#dnd scrooge
quill-pen · 1 year
okay i am so sorry in advance for like All Of This but youve activated the Special Interest Neurons and i gotta say. i lowkey want your d&d AU ebenezer (werewolf rogue) and my d&d AU ebenezer (dragon disguising himself as a human) to interact somehow. i can’t get the mental image out of my head of both of them wondering “how long will it take for him to realize that there’s something Off about me” about the other. again i am SO SORRY i know this is a very silly idea but it got into my head and it won’t leave :D👍
Ooh! A human-formed dragon is a perfect fit Eb what with the hoarding riches and what not. 🤣. Love that idea. And please don't ever apologize about sending asks--I love to read them and think about the questions/theories/facts the pose. Especially when they're concerning my favorite old miser.😅
As for how they could potentially meet? Simplest way would probably be a spell going wrong. Some magic wielder from one of their groups reaches across dimensions for some reason or other and the Ebenezer accidentally gets pulled through. Then, as if having to deal with the fact that "there's another me" isn't bad enough, they also have to worry about the other them finding out their... oddities. They both probably think the other one seems so perfectly normal (and, in at least my Eb's case, he has a loving, devoted mate either currently by his side or back in his own world who is undoubtedly fighting to find him and bring him back home) and feel inferior because of it. If there's one other person who should be at least accepting of you, it should be yourself. But how can a "normal" you, who seems to have everything you could ever hope for, possibly be okay with you being a hidden dragon or cursed monster? "He's succeeded where I've failed. He's doing well while I'm struggling."
And then something happens that causes them to reveal their natures to each other and they probably both think the other's situation is fascinating.🤣. Wolf Eb is wondering how the bloody hell Dragon Eb can be so huge in true form yet can become so small for his disguise. Dragon Eb is wondering how the lycanthropy works because he was under the impression werewolves could only turn during the full moon. He's also curious if Wolf Eb can use his werewolf abilities as a human or if more wolfish qualities carry over into his human form. Yes, Wolf can and yes, they do. And some of them make it damn near impossible to get anything productive done whenever Bess is randy or ovulating.
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cindertherabbit · 1 year
The Hughs Venn Diagram
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pictured: top left: hugh laurie (house; house m.d.) bottom centre: hugh grant (forge fitzwilliam; d&d movie) top right: huey (ducktales) middle left: adam sandler (howard ratner; uncut gems) middle right: scrooge mcduck (ducktales) centre: astarion (baldur's gate 3)
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
A D&D Carol
I just ran what was possibly the best DMing I have ever done. I did a homebrewed one-shot for four of my dearest friends inspired by A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I got to two and half hours of sleep last night since I was up all night prepping BUT I did it.
In the end, it was an exactly 9-hour-long session with an 84-song long soundtrack to boost where the players were different types of "Scrooges" who lived in 1898, England (but sprinkle in some magic and fantasy races).
At the stroke of midnight on Christmas eve, they found themselves stolen from their homes (or in one case the street they were guarding) by the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future.
They explained that the old way of doing things by taking people one after another through their lives took too long and got boring. So they switched things up. Now they gather people as a group and throw them into a manor of puzzles, and monsters from their pasts that is embued with the essence of their lives. Similarly, they have to make their way through the manor, one room at a time, walking through and exploring each other's memories and their reasons for hating Christmas as they gather clues/keys that will help them unlock the next room.
We had a rich, snobby little girl who's parents always work on the holidays, leaving them with her nanny. We had a teen who never got to enjoy their childhood as they were constantly under the abusive and explotive employment of their guardian. We had a dwarf soldier who held a bitter resentment from a Christmas where their wishes never came true. And a scorned mother, who's husband she believed lied to her their entire relationship before fleeing with their child after their divorce.
I got to witness as their characters slowly grew from bickering and taunting one another, to literally putting their lives on the line to save the other, now a thoroughly different person.
It was magical.
