#especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.
fatkish · 5 months
Todoroki boys x Cow Hybrid Reader
Hybrid AU
In this AU, Enji wasn’t an abusive father, instead of being a hero in this world, Enji is the proud owner of Endeavor Farms. His farm is home to Hybrids that he breeds and sells. He’s trained each of his sons on how to handle the hybrids and how to care for them. The farm sells milk, wool, produce, etc. Enji had heard of a mistreated and very skittish cow hybrid that was rescued from an underground hybrid ring. These rings are notorious for either being a sex ring that makes money off of people’s kinks or fetishes using hybrids or for being fighting rings where hybrids are made to fight each other and people bet on them. Enji decided that this would be a perfect first hybrid for his sons to experience. So he brought the hybrid to his farm and put them in the barn in their own stall.
Despite his intimidating demeanor and appearance he’s actually very kind and gentle with his hybrids and animals
He treats them all nicely since happy animals means better produce
He’s tall and muscular so you thought he was some kind of hybrid, especially since he smelled like them but since it was nighttime when you arrived at his farm, you couldn’t tell
He checked your hooves and made sure to trim them since he has the most experience with it
Surprisingly he’s one of the first people you were comfortable around
He prefers the machines since it’s a faster milking process but he’s not opposed to milking by hand
He teases you
He was the last person who you let milk you
You learned to trust him when he saved you from coyotes one night. They had somehow gotten past the dogs that protected the farm and were about to attack you when Touya got in between you and them. Seeing him get bit by them, you charged the coyotes and drove them away
You both were bitten and had several scratches but you didn’t care, you wanted to make sure Touya was safe
Touya doesn’t have a preference but does enjoy the noises you make when the machine milks you
Natsuo had gone to medical school to learn how to treat hybrids and became a licensed doctor for hybrids
He gives check ups on all the hybrids and animals
He gave you a check up when you got to the farm, making sure you were healthy and that you didn’t have any underlying health issues or conditions
He was the third person you trusted
He’s very gentle and is kind of a clown
He’s constantly making jokes since that’s how he learned to help his patients nervousness
He’s pretty funny
He doesn’t have a preference when it comes to milking by hand or using the machine, whichever one you’re more comfortable with is what he uses
He was the second person you were comfortable around
Since he’s still rather young, you tend to view him more as a child or a smaller animal
His aloof personality is what makes you feel safe around him
He was the first person who was able to milk you since you’re a dairy cow
He often takes walks around the farm with you
He sometimes takes naps in the barn with the animals. Since you’re more comfortable around animals than humans, you stuck with the cows on the farm. When you saw how comfortable they were with him and how they trusted him, you decided he was trustworthy too
He spoils you the most, he gives you treats more often than anyone else
He prefers to milk you by hand instead of using the machines
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foone · 7 months
on "that sounds like me, do I have ADHD?"
So a thing about ADHD (and probably all mental illnesses, but especially ADHD) is that it doesn't really have any hyper-specific symptoms. Like, it's not like you get ADHD and your elbow turns green, which only happens with ADHD.
ADHD describes a bunch of symptoms, some with shared origins, some which might have different origins, but the important thing to remember is that you can have all those symptoms for reasons other than ADHD.
Time blindness? it can happen to anyone because you got caught up in something. being unable to sit still? it can be caused by any number of physical (and mental!) things, not just ADHD. unable to concentrate? that can happen because of chronic pain, depression, brain fogginess, etc.
So the important thing to remember is that if you see someone (like me) ranting about their ADHD experience, if you identify with that situation, it doesn't necessarily mean you have ADHD.
You might have depression (monopolar or bipolar). or be autistic. or some forms of OCD. or have chronic pain.
Now, by all means, go to a doctor, talk about these symptoms, get tested, get medicated, get therapy, whatever! I'm just saying that you shouldn't jump to ADHD as a definite diagnosis.
ADHD is definitely one of those diagnosis where we drew a circle around some symptoms and said "this is ADHD", if there's no other reason to have those symptoms. Like, if you take a person and keep them awake for 36 hours and feed them a ton of coffee they'll probably act very "ADHD", but it doesn't really mean you need to put them on adderal, even if they're showing a lot of the symptoms of ADHD. You should look for other solutions to their problem, like letting them get some sleep and cutting the caffeine.
And the same is true with ADHD. All the symptoms of ADHD are things that you can have for a bunch of other reasons, many of which can be treated (and treated better!) in other ways.
Depression is a good example: Depressed people can have executive dysfunction issues, trouble concentrating, poor planning, difficulty in finishing things. Would giving them stimulants (like Adderal and Ritalin) help? Maybe somewhat... but it wouldn't help the underlying depression problem! Getting therapy and antidepressants is likely going to be much more effective, since you're treating the condition that is causing the ADHD symptoms. (and if those symptoms don't go away when the depression is cured/managed, maybe they also need stimulants!).
ANYWAY to sum up: Don't worry too much if you see someone with ADHD complaining about something that they do because of ADHD and you go "that's just like me". ADHD isn't that kind of condition, just because you have one or several of the symptoms doesn't mean you have it, you could easily have something else that causes the same or similar symptoms.
And finally: This isn't meant as a thinly-veiled "don't self-diagnose" rant. You go ahead and self-diagnose all you want. I'm just saying that you should consider other possibilities before ADHD, because it may be more effective and easier to treat those conditions than to treat ADHD. (And I say that whether you're self-diagnosing or talking to a doctor: Hopefully your doctor is well-informed enough to know there is a lot of overlap between symptoms, and will ask about other possibilities )
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hayatheauthor · 11 months
Everything You Need To Know About Writing Bruises 
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Welcome to the latest instalment in my ongoing series on crafting realistic wounds in fiction. After delving into stab wounds, burns, and gunshot wounds, we're turning our attention to another crucial element in bringing your characters and their stories to life: bruises.
Bruises are possibly the most common miswritten injury in fiction. As tempting as it might be to make the protagonist's skin bruise when the morally grey characters clutches her wrist, scenes like this only serve to ruin immersion and make your readers wonder whether this could realistically happen. 
Unlike the other wound types I've covered in this series, the internet doesn't seem to have a lot of writing advice for bruises. So, here's my comprehensive guide to writing bruises. 
Types of Bruises
Understanding Bruise Formation:
Bruises are a common occurrence in everyday life, from the accidental bump into a table corner to the aftermath of an intense sporting event. But before we dive into the art of crafting realistic bruises in your writing, let's start by understanding how bruises form.
Bruises, also known as contusions, result from the rupture of blood vessels beneath the skin's surface, typically veins and capillaries. When these vessels break, blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. The body's natural response to this injury is to initiate the healing process, causing inflammation and discolouration.
Differentiating Types of Bruises:
Not all bruises are created equal. Understanding the various types of bruises will help you describe them accurately in your writing. Here, we'll explore the common distinctions among bruise types.
Contusions: Contusions are the most typical type of bruises. They often occur due to blunt force or trauma, resulting in pain and discolouration.
Subcutaneous Bruises: These are the most typical bruises resulting from blunt force trauma. Subcutaneous bruises appear as dark, discoloured areas under the skin and can change in colour as they heal, starting with red or purple and transitioning to green, yellow, and eventually fading away.
Hematoma: A hematoma is a more severe type of bruise caused by the collection of blood outside of blood vessels. Hematomas often appear as a raised lump under the skin and can take longer to heal.
Petechiae: Petechiae are tiny, red or purple pinpoint spots that can form when small blood vessels near the skin's surface break. These are often a sign of more severe underlying medical conditions.
Ecchymosis: Ecchymosis is a large bruise that covers a wider area, typically caused by substantial trauma or medical conditions. These bruises tend to be darker and may require more time to heal.
Tattoo Bruises: Sometimes, an object's pattern or texture may leave a distinct mark, resembling a tattoo. These can occur when someone is subjected to direct pressure from an object with an intricate or textured surface.
