#dori talking to herself
dorizardthewizard · 2 months
a cliche campfire scene with gwayne and criston would cure me i think
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storydays · 10 months
Floyd X Male!Country! Pop! Troll
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After coming back from the dead (a frightening experience to be honest,) while resting in Rhonda on the way to Pop Village, something sparkled in Floyd's peripheral vision. Glancing down, he looked at the ring on his hand. He smiled softly, thinking of the one who gave it to him.
"Woah, bro! That's some nice drip! Where'd you get it from?" Clay asked, flopping down next to the magenta haired Troll, catching the rest of the group's attention.
"I got it from someone special." Everyone ooh'ed seeing his light purple blush cover his cheeks and ears.Noticing where they were, he suddenly got a burst of energy. "Wait! We need to make a stop." Tiny Diamond yelped, as Floyd took a hard turn towards Lonesome Flats, aka the home of the Country Trolls.
As soon as they arrived at the entrance of Lonesome Flats, Floyd hopped out of Rhonda towards Delta Dawn's office, ignoring the calls of his brothers to slow down and wait.
He was actually stopped by the Sheriff herself, demanding to know where in the seven hells he'd been.
Floyd cut her off her, looking worried. "Where's (Y/N)?"
The Mayor raised a perfect eyebrow before gesturing to an (h/c) male Troll, wearing a flannel around his waist, blue jeans, and a big white hat resting next him who was sitting under a nearby tree, eyes focused on the journal in his lap, headphones over his ears, a grin on his lips.
Floyd smiled before walking over to the mysterious Troll. He sat next across from them, and took tapped his shoulder.
The Troll smiled looking up before freezing, eyes wide. He slowly took his headphones off, still wide eyed.
"Hey, beau."
"SUGARCUBE!" The other troll screamed, tackling Floyd into a great big hug, into the sun, before setting Floyd down, and moving quickly as he searched him for any injuries, while the sensitive Troll laughed, letting him fret over him.
"What is happening?" John Dory, asked the question they were all wondering.
Delta laughed softly, shaking her head, watching the two before turning to the group to talk to Poppy and Branch.
"(Y/N)...(Y/N)? Beau! I'm okay.....now. My brothers saved me." Floyd gestured to the group, holding (Y/N)'s hand, and leading him over to the others.
"Guys, this is (Y/N)....my fiance." Floyd smiled as (Y/N) waved shyly. For such an energetic Troll, he was still pretty shy.
"Your fiance?!" Everyone gasped looking at (Y/N), who upon closer inspection, was wearing a ring matching Floyd's.
"Yep! Now let me see if I remember whose who..."
You and Floyd have been friends since he'd stumbled into Lonesome Flats.
You are the town's architect, and try to find new ways to make the town safe and functional for everyone, while leaving space for the town's weekly square dancing.
You are the mix of a country troll (Mama) and a pop Troll (Daddy) and strangely enough are one of the shyest Trolls in Lonesome Flats but everyone knows you and is super kind.
Lonesome Flats is the type of place where everyone knows everyone, so....
Floyd calls you Beau as a nickname bc your daddy ;) and you call him Sugarcube bc this dude has a serious sweet tooth and is incredibly sensitive.
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simplydannie · 7 months
Velvet and Veneer One-Shot
“It Was An Accident”
(Trigger Warning)
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Artwork done by my friend @djpixelskitten. You can find her work on TikTok: dj_pixels_kitten. She captured the scene and brought it to life beautifully!! Please go check her out!!
What if Velvet and Veneer never made it to the yacht? What if Veneer decided enough was enough and took a detour? Unfortunately, Velvet hasn’t been herself… leading her and her brother to a downfall….and leaving a giant hole in Floyd’s heart
“Follow that vehicle!” Poppy cried as Velvet and Veneer drove off.
The siblings twisted and turned in the highways of Mount Rageous. Veneer kept looking back as the Trolls neared closer and closer…. Something in the pit of his stomach told him to stop, to call it quits.
On his left shoulder pad, Bruce could see the concern on the kids face.
“You can stop this you know. Before it gets worse for you and your sister.” The small Troll attempted to talk reason to him. Veneer was silent for a moment…
“I can’t. We’re to far into this.” He replied.
“And you can still get out.” John Dory exclaimed in the diamond opposite Bruce. Veneer turned back to look up at has sister; a pink pigmentation glowing around her eyes.
“Vels?” Veneer asked, concern stricken across his face.
“Keep driving!” She practically yelled. She stood up on the car. “WHATS UP MOUNT RAGEOUS! You didn’t think we’d give you a boring old stage show did you!”
The cars around them bustled in cheers.
“Vels, maybe this isn’t a good idea!” Veneer called back to his sister.
“I said drive moron!” She glanced behind them as the Trolls continue to catch up. Velvet stood back up on the car… she began to perform.
The star cameras fluttering around her as she sang. Veneer looked back at his sister again… this wasn’t her. Something began to come over him…like the effects of something began to wear off…
“What have we done?” He murmured. Veneer looked around the highways; he had to get him and his sister out of this mess… he had to get them away from the public eye.
“Kid? What are you thinking?” Bruce asked.
“Hold on. We’re taking a detour.” Veneer switched the car away from the main highway, taking a constructed path empty of other vehicles.
“What the heck Veneer!” Velvet exclaimed. All the cars stopped as they couldn’t follow them.
“Where are they going?” Branch asked. He steered Rhonda to follow the siblings. Veneer kept swerving has the road they were in was still under construction, he avoided any obstacle he could.
“Go back Veneer!” Velvet cried out.
“No! We got to stop this now sis! Just look at yourself this isn’t you!” Veneer called back as he kept his eyes on the road. The star cameras were still following them, flying around them as they continued down the road. Veneer looked at them… this was his opportunity.
“Cameras on me!” He called out. They hovered around him, Velvet looking at everything happening with a confused expression.
“Listen up Mount Rageous!” He called into the cameras. “We. Are. Frauds!” He finally said. The Trolls on his shoulders smiled proudly as Veneer finally had full control of himself. “We kidnapped and tortured our only friend.” He continued to speak. Veneer glanced back to look at Floyd in the diamond Velvet wore. A small smile coming across his face. “We signed a contract with someone who lied to us, manipulated us, and led us down a dark path, not even caring for us. We’re done!”
“No! No! Shut up! You idiot!” Eyes glowing pink she lunged for her brother.
“Wait no stop!” Clay yelled in her chest piece.
Veneer attempted to push off his sister and take control of the vehicle at the same time… swerving to and from.
“Vels stop! We’re going to crash!” Veneer called out.
“You ruined it! You ruined everything!” She said as she began to hit him.
“Kid watch out!” Bruce yelled… but it was too late. Their vehicle hit some concrete barriers. The impact f sent the siblings flying out of the vehicle. Out of instinct, Veneer reached for his sister… he hugged her close. His eyes squeezed shut, he prepared for the force of impact, hoping he could shield her from anything he could.
The went skidding, tossing and turning all over the rubble and concrete floor. Their car flying in pieces along with them. They both landed with a loud SMACK on the floor… the impact sending them rolling in opposite directions. The force of the impact made the diamonds fly out of their chest pieces, sending the small Trolls skidding in different directions….. Then there was silence.
Moments passed as Branch, Poppy, and Viva finally caught up to them…. Thats when they saw the wreckage. Rhonda came to a stop, Branch walking out to the horror.
“No! No!” Branch ran to the broken vehicle which was now on fire. “JD! Clay! Bruce! Floyd!” Branch called out as tears began filling his eyes. Please be alive, he hoped. Poppy and Viva took off the opposite direction attempting to look for his brothers.
Branch was nearly giving up hope… until…
“Branch over here!” It was John Dorys voice. Branch ran quickly and followed it. The small Troll walked upon a scene that he would never get out of his memory.
John Dory and Floyd were there in front of him, still in their diamond prison…. There laying next to them, with debris from the crash laying on top of him… was Veneer. His face scratched and bloodied… his body broken. Branch could see he was struggling to breathe.
“We got to help him.” Floyd begged…. But Branch saw what Floyd couldn’t… the Rageoun was broken, literally broken.
“Floyd..we…we can’t….” Branch began to say.
“PLEASE! HELP HIM!” Floyd begged again with tears in his eyes.
“….Floyd….” The voice was soft but audible. The small Troll turned around to see Veneer looking at him through glassed blue eyes. Floyd moved his diamond close to the Rageoun.
“….im sorry….” Veneer said softly, his lungs barely having enough air to speak. Floyd smiled softly.
“It’s all in past. Stay with me okay. We’re going to get you and Velvet out of this mess. Okay? Stay with me.” Floyd said. JD and Branch stood back watching, tears in their eyes. Veneer nodded.
“….. okay…..” But that was it. He stopped moving, stopped breathing. He lay there motionless, his eyes distant….gone.
“Veneer?” Floyd called out. He moved his diamond prison bumping the Rageoun lightly, hoping he’d move again. “Veneer!” He cried out again…. Nothing…Floyd placed his hand against the diamond near the boys head, wishing he could hold him one last time.
“Branch!” He heard Poppy’s voice. Branch turned to find Poppy running to him, tears streaming down her face. “Clay and Bruce are over here! But…it’s also Velvet. She’s hurt bad!”
Floyd didn’t want to leave Veneer just lying there… but he was gone… now he could only hope Velvet could be saved.
“Where is she?” Floyd asked.
They made their way to where the girl was lying. Unlike her brother, nothing was on top of her suffocating her… but she was hurt…. Very hurt…. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t feel her legs…. Tears were streaming down her eyes.
“It’s hurts.” She cried. Floyd ran up to her.
“I’m here Vels. We’re going to you a hospital okay?” Floyd said. He had just lost Veneer…He couldn’t loose her too. She looked at the small Troll…
“Where’s Veneer?” She asked. Floyd fought back tears.
“We’re going to get him out too.” He said. Velvet shook her head… she knew that look, she knew the tone of his voice.
“Tell me truth…” She demanded. Floyd could only look at her, letting himself cry.
“….Im sorry…” He said. Velvet bit her lip and looked away. She began to sob uncontrollably.
“…. It was an accident…I didn’t….i didn’t mean too. I don’t- I dont know what came over me. Veneer I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” She cried.
“We need to get help now.” Clay said as he saw the state she was in.
“No! No I don’t want to!” She continued to cry. “ I need my brother… I can’t do this without my brother!” She turned to the direction to where her brothers body lay… ever so slightly, she could make out his shape… “I’m sorry Vennie.” She then turned to look at Floyd. “I’m so sorry…”
She continued to cry, blood began seeping from her nose and mouth. Floyd’s heart began to pound.
“Stay with me Vels okay. I need you here… please.” He said.
“This…this is my fault. I hurt you… I got my little brother killed…I did this...” She stared up at the open highway…the clouds of Rageous began to clear… the moment she saw the sky, a peace came upon her. “….I’m sorry…” She said on last time…Taking her last breath, her eyes glued to the sky.
“Velvet!” Floyd called out. “No Velvet please!” He fell to his knees inside the diamond…
“I can’t loose both of you.”
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daisyblog · 5 months
Dad Mode
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry is overprotective of Grace and worries about everything.
YN always knew Harry was born to be a father. She watched over the years as he interacted with Lux when they were on tour with the band, how he would be happy to help when her younger siblings, Doris and Ernest were born or how excited he was when they become Auntie and Uncle to Freddie, Lucky and Olive. 
But YN couldn’t help but notice how Harry’s protective side had kicked in at full speed once Grace wos born. 
Before YN and Grace were discharged from the hospital, the new family of three were enjoying some time of being in their baby bubble. Harry was sitting on the chair next to the bed, his eyes glued to Grace who was feeding as she laid in YN’s arms. 
“Do you think she’s having enough milk? How will we know?”. Harry’s voice was full of worry as he watched YN take to motherhood like a natural. “It’s not like a bottle is it? Where you can see how much she’s drinking.”.
YN glanced up to find a frown written all over Harry’s face as he was deep in thought. “Will you stop being a worry pants!”. She couldn’t help but laugh. “You know earlier when she came off the boob herself?”. Harry nodded. “It meant she’d had enough and she’s really calm and content when she’s feeding.”. 
Harry’s shoulders relaxed at YN words, her reassurance working instantly. “Yeah, that makes sense…m’sorry, I just want everything to be right”. 
“I know you do”. YN couldn’t be more grateful for Harry. “How about when we’re home I can express sometimes and then you’ll be able to feed Grace too?”.
Harry’s eyes lit up with excitement at the idea. “I’d love that!”: 
Whilst YN was preparing for Grace’s nighttime routine, and cuddling the little one in her blanket, Harry was running her a bath. 
“Babe? C’mere!”. Harry’s voice was heard from the bathroom. YN, with Grace still cuddled in her arms, padded across the hall. 
“What’s wrong bubs?”. YN watched as Harry held the little baby soap in his hands, reading the back of it. 
“How much of this should I put it? I don’t want to put on much…but then I don’t want to not put enough in….but I’ve read the back and it says a tiny bit…but what’s a tiny bit…it’s all too confusing”. Harry didn’t take a breath, YN could see the worry in his eyes.
