#dead I still feel self conscious about these things and it's alright if you do too. It still shouldn't stop you from doing what you love
nonuggetshere · 1 year
Having a very shitty day after yesterday, will probably just focus on the doodles and don't do anything more today ✌️ but that depends on how I'll feel later
So, sorry if I don't end up replying to many asks today
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wazzappp · 4 months
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I have this. Extremely specific scenario. I like to pull off the daydream bookshelf quite a bit.
After Robbie kills Ivanov, everybody there still like. KNOWS WHERE HE LIVES. So I'm thinking some new motherfucker rises up and is like 'alright were gonna hit him where it hurts. protect future business ventures n' stuff' and sends someone to take Gabe as leverage. Lisa and Robbie have actually managed to TALK about things and once theyr'e on friendly terms again she is once again babysitting Gabe.
Anyway this mob guy shows up and attempts this kidnapping. Lisa manages to get the upperhand with a kitchen knife somehow and just. GOES HAM. LIKE. 'GETS ON TOP OF HIM AND STABS HIM TILL HES NOT MOVING ANYMORE AND THEN JUST A LITTLE EXTRA FOR GOOD MEASURE' GOES HAM. Naturally calls Robbie afterward because WHAT. This guy is clearly MOB AFFILIATED she has NO IDEA what will happen if she calls the police SO PLEASE JUST FUCKING GET HERE AND MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
It's a complete and total clusterfuck all around. For EVERYONE.
Lisa is IN THE MIDDLE OF A CRISIS OK. SHES EARNED A LITTLE FREAK OUT. SHE JUST FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE. Jesus christ why didn't she stop after he was down why did she keep fucking going god what does that say ABOUT HER. Does she feel the right amount of bad about this? She doesent really REGRET it she just wanted to keep Gabe and herself safe. But did she really need to go that far why did she take it that far and SHE WAS READY TO DO IT AGAIN IF SOMEONE ELSE BAD WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR is something wrong with her? please dont let there be something really wrong with her shes tried so hard to be good shes tried SO hard please please she is. spiraling. bad.
Gabe is having... a fucking time of it. This is the second time in two months that someone has been killed right fucking in front of him. At least the first one he was only semi conscious for but still. @moosemonstrous helped develop two GLORIOUSLY, BEAUTIFULLY angsty directions this could go. 1. 'WOW the world is dangerous I'm so lucky that I have people who can protect me. Those guys must have really deserved it.' (bonus points if him and Lisa are still not on the best of terms but this like. endears her to him. jesus christ I love your brain moose thats so cutely fucked up). OR 2. he can go the self blaming route of 'This is the second guy to die. And he died because people were protecting me. Is this?? My fault?? Is there something wrong with me? if people keep getting hurt because of me maybe it would be better if I just wasn't around.' (<- ROBBIE GET YOUR BROTHER NOW.)
And Robbie. Jesus christ. His brain is being pulled in SO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS BY THIS. Eli is elated, naturally, 'OHHHOHOHOHO ROBBIEEEEE I KNEW YOU HAD TO HAVE GOOD TASTE IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN CARS! See!!? I TOLD you killing is a perfectly natural part of being a person! Look at all those stab wounds she CLEARLY had a good time!' Robbies part of the brain is going 'HOLY FUCK' and IMMEDIATELY jumps to problem solving. He needs to get rid of the body first and formost at least that shouldnt be too hard oh god getting rid of bodies is something hes GOOD at what the fuck. HOW MANY?? OF IVANOVS MOB?? KNOWS WHERE HE LIVES??? Oh fuck does he have to go kill them ALL ?? (<- que Eli doing backflips out of absolute joy at that possibility) Also, brother. You cant tell me. that demons don't have weird social structures and expressions of affection. And Robbie is like. HALF DEMON. AT LEAST. So this shit for him is at least a little bit like when a cat brings you a dead animal (SHE IS SHOWING!! THE LITTLE ONE!! HOW TO HUNT!! SHE KILLED FOR HIM!! FOR US!!). IT IS. CONFUSING. FUCKING CONFUSING AS ALL HELL FOR HIM!!
Idk man this is just the particular brand of clusterfuck that is like my own personal brand of heroin to quote one sparkly boy.
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emeraldtart · 7 months
TWST X Ben 10 (ft. Methanosian/Swampfire!Yuu)
Guess who just get back into Ben 10 brain rot?
So Swampfire!Yuu is a random Methanosian from Undertown. They were just minding their own business one night, when a horse-pulled carriage drove straight towards them.
When they woke up, they're in a dark place. They heard a voice, smelt smoke and thought, 'Oh, good thing I'm fire proof... Wait, I have METHANE GAS in me, shi-'
Needless to say, everyone is alerted by a huge explosion coming from the Mirror Chamber.
Crowley came to the chamber just in time to see something came out of the coffin.
It was a pair of legs, but not for long.
Because right in front of his eyes, the dismembered lower half regenerates a torso, then a pair of arms, and finally a head with red and yellow petals.
The people in Twisted Wonderland better gets used to this fast, because this is going to be a common sight later on.
Somehow, throughout the entire ordeal, the ceremonial robes are alright.
So after the trauma that is seeing an entire alien regenerate their entire body, Crowley asks the Dark Mirror to send Yuu back.
"This soul is a seedling from a world beyond the stars, far from my reach. This soul is not from this world,"
With that being said, Crowley takes Yuu to the library in order to research more about their home.
Crowley: You know, since wherever you came from is not listed in any history books... The only explanation is that you're from another planet,"
Methanosian!Yuu:... Yeah, about that...
After Crowley got past his initial shock and existential crisis of Yuu being an alien FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION AT THAT, he let Yuu lives in Ramshackle until he finds a way to send Yuu back to their home.
Yuu likes Ramshackle. The dead plants and weeds reminded them of their homeworld, Methanos. Which doesn't help their homesickness at all.
Yuu accepts Grim wholeheartedly, since they understand the feeling of being an outcast. Since their species has such a rotten smell (that also got worse when summer comes), not much aliens even like to be near them.
Yuu likes to garden. But every single vegetation is native to Methanos. In other words it's either explosive, flammable, poisonous or a combination of two or more. Apparently they keep the seeds inside their body, which is something.
The only exception is the plants that was given to Yuu by Malleus. Malleus give Yuu exactly one rose, and the next week there was a giant rosebush covering one wall of the Ramshackle Dorm.
Swampfire!Yuu is self-conscious about their smell. They don't have many friends outside of their Methanosian ones because of it.
Although, over time Jack, Ruggie and Leona got over it. It became a background smell of sorts, and after Chapter 3 they no longer mind it.
Unfortunately, Che'nya and Cheka doesn't. The moment Yuu came near them they fainted.
Because of their insane regenerative abilities, Yuu always threw themselves into danger.
The first year squad are unfazed after a while.
So when Yuu was smashed flat by a rubble, and everyone is panicking, they're just chilling because they all knew they will regenerate a few seconds after.
And let's not forget about the blooming.
I personally headcanon that when Methanosians blooms, they need more nutrients so that the process become quicker and much less stressful.
They're also much more aggressive when it happens.
Unfortunately, no matter the AU, Yuu is still the prefect. So Crowley still give Yuu work to do even though Yuu already warns him about their blooming coming soon.
When the week rolls in, Yuu became much more snappy and easier to anger.
They've also been eating a lot of meat, to the point that they've been eating Grim's tuna.
They've been skipping class, so Ace, Deuce, Grim, Jack, Epel, Ortho and Sebek tries to find Yuu.
They didn't find where Yuu is. They've searched everywhere.
The greenhouse, Ramshackle, the library. They even checked the other classrooms.
So as the group go to the dining hall to rest before going back on their search, they heard screaming from the hall.
Jack smelt the rotten smell that accompanies Yuu, and lead the group to the kitchen.
Where they saw a group of ghost cooks and fairies trying to stop Yuu from devouring every piece of meat in the kitchen.
Jamil, Leona, Floyd and Ruggie are also there. Leona and Floyd tries to pry Yuu off using brute force, but even though Leona is using his claws Yuu doesn't seem to care.
Jamil is shooting magic at Yuu, hoping they would stop all of this madness. Of course, it doesn't do anything when they could just heal their injuries.
Ruggie used Laugh With Me, but Yuu just uses their vines to grab the meat. And Ruggie can't control those.
Yuu smacked Ruggie with their vines and rush out of the kitchen, yelling about how it isn't enough.
So everyone went to Crowley asking him explain what's going on.
When they find out, they were equal parts confused and equal parts livid.
Confused because all that happened... Is because Yuu is going through some sort of alien puberty?
And livid because Crowley knew and he ignored all the warnings that Yuu put up.
Fortunately, Deuce got an idea on how to solve the problem.
They first went to Scarabia and asks for every single meat available, and laid it out at Ramshackle.
Malleus helps out after he heard what happened.
Malleus: That explains why the Prefect was raiding Diasomnia's pantry this morning.
Leona: Excuse me, they did what?
Turns out Diasomnia's pantry was the first to be raid, to everyone's surprise.
Malleus just let them because he thought its just normal alien behaviour.
At least that saves Diasomnia from Lilia cooking lunch.
Now comes the hard part; Yuu.
Fortunately, they were hungry enough that they willingly chase Ace, Deuce and Grim riding on Jack and Epel and Sebek riding on horseback, a piece of juicy beef in hand as bait.
So the guys all watched from the safety within Ramshackle as Yuu began devouring the meat to their heart (do their species even have one?) content.
And then. They stopped.
And everyone panicked as Yuu's face began to peel off.
It lasted for a very tense half an hour, but they began to move again.
"What happened? Why am I outside?"
Their blooming went without a hitch, and Yuu is back to their senses.
If you didn't count the massive damage they did when they were hangry.
Kalim celebrated Yuu's 'coming of age' with a barbecue, since there's still leftover meat outside.
Yuu thoroughly apologise later on for what they've done.
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kiwislices4 · 9 months
Heizou x reader (fluff def not violence)
I actually wrote something that's not crack I'm so proud
Warning: getting pushed off roof, death, suicide, fluff
I want Heizou to push me off a roof cutely like imagine
If you and Heizou are just standing on a roof together and he turns to you with that innocent lil' smirk and puts both hands on your back while you giggle and say "Aw Hei you're so funny" as he pushes you softly because he doesn't want to hurt you and he giggles as he watches you trip off the edge
And while you're falling you laugh because his little smile is so darn cute and he gives you an excited smile, and like doing that thing where he bounce on his toes as he watches.
Then you hit the ground and several of your bones break as you start bleeding and Heizou claps from excitement and tells you how cool your blood looks and how fun it was to watch you fall and "Let's do that again, (y/n)!" and then you pass out.
Then you wake up and Heizou's all concerned and pouty and "Why'd you fall asleep, we were just having fun!" and you apologize to him and he pouts a bit more.
But in the end he can't stay mad at you so he just huffs and tell you not to do that again, then ask if you're alright and give you some tea with painkillers, obviously you're injured but the roof wasn't that high so you just laugh and say okay, he patches up your wounds for you.
Then a while later you're all healed and Heizou gets all excited and happy to play with you again and he begs you to let him push you off more than once this time and you just can't resist his cute little doe eyes and the way he clasps his hands together and begs in that playful tone so you agree.