These distinctions will enable you to convey the type of bruise accurately in your storytelling, reflecting the nature and severity of the injury your character has endured. So, when crafting a scene in which your character sustains a bruise, you can choose the type that best suits your narrative.
Causes of Bruises:
Bruises can occur for various reasons, and knowing these causes will help you craft believable narratives. It's important to note that not every physical interaction results in a bruise, and your characters shouldn't bruise from actions that typically don't lead to bruising. For instance, someone holding another person's arm tightly is unlikely to cause a bruise.
Common Causes of Bruises:
Blunt Force: The most common cause of bruises is blunt force trauma. This can occur from falls, accidents, or impacts, such as bumping into furniture or being struck by an object.
Pinching or Squeezing: Intense pinching or squeezing, especially on delicate skin areas, can lead to bruises. For example, if a character pinches their arm or thigh too hard in frustration, a bruise may develop.
Repetitive Motion: Overusing or repeatedly striking a particular area, like through strenuous exercise or certain work activities, can cause tiny blood vessels to rupture and lead to bruising.
Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions, like blood disorders or certain medications, can make a person more prone to bruising.
Ageing: As skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age, it's more susceptible to bruising even from minor bumps or impacts.
It's crucial to consider the appropriateness of a bruise in your story. Understanding when and how a character can realistically develop a bruise will help maintain the credibility of your narrative.
Characteristics of Bruises:
Accurately depicting bruises in your writing involves considering various characteristics, such as:
Colour Changes: Bruises typically undergo a series of colour changes during the healing process. They usually start with shades of red, purple, or blue due to the initial bleeding under the skin. As the bruise heals, it can turn green, yellow, or brown before fading entirely. These colour shifts can be an essential detail when describing the progression of a character's injuries.
Size and Shape: The size and shape of a bruise depend on the impact's force and the underlying blood vessels' distribution. Bruises can be small, like a fingertip mark, or large, covering a significant portion of the body. Irregularly shaped bruises may indicate multiple impacts or trauma.
Tenderness and Swelling: A fresh bruise is often tender to the touch, and the area around it may be swollen. Describing your characters' reactions to this tenderness and swelling can make the injuries feel more lifelike.
Pain and Discomfort: Bruises can be painful, and the level of pain may vary depending on their size and location. Detailing your character's pain and discomfort can enhance the realism of your narrative.
Itching and Healing: As a bruise heals, it may become itchy. This can be an interesting detail to add, showing the progress of the injury and your character's recovery.
Duration: Mention the duration of a bruise. Some may heal relatively quickly, while others can linger for weeks. Knowing how long a character's bruise lasts can impact their daily life and the story's timeline.
Factors Affecting Bruise Appearance and Healing:
Bruises aren't one-size-fits-all injuries. Their appearance and healing process can vary based on several factors:
Location: Bruises can look different depending on where they occur on the body. For instance, a bruise on a bony area, like the shin, might appear more pronounced compared to a bruise on a fleshier part, like the thigh.
Age and Health: The age and overall health of your character play a significant role. Younger, healthier characters may heal faster and have bruises that change colour and fade more quickly. Conversely, older characters or those with health issues might have bruises that take longer to heal.
The severity of the Injury: The force and severity of the impact determine the size, shape, and colours of the bruise. Consider whether the injury was caused by a minor bump, a hard fall, or a violent struggle.
Character's Skin Tone: The appearance of a bruise can be affected by the character's skin tone. It might be more challenging to spot a bruise on darker skin, and the colours may appear differently.
Treatment and First Aid: The way a character treats a bruise can affect its healing. Mention how characters apply ice, warmth, or topical remedies to their bruises.
Character's Pain Tolerance: Some characters may have a higher pain tolerance and can bear a bruise without much discomfort, while others might find even a small bruise painful.
Clothing and Cover-Up: Characters may conceal bruises with clothing or makeup. This can impact how they are perceived by others.
By understanding these factors, you can tailor your descriptions to create a more authentic portrayal of bruises in your writing.
Healing Process of Bruises:
A key element in writing realistic bruises is depicting their healing process. Here's how to effectively describe it:
Gradual Changes: Highlight the evolving nature of the bruise over time. The progression of colours—red to blue, green, and yellow—is a visual cue that indicates the bruise's age. This chronological shift in colour offers readers insights into the passage of time within your narrative.
Concealment and Exposure: Address the issue of concealing or revealing the bruise. Depending on its location, characters may need to don concealing clothing, apply makeup, or use other means to hide or reveal their injuries. Such choices can significantly impact the character's interactions and relationships.
Medical Care: Mention whether the character seeks medical attention for their bruise. Medical professionals can provide insights into the severity of the injury and the potential complications that might arise during the healing process. Additionally, you can explore any treatments, remedies, or advice offered by healthcare providers.
Impact on the Character: Describe how the presence of a bruise affects the character's daily life, activities, and interactions with others. A prominent facial bruise, for instance, can influence the character's self-esteem, social interactions, or how they are perceived by those around them. Emotions and psychological effects should not be overlooked.
Varied Healing Timelines: Recognize that the healing process can vary from one character to another. Factors such as age, overall health, and the severity of the injury can affect how quickly the bruise fades. This variation can add depth and authenticity to your character's experiences.
Scarring and Discoloration: Note that severe injuries may leave lasting scars or discolouration on the skin. Explore any permanent marks or changes that remain after the bruise has healed.
By incorporating these aspects into your narrative, you can create a nuanced portrayal of the healing process of bruises and its impact on your characters.
I hope this blog on Everything You Need To Know About Writing Bruises will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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novlr · 2 months
how to write a character dealing with addiction (like drugs, cigarettes etc..)
Writing a character with an addiction is to write about someone who is controlled by that substance. They are chasing that first experience of euphoria, pain relief, excess energy, or relaxation. They are avoiding the emotional and physical crashes of withdrawal. Their behavior to outsiders often appears erratic and illogical. It is a powerful motivator for a character and can drive a plot, be an obstacle, and/or an antagonist. 
How does addiction work?
Addictive substances typically mimic naturally occurring chemicals in the body. They amplify the effects of these chemicals and flood the body. Stimulants will give a person extra, even excessive, amounts of energy, relaxants will relieve tension, and pain relievers will bring about euphoria. Whatever the substance of choice, it counters stress in some form. 
Many people self-medicate for underlying physical or mental conditions. Others take them to fit in with a social group. As a writer, you need to ask yourself a very important question: Why did your character first start taking this substance? That will inform you about why they continue. Are they escaping pain? Quieting anxiety or racing thoughts? Do they need to take it to fit into their social group? What happens when they stop taking it?  
Addiction is an illness. It is a medical condition. Treating it as a matter of willpower is to doom a person to suffer. There are effective medical and psychological therapies that, especially when combined, can provide a way back to health, sobriety, and thriving.
The important thing to understand about these substances is that the high always goes away. The emotional payoff of that first use is never achieved again. Each subsequent use has diminished payoffs and the after-effects are worsened. This is because the body is a fantastic accountant and will produce less of the mimicked substance because, hey, there’s an excess here. So your character will crave the substance in order to just feel baseline normal. 
Don’t underestimate the fear of withdrawal. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening set of physical symptoms. 
The degree and nature of the symptoms will vary depending on the substance, the amount usually consumed, and the length of time it’s been used. Caffeine, for example, will trigger headaches. Alcohol withdrawal can include shakes, nausea, seizures, and damage to the brain’s memory and balance systems. Opiate withdrawal can cause anxiety, nausea, muscle aches, and insomnia. Read up on the specifics of the substance your character is using. Be sure to use reputable medical websites. I’ve listed a couple in the resources section. 
People want to avoid withdrawal and will use substances to ease those symptoms, thus feeding the addiction. Again, there are medical interventions that can soften the withdrawal and support the patient through this medical crisis. 
People with addictions can sometimes respond well to treatment and have a low risk of relapse. Others are not so fortunate and will bounce in and out of recovery. 
