#diabetic distress
Know more about Diabetes Nursing at the 13NHPSUCG.
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letmeliedown · 10 months
toast bit me again, idk if she's in pain or if it's aggression from the steroids or both. she didn't seem mad or anything just Fucking Bit Me. on my bad hand ofc, in a place that's hard to bandage. i should be bringing her steroid dose down again today so i guess if i do that and she keeps biting i will know :/
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nauroo · 9 months
I'm in need of my insulin, and my pharmacy for no fucking reason just! Took it off my refill list, no warning, nothing. If I were type 1 that could have been even worst I'm dealing with my body telling me that I need more insulin in my system and just. Can't because of this. I'm so livid and this came on so quickly Which is irritating me even more, cause I was doing GOOD. I did have an asthma flair up thanks to moving some stuff. And found out pain causes blood sugar to rise so yippie. But even now my blood sugar is at its lowest when I've been fighting with it I'm so frustrated
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mr-divabetic · 10 months
Diana Ross's iconic performance in Lady Sings The Blues inspires us to discuss the link between diabetes and depression, and diabetes distress.
Read Blog: https://divabetic.org/2023/08/19/divabetic-remembers-diana-ross-in-lady-sings-the-blues/
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wellhealthhub · 11 months
Diabetes Medication for Weight Loss: An Effective Approach to Manage Diabetes and Shed Pounds
Unearth the profound potential of diabetes medication in facilitating weight loss endeavors. Embark on an enlightening journey to grasp the multifarious types of antidiabetic drugs, discern their intricate mechanisms of action, and appreciate the paramount significance of personalized approaches to treatment. Discover a plethora of answers to frequently asked questions, coupled with comprehensive…
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jinxed-fates · 1 year
i know
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weepingfireflies · 1 year
Vigorously suppressing the urge to drink my own pee (in a mentally ill way, not a kink thing)
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beatrice-otter · 8 months
The Other Half of the Social Model of Disability
Lots of people in fandom are aware of the Social Model of Disability, which is a direct contrast to the Medical Model of Disability. Problem is, most of those people only understand half of the Social Model.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, the "in a nutshell" version is that the medical model views disability as something that is broken and which needs to be fixed, and little or no consideration is given beyond trying to cure it (and little or no consideration is given to the needs and wishes of the person who has it). The social model of disability, on the other hand, says that the thing that disables a person is the way society treats them. So, for example, if someone is paralyzed and can't walk, what disables them from going places is buildings that are not wheelchair accessible. (Or possibly not being able to afford the right type of wheelchair.) Inaccessible spaces and support equipment you can't afford are choices society makes, not a problem with the disabled person.
People then take this to mean that the only problem with disability is the society that surrounds it, and therefore in some utopian future where capitalism is no more and neither is ableism or any other form of bigotry, all problems disabled people have will be solved.
Except that what I've just described is not actually what the social model of disability says. Or, rather, it's only half of what the social model of disability says.
The actual social model of disability begins with a distinction between impairments and disabilities. Impairments are parts of the body/brain that are nonstandard: for example, ears that do not hear (deafness), organs that don't work right (e.g. diabetes), limbs that don't work (paralysis), brain chemistry that causes distress (e.g. anxiety, depression), the list goes on. The impairment may or may not cause distress to the person who has it, depending on the type of impairment (how much pain it causes, etc.) and whether it's a lifelong thing they accept as part of themselves or something newly acquired that radically changes their life and prevents them from doing things they want to do.
And then you have the things that disable us, which are the social factors like "is there an accessible entrance," as described above.
If we ever do get a utopian world where everyone with a disability gets the support they need and all of society is designed to include people with disabilities, that doesn't mean the impairments go away. Life would be so much better for people with impairments, and it's worth working towards, but some impairments simply suck and would continue to suck no matter what.
Take my autism. A world where autism was accepted and supported would make my life so much easier ... and yet even then, my trouble sleeping and my tendency to hyperfixate on things that trigger my anxiety would still make my life worse. I don't want to be cured of my autism! That would change who I am on a fundamental level, and I like myself. My dream is not of a world where I am not autistic, but a world in which I am not penalized for being autistic and have the help I need. And even in that world, my autism will still sometimes cause me distress.
There are some impairments--conditions that come with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, etc.--where pretty much everyone with that impairment agrees that the ultimate goal is a cure. But nobody knows how long a cure will take to find (years? decades? centuries?), whereas focusing on the social things disabling you can lead to improvement in your daily life right now.
In conclusion: the social model of disability is very valuable, and much superior to the medical model on a number of levels. But: please don't forget that the social model makes a distinction between disability and impairments, and even if we reach every goal and get rid of all the social factors that disable people, some impairments will be fine and cause no distress to the people who have them, some will be a mixed bag, and some will still be major problems for the people who have them.
Also on Dreamwidth
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Could you do something with the Cullens where the reader has a meltdown at school and they find out it’s because they have diabetes and their blood sugar dropped and they can’t find their juice box they packed just in case
❝i need a juice box❞
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✭ pairing : cullen siblings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) has diabetes and their sugar intake tends to drop quite a bit hence why their always remember to bring a pack of juices with them everywhere, not only does it help but it’s tasty too. But then one day her juice boxes bust in her locker, so what does any frustrated person do? Have a mental breakdown like it’s the end of the world, luckily some classmates of hers has her back
✭ authors note : Ayo ignore that juice part that says no sugar added 😭 i used the first picture i seen of juice and those shits be bustin. Ah and I’ve been watching anime lately so i apologize in advance for the lack of writing I’m putting out
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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(Y/N) had always been well-acquainted with the delicate balance of her health. Diabetes wasn't just a condition for her; it was a family legacy. With half her family members wrestling with the same ailment, it was almost a rite of passage.