So after he pushes you off again you try to stay conscious but it hurts so much and after he pushes you the second time everything fades to black and you die and when you die Heizou gets real upset because who is he going to play with now that his favorite friend is dead? And he cries over your body and feels lonely for a long time.
But then you feel guilty for leaving him behind so after several years of taking on other ghosts' karmic suffering as a reward you get reincarnated as a spirit that haunts a lantern in Inazuma with your name on it, (you can still become tangible at will though) Heizou eventually hears about the haunted lantern and hunts you down and finally you two are reunited again, and he gets to push you off roofs forever because now you're a ghost and you don't take fall damage.
One day Heizou admit to you that he's fallen in love with you, and he can't imagine his life if he couldn't push you off roofs and anytime he's emotional or down you're always his go-to stress relief and he proposes and you accept obviously.
So at the wedding others can't see your spirit form because that's how your spirit works, only the owner of the lantern can see, so everyone thinks he's marrying a lantern but that's okay because he only needs you, friends and family and self respect are secondary.
Eventually after several (by several I mean like 5) years of him pushing you off roofs, he dies in an accident, and you kill yourself and you and Heizou's souls live together in the afterlife forever.
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mageofseven · 11 months
When Heat Cools: A MephistoMC Love Story
Chapter 9
Taglist: @astroseuss @fcxyviixen @jar-of-moondust @marvelous-maniac @ghost-mint @darkflowerav @missloserqueen
TW: implied r*pe and a scene that, despite not showing it, heavily implies that it comes (or came, since it happened in the past) after that for the character.
If this is an especially triggering topic for you, please either skip the chapter or skip the section written in
the format type shown above.
Oh and snakes. If you are afraid of snakes, the same section won't be to your liking.
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It was the next day that MC had gotten a call from Mephisto.
"Hey..." She murmured into the phone. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you the other day."
"...MC, you literally had another man reach into and manipulate your soul in order to read it's properties." The nobleman spoke in disbelief.
Does the woman really not understand how dangerous and extreme what she went through was? Was it better that she didn't?
"Yeah, I know but..." The human's voice trailed of as she laid a hand of her belly.
In truth...she was just feeling self-conscious about having to be taken care of and knew as her pregnancy progressed, this apparently very special pregnancy, that she will likely have more times when she will have to lean on him when she is more used to having him lean on her.
Mephisto huffed and shook his head on the other line.
"Look, just don't worry about it." He told her before pursing his lips. "I...listen, I need you to come to my home after dinner today."
MC raised her eyebrows. Despite their long, weird friendship, the human has never been to their boyfriend's home before.
"Uh...why exactly...?"
"My parents...have received Lord Diavolo's message and wish to speak with both of us." He explained. "Though I do believe they have ulterior motives, I also believe they do want to meet the woman I am risking so much for more."
Oh. Oh devil. I mean, meeting your partner's parents for the first time is often not the easiest thing in the world, but when they already hate you and blame everything going wrong on you and literally wanted you dead but MC doesn't know this?
This was honestly really scary for the woman.
"Mi corazón, it will be alright." He cajoled. "I will be right beside you; you'll be safe."
"What if they grow to hate me more?" She asked. "I don't want to be at odds with your parents forever."
These people wanted to kill her and she is worried about their opinion? Okay, he realizes she doesn't know that, but the man still finds her words a bit ridiculous.
"Now is not the time to worry about how they feel." Mep tugged her back down to reality. "Just...I need you to come, listen to what they have to say and then we will get you a safe distance away from them."
"Do you really think they would hurt me?"
In truth, Dia's message has bound their hands somewhat, but Mephisto didn't want to chance anything, especially with his mother; just like the snakes she controlled, you never knew when she was going to strike.
"I don't know," He spoke truthfully. "But I'd rather take no chances, alright? Now, I'll send a car to pick you up around 6:30pm (18:30) later, alright?"
The human nodded into the phone.
The car came around later that evening, just as Mephisto said it was. She stepped inside and rode in silence, arm around her belly as she stared out the window.
Was it...stupid that she wanted Mephisto's parents' approval? In truth, she just didn't want anymore fighting. She didn't want Mephisto to deal with his parents' anger and disapproval, didn't want her babies to grow up without grandparents or around drama and hostility.
If only she could just fix things...yet she was at a loss. How could she when in their eyes, MC and her children were the very problem? This is a problem that the human just can't see herself getting passed.
Once the car pulled up in front of a mansion--a mansion that could easily rival Diavolo's castle in size. MC stared at the building from her seat, suddenly intimidated.
Like yeah, she knew her boyfriend and his family were wealthy because because let's face it, Mephisto used to make his family's money a big part of his personality. Still, this wealthy? Like, Diavolo?
The driver opened her door for her, knocking the pregnant human out of her thoughts.
This was the first time MC had really focused on the man who drove her all this way.
This man looked to be in his early twenties by human standards and had medium reddish-brown hair long enough to tie in a tidy ponytail that laid against his shoulder. His horns looked like twigs and were angled in a waysl that the dark brown sticks hid within his hair.
He wore half-frame glasses over warm brown eyes and wore a professional outfit; black slacks, a long sleeve dress shirt, and a dark maroon vest with a bow tie on his somewhat scrawny figure. To top off the look, he had a tail the same color as his vest wrapped around his waist, whether for practicality, as a pretend belt or a constant hug, who knows.
He extended a gloved hand and a polite smile to her.
"Please allow me."
MC hesitated and stared at that the giant mansion behind him, causing the man's eyes to soften.
"You will be with my master; I promise you will have nothing to fear."
The human bit her lip, but accepted his hand.
Suddenly, her vision went bright just as it had in the past and all external sound silenced before the scene filled in.
The man who was originally in from of her and smiling so kindly at her was now at the bottom of what looked to be a snake pit. The man was younger than he appeared outside the vision and was screaming as various snakes coiled around him and bit him till eventually he was paralyzed where he laid.
The man couldn't even blink, but tears still slid down his cheeks as he listened to something big slither from down the dark tunnel in front of him.
From dark emerged a woman, long violet hair, dark eyes that glowed the same violet shade, part of the top an impressive tall figure, the more humanoid half. The bottom half was a long snake-like tail that dissipated into smoke before showing off her long legs.
The woman cut through the pile of snakes like it was the most natural thing in the world and approached the paralyzed man, who was practically a boy in comparison to her.
She leaned in and whispered into his ear.
"Let's see how long you can survive with me."
She takes a long fingernail down his ripped shirt, tracing a line all the way down to his clothed waist.
Her eyes stare down into his, holding a gaze that only be described by MC as evil and mischievous, before gently grabbing at the man's pants and leaning into his neck with her fangs for a bite--
"My lady? My lady?"
The vision was over and MC was back in front of the mansion, her hand in the servant's as she panted and cried from what she just saw.
The human looked up at this poor man, the same man she watched suffer in her vision, and noticed the scarring on his neck, some puncture marks looking like the bite she saw him receive.
It happened. That happened to this man. Oh devil. He couldn't have been more than what? Eighteen? Nineteen physically when that happened to him? That's how he appeared in the vision anyway.
The man in front of her put a gloved hand on her cheek guiding her to look up at his warm brown orbs.
"What is wrong? My lady, are you hurt?" His voice was soft and his hand her cheek was incredibly gentle. Who could ever hurt a man like this? "If have offended you in someway, I do sincerely apologize, truly."
And he did sound so genuine, despite having done not a single thing wrong. He was such a kind and sensitive man...
"No...no..." MC tried to steady her breathing as she wiped the tears from her face. "I...I-Its been hard lately and I guess it just randomly overflowed. I...I'm so sorry; you shouldn't have to see this."
This was the best excuse the woman could give in the moment and in truth, it was a plausible one. After all, no unexpected pregnancy is easy, let alone one where you are recreating the first generation of humankind and having visions of the past--apparently even others' personal pasts.
The man drop his hand from her cheek and stared in pity for a moment.
"I apologize. Do you need a moment alone before we go inside?"
MC took a deep breath before shaking her head.
"I'm fine. Really." MC extended her hand out to him, hoping he would take it again so they could proceed.
The man stared at her for a moment before softly nodding and taking her hand once more.
He carefully helped her out of the car and wrapped another around her back as they climbed the stairs to the front door. It was a protective touch, one out of necessity. After that surprise outburst in the car, the man worried that his master's girlfriend might not be at her best today and did not want her hurting herself. He was respectful with it and the touch ended as soon as they were safely at the top by the door.
Once here, he led her into the foyer where Mephisto waited for her.
The nobleman had stopped pacing just in time not to be caught by his girlfriend; something she surely would have scolded him for if she noticed. Such excessive movement really wasn't good on his bad leg, but it was all he could do to release the nervous energy in situations like this.
As soon as he noticed them walk in, he quickly approached his love, meeting both her and the servant in the middle of the foyer.
"There you are." He took her hand. "Did you eat dinner before you came?"
MC shook her head, refusing to look at him.
"I...didn't really have much of an appetite, if I'm honest..."
Mephisto huffed.
"Those stupid--" The nobleman cut himself off; he can't allow himself to say things that will just upset her right now. "The brothers should have made sure you did. They love to brag how they take care of you, but now that you are eating for more than just yourself, they seem to be slacking."
Her boyfriend let go of her hand and instead wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.
"I'll make sure you and the babies eat after this." He promised, rubbing her small belly. "You are not going without, alright?"
Despite everything, his words brought just a little peace to her heart. No matter how much chaos it felt like was filling her day, from her worries about her kids, to her visions, to her impending meeting with her in-laws (she and Mephisto weren't married, but she was carrying his parents' grandchildren so they were pretty much her in-laws), his words gave her feelings of stability and comfort.
Mephisto looked to his servant, the man who drove her here.
"I assume there was no issues? That her ride was comfortable?"
The younger man leaned in and whispered into his master's ear.
Mephisto suddenly had a pained look on his face.
"I...thank you for letting me know, Dorian. I appreciate it." He told his servant.
"Can I do anything else for you two, master?"
"No. We are at risk for running late as it is. Just...thank you again for your help."
The servant, Dorian, gave a small bow before leaving the couple.
Mephisto leaned in and kissed his girlfriend.
"I'm sorry you're having such a hard day." He told her. "Hopefully...hopefully this will be quick and we can move on."
"D...Did he tell you about what happened in the car?" She asked softly.
He nodded.
"It's perfectly fine to be stressed out about everything--"
"It's a bit more than that." She explained. "But like...we'll have to wait till later to talk about it."
Mep pressed his lips to her forehead.
"Alright." He agreed before speaking firmly. "Now I need you to listen to me before we go in there; we need to establish some ground rules before you even step into the same room as my parents."
"Mep...you make me feel as if I just stepped foot into a mafia boss headquarters."
The worst part about that comparison was that what very little Mephisto knew about various human mafia groups did not conflict much with his own family so he could not deny it.
Instead, he pursed his lips for a moment before he continued.
"First, stay next to me; behind me preferably." He began. "Second, do not speak unless spoken to and even then, keep your responses short. I will try to answer most of their questions."
Devil, her heart was pounding and the human couldn't tell if it was all from the situation she was about to walk into or if some of it was still from the vision she had out in the car.
Regardless, she had to move forward.
With his arm still wrapped around her, the nobleman takes his girlfriend down the east hall and into the second room down on the right, into the drawing room.
