#dinah x oliver
imagine danny using his ghostly wail to the greatest possible way.
He mainly uses it in small bursts until he can use it without de-transforming, but then he bumps into none other than Black Canary.
Let’s call his form Banshee, and his Phantom form would have been his sort of “Robin” mantle, letting Dani take it over.
With Dinah x Oliver in this, Roy and Danny just vibing in the corner.
Him meeting Red Hood through Roy and asking whether or not Jazz could meet him( She really wants to play therapist for the Batfamily, she took some tips from Dinah too)
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Oliver Queen x Dinah Lance
"The Emerald Archer and the Songbird"
For @rowinathequeenofpersia
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casualwriters · 9 months
Dinah Lance Moodboard
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crisnyra · 1 year
Dinah seeing Oliver at the club during her set
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secondgenerationnerd · 5 months
Pretty dope! Can you tell me about Connor Queen from NYJ?
Of course! So for any of my newer followers, Connor is on my YJL team, which takes place in the Young Justice TV show verse.
He is the son of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, so while he’s Connor Queen in papers, legally his name is Connor Jackson Lance-Queen.
Connor was born severe hearing loss in both ears, so he wears hearing aids. When he was little he would take them out and close his eyes so his parents couldn’t scold him.
He does have his mother’s powers and his father’s aim. A lot of his generations heroes mix their meta abilities with practical weaponry. For Connor, he yells “EARS” at his team before using a canary cry if they’re too close.
He grew up with Lucy Quinzel (Harley and Ivy’s daughter) and Calliope “Cals” Raymond (Ronnie Raymond “Firestorm” and Caitlin Snow “Killer Frost”’s daughter). They are an unholy trio who are way way smarter than they should be and it scares most the adults in their lives 😂
Lucy and Connor will psychologically destroy someone by reading them for filth, while Cals will hitting them with studies and case files.
When YJL accidentally ended up in the Omega Squad Verse, weapons were pulled and Connor used his canary cry. It dropped Mar’i and Jon to their knees, but Sin Lance, that universe’s Dinah and Ollie’s daughter, managed to dart around the cry zone and throat punch him before having him against the wall
Once everything was cleared up, they do hang out more and refer to each other as siblings. Considering he is Pan and she’s Acearo, they joke that, just like their dad, they’re an all or nothing pair 😂
Was he raised in high society with all the manners and proprietary his birth required? Yes. Has he walked into Queen Manor with frogs in his pants, used a gremlin voice, and is a complete ADHD chaotic whirlwind? Also yes
He has a major crush on Omega squad Verse Tiffany Fox, our beautiful autistic, lizard-and-Newt loving inventor. They end up together and honestly both teams couldn’t be happier for either of them
Connor was given a drum set as a kid. Dinah has never forgiven ollie for it 😂
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
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Green Arrow x Black Canary 💚🖤
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batarrow-delulu · 5 months
Diana: I knew you two couldn’t stay mad at each other.
Bruce: Oh yeah. We’re closer than ever.
Bruce & Oliver: *hold up their hands because they're handcuffed to each other*
Dinah : You wanna tell us how this happened?
Bruce: Well, Wally thought—
Clark: Oh, I wish he would stop doing that.
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wayneprincess · 5 months
Okay but having a high standards when it comes to romance after watching Justice League Unlimited is a given
I mean, how can you not have high standards when in the corner of your mind lives a story of a man who let himself be beaten almost to death because a girl he liked asked him for help? Their first date was all about manipulation, brawls, hidden motives and fights and THAT'S HOW YOU DO ACTION ROM COM PEOPLE
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elvinapandra · 1 year
So nobody's gonna talk about just how hot Green Arrow is???
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jasonstodger · 10 months
Oliver Queen loves to share. Dinah Lance? Not so much.
The way I see it, Ollie is always willing to take the backseat and just watch. He enjoys seeing your enjoyment. When you're fucking, just the three of you, he's content to sit at the end of the bed, gripping his cock and moaning softly as he watches his two best girls writhe and moan in the sheets.
This is the way Dinah likes it: When she can control your every sound and movement from above without having to worry about an outside force ruining her plans for you. She'll use all her toys, all her tactics, to slowly tease you to orgasm, bruising your lips with her mouth and bruising your throat with her gentle but strong hands.
Even off the field, the three of you are the perfect team.
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Green Arrow/Black Canary and Huntress/Question
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maj-3k · 1 year
Oliver, Dinah and Y.N sitting in the living room
Y.N: So Dinah you want to date my father.
