#does everyone just get an armful of bills at the end?
sitkainsnow · 3 months
Desperately need a fic from a police officer’s pov and they watch SuperBat interactions bc like all the cops either hate or love Bats, but are still kinda terrified of him, but ofc Supes is all sunshine and smiles and “He’s my best friend y’all!” And they KNOW bats probably totally has kryptonite and an attitude worse than the devil.
So they end up in a situation where they’re working together and Batman in taking with the police and Superman’s standing behind him waving and smiling at everyone while Batman is giving single-word or just huffs for answers. And then Superman freezes and cocks his head and to everyone’s surprise grabs Batman by the shoulder and whispers something in his ear and then what’s more surprising is Batman doesn’t even mind as he wraps his own arm around Supes and then they’re gone in a blur of blue and Black. All the cops are just left standing there like 🧍‍♂️shocked bc Bats didn’t mind Supes touching him.
Or another instance where it’s after this big battle in Gotham and it’s with whatever villain but Superman is there too and the villain had kryptonite. Anyways so after the battle Bats is talking to the police and handing over the villain and Superman comes over after talking to the civilians, picks Bats up by the scruff mid sentence politely nods to the officers he was talking too, and moves him a couple feet away and just starts yelling at Bats abt how stupid it is for him to run around jumping in the way of heavy blows EVEN if they have kryptonite and Bats just scoffs and turns his head away and all the police on the area watch as Superman and Batman argue about how stupid it is to risk your life to save the other (they both did it) completely oblivious to their audience and the police whose POV it’s in just thinks “god they sound like a married couple. Wouldn’t it be crazy if the two of the worlds greatest hero’s were actually a couple lmao. But that’s crazy they’re just really good friends”
Gordon watched all this trying not to blow his fuse bc yes, Batman does need to be yelled at, and yes, he does need to prioritize his safety more, but NO, you don’t need to be having your lovers quarrel in front of the whole damn GCPD.
Or in another instance Batman racks up a bunch of charges on him for whatever reason and the GCPD by luck manages to arrest him and so here comes Superman trying to bail his partner(in more ways than one) out of prison and the police are like “we’re really sorry Mr. Superman sir but we can’t legally do that” and Supes goes “what the hell did he even do” and so the officer goes “Property Damage, unlawful violence, arson, punched a cop in the face and broke his nose, caught carrying weed which is illegal in the state of New Jersey, multiple -and I mean multiple- unpaid speeding tickets. Oh, and the DMV wanted us to talk to him about his unregistered Batmobile and Batbike.”and Supes is about to cry as he quietly asks “Okay, so how much is bail” And the officer looks away and mumbled “sixteen grand” and Supes gasps and cries out “I don’t get paid enough for sixteen grand!!”
However thirty minutes later Supes is back at the GCPD station shakily counting out bills bc he can’t use a check or card (obvi) sweating heavily and looking extremely pained. The cops don’t even ask where he got all those bills so quickly and just watch him and another 30minutes later Bats is out and Supes is shaking him by his shoulder shouting “so who’s gonna lag me back!! Who’s gonna reimburse me for for 16k?? Whose gonna apologize for the heart palpitations you gave me?? Whose gonna apologize for all the gray hairs this is going to give me?? You’re giving me gray hairs all the time B!! I can’t do this!!” And Batman just sighs and pats Superman on the back as they walk out of the station and Superman is mumbling about bank credit and loans and how bad he looks with wrinkle lines and gray hair sounding like he’s about to cry.
Meanwhile the police try not to loose their minds throughout this whole interaction and Gordon’s just staring at the door blankly smoking a cigar and the police whose POV it’s in looks at the cigar a little bit closer and goes “That smells like weed” and Gordon looks at her and just says “I feel for Superman a bit more than I want to”
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pacifymebby · 7 months
*slides a crisp $20 bill across the table* peaky boys reaction to the reader that gets excited any time they see them, like they literally light up with excitement, even if they just saw them~
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Hiiii sorry this took so long and i hope i manage to do it justice ♥️
🌿 He's alarmed by it at first, almost thinks its a little silly... Suspicious is perhaps the right word? Tommy is used to people performing for him, pretending to be something they're not, acting the way they think he wants them to act... Usually because they want to get something from him.
🌿So yes, at first he is cynical, he doesnt believe for a second that you're really so pleased to see him... Usually when Tommy enters a room that room falls silent, people shiver, people's mouths run dry... conversations go unfinished... a shadow passes over all he passes by.
🌿 Unless you're in that room... if you're in that room everything is different, your eyes light up, your whole demeanour brightens, you practically jump out of your seat and rush to him... you clasp his hand in yours and practically drag him to your table desperate to tell him all about your day and hear all about his... it's like he's the sun in your sky and he doesn't know what to think, only that somehow someone must have put you up to it, or perhaps you yourself are playing a game of mistruth. Attempting to deceive him...
🌿 The thing is he can't work out any alterior motive, theres no reason as far as he can tell, that you would want to cosy up to him or flatter him like this... And if you did, well, he can't help but think you'd be smarter than to think squealing and throwing your arms around him every time you see him is the best way to go about that...
🌿 But he can't bring himself to believe you're innocent, that you're being genuine... he wants to, really desperately wishes he could join you on your apparently care free sunny side of life but he can't... it's not like he hasn't been burned before...
🌿 So he's stand offish with you at first, always telling you to settle down, smirking at you, he almost seems a little embarrassed about the attention you're throwing at him... which is unusual for him because it's not like he isn't used to women flirting with him.. perhaps it's that this isn't flirting in the way he's used to.
🌿 It's warmer, more innocent. There's no games being played, not the way he's used to... and he gets very irate about it, feels he has to nip whatever trick you're trying to play in the bud immediately.
🌿 So the next time you rush to him throwing your arms around him he snatches your wrist in his hand and drags you away, into a lonely room, he sacred you with his sudden temper, the angry way he traps you between him and the door, finger pointing accusingly in your face...
🌿"Right miss l/n whatever this is eh, whatever you're playing at it ends right now you hear me? Right now..." you don't know what to say to him, speechless with fear, eyes wide and filled with tears as you stare up at him in shock. "Wh...what are you..." you start stuttering, your heart thudding in your chest, your stomach heavy like it's filled with stones so sad and disappointed because you love him and it looks right now like he hates you...
🌿 "Don't give me that love, I know you want something so you can drop the act... Whatever you want right, you do what everyone else does, you book an appointment with Lizzie and you book your turn!"
🌿But the minute the cold words leave his mouth he regrets them, the way you resolve falters, the way your eyes brim with tears... Your whole demeanour changes, you shrink away from him, as if it hurts to touch him. You can't look him in the eyes and he wonders if perhaps that hurts too now. Because you don't just love wildly, you hurt wildly too and he's wounded you mortally with his icy words and his cynicism...
🌿He knows straight away that there was no act, that you'd been nothing but genuine from the start. That perhaps your actions might have seemed a little childish, but that ultimately there was no harm in them. Or in you. You are just a very sweet girl who, for some god only knows reason, really loved him...
🌿 "Fuck I'm sorry love..." he sighs reaching for your hand, deciding better of such a halfhearted gesture and instead engulfing you in a warm embrace, holding you tight and secure, rocking you side to side, eyes closed, savouring every second he had with you in his arms. When he kisses your hair he breaths in your scent, looks down at you with these deep apologetic eyes, "Sorry love, forget myself sometimes... Get so wrapped up in me own head that I forget who I'm dealin with sometimes..."
🌿 "Its been three days since I saw you last.. I just missed you Tommy, I'm sorry I won't..." you begin to tell him you won't do it again, about to apologise for everything but he cuts you off, finger to your lips all, "no, no don't do that, please don't tell me you won't do it again love, please don't think I don't enjoy seeing you smilin eh? You keep smilin whenever you feel like smilin eh love, promise me you'll do that for me?" he says kissing your cheek, your nose, all over your face as hes talking to you, holding your cheek in his palm, his eyes so serious when he looks into your eyes waiting for an answer...
🌿 You're so confused, ten seconds again he looked like he hated you and now he's holding your face in your hands, smothering you in feathered kisses.
🌿"But..." you start your little frown would be adorable if he didn't feel so guilty for putting it there in the first place..."but tommy I don't understand you just said..."
🌿"Never you mind what I just said eh, I was wrong... Doesn't happen often sweetheart but sometimes, perhaps.. I am wrong." He says stroking your cheek, brushing your tears away... Because now that he knows this isn't a trick, now that he knows he can trust you, that this is safe, he's relieved to let his guard down, relieved to trust you the way he's wanted to for some time, relieved he can finally kiss you, taste a little of that sunshine you seem abundant in.
🌿He will make you promise him that you'll forget what he told you, that you wont stop smiling, and when you do he'll kiss you quickly on the lips and pat your cheek, "very good angel, good girl."
🌿Because the truth is that his cynicism before was just a defense mechanism. He hasn't seen someone light up the way you do for him for such a long time and he didn't want to believe you could really be so excited to see him, because believing that fact meant accepting that you really do love him, that in many ways you depend on him, that there are plenty of opportunities to let you down.
🌿The way he sees it, if he can make you that happy he can also make you twice as sad and he's seen that now too, just now when he almost broke your heart...
🌿In truth he loves your sweet ways, the way you rush to hug him, to hold his face in your hands and kiss him, without a care for who may be watching. He loves to see the light in your eyes when your whole face glows with joy thats because of and intended just for him.
🌿 Tommy is for the most part, a difficult man to read, he's reserved, always calm, his poker face was mastered at birth... You on the other hand wear all your feelings on your sleeve. Even if you wanted to hide how you felt about something you're pretty sure you couldn't. Somewhere between you and tommy there should be balance, you should even one another out. That isn't what happens however. If anything the contrast makes the both of you seem more extreme. You look giddy and wild in comparison to Tommys quiet, still nature. He looks dead behind the eyes, ice cold and unfeeling in comparison to you.
🌿 But it works, ultimately you need someone calm and he needs someone like you to remind him that there are still happy people in the world. That he still brings someone joy and meaning in life.
🌿 He does kind of wish you'd develop some kind of poker face though because he knows it isnt good for people to see you behave so childish and naïve, it puts you at risk. Makes you look like an easy target. Someone as sweet and pure as you sticks out like a sore thumb in Small Heath and he knows that every other bad man, men like him, out there will see you as an opportunity. Because sweet girls like you are the hardest to ignore when they cry. They'd make you cry to get to him.
🌿But what can he say, theres so much dark in the world and not enough people know joy, someones gotta let the light in from time to time and its good that you do.
🌿So when you run and throw your arms around him, burying your face into his chest he will wrap his coat around you and hold you just as tight. He'll let you smother him in kisses and embarass him with your relentless affection and he'll just chuckle, kiss you back and, eventually say something like "settle down now love, you'll make our company jealous..." He's only teasing you, always lighthearted, he'll never make the mistake of being harsh with you again.
🌿But he will lower his head and whisper a reminder to you, that there are peolple watching, that sometimes its better to keep your feelings concealed.
🌿He won't stop you though. After that first time when he scared you, sapped the life from you with two short thoughtless sentences, he has made an effort never to try and reign you in like that again. You're his sunshine girl and that's the way he wants you to stay forever.
🌿 In fact your happy go lucky excitable nature makes him more determined to protect you from the world. He doesn't ever want you to lose that joy, never wants to see you tired or worn out or disappointed. He lives every day with one thought heavy on his mind - he has to keep the sun in the sky for you. Can't ever let you feel the rain.
🌿One day you pull away having smothered him in your usual affections in front of his brothers and Ada and when you see the faintest tint of pink in his cheeks you smile coyly, "my my tommy shelby do my eyes deceive me or is that a blush I see before me?"
🐻 Alfie Solomons is a grumbling old eccentric, a tired out, miserable, sharp tongued misery old git and you... you the most lighthearted, melodramatic, delightful girl he has ever met...
🐻Doesn't know what you're so happy about but he knows he'd be a fool to suggest you wipe that giddy little smile off your lips... because that giddy little smile is the prettiest smile he's ever seen and knowing it's all for him makes him feel so hopeful.
🐻 The first time it happened - the gasp, the jump, the gleam in your eyes as you threw yourself into his arms - he was floored by the shock of it... He isn't used to positive attention from women at the best of times, especially not pretty young women like you... Even if you have been sweet on eachother for a little while, even if you have been seeing one another in secret for several weeks...
🐻 So when you saw him across the street at the market and let out a gasp, waving to him from across the road before darting in front of a cart to throw yourself into his arms he almost fell over, wasn't prepared, couldn't believe his eyes... Couldn't believe the speed at which you came barrelling towards him...
🐻You took him completely by surprise but he caught you, just about. The two of you nearly fell over in the bloody road but he caught you, his big arms closed around you, squeezing you just as tightly as you held onto him. He wrapped you up in one of his bear hugs and chuckled at your enthusiasm. He was confused but he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to hold you nice and tight. To show off to the whole street that you were his girl and you were ecstatic to see him...
🐻 "Now," he chuckled, smiling into your hair as he cradled your head to his chest and pressed a kiss to your temple, "I'm wondering my little ziskeit, what exactly all that was about yeah... You coulda got yourself killed runnin into the road like that and forgive me poppet but I ain't entirely sure I understand what was so exciting to you that you forgot yeah, to use your street smarts yeah?"
🐻 "Sorry Alfie..." You shrugged his worries off so easily, that girlish smile on your lips unfailing, it was almost infuriating and yet, it was far too pretty for him to really get annoyed at you... So a peck on the lips is what you get for being so thoughtless, a "you're lucky you're so sweet y/n... Or I might get cross with you..."
🐻 He is always having to remind you he isn't as young and strong as he once was, that you've got to be careful with him, you've got to slow down... You've got to think of his old and failing body yeah, "I'm fallin apart ziskeit and all these theatrics yeah, they're speeding up the process so just... Take a breath right and settle down..." When he sees your simmering pout he softens again, drops the grumpy old man act and coos to you, "I know poppet I know, you're just happy to see me right... God knows why yeah, god knows why..."
🐻 He's always teasing you about your excitement, reckons it's cause you're young, tells you "not to worry ziskeit, you'll grow out of it..." But he hopes with his whole heart that he's wrong, that you never will lose this bubbling joy.
🐻 And though you think he's simply teasing you, playing that grumpy old man act, he really isn't... Deep down part of you knows he really does wonder why, doesn't understand why you love him the way you do, why you're always so happy to see him, why you don't mind showing the whole world how happy to see him you are...
🐻 And that makes you all the more stubborn to show him that love, to shower him in melodramatic affection every time you see him so that he can't ever forget or try to ignore the fact that whilst you might be his little ray of sunshine, he's the one who puts the sun in your sky.
🐻 He's the only one who can make you that happy, the only one who can spark that level of excitement in you, leave you all head in the clouds giddy whenever you see him but he's also the only one who's able to calm you, able to soothe your excitement and get you to settle down. Knows exactly how to talk to you to get you to come sit in his lap and enjoy a little peace and quiet with him.
🐻 There's this look he gives you when you're beaming at him across the room and he can see that you're bursting at the seams with excitement to be bundled up in his arms, it's this look which says "come here then," but which is stern enough to remind you not to run, remind you to be careful.
🐻 And when he squeezes you in one of his bear hugs and kisses your forehead he talks soft and low, so calmly to you that although he can't settle your ever fast beating heart he can slow those wild thoughts of you down just enough to see you let out a little sigh and nestle into his cosy embrace. "That's better ziskeit, you even remembered to check the road this time see, a good girl, that's what you are darlin..."
🐻 But he does think youre adorable when you get excited and he feels so proud that its him youre excited to see. Honestly it's hard to keep up his grumpy, cold-hearted mobster act with you around relentlessly brightening his day.
🍂 Honestly he is completely baffled by you, he just can't get his head around it... what the hell are you so excited about? No one ever looks happy to see him... It really puzzles him and he spends days getting frustrated, trying to get to the bottom of it, asks his brothers whats "the matter" with you, asks his sister who just laughs at him, says "good god Arthur if you can't even get your head around that there really is no hope for you..."
🍂 When Ada does spell it out for him "she likes you you big idiot..." He blushes, gets even more confused and a little embarrassed... That isn't usually how girls show him they like him.. they're usually far more coy, they usually try that sophisticated flirting, they usually want him to buy their drinks and then fuck them senseless in the toilets...
🍂 Then he's flustered wondering if that's what you want him to do to him...
🍂 He'll go bright red and Ada will slap him because she knows exactly which pits his mind has wandered to... "For fuck sake Arthur if you used your head half as much as you use your cock you might not need me to spell these things out for you..."
🍂 The next time he sees you he's nervous, he can't stop wondering if you're going to do that thing you always do again? If you're going to make that noise... The little squeal of excitement you made last time, it was shortly followed by a skip, your eyes wild as you called out to him from across the room. That little giggle of glee when you waved to him and then appeared ever so suddenly by his side...
🍂 And when you do he's unnerved, he's paranoid... He wants his sister to be right but this is just so unusual for him... People are usually fucking terrified of him after all, he's nothing but Tommy Shelby's big brute, the rottweiler as he's often referred to.. how can a girl as blissful as you like him when she's heard the rumours about him... With his reputation how could anyone possible be giddy, head over heels happy to see him?
🍂 So he gets all in his head about it, starts thinking it's some kind of joke, perhaps his brothers or one of the lads set you up to this as a prank, perhaps someone is secretly trying to make a fool of him. The disappointment is tangible and he swallows a lump in his throat as he looks at you again, waving to him from across the room. Are you really playing a trick on him? Is this all to humiliate him?
🍂 When he turns away, hardly even smiles at you you're left confused and a little disappointed. Your heart sinks and you get up to join him at the bar where he's lined up three whiskeys.
🍂 "Are you upset about something Arth?" You ask, your touch on his arm sending sparks of hope through his heart, "you look all gloomy..."
"Aye that's me eh, gloomy... Not like you eh, a little ray of fuckin sunshine ain't ya..." he doesn't smile when he says it, in fact he almost sounds bitter and you bite your lip a little uncertain.
"I'm just.. happy to see you Arthur... I know it's only been a few hours but... Well I kissed you didn't I..." you admit.. you're not exactly embarrassed to admit it but you do feel a little silly now that you're spelling it out to him.
🍂 "Did... Did my..err.. did my brothers put you up to this or somet love?" He's feeling pretty embarrassed to ask it but he wants to know because if you are he wants to stop being teased and if you aren't well, he wants to kiss you actually.
🍂 And when he asks you laugh, your giggle lighting you up, lighting him up too when you shake your head and tell him not to be so daft, when you can't stop giggling at what a silly thought that is. "As if I'd want to help your brother's play a nasty trick on you you big idiot..."
🍂 He can't keep the grin off his face, lighting up immediately, his hands on your hips dragging you in close to him, holding you tight in his hands when he chuckles along and says "eh well in that case then," before planting a rather passionate kiss on your lips.
🍂 Arthur loves to layer the physical affection on thick, even in public, he adores how much you adore him, adores seeing you light up with excitement, adores seeing you happy... But what he adores most, and what he can't get his head around even now, is that it's him that makes you that happy. Him the monster, the rottweiler, that old brute... He's the person who makes you light up like the sun and the night sky all at once. He can't believe his luck.
🍂 He's a very full on, brash man and when you rush to him with excitement he matches your energy the two of you taking over a whole room with your adoration for one another. He really doesn't care about appearing "soft" he'll just sweep you off your feet, snog you to high heaven and dance you round the room...
🍂 Even if the last time he saw you was five minutes ago, the two of you still light up for one another.
🌼 John finds your melodrama highly entertaining. He loves to watch you light up whenever you see him. He's a very playful lover and he will match your energy 100%.
🌼 He won't even be taken back the first time it happens. You'll squeal and he'll see the joy in your eyes, one look at you and he'll know what you're going to do before you do it... so when you come running and jumping up into his arms he'll catch you and spin you round in a tight embrace.
🌼 Won't put you down but will keep you wrapped around him in his arms for as long as possible talking to you about your day and telling you all about his... well everything he can tell you.
🌼 However because you were always like this with one another it was very hard for you to tell your true feelings for one another. Your over affectionate friendship was often described by both of you as "like a brother/sister to me..." and so it took you both a long time to realise you were in love. When you did however because you were already so affectionate with one another you fell very easily into your new dynamic. The only difference being that now when you run and jump into his arms he meets you with a deep and affectionate kiss.
🌼 He absolutely adores your excitable nature, he's a big kid at heart and he loves that there's someone else in the world who is carefree and wild enough to wear their emotions on their sleeve the way that you do. His brothers warn him about you telling him to be careful, Tommy even suggests that a girl like you who throws her affections at people so wildly, is perhaps not necessarily loyal, but John defends you to the ends of the earth. And definitely comes close to hitting his brother for suggesting something so improper about you.
🌼 And so although it takes you awhile to win over his family, John trusts and adores you from the very first time he sees that wild ecstatic light sparkling in your eyes. He's always coming up with little nicknames for you, calling you his Little Firecracker, telling you you're like a bottle of champagne. He likes to call you fizzy because you're always bubbly and bouncy with excitement.
🌼 He actually takes a little while to work out that he's the cause of the excitement. Because he doesn't see you when you're not with him (obviously) so he just assumes that the way you are with him is the way you are all the time. When he finds out from Ada that she's never seen you act that way before with anyone, John gets the most smug and wide grin on his lips.
🌼 He's really proud of himself for being able to light you up like that, he thinks your smile is gorgeous so to be at the center of that... Well he can hardly keep that smug grin off his lips.
🌼 And then he won't stop teasing you about that fact, he'll catch you in his arms and then kiss your cheek and then he'll say something cheeky like, "so I heard a rumour flower, that you're never this excited to see anyone else... That true?"