Here his parents waited for the couple, standing with their gaze towards the door.
MC froze in the doorway as soon as her eyes fell on her mother-in-law.
Tall. Long purple hair. Dark abyssal purple eyes.
She was the woman from her vision. The one...the one who hurt Dorian.
"Mi corazón?" Mep called out to her, but the human couldn't hear him.
Luckily, her boyfriend already had an arm around her so when the human passed out, Mephisto caught her easily enough.
"Well isn't she dramatic?" His mother spit out venomously
And that, along with her boyfriend's pleads, were the last things she heard before the world went dark.
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somebodytolove31 · 6 months
1, 13, 16 for the detective :3
Oh boy this is gonna be fun
1. When have they been unable to save someone or something no matter how much they tried?
Too many times, his job on his own has taken him to many cases that were doomed from the start (person was already dead, person turns out to have been turned into a monster, etc), he has never not found a person/thing/pet, so it's not like he doesn't try, I'd even argue he tries too much, even still, he doesn't like people having too much hope in him
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13. What's their relationship with their body? Self esteem? Self image?
This one is very interesting
To start with self esteem, it really isn't the best, I wouldn't say he hates himself as a whole, but there is some aspects of his life that he hates, alongside not feeling worthy of respect/love if he doesn't help people
Now, about his body, he is mostly alright with it, he doesn't take much care of himself in terms of stuff like shaving or doing his hair correctly, but it's not something he cares about, he's just happy he looks like a man (he's a trans man, so looking like a woman is something he hated)
HOWEVER, he does have a lot of internalized misogyny/transphobia towards himself, it's not a standard that he holds onto anyone else, if anything if you say anything sexist around him he'll probably punch you in the face, but he does feel like he has to prove that he's a man. The main reason he picked up smoking is because other men did it, he is always self conscious of how he moves or acts (thoughts like "am I moving like a woman? Will people realize I was a woman?")
Fun (not that fun) trivia: Unlike the average noir detective from any story, he doesn't actually like straight alcohol, he hates the taste, instead he usually drinks cocktails (as long as it's strong and sweet he's fine with it), but since he feels like drinking cocktails is "too womanly", he usually asks the bartender to serve it to him in a whiskey glass, to pretend is just neat whiskey
16. What haunts them?
A better question would be what DOESNT haunt him
Alongside already attracting paranormal phenomena (even though he hates it), he is also haunted by his past when he still lived in a small town in Mexico, how he lived in practically a cult, how since he has memory he has had to deal with monsters or strange creatures that horrified him, how his mother didn't love him and almost tried to kill him once. It's just a lot, he doesn't like to think about any of it
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noforkingclue · 2 years
I really love your fic ‘Flustered’. Could you please write a Thomas Thorne x Reader fic where the reader suggestively flirts with Thomas and makes him flustered?
I'm refusing to accept that that episode of series 4 happened. So to distract me from it I wrote this. There are no spoilers for series 4 in this fic though, so don't worry if you haven't seen it!
It is a follow up to Flustered so I'd recommend reading that first.
Title: Flustered Part 2
BBC Ghosts tag list: @violetlucreziastuff, @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
“Alison,” you said softly from outside her bedroom door, “Are you in there?”
“Y/n?” Alison called back, “Yeah. You alright?”
You walked through the door and shuffled your feet awkwardly. Alison sat up in bed, concern written across her face.
“What’s the matter?” she asked
“You and Mike,” you said, “You are married.”
“Umm, yeah. What’s that got to do with anything?”
“How did you,” you waved your hands about, “Express your feelings for each other?”
“You mean flirt?”
“Who’s flirting with who?”
Mike stuck his head out of the bathroom and Alison gestured towards you. You hugged yourself tightly and walked towards the window, suddenly self-conscious even though Mike couldn’t see you.
“Y/n wants to know about how we got together.” Explained Alison
“Oh,” Mike turned towards the door, “Alison fell for my irresistible charms.”
“She’s by the window,” Alison said and Mike spun on his heel, “And as far as I remember you tried to give me a cheesy pick up line, stumbled over your words and spilt your drink down you.”
“You still went out with me though.”
“Why?” you asked, “If that is not a rude question to ask.”
“Because I found him strangely charming.” Said Alison with a faint smile
“See,” Mike pointed to where he thought you stood, “It’s all about the charm.”
“Emphasise on ‘strange’.” Alison said
It was the next day and you were back at the piano. It was unusually quiet but you weren’t complaining. After what Alison told you last night you needed time on your own to think. You jumped slightly when you realised that someone had sat down next to you.
It was Thomas.
The corner of his lip twitched when he realised your awkwardness and you looked away quickly. Damn that man. He knew that you knew what he was doing. Well then, two can certainly play at that game.
“Still wishing you to be able to play again?” Thomas asked
“I always do.”
“And improve your…” Thomas paused, looking for the right word to say
“My fingering?” you asked
Thomas blinked in surprise and you gave him a teasing smile. You leant closer and said,
“Isn’t that the word you used last time?”
“Yes, quite.”
You sighed and moved back out of Thomas’s personal bubble. You didn’t miss the way Thomas’s face fell and you had to resist the urge to smile.
“I’m always looking for ways to improve,” you said slowly, thinking of the next words carefully, “But alas, I am unaware of anyone who could teach me such skills.”
You looked at Thomas out of the corner of your eye. He shifted slightly and raised a hand to loosen his cravat a bit. You could see a playful glint in his eye and you wondered just how far you could push him.
“Are you aware of anyone who could teach me such skills?”
“Oh forgive me!”
You stood up suddenly and took a step away.
“I shouldn’t have asked you such a question.”
Before you could take another step away Thomas’s hand reached out and grabbed your wrist. He pulled you back and you landed on the piano seat heavily.
“And what question might that be?” he asked
“Oh you know,” you said with a shrug, “To teach me to improve on how to play the piano. I did not think and of course we are dead and cannot play.”
“Is that the only thing you wanted to ask me, Ms l/n”
You found your natural shyness coming back. Thomas smiled and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Well then,” he said, seemingly already knowing the answer, “It’s good that you have found someone to be such a willing teacher, isn’t it?”
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truetgirl · 2 years
Should have mentioned in the first post, but this is gonna be an every-other-day thing this year mostly because it’s depressingly hard to come up with more than 15 canon queer ships that I have much to say about beyond “they’re cute.”
In any event, time for the second couple of the month with...
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I warn you now, this is gonna be a long analysis and largely assumes the reader knows the context for what I’m talking about. But there’s still points in here I think work whether you have the context or not.
Disclaimer: since I will be drawing pretty heavily on material from the comics to inform my readings here, we’re just gonna take it a read that the Bae over Bay ending is what happened, alright? Alright.
Anyone who knows me knows I have to talk about Life is Strange at every opportunity, so here we go! Max and Chloe, especially after the comics, are such a good story about learning to bend rather than break, to love and be loved with an understanding of what that means to you. Learning to accept yourself and your experiences, figuring out how to grow from them, even the painful ones, and then to undertake the terrifying process sharing them with another. They are a story, in a simple phrase, of learning how to really live.
When these two reunite after Max comes back to Arcadia Bay, things are raw for them. They’re childhood best friends separated by years of growth in the young adults they’re becoming.
For Chloe in particular there’s a lot of pain and grief in those years. Her father died, she’d been stuck with a stepfather she hates, she isn’t sure how to feel about her mom anymore, and, just to cap it off, Rachel Amber, one of a very few good things to happen to Chloe in years, in her own mind, has recently gone missing. And throughout all of this she’s sought her best friend’s support, but Max has bee increasingly distant. Dead dad, mom seems to like stepfather she hates better than her, missing kinda-sorta girlfriend, and a best friend that just slowly ghosted her for a few years there. Can you say abandonment issues? Cause I sure can!
Then there’s Max herself, who let’s face it is depressed as hell at the outset of this story. If I were gonna take a wild guess as to what went wrong with her and Chloe keeping in touch, I’d bet being uprooted from her home probably knocked her the fuck out, emotionally, and even though she likely got at least a little bit better as time went on, it was probably the guilt we know she feels about not having kept up with Chloe to that point that drove her further away. I can absolutely imagine Max convincing herself that Chloe deserved better than someone that wasn’t there for her in any way when her father died. This is all, admittedly, just my take on Max’s pre-story life, but I fell like it holds up pretty well.
All this leads to the Max we meet as the story begins: a talented but self conscious girl who believes she’ll never be good enough at her craft to pursue it seriously. A girl with horrible trouble connecting to people, who doesn’t trust herself to remember things (hello there, autism and ADHD, was that what Max’s IEP was for in that file?), and who believes she’ll just mess up when she participates in the world. Her response? She sits back, watches, and takes pictures. She hasn’t reached this point by the same path or reacted to it the in same ways, but she is every bit as isolated and hurt as Chloe.
When max gets he powers and saves Chloe’s life, when they properly meet again right after that, I can hardly imagine what either of them could have needed more. Of all the people they could meet in their turmoil, they meet the person who knew them best before they experienced their pain. There’s a lot of learning and re-learning to do about one another, but their bond comes back instantly. Friendships like that are damned rare, and it’s amazing when you find one the first time, and even better when you rediscover it.
The entire game from that point, at least the way I played it, but I can’t imagine it would deviate too far from this, is a story about these girls first reigniting their old bond, then building anew on top of what they’ve just found again. It’s a story in which, despite everything that happens to them, they become each other’s safe place. It’s a story of them falling in love, even when the player chooses for that love to be platonic (well, from Max’s side, anyway). This entire game is Max discovering both that to meddle with the experiences and decisions of those around her is to literally rob them of who they choose to be, and even still she would do just about anything for this girl she loves.
With this as the context, these things, along with her potential recklessness up to now, as her principle thoughts, and a storm bearing down on the town, one that she may be able to stop, but isn’t sure she can stop, at the price of Chloe’s life? Of course Max’s choice would be to stop trying to wrest control of everything around her. The only path is to let go, to take things as they are now, and hold on to what she knows she can save. And when the storm clears, they set out together. Nothing will ever be the same, but they have each other now, and maybe that’s enough.
Except, of course, living with such a decision isn’t that simple, is it? Max starts the comics tortured by the prospects of what might have been, of what she could have done, of what if, what if, what if? When this manifests in her flickers, in literally being randomly and painfully displaced in time, her old instincts return to haunt her with the most devastating, hardest to deny fear of all: that living the life she has now is painful because it literally is not hers to live. It’s a thought that drive her to doubt and panic until, finally, she can’t bear it any longer, and she runs all the way to another reality.
She runs, and she goes on the assumption that the life and love she fought so desperately to hold onto weren’t what she deserved. They weren’t what was “meant” for her because she could not for one moment believe that she was worthy of them. She falls into her old coping mechanism of distancing herself from the world so hard that she literally leaves it behind.
The comic is in large part Max’s journey, in every sense of the word, first away from her guilt and pain, and then back to it. And why is that? Because she realizes now that, however much they hurt, her choices and her experiences are all that she has, all that defines who she is. She learns that to embrace the good, to have a life with the girl she loves and to learn to be happy, she has to first accept herself (already hard to do), and then let Chloe, who by now has learned many of the same lessons about what it means to her to live well, accept her too (even more difficult).