People cried ... several times from shared grief, from joy, from relief. They shared animosities towards the antagonists in each other's lives and overall just became a small found family as they began to heal the damage that had been corrupting them for so long.
Thank you so much to lovely friends, players, and members of the Hive who played with me today (@absolutepokemontrash. @sufzku @tragedytells-tales and my dearest roommate). You're all truly incredible and it was a pleasure to bring this story to life with all of you.
And thank you, Luke Evans, for your amazing voice that inspired it all.
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mxvanrichten · 9 months
Happy Holidays from our Curse of Strahd gang!
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Bonus pic I made of Brandy and Blinsky as Santa and Mrs. Claus because she has a crush on him.
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my metric of if I classify magic user characters as "nerdy wizard archetype" or "metal flamethrower with opposable thumbs" is purely based on whether or not they could party with the unseelie fae and survive
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angry-halfling · 6 months
Have some updated Reed character design and sibling art
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In order from youngest to oldest and left to right we have Reed, known as Dax to his siblings (Thymodeus Dax), Ernie (Vernicia), Augs and Eddie (Augustus and Antoinette), Monty (Desmond), and Winnie (Alwynna).
Reed's character design and personality has come a looooong way. The old campaign he was in was revived and he's technically a different dimentional version of himself, but that's just semantics. He's still the same rich pretty boy babygirl who's never seen a copper piece before and likes to start bar fights.
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raistlinsama · 2 years
Just tagging fandoms you should expect me to reboot/write/gush/go crazy about
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justaboot · 1 year
OKAY you all know me, you know how I make my livin and all that so I was teaching my DND class, and it’s the start of the year with all (but one) returning student, so we were going over dnd classes right? And they were really struggling w the concept of a paladin.
And for barbarian I just wrote HULK SMASH and they were like great and I was like cool but they don’t always have to be HUGE. You know who’s another famous barbarian that everybody knows???
And I wrote Donald Duck. And everyones like YEAH how he goes from a guy to a blur! And I drew it and one kid was like YEAH, like on Ducktales!
“Hey who here watches ducktales?”
Every student raises their hand.
Hardcut to
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I also gave them +1 max hp for drawing a ducktales character in their adventure journal and the outcome was. Incredible.
Anyway I got a paycheck for this.
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kandisheek · 21 days
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: kellifer_fic
kellifer_fic wrote some of my favorite fics in this fandom, period. Their voices for the Avengers are all immaculate, and their way of writing dialogue is nothing short of incredible. It's even funnier than Marvel canon sometimes, and that's a feat that not many can pull off. I adore their fics, and if I could rec every single thing they've ever written here, I would. But alas, I'll restrain myself to some of my favorites.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
jealousy is all the fun you think they had
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 3,887 Tags: Jealousy, Bucky Recovering, Fighting & Making Up
Summary: Is it socially acceptable to be jealous of your boyfriend's ex-dead best friend?
Reasons why I love it: This fic is equal parts hilarious and a glorious trainwreck of Tony self-sabotaging himself, which is very on brand for him. I love how nonchalant Bucky is about the whole thing, he truly is the best bro. And JARVIS is just the best, full stop. I adore this one, and if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should!
Therapeutic Guidelines
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,357 Tags: Action Figures, UST, Team as Family
Summary: "Are you suggesting I get a bunch of bunk beds in here and squeeze us all into one room?" Tony scoffs and the woman just looks at him. "No, wait-"
Reasons why I love it: Doctor Barrow's role in this fic is actually kind of genius. I love the plot twist and everything leading up to it. There are so many funny moments, I can't even say which one is my favorite, but I especially enjoyed the team bonding. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
99 problems (and the dice ain't one)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 10,784 Tags: Living Together, DnD, Resolved Sexual Tension
Summary: Tony's life is almost perfect. He lives in a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), has a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things and a regular Friday night campaign. If his best friend, Steve Rogers, hadn't moved away to New York and left him behind, then perfection would've been achieved. Tony can roll with the punches though and he's almost all the way over that little bump in the road (shut up Bruce, he totally is) when Steve moves back, looking taller and broader and more confident than ever and Tony's left with a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things, a regular Friday night campaign and the uncomfortable realization that maybe he's in love with his best friend and has been since he was sixteen.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, they're all such nerds, I love them! Tony the grumpy hermit is adorable, and I love how ass-backwards Steve and Tony are when it comes to their feelings. Plus, the team as family vibes in this are phenomenal. Definitely check this one out, it's fantastic!
