your desk, and entering a fighting stance. 
You tried to run into the fight but were pushed down to the floor as Garfield jumped at Damian, who expertly sliced open the side of the green animal. A roar of pain filled the room and you wondered how none of the others had shown up yet, wishing with everything in you that Kori would come or even Victor. Any grown adult that was older than twenty. The thought of calling them briefly crossed your mind, but your phone was on the desk, which was being obstructed by the two men fighting. As a last-ditch effort to get help, you screamed your lungs out, “Kori! Victor! Anyone! Please!” Your throat became sore, the skin inside it felt ripped and inflamed, and yet you continued your screaming, like a mantra. But none came. 
What you didn’t know was the reason Garfield had gone to your room was to tell you that the others had gone to see a movie, one that both you and the green man had expressed disdain for. Garfield had planned a movie marathon for just the two of you, but now? Those plans seemed like a far-off dream.
Garfield was wounded, severely. Damian hadn’t even gotten a scratch. The dark-haired man considered his opponent as they circled each other. He scoffed, Garfield should’ve known he’d never stand a chance in a fight, but it was nothing if not a net positive for Damian. He got to get rid of the green boy who always clung to your side, so obviously having a crush the size of the moon. Disgusting, Damian thought. Did Garfield not know how beneath you he was? What made him ever believe he’d deserve you? He probably didn’t even love you, you were just someone he’d play around with until he got tired and then he’d throw you away. So far from Damian’s more respectable intentions, from his true and deep love which ran through his blood, getting pumped in through his heart and out through his veins. His love for you was his entire being. So, Damian was happy to get rid of the little green obstacle.
When Garfield jumped at Damian again, he felt a sudden shock as a knife was stuck in his chest. He shook and had to focus his entire being on not turning back into a human, if he did that, the wound would leave a much bigger impact. He didn’t get to ponder on it too long as Damian pushed him to the ground, sitting firmly on his lower abdomen, threatening to stick the second knife into Garfield’s throat. The bleeding man looked for you. If he had to die like this, he’d want to see you one last time. But he couldn’t find you in his sights. Suddenly, the weight on top of him was pushed off.  Trying to see who his saviour was, he caught a flash of your shirt. “What is wrong with you two?!” Your voice, you were practically hissing, hoarse beyond measure. 
Garfield gasped, and you quickly found your phone, calling your emergency number. You had a special one for the vigilantes, a measure to protect all of your identities.
After ending the call though, you felt something hard collide with your head, and you fell to the ground, blacking out at your back made contact with the floor, an incoherent scream in the background.
Damian had knocked you out with the book you had been reading previously, it had laid abandoned on the bed. He realised what he had just done would mean. He hadn’t considered the ramifications while in the heat of the battle, but now, all he could think about was how he’d lose you if he…when he was kicked off the team. There was no way that they’d let him stay after almost killing a teammate. So, he’d leave on his own accord. His mother would probably be mighty happy to see him again, she wouldn’t mind him bringing along his beloved. 
Leaving behind a screaming and bleeding Garfield, Damian picked you up and took out his phone from his pocket. He was surprised that it had stayed in there during the brief fight. Calling up his mother, she picked up immediately, it had been years and yet she was more than a little desperate to hear him utter the words she had waited so long for. “I’m coming home and I’m bringing a friend”. 
Dinah was inconsolable. Bruce had already tried to get her to calm down, but any time he opened his mouth, the blonde hero would cry about how this was his fault for raising a lunatic. Oliver also blamed Bruce, even going as far as to suggest making Damian their number one wanted enemy, a decision thoroughly backed by all except Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. 
“He’s a confused boy!” Clark had tried to defend, but Dinah would have none of it.
“He kidnapped my kid, my Y/n! He’s a psychopath and he’s dangerous! Look what he did to Beast-Boy!” The blonde had gestured to the photos of Garfield’s extensive injuries. He had survived, but barely. There was heavy doubt about whether or not he’d ever be able to get back to his vigilante duties. The damage was the worst around his stomach area, where Damian had practically gutted him like a fish. 
It had been Garfield that explained what happened. How he had walked in on Damian forcing you upon him, the ensuing fight and your kidnapping. While his story wasn’t entirely true, it got the point across well enough. It had left Dinah and Oliver furious and out for blood. 
No matter how much Bruce attempted to convince the other Justice League members that he could convince Damian to give you back, it was hard to take him seriously when they, firstly, had no idea where the two of you were and, secondly, when looking at how he had almost snuffed out the life of a teammate.
The Doom Patrol demanded retribution as well, or at the very least reassurance that Damian would never return as a hero after what he had done to their former mentee. Rita Farr had almost been as devastated as Dinah when she had seen her adoptive son, racing to her green man’s side as soon as she had gotten the news, she still had yet to leave him for any substantial amount of time, barely letting herself get any food. 
“I want my sidekick back! Your boy took them from me! That makes it your responsibility too!” Dinah had hissed, letting her mouth hang open for a second, a clear warning that she would have no scruples about blowing up both Wayne men’s heads with her canary cry if she didn’t get the young hero, whom she saw more as her own child, back.
The Justice League had voted on whether or not Damian and Y/n should be hunted down, and it had been an overwhelming five to three in favour. 
After the vote, Oliver guided the fishnet-wearing heroine out of the tower to cool off. Slowly, most of the members followed, leaving only Bruce and Clark. Superman placed a hand on his friend’s back and gently rubbed circles into Bruce’s latex-clad back. “We’ll get them to see sense, don’t worry. It’s probably all just a misunderstanding”. Bruce knew that it wasn’t. He always had a feeling that something was off about his youngest son, he had simply ignored the signs in favour of training up yet another young vigilante, fit to take over his legacy.
“It’s not,” Bruce stated bitterly, letting his guilt take over his heart.
Months later, on the other side of the world, in the palace barracks of Eth Alth'eban, you sat next to Damian at a vast breakfast table. It had been so long since he took you with him, you presumed that no one had any idea where you were or that they simply weren’t looking. 
Damian hadn’t bothered taking any of your possessions along as he fled with you, so, when the clothes you had been wearing that damned Saturday had gotten sufficiently dirty, you let him outfit you in the deep green robes associated with the Al Ghuls, of which he wore a similar one himself. 
It had been long enough for you to give up hope of ever getting rescued. You had tried to escape, multiple times in fact. With your powers, (weak as they were in the beating sun), it was relatively easy to get away from the regular guards, meant to keep you within the palace’s walls. Damian was a completely different story, however. The moment he got news of your escape, he’d instantly know where you’d be heading, he knew you better than anyone else, after all. And as much as you tried to fight back against Damian, it was no use. He was too good of a fighter. So, you resigned yourself to your fate.
“What would you like to eat, beloved? I won’t let you skip a meal”, Damian questioned gently, while holding your hand tightly under the table, tracing figures of eight into your palm. You shrugged, you didn’t like the idea of taking food from your kidnappers, it felt like an admission of consent in the entire matter. Damian’s face hardened, “You have to eat something. I’m not repeating myself again, beloved.” His tone left no room for discussion. He had taken up the unfortunate habit of talking to you like one would a child, entirely incapable of taking care of itself.
“Maybe some fruit? I don’t know”, you stuttered out, which seemed to please Damian immensely.
“Of course”, he smiled as he reached his muscular arm over the table, fishing up a small assortment of colourful fruits, some of which you had never even seen before, and putting them on your plate. You observed his arm carefully, watching the muscles flex under his skin, which had gotten a much healthier golden glow since you arrived at the League of Assassins’ lair. 
