#don't apologize this is seriously cool as hell dude
everything in this that I explain is very simplified because cultural context would be a nightmare to explain but :3 you gave me DAI TSS AU infodumping permission. Time to regret it.
when you open Dragon Age: Inquisition to play, you’re given a character creation menu. Your gender, race (DnD inspired so species TECHNICALLY) and your weapon class. I wanted to follow this formula for the AU but alas I am not going to because it gives me much more creative freedom to actually make it up
Also if anyone knows this game and I got something wrong, I'm already sorry LMAO I'm not great at remembering details correctly
Roman and Remus are human nobles from Antiva. Their family owns a winery and contributes to the massive export in the international trading. They use a sword+shield and a mace+shield respectively, often training together. They were brought up to carry on delegating the trade for their family business but not everything goes exactly as their parents planned — both kids are gay. No big deal, right? I’m not too sure on Antivan’s views of gay people so I don’t have much of a say. But I do know that — if they were in the AU the same time the DA:I game occurs — they’d leave their family in order to go be a part of the Inquisition. Roman is the favorite child because Remus is a bit of a pariah (we love him tho) and that has caused only minor bad blood between the two. I think that Remus and Roman would get along surprisingly well during this time, to be honest. I also think, if they were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, they’d be incredible allies to have. Of course, Roman is a bit picky about certain things (he’s a noble boy, idk what else to say) and Remus definitely has a fascination with magic and necromancy but. oh well. Roman is fond of the smart elvhen scholar and Remus has a big ol crush on V.
Virgil would be a Dalish elf (nomad elf, an elf that tries to preserve old culture and tradition, doesn’t live in cities, trades, has a clan) and I think he’d be a mage. I don’t think he’d have a particularly strong role in his clan (not like the Keeper (the leader) or their First (second in command)) but maybe he’d learn some healing magic alongside whatever comes to him naturally. I think he’d find Storm magic particularly appealing (I’m not kidding it’s called storm magic he could strike people with lighting it’s badass). I think he’d have vallaslin (facial tattoos dedicated to any elvhen god — later revealed to have a different meaning than what he’d believe but he doesn’t know that) of the god Falon’Din (god of the dead + those who guide others to the afterlife). I think he’d handle the pain of the tattoos well and be quite proud of himself when it’s done. If he were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, I think he’d be a good man to have on your side, as he’s always thinking of things to do and how to protect yourself.
Or he’s a spirit. There’s a character in game named Cole; he’s a spirit of Compassion. Who’s to say Virgil couldn’t be the same? He was once a human (or elf, either work, the main two I see fitting him mainly) and he passed away; a spirit found him and took his form. Became him, in a way. Became Virgil and stayed the spirit. Virgil but he’s a spirit now. There are types of spirits in the game but none that directly fit him — sooooooooo I’ll be lazy and not give him a type :3 he’d be a rogue instead of a mage this time, with daggers that he uses to pop up, fight, and then disappear with. Not everyone in the Inquisition would trust him but Virgil would be very shifty in defense of himself so he wouldn’t mind. Remus and Logan would be fascinated by him though.
I’m so unsure on Patton. I want to make him a qunari (tall, grey-toned skin, follows a strict religious code unless a deserter, then just operates on one’s own as basically a fugitive) but I also want to make him a dwarf. problem with this is I know very little on either culture in game and am not very good at putting it all together through the various wikis I have read. Just know that either he’s very tall or very short and he uses a sword because it’s very convenient and he usually doesn’t like to fight. I can see him trying to be diplomatic and it not working. We love him though. This is literally the one I can’t decide; I gotta make a character for each race and play through to figure it out then decide.
Human Janus who is from Orlais (fancy rich people with their noses so high in the air they can’t see where they’re walking) and is an expert at figuring people out. He’s always drawn attention because he has a massive burn mark over the side of his face that makes people give him weird looks — it was from a childhood accident that healers couldn’t totally fix. He’s in a very rich and noble scholarly family. Yes, he’s met the twins. Lets say he bonded with one and not the other (Remus and Roman). He’s essentially a spymaster for his own family. He runs the diplomatic relations and the family endeavors and if anyone tries to come across his family lineage (trust me, there are some, his family isn’t the most well liked and Orlais is all about screwing others over). He’d join the Inquisition in the main storyline and claim that he “needed a challenge” but it was definitely for a change of scenery. He’d work with the Inquisition’s spymaster and maybe help his own family out from afar. (weirdly fond of the puffball... Patton—)
Then finally Logan. I view Logan as a Dalish elf who was taken from his clan as soon as he showed signs of magic. it wasn’t by his choice. He was sent to a magic school (called a Circle) where he had templars (cops) breathing down his neck to approve what he was studying. He hated it. That’s an understatement. When the mage rebellion happened and mages wanted their freedom to study what they want, Logan joined. He became an apostate and, while unable to return to his clan because of the distance, joined the Inquisition. He was always very good at all sorts of magic and stories and mythos so he was considered a scholar despite his background. I don’t think he’d have vallaslin — too young for it when he was taken. But I think he’d be like this other character Solas (Solas when I catch you Solas you fucking egg /neg /lh) except… better. He’d be considered a city elf by then but he never forgot his family. Just made a new one. I think he and elvhen Virgil would bond over their backgrounds and mutual understanding of one another and that would be the blossom of their friendship. I think he would be intrigued absolutely FASCINATED by spirit Virgil and how it all works and I think he’d be sympathetic and defend the fact he’s a spirit and not a demon. But ngl he wants to kiss the wine guy.
it is one in the am and i’m very sleepy and I’m going to send this now. You can tell I don't know much about qunari or dwarves and I need to play as them in more runs of the game. I’m so sorry it’s so long. I didn’t even talk about the relationship dynamics in depth or the appearances I have in mind or anything. its so long sorry. :3 teehee
— 👑
Bold of you to assume that I (A man who's an absolute S L U T for RPGs) would regret wanting to hear something as cool as fuck as this!!! /light hearted /positive The roles and lore sound S O fucking badass and it really matches each of them perfectly!!! (Vee would absolutely use Storm Magic let the Emo strike bitches with lightning also Jan having a burn mark on his face gives me Zuko vibes and I L O V E it)
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Hi!! Really like your writing could we possibly get a drabble or something like that of Middle Schooler Yuu?
Hell-Raising Gremlin: A Middle Schooler
Synopsis: Yuu is a cringy middle schooler that curses a lot and insults people
Cw: Cringe writing. Yuu is 12 and Gn. Cursing. They call Riddle stupid and tell Azul he's gay. No romance ofc. Not proofread
“What the fuck?” Was one of the first things that came out of your mouth when you kicked off the door to your coffin. A crowd of eerily robed people turned to stare at you as if you were the weird one for wearing normal clothes. Each person had matching eyeliner and wait, does that person have horns… and a tail? What sort of fucked up LARP furry cult were you kidnapped into?
“Honestly…” Another voice rang out “Coming through the door of your own accord is virtually unheard of, why are you in such a rush?” A bird masked individual said as he approached you, two glowing yellow orbs peaking through the mask, each part of his person accessorized to fit a perfect aesthetic. Okay, thats a pretty cool costume you’ll admit, but it still doesn't change that you are obviously in the wrong place.
"Um… probably because some strange carriage literally kidnapped me and forced me into a coffin and then I woke up here? I don't think I'm in the right place."
"Hmm I don't think you are entirely lucid yet… a side effect of the teleportation magic perhaps…" the man wondered out loud.
"Can you break character for a second and tell me where the hell I am, dude?" You glared at him and a few of the weird adults around you laugh. You keep a brave face despite the fear building up.
"You are at Night Raven College, a prestigious magician training school in Twisted Wonderland." The masked man states bluntly and confidently like that explains everything.
"Didn't I just say to break character? I'm not playing DND here or anything, I need to get home, I'm not supposed to be here in this weird cult thing… I need to get home!" a few more laughs reverberated in the crowd.
"I'm being serious, this is a school for magicians"
"Right well… I don't have magic. How's that?" You give a smug smirk. "So please send me home?"
The man just gives an infuriating blank expression. "Why, you are here because the black carriage recognized you as a powerful mage! You should be quite proud of that given how young to appear to be! Please stand by and the mirror will sort you into your dorm shortly!"
"I was kidnapped first of all, and I don't even have that weird robe thing! Look dude, you got the wrong person! I'll go up to that mirror right now and show you!" You assume this "magic' mirror was just some computer check in thing. Hopefully when you give your name it'll prove you aren't on the list of whatever the fuck this is.
"My, so hasty… such is the youth I suppose. Fine then, go up to the mirror."
You must give props to this actor for staying in character the full time, but now wasn't the time. As you approach the mirror you hear whispers, and you see 5 individuals and a floating tablet standing by it, looking as superior as they could. Some glared at you, others looked intrigued.
The mirror spoke, "State thy name."
"You're soul is… invalid… I cannot read it. Therefore I sort you in no dorm."
The crowd murmurs amongst themselves as the masked person looks genuinely surprised. "Well then. I must apologize, there must be some mistake." You exhale in relief. Finally he gets it. "Mirror, send this person home!" No response. Why was he asking the mirror?
"Ahem… Mirror take this person—"
"I cannot."
"... huh…" You frown
"This child's home is nowhere. They do not exist here. They are from another dimension. Therefore, they cannot be sent home."
The crowd's murmurs get louder. You still don't believe in this whole weird magic school act thing. "Are you fucking kidding me, did I seriously get isekaied by a horse drawn carriage?" 
At that you see the floating tablet mute themselves. Before you could even turn around and ask for the masked man to get a real person to send you home, a strange creature runs in front of you. You stared at it in complete shock.
