#dc titan jason todd imagine
blacknight1230 · 2 years
DC Titans Jason Todd Imagine 
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Due to (y/n)’s devilish heritage, she is cursed with an inhuman appearance, one she struggles to hide. After traveling between worlds, she might have meet someone who could love her despite her appearance. But when (/n) accidently shows her true face to the young vigilante she fears she scared him away. 
Once upon a time, a certain devilishly handsome angel and a normal mundane human woman spent a wild night together. It was a one time thing, though, or least it was supposed to be. Nine months later, the devilish angel found a seemingly normal babe on his doorstep. The angel took the child, raising it as his own. As the child grew, it was obvious it was the angle’s, sharing some of his God given powers. So the half angel half human child grew up being raised by the rebellious angel and his demon follower in his LA nightclub, until the child decided to go out into the world by themself and make something for themself. 
That angel/human hybrid was you, (y/n) Morningstar. First, you decided to get as far away from your father as possible. It would be the only way to feel total emancipation, as you were sure your father would send someone, most likely one of your angelic family members, to keep tabs on you. You loved your father, but he was a bit of a helicopter parent, something no one would think was possible when meeting him. Anyway, you found yourself somewhere to put down your roots. 
And this happened to San Francisco with the Teen Titans. Long story short, you met the team of teenage superheroes when they were on one of their missions in the city and helped them defeat the villain. Nightwing, the team’s leader, invented you to become a member which you gladly took. And now you had a new family of misfits just like yourself. 
You got along well with the other Titan members. Kory was your go to when you needed some reassurance or a pick me up, her witty humor and caring nature helping to brighten your mood. Gar was your BFF, either watching old movies  or gaming together while discussing all things considered nerdy and geeky. Rachel was like a sister to you, as you were able to bond over your shared devilish parental figures. Dick was a fantastic leader, always pushing you to be your best, helping you in training or other things. You got along with Dawn, Hank, Donna, and Rose well enough, but there was one Titans member that was different. The current Robin, Jason Todd. 
He was somewhat of an enigma to you. He acted impulsively and was flirtatious, an overall thrill seeker. Yet you could sense that he was a tortured soul, with a unpleasant past that has resulted in his rebellious attitude and short temper. He had a darkness in him that he struggled to control, just like you. Maybe that’s what made you attracted to him.
Yes, you had a crush on Jason Todd, unbeknown to everyone. And you aimed to keep it that way. Especially as you knew there was a thing between Jason and Rose before you walked onto the scene. 
It was useless, though. Jason just drew in you, from his snarky responses that left you struggling to stifle your laughter, to his ruthlessness when it came to fighting criminals. You’ve frequently found yourself sneaking him alcohol and into clubs to party despite him being underage. When Jason questioned you the first time you two had a drink together, you just told him, “I’m technically older than you, Jason. And what kind of friend would I be if I couldn’t pull a few strings for you.” Jason could only give a short chuckled and smirk before taking a swing from the the beer you bought, amused by your antics. 
But like mentioned before, you had a darkside you struggled to control. It wasn’t your fault really; it was something you inherited from your father. You were cursed with a demonic face, characterized by charred red skin that tightly clung to your skull, exposing bits of muscle and teeth. It was horrifying, making you look like a monster. Sure, it came in handy when you wanted to terrorize someone, usually to get information or punish the guilty, but you could barely look at yourself in the mirror. Hence why you covered it up most of the time. 
Usually you were able to effortless hide your terrifying demonic face. Unfortunately, when you were in emotional turmoil, it slipped. Like right now. 
The team was on mission where they had to take down a huge crime lord that was fueling supplies to a unknown supervillain. The plan was to ambush him and his henchmen at a drop off location. Everything was going smoothly, until Jason disobeyed Dick’s orders, getting caught by the crime lord and his henchmen. It ended up in a giant fight, one that ended up with you and Jason in the middle of the cross hairs. Using your demon steel knives, you dodged and weaved past the fists, bats, metal rods, and bullets aimed at you. Despite the situation, you were getting a kick out of handing the criminals’ asses to them. There was nothing they could do to hurt you and your revealed in the way they feared your power, your indestructibility. 
That was until all the henchmen in the area were unconscious yet Jason was nowhere to be found. “Robin?” you called out, not caring if the bad guy heard you. You took a step towards a pile of crates, only to stop in your tracks. The crime lord came out from behind the crates with Jason caught in his grasp and a gun to his head. “Stand back, Morningstar. Or I’ll fill Robin’s brain full of lead,” the crime lord threatened. You did as he said, quietly studying the criminal to look for an opening. The crime lord was nervous; you could see it in his eyes, despite his attempts to prove otherwise. But that meant he could pull the gun’s trigger at the slightest precaution. 
The crime lord chuckled, his hold tightening on Jason’s battered and kneeled form. “Bird boy here wouldn’t shut up a minute ago. Now ... not so much,” the crime lord teased. “Fuck you,” Jason grunted out, before the crime lord hit him in the head with the butt of the gun. Jason’s head lulled to the side at the blow as the crime lord hissed into his ear. “Shut up, Birdy. Can’t you see I’m talking to the lady here.”
“I got to give you some credit, Viti. It’s not everyday guy like you is able to get their hands on the Boy Wonder,” you told the crime lord. Viti chuckles, pushing the barrel of the guy into Jay’s temple. “It was surprisingly easy. This Robin is sloppier than his predecessor. I wonder how the Bat’s gonna feel when he finds out after I put a bullet through the kid’s skull.” “Well I’m sure that would please you, Viti, but I have an inkling you want something else.” You ever so slowly moved towards the crime lord, keeping eyes contact with the man. “Oh really, and what do you think that is?” “Why don’t you just spit out, Viti? I know you want to get it off your just, so tell me what is it that you really desire?” 
With those last few words, your eyes turned red as you maintained eye contact with the crime lord, his eyes never leaving yours and his figure relaxed as he fell under your control. “I want ... I want to get back at Falcone,” Viti admitted. “Oh, the revenge angle is it. Want your dear old uncle to suffer, is it?” you pried, steadily getting closer to the man and the gun. “His family has had control of Gotham long enough. It's time for the Viti’s to take over.” “Well, if the circumstances were different, I could help with that. But unfortunately you’ve gotten on my bad side.” 
With simple reach of your hand, you grabbed Viti’s wrist with a vice-like grip, causing the crime lord to drop the gun and remove his hold on Jason’s dazed form. You bent his arm backwards, making the man fall to his knees and breaking his wrist. Viti cried out in pain, clutching his broken wrist, his anguished cries causing you to smile evilly. “You bitch!” Viti cried out. You put a your boot on his chest and forcibly pushed him onto his back. “I could come up several other words to describe me. Cursed, abnormal ... monstrous.” You growled, your true appearance coming out as you finished. Viti’s breath caught in his throat, a few curses and “Oh my God”s coming out. “Please no ... I’m sorry,” he whimpered as looked up at you with pure terror. “Save your words, Viti. Your fate has already been decided. All that needs to be done is to end you,” you threatened, applying more pressure to his chest, making him gasp as you crushed his lungs. You would have done more if it weren’t for a voice calling out. 
“Morningstar,” Jason said, using your code name. In the corner of your eye you saw him struggling to his feet. You realized what you were doing and immediately removed your foot from Viti’s chest. Said crime lord was crying and struggled to crawl away. Catching sight of your deformed face in reflection of a broken glass shard, you struggled to mask your face to appear normal. Somehow you were able to, but it took every ounce of control to maintain the facade. 
“Morningstar, are you alright?” Jason asked, making his way closer to you. “I’m fine,” you replied quickly, avoiding looking him in the eye. You know if you did, you would immediately feel guilty for reacting how you did and then your mask would slip. “Are you sure? The last thing I remember is getting hit in the head by that asshole’s gun then ...” “I said I was fine, Robin,” you snapped. 
Before he could say another thing, you strode over to Viti’s pathetically crawling form, grabbing his arms and pinning them behind his back. The man yelled out in terror, snot running down his face as weakly fought back. “No, please, get away from me!” he screamed. You ignored him and handcuffed his hands behind his back before grabbing the man by the back of his tailored jacket, pulling him to his feet. “Robin, can you tie up him somewhere and contact the authorities? I need to do something real quick,” you lied, again hiding yourself from Jason’s gaze behind your (hair/wig). You shoved Viti towards Jason, causing the man to fall, briskly walking past the crime lord and the second Robin before Jason could protest. You could hear Viti yelling as you fled the area, telling Jason, “Don’t let her near me! No! Get your hands off me! Don’t you understand! She’s the devil! She’s the devil!” 
~ Later ~
Somehow you were able to return to Titans Tower without another incident, although not without difficulty. You avoided the other Titans members, even as you travelled back home. Dick tried to talk to you about what happened with Viti, Jason clueing him in with what he knew, but you quickly shot him down with a “Not now.” Even Gar, who usually excitedly chatted with you after a mission, knew not to bother you and left you alone. Kory tried to reach out to you, but thankfully Rachel persuaded her not to. She might not know about your dirty little secret, but she could sense you were panicking. You brushed past Jason aas he tried to approach you. With a slam of the door, you were collapsed in your room. 
You saw your reflection in your vanity’s mirror, your true face fully on display. Shamefully, you covered your reflection with your hand, turning the mirror around. Your felt dirty and disgusting as you replayed recent events in your head. Your hero uniform was quickly discarded, using the items of clothing to cover up any reflective surface in your room. You couldn’t face yourself or your hideous reflection. 
You spent the rest of the day in your room, hiding away from outside life whilst in your most comfortable pajamas. You wouldn’t let anyone visit you, turning them away when they came knocking on your door. All the while, your true face remained despite your desperate attempts to get rid of it. 
After hours of self isolation and intense concentration to mask your face, you broke down. Tears ran down your devilish face as sobs filled the room. You heard a knock at your bedroom door and a muffled voice behind it. “(y/n), are you okay? Can I come in?” Jason, you thought with a fluttering heart. He always seems to come at the wrong time. “Leave me  alone! I don’t want to see anyone!” you shouted back, trying to muffle your sobs and hide that you were crying. You failed miserably.
You heard shuffling from behind the door, then silence. Good he left, you thought. You sat in the shadows of your room, curled up into a ball and hugged your knees to your chest, tears steadily falling down your face. Your head buried itself into the ball you made, trying to comfort yourself. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jason had come back to your bedroom door. Something made him turn back when he almost walked away, as if an unseen force moved him as if he were a pawn on a chess board. It still had a hold on him as he reached for door’s handle, slowly and quietly opening it and striding into your darkened room. Jason took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, but once they did, his heart panged in his chest when he caught sight of you huddled in a dark corner. “(Y/n),” he called out hesitantly. 
The sound of his voice so close to you caused you to jump, picking your head up to see a worried and bewildered Boy Wonder. You gasped, quickly ducking your head back into your huddled knees. “Jason! What are you doing in here? Get out!” you screamed, panic crawling up your spine and spreading through your body. I can’t let him see me like this, you were thinking as you desperately tried to hide yourself into the shadows. 
“Are you okay?” Jason worried. He took a step closer, struggling to see her shadowed form. “Stay away from me!” you cried out. You were desperately looking around your room for a place to run or hide, feeling like a caged animal as everything seemed to be closing in on you. Jason luckily listened to you, not getting any closer. He was confused as to why you were acting like this. Did I do something? Or was it something else? he thought. He remembered how you avoided him and the others after the confrontation with the mobster. What happened with Viti to make her like this? 
“(y/n), please, your scaring me,” Jason pleaded. You shook your head, refusing to allow him to even catch a glimpse of your monstrous form. He’ll run away from me screaming. He’ll tell the rest of the team. They’re going to kick me out and hunt me down like some beast. You started to hyperventilate, struggling to breath as you fell into a full blown panic attack. This scared you even more; you never reacted this way before and you didn’t know how to help yourself out of it. “(Y/n)! It’s ok! I’ll ... I’ll ... fuck I don’t know what to do,” Jason hissed, pulling roughly at the dark hairs on his head. You tried to focus on something else, hoping doing so could calm you down enough for catch some air. 
“Uh ... maybe if you focus on your breathing,” Jason suggested. “Try to count your breaths or something.” In your mind, this was absolute nonsense, but you did what he said anyway. You tried, you really did, but your mind kept turning towards possible negative outcomes. “I ... can’t ...” you stuttered out. “Shit, ah, maybe if I count with you ...” Jason struggled. He started to count out loud, announcing the numbers at a moderate pace. “One, two, three ...” he started. 
You mentally counted alongside him, but you ended up focusing more on his calm voice than counting your breathing. Then, you felt Jason gently take hold of your clenched hands. The action caused your eyes to shot wide open, breath hitching for a moment. “Hey, its okay, its okay ...” he said, repeating the phrase over and over. You continued to look at Jason, studying the way his dark hair fell across his forehead, how his green-blue eyes shined in the dim light coming the twinkling strings of light hanging on your walls, the way his cologne comforting you as it wafted into your nose, and his voice that easily pulled at your heart strings.
Soon, your breathing had returned to normal and your heart no longer felt like it was going to burst from your chest. “Jason, thank you,” you said. “But you have to leave now.” “What? I just helped you out! Why are you avoiding me?” he groaned. “Jay, please,” you pleaded. Despite breaking out of your panic attack, you could still feel the rough texture of your devilish facial features under your fingertips when you brought them up to your face. 