Talia sat opposite the two of you, her eyes inspecting you with scrutiny. Her gaze made you want to shrivel up and hide behind Damian. She truly was as beautiful as she had seemed on the Justice League computer, if not even more. The computer hadn’t been able to capture just how sharp her green eyes were, nor how said eyes could make you feel like the smallest person in the entire world.
You sent Talia an apologetic smile as if to say, ‘I don’t want me to be here either, we’re in the same boat’. You had no idea if she got the hidden meaning, you doubted she would care, even if she did.
“I’ve taken time off from my duties today, Y/n. Perhaps we could walk through the gardens, or would you rather do something else?” Damian’s voice cut through your thoughts, he was observing you bite into the fruits he had picked out for you, so fresh that their juices dribbled down the corners of your mouth. Looking up at the youngest  Al Ghul you opened your mouth to speak, only for him to put a napkin over your lips, wiping away the stickiness left behind on your chin from your breakfast. 
“All better”, he muttered as he leaned over and pecked your cheek. Your face heated up. You couldn’t deny that you were attracted to him, but his treatment of Garfield, whom you presumed dead, kept flashing in your head every time you felt ready to forgive him, or at least try to. It made ever moving on with this new life of yours near impossible. “What about the library?” You suggested nervously, Talia’s presence usually did that to you. Leaning close and capturing your tepid lips with his, Damian hummed in agreement. Your eyes went to his mother, who was looking at the two of you with an emotion which was hard for you to decipher. 
As you strolled around the library, hand in hand with Damian, you picked out books which caught your interest. The League’s library truly held everything, there was at least one copy of every fiction and non-fiction book you’d ever heard of. “It’s important to have access to all information”, Damian chuckled every time you were surprised that the library held the book you’d ever asked for, no matter how new. You almost suspected that they held the unfinished versions of books, just to be sure that they didn’t miss out on the writer’s process. Despite the gigantic library holding so many books, very few were actually present except you and Damian. “Most assassins are too busy to read often”, a shame you thought, what was the point of having all these books if they never got read?
Deciding on a book to read, you attempted to walk towards a closed-off area with deep green couches, but Damian stopped you, pulling you back, and making you collide with his hard chest. The green-eyed man laughed loudly at your confused expression, his voice carrying across the many bookcases and returning back to you as an echo. Effortlessly plucking the book out of your hand, Damian kissed the crown of your head, whispering into your hair, “let me read to you, beloved”, it wasn’t a question nor was it a command, you couldn’t quite place it as anything other than a statement of fact. 
When you reached the sofas, the green-eyed heir pulled you towards him, urging you to sit between his outspread legs, an invitation which you were nervous to refuse. Settling down, you leaned back against his chest, letting the warmth of his body fill you up as he wrapped his free arm around your midsection, before starting to read out loud.
The book itself was disappointing, with one-dimensional characters and a boring setting, however, Damian’s raspy yet clear voice rang out perfectly without vibrato or mistakes in his pronunciation. Like melted chocolate and soft butter, his weirdly mixed accent was smooth and enchanting. You would have listened to him read any book, even a dictionary, for all of eternity. You never realised how musical Damian’s voice indeed was, his chest rumbling along with the words as you slowly started to relax in his grip. At one point the sound of his reading stopped. You opened your eyes, which you hadn’t even realised had closed during his reading, coming face to face with Damian’s eyes gazing down at you, you returned the gesture. He honestly looked like he had been carved by a renaissance sculptor. You wondered if he knew how breathtaking he really was. “You’re gorgeous”, the words tumbled from your lips like rocks over a cliff. Damian’s eyes softened, never had you seen him so vulnerable yet relieved, “Nothing compared to you”, he whispered reverently, moving his hand up your body and caressing your jaw softly. It hurt, not physically, but rather your mind. People usually said that emotions were centred in the heart, but you’d disagree, it was all in your brain, pulsing with the thoughts of Damian’s sweet touches, his attack on Garfield, the forced relationship and how you’d been infatuated with him ever since the evening that you two had gotten pizza. You had never been one to cry, you had grown up as a vigilante, and as a meta, you had been forced to put up a hundred proverbial walls, guarding your emotions and opinions with an iron fence. Still, as the pounding in your head got worse and Damian’s touches gentler, you couldn’t hold it in anymore, tears sprang from the corners of your eyes, and despite you biting down on the inside of your lips hard, almost drawing blood, you couldn’t keep in the body-wracking sob that pushed its way from the deep depths of your stomach and out through your mouth.
Damian took less than a second to react, lifting you up and turning you around, holding you close and letting you burrow your head deep into the deep green fabric covering his shoulder, soaking up the silky material with your salty tears.
Damian hugged you tightly to his body, trying to comfort you, whispering endearing reassurances into your ear. When it did nothing, you came to realise that your outburst wasn’t even caused by what Damian did, that was simply the spark that lit the fuse. It was everything else as well. Your mother practically gave you up to Dinah because she couldn’t handle that you weren’t just a normal kid, being thrown into the throngs of vigilantism at the age of ten, (even younger than any of the Robins which Bruce had taken on), and you had just been expected to be cool with it, to enjoy it even! You felt as if your childhood and teenage years had been robbed from you by Dinah’s never-ending ‘adventures’... yeah, that had been what she’d called it, “adventures”, it made it seem more fun than “missions”, less demanding than “potentially world-ending crisis needing immediate attention from two meta-powered humans, one of which being a child”. You were eighteen and you had never even gone to a school dance, never been to a party, never had a boyfriend… Well, now you did. You supposed it was only fitting that the only romantic relationship you had ever experienced was so intense and anything but childlike, it seemed to fit your life perfectly. You were filled with a burning hot rage, not aimed at Damian, but rather aimed at your mother, at Dinah, at Oliver and at anyone else who had supported the pillaging of your entire youth, all in the name of justice… What justice?! Certainly not any justice for you. Of all the people who had mistreated you, Damian was the better of two evils. At least he loved you, adored you even, he didn’t make you shoot ice beams at dummies for hours until your arms burned with the fury of a hundred suns and then demand that you run for hours afterwards. He treated you well, he made sure you ate, he read for you and now, in your darkest hour, he comforted you. 
Tightening your grip on the green-eyed man, you whispered softly into his neck, “Marry me, please”. If Damian was the best you could get, then you would make the best of a bad situation and love him back.
Damian was shocked, just this morning you had apathetically evaded his kisses and now you wanted to marry him. He was ecstatic, of course, but sceptical at the same time. Regardless, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. If you were planning something nefarious, he’d deal with it swiftly. “It would be my greatest honour”, he exhaled, kissing the top of your head.
You sat there for what seemed like ages, his steady breathing calming yours, as well.  
Your moment was broken when one of the assassins dropped from the roof of the library, giving you a shock, yet not even surprising Damian. “Speak.” The Al Ghul heir commanded. 
“The Justice League have located us, they’re here to take back the royal consort Y/n”, the assassin had spoken loud and clear, in that peculiar way that they were trained to do.
“Prepare for a large-scale defence”. Those were the last words you heard before being hauled into your room by Damian, left with a searing kiss on your lips, the first one you ever reciprocated. How tragic.