🌼 But you're not exactly embarrassed about your feelings... If you were you would probably exercise some self restraint in public instead of squealing and jumping up to rush to him every time you saw him. So you just tease him back all, "duh John Shelby... You must be daft if you think this is how I treat all my friends... I'm almost offended... What do you take me for?" You'd ask until he was backtracking, actually blushing and apologising because of course he doesn't take you for that kind of girl... He was only trying to wind you up.
🌼 Still he won't stop teasing you and he loves to wind you up by mimicking your little squeal and the way that you flap your hands when you see him sometimes, he never teases you in a malicious way though and he's always quick to reassure you that he's only teasing, that he loves your little "noises"
🌼 You get to know the sound of his footsteps coming down the street or hallway and you're always waiting at the door for him ready to throw your arms around him. You look forward to seeing him everyday and on long days where he's been particularly busy and the two of you have been forced apart from one another for too long you both look forward to snatching the other up in your arms and talking their ear off, telling them all the things you've thought of and saved up in your head just for them.
🌼 And oh my god, where the kids are concerned... Your excitement + John's excitement fuels the children's and they're even more energetic and wild than usual. You make for one affectionate, untameable family...
🌼 One thing John is sure of is that he never wants to see you lose your sunshine streak and so he tries to keep all the darkness in his life as far away from you as possible. He never wants you to be worried for anything and keeps Peaky Business far away from you. He would protect you and the children and your innocence with his life, never wanting to see you lose your innocent, sunny disposition.
🌼 he also treasures the fact that in dark times he always has his ray of sunshine to look to, always has you with your glowing smile, you his little sunflower who thinks the world of him and is proud and content to depend on him... It does him the world of good to have your relentless optimistic kind of love, means he is never able to forget all the goodness in the world because you're always right there ready to push your way through a crowded room to throw yourself into his arms.
🍀 L o v e s it.
🍀 Bonnie wouldn't change you for the world. He thinks you're absolutely magical, the way you light up every time he meets your eyes across the room, the way you're completely unafraid to show how much you adore him, how you're head over heels giddy and in love with him.
🍀It makes him feel so special, makes him feel like he's the center of your whole universe and he is... you tell him that all the time.
🍀 At first he is certainly surprised by it... it's not that he doesn't believe himself to be worthy of your affection or your praise, it's that no one's ever been quite so confident in their adoration of him before... and well, he just wasn't expecting you to come barrelling across the room into his arms like a bloody cannonball...
🍀But your adoration makes him feel so special and he flourishes and thrives with all the attention you give him. So in fact he encourages it, he'll be the one calling out to you across the field, opening his arms for you to come running and jumping into them. He'll be the one sweeping you up off your feet and dancing you around.
🍀He's a very physically affectionate lad and he will take any excuse and opportunity to get his hands on you... Loves to let you tackle him with a hug only to pretend to be taken by surprise, to let the two of you go stumbling back and falling into the grass together, rolling around so that he can pin you down and kiss you, tickle you with your hands above your head.
🍀You're practically inseparable, you're always with him before and after a fight and Tommy Shelby finds it very frustrating that when he wants to talk tactics with his fighter, you're there hanging off Bonnie's arm, kissing his cheek or wrapped up in the lads arms whilst Tommy's trying to tell him how to throw the fight.
🍀You're his biggest cheerleader, shouting and cheering him on during matches.
🍀But wishes youf be a bit more careful about pushing your way through crowds of roudy men so that you can get backstage to see him.
🍀Obce he won a fight and the second the time bell rang you had lept to your feet, crossed into the ring and had thrown your arms around him squeelling delighted and excited into his neck. And he'd been exhausted and sore from the fight but he couldn't do anything but grin and hug you back pleased that everyone could see how excited his beautiful girl got to see him.
🐀 Put aside his charming nature, his brash flirtations for a moment and have a think if you ever saw this lad display actual joy/excitement/affection for anyone before... I think behind that flirtatious nature he's actually quite guarded, a little preoccupied with keeping up appearances...
🐀 So the first time he really experienced your heart on sleeve, flourishing affection, how lackadaisically you let the whole room know how happy you were to see him, he made the mistake of being too cool for you... he hardly even smiled at you, saluted you from across the room despite your beaming smile and how you'd waved him over... he just nodded to you, a small smirk and that deadpan salute.
🐀 It made your high spirits plummet like a stone. You didn't know what to make of it. You'd never been embarrassed to flaunt your feelings before but he made you feel like you should be... that public rejection, his standoffishness, how casual and cool he'd brushed you off, making you second guess whether hed really meant any of the sweet things he'd said to you when you were alone. Made you wonder if you were just another of his one night stands... someone he could forget now he'd conquered you.
🐀And the thing about you is that though you may show your affection and excitement freely, you might feel adoration to the extremes.. you don't let yourself grow wild and dramatic for just anyone. Once someones shunned you like that, once they've left your heart aching and your eyes teary, you don't give them the opportunity to do it again.
🐀 So the next time you see him in public you don't even look at him and when he comes to talk to you you act like you don't know him at all... so now he knows how you felt... now he's sorry and wondering what happened to his little ray of sunshine...
🐀 Too stupid to realise that it's his own cold actions that have lead you both to this moment and when he asks you what's the matter he seems genuinely concerned about you and you can't believe his foolishness. You say plain and simple, "so it's true what they say about you is it... there really is nothing between your ears..." he frowns, confused because a) he doesn't know what you're talking about, he's got a whole face between his ears duh... and b) he can tell that whatever you're implying is spiteful, that you're trying to hurt him.
🐀 "Do all your thinking with..." but when you say that he gets it, the penny drops and he finishes your sentence.
"With me cock..." he smirks but there's no light in his eyes and he begins to understand, realises he's going to have to do a lot of making up to you, a lot to convince you that you're more to him than just a casual fling.
🐀 "For fuck sake love," he sighs when he sees tears in your eyes because your wild emotions have finally gotten the better of you and you don't have the energy to keep this cold mask on. You're not a cold person, you're a person with so many feelings and you feel them in extremes.
🐀 "I was so happy to see you.." you sniffle thinking back to the moment he'd broken your heart with that, "stupid fuckin salute... I wanted a fuckin hug and you fuckin saluted me..."
When you say it he can't keep the smirk off his lips, can't help but chuckle because it sounds ridiculous... as in it makes him sound like a fucking idiot.
🐀 When your tears get thicker and you frown not understanding what's funny he raises his hands in surrender, "I'm laughing at myself mousy, laighin at myself for being such a fuckin idiot..."
🐀 He really does feel bad for having upset you like that, he had no idea how much his actions would effect you but he sees now that you really do wear your heart on your sleeve, that when you were smiling at waving at him it really was because you were that happy to see him.
🐀 So he promises you, he'll never salute you ever again. Takes your hand and kisses your palm, holds it there as he holds your gaze and says it again, "promise, I Isaiah Jesus will Never salute you ever again darlin, never..."
🐀 And though he does still get a little embarrassed from hard to time - because after all it's difficult to look like a hardened criminal when youve got the sweetest girl in the world hanging off your arm - Isaiah keeps his promise. He's never cold to you again.
🐀 He grows particularly fond of your over the top reactions to seeing him, grows to love the sound of your excited little squeak because he knows it means that any second now you'll come skipping into his arms and he'll have his beautiful girl by his side.
🐀He will definitely try to reign you in and pacify you will his cooler forms of affection in public. Not because he doesn't love you just the way you are, he does... he just knows he has a reputation to uphold and that if you're going to be his girl you have a reputation to uphold too. You can't appear too soft or his enemies will eat you alive and use you to get at him
🐀 So although he's never cold he will give you lots of little reminders to be calm, to be cool, lots of "not now darlin, settle down, come here sit in my lap" it gives him an excuse to get his hands on you and keep you close whilst still managing to look cool about it.
🐀 It doesn't half boost his ego and he definitely gets quite smug about it, if Bonnie, Michael o'r Finn try to tease him about how soft he's gone he can always just shrug his shoulders, "sounds like you're jealous lads... Just cause you've never made a lass make those kinda sounds..."
🐀 Has to admit that when he hears that happy little squeak you do, his mind wanders to other activities, can't help thinking about how cute your other noises might sound...
🐀 and when you're in private its a totally different story. Behind closed doors when he's not worried about what others will think of him, when he isn't trying to be the bad boy he will match your energy, he'll be sweeping you off your feet with all the passion in the world.
🐀 Definitely gets a kick out of mimicking your little squeal.
☘️ Michael was raised with manners, he was raised in a household which gave great weight to the ability to conduct oneself "properly" stiff upper lip, reserved... Women who wait to be addressed before speaking to their superiors etc..
☘️ That's nothing like you... In fact you're quite the opposite. You don't believe in withholding happiness, you don't believe in hiding your joy, your excitement. If someone makes you happy you should tell them, show them every opportunity you have..
☘️ And though Michael may be taken back by your somewhat unignorable adoration for him, there's nothing he can possibly say to change your ways. You love him and you're going to express that freely and sometimes even wildly...
☘️And this does get under his skin, he can't hide his awkwardness, the way you sometimes embarrass him in public when you get so excited you can't contain your delight in seeing him... When you walk into the bakery in the morning and he's there to collect something for his mum, you walk in behind him and as the doorbell rings he recognises your gasp, the squeal of delight...
☘️ he says a silent prayer everytime eyes rolled up to heaven hoping you won't be quite as loud, quite as dramatic as last time. But as always you throw your arms around him, nuzzle into him and squeeze him so tight... So quickly of course that he hasn't even had a chance to put his arms round you, he's just stood there like an awkward plank of wood in your embrace.
☘️ He thinks you make him look silly... Unprofessional, not to be taken seriously... He worries that people will start to get the impression he isn't as tough or as cold as his cousins. That he's an easy target...
☘️ Will absolutely tell you you need to calm down if you're in public, he'll be so stern about it too. He won't exactly shrug you off coldly and he won't dismiss you because that would make the whole thing look even worse, how rude it would be... it would make one impropper act all the more uncooth and embarrassing...
☘️ So he'll always welcome your affection but he won't match your energy, instead he'll wrap his arms around you, hold you tight but not squeezing you to death the way you are him, and when he kisses your cheek he'll speak quietly but commanding.
☘️ "Now now love calm down, don't cause a scene eh... you can tell me all about your day later eh... for now though eh just you hold my hand and keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut..." he'll kiss your hand and then keep a tight grip on you. It's his way of letting you be close to him, letting you feel a little affection in return whilst still remaining proper and polite in company.
☘️ but secretly he loves your dramati, romantic ways. Because that's all it really is isn't it, romantic? You're like one of those melodramatic french girl stereotypes, you can't simply hold your lovers hand, you must throw your arms around him, sigh like a Juliet, hold his face between your two hands and kiss him like you're breathing him in. Like his kisses give you life... And Michael loves that...
☘️ He loves feeling loved. Literally who doesn't.
☘️when he's had a shit day at work, when he feels like no one respects him, it feels so good to come home and have you hit him with all that affection and adoration. Having you waiting at the door ready to throw your arms around him...
☘️It makes him feel completely adored, gives him a purpose, makes him all the more determined always to return home to you every night...
☘️You wait in the window looking out for his arrival home and then you go running down the drive to meet him, shouting his name, your cheeks rosy flushed from your excitement as he stops at the edge of the path, opens his arms for you to jump up into them. It's his favourite part of the day because it makes him feel so special, so important.
☘️ Michaels a generally serious, slightly melancholic boy, there's often a shadow which hangs over him, be it the pressure of living up to the high expectations he has for himself, or the shadow left over from a turbulent upbringing, the traumas he went through as a boy... There's always some kind of weighty preoccupation on his mind but you, you're a little ray of sunshine in a dark and fucked up world and he adores you, you're the light breaking through the cracks and he's so grateful to have found you. Your excitement and your drama are precious to him, he wouldn't ever want you to lose those traits and so he's fiercely defensive of you..
☘️ once at a family meeting you arrived late, rushing to Michael's side, you hadn't seen him all day and were excited to see him so youd thrown your arms around him all "I missed you so much," and Tommy grew impatient. He snapped at you, said "Michael for fuck sake would you control your damn wife..."
☘️ you were of course shocked by Tommy's sudden temper but what shocked you more was there whereas Michael would usually put an arm around you and remind you to settle down, save the excitement until you were alone, this time he stood up, glared at his cousin across the table...
☘️ "Tommy you might be the head of this family but if you ever speak about my wife like that again I swear I will..."
☘️ And suddenly it's you linking your fingers with his tugging him back to you, whispering to him asking him to calm down...
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honeykaes · 1 month
heartbroken ghost
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thoma x reader II 3.5k
warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact, afab!reader with fem pronouns, switch!reader, switch!thoma, office au, heavy angst, hurt/no comfort, hate sex?, blowjob, handjob, riding, use of alcohol, reader isn’t a good person, unedited
synopsis: everyone at the office seems to love thoma. He’s helpful, kind and dedicated to everyone…except for you
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Thoma seemed to be beloved in the office. Working for the Kamisato conglomerate as an assistant, he was always helping out the people on his floor. He would bring in sandwiches, stay late helping people catch up with their work, and even buy a round of drinks for everyone once the day finally ended at the izakaya next door.
There was nothing but good things your coworkers would say about him. Everyone always found themselves smiling, whenever he would be brought up in conversation.
Yet, it seemed whenever the two of you were alone he wanted nothing to do with you. Heavy quietness, avoiding eye contact, furrowed brows—he held you at a distance and you had no idea why.
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Finally, one day after work, gulping beers down at the izakaya, it seemed all your coworkers trickled out until it was just you and him. Your cheeks felt hot looking down at the froth of the beer smeared across the bottom of your mug, pouting as you finally finished your nth drink of the night.
You lifted your eyes up to see Thoma staring at you. Part of you was shocked he decided to stay, instead of paying the bill and leaving silently like he usually does.
 His green eyes were hazed in a cloud of drunkenness, leaning his soft cheek against his palm as his arm leaned on the table. His eyebrows were furrowed, cheeks flushed as the alcohol in his system pumped through his veins.
Oddly enough, there was something sultry about his eyes narrowing at you. Perhaps it was because you noticed the buttons of his white dress shirt popped down, showing a glimpse of his pectoral muscles from the angle he was leaning at. Or the pierced ears you never noticed he had.
You pouted before pushing your mug away. This would be a good time than any to ask him what his deal finally was. 
“Thoma, why do you hate my guts?” you asked, fingers strumming on the wooden table. Thoma's eyes slightly widened before he sighed, leaning his head back.
“...Can you leave already? I just want one more drink to myself without your presence here,” he replied. Your eyebrows furrowed, hearing his statement. You clicked your tongue in annoyance, leaning towards him from the other side of the table.
“Not until you explain yourself. You are literally, supernaturally kind to everyone but me. So what’s the deal? Did I piss you off or something? Is it jealousy—”
Thoma scoffed, lips curving into a disbelief smile as he shook his head. His false smile quickly fell again as he pushed away his empty glass and lifted his face away from his palm
“Of you? What do I need to be jealous of you for? There’s nothing that you have that I don’t,” Thoma replied. Your lips curved into a smile, as you leaned closer towards him. You noticed his eyes flicker towards your chest before heading back to your eyes. 
You would bet a thousand mora the peak of your cleavage also grabbed his attention.
“Is that right? Then explain yourself, since you do not need to be jealous of me…” you trailed off. You gasped a bit before chuckling to yourself. Thoma grunted.
“What’s so funny?” he asked. You tapped your lip contemplating on telling him.
“A memory just popped into my head. I remember the first day of the office. Instead of you showing me around, Mr. Kamisato did. Were you jealous the boss was showing me more attention than his favorite dog?” you hummed. Thoma furrowed his eyes, getting up from his seat. The mischievous look on your face softened, as you got startled by his sudden movement.
“You don’t remember me do you?” he asked. Your lips curled up about to laugh before Thoma peered at you from the corner of your eye. He was dead serious about this. Yet, his face doesn’t seem familiar.
 “...Figures,” Thoma sighed, burying his hands into his slacks. He threw a few bills down on the table before walking off toward the entrance of the bar and leaving. Despite the crowded and rowdy, dull roar of the salarymen and women around you, the only words that kept registering and repeating in your head were his words.
“You don’t remember me do you?”
You don’t recall anyone that resembled Thoma in your life. You tried your best not to think about your life before college, but was he a discarded figure hidden behind the doors of adolescents you never wanted to face again?
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you look down at your empty beer glasses surrounding you. The buzz of alcohol was beginning to dissipate thanks to that conversation. 
“I need a drink…” you muttered to yourself, getting up from the now-empty table. You made your way out the door, noticing the rain beginning to dretch the Tokyo skyline. The hard, cold droplets clung onto your clothes and hair, quickly drenching you as you cursed out, covering your head with your arms to try and fail to keep yourself dry.
Dashing off, feet wobbling as you struggled to keep up in your heels, you noticed an alleyway that seemed covered and slipped into it. Just as a sigh of relief would sweep through your lips, you noticed Thoma, leaning against the wall shocked to see your presence once again.
He was completely soaked as well, suit clinging onto his skin. He had taken his ponytail down, showing off how long the back part of his hair was. The most shocking part was the lit cigarette between his lips with a small trail of smoking floating upwards from it.
“Thoma? You smoke?” You asked. Thoma sifted the bud between his lips, rolling his eyes momentarily.
“That’s the first question you ask? How did you find me anyway?” he asked. You furrowed your eyebrows again. This guy really knows how to kill your buzz.
“Obviously I didn’t know it was going to rain. I…didn’t bring an umbrella, so this was the first place I saw as a shelter before I could wait this out and head to the trains once this passed,” you grumbled, crossing your arms.
“Besides, you didn’t answer my question,” you muttered. You were shocked to hear, Thoma chuckled. You had heard him laugh before, passing by him and a group in the hallway but this was the first time he seemed to laugh directly in front of you.
“Bad habit I took up from working as Mr Kamisato’s assistant. We all have vices and he has me pick up cigarettes for him. It was just supposed to be a social thing but when I find myself very stressed, I can’t help but indulge.”
“So I’m guessing I stressed you out from my question?” you grunted. Thoma didn’t reply as his gaze wandered away from you and down on the damp concrete ground.
You sighed once more, heels clicking as you walked beside him, leaning against the wall. The two of you remained quiet for a while, letting the pitter patters of the rain to the talking for you.
“...I knew you back in high school before I moved to Japan,” Thoma murmured, dropping his cigarette on the floor and grinding it softly with his dress shoe.
“I had the biggest crush on you, and it’s like you didn’t see me,” Thoma chuckled to himself, eyes narrowing in embarrassment and disappointment. Your eyes softened as you parted your lips to speak, but he kept talking.
“I’d try to do everything to get your attention, but it’s like you purposefully avoided or ignored me,” Thoma admitted. “I had to move shortly after that, but I vowed the next person I would pursue would never make me feel like that again.”
“...Thoma I—”
Thoma simply raised his hand up.
“I was a dumb 14-year-old. It’s been over 10 years. That crush has long died. We’ve both moved on and grew up, so don’t throw your pity onto me,” Thoma muttered. Your eyebrows furrowed as you scoffed. You pushed yourself off of the wall to directly face him.
“You don’t think I know that?” you barked back. Thoma didn’t reply, just remained quiet and looked at you with a scowl.
“Look Thoma, I don’t think you knew how much I hardly noticed anyone in high school because I assumed everyone thought I was a loser. I didn’t have a lot of friends, all I wanted to do was make it to graduation in one piece. I never thought you or even other boys even thought of me.”
“Well, you don’t have to fear that now because you’re not my type as an adult anyway—” Thoma trailed off, closing his eyes. You narrowed your eyes before leaning in, pressing your chest against his own as he gasped. Your hands pressed themselves on his collar.
“You want to say that again? Because I think you are a dirty liar, Thoma. Don’t think I didn’t see you checking out my tits earlier. You’re not as subtle as you think,” you muttered, lifting your chin up to stare him down directly. 
His cheeks were already red from the coldness of his wet clothes before he grunted.
“I-I could say the same thing. You didn’t think I couldn’t feel you’re staring, checking me out!” he stammered back. A grin curled on your face once more.
“Oh? Did your voice just crack? Are you embarrassed to be this close to a woman, hm?” you sarcastically cooed out. Thoma scoffed, narrowing his eyes.
“God, I hate you and the person you’ve become,” he grumbled. His lip slightly quivered, gaze bouncing between your expression and the wall. You quirked your head to the side, leaning towards his ear.
“...So why does it seem like you want to kiss me, huh?” you asked. Thoma clenched his jaw before, suddenly leaning in, capturing your lips for his own. You moaned, feeling your teeth clank against one another from his sudden forcefulness.
His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. The sweetness from the beer from earlier coated both of your lips, as your tongues soon dragged between each other. You grabbed onto Thoma’s collar, pulling him in even deeper, heads moving and shifting to try to keep up with one another.
You soon bit down on Thoma’s lip softly, pulling the plush tissue back until letting it go. Your breaths were heavy and visible in the cold air, eyes half-lidded as you continued to stare at one another, realizing what you two had just done.
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you interrupted as you leaned in to kiss him once more. Thoma had shifted, grabbing your chin with his fingers and lifting it as he moved his other arm to cage you in closer to him. A shaky moan escaped your lips as his lips trailed away from your lips to your neck, peppering the sensitive skin with soft kisses and nibbles.
Finding a suitable spot, he dragged his tongue across it before sucking and nibbling. You clung tighter to Thoma, pressing your thighs together to ease the ache of arousal beginning to burn between your legs. You raised a hand, pressing against his crotch. You could feel his cock pressing against the wet dark slack, shivering as his hips slightly bucked from the sudden sensation.