even the cake was in tiers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 5,500 Tags: Accidental Marriage, Magic, Team Bonding
Summary: I'm pretty sure I'm married to Steve Rogers.
Reasons why I love it: Just the title of this fucking sent me. The Tony sass is on another level in this one, and I'm enjoying every second of it. I love how Tony has a whole Ebenezer Scrooge moment about his life choices, and the ending is super cute. This fic is wonderful, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself!
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 7,418 Tags: Poker, Pining, Kidnapping
Summary: Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings.
Reasons why I love it: I love how everyone on the team clearly understands what's happening, except for Tony. All of the poker night scenes are amazing, and I'm super impressed at how well this fic is balanced between humor and drama. I love it, and I bet you will too, so I hope you'll give this one a shot for yourself, if you haven't already!
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rom-e-o · 7 months
I'm a little in love with that blue and gold brocade dress at the bottom.😍
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Another batch of amazing, AMAZING CHOICES!
I can absolutely see this as a quirky dress Connie wears while working at the coffee house. It looks like it would be positively adorable with an apron and Doc Martens as she runs espresso to grumpy customers.
Bess dress, for sure! the flower-meets-lace design is so perfect! i could see this wearing to a London party with FeFe, after she's already introduced her to the London scene. It's a fundraiser, and Bess is greeted and complimented by many. "Wonderful to see you again, Ms. Elizabeth! You look lovely."
This is so cute and feminine! I can see this an another dress that the girls share amongst each other. It feels like such a cute dress for chatting in over coffee on a date. Or, maybe for a business-casual business luncheon?
Okay, all the girls would look so beautiful in this, but sweet Addie descending the stairs in this for her first date with Tom? Her hair done, delicate jewelry, and all dolled up for their first dinner date.
Classic clubbing dress for Connie. This is a "horrible-day-at-work-dance-it-out" dress. It's early in her "hot girl era" with this. Before she's more...stable with the girls in the cottage, let's just say. Quitting a problematic relationship and recovering from drug/alcohol addition yielded some...less than glamorous moments for Con early on.
A sassy TeTe blouse for when she needs to make some deals for her charity. Give her a pencil skirt and gold pen, and with this blouse, she will buy and sell buildings larger than some communities.
I can see Hela gifting this dress to Connie. It's gold, bright like sunshine, and a perfect dress for her to wear for her first dinner with Harry and Hela, as well as her extended family. Well, and Harry's extended family ... which is Scrooge, lmao. We never do find out about Harry's father, which is...very concerning, but yeah. Connie is so grateful, and of course, dazzles in this.
Now, I can see Bess in this dress as well! Those midnight blue accents would be stunning on her. This with some matching, blue velvet boots? It would be so perfect for an opulent event. Oh, or a fancy tea party! With her hair done up Regency-style? Ough, I love it, honestly.
This feels like a DND-verse dress for Connie (who we;ve discussed SUPER briefly, nothing is solidified, but I just have a vision lmao). Like, the more rustic but gorgeous fit feels like something out of a fantasy game. Like, she's carrying her remaining riches and trinkets to set at the markets and doing fire magic tricks to make some coin after leaving Orin.
BESS IN THIS IS ICONIC. this might be my second-favorite look for her, after the iconic love-at-first-sight silver dress. Like, this could be worn to fundraisers, parties, events and definitely upscale dinner and theater dates.