It had been hours since the invasion by the Justice League, and you had no idea how either side was doing, the only window of your room was facing away from the palace barracks, which you supposed were where the fight was currently being held. Your thoughts went to Damian, you felt nauseous at the idea of him getting hurt. The image of his beautiful feature caved into a broken skull made you cringe and the very idea of losing him made you dizzy. You had situated yourself in the corner of the room, legs pulled to your chest and forehead resting on your knees, waiting for something you weren’t quite sure what was.
When you heard the sound of a cape blowing in the wind and the click of heels hitting the tiled flooring of the room, you glanced up. Outside your window floated Superman and in front of you stood Black Canary, tears streaming out of her eyes, the colour of forget-me-nots. “Oh, Y/n!” the blonde cried out as she wrapped you in her arms, the leather of her jacket was cool against your exposed neck. 
“Why are you here?” You uttered in distaste, not returning the hug of your former mentor. 
“We’re here to save you, Y/n! Oh, I’m so glad to have you back next to me! You have no idea how much I worried for you!” Dinah could barely keep her emotions in, something which was entirely different from her usual laid back personality. As the leather-clad heroine tried to drag you towards Superman’s waiting arms, you pulled back. You didn’t want them here. Everything had just fallen into place. You had technically just gotten engaged with a man who you were pretty sure that you loved, at least a little bit. 
You were slowly forming your own adulthood, you didn’t want Dinah to take this away as well, locking you up by her side forever until you would inevitably take her place. That wasn’t the life you wanted, you just desired a ‘normal’ existence with a husband and a home, why were the Justice League even here when you didn’t need to be saved anymore?
“Go home”, you commanded, copying the tone of your fiancé when he talked to his subordinates.
Dinah didn’t get what you were asking, instead happily grabbing your face and wiping non-existing tears from your cheeks. “Yes, darling! We’re going home! No more of any of this! We’ll be back in Star City, safe and sound! Oh, Roy even prepared a large brunch for tomorrow to celebrate your return, just you, Oliver, Roy, Lian and me”. You cringed at the idea, she was treating you like a child, as if you were still the ten-year-old kid who had stood on her doorstep, confused and in need of a mother’s guiding hand. Did she ever stop seeing you like that? You couldn’t help but wonder.
“No, I want to stay here” You tried to reason in an even voice. Dinah’s face fell.
“What?! Why?! No! You can’t! You’re just experiencing Stockholm Syndrome! It’ll all be better tomorrow!” The blonde tried to tug at you again, but you stood your ground. “No, I like it here, I want to stay. Damian treats me well, a-and I’ve been in love with him for longer than I’ve been here”, you argued, only to be met with a scoff.
“You don’t know what love is, Y/N! You’re so young, Damian just took advantage of your crush! That’s why he tried to force you upon him! Garfield told us, no need to explain! I understand!” Dinah was frantic at this point. You were her little kid, she couldn’t lose you!
“Damian didn’t force me upon him! I wanted to kiss him! Garfield came in and interrupted us! I-I don’t know how to make it clearer to you! I don’t want to leave Damian!” You were screaming at this point, and Dinah shook her head, blonde locks hitting both of your faces. She couldn’t accept that her sidekick would want to engage romantically with someone, you were too young! Too immature! Damian had to have taken advantage, right? He was only a year older than you, it suddenly occurred to her… but still, he had never occurred to her as a kid, always so adult. You two, together? It just seemed so… wrong.
“No, y-you’re too young, it’s… You’re… Please, Y/n! He’s a psychopath, he kidnapped you, and he hurt Garfield!” Dinah was struggling to find the words, her hands sliding from your face to your shoulders, needing something to steady her. She was clearly feeling unwell. It stabbed your heart, no matter how angry you were at her, she was still the person who had raised you for half of your life. You loved her as a mother, of course. But you couldn’t let her inability to let go ruin your life any longer.
You could feel your own tears dropping off your chin as well now. You were sobbing softly, much less visible than the woman in front of you, but still, it made your words shaky as you spoke again, quiet as if you were afraid to disturb a sleeping bear. 
“I’m not a kid anymore! When will you realise that I grew up! You’ve kept me in the role of a child for my entire life! But I’m an adult now and I’m engaged! I beg you, please let me stay, mom-”, you stopped and Dinah’s eyes widened and surged to find yours. Something within her stirred. It was somehow the first time either of you had verbalised the unspoken bond between the two of you. Yet, while it had always been a clear subtext in your relationship, to have it out in the open made Dinah feel so incredibly moved. It was true, though. The blonde heroine had always been a better and more true mother to you than your own. A revelation that made you pull her closer. “-I’m sorry.”  
The leather-clad woman shook her head, “No, don’t apologise. I’m the one who is sorry. I never realised.”
A beat of silence fell upon you two as you rested your head on each other’s shoulders. Breathing in shakily you recognised the perfume Dinah was wearing, it was the same one she had been wearing for the past five years and something about it made you feel nostalgic. You imagined this was how others would feel when they returned to their old childhood bedroom.
Looking towards the window again, you realised that Clark had left momentarily, probably not wanting to be caught in this familial dispute. 
Dinah was the one who broke the silence with a witty comment, “So, am I invited to the wedding or not?”
“I’m not sure Damian will want you here after you attacked his organisation.” You chuckled.
“Well, he’ll have a hard time refusing if I throw the Justice League on him again.”
“Maybe. Does that mean you’ll let me stay?”, you muttered with a smile, slowly pulling away from your former mentor.
“Yes, although it will mean that you can never rejoin vigilante circles. Damian has been totally blacklisted, are you prepared for the same to happen to you?” 
You thought about her question. It took you a moment, but every time Damian’s green eyes and teasing smile emerged in your mind your heart would beat like a morning alarm. You had no clue if it was the right choice…No, you were entirely sure that it was the wrong one, as a matter of fact. Especially as Garfield’s mangled body interrupted your rosy imaginations of your fiancé, but you felt bound to Damian and you weren’t sure if you would survive leaving him, you felt too dependent on his love. “Yes”, you pushed out shakily, your final answer.
Dinah had left with Superman, taking the rest of the Justice League with them. They had done minimal damage to the League of assassins, it had mostly been a fight for distraction, after all.
You felt entirely unsure of your decision as you stood by Damian’s side looking at the heroes retreating. But with Talia’s sharp gaze forcing you into submission and Damian’s warm hand rubbing calming circles on your shoulder, you realised that there really hadn’t been a choice. Even if you had left with your blonde mentor, your green-eyed fiancé would never have let you stay with her. So, perhaps, this was all for the better. At least you had a friend and lover around your age now, which was an improvement… right?
A/N: Yes, you can just ignore this, it's mostly for the user who sent in the request. Thank you for this great idea! I know you had to wait a while for it... but it was also a lot to write, which made it take way longer than I had originally planed...hehe... Anyways! I hope you enjoy it and that I didn't disappoint with the long wait, I tried my best to honour your request!
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undertale-anomaly20 · 6 months
Injustice gods among us x Reader: preview
(NAME): Oh, what the fu-
[The black screen fades out showing a woman in her 20s, wearing long bottom pyjamas and an oversized (f/c) shirt, frazzled (h/c) hair and bare feet, looking over the city of metropolis from a roof top as the city light are the only thing lighting up the dark before fading to black]
[Scene changes to superman and hal Jordan, a yellow lantern]
We have a problem. I ran into Diana's twin. And someone who looked a lot like Oliver Queen. And Hal Jordan.
[This catches the High Councilor's attention as his expression changes.]
R.SUPERMAN: Find them. And any others that might be out there. I want to know everything.