“N-Not here, We can get arrested if we go further…” Thoma whispered out, capturing your lips once more. Your hand continued to press firmly on his crotch, feeling his member get harder and twitch in excitement.
“M’serious,” he slurred out. “We can both lose our jobs from a scandal of getting caught and lose our visas. M’still not a permanent…citizen…” Thoma muttered as he continued to kiss you. He grabbed your hands, pressing them against the damp brick wall. Your noses pressed against each other, breaths heavy as you fought the urge to kiss him again.
“My apartment is close…we can go there…” he replied. You bit your lip and nodded, as the two of you quickly tried to adjust yourself. Pulling his jacket over your head, the two of you dashed out from the alleyway as he guided you toward his apartment. 
Your heart thumped, adrenaline fueling you as the lights of the cars illuminated his face. He seemed like he was smiling. A memory flashed in your head of a kid who sat in the front of the class in high school, smiling at you the same way.
“I guess he is sweet to everyone he meets…” you whispered to yourself.
Finally, Thoma turned away from the main street where you two walked into a very stylish and high-rise apartment complex. He waved to the doorman as he lifted his hat, greeting him back before you two made it to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, you grabbed onto his collar and kissed him again. 
He groaned in the kiss, hands moving up and down across the curves along the wet clothes clinging onto your body before a loud ding was let out, as the door of the elevator opened once more. Thoma breaks the kiss before grabbing your hand and making a way to his apartment. He eagerly digs into his pocket, fumbling with his key before finally nudging it into the keyhole and opening the apartment. 
You walked in and grabbed his tie, as walked in after you. As soon as the door closed, you kicked off your shoes and he followed suit before the two of you struggled to get to the bedroom. You two quickly disrobed, letting the wet soggy clothes pile in a puddle on the ground before you push Thoma onto the bed.
His cock is raised high, pulsating every few seconds. You grab ahold of his member, as Thoma sucks a sharp breath in. You press your thumb at his flushed tip, pressing against the slit budding with precum. With a tight grip, you began to pump his cock, watching him bite his lip fighting the urge to moan out your name.
“F-Fuck…” he grunted out. A mischievous smirk fell on your lips as you made his way to your lap as you continued to jerk his cock. You pressed your tongue, letting it swirl along the sensitive tip as his hips jolted in delight.
You let one hand tightly grip his cock right under his tip, while the other continued to pump along the base. Thoma struggled, body shivering from the immense pleasure wafting throughout his body. He lifted his hand to his forehead, looking over at you with one open half-lidded eye. Drool dribbled down his bottom lip.
“H-How are you so g-ood at this?” he stammered out. You kissed his tip before keeping your mouth open as you could feel his cock beginning to twitch more. With a loud moan, thick ropes of cum shot out, finding its way on your tongue, face, and Thoma’s abdomen. His breaths were heavy, and his arms covered his face as he slowly came down from his high.
You swallowed the sticky and salty substance and wiped the remainder that clung onto your face.
“Ah, ah, ah…! Not done with you yet,” you hummed, grabbing onto his cock. You jumped his softening cock, watching it soon rise to full-length once more. 
“C-Condom…I should get a—” Thoma whispered, moving his arm away from his face. His cheeks were extremely flushed,  looking as if he was in a drunken state of euphoria. You leaned in, kissing him once again as you lifted yourself.
You pressed his tip along your slick opening, your cunt drooling in your own arousal that painted your crotch and dripped along your inner thighs.
“I’m on a pill. Don’t worry,” you cooed. Thoma grunted, lifting his upper body up. You gasped, feeling his hands make way to your hips, sinking you down suddenly on his cock. You covered your mouth, shocked at his forwardness again as he leaned his forehead against your own.
“Y-You know, you were sort of right earlier. I was jealous…” he admitted. You can barely register what he meant, feeling his thrust inside of you. Your hips bounced, meeting his pace. Your head lifting back in pleasure.
“...That day you joined the company and Mr.Kamisato showed you around. I could tell you were trying to flirt with him. I could see how you pressed your chest around him, how you’d try to flirt…it wasn’t fair…!” Thoma grunted, closing his eyes. His hands grabbed onto the mounds of your ass, digging his fingernails into the soft flesh. 
The sound of slapping flesh echoed out in the bedroom before Thoma grunted once more. He grabbed onto your chin, lifting your head up to look you in the eye.
“Are you even paying attention?!... How is it you seemed to throw yourself at him but not me!” he groaned. Your chest bounced at his face tempo, hand pressed against your stomach where you could feel him stretching you out with every thrust. 
“T-Thoma!” you called out. His eyebrows furrowed as one hand found its way to your clit, pressing against the sensitive mound as you yelp louder.
“I won’t let you forget this…” Thoma moaned, furrowing his eyebrows and capturing your lips. Your hands moved towards his back, nails harpooning against the skin raking downwards. He grunted into the kiss. 
Your walls began to flutter, squeezing his cock rutting inside of you, making it more difficult to keep up his pace. As his thumb continued to rub tight circles along your clit, your back soon arched, seeing white.
You scream into the kiss, gripping him tight as you shiver and ride yourself through the euphoric high. Thoma clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to cum inside of you before he sank his cock out of you. Your cunt shivered, missing the presence of being full as he lifted himself up.
Tears pricked your eyes, lips swollen and glossy as your tired eyes looked toward him. He pumped his cock rapidly, hips bucking with every justle before pressing his tip against your open mouth.
“Swallow…every last drop for me please…” he begged. A loud whine escaped himself as he shut his eyes tight, cum shooting out once again. You did your best to swallow every inch of cum that escaped his cock. With a shaky sigh, he tapped his softening cock on your lips once more before lying beside you.
His arms wrapped around you tenderly, as your head leaned against his chest. He had a soft smile on his face, despite his eyes being closed. He was whispering soft praises in your ear.
He was acting like the Thoma, he was with everyone except you despite unknowingly breaking his heart once and bruising it a second time.
His softness was nice. You could imagine that tension when you two would arrive on Monday in the office would be completely gone. You knew he would volunteer to get you lunch like everyone else now. You knew he would offer to work late to help you out.
You knew he’d probably ask you on a real date. You knew he would put his all into making you smile. You knew that.
But you knew he deserved someone who didn’t play with his heart as much as you did.
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Thoma walked out of the shower, smiling. He was much happier than usual, a part of him finally soothed and ready to formally move on. Perhaps this was a start to something he always wished to have.
He had gotten up earlier to wash and dry your clothes. He was excited to make breakfast for you too. It had been a while since he had a Western-style breakfast.
As Thoma emerged from the steamy bathroom, covering his lower half with his towel, his smile faltered noticing you weren’t in the bed. Just before he was going to go to the living room, he noticed your things were missing from the chair he set them out on. The clothes he had dried, the purse he found near his apartment door, your phone that fell when you two were kissing and making your way to his bedroom.
He felt his heart sink to his chest, but he wanted to stay positive. He never gave you his personal cellphone number. Maybe you messaged him on Slack with an explanation or something to quell his worries?
You had left without a trace. No goodbye. No closure. No nothing. 
It felt like he was a ghost all over again.
“Ha…” Thoma whispered out, tears welling in his eyes as he sat down on the bed silently to himself. Looking up in the mirror, all he could see was his 14-year-old self looking back at him with pity. He can’t help but laugh, finally laying down fully on the bed.
“...I’m still such an idiot.”
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bookuce · 1 month
Change My Mind (Jey Uso)
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it.
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book also uses the real names of the wrestlers. Josh is Jey Uso, Jon is Jimmy Uso, Trinity is Naomi, Alina is just Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events could pop up in the story eventually*
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
The sound of Alina’s heels clicking against the concrete floor beneath her echoed throughout the semi-empty hall. She was following chatter with a mic in hand. She was due to do an interview with Trinity about her upcoming championship match. She’d turn the corner, spotting the blue interview set down the hall. “Hey, Alina.” Greets one of the crew members as she arrives on set. She would flash them a quick smile, wiggling the top of her fingers at them.
Over in the corner, adorned in glowing green lights and neon hair, stood Trinity. She was deep in a hushed conversation with her husband Jon. “Alright, Alina is here, everyone! Places!” Exclaimed one of the producers. Alina would move to stand on a blue X tapped to the floor. Trin gives Jon a quick kiss before rushing over to her.
“Hey, Alina!” Jon sings. “How you doing?” He waves, flashing a goofy smile at her. Trinity looks over at him before looking back at Alina.
“Ignore him, please.” Trinity begs.
“It’s what I do best.” Alina sings.
Trinity glances down at the floor, making sure she’s standing on her designated X before looking back at the tall interviewer next to her. “Speaking of ignoring—.”
“Starting in five, four, three, two!” Count down the producer.
“I’m standing by with Naomi ahead of her match with Bayley tonight for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. Naomi, you’ve been on a roll the last few weeks, getting a huge win over Nia Jax last Friday that got you this opportunity tonight. What’s the strategy for tonight?” Alina asks, moving the mic towards her friend.
“The strategy is to go in focused, and be aware of my surroundings. The only reason Bayley even has that title is because of Damage Control. And that’s okay because they, just like Bayley will, can feel the glow.” Trin would skip off camera, leaving Alina to end their interview.
“Thank you, Naomi. You heard it here first, Naomi is focused and ready for her championship match with Bayley later tonight.” There was a five second pause before the producer called for the scene to end. Trinity comes back over to me, linking her arm with the interviewer’s.
“So, have you talked to Josh?” She asks, pulling them over to Jon.
“Don’t plan on it.” Alina says quickly. She’s been avoiding him since last week. He called on the hour, every hour for the first few days, but now he’s dialed it back to text messages. Her inbox says one hundred and twenty unread messages now—eighty-five of those belong to him.
“Ay, You gotta quit stressing my brother out, Uce.” Jon says, earning a gasp from Alina.
“Oh, I’m stressing him out?” She shouts. “He’s the one that chased my date off with that weak ass intimidation tactic he uses. I was fine!”
“That man was not finna last, Lina. Hell, the last one didn’t.” He says. “If anything he did you a favor.”
“Jon.” Trinity pushes his shoulder.
“Don’t Jon me. I’m right!” He points his hand out at Alina. “What was his name again? Bill?”
“William.” She says, folding her arms.
“Square ass name. See, that was destined to fail.” Alina scoffs gently, shaking her head at him. The date with William went great or so she thought. Things started to change when they came home to Josh on her doorstep. Josh and William didn’t see eye to eye immediately. “He just wants the best for you, Uce. It’s all love.” He explains. “Ain’t that right, lil bro?”
Alina’s heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She turns away from her friends, only to catch Josh approaching them. His eyes were fixated on her. She slips her arm out of Trinity’s. “I gotta go.” She said, turning to walk the opposite direction as Jey. He would stop, watching as she tried to put distance between them again. Something about that pissed him off.
“Girl, if you don’t bring your ass back here.” He said, storming off after her. “Alina, you hear me talking to you!” She doesn’t respond to him, her eyes flitting around the hall. Suddenly arms snatch her up, lifting her into the air. “I’m not chasing you, damnit. We finna talk this out.” Josh would glance around him before moving into a random dark room on his left. He places her back on the floor and turns on the lights.
“I ain’t got nothing to say to you, Jey.”
“That’s not my name.” He scolds her.
“Jey!” She presses on. He sucks his teeth at her, closing the door behind him.
“Man, you something else with yourself.” He says. “What I do, hm? Since I’m always pissing you off.” Josh knew why she was upset, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth instead of everyone else's.
“Boy, I do not have time for this.” She says, moving to walk around him. He steps in her path, blocking her from going any further. “Jey, if you don’t get out my way.”
“Or what?” She steps to the right of him and he follows. “Nah, We finna have this conversation like two grown ass adults, Uce. That’s what we are right?” She gives him a stern look. “Mad at me over some boy that wasn’t gonna make the cut anyway.” She takes a step back.
“He was a great guy!”
“Shit, couldn’t be if you mad at me.” He says. “He looked like a fucking square anyway. What was his name? Bill?”
“William!” I exclaim.
“Man, same thing.”
Alina crosses her arms over her chest, moving to sit down on the couch. When Jey saw she was calming down, he moved to sit down on the coffee table in front of her. They sat there in silence for a moment. Josh watched her while she watched a wall. He knew what she wanted; an apology, but like always, she was gonna make him work for her forgiveness. “So what was his excuse?” He asks, finally breaking the silence.
She would remain silent for a few more moments before finally speaking. “He assumed you were my man and didn’t want to be in the middle of it.” Hazel eyes would glance over at the Samoan sitting in front of her. This was the third—no, fourth time a man dipped on her because of him. It was starting to get out of hand. Josh looked down at the floor at the answer. He would sniffle, the right corner of his mouth twitching as he did so. He wasn’t her man but he did wish he was. This has been a feeling of his for a few months now.
“He wasn’t the one then, Uce.” He said this to her often. She was probably tired of hearing that come from him, but it was true. None of those dudes were the one. Him on the other hand…
“I give up then.” She sighs. Josh looks up at her at the statement. “The love I require is unrealistic and I know that now so I'll stay to myself.”
“Nah, we don’t give up around here. You gonna find someone…just be patient.” He pleads quietly. He presses his fists to her bare knees. If she was to guess he was speaking for himself, she would be true. He, just like her, didn’t want to fuck up the dynamic of their friendship. If things didn’t work out, it would trickle down into their friend group and they didn’t want to make things weird for anyone; not even for themselves. “Are we good?” He asks finally. “I don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
She stares at him, pretending to be deep in thought. “I didn’t hear any apology.” She says.
“I’m sorry, Alina.” He says quickly.
“I don’t like the way—.”
“Alina.” He snaps, causing her to laugh out loud at his irritation. “You’re lucky I love you.” He says, standing to his feet. Alina would stand shortly after him, their fronts now touching. Eyes watch eyes for a moment before awkwardly venturing off in opposite directions. The interviewer would shimmy to the right, freeing herself of his suffocating energy.
“I should get going.” She says.
“Yeah, me too.”
Alina walks over to the door, her hand outstretched for the knob. She pulls the it open, catching Trinity and Jon standing near it. The couple steps back from the door, trying to make it seem like they weren’t prying.
“We were wondering where y’all went!” Trin says.
“Y’all together yet?” Jon asks, getting straight to it. That was Alina’s cue to leave the scene. She squeezes by Trin and Jon, making her way down the hall.
A/N: Hi! this is my first time writing fanfic in FOREVER. Let me know what you think or if I should write more! I have a lot of cute little drafts with Roman and Jey! If you want to be added to the tag-list just let me know! ☺️
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breannasfluff · 8 months
Mail Time
“Oh, Legend!” Sky waves the vet down as he comes down the stairs of the inn. “I’ve got the mail! Want to help me sort it out?”
“The mailman again? How does he end up here?” Legend pulls some of the stack from Sky’s arms and frowns at the different scripts. “Hey, are any of these important?”
“Why would I know?”
“Great, let me take these off your hands!” Legend makes a grab for the stack, which Sky yanks away.
“These aren’t yours!”
There’s a glint in the vet’s eyes that promises trouble. “Did you know you can steam open envelope seals? Sure would be a shame if the contents got mixed up…right?”
Well…that’s a pretty harmless prank, actually. Not everyone could read each other's language so there was little chance of sharing information. Sky’s grin is slow, but there. “Want to show me?”
“Mail time!” Sky hands out envelopes based on the names. Legend follows Sky into the room with the other heroes. He and the vet split the stack to mix up. Actually…
“One for you, Legend!”
The vet startles at being handed an envelope, then blanches when he looks at the handwriting. Ah, so he doesn’t want that mixed up in someone else’s? Well, he should have thought of that before pranking the Chain.
For a moment there’s just the quiet rip of seals and shuffle of paper.
“Huh.” Four frowns at the letter he’s holding. “I’ve never heard my Zelda use so many…compliments before.”
Hyrule squints at his paper. “Did I get a bill? Something about rental fees?”
“Well, mine’s from Tetra!” Wind says, which only adds to the confusion.
Warriors makes a choking sound and his face goes bright red.
Legend pounces. “What’s wrong, captain? Why not read your letter aloud?”
“N-no,” comes the strangled reply. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea. I think the mail has been mixed up.”
“Come on, share with us!”
The captain makes a wheezing sound and turns, impossibly, redder. “You asked for it. Uh, someone cover Wind’s ears.”
“Hey!” Wind is ignored as Twilight claps his hands over the sailor’s ears. Time frowns, but doesn’t interfere.
Clearing his throat, Warriors starts reading. “My love, how I long for the carnal delight of your body. I’m so empty without your…sword to spear me.”
Twilight clutches Wind closer, mouth hanging open. Most of the rest of the Chain stare as well. Legend is positively bug-eyed.
“I miss running my hands across your firm buttocks, dipping to that most secret place—”
“Okay!” Time interrupts. “I think that’s enough.”
Warriors waves the paper. “No, no, let me keep reading! Let’s see, ‘My sweet, my Fairy Boy, my Link…”
Dead silence.
As one, everyone’s heads swivel to stare at Time. Sky’s never seen Time turn that shade of red before.
“I think,” he whispers, “that letter is for me.”
“It was Sky’s idea to mix up the mail,” Legend yells, and bolts.
If Sky’s going down, Legend is too. “Get back here you turncoat! Traitor! Villain!” He thuds into the hall wall as he sprints after the vet.
“Sky! Legend!” Time roars.
“Run faster!”
@uniquevoidflowers Thanks for the prompt!
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Hey Natalie, happy Saturday 🥰 if you have the time, please could I request Charles Leclerc x fem. Maybe as a race finishes one of the reporters says something that’s gets in her head and Charles sees her walk away before he can get to her. Maybe she tells him not to come near her and runs away + fluffy ending 🥹 thank you xxx
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
"I know you've got a girlfriend Charles, but....how does it feel to have all these gorgeous and famous woman pining after you?" The reporter asks.
You probably weren't meant to hear that question, but you did. It was stupid to let that get to you, Charles loved you very much. He never cared for the famous women that were after him, he had you and loved you.
But, that didn't mean that you still weren't human or felt insecurities when they were shoved in your face. Charles laughed wiping his face, trying to figure out how to answer the question.
Normally his PR rep would tell him to be cheeky and say how he loves the attention or something, he refused to do that after he started to date you. Hated sometimes giving off asshole answers when it came to girls.
Scanning the crowd he's eyes connect with yours. Charles starts to smile, but when he sees you turn and start to walk away, he too walks away. "Charles? What are you doing? You've got to finish your media responsibilities." Pulling his arm out of his PR persons grip he shoves his stuff into his arms.
"Bill me." He runs after you, but you're further ahead, so with the fans and workers he keeps getting stopped. "Y/N!" Turning you wipe the tears heading to the private parking, Charles running and yelling your name.
"Don't. Stay away!" You yell people glancing your way but quickly go back to their own business. "Y/N?!" His voice breaking as he watches you disappear into the crowd.
"Y/n?" You stop packing, not turning around as you hear the hotel door close quickly. Rushed feet sound on the hard floor, the familiar scent of Charles shampoo wrapping around you.
"I'm here." Voice choking on the words, shaking it free. "You're leaving? Leaving me?" He whispers, it was his greatest insecurity. People he loves leaving him.
"Charles....what that reporter-" "I don't give a fuck what that reporter said!" He yells chest heaving as he takes deep breaths working himself up into a anxiety attack.
"Charlie." You whisper reaching out for him, he sees his good luck bracelets still on your wrist, fingers playing with them immediately, a way he calms himself. "I'm not leaving. Just, I felt...." You trail off unsure how to voice your feelings.
"Come here." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to a chair as he sits down, you on his lap. "Tell me as best you can." His own heartbeat calming down.
"When I heard what that reporter said, it hit me that everyone probably thinks that about me. And that maybe you sometimes too." Your own fingers playing with his necklace the one he wore all the time.
"Y/n, I have never, ever, thought that about you. You're the love of my life, how could I ever think that my inspiration." Charles's hold tightens on you.
Both of you were opened about your insecurities, never hiding them and always talking about it when they effected you. So to think that this bothered you to this point, Charles hated it.
"I love you, I'll always love you. Also, whenever I'm asked that question I turn it around and share our relationship. I talk about you any chance I get." Charles smiles, kissing your cheek.
He feels your muscles relax in his hold as you nod. He knew this wouldn't be something you could get over in a day or two, but he was willing to be there and reassure you that he loved you.
He will always love you
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emeritusemeritus · 11 months
Property of Fred G. Weasley
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(Gif not mine)
Title: Property of Fred G. Weasley.
Pairing: FredWeasley x Gryffindor!reader (established relationship)
Timeline: Non-specified (all characters are above the age of consent)
Summary: Gryffindor!Reader is tired of people not knowing which twin she is in a relationship with. She makes a public declaration to counter this and her boyfriend sees it all, luckily for her.
Warnings: Sexual themes, Mentions of sex but no actual description or smut, established Relationship, possessive behaviour, potential possession kink.
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You'd had enough. Enough of the incessant questioning, enough of the rumours and accusations.
Unfazed by the small crowd around you, you threw down the book that was open in your lap as you slid off the couch and took a large step up onto the wooden coffee table so that you could simultaneously address everyone listening in within the Gryffindor common room. The coffee table added just enough height so that you stood proudly, looming over everyone as you prepared to make your statement.
Luckily for you, the Gryffindor common room was quiet this evening with only a few of your friends and classmates huddled round in the dim, cozy room as you played games and talked until you retired for the night.
Everyone else in Gryffindor was likely still celebrating from the quidditch win earlier that evening or catching the end of dinner before the kitchens closed, hence why you were the only ones occupying the space.
You and a few others had been unfortunate enough to land yourself in detention with Snape this evening, which in itself was entirely awful, but he had at least been uncharacteristically considerate enough to allow you to get an early dinner beforehand. It had however, meant that you had missed the mid season quidditch game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and you'd only found out about the house win when you'd returned to the common room.