But Chloe, having not been idle while Max was gone, and always believing on some level they would be reunited again, does accept her. She doesn’t expect Max to be perfect because she knows she isn’t, that nobody can be. That Max chose her to begin with was already huge. I cannot imagine the impact that must have had on her. To be abandoned and neglected, over and over again, and then for someone, a girl she loves and who she knows for absolutely certain can and has been making only the choices that she’s determined are for the best since they reunited the first time, to say “in all this chaos, despite and because of everything, I choose you.” Could you imagine?
And so, in Chloe’s own words:
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She learned to live, learned to shine. And when Max came home, which once more meant the world to her, she brings it all home, dispelling Max’s last insecurity:
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Max has spent so long completely sure that she would be hated, and she would deserve it. Chloe has spent just as long believing that nobody would ever choose her, not when they could clearly have something better. It hurt. All of this hurt so much. But it’s theirs, and they will move forward knowing that they can build something beautiful, but that they will. They will, because they choose it by choosing each other. They choose it by deciding it’s high time they get on with living.
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bizzyb3e · 2 years
Spoiler free review, spoilers below cut
I just watched the School for Good and Evil movie and wow
Overall, I’m pretty disappointed. It was a fun watch, don’t get me wrong, it was fun picking out familiar characters and seeing them on screen, and the story is alright, but it just felt… lacking? Like most of the characters go unnamed, and it’s frustrating for people who have read the books and enjoy those side characters. The plot also felt very rushed. I watched it with my mom, who has never touched the books, and she said she felt like she was missing some context at certain parts, like some scenes and reasonings didn’t quite make sense yet.
And the CGI was pretty inconsistent? Like in some scenes it would be incredible and others it looked very… choppy? Idk, it felt like it was changing styles every two seconds.
However, I do think that despite the rough storyline (which is still alright) the actors did the best they could with what they were given. And the costumes were absolutely gorgeous.
There’s still a few nitpicky things but I don’t really feel like typing it all out cuz it’s late and I’m tired. ALTHOUGH I am going to rant about the characters and cut scenes from the book now, so spoilers below.
oh boy oh boy do I have complaints:
WHERE WAS THE WONDERFUL GORGEOUS AMAZING SCENE BETWEEN AGATHA AND DOVEY ABOUT AGATHA REALIZING SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL???? Reading that scene as a kid literally brought me to tears bc I was super self-conscious about myself, and it is my favorite scene in the entire series. AND ITS NOT THERE? 1568 wounded and 182 dead.
speaking of Agatha, while I love Sofia wylie, she was?? Too pretty?? like whenever the other characters would call her “witch” or “ugly” it just didn’t land bc she was literally gorgeous. And she blended in too well with the Evers, the whole point is she’s an outsider, she sticks out, but she fit right in. Wasnt goth enough :<
wth was the “blood magic” crap. Like huh
NO SWAN SYMBOLS ON UNIFORMS??? Like they even include the school insignia in the beginning, WHATS THE POINT IF THERES NO SWANS
while I can appreciate the chemistry that they gave tedros and agatha in the movie, I really wish that they had included more rivalry. Bc those two literally hated each other in the books.
Also Sophie talked about tedros being her “true love” for like two seconds and then it was pushed to the side. Like. He’s kinda the reason she goes full evil and all, but their relationship was just?? Nonexistent. Like she wears a few good outfits and suddenly their testing their love for each other in the trial by tale.
trial by tale was done DIRTY. Instead of being a massive school-wide competition between schools, they turned it into some flimsy tophie thing that literally only lasted like 10 minutes tops. That was such a big deal in the book pls
They were missing so many characters???? Like Castor and Pollux and Uma and the BEAST FROM THE DOOM ROOM WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER RANT. Also a BUNCH of the characters just. Go unnamed. Like do they even introduce Kiko or Chad. And even the characters who are seem so bland and forgettable.
Where were anadil’s rats??? How hard is it to get rats???
also anadil and dot seemed way too similar. And Hester’s character was inconsistent. Also dot not being played by a larger actor lowkey bugs me.
Sophie did NOT get to be evil enough smh
I know they kinda revealed what happens to failed students but not revealing that theyre the werewolves and fairies was so disappointing.
I cant believe we didn’t get Sophie singing T^T it’s not a big issue, but I still wanted to include it bc Sophia ann Caruso (her actor) was literally ON BROADWAY. My girl can SING. LET HER SHOW OFF.
no pink fingerglow for sophie :<
RAFAL IN GENERAL? Like what was that. He just walks around school disguised as his brother? Casually jump scares Agatha?? NO MASK?? genuinely upset me
also not really a criticism to the movie, but watching it on screen made me realize how creepy rafal and Sophie’s relationship actually is. Like. Yikes.
Upset that Yuba didn’t get enough spotlight
Also I wish they got the chance to show off the “room of champions” or whatever it was for both schools. Or Arthur’s menagerie. But I can live without it.
Sophie and Agatha not knowing about the schools in the beginning?? Like huh?? Sophie has dreamed about going there her whole life what do you meannnn
Honora being mean to Sophie rubbed me the wrong way. Like she’s supposed to be a very plain and nice woman, and I felt like Sophie still disliking her despite that gave Sophie’s character more depth
WHERE. ARE. THE. DREAMS. The nemesis dreams, Agatha’s true live dreams, WHERE ARE THEY? they could have helped explain so much for why Sophie was just suddenly like “oh yeah you’re my nemesis” and tedros declaring his love. Also they DIDNT talk about nemesis symptoms at all. At least that I remember. It felt so random when Sophie started turning into the witch.
okay im gonna end it with some positive things cuz I’ve just been ranting lmao
Loved lady lesso ngl. So gay for her.
having tedros not kill some unnamed kid as a gargoyle, but a kid that we got to actually know was a lot more satisfying. Really got the point across
honestly I was worried that they would chicken out of making Sophie ugly as a witch, but they did alright with it. Kudos.
Tedros and Agatha chemistry yesssss. When she tripped and he caught her>>>
Yes anemone POP OFF QUEEN
the wish fish scene was GORGEOUS
I liked the bit of background they gave Gavaldon. Like Agatha and Sophie’s classmates talking to them. That was nice :]
I honestly enjoyed covey’s character. She was a little manic at times, and a little different from the books, but I thought it fit the movie well. And I cracked a few smiles at it
Tedros and Agatha again. Sassy Agatha in their first conversation <3333
the ever Boys’ entrance was well done :>
Hester’s demon was FANTASTIC and absolutely sick
that’s all I really have the brainpower to think about and write down. Also this became way longer than I thought it would. I had to rant about it somewhere cuz my friends haven’t watched nor read it and my mom didn’t want to hear it lol. Anyway, those are just my opinions on the movie. Even though I had a lot to complain about, the movie was still an enjoyable watch. It’s always cool seeing familiar characters in live action :D
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Re-reading the transcripts and realising... Georgie doesn't actually say she'd prefer if Jon was dead
How are you feeling?
Honestly, I – I, I think I’m alright.
I mean that’s – good, right?
I –
After a six month coma? No – it’s not. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go, John.
I – what? Y-y-you’d prefer I was – brain-damaged? Dead?
(shaky sigh) W,W,What?
if anything that's more of a sentiment that Jon puts in her mouth? She didn't like the fact that he says he's fine after a six month coma-
I, no, I, uh, (he starts to sit himself up) I’m alright, it’s –
(overlapping) Stop it!
(overlapping) – I’m okay.
-(both because pretending he's fine when he's not is a bad habit of Jon's, and if it is true, it spells out bad things for his involvement with spooky shit)-
but Jon takes this as her preferring he was dead because what matters to him at this moment (besides the unknowing fallout which I'm gonna get to-) is that he's fine, which means he's useful.
later, in Heart of Darkness, he asks Basira to "let him help". He wants to be useful. It's probably exacerbated right now, as he's a character prone to survivors guilt and he just found out that Tim (and Daisy) didn't make it out of the unknowing. This season also shows Jon getting progressively more 'insecure', i guess you'd say, about his agency (hello web trauma), and that journey sort of starts here I think.
(Digression, but- I don't think Jon genuinely thinks this resurrection is 100% good w/ no possible downsides. I think Jon's aware enough to know that this is bad, but he only sees it in a distant, abstract sense. in the immediate sense, he's fine with it, so long as he can get up and do stuff, stuff that'll help)
(Further Digression- Also interesting to note is the scenes I mention of Jon wanting to be useful both come after Jon making choices that pull him further away from the (fast and loose, to be fair) concept of "humanity"- coming back from the dead, and taking a statement from an innocent person.
Has me wondering- Is it subconscious guilt? Conscious guilt? natural good heartedness poking through, trying to compensate for these less than moral actions? Or is it a form of justification? He wants to help so he has to do this thing that's either a bad idea and/or actively harmful. Maybe it's more of the classic Jon Sims "heroic self sacrifice as punishment". Straying from humanity requires a good deed to balance it out or something in his mind. Maybe a mix of things? Unsure what I think, but it's a small pattern I noticed. Digression over)
and he doesn't get why Georgie doesn't appreciate that too. He makes the assumption she'd prefer he were dead and she never really gets a chance to disagree (basira goes to tell him off, and he starts addressing her), but she also doesn't particularly fight for one- my best guess being that she probably thinks that's a ridiculous idea. Jon and Georgie are both quite presumptuous characters in a lot of ways- We see it later on in the season where Georgie assumes the worst of Jon (the "jumping on a grenade" line) because he hasn't given her evidence to the contrary, and we get it in this very scene with Jon in his "brain damaged or dead?" Line-
Jon's curious and Georgie's sensitive, but they're both stubborn asses who are, currently, kind of at the end of their rope. So when he assumes she wishes he were dead, she assumes he has to know how ridiculous that idea is. And bam, you've arrive at miscommunication city, baby! Population jongeorgie.
Also, He assumed the same of Basira, which is more based on her less-than-enthusiastic reaction but is still filling in a gap from "reasonably suspicious about your resurrection" to "does not want me alive".(Note: she doesn't outright refute it when asks, but she's probably not meaning it that seriously based on her humor).
so i think it's very likely that what Jon really wants is a warm welcome upon waking up (very understandable), and his actions in this scene are partly informed by him being upset at it's absence.
Jon is a) a pretty defensive person (see: majority of season 1) and b) has a history of feeling unwanted (childhood in 81). Like anyone, especially a person w/ his specific issues, he wants to be wanted. And when he feels unwanted? That's when he gets defensive. (It's one of the similarities between him and Melanie- she feels isolated or disrespected, She gets cagey and lashes out, assuming the worst of people's intentions. That's not relevant here I'm just passionate abt Melanie <3)
He's also recently decided (on Georgie's behest, ironically) that he needs more connections/"allies" (his words), and when he's greeted with an uphill battle to earn those things, he's frustrated. Both because he sees Georgie and Basira as ppl who, at some point, trusted him before. When you look at all the factors- the spooky shit and both Georgie and Basira's personal trauma, their lack of trust is pretty reasonable, if yknow. Cold. Since that's generally how ppl tend to be around ppl they don't/can't trust. But he hasn't been there for that, and so he feels like they've suddenly done a 180 on him (much like the audience on first listen). See also him about to ask for tea but then cutting himself off. He wants Martin, the character who's consistently the warmest towards him, to be there and give him the warmth he normally does, but he isn't.