HAL JORDAN: That's not all...I saw (name)
[The High Councilor's eyes widen as he stares in shock at Hal Jordan, a flicker of hope in his normally stoic eyes]
[Scene changes to a shocked looking Harley staring at the woman in front of her]
HARLEY: Pumpkin?
[Scene changes to the reader being cornered by Damian Wayne,a look of relief and desperation on his face. He grips her shoulders in his hands tightly]
DAMIAN: You're not going anywhere this time
[The screen goes black]
(Name): I just want to go home
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livingdeadvoid · 2 years
I write stuff if anyone has any requests! I will also do roleplay requests using these rules!
Things I don't do :]
Smut! Makes me very uncomfortable to write this stuff. I will write lemon but nothing too far.
x Readers, these just making me insanely uncomfortable.
OCs or noncanon characters. Sorry I just don't enjoy writing them.
Illegal ships or anything of the sort.
Anything else I find uncomfortable!
Any ship including minors will not have anything inappropriate in it. Only fluffy and angst. Kissing is probably also not gonna happen.
Fandoms I'll do :D
My Hero Academia
Batfamily/Titans/Doom Patrol/Outlaws/Injustice
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
IT 2017/2019
Stranger Things
Barbarian (the 2022 movie)
Blue Exorcist
Seven Deadly Sins
The Promised Neverland
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Dead By Daylight
Dear Evan Hansen
Saiki K
Demon Slayer
Soul Eater
Teen Wolf
Camp Camp
Ships I'll do :P
My Hero Academia
DC Comics/Titans
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf
Camp Camp
Rinbon - Blue Exorcist
Klance - Voltron
Jakedevon - Chucky (the TV show)
Kingban - Seven Deadly Sins
Mitsukou - Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Treebros - Dear Evan Hansen
Norray - The Promised Neverland
Hannigram - Hannibal
Chadthan - Scream
Tara/Amber - Scream
Billy/Stu - Scream
Larry/Rahman - Doom Patrol
Quentin/Frank - Dead By Daylight
Characters I will write :>
Larry Trainor - Doom Patrol
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Rin Okumura - Blue Exorcist
Tim Drake - Titans/DC
Jason Todd - Titans/DC
Dick Grayson - Titans/DC
Damian Wayne - DC
Hawks - My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari - My Hero Academia
Tokoyami Fumikage - My Hero Academia
Death The Kid - Soul Eater
Ray - The Promised Neverland
Tsukishima Kei - Haikyu!!
Oikawa Toru - Haikyu!!
Quentin Smith - Dead By Daylight/2010 Nightmare On Elm Street
Saiki K - Saiki K
Evan Hansen - Dead Evan Hansen
Connor Murphy - Dear Evan Hansen
Zenitsu - Demon Slayer
Stiles Stilinski - Teen Wolf
Will Graham - Hannibal
Theo Raeken - Teen Wolf
Liam Dunbar - Teen Wolf
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
Dark Red
Only you, my girl, only you babe. Only you, darling, only you.  Damian gets a birthday present. 
Tumblr media
Word Count: 2404
Note: This can be read with the same reader as in Impact Play, acting as a prologue if you so wish. Obviously not proof read.
It was no secret that Damian was never a fan of his father. Even when he held the mantle of Robin there was discourse. 
He seemed happier with Superman, which was alright, but sad considering it’s not how it should’ve been. You would’ve questioned his stance with his mother, but it was probably best not to. Something about that whole idea was off and after hearing Damian threaten Cyborg about it, you were certain. His mother was a no go. 
The rest of his family was spread to the wind. Dick had died years ago, to which Damian would only comment was an accident. Jason Todd was both nowhere and everywhere, though Damian never showed a real enthusiasm for tracking him down. And Tim was just gone. He was in Gotham, but he was... not a part of Damian’s life. None of his family was part of his life. 
At this point, you were not Damian’s family either. You were not even really his friend. You had sided with Superman, and he had sided with Superman, and sometimes you may have stood next to each other, but there was a bout of coldness. Conversations were short, no matter who initiated them. Training... you and Damian didn’t train together. He went off with Cyborg or Superman most of the time, and when you weren’t sparring Black Adam, Wonder Woman wanted to train you. Go figure. But from what you heard, Damian had a not half bad sense of humor and knew how to swing a sword. Maybe that’s why you were so aware of his familial life. 
After all, that was the reason you’d poked into Damian’s personal file anyway. Normally, you probably wouldn’t have done anything of the sort. But everyone else was on the other side of the Fortress of Solitude, and you were in need of a good scoffing. Certainly the details of one Damian Wayne could satisfy that need. 
You flip the file open, expecting something mind boggling. Instead, your brows only raise as you lean back against the icy computer monitor and desk. Your breathing comes out in thick puffs of white air even though you don’t feel cold. Only the balls of your feet feel the freezing temperatures beneath them. Not unlike your fingers, which dance over an old picture of Robin without thinking before your brows crease. 
 Superman and Wonder Woman have erased almost everything there is to Damian Wayne. His last name is listed as both Al Ghul and the latter. Nothing is listed under powers or strengths. His file is short. The photo of Damian in his Robin get-up is longer than the entirety of words on the paper. It’s as if you’d came for a scoff, and been given one to for you had not intended. Not even close. 
You’re about to close it all together and move on with filing the others when a certain set of words catch your eye. That’s when you discover something very interesting. Something you could actually do something with, if you wanted to. That Damian Wayne was born August 9th. 
The file closes and is stuck with the rest in a messy pile. 
Damian is sitting in the dining hall when he hears your footsteps. At first, he thought it was Diana or Victor with how heavy and fast they were. But as you drew closer, he could analyze the weight of your heel and toes and that little pause your knees give sometimes and he knows. Sure enough, a minute later you burst through the entrance way, cooling down from a run. Your chest rises and falls as you look around the room, mouth agape. Finally, your eyes land on Damian, who’s mid chew into the only cereal he could find.
“Happy birthday,” you state, still catching your breath. Luckily, the room is empty between yourself and Damian, so Wonder Woman won’t make you do laps to build up your endurance again.
Damian doesn’t respond, but he does watch you. His chewing is paused, brows creasing under his mask as milk drops from his raised spoon.
“Can you wait right there?” you continue, building up the pace of your feet again. “Thanks.”
The ex-Robin doesn’t respond. Whether it’s because his mouth is full, he has no purpose speaking, or the exasperated confusion you can see in his eyes, he has nothing to say. Only his orbs follow you as you jog out the other archway of the room. 
It is Damian’s birthday. Even if he had no way to track the daily date, his mother had forced him to know the exact minute of every hour every day of the year. It had been his first thought this morning. Which meant there could be no mistake. It was Damian’s birthday. 
He wonders how you know. But then he thinks of the billion different ways you could have figured it out and so he settles on one of those. Superman had probably just marked it down for the details of Damian’s file, beside all his achievements and how to best use him in combat. Of course he had. Fathers keep note of their sons birthdays. 
Had Bruce remembered his birthday? When he was eleven, a year after his mother had sent Damian to Bruce, his adoptive brother Dick had found out that they’d missed Damian’s actual birthday. Then Dick had ordered a day long late birthday celebration inside Wayne manor. It was fun, for an eleven and a half year old. And there’s a bright memory of Bruce smiling down at Damian, Dick carrying the child on his back and shoulders. 