The group of inquisitors you called friends watched on at your uncharacteristic actions, watching with curiosity and disbelief as you made your way up onto the table. You weren't sick of their constant questions per se but you were overwhelmingly frustrated at their blatant disregard of the facts and misguided attempts at definition.
"For the last time, I'm dating Fred Weasley! Not George, not Bill and bloody hell even Ginny at this point! Not 'one of the twins' because you're too frigging lazy to figure out who's who and think you'll be right 50% of the time by blindly guessing! Fred. Weasley. No I'm not dating both, I don't get them mixed up and I've never once kissed George by accident. I'm Fred's girl!"
Ginny and Hermione who were sat beside you on the couch look on in wonder, attempting to hide their giggles behind their hands at your rant. Truth was, neither of them were truly able to tell the twins apart either, as most couldn't, but at least they respected your choice between the identical pair, knowing which one was your boyfriend.
You suddenly turned, quieter now as you focused your attention on Alicia Spinnet who was looking at you with wide eyes. Her question had been the catalyst to your outburst and she looked stricken and nervous at the thought.
"Now, does that answer your question?" You said calmly though your tone was dripping with sarcasm. She merely nodded in reply and fell silent again.
You smirked at her sarcastically, about to climb down from the table when your eye caught on the familiar shade of ginger hair standing in the corner, no doubt having crept in through the door during your rant.
Your eyes widened with embarrassment at the realisation you'd been caught out and your boyfriend had probably heard and seen your little declaration, hoping that he wouldn't be mad at you for practically shouting across the castle that you were dating. You plucked up the courage to look at his face and immediately noticed the smug smirk plastered on his face, eyes shining in amusement as he uncrossed his arms and made his way quickly over to you, his dirty red quidditch robes swishing behind him as he stalked darkly.
He silently reached out for you, holding you by the waist as he helped you down from the table, lifting you effortlessly as he brought you back down to the familiar level, him towering over you as usual. His eyes were shining with delight and amusement, his smile wide on his face as he held you tenderly, not caring about the other students all suns you.
"Fred's girl Eh?" He asked, leaning in to whisper in your ear as his right hand raised up to cup your jaw tenderly. His smirk only grew when a faint blush bloomed across your face as your wide eyes looked into his. You bit your lip nervously and nodded, feeling more confident by the second as he displayed no signs of anger at your actions.
"Fred's girl," you repeated, leaving no room for questioning as you nodded gently, a flirty smile sprouting over your own face. Fred's eyes were darkening by the second at hearing your words, knowing just how much the whole situation was playing into his mild possessiveness, knowing just how territorial he could get about you. The hand that was clutching your waist was growing ever tighter, his thumb rubbing little marks into your fleshy hips.
"Well, y/n," George says as he shifts beside you both, the only person in the common room brave enough to interrupt, "don't think anyone will be confusing you as my girlfriend anymore. Shame really," he mutters, earning a swift slap to the back of the head from Fred, who hadn't even looked away from you once despite his accuracy of the slap to his twin. George immediately gets the hint and walks away with a smug grin, chuckling lightly to himself as he goes to sit with Lee on one of the sofas. You turn your attention back to Fred who has clearly not taken his eyes off you throughout George's intrusion but does flick his eyes over to his brother and roommate quickly, seeing that they are both occupied, meaning that their dorm room is not. Without a second to spare, he reaches for your hand and begins to pull you up the stairs towards his dorm, kicking the door closed from behind with his foot as he reaches for you, pulling you into a bruising kiss, hands wandering and unintelligible murmurs against your lips.
You both lay beside each other attempting to reclaim your breath as a fine sheen of sweat covers both of your naked bodies, immediately feeling the exhaustion wash over you at the energy you had just used. Fred has pulled you into his chest, your naked breasts pushed against the smooth skin of his torso as his arms stay firmly locked around your waist, the bedsheets crumpled around you and entangled in your limbs.
"So, that was new," you said quietly, not wanting to break the calm atmosphere in the room. Fred shifted slightly and you turned your head to look up at his face, seeing that he was a little confused at what you were referring to, seeing as sex was far from new with you two.
"Who knew Fred Weasley had a possessiveness kink?" You smiled into his peck where your face nuzzled. Your head bobbed as he chuckled, the sound like music to your ears as he reached down to swat your bum.
"Princess, you don't know that that does to me, having everyone know that your mine."
"I think I have an idea," you joked, gesturing to your entwined, naked bodies, earning another chuckle from him.
A moment of peaceful silence passes until Fred speaks up.
"It really bothers you that much? That people think you're with George?" He asks. You can tell there's something deeply rooted in his question, a nervousness or vulnerability that he was trying to mask. You shifted in his hold and rolled onto your tummy to look at him face on, not missing his small flash of a glance at your naked breasts which earned you a cheeky smirk once he realised he'd been caught.
"I love George, he's one of my best friends and any girl would be so, so lucky to have him as her boyfriend but I'm dating you and I want everyone to know that," you say trying your best to sound extra convincing as you reeled off your thoughts.
"Well after your little performance, I doubt there's any question really," Fred jokes, immediately chuckling as you try to hide your face in his tummy in embarrassment at your actions.
"Maybe we should get T-shirt's made or something," Fred jokes, trying to pry you away from hiding your blush.
"If found return to Fred Weasley, then yours says I'm Fred and we'll get Georgie one that says not Fred!" You joked along, giggling at the thought as Fred barks out a laugh.
"Or tattoos," he adds with a shrug, "T-shirt's would be way too hard to synchronise all the time," he says jokingly playing along as if he was seriously considering. "I could get 'Fred' tattooed right across my forehead."
"Don't you dare," you say quickly, shifting your weight and reaching up with your hand to smooth back his hair from his face, your thumb rubbing over the exact forehead he had just mentioned desecrating.
"A tattoo wouldn't be such a bad idea though..." you said wistfully, drawing his attention back to you as an idea washed over you. You reached out for his left hand and guided his fingers down your body to rest just above your mound, near your right hip.
"Property of Fred Gideon Weasley, marked right here..."
You really should have anticipated his next move, knowing what your little game would do but as you were unceremoniously thrown onto the bed with a freshly aroused boyfriend towering over you, you couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak, seeing how far his eyes had darkened at your words, suddenly finding his possessiveness bubbling over once again.
He loomed over you, his naked body encasing and dwarfing yours completely as he looked at you with hunger in his eyes. That look meant only one thing; you would not be leaving the bed for quite a while.
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cloudshuffle · 3 months
dipping my toes into the venturine soup...
yan!aventurine alphabet
Intense out of ten. Yandere or not, he loves showering you in gifts, being all up in your personal space, never leaving you alone. His favourite gifts to give you would be dainty accessories with tracking devices in them; maybe something that could deliver a small shock to you if he's in the particular mood to see you jump.
Aventurine's not one to get his own hands dirty, but hey, there's always a way to make a man suffer without ending his life. He's got connections, he's got money, and he's got a darling to take care of.
Aventurine? Vulnerability? Not even in his vocabulary. Deep down, he hates knowing that he's got such an obvious weak spot for you, and admitting it to himself would mean painting a target on your back. The IPC has many enemies after all, and so does he. He'll do everything for you... except tell you that he loves you.
You're just his little cutie. He sees you as... a kitten, maybe, hissing and lashing out with your tiny paws every time you put up any resistance to him. You'll always give in to him, though. You never have much of a choice.
It's only a game to him if you're throwing a tantrum, but if you genuinely manage to get away from him or come close to it, Aventurine does take it quite seriously. He's protecting you, don't you see, and you're a fool not to see it too.
The gaslighting and confusion. He thinks he's so good at this (spoiler: he is), adjusting your finances here and there, until you're all tied up and have nowhere to turn. You thought you'd been doing just fine, paying all your bills on time and earning enough for you to live comfortably... but there Aventurine is, a senior manager of the IPC, ready to help you out of a rut :)
He doesn't think much of the future, truthfully. Once you're in his grasp, it's just a matter of keeping you there. Every second he gets with you is heaven, so why would he think any further than that?
Ohhh you know it. Aventurine is so possessive, and so petty, that you can hardly talk to another man without him apparating at your side, sliding an arm around your waist and giving you a kiss on the side of your head. You can't see it, but he's glaring at the other party, and they leave pretty quickly after that. Then he clips another bracelet onto your wrist, just to remind you (and everyone else) who you belong to.
The other person may or may not be finding a threat in the form of a bank letter on his doorstep the next day.
He likes your personal space, cuddles, and just about anything that puts him in direct contact with you. You never get any time alone at home if he's home too - even if he has work to do, he likes having you curled up in his lap so he can pepper you with kisses whenever.
Honestly? Not quite. Aventurine does tone it down whenever he's in public, but everyone knows that he's obsessed with you... they just don't know to what extent he'll go (or has gone).
The closest to a physical punishment he'll give you is tying you to the bedframe for... well, you know. But he knows what it's like to be chained up and shackled down, and he'd never wish that on anyone, least of all you.
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after-witch · 2 years
Love is the Honey [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Title:  Love is the Honey [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Synopsis: You were kidnapped by Chrollo Lucilfer, and truth be told, things aren’t exactly terrible. You don’t have to worry about bills or paying for groceries or appeasing a shitty boss. It’s come at the price of your freedom, but it might be worth it. There’s only one thing you can’t accept, and it’s the one thing Chrollo won’t stop trying. 
word count: 5417
notes:  yandere, kidnapped reader
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Outside, the city lights are all whites and reds and greens, twinkling and glistening amidst the darkness of the night sky. But from up here, you hear nothing of the bustling night outside. 
No sounds of half drunk friends giggling with arms linked, traveling from bar to restaurant and back to bar again. No car horns laid upon by impatient drivers, eager to get home after a long day at work. No quarrels, no compliments, no queries about what you’re doing later tonight. 
Nothing at all.
Up here, in this hotel room, there is only you and the quiet hum of the air conditioner--and of course, Chrollo. Better known as your kidnapper, who is (at least for the moment) blissfully quiet. Minus the sounds of turning book pages, but those hardly register. Not when you’re absorbed in your own book, and not when you take a break and stare out the window at the city below.
Far, far below. He tends to book rooms as high as he can get them. You’ve wondered if he does this on purpose, a deterrent, since you can’t hope to escape out the window. Or if he simply prefers to be up and above everyone, literally and figuratively. But maybe you’re overthinking it. 
Maybe the luxurious rooms he prefers to book tend to be on the higher levels. Above all the noise of the city, of the restaurant on the first floor, of the laundry that churns out fresh sheets and towels, washing away dirt and fluids and whatever else someone has left behind in a hotel room. 
Did the workers ever wonder about the people behind those dirty towels, those rumpled sheets? Did a bellboy ever see you, your tired expression, and think, Hm, I wonder if she’s all right? Did the maid who turned over your hotel room see the stacks of books piled up near the window, the blanket and pillow stuffed on the chair, and wonder: But aren’t they a couple? Why would she be sleeping on the chair and not the bed?
Truth be told, there’s only two things that infuriate you about your current situation. One, that Chrollo repeatedly tries to put the moves on you. And two, that he insists on trying to make you sleep with him in the same bed. Keyword being, of course: trying. You’ve yet to give in.
The rest of it? The rest of the life that came with Chrollo, you can accept. It’s almost cathartic. Sure, you don’t have freedom of movement, of choice, of life.
But you have freedom from so much else.
Freedom from having to work day and night just to make enough money to pay your bills, and sometimes you still got behind on them. Freedom from worrying about whether or not the funny sound your sink made was an issue with the plumbing that would drain your savings and rack up more debt. Freedom from your friend’s drama and your mother’s exacting expectations that you could never meet. 
Besides, the lifestyle he forced you into gave you opportunities you’d never have otherwise. You usually stayed in high-end places, fancy hotels and condos; there was the occasional ramshackle safe house, but they were few and far between. They were always just the right temperature with just the right amenities, keeping you safe and comfortable. 
You got to do whatever you wanted, within reason. You could read as many books as you could get your hands on; you could ask for crafts and hobbies, and he typically indulged in. 
You ate good food every night and never wondered where your next meal would come from, or debated skipping meals to save money. You’ve tried dishes that you only read about in books or saw in films about rich people. Sure, some of it you couldn’t pronounce, and there was an air of superiority in the way Chrollo explained them to you. The taste, however, was completely worth the pompous comments.
And Chrollo himself could be tolerable. Sometimes. He was always up for a discussion or debate. You didn’t mind the traps he set, the way he tried to worm his way into your psyche at unsuspecting moments. Because what did that matter, when you knew you weren’t likely to get away from him unless he happened to die. Your life was this now, so who cared, really, if Chrollo wanted to psychoanalyze you because you wanted pizza for breakfast three days in a row? 
Sometimes you wondered what it said about society that you felt genuinely relieved to be kidnapped away from it all. The financial obligations. The social stress. All of it replaced with near constant indulgence in your personal whims and your mind’s lovely but strange ability to relax despite what should have been a high-stress kidnapping scenario. 
But… the damn bed situation. 
That’s one thing Chrollo refuses to do--accommodate your desire to sleep separately in any reasonable way. You’ve given up asking him to request two beds, you’ve even stopped asking if you would call room service and have them bring up a cot for the floor. But it would be nice if he would at least book a room with a sofa, and not simply a chair, which no matter how expensive the room is, is never comfortable enough for sleeping. 
He won’t, though. He’s nothing if not persistent in his romantic pursuit of you, outlined in little touches, the way he likes to lean in close to speak with you, voice hushed and husky and flirtatious. He’s offered to kiss you, flat-out, sometimes. You refused. He continues to offer, continues to touch, continues to want. 
He’s stubborn, in that respect.
But so are you. 
Which is why you don’t put up with it, don’t indulge in it, and ignore it as best you can. 
He may have kidnapped you. He may have taken away your freedom, but he wasn’t going to force you into a relationship. That was the one thing he wouldn’t take from you. 
On that, you stood firm. 
You just hoped the ground would never crack underneath the weight of his expectations.
“Dearest,” Chrollo says, and you don’t bother hiding the way you roll your eyes. It’s a pet name for a lover, and you are not a lover.
“Mm,” you respond, non-committal. You keep your eyes laser-focused on the coloring page in front of you. It was something they sold at a gas station gift shop, one of those books with complex lines and fanciful illustrations, aimed at adults with nothing better to do. Which, it so happens, turned out to fit you just fine.
There’s a pause. And then the shift of his clothing as he gets up from the queen sized bed and pulls out the chair across from you. He leans his elbows on the tiny side table, and you’re forced to scoot your book onto your lap to avoid it getting creased. Jerk.
You flit your eyes up to him.
“What’s up?”
At this, he exhales through his nose, almost a snort. Not quite as inelegant,  you suppose.
“You’ve been behaving rather well these past few weeks.” He considers. “Months.” He considers, again, this time tilting his head in what appears to be an exceptionally practiced gesture. “You’ve always behaved well, actually, haven’t you? From the start. From the moment you woke up in my…” He seems to reach for a word. “In my care.” 
You purse your lips. 
You remember the first day well. 
You were walking home from work, feet aching, mind thinking of a million obligations you had to get done before the week was out. That’s when you heard footsteps from behind you. 
You immediately froze. The footsteps stopped when you did. Slowly, you turned around, and there was a man standing there. An attractive man with a wrap around his forehead. When he saw your stricken expression, he smiled. 
“I apologize,” the man said. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
You pressed your lips down. “It’s fine.” Your heart raced, because you weren’t stupid, and strange men coming up to you at night was iffy at best and dangerous at worst. You were going to cross the street and head into the closest diner, just to be safe. Or that’s what you planned to do, before it went sour. 
Before you could do anything, there was a terrible pinch in your neck and you saw his arm pull away just slowly enough to spot the needle in his hand. Everything went hot and blurry and when you woke up, you were in a hotel room bed with silk sheets underneath you and Chrollo Lucilfer standing above you. 
“Good morning,” he said, and smiled. 
Had it really been months since you were taken? You don’t exactly keep track of time, unless you’re eager to catch a certain movie on TV or you’re tracking the release date of a new book. You remember when you had to keep track of time for other reasons--making sure you got just enough sleep to avoid collapsing, calculating your work hours so that they would cover the bills, stretching your food budget thin enough to last the month.
Now, all you have to worry about is convincing Chrollo to head out to the bookstore on release date to get you what you want.
“Okay,” you say, after he’s been waiting long enough. “I don’t know why you’re bringing this up.” 
You feel like a teenager being praised by their parents. The praise he gives is unwanted, confusing. You don’t know what to do with it, so you stare down at the book in your lap, and let your mind wander to more fun things. Maybe you should have used a darker green for the leaves--
“I’m curious as to why you’ve behaved this way.” 
You shrug your shoulders without looking up. You’d like to get back to coloring, but if you tell him that, then he really won’t leave you alone. 
“You haven’t tried to escape,” he continues, leaning in closer. There’s mint on his breath. He sometimes crunches them, and the sound irritates you. When you tell him so, he seems to do it more, but you genuinely can’t decide if he does it on purpose to piss you off or if he’s that damn addicted to the little candies and their breath-pleasing effect.
“You don’t try to ask anyone for help. You don’t put up a fuss when we move from place to place.” One of his hands reaches forward and rests on top of yours. When you move to pull away, he interlocks his fingers with yours. His skin is warm and the intimate contact is unpleasant.
It’s this gesture that irritates you, finally, and you tug on his hand. He doesn’t relent and you huff. 
“So what? Do you want me to act like that? Do you want me to start screaming at the hotel concierge, “Help, I’ve been kidnapped!’?”
He chuckles. “There wouldn’t be a point, dear. No one would--”
“I know,” you interrupt. “No one would be able to help me. That’s not the point. I don’t ask anyone for help because it would be pointless. I don’t try to run because it would be pointless.” The edge of the coloring book suddenly becomes very interesting, and you bend the corner back and forth as you talk. “So why not take what’s good here and run with it? Unless you want me to start clawing at you every time you put your fingers near my thigh.” You let yourself grin, however empty it may look. “Actually, that sounds like a good idea.” 
“You don’t fight me,” he muses, more to himself than to you. “But you do have a mouth on you.” His lips twitch, almost an imperceptible annoyed gesture, before his expression smooths back out into familiar calmness. But you saw it, and it makes something in your gut feel tight. He normally doesn’t care if you get snarky, but what if…? 
His grip on your hand relaxes and he lets you pull your fingers away.
“You’re being annoying, and I’m going to color over here.” If your words are a little slower than usual, you can’t blame yourself for feeling nervous. But the half-smile you get in return is familiar territory, and the anxiety in your gut eases up.  
You sigh through your nose and scoot your chair backwards, taking your book to the room’s large windowsill and pulling yourself onto that instead.
“Can we get takeout tonight?” You ask, without looking up. The light by the window is nicer for coloring, you decide, if a little bit more uncomfortable for a long coloring session. 
“We’re going to cook tonight.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that he’s watching you, still sitting at the table. He leans his cheek against the palm of his hand. “The grocery delivery came this morning.”
You pout, all worries from the odd conversation gone. What little storm clouds that do show up in your life are, almost always, easily pushed away.  “I really wanted takeout from the place we got the other day. Can’t we do groceries tomorrow?”
”No. I don’t want the meat to spoil.” His voice is firm, and he doesn’t respond to your pouting or the whittling, vaguely cloying tone you’ve taken. 
You let your body sag in defeat. Oh, well. 
It’s one of the few instances in which you know you can’t, and shouldn’t, push him. Chrollo has always been very particular about food. Or food waste, you suppose, is what he’s most particular about. 
You learned your lesson on that months ago, when he insisted you finish the last bite of a meal you’d ordered, admittedly, out of spite. The stomach ache was not worth whatever triumph you imagined you’d get from sticking something in his figurative craw. 
You take up your colored pencils again and start to fill in yet another empty space. 
“Fine,” you mutter, determined not to let it spoil your otherwise relaxing evening. “But go easy on the garlic this time. It makes your breath stink.”
“Duly noted,” he murmurs. And there’s something almost wistful in his tone that catches your chest for a moment. But you push it away. 
Doesn’t matter, nope. What matters is the coloring page in front of you, the relaxing motions of gradually filling in each space with your desired color, the ability to focus on nothing but this activity and not have to worry about anything outside the walls surrounding you. 
You don’t look up.
Days blend into weeks blend into the blurry, vague--mostly comfortable--existence that is your life.
Or it used to be comfortable. Lately, very lately, Chrollo has become a bit stranger. It’s almost as if he’s on edge about something, which naturally puts you on edge. If he has something to worry about, then it must be serious, indeed. 
But it’s bothersome. Because not only has he been behaving as if something big is on the horizon, he’s gotten a lot more insistent on his desire for something more with you. Maybe his nervousness is making him less shy about approaching you and your veneer of coolness towards any affectionate gestures.
This morning, when you stepped out of the shower, the chair you’d pushed up against the window, also known as your bed for the past two weeks, was gone. Not moved, but simply gone. You didn’t bother asking him where it went. The cool smile on his face as he pulled his change of clothes from the hotel drawer was answer enough.
Maybe you should have yelled at him. But thoughts of his glances lately, the tentative way he’d begun to talk with you, the gut-roiling fear of something happening, stopped you.
And that’s why you’re here, now, sitting in the same bed as Chrollo Lucilfer despite swearing to yourself that you’d do everything in your power to avoid this moment. 
That’s why you’re enjoying the moment so fully right now, despite his proximity to you. He’s just… sitting, for once. Sitting and reading, or pretending well enough to fool you. Doesn’t matter, as long as he’s not trying to make a move.
But of course, he speaks, and breaks the peace. 
“Are you enjoying the book, love?” 
You turn the page.