"Mrahaha! If they can't join this school, then there's room for me!" The weird cat thing talks. Flames came out its ears and its tail was forked. What the fuck, what the fuck. How is this cat on fire and talking?
The crowd laughed at the cat's words. "Oh yeah?! I'll show you!" The creature yells out. You didn't think much of it until you saw blue plumes of flames come from its mouth and aim directly into the crowd. The crowd yells and pushes each other around. You could feel the heat.
This couldn't be some high tech animatronic could it? You gawk as banners catch flames and you see some of the mages in the crowd casting water spells to put themselves out. Is this really another world…? No way… no way. You have to get hit by a truck for that! This just has to be a very weird fever dream...
Another blast of flames is fired across from you, growing bigger and bigger, threatening to engulf everything in the room. One person from before lets out an annoyed sigh and you see him turn to approach the flame. 
Without thinking you immediately run over to pull him back catching him by surprise and making him stumble. "Dude, what are you doing?!" The doll faced young man looks over at you in shock, before his race reddens.
"How DARE YOU try to—"
"Riddle enough! They were just trying to help!" Another taller green haired mad says with a clover on his face. "Come with me…" the man says before pulling you back protectively.
You watch as the strange ruby-haired man, Riddle– what a stupid name–, approaches the weird cat. He raises his arm before lowering it. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He yelled, and a strange collar appeared around the cat. The flames around the room suddenly die.
"Hey what gives?! What I'll just… huh?! My magic! Its…"
"Sealed away. That collar around your neck does not allow you to use magic." Riddle states. "No cats are allowed are celebrations, your very existence here is a violation." A few robed figures go to grab their cat and toss him out.
"Damn…" you mumbles as you step put from behind the stranger that protected you.
"You there, child." Riddle states, still looking upset. "What you did was dangerous, you should have never stepped in to try to help."
Oh this dudes attitude pissed you off with how condescending he sounded. "Well sorry for trying to fucking make sure you didn't burn yourself. God forbid I didn't know you could do that weird collar thing."
The green haired man paled and the face of Riddle got red. "Excuse me?! You need to learn how to treat your superiors with respect–"
"I respect whoever respects me regardless of age! And you're not superior at all! You throw tantrums like a kid!" You spat back and the crowd seemed to laugh. The green haired man tries to pull you back. "Come on now, Yuu try to be nice…"
"Why would I? He's the one that started it! He can start yelling at people for no good reason but I can't? Hell who the fuck even names their kid Riddle its such a stupid name!"
Riddle was fuming at this point and everyone just seemed to either cringe or watch in rapt excitement. "IT IS NOT! You have not followed a single rule of the entrance ceremony! Those who don't follow the rules should be punished! Especially rude ones like you!"
"Did you not hear the mirror? I'm not from this world! I literally don't know any rules at all! How are you gonna get mad at me for that?! You're the one that keeps yelling for no reason and then getting mad at me for giving back the same energy? And now you're trying to threaten me!"
"Enough!" The red head yells. "Apologize now or it's off with your head!"
"Oh no my magic that I totally have! I'm so scared! Go ahead and do it! You're only punishing me because I'm right! You can't ever comprehend being wrong so you need to make yourself look stronger in every other way because you're a coward and a control freak! I may not have been in this world long, but something tells me in the real world you can't collar everyone that upsets you! You're a coward and a god damn fucking tyrant that feels the need to prove himself superior to a fucking TWELVE year old just because I had the audacity to try and help you! I am twelve and everyone here appears to be an adult yet none of you are actually helping me! I wanna go home!"
"Enough!" The masked man's voice yells out and you huff and look away. "That is enough for both of you." You look over at another man with blueish hair and glasses along with a mole struggling to hold in a laugh. You narrow your eyes. "Oh I just KNOW your bitch ass isn't laughing with your birthing hips and gay little face!" The man's eyes widen and he stares in shock for moment before looking down at himself. The crowd erupts in laughter.
"Yuu!" The masked man reprimands before sighing. "Dorm leaders! Take your students to their new homes! I will deal with this… situation" As everyone left, you glared at Crowley.
"It's about time you fucking listened me, hot topic wannabe ass." Crowley could tell that this child would fit in perfectly here.
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bibibbon · 6 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACK👎👎👎 seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid 😭. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason 🤦‍♀️. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo 🤷‍♀️. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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sillystarters · 8 months
it's always sunny in philadelphia season sixteen starter sentences.
starter sentences taken from episodes one - three from season sixteen of it's always sunny in philadelphia. part one of ??
have you ever seen teenage mutant ninja turtles ?
you spent close to $20,000 on a couch you never owned.
that's pretty bad business fellas.
now listen i have glued my hand to a door so they can't physically remove me.
you know, i know stuff.
that's money talk right there.
how much nut do you go through a month?
are you storing up your nut or are you blowing through it?
i'll give you fifty cents for a buck.
come, have a seat.
it was super cheap dude.
well listen, i don't really have any interest in your bulk tin of low end economy nuts.
yeah don't make a mess.
what's behind that door?
holy shit! what the fuck is this?
i wasn't tryin' to be crypto about it.
this is tits!
can i sleep in here?
we're gonna blow our shoes out with all this walking.
how is this not a big deal?
move past it dude, move past it man.
i really ultimately don't give a shit.
did you glue your hand to my door?
i can tell you're mad.
i can't deal with this.
and just leave me here all alone?
i don't wanna be a bad host.
you know what, this was a mistake.
i can't sleep.
what is going on with you dude?
what you workin' on there bud?
is that thing loaded, by the way?
get off my back.
you know what? screw this.
i am in the prime of my life.
okay so it was loaded, my mistake. don't be so dramatic.
it's not like anybody's in any real danger.
getting shot in the face is pretty cool.
i do care about the money though.
i got some bad news for ya, bud.
i figured you probably forgot too or something.
did you try to pull out your own teeth?
i'm so sorry.
i didn't have the heart to tell you.
those ungrateful bitches.
i can't believe you did this!
i'm not mad at you okay? it's fine.
you did make a mistake.
i didn't mean to upset you.
this is not working.
should we just attack him and take it?
shut up!
this is my worst nightmare in my entire life.
she burnt the shit outta me.
i got a little surprise for ya.
you wanna take it easy? goddamn. just one bite at a time.
ha! i almost ate my gun.
i hope everyone brought their appetite because i made quiche!
this is like, everything you've ever wanted.
that is ... sad.
this is so annoying.
alright, where to now?
a perfect day can't last forever.
what the hell are you doing?
you're outta control with that thing.
just barge right in okay don't be shy.
oh my god what are you doing here?
this is so distasteful.
asmr, dickweed!
how long has it been?
that's a definite pass for me.
this is a million to one shot and i've got a really good feeling about this.
our luck just turned around.
i don't wanna have my ass handed to me.
we have a problem.
whatever you do, don't laugh.
this is bad, dude.
what? why are you trying to break my door down at three in the morning?
i just wanted to ask if you could kindly keep the noise down.
this was very sweet of you to bake these for me.
it's a trophy, see? it says cunt of the year. that's you!
bad things are going to happen to you one day. i guarantee it.
you earned it!
we're not having bad luck, we're having good luck.
come here you rat! die!
it's time to make good on your end of the bargain.
what is your deal, man?
i'm going to beat you with my shoe!
we gotta take this seriously.
go make your apologies!
i'm done listening to this.
'just in case' is as good of a reason to believe in anything as any.
i don't believe in that bullshit.
well, that's not good.
that's a bad omen!
boy, that's a shame.
thank you for this.
i'm just trash right? that's what you said.
i got you a sixer!
i gotta show you something but you gotta keep it a secret.
you're not following.
it makes literally no sense.
a moment of your time?
i'm sorry your dad doesn't like you.
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maybeamiles · 2 months
Okay so something happened in the Honkai Star Rail community that really bothered me and I'm trying to put into words what makes me so upset about it.
So Hoyoverse recently hired a new voice actor named Chris Niosi to voice one of their new characters. He is no longer voicing this character. The reason he is no longer voicing this character is because a bunch of people found out that in 2019 Niosi released a shitty internet apology for being abusive to people in his personal life in response to callout posts on Twitter and Tumblr. During this time he also violated an NDA about a role he played in Fire Emblem 3 Houses, and was replaced with Zach Aguilar. He did not face any criminal charges for this behavior, but it is a thing that happened. Naturally people are upset about this and kept asking for him to be fired, and some VA's stood up for him claiming he'd changed, and fans began to lash out against them too. Niosi ended up resigning, and Hoyoverse will hire a new voice actor.
So far, it seems this controversy has not affected his work. Since 2019 he's played Reigen Arataka in Season 3 of Mob Psycho 100 and was an NPC in Genshin Impact.
Now I have a few problems with the community reaction to all this:
Problem number 1: I spent way too much time in the Dream SMP fandom, and have heard way too much bullshit about people being abusers in their personal lives to be ok with any of this. Like part of the reason Dream SMP was so awful is that every other week there would be a new post along the lines of "Dream is the Worst! Here are 7 Heavily Censored Screenshots To Prove Why!" This stuff instantly activates my "I don't like this" senses, I have a very bad reaction to these things.
Problem Number 2: He's a fucking actor. Just because he now has a bit of fame in the community doesn't mean he's somehow more worthy of criticism than he was before. Hell, he still has work in the industry. Just go look up his IMDB. The only reason it matters more in Star Rail is because a lot of the Hoyoverse VA's make extra money off of being Hoyoverse VA's, like how Dan Heng's VA gets the other Star Rail VA's together to do music covers. Even then, he's WORKED WITH HOYOVERSE BEFORE. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE'S NOW VOICING A PLAYABLE CHARACTER INSTEAD OF AN NPC.
