#daredevil crossover
Daredevil x TMNT crossover headcanons
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Note: It's been a while since I've seen either series, but my inspiration is screaming and hopefully I'm not remembering things wrong.
-Leonardo and Matt would be excellent sparring and training partners. Both of them too stubborn to give up easily, no matter how difficult the exercise. They could easily go at it for hours trading blow for blow until they both flopped on the floor in a painful mess. But after they've both caught their breath, Leo would be in instant big brother mode, making sure any bruises, cuts, or anything of the like would be properly disinfected and bandaged.
-Raphael and Matt would be each other's buddy out on patrol at night. Ready to kick the butt of every goon in Hell's kitchen, there wouldn't be many that would stand up to the combined forces of their fists. Raph's temper would get the best of him sometimes, and Matt would have to be the one that called him off, or a knockout punch depending on the situation.
-Donatello would Matt's best technical support ever. Matt's screen reader went out? No problem, here's a new one with ten different voices in four accents. Braille display not working correctly? Here, here's one that automatically converts every website, no matter the settings. Donny would also finds Matt's senses fascinating and it would lead to many late night studying sessions all for the glory of science.
-Michelangelo and Matt would be like sunshine and shadows. When Matt's feeling his worst and brooding over the bad things, here comes Mikey, armed with a joke book, games, pizza, and bad singing. Ready to stay as long as he needs and to do whatever it takes to bring a smile back to his face.
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Prologue part 1 - DarkLands part 2 Young Nelson & Murdock Vs Young Bowser
summary: "Matt Murdock was a 5-year-old boy raised by his father who was a boxer who tried hard to provide for them" But things change when one day he stumbles into a manhole under maintenance when he saved an older man from being run over, but he was not alone as a blond boy who had run away from home met him and the two end up finding a peculiar old green pipe. that deports them to a whole new world …. However, it will be the last time Matt sees him again because the place they ended up will be the last thing he sees….!!!
Localization: DarkLands - Region ??? - time period - night
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The DarkLands, Koopa clan's dominions
The Darklands a dark, hot, dead and scary kingdom, those who come here especially at night become food for the Dry Bones!!!!!
But there are first times for everything, including 2 boys who just got out of a green pipe stuck to a dry, twisted tree!! Matt, who was unconscious, wakes up to see where he was…
Whaa..ttt ju.s.t happ..e.ned??… Matt says it himself, but he was still a little dazed and shocked from the trip through the mysterious pipe.
Then Matt noticed the blonde boy and was woken up to see if he was okay
Wake up dude!!! Now! Pls ? Now!
Matt slapped him to wake him up, shook him and even turned him over, so after several attempts the blonde boy woke up.
He looks at Matt and around he stays calm, then 5 seconds in he completely freaks out
Oh $#1t I'm in an unknown place that's like hell, the underworld or those RPG games!?! "???"was freaking out so much that he almost fell into the lava
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But Matt stops it ??? almost getting a third degree burn
Oh my god I was almost roasted alive!!! Then ??? turns to Matt.
Thanks man, I'm super happy to see a normal person like me here because the last thing I remember was being in a scene of pink clouds and being sucked into a cloudy pipe, full of lava and thunder.
??? says smiling
Hi! I'm "Matthew Michael Murdock or Matt Murdock" for short
I'm glad you're okay but one thing because you were in the sewers of Hell's Kitchen?
Matt asks ??? with a comforting smile
"Hell..kithcenhn..l what???!!!”"
??? says completely confused than his new friend as he had no idea what that was.
What…. the sewers you and I were there?!?.. Matt says he doesn't understand anything
No, I know you now in this strange place and I've never seen your face in my life and I also don't know where I'm from, I just remember that pipe and getting here
Matt upon hearing ??? put the pieces together and came to a conclusion
man how can I tell you this... but it seems like you have a case of amnesia because of the impact of the dimensional pipe we went through so you don't remember anything or who you were
and with that??? screams that you can hear it even from the polar ice caps if this world has
No No No No Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
I know it's difficult but everything will be fine and until then I can be your family, like an adopted older brother and who knows, maybe you'll remember things along the way.I know it's difficult but everything will be fine and until then I can be your family, like an adopted older brother and who knows, maybe you'll remember things along the way.