The sun had barely risen over Forks as she hurriedly got ready for her first day at Forks High School. This new beginning was daunting enough, but it became even more challenging with the knowledge that her diabetes would be a constant companion throughout the day.
As she zipped up her school bag, she made sure to slot in her lifeline - a package of juices. These juices were her safety net, ensuring her blood sugar levels stayed within a safe range. She had diligently followed this routine every day, her tiny insurance policy against hypoglycemia.
With her backpack securely on her shoulders, (Y/N) headed downstairs to the kitchen. Her mom greeted her with a warm smile, understanding the importance of this daily ritual. "Don't forget your juices, dear," she reminded.
(Y/N) grabbed the chilled package from the fridge and slipped it into her bag. "Thanks, Mom," she said, returning the smile. Her mom's familiarity with diabetes had always been a source of comfort.
Minutes later, she was out the door and on her way to Forks High School. The campus buzzed with excitement, but (Y/N) couldn't help feeling a bit of trepidation. New school, new faces, and the relentless specter of diabetes were a lot to handle.
History class was her first stop, and she found a seat next to a boy named Jasper. They exchanged polite nods as she settled into her chair, trying to focus on the teacher's introduction.
Then it happened. A discreet but insistent beep emanated from her wrist. Her watch timer, meticulously set to remind her when to take her juice, had gone off. This was the crucial moment to maintain her blood sugar levels. With practiced ease, she reached into her bag to retrieve her juice, only to discover her heart-sinking realization – it wasn't there.
Panic started to creep in, her fingers trembling as she fumbled through her bag in desperation. Jasper, noticing her distress, leaned closer. "Is everything okay?" he asked in a concerned whisper.
(Y/N) could feel her face flush with anxiety. She mumbled, "I think I left my juice in my locker. I need to go get it."
The teacher, Mrs. Thompson, glanced their way. "Is there a problem?"
(Y/N) stuttered, "I just need to grab something from my locker. It won't take long, I promise."
Mrs. Thompson nodded, granting her permission to leave the class. Her heart raced as she hurried out the door, fervently hoping that her juice would be where she thought it was.
(Y/N) practically sprinted through the hallways, her heart pounding in her chest. The idea of waiting another four hours until lunch without her juice was unbearable. She needed to retrieve her lifeline from her locker, and she needed it now.
Finally, she reached her locker, a sense of relief washing over her as she yanked it open. But that relief quickly turned to frustration as she stared at the sight before her. Her textbooks had fallen over and, in a cruel twist of fate, had crushed the juice boxes. Their colorful packaging was torn and sticky liquid seeped from the ruined containers.
"No, no, no," she muttered in frustration, tears welling up in her eyes. It felt like the universe was conspiring against her today, and the overwhelming weight of her situation crashed down on her shoulders. Her mind raced with thoughts of how she would make it through the day without her juice.
Just when it seemed like her world was spiraling out of control, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Hey, are you okay?" It was Rosalie, a girl she barely knew, but one of the few familiar faces in this new school.
(Y/N) blinked back tears and explained what had happened, her voice quivering with anxiety. "I don't know what to do. I can't wait until lunch without my juice."
Rosalie glanced at the sticky mess inside her locker and then at Emmett, who had joined them. "That's totally not cool," he said, sympathy in his eyes. "I'll grab you something from the vending machine. What do you want?"
(Y/N) opened her mouth to protest, but before she could utter a word, Emmett had already taken off down the hallway. She looked helplessly after him, torn between gratitude and a sense of intrusion.
Rosalie placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it," she said with a warm smile. "Once Emmett's made up his mind, that's that. He's a bit overbearing at times, but he means well."
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile through her frustration. In this unexpected moment of crisis, she had found a glimmer of kindness and support. Sometimes, it took a helping hand to make a bad situation feel a little more manageable.
Just when (Y/N) thought her day couldn't get any stranger, Emmett returned with a comical surplus of juice boxes in his arms. He had not come back with just one or two; he had brought what looked like a small grocery store worth of them.
"Emmett! What are you doing?" Rosalie exclaimed, smacking him on the back of the head. She looked at the impressive stack of juice boxes with a mix of amusement and disbelief.
Emmett shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. "I didn't know how many she wanted, so I just grabbed them all."
(Y/N) stood there, stunned and grateful. She couldn't believe the lengths this stranger was going to in order to help her out. "Thank you," she managed to say, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.
Emmett chuckled. "No problem at all. It's better to have too many than not enough, right?"
Rosalie rolled her eyes but wore a fond smile. "You always do this, Emmett. How are you going to carry all of them?"
Emmett scratched his head, looking a bit perplexed. "I'll just carry them around until we see her again at lunch. She can take what she needs now."
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "I don't even know how to thank you both enough," she said, reaching out to take a handful of juice boxes, about six of them. It was a bit heavy, but she could manage.
Emmett grinned, his good-naturedness shining through. "You're welcome. Anytime you need help, just let us know."
Rosalie gave (Y/N) a playful shove. "Girls gotta help girls, right?"
With her backpack now considerably heavier with the added juice boxes, (Y/N) felt a newfound sense of belonging. These two strangers had shown her kindness and support when she needed it most, and she couldn't help but feel that Forks High School might not be such a daunting place after all. As they walked her back to class, she couldn't help but smile, grateful for this unexpected friendship.