Problem number 3: Personally, I don't see what online abuse allegations from 2019 have to do with his role as a Voice Actor. Would working at McDonald's or in a less flashy job stop him from hurting people? No! Now, if I was hiring him, I would be nervous about that NDA violation, or that the abuse allegations might flare up into a PR disaster (like they ACTUALLY DID). I might not hire him for a major role. I might take concerns about his mistreatment of his colleagues more seriously. He might not be a Good Face for my company. But, at the end of the day, he is still a Guy Doing a Job, parasociality be dammned, and not doing This Job will not make anything better for the people he hurt.
(Also your (and my) favorite game has like, one not-pale dude in it and is made by a huge dev team that probably has shitty people in it just because that's what happens when you get a large enough group of people together but like heyyyyy let's all jump onto boogeyman of the week now shall we?)
(now, concerns about parasociality I do respect. Hoyoverse VA's are VERY parasocial, and tend to make a bit of extra money from fans by doing cool Hoyoverse VA things. But most people are like ABUSER = BAD AND GROSS and... ugh onto the next slide).
Problem number 4: ABUSER = BAD AND GROSS is a stupid black-and-white mindset and I think everyone who has this mindset should grow the fuck up. People can and do get better, I know people who have gotten better, people who it would be really fucked up of me to stop speaking to because of things I wasn't even alive for, when I don't even know the people who were hurt. People who have already had enough guilt and now need the space to live again. Hell, I've hurt people. You can't divide people into "good" and "bad" and you have to make room for change because if you do not you will hurt someone badly and that mindset will either break you with guilt or turn you into one of the "bad" people without even realizing it. (i reblogged earlier a comic about this exact phenomenon go read it)
At the end of the day I do think it was a good thing Niosi resigned because jesus fucking christ this was a PR disaster, and I would have hated to see him do something like Elliot Ghindi and use the parasociality of Hoyoverse fans to hurt more people (which is just a possibility, not something Niosi has actually done), but I don't think the internet Hate Mob was a good thing. I think bringing up someone's irrelevant personal details into their work life is a universally bad thing and even though he's a semi-public figure, nobody's private life should be exposed like that. There are court systems for a Fucking Reason and I know that they are flawed but also I genuinely believe that this whole internet tradition of making "callout posts" and stuff is incredibly toxic and abusive and I don't want it to keep happening in the fandoms I'm in.
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atlasotherside · 2 months
My Thoughts On Demon Slayer Entertainment District Arc
-Starting off strong with Rengoku's dad being a dick and some exposition. Tanjirou is clearly going through it.
-Again, love the illustrations in between scenes.
-After some thinking, I think Rengoku's family is interesting. His father clearly has some deep issues, and Senjuro is a sweet kid. I'm not sure if they'll do anything with him but I'm intrigued.
-Also, sun breathing. I'm eager for the lore and mystery.
-Already hate Tengen. Seriously dude. What a fucking asshole. Poor butterfly girls.
-Also, a nice detail of just how scary acting on her own will is for Kanao. Recovery is a long road and it won't be easy. I hope they don't disregard it in later episodes.
-Not much for me to say on them infiltrating as women. It was fun.
-Inosuke is remarkably smart and observant at times. It's a good balance and makes me wonder how he'd be if he was properly educated.
-The nice oiran and the little girls are adorable and I love them all.
-She also says trans rights, I don't make the rules. I mean, she was just cool with it.
-Fuck you Daki.
-I still don't care about Tengen.
-Good on Rengoku's dad for apologizing.
-Tanjiro with bloody eyes is actually kinda creepy. This sun breathing fight is sick as hell.
-I am a bit pissed at the abrupt stop of the dead - ghost sister telling him to breathe and the fight ending there.
-The whole lullaby part has me tearing up. They really are just kids. And even if she isn't mentally herself, she is still just a little girl missing her mommy. She really doesn't get to grieve in her state or situation. And to see her turn into a little girl after crying really feels like it means something.
-I also enjoy seeing her struggle and to a degree losing against her demon instincts.
-These townspeople are gonna be so fucking traumatized.
-Again thinking about how becoming a demon seems to distort and make a person's personality more extreme.
-Tengen calling the demons dumbass bottom feeders is 10/10.
-Rengoku already haunting the narrative.
-The demon siblings and their backstory are genuinely heartbreaking. They were just kids. It's awful. Things could have been different but instead it was tragedy all the way down.
-I honestly kinda get it, as an older sibling myself. My situation was never even close to as bad, but it wasn't good. And to do your best to care for your siblings, wanting better for them, and see how you have messed up...
-I'm listening to her cry about not wanting him to hate her and I'm about to cry. I did not fucking expect to feel so much for these awful little bastards.
-I actually grew to somewhat like Tengen at the end. Not as much as others but still. Same with the Master at the end. Seeing him genuinely excited and hopeful changed my tune.
-I enjoyed the parallel? between Nezuko and Tanjiro and the demons this season. How Tanjiro acknowledges how easily they could have been in each other's shoes. It wasn't overplayed like I'd expect a lot of shows to do. Just the right balance. -And my final thought, as always, is just how good the animation was. Especially in the last few episodes.
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wisconsin2002 · 1 year
In my opinion miraculous has been doing pretty decent with season 5. Chat Noirs Been a freaking badass this season so far. Marinette seems more mature in a way
( I like that for her I really like that for her. Marinette was once one of my favs and to see her get constantly dunked on by the writing as the seasons went on just hurt)
and the material (up to this moment) is handled okay.
(except Luka. Literally don't know what they were thinking making Luka figure out both Ladybug and Chat Noirs Identities in a pretty decent episode in season 4, and the next we see of that they barely elaborate on it and have the fucker LEAVING PARIS?!!! QUE MAMADA?? And Juleka wasn't added to the conversation becaaause? )
*sigh* anyways I digress.
But oh my goodness😂 bro I-
Were the writers that wrote fucking derision just doing this?💀:
Cause that's what it felt like. Chloé's the reason for Marinettes trauma and past stalkery behaviour now? 😂 Bitch please.
Wasn't Astrucs excuse when people were talking about Marinettes creepy behavior and stalker tendencies was because she's a teen girl and teens do stuff like that or some shit?
What changed?
And you can make the excuse that he didn't wanna spoil that part of her past, but in that case why respond at all? Why not just stay quiet and let people figure it out? Literally makes no sense.
(Bro responds to every tweet I swear to god. 😩 You can say "miraculous is cacapoopoofart" and Thomas would still take it seriously. Like damn brother sorry my little niece grabbed the phone for five seconds. )
Like dude this is a pretty big reveal for Marinettes character that you'd think they would handle more carefully! But... I digress again.
The flashbacks were pretty cool too but also dissapointing cause that's where things really fell flat with the writing and at times just felt straight up random and made up.
This entire episode is such a rewritten contradiction to what the writing had set out to do in the beginning. Especially with Chloe and Kim.
Like Kim's just a shitty guy now after you show him being a pretty neat dude for most of the seasons and even give him a lover? 💀 TF? Why wasn't this brought up In season one or two? I mean his crush on Chloe was brought up but not the fact that he was a freaking douchebag. And why the hell did they revert him back to a pick me boy for Chloe in this episode? 💀 They even have him speak nice about Chloe for no reason(IN FRONT OF HIS GF BTW!) and have no remorse for what he did to Marinette at all despite his dislike for Chloé after he moved on from his crush on her. And he feels no remorse at all? Really? And if it wasn't bad enough, bro gets off easy with a slap on the wrist and a half-assed apology. Like bro wha-💀
And Chloé's the source of Marinettes trauma? Again I can't get over that. 💀
Okay okay okay
That's not too hard to believe if the way they were going at it was believable.
It ain't.
Being anxious about rejection is one thing right. And yeah it can cause trauma to kids no doubt, I've been through it myself.
But bro
Look me dead in the eyes. And tell me with a straight face that fucking Chloe and Kim's prank was what caused Marinette To be doin all THIS!
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I think tf not.
You know what I think? I think the writer's Chloe spite is so strong that they decided to use one of Marinettes character writing flaws and give it a fucking alternate universe level size rewriting to fit the "Chloé's a shitty person for no reason and always will be" Narrative that they created and just can't let go off.😩
And at this point I already know the writer's don't care for Chloe. Right off the bat. Hero or villain, good or bad. They don't care for her character at all. I mean they're making her live with her neglectful ass mom cause now they decided that the bitch should be the one to turn over a new leaf and become an actual responsible mother. Right when her daughter hit rock bottom because of taking after her BS priveledged lead example of maternity and morality.
(hell her writing was perfect for an anti villain in the making story but I guess we'll skip over that too. What else is new 😮‍💨)
She's nothing but a punching bag used to show the audience that no matter what, Chloe will always be Astrucs punching bag to try and prove to other peoples potential development, thoughts and ideas for her wrong. And now thanks to that. That's turned her into a literal contradiction of her own character.
*sigh* well atleast Astruc doesn't really write anymore in season 6. Chloé's character cannot go back to what was and I don't expect her to but they can at the very least write her an actual goal as a villain Instead of just making Marinette the vain of her existence for no reason.
Didn't Chloe literally say in season 3 that she didn't care all that much about Marinette?
I find myself asking again.. What changed? 💀
Also am I supposed to believe that Marinette is so traumatized by Chloé's pranks and antics?.... but yet she gave her a miraculous??
Also didn't Marinette go to the pool place before In past episodes and have absolutely no panic attacks or issues at all?
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Am I actually supposed to believe all of this? Because I don't. It doesn't sound believable and the writing sure as hell doesn't do it justice either.
Madre mía. I'd say more but I'm rambling at this point.