“Is because of what happened with Viti?” You didn’t say anything, confirming this to Jason. “It is, isn’t it? Can you longer stand me after seeing how weak I am?” Oh no, you panicked internally. He thinks he’s the problem. But its really me. “Jason, no, it’s not you. It’s -” “Then what is is (y/n)? Cause I can’t help but think I caused this. Everything started to fall apart the moment I got too over my head and let that damn bastard get his hands on me.” “I-I can’t.” You desperately wished you could convey to him what was truly going on, but you were unable to think up the proper words explain everything to him without revealing your secret. 
“(y/n), I thought we were close, even friends. I guess I was wrong,” Jason frowned. He stood up from his previous kneeling position, turning towards your bedroom door. “W-Where are you going?” you stuttered. “Out. To where, I don’t know. Anywhere but here,” he replied, taking two long strides towards the door. “Don’t worry about it, (y/n). You don’t have to worry about being seen with me anymore,” he shot over his shoulder. He can’t be leaving forever, right ... Right? you panicked internally. 
As Jason headed towards the door, everything started to move in slow motion. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and an all-encompassing deep voice told you, DON’T LOSE HIM. DON’T LET HIM GO. Instinct took over rational, and for the first time in hours, you left your spot in the dark recesses of your bedroom. You emerged from the dark, reaching out for Jason, and grabbing his arm, pulling him back to face you. You could only ogle at the way his dark hair fell across his forehead, how his green-blue eyes shined in the dim light coming from the twinkling lights hanging on your bedroom walls as the second Robin came to face your hideous appearance. Is this how I’ll remember him, when he’s gone? you pondered. 
You braced yourself for Jason’s reaction as his sparkling eyes took in your horrid appearance. A gasp fell from his hips at the sight and you let go of his arm. Strangled noises and half-formed words left Jason’s plumb lips as he struggled to speak. You moved back, trying to hide your face back into the shadows. 
“I didn’t want anyone to see me like this ... Least of all you,” you whimpered, clutching at the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “(Y/n) - I ...” Jason stuttered out. “Now you know ... now everyone will know ... I’m nothing but a monster.” Your eyes burned yet no liquid cascaded down your cheeks, having exhausted all your tears hours ago. 
You expected to hear hurried footsteps and the jiggling of the doorknob as Jason struggled to run away from you, off to warn the others about the monster living with them. But instead, a pair of long, strong arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you close to a toned, cotton sweater chest. “You aren’t a monster, (y/n). I could never see you like that,” Jason said. You could do nothing but stand there in his arms, as Jason started to gently caress the scarred flesh of your check. 
“Fuck, your still so beautiful, I don’t think anything could force me away from you,” you heard him mumble under his breath. Before you could question him about that, Jason closed the gap between you, his plump lips meeting yours in a searing kiss. You immediately relaxed in his hold, mesmerized by the way Jason seemed to fill your sense. You tasted Neapolitan ice cream on his breath, your nose filled with his signature cologne, skin tingling at the way his muscular arms wrapped you in a protective embrace, mind plagued by how his lips really were as soft as they looked. Your hands found their way into his wild, fluffy hair as you molded your lips to his, a moan slipping from between you conveying your pleasure. Jason smirked into the kiss, and if you weren’t so preoccupied at the moment, you probably would have told him off. But you could only run your fingers through the curls at the back of Jason’s head as his nimble tongue pressed between your parted lips, your thundering heart beating in sync with his. 
Everything was hazy as you continued your embrace, wanting more him and never wanting the moment to end. But it had to, as you both eventually pulled way gasping for air. Through hooded eyes, you noticed how bruised Jason’s lips were and the red on his pale cheeks. His hair was somehow even messier than before and his pupils were blown wide. The Boy Wonder let out a chuckle as he stared at you with love-sick eyes. 
“I should have done that much sooner,” he brazeningly admitted. “Much sooner?” you questioned. Somehow, Jason’s cheeks got ever redder. “Oh, well, I ...” he stuttered. He coughed and tried again, but still ended up stumbling on his words. Cute, you could only think as he groaned in frustration. “Fuck, why is this so hard?” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair. You grabbed said hand, grasping it gently. “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re trying to say. And I feel the same way,” you smiled. 
Jason let out a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing. He shuffled closer to you, wrapping you back in his arms and resting his chin on top of your head. “Thank god. I love you, (y/n),” he said. “I love you, too, Jason.” 
You moved to look Jason in the eyes as you held him close. “But you’re really okay with me looking like this? Doesn’t it horrify you?” you ask, pointing to your face. “I think you should take a look in the mirror first, babe,” he chuckled, motioning to your cover length mirror in the corner of the room. Confused, yet hopeful, you let go of Jason and rushed to the mirror. 
Pulling away the blanket, you gasped when you saw that your once horrific appearance was no longer there. Your face looked the same as before this whole debacle, no sign that anything unordinary happened a moment ago. You touched the apple of your cheek, running a finger down the soft skin all the way to your jawline. 
Beaming from ear to ear, you said to yourself, “I’m back. I’m beautiful again.” “You’ve always been beautiful.Even when you looked all scary,” Jason pointed out. He stood in behind you now, his blue-green eyes soft and warm as he gazed at your form in reflective surface. “Are - are you going to tell the team about this?” you gulped. “Fuck no. Why in the hell would I do that?” “Because I’m not human. Not entirely that is. And I could be a threat to you and the others.” “Babe, that doesn’t fucking matter. We’re a group of teenage vigilantes made of two power-wielding alines, the witch daughter of a demon, a green haired kid who can turn into animals, and two kids trained by a man dressed in a bat costume. I think you’ll be fine.” 
You didn’t say anything, not able to come up with something to quip back at. But a part of you was still in denial; how were you supposed to trust that something as big as this wouldn’t ruin the new life you created for yourself? Jason could see you weren’t entirely convinced. He grabbed one of your hands, gently squeezing it in his grasp as he pulled you closer to him. “Hey, we don’t have to tell them. Not today. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be at your side when you do,” he coaxed you. “You promise? Promise you’ll stay with me,” you begged. “I promise,” he whispered. He grazed his lips across your check, placing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. The action caused you to smile, thankful for whatever otherworldly force pulled you two together and closer than ever before. 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 5 months
bluetooth j.t.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: A little suggestive if you squint
Word Count: 1.2k words
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You don't know how you allowed yourself to get manipulated into being a girlboss and moving out of your childhood home to live in your own apartment. While it was nice to have your own privacy and decorate your home however you liked, you realized just how many privileges you lost now that you weren't in the care of your parents.
There was no one there to make sure you woke up on time in the few cases where you slept through your alarm, no one that you could call on your way back from work to ask to switch on the water heater so you could take a steamy shower immediately.
You didn't have your mother's homecooked meals and you didn't have your father to pick you up snacks from the grocery store.
And one of the biggest thorns in your side was the reason you were dreading the entire day. Car maintenance. The auto shop was one of the most daunting places in your life as a girl who knew nothing about cars. Never once had you regretted not learning how to take care of your car or even the procedure required when you eventually take your car down to the auto shop.
But now standing in the hot and dusty garage, you were seriously rethinking your life choices. You should've scheduled these things for when your dad was visiting so you could ask him to take it instead. Or, even better, you should've gotten a boyfriend.
You were complaining in your head, dragging your feet about having to be here in the first place and whined about handing your car keys, with a bunch of adorable keychains attached to some rando.
But when Jason Todd, 6'2 man with biceps that were larger than your own head and a body that looked like he was shaped out of marble by Michelangelo himself walked out with a form for you to fill out, you were all too happy to be there.
Perhaps you'd be leaving here with a boyfriend after all.
"I have to admit, I don't really know much about cars so please don't scam me."
Jason chuckled, a deep, hoarse laugh that made you a little weak in the knees honestly and the boy-crazed fraction of your brain began to imagine how he would sound as soon as he woke up next to you, after a night of—
"A bit of advice, you probably don't want to let scammers know that you have no idea what they're talking about."
You giggled, scolding yourself mentally for finding that funny.
'Come on, (Y/N), pull yourself together it wasn't even that funny. His face is just great delivery.'
"Or I could keep coming here and have you check my car, since you're so trustworthy." You mused, sparing him a teasing smile.
Jason was completely picking up what you were putting down, giving you a coy smile of his own before responding, "Or perhaps this is just a tactic to get you to keep coming back."
You narrowed your eyes playfully, "Devious."
Looking back at his little clipboard, a thin metal rod of some kind tucked behind his ear instead of a pen, Jason asked, "When was the last time you got your car checked out? If your battery and brake pad was replaced recently, we could probably skip that and just do a routine check to make sure everything's running smoothly."
You winced, "I couldn't tell you, honestly. My dad usually handles this kinda stuff for me, I'm still kind of a new lamb when it comes to taking care of my car."
Jason raised his eyes from the clipboard for a second, "Your boyfriend can't do this kinda stuff for you instead?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
He perked up immediately and you ducked your head to hide your smile, "I'm sure you probably have a record of it in your glovebox or something. Most places keep a little sticker with the date of your last service under the dash. I'll check it out for you, do you have somewhere to be, or do you have a couple minutes so I can make sure?"
You shook your head, shrugging your shoulders with a carefree smile, "It's my day off so I'm free as a bird."
He grinned, "Noted. Just give me a second."
You watched his back receding as he walked toward your car, shoulders looking like they could span the entire ocean and it was only when he was sat in the car and had turned on the engine did you whip out your phone at lightspeed.
"Ohmygosh Julie, I think I just met my future husband. Holy shit. He's so cute—gorgeous actually. He's working on my car right now and God, those arms, wow. And those eyes? God, I feel blessed just by looking at his face." The end of your message was interrupted by another mechanic running the engine.
You waited patiently for the sound of the engine to die before replaying the voice message so you could re-record the part that got cut off. Only you couldn't hear a thing.
Confused, you increased the volume, taking a sip from your coffee to soothe the inhumane squeal that you had let out while sending Julie the voice message. Once again you heard nothing.
You bit your lip at this, swiping down at the corner of your phone at access your control center and realizing the reason you couldn't hear anything was because it was connected to the Bluetooth on your car.
You whipped around in horror only to find Jason smirking at you from the front seat of your car. If the world were fair, you'd be struck down with lightning right then and there. Or, since you were at an auto shop, a sentient car might run you over.
Alas, you continued to stand there in horror, completely unharmed no matter how badly you wished to be reduced to a puddle on the ground.
You called him your future husband. The ground should've swallowed you then and there. Instead, you just stood there in complete mortification and embarrassment while you stared at his amused expression.
Something startled him out of his gaze for a second and he pointed at your console, making a gesture like he was taking a call. Confused, you glanced at your phone.
'Incoming call: Julie'
Ah, saved by the bell.
"How much do I owe you?" You asked, quickly popping open your purse to fish out your credit card. You had stretched out the conversation with Julie as long as possible, begging her not to hang up and only interrupting her tangent when Jason finally came up to you, saying that your car was good to go.
"It's on the house." He gave you a charming grin, leaning an arm against the counter, "Can't have my future wife paying for anything, can I?"
Your cheeks flared red, still holding out your card for him to take, "O-Oh, I couldn't, really."
"If you insist, then you can always repay me with dinner. Today's your day off, right? Think you can pencil me in for 7?"
A shy smile grew on your face, your body so warm you had to resist fanning your burning cheeks, "Sounds like a plan."
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writeriguess · 9 days
Hi!! Can you write a reader x Jason where the reader over hears a girl saying how she’s not “hot enough” to be with Jason
You had always loved this part of Gotham, a little quieter than the rest of the city, and Jason had insisted on taking you here for a rare, peaceful lunch date. The streets were lined with cozy cafes, and the sun peeked through the buildings, a rare sight in Gotham’s gloom. Jason had gone inside to grab your drinks, leaving you at the outdoor table, content to bask in the rare warmth of the afternoon.
As you scrolled through your phone, you couldn’t help but overhear a conversation nearby. Two women stood at the café’s window, one of them glancing over at you with a smug expression.
“I mean, seriously, her? Jason Todd could do way better," one of them said, laughing under her breath. "She’s not even that hot. Not the type of girl I’d expect to see with a guy like him. Have you seen him?"
Your heart sank instantly. You had heard similar comments before. Jason was drop-dead gorgeous, with his dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a body that screamed danger in all the right ways. The two of you together often raised eyebrows, and though Jason never cared, it still stung.
You shifted uncomfortably in your chair, trying to tune out their words, but they just kept going.
"He needs someone who can keep up with him. Someone who looks like she belongs on his arm. That girl just… doesn’t."
You wanted to disappear. As much as you tried not to let it bother you, their words gnawed at your insecurities. Jason could have anyone he wanted—anyone. So why did he choose you?
Just as you were about to get up, you felt a familiar presence behind you. Jason. He must have caught the tail end of the conversation too, because his posture immediately stiffened, a flash of anger crossing his face. Without hesitation, he set down the coffees and walked straight over to the two women, who hadn’t even noticed his arrival.
“Excuse me,” he said, voice low but dangerous. The women froze, their faces paling as they realized who was addressing them. “You got something to say about my girl?”
The taller of the two stammered, trying to backtrack. “Oh, um, no! We were just… uh…”
Jason stepped closer, his glare making it clear he wasn’t in the mood for excuses. “Good, because if you do, you can say it to her face. She’s sitting right over there. Or are you too chicken to actually back up what you were saying?”
The two women looked mortified, exchanging glances before awkwardly mumbling apologies and scurrying off. Jason didn’t even watch them leave, his attention already back on you.