Matt says putting his hand on the shoulder of the blonde boy who was panicking and almost crying with despair.
which 20 seconds later turned into contagious joy and ??? hugged in a super tight hug
I can't believe I got a new brother and best friend, this is the best day ever!!!!
Yes I know but please you are suffocating me
??? put Matt on the floor dead and rocky
Matt looked at ??? and noticed a scripture:
F. Nelson
Matt tried to form a name and he looked into the fog and he looks at ???
What do you think I called you Foggy?
??? who came after Matt trying to unravel the writing that was his name was super happy and touched
I like that name! Foggy it sounds great and suits me. I decided that I would be "Foggy Percy Murdock Nelson"
Matt thought and spoke
I think Nelson sounds better…. So you would be "Foggy Percy Nelson Murdock"or Foggy Nelson for short
Foggy smiled and hugged Matt and by Foggy's expression, Matt said he loved his new name.
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But that moment was cut short when a skeletal turtle-shaped zombie emerged and the sight in Matt and Foggy's eyes will curse them in their dreams for all eternity.
And it wasn't just 2,5,5...23 and now I keep counting!!….
We are chipped!!! Foggy said and was holding himself back because he was terrified.
Foggy, time to go because I don't want to die in this zombie apocalypse scenario!!! Matt says in a determined and serious tone
Foggy takes his brother's hand as the two run for their lives and soon this race will take them to a castle in the center of these lands.
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and in the ruins of this castle in this infernal lava tundra was someone who was eager to play with the newcomers…..
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Run you weak humans, soon you will be part of my game and Peaches will be mine!!!!
——- Continue in Part 2 ——————-
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adhd-coyote · 2 years
Danny Phantom x Daredevil crossover idea
For some reason, Danny leaves Amity Park. Could be college, wanting a new start, or, if you wanna be angsty, dead family. If you wanna be REALLY angsty, his parents found out and kicked him out.
He ends up moving to New York, more specifically, Hell's Kitchen
Sometimes, he likes to go flying, and if he just so happens to stop a few bad guys while out and about, then what's the harm?
Matt hears about this new vigilante and obviously goes to check it out.
Danny hears about Daredevil and decides he absolutely has to meet this dude.
Eventually, an invisible Phantom finds Daredevil on a rooftop. He watches him for a bit, then finally reveals himself with a "Hello!"
Daredevil nearly jumps six feet in the air because holy shit what is that child doing up here and why the hell can't I hear his heartbeat?
Daredevil tries to act calm but is having a little trouble pinpointing Phantom other than a cold spot and a vague smell of something he can't identify (ectoplasm).
They talk, there's the whole "who are you and what are you doing in my city" thing, but eventually Daredevil decides this kid is alright if maybe a little snarky.
They part on friendly terms and Matt has a little freakout that night and then calls Foggy because he might be bad at communication but there was a child with no heartbeat I mean c'mon.
Obviously, Daredevil and Phantom meet up fairly often and become friends. Phantom reveals that he's dead and Daredevil realizes that he accidentally emotionally adopted this child. (Maybe he runs to Frank for parenting advice, idk)
There might be more later? Idk
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
I have a lot of feelings about the daredevil cameo
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spaycesicklerecs · 4 months
Summary: He's not a superhero anymore, not really. Without the backing of the Avengers or Stark Industries, Spider-Man is more of a street-level vigilante. The police and media are just as ready to paint him as a menace as they are a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Though he has no plans to ever be unmasked again, Peter realizes that it might help to get a lawyer.
It's a good thing he knows one.
Rating: T+
Status: [multi-chapter] WIP
My Opinion: Fantastic fusion of Marvel properties. A great match-up of two of the most beloved characters the MCU has to offer. 
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karmaspidr · 3 months
Batman: What is the situation, Commissioner?
Gordon: Some of Joker's guys tried to rob a shipment of Ace Chemicals. My guys got an anonymous tip, most likely from those responsible for this, saying where they are and that the situation has been handled. And to also bring a few ambulances.
Batman: Scans the scene. Paramedics are treating men with clown face paint. Cops are struggling to cut down tied-up men in ridiculously high places. Some were receiving emergency surgery.
Batman: Any idea who did this?
Gordon: Figured it wasn't your squad. Hands Batman a note. It reads, 'Courtesy of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. P.S., sorry about the blood.
Batman: Turns to some of the thugs.
Thug 1: The Devil... The Devil is in Gotham. He's come for us all!