Fear of withdrawal is one reason. Another factor is developmental. The younger a person is when they start taking a substance, the harder it is to stop. This may be due to learned coping mechanisms, changes to the developing brain and body, or a combination of the two. 
How old was your character when they started taking the substance? Who introduced them to it? Was it a parent handing them a beer at age five or a pain pill at age twelve? Was it friends at a high school party? Or did they start in adulthood? This will inform their likelihood of recovery and how hard that path will be for them. 
Struggles to quit, or why does this person keep relapsing?
Withdrawal and cravings are part of the reason it is so hard to stop an addiction. There are medical and psychological therapies that can help. Rehab is a major industry in many countries. There are also several obstacles to overcome. Cost is a factor in places without universal healthcare. Then there is denial. Many people with addictions don’t believe they have a problem. And when they do, they may feel shame if they live in a culture where addiction is seen as a matter of willpower rather than a medical condition. 
How do friends and family, employers, and others in the community treat your character? Does admitting to addiction mean they are admitting to weakness?
Another social factor is that it is hard to stop an addiction if the person doesn’t change their environment. Friends that also use that substance will enable and even encourage them to start using again. Places can be strong behavioral cues. Can an alcoholic walk into a familiar bar and resist ordering a drink? 
It’s also important to remember that substance use is often a coping mechanism for stress. What happens the next time your character encounters a stressful situation? How do they resist reaching for their addictive substance if they haven’t learned other ways of coping? Do they trust or remember in the heat of the moment that they have other options? 
Do your research
Here are a couple of my go-to sites for reading up on addictions and treatments. 
Spirit Lake Wellness is a non-profit dedicated to educating the general public about health and wellness. They have a podcast, booklets, and a YouTube channel that covers a range of topics, including addiction. All information is available for free. I am fortunate to be on their board of directors and reached out to one of the doctors we work with for this article. 
The American Society of Addiction Medicine is another excellent resource for learning more about addiction and treatment. 
written by Kimberley Long-Ewing
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readychilledwine · 8 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
If you're looking to add danger to your sex life, look no further.
Erotic asphyxiation, or breath play, is one of the most dangerous kinks in the BDSM community. Breathplay is the act of cutting off air supply during sex with the goal of achieving a more intense orgasm. There's mild forms of breathplay (hand or elbow around throat, closing partner's nose off during oral), less mild (forcing head into pillows or objects, hoods specifically designed for breathplay), to extreme (use of plastic wrap or plastic bags, waterboarding, forcing your partner's head into a body of water) and none of them are 100% safe.
Breathplay is dangerous for anyone, but if you have an underlying health condition, especially one involving your heart or lungs, it's best to possibly avoid this form of play. You can enjoy a hand necklace without the pressure, don't worry.
This form of kink play is not recommended by any medical professional nor sex therapists.
Please play safely💜
💕Peep the Valentine's Day list here💕
As always, NSFW below cut.
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Rowan Whitethorn x Reader
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Warnings - I picture Rowan as a mean daddy dom with a masochistic streak, oral m receiving, p in v, reader passes out, references to her being passed around the Cadre, references to forced submission, hints of degradtion, unedited because I was running a little behind today 🫣
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Rowan’s head fell back, a soft grunt falling from his lips as he seated himself all way into your throat. One hand had you back the back of your neck, forcing you where he wanted you for as long as he wanted you.
Breathing was becoming difficult, vision blurring slightly as you did everything you could to take a deep breath with your air way constricted the way it was. “Struggling whore?” You felt yourself clench at his words, at the deep graveled tone of his voice.
Rowan was never gentle with you. He was strict, demanding, and a masochist. He enjoyed watching you struggle, seeing you in pain and begging. He loved watching you cry as he pounded into you withholding orgasm after orgasm until you were so over stimulated you could do nothing but lay there, pliant to his pleasure.
You knew he cared for you, but you were his small fraction of peace in this fucked up world. One he so desperately was fighting tooth and nail to make better.
You weren't a warrior, you weren't blessed with healing magic. You were just a simple fae female. Well, as simple as a female capable of shifting into any form could be.
You were his spy. A spy damn near useless for anything but scouting, but still a spy.
Besides, he found use for you. So many uses actually.
His personal lap pet.
His personal whore.
His personal toy he could loan out to his brothers when they needed stress relief.
Right now, though, your biggest use was being his.
He pulled out slightly, grip on the sides of your neck tightening as his other hand came to hold your nose shut. “If you are struggling this early, how am I supposed to have fun with you?” The lack of air was getting to you. You knew you could tap his leg twice, and it would stop, but you wanted to desperately please him, to be of service. “Such an eager slut. You are lucky I can tell you need to breathe, y/n.” He pulled out completely, letting go of your nose. He forced you up, hand moving to the front of your throat as you gasped for air.
Precious life giving air.
He pulled you to his lips, a messy harsh kiss cutting air back off for a second as his grip tightened again.
This wasn't fully what you had in mind when he said he wanted to try something new, something Fenrys told them he had tried recently.
You would have to talk to the wolf about his reckless endangerment of himself later.
Rowan turned you, letting go long enough to force you down on the bed, forcing you hips up slightly. “Such a pretty cunt,” he slapped your core, watching in sadistic glee as as you screamed and wiggled, wetness now spreading and dripping. “All mine, isn't she?” He shoved your head into the pillow, forcing you into shocked silence.
Forcing you to be unable to answer him. “I asked you a question. Is this pussy mine?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, hear him planning on how he'd punish you.
You felt the slaps land. Three consecutive slaps right to your aching needy center.
Your moans were muffled by the pillow. You tried taking a deep breath to still your body and calm back down, but your airways were mostly blocked again.
4 more slaps came before two thick fingers plunged into you. Rowan growled behind you. “Wyrd, you are so tight. You'd like after this long we would have ruined your holes by now.” He began pulling them in and out at a blinding speed, hand still holding you in the pillows.
Your vision was going black again, mind racing as it pleaded for oxygen.
His fingers curled, and out of nowhere, an orgasm tore through you, ripping a scream of his name and the rest of the oxygen from your lungs. Rowan was silent behind you, hand moving to your hair to pull you up.
You shook your head, throat so sore and body needing air so badly you couldn't answer. You tapped the bed once, a code you normally only used when your lips were wrapped around his throat to indicate you needed him to slow down.
“I figured. You have never done that. You have never come without my permission.” Rowan removed his fingers from you, wiping them on the bed. He went behind you, holding your hips in his hands.
You knew he'd be gentle for a bit as his cock entered your soft walls slowly inch by inch. He took you slowly, a finger playing with your clit until you were calm again, body welcoming and swallowing him.
You relaxed, enjoy each roll of his hips as it sent a wave and wave of pleasure through you. Of the Cadre, he would always be your favorite. His length filled every inch of you so perfectly, so snugly, sex with him felt more like a puzzle finally finding its last piece than it did the obligation you were actually sent to them to fulfill. "Daddy," you moaned out, hips meeting his in a practiced dance. "So good, Daddy."
He groaned behind you. "I know, princess. Daddy's cock always makes you so wet." His hand found the back of your neck again. "Take a deep breath, princess."
He was pounding into you with in second, head forced back into the pillows as he did. You felt your hands curling at the sheets as you writhed moaning and crying below him.
It felt so fucking good. Better than normal, actually. It was as if your body was too lost on where to focus, fighting for air or relaxing and enjoying the way Rowan was ripping you apart.
You felt yourself becoming lightheaded, body softening. Rowan, misunderstanding, smiled, thinking you had fallen into his favorite overestimated dick drunken state. Your vision was filled with black dots, mind focusing on the sounds of him above you. Of his moans, his groans, the growls.
Rowan felt the moment he lost you, pulling himself out of you and flipping you as quickly as he could. "Fuck! Princess, I need you to come back to me," he started rubbing your sternum, eyes wide as he took in your face.
Your beautiful face where blood vessels had ruptured as your body struggled.