“Bubs…take a breath…and relax…just put a little drop into the water and that’ll be enough”. YN calmly explained and watched as Harry added some nighttime bubbles to the baby bath. 
After Harry checked the temperature was safe for Grace, YN placed the little baby into the water and they both laughed at how relaxed she was as she laid there, her small blue eyes piercing up at them. 
After Grace’s bath, YN was sat on the rocking chair feeding her as her little eyes slowly closed as she quietly went to sleep. Harry was stood leaning against the doorframe as he watched his wife and daughter. 
“I’m sorry”. His voice was gentle, not wanting to disturb a sleeping Grace. 
“Sorry for what?” YN couldn’t help but wonder what Harry was apologising for. 
“I know I’m being silly and too much when it comes to things with Grace.”. Harry looked down as he spoke. 
“Aww bubs…you’re not being silly or over the top…you’re being a good dad and just wanting to do everything right”. YN reassured him.
YN walked over to be closer to Harry. “Here…take Grace and enjoy some cuddles!”. 
YN was woken up with a sound of a floorboard creak, as she squinted and tried to adjust to waking up, she could see Harry’s figure looking into Grace’s crib. 
“Harry? Bubs?”. YN whispered, aware that Grace couldn’t be awake because she usually cried. 
“I-I…I thought I heard Grace make a noise”. Harry rearranged the blanket before he got back into bed. 
“Talk to me bubs.” YN invited Harry to cuddle into her. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”. She ran her fingers through his hair. 
Harry didn’t say anything at first, just traced patterns over YN’s skin on her arm as he thought deeply. “I feel like I’m in constant worry mode..I’m worried about messing up or if Grace is okay…I just can’t stop worrying”. 
“I understand…but you do know that you’re the only person I’d want to parent with and you’re the best dad to Grace…and you’ll be the same with our future babies…so treat yourself with kindness”. Harry chucked at YN’s use of his lyrics. 
“Are you ever going to stop using lyrics in serious conversations?”. Harry smiled as they were still cuddled up as one. 
“No…now get some sleep before Grace wants cuddles in the morning with the best Daddy!”. 
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Summer camp AU, part 4!!
July 4th <3
Wings - @jegulus-microfic - words: 901
TW: Referenced drug use
First part Previous part
“Are you lot supposed to be doing that?” Regulus snorted as he took a seat next to Barty under a tree near his cabin, Pandora sat with her legs in the water, splashing someone every now and again.
Regulus had a long day, he and James woke up early and took the kids for a tour around the camp. They visited some of the animals, planned some activities, and he nearly got pushed over by a thirteen year old when James convinced him to play tag with everyone. It’s a miracle no one got hurt, it was pure chaos.
Barty had a blunt between his fingers, holding it to his mouth and moving it to Evans.
“Me and Ev have never been caught before.” Pandora spoke slightly dreamily, smiling to the sky. “Plus it’s night, all the kids are asleep
Dorcas shortly followed from the direction Regulus had came from, throwing herself half into Regulus’ lap and half onto Barty.
“Want a hit Dory?” Barty asked, giggling, yes giggling, slightly as Evan stroked his hair.
“I will hit you if you call me that again.” She hissed, swiping the blunt from her friends hand and holding it up to her mouth, releasing a sigh.
Regulus made grabby hands to Dorcas, she passed him the blunt with a smirk as he blew smoke into the air.
“How was your day?” Pandora asked as she skimmed a stone on the river, it going shockingly far with a cheer from Evan.
“Potter was a piss take, as per usual.” Regulus spoke with a shrug. “The kids are decent enough.”
Pandora hummed, waiting a few moments before speaking. “My day was amazing, thanks for asking!” She smiled. “Lily Evans was so-“
“Hot?” Barty and Dorcas asked at the same time.
“Beautiful?” Regulus queried.
“Sweet?” Evan added.
“All three!” She squealed with heart eyes. “Let me finish though.” Her face dropped into a face of curiosity and soft thoughts as she spoke.
The group groaned in unison, there goes the rest of the night.
Regulus wasn’t entirely sure what time it was now, but it had to be late… or early morning. God knows.
The group seemed to get louder and louder as the night went along, Regulus just prayed they didn’t wake any of the kids up or this would be his first and last summer working at the camp.
“Where would you fly if you had wings?” Pandora spoke drearily, now on her back on the grass, her blonde hair splayed everywhere.
“Mars.” Dorcas replied.
“I’d scoop my dad up and drop him into the ocean.” Barty snorted.
Regulus pointed at Barty and nodded vigorously. “Yes, that one, but with both of them.” He spat.
The group talked and laughed, joked and splashed, complained and smoked, until the sound of rustling leaves broke Regulus out of his current trance.
“What the fuck are you lot doing?” The groggy voice of James Potter spoke as Regulus turned around, smiling innocently.
“Oh- hi Reg.” James’ face lit up, something unreadable taking place in his eyes before disappearing quickly.
“What does it look like, Potter?” Barty snapped.
James gave Barty a wary look, his eyes still slightly sleepy and his morning voice cracking as he spoke. Regulus will not be addressing how endearing he finds him right now. “How do you even know my last name?“ He snorted. “You don’t even know me.”
“Oh I know plenty about you, James Potter.” With a threatening tone to his voice, Barty scowled. Taking a step forward into the light, James’ brown skin reflected the slowly dispersing moonlight, that was the main thing that Regulus took high notice to due to his total lack of shirt.
Regulus sat in silence and tore his eyes away from the addictive sight, sipping at one of the cans of beer that Evan brought, despite the fact that his can had been empty of liquid for the past half hour.
“Barty stop being a prick.” Regulus mumbled into the can.
“I actually don’t think it’s physically possible for him to stop, it’s who he is.” Dorcas spoke with a dramatic sigh and a hand to her chest.
Pandora pouted and reached over to give Barty a forehead kiss. “Poor baby.” She tutted.
“Do you know what time it is?” James asked with a twitch of his lips, looking Regulus directly in his slightly bloodshot eyes.
“No.” The five of them spoke.
“Well.” James started. “It’s four in the morning and you lot are obnoxiously loud.”
Regulus scoffed, attempting to stand up but failing and resorted to sitting back down on a tree stump. “Says you.”
“And we,” James pointed to Regulus. “Need to be up early for first aid training tomorrow- well, today.”
Groaning into his hands, Regulus attempted to stand up again, James now rushing towards him and offering him a hand. Normally, Regulus would scowl and hit it away, but his slightly drunken brain just took it and registered how soft it felt.
He really likes holding James Potter’s hand, he thought to himself.
Stumbling forward into James, the brunette caught him and laughed, pushing him back towards the nearby cabin.
He swore he heard his friends laughs and whispers as he held onto James on the way back, but he really didn’t have the energy to question anything right now.
The questioning would come tomorrow, his brain is already fried enough.
Next part
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Hey, Kittyball23, I was hoping for the fanfiction of the birth of the Broppy baby, whenever you're ready to publish it.
Ready now!
Baby (a Trolls fanfic)
“Ugh, how long is this gonna take?”
Clay looked at Viva as though she had grown a second head. “How long?” he asked. “Rhonda’s parked just outside the clearing. We’re literally two seconds away from reaching it!”
“Yeah!” John Dory piped up. “Hold your horses there, girlie, we’ll get to camping soon enough!”
“No, not that,” Viva clarified. “I mean, how long until the baby?!” she said, tossing the pleading eyes at her younger sister, and glancing longingly up into her bright pink hair, where she and Branch’s unborn egg was still safely incubated.
Poppy giggled. “Viva, it’s not long now! It’s any day!”
“I know,” she moaned, “but, heck, how do you know when it’s gonna happen?”
“We don’t,” Branch explained. “But Dr. Moonbloom said when it’s time, we’ll know. Especially once Poppy says - “
“The baby is coming!!”
“No, Branch!” Poppy cried, grabbing onto his arm. “The baby IS coming! It’s coming, like, NOW!”
The blue troll froze. “Now? Like now, NOW?!”
Poppy responded only with situating herself at the nearest mushroom that could support her weight and bracing.
It was at this point that everybody else began to react.
Viva was absolutely bursting at the seams. “OmigoshomigoshomiGOSH!!!” she gushed, over and over, bouncing around in an uncontrolled ball of energy.
Floyd offered reassurance. “Everything will be alright, Poppy, just remember to breathe.”
“Floyd’s right! Just stay calm and breathe, Poppy, BREATHE!” Branch said, although he himself was not as calm in his tone of voice, and sounded more like he was ready to have a heart attack. Smacking a leaf mask onto his face he approached Poppy with frantically waving arms. “Just remember your training!”
“Training?” John Dory blurted out next to him. “What training? We don’t have any training!”
“NOT YOU, man!” Clay cried. “He’s talking about Poppy!”
But the Pop Queen brushed them all off. “Guys, we don’t need any training. All I literally have to do is just put out my arms” - she put them out - “and get ready to hug!” she demonstrated, beaming.
“Luck favors the prepared!” Branch countered.
“I think you mean the crazy-prepared,” Bruce amended, “but, I have to agree with Branch on this one. It’s better to take at least some precautions.” With that, the experienced father began to shout out orders. “All right, you get some towels,” he said, motioning to Clay, “and you get some hot water,” he said, motioning to Floyd. “And - “
“What can I do?” John Dory asked, grinning hopefully.
Bruce’s eyes widened, having not exactly thought of a task for their oldest brother - aside from standing out of the way. “Err…”
“Come on, I’ve got tons of supplies that could be helpful! Look!” He reached into his green hair and pulled out a frying pan. “Ah, see? This will work, right?”
“Yes,” Bruce said sarcastically. “And I know just how…” He snatched it from his hands, and whacked JD upside the head!
“OUCH!” the Troll whined. “What was that for?”
“Does it look like we’re frying chicken?! Or scrambling eggs?” “WHATT’YOU MEAN THE EGG IS SCRAMBLED??”
Bruce whirled around at the sound of his frantic younger brother’s voice. His younger brother, whose eye was twitching, and was just about on the edge of a nervous breakdown!
“WHOA Branch, chill, I wasn’t talking about you guys’ egg!” Bruce attempted to clarify. “Everything is going splendid. Right, Poppy?” he called out to his sister-in-law.
“I’ll say it has,” Poppy giggled, “Jr.’s been enjoying the whole show!”
“See, Branch?” Bruce said to him. “There’s nothing to worry abou - “
“Jr.?” Branch questioned, interrupting.
“Jr.?” Clay and Floyd echoed, having just returned with the items that they were sent to get.
Slowly, all five brothers glanced over towards Poppy’s direction -
- and their breaths were taken away at the sight that met them.
Because right there - cradled in her arms and with her Auntie Viva gushing over them - was the baby, having hatched as the frantic new father was flustering about.
OUR baby, Branch reminded himself as he met Poppy’s sparkling fuschia gaze with calm, yet emotional, teary eyes.
“Poppy…” he whispered, touched, heart so full of love that no other feeling was possible to be occupying his emotions.
Bruce recognized this moment - having felt it so many times before himself, when Brandy had had their children - and ushered their brothers away.
“All right, come on, guys,” he said, “it’s time to give them some privacy.”
“But the baby!” John Dory exclaimed, clearly wanting to meet his niece or nephew.
“I’m sure we’ll have our chance,” Floyd said optimistically, patting him on the back.
“Well… okay,” JD said, pouting in a way that made him not at all look like the eldest of their bunch, but ultimately complying.
“And that goes for you, too, Viva,” Clay said with a meaningful look.
“Aw…” She pouted, but knew he was right, and followed him. Viva took one last peek over her shoulder before heading off. “Kinda makes me wanna have one of my own,” she said, casting a look heavy with implication at him.
Clay blushed. “O-oh! Well, um, I, um… maybe it will happen one day,” he replied.
She snuggled beside him and grinned. “That would be great.”
And as they trekked off, it was only Branch and Poppy left to themselves.
“Come on,” Poppy said, gesturing to him from where he was still a distance away. “She wants to meet you.”
“It’s a girl?” he asked, mystified.
Poppy nodded, and indeed, Branch could see the little lashes on her eyes and the adorable little smile that looked so much like her mother’s that it took his breath away. He, however, could see his own features on the child as well, indicative with her indigo hair, and bluish skintone. Slowly, he moved forward, each step becoming lighter and more eager than the next, until finally he was next to them.
He looked down at the baby.
The baby looked up at him.
Both smiled at each other.
“She’s… gorgeous,” he finally said.
The baby sweetly giggled in response.
He reached out, ready to caress her, but paused. “Can I… touch her?”
Poppy gave him a baffled look. “Can you? You’re the father! Of course you can!”
She transferred her to Branch’s awaiting arms, the baby giggling again.
“Daddy’s silly, isn’t he?” Poppy said, smirking.
Branch would’ve thought of a comeback, but he was completely enraptured by the small child he was holding. The most wonderful representation of their love for one another, and the greatest gift she had given him; his entire being seemed to glow with pride and love, and a warm feeling filled every corner of him.
"She's wonderful, isn't she?" Poppy sighed, equally as fascinated.