Thug 2: It was like fighting three different people at once. One moment he was throwing baterangs at us and the next he was caving our fucking skulls in.
Thug 3: I don't know how he did it. He was like ten feet away. I shot him. I should have hit him. But when I fired, he was in my face. And he made fun of me!
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fr3ckl3z · 15 days
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Fictional catholics are ruining my life
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Jake: What's your favourite colour?
Matt dressed head to toe in red: Fuck you
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I’m assuming someone’s pointed this out but I haven’t seen any posts about it yet, so just in case:
Danny, seeing that no one nearby is going to notice him turning into Phantom: *goes ghost*
Matt Murdock, sitting nearby, 100% aware that this kid’s heart beat just stopped but he can still hear him talking into a walkie-talkie:
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perseusjackson18 · 3 months
okay can you imagine percy needing a lawyer or sally needing a lawyer and them just calling up their neighbour who gets along great with them and just go
"Hey matt, we kinda need lawyer"
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abbykmtr-13 · 2 months
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Daredevil / TMNT crossover ✨
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Young Family Nelson and Murdock and the adventures of Mushroom Kingdom AU
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Localization: Mushroom Kingdom Region: Toad Town/ Hell's Mushroom
Name: Matthew Toad Michael Nelson Murdock/ Matt Murdock / Matt Murdock
Age: 19 years
Family: Jack Murdock (Dad) ✝️, Edward Nelson (Adoptive Dad), Anna Nelson ( Adoptive Mom), Theo Nelson (Adoptive Older Brother) Franklin "Foggy"Percy Nelson ( Great Best Friend,Law Partner and Adoptive Little Brother), Toad (Youngest Brother and Best Friend), other family members unknown
Friends: Peach ( Older Sister figure) ,Mario ( Friend and Mentor) ,Luigi, Karen ( Best Friend and Love Interest 💖),Frank ( love interest and enemy sometimes 💖),Claire,Mallow,Peter,Wade, Brett,Daisy and Yoshi
< press star >
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Prologue - The dawn of the devil
part: 1,2,3
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"Welcome to the mushroom kingdom, a prosperous, big, magical, powerful, rich and strong kingdom"
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And here is the capital of the kingdom, Toad Town, where all the subjects of this glorious kingdom live.
"Toads, goombas, koopas, people from different regions of the mushroom kingdom live in this town, but the rarest are humans because in this kingdom there are no humans and these exceptions rarely occur because the only humans are the noble ruler of the Mushroom kingdom, Princess Peach Toadstool and the heroes of the mushroom kingdom the Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi, but this world has its surprises because in the western corner of Toad Town there is a neighborhood that was founded as "Hell's Mushroom"by a group of humans who landed in the Mushroom Kingdom".
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"These humans with strength and determination built their own corner of Toad Town and soon this world became their home"
"The Mushroom Kingdom has a lot to explore in addition to the different worlds beyond the borders where diverse adventurers, fighters and dreamers intend to achieve their goals and open up opportunities."
Because the doors for 2 young humans who will begin their lives opened at that moment
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Matty!!! Foggy!!! Time to wake up!!! a woman wearing an orange apron called from the other side of the door
"Mo..oo.om.mm……. let me and Matt sleep in peace! "says half sleepy the young blond man with a growing beard and long hair Foggy, No! Today is the big day that my 2 babies are going to one of the prestigious colleges in the Mushroom Kingdom, so wake up your brother and come and have breakfast together!!! says your mother from the other side of the door going down the stairs.
Ok, mom! says Foggy sighing looking at his brother ——————————————————————————————————Matt was dreaming for the first time in years because he couldn't handle the voices from the Mushroom Kingdom or the Princess's screams and the horror show and Bowser's growl from Peach's castle which is on the other side, specifically in the center of Toad Town (Yes, blame the shit super senses), this dream was of him flying through the skies of Merigue Clouds, over the seas of Isle Delfino with flight power ups, because Matt wanted to be a hero, explore the Mushroom Kingdom and be a lawyer, he and the Foggy and tomorrow this dream was going to come true and he wanted his father to be here and together they could explore this world and have the life they both dreamed of because it would be him, Foggy, his father and his entire adoptive family that he loves and He has his large family that he would protect until the end with his strength, with his blood and his soul
Hey flower of the day, time to wake up……….
It looks like your best friend, the ray of sunshine and optimist, is acting as the alarm clock again.