Struggled because of him.
He had almost killed you.
And you had almost let him.
He didn't know if he was angry, aroused by your complete trust in him, or just scared, but that first breath, that gasp you took before your body shook in his arms, tears falling. He laid you back down, hovering above your face and stroking your hair back. "Deep breath, y/n. There you go. Good girl."
You were met with light and green eyes staring down at you. "What happened?"
Rowan kissed your brow. "You did not use our fucking safe word or tap system is what happened. I almost fucking killed you."
You smiled below him, eyes closing again. "Felt so good. I wanted you to keep going."
Rowan’s forehead fell to yours, a rare full smile on his face. "Only you would pick dying with my cock inside of you over having to take a quick break."
He heard you moan, lips tugging up at the idea. "I would die a happy female if I died on your cock. Seems like the best way to die, actually. You buried so deep inside me, using me, body spent from pleasure."
He kissed your temple. "You will be punished for this later. Rest, my love."
"Are you sure you want to wait?"
Brows went up as he shook his head at you. "I will be bringing help with me to keep your mouth shut. Rest and prepare, princess."
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General Taglist:
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6okuto · 7 months
Can I ask for headcanons about the LIs from Touchstarved and how they would deal with the MC who is suffering from menstrual cramps? Unfortunately, I'm in those days, I always get very sensitive and I can't eat anything (sometimes I even feel nauseous and vomit).
Sorry about my English
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gn!mc | aaaghh i hope u feel better soon/now anon that sounds awful :(
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i want you to know (partially because i don't want the notes to be repetitive) none of them would mind cleaning up any vomit, stains, etc. when they happen. literally none of them!! they've all seen worse, had worse happen, and care about mc. of course they'll take the time to clean up, change sheets, rub their back (and hold back any hair) as they hover over the toilet etc.
the others would ask kuras to check on mc if the symptoms are super serious and it could be some underlying condition. vere. ....mc is important enough to get kuras bro trust me. one of the others might recommend it if not him bdjhgbd
! Finally a doctor that won't invalidate your experiences or just send you home! kuras would take their symptoms seriously and prescribe medication, etc as needed (i don't know how advanced they are surgery wise but if it was safe and possible...!)
he offers to let them stay at the clinic with him, but they both know he'd prefer they did assuming it isn't too difficult to set up
...methodical? when it comes to checking on mc, especially when they're suffering the worst of their symptoms! even when it seems like he's super busy and doesn't have time, he makes time.
he's good staying calm at signs of pain, strong emotions, etc., but it's a little different because mc isn't Just a patient. sometimes he can't help his worried expression when mc is in obvious pain, and he wouldn't buy tea for just anybody now would he! or let them pull him to the bedside and chat to distract them, comply when asked to hold his hand over their stomach, etc.
food wise.... he learns mc's favourites quickly, at least what they can stomach. best soup flavours, best drinks, soft foods... plus the nearest places he can run to. mc can be like Kuras It's literally 10 minutes away but he's like.. What kind of doctor would i be if i let my patient leave in this state. Can you lie back down now?
when they're home, kuras is freer to spend time with mc if they'd like! if mc says he has to cuddle because they're in pain, he can slip into bed with them. (he might be a little awkward the first couple of times because, well, cuddling isn't a usual treatment he offers to patients is it? and i don't think he's cuddled a lot in general, but he gets the hang of it!)
the wet wick isn't really where you want to be when you're dealing with cramps, nausea and anything else. so when mc mentions that they'll probably be dealing with their period soon and they tell him how bad it can get, leander makes sure to find a more comfortable place, even if it's just for a while. (or you know. maybe they live together somewhere else already and that'd just be very lovely and convenient !)
if there's any Magic Treatments he can do himself to soothe their pain, do some magic equivalent of a heating pad, etc. leander will absolutely use them! though he might make a joke like, Is the spell as good as me though? and when mc is like you know what? yeah. he's like :( / oh i see how it is...after everything we've been through /joking
i don't care if he doesn't like naps he will nap with mc if they ask. He Will. even if he doesn't stay the whole time, he'll at least rub their back and wait for them to fall asleep.
at their beck and call while he's around!! they need help getting to the washroom? he's there to help. they want a little snack? he's bought some! they ask him to run a hot bath? do they want him to help them wash because he will! their heated towels aren't hot enough anymore? no need to get up, leander's already on his way. they want to cuddle with him? What kind of guy would he be to say no?
if mc is more sensitive and their emotions are kind of all over the place, it probably surprises leander the most LOL. like everyone's caught off guard and worried walking in on them crying, but leander is most visibly like wait shit what happened? what's wrong? are you okay? did someone do something? because he's done everything he can to make sure they're comfortable like woah!!😭
do you guys know if vere's job is a 9 to 5 deal... well. while he's on the job, trust me when i tell you he's thinking of mc more often than he'd like to admit. he wishes he could check on them himself, but if he can't, he'll ask one of the others to. you'd think ais considering ais is the only one vere likes, but depending on what you need, he'll have to suck it up and ask. leander maybe?
yeah okay he'll rest his tail over your stomach and let you play with it now stop giving him puppy eyes and asking /lighthearted /silly. he'd appreciate it if you didn't squeeze very tight, like please hold onto something else besides his tail. but staying near you and getting that something isn't at all an issue for him!
if they want to cuddle Vere and not just his tail, he pretends he's Relenting and Allowing it, but he does enjoy it! (you can tell by the smile on his face and the way he shifts the pillows and blanket to make sure they're both comfortable for the foreseeable future.) he lets them rest their head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat, and he wraps his tail around just for extra warmth.
tones down his provocations and attitude when he realizes mc's state, and his more serious side comes out. if mc is confused/surprised by this, he rolls his eyes before carrying on to tell them to stay hydrated, and which places have the best teas/warm drinks. (he knows the owner of the one on the corner two streets down, and he's sure they'll lower the price for you.)
stubborn mc who ignores vere telling them they should stay in bed, or trying to help them there. vere who watches patiently as they're obviously in pain, until they give in and look at him. vere who, just once because he's vere, is like oh? what happened to not needing help? before mc tells him to shut up and he wraps an arm around them
makes sure they're drinking enough water and eating what they can despite his teasing. says shit like "okay, if you drink enough water i'll buy you some sweets" "think of how disappointed princess will be to find out you're pushing yourself" etc etc. of course when he's especially worried about them not eating, he'll take a more serious tone, but it's what he can do to keep their mood up.
even though exercising while you're cramping and bleeding often sounds. Miserable and Impossible. exercising regularly can help when the time comes! ais offers to join them on a couple walks a week :-) if mc thinks that they can do some light exercise, he'll be there to help them and suggest some easier workouts they can do. i don't think he's a huge yoga person, but he's got some stretches for sure!
guy who goes to buy some things and comes with more than mc expected or listed. he shrugs and says it's better to be prepared, and he was there so why not? he even asked some of the clerks for their opinion and was told some nice advice from a stranger who overheard him and who's he to say no.
might be below leander in terms of cuddling enthusiasm, but is still more comfortable than the others! he'll wrap himself around them, keeping a light pressure on their stomach and rubbing circles against their skin. he never complains about quietly staying and watching them, or talking if mc asks him to distract them. (they wonder how many of his stories take place in a bar. Have you never had a fun experience perhaps at a festival or park? he feigns offense before telling a 'nicer' story anyway.)