"Yeah..." he replied, and then spoke to the baby. "It's great to finally meet you... um..." Branch faltered, realizing that he didn't even know exactly what to call her!
"Oh, right, we need a name!" Poppy stated excitedly. She hummed in thought for a second, and then came up with a suggestion. "How about... Baby Branch?"
"Uh, she's a girl."
"I know, I'm kidding," she giggled. "It's just, she wouldn't even be this cute if it weren't for you, right?"
Branch chuckled. "I beg to differ," he said, nudging her playfully, in a way that let her know that she was also a contributor to the baby's adorableness. But when he tried to think of a name that would be unique and suitable, his mind was drawing a blank.
Poppy could see this, and she asked, “What was your grandma’s name?”
“Rosiepuff,” he answered.
“How about that?” she suggested.
“It’s nice, don’t you think? And I like it.”
It is. But Branch had another idea. “How about just Rosie?” It was an homage to his grandmother, and also allowed their baby to have her own distinction.
“Rosie,” Poppy repeated, testing it out, and liking it very much. She wasn’t the only one who liked it. The baby squirmed and smiled in response.
“I think that would work,” she agreed, first leaning in to peck little Rosie on her forehead, and then sharing a kiss with Branch. He wrapped an arm around Poppy’s shoulder and cuddled the baby close to them with the other, fully content with the decision and the new life produced.
“Can we come see now?”
The new parents looked up to find Viva and the rest of the bros, huddled together some paces away, seeming all-too-ready to greet the newborn.
They laughed. “Yes, you can,” Branch assured, feeling much more relaxed than he did before.
Viva beamed. “YAY!” She whizzed over and was the first to reach her sister’s side. “AWW, sis! I’m so happy for you!” Then she peered down at the baby and all but died from the sheer overload of delight. "Oh my gosh, helloooOOOO!" she gushed, in just about the same way she did when first meeting Poppy and Branch on their journey to Mount Rageous. "My name's Viva! Or, in your case, AUNTIE Viva!"
"Didn't you already introduce yourself, V?" Poppy giggled.
"It doesn't hurt to do it again!" Viva exclaimed, and then grabbed onto Clay's arm. "Oh, Clay, isn't she the most precious little thing you've seen?!"
Clay sucked in a breath, looking like he was trying to keep himself in control. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry… I promised myself I wouldn’t cry," he mumbled, looking like he was very much on the verge of bursting into joyous tears.
Next to him, Floyd's lip trembled and his eyes misted over. "I didn't," he admitted, and then promptly broke into a sob.
"On behalf of all of us, Branch, congratulations," Bruce said, smiling proudly at his brother. "From one dad to another, I think you're gonna be a great father." And then, to Rosie he said, "And I have a feeling you're gonna have plenty of playdates with my kiddos."
John Dory jumped in at this. "Yeah! And just wait till you meet your cousin Rhonda!"
Bruce looked at him bewilderedly. “Cousin?”
JD rolled his eyes. “DUH! That’s how cousins work, right? Children of siblings? Am I right?” He extended his arms out like it was so obvious.
“But… But Rhonda’s not actually your child!” Bruce pointed out.
JD sighed. “Still going on about that? Sheesh.” Sure his daughter might be a 3-foot-long caterbus and not a little trolling, but she was still his daughter!
“Anyway,” Bruce said, not wanting to touch on the subject any longer and drawing his attention to the Trolls of the hour, “Congrats!”
Branch smiled, grateful for all his brothers sincerity in their praise. "Thanks, guys… really. You're all gonna be great uncles."
"Or in John Dory's case, a great-great uncle," Clay joked.
John Dory beamed, not quite getting it. "Thanks, bro!"
"He meant it cuz you're old," Bruce said, smirking mischievously.
JD scoffed. "HEY!"
But his mood dissolved when Rosie smiled up at him, amused by her eldest uncle. "Awww, look at you, girlie. You got your mom and pop all over ya! And if you don't believe me... hooo! Have I got some Bitty B photographs for YOU to see!"
Branch gasped and shot him a murderous look. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, I would," John Dory teased, "but right after this!" And then he hugged Branch tightly, very close to smothering him under the weight of his affection.
"John Dory!" Branch muffled, but found it to be a useless effort trying to worm his way out of the hug, with the way that the other bros were surrounding him in a huge embrace as well! His protests were ignored, especially when Poppy encouraged the matter by calling out "HUG TIME, EVERYONE!" Baby Rosie was carefully cuddled in the midst of it all, everyone beyond elated at the prospect of their expanded family.
And what else could Branch do in that moment? Well, nothing except relishing in that feeling of being surrounded by the ones he loved and who loved him.
That’s what.
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lemony-and-zesty · 8 months
Your au has hit me with the hyper-fixation stick. If I became annoying, I’m sorry.
How does everyone react/feel about JD being a hitman and him being so different from the brother they knew
And how does JD feel about himself being so different
I am sorry for taking a while to get to this but man I am so devastated by this question - especially the last part. And I wanna do right by it so I’ve been thinkin about it really hard.
I’m putting it under the read more, not just cause it got long, but it also got kinda,,, sad haha.
I’m thinkin they all have that initial reaction of “You’re a WHAT” ofc but it’s what comes directly before and after that that i really wanna nail down right.
Honestly I don’t even know which brother to start with 😭,,
I guess Floyd.
He’s shocked, of course, when he sees JD for the first time. Why’s he covered in so many scars? What could’ve possibly happened to him?
Why does Floyd feel like he’s seen him like this before
The main thing is trying to speak with him beyond just hellos. JD always seems to find some excuse to run off when Floyd’s involved.
It’s almost like he has to treat his oldest brother like a scared animal that’ll flee if he moves too quickly.
Floyd doesn’t know how he feels about that.
Once he finds out about it, he’s horrified. Both of and for John Dory. They’ve all been through so much, but this feels like something else entirely. He can see how affected he is and he’s devastated.
Next up is Clay.
He’d be the most,, angry,, about it all I think.
When he first sees John he’s quick to brush him off (like in canon) and that’s about the extent of it for a while. He honestly barely notices cause he’s too focused on his other brothers - especially Floyd.
It takes a long while for him to warm up to JD, and it doesn’t help that a lot of that bossiness JD had is still there. But he can tell he’s trying. Hell, they’re both trying. But Clay can’t help this feeling of unease that he gets around JD.
When he finds out,, god I can’t imagine anything but him getting furious and screaming at him. I feel like he’d storm off before even hearing JD out. He’d probably only be able to be calmed by one of his other brothers or Viva.
Bruce is mostly shocked at how quiet his older brother is. JD was a lot of things, but quiet was never one of them.
Honestly, much like Clay, a lot of things fly over Bruce’s head cause JD tends to just,, fade into the background when they’re all together.
And, y’know, it’s not easy to talk it out when he deflects and runs away from anything that gets anywhere close to what he got up to the past 20 years.
Bruce doesn’t want to pry, but he’s worried. The man before him is so unlike his older brother and it makes him nervous.
Once he finds out he’s devastated for his brother. Especially once JD explains the situation with the boss. And though it sounds kind of awful, Bruce can’t help but feel happy when JD finally cracks and explains it all to them, cause that’s the most like himself he’s seemed in a long time.
Branch is a bit of a tough one. Especially since she finds out well before the others,, what with JD being hired to target Poppy and all.
She’s furious when he first shows up, and even more so when she finds out who he is. Cause how could he do this? How could he leave her for twenty years only to come back and threaten to take away the one person she cared for most?
But, she needs him to help save Floyd, so she buries it and moves on. Still never letting herself be comfortable around him.
During the journey she finds herself noticing little things about John Dory. The way he carries himself, the way he tends to get lost in his thoughts. How he always seemed to be on guard.
She can’t help but feel a twinge of,, something.
He seems so much like she did back before she got her colors back.
She really doesn’t know how to feel about that.
When the truth comes out she’s horrified, but she can’t find it in her to blame JD too much. Not with how he describes the boss.
Overall, they’re just,, worried about him.
As for the target of all their worries? How does he feel about it all? Honestly, it’s pretty simple.
John Dory hates himself.
He hates every single thing about himself.
He tore his family apart, and almost like that wasn’t enough he just had to tear everyone else’s families apart too.
That’s the worst part, he thinks.
Every target, every hit, every kill. They had families. And all because of John’s mistakes, those families are ripped to shreds.
He can’t even stand to look at his own reflection cause every part of him just serves to remind him of everything he’s done.
Sometimes, especially after fleeing his boss and saving Floyd, he considers running again.
He considers just,, leaving and going back to the Neverglades and just letting the beasts tear him to pieces. At least like that he couldn’t hurt anyone else.
But yeah. That’s the gist of it :]
It’s a rough situation but I like to think they manage to navigate it.
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andradrawsstuff · 3 months
Music headcannons ✨
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Secretly loves CC Catch and Modern Talking but won’t admit to it
Pretty cannon that he likes rock and classic rock, so he’d defo like Judas Priest, Foreigner and Derek and the Dominoes - the song Layla fits his vibe
Bro definitely listens to Rammstein
He’d be more into 70s than anything else but would also like 80s and 60s, so he’d love Fleetwood Mac
He has a cowboy obsession so he probably likes western and cowboy music lmao
Would probably dislike 90s
Probably also has a more limited music taste than the others
Canonically good at guitar so I hc him and Kowalski would build an electric one and he’d jam out when he’s alone
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Absolutely ABBA there is no debating.
He gives me 70s vibes and would probably listen to some classic rock but Thin Lizzy and Bee Gees would defo be his vibe
Blondie fan
Adam and the Ants. No question.
Bro plays banjo ofc he listens to country
Probably also listens to western and cowboy music like Skipper
Occasional 90s
Spam listens to Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely (bc Doris)
When he’s in the lab he’ll listen to classical music bc it doesn’t have lyrics to distract him
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Full on death metal, black metal and thrash metal like Slayer
But also classical music like Vivaldi or Beethoven (as a rocker myself in a family of rockers it’s safe to say that if they like heavy metal, they also probably like classical music)
Shitty punk rock enjoyer - credit to @iamhowlingmad for mentioning it
Gives me hip hop and rap vibes, he’d love Will Smith
Spam listens to Running in the 90s and Gas Gas Gas when driving
I’d say sometimes even dubstep? Idk it’s energetic like him
Bro also definitely listens to Rammstein
But probably listens to lullabies to fall asleep
He probably occasionally plays a little guitar but wouldn’t make a habit out of it like the others
Most varied music taste out of them all
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He’s the youngest so definitely 2000s and 2010s, since the show is from that era and he’d love modern pop
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Big Time Rush and probably One Direction
Probably also a Swiftie
He’d also like 70s and 80s disco but probably not as much as the others
He would probably listen to some 90s like Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys
I feel like he’d love to listen to soundtracks, especially Zelda stuff since it’s relatively calm and very vibey
Canonically loves Copacabana
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Absolute 80s fanatic
CC Catch would probably be her favourite, Strangers By Night gives me Marlene vibes
Secretary slow dances to Kiss From a Rose by herself
Probably listens to Rihanna and Shakira
Also pretty cannon that she likes rock from like that one episode where she’s pretending to be a rockstar? She would totally be a metal head and love stuff like Motörhead, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden
Give her an electric guitar and she could probably play Master of Puppets.
Would probably fangirl over CC Catch and rock bands with Skipper
Canonically loves Spanish Guitar so play her some Flamenco and she’d melt
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90s there is no questioning it.
Ofc I Like to Move It Move It is his favourite
Definitely listens to 90s and 2000s club hits to dance party to all night
Britney Spears lover
Backstreet Boys fanatic.
Probably screams I Want it That Way in Maurice’s ear all day
🎶TeLL mE wHaY🎶
Skipper would get sick of all the 90s music so he’d probably discretely give him a Modern Talking mixtape for his boom box, and he’d love them
Defo also likes 80s disco and loves Boney M
Thinks he’s the Just Dance king but the penguins secretly practice every Friday night and can do Rasputin perfectly
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rocksibblingsau · 4 months
I just remembered that Delta was with country Branch in Ronda, how does band together go with her there?
So BroZone gets a lot of chastising in Country Branch. John Dory attempts to interrupt the wedding and all of a sudden he hears the absolutely scariest voice yell 'Sit down.' Well, not yell. Firmly say in the same tone of voice that has you knowing you are about to be grounded. Despite being a forty year old man and not knowing who the hell said that he listened.
When he tries to recruit Branch for the rescue, Delta's doing most of the talking. John Dory makes the mistake of asking 'And who are you supposed to be? His mommy?'
The only reason John Dory doesn't die is because Trolls is for children.
At Bruce's instead of the group running up, Delta goes first and introduces herself to Bruce and compliments his parenting. Before she can ask about 'Spruce' (not that she doesn't already have the gist of the situation) she starts rambling about her darling son and what a good mannered, hardworking country boy he is.
She then proceeds to yell "Branchidiah! Come introduce yourself!"
The Country Branch AU version of 'Branchifer' is Branchidiah, if you couldn't tell.
Delta cuts Bruce's attempt at a reunion off to continue to rave about what a good son her Branch is in spite of his 'no good rotten siblings'.