Damian shakes his head to clear his senses. He takes one bite of his cereal- two bites, three. The milk is cold down his throat. Unfortunately, as his lips pull away from the metal, some of the liquid sputters down to his armor. Two white drips on shiny a red and black suit are enough to make the entirety of it look uncleanly. Damian can’t say he’s pleased as a low, “Shit,” leaves the back of his throat. 
His eyes raise again to the side of the dining hall. You enter the room swiftly, seating yourself at the same table as him with only a good few feet between you. Your hand places a clump of tinfoil on the table. It’s creasing suggests something inside, thick and sturdy. There is silence. 
“Oh. This is for you.” You push the wrapped surprise closer to Damian. 
“Why?” he finally decides on saying, though it sounds more like a demand than a question. 
Instinctively, you scoff. “Sorry to bother you, Damian. I’ll just take my Basbousa and get out of here.”
You swipe the foil from its position and start to stand. Then the familiar pinching feeling of armored hands over the comparably thin fabric of your sweatshirt greets you. Damian’s strong hand wraps around your forearm, holding you in place demandingly. “You brought Basbousa?”
You tug your hand arm free with a jolt, then slowly seat yourself back down. Eyes glued to each other, the foil is released from your grasp. “See for yourself, birthday boy.”
The object is pushed towards him again. This time, the hand that previously gripped your arm instead moves his bowl of cereal out of the way and puts the foil in its place. Birthday boy. 
Sucking in a breath, Damian maneuvers his fingers across the shiny silver wrapping until it’s all but gone. Inside, sure enough, is a golden yellow square, no bigger than a cupcake. On special occasions, Damian would receive the dessert as a boy. But that was only when he was with his mother, and when he ate it too fast, she would have him hold hot coals in his hand as punishment to teach patience. 
He wonders if it still tastes as sweet as he remembers. 
“And you got this where?” Damian tosses to you. 
You only shrug in response. “It’s cold. Hope you like it that way.”
You watch Damian then. His eyes are fixated on the treat in front of him. From his side and this close, you can make out details that are a juxtaposition to his very nature. 
Damian’s lashes are long and thick, and look about as soft as a pile of fresh snow. His eyes flicker between green and brown and bronze, sometimes similar to honey in the light and others more like spring grass. There’s a freckle on the left underside of his jaw. Everything so calm and pretty in contrast to how abrasive and judgmental Damian Wayne really is. 
“Do you want me to sing?” you say to pull yourself out before you go into too deep of a daze. 
“Don’t,” Damian responds curtly. 
“So,” you begin, watching as Damian pulls his cereal spoon from the bowl and prepares to use it on the basbousa. “What did Superman do for your special day?”
“Nothing,” Damian reveals. “Victor did my laundry and now there’s glitter all over my clothes.”
An eyebrow raises in response. “Sucks.”
“Do you want a candle for that?” you ask Damian, knowing full well there’s no way Superman would keep birthday candles in the Fortress of Solitude. Damian’s spoon breaks through the corner of the basbousa and it crumbles almost immediately. 
It’s at that word that you come to the realization that you like Damian Wayne’s voice. 
“You know, I’m usually more of a taramisu fan. But this is good too.” Damian slips the spoon between his lips and his eyes flutter closed for a fraction of a second in enjoyment. Then, “It really is surprising that you got this.”
“So I’m the only one who remembered your birthday,” you slip your hands between your thighs for some heat. “Besides Vic.”
“Seems so.”
A minute passes. Damian keeps his eyes on his dessert- and apparently his only gift- while you keep still in wait. You’re not sure why. Damian is attractive, you know that for sure now, but it’s not as if you’re best friends. There were similarities, yes, but that was the reason why you weren’t close wasn’t it? Because you were shared some things that coincidentally kept you from each other?
“Do you uh...” your voice goes hoarse. You clear your throat before Damian can say anything, though you’re fully aware he’s picked up on it surely. “Do you want a present or anything?”
Damian’s pulse stutters. A gift? Offered to him? Dick was the last person who’d ever done that. And how had Damian repayed him?
He drops the spoon sharply to the table, no longer wishing to intake food. 
“I’d buy you something but I’m pretty sure we’re illegal. There’s some old sweaters in my place that don’t fit me anymore. Hope you like sweaters-”
“You did this for me?” Damian cuts you off, now turning to you. Against the blackness of his mask, the green in his eyes look pale and striking. The brown is noticeable for only a moment in a spark of icy light before submitting to the other colors within. 
Well, yeah. You guess you had. So that’s what you tell him. 
Damian’s eyes immediately narrow in accusation and suspicion. Of course. 
“Is it so I’ll do something on your birthday?”
You just furrow your brows and shake your head, because the answer is pretty obviously a no and Damian knows that. 
He dips his head back down to the table. Maybe in shame. But then he starts to speak again and you don’t mind at all because his voice is so nice and fitting and toned and-
“I haven’t had a lot of birthday celebrations in my life. My mother… This was nice of you.”
Hey… you did a nice thing. How many of those have you had to claim in your life? And from Someone so obnoxious as Damian Wayne, you know it must be true. How pure, how precious is that? And on his birthday too. Such an intimate day. So important, so close. So… friendly.
“It’s nothing,” you respond, lips parted with distraction as the two of you are seemingly locked in the same moment. Shake out of it. “Uh, so think about what you want next time Regime goes out. It’ll be a late birthday gift.”
“Yeah,” Damian says. “Yeah- yeah, I got it.”
He picks up the spoon again and continues his eating. When he nears the end of it, you’d pick yourself up and leave the area wordlessly. There’s no need for words for such a simple and barely there relationship. But, that could change. 
Right now, all there is is him. It’s something you’ve never felt with any boyfriends, any girlfriends, anyone. From your longest relationship to your shortest, this is the only time you’ve felt such a strange pull in your tummy. You barely even know Damian, and yet, this exact moment is buzzing and inexplicable. At least on your end. 
So what happens with the grandson of the demon and the marksman of the Regime is up to you. If the relationship would blossom, as it begs to, or if it would stand still, like the you and Damian in this minute. Because at this moment, there’s only him. Only him, darling.
“Happy birthday, Damian.”
Something short and sweet I settled on for Damian’s birthday. He’s over hated, if you ask me, even in the Injustice universe. His character has a lot of depth and even though he’s easy to hate on the surface, I just can’t. So happy birthday to the beloved Damian Wayne, and a hopeful many more years for him. 
Also, basbousa is a real dish. I wanted to find something middle eastern to tie to Damian since he is, in fact, middle eastern. I don’t think DC has ever confirmed where exactly he and his mother are from so I had to chose something a little generic. Basbousa is found in Turkey and surrounding countries. 
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jon: damian, you’re fine just be yourself.
damian: be myself? jon, i have one day to win over y/n parents. how long did it take for you guys to start liking me?.
y/n: couple weeks.
jason: six months.
tim: jury’s still out.
damian: see, jon? “be myself” what kinda of garbage advice is that?
requests are open!
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pynkgothicka · 2 years
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Yandere! Injustice! Damian Wayne x Fem! Reader Hcs
A/n: A set of Hcs to keep content coming in while I work on a request!!
Warnings!!: DUBCON, KIDNAPPING, injustice Damian., BLOODPLAY
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General Hcs!!
✹ Damian was always a loose cannon. Why do you think he joined the Regime in the first place? Not just that but a loose cannon who was also clingy
✹ So when he found something to focus all his bad fucked up energy on, like hell he was letting that go. 
✹ You had got caught up into some bad shit and really had nothing to do with it. Times just had gotten rough.