Lunchtime arrived, and (Y/N) entered the bustling cafeteria with her stack of juice boxes, feeling a mixture of gratitude and nervousness. She looked around, wondering where to sit when she heard a familiar voice booming across the room.
"Hey, juice girl!" Emmett called out, waving enthusiastically from a table on the other side of the cafeteria. His infectious energy drew the attention of many students, and a few curious glances followed her as she made her way toward him.
A warm smile stretched across her face as she approached Emmett's table. He had saved her from a diabetic crisis earlier in the day, and now he was offering her a seat at his table, as if she were already part of their group.
"Thanks," she said, taking a seat next to Emmett, her stack of juice boxes settling beside her. She couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging that she hadn't expected to find so quickly in this new school.
As she settled in and started unpacking her lunch, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness of her new friends. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her, and it made Forks High School feel a little less dauntin
Emmett introduced his siblings to (Y/N) with a playful grin. "This is Rosalie, my lovely and sometimes overly responsible partner, and this," he gestured dramatically to a young man who had been quiet until now, "is Edward, our resident brooding poet."
“It’s complicated,” Rosalie says but she gave (Y/N) a warm smile, and Edward nodded in acknowledgment, his expression more reserved.
Emmett couldn't resist a teasing grin as he turned to (Y/N). "And, of course, you already know me, the one who saved the day earlier—your trusty juice retriever." He emphasized the last part, a playful twinkle in his eye.
“Then there’s Alice and jasper but I’m not sure where those two are at the moment.” He added.
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at Emmett's description. "Yes, my hero," she replied, her gratitude evident in her tone.
Edward, who had been observing the interaction quietly, couldn't resist a smirk. "Emmett and his heroic acts. Quite the storyteller, he is."
Emmett chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "Well, I just wanted to make sure our new friend here didn't pass out from low blood sugar."
(Y/N) felt a sense of warmth and camaraderie settling in at the table. These strangers had quickly become friends, and she was grateful for their support. With a newfound sense of belonging, she joined in the conversation, feeling more at ease in this new school than she had thought possible.
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chosok-amo · 6 days
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In the chaotic world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where sorcerers and curses clash, an unexpected revelation shakes the very foundation of Tokyo Jujutsu High. Satoru Gojo's enigmatic younger sister, Satomi Gojo, harbors a dark secret: she is the reincarnated wife of Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses. When she encounters Sukuna, now residing in the body of Yuji Itadori, memories of a past life surge to the surface, intertwining their fates once more. As old bonds resurface and ancient curses threaten to tear their world apart, Satomi Gojo must navigate a perilous path, balancing her duty as a sorcerer with the haunting echoes of a cursed love. Can she overcome the shadows of her past, or will Sukuna's dark influence consume them all?
this fanfiction contains graphic violence, emotional trauma, dark themes, psychological manipulation, strong language, and complex romantic dynamics. Reader discretion is advised.
Including these warnings will help readers understand the nature of the story and decide if it's right for them.
Violence and Gore : The story contains scenes of intense violence and graphic descriptions of battles and injuries.
Emotional Trauma : Characters experience significant emotional distress, including grief, betrayal, and internal conflict.
Dark Themes : The plot involves dark and mature themes, including curses, death, and manipulation.
Psychological Manipulation : Sukuna's influence involves psychological manipulation and mind games.
Mature Language : Strong language and mature dialogue are present throughout the story.
Romantic Tension : The story explores complex and potentially uncomfortable romantic dynamics due to Sukuna's reincarnation.
Flashbacks : Frequent use of flashbacks to a darker past, which may include distressing memories.
Introduction of Satomi and the first encounter with Sukuna in Yuji’s body.
Flashbacks to Sukuna’s previous life and his relationship with Satomi, interwoven with present-day events.
Satomi reveals her past to Satoru and the rest of the team, creating new dynamics and tension.
Satomi and Sukuna/Yuji confront each other again, leading to a deeper exploration of their connection.
Sukuna manipulates events to draw out his wife’s cursed energy, revealing more about his sinister plans.
The team faces a powerful curse connected to Sukuna’s past, forcing Satomi to confront her own fears and memories.
Sukuna’s influence over Yuji grows stronger, leading to a dramatic confrontation with Satomi.
Emotional turmoil ensues as Satomi struggles with her feelings for Sukuna and her duty as a sorcerer.
A major event causes Sukuna to regain more of his power, putting everyone at risk and testing the bonds between the characters.
Satomi makes a critical decision about her role in the battle against Sukuna, setting the stage for the climax.
The final confrontation between Sukuna, Yuji, Satomi, and the Jujutsu sorcerers, culminating in a decisive battle.
The aftermath of the battle, exploring the consequences for Satomi, Yuji, and the others, and hinting at future challenges.
This structure provides a solid framework for the story, blending action, emotional depth, and the rich lore of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.