I've gone kind of all over the place with this, but Georgie's scene in this episode ends with her just once again stating her reservations and asking him to take care of himself.
John. If this really is a second chance, please try to take it. But I don’t think that it is.
(breath) Georgie, I don’t underst–
Take care of yourself.
not that sinister. You could argue it's cruel or unfair that she doesn't clarify when Jon says "I don't understand" (cut off), but it's one line, both parties seemed a little heated, and I feel like that line is mostly there for ~drama~ purposes.
And yes, the episode also ends with her leaving without a "proper" goodbye, but at that point, even before Jon started reading the statement, he's shown her everything she was afraid of: his miraculous rise from the grave is supernatural (hello end trauma), he's back in old bad habits of pretending he's fine when he's not, and he doesn't plan on pulling back, and if anything seems more determined to keep carrying on. Hell, we only find out she's officially cut-him-off cut-him-off when he's back at the archive. Yknow. The evil place that's ruining his life. I forget if she knows he can't stay away too long (probably not?) But I think it speaks for itself symbolically.
She asks him to take care of himself and he doesn't, and after having had this same sort of exchange over and over again in season 3, it breaks the camel's back. And that's very different than your friend waking up from coma and telling him "I'd prefer it if u were dead".
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redux-iterum · 3 years
Ok, here's a little challenge for you and the editors; roast for me 10 WC couples of your choice.
This was fun! We each took five with a bonus from the editor, and you can read our complaints after the readmore.
LYNX (editor)
Violetshine X Tree: I'm still trying to get through the latter half of AVOS, so I haven't seen their first time meeting up or them falling in love or anything like that. What makes me rather uncomfortable with this couple is that Tree's old enough to be Violetshine's father. Pebbleshine and Hawkwing were already young lovers, but with the release of Tree's Roots, one can calculate Tree to be born around the same time as Hawkwing. He even meets a heavily pregnant Pebbleshine when he's around fifteen months old. Honestly, if his and Violetshine's dynamic in late AVOS is good enough for a Warriors couple, I'm willing to just headcanon him as at most eight months older than her to make it more palatable. By the way, this has nothing to do with the ages when they meet up. Violet's a year old by Darkest Night and nearly an adult if her sister's warrior assessment is anything to go by.
Clear Sky X Storm: It's been some years since I read DotC, but the love drama in The Sun Trail was pretty stupid. Especially the insta-love thing. Maybe it was an insta-attraction? But this is Warriors and we can't have that, noooooooooo...
Clear Sky X Star Flower: Everyone's gone on with how Clear Sky getting with his son's ex is rather dubious, but what is often neglected is the fact that Star Flower can make choices too! She made the choice to go for her ex's dad which is about as questionable as Clear Sky's choice! My personal headcanon is that she's the kitty equivalent of a gold-digger.
Pebbleshine X Hawkwing: Alright, so you're either of these two nitwits who've recently become a warrior. Your very way of life has been drastically upturned by someone you thought you could trust. You've lost family and friends to your betrayal, and what's worse is you've lost your home. The world you've known for your whole life has been ripped form you and you have to keep ambling forward with the hope that the place you'll finally settle in will be worth all this hardship. The path ahead of you is long, uncertain, and dangerous, and you'll need to have a clear head to have a hope of surviving this season. SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT TIME TO BOINK AND START A FAMILY, AM I RIGHT?
Bumblestripe X Dovewing: Pushy, inconsiderate, trademark Nice Guy, from questioning why they haven't had children yet at some random meeting to suggesting they have children at her friend's funeral, everyone's said it already. Bumblestripe is not a good cat for Dovewing. I'm glad she's not with him since that makes her happy. But... Tigerfartstar X Dovewing: Yeah, Dovewing, your taste in toms is awful. This temperamental, arrogant, patronizing shipdit, while not as bad as Bimbostripe over there, is still pretty bad. It's been a long while since I read OotS and I haven't yet read Tigerheart's Shadow, but I probably should to get a refresher on why I hate this couple.
Bristlefrost x Rootspring: So ignoring that Rootspring as a -paw is a whiny, overly defensive putz that acts self-conscious about having Tree as his father, Bristlefrost does not ONCE show interest in him. Not once. Count ‘em, zero times. In fact, she’s aware of his crush on her and is embarrassed whenever he comes around and whenever people notice him staring at her. She actively avoids him and speaks curtly, even rudely, to try and drive him off. Then, out of buttfuck nowhere, she says she has feelings for him once he’s a warrior? When they’ve barely interacted beyond her spurring his affections? Fuck with that?
Crowpaw x Feathertail: Feathertail, you’re a nice girl. You’re team mom and almost a second in command to Brambleclaw. Everyone likes you. So why in the good god damn fuck does a pissant like Crowpaw (an apprentice at the time, by the way) deserve your recognition, let alone your love? You could get literally any other cat you wanted to, and you go for the fruit that was formerly hanging the lowest, but dropped off the tree and is now rotting on the floor. He is nothing but a dick to you and only starts being remotely kind two seconds before you die. Please love yourself and do better in StarClan.
Bluefur x Oakheart: Speaking of low hanging fruit, this is a very, very easy one to dunk on. It’s moreso the fact that this entire “relationship” is treated as one of the great tragic romances in this series than anything else. The two of them talk, what, two or three times? And then have exactly one night together before Bluefur kills one of their kits and shoves the other two on him and then that’s it. That’s all they had. A one night stand and child death. What a love story. Why does Bluefur think Thrushpelt is the worse option, again?
Dustpelt x Fernpaw: GOD, this relationship is creepy. I still get simultaneously unnerved and mad whenever I read the first arc, because Dustpelt initially seems like he’ll go with Sandstorm before she stupidly falls in love with Fireheart, but then he sets his sights on someone so much younger than him that he actually asks if he can mentor her instead of his original apprentice (her brother, fun fact). Let me emphasize that, because he is actively seeking a power imbalance in this relationship, and he clearly intends to eventually get with her. Bear in mind that she is still being treated like she’s a young kid, if not a teenager, by the narrative. I could be here all day on this fucking topic, but let’s move on.
Berrynose x Poppyfrost: We all know what I’m going to say here. Berrynose having the brass to say loving things to a dying, agonizing Honeyfern after she spent all this time pining after him, and then less than two months later, he shacks up with her sister. That is the coldest thing he could possibly have done to her. The fact that the writers decided that she’s totally okay with the relationship and takes care of her sister’s dead kits like they’re hers is extra terrible. Like, she still gets the scraps when she’s dead? Seriously?
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Little Hope
(Platonic SBI Famliy x child reader)
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Request 6: An imagine or Drabble about sbi family x reader where the reader is the newest adoptee to the family and it turns out they sleepwalk! They do random things like moving stuff around, talking to empty air, and can sometimes end up waking up nowhere near their bed. Just harmless shenanigans that might be spooky at first but are ultimately funny and endearing in a way. 
Requested By: @0melodydrifter0​ 
When Phil brought home a little girl wrapped in a blanket Wilbur was pissed, another child his father had adopted that Phil couldn’t take care of, another child that would end up being his and Techno’s duty to raise. However, something was different in his father’s eyes as he held the young girl close to his chest, 
     “Dad?” Wilbur murmured an eyebrow raised suspiciously high on his head, “What’s that?” He watched his father wince a little cradling the toddler closer to him, 
     “Wilbur...this is (Y/n). She’s going to be your new little sister.” Wilbur grits his teeth and felt rage flood through his veins again, not at the little one, no he couldn’t blame the child for his father’s savior complex. “An old friend of mine village was raided, he asked for my help but by the time I got there everyone was dead, everyone except her.” Phil moved some stray hair out from the kid’s eyes, “I couldn’t leave her for dead Wilbur.” Wilbur’s face softened a little bit, now wasn’t the time to argue with his father, especially since he had just lost a friend. 
      “Could I...see her?” He asked hesitantly as Phil knelt down beside one of his eldest, Wilbur noted the girl had flecks of (h/c) hair on her forehead, her face was covered in soot and ash, he noted she had the brightest (e/c) eyes he’s ever seen. She was quiet, very different from Tommy already, she reached up and touched the side of Wilbur’s cheek with a pudgy hand. The boy was done for after that, vowing up and down that he’d be the best big brother in the world to her even if it killed him. 
Much better than Tommy and Techno too. 
Speaking of the first time Tommy and Techno met you it was quite the experience. Tommy basked in the fact of no longer being the youngest member of the family and Techno was quick to remind him the being the middle child was far worse. Tommy had called him a bitch and Phil told him not to curse in front of his sister which he huffed at, swearing to Phil that her first word would be fuck. 
He got hit on the back of his head for that comment. 
Technoblade was indifferent about that situation, saying orphans were cringe and that you smelled bad, Wilbur was okay with both of these outcomes. As he stated earlier he was going to be the favorite brother whether you knew it or not.
By the time you were ten years old Wilbur’s wish had come true, you stuck by his side and were a quiet staple in his life. He also spoiled you rotten, he made you songs and snuck you cookies when Phil wasn’t looking, he’d do anything to see that smile a smile on your face. However, much to his displeasure it seemed that both Technoblade and Tommy were encroaching on his little happy bubble with his sister. 
It started with Technoblade, he noticed you following him around more often than not. At first, the hybrid was annoyed, he’d lock you out of his room and force you away by threatening to cut off your fingers if you didn’t leave him alone. However, that only made you cry and it made Techno panic if Phil heard you crying he’d be a dead man, and if Wilbur heard he’d be double dead. He began to try to hush you frantically, you didn’t calm down until he stated he would hang out with you a little longer. It shut you up immediately, oh you were a sneaky little shit, he could respect that. He decided he read to you if that was alright, you nodded eagerly, and he carried you into his room. You were a kid of few words and Technoblade could respect that, he pulled out a story about some of the ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Figuring the Art of War was probably too much for a ten-year-old, surprisingly he enjoyed himself. You were eager to learn and enjoyed the stories way more than he thought you would, okay maybe you bonded just a little. He had taken to calling you Moirai the greek goddess of destiny, not only that but Technoblade had started bringing you gifts from his adventures, something he never did for anyone else.
Therefore Wilbur was feeling VERY threatened and Technoblade LOVED it. 
However, while the both of them were having their little pissing contest they didn’t notice their younger brother swooping in to join the fight for your attention. As the eldest were at war with themselves, Tommy had taken to sneaking you out of the house to cause trouble by his side. After all, no sister of his was going to be boring like Wilbur and Technoblade, she was going to be as awesome as he was if he had anything to say about it. So when he snuck you out one night against their wishes when they were too busy to notice he decided to take full advantage of that opportunity. He adored hearing your enthusiastic giggles as he tore through the forest with you on his shoulders. 
You were typically a very quiet child, so to hear you laugh because of him made Tommy preen with delight. Your fingers were twisted in his blonde locks as you steered him like a horse, it hurt like hell but so long as it kept you steady he really didn’t mind. 
The joy didn’t last long because Wilbur and Technoblade had found them not soon after he escaped their clutches. Techno plucked you off his shoulders and held you in his arms, you let out a little whine of disappointment and Tommy frowned,
     “Oh come on Technoblade don’t be an asshole!” 
     “Don’t curse in front of (Y/n), Tommy.” Wilbur hissed hitting him on the back of his head, “you can’t just run off with her it’s dangerous!”
     “I can protect her just fine you bitch!” 