This episode was just basura. Some good interesting things and attempts, but mostly basura. For every step forward it took, it also took like five steps backwards.
Would I say it's the worst episode? Nah. It had redeeming qualities.
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Unlike this time wasting pile of dog shit that I'm convinced whoever wrote it was fucking doing this :
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tainted-by-skeletons · 4 months
Reader X Sans X Grillby (Part 3)
NSFW Warning
“Why are you two talking about me like I'm not here?” Grillby interrupted.
“Eheh. Sorry.” I apologized.
“You're being weird today Grillbz.” Sans butt in. “What are you trying to do?”
“What do you mean? I'm just having fun tonight.”
“Nah. I don't believe you. Are you trying to get in bed with us?”
Grillby's expression gave everything away. Still, he tried his best to keep his secrets.
“Now why would I do that? I wouldn't risk ruining your friendship. That would be terribly awkward. Wouldn't it?”
I shrugged as Grillby slid us two tall red drinks. I personally didn't think it was weird to have a drunk fling with a friend. If feelings got involved then it would be weird.
“I can't believe you. We're not your toys ya know.”
“Not yet.” I said before I took a sip of the drink.
“Ugggh. You're way too horny.”
“Heheh. I can't help it. I'm a man. Hey, that reminds me. Do you gotta dick?”
Sans spit out his drink and Grillby started literally roaring with laughter. I laughed along with him but I didn't stop the pressure on Sans. I stared at him until he answered me.
“You don't need to know. So I don't need to tell you.”
“So like… it doesn't matter if I grope you because I don't know if you have genitals.”
“That is not how it works!”
“So if I take your clothes off, it's okay if I see you naked. Because I'm under the reasonable assumption you have nothing you need to hide.” Grillby joined in.
“No! You're not stripping me!”
I didn't know how far I could push the subject. Sans wasn't threatening to leave but I didn't think he would threaten to. I was pretty sure he'd just go.
“Yeah. I don't wanna see that anyway. It probably looks weird as hell.” So I tried a different strategy.
“Dude. That wasn't cool.” Sans said.
Just as I planned, my comment infuriated Grillby. He slammed a hand on the table and leaned in towards me.
“What gives you the right to comment on someone else? Are you directing attention away from yourself?”
Sans snickered. That didn't go as planned at all. I was hoping Grillby would start defending Sans’ honor by complimenting him and gushing over him. But instead my four inch was at risk of exposure.
“If you want a dick to be seen I have an idea to accomplish that. Why don't we take a look at your body then? Since you seem so excited to use it tonight.”
“Woah! Hey! T-th-there’s no need for that!”
“Heh. Know what? I think I'll let this slide. Since you seem like you deserve it.” Sans said as he sat back in his chair and took a sip of his drink.
“What?! Hey! What happened to you u not wanting to do that! I-I’m not gonna strip for you guys!”
“You're gonna have to, little boy. Or I might hurt you when I burn off your clothes.” Grillby threatened.
“Aah! Nooo! You monsters are crazy!”
“Heh. Humans. You guys are such pussies. It's just a little fire magic.”
One thing I've learned about monsters is that they get seriously hurt a lot and they don't seem to mind it. Assault and serious injuries aren't really a big deal to them. It's just part of their culture. It keeps them strong.
Grillby put out his hands and made a groping motion as he came around the bar and started moving towards me. Sans was laughing his ass off as I backed away from Grillby. My body started shaking very obviously. It seemed to entertain the two.
“Poor little boy. You really don't want us to see your dick. Do you? Hmhm~ Is it that small?”
Sans attempted to say something but he couldn't get anything out through his laughter.
“Grillby please! You don't have to do this!”
“Ohhhh don't you want me to? I thought you were trying to get in our pants. It's only fair you sacrifice yourself to us first.”
“Noo! Why do you have to say it like that?!”
“Aw come on bud." Sans said. "You're not scared of us. Are you? Come on. What am I gonna do? Throw a bone at you?”
“You're not the one I'm scared of! I'm still one man against two and one of them is made of fi-*gasp!* H-how!?”
Something on my lower back tingled and before I could figure out what it was, my pants were pulled down to my ankles. But nobody was behind me.
“Awww. I was right. Poor thing~” Grillby cooed in a demeaning tone. “You know what? I should stop bullying you. Hmhm~ You're unfortunate enough. You already got what you deserve.”
By that I'm sure he meant I was so obviously small just looking at my underwear there was no need to remove them.
“Heheh. Your face is so red." Sans laughed. "I didn't know humans did that too. Cute.”
“Hey! Don't call me cute!”
“Oh it's much too late for that.” Grillby said as he slid next to me and grabbed my crotch.
Grillby, a tall man especially compared to me, leaned down next to my face. Still groping me, he whispered in my ear.
“Y/N. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean about your size. I'm sure once you're erect you’ll be quite delicious- ah. I mean, impressive.”
“A-aahh~ wha… mmnnn~”
My flacid friend was quickly gearing up to show Grillby it's full size. But that also meant that Sans would see too. I didn't mind that idea before I was put on display in such a humiliating way. I tried hard to mask my expression and noises but I hadn't been touched like that in so long. I didn't want to see how Sans was looking at me, but eventually I couldn't take not knowing. I didn't hear him laughing so maybe he wasn't. But seeing him look disgusted would be even worse. I opened one eye and looked up at Sans sitting on the barstool. When he caught me looking at him… Sans smirked and looked me up and down in a way that made me get even harder. I didn't think he was capable of making such a sexy expression.
What's getting him horny now?! Is he a sadist?! Oh God. This was a huge mistake. A sadist and a monster is a very terrifying mix!
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People have been giving you crap for not liking Kingohger, and trust me I don't agree with you, but I am at least glad you're still watching it and giving it a shot. You even praised a cliffhanger! So, be honest: Do you think it'll be crap (in your opinion) beginning to end, or do you think this is just a weak opening introduction arc or what? Also, do you think that, regardless of the series's quality, that doing non-set-in-Tokyo series will be a good step forward for plot diversity?
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Going to assume these anons are all from you as well based on the wording (and if not I apologize to you and those anons but for sake of convenience I'm going to lump them all together).
Honestly overall I wouldn't exactly care that much people disagree with me about the show since I've spent enough time online to deal with people disagreeing with me about media (hell Faiz is in my top 5 and people still treat that show like the plague), but because Certain People I Won't Name wanted to start a massive argument over it and seem convinced that they can bully me into changing my mind for some reason I feel compelled to keep my rebuttals up.
I didn't go in WANTING to hate it, I've never gone into a show expecting or wanting to hate it beyond maybe Saber and even that I gave it a fair shot. I made my post about it to keep the running joke going (which I planned to do anyways regardless of quality) and when asked I made my points very clear, and at the point of the writing the first 3 episodes all have the very same reaction from me: the CG is ugly and genuinely distracting, the cinematography and general production of the show is very bad and makes a lot of basic mistakes that Sentai has never really struggled with before (seriously how hard is it to make sure the lights on the actors match the lighting of the environment?) because they're putting the fancy new tech first, the writing ranges from being decent (I do like Gira's gimmick of just pretending to be a moron want to overthrow Racules as a despot but so far little is done with it) to bland (Yanma and Himeno end up being pretty one-note despite attempts to add a new layer to them, Bugnarok and Racules are 1980's JRPG levels of generic BBEG) and even decently written/acted scenes are ruined by terrible editing or throwing in LOLRANDUM wacky and zany shit to them (DUDE HACKING BATTLE LOL) that takes me out of it.
If it weren't for the excessive flashy CG and cool new projection theater stage tech being front and center it'd be a painfully average Sentai show that is exactly why Sentai has been flopping in ratings and sales since Gokaiger, nothing new is being done and there isn't anything to hook a viewer, and the toys are kinda boring looking too. Especially after the moldbreaking psycopathy of Zenkaiger and Donbrothers, that we've gone right back to the same shit as always rather than keep pushing the envelope in the areas that actually matter is the problem. I don't even want to say someone didn't "get" Donbros (although based on some of the arguments people keep raising to me they really didn't) or blame it on sensory overload like my initial post, definitely a bad choice in hindsight but I was self aware about that, but this obsessive defense really makes just no sense to me at all.
I don't set out to make myself as the true objective arbiter of taste despite the jokes I make, and you shouldn't treat my words as such. I'm just some goofy (insert gender here) dork on the Internet who has some modicum of attention on themselves. Jokes(tm) aside I don't put myself above or below anyone else, I've been an avid fan of tokusatsu for ages and gotten particularly deep into it, deeper than the average person for sure, but I don't use that to build a pedestal for myself. You like Kingohger? Good, I'm glad you find something in it I don't. I won't attack or insult you for liking something I don't or enjoying something that from an objective standpoint is not good content, excluding maybe Ghost but even then you do you weirdo. But I've made my point and will continue to make my point until the show ends or I give up, and no outside force will change that.
Basically, what I'm trying to say about my opinion is:
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And to get back to your point, I don't WANT the show to be shit beginning to end and I really hope it isn't, but based on opening perception and knowing who's behind the scenes I have low hopes for the show improving. Knowing me I end up just watching the entire show out of spite at some point but I really am going in each week hoping each episode is the one that changes my mind. Hell, I stuck with Kyuranger longer than most and that ended up getting pretty good when Houou showed up so maybe whenever SixOhger drops the show gets that kick it needs but as it stands now I couldn't say. As for the alternate setting offering plot diversity, see it's too early to make a judgement but I don't really see it. The different kingdoms are all so drastic from one another and the bizarro Final Fantasy-eques schizotech levels put the show in a weird place where paradoxically the setting itself doesn't really matter much, if the show were confined in one specific kingdom or at least had each kingdom separated into different plot arcs I could see it - which it may end up doing who knows - but the approach it seems to be going for seems to make it irrelevant. Even then, Adult Concerns will eventually rear their ugly head and the show will go through some shift to where the unique setting is dispensed with to end up with the same 8-9 filming locations we always end up in, again with Kyuranger that set itself up as a cool spacefaring action-opera and then we park our asses on Earth 4 episodes in and spend nearly the entire show there and the few times we DO go offworld after we just end up at the same quarry and stream we always go to.