✹ Damian and Cyborg had been sent out to handle a drug bust. And he was lucky he did it. In the corner of the room, shielding yourself from the violence
✹All Damian could do was pity you. And hell, even call it love at first sight. Damian watched how scared and meek you were compared to him. Damian was finally on top and superior. And he loved it.
✹ So what else would he do besides kidnap you. Cyborg didn't even want to question the kid, He already didn't like him, why even try pissing him off further.
✹ Sure he got some creepy looks bringing you in but that didn't matter. He has you fair and square. Plus looking at how adorable you were all compliant for him really did a number on his ego. You barely even struggled!
✹Diana and Kal were very conflicted about having you be here with Damian. Diana supported it, seeing that he has something to focus on that wasn't just himself. He could keep his "humanity" if he had something that nailed him down. Kal on the other hand, was more so against it. If Damian focused on something other than himself, it would compromise their mission and goal of the Regime.
✹But Damian just shurgged them off and hid you away in his room. No one would want to walk in his room. Who knew his reputation would come in handy one day.
✹After long missions he loves ocming back to you laying down on his bed, and laying next to you. Sure he scared you but the warmth that surrounded him was unlike nothing he ever felt before.
✹If he catches you out of his room, he's going to instantly assume you were trying to get away. He would grab at your arm and yank you back. Why would you ever leave when he makes sure you have everything you would ever need right in the room. Plus he went through all the hard work of torturing your friends to find out more about you. Best you could do is be grateful for his hard work.
✹ Kal is strangely now all of a sudden supportive because he sees that he can use you to manipulate Damian. "Bruce has already gotten in, who's to say he won't use her to get to you? It seems like you need to eliminate the problem before it gets worse." And Damian will take this heart, and will go out of his way to keep you safe.
Nsft Hcs
✹Huge thing for BloodPlay. Damian loves marking you up, nothing to kill you and he will patch you up when he's done. It's just the excitement of seeing red stains covering the both of you. 
✹Bondage!! Damian will tie you up in the most delicate of rope just to rough you up.
✹ Damian works for both of your pleasures. Anytime you two are together he makes certain that you both cum, and yes sometimes he does overstim you so he can cum but it makes you both feel good in the end
✹Seeing you on your knees begging, oh does it do things to him. Beg for him to fuck you harder or go softer he will lose it. To have something depend on him so much, brings out the worst in him.
✹Damian wants to corrupt you so bad. For him to be able to introduce you to some of his darkest fantasies and for him to actually be able to do them with someone, is the best thing to ever happen to him. 
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Injustice Damian Wayne x Zantana!nephew
Yandere Injustice Damian Wayne x Zanatnna’s Nephew!Reader 
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You inherit your aunt’s powers and choose to side with Bruce, trying to help fix things and put a stop to Clark and everyone whose chosen his side.  One of those people being Bruce’s own son, Damian Wayne. 
Damian always gave you an uneasy and creepy feeling whenever he was around, but that’s only gotten worse. His behavior and actions have only become bolder and more unnerving. 
Going out of his way, Damian would seek you out trying to deter you from his father and to join Clark, but you want nothing to do with him and his dictatorship. You’d rather die than become what you’ve tried so hard to help put an end to, you’re stubborn and you always will be. 
But Damian will have enough of your stubbornness and disappearing acts, coming up with something to repress your powers, even inquiring Raven’s help along the way to ensure you won’t be able to fight back or get away. He’ll get the upper hand ending with you in his clutches and he won’t let you slip through his fingers again. 
Once you do come back to, Damian’s there waiting for you and you’re bound and powerless, left to his mercy much to your dismay. He’ll go into some monologue, conveying his love and devotion to you, at least what he considers love. Going on about how he’s always wanted to be with you just like this, only you and him. 
He’ll even confess to all the times he watched an followed you, tracking wherever you went and the people along the way. He’d take care of them sooner or later, not wanting anyone else too close to what didn’t belong to them. Or how he’d sneak into your home and watch you sleep, sometimes laying down next to you, basking in the peacefulness and vulnerability of you being so unaware and content. He would do all this just to keep himself from taking you completely, only needing a taste of what could be to keep him on his feet, but the temptation was always there, bittersweet. He couldn’t wait to have you with him finally. 
You’re horrified at the new information, remembering all those, what you though were only nightmares, dreams and images of him inside your room, hovering above you and just watching you. You could never get away from those calculating and prying eyes of his. 
Now that Damian is with Clark, he can do whatever he wants. Not having Bruce or Grayson to hold him back anymore, he can kill any and everyone who so much as poses a threat to you or your relationship. Even going as far as killing Bruce himself to ensure no one comes and tries to take you away and try to stop Clark and his plans. 
Damian would punish you but don’t fret, it will never be life threatening, only to remind you what happens when you don’t just submit and give in. You’ll be living your own personal hell, forced to share a bed with the demon who has haunted you for years, where no one can here you scream. What is there left for you now?     
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littlebatsimagines · 5 years
How Could You!! (Injustice! Nightwing x Reader)
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Batman, Nightwing, and I were fighting in Arkham. Damian left us for Superman which didn’t surprise me. I had hoped he would’ve stuck by family but I didn’t hold my breath. Leaving the family I could get over but the result of his anger during this fight is something I will never forgive. Because of his childish temper I lost the one person who truly mattered to me, because of him we lost Dick Grayson.
Nightwing and Superman had just saved Damian from Solomon Grundy, which didn’t sit well with Robin. I....I should’ve been watching...but I wasn’t. Damian had lost his temper and threw one of his batons at the back of Dick’s head...normally he would’ve caught it, but not this time. Dick was focused on the fight in front of him and that damn steel rod hit him making him collapse instantly and hit a piece of debris. Everything was in slow motion at that moment. I don’t know when it happened but a scream ripped through me and everyone’s attention was now on us. I forgot about my current fight, I didn’t care, I ran and slid over to Dick’s motionless body. My hands were trembling with the realization that he wasn’t going to get up from this one.
“I...I didn’t mean...” Damian started making my head snap to him. Anger and hatred must have been apparent in my eyes because he immediately backed away. “You didn’t what?! Mean to?!” I spat with a venom in voice that could kill. Bruce came over making Damian further his distance. “What did you do?” Bruce asked as his eyes landed on Dick. I slowly ran my fingers through Dick’s hair. “I hate you...” I whispered before getting up and pushing Damian farther away. I couldn’t look at them anymore and began to leave. Black Canary tried to reach out but I didn’t want to talk, who would after that? I pushed past her, Green Arrow, and the rest of the heroes that would try to stop me until I made it outside. Once away from everyone I finally let my tears fall as I grappled from roof to roof. This night couldn’t get worse...Damian abandoned us and killed my fiancé in the process. I’ll kill him! 
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batfamily-trash · 5 years
Anthanasia al Ghul x Bi!Reader x Ex! Damian Wayne al Ghul
The sound of swords clashing against each other echoed across the room. Y/N grunted as they pushed against Damian’s sword. “Getting tired?” Damian mocked.
Y/N glared at him and threw him off-balance before pinning him on to the ground. “Tired? Never.”
Damian smirked and flipped their positions. “Y/N, belov–”
“Don’t call me that!” Y/N shouted as they pushed the assassin off them. “I am not your my ‘beloved’. Not anymore.”
Y/N got off the ground, picking up their sword in the process. “If I remember correctly you were the one who broke up with me.”