TAGGING : @bahng @ryumurin @utarts @axeofwars @sparklyhologramstarfish @shuujin @qashmer @dookiemeshibear @cockonoi @tired-writter-club @junslxt @bubacakes @ejwrblog @glads-stuff @ourpastsilences-blog @crayolalili @caulfield-ley @levislui @fenix-why @wifeofnanamikento @diabetic-ace @miniaturechildmusic @diorlov3er @blueeyesboba @kaitrash @manyaya88 @genshinfinatic @rivq @btsblogsthings @mrsgaunt-sallow @space-doie @moonvyx @yeeter-skeeter-b @reiyastrauss @lunarracoon22 @toobytub @molliejames
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
Never Just Two
Ghoap / Reader
(Wheelchair User Reader)
Chap1, Chap2, Chap3
"A Sargeants Bad Luck"
Word Count: 2k
CW: Johnny can't leave well enough alone, misunderstandings to the max
You were starting to come out of your shell now. Gaining some real confidence. Defiance. Threading your personality into the tightly woven design of this team. You still avoided the couple, however it wasn't out of fear. You gave them the respect of coworkers, but because of their actions you made no effort to befriend them. Simon could handle and understand. But it was wearing on Johnny.
"How do we even apologize?"
He groans, laid back lazily in Simons bed. Who rolled his eyes at the dramatic scott.
"By apologizing."
The masked man grumbles in return. He knew a simple 'I'm sorry' wouldn't fix everything, but it would be a start. The real rough part was to do it, cause that meant they would have to directly explain their pathetic behavior of strategizing against a disabled coworker.
"She already hates us I swear it-"
Johnny sighs, sitting up with a frown. Watching you with Gaz and Price was driving him up the wall. He liked being close knit with his team, knowing them and fighting beside them. Maybe you weren't out on the field with a gun, but now you were officially one of them. And you didn't want a damn thing to do with him. You had every reason to, of course, he knows that. He wants to fix it. You have such a strange affect on Johnny, you make him so damn nervous.
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He tried first with coffee. Leaving a cup ready for you in the common room, where you'd usually sit by your laptop doing your morning routine and chatting with Price. He can fix this, little things at a time. He was never exactly great at leaving things be.
But then he sees your face, scrunching with confusion staring at the mug in your spot. Johnny doesn't speak up yet, watching emotions flow through you. You take the mug, carrying it back to the counter. Mortified, he watches you pour it right down the sink. Turning to the coffee pot to pour yourself a new cup. As you prepare it, he realizes what happened. He wants to slam his head through a wall.
Fucking idiot.. He made it no where near how you like.
His next attempt, he was sure it would work this time. At least get him on your better side. Was to adjust some of the cupboards. Johnny noticed how sometimes you struggled to reach all the way up with your sitting position. Taking the time to remove the cheap box cupboards, and screw them in a bit lower on the wall. He was almost finished when Gaz interrupted him.
"Hey mate you wanna help with the recruit situation? Got a couple idiots fightin' in the mess hall."
John groans, nodding and heading out with the fellow sargeant to deal with it. The cupboards were mostly done, he just had a couple screws to tighten back up.
By the time he was walking back to continue, he hears a crash. And your voice cursing out. Gaz and Johnny look to eachother before rushing towards the common room. And where you were, holding the detached handle of the cheap cupboard, the rest of it fallen on the floor. It almost fell on you. Once again Johnny wanted to bash himself. He opens his mouth, but Gaz is already coming over to you.
"You alright?"
He asks, resting a hand on your shoulder. His free hand takes the cupboard door and tosses it on the countertop.
"I'm fine just-"
You glance at Johnny, blinking as you see the screwdriver poking out of his pocket. Your eyes shoot away from him. Lips pressing into a tight frustrated line.
"I'm good."
You mumble, reaching to grab something else from a more stable cupboard.
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"So you're way of apologizin' is making her coffee that could give her diabetes and dropping a cupboard on her head?"
Simon asks, crossing his arms. Watching Johnny bump his forehead repeatedly against the bed post. The brit is leaned back in a chair, mug of tea in his hands as he watches his distressed scottsman.
"Tha fuck is wrong with me?"
Johnny mutters exasperated.
"You're pushing too hard. We'll apologize tomorrow. Leave it be Johnny."
Simon advises, his hand coming over to his partners shoulder. Giving him a stern squeeze. It was for the best. Give you some time to cool off from Johnny's attempts, hopefully you won't take his actions as more threats. They've done enough of that bullshit.
Johnny swallows.. leave it be. That's what he should do. That is the plan. Leave it be and tomorrow they'll get on track to make things better. He was never good at leaving things alone. He just drowns in the paranoia of your hatred. The way you look at him and Simon makes his stomach ache, embarrassed to admit that it matters to him what you think of them. They started off so harshly with you. Now he's left to watch you show the rest of the team utter warmth and acceptance, things they should have shown you.
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Now they're fucked. Utterly fucked. He didn't leave it be. Far from that actually. Johnny slams the door shut behind him in the room. Looking pale with wide eyes. Simon raises a brow at him. Johnny swallows.
"I know ye said ta leave it-"
"What did you do?"
Simon growls, Johnny sucks in a breath. Slowly revealing what he was hiding behind his back. The footrests to your chair. Simons jaw snaps shut, snapping the cigarette in his mouth clean in half.
"What the fuck were you thinkin'!?"
Simon curses, wrenching the footrest from Johnny's hand. Looking down at it with furrowed brows. The blue eyed man starts his explanation.
"I thought I could fix it- she was talkin' all mornin' about it being too high. That it needs lowered cause it hurts her ankles- she was workin' out so I tried adjusting it and the damn thing just fell off-"
Rambling about how his intentions were to assist you. Make things better. But this was far from it.
"Johnny you don't fuck with a mobility aid."
Simon scolds instantly, eyes narrowed. He had a fucking plan. An apology to make. The damn bastard couldn't wait one night!? He runs a hand over his face with a groan.
"You couldn't put it back on?"