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nchant6dkitty · 3 years
Enemies to lovers stuff we need more of Because they're underrated as hell !
Enemies to lovers × switch bodies trope.
(Where characters wake up one day and discover they're in the body of their arch-nemesis. And have to adjust to the lives of each other with the side of brewing feelings. Hehe ~ ) This stuff is my shit and I can not emphasize enough how underrated it is.
Possible dialogue or scenario ideas.
"You're really lucky to have a cool family like that ". They care about you ".( Or finding out about their cute or dysfunctional family)
" Just stay outta my family business okay? !" Dude, I'm in your body you dumbass! How am I supposed to do that ?!
" I didn't know you had a thing for action figures/plushies/ comic books/ cheesy romantic movies ( or some other weird but cute stuff your character likes to collect )
"That is my body and I'm not letting you walk out in those clothes!!"
Hey, hey! No smoking! That's my lungs you're gonna burn!
Finding out an embarrassing secret of them and teasing them or keeping in mind for future blackmail. Hehe.
" So...I accidentally read your diary". You what?!
Finding out they have a soft side / sweet side they only show to their loved ones or pets.
Having to forcibly spend time with their enemy because they don't want that little shit to do something stupid with their body or ruin their reputation.
Where A has a crush on C . And B, who's now in A's body tries to embarrass them in front of their crush ( * cough * because they're not jealous and into their enemy * cough*)
Having a first-hand experience of what their enemy's life is like and soon feeling empathy or understanding them.
Teaching each other about their habits or things to do and things not to do. And the other messing up anyway.
Finding out a cute yet embarrassing secret about their enemy. Eg: " So I never took for one who liked teddy bears. No, seriously. Why are your all underwear like that?"
BEING ATTRACTED TO EACH OTHER even though they've SWITCHED BODIES!! like, " have my lips always looked that soft and kissable? " Or have my eyes always looked that pretty or is it just because it's A?" ( you get me?)
Or having to deal with the toxic relationship of the lover or friend/ family members of their enemy and taking care of it like a badass.
Maybe one character has a crush on their enemy's sibling or friend and is ecstatic to be close to their crush. ( Well, even though they're in their enemy's body but still...!)
When they fall in love with the body parts the other is insecure about.
Enemies to lovers× love potion.
( where character A gets affected by a love potion and ends up falling for B, who's their enemy, and annoyed B who just shake them off) Another underrated thing.
Possible scenarios :
Chr A doing sweet things for B and trying to win their affection. Probably buying gifts or whatever B likes.
A attempt to give random hugs and kisses to B and B always push A away.
B slowly warming up to A but still keeping a distance because they know it's not real.
B slowly beginning to enjoy this sweet and cute side of A but not admitting it.
B getting finding A's attempts and quirks or whatever is cute.
A being a sad, sulking puppy when B gets mad at them.
" I'm only taking/ accepting_____ because you worked so hard at it. Not because I want it "
B hurting A's feelings and having to apologize later.
Trying to find a solution to the potion's effect but gradually they feel a little hesitant to go back to how things were.
When they kiss or cuddle and B finds out they... actually like it.
Being teased by their friends or loved ones.
B avoiding A but A ending up finding them everytime.
One getting hurt and the other getting pissed or saving the other from harm.
B discovering they're falling in love with A and giving them the cold shoulder or avoiding them.
When the potion's effect finally wears off and now things are back to normal but now B is in love with A.
When a mutual friend decides to be their wingman tries to bring them back together.
( juicy plot twist: A was faking it all along for a prank or bet or whatever. And now they're in too deep to take it back. Because they love to see B so flustered and cute! And nope, they're not falling in love with them. )
The love potion just made the love they've been hiding/ denying for the other evident. Like making the person who drank it unable to hold it in any longer.
Enemies to lovers× arranged marriage.
A marriage of convenience for a shared goal. Maybe to maintain peace between two countries or parties or because of a business arrangement etc and slowly falling in love is top tier ✨!!
Enemies to lovers× reincarnation.
( where character A and B were lovers in their past lives or probably enemies with a thing for each other but it ended on a tragic note and they get reincarnated) They may or may not be aware of their reincarnation.
Possible scenarios:
Maybe A is immortal or some supernatural being and remembers their past and how B died because of them or what happened to B. So they keep a distance and are intentionally being a jerk to B to make B hate them.
Either of them not knowing their tragic past but feeling a strange attraction to each other though they claim to hate them.
B is a normal human but remembers their past life where A was a jerk then and A still a jerk now. But damn it, they're still hot!
" I don't know whether to kiss you or stab you"
Playful flirting and teasing each other leading to a bit of sexual tension.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I hate your beautiful eyes, I hate your sexy smirks, I hate your stupid sweet scent, I hate your cute smile, I hate your hot body, and most of all - I hate your cute face!
Taking care of the other when they're sick or in need and going like" this doesn't change anything, I still hate you"
Can you stop being so cute so I can keep hating you? Because I can't -!
Ha! Do you think I like you ?! I could kiss you right now and I wouldn't feel shit! " Oh yeah?"
A confesses their feelings to B when drunk and stealing a kiss. Now A is sober and doesn't remember but B does.
Getting jealous when the other flirts with someone else or if someone flirts with them.
Accidentally / angry kissing and realizing they like it.
The moment they realize they love the other.
Similar to above, if they slowly remember their past lives and are hit with shock and ... happiness?
Placing one of them or both of them under a curse for extra plot spice. And no, it can't be broken by a true love kiss.
Denying their feelings and avoiding the other but missing them at the same time.
Haha! You must have been cursed unlucky in your past life! " Yeah? Well, my life got cursed ever since your shitty legs stepped in it !"
You and I go way back, love. You wouldn't believe it even if I told you.
You know,you're an annoying pain in the neck but why do I feel so comfortable with you?
Wait,you remember what happened?! Why didn't you say anything?!
No one knows you better than me. No one.
You're mine and mine only. You're mine to save and You're mine to kill. Your life belongs to no one else but me .
Shit! Y-you're not supposed to remember! That was the deal... T-that was the deal to keep you safe.
I remember. I remember what happened between us in the past. I remember... That you killed me.
You're not supposed to love me! How can you love me after remembering what I did to you?!
Enemies to lovers × soulmates.
( I need a whole book to ramble about how underrated this trope is because the soulmate AU has so many cool concepts that would be awesome for Enemies to lovers )
Possible scenarios:
Where characters A and B are soulmates but are unaware and they hate each other. They may or may not be searching for their missing half but they also can't shake off the intense attraction to their arch-nemesis.
OR... They're attracted to each other but are marked for others and in the end, end up defying the system.
Chr A has a soulmate mark but hasn't found theirs yet. Chr B is a normal person who is birthed unmarked and they are in a love-hate relationship with A.
Character B is marked but hasn't found their soulmate yet so they're in a temporary relationship with someone else who's not their match and their society, there's an age where or ritual that people do find their soulmate and character B gets shocked when their destined lover is the most despicable person they know.
Similar to the above, characters A and B are enemies and Chr A has a crush on character C. They're almost to the age of the big reveal and are hoping their destined lover will be character C. But nope, it ends up being B.
Where your character gets two different marks for two different people. One for their soulmate and the other for their destined enemies. Most people don't know the difference or your character's marks look similar.
Where A finds out their soulmate is their enemy early in their life and hides their mark or gives a cold shoulder to B and all because they hate the concept of being controlled by "fate " or just don't want a soulmate or whatever. But B is unaware and has been yearning to meet their destined lover. Bonus point: Chr A and B's bond required them to be dependent on each other but since A is hiding it, they get a lot of pain or face consequences.
Chr A and B are soulmates but have been communicating through their bond but have never seen each other's face or met before. Unknown to them their soulmate is the same despicable person they dislike so much.
This concept can be great for a hero x villain stuff as well. Plus there are so many ways to go around it and so many ideas in this concept.You could search on some soulmate prompts and get a ton of ideas .
Enemies with benefits~.
( Yes,yes, yes and Yes!! This kills me all the time! I can't -!)
Possible scenarios:
Chr A and B being cute together!
They didn't mean for it to turn out this way. But they tried it once and couldn't stop themselves from wanting more.
Getting jealous or possessive of each other when someone else gets too flirty or close
Concealing the fact that they do this kind of stuff from their loved ones or friends.
Probably pretending to hate each other in public and getting snuggly with each other when alone.
I don't know what we are supposed to be but all I know is it feels right to have you in my arms so just stay.
One of them impulsively steals kisses in public and the other panicking.
Maybe one of them is a rebound.
One of them is in a relationship with someone else who's toxic or abusive and the other gets pissed or jealous.
The moment a secondary character discovers their secret.
Protecting or taking care of each other.
When they kiss or cuddle and don't wanna stop.
A circumstance making them end up fake dating!
One of them being in a toxic relationship with a lover.
They ended up in this situation because of a dare or bet. Maybe they lost the bet and this is their punishment? Or whatever.
They've promised not to let this thing between grow into love. It's just a fling Yep,no love allowed and no meddling in each other's lives. Let's just enjoy this... whatever is between us. What's the worse that could happen?