She a little bit talks down to Clay.
Clay: If I was still fun would I have chosen the admin building as my bedroom? Delta: *laughs* Oh well bless your heart, ain't you a cute one? Delta: *pats his cheek* I remember when I was young and wild, oh I thought I was a big shot, tough as nails troll too.
Floyd she keeps trying to feed any time she sees him and telling him he's whiter than a ghost.
Delta: Now come eat this chili, you're as pale as a sheet and just as likely to go blowin' away in the wind. Floyd: I'm okay, I'm not hungry. Delta: I insist. You look like you've had the life sucked outta ya. Floyd: Misses Delta Dawn, that joke wasn't funny the first time you said it.
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dorizardthewizard · 2 years
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was on a zoom call and my wifi died just as i commented on how my wooden desk was splintering on one edge. wish i could tell my colleague they accidentally committed homestuck reference
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jaegeraether · 10 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 29)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (27)
Masterlist (other parts here)
(**Trust the process...**)
Jordan was laughing so hard that YFN worried her protein shake would come up.
“Dory, it’s not funny!”
Jordan tried to talk, sitting up and wiping the tears away with the bottom of her shirt but at the sight of a worried YFN, she was right back at it, rolling around like a bug on her back on the couch. Her laugh had upgraded to a wheezing laugh as she struggled for breath which made YFN finally crack a smile and allow herself a little chuckle with her. She walked over and tilted the back of the couch up, making Jordan fall off and roll onto the carpet in the living room. Not even that stopped her. Not until Blu was getting excited at her laughing and started to lick her face and yap.
“I’m never doing anything nice again.” YFN groaned.
“Ah… Jesus… okay I’m back..” Jordan chuckled, wiping more tears away and managing to pull herself back onto the couch. “If you could see your face though.”
YFN whined. “Who the fuck writes that?! What if I wasn’t even gay? They don’t know anything about me.”
“Leah said she’s sorting it out, yeah?”
“Yeah.. she was really apologetic about it actually.”
“Of course she was. But she’s really good at sorting things like this out, no need to stress. I’m definitely not, but thanks for my daily laugh, I think I wet myself. I’m glad I didn’t take you up on that offer to go instead.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “She wanted it to be you. Besides, they actually know your name. They probably just wrote ‘partner’ because they have no clue who I am.”
Jordan pulled her down next to her and squeezed YFN’s cheek like a grandparent. “But that all changes today, chicken!”
“I’m so nervous!”
“I’m so excited for you! This is going to be great. Plus, your merch is sexy.”
“Free beanie if you pose for a photo for me.” YFN winked.
Jordan slapped her arm. “You’d give it to me for free anyways.”
“You have no idea how excited I am to see you play.”
“Don’t get your hope up chicken, Chelsea are brutal under Emma.”
“Regardless of any of that, you’re still going to be there in your little kit, and I’ll be on the sidelines waiting for a selfie and an autograph. I wish I could wear your jersey!”
Jordan grinned. “I don’t think anyone will blame you for a bit pf favouritism on your first day. I am very cute.”
“Yes.. yes you are. Very cute.” She looked at the time quickly. “Now we both have to go and I’ve had about five hours sleep since my late night drive from London. So… let’s talk about Leah.”
Jordan gave a funny face.
“She was great last night, Dory. She was helpful and chivalrous and so much fun to be around. She also gave really great advice for me about Lucy..”
This interested Jordan. “Oh? What did she say?”
YFN quoted what Leah had said to her about making a mistake by convincing herself it was what was best for everyone when it’s not.
Jordan’s lips moved from side to side while she thought. She could tell she was a little emotional.
“So… she admits it was a mistake?”
“This isn’t new, Jords.” YFN said softly, reaching out to squeeze her hand. Jordan smiled at her using ‘Jords’ instead of her nickname. “I told her that the Leah I see now is not the ‘weak’ woman who left you because she thought she wasn’t enough. She’s stronger now. More mature. She’s learnt her lesson. And… I told her about how we met.”
Jordan’s teary eyes shot up to meet YFN’s. “You told her about the beach?”
She nodded. “Multiple days, hours on end. And a little more… she cried.”
Jordan nodded, as if that would stop her tears forming. She leant back and sniffed also. That seemed to work better. “She really loves me still.”
“She does. Will you talk to her?”
Jordan went into her space and zoned out for a little bit before she nodded. “Yeah, I’ll talk to her.” Then she added in a soft voice, “But I’m scared.”
YFN wrapped her arms around her friend. There really wasn’t much to her at all. “It’s okay, she won’t hurt you. I… may have threatened her.”
Jordan looked up at her in surprise and then amusement. “Did you?”
“Of course I did. She took it well, to be honest.” They chuckled together at that. “Just take it slow, yeah? Take it at your own pace. If it doesn’t feel right, then don’t push it.”
She nodded and took out her phone. She took a deep breath in and wrote out a message, pressing send before she had a chance to backtrack. She looked at YFN and blushed with a smile at how proud she looked at her.
“Your turn, chicken.”
“My turn?”
“Oh come on. Lucy is your person. You need to talk to her eventually because there’s only so much avoiding the topic I can do with her. Besides, if I saw those photos on the internet, then Lucy definitely would have.”
“Oh… oh! You’re right. She’s going to be-”
“So fucking annoyed when she sees them and you haven’t spoken to her.” Jordan cut off with a mum look.
YFN pouted. She was right. It was time to talk to Lucy. If she was being completely honest with herself, it had been incredibly hard. It was like she needed her. Not just her body craving her, but her brain, her heart. Her Lucy. She deserved the chance to talk and explain.
YFN took her phone out under Jordan’s watchful eye and messaged Lucy.
YFN: I’m sorry for taking so long.. I’m really not used to this, Luce. I can’t stop thinking about you. Can we talk?
YFN knew she had no right to be anxious, but she was. It was now five hours later and Lucy still hadn’t replied. Fair enough, she had training. It was MD-1 for her. But still, she was usually better at replying. She looked through the FC Barca stories on Instagram again and saw Lucy looking less cheery than usual in the morning and throughout training. She bit her lip at the sight of the bandage on her left hand that she’d been wondering over all morning. All of the comments were speculative and Barca management hadn’t put out a statement about the injury so her thoughts ran a little too wild and worried.
Cheers erupted suddenly as the players started to enter the field. YFN pocketed her phone and wrapped her arms around her body to protect herself a bit better from the rain. YFN was on the sidelines, her crew spread out around the edges to get photos and videos. It was basically a practice game for them to get used to the best spots, best shots etc and they’d talked about it and planned it thoroughly all week. YFN put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly when she saw Jordan walking out in the starting line-up. She flashed her a grin, finding her immediately with her purple and yellow Lumos beanie on. Although the other members of her crew were also wearing the Lumos hoodie, YFN had felt the beanie would be enough and wore Lucy’s hoodie instead. It was comfy and smelled like her. Vanilla and bitter orange.
Although the game was in Birmingham, it was an unfortunate demolition of Aston Villa by Chelsea. Both sides started strong and 11 minutes in Jordan almost collected a nice assist to Rachel Daly who was on fire. She had several attempts, but all seemed to be missing to the left. YFN couldn’t help but groan. She didn’t have a favourite team, but she wanted Jordan to do well. Chelsea were up by 2 at the half-way break, YFN taking the opportunity to round up her team and have a chat. Some of their photos were incredible, and they all spoke excitedly to each other about what angles were working, what lighting and more. There was going to be a lot of footage to edit.
The second half began and within minutes Jordan had a shot on target that was saved. So close. Jordan was subbed off at the 71st minute mark, looking frustrated as she walked off. Chelsea were up 5-0.
It ended 6-0 to Chelsea. 6 goals with 6 different goal scorers, and if that wasn’t impressive enough, they were missing their best striker, Sam Kerr. It was undeniable how good they were. How clinical. There were unbelievable players on both sides, she thought, Rachel Daly unable to be used to potential during the game for Aston Villa. She also loved how Jordan played, which was much more aggressive than she’d imagined, and she wondered if Lucy had encouraged that at all. Jordan seemed to get annoyed easily on the field, but she also managed to pick the ball from players when they didn’t expect it.
When the game was done, a few players from both sides came over for a chat. As she’d said at the pub, they weren’t conducting interviews yet, and so they were just friendly chats with players interested in Lumos. Most players requested photos of themselves to be sent to them, and YFN agreed to this. If they’d post them on their Instagram with the Lumos watermark, that would be a great start.
Jordan wandered over after Millie Bright and Erin Cuthbert had finished their conversation with YFN. She greeted them briefly and almost fell into YFN’s arms. Tired little Dory after 71 minutes of running around.
“I’m your number one fan, Miss Nobbs, will you sign my hoodie?”
Jordan was disappointed at the game but grinned at that. “I’ll do you one better, chicken.”
Jordan removed her jersey and signed it before giving it to YFN who’s mouth had dropped open. “Really?”
Jordan seemed proud of herself. “Really.” She had her arms wrapped around her little body, shivering in the rain.
“Come here!” YFN took one of the Lumos merch hoodies she had and pulled it over her friend’s head. “I know it’s company merch, but you can just hide the logo with your arms if you want.”
“Ohhh it’s so warm.” She said as she pulled the hood up, still shivering. YFN pulled her to her chest and rubbed her back. “Y..Yeeeeees.”
“Comfy, huh? You played brilliantly out there, Dory. I didn’t realise how aggressive you get when you play?”
“Do I?” She asked sheepishly.
“Ohhh yes. Very entertaining. Also, do they not have a kit small enough for you?”
“I’m an extra extra extra small. And no, they apparently don’t. I’ll need a belt for my shorts soon!”
Matt and Ruby appeared then, wide-eyed at YFN holding Jordan to keep her warm. They were both from Birmingham and Matt was an Aston Villa fan. “J…Jordan Nobbs, I’m Matt… hey.” He introduced himself with an awkward hand out.
Jordan was amused by this and shook his hand. “Hello Matt. Did you get any good photos? You were almost chasing us up the boundary line!”
“Oh! I hope it wasn’t distracting. I’m a videographer and I have a few of you if you’d like to see?”
Matt and Ruby showed Jordan the footage they’d gotten for her, proud when Jordan was obviously impressed.
“Oh I think this is going to work out great, chicken.” She said to YFN with a grin.
“We’ll make sure to edit the footage and have it sent to you tomorrow for approvals to post, and for your own use.” She smiled.
���Yes! Please! And I was thinking pizza tonight?”
“I would die for some pizza and hot chocolate in this weather. The crew and I need to go through a lot of editing though before the games tomorrow though.”
“Just bring everyone over! We have room. There’s only eight people, right? I’ll get extra pizza.”
“Wait.. you LIVE together?” Ruby asked.
Jordan looked at YFN and gave a little chuckle. “You haven’t told them?”
She shrugged. “It didn’t seem relevant… but I think that’s a great idea. We’ll all have pizza and do some editing, as long as no one is allergic to Blu.”
“I get to meet Blu?!” Matt asked before he blushed at his admittance that he knew Jordan had a dog.
“As long as everyone is out by 8pm. We need to get some sleep.” Jordan slapped her friend’s shoulder.
“Five of our guys need to get back to London tonight so they’ll all be out early. As for pizza…Joe can shout that.” YFN said with a wink at Jordan.
They’d been through five pizzas and hours of footage and photos when YFN’s phone finally dinged. She’d never picked up her phone so quick in her life. Jordan gave her a look that she missed as the room drowned out and she focussed on her phone.
Lucy: Sorry, little one. Just got home from training. Lost my phone yesterday.
YFN: How are you texting me..?
Lucy: MacBook.
YFN: I was starting to worry.. can we talk?
Lucy: We need to talk, but not over text. I’m not a good texter. Security said a fan found my phone so I’ll get it tomorrow at the game and call you after it, okay?
YFN could tell Lucy had something to say and agreed that it would be best to talk over the phone rather than things being misinterpreted over text.
YFN: Okay Luce.
Lucy: I’ll call you about five-thirty your time. Will you be free?
YFN: Okay, I’ll be driving to Crawley then.
Lucy: You’ll be staying in the London apartment overnight, I hope?
A worried Lucy meant she still cared.
YFN: Is that still okay?
Lucy: I’d be upset if you didn’t. I meant it when I gave you that keychain.
YFN looked down at it. Three different coloured house keys, the car key, and three flags. She bit her lip and remembered the look in Lucy’s eyes when she’d given it to her. It was the best present anyone have ever given her. They had so much to talk about, but most were better off over the phone except one.
YFN: I love it, Luce. How’s your hand?
Lucy: It’s okay. Stupid accident. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow, okay?
YFN: Yes, please. Have a good game tomorrow, Luce.
There had been no text from Lucy when she woke, but she’d expected that. Her start to the day was slow as she woke early to pack her bag for an overnight in London. She left before Jordan was even awake, putting her overnight bag in the boot before she got in the driver’s seat. She looked down at the little keyring that Lucy had given her. She’d only realised today that the key colours represented her clubs. The blue key for Manchester represented Man City, the red key for London represented England, and the yellow key for Barca represented Spain and the Barca away kit from 2022. It would be her first time using the keys, and the idea of using them felt a little wrong to her, especially after the previous few days. She felt bad. She played with the little flags before putting them in the cup holder and starting the car.