As he returned to your table, his expression softened immediately. He crouched down next to you, reaching out to take your hand in his.
“You okay?” he asked, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
You nodded, though your throat felt tight. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Jason’s eyes searched yours, concern flickering in them. “You know none of that crap matters, right? They don’t know you. Hell, they don’t know me if they think I care about superficial stuff like that.”
You gave him a small, shaky smile, but he wasn’t done. His gaze turned serious, his voice quiet but firm.
“You’re more than enough for me. You’re smart, you’re kind, and you’re beautiful. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you’re not. I chose you because I love you, not some perfect idea of what someone else thinks I should want.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away, trying not to let the emotion spill over. His words hit you deep, and it was in moments like this that you were reminded of just how much he truly cared for you—how fiercely he would defend you, even from your own doubts.
You squeezed his hand, smiling more genuinely now. “I love you too, Jason. It’s just… hard, sometimes.”
“I know,” he replied softly. He stood up, pulling you into his arms. “But you’ll never have to deal with that alone. I’ve got your back, always.”
You melted into his embrace, feeling safe and grounded. Jason pressed a kiss to the top of your head before pulling back, a small smirk on his lips.
“And just for the record,” he added, his tone lighter, “you’re way hotter than any of those girls. Not that it matters, but I thought you should know.”
You laughed, finally feeling the tension from earlier melt away completely. With Jason by your side, no words from strangers could ever tear you down. You were more than enough—and that’s all that mattered.
Requests are open.
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angelltheninth · 24 days
heyy!! are you accepting requests? if so could you maybe do smth where the batboys realize they’re in love w the reader? if not i’m sorry to bother!! thanks anyway
Love the Batboys sm! And feel free to send in more requests if you have them.
Pairing: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne x Reader
Tags: feelings realization, denial of feelings, love confession, first kiss, the Batboys are bad at feelings
A/N: I'm sorry I love these guys but they suck at relationships, their romantic lives are a mess. Ironically enough I think the animated version of Damian Wayne is the best one at it.
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Dick wants to confess to you first because he is very sure you feel the same way, he just needs to find the perfect way to do it. Whenever he wants to talk something happens that disrupts his confession, so you see, it's not really his fault. It does mean he's pining for a longer than necessary though. He couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't, so he stopped trying and just went for it. Not the most romantic thing, being confessed to with fresh bruises all over him bit it worked, he wasn't pining anymore, he was kissing you.
Jason avoids you all day when he notices that your friends with benefits relationship is starting to get a bit too serious for him. He's done this before, he knows how it will end, with a broken heart, another piece of him missing. So he tries to let you down easy, tell you that he wants to see other people but the whole time he's still looking at your lips and you know the words he's saying aren't what he's really thinking. But you also understand where he's coming from, he needs to know you feel the same way before he can open up.
Tim is excited when he realizes he's in love with you, it makes senses, you work great together, you have chemistry, you fit together perfectly. Why is he feeling so nervous about asking you out then? Oh, he knows why, he's scared he's reading too much into things and that you don't feel the same spark he feels, and if that's the case it might mean the ending of your friendship. When you call him and tell him you want to talk, he fears the worst, only to be greeted with a hug, a kiss and a confession from you.
Damian thought it was stupid that he's having these feelings, romance was never something he planned on happening to him, too messy, too complicated, he doesn't have time for it. Little did he know that romance isn't something he could have planned for or avoided when it started happening to him. He was grumpy about it too, denying it when one of his brothers teased him about his crush. Nervousness was also a part of it, equally as annoying but he got over it real quick after that first kiss you shared.
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ebodebo · 3 months
dick: kory broke up with me:(
jason: …
*reader nudging jason to console dick*
jason: so why’d you come here?
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smutinlove · 3 months
ᴊᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ—ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ
—You know what this is. For my fellow Jason Todd lovers, this is for you.
✯A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
This man can either be rough or soft. But most of the time, he is rough. But he also loves taking care of you. After sex, he'd run a bath for you or give you a well-deserved massage while whispering something along the lines of, "You did so good, love."
✯B = Body part (His favorite body part of yours)
He is a total thigh man. He loves your thighs. Jason loves seeing you wear short shorts that show off your thighs. He also loves it when you sit down and your thighs quadruple in size. It always gets him in the mood.
✯C = Consent (He's a gentleman)
He will NEVER do anything to you without asking first. Jason would hate to see you hurt, especially if he hurt you. He couldn't live with himself if he were the one that hurt you.
✯D = Dirty secret (Very obvious)
Whenever you're out or not around, he'll raid your closet and masturbate using a piece of your clothing. (He is a major horndog)
✯E = Experience (How experienced is he?)
He's had a few flings and hookups before he died. He's experimented with a few things. (Toys etc..) He's a very experienced person. Jason's a quick learner when it comes to you as well. He knows what you feel uncomfortable and comfortable with.
He's occasionally asked Dick or Bruce for advice as well. (Bruce would probably avoid the question and say he needs to go on patrol or something. But Dick would definitely answer and questions from Jason.)
✯F = Favorite position
Missionary. He loves seeing you squirm and moan beneath him while he fucks you until you can't walk straight. And if he's in an extra special mood (jealous/angry) his hands suddenly find their way to your neck, giving you a rough squeeze and ramming into you like it's his last day on earth.
✯G = Goofy (Is Jason more serious or just goofy?)
It depends on Jason's mood. Sometimes he'll make jokes and tease you. But mostly, he's serious and into the moment. And when he's angry or frustrated, he always feels better when he hears you scream his name and moan.
✯H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Jason keeps himself neat. He occasionally has a bit of facial stubble. And he may or may not have a bush down there. But if you want him to shave, he will. He's good like that.
✯I = Intimacy (How is he during the moment? Romantic aspect)
I feel like Jason would get a bit uncomfortable when he feels vulnerable. But during sex, he's definitely more rough and does his best to ask how you are.
Jason struggles with showing his emotions and expressing his feelings, but it's something he's working on.
But when you're not having sex, he knows you. Jason is great at reading your feelings. He knows what you want and don't want. He will always want to make you happy and remind you that you're loved.
✯J = Jacking off
(Mentioned in dirty secrets) He really only does it when you're not around. Most of the time, you are the number one thing on Jason's mind, causing him to get hard and have to do something about it.
✯K = Kinks
Size kink - He has a major size kink. He's around 6 feet and he loves the feeling of being bigger than you. He loves towering over you and randomly picking you up, feeling your figure against his chest.
Choking - After he was thrown into the lazarus pit, his grew. A lot. He became stronger as well. He loves the feeling of having control over you. The way you squirm under his grasp makes him feel powerful.
Orgasm denial - He loves to see you beg. Jason wants you begging for even the slightest bit of release. It makes him
✯L = Location (Fav place)
He isn't picky. He will bend you over a sink at your local Arby's if it meant he could fuck you. But Jason loves fucking you in the shower. Him seeing you squirming and moaning under him as he fucks you in a tight secluded space does something to him in so many ways.
✯ M = Motivation (What turns him on)
Jealousy. He absolutely hates it when you talk to other men. He's very possessive over you. The idea of you even taking a small liking to ANYONE pisses him off.
Arguing/bickering. This man loves chaos. It's his natural home. And whenever you two fight, it gets him hard. And that leads to angry makeup sex.
✯N = No (Turns offs)
Gun/knife play - NEVER. He would hate to put you under that kind of thing. Jason would never dream of hurting you. And he grew up in one of Gotham's crime alleys. He knows all the disgusting things that happen.
Threesomes are a no. He hates sharing, especially when it comes to you. The slightest thought of it angers him. He also does not want anyone else to look at you.
✯O = Oral (Preferences in giving receiving, skill, etc..)
This man knows how to eat pussy. He'd eat you out like it's his last meal. He's good at it. He knows what makes you scream. But Jason also doesn't mind being given head. He teases you, calling you a "good girl" and he praises you when you swallow his come.
✯P = Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and gentle?)
It'd depend on his mode really. But he likes to fuck you hard, but he knows how much you can take. He'll definitely hold your hand. And later on, he'll run you a bath and take care of you.
✯Q = Quickie (his opinion, how often etc..)
He'll never say no to a quickie if you two are down bad. But Jason prefers to take his time with you. He wants you screaming and begging for release. He just loves to tease and make fun of you.
✯R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's not much of a risk-taker. (He def can't be an entrepreneur.) If you want him to try something new, you'd have to beg. And it would take a long time for him to actually warm up to it. He'd be okay to use restraints if it's okay with you. But he would never put himself in a submissive position.
✯S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go? how long?)
It would depend on his mood, really. He could definitely go for a round or two if it's just casual sex. But if he's angry or jealous? You will not be able to walk for a few days minimum.
✯T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? do they use them on their partner?)
Jason would NEVER use them on himself. He hates feeling submissive and losing control. But on you? Definitely. I feel like he would definitely use handcuffs on you just to stop you from moving your hands so much when he's devouring your cunt.
✯U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jason motherfucking Todd is the biggest tease ever. He will touch you everywhere but where you want him too. He wants you begging for him. Jason wants you screaming his name, begging him to touch you where you want him too.
✯V = Volume (how loud they are, etc...)
Jason isn't really loud. You'll hear an occasional grunt or low moan coming from him. But he will definitely pull your hair and give you an occasional reminder that HE is the one pounding into you.
✯W = Wild card (random headcanon for character)
Jason wants to dominate you. Period.
✯X = X-ray (what's happening under those clothes?)
his cock is def 8-9 inches. no explanation needed.
✯Y = Yearning (sex drive)
Jason definitely has a high sex drive. He would definitely fuck you all day.
✯Z = Zzz (sleep)
He doesn't fall asleep until you do. He wants to make you feel comfortable and protected. He's a gentleman (most of the time) frr.
im def going back into my jason todd phase. maybe i'll do one for dick and bruce. <3
anyway this took so long to write and im tired. VERY TIRED. maybe jason can tuck me into bed and give me a kiss?
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hadesrise · 5 months
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can’t help falling in love.
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summary ➳ no matter what tragedy strikes, you and jason can’t help falling in love with each other. based on “can’t help falling in love” by elvis presley.
pairings ➳ jason peter todd x addams!male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, angst, very suggestive in the beginning, foul language, death and resurrection, mentions of violence, brainwash, hurt/comfort, destined soulmates, possessiveness if you squint, blood
author’s note ➳ okay, i take back what i said. i probably won’t stop writing addams!reader anytime soon. by the way, i don’t have specific jason in mind so any universe can be imagined for all my jason fics.
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Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you
The chilly air makes goosebumps appear on Jason’s skin as he hugs himself to shield away from the cold. Dark shine of the moon bringing peace to the silence completely surrounding him, Jason admires the statues littered across the graveyard behind Addams manor in honor of your fallen ancestors. Despite darkness lurking behind every shadow and spirits wandering around tirelessly, this place held utter peace and comfort, warming Jason’s heart by embracing it tightly in their arms.
Each ancestors had extraordinary headstone that fits them best with their statue standing tall and proud, it truly shows how Addams honor their family members the right way. None of their headstones were simple or boring, each having unique traits that Jason was certain they used to have when they were alive. Each Addams have unique traits that differed from one another, but all of them are undeniably extraordinary. They aren’t like any other, much like how his lover’s not like any other.
Jason feels a coat being wrapped around him before two arms sneaks around his waist, shoulder weighing slightly from where you rest your chin on it. He fights back a smile.
“You could’ve called for me, mon chéri. My siblings wouldn’t have minded one less duelling partner.” You softly say, pressing a kiss on his shoulder.
Jason instinctually leans back, snuggling to your neck. “Yeah, but you should spend more time with ‘em. Always with me, they’re gonna start thinking you’re forgetting your own siblings.”
“I assure you, they would not.” You start slowly swaying your bodies together to a non-existent music as Jason follows through with you. “They’re going to start thinking you’re forgetting them. Wednesday and Pugsley prefer you more than me, sweetheart, especially Wednesday.”
“Oh, really?” Jason smirks.
“Yes, really.” You nod with a sigh, though he could tell you weren’t annoyed at all. “She pushed me down the stairs last night after we’ve gotten back from our date.”
Jason throws his head back with a laugh, “Sorry babe. She might or might not have invited me to throw an axe at Pugsley and I turned it down.”
“No wonder she was beyond annoyed with me,” Amusement fills your tone as the corner of your lips twitch up to form a subtle smile. Jason looks at you over his shoulder and you immediately lean in for a lingering kiss, butterflies erupting in his stomach as his heart skip a beat. You then kiss his cheek and forehead before resting your chin back on his shoulder with eyes closed.
Jason sighs in content, admiring your captivating features that somehow reminds him of death. but your presence weren’t as cold as death, it’s warm and engulfing despite your touch rivaling that coldness of an ice. He leans closer for a moment, only to lift your arms that were around him so he could face you while still being embraced by you, burying his face on the crook of your neck.
“I really love you.” He sighs, arms secure around your back.
“I would do everything for you,” Your reply was instant, resting your head against his. He felt your arms squeeze him as if to emphasize, and he chuckled.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” The silly question slips from his lips, half-joking and half-serious, pulling his head back to look into your nearly lifeless eyes. He’s reminded of how it’s only alive because of him.
Your eyebrows raised slightly in mere question and amusement, but you take his hand and press a tender kiss on his palm.
