#dark jordan
frownyalfred · 1 month
eldritch green lantern ideas:
ring slowly starts fusing with the finger it's on until one day the finger just glows, there's no more ring
bleeding green (duh)
so willful that reality tends to bend around them in small instances, like coffee always being warm or never having to wait for the elevator, or someone nearby tripping
the ring stops translating other languages because they just start understanding/speaking them eventually
the constructs chosen by Earth Lanterns stop looking like Earth items and more alien, older, ancient
Lanterns slowly forgetting to take off their uniforms and just start wearing them all the time
separating them from their ring will cause very, very bad things to happen
not eating or drinking for several days, then several weeks, then several months at a time without noticing
unintentionally feeding (mentally) off of strong-willed people, and even encouraging disagreement just to sit in the middle of it and feel something almost warm again
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bookofmac · 6 months
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 259
You know, going back in time, they thought it would be easy. Stop the end of the world by preventing the Being from well, coming into being. It should be easy to take them out, one death to prevent an untold amount of them. What could a child do?
They really should have remembered that with a child usually comes their parent as well. And erm, said parent doesn’t seem to appreciate their logic. In fact, they are… getting their ass kicked. By a civilian. A feral civilian who apparently is very protective of said child-who-ends-up-destroying-the-world. 
They might need assistance…
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 days
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The Company of Wolves (1984) dir. Neil Jordan
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blighted-elf · 5 months
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Vampire: The Masquerade - Choice of Games Titles
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properbloke79 · 3 months
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Jordan James
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Headcannon that Batman's lenses in his cowl can actually move and portray emotion and change shape and close when he closes his eyes/etc (don't ask me how, figure it out) like all those Spider-Man cartoons but the entire justice league thinks that they're unmovable shows nothing cause Bruce verryyy rarely shows emotion on his face . So imagine one evening he's just comforting a toddler, don't worry, I'm here, you're safe, let's find your mom, look there she is, be safe sweetheart, go on now.
And a voice behind him goes 'batman??' he realises that the jl is behind him and saw everything. E v e r y t h i n g. And then it happens. His lenses just. Expand, then go comically big, he looks like a wet cat, and he just-freezes for a minute a bolts tf Outta there
And then the Justice league is just standing behind there in absolute shock, a mosquito just flew into hal's mouth when he dropped his jaw and now he's choking on it, Martian manhunter is so surprised he had to grow eyebrows to show how up they went cause of suprise, Superman is floating away and trying to figure out of this is the same batman listen to his body, wonder women is holding Superman so he doesn't fly away and looks like she just won a 200 dollar bet, that's cause she did and Oliver just lost the bet and turned into a statue, flash is vibrating as fast a light but is still trying to help hal from choking, it doesn't help, Aquaman is trying to figure out when he got hit by a hallucination spell and how long was it on him.
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tragicotps · 7 months
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Random gifs of Marisa Coulter smiling [6/∞]
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justiceleaque · 10 months
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Seriously, kid. What's your name?
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Ghosts Are Dragons Designs: Dan
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dailydccomics · 28 days
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just one man trying to put out a fire in a universe about to implode Batman: Dark Age #5 by Mark Russell, Michael and Laura Allred
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flaredcfan · 2 months
Pinterest, stawppppp
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read-alert · 28 days
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Another crosspost from my bookstagram! Full titles under the cut!
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone -> The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
Finna by Nino Cipri -> Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke
Legendborn by Tracy Deon -> Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom -> Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada translated to English by Kit Maude
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia -> Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by RM Romero -> Funeral Songs for Dying Girls by Cherie Dimaline
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon -> Lakewood by Megan Giddings
The Unbroken by CL Clark -> The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg -> The Gods of Tango by Caro De Robertis
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How many people do you think batman had to see die? Because batman can't save everyone and this is Gotham, it's not a game, he has most definitely seen people, kids bleeding out to their death and know that they won't make it
Do you think he has held a child in a alleyway, leaning on the tattered wall, and let blood pour out of this boy, maybe a teenager, maybe just a kid, but held them so dearly, rocking them, humming, telling them that he'll be there till it ends, and do you think that during those times, a child so Little would have asked why it's ending, that he didn't want to go, and asked batman to come with him just for a bit cause he was scared to go alone, it doesn't matter what age, how many do you think he lied to? So that they could rest just for a bit, and then held on to that for the rest of his life? And had to move on. Move on and plan for the next day.
Do you think it was the reason why he was late for a few justice league meetings? Holding on to a dying life he knows he couldn't save, lying to them, comforting them, and then arriving late to get interrogated,blamed, for not being on time, and offering a simple offhanded excuse.
?knowing that tomorrow he has to escort another soul because there are no angels anymore to do so, lie to them that he'll follow them through, then turn around at the gates of heaven to drag his bloodied feet and follow his footsteps back to hell?