     “Oh please, you can barely protect yourself.” Technoblade scoffed as you began to play with his pink hair, hating the tense atmosphere. Tommy snarled at his brother and moved to punch him in the chest but Techno was quick to sidestep them, “nice one genius.” 
     “FUCK OFF!”
You let out a displeased whine and covered your ears at the volume Tommy shouted, 
      “Shut up Tommy,” Wilbur hissed “You’re way too loud and you’re upsetting her.”
     “Tom-Tom please shush,” You pressed a finger to your mouth in distress, mimicking a hushing movement. His face faltered, his voice lowering in volume as he apologized softly towards you. “Thank you,” a big smile spread across your lips, and all three brothers visibly relaxed.
     “Alright little one,” Wilbur spoke tenderly running a hand through your hair his heart-melting a little as you nuzzled against it. “Let’s get you home, it’s way past your bedtime.” You groaned in distaste falling against Techno’s shoulder with a soft thud, the man chuckled softly as all three brothers walked back home. 
It was about two months after that when your happy facade came crashing down around you, it had been a particularly rough day. Everyone seemed to be busy with one thing or another and you were left to your own devices and thoughts. They all came rushing back to you, the memories of the day your village got raided and your bio parents passed away. Wilbur was the first to notice something was wrong and had asked Phil to check up on you, so when Phil finally got around to ask what was wrong you burst into tears. That’s when they discovered you apparently remembered more of the incident than you let on. It broke their hearts to see you so upset over something you had no control over, but like everyone else in their family of misfits, you blamed yourself for simply surviving the tragedy. 
They had made sure to coddle you the rest of the day, Technoblade had made sure to make you your favorite food for dinner. Phil and Wilbur tried to keep you busy with music and potion brewing and Tommy played some discs to help you fall asleep. You did so smiling and his heart soared, point to Tommy for getting you to fall asleep with a smile. 
Your found family had gathered that night to discuss what they should do with you moving forward. Phil had declared they all do their best to keep you distracted the next few days, preferably in shifts if that was needed. Wilbur offered to spend the morning with you, he wanted to visit Niki and Sally and both of them loved you if anyone would cheer you up they would. Tommy offered the afternoon and he could bring Tubbo over and you all could play soldiers, Techno said he’d handle the nights with Phil. 
Everyone settled into bed to get a much-needed rest, out of all the brothers Technoblade was the lightest sleeper. So when he woke up in a cold sweat with you standing over his bed he almost shit himself. You had a glassy look in your (e/c) eyes, 
     “(Y/n)? What are you doing? Do you know how late it is?” Technoblade scolded reaching out to grab his glasses, you didn’t respond to him which made his nose scrunch up. “Did you have a nightmare?” His voice got quieter as he reached out to cup your cheek, still no response from you. “Kid?” He sat up as you turned away from him to wander back out the door, “what just happened?” He murmured scratching under his chin, he’d have to bring this up tomorrow. 
Wilbur was concerned and immediately wanted to seek a doctor, especially because you had no remembrance of the event. Phil ran a hand through his hair in thought, “could it be sleepwalking?” 
     “(Y/n)’s too cool to sleepwalk. What the fuck do you mean?” Tommy scoffed and you frowned eyebrows furrowing together. 
     “Well it makes sense, doesn’t it? She doesn’t remember walking around but it clearly happened. Hopefully, it was only a one-off occurrence and she’ll never do it again.”
      “Is it bad if I do?” You whispered shuffling on your feet suddenly self-conscious, “Tommy doesn’t seem to think it’s good.” They all glared at the teenager who winced and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Phil knelt down in front of you and cupped your cheeks with his hands, 
     “It’s not bad. We just have to take some extra precautions for you is all, it’s perfectly normal especially after the trauma you went through.” You bit your lip and nodded within his hands, “Tommy’s an idiot-”
      “That doesn’t make you any less of a person and it doesn’t make you any more abnormal either,” Phil assured as Techno began snickering behind him, he turned his head to shoot him a look.
     “What? It’s just funny assuring her she’s normal when no one in this house is normal.” Technoblade waved his hand, “we’re all a bunch of misfits- don’t give me that look you know it’s true. Half of us are hybrids and the other half are gremlins,” He motioned to Tommy again who made an indigent sound tired of being the butt of everyone’s teasing. “So she’s never gonna be normal, but she’s always gonna be one of us and we’ll kill anyone who even thinks about teasing her.” 
Phil smiled sheepishly sweat gathering on his brow, “Let’s not kill anyone Techno at least not now. Especially if they’re children.”
     “Now, now dad, Technoblade has a point.”
     “Wilbur.” Phil scolded as Tommy’s face lit up, 
     “Can I punch a child?” You burst into laughter at Phil’s horrified expression, 
     “No Tommy. No, you cannot!” 
     “It’s okay papa I give them explicit permission to beat anyone up who fucks with me!” You shouted and Tommy’s face once again lit up, he grabbed you out of Phil’s arms and held you close. 
     “You said Fuck! I’m so proud I’m teaching you so well!” He spun you around only causing you to laugh harder as the older members of your family glared at Tommy, “Now say it again!”
Wilbur plucked you from Tommy’s arms glaring at his brother, “No. No, she won’t say it again. That’s a bad word you can’t say it till you’re older.” A pout settled on your lips as you crossed your arms in frustration. 
     “But Tommy gets to say it all the time.” 
     “And he’s older.” Phil let out a chuckle at Wilbur's response watching you slump forward with a loud groan of absolute torment. 
You didn’t sleepwalk again until a few months later, everyone had relatively assumed it was a one-off occurrence and their watchful eye was lifted. In the meantime Tommy had started to maybe sort of sneak out; he had his bag all packed and planned to meet Tubbo in the park. They both wanted to go monster hunting on their own, it wasn’t their first rodeo but it still wasn’t something he was supposed to do without his dad's permission.
Tommy didn’t give a shit about permission though. 
He grabbed his sword from its place in the living room, Tommy held it up with a wicked smile. It shone in the dim light and he could see the reflection of his face inside it, it must’ve been freshly polished. Tommy put his sword in its holster and turned around, immediately letting out a startled yelp slapping his hands over his mouth. You were standing behind him eyes glassy as you blinked blearily at him, 
     “(Y/n)?” Tommy whisper hissed glaring at you harshly, “What the fuck are you doing awake?” You didn’t respond, only walking past him reaching for a sword of your own, his eyes widened frantically and steered you away from the sharp weaponry. “Are you sleepwalking?” Tommy asked in mild concern before a smirk came across his face, “Guess I don’t have to worry about you snitching huh?” He slowly led you into Phil’s room opening the door and shoving you in before shutting the door. Tommy made quick work of grabbing everything else needed before heading out of the house to meet up with Tubbo. 
Phil woke up to you standing over him, looming, and it almost sent him into a heart attack. He knew immediately you were sleepwalking, “Oh honey...come ‘ere.” He pulled you into bed with him and watched your eyes drift close and snuggle up to him. At least you were safe with him, so long as you didn’t start unlocking doors and injuring yourself they could handle this. 
After telling the other brothers about the incident last night Wilbur was only growing more concerned about your sleep state. He offered to take you to the doctor but Phil brushed him off, saying that normally this thing sorts themself out on their own. Since he was feeling rather protective Wilbur slept in the living room the next few nights just to make sure you didn’t go wandering off. Plus, Phil seemed to not only approve of but also grateful for the idea; so long as the old man could get much-needed rest he didn’t seem to care. Another week flew by with no problems, and he decided to spend one last night in the living room just to triple-check you weren’t going to sleepwalk. 
He woke up to the sound of a hooting owl and soft banging against the wall, he tossed his hand over the back of the couch and he blinked blearily. Unlike his twin, he didn’t exactly have the razor-sharp reflexes that Technoblade was gifted with. Wilbur grabbed his glasses from the coffee table and shoved them on his face haphazardly. 
What was that noise? Did Tommy sneak out again? He turned towards the opened door and it took a few moments to process why the door was open. Wilbur scratched the top of his head in confusion before his eyes snapped open in blatant realization. He tossed the blankets off the couch and scrambled out the door. Bare footprints were made in the mud leading away from your house, tiny you sized footprints. 
Oh, he was so fucked. How long ago did you leave? Are you alright? It’s so cold and you weren’t wearing shoes.
Wilbur made sure to grab both of your jackets and shoved his feet in his boots before heading out the door. He saw his breath out in front of him and winced you must be so cold, hopefully, you weren’t dead if you were he was totally in big trouble. He followed your footprints until they stopped at the edge of the woods, he looked around frantically and anxiety prickled at his skin. If the trail went cold here there was no way he would be able to find you, what if you woke up in a completely different part of the SMP. Or worse yet what if someone kidnaps you and takes you away from them? 
He entered the woods calling out your name desperately even though you wouldn’t respond if you were still asleep. Wilbur adjusted his glasses noticing a soft trail of broken leaves, he decided it was his best bet to follow them. Eventually, he came to a bit of a clearing in the woods that led up to a large cliff, Wilbur’s heart sunk. He felt his breathing stop as he walked towards the edge of the cliff, slowly like he didn’t want to know if he thinks what happened to you, happened to you. At the very top of the cliff is when he saw it, the bracelet you always wore on your wrist it was made of gold and Technoblade had gifted it to you after an adventure he had with Phil. He pulled the jewelry close to his chest and let out a shaky breath, tears swelled in his eyes as he peeked over the edge of the cliff. The poor boy couldn’t even see the bottom, Phil would have to fly down and search it, he was going to throw up. 
Oh god, he could still hear your sweet, little voice. 
     “What are you doing? Are you crying?”
Wait, that was your voice!
He whipped around to find you rubbing your tired eyes, your feet were bare and you were shivering. Wilbur tore through the bush and scooped you up in his arms, cuddling you close to him as he peppered kisses all over your face. “Ewww Wilby stop!” You said through giggles pushing his face away from your own, 
     “I’m so glad you’re alright. You were sleepwalking again, I thought…” His voice cracked a little as you tilted your head. You looked around his shoulder and eyed the cliff wearily, you nuzzled against his neck and squeezed him tightly. 
     “I’m sorry…” 
     “It’s not your fault.” He whispered against you, “let's get you home though alright? Want to have a sleepover with me?”
     “Please. I’m scared I’ll wander off if I sleep alone again.” Wilbur nodded, running his fingers through your messy hair. For a girl your age, it was important to make sure you get a good night's sleep. As he carried you back home you ended up falling back asleep in his arms, he had a lot of time to think. He couldn’t believe that a few years ago he had despised the girl in his arms, thought of you as just another stowaway Phil brought home. You had managed to melt his heart and worm your way into not just his brain but his other brother’s brains as well. You had brought so much joy and happiness into their lives. Before you entered their lives there was arguing every night. Tommy and Techno were always at each other’s throats, Wilbur wasn’t any better, to be honest, but then you were there and everything changed. They had to get along and watch their language around you, you weirdly brought them together. Made them better and he couldn’t imagine what their lives would be like without their little hope.
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feyda-forever · 2 years
hello, I hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night <3
I got the confidence to finally do an ask-
but anyways I wanna know if you can do any ( creepypastas of your choice -If you can you please add Toby it's optional ) x reader that is self-conscious about their wavey/curly hair
If you don't wanna do this it's okay I understand fully! (p;w;q)
WOW!!! This is the first time I'm getting a request for HC and I'm very excited :D
I hope you enjoy it <3
Wornings: none ig...?