Johnny deflates.
".. The screw was stripped. Gotta find a new one that size-"
They're interrupted by harsh banging on the door. Johnny grimaces. Simon gives him a deadpanned glare. Should have let it be. Simon pushes the footrest back into his lovers hand, turning him with a push on the shoulder. Grumbling sarcastically.
"By all means love. Go explain yourself."
Johnny sighs and reaches to pull open the door. Opening his mouth to spew apologies but you don't even give him the chance.
"Where the hell do you get off!?"
You boom, face twisted in a snarl. You are fuming. Sitting in your chair, arms crossed, nails digging into your own skin. Eyes lit up in a furious glare. Your chest heaving up and down. Your feet hanging just above the ground is a sore reminder of Johnny's worst mistake of the day.
"Y'know- I was fine with letting you guys do your thing and not bothering you. But you have no fucking right to make my life hell when I haven't done a god damn thing to either of you!"
Johnny's throat is impossibly tight, strangled by his own actions.
"Lass I'm really-"
"Don't call me that. You call me by my name, or nothing at all."
You snap. He takes a breath and nods. Mumbling your name. Simon stands behind him tense and looking at you.
" 'm really fuckin' sorry. I never meant ta break it."
"Why would I believe that? You've been fucking with me all day!"
You say, brows furrowed. Johnny blinks, shaking his head as he tries to pitifully explain himself. A feared soldier on the battlefield, a menace of explosions and tech, now babbling out excuses to you.
"No- I swear- I was tryin' to find a way to apologize ta ye."
"Apologize? .. Then why wouldn't you just fucking say that?"
You huff.
Simon cocks his head to the side, looking at Johnny with a glare.
"Yeah Johnny, why didn't you just say that?"
He repeats, trying to beat his point into his stubborn partners head. They could have apologized and not been in this mess. Johnny swallows and gives Simon a glare from the corner of his eyes.
"Yer nae helpin'."
Simon rolls his eyes, looking at you again. For once, a little softer. You've been fucked over all day.
The blonde mindlessly adjusted his balaclava a bit, before clearing his throat. Gesturing you inside the room. You give him an untrusting look, before rolling your chair into the room, letting him shut the door behind you. You grumble something under your breath, snatching your footrests back from Soaps hands. Resting it on your lap for now.
Simon grasps Johnny by the nape of the neck, pressing down on him with an authoritative grip to sit down on the edge of the bed. They were going to talk. They were going to start making this right. By doing it the right fucking way so help him god.
"You got every right to be angry. You deserve a proper apology yeah? No excuses. Just the truth."
"Bit of an understatement.."
You mumble, making Johnny wince. Simon nods in understanding. You suck in a tight breath and continue.
".. I already told you I wasn't telling anyone about you guys- so what the fuck do you have against me? .. That I'm new? That I'm not Laswell? ....Is it because of the chai-"
Johnny says quickly, Simon almost says it at the same time.
"It's nae like that.. we were right pricks. We know. I really was tryin' ta make it up to ye today. Jus' dinnae know how.. and kept fuckin' it up.."
Soap rubs the back of his neck, blue eyes full of remorse and swimming in guilt. Simon sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"We made a .. Few mistakes. We got off wrong from the start. The apology is long overdue. But we are sorry. We can pay for the repair."
You glance between the two of them with eyes of scrutiny, trying to dig for any hint of insencerity. When you find none you huff in annoyance, it would honestly be easier to hate them.
"Doesn't need a repair. Just a new screw. ... Just thought you did it on purpose."
You mutter. Johnny's shoulders sink.
"I promise ye I dinnae..I wouldn't."
Simon huffs, arm resting on Johnny's shoulder. He looks down at you.
"We're a team.. you're good for this team. We need to start treating you better. As one of us. .. Maybe we can start over right."
They blink at your rejection. But it's clear you're serious. You raise your brows at them.
"You guys don't just get to start over when you're assholes... Fix your actions instead."
You say, crossing your arms. Simon swallows thickly, you were right. You could go and tell Price of their treatment. Not only get them reprimanded, but you could come clean about all of them and get them in some real trouble.
"No more running around behind my back. Tell me when you want to help out.."
Johnny lifts his head at your words, opening his mouth. But you hold up a hand and give him a light glare.
"And no touching the chair anymore. Shouldn't have to say that at all."
You say, Johnny nods instantly.
"I deserve to be here. I know you're a Lieutenant, and I know you're a Sargeant. But I have a job to do too. Frankly it's to make sure you guys get back alive..... I'm not telling Price what happened."
Both men slack with relief. But you're not done yet.
"But if you pull that shit again. I'll transfer out. I know my worth. I'm not going to stay where I'm not wanted."
"We know-"
Simon starts.
"Then act like it."
You finish. Effectively silencing them. Simon gives a short nod to your order. In a way it was hard to describe the affect you had on them. Your strangely strong and suffocating presence. You weren't to be stepped on. You weren't to be taken lightly. Not anymore.
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{Tag list: @waiting-so-long @redz0mbie @lolly145 @infpt-zylith @missmidnight-writes }
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lesorus · 2 years
having PCOS is some special kind of hell only a biological woman will ever have to deal with. you'll basically be told that you're at risk for cancer, diabetes, you're infertile, you'll get hirsutism, your hair is thin, your periods painful and irregular, you're constantly tired, constantly hungry, you're always in some kind of pain or discomfort, you might eat less than you need and still gain weight.
you'll be told the only thing you can do about it is diet and exercise, which is fair, it works, but you literally are at risk for high insulin resistance and fatigue as symptoms. you can only swim against the current. now, you can also take birth control pills but they don't solve any of your real problems, they just hide them and if anything the second you stop taking them your health will get worse.