“Not your love. But yes.” 
You glance over and see him set his own book down on the side table. No bookmark in sight. You wonder if he was actually reading it or if he was just pretending tonight. You’re not sure which would annoy you more. 
It doesn’t matter, because while you’re considering how you’re going to put off going to sleep for as long as possible, you feel the unmistakable sensation of his hand on your thigh. Your muscles tense immediately, and your brain seems to simultaneously. 
“Perhaps,” he says, shifting closer to you on the bed, “you can take a break from your book.” 
“I’d rather not,” you reply, biting, and try to shift your thigh away. But his tender touch becomes a firm grip on the meat of your thigh. You make a strangled noise and he leans in, voice irritating in your ear.
“You look beautiful tonight.” 
Your book gets set on the bed, half-open, and you swat at his hand. He doesn’t budge.
So you try something else. 
“What’s most beautiful about me?” You glance up at the mirror on the other side of the wall, above the faux fireplace. “The sweatpants that I’ve worn two days in a row, or that piece of broccoli stuck in my teeth from dinner?”  He finally did let you get takeout, after the groceries were used up. “Thanks for that, by the way.” It’s not entirely sarcastic.
“You’re welcome,” he says, voice all silk. You wonder, briefly, if he’s ever entranced anyone with that soft, low tone that should drip charisma but instead makes you want to poke him in the eye. Maybe it would have entranced you, if he didn’t take you forcibly. But you’ve sworn to hold onto the one thing you can keep--your consent--and you’ll be damned if you shrug that off like you have everything else he’s taken.
He brings his other hand up to trace the top of your ear and you flinch.
“Stop.” You sound for all the world like you’re fighting with a sibling who has decided to irritate you deliberately on a very long car ride. “You’re being--” Irritating? Pushy? Creepy? A little of all three? “You’re in my space and I don’t like it,” is what you settle for. 
It takes a few moments. But Chrollo does shift himself away from you, slowly removing his hand from your thigh, resting back in his previous position which was close but not unbearably so.
“You’re quite stubborn.” It’s said in a quiet tone that makes you want to think; it makes you want to wonder why he’s being so much more insistent lately, why he got rid of your chair when it’s something he’s indulged (not without complaints, mind you) for months. 
You pick up your book with an overly dramatic, obvious gesture, hoping it doesn’t look as false as it feels. 
“Well,” you tell him primly, resolving to get through the night with your dignity intact. “So are you.” 
To say that you were surprised the rest of the night passed uneventfully would be an understatement. It took you hours to fall asleep, because you were sure--absolutely sure--that Chrollo would take advantage of the nighttime proximity to slide his hands around your waist or kiss your neck or something else unwanted.
But he didn’t. If anything, he was quieter than normal. There were no honey-laden queries before you went to sleep, his usual attempts to drag something personal out of you; all he did was bid you goodnight and rest his eyes. 
It was enough to make your stomach churn. 
And here you are, picking at breakfast. You weren’t in the mood for eggs--because of how restless you felt? You weren’t sure--but that’s what he gave you, and it’s what you were going to eat this morning.
The breakfast table is unusually quiet, almost taking on a veneer of domesticity, until he speaks up. 
“I’m taking you to meet someone today.” You look up, genuinely shocked. He continues, ignoring the wary, uncertain expression on your face. “Several people, in fact.”
The runny yolk clinging to your fork seems suddenly interesting. It makes a little pattern when you scrape the fork against the bottom of your plate, dragging gooey orange with it.
Your voice is thick with sarcasm, a tone you often take with him when the subject gets uncomfortable. 
“Soo… is this a ‘I’m taking you to meet my parents’ type of thing? Because I don't think t hey’ll--”
“No,” he says, interrupting. Something in his clipped tone makes you immediately clam up. There might as well be a red sign above his head, flashing, DANGER, DANGER, DO NOT ENTER. So you drop it.
“Companions,” he continues, more calm and routine now. He begins to butter your toast for you (a gesture he insists upon, and which you hate) as he speaks, and you shove a piece of warm egg white in  your mouth. “The closest ones I’ve had.” He pauses. “Except for you, of course, dearest.” He says this last bit to soothe your ego, as if you were offended--you weren’t.
You eye the toast he drops on your plate and pick it up. Maybe if you eat faster, you can get some reading time in before you go… wherever it is he’s taking you. Thinking about it too much makes you feel a little sick. 
“What’s the occasion, anyway?” The toast is warm and perfectly buttered and delicious. It annoys you, that he knows how to butter your toast so well. It’s such a stupid, small thing--but it’s grating, especially right now, with things so out of sorts. “You don’t normally let other people near me.”
He smiles, and you could swear it’s wistful. “No, not normally. This is different. It’s customary to introduce our companions once they’re… settled.” 
You don’t like how he says the word settled. You don’t like how he says the words companions, either, for that matter. You’re about to tell him as such, when he speaks up, asking a question that raises your alertness even higher. 
“Are you going to be good today?” 
Your lip quirks up, mouth still filled with toast, when you answer. This morning, the sass feels forced. 
“Am I ever bad?”
He hums, and sips his coffee. “That depends on the perspective, doesn’t it?”
You don’t respond, and the two of you eat in silence that doesn’t quite feel companionable. There’s something in the air. Thick and buzzy. You can’t shake off the feeling of dread that’s building inside you, and it doesn't get any better when Chrollo finishes his meal and stands to go clean up the dishes. 
Or when he leans over the table and places his hand on your hand.  His favorite gesture. Your fingers twitch but you resist the urge to smack him away today. It feels like the wrong move right now. 
“Really,” Chrollo says, adding your name with a seriousness that you’ve rarely heard. “Do behave yourself today.”
You swallow the toast and pretend the knot in your stomach is from the eggs.
Suddenly, Chrollo seems far more normal than you’ve ever viewed him before. Far more safe. And it’s this newfound perspective that keeps you almost clinging to his side.
You forget the names of the people in front of you as soon as Chrollo introduces them. You hope it doesn’t matter . You’ll probably forget their faces, too, if you don’t see them often enough. But you won’t forget the absolute power that radiates from them, even standing here simply and casually. You feel this with Chrollo, too, but never to this degree. Is it because Chrollo turns himself down for you, or because there’s only one of him? 
After, it’s time to introduce you. Chrollo has the decency to keep holding your hand--you don’t want to be separate from him for once, at this moment--as he nudges you forward just enough. He tells them your name--you wonder if they care, and then doubt it. 
“And it goes without saying,” he continues, some sort of soft pride in his tone, “that they’re my--”
Christ, you’re scared of the people in front of you, and maybe it’s the terror that pushes forward that impulsive, intrusive desire to keep Chrollo from telling his companions that you’re dating or in a relationship or whatever he had in mind. 
“We’re roommates,” you blurt out, loud, obtrusive. “Just roommates.” 
You’re proud of yourself for saying this, as you are every time you manage to keep the only thing you have left intact. Proud and relieved and feeling high from the adrenaline of it all. 
But oh, the way Chrollo grips your hand tighter. Oh, the way the expressions on the people in front of you shift in varying degrees, eyebrows raised, expressions disbelieving. One of them, impossibly huge with a matching mane of hair, snorts out a laugh that he smothers when Chrollo inclines his head just a fraction toward him.
Oh, you have fucked up. You have fucked up in a way that makes your stomach drop, makes your hand begin to tremble, and not just because of Chrollo’s increasingly uncomfortable grip on your hand.
The lock clicks behind you and it seems to resound louder than ever before. Was the hotel room always so chilly? Maybe the heat wasn’t working. 
Or maybe it was the fact that Chrollo said not a single word on the ride home, or on the way into the hotel, or in the elevator on the ride up to your room. You thought he might have calmed down on the way home, but no such luck. On the way, you tried to think 
You drop your coat on the bed and resolve to hop in the shower, to get away from him for a bit, to hopefully let things get back to normal. But he says your name, almost too quiet to hear, and you slowly turn to face him.
“Chrollo?” Your throat feels tight and you swallow against it. 
He’s staring down at his hand. At his finger. Then he looks up at you.
You’re about to make an absurd joke about a wedding ring, anything to ease the tension, but the deepened look in his gaze stops you. Deep and dark and almost frenzied. Your heart suddenly feels like it’s leaping. You pissed him off, you really did, and he didn’t have to say a thing for you to know it.
He takes a step toward you. You take a step back. He takes a step forward. And you go back, until you’re against a wall. The shell you’ve made around yourself, carefully laid with quips and smirks and endless distractions, cracks with each of his footsteps.
”Listen,” you say, voice light and wobbling. Maybe you can save this. Maybe. “About tonight, I know I shouldn’t have said--”
“Be quiet,” he says, firm, unrelenting. You shouldn’t push him, and your stomach drops to the floor as he presses himself against you. 
In a moment, he’s not just against you--but kissing you. It’s not a nice kiss, nothing soft or sweet. There’s frenzy in it, desperation, frustration. You don’t know if lips can bruise but if they do, yours surely will. You keep your teeth clenched but it doesn’t stop him, licking and biting at your lips as your stomach flips horribly. 
It’s too much. You don’t want this, not like this, not him, not here--
After far too long, he slowly pulls himself away from you. The dark expression in his eyes has only deepened.
“You’ve really never seen it,” he says, breath warm against your cheek. He sounds as if he’s finally realized something important. And he has.
“What?” You blink, you shake your head, you want to get away. You turn your head away from him, anything to stop seeing that look in his eyes, but his hand grips your chin and turns it back. “I’ve never seen what?”
“The red thread,” he murmurs, the words soft against your lips.
“What are you talking about?” You don’t hide your confusion, voice cracking and airy.
The hand holding your chin relents and he trails his thumb over your sore lips before pulling away entirely.
“The red thread,” he tells you, and instead of anger in his voice there is only a deep indulgence. It scares you far more than the chilly atmosphere in the car ride back. “Why do you think I chose you, hm?” His voice drops lower and the words are too close, too intimate, too much. “We’re soul mates.” 
Your brain scrambles, but not a single snarky word comes to mind. You weren’t… completely oblivious to the concept of soul mates. You knew people who swore they could see a connection between them and someone else. Red threads, sure, and sometimes other things. Names etched on skin. Symbolic tattoos. But you had never seen anything like that on your body.
Was there really a red thread connecting the two of you? It would explain a lot of things. Like why he took you. Like why he put up with you.
“I don’t want to be soul mates.” You don’t mind it, the freedom from all those burdens. You will pay the price of captivity if it means release from all that, but this last thing? Your ability to be yourself, to be separate from him in some way? You won’t give that up. Not willingly. Never. 
He only chuckles, short and dark, at your words. There’s something bitter in it.
“It doesn’t matter what you want.” His hand comes up to caress your cheek again, and the unwanted touch seems to remind you of everything he’s taken from you. You’re starting to feel sick. “The thread that connects us was pre-destined. You could hate me, dislike me, all you want and…”
“I don’t hate you,” you interrupt, blunt, blurting. Intrusive thoughts win out again. 
He raises his eyebrows and his eyes widen and in that, there’s a fraction of vulnerability. Like a tiny fissure. 
“No? Then why do you persist in refusing me?” 
Looking at him is hard, but this time, he lets you turn your head away, dropping his hands to his sides. You’re stuck right in front of him, regardless. It’s the least he could do.
“I don’t like you… like that.” You bite on the inside of your cheek. “I mean, well. You kidnapped me. I don’t think that’s unreasonable to say.” You glance at him, but he doesn’t look angry. Merely interested.
You take a deep breath, and a confessional sigh escapes your throat. “But I can live with this.” You gesture towards the room. “With being kidnapped, I mean. It’s not all bad.” You think about how you no longer rip your hair out from stress or cry yourself to sleep wondering how the bills will be paid this month. “As long as you’re not trying to do… the relationship stuff.” You drag your teeth over your bottom lip.  You can still taste him, insistent and firm.
Tentatively, you let your gaze return to meet his. Behind his eyes, you can practically see the clockwork and cogs moving.
“I see,” he says, slow, thoughtful. “Thank you for the clear explanation.”
“Are you mad?” 
He smiles. It looks like a weight has been taken off his chest, and that scares you. 
“Of course not. Apologies will be in order for your behavior earlier today. But as for the rest? I’m not angered in the slightest.” 
“Why not?”
The hand, the one he claimed held the red thread, catches against your own. His fingers interlock with yours and you feel too numb to pull away this time.
“Simple, dearest.” He pulls his fingers tighter and somehow it feels like your hands will never part again. It’s a ridiculous thought, childish, but it makes your heart quicken anyway. “Since you are so prone to acclimating to your… situation in other respects, I feel confident that you will not always feel so negatively towards a relationship with me.”
You want to protest. You start to, but you can’t find the words–sarcastic or otherwise. 
“After all,” he continues, voice low and smooth and confident now. His other hand returns to your chin, tilting it up as he stares at you, assessing, greedily taking the sight of you in. “I have the rest of our lives together to change your mind.” 
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ohbabydollie · 4 months
i love writing them sm, u don’t understand
Tumblr media
everyone assumed the break up was gonna be nasty and awful
everyone assumed it was going to start drama, end friendships, etc.
so imagine their surprise where up to three months after the break up you're still living with schlatt
you're still sleeping in the same bed as him
he was the one who helped you move into your new apartment that was only a three minute walk from his house
anytime both of you are in a video together you both sit side by side, his arm thrown over your shoulder and you leaning into him
you guys still kiss like it’s nothing
sharing kisses while doing anything
schlatt is almost always holding your hand
even if you’re sitting across from each other at a table he’ll reach over and hold your hand, occasionally planting kisses on your knuckles
you two tend to do stupid shit together especially if it’s for “the bit” (it never is just a bit)
imagine being in the otk iq test, you’re playing a little nerd and schlatt the asshole jock
schlatt is throwing bits of paper and eraser at you the entire time, teasing you by grabbing your test and holding it above your head, says he’ll give it back if you agree to give him a bj and you agree
uses the excuse of “dorks give the best head and have the best holes” on camera
sleepovers where you both drink and do karaoke
“OH DEAR YOU KNOW IM SUCH A FOOL FOR YOUUUUUU” you scream as schlatt laughs
“christ you can’t sing at all” he says grinning
is the ex everyone who crushes on you is insecure about
they can tell he still has love left for you and you still have love left for him
you don’t go on many dates unless you’re asked out, even then you apologize when you leave half way through the date
“i’m sorry, an emergency came up, i have to go” you say handing them enough money to cover your half of the bill and a little more
it ends the same way, you’re at schlatt’s apartment making out with him
he loves picking up your favorite drink when you need to get up early and ready for a interview
he remembers to get extra of your favorite sauce when they get you nuggets
he remembers what skin care you use and in what order, it’s perfect especially when he wants to get you gifts
he knows what metal you wear without having to look at your instagram because he remembers from looking at your bracelet while holding your hand
he knows which snacks you like so he keeps them stocked at his house for a movie night
he pretends not to notice little details about you, but it’s so obvious he does
like if you like coke or pepsi more
he remembers your orders for restaurant and could recite them in his sleep
i mean you would be over your ex if you could find someone better
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obeymesheep · 1 year
Husband Energy
Lucifer, Mammon
gn reader!!
OMG SOOO LONG!! hope everyone enjoys this, i am planning on doing all the brothers just on my own time! thank you so much for being patient, it's the end of the semester so i had lots going on, and was also working on this which is much longer than normal!
Lucifer probably bought the ring the day you told him you loved him. It's no small feat getting the demon of pride to fall in love with you, let alone a fall in love with a human.
He kinda sets you up a lil, just a little trick. He has you believe that he's proposing at the restaurant, its very mean, where he gets down on one knee... to tie his shoe, or these long speeches about how much he loves you, and how he never wants you to suffer so that's why... he's paying the bill. When you get home, a little disappointed, you cuddle up with him with a glass of brandy, and confess what you thought tonight was. Lucifer chuckles and pulls out a ring.
"Is this what you wanted love? I apologize for the tricks, but seeing how badly you wanted me to ask was too cute to pass up. I promise you will never spend another night alone, and I will forever hold you in my arms"
Lucifer doesn't let you touch anything!! He is a perfectionist, so apart from the occasional opinion needed he does basically everything! You do have to pull him away from everything just to let him enjoy the fact that you're engaged :(
The wedding is flawless, and goes unblemished by any snot nosed kids, mean and nosy relatives, or clumsy brothers. If you're going more human, everything is draped in pure white, with a classic ceremony, you both also in white, you exchange vows and kiss. However, if you decide to go the demon way and bind your souls together, Diavolo has to officiate, and it hurts a lot, very few people attend, at most it's Mams, Barb, and Simeon, but! a very large reception is thrown afterwards! You're glowing and in bliss throughout the entire party, people come up and congratulate you, with lots of food and drink!
Y'all do not move out of the house, you just can't, his brothers are not equipped for it and Lucifer doesn't want to leave them. However for a couple days after the honeymoon the brothers spilt so you can enjoy your time as a married couple.
You are expected to do most of the housework, and Lucifer prefers when you're at home (assuming we've graduated??? from RAD) instead of some job where he can't guarantee your safety. BUT you're basically excused from dinner duty, you have no obligation to feed anybody, or do any dishes!
You soon come to learn the you and Lucifer already acted like an old married couple, the soft good-morning kisses and the glasses of wine after a long day, but it's also a learning experience for both of you, Lucifer learns to sacrifice time for you, and you learn to trust that Lucifer won't make any life changing decisions without you!!
Mams is super happy for the both of you and is glad your now an in-law! Leviathan is a little jealous that Lucifer got married first. Satan is LIVID when you announce the engagement and feels very betrayed it's takes a while for him to come around... Asmo is very overjoyed about the whole ordeal and is very involved!! Beel is also really happy and is super happy to have you as an in-law!! Belphie feels a little apprehensive about it, none of them have ever been married and feels he is the only one worried about the dynamic :/
It's sooo impulsive, i like to think he didn't propose with a ring, with maybe like a sword, or a crown, he is pretty non traditional and wants to pick something that means a lot to him, and it will probably be a treasure brought with them from the celestial realm. Mammon almost proposes a lot, he runs into asmo's room with a sigh "i almost proposed :("
You guys go out to Mams favourite casino, dressed to the nines, and ready to have a drink while Mammon wins some games! At the nights end, Mammon surprises you with a night away at a expensive hotel room. In that moment everything was right, you keeping him company while he smoked on the balcony, he pulled out the treasure.
"I want ya to be mine forever, not Lucifer's, not Levi's, not Asmo, mine! So please, let me make you mine.."
Mammon is such a good haggler and always knows the best vendors. The work load is pretty even, Mams has pretty hard opinions, and wants to help make the day special.
You guys have a demon wedding, when he said he wants to make you his, this is what he meant, to him human weddings are far too temporary, but if it means a lot to you, he will allow you two to also have a ceremony because he does think it's really romantic, at the demon ceremony, Lucifer, Asmo, Luke, Solomon come, and at the reception lots of demons are there, Mammons pretty connected so lots are his guests, though this also means there's lots of presents!
You definitely leave the house, into a smaller one near by, there's lots of tears from the other brothers. You're house is very suited to your tastes, and breakfast visits from the brothers at least happen once a week <3
Mams really falls into the 'wife' roll, his modeling gigs are pretty all over the place, so if you have a more stable schedule, Mammon does lots of the house work, while you cook/plan most meals!!
You and Mammon really fall into a cute routine, Mammons an early riser, so he's doing his skin care and getting dressed while your sleeping, then slipping back beside you to watch you sleep, when you wake up, you go make breakfast, while Mams definitely cuddles you from behind, things like that <3
Lucifer is really proud of how grown up Mammon has become and the partner he chose. Levi is probably not surprised and is only shocked that Mammon finally did it. Satan is touched at the pairing and like Lucifer is proud of Mammon. Asmo is once again through the roof just at the simple fact there will be a wedding. Beel while very happy is a little sad that it means Mammon will move out. While it takes Belphie a little while for the news to really sink in, is only a little salty of your choice in partner.
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idy-ll-ique · 11 months
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x f!reader
genre: angsty angst with happy ending
warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of hospitals, mentions of panic attacks, and also bills. they're scary.
requested: nope
word count: ~4.5k
summary: y/n thinks she owes the ruthless, unforgiving mafia man money. no she does not.
author's note: hiya peeps! till i can muster enough courage to post that part 2... thought i'd post this in the meanwhile. enjoy!
"New place?"
"Yeah. Really, really, really fucking good coffee. Lady knows what she's doing, for real." Bucky scratched his chin, regarding his friend with his usual cold gaze. "Hm. Fine, I'll try it. For now, go do what I told you to." Bucky sent him off, grabbing his sunglasses off the table. Then he left the room as well and walked out of the mansion, heading to his car. Getting in, he put in the address of the coffee place in his GPS and started the drive there.
But upon reaching, he was immediately greeted by a long line that took up nearly half of the sidewalk. He raised an eyebrow and approached the front of the line. The moment the people in the front saw him, they gasped and moved back, terrified. A loud chatter had already broken out in the crowd as everyone talked about his presence there. Ignoring them all, Bucky opened the door to the coffee place but just as he did, someone grabbed his arm from inside the shop, startling him. It was a woman.
"Sir, the place isn't open yet! You need to wait outside!" she told him sweetly, giving him a smile so precious the mafia boss froze on his spot. "Hey, don't talk to him like that," someone from behind him warned her, "And let go of his arm! Before you get hurt!" Did they really think he would hurt her? Assholes. He watched how her brows furrowed. She let go of his arm, gulping. "Uh, sorry, if you… if I may have overstepped… but we're not open yet! Uh… do you want… to wait inside… maybe?" the lady stammered, glancing at the crowd behind him.