more modern au than TS but. i don't know if you guys saw that video where they asked their boyfriend to get pads with wings and he bought. pads and chicken wings. i'm crying soo bad like ais would do that as a joke. he'd take the wings out first then show mc he did, in fact, get pads with wings after they stare at him like ???? BEJHSBGJHB
the first time it happens? they spot mc obviously in pain and watch them for a while because, well, that isn't their problem is it? they're just watching because they're curious, not because they really care. inevitably, they go up to check on them and bring them somewhere more comfortable because it was "hard to watch"
 it's like... mhin knows what to do, but there's hesitancy because they feel awkward About Offering. do they just hand mc the warm towel? do they ask them to roll over? if they ask what mc wants to drink, will they have the ingredients for it? they leave a bowl by the bed and say "in case you vomit" then hesitate before telling them where the washroom is, but the bowl is just in case. the others are more comfortable asking and taking initiative when it comes to mc y'know. but once they've established a relationship, mhin is quick to know what they like and need without mc even asking! ^^
"mhin" "hm?" "i think i'm dying" "you aren't dying" "i'm going to die" "don't die on my favourite blanket" "what the hell" (/lighthearted) (they do in fact care very much and feel bad. if mc wasn't busy suffering maybe they'd have noticed mhin preparing tea and a hot pack across the room.)
doesn't even try to entertain the thought of mc getting up and doing something strenuous. mhin shoots them a look like ? are you kidding. stay here and i'll take care of it. they won't force mc to stay in bed and assumes they know their limits, but that also means if mc pushes themself too much, mhin is all the more 'annoyed' (concerned!! they're concerned more than Angry, but can you please listen to them for once!)
omfg mhin bringing mc to a place where stray cats like to visit just to cheer them up a little. mhin handing them some food to hold out in their hand. there's a specific cat who really likes to purr and cuddle that they get the attention of just for mc. yeah.
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slushyseals · 1 year
All videos showing people removing barnacles from sea turtles are not rescue videos, they're animal abuse- even if the video is "real".
Please report these videos as abuse and stop letting these people profit off rescue videos
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There are many videos where the "rescuer" is actually the one who attached the barnacles in the first place (some you can even see the hot glue underneath as they pull off the pieces). Unless you see the animal in a rescue center with a vet tech treating it, that animal is being abused. How so?
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The reason those growths are there is likely something far more dangerous that needs to be addressed. Healthy turtles do not get this level of growth on their shells. So if you see something like this, it’s a sign that this turtle is unwell and has been sick for a while. Scraping off the growths doesn’t solve the underlying issue. Also, doing so without any tools or pain medication can be extremely painful and stressful for the turtle. Often with this level of growth, barnacles will have borrowed through the turtle’s shell into live tissue. And just ripping them off like this without the expertise of a medical professional can do more harm than good. Not to mention that it is WAY stressful and not what the turtle needs most. Imagine if you had a the stomach flu or food poisoning and someone decided to “help” you by first detangling your hair, popping pimples, and exfoliating you when what you really need is fluids and someone to handle you very gently. It’s focusing on the wrong problem first and can worsen the underlying condition.
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If you see an animal "rescue" video, always think- how did they find this animal? (Is it likely they just found an animal- or did they put an animal in danger to play hero for clout and ad profits? How did this animal get into this terrible situation in the first place? (The number of giant snakes found wrapped around a dog is pretty unbelievable- usually it's a person abusing two animals they own.) How is this person running into so many animals in dangerous situations? (Especially when you look at their other videos and they reuse the same animals to "save".) I am outside daily and I don't come across anywhere near as many animals needing help like these content farm channels.
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Even when videos are real, if they are not a trained rescue worker they are often doing more harm than good! The people kidnapping tortoises and "saving" them by throwing them out into lakes and rivers might have just killed that animal. Many tortoises are land animals and aren't built for swimming like sea turtles, they can easily drown! A surprising number of people don't understand seals need to rest on shore, and end up killing babies and harassing adults by chasing them into the water. Baby seals can't swim for long distances, and chasing them into the water means their mom won't be able to find the baby after she's done hunting fish- the baby will slowly starve to death if actual rescue workers do not intervene!
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Heck, some people have found perfectly healthy and happy baby seals waiting for their moms on the beach, but because the person doesn't understand that the mom isn't there 100% of the time think the baby has been abandoned; a man kidnapped a pup when the rescue wouldn't send someone out to get the animal which not only hurt that pup whom he caused to be an orphan, but now that pup is taking up resources that could have been given to babies that actually needed it. Rescues don't have infinite resources and I don't want to put to words what can happen when they reach maximum capacity. (The guy was also very lucky he didn't get bit- seal bite infections are much worse than regular bites!) So many others people mistreat because they don't know better, like the baby seal that had people dumping water and ice on it like it was Free Willy. Or trying to feed them sandwiches. Both of these actions make life worse for the animal.
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That video of a dog as a service animal rehabilitating a baby seal? That was made by a couple idiots who likely scared the mother off and caused the baby to starve to death just so they could make their intentionally misinformative video knowing full well they were lieing! Dogs should be leashed and kept far away from any seal as they are a reason many seals are horrifically mauled to death each year! Videos like this are absolutely vile as they misinform the public who own dogs and may see a seal on the beach and think, "Oh! My dog is a good boy and can go play with the water puppy! They enjoy that!" Please do not do this! Seals shouldn't be encouraged to associate with or like dogs, that puts puts in danger not only of cross contamination with things that can make them very sick, but you don't know the temperament of any and every dog that seal will see in its lifetime. All it takes is one- and there are plenty of dogs who act fine around human children and vicious around a random seal they find. The babies don't even have a chance against a full grown dog! Their ONLY chance is that situation never happens; keep your dog leashed, because it will see that seal and shoot off before you can stop it. As well behaved as your dog is on the best day, it has free will and at the end of the day is a dog and will be an animal.
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Let's face it, most of us don't know the proper care of any and every wild animal we could run into and can only guess when faced with a genuinely unexpected situation. Any legitimate rescue video should start with the person contacting the local rescue to ask the experienced and knowledgeable staff what should be done if they themselves are not a trained rescuer. Often times the animal is perfectly fine, humans just see something they don't expect and misread what's going on causing a situation that didn't previously exist. Other times if there is an issue, the rescue will instruct the person what to do- which may be to keep an eye on the animal until trained rescuers can arrive. And lastly, please be aware of fake animal rescue channels and report any videos you see and inform others about this so these channels stop being praised and profiting from animal abuse.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you’ve ever heard of ‘nutrition response testing’ (also called ‘applied kinesiology’ and ‘contact reflex analysis’)? I had it done a few days ago by a holistic health care practice and they recommended several (expensive) supplements for various health issues. I didn’t know that was what was going to happen going in, my mom got a recommendation for their practice and convinced me to try it. I was originally going to go along with it, since they really sounded like they knew what they were talking about, and made me feel very heard and respected, but now I’m not so sure. They made a pretty big oversight regarding me being allergic to one of the recommended supplements, which lead to me doing a ton of research on everything they were doing. It was pretty inconclusive. Some sites said it’s complete pseudoscience and doesn’t work at all, but I’ve also seen a lot of people claim it helped them with decades long health issues. I just really don’t know what to make of this, or where to go to figure it out, so I figured I’d ask you.
I also know several people who found relief from symptoms from seeing kinesiologists.
I respect their experiences and am glad they found help, but as someone who worked the holistic circuit for many years and still uses some holistic treatments in my own health journey, I am going to urge an abundance of caution going forward.
In holistic circles, there's a tendency to throw supplements at you to see what sticks. If you feel better, great! You possibly had a deficiency you were either unaware of or were just on the cusp of borderline so it wasn't flagged up in regular testing.
If you don't, there's a tendency to tell you to keep taking them because "these things take time," and also have you tried {x other product they also just so happen to sell in their clinic.}
And people do it, usually because the supplements cost less than going to see the actual doctor, or their doctor doesn't make them feel heard and this nice person is offering them a solution while sounding very confident about it.
One of the major draws of holistic medicine for a lot of people is that it lets sick people feel heard. We take time with people to make them feel valid and cared for because that is also an important part of the healing process. But again, speaking as someone with multiple holistic qualifications and who still uses some of them, holistic care is not a substitute for conventional medicine. It can be a good addition, but it should not be your only method of treatment.
Now, not all of these items are useless and not all people who sell supplements and other such things in their clinic are suspicious.