Similar to the above, character A suddenly ending whatever is going on with them and the other realizing how they much they mean to them and they try to get back together. For real.
When they both realize they want more out of this.
Angry kissing/ sex out of jealousy and all their pent-up emotions.
I know I said I hate you but why does it feel so good to have your body against mine?
Enemies to lovers× single parent trope.
Where chr A is a single parent or a guardian of kids and they're in a love- hate relationship with B.
This part is another underrated that's it's a crime !A crime I tell you ! I mean it could be used to add fluff to the story and a bit of comedy to the genre because of the presence of the kids. Or unless you're a sucker for angst and make the kid terminally or chronically ill.
Possible scenarios :
Chr B meeting chr A's kid in public and helping them out. Which makes the kid like B but B doesn't know it's A's kid.
Or B meeting A's kid and the kid's attitude reminding them of a certain someone.
The ex of A, who's the kid's parent suddenly coming back into their life out of the blue. ( Maybe they want a second chance? Or wanna get close to their kid? Or whatever)
The above option, causing a love triangle with chr B. Now they both wanna win over A and the kid. Chaos and hilarity ensure as they try everything they can.
The kid approving of chr A and B being a ship and they become their wingman. Scheming to get chr A and B together.
B saving the kid from harm or danger eg,a car accident or bullying.
When chr B wants to get closer to Chr A so they try to win the kid over.
Chr A and B have started seeing each other but chr A hasn't told thier kid yet because they're scared they may not approve. Maybe the kid doesn't want a replacement for their dead parent or something like that.
Chr B being awkward with kids but somehow ended up winning the kid's heart.
Chr B asking for permission to date character A. Or vice versa.
Chr A bonding time with B and the kid . And A finding it cute how they're good with the kids.
The child getting upset that this new lover may steal away the love of their deceased parent and they start to behave like a brat or try to tear them apart.
Chr B falling for A first and gets the kid to help them win A over . Probably asking for advice or suggestions.
B accidentally causing harm to the child.
Bring your kids to work day creates bonding time between chr B and the kid. Which A noticed.
Secondary character who wants A and B to be together gets in cahoots with the child to scheme.
The kid has a chronic illness which costs a lot to take care of and they are always in and out of the hospital.
Chr A and B dislike each other but their kids are friends or the A's kids likes B and they have to put up with seeing each other.
Character A struggling financially and B finds out and they help out but behind their back.
B finding out A is a single parent and notices how they struggle to take care of them. Cue: empathy and respect.
21. Playing with the kids or going out with them during their dates.
Height difference.
Height difference is so cute in ships. I can't-! And when it's added to enemies to lovers - top tier ✨!
Possible scenarios:
Chr A always making fun of Chr B's height.
Chr B trying to reach something that's too high and they keep hoping or jumping and chr A laughing at them or teasing them about it.
When chr B stand on their toes or get on something higher to kiss A.
A likes to carry or hold B like a baby. Because they are their baby.
When they cuddle or hug and the short one gets engulfed by the tall one .
"Your hands are so small, haha! I like how they fit in mine. "
" oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and make me short stuff ? "
When they always get into an argument but chr A internally enjoys it because B looks cute when they're mad.
When B wears chr A's large clothes and Chr A can't get over how cute they look.
Giving each other cute nicknames or pet names. Eg: Daddy long legs./ Cute feisty bunny. Etc.
This is all I can think of for now. I might do a second part if I think of more. Reblog and use to correct this atrocious crime.
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beevean · 2 years
After looking through that Omens doc, I asked my friend to translate what the Eggman VA's breakdown on the stream was about and just... wow, have a look
One of the devs: "*laughs* Damn, he sucks..."
VA: "Ok guys, enough is enough, bye. (Turns game off)... This is f***ing ridiculous. I just- No, no, I'm tired of this s**t. This boss.... I've had it up to here with this f***ing boss! And these as***les are all laughing like "this boss is cool, everything is cool, you just suck", I just... I just don't want to do this anymore. I keep DYING and DYING and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO- I'm being f***ed by this bullet hell s**t, by all these projectiles, by those tiny enemies, CAN'T GRAB ANY RINGS, CAN'T GET ENOUGH ENERGY, CAN'T GET BLOODY ANYTHING, just... F**k it. Just F**k. It. All. Enough! No more of this! And like, I know, I know I'm basically cutting all my contacts with the devs and our work relationship as a whole by doing this, but I just- I just don't care at this point! I'm tired of it all... (angry pencil scribbles) No, guys, THERE HAS TO BE A LIMIT TO THIS! I know you like watching funny haha youtube guys suffer when they play your BS hard game, but this! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU INTENTIONALLY TORTURE YOUR PLAYERS! THEY RAGEQUIT! Not everyone has this ability to pass your BS bullet hell bosses on their first try! I managed it with the first boss, I managed it with the second one, I suffered through the whole f***ing Eggman fight, and I was already ready to quit it all by that part, but I somehow managed! But this boss, noooo, just, noooo, I can't take this crap anymore... F**k it all..."
Poor man sounded seriously close to rage quitting but understanding his rant makes it worse :\
"I don't want to do this anymore" man I feel bad. I know what it feels to hit that point where the game is physically making you sick and you can't go on. And he was streaming and being watched by his colleagues so there was even more pressure on him.
Also he really sounds angry against the devs. Someone on Reddit said that they were joking when they were making fun of him, but still, the dude was legit mad and they did not help him. No wonder he didn't want anything to do with them anymore.
I wish him well in better projects.
EDIT: apparently he apologized for his outburst and said that he’s in a good relationship with his friends:
I don’t think he needed to apologize, but it was very mature of him and I commend him for that
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vinnival · 3 years
As Tricky would say: "HELLO AGAIN!"
This time I'm requesting a reader who obtains another keystone fragment (jebus' halo but it's a wristband) with Main 3, Tricky, and Jeb.
By the way, love your writing, keep it up! 👍
HEYA :o]
SOBBING SOB SOB I love it when,,,, people,,,, love my work,,,, ahdjsjdjd,,,,, enjoy !!!
I Have The Power Of
God (not anime) On My
He is so goddamn paranoid HELP HIM
Always mistakes your power for Jeb's
He apologizes if he lashes out in response
You don't use the powers much, only to show off the occasional cool new thing you find out about the halo-band
When the time calls for it in serious situations though, you're there to help
You're a little confused at first of course but you've obviously got the spirit
You need to reassure him that you won't let anyone else get it
And you also need to reassure that you won't get carried away with its power and become a warlord or smth
That would definitely suck 👍
Also very paranoid
A bit more lenient though
You picked it up when walking home after a mission, and later when you tried it on you literally Freaked out because the power hit you like a truck
Sanford was the first to arrive (he was your room neighbor)
He helped you calm down and became hyper aware of the halo-band
You eventually get used to your cool new superpowers and Sanford is once again a Normal Human/Grunt
Seriously will this guy ever get a cool new gig or what
You do cool things like float around and Sanford gets scared a lot because you're Silent
Fellow Americans
I think we all know where this is going.
"LOOK" *levitates him*
You two fuck around SO MUCH
Its annoying the others but do you stop?
you two just.... chaotic
Definitely fucking around with random grunt enemies you two come across
You both screamed like little children when you accidentally created a zombie HDJSJDJS
Sanford had to kill it (again) and lecture you two
You joke around with it, one time you did a meditation pose and then started floating
Deimos cracked up over it
Deimos has been given the bracelet one (1) time and the amount of shit he destroyed with it... almost envious
Needless to say you weren't gonna let him have it ever again
lol angst
You genuinely considered bringing him back as a zombie with the bracelet when he dies but with enough reluctant convincing, Sanford made you let it go
ANYWAYS otherwise when he comes back as rock man its all chill and cool and you two compare powers a lot while Sanford grumbles in the background (its a little sad, really)
kind of depressing because he gets reminded of Jeb
He doesn't like to think about him but you unknowingly bring up that thought every time you brandish that bracelet
that is all, you're good otherwise
He tries to ignore how similar your powers are to HIM
He knows you're different from HIM, and appreciates you for that
He goes surprisingly quiet whenever he witnesses you use the halo-band in battle
It worries you but he says its nothing
Sometimes you'll catch him staring wistfully at the band
You decide not to inquire about it ofc, respect his privacy pls
He's the one that let you have the new tool, recently developed, all to defend yourself in perilous situations
First thing you said was "I'm gon be like you :O???"
You fly around a lot
He has to make sure you don't do anything terribly stupid with the band
You're mostly (mostly) good with it
Definitely teaches you the ways of ~god power~
You're mostly in it for the funsies!!!
Sometimes you find the occasional new thing and you always bring it to jeb ASAP like "DUDE I POINTED TO A DEAD BUSH AND SAID 'FWOOM'AND IT CAUGHT ON FIRE HELP ME WHAT DO I DO"
Hes a little confused on how the hell you find these breakthroughs faster than him
Simple: fucking around a LOT
this was very interesting to write i loved it ugjfbf tysm <33
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Under Control
Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Sister!Reader
Description: Even when you think you have things under control older brothers always worm their way into helping.
Words: 1,595
Requested: yes by @ticklepete; Okay so can you do a Kelly x Sister where y/n is being seriously threatened by someone who she had a run-in with in the past (like an arsonist or former victim, etc) and of course Kelly's overprotective brother side kicks in. Her being the independent woman she is gets a little annoyed but ultimately is thankful. I feel like #46 and #12 would work with this.
Warnings: mention of minor injuries, blood, fluff as per usual.