Bucky coolly adjusted his sunglasses. "I don't mind waiting outside. I'll be the first customer." Just as he said it, someone yelled from inside the shop, "Y/N, you can open the door, we're ready!" Bucky unconsciously laughed. Y/N gave him an awkward smile and opened the door, allowing him to follow her to the counter. "So, which coffee would you like to have today?" 
"Black coffee."
"Okay… your name, sir?"
"James… uh, that will be $7."
Bucky took out a 10 dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to her. She returned his change and gave him another sweet smile. "You may sit, sir, I'll be right with you with your order!" He put the $3 in the tip jar on the counter, making Y/N smile wider. More people walked into the shop as Bucky went to sit. He purposely chose a table that allowed him a clear view of Y/N; instead of looking down at his phone like he always did at places, this time his phone was placed screen-down on the table, his electric blue eyes trained on her. She was taking a couple’s order.
All of a sudden, a different employee called out his name. “Black coffee for James?” the man bellowed, keeping a cup on the counter. When his name was called Y/N and Bucky’s eyes met. She looked away almost immediately, a shy smile on her face as she turned to the next customer. Bucky smiled to himself as well and went to get his coffee. “Uh, man, can I… tell you something?” The mafia boss looked at the guy. “What?” The employee looked at Y/N and chewed his lip. “She’s, uh… she’s—”
“Married? Engaged? Has a boyfriend?”
“No, no, she’s… too naive. Listen, I’m just saying it to warn you, and maybe even her… she’s ridiculously innocent, seriously. I don’t think she has ever had a boyfriend, or even a fling or something. Probably still a, you know, maiden. So… I wouldn’t think you’d want to go for her.” Had he been that obvious? Bucky listened to the man’s nonsense patiently, a cool smile on his face.
“And what, suddenly you know every thought that has ever occurred in my mind? You think you know me enough to tell me about my likes and dislikes?” 
“I’m just saying, bro, me personally—”
“I don’t wanna know.”
With that, he turned around to walk out of the coffee shop. On his way out, he glanced at Y/N again, but she was too busy talking to customers to notice him. He sighed loudly and left. But his sigh caught her attention; she turned to the door but was too late— he was already gone. Her lips pursed. Would he ever visit again? James, he’d said his name was. She had no idea about him, about the fact that he was someone she should steer clear of. Y/N made up her mind; the next time he came to the shop, she was going to talk to him.
“You sure you’ll clean up?”
“Yeah. Go.”
The manager left and Y/N sighed in the empty place, picking up the rag cloth that was hanging on the oven door. But in the quiet store, as she cleaned the counter top, she suddenly heard what sounded like a gunshot. She stood up straight, alert. Her hands were frozen in their place, her ears demanding confirmation. Was it actually a gunshot? When she heard another one, her hair stood on end. Was she going to die?!
Shaking, she rushed to the door and locked it, pulling on it to make sure. Through the glass doors, she looked outside; there was no one there, but she was 100% sure she’d heard gunshots. Her lower lip wobbled. Y/N walked back to the counter and began working at twice the speed; she still had to sweep the floor, and only then could she go home. “Come on, Y/N,” she muttered as she hurriedly finished wiping the countertop. But just as she was about to run to fetch the broom, three consecutive gunshots happened.
Y/N fell to her knees, terrified. This time, she could clearly hear shouting, as well as the screeching of car tyres along with the gunshots. What was going on?! Gang violence?! Scrambling upright, Y/N watched, horrified, as the headlights of a car shone on the glass doors. Oh shit, they’re right outside! Scared beyond words, she rushed towards the backdoors and threw them open. But then they closed with a loud bang, which scared her even more. What if they came inside now?
Her eyes darted around the place and she noticed the broom closet. My only chance. Y/N ran to the broom closet and opened the door, somehow managing to fit inside. Then she closed the door. Pitch black. Y/N took out her phone and dimmed the brightness, her hands clammy. Opening her chat with her manager, she texted him about what was going on. Her heart was pounding in her chest; what if she actually died that night?! 
Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, she heard the front door breaking. The sound of glass breaking rang in her ears, and she clutched her head when she got a splitting headache. Y/N was fully panicking by then. More gunshots echoed around the place, this time much closer and much louder than before and Y/N realized that the coffee shop was being used as a place to fight. 
She dared not to make a sound, even going so far as to hold her breath with short intervals in between. 15 minutes would pass before everything went silent; Y/N was very close to passing out now, but she held herself up, waiting until help arrived. After that, she told herself, she could sleep for as long as she wanted. One hand holding her phone, one hand clamped over her mouth, sweat dripping down her whole body, she waited.
When it all went quiet she thought of getting out of the broom closet. But it was as if her legs were rooted on spot, frozen in cement. She couldn’t move an inch of herself. Her eyesight had become poor because of the darkness in the closet, and her headache was steadily bringing her on the verge of fainting. Her ears were buzzing; in the end, she couldn’t even hear the police sirens outside. Slowly, she sank down on her knees and rested her head against the wall behind her, closing her eyes.
“There’s someone else here,” Steve spoke, poking his cheek with his tongue. Bucky looked up from where he was getting a bandage tied on his forearm. “An employee?” Y/N? “Yeah. I mean, the lights were on, and look at this cloth. It’s still wet, and looks like someone was using it. Did they flee the scene or are they still here?” Bucky bit his lip. If it turned out to be Y/N… he was going to burn down the entire world. 
“Go check.”
Steve nodded and opened the doors to the backroom, looking around. There was no one there, but Steve did see another door— the broom closet. Just to be sure, he curiously walked up to the door and opened it. “Fuck!” he involuntarily screamed when Y/N’s unconscious body slumped out of the closet, falling on the floor. “Barnes! The employee is still here!” Steve knelt next to the woman, taking note of the way her phone was clasped in her hand. 
A couple seconds later, Bucky and Sam ran into the room and Bucky froze when he saw Y/N’s body on the floor. And then, every curse word he knew from every language he spoke fell from his lips, rather loudly. Pushing Steve away, Bucky tearfully sat her up, hissing. “Look at her, she’s sweating so much, probably so scared… My poor darling…” He turned to Steve. “Pick her up. I’m taking her home.” Steve and Sam glanced at each other. Even still, Steve did as he was told, picking Y/N up bridal style.
“Sam, call a doctor, pronto.”
Once near their car, Steve opened the door to the backseat and put her in. Sam sat in the passenger seat, talking to a doctor. Bucky sat next to Y/N, allowing her body to rest against his good arm. Steve then got into the driver’s seat and swiftly drove to Bucky’s mansion.
Bang. Bang. Bang!
Startled, Y/N gasped in her sleep and jerked. But as she sank down on the mattress, her headache returned and a faint moan escaped past her lips, her brows furrowing. What was going on? There was a mattress underneath her, very soft might she add— was she laying down on a bed? Wait. Was it a hospital bed?! The previous night’s memories replayed in her mind, its load weighing heavier on Y/N’s already feeble mind. 
All of a sudden, the bed dipped on her left, as if someone had just taken a seat. “Y/N?” That was her name. “Mm?” she hummed tiredly, without opening her eyes. “Are you feeling better?” She teared up. “No, I’m scared, I don’t know what’s going on,” she cried, the tears leaking out of her closed eyes as she sobbed, covering her face. Someone’s large hand then went under her head, their other arm around her waist. She was pulled up by the guy and was placed against something; a chest, that man’s chest.
He was holding her. Y/N slumped into him, still crying. Bucky, meanwhile, smiled sadly and held her close, rubbing her back. “Shh, it’s okay, I’m here. You’re unharmed, I guarantee you— hiding in that closet was a good idea. I’m so proud of you. Come on now, baby…” Y/N’s sobs died down, and she finally opened her eyes. She tried pulling away from him but he wouldn’t let go. “I wanna lay down.” He lowered her immediately, and when he sat back up, Y/N gasped, finally seeing his face.
“James?!” Bucky chuckled, caressing her face under the excuse of wiping off her tears. “It’s me. You scared me shitless, Y/N, do you know how long it has been since you passed out?! 48 hours! I mean, please don’t give an old man a heart attack like that again!” Y/N smiled weakly. “Old? How old are you?”
“3 days old.”
This time, she laughed. “How are you only 3 days old?” Bucky smiled, besotted with her. “Because I met you 3 days ago.” Y/N cutely knitted her brows in confusion, until realization dawned on her. Then she blushed furiously, covering her face. “You are so cheesy!” she accused him, pouting. Bucky couldn’t believe she’d made him fall for her in less than a week. “Just for you,” he winked and she groaned.
In the end, she took a deep breath and pushed the blanket off of herself, seeing that she was still dressed in her 3-day-old clothes. “I stink, don’t I?” she wrinkled her nose, sending a sorry smile towards the brunet man. “I mean, kinda,” he played along, snorting when she, very frailly, smacked his arm. He stood up, taking her hand. He helped her stand up. “You can take a bath over there.”
Bucky pointed to the bathroom door. “I’ll leave some clothes outside for you. Once you’re dressed, just open the bedroom door, and I’ll be waiting right outside, okay?” Y/N nodded obediently. Bucky took her to the bathroom, explained all the functions of the bathtub and kept the towel where she could easily access it. “I’ll go now.” He left the room. Y/N discarded her clothes and sat down in the tub, moaning in pleasure. The water was of the perfect temperature.
She took a lengthy bath, and only stepped out half an hour later, a towel wrapped around her. Y/N put on her own undergarments and then the clothes Bucky had provided for her; a black t-shirt and a pair of gray sweats. Once she made sure she was presentable, she moved towards the door but paused when she heard Bucky outside. Her jaw dropped and her hand gripped the doorknob. He was talking to someone outside. “The bill? Ah, yeah, from the hospital. How much was it?” Hospital bill?
Surely that was for… her. She was the one who had been unconscious for 3 days, that meant that a doctor and medicines were required for her. Y/N dreaded the amount— she almost did not want to hear it but she also knew that it would be wrong. How could she let him bear all the expenses for something that was her liability? “$5k? Hm.” Y/N almost fainted for a second time.
“5000 dollars?” she whispered to herself, terrified. But she shook her head, standing up straight. It was her duty to pay him back. Definitely. Taking a deep breath, Y/N opened the door and sent Bucky a smile. He smiled back at her. “Come, have breakfast and then I’ll have someone drop you home.” She wordlessly nodded and followed him downstairs to the dining room. On their way there, Y/N looked around his mansion. It was a piece of art; Bucky was rich? So that meant…
No, no, absolutely not! You have to take responsibility!
They sat at the dining table, breakfast was served and 30 minutes passed. There were a few of his friends eating with them, but Y/N could very quickly make out that they weren’t his friends, more like, they were his subordinates. Working under him. He didn’t say one word to her until the 45 minute mark; then, once all his friends left, he finally looked at her, smiling.
She almost expected him to talk about the hospital bill. “Is it good?” he instead asked, nodding his head towards her plate. Y/N hummed, giving him a small smile. “Y-Yeah, it’s nice.” Breakfast ended. Y/N watched with anticipation as their plates were taken away and Bucky stood up. She followed suit. “I cleared my schedule enough to drop you home, should we leave?” Y/N looked down at her clothes. “Uh, let me just change—” He stopped her. “No, please, don’t wear those stinky clothes again. Carry them with you.” Just then, one of his housekeeping staff entered the dining room holding a bag.
Bucky took the bag and handed it to Y/N. “Here. All your stuff is in here, including your phone.” Y/N peeked into the bag. “I, uh, send me your address so, um, I can return your clothes… I’ll have them washed…” Bucky scoffed, walking around the table to stand in front of her. “Baby, please, stop saying stuff like that. Keep them, it will mean a lot to me. Promise.” Sighing a little, Y/N chuckled. “Fine, I’ll keep them. They are comfortable, you know.” He laughed along.
The two of them walked out of the house. As Bucky drove to her house, Y/N glanced at him. “Um, James, about the… uh…” He glanced at her as well. “Yes, sweetheart? Is something bothering you?” She felt weird asking him about it herself. I’ll just send him the money directly, why have this uncomfortable conversation at all? “Nothing, it��s fine.” Bucky figured something was off but he didn’t push. Soon, they reached Y/N’s apartment building, she bid him farewell and they each went their own ways.
“Good morning, sir— James! Hi, you…” Y/N gasped when she saw the man in front of her. He smiled at her, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “3 weeks. How are you, sweetheart? All better?” Y/N nodded, blinking. 5000 dollars was a huge amount of money; so far, she had only garnered around $1500. Immediately, she began feeling a little… guilty. His smile didn’t waiver at all, though, so that meant he wasn’t mad at her. Right? What if he was here right now to talk about the money? Y/N gulped, lowering her gaze. “What would you like, sir?” Sir? Bucky’s face dropped. Why was she calling him sir all of a sudden? “Um, are you okay—”
“You’re holding up the line, sir.”
“Black coffee and a blueberry muffin.”
He handed her $15 and like he had the previous time, put the extra 3 dollars in the tip jar. When Y/N still avoided his gaze, Bucky was completely sure there was something off. “Can you deliver it to my table instead of calling out my name?” Y/N hummed. “I’ll do that.”
He went to sit in the furthest corner. 10 minutes later, Y/N approached his table and placed his order on the table, turning to leave. But before she could, he grabbed her hand and tugged on it, making her turn towards him. “Mr—” “Absolutely not. James. What’s wrong? What happened? What did I do?” You’re still silent. “I— I need some more time,” she blurted out, “Please, give me, like, another month or so, I beg.” Bucky’s brows furrowed in utter confusion. “Time for what? Honey, time for what?” Y/N angrily glared at him, tears stringing her eyes.
She was never the one to lose her temper so quickly, but to repay Bucky, she had been taking up extra shifts at the coffee shop, which was making her tired and frustrated, and by extension, temperamental. “Just because you’re not asking doesn’t mean— I know you want it back, so don’t play stupid. I’m telling you, another month. Please let go of my hand.” Without even waiting for him, she yanked her arm away and wiped her tears off, storming towards the front of the shop. Bucky was too perplexed to even notice.
Want it back? Want what back? His clothes? Didn’t he already tell her that she could keep them? But then… Why would she require a month to give back a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants? She could have easily done that the next day… It wasn’t his clothes she was talking about. But for the life of him, he couldn’t think of anything else that she owed him. Money was absolutely the last thing on his mind. Sighing despondently, he finished his coffee and muffin and left the shop, without so much as a glance at her.
But Y/N was staring at him as he left. Unconsciously, tears pricked her eyes but she sniffed them away, looking at the customer in front of her. “What would you like?” Her voice was a little watery, which the customer picked up on. “Wasn’t that James Barnes that just left the shop? Don’t tell me he comes after innocent people such as yourself! What did he do to you?!” the customer demanded protectively, which made Y/N confused. If he was excluded from the innocent people category…
“Wh-What do you mean… who is he?”
“Girl, you don’t know James Barnes?! He has been in the news so many times! He’s a mafia man, a mobster boss! Most ruthless, most feared leader of the underworld! How come you don’t know?” What?! “A mafia don?! Are you serious?!” The customer scoffed. “For sure I am! Even the police are scared of him, that’s why he roams the streets freely. To be honest, he only ever goes after the other bad guys, I have never heard him go after, you know, ordinary citizens. But you? What did you do to him?”
“I… I need to pay him back, $5000.” The customer covered his mouth, shocked. “That much?! Girl, do it as fast as you can— is that why he visits the shop frequently? I have seen him a couple times before… wow…” Y/N’s blood ran cold. She owed a mafia leader money. A mafia leader who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. What if she couldn’t collect enough money? What if he sent one of his friends after her to kill her? After her shift ended, Y/N was once again alone at the shop, cleaning up. But as she sweeped behind the counter, the bell above the door rang, signaling someone’s arrival. 
She looked up and froze when she saw Bucky. “16 hours. For 16 hours I have been thinking about what you owe me, and I haven’t got one clue. Baby, you need to tell me yourself what you think you owe me. Come on. Help me out here.” But as he continued taking steps towards her, she backed herself up against the wall, heart pounding in her chest, fear visible in her eyes. “Please, please don’t— you know— you’re playing dumb!” Bucky froze as well at her look of pure terror.
“Are you scared of me?”
Tears began flowing down her cheeks. “I told you, give me another month, I’ll pay you back, I promise! I have $1500 ready if you’re willing to take installments— but by the end of 30 days I will have the remaining $3500 ready, trust me!” Bucky closed the distance between them. His eyes… showed betrayal. “So… $5k? You’re saying you owe me 5000 fucking dollars?” he whispered. His hands reached up to wipe her tears off, his own starting to fall down his face. “Why do you think that? Have I, even once, asked you about the money myself?”
Slowly, Y/N shook her head. “Then why do you break my heart like this?!” he screamed in her face, startling her. She cried harder. “Because I know now who you are! Surely you want the money back?” He snarled, banging his fist on the wall next to her head. “But why would I want something back from you that you don’t even owe me?! What $5000 are you talking about?!” Y/N sniffled, lowering her gaze. “The hospital bill.” Bucky paused. “Hospital bill? Honey, that wasn’t for you.”
She looked up, confused. “You don’t know what happened that night, do you?” Y/N shook her head again. Bucky sighed, taking a step away from her. “Come with me. Let’s sit.” He took her hand and led them to a table, sitting down. “I… I always assumed you were just passing by and were kind enough to… you know… take care of me.” He wiped his tears off, chuckling. 
Usually, Bucky had a firm handle on his emotions but hearing the woman he loved accuse him of such a heinous thing was enough to make him break down. “No. Now that you know who I really am… that night, the gunfire and the violence that happened involved me, my men, and a rival leader and his men. You were already passed out when the fight ended— I was injured. Look at this.” He shrugged off the right side of his jacket, revealing his forearm that had a faint scar on it.
Y/N gasped softly upon seeing it, her mind filling with worry for his well-being. “Are you okay, now?” He took her hand. “Yes, I’m completely healed. Some of my men got injured as well, and it’s my duty to look after their medical bills as they got injured on my command. It was our hospital bill, sweetheart, not yours. We didn’t call a doctor for you— all you needed was to lay down and wake up comfortably.” Y/N suddenly felt extremely hollow. “I took up extra shifts.”
Bucky came to sit next to her and hugged her close. “You didn’t even think about confirming it with me, first? Angel, when someone owes me money, I make it very clear to them, okay? The fact that I didn’t ask you for a single penny means you don’t owe me shit.” Y/N burrowed closer to him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered into his chest. “I just felt… weird bringing it up. I thought I could just directly send the money over once I had enough.” Bucky hummed. “And even if we had reached that stage, I would have just sent the money back. Thank goodness we nipped it in the bud.”
Y/N pulled away from him, rubbing her eyes. Then she looked at Bucky, who was looking at her with a fond expression on his face. “What?” she chuckled. But she was completely caught off-guard when Bucky gently held her chin and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. “Even if we had called the doctors for you,” he whispered, “Even if the hospital bill was yours, you wouldn’t have owed me anything. Why? Because the love of my life will never owe me even a single dollar.” Y/N blinked dumbfoundedly. And then, a deep blush graced her face and she squealed, burying herself back in Bucky’s arms.
“James, don’t say that!”
“Bucky, my dear, call me Bucky. And was what I said wrong in any way? Wasn’t it completely true?”
“Yeah but you don’t have to say it out loud!”
“And forgo seeing this cute little blush on your cheeks? Never.”
“Stop it…”
“Nope. My cute little angel can get into as many accidents as she wants and she still wouldn’t owe—”
“I’m gonna go clean up!”
a/n: eeeeee screaming!! thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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elizais · 4 months
hey elizai!! can u do smthn like what event starts the topic of kids and whether they want them or not with bsd boys? (pref dazai, chuuya, and tecchou! they are cutiesss) thanks !!
featuring.. dazai, chuuya, nd tecchou! warnings.. ?? i don't get to like reader x ----- talking ab having kids, jst bcs i feel like that would set me up for "blah blah blah wouldn't want kids, but blah blah would!!"
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in all honesty, osamu and you had never truly thought about kids. maybe intense debates on what names you hated, compared to ones you thought were cute - but other than that? not really.
so, on an average day at the agency a married couple were brought in to talk about something they witnessed the other day. kunikida and tanizaki were going to speak to them and they had to bring along their small children as they didn't have a babysitter for that moment.
it was honestly no biggie for anyone at the agency, a pair of twins might lighten up the dreary wednesday anyways. when they walked in, everyone greeted them (aside from ranpo, who was in another city for a few days.)
a boy by the name of isamu and a girl by the name of hana were left under your supervision with the help of atsushi. their parents were whisked away to the conference room to explain what happened the other day.
"so, what are your names?" atsushi smiled at the pair as you walked over to osamu at his desk. the two didn't seem to respond to the boy who was crouched down at eye level for the children.
hana and isamu wandered over to your boyfriend and you and asked quite a few questions. chipping atsushi's pride slightly at the kids not wanting to speak to him.
hana pulled on your boyfriend's sleeve before asking him "what's your name?" quietly. osamu looked at her, smiling and ruffling her hair, "osamu dazai, and you both?"
"isamu! he's almost got the same name as you!" the girl giggled at her shy brother. the boy seemed to gravitate towards you more than your boyfriend. "hana.. they told us to be quiet whilst they speak to the detectives!" isamu scolded his sister.
"oh, we're not actually detectives!" osamu begun, shocking you with how good he was with kids. "we're superheroes.." he whispered to the two kids.
you giggled as he began making up stories for the two, and them asking off topic questions.
"how is the moon still in the sky when it's daytime, dazai?"
"because i put it there. duh."
"do you and that lady have kids?"
"not right now."
"why are some people blonde and others brunette?"
"because blonde haired people control the weather and brunettes control night and day."
and soon enough, they went home with their parents. but that 'not right now' lingered until you arrived home with osamu. laying on the couch with his arm around your shoulders, he whispered into your hair.