She arrived at Meadow Park early, glad that her reserved parking space was close so she wouldn’t be so held up trying to get to the end of the Spurs and Everton game. She met up with Bridget and Emily who were a couple, and both Arsenal supporters. It was very obvious, the way they were practically bouncing up and down. Bridget and Emily both did a bit of videography and photography, however it was clear that Emily was better with photographs and Bridget with videography as Bridget was a bit more excitable when it came to chasing players around the boundary lines for videos, whereas Emily was definitely the more shy and level-headed one. They were incredibly entertaining.
As YFN was also present, she would make the most of herself by taking some photos also. As she was setting up her camera, she felt two arms slide around her waist and pick her up in a hug.
“Ohhhh here she is!” Caitlin almost shouted.
“I could pick you up with one arm, chick, there’s nothin’ to ya!” Katie said as she put her back down.
YFN laughed and hugged the pair. They were in their warmup gear, ready to prep with the rest of their teammates who were entering the field. Kyra saw them and ran over excitedly.
“Finally here to watch the Aussies, huh?” She cheered as she leapt onto Caitlin’s back.
“You’re so annoyin’!” Caitlin laughed. Kyra was definitely the little sister of the group.
“I’m a bit worried we won’t be able to keep up with you, to be honest. You’re just too quick, mate.” YFN winked, knowing Kyra would love the compliment. She did. She grinned proudly.
Bridget and Emily noticed the interaction then and couldn’t resist walking. YFN introduced her excited and nervous colleagues to the trio.
“Oh, I’ve seen you around in the stands before.” Caitlin said.
“Yeah, don’t you two do Tik Toks?” Katie asked.
“We used to have a Tik Tok and Instagram channel for female football, but now we’ve had a lot more training and we’re with Lumos.” Bridget said, proud that they recognised them.
“Ohh upgradin’ to the big leagues are ya? Well it’s nice to have you in the team. We’re lookin’ forward to the photos you can get for us.”
“If you can keep up!” Kyra said, flexing her bicep. Katie grinned while Caitlin rolled her eyes in fake annoyance.
“Bridget and Emily are massive Gooners, they’ll keep up for sure.”
Jonas called out then and the trio said their goodbyes as they headed over to warmup.
“How is it that you know everyone already?” Bridget asked as she looked at the team in awe. “We’ve been around forever and we’ve never met them.”
YFN shrugged. “Luck, I guess?”
Both Katie and Caitlin were starting for Arsenal, with Caitlin’s Matildas teammate Steph Catley and Lucy’s England teammates, Lotte Wubben-Moy and Alessia Russo. For Man City, Lucy’s old team, there were two Matildas; Alanna Kennedy and Mary Fowler as well as a few of the England squad also; Chloe Kelly, Lauren Hemp, Esme Morgan and upcoming goalkeeper Khiara Keating. The game was a mess… but it was great. The referee had given out so many yellow cards that even YFN who knew the bare minimum about the sport knew it was overkill. In the first 20 minutes, there were 4 yellow cards, 2 to each team, and a goal for Arsenal. A beautiful assist from Caitlin to her Aussie teammate Steph who launched top bins at the 14 minute mark. By half time it was 1-0 Arsenal, and 6 yellow cards had been given out. The teams were very evenly matched, both with incredible players from all over the world.
After half time, the game restarted just as crazy as the first half and at the 53rd minute mark, Caitlin was shown a yellow for a bad foul. A few substitutions were made for both teams in the 60th minute, however it didn’t seem effective until Man City scored their equaliser with Chloe Kelly. Steph went down hard in the 85th minute, and finally Arsenal had their second goal 2 minutes later. Unfortunately, their goal had come at the cost of a bad mistake make by the Man City keeper, Khiara Keating who was left in tears. More shots were made, more substitutions and of course, Katie managed the game’s 8th yellow card in overtime for a bad foul.
The game ended 2-1 Arsenal, effectively ending Man City’s unbeaten start to the season. It was the best game of football she’d ever seen, though she couldn’t help but be upset for the young Man City goalkeeper who couldn’t seem to be consoled for her mistake. She had spoken to her at the pub, though knew she didn’t know her well enough to try and comfort her. Her teammates were already supporting her enough. She looked over at Bridget and Emily who were being respectful and not trying to get any footage of her as she walked off the field.
Kyra came back over to YFN before any of the others could, and they started chatting. She was the newest signing to the club and hadn’t had the opportunity to show how good she was, but she seemed confident that she would.
“Will you cover internationals?”
“That’s the plan! My boss wants to take over everything so this is really just the beginning.”
“Yeah the girls were showing me some of the photos and they look great!”
“We’ll send them to you so you can do what you want with them also. Promote yourself, mate.”
“They don't cost anything?”
“You’re going to be so busy..”
“Oh don’t I know it. We’ve only covered two games so far but I can already see we need a lot more people for all areas, especially editing.” She groaned, looking over to where Katie, Steph and Caitlin were making their way over.
Kyra noticed and spoke nervously before they arrived. “Have you… been to a Leicester game yet?”
“Leicester? No, that one’s in Liverpool tonight so I’m missing it this round.”
YFN wondered at her question. “Are you a secret Leicester fan?”
“No! No.. I just.. I know someone who plays for them.”
“Oh? Who?”
“Well there’s Remy Siemsen who’s Aussie too..” She looked at the trio getting closer. “..and then there’s Courtney Nevin…”
YFN understood now. Caitlin had told her about that. Courtney and Kyra grew up together and went to high school with each other. They dated for a while and then had a falling out, both unfollowing each other and never seen talking to each other. She looked at the young Australian who was blushing and looking at her feet. She leant closer to talk quietly so the others wouldn’t hear. “Would you like me to talk to her?”
“I’m not sure. I just.. think I want to make sure she’s okay.”
YFN caught her eye and gave her a supportive smile and a nod. “I’ll do that when I see her, okay? I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks.” She whispered.
“Ohhhh COONEY CROSS CROSS CROSS.” Caitlin wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her close. “Debut next week for you, Ky, I bet money on it.”
Kyra grinned.
“That’ll be fun against Leicester, you can run wild!” Katie said.
Kyra’s face dropped, and her eyes widened as she caught YFN’s eye. That’s right, it was Arsenal vs Leicester next week. “Will you be there?”
“I won’t… I’ll be covering the Bristol, Aston Villa game in Bristol. Matt and Ruby will be covering that one.”
Kyra gave her a ‘please help’ look that she couldn’t avoid. “But now that I think about it… it would make more sense for me to switch with Matt and do the United/West Ham game and then the Arsenal/Leicester game so I have more interaction with the players. Plus, Matt is a huge Aston Villa fan.”
Kyra looked a little relieved.
“Steph, great game!” YFN said, looking at the Matilda’s vice-captain. “Great goal.”
“Aw, thank you! I’m not really known for my goals so I’m happy to get one.”
The five of them bantered for a little with Bridget and Emily joining them, utterly star struck as they showed them their photos and videos. Then Katie insisted that they do an interview together.
“I don’t have my equipment... my microphones. I haven’t even prepped questions.”
“Oh bull, we’ll be fine. Besides, we’ll answer anythin’ you ask.”
“Microphones are right here,” Bridget said sheepishly as she opened her equipment box.
YFN thought for a second before deciding she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Players were never interviewed more than two at a time usually, so it would be a brilliant first interview.
She set them up with their mics and Bridget set up the camera. YFN was nervous, but she went with it.
“Okay, rolling? Fantastic. We’re here at Meadow Park with four of our Gunners, and the famous Ausenal trio. Now, we didn’t originally plan for an interview today, but Katie insisted on it…”
“Heeey hey hey, don’t tell them that!” Katie laughed before looking at her teammates. “And now that you say it, I’m feelin’ a little excluded bein’ the only non-Aussie here.”
“Are you used to being around the Aussies yet?”
“They’re so unique that I’m not sure to be fair.”
“Aw come on, we’re not that bad, mate.” Caitlin chimed in. They shared a look. “Maybe Kyra.”
“She is the annoying little sister.” Steph laughed.
Kyra rolled her eyes and looked at YFN. “They’re always complaining, but they love me really.”
The interview went so naturally between the five that YFN had lost all sense of nervousness. Instead, it ended up being good banter and she could see from the reactions of Bridget and Emily that it must have been entertaining. They spoke a little about Kyra settling in, Steph’s goal, Man City’s players and then with Caitlin starting them all teasing Katie about her late yellow card. Katie never admitted to it, but it was obvious she enjoyed her reputation of yellow cards with that cheeky Irish smile of hers.
“Oh, here’s trouble.” Steph said as Alanna Kennedy crashed their interview. She was a defender for Man City, and the Matildas. She greeted them all, obviously knowing the Australians, knowing Katie because she was dating Caitlin, and knowing YFN from their long conversation at the pub.
“Hey babe, I’m a bit offended you never asked me for an interview.” She teased; arm slung around Caitlin’s shoulder.
“Oh, I was forced into this, mate.” YFN grinned.
“Well let me call Alex over and we’ll give you the Man City perspective…”
Alex Greenwood joined the now extending interview, the girls having to share the microphones between them, and Bridget needing to step back just to get them all in frame.
They spoke about Man City, and YFN made sure to compliment the way the Arsenal and Man City players were able to compliment each other’s teams, players and good plays. They had a brief conversation about that being one of the great, major differences between the men and women’s games, and Kyra made a cheeky comment also about not rolling around on the ground for as long.
YFN wasn’t going to bring up the incident with Khiara Keating, but Alex and Alanna did, both showing their support. The Arsenal girls were also incredibly supportive about the incident also, and Katie spoke about mistakes that she had made that were necessary to the player she was now.
They ended the interview as the girls were all called over to their teams, and Kyra stole the Lumos beanie from YFN’s head. She rolled her eyes and laughed at them as they ran away. Bridget and Emily were gushing about it all the way to the car park, excited to edit the video. They all said goodbyes and parted ways, the pair headed to Crawley for the Brighton/United game while YFN was stopping by the Spurs/Everton game to check on Matt and Ruby.
YFN arrived just in the last ten minutes of the game as Everton were able to equalise with a goal. She spoke to Matt about the change of schedule for the next week, and he seemed excited to be covered Aston Villa again, not minding about the extra drive, and Ruby offering to pick YFN up from the airport as she would be flying in from Barcelona.
Before she left Brisbane Road stadium, she checked the Barca game to see how Lucy was doing. It was well into the second half 7-0 to Barca, with 4 goals by Salma, 3 assists by Graham Hansen, and 1 beautiful assisted lob by Lucy. The next 3 goals were made after half time, 1 assist by Alexia before Lucy was subbed out at the 58th minute. Alexia was subbed out not long after, and she wondered at that, looking at the highlights of the parts of the game she’d missed. What interested her was the fact that the commentators were speaking about how aggressive Lucy and Alexia were being. Both had been yellow carded, which was a rarity for them, and from the highlights, she thought they were both lucky to have only gotten yellows. They were pushing and shoving and getting a lot of aggression out. It made sense that they’d both been subbed off, even though they were playing incredibly well.
She started driving, finding herself thirty minutes away from Crawley when the clock ticked over to five-thirty. She waited for the phone call a little nervously. As each minute ticked over, she grew more and more disheartened. Eventually she arrived at Crawley, pulling up into the stadium and giving up on waiting for the phone call that would never come.
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storydays · 9 months
C'mon, baby! Let's Go CRAZY
John Dory X Male! Rock Troll! Husband! Reader.
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John Dory chuckled to himself as he watched his three children chase their cousins around. Currently, he was relaxing at the bar with his brothers', enjoying a drink and warm atmosphere.
After meeting Bruce, and knowing how dangerous things were, JD asked his sweet sister in law, Brandi, if he could leave his children safe on Vacay Island until either his partner came for them or he himself came back.
Of course, she happily kept the 3 Trollings. "It's honestly safer for them," she chided him before they left.
The oldest at 10 years old, Ash was a stubborn Troll and got along well with Bruce's oldest child, Cove. They were both super sarcastic but cared deeply about their siblings.
Cove would show Ash all of the cool hiding places on Vacay Island, and Ash was small enough that they could fit into the nooks and crannies that Cove couldn't reach. The two pre-teens bonded over learning about being non-binary and being true to themselves.
Ash took after John the most. Their hair color, eye color, and was a Pop Troll. Ash even wore compression gloves like their Papa, to keep their shaking hands still when drawing in their sketch book.
Then their only girl, Brooke, was an exact carbon copy of her Daddy. She was only 6 years old, but she was a wild card. She would jump off of stuff, then used her (h/c) pigtails to catch herself at the last moment. She took after John's husband in personality, looks, and even in music genre: Rock! John's favorite part was that (Y/N) and Brook shared (e/c) eyes.
Honestly, most of John's gray hair comes from that child. She was LaBreezey's little shadow. "She's just following what her big cousin does because to her, LaBreezy is her hero." Brandi laughed when John wondered outloud.