It's just that there's very little regulation on who can sell these kind of things (as well as very little regulation of the supplements themselves), and you need to be careful about who you trust and be aware of how they are being promoted to you.
(One way to do this is look up the brand of supplements being sold and seeing who their parent company is. Chiropractors, for instance, are notorious for buying supplements from companies that operate like MLMs, giving them incentive to shill them to all their patients whether they need them or not.)
It's true, some holistic types are very good at spotting deficiencies in how the body looks and responds to certain things. Especially if they have legitimate medical training to back up their practice. But that is also true of any conventional doctor who pays attention.
I walked in to see my PCP not too long ago and he was able to diagnose a zinc deficiency due to the symptoms I was describing and a subtle change he noticed in my nails.
Hell, my dentist was the one who figured out my mouth ulcers and the muscle tic in my jaw might be a b12 deficiency and urged me to see the doctor who ultimately saved my life.
In those instances, supplementation was necessary because I have chronic underlying conditions that prevent me from absorbing nutrients from my food.
Unlike any kinesiologist I've known, however, both instances were followed up with diagnostic blood work to check the accuracy of those suspected deficiencies, both to ensure it was correct but also ensure appropriate supplemental dosing.
I can't tell you the number of times someone has suggested I take "shit-yourself" levels of magnesium because someone who also shills essential oils on the side told them to. No thank you.
You didn't mention if the person you saw wanted to do diagnostic blood testing before offering you supplements, but if they didn't, that's a red flag for me. The fact that they missed an allergy you presumably told them about is another (just as it would be for a regular doctor).
So, should you listen to them? That's up to you. I personally prefer to see doctors who take a more holistic approach to the body, but I also know enough to combine it with conventional medicine and when testing is needed. I have that experience and know-how. Not everyone does, and it can be very easy to trust the nice person telling you to Buy Their Shiny Tonic To Cure Thine Ailments.
Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. But it sounds like your gut is giving you a warning sign. I'd be inclined not to ignore it.
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments
Turning to natural remedies for common ailments can provide relief without relying heavily on medications. Here are some effective and easily accessible natural remedies for everyday health issues.
Peppermint Oil: Apply a few drops of diluted peppermint oil to your temples and massage gently. The menthol in peppermint can help relax muscles and alleviate headache pain.
Ginger Tea: Brew fresh ginger slices in hot water and drink. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce headache severity.
Cold and Flu
Honey and Lemon: Mix a tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon in warm water. This soothing drink can help relieve sore throat and boost your immune system.
Elderberry Syrup: Take elderberry syrup to reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that support immune health.
Digestive Issues
Peppermint Tea: Drink peppermint tea to relieve symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas. Peppermint helps relax the digestive tract muscles.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink before meals to aid digestion and reduce heartburn.
Chamomile Tea: Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. Chamomile has mild sedative properties that can help promote sleep.
Lavender Essential Oil: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow or diffuse it in your bedroom to create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep.
Skin Irritations
Aloe Vera Gel: Apply fresh aloe vera gel to soothe and heal minor burns, sunburns, and skin irritations. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.
Oatmeal Bath: Add colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath to relieve itching and irritation from conditions like eczema or rashes.
Muscle Pain
Epsom Salt Bath: Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts. The magnesium in Epsom salts can help relax muscles and reduce pain.
Arnica Gel: Apply arnica gel topically to sore muscles. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and bruising.
Ginger: Chew on a small piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties.
Peppermint: Inhale peppermint oil or sip peppermint tea to help alleviate nausea symptoms.
Local Honey: Consume a teaspoon of local honey daily to help build immunity against local pollen and reduce allergy symptoms over time.
Neti Pot: Use a neti pot with a saline solution to rinse nasal passages and reduce congestion caused by allergies.
Thyme Tea: Brew thyme leaves in hot water and drink. Thyme has antimicrobial and expectorant properties that can help soothe a cough.
Marshmallow Root: Drink marshmallow root tea to coat the throat and relieve irritation from coughing.
Stress and Anxiety
Ashwagandha: Take ashwagandha supplements to help reduce stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that supports the body's stress response.
Passionflower: Drink passionflower tea or take supplements to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety levels.
Tips for Using Natural Remedies
Consult a Professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Quality Matters: Use high-quality, organic products to ensure the best results and avoid harmful additives.
Monitor Reactions: Pay attention to how your body responds to natural remedies and discontinue use if you experience any adverse reactions.
Combine with Healthy Lifestyle: Enhance the effectiveness of natural remedies by maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you can address common ailments effectively and support your overall health and well-being.
Share your favorite natural remedies in the comments below! Let’s exchange tips and support each other in our journey towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle.
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psyspeaks07 · 2 months
Spirulina and chlorella are two types of microalgae that have been consumed for centuries for their many health benefits. They are both incredibly nutrient-rich, containing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protein.
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Here are some of the key benefits of spirulina and chlorella:
Boost the immune system: Spirulina and chlorella are both good sources of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can help to boost the immune system and protect the body from disease. For example, a study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that spirulina supplementation helped to reduce the frequency and severity of colds in older adults.
Improve digestion: Spirulina and chlorella are both good sources of fiber, which can help to improve digestion and keep the digestive system healthy. For example, a study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences found that chlorella supplementation helped to improve bowel function and reduce constipation in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Reduce inflammation: Spirulina and chlorella both have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. For example, a study published in the journal Inflammation Research found that spirulina supplementation helped to reduce inflammation markers in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Increase energy levels: Spirulina and chlorella are both good sources of iron and other nutrients that are essential for energy production. For example, a study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism found that spirulina supplementation helped to improve exercise performance in athletes.
Promote muscle growth and repair: Spirulina and chlorella are both good sources of protein and other nutrients that are essential for muscle growth and repair. For example, a study published in the journal The Journal of Nutrition found that spirulina supplementation helped to increase muscle mass and strength in older adults.
Improve brain function: Spirulina and chlorella both contain nutrients that have been shown to improve brain function and cognitive performance. For example, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that spirulina supplementation helped to improve memory and cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Aid in weight loss: Spirulina and chlorella both have properties that can help to promote weight loss. For example, they are both low in calories and high in fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Additionally, spirulina has been shown to boost metabolism and increase fat burning.
How to use spirulina and chlorella
Here are a few tips for using spirulina and chlorella:
Start with a small dose of spirulina or chlorella and gradually increase the dose over time to avoid any side effects, such as nausea and diarrhea.
Spirulina and chlorella can be taken with or without food.
Spirulina and chlorella should be stored in a cool, dry place.
Additional information:
Spirulina and chlorella are both safe for most people to consume. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking spirulina or chlorella supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is best to avoid taking spirulina and chlorella supplements, as there is limited research on their safety in these populations.
Spirulina and chlorella may interact with certain medications, so it is important to talk to your doctor before taking them if you are taking any other medications.
Spirulina and chlorella are two nutrient-rich microalgae that offer a wide range of health benefits. They are easy to consume and can be added to a variety of foods and beverages. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your health, spirulina and chlorella are great options to consider.
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wordsmith-storyweaver · 8 months
Okay, so I saw a post on my feed, and I didn't want to hijack OP's post, but the gist of it was that people need to have their pain acknowledged and not swept away under the rug of positive thinking or "happy vibes"...
As someone who deals with the chronic pain of osteoarthritis and with clinical depression, I have a lot of thoughts on this issue that come from personal experience.
1) Yes!! Especially considering the fact that most people will be either lucky enough to not deal with a condition meaning they are in constant pain and/or will have their pain questioned or negated or denigrated by others (including professionals in the medical community), it is absolutely VITAL that conditions with chronic pain be acknowledged and validated.
2) For many of us, the sad facts are that: a) our conditions are mislabeled, misunderstood, or mistreated (even by the aforementioned medical professionals); b) the treatments are available, but unaffordable; c) the treatments are available, but we cannot use them due to adverse reactions, other underlying conditions, or (as is my case with my bum knees) the current treatments available have limited shelf-lives, and thus cannot be used until a certain age or catastrophic damage allows for an exemption; or, d) the treatment/science simply has not advanced to deal with the issue.