Damian recoiled at the memory. It was true, he broke up with them. Only to protect them. Like that worked out well. He sighed and stood up. He watched as Y/N angrily sheathed their sword. He sighed and picked up his own sword.
Y/N quietly observed Damian from the corner of their eye. Ever since they joined the regime, Damian had been acting weird. It may have been that they joined or that he found out they were dating his sister, Anthanasia. Either way, it annoyed them.
A tap on the shoulder brought Y/N back to reality. They averted their attention from Damian to the person in front of them.
“Everything alright N/N?” Anthansasia asked. You smiled and gave her a quick kiss.
“Yeah, just missing you,” Y/N replied. Anthansasia returned the smile, only to notice her brother sulking in the background.
“Something wrong Damian? Or are you just jealous?”
“Why would I be jealous of you?”  Damian huffed, raising his hands up in defense.
Y/N groaned in annoyance. They put a hand on Anthansasia’s shoulder to hold her back and prevent her from doing something stupid. “Anthansasia….”
She shrugged off Y/N’s hand and stalked towards Damian. “Are you sure? Because ever since Y/N joined the regime you’ve been more bothersome than before.”
Damian just glared at his sister in silence. He knew he was going to have to answer or she was going to keep on prying. “For the last time, I’m not jealous. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a mission to prepare for.”
Anthansasia and Y/N watched as Damian left the training room. Y/N sighed and walked towards their girlfriend. “What were you trying to achieve love?”
“Nothing,” she murmured. She turned on her heel and made her way out of the training room, leaving a confused Y/N behind.
“Time to figure out what’s going on,” Y/N whispered to herself. After making sure Anthansasia wasn’t nearby, Y/N made their way to Damian’s quarters. If anyone had any answers, it would be Damian.
Once Y/N made it Damian’s quarters they just stood in front of the door, contemplating what to do. They raised their hand to knock but stopped when the door swung open.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk.”
Damian moved to the side, Y/N thanked him and quietly entered the room.
“What do you want to talk about,” asked Damian. Y/N turned to face him. In all honesty, they didn’t want to be there, but it was necessary.
“Ever since I joined the regime you have been acting weird, and I want to know what’s happening.”
Damian leaned against the door as he thought about his reply.
It’s been a while since Y/N actually got a good look at him. He had changed so much from the last time they saw him.
“Nothing’s happening, Y/N. You’re just overthinking this.”
“Sure I am,” they scoffed. “Dami please.”
Damian sighed as he pushed himself off the wall. “Fine, Y/N I… I still have feelings for you. I’ve always had feelings for you. Feelings that I have been denying since I found out about you and my sister.”
Y/N stood there in shock. They didn’t know how to respond to this. They weren’t expecting a love confession. “I-uh- Damian…”
“I know Y/N, I just… just forget I said anything. You should go before Anthanasia starts to worry.”
Y/N nodded and immediately left the room. As Damian shut the door he quickly whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Not wanting to be caught standing in front of Damian’s room, Y/N immediately made their way to their own room. They didn’t know how to feel. They felt sad, mad, but mostly confused. Confused about everything.
They stayed silent as Anthanasia approached them. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
Anthanasia softly wiped the tears off Y/N’s face. They leaned into her touch, sniffling a bit. “I- I went to talk to Damian about what happened earlier.”
“What did he do to make you upset?!?”
"He said… he said he still loved me,” they said whispering the last part. Anthanasia scowled and quickly engulfed Y/N in a hug.
“No matter what happens, I’ll always be by your side.”
“I know.”
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pandaexpress-tae · 7 years
Bruce: I'm the hero Gotham needs
Jason: Then I'm the one they deserve
Me *slow clapping*: wow Jay, just wow. you're doing great honey
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ohmy7hearts · 7 years
i believe you are the best version of yourself
Summary: Damian, across all Earths it seems, is insecure and doubtful. It is up to Wonder Girl to tell him otherwise. Based on the song “Rainbow” by Sia. 
Pairings: Damian Wayne x Wonder Girl!Reader
Warnings: Injustice spoilers and lengthy fic
Requested by: @warrioredqueened  
A/N: OMG this is the first time I wrote something that reaches 2.4k words? Anyways, if this is not what you want, please send the same request with more details. AND, please take note, I am not romanticizing what happened in injustice. I am against the Regime and its ways but Damian’s belief of Batman’s way being ineffective - aligning very much to Jason’s - is what I can understand despite how cruel it seems.
“Do you ever regret choosing your father instead of your mother?” You glanced at him lying beside you. He turned his face to you, his mask covering the green eyes you grew to love so much. A green so bright that the grass tickling your skin paled in comparison. A green which reminded you so much of the woodlands in Themyscira. A green you desire to get lost in at the moment causing your hands to itch at your side. 
“No,” he answered. His fingers intertwined with yours and it shot tingles up your arm. Your heart fluttered with the unspoken words his actions delivered. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as memories of your first meeting flashed before your eyes.
“Do you ever look forward to taking on the mantle of Batman?” you whispered, eyes searching his face for any kind of signs and it resided in the furrowing of his eyebrows. 
He sat up and gazed at the ocean before you two, his hand now on his lap causing you to miss the warmth of him. You sat up and closed the gap between you two before observing his side profile. Heart hammering in your chest, you called out to him with uncertainty lacing your voice.
He snapped his attention to you and under such intense scrutiny, you wanted to look away. But, the curiosity nagging at the back of your mind gave you the courage to hold his stare. Besides, you refused the idea of folding under a man’s gaze. 
“Will I make an adequate Batman?” His question had your heart stopping in surprise. A million things raced through your mind to retaliate his degrading question. The clenching of his jaws had your stomach clenching in uneasiness.
“What makes you think otherwise? You will make an exceptional Batman and that is the truth, Robin.” You placed a hand on his cheek, stroking the soft skin. His jaw lost the tension it had and it eased you.
His eyes flitted away from yours as he scoffed, “Assassins raised me; I was born into this world to be the demon head, not a hero.”
Your body went rigid as your heart shattered. The ability to talk was gone and with your silence, he hung his head. He carefully removed the hand from his cheek before pressing his lips to your wrist. Mumbling to your skin, “I don’t see what is so desirable about me, beloved. I don’t think I’m even worthy enough to call you that.”
A shrill laugh pierced the air sending you both bolting to your feet, ready for battle. A redhead stood cackling before you two - her purple eyes watching you two in amusement without your full battle gear. “Oh wonder baby, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard very wonderful things about you and -”
Damian threw batarangs at her before she could finish; slicing through the air and for a moment, she was caught off guard. That was until they dropped to the ground an inch before they could touch her. The woman clicked her tongue in annoyance, “You sure do speak the truth when you said there was nothing desirable about you.”
Furious, you hissed, “Do not speak to him like that.”
“Oh, what is this? A forbidden love between the baby wonder and baby bats. How adorable, it reminds me so much of - what are their names, the mortals who die because of love? Ah yes, Romeo and Juliet. Tragic really,” she chuckled, smirking at the two of you. “Allow me to be the reason for your demise.”
With that, she flicked a hand towards Damian and a blast from her hand zoomed towards him. Acting fast, it was deflected off with your bracelet. You stood in front of him, eyes shooting daggers at her. She smirked before shrugging. She was gone the next moment and that had the anger brewing in the pit of your stomach to intensify. You marched to where she was and grasped at thin air in attempts to check if she was gone. 