"today was fun with those two." a sentence that he kissed into the crown of your head, a simple hum in response from you. something was on your mind.
"what are you thinking about, love?" he flicked your forehead. "if we had kids.. y'know?" you whispered.
"well i think kyouka does look up to you an awful lot, do you not see that?" he readjusted to face you. sitting cross-legged on the couch facing each other, hands in his, you spoke. "yeah, i do. 'm just thinking. i do love the family at the agency though."
dazai elaborated for you.
"fukuzawa's the grandad with like the secret lore he doesn't tell anyone about.. yosano's the wine aunt.. ranpo is the uncle that gets too into board games.."
you interrupted him, "atsushi's the housecat that racks up a fortune in medical bills."
as dazai was laughing, you added on, "and you and chuuya are the in-laws that end up drunkenly fighting." to which he nodded through laughter.
"yeah but chuuya makes a fortune so we can't frustrate him too much.. he has to pay for the family get-togethers.." he giggled.
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chuuya was no stranger to young parents in the port mafia. today was one of the most important days of the year for the port mafia, a big deal was being signed today so all hands had to be on deck to make sure there was no funny business.
he called you in to keep him company while he was bundled up in his office reading over hundreds of pages of paperwork. you were lying on the couch, helping him by rereading what he had read to make sure he hadn't missed anything.
"chuu? do you want a drink?" you asked, finishing another dozen pages.
"if it isn't too much of a hassle, doll." he sighed, looking thankful at your offer. promptly, you stood up and closed the office door behind you and made your way to a staff room on whatever floor his office was on.
you nodded to the stressed workers that saw you, knowing how much chuuya speaks about you to them. you walked into the staff room and saw a young child.
"hello, can you help me, please?" the young boy spoke. chocolate brown hair covering his forehead - he must have not been older than seven. "of course! what do you need, kiddo?" you asked him as you made a cup of coffee.
"my parents work here but they are very busy today so i had to come in, but i don't know where they have gone. can you please help me?" he asked politely, shocking for someone raised with the mafia.
"of course! do you know who their boss is? i can find their boss with you and find your parents." the child thought for a moment at your question, brows furrowed in concentration.
"they said that he's not tall.. orange hair and a hat. i think." he spoke. you snorted in laughter at the description, the child not knowing he was describing your boyfriend.
"yes.. i know him..!" you giggled, offering a hand to the child. you grabbed the cup in your other hand and walked to chuuya's office. you arrived and walked in, opening the door with your back due to both hands being full.
"hey chuu.. i made a friend! do you know his parents, they work under you, love." you asked as you put down his coffee and ruffled his hair. he looked at the kid and laughed at the situation you were in.
"hey shoyo, your parents brought you in today?" he asked, clearly having met the kid before. shoyo nodded and chuuya looked back to you.
"his dad should be in office 17f." he smiled at you, he looked at the kid again, still holding your hand. "do you want me to check where your mother is, she might be with kouyou?" he asked the boy.
"no, thank you mister. i'll hang out with my dad. he thinks you're really cool, by the way!" the kid smiled up at your boyfriend, the interaction made your heart melt.
"does he now? let him know i will approve his vacation request then." chuuya winked, chuckling at the conversation.
maybe when you two go home you are both laughing a little harder at videos of kids, or smile a little brighter at cute photos.
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your boyfriend, tecchou, has a day off today. and you had promised your friend that you would watch over her kid for a few hours. koushi was a quiet kid and already knew you, so it would be dead easy.
however, you didn't want to miss out this day with suehiro. so, he came along with you. you explained to him koushi didn't talk much but was sweet, so it would just be making sure that he doesn't accidentally hurt himself whilst his parents aren't home.
"how old is he?" suehiro asked, driving the car towards their house. "eight, i think. you two will get along, don't worry." you reassured him.
you decided to not tell him yet that the kid was very similar to him and had his own ant farm. koushi also adored the hunting dogs, so you knew once you got the two quiet boys talking they would get along brilliantly.
once you arrived, you opened the door with your spare key and greeted the kid, your slightly timid boyfriend following you. "hey koushi! i brought 'hiro!" you chimed, the blonde boy holding out his hand to shake suehiro's. his parents had already left, knowing you would be just a few minutes behind them. you watched over koushi every couple weeks anyways.
suehiro did not expect the boy to be this polite yet he shook his hand nonetheless. "hello" your boyfriend spoke. you decided to ease up their awkwardness as you took off your shoes and put them in their respective caddy.
"so.. koushi.." you began, both of the boys looking at you as you walked to the living room that belonged to your friend, who wasn't here right now. "still got that ant farm?" you asked. knowing your boyfriend's face just lit up even though you weren't looking at him.
"yes!" koushi gestured for the two of you to sit down as he ran to his room to get his ant farm, clearly excited with his interest on the insects.
'hiro turned to you as you sat down. "you didn't tell me he likes ants!" he whispers, eyes wide. you nodded with a grin on your face, "he also thinks the hunting dogs are the coolest people ever.." you sang, knowing the kid will freak out when tecchou starts talking about his job.
when koushi carefully comes back down, holding a kid's ant farm, tecchou speaks up. "you know, ants have two stomachs. one is to hold food for themselves and the other is for sharing food with other ants." tecchou says, admiring the colony of ants the boy has brought downstairs.
then, the pair continue talking about ants for hours until koushi's parents come home. his mother thanks you and his father asks tecchou about any upcoming missions.
"just a lot of paperwork left over from the last one." tecchou smiles at the older man. "the less fascinating side of being a hunting dog, i suppose!" the father jokes. koushi gasps.
"you've been here, for five hours.. and i didn't know you're a hunting dog?!" koushi stares up at him with wide eyes. your friend invites you to stay for dinner, koushi not wanting you to leave because he wants tecchou to tell him everything about being a hunting dog.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
i don't want you like a best friend
alternatively: love wasn't always easy for us (next)
in which their trip to the bahamas two years ago suddenly becomes a push and pull game that neither of them knew the rules to
(series masterlist)
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she huffs, jumping as she hikes her bag up her shoulder. with the other hand, she pushes her luggage ahead of her while she shoots daggers at the older boy next to her. "why did i agree to this again?"
"because it's the last two weeks before summer break ends, and logan wants to at least step foot into the bahamas at least once this year," oscar mutters, carefully eyeing the older boy walking ahead of them. "it's not that big of a deal."
"i don't like beaches. it's hot, sand gets in my hair, and the ocean is scary," she lists out her complaints as she narrows her eyes down into another glare. "why couldn't we just have spent it in florida with his family?"
"because that's not the bahamas," oscar points out. "come on, don't be a vibe killer. it's the one thing logan wanted to do this summer break."
she actually doesn't mind the beach all that much. what she minds is watching the guy she's having a current massive crush on flirt with girls and eventually hook up with them.
it seemed like a good idea agreeing to go three weeks ago, convinced that she was on the verge of breaking free from the grasp of his stupid blue eyes and charming smile. but no, she still lies awake at night in the room next to his, thinking about his conversation in the kitchen with oscar about having a reciprocated crush on her.
she was so close to getting over him when she found that out. now it's just like it was about three weeks ago.
she had mistakenly stared into his blue eyes too long after an intense game of twister, tangled up with his body as she tried to retain her title of reigning champion in their household. her arms shortly gave out after that, admitting defeat and then running to her bedroom to call xyriel about her newfound crush.
everyone just assumed she was being a sore loser about losing the title, but she was actually giggling softly with xyriel and leia about how she never noticed how his eyes sparkled under the light. the loss didn't even feel as serious as it typically does.
"the bahamas is stupid," she mutters. "florida's better than that, anyway."
"you just don't wanna be on a yacht, admit it."
"being in the sea for an indefinite amount of time without land nearby just seems like a clear death wish. i'm too young to die! i've got history to make, you know?"
oscar stares at her. "we went to barcelona like you wanted, then we went to scotland like i wanted. so we're going to the bahamas like logan wants."
she maintains her frown. "fine. but you're buying me at least three cocktails when we get there."
"i'm pretty sure logan's got that covered," oscar snorts with a soft laugh. "he said yesterday he can't believe you agreed to this trip."
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"oh, come on," logan sighs, throwing his head back and slumping his shoulders. he sways slightly and pouts his bottom lip out at the girl under the covers. "you're seriously not joining us for drinks at the bar downstairs?"
"i don't really feel like drinking," she sighs, shaking her head. "maybe i'll come down for a while to join you guys. but like, later."
"what? why not just come with us now?" logan whines, reaching out for her shoulder to shake her. "xyriel and leia have reserved the table and oscar and lily are making their way. dalton is also getting ready next door. you'll be all alone in here!"
she jolts when his hands come into contact with her skin, making her squeeze her eyes shut against the pillow in an attempt to suppress the goosebumps developing on her body. "logan."
"i'll pay for your half of the bill tonight," he says gently, lowering his face towards her.
"that's actually pretty convincing," she smiles, lifting her head from the pillow to look at him. she wipes her face completely and blinks at him blankly. "but no. you're going there to meet girls, anyway! xyriel will be your stand-in wingman tonight."
another thing that complicated it all for her is also the unfortunate fact that she's gotten so well at scoring logan dates and girls that he's just simply brought her everywhere the minute she turned 18.
but she just didn't feel like doing it tonight.
"what are you talking about? i'm not insisting you join us so you can find me a girl," logan laughs. the dipped end of her bed disappears, making her sigh in relief, only to tense up again when the other end dips down and he is brushing the hair away from her covered face. "let's go out and get drinks tonight with the group. leia, dalton and i swore off girls tonight, and xyriel promised no boys."
she closes her eyes when he has successfully cleared her face from her hair. "that's very sweet, but i really just want to stay in and watch a movie tonight."
"all by yourself?" logan sighs again. "you're going to watch a movie all by yourself on our first night in the bahamas?"
"yeah, the sound of the beach waves really fit the vibe. i was thinking of watching 'forgetting sarah marshall'."
"that kinda blows. sitting by the beach and getting drinks would obviously do you more benefits. it fills up your daily dose of human interaction too."
"i've been interacting with humans all day - we were at the airport where oscar was recognised by those guys, remember?"
"are you still upset about that?"
"yeah, a little! i really needed to pee."
"okay, what do i have to do to convince you to come down and at least grab dinner with us?"
she stares at him blankly, actually contemplating his offer. "you're that desperate to get me out of bed?"
"yeah, lily was asking if you'd be joining tonight."
she groans, slowly scrambling to climb out of her bed. "okay, fine. but you're paying for my bill tonight."
"great! go get ready!"
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"see, this is fun, right?" logan smiles, leaning back into the cushion of the couch they managed to snag up in the corner of the boardwalk. "aren't you glad you came out to spend time with us?"
"yeah, i can't believe it," she answer monotonously, sipping on her mango shake. she watches logan lean forward to put his drink down before sinking into the couch once more. the stoic that paints her face slowly contorts into horror as she watches logan swing his arm back to rest on the area that's directly behind her.
her head snaps to the couch directly across her, widening her eyes at xyriel. "help me," she mouths.
xyriel shrugs at her with a sly mouth tugging at the ends of her mouth. the older girl simply starts to sip on her cocktail and tears her eyes off the struggling-to-keep-her-cool girl.
"ah, i know," logan mutters, sitting up in excitement. he slaps her knee gently. "let's go to the dance floor over there!"
she feels her heart start to race, and she's almost sure that it's going faster than humanly possible. she feels her cheeks start to heat up, her arms start to shake, the thoughts in her head start to blur themselves out and she almost slides off the couch the moment their eyes meet.
"maybe not."
"you never wanna do anything?" logan's statement comes out as a question, throwing his arms in the air. "did you even want to come with us to the bahamas?"
"okay, okay!" she throws her hands up in the air to surrender. "you're right - this is our last vacation before the second half of the year."
"exactly! so, let's go!" logan pushes himself off the couch and beckons for her to get up. he steps aside to let her walk ahead but does not notice the way she calls out for help from leia as she leaves their table. "join us when you guys are done eating!"
"ah, be safe!" oscar calls out right before he feeds himself a spoonful of the carbonara he's ordered.
"don't get lost!" dalton, logan's brother, calls out to them with a laugh.
"so, what's it to you? you're singling me out so i can help you find girls in the meantime or something?" she teases, his hands on her shoulders making her feel slightly giddy. she opens her mouth as they walk past the bar counter, hand darting out to tap this random girl on the shoulder. "have you met f2 dri-"
"sorry," logan apologises to the random girl sat at the bar, yanking his best friend away from the counter in horror. "why did you do that?"
"is that not why you pulled me out?"
"no, i genuinely invited you out to the dance floor with me!" logan frowns, smacking her shoulder gently. "i know you didn't wanna go to the bahamas."
"what?" she sings in guilt, turning to glance at him as he pushes past the crowd. "what makes you say that?"
"i can see it in your face," logan mutters with a roll of his eyes. "and you? say no to drinking in a foreign country? no way."
"what are you talking about? i'm not legal to drink here, logan. i'm not 21," she whispers, finally stopping in her tracks to turn to him. "you sound like you've drunk too much already."
"good thing we've got xyriel to get us all drinks, duh," logan answers softly, turning her back around to the direction of the dance floor. "time to show me your dance moves."
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"see, we had so much fun!" logan slurs, leaning into her slightly as they walk across the dark pool area after closing time of the resort's club. "aren't you glad you came out with us?"
"i am! you're right - i had a lot of fun tonight," she nods, pushing him up gently to keep him upright.
while the rest of the group decided to tap out early from their night out, logan had whined and insisted that he wanted to see the club vibes through and through. he wasn't leaving until he was kicked out.
their friends raised their eyebrow at them, but she reassured them that she will yank logan back to their shared villa one way or another. even if it meant dragging him across the cobblestone bricks that riddled the entire resort.
so here they are, stumbling right by the villas that would lead to their own.
"but did you have fun with me, though? on the dance floor?" logan grins, slinging his arm lazily around her shoulders. he reels her into his side, pressing his lips against her temples for a wet and sloppy kiss. "i had fun with you."
"it's always fun with you, what do you mean?" she smiles, leaning into his lips as she wraps her arm around his waist.
she'd also given in to drinking a little bit more that night, and admittedly having fun. now they're both buzzed, and she has an excuse to be touchy with him. if it backfires when she does something unusual with him, she will just blame it on the alcohol.
"yeah, you like me more than oscar, don't you?" logan teases, scrunching his nose as he glances at her. "i'm your favourite friend."
she laughs, nodding to appease the drunken state of her best friend. "sure, logan."
"well, now i don't believe you," logan states, pulling away from her. he stomps his foot on the ground and folds his arms over his chest, turning his face away from her. "i don't like the tone in which you said that so you obviously don't mean it."
she turns around, eyebrows raising at his behaviour. "logan, it's late. let's debate this in the villa, okay?"
"nope, not until i'm convinced that i'm your favourite person in the whole wide world."
"logan? are you serious?"
"logan," she sings gently, walking over to him with her arms extended to grab his arms. "let's just go. you're super drunk and we're here for like four days. you don't want to spend tomorrow hungover in bed."
he whimpers, shoulders slumping slightly. he drops his chin to look down at her. "but you would take care of me if i'm too hungover to function tomorrow, right?"
"like i've been doing since you turned 18 two years ago," she laughs, her hands finally making contact with his arms. "let's go, mate?"
"no," logan breathes out, pulling her back into him when she attempted to guide him in the direction of the villas. "stay here with me for a minute."
"what's wrong?" worry paints her face as he starts acting calmer than before. her eyes follow logan's hands, lifted up to her face as he tries to brush back her stray hair behind her ears. "are you alright?"
"have i ever told you," he pauses to trace a line down her cheek with his fingertips, "how pretty you are?"
"only when you're drunk," she whispers back with a playful smile. "did you ingest some kind of poison and you've only got a couple minutes to live? is that why you're like this?"
"no," he shakes his head. a small smile appears on his face, tucking a finger under his chin to lift her eyes up to meet his. "i just think you look very pretty. i don't tell you that often."
she admits she almost felt her knees buckle at his words and melt on the ground at his words. logan had never been a very outwardly affectionate type unless he's drunk, so while this is expected behaviour out of him, it's never gotten quite as intimate as this.
she's had him fall asleep with his head in her lap before on the couch, but never has he been this close to her while whispering sweet words at her.
"it would be weird."
"it shouldn't be."
"logan, are you alright?"
he doesn't respond. and she freezes in her spot when his hand drags along her skin, cupping her cheek as he leans down into her. her eyes widen when he closes the gap between them and she has to forcibly swallow the scream bubbling from her stomach when their lips touch.
it's not her first kiss, but it may as well be.
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"he what?" lily gasps, eyes popping out her head as she closes the door behind her. "logan kissed you last night?"
beneath the duvet that covered the bed, a head of hair pops out. she pushes her hair out of her face with squinted eyes and a prominent frown. "i am sleeping, lily."
"i know, but you texted me at 4am telling me that logan kissed you on the way back to the villa. am i supposed to just ignore that when it's the first text message i saw when i woke up?"
the girl scans her friend's outfit, nodding in understanding. lily's hair is still in a pair of braided pigtails, running down her shoulders, jumping over to her bed in pink pyjamas.
"did he say anything after that? did he confess something to you?" lily interrogates her, jumping into her bed excitedly with a squeal on her lips. "oh, my god! you're going to be with logan? oh, i'm so excited! we can go on double dates and go out and do couple stuff!"
she sighs, moving further into her bed to make space for the brit to lie with her. "i don't know what it means."
"you don't know what it means?" the excitement in lily's voice falters immediately. "what do you mean by that?"
"he smiled at me after he pulled away," she says, resting her cheek onto her palm as she recounts the hazy memories of their walk back to the villa. "and then he vomited."
"he hurled? after kissing you?"
"he did drink a lot, so i guess i'm not that offended."
"he hurled? i'm going to kick his ass, (y/n)! what the hell?"
"lily, calm down. it's way too early for you to be this mad," she whines, desperately taking lily's wrist into her hand. while she's not hungover, she is, however, quite affected by the alcohol and the lack of sleep. "inner voice, lils."
"how you're not fuming at his immediate reaction after kissing you is killing me!" lily grunts in a soft voice, smacking her arm. "why are you just letting him kiss you without saying anything else? what's it even mean?"
"we'll talk about it later," she giggles, pressing her lips together. she presses her fingertips against her lips, trying her best to remember how logan's lips felt against hers just hours prior.
the way she tasted vodka on his lips; she doesn't even typically lean towards the liquor but it tasted so good on him.
excitement bubbles in her chest again, now scrambling to sit up on her bed to meet lily's height. "oh, my god, logan kissed me!"
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a scowl permanently carves her face as her eyes are trained on the other end of the yacht. there, logan stands, leaning against the wall with a beer pint in hand while the girl standing in front of him throws her head back to giggle.
"calm down, he's not even that funny," she mutters under her breath, sipping on her cocktail for a couple of seconds.
"cocktail, not juice," oscar cries, reaching out to pinch her straw and pulls it out of her mouth. "what is your problem, mate?"
"thirsty," she answers, opening her mouth to lean down to land a bite on his hand. oscar quickly retracts his hand away from her, gasping when she glares at him. "mind your business, oscar!"
"i thought you were finally starting to open up to the thought of holidays at the bahamas? what's wrong now?"
"what's right," lily scoffs, throwing her arms in the air as she rolls her eyes. "look at your stupid friend, babe."
oscar raises his eyebrows in confusion as he follows the driver's gaze to their friend, now one step closer to the girl he's talking to. "what's wrong? this is normal behaviour for logan." he turns to his best friend in confusion. "you know that, you literally helped him snag dates in the club."
she turns her head slowly to look at oscar, maintaining her unimpressed stare as she waits for him to connect the dots. "seriously?"
it takes a couple of seconds of oscar looking back and forth between her and logan before it connects. his jaw drops to look at her with an accusing finger up to point at her. "something happened last night when we left. what did you do? did you fuck?"
"oscar!" lily gasps.
"ew!" she scowls, flicking his forehead. "no, we didn't fuck!"
"then what is it?"
she rolls her eyes, leaning into him to confess. "we kissed last night."
"you kissed?" oscar screams, jumping in his seat.
"shut up!" she hushes him, pulling him back down to sit. she glances at logan then tears her eyes away when she catches his curious stare. "mate, can you be any more subtle than that? i don't think the entire yacht heard you."
"you kissed?" oscar repeats through gritted teeth, leaning into her whispering. "are you fucking kidding me? are you guys absolutely crazy?"
"he kissed me! ask him?"
"but he's with that girl."
"yeah, ask him why he's flirting with her too!"
oscar pauses. "he's not flirting with her."
they turn their heads simultaneously to the boy across the yacht. by that point, logan's practically pressed up against the girl with her hand on his shoulder.
"okay, so he's flirting with her," oscar mutters, turning back to her with a soft hiss and a sheepish and apologetic smile. "you've never let things like this pass. do something."
"flirt with that guy over there," lily suggests, shyly pointing to another blonde at the table right next to theirs. she hides her smile behind oscar's shoulder with a giggle. "he's been staring at you for a while. i swear he pointed at you while he whispered in xyriel's ear earlier."
"what?" she frowns. "i'm not like that."
"you're just going to let logan kiss you then flirt with other girls to your face the next day?" oscar points out. if there's one thing oscar loves, it's drama.
not so much when it's his best friends in the thick of it, but he can't stand the fact that his younger best friend is being screwed over by their older best friend. perhaps logan needs to meet someone who can level out the playing field?
either way, if she doesn't want to level it out, he will do it himself.
and it's just confusing for him because he can very clearly remember logan still pining over her right before they left for the bahamas.
"go, go talk to him," oscar says, flicking his hands towards the other direction to send her on a mission. "trust us. we know how to get logan to talk to you about that kiss."
her stare lingers on the couple, both smiling mischievously at her as she contemplates. "you guys are kinda scary. have i ever told you that?"