Proxies x self-conscious wavey/curly hair s/o
Tumblr media
Toby probably is one of the least out of the pastas/proxies that cares about there s/o's looks, he just wants someone who feels sympathy towards him, someone that understands what he's going though everyday.
He'll brush your hair with his fingers as he whisper sweat little compliments if he ever founds you getting insecure about it.
He sometimes lose his cool, i mean how dare you to be insecure about such a beautiful and priceful gift?
He's not the best with words but if you ever needed some comfort he'll take you to the closest rooftop and will cuddles you as you two enjoy the beauty of the sky.
When he gets mad his ticks and Tourettes will became worse than it already is, that normally happens when someone makes fun of you. Tho they basically ends up dead till the next 24 hours. lol.
He'll try his best to stay away from you when his personality changes cause of his disorders but still you should be careful when you see him acting wierd!
Hoodie is that type of person who'll give you hundreds of picky nicknames and it's not only cause of your hair but your personality and literally your everything.
He'll grab you by your waist and carry you around the House whenever he gets bored.
Hoodie might tease you alot but he's always on tour side even if you're wrong.
I'm like Toby, Hoodie's a .aster manipulator and he's not afraid to use this fact on You, whether it's for himself or for your own good, tho he rather honesty when it comes to you.
Late night drivings happens alot but mostly when you need some comfort and motivation or just had a bad day.
Hoodie is a slight person and he can figure out what's on your mind in less than a minute, so don't be surprised if he came up with your favorite type of candy home cause some people thought it would be a funny idea to mess or make fun of you.
Now now... we're gonna have some difficulties with this guy...
Well Masky is a pretty stressful person and he's not afraid to take out all this rage and anxiety that is happening inside him on someone else, which makes him to be furious and hurshful almost all the time.
Well good thing, he has a soft side only for you, And if he ever notice you being anxious about your beauty he'll warp his arms around you as he tells you "you're the prettiest thing I've ever put an eye on sunshine." Or any sweat sentences that can come is his mind.
Sometimes he makes you're favorite meal or just take you out for a walk in the forest.
Tim knows how to play guitar a little, he ever finds you thinking about your insecurities he'll play it for you just to distract your mind outta negative things.
And i gotta mention, teasing or making fun of you is basically a suicide wish without them knowing it.
Alright I'm sorry it took so long for me to make this, I've been struggling with exams and some personal things in life so yeah... :>
But I hope you enjoyed it!! And remember that you're perfect no matter how you look, i mean your look doesn't even matters, what matters is the beauty of your heart <3
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wizkiddx · 3 years
If your request are open, vouldd you then make something where reader is thicc and is scared to sit on Tom's lap, but Tom doesn't mind at all, he just adores you no matter what.
a/n just a friendly remind EVERYONE is the best version of themselves no matter what, you do you, for you <33
I hope this is okay anon, sorry don't feel like this is v good so im sorry x
warnings: body image/weight issues / low self esteem / implied SMUT
Awkward. That’s what it was. You didn’t intend for it to be this way… god you hated it so much and even if you somewhat blamed yourself- nothing could diffuse the awkward air in the room. It was stupid too, you had been with Tom for a month now. And it wasn’t like your whole evening had been this awkward and hellish, in fact, quite the opposite.
Date night had consisted of Tom cooking attempting a fancy steak and homemade fries meal for you both. While it had looked a lot less impressive than Tom’s plans (a sad looking lump of meat)- it had still been the perfect evening. Especially since given Tom’s public persona, neither of you dared to go out for dinner together - arguably a shitty attempt at cooking was more fun though.
You’d honestly never felt more special, more free or at ease than this evening. Until you and Tom had both moved to the sitting room (which he’d forced a stubborn Harry out of) for a movie night. He had gone to the loo whilst you prepared for the movie, only re-entering the room when your back was turned to read the back of the old DVD case. Seizing his opportunity with a mischievous smirk, Tom crept up behind you, wrapping his arms round your waist and then pulling the two of you down to the sofa- both your bodies spinning in an uncoordinated manner as your shrieked.
You’d landed on top of him, your chest and belly pressed up against his and you instantly hated it.
Your relationship with your own body image was possibly the most complicated and toxic relationship you’d had in your life. To be honest, you’d never felt super comfortable in his own skin; but last year after you’d put on a little extra weight, the nagging voice in your head became impossible to ignore. And it made everything more difficult. It ruled out half the fashionable high street shops- who seem to only cater to people of a certain build. It meant you would much rather sweat your ass off in boiling heat, than dare to take your jacket off and expose what you thought to be ‘far from the ideal’ body type.
But worst off it made intimacy impossible.
Just like now, as you felt your were crushing Tom’s chest, quickly scrambling upwards and landing on the opposite side of the sofa. Tom wasn’t blind or ignorant, he’d seen the flash of fear as you’d desperately climbed away from him; he saw the defeated look as you sat dead ahead, refusing to look at him and awaiting him to start the movie. What he was less sure on though, was how to handle it. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable and question you. Which is why he quickly leaned over and grabbed the remote to hit play.
Thats how the opening scenes of ‘Crazy, stupid, love’ started. Both of you sitting awkwardly upright, like you were in school, eyes solely looking straight ahead. The atmosphere was tense to say the least, your breath hitching at the slightest movement Tom made- from what you could see out the corner of your eye. Which of course, he noticed.
So, without much pre-planning in his head, Tom hit pause on the remote and instantly turned to you, seeing your confused gaze. He neeeded to say this.
“You know you’re so beautiful.” He said it so astutely, so point-blanc and so seriously you had a harder time than normal brushing it off.
“Tom no I-“
“No I’m serious. You are so beautiful and it hurts me that you don’t see what I see. Alright?”
“no I-“ You were gulping like a fish, stammering between the two words before Tom cut you off again, voicce louder this time.
“I said alright? As in do you understand?” He sighed, tone softening as the confusion and embarrassment on your face said it all. “I’m serious Y/n. I get that you have issues with some parts of yourself and I’m not going to cure that in one night but… I want, no, I need you to know how beautiful I think you are.”
“It’s not your fault.” Rather you answered a different question entirely, one you had made up in your head.
“But I want it to be my business to help you fix. I know its your journey but I want to be there. Will you let me?”
“You’re getting all this because of one rugby tackle awkward moment?”
“No, but I do want you to feel comfortable with me, okay?”
“Okay.” Your voice was barely above a whisper but Tom heard and replied with a breathy laugh, which made you pull your gaze up from picking at your fingers. And sure enough, he was sporting the warmest and kindest smile, the type that gave you no choice but to return, like it was infectious.
“How about we start…” He held his hands out which you took, eyebrows furrowing as he pulled you further and further towards him. “-with me showing you just how beautiful you are.” His voice was intoxicating, almost distracting you from the fact he kept pulling you over him on the sofa, to the point you had to move your knees and kneel eitherside of his legs to keep balance. Once your face was barely centimetres from his, both your eyes flitting between eyes and lips - Tom shifted his hands to your waist and slowly applied a downward pressure.
Your breath hitched because you knew what he was asking you to do. He wanted you to sit completely on his lap, which terrified you.
But then he whispered a ‘dont worry’ and hooked his lips against yours. The movements slow and sensual, as you got lost in the moment, lost in the warmth that radiated from the boy.
Too lost to notice, to care, or to be conscious of your weight against his legs. Because really… did it matter? When you had a boy in front of you who liked loved every single part of you.
Your worth wasn’t defined by Tom, but he did do a hell of a lot to see you for what you really were.
~~~~~~~let me know what u think <33 ~~~~~~~~~
tag ist: @thefernandasantana @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove
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dapandapod · 3 years
24 or 34 for the hug prompt 💖🥰
24. wanting to hug but your ignored 34. hug to prevent a fight
Alright, you asked for mean so here goes. Let me tell you right now, I made myself SO mad writing this. Like, properly pissed off. I want you all to mind the tags, because this dude is an asshole and not shy about it. Thank you @kuripon for the beta, you are wonderful and I love you <3
Warnings: swearing, insults, sexual inuendos and name calling, (not the nice kind) Geralt is so, so stupid (but eskel saves the day don't worry) and sad, sad Jaskier. please mind the warnings
Send me a hug prompt? (I can be fluffy too I promise)
On Ao3                 Hug collection here
“So tell me bard.” The man on the other side of the bar leans over the counter with another three or five men leering behind him. “How did you earn your keep tonight? Fucking or singing?”
Jaskier blinks and frowns, sensing Geralt and Eskel tensing next to him.
“Excuse me?”
“You know?” The man makes a very lewd hand gesture. “Or maybe even…” And now he mimics a blow job.
“Sir, I will let you know, I am a world-famous poet and highly sought after bard. I earn my keep just by stepping into the building.”
Jaskier doesn’t want to brag, but this man either doesn’t know who he is talking to, or knows exactly who he is talking to, and neither option is good.
“Oh yes, the master Dandelion, known for his silver tongue. You use that in many ways, I hear.” The man wiggles his eyebrows and his friends behind him laugh. So he knows, then.
“Don’t speak to him that way.” Geralt stands up behind Jaskier, a looming, angry presence at his back. Some of the men take an involuntary step back, but the man talking just smiles wider.
“Ah, there he is! Butcher of Blaviken! Tell me, who pays who in your arrangement? The bard whore, for you to stick around, or the Butcher, wanting to get his dick wet?”
This time, Eskel stands up, putting himself between Geralt and the man. Turns out to be a good idea, because Geralt is growling, baring his teeth.
“No, Geralt,” Eskel murmurs. “It’s not worth it.”
“Bard fucking you both? Huh, you gotta be good then. How much for a go?" the man asks, licking his lips as Jaskier feels his eyes run up and down his body.
Jaskier feels nausea at the back of his throat. This is not the first time someone has come on to him like this, but usually the witchers don’t get to hear the worst of it.
Geralt lunges forward, but Eskel catches him in a bear hug, pinning his arms to his sides.
“No, Geralt. You go upstairs and bring Jaskier with you. I’ll take out the trash,” Eskel mutters, turning to look at the asshole who suddenly realizes exactly who he’s been messing with.
Geralt growls again. Really, that man needs to learn some words instead of sounds, but he tears away from Eskel and glares.
If the heckler is found dead tomorrow, nobody would doubt for a second who did it.
“Come on, Jaskier,” Geralt says angrily, but doesn’t touch him like he usually would. Doesn’t let his hand rest on his shoulder, or offer comfort at his back.
“Hope you got enough coin, witcher! I hear he is famous!” the man yells, and Jaskier feels himself flinch and shrink in on himself.
They walk up the stairs when the first yelp of pain is heard, and more chairs scraping against the floor. When Geralt closes the door to their room behind them, Jaskier is sure he hears the heckler being thrown outside.
It feels better, but not by much.
He sits on the bed, arms around himself, feeling pathetic and hurt. All he wants is someone to wrap him up in a hug and make him feel less dirty. Preferably Geralt, but that is a dream forever dreamt. Geralt paces back and forth in the room, restless and agitated.
“I’m sorry,” Geralt says finally, stopping and looking down at him. Jaskier looks up, sure that his every emotion is showing on his face. As predicted, Geralt’s expression scrunches up and he drags a hand through his hair.