Wow, Foggy has no mercy on my senses... what happened to respect for blind people who just want to sleep?
Well it looks like the devil in me has other plans so let's get that beautiful morning mood
because the future lawyer of the Mushroom Kingdom will begin his adventure!!!
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adhd-coyote · 2 years
Danny Phantom x Daredevil Crossover Part 2
Right so Phantom and Daredevil bond and occasionally patrol together.
Little by little, Daredevil learns more about Danny (as Danny has insisted he call him). How he doesn't just have ghost-like powers, he's actually a ghost (though Daredevil had already guessed that from the lack of a heartbeat).
Once, Daredevil tentatively asks about Danny's death. Danny gets really quiet for a moment, and Daredevil is afraid he's overstepped, but then he hears a soft murmur- "Lab accident." Daredevil never brings it up again.
Instead of personal stuff, Daredevil learns about stuff like Danny's powers (he loves to show off), his favorite "haunts" (he likes to stand on top of this one building with a gargoyle because it makes him feel like an action movie protagonist), and his dreams of being an astronaut (both of them ignore the sad twinge in Danny's voice).
Daredevil shares some tales of vigilante-ing, talks about other super-powered people he's met, and tells him funny stories from his and Foggy's college days.
Danny's a big fan of Daredevil's encounter with Nobu ("A real-life ninja!! I've only met ghost ninjas!!"), and learns it so well he's started taking over the story whenever Daredevil tells it (even tho he begged Daredevil to tell him again). This has actually helped Daredevil work through some of the trauma surrounding the event, and now whenever he thinks of it, it's with Danny's smart remarks and sound effects.
After he realizes this, Daredevil tells Danny to call him Matt. Danny is ecstatic and vehemently insists he's not crying. Neither of them talk about the hug.
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kingcrow01 · 4 months
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Marvel/DC Crossover Week | 2024
Day 3 | Team Red |  Morality Differences | “The metal of the human spirit is forged upon the anvil of sorrow.”
(Click for better quality and details!)
This is my last piece for this years event, and I am SO beyond happy with it! Particularly the coloring on DPs and RHs suits.
The dialogue:
Red Hood nudging a groaning Deadpool who ate too much: “You guys are such losers.”
Spider-Man: “Says the guy who moved cities to join Team Red.”
Red Hood: “I did not. Believe it or don’t, but New York has job opportunities.”
Spider-Man: “For a theater kid like you? What, gonna audition for Matilda on Broadway?”
Red Hood: “Fuck you, if I did, I would get the lead role and win every Tony Award possible–”
Spider-Man: “Oh my god, you’re such a nerd–”
Daredevil: “Would you two shut up–”
Barbara is absolutely listening to this through Jason's helmet and snickering to herself, imagining him as Matilda, brown wig, red bow and all.
burger frog! anyone recognize burger frog?
whoever guesses who C + S are gets a high five
yes, Jason did spray paint "Batman Sucks." Midway through making this, I had another idea of this Team Red spray painting together. I don't know who, but they'd be slandering someone.
family guy death pose
Bart and Miles were here
Things that could have been:
already-there simple graffiti art of original Team Red holding hands, but with a newly-added Red Hood at one end in a different color (all done by Deadpool)
as well as the food wrappers, they were going to be surrounded by obscure things they stole while fucking around the city: a Ouija board, some poor bastards steering wheel, Bucky's arm, maybe?
I was going to have them start stacking things on Deadpool, just to make them that much more irritating
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spaycesicklerecs · 4 months
Summary: Stark hasn’t said a word to Peter since he declined the invitation. Radio silence. Glorious nothing. He knows they’re both in the wrong after how, well, everything went, from the ferry to the test-that-wasn’t-a-test. But that doesn’t mean he was willing to break the quiet.
He also knows he needs help—bad. 
So instead of Iron Man, he finds (falls into, really) something better. Team Red.They’re gonna work on the name.
Rating: T+
Status: [multi-chapter] COMPLETE
My Opinion: Fantastic Team Red fanfic. Love this. 
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karmaspidr · 1 month
Peter: Hey Matt, do you know someone named Gege?
Matt: No, I don't. Why?
Peter: Because according to this letter from him, I'm being drafted to fight some guy named 'Sukuna, the King of Curses' or shit like that.
Matt, grabs the letter and starts ripping it: That's not something you need to be worried about.
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