"just go," lily scolds, shoving her gently to push her off the couch.
she stumbles forward, giggling nervously as she shyly approaches the table. oscar leans back into his girlfriend, lily wrapping an arm around his shoulder from behind him, her chin resting on the other as they watch the scene in front of them unfold.
their eyes dart from logan to her every couple of seconds, starting to giggle softly when they see logan do a double-take when he sees her leaning against the back of the sofa of the other table.
oscar mutters, "look, now he's getting irritated."
logan's eyebrows furrow and a frown turns his lips downwards when she scooches into the middle of the friends that are sandwiched together.
it's not long before logan approaches them, leaving the girl he was just talking to hanging. they look up at the older boy with innocent doe eyes, eyebrows raising as if to ask him what he's approached them for.
even though they knew the exact reason why.
"what is she doing with them? isn't she supposed to be sitting with you guys?" logan points out, briefly pointing out the girl at the other table. she's sandwiched between xyriel and another guy, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as she laughs and sips on her margarita.
lily shrugs. "i guess xyriel called her over. what's the issue?"
"yeah, mate," oscar challenges him softly, "you ditched us for miss brunette over there. we weren't complaining."
logan clears his throat, taking a deep breath. clearly agitated by the situation, he just shakes his head and rolls his eyes to downplay his irritation. "whatever."
as he walks back to his previous spot, he can't help but let his glare linger on the younger girl. as fate would have it, she looks up to catch his eyes.
a pang of guilt hits him, but he continues walking forward anyway.
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taglist: @myxticmoon
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nokaslitz · 4 months
hii do you think you could do a tom x female reader where reader is georgs younger sister and she’s really close with him so he takes her on tour with them all and she’s really close to the rest of the band and she has a big crush on tom but only georg knows and he doesn’t want her dating anyone cause “she’s too young” even though she’s not and he’s protective over her but one night they all go to an after party and they’re drinking and tom confesses he likes her to like everyone while drunk so bill takes him back to the hotel and the next morning he wakes up and goes to readers room to apologise for embarrassing her and tells her it wasn’t just the alcohol talking and he actually likes her and she says the same thing and they end up having sex and he’s all cute and sweet with reader cause it’s her first time and later they meet up with the rest of the guys for lunch and they’re both covered in hickeys and gustav is like “finally the tension was getting too much” and georg is so awkward and he’s just like “nah i’m not dealing with this i’m pretending it’s not happening” but on the way back from lunch georg puts his arm around tom while there walking and is like “she is my little princess if you do anything to hurt her i’ll hit you with your own car” and then goes to walk next to reader and tom is just smiling like an idiot because of how much he loves her
sorry! kind of..
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tw: alcohol, drinking, smut, p in v, unprotected sex
you are stood awkwardly beside your brother, georg, as he speaks to a few random guys. your fingers are wrapped around his bicep, gripping tightly as if that'll calm your nerves. you lift your cup to take a sip, only to find that it's empty. you let out a sigh, tapping georg. the brunette boy looks down at you. a brow raised.
"i'm gonna go get a refill." you tell him. he nods, nudging your arm. you push your way through drunken bodies, muttering soft, useless 'sorrys' to the people who only glare. when you reach the bar, you throw out the used cup into a nearby trash can.
"what can i get for you, ma'am?" the bartender asks - an older gentleman with a neatly trimmed, graying beard. you tell him what you want and he gladly begins making it.
you hand over the cash in exchange for the drink. taking a sip of the bitter alcohol, you jump a bit upon feeling a tap on your shoulder. you turn to see the familiar dreadhead, a crooked smirk on his lips.
"oh, tom. you scared me." you chuckle nervously, your eyebrows furrowing a bit. thank god for the dim, colored lights to hide the blush on your cheeks. "sorry 'bout that." tom grins, taking a gulp of his drink. "whatcha doin'? wheres georg?" he questions.
"oh, he's just like..over there." you say, pointing across the room to the left. "and i just came to get another drink." you add.
tom nods, leaning against the bar counter, his hand finding its way to the small of your back. your breath hitches in your throat, your face becoming warm. you look down at the glass in your hands, staring at it as if the tan liquid inside is the most interesting thing.
"so, you having fun so far?" tom asks, his tongue fiddling with the metal ring in his lip. something he does that drives you absolutely crazy.
you nod, smiling softly yet awkwardly. "yeah. you?" you ask, gaining the courage to meet his eyes. his stupid smile grows, his own head nodding. "ja. even more now that i've found you." he flirts, licking his lips as his eyes trail up and down.
you snicker, rolling your eyes a bit. you're about to speak, but another voice beats you to it. "stop running off, tom." the gothic twin scolds, crossing his arms.
"oh, hi, y/n." bill says as his eyes land on you, a small smile on his lips. "hi." you reply, giving a tiny, awkward wave.
"but seriously, tom. you already tripped over air in the lobby. you were supposed to stay by me." bill says, looking back at his drunk, clumsy brother.
tom lets out a sound of annoyance — like the noise a whiny toddler would make when its denied ice cream for dinner. "i am fine." he says.
bill rolls his eyes, leaning against the counter beside his twin. within a random conversation, georg and gustav eventually join alongside the twins and you.
tom's hand has not once moved from your back, now rubbing small circles with his palm. suddenly, a man walks up to the five of you, holding a camera and a microphone.
he begins asking the boys a few questions about their music, girls, blah blah blah. you think the man is ignoring your presence — you hope he is. your heart stops when the man asks tom a question.
"and who is this? a girlfriend maybe?" the man says with a grin, his annoyingly white veneers on display.
you glance at tom with wide eyes, silently hoping he'll just brush off the comment. instead, tom grins, his eyes lighting up mischievously.
his arm rests around your shoulder, pulling your body against his. "ja. this is my girlfriend, y/n." he says, thinking he's the funniest guy alive.
your heart is anxiously beating rapidly. you look over at georg with horrified eyes, faintly shaking your head. when the interviewer is finally finished, he walks off, giddy to see how much money he'll make off of the video he caught.
you turn to tom with nervous eyes. "why would you say that?" you ask him quietly. tom giggles, nudging you. "it's fine, y/n. it was a joke." he says.
he smirks again, leaning over a bit. "or maybe you'd like to be my girlfriend?" you've never been more embarrassed in your life.
you freeze, glancing at the three boys around you. they all look as if they pity you, their lips tightly sealed. georg looks extra annoyed with tom.
then, bill sighs, grabbing tom's arm and leading him away. "come on. we're leaving." he says. you, gustav and georg just watch silently, knowing that tom is going to be scolded by his brother.
you wake up with a headache, the sun beating harshly on your face from the window. you sit up, rubbing your eyes. you glance over at the clock, almost rolling your eyes at the time. 10:45 it reads.
you take a minute to fully gain consciousness before slipping out from under the covers. you walk over to the bathroom, entering it. you brush out your mess of hair and then brush your teeth. you wipe the suds from your mouth, washing out the sink. you grab a towel and dampen it with warm water, washing your face.
you go back out into the bedroom, grabbing clothes from your bag. you're about to change, but a knock on the hotel rooms door catches your attention.
you walk over to it, looking through the peephole. when you see tom, a wave of remembrance and embarrassment washes over you. you mentally prepare yourself before unlocking and opening the door.
"oh. hi." you say awkwardly. "hallo..er..i need to talk to you." the boy mutters, seemingly trying hard to keep eye contact. you've never seen tom look so embarrassed.
you let out a deep breath, opening the door wider for him to come in. once he's in, he goes over to your bed and takes a seat. you close the door before sitting down beside him.
an awkward tension is filling the room, practically suffocating the two of you. after a little while, tom speaks up, his eyes on his fidgety hands.
"i'm sorry for embarrassing you last night. i shouldn't have said that.." he apologizes. "it's okay-" your words of forgiveness are cut off by him.
"but i also do really like you. i wasn't..completely joking when i asked that." he admits, raising his head so his dark eyes can meet yours.
you swallow thickly, not really knowing what to say. suddenly, a rush of confidence rushes over you, your hand reaching up to cup his cheek. your eyes close as you lean in, pressing your lips to his.
tom's own eyes close, his lips lifting into a grin into the kiss. his hand trails down your side, gently squeezing your hip. you let out a sigh against his lips and suddenly, your gently pushed onto your back.
tom hovers over you, the kiss never breaking. your hand moves to the back of his head, your fingers carefully gripping his dreadlocks. an accidental tug of his hair elicits a soft groan from his throat.
"sorry.." you mutter apologetically, thinking you may have hurt him. "no, no. keep doing that. please." tom adds breathlessly against your mouth.
you nod, continuing to cautiously tug the boys locks. he removes his lips from yours, now trailing kisses down your neck, softly sucking and biting.
a soft moan leaves your lips as his tongue hits a sensitive spot. he smirks softly, sucking to leave a mark. shivers run up your spine as his hand begins trailing up your shirt.
you begin getting nervous as his hand nears your breast, but you don't stop him. a gasp leaves your lips as he cups one of your boobs with his large hand, gently massaging. your back arches, a quiet whine leaving your lips as his index and thumb roll your sensitive nipple, getting it hard.
"so good, schatz.." he mutters against your neck, leaving trails of hickeys. he gently takes your shirt off, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. you cross your arms over your chest, embarrassed to be nude in front of the guy you've liked for years.
"hey..it's okay..lemme look." he whispers softly, carefully removing your arms. he lets out a shaky breath at the sight of your bare tits. a smile grows on his lips as his cock grows in his pants.
"beautiful.." he compliments, taking one of your nipples between his lips. the soft sucking and licking of his tongue causes you to whimper, the heat growing between your legs.
he slips off his own shirt, the cloth joining alongside yours on the floor. his hands move down to his belt, unbuckling it. the harsh, yet careful sucking of his mouth creates purple marks around your breasts and neck.
his pants hit the floor and a gasp escapes both of you as his hardened member — strained by his boxers — rubs against your clothed crotch. he presses his lips to yours again, removing your sleep shorts.
his fingers move to the hem of your panties, going to take them off. you gently take his wrist, stopping him. "wait..i've..never done this before.." you admit quietly, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
tom's eyebrow raises, his eyes trailing up and down your perfect body. "you're a virgin?" he asks, completely dumbfounded by the fact that someone as hot as you is a virgin.
you nod and tom grins. "cute." he snickers, kissing you. "i'll be gentle. just tell me if you wanna stop." he says reassuringly against your lips, his voice muffled.
you let out a shaky breath, letting him remove your baby purple underwear, revealing your bare pussy to him. he almost moans at the sight, his fingers quickly removing his plaid boxers.
his cock springs out, standing tall and hard. you gasp upping feeling his naked shaft brush against your wet cunt. he lines his tip up at your entrance, kissing your shoulder before slowly pushing in.
you gasp, feeling your walls stretch to this newly found girth. your nails dig into his back as he bottoms out, filling you up. he gives you a reassuring look, pushing some hair out of your face as he begins pulling out.
you whimper as he begins thrusting slowly, his movements careful. he knows he's big and he knows your new to this, so he's extra careful not to hurt you in any way.
"f-faster.." you mutter, desire building up. tom complies, picking up the pace of his hips movements. "mm, fuck, liebe.." he groans, his head falling into the crook of your neck.
you moan, your legs wrapping around his waist as his dick slides in and out of your tight hole. "s-so good n' tight f'me.." he mutters.
you bury your face against his shoulder, kissing it. you trail up to his jaw, sucking lightly to leave marks. "oh, tom, fuck..!" you moan close to his ear.
your sounds of pleasure encourage him, his thrusts getting a bit rougher. you gasp loudly as his tip hits a certain spot in you, your cunts walls squeezing around him. "right there!" you moan.
tom nods, his cock jerking against your g-spot with every thrust. "sh-shit. gonna cum.." the boy warns, his humps becoming sloppy and desperate.
"me t-too-" your words are barley out before your release washes over you. you cry out as you come undone around tom's cock.
the tightening of your pussy is enough for tom to reach his high. he groans, his thick seed shooting into you. his thrusts continue, his member fucking his cum into you.
he pulls out with a grunt, panting. he lays on top of you, pressing kisses all around your face. "you alright?" he asks, stroking your cheek.
you nod, breathing heavily. "yeah, yeah i'm good. that was..amazing." you mutter, nuzzling into him.
"come on. let's get you cleaned up." he says, helping you stand up. he leads you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the toilet lid as he starts up a shower, grabbing two towels.
after a warm shower filled with giggles and kisses, the two of you get dressed for the day. bill had messaged the group chat about meeting in the dining room for lunch, so you two head down for that.
the three other boys are already sat at a table, menus in hands. you and tom take seats beside each other, acting casual.
tom and you completely forgot about the dark purple marks littering your necks until gustav points it out. "guessing she forgave you?" he asks, raising his brows as he looks at tom.
tom smirks, shrugging. "somethin' like that." he responds, his hand finding your thigh under the table. you glance over at georg to see him shaking his head, rolling his eyes.
you hold back a giggle, placing your hand on tom's. the five of you eventually get your food and eat it, making small talk as you do.
on your ways back to the rooms, tom is pulled aside by georg, his arm around his shoulder. "you hurt her and i'm shaving that mop off your head while you're sleeping." he threatens, feeling protective over his younger sister.
of course, tom is a bit intimidated, but he just giggles, nodding. "i'd never hurt her."
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
hey babes! could i request a story based on this version of unholy (Nat's pov)? r has no idea her partner is doing something unholy and ofc, Nat knows everything so tells r. or maybe r just finds it out herself. (Nat wants r to be hers for a long time and r is actually also into Nat but she thought Nat does not like her that way stuff like that maybe) if you could also add some smut in there that would be awesome👀 thank you so much! <3
also i hope you're doing okay and taking care of yourself<3
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x afab!reader
Word count: 1819
Warnings: smut, kinda toxic!Nat, housewife kink, pet names, cheating, kinda dubcon, praise kink, degrading kink, fingering, cumming untouched, small daddy kink (like 2-3 times), think that’s all
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Seriously, Y/N? Everyone knows it except you!” You stopped in your tracks, your back facing the older woman who was giving up on informing you of the truth.
“No. No, you don’t get to dictate my marriage, Nat! You don’t get to ruin us all because you feed off of it. You feed off of others' pain, I’m not letting you do that to me too.” You both were pacing and ended up in the living room. You sat on the couch, your head in your hands as you rubbed your temples. Nat hesitantly sat next to you, wrapping one arm around your back and the other grasping your knee. You tried pushing her off to no avail; she was always much stronger than you.
“Y/N, you need to listen to me-”
“And why would I do that? Look, I know about your feelings for me, you make them pretty fucking obvious, but that doesn’t give you the right to destroy my happiness just so you can have me.” She sighed, looking down at the floor as you continued to stare at her side profile. She was deathly alluring and so very seductive, but this was wrong on so many levels. You were married. Your wife would most likely be home in less than an hour and greeting you with a kiss as always.
“I need to start dinner before it’s too late. If you’d like to stay with us that’s fine, but I advise you don’t go near me anymore.” Deep down you both knew she was right. You had heard of your wife’s cheating scandals while she was on business trips or even right next door. The man, Vision, had always been close to you and Wanda, but you never thought your wife of all people, the same one who’d bring you home flowers three or more times a week, would have an affair. You trusted her, or so you thought.
Natasha was sick of your defiance and stormed after you, determined to make you believe her one way or another.
“Do not walk away from me when I was not done talking to you, Y/N.” She used your full name, you’ve never heard those words leave her mouth. You turned to look at her with a cold gaze, at least your best shot of one. Your teeth were clenched together and your fists were gripping the stove handle with a deathly hold.
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do in my own house, Natasha.” She took a step forward, cornering you in between her and the cooking appliance.
“Your house? Or Wanda’s?” You looked at her with widened eyes, your hand just begging to be connected harshly with her face by now.
“Don’t go there.”
“Oh, but I think I will. You see, I think I know why you’re trying so damn hard to prove to me that I’m wrong when you know I’m right, we’re all right. You can’t live without her. She was the one who bought this house with her money, she’s the one who buys the groceries, she’s the one who pays the bills while you just set the table for her every night like a good little housewife. Is that what you are? Just a pathetic little wife to Wanda that gives her everything she wants? You’re so far gone that you refuse to accept the fact that she’s been fucking that guy for the past seven months, but you knew all along, didn’t you? But you knew you were nothing without her. I mean, you don’t even have a job, Y/N, how would you ever make it in the real world except for slutting yourself out to any businessman who wants it?” Tears threatened to escape your eyes at the harsh words, but she wasn’t exactly wrong. You didn’t have a job, you relied on your wife for all funds and she didn’t disappoint. It’s not like you didn’t want to support yourself, but Wanda had already convinced you years ago to be her perfect housewife and while you completed your job with ease, there was always that want of more. You felt like nothing without her, and you were starting to truly believe it.
“Get out.” Was all you were able to muster out. You heard a scoff as Nat shook her head before locking her eyes with you once more. You refused to stand down or show your fear, you kept your eyes in line with hers just like she was doing now.
“I said,” You paused, gritting your teeth and leaning in so her face was nearly touching yours. “Get out of my house.” She placed her hands over your clenched ones but only received a slap on the cheek. She tumbled back a few steps before chuckling to herself.
“Fiesty, huh? That’s okay, I don’t mind.” You rolled your eyes and tried to point your attention to the pot boiling on the stove. That was until the woman came up behind you, placing her hands on your hips and her crotch against your ass. You tried paying no mind to her, you really did. But that was nearly impossible as she grinded her body against your backside. She bit her lip as the fabric of her undergarments rubbed just perfectly against her clit. Her hands traveled your body, landing on your breasts and palming the soft skin.
“Fuck, Wanda’s such a fucking idiot for letting this go.” You hated to admit it, but her touch was fascinating. You wanted more, you needed more. And her degrading words from earlier didn’t fail to leave a wetness coating your thighs. You couldn’t help but imagine this situation another way, being Nat’s housewife and having her come home to use you like this - like you were a toy. Like you were nothing but a hole for her to use when she needed it. She was wealthy, very wealthy at that. She was the CEO of a large investment company and, while she didn’t like to brag about it, you knew she had more than enough to support herself. All she needed was a sugar baby like you by her side to spoil immensely.
When you let out a small moan as she tweaked your abused nipples she slyly smirked to herself. “Awh, you’re liking this, aren’t you? You like the thrill of it? Knowing that your wife could walk through that door any second now and see her innocent little girl being used?” You shook your head, trying to come up with a reply until you were interrupted by a gasp leaving your lips. You were so lost in the feeling that you hadn’t even noticed one of Nat’s hands moving down your stomach and into the waistline of your panties. She teased the band of your undergarment by pulling it back and letting it slap your skin. You bucked your hips at the sudden shock. She continued her voyage, slipping her fingers into your panties and grinning when she felt your wetness coating her fingers.
“Nat, stop it.”
“Hm, I don’t think that’s true, love. You tell me you want me to stop, but the way you’re grinding on me tells me otherwise.” You hadn’t even noticed how you had started mindlessly rubbing yourself onto her. Her fingers would just graze against your clit and cause chills to run down your spine. You attempted to stop yourself, but your body was moving on its own.
“That’s it, fuck yourself on daddy’s fingers.” You moaned at the title she gave herself and did as she asked, letting yourself succumb to the pleasure of her digits on you.
“Tell me how it feels, baby girl.” She placed her head on your shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume that had her addicted from the beginning.
“It- it feels good, really fucking good.”
“Yeah.” You leaned your back into her front, grasping her arm and holding onto her for dear life. You could feel her muscles tightening beneath you, only being able to picture how she must’ve looked completely bare, all of her muscles shining and on display. Her fingers teased around your hole before she eased two of her digits inside of you, the feeling still not being enough.
“Oh, fuck!” You whimpered loudly, quickly being shushed by the redhead behind you.
“Shh, sweetheart, I don’t want anyone but me hearing these perfect melodies.” Her lips pressed against your neck, leaving a small trail of her red-stained lipstick before she connected them with your own, one of your hands grasping the side of her face and pulling her impossibly closer.
“Please, daddy, please fuck me.” You whispered against her lips, feeling her hot breath against yours. She bit her lip before diving back in for more, requesting access with her tongue that you soon gave her. You felt a third finger prodding at your entrance, your nearly gaping hole letting her slip in with ease.
“Look at how well you’re taking me, baby.” You looked down, still feeling her sloppy kisses against your cheek. You were restricted from seeing her thoroughly with your now ruined pants still on, but you watched as her hand moved at impossible speeds inside of you.
“Your ass looks so fucking good in these jeans. God, you’re gonna make me cum already.” She could feel her stomach tightening and the coil becoming unbearable. You were the same, being so close to the edge that the orgasm you were so desperately chasing was the only thing on your mind besides the beautiful woman giving you it.
“I want you to cum with me, Y/N. Make a mess of me, darling.” You threw your head back on her shoulder, her lips continuing their assault on your neck as she released, her hips creating slow yet hard thrusts against you. It was crazy how she didn’t even need to be touched to finish, but you weren’t going to complain.
“Oh, love, you’re so irresistible, you drive me mad.” She could feel your cum painting her digits and soaking your panties, knowing the only thought in your fucked-up mind was her.
“You believe me now?” She asked after moments of silence that was filled with both of your heavy breathing. You gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. I always have, Nat.” The thought was saddening, to say the least, but you knew that as long as you had Nat by your side, everything would be okay.
“Well, why don’t we put on a little show for when your wife comes home then?” You both giggled, rushing to the couch after you turned off the stove. She lied below you, watching with mesmerized eyes as you removed your shirt, leaving you in nothing but your white bra.
“Why don’t you let me thank you this time?”
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