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ladyalysoftheblueajah · 5 months
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Just played 3 rounds of Uno with my family. I won all 3 games without even trying… I said “just call me ‘Mat O Shadows’” but they didn’t get it 🙃
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poppy-metal · 10 months
okay but if mafia!jordan exists What is their breaking point where you feel dumb and demeaned but something Happens that threatens you/your safety and they lose their mind and oopsie maybe they actually care about you
heheheheh cracks my knuckles.
dk how many words this is but a little more than a drabble so under a cut.
also warning the word r*pe is mentioned ( not executed) - this is a mafia au so dark shit should be pretty obvious.
you probably get lost one night, like you manage to slip past your constant gaurds while you're out because you've never really been out - you just wanna explore a little. the threat of being recognized and hurt doesn't even register to you.
n jordan has kept a leash on you but its a pretty loose one, trying not to care about you - trying not to fall. thinking it means they're giving up a part of themselves if they do. that's why they're mean to you. but they let you go out - with gaurds - because they're not a fucking dictator. when they come back though, panicked and worried because you were there one moment and then gone the next jordan feels a sense of panic they've never felt before. and not because losing you would look bad on them, genuine fear chills their blood. worse case scenario running through their head - you've been kidnapped, you're tied up and drugged in the back of some guys car rn, you're already dead, you've been sold to sex trafficking ring, just the thought of you being touched makes them grip their gun and empty the clip in the gaurds heads - just for letting it happen.
they call you - again and again and again. (your phone is dead and you forgot to charge it.) jordan has their staff and their close friends and anyone else they can call out looking for you while they pace back and forth, hands gripping at their dark hair, yanking it out of style, making it erratic and messy. biting their nails, kicking their desk. blood pumping faster than it ever has before. they think about never seeing you again, or of seeing your corpse and they wanna be sick. they think of your sweet smile and how you find things every day to be chipper about even when jordan has been a dick to you. god, they want to put a bullet in their own skull. thinking of you being alone and frightened. they're supposed to protect you, goddammit.
cut to you strolling through the doors to jordans study three hours later - buzzing with contentment because you'd gone to the new mall that opened! "jordy!" you call, bumbling into the open door, not catching the serious atmosphere because you're looking down at the bags in your arms. "you know that new mall that opened i told you about the other day? i went! and i got you something-"
when jordan hears your sweet voice they stop dead in the middle of the room. just kinda staring at you in slack jawed amazement. alive and well and back at home, your home together, where you should be, with a flush to your cheeks from the cold weather and a smile on your lips. alive and not dead. not hurt.
you're cut off from speaking with an oompth as jordan strides across the room and crushes you to them, one hand coming up to cup the back of your head, the other around your waist. your face immediately fits against the crook of their neck and your body kinda melts on instinct. you drop the bags to the floor and return the embrace immediately, you dont know why its happening, but the soldid warmth of jordan all around you makes you liquid. when your arms tentatively wrap around their waist, you feel jordan shudder against you, their grip becoming almost painful.
"jordan?" you ask softly. you're not complaining but this is certainly out of character.
they pull back, and its like their eyes cant skan over you fast enough - in their mind they're checking for injuries. but you look okay.
"fuck." they say and it echoes through the room. more emotion packed into that one curse than they've ever showed toward you. they run a hand down their jaw, "fuck."
you blink, noticing the tension now. glancing around the room. it just registers now who the mansion was empty when you came home. usually someone would have been there to greet you, take your bags.
"where is everyone? why is it so quiet?"
jordans hand starts to shake and they have to shake it out, flex their fingers so they dont - they dont know. strangle you? grab you and kiss the fuck out of you?
"you went to the mall." they say it slowly and deliberately.
you nod enthusiasticlly.
jordan breathes out very slowly, chest expanding.
"you ditched your gaurds."
"they were hovering!" you pout, "I know they're supposed to, but i didn't want two hulking men following me into -" here you squirm a little, getting flustered. jordan is staring blankly at you. "following me into the uh, feminine stores. it was just for a few hours though! I'll apologize to them-"
"they're dead."
"i shot them."
"jordan-" you gasp, stomach dropping. guilt filling your lungs. tears sting your eyes immediately. "but - i didn't mean -"
"do you know what happens to mafia wives when another family finds them alone." jordans looking at their hands now, rolling a ring around their finger. their birth stone. they dont wait for you to reply, "they get shot if they're lucky - but that's usually not the case. waste of good blackmail. usually its beatings - rape is most definite. cut off limbs to send to her husband or her father as a threat or a gloat. sometimes they keep them alive, sex traffikers aren't picky after all. most of the time though, the rest of what's left gets dumped in the ocean."
a hand comes up to cover your mouth, shaking. you knew it was a dangerous idea, but. you didn't think - you didn't feel under threat. and now people are dead because of you? your bottom lip trembles. you dont know what to say.
you think jordan might really kill you, with the way they're talking, so when they reach out and tip your chin up, you flinch a little.
you're shocked to find fire in jordans eyes. every other time jordan has been pissed at you - its been ice.
"you made me -" their jaw works. "you worried the hell out of me today. do you understand what i was thinking? what could have happened to you... shit."
their grip tightens to the point of pain and tears fill your eyes again, but not from that. from your own guilt.
"im sorry," you whisper. "i didn't mean to."
"that can't fucking happen again."
you nod, a bobble head. but their gaze hardens and you squeak when their hand slides from your jaw to wrap around your delicate throat. they back you up against the wall. their eyes still blazing, two dark coals glaring down at you with so much passion you feel your cunt pulse between your legs. you can't help it.
"no. not a fucking nod, mouse. that shits not happening a second time - or I'll fucking be the one to kill you. do you understand?"
you tremble. gasp when you feel their rings dig into your skin.
"words. use them."
"yes," you eek out, wondering whats wrong with you that you're getting wetter. "yes i understand, jordan. im sorry."
their eyes flick to the bags at their feet. "go upstairs." they let you go, but dont step back. "I'll deal with you later. i have about twenty fucking phone calls to make."
you squeeze by them, gulping when your hard nipples brush against their chest. running upstairs like theres a flame under your ass. little do you know, your ass WILL be flaming later, but for a different reason.
when you're gone jordan visibly slumps in relief. putting their head in their hands for a second to calm the fuck down, to quell the desire to go upstairs after you and beat your ass with a belt for worrying them so fucking much. they dont trust themselves right now to not break you.
oh. you'll be punished. but if today has taught them anything, its that they want you in one piece.
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