And did I talk about mental health? well, you're at high risk for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and eating disorders. fun right? and it's not some obscure disorder, 10% of women have PCOS. It's a common ailment, you'd think it's well-researched, that OB-GYNS are experienced in treating it, or at least empathetic. Right?
No, literally no. Nobody cares, you have to be your own doctor, go to Reddit for information, and look up research papers. You trust tiktokers more than your medical providers because the best they're gonna do is tell you to take a pill that won't be that effective, diet, and come back when you're pregnant. Oh, your pain is unbearable? Just take some paracetamol. You can't seem to lose weight? Get a grip, you just need to eat 0 carbs and exercise every day, and lift weights. Get some laser treatment for your facial hair while you're at it. You're tired all the time? Doesn't seem that serious, everybody is.
Or worse. Oh, your labs come out fine, you're fine. You have a healthy BMI, what are you worried about? You get a period every 40-ish days so it's not that bad. Not that you're barely eating, exhausted all the time, in severe physical pain, and emotionally distressed. You'll be able to have kids! Cheer up!
And all this? Because the medical industry doesn't care about women.
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SXF Novelization Fave Parts and some Analysis because I love Analyzing (Overthinking) Mission 1
I finally got my Spy x Family Family Portrait Novel and immediately finished reading it in one day, so without further ado, here are my fave parts, lines, dialogues from the first mission which is centered around Anya and Damian and this chapter just gives me diabetes 😭 (I've been shipping Damianya, yes but all this time it was like an innocent ship and it's not like making me feel butterflies since of course they're just children, but here in the novel, I actually got butterflies in my stomach, they're just so cute and precious here ❤️)
-Yor thinking she needs to teach Anya a lot of survival things about camping because she's worried if she can handle the woods (Yor is such a great mom, worrying for Anya's safety always and I think this just shows her experience regarding the wilderness revealing that her hometown might've been near the woods and she did experiencing hunting for food when she was young)
-Loid hoping that the trip could bring Anya and Damian closer (Be careful what you wish you for Loid 😂)
"Wonderful! That's my girl. You can do it, Anya," Loid said.
I just love it when Loid calls Anya his girl, for she will always and forever be his little girl.
-Loid and Yor sort of having a gentle argument on who should get Bond's milk 😂
Loid: I'll get you some milk Bond
Yor: No, let me do that for you.
Loid: No, I can do it, just sit there and relax
Yor: You're the one who should relax
They ended up getting the milk together. These two idiots. 😭❤️
They remind of that, you hang up first, no you hang up first couple exchanges when they're on the phone. These two are so good in this married couple thing without even trying.
And then stabbed me in angst in the next paragraph.
Ever since escaping from the facility, Anya had bounce between orphanages and foster homes. But now she'd finally found someplace worth treasuring, and if she could bring about world peace, then they'd all be able to keep happily living here together.
She clearly doesn't know about Twilight's plan to leave them after achieving his mission. I wonder how she would react to that. I've written a fanfic about it so if you can check it out if you're interested😊. Sorry for the shameless fic plug.
But I hope that after the success of Strix, Loid would stay with them. Could he really leave them? Can he really do that? He can't even let Anya go during the first week they've been together and he has the choice to just ditch her, choose another child and it was the practical and safe thing for a spy for him to do when Edgar knew about his location. But he saved her and took her in despite his reservations about endangering her and all. Now could he let this little girl go after all this time?
-Anya reading Damian's mind and seeing his thoughts about him drowning when he, Emile and Ewen went camping with Mr. Green, made fun of him and even acted out his lines when he thought that he was really drowning in that shallow lake (She loves trolling Damian that she forgot that doing that could give her off as a telepath😂)
"Lovey-dovey couples are nice, but there's something extra special about bickering, will-they-won't-they romances."
I gotta agree with Becky on this one. Bickering makes any romance stories a thousand times more investing and entertaining to read. That's why academic rivals to lovers is an s-tier trope for me.
-Becky partnering Anya with Damian to fetch some water. Becky is also a fan of forced proximity trope, I see.
-Anya's telepathy elicited a sensation on Damian and it said that it wasn't the first time. I really bet that Damian would be the first to know about Anya's mind ability.
-Anya being confused about her left and right hand 😂 (I mean kids her age really do get confused about that, I don't blame her)
-Damian being gentle in his way of speaking whenever he sees Anya distressed or in tears. I'll never get tired of Damian being soft to Anya, he's really a sweet kid.
"Hey, keep it together!" commanded Damian as Anya started to sob again. He grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly, pulling her close to speak in her ear (because the rain is loud). "I saw a small cave a ways back. Let's head there."
I don't know why but this scene, because of the way it was written, gave me butterflies.
-Anya calling for her Papa to save her when she was so scared. Loid said that Yor was the one that makes Anya feels safe, but she wasn't the only one whom Anya considers to be her safe place. He was also his baby's safe place and she trusts that Papa will always be there to save her.