“I adore you in every universe. I love you just as much as Icarus has loved the sun — even more than he’s loved the sun. I would shatter the ground and raise hell just to find you wherever you go. I would paint the sky with shooting stars to fulfill your wish. I would tear the world apart and watch the universe collapse if you are ever taken from me, for a life without you is a life full of unquenchable thirst and eternal hunger unworthy of surviving. I would worship every ground you stand and walk on to an extent which I wish not to touch the ground you haven’t touched yet, for it hasn’t been blessed with your divine greatness. I would offer you my eyes if your vision fails, my voice if yours can no longer function, my heart if yours cease to beat, my hands if you can no longer hold the world in yours, my legs if yours fail to take you to places you’ve dreamed of. Only death shall keep me away from you, and even so, it would merely be enough to prevent me from either clawing the dirt apart and rising alive to hold you in my arms, or dragging you down with me to rest for all eternity together.”
By the end of your speech, Jason was already crying ocean of tears as his eyes twinkles in overwhelming happiness, extremely touched.
Both of you always make long and romantic declaration of your love for each other in most random times, and while his speech makes you smile from ear to ear and giddy like a high schooler, yours often never failed to reduce him into nothing but a sobbing and crying mess. He hates it, but could never bring himself to hate you for making him cry.
You smile gently at him and press very soft kisses on both of his eyelids before continuing, “Therefore, the answer is yes, my love. I would still love you if you were a worm.”
Jason chokes out a chuckle, sniffing. “Fuck you for always catching me off guard and making me cry.”
Your hands cup his red face as you coo, “Do not be ashamed for shedding your tears, Jason. Quite frankly, I find them very captivating.”
“Yeah?” He smirked. “You like seeing me cry?”
“Ah, yes...” A flirtatious smirk appears on your lips, one arm pulling him close and the other hand sneaking up to gently clasp your fingers around his throat. “Indeed, I do. Especially in bed.”
Jason resists his urge to moan when you squeezed slightly, tilting his head back a little to give you more access. “Why in bed when you can make me cry right here and now?” He whispered, rather lusciously as you stare into his lustful eyes.
You lick your lips before smashing your lips on his hungrily and Jason quickly reciprocates, no longer feeling the chilliness of the graveyard air.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can’t help falling in love with you?
Jason loves you more than words can express. He loves you oh so dearly that he would turn back to the God that his heart stopped believing after he came back to life just so he could recite prayers for an eternity with you. Jason never thought it was possible to love someone so much so that he’d be willing to both give up everything for you and give you everything you want.
But sometimes, love makes him afraid.
Afraid of losing you. Afraid of seeing you hurt. Afraid of knowing anyone and anything can take you away any moment. He hadn’t thought about what you feel everytime you see him injured, but when you walked into the living room all bloody, bruised and slashed, his heart stopped and the mug he was holding just slipped from his hand to shatter on the floor.
You laid down on the large expensive sofa with a slight wince as Jason ran off to find some medical kits available in the Addams manor, being helped by Thing to locate its whereabout, before running back in with the necessities. He almost got a heart attack when he saw you had your eyes closed, seemingly not breathing, looking paler than usual. Dropping the medical kits on the carpeted floor below the sofa, he quickly checks on your pulse and sighs in relief when he feels it, just then remembering that an Addams is very unlikely to show any physical signs of breathing unless letting out a sigh.
You open your eyes and admire his face twisted in worry and fear, moving up a hand to pat his head twice. “It’s not necessary to be overly concerned, my dear. Nothing to fear of, these are mere injuries that can easily be treated.” You wave it off with the same hand, somehow very calm and nonchalant despite how intense your injuries looked.
Sadness now replacing the look on his face, Jason wordlessly shakes his head and begins to treat the bruises and cuts on your face with careful and soothing hands. You stop him gently to remove your vigilante suit before letting him continue, comforting silence filling the almost grim atmosphere. Jason doesn’t realize you’re watching every bit of his expression, seeing the way his perfect eyebrows furrow and his lips frown slightly every time he moves from one injury to another. It feels like the injury’s getting worse the more he moved to the next, and it made his heart heavy.
Your gaze softens, knowing he was having second thoughts about speaking the things that bothered him.
It seems Jason has quickly gathered the strength to speak because before you can throw encouraging words, his quiet voice interrupts the comfortable silence. “I know you’re not afraid of dying or anything with your culture and all, but it makes me worry a lot.” You nod to let him know you’re listening. “I sound like a real hypocrite ‘cause I go out on mission then come back here like a fucking zombie more than I want to admit, so I don’t have the right to say anything like this, but you almost gave me a heart attack.”
The corner of your mouth twitched, silently encouraging him to speak his thoughts more as he cleans your wounds. You don’t miss the way Jason’s hand trembled.
“You’re not...” He trailed off, hesitant to continue as he bit his lip as if to contemplate whether or not to say it out loud. He followed through it, anyway. “You’re not gonna leave me, right?” Jason tries, looking up and meeting your eyes. His emerald irises were wavering in worry and hint of fear.
Your hand gently caress his face, Jason leaning on it immediately. “As I’ve said before, mon amour... Death is merely enough to prevent me from crawling back to you.” Ignoring your freshly bandaged wounds, you pulled Jason on your lap and tugged at the back of his neck to kiss his lips passionately and comfortingly. “Leaving you only means leaving my heart and soul behind, darling. We wouldn’t want me to feel incomplete, would we?”
Jason sighs in content against your lips, before carefully shifting on the big sofa so he could squish beside you and pull you to his chest, initiatively big-spooning you.
“ ‘m just really scared to lose you,” He whispered, burying his face on your hair and hugging you close, but not tight enough to hurt. It’s not like you’re capable of feeling pain, but you appreciated his kindness nonetheless.
You press a tender kiss on his chest, looking up at him and frowning softly. “I sincerely apologize for frightening you, my love. I’ll make an oath to be careful next time.”
Jason nods, basking in your warmth, your scent, your presence.
Gods, he loves you too much to let you go. He could never, would never. You belong to him just as much as he belongs to you and even death has no right to take that away. You were his, and only his — in life and death.
You feel Jason’s arms tighten around you, and resisted the smile spreading across your face. Death can never intimidate you as your culture revolves around it, but the thought of losing Jason was always triggering for you. It made you dive into insanity and quickly get rid of the problem at hand, as if you’ll suffocate if you’re not quick enough to eliminate the threat. Handling Joker physically, handling Bruce mentally, handling those irrelevant crime lords who nearly hurt Red Hood off the streets violently, all things of sort.
Fall down with me further, mon chéri.
Your mind shall be filled with me and only me, even if it’s utter fear of losing me.
A dreamy look flashed across your eyes before disappearing fast, burying your face in his chest and embracing him tighter. If you’re both too afraid for the other to die and lose them, then maybe dying together would not sound so bad at all.
You had read once on a book that falling in love is a curse, for you’ll drown in it before you even realize and fail to resurface once you fall too deep, unable to ever get out again.
However, if that is the case, you disagreed. Because it was never a curse, it’s only ever been a blessing.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
“Where the fuck is he!?” Jason yelled in rage, red clouding his vision as he threw the mug on a wall. Panic, anger, and worry filled his chest that made his frustration grow even more.
Bruce sighed, worry also plastering his face as he attempted to grasp your location with the computer. “He’s only been gone for an hour, Jason. Be patient.”
“Anything can fucking happen in an hour!” He growled back, glaring harshly before the worry and panic began to overthrow his anger, one hand slipping through his hair and tugging at it. “I— fuck, what am I gonna do? I shouldn’t have let him go alone, I should’ve went with him—”
Dick quickly approached his little brother when his breathing started to grow uneven. “Jay, hey... Breathe, calm yourself first. He’s going to be okay, he’s an untouchable badass.”
“No, you don’t understand,” Jason shakes his head, rubbing his face. “I wouldn’t know what to do without him— I can’t live without him, Dicky. I can’t.” His voice broke as he trembled, silence filling the air with everyone frowning in sadness and worry.
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Jason felt his heart thumping loudly against his chest when he saw you fighting enemies with only sustaining little injuries, relief flooding throughout his body. It’s like the world brightened up again, ironically.
You made eye contact in the middle of the fight, smirking at him. “Can’t get rid of me easily, love.”
A light-hearted chuckle erupts from Jason as he joins you along with the Batfam in fighting the League of Assassins, you and Jason moving in sync as if dancing through the violence. Both of you moved swiftly together, fitting each other perfectly like the pieces of puzzle, using each other occassionally as a leverage against them.
“This is like dancing in our graveyard,” Jason grinned under his Red Hood helmet, adrenaline rushing in his veins.
“Indeed, it does feel like it.” You responded with subtle enthusiasm, only noticeable by your lover. He laughs at your answer, enjoying the moment even when it was violent.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
He doesn’t know why he got distracted. He doesn’t know why he didn’t pay attention more to his surroundings. But before Jason knew it, Raj’s Al Ghul’s sword was nearly piercing into him.
Until your firm and cold hand pushed him away, everything feeling like a slow motion in Jason’s eyes as the sword pierced into your chest and through your back, directly striking the heart. Jason’s eyes widened, anguished call of your name slipping from his lips. Blood dripping from your mouth, you tightly held onto the sword before driving one of your sais on Raj’s Al Ghul’s throat, where a vital point is.
The League of Assassins member fell on the ground first, clutching his throat and choking on his own blood.
Amusement flickers in your eyes, even at the graveness of the situation. You looked back at Jason and smiled, grabbing the sword’s handle and pulling it off your chest despite Batman’s loud protests. Loud metallic clank echoes within the warehouse as you dropped the sword on the concrete, stepping forward once towards your lover, but your legs giving away made you almost tumble down.
Jason immediately catches you in his arms and lays you on his lap, tears stinging his eyes as his breath quickens, removing his helmet to throw it beside him. Heartbeat rapid and restless, heart dropped to his stomach, nausea forming in the pit of his stomach due to the sight of blood flowing outwards to your vigilante suit from the hole on your chest. He could feel a panic attack nearing, but couldn’t be bothered to care when the blood kept pouring out even when he applied pressure.
“No— no, no, no, no.” He chokes up, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, trembling hands continuously putting pressure on your chest. “Stay with me, please. Stay with me. I can’t—” He sobbed. “I can’t lose you.”
Your breathing was shallow yet no fear plastered your face. There’s your usual calmness, the nonchalance that Bruce used to be so unsettled when he first met you, your almost dead eyes still sparkling in love and adoration for Jason. You don’t seem to care about your injury nor the outstretched arms of the Grim Reaper.
Your bloodied lips stretches to form a weak smile, captivated by Jason’s beauty under the moonlight. “You’re still magnificent, mon cherí… A sight to behold… under the moonlight…”
“Baby, now’s not the time.” Jason whined pathetically, tears flowing endlessly from his eyes. Dread, fear, devastation settling in his chest. “Please, baby. Please. I don’t know— fuck, I can’t live without you.” He cried, uncaring that you two were surrounded by his family. “I don’t… I can’t, baby. I— I can’t lose you, please.”
Adrenaline rushing through your veins and motivated by your sheer love for him, you reached up to wipe his tears and grab his other hand to intertwine it with yours. Jason’s heart drops further down the abyss when you then used it to pull out his dagger — the one you gifted him — out of his holster. “You would not lose me, by other’s hands, my sweetheart… I made an oath, to only offer you my life and soul, with no one else to have the privilege of ending me.”
“No— please, baby, no.” Jason weakly shakes his head, sobbing.
You gripped his hand that held the dagger. “You ought to, cherí… It is an honour for me to die by your hands. Please, allow me… to love you, one last time.”
Jason whimpered your name, crying heavily as he leans down to rest his head on yours. You were so cruel, wanting to die by his hands, wanting him to live forever with his hands stained in your blood— but Jason knew that’s how extent your love was for him. He could never deny you, not when it was your greatest wish.
Croaks and sobs escaping him, Jason finally drives the dagger through your chest, right where the sword pierced you. It is only then you slumped against him, hands slowly dropping to your sides with mouth slightly turned up in a smile of peace and satisfaction.
The greatest proof that you love him. Carving yourself deep into his heart, so he could never be alone even when you’re physically gone.
Jason wailed in anguish and sorrow, hugging your now lifeless body close as he brokenly recites the speech you gave him in the graveyard.
You hurt him badly, loved him too cruelly, but it was still better than losing you forever. He would’ve driven the dagger into his own beating heart if only you allowed him.
For I can’t help falling in love with you
Jason lost the brightness he had in him. Emerald eyes lifeless that seemed as if you took his soul with him, still functioning yet lacking in human emotions as if he was a robotic being.
Sometimes, he breaks so suddenly.
Utters your name like a curse, sobbing and weeping in his room, scar so deep in his heart he scratches at his chest in attempt to get it out to stop the ache. His emotions were too unstable that left him unqualified to continue the vigilantism, which he agreed emotionlessly when pointed out by Bruce.
Sometimes, he’s shattered too much and far too gone in grief that he sleeps on your grave. Covers himself in blanket and nuzzles on your headstone, as if it would give him the warmth you always radiated despite being as cold as death. He could only sleep that way; the sleeping pills don’t help, but being close to your body does.
He holds his dagger close to him all the time. Stained in your dried blood that he never got the nerve to wash off, afraid that his mind would someday choose to forget your existence to block out the trauma.
He wears everything you used to wear. Uses your weapons, things, accessories. His favourite is your sunglasses. Having your possessions close always made him feel like you were embracing him.
No one ever attempted to get them away from him in fear of shattering his soul furthermore. His entire being seemingly dependent on everything that reminded of you, they didn’t want to trigger something inside of him any more than the scar in his heart did.