3) If you are dealing with a chronic pain issue, you ABSOLUTELY need people in your corner giving you positive vibes, happy thoughts, prayers, or even silly cat videos to help keep your spirits up! It does not invalidate your condition to have people in your corner, especially ones trying to inject positivity into your life. If I did not have a support group- and yes, there are plenty of bad days where it feels like I don't- then I would be much worse off than I am.
4) Cultivating a positive attitude takes a conscious effort. My biggest motivation in trying to stay positive is actually an inverse example of this: my grandmother worked hard her whole life until well after retirement age, but when she fell and broke her leg, she just gave up; instead of doing the PT exercises to get back on her feet, she relied on pain meds (ones that never really worked fully) to get through her days. Her singular goal had become "to not feel any pain". She stopped walking unassisted, and eventually stopped walking altogether, because "it's too painful". She was never a big reader, so all she did was sit in front of the TV watching game shows or news programs- things that only inspired envy or a doom and gloom mentality. For the last years of her life, she became someone I didn't recognize and someone I didn't want to spend time around. She was bitter, angry, self-centered, and lonely, and in spite of all the prescription drugs the doctors let her have due to her age, she was still in constant pain...
So, yeah, chronic pain sucks, and yes, positivity doesn't "cure" it. But wallowing in the pain, refusing to focus on ways to either mentally or physically alleviate the pain, makes you the kind of person who no one wants to be around. And no, it's not easy trying to stay positive either, but it DOES make enduring what cannot be treated easier. And it means that your support group is less likely to distance themselves from you.
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myfestivaldaze · 2 months
Silence Tinnitus and Hearing Issues with Zeneara!
Supplements - Health
Silence the Noise: A Game-Changer for Tinnitus and Hearing Issues
I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of natural remedies, so when tinnitus started to disrupt my life, I was determined to find a holistic solution. After trying various over-the-counter options with little success, I came across Zeneara. Intrigued by its focus on natural ingredients, I decided to give it a go.
A Natural Approach to Hearing Health
Zeneara is a supplement that claims to support hearing health and alleviate tinnitus symptoms. The product boasts a blend of carefully selected natural ingredients, which appealed to my preference for holistic wellness. The capsules are easy to swallow, and there were no unpleasant tastes or aftereffects.
Noticeable Improvement in Tinnitus Symptoms
After consistently using Zeneara for a few weeks, I started to notice a gradual improvement in my tinnitus symptoms. The constant ringing in my ears, which had been a persistent and irritating companion, began to subside. I was amazed at how effectively the supplement seemed to be working.
Enhanced Overall Well-being
Beyond tinnitus relief, I also noticed a positive impact on my overall well-being. I felt more focused and mentally clear. While Ican’t definitively attribute these benefits solely to Zeneara, it certainly seems to have contributed positively to my general health.
A Recommendation for Tinnitus Sufferers
If you’re struggling with tinnitus and are looking for a natural approach to manage your symptoms, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Zeneara a try. It’s important to note that individual results may vary, but based on my personal experience, this supplement has been a valuable addition to my wellness routine.
Remember, consistency is key when using any supplement. Give Zeneara a few weeks to build up in your system and allow it to work its magic. I believe it has the potential to make a significant difference in your life.
Disclaimer: While I’ve had a positive experience with Zeneara, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
* https://tofinobusiness.com/quietum-plus-reviews-is-it-a-scam-unveiling-the-truth/
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jen-cannabliss · 2 months
## Discover Serenity with Serenetree...Your Path to Natural WellnessIn today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and relaxation can be challenging. That’s where Serenetree comes in. Serenetree offers a range of natural wellness products designed to help you unwind, rejuvenate, and achieve a state of serenity. If you’re looking to enhance your well-being with high-quality, natural products, look no further. Here’s why you should explore what Serenetree.com has to offer.
### The Serenetree DifferenceAt Serenetree.com, the commitment to quality and natural ingredients is unmatched. Every product is carefully crafted to ensure you receive the best nature has to offer. From CBD oils and tinctures to soothing teas and skincare products, Serenetree has something for everyone looking to enhance their wellness routine.
### Why Choose Serenetree?1. **Premium Quality**: Serenetree products are made with the finest natural ingredients. Each item undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and effectiveness.2. **Holistic Wellness**: Whether you’re dealing with stress, sleep issues, or looking to boost your overall health, Serenetree’s range of products supports a holistic approach to wellness.3. **Sustainable Practices**: Serenetree is dedicated to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, so you can feel good about your purchase making a positive impact on the planet.4. **Expert Guidance**: Not sure where to start? Serenetree’s website offers a wealth of information and guidance to help you choose the products that are right for you.
### Featured Products#### CBD Oils and TincturesExperience the calming benefits of CBD with Serenetree’s selection of oils and tinctures. These products are perfect for reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and promoting overall relaxation.
#### Herbal TeasSerenetree’s herbal teas are a delicious way to unwind. Made with organic ingredients, these teas are designed to soothe the mind and body, offering a moment of tranquility in every cup.
#### SkincarePamper your skin with Serenetree’s natural skincare products. From moisturizers to serums, each product is formulated to nourish your skin, leaving it radiant and healthy.
### How to Get StartedReady to embark on your journey to serenity? Visit Serenetree.com and explore their full range of natural wellness products. And here’s the best part: by using my affiliate link, you can enjoy exclusive discounts and special offers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your wellness routine with Serenetree’s exceptional products.
### Final ThoughtsInvesting in your well-being is one of the best decisions you can make. With Serenetree, you’re choosing products that are not only effective but also crafted with care and sustainability in mind. Click https://serenetree.com/?ref=cannabliss to start your journey to a more serene life with Serenetree today!---
**Note**: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new wellness routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
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What are the Causes of Late Periods? A period is a natural part of a woman's life, and its arrival, or lack thereof, can be a source of curiosity or concern. While a late period might send your mind racing to pregnancy tests, there are numerous reasons why your period might be behind schedule. Let's discuss the world of menstrual cycles and explore the top causes of late periods.
Pregnancy: The Obvious One
We can't ignore the most common reason for a missed period – pregnancy. If you're sexually active and haven't used contraception, a late period could be the first sign of a bun in the oven. However, it's important to note that pregnancy tests might not be conclusive in the very early stages. For accurate results, wait at least a week after a missed period before taking a test. You can also visit or take an online consultation with our specialist doctor Geetanjali Thakur , the best Gynecologist in Karnal.
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Hormonal Harmony: When Things Get Out of Sync
Our bodies are like intricate orchestras, and hormones play the lead role in regulating our menstrual cycles. When these hormones get out of sync, it can lead to a late period or even missed periods altogether. Here are some common hormonal culprits:
●     Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that affects ovulation, leading to irregular periods or their absence.
●     Thyroid Issues: An overactive or underactive thyroid can disrupt hormone production, impacting your cycle.
●     Birth Control: Starting, stopping, or switching birth control methods can disrupt your cycle for a few months as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.
●     Perimenopause: As you approach menopause, your estrogen levels naturally decline, leading to irregular periods or their absence.
Lifestyle Choices: Big Impact on Small Cycles
Our daily habits can significantly impact our menstrual health. Here's how some lifestyle choices can cause a late period:
●     Stress: Chronic stress wreaks havoc on our hormones, including those regulating periods.
●     Weight Fluctuations: Dramatic weight loss or gain can disrupt ovulation and lead to irregular periods.
●     Excessive Exercise: While exercise is great for overall health, excessive workouts can put stress on your body and cause missed periods.
●     Diet: Crash diets or restrictive eating habits can deprive your body of essential nutrients needed for a regular cycle.