-My favorite moment: Damian holding her hand and comforting her so she won't be scared, even though he, himself, is terrified too. Ugh, if that wasn't love, I don't what is. And when Anya gripped his hand back to comfort him too, he stopped shaking and Anya thought that his hand was warm. Awww, so preciouss❤️😭
-Anya letting herself to get the blame and willing to be punished but Damian not letting Anya to get the blame for them being lost in the forest. These two are like mini Yor and Loid haha, just young, energetic and extroverted versions of the two 🤣
-Anya being ashamed to face her Papa, because she thought her Operation to get close to Damian failed (since after that incident Damian went back to his mean self again but of course she didn't know Damian's crush on her just get massively deeper after that) but Loid wasn't even worried about that at all, nor did her ask her about Damian when she came home. When he had noticed she was sad, he immediately asked if she didn't have fun at their camping event. And when Anya said that she did, he smiled and said that he was glad that she did, because it's his daughter's happiness that's important to him (Because if she's happy then it would be good for my mission, I can imagine Loid telling this to himself when he just genuinely wanted her to be happy and enjoy her time at school since he never had the chance to do that as a kid)
-Yor and Loid preparing food together for Anya's return. Loid telling Anya that the food was safe to consume when she saw her face that is prepared to face death because he helped Yor to prepare. It was peak father-daughter moment 😂 But he let Yor cooked her specialty dish Southern Stew all by herself since she's the one who can make it the best ❤️
I wonder if Anya told him about her and Damian getting lost in the forest and Damian held her hand to comfort her. I wanna see Loid's reaction to that 😂
So that's it for Mission 1. Up next would be the chapter that got me laughing the most, Mission 2, Yuri babysitting Anya
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froody · 1 year
Tommy. Tell me about her. What wisdom does she hold?
She was born in the rafters of an abandoned barn one day in early May of 2017. She and her siblings had not yet opened their eyes when her mother decided to move her babies to the abandoned house about 50 yards from the barn. It was a grueling task. Tommy waited for her turn, sightless, helpless and so tiny. Her mother never returned for her. She abandoned her to die in that barn. It’s not an unusual thing for a feral cat to do. 80% of kittens born in feral colonies die before the age of 1. Tommy was so sick. She didn’t look like a normal kitten and she never would. Perhaps her mother knew she could not save her on her own. Perhaps her mother was young and sick herself and only had the strength for the other kittens. Either way, she left her.
Tommy’s digestive system was in tatters. She had multiple parasites. She was dehydrated. She still had the strength to scream, she always has, and she did. My father found her, got her down, took her to the vet. She opened her eyes later that week. She had to be bottle fed. It took several courses of antibiotics and anti-parasitics to get her back on track. She fought so valiantly. She always had an appetite as a kitten, no matter what was going on in her insides. She was so screamy. She loved to be held, loved to run up to the door every time you opened it.
Her struggles have never really stopped. She’s brachycephalic, she sneezes and wheezes, her sinuses are deformed, her eyes are crusty. She’s 6 now. My mom’s dog broke her jaw when she was about 2 and my mother rushed her to the emergency vet to get jr wired back together. Didn’t tell me what happened to my cat until I got home from high school that day. Last year I found Tommy in obvious distress, weak and drooling blood. I took her to the emergency vet and they found evidence of previously undiagnosed stomatitis and more pressingly, a mass on her jaw. Biopsy showed it wasn’t cancerous, it was an inflammatory reaction to her back teeth. She needed surgery to remove some of her severely deformed teeth and the bleeding painful mass.
She was out on steroids for the stomatitis for a few month. She didn’t seem to be getting better. She was dropping weight. Initially I thought it was just her mouth pain but I took her to the vet anyway. She was diagnosed with diabetes and sent home. The two days later she had an episode of hyperglycemia so severe I didn’t think she’d survive the night. She spent a week in the cat ICU.
Right now she’s regained her weight. She’s chilling at the edge of my bed. She’s snoring in her sleep.
She’s taught me a very important lesson. Don’t give up. Her constant and remarkably passionate fight for survival keeps me going. Her odds have always been so slim and yet she doesn’t know it or simply doesn’t care. She always has zest for life but in the most sinister cartoon cat villain way possible. I’ve always wanted to give up on myself and she’s never wanted to give up on herself. It doesn’t cross her mind.
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ideas-4-stories · 14 days
helloooo! I am once again sharing the cross guild Argentina au ideas. the brainworms are brainworming
also, Romantic Cross Guild!
•Alone, Mihawk would only drink fernet straight up and treat it with as much reverence as a glass of wine. But! With Buggy he starts to be fond of sharing it back and forth as it is meant to, a drink to be shared and enjoyed, he starts to get more loose and eventually he learns to share the moments and be a part of a group that loves him just as much as he loves them. Crocodile wasn't fond of fernet to begin with, but he also got fond of it after Buggy taught them the love that can be shared with it.
•Buggy has an atrocious sweet tooth, borderline solid diabetes. What else did we expect from a clown? Anyways, aside from all the piracy criminal stuff that Cross Guild does, I genuinly think that Buggy would beg on his knees, on his hands, pouting, crying and doing the biggest pretty please he could so Crocodile lets him hire bakers so that they would make him his favourite facturas and sweets every morning and also sold off for a little profit, but mostly for him to eat at mreakfast and merienda. Crododile does try his hardest to resist the pouting clown but he's helpless and obligues after a little while. They now have the best bakers money can get in the island and Crocodile and Mihawk get sugary kisses every morning now. They might have started liking sugar more if it is in their daily clown kisses...but nobody has to know that shhh. Also now on their list of services to offer they have Sweet Argentinian Facturas among other silly little things like murder, kidnapping, taking down pirate ships, y'know, the usual.