A/N: I just love Kelly Severide and his overprotective ways. This can be counted as a stand alone or a part two for Rivalry. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
There they were again, flowers sent to the firehouse addressed to you. At first, you thought it was sweet how you had a secret admirer. Now after a month and a half of this you were starting to be fed up with it. Of course, you couldn't throw the flowers away they were too pretty for that, clearly, someone had spent a solid chunk of change to get them for you. Obviously, Kelly offered to tell Jay and get him to find out who they were coming from but being the stubborn Severide you are you declined.
The next shift came by in the blink of an eye and this time instead of a large bouquet of fresh flowers you were simply handed an envelope. The envelope didn't have a return address on it only the firehouse's and your name printed on it. You stuffed the envelope into your locker when the announcement system went off signaling a call. The call was a fairly normal rescue. Thankfully, there was a simple solution to saving the victim and it didn't take long to get them to safety.
After heading back to the firehouse you went back to your locker and pulled out the envelope that's been invading your thoughts since you got it. Ripping it open you unfolded the single piece of paper in it and let your eyes scan the words. Reading over them multiple times you felt a pit in your stomach. It was clear to see that they were threats aimed at you. This only confused you, if this wasn't some secret admirer who the hell was this? The words were generic threats you'd expect from a regular old crime show so that's not what scared you. It was the fact that they went through these lengths just to get your attention. Instead of doing what a rational person would do you stuffed the envelope back into your locker and tried to get your mind off of it.
Making your way out of the locker room you bumped face-first into a hard chest. Immediately two arms reached out and grabbed onto your shoulders to steady you. Looking up with wide eyes you're met with the familiar steel blue ones of your brother.
"Hey, you all right?" Kelly asked as he scanned your facial expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded quickly.
You tried to sidestep away from him, but his strong arms kept you planted there. Given the fact that he's your brother, he knew you like the back of his hand and he knew what you were like when something was bothering you.
"No, you're not. Talk to me." Kelly urged as you all but looked him in the eyes.
Sighing you shoved his hands off your shoulder and turned on your heel assuring him that you were fine. In truth, you were far from fine but you'd deal with it your own way. Which was being majorly stubborn about it and completely ignoring the fact that you weren't okay. You made your way into the common room and took a seat in between Herrmann and Mouch who were watching an old movie.
Kelly, being the nosy brother he is took it upon himself to check out your locker. Granted he only knew your combination because it was your birthday and as your brother of course he knew you would use that as the passcode for your phone as well. Pulling open your locker the envelope fell out and he quickly pulled it open. Reading the words across the page he suddenly felt the urge to punch someone.
Soon enough, the announcement system went off signaling a call. Apparently, it was a large abandoned warehouse on fire which meant all of Firehouse 51's help was enlisted.
Pulling up to the scene Boden started giving out directions to each unit. Squad was taking the brunt of the work by checking the building along with some of Truck's help. You and Kelly were paired up to go the furthest into the building, biting back a joke about the sibling power duo the two of you were you headed into the burning building. Kelly stood close beside you with a clenched jaw, still angered by the threats aimed at you.
"We're clear on the West wing." Cruz's voice sounded from your walkies.
"Same on the East." Stella agreed.
"All good on the North wing. South?" Casey asked.
You and Kelly were still making your way through the building about to reply when you heard a shrill scream. Looking up in alarm, the two of you shared a glance before setting toward the sound.
Taking the lead you made your way weaving through the crates to where the sound came from. Another high-pitched sound shocked you into place before you started toward the louder noise again.
"I've been waiting for you." A deep, gravelly voice sounded from behind a large crate.
"We have to go, this place isn't gonna last long." Kelly chided looking between you and the wooden crate.
"That doesn't seem to be in my agenda, Lieutenant Severide." The deep voice tutted.
You and Kelly shared a look of confusion. How the hell did this guy know who he was?
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself." The man all but cackled as he stepped out from behind the crate.
In his hands was a familiar-looking bouquet of flowers. He had a devilish smirk planted on his face and dark eyes that made him look demonic.
"It's Charles, but you can call me Chuck." He greeted with a sickly sweet smile and looked dead at you.
Kelly immediately stood to step in front of you and practically growled at the man.
"Cool it, Kell." You shoved your brother aside with a roll of your eyes.
"All right, Charlie was it?" You crossed your arms nonchalantly, "take your flowers and leave or I promise you I'll let the hound at you." You gestured a hand toward your fuming brother.
Of course, you were naturally sassy, but in times of danger, your sass levels would go up by a hundred. Was this the smartest idea to agitate the guy who lit this place up? No, probably not, but your instincts decided otherwise. The man was rendered speechless, to say the least. He was expecting a sobbing woman not a lady who could even out sass Jay Halstead on a good day.
While the man was a blubbering mess Kelly took the initiative to call it into Boden because of course this had to all go down in a burning building. A few moments later you turned on your heel and began dragging Kelly with you.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kelly berated.
"I'd rather get the hell out of dodge before I turn into a crispy treat." You hissed pulling him toward the exit.
Chuck still stood there trying to mutter out a response when he bolted after the two of you. Pushing Kelly ahead of you, you turned around to see Chuck barreling toward you. Grabbing his wrist in a tight grip you all but dragged him out of the building. Just in time the three of you made it out of the building before a huge explosion erupting out of the ceiling.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught sight of the Severide sibling's favorite detective and pulled Chuck along with you.
"I think your package was sent to the wrong building." You shoved Chuck forward as Jay pulled the man's arms behind his back and cuffed him.
"Thanks, Y/N." Jay nodded with a smirk adorning his features.
"Anytime, detective." You flashed a quick smile before heading back to your fellow firefighters.
Letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding you ripped your helmet off and dropped it to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kelly placed his hands on your shoulders before pulling you into his arms.
"Oh, come on. That was totally badass." You chuckled.
Kelly stared at you bugged-eyed, tilting his head in confusion.
"Come here, you big teddy bear." You wrapped your arms around Kelly's waist, hugging him tightly.
Locking your hands behind him you pulled back hissing in pain.
"What? What's wrong?" Kelly scanned you for any injuries.
"Damn bouquet had thorns in it. I'm fine though." You scrunched your brows pulling at the thorns embedded in your palm.
"What do you mean you're 'fine'? You're bleeding!" Kelly exclaimed.
"Dude, they're just thorns." You dismissed.
Kelly pushed you toward Gabby and Sylvie wordlessly as you wiped the little bit of blood escaping your hand.
After getting all cleaned up and heading back to the firehouse you went to find Kelly who was hunched over his desk in his bunk room.
"Thank you." You spoke up leaning against the door frame.
Kelly snapped his head toward the sudden voice.
"What?" Kelly asked with a small smirk.
"I said it once, that's it." You crossed your arms with a pout.
Kelly raised his brows and you let out a defeated sigh, "thank you for being my protective brother, even if I don't need you to be." You stepped forward and placed your hands on his shoulders with a small smile.
"It's in the job description." Kelly reached his hand up to ruffle your hair.
"Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you not to touch my hair?" You laughed, pushing his hand away.
"You're gonna be the death of me, I swear." Kelly rolled his eyes playfully.
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aeroplaneblues · 3 years
OK, read all Hell's kitchen Paradise 127 chapters and I loved it! Before I go into spoiler-y territory I do rec this manga but only if you are 18+ and you like mangas like chainsaw man or dorohedoro because of the level of violence, body horror (or maybe gore?) and the heavy themes, do check before reading!
Yuzuhira/Sagirin are in love and traveling japan together🥰🥰 Anyway saw that is an anime coming so I'm hoping their few interactions aren't cut out for more boobas.
I love that gabimaru's love for his wife was constant throughout the series but also that it was the source of his power in a sense and the reason why the baddies were defeated. It was sweet.
The aza brothers! OH BOY if we talk about character arcs these two get the prize, the sanemi/bakugou looking brother "ending" was perfect ( specially him apologizing to his parents for all his sins BUT he knew he was always a good big brother, UGH MY EYES) thats why I'm not so sure about the actual ending, like the emotional weight of it was partly gone bc he "survived". Talking about sanemi (kny manga spoilers), Chobe's arc is what I wanted for sanemi and why his arc with best boy genya doesn't feel as satisfying as chobe and toma's! we are to believe that genya is super important to sanemi but we barely see that unless is on flashbacks when they were much younger 🤷‍♀️ Also chobe may look like sanemi and bakugou with a little of their explosive nasty personality but his heart is like choso's🥺
My little nitpicks are sagirin could've have more cool moments if she was "more powerful than gabimaru" . And if you are showing this amount female presenting nips show me the other types of nips. There is a lot of religious mashups that truly never get into too deep which is a shame but understandable since the story is short (tho 127 pages of this quality art isn't a small feat).
The other characters: I would've wanted more of shugen specially his relationship with sagiri, he is the reason why the only two women of the clan are samurai. Plus his relationship with others that aren't all in flashbacks but I guess you weren't suppose to get attached to the character? Fuchi is the only death I dislike, weird little science dude would've given so much contribution to society. For Shion im sooooooooo relieved his ending isn't marrying nurugai djflk, he's too cute to turn into a creep. I guess I didn't expect much from this other than to be fun! Which it was and that's why I'm ok with ignoring some bs😂. I don't take it too seriously because it doesn't had the space to do that or go in depth as much, and I think sometimes stories CAN be just fun not every story has to be deep or wrinkle your brain.
Anyway read Hell's Paradise, or wait for the anime? Either way its on manga plus app and 9 out of 13 volumes are in comixology! Thanks for reading my ramblings🥰
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hangersan · 4 years
futakuchi kenji headcanon | classmates (part two)
[ part one ]
i forgot to mention in the first part. but no warnings, just fluff. and yes i draw the pic hehe
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after your club meeting ended, you make your way to the gym where the match is held, with hanna, your best friend. of course, there's no way you would have gone there alone. the courage is almost ✨ non existence ✨
"i know this is a well known fact, but them volleyball kids are huge." she commented as you guys arrived. you nods to it. "yikes! the nets are crazy high."
you eyes wildly scan through the gym to find the guy who caused you to come here. and there he is, talking with his teammates and the scary looking coach. you want to say hi to him at least, and to let him know that you're a woman of your word. but seems like this is not really the right time.