Ugh, John could just hear his husband's smirk when Brooke started talking about the government's control..or lack of it. Great, he already (Y/N) to worry about, now he's got two to deal with. Hopefully, that phase will pass soon.
The teal haired Troll hissed when he felt something tug sharply on his tail. Looking down, he brightened, seeing his youngest, Reed making grabby hands at him, demanding attention. John set his drink down before grabbing the Trolling.
"Reed! Finally up from your nap, little man?" Reed was currently struggling with speech, so he just made some babbling noises, before cuddling in his Papa's arms.
Reed was quite the surprise. John and (Y/N) thought they were done having kids, both of them in their late 30's. But one day, they woke up to Reed's egg sitting snugly in John's head.
Reed was a little miracle egg, and hatched looking like both of his fathers, John's hair, (Y/N)'s nose, but what was unique about the little dude, he had heterochromia. So his right eye was the same blue as John's and the calm (e/c) as (Y/N).
"So, where are you John Dory?" Bruce snapped his older brother out of his thoughts, making him realize his siblings' were looking at him.
"Huh?" John asked dumbly. Clay snickered, "John Dory has left the building, gentlemen." They joked, making the other brothers laugh.
"Ha ha." He chuckled, jumping slightly when he heard Brooke squeal loudly. BroZone looked over to where the little teal trolling watched excitedly as a (s/c) Troll went nacho diving.
Even though, there was salsa and cheese in their eyes, the new Troll got out yelling happily and excitedly. Bruce's children and John's older children crowed around him, chattering away.
Bruce frowned, knowing his kids wanted to copy the mysterious Troll's actions. "Ugh, that is so reckless. Now the kids are going to want to do it, and they'll be all sticky. Have you ever tried to give children in general a bath? Not to mention my kids are giants." He groaned.
John ignored his brothers' as Reed's tail excitedly wagged in his face, pointing towards the crowd.
Laughing, he adjusted the little Troll and stood up. "Okay, okay, we're going." He turned towards his brothers, with a raised brow. "Y'all coiming?"
BroZone scrambled after their brother, watching in shock as the new Troll grinned and rushed to John Dory. John stopped him with his tail, and deadpanned expression. "You are NOT touching us, until you've showered or rinsed off, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned mischievously, turning towards Ash and Brooke, who bore matching grins. "Come on, kids!" "Wait, no!" John yelped when he was suddenly pushed from behind and pulled into the stream.
BroZone watched as (Y/N) held Reed in his arms, with a smug grin on his face. "Well, I rinsed off." He cackled, helping John Dory out of the water, before leaning in and kissing the grumpy Troll.
John smiled into the kiss, and kissed him back.
"Daaaadddddssss!!!!" Ash and Brooke squealed laughed, as John and (Y/N) covered their children's eyes with their tails.
Pulling back, (Y/N) pulled his children into his arms, squeezing tight. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. This place is a good 3 day ride by caterbus. And I forgot my snacks!!!" (Y/N) whined, ears pointing down, perking up when his children giggled." So when I saw those nachos, I had to dive in and eat something."
John laughed, shaking his head. "Papa, I think our uncles' stopped working.." Ash pointed towards the frozen BroZone where their jaws dropped and stared wide eyed.
"Oh, right! (Y/N), babe, these are my brothers! Spruce, who now goes by Bruce, Clay, Floyd, and Bit-- I mean Branch. Guys, this is my husband, (Y/N)."
"Husband?" asked Clay. They were cool with it, same sex relationships weren't taboo or anything, but Clay was just surprised that John Dory of all people was in one.
"Cool." Floyd smiled.
"Papa?" Bruce whispered, a smile growing on his face.
"(Y/N)?" mumbled Branch, your name sounding familiar.
"Dada!" Reed giggled, tail wrapping around (Y/N)'s forearm.
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palmrrclaymore · 7 months
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Alright alright alright I don't know why but the bros gave me a harder time with the designs but here they are
Floyd is the one to leave the tunnel with Poppy in his arms, he's also the one to break the bad news to all the trolls questioning where King Peppy is. When the brothers questioned him where Branch was he broke the news and they were crushed. John Dory and Floyd went grey that day as they mourned their baby brother. It's not that Clay and Bruce didn't also feel terrible it just hit the other two harder.
John Dory would go on to become the new leader of the village, he chilled out significantly with his bossiness but instead became pretty overprotective. The bros took in Poppy and were the best big brothers they could be to honor Branch, they also all wear his shade of blue in one way or another.
Poppy is aware of her father and sister but as far as she and the brothers knew they were both dead, Poppy was about nine when they first told her, she was sad but was still happy she was able to have them. For a part of her life when the boys were still figuring things out she started to become a tom boy, the brothers tried their best from then on to get her to be a great princess and queen as they didn't want to be bad influences on her.
Bruce without a doubt does her hair and picks out her outfits, Clay teaches her how to keep things organized and how to dance, John Dory teaches her how to survive and rule the kingdom but also how to stand up for herself, Floyd was reluctant for a while to really be close to Poppy as he felt like he was replacing Branch. He would eventually teach Poppy to sing and scrapbook.
Both Branch and Poppy wanted to see the rest of the world outside of their villages, knowing very well what their siblings would think, so they snuck out. When they met the two couldn't believe the existence of the other, while talking they came to the conclusion they were the sibling of the others, and would set a plan to get their siblings together and reveal the truth.
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Thoughts on Stephanie Brown, Crime & Community
A lot of the posts I’ve been reading lately about Bruce’s brutality towards low level criminals and whether Jason betraying his own community or not, the double standards and meta analysis has all been very interesting. 
And it has also left me musing on Stephanie Brown’s character. 
Specifically how she operates in a really fascinating position that was likely not intended by the writers but one can reach anyway. 
So a quick primer: 
Stephanie Brown came up in a low income (at best) family in Gotham. Her father was consistently in and out of prison only briefly holding down a steady job and when he was home he was violent towards both Stephanie and her mother.
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Crystal was neglectful and a substance abusing addict until Stephanie was about 15 and even then their relationship was quite messy with Stephanie still forced into a parental role. 
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(She also escaped sexual assault as a child and was clearly traumatized by the event and given her ‘boyfriend’ who got her pregnant looed significantly older than her one could argue she was a victim of grooming.)
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Her first team up with Batgirl (long before she receives any training) Shows she has an intimate and immediate understanding of criminal operations that can only come from either self study or experience. One of her earlier team ups with Robin & the then Green Arrow (Investigating gun runners selling to kids) had her note she felt her community was neglected by the heroes. Her first team up with Batgirl also had them basically steal money that would have gone to evidence to donate it to charity and she also reveal hinted at different times a dislike or lack of faith in the police. 
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Now, not everything was hunky dory, as there were some writers who basically decided her motive was “Impress Robin”. Fortunately this only cropped up every now and again and she’d often try and seek out team ups and mentors elsewhere. And given it doesn’t line up well with her initial character I am content to view it as an artifact of the writer. 
But I digress, how does this go into her relationship with her community and criminals in general? 
Well, suffice to say her relationship with them is bad. 
Her first time out as Spoiler she tries to murder her father and has to be talked down by Batman. She later reveals to Crystal she was doing this to protect her because she was tired of seeing Arthur come back and ruin their lives over and over again. She also used visitation rights when he was in prison to beat the hell out of him because he orchestrated her kidnapping and near missed murder for money, while the guards just let it happen. 
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In one of her first team ups with Robin they fight criminals in a snow covered building and his cutting of support beams leads them all to be buries. Robin insists on finding him and saving him, while Stephanie suggests leaving him to die, dismissing his motives along the lines of, “I was poor, daddy never loved me, ETC.” She only agreed trying to save him was a good idea when they accidently found a homeless woman and her child also buried. 
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later on she also didn’t want to save a villain who managed to kidnap both herself and Robin. We also see her shrug off the prospect of accidentally killing a serial killer she was in combat with. She also has a violent exchange with Penguin after he started using children as gun runners which hinted at wanting to wipe people like him off the map. When he was dismissive of even facing charges because “I've got people for that” she legit scared and injured him and Batgirl needed to stop her from going further. 
(She also shrugged off Dick killing Joker while everyone else was freaking out but like, come on. Joker fills literal graveyards in universe and had been terrorizing the world minutes before, he’s not a ‘normal criminals’ by any stretch.)
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Overall, her relationship to criminals in general was varying degree of contemptuous and she was quite comfortable with the prospect of doling out lethal punishment to criminals, though she never got the on screen opportunity. I think her general attitude is best summed up as “yes trauma sucks but its no excuse to take it out on your community” while holding those who profit off those circumstances in utter contempt. IE, she disdains petty criminals for victimizing their fellows and she hates the kingpins who run everything. 
(Though I doubt this was intended by the writers.) 
But I digress, I’m not expert enough to say whether this is a realistic or positive response to her circumstances, but I do find it an interesting one. I also think its a lot more nuanced than Batman’s brutality even if one could argue its problematic. Though that also broached the “Are we discussing in universe or out of universe” and so on. Really not sure where I was going with this. I maybe just wanted the chance to discuss Stephanie cos I think she’s really interesting. 
So uh, yeah. 
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🦋forget me not🦋
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Pairing: Charles leclerc X Cherrie!
Word count: 6.3k
Summary: in which she has a tendency to be a little forgetful.
Charles was still half sleep in their bed , cosied up between the ridiculous amount of fluffy blankets and cloud like pillows that his girlfriend had insisted on them buying. One from every single shop they went to.
They went out for some snacks? You could guarantee that they would be leaving with a new fluffy blanket too. Charles had stopped complaining after the fourth one , deciding to just let her do what she wanted. If fluffy pillows and blankets made the love of his life happy then so be it.
He was Now glad for his little comfort hoarder in convincing him to buy them all with just one pretty flutter of her eyelashes at him , pressing his face into the soft pillow with a content sigh as he vaguely listened in to his girlfriend random chattering.
She had been mostly talking to herself for the last ten minutes, (unknown by her. She would kick him in the back of his knees if she knew that he wasn't listening to her rambling .)
Charles having checked out of the conversation as soon as she started rambling on about how all of her skincare products and pieces of makeup that kept going missing , innocently wondering out loud if they had a thief who stole her beauty products but walked straight past the Ferrari on their way in , because that made total sense. Didn't it?
Charles was still too sucked into his own sleepy haze to remind her (once again. For the hundredth time.) that the only reason that her things kept going missing was because she had a severe case of forgetfulness and a even larger case of denial about said forgetfulness.
No matter how many times he showed her proof of her dory like mind . About The way that she didn't think before she did literally anything . The way she Didn't check her surroundings and certainly didn't put her belongings back where they were supposed to be.
Charles had found her foundation bottle in their freezer yesterday after hearing her complain on and on about how this was the third bottle that she had lost this month. Looking genuinely lost to how this kept happening to her , looking at him for back up to her makeup thief theory.
Only to trail off sheepishly when he had silently and calmly walked over to the last place he had seen his girlfriend be at , which was getting herself a pint of ice cream out of their freezer to gobble down while watching the labyrinth with him again.
And lo and behold ..what had she been doing when she had randomly got the craving for ice cream? She had been doing her makeup and where had she misplaced her foundation because of the simple fact that she had a one track mind and couldn't multitask? In the freezer alongside her lipgloss that she had 'lost' months ago too.
Charles had only gave her a exasperated sigh and calmly handed over her 'missing' and 'stolen' products. Before simply shaking his head at her and leaving the room before he burst into giggles again, knowing that she hated it when he was right.
And he loved her. God did he love her. She was the light of his life. She was his heart , his soul and honestly.. his daily amusement.
By now Charles had sort of gotten used to her misplacing things in random places and her permanent forgetfulness when it came to literally anything.
Like that time that Cherrie had told him that she was going to plant flowers in their garden for the summer , only for Charles to check in on her a hour later and see her building a swing that she had decided to buy instead , the flowers completely disregarded in the corner as she beamed up at him, more than pleased with herself as she proudly showed off their new swing. While Charles just looked on at the love of his life with his hands pressed to his hips while she smugly showed off her work , torn between amusement , pride and concern at her scatter brain.
In the end it had been Charles that did the gardening . Potting plants while she told him that she was going to make them some fresh lemonade to cool down with .
He didn't hold his breath, merely smirking to himself when forty minutes went by before she skipped back out to their garden with a plate full of nachos instead . No lemonade to be seen.
Having gotten side tracked again  when Lando had texted her a picture of the large plate of nachos that he was eating, completely disregarding the lemons and deciding to make nachos instead.
It was becoming a little bit of a problem because Charles was honestly scared that she was going to forget something serious one day. I mean.. how about when they got married in the future? Would she completely forget that she was marrying him, get sidetracked by something else and accidentally miss her own wedding?
It was definitely something that he could see her doing.
They had both missed her sisters wedding where she was supposed to be bridesmaid at , simply because Cherrie had completely forgotten about it and instead went on a solo trip to a wildlife centre after reading an article about some squirrels that wouldn't stop swearing at the guests.