•Crocodile is one of the only people in the whole island that drinks mate the bitterest shit yerba can get it and as hot as volcanic lava, nobody wants to drink with him. Mihawk doesn't drink mate, he's more of a terere guy, and Buggy drinks mate with one kilo of sugar on top and midly cold (hes just like me fr). So that's why all three only share the table they put the things on. Every evening at merienda time the table has one stanley termo (like a one liter thing that stores water and keeps it hot), one jug of iced juice, one flashy hand-painted classic metalic kettle, and a distressful amount of sweets and sandwiches and bizcochos of various types and forms. It is always full of color and warmth and love.
▪︎Buggy can and will gobble up a whole jar of dulce de leche with spoonfulls. Croco and Mihawk are horrified.
▪︎Mihawk mainly dresses whith white loose shirts, used to hot climate like in Cordoba. So the moment winter starts he does not go out at all, he is deep in blankets. Buggy and Croco are very amused, but also find it a little cute
▪︎Crocodile gets up at 6am no matter what, even worse, he is an old ass cranky morning person. Mihawk and Buggy do not like it but, he is THEIR old ass cranky morning person, what're they gonna do about it?
(In this AU I headcanon Karai Bari island as looking less tropical and more like the woods around El Bólson(a village?city?town?in argentina) incluiding all the mountains and cascades and rivers and lakes and woods there are there, so the next places i will name are real ones, you can google them i love them all)
•As their first official date together they decide that nothings better than the Bosque de las Hadas (Fairy Forest) because of how magical and quiet it is there, after all, the fairys and gnomes are just stories, right?
Well, turns out stories are there for a reason, the start the date and everything is beautiful and they have the whole forest to themselves so they go al lovey dovey and suddenly they start hearing weird shit until they have to run out of the forest with Crocodiles help. At the end they had a disastrous date and Mihawk was kinda devastated inside, cuz he had suggested the Fairie Forest, but his partners made sure to make him know that it was interesting anyway and they spent a good time even if they were chased off by tiny feral fairies. Smooches are required and they do...other things too...
•As for their next day, they try a place with less magic in it, they fo to the Waterfalls. They have to do a little hicking; Mihawk is unbothered and enjoying the forest, Crocodile cheats with his sand a little, and Buggy whines the whole way up even if he is enjoying it, his whining stops when Crocodile puts him up on his shoulders and does indecent and spontaneous ass-grabbing. The Waterfalls gets to witness public indecency. It is a beautiful and succesful second date.
oooops i got carried away. anyway thank u for your time! have a good day :}
Sorry it took so long to reply, many long projects for school came one after another. Then I had no motivation for some days, but I'm back and I just have to say that I love these ideas. Them drinking together with something they either don’t drink with others or don’t drink at all is so cute to imagine!
I’ve heard ideas where Devil Fruit users need something that gives them energy or something like that… it could be food of some sort or smoking. I wonder if that’s true, Buggy’s must be sugar. Poor Mihawk and Crocodile, watching Buggy eat an entire dinner worth of sugar a day like Crocodile smoking through a pack or two of cigars a day isn’t bad as well.
I’m chuckling because I see Mihawk popping his head out of some blankets with Crocodile and Buggy, thinking Mihawk is being so cute. Love that Crocodile is their cranky old person in the morning. Karai Bari being more woodland area than topical looks nice in my mind, the fairy forest with little feral fae chasing them is so funny to think about. I wonder who pissed them off? The second date is everything, Buggy complaining about the shits n giggles, then gets lifted up onto Crocodile’s shoulder, now able to see more things with price of some public indecency.
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communistchilchuck · 2 months
Abdulrahman reached out to me to help share his fundraiser. He is urgently raising money to evacuate he and his family from Gaza. He has currently raised kr80,442 SEK out of his kr350,000 goal! Please donate and share, and if you can't donate, please still share!
Abdulrahman's Twitter/X: @Alshanti71
Abdulrahman's Instagram: @abood_elshanti
From Abdulrahman's GFM:
Note: The required amount is $30,000
⚠️ $1 = 10.5 Swedish kron
" الترجمة العربية بالأسفل "
My name is Abdulrahman Alshanti, and I am reaching out to you in a time of great need. My family and I currently reside in Gaza, facing dire circumstances resulting from the effects of the genocide on Gaza and the ongoing displacement crisis.
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of choice
Lives are very precious and cannot be replaced
To get through death we need to pay money we don't have
The price to leave gaza by egyptian borders is $7000-5000$ Equivalent to 55,000 SEK
per man/woman
We have endured seven months of relentless warfare in Gaza, facing attacks by land, sea, and air. We are suffering from the profound impacts of the ongoing conflict, unsure of what steps to take or where to seek help.
Adding to our distress, my mother is battling chronic illnesses, including heart issues, diabetes, high blood pressure and Retinal hemorrhage. The severe shortage of medications in our region has made her daily life unbearable amid these tragic conditions.
we are desperate to leave Gaza, as there is nothing left for us here. However, the high costs associated with relocation make it impossible for us to do so. We do not know what to do or whom to turn to for assistance.
In light of these challenges, we humbly seek your support on this GoFundMe campaign to help us secure the funds needed for our relocation
“ Donations will go towards living expenses and securing the future also “
If you find it in your heart to contribute to our cause, no matter how small the amount, it will be immensely appreciated. Your compassion and support can make a tangible impact on the lives of us.
For those willing to extend a helping hand, every contribution brings us one step closer to a more secure and hopeful future.
Thank you for taking the time to read our plea, and we sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to us.
With gratitude,
Abdulrahman .
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