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mysticstarlightduck · 8 months
Get To Know Tag!
Thank you so much for the tag, @clairelsonao3!
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship status - Single
Favorite color - Purple, especially lilac and violet. I also really like turquoise blue.
Song (s) stuck in my head - "Scrooge" by Karliene and "Verde Crud" by Andra Ariadna
Favorite food - Anything with chicken. I do love a good cheese and garlic chicken pasta with some fries.
Last song listened to - Crossfire by Stephen
Dream trip - Travelling to Ireland or Cornwall. Visiting Japan is also a bucket list dream trip I've had for a while!
Spicy/sweet/savory: Savory, though I do love a good not-too-sugary sweet once in a while, especially if it's something like chocolate cake.
Last thing I googled: "Nightwalker DnD 5e" Because I was reading a BG3 fanfic that mentioned nightwalkers and I couldn't for the life of me remember what they were.
(I'm not sure I have the patience to tag 10 people rn, so Imma tag just a few) Tagging, gently : @gummybugg, @meerawrites, @saintedseraph, @tabswrites, @oh-no-another-idea and @steh-lar-uh-nuhs!
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quill-pen · 1 year
Great. Thanks to @m0nsterwife now I'm thinking even more about my DnD Scroogeverse.😅
As if it wasn't already soft over the idea of regular Ebenezer getting all protective and doting and gentle with a pregnant Bess and then baby, I've now turned to mush at the thought of werewolf Ebenezer getting all protective and doting and gentle with pregnant Bess and then baby.
Just imagine it:
First of all, he probably knows she's pregnant before she does--can smell the change and hear the baby's heartbeat. Of course he doesn't know what those scents or sounds are because he's never really been around a pregnant woman since he was cursed and, also, they still believe Bess can't have children. So when he finds out THAT'S what those sounds and smells mean, he's completely dumbfounded. And terrified. He's a werewolf. What happens when werewolves have children? Are the children cursed too? Is carrying a werewolf's child more dangerous for the mother? Will his children inherit any sort of... wolfishness/wildness/feralness from him? How do you raise werewolf children? What if he accidentally hurts them when the wolf comes out?
After lots of communication and reassurances, both Eb's and Bess' worries would simmer down, but that fear would always be there. Rightfully so, honestly, and Bess can't blame him. She has some worries of her own, being a moon goddess vessel and all.
But the further along the pregnancy gets, the more comfortable Eb becomes with it all. His inner wolf makes him go more protective and territorial than ever before, struggling to let Bess even sweep the cottage or gather eggs. He always keeps an arm around Bess when company is about and struggles not to growl when even their extended family comes close to her. He cradles her so close, wrapping himself around her to keep her safe and warm. His big, paw-like hands with their claw-like nails hold and caress her growing middle so tenderly and sweetly. And the farther along it gets, the more easily Eb can hear and smell his baby--his little pup. And the more at ease and in love he feels.
Bess gets so many tender kisses, caresses, and affections--and that's saying a lot because she was already swimming in those before the pregnancy. Eb's wildness keeps up with her libido easily when that starts to become an issue. Pregnancy is no picnic as she comes to remember, but even so, all she can think about is letting her mate put another pup in her belly as soon as possible because she can already tell what a magnificent father Ebenezer will make. She adores the side of him--the side that curls up with her in their bed and wraps his arms around her waist and he lays between her legs and presses his ears and face to her belly to better hear, smell, and talk to their little pup. He kisses her belly so gently and she melts all over. She wants to see more of this side of him. She wants to make his dreams of being surrounded by people who love him--being surrounded by family--come true.
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ducktr0ducin · 2 years
can you draw, Della, Webby & Scrooge?