Leaving a confused and exasperated Charles to deal with her sisters frantic calls about her whereabouts and a few furious family members that had accused her absent behaviour of being deliberate, claiming that she was just jealous that her sister had found everlasting happiness and got married before her.
Charles had turned his phone off after that before he got arrested for smacking somebody's bitchy aunts.
She may have been a bit of a airhead but only he was allowed to insult her and call her names, nobody else. And he had been the one that was left to give his sheepish girlfriend a stern talking to when he picked her up later in the afternoon from the wildlife centre, a embarrassed look on her face when she mumbled out a small "I did it again didn't I?" Completely used to it by now.
Charles had just sighed and nodded his head, driving them back home and telling her to write out some apology cards to send out to the rest of her family and by extension , his family now too. He had told her to claim that their absences was because of a medical emergency and not because his girlfriend wanted to see some swearing squirrels so much so that she had forgotten her sisters big day.
Things had been a little tense with her family after that, Cherrie refusing to accept that she had done fucked up.. again. Leaving Charles and her dad to exchange similar casual shrugs and a expression of not being surprised with her forgerfulness at all.
It was the new normal now. Which was why Charles should have been up as soon as he heard his girlfriend open their bedroom door to leave but in his half asleep brain it took him a few Extra , very crucial seconds , so fucking crucial seconds , to catch onto her next possible disaster.
"Pierre and Lando are here babe. I'm gonna go ask them if they want to head to the yacht with us." Cherrie told him casually , already walking out of the their room as she put down the dress that she was considering putting on, completely forgetting about getting changed as soon as she heard the familiar voices of their friends arrive.
There was a long second of silence bedore Charles shot up out of their bed with a loud, panicked gasp , almost smashing his face off of the floor as his feet got tangled up into their thousands of blankets.
His shoulder colliding painfully with the doorframe as he sprinted out of their bedroom as fast as he possibly could with a small "ow fuck!" Escaping his lips as he almost tripped again down the hallway in his hurry.
"Cherrie! Your pants! Your pants! Oh mon Dieu!" He shouted loudly in panic as he crashed into the front room with a dramatic bang.
Quickly Tackling the love of his life to the floor , who was only wearing a thong and a tight, cropped shirt , having been about to put on clothes when she got sidetracked again.
Completely forgetting that she had no pants on as she greeted Pierre and Lando cheerfully, only to let out a startled shriek as Charles barrelled into her side and sent them both flying onto the floor in front of their friends with a loud bang.
"What are you doing ?! You're going to break my ribs you idiota!" She exclaimed with wide eyes, trying to wiggle out of his strong hold. Looking at him like he had lost his mind.
Charles was panting breathlessly as he reached a hand out to grab another blanket from the armchair closest to them, quickly wrapping it around her body and tucking her in it like she was a burrito. A insanely hot burrito that he did not want to share with Anybody else. A burrito that was for his mouth and eyes only!
Pierre and Lando were laughing hysterically together as they watched Charles blink down at his girlfriend in disbelief while she merely looked back up at him innocently , as though she had no idea to why he was so panicked.
"I'm the idiot?" He repeated in disbelief , glancing between his giggling friends and cherries unaware face over and over again . Wondering if he was hallucinating it.
"What about you then? You're not wearing pants baby! What is wrong with you?!" He exclaimed loudly while trying to calm down his racing heart after that panic induced, half asleep sprint that he had done.
Cherrie paused at that , eyes slowly going wide as she glanced down at herself , body now wrapped up in a blanket like a straight jacket . Face flushing in embarrassment as she realised that he was right.
She had forgotten her pants...
"Again?" Pierre echoed their thoughts loudly in amusement . Lando had tears steaming from his eyes as he cackled insanely at the looks on their faces.
"Dude you tackled her like she was a rugby ball! Oh my god!" He shrieked , giggling hysterically while Charles just huffed and puffed in exasperation.
"Whoops." Was all Cherrie could mutter sheepishly , glancing over at her boyfriend who was now covering his face with his hands and groaning like he was in actual pain.
"My bad guys. It's okay though.." she tried to comfort Charles , patting his shoulder gently.
"They didn't see much did you guys?" She smiled over at their friends hopefully.
Pierre snorted loudly while Lando cackled even harder .
Pierre smirked over at her in amusement , shaking his head at her fondly .
This unfortunately (for Charles) and fortunately for him , not being the first time that she had walked out of their bedroom to greet their guests without her clothes on. She was So used to walking around their home practically naked that she forgot the social custom of putting on pants before opening the door to guests.
Whoopsie Daisy!
"We saw everything. Has your ass gotten bigger? It seems perkier." Pierre commented curiously , the both of them often doing their gym sessions together. He was her spotter and Cherrie, well Cherrie just liked to annoy him the whole time.
Charles peeled his hand from his flushed face and glared over at his friend in disbelief. "Dude that's my girlfriend! How do you even know what her ass usually looks like?!" He exclaimed pulling himself off the floor and dragging up his burrito wrapped girlfriend with him too.
Pierre just shrugged casually , looking between the two of them in amusement . "I know because I look Charles . I am but a man and your girlfriend has one of the greatest ass's that I have ever seen." He told him matter of factly. Smirking slyly at the death glare he was getting sent in return.
Charles was trying not to hit him for admitting to checking out his girlfriends ass while Cherrie just beamed at him , flattered.
"Aww thanks! And it has gotten bigger. I think it's all the chocolate cake I've been eating lately. It's went straight to my butt." She confirmed to him casually , wadding over in her blanket straight jacket to flop down besides them with a grin.
Charles was just rubbing at his head like a stressed out father as he watched his unbothered girlfriend clap her hands together happily.
"You guys want to come to the yacht with us?" She asked them hopefully .
Lando laughed loudly "and get to see you in a bikini for free? Hell yes!" Quickly Dodging the pillow that Charles launched at his head with a curse of his name.
Charles just shook his head at them and stomped back to their bedroom to get Cherrie some pants to wear before she walked out of their house without them again.
The things you do for love. He huffed to himself in disbelief, wondering how she had survived this long on her own in the real world when she forgot something as simple as putting on pants.
Then there was the time at the drivers parade , all of the drivers waving at the screaming fans as they past them by.
Hearing a reporter ask where Cherrie was as she was due to be interviewed then too , her teammate max just shrugging his shoulders and telling them that he hadn't seen her all morning.
Making Charles pause in his conversation with his own interviewer, pursing his lips together as he pulled out his phone to call up his girlfriend to try and find out where the hell she was.
She had told him that she was just going to head to the closest bakery for some breakfast first and that she would meet him at the track after, declining his offer of driving them both there together.
He should have known better than to let the woman who couldn't even remember to put pants on, go off on her own when they needed to be at the parade not even an hour later. Charles knew that she was already in trouble for missing a redbull meeting last week after she had forgotten to set an alarm to wake her up.
His phone rang for a few seconds before cherries bubbly voice came through the line. "Hey baby! What's up?" She casually chirped to him, utterly oblivious to the stress she was currently causing people .
Charles placed his palm over his forehead. Taking in a deep calming breath before answering her. Reminding himself that it wasn't her fault that she was like this.
She was a brilliant driver but her time management? Not so great. And Charles had a feeling that he was going to have to bail her out of her own fuck up again. Like he always did.
"Where are you?" He got straight to the point. Wary of the cameras being pointed at him, giving them a small apologetic smile that was more like a grimace as he leant back against the barrier behind him with a long sigh.
There was a long pause over the line before her voice went a little guilty, but not by much. Instead she sounded more excited than anything else , instantly putting him on edge  .
The last time she had that tone in her voice , he had come home to find a real fucking reindeer in their garden for Christmas. Cherrie casually telling him that they couldn't have a Christmas party without one. Like that was a normal thing to do.
She went out for some wine and came back with a reindeer. Just another casual Tuesday for them.
"I was getting breakfast... but then I passed this pet shop and they had clown fish Charles. Like , real one!" She told him like it was the most amazing thing in the world.
Charles pursed his lips together tightly as he recalled her amazed gasps and coos when she made him watch a documentary on sea life last night. The clownfish becoming her favourite fish that she had seen on there and she had spent almost a hour gushing about how cute they were .
She hasn't stopped talking about the Damn fish until he had to kiss her to get her shut up.
"Cherrie.." he warned her, pleadingly "please don't tell me.." he couldn't even finish the sentence , defeat already setting in because he knew exactly what his girlfriend was like.
Her bright smile was evident even over the phone "I got us a clownfish baby! Well.. I got us two! I didn't want him to be lonely in there." She told him happily.
Charles groaned in misery "for fucks sake Cherrie! We can't have fish- they'll die- you- if I didn't remind you to eat then you'd starve . Never mind a fucking fish!" He exclaimed in disbelief . knowing for a fact that this was going to be his responsibility now.
She huffed "I can look after a fish Charles I promise! I'm just taking mario and Luigi home-"
Charles's eyes widened "you named them-" he shook his head to himself in pure defeat . Shoulders sagging, knowing that there was no point in questioning why she did what she did. He would never get a clear answer on that anyways.
Instead he sighed long and hard "you're supposed to be at the drivers parade right now Cher. You're going to be fined for missing it again." He told her matter of factly, just accepting the fact that he was now going to be a father to two clown fish.
He wondered if this was her way of getting back at him for telling her that they couldn't get a cat.
He now had fish instead. And if he knew his girlfriend like he thought he did then he knew that it wouldn't only stop at two. Before he would know it they would have a full on aquarium in their front room.
He really needed to start keeping a closer eye on her. Especially when she was always pulling shit like this on him at the most random of times. Usually when they were supposed to be working too.
She gasped Loudly in shock "oh my god I completely forgot! Shit! I'm coming now! Cover for me please!"
Charles rolled his eyes to himself. Arms crossed over his chest as he looked up at the people around him listening in. Pierre was giggling beside him, having heard every word. Already pulling out his phone to demand Cherrie to send him pictures of their new clownfish.
"You're unbelievable." Was all he could breath out in disbelief . Never a dull day. "What would you like me to say? You know that I'm a terrible liar!" He whispered shouted down the phone to her, huffing loudly when she just let out a laugh.
Completely Unbothered as usual.
"Just tell them that I got into a fight or something."
Charles's eyes widened in disbelief "how would that help?! That's even worse than going out for breakfast and ending up buying clown fish Cherrie! Oh my god!" He stressed running a hand through his hair and side glaring at his giggling friend who was enjoying every minute of his constant suffering.
"I Love you baby but I've gotta get going . I'll be there soon!" Was all she said bedore ending their call.
Charles Quickly pulling up their text thread and angrily typing away.
I'm going to kill you for this. If these fish die we are not burying them in our garden like you made me do with that spider you stepped on!
I meant it Cherrie. I'm not covering for you again.
Then he paused For a moment after sending those two texts, quickly typing up another one.
Also I love you too. But Wait for me to say it back before ending the call Cherrie Pls.
Btw still not happy about these clownfish. You're never getting breakfast on your own ever again.
Now hurry up. Be safe and get here without any more pets please. Thank u.
Love u.
He then switched off his phone and sighed long and hard. Sending a apologetic smile to the camera crew and interviewer in front of him.
"Sorry about that.." he let out a nervous laugh. Shifting on his feet awkwardly as he tried to come up with a excuse to why their driver and his girlfriend was m.I.a. "Cherrie is.." he struggled to not call her crazy.
Was that not a good enough of a excuse?
"She's stuck in traffic after fighting off a-a bear." He blurted out like the terrible liar that he was.
Max looked over at him like he was insane "we're in England mate. There are no bears here." He told him in confusion. Wondering if he was alright.
Pierre was crying beside him, his high pitched laughter aggravating him as he sent his unhelpful friend a sharp glare.
"A bear? Did I say a bear?" He let out another bark of nervous laughter , face reddening by the second . "I meant a bee! Yes, a bee! One flew into the car and she had to pull over to get rid of it. That's why she's late!" He nodded his own head along to his own bullshit as though that would make them believe him faster.
No one believed him.
And when Cherrie finally arrived at the Grand Prix, an hour later with a beaming smile on her face as she proudly showed him all the pictures that she had taken of their new clown fish.
Charles could only sigh and wrap his arms around her in a tight embrace, burying his face into her neck and closing his eyes in defeat as she continued to ramble about all the fish that they were going to get next.
She was so lucky that he loved her because he was certain that the day a grey hair popped up on his head, it was going to be her doing. In fact he was surprised he wasn't yet balding with each situation she ended up dragging him into.
Thank god he loved her more than life itself . And At least she was pretty. That was something . It definitely made up for her.. .spontaneity. Yeah. That was it.
Then there was that time that they had planned a romantic getaway to the islands . He was still in their bedroom making sure that they had everything that they needed packed for their holiday, not trusting Cherrie to do it.
He had learned from past mistakes when he had left her to it. He had landed in Spain with a Empty suitcase and his packed suitcase left at home behind the door because she had forgotten to put it in their Car. Even though he had reminded her about doing it at least once every .. like , four minutes!
But today was going to be different. He made sure of it. He had everything planned out and both of their suitcases packed. With his own hands. No Cherrie interference at all. And it was going good! Just like he had planned.