Dinah: Y-yeh
Oliver: Y.N please...
Y.n: Shut up dad. I'm doing this for your own good.
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bestt4tshipbracket · 4 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 3 Round 1
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
The wrong shade of green
Danny’s arrival in Star City is not what you might call, uneventful. He was on the run from the GIW, after a lucky shot they manage to catch him while he was transforming. Unfortunately this lead to Danny being chased out of town, unable to transform lest they manage to track his ecto signature. The only reason he managed to get away was thanks to Red Huntress and his parents. They managed to distract the GIW while he made his getaway. He still doesn’t know how his parents feel about him being phantom but they were ready to help when he needed it and that’s what counts.
His first thought was to meet up with Jazz at her college if things went south, but with his identity revealed he knew going to her would put her in danger. With amity on lock down he’s unable to get to the portal. So he manages to get a ticket out of town and hops from bus to bus. At some point he ends up in Star City. He’s managed to pick a few pockets to keep himself fed and clothed unfortunately one night as he was heading back to his “home” (a condemned apartment building that was fine as long as he didn’t breathe too much) he came across a mugging. As much as Danny knows he shouldn’t he interferes, the woman gets away unharmed Danny is not so lucky. Danny managed to get a nice little bullet wound just barely missing his kidneys. It looked like the mugger was about to go in for the “kill” (boy would he be surprised) when the gun it pinned to the wall by a red arrow. Danny slumps to the ground. Trying to figure out if he needed to leave the city already when a teen about his age pops up out of seemingly nowhere and goes to help him try to stop the bleeding. Danny asks who the hell are you, he looks at him like he’s crazy and they he’s like “you must be new around here, I’m speedy” Danny laughs and starts to get up “okay speedy thanks for the help but I’m gonna get going” he grabs Danny like “you are bleeding out you’re not going anywhere” Danny looks him straight in the eye and says “who’s gonna stop me?” And keeps walking speedy follows him and says “im just trying to help! Your gonna die if you don’t get medical attention!” Danny mumbles “too late for that” not realizing speedy heard him.
He pauses and says “at least let me help you get where you need to go” Danny hesitates but accepts and speedy wraps Danny’s arm around his shoulder and helps Danny make it back to where he’s staying. Speedy looks more than a little worried about the state of the building but doesn’t fight him. Once they get inside speedy takes out all the medical supplies he has and gets to work. If he’s surprised by the scars scattered around Danny’s body he doesn’t say anything. Once he finished up he helps Danny lay down and says he’ll be back tomorrow to check on him “so make sure you’re here ‘cus I’ll be pissed if I come here and you’re gone” Danny laughs and says okay. This continues for about a week as Danny slowly begins to heal. Speedy would bring food and supplies then they would sit and talk and at some point or another Danny starts to tinker with speedy’s arrows, improving them. But eventually speedys mentor notices that he seems to be disappearing consistently and coming back with improved equipment. Worried that he’s gotten involved with someone he shouldn’t he follows speedy to the condemned building.
What he finds is his apprentice wrapping fresh bandages around the torso of a teen who is in the process of taking apart his arrows. He slowly leaves the shadows with his hands up to show he’s not a threat. “So this is where my young apprentice has been sneaking off to every night” speedy looks nervous and Danny looks ready to run until speedy puts a hand on his shoulder “I’m not here to stop you I just wanted to make sure you were okay, your friend appears to be hurt, do you mind if I take a look at it.” Danny hesitates but nods, green arrow removes the bandages once more and when he sees the scars littering his body he looks worriedly at speedy who just shakes his head. Green arrows mouth sets in a determined line “it looks like it’s healing pretty well” he looks around the building “this place isn’t the safest though, I have a safe house nearby you can stay in.” Danny looked surprised at the offer and looked to speedy for confirmation, he grinned at Danny. Danny rubbed the back of his neck and reluctantly agreed on the condition he can leave anytime he wants. Speedy immediately agrees and the get Danny to the safe house.
It takes time but eventually Danny tells speedy what he is running from and why and speedy in turn reveals his identity as Roy Harper. They swear each other to secrecy, even from green arrow. After about a month green arrow eventually reveals his identity to him and invites him to join the team doing weapons maintenance. This is when he is introduced to Dinah who he comes to greatly admire, Ollie thinks he has a crush on her because he always watches her train and is more than happy to join in every time. Danny agrees on the condition he’s getting paid for his work. Eventually Danny comes to see Ollie as a kind of uncle and Dinah as a sort of aunt, about a week after this development however Roy goes missing. Danny starts learning to hack, searching for any hint of where Roy disappeared to. Dinah and Ollie search on the ground and between the three of them they find Roy or so they think.