Scrooge’s old man knees (tm) are killing him but he wants to bond with his niece :]
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(Sorry this is sorta late- had dnd yesterday and other projects I had to work on today)
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tuxedokit · 1 year
Alter Intros
🦋 Carpet (Host)
✉️ Quinn/Delilah (High School Activist)
🚬 Tux (Traumaholder)
🌌 Starlight (Poet)
🧩 Secret (Internet User)
🪦 Kenny (Fictive - SP)
🧚‍♀️ Sayakura (Fictive - DND)
🤑 Louie (Fictive - Ducktales)
🧙‍♂️ Quinslap The Weird (Wizard)
🎢 Dewey (Fictive - Ducktales)
🐾 The Creature (Animal)
🌸 Cosmo (Fictive - Sonic X)
🧸 Blankie (Little, Baby)
🧀 Mick (Fictive - Disney)
👑 King Momdadguy (Parent)
🐈 Catpet (Cat)
🚀 Della (Fictive - Ducktales, Mom)
💰 Scrooge (Fictive - Ducktales, Motivator)
🎶 Nova (Internet User)
🐝 Sollux (Fictive - Homestuck)
💜💜 The Little One (Kid)
🧠 Raz (Fictive - Psychonauts)
🛠 Tails (Fictive - Sonic)
🧬 Jade (Fictive - Homestuck)
🦄 Webby (Fictive - Ducktales)
🍸 Roxy (Fictive - Homestuck)
we generally use the body's pronouns, if you want to get to know us more, feel free to send an ask !
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gardenofshadcws · 2 years
A Dickens December Day 16
In Which The Cratchits Celebrate Christmas Part 2
And here we get probably the most iconic line of this book. God bless us every one!
I love how what really gets Scrooge’s heart to melting is witnessing the deep tragedy that is Sad Victorian Child Disease. And the Present throwing his words back at him hits, man
I love Mrs Cratchit kick his ass bb I got your flower
Scrooge the Baleful sounds like a DnD character
So much love I cry
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This is a vent post, I just need to let something’s off my chest. There are a ton of trigger warnings
I’ve never felt so empty in my life. My last six months at my job screwed me up by trying to get me to quit screwed my mental wiring so bad that I almost can’t remember how to talk to other people. My christmas was so bad I now refer it to “my reverse scrooge christmas” cause i spent the whole time being yelled at and belittled, being insulted for my weight, my job and everything about me multiple times a day by my dad my sister was no better. I came home thinking I could go to work with enough time to find a new job but no after not being able to bully me into quitting they did it while I was gone, so now I’m on unemployment and government insurance. I tried to talk to my landlord to see “hey i can still resign up for another year right?” since i’ve been a good tenant but he hasn’t given me a answer yet so now there’s that i need to worry about. I’m applying for 30 jobs a week and hearing back from one maybe every other week. I’m in a constant state of anxiety and I can’t even talk to anyone about it cause i’m terrified of talking to my best friend at the moment because they have their own things going on right now and I can’t hurt them, I can’t ask my parents for help or even to vent to because i’ll be bullied into moving home which i will not survive. I thought I could take advantage of my new insurance and get top surgery but my doctor says i can’t because my BMI is just a weeee bit too high (even though BMI are out of date and in inaccurate) I ruined a dnd session by talking too much because in these two campaigns I’m in there are these two separate players who talk so much already so when you have two people in a campaign who are like that it just ruins it for everyone to the point maybe i shouldn’t play at all and I’m so done. I can’t even ask my friends for a hug cause the idea of talking to them makes me so anxious i feel like i’m about to get sick. God even looking at this makes me want to cry cause it’s just been nonstop. I’m so tired and so sad, I keep telling myself it’s going to be ok. I’m not going to set up a go fund me or anything cause it won’t do my mental health any good to see that account stay empty. I just feel alone and scared. My anxiety is so high at the moment that even just hearing other people’s voices makes me feel sick . I’m trying so hard to stay strong and positive but it’s hard. I don’t even have someone who can just hug me. I’m scared i’m sad and i’m so tired
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