“Love truly is the greatest twisted curse in the world, Mr. Wayne.” Morticia mutters in sorrow as she looks out the window of the Addams’ manor, watching Jason curl up against your headstone with tears silently streaming down his face.
Bruce looks down in dejection, nodding his head.
His boy was beyond repair, and no one could do anything about it because you were gone.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Jason’s eyes were wide in shock and horror. Emotions swirled within his chest; anger, disgust, sadness, grief, disbelief, and joy battling one another that overwhelmed him all at once. His family stood with him in front of the monitor, their expressions just as horrified as him, the familiar situation causing dread to settle on the pit of Bruce’s stomach.
The monitor showed you, alive and well with the exception of your eyes seeming more dead and lifeless than before. Everything was the same from your emotionless face to your vigilante suit that you died in, but Jason could see right through you. This wasn’t you. This you wasn’t his.
Not when you were standing in the same room as the Joker who you’d immediately kill if you were put together.
Jason was even more certain you weren’t his when he sees you up close, your personality different from that sophisticated, nonchalant yet wonderful one you had before. You’re just… blank. A dead person living without humanity and following orders. You don’t follow orders, you hated being controlled.
The familiarity makes his chest clench and hurt. He’s been through this exact thing, he never thought you would experience it too.
“I don’t want to fight you, baby.” Jason whispered, voice cracking. His helmet hiding the heartbroken look on his face that you were standing in front of him with your sais pointed dangerously in his direction.
You scowled. He’s somehow familiar, your chest erupting in unknown emotions that Talia never taught you about. The urge to hold him close was tugging at the strings of your heart, but you stay glued to your spot. “I do not know you, fool.” You emotionlessly remark.
Hurt flashed across his face. There’s nothing he wanted more than to be held by you and hold you close, but how could he when you don’t recognise him? Did they brainwash you? Your memories lack, but they could come back, right?
“Red Hood,” Batman warningly calls his name when you lowered your stance.
Jason still didn’t pull out his guns.
“Baby, it’s me.” He whispered weakly. “Please, you said you’ll hold me again. You’ll crawl out of dirt to hold me or pull me under with you, remember?” Jason tried again, tears shimmering his eyes. His throat burned.
Your eyes narrowed, brows furrowing. You feel like you’ve told him that, but couldn’t remember. Something was banging on your head from the depths of your mind that made it throb. Gripping your sais, you desperately ignored the pain to focus on your task.
“Ignore it,” Talia’s voice entered your ears. “Kill him.”
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
“Fuck!” Jason yelps when you managed to slash him on his leg, dodging your next attack quickly. “Wait— please, listen to me!”
“Red Hood, watch out!” Red Robin shouts just as Jason narrowly avoids your sai flying towards his head.
He couldn’t find any other way to get you to listen. The way you attempted to tune him out makes him believe you were feeling something, but there’s nothing he could do when you keep coming at his throat. Desperation runs through his veins, heart still bleeding out for you even as you try to kill him. The coldness in your eyes was foreign that carved another scar in his heart, but he can’t hate you no matter what.
Jason’s heart jackhammered against his ribcage when you finally caught him by the throat and slammed him harshly on the floor, your murderous look that he always loved plastered over your face. He stops struggling after realising he could never hurt you again, and slowly hovers his hand over your wrist. Your grip on his throat was tight, but Jason couldn’t be bothered to panic.
He finally had you again at last. Why should he panic when the source of his life was so near to him?
“Have you gotten exhausted of fighting back?” You calmly tilted your head, curiosity in your eyes. Jason doesn’t miss the split seconds of conflicted look.
“I can’t,” He replies quietly. “I love you, baby. Never stopped.” His other hand raised to remove his helmet, ignoring Bruce’s protest, and your grip on his throat faltered as soon as you make eye contact with the emerald eyes that you adore too much.
“I don’t want to fight you, (Y/n). So kill me,” Jason mumbled with a soft voice. “Allow me to love you one last time and stab my heart with your sai. For a life without you is a life full of unquenchable thirst and eternal hunger unworthy of surviving.” He recited your own quote back to you with a tearful smile.
Closing his eyes, peace overtakes Jason for the first time in a long while since losing you as he waits for the abrupt pain of being pierced through the heart. However, all that came was softness attaching itself to his lips.
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
Jason snaps his eyes wide open in shock at your lips pressing against his, the death grip on his throat loosening just to hover affectionately over it. His body naturally reacts, moving on its own to reciprocate your kiss and relish in it, arms flying up to wrap around your neck.
You pulled away when he yearns for oxygen, a sob nearly escaping him again when he sees the love and warmth in your eyes. You smile gently at him, brightness returning to your previously dead eyes. “I’m deeply sorry, my love. I’m back.”
Jason tearfully chuckled and crushed you in a hug, heart rapidly beating against his chest. Relief wasn’t enough of a word to describe the happiness he felt. The feeling of being embraced tightly by you causing tears to stream down his face for the nth time, his longing and yearning finally being fulfilled. He missed this, he missed you, he missed his only home.
For I can’t help falling in love with you
Neither you nor Jason had left the bedroom since returning, having locked yourselves up in his room that you shared to obtain privacy for yourselves. None of the Waynes were bothered too much as they understood how much Jason yearned for your presence, the only comfort he’s ever had in his life.
Jason’s been holding onto you for dear life with the fear of you vanishing out of nowhere, his face buried on the crook of your neck and hand resting on your chest directly above your heart to feel it beating through his palm. Your arms securely wrapped around him in reassurance makes him feel more safe and at peace than he ever did. He pulls away slightly to look up, seeing you already staring at him with fondness and comfort.
“Don’t leave me again, please.” He croaks like a lost child, voice cracking.
You kissed his forehead. “I’d return to you in a heartbeat, my Jason.”
Jason stares into your gentle eyes, snuggling closer to you and intwining his legs with yours to feel every part of you. “Can’t live without you, baby.” He whispered.
You smiled. Perhaps, it was time to tell him.
Even death can’t severe the emotional bond and love you have for each other, which leaves one option; together. Falling out of love was never in either of your vocabulary, anyway.
For I can’t help falling in love with you
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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in-som-niyah · 7 months
No thoughts just jason todd obsessed with the idea of his girl being pregnant with his baby
Like this man would def be so soft and doting and protective.
Also imaginning how soft sex would be between them at that point cuz he wouldn't want to disturb the baby too much
Like if Jason ever felt secure enough to be a father given his ahem... ✨lifestyle✨ he would be sooooo protective of reader like
You were reaching for a jar up in the cupboard of your shared home (Jason waited until you were both settled into a proper home instead of the shitty apartment in Gotham before even thinking of getting you pregnant) before you felt a pair of heavy feet approach you. Before you could finish reaching, a strong hand planted itself at the side of your bump and gently moved you aside, stopping your movements. Annoyed, you look up at the owner of said hand, who had broken his promise of letting you do small things for yourself around the house again. "Jay, I can do it" you pout as you place your chin on his toned chest. Jason smiles down at you and chuckles lightly before using both his hands to rub at your bump. "I know you can princess, I just wanna help" He says back with an equally-adorable pout in his face. "But I told you, I can do things! I'm pregnant, not paralyzed." You chuckled. "It makes me feel useless to be honest" His brows proudly display their displeasure at your statement and his pout vanished. His hands make their way around to rub at your back now, where he knows you've been sore. "No baby, you're never useless. Hell, you could sit in bed all day and make me bring you all your cravings and you still wouldn't be useless." He says matter-of-factly. At this, he plants a kiss on the top of your hairline and rests his chin at the top of your head. "Yeah, but-" You tried to reply, but a cheeky kiss behind your ear stopped you. A gruff 'mmm-mmm' of disproval reverberates from Jason's chest, followed by another kiss on your cheek, then neck, then collar then...
I totally agree he would be into sex during pregnancy (you're so sexy carrying his child but he would be so scared to hurt you since you're so precious to him) especially if its soft and loving!!! Y'all he's a loverboy softie at heart and he just loves you so much and is so thankful that you trust him with raising a kid and caring for you in the process!!!!
I feel like he would avoid sex or sexual contact just to be safe and make sure you're not feeling pressured into being with him since your body is changing in ways truly neither of you really fully understand.
Pregnancy hormones be damned, every flex of his bicep or stretch of his back made you want to climb. him. like. a. fucking. tree.
It was late one night, Jason didn't have patrol (thank the fucking heavens) but he was out running some errands. You were in bed, snuggled in your (his) t-shirt, catching up on some tiktok drama (iykyk) and scrolling through your fyp. Until you came across a gym video of a guy attempting to lift 230lbs. You vaguely remember Jason teasing Dick about how much they both could lift, and it was well over 230lbs, thats for sure. Oh, but Jason's much more muscular, and plus, he's tall. Very, very tall. He's built like an actual brick wall now that you think about it. A tall, muscular, strong, handsome, brick wall. Wetness began to pool at your core thinking about how strong and huge Jason was, and you thought of having a quick session before Jason got home. You knew you should wait for him, but he's been so occupied and distant and careful with you that you didn't have much confidence in his answer if you did in fact ask him to fuck you the way you wanted to be. Out of the locked section of the bottom drawer of your nightstand came a small, yet mighty wand vibrator. Lucky for you, Jason remembered to charge it the last time y'all had some fun. Which was sadly, a while ago. Too horny to dwell in the negative, you press and hold the power button and go to town. The task soon proved difficult since you had a large island of tummy in the way, but you managed to almost get there. Just a bit more pressure and- Thud. The sound of a large bag unceremoniously dropping to the floor ripped you out of your blissful activities. Eyes wide and frantic, you scan the room for anything that looked out of place. 'Maybe something fell?' you thought, but that was quickly put to bed when your gaze meets Jason's clenched jaw and disappointedly folded hands. You flinched when he swiftly crossed the room, forgetting whatever was in the bag at the door. There were more, very important things to attend to. Before you could open your mouth to even try and explain yourself he interjects in an eerily calm way. "Did you cum?" He asks, softly, but his authority is very clear in his tone. "N-no" You answer sheepishly. You were in no mood to try an explain why you felt the need to turn to the mediocre satisfaction of a toy when you had a whole ass sex machine as your husband if he so chose to question you. "hmm thats what I thought, querida." He finished with a nurturing yet pitiful tone. Jason climbs into bed, and crawls on top of you to where you're face to face and his chain is dangling just above your neck. "Just one question" He begins. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way?" You chew your lip. He's been such an amazing husband to you before you got pregnant, and after he found out he upped his game some more. You didn't even know it was possible to be loved like that and you felt bad that you couldn't even control yourself long enough to just appreciate what he's already doing for you. A tear fell down your cheek, which Jason kissed away, and you told him how you felt guilty for asking him for sex, since the reason why he wasn't driving you into the bed was a sincere and honest fear he had. You knew he couldn't stand to hurt you, so he would much rather stop completely than take a chance. "my poor girl, I haven't been doing my part have I?" He murmurs just before capturing your lips in his. You melt into him, your hands flying up to touch him, hold him, feel him in places you haven't in so long. In between the marks on your neck and upper chest, Jason pauses briefly to apologize, as if your skin was cross with the lack of contact. "p-please" you whimper in a small voice when his hands begin to grip your hips firmly. "I know, I know amorcita. Let daddy make it up to u hm? I'll take care of you this time. Promise it'll be worth it."
a/n: GODDDDD i wanna climb him like a tree holy shit this is so sexy
like the way hes so soft and gentle just makes me explode
best fucking ask bro tysm <333333
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 month
Raven, sarcastically : What's next? Are you going to adopt a stinky skunk?
Damian, deadpan : I already have a stinky skunk. His name is Todd.
Raven: *shrugs in daze and looks sideways at Jason *
Jason, closes book, removes reading glasses and takes a serious glare at Raven : He doesn't talk about me. He actually has a skunk, I just wanted to make that clear.
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sundrop-writes · 10 months
Better Than Sleeping
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Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
You and Jason are friends with benefits. Though you have come to realize that the relationship doesn’t always ‘benefit’ you when he ends up annoying you after a long, tiring day of training.
(He quickly makes you come to see that his annoying persistence can benefit you, even if you would never admit it aloud.)
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut. Set during Season 2.
Word Count: 5,300
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Warning: This fic contains Dubious Consent. One character ‘wears down’ the other and ‘convinces them’ to have sex, and both of them display verbal consent that goes against their true actions and desires (they say no to having sex when they do truly want to) and they think of convincing the other person to agree as a kind of ‘game’. It is a relationship that is playful in nature, and this consent is based on bodily queues, facial expressions, and knowing a person’s safety and comfort based on being in a relationship with them for a period of time. If this makes you uncomfortable, please don’t read the fic.
List of detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: friends with benefits, this is primarily a smut fic, the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina, Jason is more dominant and the reader is more submissive (once the sex begins), the reader could be considered a brat, Jason calls the reader ‘babe’ (it is a canon event), Jason calls the reader ‘baby’, Jason calls the reader ‘good girl’, dubious consent - coercion (please see the above for an explanation about this), mentions of masturbation (watching someone masturbate), mentions of fucking someone to sleep/fucking someone while they are asleep, mentions of free use kink, mentions of cumming inside someone/unprotected sex, marking/biting, groping/touching through underwear (reader receiving), orgasm denial (toward the reader), ‘just the tip’,teasing, there is a point where Jason’s dick is inside her without a condom but he doesn’t cum, and he puts on a condom before fully penetrating (what would you call that?), begging, slight mentions of subspace (but it’s more so described as a lustful drunkness), there is implications toward the end of fucking someone to sleep/fucking someone while they are asleep with their permission. I believe that is everything.