When Ollie comes home with “roy” Danny refuses to believe it’s him, he can’t explain it but he knows it’s not him. The duo try to win him over, after all who else could it be, but Danny refuses. You couldn’t say they were on terrible terms, but Danny didn’t trust him, not one bit and he continued to search for the real Roy to no avail, despairing in the knowledge that he can’t use his powers without being hunted, but it would make things so much easier. One day after a year of searching, the fake Roy officially wins his trust, but not in the way you would think. He’s by himself in the apartment when “Roy” comes rushing in panicked talking about how he was right he was always right and how he found out he was a clone. Danny tries to calm him down and tells him that they need to tell green arrow, they split up, but by the time Danny finds Ollie, “Roy” is already there acting as if nothing happy as can be chatting about how excited he is to finally be welcomed into the league base. Ollie laughs and says “we’ll that’s not the real base, the real one is a satellite in space” Danny is shocked, but he now understands that “Roy” is not fully in control. He decides to play nice and pretend he let the matter drop but continues to search.
After Cadmus happens Ollie invites Danny to work with the young justice team, helping them improve their equipment and helping out. The justice league knows about Danny and knows he’s hiding from something but something (tucker and technus) has prevented them from finding out exactly what. Batman agrees with Danny helping out the team but gives robin the mission of trying to figure out who he is and what he’s running from. Danny agrees knowing that the old league base most likely had much better access than Ollie’s. He joins the team in training and everyone is shocked when he manages to take down superboy, Dinah laughs and says it’s only to be expected from her star pupil. Danny does everything he can to make sure no one knows about his research, however after Kaldur returns from Atlantis earlier than planned only to find Danny hacking into secure documents. He raises his weapon and tells Danny to step away from the computer. Danny backs up and manages to play it off as he was worried about the people who took roy trying to do so again, especially since he’s on his own now, and what their intentions were to begin with. Kaldur reluctantly accepts the answer and even more reluctantly agrees to keep it a secret as he told Ollie he would drop it, on the condition that he would keep him informed and promise not to act on any information he finds. After that the two start to hang out more and Danny start to feel bad about lying to Kaldur but knows hed be putting everyone in danger if he were to try to expose Roy without proof. Everyone starts to slowly realize there’s something off about Danny but they just can’t put their finger on it. When Shazam starts hanging out with the team and later Zatanna this becomes even more evident as the two seemed to have a high respect for danny that neither can really explain.
Everything comes to a head at New Years when red arrow is inducted into the league. When it was revealed that red arrow was to mole all along Kaldur immediately looked to Danny who refused to look him in the eye. He says bluntly “you knew” Danny sighs and says “of course I knew, he was practically my brother. But without proof I would be putting the real Roy, the clone roy and all of you in danger. This isn’t the first time he realized a clone and everytime his mind is wiped and he simply forgets.” He looks away “I checked the DNA they are a perfect match, I had to find a way to solidly prove that he wasn’t Roy otherwise everyone would think I was delusional…again.” With Danny’s help they track down the fake Roy and they manage to take back the watchtower. After winning the day danny and the newly named will team up to continue the search for the real Roy.
Onto season 2 of young justice
It’s been 2 years now and Danny is not 18-19
Will and Danny are in a safe house searching for Roy when they get word that Artemis is dead. Danny is devastated. They might not have gotten along in the beginning but he had come to see her as a little sister. As much as he cares for Kaldur he is determined to get revenge. Luckily will manages to get a lead on roy before Danny does something he would regret. They manage to get Roy back and he’s in the hospital. They won’t let him see roy until roy finally asks for him. “How did you know he wasn’t me, how were you the only one who knew?!” He grinned and said “oh he was much less of a dumbass and I just knew it couldn’t be you.” He laughed “but to be honest I don’t know, he just didn’t FEEL right if that makes sense, like he was just out of sync.” Roy seems to accept the answer and thanks Danny for never stopping his search.