"should we go there? there's another students too." hanna point out to the bleachers where the dateko banner at. the opposing team got their banner too, as you look at accross the court. this is just a practice match but their spirit is amazing. you thought to yourself.
as you both are making your way there, unfortunately there's a stray shot from the other school coming fast at you guys. both of you and hanna barely dodge it, while screaming the hell out of yourselves. 
the whole gym freeze as if someone just d*ed. while you and hanna hold each other's hand. "bitch that was scary." you said and hanna just gasp for air. "that was indeed, but also embarrassing."
as much as how embarrassing it is, that's also how futakuchi notices that you came to watch the match. but he didn't get to feel happy yet, considering the situation you're in. he quickly run to you and ask if you're okay.  
"did you guys hurt anywhere?" he ask, worriedly. you shakes your head. "no, no. the ball didn't even hit us. we're just shocked."
"someone could've died from that spike," hanna said. 
suddenly a player from another team come and apologized to you guys. you told him not to worry as you guys didn't get hit but futakuchi just send him an annoyed look. "why are you trying so hard? be careful next time," 
obviously, to others his face right now is kinda scary. but for you he looks cute though. also can't deny he looks very cool.
"oo look how scary you are captain~" you said as the dude left.
"hey, you could've been hurt for real~" he said, while messing up your hair, the thing that he always do. you grab his hand and look at him, annoyed. "don't touch my hair like that, it'll get messy."
"okay, okay." he laughed, fix your hair and pat your head instead. "you can watch us play from there. it'll be easier for me to spot you there during the match,"
"ehh? just focus on your match,"
"i will. but i'll just glance over there sometimes to see you." at this point, he didn't even try to hide it anymore, and you're just like uuuhhhmmmm oookaaayyyyy??? sIR ask me out already damn-
"geez," you said, looking away, blushing and notices hanna is looking at you like 👁👄👁
you quickly get yourself together so she wouldn't annoy you later. (which she will definitely do) you look at futakuchi, who never take his eyes off from you. "good luck kenji, we will cheer for you."
"uhm okay, thank you." he smiles, only God knows how hard it is for him not to hold you in his arms right now. and no words could really describe how happy he was when you agreed to watch this match. 
it would've been better to watch the official match instead but the match season always clashes between exams and other stuffs. and as you also have your club activities as well, so you couldn't really go to watch him play. you really want to, though.
as you sit at the bleachers, hanna starts to run her mouth on play. "i'm so weird out at the fact he didn't ask you out yet,"
"man just shut up," you said. "i like how things are now," no you like it even more if you can actually be more brave than now to ask him out instead. and kiss him idk
"liar." she snorted. "and oh my my.. look at that, the fangirls are looking at you right now,"
"i'm trying hard not to look at them.." you said, weakly. "why did you point it out?”
its not like you can't feel intense gazes from the underclassmen looking at you, in rage. its scary, somehow. "they kinda remind me of us during the first year, when we have a crush on that senior, don't you think?" you said to hanna. 
"oh yea," hanna replied. "but once we find out that the senior's girlfriend was like too gorgeous for this world, we just quickly gave up."
you guys laughed and suddenly your eyes glance at the court, where the match almost starts. and the first thing you see is, futakuchi is shirtless- no like, he's changing his practice shirt to their volleyball uniform. but damn he's hot- you quickly look away, your face is red. 
seeing how everyone is acting pretty normal with the boys stripping like that, it must've been an everyday thing to them. "whoa imagine getting used to that," you said. 
the match starts and you noticed how different he looks right now. he usually a playful and chill kind of guy, but right now he looks so serious that it is so sexy. not in a sexual way though, like he just- idk amazing? confident? charming? seriously.
its the first serve for this game and he start it off with a really intense serve and it took your breath away. no one could even touch the ball, and you hear the people cheering 'service ace'  for him.
"oh my god," you said. "i just fell in love again,"
[ there's two more part. or one. depends. im sorry ]
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chrospw-doodles · 4 years
When the Ink doesn’t flow
So... for starters this is a rant I wrote somewhere between september and november of 2020, it was intended to be posted in my main blog @chrispriceway back then, but I decided to put this here to avoid being too too personal there, I mean it is supposed to be a happy place to goof around and show you cool stuff, that’s why I made this side blog, to be more personal and less awkard so, yeh.
What's up everybody, I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I wanted to adress my abcense and some other stuff that I wanted to talk about but never knew how to bring it up.
So, to those who follow me and dont really know who am I as a content creator:
hi, the name is Christian, you can call me Chris, I'm somewhat of an artist and like to post my stuff here.
Now, even if you have been following me for a while you may have noticed that I really don't post very often and that I haven't been around for a while even if I claim that I'm trying to be more active, well I think it's about time to talk about the issue and make some big changes around here.
But first of all, why does it even matter?
Well, to be honest the past three to four years I haven't really seen my online connection as serious business since I am primarly a student, and school does suck all of my time, the problem with that is that I really feel like I havent been respectful to you, the audience, not that I owe you anything but since I am now trying to make a living from my art, it is necessary to take this connection between the audience seriously and with a bit more respect.
In those three years all I've ever did was too much talk and too little deliver, so I apologize to those people who were really invested into the stuff I do, I really appreciate you guys.
So with that aside...
I wanted to talk about mental health.
well MY mental health
I know what you may be thinking, "what the heck Chris? What does this have to do with you being a lazy ass biss?"
Well, it's kinda simple as it is complicated so I will be putting here some bullets to make it easier to you to navigate through and to let you know how long it is going to be to those who really really just want to skip this post already
Danplan Drama
College is a biss
When job becomes priority over school
How did all of this affect my mental state
And how I feel about it
Final thoughts
I'm not okay
Well, was, not anymore (mostly), or at least not as serious as I was some monts ago. Listen, shit went down, it's 2020 and that was inevitable, but I really want to go trough some points to give you context.
This year has been specially rough to me because of some circumstances that a few may know, but for context I'll be telling you about it.
The danplan shit did a lotta damage my bros
Ah, yes, long story short, I was an animator in that channel before the figgin drama
But it wasnt really that bad, you see, I really think that it was inevitable that it was going to end like that because of how are those two, but at the time I had to shut a lot of stuff because I didn't wanted to make it worse as the other animators did... but in retrospective, If we had talked about how we felt about the issue in that moment maybe it could have been better, or maybe not, I don't know and maybe I'll post a rant about it some other time (or maybe I wont), the point. is.
It was emotionally taxing, and to be honest it screwed me very bad. You see, I know I am not that good of an artist in comparisson to the others, nor have the best management of my social media, or another project to keep me on the public eye for a while, and since I went back to school I couldnt possible be hired by another channel because of my lack of time; so loosing my job at danplan was a HUGE deal to me because I knew that none of the jobs available in my country could pay off as good nor be as flexible as being an animator was, so that whole ordeal was really, really frustrating.
Then school became a living hell
Since I escentially lost that job I did try desperately to find anything as good to fill the void (it sounds dramatic but believe me, it felt really bad fam.) So the opportunity presented itself and I took a bone in stephen's channel.
In all honesty it was a good job and it was quite fun, but I didn't really stayed as a full time animator, I believe it was due lack of time or maybe my style wasn't really what they were going for, and tbh fair game... but it was still bad news for me because I was that desperate to find a new job, and I was so inmersed on doing that so I wasn't taking good care of my grades.
So now I had two problems, no job, and I was doing terrible on school because of my obsession with the job hunting.
And at the time I was still part of the community...
I was very active in the dp community and in Pau's server, I found great people and did some art because I really felt happy about it...
But honestly, that didn't last long.
School started to be a real problem and I did fail two of my school subjects, at the end of the semester I was burned out, and sleep deprived, so there was that.
One of my finals was a video talking about the drama and stuff and I've never finished it because I ran out of time and eventually I didn't felt it right abaut it, because it was like opening a grave again, like it was something too disrespectful even if it was originally intended for the sake of the animators, to give them, us, some justice at the end of the day... but I couldn't do it. It wasn't fair to everyone else because they moved on.
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And that was the beginning of this crappy thing I've been carrying around.
I just. Can't. Finish. Anything.
I just overthink everything and fail before I begin any of the pieces, or Im about to finish but change my mind because Its. Not. Good. Enough.
I have a TON of pieces that never saw the light of the day BECAUSE I'm not in the right state of mind, and it is painful, because I love doing art as much as I love engaging with you guys, even if you are a few to maybe 10 people, I enjoy it. And It sucks to not be able to do stuff because I feel crappy.
And I know for fact that feeling crappy it's a crappy excuse to not do anything
But I don't mean that to anyone else but myself, because I feel like I could be better and do better, but... it isn't working, the global situation did some damage too, and I've been manageing, still, I haven't been able to finish a lot of stuff and honestly, I just want to come back before I become a ghost account.
So what's up? What's poppin'?
The plan is to try to force myself to finish at least one piece per week to keep this alive until I find the will to work normally again.
Maybe it's not the best solution, but I think this will motivate me a little since I really want to materialize some projects that I have had on the back of my head for a long time now, and I really want to start em' and share it with you along the way... so yeah, that's basically it.
Well, that was a long one, and if you happened read this far, thank you, I really appreciate it.
I hope I will be seeing you soon...
Stay creative, my dudes.
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