A/N: This is definitely one of my favourite things I have written. I thought maybe I was going to edit it some before re-posting it, but I was rereading it the other day and I actually realized that it's really good the way it is, so here you go - some random cocky Jason smut, inspired by the 'just the tip' trope. I hope you enjoy!
You knew that becoming a Titan was never going to be easy. 
But fuck, this was a lot harder than you imagined it would be. Dick Grayson was quickly becoming your least favorite person. Between the 5am wake up calls and the endless workout routines, paired with the bland ‘nutrient filled’ meal plans he had everyone on to ‘fuel your bodies’ for training - he was becoming a menial drill sergeant that you couldn’t get away from. One of the only things that made it better was the fact that you had friends around - the ability to joke about him with Rachel, Gar, and Jason behind his back. Was it a bit mean-spirited? Yes. Did you feel less guilty about it whenever he added more onto the training routine? Also yes. 
You had no clue when these skills you were working so hard on were ever going to come into play. Every single night, Dick retired himself into the comms room full of computers to ‘monitor the city for threats’ - but he seemingly never found anything worthy of the team’s attention. At least not yet. So you went about the routine of training hard, becoming exhausted, falling into bed to sleep and then doing it all over again. 
Oh - and there was the other thing. The not so occasional part of your routine where Jason fucked your brains out. The fact that the two of you had developed a mutually beneficial relationship to help ‘relieve’ each other when you were horny, a quintessential friends with benefits situation. But with your muscles sore from training and your entire body so exhausted, that was the farthest thing from your mind on this night. 
After a long, hard day of training, the last thing you wanted to hear was a knock on your bedroom door. You hoped that it was simply Gar asking to borrow some of your body wash again (because he liked the smell), or Rachel asking you to kill a spider in her room, and not Dick alerting you to some surprise training drill that he had suddenly thought up. 
You shoved your pajama top over your head, finishing getting changed for the night, and rushed across the room to the door. When you opened it, you barely had time to gauge if you were pleased or displeased at seeing Jason before he spoke. 
“I’m horny.” He announced abruptly, being very abrupt about delivering his feelings. 
But it was in character for him, and didn’t surprise you in the least. 
You hated that your stomach jolted at his words, even if just out of Pavlovian habit. It had been only two days since the last time he had fucked you. He had caught you in the shower in the morning, snuck into the bathroom with a condom between his teeth and opened the shower door to join you while you were distracted meditatively washing your hair. It had been steamy, soapy, slippery, and goddamn wonderful. 
But it had left you sore and stiff before training, and you were wondering how much give and take there was - if you truly needed his cock. 
“Hello to you too.” You said, your tone just as dead tired as you felt. 
You wouldn’t admit that you were a bit horny too. You were tired, and you wanted to go to sleep. So that made you annoyed with his presence. (It should have made you more annoyed than you were.) 
Jason bit his lip, raking his eyes up and down your body with an intense heat lurking there. You glared back at him. 
Jason was intensely attractive. He was a good looking guy, that was just a fact. And while you did enjoy the way he was looking at you, staring you down like you were a porn star when you were slumped with exhaustion, wearing baggy old pjs with mascara smeared on your face with sweat, your hair a mess from the day - there was barely a spark stirred in your stomach at the idea of fucking him right now. You were just too damn tired. Dick had been running you all into the ground, instituting the same training that Batman had given him, and it was fucking exhausting. 
“So - can I come in?” Jason asked. 
He gave you a very expectant curl of his lips and tilted his head toward you when you didn’t say anything for a few seconds. You just stood there and stared at him bitterly. 
You sighed hard through your nose, not wanting to answer the question. 
Fucking him might be nice. A good orgasm before bed. But you needed to put what little energy you had left into your nightly routine and then get a good, long sleep before Dick woke everyone up at ass o’clock again. 
“No.” You finally told him. “I’m going to bed.” 
You turned and walked back into your room, but left the door open. You hoped that he would get the hint to leave on his own. You grabbed your bottle of makeup remover and a cotton pad and began taking off your makeup. 
You weren’t so lucky. 
“I’ll go to bed with you, babe.” He announced proudly. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. 
He then came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You felt the half hardness of his cock pressing into your ass as you wiped away your makeup with stern hands. You tried your hardest not to let him wear you down, even as you felt a tingle between your thighs. He was used to training this hard, so it wasn’t as exhausting for him. Clearly, he didn’t understand how tired you were - how badly you needed the rest. 
“Go get in your own bed.” You barked, your tone becoming more strained. 
As you leaned closer to the mirror to inspect your face, to make sure that you had gotten all the tiny specs of makeup off, you unintentionally arched your back, pushing your ass much closer to his crotch. Jason let out a quiet moan and you caught him smirking at you in the reflection of the mirror. 
He leaned in close, draping his warm body entirely over your back, trapping you there as he put one hand on the dresser and the other on the wall and leaned his body weight on you. You could have shoved him off you if you wanted to - but as you felt a tingling heat creeping up your back, you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to. 
“Come on, babe.” He sighed into your neck. 
His hot breath on such a sensitive place caused a shiver through you that you would deny. 
“Why are you being like this? You know if you want a good sleep, getting fucked nice and hard is the best way to get it.” He told you, so entirely cocky. “My cock will put you right to bed, baby.” 
The words sent a hard jolt of electricity through you, settling a hard heat through you from your gut all the way to your face, burning uncomfortably through your skin. Combined with the way he ground his increasing hardness against your ass, you were forced to suppress a whimper. 
It made you even more annoyed with him - the fact he could play your body like an instrument he had finely tuned. And you reacted with that intense annoyance. 
“Why can’t you just masturbate like a normal person?” You scoffed at him, entirely firm, not giving away an ounce of weakness in your voice. 
“As if.” He held intense disgust in his voice at the very idea. 
He gave another firm dig of his hips, causing you to be pressed into the sharp edge of the dresser - a small twinge of pain that only added to the heat growing in your stomach. 
“Why the fuck would I resort to touching myself when I have the sweetest pussy ever to fuck right down the hall?” Jason explained. “But ya know, if you want to watch me jack off, that can be arranged.” 
Instead of responding to that, you just rolled your eyes. You hoped that he wouldn’t notice that subtle shift of lust in your features that said this was definitely a new fantasy of yours because he had brought it up. 
“You can’t deny that you need it too.” Jason whispered into your ear. 
“I need sleep.” You grunted in return. 
You then shucked out of his hold, using one of the evasive maneuvers that Dick had taught you in training, ducking under Jason’s arm when he wasn’t expecting it. Before he could blink, you were across the hall and in the bathroom. It was mostly because you knew that if you stood there any longer with his warm body pressed against your back, you would have given in far too easily. 
Naturally, Jason followed you. 
He stuck by your side through your entire night time routine, trying to wear you down. You weighed the pros and cons in your head without truly listening to him as the exhaustion seeped into your bones and battled with the lust growing inside of you. 
Jason brushed his teeth standing next to you in front of the sink while you brushed yours, all the while mumbling excuses through his toothpaste about how the sex would be good aerobic exercise to help with your training. By the time you got to doing your skincare, you ended up putting a face wash and moisturizer on him just to mentally drown out whatever he was saying - something about orgasms and endorphins and how it helps mental health. 
As you pulled back the covers to finally settle in, he snuck his way into your bed under the guise of ‘just cuddling’. Though you weren’t anywhere near convinced of that sentiment, you didn’t kick him out of the room or protect. You were surprised, but grateful when he took off his shirt, laid down, and seemed to finally shut up. You weren’t sure which you were more grateful for - the quiet or the stunning eye candy of his tight body on full display. But you didn’t question the fact that he had finally stopped nagging you. 
You crawled into bed beside him and settled into his arms. You gave him a kiss on the cheek as a goodnight (knowing that if you kissed him on the mouth, it would turn into something more heated). It was only about two minutes after you shut off your bedside lamp, shrouding the room in darkness, that the talking began again. 
“You could sleep through it.” He noted quietly. 
You sighed with deep annoyance. 
“If you want to. I could be gentle about it.” 
His voice continued on from behind you as he spooned you, one arm under your head underneath the pillow and the other laid almost possessively around your waist. 
Of course, he didn’t even have to be too descriptive for you to know what ‘it’ was. 
The idea of him gently fucking you while you fell into a lazy sleep was entirely too appealing. But he didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to win. Especially not after you had put so much of your very little remaining energy into deterring him all night. 
“Go to sleep.” You told him with a huff, shoving your head further into the pillow. 
He simply chuckled. 
You hoped that if you just ignored him, he would shut up and go to sleep. 
You would never admit to him that heat bloomed in your stomach at the idea of Jason crawling into your bed when you were already in a deep sleep, using you for his own selfish pleasure and leaving you sore and full of cum to wake up to in the morning. 
“Hmm… no.” He replied, as easily as a petulant child, his breath fanning out over your neck once again. 
Your heated thoughts easily blossomed into a moan from your lips when he latched onto your neck without warning. He picked a particularly tender spot, sucking hard with teeth and the fullness of his lips, easily knocking the wind out of you. You shoved your heated face tightly into your pillow, praying that he wouldn’t notice your reaction. That he wouldn’t realize he so blatantly had you like putty in his hands. If he knew that, he would know that he could just take whatever he wanted and you wouldn’t protest. Not in the slightest. 
Jason already knew that. But he wasn’t just going to pull down your shorts and slam his cock into you. As much fun as that would be - he wasn’t barbaric. Plus - now that he had one of your sweet little sounds in his ears, he wanted more. He wanted to hear you beg for it after denying him for so long. 
He moved his arm from being so tightly around your waist, and pushed your shirt up. You tried your best to put up a wall of indifference toward this. He began skimming his touch oh so lightly along the roundness of your stomach, right above the band of your shorts. You knew he felt the shiver that ran through you, but you refused to say anything. You weren’t pretending to be asleep at this point, but it was a game to the two of you. You still refused to give in. 
But he was playing to win. 
He shoved his hand into the waistband of your shorts, touching you outside the fabric of your underwear. His skin felt like he could have burned you, even through the fabric. You had to make a conscious effort not to buck forward into the touch. When his fingers skimmed across your hotly beating clit (when had you gotten so turned on?) you swallowed another whimper and steadied your voice. 
“Jason.” You said his name firmly, like a warning bell. “If you don’t behave yourself, I’m gonna kick you out.” 
“I don’t think you will.” He whispered into your neck, defiantly cocky once again. 
He sucked another hard, hot mark onto your skin as he cupped your pussy whole in his palm and began grinding the heel of his hand against your clit. 
You let out a wobbling moan and your body thrashed, your energy so depleted that you could no longer hold back your body’s natural reactions to him. You were met with the hard wall of his body behind you, so firm and perfectly hot as he pressed himself tighter into you. 
He gave a satisfied grin into your skin and only doubled down, putting more pressure on your throbbing clit and causing hot waves from that point, adding to the rolling boil that raged under your skin. 
With the beautifully firm pressure and Jason’s talent, the way he knew your body so well, you could have come from this alone. Especially as the pleasure throbbed through your core, your underwear became more soaked through and it was all so beautifully smooth and wet. 
Jason began grinding his cock - still trapped inside a pair of sweats - against the back of your thigh. He groaned into your neck when he felt a pleasurable tingling of his own spreading through his gut, though he craved to be inside of you. As much as he was enjoying this - the sweet, needy sounds falling from your lips, the way your thighs clamped around his wrist, as though desperately trying to keep him in place while your hips humped against his hand like a bitch in heat - he knew that he needed more. 
And he was going to make you beg for it. 
When he felt the signature twitch of your legs that said you were about to cum, he stopped. He held his hand completely still, his strong arm easily pinning your hips down to the bed to prevent you from humping against him and simply taking what you needed. In that moment, he even curled two of his fingers up to shove the fabric of your underwear inside of you slightly, creating a sharp sting that reminded you just how empty you were feeling. 
“Jay-!” You let out his name in a petulant whine, about to scold him for the ruined orgasm, but he cut you off. 
“You gonna ask me nicely now?” He rumbled into your ear. “Admit you were wrong?” 
You wanted to bark out ‘either make me cum, or go to your own damn bed’ - but you knew that Jason was just as petty as you were. At that point, he would have gotten up and left for his own bed just to prove a point. 
“You’re keeping me awake right now.” You huffed out, trying your best to sound annoyed. (Which wasn’t too difficult, considering how badly the ruined orgasm had frustrated you.) “My point still stands.” 
Of course, sleeping was the farthest thing from your mind now. The sexual frustration had injected a new wave of energy through you, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to rest until you were truly satisfied. 
Unfortunately, Jason knew that too. 
“Okay.” Jason sighed quietly, giving a click of his tongue. 
He then completely pulled his hand out of your shorts and pulled away from your body. It seemed like he was moving to get out of the bed - you worried you had accidentally triggered that signature pettiness in him. 
But as usual, Jason Todd surprised you. 
You bit your lip to hold back a cheer when he reached for the waistband of your shorts and underwear pulled them down all at once, exposing your hot, soaked cunt to the cool air of the room. (At some point, the blanket had been accidentally shoved off you.) You took a glance over your shoulder and of course, he was shoving his pants down to his knees. You caught a glimpse of his long, thick, hard cock bobbing out of the fabric in the darkness. But you didn’t dare to spend too much time admiring it, for fear of making him too cocky. 