All Cherrie needed to do was drive them to the airport. There was no way anything could go wrong or be forgotten. All thanks to him.
He was feeling quite proud of himself for this. Finally .. a trip where nothing could go wrong for him!
"Have you got your passport and ID ?!" He shouted down the stairs to her as he quickly went to the bathroom to go to the toilet before they left.
"Yes! It's in my bag!" She called back up to him loudly .
"Your card and your money?!"
"Yes. Check and check baby!"
Charles exhaled in relief. Smiling to himself smugly "great! Get the car started then! We can leave now!" He shouted down to her excitedly .
"Okay!" He heard her shout up to him equally as excited before the front door slammed shut behind her as she went out to get his car.
As Charles washed his hands and shut off all their lights , he quickly walked down their stairs to grab his suitcase to put in his car. Having already put cherries in there that morning.
He was wheeling it towards their door, hearing the engine of his Ferrari Rev up as he typed in their alarm code ready to lock up.
Only to freeze in his plane and frown in confusion as he heard the engine sound grow further and further away.
"No. There's no fucking way." He breathed out in disbelief with wide eyes as he quickly swung open the door and rushed out to their driveway.
Looking around to Where his girlfriend should have been waiting for him in his car to drive them both to the airport for their flight.
Only there was no car and there was no Cherrie.
She had left without him!
He gaped at the spot where his car had been in pure disbelief for a long moment before quickly pulling out his phone and calling her up.
Shaking his head to himself as he paced in front of their front door in disbelief , looking at his lone suitcase beside him with with a gaping mouth.
One job. He thought in pure shock. She had one job and she had left him behind. Him!
She had Forgotten him! Her own boyfriend. She had forgotten to take him with her! He couldn't believe it!
What drugs was his girlfriend on?!
"Hello?" She finally picked up and he could hear taylor swift blaring in the background as she casually sang along . Seemingly still oblivious to the fact that she had forgotten something very crucial to bring along with her
He exhaled angrily, gritting his teeth "Cherrie! Do you think that you've misplaced something?!" He snapped at her in disbelief. Utterly Insulted .
It was one think to forget her pants and to forget her keys but him?! To forget him?! This was too much!
There was a long pause as she looked around her car in confusion while she continued breeze towards the highway to get them to the airport. Buzzed on coffee and Taylor swift , she had no idea what he was going on about.
Frowning slightly to herself as she hummed "I don't think so. I've got everything like you told me to. I've put our passports on the passenger seat so that I can't forget them this time." She told him proudly as she glanced at said passports on the leather seat beside her.
Charles buried his face into his hands, groaning in pure disbelief. "Cher.. baby.." he sighed out unable to believe what was happening right now .
"It doesn't matter if you've got my passport. In fact it's pretty useless on its own." He stated . Sitting himself down on their front doorstep, suitcase beside him as he glared out to the empty driveway in front of him. Furious.
Cherrie was confused , with absolutely no idea to what he was going on about. "What? Why? Is it out of date or something?" She questioned him worriedly .
Charles couldn't help but chuckle , unable to help himself despite how pissed off he was at her for forgetting him.
He couldn't help but be a little amused.
This was such a Cherrie thing to do. Talking to him about their passports over the phone and not even realising he wasn't beside her . She'd forget herself if she could! He was sure of it!
His own passport had stolen his passenger seat in his own fucking car! Unbelievable!
"No cherrie. But it's pretty hard to get onto the plane with the invisible man. Look beside you again babe." He instructed her sternly , shaking his head to himself as he closed his eyes shut in pure exasperation.
Cherrie glanced to the passenger seat with a frown. Seeing nothing but their passports there. "What are you on about Charles? We don't have time for this! We're going to be late!" She exclaimed getting annoyed with his strange questions now.
"Don't you trust me to get us there in one piece? I've check listed everything off that we needed!" she huffed to him. Annoyed.
Charles snorted out a laugh, grinning in absolute disbelief. "You're missing one thing. In fact - you've forgotten the most important thing of all!"
She hesitated , worried. "What?"
He sighed "who's car are you driving Cherrie?"
She was wary , glancing down at the Ferrari wheel she was gripping tightly . "Yours-?"
"And where am I?" He slowly asked her , already texting in the group-chat to update all of their friends of what she had done now. Knowing that Pierre was going to have a field day with this.
Cherrie looked at the empty seats and let out a loud gasp as she realised what she had done and just what was missing . Eyes going wide as she quickly did a U turn as soon as she possibly could, speeding back down the road in the direction that she had just come from.
"Oh my god baby! I am so sorry!" She shouted in shock. Heart racing in her chest as she realised that she had left without her poor boyfriend. Stranding him on their doorstep with his suitcase like a dumped boyfriend. "Shit! Charles-"
He laughed. He had to. The anger quickly disappearing as he thought about how funny this actually was . In fact, he was surprised she hadn't forgotten him sooner!
"Just hurry up and pick me back up please baby ." He snorted in amusement as he hauled himself back up to his feet.
Grabbing his suitcase handle and wheeling it across their driveway to wait at the end of their driveway for her instead.
Ten minutes later and his Ferrari came screeching to a stop in front of him, a guilty Cherrie opening the passenger side door for him as she smiled at him awkwardly.
"Er-sorry about that honey. I just-" she scratched at her neck nervously. Flushed and flustered as she looked at her boyfriend who was still shaking his head at her in disbelief as he out his suitcase in the car and climbed in straight after.
Buckling himself in he slowly turned his head to look at the love of his life beside him. Scanning her pretty face silently for a moment before simply uttering "we're going to bleach your hair back blonde Cherrie. Because this is Just unacceptable and you need a warning sign. People need to know what they're getting into with you."
She leaned over to give him a couple of kisses, kissing all over his cheeks and nose apologetically while Charles pouted at her unhappily. Not pleased with being left behind.
"I'm sorry baby! I was listening to Taylor .. getaway car and I just started driving! I didn't even think!" She tried to defend herself as she pulled away from their home. Having got everything she needed now as she started the second journey to the airport , this time with her most precious cargo with her.
Charles just sighed and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers together before placing their hands on his thigh as he gazed over at her with a arch of his brow.
"I can't believe that you forgot me." He stated still in disbelief .
Wondering how far she would have gotten if he hadn't had called her up to tell her that she had left him behind.
He had a awful feeling that she would have arrived at their holiday alone before realising that it was a little too quite to be normal.
Cherrie grimaced "I didn't forget you.. I just-" she glanced over at him with a flustered smile.
"Misplaced you?"
He scoffed at her, offended . "fantastic. You misplaced me like you misplaced your AirPods in Bahrain." He muttered, smirking to himself in amusement.
Cherrie groaned loudly in embarrassment "no! No! Fucking hell babe... I'm sorry! I've just not slept enough last night. I just assumed you were with me. You usually are ." She replied to him honestly.
Charles chuckled "what. In spirit?" He grinned at her , rolling his eyes . "And it's your fault that you're tired. I told you that having a sex marathon the night before our early flights were a bad idea but did you listen?" He glanced at their matching hickeys pointedly .
"No you did not. Because that's something you're incapable of doing." He said matter of factly .
She huffed at him again . Narrowing her eyes at him briefly . "It is your fault. You came to bed with that bandana on... you knew exactly what you were doing Charles! You seduced me!" She accused him loudly.
He just laughed slyly , getting comfortable in his seat as he lifted their intertwined hands to his lips. Kissing her knuckles gently.
"Not my fault that you have a bandana kink." He smirked smugly at her . Loving the way she reacted to him so easily.
It was a definitely a confidence booster to know that he wasn't the only one in their relationship that got turned on at the simplest that the other did.
Charles was crazy for her. Like one look at her smile and he turned into a horny rabbit type of crazy.
But Cherrie was the exact same with him too . And now Charles always kept his bandana in his pocket just to tease her whenever he wanted to.
Three years together and they still lusted after each-other like horny teenagers . The spark had never dulled and never faded. He didn't think that it ever would.
Sex was one thing. But sex with the love of his life? That was a whole new level. She was a goddess and Charles couldn't wait to marry her and grow a family together.
But he would probably have to remind her of their wedding on the day so that she wouldn't accidentally miss it like she did at her sisters. And hopefully when they had kids, she wouldn't accidental misplace them too.
Cherrie laughed "not true. I have a you kink baby. Everything you do makes me want you...except when you eat my last cookie without-" she started to complain about her stolen cookie again.
Charles was quick to cut her off. "You don't get to complain about that after you've just nearly left the country without me Cherrie!" He warned her with a smirk. Planning to hold this over her head for a long time now.
She glared over at him playfully . Smiling despite herself when he leaned over to kiss the side of her mouth a couple of times , muttering that he loved her against her cheek.
"Don't make me wish that I did baby." She joked while pushing his head away from her so that she could focus on the road.
Charles just smiled and leaned back in his seat, pulling up his phone to take some candid pictures of the love of his life. Admiring the way the morning sunlight came through the window and highlighted her face perfectly .
"Love you. Even though you forgot me." He muttered as he scrolled through his camera roll to look at the pictures he had taken of her.
She just sighed "yeah. Yeah. Sorry again.." she then reached forward to put her queen Taylor back on as she sped down the highway in his Ferrari. With Charles this time.
There was a short pause before Charles looked back over at her with a dissatisfied frown. "Cherrie!" He exclaimed , looking at her impatiently.
She glanced over at him in confusion "what now?"
"Say it back!" He demanded to her.
It was a rule of theirs. To never leave a 'I love you' empty handed. You never knew what was going to happen with the life they lived so it was important to always let the other person know how much you loved them. Always.
Cherrie smiled fondly and squeezed his fingers three times, laughing softly. Utterly in love with this man beside her .
"Sorry! I love you too! And I like you. I loved you yesterday and I love you even more today. And I'm going to love you for the rest of our lives. Okay?" She glanced over at him for approval. Smiling softly.
Charles flushed red . Sinking down into his seat with a flustered smile as he shyly laughed , teeth digging into his bottom lip as he looked at the love of life with a content sigh.
"Yeah. That's perfect. Thank you." He simply replied while grinning at her like a lovesick idiot .
She just laughed loudly , amused at him for thanking her for her love. "Don't thank me Charles! Now put on king of my heart next please!" She instructed him with a smile.
Charles did as she said with a smug smirk on his face "that's what I am to you." He proudly stated.
She nodded her head in agreement , there was no point denying it. They were in love. That kind of love that made others sick with envy.
"You know it baby!"
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Hey! For the trope mashup, how about 9 and 53? 🤩
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Dance AU + Mutual Pining
send me two (2) prompts + a pairing
A/N: You didn’t give me a pairing so I’m going with Astarion and Evie. If you had another pairing in mind, feel free to send me this again. 😁
Okay in this AU Astarion and Evie are both dancers but from different expertise
Evie does ballroom competitions, mostly west coast swing but a few others while Astarion worked more as a solo artist (maybe ballet?)
But Astarion has recently broken off from his extremely abusive coach Cazador and is looking to move on to different things
He really only knows about the dance world and is looking to make a new name for himself
Enter Evie who also happens to be looking for a new partner herself
It’s a running gag in the community of Evie being a lucky charm; one season with her and you’ll win the second, provided you switch partners of course
Astarion so enters the ballroom dance scene looking for a teacher and partner to help launch his career
He approaches Evie due to her reputation and smooth talks his way into an audition
Evie is skeptical, but it’s obvious the second they start dancing together that there is instant chemistry on stage
Astarion still needs major training to get used to the new medium and rules, but there is no denying his natural grace and showmanship
He’s taken aback by Evie’s teaching style, slowly unclenching even when he makes a mistake; she’s not going to berate and beat him, just correct him and move on
He’s safe with her
Evie meanwhile has a hard time denying his charms, even when she knows it will land her in trouble
She’s aware of this pattern by now; she mistakes dancing chemistry with the real thing and falls fast for somebody who doesn’t want her, but damn her if it’s not happening all over again
She keeps it close to the chest though, ignoring the pangs every time he smiles her way, or worse when he stands up for her among the other competitors placing a hand on her waist as if to keep her close and coincidentally keep his hand occupied with something besides strangling the person in front of them
She’s not about to admit her feelings, especially after he starts to open up about Cazador and the abuse he suffered, she doesn’t want him to feeler pressured into a relationship. Besides chances are he’ll move on after the season ends, everybody does
Astarion meanwhile is actively denying his growing feelings. Falling for Evie is 100% not what he signed up for
He was going to break in, make a name for himself and not make the mistake of being tied down again!
But no! She had to go and be kind, and funny, and beautiful, and why God did she have to care about him?!
She was supposed to just see him as a means to an end, like everybody else. But she didn’t, and now neither can he.
And who is he anyway? He knows Evie’s history and how she’s been burned before. He’s never been in a stable relationship in his life. He doesn’t even know what it looks like. How can he presume to give her that when it’s the one thing she seems to want?
It’s a mess
I’m not sure what finally breaks them, but Astarion is the one to finally crack and say something first
He’s not used to this pining thing while Evie is a certified gold mentalist
Also can’t forget at least one performance where they dance to “Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps” by Doris Day
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