Medical Conditions: When Other Factors Come into Play
Certain medical conditions can also affect your menstrual cycle and you should search Gynecologist dr near me and get the best solution, here are a few examples:
●     Chronic illnesses: Conditions like diabetes, celiac disease, and autoimmune diseases can disrupt hormone regulation and lead to irregular periods.
●     Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): This infection of the reproductive organs can cause irregular periods.
●     Uterine fibroids: These benign tumors in the uterus can sometimes cause heavy or irregular periods.
When to See a Doctor
While a late period is sometimes nothing to worry about, there are situations where it's best to consult a Gynecologist near you. Here are some red flags:
●     You miss multiple periods in a row (especially if you're not pregnant or breastfeeding).
●     Your periods are unusually heavy or painful.
●     You experience abnormal vaginal bleeding.
●     You have sudden weight loss or gain.
●     You suspect you might have an underlying medical condition.
Taking Charge of Your Cycle
Understanding your menstrual cycle and its potential disruptions empowers you to make informed choices about your health. Here are some tips for keeping your cycle on track:
●     Maintain a healthy weight.
●     Eat a balanced diet.
●     Manage stress effectively.
●     Exercise regularly, but don't overdo it.
●     Track your periods using a calendar or app.
●     Talk openly with your doctor about any concerns.
Remember, a late period doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. However, if you're concerned, don't hesitate to consult a Gynecologist near me. They can help you determine the cause and recommend the best course of action.
Additional Considerations
This blog post provides a general overview of common causes for late periods. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any specific concerns about your menstrual cycle, consult your doctor for personalized guidance.
Concerned about your late period? Don't wait!
Schedule an appointment with the expert gynecologists Karnal. Our team can provide personalized guidance and address any questions you might have. Visit our website to book an appointment today!
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healthy444 · 3 months
Can certain foods or supplements help with weight loss?
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Certain foods and supplements can support weight loss, but they aren’t magic solutions. Here’s the scoop:
High-Protein Foods:
Chicken & Fish: Lean meats are great because they provide high-quality protein without too much fat. Fish like salmon also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can promote fat loss and improve metabolic health.
Tofu & Legumes: These are excellent plant-based protein sources. They help maintain muscle mass during weight loss and keep you full for longer periods.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
Whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and oats are packed with fiber. They take longer to digest, keeping you full and reducing the urge to snack.
Fruits & Veggies: Apples, berries, broccoli, and carrots are low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients. They help maintain steady blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes and hunger pangs.
Beans: Black beans, lentils, and chickpeas are great for adding bulk to your meals without adding too many calories. They are also high in protein.
Healthy Fats:
Avocados: Rich in monounsaturated fats, they can help regulate appetite hormones.
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios provide a good balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making them perfect for snacks.
Olive Oil: Using olive oil in moderation instead of butter or other fats can support weight loss by providing healthy fats that help with satiety.
Green Tea:
Contains catechins, which may help boost metabolism and increase fat burning, especially during exercise. Drinking a few cups a day can contribute to overall calorie burn.
Water-Rich Foods:
Foods with high water content can help you feel full with fewer calories. They are also generally low in energy density, which means you can eat larger portions without
Green Tea Extract:
This supplement contains concentrated doses of the beneficial compounds in green tea. It’s often used to increase fat oxidation during exercise and enhance metabolic rate.
A natural dietary fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant. It absorbs water and expands in your stomach, making you feel full and reducing calorie intake.
Protein Powder:
Useful for people who struggle to get enough protein through food alone. It helps with muscle repair and growth, which can boost metabolism since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat.
Found in coffee, certain teas, and supplements. It can enhance fat burning and boost metabolic rate in the short term. However, it’s important to consume it in moderation to avoid negative side effects like jitteriness and sleep disturbances.
These beneficial bacteria can improve gut health, which is increasingly recognized as playing a role in weight regulation. Some strains of probiotics may help with weight loss by improving digestion and nutrient absorption.
Key Points to Remember
Balanced Diet: No single food or supplement can replace the benefits of a well-rounded diet. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is essential.
Exercise: Physical activity is crucial for burning calories, building muscle, and improving overall health.
Consistency: Sustainable weight loss comes from long-term changes in diet and lifestyle, not quick fixes.
Medical Advice: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Combining these foods and supplements with a healthy lifestyle can help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals more effectively.
Note: "Burn Fat 24/7 with This All-Natural Weight Loss Solution!"
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tips-from-john · 3 months
PotentStream Reviews - What is Potent Stream? – PotentStream Review - PotenStream
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Does PotentStream really work? What is PotentStream? How to Use PotentStream?
In this review, we delve into the details of PotentStream, a promising supplement designed to support prostate health. Let's explore what makes this product stand out, its ingredients, benefits, and potential side effects.
🤔 What is PotentStream?
PotentStream is a blend of nine natural ingredients, including herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Key ingredients such as saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, and graviola leaf extract are backed by some scientific research for their potential benefits to prostate health. The formula is delivered in a liquid tincture, with one dropper taken daily.
✅ How Does PotentStream Work?
The exact mechanism of PotentStream isn't fully understood, and there's limited research on the specific blend of ingredients used. However, we can look at the supposed effects of its individual ingredients:
📋 PotentStream Ingredients
PotentStream lists nine key ingredients on their website. Here's a breakdown of some of the more prominent ones:
Saw Palmetto: Common in prostate supplements, it shows promise in reducing prostate enlargement and improving urinary symptoms by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Beta-Sitosterol: Plant sterol that might improve urinary flow by reducing inflammation and potentially improving prostate health. Early research suggests some benefit, but more studies are needed.
Nettle Root: May help relax muscles in the bladder and urinary tract, potentially easing urinary symptoms like frequent urination and nighttime urgency.
Graviola Leaf: Limited research available on its effectiveness for prostate health.
Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract: Early studies suggest some benefit for urinary symptoms, but more research is needed.
Green Tea Leaf Extract: A well-known source of antioxidants, but its role in prostate health is not fully understood.
Vitamin E: An important antioxidant, but its specific benefit for prostate health is unclear.
Vitamin D3: Plays a role in overall health, but its impact on prostate health needs further investigation.
Boron: Trace mineral with limited research on prostate health benefits.
🌟 Benefits of PotentStream
Improved Urinary Tract Function: Focuses on supporting healthy urination and reducing nighttime urgency.
Natural Prostate Support: The ingredients work together to promote prostate health and potentially reduce the risk of prostate enlargement (BPH).
Overall Wellness: Some user reviews mention experiencing better sleep and increased energy levels after using PotentStream.
⚠️ Side Effects of PotentStream
Generally Well-Tolerated: The ingredients in PotentStream are typically considered safe for most men.
Potential Side Effects: Some may experience mild side effects like headache, upset stomach, or diarrhea.
📣 Customer Testimonials
James K.: "I've been using PotentStream for a few months now and have noticed a significant improvement in my urinary symptoms."
Mark R.: "This supplement has helped me sleep better and feel more energized throughout the day."
John D.: "Since starting PotentStream, my nighttime urgency has decreased, and my overall prostate health feels better."
✅ Final Thoughts on PotentStream
In conclusion, PotentStream offers a natural approach to supporting prostate health with a blend of scientifically backed ingredients. While individual experiences may vary, the positive feedback and my findings suggest that PotentStream is worth considering for those seeking to improve their prostate health.
Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Important Matters!
00:01 - PotentStream Reviews Intro
00:45 - Potent Stream
02:03 - What is PotentStream?
02:47 - PotentStream Official Website!
03:32 - How Does PotentStream Work?
04:25 - PotentStream Ingredients
05:11 - PotentStream Side Effects
05:15 - Does PotentStream Work?
06:13 - PotentStream Benefits
07:47 - PotentStream Real Users Feedbacks
08:03 - PotentStream 100% Money-Back Guarantee
08:25 - PotentStream Reviews – Conclusion
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This is a PotentStream Review. I hope you enjoyed this honest review.
Now you know how PotentStream works and how to take it.
The post PotentStream Reviews was first published on Flamengo Online.
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