You relaxed against your pillow in satisfaction, waiting for Jason to grab a condom out of the bedside table’s drawer so that he could literally fuck you to sleep. 
You were surprised when he scooted back toward you, pressing himself right up against your back once more. He proceeded to simply press his hips against yours - his cock laid flat against the bare folds of your leaking pussy, immediately becoming slick with your wetness. But be made no moves to grab a condom or even tease you by pushing inside of you raw. 
(Which - yes, the two of you had agreed to always use condoms, but it was secretly a fantasy of yours that he would go against the rule because of his overbearing need to feel you raw - or even the need to cum inside of you). 
But instead of doing any of that, Jason seemed to be settling in to relax. 
Jason draped himself across your back, wrapped his arm around your waist again, and gently laid his head on your shoulder. But he made no effort to move, or fuck you. Your pussy throbbed with need, feeling the hot, hard length pressed against you, entirely unmoving. When you clenched around nothing, you let out a wave of slick that you knew he could feel right on his cock. You felt a groan catch inside his chest, but still, he didn’t move. 
“Jason.” You breathed out, having to question him after a few more moments of silence and stillness. “What are you doing?” 
“Going to sleep.” He answered, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I thought you wanted me to just shut up and leave you alone so that you could get some rest?” 
That. Little. Shit.
You resisted the urge to elbow him in the face. 
Obviously, being so close to you, he felt your entire body tense up with anger and annoyance. He was only able to partially hold back his satisfactory laughter. When the quiet snickers met your ears, you became even more annoyed. 
“Jason.” You scolded him gruffly. 
“Oh? I’m sorry,” He said, entirely sarcastic. “Did you want something?” 
“Did you want something?” You parroted back, mocking his words in a childish voice. 
Essentially, you had no more clever comebacks left. He had won. 
“I guess I can give you something for your troubles, babe.” Jason sighed, as though it were a grand inconvenience to him. “Maybe just the tip, though.” 
“Just the tip.” You sighed, finding yourself repeating his words once again. Though this time your voice was dead and sarcastic rather than mocking - mostly because you didn’t believe him. 
You knew that in Jason land, ‘just the tip’ meant slamming his entire cock into you after the tip lingered in your entrance for a moment. You clenched down on nothing again at the thought. 
Once again, you were expecting him to grab a condom so he could fuck you freely without worry. You were surprised when he peeled his body away from you slightly and reached down to grab his cock. After a moment of rubbing the fat cockhead along your folds to get it nice and wet, he did as promised and pushed the tip inside. 
It was the first time he had ever been inside of you without the barrier of a condom, and feeling his hot, raw skin touching yours - even just a little bit, made you gasp. 
Your voice was whiny even to your own ears, so needy for him after so much teasing. Upon instinct, feeling that painfully empty ache coming from deep inside you, you arched your back and attempted to shove your hips toward him - attempted to pull more of his thickness inside of you. But Jason was quicker, and he had his hands on both your hips, shoving you down onto the bed so hard and fast that the tip of his cock fell out of you with a wet pop. 
It was a sound that made heat beat through your cheeks, and the feeling of his wet cockhead brushing against the backs of your thighs took your breath away. 
“Oops.” He chuckled, and moved to slot himself back into position.
You had no clue why it was so dizzyingly hot. 
But this time he held you down firmly so you couldn’t simply fuck yourself back onto his cock. You moaned as the thickness of the cockhead popped back inside of you - you yearned for more, but he stayed still. 
After a moment, he began to move his hips so slightly, feeding no more than an inch of his cock into your throbbing cunt before pulling it back out. It was an entirely careful movement on his part where he fed you the first inch, and didn’t let the tip pop out again, in pathetically shallow thrusts that could barely be called sex. Your pussy ached, tingled, yearned for more. 
You mentally cursed Batman for teaching him such good self discipline and him using it for this.
“Jason.” You whined, trying fruitlessly to fight against the firm grip he had on your hips in order to fuck yourself on his cock. 
“What, babe?” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss a line across your shoulder. 
“You know what.” You replied, your tone even more frustrated and whiny. 
You wiggled your hips desperately, trying to get more of him inside of you. You yearned to feel the perfect ache of his thick cock splitting you open, hitting all of those perfect spots so deep inside of you. 
“No, I don’t.” He told you, his voice somehow steady and confident. “You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” 
You couldn’t see it or feel it, but his hips were trembling and his abs were tight with the pure resistance of his self control. All of the energy he was using not to slam his cock into the tight, warm velvet of your cunt, especially as he felt it leak so freely around the tip of his cock, knowing how badly you needed him. He wanted nothing more than to watch you whine and babble and fall apart on his cock - but he wanted to win just a little bit more. 
There was a distinct pause. The last shreds of your own stubbornness hanging in the air, even as your cunt throbbed with need. 
Even if Jason couldn’t see your face from this angle, he could feel the warring in your body. He knew you too well. And he knew how to break you down so perfectly. 
“If you want anything more than this,” He told you, emphasizing the point with another pathetically shallow thrust. “If you want anything more than just the tip of my cock,” His voice was low and silken and creating even more heat that almost drowned you. “Then you’re gonna have to beg for it.” 
“Fuck you, Jay.” You whined out in protest, once again trying to fight his grip on your hips to fuck yourself against him. 
He viciously dug his fingers into the fat of your hips, causing a sharp sound from your throat at the beautiful pain. 
He leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, and growled out his next words in a low tone that dragged through your insides in the exact spot where his cock should have been. 
“Come on.” He urged you on. “Fucking. Beg.” 
That was when you broke. 
At least you hadn’t given in too easily. 
“Please,” You whined out breathlessly. “Please, fuck me! Fuck me, Jason! I need it.” 
“What else?” Jason asked expectantly. 
You could have killed him. But when your desperate cunt unconsciously clenched down on the fat head of his cock and you felt yourself growing only more hot and needy, you knew that there was only one thing to do. 
“I’m sorry, Jay, I should have - I should have just asked nicely in the first place. I do need it. I need your big cock inside of me so badly.” You poured it on thick, emphasizing the last words in the most pornographic voice you could muster, hoping that he was running low on self control as well. 
And he was. So he was very satisfied with this. He grinned into your skin, leaving a surprisingly tender kiss on the back of your neck before he mumbled out ‘good girl’ - something that made you moan out sharply. 
You let out a sharp noise of disappointment when his cock popped out of you again. 
“I need a condom.” He told you, giving you a reassuring pat on the ass. “As much as I’d love to cum inside you, we do have an agreement.” 
You weren’t sure which was hotter - his sex-thick voice admitting that he shared one of your deepest fantasies, or the fact that he was caring so deeply for you, making sure that he protected you with a condom even when you were in that floating headspace and willing to let him do just about anything do your body. 
Your mind was swimming contemplating it, and next thing you knew it, he had the condom on successfully. He then slammed his cock inside of you in one firm, smooth movement. Any thoughts were easily pounded out of your head by the practiced movement of his hips.
“Better now?” Jason grunted into your ear. 
You could practically feel his smugness radiating through his cock, spearing into you. 
But you were now alight with intense pleasure, warm satisfaction rolling through you - so you couldn’t bring yourself to truly care about how smug he was. Every bit of cockiness he had, he did back it up with a pretty big dick that he knew how to use well. Not that you would ever say those words aloud to him. Not even on your deathbed. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You ordered, though it was breathless and had no bite. 
“As you wish, babe.” He replied, and then doubled down - his hips fucking into you with an intense fury. 
You moaned like a whore at this, finally feeling that dizzying fullness that you had been craving since he had snuck his touch into your shorts. Jason drank up your sounds and easily wanted more - more of your perfect pussy squeezing around his cock, more of that wetness coating his inner thighs, more of that filthy wet smacking as he fucked into you. 
He leaned down, draping his body fully over yours once again, creating a pleasantly smothering weight on top of you as you laid on your stomach on the bed with your face nearly drowned in the pillow. He slowed the pace of his hips to a dangerous torture of a grind, fucking you so deeply now that you were sure you could feel him coming up inside of your throat. You let out a wounded noise, and he hushed you gently. 
“Shh, babe, I’ve got you.” He whispered into your ear. “Gonna make you feel so good.” 
He moved one of his hands from your hip and shoved it between your body and the bed, and once again he was cupping your mound fully in his hand - but this time there was no fabric barrier, and he was settled deep inside of you. It was filling your whole body with lava, turning every place he touched you to boiling ash. You were sure that you would have dissolved into nothingness if not for the anchor of your cunt hanging onto his cock, keeping you grounded in reality with that slight nip of pain as your muscles clenched onto him. 
“Now say thank you.” He told you, his voice so gruff in your ear, so thick with desire that it made you dizzy. “Thank me for giving you my cock.” 
He used two precise fingers to rub circles on your neglected clit, immediately sending shockwaves through your body that made your muscles jump and jolt. 
You gulped for air and struggled to move your face out of the fabric of the pillow, and Jason saw this. He moved his other hand and slid it under your cheek, gripping under your jaw to fully lift you up. 
He stilled his hips completely once again, causing a pained sound to emanate from your lungs as you clamped down on his cock deep inside of you while he continued to relentlessly work over your tender clit. He gave you a couple of seconds to catch your breath. But you were so cock dumb that you had to be reminded of the goal. 
“Come on, baby.” He encouraged you, pressing his lips to your cheek that he wasn’t holding onto. “Say ‘thank you’.” 
“Thank you.” You easily repeated back, now completely pliant to his desires. “Thank you for-for your cock.” 
“Good girl.” Jason praised you once again. 
Then he began fucking into you once more - it only took a few careful thrusts of his hips and the talent of his fingers on your clit to finally bring your orgasm to life. He shoved his tongue into your mouth as you screamed through it, imitating some sloppy version of a kiss while you flailed and creamed on his cock, your body becoming truly boneless and tired as the orgasm rocked you. 
When it was finished, he was still throbbing hard inside of you, and you let out a whine of disappointment. You were absolutely dead tired now, and you couldn’t even think of how much energy it would take to finish him off. Mister ‘Twice In A Sunday’ could last quite a long time, and that didn’t exactly work for you in that moment. 
“You can go to sleep now, babe.” He whispered into your ear. “I’ll clean you up when I’m done.” 
He began thrusting into you once more, and you couldn’t help but let your eyes drift closed. 
It ended up being a good night for both of you.
If you enjoyed this fic, check out my DC Titans Masterlist for more of my other fics!! And please consider reblogging and commenting on this fic to tell me what you liked about it.
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annmaximoff18 · 3 months
Roy: Do you read love books and don't ask her out?
Jason: I haven't even talked to her
Roy: but you've been talking about her for months and secretly taking care of her
Jason: Yes, well...... besides, it's five months and twelve days Roy.
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marvelsgirl616 · 3 months
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 1 month
I'm here (j.t.)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Kissing.
Word Count: 2.7k
Song Rec: I love you, I'm sorry by Gracie Abrams
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It was hard to enjoy the cold when Jason was surrounded by the uncomfortable heat of tailpipes and exhaust vents and the bustle of Gothamites around him. He could feel himself break out into a sweat even though he was on the roof of a building, where he had been for the last twenty minutes.
He had taken off his helmet, preferring to keep only his domino on but even then, he felt like he couldn't breathe easy. He could easily blame the city's shitty climate but deep down he knew the reason was across the street from him.
He watched as the lights flicked on; his view obstructed due to the frosted glass that he had begged you to put up. You hated closing the curtains because you felt it made your already small apartment even smaller and he hated the fact that anyone across the street could catch a glimpse into your home.
He could really see the irony in that now as he wished for a better view of your face.
But even without it, he could clearly envision you coming home from a long day, dumping your bag at the door, and kicking off your shoes, refusing to kick off your socks in the same way and instead tossing them into the hamper. Dirty socks were your pet peeve, one that he learnt extremely early into the relationship.
However, you also refused for him to wear shoes in your home, and he hated being barefooted, so you compromised and got him a couple spare socks and a pair of slippers. He wondered if they were still there in the lowest drawer of your shoe cabinet.
You'd immediately sit on the ground to rest your legs after walking four blocks from the subway station instead of a chair because you didn't want your 'outside clothes' to touch your clean furniture.
A melancholic smile spread across Jason's lips as something beautiful, yet painful began to coil around his chest. He loved that he could still remember every single thing about you. It was those little features; the way you'd always forget your towel in the dryer while taking a shower and begging Jason to bring it to you, the tiny welt in the corner on your lips that you got from biting them til they'd bleed, that lock of hair at the back of your head that was a different texture than the rest. It was those that would bring him back to Earth whenever the green of the pit seemed to blind him.
The lines of your body were the only thing he envisioned when he closed his eyes, the mellifluous flow of your voice threading through his eardrums whenever he had any quiet, the heat of your phantom fingertips tracing up his arms and wrapping around his waist as he laid alone in bed.
You haunted him, your memories tormented him, and he wondered if you were in the same boat as him, simply existing but not living. He wondered how you would feel if you heard the deep baritone of his voice now that he's grown into a man, or the heat from his chest when he enveloped your now much smaller form in his arms.
He wondered if you were wondering about him. He wondered if you were lying alone like him or had his side of the bed already been claimed by somebody else. Someone who was smarter and sweeter and better.
The pragmatic side of him told him that he should be happy if you managed to find another. Afterall, he loved you so much if you asked him to carve out his own breaking heart and place it in your palms, he would, if only to see the smile on your face. So, he should be happy if you were happy.