“I won’t touch you anymore,” Geralt says, and it hurts more than anything the man downstairs could ever have said.
Jaskier looks down on his feet again, before nodding and standing up.
“I’ll go see if I can have a bath drawn,” he says, and then flees out the door.
There is only so much he can take.
Geralt is unsure of what to do now. He paces back and forth, trying and failing to find something to do. It didn’t feel quite right, the way Jaskier left. He had said it to make Jaskier feel better, because obviously being associated with him put Jaskier in trouble. Geralt will never understand what he did to deserve him, but he doesn’t want to make Jaskier's life harder for knowing him.
Maybe he should go downstairs. Maybe he will feel better if he gets a good punch in on the asshole. He is about to head downstairs, when Eskel comes in and looks around.
“Where is Jaskier?”
“Bath,” Geralt mutters, absolutely not pouting about the fight already being over.
“Fair. I would want a bath too if I got that shit thrown at me.”
Geralt says nothing, just sits back down on the bed and fiddles with some loose threads on his tunic.
“Maybe I shouldn’t travel with him anymore,” Geralt says, regretting it the moment he opens his mouth.
“What? Why? Did Jaskier say something?” Eskel says, frowning and sitting down on the chair by the work table. He has his own room further down the hall, but it feels good to have his brother here now, to not be alone.
“No, but if being around us, me, will make people say such things to him, maybe he is safer if--”
“--You didn’t actually say this to him?” Eskel interrupts, sitting up ramrod straight.
“What? No, I only said I wouldn’t touch him anymore.”
“You..?! Oh my actual-- GERALT! You are such a fucking imbecile sometimes! Do you have cabbages for brains?!” Eskel stands up again, and he is the one pacing the room this time. A family trait, it seems.
“What? I just wanted to comfort him,” Geralt asks, getting increasingly self conscious.
“You fucking, UGH. No wonder you are still pining your asses off for each other! Geralt, if someone called you a whore, and then your best friend says he won’t touch you any more and wanted to go on separate ways, how would that make you feel? Fuck, why do I have to do this?!”
“Yes, Geralt, Oh. Now you go the fuck down to Jaskier, this moment, and give him a hug. Melitele knows he could use it.”
Eskel more or less pulls Geralt off the bed and throws him out of his own room. Geralt turns to look back at him, but Eskel slams the door in his face.
Well then.
Geralt walks down the stairs to the bathing room, not even knocking before stepping in.
Jaskier sits fully dressed still with his face in his hands, staring with eyes watering, completely ignoring the steaming bathtub right next to him.
When he notices Geralt he looks up, and his eyes are so full of hurt and hope that Geralt could kick himself.
He opens his arms, and Jaskier is up from the bench. Three steps later he has thrown himself into Geralt’s arms, drawing in a ragged breath.
Maybe Eskel is right. Maybe the way to protect Jaskier is not to pull back, but to pull closer.
And the way Jaskier clings to him right now, maybe he will be allowed.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Hi Charly! Could you do a headcannon about Fred and his virgin girlfriend having sex for the first time? But she’s feeling self conscious because he’s more experienced and she’s worried about not being as good as his past partners not me projecting or anything 🙃
as a virgin who cant drive this request really resonates with me
welcome to the fred show pew pew
ill stop.
warnings:NSFW, vaginal penetration, loss of virginity, fingering
ok so
first i wanna get into fred before you came around
his sex life specifically
i think fred likes to have fun
nothing wrong with that
so yeah he's been around the block
a few times
so he knows what he's doing when it comes to sex
he takes pride in how good he is honestly
but i also think his first time wasn't all that
he probably lost his virginity rather young
14 maybe 15
the girl was 16 maybe 17
and he kind of pressured himself to lose his virginity after hearing his amazingly cool older brothers talking about 'this bird i shagged...'
it was bill
and fred loves bill
idolizes bill
so in his efforts to be just like him he had to lose his virginity
which he did
but he was beyond nervous and fidgety
he's almost certain the girl felt so bad she lied and said she finished when really he was in there for two minutes TOPS
but he got better over time
also he made sure that the person he was with finished first because he's still a little embarrassed abut that first time
george is the only person who knows about his first time, he didn't want anyone else to know
so by the time you guys start dating fred is very experienced in the bedroom
you are not
you are a virgin
thats ok
i feel like fred would just assume your not a virgin if you didn't tell him otherwise
because 1) you are drop dead gorgeous and could get it literally any time you wanted
and 2) he just assumes everyone does it unless told otherwise
you would be talking one day and somehow your first times would come up and fred would go beet red and admit how terrible it was for him
and then you'd kinda just 🙂
because you don't have a first time story
fred would not catch on at first
he would be very confused
then you'd go pink and come out with it
"...i'm a virgin, freddie."
he was honestly surprised
but once he noticed how genuinely uncomfortable you were admitting it, like it was something bad
he'd go into protective, comforting freddie mode
would go above and beyond to tell you that it wasn't a bad thing at ALL and he wishes he would've waited
and then he goes
"now that i know, i'm going to make sure your first time is amazing, love."
then he'd kinda just pause and go red again as he thought about what he said
"i mean, assuming you'd want your first time to be with me. totally cool if not, but i reckon that would be rather odd considering we are dating... unless you are breaking up with me...wait don't break up with me."
you'd just giggle and pull him into a kiss
"i want my first time to be with you, only you."
"i am so glad we are on the same page."
ok fred would go ALL OUT to make sure your first time was amazing
and you ARE finishing.
it would be over summer
you're staying at the burrow for the next month
and fred has it all planned out
you had told him you were ready a few weeks ago and he told you he wanted to surprise you for your first time
so you've just been waiting
he'd set up a cute little tent in the meadows of the burrow
string up some lights in the trees
plethora of blankets and pillows in said tent
wait i forgot their tents are like huge inside
he'd have some food
some water
many condoms
he's so excited
oK so the sun would just be setting
and fred says he has something to show you outside
he also knows with a full house no one is going to come looking for you two, but just in case george knows the plan and is there for damage control just in case
so you go out with fred and hes practically skipping and hes all giggly
and you are starting to feel his giddiness so you guys are just this giggly mess together
then he gets to the spot
the sex tent
and it's beautiful
you are blown away
and he is just so happy seeing you happy
so you guys eat a little
have some fun
he will feed you food to be romantic
you will get a grape dropped down your shirt
fun times all around
and then your eyes kinda lock
and his are all crinkly from laughing
his freckles just a bit more prominent in the summer season
you are suddenly hit with this intense feeling of love
how much you are in love with him
how much he's in love with you
and you're sure you've never been more ready than you are right now
fred is feeling floaty
you are looking at him with this look in your
and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy
he'd reach out to cup your cheek, his thumb gently running across your cheek bone
then he'd pull you closer and rest his forehead against yours
your nose would brush and he'd run the tip of his nose along your nose before placing a kiss on it 🥺
you push forward and capture his lips in a kiss
and its on.
he pulls you into his lap
you guys are in heavy a make out
his hands are on your ass
your hands are in his hair
then he pushes you closer with his hands on your butt
the feeling of his hardening cock in his trousers against your clothed clit has you shuddering because jesus christ almighty
you've never felt anything like that before
you whimper into his mouth and fred is sure he's died and gone to heaven
so he does it again
after a few more times youre moving your hips on your own accord
you'd never admit to him that you'd fantasized about this very moment
in this very position
but instead of him it was a pillow you were grinding against
you guys moved to the bed in the tent
fred pulls away and he's holding your face in his hands so gently and looking at you with so much love
"I need to know that you are completely certain that you want this. I need you to be absolutely sure, love."
"I want this. I want you."
there was no hesitation in your voice
so he'd slowly take off both your clothes making sure that at any given moment he's got more off then you to make sure you never feel uncomfortable or embarrassed
so like if you've got your shirt off, fred has his off two and is working on his pants THEN he'd move your pants
now you are in your bra and underwear
he's in his briefs
and he can't help but take you all in
your skin
your curves
each dip and line
everything about you is just so beautiful
and he's just barely touching you as he's dragging the back of his fingers down from your neck to your belly button just watching as your skin erupts in goosebumps
he's never seen anything so beautiful
i think it was in that moment that he knew, no matter what, he would always be in love with you
all of you
he looks for your approval before reaching behind you and unhooking your bra
when your bra comes off thats when you get the butterflies in your belly
and lets be honest
on the inside
fred's a mess
like he might get choked up
the tiddies are out
fred leans down and starts to place slow, loving, kisses across the skin of your chest and in the crook of your neck before trailing them down to your breasts
you let out a shaky breath as he takes your pebbled nipple into his mouth
his hand moving to tease the other one
he's sucking and licking the sensitive nub making you breathless
then he'd drag his tongue down to your belly button then just below it before sucking a hickey onto your hip
he'd look up at you silently asking if you were ok and if he could remove your panties
you nod
youre nervous and excited and just ready
so he pulls off your underwear
and suddenly you feel very naked
but you also feel more comfortable than you ever thought you would
because it's fred
and he's your best friend
and he's just so
and you'd trust him with your life
so its a positive experience
his brings his thumb to rub gently circles on your clit before running two fingers up your slit to collect your juices
you let out a breathy moan as he slides a single digit into your entrance
his head is resting on your thigh placing sweet kisses on the skin as he adds in a second finger
his other arm is hooked around the thigh that his head is resting against, with his hand falling just close enough to your cunt that he can rub slowly, tight circles on your clit
you cum pretty quickly from fred's intense, intimate fingering
and he makes sure to make a show of putting his fingers in his mouth moaning at the taste of your release
he moves up to your lips, pulling you into a kiss
and you can taste yourself on his tongue
and there is something so erotic about it
that has your pussy clenching
ok so he pulls off his boxers and you audibly gulp
l a r g e
and he notices your apprehension
he doesn't want to lie and say its not going to hurt
because in all honesty it might hurt
fred presses a calming kiss to your forehead as he lines himself up with your entrance
"im going to go slow, alright. if at you want me to stop tell me, ok, bunny?"
"ok, i might be bad at this."
it does hurt a bit
its uncomfortable
you do get a little teary because of the dull burn of the stretch
and fred's heart aches seeing the way your face screws up in discomfort
but after a few minutes
and a few kisses from fred
youre ready for him to start moving
he starts off slow
the pain is starting to dissipate
and it begins to feel really good
like really good
i forgot to mention it earlier but fred IS wearing a condom
back to the story
so pretty soon you guys are enjoying yourselves
fred is kissing on your neck and lips
youre tugging on his hair and letting out breathy moans and whimpers into his ear
you cum a second time before fred spills into the condom
he slowly pulls out
and the feeling of emptiness after he does so is your new least favorite feeling
you are just craving to be near him, to be impossibly close
he pulls you into his side and starts peppering kisses along your hairline
and his fingers are running up and down your back
and hes just holding you so tight
"i love you, bug."
"love y'too, freddie."
your slurred words made it lear to him that you were starting to fall asleep
you guys would have to wake up super early the next morning and sneak back into the house
and you'd both be super giggly and cuddly and just hanging off each other
fred wouldn't want to let you go and would pull you back into him every time you tried to leave and go into ginny's room (where you were staying)
aW then for the next few days you guys just cant keep your hands off each other
and you both are so in love
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