“We’ll go in and -” Damian’s sentence cut off had you whirling to where he was. Replacing where he stood was the woman from before and a black cat at her feet. Noticing the mask on the cat, your blood turned cold at the prospect of Damian turning into a cat. 
You screamed, “Turn him back!”
“Oh wonder baby, your mother sure did not teach you some manners. Where is your please?”
Frustrated, you charged at her and sent a punch which she dodged. A kick towards her stomach had her plummeting into the ground the next moment. Without hesitation, you flew towards her to land the finishing blow. But, your fist met the ground instead and you released a growl. 
“Maybe I should have turned you instead of him.” You struck behind you but she caught your arm. Using your other fist, you aimed at her. Excruciating pain met your knuckles and electrified your arm. Screaming in agony, you fell to your feet. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes as your whole left arm felt like it was burning.
Looking down at your broken form, she spat, “Allow me to teach you some manners.” With that, she touched your temple and you felt like you were floating. It was gone as fast as it came. 
When you opened your eyes, you were sitting in a training room, an unfamiliar one. You stood up before your legs gave way and you crumpled to the floor. Pushing yourself to your feet with your good arm, you tried again. A few steps forward and you stopped. Seeing who was at the entrance of the room had your heart skipping a beat.
You were sent flying to the wall and dropped to the ground. When you lifted your head to meet his, you were baffled to see such hostility and fury contorted in his face. Then, you took note of how his mask was not green but black instead. Similarly, his Robin gear was different. 
“Who are you? Speak, or I will make sure you will not be able to utter a word again.” 
“You’re not him. You’re not my Damian,” you sighed. “Where am I?”
He tilted his head slightly and scorned, “Your Damian? As far as I’m concerned, I do not belong to anyone.”
You pushed yourself up to stand and once you were eye-to-eye with him, you examined him. He folded his arms in front of him, “I asked you a question. And why are you wearing the same tiara as Diana?”
“And I asked you a question too. I don’t appreciate your condescending tone, Robin.”
Even through his mask, you could see the way his eyes narrowed. You glared at him before walking away, “I don’t have time for this. I need to return home.”
“You mean return to him?” he sneered. 
You hurled yourself at him, mind clouding with anger. Despite your injured left wrist, the ire in your heart overwhelmed the pain. After witnessing Damian - your Damian, not this Damian - being transformed into a cat and Circe playing you like a marionette, you were full of resentment. Towards her and yourself. How you hated she barged into your time with Damian and ruin everything. How she changed him into an animal. How she injured you and how you were so powerless. So powerless that you could not even come close to breaking her. So powerless that you could not protect him. So powerless in love where you could not even see that Damian was hurting. 
It was a series of kicks, punches and jabs before you could finally pin him down. Looking at him just made all that anger turn to fear: fear of not being able to return. There were so many things that you have yet to tell him, to reassure him and to confess to him. So many things that you wanted to do with him and now all those chances were gone.
You got off him and head towards the entrance before he grabbed your arm. “You can’t go out there. The Regime will not be pleased with your presence.”
“The Regime?” you echoed. “Who is that?”
“Just follow me, you’re injured.”
Leading you by your wrist, you both walked through several hallways before entering a room. He motioned for you to take a seat on the bed while he fetched medical items. It was silent as you waited for him and during the process of him patching you up. Questions swam in your mind but you held back after noticing the hardened lines of his face. A feeling of dread tugged at your heartstrings as your mind explored all the possibilities of this world. 
“Do I not exist in your world?”
“And who exactly are you?”
“(Y/N) of Themyscira, daughter of Diana, Princess of the Amazons.” 
He stared at you, eyes flitting between your eyes to the tiara, before resuming his task on your bruised knuckles. “No.”
You watched him carefully applying medication to your knuckles. The twitching muscles of his forearm to the lithe fingers. The hand supporting your wrist was so warm, as warm as Damian’s hand should be. He was wearing a different Robin outfit but he was still the Damian you knew, the brash boy when fighting crime. The cold side of him when he just met someone and now the caring side of him. Your free hand tangled in his hair, playing with its end, causing him to freeze.
“What are you doing?” his accusatory tone sent a pang through your heart.
“It’s okay to want to create your own path, Damian. You don’t have to be what others expect you to be. You don’t have to be Batman if you don’t want. As long as you are happy, I am proud of you,” you mumbled to yourself but he heard every word. 
“Will you still be proud of me even when I kill the criminals that deserve death?” he stared at you, searching your eyes for something. 
You halted your movement, looking back at him. From his hair, your hand inched to his jaw, “I believe that you have tried every way possible to make them surrender. In war, there are casualties in the form of death. I am a warrior, Damian, I am not opposed to killing if it is necessary. Whatever you have done, whatever you choose, I believe you have your reasons for them. And I believe that you have done them for the greater good.” 
You could see the telltale signs of him smiling and that sent your heart fluttering. He placed a cast on your wrist before your bracelets. Caressing the skin of your hand, he muttered, “I don’t know how to help you return home. But, I’m not opposed to you staying.”
You hummed, “I apologise Damian, but I can’t. My mother, she would be so worried. And my friends too. My home is not here.”
“And you have the other me to return to. He is very lucky to have you,” he smirked. “If he is foolish enough to treat you wrong, you are always welcome here.” 
“In every life, I believe you will give me more than what I deserve. Just like in every life, as I have seen so far, you always doubt yourself. Damian, your life - the choices - should only depend on your own happiness. Do not ever disregard that.”
Flash came flying in, knocking himself into the wall. “Owww.” 
He looked around and saw you with Damian, “Are you by chance the Wonder Girl of my Earth?”
“I believe that is my cue. Thank you for everything.” You stood up and kissed his forehead before making your way to a shell-shocked Flash.
“Do I want to know?” he asked to which you shook your head. “Alright, come on, let’s go! Your mother is worried sick. I’m starting to think she will tear our world apart just because that witch sent you away. And I don’t think we want her asking your grandmother for help, one furious Amazon is more than enough.”
You glanced back at Damian with a smile before you were whisked off by Flash. When you opened your eyes, the interior of the Teen Titans tower had you grinning. You jumped off Flash to be greeted with a bone-crushing hug by your mother. The sound of her sobs crushed your heart and you hugged her back. You cried in guilt as she spoke in Greek about the distress she was in. 
Unfortunately for her, your friends demanded to hug you too. So, the moment she let go, Jon was latching himself to you making you both a sobbing mess. He told you of how he and the Teen Titans drove Circe away after hearing your scream. Pride swelled in your chest as you gave him a kiss on the cheeks. 
Damian tore Jon away from you, much to Jon’s chagrin. He hugged you before you pulled him down for a searing kiss which left you two breathless.
“Don’t ever leave me, habibti. I don’t know what I would do without you,” Damian breathed.
“I can guess what but I promise you, Damian Al Ghul-Wayne, I will never choose to leave you.”
“Who was here?” 
“No one,” Damian answered, fingers tracing the palm of his hand.
“I heard someone in here with you.” Superman narrowed his eyes at him. 
Damian stood up and glared back in defiance, “And I’m telling you there was no one except me.”
“That is enough, Clark. We have more pressing matters at hand,” Wonder Woman interjected, a hand on Superman’s chest. He held Damian’s gaze for another second before turning to leave. Wonder Woman nodded at him before following Superman.
Lying on his bed, his mind wandered back to you and the interaction between Superman and Wonder Woman. A smile played on his lips when his hand grazed where your lips touched his forehead. You are proud of him, that was more than enough for him.
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