However, rest of him banged against his ribcage with bloody fists, begging for it not to be true.
He scolded himself while his feet mindlessly took him to your apartment building, and he was left staring at the frosted glass of your window.
He knew it would end up this way, he just knew it. When he had first come out from the Lazarus pit, he was adamant not to meet you again, convinced that you would be better off without him.
Then he kept thinking about you and he concluded that he'd only see you once, if only to see that you were doing well and taking care of yourself. And then he'd never tempt himself again.
And then he promised himself he'd only watch you from afar, desperately trying to catch glances of you like a parched man would savour the smallest drop of water.
Then he got even greedier. His heart tugged him so hard that he almost fell off the roof in his haste to grapple across the street and climb down the fire escape til your apartment building.
He promised himself this would be the last. He would stop here. He would only listen to your voice while a wall separated the both of you. He would stop there.
Jason listened to you sing while you washed the dishes, your voice only fading to a dull hum through the wall and his brows furrowed, leaning his forehead against it as he tried to catch every wave of your voice.
Then eventually it was silent, and he stared at his feet for a couple seconds before sighing and beginning to stand.
He didn't know why he continued to come see you. Every time the fleeting glance of you passed, he was left feeling an empty chasm that seemed to drag his stomach into a blackhole. He was unable to get out of bed the next day, despaired by the fact that you were able to go about your day while he was stuck in his own hell.
So, why did he continue to do it? Why did he feel your absence like critters crawling all over his skin and only feeling a semblance of relief when he knows that he's near you? Why can he only feel better when he feels his heart pounding in his chest when he thinks that at any moment you could accidentally spot him where he was hiding even though he'd be constantly disappointed? And yet, he still hoped you'd spot him again.
He'd hear the lights click shut any second now before you crawled into bed, falling asleep while clutching your phone and scrolling through Instagram.
He was always disheartened at the end of these nights, when he realized that he was the only one lingering outside in the cold as he waited for you to notice him, to long for him. But yet again, you managed to get through another day without losing yourself in your grief, unlike him.
Was it really that easy for you to get over him? He was standing outside your apartment, wishing to go back to the nights where you used to invite him in with open arms while you remained oblivious to how much he missed you.
He turned his back to leave when he heard a click and then a noisy squeak of the hinges as you pushed the window open.
Your wide eyes met his stormy blue and you froze.
"Hey, beautiful."
There was a beat of silence between the two of you that was filled with the sounds of Gotham and you continued to stare at him, shocked into a stupor. Finally, it seemed like you were able to knock your consciousness back into your body and you squeezed your eyes shut and began counting backward from ten.
"He’s not really here, (Y/N). Jason is gone. You were there at the funeral. You watched them lower his body into his grave, (Y/N). He's gone. And he's not coming back."
Jason watched your throat bob like a lone acorn down a tempestuous river and you squeezed your eyes shut tighter, flared nostrils telling him that you were on the verge of tears. Your fingers curled into a tight grip that had your knuckles turning a shade lighter.
Now he knew why he was so anxious about seeing you again. Why, when one foot had taken a step toward you, the other remained anchored to his spot until you walked past him. While he was worried that you had moved on from him, he was even more terrified to see the effect that his death had on you.
When he came back to Gotham and he realized that he had been erased and replaced by Bruce, it was only easy for him to think you had done the same thing. It was easier for him to think he had been abandoned by the entire world. But he was always scared to find out if he was right, so he kept his distance.
However, he was even more scared to find out that you had been left missing him because of a stupid mistake he had made as a child when you had begged him not to. You had known he was beginning to go off the rails, that he was getting rebellious, and you had begged him not to do anything rash.
He had just taken it as a sign that you didn't believe in him either, that you were just like the others, and he had sought to prove you wrong. He laid on the blood of the warehouse, beaten bloody and waiting for his father to rescue him and wishing that you wouldn't be too despaired by his immature stupidity.
Now watching you dig the heels of your palms into your eyes, as if trying to erase what you had just seen, he felt guilty for putting you in that position. He shouldn't be here, he shouldn't have left, he shouldn't have loved you in the first place.
Still, he couldn't move.
You took a deep breath and opened your eyes, blinking a couple times at the ground before you could raise your head again.
Your shoulders slumped and your eyes began to fill with tears, "That usually works."
"(Y/N)," he whispered, reaching for you put his fingertips stopped right before crossing your windowsill as though there was a physical barrier stopping him from touching you. His hand trembled in the air before he dropped it to his side, "It’s me."
This was something he had been dreaming of every night since coming back. He dreamed of reuniting with you, of touching you again, of loving you again. But now that the opportunity was an inch away from him, he was worried that his last chance at love had died within the flames of the warehouse that night.
You stayed still, eyes flickering over him, starting with the mop of dark curls on the top of his head and raking down his face, the same features you remembered had grown more masculine. You lingered on the different scars littering his skin, analysing every inch of him with concentration that made him want to shuffle uneasily.
Your expression began to melt into uncertainty and longing the more you continued to stare at him before you suddenly gasped and stepped back, "You’re crazy, (Y/N). He's gone, this isn't really happening."
He grasped the window just as you began to close it shut, "Please, don't. I’m here, baby, I’m really here."
You stared at the hand holding your window open with furrowed brows; you hadn't expected this illusion to retaliate against you trying to end this dream.
You never opened the windows of your apartment, especially not at night. You never wanted to invite Gotham’s smog inside your home but for some reason tonight your heart had tugged you toward it with such power you thought a breath of fresh air would have done you some good.
Why? Why tonight of all nights had you opened the window? Had you even opened the window in the first place? Or had this been a cruel game played by your mind while you were asleep?
"You died," you whispered, voice barely above a decibel, "I saw you dead. You aren't really here. This doesn't make any sense."
You wanted to touch him, you wanted to feel his beating heart underneath your fingertips but you knew that he would evaporate into smoke the second you reached for him like all the other times and even though you knew you would breakdown the second you woke up from the dream, you wanted to continue looking at him and drink in his presence that you had missed so much.
Gloved fingers lifted your chin so your wet eyes could meet his and tears began streaming down your cheeks in thick rivulets, your chest collapsing from the weight of your sobs.
"I know it doesn't make any sense, but I’m here. I’m really here. And I’ve missed you so much."
You shook your head, "You’re not. You're dead."
His arms circled around you, and he brought you into a hug. Your cheek rested against the kevlar of his suit, hips digging into the windowsill as you continued to sob and despite knowing that he wasn't really here, your chest began to fill with warmth.
"I’m here, (Y/N)."
Jason stole what little breath you had left in your lungs when he leant down to capture your lips in a firm kiss, as if trying to prove to you that he was here in the flesh, with fresh blood pumping through his veins.
You sobbed against his lips and licked into his mouth, hands coming up to grasp at his hair while his own curved your back into him, melding your bodies into one.
Heavy boots thumped against your floors, knees knocking in his effort to climb through the window and shut it behind him before pressing you against it. He quickly threw off his utility belt before you had wrapped your legs around his waist to prevent any of his weapons accidentally hurting you.
You cupped his jaw, thumb brushing against the peak of his cheekbone. The action had Jason’s eyes rolling back in ecstasy, every single touch setting his body on fire, each nerve ending sparking with electricity. He kissed you harder, refusing to pull away even though he knew you were getting breathless. He could hear your gasps for air every time you parted but you still dragged him back toward you with a hand clutching the roots of his hair.
He couldn't stop, wanting to lose himself in your very soul. He could feel the heat of your body pressing against him, he could smell the familiar scent of your shampoo, his ears were filled with the sound of your sighs and your lips smacking, his tongue tasted the salt of your tears mixed with the sharp chill of spearmint tea.
He finally pulled away when you had placed a hand on his chest, pressing his forehead against you, watching with intense passion as you tried to catch your breath, his grip on your thighs not loosening.
You trailed wet lips down his throat, listening to his quiet sighs until your lips reached his jugular. You could feel his veins pulse with life underneath your lips and your chest began pounding, butterflies beginning to erupt through you.
"You’re really here? You're alive? H-how is that even possible?"
Jason nodded, only realizing then that his eyes were filling up with tears, lashes and cheeks wet once you had begun to stroke the skin beneath his ear.
"I missed you so much." you confessed, voice breaking and brows furrowing in despair.
"I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn't come sooner, I should've-I should've come sooner. I’m sorry." he whispered, trailing his lips along your shoulder, hiding his face into the crook of your neck and you sighed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"You’re here," you whispered, chest shaking with a mix of sobs and elated giggles, "You're really here. You're finally here."
You both remained there, your back pressed against the frosted glass window that had fogged up slightly, legs wrapped tightly around his waist, chests pressed together.
"I’m here."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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inkpotsprite · 4 months
Okay so a Titan's Tower AU, but instead of Jason finding Tim at the Tower he finds a de-aged Dick Grayson (let's just say that Dick got hit with a spell and Bruce sent him there to keep him safe.) There's lots of ways it could go, but I'm mostly imagining this:
Jason barges into the Tower, is baffled to see this tiny version of his older brother, but ends up continuing his little 'Robin should have died with me' thing, only to get verbally eviserated by this angry eight year old who has all of Dick's temper but none of his adult filter.
dick: should have died with you? maybe you should have stayed dead instead
jason (whispering): what the fuck
dick: you wanna fight? let's go. i didn't kill zucco but I'll kill you, it can't be that hard if you've already died once
jason: the hell??? you're not even the robin i wanna fight???
dick: and you're not the robin anyone wants to see but i still have to put up with you
jason: ...
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Cold Stares
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Being on the team and everyone thinks you and Jason despise each other that you can't stand being in the same room but they are wrong because as soon as everyone leaves your inches apart in seconds lips touching and bodies pressed against eachother if only the team knew you didn't hate eachother rather hate being without one another.
"Shit baby I thought I would've had to blow our cover when you got hit, you almost gave me a heart attack when you didn't respond, you gotta stop doing that it scares me that I would have to deal with these morons with you"
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veryberryjelly · 3 months
🍷 + Jason Todd + Standing next to you by Jungkook with fem!reader pls 🥺👉👈✨️
jason todd x reader
lyrics ; 'afterglow, leave ya body golden like the sun and moon'
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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a vacation was well needed for jason, and you were ecstatic that he was actually allowing you to take him out of the country for a few days.
it had taken you literally dragging him out of the house after he tried to 'run back to the office to check something' .
you knew if you let him back into his office he wouldn't leave again.
but once he was on the plane there was no turning back and he seemed to relax into his seat.
but the moment he seemed to truly let go was when you pulled up outside your temporary residence.
it was beautiful, a quaint villa in practically the middle of nowhere and yet only a short drive away from a grocery store that you had stopped by on the way up so you didnt have to leave the confines of the villa tomorrow.
you had researched this place a lot to make sure you could both be happy here.
it still had service so jason could get onto his laptop and check in at home if he wanted too, and it was so far from any other people that you didnt have to worry about anyone eyeing jason up while you lounged around the pool.
it may not seem like a massive issue but on every other vacation you'd been on with him, the minute his shirt was over his head, he had people eyeing him.
and when he pulled himself out of the pool you understood why and were glad your eyes were the only ones watching behind your sunglasses as drops of water dripped down his defined abdomen.
" seeing something you like, gorgeous ?" he teased as he padded across the warm stone floor to where you laid on your sun lounger.
before you could even formulate a response, you were distracted again by jason's strong form crawling over yours, a teasing smirk on his face as water dripped down onto your body, raising goosebumps on your skin.
he lifted one of his hands to move your sunglasses from your eyes to the top of your head so he could look into your eyes without the obstruction of tinted plastic.
" you know what you're doing, todd. good thing there's no one else around or i'd have to drop kick a couple girls " you joked, your arms lifting to drape over his shoulders, fingertips pushing through his wet hair.
" you know i've only got eyes for my baby " his voice dropped as his head lowered to press a featherlight kiss onto your lips, so light you questioned whether his lips even touched yours in the first place.
" i know, it's just other girls have eyes for you " you pushed yourself up into a sitting position on the lounger, watching as jason let himself fall onto your lap, turning so he could still look at you.
" don't care. only want you, angel " his words caused you to lean down and press a kiss onto his already slightly pink nose.
" love you too, handsome " you replied simply.
the rest of the day was spent lounging in the sun until it started to darken outside and you both showered and changed into something more comfortable for dinner.
dinner which consisted of a simple pasta eaten on the patio overlooking the sunset.
but all jason could seem to look at was you.
you could feel his eyes on you, and every time you looked over at him, his gaze remained fixed.
he didnt shy away.
he would simply offer you a smile and lift your locked hands to his lips to press a kiss to the back of your hand.
by the end of dinner, you had turned to face him, your legs up on his chair and his up on yours. and his eyes remained on you
" see something you like handsome ? " you teased, a smile worming its way onto your face.
" yeah, my gorgeous, gorgeous girl. you're freckles are coming out already, baby. caught the sun a little today "
he was right, while you lounged around today your cheeks had turned a light shade of pink that you noticed when you were washing your face after showering.
" so have you, jay. " you insisted as you stood and walked the few steps over to him, your legs straddling his as your hands cradled his face.
your forefinger dragged delicately over the redness of his face.
down the slope of his nose and across the apple of his cheeks.
" y'gonna let me put on some of my aloe cream on your face before we go to bed ?"
" you can do whatever you want to my face, sweetheart, as long as you still want to kiss it "
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