Danny went to get the two of them food and when he came back roy was gone. Luckily he was considerate enough to leave a note. “Not kidnapped gotta go kick ass” Danny laughs and throws the note in the trash after all he’s gotta a new search to start and ass to kick of his own. He begins his hunt (he learned from the best). Danny manages to hunt down Kaldur to a submarine 10 of the coast of biallya. When Kaldur enters his quarters and starts to take off his armor he catches some movement out of the corner of his eye, narrowly dodging a very sharp, very deadly arrow. Kaldur find himself in a fight to the death as Danny comes at him with all of his training from both canary and arrow. The fight is just loud enough to draw attention, Kaldur just barely manages to pin Danny to the wall when a henchman knocks on his door, Danny is certain he’s about to need to use his powers when Kaldur tells him to leave. Danny looks shocked as Kaldur slowly lets him go. Not one to waste an opportunity Danny knocks Kaldur to the ground turning the tables on him and holds a knife to his throat. Danny demands an explanation. Kaldur says I could ask same how did you get here. Danny pushes the knife a little more against Kaldurs throat and says I’m asking the questions. “Why did you betray us?! You killed artemis! And why did you protect me?!”
Kaldur looks him in the eye and begins to explain everything, about how his father is black manta and he used that to infiltrate the light and how Artemis is alive. Danny reluctantly moves the knife from his throat. “Why should I believe a word you say? This could all be a trap?” “You and I both know it’s not, but if you need proof I can call her here, assuming you’ve disabled the security in here” Danny scoffs “do I look like an amateur to you?” Kaldur takes a small item out of his pocket and sends a signal about 15 min later Kaldur is handcuffed sitting on his bed when tigress enters the room. As she’s turning around she asks what the emergency was and get tackled by Danny. “I’m so glad your alive!” Artemis laughs and asks what he was doing here, he steps aside to reveal the bound Kaldur and says “ the original plan was to come here and take revenge but clearly that’s not needed” and he goes to uncuff Kaldur. Artemis covers her mouth trying desperately not to laugh as Kaldur moved to stand. “To be fair he was able to take down Conner on his first time don’t feel to bad” the three catch up a bit before Danny leaves in order to make sure he doesn’t blow their cover. They ask if he need help getting out but he winks and says “I have my ways” after Danny is gone Artemis gives Kaldur a Look and he says “not a word” she grins “I didn’t say anything, but if I did I would say you were looking mighty happy to see dear old Danny. But seriously when this is over if you don’t ask him out I will personally tie the two of you up and lock you in a closet.” Kaldur smirks “noted now you should head back before they get suspicious”
Okay I’m not sure what else I want to add if anything, I don’t know all that much about green arrow, but I get the feeling Danny would study canary’s form religiously so that when he had to use it he could use his wail without being hurt in the process.
In the meantime who do y’all think I should do next?
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Hi, have some Sin Lance headcannons and screenies:
Her first language is Mandarin, which comes out when she’s raging during a video game.
She rarely talks about her early childhood training. Even with Maya and Damian.
She started living with Dinah and Ollie when she was almost 7.
Dinah is Māmā or just Mā. Oliver is Bàba or just Bà.
She started referring to them as this when she was 10. Oliver was ready to cry.
When Dinah explained to Oliver about Sin and where she was, he had zero idea on how to connect with a little girl. His only real experience was with Lian.
Good news tho! Sin was fascinated by his arrows and knives. Dinah didn’t even pretend to be surprised.
When she’s really overwhelmed, Sin hides in either an closet or a bookcase in the library. Dinah usually finds her first, and just sits until Sin’s ready to talk.
Ollie introduced Sin to the classic horror movie monsters. All the B-films that he could find. Thus starting her deep love of pop culture.
Her adoption is kept pretty well hidden. Mostly for her own safety and at her own request. She doesn’t have to do galas or benefits like the Batkids do.
The first night she was at Queen Manor, Oliver and Dinah woke up to her screaming. They thought she was being attacked. When they got to her, she was thrashing around, screaming in Mandarin until they finally woke her up. Oliver later asked Dinah what she’d been saying. “Stop, it hurts! Get off me!”
First time she met the Justice League, she was 7 years old. Diana Prince took one look at this little girl and claimed her as a goddaughter. Dinah had no arguments 😂
When Sin goes to Themyscria with her team for the summer, she rediscovers a childhood love of horseback riding. Like, her friends had never seen that big of a smile on her face before.
Normal kids have fidget spinners. Sin has butterfly knives.
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When people call Sin her mini-Me, Dinah just thinks of this picture. ☺️
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If there’s anyone safer in this world than her Māmā, Sin doesn’t want to hear it….
Because her Māmā has already broken jaws to protect her.
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Her Bà never fails to remind her of how old she is.
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Ollie’s made a lot of mistakes, too many to count sometimes, but he’s trying to do better for her.
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
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💅 Miss Lane
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